This dataset contains postings and comments from the following recurring threads on [Hacker News]( 1. Ask HN: Who is hiring? 2. Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? 3. Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? These post types are stored in datasets called `hiring`, `wants_to_be_hired` and `freelancer` respectively. Each type of posting has occurred on a regular basis for several years. You can identify when each comment/listing was added through the CommentTime field. The `ParentTitle` also indicates the date of the parent thread in text (e.g. `Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2021)`) This dataset is not programmatically reproducible from source because it was uploaded as an experiment with HF datasets. The raw data was created by querying the public table `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full` in Google BigQuery. Email addresses have been redacted from the dataset. If this dataset is interesting/useful, I (Dan Becker) will look into improving reproducibility and other general clean-up. This dataset may be useful for finding trends in tech and tech job listings.