{"commit":"26c98f592e516e8a3e9f7dd1546ac825c99de813","old_file":"README.creole","new_file":"README.creole","old_contents":"= The Molly Project =\nhttp:\/\/mollyproject.org\/\n\nThe Molly Project is a Django-based Python application which provides a\nframework for creating a mobile web portal for higher education institutions.\n\nPlease do Fork our code! We're looking for more contributors to the project. \n\n== Get Started ==\n\nThe 'quickinstall' script will automate the whole process of deploying Molly for\nyou on Linux (particularly Fedora and Ubuntu), including configuring Postgres\nas needed.\n\nFor more information, please read the docs: http:\/\/docs.mollyproject.org\/\n\n== Get in Touch ==\n\nAt the time of writing there are a few primary methods of getting (free, best\neffort) support for the Molly Project:\n\n * Mailing lists: https:\/\/sourceforge.net\/mail\/?group_id=309230\n * IRC: irc:\/\/irc.freenode.net\/#molly\n * Email the main contributing team (Mobile Oxford at Oxford University\n Computing Services): mobileoxford@oucs.ox.ac.uk\n","new_contents":"= The Molly Project =\nhttp:\/\/mollyproject.org\/\n\nThe Molly Project is a Django-based Python application which provides a\nframework for creating a mobile web portal for higher education institutions.\n\nPlease do Fork our code! We're looking for more contributors to the project. \n\n== Get Started ==\n\nThe 'quickinstall' script will automate the whole process of deploying Molly for\nyou on Linux (particularly Fedora and Ubuntu), including configuring Postgres\nas needed.\n\nFor more information, please read the docs: http:\/\/docs.mollyproject.org\/\n\n== Get in Touch ==\n\nAt the time of writing there are a few primary methods of getting (free, best\neffort) support for the Molly Project:\n\n * Issue Tracker: http:\/\/issues.mollyproject.org\/\n * Mailing lists: https:\/\/sourceforge.net\/mail\/?group_id=309230\n * IRC: irc:\/\/irc.freenode.net\/#molly\n * Email the main contributing team (Mobile Oxford at Oxford University\n Computing Services): mobileoxford@oucs.ox.ac.uk\n","subject":"Add link to issue tracker","message":"Add link to issue tracker\n","lang":"Creole","license":"apache-2.0","repos":"mollyproject\/mollyproject,mollyproject\/mollyproject,mollyproject\/mollyproject"} {"commit":"2f07887c099eba3e5ce231568ef14aa939810d36","old_file":"docs\/content\/recipes\/rich-text-editor.creole","new_file":"docs\/content\/recipes\/rich-text-editor.creole","old_contents":"---\ntitle: Adding a Rich Text Editor\n\nparent_title: Recipes\n\nprevious_title: \nprevious_link: \nnext_title: Custom Actions\nnext_link: \/recipes\/custom-actions\/\n\n---\n\n= Adding a Rich Text Editor\n\nDownload **CKEditor** and uncompress it under the {{{public\/javascripts}}} \nfolder.\n\n{{{\n$ cd public\/javascripts\n$ curl -O http:\/\/download.cksource.com\/CKEditor\/CKEditor\/CKEditor%203.4\/ckeditor_3.4.tar.gz\n$ tar xvzf ckeditor_3.4.tar.gz\n$ rm ckeditor_3.4.tar.gz\n}}}\n\nEdit the file {{{public\/admin\/javascripts\/application.js}}} and copy the \nfollowing snippet. This will replace all {{{textarea}}} with **CKEditor**.\n\n{{{\ndocument.write(\"