import React from 'react'; import ReactTestUtils from 'react/lib/ReactTestUtils'; import Navbar from '../src/Navbar'; import Nav from '../src/Nav'; describe('Nav', function () { it('Should create nav element', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar /> ); let nav = instance.getDOMNode(); assert.equal(nav.nodeName, 'NAV'); assert.ok(nav.className.match(/\bnavbar\b/)); assert.ok(nav.getAttribute('role'), 'navigation'); }); it('Should add fixedTop variation class', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar fixedTop /> ); assert.ok(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-fixed-top')); }); it('Should add fixedBottom variation class', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar fixedBottom /> ); assert.ok(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-fixed-bottom')); }); it('Should add staticTop variation class', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar staticTop /> ); assert.ok(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-static-top')); }); it('Should add inverse variation class', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar inverse /> ); assert.ok(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-inverse')); }); it('Should add fluid variation class', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar fluid /> ); assert.ok(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'container-fluid')); }); it('Should override role attribute', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar role="banner"/> ); assert.ok(instance.getDOMNode().getAttribute('role'), 'banner'); }); it('Should override node class', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar componentClass={'header'}/> ); assert.ok(instance.getDOMNode().nodeName, 'HEADER'); }); it('Should add header with brand', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar brand="Brand" /> ); let header = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-header'); assert.ok(header); let brand = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(header, 'navbar-brand'); assert.ok(brand); assert.equal(brand.getDOMNode().innerText, 'Brand'); }); it('Should add header with brand component', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar brand={<a>Brand</a>} /> ); let header = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-header'); assert.ok(header); let brand = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(header, 'navbar-brand'); assert.ok(brand); assert.equal(brand.getDOMNode().nodeName, 'A'); assert.equal(brand.getDOMNode().innerText, 'Brand'); }); it('Should pass navbar prop to navs', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar brand="Brand"> <Nav /> </Navbar> ); let nav = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, Nav); assert.ok(nav.props.navbar); }); it('Should pass nav prop to ul', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Nav /> ); let navNode = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'nav').getDOMNode(); assert.ok(navNode); assert.equal(navNode.nodeName, 'UL'); assert.equal(navNode.parentNode.nodeName, 'NAV'); instance.setProps({navbar: true}); navNode = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'nav').getDOMNode(); assert.ok(navNode); assert.equal(navNode.nodeName, 'UL'); assert.equal(navNode.parentNode.nodeName, 'DIV'); }); it('Should add header when toggleNavKey is 0', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar toggleNavKey={0}> <Nav eventKey={0} /> </Navbar> ); let header = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-header'); assert.ok(header); }); it('Should add header when toggleNavKey is 1', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar toggleNavKey={1}> <Nav eventKey={1} /> </Navbar> ); let header = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-header'); assert.ok(header); }); it('Should add header when toggleNavKey is string', function () { let instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Navbar toggleNavKey={'string'}> <Nav eventKey={'string'} /> </Navbar> ); let header = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(instance, 'navbar-header'); assert.ok(header); }); });
'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _defineProperty2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/defineProperty'); var _defineProperty3 = _interopRequireDefault(_defineProperty2); var _react = require('react'); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _classnames = require('classnames'); var _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_classnames); var _warning = require('warning'); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } var calcPoints = function calcPoints(vertical, marks, dots, step, min, max) { (0, _warning2["default"])(dots ? step > 0 : true, '`Slider[step]` should be a positive number in order to make Slider[dots] work.'); var points = Object.keys(marks).map(parseFloat); if (dots) { for (var i = min; i <= max; i = i + step) { if (points.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; points.push(i); } } return points; }; var Steps = function Steps(_ref) { var prefixCls = _ref.prefixCls, vertical = _ref.vertical, marks = _ref.marks, dots = _ref.dots, step = _ref.step, included = _ref.included, lowerBound = _ref.lowerBound, upperBound = _ref.upperBound, max = _ref.max, min = _ref.min; var range = max - min; var elements = calcPoints(vertical, marks, dots, step, min, max).map(function (point) { var _classNames; var offset = Math.abs(point - min) / range * 100 + '%'; var style = vertical ? { bottom: offset } : { left: offset }; var isActived = !included && point === upperBound || included && point <= upperBound && point >= lowerBound; var pointClassName = (0, _classnames2["default"])((_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty3["default"])(_classNames, prefixCls + '-dot', true), (0, _defineProperty3["default"])(_classNames, prefixCls + '-dot-active', isActived), _classNames)); return _react2["default"].createElement('span', { className: pointClassName, style: style, key: point }); }); return _react2["default"].createElement( 'div', { className: prefixCls + '-step' }, elements ); }; exports["default"] = Steps; module.exports = exports['default'];
import React from 'react' import { Feed, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react' const FeedExampleBasic = () => ( <Feed> <Feed.Event> <Feed.Label> <img src='' /> </Feed.Label> <Feed.Content> <Feed.Summary> <Feed.User>Elliot Fu</Feed.User> added you as a friend <Feed.Date>1 Hour Ago</Feed.Date> </Feed.Summary> <Feed.Meta> <Feed.Like> <Icon name='like' /> 4 Likes </Feed.Like> </Feed.Meta> </Feed.Content> </Feed.Event> <Feed.Event> <Feed.Label image='' /> <Feed.Content> <Feed.Summary> <a>Helen Troy</a> added <a>2 new illustrations</a> <Feed.Date>4 days ago</Feed.Date> </Feed.Summary> <Feed.Extra images> <a><img src='' /></a> <a><img src='' /></a> </Feed.Extra> <Feed.Meta> <Feed.Like> <Icon name='like' /> 1 Like </Feed.Like> </Feed.Meta> </Feed.Content> </Feed.Event> <Feed.Event> <Feed.Label image='' /> <Feed.Content> <Feed.Summary date='2 Days Ago' user='Jenny Hess' content='add you as a friend' /> <Feed.Meta> <Feed.Like> <Icon name='like' /> 8 Likes </Feed.Like> </Feed.Meta> </Feed.Content> </Feed.Event> <Feed.Event> <Feed.Label image='' /> <Feed.Content> <Feed.Summary> <a>Joe Henderson</a> posted on his page <Feed.Date>3 days ago</Feed.Date> </Feed.Summary> <Feed.Extra text> Ours is a life of constant reruns. We're always circling back to where we'd we started, then starting all over again. Even if we don't run extra laps that day, we surely will come back for more of the same another day soon. </Feed.Extra> <Feed.Meta> <Feed.Like> <Icon name='like' /> 5 Likes </Feed.Like> </Feed.Meta> </Feed.Content> </Feed.Event> <Feed.Event> <Feed.Label image='' /> <Feed.Content> <Feed.Summary> <a>Justen Kitsune</a> added <a>2 new photos</a> of you <Feed.Date>4 days ago</Feed.Date> </Feed.Summary> <Feed.Extra images> <a><img src='' /></a> <a><img src='' /></a> </Feed.Extra> <Feed.Meta> <Feed.Like> <Icon name='like' /> 41 Likes </Feed.Like> </Feed.Meta> </Feed.Content> </Feed.Event> </Feed> ) export default FeedExampleBasic
(function() { function mrFactory(mobx, React, ReactDOM) { if (!mobx) throw new Error("mobx-react requires the MobX package") if (!React) throw new Error("mobx-react requires React to be available"); var isDevtoolsEnabled = false; // WeakMap<Node, Object>; var componentByNodeRegistery = typeof WeakMap !== "undefined" ? new WeakMap() : undefined; var renderReporter = new mobx.SimpleEventEmitter(); function findDOMNode(component) { if (ReactDOM) return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(component); return null; } function reportRendering(component) { var node = findDOMNode(component); if (node) componentByNodeRegistery.set(node, component); renderReporter.emit({ event: 'render', renderTime: component.__$mobRenderEnd - component.__$mobRenderStart, totalTime: - component.__$mobRenderStart, component: component, node: node }); } var reactiveMixin = { componentWillMount: function() { // Generate friendly name for debugging var name = [ this.displayName || || (this.constructor && (this.constructor.displayName || || "<component>", "#", this._reactInternalInstance && this._reactInternalInstance._rootNodeID, ".render()" ].join(""); var baseRender = this.render.bind(this); var self = this; var reaction = null; var isRenderingPending = false; function initialRender() { reaction = new mobx.Reaction(name, function() { if (!isRenderingPending) { isRenderingPending = true; } }); reactiveRender.$mobx = reaction; self.render = reactiveRender; return reactiveRender(); } function reactiveRender() { isRenderingPending = false; var rendering; reaction.track(function() { if (isDevtoolsEnabled) self.__$mobRenderStart =; rendering = mobx.extras.allowStateChanges(false, baseRender); if (isDevtoolsEnabled) self.__$mobRenderEnd =; }); return rendering; } this.render = initialRender; }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this.render.$mobx && this.render.$mobx.dispose(); if (isDevtoolsEnabled) { var node = findDOMNode(this); if (node) { componentByNodeRegistery.delete(node); } renderReporter.emit({ event: 'destroy', component: this, node: node }); } }, componentDidMount: function() { if (isDevtoolsEnabled) reportRendering(this); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (isDevtoolsEnabled) reportRendering(this); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) { // TODO: if context changed, return true.., see #18 // if props or state did change, but a render was scheduled already, no additional render needs to be scheduled if (this.render.$mobx && this.render.$mobx.isScheduled() === true) return false; // update on any state changes (as is the default) if (this.state !== nextState) return true; // update if props are shallowly not equal, inspired by PureRenderMixin var keys = Object.keys(this.props); var key; if (keys.length !== Object.keys(nextProps).length) return true; for(var i = keys.length -1; i >= 0, key = keys[i]; i--) { var newValue = nextProps[key]; if (newValue !== this.props[key]) { return true; } else if (newValue && typeof newValue === "object" && !mobx.isObservable(newValue)) { /** * If the newValue is still the same object, but that object is not observable, * fallback to the default React behavior: update, because the object *might* have changed. * If you need the non default behavior, just use the React pure render mixin, as that one * will work fine with mobx as well, instead of the default implementation of * observer. */ return true; } } return false; } } function patch(target, funcName) { var base = target[funcName]; var mixinFunc = reactiveMixin[funcName]; target[funcName] = function() { base && base.apply(this, arguments); mixinFunc.apply(this, arguments); } } function observer(componentClass) { // If it is function but doesn't seem to be a react class constructor, // wrap it to a react class automatically if (typeof componentClass === "function" && !componentClass.prototype.render && !componentClass.isReactClass && !React.Component.isPrototypeOf(componentClass)) { return observer(React.createClass({ displayName: componentClass.displayName ||, propTypes: componentClass.propTypes, contextTypes: componentClass.contextTypes, getDefaultProps: function() { return componentClass.defaultProps; }, render: function() { return, this.props, this.context); } })); } if (!componentClass) throw new Error("Please pass a valid component to 'observer'"); var target = componentClass.prototype || componentClass; [ "componentWillMount", "componentWillUnmount", "componentDidMount", "componentDidUpdate" ].forEach(function(funcName) { patch(target, funcName) }); if (!target.shouldComponentUpdate) target.shouldComponentUpdate = reactiveMixin.shouldComponentUpdate; componentClass.isMobXReactObserver = true; return componentClass; } function trackComponents() { if (typeof WeakMap === "undefined") throw new Error("[mobx-react] tracking components is not supported in this browser."); if (!isDevtoolsEnabled) isDevtoolsEnabled = true; } return ({ observer: observer, reactiveComponent: function() { console.warn("[mobx-react] `reactiveComponent` has been renamed to `observer` and will be removed in 1.1."); return observer.apply(null, arguments); }, renderReporter: renderReporter, componentByNodeRegistery: componentByNodeRegistery, trackComponents: trackComponents }); } // UMD if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('mobx-react', ['mobx', 'react', 'react-dom'], mrFactory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = mrFactory(require('mobx'), require('react'), require('react-dom')); } else { this.mobxReact = mrFactory(this['mobx'], this['React'], this['ReactDOM']); } })();
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import './Editable.css'; export default class Editable extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { editing: false, }; } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.inputElem) { this.inputElem.focus();; } } handleClickEdit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({editing: true}); } handleClickSet = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.props.onUpdate(this.inputElem.value); this.setState({editing: false}); } handleClickCancel = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({editing: false}); } render() { const { value } = this.props; return ( <span className="Editable"> {this.state.editing ? ( <span> <input type="text" defaultValue={value} ref={el => { this.inputElem = el }}/> {' '}<button onClick={this.handleClickSet}>Set</button> <button onClick={this.handleClickCancel}>Cancel</button> </span> ) : ( <span>{value} <button onClick={this.handleClickEdit}>Edit</button></span> )} </span> ); } }
import warning from './routerWarning'; import React from 'react'; var object = React.PropTypes.object; /** * The RouteContext mixin provides a convenient way for route * components to set the route in context. This is needed for * routes that render elements that want to use the Lifecycle * mixin to prevent transitions. */ var RouteContext = { propTypes: { route: object.isRequired }, childContextTypes: { route: object.isRequired }, getChildContext: function getChildContext() { return { route: this.props.route }; }, componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() { process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'The `RouteContext` mixin is deprecated. You can provide `this.props.route` on context with your own `contextTypes`.') : void 0; } }; export default RouteContext;
import 'react-native'; import React from 'react'; import Index from '../'; // Note: test renderer must be required after react-native. import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'; it('renders correctly', () => { const tree = renderer.create( <Index /> ); });
import 'react-native' import React from 'react' import RoundedButton from '../../App/Components/RoundedButton' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import renderer from 'react-test-renderer' test('RoundedButton component renders correctly', () => { const tree = renderer.create(<RoundedButton onPress={() => {}} text='howdy' />).toJSON() expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('RoundedButton component with children renders correctly', () => { const tree = renderer.create(<RoundedButton onPress={() => {}}>Howdy</RoundedButton>).toJSON() expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('onPress', () => { let i = 0 // i guess i could have used sinon here too... less is more i guess const onPress = () => i++ const wrapperPress = shallow(<RoundedButton onPress={onPress} text='hi' />) expect(wrapperPress.prop('onPress')).toBe(onPress) // uses the right handler expect(i).toBe(0) wrapperPress.simulate('press') expect(i).toBe(1) })
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("react")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["react"], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["ReactRouter"] = factory(require("react")); else root["ReactRouter"] = factory(root["React"]); })(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_2__) { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* components */ 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _Router2 = __webpack_require__(36); var _Router3 = _interopRequireDefault(_Router2); exports.Router = _Router3['default']; var _Link2 = __webpack_require__(18); var _Link3 = _interopRequireDefault(_Link2); exports.Link = _Link3['default']; var _IndexLink2 = __webpack_require__(30); var _IndexLink3 = _interopRequireDefault(_IndexLink2); exports.IndexLink = _IndexLink3['default']; /* components (configuration) */ var _IndexRedirect2 = __webpack_require__(31); var _IndexRedirect3 = _interopRequireDefault(_IndexRedirect2); exports.IndexRedirect = _IndexRedirect3['default']; var _IndexRoute2 = __webpack_require__(32); var _IndexRoute3 = _interopRequireDefault(_IndexRoute2); exports.IndexRoute = _IndexRoute3['default']; var _Redirect2 = __webpack_require__(19); var _Redirect3 = _interopRequireDefault(_Redirect2); exports.Redirect = _Redirect3['default']; var _Route2 = __webpack_require__(34); var _Route3 = _interopRequireDefault(_Route2); exports.Route = _Route3['default']; /* mixins */ var _History2 = __webpack_require__(29); var _History3 = _interopRequireDefault(_History2); exports.History = _History3['default']; var _Lifecycle2 = __webpack_require__(33); var _Lifecycle3 = _interopRequireDefault(_Lifecycle2); exports.Lifecycle = _Lifecycle3['default']; var _RouteContext2 = __webpack_require__(35); var _RouteContext3 = _interopRequireDefault(_RouteContext2); exports.RouteContext = _RouteContext3['default']; /* utils */ var _useRoutes2 = __webpack_require__(47); var _useRoutes3 = _interopRequireDefault(_useRoutes2); exports.useRoutes = _useRoutes3['default']; var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); exports.createRoutes = _RouteUtils.createRoutes; var _RouterContext2 = __webpack_require__(13); var _RouterContext3 = _interopRequireDefault(_RouterContext2); exports.RouterContext = _RouterContext3['default']; var _RoutingContext2 = __webpack_require__(37); var _RoutingContext3 = _interopRequireDefault(_RoutingContext2); exports.RoutingContext = _RoutingContext3['default']; var _PropTypes2 = __webpack_require__(6); var _PropTypes3 = _interopRequireDefault(_PropTypes2); exports.PropTypes = _PropTypes3['default']; var _match2 = __webpack_require__(45); var _match3 = _interopRequireDefault(_match2); exports.match = _match3['default']; var _useRouterHistory2 = __webpack_require__(24); var _useRouterHistory3 = _interopRequireDefault(_useRouterHistory2); exports.useRouterHistory = _useRouterHistory3['default']; var _PatternUtils = __webpack_require__(8); exports.formatPattern = _PatternUtils.formatPattern; /* histories */ var _browserHistory2 = __webpack_require__(39); var _browserHistory3 = _interopRequireDefault(_browserHistory2); exports.browserHistory = _browserHistory3['default']; var _hashHistory2 = __webpack_require__(43); var _hashHistory3 = _interopRequireDefault(_hashHistory2); exports.hashHistory = _hashHistory3['default']; var _createMemoryHistory2 = __webpack_require__(21); var _createMemoryHistory3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createMemoryHistory2); exports.createMemoryHistory = _createMemoryHistory3['default']; /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = routerWarning; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function routerWarning(falseToWarn, message) { message = '[react-router] ' + message; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key]; } false ? _warning2['default'].apply(undefined, [falseToWarn, message].concat(args)) : undefined; } module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_2__; /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; /** * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true. * * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments * to provide information about what broke and what you were * expecting. * * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production. */ var invariant = function(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (false) { if (format === undefined) { throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument'); } } if (!condition) { var error; if (format === undefined) { error = new Error( 'Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.' ); } else { var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; var argIndex = 0; error = new Error( format.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[argIndex++]; }) ); = 'Invariant Violation'; } error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame throw error; } }; module.exports = invariant; /***/ }, /* 4 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Copyright 2014-2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; /** * Similar to invariant but only logs a warning if the condition is not met. * This can be used to log issues in development environments in critical * paths. Removing the logging code for production environments will keep the * same logic and follow the same code paths. */ var warning = function() {}; if (false) { warning = function(condition, format, args) { var len = arguments.length; args = new Array(len > 2 ? len - 2 : 0); for (var key = 2; key < len; key++) { args[key - 2] = arguments[key]; } if (format === undefined) { throw new Error( '`warning(condition, format, ...args)` requires a warning ' + 'message argument' ); } if (format.length < 10 || (/^[s\W]*$/).test(format)) { throw new Error( 'The warning format should be able to uniquely identify this ' + 'warning. Please, use a more descriptive format than: ' + format ); } if (!condition) { var argIndex = 0; var message = 'Warning: ' + format.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[argIndex++]; }); if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { console.error(message); } try { // This error was thrown as a convenience so that you can use this stack // to find the callsite that caused this warning to fire. throw new Error(message); } catch(x) {} } }; } module.exports = warning; /***/ }, /* 5 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; exports.isReactChildren = isReactChildren; exports.createRouteFromReactElement = createRouteFromReactElement; exports.createRoutesFromReactChildren = createRoutesFromReactChildren; exports.createRoutes = createRoutes; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); function isValidChild(object) { return object == null || _react2['default'].isValidElement(object); } function isReactChildren(object) { return isValidChild(object) || Array.isArray(object) && object.every(isValidChild); } function checkPropTypes(componentName, propTypes, props) { componentName = componentName || 'UnknownComponent'; for (var propName in propTypes) { if (propTypes.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { var error = propTypes[propName](props, propName, componentName); /* istanbul ignore if: error logging */ if (error instanceof Error) false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, error.message) : undefined; } } } function createRoute(defaultProps, props) { return _extends({}, defaultProps, props); } function createRouteFromReactElement(element) { var type = element.type; var route = createRoute(type.defaultProps, element.props); if (type.propTypes) checkPropTypes(type.displayName ||, type.propTypes, route); if (route.children) { var childRoutes = createRoutesFromReactChildren(route.children, route); if (childRoutes.length) route.childRoutes = childRoutes; delete route.children; } return route; } /** * Creates and returns a routes object from the given ReactChildren. JSX * provides a convenient way to visualize how routes in the hierarchy are * nested. * * import { Route, createRoutesFromReactChildren } from 'react-router' * * const routes = createRoutesFromReactChildren( * <Route component={App}> * <Route path="home" component={Dashboard}/> * <Route path="news" component={NewsFeed}/> * </Route> * ) * * Note: This method is automatically used when you provide <Route> children * to a <Router> component. */ function createRoutesFromReactChildren(children, parentRoute) { var routes = []; _react2['default'].Children.forEach(children, function (element) { if (_react2['default'].isValidElement(element)) { // Component classes may have a static create* method. if (element.type.createRouteFromReactElement) { var route = element.type.createRouteFromReactElement(element, parentRoute); if (route) routes.push(route); } else { routes.push(createRouteFromReactElement(element)); } } }); return routes; } /** * Creates and returns an array of routes from the given object which * may be a JSX route, a plain object route, or an array of either. */ function createRoutes(routes) { if (isReactChildren(routes)) { routes = createRoutesFromReactChildren(routes); } else if (routes && !Array.isArray(routes)) { routes = [routes]; } return routes; } /***/ }, /* 6 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.falsy = falsy; var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var func = _react.PropTypes.func; var object = _react.PropTypes.object; var arrayOf = _react.PropTypes.arrayOf; var oneOfType = _react.PropTypes.oneOfType; var element = _react.PropTypes.element; var shape = _react.PropTypes.shape; var string = _react.PropTypes.string; function falsy(props, propName, componentName) { if (props[propName]) return new Error('<' + componentName + '> should not have a "' + propName + '" prop'); } var history = shape({ listen: func.isRequired, pushState: func.isRequired, replaceState: func.isRequired, go: func.isRequired }); exports.history = history; var location = shape({ pathname: string.isRequired, search: string.isRequired, state: object, action: string.isRequired, key: string }); exports.location = location; var component = oneOfType([func, string]); exports.component = component; var components = oneOfType([component, object]); exports.components = components; var route = oneOfType([object, element]); exports.route = route; var routes = oneOfType([route, arrayOf(route)]); exports.routes = routes; exports['default'] = { falsy: falsy, history: history, location: location, component: component, components: components, route: route }; /***/ }, /* 7 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.extractPath = extractPath; exports.parsePath = parsePath; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function extractPath(string) { var match = string.match(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]*/); if (match == null) return string; return string.substring(match[0].length); } function parsePath(path) { var pathname = extractPath(path); var search = ''; var hash = ''; false ? _warning2['default'](path === pathname, 'A path must be pathname + search + hash only, not a fully qualified URL like "%s"', path) : undefined; var hashIndex = pathname.indexOf('#'); if (hashIndex !== -1) { hash = pathname.substring(hashIndex); pathname = pathname.substring(0, hashIndex); } var searchIndex = pathname.indexOf('?'); if (searchIndex !== -1) { search = pathname.substring(searchIndex); pathname = pathname.substring(0, searchIndex); } if (pathname === '') pathname = '/'; return { pathname: pathname, search: search, hash: hash }; } /***/ }, /* 8 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.compilePattern = compilePattern; exports.matchPattern = matchPattern; exports.getParamNames = getParamNames; exports.getParams = getParams; exports.formatPattern = formatPattern; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); } function escapeSource(string) { return escapeRegExp(string).replace(/\/+/g, '/+'); } function _compilePattern(pattern) { var regexpSource = ''; var paramNames = []; var tokens = []; var match = undefined, lastIndex = 0, matcher = /:([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)|\*\*|\*|\(|\)/g; while (match = matcher.exec(pattern)) { if (match.index !== lastIndex) { tokens.push(pattern.slice(lastIndex, match.index)); regexpSource += escapeSource(pattern.slice(lastIndex, match.index)); } if (match[1]) { regexpSource += '([^/?#]+)'; paramNames.push(match[1]); } else if (match[0] === '**') { regexpSource += '([\\s\\S]*)'; paramNames.push('splat'); } else if (match[0] === '*') { regexpSource += '([\\s\\S]*?)'; paramNames.push('splat'); } else if (match[0] === '(') { regexpSource += '(?:'; } else if (match[0] === ')') { regexpSource += ')?'; } tokens.push(match[0]); lastIndex = matcher.lastIndex; } if (lastIndex !== pattern.length) { tokens.push(pattern.slice(lastIndex, pattern.length)); regexpSource += escapeSource(pattern.slice(lastIndex, pattern.length)); } return { pattern: pattern, regexpSource: regexpSource, paramNames: paramNames, tokens: tokens }; } var CompiledPatternsCache = {}; function compilePattern(pattern) { if (!(pattern in CompiledPatternsCache)) CompiledPatternsCache[pattern] = _compilePattern(pattern); return CompiledPatternsCache[pattern]; } /** * Attempts to match a pattern on the given pathname. Patterns may use * the following special characters: * * - :paramName Matches a URL segment up to the next /, ?, or #. The * captured string is considered a "param" * - () Wraps a segment of the URL that is optional * - * Consumes (non-greedy) all characters up to the next * character in the pattern, or to the end of the URL if * there is none * - ** Consumes (greedy) all characters up to the next character * in the pattern, or to the end of the URL if there is none * * The return value is an object with the following properties: * * - remainingPathname * - paramNames * - paramValues */ function matchPattern(pattern, pathname) { // Make leading slashes consistent between pattern and pathname. if (pattern.charAt(0) !== '/') { pattern = '/' + pattern; } if (pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') { pathname = '/' + pathname; } var _compilePattern2 = compilePattern(pattern); var regexpSource = _compilePattern2.regexpSource; var paramNames = _compilePattern2.paramNames; var tokens = _compilePattern2.tokens; regexpSource += '/*'; // Capture path separators // Special-case patterns like '*' for catch-all routes. var captureRemaining = tokens[tokens.length - 1] !== '*'; if (captureRemaining) { // This will match newlines in the remaining path. regexpSource += '([\\s\\S]*?)'; } var match = pathname.match(new RegExp('^' + regexpSource + '$', 'i')); var remainingPathname = undefined, paramValues = undefined; if (match != null) { if (captureRemaining) { remainingPathname = match.pop(); var matchedPath = match[0].substr(0, match[0].length - remainingPathname.length); // If we didn't match the entire pathname, then make sure that the match // we did get ends at a path separator (potentially the one we added // above at the beginning of the path, if the actual match was empty). if (remainingPathname && matchedPath.charAt(matchedPath.length - 1) !== '/') { return { remainingPathname: null, paramNames: paramNames, paramValues: null }; } } else { // If this matched at all, then the match was the entire pathname. remainingPathname = ''; } paramValues = match.slice(1).map(function (v) { return v != null ? decodeURIComponent(v) : v; }); } else { remainingPathname = paramValues = null; } return { remainingPathname: remainingPathname, paramNames: paramNames, paramValues: paramValues }; } function getParamNames(pattern) { return compilePattern(pattern).paramNames; } function getParams(pattern, pathname) { var _matchPattern = matchPattern(pattern, pathname); var paramNames = _matchPattern.paramNames; var paramValues = _matchPattern.paramValues; if (paramValues != null) { return paramNames.reduce(function (memo, paramName, index) { memo[paramName] = paramValues[index]; return memo; }, {}); } return null; } /** * Returns a version of the given pattern with params interpolated. Throws * if there is a dynamic segment of the pattern for which there is no param. */ function formatPattern(pattern, params) { params = params || {}; var _compilePattern3 = compilePattern(pattern); var tokens = _compilePattern3.tokens; var parenCount = 0, pathname = '', splatIndex = 0; var token = undefined, paramName = undefined, paramValue = undefined; for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i) { token = tokens[i]; if (token === '*' || token === '**') { paramValue = Array.isArray(params.splat) ? params.splat[splatIndex++] : params.splat; !(paramValue != null || parenCount > 0) ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'Missing splat #%s for path "%s"', splatIndex, pattern) : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; if (paramValue != null) pathname += encodeURI(paramValue); } else if (token === '(') { parenCount += 1; } else if (token === ')') { parenCount -= 1; } else if (token.charAt(0) === ':') { paramName = token.substring(1); paramValue = params[paramName]; !(paramValue != null || parenCount > 0) ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'Missing "%s" parameter for path "%s"', paramName, pattern) : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; if (paramValue != null) pathname += encodeURIComponent(paramValue); } else { pathname += token; } } return pathname.replace(/\/+/g, '/'); } /***/ }, /* 9 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /** * Indicates that navigation was caused by a call to history.push. */ 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var PUSH = 'PUSH'; exports.PUSH = PUSH; /** * Indicates that navigation was caused by a call to history.replace. */ var REPLACE = 'REPLACE'; exports.REPLACE = REPLACE; /** * Indicates that navigation was caused by some other action such * as using a browser's back/forward buttons and/or manually manipulating * the URL in a browser's location bar. This is the default. * * See * for more information. */ var POP = 'POP'; exports.POP = POP; exports['default'] = { PUSH: PUSH, REPLACE: REPLACE, POP: POP }; /***/ }, /* 10 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement); exports.canUseDOM = canUseDOM; /***/ }, /* 11 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); var _queryString = __webpack_require__(56); var _runTransitionHook = __webpack_require__(17); var _runTransitionHook2 = _interopRequireDefault(_runTransitionHook); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); var _deprecate = __webpack_require__(16); var _deprecate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deprecate); var SEARCH_BASE_KEY = '$searchBase'; function defaultStringifyQuery(query) { return _queryString.stringify(query).replace(/%20/g, '+'); } var defaultParseQueryString = _queryString.parse; function isNestedObject(object) { for (var p in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(p) && typeof object[p] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(object[p]) && object[p] !== null) return true; }return false; } /** * Returns a new createHistory function that may be used to create * history objects that know how to handle URL queries. */ function useQueries(createHistory) { return function () { var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var stringifyQuery = options.stringifyQuery; var parseQueryString = options.parseQueryString; var historyOptions = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ['stringifyQuery', 'parseQueryString']); var history = createHistory(historyOptions); if (typeof stringifyQuery !== 'function') stringifyQuery = defaultStringifyQuery; if (typeof parseQueryString !== 'function') parseQueryString = defaultParseQueryString; function addQuery(location) { if (location.query == null) { var search =; location.query = parseQueryString(search.substring(1)); location[SEARCH_BASE_KEY] = { search: search, searchBase: '' }; } // TODO: Instead of all the book-keeping here, this should just strip the // stringified query from the search. return location; } function appendQuery(location, query) { var _extends2; var searchBaseSpec = location[SEARCH_BASE_KEY]; var queryString = query ? stringifyQuery(query) : ''; if (!searchBaseSpec && !queryString) { return location; } false ? _warning2['default'](stringifyQuery !== defaultStringifyQuery || !isNestedObject(query), 'useQueries does not stringify nested query objects by default; ' + 'use a custom stringifyQuery function') : undefined; if (typeof location === 'string') location = _PathUtils.parsePath(location); var searchBase = undefined; if (searchBaseSpec && === { searchBase = searchBaseSpec.searchBase; } else { searchBase = || ''; } var search = searchBase; if (queryString) { search += (search ? '&' : '?') + queryString; } return _extends({}, location, (_extends2 = { search: search }, _extends2[SEARCH_BASE_KEY] = { search: search, searchBase: searchBase }, _extends2)); } // Override all read methods with query-aware versions. function listenBefore(hook) { return history.listenBefore(function (location, callback) { _runTransitionHook2['default'](hook, addQuery(location), callback); }); } function listen(listener) { return history.listen(function (location) { listener(addQuery(location)); }); } // Override all write methods with query-aware versions. function push(location) { history.push(appendQuery(location, location.query)); } function replace(location) { history.replace(appendQuery(location, location.query)); } function createPath(location, query) { false ? _warning2['default'](!query, 'the query argument to createPath is deprecated; use a location descriptor instead') : undefined; return history.createPath(appendQuery(location, query || location.query)); } function createHref(location, query) { false ? _warning2['default'](!query, 'the query argument to createHref is deprecated; use a location descriptor instead') : undefined; return history.createHref(appendQuery(location, query || location.query)); } function createLocation(location) { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } var fullLocation = history.createLocation.apply(history, [appendQuery(location, location.query)].concat(args)); if (location.query) { fullLocation.query = location.query; } return addQuery(fullLocation); } // deprecated function pushState(state, path, query) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); push(_extends({ state: state }, path, { query: query })); } // deprecated function replaceState(state, path, query) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); replace(_extends({ state: state }, path, { query: query })); } return _extends({}, history, { listenBefore: listenBefore, listen: listen, push: push, replace: replace, createPath: createPath, createHref: createHref, createLocation: createLocation, pushState: _deprecate2['default'](pushState, 'pushState is deprecated; use push instead'), replaceState: _deprecate2['default'](replaceState, 'replaceState is deprecated; use replace instead') }); }; } exports['default'] = useQueries; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 12 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; var _slice = Array.prototype.slice; exports.loopAsync = loopAsync; exports.mapAsync = mapAsync; function loopAsync(turns, work, callback) { var currentTurn = 0, isDone = false; var sync = false, hasNext = false, doneArgs = undefined; function done() { isDone = true; if (sync) { // Iterate instead of recursing if possible. doneArgs = [].concat(; return; } callback.apply(this, arguments); } function next() { if (isDone) { return; } hasNext = true; if (sync) { // Iterate instead of recursing if possible. return; } sync = true; while (!isDone && currentTurn < turns && hasNext) { hasNext = false;, currentTurn++, next, done); } sync = false; if (isDone) { // This means the loop finished synchronously. callback.apply(this, doneArgs); return; } if (currentTurn >= turns && hasNext) { isDone = true; callback(); } } next(); } function mapAsync(array, work, callback) { var length = array.length; var values = []; if (length === 0) return callback(null, values); var isDone = false, doneCount = 0; function done(index, error, value) { if (isDone) return; if (error) { isDone = true; callback(error); } else { values[index] = value; isDone = ++doneCount === length; if (isDone) callback(null, values); } } array.forEach(function (item, index) { work(item, index, function (error, value) { done(index, error, value); }); }); } /***/ }, /* 13 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _deprecateObjectProperties = __webpack_require__(23); var _deprecateObjectProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deprecateObjectProperties); var _getRouteParams = __webpack_require__(42); var _getRouteParams2 = _interopRequireDefault(_getRouteParams); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _React$PropTypes = _react2['default'].PropTypes; var array = _React$PropTypes.array; var func = _React$PropTypes.func; var object = _React$PropTypes.object; /** * A <RouterContext> renders the component tree for a given router state * and sets the history object and the current location in context. */ var RouterContext = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'RouterContext', propTypes: { history: object, router: object.isRequired, location: object.isRequired, routes: array.isRequired, params: object.isRequired, components: array.isRequired, createElement: func.isRequired }, getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { return { createElement: _react2['default'].createElement }; }, childContextTypes: { history: object, location: object.isRequired, router: object.isRequired }, getChildContext: function getChildContext() { var _props = this.props; var router = _props.router; var history = _props.history; var location = _props.location; if (!router) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, '`<RouterContext>` expects a `router` rather than a `history`') : undefined; router = _extends({}, history, { setRouteLeaveHook: history.listenBeforeLeavingRoute }); delete router.listenBeforeLeavingRoute; } if (false) { location = _deprecateObjectProperties2['default'](location, '`context.location` is deprecated, please use a route component\'s `props.location` instead.'); } return { history: history, location: location, router: router }; }, createElement: function createElement(component, props) { return component == null ? null : this.props.createElement(component, props); }, render: function render() { var _this = this; var _props2 = this.props; var history = _props2.history; var location = _props2.location; var routes = _props2.routes; var params = _props2.params; var components = _props2.components; var element = null; if (components) { element = components.reduceRight(function (element, components, index) { if (components == null) return element; // Don't create new children; use the grandchildren. var route = routes[index]; var routeParams = _getRouteParams2['default'](route, params); var props = { history: history, location: location, params: params, route: route, routeParams: routeParams, routes: routes }; if (_RouteUtils.isReactChildren(element)) { props.children = element; } else if (element) { for (var prop in element) { if (element.hasOwnProperty(prop)) props[prop] = element[prop]; } } if (typeof components === 'object') { var elements = {}; for (var key in components) { if (components.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // Pass through the key as a prop to createElement to allow // custom createElement functions to know which named component // they're rendering, for e.g. matching up to fetched data. elements[key] = _this.createElement(components[key], _extends({ key: key }, props)); } } return elements; } return _this.createElement(components, props); }, element); } !(element === null || element === false || _react2['default'].isValidElement(element)) ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'The root route must render a single element') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; return element; } }); exports['default'] = RouterContext; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 14 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; exports['default'] = createTransitionManager; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _historyLibActions = __webpack_require__(9); var _computeChangedRoutes2 = __webpack_require__(40); var _computeChangedRoutes3 = _interopRequireDefault(_computeChangedRoutes2); var _TransitionUtils = __webpack_require__(38); var _isActive2 = __webpack_require__(44); var _isActive3 = _interopRequireDefault(_isActive2); var _getComponents = __webpack_require__(41); var _getComponents2 = _interopRequireDefault(_getComponents); var _matchRoutes = __webpack_require__(46); var _matchRoutes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_matchRoutes); function hasAnyProperties(object) { for (var p in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(p)) return true; }return false; } function createTransitionManager(history, routes) { var state = {}; // Signature should be (location, indexOnly), but needs to support (path, // query, indexOnly) function isActive(location) { var indexOnlyOrDeprecatedQuery = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1]; var deprecatedIndexOnly = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? null : arguments[2]; var indexOnly = undefined; if (indexOnlyOrDeprecatedQuery && indexOnlyOrDeprecatedQuery !== true || deprecatedIndexOnly !== null) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, '`isActive(pathname, query, indexOnly) is deprecated; use `isActive(location, indexOnly)` with a location descriptor instead.') : undefined; location = { pathname: location, query: indexOnlyOrDeprecatedQuery }; indexOnly = deprecatedIndexOnly || false; } else { location = history.createLocation(location); indexOnly = indexOnlyOrDeprecatedQuery; } return _isActive3['default'](location, indexOnly, state.location, state.routes, state.params); } function createLocationFromRedirectInfo(location) { return history.createLocation(location, _historyLibActions.REPLACE); } var partialNextState = undefined; function match(location, callback) { if (partialNextState && partialNextState.location === location) { // Continue from where we left off. finishMatch(partialNextState, callback); } else { _matchRoutes2['default'](routes, location, function (error, nextState) { if (error) { callback(error); } else if (nextState) { finishMatch(_extends({}, nextState, { location: location }), callback); } else { callback(); } }); } } function finishMatch(nextState, callback) { var _computeChangedRoutes = _computeChangedRoutes3['default'](state, nextState); var leaveRoutes = _computeChangedRoutes.leaveRoutes; var enterRoutes = _computeChangedRoutes.enterRoutes; _TransitionUtils.runLeaveHooks(leaveRoutes); // Tear down confirmation hooks for left routes leaveRoutes.forEach(removeListenBeforeHooksForRoute); _TransitionUtils.runEnterHooks(enterRoutes, nextState, function (error, redirectInfo) { if (error) { callback(error); } else if (redirectInfo) { callback(null, createLocationFromRedirectInfo(redirectInfo)); } else { // TODO: Fetch components after state is updated. _getComponents2['default'](nextState, function (error, components) { if (error) { callback(error); } else { // TODO: Make match a pure function and have some other API // for "match and update state". callback(null, null, state = _extends({}, nextState, { components: components })); } }); } }); } var RouteGuid = 1; function getRouteID(route) { var create = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? true : arguments[1]; return route.__id__ || create && (route.__id__ = RouteGuid++); } var RouteHooks = {}; function getRouteHooksForRoutes(routes) { return routes.reduce(function (hooks, route) { hooks.push.apply(hooks, RouteHooks[getRouteID(route)]); return hooks; }, []); } function transitionHook(location, callback) { _matchRoutes2['default'](routes, location, function (error, nextState) { if (nextState == null) { // TODO: We didn't actually match anything, but hang // onto error/nextState so we don't have to matchRoutes // again in the listen callback. callback(); return; } // Cache some state here so we don't have to // matchRoutes() again in the listen callback. partialNextState = _extends({}, nextState, { location: location }); var hooks = getRouteHooksForRoutes(_computeChangedRoutes3['default'](state, partialNextState).leaveRoutes); var result = undefined; for (var i = 0, len = hooks.length; result == null && i < len; ++i) { // Passing the location arg here indicates to // the user that this is a transition hook. result = hooks[i](location); } callback(result); }); } /* istanbul ignore next: untestable with Karma */ function beforeUnloadHook() { // Synchronously check to see if any route hooks want // to prevent the current window/tab from closing. if (state.routes) { var hooks = getRouteHooksForRoutes(state.routes); var message = undefined; for (var i = 0, len = hooks.length; typeof message !== 'string' && i < len; ++i) { // Passing no args indicates to the user that this is a // beforeunload hook. We don't know the next location. message = hooks[i](); } return message; } } var unlistenBefore = undefined, unlistenBeforeUnload = undefined; function removeListenBeforeHooksForRoute(route) { var routeID = getRouteID(route, false); if (!routeID) { return; } delete RouteHooks[routeID]; if (!hasAnyProperties(RouteHooks)) { // teardown transition & beforeunload hooks if (unlistenBefore) { unlistenBefore(); unlistenBefore = null; } if (unlistenBeforeUnload) { unlistenBeforeUnload(); unlistenBeforeUnload = null; } } } /** * Registers the given hook function to run before leaving the given route. * * During a normal transition, the hook function receives the next location * as its only argument and must return either a) a prompt message to show * the user, to make sure they want to leave the page or b) false, to prevent * the transition. * * During the beforeunload event (in browsers) the hook receives no arguments. * In this case it must return a prompt message to prevent the transition. * * Returns a function that may be used to unbind the listener. */ function listenBeforeLeavingRoute(route, hook) { // TODO: Warn if they register for a route that isn't currently // active. They're probably doing something wrong, like re-creating // route objects on every location change. var routeID = getRouteID(route); var hooks = RouteHooks[routeID]; if (!hooks) { var thereWereNoRouteHooks = !hasAnyProperties(RouteHooks); RouteHooks[routeID] = [hook]; if (thereWereNoRouteHooks) { // setup transition & beforeunload hooks unlistenBefore = history.listenBefore(transitionHook); if (history.listenBeforeUnload) unlistenBeforeUnload = history.listenBeforeUnload(beforeUnloadHook); } } else { if (hooks.indexOf(hook) === -1) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'adding multiple leave hooks for the same route is deprecated; manage multiple confirmations in your own code instead') : undefined; hooks.push(hook); } } return function () { var hooks = RouteHooks[routeID]; if (hooks) { var newHooks = hooks.filter(function (item) { return item !== hook; }); if (newHooks.length === 0) { removeListenBeforeHooksForRoute(route); } else { RouteHooks[routeID] = newHooks; } } }; } /** * This is the API for stateful environments. As the location * changes, we update state and call the listener. We can also * gracefully handle errors and redirects. */ function listen(listener) { // TODO: Only use a single history listener. Otherwise we'll // end up with multiple concurrent calls to match. return history.listen(function (location) { if (state.location === location) { listener(null, state); } else { match(location, function (error, redirectLocation, nextState) { if (error) { listener(error); } else if (redirectLocation) { history.transitionTo(redirectLocation); } else if (nextState) { listener(null, nextState); } else { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'Location "%s" did not match any routes', location.pathname + + location.hash) : undefined; } }); } }); } return { isActive: isActive, match: match, listenBeforeLeavingRoute: listenBeforeLeavingRoute, listen: listen }; } //export default useRoutes module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 15 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.addEventListener = addEventListener; exports.removeEventListener = removeEventListener; exports.getHashPath = getHashPath; exports.replaceHashPath = replaceHashPath; exports.getWindowPath = getWindowPath; exports.go = go; exports.getUserConfirmation = getUserConfirmation; exports.supportsHistory = supportsHistory; exports.supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash = supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash; function addEventListener(node, event, listener) { if (node.addEventListener) { node.addEventListener(event, listener, false); } else { node.attachEvent('on' + event, listener); } } function removeEventListener(node, event, listener) { if (node.removeEventListener) { node.removeEventListener(event, listener, false); } else { node.detachEvent('on' + event, listener); } } function getHashPath() { // We can't use window.location.hash here because it's not // consistent across browsers - Firefox will pre-decode it! return window.location.href.split('#')[1] || ''; } function replaceHashPath(path) { window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + + '#' + path); } function getWindowPath() { return window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash; } function go(n) { if (n) window.history.go(n); } function getUserConfirmation(message, callback) { callback(window.confirm(message)); } /** * Returns true if the HTML5 history API is supported. Taken from Modernizr. * * * * changed to avoid false negatives for Windows Phones: */ function supportsHistory() { var ua = navigator.userAgent; if ((ua.indexOf('Android 2.') !== -1 || ua.indexOf('Android 4.0') !== -1) && ua.indexOf('Mobile Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Chrome') === -1 && ua.indexOf('Windows Phone') === -1) { return false; } return window.history && 'pushState' in window.history; } /** * Returns false if using go(n) with hash history causes a full page reload. */ function supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash() { var ua = navigator.userAgent; return ua.indexOf('Firefox') === -1; } /***/ }, /* 16 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function deprecate(fn, message) { return function () { false ? _warning2['default'](false, '[history] ' + message) : undefined; return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; } exports['default'] = deprecate; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 17 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function runTransitionHook(hook, location, callback) { var result = hook(location, callback); if (hook.length < 2) { // Assume the hook runs synchronously and automatically // call the callback with the return value. callback(result); } else { false ? _warning2['default'](result === undefined, 'You should not "return" in a transition hook with a callback argument; call the callback instead') : undefined; } } exports['default'] = runTransitionHook; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 18 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _React$PropTypes = _react2['default'].PropTypes; var bool = _React$PropTypes.bool; var object = _React$PropTypes.object; var string = _React$PropTypes.string; var func = _React$PropTypes.func; var oneOfType = _React$PropTypes.oneOfType; function isLeftClickEvent(event) { return event.button === 0; } function isModifiedEvent(event) { return !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey); } function isEmptyObject(object) { for (var p in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(p)) return false; }return true; } function createLocationDescriptor(to, _ref) { var query = _ref.query; var hash = _ref.hash; var state = _ref.state; if (query || hash || state) { return { pathname: to, query: query, hash: hash, state: state }; } return to; } /** * A <Link> is used to create an <a> element that links to a route. * When that route is active, the link gets the value of its * activeClassName prop. * * For example, assuming you have the following route: * * <Route path="/posts/:postID" component={Post} /> * * You could use the following component to link to that route: * * <Link to={`/posts/${}`} /> * * Links may pass along location state and/or query string parameters * in the state/query props, respectively. * * <Link ... query={{ show: true }} state={{ the: 'state' }} /> */ var Link = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'Link', contextTypes: { router: object }, propTypes: { to: oneOfType([string, object]).isRequired, query: object, hash: string, state: object, activeStyle: object, activeClassName: string, onlyActiveOnIndex: bool.isRequired, onClick: func }, getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { return { onlyActiveOnIndex: false, className: '', style: {} }; }, handleClick: function handleClick(event) { var allowTransition = true; if (this.props.onClick) this.props.onClick(event); if (isModifiedEvent(event) || !isLeftClickEvent(event)) return; if (event.defaultPrevented === true) allowTransition = false; // If target prop is set (e.g. to "_blank") let browser handle link. /* istanbul ignore if: untestable with Karma */ if ( { if (!allowTransition) event.preventDefault(); return; } event.preventDefault(); if (allowTransition) { var _props = this.props; var to =; var query = _props.query; var hash = _props.hash; var state = _props.state; var _location = createLocationDescriptor(to, { query: query, hash: hash, state: state }); this.context.router.push(_location); } }, render: function render() { var _props2 = this.props; var to =; var query = _props2.query; var hash = _props2.hash; var state = _props2.state; var activeClassName = _props2.activeClassName; var activeStyle = _props2.activeStyle; var onlyActiveOnIndex = _props2.onlyActiveOnIndex; var props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props2, ['to', 'query', 'hash', 'state', 'activeClassName', 'activeStyle', 'onlyActiveOnIndex']); false ? _routerWarning2['default'](!(query || hash || state), 'the `query`, `hash`, and `state` props on `<Link>` are deprecated, use `<Link to={{ pathname, query, hash, state }}/>.') : undefined; // Ignore if rendered outside the context of router, simplifies unit testing. var router = this.context.router; if (router) { var _location2 = createLocationDescriptor(to, { query: query, hash: hash, state: state }); props.href = router.createHref(_location2); if (activeClassName || activeStyle != null && !isEmptyObject(activeStyle)) { if (router.isActive(_location2, onlyActiveOnIndex)) { if (activeClassName) props.className += props.className === '' ? activeClassName : ' ' + activeClassName; if (activeStyle) = _extends({},, activeStyle); } } } return _react2['default'].createElement('a', _extends({}, props, { onClick: this.handleClick })); } }); exports['default'] = Link; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 19 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); var _PatternUtils = __webpack_require__(8); var _PropTypes = __webpack_require__(6); var _React$PropTypes = _react2['default'].PropTypes; var string = _React$PropTypes.string; var object = _React$PropTypes.object; /** * A <Redirect> is used to declare another URL path a client should * be sent to when they request a given URL. * * Redirects are placed alongside routes in the route configuration * and are traversed in the same manner. */ var Redirect = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'Redirect', statics: { createRouteFromReactElement: function createRouteFromReactElement(element) { var route = _RouteUtils.createRouteFromReactElement(element); if (route.from) route.path = route.from; route.onEnter = function (nextState, replace) { var location = nextState.location; var params = nextState.params; var pathname = undefined; if ( === '/') { pathname = _PatternUtils.formatPattern(, params); } else if (! { pathname = location.pathname; } else { var routeIndex = nextState.routes.indexOf(route); var parentPattern = Redirect.getRoutePattern(nextState.routes, routeIndex - 1); var pattern = parentPattern.replace(/\/*$/, '/') +; pathname = _PatternUtils.formatPattern(pattern, params); } replace({ pathname: pathname, query: route.query || location.query, state: route.state || location.state }); }; return route; }, getRoutePattern: function getRoutePattern(routes, routeIndex) { var parentPattern = ''; for (var i = routeIndex; i >= 0; i--) { var route = routes[i]; var pattern = route.path || ''; parentPattern = pattern.replace(/\/*$/, '/') + parentPattern; if (pattern.indexOf('/') === 0) break; } return '/' + parentPattern; } }, propTypes: { path: string, from: string, // Alias for path to: string.isRequired, query: object, state: object, onEnter: _PropTypes.falsy, children: _PropTypes.falsy }, /* istanbul ignore next: sanity check */ render: function render() { true ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, '<Redirect> elements are for router configuration only and should not be rendered') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; } }); exports['default'] = Redirect; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 20 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; exports.createRouterObject = createRouterObject; exports.createRoutingHistory = createRoutingHistory; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _deprecateObjectProperties = __webpack_require__(23); var _deprecateObjectProperties2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deprecateObjectProperties); function createRouterObject(history, transitionManager) { return _extends({}, history, { setRouteLeaveHook: transitionManager.listenBeforeLeavingRoute, isActive: transitionManager.isActive }); } // deprecated function createRoutingHistory(history, transitionManager) { history = _extends({}, history, transitionManager); if (false) { history = _deprecateObjectProperties2['default'](history, '`props.history` and `context.history` are deprecated. Please use `context.router`.'); } return history; } /***/ }, /* 21 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = createMemoryHistory; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _historyLibUseQueries = __webpack_require__(11); var _historyLibUseQueries2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibUseQueries); var _historyLibCreateMemoryHistory = __webpack_require__(54); var _historyLibCreateMemoryHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibCreateMemoryHistory); function createMemoryHistory(options) { // signatures and type checking differ between `useRoutes` and // `createMemoryHistory`, have to create `memoryHistory` first because // `useQueries` doesn't understand the signature var memoryHistory = _historyLibCreateMemoryHistory2['default'](options); var createHistory = function createHistory() { return memoryHistory; }; var history = _historyLibUseQueries2['default'](createHistory)(options); history.__v2_compatible__ = true; return history; } module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 22 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _useRouterHistory = __webpack_require__(24); var _useRouterHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_useRouterHistory); var canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement); exports['default'] = function (createHistory) { var history = undefined; if (canUseDOM) history = _useRouterHistory2['default'](createHistory)(); return history; }; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 23 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /*eslint no-empty: 0*/ 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = deprecateObjectProperties; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var useMembrane = false; if (false) { try { if (Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', { get: function get() { return true; } }).x) { useMembrane = true; } } catch (e) {} } // wraps an object in a membrane to warn about deprecated property access function deprecateObjectProperties(object, message) { if (!useMembrane) return object; var membrane = {}; var _loop = function (prop) { if (typeof object[prop] === 'function') { membrane[prop] = function () { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, message) : undefined; return object[prop].apply(object, arguments); }; } else { Object.defineProperty(membrane, prop, { configurable: false, enumerable: false, get: function get() { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, message) : undefined; return object[prop]; } }); } }; for (var prop in object) { _loop(prop); } return membrane; } module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 24 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = useRouterHistory; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _historyLibUseQueries = __webpack_require__(11); var _historyLibUseQueries2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibUseQueries); var _historyLibUseBasename = __webpack_require__(55); var _historyLibUseBasename2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibUseBasename); function useRouterHistory(createHistory) { return function (options) { var history = _historyLibUseQueries2['default'](_historyLibUseBasename2['default'](createHistory))(options); history.__v2_compatible__ = true; return history; }; } module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 25 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /*eslint-disable no-empty */ 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.saveState = saveState; exports.readState = readState; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); var KeyPrefix = '@@History/'; var QuotaExceededErrors = ['QuotaExceededError', 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR']; var SecurityError = 'SecurityError'; function createKey(key) { return KeyPrefix + key; } function saveState(key, state) { try { if (state == null) { window.sessionStorage.removeItem(createKey(key)); } else { window.sessionStorage.setItem(createKey(key), JSON.stringify(state)); } } catch (error) { if ( === SecurityError) { // Blocking cookies in Chrome/Firefox/Safari throws SecurityError on any // attempt to access window.sessionStorage. false ? _warning2['default'](false, '[history] Unable to save state; sessionStorage is not available due to security settings') : undefined; return; } if (QuotaExceededErrors.indexOf( >= 0 && window.sessionStorage.length === 0) { // Safari "private mode" throws QuotaExceededError. false ? _warning2['default'](false, '[history] Unable to save state; sessionStorage is not available in Safari private mode') : undefined; return; } throw error; } } function readState(key) { var json = undefined; try { json = window.sessionStorage.getItem(createKey(key)); } catch (error) { if ( === SecurityError) { // Blocking cookies in Chrome/Firefox/Safari throws SecurityError on any // attempt to access window.sessionStorage. false ? _warning2['default'](false, '[history] Unable to read state; sessionStorage is not available due to security settings') : undefined; return null; } } if (json) { try { return JSON.parse(json); } catch (error) { // Ignore invalid JSON. } } return null; } /***/ }, /* 26 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _ExecutionEnvironment = __webpack_require__(10); var _DOMUtils = __webpack_require__(15); var _createHistory = __webpack_require__(28); var _createHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHistory); function createDOMHistory(options) { var history = _createHistory2['default'](_extends({ getUserConfirmation: _DOMUtils.getUserConfirmation }, options, { go: _DOMUtils.go })); function listen(listener) { !_ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'DOM history needs a DOM') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; return history.listen(listener); } return _extends({}, history, { listen: listen }); } exports['default'] = createDOMHistory; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 27 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _Actions = __webpack_require__(9); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); var _ExecutionEnvironment = __webpack_require__(10); var _DOMUtils = __webpack_require__(15); var _DOMStateStorage = __webpack_require__(25); var _createDOMHistory = __webpack_require__(26); var _createDOMHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createDOMHistory); function isAbsolutePath(path) { return typeof path === 'string' && path.charAt(0) === '/'; } function ensureSlash() { var path = _DOMUtils.getHashPath(); if (isAbsolutePath(path)) return true; _DOMUtils.replaceHashPath('/' + path); return false; } function addQueryStringValueToPath(path, key, value) { return path + (path.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + (key + '=' + value); } function stripQueryStringValueFromPath(path, key) { return path.replace(new RegExp('[?&]?' + key + '=[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), ''); } function getQueryStringValueFromPath(path, key) { var match = path.match(new RegExp('\\?.*?\\b' + key + '=(.+?)\\b')); return match && match[1]; } var DefaultQueryKey = '_k'; function createHashHistory() { var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; !_ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'Hash history needs a DOM') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; var queryKey = options.queryKey; if (queryKey === undefined || !!queryKey) queryKey = typeof queryKey === 'string' ? queryKey : DefaultQueryKey; function getCurrentLocation() { var path = _DOMUtils.getHashPath(); var key = undefined, state = undefined; if (queryKey) { key = getQueryStringValueFromPath(path, queryKey); path = stripQueryStringValueFromPath(path, queryKey); if (key) { state = _DOMStateStorage.readState(key); } else { state = null; key = history.createKey(); _DOMUtils.replaceHashPath(addQueryStringValueToPath(path, queryKey, key)); } } else { key = state = null; } var location = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); return history.createLocation(_extends({}, location, { state: state }), undefined, key); } function startHashChangeListener(_ref) { var transitionTo = _ref.transitionTo; function hashChangeListener() { if (!ensureSlash()) return; // Always make sure hashes are preceeded with a /. transitionTo(getCurrentLocation()); } ensureSlash(); _DOMUtils.addEventListener(window, 'hashchange', hashChangeListener); return function () { _DOMUtils.removeEventListener(window, 'hashchange', hashChangeListener); }; } function finishTransition(location) { var basename = location.basename; var pathname = location.pathname; var search =; var state = location.state; var action = location.action; var key = location.key; if (action === _Actions.POP) return; // Nothing to do. var path = (basename || '') + pathname + search; if (queryKey) { path = addQueryStringValueToPath(path, queryKey, key); _DOMStateStorage.saveState(key, state); } else { // Drop key and state. location.key = location.state = null; } var currentHash = _DOMUtils.getHashPath(); if (action === _Actions.PUSH) { if (currentHash !== path) { window.location.hash = path; } else { false ? _warning2['default'](false, 'You cannot PUSH the same path using hash history') : undefined; } } else if (currentHash !== path) { // REPLACE _DOMUtils.replaceHashPath(path); } } var history = _createDOMHistory2['default'](_extends({}, options, { getCurrentLocation: getCurrentLocation, finishTransition: finishTransition, saveState: _DOMStateStorage.saveState })); var listenerCount = 0, stopHashChangeListener = undefined; function listenBefore(listener) { if (++listenerCount === 1) stopHashChangeListener = startHashChangeListener(history); var unlisten = history.listenBefore(listener); return function () { unlisten(); if (--listenerCount === 0) stopHashChangeListener(); }; } function listen(listener) { if (++listenerCount === 1) stopHashChangeListener = startHashChangeListener(history); var unlisten = history.listen(listener); return function () { unlisten(); if (--listenerCount === 0) stopHashChangeListener(); }; } function push(location) { false ? _warning2['default'](queryKey || location.state == null, 'You cannot use state without a queryKey it will be dropped') : undefined; history.push(location); } function replace(location) { false ? _warning2['default'](queryKey || location.state == null, 'You cannot use state without a queryKey it will be dropped') : undefined; history.replace(location); } var goIsSupportedWithoutReload = _DOMUtils.supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash(); function go(n) { false ? _warning2['default'](goIsSupportedWithoutReload, 'Hash history go(n) causes a full page reload in this browser') : undefined; history.go(n); } function createHref(path) { return '#' + history.createHref(path); } // deprecated function registerTransitionHook(hook) { if (++listenerCount === 1) stopHashChangeListener = startHashChangeListener(history); history.registerTransitionHook(hook); } // deprecated function unregisterTransitionHook(hook) { history.unregisterTransitionHook(hook); if (--listenerCount === 0) stopHashChangeListener(); } // deprecated function pushState(state, path) { false ? _warning2['default'](queryKey || state == null, 'You cannot use state without a queryKey it will be dropped') : undefined; history.pushState(state, path); } // deprecated function replaceState(state, path) { false ? _warning2['default'](queryKey || state == null, 'You cannot use state without a queryKey it will be dropped') : undefined; history.replaceState(state, path); } return _extends({}, history, { listenBefore: listenBefore, listen: listen, push: push, replace: replace, go: go, createHref: createHref, registerTransitionHook: registerTransitionHook, // deprecated - warning is in createHistory unregisterTransitionHook: unregisterTransitionHook, // deprecated - warning is in createHistory pushState: pushState, // deprecated - warning is in createHistory replaceState: replaceState // deprecated - warning is in createHistory }); } exports['default'] = createHashHistory; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 28 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); var _deepEqual = __webpack_require__(48); var _deepEqual2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deepEqual); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); var _AsyncUtils = __webpack_require__(51); var _Actions = __webpack_require__(9); var _createLocation2 = __webpack_require__(53); var _createLocation3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createLocation2); var _runTransitionHook = __webpack_require__(17); var _runTransitionHook2 = _interopRequireDefault(_runTransitionHook); var _deprecate = __webpack_require__(16); var _deprecate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deprecate); function createRandomKey(length) { return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, length); } function locationsAreEqual(a, b) { return a.pathname === b.pathname && === && //a.action === b.action && // Different action !== location change. a.key === b.key && _deepEqual2['default'](a.state, b.state); } var DefaultKeyLength = 6; function createHistory() { var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var getCurrentLocation = options.getCurrentLocation; var finishTransition = options.finishTransition; var saveState = options.saveState; var go = options.go; var keyLength = options.keyLength; var getUserConfirmation = options.getUserConfirmation; if (typeof keyLength !== 'number') keyLength = DefaultKeyLength; var transitionHooks = []; function listenBefore(hook) { transitionHooks.push(hook); return function () { transitionHooks = transitionHooks.filter(function (item) { return item !== hook; }); }; } var allKeys = []; var changeListeners = []; var location = undefined; function getCurrent() { if (pendingLocation && pendingLocation.action === _Actions.POP) { return allKeys.indexOf(pendingLocation.key); } else if (location) { return allKeys.indexOf(location.key); } else { return -1; } } function updateLocation(newLocation) { var current = getCurrent(); location = newLocation; if (location.action === _Actions.PUSH) { allKeys = [].concat(allKeys.slice(0, current + 1), [location.key]); } else if (location.action === _Actions.REPLACE) { allKeys[current] = location.key; } changeListeners.forEach(function (listener) { listener(location); }); } function listen(listener) { changeListeners.push(listener); if (location) { listener(location); } else { var _location = getCurrentLocation(); allKeys = [_location.key]; updateLocation(_location); } return function () { changeListeners = changeListeners.filter(function (item) { return item !== listener; }); }; } function confirmTransitionTo(location, callback) { _AsyncUtils.loopAsync(transitionHooks.length, function (index, next, done) { _runTransitionHook2['default'](transitionHooks[index], location, function (result) { if (result != null) { done(result); } else { next(); } }); }, function (message) { if (getUserConfirmation && typeof message === 'string') { getUserConfirmation(message, function (ok) { callback(ok !== false); }); } else { callback(message !== false); } }); } var pendingLocation = undefined; function transitionTo(nextLocation) { if (location && locationsAreEqual(location, nextLocation)) return; // Nothing to do. pendingLocation = nextLocation; confirmTransitionTo(nextLocation, function (ok) { if (pendingLocation !== nextLocation) return; // Transition was interrupted. if (ok) { // treat PUSH to current path like REPLACE to be consistent with browsers if (nextLocation.action === _Actions.PUSH) { var prevPath = createPath(location); var nextPath = createPath(nextLocation); if (nextPath === prevPath && _deepEqual2['default'](location.state, nextLocation.state)) nextLocation.action = _Actions.REPLACE; } if (finishTransition(nextLocation) !== false) updateLocation(nextLocation); } else if (location && nextLocation.action === _Actions.POP) { var prevIndex = allKeys.indexOf(location.key); var nextIndex = allKeys.indexOf(nextLocation.key); if (prevIndex !== -1 && nextIndex !== -1) go(prevIndex - nextIndex); // Restore the URL. } }); } function push(location) { transitionTo(createLocation(location, _Actions.PUSH, createKey())); } function replace(location) { transitionTo(createLocation(location, _Actions.REPLACE, createKey())); } function goBack() { go(-1); } function goForward() { go(1); } function createKey() { return createRandomKey(keyLength); } function createPath(location) { if (location == null || typeof location === 'string') return location; var pathname = location.pathname; var search =; var hash = location.hash; var result = pathname; if (search) result += search; if (hash) result += hash; return result; } function createHref(location) { return createPath(location); } function createLocation(location, action) { var key = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? createKey() : arguments[2]; if (typeof action === 'object') { false ? _warning2['default'](false, 'The state (2nd) argument to history.createLocation is deprecated; use a ' + 'location descriptor instead') : undefined; if (typeof location === 'string') location = _PathUtils.parsePath(location); location = _extends({}, location, { state: action }); action = key; key = arguments[3] || createKey(); } return _createLocation3['default'](location, action, key); } // deprecated function setState(state) { if (location) { updateLocationState(location, state); updateLocation(location); } else { updateLocationState(getCurrentLocation(), state); } } function updateLocationState(location, state) { location.state = _extends({}, location.state, state); saveState(location.key, location.state); } // deprecated function registerTransitionHook(hook) { if (transitionHooks.indexOf(hook) === -1) transitionHooks.push(hook); } // deprecated function unregisterTransitionHook(hook) { transitionHooks = transitionHooks.filter(function (item) { return item !== hook; }); } // deprecated function pushState(state, path) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); push(_extends({ state: state }, path)); } // deprecated function replaceState(state, path) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); replace(_extends({ state: state }, path)); } return { listenBefore: listenBefore, listen: listen, transitionTo: transitionTo, push: push, replace: replace, go: go, goBack: goBack, goForward: goForward, createKey: createKey, createPath: createPath, createHref: createHref, createLocation: createLocation, setState: _deprecate2['default'](setState, 'setState is deprecated; use location.key to save state instead'), registerTransitionHook: _deprecate2['default'](registerTransitionHook, 'registerTransitionHook is deprecated; use listenBefore instead'), unregisterTransitionHook: _deprecate2['default'](unregisterTransitionHook, 'unregisterTransitionHook is deprecated; use the callback returned from listenBefore instead'), pushState: _deprecate2['default'](pushState, 'pushState is deprecated; use push instead'), replaceState: _deprecate2['default'](replaceState, 'replaceState is deprecated; use replace instead') }; } exports['default'] = createHistory; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 29 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _PropTypes = __webpack_require__(6); /** * A mixin that adds the "history" instance variable to components. */ var History = { contextTypes: { history: _PropTypes.history }, componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'the `History` mixin is deprecated, please access `context.router` with your own `contextTypes`.') : undefined; this.history = this.context.history; } }; exports['default'] = History; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 30 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _Link = __webpack_require__(18); var _Link2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Link); /** * An <IndexLink> is used to link to an <IndexRoute>. */ var IndexLink = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'IndexLink', render: function render() { return _react2['default'].createElement(_Link2['default'], _extends({}, this.props, { onlyActiveOnIndex: true })); } }); exports['default'] = IndexLink; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 31 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _Redirect = __webpack_require__(19); var _Redirect2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Redirect); var _PropTypes = __webpack_require__(6); var _React$PropTypes = _react2['default'].PropTypes; var string = _React$PropTypes.string; var object = _React$PropTypes.object; /** * An <IndexRedirect> is used to redirect from an indexRoute. */ var IndexRedirect = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'IndexRedirect', statics: { createRouteFromReactElement: function createRouteFromReactElement(element, parentRoute) { /* istanbul ignore else: sanity check */ if (parentRoute) { parentRoute.indexRoute = _Redirect2['default'].createRouteFromReactElement(element); } else { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'An <IndexRedirect> does not make sense at the root of your route config') : undefined; } } }, propTypes: { to: string.isRequired, query: object, state: object, onEnter: _PropTypes.falsy, children: _PropTypes.falsy }, /* istanbul ignore next: sanity check */ render: function render() { true ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, '<IndexRedirect> elements are for router configuration only and should not be rendered') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; } }); exports['default'] = IndexRedirect; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 32 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); var _PropTypes = __webpack_require__(6); var func = _react2['default'].PropTypes.func; /** * An <IndexRoute> is used to specify its parent's <Route indexRoute> in * a JSX route config. */ var IndexRoute = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'IndexRoute', statics: { createRouteFromReactElement: function createRouteFromReactElement(element, parentRoute) { /* istanbul ignore else: sanity check */ if (parentRoute) { parentRoute.indexRoute = _RouteUtils.createRouteFromReactElement(element); } else { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'An <IndexRoute> does not make sense at the root of your route config') : undefined; } } }, propTypes: { path: _PropTypes.falsy, component: _PropTypes.component, components: _PropTypes.components, getComponent: func, getComponents: func }, /* istanbul ignore next: sanity check */ render: function render() { true ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, '<IndexRoute> elements are for router configuration only and should not be rendered') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; } }); exports['default'] = IndexRoute; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 33 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var object = _react2['default'].PropTypes.object; /** * The Lifecycle mixin adds the routerWillLeave lifecycle method to a * component that may be used to cancel a transition or prompt the user * for confirmation. * * On standard transitions, routerWillLeave receives a single argument: the * location we're transitioning to. To cancel the transition, return false. * To prompt the user for confirmation, return a prompt message (string). * * During the beforeunload event (assuming you're using the useBeforeUnload * history enhancer), routerWillLeave does not receive a location object * because it isn't possible for us to know the location we're transitioning * to. In this case routerWillLeave must return a prompt message to prevent * the user from closing the window/tab. */ var Lifecycle = { contextTypes: { history: object.isRequired, // Nested children receive the route as context, either // set by the route component using the RouteContext mixin // or by some other ancestor. route: object }, propTypes: { // Route components receive the route object as a prop. route: object }, componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'the `Lifecycle` mixin is deprecated, please use `context.router.setRouteLeaveHook(route, hook)`.') : undefined; !this.routerWillLeave ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'The Lifecycle mixin requires you to define a routerWillLeave method') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; var route = this.props.route || this.context.route; !route ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'The Lifecycle mixin must be used on either a) a <Route component> or ' + 'b) a descendant of a <Route component> that uses the RouteContext mixin') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; this._unlistenBeforeLeavingRoute = this.context.history.listenBeforeLeavingRoute(route, this.routerWillLeave); }, componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() { if (this._unlistenBeforeLeavingRoute) this._unlistenBeforeLeavingRoute(); } }; exports['default'] = Lifecycle; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 34 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); var _PropTypes = __webpack_require__(6); var _React$PropTypes = _react2['default'].PropTypes; var string = _React$PropTypes.string; var func = _React$PropTypes.func; /** * A <Route> is used to declare which components are rendered to the * page when the URL matches a given pattern. * * Routes are arranged in a nested tree structure. When a new URL is * requested, the tree is searched depth-first to find a route whose * path matches the URL. When one is found, all routes in the tree * that lead to it are considered "active" and their components are * rendered into the DOM, nested in the same order as in the tree. */ var Route = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'Route', statics: { createRouteFromReactElement: _RouteUtils.createRouteFromReactElement }, propTypes: { path: string, component: _PropTypes.component, components: _PropTypes.components, getComponent: func, getComponents: func }, /* istanbul ignore next: sanity check */ render: function render() { true ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, '<Route> elements are for router configuration only and should not be rendered') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; } }); exports['default'] = Route; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 35 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var object = _react2['default'].PropTypes.object; /** * The RouteContext mixin provides a convenient way for route * components to set the route in context. This is needed for * routes that render elements that want to use the Lifecycle * mixin to prevent transitions. */ var RouteContext = { propTypes: { route: object.isRequired }, childContextTypes: { route: object.isRequired }, getChildContext: function getChildContext() { return { route: this.props.route }; }, componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'The `RouteContext` mixin is deprecated. You can provide `this.props.route` on context with your own `contextTypes`.') : undefined; } }; exports['default'] = RouteContext; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 36 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var _historyLibCreateHashHistory = __webpack_require__(27); var _historyLibCreateHashHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibCreateHashHistory); var _historyLibUseQueries = __webpack_require__(11); var _historyLibUseQueries2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibUseQueries); var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _createTransitionManager = __webpack_require__(14); var _createTransitionManager2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createTransitionManager); var _PropTypes = __webpack_require__(6); var _RouterContext = __webpack_require__(13); var _RouterContext2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RouterContext); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); var _RouterUtils = __webpack_require__(20); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); function isDeprecatedHistory(history) { return !history || !history.__v2_compatible__; } var _React$PropTypes = _react2['default'].PropTypes; var func = _React$PropTypes.func; var object = _React$PropTypes.object; /** * A <Router> is a high-level API for automatically setting up * a router that renders a <RouterContext> with all the props * it needs each time the URL changes. */ var Router = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'Router', propTypes: { history: object, children: _PropTypes.routes, routes: _PropTypes.routes, // alias for children render: func, createElement: func, onError: func, onUpdate: func, // PRIVATE: For client-side rehydration of server match. matchContext: object }, getDefaultProps: function getDefaultProps() { return { render: function render(props) { return _react2['default'].createElement(_RouterContext2['default'], props); } }; }, getInitialState: function getInitialState() { return { location: null, routes: null, params: null, components: null }; }, handleError: function handleError(error) { if (this.props.onError) {, error); } else { // Throw errors by default so we don't silently swallow them! throw error; // This error probably occurred in getChildRoutes or getComponents. } }, componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() { var _this = this; var _props = this.props; var parseQueryString = _props.parseQueryString; var stringifyQuery = _props.stringifyQuery; false ? _routerWarning2['default'](!(parseQueryString || stringifyQuery), '`parseQueryString` and `stringifyQuery` are deprecated. Please create a custom history.') : undefined; var _createRouterObjects = this.createRouterObjects(); var history = _createRouterObjects.history; var transitionManager = _createRouterObjects.transitionManager; var router = _createRouterObjects.router; this._unlisten = transitionManager.listen(function (error, state) { if (error) { _this.handleError(error); } else { _this.setState(state, _this.props.onUpdate); } }); this.history = history; this.router = router; }, createRouterObjects: function createRouterObjects() { var matchContext = this.props.matchContext; if (matchContext) { return matchContext; } var history = this.props.history; var _props2 = this.props; var routes = _props2.routes; var children = _props2.children; if (isDeprecatedHistory(history)) { history = this.wrapDeprecatedHistory(history); } var transitionManager = _createTransitionManager2['default'](history, _RouteUtils.createRoutes(routes || children)); var router = _RouterUtils.createRouterObject(history, transitionManager); var routingHistory = _RouterUtils.createRoutingHistory(history, transitionManager); return { history: routingHistory, transitionManager: transitionManager, router: router }; }, wrapDeprecatedHistory: function wrapDeprecatedHistory(history) { var _props3 = this.props; var parseQueryString = _props3.parseQueryString; var stringifyQuery = _props3.stringifyQuery; var createHistory = undefined; if (history) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, 'It appears you have provided a deprecated history object to `<Router/>`, please use a history provided by ' + 'React Router with `import { browserHistory } from \'react-router\'` or `import { hashHistory } from \'react-router\'`. ' + 'If you are using a custom history please create it with `useRouterHistory`, see for details.') : undefined; createHistory = function () { return history; }; } else { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, '`Router` no longer defaults the history prop to hash history. Please use the `hashHistory` singleton instead.') : undefined; createHistory = _historyLibCreateHashHistory2['default']; } return _historyLibUseQueries2['default'](createHistory)({ parseQueryString: parseQueryString, stringifyQuery: stringifyQuery }); }, /* istanbul ignore next: sanity check */ componentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](nextProps.history === this.props.history, 'You cannot change <Router history>; it will be ignored') : undefined; false ? _routerWarning2['default']((nextProps.routes || nextProps.children) === (this.props.routes || this.props.children), 'You cannot change <Router routes>; it will be ignored') : undefined; }, componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() { if (this._unlisten) this._unlisten(); }, render: function render() { var _state = this.state; var location = _state.location; var routes = _state.routes; var params = _state.params; var components = _state.components; var _props4 = this.props; var createElement = _props4.createElement; var render = _props4.render; var props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props4, ['createElement', 'render']); if (location == null) return null; // Async match // Only forward non-Router-specific props to routing context, as those are // the only ones that might be custom routing context props. Object.keys(Router.propTypes).forEach(function (propType) { return delete props[propType]; }); return render(_extends({}, props, { history: this.history, router: this.router, location: location, routes: routes, params: params, components: components, createElement: createElement })); } }); exports['default'] = Router; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 37 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _react = __webpack_require__(2); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _RouterContext = __webpack_require__(13); var _RouterContext2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RouterContext); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var RoutingContext = _react2['default'].createClass({ displayName: 'RoutingContext', componentWillMount: function componentWillMount() { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, '`RoutingContext` has been renamed to `RouterContext`. Please use `import { RouterContext } from \'react-router\'`.') : undefined; }, render: function render() { return _react2['default'].createElement(_RouterContext2['default'], this.props); } }); exports['default'] = RoutingContext; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 38 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.runEnterHooks = runEnterHooks; exports.runLeaveHooks = runLeaveHooks; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _AsyncUtils = __webpack_require__(12); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); function createEnterHook(hook, route) { return function (a, b, callback) { hook.apply(route, arguments); if (hook.length < 3) { // Assume hook executes synchronously and // automatically call the callback. callback(); } }; } function getEnterHooks(routes) { return routes.reduce(function (hooks, route) { if (route.onEnter) hooks.push(createEnterHook(route.onEnter, route)); return hooks; }, []); } /** * Runs all onEnter hooks in the given array of routes in order * with onEnter(nextState, replace, callback) and calls * callback(error, redirectInfo) when finished. The first hook * to use replace short-circuits the loop. * * If a hook needs to run asynchronously, it may use the callback * function. However, doing so will cause the transition to pause, * which could lead to a non-responsive UI if the hook is slow. */ function runEnterHooks(routes, nextState, callback) { var hooks = getEnterHooks(routes); if (!hooks.length) { callback(); return; } var redirectInfo = undefined; function replace(location, deprecatedPathname, deprecatedQuery) { if (deprecatedPathname) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, '`replaceState(state, pathname, query) is deprecated; use `replace(location)` with a location descriptor instead.') : undefined; redirectInfo = { pathname: deprecatedPathname, query: deprecatedQuery, state: location }; return; } redirectInfo = location; } _AsyncUtils.loopAsync(hooks.length, function (index, next, done) { hooks[index](nextState, replace, function (error) { if (error || redirectInfo) { done(error, redirectInfo); // No need to continue. } else { next(); } }); }, callback); } /** * Runs all onLeave hooks in the given array of routes in order. */ function runLeaveHooks(routes) { for (var i = 0, len = routes.length; i < len; ++i) { if (routes[i].onLeave) routes[i][i]); } } /***/ }, /* 39 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _historyLibCreateBrowserHistory = __webpack_require__(52); var _historyLibCreateBrowserHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibCreateBrowserHistory); var _createRouterHistory = __webpack_require__(22); var _createRouterHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createRouterHistory); exports['default'] = _createRouterHistory2['default'](_historyLibCreateBrowserHistory2['default']); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 40 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _PatternUtils = __webpack_require__(8); function routeParamsChanged(route, prevState, nextState) { if (!route.path) return false; var paramNames = _PatternUtils.getParamNames(route.path); return paramNames.some(function (paramName) { return prevState.params[paramName] !== nextState.params[paramName]; }); } /** * Returns an object of { leaveRoutes, enterRoutes } determined by * the change from prevState to nextState. We leave routes if either * 1) they are not in the next state or 2) they are in the next state * but their params have changed (i.e. /users/123 => /users/456). * * leaveRoutes are ordered starting at the leaf route of the tree * we're leaving up to the common parent route. enterRoutes are ordered * from the top of the tree we're entering down to the leaf route. */ function computeChangedRoutes(prevState, nextState) { var prevRoutes = prevState && prevState.routes; var nextRoutes = nextState.routes; var leaveRoutes = undefined, enterRoutes = undefined; if (prevRoutes) { leaveRoutes = prevRoutes.filter(function (route) { return nextRoutes.indexOf(route) === -1 || routeParamsChanged(route, prevState, nextState); }); // onLeave hooks start at the leaf route. leaveRoutes.reverse(); enterRoutes = nextRoutes.filter(function (route) { return prevRoutes.indexOf(route) === -1 || leaveRoutes.indexOf(route) !== -1; }); } else { leaveRoutes = []; enterRoutes = nextRoutes; } return { leaveRoutes: leaveRoutes, enterRoutes: enterRoutes }; } exports['default'] = computeChangedRoutes; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 41 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _AsyncUtils = __webpack_require__(12); function getComponentsForRoute(location, route, callback) { if (route.component || route.components) { callback(null, route.component || route.components); } else if (route.getComponent) { route.getComponent(location, callback); } else if (route.getComponents) { route.getComponents(location, callback); } else { callback(); } } /** * Asynchronously fetches all components needed for the given router * state and calls callback(error, components) when finished. * * Note: This operation may finish synchronously if no routes have an * asynchronous getComponents method. */ function getComponents(nextState, callback) { _AsyncUtils.mapAsync(nextState.routes, function (route, index, callback) { getComponentsForRoute(nextState.location, route, callback); }, callback); } exports['default'] = getComponents; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 42 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _PatternUtils = __webpack_require__(8); /** * Extracts an object of params the given route cares about from * the given params object. */ function getRouteParams(route, params) { var routeParams = {}; if (!route.path) return routeParams; var paramNames = _PatternUtils.getParamNames(route.path); for (var p in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(p) && paramNames.indexOf(p) !== -1) routeParams[p] = params[p]; }return routeParams; } exports['default'] = getRouteParams; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 43 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _historyLibCreateHashHistory = __webpack_require__(27); var _historyLibCreateHashHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibCreateHashHistory); var _createRouterHistory = __webpack_require__(22); var _createRouterHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createRouterHistory); exports['default'] = _createRouterHistory2['default'](_historyLibCreateHashHistory2['default']); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 44 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = isActive; var _PatternUtils = __webpack_require__(8); function deepEqual(a, b) { if (a == b) return true; if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (Array.isArray(a)) { return Array.isArray(b) && a.length === b.length && a.every(function (item, index) { return deepEqual(item, b[index]); }); } if (typeof a === 'object') { for (var p in a) { if (!a.hasOwnProperty(p)) { continue; } if (a[p] === undefined) { if (b[p] !== undefined) { return false; } } else if (!b.hasOwnProperty(p)) { return false; } else if (!deepEqual(a[p], b[p])) { return false; } } return true; } return String(a) === String(b); } function paramsAreActive(paramNames, paramValues, activeParams) { // FIXME: This doesn't work on repeated params in activeParams. return paramNames.every(function (paramName, index) { return String(paramValues[index]) === String(activeParams[paramName]); }); } function getMatchingRouteIndex(pathname, activeRoutes, activeParams) { var remainingPathname = pathname, paramNames = [], paramValues = []; for (var i = 0, len = activeRoutes.length; i < len; ++i) { var route = activeRoutes[i]; var pattern = route.path || ''; if (pattern.charAt(0) === '/') { remainingPathname = pathname; paramNames = []; paramValues = []; } if (remainingPathname !== null) { var matched = _PatternUtils.matchPattern(pattern, remainingPathname); remainingPathname = matched.remainingPathname; paramNames = [].concat(paramNames, matched.paramNames); paramValues = [].concat(paramValues, matched.paramValues); } if (remainingPathname === '' && route.path && paramsAreActive(paramNames, paramValues, activeParams)) return i; } return null; } /** * Returns true if the given pathname matches the active routes * and params. */ function routeIsActive(pathname, routes, params, indexOnly) { var i = getMatchingRouteIndex(pathname, routes, params); if (i === null) { // No match. return false; } else if (!indexOnly) { // Any match is good enough. return true; } // If any remaining routes past the match index have paths, then we can't // be on the index route. return routes.slice(i + 1).every(function (route) { return !route.path; }); } /** * Returns true if all key/value pairs in the given query are * currently active. */ function queryIsActive(query, activeQuery) { if (activeQuery == null) return query == null; if (query == null) return true; return deepEqual(query, activeQuery); } /** * Returns true if a <Link> to the given pathname/query combination is * currently active. */ function isActive(_ref, indexOnly, currentLocation, routes, params) { var pathname = _ref.pathname; var query = _ref.query; if (currentLocation == null) return false; if (!routeIsActive(pathname, routes, params, indexOnly)) return false; return queryIsActive(query, currentLocation.query); } module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 45 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _createMemoryHistory = __webpack_require__(21); var _createMemoryHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createMemoryHistory); var _createTransitionManager = __webpack_require__(14); var _createTransitionManager2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createTransitionManager); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); var _RouterUtils = __webpack_require__(20); /** * A high-level API to be used for server-side rendering. * * This function matches a location to a set of routes and calls * callback(error, redirectLocation, renderProps) when finished. * * Note: You probably don't want to use this in a browser unless you're using * server-side rendering with async routes. */ function match(_ref, callback) { var history = _ref.history; var routes = _ref.routes; var location = _ref.location; var options = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ['history', 'routes', 'location']); !(history || location) ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'match needs a history or a location') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; history = history ? history : _createMemoryHistory2['default'](options); var transitionManager = _createTransitionManager2['default'](history, _RouteUtils.createRoutes(routes)); var unlisten = undefined; if (location) { // Allow match({ location: '/the/path', ... }) location = history.createLocation(location); } else { // Pick up the location from the history via synchronous history.listen // call if needed. unlisten = history.listen(function (historyLocation) { location = historyLocation; }); } var router = _RouterUtils.createRouterObject(history, transitionManager); history = _RouterUtils.createRoutingHistory(history, transitionManager); transitionManager.match(location, function (error, redirectLocation, nextState) { callback(error, redirectLocation, nextState && _extends({}, nextState, { history: history, router: router, matchContext: { history: history, transitionManager: transitionManager, router: router } })); // Defer removing the listener to here to prevent DOM histories from having // to unwind DOM event listeners unnecessarily, in case callback renders a // <Router> and attaches another history listener. if (unlisten) { unlisten(); } }); } exports['default'] = match; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 46 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); var _AsyncUtils = __webpack_require__(12); var _PatternUtils = __webpack_require__(8); var _RouteUtils = __webpack_require__(5); function getChildRoutes(route, location, callback) { if (route.childRoutes) { return [null, route.childRoutes]; } if (!route.getChildRoutes) { return []; } var sync = true, result = undefined; route.getChildRoutes(location, function (error, childRoutes) { childRoutes = !error && _RouteUtils.createRoutes(childRoutes); if (sync) { result = [error, childRoutes]; return; } callback(error, childRoutes); }); sync = false; return result; // Might be undefined. } function getIndexRoute(route, location, callback) { if (route.indexRoute) { callback(null, route.indexRoute); } else if (route.getIndexRoute) { route.getIndexRoute(location, function (error, indexRoute) { callback(error, !error && _RouteUtils.createRoutes(indexRoute)[0]); }); } else if (route.childRoutes) { (function () { var pathless = route.childRoutes.filter(function (obj) { return !obj.hasOwnProperty('path'); }); _AsyncUtils.loopAsync(pathless.length, function (index, next, done) { getIndexRoute(pathless[index], location, function (error, indexRoute) { if (error || indexRoute) { var routes = [pathless[index]].concat(Array.isArray(indexRoute) ? indexRoute : [indexRoute]); done(error, routes); } else { next(); } }); }, function (err, routes) { callback(null, routes); }); })(); } else { callback(); } } function assignParams(params, paramNames, paramValues) { return paramNames.reduce(function (params, paramName, index) { var paramValue = paramValues && paramValues[index]; if (Array.isArray(params[paramName])) { params[paramName].push(paramValue); } else if (paramName in params) { params[paramName] = [params[paramName], paramValue]; } else { params[paramName] = paramValue; } return params; }, params); } function createParams(paramNames, paramValues) { return assignParams({}, paramNames, paramValues); } function matchRouteDeep(route, location, remainingPathname, paramNames, paramValues, callback) { var pattern = route.path || ''; if (pattern.charAt(0) === '/') { remainingPathname = location.pathname; paramNames = []; paramValues = []; } if (remainingPathname !== null) { var matched = _PatternUtils.matchPattern(pattern, remainingPathname); remainingPathname = matched.remainingPathname; paramNames = [].concat(paramNames, matched.paramNames); paramValues = [].concat(paramValues, matched.paramValues); if (remainingPathname === '' && route.path) { var _ret2 = (function () { var match = { routes: [route], params: createParams(paramNames, paramValues) }; getIndexRoute(route, location, function (error, indexRoute) { if (error) { callback(error); } else { if (Array.isArray(indexRoute)) { var _match$routes; false ? _routerWarning2['default'](indexRoute.every(function (route) { return !route.path; }), 'Index routes should not have paths') : undefined; (_match$routes = match.routes).push.apply(_match$routes, indexRoute); } else if (indexRoute) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](!indexRoute.path, 'Index routes should not have paths') : undefined; match.routes.push(indexRoute); } callback(null, match); } }); return { v: undefined }; })(); if (typeof _ret2 === 'object') return _ret2.v; } } if (remainingPathname != null || route.childRoutes) { // Either a) this route matched at least some of the path or b) // we don't have to load this route's children asynchronously. In // either case continue checking for matches in the subtree. var onChildRoutes = function onChildRoutes(error, childRoutes) { if (error) { callback(error); } else if (childRoutes) { // Check the child routes to see if any of them match. matchRoutes(childRoutes, location, function (error, match) { if (error) { callback(error); } else if (match) { // A child route matched! Augment the match and pass it up the stack. match.routes.unshift(route); callback(null, match); } else { callback(); } }, remainingPathname, paramNames, paramValues); } else { callback(); } }; var result = getChildRoutes(route, location, onChildRoutes); if (result) { onChildRoutes.apply(undefined, result); } } else { callback(); } } /** * Asynchronously matches the given location to a set of routes and calls * callback(error, state) when finished. The state object will have the * following properties: * * - routes An array of routes that matched, in hierarchical order * - params An object of URL parameters * * Note: This operation may finish synchronously if no routes have an * asynchronous getChildRoutes method. */ function matchRoutes(routes, location, callback) { var remainingPathname = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? location.pathname : arguments[3]; var paramNames = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? [] : arguments[4]; var paramValues = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? [] : arguments[5]; return (function () { _AsyncUtils.loopAsync(routes.length, function (index, next, done) { matchRouteDeep(routes[index], location, remainingPathname, paramNames, paramValues, function (error, match) { if (error || match) { done(error, match); } else { next(); } }); }, callback); })(); } exports['default'] = matchRoutes; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 47 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var _historyLibUseQueries = __webpack_require__(11); var _historyLibUseQueries2 = _interopRequireDefault(_historyLibUseQueries); var _createTransitionManager = __webpack_require__(14); var _createTransitionManager2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createTransitionManager); var _routerWarning = __webpack_require__(1); var _routerWarning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_routerWarning); /** * Returns a new createHistory function that may be used to create * history objects that know about routing. * * Enhances history objects with the following methods: * * - listen((error, nextState) => {}) * - listenBeforeLeavingRoute(route, (nextLocation) => {}) * - match(location, (error, redirectLocation, nextState) => {}) * - isActive(pathname, query, indexOnly=false) */ function useRoutes(createHistory) { false ? _routerWarning2['default'](false, '`useRoutes` is deprecated. Please use `createTransitionManager` instead.') : undefined; return function () { var _ref = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var routes = _ref.routes; var options = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ['routes']); var history = _historyLibUseQueries2['default'](createHistory)(options); var transitionManager = _createTransitionManager2['default'](history, routes); return _extends({}, history, transitionManager); }; } exports['default'] = useRoutes; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 48 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice; var objectKeys = __webpack_require__(50); var isArguments = __webpack_require__(49); var deepEqual = module.exports = function (actual, expected, opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. if (actual === expected) { return true; } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) { return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime(); // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', // equivalence is determined by ==. } else if (!actual || !expected || typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') { return opts.strict ? actual === expected : actual == expected; // 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified // with, the same set of keys // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. } else { return objEquiv(actual, expected, opts); } } function isUndefinedOrNull(value) { return value === null || value === undefined; } function isBuffer (x) { if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.length !== 'number') return false; if (typeof x.copy !== 'function' || typeof x.slice !== 'function') { return false; } if (x.length > 0 && typeof x[0] !== 'number') return false; return true; } function objEquiv(a, b, opts) { var i, key; if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b)) return false; // an identical 'prototype' property. if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false; //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing. // Converting to array solves the problem. if (isArguments(a)) { if (!isArguments(b)) { return false; } a =; b =; return deepEqual(a, b, opts); } if (isBuffer(a)) { if (!isBuffer(b)) { return false; } if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true; } try { var ka = objectKeys(a), kb = objectKeys(b); } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't return false; } // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates // hasOwnProperty) if (ka.length != kb.length) return false; //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), ka.sort(); kb.sort(); //~~~cheap key test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ka[i] != kb[i]) return false; } //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and //~~~possibly expensive deep test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = ka[i]; if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key], opts)) return false; } return typeof a === typeof b; } /***/ }, /* 49 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { var supportsArgumentsClass = (function(){ return })() == '[object Arguments]'; exports = module.exports = supportsArgumentsClass ? supported : unsupported; exports.supported = supported; function supported(object) { return == '[object Arguments]'; }; exports.unsupported = unsupported; function unsupported(object){ return object && typeof object == 'object' && typeof object.length == 'number' &&, 'callee') && !, 'callee') || false; }; /***/ }, /* 50 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { exports = module.exports = typeof Object.keys === 'function' ? Object.keys : shim; exports.shim = shim; function shim (obj) { var keys = []; for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); return keys; } /***/ }, /* 51 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.loopAsync = loopAsync; function loopAsync(turns, work, callback) { var currentTurn = 0; var isDone = false; function done() { isDone = true; callback.apply(this, arguments); } function next() { if (isDone) return; if (currentTurn < turns) {, currentTurn++, next, done); } else { done.apply(this, arguments); } } next(); } /***/ }, /* 52 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _Actions = __webpack_require__(9); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); var _ExecutionEnvironment = __webpack_require__(10); var _DOMUtils = __webpack_require__(15); var _DOMStateStorage = __webpack_require__(25); var _createDOMHistory = __webpack_require__(26); var _createDOMHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createDOMHistory); /** * Creates and returns a history object that uses HTML5's history API * (pushState, replaceState, and the popstate event) to manage history. * This is the recommended method of managing history in browsers because * it provides the cleanest URLs. * * Note: In browsers that do not support the HTML5 history API full * page reloads will be used to preserve URLs. */ function createBrowserHistory() { var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; !_ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'Browser history needs a DOM') : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; var forceRefresh = options.forceRefresh; var isSupported = _DOMUtils.supportsHistory(); var useRefresh = !isSupported || forceRefresh; function getCurrentLocation(historyState) { historyState = historyState || window.history.state || {}; var path = _DOMUtils.getWindowPath(); var _historyState = historyState; var key = _historyState.key; var state = undefined; if (key) { state = _DOMStateStorage.readState(key); } else { state = null; key = history.createKey(); if (isSupported) window.history.replaceState(_extends({}, historyState, { key: key }), null, path); } var location = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); return history.createLocation(_extends({}, location, { state: state }), undefined, key); } function startPopStateListener(_ref) { var transitionTo = _ref.transitionTo; function popStateListener(event) { if (event.state === undefined) return; // Ignore extraneous popstate events in WebKit. transitionTo(getCurrentLocation(event.state)); } _DOMUtils.addEventListener(window, 'popstate', popStateListener); return function () { _DOMUtils.removeEventListener(window, 'popstate', popStateListener); }; } function finishTransition(location) { var basename = location.basename; var pathname = location.pathname; var search =; var hash = location.hash; var state = location.state; var action = location.action; var key = location.key; if (action === _Actions.POP) return; // Nothing to do. _DOMStateStorage.saveState(key, state); var path = (basename || '') + pathname + search + hash; var historyState = { key: key }; if (action === _Actions.PUSH) { if (useRefresh) { window.location.href = path; return false; // Prevent location update. } else { window.history.pushState(historyState, null, path); } } else { // REPLACE if (useRefresh) { window.location.replace(path); return false; // Prevent location update. } else { window.history.replaceState(historyState, null, path); } } } var history = _createDOMHistory2['default'](_extends({}, options, { getCurrentLocation: getCurrentLocation, finishTransition: finishTransition, saveState: _DOMStateStorage.saveState })); var listenerCount = 0, stopPopStateListener = undefined; function listenBefore(listener) { if (++listenerCount === 1) stopPopStateListener = startPopStateListener(history); var unlisten = history.listenBefore(listener); return function () { unlisten(); if (--listenerCount === 0) stopPopStateListener(); }; } function listen(listener) { if (++listenerCount === 1) stopPopStateListener = startPopStateListener(history); var unlisten = history.listen(listener); return function () { unlisten(); if (--listenerCount === 0) stopPopStateListener(); }; } // deprecated function registerTransitionHook(hook) { if (++listenerCount === 1) stopPopStateListener = startPopStateListener(history); history.registerTransitionHook(hook); } // deprecated function unregisterTransitionHook(hook) { history.unregisterTransitionHook(hook); if (--listenerCount === 0) stopPopStateListener(); } return _extends({}, history, { listenBefore: listenBefore, listen: listen, registerTransitionHook: registerTransitionHook, unregisterTransitionHook: unregisterTransitionHook }); } exports['default'] = createBrowserHistory; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 53 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); var _Actions = __webpack_require__(9); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); function createLocation() { var location = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? '/' : arguments[0]; var action = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? _Actions.POP : arguments[1]; var key = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? null : arguments[2]; var _fourthArg = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? null : arguments[3]; if (typeof location === 'string') location = _PathUtils.parsePath(location); if (typeof action === 'object') { false ? _warning2['default'](false, 'The state (2nd) argument to createLocation is deprecated; use a ' + 'location descriptor instead') : undefined; location = _extends({}, location, { state: action }); action = key || _Actions.POP; key = _fourthArg; } var pathname = location.pathname || '/'; var search = || ''; var hash = location.hash || ''; var state = location.state || null; return { pathname: pathname, search: search, hash: hash, state: state, action: action, key: key }; } exports['default'] = createLocation; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 54 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var _warning = __webpack_require__(4); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); var _invariant = __webpack_require__(3); var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); var _Actions = __webpack_require__(9); var _createHistory = __webpack_require__(28); var _createHistory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHistory); function createStateStorage(entries) { return entries.filter(function (entry) { return entry.state; }).reduce(function (memo, entry) { memo[entry.key] = entry.state; return memo; }, {}); } function createMemoryHistory() { var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; if (Array.isArray(options)) { options = { entries: options }; } else if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { entries: [options] }; } var history = _createHistory2['default'](_extends({}, options, { getCurrentLocation: getCurrentLocation, finishTransition: finishTransition, saveState: saveState, go: go })); var _options = options; var entries = _options.entries; var current = _options.current; if (typeof entries === 'string') { entries = [entries]; } else if (!Array.isArray(entries)) { entries = ['/']; } entries = (entry) { var key = history.createKey(); if (typeof entry === 'string') return { pathname: entry, key: key }; if (typeof entry === 'object' && entry) return _extends({}, entry, { key: key }); true ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'Unable to create history entry from %s', entry) : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; }); if (current == null) { current = entries.length - 1; } else { !(current >= 0 && current < entries.length) ? false ? _invariant2['default'](false, 'Current index must be >= 0 and < %s, was %s', entries.length, current) : _invariant2['default'](false) : undefined; } var storage = createStateStorage(entries); function saveState(key, state) { storage[key] = state; } function readState(key) { return storage[key]; } function getCurrentLocation() { var entry = entries[current]; var key = entry.key; var basename = entry.basename; var pathname = entry.pathname; var search =; var path = (basename || '') + pathname + (search || ''); var state = undefined; if (key) { state = readState(key); } else { state = null; key = history.createKey(); entry.key = key; } var location = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); return history.createLocation(_extends({}, location, { state: state }), undefined, key); } function canGo(n) { var index = current + n; return index >= 0 && index < entries.length; } function go(n) { if (n) { if (!canGo(n)) { false ? _warning2['default'](false, 'Cannot go(%s) there is not enough history', n) : undefined; return; } current += n; var currentLocation = getCurrentLocation(); // change action to POP history.transitionTo(_extends({}, currentLocation, { action: _Actions.POP })); } } function finishTransition(location) { switch (location.action) { case _Actions.PUSH: current += 1; // if we are not on the top of stack // remove rest and push new if (current < entries.length) entries.splice(current); entries.push(location); saveState(location.key, location.state); break; case _Actions.REPLACE: entries[current] = location; saveState(location.key, location.state); break; } } return history; } exports['default'] = createMemoryHistory; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 55 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var _ExecutionEnvironment = __webpack_require__(10); var _PathUtils = __webpack_require__(7); var _runTransitionHook = __webpack_require__(17); var _runTransitionHook2 = _interopRequireDefault(_runTransitionHook); var _deprecate = __webpack_require__(16); var _deprecate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deprecate); function useBasename(createHistory) { return function () { var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var basename = options.basename; var historyOptions = _objectWithoutProperties(options, ['basename']); var history = createHistory(historyOptions); // Automatically use the value of <base href> in HTML // documents as basename if it's not explicitly given. if (basename == null && _ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) { var base = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0]; if (base) basename = _PathUtils.extractPath(base.href); } function addBasename(location) { if (basename && location.basename == null) { if (location.pathname.indexOf(basename) === 0) { location.pathname = location.pathname.substring(basename.length); location.basename = basename; if (location.pathname === '') location.pathname = '/'; } else { location.basename = ''; } } return location; } function prependBasename(location) { if (!basename) return location; if (typeof location === 'string') location = _PathUtils.parsePath(location); var pname = location.pathname; var normalizedBasename = basename.slice(-1) === '/' ? basename : basename + '/'; var normalizedPathname = pname.charAt(0) === '/' ? pname.slice(1) : pname; var pathname = normalizedBasename + normalizedPathname; return _extends({}, location, { pathname: pathname }); } // Override all read methods with basename-aware versions. function listenBefore(hook) { return history.listenBefore(function (location, callback) { _runTransitionHook2['default'](hook, addBasename(location), callback); }); } function listen(listener) { return history.listen(function (location) { listener(addBasename(location)); }); } // Override all write methods with basename-aware versions. function push(location) { history.push(prependBasename(location)); } function replace(location) { history.replace(prependBasename(location)); } function createPath(location) { return history.createPath(prependBasename(location)); } function createHref(location) { return history.createHref(prependBasename(location)); } function createLocation(location) { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return addBasename(history.createLocation.apply(history, [prependBasename(location)].concat(args))); } // deprecated function pushState(state, path) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); push(_extends({ state: state }, path)); } // deprecated function replaceState(state, path) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = _PathUtils.parsePath(path); replace(_extends({ state: state }, path)); } return _extends({}, history, { listenBefore: listenBefore, listen: listen, push: push, replace: replace, createPath: createPath, createHref: createHref, createLocation: createLocation, pushState: _deprecate2['default'](pushState, 'pushState is deprecated; use push instead'), replaceState: _deprecate2['default'](replaceState, 'replaceState is deprecated; use replace instead') }); }; } exports['default'] = useBasename; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 56 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var strictUriEncode = __webpack_require__(57); exports.extract = function (str) { return str.split('?')[1] || ''; }; exports.parse = function (str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { return {}; } str = str.trim().replace(/^(\?|#|&)/, ''); if (!str) { return {}; } return str.split('&').reduce(function (ret, param) { var parts = param.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('='); // Firefox (pre 40) decodes `%3D` to `=` // var key = parts.shift(); var val = parts.length > 0 ? parts.join('=') : undefined; key = decodeURIComponent(key); // missing `=` should be `null`: // val = val === undefined ? null : decodeURIComponent(val); if (!ret.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ret[key] = val; } else if (Array.isArray(ret[key])) { ret[key].push(val); } else { ret[key] = [ret[key], val]; } return ret; }, {}); }; exports.stringify = function (obj) { return obj ? Object.keys(obj).sort().map(function (key) { var val = obj[key]; if (val === undefined) { return ''; } if (val === null) { return key; } if (Array.isArray(val)) { return val.sort().map(function (val2) { return strictUriEncode(key) + '=' + strictUriEncode(val2); }).join('&'); } return strictUriEncode(key) + '=' + strictUriEncode(val); }).filter(function (x) { return x.length > 0; }).join('&') : ''; }; /***/ }, /* 57 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function (str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (c) { return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); }; /***/ } /******/ ]) }); ;
import React from 'react' import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native' import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient' import styles from './Styles/DayToggleStyle' const DayToggle = props => { const { activeDay, onPressIn } = props const dayStyle = (day) => activeDay === day ? styles.activeDay : styles.inactiveDay return ( <LinearGradient start={{x: 0, y: 0}} end={{x: 1, y: 1}} locations={[0.0, 0.38, 1.0]} colors={['#46114E', '#521655', '#571757']} style={styles.headerGradient}> <View style={styles.dayToggle}> <TouchableOpacity onPressIn={() => onPressIn(0)}> <Text style={dayStyle(0)}>Monday</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity onPressIn={() => onPressIn(1)}> <Text style={dayStyle(1)}>Tuesday</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </LinearGradient> ) } export default DayToggle
import React from 'react'; import PageCover from '../PageCover'; import BackgroundImage from '../../../../components/common/cover/BackgroundImage'; import './AboutPage.css'; const AboutPage = props => { return ( <div > <PageCover title="About the CLTK Archive" backgroundImage={ <BackgroundImage src={'/images/colosseum.jpg'} /> } /> <section className="pageContent"> <p> The CLTK Archive is intended to be simple and extendable reading environment in progress that enables users to easily browse and discover classical texts maintained by multiple open source communities. </p> <p> Its goal is to provide a flexible interface for potential growth from multiple contributors in the future that may be able to continue to add texts or layer annotations onto the reading environment. </p> <p> Throughout the process of building and mainting this website, we create and extend many tools that are useful in other projects in the community of digital humanities and digital classics. For instance, the CLTK texts are loosely based on the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Canonical Text Services</a> standards created by Neel Smith (Holy Cross) and Christopher Blackwell (Furman) in association with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Homer Multitext</a> project. </p> <p> Please read more about the current and past contributors so far here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Contributors</a>. </p> </section> </div> ); } export default AboutPage;
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M17 1.01L7 1c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2v18c0 1.1.89 2 1.99 2h10c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V3c0-1.1-.9-1.99-2-1.99zM17 19H7V5h10v14z"/> </SvgIcon> ); CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait = pure(CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait); CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait.displayName = 'CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait'; CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default CommunicationStayPrimaryPortrait;
import React from 'react'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; const AvMic = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M12 14c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3L15 5c0-1.66-1.34-3-3-3S9 3.34 9 5v6c0 1.66 1.34 3 3 3zm5.3-3c0 3-2.54 5.1-5.3 5.1S6.7 14 6.7 11H5c0 3.41 2.72 6.23 6 6.72V21h2v-3.28c3.28-.48 6-3.3 6-6.72h-1.7z"/> </SvgIcon> ); AvMic.displayName = 'AvMic'; AvMic.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default AvMic;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ControlledModal from '../../../common/modals/controlledModal'; import CompareApplicationsContentContainer from './compareApplicationsContentContainer'; const messages = { title: 'Compare concept notes', }; class CompareApplicationsModal extends Component { render() { const { applications, dialogOpen, handleDialogClose } = this.props; return ( <div> <ControlledModal title={messages.title} trigger={dialogOpen} handleDialogClose={handleDialogClose} removeContentPadding buttons={{}} content={<CompareApplicationsContentContainer applications={applications} />} /> </div > ); } } CompareApplicationsModal.propTypes = { dialogOpen: PropTypes.bool, handleDialogClose: PropTypes.func, applications: PropTypes.array, }; export default CompareApplicationsModal;
// Backbone.js 1.1.2 // (c) 2010-2014 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors // Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // For all details and documentation: // (function(root, factory) { // Set up Backbone appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'exports'], function(_, $, exports) { // Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with // others that may still expect a global Backbone. root.Backbone = factory(root, exports, _, $); }); // Next for Node.js or CommonJS. jQuery may not be needed as a module. } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var _ = require('underscore'); factory(root, exports, _); // Finally, as a browser global. } else { root.Backbone = factory(root, {}, root._, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || root.$)); } }(this, function(root, Backbone, _, $) { // Initial Setup // ------------- // Save the previous value of the `Backbone` variable, so that it can be // restored later on, if `noConflict` is used. var previousBackbone = root.Backbone; // Create local references to array methods we'll want to use later. var array = []; var push = array.push; var slice = array.slice; var splice = array.splice; // Current version of the library. Keep in sync with `package.json`. Backbone.VERSION = '1.1.2'; // For Backbone's purposes, jQuery, Zepto, Ender, or My Library (kidding) owns // the `$` variable. Backbone.$ = $; // Runs Backbone.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `Backbone` variable // to its previous owner. Returns a reference to this Backbone object. Backbone.noConflict = function() { root.Backbone = previousBackbone; return this; }; // Turn on `emulateHTTP` to support legacy HTTP servers. Setting this option // will fake `"PATCH"`, `"PUT"` and `"DELETE"` requests via the `_method` parameter and // set a `X-Http-Method-Override` header. Backbone.emulateHTTP = false; // Turn on `emulateJSON` to support legacy servers that can't deal with direct // `application/json` requests ... will encode the body as // `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` instead and will send the model in a // form param named `model`. Backbone.emulateJSON = false; // Backbone.Events // --------------- // A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it with // custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback // functions to an event; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in // succession. // // var object = {}; // _.extend(object, Backbone.Events); // object.on('expand', function(){ alert('expanded'); }); // object.trigger('expand'); // var Events = Backbone.Events = { // Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind // the callback to all events fired. on: function(name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, 'on', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; this._events || (this._events = {}); var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []); events.push({callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this}); return this; }, // Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time // the callback is invoked, it will be removed. once: function(name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, 'once', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; var self = this; var once = _.once(function() {, once); callback.apply(this, arguments); }); once._callback = callback; return this.on(name, once, context); }, // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all // callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all // callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound // callbacks for all events. off: function(name, callback, context) { var retain, ev, events, names, i, l, j, k; if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, 'off', name, [callback, context])) return this; if (!name && !callback && !context) { this._events = void 0; return this; } names = name ? [name] : _.keys(this._events); for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { name = names[i]; if (events = this._events[name]) { this._events[name] = retain = []; if (callback || context) { for (j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) { ev = events[j]; if ((callback && callback !== ev.callback && callback !== ev.callback._callback) || (context && context !== ev.context)) { retain.push(ev); } } } if (!retain.length) delete this._events[name]; } } return this; }, // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name // (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to // receive the true name of the event as the first argument). trigger: function(name) { if (!this._events) return this; var args =, 1); if (!eventsApi(this, 'trigger', name, args)) return this; var events = this._events[name]; var allEvents = this._events.all; if (events) triggerEvents(events, args); if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments); return this; }, // Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or // to every object it's currently listening to. stopListening: function(obj, name, callback) { var listeningTo = this._listeningTo; if (!listeningTo) return this; var remove = !name && !callback; if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this; if (obj) (listeningTo = {})[obj._listenId] = obj; for (var id in listeningTo) { obj = listeningTo[id];, callback, this); if (remove || _.isEmpty(obj._events)) delete this._listeningTo[id]; } return this; } }; // Regular expression used to split event strings. var eventSplitter = /\s+/; // Implement fancy features of the Events API such as multiple event // names `"change blur"` and jQuery-style event maps `{change: action}` // in terms of the existing API. var eventsApi = function(obj, action, name, rest) { if (!name) return true; // Handle event maps. if (typeof name === 'object') { for (var key in name) { obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest)); } return false; } // Handle space separated event names. if (eventSplitter.test(name)) { var names = name.split(eventSplitter); for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest)); } return false; } return true; }; // A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for // triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal // Backbone events have 3 arguments). var triggerEvents = function(events, args) { var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2]; switch (args.length) { case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]); return; case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1); return; case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2); return; case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2, a3); return; default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); return; } }; var listenMethods = {listenTo: 'on', listenToOnce: 'once'}; // Inversion-of-control versions of `on` and `once`. Tell *this* object to // listen to an event in another object ... keeping track of what it's // listening to. _.each(listenMethods, function(implementation, method) { Events[method] = function(obj, name, callback) { var listeningTo = this._listeningTo || (this._listeningTo = {}); var id = obj._listenId || (obj._listenId = _.uniqueId('l')); listeningTo[id] = obj; if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this; obj[implementation](name, callback, this); return this; }; }); // Aliases for backwards compatibility. Events.bind = Events.on; Events.unbind =; // Allow the `Backbone` object to serve as a global event bus, for folks who // want global "pubsub" in a convenient place. _.extend(Backbone, Events); // Backbone.Model // -------------- // Backbone **Models** are the basic data object in the framework -- // frequently representing a row in a table in a database on your server. // A discrete chunk of data and a bunch of useful, related methods for // performing computations and transformations on that data. // Create a new model with the specified attributes. A client id (`cid`) // is automatically generated and assigned for you. var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) { var attrs = attributes || {}; options || (options = {}); this.cid = _.uniqueId('c'); this.attributes = {}; if (options.collection) this.collection = options.collection; if (options.parse) attrs = this.parse(attrs, options) || {}; attrs = _.defaults({}, attrs, _.result(this, 'defaults')); this.set(attrs, options); this.changed = {}; this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; // Attach all inheritable methods to the Model prototype. _.extend(Model.prototype, Events, { // A hash of attributes whose current and previous value differ. changed: null, // The value returned during the last failed validation. validationError: null, // The default name for the JSON `id` attribute is `"id"`. MongoDB and // CouchDB users may want to set this to `"_id"`. idAttribute: 'id', // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own // initialization logic. initialize: function(){}, // Return a copy of the model's `attributes` object. toJSON: function(options) { return _.clone(this.attributes); }, // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default -- but override this if you need // custom syncing semantics for *this* particular model. sync: function() { return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments); }, // Get the value of an attribute. get: function(attr) { return this.attributes[attr]; }, // Get the HTML-escaped value of an attribute. escape: function(attr) { return _.escape(this.get(attr)); }, // Returns `true` if the attribute contains a value that is not null // or undefined. has: function(attr) { return this.get(attr) != null; }, // Set a hash of model attributes on the object, firing `"change"`. This is // the core primitive operation of a model, updating the data and notifying // anyone who needs to know about the change in state. The heart of the beast. set: function(key, val, options) { var attr, attrs, unset, changes, silent, changing, prev, current; if (key == null) return this; // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments. if (typeof key === 'object') { attrs = key; options = val; } else { (attrs = {})[key] = val; } options || (options = {}); // Run validation. if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false; // Extract attributes and options. unset = options.unset; silent = options.silent; changes = []; changing = this._changing; this._changing = true; if (!changing) { this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes); this.changed = {}; } current = this.attributes, prev = this._previousAttributes; // Check for changes of `id`. if (this.idAttribute in attrs) = attrs[this.idAttribute]; // For each `set` attribute, update or delete the current value. for (attr in attrs) { val = attrs[attr]; if (!_.isEqual(current[attr], val)) changes.push(attr); if (!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val)) { this.changed[attr] = val; } else { delete this.changed[attr]; } unset ? delete current[attr] : current[attr] = val; } // Trigger all relevant attribute changes. if (!silent) { if (changes.length) this._pending = options; for (var i = 0, l = changes.length; i < l; i++) { this.trigger('change:' + changes[i], this, current[changes[i]], options); } } // You might be wondering why there's a `while` loop here. Changes can // be recursively nested within `"change"` events. if (changing) return this; if (!silent) { while (this._pending) { options = this._pending; this._pending = false; this.trigger('change', this, options); } } this._pending = false; this._changing = false; return this; }, // Remove an attribute from the model, firing `"change"`. `unset` is a noop // if the attribute doesn't exist. unset: function(attr, options) { return this.set(attr, void 0, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true})); }, // Clear all attributes on the model, firing `"change"`. clear: function(options) { var attrs = {}; for (var key in this.attributes) attrs[key] = void 0; return this.set(attrs, _.extend({}, options, {unset: true})); }, // Determine if the model has changed since the last `"change"` event. // If you specify an attribute name, determine if that attribute has changed. hasChanged: function(attr) { if (attr == null) return !_.isEmpty(this.changed); return _.has(this.changed, attr); }, // Return an object containing all the attributes that have changed, or // false if there are no changed attributes. Useful for determining what // parts of a view need to be updated and/or what attributes need to be // persisted to the server. Unset attributes will be set to undefined. // You can also pass an attributes object to diff against the model, // determining if there *would be* a change. changedAttributes: function(diff) { if (!diff) return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false; var val, changed = false; var old = this._changing ? this._previousAttributes : this.attributes; for (var attr in diff) { if (_.isEqual(old[attr], (val = diff[attr]))) continue; (changed || (changed = {}))[attr] = val; } return changed; }, // Get the previous value of an attribute, recorded at the time the last // `"change"` event was fired. previous: function(attr) { if (attr == null || !this._previousAttributes) return null; return this._previousAttributes[attr]; }, // Get all of the attributes of the model at the time of the previous // `"change"` event. previousAttributes: function() { return _.clone(this._previousAttributes); }, // Fetch the model from the server. If the server's representation of the // model differs from its current attributes, they will be overridden, // triggering a `"change"` event. fetch: function(options) { options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true; var model = this; var success = options.success; options.success = function(resp) { if (!model.set(model.parse(resp, options), options)) return false; if (success) success(model, resp, options); model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options); }; wrapError(this, options); return this.sync('read', this, options); }, // Set a hash of model attributes, and sync the model to the server. // If the server returns an attributes hash that differs, the model's // state will be `set` again. save: function(key, val, options) { var attrs, method, xhr, attributes = this.attributes; // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments. if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') { attrs = key; options = val; } else { (attrs = {})[key] = val; } options = _.extend({validate: true}, options); // If we're not waiting and attributes exist, save acts as // `set(attr).save(null, opts)` with validation. Otherwise, check if // the model will be valid when the attributes, if any, are set. if (attrs && !options.wait) { if (!this.set(attrs, options)) return false; } else { if (!this._validate(attrs, options)) return false; } // Set temporary attributes if `{wait: true}`. if (attrs && options.wait) { this.attributes = _.extend({}, attributes, attrs); } // After a successful server-side save, the client is (optionally) // updated with the server-side state. if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true; var model = this; var success = options.success; options.success = function(resp) { // Ensure attributes are restored during synchronous saves. model.attributes = attributes; var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, options); if (options.wait) serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs); if (_.isObject(serverAttrs) && !model.set(serverAttrs, options)) { return false; } if (success) success(model, resp, options); model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options); }; wrapError(this, options); method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : (options.patch ? 'patch' : 'update'); if (method === 'patch') options.attrs = attrs; xhr = this.sync(method, this, options); // Restore attributes. if (attrs && options.wait) this.attributes = attributes; return xhr; }, // Destroy this model on the server if it was already persisted. // Optimistically removes the model from its collection, if it has one. // If `wait: true` is passed, waits for the server to respond before removal. destroy: function(options) { options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; var model = this; var success = options.success; var destroy = function() { model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options); }; options.success = function(resp) { if (options.wait || model.isNew()) destroy(); if (success) success(model, resp, options); if (!model.isNew()) model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options); }; if (this.isNew()) { options.success(); return false; } wrapError(this, options); var xhr = this.sync('delete', this, options); if (!options.wait) destroy(); return xhr; }, // Default URL for the model's representation on the server -- if you're // using Backbone's restful methods, override this to change the endpoint // that will be called. url: function() { var base = _.result(this, 'urlRoot') || _.result(this.collection, 'url') || urlError(); if (this.isNew()) return base; return base.replace(/([^\/])$/, '$1/') + encodeURIComponent(; }, // **parse** converts a response into the hash of attributes to be `set` on // the model. The default implementation is just to pass the response along. parse: function(resp, options) { return resp; }, // Create a new model with identical attributes to this one. clone: function() { return new this.constructor(this.attributes); }, // A model is new if it has never been saved to the server, and lacks an id. isNew: function() { return !this.has(this.idAttribute); }, // Check if the model is currently in a valid state. isValid: function(options) { return this._validate({}, _.extend(options || {}, { validate: true })); }, // Run validation against the next complete set of model attributes, // returning `true` if all is well. Otherwise, fire an `"invalid"` event. _validate: function(attrs, options) { if (!options.validate || !this.validate) return true; attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes, attrs); var error = this.validationError = this.validate(attrs, options) || null; if (!error) return true; this.trigger('invalid', this, error, _.extend(options, {validationError: error})); return false; } }); // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Model. var modelMethods = ['keys', 'values', 'pairs', 'invert', 'pick', 'omit']; // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Model#attributes`. _.each(modelMethods, function(method) { Model.prototype[method] = function() { var args =; args.unshift(this.attributes); return _[method].apply(_, args); }; }); // Backbone.Collection // ------------------- // If models tend to represent a single row of data, a Backbone Collection is // more analagous to a table full of data ... or a small slice or page of that // table, or a collection of rows that belong together for a particular reason // -- all of the messages in this particular folder, all of the documents // belonging to this particular author, and so on. Collections maintain // indexes of their models, both in order, and for lookup by `id`. // Create a new **Collection**, perhaps to contain a specific type of `model`. // If a `comparator` is specified, the Collection will maintain // its models in sort order, as they're added and removed. var Collection = Backbone.Collection = function(models, options) { options || (options = {}); if (options.model) this.model = options.model; if (options.comparator !== void 0) this.comparator = options.comparator; this._reset(); this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); if (models) this.reset(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options)); }; // Default options for `Collection#set`. var setOptions = {add: true, remove: true, merge: true}; var addOptions = {add: true, remove: false}; // Define the Collection's inheritable methods. _.extend(Collection.prototype, Events, { // The default model for a collection is just a **Backbone.Model**. // This should be overridden in most cases. model: Model, // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own // initialization logic. initialize: function(){}, // The JSON representation of a Collection is an array of the // models' attributes. toJSON: function(options) { return{ return model.toJSON(options); }); }, // Proxy `Backbone.sync` by default. sync: function() { return Backbone.sync.apply(this, arguments); }, // Add a model, or list of models to the set. add: function(models, options) { return this.set(models, _.extend({merge: false}, options, addOptions)); }, // Remove a model, or a list of models from the set. remove: function(models, options) { var singular = !_.isArray(models); models = singular ? [models] : _.clone(models); options || (options = {}); var i, l, index, model; for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) { model = models[i] = this.get(models[i]); if (!model) continue; delete this._byId[]; delete this._byId[model.cid]; index = this.indexOf(model); this.models.splice(index, 1); this.length--; if (!options.silent) { options.index = index; model.trigger('remove', model, this, options); } this._removeReference(model, options); } return singular ? models[0] : models; }, // Update a collection by `set`-ing a new list of models, adding new ones, // removing models that are no longer present, and merging models that // already exist in the collection, as necessary. Similar to **Model#set**, // the core operation for updating the data contained by the collection. set: function(models, options) { options = _.defaults({}, options, setOptions); if (options.parse) models = this.parse(models, options); var singular = !_.isArray(models); models = singular ? (models ? [models] : []) : _.clone(models); var i, l, id, model, attrs, existing, sort; var at =; var targetModel = this.model; var sortable = this.comparator && (at == null) && options.sort !== false; var sortAttr = _.isString(this.comparator) ? this.comparator : null; var toAdd = [], toRemove = [], modelMap = {}; var add = options.add, merge = options.merge, remove = options.remove; var order = !sortable && add && remove ? [] : false; // Turn bare objects into model references, and prevent invalid models // from being added. for (i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i++) { attrs = models[i] || {}; if (attrs instanceof Model) { id = model = attrs; } else { id = attrs[targetModel.prototype.idAttribute || 'id']; } // If a duplicate is found, prevent it from being added and // optionally merge it into the existing model. if (existing = this.get(id)) { if (remove) modelMap[existing.cid] = true; if (merge) { attrs = attrs === model ? model.attributes : attrs; if (options.parse) attrs = existing.parse(attrs, options); existing.set(attrs, options); if (sortable && !sort && existing.hasChanged(sortAttr)) sort = true; } models[i] = existing; // If this is a new, valid model, push it to the `toAdd` list. } else if (add) { model = models[i] = this._prepareModel(attrs, options); if (!model) continue; toAdd.push(model); this._addReference(model, options); } // Do not add multiple models with the same `id`. model = existing || model; if (order && (model.isNew() || !modelMap[])) order.push(model); modelMap[] = true; } // Remove nonexistent models if appropriate. if (remove) { for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; ++i) { if (!modelMap[(model = this.models[i]).cid]) toRemove.push(model); } if (toRemove.length) this.remove(toRemove, options); } // See if sorting is needed, update `length` and splice in new models. if (toAdd.length || (order && order.length)) { if (sortable) sort = true; this.length += toAdd.length; if (at != null) { for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) { this.models.splice(at + i, 0, toAdd[i]); } } else { if (order) this.models.length = 0; var orderedModels = order || toAdd; for (i = 0, l = orderedModels.length; i < l; i++) { this.models.push(orderedModels[i]); } } } // Silently sort the collection if appropriate. if (sort) this.sort({silent: true}); // Unless silenced, it's time to fire all appropriate add/sort events. if (!options.silent) { for (i = 0, l = toAdd.length; i < l; i++) { (model = toAdd[i]).trigger('add', model, this, options); } if (sort || (order && order.length)) this.trigger('sort', this, options); } // Return the added (or merged) model (or models). return singular ? models[0] : models; }, // When you have more items than you want to add or remove individually, // you can reset the entire set with a new list of models, without firing // any granular `add` or `remove` events. Fires `reset` when finished. // Useful for bulk operations and optimizations. reset: function(models, options) { options || (options = {}); for (var i = 0, l = this.models.length; i < l; i++) { this._removeReference(this.models[i], options); } options.previousModels = this.models; this._reset(); models = this.add(models, _.extend({silent: true}, options)); if (!options.silent) this.trigger('reset', this, options); return models; }, // Add a model to the end of the collection. push: function(model, options) { return this.add(model, _.extend({at: this.length}, options)); }, // Remove a model from the end of the collection. pop: function(options) { var model = - 1); this.remove(model, options); return model; }, // Add a model to the beginning of the collection. unshift: function(model, options) { return this.add(model, _.extend({at: 0}, options)); }, // Remove a model from the beginning of the collection. shift: function(options) { var model =; this.remove(model, options); return model; }, // Slice out a sub-array of models from the collection. slice: function() { return slice.apply(this.models, arguments); }, // Get a model from the set by id. get: function(obj) { if (obj == null) return void 0; return this._byId[obj] || this._byId[] || this._byId[obj.cid]; }, // Get the model at the given index. at: function(index) { return this.models[index]; }, // Return models with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases of // `filter`. where: function(attrs, first) { if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? void 0 : []; return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](function(model) { for (var key in attrs) { if (attrs[key] !== model.get(key)) return false; } return true; }); }, // Return the first model with matching attributes. Useful for simple cases // of `find`. findWhere: function(attrs) { return this.where(attrs, true); }, // Force the collection to re-sort itself. You don't need to call this under // normal circumstances, as the set will maintain sort order as each item // is added. sort: function(options) { if (!this.comparator) throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator'); options || (options = {}); // Run sort based on type of `comparator`. if (_.isString(this.comparator) || this.comparator.length === 1) { this.models = this.sortBy(this.comparator, this); } else { this.models.sort(_.bind(this.comparator, this)); } if (!options.silent) this.trigger('sort', this, options); return this; }, // Pluck an attribute from each model in the collection. pluck: function(attr) { return _.invoke(this.models, 'get', attr); }, // Fetch the default set of models for this collection, resetting the // collection when they arrive. If `reset: true` is passed, the response // data will be passed through the `reset` method instead of `set`. fetch: function(options) { options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; if (options.parse === void 0) options.parse = true; var success = options.success; var collection = this; options.success = function(resp) { var method = options.reset ? 'reset' : 'set'; collection[method](resp, options); if (success) success(collection, resp, options); collection.trigger('sync', collection, resp, options); }; wrapError(this, options); return this.sync('read', this, options); }, // Create a new instance of a model in this collection. Add the model to the // collection immediately, unless `wait: true` is passed, in which case we // wait for the server to agree. create: function(model, options) { options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; if (!(model = this._prepareModel(model, options))) return false; if (!options.wait) this.add(model, options); var collection = this; var success = options.success; options.success = function(model, resp) { if (options.wait) collection.add(model, options); if (success) success(model, resp, options); };, options); return model; }, // **parse** converts a response into a list of models to be added to the // collection. The default implementation is just to pass it through. parse: function(resp, options) { return resp; }, // Create a new collection with an identical list of models as this one. clone: function() { return new this.constructor(this.models); }, // Private method to reset all internal state. Called when the collection // is first initialized or reset. _reset: function() { this.length = 0; this.models = []; this._byId = {}; }, // Prepare a hash of attributes (or other model) to be added to this // collection. _prepareModel: function(attrs, options) { if (attrs instanceof Model) return attrs; options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; options.collection = this; var model = new this.model(attrs, options); if (!model.validationError) return model; this.trigger('invalid', this, model.validationError, options); return false; }, // Internal method to create a model's ties to a collection. _addReference: function(model, options) { this._byId[model.cid] = model; if ( != null) this._byId[] = model; if (!model.collection) model.collection = this; model.on('all', this._onModelEvent, this); }, // Internal method to sever a model's ties to a collection. _removeReference: function(model, options) { if (this === model.collection) delete model.collection;'all', this._onModelEvent, this); }, // Internal method called every time a model in the set fires an event. // Sets need to update their indexes when models change ids. All other // events simply proxy through. "add" and "remove" events that originate // in other collections are ignored. _onModelEvent: function(event, model, collection, options) { if ((event === 'add' || event === 'remove') && collection !== this) return; if (event === 'destroy') this.remove(model, options); if (model && event === 'change:' + model.idAttribute) { delete this._byId[model.previous(model.idAttribute)]; if ( != null) this._byId[] = model; } this.trigger.apply(this, arguments); } }); // Underscore methods that we want to implement on the Collection. // 90% of the core usefulness of Backbone Collections is actually implemented // right here: var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'collect', 'reduce', 'foldl', 'inject', 'reduceRight', 'foldr', 'find', 'detect', 'filter', 'select', 'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any', 'include', 'contains', 'invoke', 'max', 'min', 'toArray', 'size', 'first', 'head', 'take', 'initial', 'rest', 'tail', 'drop', 'last', 'without', 'difference', 'indexOf', 'shuffle', 'lastIndexOf', 'isEmpty', 'chain', 'sample']; // Mix in each Underscore method as a proxy to `Collection#models`. _.each(methods, function(method) { Collection.prototype[method] = function() { var args =; args.unshift(this.models); return _[method].apply(_, args); }; }); // Underscore methods that take a property name as an argument. var attributeMethods = ['groupBy', 'countBy', 'sortBy', 'indexBy']; // Use attributes instead of properties. _.each(attributeMethods, function(method) { Collection.prototype[method] = function(value, context) { var iterator = _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(model) { return model.get(value); }; return _[method](this.models, iterator, context); }; }); // Backbone.View // ------------- // Backbone Views are almost more convention than they are actual code. A View // is simply a JavaScript object that represents a logical chunk of UI in the // DOM. This might be a single item, an entire list, a sidebar or panel, or // even the surrounding frame which wraps your whole app. Defining a chunk of // UI as a **View** allows you to define your DOM events declaratively, without // having to worry about render order ... and makes it easy for the view to // react to specific changes in the state of your models. // Creating a Backbone.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM, // if an existing element is not provided... var View = Backbone.View = function(options) { this.cid = _.uniqueId('view'); options || (options = {}); _.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions)); this._ensureElement(); this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.delegateEvents(); }; // Cached regex to split keys for `delegate`. var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/; // List of view options to be merged as properties. var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events']; // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.View** properties and methods. _.extend(View.prototype, Events, { // The default `tagName` of a View's element is `"div"`. tagName: 'div', // jQuery delegate for element lookup, scoped to DOM elements within the // current view. This should be preferred to global lookups where possible. $: function(selector) { return this.$el.find(selector); }, // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own // initialization logic. initialize: function(){}, // **render** is the core function that your view should override, in order // to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. The // convention is for **render** to always return `this`. render: function() { return this; }, // Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any // applicable Backbone.Events listeners. remove: function() { this.$el.remove(); this.stopListening(); return this; }, // Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event // re-delegation. setElement: function(element, delegate) { if (this.$el) this.undelegateEvents(); this.$el = element instanceof Backbone.$ ? element : Backbone.$(element); this.el = this.$el[0]; if (delegate !== false) this.delegateEvents(); return this; }, // Set callbacks, where `` is a hash of // // *{"event selector": "callback"}* // // { // 'mousedown .title': 'edit', // 'click .button': 'save', // 'click .open': function(e) { ... } // } // // pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly. // Uses event delegation for efficiency. // Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`. // This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and // not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer. delegateEvents: function(events) { if (!(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))) return this; this.undelegateEvents(); for (var key in events) { var method = events[key]; if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[events[key]]; if (!method) continue; var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter); var eventName = match[1], selector = match[2]; method = _.bind(method, this); eventName += '.delegateEvents' + this.cid; if (selector === '') { this.$el.on(eventName, method); } else { this.$el.on(eventName, selector, method); } } return this; }, // Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`. // You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple // Backbone views attached to the same DOM element. undelegateEvents: function() { this.$'.delegateEvents' + this.cid); return this; }, // Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into. // If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first // matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create // an element from the `id`, `className` and `tagName` properties. _ensureElement: function() { if (!this.el) { var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes')); if ( = _.result(this, 'id'); if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className'); var $el = Backbone.$('<' + _.result(this, 'tagName') + '>').attr(attrs); this.setElement($el, false); } else { this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false); } } }); // Backbone.sync // ------------- // Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists // models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the // model in question. By default, makes a RESTful Ajax request // to the model's `url()`. Some possible customizations could be: // // * Use `setTimeout` to batch rapid-fire updates into a single request. // * Send up the models as XML instead of JSON. // * Persist models via WebSockets instead of Ajax. // // Turn on `Backbone.emulateHTTP` in order to send `PUT` and `DELETE` requests // as `POST`, with a `_method` parameter containing the true HTTP method, // as well as all requests with the body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` // instead of `application/json` with the model in a param named `model`. // Useful when interfacing with server-side languages like **PHP** that make // it difficult to read the body of `PUT` requests. Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) { var type = methodMap[method]; // Default options, unless specified. _.defaults(options || (options = {}), { emulateHTTP: Backbone.emulateHTTP, emulateJSON: Backbone.emulateJSON }); // Default JSON-request options. var params = {type: type, dataType: 'json'}; // Ensure that we have a URL. if (!options.url) { params.url = _.result(model, 'url') || urlError(); } // Ensure that we have the appropriate request data. if ( == null && model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch')) { params.contentType = 'application/json'; = JSON.stringify(options.attrs || model.toJSON(options)); } // For older servers, emulate JSON by encoding the request into an HTML-form. if (options.emulateJSON) { params.contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; = ? {model:} : {}; } // For older servers, emulate HTTP by mimicking the HTTP method with `_method` // And an `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header. if (options.emulateHTTP && (type === 'PUT' || type === 'DELETE' || type === 'PATCH')) { params.type = 'POST'; if (options.emulateJSON) = type; var beforeSend = options.beforeSend; options.beforeSend = function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', type); if (beforeSend) return beforeSend.apply(this, arguments); }; } // Don't process data on a non-GET request. if (params.type !== 'GET' && !options.emulateJSON) { params.processData = false; } // If we're sending a `PATCH` request, and we're in an old Internet Explorer // that still has ActiveX enabled by default, override jQuery to use that // for XHR instead. Remove this line when jQuery supports `PATCH` on IE8. if (params.type === 'PATCH' && noXhrPatch) { params.xhr = function() { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }; } // Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options. var xhr = options.xhr = Backbone.ajax(_.extend(params, options)); model.trigger('request', model, xhr, options); return xhr; }; var noXhrPatch = typeof window !== 'undefined' && !!window.ActiveXObject && !(window.XMLHttpRequest && (new XMLHttpRequest).dispatchEvent); // Map from CRUD to HTTP for our default `Backbone.sync` implementation. var methodMap = { 'create': 'POST', 'update': 'PUT', 'patch': 'PATCH', 'delete': 'DELETE', 'read': 'GET' }; // Set the default implementation of `Backbone.ajax` to proxy through to `$`. // Override this if you'd like to use a different library. Backbone.ajax = function() { return Backbone.$.ajax.apply(Backbone.$, arguments); }; // Backbone.Router // --------------- // Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are // matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically. var Router = Backbone.Router = function(options) { options || (options = {}); if (options.routes) this.routes = options.routes; this._bindRoutes(); this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; // Cached regular expressions for matching named param parts and splatted // parts of route strings. var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g; var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g; var splatParam = /\*\w+/g; var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g; // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.Router** properties and methods. _.extend(Router.prototype, Events, { // Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own // initialization logic. initialize: function(){}, // Manually bind a single named route to a callback. For example: // // this.route('search/:query/p:num', 'search', function(query, num) { // ... // }); // route: function(route, name, callback) { if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route); if (_.isFunction(name)) { callback = name; name = ''; } if (!callback) callback = this[name]; var router = this; Backbone.history.route(route, function(fragment) { var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment); router.execute(callback, args); router.trigger.apply(router, ['route:' + name].concat(args)); router.trigger('route', name, args); Backbone.history.trigger('route', router, name, args); }); return this; }, // Execute a route handler with the provided parameters. This is an // excellent place to do pre-route setup or post-route cleanup. execute: function(callback, args) { if (callback) callback.apply(this, args); }, // Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history. navigate: function(fragment, options) { Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options); return this; }, // Bind all defined routes to `Backbone.history`. We have to reverse the // order of the routes here to support behavior where the most general // routes can be defined at the bottom of the route map. _bindRoutes: function() { if (!this.routes) return; this.routes = _.result(this, 'routes'); var route, routes = _.keys(this.routes); while ((route = routes.pop()) != null) { this.route(route, this.routes[route]); } }, // Convert a route string into a regular expression, suitable for matching // against the current location hash. _routeToRegExp: function(route) { route = route.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&') .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?') .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) { return optional ? match : '([^/?]+)'; }) .replace(splatParam, '([^?]*?)'); return new RegExp('^' + route + '(?:\\?([\\s\\S]*))?$'); }, // Given a route, and a URL fragment that it matches, return the array of // extracted decoded parameters. Empty or unmatched parameters will be // treated as `null` to normalize cross-browser behavior. _extractParameters: function(route, fragment) { var params = route.exec(fragment).slice(1); return, function(param, i) { // Don't decode the search params. if (i === params.length - 1) return param || null; return param ? decodeURIComponent(param) : null; }); } }); // Backbone.History // ---------------- // Handles cross-browser history management, based on either // [pushState]( and real URLs, or // [onhashchange]( // and URL fragments. If the browser supports neither (old IE, natch), // falls back to polling. var History = Backbone.History = function() { this.handlers = []; _.bindAll(this, 'checkUrl'); // Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { this.location = window.location; this.history = window.history; } }; // Cached regex for stripping a leading hash/slash and trailing space. var routeStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g; // Cached regex for stripping leading and trailing slashes. var rootStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g; // Cached regex for detecting MSIE. var isExplorer = /msie [\w.]+/; // Cached regex for removing a trailing slash. var trailingSlash = /\/$/; // Cached regex for stripping urls of hash. var pathStripper = /#.*$/; // Has the history handling already been started? History.started = false; // Set up all inheritable **Backbone.History** properties and methods. _.extend(History.prototype, Events, { // The default interval to poll for hash changes, if necessary, is // twenty times a second. interval: 50, // Are we at the app root? atRoot: function() { return this.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') === this.root; }, // Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug // in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded. getHash: function(window) { var match = (window || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/); return match ? match[1] : ''; }, // Get the cross-browser normalized URL fragment, either from the URL, // the hash, or the override. getFragment: function(fragment, forcePushState) { if (fragment == null) { if (this._hasPushState || !this._wantsHashChange || forcePushState) { fragment = decodeURI(this.location.pathname +; var root = this.root.replace(trailingSlash, ''); if (!fragment.indexOf(root)) fragment = fragment.slice(root.length); } else { fragment = this.getHash(); } } return fragment.replace(routeStripper, ''); }, // Start the hash change handling, returning `true` if the current URL matches // an existing route, and `false` otherwise. start: function(options) { if (History.started) throw new Error("Backbone.history has already been started"); History.started = true; // Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe? // Is pushState desired ... is it available? this.options = _.extend({root: '/'}, this.options, options); this.root = this.options.root; this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false; this._wantsPushState = !!this.options.pushState; this._hasPushState = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState); var fragment = this.getFragment(); var docMode = document.documentMode; var oldIE = (isExplorer.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!docMode || docMode <= 7)); // Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash. this.root = ('/' + this.root + '/').replace(rootStripper, '/'); if (oldIE && this._wantsHashChange) { var frame = Backbone.$('<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1">'); this.iframe = frame.hide().appendTo('body')[0].contentWindow; this.navigate(fragment); } // Depending on whether we're using pushState or hashes, and whether // 'onhashchange' is supported, determine how we check the URL state. if (this._hasPushState) { Backbone.$(window).on('popstate', this.checkUrl); } else if (this._wantsHashChange && ('onhashchange' in window) && !oldIE) { Backbone.$(window).on('hashchange', this.checkUrl); } else if (this._wantsHashChange) { this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval); } // Determine if we need to change the base url, for a pushState link // opened by a non-pushState browser. this.fragment = fragment; var loc = this.location; // Transition from hashChange to pushState or vice versa if both are // requested. if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState) { // If we've started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled // browser, but we're currently in a browser that doesn't support it... if (!this._hasPushState && !this.atRoot()) { this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, true); this.location.replace(this.root + '#' + this.fragment); // Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url return true; // Or if we've started out with a hash-based route, but we're currently // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead... } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot() && loc.hash) { this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(routeStripper, ''); this.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.root + this.fragment); } } if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl(); }, // Disable Backbone.history, perhaps temporarily. Not useful in a real app, // but possibly useful for unit testing Routers. stop: function() { Backbone.$(window).off('popstate', this.checkUrl).off('hashchange', this.checkUrl); if (this._checkUrlInterval) clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval); History.started = false; }, // Add a route to be tested when the fragment changes. Routes added later // may override previous routes. route: function(route, callback) { this.handlers.unshift({route: route, callback: callback}); }, // Checks the current URL to see if it has changed, and if it has, // calls `loadUrl`, normalizing across the hidden iframe. checkUrl: function(e) { var current = this.getFragment(); if (current === this.fragment && this.iframe) { current = this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)); } if (current === this.fragment) return false; if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current); this.loadUrl(); }, // Attempt to load the current URL fragment. If a route succeeds with a // match, returns `true`. If no defined routes matches the fragment, // returns `false`. loadUrl: function(fragment) { fragment = this.fragment = this.getFragment(fragment); return _.any(this.handlers, function(handler) { if (handler.route.test(fragment)) { handler.callback(fragment); return true; } }); }, // Save a fragment into the hash history, or replace the URL state if the // 'replace' option is passed. You are responsible for properly URL-encoding // the fragment in advance. // // The options object can contain `trigger: true` if you wish to have the // route callback be fired (not usually desirable), or `replace: true`, if // you wish to modify the current URL without adding an entry to the history. navigate: function(fragment, options) { if (!History.started) return false; if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: !!options}; var url = this.root + (fragment = this.getFragment(fragment || '')); // Strip the hash for matching. fragment = fragment.replace(pathStripper, ''); if (this.fragment === fragment) return; this.fragment = fragment; // Don't include a trailing slash on the root. if (fragment === '' && url !== '/') url = url.slice(0, -1); // If pushState is available, we use it to set the fragment as a real URL. if (this._hasPushState) { this.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, url); // If hash changes haven't been explicitly disabled, update the hash // fragment to store history. } else if (this._wantsHashChange) { this._updateHash(this.location, fragment, options.replace); if (this.iframe && (fragment !== this.getFragment(this.getHash(this.iframe)))) { // Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a // history entry on hash-tag change. When replace is true, we don't // want this. if(!options.replace); this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, fragment, options.replace); } // If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange- // based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh. } else { return this.location.assign(url); } if (options.trigger) return this.loadUrl(fragment); }, // Update the hash location, either replacing the current entry, or adding // a new one to the browser history. _updateHash: function(location, fragment, replace) { if (replace) { var href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, ''); location.replace(href + '#' + fragment); } else { // Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #. location.hash = '#' + fragment; } } }); // Create the default Backbone.history. Backbone.history = new History; // Helpers // ------- // Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses. // Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and // class properties to be extended. var extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) { var parent = this; var child; // The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you // (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted // by us to simply call the parent's constructor. if (protoProps && _.has(protoProps, 'constructor')) { child = protoProps.constructor; } else { child = function(){ return parent.apply(this, arguments); }; } // Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied. _.extend(child, parent, staticProps); // Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling // `parent`'s constructor function. var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; }; Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new Surrogate; // Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass, // if supplied. if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps); // Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed // later. child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; // Set up inheritance for the model, collection, router, view and history. Model.extend = Collection.extend = Router.extend = View.extend = History.extend = extend; // Throw an error when a URL is needed, and none is supplied. var urlError = function() { throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified'); }; // Wrap an optional error callback with a fallback error event. var wrapError = function(model, options) { var error = options.error; options.error = function(resp) { if (error) error(model, resp, options); model.trigger('error', model, resp, options); }; }; return Backbone; }));
/*! * Font Awesome Free 5.1.1 by @fontawesome - * License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) */ !function() { "use strict"; var c = {}; try { "undefined" != typeof window && (c = window); } catch (c) {} var l = (c.navigator || {}).userAgent, h = void 0 === l ? "" : l, z = c, v = (~h.indexOf("MSIE") || h.indexOf("Trident/"), "___FONT_AWESOME___"), m = function() { try { return !1; } catch (c) { return !1; } }(), s = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], e = s.concat([ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]); [ "xs", "sm", "lg", "fw", "ul", "li", "border", "pull-left", "pull-right", "spin", "pulse", "rotate-90", "rotate-180", "rotate-270", "flip-horizontal", "flip-vertical", "stack", "stack-1x", "stack-2x", "inverse", "layers", "layers-text", "layers-counter" ].concat( { return c + "x"; })).concat( { return "w-" + c; })); var a = z || {}; a[v] || (a[v] = {}), a[v].styles || (a[v].styles = {}), a[v].hooks || (a[v].hooks = {}), a[v].shims || (a[v].shims = []); var t = a[v], M = Object.assign || function(c) { for (var l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) { var h = arguments[l]; for (var z in h), z) && (c[z] = h[z]); } return c; }; var f = { "500px": [ 448, 512, [], "f26e", "M103.3 344.3c-6.5-14.2-6.9-18.3 7.4-23.1 25.6-8 8 9.2 43.2 49.2h.3v-93.9c1.2-50.2 44-92.2 97.7-92.2 53.9 0 97.7 43.5 97.7 96.8 0 63.4-60.8 113.2-128.5 93.3-10.5-4.2-2.1-31.7 8.5-28.6 53 0 89.4-10.1 89.4-64.4 0-61-77.1-89.6-116.9-44.6-23.5 26.4-17.6 42.1-17.6 157.6 50.7 31 118.3 22 160.4-20.1 24.8-24.8 38.5-58 38.5-93 0-35.2-13.8-68.2-38.8-93.3-24.8-24.8-57.8-38.5-93.3-38.5s-68.8 13.8-93.5 38.5c-.3.3-16 16.5-21.2 23.9l-.5.6c-3.3 4.7-6.3 9.1-20.1 6.1-6.9-1.7-14.3-5.8-14.3-11.8V20c0-5 3.9-10.5 10.5-10.5h241.3c8.3 0 8.3 11.6 8.3 15.1 0 3.9 0 15.1-8.3 15.1H130.3v132.9h.3c104.2-109.8 282.8-36 282.8 108.9 0 178.1-244.8 220.3-310.1 62.8zm63.3-260.8c-.5 4.2 4.6 24.5 14.6 20.6C306 56.6 384 144.5 390.6 144.5c4.8 0 22.8-15.3 14.3-22.8-93.2-89-234.5-57-238.3-38.2zM393 414.7C283 524.6 94 475.5 61 310.5c0-12.2-30.4-7.4-28.9 3.3 24 173.4 246 256.9 381.6 121.3 6.9-7.8-12.6-28.4-20.7-20.4zM213.6 306.6c0 4 4.3 7.3 5.5 8.5 3 3 6.1 4.4 8.5 4.4 3.8 0 2.6.2 22.3-19.5 19.6 19.3 19.1 19.5 22.3 19.5 5.4 0 18.5-10.4 10.7-18.2L265.6 284l18.2-18.2c6.3-6.8-10.1-21.8-16.2-15.7L249.7 268c-18.6-18.8-18.4-19.5-21.5-19.5-5 0-18 11.7-12.4 17.3L234 284c-18.1 17.9-20.4 19.2-20.4 22.6z" ], "accessible-icon": [ 448, 512, [], "f368", "M423.9 255.8L411 413.1c-3.3 40.7-63.9 35.1-60.6-4.9l10-122.5-41.1 2.3c10.1 20.7 15.8 43.9 15.8 68.5 0 41.2-16.1 78.7-42.3 106.5l-39.3-39.3c57.9-63.7 13.1-167.2-74-167.2-25.9 0-49.5 9.9-67.2 26L73 243.2c22-20.7 50.1-35.1 81.4-40.2l75.3-85.7-42.6-24.8-51.6 46c-30 26.8-70.6-18.5-40.5-45.4l68-60.7c9.8-8.8 24.1-10.2 35.5-3.6 0 0 139.3 80.9 139.5 81.1 16.2 10.1 20.7 36 6.1 52.6L285.7 229l106.1-5.9c18.5-1.1 33.6 14.4 32.1 32.7zm-64.9-154c28.1 0 50.9-22.8 50.9-50.9C409.9 22.8 387.1 0 359 0c-28.1 0-50.9 22.8-50.9 50.9 0 28.1 22.8 50.9 50.9 50.9zM179.6 456.5c-80.6 0-127.4-90.6-82.7-156.1l-39.7-39.7C36.4 287 24 320.3 24 356.4c0 130.7 150.7 201.4 251.4 122.5l-39.7-39.7c-16 10.9-35.3 17.3-56.1 17.3z" ], accusoft: [ 640, 512, [], "f369", "M482.2 372.1C476.5 365.2 250 75 242.3 65.5c-13.7-17.2 0-16.8 19.2-16.9 9.7-.1 106.3-.6 116.5-.6 24.1-.1 28.7.6 38.4 12.8 2.1 2.7 205.1 245.8 207.2 248.3 5.5 6.7 15.2 19.1 7.2 23.4-2.4 1.3-114.6 47.7-117.8 48.9-10.1 4-17.5 6.8-30.8-9.3m114.7-5.6s-115 50.4-117.5 51.6c-16 7.3-26.9-3.2-36.7-14.6l-57.1-74c-5.4-.9-60.4-9.6-65.3-9.3-3.1.2-9.6.8-14.4 2.9-4.9 2.1-145.2 52.8-150.2 54.7-5.1 2-11.4 3.6-11.1 7.6.2 2.5 2 2.6 4.6 3.5 2.7.8 300.9 67.6 308 69.1 15.6 3.3 38.5 10.5 53.6 1.7 2.1-1.2 123.8-76.4 125.8-77.8 5.4-4 4.3-6.8-1.7-8.2-2.3-.3-24.6-4.7-38-7.2m-326-181.3s-12 1.6-25 15.1c-9 9.3-242.1 239.1-243.4 240.9-7 10 1.6 6.8 15.7 1.7.8 0 114.5-36.6 114.5-36.6.5-.6-.1-.1.6-.6-.4-5.1-.8-26.2-1-27.7-.6-5.2 2.2-6.9 7-8.9l92.6-33.8c.6-.8 88.5-81.7 90.2-83.3v-1l-51.2-65.8" ], adn: [ 496, 512, [], "f170", "M248 167.5l64.9 98.8H183.1l64.9-98.8zM496 256c0 136.9-111.1 248-248 248S0 392.9 0 256 111.1 8 248 8s248 111.1 248 248zm-99.8 82.7L248 115.5 99.8 338.7h30.4l33.6-51.7h168.6l33.6 51.7h30.2z" ], adversal: [ 512, 512, [], "f36a", "M482.1 32H28.7C5.8 32 0 37.9 0 60.9v390.2C0 474.4 5.8 480 28.7 480h453.4c24.4 0 29.9-5.2 29.9-29.7V62.2c0-24.6-5.4-30.2-29.9-30.2zM178.4 220.3c-27.5-20.2-72.1-8.7-84.2 23.4-4.3 11.1-9.3 9.5-17.5 8.3-9.7-1.5-17.2-3.2-22.5-5.5-28.8-11.4 8.6-55.3 24.9-64.3 41.1-21.4 83.4-22.2 125.3-4.8 40.9 16.8 34.5 59.2 34.5 128.5 2.7 25.8-4.3 58.3 9.3 88.8 1.9 4.4.4 7.9-2.7 10.7-8.4 6.7-39.3 2.2-46.6-7.4-1.9-2.2-1.8-3.6-3.9-6.2-3.6-3.9-7.3-2.2-11.9 1-57.4 36.4-140.3 21.4-147-43.3-3.1-29.3 12.4-57.1 39.6-71 38.2-19.5 112.2-11.8 114-30.9 1.1-10.2-1.9-20.1-11.3-27.3zm286.7 222c0 15.1-11.1 9.9-17.8 9.9H52.4c-7.4 0-18.2 4.8-17.8-10.7.4-13.9 10.5-9.1 17.1-9.1 132.3-.4 264.5-.4 396.8 0 6.8 0 16.6-4.4 16.6 9.9zm3.8-340.5v291c0 5.7-.7 13.9-8.1 13.9-12.4-.4-27.5 7.1-36.1-5.6-5.8-8.7-7.8-4-12.4-1.2-53.4 29.7-128.1 7.1-144.4-85.2-6.1-33.4-.7-67.1 15.7-100 11.8-23.9 56.9-76.1 136.1-30.5v-71c0-26.2-.1-26.2 26-26.2 3.1 0 6.6.4 9.7 0 10.1-.8 13.6 4.4 13.6 14.3-.1.2-.1.3-.1.5zm-51.5 232.3c-19.5 47.6-72.9 43.3-90 5.2-15.1-33.3-15.5-68.2.4-101.5 16.3-34.1 59.7-35.7 81.5-4.8 20.6 28.8 14.9 84.6 8.1 101.1zm-294.8 35.3c-7.5-1.3-33-3.3-33.7-27.8-.4-13.9 7.8-23 19.8-25.8 24.4-5.9 49.3-9.9 73.7-14.7 8.9-2 7.4 4.4 7.8 9.5 1.4 33-26.1 59.2-67.6 58.8z" ], affiliatetheme: [ 512, 512, [], "f36b", "M159.7 237.4C108.4 308.3 43.1 348.2 14 326.6-15.2 304.9 2.8 230 54.2 159.1c51.3-70.9 116.6-110.8 145.7-89.2 29.1 21.6 11.1 96.6-40.2 167.5zm351.2-57.3C437.1 303.5 319 367.8 246.4 323.7c-25-15.2-41.3-41.2-49-73.8-33.6 64.8-92.8 113.8-164.1 133.2 49.8 59.3 124.1 96.9 207 96.9 150 0 271.6-123.1 271.6-274.9.1-8.5-.3-16.8-1-25z" ], algolia: [ 448, 512, [], "f36c", "M229.3 182.6c-49.3 0-89.2 39.9-89.2 89.2 0 49.3 39.9 89.2 89.2 89.2s89.2-39.9 89.2-89.2c0-49.3-40-89.2-89.2-89.2zm62.7 56.6l-58.9 30.6c-1.8.9-3.8-.4-3.8-2.3V201c0-1.5 1.3-2.7 2.7-2.6 26.2 1 48.9 15.7 61.1 37.1.7 1.3.2 3-1.1 3.7zM389.1 32H58.9C26.4 32 0 58.4 0 90.9V421c0 32.6 26.4 59 58.9 59H389c32.6 0 58.9-26.4 58.9-58.9V90.9C448 58.4 421.6 32 389.1 32zm-202.6 84.7c0-10.8 8.7-19.5 19.5-19.5h45.3c10.8 0 19.5 8.7 19.5 19.5v15.4c0 1.8-1.7 3-3.3 2.5-12.3-3.4-25.1-5.1-38.1-5.1-13.5 0-26.7 1.8-39.4 5.5-1.7.5-3.4-.8-3.4-2.5v-15.8zm-84.4 37l9.2-9.2c7.6-7.6 19.9-7.6 27.5 0l7.7 7.7c1.1 1.1 1 3-.3 4-6.2 4.5-12.1 9.4-17.6 14.9-5.4 5.4-10.4 11.3-14.8 17.4-1 1.3-2.9 1.5-4 .3l-7.7-7.7c-7.6-7.5-7.6-19.8 0-27.4zm127.2 244.8c-70 0-126.6-56.7-126.6-126.6s56.7-126.6 126.6-126.6c70 0 126.6 56.6 126.6 126.6 0 69.8-56.7 126.6-126.6 126.6z" ], amazon: [ 448, 512, [], "f270", "M257.2 162.7c-48.7 1.8-169.5 15.5-169.5 117.5 0 109.5 138.3 114 183.5 43.2 6.5 10.2 35.4 37.5 45.3 46.8l56.8-56S341 288.9 341 261.4V114.3C341 89 316.5 32 228.7 32 140.7 32 94 87 94 136.3l73.5 6.8c16.3-49.5 54.2-49.5 54.2-49.5 40.7-.1 35.5 29.8 35.5 69.1zm0 86.8c0 80-84.2 68-84.2 17.2 0-47.2 50.5-56.7 84.2-57.8v40.6zm136 163.5c-7.7 10-70 67-174.5 67S34.2 408.5 9.7 379c-6.8-7.7 1-11.3 5.5-8.3C88.5 415.2 203 488.5 387.7 401c7.5-3.7 13.3 2 5.5 12zm39.8 2.2c-6.5 15.8-16 26.8-21.2 31-5.5 4.5-9.5 2.7-6.5-3.8s19.3-46.5 12.7-55c-6.5-8.3-37-4.3-48-3.2-10.8 1-13 2-14-.3-2.3-5.7 21.7-15.5 37.5-17.5 15.7-1.8 41-.8 46 5.7 3.7 5.1 0 27.1-6.5 43.1z" ], "amazon-pay": [ 611, 512, [], "f42c", "M0 325.2c2.3-4.2 5.2-4.9 9.7-2.5 10.4 5.6 20.6 11.4 31.2 16.7 40.7 20.4 83.2 35.6 127.4 46.3 20.9 5 41.9 9 63.2 11.8 31.5 4.2 63.2 6 95 5.2 17.4-.4 34.8-1.8 52.1-3.8 56.4-6.7 110.9-20.8 163.3-42.8 2.9-1.2 5.9-2 9.1-1.2 6.7 1.8 9 9 4.1 13.9-2.8 2.8-6.3 5.1-9.6 7.4-30.7 21.1-64.2 36.4-99.6 47.9-24.6 7.9-49.6 13.8-75.1 17.6-17.6 2.6-35.4 4.4-53.2 4.8-.8 0-1.7.2-2.5.3H294c-.8-.1-1.7-.3-2.5-.3-3.6-.2-7.2-.3-10.7-.4-16.9-.7-33.7-2.6-50.4-5.3-27.4-4.5-54.2-11.4-80.4-20.9-54.1-19.6-102.6-48.6-145.6-87-1.8-1.6-3-3.8-4.4-5.7v-2zM158 65c-1.4.2-2.9.4-4.3.6-14 1.7-26.6 6.9-38 15.1-2.4 1.7-4.6 3.5-7.1 5.4-.2-.5-.4-1-.4-1.4-.4-2.7-.8-5.5-1.3-8.2-.7-4.6-3-6.6-7.6-6.6H87.8c-6.9 0-8.2 1.3-8.2 8.2v209.3c0 1 0 2 .1 3 .2 3 2 4.9 4.9 5 7 .1 14.1.1 21.1 0 2.9 0 4.7-2 5-5 .1-1 .1-2 .1-3V215c1.1.9 1.7 1.4 2.2 1.9 17.9 14.9 38.5 19.8 61 15.4 20.4-4 34.6-16.5 43.8-34.9 7-13.9 9.9-28.7 10.3-44.1.5-17.1-1.2-33.9-8.1-49.8-8.5-19.6-22.6-32.5-43.9-36.9-3.2-.7-6.5-1-9.8-1.5-2.8-.1-5.5-.1-8.3-.1zm-47.4 41.9c0-1.5.4-2.4 1.7-3.3 13.7-9.5 28.8-14.5 45.6-13.2 14.9 1.1 27.1 8.4 33.5 25.9 3.9 10.7 4.9 21.8 4.9 33 0 10.4-.8 20.6-4 30.6-6.8 21.3-22.4 29.4-42.6 28.5-14-.6-26.2-6-37.4-13.9-1.2-.9-1.7-1.7-1.7-3.3.1-14.1 0-28.1 0-42.2 0-14 .1-28 0-42.1zM316.3 65c-1 .1-2 .3-2.9.4-9.8.5-19.4 1.7-28.9 4.1-6.1 1.6-12 3.8-17.9 5.8-3.6 1.2-5.4 3.8-5.3 7.7.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 4.8 2.1 6.1 6.8 4.9 7.8-2 15.6-4.2 23.5-5.7 12.3-2.3 24.7-3.3 37.2-1.4 6.5 1 12.6 2.9 16.8 8.4 3.7 4.8 5.1 10.5 5.3 16.4.3 8.3.2 16.6.3 24.9 0 .4-.1.9-.2 1.4-.5-.1-.9 0-1.3-.1-10.5-2.5-21.1-4.3-32-4.9-11.3-.6-22.5.1-33.3 3.9-12.9 4.5-23.3 12.3-29.4 24.9-4.7 9.8-5.4 20.2-3.9 30.7 2 14 9 24.8 21.4 31.7 11.9 6.6 24.8 7.4 37.9 5.4 15.1-2.3 28.5-8.7 40.3-18.4.4-.4.9-.7 1.6-1.1.6 3.8 1.1 7.4 1.8 11 .6 3.1 2.5 5.1 5.4 5.2 5.4.1 10.9.1 16.3 0 2.7-.1 4.5-1.9 4.8-4.7.1-.9.1-1.9.1-2.8v-106c0-4.3-.2-8.6-.9-12.9-1.9-12.9-7.4-23.5-19-30.4-6.7-4-14.1-6-21.8-7.1-3.6-.5-7.2-.8-10.8-1.3-3.9.1-7.9.1-11.9.1zm35 127.7c0 1.3-.4 2.2-1.5 3-11.2 8.1-23.5 13.5-37.4 14.9-5.7.6-11.4.4-16.8-1.8-6.3-2.5-10.4-6.9-12.4-13.3s-2-13-.1-19.4c2.5-8.3 8.4-13 16.4-15.6 8.1-2.6 16.5-3 24.8-2.2 8.4.7 16.6 2.3 25 3.4 1.6.2 2.1 1 2.1 2.6-.1 4.8 0 9.5 0 14.3-.1 4.7-.2 9.4-.1 14.1zm259.9 129.4c-1-5-4.8-6.9-9.1-8.3-6.8-2.3-13.9-3.3-21-3.9-13.1-1.1-26.2-.5-39.2 1.9-14.3 2.7-27.9 7.3-40 15.6-1.4 1-2.8 2.1-3.7 3.5-.7 1.1-.9 2.8-.5 4 .4 1.5 2.1 1.9 3.6 1.8.7 0 1.5 0 2.2-.1 7.8-.8 15.5-1.7 23.3-2.5 11.4-1.1 22.9-1.8 34.3-.9 4.8.3 9.7 1.4 14.4 2.7 5.1 1.4 7.4 5.2 7.6 10.4.4 8-1.4 15.7-3.5 23.3-4.1 15.4-10 30.3-15.8 45.1-.4 1-.8 2-1 3-.5 2.9 1.2 4.8 4.1 4.1 1.7-.4 3.6-1.3 4.8-2.5 4.4-4.3 8.9-8.6 12.7-13.4 12.8-16.4 20.3-35.3 24.7-55.6.8-3.6 1.4-7.3 2.1-10.9v-17.3zM479.1 198.9c-12.9-35.7-25.8-71.5-38.7-107.2-2-5.7-4.2-11.3-6.3-16.9-1.1-2.9-3.2-4.8-6.4-4.8-7.6-.1-15.2-.2-22.9-.1-2.5 0-3.7 2-3.2 4.5.5 2.1 1.1 4.1 1.9 6.1 19.6 48.5 39.3 97.1 59.1 145.5 1.7 4.1 2.1 7.6.2 11.8-3.3 7.3-5.9 15-9.3 22.3-3 6.5-8 11.4-15.2 13.3-5.1 1.4-10.2 1.6-15.4 1.1-2.5-.2-5-.8-7.5-1-3.4-.2-5.1 1.3-5.2 4.8-.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 5.5 2 8 7.4 8.9 5.6 1 11.3 1.9 16.9 2 17.1.4 30.7-6.5 39.5-21.4 3.5-5.9 6.7-12.1 9.2-18.4 23.7-59.8 47.1-119.7 70.6-179.6.7-1.8 1.3-3.6 1.6-5.5.4-2.8-.9-4.4-3.7-4.4-6.6-.1-13.3 0-19.9 0-3.7 0-6.3 1.6-7.7 5.2-.5 1.4-1.1 2.7-1.6 4.1-11.6 33.3-23.2 66.6-34.8 100-2.5 7.2-5.1 14.5-7.7 22.2-.4-1.1-.6-1.7-.9-2.4z" ], amilia: [ 448, 512, [], "f36d", "M240.1 32c-61.9 0-131.5 16.9-184.2 55.4-5.1 3.1-9.1 9.2-7.2 19.4 1.1 5.1 5.1 27.4 10.2 39.6 4.1 10.2 14.2 10.2 20.3 6.1 32.5-22.3 96.5-47.7 152.3-47.7 57.9 0 58.9 28.4 58.9 73.1v38.5C203 227.7 78.2 251 46.7 264.2 11.2 280.5 16.3 357.7 16.3 376s15.2 104 124.9 104c47.8 0 113.7-20.7 153.3-42.1v25.4c0 3 2.1 8.2 6.1 9.1 3.1 1 50.7 2 59.9 2s62.5.3 66.5-.7c4.1-1 5.1-6.1 5.1-9.1V168c-.1-80.3-57.9-136-192-136zm-87.9 327.7c0-12.2-3-42.7 18.3-52.9 24.3-13.2 75.1-29.4 119.8-33.5V380c-21.4 13.2-48.7 24.4-79.1 24.4-52.8 0-58.9-33.5-59-44.7" ], android: [ 448, 512, [], "f17b", "M89.6 204.5v115.8c0 15.4-12.1 27.7-27.5 27.7-15.3 0-30.1-12.4-30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.1 14.8-27.5 30.1-27.5 15.1 0 27.5 12.4 27.5 27.5zm10.8 157c0 16.4 13.2 29.6 29.6 29.6h19.9l.3 61.1c0 36.9 55.2 36.6 55.2 0v-61.1h37.2v61.1c0 36.7 55.5 36.8 55.5 0v-61.1h20.2c16.2 0 29.4-13.2 29.4-29.6V182.1H100.4v179.4zm248-189.1H99.3c0-42.8 25.6-80 63.6-99.4l-19.1-35.3c-2.8-4.9 4.3-8 6.7-3.8l19.4 35.6c34.9-15.5 75-14.7 108.3 0L297.5 34c2.5-4.3 9.5-1.1 6.7 3.8L285.1 73c37.7 19.4 63.3 56.6 63.3 99.4zm-170.7-55.5c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.5-10.5-5.7 0-10.2 4.8-10.2 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.2 10.5c5.9 0 10.5-4.8 10.5-10.5zm113.4 0c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.2-10.5-5.9 0-10.5 4.8-10.5 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.5 10.5c5.6 0 10.2-4.8 10.2-10.5zm94.8 60.1c-15.1 0-27.5 12.1-27.5 27.5v115.8c0 15.4 12.4 27.7 27.5 27.7 15.4 0 30.1-12.4 30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.4-14.8-27.5-30.1-27.5z" ], angellist: [ 448, 512, [], "f209", "M347.1 215.4c11.7-32.6 45.4-126.9 45.4-157.1 0-26.6-15.7-48.9-43.7-48.9-44.6 0-84.6 131.7-97.1 163.1C242 144 196.6 0 156.6 0c-31.1 0-45.7 22.9-45.7 51.7 0 35.3 34.2 126.8 46.6 162-6.3-2.3-13.1-4.3-20-4.3-23.4 0-48.3 29.1-48.3 52.6 0 8.9 4.9 21.4 8 29.7-36.9 10-51.1 34.6-51.1 71.7C46 435.6 114.4 512 210.6 512c118 0 191.4-88.6 191.4-202.9 0-43.1-6.9-82-54.9-93.7zM311.7 108c4-12.3 21.1-64.3 37.1-64.3 8.6 0 10.9 8.9 10.9 16 0 19.1-38.6 124.6-47.1 148l-34-6 33.1-93.7zM142.3 48.3c0-11.9 14.5-45.7 46.3 47.1l34.6 100.3c-15.6-1.3-27.7-3-35.4 1.4-10.9-28.8-45.5-119.7-45.5-148.8zM140 244c29.3 0 67.1 94.6 67.1 107.4 0 5.1-4.9 11.4-10.6 11.4-20.9 0-76.9-76.9-76.9-97.7.1-7.7 12.7-21.1 20.4-21.1zm184.3 186.3c-29.1 32-66.3 48.6-109.7 48.6-59.4 0-106.3-32.6-128.9-88.3-17.1-43.4 3.8-68.3 20.6-68.3 11.4 0 54.3 60.3 54.3 73.1 0 4.9-7.7 8.3-11.7 8.3-16.1 0-22.4-15.5-51.1-51.4-29.7 29.7 20.5 86.9 58.3 86.9 26.1 0 43.1-24.2 38-42 3.7 0 8.3.3 11.7-.6 1.1 27.1 9.1 59.4 41.7 61.7 0-.9 2-7.1 2-7.4 0-17.4-10.6-32.6-10.6-50.3 0-28.3 21.7-55.7 43.7-71.7 8-6 17.7-9.7 27.1-13.1 9.7-3.7 20-8 27.4-15.4-1.1-11.2-5.7-21.1-16.9-21.1-27.7 0-120.6 4-120.6-39.7 0-6.7.1-13.1 17.4-13.1 32.3 0 114.3 8 138.3 29.1 18.1 16.1 24.3 113.2-31 174.7zm-98.6-126c9.7 3.1 19.7 4 29.7 6-7.4 5.4-14 12-20.3 19.1-2.8-8.5-6.2-16.8-9.4-25.1z" ], angrycreative: [ 640, 512, [], "f36e", "M640 238.2l-3.2 28.2-34.5 2.3-2 18.1 34.5-2.3-3.2 28.2-34.4 2.2-2.3 20.1 34.4-2.2-3 26.1-64.7 4.1 12.7-113.2L527 365.2l-31.9 2-23.8-117.8 30.3-2 13.6 79.4 31.7-82.4 93.1-6.2zM426.8 371.5l28.3-1.8L468 249.6l-28.4 1.9-12.8 120zM162 388.1l-19.4-36-3.5 37.4-28.2 1.7 2.7-29.1c-11 18-32 34.3-56.9 35.8C23.9 399.9-3 377 .3 339.7c2.6-29.3 26.7-62.8 67.5-65.4 37.7-2.4 47.6 23.2 51.3 28.8l2.8-30.8 38.9-2.5c20.1-1.3 38.7 3.7 42.5 23.7l2.6-26.6 64.8-4.2-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.4-1.7 17.9 36.4-2.3-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.3-1.9 19.9 36.3-2.3-2.1 20.8 55-117.2 23.8-1.6L370.4 369l8.9-85.6-22.3 1.4 2.9-27.9 75-4.9-3 28-24.3 1.6-9.7 91.9-58 3.7-4.3-15.6-39.4 2.5-8 16.3-126.2 7.7zm-44.3-70.2l-26.4 1.7C84.6 307.2 76.9 303 65 303.8c-19 1.2-33.3 17.5-34.6 33.3-1.4 16 7.3 32.5 28.7 31.2 12.8-.8 21.3-8.6 28.9-18.9l27-1.7 2.7-29.8zm56.1-7.7c1.2-12.9-7.6-13.6-26.1-12.4l-2.7 28.5c14.2-.9 27.5-2.1 28.8-16.1zm21.1 70.8l5.8-60c-5 13.5-14.7 21.1-27.9 26.6l22.1 33.4zm135.4-45l-7.9-37.8-15.8 39.3 23.7-1.5zm-170.1-74.6l-4.3-17.5-39.6 2.6-8.1 18.2-31.9 2.1 57-121.9 23.9-1.6 30.7 102 9.9-104.7 27-1.8 37.8 63.6 6.5-66.6 28.5-1.9-4 41.2c7.4-13.5 22.9-44.7 63.6-47.5 40.5-2.8 52.4 29.3 53.4 30.3l3.3-32 39.3-2.7c12.7-.9 27.8.3 36.3 9.7l-4.4-11.9 32.2-2.2 12.9 43.2 23-45.7 31-2.2-43.6 78.4-4.8 44.3-28.4 1.9 4.8-44.3-15.8-43c1 22.3-9.2 40.1-32 49.6l25.2 38.8-36.4 2.4-19.2-36.8-4 38.3-28.4 1.9 3.3-31.5c-6.7 9.3-19.7 35.4-59.6 38-26.2 1.7-45.6-10.3-55.4-39.2l-4 40.3-25 1.6-37.6-63.3-6.3 66.2-56.8 3.7zm276.6-82.1c10.2-.7 17.5-2.1 21.6-4.3 4.5-2.4 7-6.4 7.6-12.1.6-5.3-.6-8.8-3.4-10.4-3.6-2.1-10.6-2.8-22.9-2l-2.9 28.8zM327.7 214c5.6 5.9 12.7 8.5 21.3 7.9 4.7-.3 9.1-1.8 13.3-4.1 5.5-3 10.6-8 15.1-14.3l-34.2 2.3 2.4-23.9 63.1-4.3 1.2-12-31.2 2.1c-4.1-3.7-7.8-6.6-11.1-8.1-4-1.7-8.1-2.8-12.2-2.5-8 .5-15.3 3.6-22 9.2-7.7 6.4-12 14.5-12.9 24.4-1.1 9.6 1.4 17.3 7.2 23.3zm-201.3 8.2l23.8-1.6-8.3-37.6-15.5 39.2z" ], angular: [ 415, 512, [], "f420", "M169.7 268.1h76.2l-38.1-91.6-38.1 91.6zM207.8 32L0 106.4l31.8 275.7 176 97.9 176-97.9 31.8-275.7L207.8 32zM338 373.8h-48.6l-26.2-65.4H152.6l-26.2 65.4H77.7L207.8 81.5 338 373.8z" ], "app-store": [ 512, 512, [], "f36f", "M255.9 120.9l9.1-15.7c5.6-9.8 18.1-13.1 27.9-7.5 9.8 5.6 13.1 18.1 7.5 27.9l-87.5 151.5h63.3c20.5 0 32 24.1 23.1 40.8H113.8c-11.3 0-20.4-9.1-20.4-20.4 0-11.3 9.1-20.4 20.4-20.4h52l66.6-115.4-20.8-36.1c-5.6-9.8-2.3-22.2 7.5-27.9 9.8-5.6 22.2-2.3 27.9 7.5l8.9 15.7zm-78.7 218l-19.6 34c-5.6 9.8-18.1 13.1-27.9 7.5-9.8-5.6-13.1-18.1-7.5-27.9l14.6-25.2c16.4-5.1 29.8-1.2 40.4 11.6zm168.9-61.7h53.1c11.3 0 20.4 9.1 20.4 20.4 0 11.3-9.1 20.4-20.4 20.4h-29.5l19.9 34.5c5.6 9.8 2.3 22.2-7.5 27.9-9.8 5.6-22.2 2.3-27.9-7.5-33.5-58.1-58.7-101.6-75.4-130.6-17.1-29.5-4.9-59.1 7.2-69.1 13.4 23 33.4 57.7 60.1 104zM256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm216 248c0 118.7-96.1 216-216 216-118.7 0-216-96.1-216-216 0-118.7 96.1-216 216-216 118.7 0 216 96.1 216 216z" ], "app-store-ios": [ 448, 512, [], "f370", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM127 384.5c-5.5 9.6-17.8 12.8-27.3 7.3-9.6-5.5-12.8-17.8-7.3-27.3l14.3-24.7c16.1-4.9 29.3-1.1 39.6 11.4L127 384.5zm138.9-53.9H84c-11 0-20-9-20-20s9-20 20-20h51l65.4-113.2-20.5-35.4c-5.5-9.6-2.2-21.8 7.3-27.3 9.6-5.5 21.8-2.2 27.3 7.3l8.9 15.4 8.9-15.4c5.5-9.6 17.8-12.8 27.3-7.3 9.6 5.5 12.8 17.8 7.3 27.3l-85.8 148.6h62.1c20.2 0 31.5 23.7 22.7 40zm98.1 0h-29l19.6 33.9c5.5 9.6 2.2 21.8-7.3 27.3-9.6 5.5-21.8 2.2-27.3-7.3-32.9-56.9-57.5-99.7-74-128.1-16.7-29-4.8-58 7.1-67.8 13.1 22.7 32.7 56.7 58.9 102h52c11 0 20 9 20 20 0 11.1-9 20-20 20z" ], apper: [ 640, 512, [], "f371", "M42.1 239.1c22.2 0 29 2.8 33.5 14.6h.8v-22.9c0-11.3-4.8-15.4-17.9-15.4-11.3 0-14.4 2.5-15.1 12.8H4.8c.3-13.9 1.5-19.1 5.8-24.4C17.9 195 29.5 192 56.7 192c33 0 47.1 5 53.9 18.9 2 4.3 4 15.6 4 23.7v76.3H76.3l1.3-19.1h-1c-5.3 15.6-13.6 20.4-35.5 20.4-30.3 0-41.1-10.1-41.1-37.3 0-25.2 12.3-35.8 42.1-35.8zm17.1 48.1c13.1 0 16.9-3 16.9-13.4 0-9.1-4.3-11.6-19.6-11.6-13.1 0-17.9 3-17.9 12.1-.1 10.4 3.7 12.9 20.6 12.9zm77.8-94.9h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.2 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3H137v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm57.9-60.7h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.3 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3h-39.5v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm53.8-3.8c0-25.4 3.3-37.8 12.3-45.8 8.8-8.1 22.2-11.3 45.1-11.3 42.8 0 55.7 12.8 55.7 55.7v11.1h-75.3c-.3 2-.3 4-.3 4.8 0 16.9 4.5 21.9 20.1 21.9 13.9 0 17.9-3 17.9-13.9h37.5v2.3c0 9.8-2.5 18.9-6.8 24.7-7.3 9.8-19.6 13.6-44.3 13.6-27.5 0-41.6-3.3-50.6-12.3-8.5-8.5-11.3-21.3-11.3-50.8zm76.4-11.6c-.3-1.8-.3-3.3-.3-3.8 0-12.3-3.3-14.6-19.6-14.6-14.4 0-17.1 3-18.1 15.1l-.3 3.3h38.3zm55.6-45.3h38.3l-1.8 19.9h.7c6.8-14.9 14.4-20.2 29.7-20.2 10.8 0 19.1 3.3 23.4 9.3 5.3 7.3 6.8 14.4 6.8 34 0 1.5 0 5 .2 9.3h-35c.3-1.8.3-3.3.3-4 0-15.4-2-19.4-10.3-19.4-6.3 0-10.8 3.3-13.1 9.3-1 3-1 4.3-1 12.3v68h-38.3V192.3z" ], apple: [ 376, 512, [], "f179", "M314.7 268.7c-.2-36.7 16.4-64.4 50-84.8-18.8-26.9-47.2-41.7-84.7-44.6-35.5-2.8-74.3 20.7-88.5 20.7-15 0-49.4-19.7-76.4-19.7C59.3 141.2 0 184.8 0 273.5c0 26.2 4.8 53.3 14.4 81.2 12.8 36.7 59 126.7 107.2 125.2 25.2-.6 43-17.9 75.8-17.9 31.8 0 48.3 17.9 76.4 17.9 48.6-.7 90.4-82.5 102.6-119.3-65.2-30.7-61.7-90-61.7-91.9zm-56.6-164.2c27.3-32.4 24.8-61.9 24-72.5-24.1 1.4-52 16.4-67.9 34.9-17.5 19.8-27.8 44.3-25.6 71.9 26.1 2 49.9-11.4 69.5-34.3z" ], "apple-pay": [ 640, 512, [], "f415", "M116.9 158.5c-7.5 8.9-19.5 15.9-31.5 14.9-1.5-12 4.4-24.8 11.3-32.6 7.5-9.1 20.6-15.6 31.3-16.1 1.2 12.4-3.7 24.7-11.1 33.8m10.9 17.2c-17.4-1-32.3 9.9-40.5 9.9-8.4 0-21-9.4-34.8-9.1-17.9.3-34.5 10.4-43.6 26.5-18.8 32.3-4.9 80 13.3 106.3 8.9 13 19.5 27.3 33.5 26.8 13.3-.5 18.5-8.6 34.5-8.6 16.1 0 20.8 8.6 34.8 8.4 14.5-.3 23.6-13 32.5-26 10.1-14.8 14.3-29.1 14.5-29.9-.3-.3-28-10.9-28.3-42.9-.3-26.8 21.9-39.5 22.9-40.3-12.5-18.6-32-20.6-38.8-21.1m100.4-36.2v194.9h30.3v-66.6h41.9c38.3 0 65.1-26.3 65.1-64.3s-26.4-64-64.1-64h-73.2zm30.3 25.5h34.9c26.3 0 41.3 14 41.3 38.6s-15 38.8-41.4 38.8h-34.8V165zm162.2 170.9c19 0 36.6-9.6 44.6-24.9h.6v23.4h28v-97c0-28.1-22.5-46.3-57.1-46.3-32.1 0-55.9 18.4-56.8 43.6h27.3c2.3-12 13.4-19.9 28.6-19.9 18.5 0 28.9 8.6 28.9 24.5v10.8l-37.8 2.3c-35.1 2.1-54.1 16.5-54.1 41.5.1 25.2 19.7 42 47.8 42zm8.2-23.1c-16.1 0-26.4-7.8-26.4-19.6 0-12.3 9.9-19.4 28.8-20.5l33.6-2.1v11c0 18.2-15.5 31.2-36 31.2zm102.5 74.6c29.5 0 43.4-11.3 55.5-45.4L640 193h-30.8l-35.6 115.1h-.6L537.4 193h-31.6L557 334.9l-2.8 8.6c-4.6 14.6-12.1 20.3-25.5 20.3-2.4 0-7-.3-8.9-.5v23.4c1.8.4 9.3.7 11.6.7z" ], asymmetrik: [ 576, 512, [], "f372", "M517.5 309.2c38.8-40 58.1-80 58.5-116.1.8-65.5-59.4-118.2-169.4-135C277.9 38.4 118.1 73.6 0 140.5 52 114 110.6 92.3 170.7 82.3c74.5-20.5 153-25.4 221.3-14.8C544.5 91.3 588.8 195 490.8 299.2c-10.2 10.8-22 21.1-35 30.6L304.9 103.4 114.7 388.9c-65.6-29.4-76.5-90.2-19.1-151.2 20.8-22.2 48.3-41.9 79.5-58.1 20-12.2 39.7-22.6 62-30.7-65.1 20.3-122.7 52.9-161.6 92.9-27.7 28.6-41.4 57.1-41.7 82.9-.5 35.1 23.4 65.1 68.4 83l-34.5 51.7h101.6l22-34.4c22.2 1 45.3 0 68.6-2.7l-22.8 37.1h135.5L340 406.3c18.6-5.3 36.9-11.5 54.5-18.7l45.9 71.8H542L468.6 349c18.5-12.1 35-25.5 48.9-39.8zm-187.6 80.5l-25-40.6-32.7 53.3c-23.4 3.5-46.7 5.1-69.2 4.4l101.9-159.3 78.7 123c-17.2 7.4-35.3 13.9-53.7 19.2z" ], audible: [ 640, 512, [], "f373", "M640 199.9v54l-320 200L0 254v-54l320 200 320-200.1zm-194.5 72l47.1-29.4c-37.2-55.8-100.7-92.6-172.7-92.6-72 0-135.5 36.7-172.6 92.4h.3c2.5-2.3 5.1-4.5 7.7-6.7 89.7-74.4 219.4-58.1 290.2 36.3zm-220.1 18.8c16.9-11.9 36.5-18.7 57.4-18.7 34.4 0 65.2 18.4 86.4 47.6l45.4-28.4c-20.9-29.9-55.6-49.5-94.8-49.5-38.9 0-73.4 19.4-94.4 49zM103.6 161.1c131.8-104.3 318.2-76.4 417.5 62.1l.7 1 48.8-30.4C517.1 112.1 424.8 58.1 319.9 58.1c-103.5 0-196.6 53.5-250.5 135.6 9.9-10.5 22.7-23.5 34.2-32.6zm467 32.7z" ], autoprefixer: [ 640, 512, [], "f41c", "M318.4 16l-161 480h77.5l25.4-81.4h119.5L405 496h77.5L318.4 16zm-40.3 341.9l41.2-130.4h1.5l40.9 130.4h-83.6zM640 405l-10-31.4L462.1 358l19.4 56.5L640 405zm-462.1-47L10 373.7 0 405l158.5 9.4 19.4-56.4z" ], avianex: [ 512, 512, [], "f374", "M453.1 32h-312c-38.9 0-76.2 31.2-83.3 69.7L1.2 410.3C-5.9 448.8 19.9 480 58.9 480h312c38.9 0 76.2-31.2 83.3-69.7l56.7-308.5c7-38.6-18.8-69.8-57.8-69.8zm-58.2 347.3l-32 13.5-115.4-110c-14.7 10-29.2 19.5-41.7 27.1l22.1 64.2-17.9 12.7-40.6-61-52.4-48.1 15.7-15.4 58 31.1c9.3-10.5 20.8-22.6 32.8-34.9L203 228.9l-68.8-99.8 18.8-28.9 8.9-4.8L265 207.8l4.9 4.5c19.4-18.8 33.8-32.4 33.8-32.4 7.7-6.5 21.5-2.9 30.7 7.9 9 10.5 10.6 24.7 2.7 31.3-1.8 1.3-15.5 11.4-35.3 25.6l4.5 7.3 94.9 119.4-6.3 7.9z" ], aviato: [ 640, 512, [], "f421", "M107.2 283.5l-19-41.8H36.1l-19 41.8H0l62.2-131.4 62.2 131.4h-17.2zm-45-98.1l-19.6 42.5h39.2l-19.6-42.5zm112.7 102.4l-62.2-131.4h17.1l45.1 96 45.1-96h17l-62.1 131.4zm80.6-4.3V156.4H271v127.1h-15.5zm209.1-115.6v115.6h-17.3V167.9h-41.2v-11.5h99.6v11.5h-41.1zM640 218.8c0 9.2-1.7 17.8-5.1 25.8-3.4 8-8.2 15.1-14.2 21.1-6 6-13.1 10.8-21.1 14.2-8 3.4-16.6 5.1-25.8 5.1s-17.8-1.7-25.8-5.1c-8-3.4-15.1-8.2-21.1-14.2-6-6-10.8-13-14.2-21.1-3.4-8-5.1-16.6-5.1-25.8s1.7-17.8 5.1-25.8c3.4-8 8.2-15.1 14.2-21.1 6-6 13-8.4 21.1-11.9 8-3.4 16.6-5.1 25.8-5.1s17.8 1.7 25.8 5.1c8 3.4 15.1 5.8 21.1 11.9 6 6 10.7 13.1 14.2 21.1 3.4 8 5.1 16.6 5.1 25.8zm-15.5 0c0-7.3-1.3-14-3.9-20.3-2.6-6.3-6.2-11.7-10.8-16.3-4.6-4.6-10-8.2-16.2-10.9-6.2-2.7-12.8-4-19.8-4s-13.6 1.3-19.8 4c-6.2 2.7-11.6 6.3-16.2 10.9-4.6 4.6-8.2 10-10.8 16.3-2.6 6.3-3.9 13.1-3.9 20.3 0 7.3 1.3 14 3.9 20.3 2.6 6.3 6.2 11.7 10.8 16.3 4.6 4.6 10 8.2 16.2 10.9 6.2 2.7 12.8 4 19.8 4s13.6-1.3 19.8-4c6.2-2.7 11.6-6.3 16.2-10.9 4.6-4.6 8.2-10 10.8-16.3 2.6-6.3 3.9-13.1 3.9-20.3zm-94.8 96.7v-6.3l88.9-10-242.9 13.4c.6-2.2 1.1-4.6 1.4-7.2.3-2 .5-4.2.6-6.5l64.8-8.1-64.9 1.9c0-.4-.1-.7-.1-1.1-2.8-17.2-25.5-23.7-25.5-23.7l-1.1-26.3h23.8l19 41.8h17.1L348.6 152l-62.2 131.4h17.1l19-41.8h23.6L345 268s-22.7 6.5-25.5 23.7c-.1.3-.1.7-.1 1.1l-64.9-1.9 64.8 8.1c.1 2.3.3 4.4.6 6.5.3 2.6.8 5 1.4 7.2L78.4 299.2l88.9 10v6.3c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4 0-6.2-4.6-11.3-10.5-12.2v-5.8l80.3 9v5.4c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-4.9l28.4 3.2v23.7h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9V323l38.3 4.3c8.1 11.4 19 13.6 19 13.6l-.1 6.7-5.1.2-.1 12.1h4.1l.1-5h5.2l.1 5h4.1l-.1-12.1-5.1-.2-.1-6.7s10.9-2.1 19-13.6l38.3-4.3v23.2h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9v-23.7l28.4-3.2v4.9c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-5.4l80.3-9v5.8c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4-.2-6.3-4.7-11.4-10.7-12.3zm-200.8-87.6l19.6-42.5 19.6 42.5h-17.9l-1.7-40.3-1.7 40.3h-17.9z" ], aws: [ 640, 512, [], "f375", "M180.41 203.01c-.72 22.65 10.6 32.68 10.88 39.05a8.164 8.164 0 0 1-4.1 6.27l-12.8 8.96a10.66 10.66 0 0 1-5.63 1.92c-.43-.02-8.19 1.83-20.48-25.61a78.608 78.608 0 0 1-62.61 29.45c-16.28.89-60.4-9.24-58.13-56.21-1.59-38.28 34.06-62.06 70.93-60.05 7.1.02 21.6.37 46.99 6.27v-15.62c2.69-26.46-14.7-46.99-44.81-43.91-2.4.01-19.4-.5-45.84 10.11-7.36 3.38-8.3 2.82-10.75 2.82-7.41 0-4.36-21.48-2.94-24.2 5.21-6.4 35.86-18.35 65.94-18.18a76.857 76.857 0 0 1 55.69 17.28 70.285 70.285 0 0 1 17.67 52.36l-.01 69.29zM93.99 235.4c32.43-.47 46.16-19.97 49.29-30.47 2.46-10.05 2.05-16.41 2.05-27.4-9.67-2.32-23.59-4.85-39.56-4.87-15.15-1.14-42.82 5.63-41.74 32.26-1.24 16.79 11.12 31.4 29.96 30.48zm170.92 23.05c-7.86.72-11.52-4.86-12.68-10.37l-49.8-164.65c-.97-2.78-1.61-5.65-1.92-8.58a4.61 4.61 0 0 1 3.86-5.25c.24-.04-2.13 0 22.25 0 8.78-.88 11.64 6.03 12.55 10.37l35.72 140.83 33.16-140.83c.53-3.22 2.94-11.07 12.8-10.24h17.16c2.17-.18 11.11-.5 12.68 10.37l33.42 142.63L420.98 80.1c.48-2.18 2.72-11.37 12.68-10.37h19.72c.85-.13 6.15-.81 5.25 8.58-.43 1.85 3.41-10.66-52.75 169.9-1.15 5.51-4.82 11.09-12.68 10.37h-18.69c-10.94 1.15-12.51-9.66-12.68-10.75L328.67 110.7l-32.78 136.99c-.16 1.09-1.73 11.9-12.68 10.75h-18.3zm273.48 5.63c-5.88.01-33.92-.3-57.36-12.29a12.802 12.802 0 0 1-7.81-11.91v-10.75c0-8.45 6.2-6.9 8.83-5.89 10.04 4.06 16.48 7.14 28.81 9.6 36.65 7.53 52.77-2.3 56.72-4.48 13.15-7.81 14.19-25.68 5.25-34.95-10.48-8.79-15.48-9.12-53.13-21-4.64-1.29-43.7-13.61-43.79-52.36-.61-28.24 25.05-56.18 69.52-55.95 12.67-.01 46.43 4.13 55.57 15.62 1.35 2.09 2.02 4.55 1.92 7.04v10.11c0 4.44-1.62 6.66-4.87 6.66-7.71-.86-21.39-11.17-49.16-10.75-6.89-.36-39.89.91-38.41 24.97-.43 18.96 26.61 26.07 29.7 26.89 36.46 10.97 48.65 12.79 63.12 29.58 17.14 22.25 7.9 48.3 4.35 55.44-19.08 37.49-68.42 34.44-69.26 34.42zm40.2 104.86c-70.03 51.72-171.69 79.25-258.49 79.25A469.127 469.127 0 0 1 2.83 327.46c-6.53-5.89-.77-13.96 7.17-9.47a637.37 637.37 0 0 0 316.88 84.12 630.22 630.22 0 0 0 241.59-49.55c11.78-5 21.77 7.8 10.12 16.38zm29.19-33.29c-8.96-11.52-59.28-5.38-81.81-2.69-6.79.77-7.94-5.12-1.79-9.47 40.07-28.17 105.88-20.1 113.44-10.63 7.55 9.47-2.05 75.41-39.56 106.91-5.76 4.87-11.27 2.3-8.71-4.1 8.44-21.25 27.39-68.49 18.43-80.02z" ], bandcamp: [ 496, 512, [], "f2d5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm48.2 326.1h-181L199.9 178h181l-84.7 156.1z" ], behance: [ 576, 512, [], "f1b4", "M232 237.2c31.8-15.2 48.4-38.2 48.4-74 0-70.6-52.6-87.8-113.3-87.8H0v354.4h171.8c64.4 0 124.9-30.9 124.9-102.9 0-44.5-21.1-77.4-64.7-89.7zM77.9 135.9H151c28.1 0 53.4 7.9 53.4 40.5 0 30.1-19.7 42.2-47.5 42.2h-79v-82.7zm83.3 233.7H77.9V272h84.9c34.3 0 56 14.3 56 50.6 0 35.8-25.9 47-57.6 47zm358.5-240.7H376V94h143.7v34.9zM576 305.2c0-75.9-44.4-139.2-124.9-139.2-78.2 0-131.3 58.8-131.3 135.8 0 79.9 50.3 134.7 131.3 134.7 61.3 0 101-27.6 120.1-86.3H509c-6.7 21.9-34.3 33.5-55.7 33.5-41.3 0-63-24.2-63-65.3h185.1c.3-4.2.6-8.7.6-13.2zM390.4 274c2.3-33.7 24.7-54.8 58.5-54.8 35.4 0 53.2 20.8 56.2 54.8H390.4z" ], "behance-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f1b5", "M186.5 293c0 19.3-14 25.4-31.2 25.4h-45.1v-52.9h46c18.6.1 30.3 7.8 30.3 27.5zm-7.7-82.3c0-17.7-13.7-21.9-28.9-21.9h-39.6v44.8H153c15.1 0 25.8-6.6 25.8-22.9zm132.3 23.2c-18.3 0-30.5 11.4-31.7 29.7h62.2c-1.7-18.5-11.3-29.7-30.5-29.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM271.7 185h77.8v-18.9h-77.8V185zm-43 110.3c0-24.1-11.4-44.9-35-51.6 17.2-8.2 26.2-17.7 26.2-37 0-38.2-28.5-47.5-61.4-47.5H68v192h93.1c34.9-.2 67.6-16.9 67.6-55.9zM380 280.5c0-41.1-24.1-75.4-67.6-75.4-42.4 0-71.1 31.8-71.1 73.6 0 43.3 27.3 73 71.1 73 33.2 0 54.7-14.9 65.1-46.8h-33.7c-3.7 11.9-18.6 18.1-30.2 18.1-22.4 0-34.1-13.1-34.1-35.3h100.2c.1-2.3.3-4.8.3-7.2z" ], bimobject: [ 448, 512, [], "f378", "M416 32H32C14.4 32 0 46.4 0 64v384c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h384c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zm-64 257.4c0 49.4-11.4 82.6-103.8 82.6h-16.9c-44.1 0-62.4-14.9-70.4-38.8h-.9V368H96V136h64v74.7h1.1c4.6-30.5 39.7-38.8 69.7-38.8h17.3c92.4 0 103.8 33.1 103.8 82.5v35zm-64-28.9v22.9c0 21.7-3.4 33.8-38.4 33.8h-45.3c-28.9 0-44.1-6.5-44.1-35.7v-19c0-29.3 15.2-35.7 44.1-35.7h45.3c35-.2 38.4 12 38.4 33.7z" ], bitbucket: [ 512, 512, [], "f171", "M23.1 32C14.2 31.9 7 38.9 6.9 47.8c0 .9.1 1.8.2 2.8L74.9 462c1.7 10.4 10.7 18 21.2 18.1h325.1c7.9.1 14.7-5.6 16-13.4l67.8-416c1.4-8.7-4.5-16.9-13.2-18.3-.9-.1-1.8-.2-2.8-.2L23.1 32zm285.3 297.3H204.6l-28.1-146.8h157l-25.1 146.8z" ], bitcoin: [ 512, 512, [], "f379", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zm-141.651-35.33c4.937-32.999-20.191-50.739-54.55-62.573l11.146-44.702-27.213-6.781-10.851 43.524c-7.154-1.783-14.502-3.464-21.803-5.13l10.929-43.81-27.198-6.781-11.153 44.686c-5.922-1.349-11.735-2.682-17.377-4.084l.031-.14-37.53-9.37-7.239 29.062s20.191 4.627 19.765 4.913c11.022 2.751 13.014 10.044 12.68 15.825l-12.696 50.925c.76.194 1.744.473 2.829.907-.907-.225-1.876-.473-2.876-.713l-17.796 71.338c-1.349 3.348-4.767 8.37-12.471 6.464.271.395-19.78-4.937-19.78-4.937l-13.51 31.147 35.414 8.827c6.588 1.651 13.045 3.379 19.4 5.006l-11.262 45.213 27.182 6.781 11.153-44.733a1038.209 1038.209 0 0 0 21.687 5.627l-11.115 44.523 27.213 6.781 11.262-45.128c46.404 8.781 81.299 5.239 95.986-36.727 11.836-33.79-.589-53.281-25.004-65.991 17.78-4.098 31.174-15.792 34.747-39.949zm-62.177 87.179c-8.41 33.79-65.308 15.523-83.755 10.943l14.944-59.899c18.446 4.603 77.6 13.717 68.811 48.956zm8.417-87.667c-7.673 30.736-55.031 15.12-70.393 11.292l13.548-54.327c15.363 3.828 64.836 10.973 56.845 43.035z" ], bity: [ 496, 512, [], "f37a", "M78.4 67.2C173.8-22 324.5-24 421.5 71c14.3 14.1-6.4 37.1-22.4 21.5-84.8-82.4-215.8-80.3-298.9-3.2-16.3 15.1-36.5-8.3-21.8-22.1zm98.9 418.6c19.3 5.7 29.3-23.6 7.9-30C73 421.9 9.4 306.1 37.7 194.8c5-19.6-24.9-28.1-30.2-7.1-32.1 127.4 41.1 259.8 169.8 298.1zm148.1-2c121.9-40.2 192.9-166.9 164.4-291-4.5-19.7-34.9-13.8-30 7.9 24.2 107.7-37.1 217.9-143.2 253.4-21.2 7-10.4 36 8.8 29.7zm-62.9-79l.2-71.8c0-8.2-6.6-14.8-14.8-14.8-8.2 0-14.8 6.7-14.8 14.8l-.2 71.8c0 8.2 6.6 14.8 14.8 14.8s14.8-6.6 14.8-14.8zm71-269c2.1 90.9 4.7 131.9-85.5 132.5-92.5-.7-86.9-44.3-85.5-132.5 0-21.8-32.5-19.6-32.5 0v71.6c0 69.3 60.7 90.9 118 90.1 57.3.8 118-20.8 118-90.1v-71.6c0-19.6-32.5-21.8-32.5 0z" ], "black-tie": [ 448, 512, [], "f27e", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm316.5 325.2L224 445.9l-92.5-88.7 64.5-184-64.5-86.6h184.9L252 173.2l64.5 184z" ], blackberry: [ 512, 512, [], "f37b", "M166 116.9c0 23.4-16.4 49.1-72.5 49.1H23.4l21-88.8h67.8c42.1 0 53.8 23.3 53.8 39.7zm126.2-39.7h-67.8L205.7 166h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.4-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM88.8 208.1H21L0 296.9h70.1c56.1 0 72.5-23.4 72.5-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.8-39.7zm180.1 0h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.7-39.7zm189.3-53.8h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zm-28 137.9h-67.8L343.7 381h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM240.8 346H173l-18.7 88.8h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7z" ], blogger: [ 448, 512, [], "f37c", "M162.4 196c4.8-4.9 6.2-5.1 36.4-5.1 27.2 0 28.1.1 32.1 2.1 5.8 2.9 8.3 7 8.3 13.6 0 5.9-2.4 10-7.6 13.4-2.8 1.8-4.5 1.9-31.1 2.1-16.4.1-29.5-.2-31.5-.8-10.3-2.9-14.1-17.7-6.6-25.3zm61.4 94.5c-53.9 0-55.8.2-60.2 4.1-3.5 3.1-5.7 9.4-5.1 13.9.7 4.7 4.8 10.1 9.2 12 2.2 1 14.1 1.7 56.3 1.2l47.9-.6 9.2-1.5c9-5.1 10.5-17.4 3.1-24.4-5.3-4.7-5-4.7-60.4-4.7zm223.4 130.1c-3.5 28.4-23 50.4-51.1 57.5-7.2 1.8-9.7 1.9-172.9 1.8-157.8 0-165.9-.1-172-1.8-8.4-2.2-15.6-5.5-22.3-10-5.6-3.8-13.9-11.8-17-16.4-3.8-5.6-8.2-15.3-10-22C.1 423 0 420.3 0 256.3 0 93.2 0 89.7 1.8 82.6 8.1 57.9 27.7 39 53 33.4c7.3-1.6 332.1-1.9 340-.3 21.2 4.3 37.9 17.1 47.6 36.4 7.7 15.3 7-1.5 7.3 180.6.2 115.8 0 164.5-.7 170.5zm-85.4-185.2c-1.1-5-4.2-9.6-7.7-11.5-1.1-.6-8-1.3-15.5-1.7-12.4-.6-13.8-.8-17.8-3.1-6.2-3.6-7.9-7.6-8-18.3 0-20.4-8.5-39.4-25.3-56.5-12-12.2-25.3-20.5-40.6-25.1-3.6-1.1-11.8-1.5-39.2-1.8-42.9-.5-52.5.4-67.1 6.2-27 10.7-46.3 33.4-53.4 62.4-1.3 5.4-1.6 14.2-1.9 64.3-.4 62.8 0 72.1 4 84.5 9.7 30.7 37.1 53.4 64.6 58.4 9.2 1.7 122.2 2.1 133.7.5 20.1-2.7 35.9-10.8 50.7-25.9 10.7-10.9 17.4-22.8 21.8-38.5 3.2-10.9 2.9-88.4 1.7-93.9z" ], "blogger-b": [ 448, 512, [], "f37d", "M446.6 222.7c-1.8-8-6.8-15.4-12.5-18.5-1.8-1-13-2.2-25-2.7-20.1-.9-22.3-1.3-28.7-5-10.1-5.9-12.8-12.3-12.9-29.5-.1-33-13.8-63.7-40.9-91.3-19.3-19.7-40.9-33-65.5-40.5-5.9-1.8-19.1-2.4-63.3-2.9-69.4-.8-84.8.6-108.4 10C45.9 59.5 14.7 96.1 3.3 142.9 1.2 151.7.7 165.8.2 246.8c-.6 101.5.1 116.4 6.4 136.5 15.6 49.6 59.9 86.3 104.4 94.3 14.8 2.7 197.3 3.3 216 .8 32.5-4.4 58-17.5 81.9-41.9 17.3-17.7 28.1-36.8 35.2-62.1 4.9-17.6 4.5-142.8 2.5-151.7zm-322.1-63.6c7.8-7.9 10-8.2 58.8-8.2 43.9 0 45.4.1 51.8 3.4 9.3 4.7 13.4 11.3 13.4 21.9 0 9.5-3.8 16.2-12.3 21.6-4.6 2.9-7.3 3.1-50.3 3.3-26.5.2-47.7-.4-50.8-1.2-16.6-4.7-22.8-28.5-10.6-40.8zm191.8 199.8l-14.9 2.4-77.5.9c-68.1.8-87.3-.4-90.9-2-7.1-3.1-13.8-11.7-14.9-19.4-1.1-7.3 2.6-17.3 8.2-22.4 7.1-6.4 10.2-6.6 97.3-6.7 89.6-.1 89.1-.1 97.6 7.8 12.1 11.3 9.5 31.2-4.9 39.4z" ], bluetooth: [ 448, 512, [], "f293", "M292.6 171.1L249.7 214l-.3-86 43.2 43.1m-43.2 219.8l43.1-43.1-42.9-42.9-.2 86zM416 259.4C416 465 344.1 512 230.9 512S32 465 32 259.4 115.4 0 228.6 0 416 53.9 416 259.4zm-158.5 0l79.4-88.6L211.8 36.5v176.9L138 139.6l-27 26.9 92.7 93-92.7 93 26.9 26.9 73.8-73.8 2.3 170 127.4-127.5-83.9-88.7z" ], "bluetooth-b": [ 320, 512, [], "f294", "M196.48 260.023l92.626-103.333L143.125 0v206.33l-86.111-86.111-31.406 31.405 108.061 108.399L25.608 368.422l31.406 31.405 86.111-86.111L145.84 512l148.552-148.644-97.912-103.333zm40.86-102.996l-49.977 49.978-.338-100.295 50.315 50.317zM187.363 313.04l49.977 49.978-50.315 50.316.338-100.294z" ], btc: [ 384, 512, [], "f15a", "M310.204 242.638c27.73-14.18 45.377-39.39 41.28-81.3-5.358-57.351-52.458-76.573-114.85-81.929V0h-48.528v77.203c-12.605 0-25.525.315-38.444.63V0h-48.528v79.409c-17.842.539-38.622.276-97.37 0v51.678c38.314-.678 58.417-3.14 63.023 21.427v217.429c-2.925 19.492-18.524 16.685-53.255 16.071L3.765 443.68c88.481 0 97.37.315 97.37.315V512h48.528v-67.06c13.234.315 26.154.315 38.444.315V512h48.528v-68.005c81.299-4.412 135.647-24.894 142.895-101.467 5.671-61.446-23.32-88.862-69.326-99.89zM150.608 134.553c27.415 0 113.126-8.507 113.126 48.528 0 54.515-85.71 48.212-113.126 48.212v-96.74zm0 251.776V279.821c32.772 0 133.127-9.138 133.127 53.255-.001 60.186-100.355 53.253-133.127 53.253z" ], buromobelexperte: [ 448, 512, [], "f37f", "M0 32v128h128V32H0zm120 120H8V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H160zm120 120H168V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H320zm120 120H328V40h112v112zM0 192v128h128V192H0zm120 120H8V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H160zm120 120H168V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H320zm120 120H328V200h112v112zM0 352v128h128V352H0zm120 120H8V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H160zm120 120H168V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H320z" ], buysellads: [ 448, 512, [], "f20d", "M224 150.7l42.9 160.7h-85.8L224 150.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-65.3 325.3l-94.5-298.7H159.8L65.3 405.3H156l111.7-91.6 24.2 91.6h90.8z" ], "cc-amazon-pay": [ 576, 512, [], "f42d", "M124.7 201.8c.1-11.8 0-23.5 0-35.3v-35.3c0-1.3.4-2 1.4-2.7 11.5-8 24.1-12.1 38.2-11.1 12.5.9 22.7 7 28.1 21.7 3.3 8.9 4.1 18.2 4.1 27.7 0 8.7-.7 17.3-3.4 25.6-5.7 17.8-18.7 24.7-35.7 23.9-11.7-.5-21.9-5-31.4-11.7-.9-.8-1.4-1.6-1.3-2.8zm154.9 14.6c4.6 1.8 9.3 2 14.1 1.5 11.6-1.2 21.9-5.7 31.3-12.5.9-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3-2.5-.1-3.9 0-7.9 0-11.8 0-4-.1-8 0-12 0-1.4-.4-2-1.8-2.2-7-.9-13.9-2.2-20.9-2.9-7-.6-14-.3-20.8 1.9-6.7 2.2-11.7 6.2-13.7 13.1-1.6 5.4-1.6 10.8.1 16.2 1.6 5.5 5.2 9.2 10.4 11.2zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-207.5 23.9c.4 1.7.9 3.4 1.6 5.1 16.5 40.6 32.9 81.3 49.5 121.9 1.4 3.5 1.7 6.4.2 9.9-2.8 6.2-4.9 12.6-7.8 18.7-2.6 5.5-6.7 9.5-12.7 11.2-4.2 1.1-8.5 1.3-12.9.9-2.1-.2-4.2-.7-6.3-.8-2.8-.2-4.2 1.1-4.3 4-.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.6 1.6 6.7 6.2 7.5 4.7.8 9.4 1.6 14.2 1.7 14.3.3 25.7-5.4 33.1-17.9 2.9-4.9 5.6-10.1 7.7-15.4 19.8-50.1 39.5-100.3 59.2-150.5.6-1.5 1.1-3 1.3-4.6.4-2.4-.7-3.6-3.1-3.7-5.6-.1-11.1 0-16.7 0-3.1 0-5.3 1.4-6.4 4.3-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.4l-29.1 83.7c-2.1 6.1-4.2 12.1-6.5 18.6-.4-.9-.6-1.4-.8-1.9-10.8-29.9-21.6-59.9-32.4-89.8-1.7-4.7-3.5-9.5-5.3-14.2-.9-2.5-2.7-4-5.4-4-6.4-.1-12.8-.2-19.2-.1-2.2 0-3.3 1.6-2.8 3.7zM242.4 206c1.7 11.7 7.6 20.8 18 26.6 9.9 5.5 20.7 6.2 31.7 4.6 12.7-1.9 23.9-7.3 33.8-15.5.4-.3.8-.6 1.4-1 .5 3.2.9 6.2 1.5 9.2.5 2.6 2.1 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.6.1 9.1.1 13.7 0 2.3-.1 3.8-1.6 4-3.9.1-.8.1-1.6.1-2.3v-88.8c0-3.6-.2-7.2-.7-10.8-1.6-10.8-6.2-19.7-15.9-25.4-5.6-3.3-11.8-5-18.2-5.9-3-.4-6-.7-9.1-1.1h-10c-.8.1-1.6.3-2.5.3-8.2.4-16.3 1.4-24.2 3.5-5.1 1.3-10 3.2-15 4.9-3 1-4.5 3.2-4.4 6.5.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.1 1.8 5.2 5.7 4.1 6.5-1.7 13.1-3.5 19.7-4.8 10.3-1.9 20.7-2.7 31.1-1.2 5.4.8 10.5 2.4 14.1 7 3.1 4 4.2 8.8 4.4 13.7.3 6.9.2 13.9.3 20.8 0 .4-.1.7-.2 1.2-.4 0-.8 0-1.1-.1-8.8-2.1-17.7-3.6-26.8-4.1-9.5-.5-18.9.1-27.9 3.2-10.8 3.8-19.5 10.3-24.6 20.8-4.1 8.3-4.6 17-3.4 25.8zM98.7 106.9v175.3c0 .8 0 1.7.1 2.5.2 2.5 1.7 4.1 4.1 4.2 5.9.1 11.8.1 17.7 0 2.5 0 4-1.7 4.1-4.1.1-.8.1-1.7.1-2.5v-60.7c.9.7 1.4 1.2 1.9 1.6 15 12.5 32.2 16.6 51.1 12.9 17.1-3.4 28.9-13.9 36.7-29.2 5.8-11.6 8.3-24.1 8.7-37 .5-14.3-1-28.4-6.8-41.7-7.1-16.4-18.9-27.3-36.7-30.9-2.7-.6-5.5-.8-8.2-1.2h-7c-1.2.2-2.4.3-3.6.5-11.7 1.4-22.3 5.8-31.8 12.7-2 1.4-3.9 3-5.9 4.5-.1-.5-.3-.8-.4-1.2-.4-2.3-.7-4.6-1.1-6.9-.6-3.9-2.5-5.5-6.4-5.6h-9.7c-5.9-.1-6.9 1-6.9 6.8zM493.6 339c-2.7-.7-5.1 0-7.6 1-43.9 18.4-89.5 30.2-136.8 35.8-14.5 1.7-29.1 2.8-43.7 3.2-26.6.7-53.2-.8-79.6-4.3-17.8-2.4-35.5-5.7-53-9.9-37-8.9-72.7-21.7-106.7-38.8-8.8-4.4-17.4-9.3-26.1-14-3.8-2.1-6.2-1.5-8.2 2.1v1.7c1.2 1.6 2.2 3.4 3.7 4.8 36 32.2 76.6 56.5 122 72.9 21.9 7.9 44.4 13.7 67.3 17.5 14 2.3 28 3.8 42.2 4.5 3 .1 6 .2 9 .4.7 0 1.4.2 2.1.3h17.7c.7-.1 1.4-.3 2.1-.3 14.9-.4 29.8-1.8 44.6-4 21.4-3.2 42.4-8.1 62.9-14.7 29.6-9.6 57.7-22.4 83.4-40.1 2.8-1.9 5.7-3.8 8-6.2 4.3-4.4 2.3-10.4-3.3-11.9zm50.4-27.7c-.8-4.2-4-5.8-7.6-7-5.7-1.9-11.6-2.8-17.6-3.3-11-.9-22-.4-32.8 1.6-12 2.2-23.4 6.1-33.5 13.1-1.2.8-2.4 1.8-3.1 3-.6.9-.7 2.3-.5 3.4.3 1.3 1.7 1.6 3 1.5.6 0 1.2 0 1.8-.1l19.5-2.1c9.6-.9 19.2-1.5 28.8-.8 4.1.3 8.1 1.2 12 2.2 4.3 1.1 6.2 4.4 6.4 8.7.3 6.7-1.2 13.1-2.9 19.5-3.5 12.9-8.3 25.4-13.3 37.8-.3.8-.7 1.7-.8 2.5-.4 2.5 1 4 3.4 3.5 1.4-.3 3-1.1 4-2.1 3.7-3.6 7.5-7.2 10.6-11.2 10.7-13.8 17-29.6 20.7-46.6.7-3 1.2-6.1 1.7-9.1.2-4.7.2-9.6.2-14.5z" ], "cc-amex": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f3", "M576 255.4c-37.9-.2-44.2-.9-54.5 5v-5c-45.3 0-53.5-1.7-64.9 5.2v-5.2h-78.2v5.1c-11.4-6.5-21.4-5.1-75.7-5.1v5.6c-6.3-3.7-14.5-5.6-24.3-5.6h-58c-3.5 3.8-12.5 13.7-15.7 17.2-12.7-14.1-10.5-11.6-15.5-17.2h-83.1v92.3h82c3.3-3.5 12.9-13.9 16.1-17.4 12.7 14.3 10.3 11.7 15.4 17.4h48.9c0-14.7.1-8.3.1-23 11.5.2 24.3-.2 34.3-6.2 0 13.9-.1 17.1-.1 29.2h39.6c0-18.5.1-7.4.1-25.3 6.2 0 7.7 0 1.3 0 0 0 25.2 152.8 0 145.9 1.1 156.7-4.5v4.5c34.8 0 54.8 2.2 67.5-6.1V432c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V228.3h26.6c4.2-10.1 2.2-5.3 6.4-15.3h19.2c4.2 10 2.2 5.2 6.4 15.3h52.9v-11.4c2.2 5 1.1 2.5 5.1 11.4h29.5c2.4-5.5 2.6-5.8 5.1-11.4v11.4h135.5v-25.1c6.4 0 8-.1 9.8.2 0 0-.2 10.9.1 24.8h66.5v-8.9c7.4 5.9 17.4 8.9 29.7 8.9h26.8c4.2-10.1 2.2-5.3 6.4-15.3h19c6.5 15 .2.5 6.6 15.3h52.8v-21.9c11.8 19.7 7.8 12.9 13.2 21.9h41.6v-92h-39.9v18.4c-12.2-20.2-6.3-10.4-11.2-18.4h-43.3v20.6c-6.2-14.6-4.6-10.8-8.8-20.6h-32.4c-.4 0-2.3.2-2.3-.3h-27.6c-12.8 0-23.1 3.2-30.7 9.3v-9.3h-39.9v5.3c-10.8-6.1-20.7-5.1-64.4-5.3-.1 0-11.6-.1-11.6 0h-103c-2.5 6.1-6.8 16.4-12.6 30-2.8-6-11-23.8-13.9-30h-46V157c-7.4-17.4-4.7-11-9-21.1H22.9c-3.4 7.9-13.7 32-23.1 53.9V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v175.4zm-186.6-80.6c-.3.2-1.4 2.2-1.4 7.6 0 6 .9 7.7 1.1 1.1.5 3.4.5l7.3-16.9c-1.1 0-2.1-.1-3.1-.1-5.6 0-7 .7-7.3 1zm-19.9 130.9c9.2 3.3 11 9.5 11 18.4l-.1 13.8h-16.6l.1-11.5c0-11.8-3.8-13.8-14.8-13.8h-17.6l-.1 25.3h-16.6l.1-69.3h39.4c13 0 27.1 2.3 27.1 18.7-.1 7.6-4.2 15.3-11.9 18.4zm-6.3-15.4c0-6.4-5.6-7.4-10.7-7.4h-21v15.6h20.7c5.6 0 11-1.3 11-8.2zm181.7-7.1H575v-14.6h-32.9c-12.8 0-23.8 6.6-23.8 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.8 42.7 27.4 0 5.1-4.3 6.4-8.4 6.4h-32l-.1 14.8h32c8.4 0 17.6-1.8 22.5-8.9v-25.8c-10.5-13.8-39.3-1.3-39.3-13.5 0-5.8 4.6-6.5 9.2-6.5zm-99.2-.3v-14.3h-55.2l-.1 69.3h55.2l.1-14.3-38.6-.3v-13.8H445v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5h38.5zm42.2 40.1h-32.2l-.1 14.8h32.2c14.8 0 26.2-5.6 26.2-22 0-33.2-42.9-11.2-42.9-26.3 0-5.6 4.9-6.4 9.2-6.4h30.4v-14.6h-33.2c-12.8 0-23.5 6.6-23.5 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.5 42.7 27.4-.1 5.4-4.7 6.4-8.8 6.4zm-78.1-158.7c-17.4-.3-33.2-4.1-33.2 19.7 0 11.8 2.8 19.9 16.1 19.9h7.4l23.5-54.5h24.8l27.9 65.4v-65.4h25.3l29.1 48.1v-48.1h16.9v69H524l-31.2-51.9v51.9h-33.7l-6.6-15.3h-34.3l-6.4 15.3h-19.2c-22.8 0-33-11.8-33-34 0-23.3 10.5-35.3 34-35.3h16.1v15.2zm14.3 24.5h22.8l-11.2-27.6-11.6 27.6zm-72.6-39.6h-16.9v69.3h16.9v-69.3zm-38.1 37.3c9.5 3.3 11 9.2 11 18.4v13.5h-16.6c-.3-14.8 3.6-25.1-14.8-25.1h-18v25.1h-16.4v-69.3l39.1.3c13.3 0 27.4 2 27.4 18.4.1 8-4.3 15.7-11.7 18.7zm-6.7-15.3c0-6.4-5.6-7.4-10.7-7.4h-21v15.3h20.7c5.7 0 11-1.3 11-7.9zm-59.5-7.4v-14.6h-55.5v69.3h55.5v-14.3h-38.9v-13.8h37.8v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5h38.9zm-84.6 54.7v-54.2l-24 54.2H124l-24-54.2v54.2H66.2l-6.4-15.3H25.3l-6.4 15.3H1l29.7-69.3h24.5l28.1 65.7v-65.7h27.1l21.7 47 19.7-47h27.6v69.3h-16.8zM53.9 188.8l-11.5-27.6-11.2 27.6h22.7zm253 102.5c0 27.9-30.4 23.3-49.3 23.3l-.1 23.3h-32.2l-20.4-23-21.3 23h-65.4l.1-69.3h66.5l20.5 22.8 21-22.8H279c15.6 0 27.9 5.4 27.9 22.7zm-112.7 11.8l-17.9-20.2h-41.7v12.5h36.3v14.1h-36.3v13.8h40.6l19-20.2zM241 276l-25.3 27.4 25.3 28.1V276zm48.3 15.3c0-6.1-4.6-8.4-10.2-8.4h-21.5v17.6h21.2c5.9 0 10.5-2.8 10.5-9.2z" ], "cc-apple-pay": [ 576, 512, [], "f416", "M302.2 218.4c0 17.2-10.5 27.1-29 27.1h-24.3v-54.2h24.4c18.4 0 28.9 9.8 28.9 27.1zm47.5 62.6c0 8.3 7.2 13.7 18.5 13.7 14.4 0 25.2-9.1 25.2-21.9v-7.7l-23.5 1.5c-13.3.9-20.2 5.8-20.2 14.4zM576 79v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM127.8 197.2c8.4.7 16.8-4.2 22.1-10.4 5.2-6.4 8.6-15 7.7-23.7-7.4.3-16.6 4.9-21.9 11.3-4.8 5.5-8.9 14.4-7.9 22.8zm60.6 74.5c-.2-.2-19.6-7.6-19.8-30-.2-18.7 15.3-27.7 16-28.2-8.8-13-22.4-14.4-27.1-14.7-12.2-.7-22.6 6.9-28.4 6.9-5.9 0-14.7-6.6-24.3-6.4-12.5.2-24.2 7.3-30.5 18.6-13.1 22.6-3.4 56 9.3 74.4 6.2 9.1 13.7 19.1 23.5 18.7 9.3-.4 13-6 24.2-6 11.3 0 14.5 6 24.3 5.9 10.2-.2 16.5-9.1 22.8-18.2 6.9-10.4 9.8-20.4 10-21zm135.4-53.4c0-26.6-18.5-44.8-44.9-44.8h-51.2v136.4h21.2v-46.6h29.3c26.8 0 45.6-18.4 45.6-45zm90 23.7c0-19.7-15.8-32.4-40-32.4-22.5 0-39.1 12.9-39.7 30.5h19.1c1.6-8.4 9.4-13.9 20-13.9 13 0 20.2 6 20.2 17.2v7.5l-26.4 1.6c-24.6 1.5-37.9 11.6-37.9 29.1 0 17.7 13.7 29.4 33.4 29.4 13.3 0 25.6-6.7 31.2-17.4h.4V310h19.6v-68zM516 210.9h-21.5l-24.9 80.6h-.4l-24.9-80.6H422l35.9 99.3-1.9 6c-3.2 10.2-8.5 14.2-17.9 14.2-1.7 0-4.9-.2-6.2-.3v16.4c1.2.4 6.5.5 8.1.5 20.7 0 30.4-7.9 38.9-31.8L516 210.9z" ], "cc-diners-club": [ 576, 512, [], "f24c", "M239.7 79.9c-96.9 0-175.8 78.6-175.8 175.8 0 96.9 78.9 175.8 175.8 175.8 97.2 0 175.8-78.9 175.8-175.8 0-97.2-78.6-175.8-175.8-175.8zm-39.9 279.6c-41.7-15.9-71.4-56.4-71.4-103.8s29.7-87.9 71.4-104.1v207.9zm79.8.3V151.6c41.7 16.2 71.4 56.7 71.4 104.1s-29.7 87.9-71.4 104.1zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM329.7 448h-90.3c-106.2 0-193.8-85.5-193.8-190.2C45.6 143.2 133.2 64 239.4 64h90.3c105 0 200.7 79.2 200.7 193.8 0 104.7-95.7 190.2-200.7 190.2z" ], "cc-discover": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f2", "M83 212.1c0 7.9-3.2 15.5-8.9 20.7-4.9 4.4-11.6 6.4-21.9 6.4H48V185h4.2c10.3 0 16.7 1.7 21.9 6.6 5.7 5 8.9 12.6 8.9 20.5zM504.8 184h-4.9v24.9h4.7c10.3 0 15.8-4.4 15.8-12.8 0-7.9-5.5-12.1-15.6-12.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM428 253h45.3v-13.8H444V217h28.3v-13.8H444V185h29.3v-14H428v82zm-86.2-82l35 84.2h8.6l35.5-84.2h-17.5l-22.2 55.2-21.9-55.2h-17.5zm-83 41.6c0 24.6 19.9 44.6 44.6 44.6 24.6 0 44.6-19.9 44.6-44.6 0-24.6-19.9-44.6-44.6-44.6-24.6 0-44.6 19.9-44.6 44.6zm-68-.5c0 32.5 33.6 52.5 63.3 38.2v-19c-19.3 19.3-46.8 5.8-46.8-19.2 0-23.7 26.7-39.1 46.8-19v-19c-30.2-15-63.3 6.8-63.3 38zm-33.9 28.3c-7.6 0-13.8-3.7-17.5-10.8l-10.3 9.9c17.8 26.1 56.6 18.2 56.6-11.3 0-13.1-5.4-19-23.6-25.6-9.6-3.4-12.3-5.9-12.3-10.3 0-8.7 14.5-14.1 24.9-2.5l8.4-10.8c-19.1-17.1-49.7-8.9-49.7 14.3 0 11.3 5.2 17.2 20.2 22.7 25.7 9.1 14.7 24.4 3.3 24.4zm-57.4-28.3c0-24.1-18-41.1-44.1-41.1H32v82h23.4c30.9 0 44.1-22.4 44.1-40.9zm23.4-41.1h-16v82h16v-82zM544 288c-33.3 20.8-226.4 124.4-416 160h401c8.2 0 15-6.8 15-15V288zm0-35l-25.9-34.5c12.1-2.5 18.7-10.6 18.7-23.2 0-28.5-30.3-24.4-52.9-24.4v82h16v-32.8h2.2l22.2 32.8H544z" ], "cc-jcb": [ 576, 512, [], "f24b", "M431.5 244.3V212c41.2 0 38.5.2 38.5.2 7.3 1.3 13.3 7.3 13.3 16 0 8.8-6 14.5-13.3 15.8-1.2.4-3.3.3-38.5.3zm42.8 20.2c-2.8-.7-3.3-.5-42.8-.5v35c39.6 0 40 .2 42.8-.5 7.5-1.5 13.5-8 13.5-17 0-8.7-6-15.5-13.5-17zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM182 192.3h-57c0 67.1 10.7 109.7-35.8 109.7-19.5 0-38.8-5.7-57.2-14.8v28c30 8.3 68 8.3 68 8.3 97.9 0 82-47.7 82-131.2zm178.5 4.5c-63.4-16-165-14.9-165 59.3 0 77.1 108.2 73.6 165 59.2V287C312.9 311.7 253 309 253 256s59.8-55.6 107.5-31.2v-28zM544 286.5c0-18.5-16.5-30.5-38-32v-.8c19.5-2.7 30.3-15.5 30.3-30.2 0-19-15.7-30-37-31 0 0 6.3-.3-120.3-.3v127.5h122.7c24.3.1 42.3-12.9 42.3-33.2z" ], "cc-mastercard": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f1", "M482.9 410.3c0 6.8-4.6 11.7-11.2 11.7-6.8 0-11.2-5.2-11.2-11.7 0-6.5 4.4-11.7 11.2-11.7 6.6 0 11.2 5.2 11.2 11.7zm-310.8-11.7c-7.1 0-11.2 5.2-11.2 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 6.5 0 10.9-4.9 10.9-11.7-.1-6.5-4.4-11.7-10.9-11.7zm117.5-.3c-5.4 0-8.7 3.5-9.5 8.7h19.1c-.9-5.7-4.4-8.7-9.6-8.7zm107.8.3c-6.8 0-10.9 5.2-10.9 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 10.9 11.7 6.8 0 11.2-4.9 11.2-11.7 0-6.5-4.4-11.7-11.2-11.7zm105.9 26.1c0 . 1.1 0 .3-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3.3-.3.5-.5.8-.3.3-.5.5-1.1.5-.3.3-.5.3-1.1.3-.3 0-.5 0-1.1-.3-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.5-.3-.3-.5-.5-.5-.8-.3-.5-.3-.8-.3-1.1 0-.5 0-.8.3-1.1 0-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.3-.3.5-.3.8-.5.5-.3.8-.3 1.1-.3.5 0 .8 0 1.1.5s.2.6.5 1.1zm-2.2 1.4c.5 0 .5-.3.8-.3.3-.3.3-.5.3-.8 0-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.3 0-.5-.3-1.1-.3h-1.6v3.5h.8V426h.3l1.1 1.4h.8l-1.1-1.3zM576 81v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V81c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM64 220.6c0 76.5 62.1 138.5 138.5 138.5 27.2 0 53.9-8.2 76.5-23.1-72.9-59.3-72.4-171.2 0-230.5-22.6-15-49.3-23.1-76.5-23.1-76.4-.1-138.5 62-138.5 138.2zm224 108.8c70.5-55 70.2-162.2 0-217.5-70.2 55.3-70.5 162.6 0 217.5zm-142.3 76.3c0-8.7-5.7-14.4-14.7-14.7-4.6 0-9.5 1.4-12.8 6.5-2.4-4.1-6.5-6.5-12.2-6.5-3.8 0-7.6 1.4-10.6 5.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2c0-18.9-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10.2 8.2 30.2h7.9c0-18.3-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10 8.2 30.2h8.2v-23zm44.9-13.7h-7.9v4.4c-2.7-3.3-6.5-5.4-11.7-5.4-10.3 0-18.2 8.2-18.2 19.3 0 11.2 7.9 19.3 18.2 19.3 5.2 0 9-1.9 11.7-5.4v4.6h7.9V392zm40.5 25.6c0-15-22.9-8.2-22.9-15.2 0-5.7 11.9-4.8 18.5-1.1l3.3-6.5c-9.4-6.1-30.2-6-30.2 8.2 0 14.3 22.9 8.3 22.9 15 0 6.3-13.5 5.8-20.7.8l-3.5 6.3c11.2 7.6 32.6 6 32.6-7.5zm35.4 9.3l-2.2-6.8c-3.8 2.1-12.2 4.4-12.2-4.1v-16.6h13.1V392h-13.1v-11.2h-8.2V392h-7.6v7.3h7.6V416c0 17.6 17.3 14.4 22.6 10.9zm13.3-13.4h27.5c0-16.2-7.4-22.6-17.4-22.6-10.6 0-18.2 7.9-18.2 19.3 0 20.5 22.6 23.9 33.8 14.2l-3.8-6c-7.8 6.4-19.6 5.8-21.9-4.9zm59.1-21.5c-4.6-2-11.6-1.8-15.2 4.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2V408c0-11.6 9.5-10.1 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm10.6 18.3c0-11.4 11.6-15.1 20.7-8.4l3.8-6.5c-11.6-9.1-32.7-4.1-32.7 15 0 19.8 22.4 23.8 32.7 15l-3.8-6.5c-9.2 6.5-20.7 2.6-20.7-8.6zm66.7-18.3H408v4.4c-8.3-11-29.9-4.8-29.9 13.9 0 19.2 22.4 24.7 29.9 13.9v4.6h8.2V392zm33.7 0c-2.4-1.2-11-2.9-15.2 4.4V392h-7.9v36.7h7.9V408c0-11 9-10.3 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm40.3-14.9h-7.9v19.3c-8.2-10.9-29.9-5.1-29.9 13.9 0 19.4 22.5 24.6 29.9 13.9v4.6h7.9v-51.7zm7.6-75.1v4.6h.8V302h1.9v-.8h-4.6v.8h1.9zm6.6 123.8c0-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.1-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.1-.8-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3 0-.8.3-1.4.3-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.8-.5.3-.8.8-.8 1.1-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3 1.6 0 .3 0 .8.3 1.4 0 . 1.1.3 0 1.1 0 1.6-.3.3-.3.8-.5 1.1-.8.3-.3.5-.8.8-1.1.3-.6.3-1.1.3-1.4zm3.2-124.7h-1.4l-1.6 3.5-1.6-3.5h-1.4v5.4h.8v-4.1l1.6 3.5h1.1l1.4-3.5v4.1h1.1v-5.4zm4.4-80.5c0-76.2-62.1-138.3-138.5-138.3-27.2 0-53.9 8.2-76.5 23.1 72.1 59.3 73.2 171.5 0 230.5 22.6 15 49.5 23.1 76.5 23.1 76.4.1 138.5-61.9 138.5-138.4z" ], "cc-paypal": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f4", "M186.3 258.2c0 12.2-9.7 21.5-22 21.5-9.2 0-16-5.2-16-15 0-12.2 9.5-22 21.7-22 9.3 0 16.3 5.7 16.3 15.5zM80.5 209.7h-4.7c-1.5 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.3 26.7 8.2-.3c11 0 19.5-1.5 21.5-14.2 2.3-13.4-6.2-14.9-17.5-14.9zm284 0H360c-1.8 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.2 26.7 8-.3c13 0 22-3 22-18-.1-10.6-9.6-11.1-18.1-11.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM128.3 215.4c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-40c-2.5 0-5 2-5.2 4.7L32 294.2c-.3 2 1.2 4 3.2 4h19c2.7 0 5.2-2.9 5.5-5.7l4.5-26.6c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.6 0 46.1-17 46.1-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.2 8.2-5.8-8.5-14.2-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9 0 20.2-4.9 26.5-11.9-.5 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H200c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm40.5 97.9l63.7-92.6c.5-.5.5-1 .5-1.7 0-1.7-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-19.2c-1.7 0-3.5 1-4.5 2.5l-26.5 39-11-37.5c-.8-2.2-3-4-5.5-4h-18.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.8-3.2 3.5 0 1.2 19.5 56.8 21.2 62.1-2.7 3.8-20.5 28.6-20.5 31.6 0 1.8 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2h19.2c1.8-.1 3.5-1.1 4.5-2.6zm159.3-106.7c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-39.7c-2.7 0-5.2 2-5.5 4.7l-16.2 102c-.2 2 1.3 4 3.2 4h20.5c2 0 3.5-1.5 4-3.2l4.5-29c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.4 0 45.9-17 45.9-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.3 8.2-5.5-8.5-14-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9.3 0 20.5-4.9 26.5-11.9-.3 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H484c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm47.5-33.3c0-2-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-18.5c-1.5 0-3 1.2-3.2 2.7l-16.2 104-.3.5c0 1.8 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5h16.5c2.5 0 5-2.9 5.2-5.7L544 191.2v-.3zm-90 51.8c-12.2 0-21.7 9.7-21.7 22 0 9.7 7 15 16.2 15 12 0 21.7-9.2 21.7-21.5.1-9.8-6.9-15.5-16.2-15.5z" ], "cc-stripe": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f5", "M396.9 256.5c0 19.1-8.8 33.4-21.9 33.4-8.3 0-13.3-3-16.8-6.7l-.2-52.8c3.7-4.1 8.8-7 17-7 12.9-.1 21.9 14.5 21.9 33.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM122.2 281.1c0-42.3-54.3-34.7-54.3-50.7 0-5.5 4.6-7.7 12.1-7.7 10.8 0 24.5 3.3 35.3 9.1v-33.4c-11.8-4.7-23.5-6.5-35.3-6.5-28.8 0-48 15-48 40.2 0 39.3 54 32.9 54 49.9 0 6.6-5.7 8.7-13.6 8.7-11.8 0-26.9-4.9-38.9-11.3v33.9c13.2 5.7 26.6 8.1 38.8 8.1 29.6-.2 49.9-14.7 49.9-40.3zm68.9-86.9h-27v-30.8l-34.7 7.4-.2 113.9c0 21 15.8 36.5 36.9 36.5 11.6 0 20.2-2.1 24.9-4.7v-28.9c-4.5 1.8-27 8.3-27-12.6v-50.5h27v-30.3zm73.8 0c-4.7-1.7-21.3-4.8-29.6 10.5l-2.2-10.5h-30.7v124.5h35.5v-84.4c8.4-11 22.6-8.9 27.1-7.4v-32.7zm44.2 0h-35.7v124.5h35.7V194.2zm0-47.3l-35.7 7.6v28.9l35.7-7.6v-28.9zm122.7 108.8c0-41.3-23.5-63.8-48.4-63.8-13.9 0-22.9 6.6-27.8 11.1l-1.8-8.8h-31.3V360l35.5-7.5.1-40.2c5.1 3.7 12.7 9 25.1 9 25.4-.1 48.6-20.5 48.6-65.6zm112.2 1.2c0-36.4-17.6-65.1-51.3-65.1-33.8 0-54.3 28.7-54.3 64.9 0 42.8 24.2 64.5 58.8 64.5 17 0 29.7-3.9 39.4-9.2v-28.6c-9.7 4.9-20.8 7.9-34.9 7.9-13.8 0-26-4.9-27.6-21.5h69.5c.1-2 .4-9.4.4-12.9zm-51.6-36.1c-8.9 0-18.7 6.7-18.7 22.7h36.7c0-16-9.3-22.7-18-22.7z" ], "cc-visa": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f0", "M470.1 231.3s7.6 37.2 9.3 45H446c3.3-8.9 16-43.5 16-43.5-.2.3 3.3-9.1 5.3-14.9l2.8 13.4zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM152.5 331.2L215.7 176h-42.5l-39.3 106-4.3-21.5-14-71.4c-2.3-9.9-9.4-12.7-18.2-13.1H32.7l-.7 3.1c15.8 4 29.9 9.8 42.2 17.1l35.8 135h42.5zm94.4.2L272.1 176h-40.2l-25.1 155.4h40.1zm139.9-50.8c.2-17.7-10.6-31.2-33.7-42.3-14.1-7.1-22.7-11.9-22.7-19.2.2-6.6 7.3-13.4 23.1-13.4 13.1-.3 22.7 2.8 29.9 5.9l3.6 1.7 5.5-33.6c-7.9-3.1-20.5-6.6-36-6.6-39.7 0-67.6 21.2-67.8 51.4-.3 22.3 20 34.7 35.2 42.2 15.5 7.6 20.8 12.6 20.8 19.3-.2 10.4-12.6 15.2-24.1 15.2-16 0-24.6-2.5-37.7-8.3l-5.3-2.5-5.6 34.9c9.4 4.3 26.8 8.1 44.8 8.3 42.2.1 69.7-20.8 70-53zM528 331.4L495.6 176h-31.1c-9.6 0-16.9 2.8-21 12.9l-59.7 142.5H426s6.9-19.2 8.4-23.3H486c1.2 5.5 4.8 23.3 4.8 23.3H528z" ], centercode: [ 512, 512, [], "f380", "M329.2 268.6c-3.8 35.2-35.4 60.6-70.6 56.8-35.2-3.8-60.6-35.4-56.8-70.6 3.8-35.2 35.4-60.6 70.6-56.8 35.1 3.8 60.6 35.4 56.8 70.6zm-85.8 235.1C96.7 496-8.2 365.5 10.1 224.3c11.2-86.6 65.8-156.9 139.1-192 161-77.1 349.7 37.4 354.7 216.6 4.1 147-118.4 262.2-260.5 254.8zm179.9-180c27.9-118-160.5-205.9-237.2-234.2-57.5 56.3-69.1 188.6-33.8 344.4 68.8 15.8 169.1-26.4 271-110.2z" ], chrome: [ 496, 512, [], "f268", "M131.5 217.5L55.1 100.1c47.6-59.2 119-91.8 192-92.1 42.3-.3 85.5 10.5 124.8 33.2 43.4 25.2 76.4 61.4 97.4 103L264 133.4c-58.1-3.4-113.4 29.3-132.5 84.1zm32.9 38.5c0 46.2 37.4 83.6 83.6 83.6s83.6-37.4 83.6-83.6-37.4-83.6-83.6-83.6-83.6 37.3-83.6 83.6zm314.9-89.2L339.6 174c37.9 44.3 38.5 108.2 6.6 157.2L234.1 503.6c46.5 2.5 94.4-7.7 137.8-32.9 107.4-62 150.9-192 107.4-303.9zM133.7 303.6L40.4 120.1C14.9 159.1 0 205.9 0 256c0 124 90.8 226.7 209.5 244.9l63.7-124.8c-57.6 10.8-113.2-20.8-139.5-72.5z" ], cloudscale: [ 448, 512, [], "f383", "M318.1 154l-9.4 7.6c-22.5-19.3-51.5-33.6-83.3-33.6C153.8 128 96 188.8 96 260.3c0 6.6.4 13.1 1.4 19.4-2-56 41.8-97.4 92.6-97.4 24.2 0 46.2 9.4 62.6 24.7l-25.2 20.4c-8.3-.9-16.8 1.8-23.1 8.1-11.1 11-11.1 28.9 0 40 11.1 11 28.9 11 40 0 6.3-6.3 9-14.9 8.1-23.1l75.2-88.8c6.3-6.5-3.3-15.9-9.5-9.6zm-83.8 111.5c-5.6 5.5-14.6 5.5-20.2 0-5.6-5.6-5.6-14.6 0-20.2s14.6-5.6 20.2 0 5.6 14.7 0 20.2zM224 32C100.5 32 0 132.5 0 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224S347.5 32 224 32zm0 384c-88.2 0-160-71.8-160-160S135.8 96 224 96s160 71.8 160 160-71.8 160-160 160z" ], cloudsmith: [ 332, 512, [], "f384", "M332.5 419.9c0 46.4-37.6 84.1-84 84.1s-84-37.7-84-84.1 37.6-84 84-84 84 37.6 84 84zm-84-243.9c46.4 0 80-37.6 80-84s-33.6-84-80-84-88 37.6-88 84-29.6 76-76 76-84 41.6-84 88 37.6 80 84 80 84-33.6 84-80 33.6-80 80-80z" ], cloudversify: [ 616, 512, [], "f385", "M148.6 304c8.2 68.5 67.4 115.5 146 111.3 51.2 43.3 136.8 45.8 186.4-5.6 69.2 1.1 118.5-44.6 131.5-99.5 14.8-62.5-18.2-132.5-92.1-155.1-33-88.1-131.4-101.5-186.5-85-57.3 17.3-84.3 53.2-99.3 109.7-7.8 2.7-26.5 8.9-45 24.1 11.7 0 15.2 8.9 15.2 19.5v20.4c0 10.7-8.7 19.5-19.5 19.5h-20.2c-10.7 0-19.5-6-19.5-16.7V240H98.8C95 240 88 244.3 88 251.9v40.4c0 6.4 5.3 11.8 11.7 11.8h48.9zm227.4 8c-10.7 46.3 21.7 72.4 55.3 86.8C324.1 432.6 259.7 348 296 288c-33.2 21.6-33.7 71.2-29.2 92.9-17.9-12.4-53.8-32.4-57.4-79.8-3-39.9 21.5-75.7 57-93.9C297 191.4 369.9 198.7 400 248c-14.1-48-53.8-70.1-101.8-74.8 30.9-30.7 64.4-50.3 114.2-43.7 69.8 9.3 133.2 82.8 67.7 150.5 35-16.3 48.7-54.4 47.5-76.9l10.5 19.6c11.8 22 15.2 47.6 9.4 72-9.2 39-40.6 68.8-79.7 76.5-32.1 6.3-83.1-5.1-91.8-59.2zM128 208H88.2c-8.9 0-16.2-7.3-16.2-16.2v-39.6c0-8.9 7.3-16.2 16.2-16.2H128c8.9 0 16.2 7.3 16.2 16.2v39.6c0 8.9-7.3 16.2-16.2 16.2zM10.1 168C4.5 168 0 163.5 0 157.9v-27.8c0-5.6 4.5-10.1 10.1-10.1h27.7c5.5 0 10.1 4.5 10.1 10.1v27.8c0 5.6-4.5 10.1-10.1 10.1H10.1zM168 142.7v-21.4c0-5.1 4.2-9.3 9.3-9.3h21.4c5.1 0 9.3 4.2 9.3 9.3v21.4c0 5.1-4.2 9.3-9.3 9.3h-21.4c-5.1 0-9.3-4.2-9.3-9.3zM56 235.5v25c0 6.3-5.1 11.5-11.4 11.5H19.4C13.1 272 8 266.8 8 260.5v-25c0-6.3 5.1-11.5 11.4-11.5h25.1c6.4 0 11.5 5.2 11.5 11.5z" ], codepen: [ 512, 512, [], "f1cb", "M502.285 159.704l-234-156c-7.987-4.915-16.511-4.96-24.571 0l-234 156C3.714 163.703 0 170.847 0 177.989v155.999c0 7.143 3.714 14.286 9.715 18.286l234 156.022c7.987 4.915 16.511 4.96 24.571 0l234-156.022c6-3.999 9.715-11.143 9.715-18.286V177.989c-.001-7.142-3.715-14.286-9.716-18.285zM278 63.131l172.286 114.858-76.857 51.429L278 165.703V63.131zm-44 0v102.572l-95.429 63.715-76.857-51.429L234 63.131zM44 219.132l55.143 36.857L44 292.846v-73.714zm190 229.715L61.714 333.989l76.857-51.429L234 346.275v102.572zm22-140.858l-77.715-52 77.715-52 77.715 52-77.715 52zm22 140.858V346.275l95.429-63.715 76.857 51.429L278 448.847zm190-156.001l-55.143-36.857L468 219.132v73.714z" ], codiepie: [ 472, 512, [], "f284", "M422.5 202.9c30.7 0 33.5 53.1-.3 53.1h-10.8v44.3h-26.6v-97.4h37.7zM472 352.6C429.9 444.5 350.4 504 248 504 111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c97.4 0 172.8 53.7 218.2 138.4l-186 108.8L472 352.6zm-38.5 12.5l-60.3-30.7c-27.1 44.3-70.4 71.4-122.4 71.4-82.5 0-149.2-66.7-149.2-148.9 0-82.5 66.7-149.2 149.2-149.2 48.4 0 88.9 23.5 116.9 63.4l59.5-34.6c-40.7-62.6-104.7-100-179.2-100-121.2 0-219.5 98.3-219.5 219.5S126.8 475.5 248 475.5c78.6 0 146.5-42.1 185.5-110.4z" ], connectdevelop: [ 576, 512, [], "f20e", "M550.5 241l-50.089-86.786c1.071-2.142 1.875-4.553 1.875-7.232 0-8.036-6.696-14.733-14.732-15.001l-55.447-95.893c.536-1.607 1.071-3.214 1.071-4.821 0-8.571-6.964-15.268-15.268-15.268-4.821 0-8.839 2.143-11.786 5.625H299.518C296.839 18.143 292.821 16 288 16s-8.839 2.143-11.518 5.625H170.411C167.464 18.143 163.447 16 158.625 16c-8.303 0-15.268 6.696-15.268 15.268 0 1.607.536 3.482 1.072 4.821l-55.983 97.233c-5.356 2.41-9.107 7.5-9.107 13.661 0 .535.268 1.071.268 1.607l-53.304 92.143c-7.232 1.339-12.59 7.5-12.59 15 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 15l55.179 95.358c-.536 1.607-.804 2.946-.804 4.821 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 14.732l51.697 89.732c-.536 1.607-1.071 3.482-1.071 5.357 0 8.571 6.964 15.268 15.268 15.268 4.821 0 8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h106.875C279.161 493.857 283.447 496 288 496s8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h107.143c2.678 2.946 6.696 4.821 10.982 4.821 8.571 0 15.268-6.964 15.268-15.268 0-1.607-.267-2.946-.803-4.285l51.697-90.268c6.964-1.339 12.054-7.5 12.054-14.732 0-1.607-.268-3.214-.804-4.821l54.911-95.358c6.964-1.339 12.322-7.5 12.322-15-.002-7.232-5.092-13.393-11.788-14.732zM153.535 450.732l-43.66-75.803h43.66v75.803zm0-83.839h-43.66c-.268-1.071-.804-2.142-1.339-3.214l44.999-47.41v50.624zm0-62.411l-50.357 53.304c-1.339-.536-2.679-1.34-4.018-1.607L43.447 259.75c.535-1.339.535-2.679.535-4.018s0-2.41-.268-3.482l51.965-90c2.679-.268 5.357-1.072 7.768-2.679l50.089 51.965v92.946zm0-102.322l-45.803-47.41c1.339-2.143 2.143-4.821 2.143-7.767 0-.268-.268-.804-.268-1.072l43.928-15.804v72.053zm0-80.625l-43.66 15.804 43.66-75.536v59.732zm326.519 39.108l.804 1.339L445.5 329.125l-63.75-67.232 98.036-101.518.268.268zM291.75 355.107l11.518 11.786H280.5l11.25-11.786zm-.268-11.25l-83.303-85.446 79.553-84.375 83.036 87.589-79.286 82.232zm5.357 5.893l79.286-82.232 67.5 71.25-5.892 28.125H313.714l-16.875-17.143zM410.411 44.393c1.071.536 2.142 1.072 3.482 1.34l57.857 100.714v.536c0 2.946.803 5.624 2.143 7.767L376.393 256l-83.035-87.589L410.411 44.393zm-9.107-2.143L287.732 162.518l-57.054-60.268 166.339-60h4.287zm-123.483 0c2.678 2.678 6.16 4.285 10.179 4.285s7.5-1.607 10.179-4.285h75L224.786 95.821 173.893 42.25h103.928zm-116.249 5.625l1.071-2.142a33.834 33.834 0 0 0 2.679-.804l51.161 53.84-54.911 19.821V47.875zm0 79.286l60.803-21.964 59.732 63.214-79.553 84.107-40.982-42.053v-83.304zm0 92.678L198 257.607l-36.428 38.304v-76.072zm0 87.858l42.053-44.464 82.768 85.982-17.143 17.678H161.572v-59.196zm6.964 162.053c-1.607-1.607-3.482-2.678-5.893-3.482l-1.071-1.607v-89.732h99.91l-91.607 94.821h-1.339zm129.911 0c-2.679-2.41-6.428-4.285-10.447-4.285s-7.767 1.875-10.447 4.285h-96.429l91.607-94.821h38.304l91.607 94.821H298.447zm120-11.786l-4.286 7.5c-1.339.268-2.41.803-3.482 1.339l-89.196-91.875h114.376l-17.412 83.036zm12.856-22.232l12.858-60.803h21.964l-34.822 60.803zm34.822-68.839h-20.357l4.553-21.16 17.143 18.214c-.535.803-1.071 1.874-1.339 2.946zm66.161-107.411l-55.447 96.697c-1.339.535-2.679 1.071-4.018 1.874l-20.625-21.964 34.554-163.928 45.803 79.286c-.267 1.339-.803 2.678-.803 4.285 0 1.339.268 2.411.536 3.75z" ], contao: [ 512, 512, [], "f26d", "M45.4 305c14.4 67.1 26.4 129 68.2 175H34c-18.7 0-34-15.2-34-34V66c0-18.7 15.2-34 34-34h57.7C77.9 44.6 65.6 59.2 54.8 75.6c-45.4 70-27 146.8-9.4 229.4zM478 32h-90.2c21.4 21.4 39.2 49.5 52.7 84.1l-137.1 29.3c-14.9-29-37.8-53.3-82.6-43.9-24.6 5.3-41 19.3-48.3 34.6-8.8 18.7-13.2 39.8 8.2 140.3 21.1 100.2 33.7 117.7 49.5 131.2 12.9 11.1 33.4 17 58.3 11.7 44.5-9.4 55.7-40.7 57.4-73.2l137.4-29.6c3.2 71.5-18.7 125.2-57.4 163.6H478c18.7 0 34-15.2 34-34V66c0-18.8-15.2-34-34-34z" ], cpanel: [ 640, 512, [], "f388", "M52.9 213.7h40l-6.2 23.6c-1.9 6.5-7.4 10.9-14.3 10.9H53.8c-24.9 0-24.7 37.4 0 37.4h11.3c4.2 0 7.6 3.9 6.4 8.3L64.4 320H52c-33.5 0-59-31.4-50.3-65.2 7.3-27 28.3-41.1 51.2-41.1M73.1 320L108 189.9c1.8-6.4 7.2-10.9 14.3-10.9h37c24.1 0 45.4 16.4 51 41.2 6.6 29.1-14.5 65.3-51.7 65.3h-32l6.4-23.8c1.8-6.2 7.3-10.8 14.3-10.8h10.3c12.4 0 20.8-11.7 18.3-22.6-2.1-9.2-9.9-14.8-18.3-14.8h-19.8L112 309.2c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.7-14.2 10.7l-24.7.1m220.6-69.4c.3-1 1.9-5.3-2.1-5.3h-57.5c-9.7 0-16.6-8.9-14.2-18.5l3.5-13.4h77.9c18.8 0 33.3 17.6 28.5 36.8l-14 51.8c-2.8 10.6-12.2 17.8-23.4 17.8l-57.5-.2c-42.9 0-38.5-63.8.7-63.8H284l-3.5 13.2c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.8-14.2 10.8h-21.6c-5.3 0-5.3 7.9 0 7.9h34.9c4.6 0 5.1-3.9 5.5-5.3l8.6-31.8m103.1-36.9c34.4 0 59.3 32.3 50.3 65.4l-8.8 33.1c-1.2 4.9-5.7 7.8-10.3 7.8h-19.1c-4.5 0-7.6-4-6.4-8.3l10.6-40c3.3-11.6-5.6-23.4-18.1-23.4h-19.8l-17.2 64c-1.2 4.8-5.6 7.8-10.4 7.8h-18.9c-4.2 0-7.6-3.9-6.4-8.3l26.2-98h48.3M498 251.6l-8 30c-.9 3.3 1.5 6.7 5.1 6.7h73.3l-5.7 21c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.7-14.2 10.7h-66.7c-20 0-33.3-19-28.3-36.7l10.8-40c4.8-17.6 20.7-29.6 38.6-29.6h47.3c19 0 33.2 17.7 28.3 36.8l-3.2 12c-2.9 11-12.7 17.6-23.2 17.6h-53.4l3.5-13c1.6-6.2 7.2-10.8 14.2-10.8H538c2 0 3.3-1 3.9-3l.7-2.6c.7-2.7-1.3-5.1-3.9-5.1h-32.9c-4.1 0-6.9 2.1-7.8 6zm70.2 68.4l35.6-133.1c1.2-4.7 5.5-7.9 10.4-7.9h18.9c4.5 0 7.7 4 6.5 8.3l-26.5 98.2c-5.1 20.7-24.2 34.5-44.9 34.5" ], "creative-commons": [ 496, 512, [], "f25e", "M245.83 214.87l-33.22 17.28c-9.43-19.58-25.24-19.93-27.46-19.93-22.13 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.57 9.21 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.47 0 24.65-7.09 30.57-21.26l30.55 15.5c-6.17 11.51-25.69 38.98-65.1 38.98-22.6 0-73.96-10.32-73.96-77.05 0-58.69 43-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.72-.01 52.7 11.95 65.99 35.86zm143.05 0l-32.78 17.28c-9.5-19.77-25.72-19.93-27.9-19.93-22.14 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.55 9.23 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.45 0 24.65-7.09 30.54-21.26l31 15.5c-2.1 3.75-21.39 38.98-65.09 38.98-22.69 0-73.96-9.87-73.96-77.05 0-58.67 42.97-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.71-.01 52.58 11.95 65.56 35.86zM247.56 8.05C104.74 8.05 0 123.11 0 256.05c0 138.49 113.6 248 247.56 248 129.93 0 248.44-100.87 248.44-248 0-137.87-106.62-248-248.44-248zm.87 450.81c-112.54 0-203.7-93.04-203.7-202.81 0-105.42 85.43-203.27 203.72-203.27 112.53 0 202.82 89.46 202.82 203.26-.01 121.69-99.68 202.82-202.84 202.82z" ], "creative-commons-by": [ 496, 512, [], "f4e7", "M314.9 194.4v101.4h-28.3v120.5h-77.1V295.9h-28.3V194.4c0-4.4 1.6-8.2 4.6-11.3 3.1-3.1 6.9-4.7 11.3-4.7H299c4.1 0 7.8 1.6 11.1 4.7 3.1 3.2 4.8 6.9 4.8 11.3zm-101.5-63.7c0-23.3 11.5-35 34.5-35s34.5 11.7 34.5 35c0 23-11.5 34.5-34.5 34.5s-34.5-11.5-34.5-34.5zM247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3z" ], "creative-commons-nc": [ 496, 512, [], "f4e8", "M247.6 8C387.4 8 496 115.9 496 256c0 147.2-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.1 504 0 393.2 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zM55.8 189.1c-7.4 20.4-11.1 42.7-11.1 66.9 0 110.9 92.1 202.4 203.7 202.4 122.4 0 177.2-101.8 178.5-104.1l-93.4-41.6c-7.7 37.1-41.2 53-68.2 55.4v38.1h-28.8V368c-27.5-.3-52.6-10.2-75.3-29.7l34.1-34.5c31.7 29.4 86.4 31.8 86.4-2.2 0-6.2-2.2-11.2-6.6-15.1-14.2-6-1.8-.1-219.3-97.4zM248.4 52.3c-38.4 0-112.4 8.7-170.5 93l94.8 42.5c10-31.3 40.4-42.9 63.8-44.3v-38.1h28.8v38.1c22.7 1.2 43.4 8.9 62 23L295 199.7c-42.7-29.9-83.5-8-70 11.1 53.4 24.1 43.8 19.8 93 41.6l127.1 56.7c4.1-17.4 6.2-35.1 6.2-53.1 0-57-19.8-105-59.3-143.9-39.3-39.9-87.2-59.8-143.6-59.8z" ], "creative-commons-nc-eu": [ 496, 512, [], "f4e9", "M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.3 111.7 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.1 496 256 496 117 388.4 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-23.2 3.7-45.2 10.9-66l65.7 29.1h-4.7v29.5h23.3c0 6.2-.4 3.2-.4 19.5h-22.8v29.5h27c11.4 67 67.2 101.3 124.6 101.3 26.6 0 50.6-7.9 64.8-15.8l-10-46.1c-8.7 4.6-28.2 10.8-47.3 10.8-28.2 0-58.1-10.9-67.3-50.2h90.3l128.3 56.8c-1.5 2.1-56.2 104.3-178.8 104.3zm-16.7-190.6l-.5-.4.9.4h-.4zm77.2-19.5h3.7v-29.5h-70.3l-28.6-12.6c2.5-5.5 5.4-10.5 8.8-14.3 12.9-15.8 31.1-22.4 51.1-22.4 18.3 0 35.3 5.4 46.1 10l11.6-47.3c-15-6.6-37-12.4-62.3-12.4-39 0-72.2 15.8-95.9 42.3-5.3 6.1-9.8 12.9-13.9 20.1l-81.6-36.1c64.6-96.8 157.7-93.6 170.7-93.6 113 0 203 90.2 203 203.4 0 18.7-2.1 36.3-6.3 52.9l-136.1-60.5z" ], "creative-commons-nc-jp": [ 496, 512, [], "f4ea", "M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.4 111.8 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.2 496 256 496 117.2 388.5 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-21.1 3-41.2 9-60.3l127 56.5h-27.9v38.6h58.1l5.7 11.8v18.7h-63.8V360h63.8v56h61.7v-56h64.2v-35.7l81 36.1c-1.5 2.2-57.1 98.3-175.2 98.3zm87.6-137.3h-57.6v-18.7l2.9-5.6 54.7 24.3zm6.5-51.4v-17.8h-38.6l63-116H301l-43.4 96-23-10.2-39.6-85.7h-65.8l27.3 51-81.9-36.5c27.8-44.1 82.6-98.1 173.7-98.1 112.8 0 203 90 203 203.4 0 21-2.7 40.6-7.9 59l-101-45.1z" ], "creative-commons-nd": [ 496, 512, [], "f4eb", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm94 144.3v42.5H162.1V197h180.3zm0 79.8v42.5H162.1v-42.5h180.3z" ], "creative-commons-pd": [ 496, 512, [], "f4ec", "M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm0 449.5c-139.2 0-235.8-138-190.2-267.9l78.8 35.1c-2.1 10.5-3.3 21.5-3.3 32.9 0 99 73.9 126.9 120.4 126.9 22.9 0 53.5-6.7 79.4-29.5L297 311.1c-5.5 6.3-17.6 16.7-36.3 16.7-37.8 0-53.7-39.9-53.9-71.9 230.4 102.6 216.5 96.5 217.9 96.8-34.3 62.4-100.6 104.8-176.7 104.8zm194.2-150l-224-100c18.8-34 54.9-30.7 74.7-11l40.4-41.6c-27.1-23.3-58-27.5-78.1-27.5-47.4 0-80.9 20.5-100.7 51.6l-74.9-33.4c36.1-54.9 98.1-91.2 168.5-91.2 111.1 0 201.5 90.4 201.5 201.5 0 18-2.4 35.4-6.8 52-.3-.1-.4-.2-.6-.4z" ], "creative-commons-pd-alt": [ 496, 512, [], "f4ed", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM135.5 323.3V186h68.2c33.7 0 50.5 15.5 50.5 46.5 0 9-3 46.5-57.1 46.5h-27v44.3h-34.6zm34.1-111.6v41.6h29.2c27.9 0 30-41.6-.9-41.6h-28.3zm93.9 111.6V186h53.2c21.4 0 70 5.2 70 68.6 0 63.5-48.6 68.6-70 68.6h-53.2zm34.1-108.5v79.7h19.9c24 0 34.5-15.3 34.5-39.9 0-42-31.2-39.9-35-39.9l-19.4.1z" ], "creative-commons-remix": [ 496, 512, [], "f4ee", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm161.7 207.7l4.9 2.2v70c-7.2 3.6-63.4 27.5-67.3 28.8-6.5-1.8-113.7-46.8-137.3-56.2l-64.2 26.6-63.3-27.5v-63.8l59.3-24.8c-.7-.7-.4 5-.4-70.4l67.3-29.7L361 178.5v61.6l49.1 20.3zm-70.4 81.5v-43.8h-.4v-1.8l-113.8-46.5V295l113.8 46.9v-.4l.4.4zm7.5-57.6l39.9-16.4-36.8-15.5-39 16.4 35.9 15.5zm52.3 38.1v-43L355.2 298v43.4l44.3-19z" ], "creative-commons-sa": [ 496, 512, [], "f4ef", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM137.7 221c13-83.9 80.5-95.7 108.9-95.7 99.8 0 127.5 82.5 127.5 134.2 0 63.6-41 132.9-128.9 132.9-38.9 0-99.1-20-109.4-97h62.5c1.5 30.1 19.6 45.2 54.5 45.2 23.3 0 58-18.2 58-82.8 0-82.5-49.1-80.6-56.7-80.6-33.1 0-51.7 14.6-55.8 43.8h18.2l-49.2 49.2-49-49.2h19.4z" ], "creative-commons-sampling": [ 496, 512, [], "f4f0", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm3.6 53.2c2.8-.3 11.5 1 11.5 11.5l6.6 107.2 4.9-59.3c0-6 4.7-10.6 10.6-10.6 5.9 0 10.6 4.7 10.6 10.6 0 2.5-.5-5.7 5.7 81.5l5.8-64.2c.3-2.9 2.9-9.3 10.2-9.3 3.8 0 9.9 2.3 10.6 8.9l11.5 96.5 5.3-12.8c1.8-4.4 5.2-6.6 10.2-6.6h58v21.3h-50.9l-18.2 44.3c-3.9 9.9-19.5 9.1-20.8-3.1l-4-31.9-7.5 92.6c-.3 3-3 9.3-10.2 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.6 5.8-6.2-77.9l-5.3 72.2c-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-2.9 0-9.8-2-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.5 6.7-5.8-87.7l-5.8 94.8c0 6.3-3.6 12.4-10.6 12.4-5.2 0-10.6-4.1-10.6-12l-5.8-87.7c-5.8 92.5-5.3 84-5.3 85.9-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-.7-.4-1.1-.4-2.6l-6.2-88.6L182 348c-.7 6.5-6.7 9.3-10.6 9.3-5.8 0-9.6-4.1-10.6-8.9L149.7 272c-2 4-3.5 8.4-11.1 8.4H87.2v-21.3H132l13.7-27.9c4.4-9.9 18.2-7.2 19.9 2.7l3.1 20.4 8.4-97.9c0-6 4.8-10.6 10.6-10.6.5 0 10.6-.2 10.6 12.4l4.9 69.1 6.6-92.6c0-10.1 9.5-10.6 10.2-10.6.6 0 10.6.7 10.6 10.6l5.3 80.6 6.2-97.9c.1-1.1-.6-10.3 9.9-11.5z" ], "creative-commons-sampling-plus": [ 496, 512, [], "f4f1", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm107 205.6c-4.7 0-9 2.8-10.7 7.2l-4 9.5-11-92.8c-1.7-13.9-22-13.4-23.1.4l-4.3 51.4-5.2-68.8c-1.1-14.3-22.1-14.2-23.2 0l-3.5 44.9-5.9-94.3c-.9-14.5-22.3-14.4-23.2 0l-5.1 83.7-4.3-66.3c-.9-14.4-22.2-14.4-23.2 0l-5.3 80.2-4.1-57c-1.1-14.3-22-14.3-23.2-.2l-7.7 89.8-1.8-12.2c-1.7-11.4-17.1-13.6-22-3.3l-13.2 27.7H87.5v23.2h51.3c4.4 0 8.4-2.5 10.4-6.4l10.7 73.1c2 13.5 21.9 13 23.1-.7l3.8-43.6 5.7 78.3c1.1 14.4 22.3 14.2 23.2-.1l4.6-70.4 4.8 73.3c.9 14.4 22.3 14.4 23.2-.1l4.9-80.5 4.5 71.8c.9 14.3 22.1 14.5 23.2.2l4.6-58.6 4.9 64.4c1.1 14.3 22 14.2 23.1.1l6.8-83 2.7 22.3c1.4 11.8 17.7 14.1 22.3 3.1l18-43.4h50.5V258l-58.4.3zm-78 5.2h-21.9v21.9c0 4.1-3.3 7.5-7.5 7.5-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5v-21.9h-21.9c-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5 0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5h21.9v-21.9c0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5s7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5v21.9h21.9c4.1 0 7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5 0 4.1-3.4 7.5-7.5 7.5z" ], "creative-commons-share": [ 496, 512, [], "f4f2", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm101 132.4c7.8 0 13.7 6.1 13.7 13.7v182.5c0 7.7-6.1 13.7-13.7 13.7H214.3c-7.7 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7v-54h-54c-7.8 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7V131.1c0-8.2 6.6-12.7 12.4-13.7h136.4c7.7 0 13.7 6 13.7 13.7v54h54zM159.9 300.3h40.7V198.9c0-7.4 5.8-12.6 12-13.7h55.8v-40.3H159.9v155.4zm176.2-88.1H227.6v155.4h108.5V212.2z" ], css3: [ 512, 512, [], "f13c", "M480 32l-64 368-223.3 80L0 400l19.6-94.8h82l-8 40.6L210 390.2l134.1-44.4 18.8-97.1H29.5l16-82h333.7l10.5-52.7H56.3l16.3-82H480z" ], "css3-alt": [ 384, 512, [], "f38b", "M0 32l34.9 395.8L192 480l157.1-52.2L384 32H0zm313.1 80l-4.8 47.3L193 208.6l-.3.1h111.5l-12.8 146.6-98.2 28.7-98.8-29.2-6.4-73.9h48.9l3.2 38.3 52.6 13.3 54.7-15.4 3.7-61.6-166.3-.5v-.1l-.2.1-3.6-46.3L193.1 162l6.5-2.7H76.7L70.9 112h242.2z" ], cuttlefish: [ 440, 512, [], "f38c", "M344 305.5c-17.5 31.6-57.4 54.5-96 54.5-56.6 0-104-47.4-104-104s47.4-104 104-104c38.6 0 78.5 22.9 96 54.5 13.7-50.9 41.7-93.3 87-117.8C385.7 39.1 320.5 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c72.5 0 137.7-31.1 183-80.7-45.3-24.5-73.3-66.9-87-117.8z" ], "d-and-d": [ 576, 512, [], "f38d", "M82.5 98.9c-.6-17.2 2-33.8 12.7-48.2.3 7.4 1.2 14.5 4.2 21.6 5.9-27.5 19.7-49.3 42.3-65.5-1.9 5.9-3.5 11.8-3 17.7 8.7-7.4 18.8-17.8 44.4-22.7 14.7-2.8 29.7-2 42.1 1 38.5 9.3 61 34.3 69.7 72.3 5.3 23.1.7 45-8.3 66.4-5.2 12.4-12 24.4-20.7 35.1-2-1.9-3.9-3.8-5.8-5.6-42.8-40.8-26.8-25.2-37.4-37.4-1.1-1.2-1-2.2-.1-3.6 8.3-13.5 11.8-28.2 10-44-1.1-9.8-4.3-18.9-11.3-26.2-14.5-15.3-39.2-15-53.5.6-11.4 12.5-14.1 27.4-10.9 43.6.2 1.3.4 2.7 0 3.9-3.4 13.7-4.6 27.6-2.5 1.1.1 1.6 0 .3-.1.5-.2 1.1-21.8-11-36-28.3-43.2-52.2-8.3 17.8-11.1 35.5-6.6 54.1-15.6-15.2-21.3-34.3-22-55.2zm469.6 123.2c-11.6-11.6-25-20.4-40.1-26.6-12.8-5.2-26-7.9-39.9-7.1-10 .6-19.6 3.1-29 6.4-2.5.9-5.1 1.6-7.7 2.2-4.9 1.2-7.3-3.1-4.7-6.8 3.2-4.6 3.4-4.2 15-12 .6-.4 1.2-.8 2.2-1.5h-2.5c-.6 0-1.2.2-1.9.3-19.3 3.3-30.7 15.5-48.9 29.6-10.4 8.1-13.8 3.8-12-.5 1.4-3.5 3.3-6.7 5.1-10 1-1.8 2.3-3.4 3.5-5.1-.2-.2-.5-.3-.7-.5-27 18.3-46.7 42.4-57.7 1 .9.3-.6.5-1.2.9-1.7 10.4-12.1 22.8-21.8 36.6-29.8 18.2-10.6 37.5-18.3 58.7-20.2 4.3-.4 8.7-.1 13.1-.1-1.8.7-3.5.9-5.3 1.1-18.5 2.4-35.5 9-51.5 18.5-30.2 17.9-54.5 42.2-75.1 70.4-.3.4-.4.9-.7 1.3 14.5 5.3 24 17.3 36.1 25.6.2-.1.3-.2.4-.4l1.2-2.7c12.2-26.9 27-52.3 46.7-74.5 16.7-18.8 38-25.3 62.5-20 5.9 1.3 11.4 4.4 17.2 6.8 2.3-1.4 5.1-3.2 8-4.7 8.4-4.3 17.4-7 26.7-9 14.7-3.1 29.5-4.9 44.5-1.3v-.5c-.5-.4-1.2-.8-1.7-1.4zM316.7 397.6c-39.4-33-22.8-19.5-42.7-35.6-.8.9 0-.2-1.9 3-11.2 19.1-25.5 35.3-44 47.6-10.3 6.8-21.5 11.8-34.1 11.8-21.6 0-38.2-9.5-49.4-27.8-12-19.5-13.3-40.7-8.2-62.6 7.8-33.8 30.1-55.2 38.6-64.3-18.7-6.2-33 1.7-46.4 13.9.8-13.9 4.3-26.2 11.8-37.3-24.3 10.6-45.9 25-64.8 43.9-.3-5.8 5.4-43.7 5.6-44.7.3-2.7-.6-5.3-3-7.4-24.2 24.7-44.5 51.8-56.1 84.6 7.4-5.9 14.9-11.4 23.6-16.2-8.3 22.3-19.6 52.8-7.8 101.1 4.6 19 11.9 36.8 24.1 52.3 2.9 3.7 6.3 6.9 9.5 10.3.2-.2.4-.3.6-.5-1.4-7-2.2-14.1-1.5-21.9 2.2 3.2 3.9 6 5.9 8.6 12.6 16 28.7 27.4 47.2 35.6 25 11.3 51.1 13.3 77.9 8.6 54.9-9.7 90.7-48.6 116-98.8 1-1.8.6-2.9-.9-4.2zm172-46.4c-9.5-3.1-22.2-4.2-28.7-2.9 9.9 4 14.1 6.6 18.8 12 12.6 14.4 10.4 34.7-5.4 45.6-11.7 8.1-24.9 10.5-38.9 9.1-1.2-.1-2.3-.4-3-.6 2.8-3.7 6-7 8.1-10.8 9.4-16.8 5.4-42.1-8.7-56.1-2.1-2.1-4.6-3.9-7-5.9-.3 1.3-.1 2.1.1 2.8 4.2 16.6-8.1 32.4-24.8 31.8-7.6-.3-13.9-3.8-19.6-8.5-19.5-16.1-39.1-32.1-58.5-48.3-5.9-4.9-12.5-8.1-20.1-8.7-4.6-.4-9.3-.6-13.9-.9-5.9-.4-8.8-2.8-10.4-8.4-.9-3.4-1.5-6.8-2.2-10.2-1.5-8.1-6.2-13-14.3-14.2-4.4-.7-8.9-1-13.3-1.5-13-1.4-19.8-7.4-22.6-20.3-5 11-1.6 22.4 7.3 29.9 4.5 3.8 9.3 7.3 13.8 11.2 4.6 3.8 7.4 8.7 7.9 14.8.4 4.7.8 9.5 1.8 14.1 2.2 10.6 8.9 18.4 17 25.1 16.5 13.7 33 27.3 49.5 41.1 17.9 15 13.9 32.8 13 56-.9 22.9 12.2 42.9 33.5 51.2 1 .4 2 .6 3.6 1.1-15.7-18.2-10.1-44.1.7-52.3.3 2.2.4 4.3.9 6.4 9.4 44.1 45.4 64.2 85 56.9 16-2.9 30.6-8.9 42.9-19.8 2-1.8 3.7-4.1 5.9-6.5-19.3 4.6-35.8.1-50.9-10.6.7-.3 1.3-.3 1.9-.3 21.3 1.8 40.6-3.4 57-17.4 19.5-16.6 26.6-42.9 17.4-66-8.3-20.1-23.6-32.3-43.8-38.9zM99.4 179.3c-5.3-9.2-13.2-15.6-22.1-21.3 13.7-.5 26.6.2 39.6 3.7-7-12.2-8.5-24.7-5-38.7 5.3 11.9 13.7 20.1 23.6 26.8 19.7 13.2 35.7 19.6 46.7 30.2 3.4 3.3 6.3 7.1 9.6 10.9-.8-2.1-1.4-4.1-2.2-6-5-10.6-13-18.6-22.6-25-1.8-1.2-2.8-2.5-3.4-4.5-3.3-12.5-3-25.1-.7-37.6 1-5.5 2.8-10.9 4.5-16.3.8-2.4 2.3-4.6 4-6.6.6 6.9 0 25.5 19.6 46 10.8 11.3 22.4 21.9 33.9 32.7 9 8.5 18.3 16.7 25.5 26.8 1.1 1.6 2.2 3.3 3.8 4.7-5-13-14.2-24.1-24.2-33.8-9.6-9.3-19.4-18.4-29.2-27.4-3.3-3-4.6-6.7-5.1-10.9-1.2-10.4 0-20.6 4.3-30.2.5-1 1.1-2 1.9-3.3.5 4.2.6 7.9 1.4 11.6 4.8 23.1 20.4 36.3 49.3 63.5 10 9.4 19.3 19.2 25.6 31.6 4.8 9.3 7.3 19 5.7 29.6-.1.6.5 1.7 1.1 2 6.2 2.6 10 6.9 9.7 14.3 7.7-2.6 12.5-8 16.4-14.5 4.2 20.2-9.1 50.3-27.2 58.7.4-4.5 5-23.4-16.5-27.7-6.8-1.3-12.8-1.3-22.9-2.1 4.7-9 10.4-20.6.5-22.4-24.9-4.6-52.8 1.9-57.8 4.6 8.2.4 16.3 1 23.5 3.3-2 6.5-4 12.7-5.8 18.9-1.9 6.5 2.1 14.6 9.3 9.6 1.2-.9 2.3-1.9 3.3-2.7-3.1 17.9-2.9 15.9-2.8 18.3.3 10.2 9.5 7.8 15.7 7.3-2.5 11.8-29.5 27.3-45.4 25.8 7-4.7 12.7-10.3 15.9-17.9-6.5.8-12.9 1.6-19.2 2.4l-.3-.9c4.7-3.4 8-7.8 10.2-13.1 8.7-21.1-3.6-38-25-39.9-9.1-.8-17.8.8-25.9 5.5 6.2-15.6 17.2-26.6 32.6-34.5-15.2-4.3-8.9-2.7-24.6-6.3 14.6-9.3 30.2-13.2 46.5-14.6-5.2-3.2-48.1-3.6-70.2 20.9 7.9 1.4 15.5 2.8 23.2 4.2-23.8 7-44 19.7-62.4 35.6 1.1-4.8 2.7-9.5 3.3-14.3.6-4.5.8-9.2.1-13.6-1.5-9.4-8.9-15.1-19.7-16.3-7.9-.9-15.6.1-23.3 1.3-.9.1-1.7.3-2.9 0 15.8-14.8 36-21.7 53.1-33.5 6-4.5 6.8-8.2 3-14.9zm128.4 26.8c3.3 16 12.6 25.5 23.8 24.3-4.6-11.3-12.1-19.5-23.8-24.3z" ], dashcube: [ 448, 512, [], "f210", "M326.6 104H110.4c-51.1 0-91.2 43.3-91.2 93.5V427c0 50.5 40.1 85 91.2 85h227.2c51.1 0 91.2-34.5 91.2-85V0L326.6 104zM153.9 416.5c-17.7 0-32.4-15.1-32.4-32.8V240.8c0-17.7 14.7-32.5 32.4-32.5h140.7c17.7 0 32 14.8 32 32.5v123.5l51.1 52.3H153.9z" ], delicious: [ 448, 512, [], "f1a5", "M446.5 68c-.4-1.5-.9-3-1.4-4.5-.9-2.5-2-4.8-3.3-7.1-1.4-2.4-3-4.8-4.7-6.9-2.1-2.5-4.4-4.8-6.9-6.8-1.1-.9-2.2-1.7-3.3-2.5-1.3-.9-2.6-1.7-4-2.4-1.8-1-3.6-1.8-5.5-2.5-1.7-.7-3.5-1.3-5.4-1.7-3.8-1-7.9-1.5-12-1.5H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 4.1.5 8.2 1.5 12 2 7.7 5.8 14.6 11 20.3 1 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.3 3.3 5.7 5.2 12.6 9 20.3 11 3.8 1 7.9 1.5 12 1.5h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c-.1-4.1-.6-8.2-1.6-12zM416 432c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H224V256H32V80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h176v192h192v176z" ], deploydog: [ 512, 512, [], "f38e", "M382.2 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.6 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM188.5 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.7 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM448 96c17.5 0 32 14.4 32 32v256c0 17.5-14.4 32-32 32H64c-17.5 0-32-14.4-32-32V128c0-17.5 14.4-32 32-32h384m0-32H64C28.8 64 0 92.8 0 128v256c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h384c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64V128c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64z" ], deskpro: [ 480, 512, [], "f38f", "M205.9 512l31.1-38.4c12.3-.2 25.6-1.4 36.5-6.6 38.9-18.6 38.4-61.9 38.3-63.8-.1-5-.8-4.4-28.9-37.4H362c-.2 50.1-7.3 68.5-10.2 75.7-9.4 23.7-43.9 62.8-95.2 69.4-8.7 1.1-32.8 1.2-50.7 1.1zm200.4-167.7c38.6 0 58.5-13.6 73.7-30.9l-175.5-.3-17.4 31.3 119.2-.1zm-43.6-223.9v168.3h-73.5l-32.7 55.5H250c-52.3 0-58.1-56.5-58.3-58.9-1.2-13.2-21.3-11.6-20.1 1.8 1.4 15.8 8.8 40 26.4 57.1h-91c-25.5 0-110.8-26.8-107-114V16.9C0 .9 9.7.3 15 .1h82c.2 0 . 4.3-.4 50.1-2.1 50.1 43.7 0 13.3 20.2 13.4 20.2 0 0-18.2-5.5-32.8-15.8-43.7h84.2c108.7-.4 126.5 79.4 126.5 120.2zm-132.5 56l64 29.3c13.3-45.5-42.2-71.7-64-29.3z" ], deviantart: [ 320, 512, [], "f1bd", "M320 93.2l-98.2 179.1 7.4 9.5H320v127.7H159.1l-13.5 9.2-43.7 84c-.3 0-8.6 8.6-9.2 9.2H0v-93.2l93.2-179.4-7.4-9.2H0V102.5h156l13.5-9.2 43.7-84c.3 0 8.6-8.6 9.2-9.2H320v93.1z" ], digg: [ 512, 512, [], "f1a6", "M81.7 172.3H0v174.4h132.7V96h-51v76.3zm0 133.4H50.9v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm297.2-133.4v174.4h81.8v28.5h-81.8V416H512V172.3H378.9zm81.8 133.4h-30.8v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm-235.6 41h82.1v28.5h-82.1V416h133.3V172.3H225.1v174.4zm51.2-133.3h30.8v92.3h-30.8v-92.3zM153.3 96h51.3v51h-51.3V96zm0 76.3h51.3v174.4h-51.3V172.3z" ], "digital-ocean": [ 512, 512, [], "f391", "M256 504v-96.1c101.8 0 180.8-100.9 141.7-208-14.3-39.6-46.1-71.4-85.8-85.7-107.1-38.8-208.1 39.9-208.1 141.7H8C8 93.7 164.9-32.8 335 20.3c74.2 23.3 133.6 82.4 156.6 156.6C544.8 347.2 418.6 504 256 504zm.3-191.4h-95.6v95.6h95.6v-95.6zm-95.6 95.6H87v73.6h73.7v-73.6zM87 346.6H25.4v61.6H87v-61.6z" ], discord: [ 448, 512, [], "f392", "M297.216 243.2c0 15.616-11.52 28.416-26.112 28.416-14.336 0-26.112-12.8-26.112-28.416s11.52-28.416 26.112-28.416c14.592 0 26.112 12.8 26.112 28.416zm-119.552-28.416c-14.592 0-26.112 12.8-26.112 28.416s11.776 28.416 26.112 28.416c14.592 0 26.112-12.8 26.112-28.416.256-15.616-11.52-28.416-26.112-28.416zM448 52.736V512c-64.494-56.994-43.868-38.128-118.784-107.776l13.568 47.36H52.48C23.552 451.584 0 428.032 0 398.848V52.736C0 23.552 23.552 0 52.48 0h343.04C424.448 0 448 23.552 448 52.736zm-72.96 242.688c0-82.432-36.864-149.248-36.864-149.248-36.864-27.648-71.936-26.88-71.936-26.88l-3.584 4.096c43.52 13.312 63.744 32.512 63.744 32.512-60.811-33.329-132.244-33.335-191.232-7.424-9.472 4.352-15.104 7.424-15.104 7.424s21.248-20.224 67.328-33.536l-2.56-3.072s-35.072-.768-71.936 26.88c0 0-36.864 66.816-36.864 149.248 0 0 21.504 37.12 78.08 38.912 0 0 9.472-11.52 17.152-21.248-32.512-9.728-44.8-30.208-44.8-30.208 3.766 2.636 9.976 6.053 10.496 6.4 43.21 24.198 104.588 32.126 159.744 8.96 8.96-3.328 18.944-8.192 29.44-15.104 0 0-12.8 20.992-46.336 30.464 7.68 9.728 16.896 20.736 16.896 20.736 56.576-1.792 78.336-38.912 78.336-38.912z" ], discourse: [ 448, 512, [], "f393", "M225.9 32C103.3 32 0 130.5 0 252.1 0 256 .1 480 .1 480l225.8-.2c122.7 0 222.1-102.3 222.1-223.9C448 134.3 348.6 32 225.9 32zM224 384c-19.4 0-37.9-4.3-54.4-12.1L88.5 392l22.9-75c-9.8-18.1-15.4-38.9-15.4-61 0-70.7 57.3-128 128-128s128 57.3 128 128-57.3 128-128 128z" ], dochub: [ 416, 512, [], "f394", "M397.9 160H256V19.6L397.9 160zM304 192v130c0 66.8-36.5 100.1-113.3 100.1H96V84.8h94.7c12 0 23.1.8 33.1 2.5v-84C212.9 1.1 201.4 0 189.2 0H0v512h189.2C329.7 512 400 447.4 400 318.1V192h-96z" ], docker: [ 640, 512, [], "f395", "M349.9 236.3h-66.1v-59.4h66.1v59.4zm0-204.3h-66.1v60.7h66.1V32zm78.2 144.8H362v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-156.3-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm78.1 0h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm276.8 100c-14.4-9.7-47.6-13.2-73.1-8.4-3.3-24-16.7-44.9-41.1-63.7l-14-9.3-9.3 14c-18.4 27.8-23.4 73.6-3.7 103.8-8.7 4.7-25.8 11.1-48.4 10.7H2.4c-8.7 50.8 5.8 116.8 44 162.1 37.1 43.9 92.7 66.2 165.4 66.2 157.4 0 273.9-72.5 328.4-204.2 21.4.4 67.6.1 91.3-45.2 1.5-2.5 6.6-13.2 8.5-17.1l-13.3-8.9zm-511.1-27.9h-66v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-78.1-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1z" ], draft2digital: [ 480, 512, [], "f396", "M369.9 425.4V371l47.1 27.2-47.1 27.2zM82.4 380.6c25.5-27.3 97.7-104.7 150.9-170 35.1-43.1 40.3-82.4 28.4-112.7-7.4-18.8-17.5-30.2-24.3-35.7 45.3 2.1 68 23.4 82.2 38.3 0 0 42.4 48.2 5.8 113.3-37 65.9-110.9 147.5-128.5 166.7H82.4zm51.8-219.2c0 12.4-10 22.4-22.4 22.4-12.4 0-22.4-10-22.4-22.4 0-12.4 10-22.4 22.4-22.4 12.4 0 22.4 10.1 22.4 22.4M336 315.9v64.7h-91.3c30.8-35 81.8-95.9 111.8-149.3 35.2-62.6 16.1-123.4-12.8-153.3-4.4-4.6-62.2-62.9-166-41.2-59.1 12.4-89.4 43.4-104.3 67.3-13.1 20.9-17 39.8-18.2 47.7-5.5 33 19.4 67.1 56.7 67.1 31.7 0 57.3-25.7 57.3-57.4 0-27.1-19.7-52.1-48-56.8 1.8-7.3 17.7-21.1 26.3-24.7 41.1-17.3 78 5.2 83.3 33.5 8.3 44.3-37.1 90.4-69.7 127.6C84.5 328.1 18.3 396.8 0 415.9l336-.1V480l144-81.9-144-82.2z" ], dribbble: [ 512, 512, [], "f17d", "M256 8C119.252 8 8 119.252 8 256s111.252 248 248 248 248-111.252 248-248S392.748 8 256 8zm163.97 114.366c29.503 36.046 47.369 81.957 47.835 131.955-6.984-1.477-77.018-15.682-147.502-6.818-5.752-14.041-11.181-26.393-18.617-41.614 78.321-31.977 113.818-77.482 118.284-83.523zM396.421 97.87c-3.81 5.427-35.697 48.286-111.021 76.519-34.712-63.776-73.185-116.168-79.04-124.008 67.176-16.193 137.966 1.27 190.061 47.489zm-230.48-33.25c5.585 7.659 43.438 60.116 78.537 122.509-99.087 26.313-186.36 25.934-195.834 25.809C62.38 147.205 106.678 92.573 165.941 64.62zM44.17 256.323c0-2.166.043-4.322.108-6.473 9.268.19 111.92 1.513 217.706-30.146 6.064 11.868 11.857 23.915 17.174 35.949-76.599 21.575-146.194 83.527-180.531 142.306C64.794 360.405 44.17 310.73 44.17 256.323zm81.807 167.113c22.127-45.233 82.178-103.622 167.579-132.756 29.74 77.283 42.039 142.053 45.189 160.638-68.112 29.013-150.015 21.053-212.768-27.882zm248.38 8.489c-2.171-12.886-13.446-74.897-41.152-151.033 66.38-10.626 124.7 6.768 131.947 9.055-9.442 58.941-43.273 109.844-90.795 141.978z" ], "dribbble-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f397", "M90.2 228.2c8.9-42.4 37.4-77.7 75.7-95.7 3.6 4.9 28 38.8 50.7 79-64 17-120.3 16.8-126.4 16.7zM314.6 154c-33.6-29.8-79.3-41.1-122.6-30.6 3.8 5.1 28.6 38.9 51 80 48.6-18.3 69.1-45.9 71.6-49.4zM140.1 364c40.5 31.6 93.3 36.7 137.3 18-2-12-10-53.8-29.2-103.6-55.1 18.8-93.8 56.4-108.1 85.6zm98.8-108.2c-3.4-7.8-7.2-15.5-11.1-23.2C159.6 253 93.4 252.2 87.4 252c0 1.4-.1 2.8-.1 4.2 0 35.1 13.3 67.1 35.1 91.4 22.2-37.9 67.1-77.9 116.5-91.8zm34.9 16.3c17.9 49.1 25.1 89.1 26.5 97.4 30.7-20.7 52.5-53.6 58.6-91.6-4.6-1.5-42.3-12.7-85.1-5.8zm-20.3-48.4c4.8 9.8 8.3 17.8 12 26.8 45.5-5.7 90.7 3.4 95.2 4.4-.3-32.3-11.8-61.9-30.9-85.1-2.9 3.9-25.8 33.2-76.3 53.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 176c0-88.2-71.8-160-160-160S64 167.8 64 256s71.8 160 160 160 160-71.8 160-160z" ], dropbox: [ 528, 512, [], "f16b", "M264.4 116.3l-132 84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3L0 284.1l132.3-84.3L0 116.3 132.3 32l132.1 84.3zM131.6 395.7l132-84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3-132-84.3zm132.8-111.6l132-84.3-132-83.6L395.7 32 528 116.3l-132.3 84.3L528 284.8l-132.3 84.3-131.3-85z" ], drupal: [ 448, 512, [], "f1a9", "M319.5 114.7c-22.2-14-43.5-19.5-64.7-33.5-13-8.8-31.3-30-46.5-48.3-2.7 29.3-11.5 41.2-22 49.5-21.3 17-34.8 22.2-53.5 32.3C117 123 32 181.5 32 290.5 32 399.7 123.8 480 225.8 480 327.5 480 416 406 416 294c0-112.3-83-171-96.5-179.3zm2.5 325.6c-20.1 20.1-90.1 28.7-116.7 4.2-4.8-4.8.3-12 6.5-12 0 0 17 13.3 51.5 13.3 27 0 46-7.7 54.5-14 6.1-4.6 8.4 4.3 4.2 8.5zm-54.5-52.6c8.7-3.6 29-3.8 36.8 1.3 4.1 2.8 16.1 18.8 6.2 23.7-8.4 4.2-1.2-15.7-26.5-15.7-14.7 0-19.5 5.2-26.7 11-7 6-9.8 8-12.2 4.7-6-8.2 15.9-22.3 22.4-25zM360 405c-15.2-1-45.5-48.8-65-49.5-30.9-.9-104.1 80.7-161.3 42-38.8-26.6-14.6-104.8 51.8-105.2 49.5-.5 83.8 49 108.5 48.5 21.3-.3 61.8-41.8 81.8-41.8 48.7 0 23.3 109.3-15.8 106z" ], dyalog: [ 416, 512, [], "f399", "M0 32v119.2h64V96h107.2C284.6 96 352 176.2 352 255.9 352 332 293.4 416 171.2 416H0v64h171.2C331.9 480 416 367.3 416 255.9c0-58.7-22.1-113.4-62.3-154.3C308.9 56 245.7 32 171.2 32H0z" ], earlybirds: [ 480, 512, [], "f39a", "M313.2 47.5c1.2-13 21.3-14 36.6- 26.2 9.7 19 15.2-27.9-7.4-56.4 18.2-55.6-6.5zm-201 6.9c30.7-8.1 62 20 61.1-7.1-1.3-14.2-23.4-15.3-40.2-9.6-1 .3-28.7 10.5-20.9 16.7zM319.4 160c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm-159.7 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm318.5 163.2c-9.9 24-40.7 11-63.9-1.2-13.5 69.1-58.1 111.4-126.3 24 1 33.6 1.4 63.8-3.1 97.4-8-19.8-13.8-11.4-37.1-9.8-38.1 1.4-.9 14.7 1.7 21.6 11.5 8.6-12.5 28.4-14.8 30.2-13.6 1.6 1.1 6.6 20.9-6.9 34.6 4.7-.9 8.2-1.6 9.8-2.1 2.6-.8 17.7 11.3 3.1 13.3-14.3 2.3-22.6 5.1-47.1 10.8-45.9 10.7-85.9 11.8-117.7 12.8l1 11.6c3.8 18.1-23.4 24.3-27.6 6.2.8 17.9-27.1 21.8-28.4-1l-.5 5.3c-.7 18.4-28.4 17.9-28.3-.6-7.5 13.5-28.1 6.8-26.4-8.5l1.2-12.4c-36.7.9-59.7 3.1-61.8 3.1-20.9 0-20.9-31.6 0-31.6 2.4 0 27.7 1.3 63.2 2.8-61.1-15.5-103.7-55-114.9-118.2-25 12.8-57.5 26.8-68.2.8-10.5-25.4 21.5-42.6 66.8-73.4.7-6.6 1.6-13.3 2.7-19.8-14.4-19.6-11.6-36.3-16.1-60.4-16.8 2.4-23.2-9.1-23.6-23.1.3-7.3 2.1-14.9 2.4-15.4 1.1-1.8 10.1-2 12.7-2.6 6-31.7 50.6-33.2 90.9-34.5 19.7-21.8 45.2-41.5 80.9-48.3C203.3 29 215.2 8.5 216.2 8c1.7-.8 21.2 4.3 26.3 23.2 5.2-8.8 18.3-11.4 19.6-10.7 1.1.6 6.4 15-4.9 25.9 40.3 3.5 72.2 24.7 96 50.7 36.1 1.5 71.8 5.9 77.1 34 2.7.6 11.6.8 12.7 2.1 8.1 2.4 15.4-.5 13.9-6.8 25.4-23.6 23.1-3.2 17.3-2.7 32.9-8.7 47.7 2.4 11.7 4 23.8 4.8 36.4 37 25.4 70.3 42.5 60.3 66.9zM207.4 159.9c.9-44-37.9-42.2-78.6-40.3-21.7 1-38.9 1.9-45.5 13.9-11.4 20.9 5.9 92.9 23.2 101.2 9.8 4.7 73.4 7.9 86.3-7.1 8.2-9.4 15-49.4 14.6-67.7zm52 58.3c-4.3-12.4-6-30.1-15.3-32.7-2-.5-9-.5-11 0-10 2.8-10.8 22.1-17 37.2 15.4 0 19.3 9.7 23.7 9.7 4.3 0 6.3-11.3 19.6-14.2zm135.7-84.7c-6.6-12.1-24.8-12.9-46.5-13.9-40.2-1.9-78.2-3.8-77.3 40.3-.5 18.3 5 58.3 13.2 67.8 13 14.9 76.6 11.8 86.3 7.1 15.8-7.6 36.5-78.9 24.3-101.3z" ], ebay: [ 640, 512, [], "f4f4", "M405.2 263.8c-29.1.9-47.2 6.2-47.2 25.3 0 12.4 9.9 25.8 35 25.8 33.7 0 51.6-18.4 51.6-48.4v-3.3c-11.8 0-26.3.1-39.4.6m71.5 39.7c0 9.3.3 18.6 1 26.8h-29.8c-.8-6.9-1.1-13.6-1.1-20.2-16.1 19.8-35.3 25.5-61.9 25.5-39.5 0-60.6-20.9-60.6-45 0-35 28.8-47.3 78.6-48.4 13.7-.3 29-.4 41.7-.4v-3.4c0-23.4-15-33-41-33-19.3 0-33.6 8-35 21.8h-33.7c3.6-34.4 39.7-43.1 71.5-43.1 38.1 0 70.3 13.5 70.3 53.8v65.6zm-349-56.8c-2.3-54.7-87.5-56.6-94.4 0h94.4zm-95 21.4c3.5 58.3 79.2 57.4 91.2 21.6H157c-6.4 34.4-43 46.1-74.4 46.1-57.2 0-82.5-31.5-82.5-74 0-46.8 26.2-77.6 83-77.6 45.3 0 78.4 23.7 78.4 75.4v8.5H32.7zm211 45.7c29.8 0 50.2-21.5 50.2-53.8 0-32.4-20.4-53.8-50.2-53.8-29.6 0-50.2 21.4-50.2 53.8 0 32.3 20.6 53.8 50.2 53.8m-82.2-186h32.1v80.6c15.7-18.7 37.4-24.2 58.7-24.2 35.7 0 75.4 24.1 75.4 76.2 0 43.6-31.5 75.4-76 75.4-23.3 0-45.1-8.3-58.7-24.9 0 6.6-.4 13.2-1.1 19.5h-31.5c.5-10.2 1.1-22.8 1.1-33.1V127.8zM640 189.5l-99.2 194.8h-35.9l28.5-54.1-74.6-140.7h37.5l54.9 109.9L606 189.5h34z" ], edge: [ 512, 512, [], "f282", "M25.714 228.163c.111-.162.23-.323.342-.485-.021.162-.045.323-.065.485h-.277zm460.572 15.508c0-44.032-7.754-84.465-28.801-122.405C416.498 47.879 343.912 8.001 258.893 8.001 118.962 7.724 40.617 113.214 26.056 227.679c42.429-61.312 117.073-121.376 220.375-124.966 0 0 109.666 0 99.419 104.957H169.997c6.369-37.386 18.554-58.986 34.339-78.926-75.048 34.893-121.85 96.096-120.742 188.315.83 71.448 50.124 144.836 120.743 171.976 83.357 31.847 192.776 7.2 240.132-21.324V363.307c-80.864 56.494-270.871 60.925-272.255-67.572h314.073v-52.064z" ], elementor: [ 448, 512, [], "f430", "M425.6 32H22.4C10 32 0 42 0 54.4v403.2C0 470 10 480 22.4 480h403.2c12.4 0 22.4-10 22.4-22.4V54.4C448 42 438 32 425.6 32M164.3 355.5h-39.8v-199h39.8v199zm159.3 0H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.6H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.7H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8z" ], ember: [ 640, 512, [], "f423", "M639.9 254.6c-1.1-10.7-10.7-6.8-10.7-6.8s-15.6 12.1-29.3 10.7c-13.7-1.3-9.4-32-9.4-32s3-28.1-5.1-30.4c-8.1-2.4-18 7.3-18 7.3s-12.4 13.7-18.3 31.2l-1.6.5s1.9-30.6-.3-37.6c-1.6-3.5-16.4-3.2-18.8 3s-14.2 49.2-15 67.2c0 0-23.1 19.6-43.3 22.8s-25-9.4-25-9.4 54.8-15.3 52.9-59.1c-1.9-43.8-44.2-27.6-49-24-4.6 3.5-29.4 18.4-36.6 59.7-.2 1.4-.7 7.5-.7 7.5s-21.2 14.2-33 18c0 0 33-55.6-7.3-80.9-18.3-11-32.8 12.1-32.8 12.1s54.5-60.7 42.5-112c-5.8-24.4-18-27.1-29.2-23.1-17 6.7-23.5 16.7-23.5 16.7s-22 32-27.1 79.5-12.6 105.1-12.6 105.1-10.5 10.2-20.2 10.7-5.4-28.7-5.4-28.7 7.5-44.6 7-52.1-1.1-11.6-9.9-14.2c-8.9-2.7-18.5 8.6-18.5 8.6s-25.5 38.7-27.7 44.6l-1.3 2.4-1.3-1.6s18-52.7.8-53.5c-17.2-.8-28.5 18.8-28.5 18.8s-19.6 32.8-20.4 36.5l-1.3-1.6s8.1-38.2 6.4-47.6c-1.6-9.4-10.5-7.5-10.5-7.5s-11.3-1.3-14.2 5.9-13.7 55.3-15 70.7c0 0-28.2 20.2-46.8 20.4-18.5.3-16.7-11.8-16.7-11.8s68-23.3 49.4-69.2c-8.3-11.8-18-15.5-31.7-15.3-13.7.3-30.3 8.6-41.3 33.3-5.3 11.8-6.8 23-7.8 31.5 0 0-12.3 2.4-18.8-2.9s-10 0-10 0-11.2 14-.1 18.3 28.1 6.1 28.1 6.1c1.6 7.5 6.2 19.5 19.6 29.7 20.2 15.3 58.8-1.3 58.8-1.3l15.9-8.8s.5 14.6 12.1 16.7c11.6 2.1 16.4 1 36.5-47.9 11.8-25 12.6-23.6 12.6-23.6l1.3-.3s-9.1 46.8-5.6 59.7C187.7 319.4 203 318 203 318s8.3 2.4 15-21.2c6.7-23.6 19.6-49.9 19.6-49.9h1.6s-5.6 48.1 3 63.7c8.6 15.6 30.9 5.3 30.9 5.3s15.6-7.8 18-10.2c0 0 18.5 15.8 44.6 12.9 58.3-11.5 79.1-25.9 79.1-25.9s10 24.4 41.1 26.7c35.5 2.7 54.8-18.6 54.8-18.6s-.3 13.5 12.1 18.6c12.4 5.1 20.7-22.8 20.7-22.8l20.7-57.2h1.9s1.1 37.3 21.5 43.2 47-13.7 47-13.7 6.4-3.5 5.3-14.3zm-578 5.3c.8-32 21.8-45.9 29-39 7.3 7 4.6 22-9.1 31.4-13.7 9.5-19.9 7.6-19.9 7.6zm272.8-123.8s19.1-49.7 23.6-25.5-40 96.2-40 96.2c.5-16.2 16.4-70.7 16.4-70.7zm22.8 138.4c-12.6 33-43.3 19.6-43.3 19.6s-3.5-11.8 6.4-44.9 33.3-20.2 33.3-20.2 16.2 12.4 3.6 45.5zm84.6-14.6s-3-10.5 8.1-30.6c11-20.2 19.6-9.1 19.6-9.1s9.4 10.2-1.3 25.5-26.4 14.2-26.4 14.2z" ], empire: [ 496, 512, [], "f1d1", "M287.6 54.2c-10.8-2.2-22.1-3.3-33.5-3.6V32.4c78.1 2.2 146.1 44 184.6 106.6l-15.8 9.1c-6.1-9.7-12.7-18.8-20.2-27.1l-18 15.5c-26-29.6-61.4-50.7-101.9-58.4l4.8-23.9zM53.4 322.4l23-7.7c-6.4-18.3-10-38.2-10-58.7s3.3-40.4 9.7-58.7l-22.7-7.7c3.6-10.8 8.3-21.3 13.6-31l-15.8-9.1C34 181 24.1 217.5 24.1 256s10 75 27.1 106.6l15.8-9.1c-5.3-10-9.7-20.3-13.6-31.1zM213.1 434c-40.4-8-75.8-29.1-101.9-58.7l-18 15.8c-7.5-8.6-14.4-17.7-20.2-27.4l-16 9.4c38.5 62.3 106.8 104.3 184.9 106.6v-18.3c-11.3-.3-22.7-1.7-33.5-3.6l4.7-23.8zM93.3 120.9l18 15.5c26-29.6 61.4-50.7 101.9-58.4l-4.7-23.8c10.8-2.2 22.1-3.3 33.5-3.6V32.4C163.9 34.6 95.9 76.4 57.4 139l15.8 9.1c6-9.7 12.6-18.9 20.1-27.2zm309.4 270.2l-18-15.8c-26 29.6-61.4 50.7-101.9 58.7l4.7 23.8c-10.8 1.9-22.1 3.3-33.5 3.6v18.3c78.1-2.2 146.4-44.3 184.9-106.6l-16.1-9.4c-5.7 9.7-12.6 18.8-20.1 27.4zM496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S0 393 0 256 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248zm-12.2 0c0-130.1-105.7-235.8-235.8-235.8S12.2 125.9 12.2 256 117.9 491.8 248 491.8 483.8 386.1 483.8 256zm-39-106.6l-15.8 9.1c5.3 9.7 10 20.2 13.6 31l-22.7 7.7c6.4 18.3 9.7 38.2 9.7 58.7s-3.6 40.4-10 58.7l23 7.7c-3.9 10.8-8.3 21-13.6 31l15.8 9.1C462 331 471.9 294.5 471.9 256s-9.9-75-27.1-106.6zm-183 177.7c16.3-3.3 30.4-11.6 40.7-23.5l51.2 44.8c11.9-13.6 21.3-29.3 27.1-46.8l-64.2-22.1c2.5-7.5 3.9-15.2 3.9-23.5s-1.4-16.1-3.9-23.5l64.5-22.1c-6.1-17.4-15.5-33.2-27.4-46.8l-51.2 44.8c-10.2-11.9-24.4-20.5-40.7-23.8l13.3-66.4c-8.6-1.9-17.7-2.8-27.1-2.8-9.4 0-18.5.8-27.1 2.8l13.3 66.4c-16.3 3.3-30.4 11.9-40.7 23.8l-51.2-44.8c-11.9 13.6-21.3 29.3-27.4 46.8l64.5 22.1c-2.5 7.5-3.9 15.2-3.9 23.5s1.4 16.1 3.9 23.5l-64.2 22.1c5.8 17.4 15.2 33.2 27.1 46.8l51.2-44.8c10.2 11.9 24.4 20.2 40.7 23.5l-13.3 66.7c8.6 1.7 17.7 2.8 27.1 2.8 9.4 0 18.5-1.1 27.1-2.8l-13.3-66.7z" ], envira: [ 448, 512, [], "f299", "M0 32c477.6 0 366.6 317.3 367.1 366.3L448 480h-26l-70.4-71.2c-39 4.2-124.4 34.5-214.4-37C47 300.3 52 214.7 0 32zm79.7 46c-49.7-23.5-5.2 9.2-5.2 9.2 45.2 31.2 66 73.7 90.2 119.9 31.5 60.2 79 139.7 144.2 167.7 65 28 34.2 12.5 6-8.5-28.2-21.2-68.2-87-91-130.2-31.7-60-61-118.6-144.2-158.1z" ], erlang: [ 640, 512, [], "f39d", "M21.7 246.4c-.1 86.8 29 159.5 78.7 212.1H0v-405h87.2c-41.5 50.2-65.6 116.2-65.5 192.9zM640 53.6h-83.6c31.4 42.7 48.7 97.5 46.2 162.7.5 6 .5 11.7 0 24.1H230.2c-.2 109.7 38.9 194.9 138.6 195.3 68.5-.3 118-51 151.9-106.1l96.4 48.2c-17.4 30.9-36.5 57.8-57.9 80.8H640v-405zm-80.8 405s0-.1 0 0h-.2.2zm-3.1-405h.3l-.1-.1-.2.1zm-230.7 9.6c-45.9.1-85.1 33.5-89.2 83.2h169.9c-1.1-49.7-34.5-83.1-80.7-83.2z" ], ethereum: [ 320, 512, [], "f42e", "M311.9 260.8L160 353.6 8 260.8 160 0l151.9 260.8zM160 383.4L8 290.6 160 512l152-221.4-152 92.8z" ], etsy: [ 384, 512, [], "f2d7", "M384 348c-1.75 10.75-13.75 110-15.5 132-117.879-4.299-219.895-4.743-368.5 0v-25.5c45.457-8.948 60.627-8.019 61-35.25 1.793-72.322 3.524-244.143 0-322-1.029-28.46-12.13-26.765-61-36v-25.5c73.886 2.358 255.933 8.551 362.999-3.75-3.5 38.25-7.75 126.5-7.75 126.5H332C320.947 115.665 313.241 68 277.25 68h-137c-10.25 0-10.75 3.5-10.75 9.75V241.5c58 .5 88.5-2.5 88.5-2.5 29.77-.951 27.56-8.502 40.75-65.251h25.75c-4.407 101.351-3.91 61.829-1.75 160.25H257c-9.155-40.086-9.065-61.045-39.501-61.5 0 0-21.5-2-88-2v139c0 26 14.25 38.25 44.25 38.25H263c63.636 0 66.564-24.996 98.751-99.75H384z" ], expeditedssl: [ 496, 512, [], "f23e", "M248 43.4C130.6 43.4 35.4 138.6 35.4 256S130.6 468.6 248 468.6 460.6 373.4 460.6 256 365.4 43.4 248 43.4zm-97.4 132.9c0-53.7 43.7-97.4 97.4-97.4s97.4 43.7 97.4 97.4v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6c0-82.1-124-82.1-124 0v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6zM389.7 380c0 9.7-8 17.7-17.7 17.7H124c-9.7 0-17.7-8-17.7-17.7V238.3c0-9.7 8-17.7 17.7-17.7h248c9.7 0 17.7 8 17.7 17.7V380zm-248-137.3v132.9c0 2.5-1.9 4.4-4.4 4.4h-8.9c-2.5 0-4.4-1.9-4.4-4.4V242.7c0-2.5 1.9-4.4 4.4-4.4h8.9c2.5 0 4.4 1.9 4.4 4.4zm141.7 48.7c0 13-7.2 24.4-17.7 30.4v31.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-31.6c-10.5-6.1-17.7-17.4-17.7-30.4 0-19.7 15.8-35.4 35.4-35.4s35.5 15.8 35.5 35.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 478.3C121 486.3 17.7 383 17.7 256S121 25.7 248 25.7 478.3 129 478.3 256 375 486.3 248 486.3z" ], facebook: [ 448, 512, [], "f09a", "M448 56.7v398.5c0 13.7-11.1 24.7-24.7 24.7H309.1V306.5h58.2l8.7-67.6h-67v-43.2c0-19.6 5.4-32.9 33.5-32.9h35.8v-60.5c-6.2-.8-27.4-2.7-52.2-2.7-51.6 0-87 31.5-87 89.4v49.9h-58.4v67.6h58.4V480H24.7C11.1 480 0 468.9 0 455.3V56.7C0 43.1 11.1 32 24.7 32h398.5c13.7 0 24.8 11.1 24.8 24.7z" ], "facebook-f": [ 264, 512, [], "f39e", "M76.7 512V283H0v-91h76.7v-71.7C76.7 42.4 124.3 0 193.8 0c33.3 0 61.9 2.5 70.2 3.6V85h-48.2c-37.8 0-45.1 18-45.1 44.3V192H256l-11.7 91h-73.6v229" ], "facebook-messenger": [ 448, 512, [], "f39f", "M224 32C15.9 32-77.5 278 84.6 400.6V480l75.7-42c142.2 39.8 285.4-59.9 285.4-198.7C445.8 124.8 346.5 32 224 32zm23.4 278.1L190 250.5 79.6 311.6l121.1-128.5 57.4 59.6 110.4-61.1-121.1 128.5z" ], "facebook-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f082", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48h-85.3V302.8h60.6l8.7-67.6h-69.3V192c0-19.6 5.4-32.9 33.5-32.9H384V98.7c-6.2-.8-27.4-2.7-52.2-2.7-51.6 0-87 31.5-87 89.4v49.9H184v67.6h60.9V480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z" ], firefox: [ 480, 512, [], "f269", "M478.1 235.3c-.7-4.5-1.4-7.1-1.4-7.1s-1.8 2-4.7 5.9c-.9-10.7-2.8-21.2-5.8-31.6-3.7-12.9-8.5-25.4-14.5-37.4-3.8-8-8.2-15.6-13.3-22.8-1.8-2.7-3.7-5.4-5.6-7.9-8.8-14.4-19-23.3-30.7-40-7.6-12.8-12.9-26.9-15.4-41.6-3.2 8.9-5.7 18-7.4 27.3-12.1-12.2-22.5-20.8-28.9-26.7C319.4 24.2 323 9.1 323 9.1S264.7 74.2 289.9 142c8.7 23 23.8 43.1 43.4 57.9 24.4 20.2 50.8 36 64.7 76.6-11.2-21.3-28.1-39.2-48.8-51.5 6.2 14.7 9.4 30.6 9.3 46.5 0 61-49.6 110.5-110.6 110.4-8.3 0-16.5-.9-24.5-2.8-9.5-1.8-18.7-4.9-27.4-9.3-12.9-7.8-24-18.1-32.8-30.3l-.2-.3 2 .7c4.6 1.6 9.2 2.8 14 3.7 18.7 4 38.3 1.7 55.6-6.6 17.5-9.7 28-16.9 36.6-14h.2c8.4 2.7 15-5.5 9-14-10.4-13.4-27.4-20-44.2-17-17.5 2.5-33.5 15-56.4 2.9-1.5-.8-2.9-1.6-4.3-2.5-1.6-.9 4.9 1.3 3.4.3-5-2.5-9.8-5.4-14.4-8.6-.3-.3 3.5 1.1 3.1.8-5.9-4-11-9.2-15-15.2-4.1-7.4-4.5-16.4-1-24.1 2.1-3.8 5.4-6.9 9.3-8.7 3 1.5 4.8 2.6 4.8 2.6s-1.3-2.5-2.1-3.8c.3-.1.5 0 .8-.2 2.6 1.1 8.3 4 11.4 5.8 2.1 1.1 3.8 2.7 5.2 4.7 0 0 1-.5.3-2.7-1.1-2.7-2.9-5-5.4-6.6h.2c2.3 1.2 4.5 2.6 6.6 4.1 1.9-4.4 2.8-9.2 2.6-14 .2-2.6-.2-5.3-1.1-7.8-.8-1.6.5-2.2 1.9-.5-.2-1.3-.7-2.5-1.2-3.7v-.1s.8-1.1 1.2-1.5c1-1 2.1-1.9 3.4-2.7 7.2-4.5 14.8-8.4 22.7-11.6 6.4-2.8 11.7-4.9 12.8-5.6 1.6-1 3.1-2.2 4.5-3.5 5.3-4.5 9-10.8 10.2-17.7.1-.9.2-1.8.3-2.8v-1.5c-.9-3.5-6.9-6.1-38.4-9.1-11.1-1.8-20-10.1-22.5-21.1v.1c-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.5.4-1.2.8-2.3 1.3-3.5v-.2c6-15.7 16.8-29.1 30.8-38.3.8-.7-3.2.2-2.4-.5 2.7-1.3 5.4-2.5 8.2-3.5 1.4-.6-6-3.4-12.6-2.7-4 .2-8 1.2-11.7 2.8 1.6-1.3 6.2-3.1 5.1-3.1-8.4 1.6-16.5 4.7-23.9 9 0-.8.1-1.5.5-2.2-5.9 2.5-11 6.5-15 11.5.1-.9.2-1.8.2-2.7-2.7 2-5.2 4.3-7.3 6.9l-.1.1c-17.4-6.7-36.3-8.3-54.6-4.7l-.2-.1h.2c-3.8-3.1-7.1-6.7-9.7-10.9l-.2.1-.4-.2c-1.2-1.8-2.4-3.8-3.7-6-.9-1.6-1.8-3.4-2.7-5.2 0-.1-.1-.2-.2-.2-.4 0-.6 1.7-.9 1.3v-.1c-3.2-8.3-4.7-17.2-4.4-26.2l-.2.1c-5.1 3.5-9 8.6-11.1 14.5-.9 2.1-1.6 3.3-2.2 4.5v-.5c.1-1.1.6-3.3.5-3.1-.1.2-.2.3-.3.4-1.5 1.7-2.9 3.7-3.9 5.8-.9 1.9-1.7 3.9-2.3 5.9-.1.3 0-.3 0-1s.1-2 0-1.7l-.3.7c-6.7 14.9-10.9 30.8-12.4 47.1-.4 2.8-.6 5.6-.5 8.3v.2c-4.8 5.2-9 11-12.7 17.1-12.1 20.4-21.1 42.5-26.8 65.6 4-8.8 8.8-17.2 14.3-25.1C5.5 228.5 0 257.4 0 286.6c1.8-8.6 4.2-17 7-25.3-1.7 34.5 4.9 68.9 19.4 100.3 19.4 43.5 51.6 80 92.3 104.7 16.6 11.2 34.7 19.9 53.8 25.8 2.5.9 5.1 1.8 7.7 2.7-.8-.3-1.6-.7-2.4-1 22.6 6.8 46.2 10.3 69.8 10.3 83.7 0 111.3-31.9 113.8-35 4.1-3.7 7.5-8.2 9.9-13.3 1.6-.7 3.2-1.4 4.9-2.1l1-.5 1.9-.9c12.6-5.9 24.5-13.4 35.3-22.1 16.3-11.7 27.9-28.7 32.9-48.1 3-7.1 3.1-15 .4-22.2.9-1.4 1.7-2.8 2.7-4.3 18-28.9 28.2-61.9 29.6-95.9v-2.8c0-7.3-.6-14.5-1.9-21.6z" ], "first-order": [ 448, 512, [], "f2b0", "M12.9 229.2c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4h-.2zM224 96.6c-7.1 0-14.6.6-21.4 1.7l3.7 67.4-22-64c-14.3 3.7-27.7 9.4-40 16.6l29.4 61.4-45.1-50.9c-11.4 8.9-21.7 19.1-30.6 30.9l50.6 45.4-61.1-29.7c-7.1 12.3-12.9 25.7-16.6 40l64.3 22.6-68-4c-.9 7.1-1.4 14.6-1.4 22s.6 14.6 1.4 21.7l67.7-4-64 22.6c3.7 14.3 9.4 27.7 16.6 40.3l61.1-29.7L97.7 352c8.9 11.7 19.1 22.3 30.9 30.9l44.9-50.9-29.5 61.4c12.3 7.4 25.7 13.1 40 16.9l22.3-64.6-4 68c7.1 1.1 14.6 1.7 21.7 1.7 7.4 0 14.6-.6 21.7-1.7l-4-68.6 22.6 65.1c14.3-4 27.7-9.4 40-16.9L274.9 332l44.9 50.9c11.7-8.9 22-19.1 30.6-30.9l-50.6-45.1 61.1 29.4c7.1-12.3 12.9-25.7 16.6-40.3l-64-22.3 67.4 4c1.1-7.1 1.4-14.3 1.4-21.7s-.3-14.9-1.4-22l-67.7 4 64-22.3c-3.7-14.3-9.1-28-16.6-40.3l-60.9 29.7 50.6-45.4c-8.9-11.7-19.1-22-30.6-30.9l-45.1 50.9 29.4-61.1c-12.3-7.4-25.7-13.1-40-16.9L241.7 166l4-67.7c-7.1-1.2-14.3-1.7-21.7-1.7zM443.4 128v256L224 512 4.6 384V128L224 0l219.4 128zm-17.1 10.3L224 20.9 21.7 138.3v235.1L224 491.1l202.3-117.7V138.3zM224 37.1l187.7 109.4v218.9L224 474.9 36.3 365.4V146.6L224 37.1zm0 50.9c-92.3 0-166.9 75.1-166.9 168 0 92.6 74.6 167.7 166.9 167.7 92 0 166.9-75.1 166.9-167.7 0-92.9-74.9-168-166.9-168z" ], "first-order-alt": [ 496, 512, [], "f50a", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 488.21C115.34 496.21 7.79 388.66 7.79 256S115.34 15.79 248 15.79 488.21 123.34 488.21 256 380.66 496.21 248 496.21zm0-459.92C126.66 36.29 28.29 134.66 28.29 256S126.66 475.71 248 475.71 467.71 377.34 467.71 256 369.34 36.29 248 36.29zm0 431.22c-116.81 0-211.51-94.69-211.51-211.51S131.19 44.49 248 44.49 459.51 139.19 459.51 256 364.81 467.51 248 467.51zm186.23-162.98a191.613 191.613 0 0 1-20.13 48.69l-74.13-35.88 61.48 54.82a193.515 193.515 0 0 1-37.2 37.29l-54.8-61.57 35.88 74.27a190.944 190.944 0 0 1-48.63 20.23l-27.29-78.47 4.79 82.93c-8.61 1.18-17.4 1.8-26.33 1.8s-17.72-.62-26.33-1.8l4.76-82.46-27.15 78.03a191.365 191.365 0 0 1-48.65-20.2l35.93-74.34-54.87 61.64a193.85 193.85 0 0 1-37.22-37.28l61.59-54.9-74.26 35.93a191.638 191.638 0 0 1-20.14-48.69l77.84-27.11-82.23 4.76c-1.16-8.57-1.78-17.32-1.78-26.21 0-9 .63-17.84 1.82-26.51l82.38 4.77-77.94-27.16a191.726 191.726 0 0 1 20.23-48.67l74.22 35.92-61.52-54.86a193.85 193.85 0 0 1 37.28-37.22l54.76 61.53-35.83-74.17a191.49 191.49 0 0 1 48.65-20.13l26.87 77.25-4.71-81.61c8.61-1.18 17.39-1.8 26.32-1.8s17.71.62 26.32 1.8l-4.74 82.16 27.05-77.76c17.27 4.5 33.6 11.35 48.63 20.17l-35.82 74.12 54.72-61.47a193.13 193.13 0 0 1 37.24 37.23l-61.45 54.77 74.12-35.86a191.515 191.515 0 0 1 20.2 48.65l-77.81 27.1 82.24-4.75c1.19 8.66 1.82 17.5 1.82 26.49 0 8.88-.61 17.63-1.78 26.19l-82.12-4.75 77.72 27.09z" ], firstdraft: [ 384, 512, [], "f3a1", "M384 192h-64v128H192v128H0v-25.6h166.4v-128h128v-128H384V192zm-25.6 38.4v128h-128v128H64V512h192V384h128V230.4h-25.6zm25.6 192h-89.6V512H320v-64h64v-25.6zM0 0v384h128V256h128V128h128V0H0z" ], flickr: [ 448, 512, [], "f16e", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM144.5 319c-35.1 0-63.5-28.4-63.5-63.5s28.4-63.5 63.5-63.5 63.5 28.4 63.5 63.5-28.4 63.5-63.5 63.5zm159 0c-35.1 0-63.5-28.4-63.5-63.5s28.4-63.5 63.5-63.5 63.5 28.4 63.5 63.5-28.4 63.5-63.5 63.5z" ], flipboard: [ 448, 512, [], "f44d", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm358.4 179.2h-89.6v89.6h-89.6v89.6H89.6V121.6h268.8v89.6z" ], fly: [ 384, 512, [], "f417", "M197.8 427.8c12.9 11.7 33.7 33.3 33.2 50.7 0 .8-.1 1.6-.1 2.5-1.8 19.8-18.8 31.1-39.1 31-25-.1-39.9-16.8-38.7-35.8 1-16.2 20.5-36.7 32.4-47.6 2.3-2.1 2.7-2.7 5.6-3.6 3.4 0 3.9.3 6.7 2.8zM331.9 67.3c-16.3-25.7-38.6-40.6-63.3-52.1C243.1 4.5 214-.2 192 0c-44.1 0-71.2 13.2-81.1 17.3C57.3 45.2 26.5 87.2 28 158.6c7.1 82.2 97 176 155.8 233.8 1.7 1.6 4.5 4.5 6.2 5.1l3.3.1c2.1-.7 1.8-.5 3.5-2.1 52.3-49.2 140.7-145.8 155.9-215.7 7-39.2 3.1-72.5-20.8-112.5zM186.8 351.9c-28-51.1-65.2-130.7-69.3-189-3.4-47.5 11.4-131.2 69.3-136.7v325.7zM328.7 180c-16.4 56.8-77.3 128-118.9 170.3C237.6 298.4 275 217 277 158.4c1.6-45.9-9.8-105.8-48-131.4 88.8 18.3 115.5 98.1 99.7 153z" ], "font-awesome": [ 448, 512, [], "f2b4", "M397.8 32H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm-45.4 284.3c0 4.2-3.6 6-7.8 7.8-16.7 7.2-34.6 13.7-53.8 13.7-26.9 0-39.4-16.7-71.7-16.7-23.3 0-47.8 8.4-67.5 17.3-1.2.6-2.4.6-3.6 1.2V385c0 1.8 0 3.6-.6 4.8v1.2c-2.4 8.4-10.2 14.3-19.1 14.3-11.3 0-20.3-9-20.3-20.3V166.4c-7.8-6-13.1-15.5-13.1-26.3 0-18.5 14.9-33.5 33.5-33.5 18.5 0 33.5 14.9 33.5 33.5 0 10.8-4.8 20.3-13.1 26.3v18.5c1.8-.6 3.6-1.2 5.4-2.4 18.5-7.8 40.6-14.3 61.5-14.3 22.7 0 40.6 6 60.9 13.7 4.2 1.8 8.4 2.4 13.1 2.4 22.7 0 47.8-16.1 53.8-16.1 4.8 0 9 3.6 9 7.8v140.3z" ], "font-awesome-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f35c", "M397.8 67.8c7.8 0 14.3 6.6 14.3 14.3v347.6c0 7.8-6.6 14.3-14.3 14.3H50.2c-7.8 0-14.3-6.6-14.3-14.3V82.2c0-7.8 6.6-14.3 14.3-14.3h347.6m0-35.9H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm-58.5 139.2c-6 0-29.9 15.5-52.6 15.5-4.2 0-8.4-.6-12.5-2.4-19.7-7.8-37-13.7-59.1-13.7-20.3 0-41.8 6.6-59.7 13.7-1.8.6-3.6 1.2-4.8 1.8v-17.9c7.8-6 12.5-14.9 12.5-25.7 0-17.9-14.3-32.3-32.3-32.3s-32.3 14.3-32.3 32.3c0 10.2 4.8 19.7 12.5 25.7v212.1c0 10.8 9 19.7 19.7 19.7 9 0 16.1-6 18.5-13.7V385c.6-1.8.6-3 .6-4.8V336c1.2 0 2.4-.6 3-1.2 19.7-8.4 43-16.7 65.7-16.7 31.1 0 43 16.1 69.3 16.1 18.5 0 36.4-6.6 52-13.7 4.2-1.8 7.2-3.6 7.2-7.8V178.3c1.8-4.1-2.3-7.1-7.7-7.1z" ], "font-awesome-flag": [ 448, 512, [], "f425", "M444.373 359.424c0 7.168-6.144 10.24-13.312 13.312-28.672 12.288-59.392 23.552-92.16 23.552-46.08 0-67.584-28.672-122.88-28.672-39.936 0-81.92 14.336-115.712 29.696-2.048 1.024-4.096 1.024-6.144 2.048v77.824c0 21.405-16.122 34.816-33.792 34.816-19.456 0-34.816-15.36-34.816-34.816V102.4C12.245 92.16 3.029 75.776 3.029 57.344 3.029 25.6 28.629 0 60.373 0s57.344 25.6 57.344 57.344c0 18.432-8.192 34.816-22.528 45.056v31.744c4.124-1.374 58.768-28.672 114.688-28.672 65.27 0 97.676 27.648 126.976 27.648 38.912 0 81.92-27.648 92.16-27.648 8.192 0 15.36 6.144 15.36 13.312v240.64z" ], "font-awesome-logo-full": [ 3992, 512, [ "Font Awesome" ], "f4e6", "M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z" ], fonticons: [ 448, 512, [], "f280", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm167.4 196h67.4l-11.1 37.3H168v112.9c0 5.8-2 6.7 3.2 7.3l43.5 4.1v25.1H84V389l21.3-2c5.2-.6 6.7-2.3 6.7-7.9V267.7c0-2.3-2.9-2.3-5.8-2.3H84V228h28v-21c0-49.6 26.5-70 77.3-70 34.1 0 64.7 8.2 64.7 52.8l-50.7 6.1c.3-18.7-4.4-23-16.3-23-18.4 0-19 9.9-19 27.4v23.3c0 2.4-3.5 4.4-.6 4.4zM364 414.7H261.3v-25.1l20.4-2.6c5.2-.6 7.6-1.7 7.6-7.3V271.8c0-4.1-2.9-6.7-6.7-7.9l-24.2-6.4 6.7-29.5h80.2v151.7c0 5.8-2.6 6.4 2.9 7.3l15.7 2.6v25.1zm-21.9-255.5l9 33.2-7.3 7.3-31.2-16.6-31.2 16.6-7.3-7.3 9-33.2-21.8-24.2 3.5-9.6h27.7l15.5-28h9.3l15.5 28h27.7l3.5 9.6-21.9 24.2z" ], "fonticons-fi": [ 384, 512, [], "f3a2", "M114.4 224h92.4l-15.2 51.2h-76.4V433c0 8-2.8 9.2 4.4 10l59.6 5.6V483H0v-35.2l29.2-2.8c7.2-.8 9.2-3.2 9.2-10.8V278.4c0-3.2-4-3.2-8-3.2H0V224h38.4v-28.8c0-68 36.4-96 106-96 46.8 0 88.8 11.2 88.8 72.4l-69.6 8.4c.4-25.6-6-31.6-22.4-31.6-25.2 0-26 13.6-26 37.6v32c0 3.2-4.8 6-.8 6zM384 483H243.2v-34.4l28-3.6c7.2-.8 10.4-2.4 10.4-10V287c0-5.6-4-9.2-9.2-10.8l-33.2-8.8 9.2-40.4h110v208c0 8-3.6 8.8 4 10l21.6 3.6V483zm-30-347.2l12.4 45.6-10 10-42.8-22.8-42.8 22.8-10-10 12.4-45.6-30-36.4 4.8-10h38L307.2 51H320l21.2 38.4h38l4.8 13.2-30 33.2z" ], "fort-awesome": [ 512, 512, [], "f286", "M489.2 287.9h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6V146.2c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-6-8-4.6-11.7-4.6v-38c8.3-2 17.1-3.4 25.7-3.4 10.9 0 20.9 4.3 31.4 4.3 4.6 0 27.7-1.1 27.7-8v-60c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6-5.1 0-15.1 4.3-24 4.3-9.7 0-20.9-4.3-32.6-4.3-8 0-16 1.1-23.7 2.9v-4.9c5.4-2.6 9.1-8.3 9.1-14.3 0-20.7-31.4-20.8-31.4 0 0 6 3.7 11.7 9.1 14.3v111.7c-3.7 0-11.7-1.4-11.7 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32H128v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6H96c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v178.3H54.8v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6H22.8c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6V512h182.9v-96c0-72.6 109.7-72.6 109.7 0v96h182.9V292.5c.1-2.6-1.9-4.6-4.5-4.6zm-288.1-4.5c0 2.6-2 4.6-4.6 4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6-2-4.6-4.6v-64c0-2.6 2-4.6 4.6-4.6h27.4c2.6 0 4.6 2 4.6 4.6v64zm146.4 0c0 2.6-2 4.6-4.6 4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6-2-4.6-4.6v-64c0-2.6 2-4.6 4.6-4.6h27.4c2.6 0 4.6 2 4.6 4.6v64z" ], "fort-awesome-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f3a3", "M211.7 241.1v51.7c0 2.1-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7v-51.7c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7H208c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7zm114.5-3.7H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v51.7c0 2.1 1.6 3.7 3.7 3.7h22.2c2.1 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7v-51.7c-.1-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7zm-29.1 263.2c-.9.1-1.7.3-2.6.4-1 .2-2.1.3-3.1.5-.9.1-1.8.3-2.8.4-1 .1-2 .3-3 .4-1 .1-2 .2-2.9.3-1 .1-1.9.2-2.9.3-1 .1-2.1.2-3.1.3-.9.1-1.8.2-2.7.2-1.1.1-2.3.1-3.4.2-.8 0-1.7.1-2.5.1-1.3.1-2.6.1-3.9.1-.7 0-1.4.1-2.1.1-2 0-4 .1-6 .1s-4 0-6-.1c-.7 0-1.4 0-2.1-.1-1.3 0-2.6-.1-3.9-.1-.8 0-1.7-.1-2.5-.1-1.1-.1-2.3-.1-3.4-.2-.9-.1-1.8-.1-2.7-.2-1-.1-2.1-.2-3.1-.3-1-.1-1.9-.2-2.9-.3-1-.1-2-.2-2.9-.3-1-.1-2-.2-3-.4-.9-.1-1.8-.3-2.8-.4-1-.1-2.1-.3-3.1-.5-.9-.1-1.7-.3-2.6-.4-65.6-10.9-122.5-47.7-160-99.4-.2-.2-.3-.5-.5-.7-.8-1.1-1.6-2.2-2.3-3.3-.3-.4-.6-.8-.8-1.2-.7-1.1-1.4-2.1-2.1-3.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9-1.4-.7-1.1-1.4-2.1-2-3.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9-1.4-.7-1.1-1.3-2.2-2-3.3-.2-.4-.5-.8-.7-1.2-2.4-4-4.6-8.1-6.8-12.2-.1-.2-.2-.3-.3-.5-.6-1.1-1.1-2.2-1.7-3.3-.3-.6-.6-1.1-.8-1.7-.5-1-1-2.1-1.5-3.1-.3-.7-.6-1.3-.9-2-.5-1-.9-2-1.4-3l-.9-2.1c-.4-1-.9-2-1.3-3-.3-.7-.6-1.5-.9-2.2l-1.2-3c-.3-.8-.6-1.5-.9-2.3-.4-1-.8-2-1.1-3-.3-.9-.6-1.8-1-2.8-.6-1.6-1.1-3.3-1.7-4.9-.3-.9-.6-1.8-.9-2.8-.3-.9-.5-1.8-.8-2.7-.3-.9-.6-1.9-.8-2.8-.3-.9-.5-1.8-.8-2.7-.3-1-.5-1.9-.8-2.9-.2-.9-.5-1.8-.7-2.7-.3-1-.5-2-.7-3-.2-.9-.4-1.7-.6-2.6-.2-1.1-.5-2.2-.7-3.2-.2-.8-.3-1.6-.5-2.4-.3-1.3-.5-2.7-.8-4-.1-.6-.2-1.1-.3-1.7l-.9-5.7c-.1-.6-.2-1.3-.3-1.9-.2-1.3-.4-2.6-.5-3.9-.1-.8-.2-1.5-.3-2.3-.1-1.2-.3-2.4-.4-3.6-.1-.8-.2-1.6-.2-2.4-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.3-3.5-.1-.8-.1-1.6-.2-2.4-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.2-3.7 0-.8-.1-1.5-.1-2.3-.1-1.3-.1-2.7-.2-4 0-.7 0-1.3-.1-2 0-2-.1-4-.1-6 0-53.5 16.9-103 45.8-143.6 2.3-3.2 4.7-6.4 7.1-9.5 4.9-6.2 10.1-12.3 15.6-18 2.7-2.9 5.5-5.7 8.4-8.4 2.9-2.7 5.8-5.4 8.8-8 4.5-3.9 9.1-7.6 13.9-11.2 1.6-1.2 3.2-2.4 4.8-3.5C140 34.2 171.7 20.1 206 13c16.1-3.3 32.9-5 50-5s33.8 1.7 50 5c34.3 7 66 21.1 93.6 40.7 1.6 1.2 3.2 2.3 4.8 3.5 4.8 3.6 9.4 7.3 13.9 11.2 12 10.4 23 21.9 32.8 34.4 2.5 3.1 4.8 6.3 7.1 9.5C487.1 153 504 202.5 504 256c0 2 0 4-.1 6 0 .7 0 1.3-.1 2 0 1.3-.1 2.7-.2 4 0 .8-.1 1.5-.1 2.3-.1 1.2-.1 2.4-.2.7-.1.8-.1 1.6-.2 2.4-.1 1.2-.2 2.4-.3 3.5-.1.8-.2 1.6-.2 2.4-.1 1.2-.3 2.4-.4 3.6-.1.8-.2 1.5-.3 2.3-.2 1.3-.4 2.6-.5 3.9-.1.6-.2 1.3-.3 1.9l-.9 5.7c-.1.6-.2 1.1-.3 1.7-.2 1.3-.5 2.7-.8 4-.2.8-.3 1.6-.5 2.4-.2 1.1-.5 2.2-.7 3.2-.2.9-.4 1.7-.6 2.6-.2 1-.5 2-.7 3-.2.9-.5 1.8-.7 2.7-.3 1-.5 1.9-.8 2.9-.2.9-.5 1.8-.8 2.7-.3.9-.6 1.9-.8 2.8-.3.9-.5 1.8-.8 2.7-.3.9-.6 1.8-.9 2.8-.5 1.6-1.1 3.3-1.7 4.9-.3.9-.6 1.8-1 2.8-.4 1-.7 2-1.1 3-.3.8-.6 1.5-.9 2.3l-1.2 3c-.3.7-.6 1.5-.9 2.2-.4 1-.8 2-1.3 3l-.9 2.1c-.4 1-.9 2-1.4 3-.3.7-.6 1.3-.9 2-.5 1-1 2.1-1.5 3.1-.3.6-.6 1.1-.8 1.7-.6 1.1-1.1 2.2-1.7 3.3-.1.2-.2.3-.3.5-2.2 4.1-4.4 8.2-6.8 12.2-.2.4-.5.8-.7 1.2-.7 1.1-1.3 2.2-2 3.3-.3.5-.6.9-.9 1.4-.7 1.1-1.4 2.1-2 3.2-.3.5-.6.9-.9 1.4-.7 1.1-1.4 2.1-2.1 3.2-.3.4-.6.8-.8 1.2-.8 1.1-1.5 2.2-2.3 3.3-.2.2-.3.5-.5.7-37.6 54.7-94.5 91.4-160.1 102.4zm117.3-86.2c13-13 24.2-27.4 33.6-42.9v-71.3c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7V326h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.1c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-4.8-6.5-3.7-9.5-3.7v-30.7c6.7-1.6 13.8-2.8 20.8-2.8 8.8 0 16.8 3.5 25.4 3.5 3.7 0 22.4-.9 22.4-6.5V93.4c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7-4.2 0-12.2 3.5-19.4 3.5-7.9 0-16.9-3.5-26.3-3.5-6.5 0-12.9.9-19.2 2.3v-3.9c4.4-2.1 7.4-6.7 7.4-11.5 0-16.8-25.4-16.8-25.4 0 0 4.8 3 9.5 7.4 11.5v90.2c-3 0-9.5-1.1-9.5 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.1c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v144H93.5v-25.8c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7H67.7c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v71.3c9.4 15.5 20.6 29.9 33.6 42.9 20.6 20.6 44.5 36.7 71.2 48 13.9 5.9 28.2 10.3 42.9 13.2v-75.8c0-58.6 88.6-58.6 88.6 0v75.8c14.7-2.9 29-7.4 42.9-13.2 26.7-11.3 50.6-27.4 71.2-48" ], forumbee: [ 448, 512, [], "f211", "M5.8 309.7C2 292.7 0 275.5 0 258.3 0 135 99.8 35 223.1 35c16.6 0 33.3 2 49.3 5.5C149 87.5 51.9 186 5.8 309.7zm392.9-189.2C385 103 369 87.8 350.9 75.2c-149.6 44.3-266.3 162.1-309.7 312 12.5 18.1 28 35.6 45.2 49 43.1-151.3 161.2-271.7 312.3-315.7zm15.8 252.7c15.2-25.1 25.4-53.7 29.5-82.8-79.4 42.9-145 110.6-187.6 190.3 30-4.4 58.9-15.3 84.6-31.3 35 13.1 70.9 24.3 107 33.6-9.3-36.5-20.4-74.5-33.5-109.8zm29.7-145.5c-2.6-19.5-7.9-38.7-15.8-56.8C290.5 216.7 182 327.5 137.1 466c18.1 7.6 37 12.5 56.6 15.2C240 367.1 330.5 274.4 444.2 227.7z" ], foursquare: [ 368, 512, [], "f180", "M323.1 3H49.9C12.4 3 0 31.3 0 49.1v433.8c0 20.3 12.1 27.7 18.2 30.1 6.2 2.5 22.8 4.6 32.9-7.1C180 356.5 182.2 354 182.2 354c3.1-3.4 3.4-3.1 6.8-3.1h83.4c35.1 0 40.6-25.2 44.3-39.7l48.6-243C373.8 25.8 363.1 3 323.1 3zm-16.3 73.8l-11.4 59.7c-1.2 6.5-9.5 13.2-16.9 13.2H172.1c-12 0-20.6 8.3-20.6 20.3v13c0 12 8.6 20.6 20.6 20.6h90.4c8.3 0 16.6 9.2 14.8 18.2-1.8 8.9-10.5 53.8-11.4 58.8-.9 4.9-6.8 13.5-16.9 13.5h-73.5c-13.5 0-17.2 1.8-26.5 12.6 0 0-8.9 11.4-89.5 108.3-.9.9-1.8.6-1.8-.3V75.9c0-7.7 6.8-16.6 16.6-16.6h219c8.2 0 15.6 7.7 13.5 17.5z" ], "free-code-camp": [ 576, 512, [], "f2c5", "M69.3 144.5c-41 68.5-36.4 163 1 227C92.5 409.7 120 423.9 120 438c0 6.8-6 13-12.8 13C87.7 451 8 375.5 8 253.2c0-111.5 78-186 97.1-186 6 0 14.9 4.8 14.9 11.1 0 12.7-28.3 28.6-50.7 66.2zm195.8 213.8c4.5 1.8 12.3 5.2 12.3-1.2 0-2.7-2.2-2.9-4.3-3.6-8.5-3.4-14-7.7-19.1-15.2-8.2-12.1-10.1-24.2-10.1-38.6 0-32.1 44.2-37.9 44.2-70 0-12.3-7.7-15.9-7.7-19.3 0-2.2.7-2.2 2.9-2.2 8 0 19.1 13.3 22.5 19.8 2.2 4.6 2.4 6 2.4 11.1 0 7-.7 14.2-.7 21.3 0 27 31.9 19.8 31.9 6.8 0-6-3.6-11.6-3.6-17.4 0-.7 0-1.2.7-1.2 3.4 0 9.4 7.7 11.1 10.1 5.8 8.9 8.5 20.8 8.5 31.4 0 32.4-29.5 49-29.5 56 0 1 2.9 7.7 12.1 1.9 29.7-15.1 53.1-47.6 53.1-89.8 0-33.6-8.7-57.7-32.1-82.6-3.9-4.1-16.4-16.9-22.5-16.9-8.2 0 7.2 18.6 7.2 31.2 0 7.2-4.8 12.3-12.3 12.3-11.6 0-14.5-25.4-15.9-33.3-5.8-33.8-12.8-58.2-46.4-74.1-10.4-5-36.5-11.8-36.5-2.2 0 2.4 2.7 4.1 4.6 5.1 9.2 5.6 19.6 21.4 19.6 38.2 0 46.1-57.7 88.2-57.7 136.2-.2 40.3 28.1 72.6 65.3 86.2zM470.4 67c-6 0-14.4 6.5-14.4 12.6 0 8.7 12.1 19.6 17.6 25.4 81.6 85.1 78.6 214.3 17.6 291-7 8.9-35.3 35.3-35.3 43.5 0 5.1 8.2 11.4 13.2 11.4 25.4 0 98.8-80.8 98.8-185.7C568 145.9 491.8 67 470.4 67zm-42.3 323.1H167c-9.4 0-15.5 7.5-15.5 16.4 0 8.5 7 15.5 15.5 15.5h261.1c9.4 0 11.9-7.5 11.9-16.4 0-8.5-3.5-15.5-11.9-15.5z" ], freebsd: [ 448, 512, [], "f3a4", "M303.7 96.2c11.1-11.1 115.5-77 139.2-53.2 23.7 23.7-42.1 128.1-53.2 139.2-11.1 11.1-39.4.9-63.1-22.9-23.8-23.7-34.1-52-22.9-63.1zM109.9 68.1C73.6 47.5 22 24.6 5.6 41.1c-16.6 16.6 7.1 69.4 27.9 105.7 18.5-32.2 44.8-59.3 76.4-78.7zM406.7 174c3.3 11.3 2.7 20.7-2.7 26.1-20.3 20.3-87.5-27-109.3-70.1-18-32.3-11.1-53.4 14.9-48.7 5.7-3.6 12.3-7.6 19.6-11.6-29.8-15.5-63.6-24.3-99.5-24.3-119.1 0-215.6 96.5-215.6 215.6 0 119 96.5 215.6 215.6 215.6S445.3 380.1 445.3 261c0-38.4-10.1-74.5-27.7-105.8-3.9 7-7.6 13.3-10.9 18.8z" ], fulcrum: [ 269, 512, [], "f50b", "M70.75 164.14l-35.38 43.55L0 164.14l35.38-43.55 35.37 43.55zM119.23 0L98.69 198.18 47.72 256l50.98 57.82L119.23 512V300.89L78.15 256l41.08-44.89V0zm79.67 164.14l35.38 43.55 35.38-43.55-35.38-43.55-35.38 43.55zm-48.48 46.97L191.5 256l-41.08 44.89V512l20.54-198.18L221.94 256l-50.98-57.82L150.42 0v211.11z" ], "galactic-republic": [ 496, 512, [], "f50c", "M248 504C111.25 504 0 392.75 0 256S111.25 8 248 8s248 111.25 248 248-111.25 248-248 248zm0-479.47C120.37 24.53 16.53 128.37 16.53 256S120.37 487.47 248 487.47 479.47 383.63 479.47 256 375.63 24.53 248 24.53zm27.62 21.81v24.62a185.933 185.933 0 0 1 83.57 34.54l17.39-17.36c-28.75-22.06-63.3-36.89-100.96-41.8zm-55.37.07c-37.64 4.94-72.16 19.8-100.88 41.85l17.28 17.36h.08c24.07-17.84 52.55-30.06 83.52-34.67V46.41zm12.25 50.17v82.87c-10.04 2.03-19.42 5.94-27.67 11.42l-58.62-58.59-21.93 21.93 58.67 58.67c-5.47 8.23-9.45 17.59-11.47 27.62h-82.9v31h82.9c2.02 10.02 6.01 19.31 11.47 27.54l-58.67 58.69 21.93 21.93 58.62-58.62a77.873 77.873 0 0 0 27.67 11.47v82.9h31v-82.9c10.05-2.03 19.37-6.06 27.62-11.55l58.67 58.69 21.93-21.93-58.67-58.69c5.46-8.23 9.47-17.52 11.5-27.54h82.87v-31h-82.87c-2.02-10.02-6.03-19.38-11.5-27.62l58.67-58.67-21.93-21.93-58.67 58.67c-8.25-5.49-17.57-9.47-27.62-11.5V96.58h-31zm183.24 30.72l-17.36 17.36a186.337 186.337 0 0 1 34.67 83.67h24.62c-4.95-37.69-19.83-72.29-41.93-101.03zm-335.55.13c-22.06 28.72-36.91 63.26-41.85 100.91h24.65c4.6-30.96 16.76-59.45 34.59-83.52l-17.39-17.39zM38.34 283.67c4.92 37.64 19.75 72.18 41.8 100.9l17.36-17.39c-17.81-24.07-29.92-52.57-34.51-83.52H38.34zm394.7 0c-4.61 30.99-16.8 59.5-34.67 83.6l17.36 17.36c22.08-28.74 36.98-63.29 41.93-100.96h-24.62zM136.66 406.38l-17.36 17.36c28.73 22.09 63.3 36.98 100.96 41.93v-24.64c-30.99-4.63-59.53-16.79-83.6-34.65zm222.53.05c-24.09 17.84-52.58 30.08-83.57 34.67v24.57c37.67-4.92 72.21-19.79 100.96-41.85l-17.31-17.39h-.08z" ], "galactic-senate": [ 512, 512, [], "f50d", "M249.86 33.48v26.07C236.28 80.17 226 168.14 225.39 274.9c11.74-15.62 19.13-33.33 19.13-48.24v-16.88c-.03-5.32.75-10.53 2.19-15.65.65-2.14 1.39-4.08 2.62-5.82 1.23-1.75 3.43-3.79 6.68-3.79 3.24 0 5.45 2.05 6.68 3.79 1.23 1.75 1.97 3.68 2.62 5.82 1.44 5.12 2.22 10.33 2.19 15.65v16.88c0 14.91 7.39 32.62 19.13 48.24-.63-106.76-10.91-194.73-24.49-215.35V33.48h-12.28zm-26.34 147.77c-9.52 2.15-18.7 5.19-27.46 9.08 8.9 16.12 9.76 32.64 1.71 37.29-8 4.62-21.85-4.23-31.36-19.82-11.58 8.79-21.88 19.32-30.56 31.09 14.73 9.62 22.89 22.92 18.32 30.66-4.54 7.7-20.03 7.14-35.47-.96-5.78 13.25-9.75 27.51-11.65 42.42 9.68.18 18.67 2.38 26.18 6.04 17.78-.3 32.77-1.96 40.49-4.22 5.55-26.35 23.02-48.23 46.32-59.51.73-25.55 1.88-49.67 3.48-72.07zm64.96 0c1.59 22.4 2.75 46.52 3.47 72.07 23.29 11.28 40.77 33.16 46.32 59.51 7.72 2.26 22.71 3.92 40.49 4.22 7.51-3.66 16.5-5.85 26.18-6.04-1.9-14.91-5.86-29.17-11.65-42.42-15.44 8.1-30.93 8.66-35.47.96-4.57-7.74 3.6-21.05 18.32-30.66-8.68-11.77-18.98-22.3-30.56-31.09-9.51 15.59-23.36 24.44-31.36 19.82-8.05-4.65-7.19-21.16 1.71-37.29a147.49 147.49 0 0 0-27.45-9.08zm-32.48 8.6c-3.23 0-5.86 8.81-6.09 19.93h-.05v16.88c0 41.42-49.01 95.04-93.49 95.04-52 0-122.75-1.45-156.37 29.17v2.51c9.42 17.12 20.58 33.17 33.18 47.97C45.7 380.26 84.77 360.4 141.2 360c45.68 1.02 79.03 20.33 90.76 0 .05 7.67 2.14 15.85 3.23 24.04 3.21 8.19.02 16.37-1.07 24.04-3.21.01-.01-.01-.04 0-.05 11.74-20.54 45.08-39.85 90.76-40.87 56.43.39 95.49 20.26 108.02 41.35 12.6-14.8 23.76-30.86 33.18-47.97v-2.51c-33.61-30.62-104.37-29.17-156.37-29.17-44.48 0-93.49-53.62-93.49-95.04v-16.88h-.05c-.23-11.12-2.86-19.93-6.09-19.93zm0 96.59c22.42 0 40.6 18.18 40.6 40.6s-18.18 40.65-40.6 40.65-40.6-18.23-40.6-40.65c0-22.42 18.18-40.6 40.6-40.6zm0 7.64c-18.19 0-32.96 14.77-32.96 32.96S237.81 360 256 360s32.96-14.77 32.96-32.96-14.77-32.96-32.96-32.96zm0 6.14c14.81 0 26.82 12.01 26.82 26.82s-12.01 26.82-26.82 26.82-26.82-12.01-26.82-26.82 12.01-26.82 26.82-26.82zm-114.8 66.67c-10.19.07-21.6.36-30.5 1.66.43 4.42 1.51 18.63 7.11 29.76 9.11-2.56 18.36-3.9 27.62-3.9 41.28.94 71.48 34.35 78.26 74.47l.11 4.7c10.4 1.91 21.19 2.94 32.21 2.94 11.03 0 21.81-1.02 32.21-2.94l.11-4.7c6.78-40.12 36.98-73.53 78.26-74.47 9.26 0 18.51 1.34 27.62 3.9 5.6-11.13 6.68-25.34 7.11-29.76-8.9-1.3-20.32-1.58-30.5-1.66-18.76.42-35.19 4.17-48.61 9.67-12.54 16.03-29.16 30.03-49.58 33.07-.09.02-.17.04-.27.05-.05.01-.11.04-.16.05-5.24 1.07-10.63 1.6-16.19 1.6-5.55 0-10.95-.53-16.19-1.6-.05-.01-.11-.04-.16-.05-.1-.02-.17-.04-.27-.05-20.42-3.03-37.03-17.04-49.58-33.07-13.42-5.49-29.86-9.25-48.61-9.67z" ], "get-pocket": [ 448, 512, [], "f265", "M407.6 64h-367C18.5 64 0 82.5 0 104.6v135.2C0 364.5 99.7 464 224.2 464c124 0 223.8-99.5 223.8-224.2V104.6c0-22.4-17.7-40.6-40.4-40.6zm-162 268.5c-12.4 11.8-31.4 11.1-42.4 0C89.5 223.6 88.3 227.4 88.3 209.3c0-16.9 13.8-30.7 30.7-30.7 17 0 16.1 3.8 105.2 89.3 90.6-86.9 88.6-89.3 105.5-89.3 16.9 0 30.7 13.8 30.7 30.7 0 17.8-2.9 15.7-114.8 123.2z" ], gg: [ 512, 512, [], "f260", "M179.2 230.4l102.4 102.4-102.4 102.4L0 256 179.2 76.8l44.8 44.8-25.6 25.6-19.2-19.2-128 128 128 128 51.5-51.5-77.1-76.5 25.6-25.6zM332.8 76.8L230.4 179.2l102.4 102.4 25.6-25.6-77.1-76.5 51.5-51.5 128 128-128 128-19.2-19.2-25.6 25.6 44.8 44.8L512 256 332.8 76.8z" ], "gg-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f261", "M257 8C120 8 9 119 9 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S394 8 257 8zm-49.5 374.8L81.8 257.1l125.7-125.7 35.2 35.4-24.2 24.2-11.1-11.1-77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2 26.6-26.6-53.1-52.9 24.4-24.4 77.2 77.2-75 75.2zm99-2.2l-35.2-35.2 24.1-24.4 11.1 11.1 77.2-77.2-77.2-77.2-26.5 26.5 53.1 52.9-24.4 24.4-77.2-77.2 75-75L432.2 255 306.5 380.6z" ], git: [ 448, 512, [], "f1d3", "M18.8 221.7c0 25.3 16.2 60 41.5 68.5v1c-18.8 8.3-24 50.6 1 65.8v1C34 367 16 384.3 16 414.2c0 51.5 48.8 65.8 91.5 65.8 52 0 90.7-18.7 90.7-76 0-70.5-101-44.5-101-82.8 0-13.5 7.2-18.7 19.7-21.3 41.5-7.7 67.5-40 67.5-82.2 0-7.3-1.5-14.2-4-21 6.7-1.5 13.2-3.3 19.7-5.5v-50.5c-17.2 6.8-35.7 11.8-54.5 11.8-53.8-31-126.8 1.3-126.8 69.2zm87.7 163.8c17 0 41.2 3 41.2 25 0 21.8-19.5 26.3-37.7 26.3-17.3 0-43.3-2.7-43.3-25.2.1-22.3 22.1-26.1 39.8-26.1zM103.3 256c-22 0-31.3-13-31.3-33.8 0-49.3 61-48.8 61-.5 0 20.3-8 34.3-29.7 34.3zM432 305.5v49c-13.3 7.3-30.5 9.8-45.5 9.8-53.5 0-59.8-42.2-59.8-85.7v-87.7h.5v-1c-7 0-7.3-1.6-24 1v-47.5h24c0-22.3.3-31-1.5-41.2h56.7c-2 13.8-1.5 27.5-1.5 41.2h51v47.5s-19.3-1-51-1V281c0 14.8 3.3 32.8 21.8 32.8 9.8 0 21.3-2.8 29.3-8.3zM286 68.7c0 18.7-14.5 36.2-33.8 36.2-19.8 0-34.5-17.2-34.5-36.2 0-19.3 14.5-36.7 34.5-36.7C272 32 286 50 286 68.7zm-6.2 74.5c-1.8 14.6-1.6 199.8 0 217.8h-55.5c1.6-18.1 1.8-203 0-217.8h55.5z" ], "git-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f1d2", "M140.1 348.5c12.1 0 29.5 2.1 29.5 17.9 0 15.5-13.9 18.8-27 18.8-12.3 0-30.9-2-30.9-18s15.7-18.7 28.4-18.7zm-24.7-116.6c0 14.8 6.6 24.1 22.3 24.1 15.5 0 21.2-10 21.2-24.5.1-34.4-43.5-34.8-43.5.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-241 93.7c-12.3 4.8-25.5 8.4-38.9 8.4-38.5-22.1-90.7.9-90.7 49.5 0 18 11.6 42.9 29.6 48.9v.7c-13.4 5.9-17.1 36.1.7 47v.7c-19.5 6.4-32.3 18.8-32.3 40.2 0 36.8 34.8 47 65.4 47 37.1 0 64.8-13.4 64.8-54.3 0-50.4-72.1-31.8-72.1-59.1 0-9.6 5.2-13.4 14.1-15.2 29.6-5.5 48.2-28.6 48.2-58.7 0-5.2-1.1-10.2-2.9-15 4.8-1.1 9.5-2.3 14.1-3.9v-36.2zm56.8 1.8h-39.6c1.3 10.6 1.1 142.6 0 155.5h39.6c-1.1-12.8-1.2-145.1 0-155.5zm4.5-53.3c0-13.4-10-26.2-24.1-26.2-14.3 0-24.6 12.5-24.6 26.2 0 13.6 10.5 25.9 24.6 25.9 13.7 0 24.1-12.5 24.1-25.9zm104.3 53.3h-36.4c0-9.8-.4-19.6 1.1-29.5h-40.5c1.3 7.3 1.1 13.6 1.1 29.5h-17.1v33.9c11.9-1.9 12.1-.7 17.1-.7v.7h-.4v62.7c0 31.1 4.5 61.2 42.7 61.2 10.7 0 23-1.8 32.5-7v-35c-5.7 3.9-13.9 5.9-20.9 5.9-13.2 0-15.5-12.9-15.5-23.4v-65.2c22.7 0 36.4.7 36.4.7v-33.8z" ], github: [ 496, 512, [], "f09b", "M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z" ], "github-alt": [ 480, 512, [], "f113", "M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z" ], "github-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f092", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM277.3 415.7c-8.4 1.5-11.5-3.7-11.5-8 0-5.4.2-33 .2-55.3 0-15.6-5.2-25.5-11.3-30.7 37-4.1 76-9.2 76-73.1 0-18.2-6.5-27.3-17.1-39 1.7-4.3 7.4-22-1.7-45-13.9-4.3-45.7 17.9-45.7 17.9-13.2-3.7-27.5-5.6-41.6-5.6-14.1 0-28.4 1.9-41.6 5.6 0 0-31.8-22.2-45.7-17.9-9.1 22.9-3.5 40.6-1.7 45-10.6 11.7-15.6 20.8-15.6 39 0 63.6 37.3 69 74.3 73.1-4.8 4.3-9.1 11.7-10.6 22.3-9.5 4.3-33.8 11.7-48.3-13.9-9.1-15.8-25.5-17.1-25.5-17.1-16.2-.2-1.1 10.2-1.1 10.2 10.8 5 18.4 24.2 18.4 24.2 9.7 29.7 56.1 19.7 56.1 19.7 0 13.9.2 36.5.2 40.6 0 4.3-3 9.5-11.5 8-66-22.1-112.2-84.9-112.2-158.3 0-91.8 70.2-161.5 162-161.5S388 165.6 388 257.4c.1 73.4-44.7 136.3-110.7 158.3zm-98.1-61.1c-1.9.4-3.7-.4-3.9-1.7-.2-1.5 1.1-2.8 3-3.2 1.9-.2 3.7.6 3.9 1.9.3 1.3-1 2.6-3 3zm-9.5-.9c0 1.3-1.5 2.4-3.5 2.4-2.2.2-3.7-.9-3.7-2.4 0-1.3 1.5-2.4 3.5-2.4 1.9-.2 3.7.9 3.7 2.4zm-13.7-1.1c-.4 1.3-2.4 1.9-4.1 1.3-1.9-.4-3.2-1.9-2.8-3.2.4-1.3 2.4-1.9 4.1-1.5 2 .6 3.3 2.1 2.8 3.4zm-12.3-5.4c-.9 1.1-2.8.9-4.3-.6-1.5-1.3-1.9-3.2-.9-4.1.9-1.1 2.8-.9 4.3.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.3.9 4.1zm-9.1-9.1c-.9.6-2.6 0-3.7-1.5s-1.1-3.2 0-3.9c1.1-.9 2.8-.2 3.7 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.1 3.3 0 4.1zm-6.5-9.7c-.9.9-2.4.4-3.5-.6-1.1-1.3-1.3-2.8-.4-3.5.9-.9 2.4-.4 3.5.6 1.1 1.3 1.3 2.8.4 3.5zm-6.7-7.4c-.4.9-1.7 1.1-2.8.4-1.3-.6-1.9-1.7-1.5-2.6.4-.6 1.5-.9 2.8-.4 1.3.7 1.9 1.8 1.5 2.6z" ], gitkraken: [ 592, 512, [], "f3a6", "M565.7 118.1c-2.3-6.1-9.3-9.2-15.3-6.6-5.7 2.4-8.5 8.9-6.3 14.6 10.9 29 16.9 60.5 16.9 93.3 0 134.6-100.3 245.7-230.2 262.7V358.4c7.9-1.5 15.5-3.6 23-6.2v104c106.7-25.9 185.9-122.1 185.9-236.8 0-91.8-50.8-171.8-125.8-213.3-5.7-3.2-13-.9-15.9 5-2.7 5.5-.6 12.2 4.7 15.1 67.9 37.6 113.9 110 113.9 193.2 0 93.3-57.9 173.1-139.8 205.4v-92.2c14.2-4.5 24.9-17.7 24.9-33.5 0-13.1-6.8-24.4-17.3-30.5 8.3-79.5 44.5-58.6 44.5-83.9V170c0-38-87.9-161.8-129-164.7-2.5-.2-5-.2-7.6 0C251.1 8.3 163.2 132 163.2 170v14.8c0 25.3 36.3 4.3 44.5 83.9-10.6 6.1-17.3 17.4-17.3 30.5 0 15.8 10.6 29 24.8 33.5v92.2c-81.9-32.2-139.8-112-139.8-205.4 0-83.1 46-155.5 113.9-193.2 5.4-3 7.4-9.6 4.7-15.1-2.9-5.9-10.1-8.2-15.9-5-75 41.5-125.8 121.5-125.8 213.3 0 114.7 79.2 210.8 185.9 236.8v-104c7.6 2.5 15.1 4.6 23 6.2v123.7C131.4 465.2 31 354.1 31 219.5c0-32.8 6-64.3 16.9-93.3 2.2-5.8-.6-12.2-6.3-14.6-6-2.6-13 .4-15.3 6.6C14.5 149.7 8 183.8 8 219.5c0 155.1 122.6 281.6 276.3 287.8V361.4c6.8.4 15 .5 23.4 0v145.8C461.4 501.1 584 374.6 584 219.5c0-35.7-6.5-69.8-18.3-101.4zM365.9 275.5c13 0 23.7 10.5 23.7 23.7 0 13.1-10.6 23.7-23.7 23.7-13 0-23.7-10.5-23.7-23.7 0-13.1 10.6-23.7 23.7-23.7zm-139.8 47.3c-13.2 0-23.7-10.7-23.7-23.7s10.5-23.7 23.7-23.7c13.1 0 23.7 10.6 23.7 23.7 0 13-10.5 23.7-23.7 23.7z" ], gitlab: [ 512, 512, [], "f296", "M29.782 199.732L256 493.714 8.074 309.699c-6.856-5.142-9.712-13.996-7.141-21.993l28.849-87.974zm75.405-174.806c-3.142-8.854-15.709-8.854-18.851 0L29.782 199.732h131.961L105.187 24.926zm56.556 174.806L256 493.714l94.257-293.982H161.743zm349.324 87.974l-28.849-87.974L256 493.714l247.926-184.015c6.855-5.142 9.711-13.996 7.141-21.993zm-85.404-262.78c-3.142-8.854-15.709-8.854-18.851 0l-56.555 174.806h131.961L425.663 24.926z" ], gitter: [ 384, 512, [], "f426", "M66.4 322.5H16V0h50.4v322.5zM166.9 76.1h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zm100.6 0h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zM368 76h-50.4v247H368V76z" ], glide: [ 448, 512, [], "f2a5", "M252.8 148.6c0 8.8-1.6 17.7-3.4 26.4-5.8 27.8-11.6 55.8-17.3 83.6-1.4 6.3-8.3 4.9-13.7 4.9-23.8 0-30.5-26-30.5-45.5 0-29.3 11.2-68.1 38.5-83.1 4.3-2.5 9.2-4.2 14.1-4.2 11.4 0 12.3 8.3 12.3 17.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 187c0-5.1-20.8-37.7-25.5-39.5-2.2-.9-7.2-2.3-9.6-2.3-23.1 0-38.7 10.5-58.2 21.5l-.5-.5c4.3-29.4 14.6-57.2 14.6-87.4 0-44.6-23.8-62.7-67.5-62.7-71.7 0-108 70.8-108 123.5 0 54.7 32 85 86.3 85 7.5 0 6.9-.6 6.9 2.3-10.5 80.3-56.5 82.9-56.5 58.9 0-24.4 28-36.5 28.3-38-.2-7.6-29.3-17.2-36.7-17.2-21.1 0-32.7 33-32.7 50.6 0 32.3 20.4 54.7 53.3 54.7 48.2 0 83.4-49.7 94.3-91.7 9.4-37.7 7-39.4 12.3-42.1 20-10.1 35.8-16.8 58.4-16.8 11.1 0 19 2.3 36.7 5.2 1.8.1 4.1-1.7 4.1-3.5z" ], "glide-g": [ 448, 512, [], "f2a6", "M407.1 211.2c-3.5-1.4-11.6-3.8-15.4-3.8-37.1 0-62.2 16.8-93.5 34.5l-.9-.9c7-47.3 23.5-91.9 23.5-140.4C320.8 29.1 282.6 0 212.4 0 97.3 0 39 113.7 39 198.4 39 286.3 90.3 335 177.6 335c12 0 11-1 11 3.8-16.9 128.9-90.8 133.1-90.8 94.6 0-39.2 45-58.6 45.5-61-.3-12.2-47-27.6-58.9-27.6-33.9.1-52.4 51.2-52.4 79.3C32 476 64.8 512 117.5 512c77.4 0 134-77.8 151.4-145.4 15.1-60.5 11.2-63.3 19.7-67.6 32.2-16.2 57.5-27 93.8-27 17.8 0 30.5 3.7 58.9 8.4 2.9 0 6.7-2.9 6.7-5.8 0-8-33.4-60.5-40.9-63.4zm-175.3-84.4c-9.3 44.7-18.6 89.6-27.8 134.3-2.3 10.2-13.3 7.8-22 7.8-38.3 0-49-41.8-49-73.1 0-47 18-109.3 61.8-133.4 7-4.1 14.8-6.7 22.6-6.7 18.6 0 20 13.3 20 28.7-.1 14.3-2.7 28.5-5.6 42.4z" ], gofore: [ 400, 512, [], "f3a7", "M324 319.8h-13.2v34.7c-24.5 23.1-56.3 35.8-89.9 35.8-73.2 0-132.4-60.2-132.4-134.4 0-74.1 59.2-134.4 132.4-134.4 35.3 0 68.6 14 93.6 39.4l62.3-63.3C335 55.3 279.7 32 220.7 32 98 32 0 132.6 0 256c0 122.5 97 224 220.7 224 63.2 0 124.5-26.2 171-82.5-2-27.6-13.4-77.7-67.7-77.7zm-12.1-112.5H205.6v89H324c33.5 0 60.5 15.1 76 41.8v-30.6c0-65.2-40.4-100.2-88.1-100.2z" ], goodreads: [ 448, 512, [], "f3a8", "M299.9 191.2c5.1 37.3-4.7 79-35.9 100.7-22.3 15.5-52.8 14.1-70.8 5.7-37.1-17.3-49.5-58.6-46.8-97.2 4.3-60.9 40.9-87.9 75.3-87.5 46.9-.2 71.8 31.8 78.2 78.3zM448 88v336c0 30.9-25.1 56-56 56H56c-30.9 0-56-25.1-56-56V88c0-30.9 25.1-56 56-56h336c30.9 0 56 25.1 56 56zM330 313.2s-.1-34-.1-217.3h-29v40.3c-.8.3-1.2-.5-1.6-1.2-9.6-20.7-35.9-46.3-76-46-51.9.4-87.2 31.2-100.6 77.8-4.3 14.9-5.8 30.1-5.5 45.6 1.7 77.9 45.1 117.8 112.4 115.2 28.9-1.1 54.5-17 69-45.2.5-1 1.1-1.9 1.7- 3.8.2 30.7.1 34.5-.2 14.8-2 29.5-7.2 43.5-7.8 21-22.3 34.7-44.5 39.5-17.8 3.9-35.6 3.8-53.2-1.2-21.5-6.1-36.5-19-41.1-41.8-.3-1.6-1.3-1.3-2.3-1.3h-26.8c.8 10.6 3.2 20.3 8.5 29.2 24.2 40.5 82.7 48.5 128.2 37.4 49.9-12.3 67.3-54.9 67.4-106.3z" ], "goodreads-g": [ 384, 512, [], "f3a9", "M42.6 403.3h2.8c12.7 0 25.5 0 38.2.1 1.6 0 3.1-.4 3.6 2.1 7.1 34.9 30 54.6 62.9 63.9 26.9 7.6 54.1 7.8 81.3 1.8 33.8-7.4 56-28.3 68-60.4 8-21.5 10.7-43.8 11-66.5.1-5.8.3-47-.2-52.8l-.9-.3c-.8 1.5-1.7 2.9-2.5 4.4-22.1 43.1-61.3 67.4-105.4 69.1-103 4-169.4-57-172-176.2-.5-23.7 1.8-46.9 8.3-69.7C58.3 47.7 112.3.6 191.6 0c61.3-.4 101.5 38.7 116.2 70.3.5 1.1 1.3 2.3 2.4 1.9V10.6h44.3c0 280.3.1 332.2.1 332.2-.1 78.5-26.7 143.7-103 162.2-69.5 16.9-159 4.8-196-57.2-8-13.5-11.8-28.3-13-44.5zM188.9 36.5c-52.5-.5-108.5 40.7-115 133.8-4.1 59 14.8 122.2 71.5 148.6 27.6 12.9 74.3 15 108.3-8.7 47.6-33.2 62.7-97 54.8-154-9.7-71.1-47.8-120-119.6-119.7z" ], google: [ 488, 512, [], "f1a0", "M488 261.8C488 403.3 391.1 504 248 504 110.8 504 0 393.2 0 256S110.8 8 248 8c66.8 0 123 24.5 166.3 64.9l-67.5 64.9C258.5 52.6 94.3 116.6 94.3 256c0 86.5 69.1 156.6 153.7 156.6 98.2 0 135-70.4 140.8-106.9H248v-85.3h236.1c2.3 12.7 3.9 24.9 3.9 41.4z" ], "google-drive": [ 512, 512, [], "f3aa", "M339 314.9L175.4 32h161.2l163.6 282.9H339zm-137.5 23.6L120.9 480h310.5L512 338.5H201.5zM154.1 67.4L0 338.5 80.6 480 237 208.8 154.1 67.4z" ], "google-play": [ 512, 512, [], "f3ab", "M325.3 234.3L104.6 13l280.8 161.2-60.1 60.1zM47 0C34 6.8 25.3 19.2 25.3 35.3v441.3c0 16.1 8.7 28.5 21.7 35.3l256.6-256L47 0zm425.2 225.6l-58.9-34.1-65.7 64.5 65.7 64.5 60.1-34.1c18-14.3 18-46.5-1.2-60.8zM104.6 499l280.8-161.2-60.1-60.1L104.6 499z" ], "google-plus": [ 496, 512, [], "f2b3", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm-70.7 372c-68.8 0-124-55.5-124-124s55.2-124 124-124c31.3 0 60.1 11 83 32.3l-33.6 32.6c-13.2-12.9-31.3-19.1-49.4-19.1-42.9 0-77.2 35.5-77.2 78.1s34.2 78.1 77.2 78.1c32.6 0 64.9-19.1 70.1-53.3h-70.1v-42.6h116.9c1.3 6.8 1.9 13.6 1.9 20.7 0 70.8-47.5 121.2-118.8 121.2zm230.2-106.2v35.5H372v-35.5h-35.5v-35.5H372v-35.5h35.5v35.5h35.2v35.5h-35.2z" ], "google-plus-g": [ 640, 512, [], "f0d5", "M386.061 228.496c1.834 9.692 3.143 19.384 3.143 31.956C389.204 370.205 315.599 448 204.8 448c-106.084 0-192-85.915-192-192s85.916-192 192-192c51.864 0 95.083 18.859 128.611 50.292l-52.126 50.03c-14.145-13.621-39.028-29.599-76.485-29.599-65.484 0-118.92 54.221-118.92 121.277 0 67.056 53.436 121.277 118.92 121.277 75.961 0 104.513-54.745 108.965-82.773H204.8v-66.009h181.261zm185.406 6.437V179.2h-56.001v55.733h-55.733v56.001h55.733v55.733h56.001v-55.733H627.2v-56.001h-55.733z" ], "google-plus-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f0d4", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM164 356c-55.3 0-100-44.7-100-100s44.7-100 100-100c27 0 49.5 9.8 67 26.2l-27.1 26.1c-7.4-7.1-20.3-15.4-39.8-15.4-34.1 0-61.9 28.2-61.9 63.2 0 34.9 27.8 63.2 61.9 63.2 39.6 0 54.4-28.5 56.8-43.1H164v-34.4h94.4c1 5 1.6 10.1 1.6 16.6 0 57.1-38.3 97.6-96 97.6zm220-81.8h-29v29h-29.2v-29h-29V245h29v-29H355v29h29v29.2z" ], "google-wallet": [ 448, 512, [], "f1ee", "M156.8 126.8c37.6 60.6 64.2 113.1 84.3 162.5-8.3 33.8-18.8 66.5-31.3 98.3-13.2-52.3-26.5-101.3-56-148.5 6.5-36.4 2.3-73.6 3-112.3zM109.3 200H16.1c-6.5 0-10.5 7.5-6.5 12.7C51.8 267 81.3 330.5 101.3 400h103.5c-16.2-69.7-38.7-133.7-82.5-193.5-3-4-8-6.5-13-6.5zm47.8-88c68.5 108 130 234.5 138.2 368H409c-12-138-68.4-265-143.2-368H157.1zm251.8-68.5c-1.8-6.8-8.2-11.5-15.2-11.5h-88.3c-5.3 0-9 5-7.8 10.3 13.2 46.5 22.3 95.5 26.5 146 48.2 86.2 79.7 178.3 90.6 270.8 15.8-60.5 25.3-133.5 25.3-203 0-73.6-12.1-145.1-31.1-212.6z" ], gratipay: [ 496, 512, [], "f184", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm114.6 226.4l-113 152.7-112.7-152.7c-8.7-11.9-19.1-50.4 13.6-72 28.1-18.1 54.6-4.2 68.5 11.9 15.9 17.9 46.6 16.9 61.7 0 13.9-16.1 40.4-30 68.1-11.9 32.9 21.6 22.6 60 13.8 72z" ], grav: [ 512, 512, [], "f2d6", "M301.1 212c4.4 4.4 4.4 11.9 0 16.3l-9.7 9.7c-4.4 4.7-11.9 4.7-16.6 0l-10.5-10.5c-4.4-4.7-4.4-11.9 0-16.6l9.7-9.7c4.4-4.4 11.9-4.4 16.6 0l10.5 10.8zm-30.2-19.7c3-3 3-7.8 0-10.5-2.8-3-7.5-3-10.5 0-2.8 2.8-2.8 7.5 0 10.5 3.1 2.8 7.8 2.8 10.5 0zm-26 5.3c-3 2.8-3 7.5 0 10.2 2.8 3 7.5 3 10.5 0 2.8-2.8 2.8-7.5 0-10.2-3-3-7.7-3-10.5 0zm72.5-13.3c-19.9-14.4-33.8-43.2-11.9-68.1 21.6-24.9 40.7-17.2 59.8.8 11.9 11.3 29.3 24.9 17.2 48.2-12.5 23.5-45.1 33.2-65.1 19.1zm47.7-44.5c-8.9-10-23.3 6.9-15.5 16.1 7.4 9 32.1 2.4 15.5-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-66.2 42.6c2.5-16.1-20.2-16.6-25.2-25.7-13.6-24.1-27.7-36.8-54.5-30.4 11.6-8 23.5-6.1 23.5-6.1.3-6.4 0-13-9.4-24.9 3.9-12.5.3-22.4.3-22.4 15.5-8.6 26.8-24.4 29.1-43.2 3.6-31-18.8-59.2-49.8-62.8-22.1-2.5-43.7 7.7-54.3 25.7-23.2 40.1 1.4 70.9 22.4 81.4-14.4-1.4-34.3-11.9-40.1-34.3-6.6-25.7 2.8-49.8 8.9-61.4 0 0-4.4-5.8-8-8.9 0 0-13.8 0-24.6 5.3 11.9-15.2 25.2-14.4 25.2-14.4 0-6.4-.6-14.9-3.6-21.6-5.4-11-23.8-12.9-31.7 2.8.1-.2.3-.4.4-.5-5 11.9-1.1 55.9 16.9 87.2-2.5 1.4-9.1 6.1-13 10-21.6 9.7-56.2 60.3-56.2 60.3-28.2 10.8-77.2 50.9-70.6 79.7.3 3 1.4 5.5 3 7.5-2.8 2.2-5.5 5-8.3 8.3-11.9 13.8-5.3 35.2 17.7 24.4 15.8-7.2 29.6-20.2 36.3-30.4 0 0-5.5-5-16.3-4.4 27.7-6.6 34.3-9.4 46.2-9.1 8 3.9 8-34.3 8-34.3 0-14.7-2.2-31-11.1-41.5 12.5 12.2 29.1 32.7 28 60.6-.8 18.3-15.2 23-15.2 23-9.1 16.6-43.2 65.9-30.4 106 0 0-9.7-14.9-10.2-22.1-17.4 19.4-46.5 52.3-24.6 64.5 26.6 14.7 108.8-88.6 126.2-142.3 34.6-20.8 55.4-47.3 63.9-65 22 43.5 95.3 94.5 101.1 59z" ], gripfire: [ 384, 512, [], "f3ac", "M171.8 503.8c0-5.3 4.8-12.2 4.8-22.3 0-15.2-13-39.9-78.1-86.6C64.2 365.8 32 336.4 32 286.6 32 171.9 179.1 110.1 179.1 18c0-3.3-.2-6.7-.6-10 5.1 2.4 39.1 43.3 39.1 90.4 0 80.5-105.1 129.2-105.1 203 0 26.9 16.6 47.2 32.6 69.5 22.5 30.2 44.2 56.9 44.2 86.5-.1 14.5-4.4 29.7-17.5 46.4zm146-241.4c1.5 8.4 2.2 16.6 2.2 24.6 0 51.8-29.4 97.5-67.3 136.8-1 1-2.2 2.4-3.2 2.4-3.6 0-35.5-41.6-35.5-53.2 0 0 41.8-55.7 41.8-96.9 0-10.8-2.7-21.7-9.1-33.4-1.5 32.3-55.7 87.7-58.1 87.7-2.7 0-17.9-22-17.9-42.1 0-5.3 1-10.7 3.2-15.8 2.4-5.5 56.6-72 56.6-116.7 0-6.2-1-12-3.4-17.1l-4-7.2c16.7 6.5 82.6 64.1 94.7 130.9" ], grunt: [ 384, 512, [], "f3ad", "M61.3 189.3c-1.1 10 5.2 19.1 5.2 19.1.7-7.5 2.2-12.8 4-16.6.4 10.3 3.2 23.5 12.8 34.1 6.9 7.6 35.6 23.3 54.9 6.1 1 2.4 2.1 5.3 3 8.5 2.9 10.3-2.7 25.3-2.7 25.3s15.1-17.1 13.9-32.5c10.8-.5 21.4-8.4 21.1-19.5 0 0-18.9 10.4-35.5-8.8-9.7-11.2-40.9-42-83.1-31.8 4.3 1 8.9 2.4 13.5 4.1h-.1c-4.2 2-6.5 7.1-7 12zm28.3-1.8c19.5 11 37.4 25.7 44.9 37-5.7 3.3-21.7 10.4-38-1.7-10.3-7.6-9.8-26.2-6.9-35.3zm79.2 233.7c2.2 2.3 1.5 5.3.9 6.8-1.1 2.7-5.5 11.6-13 19.8-2.7 2.9-6.6 4.6-11 4.6-4.3 0-8.7-1.6-11.8-4.3-2.3-2.1-10.2-9.5-13.7-18.6-1.3-3.4-1-6.1.9-8.1 1.3-1.3 4-2.9 9.5-2.9H160c4.1 0 7 .9 8.8 2.7zm62.9-187.9c-1.2 15.5 13.9 32.5 13.9 32.5s-5.6-15-2.7-25.3c.9-3.2 2-6 3-8.5 19.3 17.3 48 1.5 54.8-6.1 9.6-10.6 12.3-23.8 12.8-34.1 1.8 3.8 3.4 9.1 4 16.6 0 0 6.4-9.1 5.2-19.1-.6-5-2.9-10-7-11.8h-.1c4.6-1.8 9.2-3.2 13.5-4.1-42.3-10.2-73.4 20.6-83.1 31.8-16.7 19.2-35.5 8.8-35.5 8.8-.2 10.9 10.4 18.9 21.2 19.3zm17.8-8.8c7.5-11.4 25.4-26 44.9-37 3 9.1 3.4 27.7-7 35.4-16.3 12.1-32.2 5-37.9 1.6-.1.1 0 0 0 0zM263 421.4c1.9 1.9 2.2 4.6.9 7.9-3.5 8.9-11.4 16.1-13.7 18.1-3.1 2.6-7.4 4.2-11.8 4.2s-8.3-1.6-11-4.5c-7.5-8-12-16.7-13-19.3-.6-1.5-1.3-4.4.9-6.7 1.7-1.8 4.7-2.7 8.9-2.7h29.4c5.4.1 8.1 1.7 9.4 3zm-98.3-251.5c9.9 6 18.8 8.1 27.3 8.3 8.5-.2 17.4-2.3 27.3-8.3 0 0-14.5 17.7-27.2 17.8h-.2c-12.7-.2-27.2-17.8-27.2-17.8zm184.5 147.4c-2.4 17.9-13 33.8-24.6 43.7-3.1-22.7-3.7-55.5-3.7-62.4 0-14.7 9.5-24.5 12.2-26.1 2.5-1.5 5.4-3 8.3-4.6 18-9.6 40.4-21.6 40.4-43.7 0-16.2-9.3-23.2-15.4-27.8-.8-.6-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.7-2.1-1.7-3.7-3-4.3-4.4-4.4-9.8-3.6-34.2-1.7-37.6.6-.6 16.7-20.9 11.8-39.2-2-7.4-6.9-13.3-14.1-17-5.3-2.7-11.9-4.2-19.5-4.5-.1-2-.5-3.9-.9-5.9-.6-2.6-1.1-5.3-.9-8.1.4-4.7.8-9 2.2-11.3 8.4-13.3 28.8-17.6 29-17.6l12.3-2.4-8.1-9.5c-.1-.2-17.3-17.5-46.3-17.5-7.9 0-16 1.3-24.1 3.9-24.2 7.8-42.9 30.5-49.4 39.3-3.1-1-6.3-1.9-9.6-2.7-4.2-15.8 9-38.5 9-38.5s-13.6-3-33.7 15.2c-2.6-6.5-8.1-20.5-1.8-37.2C184.6 10.1 177.2 26 175 40.4c-7.6-5.4-6.7-23.1-7.2-27.6-7.5.9-29.2 21.9-28.2 48.3-2 .5-3.9 1.1-5.9 1.7-6.5-8.8-25.1-31.5-49.4-39.3-7.9-2.2-16-3.5-23.9-3.5-29 0-46.1 17.3-46.3 17.5L6 46.9l12.3 2.4c.2 0 20.6 4.3 29 17.6 1.4 2.2 1.8 6.6 2.2 11.3.2 2.8-.4 5.5-.9 8.1-.4 1.9-.8 3.9-.9 5.9-7.7.3-14.2 1.8-19.5 4.5-7.2 3.7-12.1 9.6-14.1 17-5 18.2 11.2 38.5 11.8 39.2 1.9 3.4 2.7 27.8-1.7 37.6-.6 1.4-2.2 2.7-4.3 4.4-.7.5-1.4 1.1-2.2 1.7-6.1 4.6-15.4 11.7-15.4 27.8 0 22.1 22.4 34.1 40.4 43.7 3 1.6 5.8 3.1 8.3 4.6 2.7 1.6 12.2 11.4 12.2 26.1 0 6.9-.6 39.7-3.7 62.4-11.6-9.9-22.2-25.9-24.6-43.8 0 0-29.2 22.6-20.6 70.8 5.2 29.5 23.2 46.1 47 54.7 8.8 19.1 29.4 45.7 67.3 49.6C143 504.3 163 512 192.2 512h.2c29.1 0 49.1-7.7 63.6-19.5 37.9-3.9 58.5-30.5 67.3-49.6 23.8-8.7 41.7-25.2 47-54.7 8.2-48.4-21.1-70.9-21.1-70.9zM305.7 37.7c5.6-1.8 11.6-2.7 17.7-2.7 11 0 19.9 3 24.7 5-3.1 1.4-6.4 3.2-9.7 5.3-2.4-.4-5.6-.8-9.2-.8-10.5 0-20.5 3.1-28.7 8.9-12.3 8.7-18 16.9-20.7 22.4-2.2-1.3-4.5-2.5-7.1-3.7-1.6-.8-3.1-1.5-4.7-2.2 6.1-9.1 19.9-26.5 37.7-32.2zm21 18.2c-.8 1-1.6 2.1-2.3 3.2-3.3 5.2-3.9 11.6-4.4 17.8-.5 6.4-1.1 12.5-4.4 17-4.2.8-8.1 1.7-11.5 2.7-2.3-3.1-5.6-7-10.5-11.2 1.4-4.8 5.5-16.1 13.5-22.5 5.6-4.3 12.2-6.7 19.6-7zM45.6 45.3c-3.3-2.2-6.6-4-9.7-5.3 4.8-2 13.7-5 24.7-5 6.1 0 12 .9 17.7 2.7 17.8 5.8 31.6 23.2 37.7 32.1-1.6.7-3.2 1.4-4.8 2.2-2.5 1.2-4.9 2.5-7.1 3.7-2.6-5.4-8.3-13.7-20.7-22.4-8.3-5.8-18.2-8.9-28.8-8.9-3.4.1-6.6.5-9 .9zm44.7 40.1c-4.9 4.2-8.3 8-10.5 11.2-3.4-.9-7.3-1.9-11.5-2.7C65 89.5 64.5 83.4 64 77c-.5-6.2-1.1-12.6-4.4-17.8-.7-1.1-1.5-2.2-2.3-3.2 7.4.3 14 2.6 19.5 7 8 6.3 12.1 17.6 13.5 22.4zM58.1 259.9c-2.7-1.6-5.6-3.1-8.4-4.6-14.9-8-30.2-16.3-30.2-30.5 0-11.1 4.3-14.6 8.9-18.2l.5-.4c.7-.6 1.4-1.2 2.2-1.8-.9 7.2-1.9 13.3-2.7 14.9 0 0 12.1-15 15.7-44.3 1.4-11.5-1.1-34.3-5.1-43 .2 4.9 0 9.8-.3 14.4-.4-.8-.8-1.6-1.3-2.2-3.2-4-11.8-17.5-9.4-26.6.9-3.5 3.1-6 6.7-7.8 3.8-1.9 8.8-2.9 15.1-2.9 12.3 0 25.9 3.7 32.9 6 25.1 8 55.4 30.9 64.1 3.9-3.5-5.8c-.2-.3-19.1-31.4-53.2-46.5 2-2.9 7.4-8.1 21.6-15.1 21.4-10.5 46.5-15.8 74.3-15.8 27.9 0 52.9 5.3 74.3 15.8 14.2 6.9 19.6 12.2 21.6 15.1-34 15.1-52.9 46.2-53.1 46.5l-3.5 5.8 5.6-3.9s.2-.1.4-.3c8.7-6.8 39-29.8 64.1-37.7 7-2.2 20.6-6 32.9-6 6.3 0 11.3 1 15.1 2.9 3.5 1.8 5.7 4.4 6.7 7.8 2.5 9.1-6.1 22.6-9.4 26.6-.5.6-.9 1.3-1.3 2.2-.3-4.6-.5-9.5-.3-14.4-4 8.8-6.5 31.5-5.1 43 3.6 29.3 15.7 44.3 15.7 44.3-.8-1.6-1.8-7.7-2.7- 1.5 1.2 2.2 1.8l.5.4c4.6 3.7 8.9 7.1 8.9 18.2 0 14.2-15.4 22.5-30.2 30.5-2.9 1.5-5.7 3.1-8.4 4.6-8.7 5-18 16.7-19.1 34.2-.9 14.6.9 49.9 3.4 75.9-12.4 4.8-26.7 6.4-39.7 6.8-2-4.1-3.9-8.5-5.5-13.1-.7-2-19.6-51.1-26.4-62.2 5.5 39 17.5 73.7 23.5 89.6-3.5-.5-7.3-.7-11.7-.7h-117c-4.4 0-8.3.3-11.7.7 6-15.9 18.1-50.6 23.5-89.6-6.8 11.2-25.7 60.3-26.4 62.2-1.6 4.6-3.5 9-5.5 13.1-13-.4-27.2-2-39.7-6.8 2.5-26 4.3-61.2 3.4-75.9-.9-17.4-10.3-29.2-19-34.2zM34.8 404.6c-12.1-20-8.7-54.1-3.7-59.1 10.9 34.4 47.2 44.3 74.4 45.4-2.7 4.2-5.2 7.6-7 10l-1.4 1.4c-7.2 7.8-8.6 18.5-4.1 31.8-22.7-.1-46.3-9.8-58.2-29.5zm45.7 43.5c6 1.1 12.2 1.9 18.6 2.4 3.5 8 7.4 15.9 12.3 23.1-14.4-5.9-24.4-16-30.9-25.5zM192 498.2c-60.6-.1-78.3-45.8-84.9-64.7-3.7-10.5-3.4-18.2.9-23.1 2.9-3.3 9.5-7.2 24.6-7.2h118.8c15.1 0 21.8 3.9 24.6 7.2 4.2 4.8 4.5 12.6.9 23.1-6.6 18.8-24.3 64.6-84.9 64.7zm80.6-24.6c4.9-7.2 8.8-15.1 12.3-23.1 6.4-.5 12.6-1.3 18.6-2.4-6.5 9.5-16.5 19.6-30.9 25.5zm76.6-69c-12 19.7-35.6 29.3-58.1 29.7 4.5-13.3 3.1-24.1-4.1-31.8-.4-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-1.8-2.4-4.3-5.8-7-10 27.2-1.2 63.5-11 74.4-45.4 5 5 8.4 39.1-3.8 59z" ], gulp: [ 256, 512, [], "f3ae", "M209.8 391.1l-14.1 24.6-4.6 80.2c0 8.9-28.3 16.1-63.1 16.1s-63.1-7.2-63.1-16.1l-5.8-79.4-14.9-25.4c41.2 17.3 126 16.7 165.6 0zm-196-253.3l13.6 125.5c5.9-20 20.8-47 40-55.2 6.3-2.7 12.7-2.7 18.7.9 5.2 3 9.6 9.3 10.1 11.8 1.2 6.5-2 9.1-4.5 9.1-3 0-5.3-4.6-6.8-7.3-4.1-7.3-10.3-7.6-16.9-2.8-6.9 5-12.9 13.4-17.1 20.7-5.1 8.8-9.4 18.5-12 28.2-1.5 5.6-2.9 14.6-.6 19.9 1 2.2 2.5 3.6 4.9 3.6 5 0 12.3-6.6 15.8-10.1 4.5-4.5 10.3-11.5 12.5-16l5.2-15.5c2.6-6.8 9.9-5.6 9.9 0 0 10.2-3.7 13.6-10 34.7-5.8 19.5-7.6 25.8-7.6 25.8-.7 2.8-3.4 7.5-6.3 7.5-1.2 0-2.1-.4-2.6-1.2-1-1.4-.9-5.3-.8-6.3.2-3.2 6.3-22.2 7.3-25.2-2 2.2-4.1 4.4-6.4 6.6-5.4 5.1-14.1 11.8-21.5 11.8-3.4 0-5.6-.9-7.7-2.4l7.6 79.6c2 5 39.2 17.1 88.2 17.1 49.1 0 86.3-12.2 88.2-17.1l10.9-94.6c-5.7 5.2-12.3 11.6-19.6 14.8-5.4 2.3-17.4 3.8-17.4-5.7 0-5.2 9.1-14.8 14.4-21.5 1.4-1.7 4.7-5.9 4.7-8.1 0-2.9-6-2.2-11.7 2.5-3.2 2.7-6.2 6.3-8.7 9.7-4.3 6-6.6 11.2-8.5 15.5-6.2 14.2-4.1 8.6-9.1 22-5 13.3-4.2 11.8-5.2 14-.9 1.9-2.2 3.5-4 4.5-1.9 1-4.5.9-6.1-.3-.9-.6-1.3-1.9-1.3-3.7 0-.9.1-1.8.3-2.7 1.5-6.1 7.8-18.1 15-34.3 1.6-3.7 1-2.6.8-2.3-6.2 6-10.9 8.9-14.4 10.5-5.8 2.6-13 2.6-14.5-4.1-.1-.4-.1-.8-.2-1.2-11.8 9.2-24.3 11.7-20-8.1-4.6 8.2-12.6 14.9-22.4 14.9-4.1 0-7.1-1.4-8.6-5.1-2.3-5.5 1.3-14.9 4.6-23.8 1.7-4.5 4-9.9 7.1-16.2 1.6-3.4 4.2-5.4 7.6- 1.1.4 1.6.7 2.6 1.8 1.6 4.5.3 7.2-3.8 7.5-7.1 13-9.3 20.8-.9 3.3-2 9 1.5 9 2.4 0 4.7-.8 6.9-2.4 4.6-3.4 8.3-8.5 11.1-13.5 2-3.6 4.4-8.3 5.6-12.3.5-1.7 1.1-3.3 1.8-4.8 1.1-2.5 2.6-5.1 5.2-5.1 1.3 0 2.4.5 3.2 1.5 1.7 2.2 1.3 4.5.4 6.9-2 5.6-4.7 10.6-6.9 16.7-1.3 3.5-2.7 8-2.7 11.7 0 3.4 3.7 2.6 6.8 1.2 2.4-1.1 4.8-2.8 6.8-4.5 1.2-4.9.9-3.8 26.4-68.2 1.3-3.3 3.7-4.7 6.1-4.7 1.2 0 2.2.4 3.2 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.7 4.1 1 6.2-.7 1.9-.6 1.3-4.5 10.5-5.2 12.1-8.6 20.8-13.2 31.9-1.9 4.6-7.7 18.9-8.7 22.3-.6 2.2-1.3 5.8 1 5.8 5.4 0 19.3-13.1 23.1-17 .2-.3.5-.4.9-.6.6-1.9 1.2-3.7 1.7-5.5 1.4-3.8 2.7-8.2 5.3-11.3.8-1 1.7-1.6 2.7-1.6 2.8 0 4.2 1.2 4.2 4 0 1.1-.7 5.1-1.1 6.2 1.4-1.5 2.9-3 4.5-4.5 15-13.9 25.7-6.8 25.7.2 0 7.4-8.9 17.7-13.8 23.4-1.6 1.9-4.9 5.4-5 6.4 0 1.3.9 1.8 2.2 1.8 2 0 6.4-3.5 8-4.7 5-3.9 11.8-9.9 16.6-14.1l14.8-136.8c-30.5 17.1-197.6 17.2-228.3.2zm229.7-8.5c0 21-231.2 21-231.2 0 0-8.8 51.8-15.9 115.6-15.9 9 0 17.8.1 26.3.4l12.6-48.7L228.1.6c1.4-1.4 5.8-.2 9.9 3.5s6.6 7.9 5.3 9.3l-.1.1L185.9 74l-10 40.7c39.9 2.6 67.6 8.1 67.6 14.6zm-69.4 4.6c0-.8-.9-1.5-2.5-2.1l-.2.8c0 1.3-5 2.4-11.1 2.4s-11.1-1.1-11.1-2.4c0-.1 0-.2.1-.3l.2-.7c-1.8.6-3 1.4-3 2.3 0 2.1 6.2 3.7 13.7 3.7 7.7.1 13.9-1.6 13.9-3.7z" ], "hacker-news": [ 448, 512, [], "f1d4", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm21.2 197.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z" ], "hacker-news-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f3af", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM21.2 229.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z" ], hips: [ 640, 512, [], "f452", "M0 80.2c0-1.8.9-2.7 2.7-2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8.9 2.8 2.7v81.2c15.2-7.7 31.7-11.5 49.8-11.4 24 .1 44.2 6.2 60.3 18 18.7 13.5 28 31.9 28 55.3v136.1c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.7 2.8h-27.3c-9.1 0-16.4-7.3-16.4-16.3V223.3c0-.9 2.7-27-45.8-27-48.6 0-45.8 26.2-45.8 27v136.1c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.8 2.8h-41c-1.8 0-2.7-.9-2.7-2.8V80.2zm497.7 221.5c13.7 10.2 34.1 19.1 58.4 19.1 23.3 0 32.8-4.5 36.5-13.6 3-7.9-.6-16.1-12.2-21.2l-53.6-23.5c-21.4-9.4-33.8-24-37.2-43.6-5.7-33.7 22.2-53.3 22.7-53.7 13.2-9.6 32-15.4 58.5-15.4 19 0 37.4 3.3 55.1 9.9 1.3.5 1.9 1.3 1.9 2.6V207c0 2.1-2.3 3.4-4 2.4-39.7-20.7-76.6-12.3-84-6.8-6.6 4.9-6 12.5 2.6 16.1L600 244c16.5 7.1 28.1 18.4 34.9 34.1 5.5 12.6 6.6 25.6 3.1 39.1-9.6 36.9-44.9 45.5-45.6 45.8-10.5 3.1-23.6 4.3-36.3 4.3-16.6 0-32.6-2.7-48.2-8.2-9.7-3.4-14.6-10.3-14.6-20.7V304c0-2.1 2.3-3.7 4.4-2.3zM376.2 149.8c-31.7 0-104.2 20.1-104.2 103.5v183.5c0 .8.6 2.7 2.7 2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8-.9 2.8-2.7V348c16.5 12.7 35.8 19.1 57.7 19.1 60.5 0 108.7-48.5 108.7-108.7.1-60.3-48.2-108.6-108.6-108.6zm0 170.9c-17.2 0-31.9-6.1-44-18.2-12.2-12.2-18.2-26.8-18.2-44 0-34.5 27.6-62.2 62.2-62.2 34.5 0 62.2 27.6 62.2 62.2.1 34.3-27.3 62.2-62.2 62.2zm-124.6 38.7c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.8 2.8h-40.9c-1.6 0-2.7-1.4-2.7-2.8V157.6c0-1.4 1.1-2.8 2.7-2.8h40.9c1.9 0 2.8.9 2.8 2.8v201.8M228.3 72.5c15.9 0 28.9 12.7 28.9 28.9 0 15.8-12.7 28.9-28.9 28.9s-28.9-13.3-28.9-28.9c.1-16 13-28.9 28.9-28.9" ], "hire-a-helper": [ 512, 512, [], "f3b0", "M443.1 0H71.9C67.9 37.3 37.4 67.8 0 71.7v371.5c37.4 4.9 66 32.4 71.9 68.8h372.2c3-36.4 32.5-65.8 67.9-69.8V71.7c-36.4-5.9-65-35.3-68.9-71.7zm-37 404.9c-36.3 0-18.8-2-55.1-2-35.8 0-21 2-56.1 2-5.9 0-4.9-8.2 0-9.8 22.8-7.6 22.9-10.2 24.6-12.8 10.4-15.6 5.9-83 5.9-113 0-5.3-6.4-12.8-13.8-12.8H200.4c-7.4 0-13.8 7.5-13.8 12.8 0 30-4.5 97.4 5.9 113 1.7 2.5 1.8 5.2 24.6 12.8 4.9 1.6 6 9.8 0 9.8-35.1 0-20.3-2-56.1-2-36.3 0-18.8 2-55.1 2-7.9 0-5.8-10.8 0-10.8 10.2-3.4 13.5-3.5 21.7-13.8 7.7-12.9 7.9-44.4 7.9-127.8V151.3c0-22.2-12.2-28.3-28.6-32.4-8.8-2.2-4-11.8 1-11.8 36.5 0 20.6 2 57.1 2 32.7 0 16.5-2 49.2-2 3.3 0 8.5 8.3 1 10.8-4.9 1.6-27.6 3.7-27.6 39.3 0 45.6-.2 55.8 1 68.8 0 1.3 2.3 12.8 12.8 12.8h109.2c10.5 0 12.8-11.5 12.8-12.8 1.2-13 1-23.2 1-68.8 0-35.6-22.7-37.7-27.6-39.3-7.5-2.5-2.3-10.8 1-10.8 32.7 0 16.5 2 49.2 2 36.5 0 20.6-2 57.1-2 4.9 0 9.9 9.6 1 11.8-16.4 4.1-28.6 10.3-28.6 32.4v101.2c0 83.4.1 114.9 7.9 127.8 8.2 10.2 11.4 10.4 21.7 13.8 5.8 0 7.8 10.8 0 10.8z" ], hooli: [ 640, 512, [], "f427", "M508.4 352h57.9V156.7L508.4 184v168zm73.7-110.5V352H640V241.5h-57.9zm-250.7-8.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.2-1.1-50.4 17.1c-1.9 1.9-3.7 3.9-5.3 6-38.2-29.6-72.5-46.5-102.1-61.1v-20.7l-22.5 10.6c-54.4-22.1-89-18.2-97.3.1 0 0-24.9 32.8 61.9 110.9v-31c-48.8-54.6-39-76.1-35.3-79.2 13.5-11.4 37.5-8 64.4 2.1L65.2 184v63.3c13.1 14.7 30.5 31.5 53.5 50.4l4.5 3.6v-29.8c0-6.9 1.7-18.2 10.8-18.2s10.6 6.9 10.6 15V317c18 12.2 37.3 22.1 57.7 29.6v-93.9c0-18.7-13.4-37.4-40.6-37.4-15.8-.1-30.5 8.2-38.5 21.9v-54.3c41.9 20.9 83.9 46.5 99.9 58.3-10.2 14.6-9.3 28.1-9.3 43.7 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 18.2 18.2 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1s32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.7-33.8 16.7-52.5 0-18.5 1.5-34.2-16.7-52.3zm-39.7 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5-8.9 0-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9 3.4 0 10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9v40.4zm185.7-71.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.3-1.1-50.4 17.1c-18.2 18.2-16.8 33.9-16.8 52.6 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 18.2 18.2 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1s32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.8-33.8 16.8-52.5-.1-18.8 1.3-34.5-16.8-52.6zm-39.8 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5-8.9 0-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9 3.4 0 10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9v40.4zm173.5-73c15.9 0 28.9-12.9 28.9-28.9s-12.9-24.5-28.9-24.5c-15.9 0-28.9 8.6-28.9 24.5s12.9 28.9 28.9 28.9zM144.5 352l38.3.8c-13.2-4.6-26-10.2-38.3-16.8v16zm-21.4 0v-28.6c-6.5-4.2-13-8.7-19.4-13.6-14.8-11.2-27.5-21.7-38.5-31.5V352h57.9zm59.7.8c36.5 12.5 69.9 14.2 94.7 7.2-19.9.2-45.8-2.6-75.3-13.3v5.3l-19.4.8z" ], hornbill: [ 509, 512, [], "f592", "M75.37 370.3c2.14 15.83-5.77 31.98-20.94 39.29-18.85 9.1-41.55 1.17-50.68-17.68-9.08-18.83-1.13-41.58 17.7-50.65 7.05-3.4 14.63-4.42 21.85-3.38-78.28-111.35 52-190.53 52-190.53-5.86 43.04-8.24 91.16-8.24 91.16-67.31 41.45.92 64.06 39.81 72.87 19.77 53.62 71.18 91.94 131.66 91.94 1.92 0 3.77-.21 5.67-.28l.11 18.86c-99.22 1.39-158.7-29.14-188.94-51.6zM183.38 42.6c.89-7-.1-14.33-3.39-21.15-9.1-18.84-31.82-26.78-50.66-17.69-18.86 9.1-26.8 31.83-17.69 50.68 6.98 14.47 22.02 22.42 37.18 21.23-22.55 29.91-53.83 89.57-52.42 190.03l21.84-.15c-.02-.9-.14-1.77-.14-2.68 0-58.95 36.37-109.33 87.85-130.16 8.01-37.75 30.74-114.3 73.84-44.29 0 0 48.14 2.38 91.18 8.24 0-.01-77.84-128.03-187.59-54.06zm304.18 134.17c18.84-9.09 26.81-31.81 17.7-50.65-9.1-18.85-31.83-26.77-50.67-17.69-15.27 7.37-23.19 23.69-20.87 39.64-31.71-21.94-89.84-49.05-183.45-47.74l.14 22.5c2.7-.15 5.39-.41 8.14-.41 59.3 0 109.9 36.8 130.49 88.76 39.1 9.02 105.06 31.58 38.46 72.54 0 0-2.34 48.13-8.21 91.16 0 0 133.45-81.16 48.96-194.61 6.43.5 13.07-.49 19.31-3.5zM373.05 436.24c21.43-32.46 46.42-89.69 45.14-179.66l-19.52.14c.08 2.06.3 4.07.3 6.15 0 60.27-38.05 111.55-91.39 131.45-8.85 38.95-31.44 106.66-72.77 39.49 0 0-48.12-2.34-91.19-8.22 0 0 79.92 131.34 191.9 50.97.31 4.72 1.45 9.45 3.64 13.97 9.06 18.89 31.8 26.78 50.64 17.71 18.86-9.1 26.79-31.83 17.7-50.65-6.56-13.62-20.26-21.43-34.45-21.35z" ], hotjar: [ 448, 512, [], "f3b1", "M414.9 161.5C340.2 29 121.1 0 121.1 0S222.2 110.4 93 197.7C11.3 252.8-21 324.4 14 402.6c26.8 59.9 83.5 84.3 144.6 93.4-29.2-55.1-6.6-122.4-4.1-129.6 57.1 86.4 165 0 110.8-93.9 71 15.4 81.6 138.6 27.1 215.5 80.5-25.3 134.1-88.9 148.8-145.6 15.5-59.3 3.7-127.9-26.3-180.9z" ], houzz: [ 414, 512, [], "f27c", "M258.9 330.7H154.3V480H0V32h109.5v104.5l305.1 85.6V480H258.9V330.7z" ], html5: [ 384, 512, [], "f13b", "M0 32l34.9 395.8L191.5 480l157.6-52.2L384 32H0zm308.2 127.9H124.4l4.1 49.4h175.6l-13.6 148.4-97.9 27v.3h-1.1l-98.7-27.3-6-75.8h47.7L138 320l53.5 14.5 53.7-14.5 6-62.2H84.3L71.5 112.2h241.1l-4.4 47.7z" ], hubspot: [ 512, 512, [], "f3b2", "M267.4 211.6c-25.1 23.7-40.8 57.3-40.8 94.6 0 29.3 9.7 56.3 26 78L203.1 434c-4.4-1.6-9.1-2.5-14-2.5-10.8 0-20.9 4.2-28.5 11.8-7.6 7.6-11.8 17.8-11.8 28.6s4.2 20.9 11.8 28.5c7.6 7.6 17.8 11.6 28.5 11.6 10.8 0 20.9-3.9 28.6-11.6 7.6-7.6 11.8-17.8 11.8-28.5 0-4.2-.6-8.2-1.9-12.1l50-50.2c22 16.9 49.4 26.9 79.3 26.9 71.9 0 130-58.3 130-130.2 0-65.2-47.7-119.2-110.2-128.7V116c17.5-7.4 28.2-23.8 28.2-42.9 0-26.1-20.9-47.9-47-47.9S311.2 47 311.2 73.1c0 19.1 10.7 35.5 28.2 42.9v61.2c-15.2 2.1-29.6 6.7-42.7 13.6-27.6-20.9-117.5-85.7-168.9-124.8 1.2-4.4 2-9 2-13.8C129.8 23.4 106.3 0 77.4 0 48.6 0 25.2 23.4 25.2 52.2c0 28.9 23.4 52.3 52.2 52.3 9.8 0 18.9-2.9 26.8-7.6l163.2 114.7zm89.5 163.6c-38.1 0-69-30.9-69-69s30.9-69 69-69 69 30.9 69 69-30.9 69-69 69z" ], imdb: [ 448, 512, [], "f2d8", "M350.5 288.7c0 5.4 1.6 14.4-6.2 14.4-1.6 0-3-.8-3.8-2.4-2.2-5.1-1.1-44.1-1.1-44.7 0-3.8-1.1-12.7 4.9-12.7 7.3 0 6.2 7.3 6.2 12.7v32.7zM265 229.9c0-9.7 1.6-16-10.3-16v83.7c12.2.3 10.3-8.7 10.3-18.4v-49.3zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM21.3 228.8c-.1.1-.2.3-.3.4h.3v-.4zM97 192H64v127.8h33V192zm113.3 0h-43.1l-7.6 59.9c-2.7-20-5.4-40.1-8.7-59.9h-42.8v127.8h29v-84.5l12.2 84.5h20.6l11.6-86.4v86.4h28.7V192zm86.3 45.3c0-8.1.3-16.8-1.4-24.4-4.3-22.5-31.4-20.9-49-20.9h-24.6v127.8c86.1.1 75 6 75-82.5zm85.9 17.3c0-17.3-.8-30.1-22.2-30.1-8.9 0-14.9 2.7-20.9 9.2V192h-31.7v127.8h29.8l1.9-8.1c5.7 6.8 11.9 9.8 20.9 9.8 19.8 0 22.2-15.2 22.2-30.9v-36z" ], instagram: [ 448, 512, [], "f16d", "M224.1 141c-63.6 0-114.9 51.3-114.9 114.9s51.3 114.9 114.9 114.9S339 319.5 339 255.9 287.7 141 224.1 141zm0 189.6c-41.1 0-74.7-33.5-74.7-74.7s33.5-74.7 74.7-74.7 74.7 33.5 74.7 74.7-33.6 74.7-74.7 74.7zm146.4-194.3c0 14.9-12 26.8-26.8 26.8-14.9 0-26.8-12-26.8-26.8s12-26.8 26.8-26.8 26.8 12 26.8 26.8zm76.1 27.2c-1.7-35.9-9.9-67.7-36.2-93.9-26.2-26.2-58-34.4-93.9-36.2-37-2.1-147.9-2.1-184.9 0-35.8 1.7-67.6 9.9-93.9 36.1s-34.4 58-36.2 93.9c-2.1 37-2.1 147.9 0 184.9 1.7 35.9 9.9 67.7 36.2 93.9s58 34.4 93.9 36.2c37 2.1 147.9 2.1 184.9 0 35.9-1.7 67.7-9.9 93.9-36.2 26.2-26.2 34.4-58 36.2-93.9 2.1-37 2.1-147.8 0-184.8zM398.8 388c-7.8 19.6-22.9 34.7-42.6 42.6-29.5 11.7-99.5 9-132.1 9s-102.7 2.6-132.1-9c-19.6-7.8-34.7-22.9-42.6-42.6-11.7-29.5-9-99.5-9-132.1s-2.6-102.7 9-132.1c7.8-19.6 22.9-34.7 42.6-42.6 29.5-11.7 99.5-9 132.1-9s102.7-2.6 132.1 9c19.6 7.8 34.7 22.9 42.6 42.6 11.7 29.5 9 99.5 9 132.1s2.7 102.7-9 132.1z" ], "internet-explorer": [ 512, 512, [], "f26b", "M483.049 159.706c10.855-24.575 21.424-60.438 21.424-87.871 0-72.722-79.641-98.371-209.673-38.577-107.632-7.181-211.221 73.67-237.098 186.457 30.852-34.862 78.271-82.298 121.977-101.158C125.404 166.85 79.128 228.002 43.992 291.725 23.246 329.651 0 390.94 0 436.747c0 98.575 92.854 86.5 180.251 42.006 31.423 15.43 66.559 15.573 101.695 15.573 97.124 0 184.249-54.294 216.814-146.022H377.927c-52.509 88.593-196.819 52.996-196.819-47.436H509.9c6.407-43.581-1.655-95.715-26.851-141.162zM64.559 346.877c17.711 51.15 53.703 95.871 100.266 123.304-88.741 48.94-173.267 29.096-100.266-123.304zm115.977-108.873c2-55.151 50.276-94.871 103.98-94.871 53.418 0 101.981 39.72 103.981 94.871H180.536zm184.536-187.6c21.425-10.287 48.563-22.003 72.558-22.003 31.422 0 54.274 21.717 54.274 53.722 0 20.003-7.427 49.007-14.569 67.867-26.28-42.292-65.986-81.584-112.263-99.586z" ], ioxhost: [ 640, 512, [], "f208", "M616 160h-67.3C511.2 70.7 422.9 8 320 8 183 8 72 119 72 256c0 16.4 1.6 32.5 4.7 48H24c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h67.3c37.5 89.3 125.8 152 228.7 152 137 0 248-111 248-248 0-16.4-1.6-32.5-4.7-48H616c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm-96 96c0 110.5-89.5 200-200 200-75.7 0-141.6-42-175.5-104H424c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H125.8c-3.8-15.4-5.8-31.4-5.8-48 0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200 75.7 0 141.6 42 175.5 104H216c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h298.2c3.8 15.4 5.8 31.4 5.8 48zm-304-24h208c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24 0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24H216c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24 0-13.2 10.7-24 24-24z" ], itunes: [ 448, 512, [], "f3b4", "M223.6 80.3C129 80.3 52.5 157 52.5 251.5S129 422.8 223.6 422.8s171.2-76.7 171.2-171.2c0-94.6-76.7-171.3-171.2-171.3zm79.4 240c-3.2 13.6-13.5 21.2-27.3 23.8-12.1 2.2-22.2 2.8-31.9-5-11.8-10-12-26.4-1.4-36.8 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 3.2-3.6 2.2-2 2.2-80.8 0-5.6-2.7-7.1-8.4-6.1-4 .7-91.9 17.1-91.9 17.1-5 1.1-6.7 2.6-6.7 8.3 0 116.1.5 110.8-1.2 118.5-2.1 9-7.6 15.8-14.9 19.6-8.3 4.6-23.4 6.6-31.4 5.2-21.4-4-28.9-28.7-14.4-42.9 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 5-5.7.9-127 2.6-133.7.4-2.6 1.5-4.8 3.5-6.4 2.1-1.7 5.8-2.7 6.7-2.7 101-19 113.3-21.4 115.1-21.4 5.7-.4 9 3 9 8.7-.1 170.6.4 161.4-1 167.6zM345.2 32H102.8C45.9 32 0 77.9 0 134.8v242.4C0 434.1 45.9 480 102.8 480h242.4c57 0 102.8-45.9 102.8-102.8V134.8C448 77.9 402.1 32 345.2 32zM223.6 444c-106.3 0-192.5-86.2-192.5-192.5S117.3 59 223.6 59s192.5 86.2 192.5 192.5S329.9 444 223.6 444z" ], "itunes-note": [ 384, 512, [], "f3b5", "M381.9 388.2c-6.4 27.4-27.2 42.8-55.1 48-24.5 4.5-44.9 5.6-64.5-10.2-23.9-20.1-24.2-53.4-2.7-74.4 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 6.4-7.2 4.4-4.1 4.4-163.2 0-11.2-5.5-14.3-17-12.3-8.2 1.4-185.7 34.6-185.7 34.6-10.2 2.2-13.4 5.2-13.4 16.7 0 234.7 1.1 223.9-2.5 239.5-4.2 18.2-15.4 31.9-30.2 39.5-16.8 9.3-47.2 13.4-63.4 10.4-43.2-8.1-58.4-58-29.1-86.6 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 10.1-11.5 1.8-256.6 5.2-270.2.8-5.2 3-9.6 7.1-12.9 4.2-3.5 11.8-5.5 13.4-5.5 204-38.2 228.9-43.1 232.4-43.1 11.5-.8 18.1 6 18.1 17.6.2 344.5 1.1 326-1.8 338.5z" ], java: [ 377, 512, [], "f4e4", "M121.6 396s-19.6 11.4 13.9 15.2c40.6 4.6 61.3 4 106-4.5 0 0 11.8 7.4 28.2 13.8C169.5 463.4 42.9 418 121.6 396m-12.2-56.1s-21.9 16.2 11.6 19.7c43.3 4.5 77.6 4.8 136.8-6.6 0 0 8.2 8.3 21.1 12.8-121.3 35.5-256.3 2.9-169.5-25.9m103.2-95.1c24.7 28.4-6.5 54-6.5 54s62.7-32.4 33.9-72.9c-26.9-37.8-47.5-56.6 64.1-121.3.1 0-175.2 43.8-91.5 140.2m132.6 192.6s14.5 11.9-15.9 21.2c-57.9 17.5-240.8 22.8-291.6.7-18.3-7.9 16-19 26.8-21.3 11.2-2.4 17.7-2 17.7-2-20.3-14.3-131.3 28.1-56.4 40.2 204.2 33.2 372.4-14.9 319.4-38.8M131 281.8s-93.1 22.1-33 30.1c25.4 3.4 76 2.6 123.1-1.3 38.5-3.2 77.2-10.2 77.2-10.2s-13.6 5.8-23.4 12.5c-94.5 24.9-277 13.3-224.5-12.1 44.5-21.4 80.6-19 80.6-19m167 93.3c96.1-49.9 51.6-97.9 20.6-91.4-7.6 1.6-11 3-11 3s2.8-4.4 8.2-6.3c61.3-21.6 108.5 63.6-19.8 97.3 0-.1 1.5-1.4 2-2.6M240 0s53.2 53.2-50.5 135c-83.1 65.6-19 103.1 0 145.8-48.5-43.8-84.1-82.3-60.2-118.2C164.4 110.1 261.5 84.5 240 0m-99.5 510.4c92.2 5.9 233.8-3.3 237.1-46.9 0 0-6.4 16.5-76.2 29.7-78.7 14.8-175.8 13.1-233.3 3.6 0-.1 11.8 9.7 72.4 13.6" ], "jedi-order": [ 448, 512, [], "f50e", "M231.89 335.72l31.44-45.89-20.18 55.5 62.56 9.09-62.56 9.08 24.22 47.43s-30.22-31.77-34.49-36.25c1.76 68.78 2.19 85.7 2.19 85.7s154.4-71.65 68.62-230.09c0 0 106.97-118.07 10.09-190.73 0 0 165.5 99.91 60.55 271.46 0 0 86.78-84.77 41.37-170.54 0 0 78.71 111.01-17.16 233.11 0 0 26.24-16.15 49.45-77.71 0 0-16.93 183.26-221.96 185.66v.02h-4.08v-.02C16.93 479.14 0 295.88 0 295.88c23.21 61.56 49.44 77.71 49.44 77.71-95.87-122.11-17.15-233.11-17.15-233.11-45.41 85.78 41.38 170.54 41.38 170.54-104.95-171.56 60.54-271.46 60.54-271.46-96.88 72.66 10.09 190.73 10.09 190.73-85.78 158.44 68.62 230.09 68.62 230.09s.43-16.93 2.19-85.7l-34.48 36.25 24.22-47.43-62.56-9.08 62.56-9.09-20.18-55.5 31.44 45.89c2.25-87.85 7.82-305.82 7.85-306.85l.01-2.43.02 1 .03-1 .01 2.43c.05 1.72 5.61 219.2 7.86 306.85z" ], jenkins: [ 512, 512, [], "f3b6", "M487.1 425c-1.4-11.2-19-23.1-28.2-31.9-5.1-5-29-23.1-30.4-29.9-1.4-6.6 9.7-21.5 13.3-28.9 5.1-10.7 8.8-23.7 11.3-32.6 18.8-66.1 20.7-156.9-6.2-211.2-10.2-20.6-38.6-49-56.4-62.5-42-31.7-119.6-35.3-170.1-16.6-14.1 5.2-27.8 9.8-40.1 17.1-33.1 19.4-68.3 32.5-78.1 71.6-24.2 10.8-31.5 41.8-30.3 77.8.2 7 4.1 15.8 2.7 22.4-.7 3.3-5.2 7.6-6.1 9.8-11.6 27.7-2.3 64 11.1 83.7 8.1 11.9 21.5 22.4 39.2 25.2.7 10.6 3.3 19.7 8.2 30.4 3.1 6.8 14.7 19 10.4 27.7-2.2 4.4-21 13.8-27.3 17.6C89 407.2 73.7 415 54.2 429c-12.6 9-32.3 10.2-29.2 31.1 2.1 14.1 10.1 31.6 14.7 45.8.7 2 1.4 4.1 2.1 6h422c4.9-15.3 9.7-30.9 14.6-47.2 3.4-11.4 10.2-27.8 8.7-39.7zM205.9 33.7c1.8-.5 3.4.7 4.9 2.4-.2 5.2-5.4 5.1-8.9 6.8-5.4 6.7-13.4 9.8-20 17.2-6.8 7.5-14.4 27.7-23.4 30-4.5 1.1-9.7-.8-13.6-.5-10.4.7-17.7 6-28.3 7.5 13.6-29.9 56.1-54 89.3-63.4zm-104.8 93.6c13.5-14.9 32.1-24.1 54.8-25.9 11.7 29.7-8.4 65-.9 97.6 2.3 9.9 10.2 25.4-2.4 25.7.3-28.3-34.8-46.3-61.3-29.6-1.8-21.5-4.9-51.7 9.8-67.8zm36.7 200.2c-1-4.1-2.7-12.9-2.3-15.1 1.6-8.7 17.1-12.5 11-24.7-11.3-.1-13.8 10.2-24.1 11.3-26.7 2.6-45.6-35.4-44.4-58.4 1-19.5 17.6-38.2 40.1-35.8 16 1.8 21.4 19.2 24.5 34.7 9.2.5 22.5-.4 26.9-7.6-.6-17.5-8.8-31.6-8.2-47.7 1-30.3 17.5-57.6 4.8-87.4 13.6-30.9 53.5-55.3 83.1-70 36.6-18.3 94.9-3.7 129.3 15.8 19.7 11.1 34.4 32.7 48.3 50.7-19.5-5.8-36.1 4.2-33.1 20.3 16.3-14.9 44.2-.2 52.5 16.4 7.9 15.8 7.8 39.3 9 62.8 2.9 57-10.4 115.9-39.1 157.1-7.7 11-14.1 23-24.9 30.6-26 18.2-65.4 34.7-99.2 23.4-44.7-15-65-44.8-89.5-78.8.7 18.7 13.8 34.1 26.8 48.4 11.3 12.5 25 26.6 39.7 32.4-12.3-2.9-31.1-3.8-36.2 7.2-28.6-1.9-55.1-4.8-68.7-24.2-10.6-15.4-21.4-41.4-26.3-61.4zm222 124.1c4.1-3 11.1-2.9 17.4-3.6-5.4-2.7-13-3.7-19.3-2.2-.1-4.2-2-6.8-3.2-10.2 10.6-3.8 35.5-28.5 49.6-20.3 6.7 3.9 9.5 26.2 10.1 37 .4 9-.8 18-4.5 22.8-18.8-.6-35.8-2.8-50.7-7 .9-6.1-1-12.1.6-16.5zm-17.2-20c-16.8.8-26-1.2-38.3-10.8.2-.8 1.4-.5 1.5-1.4 18 8 40.8-3.3 59-4.9-7.9 5.1-14.6 11.6-22.2 17.1zm-12.1 33.2c-1.6-9.4-3.5-12-2.8-20.2 25-16.6 29.7 28.6 2.8 20.2zM226 438.6c-11.6-.7-48.1-14-38.5-23.7 9.4 6.5 27.5 4.9 41.3 7.3.8 4.4-2.8 10.2-2.8 16.4zM57.7 497.1c-4.3-12.7-9.2-25.1-14.8-36.9 30.8-23.8 65.3-48.9 102.2-63.5 2.8-1.1 23.2 25.4 26.2 27.6 16.5 11.7 37 21 56.2 30.2 1.2 8.8 3.9 20.2 8.7 35.5.7 2.3 1.4 4.7 2.2 7.2H57.7zm240.6 5.7h-.8c.3-.2.5-.4.8-.5v.5zm7.5-5.7c2.1-1.4 4.3-2.8 6.4-4.3 1.1 1.4 2.2 2.8 3.2 4.3h-9.6zm15.1-24.7c-10.8 7.3-20.6 18.3-33.3 25.2-6 3.3-27 11.7-33.4 10.2-3.6-.8-3.9-5.3-5.4-9.5-3.1-9-10.1-23.4-10.8-37-.8-17.2-2.5-46 16-42.4 14.9 2.9 32.3 9.7 43.9 16.1 7.1 3.9 11.1 8.6 21.9 9.5-.1 1.4-.1 2.8-.2 4.3-5.9 3.9-15.3 3.8-21.8 7.1 9.5.4 17 2.7 23.5 5.9-.1 3.4-.3 7-.4 10.6zm53.4 24.7h-14c-.1-3.2-2.8-5.8-6.1-5.8s-5.9 2.6-6.1 5.8h-17.4c-2.8-4.4-5.7-8.6-8.9-12.5 2.1-2.2 4-4.7 6-6.9 9 3.7 14.8-4.9 21.7-4.2 7.9.8 14.2 11.7 25.4 11l-.6 12.6zm8.7 0c.2-4 .4-7.8.6-11.5 15.6-7.3 29 1.3 35.7 11.5H383zm83.4-37c-2.3 11.2-5.8 24-9.9 37.1-.2-.1-.4-.1-.6-.1H428c.6-1.1 1.2-2.2 1.9-3.3-2.6-6.1-9-8.7-10.9-15.5 12.1-22.7 6.5-93.4-24.2-78.5 4.3-6.3 15.6-11.5 20.8-19.3 13 10.4 20.8 20.3 33.2 31.4 6.8 6 20 13.3 21.4 23.1.8 5.5-2.6 18.9-3.8 25.1zM222.2 130.5c5.4-14.9 27.2-34.7 45-32 7.7 1.2 18 8.2 12.2 17.7-30.2-7-45.2 12.6-54.4 33.1-8.1-2-4.9-13.1-2.8-18.8zm184.1 63.1c8.2-3.6 22.4-.7 29.6-5.3-4.2-11.5-10.3-21.4-9.3-37.7.5 0 1 0 1.4.1 6.8 14.2 12.7 29.2 21.4 41.7-5.7 13.5-43.6 25.4-43.1 1.2zm20.4-43zm-117.2 45.7c-6.8-10.9-19-32.5-14.5-45.3 6.5 11.9 8.6 24.4 17.8 33.3 4.1 4 12.2 9 8.2 20.2-.9 2.7-7.8 8.6-11.7 9.7-14.4 4.3-47.9.9-36.6-17.1 11.9.7 27.9 7.8 36.8-.8zm27.3 70c3.8 6.6 1.4 18.7 12.1 20.6 20.2 3.4 43.6-12.3 58.1-17.8 9-15.2-.8-20.7-8.9-30.5-16.6-20-38.8-44.8-38-74.7 6.7-4.9 7.3 7.4 8.2 9.7 8.7 20.3 30.4 46.2 46.3 63.5 3.9 4.3 10.3 8.4 11 11.2 2.1 8.2-5.4 18-4.5 23.5-21.7 13.9-45.8 29.1-81.4 25.6-7.4-6.7-10.3-21.4-2.9-31.1zm-201.3-9.2c-6.8-3.9-8.4-21-16.4-21.4-11.4-.7-9.3 22.2-9.3 35.5-7.8-7.1-9.2-29.1-3.5-40.3-6.6-3.2-9.5 3.6-13.1 5.9 4.7-34.1 49.8-15.8 42.3 20.3zm299.6 28.8c-10.1 19.2-24.4 40.4-54 41-.6-6.2-1.1-15.6 0-19.4 22.7-2.2 36.6-13.7 54-21.6zm-141.9 12.4c18.9 9.9 53.6 11 79.3 10.2 1.4 5.6 1.3 12.6 1.4 19.4-33 1.8-72-6.4-80.7-29.6zm92.2 46.7c-1.7 4.3-5.3 9.3-9.8 11.1-12.1 4.9-45.6 8.7-62.4-.3-10.7-5.7-17.5-18.5-23.4-26-2.8-3.6-16.9-12.9-.2-12.9 13.1 32.7 58 29 95.8 28.1z" ], joget: [ 496, 512, [], "f3b7", "M227.5 468.7c-9-13.6-19.9-33.3-23.7-42.4-5.7-13.7-27.2-45.6 31.2-67.1 51.7-19.1 176.7-16.5 208.8-17.6-4 9-8.6 17.9-13.9 26.6-40.4 65.5-110.4 101.5-182 101.5-6.8 0-13.6-.4-20.4-1M66.1 143.9C128 43.4 259.6 12.2 360.1 74.1c74.8 46.1 111.2 130.9 99.3 212.7-24.9-.5-179.3-3.6-230.3-4.9-55.5-1.4-81.7-20.8-58.5-48.2 23.2-27.4 51.1-40.7 68.9-51.2 17.9-10.5 27.3-33.7-23.6-29.7C87.3 161.5 48.6 252.1 37.6 293c-8.8-49.7-.1-102.7 28.5-149.1m-29.2-18c-71.9 116.6-35.6 269.3 81 341.2 116.6 71.9 269.3 35.6 341.2-80.9 71.9-116.6 35.6-269.4-81-341.2-40.5-25.1-85.5-37-129.9-37C165 8 83.8 49.9 36.9 125.9m244.4 110.4c-31.5 20.5-65.3 31.3-65.3 31.3l169.5-1.6 46.5-23.4s3.6-9.5-19.1-15.5c-22.7-6-57 11.3-86.7 27.2-29.7 15.8-31.1 8.2-31.1 8.2s40.2-28.1 50.7-34.5c10.5-6.4 31.9-14 13.4-24.6-3.2-1.8-6.7-2.7-10.4-2.7-17.8 0-41.5 18.7-67.5 35.6" ], joomla: [ 448, 512, [], "f1aa", "M.6 92.1C.6 58.8 27.4 32 60.4 32c30 0 54.5 21.9 59.2 50.2 32.6-7.6 67.1.6 96.5 30l-44.3 44.3c-20.5-20.5-42.6-16.3-55.4-3.5-14.3 14.3-14.3 37.9 0 52.2l99.5 99.5-44 44.3c-87.7-87.2-49.7-49.7-99.8-99.7-26.8-26.5-35-64.8-24.8-98.9C20.4 144.6.6 120.7.6 92.1zm129.5 116.4l44.3 44.3c10-10 89.7-89.7 99.7-99.8 14.3-14.3 37.6-14.3 51.9 0 12.8 12.8 17 35-3.5 55.4l44 44.3c31.2-31.2 38.5-67.6 28.9-101.2 29.2-4.1 51.9-29.2 51.9-59.5 0-33.2-26.8-60.1-59.8-60.1-30.3 0-55.4 22.5-59.5 51.6-33.8-9.9-71.7-1.5-98.3 25.1-18.3 19.1-71.1 71.5-99.6 99.9zm266.3 152.2c8.2-32.7-.9-68.5-26.3-93.9-11.8-12.2 5 4.7-99.5-99.7l-44.3 44.3 99.7 99.7c14.3 14.3 14.3 37.6 0 51.9-12.8 12.8-35 17-55.4-3.5l-44 44.3c27.6 30.2 68 38.8 102.7 28 5.5 27.4 29.7 48.1 58.9 48.1 33 0 59.8-26.8 59.8-60.1 0-30.2-22.5-55-51.6-59.1zm-84.3-53.1l-44-44.3c-87 86.4-50.4 50.4-99.7 99.8-14.3 14.3-37.6 14.3-51.9 0-13.1-13.4-16.9-35.3 3.2-55.4l-44-44.3c-30.2 30.2-38 65.2-29.5 98.3-26.7 6-46.2 29.9-46.2 58.2C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.8 480c28.6 0 52.5-19.8 58.6-46.7 32.7 8.2 68.5-.6 94.2-26 32.1-32 12.2-12.4 99.5-99.7z" ], js: [ 448, 512, [], "f3b8", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm243.8 349.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z" ], "js-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f3b9", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM243.8 381.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z" ], jsfiddle: [ 576, 512, [], "f1cc", "M510.634 237.462c-4.727-2.621-5.664-5.748-6.381-10.776-2.352-16.488-3.539-33.619-9.097-49.095-35.895-99.957-153.99-143.386-246.849-91.646-27.37 15.25-48.971 36.369-65.493 63.903-3.184-1.508-5.458-2.71-7.824-3.686-30.102-12.421-59.049-10.121-85.331 9.167-25.531 18.737-36.422 44.548-32.676 76.408.355 3.025-1.967 7.621-4.514 9.545-39.712 29.992-56.031 78.065-41.902 124.615 13.831 45.569 57.514 79.796 105.608 81.433 30.291 1.031 60.637.546 90.959.539 84.041-.021 168.09.531 252.12-.48 52.664-.634 96.108-36.873 108.212-87.293 11.54-48.074-11.144-97.3-56.832-122.634zm21.107 156.88c-18.23 22.432-42.343 35.253-71.28 35.65-56.874.781-113.767.23-170.652.23 0 .7-163.028.159-163.728.154-43.861-.332-76.739-19.766-95.175-59.995-18.902-41.245-4.004-90.848 34.186-116.106 9.182-6.073 12.505-11.566 10.096-23.136-5.49-26.361 4.453-47.956 26.42-62.981 22.987-15.723 47.422-16.146 72.034-3.083 10.269 5.45 14.607 11.564 22.198-2.527 14.222-26.399 34.557-46.727 60.671-61.294 97.46-54.366 228.37 7.568 230.24 132.697.122 8.15 2.412 12.428 9.848 15.894 57.56 26.829 74.456 96.122 35.142 144.497zm-87.789-80.499c-5.848 31.157-34.622 55.096-66.666 55.095-16.953-.001-32.058-6.545-44.079-17.705-27.697-25.713-71.141-74.98-95.937-93.387-20.056-14.888-41.99-12.333-60.272 3.782-49.996 44.071 15.859 121.775 67.063 77.188 4.548-3.96 7.84-9.543 12.744-12.844 8.184-5.509 20.766-.884 13.168 10.622-17.358 26.284-49.33 38.197-78.863 29.301-28.897-8.704-48.84-35.968-48.626-70.179 1.225-22.485 12.364-43.06 35.414-55.965 22.575-12.638 46.369-13.146 66.991 2.474C295.68 280.7 320.467 323.97 352.185 343.47c24.558 15.099 54.254 7.363 68.823-17.506 28.83-49.209-34.592-105.016-78.868-63.46-3.989 3.744-6.917 8.932-11.41 11.72-10.975 6.811-17.333-4.113-12.809-10.353 20.703-28.554 50.464-40.44 83.271-28.214 31.429 11.714 49.108 44.366 42.76 78.186z" ], keybase: [ 412, 512, [], "f4f5", "M177.2 430.9c0 9.8-8 17.8-17.8 17.8s-17.8-8-17.8-17.8 8-17.8 17.8-17.8c9.8-.1 17.8 7.9 17.8 17.8zM270 413c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8s8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8-8 17.8-17.8-8-17.8-17.8-17.8zm142.3-36c0 38.9-7.6 73.9-22.2 103h-27.3c23.5-38.7 30.5-94.8 22.4-134.3-16.1 29.5-52.1 38.6-85.9 28.8-127.8-37.5-192.5 19.7-234.6 50.3l18.9-59.3-39.9 42.3c4.8 26.7 15.7 51.3 31.2 72.3H46.1c-9.7-15.8-17.2-33-22.2-51.3L.1 454c0-74.9-5.5-147.6 61.5-215.2 20.2-20.4 43.7-36.2 69.1-46.7-6.8-13.5-9.5-29.2-7.8-46l-19.9-1.2c-17.9-1.1-31.6-16.5-30.6-34.4v-.1L74 84.2c1.1-17.1 15.4-30.6 32.5-30.6 1.3 0-.3-.1 28.2 1.7 13.9.8 21.5 9.8 22.8 11.4 7.1-10.4 14.5-20.5 24.6-34.5l20.6 12.1c-13.6 29-9.1 36.2-9 36.3 3.9 0 13.9-.5 32.4 5.7C246 92.9 262 107 271 126c.4.9 15.5 29 1.2 62.6 19 6.1 51.3 19.9 82.4 51.8 36.6 37.6 57.7 87.4 57.7 136.6zM128 122.3c3.2-10 7.7-19.7 13.1-29.4.1-2 2.2-13.1-7.8-13.8-28.5-1.8-26.3-1.6-26.7-1.6-4.6 0-8.3 3.5-8.6 8.1l-1.6 26.2c-.3 4.7 3.4 8.8 8.1 9.1l23.5 1.4zm25.8 61.8c5.6 9.4 14.1 16.1 22.3 20 0-21.2 28.5-41.9 52.8-17.5l8.4 10.3c20.8-18.8 19.4-45.3 12.1-60.9-13.8-29.1-46.9-32-54.3-31.7-10.3.4-19.7-5.4-23.7-15.3-13.7 21.2-37.2 62.5-17.6 95.1zm82.9 68.4L217 268.6c-1.9 1.6-2.2 4.4-.6 6.3l8.9 10.9c1 1.2 3.8 2.7 6.3.6l19.6-16 5.5 6.8c4.9 6 13.8-1.4 9-7.3-63.6-78.3-41.5-51.1-55.3-68.1-4.7-6-13.9 1.4-9 7.3 1.9 2.3 18.4 22.6 19.8 24.3l-9.6 7.9c-4.6 3.8 2.6 13.3 7.4 9.4l9.7-8 8 9.8zm118.4 25.7c-16.9-23.7-42.6-46.7-73.4-60.4-7.9-3.5-15-6.1-22.9-8.6-2 2.2-4.1 4.3-6.4 6.2l31.9 39.2c10.4 12.7 8.5 31.5-4.2 41.9-1.3 1.1-13.1 10.7-29 4.9-2.9 2.3-10.1 9.9-22.2 9.9-8.6 0-16.6-3.8-22.1-10.5l-8.9-10.9c-6.3-7.8-7.9-17.9-5-26.8-8.2-9.9-8.3-21.3-4.6-30-7.2-1.3-26.7-6.2-42.7-21.4-55.8 20.7-88 64.4-101.3 91.2-14.9 30.2-18.8 60.9-19.9 90.2 8.2-8.7-3.9 4.1 114-120.9l-29.9 93.6c57.8-31.1 124-36 197.4-14.4 23.6 6.9 45.1 1.6 56-13.9 11.1-15.6 8.5-37.7-6.8-59.3zM110.6 107.3l15.6 1 1-15.6-15.6-1-1 15.6z" ], keycdn: [ 512, 512, [], "f3ba", "M63.8 409.3l60.5-59c32.1 42.8 71.1 66 126.6 67.4 30.5.7 60.3-7 86.4-22.4 5.1 5.3 18.5 19.5 20.9 22-32.2 20.7-69.6 31.1-108.1 30.2-43.3-1.1-84.6-16.7-117.7-44.4.3-.6-38.2 37.5-38.6 37.9 9.5 29.8-13.1 62.4-46.3 62.4C20.7 503.3 0 481.7 0 454.9c0-34.3 33.1-56.6 63.8-45.6zm354.9-252.4c19.1 31.3 29.6 67.4 28.7 104-1.1 44.8-19 87.5-48.6 121 .3.3 23.8 25.2 24.1 25.5 9.6-1.3 19.2 2 25.9 9.1 11.3 12 10.9 30.9-1.1 42.4-12 11.3-30.9 10.9-42.4-1.1-6.7-7-9.4-16.8-7.6-26.3-24.9-26.6-44.4-47.2-44.4-47.2 42.7-34.1 63.3-79.6 64.4-124.2.7-28.9-7.2-57.2-21.1-82.2l22.1-21zM104 53.1c6.7 7 9.4 16.8 7.6 26.3l45.9 48.1c-4.7 3.8-13.3 10.4-22.8 21.3-25.4 28.5-39.6 64.8-40.7 102.9-.7 28.9 6.1 57.2 20 82.4l-22 21.5C72.7 324 63.1 287.9 64.2 250.9c1-44.6 18.3-87.6 47.5-121.1l-25.3-26.4c-9.6 1.3-19.2-2-25.9-9.1-11.3-12-10.9-30.9 1.1-42.4C73.5 40.7 92.2 41 104 53.1zM464.9 8c26 0 47.1 22.4 47.1 48.3S490.9 104 464.9 104c-6.3.1-14-1.1-15.9-1.8l-62.9 59.7c-32.7-43.6-76.7-65.9-126.9-67.2-30.5-.7-60.3 6.8-86.2 22.4l-21.1-22C184.1 74.3 221.5 64 260 64.9c43.3 1.1 84.6 16.7 117.7 44.6l41.1-38.6c-1.5-4.7-2.2-9.6-2.2-14.5C416.5 29.7 438.9 8 464.9 8zM256.7 113.4c5.5 0 10.9.4 16.4 1.1 78.1 9.8 133.4 81.1 123.8 159.1-9.8 78.1-81.1 133.4-159.1 123.8-78.1-9.8-133.4-81.1-123.8-159.2 9.3-72.4 70.1-124.6 142.7-124.8zm-59 119.4c.6 22.7 12.2 41.8 32.4 52.2l-11 51.7h73.7l-11-51.7c20.1-10.9 32.1-29 32.4-52.2-.4-32.8-25.8-57.5-58.3-58.3-32.1.8-57.3 24.8-58.2 58.3zM256 160" ], kickstarter: [ 448, 512, [], "f3bb", "M400 480H48c-26.4 0-48-21.6-48-48V80c0-26.4 21.6-48 48-48h352c26.4 0 48 21.6 48 48v352c0 26.4-21.6 48-48 48zM199.6 178.5c0-30.7-17.6-45.1-39.7-45.1-25.8 0-40 19.8-40 44.5v154.8c0 25.8 13.7 45.6 40.5 45.6 21.5 0 39.2-14 39.2-45.6v-41.8l60.6 75.7c12.3 14.9 39 16.8 55.8 0 14.6-15.1 14.8-36.8 4-50.4l-49.1-62.8 40.5-58.7c9.4-13.5 9.5-34.5-5.6-49.1-16.4-15.9-44.6-17.3-61.4 7l-44.8 64.7v-38.8z" ], "kickstarter-k": [ 384, 512, [], "f3bc", "M147.3 114.4c0-56.2-32.5-82.4-73.4-82.4C26.2 32 0 68.2 0 113.4v283c0 47.3 25.3 83.4 74.9 83.4 39.8 0 72.4-25.6 72.4-83.4v-76.5l112.1 138.3c22.7 27.2 72.1 30.7 103.2 0 27-27.6 27.3-67.4 7.4-92.2l-90.8-114.8 74.9-107.4c17.4-24.7 17.5-63.1-10.4-89.8-30.3-29-82.4-31.6-113.6 12.8L147.3 185v-70.6z" ], korvue: [ 446, 512, [], "f42f", "M386.5 34h-327C26.8 34 0 60.8 0 93.5v327.1C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.5 480h327.1c33 0 59.5-26.8 59.5-59.5v-327C446 60.8 419.2 34 386.5 34zM87.1 120.8h96v116l61.8-116h110.9l-81.2 132H87.1v-132zm161.8 272.1l-65.7-113.6v113.6h-96V262.1h191.5l88.6 130.8H248.9z" ], laravel: [ 640, 512, [], "f3bd", "M637.5 241.6c-4.2-4.8-62.8-78.1-73.1-90.5-10.3-12.4-15.4-10.2-21.7-9.3-6.4.9-80.5 13.4-89.1 14.8-8.6 1.5-14 4.9-8.7 12.3 4.7 6.6 53.4 75.7 64.2 90.9l-193.7 46.4L161.2 48.7c-6.1-9.1-7.4-12.3-21.4-11.6-14 .6-120.9 9.5-128.5 10.2-7.6.6-16 4-8.4 22s129 279.6 132.4 287.2c3.4 7.6 12.2 20 32.8 15 21.1-5.1 94.3-24.2 134.3-34.7 21.1 38.3 64.2 115.9 72.2 127 10.6 14.9 18 12.4 34.3 7.4 12.8-3.9 199.6-71.1 208-74.5 8.4-3.5 13.6-5.9 7.9-14.4-4.2-6.2-53.5-72.2-79.3-106.8 17.7-4.7 80.6-21.4 87.3-23.3 7.9-2 9-5.8 4.7-10.6zm-352.2 72c-2.3.5-110.8 26.5-116.6 27.8-5.8 1.3-5.8.7-6.5-1.3-.7-2-129-266.7-130.8-270-1.8-3.3-1.7-5.9 0-5.9s102.5-9 106-9.2c3.6-.2 3.2.6 4.5 2.8 0 0 142.2 245.4 144.6 249.7 2.6 4.3 1.1 5.6-1.2 6.1zm306 57.4c1.7 2.7 3.5 4.5-2 6.4-5.4 2-183.7 62.1-187.1 63.6-3.5 1.5-6.2 2-10.6-4.5s-62.4-106.8-62.4-106.8L518 280.6c4.7-1.5 6.2-2.5 9.2 2.2 2.9 4.8 62.4 85.5 64.1 88.2zm12.1-134.1c-4.2.9-73.6 18.1-73.6 18.1l-56.7-77.8c-1.6-2.3-2.9-4.5 1.1-5s68.4-12.2 71.3-12.8c2.9-.7 5.4-1.5 9 3.4 3.6 4.9 52.6 67 54.5 69.4 1.8 2.3-1.4 3.7-5.6 4.7z" ], lastfm: [ 512, 512, [], "f202", "M225.8 367.1l-18.8-51s-30.5 34-76.2 34c-40.5 0-69.2-35.2-69.2-91.5 0-72.1 36.4-97.9 72.1-97.9 66.5 0 74.8 53.3 100.9 134.9 18.8 56.9 54 102.6 155.4 102.6 72.7 0 122-22.3 122-80.9 0-72.9-62.7-80.6-115-92.1-25.8-5.9-33.4-16.4-33.4-34 0-19.9 15.8-31.7 41.6-31.7 28.2 0 43.4 10.6 45.7 35.8l58.6-7c-4.7-52.8-41.1-74.5-100.9-74.5-52.8 0-104.4 19.9-104.4 83.9 0 39.9 19.4 65.1 68 76.8 44.9 10.6 79.8 13.8 79.8 45.7 0 21.7-21.1 30.5-61 30.5-59.2 0-83.9-31.1-97.9-73.9-32-96.8-43.6-163-161.3-163C45.7 113.8 0 168.3 0 261c0 89.1 45.7 137.2 127.9 137.2 66.2 0 97.9-31.1 97.9-31.1z" ], "lastfm-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f203", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-92.2 312.9c-63.4 0-85.4-28.6-97.1-64.1-16.3-51-21.5-84.3-63-84.3-22.4 0-45.1 16.1-45.1 61.2 0 35.2 18 57.2 43.3 57.2 28.6 0 47.6-21.3 47.6-21.3l11.7 31.9s-19.8 19.4-61.2 19.4c-51.3 0-79.9-30.1-79.9-85.8 0-57.9 28.6-92 82.5-92 73.5 0 80.8 41.4 100.8 101.9 8.8 26.8 24.2 46.2 61.2 46.2 24.9 0 38.1-5.5 38.1-19.1 0-19.9-21.8-22-49.9-28.6-30.4-7.3-42.5-23.1-42.5-48 0-40 32.3-52.4 65.2-52.4 37.4 0 60.1 13.6 63 46.6l-36.7 4.4c-1.5-15.8-11-22.4-28.6-22.4-16.1 0-26 7.3-26 19.8 0 11 4.8 17.6 20.9 21.3 32.7 7.1 71.8 12 71.8 57.5.1 36.7-30.7 50.6-76.1 50.6z" ], leanpub: [ 576, 512, [], "f212", "M386.539 111.485l15.096 248.955-10.979-.275c-36.232-.824-71.64 8.783-102.657 27.997-31.016-19.214-66.424-27.997-102.657-27.997-45.564 0-82.07 10.705-123.516 27.723L93.117 129.6c28.546-11.803 61.484-18.115 92.226-18.115 41.173 0 73.836 13.175 102.657 42.544 27.723-28.271 59.013-41.721 98.539-42.544zM569.07 448c-25.526 0-47.485-5.215-70.542-15.645-34.31-15.645-69.993-24.978-107.871-24.978-38.977 0-74.934 12.901-102.657 40.623-27.723-27.723-63.68-40.623-102.657-40.623-37.878 0-73.561 9.333-107.871 24.978C55.239 442.236 32.731 448 8.303 448H6.93L49.475 98.859C88.726 76.626 136.486 64 181.775 64 218.83 64 256.984 71.685 288 93.095 319.016 71.685 357.17 64 394.225 64c45.289 0 93.049 12.626 132.3 34.859L569.07 448zm-43.368-44.741l-34.036-280.246c-30.742-13.999-67.248-21.41-101.009-21.41-38.428 0-74.385 12.077-102.657 38.702-28.272-26.625-64.228-38.702-102.657-38.702-33.761 0-70.267 7.411-101.009 21.41L50.298 403.259c47.211-19.487 82.894-33.486 135.045-33.486 37.604 0 70.817 9.606 102.657 29.644 31.84-20.038 65.052-29.644 102.657-29.644 52.151 0 87.834 13.999 135.045 33.486z" ], less: [ 640, 512, [], "f41d", "M612.7 219c0-20.5 3.2-32.6 3.2-54.6 0-34.2-12.6-45.2-40.5-45.2h-20.5v24.2h6.3c14.2 0 17.3 4.7 17.3 22.1 0 16.3-1.6 32.6-1.6 51.5 0 24.2 7.9 33.6 23.6 37.3v1.6c-15.8 3.7-23.6 13.1-23.6 37.3 0 18.9 1.6 34.2 1.6 51.5 0 17.9-3.7 22.6-17.3 22.6v.5h-6.3V393h20.5c27.8 0 40.5-11 40.5-45.2 0-22.6-3.2-34.2-3.2-54.6 0-11 6.8-22.6 27.3-23.6v-27.3c-20.5-.7-27.3-12.3-27.3-23.3zm-105.6 32c-15.8-6.3-30.5-10-30.5-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6s22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-21 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51s-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-358.9 59.4c-3.7 0-8.4-3.2-8.4-13.1V119.1H65.2c-28.4 0-41 11-41 45.2 0 22.6 3.2 35.2 3.2 54.6 0 11-6.8 22.6-27.3 23.6v27.3c20.5.5 27.3 12.1 27.3 23.1 0 19.4-3.2 31-3.2 53.6 0 34.2 12.6 45.2 40.5 45.2h20.5v-24.2h-6.3c-13.1 0-17.3-5.3-17.3-22.6s1.6-32.1 1.6-51.5c0-24.2-7.9-33.6-23.6-37.3v-1.6c15.8-3.7 23.6-13.1 23.6-37.3 0-18.9-1.6-34.2-1.6-51.5s3.7-22.1 17.3-22.1H93v150.8c0 32.1 11 53.1 43.1 53.1 10 0 17.9-1.6 23.6-3.7l-5.3-34.2c-3.1.8-4.6.8-6.2.8zM379.9 251c-16.3-6.3-31-10-31-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6 11.6 0 22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-20.5 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51 .1-28.9-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-155-68.8c-38.4 0-75.1 32.1-74.1 82.5 0 52 34.2 82.5 79.3 82.5 18.9 0 39.9-6.8 56.2-17.9l-15.8-27.8c-11.6 6.8-22.6 10-34.2 10-21 0-37.3-10-41.5-34.2H290c.5-3.7 1.6-11 1.6-19.4.6-42.6-22.6-75.7-66.7-75.7zm-30 66.2c3.2-21 15.8-31 30.5-31 18.9 0 26.3 13.1 26.3 31h-56.8z" ], line: [ 448, 512, [], "f3c0", "M272.1 204.2v71.1c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.1 0-2.1-.6-2.6-1.3l-32.6-44v42.2c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2-1.4-3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2H219c1 0 2.1.5 2.6 1.4l32.6 44v-42.2c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2h11.4c1.8-.1 3.3 1.4 3.3 3.1zm-82-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.8 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h11.4c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2zm-27.5 59.6h-31.1v-56.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 .9.3 1.6.9 1.3.9 2.2.9h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.1-3.2zM332.1 201h-45.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.7 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2V234c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c-.1-1.7-1.5-3.2-3.2-3.2zM448 113.7V399c-.1 44.8-36.8 81.1-81.7 81H81c-44.8-.1-81.1-36.9-81-81.7V113c.1-44.8 36.9-81.1 81.7-81H367c44.8.1 81.1 36.8 81 81.7zm-61.6 122.6c0-73-73.2-132.4-163.1-132.4-89.9 0-163.1 59.4-163.1 132.4 0 65.4 58 120.2 136.4 130.6 19.1 4.1 16.9 11.1 12.6 36.8-.7 4.1-3.3 16.1 14.1 8.8 17.4-7.3 93.9-55.3 128.2-94.7 23.6-26 34.9-52.3 34.9-81.5z" ], linkedin: [ 448, 512, [], "f08c", "M416 32H31.9C14.3 32 0 46.5 0 64.3v383.4C0 465.5 14.3 480 31.9 480H416c17.6 0 32-14.5 32-32.3V64.3c0-17.8-14.4-32.3-32-32.3zM135.4 416H69V202.2h66.5V416zm-33.2-243c-21.3 0-38.5-17.3-38.5-38.5S80.9 96 102.2 96c21.2 0 38.5 17.3 38.5 38.5 0 21.3-17.2 38.5-38.5 38.5zm282.1 243h-66.4V312c0-24.8-.5-56.7-34.5-56.7-34.6 0-39.9 27-39.9 54.9V416h-66.4V202.2h63.7v29.2h.9c8.9-16.8 30.6-34.5 62.9-34.5 67.2 0 79.7 44.3 79.7 101.9V416z" ], "linkedin-in": [ 448, 512, [], "f0e1", "M100.3 480H7.4V180.9h92.9V480zM53.8 140.1C24.1 140.1 0 115.5 0 85.8 0 56.1 24.1 32 53.8 32c29.7 0 53.8 24.1 53.8 53.8 0 29.7-24.1 54.3-53.8 54.3zM448 480h-92.7V334.4c0-34.7-.7-79.2-48.3-79.2-48.3 0-55.7 37.7-55.7 76.7V480h-92.8V180.9h89.1v40.8h1.3c12.4-23.5 42.7-48.3 87.9-48.3 94 0 111.3 61.9 111.3 142.3V480z" ], linode: [ 448, 512, [], "f2b8", "M437.4 226.3c-.3-.9-.9-1.4-1.4-2l-70-38.6c-.9-.6-2-.6-3.1 0l-58.9 36c-.9.6-1.4 1.7-1.4 2.6l-.9 31.4-24-16c-.9-.6-2.3-.6-3.1 0L240 260.9l-1.4-35.1c0-.9-.6-2-1.4-2.3l-36-24.3 33.7-17.4c1.1-.6 1.7-1.7 1.7-2.9l-5.7-132.3c0-.9-.9-2-1.7-2.6L138.6.3c-.9-.3-1.7-.3-2.3-.3L12.6 38.6c-1.4.6-2.3 2-2 3.7L38 175.4c.9 3.4 34 27.4 38.6 30.9l-26.9 12.9c-1.4.9-2 2.3-1.7 3.4l20.6 100.3c.6 2.9 23.7 23.1 27.1 26.3l-17.4 10.6c-.9.6-1.7 2-1.4 3.1 1.4 7.1 15.4 77.7 16.9 79.1l65.1 69.1c.6.6 1.4.6 0 1.1-.3 1.7-.6l83.7-66.9c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l-2-46 28 23.7c1.1.9 2.9.9 4 0l66.9-53.4c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l2.3-33.4 20.3 14c1.1.9 2.6.9 3.7 0l54.6-43.7c.6-.3 1.1-1.1 1.1-2 .9-6.5 10.3-70.8 9.7-72.8zm-204.8 4.8l4 92.6-90.6 61.2-14-96.6 100.6-57.2zm-7.7-180l5.4 126-106.6 55.4L104 97.7l120.9-46.6zM44 173.1L18 48l79.7 49.4 19.4 132.9L44 173.1zm30.6 147.8L55.7 230l70 58.3 13.7 93.4-64.8-60.8zm24.3 117.7l-13.7-67.1 61.7 60.9 9.7 67.4-57.7-61.2zm64.5 64.5l-10.6-70.9 85.7-61.4 3.1 70-78.2 62.3zm82-115.1c0-3.4.9-22.9-2-25.1l-24.3-20 22.3-14.9c2.3-1.7 1.1-5.7 1.1-8l29.4 22.6.6 68.3-27.1-22.9zm94.3-25.4l-60.9 48.6-.6-68.6 65.7-46.9-4.2 66.9zm27.7-25.7l-19.1-13.4 2-34c.3-.9-.3-2-1.1-2.6L308 259.7l.6-30 64.6 40.6-5.8 66.6zm54.6-39.8l-48.3 38.3 5.7-65.1 51.1-36.6-8.5 63.4z" ], linux: [ 448, 512, [], "f17c", "M196.1 123.6c-.2-1.4 1.9-2.3 3.2-2.9 1.7-.7 3.9-1 5.5-. 1.1-.4 1.2-2.4 1-3.5 1.6-1 .5-1.8 1.7-3 1.7-1 .1-2.7-.4-2.8-1.4zm24.7-.3c1 .5 1.8 1.7 3 1.7 1.1 0 2.8-.4 2.9-1.5.2-1.4-1.9-2.3-3.2-2.9-1.7-.7-3.9-1-5.5-.1-.4.2-.8.7-.6 1.1.3 1.3 2.3 1.1 3.4 1.7zm214.7 310.2c-.5 8.2-6.5 13.8-13.9 18.3-14.9 9-37.3 15.8-50.9 32.2l-2.6-2.2 2.6 2.2c-14.2 16.9-31.7 26.6-48.3 27.9-16.5 1.3-32-6.3-40.3-23v-.1c-1.1-2.1-1.9-4.4-2.5-6.7-21.5 1.2-40.2-5.3-55.1-4.1-22 1.2-35.8 6.5-48.3 6.6-4.8 10.6-14.3 17.6-25.9 20.2-16 3.7-36.1 0-55.9-10.4l1.6-3-1.6 3c-18.5-9.8-42-8.9-59.3-12.5-8.7-1.8-16.3-5-20.1-12.3-3.7-7.3-3-17.3 2.2-31.7 1.7-5.1.4-12.7-.8-20.8-.6-3.9-1.2-7.9-1.2-11.8 0-4.3.7-8.5 2.8-12.4 4.5-8.5 11.8-12.1 18.5-14.5 6.7-2.4 12.8-4 17-8.3 5.2-5.5 10.1-14.4 16.6-20.2-2.6-17.2.2-35.4 6.2-53.3 12.6-37.9 39.2-74.2 58.1-96.7 16.1-22.9 20.8-41.3 22.5-64.7C158 103.4 132.4-.2 234.8 0c80.9.1 76.3 85.4 75.8 131.3-.3 30.1 16.3 50.5 33.4 72 15.2 18 35.1 44.3 46.5 74.4 9.3 24.6 12.9 51.8 3.7 79.1 1.4.5 2.8 1.2 4.1 2 1.4.8 2.7 1.8 4 2.9 6.6 5.6 8.7 14.3 10.5 22.4 1.9 8.1 3.6 15.7 7.2 19.7 11.1 12.4 15.9 21.5 15.5 29.7zM220.8 109.1c3.6.9 8.9 2.4 13 4.4-2.1-12.2 4.5-23.5 11.8-23 8.9.3 13.9 15.5 9.1 27.3-.8 1.9-2.8 3.4-3.9 4.6 6.7 2.3 11 4.1 12.6 4.9 7.9-9.5 10.8-26.2 4.3-40.4-9.8-21.4-34.2-21.8-44 .4-3.2 7.2-3.9 14.9-2.9 21.8zm-46.2 18.8c7.8-5.7 6.9-4.7 5.9-5.5-8-6.9-6.6-27.4 1.8-28.1 6.3-.5 10.8 10.7 9.6 19.6 3.1-2.1 6.7-3.6 10.2-4.6 1.7-19.3-9-33.5-19.1-33.5-18.9 0-24 37.5-8.4 52.1zm-9.4 20.9c1.5 4.9 6.1 10.5 14.7 15.3 7.8 4.6 12 11.5 20 15 2.6 1.1 5.7 1.9 9.6 2.1 18.4 1.1 27.1-11.3 38.2-14.9 11.7-3.7 20.1-11 22.7-18.1 3.2-8.5-2.1-14.7-10.5-18.2-11.3-4.9-16.3-5.2-22.6-9.3-10.3-6.6-18.8-8.9-25.9-8.9-14.4 0-23.2 9.8-27.9 14.2-.5.5-7.9 5.9-14.1 10.5-4.2 3.3-5.6 7.4-4.2 12.3zm-33.5 252.8L112.1 366c-6.8-9.2-13.8-14.8-21.9-16-7.7-1.2-12.6 1.4-17.7 6.9-4.8 5.1-8.8 12.3-14.3 18-7.8 6.5-9.3 6.2-19.6 9.9-6.3 2.2-11.3 4.6-14.8 11.3-2.7 5-2.1 12.2-.9 20 1.2 7.9 3 16.3.6 23.9v.2c-5 13.7-5 21.7-2.6 26.4 7.9 15.4 46.6 6.1 76.5 21.9 31.4 16.4 72.6 17.1 75.3-18 2.1-20.5-31.5-49-41-68.9zm153.9 35.8c3.2-11 6.3-21.3 6.8-29 .8-15.2 1.6-28.7 4.4-39.9 3.1-12.6 9.3-23.1 21.4-27.3 2.3-21.1 18.7-21.1 38.3-12.5 18.9 8.5 26 16 22.8 26.1 1 0 2-.1 4.2 0 5.2-16.9-14.3-28-30.7-34.8 2.9-12 2.4-24.1-.4-35.7-6-25.3-22.6-47.8-35.2-59-2.3-.1-2.1 1.9 2.6 6.5 11.6 10.7 37.1 49.2 23.3 84.9-3.9-1-7.6-1.5-10.9-1.4-5.3-29.1-17.5-53.2-23.6-64.6-11.5-21.4-29.5-65.3-37.2-95.7-4.5 6.4-12.4 11.9-22.3 15-4.7 1.5-9.7 5.5-15.9 9-13.9 8-30 8.8-42.4-1.2-4.5-3.6-8-7.6-12.6-10.3-1.6-.9-5.1-3.3-6.2-4.1-2 37.8-27.3 85.3-39.3 112.7-8.3 19.7-13.2 40.8-13.8 61.5-21.8-29.1-5.9-66.3 2.6-82.4 9.5-17.6 11-22.5 8.7-20.8-8.6 14-22 36.3-27.2 59.2-2.7 11.9-3.2 24 .3 35.2 3.5 11.2 11.1 21.5 24.6 29.9 0 0 24.8 14.3 38.3 32.5 7.4 10 9.7 18.7 7.4 24.9-2.5 6.7-9.6 8.9-16.7 8.9 4.8 6 10.3 13 14.4 19.6 37.6 25.7 82.2 15.7 114.3-7.2zM415 408.5c-10-11.3-7.2-33.1-17.1-41.6-6.9-6-13.6-5.4-22.6-5.1-7.7 8.8-25.8 19.6-38.4 16.3-11.5-2.9-18-16.3-18.8-29.5-.3.2-.7.3-1 .5-7.1 3.9-11.1 10.8-13.7 21.1-2.5 10.2-3.4 23.5-4.2 38.7-.7 11.8-6.2 26.4-9.9 40.6-3.5 13.2-5.8 25.2-1.1 36.3 7.2 14.5 19.5 20.4 33.7 19.3 14.2-1.1 30.4-9.8 43.6-25.5 22-26.6 62.3-29.7 63.2-46.5.3-5.1-3.1-13-13.7-24.6zM173.3 148.7c2 1.9 4.7 4.5 8 7.1 6.6 5.2 15.8 10.6 27.3 10.6 11.6 0 22.5-5.9 31.8-10.8 4.9-2.6 10.9-7 14.8-10.4 3.9-3.4 5.9-6.3 3.1-6.6-2.8-.3-2.6 2.6-6 5.1-4.4 3.2-9.7 7.4-13.9 9.8-7.4 4.2-19.5 10.2-29.9 10.2-10.4 0-18.7-4.8-24.9-9.7-3.1-2.5-5.7-5-7.7-6.9-1.5-1.4-1.9-4.6-4.3-4.9-1.4-.1-1.8 3.7 1.7 6.5z" ], lyft: [ 512, 512, [], "f3c3", "M0 81.1h77.8v208.7c0 33.1 15 52.8 27.2 61-12.7 11.1-51.2 20.9-80.2-2.8C7.8 334 0 310.7 0 289V81.1zm485.9 173.5v-22h23.8v-76.8h-26.1c-10.1-46.3-51.2-80.7-100.3-80.7-56.6 0-102.7 46-102.7 102.7V357c16 2.3 35.4-.3 51.7-14 17.1-14 24.8-37.2 24.8-59v-6.7h38.8v-76.8h-38.8v-23.3c0-34.6 52.2-34.6 52.2 0v77.1c0 56.6 46 102.7 102.7 102.7v-76.5c-14.5 0-26.1-11.7-26.1-25.9zm-294.3-99v113c0 15.4-23.8 15.4-23.8 0v-113H91v132.7c0 23.8 8 54 45 63.9 37 9.8 58.2-10.6 58.2-10.6-2.1 13.4-14.5 23.3-34.9 25.3-15.5 1.6-35.2-3.6-45-7.8v70.3c25.1 7.5 51.5 9.8 77.6 4.7 47.1-9.1 76.8-48.4 76.8-100.8V155.1h-77.1v.5z" ], magento: [ 448, 512, [], "f3c4", "M445.7 127.9V384l-63.4 36.5V164.7L223.8 73.1 65.2 164.7l.4 255.9L2.3 384V128.1L224.2 0l221.5 127.9zM255.6 420.5L224 438.9l-31.8-18.2v-256l-63.3 36.6.1 255.9 94.9 54.9 95.1-54.9v-256l-63.4-36.6v255.9z" ], mailchimp: [ 428, 512, [], "f59e", "M426.56 323.72c-3.09-6.59-8.97-11.13-16.35-12.88-2.47-11.27-5.88-16.8-6.19-17.63 1.3-1.48 2.56-2.97 2.84-3.32 10.42-12.93 3.62-31.86-14.19-36.33-10.02-9.64-19.09-14.17-26.54-17.9-7.14-3.57-4.29-2.17-10.99-5.19-1.78-8.71-2.37-28.97-5.2-43.19-2.54-12.79-7.66-22.06-15.56-28.15-3.16-6.84-7.59-13.74-12.93-18.81 24.84-38.08 31.38-75.69 13.19-95.39-8.1-8.77-20.13-12.93-34.52-12.93-20.26 0-45.18 8.26-70.34 23.54 0 0-16.38-13.18-16.73-13.46-70.08-55.19-268.28 188.7-198.32 242l18.06 13.8c-11.34 31.54 4.43 69.14 37.29 81.21 7.26 2.67 15.14 3.97 23.31 3.51 0 0 53.09 97.36 165.1 97.39 129.58.04 162.55-126.72 162.9-127.86 0 .01 10.5-15.51 5.17-28.41zM20.12 267.95c-14.2-23.96 10.51-73.19 28.09-101.17C91.66 97.63 163.98 43.06 196.82 50.85l9.03-3.46c.03.03 24.67 20.85 24.7 20.87 16.97-10.19 38.58-20.57 58.8-22.64-12.3 2.77-27.29 9.15-45.05 20.01-.43.25-42.02 28.32-67.43 53.52-13.85 13.73-69.45 80.41-69.4 80.35 10.16-19.23 16.86-28.67 32.94-48.9 9.1-11.44 18.81-22.57 28.74-32.84 4.61-4.77 9.28-9.36 13.95-13.71 3.21-2.99 6.44-5.87 9.65-8.62 1.48-1.27 2.96-2.5 4.43-3.71l.01-.01L164.6 64.8l1.72 12.06 23.69 20.87s-20.96 14.11-31.39 23.01c-41.79 35.66-82.8 90.4-98.06 143.69l.73-.03c-7.6 4.19-15.14 10.91-21.73 20.05-.16-.04-17.04-12.43-19.44-16.5zm69.11 100.09c-25.03 0-45.33-21.37-45.33-47.72 0-26.36 20.29-47.72 45.33-47.72 6.49 0 12.66 1.44 18.24 4.02 0 0 9.63 4.86 12.34 27.81 2.82-7.17 4.24-13.06 4.24-13.06 3.23 9.88 4.88 20.26 4.23 30.76 2.68-3.56 5.55-10.27 5.55-10.27 5 29.33-16.4 56.18-44.6 56.18zm55.8-168.53s19.49-37.06 62.33-61.57c-3.19-.51-10.99.48-12.36.64 7.78-6.69 22.24-11.16 32.23-13.19-2.92-1.86-9.89-2.33-13.34-2.42-1.02-.03-1.01-.02-2.22.03 9.4-5.25 26.82-8.34 42.65-5.55-1.99-2.64-6.5-4.57-9.67-5.51-.28-.08-1.52-.39-1.52-.39l1.19-.28c9.54-1.84 20.69.15 29.5 3.69-1-2.32-3.45-5.03-5.29-6.74-.19-.18-1.29-.97-1.29-.97 9.22 1.91 18.06 5.94 24.71 10.5-.9-1.75-3.14-4.69-4.69-6.29 8.81 2.52 18.71 8.81 22.95 1.03-16.7-12.84-65.44-9.2-114.24 22.42-22.33 14.48-38.71 30.32-51.34 46.78zm263.32 146.34c-.59 1.15-6.73 34.4-41.86 62.01-44.37 34.86-102.66 31.33-124.67 11.8-11.76-11-16.85-26.73-16.85-26.73s-1.33 8.87-1.56 12.35c-8.87-15.09-8.12-33.52-8.12-33.52s-4.73 8.83-6.9 13.77c-6.53-16.62-3.16-33.78-3.16-33.78l-5.16 7.7s-2.42-18.81 3.52-34.47c6.36-16.74 18.68-28.9 21.11-30.42-9.35-2.97-20.12-11.49-20.14-11.51 0 0 4.28.28 7.26-.4 0 0-18.9-13.54-22.22-34.26 2.74 3.38 8.49 7.21 8.49 7.21-1.86-5.42-2.99-17.49-1.25-29.36l.01-.01c3.58-22.68 22.27-37.45 43.44-37.27 22.54.2 37.65 4.93 56.55-12.5 4-3.69 7.19-6.87 12.81-8.11.59-.13 2.06-.75 5.07-.75 3.05 0 5.98.69 8.67 2.29 10.25 6.1 12.46 22.01 13.56 33.68 4.07 43.28 2.43 35.57 19.94 44.49 8.36 4.25 17.74 8.29 28.43 13.65 7.31 9.5 12.47-30.23 36.1-72.46 53.39-119.51 54.84-1.94.05-6.32.15-6.34.15-19.01.58-25.19 25.16-13.27 39.95 7.54 9.35 22.03 12.42 33.97 12.46l.17-.06c51.45 1.04 103.14-35.37 112.07-55.44.06-.15.61-1.42.61-1.42-2.07 2.43-52.18 49.61-113.08 47.9 0 0-6.66-.14-12.93-1.6-8.27-1.92-14.55-5.56-16.95-13.8 5.05 1.01 11.45 1.66 18.87 1.66 43.96 0 75.63-19.98 72.33-20.25-.13 0-.26.03-.48.08-5.13 1.19-57.97 21.66-91.37 11.16.08-1.02.24-2.01.48-2.9 2.97-9.95 8.25-8.56 16.79-8.93 30.48-1.01 55.07-8.68 73.5-17.43 19.65-9.33 34.63-21.35 40.03-27.42 7 11.79 6.96 26.92 6.96 26.92s2.74-.96 6.38-.96c11.38.01 13.73 10.23 5.09 20.6zm-149.29 13.7c0-.05-.01-.1-.01-. 0-2.02-.02.74-.02 1.42 0 1.46c0 .02 0 .04.01.06 0-.02 0-.04-.01-.06zm.02.12c.2 1.58.51 2.31.55 2.4-.23-.49-.42-1.34-.55-2.4zM193.96 59.68l2.87-8.83 4.88 17.72-6.03-1.95-1.72-6.94zm22.38 17.72l-3.62-12.59 9.97 8.36c-2.24 1.44-4.36 2.86-6.35 4.23zm42.71 281.94c-.01-.13-.01-.26-.02-. 0-2.02-.03.75-.03 1.42 0 2.02zm.02.6c0-.05-.01-.1-.01-.15m.13 1.46c0-.02 0-.04-.01-.06m.02.12c.2 1.58.51 2.31.55 2.4-.23-.49-.42-1.34-.55-2.4zm52.1-138.61c-.07-3.36.47-8.92 3.63-9.95h.01c5.41-1.88 12.58 11.98 12.91 24.28-4.28-2.14-9.3-3.05-14.47-2.6-1.3-3.97-1.92-7.7-2.08-11.73zM205.38 85.27l-13.59-11.38 20.57 6.28c-2.65 1.88-5 3.6-6.98 5.1zm27.7 166.94c-3.41 1.3-5.83 2.31-7 2.14-1.89-.28-.06-3.75 4.08-7.11 8.33-6.64 19.76-8.7 29.53-5.07 4.28 1.57 9.08 4.72 11.6 8.39.95 1.39 1.21 2.44.82 2.88-.77.9-3.51-.31-7.55-1.89-10.35-3.86-17.98-4.45-31.48.66zm14.55 14.53c-2.31.94-3.81 1.66-4.42 1.17-.62-.48-.01-2.42 2.15-4.51 1.88-1.81 3.83-2.83 6.07-3.77.35-.15.72-.28 1.1-.38 1.04-.28 2.09-.63 3.23-.8 9.12-1.55 15.8 3.51 14.93 4.98-.39.69-2.08.53-4.6.36-5.23-.36-10.71-.27-18.46 2.95zM60.86 323.12zm24.3-25.78c-1.85.39-.81.17-2.64.68a7 7 0 0 0-.77.25c-.58.27-1.11.45-1.62.73-.43.24-4.07 1.86-7.03 5.48-3.99 4.95-5.44 11.43-5.19 17.67.24 6.06 2.02 9.41 2.35 10.23 1.38 2.96-1.85 3.57-4.79.39l-.01-.01c-2.35-2.49-3.86-6.29-4.6-9.66-2.98-13.95 3.24-27.97 17.61-33.57.8-.32 1.74-.51 2.5-.73h-.01c1.47-.44 6.72-1.5 12.07-.67 5.87.91 11.04 3.85 14.33 7.67l.01.01c2.53 2.87 4.43 6.92 4.09 10.53v.01c-.13 1.5-.79 3.65-2.14 4.21-.5.21-1.01.1-1.36-.25-.98-.96-.22-2.93-2.6-6.3-3.17-4.47-10.31-8.76-20.2-6.67zm30.28 31.17c1.88 10.82-6 20.5-15.52 20.7-6.67.15-10.31-4.02-9.66-4.93.3-.43 1.32-.24 2.88-.01 8.5 1.32 13.66-3.86 14.9-9.29.02-.09.35-1.54.34-2.54.07-.88-.03-1.76-.16-2.56-1-5.62-7.45-6.68-11.6-11.15-3.72-4.04-2.99-9.22-.65-11.71 2.81-2.77 6.83-1.76 6.78-.78 0 .52-.97.91-2.17 1.74-1.56 1.1-1.77 2.16-1.37 3.98.26 1 .71 1.65 1.68 2.42 3.48 2.76 12.85 4.7 14.55 14.13zm212.87-81.47c2.58.4 4.22 3.59 3.67 7.13-.55 3.54-3.09 6.08-5.67 5.67-2.58-.4-4.22-3.59-3.67-7.13.56-3.53 3.09-6.07 5.67-5.67zm-28.33 10.31c1.42-2.59 5.44-3.11 8.99-1.16 3.55 1.94 5.27 5.62 3.86 8.2-1.42 2.59-5.44 3.11-8.99 1.16-3.55-1.94-5.28-5.61-3.86-8.2z" ], mandalorian: [ 390, 512, [], "f50f", "M203.28 511.89c-.98-3.26-1.69-15.83-1.39-24.58.55-15.89.98-24.72 1.4-28.76.64-6.2 2.87-20.72 3.28-21.38.6-.96.4-27.87-.24-33.13-.31-2.58-.63-11.9-.69-20.73-.13-16.47-.53-20.12-2.73-24.76-1.1-2.32-1.23-3.84-.99-11.43.16-4.81 0-10.53-.34-12.71-2.05-12.97-3.46-27.7-3.25-33.9.21-6.12.43-7.15 2.06-9.67 3.05-4.71 6.51-14.04 8.62-23.27 2.26-9.86 3.88-17.18 4.59-20.74.89-4.42 2.43-9.72 4.36-15.05 2.27-6.25 2.49-15.39.37-15.39-.3 0-1.38 1.22-2.41 2.71-1.03 1.49-4.76 4.8-8.29 7.36-8.37 6.08-11.7 9.39-12.66 12.58-.93 3.11-1.02 7.23-.16 1.29 2.4 2.11 4.88 1.62 4.88 1.87 10.12.72 15.36-.39 1.77-1.05 5.47-1.46 8.23-.41 2.76-.98 6.46-1.25 8.22-.28 1.76-.97 3.68-1.55 4.26-.96.96-1.14.91-2.05-.53-.55-.87-1.2-3.01-1.44-4.75-.25-1.74-1.63-7.11-3.08-11.93-3.28-10.9-3.52-16.15-.96-20.96.92-1.73 1.67-3.81 1.67-4.61 0-2.39-2.2-5.32-7.41-9.89-7.05-6.18-8.63-7.92-10.23-11.3-1.71-3.6-3.06-4.06-4.54-1.54-1.78 3.01-2.6 9.11-2.97 22.02l-.35 12.13 1.95 2.25c3.21 3.7 12.07 16.45 13.78 19.83 3.41 6.74 4.34 11.69 4.41 23.56.07 11.84.95 22.75 2 1.35.34 1.52-.17.17.41 2.09 1.29 4.27.88 2.18 1.81 6.22 2.06 8.98.25 2.76 1.02 7.43 1.71 10.37 2.23 9.56 2.77 14.08 2.39 20.14-.2 3.27-.53 11.07-.73 17.32-1.31 41.76-1.85 57.98-2.04 61.21-.12 2.02-.39 11.51-.6 21.07-.36 16.3-1.3 27.37-2.42 28.65-.64.73-8.07-4.91-12.52-9.49-3.75-3.87-4.02-4.79-2.83-9.95.7-3.01 2.26-18.29 3.33-32.62.36-4.78.81-10.5 1.01-12.71.83-9.37 1.66-20.35 2.61-34.78.56-8.46 1.33-16.44 1.72-17.73.38-1.29.89-9.89 1.13-19.11l.43-16.77-2.26-4.3c-1.72-3.28-4.87-6.94-13.22-15.34-6.03-6.07-11.84-12.3-12.91-13.85l-1.95-2.81.75-10.9c1.09-15.71 1.1-48.57.02-59.06l-.89-8.7-3.28-4.52c-5.86-8.08-5.8-7.75-6.22-33.27-.1-6.07-.38-11.5-.63-12.06-.83-1.87-3.05-2.66-8.54-3.05-8.86-.62-10.96-1.9-23.85-14.55-6.15-6.04-12.34-11.97-13.75-13.19-2.81-2.42-2.79-1.99-.56-9.63l1.35-4.65-1.69-3.04c-.93-1.67-2.09-3.51-2.59-4.07-1.33-1.51-5.5-10.89-5.99-13.49-.31-1.66-.09-2.67.87-3.9 2.23-2.86 3.4-5.68 4.45-10.73 2.33-11.19 7.74-26.09 10.6-29.22 3.18-3.47 7.7-1.05 9.41 5.03 1.34 4.79 1.37 9.79.1 18.55-.53 3.68-.98 8.68-.99 11.11-.02 4.01.19 4.69 2.25 7.39 3.33 4.37 7.73 7.41 15.2 10.52 1.7.71 3.82 1.99 4.72 2.85 11.17 10.72 18.62 16.18 22.95 16.85 5.18.8 7.98 4.54 10.04 13.39 1.31 5.65 4 11.14 5.46 11.14.59 0 2.09-.63 3.33-1.39 1.98-1.22 2.25-1.73 2.25-4.18-.01-3.71-1.17-14.08-2-17.84-.37-1.66-.78-4.06-.93-5.35-.14-1.29-.61-3.85-1.03-5.69-2.55-11.16-3.65-15.46-4.1-16.05-1.55-2.02-4.08-10.2-4.93-15.92-1.64-11.11-3.96-14.23-12.91-17.39-4.64-1.64-8.89-4.12-13.32-7.78-1.15-.95-4.01-3.22-6.35-5.06-2.35-1.83-4.41-3.53-4.6-3.76-.18-.23-1.39-1.14-2.69-2.02-6.24-4.22-8.84-6.98-11.26-11.96l-2.44-5.02-.22-12.98-.22-12.98 6.91-6.55c3.95-3.75 8.48-7.35 10.59-8.43 3.31-1.69 4.45-1.89 11.37-2.05 8.53-.19 10.12.02 11.66 1.56 1.53 1.53 1.36 6.4-.29 8.5-.74.94-1.34 1.98-1.34 2.32 0 .58-2.61 4.91-5.42 8.99-.68.99-2.13 5.35-2.37 6.82 20.44 13.39 21.55 3.77 14.07 28.98l11.4 2.54c3.11-8.66 6.47-17.26 8.61-26.22.29-7.63-11.98-4.19-15.4-8.68-2.33-5.93 3.13-14.18 6.06-19.2 1.6-2.34 6.62-4.7 8.82- 4.16-.35 7.37-1.28 3.18-.92 6.58-1.68 7.55-1.68.97 0 3.66-.58 5.98-1.29 3.65-1.11 4.5-1.17 6.35-.4 1.17.48 3.79 1.09 5.82 1.36 2.02.26 4.72 1.12 6 1.91 1.28.79 3.53 1.77 5.02 2.17 2.51.68 3 .57 7.05-1.67l4.35-2.4 10.7-.41c10.44-.4 10.81-.47 15.26-2.68l4.58-2.3 2.46 1.43c1.76 1.02 3.14 2.73 4.85 5.98 2.36 4.51 2.38 4.58 1.37 7.37-.88 2.44-.89 3.3-.1 6.39.5 1.96 1.45 4.62 2.1 5.91.65 1.29 1.24 3.09 1.31 4.01.31 4.33-.03 5.3-2.41 6.92-2.17 1.47-6.98 7.91-6.98 9.34 0 .32-.48 1.69-1.07 3.03-5.04 11.51-6.76 13.56-14.26 16.98-9.2 4.2-12.3 5.19-16.21 5.19-3.1 0-4 .25-4.54 1.26-.37.69-2.21 2.37-4.09 3.71-2.04 1.47-3.8 3.38-4.38 4.78-.54 1.28-1.66 2.59-2.49 2.91-.83.32-1.94 1.08-2.45 1.71-.52.62-3.66 3.04-7 5.38-3.33 2.34-6.87 5.02-7.87 5.96-1 .94-2.07 1.71-2.39 1.71s-1.28.74-2.13 1.65c-1.31 1.39-1.49 2.11-1.14 4.6.22 1.63.86 4.27 1.42 5.88 1.32 3.8 1.31 7.86-.05 10.57-1.43 2.86-.89 6.65 1.35 9.59 2.01 2.63 2.16 4.56.71 8.84-.61 1.8-1.05 5.45-1.06 8.91-.02 4.88.22 6.28 1.46 8.38 1.2 2.04 1.82 2.48 3.24 2.32 1.98-.23 2.3-1.05 4.71-12.12 2.18-10.03 3.71-11.92 13.76-17.08 2.94-1.51 7.46-3.96 10.03-5.44 2.58-1.48 6.79-3.69 9.37-4.91 6.67-3.16 11.05-6.52 15.22-11.67 7.11-8.79 9.98-16.22 12.85-33.3.55-3.28 1.43-5.65 2.86-7.73 1.29-1.87 2.37-4.62 2.89-7.31 1.02-5.3 2.85-9.08 5.58-11.51 4.7-4.18 6-1.09 4.59 10.87-.46 3.86-1.1 10.33-1.44 14.38l-.61 7.36 4.45 4.09 4.45 4.09.11 8.42c.06 4.63.47 9.53.92 10.89l.82 2.47-6.43 6.28c-8.54 8.33-12.88 13.93-16.76 21.61-1.77 3.49-3.74 7.11-4.38 8.03-2.18 3.11-6.46 13.01-8.76 20.26l-2.29 7.22-6.97 6.49c-3.83 3.57-7.96 7.25-9.17 8.17-3.05 2.32-4.26 5.15-4.26 9.99 0 2.98.43 4.96 1.59 7.26.87 1.74 1.81 3.91 2.09 2.22 1.57 2.89 1.4 1.59 1.92 16.12.83 23.22-.68 4.48-3.63 12.02-4.7 12.02-1.79 0-4.06 9.27-5.07 20.74-.18 2.02-.62 5.94-.98 8.7-.36 2.76-.96 9.98-1.35 16.05-.77 12.22-.19 18.77 2.05 23.15 3.41 6.69.52 12.69-11.03 22.84l-3.97 3.49.07 5.19c.04 2.86.55 6.85 1.14 8.87 4.61 15.98 4.73 16.92 4.38 37.13-.46 26.4-.26 40.27.63 44.15.42 1.84.91 5 1.08 7.02.17 2.02.66 5.33 1.08 7.36.47 2.26.78 11.02.79 22.74l.02 19.06-1.81 2.63c-2.71 3.91-15.11 13.54-15.49 12.29zm29.53-45.11c-.18-.3-.33-6.87-.33-14.59 0-14.06-.89-27.54-2.26-34.45-.4-2.02-.81-9.7-.9-17.06-.15-11.93-1.4-24.37-2.64-26.38-.66-1.07-3.02-17.66-3.03-21.3-.01-4.23 1.02-6 5.28-9.13 4.14-3.04 4.86-3.14 5.48-.72.28 1.1 1.45 5.62 2.6 10.03 3.93 15.12 4.14 16.27 4.05 21.74-.1 5.78-.13 6.13-1.74 17.73-.98 7.07-1.17 12.39-1.04 28.43.17 19.4-.64 35.73-2.04 41.27-.71 2.78-2.8 5.48-3.43 4.43zm-70.99-37.58c-.24-.38-1.01-5.24-1.73-10.79-.72-5.56-1.49-10.41-1.73-10.79-.23-.38-.68-3.3-.99-6.49-.31-3.19-.91-7.46-1.33-9.48-.99-4.79-3.35-19.35-3.42-21.07-.03-.74-.34-4.05-.7-7.36-.67-6.21-.84-27.67-.22-28.29.96-.96 6.63 2.76 11.33 7.43l5.28 5.25-.45 6.47c-.25 3.56-.6 10.23-.78 14.83-.18 4.6-.49 9.87-.67 11.71-.18 1.84-.61 9.36-.94 16.72-.79 17.41-1.94 31.29-2.65 32-.32.3-.76.24-1-.14zM74.63 162.61c21.07 12.79 17.84 14.15 28.49 17.66 13.01 4.29 18.87 7.13 23.15 16.87-43.66 36.14-69.01 57.9-76.71 70.82-31.02 52.01-5.99 101.59 62.75 87.21-14.18 29.23-77.97 28.63-98.68-4.9-24.68-39.95-22.09-118.3 61-187.66zm210.79 179.02c56.66 6.88 82.32-37.74 46.54-89.23 0 0-26.87-29.34-64.28-67.96 2.98-15.45 9.49-32.12 30.57-53.82 89.2 63.51 92 141.61 92.46 149.36 4.27 70.58-78.66 91.12-105.29 61.65z" ], mastodon: [ 417, 512, [], "f4f6", "M417.8 179.1c0-97.2-63.7-125.7-63.7-125.7-62.5-28.7-228.5-28.4-290.4 0 0 0-63.7 28.5-63.7 125.7 0 115.7-6.6 259.4 105.6 289.1 40.5 10.7 75.3 13 103.3 11.4 50.8-2.8 79.3-18.1 79.3-18.1l-1.7-36.9s-36.3 11.4-77.1 10.1c-40.4-1.4-83-4.4-89.6-54-.6-4.4-.9-9-.9-13.9 85.6 20.9 158.6 9.1 178.7 6.7 56.1-6.7 105-41.3 111.2-72.9 9.8-49.8 9-121.5 9-121.5zm-75.1 125.2h-46.6V190.1c0-49.7-64-51.6-64 6.9v62.5h-46.3V197c0-58.5-64-56.6-64-6.9v114.2H75.1c0-122.1-5.2-147.9 18.4-175 25.9-28.9 79.8-30.8 103.8 6.1l11.6 19.5 11.6-19.5c24.1-37.1 78.1-34.8 103.8-6.1 23.7 27.3 18.4 53 18.4 175z" ], maxcdn: [ 512, 512, [], "f136", "M461.1 442.7h-97.4L415.6 200c2.3-10.2.9-19.5-4.4-25.7-5-6.1-13.7-9.6-24.2-9.6h-49.3l-59.5 278h-97.4l59.5-278h-83.4l-59.5 278H0l59.5-278-44.6-95.4H387c39.4 0 75.3 16.3 98.3 44.9 23.3 28.6 31.8 67.4 23.6 105.9l-47.8 222.6z" ], medapps: [ 320, 512, [], "f3c6", "M118.3 238.4c3.5-12.5 6.9-33.6 13.2-33.6 8.3 1.8 9.6 23.4 18.6 36.6 4.6-23.5 5.3-85.1 14.1-86.7 9-.7 19.7 66.5 22 77.5 9.9 4.1 48.9 6.6 48.9 6.6 1.9 7.3-24 7.6-40 7.8-4.6 14.8-5.4 27.7-11.4 28-4.7.2-8.2-28.8-17.5-49.6l-9.4 65.5c-4.4 13-15.5-22.5-21.9-39.3-3.3-.1-62.4-1.6-47.6-7.8l31-5zM228 448c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32H92c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h136zm-24 64c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32h-88c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h88zm34.2-141.5c3.2-18.9 5.2-36.4 11.9-48.8 7.9-14.7 16.1-28.1 24-41 24.6-40.4 45.9-75.2 45.9-125.5C320 69.6 248.2 0 160 0S0 69.6 0 155.2c0 50.2 21.3 85.1 45.9 125.5 7.9 12.9 16 26.3 24 41 6.7 12.5 8.7 29.8 11.9 48.9 3.5 21 36.1 15.7 32.6-5.1-3.6-21.7-5.6-40.7-15.3-58.6C66.5 246.5 33 211.3 33 155.2 33 87.3 90 32 160 32s127 55.3 127 123.2c0 56.1-33.5 91.3-66.1 151.6-9.7 18-11.7 37.4-15.3 58.6-3.4 20.6 29 26.4 32.6 5.1z" ], medium: [ 448, 512, [], "f23a", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm372.2 106.1l-24 23c-2.1 1.6-3.1 4.2-2.7 6.7v169.3c-.4 2.6.6 5.2 2.7 6.7l23.5 23v5.1h-118V367l24.3-23.6c2.4-2.4 2.4-3.1 2.4-6.7V199.8l-67.6 171.6h-9.1L125 199.8v115c-.7 4.8 1 9.7 4.4 13.2l31.6 38.3v5.1H71.2v-5.1l31.6-38.3c3.4-3.5 4.9-8.4 4.1-13.2v-133c.4-3.7-1-7.3-3.8-9.8L75 138.1V133h87.3l67.4 148L289 133.1h83.2v5z" ], "medium-m": [ 512, 512, [], "f3c7", "M71.5 142.3c.6-5.9-1.7-11.8-6.1-15.8L20.3 72.1V64h140.2l108.4 237.7L364.2 64h133.7v8.1l-38.6 37c-3.3 2.5-5 6.7-4.3 10.8v272c-.7 4.1 1 8.3 4.3 10.8l37.7 37v8.1H307.3v-8.1l39.1-37.9c3.8-3.8 3.8-5 3.8-10.8V171.2L241.5 447.1h-14.7L100.4 171.2v184.9c-1.1 7.8 1.5 15.6 7 21.2l50.8 61.6v8.1h-144v-8L65 377.3c5.4-5.6 7.9-13.5 6.5-21.2V142.3z" ], medrt: [ 544, 512, [], "f3c8", "M113.7 256c0 121.8 83.9 222.8 193.5 241.1-18.7 4.5-38.2 6.9-58.2 6.9C111.4 504 0 393 0 256S111.4 8 248.9 8c20.1 0 39.6 2.4 58.2 6.9C197.5 33.2 113.7 134.2 113.7 256m297.4 100.3c-77.7 55.4-179.6 47.5-240.4-14.6 5.5 14.1 12.7 27.7 21.7 40.5 61.6 88.2 182.4 109.3 269.7 47 87.3-62.3 108.1-184.3 46.5-272.6-9-12.9-19.3-24.3-30.5-34.2 37.4 78.8 10.7 178.5-67 233.9m-218.8-244c-1.4 1-2.7 2.1-4 3.1 64.3-17.8 135.9 4 178.9 60.5 35.7 47 42.9 106.6 24.4 158 56.7-56.2 67.6-142.1 22.3-201.8-50-65.5-149.1-74.4-221.6-19.8M296 224c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-40c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v40c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-40c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h40c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v40c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-40c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h40c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-40z" ], meetup: [ 512, 512, [], "f2e0", "M99 414.3c1.1 5.7-2.3 11.1-8 12.3-5.4 1.1-10.9-2.3-12-8-1.1-5.4 2.3-11.1 7.7-12.3 5.4-1.2 11.1 2.3 12.3 8zm143.1 71.4c-6.3 4.6-8 13.4-3.7 20 4.6 6.6 13.4 8.3 20 3.7 6.3-4.6 8-13.4 3.4-20-4.2-6.5-13.1-8.3-19.7-3.7zm-86-462.3c6.3-1.4 10.3-7.7 8.9-14-1.1-6.6-7.4-10.6-13.7-9.1-6.3 1.4-10.3 7.7-9.1 14 1.4 6.6 7.6 10.6 13.9 9.1zM34.4 226.3c-10-6.9-23.7-4.3-30.6 6-6.9 10-4.3 24 5.7 30.9 10 7.1 23.7 4.6 30.6-5.7 6.9-10.4 4.3-24.1-5.7-31.2zm272-170.9c10.6-6.3 13.7-20 7.7-30.3-6.3-10.6-19.7-14-30-7.7s-13.7 20-7.4 30.6c6 10.3 19.4 13.7 29.7 7.4zm-191.1 58c7.7-5.4 9.4-16 4.3-23.7s-15.7-9.4-23.1-4.3c-7.7 5.4-9.4 16-4.3 23.7 5.1 7.8 15.6 9.5 23.1 4.3zm372.3 156c-7.4 1.7-12.3 9.1-10.6 16.9 1.4 7.4 8.9 12.3 16.3 10.6 7.4-1.4 12.3-8.9 10.6-16.6-1.5-7.4-8.9-12.3-16.3-10.9zm39.7-56.8c-1.1-5.7-6.6-9.1-12-8-5.7 1.1-9.1 6.9-8 12.6 1.1 5.4 6.6 9.1 12.3 8 5.4-1.5 9.1-6.9 7.7-12.6zM447 138.9c-8.6 6-10.6 17.7-4.9 26.3 5.7 8.6 17.4 10.6 26 4.9 8.3-6 10.3-17.7 4.6-26.3-5.7-8.7-17.4-10.9-25.7-4.9zm-6.3 139.4c26.3 43.1 15.1 100-26.3 129.1-17.4 12.3-37.1 17.7-56.9 17.1-12 47.1-69.4 64.6-105.1 32.6-1.1.9-2.6 1.7-3.7 2.9-39.1 27.1-92.3 17.4-119.4-22.3-9.7-14.3-14.6-30.6-15.1-46.9-65.4-10.9-90-94-41.1-139.7-28.3-46.9.6-107.4 53.4-114.9C151.6 70 234.1 38.6 290.1 82c67.4-22.3 136.3 29.4 130.9 101.1 41.1 12.6 52.8 66.9 19.7 95.2zm-70 74.3c-3.1-20.6-40.9-4.6-43.1-27.1-3.1-32 43.7-101.1 40-128-3.4-24-19.4-29.1-33.4-29.4-13.4-.3-16.9 2-21.4 4.6-2.9 1.7-6.6 4.9-11.7-.3-6.3-6-11.1-11.7-19.4-12.9-12.3-2-17.7 2-26.6 9.7-3.4 2.9-12 12.9-20 9.1-3.4-1.7-15.4-7.7-24-11.4-16.3-7.1-40 4.6-48.6 20-12.9 22.9-38 113.1-41.7 125.1-8.6 26.6 10.9 48.6 36.9 47.1 11.1-.6 18.3-4.6 25.4-17.4 4-7.4 41.7-107.7 44.6-112.6 2-3.4 8.9-8 14.6-5.1 5.7 3.1 6.9 9.4 6 15.1-1.1 9.7-28 70.9-28.9 77.7-3.4 22.9 26.9 26.6 38.6 4 3.7-7.1 45.7-92.6 49.4-98.3 4.3-6.3 7.4-8.3 11.7-8 3.1 0 8.3.9 7.1 10.9-1.4 9.4-35.1 72.3-38.9 87.7-4.6 20.6 6.6 41.4 24.9 50.6 11.4 5.7 62.5 15.7 58.5-11.1zm5.7 92.3c-10.3 7.4-12.9 22-5.7 32.6 7.1 10.6 21.4 13.1 32 6 10.6-7.4 13.1-22 6-32.6-7.4-10.6-21.7-13.5-32.3-6z" ], megaport: [ 496, 512, [], "f5a3", "M248 8C111.04 8 0 119.04 0 256c0 136.97 111.04 248 248 248 136.96 0 248-111.03 248-248C496 119.04 384.96 8 248 8zm85.46 267.67l59.66 59.67v87.05l-26.07 19.23L341 422.39v-65.46l-33.44-33.44-33.44 33.44v65.46L248 441.62l-26.12-19.23v-65.46l-33.44-33.44L155 356.92v65.46l-26.07 19.23-26.06-19.23v-87.05l59.47-59.47V188l59.5-59.5V52.88l26.06-19.23 26.06 19.23v75.64l59.5 59.5m-85.56-11.86l33.44 33.44V276L248 309.33l-33.54-33.54v-66.2l33.44-33.43z" ], microsoft: [ 448, 512, [], "f3ca", "M0 32h214.6v214.6H0V32zm233.4 0H448v214.6H233.4V32zM0 265.4h214.6V480H0V265.4zm233.4 0H448V480H233.4V265.4z" ], mix: [ 448, 512, [], "f3cb", "M0 64v348.9c0 56.2 88 58.1 88 0V174.3c7.9-52.9 88-50.4 88 6.5v175.3c0 57.9 96 58 96 0V240c5.3-54.7 88-52.5 88 4.3v23.8c0 59.9 88 56.6 88 0V64H0z" ], mixcloud: [ 640, 512, [], "f289", "M424.43 219.729C416.124 134.727 344.135 68 256.919 68c-72.266 0-136.224 46.516-159.205 114.074-54.545 8.029-96.63 54.822-96.63 111.582 0 62.298 50.668 112.966 113.243 112.966h289.614c52.329 0 94.969-42.362 94.969-94.693 0-45.131-32.118-83.063-74.48-92.2zm-20.489 144.53H114.327c-39.04 0-70.881-31.564-70.881-70.604s31.841-70.604 70.881-70.604c18.827 0 36.548 7.475 49.838 20.766 19.963 19.963 50.133-10.227 30.18-30.18-14.675-14.398-32.672-24.365-52.053-29.349 19.935-44.3 64.79-73.926 114.628-73.926 69.496 0 125.979 56.483 125.979 125.702 0 13.568-2.215 26.857-6.369 39.594-8.943 27.517 32.133 38.939 40.147 13.29 2.769-8.306 4.984-16.889 6.369-25.472 19.381 7.476 33.502 26.303 33.502 48.453 0 28.795-23.535 52.33-52.607 52.33zm235.069-52.33c0 44.024-12.737 86.386-37.102 122.657-4.153 6.092-10.798 9.414-17.72 9.414-16.317 0-27.127-18.826-17.443-32.949 19.381-29.349 29.903-63.682 29.903-99.122s-10.521-69.773-29.903-98.845c-15.655-22.831 19.361-47.24 35.163-23.534 24.366 35.993 37.102 78.356 37.102 122.379zm-70.88 0c0 31.565-9.137 62.021-26.857 88.325-4.153 6.091-10.798 9.136-17.72 9.136-17.201 0-27.022-18.979-17.443-32.948 13.013-19.104 19.658-41.255 19.658-64.513 0-22.981-6.645-45.408-19.658-64.512-15.761-22.986 19.008-47.095 35.163-23.535 17.719 26.026 26.857 56.483 26.857 88.047z" ], mizuni: [ 496, 512, [], "f3cc", "M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm-80 351.9c-31.4 10.6-58.8 27.3-80 48.2V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v223.9zm120-9.9c-12.9-2-26.2-3.1-39.8-3.1-13.8 0-27.2 1.1-40.2 3.1V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v214zm120 57.7c-21.2-20.8-48.6-37.4-80-48V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v271.7z" ], modx: [ 448, 512, [], "f285", "M356 241.8l36.7 23.7V480l-133-83.8L356 241.8zM440 75H226.3l-23 37.8 153.5 96.5L440 75zm-89 142.8L55.2 32v214.5l46 29L351 217.8zM97 294.2L8 437h213.7l125-200.5L97 294.2z" ], monero: [ 496, 512, [], "f3d0", "M352 384h108.4C417 455.9 338.1 504 248 504S79 455.9 35.6 384H144V256.2L248 361l104-105v128zM88 336V128l159.4 159.4L408 128v208h74.8c8.5-25.1 13.2-52 13.2-80C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256c0 28 4.6 54.9 13.2 80H88z" ], napster: [ 496, 512, [], "f3d2", "M298.3 373.6c-14.2 13.6-31.3 24.1-50.4 30.5-19-6.4-36.2-16.9-50.3-30.5h100.7zm44-199.6c20-16.9 43.6-29.2 69.6-36.2V299c0 219.4-328 217.6-328 .3V137.7c25.9 6.9 49.6 19.6 69.5 36.4 56.8-40 132.5-39.9 188.9-.1zm-208.8-58.5c64.4-60 164.3-60.1 228.9-.2-7.1 3.5-13.9 7.3-20.6 11.5-58.7-30.5-129.2-30.4-187.9.1-6.3-4-13.9-8.2-20.4-11.4zM43.8 93.2v69.3c-58.4 36.5-58.4 121.1.1 158.3 26.4 245.1 381.7 240.3 407.6 1.5l.3-1.7c58.7-36.3 58.9-121.7.2-158.2V93.2c-17.3.5-34 3-50.1 7.4-82-91.5-225.5-91.5-307.5.1-16.3-4.4-33.1-7-50.6-7.5zM259.2 352s36-.3 61.3-1.5c10.2-.5 21.1-4 25.5-6.5 26.3-15.1 25.4-39.2 26.2-47.4-79.5-.6-99.9-3.9-113 55.4zm-135.5-55.3c.8 8.2-.1 32.3 26.2 47.4 4.4 2.5 15.2 6 25.5 6.5 25.3 1.1 61.3 1.5 61.3 1.5-13.2-59.4-33.7-56.1-113-55.4zm169.1 123.4c-3.2-5.3-6.9-7.3-6.9-7.3-24.8 7.3-52.2 6.9-75.9 0 0 0-2.9 1.5-6.4 6.6-2.8 4.1-3.7 9.6-3.7 9.6 29.1 17.6 67.1 17.6 96.2 0-.1-.1-.3-4-3.3-8.9z" ], nimblr: [ 355, 512, [], "f5a8", "M232.6 299.29c15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 26.96 0 15.55-11.62 26.96-27.15 26.96-15.7 0-27.15-11.57-27.15-26.96 0-15.51 11.58-26.96 27.15-26.96zM99.01 326.25c0-15.61 11.68-26.96 27.15-26.96 15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 26.96 0 15.41-11.47 26.96-27.15 26.96-15.44 0-27.15-11.31-27.15-26.96m78.75-167.3C143 158.95 75.45 178.77 45.25 227L0 0v335.48C0 433.13 79.61 512 177.76 512c98.24 0 177.76-78.95 177.76-176.52 0-97.46-79.39-176.53-177.76-176.53zm0 308.12c-73.27 0-132.51-58.9-132.51-131.59 0-72.68 59.24-131.59 132.51-131.59 73.27 0 132.51 58.91 132.51 131.59s-59.25 131.59-132.51 131.59z" ], "nintendo-switch": [ 448, 512, [], "f418", "M95.9 33.5c-44.6 8-80.5 41-91.8 84.4C0 133.6-.3 142.8.2 264.4.4 376 .5 378.6 2.4 387.3c10.3 46.5 43.3 79.6 90.3 90.5 6.1 1.4 13.9 1.7 64.1 1.9 51.9.4 57.3.3 58.7-1.1 1.4-1.4 1.5-19.3 1.5-222.2 0-150.5-.3-221.3-.9-222.6-.9-1.7-2.5-1.8-56.9-1.7-44.2.1-57.5.4-63.3 1.4zm83.9 222.6V444l-37.8-.5c-34.8-.4-38.5-.6-45.5-2.3-29.9-7.7-52-30.7-58.3-60.7-2-9.4-2-240.1-.1-249.3 5.6-26.1 23.7-47.7 48-57.4 12.2-4.9 17.9-5.5 57.6-5.6l35.9-.1v188zm-75.9-131.2c-5.8 1.1-14.7 5.6-19.5 9.7-9.7 8.4-14.6 20.4-13.8 34.5.4 7.3.8 9.3 3.8 15.2 4.4 9 10.9 15.6 19.9 20 6.2 3.1 7.8 3.4 15.9 3.7 7.3.3 9.9 0 14.8-1.7 20.1-6.8 32.3-26.3 28.8-46.4-3.9-23.7-26.6-39.7-49.9-35zm158.2-92.3c-.4.3-.6 100.8-.6 223.5 0 202.3.1 222.8 1.5 223.4 2.5.9 74.5.6 83.4-.4 37.7-4.3 71-27.2 89-61.2 2.3-4.4 5.4-11.7 7-16.2 5.8-17.4 5.7-12.8 5.7-146.1 0-106.4-.2-122.3-1.5-129-9.2-48.3-46.1-84.8-94.5-93.1-6.5-1.1-16.5-1.4-48.8-1.4-22.4-.1-40.9.2-41.2.5zm99.1 202.1c14.5 3.8 26.3 14.8 31.2 28.9 3.1 8.7 3 21.5-.1 29.5-5.7 14.7-16.8 25-31.1 28.8-23.2 6-47.9-8-54.6-31-2-7-1.9-18.9.4-26.2 6.9-22.7 31-36.1 54.2-30z" ], node: [ 640, 512, [], "f419", "M316.3 452c-2.1 0-4.2-.6-6.1-1.6L291 439c-2.9-1.6-1.5-2.2-.5-2.5 3.8-1.3 4.6-1.6 8.7-4 .4-.2 1-.1 1.4.1l14.8 8.8c.5.3 1.3.3 1.8 0L375 408c.5-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-66.7c0-.7-.3-1.3-.9-1.6l-57.8-33.3c-.5-.3-1.2-.3-1.8 0l-57.8 33.3c-.6.3-.9 1-.9 1.6v66.7c0 .6.4 1.2.9 1.5l15.8 9.1c8.6 4.3 13.9-.8 13.9-5.8v-65.9c0-.9.7-1.7 1.7-1.7h7.3c.9 0 1.7.7 1.7 1.7v65.9c0 11.5-6.2 18-17.1 18-3.3 0-6 0-13.3-3.6l-15.2-8.7c-3.7-2.2-6.1-6.2-6.1-10.5v-66.7c0-4.3 2.3-8.4 6.1-10.5l57.8-33.4c3.7-2.1 8.5-2.1 12.1 0l57.8 33.4c3.7 2.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 10.5v66.7c0 4.3-2.3 8.4-6.1 10.5l-57.8 33.4c-1.7 1.1-3.8 1.7-6 1.7zm46.7-65.8c0-12.5-8.4-15.8-26.2-18.2-18-2.4-19.8-3.6-19.8-7.8 0-3.5 1.5-8.1 14.8-8.1 11.9 0 16.3 2.6 18.1 1.3 1.6 1.3h7.5c.5 0 .9-.2 1.2-.5.3-.4.5-.8.4-1.3-1.2-13.8-10.3-20.2-28.8-20.2-16.5 0-26.3 7-26.3 18.6 0 12.7 9.8 16.1 25.6 17.7 18.9 1.9 20.4 4.6 20.4 8.3 0 6.5-5.2 9.2-17.4 9.2-15.3 0-18.7-3.8-19.8-11.4-.1-.8-.8-1.4-1.7-1.4h-7.5c-.9 0-1.7.7-1.7 1.7 0 9.7 5.3 21.3 30.6 21.3 18.5 0 29-7.2 29-19.8zm54.5-50.1c0 6.1-5 11.1-11.1 11.1s-11.1-5-11.1-11.1c0-6.3 5.2-11.1 11.1-11.1 6-.1 11.1 4.8 11.1 11.1zm-1.8 0c0-5.2-4.2-9.3-9.4-9.3-5.1 0-9.3 4.1-9.3 9.3 0 5.2 4.2 9.4 9.3 9.4 5.2-.1 9.4-4.3 9.4-9.4zm-4.5 6.2h-2.6c-.1-.6-.5-3.8-.5-3.9-.2-.7-.4-1.1-1.3-1.1h-2.2v5h-2.4v-12.5h4.3c1.5 0 4.4 0 4.4 3.3 0 2.3-1.5 2.8-2.4 3.1 1.7.1 1.8 1.2 2.1 2.8.1 1 .3 2.7.6 3.3zm-2.8-8.8c0-1.7-1.2-1.7-1.8-1.7h-2v3.5h1.9c1.6 0 1.9-1.1 1.9-1.8zM137.3 191c0-2.7-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-61.3-35.3c-1-.6-2.2-.9-3.4-1h-.6c-1.2 0-2.3.4-3.4 1L3.7 184.6C1.4 185.9 0 188.4 0 191l.1 95c0 1.3.7 2.5 1.8 3.2 1.1.7 2.5.7 3.7 0L42 268.3c2.3-1.4 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4v-44.4c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l15.5-8.9c1.2-.7 2.4-1 3.7-1 1.3 0 2.6.3 3.7 1l15.5 8.9c2.3 1.3 3.7 3.8 3.7 6.4v44.4c0 2.6 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l36.4 20.9c1.1.7 2.6.7 3.7 0 1.1-.6 1.8-1.9 1.8-3.2l.2-95zM472.5 87.3v176.4c0 2.6-1.4 5.1-3.7 6.4l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-5.1 1.3-7.4 0l-61.3-35.4c-2.3-1.3-3.7-3.8-3.7-6.4v-70.8c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l61.3-35.4c2.3-1.3 5.1-1.3 7.4 0l15.3 8.8c1.7 1 3.9-.3 3.9-2.2v-94c0-2.8 3-4.6 5.5-3.2l36.5 20.4c2.3 1.2 3.8 3.7 3.8 6.4zm-46 128.9c0-.7-.4-1.3-.9-1.6l-21-12.2c-.6-.3-1.3-.3-1.9 0l-21 12.2c-.6.3-.9.9-.9 1.6v24.3c0 .7.4 1.3.9 1.6l21 12.1c.6.3 1.3.3 1.8 0l21-12.1c.6-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-24.3zm209.8-.7c2.3-1.3 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4V192c0-2.6-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-60.9-35.4c-2.3-1.3-5.1-1.3-7.4 0l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-3.7 3.8-3.7 6.4v70.8c0 2.7 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l60.9 34.7c2.2 1.3 5 1.3 7.3 0l36.8-20.5c2.5-1.4 2.5-5 0-6.4L550 241.6c-1.2-.7-1.9-1.9-1.9-3.2v-22.2c0-1.3.7-2.5 1.9-3.2l19.2-11.1c1.1-.7 2.6-.7 3.7 0l19.2 11.1c1.1.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2v17.4c0 2.8 3.1 4.6 5.6 3.2l36.7-21.3zM559 219c-.4.3-.7.7-.7 1.2v13.6c0 .5.3 1 .7 1.2l11.8 6.8c.4.3 1 .3 1.4 0L584 235c.4-.3.7-.7.7-1.2v-13.6c0-.5-.3-1-.7-1.2l-11.8-6.8c-.4-.3-1-.3-1.4 0L559 219zm-254.2 43.5v-70.4c0-2.6-1.6-5.1-3.9-6.4l-61.1-35.2c-2.1-1.2-5-1.4-7.4 0l-61.1 35.2c-2.3 1.3-3.9 3.7-3.9 6.4v70.4c0 2.8 1.9 5.2 4 6.4l61.2 35.2c2.4 1.4 5.2 1.3 7.4 0l61-35.2c1.8-1 3.1-2.7 3.6-4.7.1-.5.2-1.1.2-1.7zm-74.3-124.9l-.8.5h1.1l-.3-.5zm76.2 130.2l-.4-.7v.9l.4-.2z" ], "node-js": [ 448, 512, [], "f3d3", "M224 508c-6.7 0-13.5-1.8-19.4-5.2l-61.7-36.5c-9.2-5.2-4.7-7-1.7-8 12.3-4.3 14.8-5.2 27.9-12.7 1.4-.8 3.2-.5 4.6.4l47.4 28.1c1.7 1 4.1 1 5.7 0l184.7-106.6c1.7-1 2.8-3 2.8-5V149.3c0-2.1-1.1-4-2.9-5.1L226.8 37.7c-1.7-1-4-1-5.7 0L36.6 144.3c-1.8 1-2.9 3-2.9 5.1v213.1c0 2 1.1 4 2.9 4.9l50.6 29.2c27.5 13.7 44.3-2.4 44.3-18.7V167.5c0-3 2.4-5.3 5.4-5.3h23.4c2.9 0 5.4 2.3 5.4 5.3V378c0 36.6-20 57.6-54.7 57.6-10.7 0-19.1 0-42.5-11.6l-48.4-27.9C8.1 389.2.7 376.3.7 362.4V149.3c0-13.8 7.4-26.8 19.4-33.7L204.6 9c11.7-6.6 27.2-6.6 38.8 0l184.7 106.7c12 6.9 19.4 19.8 19.4 33.7v213.1c0 13.8-7.4 26.7-19.4 33.7L243.4 502.8c-5.9 3.4-12.6 5.2-19.4 5.2zm149.1-210.1c0-39.9-27-50.5-83.7-58-57.4-7.6-63.2-11.5-63.2-24.9 0-11.1 4.9-25.9 47.4-25.9 37.9 0 51.9 8.2 57.7 33.8.5 2.4 2.7 4.2 5.2 4.2h24c1.5 0 2.9-.6 3.9-1.7s1.5-2.6 1.4-4.1c-3.7-44.1-33-64.6-92.2-64.6-52.7 0-84.1 22.2-84.1 59.5 0 40.4 31.3 51.6 81.8 56.6 60.5 5.9 65.2 14.8 65.2 26.7 0 20.6-16.6 29.4-55.5 29.4-48.9 0-59.6-12.3-63.2-36.6-.4-2.6-2.6-4.5-5.3-4.5h-23.9c-3 0-5.3 2.4-5.3 5.3 0 31.1 16.9 68.2 97.8 68.2 58.4-.1 92-23.2 92-63.4z" ], npm: [ 576, 512, [], "f3d4", "M288 288h-32v-64h32v64zm288-128v192H288v32H160v-32H0V160h576zm-416 32H32v128h64v-96h32v96h32V192zm160 0H192v160h64v-32h64V192zm224 0H352v128h64v-96h32v96h32v-96h32v96h32V192z" ], ns8: [ 640, 512, [], "f3d5", "M187.1 159.9l-34.2 113.7-54.5-113.7H49L0 320h44.9L76 213.5 126.6 320h56.9L232 159.9h-44.9zm452.5-.9c-2.9-18-23.9-28.1-42.1-31.3-44.6-7.8-101.9 16.3-88.5 58.8v.1c-43.8 8.7-74.3 26.8-94.2 48.2-3-9.8-13.6-16.6-34-16.6h-87.6c-9.3 0-12.9-2.3-11.5-7.4 1.6-5.5 1.9-6.8 3.7-12.2 2.1-6.4 7.8-7.1 13.3-7.1h133.5l9.7-31.5c-139.7 0-144.5-.5-160.1 1.2-12.3 1.3-23.5 4.8-30.6 15-6.8 9.9-14.4 35.6-17.6 47.1-5.4 19.4-.6 28.6 32.8 28.6h87.3c7.8 0 8.8 2.7 7.7 6.6-1.1 4.4-2.8 10-4.5 14.6-1.6 4.2-4.7 7.4-13.8 7.4H216.3L204.7 320c139.9 0 145.3-.6 160.9-2.3 6.6-.7 13-2.1 18.5-4.9.2 3.7.5 7.3 1.2 10.8 5.4 30.5 27.4 52.3 56.8 59.5 48.6 11.9 108.7-16.8 135.1-68 18.7-36.2 14.1-76.2-3.4-105.5h.1c29.6-5.9 70.3-22 65.7-50.6zM530.7 263.7c-5.9 29.5-36.6 47.8-61.6 43.9-30.9-4.8-38.5-39.5-14.1-64.8 16.2-16.8 45.2-24 68.5-26.9 6.7 14.1 10.3 32 7.2 47.8zm21.8-83.1c-4.2-6-9.8-18.5-2.5-26.3 6.7-7.2 20.9-10.1 31.8-7.7 15.3 3.4 19.7 15.9 4.9 24.4-10.7 6.1-23.6 8.1-34.2 9.6z" ], nutritionix: [ 400, 512, [], "f3d6", "M88 8.1S221.4-.1 209 112.5c0 0 19.1-74.9 103-40.6 0 0-17.7 74-88 56 0 0 14.6-54.6 66.1-56.6 0 0-39.9-10.3-82.1 48.8 0 0-19.8-94.5-93.6-99.7 0 0 75.2 19.4 77.6 107.5 0 .1-106.4 7-104-119.8zm312 315.6c0 48.5-9.7 95.3-32 132.3-42.2 30.9-105 48-168 48-62.9 0-125.8-17.1-168-48C9.7 419 0 372.2 0 323.7 0 275.3 17.7 229 40 192c42.2-30.9 97.1-48.6 160-48.6 63 0 117.8 17.6 160 48.6 22.3 37 40 83.3 40 131.7zM120 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM192 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM264 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM336 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm24-39.6c-4.8-22.3-7.4-36.9-16-56-38.8-19.9-90.5-32-144-32S94.8 180.1 56 200c-8.8 19.5-11.2 33.9-16 56 42.2-7.9 98.7-14.8 160-14.8s117.8 6.9 160 14.8z" ], odnoklassniki: [ 320, 512, [], "f263", "M275.1 334c-27.4 17.4-65.1 24.3-90 26.9l20.9 20.6 76.3 76.3c27.9 28.6-17.5 73.3-45.7 45.7-19.1-19.4-47.1-47.4-76.3-76.6L84 503.4c-28.2 27.5-73.6-17.6-45.4-45.7 19.4-19.4 47.1-47.4 76.3-76.3l20.6-20.6c-24.6-2.6-62.9-9.1-90.6-26.9-32.6-21-46.9-33.3-34.3-59 7.4-14.6 27.7-26.9 54.6-5.7 0 0 36.3 28.9 94.9 28.9s94.9-28.9 94.9-28.9c26.9-21.1 47.1-8.9 54.6 5.7 12.4 25.7-1.9 38-34.5 59.1zM30.3 129.7C30.3 58 88.6 0 160 0s129.7 58 129.7 129.7c0 71.4-58.3 129.4-129.7 129.4s-129.7-58-129.7-129.4zm66 0c0 35.1 28.6 63.7 63.7 63.7s63.7-28.6 63.7-63.7c0-35.4-28.6-64-63.7-64s-63.7 28.6-63.7 64z" ], "odnoklassniki-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f264", "M184.2 177.1c0-22.1 17.9-40 39.8-40s39.8 17.9 39.8 40c0 22-17.9 39.8-39.8 39.8s-39.8-17.9-39.8-39.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-305.1 97.1c0 44.6 36.4 80.9 81.1 80.9s81.1-36.2 81.1-80.9c0-44.8-36.4-81.1-81.1-81.1s-81.1 36.2-81.1 81.1zm174.5 90.7c-4.6-9.1-17.3-16.8-34.1-3.6 0 0-22.7 18-59.3 18s-59.3-18-59.3-18c-16.8-13.2-29.5-5.5-34.1 3.6-7.9 16.1 1.1 23.7 21.4 37 17.3 11.1 41.2 15.2 56.6 16.8l-12.9 12.9c-18.2 18-35.5 35.5-47.7 47.7-17.6 17.6 10.7 45.8 28.4 28.6l47.7-47.9c18.2 18.2 35.7 35.7 47.7 47.9 17.6 17.2 46-10.7 28.6-28.6l-47.7-47.7-13-12.9c15.5-1.6 39.1-5.9 56.2-16.8 20.4-13.3 29.3-21 21.5-37z" ], "old-republic": [ 496, 512, [], "f510", "M235.76 10.23c7.5-.31 15-.28 22.5-.09 3.61.14 7.2.4 10.79.73 4.92.27 9.79 1.03 14.67 1.62 2.93.43 5.83.98 8.75 1.46 7.9 1.33 15.67 3.28 23.39 5.4 12.24 3.47 24.19 7.92 35.76 13.21 26.56 12.24 50.94 29.21 71.63 49.88 20.03 20.09 36.72 43.55 48.89 69.19 1.13 2.59 2.44 5.1 3.47 7.74 2.81 6.43 5.39 12.97 7.58 19.63 4.14 12.33 7.34 24.99 9.42 37.83.57 3.14 1.04 6.3 1.4 9.47.55 3.83.94 7.69 1.18 11.56.83 8.34.84 16.73.77 25.1-.07 4.97-.26 9.94-.75 14.89-.24 3.38-.51 6.76-.98 10.12-.39 2.72-.63 5.46-1.11 8.17-.9 5.15-1.7 10.31-2.87 15.41-4.1 18.5-10.3 36.55-18.51 53.63-15.77 32.83-38.83 62.17-67.12 85.12a246.503 246.503 0 0 1-56.91 34.86c-6.21 2.68-12.46 5.25-18.87 7.41-3.51 1.16-7.01 2.38-10.57 3.39-6.62 1.88-13.29 3.64-20.04 5-4.66.91-9.34 1.73-14.03 2.48-5.25.66-10.5 1.44-15.79 1.74-6.69.66-13.41.84-20.12.81-6.82.03-13.65-.12-20.45-.79-3.29-.23-6.57-.5-9.83-.95-2.72-.39-5.46-.63-8.17-1.11-4.12-.72-8.25-1.37-12.35-2.22-4.25-.94-8.49-1.89-12.69-3.02-8.63-2.17-17.08-5.01-25.41-8.13-10.49-4.12-20.79-8.75-30.64-14.25-2.14-1.15-4.28-2.29-6.35-3.57-11.22-6.58-21.86-14.1-31.92-22.34-34.68-28.41-61.41-66.43-76.35-108.7-3.09-8.74-5.71-17.65-7.8-26.68-1.48-6.16-2.52-12.42-3.58-18.66-.4-2.35-.61-4.73-.95-7.09-.6-3.96-.75-7.96-1.17-11.94-.8-9.47-.71-18.99-.51-28.49.14-3.51.34-7.01.7-10.51.31-3.17.46-6.37.92-9.52.41-2.81.65-5.65 1.16-8.44.7-3.94 1.3-7.9 2.12-11.82 3.43-16.52 8.47-32.73 15.26-48.18 1.15-2.92 2.59-5.72 3.86-8.59 8.05-16.71 17.9-32.56 29.49-47.06 20-25.38 45.1-46.68 73.27-62.47 7.5-4.15 15.16-8.05 23.07-11.37 15.82-6.88 32.41-11.95 49.31-15.38 3.51-.67 7.04-1.24 10.56-1.85 2.62-.47 5.28-.7 7.91-1.08 3.53-.53 7.1-.68 10.65-1.04 2.46-.24 4.91-.36 7.36-.51m8.64 24.41c-9.23.1-18.43.99-27.57 2.23-7.3 1.08-14.53 2.6-21.71 4.3-13.91 3.5-27.48 8.34-40.46 14.42-10.46 4.99-20.59 10.7-30.18 17.22-4.18 2.92-8.4 5.8-12.34 9.03-5.08 3.97-9.98 8.17-14.68 12.59-2.51 2.24-4.81 4.7-7.22 7.06-28.22 28.79-48.44 65.39-57.5 104.69-2.04 8.44-3.54 17.02-4.44 25.65-1.1 8.89-1.44 17.85-1.41 26.8.11 7.14.38 14.28 1.22 21.37.62 7.12 1.87 14.16 3.2 21.18 1.07 4.65 2.03 9.32 3.33 13.91 6.29 23.38 16.5 45.7 30.07 65.75 8.64 12.98 18.78 24.93 29.98 35.77 16.28 15.82 35.05 29.04 55.34 39.22 7.28 3.52 14.66 6.87 22.27 9.63 5.04 1.76 10.06 3.57 15.22 4.98 11.26 3.23 22.77 5.6 34.39 7.06 2.91.29 5.81.61 8.72.9 13.82 1.08 27.74 1 41.54-.43 4.45-.6 8.92-.99 13.35-1.78 3.63-.67 7.28-1.25 10.87-2.1 4.13-.98 8.28-1.91 12.36-3.07 26.5-7.34 51.58-19.71 73.58-36.2 15.78-11.82 29.96-25.76 42.12-41.28 3.26-4.02 6.17-8.31 9.13-12.55 3.39-5.06 6.58-10.25 9.6-15.54 2.4-4.44 4.74-8.91 6.95-13.45 5.69-12.05 10.28-24.62 13.75-37.49 2.59-10.01 4.75-20.16 5.9-30.45 1.77-13.47 1.94-27.1 1.29-40.65-.29-3.89-.67-7.77-1-11.66-2.23-19.08-6.79-37.91-13.82-55.8-5.95-15.13-13.53-29.63-22.61-43.13-12.69-18.8-28.24-35.68-45.97-49.83-25.05-20-54.47-34.55-85.65-42.08-7.78-1.93-15.69-3.34-23.63-4.45-3.91-.59-7.85-.82-11.77-1.24-7.39-.57-14.81-.72-22.22-.58zM139.26 83.53c13.3-8.89 28.08-15.38 43.3-20.18-3.17 1.77-6.44 3.38-9.53 5.29-11.21 6.68-21.52 14.9-30.38 24.49-6.8 7.43-12.76 15.73-17.01 24.89-3.29 6.86-5.64 14.19-6.86 21.71-.93 4.85-1.3 9.81-1.17 14.75.13 13.66 4.44 27.08 11.29 38.82 5.92 10.22 13.63 19.33 22.36 27.26 4.85 4.36 10.24 8.09 14.95 12.6 2.26 2.19 4.49 4.42 6.43 6.91 2.62 3.31 4.89 6.99 5.99 11.1.9 3.02.66 6.2.69 9.31.02 4.1-.04 8.2.03 12.3.14 3.54-.02 7.09.11 10.63.08 2.38.02 4.76.05 7.14.16 5.77.06 11.53.15 17.3.11 2.91.02 5.82.13 8.74.03 1.63.13 3.28-.03 4.91-.91.12-1.82.18-2.73.16-10.99 0-21.88-2.63-31.95-6.93-6-2.7-11.81-5.89-17.09-9.83-5.75-4.19-11.09-8.96-15.79-14.31-6.53-7.24-11.98-15.39-16.62-23.95-1.07-2.03-2.24-4.02-3.18-6.12-1.16-2.64-2.62-5.14-3.67-7.82-4.05-9.68-6.57-19.94-8.08-30.31-.49-4.44-1.09-8.88-1.2-13.35-.7-15.73.84-31.55 4.67-46.82 2.12-8.15 4.77-16.18 8.31-23.83 6.32-14.2 15.34-27.18 26.3-38.19 6.28-6.2 13.13-11.84 20.53-16.67zm175.37-20.12c2.74.74 5.41 1.74 8.09 2.68 6.36 2.33 12.68 4.84 18.71 7.96 13.11 6.44 25.31 14.81 35.82 24.97 10.2 9.95 18.74 21.6 25.14 34.34 1.28 2.75 2.64 5.46 3.81 8.26 6.31 15.1 10 31.26 11.23 47.57.41 4.54.44 9.09.45 13.64.07 11.64-1.49 23.25-4.3 34.53-1.97 7.27-4.35 14.49-7.86 21.18-3.18 6.64-6.68 13.16-10.84 19.24-6.94 10.47-15.6 19.87-25.82 27.22-10.48 7.64-22.64 13.02-35.4 15.38-3.51.69-7.08 1.08-10.66 1.21-1.85.06-3.72.16-5.56-.1-.28-2.15 0-4.31-.01-6.46-.03-3.73.14-7.45.1-11.17.19-7.02.02-14.05.21-21.07.03-2.38-.03-4.76.03-7.14.17-5.07-.04-10.14.14-15.21.1-2.99-.24-6.04.51-8.96.66-2.5 1.78-4.86 3.09-7.08 4.46-7.31 11.06-12.96 17.68-18.26 5.38-4.18 10.47-8.77 15.02-13.84 7.68-8.37 14.17-17.88 18.78-28.27 2.5-5.93 4.52-12.1 5.55-18.46.86-4.37 1.06-8.83 1.01-13.27-.02-7.85-1.4-15.65-3.64-23.17-1.75-5.73-4.27-11.18-7.09-16.45-3.87-6.93-8.65-13.31-13.96-19.2-9.94-10.85-21.75-19.94-34.6-27.1-1.85-1.02-3.84-1.82-5.63-2.97zm-100.8 58.45c.98-1.18 1.99-2.33 3.12-3.38-.61.93-1.27 1.81-1.95 2.68-3.1 3.88-5.54 8.31-7.03 13.06-.87 3.27-1.68 6.6-1.73 10-.07 2.52-.08 5.07.32 7.57 1.13 7.63 4.33 14.85 8.77 21.12 2 2.7 4.25 5.27 6.92 7.33 1.62 1.27 3.53 2.09 5.34 3.05 3.11 1.68 6.32 3.23 9.07 5.48 2.67 2.09 4.55 5.33 4.4 8.79-.01 73.67 0 147.34-.01 221.02 0 1.35-.08 2.7.04 4.04.13 1.48.82 2.83 1.47 4.15.86 1.66 1.78 3.34 3.18 1.97 1.4 3.15 1.24 1.5-.2 2.66-1.35 3.45-2.57.96-1.51 1.68-3.16 2.28-4.85.76-2.13.44-4.42.54-6.63.14-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.89.03-11.77.06-17.66.14-3.62.03-7.24.11-10.86.15-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.99.03-11.98.07-17.97.14-3.62.02-7.24.11-10.86.14-3.93-.02-7.86.14-11.78.03-5.99.03-11.98.06-17.97.16-3.94-.01-7.88.19-11.82.29 1.44.13 2.92.22 4.38.19 3.61.42 7.23.76 10.84.32 3.44.44 6.89.86 10.32.37 3.1.51 6.22.95 9.31.57 4.09.87 8.21 1.54 12.29 1.46 9.04 2.83 18.11 5.09 26.99 1.13 4.82 2.4 9.61 4 14.3 2.54 7.9 5.72 15.67 10.31 22.62 1.73 2.64 3.87 4.98 6.1 1.31-.07 1.7-.57.71-.88 1.17-1.94 1.7-2.93 4.05-7.8 8.18-15.56 12.34-23.31.7-1.31 1.44-2.62 2.56-3.61 1.75-1.57 3.84-2.69 5.98-3.63 2.88-1.22 5.9-2.19 9.03-2.42 6.58-.62 13.11.75 19.56 1.85 3.69.58 7.4 1.17 11.13 1.41 3.74.1 7.48.05 11.21-.28 8.55-.92 16.99-2.96 24.94-6.25 5.3-2.24 10.46-4.83 15.31-7.93 11.46-7.21 21.46-16.57 30.04-27.01 1.17-1.42 2.25-2.9 3.46-4.28-1.2 3.24-2.67 6.37-4.16 9.48-1.25 2.9-2.84 5.61-4.27 8.42-5.16 9.63-11.02 18.91-17.75 27.52-4.03 5.21-8.53 10.05-13.33 14.57-6.64 6.05-14.07 11.37-22.43 14.76-8.21 3.37-17.31 4.63-26.09 3.29-3.56-.58-7.01-1.69-10.41-2.88-2.79-.97-5.39-2.38-8.03-3.69-3.43-1.71-6.64-3.81-9.71-6.08 2.71 3.06 5.69 5.86 8.7 8.61 4.27 3.76 8.74 7.31 13.63 10.23 3.98 2.45 8.29 4.4 12.84 5.51 1.46.37 2.96.46 4.45.6-1.25 1.1-2.63 2.04-3.99 2.98-9.61 6.54-20.01 11.86-30.69 16.43-20.86 8.7-43.17 13.97-65.74 15.34-4.66.24-9.32.36-13.98.36-4.98-.11-9.97-.13-14.92-.65-11.2-.76-22.29-2.73-33.17-5.43-10.35-2.71-20.55-6.12-30.3-10.55-8.71-3.86-17.12-8.42-24.99-13.79-1.83-1.31-3.74-2.53-5.37-4.08 6.6-1.19 13.03-3.39 18.99-6.48 5.74-2.86 10.99-6.66 15.63-11.07 2.24-2.19 4.29-4.59 6.19-7.09-3.43 2.13-6.93 4.15-10.62 5.78-4.41 2.16-9.07 3.77-13.81 5.02-5.73 1.52-11.74 1.73-17.61 1.14-8.13-.95-15.86-4.27-22.51-8.98-4.32-2.94-8.22-6.43-11.96-10.06-9.93-10.16-18.2-21.81-25.66-33.86-3.94-6.27-7.53-12.75-11.12-19.22-1.05-2.04-2.15-4.05-3.18-6.1 2.85 2.92 5.57 5.97 8.43 8.88 8.99 8.97 18.56 17.44 29.16 24.48 7.55 4.9 15.67 9.23 24.56 11.03 3.11.73 6.32.47 9.47.81 2.77.28 5.56.2 8.34.3 5.05.06 10.11.04 15.16-.16 3.65-.16 7.27-.66 10.89-1.09 2.07-.25 4.11-.71 6.14-1.2 3.88-.95 8.11-.96 11.83.61 4.76 1.85 8.44 5.64 11.38 9.71 2.16 3.02 4.06 6.22 5.66 9.58 1.16 2.43 2.46 4.79 3.55 7.26 1 2.24 2.15 4.42 3.42 6.52.67 1.02 1.4 2.15 2.62 2.55 1.06-.75 1.71-1.91 2.28-3.03 2.1-4.16 3.42-8.65 4.89-13.05 2.02-6.59 3.78-13.27 5.19-20.02 2.21-9.25 3.25-18.72 4.54-28.13.56-3.98.83-7.99 1.31-11.97.87-10.64 1.9-21.27 2.24-31.94.08-1.86.24-3.71.25-5.57.01-4.35.25-8.69.22-13.03-.01-2.38-.01-4.76 0-7.13.05-5.07-.2-10.14-.22-15.21-.2-6.61-.71-13.2-1.29-19.78-.73-5.88-1.55-11.78-3.12-17.51-2.05-7.75-5.59-15.03-9.8-21.82-3.16-5.07-6.79-9.88-11.09-14.03-3.88-3.86-8.58-7.08-13.94-8.45-1.5-.41-3.06-.45-4.59-.64.07-2.99.7-5.93 1.26-8.85 1.59-7.71 3.8-15.3 6.76-22.6 1.52-4.03 3.41-7.9 5.39-11.72 3.45-6.56 7.62-12.79 12.46-18.46zm31.27 1.7c.35-.06.71-.12 1.07-.19.19 1.79.09 3.58.1 5.37v38.13c-.01 1.74.13 3.49-.15 5.22-.36-.03-.71-.05-1.06-.05-.95-3.75-1.72-7.55-2.62-11.31-.38-1.53-.58-3.09-1.07-4.59-1.7-.24-3.43-.17-5.15-.2-5.06-.01-10.13 0-15.19-.01-1.66-.01-3.32.09-4.98-.03-.03-.39-.26-.91.16-1.18 1.28-.65 2.72-.88 4.06-1.35 3.43-1.14 6.88-2.16 10.31-3.31 1.39-.48 2.9-.72 4.16-1.54.04-.56.02-1.13-.05-1.68-1.23-.55-2.53-.87-3.81-1.28-3.13-1.03-6.29-1.96-9.41-3.02-1.79-.62-3.67-1-5.41-1.79-.03-.37-.07-.73-.11-1.09 5.09-.19 10.2.06 15.3-.12 3.36-.13 6.73.08 10.09-.07.12-.39.26-.77.37-1.16 1.08-4.94 2.33-9.83 3.39-14.75zm5.97-.2c. 3.85 1.73 7.76 2.71 11.61.36 1.42.56 2.88 1.03 4.27 2.53.18 5.07-.01 7.61.05 5.16.12 10.33.12 1.52.03 2.28.08-.04.36-.07.72-.1 1.08-1.82.83-3.78 1.25-5.67 1.89-3.73 1.23-7.48 2.39-11.22 3.57-.57.17-1.12.42-1.67.64-.15.55-.18 1.12-.12 1.82.81 2.77 1.09 4.88 1.52 9.73 3.14 14.63 1.18-1.66.13-3.31.03-4.97.04-5.17.01-10.33-.01-15.5.01-1.61.03-3.22-.02-4.82.21-.52 1.67-.72 3.42-1.17 5.11-.94 3.57-1.52 7.24-2.54 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1.66 1.91 3.48 2.78 5.26 2.1 4.45 4.24 8.9 6.02 13.49 7.61 18.76 12.3 38.79 13.04 59.05.02 1.76.07 3.52.11 5.29.13 9.57-1.27 19.09-3.18 28.45-.73 3.59-1.54 7.17-2.58 10.69-4.04 14.72-10 29-18.41 41.78-8.21 12.57-19.01 23.55-31.84 31.41-5.73 3.59-11.79 6.64-18.05 9.19-5.78 2.19-11.71 4.03-17.8 5.11-6.4 1.05-12.91 1.52-19.4 1.23-7.92-.48-15.78-2.07-23.21-4.85-1.94-.8-3.94-1.46-5.84-2.33-.21-1.51.25-2.99.53-4.46 1.16-5.74 3.03-11.36 5.7-16.58 2.37-4.51 5.52-8.65 9.46-11.9 2.43-2.05 5.24-3.61 8.16-4.83 3.58-1.5 7.47-1.97 11.24-2.83 7.23-1.71 14.37-3.93 21.15-7 10.35-4.65 19.71-11.38 27.65-19.46 1.59-1.61 3.23-3.18 4.74-4.87 3.37-3.76 6.71-7.57 9.85-11.53 7.48-10.07 12.82-21.59 16.71-33.48 1.58-5.3 3.21-10.6 4.21-16.05.63-2.87 1.04-5.78 1.52-8.68.87-6.09 1.59-12.22 1.68-18.38.12-6.65.14-13.32-.53-19.94-.73-7.99-1.87-15.96-3.71-23.78z" ], opencart: [ 640, 512, [], "f23d", "M423.3 440.7c0 25.3-20.3 45.6-45.6 45.6s-45.8-20.3-45.8-45.6 20.6-45.8 45.8-45.8c25.4 0 45.6 20.5 45.6 45.8zm-253.9-45.8c-25.3 0-45.6 20.6-45.6 45.8s20.3 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.8-20.3 45.8-45.6-20.5-45.8-45.8-45.8zm291.7-270C158.9 124.9 81.9 112.1 0 25.7c34.4 51.7 53.3 148.9 373.1 144.2 333.3-5 130 86.1 70.8 188.9 186.7-166.7 319.4-233.9 17.2-233.9z" ], openid: [ 448, 512, [], "f19b", "M271.5 432l-68 32C88.5 453.7 0 392.5 0 318.2c0-71.5 82.5-131 191.7-144.3v43c-71.5 12.5-124 53-124 101.3 0 51 58.5 93.3 135.7 103v-340l68-33.2v384zM448 291l-131.3-28.5 36.8-20.7c-19.5-11.5-43.5-20-70-24.8v-43c46.2 5.5 87.7 19.5 120.3 39.3l35-19.8L448 291z" ], opera: [ 496, 512, [], "f26a", "M313.9 32.7c-170.2 0-252.6 223.8-147.5 355.1 36.5 45.4 88.6 75.6 147.5 75.6 36.3 0 70.3-11.1 99.4-30.4-43.8 39.2-101.9 63-165.3 63-3.9 0-8 0-11.9-.3C104.6 489.6 0 381.1 0 248 0 111 111 0 248 0h.8c63.1.3 120.7 24.1 164.4 63.1-29-19.4-63.1-30.4-99.3-30.4zm101.8 397.7c-40.9 24.7-90.7 23.6-132-5.8 56.2-20.5 97.7-91.6 97.7-176.6 0-84.7-41.2-155.8-97.4-176.6 41.8-29.2 91.2-30.3 132.9-5 105.9 98.7 105.5 265.7-1.2 364z" ], "optin-monster": [ 576, 512, [], "f23c", "M550.671 450.303c0 11.62-15.673 19.457-32.158 14.863-12.16-3.243-31.346-17.565-36.211-27.294-5.674-11.62 4.054-32.698 18.916-30.806 15.674 1.621 49.453 25.401 49.453 43.237zM372.86 75.223c-3.783-72.151-100.796-79.718-125.928-23.51 44.588-24.321 90.257-15.673 125.928 23.51zM74.795 407.066c-15.673 1.621-49.452 25.401-49.452 43.237 0 11.62 15.673 19.457 32.157 14.863 12.16-3.243 31.076-17.565 35.94-27.294 5.946-11.62-3.782-32.698-18.645-30.806zm497.765 14.322c1.081 3.513 1.892 7.026 1.892 10.809.81 31.616-44.317 64.045-73.503 65.125-17.295.81-34.59-8.377-42.696-23.51-113.497 4.053-226.994 4.864-340.22 0-8.377 15.133-25.672 24.05-42.967 23.51-28.915-1.081-74.043-33.509-73.503-65.125.27-3.783.811-7.296 1.892-10.809-5.566-9.463-4.845-15.282 5.405-11.62 3.243-5.134 7.026-9.458 11.08-13.782-2.57-10.917 1.27-14.094 11.079-9.188 4.594-3.243 9.998-6.485 15.944-9.188 0-15.757 11.839-11.131 17.295-5.675 12.467-1.78 20.129.709 26.753 5.675v-19.726c-12.987 0-40.641-11.375-45.94-36.212-4.974-20.725 2.607-38.075 25.132-47.56.81-5.945 8.107-14.052 14.862-15.944 7.567-1.892 12.431 4.594 14.052 10.269 7.425 0 17.757 1.465 21.078 8.107 5.405-.541 11.079-1.352 16.484-1.892-2.432-1.892-5.134-3.513-8.107-4.594-5.134-8.917-13.782-11.079-24.591-11.62 0-.81 0-1.621.27-2.702-19.727-.541-44.048-5.675-54.857-17.835-21.321-23.638-15.935-83.577 12.16-103.498 8.377-5.675 21.618-.811 22.699 9.728 2.425 20.598.399 26.833 26.212 25.942 8.107-7.836 16.755-14.592 26.483-19.997-14.862-1.352-28.914 1.621-43.778 3.783 12.752-12.48 23.953-25.442 56.748-42.427 23.511-11.89 49.993-20.808 76.205-23.239-18.646-7.837-39.993-11.891-59.721-16.484 76.475-16.214 174.569-22.159 244.289 37.562 18.105 15.403 32.427 36.211 42.696 59.992 39.799 4.853 36.47-5.581 38.643-25.132 1.081-10.269 14.322-15.403 22.699-9.458 14.862 10.539 22.159 30.806 24.59 48.101 2.162 17.835.27 41.345-12.43 55.127-10.809 12.16-34.32 17.565-53.776 18.105v2.703c-11.08.27-20.268 2.432-25.673 11.62-2.972 1.081-5.674 2.703-8.377 4.594 5.675.54 11.35 1.351 16.755 1.891 1.869-5.619 12.535-8.377 21.077-8.377 1.621-5.405 6.756-11.89 14.052-10.269s14.052 9.998 14.863 15.944c10.809 4.324 22.159 12.16 25.131 25.672 1.892 8.107 1.621 15.133.27 21.888-5.726 25.262-33.361 36.212-45.939 36.212 0 6.756 0 13.241-.27 19.726 8.01-6.006 16.367-7.158 26.752-5.675 5.919-5.919 17.565-9.41 17.565 5.675 5.675 2.703 11.349 5.945 15.944 9.188 10.1-5.051 13.669-.539 10.809 9.188 4.053 4.323 8.107 8.917 11.079 13.782 10.136-3.62 11.021 2.078 5.409 11.62zm-73.773-254.016c17.295 6.756 26.212 22.159 30.265 35.67 1.081-10.539-2.702-39.453-13.782-51.073-7.296-7.296-14.052-5.134- 6.216-1.35 11.62-2.431 14.593zm-18.646 12.43c12.971 15.673 17.024 41.615 12.7 62.963 10.809-2.162 20.537-6.215 26.212-12.16 1.892-2.162 3.783-4.864 4.864-7.566-1.081-21.348-10.269-42.697-29.725-48.912-3.242 3.243-9.187 4.864-14.051 5.675zm-21.889.811c7.567 20.537 12.431 42.696 14.322 64.585 3.513 0 7.567-.27 11.62-.811 5.945-24.321-.27-51.614-14.052-63.504-3.783 0-8.107 0-11.89-.27zM77.768 167.372c-1.081-2.973-2.432-8.377-2.432-14.593 0-5.945-7.026-8.107-14.052-.81-11.35 11.62-14.863 40.534-13.782 51.073 4.053-13.512 12.971-28.915 30.266-35.67zm5.675 75.394c-4.324-21.348-.27-47.291 12.701-62.963-4.865-.811-10.809-2.432-14.052-5.675-19.457 6.215-28.375 27.563-29.726 48.912 1.351 2.702 2.972 5.404 4.864 7.566 5.675 6.215 15.403 9.998 26.213 12.16zm41.345-61.073c-5.134 1.081-9.998 2.973-14.862 4.865l-12.16 5.134v-.27c-7.296 14.052-9.999 34.319-5.405 52.965 4.594.541 8.647.811 12.7.811 2.432-22.159 9.188-43.778 19.727-63.505zm88.095-23.239c0 42.155 34.319 76.205 76.205 76.205s76.205-34.05 76.205-76.205c0-41.886-34.319-75.935-76.205-75.935s-76.205 34.049-76.205 75.935zm152.41 97.283c9.969 50.608 3.299 64.692 16.484 58.099 15.944-8.107 22.699-39.183 22.97-57.019-12.971-.81-26.213-.81-39.454-1.08zm-71.611-.541v-.27c-.27 5.134.27 38.103 4.324 41.075 11.079 5.405 39.453 4.594 51.073 1.081 5.405-1.621 2.432-37.022 1.621-41.886-18.916-.27-38.102-.27-57.018 0zm-14.053 0v-.27c-19.456.27-38.642.27-57.829.811-1.892 9.187-4.594 48.911 1.892 51.614 12.971 5.675 41.616 5.134 54.586 1.621 4.595-2.432 2.433-45.399 1.351-53.776zm-85.662 57.56c5.405 2.432 8.647 2.432 9.728-4.324 1.892-8.647 2.432-36.752 4.865-52.155-12.16.27-24.591.811-36.752 1.621-5.405 19.727.27 45.129 22.159 54.858zm-65.666-11.08c43.778 47.02 92.689 85.663 155.923 106.47 67.558-19.186 115.659-59.991 163.219-107.011-11.095-4.315-7.715-10.363-7.296-11.62-8.918-.81-17.835-1.892-26.483-2.702-9.458 32.968-35.94 52.965-46.75 31.616-2.702-5.134-3.513-11.62-4.594-16.754-3.783 8.377-13.242 8.107-24.591 8.918-13.241 1.081-31.617 1.351-44.048-2.972-2.972 12.971-11.079 12.971-26.752 14.322-14.052 1.352-48.642 4.054-54.857-10.809-1.081 28.644-35.13 9.998-45.129-7.026-3.243-5.675-5.405-11.35-7.026-17.565-7.837.81-15.673 1.621-23.511 2.702 2.443 3.663 1.549 9.052-8.105 12.431zM115.6 453.545c-5.674-23.239-18.646-49.722-33.508-54.046-22.429-6.756-68.909 23.51-66.207 54.586 12.701 19.457 39.994 35.67 59.181 36.481 17.835.81 35.94-11.08 39.724-28.914.539-2.432.81-5.134.81-8.107zm7.296-5.944c33.509-19.457 69.179-35.671 105.931-47.02-38.643-20.537-68.098-47.831-97.283-77.016-2.162 1.352-5.134 2.432-7.836 3.513-1.637 4.91 8.718 5.33 5.405 12.431-2.162 4.054-8.648 7.567-15.133 9.188-2.161 2.702-5.134 4.864-7.836 6.485h-.27c-.27 13.511-.27 27.024.27 40.535 8.939 15.964 15.426 33.314 16.752 51.884zm320.764 12.7c-36.752-21.348-74.044-41.345-115.659-52.965-13.782 6.215-27.833 11.349-42.155 15.403-2.162.811-2.162.811-4.324 0-11.89-3.783-23.239-8.107-34.859-13.241-40.265 11.62-77.286 29.185-112.416 50.803h-.27v.27c.27 0 .27 0 .27-.27 103.227 4.054 206.455 3.513 309.413 0zm27.023-64.045l-.27.27c.541-13.782.811-27.563.811-41.345-2.973-1.621-5.675-4.054-8.107-6.756-6.485-1.351-12.971-5.134-15.133-8.918-1.892-4.053 1.351-7.566 5.945-10.269-.27-.541-.541-1.621-.541-2.432-2.972-.811-5.405-1.892-7.567-3.243-31.616 29.455-65.396 56.749-103.498 76.746 38.914 11.62 75.935 28.104 111.875 47.561 1.05-14.692 7.231-35.749 16.485-51.614zm23.24 3.244c-14.593 4.323-27.834 30.806-33.509 54.046 0 23.826 21.278 37.897 40.534 37.022 19.186-.811 46.48-17.024 59.181-36.481 2.973-31.077-43.507-61.344-66.206-54.587zM290.709 134.133c.045 0 . 0 .09-.003.136-.003h-.27zm0 96.743c28.645 0 51.884-21.618 51.884-48.371 0-36.092-40.507-58.079-72.151-44.318 9.458 2.972 16.484 11.62 16.484 21.618 0 23.257-33.291 31.955-46.48 11.35-7.297 34.067 19.368 59.721 50.263 59.721zM68.039 474.083c.54 6.486 12.16 12.701 21.618 9.458 6.756-2.703 14.593-10.539 17.295-16.214 2.973-7.026-1.081-19.997-9.728-18.375-8.917 1.621-29.725 16.754-29.185 25.131zm410.75-25.131c-8.377-1.621-12.431 11.349-9.458 18.375 2.432 5.675 10.269 13.511 17.295 16.214 9.187 3.243 21.078-2.972 21.348-9.458.811-8.377-20.267-23.51-29.185-25.131z" ], osi: [ 495, 512, [], "f41a", "M0 259.2C2.3 123.4 97.4 26.8 213.8 11.1c138.8-18.6 255.6 75.8 278 201.1 21.3 118.8-44 230-151.6 274-9.3 3.8-14.4 1.7-18-7.7-17.8-46.3-35.6-92.7-53.4-139-3.1-8.1-1-13.2 7-16.8 24.2-11 39.3-29.4 43.3-55.8 6.4-42.4-24.5-78.7-64.5-82.2-39-3.4-71.8 23.7-77.5 59.7-5.2 33 11.1 63.7 41.9 77.7 9.6 4.4 11.5 8.6 7.8 18.4-17.9 46.6-35.8 93.2-53.7 139.9-2.6 6.9-8.3 9.3-15.5 6.5-52.6-20.3-101.4-61-130.8-119C1.9 318.7 1.6 280.2 0 259.2zm20.9-1.9c.4 6.6.6 14.3 1.3 22.1 6.3 71.9 49.6 143.5 131 183.1 3.2 1.5 4.4.8 5.6-2.3 14.9-39.1 29.9-78.2 45-117.3 1.3-3.3.6-4.8-2.4-6.7-31.6-19.9-47.3-48.5-45.6-86 1-21.6 9.3-40.5 23.8-56.3 30-32.7 77-39.8 115.5-17.6 31.9 18.4 49.5 53.8 45.2 90.4-3.6 30.6-19.3 53.9-45.7 69.8-2.7 1.6-3.5 2.9-2.3 6 15.2 39.2 30.2 78.4 45.2 117.7 1.2 3.1 2.4 3.8 5.6 2.3 35.5-16.6 65.2-40.3 88.1-72 34.8-48.2 49.1-101.9 42.3-161C459.8 112 354.1 14.7 218 31.5 111.9 44.5 22.7 134 20.9 257.3z" ], page4: [ 496, 512, [], "f3d7", "M248 504C111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c20.9 0 41.3 2.6 60.7 7.5L42.3 392H248v112zm0-143.6V146.8L98.6 360.4H248zm96 31.6v92.7c45.7-19.2 84.5-51.7 111.4-92.7H344zm57.4-138.2l-21.2 8.4 21.2 8.3v-16.7zm-20.3 54.5c-6.7 0-8 6.3-8 12.9v7.7h16.2v-10c0-5.9-2.3-10.6-8.2-10.6zM496 256c0 37.3-8.2 72.7-23 104.4H344V27.3C433.3 64.8 496 153.1 496 256zM360.4 143.6h68.2V96h-13.9v32.6h-13.9V99h-13.9v29.6h-12.7V96h-13.9v47.6zm68.1 185.3H402v-11c0-15.4-5.6-25.2-20.9-25.2-15.4 0-20.7 10.6-20.7 25.9v25.3h68.2v-15zm0-103l-68.2 29.7V268l68.2 29.5v-16.6l-14.4-5.7v-26.5l14.4-5.9v-16.9zm-4.8-68.5h-35.6V184H402v-12.2h11c8.6 15.8 1.3 35.3-18.6 35.3-22.5 0-28.3-25.3-15.5-37.7l-11.6-10.6c-16.2 17.5-12.2 63.9 27.1 63.9 34 0 44.7-35.9 29.3-65.3z" ], pagelines: [ 384, 512, [], "f18c", "M384 312.7c-55.1 136.7-187.1 54-187.1 54-40.5 81.8-107.4 134.4-184.6 134.7-16.1 0-16.6-24.4 0-24.4 64.4-.3 120.5-42.7 157.2-110.1-41.1 15.9-118.6 27.9-161.6-82.2 109-44.9 159.1 11.2 178.3 45.5 9.9-24.4 17-50.9 21.6-79.7 0 0-139.7 21.9-149.5-98.1 119.1-47.9 152.6 76.7 152.6 76.7 1.6-16.7 3.3-52.6 3.3-53.4 0 0-106.3-73.7-38.1-165.2 124.6 43 61.4 162.4 61.4 162.4.5 1.6.5 23.8 0 33.4 0 0 45.2-89 136.4-57.5-4.2 134-141.9 106.4-141.9 106.4-4.4 27.4-11.2 53.4-20 77.5 0 0 83-91.8 172-20z" ], palfed: [ 576, 512, [], "f3d8", "M384.9 193.9c0-47.4-55.2-44.2-95.4-29.8-1.3 39.4-2.5 80.7-3 119.8.7 2.8 2.6 6.2 15.1 6.2 36.8 0 83.4-42.8 83.3-96.2zm-194.5 72.2c.2 0 6.5-2.7 11.2-2.7 26.6 0 20.7 44.1-14.4 44.1-21.5 0-37.1-18.1-37.1-43 0-42 42.9-95.6 100.7-126.5 1-12.4 3-22 10.5-28.2 11.2-9 26.6-3.5 29.5 11.1 72.2-22.2 135.2 1 135.2 72 0 77.9-79.3 152.6-140.1 138.2-.1 39.4.9 74.4 2.7 100v.2c.2 3.4.6 12.5-5.3 19.1-9.6 10.6-33.4 10-36.4-22.3-4.1-44.4.2-206.1 1.4-242.5-21.5 15-58.5 50.3-58.5 75.9.2 2.5.4 4 .6 4.6zM8 181.1s-.1 37.4 38.4 37.4h30l22.4 217.2s0 44.3 44.7 44.3h288.9s44.7-.4 44.7-44.3l22.4-217.2h30s38.4 1.2 38.4-37.4c0 0 .1-37.4-38.4-37.4h-30.1c-7.3-25.6-30.2-74.3-119.4-74.3h-28V50.3s-2.7-18.4-21.1-18.4h-85.8s-21.1 0-21.1 18.4v19.1h-28.1s-105 4.2-120.5 74.3h-29S8 142.5 8 181.1z" ], patreon: [ 512, 512, [], "f3d9", "M512 194.8c0 101.3-82.4 183.8-183.8 183.8-101.7 0-184.4-82.4-184.4-183.8 0-101.6 82.7-184.3 184.4-184.3C429.6 10.5 512 93.2 512 194.8zM0 501.5h90v-491H0v491z" ], paypal: [ 384, 512, [], "f1ed", "M111.4 295.9c-3.5 19.2-17.4 108.7-21.5 134-.3 1.8-1 2.5-3 2.5H12.3c-7.6 0-13.1-6.6-12.1-13.9L58.8 46.6c1.5-9.6 10.1-16.9 20-16.9 152.3 0 165.1-3.7 204 11.4 60.1 23.3 65.6 79.5 44 140.3-21.5 62.6-72.5 89.5-140.1 90.3-43.4.7-69.5-7-75.3 24.2zM357.1 152c-1.8-1.3-2.5-1.8-3 1.3-2 11.4-5.1 22.5-8.8 33.6-39.9 113.8-150.5 103.9-204.5 103.9-6.1 0-10.1 3.3-10.9 9.4-22.6 140.4-27.1 169.7-27.1 169.7-1 7.1 3.5 12.9 10.6 12.9h63.5c8.6 0 15.7-6.3 17.4-14.9.7-5.4-1.1 6.1 14.4-91.3 4.6-22 14.3-19.7 29.3-19.7 71 0 126.4-28.8 142.9-112.3 6.5-34.8 4.6-71.4-23.8-92.6z" ], periscope: [ 448, 512, [], "f3da", "M370 63.6C331.4 22.6 280.5 0 226.6 0 111.9 0 18.5 96.2 18.5 214.4c0 75.1 57.8 159.8 82.7 192.7C137.8 455.5 192.6 512 226.6 512c41.6 0 112.9-94.2 120.9-105 24.6-33.1 82-118.3 82-192.6 0-56.5-21.1-110.1-59.5-150.8zM226.6 493.9c-42.5 0-190-167.3-190-279.4 0-107.4 83.9-196.3 190-196.3 100.8 0 184.7 89 184.7 196.3.1 112.1-147.4 279.4-184.7 279.4zM338 206.8c0 59.1-51.1 109.7-110.8 109.7-100.6 0-150.7-108.2-92.9-181.8v.4c0 24.5 20.1 44.4 44.8 44.4 24.7 0 44.8-19.9 44.8-44.4 0-18.2-11.1-33.8-26.9-40.7 76.6-19.2 141 39.3 141 112.4z" ], phabricator: [ 496, 512, [], "f3db", "M323 262.1l-.1-13s21.7-19.8 21.1-21.2l-9.5-20c-.6-1.4-29.5-.5-29.5-.5l-9.4-9.3s.2-28.5-1.2-29.1l-20.1-9.2c-1.4-.6-20.7 21-20.7 21l-13.1-.2s-20.5-21.4-21.9-20.8l-20 8.3c- 28.9.2 28.9l-9.1 9.1s-29.2-.9-29.7.4l-8.1 19.8c-.6 1.4 21 21 21 21l.1 12.9s-21.7 19.8-21.1 21.2l9.5 20c.6 1.4 29.5.5 29.5.5l9.4 9.3s-.2 31.8 1.2 32.3l20.1 8.3c1.4.6 20.7-23.5 20.7-23.5l13.1.2s20.5 23.8 21.8 23.3l20-7.5c1.4-.6-.2-32.1-.2-32.1l9.1-9.1s29.2.9 29.7-.5l8.1-19.8c.7-1.1-20.9-20.7-20.9-20.7zm-44.9-8.7c.7 17.1-12.8 31.6-30.1 32.4-17.3.8-32.1-12.5-32.8-29.6-.7-17.1 12.8-31.6 30.1-32.3 17.3-.8 32.1 12.5 32.8 29.5zm201.2-37.9l-97-97-.1.1c-75.1-73.3-195.4-72.8-269.8 1.6-50.9 51-27.8 27.9-95.7 95.3-22.3 22.3-22.3 58.7 0 81 69.9 69.4 46.4 46 97.4 97l.1-.1c75.1 73.3 195.4 72.9 269.8-1.6 51-50.9 27.9-27.9 95.3-95.3 22.3-22.3 22.3-58.7 0-81zM140.4 363.8c-59.6-59.5-59.6-156 0-215.5 59.5-59.6 156-59.5 215.6 0 59.5 59.5 59.6 156 0 215.6-59.6 59.5-156 59.4-215.6-.1z" ], "phoenix-framework": [ 640, 512, [], "f3dc", "M212.9 344.3c3.8-.1 22.8-1.4 25.6-2.2-2.4-2.6-43.6-1-68-49.6-4.3-8.6-7.5-17.6-6.4-27.6 2.9-25.5 32.9-30 52-18.5 36 21.6 63.3 91.3 113.7 97.5 37 4.5 84.6-17 108.2-45.4-.6-.1-.8-.2-1-.1-.4.1-.8.2-1.1.3-33.3 12.1-94.3 9.7-134.7-14.8-37.6-22.8-53.1-58.7-51.8-74.6 1.8-21.3 22.9-23.2 35.9-19.6 14.4 3.9 24.4 17.6 38.9 27.4 15.6 10.4 32.9 13.7 51.3 10.3 14.9-2.7 34.4-12.3 36.5-14.5-1.1-.1-1.8-.1-2.5-.2-6.2-.6-12.4-.8-18.5-1.7C279.8 194.5 262.1 47.4 138.5 37.9 94.2 34.5 39.1 46 2.2 72.9c-.8.6-1.5 1.2-2.2 0 1.6-.1 2.4-.2 6.3-1 12.5-.8 18.7.3 23.8 4.3 47.7 23.1 55.9 76.5 5.3 34.3-.7 50.8 8 86.1 19 77.1 91 107.6 127.7 106.4zM75.3 64.9c-.9-1-.9-1.2-1.3-2 12.1-2.6 24.2-4.1 36.6-4.8-1.1 14.7-22.2 21.3-35.3 6.8zm196.9 350.5c-42.8 1.2-92-26.7-123.5-61.4-4.6-5-16.8-20.2-18.6-23.4l.4-.4c6.6 4.1 25.7 18.6 54.8 27 24.2 7 48.1 6.3 71.6-3.3 22.7-9.3 41-.5 43.1 2.9-18.5 3.8-20.1 4.4-24 7.9-5.1 4.4-4.6 11.7 7 17.2 26.2 12.4 63-2.8 97.2 25.4 2.4 2 8.1 7.8 10.1 10.7-.1.2-.3.3-.4.5-4.8-1.5-16.4-7.5-40.2-9.3-24.7-2-46.3 5.3-77.5 6.2zm174.8-252c16.4-5.2 41.3-13.4 66.5-3.3 16.1 6.5 26.2 18.7 32.1 34.6 3.5 9.4 5.1 19.7 5.1 28.7-.2 0-.4 0-.6.1-.2-.4-.4-.9-.5-1.3-5-22-29.9-43.8-67.6-29.9-50.2 18.6-130.4 9.7-176.9-48-.7-.9-2.4-1.7-1.3-3.2.1-.2 2.1.6 3 1.3 18.1 13.4 38.3 21.9 60.3 26.2 30.5 6.1 54.6 2.9 79.9-5.2zm102.7 117.5c-32.4.2-33.8 50.1-103.6 64.4-18.2 3.7-38.7 4.6-44.9 4.2v-.4c2.8-1.5 14.7-2.6 29.7-16.6 7.9-7.3 15.3-15.1 22.8-22.9 19.5-20.2 41.4-42.2 81.9-39 23.1 1.8 29.3 8.2 36.1 0-.7.1-.9 0-7-2.7-14.3-3.3-21.8-3.3zm-12.3-24.1c-.1.2-.1.4-.2.6-28.9-4.4-48-7.9-68.5 4-17 9.9-31.4 20.5-62 24.4-27.1 3.4-45.1 2.4-66.1-8-.3-.2-.6-.4-1-.6 0-.2.1-.3.1-.5 24.9 3.8 36.4 5.1 55.5-5.8 22.3-12.9 40.1-26.6 71.3-31 29.6-4.1 51.3 2.5 70.9 16.9zM268.6 97.3c-.6-.6-1.1-1.2-2.1-2.3 7.6 0 29.7-1.2 53.4 8.4 19.7 8 32.2 21 50.2 32.9 11.1 7.3 23.4 9.3 36.4 8.1 4.3-.4 8.5-1.2 12.8-1.7.4-.1.9 0 1.5.3-.6.4-1.2.9-1.8 1.2-8.1 4-16.7 6.3-25.6 7.1-26.1 2.6-50.3-3.7-73.4-15.4-19.3-9.9-36.4-22.9-51.4-38.6zM640 335.7c-3.5 3.1-22.7 11.6-42.7 5.3-12.3-3.9-19.5-14.9-31.6-24.1-10-7.6-20.9-7.9-28.1-8.4.6-.8.9-1.2 1.2-1.4 14.8-9.2 30.5-12.2 47.3-6.5 12.5 4.2 19.2 13.5 30.4 24.2 10.8 10.4 21 9.9 23.1 10.5.1-.1.2 0 .4.4zm-212.5 137c2.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 2-18.5-1.4-33.9-7.6-46.8-22.2-21.8-24.7-41.7-27.9-48.6-29.7.5-.2.8-.4 1.1-.4 13.1.1 26.1.7 38.9 3.9 25.3 6.4 35 25.4 41.6 35.3 3.2 4.8 7.3 8.3 12.3 11.1z" ], "phoenix-squadron": [ 513, 512, [], "f511", "M96.24 62.81C142.91 26.57 202.15 6.57 261.28 8.08c29.67-.38 59.29 5.38 87.17 15.37-24.2-4.64-49.18-6.35-73.6-2.45-43 5.35-83.26 27.23-112.16 59.35 5.69-.99 10.81-3.68 16.07-5.88 18.19-7.89 37.6-13.29 57.4-14.87 19.8-2.14 39.75-.43 59.45 1.93-14.46 2.79-29.2 4.58-43.11 9.61-34.53 11.11-65.46 33.26-86.55 62.82-13.84 19.77-23.7 42.99-24.74 67.33-.35 16.54 5.23 34.91 19.89 44.17 11.13 6.66 24.85 9.39 37.63 6.76 15.49-2.47 30.16-8.67 43.73-16.38 11.55-6.84 22.73-14.59 32.05-24.32 3.8-3.23 2.54-8.48 2.63-12.83-2.13-.34-4.4-1.11-6.32.3a203.975 203.975 0 0 1-35.93 15.42c-20.07 6.19-42.28 8.48-62.28.78 12.83 1.73 26.14.31 37.85-5.46 20.29-9.75 36.92-25.27 54.6-38.88 27.84-21.29 57.64-40.11 89.17-55.47 25.78-12.01 53.09-22.85 81.81-24.2-15.68 13.76-32.25 26.6-46.92 41.51-14.55 14.04-27.54 29.58-40.23 45.31-3.53 4.61-8.98 6.96-13.62 10.19-22.24 15.03-40.6 35.96-52.04 60.28-9.36 19.74-14.55 41.97-11.81 63.84 1.95 13.73 8.74 27.67 20.96 35.01 12.94 7.99 29.14 8.09 43.61 5.11 32.9-7.47 61.61-28.97 81.28-56 20.5-27.6 30.61-62.38 29.25-96.64-.52-7.52-1.58-15-1.67-22.55 8.02 19.54 14.87 39.83 16.7 61.01 2.01 14.32.75 28.84-1.62 43.02-1.92 11.02-5.69 21.58-7.81 32.53 20.36-22.73 34.17-51.24 39.46-81.31 5.72-35.37.58-72.36-14.25-104.95 20.84 32.12 32.43 69.79 35.81 107.8.5 12.77.5 25.58 0 38.34-2.91 34.26-12.97 67.95-29.76 98-26.2 47.48-68.2 85.89-117.54 108.32-78.52 36.34-175.2 31.41-248.72-14.72-38.84-23.78-71.06-58.32-91.68-98.96C10.72 337.43 2.04 305.5 0 273.13V241.7c3.94-69.97 40.99-136.32 96.24-178.89m222.65 80.57c5.51-.8 10.82-2.57 16.02-4.5 4.99-1.77 9.27-5.95 10.35-11.25-8.91 5-17.95 9.95-26.37 15.75z" ], php: [ 640, 512, [], "f457", "M320 104.5c171.4 0 303.2 72.2 303.2 151.5S491.3 407.5 320 407.5c-171.4 0-303.2-72.2-303.2-151.5S148.7 104.5 320 104.5m0-16.8C143.3 87.7 0 163 0 256s143.3 168.3 320 168.3S640 349 640 256 496.7 87.7 320 87.7zM218.2 242.5c-7.9 40.5-35.8 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM97.4 350.3h36.7l8.7-44.8c41.1 0 66.6 3 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7h-70.7L97.4 350.3zm185.7-213.6h36.5l-8.7 44.8c31.5 0 60.7-2.3 74.8 10.7 14.8 13.6 7.7 31-8.3 113.1h-37c15.4-79.4 18.3-86 12.7-92-5.4-5.8-17.7-4.6-47.4-4.6l-18.8 96.6h-36.5l32.7-168.6zM505 242.5c-8 41.1-36.7 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38.2 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM384.2 350.3H421l8.7-44.8c43.2 0 67.1 2.5 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7H417l-32.8 168.7z" ], "pied-piper": [ 448, 512, [], "f2ae", "M32 419L0 479.2l.8-328C.8 85.3 54 32 120 32h327.2c-93 28.9-189.9 94.2-253.9 168.6C122.7 282 82.6 338 32 419M448 32S305.2 98.8 261.6 199.1c-23.2 53.6-28.9 118.1-71 158.6-28.9 27.8-69.8 38.2-105.3 56.3-23.2 12-66.4 40.5-84.9 66h328.4c66 0 119.3-53.3 119.3-119.2-.1 0-.1-328.8-.1-328.8z" ], "pied-piper-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f1a8", "M242 187c6.3-11.8 13.2-17 25.9-21.8 27.3-10.3 40.2-30.5 58.9-51.1 11.9 8.4 12 24.6 31.6 23v21.8l6.3.3c37.4-14.4 74.7-30.2 106.6-54.6 48.3-36.8 52.9-50 81.3-100l2-2.6c-.6 14.1-6.3 27.3-12.4 39.9-30.5 63.8-78.7 100.3-146.8 116.7-12.4 2.9-26.4 3.2-37.6 8.9 1.4 9.8 13.2 18.1 13.2 23 0 3.4-5.5 7.2-7.5 8.6-11.2-12.9-16.1-19.3-22.7-22.1-7.6-3.5-63.9-6.4-98.8 10zm137.9 256.9c-19 0-64.1 9.5-79.9 19.8l6.9 45.1c35.7 6.1 70.1 3.6 106-9.8-4.8-10-23.5-55.1-33-55.1zM244 246c-3.2-2-6.3-2.9-10.1-2.9-6.6 0-12.6 3.2-19.3 3.7l1.7 4.9L244 246zm-12.6 31.8l24.1 61.2 21-13.8-31.3-50.9-13.8 3.5zM555.5 0l-.6 1.1-.3.9.6-.6.3-1.4zm-59.2 382.1c-33.9-56.9-75.3-118.4-150-115.5l-.3-6c-1.1-13.5 32.8 3.2 35.1-31l-14.4 7.2c-19.8-45.7-8.6-54.3-65.5-54.3-14.7 0-26.7 1.7-41.4 4.6 2.9 18.6 2.2 36.7-10.9 50.3l19.5 5.5c-1.7 3.2-2.9 6.3-2.9 9.8 0 21 42.8 2.9 42.8 33.6 0 18.4-36.8 60.1-54.9 60.1-8 0-53.7-50-53.4-60.1l.3-4.6 52.3-11.5c13-2.6 12.3-22.7-2.9-22.7-3.7 0-43.1 9.2-49.4 10.6-2-5.2-7.5-14.1-13.8-14.1-3.2 0-6.3 3.2-9.5 4-9.2 2.6-31 2.9-21.5 20.1L15.9 298.5c-5.5 1.1-8.9 6.3-8.9 11.8 0 6 5.5 10.9 11.5 10.9 8 0 131.3-28.4 147.4-32.2 2.6 3.2 4.6 6.3 7.8 8.6 20.1 14.4 59.8 85.9 76.4 85.9 24.1 0 58-22.4 71.3-41.9 3.2-4.3 6.9-7.5 12.4-6.9.6 13.8-31.6 34.2-33 43.7-1.4 10.2-1 35.2-.3 41.1 26.7 8.1 52-3.6 77.9-2.9 4.3-21 10.6-41.9 9.8-63.5l-.3-9.5c-1.4-34.2-10.9-38.5-34.8-58.6-1.1-1.1-2.6-2.6-3.7-4 2.2-1.4 1.1-1 4.6-1.7 88.5 0 56.3 183.6 111.5 229.9 33.1-15 72.5-27.9 103.5-47.2-29-25.6-52.6-45.7-72.7-79.9zm-196.2 46v27.3l11.8-3.4-2.9-23.8h-8.9zm76.1 2.9c0-1.4-.6-3.2-.9-4.6-26.8 0-36.9 3.8-59.5 6.3l2 12.4c9-1.5 58.4-6.6 58.4-14.1z" ], "pied-piper-hat": [ 640, 512, [], "f4e5", "M640 24.9c-80.8 53.6-89.4 92.5-96.4 104.4-6.7 12.2-11.7 60.3-23.3 83.6-11.7 23.6-54.2 42.2-66.1 50-11.7 7.8-28.3 38.1-41.9 64.2-108.1-4.4-167.4 38.8-259.2 93.6 29.4-9.7 43.3-16.7 43.3-16.7 94.2-36 139.3-68.3 281.1-49.2 1.1 0 1.9.6 2.8.8 3.9 2.2 5.3 6.9 3.1 10.8l-53.9 95.8c-2.5 4.7-7.8 7.2-13.1 6.1-126.8-23.8-226.9 17.3-318.9 18.6C24.1 488 0 453.4 0 451.8c0-1.1.6-1.7 1.7-1.7 0 0 38.3 0 103.1-15.3C178.4 294.5 244 245.4 315.4 245.4c0 0 71.7 0 90.6 61.9 22.8-39.7 28.3-49.2 28.3-49.2 5.3-9.4 35-77.2 86.4-141.4 51.5-64 90.4-79.9 119.3-91.8z" ], "pied-piper-pp": [ 448, 512, [], "f1a7", "M205.3 174.6c0 21.1-14.2 38.1-31.7 38.1-7.1 0-12.8-1.2-17.2-3.7v-68c4.4-2.7 10.1-4.2 17.2-4.2 17.5 0 31.7 16.9 31.7 37.8zm52.6 67c-7.1 0-12.8 1.5-17.2 4.2v68c4.4 2.5 10.1 3.7 17.2 3.7 17.4 0 31.7-16.9 31.7-37.8 0-21.1-14.3-38.1-31.7-38.1zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM185 255.1c41 0 74.2-35.6 74.2-79.6 0-44-33.2-79.6-74.2-79.6-12 0-24.1 3.2-34.6 8.8h-45.7V311l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.1 18.1 4.8 28.5 4.8zm158.4 25.3c0-44-33.2-79.6-73.9-79.6-3.2 0-6.4.2-9.6.7-3.7 12.5-10.1 23.8-19.2 33.4-13.8 15-32.2 23.8-51.8 24.8V416l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.2 18.2 4.7 28.7 4.7 40.8 0 74-35.6 74-79.6z" ], pinterest: [ 496, 512, [], "f0d2", "M496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248-25.6 0-50.2-3.9-73.4-11.1 10.1-16.5 25.2-43.5 30.8-65 3-11.6 15.4-59 15.4-59 8.1 15.4 31.7 28.5 56.8 28.5 74.8 0 128.7-68.8 128.7-154.3 0-81.9-66.9-143.2-152.9-143.2-107 0-163.9 71.8-163.9 150.1 0 36.4 19.4 81.7 50.3 96.1 4.7 2.2 7.2 1.2 8.3-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.3 6.9-28.1.6-2.5.3-4.7-1.7-7.1-10.1-12.5-18.3-35.3-18.3-56.6 0-54.7 41.4-107.6 112-107.6 60.9 0 103.6 41.5 103.6 100.9 0 67.1-33.9 113.6-78 113.6-24.3 0-42.6-20.1-36.7-44.8 7-29.5 20.5-61.3 20.5-82.6 0-19-10.2-34.9-31.4-34.9-24.9 0-44.9 25.7-44.9 60.2 0 22 7.4 36.8 7.4 36.8s-24.5 103.8-29 123.2c-5 21.4-3 51.6-.9 71.2C65.4 450.9 0 361.1 0 256 0 119 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248z" ], "pinterest-p": [ 384, 512, [], "f231", "M204 6.5C101.4 6.5 0 74.9 0 185.6 0 256 39.6 296 63.6 296c9.9 0 15.6-27.6 15.6-35.4 0-9.3-23.7-29.1-23.7-67.8 0-80.4 61.2-137.4 140.4-137.4 68.1 0 118.5 38.7 118.5 109.8 0 53.1-21.3 152.7-90.3 152.7-24.9 0-46.2-18-46.2-43.8 0-37.8 26.4-74.4 26.4-113.4 0-66.2-93.9-54.2-93.9 25.8 0 16.8 2.1 35.4 9.6 50.7-13.8 59.4-42 147.9-42 209.1 0 18.9 2.7 37.5 4.5 56.4 3.4 3.8 1.7 3.4 6.9 1.5 50.4-69 48.6-82.5 71.4-172.8 12.3 23.4 44.1 36 69.3 36 106.2 0 153.9-103.5 153.9-196.8C384 71.3 298.2 6.5 204 6.5z" ], "pinterest-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f0d3", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H154.4c9.8-16.4 22.4-40 27.4-59.3 3-11.5 15.3-58.4 15.3-58.4 8 15.3 31.4 28.2 56.3 28.2 74.1 0 127.4-68.1 127.4-152.7 0-81.1-66.2-141.8-151.4-141.8-106 0-162.2 71.1-162.2 148.6 0 36 19.2 80.8 49.8 95.1 4.7 2.2 7.1 1.2 8.2-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.1 6.8-27.8.6-2.5.3-4.6-1.7-7-10.1-12.3-18.3-34.9-18.3-56 0-54.2 41-106.6 110.9-106.6 60.3 0 102.6 41.1 102.6 99.9 0 66.4-33.5 112.4-77.2 112.4-24.1 0-42.1-19.9-36.4-44.4 6.9-29.2 20.3-60.7 20.3-81.8 0-53-75.5-45.7-75.5 25 0 21.7 7.3 36.5 7.3 36.5-31.4 132.8-36.1 134.5-29.6 192.6l2.2.8H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z" ], playstation: [ 576, 512, [], "f3df", "M570.9 372.3c-11.3 14.2-38.8 24.3-38.8 24.3L327 470.2v-54.3l150.9-53.8c17.1-6.1 19.8-14.8 5.8-19.4-13.9-4.6-39.1-3.3-56.2 2.9L327 381.1v-56.4c23.2-7.8 47.1-13.6 75.7-16.8 40.9-4.5 90.9.6 130.2 15.5 44.2 14 49.2 34.7 38 48.9zm-224.4-92.5v-139c0-16.3-3-31.3-18.3-35.6-11.7-3.8-19 7.1-19 23.4v347.9l-93.8-29.8V32c39.9 7.4 98 24.9 129.2 35.4C424.1 94.7 451 128.7 451 205.2c0 74.5-46 102.8-104.5 74.6zM43.2 410.2c-45.4-12.8-53-39.5-32.3-54.8 19.1-14.2 51.7-24.9 51.7-24.9l134.5-47.8v54.5l-96.8 34.6c-17.1 6.1-19.7 14.8-5.8 19.4 13.9 4.6 39.1 3.3 56.2-2.9l46.4-16.9v48.8c-51.6 9.3-101.4 7.3-153.9-10z" ], "product-hunt": [ 512, 512, [], "f288", "M326.3 218.8c0 20.5-16.7 37.2-37.2 37.2h-70.3v-74.4h70.3c20.5 0 37.2 16.7 37.2 37.2zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-128.1-37.2c0-47.9-38.9-86.8-86.8-86.8H169.2v248h49.6v-74.4h70.3c47.9 0 86.8-38.9 86.8-86.8z" ], pushed: [ 432, 512, [], "f3e1", "M407 111.9l-98.5-9 14-33.4c10.4-23.5-10.8-40.4-28.7-37L22.5 76.9c-15.1 2.7-26 18.3-21.4 36.6l105.1 348.3c6.5 21.3 36.7 24.2 47.7 7l35.3-80.8 235.2-231.3c16.4-16.8 4.3-42.9-17.4-44.8zM297.6 53.6c5.1-.7 7.5 2.5 5.2 7.4L286 100.9 108.6 84.6l189-31zM22.7 107.9c-3.1-5.1 1-10 6.1-9.1l248.7 22.7-96.9 230.7L22.7 107.9zM136 456.4c-2.6 4-7.9 3.1-9.4-1.2L43.5 179.7l127.7 197.6c-7 15-35.2 79.1-35.2 79.1zm272.8-314.5L210.1 337.3l89.7-213.7 106.4 9.7c4 1.1 5.7 5.3 2.6 8.6z" ], python: [ 448, 512, [], "f3e2", "M167.8 36.4c-45.2 8-53.4 24.7-53.4 55.6v40.7h106.9v13.6h-147c-31.1 0-58.3 18.7-66.8 54.2-9.8 40.7-10.2 66.1 0 108.6 7.6 31.6 25.7 54.2 56.8 54.2H101v-48.8c0-35.3 30.5-66.4 66.8-66.4h106.8c29.7 0 53.4-24.5 53.4-54.3V91.9c0-29-24.4-50.7-53.4-55.6-35.8-5.9-74.7-5.6-106.8.1zm-6.7 28.4c11 0 20.1 9.2 20.1 20.4s-9 20.3-20.1 20.3c-11.1 0-20.1-9.1-20.1-20.3.1-11.3 9-20.4 20.1-20.4zm185.2 81.4v47.5c0 36.8-31.2 67.8-66.8 67.8H172.7c-29.2 0-53.4 25-53.4 54.3v101.8c0 29 25.2 46 53.4 54.3 33.8 9.9 66.3 11.7 106.8 0 26.9-7.8 53.4-23.5 53.4-54.3v-40.7H226.2v-13.6h160.2c31.1 0 42.6-21.7 53.4-54.2 11.2-33.5 10.7-65.7 0-108.6-7.7-30.9-22.3-54.2-53.4-54.2h-40.1zM286.2 404c11.1 0 20.1 9.1 20.1 20.3 0 11.3-9 20.4-20.1 20.4-11 0-20.1-9.2-20.1-20.4.1-11.3 9.1-20.3 20.1-20.3z" ], qq: [ 448, 512, [], "f1d6", "M433.754 420.445c-11.526 1.393-44.86-52.741-44.86-52.741 0 31.345-16.136 72.247-51.051 101.786 16.842 5.192 54.843 19.167 45.803 34.421-7.316 12.343-125.51 7.881-159.632 4.037-34.122 3.844-152.316 8.306-159.632-4.037-9.045-15.25 28.918-29.214 45.783-34.415-34.92-29.539-51.059-70.445-51.059-101.792 0 0-33.334 54.134-44.859 52.741-5.37-.65-12.424-29.644 9.347-99.704 10.261-33.024 21.995-60.478 40.144-105.779C60.683 98.063 108.982.006 224 0c113.737.006 163.156 96.133 160.264 214.963 18.118 45.223 29.912 72.85 40.144 105.778 21.768 70.06 14.716 99.053 9.346 99.704z" ], quinscape: [ 489, 512, [], "f459", "M301.9 474.6h-1.3c-87.3 0-158.1-70.8-158.1-158.1s70.8-158.1 158.1-158.1c94.9 0 168.2 83.1 157 176.6 4 5.1 8.2 9.6 11.2 15.3 13.4-30.3 20.3-62.4 20.3-97.7C489.1 117.5 379.6 8 244.5 8 109.5 8 0 117.5 0 252.6s109.5 244.6 244.5 244.6c24.8 0 47.8-3.2 70.4-10.1-5.2-3.5-9-8.2-13.4-12.6l.4.1zm-21.2-69.8c0-54.8 44.4-99.2 99.2-99.2 54.8 0 99.2 44.4 99.2 99.2 0 54.8-44.4 99.2-99.2 99.2-54.8 0-99.2-44.4-99.2-99.2" ], quora: [ 448, 512, [], "f2c4", "M440.5 386.7h-29.3c-1.5 13.5-10.5 30.8-33 30.8-20.5 0-35.3-14.2-49.5-35.8 44.2-34.2 74.7-87.5 74.7-153C403.5 111.2 306.8 32 205 32 105.3 32 7.3 111.7 7.3 228.7c0 134.1 131.3 221.6 249 189C276 451.3 302 480 351.5 480c81.8 0 90.8-75.3 89-93.3zM297 329.2C277.5 300 253.3 277 205.5 277c-30.5 0-54.3 10-69 22.8l12.2 24.3c6.2-3 13-4 19.8-4 35.5 0 53.7 30.8 69.2 61.3-10 3-20.7 4.2-32.7 4.2-75 0-107.5-53-107.5-156.7C97.5 124.5 130 71 205 71c76.2 0 108.7 53.5 108.7 157.7.1 41.8-5.4 75.6-16.7 100.5z" ], "r-project": [ 581, 512, [], "f4f7", "M581 226.6C581 119.1 450.9 32 290.5 32S0 119.1 0 226.6C0 322.4 103.3 402 239.4 418.1V480h99.1v-61.5c24.3-2.7 47.6-7.4 69.4-13.9L448 480h112l-67.4-113.7c54.5-35.4 88.4-84.9 88.4-139.7zm-466.8 14.5c0-73.5 98.9-133 220.8-133s211.9 40.7 211.9 133c0 50.1-26.5 85-70.3 106.4-2.4-1.6-4.7-2.9-6.4-3.7-10.2-5.2-27.8-10.5-27.8-10.5s86.6-6.4 86.6-92.7-90.6-87.9-90.6-87.9h-199V361c-74.1-21.5-125.2-67.1-125.2-119.9zm225.1 38.3v-55.6c57.8 0 87.8-6.8 87.8 27.3 0 36.5-38.2 28.3-87.8 28.3zm-.9 72.5H365c10.8 0 18.9 11.7 24 19.2-16.1 1.9-33 2.8-50.6 2.9v-22.1z" ], ravelry: [ 512, 512, [], "f2d9", "M407.4 61.5C331.6 22.1 257.8 31 182.9 66c-11.3 5.2-15.5 10.6-19.9 19-10.3 19.2-16.2 37.4-19.9 52.7-21.2 25.6-36.4 56.1-43.3 89.9-10.6 18-20.9 41.4-23.1 71.4 0 0-.7 7.6-.5 7.9-35.3-4.6-76.2-27-76.2-27 9.1 14.5 61.3 32.3 76.3 37.9 0 0 1.7 98 64.5 131.2-11.3-17.2-13.3-20.2-13.3-20.2S94.8 369 100.4 324.7c.7 0 1.5.2 2.2.2 23.9 87.4 103.2 151.4 196.9 151.4 6.2 0 12.1-.2 18-.7 14 1.5 27.6.5 40.1-3.9 6.9-2.2 13.8-6.4 20.2-10.8 70.2-39.1 100.9-82 123.1-147.7 5.4-16 8.1-35.5 9.8-52.2 8.7-82.3-30.6-161.6-103.3-199.5zM138.8 163.2s-1.2 12.3-.7 19.7c-3.4 2.5-10.1 8.1-18.2 16.7 5.2-12.8 11.3-25.1 18.9-36.4zm-31.2 121.9c4.4-17.2 13.3-39.1 29.8-55.1 0 0 1.7 48 15.8 90.1l-41.4-6.9c-2.2-9.2-3.5-18.5-4.2-28.1zm7.9 42.8c14.8 3.2 34 7.6 43.1 9.1 27.3 76.8 108.3 124.3 108.3 124.3 1 .5 1.7.7 2.7 1-73.1-11.6-132.7-64.7-154.1-134.4zM386 444.1c-14.5 4.7-36.2 8.4-64.7 3.7 0 0-91.1-23.1-127.5-107.8 38.2.7 52.4-.2 78-3.9 39.4-5.7 79-16.2 115-33 11.8-5.4 11.1-19.4 9.6-29.8-2-12.8-11.1-12.1-21.4-4.7 0 0-82 58.6-189.8 53.7-18.7-32-26.8-110.8-26.8-110.8 41.4-35.2 83.2-59.6 168.4-52.4.2-6.4 3-27.1-20.4-28.1 0 0-93.5-11.1-146 33.5 2.5-16.5 5.9-29.3 11.1-39.4 34.2-30.8 79-49.5 128.3-49.5 106.4 0 193 87.1 193 194.5-.2 76-43.8 142-106.8 174z" ], react: [ 512, 512, [], "f41b", "M418.2 177.2c-5.4-1.8-10.8-3.5-16.2-5.1.9-3.7 1.7-7.4 2.5-11.1 12.3-59.6 4.2-107.5-23.1-123.3-26.3-15.1-69.2.6-112.6 38.4-4.3 3.7-8.5 7.6-12.5 11.5-2.7-2.6-5.5-5.2-8.3-7.7-45.5-40.4-91.1-57.4-118.4-41.5-26.2 15.2-34 60.3-23 116.7 1.1 5.6 2.3 11.1 3.7 16.7-6.4 1.8-12.7 3.8-18.6 5.9C38.3 196.2 0 225.4 0 255.6c0 31.2 40.8 62.5 96.3 81.5 4.5 1.5 9 3 13.6 4.3-1.5 6-2.8 11.9-4 18-10.5 55.5-2.3 99.5 23.9 114.6 27 15.6 72.4-.4 116.6-39.1 3.5-3.1 7-6.3 10.5-9.7 4.4 4.3 9 8.4 13.6 12.4 42.8 36.8 85.1 51.7 111.2 36.6 27-15.6 35.8-62.9 24.4-120.5-.9-4.4-1.9-8.9-3-13.5 3.2-.9 6.3-1.9 9.4-2.9 57.7-19.1 99.5-50 99.5-81.7 0-30.3-39.4-59.7-93.8-78.4zM282.9 92.3c37.2-32.4 71.9-45.1 87.7-36 16.9 9.7 23.4 48.9 12.8 100.4-.7 3.4-1.4 6.7-2.3 10-22.2-5-44.7-8.6-67.3-10.6-13-18.6-27.2-36.4-42.6-53.1 3.9-3.7 7.7-7.2 11.7-10.7zm-130 189.1c4.6 8.8 9.3 17.5 14.3 26.1 5.1 8.7 10.3 17.4 15.8 25.9-15.6-1.7-31.1-4.2-46.4-7.5 4.4-14.4 9.9-29.3 16.3-44.5zm0-50.6c-6.3-14.9-11.6-29.5-16-43.6 14.4-3.2 29.7-5.8 45.6-7.8-5.3 8.3-10.5 16.8-15.4 25.4-4.9 8.5-9.7 17.2-14.2 26zm11.4 25.3c6.6-13.8 13.8-27.3 21.4-40.6 7.6-13.3 15.8-26.2 24.4-38.9 15-1.1 30.3-1.7 45.9-1.7 15.6 0 31 .6 45.9 1.7 8.5 12.6 16.6 25.5 24.3 38.7 7.7 13.2 14.9 26.7 21.7 40.4-6.7 13.8-13.9 27.4-21.6 40.8-7.6 13.3-15.7 26.2-24.2 39-14.9 1.1-30.4 1.6-46.1 1.6-15.7 0-30.9-.5-45.6-1.4-8.7-12.7-16.9-25.7-24.6-39-7.7-13.3-14.8-26.8-21.5-40.6zm180.6 51.2c5.1-8.8 9.9-17.7 14.6-26.7 6.4 14.5 12 29.2 16.9 44.3-15.5 3.5-31.2 6.2-47 8 5.4-8.4 10.5-17 15.5-25.6zm14.4-76.5c-4.7-8.8-9.5-17.6-14.5-26.2-4.9-8.5-10-16.9-15.3-25.2 16.1 2 31.5 4.7 45.9 8-4.6 14.8-10 29.2-16.1 43.4zM256.2 118.3c10.5 11.4 20.4 23.4 29.6 35.8-19.8-.9-39.7-.9-59.5 0 9.8-12.9 19.9-24.9 29.9-35.8zM140.2 57c16.8-9.8 54.1 4.2 93.4 39 2.5 2.2 5 4.6 7.6 7-15.5 16.7-29.8 34.5-42.9 53.1-22.6 2-45 5.5-67.2 10.4-1.3-5.1-2.4-10.3-3.5-15.5-9.4-48.4-3.2-84.9 12.6-94zm-24.5 263.6c-4.2-1.2-8.3-2.5-12.4-3.9-21.3-6.7-45.5-17.3-63-31.2-10.1-7-16.9-17.8-18.8-29.9 0-18.3 31.6-41.7 77.2-57.6 5.7-2 11.5-3.8 17.3-5.5 6.8 21.7 15 43 24.5 63.6-9.6 20.9-17.9 42.5-24.8 64.5zm116.6 98c-16.5 15.1-35.6 27.1-56.4 35.3-11.1 5.3-23.9 5.8-35.3 1.3-15.9-9.2-22.5-44.5-13.5-92 1.1-5.6 2.3-11.2 3.7-16.7 22.4 4.8 45 8.1 67.9 9.8 13.2 18.7 27.7 36.6 43.2 53.4-3.2 3.1-6.4 6.1-9.6 8.9zm24.5-24.3c-10.2-11-20.4-23.2-30.3-36.3 9.6.4 19.5.6 29.5.6 10.3 0 20.4-.2 30.4-.7-9.2 12.7-19.1 24.8-29.6 36.4zm130.7 30c-.9 12.2-6.9 23.6-16.5 31.3-15.9 9.2-49.8-2.8-86.4-34.2-4.2-3.6-8.4-7.5-12.7-11.5 15.3-16.9 29.4-34.8 42.2-53.6 22.9-1.9 45.7-5.4 68.2-10.5 1 4.1 1.9 8.2 2.7 12.2 4.9 21.6 5.7 44.1 2.5 66.3zm18.2-107.5c-2.8.9-5.6 1.8-8.5 2.6-7-21.8-15.6-43.1-25.5-63.8 9.6-20.4 17.7-41.4 24.5-62.9 5.2 1.5 10.2 3.1 15 4.7 46.6 16 79.3 39.8 79.3 58 0 19.6-34.9 44.9-84.8 61.4zM256 210.2c25.3 0 45.8 20.5 45.8 45.8 0 25.3-20.5 45.8-45.8 45.8-25.3 0-45.8-20.5-45.8-45.8 0-25.3 20.5-45.8 45.8-45.8" ], readme: [ 576, 512, [], "f4d5", "M528.3 46.5H388.5c-48.1 0-89.9 33.3-100.4 80.3-10.6-47-52.3-80.3-100.4-80.3H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v245.8c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h89.7c102.2 0 132.7 24.4 147.3 75 .7 2.8 5.2 2.8 6 0 14.7-50.6 45.2-75 147.3-75H528c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V94.6c0-26.4-21.3-47.9-47.7-48.1zM242 311.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V289c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V251zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm259.3 121.7c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V228c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.8c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V190z" ], rebel: [ 512, 512, [], "f1d0", "M256.5 504C117.2 504 9 387.8 13.2 249.9 16 170.7 56.4 97.7 129.7 49.5c.3 0 1.9-.6 1.1.8-5.8 5.5-111.3 129.8-14.1 226.4 49.8 49.5 90 2.5 90 2.5 38.5-50.1-.6-125.9-.6-125.9-10-24.9-45.7-40.1-45.7-40.1l28.8-31.8c24.4 10.5 43.2 38.7 43.2 38.7.8-29.6-21.9-61.4-21.9-61.4L255.1 8l44.3 50.1c-20.5 28.8-21.9 62.6-21.9 62.6 13.8-23 43.5-39.3 43.5-39.3l28.5 31.8c-27.4 8.9-45.4 39.9-45.4 39.9-15.8 28.5-27.1 89.4.6 127.3 32.4 44.6 87.7-2.8 87.7-2.8 102.7-91.9-10.5-225-10.5-225-6.1-5.5.8-2.8.8-2.8 50.1 36.5 114.6 84.4 116.2 204.8C500.9 400.2 399 504 256.5 504z" ], "red-river": [ 448, 512, [], "f3e3", "M353.2 32H94.8C42.4 32 0 74.4 0 126.8v258.4C0 437.6 42.4 480 94.8 480h258.4c52.4 0 94.8-42.4 94.8-94.8V126.8c0-52.4-42.4-94.8-94.8-94.8zM144.9 200.9v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V151.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24zm176.3 72h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V247.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9z" ], reddit: [ 512, 512, [], "f1a1", "M201.5 305.5c-13.8 0-24.9-11.1-24.9-24.6 0-13.8 11.1-24.9 24.9-24.9 13.6 0 24.6 11.1 24.6 24.9 0 13.6-11.1 24.6-24.6 24.6zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-132.3-41.2c-9.4 0-17.7 3.9-23.8 10-22.4-15.5-52.6-25.5-86.1-26.6l17.4-78.3 55.4 12.5c0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.3 24.9-24.9s-11.1-24.9-24.9-24.9c-9.7 0-18 5.8-22.1 13.8l-61.2-13.6c-3-.8-6.1 1.4-6.9 4.4l-19.1 86.4c-33.2 1.4-63.1 11.3-85.5 26.8-6.1-6.4-14.7-10.2-24.1-10.2-34.9 0-46.3 46.9-14.4 62.8-1.1 5-1.7 10.2-1.7 15.5 0 52.6 59.2 95.2 132 95.2 73.1 0 132.3-42.6 132.3-95.2 0-5.3-.6-10.8-1.9-15.8 31.3-16 19.8-62.5-14.9-62.5zM302.8 331c-18.2 18.2-76.1 17.9-93.6 0-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0-2.5 2.5-2.5 6.4 0 8.6 22.8 22.8 87.3 22.8 110.2 0 2.5-2.2 2.5-6.1 0-8.6-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0zm7.7-75c-13.6 0-24.6 11.1-24.6 24.9 0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.1 24.9-24.6 0-13.8-11-24.9-24.9-24.9z" ], "reddit-alien": [ 512, 512, [], "f281", "M440.3 203.5c-15 0-28.2 6.2-37.9 15.9-35.7-24.7-83.8-40.6-137.1-42.3L293 52.3l88.2 19.8c0 21.6 17.6 39.2 39.2 39.2 22 0 39.7-18.1 39.7-39.7s-17.6-39.7-39.7-39.7c-15.4 0-28.7 9.3-35.3 22l-97.4-21.6c-4.9-1.3-9.7 2.2-11 7.1L246.3 177c-52.9 2.2-100.5 18.1-136.3 42.8-9.7-10.1-23.4-16.3-38.4-16.3-55.6 0-73.8 74.6-22.9 100.1-1.8 7.9-2.6 16.3-2.6 24.7 0 83.8 94.4 151.7 210.3 151.7 116.4 0 210.8-67.9 210.8-151.7 0-8.4-.9-17.2-3.1-25.1 49.9-25.6 31.5-99.7-23.8-99.7zM129.4 308.9c0-22 17.6-39.7 39.7-39.7 21.6 0 39.2 17.6 39.2 39.7 0 21.6-17.6 39.2-39.2 39.2-22 .1-39.7-17.6-39.7-39.2zm214.3 93.5c-36.4 36.4-139.1 36.4-175.5 0-4-3.5-4-9.7 0-13.7 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 27.8 28.5 120 29 149 0 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 4.1 4 4.1 10.2.1 13.7zm-.8-54.2c-21.6 0-39.2-17.6-39.2-39.2 0-22 17.6-39.7 39.2-39.7 22 0 39.7 17.6 39.7 39.7-.1 21.5-17.7 39.2-39.7 39.2z" ], "reddit-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f1a2", "M283.2 345.5c2.7 2.7 2.7 6.8 0 9.2-24.5 24.5-93.8 24.6-118.4 0-2.7-2.4-2.7-6.5 0-9.2 2.4-2.4 6.5-2.4 8.9 0 18.7 19.2 81 19.6 100.5 0 2.4-2.3 6.6-2.3 9 0zm-91.3-53.8c0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.5-26.8-14.9 0-26.8 11.9-26.8 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.8 26.5 14.6 0 26.5-11.9 26.5-26.5zm90.7-26.8c-14.6 0-26.5 11.9-26.5 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-11.9 26.8-26.5 0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-99.7 140.6c-10.1 0-19 4.2-25.6 10.7-24.1-16.7-56.5-27.4-92.5-28.6l18.7-84.2 59.5 13.4c0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-12.2 26.8-26.8 0-14.6-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8-10.4 0-19.3 6.2-23.8 14.9l-65.7-14.6c-3.3-.9-6.5 1.5-7.4 4.8l-20.5 92.8c-35.7 1.5-67.8 12.2-91.9 28.9-6.5-6.8-15.8-11-25.9-11-37.5 0-49.8 50.4-15.5 67.5-1.2 5.4-1.8 11-1.8 16.7 0 56.5 63.7 102.3 141.9 102.3 78.5 0 142.2-45.8 142.2-102.3 0-5.7-.6-11.6-2.1-17 33.6-17.2 21.2-67.2-16.1-67.2z" ], rendact: [ 496, 512, [], "f3e4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c18.6 0 36.7-2.1 54.1-5.9-5.6-7.4-10.8-14.4-15.9-21.3-12.4 2.1-25.2 3.3-38.3 3.3C124.3 480 24 379.7 24 256S124.3 32 248 32s224 100.3 224 224c0 71-33 134.2-84.5 175.3-25.9 18.8-39.1 21.4-83.5-44.2-78.7-112.9-48-71.1-73.7-108.3 72.8 8.9 228.5-72 168.6-168.6C314-26.8 15 93.8 59.7 226.4c3.2 9.8 14.4 38.6 45.6 38.6 2 0 2.6-.6 2-1.7-4.4-8.7-20.1-9.8-20.1-37.4 0-40.5 40.5-89.6 100.3-120 66.1-32.3 131.9-30.2 158.2 5.4 27.2 38.3-20.9 119.2-120.4 136.9 7.5-9.4 57-75.2 62.8-84 22.7-34.6 23.6-49 14-59.2-15.5-16.9-29.5-10.3-50.7-11.7-10.8-.9-113.7 181.2-136.4 216.9-5.9 9-21.2 34.1-21.2 50.9 0 21.3 2.8 51.4 20.6 51.4 10.6 0 8-18.7 8-26.6 0-12.9 27.4-49.4 74.8-104.6 20.4 36.1 57.7 114.3 130.2 209.7 98-33.1 168.5-125.8 168.5-235C496 119 385 8 248 8z" ], renren: [ 512, 512, [], "f18b", "M214 169.1c0 110.4-61 205.4-147.6 247.4C30 373.2 8 317.7 8 256.6 8 133.9 97.1 32.2 214 12.5v156.6zM255 504c-42.9 0-83.3-11-118.5-30.4C193.7 437.5 239.9 382.9 255 319c15.5 63.9 61.7 118.5 118.8 154.7C338.7 493 298.3 504 255 504zm190.6-87.5C359 374.5 298 279.6 298 169.1V12.5c116.9 19.7 206 121.4 206 244.1 0 61.1-22 116.6-58.4 159.9z" ], replyd: [ 448, 512, [], "f3e6", "M320 480H128C57.6 480 0 422.4 0 352V160C0 89.6 57.6 32 128 32h192c70.4 0 128 57.6 128 128v192c0 70.4-57.6 128-128 128zM193.4 273.2c-6.1-2-11.6-3.1-16.4-3.1-7.2 0-13.5 1.9-18.9 5.6-5.4 3.7-9.6 9-12.8 15.8h-1.1l-4.2-18.3h-28v138.9h36.1v-89.7c1.5-5.4 4.4-9.8 8.7-13.2 4.3-3.4 9.8-5.1 16.2-5.1 4.6 0 9.8 1 15.6 3.1l4.8-34zm115.2 103.4c-3.2 2.4-7.7 4.8-13.7 7.1-6 2.3-12.8 3.5-20.4 3.5-12.2 0-21.1-3-26.5-8.9-5.5-5.9-8.5-14.7-9-26.4h83.3c.9-4.8 1.6-9.4 2.1-13.9.5-4.4.7-8.6.7-12.5 0-10.7-1.6-19.7-4.7-26.9-3.2-7.2-7.3-13-12.5-17.2-5.2-4.3-11.1-7.3-17.8-9.2-6.7-1.8-13.5-2.8-20.6-2.8-21.1 0-37.5 6.1-49.2 18.3s-17.5 30.5-17.5 55c0 22.8 5.2 40.7 15.6 53.7 10.4 13.1 26.8 19.6 49.2 19.6 10.7 0 20.9-1.5 30.4-4.6 9.5-3.1 17.1-6.8 22.6-11.2l-12-23.6zm-21.8-70.3c3.8 5.4 5.3 13.1 4.6 23.1h-51.7c.9-9.4 3.7-17 8.2-22.6 4.5-5.6 11.5-8.5 21-8.5 8.2-.1 14.1 2.6 17.9 8zm79.9 2.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4s2 11.7 6.1 15.6zm0 100.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4 0 6.6 2 11.7 6.1 15.6z" ], researchgate: [ 448, 512, [], "f4f8", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm262.2 334.4c-6.6 3-33.2 6-50-14.2-9.2-10.6-25.3-33.3-42.2-63.6-8.9 0-14.7 0-21.4-.6v46.4c0 23.5 6 21.2 25.8 23.9v8.1c-6.9-.3-23.1-.8-35.6-.8-13.1 0-26.1.6-33.6.8v-8.1c15.5-2.9 22-1.3 22-23.9V225c0-22.6-6.4-21-22-23.9V193c25.8 1 53.1-.6 70.9-.6 31.7 0 55.9 14.4 55.9 45.6 0 21.1-16.7 42.2-39.2 47.5 13.6 24.2 30 45.6 42.2 58.9 7.2 7.8 17.2 14.7 27.2 14.7v7.3zm22.9-135c-23.3 0-32.2-15.7-32.2-32.2V167c0-12.2 8.8-30.4 34-30.4s30.4 17.9 30.4 17.9l-10.7 7.2s-5.5-12.5-19.7-12.5c-7.9 0-19.7 7.3-19.7 19.7v26.8c0 13.4 6.6 23.3 17.9 23.3 14.1 0 21.5-10.9 21.5-26.8h-17.9v-10.7h30.4c0 20.5 4.7 49.9-34 49.9zm-116.5 44.7c-9.4 0-13.6-.3-20-.8v-69.7c6.4-.6 15-.6 22.5-.6 23.3 0 37.2 12.2 37.2 34.5 0 21.9-15 36.6-39.7 36.6z" ], resolving: [ 496, 512, [], "f3e7", "M281.2 278.2c46-13.3 49.6-23.5 44-43.4L314 195.5c-6.1-20.9-18.4-28.1-71.1-12.8L54.7 236.8l28.6 98.6 197.9-57.2zM248.5 8C131.4 8 33.2 88.7 7.2 197.5l221.9-63.9c34.8-10.2 54.2-11.7 79.3-8.2 36.3 6.1 52.7 25 61.4 55.2l10.7 37.8c8.2 28.1 1 50.6-23.5 73.6-19.4 17.4-31.2 24.5-61.4 33.2L203 351.8l220.4 27.1 9.7 34.2-48.1 13.3-286.8-37.3 23 80.2c36.8 22 80.3 34.7 126.3 34.7 137 0 248.5-111.4 248.5-248.3C497 119.4 385.5 8 248.5 8zM38.3 388.6L0 256.8c0 48.5 14.3 93.4 38.3 131.8z" ], rev: [ 410, 512, [], "f5b2", "M270.67 274.89c0 36.16-29.41 65.57-65.56 65.57s-65.57-29.41-65.57-65.57 29.41-65.56 65.57-65.56 65.56 29.4 65.56 65.56zm139.55-5.05h-.13c-1.49-61.55-30.1-116.35-74.32-152.98l-45.38 26.2c43.17 28.03 71.81 76.63 71.81 131.82 0 86.62-70.47 157.09-157.09 157.09S48.02 361.5 48.02 274.88c0-81.86 62.96-149.27 142.99-156.43v39.12l108.76-62.79L191.01 32v38.32C84.31 77.57 0 166.36 0 274.89c0 111.59 89.12 202.29 200.06 204.98v.13h210.16V269.84z" ], rocketchat: [ 448, 512, [], "f3e8", "M448 256.2c0-87.2-99.6-153.3-219.8-153.3-18.8 0-37.3 1.6-55.3 4.8-11.1-10.5-24.2-20-38-27.4C61.2 44.2 0 79.4 0 79.4s56.9 47.1 47.6 88.3c-52.3 52.3-52.5 124.1 0 176.6C56.9 385.6 0 432.6 0 432.6s61.2 35.2 134.9-.8c13.8-7.5 26.9-16.9 38-27.4 18 3.2 36.5 4.8 55.3 4.8 120.3-.1 219.8-65.8 219.8-153zm-219.7 124c-23.7 0-46.3-2.8-67.3-7.8-21.3 25.8-68.1 61.7-113.6 50.1 14.8-16 36.7-43.1 32-87.6-27.3-21.4-43.6-48.7-43.6-78.5 0-68.4 86.2-123.9 192.5-123.9S420.8 188 420.8 256.4c0 68.3-86.2 123.8-192.5 123.8zm25.6-123.9c0 14.2-11.5 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.5-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.1 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8zm88.9 0c0 14.2-11.4 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.4-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.1 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8zm-177.9 0c0 14.2-11.4 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.4-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.2 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8z" ], rockrms: [ 496, 512, [], "f3e9", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm157.4 419.5h-90l-112-131.3c-17.9-20.4-3.9-56.1 26.6-56.1h75.3l-84.6-99.3-84.3 98.9h-90L193.5 67.2c14.4-18.4 41.3-17.3 54.5 0l157.7 185.1c19 22.8 2 57.2-27.6 56.1-.6 0-74.2.2-74.2.2l101.5 118.9z" ], safari: [ 512, 512, [], "f267", "M236.9 256.8c0-9.1 6.6-17.7 16.3-17.7 8.9 0 17.4 6.4 17.4 16.1 0 9.1-6.4 17.7-16.1 17.7-9 0-17.6-6.7-17.6-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-26.6 0c0-122.3-99.1-221.4-221.4-221.4S34.6 133.7 34.6 256 133.7 477.4 256 477.4 477.4 378.3 477.4 256zm-72.5 96.6c0 3.6 13 10.2 16.3 12.2-27.4 41.5-69.8 71.4-117.9 83.3l-4.4-18.5c-.3-2.5-1.9-2.8-4.2-2.8-1.9 0-3 2.8-2.8 4.2l4.4 18.8c-13.3 2.8-26.8 4.2-40.4 4.2-36.3 0-72-10.2-103-29.1 1.7-2.8 12.2-18 12.2-20.2 0-1.9-1.7-3.6-3.6-3.6-3.9 0-12.2 16.6-14.7 19.9-41.8-27.7-72-70.6-83.6-119.6l19.1-4.2c2.2-.6 2.8-2.2 2.8-4.2 0-1.9-2.8-3-4.4-2.8L62 294.5c-2.5-12.7-3.9-25.5-3.9-38.5 0-37.1 10.5-73.6 30.2-104.9 2.8 1.7 16.1 10.8 18.3 10.8 1.9 0 3.6-1.4 3.6-3.3 0-3.9-14.7-11.3-18-13.6 28.2-41.2 71.1-70.9 119.8-81.9l4.2 18.5c.6 2.2 2.2 2.8 4.2 2.8s3-2.8 2.8-4.4L219 61.7c12.2-2.2 24.6-3.6 37.1-3.6 37.1 0 73.3 10.5 104.9 30.2-1.9 2.8-10.8 15.8-10.8 18 0 1.9 1.4 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.9 0 11.3-14.4 13.3-17.7 41 27.7 70.3 70 81.7 118.2l-15.5 3.3c-2.5.6-2.8 2.2-2.8 4.4 0 1.9 2.8 3 4.2 2.8l15.8-3.6c2.5 12.7 3.9 25.7 3.9 38.7 0 36.3-10 72-28.8 102.7-2.8-1.4-14.4-9.7-16.6-9.7-2.1 0-3.8 1.7-3.8 3.6zm-33.2-242.2c-13 12.2-134.2 123.7-137.6 129.5l-96.6 160.5c12.7-11.9 134.2-124 137.3-129.3l96.9-160.7z" ], sass: [ 640, 512, [], "f41e", "M551.1 291.9c-22.4.1-41.8 5.5-58 13.5-5.9-11.9-12-22.3-13-30.1-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2c-.1-1.1-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-12.9-.1-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-1.3 3.4-3.8 11.1-5.3 19.1-2.3 11.7-25.8 53.5-39.1 75.3-4.4-8.5-8.1-16-8.9-22-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2c-.1-1.1-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-12.9-.1-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-1.3 3.4-2.7 11.4-5.3 19.1-2.6 7.7-33.9 77.3-42.1 95.4-4.2 9.2-7.8 16.6-10.4 21.6s-.2.3-.4.9c-2.2 4.3-3.5 6.7-3.5 6.7v.1c-1.7 3.2-3.6 6.1-4.5 6.1-.6 0-1.9-8.4.3-19.9 4.7-24.2 15.8-61.8 15.7-63.1-.1-.7 2.1-7.2-7.3-10.7-9.1-3.3-12.4 2.2-13.2 2.2-.8 0-1.4 2-1.4 2s10.1-42.4-19.4-42.4c-18.4 0-44 20.2-56.6 38.5-7.9 4.3-25 13.6-43 23.5-6.9 3.8-14 7.7-20.7 11.4-.5-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-35.8-38.2-101.9-65.2-99.1-116.5 1-18.7 7.5-67.8 127.1-127.4 98-48.8 176.4-35.4 189.9-5.6 19.4 42.5-41.9 121.6-143.7 133-38.8 4.3-59.2-10.7-64.3-16.3-5.3-5.9-6.1-6.2-8.1-5.1-3.3 1.8-1.2 7 0 10.1 3 7.9 15.5 21.9 36.8 28.9 18.7 6.1 64.2 9.5 119.2-11.8C367 196.5 415.1 130.2 401 74.7 386.6 18.3 293.1-.2 204.6 31.2 151.9 49.9 94.9 79.3 53.9 117.6 5.2 163.2-2.6 202.9.6 219.5c11.4 58.9 92.6 97.3 125.1 125.7-1.6.9-3.1 1.7-4.5 2.5-16.3 8.1-78.2 40.5-93.7 74.7-17.5 38.8 2.9 66.6 16.3 70.4 41.8 11.6 84.6-9.3 107.6-43.6s20.2-79.1 9.6-99.5c-.1-.3-.3-.5-.4-.8 4.2-2.5 8.5-5 12.8-7.5 8.3-4.9 16.4-9.4 23.5-13.3-4 10.8-6.9 23.8-8.4 42.6-1.8 22 7.3 50.5 19.1 61.7 5.2 4.9 11.5 5 15.4 5 13.8 0 20-11.4 26.9-25 8.5-16.6 16-35.9 16-35.9s-9.4 52.2 16.3 52.2c9.4 0 18.8-12.1 23-18.3v.1s.2-.4.7-1.2c1-1.5 1.5-2.4 1.5-2.4v-.3c3.8-6.5 12.1-21.4 24.6-46 16.2-31.8 31.7-71.5 31.7-71.5s1.4 9.7 6.2 25.8c2.8 9.5 8.7 19.9 13.4 30-3.8 5.2-6.1 8.2-6.1 8.2s0 .1.1.2c-3 4-6.4 8.3-9.9 12.5-12.8 15.2-28 32.6-30 37.6-2.4 5.9-1.8 10.3 2.8 13.7 3.4 2.6 9.4 3 15.7 2.5 11.5-.8 19.6-3.6 23.5-5.4 6.2-2.2 13.4-5.7 20.2-10.6 12.5-9.2 20.1-22.4 19.4-39.8-.4-9.6-3.5-19.2-7.3-28.2 1.1-1.6 2.3-3.3 3.4-5 19.8-28.9 35.1-60.6 35.1-60.6s1.4 9.7 6.2 25.8c2.4 8.1 7.1 17 11.4 25.7-18.6 15.1-30.1 32.6-34.1 44.1-7.4 21.3-1.6 30.9 9.3 33.1 4.9 1 11.9-1.3 17.1-3.5 6.5-2.2 14.3-5.7 21.6-11.1 12.5-9.2 24.6-22.1 23.8-39.6-.3-7.9-2.5-15.8-5.4-23.4 15.7-6.6 36.1-10.2 62.1-7.2 55.7 6.5 66.6 41.3 64.5 55.8-2.1 14.6-13.8 22.6-17.7 25-3.9 2.4-5.1 3.3-4.8 5.1.5 2.6 2.3 2.5 5.6 1.9 4.6-.8 29.2-11.8 30.3-38.7 1.6-34-31.1-71.4-89-71.1zM121.8 436.6c-18.4 20.1-44.2 27.7-55.3 21.3C54.6 451 59.3 421.4 82 400c13.8-13 31.6-25 43.4-32.4 2.7-1.6 6.6-4 11.4-6.9.8-.5 1.2-.7 1.2-.7.9-.6 1.9-1.1 2.9-1.7 8.3 30.4.3 57.2-19.1 78.3zm134.4-91.4c-6.4 15.7-19.9 55.7-28.1 53.6-7-1.8-11.3-32.3-1.4-62.3 5-15.1 15.6-33.1 21.9-40.1 10.1-11.3 21.2-14.9 23.8-10.4 3.5 5.9-12.2 49.4-16.2 59.2zm111 53c-2.7 1.4-5.2 2.3-6.4 1.6-.9-.5 1.1-2.4 1.1-2.4s13.9-14.9 19.4-21.7c3.2-4 6.9-8.7 10.9-13.9 0 .5.1 1 .1 1.6-.1 17.9-17.3 30-25.1 34.8zm85.6-19.5c-2-1.4-1.7-6.1 5-20.7 2.6-5.7 8.6-15.3 19-24.5 1.2 3.8 1.9 7.4 1.9 10.8-.1 22.5-16.2 30.9-25.9 34.4z" ], schlix: [ 448, 512, [], "f3ea", "M350.5 157.7l-54.2-46.1 73.4-39 78.3 44.2-97.5 40.9zM192 122.1l45.7-28.2 34.7 34.6-55.4 29-25-35.4zm-65.1 6.6l31.9-22.1L176 135l-36.7 22.5-12.4-28.8zm-23.3 88.2l-8.8-34.8 29.6-18.3 13.1 35.3-33.9 17.8zm-21.2-83.7l23.9-18.1 8.9 24-26.7 18.3-6.1-24.2zM59 206.5l-3.6-28.4 22.3-15.5 6.1 28.7L59 206.5zm-30.6 16.6l20.8-12.8 3.3 33.4-22.9 12-1.2-32.6zM1.4 268l19.2-10.2.4 38.2-21 8.8L1.4 268zm59.1 59.3l-28.3 8.3-1.6-46.8 25.1-10.7 4.8 49.2zM99 263.2l-31.1 13-5.2-40.8L90.1 221l8.9 42.2zM123.2 377l-41.6 5.9-8.1-63.5 35.2-10.8 14.5 68.4zm28.5-139.9l21.2 57.1-46.2 13.6-13.7-54.1 38.7-16.6zm85.7 230.5l-70.9-3.3-24.3-95.8 55.2-8.6 40 107.7zm-84.9-279.7l42.2-22.4 28 45.9-50.8 21.3-19.4-44.8zm41 94.9l61.3-18.7 52.8 86.6-79.8 11.3-34.3-79.2zm51.4-85.6l67.3-28.8 65.5 65.4-88.6 26.2-44.2-62.8z" ], scribd: [ 384, 512, [], "f28a", "M42.3 252.7c-16.1-19-24.7-45.9-24.8-79.9 0-100.4 75.2-153.1 167.2-153.1 98.6-1.6 156.8 49 184.3 70.6l-50.5 72.1-37.3-24.6 26.9-38.6c-36.5-24-79.4-36.5-123-35.8-50.7-.8-111.7 27.2-111.7 76.2 0 18.7 11.2 20.7 28.6 15.6 23.3-5.3 41.9.6 55.8 14 26.4 24.3 23.2 67.6-.7 91.9-29.2 29.5-85.2 27.3-114.8-8.4zm317.7 5.9c-15.5-18.8-38.9-29.4-63.2-28.6-38.1-2-71.1 28-70.5 67.2-.7 16.8 6 33 18.4 44.3 14.1 13.9 33 19.7 56.3 14.4 17.4-5.1 28.6-3.1 28.6 15.6 0 4.3-.5 8.5-1.4 12.7-16.7 40.9-59.5 64.4-121.4 64.4-51.9.2-102.4-16.4-144.1-47.3l33.7-39.4-35.6-27.4L0 406.3l15.4 13.8c52.5 46.8 120.4 72.5 190.7 72.2 51.4 0 94.4-10.5 133.6-44.1 57.1-51.4 54.2-149.2 20.3-189.6z" ], searchengin: [ 460, 512, [], "f3eb", "M220.6 130.3l-67.2 28.2V43.2L98.7 233.5l54.7-24.2v130.3l67.2-209.3zm-83.2-96.7l-1.3 4.7-15.2 52.9C80.6 106.7 52 145.8 52 191.5c0 52.3 34.3 95.9 83.4 105.5v53.6C57.5 340.1 0 272.4 0 191.6c0-80.5 59.8-147.2 137.4-158zm311.4 447.2c-11.2 11.2-23.1 12.3-28.6 10.5-5.4-1.8-27.1-19.9-60.4-44.4-33.3-24.6-33.6-35.7-43-56.7-9.4-20.9-30.4-42.6-57.5-52.4l-9.7-14.7c-24.7 16.9-53 26.9-81.3 28.7l2.1-6.6 15.9-49.5c46.5-11.9 80.9-54 80.9-104.2 0-54.5-38.4-102.1-96-107.1V32.3C254.4 37.4 320 106.8 320 191.6c0 33.6-11.2 64.7-29 90.4l14.6 9.6c9.8 27.1 31.5 48 52.4 57.4s32.2 9.7 56.8 43c24.6 33.2 42.7 54.9 44.5 60.3s.7 17.3-10.5 28.5zm-9.9-17.9c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8s-8 3.6-8 8 3.6 8 8 8 8-3.6 8-8z" ], sellcast: [ 448, 512, [], "f2da", "M353.4 32H94.7C42.6 32 0 74.6 0 126.6v258.7C0 437.4 42.6 480 94.7 480h258.7c52.1 0 94.7-42.6 94.7-94.6V126.6c0-52-42.6-94.6-94.7-94.6zm-50 316.4c-27.9 48.2-89.9 64.9-138.2 37.2-22.9 39.8-54.9 8.6-42.3-13.2l15.7-27.2c5.9-10.3 19.2-13.9 29.5-7.9 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 27.6 15.9 63.4 6.3 79.4-21.3 15.9-27.6 6.3-63.4-21.3-79.4-17.8-10.2-.6-.4-18.6-10.6-24.6-14.2-3.4-51.9 21.6-37.5 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 48.4 28 65.1 90.3 37.2 138.5zm21.8-208.8c-17 29.5-16.3 28.8-19 31.5-6.5 6.5-16.3 8.7-26.5 3.6-18.6- 21.3s-6.3 63.4 21.3 79.4c0 0 18.5 10.6 18.6 10.6 24.6 14.2 3.4 51.9-21.6 37.5-18.6- 27.9-48.2 89.9-64.9 138.2-37.2l4.8-8.4c14.3-24.9 52-3.3 37.7 21.5z" ], sellsy: [ 640, 512, [], "f213", "M539.71 237.308c3.064-12.257 4.29-24.821 4.29-37.384C544 107.382 468.618 32 376.076 32c-77.22 0-144.634 53.012-163.02 127.781-15.322-13.176-34.934-20.53-55.157-20.53-46.271 0-83.962 37.69-83.962 83.961 0 7.354.92 15.015 3.065 22.369-42.9 20.225-70.785 63.738-70.785 111.234C6.216 424.843 61.68 480 129.401 480h381.198c67.72 0 123.184-55.157 123.184-123.184.001-56.384-38.916-106.025-94.073-119.508zM199.88 401.554c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.321 15.321H153.61c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V290.626c0-8.273 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v110.928zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V270.096c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.321v131.458zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.047 15.321-15.321 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.322-7.048-15.322-15.321V238.84c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.322-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v162.714zm87.027 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-28.497c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V176.941c0-8.579 7.047-15.628 15.321-15.628h28.497c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.628v224.613z" ], servicestack: [ 496, 512, [], "f3ec", "M88 216c81.7 10.2 273.7 102.3 304 232H0c99.5-8.1 184.5-137 88-232zm32-152c32.3 35.6 47.7 83.9 46.4 133.6C249.3 231.3 373.7 321.3 400 448h96C455.3 231.9 222.8 79.5 120 64z" ], shirtsinbulk: [ 448, 512, [], "f214", "M395.208 221.583H406v33.542h-10.792v-33.542zm0-9.625H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zm0 86.333H406V264.75h-10.792v33.541zM358.75 135.25h-33.542v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm36.458 206.208H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zM311.5 135.25h-33.542v10.5H311.5v-10.5zm-47.25 0H231v10.5h33.25v-10.5zm-47.25 0h-33.25v10.5H217v-10.5zm178.208 33.542H406V135.25h-33.542v10.5h22.75v23.042zm-255.792 259l30.625 13.417 4.375-9.917-30.625-13.417-4.375 9.917zM179.083 445l30.334 13.708 4.374-9.916-30.333-13.417-4.375 9.625zm216.125-60.375H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zm-334.833 8.167L91 406.208l4.375-9.624-30.625-13.709-4.375 9.917zm39.666 17.499l30.625 13.417 4.375-9.917-30.625-13.416-4.375 9.916zm132.417 38.501l4.375 9.916L267.459 445l-4.375-9.625-30.626 13.417zm118.417-52.208l4.375 9.624 30.624-13.416-4.374-9.917-30.625 13.709zM311.5 413.791l4.375 9.917 30.625-13.417-4.374-9.916-30.626 13.416zm-39.667 17.501l4.375 9.917 30.625-13.417-4.375-9.917-30.625 13.417zM311.5 46.583h-33.542v10.5H311.5v-10.5zm94.209 0h-33.251v10.5h33.251v-10.5zm-188.709 0h-33.25v10.5H217v-10.5zm141.75 0h-33.542v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-94.5 0H231v10.5h33.25v-10.5zM448 3.708v406l-226.334 98.584L0 409.708v-406h448zm-29.166 116.958H29.166V390.75l192.792 85.75 196.875-85.75V120.666zm0-87.791H29.166V91.5h389.667V32.875zM75.542 46.583H42.291v10.5h33.251v-10.5zm94.5 0H136.5v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-47.251 0H89.25v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm7.584 236.542c0-50.167 41.125-91.292 91.292-91.292 50.458 0 91.292 41.125 91.292 91.292 0 50.458-40.833 91.292-91.292 91.292-50.167-.001-91.292-40.834-91.292-91.292zm120.75 18.084c0 13.125-23.917 14.291-32.666 14.291-12.25 0-29.75-2.625-35.875-14.875h-.875L172.666 319c14.876 9.333 29.167 12.25 47.25 12.25 19.542 0 51.042-5.833 51.042-31.209 0-48.125-78.458-16.333-78.458-37.916 0-13.125 20.708-14.875 29.75-14.875 10.791 0 29.166 3.208 35.583 13.124h.875l8.751-16.916c-15.167-6.125-27.417-11.959-44.334-11.959-20.125 0-49.583 6.417-49.583 31.792 0 44.334 77.583 11.959 77.583 37.918zM122.791 135.25H89.25v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-69.999 10.5h22.75v-10.5H42v33.542h10.792V145.75zm0 32.666H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm117.25-43.166H136.5v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-117.25 86.333H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm0 86.334H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm0-43.167H42v33.542h10.792V264.75zm0 86.333H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542z" ], shopware: [ 495, 512, [], "f5b5", "M395.5 455.27c-42.95 31.79-93.95 48.59-147.48 48.59-137.21 0-248.02-111-248.02-248 0-137.19 111.04-248 248.02-248 61.3 0 120.14 22.55 165.68 63.5 2.62 2.36.58 6.64-2.86 6.18-17.67-2.43-36.75-3.66-56.71-3.66-129.36 0-222.4 53.47-222.4 155.35 0 109.04 92.13 145.88 176.83 178.73 33.64 13.04 65.4 25.36 86.96 41.59 1.9 1.44 1.89 4.31-.02 5.72zm99.46-222.32c-.08-.94-.55-1.83-1.27-2.44-51.76-42.96-93.62-60.48-144.48-60.48-84.13 0-80.25 52.17-80.25 53.63 0 42.6 52.06 62.01 112.34 84.49 31.07 11.59 63.19 23.57 92.68 39.93 1.88 1.05 4.26.19 5.05-1.82 18.89-48.39 17.94-90.23 15.93-113.31z" ], simplybuilt: [ 512, 512, [], "f215", "M481.2 64h-106c-14.5 0-26.6 11.8-26.6 26.3v39.6H163.3V90.3c0-14.5-12-26.3-26.6-26.3h-106C16.1 64 4.3 75.8 4.3 90.3v331.4c0 14.5 11.8 26.3 26.6 26.3h450.4c14.8 0 26.6-11.8 26.6-26.3V90.3c-.2-14.5-12-26.3-26.7-26.3zM149.8 355.8c-36.6 0-66.4-29.7-66.4-66.4 0-36.9 29.7-66.6 66.4-66.6 36.9 0 66.6 29.7 66.6 66.6 0 36.7-29.7 66.4-66.6 66.4zm212.4 0c-36.9 0-66.6-29.7-66.6-66.6 0-36.6 29.7-66.4 66.6-66.4 36.6 0 66.4 29.7 66.4 66.4 0 36.9-29.8 66.6-66.4 66.6z" ], sistrix: [ 448, 512, [], "f3ee", "M448 449L301.2 300.2c20-27.9 31.9-62.2 31.9-99.2 0-93.1-74.7-168.9-166.5-168.9C74.7 32 0 107.8 0 200.9s74.7 168.9 166.5 168.9c39.8 0 76.3-14.2 105-37.9l146 148.1 30.5-31zM166.5 330.8c-70.6 0-128.1-58.3-128.1-129.9S95.9 71 166.5 71s128.1 58.3 128.1 129.9-57.4 129.9-128.1 129.9z" ], sith: [ 448, 512, [], "f512", "M0 32l69.71 118.75-58.86-11.52 69.84 91.03a146.741 146.741 0 0 0 0 51.45l-69.84 91.03 58.86-11.52L0 480l118.75-69.71-11.52 58.86 91.03-69.84c17.02 3.04 34.47 3.04 51.48 0l91.03 69.84-11.52-58.86L448 480l-69.71-118.78 58.86 11.52-69.84-91.03c3.03-17.01 3.04-34.44 0-51.45l69.84-91.03-58.86 11.52L448 32l-118.75 69.71 11.52-58.9-91.06 69.87c-8.5-1.52-17.1-2.29-25.71-2.29s-17.21.78-25.71 2.29l-91.06-69.87 11.52 58.9L0 32zm224 99.78c31.8 0 63.6 12.12 87.85 36.37 48.5 48.5 48.49 127.21 0 175.7s-127.2 48.46-175.7-.03c-48.5-48.5-48.49-127.21 0-175.7 24.24-24.25 56.05-36.34 87.85-36.34zm0 36.66c-22.42 0-44.83 8.52-61.92 25.61-34.18 34.18-34.19 89.68 0 123.87s89.65 34.18 123.84 0c34.18-34.18 34.19-89.68 0-123.87-17.09-17.09-39.5-25.61-61.92-25.61z" ], skyatlas: [ 640, 512, [], "f216", "M640 329.3c0 65.9-52.5 114.4-117.5 114.4-165.9 0-196.6-249.7-359.7-249.7-146.9 0-147.1 212.2 5.6 212.2 42.5 0 90.9-17.8 125.3-42.5 5.6-4.1 16.9-16.3 22.8-16.3s10.9 5 10.9 10.9c0 7.8-13.1 19.1-18.7 24.1-40.9 35.6-100.3 61.2-154.7 61.2-83.4.1-154-59-154-144.9s67.5-149.1 152.8-149.1c185.3 0 222.5 245.9 361.9 245.9 99.9 0 94.8-139.7 3.4-139.7-17.5 0-35 11.6-46.9 11.6-8.4 0-15.9-7.2-15.9-15.6 0-11.6 5.3-23.7 5.3-36.3 0-66.6-50.9-114.7-116.9-114.7-53.1 0-80 36.9-88.8 36.9-6.2 0-11.2-5-11.2-11.2 0-5.6 4.1-10.3 7.8-14.4 25.3-28.8 64.7-43.7 102.8-43.7 79.4 0 139.1 58.4 139.1 137.8 0 6.9-.3 13.7-1.2 20.6 11.9-3.1 24.1-4.7 35.9-4.7 60.7 0 111.9 45.3 111.9 107.2z" ], skype: [ 448, 512, [], "f17e", "M424.7 299.8c2.9-14 4.7-28.9 4.7-43.8 0-113.5-91.9-205.3-205.3-205.3-14.9 0-29.7 1.7-43.8 4.7C161.3 40.7 137.7 32 112 32 50.2 32 0 82.2 0 144c0 25.7 8.7 49.3 23.3 68.2-2.9 14-4.7 28.9-4.7 43.8 0 113.5 91.9 205.3 205.3 205.3 14.9 0 29.7-1.7 43.8-4.7 19 14.6 42.6 23.3 68.2 23.3 61.8 0 112-50.2 112-112 .1-25.6-8.6-49.2-23.2-68.1zm-194.6 91.5c-65.6 0-120.5-29.2-120.5-65 0-16 9-30.6 29.5-30.6 31.2 0 34.1 44.9 88.1 44.9 25.7 0 42.3-11.4 42.3-26.3 0-18.7-16-21.6-42-28-62.5-15.4-117.8-22-117.8-87.2 0-59.2 58.6-81.1 109.1-81.1 55.1 0 110.8 21.9 110.8 55.4 0 16.9-11.4 31.8-30.3 31.8-28.3 0-29.2-33.5-75-33.5-25.7 0-42 7-42 22.5 0 19.8 20.8 21.8 69.1 33 41.4 9.3 90.7 26.8 90.7 77.6 0 59.1-57.1 86.5-112 86.5z" ], slack: [ 448, 512, [], "f198", "M244.2 217.5l19.3 57.7-59.8 20-19.3-57.7 59.8-20zm41.4 243.7C131.6 507.4 65 471.6 18.8 317.6S8.4 97 162.4 50.8C316.4 4.6 383 40.4 429.2 194.4c46.2 154 10.4 220.6-143.6 266.8zM366.2 265c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7l-29 9.7-19.3-57.7 29-9.7c12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7l-29 9.7-10-30.1c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4l10 30.1-59.8 20.1-10-30.1c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4l10 30.1-29 9.7c-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4 3.2 9.3 12.2 15.4 21.5 15.8 4.3.6 7.7-1 36.9-10.7l19.3 57.7-29 9.7c-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4 3.2 9.3 12.2 15.4 21.5 15.8 4.3.6 7.7-1 36.9-10.7l10 30.1c3.7 10.8 15.8 18.6 29.4 14.7 12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4l-10-30.1 59.8-20.1 10 30.1c3.7 10.8 15.8 18.6 29.4 14.7 12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4l-10-30.1 29-9.7c12.2-4.2 18.6-17.5 14.7-29.6z" ], "slack-hash": [ 448, 512, [], "f3ef", "M446.2 270.4c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-30.3-90 45.4-15.1c19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-93.4 31.2-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-45.3 15c-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l30.3 90L78 354.8c-19 6.2-29.1 26.9-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 93.6-31.3 15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 45.4-15.1c19-6 29.1-26.7 22.9-45.7zm-254.1 47.2l-30.3-90.2 93.5-31.3 30.3 90.2-93.5 31.3z" ], slideshare: [ 512, 512, [], "f1e7", "M249.429 211.436c0 31.716-27.715 57.717-61.717 57.717-34.001 0-61.716-26.001-61.716-57.717 0-32.001 27.715-57.716 61.716-57.716 34.001 0 61.717 25.715 61.717 57.716zm254.294 50.002c-18.286 22.573-53.144 50.288-106.289 72.003C453.722 525.163 260 555.735 263.143 457.446c0 1.714-.286-52.859-.286-93.432-4.285-.858-8.571-2-13.714-3.143 0 40.858-.286 98.289-.286 96.575C252 555.735 58.278 525.163 114.566 333.441c-53.145-21.715-88.003-49.43-106.29-72.003-9.143-13.714.858-28.287 16.001-17.715 2 1.428 4.285 2.857 6.285 4.285V49.716C30.563 22.287 51.135 0 76.565 0h359.157c25.429 0 46.002 22.287 46.002 49.716v198.293l6-4.285c15.143-10.573 25.143 4 15.999 17.714zm-46.572-189.15c0-32.858-10.572-45.716-40.859-45.716H98.566c-31.716 0-40.573 10.858-40.573 45.716v192.293c67.717 35.43 125.72 29.144 157.435 28.001 13.429-.286 22.001 2.286 27.144 7.715 1.689 1.687 10.023 9.446 20.287 17.143 1.143-15.715 10.001-25.715 33.716-24.858 32.287 1.428 91.718 7.715 160.577-29.716V72.288zM331.146 153.72c-34.002 0-61.716 25.715-61.716 57.716 0 31.716 27.715 57.717 61.716 57.717 34.287 0 61.716-26.001 61.716-57.717 0-32.001-27.429-57.716-61.716-57.716z" ], snapchat: [ 496, 512, [], "f2ab", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm169.5 338.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C183.1 100 230.7 96 244.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z" ], "snapchat-ghost": [ 512, 512, [], "f2ac", "M510.846 392.673c-5.211 12.157-27.239 21.089-67.36 27.318-2.064 2.786-3.775 14.686-6.507 23.956-1.625 5.566-5.623 8.869-12.128 8.869l-.297-.005c-9.395 0-19.203-4.323-38.852-4.323-26.521 0-35.662 6.043-56.254 20.588-21.832 15.438-42.771 28.764-74.027 27.399-31.646 2.334-58.025-16.908-72.871-27.404-20.714-14.643-29.828-20.582-56.241-20.582-18.864 0-30.736 4.72-38.852 4.72-8.073 0-11.213-4.922-12.422-9.04-2.703-9.189-4.404-21.263-6.523-24.13-20.679-3.209-67.31-11.344-68.498-32.15a10.627 10.627 0 0 1 8.877-11.069c69.583-11.455 100.924-82.901 102.227-85.934.074-.176.155-.344.237-.515 3.713-7.537 4.544-13.849 2.463-18.753-5.05-11.896-26.872-16.164-36.053-19.796-23.715-9.366-27.015-20.128-25.612-27.504 2.437-12.836 21.725-20.735 33.002-15.453 8.919 4.181 16.843 6.297 23.547 6.297 5.022 0 8.212-1.204 9.96-2.171-2.043-35.936-7.101-87.29 5.687-115.969C158.122 21.304 229.705 15.42 250.826 15.42c.944 0 9.141-.089 10.11-.089 52.148 0 102.254 26.78 126.723 81.643 12.777 28.65 7.749 79.792 5.695 116.009 1.582.872 4.357 1.942 8.599 2.139 6.397-.286 13.815-2.389 22.069-6.257 6.085-2.846 14.406-2.461 20.48.058l.029.01c9.476 3.385 15.439 10.215 15.589 17.87.184 9.747-8.522 18.165-25.878 25.018-2.118.835-4.694 1.655-7.434 2.525-9.797 3.106-24.6 7.805-28.616 17.271-2.079 4.904-1.256 11.211 2.46 18.748. 1.301 3.03 32.615 74.46 102.23 85.934 6.427 1.058 11.163 7.877 7.725 15.859z" ], "snapchat-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f2ad", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6.5 314.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C159.1 100 206.7 96 220.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z" ], soundcloud: [ 640, 512, [], "f1be", "M111.4 256.3l5.8 65-5.8 68.3c-.3 2.5-2.2 4.4-4.4 4.4s-4.2-1.9-4.2-4.4l-5.6-68.3 5.6-65c0-2.2 1.9-4.2 4.2-4.2 2.2 0 4.1 2 4.4 4.2zm21.4-45.6c-2.8 0-4.7 2.2-5 5l-5 105.6 5 68.3c.3 2.8 2.2 5 5 5 2.5 0 4.7-2.2 4.7-5l5.8-68.3-5.8-105.6c0-2.8-2.2-5-4.7-5zm25.5-24.1c-3.1 0-5.3 2.2-5.6 5.3l-4.4 130 4.4 67.8c.3 3.1 2.5 5.3 5.6 5.3 2.8 0 5.3-2.2 5.3-5.3l5.3-67.8-5.3-130c0-3.1-2.5-5.3-5.3-5.3zM7.2 283.2c-1.4 0-2.2 1.1-2.5 2.5L0 321.3l4.7 35c.3 1.4 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.2-1.1 2.5-2.5l5.6-35-5.6-35.6c-.3-1.4-1.1-2.5-2.5-2.5zm23.6-21.9c-1.4 0-2.5 1.1-2.5 2.5l-6.4 57.5 6.4 56.1c0 1.7 1.1 2.8 2.5 2.8s2.5-1.1 2.8-2.5l7.2-56.4-7.2-57.5c-.3-1.4-1.4-2.5-2.8-2.5zm25.3-11.4c-1.7 0-3.1 1.4-3.3 3.3L47 321.3l5.8 65.8c.3 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.3 3.1 1.7 0 3.1-1.4 3.1-3.1l6.9-65.8-6.9-68.1c0-1.9-1.4-3.3-3.1-3.3zm25.3-2.2c-1.9 0-3.6 1.4-3.6 3.6l-5.8 70 5.8 67.8c0 2.2 1.7 3.6 3.6 3.6s3.6-1.4 3.9-3.6l6.4-67.8-6.4-70c-.3-2.2-2-3.6-3.9-3.6zm241.4-110.9c-1.1-.8-2.8-1.4-4.2-1.4-2.2 0-4.2.8-5.6 1.9-1.9 1.7-3.1 4.2-3.3 6.7v.8l-3.3 176.7 1.7 32.5 1.7 31.7c.3 4.7 4.2 8.6 8.9 8.6s8.6-3.9 8.6-8.6l3.9-64.2-3.9-177.5c-.4-3-2-5.8-4.5-7.2zm-26.7 15.3c-1.4-.8-2.8-1.4-4.4-1.4s-3.1.6-4.4 1.4c-2.2 1.4-3.6 3.9-3.6 6.7l-.3 1.7-2.8 160.8s0 .3 3.1 65.6v.3c0 1.7.6 3.3 1.7 4.7 1.7 1.9 3.9 3.1 6.4 3.1 2.2 0 4.2-1.1 5.6-2.5 1.7-1.4 2.5-3.3 2.5-5.6l.3-6.7 3.1-58.6-3.3-162.8c-.3-2.8-1.7-5.3-3.9-6.7zm-111.4 22.5c-3.1 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 6.1l-4.4 140.6 4.4 67.2c.3 3.3 2.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.3 0 5.8-2.5 6.1-5.8l5-67.2-5-140.6c-.2-3.3-2.7-6.1-6.1-6.1zm376.7 62.8c-10.8 0-21.1 2.2-30.6 6.1-6.4-70.8-65.8-126.4-138.3-126.4-17.8 0-35 3.3-50.3 9.4-6.1 2.2-7.8 4.4-7.8 9.2v249.7c0 5 3.9 8.6 8.6 9.2h218.3c43.3 0 78.6-35 78.6-78.3.1-43.6-35.2-78.9-78.5-78.9zm-296.7-60.3c-4.2 0-7.5 3.3-7.8 7.8l-3.3 136.7 3.3 65.6c.3 4.2 3.6 7.5 7.8 7.5 4.2 0 7.5-3.3 7.5-7.5l3.9-65.6-3.9-136.7c-.3-4.5-3.3-7.8-7.5-7.8zm-53.6-7.8c-3.3 0-6.4 3.1-6.4 6.7l-3.9 145.3 3.9 66.9c.3 3.6 3.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 3.6 0 6.4-2.8 6.7-6.4l4.4-66.9-4.4-145.3c-.3-3.6-3.1-6.7-6.7-6.7zm26.7 3.4c-3.9 0-6.9 3.1-6.9 6.9L227 321.3l3.9 66.4c.3 3.9 3.1 6.9 6.9 6.9s6.9-3.1 6.9-6.9l4.2-66.4-4.2-141.7c0-3.9-3-6.9-6.9-6.9z" ], speakap: [ 448, 512, [], "f3f3", "M352 32H96C43.2 32 0 75.2 0 128v256c0 52.8 43.2 96 96 96h256c52.8 0 96-43.2 96-96V128c0-52.8-43.2-96-96-96zM221 382.9c-39.6 0-81.9-17.8-81.9-53.7V302H179v17.8c0 15.1 19.5 24.5 41.9 24.5 24.2 0 41.3-10.4 41.3-29.5 0-23.8-27.2-31.9-54.7-42.6-31.9-12.4-63.1-26.2-63.1-69.1 0-48 38.6-66.4 79.9-66.4 37.6 0 75.5 14.1 75.5 41.9v31.2h-39.9v-16.1c0-12.1-17.8-18.5-35.6-18.5-19.5 0-35.6 8.1-35.6 26.2 0 22.1 22.5 29.2 47 38.9 35.9 12.4 71.1 27.2 71.1 71.5.1 48.6-40.8 71.1-85.8 71.1z" ], spotify: [ 496, 512, [], "f1bc", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm100.7 364.9c-4.2 0-6.8-1.3-10.7-3.6-62.4-37.6-135-39.2-206.7-24.5-3.9 1-9 2.6-11.9 2.6-9.7 0-15.8-7.7-15.8-15.8 0-10.3 6.1-15.2 13.6-16.8 81.9-18.1 165.6-16.5 237 26.2 6.1 3.9 9.7 7.4 9.7 16.5s-7.1 15.4-15.2 15.4zm26.9-65.6c-5.2 0-8.7-2.3-12.3-4.2-62.5-37-155.7-51.9-238.6-29.4-4.8 1.3-7.4 2.6-11.9 2.6-10.7 0-19.4-8.7-19.4-19.4s5.2-17.8 15.5-20.7c27.8-7.8 56.2-13.6 97.8-13.6 64.9 0 127.6 16.1 177 45.5 8.1 4.8 11.3 11 11.3 19.7-.1 10.8-8.5 19.5-19.4 19.5zm31-76.2c-5.2 0-8.4-1.3-12.9-3.9-71.2-42.5-198.5-52.7-280.9-29.7-3.6 1-8.1 2.6-12.9 2.6-13.2 0-23.3-10.3-23.3-23.6 0-13.6 8.4-21.3 17.4-23.9 35.2-10.3 74.6-15.2 117.5-15.2 73 0 149.5 15.2 205.4 47.8 7.8 4.5 12.9 10.7 12.9 22.6 0 13.6-11 23.3-23.2 23.3z" ], squarespace: [ 512, 512, [], "f5be", "M186.12 343.34c-9.65 9.65-9.65 25.29 0 34.94 9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.94 0L378.24 221.1c19.29-19.29 50.57-19.29 69.86 0s19.29 50.57 0 69.86L293.95 445.1c19.27 19.29 50.53 19.31 69.82.04l.04-.04 119.25-119.24c38.59-38.59 38.59-101.14 0-139.72-38.59-38.59-101.15-38.59-139.72 0l-157.22 157.2zm244.53-104.8c-9.65-9.65-25.29-9.65-34.93 0l-157.2 157.18c-19.27 19.29-50.53 19.31-69.82.05l-.05-.05c-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.65-34.92-.01l-.01.01c-9.65 9.64-9.66 25.28-.02 34.93l.02.02c38.58 38.57 101.14 38.57 139.72 0l157.2-157.2c9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29.01-34.93zm-261.99 87.33l157.18-157.18c9.64-9.65 9.64-25.29 0-34.94-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.64-34.91 0L133.72 290.93c-19.28 19.29-50.56 19.3-69.85.01l-.01-.01c-19.29-19.28-19.31-50.54-.03-69.84l.03-.03L218.03 66.89c-19.28-19.29-50.55-19.3-69.85-.02l-.02.02L28.93 186.14c-38.58 38.59-38.58 101.14 0 139.72 38.6 38.59 101.13 38.59 139.73.01zm-87.33-52.4c9.64 9.64 25.27 9.64 34.91 0l157.21-157.19c19.28-19.29 50.55-19.3 69.84-.02l.02.02c9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.93 0 9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29 0-34.93-38.59-38.59-101.13-38.59-139.72 0L81.33 238.54c-9.65 9.64-9.65 25.28-.01 34.93h.01z" ], "stack-exchange": [ 448, 512, [], "f18d", "M17.7 332.3h412.7v22c0 37.7-29.3 68-65.3 68h-19L259.3 512v-89.7H83c-36 0-65.3-30.3-65.3-68v-22zm0-23.6h412.7v-85H17.7v85zm0-109.4h412.7v-85H17.7v85zM365 0H83C47 0 17.7 30.3 17.7 67.7V90h412.7V67.7C430.3 30.3 401 0 365 0z" ], "stack-overflow": [ 384, 512, [], "f16c", "M293.7 300l-181.2-84.5 16.7-36.5 181.3 84.7-16.8 36.3zm48-76L188.2 95.7l-25.5 30.8 153.5 128.3 25.5-30.8zm39.6-31.7L262 32l-32 24 119.3 160.3 32-24zM290.7 311L95 269.7 86.8 309l195.7 41 8.2-39zm31.6 129H42.7V320h-40v160h359.5V320h-40v120zm-39.8-80h-200v39.7h200V360z" ], staylinked: [ 440, 512, [], "f3f5", "M201.6 127.4c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.8.5l170 167.3-2.7-2.7 44.3 41.3c3.7 3.5 3.3 9-.7 12.2l-198 163.9c-9.9 7.6-17.3.8-17.3.8L2.3 314.6c-3.5-3.5-3-9 1.2-12.2l45.8-34.9c4.2-3.2 10.4-3 13.9.5l151.9 147.5c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.2.4l93.2-74c4.1-3.2 4.5-8.7.9-12.2l-84-81.3c-3.6-3.5-9.9-3.7-14-.5l-.1.1c-4.1 3.2-10.4 3-14-.5l-68.1-64.3c-3.5-3.5-3.1-9 1.1-12.2l57.3-43.6m14.8 257.3c3.7 3.5 10.1 3.7 14.3.4l50.2-38.8-.3-.3 7.7-6c4.2-3.2 4.6-8.7.9-12.2l-57.1-54.4c-3.6-3.5-10-3.7-14.2-.5l-.1.1c-4.2 3.2-10.5 3.1-14.2-.4L109 180.8c-3.6-3.5-3.1-8.9 1.1-12.2l92.2-71.5c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.9.5l160.4 159c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.1.5l45.8-35.8c4.1-3.2 4.4-8.7.7-12.2L226.7 2.5c-1.5-1.2-8-5.5-16.3 1.1L3.6 165.7c-4.2 3.2-4.8 8.7-1.2 12.2l42.3 41.7" ], steam: [ 496, 512, [], "f1b6", "M496 256c0 137-111.2 248-248.4 248-113.8 0-209.6-76.3-239-180.4l95.2 39.3c6.4 32.1 34.9 56.4 68.9 56.4 39.2 0 71.9-32.4 70.2-73.5l84.5-60.2c52.1 1.3 95.8-40.9 95.8-93.5 0-51.6-42-93.5-93.7-93.5s-93.7 42-93.7 93.5v1.2L176.6 279c-15.5-.9-30.7 3.4-43.5 12.1L0 236.1C10.2 108.4 117.1 8 247.6 8 384.8 8 496 119 496 256zM155.7 384.3l-30.5-12.6a52.79 52.79 0 0 0 27.2 25.8c26.9 11.2 57.8-1.6 69-28.4 5.4-13 5.5-27.3.1-40.3-5.4-13-15.5-23.2-28.5-28.6-12.9-5.4-26.7-5.2-38.9-.6l31.5 13c19.8 8.2 29.2 30.9 20.9 50.7-8.3 19.9-31 29.2-50.8 21zm173.8-129.9c-34.4 0-62.4-28-62.4-62.3s28-62.3 62.4-62.3 62.4 28 62.4 62.3-27.9 62.3-62.4 62.3zm.1-15.6c25.9 0 46.9-21 46.9-46.8 0-25.9-21-46.8-46.9-46.8s-46.9 21-46.9 46.8c.1 25.8 21.1 46.8 46.9 46.8z" ], "steam-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f1b7", "M185.2 356.5c7.7-18.5-1-39.7-19.6-47.4l-29.5-12.2c11.4-4.3 24.3-4.5 36.4.5 12.2 5.1 21.6 14.6 26.7 26.7 5 12.2 5 25.6-.1 37.7-10.5 25.1-39.4 37-64.6 26.5-11.6-4.8-20.4-13.6-25.4-24.2l28.5 11.8c18.6 7.8 39.9-.9 47.6-19.4zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v160.7l116.6 48.1c12-8.2 26.2-12.1 40.7-11.3l55.4-80.2v-1.1c0-48.2 39.3-87.5 87.6-87.5s87.6 39.3 87.6 87.5c0 49.2-40.9 88.7-89.6 87.5l-79 56.3c1.6 38.5-29.1 68.8-65.7 68.8-31.8 0-58.5-22.7-64.5-52.7L0 319.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-99.7 222.5c-32.2 0-58.4-26.1-58.4-58.3s26.2-58.3 58.4-58.3 58.4 26.2 58.4 58.3-26.2 58.3-58.4 58.3zm.1-14.6c24.2 0 43.9-19.6 43.9-43.8 0-24.2-19.6-43.8-43.9-43.8-24.2 0-43.9 19.6-43.9 43.8 0 24.2 19.7 43.8 43.9 43.8z" ], "steam-symbol": [ 448, 512, [], "f3f6", "M395.5 177.5c0 33.8-27.5 61-61 61-33.8 0-61-27.3-61-61s27.3-61 61-61c33.5 0 61 27.2 61 61zm52.5.2c0 63-51 113.8-113.7 113.8L225 371.3c-4 43-40.5 76.8-84.5 76.8-40.5 0-74.7-28.8-83-67L0 358V250.7L97.2 290c15.1-9.2 32.2-13.3 52-11.5l71-101.7c.5-62.3 51.5-112.8 114-112.8C397 64 448 115 448 177.7zM203 363c0-34.7-27.8-62.5-62.5-62.5-4.5 0-9 .5-13.5 1.5l26 10.5c25.5 10.2 38 39 27.7 64.5-10.2 25.5-39.2 38-64.7 27.5-10.2-4-20.5-8.3-30.7-12.2 10.5 19.7 31.2 33.2 55.2 33.2 34.7 0 62.5-27.8 62.5-62.5zm207.5-185.3c0-42-34.3-76.2-76.2-76.2-42.3 0-76.5 34.2-76.5 76.2 0 42.2 34.3 76.2 76.5 76.2 41.9.1 76.2-33.9 76.2-76.2z" ], "sticker-mule": [ 576, 512, [], "f3f7", "M353.1 509.8c-5.9 2.9-32.1 3.2-36.5-.5-4.1-3-2.2-11.9-1.5-15 2.2-15-2.5-7.9-9.8-11.5-3.1-1.5-4.1-5.5-4.6-10-.5-1.5-1-2.5-1.5-3.5-1.7-10.7 6.8-33.6 8.2-43.4 4.9-23.7-.7-37.2 1.5-46.9 3.7-16.2 4.1-3.5 4.1-29.9-1.4-25.9 3.3-36.9.5-38.9-14.8 0-64.3 10.7-112.2 2-46.1-8.9-59.4-29-65.4-30.9-10.3-4.5-23.2.5-27.3 7-.1.1-35 70.6-39.6 87.8-6.2 20.5-.5 47.4 4.1 66.8 0 .1 4.5 14.6 10.3 19.5 2.1 1.5 5.1 2.5 7.2 4.5 2.8 2.7 9.4 15.2 9.8 16 2.6 4.5 3.6 8-1.5 10.5-3.6 2-9.3 2.5-14.4 2.5-2.6.5-1.5 3.5-3.1 5-2.9 2.8-20.7 6.1-29.9 2.5-2.6-1-5.7-3-6.2-5-1.5-4 2.1-9-1-12.5-4.5-2.9-13.1-2-17-12-2.2-5.4-2.6-7.6-2.6-49.4 0-9.7-5.9-38.7-8.2-46.9-1.5-5.5-1.5-11.5 0-16 .3-.9 4.1-4.6 4.1-13-1-1.5-4.6-.5-5.1-1.5-10.4-80.6-5.9-79-7.7-98.3-1.5-16-10.9-43.9-6.7-64.3.5-2.4 3.4-21 24.2-38.9 31-26.7 48.4-38.3 159-11.5 1.1.4 66.3 21.1 110.7-9 15.5-11.3 28.8-11.3 35.5-16 .1-.1 61.7-52.1 87-65.3 47.2-29.4 69.9-16.7 75.1-18 4.7-1 13.4-25.8 17-25.8 5.5 0 1.6 20.2 3.6 25.9.5 2 3.6 5 6.2 5 2.3 0 1.7-.8 10.3-5 8.4-5.4 14.9-17.6 20.6-17 11.7 1.6-19 41.6-19 46.9 0 2 .2.8 4.6 9.5 2.6 5.5 4.6 13.5 6.2 20 8.3 29.7 5.7 14.6 13.4 36.9 20.2 50.1 20.6 45.2 20.6 52.9 0 7.5-4.1 11-7.2 16.5-1.5 3-4.6 7.5-7.2 8-2.7.7 7-1.5-13.4 2.5-7.2 1-13.4-4.5-14.9-9.5-1.6-4.7 2.8-10.1-11.8-22.9-10.3-10-21.1-11.3-31.9-17-9.8-5.7-11.9 1-18 8-18 22.9-34 46.9-52 69.8-11.8 15-24.2 30.4-33.5 47.4-3.9 6.8-9.5 28.1-10.3 29.9-6.2 17.7-5.5 25.8-16.5 68.3-3.1 10-5.7 21.4-8.7 32.4-2.2 6.8-7.4 49.3-.5 59.4 2.1 3.5 8.7 4.5 11.3 8 .1.1 9.6 18.2 9.3 20 0 6.1-9.4 5.6-11.3 6.5-4.8 2.9-3.8 5.9-6.4 7.4" ], strava: [ 369, 512, [], "f428", "M301.6 292l-43.9 88.2-44.6-88.2h-67.6l112.2 220 111.5-220h-67.6zM151.4 0L0 292h89.2l62.2-116.1L213.1 292h88.5L151.4 0z" ], stripe: [ 640, 512, [], "f429", "M640 261.6c0-45.5-22-81.4-64.2-81.4s-67.9 35.9-67.9 81.1c0 53.5 30.3 78.2 73.5 78.2 21.2 0 37.1-4.8 49.2-11.5v-33.4c-12.1 6.1-26 9.8-43.6 9.8-17.3 0-32.5-6.1-34.5-26.9h86.9c.2-2.3.6-11.6.6-15.9m-87.9-16.8c0-20 12.3-28.4 23.4-28.4 10.9 0 22.5 8.4 22.5 28.4h-45.9zm-112.9-64.6c-17.4 0-28.6 8.2-34.8 13.9l-2.3-11H363v204.8l44.4-9.4.1-50.2c6.4 4.7 15.9 11.2 31.4 11.2 31.8 0 60.8-23.2 60.8-79.6.1-51.6-29.3-79.7-60.5-79.7m-10.6 122.5c-10.4 0-16.6-3.8-20.9-8.4l-.3-66c4.6-5.1 11-8.8 21.2-8.8 16.2 0 27.4 18.2 27.4 41.4.1 23.9-10.9 41.8-27.4 41.8M346.4 124v36.2l-44.6 9.5v-36.2l44.6-9.5m-44.5 59.2h44.6v153.2h-44.6V183.2zm-47.8 13.1c10.4-19.1 31.1-15.2 37.1-13.1V224c-5.7-1.8-23.4-4.5-33.9 9.3v103.1H213V183.2h38.4l2.7 13.1m-89-13.1h33.7V221h-33.7v63.2c0 26.2 28 18 33.7 15.7v33.8c-5.9 3.2-16.6 5.9-31.2 5.9-26.3 0-46.1-17-46.1-43.3l.2-142.4 43.3-9.2.1 38.5zM44.9 228.3c0 20 67.9 10.5 67.9 63.4 0 32-25.4 47.8-62.3 47.8-15.3 0-32-3-48.5-10.1v-40c14.9 8.1 33.9 14.2 48.6 14.2 9.9 0 17-2.7 17-10.9 0-21.2-67.5-13.2-67.5-62.4 0-31.4 24-50.2 60-50.2 14.7 0 29.4 2.3 44.1 8.1V230c-13.5-7.3-30.7-11.4-44.2-11.4-9.3.1-15.1 2.8-15.1 9.7" ], "stripe-s": [ 362, 512, [], "f42a", "M144.3 154.6c0-22.3 18.6-30.9 48.4-30.9 43.4 0 98.5 13.3 141.9 36.7V26.1C287.3 7.2 240.1 0 192.8 0 77.1 0 0 60.4 0 161.4c0 157.9 216.8 132.3 216.8 200.4 0 26.4-22.9 34.9-54.7 34.9-47.2 0-108.2-19.5-156.1-45.5v128.5c53 22.8 106.8 32.4 156 32.4 118.6 0 200.3-51 200.3-153.6 0-170.2-218-139.7-218-203.9" ], studiovinari: [ 512, 512, [], "f3f8", "M480.3 187.7l4.2 28v28l-25.1 44.1-39.8 78.4-56.1 67.5-79.1 37.8-17.7 24.5-7.7 12-9.6 4s17.3-63.6 19.4-63.6c2.1 0 20.3.7 20.3.7l66.7-38.6-92.5 26.1-55.9 36.8-22.8 28-6.6 1.4 20.8-73.6 6.9-5.5 20.7 12.9 88.3-45.2 56.8-51.5 14.8-68.4-125.4 23.3 15.2-18.2-173.4-53.3 81.9-10.5-166-122.9L133.5 108 32.2 0l252.9 126.6-31.5-38L378 163 234.7 64l18.7 38.4-49.6-18.1L158.3 0l194.6 122L310 66.2l108 96.4 12-8.9-21-16.4 4.2-37.8L451 89.1l29.2 24.7 11.5 4.2-7 6.2 8.5 12-13.1 7.4-10.3 20.2 10.5 23.9z" ], stumbleupon: [ 512, 512, [], "f1a4", "M502.9 266v69.7c0 62.1-50.3 112.4-112.4 112.4-61.8 0-112.4-49.8-112.4-111.3v-70.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V338c0 14.7 12 26.5 26.7 26.5S417 352.7 417 338v-72h85.9zm-224.7-58.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V173c0-60.5-51.1-109-112.1-109-60.8 0-112.1 48.2-112.1 108.2v162.4c0 14.9-12 26.7-26.7 26.7S86 349.5 86 334.6V266H0v69.7C0 397.7 50.3 448 112.4 448c61.6 0 112.4-49.5 112.4-110.8V176.9c0-14.7 12-26.7 26.7-26.7s26.7 12 26.7 26.7v30.9z" ], "stumbleupon-circle": [ 496, 512, [], "f1a3", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 177.5c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8v106.9c0 40.9-33.9 73.9-74.9 73.9-41.4 0-74.9-33.5-74.9-74.9v-46.5h57.3v45.8c0 10 8 17.8 17.8 17.8s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.8V200.1c0-40 34.2-72.1 74.7-72.1 40.7 0 74.7 32.3 74.7 72.6v23.7l-34.1 10.1-22.9-10.7v-20.6c.1-9.6-7.9-17.6-17.7-17.6zm167.6 123.6c0 41.4-33.5 74.9-74.9 74.9-41.2 0-74.9-33.2-74.9-74.2V263l22.9 10.7 34.1-10.1v47.1c0 9.8 8 17.6 17.8 17.6s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.6v-48h57.3c-.1 45.9-.1 46.4-.1 46.4z" ], superpowers: [ 448, 512, [], "f2dd", "M448 32c-83.3 11-166.8 22-250 33-92 12.5-163.3 86.7-169 180-3.3 55.5 18 109.5 57.8 148.2L0 480c83.3-11 166.5-22 249.8-33 91.8-12.5 163.3-86.8 168.7-179.8 3.5-55.5-18-109.5-57.7-148.2L448 32zm-79.7 232.3c-4.2 79.5-74 139.2-152.8 134.5-79.5-4.7-140.7-71-136.3-151 4.5-79.2 74.3-139.3 153-134.5 79.3 4.7 140.5 71 136.1 151z" ], supple: [ 640, 512, [], "f3f9", "M640 262.5c0 64.1-109 116.1-243.5 116.1-24.8 0-48.6-1.8-71.1-5 7.7.4 15.5.6 23.4.6 134.5 0 243.5-56.9 243.5-127.1 0-29.4-19.1-56.4-51.2-78 60 21.1 98.9 55.1 98.9 93.4zM47.7 227.9c-.1-70.2 108.8-127.3 243.3-127.6 7.9 0 15.6.2 23.3.5-22.5-3.2-46.3-4.9-71-4.9C108.8 96.3-.1 148.5 0 212.6c.1 38.3 39.1 72.3 99.3 93.3-32.3-21.5-51.5-48.6-51.6-78zm60.2 39.9s10.5 13.2 29.3 13.2c17.9 0 28.4-11.5 28.4-25.1 0-28-40.2-25.1-40.2-39.7 0-5.4 5.3-9.1 12.5-9.1 5.7 0 11.3 2.6 11.3 6.6v3.9h14.2v-7.9c0-12.1-15.4-16.8-25.4-16.8-16.5 0-28.5 10.2-28.5 24.1 0 26.6 40.2 25.4 40.2 39.9 0 6.6-5.8 10.1-12.3 10.1-11.9 0-20.7-10.1-20.7-10.1l-8.8 10.9zm120.8-73.6v54.4c0 11.3-7.1 17.8-17.8 17.8-10.7 0-17.8-6.5-17.8-17.7v-54.5h-15.8v55c0 18.9 13.4 31.9 33.7 31.9 20.1 0 33.4-13 33.4-31.9v-55h-15.7zm34.4 85.4h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.8-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5.1 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57 43h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.7-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57.1 34.8c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2h37.6c5.8 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-18.6c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-61.2c0-5.7-2.4-8.2-8.2-8.2H401v13.4h5.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v61.2zm63.4 0c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2H519c5.7 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-19.7c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-20.3h27.7v-13.4H488v-22.4h19.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v5.2H524v-13c0-5.7-2.5-8.2-8.2-8.2h-51.6v13.4h7.8v63.9zm58.9-76v5.9h1.6v-5.9h2.7v-1.2h-7v1.2h2.7zm5.7-1.2v7.1h1.5v-5.7l2.3 5.7h1.3l2.3-5.7v5.7h1.5v-7.1h-2.3l-2.1 5.1-2.1-5.1h-2.4z" ], teamspeak: [ 511, 512, [], "f4f9", "M.82 237.82c2.36-15.52 10.69-27.04 24.88-34.03 3.5-1.85 5.65-3.5 6.37-7.81 6.17-33.41 19.53-63.94 39.37-91.59 2.36-3.19 4.01-5.35 1.03-9.35-3.7-5.35-1.03-10.18 2.98-14.49 28.06-31.87 61.88-55.1 101.98-67.44 95.81-29.4 180.1-9.35 252.37 60.45 6.68 6.37 15.52 12.85 6.99 24.36-1.34 1.85 1.03 3.5 2.16 5.04 20.66 28.06 34.23 59.42 40.4 93.65.82 3.7 2.98 5.04 5.86 6.37 17.37 8.84 25.7 23.34 26.01 42.25 0 17.17 1.85 34.54-1.03 51.71-4.01 24.67-29.19 41.74-53.25 36.7-7.2-1.64-9.35-7.2-9.35-14.19 0-28.06.82-56.44 0-84.6-1.85-75.76-36.18-132.81-102.28-169.41C234.28 4.98 92.11 72.42 67.54 196.91c-6.06 30.42-1.74 48.27-3.7 125.82-.31 7.2-4.32 11.2-12.03 11.51C20.97 335.58 0 316.05 0 285.21v-20.87m221.74 106.81c11.82-4.32 20.05-11.82 22.51-24.36 2.36-12.34-12.03-30.02-32.38-48.73-20.87-19.22-48.22-39.06-63.43-46.57-21.69-12.03-41.74-1.85-46.26 22.72-5.04 26.21 0 51.4 14.49 73.91 10.18 15.52 25.39 22.72 43.38 24.05 11.62.62 52.54 2.16 61.69-1.02m129.83 5.55c36.5 2.81 59.33-28.55 58.39-60.45-2.14-45.17-66.17-16.48-87.79-8.02-73.16 28.14-45.05 54.92-22.2 60.75m149.26-1.33c-2.98-2.36-7.2-1.03-8.33 2.36-8.02 25.39-44.72 112.46-172.08 121.51-149.67 10.49 80.29 43.59 145.36-6.37 22.72-17.37 47.6-35.05 46.57-85.43-.32-10.07-4.84-26.72-11.52-32.07" ], telegram: [ 496, 512, [], "f2c6", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm121.8 169.9l-40.7 191.8c-3 13.6-11.1 16.9-22.4 10.5l-62-45.7-29.9 28.8c-3.3 3.3-6.1 6.1-12.5 6.1l4.4-63.1 114.9-103.8c5-4.4-1.1-6.9-7.7-2.5l-142 89.4-61.2-19.1c-13.3-4.2-13.6-13.3 2.8-19.7l239.1-92.2c11.1-4 20.8 2.7 17.2 19.5z" ], "telegram-plane": [ 448, 512, [], "f3fe", "M446.7 98.6l-67.6 318.8c-5.1 22.5-18.4 28.1-37.3 17.5l-103-75.9-49.7 47.8c-5.5 5.5-10.1 10.1-20.7 10.1l7.4-104.9 190.9-172.5c8.3-7.4-1.8-11.5-12.9-4.1L117.8 284 16.2 252.2c-22.1-6.9-22.5-22.1 4.6-32.7L418.2 66.4c18.4-6.9 34.5 4.1 28.5 32.2z" ], "tencent-weibo": [ 384, 512, [], "f1d5", "M72.3 495.8c1.4 19.9-27.6 22.2-29.7 2.9C31 368.8 73.7 259.2 144 185.5c-15.6-34 9.2-77.1 50.6-77.1 30.3 0 55.1 24.6 55.1 55.1 0 44-49.5 70.8-86.9 45.1-65.7 71.3-101.4 169.8-90.5 287.2zM192 .1C66.1.1-12.3 134.3 43.7 242.4 52.4 259.8 79 246.9 70 229 23.7 136.4 91 29.8 192 29.8c75.4 0 136.9 61.4 136.9 136.9 0 90.8-86.9 153.9-167.7 133.1-19.1-4.1-25.6 24.4-6.6 29.1 110.7 23.2 204-60 204-162.3C358.6 74.7 284 .1 192 .1z" ], themeco: [ 441, 512, [], "f5c6", "M199.74 12.29c9.74-5.64 25.59-5.73 35.39-.21l188.13 105.95c9.81 5.52 17.76 19.14 17.76 30.38v213.87c0 11.26-7.93 24.89-17.71 30.46L235.09 499.88c-9.78 5.57-25.58 5.48-35.29-.21L17.58 392.95C7.87 387.26 0 373.52 0 362.27V148.41c0-11.26 7.9-24.96 17.63-30.59L199.74 12.29zM123.54 209c-15.69 0-31.39.14-47.08.14v99.87h18.83v-29.39h28.25c48.94 0 48.79-70.62 0-70.62zm137.96 98.73l-30.25-34.1c36.4-7.39 34.26-64.21-10.7-64.49-15.84 0-31.67-.14-47.51-.14v100.01h18.83v-33.38H210l29.1 33.38h22.4v-1.28zm-40.94-81.04c22.98 0 22.9 31.96 0 31.96h-28.68v-31.96h28.68zm-94.07-1.57c20.85 0 20.78 38.24 0 38.24H94.68v-38.23l31.81-.01zm189.65-17.97c-67.4 0-69.86 104.15 0 104.15 68.39-.01 68.33-104.15 0-104.15zm0 17.12c43.43 0 44.1 69.76 0 69.76-44.12 0-43.74-69.76 0-69.76z" ], themeisle: [ 512, 512, [], "f2b2", "M208 88.286c0-10 6.286-21.714 17.715-21.714 11.142 0 17.714 11.714 17.714 21.714 0 10.285-6.572 21.714-17.714 21.714C214.286 110 208 98.571 208 88.286zm304 160c0 36.001-11.429 102.286-36.286 129.714-22.858 24.858-87.428 61.143-120.857 70.572l-1.143.286v32.571c0 16.286-12.572 30.571-29.143 30.571-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.572-14.286-5.427 8.572-14.856 14.286-24.856 14.286-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.142 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.57 14.286-10.286 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.143 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.571 14.286-18.857 0-29.429-15.714-29.429-32.857-16.286 12.285-35.715 19.428-56.571 19.428-22 0-43.429-8.285-60.286-22.857 10.285-.286 20.571-2.286 30.285-5.714-20.857-5.714-39.428-18.857-52-36.286 21.37 4.645 46.209 1.673 67.143-11.143-22-22-56.571-58.857-68.572-87.428C1.143 321.714 0 303.714 0 289.429c0-49.714 20.286-160 86.286-160 10.571 0 18.857 4.858 23.143 14.857a158.792 158.792 0 0 1 12-15.428c2-2.572 5.714-5.429 7.143-8.286 7.999-12.571 11.714-21.142 21.714-34C182.571 45.428 232 17.143 285.143 17.143c6 0 12 .285 17.714 1.143C313.714 6.571 328.857 0 344.572 0c14.571 0 29.714 6 40 16.286.857.858 1.428 2.286 1.428 3.428 0 3.714-10.285 13.429-12.857 16.286 4.286 1.429 15.714 6.858 15.714 12 0 2.857-2.857 5.143-4.571 7.143 31.429 27.714 49.429 67.143 56.286 108 4.286-5.143 10.285-8.572 17.143-8.572 10.571 0 20.857 7.144 28.571 14.001C507.143 187.143 512 221.714 512 248.286zM188 89.428c0 18.286 12.571 37.143 32.286 37.143 19.714 0 32.285-18.857 32.285-37.143 0-18-12.571-36.857-32.285-36.857-19.715 0-32.286 18.858-32.286 36.857zM237.714 194c0-19.714 3.714-39.143 8.571-58.286-52.039 79.534-13.531 184.571 68.858 184.571 21.428 0 42.571-7.714 60-20 2-7.429 3.714-14.857 3.714-22.572 0-14.286-6.286-21.428-20.572-21.428-4.571 0-9.143.857-13.429 1.714-63.343 12.668-107.142 3.669-107.142-63.999zm-41.142 254.858c0-11.143-8.858-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.429 0-20 9.715-20 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.571 21.142 20 21.142 11.428 0 20.286-9.715 20.286-21.142v-32.571zm49.143 0c0-11.143-8.572-20.857-20-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20-10 20-21.142v-32.571zm49.713 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.285-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20.285-9.715 20.285-21.142v-32.571zm49.715 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.428 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.858 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.429 0 20.286-10 20.286-21.142v-32.571zM421.714 286c-30.857 59.142-90.285 102.572-158.571 102.572-96.571 0-160.571-84.572-160.571-176.572 0-16.857 2-33.429 6-49.714-20 33.715-29.714 72.572-29.714 111.429 0 60.286 24.857 121.715 71.429 160.857 5.143-9.714 14.857-16.286 26-16.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.857-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.857 14.286 5.143-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.572-14.286 10.857 0 20.857 6.572 25.714 16 43.427-36.286 68.569-92 71.426-148.286zm10.572-99.714c0-53.714-34.571-105.714-92.572-105.714-30.285 0-58.571 15.143-78.857 36.857C240.862 183.812 233.41 254 302.286 254c28.805 0 97.357-28.538 84.286 36.857 28.857-26 45.714-65.714 45.714-104.571z" ], "trade-federation": [ 496, 512, [], "f513", "M202.45 108.42v81.61H38.94l48.22 61.91h114.73v196.75h64.61V252.96h83.27v-62.69h-83.18V171.1h145.62v-62.68H202.45zm4.86 6h197.77v50.68H259.44v30.93h83.18v50.93h-83.26v195.73h-52.73V245.94H89.86l-39.95-49.91h157.4v-81.61zM247.99 8.8C111.03 8.8 0 119.83 0 256.8s111.03 248 247.99 248S496 393.76 496 256.8 384.96 8.8 247.99 8.8zm.02 13.24c129.66 0 234.76 105.12 234.76 234.78s-105.1 234.76-234.76 234.76S13.23 386.47 13.23 256.81 118.35 22.04 248.01 22.04zm0 7.89c-125.3 0-226.89 101.57-226.89 226.87s101.59 226.89 226.89 226.89S474.88 382.1 474.88 256.8 373.31 29.93 248.01 29.93zm-.02 13.3c117.95 0 213.56 95.62 213.56 213.56s-95.62 213.56-213.56 213.56S34.43 374.75 34.43 256.8 130.04 43.23 247.99 43.23zm-73.32 104.8l15.66 18.05-22.16-9.45-12.33 20.47 2.15-23.99-23.28-5.4 23.48-5.37-2.06-23.81 12.37 20.67 22.01-9.32-15.84 18.15zm-47.14-46.54l8.01 12.4 12.69-5.86-9.32 11.45 9.5 10.25-13.77-5.32-6.82 12.2.81-14.74-13.71-2.71 14.27-3.78-1.66-13.89zm250.77 75.59l11.99 19.56 20.88-9.11-14.9 17.45 15.11 17.04-21.2-8.78-11.54 19.64 1.8-22.87-22.24-4.9 22.31-5.36-2.21-22.67zm-107.05 98.45l13.86-3.22-1.28-14.17 7.35 12.18 13.08-5.59-9.31 10.75 9.36 10.71-13.1-5.54-7.29 12.21 1.22-14.17-13.89-3.16zm-125.43 6.5l23.73-3.87-1.73-24.53 11.01 21.38 22.79-9.22-16.93 17.08 15.81 18.83-21.47-10.82-13.02 20.86 3.66-23.77-23.85-5.94zm63.44-165.66v81.61H54.16l36.72 46.01h117.7v196.75h48.82V245.01h83.27v-47.03H257.4v-34.83h145.73v-46.78H209.26zm10.86 11.2h171.8v24.36H246.88v56.23h82.93v23.94h-82.93v197.42h-26.76V232.1H96.31l-20.09-23.94h143.9v-80.59z" ], trello: [ 448, 512, [], "f181", "M392 32H56C25.1 32 0 57.1 0 88v336c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h336c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56V88c0-30.9-25.1-56-56-56zM194.9 371.4c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9H85.1c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9H168c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v254.3zm194.9-112c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9H280c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9h82.9c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v142.3z" ], tripadvisor: [ 576, 512, [], "f262", "M166.4 280.521c0 13.236-10.73 23.966-23.966 23.966s-23.966-10.73-23.966-23.966 10.73-23.966 23.966-23.966 23.966 10.729 23.966 23.966zm264.962-23.956c-13.23 0-23.956 10.725-23.956 23.956 0 13.23 10.725 23.956 23.956 23.956 13.23 0 23.956-10.725 23.956-23.956-.001-13.231-10.726-23.956-23.956-23.956zm89.388 139.49c-62.667 49.104-153.276 38.109-202.379-24.559l-30.979 46.325-30.683-45.939c-48.277 60.39-135.622 71.891-197.885 26.055-64.058-47.158-77.759-137.316-30.601-201.374A186.762 186.762 0 0 0 0 139.416l90.286-.05a358.48 358.48 0 0 1 197.065-54.03 350.382 350.382 0 0 1 192.181 53.349l96.218.074a185.713 185.713 0 0 0-28.352 57.649c46.793 62.747 34.964 151.37-26.648 199.647zM259.366 281.761c-.007-63.557-51.535-115.075-115.092-115.068C80.717 166.7 29.2 218.228 29.206 281.785c.007 63.557 51.535 115.075 115.092 115.068 63.513-.075 114.984-51.539 115.068-115.052v-.04zm28.591-10.455c5.433-73.44 65.51-130.884 139.12-133.022a339.146 339.146 0 0 0-139.727-27.812 356.31 356.31 0 0 0-140.164 27.253c74.344 1.582 135.299 59.424 140.771 133.581zm251.706-28.767c-21.992-59.634-88.162-90.148-147.795-68.157-59.634 21.992-90.148 88.162-68.157 147.795v.032c22.038 59.607 88.198 90.091 147.827 68.113 59.615-22.004 90.113-88.162 68.125-147.783zm-326.039 37.975v.115c-.057 39.328-31.986 71.163-71.314 71.106-39.328-.057-71.163-31.986-71.106-71.314.057-39.328 31.986-71.163 71.314-71.106 39.259.116 71.042 31.94 71.106 71.199zm-24.512 0v-.084c-.051-25.784-20.994-46.645-46.778-46.594-25.784.051-46.645 20.994-46.594 46.777.051 25.784 20.994 46.645 46.777 46.594 25.726-.113 46.537-20.968 46.595-46.693zm313.423 0v.048c-.02 39.328-31.918 71.194-71.247 71.173s-71.194-31.918-71.173-71.247c.02-39.328 31.918-71.194 71.247-71.173 39.29.066 71.121 31.909 71.173 71.199zm-24.504-.008c-.009-25.784-20.918-46.679-46.702-46.67-25.784.009-46.679 20.918-46.67 46.702.009 25.784 20.918 46.678 46.702 46.67 25.765-.046 46.636-20.928 46.67-46.693v-.009z" ], tumblr: [ 320, 512, [], "f173", "M309.8 480.3c-13.6 14.5-50 31.7-97.4 31.7-120.8 0-147-88.8-147-140.6v-144H17.9c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-68c0-7.2 4.5-13.6 11.3-16 62-21.8 81.5-76 84.3-117.1.8-11 6.5-16.3 16.1-16.3h70.9c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v115.2h83c5.5 0 10 4.4 10 9.9v81.7c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-83.4V360c0 34.2 23.7 53.6 68 35.8 4.8-1.9 9-3.2 12.7-2.2 3.5.9 5.8 3.4 7.4 7.9l22 64.3c1.8 5 3.3 10.6-.4 14.5z" ], "tumblr-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f174", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-82.3 364.2c-8.5 9.1-31.2 19.8-60.9 19.8-75.5 0-91.9-55.5-91.9-87.9v-90h-29.7c-3.4 0-6.2-2.8-6.2-6.2v-42.5c0-4.5 2.8-8.5 7.1-10 38.8-13.7 50.9-47.5 52.7-73.2.5-6.9 4.1-10.2 10-10.2h44.3c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v72h51.9c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v51.1c0 3.4-2.8 6.2-6.2 6.2h-52.1V321c0 21.4 14.8 33.5 42.5 22.4 3-1.2 5.6-2 8-1.4 2.2.5 3.6 2.1 4.6 4.9l13.8 40.2c1 3.2 2 6.7-.3 9.1z" ], twitch: [ 448, 512, [], "f1e8", "M40.1 32L10 108.9v314.3h107V480h60.2l56.8-56.8h87l117-117V32H40.1zm357.8 254.1L331 353H224l-56.8 56.8V353H76.9V72.1h321v214zM331 149v116.9h-40.1V149H331zm-107 0v116.9h-40.1V149H224z" ], twitter: [ 512, 512, [], "f099", "M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z" ], "twitter-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f081", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-48.9 158.8c.2 2.8.2 5.7.2 8.5 0 86.7-66 186.6-186.6 186.6-37.2 0-71.7-10.8-100.7-29.4 5.3.6 10.4.8 15.8.8 30.7 0 58.9-10.4 81.4-28-28.8-.6-53-19.5-61.3-45.5 10.1 1.5 19.2 1.5 29.6-1.2-30-6.1-52.5-32.5-52.5-64.4v-.8c8.7 4.9 18.9 7.9 29.6 8.3a65.447 65.447 0 0 1-29.2-54.6c0-12.2 3.2-23.4 8.9-33.1 32.3 39.8 80.8 65.8 135.2 68.6-9.3-44.5 24-80.6 64-80.6 18.9 0 35.9 7.9 47.9 20.7 14.8-2.8 29-8.3 41.6-15.8-4.9 15.2-15.2 28-28.8 36.1 13.2-1.4 26-5.1 37.8-10.2-8.9 13.1-20.1 24.7-32.9 34z" ], typo3: [ 433, 512, [], "f42b", "M330.8 341c-7 2.3-11.6 2.3-18.5 2.3-57.2 0-140.6-198.5-140.6-264.9 0-24.7 5.4-32.4 13.9-39.4-69.5 8.5-149.3 34-176.3 66.4-5.4 7.7-9.3 20.8-9.3 37.1C0 246 106.8 480 184.1 480c36.3 0 97.3-59.5 146.7-139M294.5 32c71.8 0 138.8 11.6 138.8 52.5 0 82.6-52.5 182.3-78.8 182.3-47.9 0-101.7-132.1-101.7-198.5 0-30.9 11.6-36.3 41.7-36.3" ], uber: [ 448, 512, [], "f402", "M414.1 32H33.9C15.2 32 0 47.2 0 65.9V446c0 18.8 15.2 34 33.9 34H414c18.7 0 33.9-15.2 33.9-33.9V65.9C448 47.2 432.8 32 414.1 32zM237.6 391.1C163 398.6 96.4 344.2 88.9 269.6h94.4V290c0 3.7 3 6.8 6.8 6.8H258c3.7 0 6.8-3 6.8-6.8v-67.9c0-3.7-3-6.8-6.8-6.8h-67.9c-3.7 0-6.8 3-6.8 6.8v20.4H88.9c7-69.4 65.4-122.2 135.1-122.2 69.7 0 128.1 52.8 135.1 122.2 7.5 74.5-46.9 141.1-121.5 148.6z" ], uikit: [ 448, 512, [], "f403", "M443.9 128v256L218 512 0 384V169.7l87.6 45.1v117l133.5 75.5 135.8-75.5v-151l-101.1-57.6 87.6-53.1L443.9 128zM308.6 49.1L223.8 0l-88.6 54.8 86 47.3 87.4-53z" ], uniregistry: [ 384, 512, [], "f404", "M281.1 220.1H384v-14.8H281.1v14.8zm0-37.1H384v-12.4H281.1V183zm0 74.2H384v-17.3H281.1v17.3zm-157.7 86.7H8.5c2.6 8.5 5.8 16.8 9.6 24.8h138.3c-12.9-5.7-24.1-14.2-33-24.8m145.7-12.4h109.7c1.8-7.3 3.1-14.7 3.9-22.3H278.3c-2.1 7.9-5.2 15.4-9.2 22.3m-41.5 37.1H367c3.7-8 5.8-16.2 8.5-24.8h-115c-8.8 10.7-20.1 19.2-32.9 24.8M384 32H281.1v2.5H384V32zM192 480c39.5 0 76.2-11.8 106.8-32.2H85.3C115.8 468.2 152.5 480 192 480m89.1-334.2H384V136H281.1v9.8zm0-37.1H384v-7.4H281.1v7.4zm0-37.1H384v-4.9H281.1v4.9zm-178.2 99H0V183h102.9v-12.4zM38.8 405.7h305.3c6.7-8.5 12.6-17.6 17.8-27.2H23c5.2 9.6 9.2 18.7 15.8 27.2m64.1-118.8v-12.4H0v12.4c0 2.5 0 5 .1 7.4h103.1c-.2-2.4-.3-4.9-.3-7.4m178.2 0c0 2.5-.1 5-.4 7.4h103.1c.1-2.5.2-4.9.2-7.4v-12.4H281.1v12.4zm-203 156h227.7c11.8-8.7 22.7-18.6 32.2-29.7H44.9c9.6 11 21.4 21 33.2 29.7m24.8-376.2H0v4.9h102.9v-4.9zm0-34.7H0v2.5h102.9V32zm0 173.3H0v14.8h102.9v-14.8zm0 34.6H0v17.3h102.9v-17.3zm0-103.9H0v9.9h102.9V136zm0-34.7H0v7.4h102.9v-7.4zm2.8 207.9H1.3c.9 7.6 2.2 15 3.9 22.3h109.7c-4-6.9-7.2-14.4-9.2-22.3" ], untappd: [ 640, 512, [], "f405", "M401.3 49.9c-79.8 160.1-84.6 152.5-87.9 173.2l-5.2 32.8c-1.9 12-6.6 23.5-13.7 33.4L145.6 497.1c-7.6 10.6-20.4 16.2-33.4 14.6-40.3-5-77.8-32.2-95.3-68.5-5.7-11.8-4.5-25.8 3.1-36.4l148.9-207.9c7.1-9.9 16.4-18 27.2-23.7l29.3-15.5c18.5-9.8 9.7-11.9 135.6-138.9 1-4.8 1-7.3 3.6-8 3-.7 6.6-1 6.3-4.6l-.4-4.6c-.2-1.9 1.3-3.6 3.2-3.6 4.5-.1 13.2 1.2 25.6 10 12.3 8.9 16.4 16.8 17.7 21.1.6 1.8-.6 3.7-2.4 4.2l-4.5 1.1c-3.4.9-2.5 4.4-2.3 7.4.1 2.8-2.3 3.6-6.5 6.1zM230.1 36.4c3.4.9 2.5 4.4 2.3 7.4-.2 2.7 2.1 3.5 6.4 6 7.9 15.9 15.3 30.5 22.2 44 .7 1.3 2.3 1.5 3.3.5 11.2-12 24.6-26.2 40.5-42.6 1.3-1.4 1.4-3.5.1-4.9-8-8.2-16.5-16.9-25.6-26.1-1-4.7-1-7.3-3.6-8-3-.8-6.6-1-6.3-4.6.3-3.3 1.4-8.1-2.8-8.2-4.5-.1-13.2 1.1-25.6 10-12.3 8.9-16.4 16.8-17.7 21.1-1.4 4.2 3.6 4.6 6.8 5.4zM620 406.7L471.2 198.8c-13.2-18.5-26.6-23.4-56.4-39.1-11.2-5.9-14.2-10.9-30.5-28.9-1-1.1-2.9-.9-3.6.5-46.3 88.8-47.1 82.8-49 94.8-1.7 10.7-1.3 20 .3 29.8 1.9 12 6.6 23.5 13.7 33.4l148.9 207.9c7.6 10.6 20.2 16.2 33.1 14.7 40.3-4.9 78-32 95.7-68.6 5.4-11.9 4.3-25.9-3.4-36.6z" ], usb: [ 640, 512, [], "f287", "M641.5 256c0 3.1-1.7 6.1-4.5 7.5L547.9 317c-1.4.8-2.8 1.4-4.5 1.4-1.4 0-3.1-.3-4.5-1.1-2.8-1.7-4.5-4.5-4.5-7.8v-35.6H295.7c25.3 39.6 40.5 106.9 69.6 106.9H392V354c0-5 3.9-8.9 8.9-8.9H490c5 0 8.9 3.9 8.9 8.9v89.1c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-89.1c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.7h-26.7c-75.4 0-81.1-142.5-124.7-142.5H140.3c-8.1 30.6-35.9 53.5-69 53.5C32 327.3 0 295.3 0 256s32-71.3 71.3-71.3c33.1 0 61 22.8 69 53.5 39.1 0 43.9 9.5 74.6-60.4C255 88.7 273 95.7 323.8 95.7c7.5-20.9 27-35.6 50.4-35.6 29.5 0 53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5s-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5c-23.4 0-42.9-14.8-50.4-35.6H294c-29.1 0-44.3 67.4-69.6 106.9h310.1v-35.6c0-3.3 1.7-6.1 4.5-7.8 2.8-1.7 6.4-1.4 8.9.3l89.1 53.5c2.8 1.1 4.5 4.1 4.5 7.2z" ], ussunnah: [ 512, 512, [], "f407", "M156.8 285.1l5.7 14.4h-8.2c-1.3-3.2-3.1-7.7-3.8-9.5-2.5-6.3-1.1-8.4 0-10 1.9-2.7 3.2-4.4 3.6-5.2 0 2.2.8 5.7 2.7 10.3zm297.3 18.8c-2.1 13.8-5.7 27.1-10.5 39.7l43 23.4-44.8-18.8c-5.3 13.2-12 25.6-19.9 37.2l34.2 30.2-36.8-26.4c-8.4 11.8-18 22.6-28.7 32.3l24.9 34.7-28.1-31.8c-11 9.6-23.1 18-36.1 25.1l15.7 37.2-19.3-35.3c-13.1 6.8-27 12.1-41.6 15.9l6.7 38.4-10.5-37.4c-14.3 3.4-29.2 5.3-44.5 5.4L256 512l-1.9-38.4c-15.3-.1-30.2-2-44.5-5.3L199 505.6l6.7-38.2c-14.6-3.7-28.6-9.1-41.7-15.8l-19.2 35.1 15.6-37c-13-7-25.2-15.4-36.2-25.1l-27.9 31.6 24.7-34.4c-10.7-9.7-20.4-20.5-28.8-32.3l-36.5 26.2 33.9-29.9c-7.9-11.6-14.6-24.1-20-37.3l-44.4 18.7L67.8 344c-4.8-12.7-8.4-26.1-10.5-39.9l-51 9 50.3-14.2c-1.1-8.5-1.7-17.1-1.7-25.9 0-4.7.2-9.4.5-14.1L0 256l56-2.8c1.3-13.1 3.8-25.8 7.5-38.1L6.4 199l58.9 10.4c4-12 9.1-23.5 15.2-34.4l-55.1-30 58.3 24.6C90 159 97.2 149.2 105.3 140L55.8 96.4l53.9 38.7c8.1-8.6 17-16.5 26.6-23.6l-40-55.6 45.6 51.6c9.5-6.6 19.7-12.3 30.3-17.2l-27.3-64.9 33.8 62.1c10.5-4.4 21.4-7.9 32.7-10.4L199 6.4l19.5 69.2c11-2.1 22.3-3.2 33.8-3.4L256 0l3.6 72.2c11.5.2 22.8 1.4 33.8 3.5L313 6.4l-12.4 70.7c11.3 2.6 22.2 6.1 32.6 10.5l33.9-62.2-27.4 65.1c10.6 4.9 20.7 10.7 30.2 17.2l45.8-51.8-40.1 55.9c9.5 7.1 18.4 15 26.5 23.6l54.2-38.9-49.7 43.9c8 9.1 15.2 18.9 21.5 29.4l58.7-24.7-55.5 30.2c6.1 10.9 11.1 22.3 15.1 34.3l59.3-10.4-57.5 16.2c3.7 12.2 6.2 24.9 7.5 37.9L512 256l-56 2.8c.3 4.6.5 9.3.5 14.1 0 8.7-.6 17.3-1.6 25.8l50.7 14.3-51.5-9.1zm-21.8-31c0-97.5-79-176.5-176.5-176.5s-176.5 79-176.5 176.5 79 176.5 176.5 176.5 176.5-79 176.5-176.5zm-24 0c0 84.3-68.3 152.6-152.6 152.6s-152.6-68.3-152.6-152.6 68.3-152.6 152.6-152.6 152.6 68.3 152.6 152.6zM195 241c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-40.7-19c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.5 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-19 0c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.4 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm204.9 87.9c-8.4-3-8.7-6.8-8.7-15.6V182c-8.2 12.5-14.2 18.6-18 18.6 6.3 14.4 9.5 23.9 9.5 28.3v64.3c0 2.2-2.2 6.5-4.7 6.5h-18c-2.8-7.5-10.2-26.9-15.3-40.3-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3 2.6 6.7 6.4 16.5 7.9 20.2h-9.2c-3.9-10.4-9.6-25.4-11.8-31.1-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3.8 2 2.8 7.3 4.3 10.9H256c-1.5-4.1-5.6-14.6-8.4-22-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.5 1.6 4.3 3.6 5.2 1.4.6 1.7H225c-4.6-13.9-11.4-27.7-11.4-34.1 0-2.2.3-5.1 1.1-8.2-8.8 10.8-14 15.9-14 25 0 7.5 10.4 28.3 10.4 33.3 0 1.7-.5 3.3-1.4 4.9-9.6-12.7-15.5-20.7-18.8-20.7h-12l-11.2-28c-3.8-9.6-5.7-16-5.7-18.8 0-3.8.5-7.7 1.7-12.2-1 1.3-3.7 4.7-5.5 7.1-.8-2.1-3.1-7.7-4.6-11.5-2.1 2.5-7.5 9.1-11.2 13.6.9 2.3 3.3 8.1 4.9 12.2-2.5 3.3-9.1 11.8-13.6 17.7-4 5.3-5.8 13.3-2.7 21.8 2.5 6.7 2 7.9-1.7 14.1H191c5.5 0 14.3 14 15.5 22 13.2-16 15.4-19.6 16.8-21.6h107c3.9 0 7.2-1.9 9.9-5.8zm20.1-26.6V181.7c-9 12.5-15.9 18.6-20.7 18.6 7.1 14.4 10.7 23.9 10.7 28.3v66.3c0 17.5 8.6 20.4 24 20.4 8.1 0 12.5-.8 13.7-2.7-4.3-1.6-7.6-2.5-9.9-3.3-8.1-3.2-17.8-7.4-17.8-26z" ], vaadin: [ 448, 512, [], "f408", "M224.5 140.7c1.5-17.6 4.9-52.7 49.8-52.7h98.6c20.7 0 32.1-7.8 32.1-21.6V54.1c0-12.2 9.3-22.1 21.5-22.1S448 41.9 448 54.1v36.5c0 42.9-21.5 62-66.8 62H280.7c-30.1 0-33 14.7-33 27.1 0 1.3-.1 2.5-.2 3.7-.7 12.3-10.9 22.2-23.4 22.2s-22.7-9.8-23.4-22.2c-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.2-3.7 0-12.3-3-27.1-33-27.1H66.8c-45.3 0-66.8-19.1-66.8-62V54.1C0 41.9 9.4 32 21.6 32s21.5 9.9 21.5 22.1v12.3C43.1 80.2 54.5 88 75.2 88h98.6c44.8 0 48.3 35.1 49.8 52.7h.9zM224 456c11.5 0 21.4-7 25.7-16.3 1.1-1.8 97.1-169.6 98.2-171.4 11.9-19.6-3.2-44.3-27.2-44.3-13.9 0-23.3 6.4-29.8 20.3L224 362l-66.9-117.7c-6.4-13.9-15.9-20.3-29.8-20.3-24 0-39.1 24.6-27.2 44.3 1.1 1.9 97.1 169.6 98.2 171.4 4.3 9.3 14.2 16.3 25.7 16.3z" ], viacoin: [ 384, 512, [], "f237", "M384 32h-64l-80.7 192h-94.5L64 32H0l48 112H0v48h68.5l13.8 32H0v48h102.8L192 480l89.2-208H384v-48h-82.3l13.8-32H384v-48h-48l48-112zM192 336l-27-64h54l-27 64z" ], viadeo: [ 448, 512, [], "f2a9", "M276.2 150.5v.7C258.3 98.6 233.6 47.8 205.4 0c43.3 29.2 67 100 70.8 150.5zm32.7 121.7c7.6 18.2 11 37.5 11 57 0 77.7-57.8 141-137.8 139.4l3.8-.3c74.2-46.7 109.3-118.6 109.3-205.1 0-38.1-6.5-75.9-18.9-112 1 11.7 1 23.7 1 35.4 0 91.8-18.1 241.6-116.6 280C95 455.2 49.4 398 49.4 329.2c0-75.6 57.4-142.3 135.4-142.3 16.8 0 33.7 3.1 49.1 9.6 1.7-15.1 6.5-29.9 13.4-43.3-19.9-7.2-41.2-10.7-62.5-10.7-161.5 0-238.7 195.9-129.9 313.7 67.9 74.6 192 73.9 259.8 0 56.6-61.3 60.9-142.4 36.4-201-12.7 8-27.1 13.9-42.2 17zM418.1 11.7c-31 66.5-81.3 47.2-115.8 80.1-12.4 12-20.6 34-20.6 50.5 0 14.1 4.5 27.1 12 38.8 47.4-11 98.3-46 118.2-90.7-.7 5.5-4.8 14.4-7.2 19.2-20.3 35.7-64.6 65.6-99.7 84.9 14.8 14.4 33.7 25.8 55 25.8 79 0 110.1-134.6 58.1-208.6z" ], "viadeo-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f2aa", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM280.7 381.2c-42.4 46.2-120 46.6-162.4 0-68-73.6-19.8-196.1 81.2-196.1 13.3 0 26.6 2.1 39.1 6.7-4.3 8.4-7.3 17.6-8.4 27.1-9.7-4.1-20.2-6-30.7-6-48.8 0-84.6 41.7-84.6 88.9 0 43 28.5 78.7 69.5 85.9 61.5-24 72.9-117.6 72.9-175 0-7.3 0-14.8-.6-22.1-11.2-32.9-26.6-64.6-44.2-94.5 27.1 18.3 41.9 62.5 44.2 94.1v.4c7.7 22.5 11.8 46.2 11.8 70 0 54.1-21.9 99-68.3 128.2l-2.4.2c50 1 86.2-38.6 86.2-87.2 0-12.2-2.1-24.3-6.9-35.7 9.5-1.9 18.5-5.6 26.4-10.5 15.3 36.6 12.6 87.3-22.8 125.6zM309 233.7c-13.3 0-25.1-7.1-34.4-16.1 21.9-12 49.6-30.7 62.3-53 1.5-3 4.1-8.6 4.5-12-12.5 27.9-44.2 49.8-73.9 56.7-4.7-7.3-7.5-15.5-7.5-24.3 0-10.3 5.2-24.1 12.9-31.6 21.6-20.5 53-8.5 72.4-50 32.5 46.2 13.1 130.3-36.3 130.3z" ], viber: [ 512, 512, [], "f409", "M444 49.9C431.3 38.2 379.9.9 265.3.4c0 0-135.1-8.1-200.9 52.3C27.8 89.3 14.9 143 13.5 209.5c-1.4 66.5-3.1 191.1 117 224.9h.1l-.1 51.6s-.8 20.9 13 25.1c16.6 5.2 26.4-10.7 42.3-27.8 8.7-9.4 20.7-23.2 29.8-33.7 82.2 6.9 145.3-8.9 152.5-11.2 16.6-5.4 110.5-17.4 125.7-142 15.8-128.6-7.6-209.8-49.8-246.5zM457.9 287c-12.9 104-89 110.6-103 115.1-6 1.9-61.5 15.7-131.2 11.2 0 0-52 62.7-68.2 79-5.3 5.3-11.1 4.8-11-5.7 0-6.9.4-85.7.4-85.7-.1 0-.1 0 0 0-101.8-28.2-95.8-134.3-94.7-189.8 1.1-55.5 11.6-101 42.6-131.6 55.7-50.5 170.4-43 170.4-43 96.9.4 143.3 29.6 154.1 39.4 35.7 30.6 53.9 103.8 40.6 211.1zm-139-80.8c.4 8.6-12.5 9.2-12.9.6-1.1-22-11.4-32.7-32.6-33.9-8.6-.5-7.8-13.4.7-12.9 27.9 1.5 43.4 17.5 44.8 46.2zm20.3 11.3c1-42.4-25.5-75.6-75.8-79.3-8.5-.6-7.6-13.5.9-12.9 58 4.2 88.9 44.1 87.8 92.5-.1 8.6-13.1 8.2-12.9-.3zm47 13.4c.1 8.6-12.9 8.7-12.9.1-.6-81.5-54.9-125.9-120.8-126.4-8.5-.1-8.5-12.9 0-12.9 73.7.5 133 51.4 133.7 139.2zM374.9 329v.2c-10.8 19-31 40-51.8 33.3l-.2-.3c-21.1-5.9-70.8-31.5-102.2-56.5-16.2-12.8-31-27.9-42.4-42.4-10.3-12.9-20.7-28.2-30.8-46.6-21.3-38.5-26-55.7-26-55.7-6.7-20.8 14.2-41 33.3-51.8h.2c9.2-4.8 18-3.2 23.9 3.9 0 0 12.4 14.8 17.7 22.1 5 6.8 11.7 17.7 15.2 23.8 6.1 10.9 2.3 22-3.7 26.6l-12 9.6c-6.1 4.9-5.3 14-5.3 14s17.8 67.3 84.3 84.3c0 0 9.1.8 14-5.3l9.6-12c4.6-6 15.7-9.8 26.6-3.7 14.7 8.3 33.4 21.2 45.8 32.9 7 5.7 8.6 14.4 3.8 23.6z" ], vimeo: [ 448, 512, [], "f40a", "M403.2 32H44.8C20.1 32 0 52.1 0 76.8v358.4C0 459.9 20.1 480 44.8 480h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8V76.8c0-24.7-20.1-44.8-44.8-44.8zM377 180.8c-1.4 31.5-23.4 74.7-66 129.4-44 57.2-81.3 85.8-111.7 85.8-18.9 0-34.8-17.4-47.9-52.3-25.5-93.3-36.4-148-57.4-148-2.4 0-10.9 5.1-25.4 15.2l-15.2-19.6c37.3-32.8 72.9-69.2 95.2-71.2 25.2-2.4 40.7 14.8 46.5 51.7 20.7 131.2 29.9 151 67.6 91.6 13.5-21.4 20.8-37.7 21.8-48.9 3.5-33.2-25.9-30.9-45.8-22.4 15.9-52.1 46.3-77.4 91.2-76 33.3.9 49 22.5 47.1 64.7z" ], "vimeo-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f194", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16.2 149.6c-1.4 31.1-23.2 73.8-65.3 127.9-43.5 56.5-80.3 84.8-110.4 84.8-18.7 0-34.4-17.2-47.3-51.6-25.2-92.3-35.9-146.4-56.7-146.4-2.4 0-10.8 5-25.1 15.1L64 192c36.9-32.4 72.1-68.4 94.1-70.4 24.9-2.4 40.2 14.6 46 51.1 20.5 129.6 29.6 149.2 66.8 90.5 13.4-21.2 20.6-37.2 21.5-48.3 3.4-32.8-25.6-30.6-45.2-22.2 15.7-51.5 45.8-76.5 90.1-75.1 32.9 1 48.4 22.4 46.5 64z" ], "vimeo-v": [ 448, 512, [], "f27d", "M447.8 153.6c-2 43.6-32.4 103.3-91.4 179.1-60.9 79.2-112.4 118.8-154.6 118.8-26.1 0-48.2-24.1-66.3-72.3C100.3 250 85.3 174.3 56.2 174.3c-3.4 0-15.1 7.1-35.2 21.1L0 168.2c51.6-45.3 100.9-95.7 131.8-98.5 34.9-3.4 56.3 20.5 64.4 71.5 28.7 181.5 41.4 208.9 93.6 126.7 18.7-29.6 28.8-52.1 30.2-67.6 4.8-45.9-35.8-42.8-63.3-31 22-72.1 64.1-107.1 126.2-105.1 45.8 1.2 67.5 31.1 64.9 89.4z" ], vine: [ 384, 512, [], "f1ca", "M384 254.7v52.1c-18.4 4.2-36.9 6.1-52.1 6.1-36.9 77.4-103 143.8-125.1 156.2-14 7.9-27.1 8.4-42.7-.8C137 452 34.2 367.7 0 102.7h74.5C93.2 261.8 139 343.4 189.3 404.5c27.9-27.9 54.8-65.1 75.6-106.9-49.8-25.3-80.1-80.9-80.1-145.6 0-65.6 37.7-115.1 102.2-115.1 114.9 0 106.2 127.9 81.6 181.5 0 0-46.4 9.2-63.5-20.5 3.4-11.3 8.2-30.8 8.2-48.5 0-31.3-11.3-46.6-28.4-46.6-18.2 0-30.8 17.1-30.8 50 .1 79.2 59.4 118.7 129.9 101.9z" ], vk: [ 576, 512, [], "f189", "M545 117.7c3.7-12.5 0-21.7-17.8-21.7h-58.9c-15 0-21.9 7.9-25.6 16.7 0 0-30 73.1-72.4 120.5-13.7 13.7-20 18.1-27.5 18.1-3.7 0-9.4-4.4-9.4-16.9V117.7c0-15-4.2-21.7-16.6-21.7h-92.6c-9.4 0-15 7-15 13.5 0 14.2 21.2 17.5 23.4 57.5v86.8c0 19-3.4 22.5-10.9 22.5-20 0-68.6-73.4-97.4-157.4-5.8-16.3-11.5-22.9-26.6-22.9H38.8c-16.8 0-20.2 7.9-20.2 16.7 0 15.6 20 93.1 93.1 195.5C160.4 378.1 229 416 291.4 416c37.5 0 42.1-8.4 42.1-22.9 0-66.8-3.4-73.1 15.4-73.1 8.7 0 23.7 4.4 58.7 38.1 40 40 46.6 57.9 69 57.9h58.9c16.8 0 25.3-8.4 20.4-25-11.2-34.9-86.9-106.7-90.3-111.5-8.7-11.2-6.2-16.2 0-26.2.1-.1 72-101.3 79.4-135.6z" ], vnv: [ 640, 512, [], "f40b", "M104.9 352c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4L2.6 210.1S-7.8 192 13 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.7-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1h32.8c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.8 111.5S174.2 352 140 352h-35.1zm395 0c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4l-55.9-111.5S387.2 192 408 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.8-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1H627c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.9 111.5S569.3 352 535.1 352h-35.2zM337.6 192c34.1 0 46.4 30.4 46.4 30.4l55.9 111.5s10.4 18.1-10.4 18.1h-32.8c-10.4 0-13.2-8.7-18.8-18.1l-36.7-74.5s-5.2-13.1-21.1-13.1c-15.9 0-21.1 13.1-21.1 13.1l-36.7 74.5c-5.6 9.4-8.4 18.1-18.8 18.1h-32.9c-20.8 0-10.4-18.1-10.4-18.1l55.9-111.5s12.2-30.4 46.4-30.4h35.1z" ], vuejs: [ 448, 512, [], "f41f", "M356.9 64.3H280l-56 88.6-48-88.6H0L224 448 448 64.3h-91.1zm-301.2 32h53.8L224 294.5 338.4 96.3h53.8L224 384.5 55.7 96.3z" ], weebly: [ 512, 512, [], "f5cc", "M425.09 65.83c-39.88 0-73.28 25.73-83.66 64.33-18.16-58.06-65.5-64.33-84.95-64.33-19.78 0-66.8 6.28-85.28 64.33-10.38-38.6-43.45-64.33-83.66-64.33C38.59 65.83 0 99.72 0 143.03c0 28.96 4.18 33.27 77.17 233.48 22.37 60.57 67.77 69.35 92.74 69.35 39.23 0 70.04-19.46 85.93-53.98 15.89 34.83 46.69 54.29 85.93 54.29 24.97 0 70.36-9.1 92.74-69.67 76.55-208.65 77.5-205.58 77.5-227.2.63-48.32-36.01-83.47-86.92-83.47zm26.34 114.81l-65.57 176.44c-7.92 21.49-21.22 37.22-46.24 37.22-23.44 0-37.38-12.41-44.03-33.9l-39.28-117.42h-.95L216.08 360.4c-6.96 21.5-20.9 33.6-44.02 33.6-25.02 0-38.33-15.74-46.24-37.22L60.88 181.55c-5.38-14.83-7.92-23.91-7.92-34.5 0-16.34 15.84-29.36 38.33-29.36 18.69 0 31.99 11.8 36.11 29.05l44.03 139.82h.95l44.66-136.79c6.02-19.67 16.47-32.08 38.96-32.08s32.94 12.11 38.96 32.08l44.66 136.79h.95l44.03-139.82c4.12-17.25 17.42-29.05 36.11-29.05 22.17 0 38.33 13.32 38.33 35.71-.32 7.87-4.12 16.04-7.61 27.24z" ], weibo: [ 512, 512, [], "f18a", "M407 177.6c7.6-24-13.4-46.8-37.4-41.7-22 4.8-28.8-28.1-7.1-32.8 50.1-10.9 92.3 37.1 76.5 84.8-6.8 21.2-38.8 10.8-32-10.3zM214.8 446.7C108.5 446.7 0 395.3 0 310.4c0-44.3 28-95.4 76.3-143.7C176 67 279.5 65.8 249.9 161c-4 13.1 12.3 5.7 12.3 6 79.5-33.6 140.5-16.8 114 51.4-3.7 9.4 1.1 10.9 8.3 13.1 135.7 42.3 34.8 215.2-169.7 215.2zm143.7-146.3c-5.4-55.7-78.5-94-163.4-85.7-84.8 8.6-148.8 60.3-143.4 116s78.5 94 163.4 85.7c84.8-8.6 148.8-60.3 143.4-116zM347.9 35.1c-25.9 5.6-16.8 43.7 8.3 38.3 72.3-15.2 134.8 52.8 111.7 124-7.4 24.2 29.1 37 37.4 12 31.9-99.8-55.1-195.9-157.4-174.3zm-78.5 311c-17.1 38.8-66.8 60-109.1 46.3-40.8-13.1-58-53.4-40.3-89.7 17.7-35.4 63.1-55.4 103.4-45.1 42 10.8 63.1 50.2 46 88.5zm-86.3-30c-12.9-5.4-30 .3-38 12.9-8.3 12.9-4.3 28 8.6 34 13.1 6 30.8.3 39.1-12.9 8-13.1 3.7-28.3-9.7-34zm32.6-13.4c-5.1-1.7-11.4.6-14.3 5.4-2.9 5.1-1.4 10.6 3.7 12.9 5.1 2 11.7-.3 14.6-5.4 2.8-5.2 1.1-10.9-4-12.9z" ], weixin: [ 576, 512, [], "f1d7", "M385.2 167.6c6.4 0 12.6.3 18.8 1.1C387.4 90.3 303.3 32 207.7 32 100.5 32 13 104.8 13 197.4c0 53.4 29.3 97.5 77.9 131.6l-19.3 58.6 68-34.1c24.4 4.8 43.8 9.7 68.2 9.7 6.2 0 12.1-.3 18.3-.8-4-12.9-6.2-26.6-6.2-40.8-.1-84.9 72.9-154 165.3-154zm-104.5-52.9c14.5 0 24.2 9.7 24.2 24.4 0 14.5-9.7 24.2-24.2 24.2-14.8 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2.1-14.7 14.6-24.4 29.3-24.4zm-136.4 48.6c-14.5 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2 0-14.8 14.8-24.4 29.3-24.4 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 24.4 0 14.6-9.6 24.2-24.4 24.2zM563 319.4c0-77.9-77.9-141.3-165.4-141.3-92.7 0-165.4 63.4-165.4 141.3S305 460.7 397.6 460.7c19.3 0 38.9-5.1 58.6-9.9l53.4 29.3-14.8-48.6C534 402.1 563 363.2 563 319.4zm-219.1-24.5c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3 0 10-9.7 19.6-24.4 19.6zm107.1 0c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.5 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3.1 10-9.9 19.6-24.4 19.6z" ], whatsapp: [ 448, 512, [], "f232", "M380.9 97.1C339 55.1 283.2 32 223.9 32c-122.4 0-222 99.6-222 222 0 39.1 10.2 77.3 29.6 111L0 480l117.7-30.9c32.4 17.7 68.9 27 106.1 27h.1c122.3 0 224.1-99.6 224.1-222 0-59.3-25.2-115-67.1-157zm-157 341.6c-33.2 0-65.7-8.9-94-25.7l-6.7-4-69.8 18.3L72 359.2l-4.4-7c-18.5-29.4-28.2-63.3-28.2-98.2 0-101.7 82.8-184.5 184.6-184.5 49.3 0 95.6 19.2 130.4 54.1 34.8 34.9 56.2 81.2 56.1 130.5 0 101.8-84.9 184.6-186.6 184.6zm101.2-138.2c-5.5-2.8-32.8-16.2-37.9-18-5.1-1.9-8.8-2.8-12.5 2.8-3.7 5.6-14.3 18-17.6 21.8-3.2 3.7-6.5 4.2-12 1.4-32.6-16.3-54-29.1-75.5-66-5.7-9.8 5.7-9.1 16.3-30.3 1.8-3.7.9-6.9-.5-9.7-1.4-2.8-12.5-30.1-17.1-41.2-4.5-10.8-9.1-9.3-12.5-9.5-3.2-.2-6.9-.2-10.6-.2-3.7 0-9.7 1.4-14.8 6.9-5.1 5.6-19.4 19-19.4 46.3 0 27.3 19.9 53.7 22.6 57.4 2.8 3.7 39.1 59.7 94.8 83.8 35.2 15.2 49 16.5 66.6 13.9 10.7-1.6 32.8-13.4 37.4-26.4 4.6-13 4.6-24.1 3.2-26.4-1.3-2.5-5-3.9-10.5-6.6z" ], "whatsapp-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f40c", "M224 122.8c-72.7 0-131.8 59.1-131.9 131.8 0 24.9 7 49.2 20.2 70.1l3.1 5-13.3 48.6 49.9-13.1 4.8 2.9c20.2 12 43.4 18.4 67.1 18.4h.1c72.6 0 133.3-59.1 133.3-131.8 0-35.2-15.2-68.3-40.1-93.2-25-25-58-38.7-93.2-38.7zm77.5 188.4c-3.3 9.3-19.1 17.7-26.7 18.8-12.6 1.9-22.4.9-47.5-9.9-39.7-17.2-65.7-57.2-67.7-59.8-2-2.6-16.2-21.5-16.2-41s10.2-29.1 13.9-33.1c3.6-4 7.9-5 10.6-5 2.6 0 5.3 0 7.6.1 2.4.1 5.7-.9 8.9 6.8 3.3 7.9 11.2 27.4 12.2 29.4s1.7 4.3.3 6.9c-7.6 15.2-15.7 14.6-11.6 21.6 15.3 26.3 30.6 35.4 53.9 47.1 4 2 6.3 1.7 8.6-1 2.3-2.6 9.9-11.6 12.5-15.5 2.6-4 5.3-3.3 8.9-2 3.6 1.3 23.1 10.9 27.1 12.9s6.6 3 7.6 4.6c.9 1.9.9 9.9-2.4 19.1zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM223.9 413.2c-26.6 0-52.7-6.7-75.8-19.3L64 416l22.5-82.2c-13.9-24-21.2-51.3-21.2-79.3C65.4 167.1 136.5 96 223.9 96c42.4 0 82.2 16.5 112.2 46.5 29.9 30 47.9 69.8 47.9 112.2 0 87.4-72.7 158.5-160.1 158.5z" ], whmcs: [ 448, 512, [], "f40d", "M448 161v-21.3l-28.5-8.8-2.2-10.4 20.1-20.7L427 80.4l-29 7.5-7.2-7.5 7.5-28.2-19.1-11.6-21.3 21-10.7-3.2-7-26.4h-22.6l-6.2 26.4-12.1 3.2-19.7-21-19.4 11 8.1 27.7-8.1 8.4-28.5-7.5-11 19.1 20.7 21-2.9 10.4-28.5 7.8-.3 21.7 28.8 7.5 2.4 12.1-20.1 19.9 10.4 18.5 29.6-7.5 7.2 8.6-8.1 26.9 19.9 11.6 19.4-20.4 11.6 2.9 6.7 28.5 22.6.3 6.7-28.8 11.6-3.5 20.7 21.6 20.4-12.1-8.8-28 7.8-8.1 28.8 8.8 10.3-20.1-20.9-18.8 2.2-12.1 29.1-7zm-119.2 45.2c-31.3 0-56.8-25.4-56.8-56.8s25.4-56.8 56.8-56.8 56.8 25.4 56.8 56.8c0 31.5-25.4 56.8-56.8 56.8zm72.3 16.4l46.9 14.5V277l-55.1 13.4-4.1 22.7 38.9 35.3-19.2 37.9-54-16.7-14.6 15.2 16.7 52.5-38.3 22.7-38.9-40.5-21.7 6.6-12.6 54-42.4-.5-12.6-53.6-21.7-5.6-36.4 38.4-37.4-21.7 15.2-50.5-13.7-16.1-55.5 14.1-19.7-34.8 37.9-37.4-4.8-22.8-54-14.1.5-40.9L54 219.9l5.7-19.7-38.9-39.4L41.5 125l53.6 14.1 15.2-15.7-15.2-52 36.4-20.7 36.8 39.4L191 84l11.6-52H245l11.6 45.9L234 72l-6.3-1.7-3.3 5.7-11 19.1-3.3 5.6 4.6 4.6 17.2 17.4-.3 1-23.8 6.5-6.2 1.7-.1 6.4-.2 12.9C153.8 161.6 118 204 118 254.7c0 58.3 47.3 105.7 105.7 105.7 50.5 0 92.7-35.4 103.2-82.8l13.2.2 6.9.1 1.6-6.7 5.6-24 1.9-.6 17.1 17.8 4.7 4.9 5.8-3.4 20.4-12.1 5.8-3.5-2-6.5-6.8-21.2z" ], "wikipedia-w": [ 640, 512, [], "f266", "M640 51.2l-.3 12.2c-28.1.8-45 15.8-55.8 40.3-25 57.8-103.3 240-155.3 358.6H415l-81.9-193.1c-32.5 63.6-68.3 130-99.2 193.1-.3.3-15 0-15-.3C172 352.3 122.8 243.4 75.8 133.4 64.4 106.7 26.4 63.4.2 63.7c0-3.1-.3-10-.3-14.2h161.9v13.9c-19.2 1.1-52.8 13.3-43.3 34.2 21.9 49.7 103.6 240.3 125.6 288.6 15-29.7 57.8-109.2 75.3-142.8-13.9-28.3-58.6-133.9-72.8-160-9.7-17.8-36.1-19.4-55.8-19.7V49.8l142.5.3v13.1c-19.4.6-38.1 7.8-29.4 26.1 18.9 40 30.6 68.1 48.1 104.7 5.6-10.8 34.7-69.4 48.1-100.8 8.9-20.6-3.9-28.6-38.6-29.4.3-3.6 0-10.3.3-13.6 44.4-.3 111.1-.3 123.1-.6v13.6c-22.5.8-45.8 12.8-58.1 31.7l-59.2 122.8c6.4 16.1 63.3 142.8 69.2 156.7L559.2 91.8c-8.6-23.1-36.4-28.1-47.2-28.3V49.6l127.8" ], windows: [ 448, 512, [], "f17a", "M0 93.7l183.6-25.3v177.4H0V93.7zm0 324.6l183.6 25.3V268.4H0v149.9zm203.8 28L448 480V268.4H203.8v177.9zm0-380.6v180.1H448V32L203.8 65.7z" ], wix: [ 640, 512, [], "f5cf", "M393.38 131.69c0 13.03 2.08 32.69-28.68 43.83-9.52 3.45-15.95 9.66-15.95 9.66 0-31 4.72-42.22 17.4-48.86 9.75-5.11 27.23-4.63 27.23-4.63zm-115.8 35.54l-34.24 132.66-28.48-108.57c-7.69-31.99-20.81-48.53-48.43-48.53-27.37 0-40.66 16.18-48.43 48.53L89.52 299.89 55.28 167.23C49.73 140.51 23.86 128.96 0 131.96l65.57 247.93s21.63 1.56 32.46-3.96c14.22-7.25 20.98-12.84 29.59-46.57 7.67-30.07 29.11-118.41 31.12-124.7 4.76-14.94 11.09-13.81 15.4 0 1.97 6.3 23.45 94.63 31.12 124.7 8.6 33.73 15.37 39.32 29.59 46.57 10.82 5.52 32.46 3.96 32.46 3.96l65.57-247.93c-24.42-3.07-49.82 8.93-55.3 35.27zm115.78 5.21s-4.1 6.34-13.46 11.57c-6.01 3.36-11.78 5.64-17.97 8.61-15.14 7.26-13.18 13.95-13.18 35.2v152.07s16.55 2.09 27.37-3.43c13.93-7.1 17.13-13.95 17.26-44.78V181.41l-.02.01v-8.98zm163.44 84.08L640 132.78s-35.11-5.98-52.5 9.85c-13.3 12.1-24.41 29.55-54.18 72.47-.47.73-6.25 10.54-13.07 0-29.29-42.23-40.8-60.29-54.18-72.47-17.39-15.83-52.5-9.85-52.5-9.85l83.2 123.74-82.97 123.36s36.57 4.62 53.95-11.21c11.49-10.46 17.58-20.37 52.51-70.72 6.81-10.52 12.57-.77 13.07 0 29.4 42.38 39.23 58.06 53.14 70.72 17.39 15.83 53.32 11.21 53.32 11.21L556.8 256.52z" ], "wolf-pack-battalion": [ 456, 512, [], "f514", "M239.73 471.53l10.56 15.84 5.28-12.32 5.28 7.04V512c21.06-7.92 21.11-66.86 25.51-97.21 4.62-31.89-.88-92.81 81.37-149.11-8.88-23.61-12-49.43-2.64-80.05 27.87 3.34 53.94 10.58 63.34 54.1l-30.35 8.36c11.15 23.04 17.01 46.76 13.2 72.14L384 313.18l-6.16 33.43-18.47-7.04-8.8 33.43-19.35-7.04 26.39 21.11 8.8-28.15 24.63 5.28 7.04-35.63 26.39 14.52c.25-20.02 6.97-58.06-8.8-84.45l26.39 5.28c3.99-22.07-2.38-39.21-7.92-56.74l22.43 9.68c-.44-25.07-29.94-56.79-61.58-58.5-20.22-1.09-56.74-25.17-54.1-51.9 1.96-19.87 17.45-42.62 43.11-49.7-43.99 36.51-9.68 67.3 5.28 73.46 4.4-11.44 17.54-69.08 0-130.2-40.47 22.87-89.73 65.1-93.25 147.79l-58.06 38.71-3.52 93.25 107.33-59.82 7.04 7.04-17.59 3.52-43.99 38.71-15.84-5.28-28.15 49.26-3.52 119.64 21.11 15.84-32.55 15.84-32.55-15.84 21.11-15.84-3.52-119.64-28.15-49.26-15.84 5.28-43.99-38.71-17.59-3.52 7.04-7.04 107.33 59.82-3.52-93.25-58.06-38.71C157.03 65.1 107.77 22.87 67.3 0c-17.54 61.12-4.4 118.76 0 130.2 14.96-6.16 49.26-36.95 5.28-73.46 25.66 7.08 41.15 29.83 43.11 49.7 2.63 26.74-33.88 50.81-54.1 51.9C29.94 160.06.44 191.78 0 216.85l22.43-9.68c-5.54 17.53-11.91 34.67-7.92 56.74l26.39-5.28c-15.76 26.39-9.05 64.43-8.8 84.45l26.39-14.52 7.04 35.63 24.63-5.28 8.8 28.15 26.39-21.11-19.34 7.05-8.8-33.43-18.47 7.04-6.16-33.43-27.27 7.04c-3.82-25.38 2.05-49.1 13.2-72.14l-30.35-8.36c9.4-43.52 35.47-50.77 63.34-54.1 9.36 30.62 6.24 56.45-2.64 80.05 82.25 56.3 76.75 117.23 81.37 149.11 4.4 30.35 4.45 89.29 25.51 97.21v-29.91l5.28-7.04 5.28 12.32 10.56-15.84 11.44 21.11 11.43-21.1zm79.17-95.01l-15.84-10.56c7.47-4.36 13.76-8.42 19.35-12.32-.6 7.26-.27 13.88-3.51 22.88zm28.15-49.26c-.4 10.94-.9 21.66-1.76 31.67-7.85-1.86-15.57-3.8-21.11-7.04 8.24-7.9 15.55-16.27 22.87-24.63zm24.63 5.28c-.02-13.43-2.05-24.21-5.28-33.43-5.38 9.09-11.23 18.18-18.47 27.27l23.75 6.16zm3.52-80.94c19.44 12.81 27.8 33.66 29.91 56.3-12.32-4.53-24.63-9.31-36.95-10.56 5.06-11.99 6.65-28.14 7.04-45.74zm-1.76-45.74c.81 14.3 1.84 28.82 1.76 42.23 19.22-8.11 29.78-9.72 43.99-14.08-10.6-18.95-27.22-25.52-45.75-28.15zM137.68 376.52l15.84-10.56c-7.47-4.36-13.76-8.42-19.35-12.32.6 7.26.27 13.88 3.51 22.88zm-28.15-49.26c.4 10.94.9 21.66 1.76 31.67 7.85-1.86 15.57-3.8 21.11-7.04-8.24-7.9-15.55-16.27-22.87-24.63zm-24.64 5.28c.02-13.43 2.05-24.21 5.28-33.43 5.38 9.09 11.23 18.18 18.47 27.27l-23.75 6.16zm-3.52-80.94c-19.44 12.81-27.8 33.66-29.91 56.3 12.32-4.53 24.63-9.31 36.95-10.56-5.05-11.99-6.65-28.14-7.04-45.74zm1.76-45.74c-.81 14.3-1.84 28.82-1.76 42.23-19.22-8.11-29.78-9.72-43.99-14.08 10.61-18.95 27.22-25.52 45.75-28.15z" ], wordpress: [ 512, 512, [], "f19a", "M61.7 169.4l101.5 278C92.2 413 43.3 340.2 43.3 256c0-30.9 6.6-60.1 18.4-86.6zm337.9 75.9c0-26.3-9.4-44.5-17.5-58.7-10.8-17.5-20.9-32.4-20.9-49.9 0-19.6 14.8-37.8 35.7-37.8.9 0 1.8.1 2.8.2-37.9-34.7-88.3-55.9-143.7-55.9-74.3 0-139.7 38.1-177.8 95.9 5 .2 9.7.3 13.7.3 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l77.5 230.4L249.8 247l-33.1-90.8c-11.5-.7-22.3-2-22.3-2-11.5-.7-10.1-18.2 1.3-17.5 0 0 35.1 2.7 56 2.7 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l76.9 228.7 21.2-70.9c9-29.4 16-50.5 16-68.7zm-139.9 29.3l-63.8 185.5c19.1 5.6 39.2 8.7 60.1 8.7 24.8 0 48.5-4.3 70.6-12.1-.6-.9-1.1-1.9-1.5-2.9l-65.4-179.2zm183-120.7c.9 6.8 1.4 14 1.4 21.9 0 21.6-4 45.8-16.2 76.2l-65 187.9C426.2 403 468.7 334.5 468.7 256c0-37-9.4-71.8-26-102.1zM504 256c0 136.8-111.3 248-248 248C119.2 504 8 392.7 8 256 8 119.2 119.2 8 256 8c136.7 0 248 111.2 248 248zm-11.4 0c0-130.5-106.2-236.6-236.6-236.6C125.5 19.4 19.4 125.5 19.4 256S125.6 492.6 256 492.6c130.5 0 236.6-106.1 236.6-236.6z" ], "wordpress-simple": [ 512, 512, [], "f411", "M256 8C119.3 8 8 119.2 8 256c0 136.7 111.3 248 248 248s248-111.3 248-248C504 119.2 392.7 8 256 8zM33 256c0-32.3 6.9-63 19.3-90.7l106.4 291.4C84.3 420.5 33 344.2 33 256zm223 223c-21.9 0-43-3.2-63-9.1l66.9-194.4 68.5 187.8c.5 1.1 1 2.1 1.6 3.1-23.1 8.1-48 12.6-74 12.6zm30.7-327.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-21.9 0-58.7-2.8-58.7-2.8-12-.7-13.4 17.7-1.4 18.4 0 0 11.4 1.4 23.4 2.1l34.7 95.2L200.6 393l-81.2-241.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-4.2 0-9.1-.1-14.4-.3C109.6 73 178.1 33 256 33c58 0 110.9 22.2 150.6 58.5-1-.1-1.9-.2-2.9-.2-21.9 0-37.4 19.1-37.4 39.6 0 18.4 10.6 33.9 21.9 52.3 8.5 14.8 18.4 33.9 18.4 61.5 0 19.1-7.3 41.2-17 72.1l-22.2 74.3-80.7-239.6zm81.4 297.2l68.1-196.9c12.7-31.8 17-57.2 17-79.9 0-8.2-.5-15.8-1.5-22.9 17.4 31.8 27.3 68.2 27.3 107 0 82.3-44.6 154.1-110.9 192.7z" ], wpbeginner: [ 512, 512, [], "f297", "M462.799 322.374C519.01 386.682 466.961 480 370.944 480c-39.602 0-78.824-17.687-100.142-50.04-6.887.356-22.702.356-29.59 0C219.848 462.381 180.588 480 141.069 480c-95.49 0-148.348-92.996-91.855-157.626C-29.925 190.523 80.479 32 256.006 32c175.632 0 285.87 158.626 206.793 290.374zm-339.647-82.972h41.529v-58.075h-41.529v58.075zm217.18 86.072v-23.839c-60.506 20.915-132.355 9.198-187.589-33.971l.246 24.897c51.101 46.367 131.746 57.875 187.343 32.913zm-150.753-86.072h166.058v-58.075H189.579v58.075z" ], wpexplorer: [ 512, 512, [], "f2de", "M512 256c0 141.2-114.7 256-256 256C114.8 512 0 397.3 0 256S114.7 0 256 0s256 114.7 256 256zm-32 0c0-123.2-100.3-224-224-224C132.5 32 32 132.5 32 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224zM160.9 124.6l86.9 37.1-37.1 86.9-86.9-37.1 37.1-86.9zm110 169.1l46.6 94h-14.6l-50-100-48.9 100h-14l51.1-106.9-22.3-9.4 6-14 68.6 29.1-6 14.3-16.5-7.1zm-11.8-116.3l68.6 29.4-29.4 68.3L230 246l29.1-68.6zm80.3 42.9l54.6 23.1-23.4 54.3-54.3-23.1 23.1-54.3z" ], wpforms: [ 448, 512, [], "f298", "M448 75.2v361.7c0 24.3-19 43.2-43.2 43.2H43.2C19.3 480 0 461.4 0 436.8V75.2C0 51.1 18.8 32 43.2 32h361.7c24 0 43.1 18.8 43.1 43.2zm-37.3 361.6V75.2c0-3-2.6-5.8-5.8-5.8h-9.3L285.3 144 224 94.1 162.8 144 52.5 69.3h-9.3c-3.2 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 5.8v361.7c0 3 2.6 5.8 5.8 5.8h361.7c3.2.1 5.8-2.7 5.8-5.8zM150.2 186v37H76.7v-37h73.5zm0 74.4v37.3H76.7v-37.3h73.5zm11.1-147.3l54-43.7H96.8l64.5 43.7zm210 72.9v37h-196v-37h196zm0 74.4v37.3h-196v-37.3h196zm-84.6-147.3l64.5-43.7H232.8l53.9 43.7zM371.3 335v37.3h-99.4V335h99.4z" ], xbox: [ 512, 512, [], "f412", "M369.9 318.2c44.3 54.3 64.7 98.8 54.4 118.7-7.9 15.1-56.7 44.6-92.6 55.9-29.6 9.3-68.4 13.3-100.4 10.2-38.2-3.7-76.9-17.4-110.1-39C93.3 445.8 87 438.3 87 423.4c0-29.9 32.9-82.3 89.2-142.1 32-33.9 76.5-73.7 81.4-72.6 9.4 2.1 84.3 75.1 112.3 109.5zM188.6 143.8c-29.7-26.9-58.1-53.9-86.4-63.4-15.2-5.1-16.3-4.8-28.7 8.1-29.2 30.4-53.5 79.7-60.3 122.4-5.4 34.2-6.1 43.8-4.2 60.5 5.6 50.5 17.3 85.4 40.5 120.9 9.5 14.6 12.1 17.3 9.3 9.9-4.2-11-.3-37.5 9.5-64 14.3-39 53.9-112.9 120.3-194.4zm311.6 63.5C483.3 127.3 432.7 77 425.6 77c-7.3 0-24.2 6.5-36 13.9-23.3 14.5-41 31.4-64.3 52.8C367.7 197 427.5 283.1 448.2 346c6.8 20.7 9.7 41.1 7.4 52.3-1.7 8.5-1.7 8.5 1.4 4.6 6.1-7.7 19.9-31.3 25.4-43.5 7.4-16.2 15-40.2 18.6-58.7 4.3-22.5 3.9-70.8-.8-93.4zM141.3 43C189 40.5 251 77.5 255.6 78.4c.7.1 10.4-4.2 21.6-9.7 63.9-31.1 94-25.8 107.4-25.2-63.9-39.3-152.7-50-233.9-11.7-23.4 11.1-24 11.9-9.4 11.2z" ], xing: [ 384, 512, [], "f168", "M162.7 210c-1.8 3.3-25.2 44.4-70.1 123.5-4.9 8.3-10.8 12.5-17.7 12.5H9.8c-7.7 0-12.1-7.5-8.5-14.4l69-121.3c.2 0 .2-.1 0-.3l-43.9-75.6c-4.3-7.8.3-14.1 8.5-14.1H100c7.3 0 13.3 4.1 18 12.2l44.7 77.5zM382.6 46.1l-144 253v.3L330.2 466c3.9 7.1.2 14.1-8.5 14.1h-65.2c-7.6 0-13.6-4-18-12.2l-92.4-168.5c3.3-5.8 51.5-90.8 144.8-255.2 4.6-8.1 10.4-12.2 17.5-12.2h65.7c8 0 12.3 6.7 8.5 14.1z" ], "xing-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f169", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM140.4 320.2H93.8c-5.5 0-8.7-5.3-6-10.3l49.3-86.7c.1 0 .1-.1 0-.2l-31.4-54c-3-5.6.2-10.1 6-10.1h46.6c5.2 0 9.5 2.9 12.9 8.7l31.9 55.3c-1.3 2.3-18 31.7-50.1 88.2-3.5 6.2-7.7 9.1-12.6 9.1zm219.7-214.1L257.3 286.8v.2l65.5 119c2.8 5.1.1 10.1-6 10.1h-46.6c-5.5 0-9.7-2.9-12.9-8.7l-66-120.3c2.3-4.1 36.8-64.9 103.4-182.3 3.3-5.8 7.4-8.7 12.5-8.7h46.9c5.7-.1 8.8 4.7 6 10z" ], "y-combinator": [ 448, 512, [], "f23b", "M448 32v448H0V32h448zM236 287.5L313.5 142h-32.7L235 233c-4.7 9.3-9 18.3-12.8 26.8L210 233l-45.2-91h-35l76.7 143.8v94.5H236v-92.8z" ], yahoo: [ 448, 512, [], "f19e", "M252 292l4 220c-12.7-2.2-23.5-3.9-32.3-3.9-8.4 0-19.2 1.7-32.3 3.9l4-220C140.4 197.2 85 95.2 21.4 0c11.9 3.1 23 3.9 33.2 3.9 9 0 20.4-.8 34.1-3.9 40.9 72.2 82.1 138.7 135 225.5C261 163.9 314.8 81.4 358.6 0c11.1 2.9 22 3.9 32.9 3.9 11.5 0 23.2-1 35-3.9C392.1 47.9 294.9 216.9 252 292z" ], yandex: [ 256, 512, [], "f413", "M153.1 315.8L65.7 512H2l96-209.8c-45.1-22.9-75.2-64.4-75.2-141.1C22.7 53.7 90.8 0 171.7 0H254v512h-55.1V315.8h-45.8zm45.8-269.3h-29.4c-44.4 0-87.4 29.4-87.4 114.6 0 82.3 39.4 108.8 87.4 108.8h29.4V46.5z" ], "yandex-international": [ 320, 512, [], "f414", "M129.5 512V345.9L18.5 48h55.8l81.8 229.7L250.2 0h51.3L180.8 347.8V512h-51.3z" ], yelp: [ 384, 512, [], "f1e9", "M136.9 328c-1 .3-109.2 35.7-115.8 35.7-15.2-.9-18.5-16.2-19.9-31.2-1.5-14.2-1.4-29.8.3-46.8 1.9-18.8 5.5-45.1 24.2-44 4.8 0 67.1 25.9 112.7 44.4 17.1 6.8 18.6 35.8-1.5 41.9zm57.9-113.9c1.8 38.2-25.5 48.5-47.2 14.3L41.3 60.4c-1.5-6.6.3-12.4 5.3-17.4C62.2 26.5 146 3.2 168.1 8.9c7.5 1.9 12.1 6.1 13.8 12.6 1.3 8.3 11.5 167.4 12.9 192.6zm-1.4 164.8c0 4.6.2 116.4-1.7 121.5-2.3 6-7 9.7-14.3 11.2-10.1 1.7-27.1-1.9-51-10.7-22-8.1-56.7-21.5-49.3-42.5 2.8-6.9 51.4-62.8 77.3-93.6 12-15.2 39.8-5.5 39 14.1zm180.2-117.8c-5.6 3.7-110.8 28.2-118.1 30.6l.3-.6c-18.1 4.7-35.4-18.5-23.3-34.6 3.7-3.7 65.9-92.4 72.8-97 5.2-3.6 11.3-3.8 18.3-.6 18.4 8.8 55.1 63.1 57.4 84.6-.1 2.9 1.2 11.7-7.4 17.6zm10.1 130.7c-2.7 20.6-44.5 73.4-63.8 81-6.9 2.6-12.9 2-17.7-2-5-3.5-61.8-97.1-64.9-102.3-10.9-16.2 6.8-39.8 25.6-33.2 0 0 110.5 35.7 114.7 39.4 5.2 4.1 7.2 9.8 6.1 17.1z" ], yoast: [ 448, 512, [], "f2b1", "M91.3 76h186l-7 18.9h-179c-39.7 0-71.9 31.6-71.9 70.3v205.4c0 35.4 24.9 70.3 84 70.3V460H91.3C41.2 460 0 419.8 0 370.5V165.2C0 115.9 40.7 76 91.3 76zm229.1-56h66.5C243.1 398.1 241.2 418.9 202.2 459.3c-20.8 21.6-49.3 31.7-78.3 32.7v-51.1c49.2-7.7 64.6-49.9 64.6-75.3 0-20.1.6-12.6-82.1-223.2h61.4L218.2 299 320.4 20zM448 161.5V460H234c6.6-9.6 10.7-16.3 12.1-19.4h182.5V161.5c0-32.5-17.1-51.9-48.2-62.9l6.7-17.6c41.7 13.6 60.9 43.1 60.9 80.5z" ], youtube: [ 576, 512, [], "f167", "M549.655 124.083c-6.281-23.65-24.787-42.276-48.284-48.597C458.781 64 288 64 288 64S117.22 64 74.629 75.486c-23.497 6.322-42.003 24.947-48.284 48.597-11.412 42.867-11.412 132.305-11.412 132.305s0 89.438 11.412 132.305c6.281 23.65 24.787 41.5 48.284 47.821C117.22 448 288 448 288 448s170.78 0 213.371-11.486c23.497-6.321 42.003-24.171 48.284-47.821 11.412-42.867 11.412-132.305 11.412-132.305s0-89.438-11.412-132.305zm-317.51 213.508V175.185l142.739 81.205-142.739 81.201z" ], "youtube-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f431", "M186.8 202.1l95.2 54.1-95.2 54.1V202.1zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-42 176.3s0-59.6-7.6-88.2c-4.2-15.8-16.5-28.2-32.2-32.4C337.9 128 224 128 224 128s-113.9 0-142.2 7.7c-15.7 4.2-28 16.6-32.2 32.4-7.6 28.5-7.6 88.2-7.6 88.2s0 59.6 7.6 88.2c4.2 15.8 16.5 27.7 32.2 31.9C110.1 384 224 384 224 384s113.9 0 142.2-7.7c15.7-4.2 28-16.1 32.2-31.9 7.6-28.5 7.6-88.1 7.6-88.1z" ] }; !function(c) { try { c(); } catch (c) { if (!m) throw c; } }(function() { !function c(l, z) { var h = Object.keys(z).reduce(function(c, l) { var h = z[l]; return h.icon ? c[h.iconName] = h.icon : c[l] = h, c; }, {}); "function" == typeof t.hooks.addPack ? t.hooks.addPack(l, h) : t.styles[l] = M({}, t.styles[l] || {}, h), "fas" === l && c("fa", z); }("fab", f); }); }(), function() { "use strict"; var c = {}; try { "undefined" != typeof window && (c = window); } catch (c) {} var l = (c.navigator || {}).userAgent, h = void 0 === l ? "" : l, z = c, v = (~h.indexOf("MSIE") || h.indexOf("Trident/"), "___FONT_AWESOME___"), m = function() { try { return !1; } catch (c) { return !1; } }(), s = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], e = s.concat([ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]); [ "xs", "sm", "lg", "fw", "ul", "li", "border", "pull-left", "pull-right", "spin", "pulse", "rotate-90", "rotate-180", "rotate-270", "flip-horizontal", "flip-vertical", "stack", "stack-1x", "stack-2x", "inverse", "layers", "layers-text", "layers-counter" ].concat( { return c + "x"; })).concat( { return "w-" + c; })); var a = z || {}; a[v] || (a[v] = {}), a[v].styles || (a[v].styles = {}), a[v].hooks || (a[v].hooks = {}), a[v].shims || (a[v].shims = []); var t = a[v], M = Object.assign || function(c) { for (var l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) { var h = arguments[l]; for (var z in h), z) && (c[z] = h[z]); } return c; }; var f = { "address-book": [ 448, 512, [], "f2b9", "M436 160c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-48h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20zm-68 304H48V48h320v416zM208 256c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2z" ], "address-card": [ 576, 512, [], "f2bb", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 400H48V80h480v352zM208 256c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2zM360 320h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8z" ], angry: [ 496, 512, [], "f556", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm0-144c-33.6 0-65.2 14.8-86.8 40.6-8.5 10.2-7.1 25.3 3.1 33.8s25.3 7.2 33.8-3c24.8-29.7 75-29.7 99.8 0 8.1 9.7 23.2 11.9 33.8 3 10.2-8.5 11.5-23.6 3.1-33.8-21.6-25.8-53.2-40.6-86.8-40.6zm-48-72c10.3 0 19.9-6.7 23-17.1 3.8-12.7-3.4-26.1-16.1-29.9l-80-24c-12.8-3.9-26.1 3.4-29.9 16.1-3.8 12.7 3.4 26.1 16.1 29.9l28.2 8.5c-3.1 4.9-5.3 10.4-5.3 16.6 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.4 32-32.1zm199-54.9c-3.8-12.7-17.1-19.9-29.9-16.1l-80 24c-12.7 3.8-19.9 17.2-16.1 29.9 3.1 10.4 12.7 17.1 23 17.1 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32c0-6.2-2.2-11.7-5.3-16.6l28.2-8.5c12.7-3.7 19.9-17.1 16.1-29.8z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f358", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm-32-316v116h-67c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l99 99c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l99-99c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5h-67V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f359", "M8 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8 8 119 8 256zm448 0c0 110.5-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256 145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200zm-72-20v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H256v67c0 10.7-12.9 16-20.5 8.5l-99-99c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l99-99c7.6-7.6 20.5-2.2 20.5 8.5v67h116c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f35a", "M504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256zm72 20v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h116v-67c0-10.7 12.9-16 20.5-8.5l99 99c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17l-99 99c-7.6 7.6-20.5 2.2-20.5-8.5v-67H140c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f35b", "M256 504c137 0 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248zm0-448c110.5 0 200 89.5 200 200s-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256 145.5 56 256 56zm20 328h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V256h-67c-10.7 0-16-12.9-8.5-20.5l99-99c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l99 99c7.6 7.6 2.2 20.5-8.5 20.5h-67v116c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12z" ], bell: [ 448, 512, [], "f0f3", "M425.403 330.939c-16.989-16.785-34.546-34.143-34.546-116.083 0-83.026-60.958-152.074-140.467-164.762A31.843 31.843 0 0 0 256 32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32a31.848 31.848 0 0 0 5.609 18.095C118.101 62.783 57.143 131.831 57.143 214.857c0 81.933-17.551 99.292-34.543 116.078C-25.496 378.441 9.726 448 66.919 448H160c0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64 35.346 0 64-28.654 64-64h93.08c57.19 0 92.415-69.583 44.323-117.061zM224 472c-13.234 0-24-10.766-24-24h48c0 13.234-10.766 24-24 24zm157.092-72H66.9c-16.762 0-25.135-20.39-13.334-32.191 28.585-28.585 51.577-55.724 51.577-152.952C105.143 149.319 158.462 96 224 96s118.857 53.319 118.857 118.857c0 97.65 23.221 124.574 51.568 152.952C406.278 379.661 397.783 400 381.092 400z" ], "bell-slash": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f6", "M130.9 400c-16.762 0-25.135-20.39-13.334-32.191 25.226-25.226 46.094-49.338 50.649-121.48l-46.777-41.274a168.48 168.48 0 0 0-.296 9.802c0 81.933-17.551 99.292-34.543 116.078C38.504 378.441 73.726 448 130.919 448H224c0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64s64-28.654 64-64h44.777l-54.4-48H130.9zM288 472c-13.234 0-24-10.766-24-24h48c0 13.234-10.766 24-24 24zm283.867.553l-67.931-59.571c13.104-24.118 11.524-56.318-14.532-82.042-16.989-16.785-34.546-34.143-34.546-116.083 0-83.026-60.958-152.074-140.467-164.762A31.848 31.848 0 0 0 320 32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32a31.848 31.848 0 0 0 5.609 18.095c-41.471 6.618-77.891 28.571-103.249 59.841L36.459 3.037c-5.058-4.436-12.777-3.956-17.24 1.071L3.056 22.313C-1.407 27.34-.925 35.012 4.134 39.447l535.408 469.516c5.058 4.436 12.777 3.956 17.24-1.071l16.163-18.205c4.462-5.027 3.98-12.699-1.078-17.134zM288 96c65.538 0 118.857 53.319 118.857 118.857 0 97.65 23.221 124.574 51.568 152.952 2.908 2.908 4.573 6.328 5.209 9.832L194.482 141.612C216.258 113.867 250.075 96 288 96z" ], bookmark: [ 384, 512, [], "f02e", "M336 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v464l192-112 192 112V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 428.43l-144-84-144 84V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h276c3.314 0 6 2.683 6 5.996V428.43z" ], building: [ 448, 512, [], "f1ad", "M128 148v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zm140 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm-128 96h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm128 0h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm-76 84v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm76 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm180 124v36H0v-36c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h19.5V24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h337c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v440H436c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zM79.5 463H192v-67c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v67h112.5V49L80 48l-.5 415z" ], calendar: [ 448, 512, [], "f133", "M400 64h-48V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H160V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 400H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V160h352v298c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6z" ], "calendar-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f073", "M148 288h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zm108-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 96v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96-260v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "calendar-check": [ 448, 512, [], "f274", "M400 64h-48V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v52H160V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v52H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V160h352v298a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm-52.849-200.65L198.842 404.519c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.971-.068l-75.091-75.699c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.068-16.971l22.719-22.536c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.069l44.104 44.461 111.072-110.181c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.971.068l22.536 22.718c4.667 4.705 4.636 12.303-.069 16.97z" ], "calendar-minus": [ 448, 512, [], "f272", "M124 328c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-24c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H124zm324-216v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "calendar-plus": [ 448, 512, [], "f271", "M336 292v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-76v76c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-24c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-76h-76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-24c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h76v-76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h24c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v76h76c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm112-180v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "calendar-times": [ 448, 512, [], "f273", "M311.7 374.7l-17 17c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L224 337.9l-53.7 53.7c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-17-17c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l53.7-53.7-53.7-53.7c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l17-17c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l53.7 53.7 53.7-53.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 17c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L257.9 304l53.7 53.7c4.8 4.7 4.8 12.3.1 17zM448 112v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "caret-square-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f150", "M125.1 208h197.8c10.7 0 16.1 13 8.5 20.5l-98.9 98.3c-4.7 4.7-12.2 4.7-16.9 0l-98.9-98.3c-7.7-7.5-2.3-20.5 8.4-20.5zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "caret-square-left": [ 448, 512, [], "f191", "M272 157.1v197.8c0 10.7-13 16.1-20.5 8.5l-98.3-98.9c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.2 0-16.9l98.3-98.9c7.5-7.7 20.5-2.3 20.5 8.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "caret-square-right": [ 448, 512, [], "f152", "M176 354.9V157.1c0-10.7 13-16.1 20.5-8.5l98.3 98.9c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.2 0 16.9l-98.3 98.9c-7.5 7.7-20.5 2.3-20.5-8.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "caret-square-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f151", "M322.9 304H125.1c-10.7 0-16.1-13-8.5-20.5l98.9-98.3c4.7-4.7 12.2-4.7 16.9 0l98.9 98.3c7.7 7.5 2.3 20.5-8.4 20.5zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "chart-bar": [ 512, 512, [], "f080", "M500 400c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h24c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v324h452zm-356-60v-72c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v72c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v200c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0V204c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v136c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0V108c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v232c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], "check-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f058", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 48c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m140.204 130.267l-22.536-22.718c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L215.346 303.697l-59.792-60.277c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.069l-22.719 22.536c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.971l90.781 91.516c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l172.589-171.204c4.704-4.668 4.734-12.266.067-16.971z" ], "check-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f14a", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 400H48V80h352v352zm-35.864-241.724L191.547 361.48c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.97-.068l-90.781-91.516c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.069-16.971l22.719-22.536c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.069l59.792 60.277 141.352-140.216c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l22.536 22.718c4.667 4.706 4.637 12.304-.068 16.971z" ], circle: [ 512, 512, [], "f111", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200z" ], clipboard: [ 384, 512, [], "f328", "M336 64h-80c0-35.29-28.71-64-64-64s-64 28.71-64 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V118a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v36c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h168c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-36h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v340a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM192 40c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24" ], clock: [ 512, 512, [], "f017", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm61.8-104.4l-84.9-61.7c-3.1-2.3-4.9-5.9-4.9-9.7V116c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v141.7l66.8 48.6c5.4 3.9 6.5 11.4 2.6 16.8L334.6 349c-3.9 5.3-11.4 6.5-16.8 2.6z" ], clone: [ 512, 512, [], "f24d", "M464 0H144c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v320c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h320c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48h48c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM362 464H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V150a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224v42a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm96-96H150a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h308a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v308a6 6 0 0 1-6 6z" ], "closed-captioning": [ 512, 512, [], "f20a", "M464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 336H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V118c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h404c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v276c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zm-211.1-85.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.8-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7l-17.5 30.5c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6 2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.6 27.7zm190.4 0c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.9-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7L420 220.2c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6 2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.6 27.7z" ], comment: [ 512, 512, [], "f075", "M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 47.6 19.9 91.2 52.9 126.3C38 405.7 7 439.1 6.5 439.5c-6.6 7-8.4 17.2-4.6 26S14.4 480 24 480c61.5 0 110-25.7 139.1-46.3C192 442.8 223.2 448 256 448c141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zm0 368c-26.7 0-53.1-4.1-78.4-12.1l-22.7-7.2-19.5 13.8c-14.3 10.1-33.9 21.4-57.5 29 7.3-12.1 14.4-25.7 19.9-40.2l10.6-28.1-20.6-21.8C69.7 314.1 48 282.2 48 240c0-88.2 93.3-160 208-160s208 71.8 208 160-93.3 160-208 160z" ], "comment-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f27a", "M448 0H64C28.7 0 0 28.7 0 64v288c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96v84c0 7.1 5.8 12 12 12 2.4 0 4.9-.7 7.1-2.4L304 416h144c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm16 352c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H288l-12.8 9.6L208 428v-60H64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V64c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h384c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v288z" ], "comment-dots": [ 512, 512, [], "f4ad", "M144 208c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm112 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm112 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zM256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 47.6 19.9 91.2 52.9 126.3C38 405.7 7 439.1 6.5 439.5c-6.6 7-8.4 17.2-4.6 26S14.4 480 24 480c61.5 0 110-25.7 139.1-46.3C192 442.8 223.2 448 256 448c141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zm0 368c-26.7 0-53.1-4.1-78.4-12.1l-22.7-7.2-19.5 13.8c-14.3 10.1-33.9 21.4-57.5 29 7.3-12.1 14.4-25.7 19.9-40.2l10.6-28.1-20.6-21.8C69.7 314.1 48 282.2 48 240c0-88.2 93.3-160 208-160s208 71.8 208 160-93.3 160-208 160z" ], comments: [ 576, 512, [], "f086", "M532 386.2c27.5-27.1 44-61.1 44-98.2 0-80-76.5-146.1-176.2-157.9C368.3 72.5 294.3 32 208 32 93.1 32 0 103.6 0 192c0 37 16.5 71 44 98.2-15.3 30.7-37.3 54.5-37.7 54.9-6.3 6.7-8.1 16.5-4.4 25 3.6 8.5 12 14 21.2 14 53.5 0 96.7-20.2 125.2-38.8 9.2 2.1 18.7 3.7 28.4 4.9C208.1 407.6 281.8 448 368 448c20.8 0 40.8-2.4 59.8-6.8C456.3 459.7 499.4 480 553 480c9.2 0 17.5-5.5 21.2-14 3.6-8.5 1.9-18.3-4.4-25-.4-.3-22.5-24.1-37.8-54.8zm-392.8-92.3L122.1 305c-14.1 9.1-28.5 16.3-43.1 21.4 2.7-4.7 5.4-9.7 8-14.8l15.5-31.1L77.7 256C64.2 242.6 48 220.7 48 192c0-60.7 73.3-112 160-112s160 51.3 160 112-73.3 112-160 112c-16.5 0-33-1.9-49-5.6l-19.8-4.5zM498.3 352l-24.7 24.4 15.5 31.1c2.6 5.1 5.3 10.1 8 14.8-14.6-5.1-29-12.3-43.1-21.4l-17.1-11.1-19.9 4.6c-16 3.7-32.5 5.6-49 5.6-54 0-102.2-20.1-131.3-49.7C338 339.5 416 272.9 416 192c0-3.4-.4-6.7-.7-10C479.7 196.5 528 238.8 528 288c0 28.7-16.2 50.6-29.7 64z" ], compass: [ 512, 512, [], "f14e", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm91.326-312.131l-33.359 137.779a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-6.772 11.729l-102.64 97.779c-17.104 16.293-45.56.434-39.88-23.024l33.359-137.779a23.997 23.997 0 0 1 6.772-11.729l102.642-97.779c17.285-16.47 45.494-.175 39.878 23.024zM256 224c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32z" ], copy: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c5", "M433.941 65.941l-51.882-51.882A48 48 0 0 0 348.118 0H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v320c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48h80c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V99.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM266 464H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V150a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h74v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h96v42a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm128-96H182a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h106v88c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h88v202a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm6-256h-64V48h9.632c1.591 0 3.117.632 4.243 1.757l48.368 48.368a6 6 0 0 1 1.757 4.243V112z" ], copyright: [ 512, 512, [], "f1f9", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm107.351-101.064c-9.614 9.712-45.53 41.396-104.065 41.396-82.43 0-140.484-61.425-140.484-141.567 0-79.152 60.275-139.401 139.762-139.401 55.531 0 88.738 26.62 97.593 34.779a11.965 11.965 0 0 1 1.936 15.322l-18.155 28.113c-3.841 5.95-11.966 7.282-17.499 2.921-8.595-6.776-31.814-22.538-61.708-22.538-48.303 0-77.916 35.33-77.916 80.082 0 41.589 26.888 83.692 78.277 83.692 32.657 0 56.843-19.039 65.726-27.225 5.27-4.857 13.596-4.039 17.82 1.738l19.865 27.17a11.947 11.947 0 0 1-1.152 15.518z" ], "credit-card": [ 576, 512, [], "f09d", "M527.9 32H48.1C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48.1 48h479.8c26.6 0 48.1-21.5 48.1-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48.1-48zM54.1 80h467.8c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v42H48.1V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6zm467.8 352H54.1c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V256h479.8v170c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zM192 332v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-72c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h72c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm192 0v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H236c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h136c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z" ], dizzy: [ 496, 512, [], "f567", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-33.8-217.9c7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3L196.3 192l17.9-17.9c7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0L168 163.7l-17.8-17.8c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3l17.9 17.9-17.9 17.9c-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3 7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0l17.8-17.8 17.8 17.8c7.9 7.7 20.5 7.7 28.4-.2zm160-92.2c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0L328 163.7l-17.8-17.8c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3l17.9 17.9-17.9 17.9c-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3 7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0l17.8-17.8 17.8 17.8c7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0 7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3l-17.8-18 17.9-17.9c7.7-7.8 7.7-20.4 0-28.2zM248 272c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64z" ], "dot-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f192", "M256 56c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m0-48C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 168c-44.183 0-80 35.817-80 80s35.817 80 80 80 80-35.817 80-80-35.817-80-80-80z" ], edit: [ 576, 512, [], "f044", "M402.3 344.9l32-32c5-5 13.7-1.5 13.7 5.7V464c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h273.5c7.1 0 10.7 8.6 5.7 13.7l-32 32c-1.5 1.5-3.5 2.3-5.7 2.3H48v352h352V350.5c0-2.1.8-4.1 2.3-5.6zm156.6-201.8L296.3 405.7l-90.4 10c-26.2 2.9-48.5-19.2-45.6-45.6l10-90.4L432.9 17.1c22.9-22.9 59.9-22.9 82.7 0l43.2 43.2c22.9 22.9 22.9 60 .1 82.8zM460.1 174L402 115.9 216.2 301.8l-7.3 65.3 65.3-7.3L460.1 174zm64.8-79.7l-43.2-43.2c-4.1-4.1-10.8-4.1-14.8 0L436 82l58.1 58.1 30.9-30.9c4-4.2 4-10.8-.1-14.9z" ], envelope: [ 512, 512, [], "f0e0", "M464 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 48v40.805c-22.422 18.259-58.168 46.651-134.587 106.49-16.841 13.247-50.201 45.072-73.413 44.701-23.208.375-56.579-31.459-73.413-44.701C106.18 199.465 70.425 171.067 48 152.805V112h416zM48 400V214.398c22.914 18.251 55.409 43.862 104.938 82.646 21.857 17.205 60.134 55.186 103.062 54.955 42.717.231 80.509-37.199 103.053-54.947 49.528-38.783 82.032-64.401 104.947-82.653V400H48z" ], "envelope-open": [ 512, 512, [], "f2b6", "M494.586 164.516c-4.697-3.883-111.723-89.95-135.251-108.657C337.231 38.191 299.437 0 256 0c-43.205 0-80.636 37.717-103.335 55.859-24.463 19.45-131.07 105.195-135.15 108.549A48.004 48.004 0 0 0 0 201.485V464c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V201.509a48 48 0 0 0-17.414-36.993zM464 458a6 6 0 0 1-6 6H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V204.347c0-1.813.816-3.526 2.226-4.665 15.87-12.814 108.793-87.554 132.364-106.293C200.755 78.88 232.398 48 256 48c23.693 0 55.857 31.369 73.41 45.389 23.573 18.741 116.503 93.493 132.366 106.316a5.99 5.99 0 0 1 2.224 4.663V458zm-31.991-187.704c4.249 5.159 3.465 12.795-1.745 16.981-28.975 23.283-59.274 47.597-70.929 56.863C336.636 362.283 299.205 400 256 400c-43.452 0-81.287-38.237-103.335-55.86-11.279-8.967-41.744-33.413-70.927-56.865-5.21-4.187-5.993-11.822-1.745-16.981l15.258-18.528c4.178-5.073 11.657-5.843 16.779-1.726 28.618 23.001 58.566 47.035 70.56 56.571C200.143 320.631 232.307 352 256 352c23.602 0 55.246-30.88 73.41-45.389 11.994-9.535 41.944-33.57 70.563-56.568 5.122-4.116 12.601-3.346 16.778 1.727l15.258 18.526z" ], 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284.16 0 0 1 288 392zm281.354-111.631c-33.232 56.394-83.421 101.742-143.554 129.492l48.116 68.74c3.801 5.429 2.48 12.912-2.949 16.712L450.23 509.83c-5.429 3.801-12.912 2.48-16.712-2.949L102.084 33.399c-3.801-5.429-2.48-12.912 2.949-16.712L125.77 2.17c5.429-3.801 12.912-2.48 16.712 2.949l55.526 79.325C226.612 76.343 256.808 72 288 72c119.86 0 224.996 63.994 281.354 159.631a48.002 48.002 0 0 1 0 48.738zM528 256c-44.157-74.933-123.677-127.27-216.162-135.007C302.042 131.078 296 144.83 296 160c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56l-.001-.042c30.632 57.277 16.739 130.26-36.928 171.719l26.695 38.135C452.626 346.551 498.308 306.386 528 256z" ], file: [ 384, 512, [], "f15b", "M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48z" ], "file-alt": [ 384, 512, [], "f15c", "M288 248v28c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-28c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm-12 72H108c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v28c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h168c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-28c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zm108-188.1V464c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V48C0 21.5 21.5 0 48 0h204.1C264.8 0 277 5.1 286 14.1L369.9 98c9 8.9 14.1 21.2 14.1 33.9zm-128-80V128h76.1L256 51.9zM336 464V176H232c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V48H48v416h288z" ], "file-archive": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c6", "M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM256 51.882L332.118 128H256V51.882zM336 464H48V48h79.714v16h32V48H208v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288zM192.27 96h-32V64h32v32zm-32 0v32h-32V96h32zm0 64v32h-32v-32h32zm32 0h-32v-32h32v32zm1.909 105.678A12 12 0 0 0 182.406 256H160.27v-32h-32v32l-19.69 97.106C101.989 385.611 126.834 416 160 416c33.052 0 57.871-30.192 51.476-62.62l-17.297-87.702zM160.27 390.073c-17.918 0-32.444-12.105-32.444-27.036 0-14.932 14.525-27.036 32.444-27.036s32.444 12.105 32.444 27.036c0 14.931-14.526 27.036-32.444 27.036zm32-166.073h-32v-32h32v32z" ], "file-audio": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c7", "M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM332.118 128H256V51.882L332.118 128zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288H48zm144-76.024c0 10.691-12.926 16.045-20.485 8.485L136 360.486h-28c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-56c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h28l35.515-36.947c7.56-7.56 20.485-2.206 20.485 8.485v135.952zm41.201-47.13c9.051-9.297 9.06-24.133.001-33.439-22.149-22.752 12.235-56.246 34.395-33.481 27.198 27.94 27.212 72.444.001 100.401-21.793 22.386-56.947-10.315-34.397-33.481z" ], "file-code": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c9", "M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM332.118 128H256V51.882L332.118 128zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288H48zm101.677-115.115L116.854 320l32.822-28.885a8.793 8.793 0 0 0 .605-12.624l-17.403-18.564c-3.384-3.613-8.964-3.662-12.438-.401L62.78 313.58c-3.703 3.474-3.704 9.367.001 12.84l57.659 54.055a8.738 8.738 0 0 0 6.012 2.381 8.746 8.746 0 0 0 6.427-2.782l17.403-18.563a8.795 8.795 0 0 0-.605-12.626zm84.284-127.85l-24.401-7.084a8.796 8.796 0 0 0-10.905 5.998L144.04 408.061c-1.353 4.66 1.338 9.552 5.998 10.905l24.403 7.084c4.68 1.355 9.557-1.354 10.905-5.998l54.612-188.112c1.354-4.66-1.337-9.552-5.997-10.905zm87.258 92.545l-57.658-54.055c-3.526-3.307-9.099-3.165-12.439.401l-17.403 18.563a8.795 8.795 0 0 0 .605 12.625L267.146 320l-32.822 28.885a8.793 8.793 0 0 0-.605 12.624l17.403 18.564a8.797 8.797 0 0 0 12.439.401h-.001l57.66-54.055c3.703-3.473 3.703-9.366-.001-12.839z" ], "file-excel": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c3", "M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm212-240h-28.8c-4.4 0-8.4 2.4-10.5 6.3-18 33.1-22.2 42.4-28.6 57.7-13.9-29.1-6.9-17.3-28.6-57.7-2.1-3.9-6.2-6.3-10.6-6.3H124c-9.3 0-15 10-10.4 18l46.3 78-46.3 78c-4.7 8 1.1 18 10.4 18h28.9c4.4 0 8.4-2.4 10.5-6.3 21.7-40 23-45 28.6-57.7 14.9 30.2 5.9 15.9 28.6 57.7 2.1 3.9 6.2 6.3 10.6 6.3H260c9.3 0 15-10 10.4-18L224 320c.7-1.1 30.3-50.5 46.3-78 4.7-8-1.1-18-10.3-18z" ], "file-image": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c5", "M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm32-48h224V288l-23.5-23.5c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L176 352l-39.5-39.5c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L80 352v64zm48-240c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48s21.5 48 48 48 48-21.5 48-48-21.5-48-48-48z" ], "file-pdf": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c1", "M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm250.2-143.7c-12.2-12-47-8.7-64.4-6.5-17.2-10.5-28.7-25-36.8-46.3 3.9-16.1 10.1-40.6 5.4-56-4.2-26.2-37.8-23.6-42.6-5.9-4.4 16.1-.4 38.5 7 67.1-10 23.9-24.9 56-35.4 74.4-20 10.3-47 26.2-51 46.2-3.3 15.8 26 55.2 76.1-31.2 22.4-7.4 46.8-16.5 68.4-20.1 18.9 10.2 41 17 55.8 17 25.5 0 28-28.2 17.5-38.7zm-198.1 77.8c5.1-13.7 24.5-29.5 30.4-35-19 30.3-30.4 35.7-30.4 35zm81.6-190.6c7.4 0 6.7 32.1 1.8 40.8-4.4-13.9-4.3-40.8-1.8-40.8zm-24.4 136.6c9.7-16.9 18-37 24.7-54.7 8.3 15.1 18.9 27.2 30.1 35.5-20.8 4.3-38.9 13.1-54.8 19.2zm131.6-5s-5 6-37.3-7.8c35.1-2.6 40.9 5.4 37.3 7.8z" ], "file-powerpoint": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c4", "M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm72-60V236c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h69.2c36.7 0 62.8 27 62.8 66.3 0 74.3-68.7 66.5-95.5 66.5V404c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H132c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zm48.5-87.4h23c7.9 0 13.9-2.4 18.1-7.2 8.5-9.8 8.4-28.5.1-37.8-4.1-4.6-9.9-7-17.4-7h-23.9v52z" ], "file-video": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c8", "M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM332.118 128H256V51.882L332.118 128zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288H48zm228.687-211.303L224 305.374V268c0-11.046-8.954-20-20-20H100c-11.046 0-20 8.954-20 20v104c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20h104c11.046 0 20-8.954 20-20v-37.374l52.687 52.674C286.704 397.318 304 390.28 304 375.986V264.011c0-14.311-17.309-21.319-27.313-11.314z" ], "file-word": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c2", "M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm220.1-208c-5.7 0-10.6 4-11.7 9.5-20.6 97.7-20.4 95.4-21 103.5-.2-1.2-.4-2.6-.7-4.3-.8- 0-10.3 3.8-11.7 9.1-24.4 99-24 96.2-24.8 103.7-.1-1.1-.2-2.5-.5-4.2-.7-5.2-14.1-73.3-19.1-99-1.1-5.6-6-9.7-11.8-9.7h-16.8c-7.8 0-13.5 7.3-11.7 14.8 8 32.6 26.7 109.5 33.2 136 1.3 5.4 6.1 9.1 11.7 9.1h25.2c5.5 0 10.3-3.7 11.6-9.1l17.9-71.4c1.5-6.2 2.5-12 3-17.3l2.9 17.3c.1.4 12.6 50.5 17.9 71.4 1.3 5.3 6.1 9.1 11.6 9.1h24.7c5.5 0 10.3-3.7 11.6-9.1 20.8-81.9 30.2-119 34.5-136 1.9-7.6-3.8-14.9-11.6-14.9h-15.8z" ], flag: [ 512, 512, [], "f024", "M336.174 80c-49.132 0-93.305-32-161.913-32-31.301 0-58.303 6.482-80.721 15.168a48.04 48.04 0 0 0 2.142-20.727C93.067 19.575 74.167 1.594 51.201.104 23.242-1.71 0 20.431 0 48c0 17.764 9.657 33.262 24 41.562V496c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h16c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-83.443C109.869 395.28 143.259 384 199.826 384c49.132 0 93.305 32 161.913 32 58.479 0 101.972-22.617 128.548-39.981C503.846 367.161 512 352.051 512 335.855V95.937c0-34.459-35.264-57.768-66.904-44.117C409.193 67.309 371.641 80 336.174 80zM464 336c-21.783 15.412-60.824 32-102.261 32-59.945 0-102.002-32-161.913-32-43.361 0-96.379 9.403-127.826 24V128c21.784-15.412 60.824-32 102.261-32 59.945 0 102.002 32 161.913 32 43.271 0 96.32-17.366 127.826-32v240z" ], flushed: [ 496, 512, [], "f579", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm96-312c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80s35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80-35.8-80-80-80zm0 128c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zm-112 24c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80 35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80zm-80 48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zm160 144H184c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h128c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z" ], folder: [ 512, 512, [], "f07b", "M464 128H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 272H54c-3.314 0-6-2.678-6-5.992V117.992A5.993 5.993 0 0 1 54 112h134.118l64 64H458a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v212a6 6 0 0 1-6 6z" ], "folder-open": [ 576, 512, [], "f07c", "M527.943 224H480v-48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h400a48.001 48.001 0 0 0 40.704-22.56l79.942-128c19.948-31.917-3.038-73.44-40.703-73.44zM54 112h134.118l64 64H426a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v42H152a48 48 0 0 0-41.098 23.202L48 351.449V117.993A5.993 5.993 0 0 1 54 112zm394 288H72l77.234-128H528l-80 128z" ], "font-awesome-logo-full": [ 3992, 512, [ "Font Awesome" ], "f4e6", "M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z" ], frown: [ 496, 512, [], "f119", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 128c-40.2 0-78 17.7-103.8 48.6-8.5 10.2-7.1 25.3 3.1 33.8 10.2 8.4 25.3 7.1 33.8-3.1 16.6-19.9 41-31.4 66.9-31.4s50.3 11.4 66.9 31.4c8.1 9.7 23.1 11.9 33.8 3.1 10.2-8.5 11.5-23.6 3.1-33.8C326 321.7 288.2 304 248 304z" ], "frown-open": [ 496, 512, [], "f57a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-48-248c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32zm128-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 112c-35.6 0-88.8 21.3-95.8 61.2-2 11.8 9 21.5 20.5 18.1 31.2-9.6 59.4-15.3 75.3-15.3s44.1 5.7 75.3 15.3c11.4 3.5 22.5-6.3 20.5-18.1-7-39.9-60.2-61.2-95.8-61.2z" ], futbol: [ 496, 512, [], "f1e3", "M483.8 179.4C449.8 74.6 352.6 8 248.1 8c-25.4 0-51.2 3.9-76.7 12.2C41.2 62.5-30.1 202.4 12.2 332.6 46.2 437.4 143.4 504 247.9 504c25.4 0 51.2-3.9 76.7-12.2 130.2-42.3 201.5-182.2 159.2-312.4zm-74.5 193.7l-52.2 6.4-43.7-60.9 24.4-75.2 71.1-22.1 38.9 36.4c-.2 30.7-7.4 61.1-21.7 89.2-4.7 9.3-10.7 17.8-16.8 26.2zm0-235.4l-10.4 53.1-70.7 22-64.2-46.5V92.5l47.4-26.2c39.2 13 73.4 38 97.9 71.4zM184.9 66.4L232 92.5v73.8l-64.2 46.5-70.6-22-10.1-52.5c24.3-33.4 57.9-58.6 97.8-71.9zM139 379.5L85.9 373c-14.4-20.1-37.3-59.6-37.8-115.3l39-36.4 71.1 22.2 24.3 74.3-43.5 61.7zm48.2 67l-22.4-48.1 43.6-61.7H287l44.3 61.7-22.4 48.1c-6.2 1.8-57.6 20.4-121.7 0z" ], gem: [ 576, 512, [], "f3a5", "M464 0H112c-4 0-7.8 2-10 5.4L2 152.6c-2.9 4.4-2.6 10.2.7 14.2l276 340.8c4.8 5.9 13.8 5.9 18.6 0l276-340.8c3.3-4.1 3.6-9.8.7-14.2L474.1 5.4C471.8 2 468.1 0 464 0zm-19.3 48l63.3 96h-68.4l-51.7-96h56.8zm-202.1 0h90.7l51.7 96H191l51.6-96zm-111.3 0h56.8l-51.7 96H68l63.3-96zm-43 144h51.4L208 352 88.3 192zm102.9 0h193.6L288 435.3 191.2 192zM368 352l68.2-160h51.4L368 352z" ], grimace: [ 496, 512, [], "f57f", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm16 16H152c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v32c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h192c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-32c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-168 96h-24c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16v-8h40v24zm0-40h-40v-8c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h24v24zm64 40h-48v-24h48v24zm0-40h-48v-24h48v24zm64 40h-48v-24h48v24zm0-40h-48v-24h48v24zm56 24c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-24v-24h40v8zm0-24h-40v-24h24c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v8z" ], grin: [ 496, 512, [], "f580", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.4-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zM168 240c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32z" ], "grin-alt": [ 496, 512, [], "f581", "M200.3 248c12.4-18.7 15.1-37.3 15.7-56-.5-18.7-3.3-37.3-15.7-56-8-12-25.1-11.4-32.7 0-12.4 18.7-15.1 37.3-15.7 56 .5 18.7 3.3 37.3 15.7 56 8.1 12 25.2 11.4 32.7 0zm128 0c12.4-18.7 15.1-37.3 15.7-56-.5-18.7-3.3-37.3-15.7-56-8-12-25.1-11.4-32.7 0-12.4 18.7-15.1 37.3-15.7 56 .5 18.7 3.3 37.3 15.7 56 8.1 12 25.2 11.4 32.7 0zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3z" ], "grin-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f582", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-235.9-72.9c3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3zm160 0c3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3z" ], "grin-beam-sweat": [ 496, 512, [], "f583", "M440 160c29.5 0 53.3-26.3 53.3-58.7 0-25-31.7-75.5-46.2-97.3-3.6-5.3-10.7-5.3-14.2 0-14.5 21.8-46.2 72.3-46.2 97.3 0 32.4 23.8 58.7 53.3 58.7zM248 400c51.9 0 115.3-32.9 123.3-80 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 8 47.1 71.4 80 123.3 80zm130.3-168.3c3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.6 6.2 4.6 9.3 3.7zm105.3-52.9c-24.6 15.7-46 12.9-46.4 12.9 6.9 20.2 10.8 41.8 10.8 64.3 0 110.3-89.7 200-200 200S48 366.3 48 256 137.7 56 248 56c39.8 0 76.8 11.8 108 31.9 1.7-9.5 6.3-24.1 17.2-45.7C336.4 20.6 293.7 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248c0-27-4.4-52.9-12.4-77.2zM168 189.4c12.3 0 23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.8 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6z" ], "grin-hearts": [ 496, 512, [], "f584", "M353.6 304.6c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-152.8-48.9c4.5 1.2 9.2-1.5 10.5-6l19.4-69.9c5.6-20.3-7.4-41.1-28.8-44.5-18.6-3-36.4 9.8-41.5 27.9l-2 7.1-7.1-1.9c-18.2-4.7-38.2 4.3-44.9 22-7.7 20.2 3.8 41.9 24.2 47.2l70.2 18.1zm188.8-65.3c-6.7-17.6-26.7-26.7-44.9-22l-7.1 1.9-2-7.1c-5-18.1-22.8-30.9-41.5-27.9-21.4 3.4-34.4 24.2-28.8 44.5l19.4 69.9c1.2 4.5 5.9 7.2 10.5 6l70.2-18.2c20.4-5.3 31.9-26.9 24.2-47.1zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200z" ], "grin-squint": [ 496, 512, [], "f585", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.4-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-234.7-40.8c3.6 4.2 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3s-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3l-80-48c-5.1-3-11.4-1.9-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.8 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11.1.1 15.5zm242.9 2.5c5.4 3.2 11.7 1.7 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.8-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11-.1-15.5-3.8-4.4-10.2-5.4-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48z" ], "grin-squint-tears": [ 512, 512, [], "f586", "M117.1 384.1c-25.8 3.7-84 13.7-100.9 30.6-21.9 21.9-21.5 57.9.9 80.3s58.3 22.8 80.3.9C114.3 479 124.3 420.8 128 395c.8-6.4-4.6-11.8-10.9-10.9zm-41.2-41.7C40.3 268 53 176.1 114.6 114.6 152.4 76.8 202.6 56 256 56c36.2 0 70.8 9.8 101.2 27.7 3.8-20.3 8-36.1 12-48.3C333.8 17.2 294.9 8 256 8 192.5 8 129.1 32.2 80.6 80.6c-74.1 74.1-91.3 183.4-52 274 12.2-4.1 27.7-8.3 47.3-12.2zm352.3-187.6c45 76.6 34.9 176.9-30.8 242.6-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6-30.5 0-59.8-7-86.4-19.8-3.9 19.5-8 35-12.2 47.2 31.4 13.6 65 20.6 98.7 20.6 63.5 0 126.9-24.2 175.4-72.6 78.1-78.1 93.1-195.4 45.2-288.6-12.3 4-28.2 8.1-48.5 12zm-33.3-26.9c25.8-3.7 84-13.7 100.9-30.6 21.9-21.9 21.5-57.9-.9-80.3s-58.3-22.8-80.3-.9C397.7 33 387.7 91.2 384 117c-.8 6.4 4.6 11.8 10.9 10.9zm-187 108.3c-3-3-7.2-4.2-11.4-3.2L106 255.7c-5.7 1.4-9.5 6.7-9.1 12.6.5 5.8 5.1 10.5 10.9 11l52.3 4.8 4.8 52.3c.5 5.8 5.2 10.4 11 10.9h.9c5.5 0 10.3-3.7 11.7-9.1l22.6-90.5c1-4.2-.2-8.5-3.2-11.5zm39.7-25.1l90.5-22.6c5.7-1.4 9.5-6.7 9.1-12.6-.5-5.8-5.1-10.5-10.9-11l-52.3-4.8-4.8-52.3c-.5-5.8-5.2-10.4-11-10.9-5.6-.1-11.2 3.4-12.6 9.1L233 196.5c-1 4.1.2 8.4 3.2 11.4 5 5 11.3 3.2 11.4 3.2zm52 88.5c-29.1 29.1-59.7 52.9-83.9 65.4-9.2 4.8-10 17.5-1.7 23.4 38.9 27.7 107 6.2 143.7-30.6S416 253 388.3 214.1c-5.8-8.2-18.5-7.6-23.4 1.7-12.3 24.2-36.2 54.7-65.3 83.8z" ], "grin-stars": [ 496, 512, [], "f587", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-227.9-57.5c-1 6.2 5.4 11 11 7.9l31.3-16.3 31.3 16.3c5.6 3.1 12-1.7 11-7.9l-6-34.9 25.4-24.6c4.5-4.5 1.9-12.2-4.3-13.2l-34.9-5-15.5-31.6c-2.9-5.8-11-5.8-13.9 0l-15.5 31.6-34.9 5c-6.2.9-8.9 8.6-4.3 13.2l25.4 24.6-6.1 34.9zm259.7-72.7l-34.9-5-15.5-31.6c-2.9-5.8-11-5.8-13.9 0l-15.5 31.6-34.9 5c-6.2.9-8.9 8.6-4.3 13.2l25.4 24.6-6 34.9c-1 6.2 5.4 11 11 7.9l31.3-16.3 31.3 16.3c5.6 3.1 12-1.7 11-7.9l-6-34.9 25.4-24.6c4.5-4.6 1.8-12.2-4.4-13.2z" ], "grin-tears": [ 640, 512, [], "f588", "M117.1 256.1c-25.8 3.7-84 13.7-100.9 30.6-21.9 21.9-21.5 57.9.9 80.3s58.3 22.8 80.3.9C114.3 351 124.3 292.8 128 267c.8-6.4-4.6-11.8-10.9-10.9zm506.7 30.6c-16.9-16.9-75.1-26.9-100.9-30.6-6.3-.9-11.7 4.5-10.8 10.8 3.7 25.8 13.7 84 30.6 100.9 21.9 21.9 57.9 21.5 80.3-.9 22.3-22.3 22.7-58.3.8-80.2zm-126.6 61.7C463.8 412.3 396.9 456 320 456c-76.9 0-143.8-43.7-177.2-107.6-12.5 37.4-25.2 43.9-28.3 46.5C159.1 460.7 234.5 504 320 504s160.9-43.3 205.5-109.1c-3.2-2.7-15.9-9.2-28.3-46.5zM122.7 224.5C137.9 129.2 220.5 56 320 56c99.5 0 182.1 73.2 197.3 168.5 2.1-.2 5.2-2.4 49.5 7C554.4 106 448.7 8 320 8S85.6 106 73.2 231.4c44.5-9.4 47.1-7.2 49.5-6.9zM320 400c51.9 0 115.3-32.9 123.3-80 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 8 47.1 71.4 80 123.3 80zm130.3-168.3c3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.6 6.2 4.6 9.3 3.7zM240 189.4c12.3 0 23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.8 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6z" ], "grin-tongue": [ 496, 512, [], "f589", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3zM168 176c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z" ], "grin-tongue-squint": [ 496, 512, [], "f58a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3zm36.9-281.1c-3.8-4.4-10.3-5.5-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48c5.4 3.2 11.7 1.7 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.8-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11.1-.1-15.5zm-162.9 45.5l-80-48c-5-3-11.4-2-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.8 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11 .1 15.5 3.6 4.2 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3s-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3z" ], "grin-tongue-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f58b", "M152 180c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.4 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.2 8 4.7 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-3.9-25.2-34.1-42.1-59.8-42.1zm176-52c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80s35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80-35.8-80-80-80zm0 128c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3z" ], "grin-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f58c", "M328 180c-25.69 0-55.88 16.92-59.86 42.12-1.75 11.22 11.5 18.24 19.83 10.84l9.55-8.48c14.81-13.19 46.16-13.19 60.97 0l9.55 8.48c8.48 7.43 21.56.25 19.83-10.84C383.88 196.92 353.69 180 328 180zm-160 60c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.33-32-32-32-32 14.33-32 32 14.33 32 32 32zm185.55 64.64c-25.93 8.3-64.4 13.06-105.55 13.06s-79.62-4.75-105.55-13.06c-9.94-3.13-19.4 5.37-17.71 15.34C132.67 367.13 196.06 400 248 400s115.33-32.87 123.26-80.02c1.68-9.89-7.67-18.48-17.71-15.34zM248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.28 0-200-89.72-200-200S137.72 56 248 56s200 89.72 200 200-89.72 200-200 200z" ], "hand-lizard": [ 576, 512, [], "f258", "M556.686 290.542L410.328 64.829C397.001 44.272 374.417 32 349.917 32H56C25.121 32 0 57.122 0 88v8c0 44.112 35.888 80 80 80h196.042l-18.333 48H144c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88 0 30.879 25.121 56 56 56h131.552c2.987 0 5.914.549 8.697 1.631L352 408.418V480h224V355.829c0-23.225-6.679-45.801-19.314-65.287zM528 432H400v-23.582c0-19.948-12.014-37.508-30.604-44.736l-99.751-38.788A71.733 71.733 0 0 0 243.552 320H112c-4.411 0-8-3.589-8-8 0-22.056 17.944-40 40-40h113.709c19.767 0 37.786-12.407 44.84-30.873l24.552-64.281c8.996-23.553-8.428-48.846-33.63-48.846H80c-17.645 0-32-14.355-32-32v-8c0-4.411 3.589-8 8-8h293.917c8.166 0 15.693 4.09 20.137 10.942l146.358 225.715A71.84 71.84 0 0 1 528 355.829V432z" ], "hand-paper": [ 448, 512, [], "f256", "M372.57 112.641v-10.825c0-43.612-40.52-76.691-83.039-65.546-25.629-49.5-94.09-47.45-117.982.747C130.269 26.456 89.144 57.945 89.144 102v126.13c-19.953-7.427-43.308-5.068-62.083 8.871-29.355 21.796-35.794 63.333-14.55 93.153L132.48 498.569a32 32 0 0 0 26.062 13.432h222.897c14.904 0 27.835-10.289 31.182-24.813l30.184-130.958A203.637 203.637 0 0 0 448 310.564V179c0-40.62-35.523-71.992-75.43-66.359zm27.427 197.922c0 11.731-1.334 23.469-3.965 34.886L368.707 464h-201.92L51.591 302.303c-14.439-20.27 15.023-42.776 29.394-22.605l27.128 38.079c8.995 12.626 29.031 6.287 29.031-9.283V102c0-25.645 36.571-24.81 36.571.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V67c0-25.663 36.571-24.81 36.571.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V101.125c0-25.672 36.57-24.81 36.57.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-76.309c0-26.242 36.57-25.64 36.57-.691v131.563z" ], "hand-peace": [ 448, 512, [], "f25b", "M362.146 191.976c-13.71-21.649-38.761-34.016-65.006-30.341V74c0-40.804-32.811-74-73.141-74-40.33 0-73.14 33.196-73.14 74L160 168l-18.679-78.85C126.578 50.843 83.85 32.11 46.209 47.208 8.735 62.238-9.571 104.963 5.008 142.85l55.757 144.927c-30.557 24.956-43.994 57.809-24.733 92.218l54.853 97.999C102.625 498.97 124.73 512 148.575 512h205.702c30.744 0 57.558-21.44 64.555-51.797l27.427-118.999a67.801 67.801 0 0 0 1.729-15.203L448 256c0-44.956-43.263-77.343-85.854-64.024zM399.987 326c0 1.488-.169 2.977-.502 4.423l-27.427 119.001c-1.978 8.582-9.29 14.576-17.782 14.576H148.575c-6.486 0-12.542-3.621-15.805-9.449l-54.854-98c-4.557-8.141-2.619-18.668 4.508-24.488l26.647-21.764a16 16 0 0 0 4.812-18.139l-64.09-166.549C37.226 92.956 84.37 74.837 96.51 106.389l59.784 155.357A16 16 0 0 0 171.227 272h11.632c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V74c0-34.375 50.281-34.43 50.281 0v182c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-28c0-25.122 36.567-25.159 36.567 0v28c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16 0-25.12 36.567-25.16 36.567 0v70z" ], "hand-point-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f0a7", "M188.8 512c45.616 0 83.2-37.765 83.2-83.2v-35.647a93.148 93.148 0 0 0 22.064-7.929c22.006 2.507 44.978-3.503 62.791-15.985C409.342 368.1 448 331.841 448 269.299V248c0-60.063-40-98.512-40-127.2v-2.679c4.952-5.747 8-13.536 8-22.12V32c0-17.673-12.894-32-28.8-32H156.8C140.894 0 128 14.327 128 32v64c0 8.584 3.048 16.373 8 22.12v2.679c0 6.964-6.193 14.862-23.668 30.183l-.148.129-.146.131c-9.937 8.856-20.841 18.116-33.253 25.851C48.537 195.798 0 207.486 0 252.8c0 56.928 35.286 92 83.2 92 8.026 0 15.489-.814 22.4-2.176V428.8c0 45.099 38.101 83.2 83.2 83.2zm0-48c-18.7 0-35.2-16.775-35.2-35.2V270.4c-17.325 0-35.2 26.4-70.4 26.4-26.4 0-35.2-20.625-35.2-44 0-8.794 32.712-20.445 56.1-34.926 14.575-9.074 27.225-19.524 39.875-30.799 18.374-16.109 36.633-33.836 39.596-59.075h176.752C364.087 170.79 400 202.509 400 248v21.299c0 40.524-22.197 57.124-61.325 50.601-8.001 14.612-33.979 24.151-53.625 12.925-18.225 19.365-46.381 17.787-61.05 4.95V428.8c0 18.975-16.225 35.2-35.2 35.2zM328 64c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24s24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24z" ], "hand-point-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f0a5", "M0 220.8C0 266.416 37.765 304 83.2 304h35.647a93.148 93.148 0 0 0 7.929 22.064c-2.507 22.006 3.503 44.978 15.985 62.791C143.9 441.342 180.159 480 242.701 480H264c60.063 0 98.512-40 127.2-40h2.679c5.747 4.952 13.536 8 22.12 8h64c17.673 0 32-12.894 32-28.8V188.8c0-15.906-14.327-28.8-32-28.8h-64c-8.584 0-16.373 3.048-22.12 8H391.2c-6.964 0-14.862-6.193-30.183-23.668l-.129-.148-.131-.146c-8.856-9.937-18.116-20.841-25.851-33.253C316.202 80.537 304.514 32 259.2 32c-56.928 0-92 35.286-92 83.2 0 8.026.814 15.489 2.176 22.4H83.2C38.101 137.6 0 175.701 0 220.8zm48 0c0-18.7 16.775-35.2 35.2-35.2h158.4c0-17.325-26.4-35.2-26.4-70.4 0-26.4 20.625-35.2 44-35.2 8.794 0 20.445 32.712 34.926 56.1 9.074 14.575 19.524 27.225 30.799 39.875 16.109 18.374 33.836 36.633 59.075 39.596v176.752C341.21 396.087 309.491 432 264 432h-21.299c-40.524 0-57.124-22.197-50.601-61.325-14.612-8.001-24.151-33.979-12.925-53.625-19.365-18.225-17.787-46.381-4.95-61.05H83.2C64.225 256 48 239.775 48 220.8zM448 360c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24z" ], "hand-point-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f0a4", "M428.8 137.6h-86.177a115.52 115.52 0 0 0 2.176-22.4c0-47.914-35.072-83.2-92-83.2-45.314 0-57.002 48.537-75.707 78.784-7.735 12.413-16.994 23.317-25.851 33.253l-.131.146-.129.148C135.662 161.807 127.764 168 120.8 168h-2.679c-5.747-4.952-13.536-8-22.12-8H32c-17.673 0-32 12.894-32 28.8v230.4C0 435.106 14.327 448 32 448h64c8.584 0 16.373-3.048 22.12-8h2.679c28.688 0 67.137 40 127.2 40h21.299c62.542 0 98.8-38.658 99.94-91.145 12.482-17.813 18.491-40.785 15.985-62.791A93.148 93.148 0 0 0 393.152 304H428.8c45.435 0 83.2-37.584 83.2-83.2 0-45.099-38.101-83.2-83.2-83.2zm0 118.4h-91.026c12.837 14.669 14.415 42.825-4.95 61.05 11.227 19.646 1.687 45.624-12.925 53.625 6.524 39.128-10.076 61.325-50.6 61.325H248c-45.491 0-77.21-35.913-120-39.676V215.571c25.239-2.964 42.966-21.222 59.075-39.596 11.275-12.65 21.725-25.3 30.799-39.875C232.355 112.712 244.006 80 252.8 80c23.375 0 44 8.8 44 35.2 0 35.2-26.4 53.075-26.4 70.4h158.4c18.425 0 35.2 16.5 35.2 35.2 0 18.975-16.225 35.2-35.2 35.2zM88 384c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24s-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24z" ], "hand-point-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f0a6", "M105.6 83.2v86.177a115.52 115.52 0 0 0-22.4-2.176c-47.914 0-83.2 35.072-83.2 92 0 45.314 48.537 57.002 78.784 75.707 12.413 7.735 23.317 16.994 33.253 25.851l. 376.338 136 384.236 136 391.2v2.679c-4.952 5.747-8 13.536-8 22.12v64c0 17.673 12.894 32 28.8 32h230.4c15.906 0 28.8-14.327 28.8-32v-64c0-8.584-3.048-16.373-8-22.12V391.2c0-28.688 40-67.137 40-127.2v-21.299c0-62.542-38.658-98.8-91.145-99.94-17.813-12.482-40.785-18.491-62.791-15.985A93.148 93.148 0 0 0 272 118.847V83.2C272 37.765 234.416 0 188.8 0c-45.099 0-83.2 38.101-83.2 83.2zm118.4 0v91.026c14.669-12.837 42.825-14.415 61.05 4.95 19.646-11.227 45.624-1.687 53.625 12.925 39.128-6.524 61.325 10.076 61.325 50.6V264c0 45.491-35.913 77.21-39.676 120H183.571c-2.964-25.239-21.222-42.966-39.596-59.075-12.65-11.275-25.3-21.725-39.875-30.799C80.712 279.645 48 267.994 48 259.2c0-23.375 8.8-44 35.2-44 35.2 0 53.075 26.4 70.4 26.4V83.2c0-18.425 16.5-35.2 35.2-35.2 18.975 0 35.2 16.225 35.2 35.2zM352 424c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24z" ], "hand-pointer": [ 448, 512, [], "f25a", "M358.182 179.361c-19.493-24.768-52.679-31.945-79.872-19.098-15.127-15.687-36.182-22.487-56.595-19.629V67c0-36.944-29.736-67-66.286-67S89.143 30.056 89.143 67v161.129c-19.909-7.41-43.272-5.094-62.083 8.872-29.355 21.795-35.793 63.333-14.55 93.152l109.699 154.001C134.632 501.59 154.741 512 176 512h178.286c30.802 0 57.574-21.5 64.557-51.797l27.429-118.999A67.873 67.873 0 0 0 448 326v-84c0-46.844-46.625-79.273-89.818-62.639zM80.985 279.697l27.126 38.079c8.995 12.626 29.031 6.287 29.031-9.283V67c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v175c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-35c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v35c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16H272c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-21c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v21c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16 0-25.121 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v84c0 1.488-.169 2.977-.502 4.423l-27.43 119.001c-1.978 8.582-9.29 14.576-17.782 14.576H176c-5.769 0-11.263-2.878-14.697-7.697l-109.712-154c-14.406-20.223 14.994-42.818 29.394-22.606zM176.143 400v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.733 0-14-7.163-14-16zm75.428 0v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.732 0-14-7.163-14-16zM327 400v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.732 0-14-7.163-14-16z" ], "hand-rock": [ 512, 512, [], "f255", "M408.864 79.052c-22.401-33.898-66.108-42.273-98.813-23.588-29.474-31.469-79.145-31.093-108.334-.022-47.16-27.02-108.71 5.055-110.671 60.806C44.846 105.407 0 140.001 0 187.429v56.953c0 32.741 14.28 63.954 39.18 85.634l97.71 85.081c4.252 3.702 3.11 5.573 3.11 32.903 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h252c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32 0-23.513-1.015-30.745 3.982-42.37l42.835-99.656c6.094-14.177 9.183-29.172 9.183-44.568V146.963c0-52.839-54.314-88.662-103.136-67.911zM464 261.406a64.505 64.505 0 0 1-5.282 25.613l-42.835 99.655c-5.23 12.171-7.883 25.04-7.883 38.25V432H188v-10.286c0-16.37-7.14-31.977-19.59-42.817l-97.71-85.08C56.274 281.255 48 263.236 48 244.381v-56.953c0-33.208 52-33.537 52 .677v41.228a16 16 0 0 0 5.493 12.067l7 6.095A16 16 0 0 0 139 235.429V118.857c0-33.097 52-33.725 52 .677v26.751c0 8.836 7.164 16 16 16h7c8.836 0 16-7.164 16-16v-41.143c0-33.134 52-33.675 52 .677v40.466c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h7c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-27.429c0-33.03 52-33.78 52 .677v26.751c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h7c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16 0-33.146 52-33.613 52 .677v114.445z" ], "hand-scissors": [ 512, 512, [], "f257", "M256 480l70-.013c5.114 0 10.231-.583 15.203-1.729l118.999-27.427C490.56 443.835 512 417.02 512 386.277V180.575c0-23.845-13.03-45.951-34.005-57.69l-97.999-54.853c-34.409-19.261-67.263-5.824-92.218 24.733L142.85 37.008c-37.887-14.579-80.612 3.727-95.642 41.201-15.098 37.642 3.635 80.37 41.942 95.112L168 192l-94-9.141c-40.804 0-74 32.811-74 73.14 0 40.33 33.196 73.141 74 73.141h87.635c-3.675 26.245 8.692 51.297 30.341 65.006C178.657 436.737 211.044 480 256 480zm0-48.013c-25.16 0-25.12-36.567 0-36.567 8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-6.856c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-28c-25.159 0-25.122-36.567 0-36.567h28c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-6.856c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H74c-34.43 0-34.375-50.281 0-50.281h182c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-11.632a16 16 0 0 0-10.254-14.933L106.389 128.51c-31.552-12.14-13.432-59.283 19.222-46.717l166.549 64.091a16.001 16.001 0 0 0 18.139-4.812l21.764-26.647c5.82-7.127 16.348-9.064 24.488-4.508l98 54.854c5.828 3.263 9.449 9.318 9.449 15.805v205.701c0 8.491-5.994 15.804-14.576 17.782l-119.001 27.427a19.743 19.743 0 0 1-4.423.502h-70z" ], "hand-spock": [ 512, 512, [], "f259", "M21.096 381.79l129.092 121.513a32 32 0 0 0 21.932 8.698h237.6c14.17 0 26.653-9.319 30.68-22.904l31.815-107.313A115.955 115.955 0 0 0 477 348.811v-36.839c0-4.051.476-8.104 1.414-12.045l31.73-133.41c10.099-42.412-22.316-82.738-65.544-82.525-4.144-24.856-22.543-47.165-49.85-53.992-35.803-8.952-72.227 12.655-81.25 48.75L296.599 184 274.924 52.01c-8.286-36.07-44.303-58.572-80.304-50.296-29.616 6.804-50.138 32.389-51.882 61.295-42.637.831-73.455 40.563-64.071 81.844l31.04 136.508c-27.194-22.515-67.284-19.992-91.482 5.722-25.376 26.961-24.098 69.325 2.871 94.707zm32.068-61.811l.002-.001c7.219-7.672 19.241-7.98 26.856-.813l53.012 49.894C143.225 378.649 160 371.4 160 357.406v-69.479c0-1.193-.134-2.383-.397-3.546l-34.13-150.172c-5.596-24.617 31.502-32.86 37.054-8.421l30.399 133.757a16 16 0 0 0 15.603 12.454h8.604c10.276 0 17.894-9.567 15.594-19.583l-41.62-181.153c-5.623-24.469 31.39-33.076 37.035-8.508l45.22 196.828A16 16 0 0 0 288.956 272h13.217a16 16 0 0 0 15.522-12.119l42.372-169.49c6.104-24.422 42.962-15.159 36.865 9.217L358.805 252.12c-2.521 10.088 5.115 19.88 15.522 19.88h9.694a16 16 0 0 0 15.565-12.295L426.509 146.6c5.821-24.448 42.797-15.687 36.966 8.802L431.72 288.81a100.094 100.094 0 0 0-2.72 23.162v36.839c0 6.548-.943 13.051-2.805 19.328L397.775 464h-219.31L53.978 346.836c-7.629-7.18-7.994-19.229-.814-26.857z" ], handshake: [ 640, 512, [], "f2b5", "M519.2 127.9l-47.6-47.6A56.252 56.252 0 0 0 432 64H205.2c-14.8 0-29.1 5.9-39.6 16.3L118 127.9H0v255.7h64c17.6 0 31.8-14.2 31.9-31.7h9.1l84.6 76.4c30.9 25.1 73.8 25.7 105.6 3.8 12.5 10.8 26 15.9 41.1 15.9 18.2 0 35.3-7.4 48.8-24 22.1 8.7 48.2 2.6 64-16.8l26.2-32.3c5.6-6.9 9.1-14.8 10.9-23h57.9c.1 17.5 14.4 31.7 31.9 31.7h64V127.9H519.2zM48 351.6c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16c0 8.9-7.2 16-16 16zm390-6.9l-26.1 32.2c-2.8 3.4-7.8 4-11.3 1.2l-23.9-19.4-30 36.5c-6 7.3-15 4.8-18 2.4l-36.8-31.5-15.6 19.2c-13.9 17.1-39.2 19.7-55.3 6.6l-97.3-88H96V175.8h41.9l61.7-61.6c2-.8 3.7-1.5 5.7-2.3H262l-38.7 35.5c-29.4 26.9-31.1 72.3-4.4 101.3 14.8 16.2 61.2 41.2 101.5 4.4l8.2-7.5 108.2 87.8c3.4 2.8 3.9 7.9 1.2 11.3zm106-40.8h-69.2c-2.3-2.8-4.9-5.4-7.7-7.7l-102.7-83.4 12.5-11.4c6.5-6 7-16.1 1-22.6L367 167.1c-6-6.5-16.1-6.9-22.6-1l-55.2 50.6c-9.5 8.7-25.7 9.4-34.6 0-9.3-9.9-8.5-25.1 1.2-33.9l65.6-60.1c7.4-6.8 17-10.5 27-10.5l83.7-.2c2.1 0 4.1.8 5.5 2.3l61.7 61.6H544v128zm48 47.7c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16c0 8.9-7.2 16-16 16z" ], hdd: [ 576, 512, [], "f0a0", "M567.403 235.642L462.323 84.589A48 48 0 0 0 422.919 64H153.081a48 48 0 0 0-39.404 20.589L8.597 235.642A48.001 48.001 0 0 0 0 263.054V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V263.054c0-9.801-3-19.366-8.597-27.412zM153.081 112h269.838l77.913 112H75.168l77.913-112zM528 400H48V272h480v128zm-32-64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32 14.327-32 32-32 32 14.327 32 32zm-96 0c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32 14.327-32 32-32 32 14.327 32 32z" ], heart: [ 512, 512, [], "f004", "M458.4 64.3C400.6 15.7 311.3 23 256 79.3 200.7 23 111.4 15.6 53.6 64.3-21.6 127.6-10.6 230.8 43 285.5l175.4 178.7c10 10.2 23.4 15.9 37.6 15.9 14.3 0 27.6-5.6 37.6-15.8L469 285.6c53.5-54.7 64.7-157.9-10.6-221.3zm-23.6 187.5L259.4 430.5c-2.4 2.4-4.4 2.4-6.8 0L77.2 251.8c-36.5-37.2-43.9-107.6 7.3-150.7 38.9-32.7 98.9-27.8 136.5 10.5l35 35.7 35-35.7c37.8-38.5 97.8-43.2 136.5-10.6 51.1 43.1 43.5 113.9 7.3 150.8z" ], hospital: [ 448, 512, [], "f0f8", "M128 244v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm140 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm-76 84v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm76 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm180 124v36H0v-36c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h19.5V85.035C31.5 73.418 42.245 64 55.5 64H144V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v40h88.5c13.255 0 24 9.418 24 21.035V464H436c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM79.5 463H192v-67c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v67h112.5V112H304v24c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H168c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-24H79.5v351zM266 64h-26V38a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-20a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h26v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h20a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V96h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V70a6 6 0 0 0-6-6z" ], hourglass: [ 384, 512, [], "f254", "M368 48h4c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 0 0 5.373 0 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h4c0 80.564 32.188 165.807 97.18 208C47.899 298.381 16 383.9 16 464h-4c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h360c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-4c0-80.564-32.188-165.807-97.18-208C336.102 213.619 368 128.1 368 48zM64 48h256c0 101.62-57.307 184-128 184S64 149.621 64 48zm256 416H64c0-101.62 57.308-184 128-184s128 82.38 128 184z" ], "id-badge": [ 384, 512, [], "f2c1", "M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 464H48V48h288v416zM144 112h96c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16h-96c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16zm48 176c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2z" ], "id-card": [ 576, 512, [], "f2c2", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 400H303.2c.9-4.5.8 3.6.8-22.4 0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6 0 26-.2 17.9.8 22.4H48V144h480v288zm-168-80h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm-168 96c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64z" ], image: [ 512, 512, [], "f03e", "M464 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 336H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V118a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h404a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v276a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM128 152c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zM96 352h320v-80l-87.515-87.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L192 304l-39.515-39.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L96 304v48z" ], images: [ 576, 512, [], "f302", "M480 416v16c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v48H54a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v244a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h372a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-10h48zm42-336H150a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v244a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h372a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V86a6 6 0 0 0-6-6zm6-48c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v256c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H144c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h384zM264 144c0 22.091-17.909 40-40 40s-40-17.909-40-40 17.909-40 40-40 40 17.909 40 40zm-72 96l39.515-39.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L288 240l103.515-103.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L480 208v80H192v-48z" ], keyboard: [ 576, 512, [], "f11c", "M528 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm8 336c0 4.411-3.589 8-8 8H48c-4.411 0-8-3.589-8-8V112c0-4.411 3.589-8 8-8h480c4.411 0 8 3.589 8 8v288zM170 270v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 82v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H82c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm384 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zM122 188v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H82c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-98 158v-16c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H180c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h216c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z" ], kiss: [ 496, 512, [], "f596", "M168 176c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm136 132c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36C290.6 335.3 304 321 304 308zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm80-280c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z" ], "kiss-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f597", "M168 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2 7.2 5.6 8.3 3.5 1 7.5-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 5.9-4.5 5.6-8.3-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm56-148c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36C290.6 335.3 304 321 304 308zm24-156c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2 7.2 5.6 8.3 3.5 1 7.5-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 5.9-4.5 5.6-8.3-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4z" ], "kiss-wink-heart": [ 504, 512, [], "f598", "M304 308.5c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36 21.7-9.1 35.1-23.4 35.1-36.4zm70.5-83.5l9.5 8.5c3.8 3.3 9.3 4 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-4-25.2-34.2-42.1-59.8-42.1s-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1c-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 5.8 3.1 11.2.7 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0zM136 208.5c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32zm365.1 194c-8-20.8-31.5-31.5-53.1-25.9l-8.4 2.2-2.3-8.4c-5.9-21.4-27-36.5-49-33-25.2 4-40.6 28.6-34 52.6l22.9 82.6c1.5 5.3 7 8.5 12.4 7.1l83-21.5c24.1-6.3 37.7-31.8 28.5-55.7zM334 436.3c-26.1 12.5-55.2 19.7-86 19.7-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200c0 22.1-3.7 43.3-10.4 63.2 9 6.4 17 14.2 22.6 23.9 6.4.1 12.6 1.4 18.6 2.9 10.9-27.9 17.1-58.2 17.1-90C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c35.4 0 68.9-7.5 99.4-20.9-2.5-7.3 4.3 17.2-13.4-46.8z" ], laugh: [ 496, 512, [], "f599", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 224c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm194.4 64H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z" ], "laugh-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f59a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.7 8.6 10.8 11.9 14.9 4.5l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c4.1 7.4 15.6 4 14.9-4.5-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4zm-201 75.9l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c4.1 7.4 15.6 4 14.9-4.5-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.6 8.5 10.9 11.9 15.1 4.5zM362.4 288H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z" ], "laugh-squint": [ 496, 512, [], "f59b", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM343.6 196l33.6-40.3c8.6-10.3-3.8-24.8-15.4-18l-80 48c-7.8 4.7-7.8 15.9 0 20.6l80 48c11.5 6.8 24-7.6 15.4-18L343.6 196zm-209.4 58.3l80-48c7.8-4.7 7.8-15.9 0-20.6l-80-48c-11.6-6.9-24 7.7-15.4 18l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-8.7 10.4 3.8 24.8 15.4 18zM362.4 288H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z" ], "laugh-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f59c", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6C68.8 359.6 48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4C144.4 76.8 194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6c37.8 37.8 58.6 88 58.6 141.4s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 164c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.9 42.1-1.7 11.2 11.5 18.2 19.8 10.8l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c8.5 7.4 21.6.3 19.8-10.8-3.8-25.2-34-42.1-59.7-42.1zm-160 60c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm194.4 64H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z" ], lemon: [ 512, 512, [], "f094", "M484.112 27.889C455.989-.233 416.108-8.057 387.059 8.865 347.604 31.848 223.504-41.111 91.196 91.197-41.277 223.672 31.923 347.472 8.866 387.058c-16.922 29.051-9.1 68.932 19.022 97.054 28.135 28.135 68.011 35.938 97.057 19.021 39.423-22.97 163.557 49.969 295.858-82.329 132.474-132.477 59.273-256.277 82.331-295.861 16.922-29.05 9.1-68.931-19.022-97.054zm-22.405 72.894c-38.8 66.609 45.6 165.635-74.845 286.08-120.44 120.443-219.475 36.048-286.076 74.843-22.679 13.207-64.035-27.241-50.493-50.488 38.8-66.609-45.6-165.635 74.845-286.08C245.573 4.702 344.616 89.086 411.219 50.292c22.73-13.24 64.005 27.288 50.488 50.491zm-169.861 8.736c1.37 10.96-6.404 20.957-17.365 22.327-54.846 6.855-135.779 87.787-142.635 142.635-1.373 10.989-11.399 18.734-22.326 17.365-10.961-1.37-18.735-11.366-17.365-22.326 9.162-73.286 104.167-168.215 177.365-177.365 10.953-1.368 20.956 6.403 22.326 17.364z" ], "life-ring": [ 512, 512, [], "f1cd", "M256 504c136.967 0 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248zm-103.398-76.72l53.411-53.411c31.806 13.506 68.128 13.522 99.974 0l53.411 53.411c-63.217 38.319-143.579 38.319-206.796 0zM336 256c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80zm91.28 103.398l-53.411-53.411c13.505-31.806 13.522-68.128 0-99.974l53.411-53.411c38.319 63.217 38.319 143.579 0 206.796zM359.397 84.72l-53.411 53.411c-31.806-13.505-68.128-13.522-99.973 0L152.602 84.72c63.217-38.319 143.579-38.319 206.795 0zM84.72 152.602l53.411 53.411c-13.506 31.806-13.522 68.128 0 99.974L84.72 359.398c-38.319-63.217-38.319-143.579 0-206.796z" ], lightbulb: [ 384, 512, [], "f0eb", "M272 428v28c0 10.449-6.68 19.334-16 22.629V488c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-80c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-9.371c-9.32-3.295-16-12.18-16-22.629v-28c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM128 176c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64 8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16s-7.163-16-16-16c-52.935 0-96 43.065-96 96 0 8.836 7.164 16 16 16s16-7.164 16-16zm64-128c70.734 0 128 57.254 128 128 0 77.602-37.383 60.477-80.98 160h-94.04C101.318 236.33 64 253.869 64 176c0-70.735 57.254-128 128-128m0-48C94.805 0 16 78.803 16 176c0 101.731 51.697 91.541 90.516 192.674 3.55 9.249 12.47 15.326 22.376 15.326h126.215c9.906 0 18.826-6.078 22.376-15.326C316.303 267.541 368 277.731 368 176 368 78.803 289.195 0 192 0z" ], "list-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f022", "M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V86a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h404a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v340a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm-42-92v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm0-96v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm0-96v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm-252 12c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36zm0 96c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36zm0 96c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36z" ], map: [ 576, 512, [], "f279", "M560.02 32c-1.96 0-3.98.37-5.96 1.16L384.01 96H384L212 35.28A64.252 64.252 0 0 0 191.76 32c-6.69 0-13.37 1.05-19.81 3.14L20.12 87.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 117.66v346.32C0 473.17 7.53 480 15.99 480c1.96 0 3.97-.37 5.96-1.16L192 416l172 60.71a63.98 63.98 0 0 0 40.05.15l151.83-52.81A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 394.34V48.02c0-9.19-7.53-16.02-15.98-16.02zM224 90.42l128 45.19v285.97l-128-45.19V90.42zM48 418.05V129.07l128-44.53v286.2l-.64.23L48 418.05zm480-35.13l-128 44.53V141.26l.64-.24L528 93.95v288.97z" ], meh: [ 496, 512, [], "f11a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm8 144H160c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h176c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z" ], "meh-blank": [ 496, 512, [], "f5a4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-280c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z" ], "meh-rolling-eyes": [ 496, 512, [], "f5a5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm88-304c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72zm0 112c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40 0-13.6 7.3-25.1 17.7-32.3-1 2.6-1.7 5.3-1.7 8.3 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24c0-2.9-.7-5.7-1.7-8.3 10.4 7.2 17.7 18.7 17.7 32.3 0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40zm-104-40c0-39.8-32.2-72-72-72s-72 32.2-72 72 32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72zm-112 0c0-13.6 7.3-25.1 17.7-32.3-1 2.6-1.7 5.3-1.7 8.3 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24c0-2.9-.7-5.7-1.7-8.3 10.4 7.2 17.7 18.7 17.7 32.3 0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40s-40-17.9-40-40zm192 128H184c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h128c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z" ], "minus-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f146", "M108 284c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h232c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "money-bill-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f3d1", "M320 144c-53.02 0-96 50.14-96 112 0 61.85 42.98 112 96 112 53 0 96-50.13 96-112 0-61.86-42.98-112-96-112zm40 168c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-64c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16v-55.44l-.47.31a7.992 7.992 0 0 1-11.09-2.22l-8.88-13.31a7.992 7.992 0 0 1 2.22-11.09l15.33-10.22a23.99 23.99 0 0 1 13.31-4.03H328c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v88h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zM608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-16 272c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64H112c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64V176c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64h416c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64v160z" ], moon: [ 512, 512, [], "f186", "M279.135 512c78.756 0 150.982-35.804 198.844-94.775 28.27-34.831-2.558-85.722-46.249-77.401-82.348 15.683-158.272-47.268-158.272-130.792 0-48.424 26.06-92.292 67.434-115.836 38.745-22.05 28.999-80.788-15.022-88.919A257.936 257.936 0 0 0 279.135 0c-141.36 0-256 114.575-256 256 0 141.36 114.576 256 256 256zm0-464c12.985 0 25.689 1.201 38.016 3.478-54.76 31.163-91.693 90.042-91.693 157.554 0 113.848 103.641 199.2 215.252 177.944C402.574 433.964 344.366 464 279.135 464c-114.875 0-208-93.125-208-208s93.125-208 208-208z" ], newspaper: [ 576, 512, [], "f1ea", "M552 64H112c-20.858 0-38.643 13.377-45.248 32H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v272c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h496c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM48 392V144h16v248c0 4.411-3.589 8-8 8s-8-3.589-8-8zm480 8H111.422c.374-2.614.578-5.283.578-8V112h416v288zM172 280h136c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-96c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H172c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v96c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm28-80h80v40h-80v-40zm-40 140v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H172c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm192 0v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0-144v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0 72v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12z" ], "object-group": [ 512, 512, [], "f247", "M500 128c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v256H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h320v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12V128h12zm-52-64h32v32h-32V64zM32 64h32v32H32V64zm32 384H32v-32h32v32zm416 0h-32v-32h32v32zm-40-64h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H72V128h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h320v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v256zm-36-192h-84v-52c0-6.628-5.373-12-12-12H108c-6.627 0-12 5.372-12 12v168c0 6.628 5.373 12 12 12h84v52c0 6.628 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.372 12-12V204c0-6.628-5.373-12-12-12zm-268-24h144v112H136V168zm240 176H232v-24h76c6.627 0 12-5.372 12-12v-76h56v112z" ], "object-ungroup": [ 576, 512, [], "f248", "M564 224c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12h-88v-24h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h88v24h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h224v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12V224h12zM352 64h32v32h-32V64zm0 256h32v32h-32v-32zM64 352H32v-32h32v32zm0-256H32V64h32v32zm32 216v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H72V128h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h224v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96zm128 136h-32v-32h32v32zm280-64h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H256v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12v-24h88v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12v-88h88v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160zm40 64h-32v-32h32v32zm0-256h-32v-32h32v32z" ], "paper-plane": [ 512, 512, [], "f1d8", "M440 6.5L24 246.4c-34.4 19.9-31.1 70.8 5.7 85.9L144 379.6V464c0 46.4 59.2 65.5 86.6 28.6l43.8-59.1 111.9 46.2c5.9 2.4 12.1 3.6 18.3 3.6 8.2 0 16.3-2.1 23.6-6.2 12.8-7.2 21.6-20 23.9-34.5l59.4-387.2c6.1-40.1-36.9-68.8-71.5-48.9zM192 464v-64.6l36.6 15.1L192 464zm212.6-28.7l-153.8-63.5L391 169.5c10.7-15.5-9.5-33.5-23.7-21.2L155.8 332.6 48 288 464 48l-59.4 387.3z" ], "pause-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f28b", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm96-280v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16zm-112 0v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16z" ], "play-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f144", "M371.7 238l-176-107c-15.8-8.8-35.7 2.5-35.7 21v208c0 18.4 19.8 29.8 35.7 21l176-101c16.4-9.1 16.4-32.8 0-42zM504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256z" ], "plus-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f0fe", "M352 240v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-88v88c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-32c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-88h-88c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h88v-88c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v88h88c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm96-160v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z" ], "question-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f059", "M256 8C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.431-200-200 0-110.495 89.472-200 200-200 110.491 0 200 89.471 200 200 0 110.53-89.431 200-200 200zm107.244-255.2c0 67.052-72.421 68.084-72.421 92.863V300c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-45.647c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8.659c0-35.745 27.1-50.034 47.579-61.516 17.561-9.845 28.324-16.541 28.324-29.579 0-17.246-21.999-28.693-39.784-28.693-23.189 0-33.894 10.977-48.942 29.969-4.057 5.12-11.46 6.071-16.666 2.124l-27.824-21.098c-5.107-3.872-6.251-11.066-2.644-16.363C184.846 131.491 214.94 112 261.794 112c49.071 0 101.45 38.304 101.45 88.8zM298 368c0 23.159-18.841 42-42 42s-42-18.841-42-42 18.841-42 42-42 42 18.841 42 42z" ], registered: [ 512, 512, [], "f25d", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm110.442-81.791c-53.046-96.284-50.25-91.468-53.271-96.085 24.267-13.879 39.482-41.563 39.482-73.176 0-52.503-30.247-85.252-101.498-85.252h-78.667c-6.617 0-12 5.383-12 12V380c0 6.617 5.383 12 12 12h38.568c6.617 0 12-5.383 12-12v-83.663h31.958l47.515 89.303a11.98 11.98 0 0 0 10.593 6.36h42.81c9.14 0 14.914-9.799 10.51-17.791zM256.933 239.906h-33.875v-64.14h27.377c32.417 0 38.929 12.133 38.929 31.709-.001 20.913-11.518 32.431-32.431 32.431z" ], "sad-cry": [ 496, 512, [], "f5b3", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm144 386.4V280c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24s-24 10.8-24 24v151.4C315.5 447 282.8 456 248 456s-67.5-9-96-24.6V280c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24s-24 10.8-24 24v114.4c-34.6-36-56-84.7-56-138.4 0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 53.7-21.4 102.5-56 138.4zM205.8 234.5c4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-4-25.2-34.2-42.1-59.8-42.1s-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1c-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.4 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.3 7.9 4.8 13.7 1.6zM344 180c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.5 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.2 8 4.7 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-3.9-25.2-34.1-42.1-59.8-42.1zm-96 92c-30.9 0-56 28.7-56 64s25.1 64 56 64 56-28.7 56-64-25.1-64-56-64z" ], "sad-tear": [ 496, 512, [], "f5b4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm8-152c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24c23.8 0 46.3 10.5 61.6 28.8 8.1 9.8 23.2 11.9 33.8 3.1 10.2-8.5 11.6-23.6 3.1-33.8C330 320.8 294.1 304 256 304zm-88-64c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-165.6 98.8C151 290.1 126 325.4 126 342.9c0 22.7 18.8 41.1 42 41.1s42-18.4 42-41.1c0-17.5-25-52.8-36.4-68.1-2.8-3.7-8.4-3.7-11.2 0z" ], save: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c7", "M433.941 129.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 316.118 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V163.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM272 80v80H144V80h128zm122 352H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V86a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h176c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V83.882l78.243 78.243a6 6 0 0 1 1.757 4.243V426a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM224 232c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88s39.477 88 88 88 88-39.477 88-88-39.477-88-88-88zm0 128c-22.056 0-40-17.944-40-40s17.944-40 40-40 40 17.944 40 40-17.944 40-40 40z" ], "share-square": [ 576, 512, [], "f14d", "M561.938 158.06L417.94 14.092C387.926-15.922 336 5.097 336 48.032v57.198c-42.45 1.88-84.03 6.55-120.76 17.99-35.17 10.95-63.07 27.58-82.91 49.42C108.22 199.2 96 232.6 96 271.94c0 61.697 33.178 112.455 84.87 144.76 37.546 23.508 85.248-12.651 71.02-55.74-15.515-47.119-17.156-70.923 84.11-78.76V336c0 42.993 51.968 63.913 81.94 33.94l143.998-144c18.75-18.74 18.75-49.14 0-67.88zM384 336V232.16C255.309 234.082 166.492 255.35 206.31 376 176.79 357.55 144 324.08 144 271.94c0-109.334 129.14-118.947 240-119.85V48l144 144-144 144zm24.74 84.493a82.658 82.658 0 0 0 20.974-9.303c7.976-4.952 18.286.826 18.286 10.214V464c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h132c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v4.486c0 4.917-2.987 9.369-7.569 11.152-13.702 5.331-26.396 11.537-38.05 18.585a12.138 12.138 0 0 1-6.28 1.777H54a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v340a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h340a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-25.966c0-5.37 3.579-10.059 8.74-11.541z" ], smile: [ 496, 512, [], "f118", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm4 72.6c-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.7-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8-10.1-8.4-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1z" ], "smile-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f5b8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm84-143.4c-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.6-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8-10.2-8.4-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1zM136.5 211c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.4 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17zM328 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4z" ], "smile-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f4da", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm117.8-146.4c-10.2-8.5-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.7-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8zM168 240c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-60c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.9 42.1-1.7 11.2 11.5 18.2 19.8 10.8l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c8.5 7.4 21.6.3 19.8-10.8-3.8-25.2-34-42.1-59.7-42.1z" ], snowflake: [ 448, 512, [], "f2dc", "M438.237 355.927l-66.574-38.54 59.448-10.327c5.846-1.375 10.609-5.183 13.458-10.13 2.48-4.307 3.506-9.478 2.524-14.651-2.11-11.115-12.686-18.039-23.621-15.467l-85.423 31.115L255.914 256l82.136-41.926 85.423 31.115c10.936 2.572 21.512-4.352 23.621-15.467 2.111-11.115-5.046-22.209-15.981-24.781l-59.448-10.327 66.573-38.54c9.54-5.523 12.615-18.092 6.867-28.074-5.748-9.982-18.14-13.596-27.68-8.074l-66.574 38.54 20.805-56.787c3.246-10.782-2.758-22.542-13.413-26.268-10.654-3.725-21.922 1.997-25.168 12.779l-15.838 89.735-72.423 41.926V136l69.585-58.621c7.689-8.21 6.997-20.856-1.548-28.245-8.545-7.391-21.705-6.723-29.394 1.486l-38.644 46.46V20c0-11.046-9.318-20-20.813-20s-20.813 8.954-20.813 20v77.08l-38.644-46.46c-7.689-8.21-20.849-8.876-29.394-1.486-8.544 7.389-9.236 20.035-1.547 28.245L203.187 136v83.853l-72.423-41.926-15.838-89.736c-3.247-10.782-14.515-16.504-25.169-12.779-10.656 3.725-16.659 15.486-13.413 26.268l20.805 56.787-66.573-38.54c-9.54-5.523-21.933-1.908-27.68 8.074s-2.673 22.551 6.867 28.074l66.574 38.54-59.449 10.328C5.953 207.515-1.202 218.609.907 229.724c2.11 11.114 12.686 18.038 23.622 15.466l85.422-31.115L192.086 256l-82.136 41.926-85.423-31.115c-10.936-2.572-21.511 4.352-23.622 15.466-2.109 11.113 5.046 22.209 15.981 24.781l59.449 10.328-66.574 38.54C.223 361.449-2.852 374.018 2.896 384s18.14 13.597 27.68 8.074l66.574-38.54-20.805 56.786c-1.735 5.764-.828 11.805 2.02 16.751 2.48 4.307 6.433 7.784 11.392 9.517 10.655 3.725 21.923-1.997 25.169-12.779l15.838-89.736 72.423-41.926V376l-69.585 58.621c-7.69 8.21-6.997 20.855 1.547 28.245 8.544 7.388 21.705 6.723 29.394-1.487l38.644-46.46V492c0 11.046 9.318 20 20.813 20s20.813-8.954 20.813-20v-77.081l38.644 46.46c4.111 4.389 9.782 6.621 15.478 6.621 4.96 0 9.939-1.694 13.916-5.134 8.545-7.39 9.237-20.035 1.548-28.245L244.813 376v-83.853l72.423 41.926 15.838 89.736c3.246 10.782 14.514 16.504 25.168 12.779 10.653-3.726 16.659-15.487 13.412-26.268l-20.805-56.787 66.574 38.54c9.54 5.523 21.933 1.908 27.68-8.074 5.749-9.981 2.675-22.55-6.866-28.072z" ], square: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c8", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 400H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h340c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v340c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6z" ], star: [ 576, 512, [], "f005", "M528.1 171.5L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6zM388.6 312.3l23.7 138.4L288 385.4l-124.3 65.3 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126 62.2 126 139 20.2-100.6 98z" ], "star-half": [ 576, 512, [], "f089", "M288 385.3l-124.3 65.4 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126V0c-11.4 0-22.8 5.9-28.7 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.4c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.1 23 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6v-54.3z" ], "sticky-note": [ 448, 512, [], "f249", "M448 348.106V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v351.988c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h268.118a48 48 0 0 0 33.941-14.059l83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 448 348.106zm-128 80v-76.118h76.118L320 428.106zM400 80v223.988H296c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v104H48V80h352z" ], "stop-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f28d", "M504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256zm296-80v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h160c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16z" ], sun: [ 512, 512, [], "f185", "M220.116 487.936l-20.213-49.425a3.992 3.992 0 0 0-5.808-1.886l-45.404 28.104c-29.466 18.24-66.295-8.519-58.054-42.179l12.699-51.865a3.993 3.993 0 0 0-3.59-4.941l-53.251-3.951c-34.554-2.562-48.632-45.855-22.174-68.247L65.08 259.05a3.992 3.992 0 0 0 0-6.106l-40.76-34.497c-26.45-22.384-12.39-65.682 22.174-68.246l53.251-3.951a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 3.59-4.941L90.637 89.443c-8.239-33.656 28.581-60.42 58.054-42.179l45.403 28.104a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 5.808-1.887l20.213-49.425c13.116-32.071 58.638-32.081 71.758 0l20.212 49.424a3.994 3.994 0 0 0 5.809 1.887l45.403-28.104c29.464-18.236 66.297 8.513 58.054 42.179l-12.699 51.865a3.995 3.995 0 0 0 3.59 4.941l53.251 3.951c34.553 2.563 48.633 45.854 22.175 68.246l-40.76 34.497a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 0 6.107l40.76 34.496c26.511 22.441 12.322 65.689-22.175 68.247l-53.251 3.951a3.993 3.993 0 0 0-3.589 4.942l12.698 51.864c8.241 33.658-28.583 60.421-58.054 42.18l-45.403-28.104a3.994 3.994 0 0 0-5.809 1.887l-20.212 49.424c-13.159 32.178-58.675 31.993-71.757 0zm16.814-64.568l19.064 46.616 19.064-46.615c10.308-25.2 40.778-35.066 63.892-20.759l42.822 26.507-11.976-48.919c-6.475-26.444 12.38-52.339 39.487-54.349l50.226-3.726-38.444-32.536c-20.782-17.591-20.747-49.621.001-67.18l38.442-32.536-50.225-3.727c-27.151-2.015-45.95-27.948-39.488-54.349l11.978-48.919-42.823 26.507c-23.151 14.327-53.603 4.4-63.892-20.76l-19.064-46.615-19.064 46.617c-10.305 25.198-40.778 35.066-63.891 20.76l-42.823-26.508 11.977 48.918c6.474 26.446-12.381 52.338-39.488 54.35l-50.224 3.726 38.443 32.537c20.782 17.588 20.747 49.619 0 67.178L52.48 322.123l50.226 3.726c27.151 2.014 45.95 27.947 39.487 54.349l-11.977 48.919 42.823-26.507c23.188-14.355 53.622-4.352 63.891 20.758zM256 384c-70.58 0-128-57.421-128-128 0-70.58 57.42-128 128-128 70.579 0 128 57.42 128 128 0 70.579-57.421 128-128 128zm0-208c-44.112 0-80 35.888-80 80s35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80-35.888-80-80-80z" ], surprise: [ 496, 512, [], "f5c2", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm0-176c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64zm-48-72c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32zm128-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z" ], "thumbs-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f165", "M466.27 225.31c4.674-22.647.864-44.538-8.99-62.99 2.958-23.868-4.021-48.565-17.34-66.99C438.986 39.423 404.117 0 327 0c-7 0-15 .01-22.22.01C201.195.01 168.997 40 128 40h-10.845c-5.64-4.975-13.042-8-21.155-8H32C14.327 32 0 46.327 0 64v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c11.842 0 22.175-6.438 27.708-16h7.052c19.146 16.953 46.013 60.653 68.76 83.4 13.667 13.667 10.153 108.6 71.76 108.6 57.58 0 95.27-31.936 95.27-104.73 0-18.41-3.93-33.73-8.85-46.54h36.48c48.602 0 85.82-41.565 85.82-85.58 0-19.15-4.96-34.99-13.73-49.84zM64 296c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zm330.18 16.73H290.19c0 37.82 28.36 55.37 28.36 94.54 0 23.75 0 56.73-47.27 56.73-18.91-18.91-9.46-66.18-37.82-94.54C206.9 342.89 167.28 272 138.92 272H128V85.83c53.611 0 100.001-37.82 171.64-37.82h37.82c35.512 0 60.82 17.12 53.12 65.9 15.2 8.16 26.5 36.44 13.94 57.57 21.581 20.384 18.699 51.065 5.21 65.62 9.45 0 22.36 18.91 22.27 37.81-.09 18.91-16.71 37.82-37.82 37.82z" ], "thumbs-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f164", "M466.27 286.69C475.04 271.84 480 256 480 236.85c0-44.015-37.218-85.58-85.82-85.58H357.7c4.92-12.81 8.85-28.13 8.85-46.54C366.55 31.936 328.86 0 271.28 0c-61.607 0-58.093 94.933-71.76 108.6-22.747 22.747-49.615 66.447-68.76 83.4H32c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c14.893 0 27.408-10.174 30.978-23.95 44.509 1.001 75.06 39.94 177.802 39.94 7.22 0 15.22.01 22.22.01 77.117 0 111.986-39.423 112.94-95.33 13.319-18.425 20.299-43.122 17.34-66.99 9.854-18.452 13.664-40.343 8.99-62.99zm-61.75 53.83c12.56 21.13 1.26 49.41-13.94 57.57 7.7 48.78-17.608 65.9-53.12 65.9h-37.82c-71.639 0-118.029-37.82-171.64-37.82V240h10.92c28.36 0 67.98-70.89 94.54-97.46 28.36-28.36 18.91-75.63 37.82-94.54 47.27 0 47.27 32.98 47.27 56.73 0 39.17-28.36 56.72-28.36 94.54h103.99c21.11 0 37.73 18.91 37.82 37.82.09 18.9-12.82 37.81-22.27 37.81 13.489 14.555 16.371 45.236-5.21 65.62zM88 432c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24s-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24z" ], "times-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f057", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm101.8-262.2L295.6 256l62.2 62.2c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17l-22.6 22.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L256 295.6l-62.2 62.2c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-22.6-22.6c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l62.2-62.2-62.2-62.2c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l22.6-22.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l62.2 62.2 62.2-62.2c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l22.6 22.6c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17z" ], tired: [ 496, 512, [], "f5c8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm129.1-303.8c-3.8-4.4-10.3-5.4-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48c5.4 3.2 11.8 1.6 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.9-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11.1-.1-15.5zM220 208c0-4.2-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3l-80-48c-5-3-11.5-1.9-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.9 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11 .1 15.5 3.5 4.1 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3zm28 64c-45.4 0-100.9 38.3-107.8 93.3-1.5 11.8 6.9 21.6 15.5 17.9C178.4 373.5 212 368 248 368s69.6 5.5 92.3 15.2c8.5 3.7 17-6 15.5-17.9-6.9-55-62.4-93.3-107.8-93.3z" ], "trash-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f2ed", "M192 188v216c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-24c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V188c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h24c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm100-12h-24c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v216c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h24c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V188c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm132-96c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v12c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-20v336c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H80c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V128H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-12c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h74.411l34.018-56.696A48 48 0 0 1 173.589 0h100.823a48 48 0 0 1 41.16 23.304L349.589 80H424zm-269.611 0h139.223L276.16 50.913A6 6 0 0 0 271.015 48h-94.028a6 6 0 0 0-5.145 2.913L154.389 80zM368 128H80v330a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h276a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V128z" ], user: [ 448, 512, [], "f007", "M313.6 304c-28.7 0-42.5 16-89.6 16-47.1 0-60.8-16-89.6-16C60.2 304 0 364.2 0 438.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-25.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4zM400 464H48v-25.6c0-47.6 38.8-86.4 86.4-86.4 14.6 0 38.3 16 89.6 16 51.7 0 74.9-16 89.6-16 47.6 0 86.4 38.8 86.4 86.4V464zM224 288c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144S303.5 0 224 0 80 64.5 80 144s64.5 144 144 144zm0-240c52.9 0 96 43.1 96 96s-43.1 96-96 96-96-43.1-96-96 43.1-96 96-96z" ], "user-circle": [ 496, 512, [], "f2bd", "M248 104c-53 0-96 43-96 96s43 96 96 96 96-43 96-96-43-96-96-96zm0 144c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-240C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-49.7 0-95.1-18.3-130.1-48.4 14.9-23 40.4-38.6 69.6-39.5 20.8 6.4 40.6 9.6 60.5 9.6s39.7-3.1 60.5-9.6c29.2 1 54.7 16.5 69.6 39.5-35 30.1-80.4 48.4-130.1 48.4zm162.7-84.1c-24.4-31.4-62.1-51.9-105.1-51.9-10.2 0-26 9.6-57.6 9.6-31.5 0-47.4-9.6-57.6-9.6-42.9 0-80.6 20.5-105.1 51.9C61.9 339.2 48 299.2 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 43.2-13.9 83.2-37.3 115.9z" ], "window-close": [ 512, 512, [], "f410", "M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 394c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h404c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v340zM356.5 194.6L295.1 256l61.4 61.4c4.6 4.6 4.6 12.1 0 16.8l-22.3 22.3c-4.6 4.6-12.1 4.6-16.8 0L256 295.1l-61.4 61.4c-4.6 4.6-12.1 4.6-16.8 0l-22.3-22.3c-4.6-4.6-4.6-12.1 0-16.8l61.4-61.4-61.4-61.4c-4.6-4.6-4.6-12.1 0-16.8l22.3-22.3c4.6-4.6 12.1-4.6 16.8 0l61.4 61.4 61.4-61.4c4.6-4.6 12.1-4.6 16.8 0l22.3 22.3c4.7 4.6 4.7 12.1 0 16.8z" ], "window-maximize": [ 512, 512, [], "f2d0", "M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 394c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V192h416v234z" ], "window-minimize": [ 512, 512, [], "f2d1", "M480 480H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32h448c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "window-restore": [ 512, 512, [], "f2d2", "M464 0H144c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v48H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-48h48c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-96 464H48V256h320v208zm96-96h-48V144c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H144V48h320v320z" ] }; !function(c) { try { c(); } catch (c) { if (!m) throw c; } }(function() { !function c(l, z) { var h = Object.keys(z).reduce(function(c, l) { var h = z[l]; return h.icon ? c[h.iconName] = h.icon : c[l] = h, c; }, {}); "function" == typeof t.hooks.addPack ? t.hooks.addPack(l, h) : t.styles[l] = M({}, t.styles[l] || {}, h), "fas" === l && c("fa", z); }("far", f); }); }(), function() { "use strict"; var c = {}; try { "undefined" != typeof window && (c = window); } catch (c) {} var l = (c.navigator || {}).userAgent, h = void 0 === l ? "" : l, z = c, v = (~h.indexOf("MSIE") || h.indexOf("Trident/"), "___FONT_AWESOME___"), m = function() { try { return !1; } catch (c) { return !1; } }(), s = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], e = s.concat([ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]); [ "xs", "sm", "lg", "fw", "ul", "li", "border", "pull-left", "pull-right", "spin", "pulse", "rotate-90", "rotate-180", "rotate-270", "flip-horizontal", "flip-vertical", "stack", "stack-1x", "stack-2x", "inverse", "layers", "layers-text", "layers-counter" ].concat( { return c + "x"; })).concat( { return "w-" + c; })); var a = z || {}; a[v] || (a[v] = {}), a[v].styles || (a[v].styles = {}), a[v].hooks || (a[v].hooks = {}), a[v].shims || (a[v].shims = []); var t = a[v], M = Object.assign || function(c) { for (var l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) { var h = arguments[l]; for (var z in h), z) && (c[z] = h[z]); } return c; }; var f = { "address-book": [ 448, 512, [], "f2b9", "M436 160c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-48h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20zm-228-32c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H118.4C106 384 96 375.4 96 364.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2z" ], "address-card": [ 576, 512, [], "f2bb", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-352 96c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H86.4C74 384 64 375.4 64 364.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2zM512 312c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-64c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-64c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z" ], adjust: [ 512, 512, [], "f042", "M8 256c0 136.966 111.033 248 248 248s248-111.034 248-248S392.966 8 256 8 8 119.033 8 256zm248 184V72c101.705 0 184 82.311 184 184 0 101.705-82.311 184-184 184z" ], "align-center": [ 448, 512, [], "f037", "M352 44v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H112c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h224c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16zM16 228h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 256h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm320-200H112c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h224c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z" ], "align-justify": [ 448, 512, [], "f039", "M0 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm16 144h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 256h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0-128h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z" ], "align-left": [ 448, 512, [], "f036", "M288 44v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h256c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16zM0 172v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16zm16 312h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm256-200H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z" ], "align-right": [ 448, 512, [], "f038", "M160 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h256c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H176c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zM16 228h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 256h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm160-128h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H176c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z" ], allergies: [ 448, 512, [], "f461", "M416 112c-17.6 0-32 14.4-32 32v72c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-16c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32s-32 14.4-32 32v152c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-16c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V32c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32s-32 14.4-32 32v184c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-16c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32S96 46.4 96 64v241l-23.6-32.5c-13-17.9-38-21.8-55.9-8.8s-21.8 38-8.8 55.9l125.6 172.7c9 12.4 23.5 19.8 38.8 19.8h197.6c22.3 0 41.6-15.3 46.7-37l26.5-112.7c3.2-13.7 4.9-28.3 5.1-42.3V144c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zM176 416c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm0-96c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm64 128c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm0-96c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm64 32c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm32 64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm32-128c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16z" ], ambulance: [ 640, 512, [], "f0f9", "M624 352h-16V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9L494 110.1c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H416V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h48c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm144-248c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48zm176 248c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-208H416V144h44.1l99.9 99.9V256z" ], "american-sign-language-interpreting": [ 640, 512, [], "f2a3", "M290.547 189.039c-20.295-10.149-44.147-11.199-64.739-3.89 42.606 0 71.208 20.475 85.578 50.576 8.576 17.899-5.148 38.071-23.617 38.071 18.429 0 32.211 20.136 23.617 38.071-14.725 30.846-46.123 50.854-80.298 50.854-.557 0-94.471-8.615-94.471-8.615l-66.406 33.347c-9.384 4.693-19.815.379-23.895-7.781L1.86 290.747c-4.167-8.615-1.111-18.897 6.946-23.621l58.072-33.069L108 159.861c6.39-57.245 34.731-109.767 79.743-146.726 11.391-9.448 28.341-7.781 37.51 3.613 9.446 11.394 7.78 28.067-3.612 37.516-12.503 10.559-23.618 22.509-32.509 35.57 21.672-14.729 46.679-24.732 74.186-28.067 14.725-1.945 28.063 8.336 29.73 23.065 1.945 14.728-8.336 28.067-23.062 29.734-16.116 1.945-31.12 7.503-44.178 15.284 26.114-5.713 58.712-3.138 88.079 11.115 13.336 6.669 18.893 22.509 12.224 35.848-6.389 13.06-22.504 18.617-35.564 12.226zm-27.229 69.472c-6.112-12.505-18.338-20.286-32.231-20.286a35.46 35.46 0 0 0-35.565 35.57c0 21.428 17.808 35.57 35.565 35.57 13.893 0 26.119-7.781 32.231-20.286 4.446-9.449 13.614-15.006 23.339-15.284-9.725-.277-18.893-5.835-23.339-15.284zm374.821-37.237c4.168 8.615 1.111 18.897-6.946 23.621l-58.071 33.069L532 352.16c-6.39 57.245-34.731 109.767-79.743 146.726-10.932 9.112-27.799 8.144-37.51-3.613-9.446-11.394-7.78-28.067 3.613-37.516 12.503-10.559 23.617-22.509 32.508-35.57-21.672 14.729-46.679 24.732-74.186 28.067-10.021 2.506-27.552-5.643-29.73-23.065-1.945-14.728 8.336-28.067 23.062-29.734 16.116-1.946 31.12-7.503 44.178-15.284-26.114 5.713-58.712 3.138-88.079-11.115-13.336-6.669-18.893-22.509-12.224-35.848 6.389-13.061 22.505-18.619 35.565-12.227 20.295 10.149 44.147 11.199 64.739 3.89-42.606 0-71.208-20.475-85.578-50.576-8.576-17.899 5.148-38.071 23.617-38.071-18.429 0-32.211-20.136-23.617-38.071 14.033-29.396 44.039-50.887 81.966-50.854l92.803 8.615 66.406-33.347c9.408-4.704 19.828-.354 23.894 7.781l44.455 88.926zm-229.227-18.618c-13.893 0-26.119 7.781-32.231 20.286-4.446 9.449-13.614 15.006-23.339 15.284 9.725.278 18.893 5.836 23.339 15.284 6.112 12.505 18.338 20.286 32.231 20.286a35.46 35.46 0 0 0 35.565-35.57c0-21.429-17.808-35.57-35.565-35.57z" ], anchor: [ 576, 512, [], "f13d", "M12.971 352h32.394C67.172 454.735 181.944 512 288 512c106.229 0 220.853-57.38 242.635-160h32.394c10.691 0 16.045-12.926 8.485-20.485l-67.029-67.029c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0l-67.029 67.029c-7.56 7.56-2.206 20.485 8.485 20.485h35.146c-20.29 54.317-84.963 86.588-144.117 94.015V256h52c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-52v-5.47c37.281-13.178 63.995-48.725 64-90.518C384.005 43.772 341.605.738 289.37.01 235.723-.739 192 42.525 192 96c0 41.798 26.716 77.35 64 90.53V192h-52c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v190.015c-58.936-7.399-123.82-39.679-144.117-94.015h35.146c10.691 0 16.045-12.926 8.485-20.485l-67.029-67.029c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L4.485 331.515C-3.074 339.074 2.28 352 12.971 352zM288 64c17.645 0 32 14.355 32 32s-14.355 32-32 32-32-14.355-32-32 14.355-32 32-32z" ], "angle-double-down": [ 320, 512, [], "f103", "M143 256.3L7 120.3c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l96.4 96.4 96.4-96.4c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L313 86.3c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-136 136c-9.4 9.5-24.6 9.5-34 .1zm34 192l136-136c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-22.6-22.6c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L160 352.1l-96.4-96.4c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L7 278.3c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l136 136c9.4 9.5 24.6 9.5 34 .1z" ], "angle-double-left": [ 448, 512, [], "f100", "M223.7 239l136-136c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L319.9 256l96.4 96.4c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L393.7 409c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-136-136c-9.5-9.4-9.5-24.6-.1-34zm-192 34l136 136c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L127.9 256l96.4-96.4c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L201.7 103c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-136 136c-9.5 9.4-9.5 24.6-.1 34z" ], "angle-double-right": [ 448, 512, [], "f101", "M224.3 273l-136 136c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.6-22.6c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l96.4-96.4-96.4-96.4c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L54.3 103c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l136 136c9.5 9.4 9.5 24.6.1 34zm192-34l-136-136c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l96.4 96.4-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l136-136c9.4-9.2 9.4-24.4 0-33.8z" ], "angle-double-up": [ 320, 512, [], "f102", "M177 255.7l136 136c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L160 351.9l-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 425.7c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l136-136c9.4-9.5 24.6-9.5 34-.1zm-34-192L7 199.7c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l96.4-96.4 96.4 96.4c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-136-136c-9.2-9.4-24.4-9.4-33.8 0z" ], "angle-down": [ 320, 512, [], "f107", "M143 352.3L7 216.3c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l96.4 96.4 96.4-96.4c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-136 136c-9.2 9.4-24.4 9.4-33.8 0z" ], "angle-left": [ 256, 512, [], "f104", "M31.7 239l136-136c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L127.9 256l96.4 96.4c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L201.7 409c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-136-136c-9.5-9.4-9.5-24.6-.1-34z" ], "angle-right": [ 256, 512, [], "f105", "M224.3 273l-136 136c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.6-22.6c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l96.4-96.4-96.4-96.4c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L54.3 103c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l136 136c9.5 9.4 9.5 24.6.1 34z" ], "angle-up": [ 320, 512, [], "f106", "M177 159.7l136 136c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L160 255.9l-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 329.7c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l136-136c9.4-9.5 24.6-9.5 34-.1z" ], angry: [ 496, 512, [], "f556", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM136 240c0-9.3 4.1-17.5 10.5-23.4l-31-9.3c-8.5-2.5-13.3-11.5-10.7-19.9 2.5-8.5 11.4-13.2 19.9-10.7l80 24c8.5 2.5 13.3 11.5 10.7 19.9-2.1 6.9-8.4 11.4-15.3 11.4-.5 0-1.1-.2-1.7-.2.7 2.7 1.7 5.3 1.7 8.2 0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32S136 257.7 136 240zm168 154.2c-27.8-33.4-84.2-33.4-112.1 0-13.5 16.3-38.2-4.2-24.6-20.5 20-24 49.4-37.8 80.6-37.8s60.6 13.8 80.6 37.8c13.8 16.5-11.1 36.6-24.5 20.5zm76.6-186.9l-31 9.3c6.3 5.8 10.5 14.1 10.5 23.4 0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32c0-2.9.9-5.6 1.7-8.2-.6.1-1.1.2-1.7.2-6.9 0-13.2-4.5-15.3-11.4-2.5-8.5 2.3-17.4 10.7-19.9l80-24c8.4-2.5 17.4 2.3 19.9 10.7 2.5 8.5-2.3 17.4-10.8 19.9z" ], archive: [ 512, 512, [], "f187", "M32 448c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h384c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V160H32v288zm160-212c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h104c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v8c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H204c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8zM480 32H32C14.3 32 0 46.3 0 64v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h480c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z" ], archway: [ 576, 512, [], "f557", "M560 448h-16V96H32v352H16.02c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16H176c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V320c0-53.02 42.98-96 96-96s96 42.98 96 96l.02 160v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16H560c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm0-448H16C7.16 0 0 7.16 0 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h544c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f358", "M504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zM212 140v116h-70.9c-10.7 0-16.1 13-8.5 20.5l114.9 114.3c4.7 4.7 12.2 4.7 16.9 0l114.9-114.3c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H300V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-64c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f359", "M256 504C119 504 8 393 8 256S119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248zm116-292H256v-70.9c0-10.7-13-16.1-20.5-8.5L121.2 247.5c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.2 0 16.9l114.3 114.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V300h116c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-64c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f35a", "M256 8c137 0 248 111 248 248S393 504 256 504 8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8zM140 300h116v70.9c0 10.7 13 16.1 20.5 8.5l114.3-114.9c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.2 0-16.9l-114.3-115c-7.6-7.6-20.5-2.2-20.5 8.5V212H140c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v64c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12z" ], "arrow-alt-circle-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f35b", "M8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256zm292 116V256h70.9c10.7 0 16.1-13 8.5-20.5L264.5 121.2c-4.7-4.7-12.2-4.7-16.9 0l-115 114.3c-7.6 7.6-2.2 20.5 8.5 20.5H212v116c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h64c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], "arrow-circle-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f0ab", "M504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-143.6-28.9L288 302.6V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-16c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v182.6l-72.4-75.5c-9.3-9.7-24.8-9.9-34.3-.4l-10.9 11c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9L239 404.3c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l132.7-132.7c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-10.9-11c-9.5-9.5-25-9.3-34.3.4z" ], "arrow-circle-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f0a8", "M256 504C119 504 8 393 8 256S119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248zm28.9-143.6L209.4 288H392c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H209.4l75.5-72.4c9.7-9.3 9.9-24.8.4-34.3l-11-10.9c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L107.7 239c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l132.7 132.7c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l11-10.9c9.5-9.5 9.3-25-.4-34.3z" ], "arrow-circle-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f0a9", "M256 8c137 0 248 111 248 248S393 504 256 504 8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8zm-28.9 143.6l75.5 72.4H120c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h182.6l-75.5 72.4c-9.7 9.3-9.9 24.8-.4 34.3l11 10.9c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L404.3 273c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L271.6 106.3c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-11 10.9c-9.5 9.6-9.3 25.1.4 34.4z" ], "arrow-circle-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f0aa", "M8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256zm143.6 28.9l72.4-75.5V392c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h16c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V209.4l72.4 75.5c9.3 9.7 24.8 9.9 34.3.4l10.9-11c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L273 107.7c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L106.3 240.4c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l10.9 11c9.6 9.5 25.1 9.3 34.4-.4z" ], "arrow-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f063", "M413.1 222.5l22.2 22.2c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L241 473c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L12.7 278.6c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l22.2-22.2c9.5-9.5 25-9.3 34.3.4L184 343.4V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h32c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v287.4l114.8-120.5c9.3-9.8 24.8-10 34.3-.4z" ], "arrow-left": [ 448, 512, [], "f060", "M257.5 445.1l-22.2 22.2c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 273c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L201.4 44.7c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.2 22.2c9.5 9.5 9.3 25-.4 34.3L136.6 216H424c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v32c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H136.6l120.5 114.8c9.8 9.3 10 24.8.4 34.3z" ], "arrow-right": [ 448, 512, [], "f061", "M190.5 66.9l22.2-22.2c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L441 239c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L246.6 467.3c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.2-22.2c-9.5-9.5-9.3-25 .4-34.3L311.4 296H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-32c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h287.4L190.9 101.2c-9.8-9.3-10-24.8-.4-34.3z" ], "arrow-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f062", "M34.9 289.5l-22.2-22.2c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L207 39c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l194.3 194.3c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L413 289.4c-9.5 9.5-25 9.3-34.3-.4L264 168.6V456c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24h-32c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V168.6L69.2 289.1c-9.3 9.8-24.8 10-34.3.4z" ], "arrows-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f0b2", "M352.201 425.775l-79.196 79.196c-9.373 9.373-24.568 9.373-33.941 0l-79.196-79.196c-15.119-15.119-4.411-40.971 16.971-40.97h51.162L228 284H127.196v51.162c0 21.382-25.851 32.09-40.971 16.971L7.029 272.937c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L86.225 159.8c15.119-15.119 40.971-4.411 40.971 16.971V228H228V127.196h-51.23c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l79.196-79.196c9.373-9.373 24.568-9.373 33.941 0l79.196 79.196c15.119 15.119 4.411 40.971-16.971 40.971h-51.162V228h100.804v-51.162c0-21.382 25.851-32.09 40.97-16.971l79.196 79.196c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941L425.773 352.2c-15.119 15.119-40.971 4.411-40.97-16.971V284H284v100.804h51.23c21.382 0 32.09 25.851 16.971 40.971z" ], "arrows-alt-h": [ 512, 512, [], "f337", "M377.941 169.941V216H134.059v-46.059c0-21.382-25.851-32.09-40.971-16.971L7.029 239.029c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.568 0 33.941l86.059 86.059c15.119 15.119 40.971 4.411 40.971-16.971V296h243.882v46.059c0 21.382 25.851 32.09 40.971 16.971l86.059-86.059c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.568 0-33.941l-86.059-86.059c-15.119-15.12-40.971-4.412-40.971 16.97z" ], "arrows-alt-v": [ 256, 512, [], "f338", "M214.059 377.941H168V134.059h46.059c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971L144.971 7.029c-9.373-9.373-24.568-9.373-33.941 0L24.971 93.088c-15.119 15.119-4.411 40.971 16.971 40.971H88v243.882H41.941c-21.382 0-32.09 25.851-16.971 40.971l86.059 86.059c9.373 9.373 24.568 9.373 33.941 0l86.059-86.059c15.12-15.119 4.412-40.971-16.97-40.971z" ], "assistive-listening-systems": [ 512, 512, [], "f2a2", "M216 260c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-44.112 35.888-80 80-80s80 35.888 80 80c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-13.234-10.767-24-24-24s-24 10.766-24 24zm24-176c-97.047 0-176 78.953-176 176 0 15.464 12.536 28 28 28s28-12.536 28-28c0-66.168 53.832-120 120-120s120 53.832 120 120c0 75.164-71.009 70.311-71.997 143.622L288 404c0 28.673-23.327 52-52 52-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28c59.475 0 107.876-48.328 108-107.774.595-34.428 72-48.24 72-144.226 0-97.047-78.953-176-176-176zm-80 236c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zM32 448c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm480-187.993c0-1.518-.012-3.025-.045-4.531C510.076 140.525 436.157 38.47 327.994 1.511c-14.633-4.998-30.549 2.809-35.55 17.442-5 14.633 2.81 30.549 17.442 35.55 85.906 29.354 144.61 110.513 146.077 201.953l.003.188c.026 1.118.033 2.236.033 3.363 0 15.464 12.536 28 28 28s28.001-12.536 28.001-28zM152.971 439.029l-80-80L39.03 392.97l80 80 33.941-33.941z" ], asterisk: [ 512, 512, [], "f069", "M478.21 334.093L336 256l142.21-78.093c11.795-6.477 15.961-21.384 9.232-33.037l-19.48-33.741c-6.728-11.653-21.72-15.499-33.227-8.523L296 186.718l3.475-162.204C299.763 11.061 288.937 0 275.48 0h-38.96c-13.456 0-24.283 11.061-23.994 24.514L216 186.718 77.265 102.607c-11.506-6.976-26.499-3.13-33.227 8.523l-19.48 33.741c-6.728 11.653-2.562 26.56 9.233 33.037L176 256 33.79 334.093c-11.795 6.477-15.961 21.384-9.232 33.037l19.48 33.741c6.728 11.653 21.721 15.499 33.227 8.523L216 325.282l-3.475 162.204C212.237 500.939 223.064 512 236.52 512h38.961c13.456 0 24.283-11.061 23.995-24.514L296 325.282l138.735 84.111c11.506 6.976 26.499 3.13 33.227-8.523l19.48-33.741c6.728-11.653 2.563-26.559-9.232-33.036z" ], at: [ 512, 512, [], "f1fa", "M256 8C118.941 8 8 118.919 8 256c0 137.059 110.919 248 248 248 48.154 0 95.342-14.14 135.408-40.223 12.005-7.815 14.625-24.288 5.552-35.372l-10.177-12.433c-7.671-9.371-21.179-11.667-31.373-5.129C325.92 429.757 291.314 440 256 440c-101.458 0-184-82.542-184-184S154.542 72 256 72c100.139 0 184 57.619 184 160 0 38.786-21.093 79.742-58.17 83.693-17.349-.454-16.91-12.857-13.476-30.024l23.433-121.11C394.653 149.75 383.308 136 368.225 136h-44.981a13.518 13.518 0 0 0-13.432 11.993l-.01.092c-14.697-17.901-40.448-21.775-59.971-21.775-74.58 0-137.831 62.234-137.831 151.46 0 65.303 36.785 105.87 96 105.87 26.984 0 57.369-15.637 74.991-38.333 9.522 34.104 40.613 34.103 70.71 34.103C462.609 379.41 504 307.798 504 232 504 95.653 394.023 8 256 8zm-21.68 304.43c-22.249 0-36.07-15.623-36.07-40.771 0-44.993 30.779-72.729 58.63-72.729 22.292 0 35.601 15.241 35.601 40.77 0 45.061-33.875 72.73-58.161 72.73z" ], atlas: [ 448, 512, [], "f558", "M318.38 208h-39.09c-1.49 27.03-6.54 51.35-14.21 70.41 27.71-13.24 48.02-39.19 53.3-70.41zm0-32c-5.29-31.22-25.59-57.17-53.3-70.41 7.68 19.06 12.72 43.38 14.21 70.41h39.09zM224 97.31c-7.69 7.45-20.77 34.42-23.43 78.69h46.87c-2.67-44.26-15.75-71.24-23.44-78.69zm-41.08 8.28c-27.71 13.24-48.02 39.19-53.3 70.41h39.09c1.49-27.03 6.53-51.35 14.21-70.41zm0 172.82c-7.68-19.06-12.72-43.38-14.21-70.41h-39.09c5.28 31.22 25.59 57.17 53.3 70.41zM247.43 208h-46.87c2.66 44.26 15.74 71.24 23.43 78.69 7.7-7.45 20.78-34.43 23.44-78.69zM448 358.4V25.6c0-16-9.6-25.6-25.6-25.6H96C41.6 0 0 41.6 0 96v320c0 54.4 41.6 96 96 96h326.4c12.8 0 25.6-9.6 25.6-25.6v-16c0-6.4-3.2-12.8-9.6-19.2-3.2-16-3.2-60.8 0-73.6 6.4-3.2 9.6-9.6 9.6-19.2zM224 64c70.69 0 128 57.31 128 128s-57.31 128-128 128S96 262.69 96 192 153.31 64 224 64zm160 384H96c-19.2 0-32-12.8-32-32s16-32 32-32h288v64z" ], "audio-description": [ 512, 512, [], "f29e", "M162.925 238.709l8.822 30.655h-25.606l9.041-30.652c1.277-4.421 2.651-9.994 3.872-15.245 1.22 5.251 2.594 10.823 3.871 15.242zm166.474-32.099h-14.523v98.781h14.523c29.776 0 46.175-17.678 46.175-49.776 0-32.239-17.49-49.005-46.175-49.005zM512 112v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM245.459 336.139l-57.097-168A12.001 12.001 0 0 0 177 160h-35.894a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-11.362 8.139l-57.097 168C70.003 343.922 75.789 352 84.009 352h29.133a12 12 0 0 0 11.535-8.693l8.574-29.906h51.367l8.793 29.977A12 12 0 0 0 204.926 352h29.172c8.22 0 14.006-8.078 11.361-15.861zm184.701-80.525c0-58.977-37.919-95.614-98.96-95.614h-57.366c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v168c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12H331.2c61.041 0 98.96-36.933 98.96-96.386z" ], award: [ 384, 512, [], "f559", "M97.12 362.63l-5.3-5.3a9.004 9.004 0 0 0-4.02-2.32L72 350.77c-9.51-2.55-17.87-7.45-25.43-13.32L1.2 448.7c-4.39 10.77 3.81 22.47 15.43 22.03l52.69-2.01L105.56 507c8 8.44 22.04 5.81 26.43-4.96l52.05-127.62c-10.84 6.04-22.87 9.58-35.31 9.58-19.5 0-37.82-7.59-51.61-21.37zM382.8 448.7l-45.37-111.24c-7.56 5.88-15.92 10.77-25.43 13.32l-15.8 4.23a9.004 9.004 0 0 0-4.02 2.32l-5.3 5.3C273.09 376.41 254.76 384 235.26 384c-12.44 0-24.47-3.55-35.31-9.58L252 502.04c4.39 10.77 18.44 13.4 26.43 4.96l36.25-38.28 52.69 2.01c11.62.44 19.82-11.27 15.43-22.03zM263 340l5.21-5.3c5-5.09 11.22-8.75 18.05-10.61l15.53-4.23c13.89-3.79 24.75-14.84 28.47-28.98l4.16-15.81a41.145 41.145 0 0 1 10.42-18.37l11.37-11.57c10.17-10.35 14.14-25.44 10.42-39.58l-4.16-15.81a41.657 41.657 0 0 1 0-21.21l4.16-15.81c3.72-14.14-.25-29.23-10.42-39.58l-11.37-11.57c-5-5.09-8.59-11.42-10.42-18.37l-4.16-15.8c-3.72-14.14-14.58-25.19-28.47-28.98l-15.53-4.24c-6.83-1.86-13.05-5.52-18.05-10.61L256.84 12c-10.17-10.35-25-14.4-38.89-10.61l-15.53 4.24a39.614 39.614 0 0 1-20.84 0L166.05 1.4c-13.89-3.79-28.72.25-38.89 10.61l-11.37 11.57c-5 5.09-11.22 8.74-18.05 10.61l-15.53 4.24c-13.89 3.79-24.75 14.84-28.47 28.98l-4.16 15.8a41.145 41.145 0 0 1-10.42 18.37l-11.37 11.57c-10.17 10.35-14.15 25.44-10.42 39.58l4.16 15.8a41.657 41.657 0 0 1 0 21.21l-4.16 15.8c-3.72 14.14.25 29.23 10.42 39.59l11.37 11.57c5 5.09 8.59 11.42 10.42 18.37l4.16 15.8c3.72 14.14 14.58 25.19 28.47 28.98l15.53 4.23c6.83 1.86 13.05 5.52 18.05 10.61L121 340c13.23 13.47 33.84 15.88 49.74 5.82a39.676 39.676 0 0 1 42.53 0c15.89 10.06 36.5 7.65 49.73-5.82zM97.66 175.96c0-53.03 42.24-96.02 94.34-96.02s94.34 42.99 94.34 96.02-42.24 96.02-94.34 96.02-94.34-42.99-94.34-96.02z" ], backspace: [ 640, 512, [], "f55a", "M576 64H205.26A63.97 63.97 0 0 0 160 82.75L9.37 233.37c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25L160 429.25c12 12 28.28 18.75 45.25 18.75H576c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V128c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zm-84.69 254.06c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63l-22.62 22.62c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0L384 301.25l-62.06 62.06c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0l-22.62-22.62c-6.25-6.25-6.25-16.38 0-22.63L338.75 256l-62.06-62.06c-6.25-6.25-6.25-16.38 0-22.63l22.62-22.62c6.25-6.25 16.38-6.25 22.63 0L384 210.75l62.06-62.06c6.25-6.25 16.38-6.25 22.63 0l22.62 22.62c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63L429.25 256l62.06 62.06z" ], backward: [ 512, 512, [], "f04a", "M11.5 280.6l192 160c20.6 17.2 52.5 2.8 52.5-24.6V96c0-27.4-31.9-41.8-52.5-24.6l-192 160c-15.3 12.8-15.3 36.4 0 49.2zm256 0l192 160c20.6 17.2 52.5 2.8 52.5-24.6V96c0-27.4-31.9-41.8-52.5-24.6l-192 160c-15.3 12.8-15.3 36.4 0 49.2z" ], "balance-scale": [ 640, 512, [], "f24e", "M256 336h-.02c0-16.18 1.34-8.73-85.05-181.51-17.65-35.29-68.19-35.36-85.87 0C-2.06 328.75.02 320.33.02 336H0c0 44.18 57.31 80 128 80s128-35.82 128-80zM128 176l72 144H56l72-144zm511.98 160c0-16.18 1.34-8.73-85.05-181.51-17.65-35.29-68.19-35.36-85.87 0-87.12 174.26-85.04 165.84-85.04 181.51H384c0 44.18 57.31 80 128 80s128-35.82 128-80h-.02zM440 320l72-144 72 144H440zm88 128H352V153.25c23.51-10.29 41.16-31.48 46.39-57.25H528c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H383.64C369.04 12.68 346.09 0 320 0s-49.04 12.68-63.64 32H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h129.61c5.23 25.76 22.87 46.96 46.39 57.25V448H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], ban: [ 512, 512, [], "f05e", "M256 8C119.034 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.034 248 248 248 248-111.034 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm130.108 117.892c65.448 65.448 70 165.481 20.677 235.637L150.47 105.216c70.204-49.356 170.226-44.735 235.638 20.676zM125.892 386.108c-65.448-65.448-70-165.481-20.677-235.637L361.53 406.784c-70.203 49.356-170.226 44.736-235.638-20.676z" ], "band-aid": [ 640, 512, [], "f462", "M0 160v192c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96V96H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64zm576-64h-96v320h96c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zM192 416h256V96H192v320zm176-232c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm0 96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm-96-96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm0 96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24z" ], barcode: [ 512, 512, [], "f02a", "M0 448V64h18v384H0zm26.857-.273V64H36v383.727h-9.143zm27.143 0V64h8.857v383.727H54zm44.857 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm36 0V64h17.714v383.727h-17.714zm44.857 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm18 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm18 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm35.715 0V64h18v383.727h-18zm44.857 0V64h18v383.727h-18zm35.999 0V64h18.001v383.727h-18.001zm36.001 0V64h18.001v383.727h-18.001zm26.857 0V64h18v383.727h-18zm45.143 0V64h26.857v383.727h-26.857zm35.714 0V64h9.143v383.727H476zm18 .273V64h18v384h-18z" ], bars: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c9", "M16 132h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16C7.163 60 0 67.163 0 76v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z" ], "baseball-ball": [ 496, 512, [], "f433", "M368.5 363.9l28.8-13.9c11.1 22.9 26 43.2 44.1 60.9 34-42.5 54.5-96.3 54.5-154.9 0-58.5-20.4-112.2-54.2-154.6-17.8 17.3-32.6 37.1-43.6 59.5l-28.7-14.1c12.8-26 30-49 50.8-69C375.6 34.7 315 8 248 8 181.1 8 120.5 34.6 75.9 77.7c20.7 19.9 37.9 42.9 50.7 68.8l-28.7 14.1c-11-22.3-25.7-42.1-43.5-59.4C20.4 143.7 0 197.4 0 256c0 58.6 20.4 112.3 54.4 154.7 18.2-17.7 33.2-38 44.3-61l28.8 13.9c-12.9 26.7-30.3 50.3-51.5 70.7 44.5 43.1 105.1 69.7 172 69.7 66.8 0 127.3-26.5 171.9-69.5-21.1-20.4-38.5-43.9-51.4-70.6zm-228.3-32l-30.5-9.8c14.9-46.4 12.7-93.8-.6-134l30.4-10c15 45.6 18 99.9.7 153.8zm216.3-153.4l30.4 10c-13.2 40.1-15.5 87.5-.6 134l-30.5 9.8c-17.3-54-14.3-108.3.7-153.8z" ], "basketball-ball": [ 496, 512, [], "f434", "M212.3 10.3c-43.8 6.3-86.2 24.1-122.2 53.8l77.4 77.4c27.8-35.8 43.3-81.2 44.8-131.2zM248 222L405.9 64.1c-42.4-35-93.6-53.5-145.5-56.1-1.2 63.9-21.5 122.3-58.7 167.7L248 222zM56.1 98.1c-29.7 36-47.5 78.4-53.8 122.2 50-1.5 95.5-17 131.2-44.8L56.1 98.1zm272.2 204.2c45.3-37.1 103.7-57.4 167.7-58.7-2.6-51.9-21.1-103.1-56.1-145.5L282 256l46.3 46.3zM248 290L90.1 447.9c42.4 34.9 93.6 53.5 145.5 56.1 1.3-64 21.6-122.4 58.7-167.7L248 290zm191.9 123.9c29.7-36 47.5-78.4 53.8-122.2-50.1 1.6-95.5 17.1-131.2 44.8l77.4 77.4zM167.7 209.7C122.3 246.9 63.9 267.3 0 268.4c2.6 51.9 21.1 103.1 56.1 145.5L214 256l-46.3-46.3zm116 292c43.8-6.3 86.2-24.1 122.2-53.8l-77.4-77.4c-27.7 35.7-43.2 81.2-44.8 131.2z" ], bath: [ 512, 512, [], "f2cd", "M488 256H80V112c0-17.645 14.355-32 32-32 11.351 0 21.332 5.945 27.015 14.88-16.492 25.207-14.687 59.576 6.838 83.035-4.176 4.713-4.021 11.916.491 16.428l11.314 11.314c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l95.03-95.029c4.686-4.686 4.686-12.284 0-16.971l-11.314-11.314c-4.512-4.512-11.715-4.666-16.428-.491-17.949-16.469-42.294-21.429-64.178-15.365C163.281 45.667 139.212 32 112 32c-44.112 0-80 35.888-80 80v144h-8c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h8v32c0 28.43 12.362 53.969 32 71.547V456c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-8h256v8c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-32.453c19.638-17.578 32-43.117 32-71.547v-32h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z" ], "battery-empty": [ 640, 512, [], "f244", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48z" ], "battery-full": [ 640, 512, [], "f240", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-48 96H96v128h416V192z" ], "battery-half": [ 640, 512, [], "f242", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-240 96H96v128h224V192z" ], "battery-quarter": [ 640, 512, [], "f243", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-336 96H96v128h128V192z" ], "battery-three-quarters": [ 640, 512, [], "f241", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-144 96H96v128h320V192z" ], bed: [ 640, 512, [], "f236", "M176 256c44.11 0 80-35.89 80-80s-35.89-80-80-80-80 35.89-80 80 35.89 80 80 80zm352-128H304c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v144H64V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 64 0 71.16 0 80v352c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-48h512v48c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V240c0-61.86-50.14-112-112-112z" ], beer: [ 448, 512, [], "f0fc", "M368 96h-48V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v400c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h272c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-42.11l80.606-35.977C429.396 365.063 448 336.388 448 304.86V176c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80zm16 208.86a16.018 16.018 0 0 1-9.479 14.611L320 343.805V160h48c8.822 0 16 7.178 16 16v128.86zM208 384c-8.836 0-16-7.164-16-16V144c0-8.836 7.164-16 16-16s16 7.164 16 16v224c0 8.836-7.164 16-16 16zm-96 0c-8.836 0-16-7.164-16-16V144c0-8.836 7.164-16 16-16s16 7.164 16 16v224c0 8.836-7.164 16-16 16z" ], bell: [ 448, 512, [], "f0f3", "M433.884 366.059C411.634 343.809 384 316.118 384 208c0-79.394-57.831-145.269-133.663-157.83A31.845 31.845 0 0 0 256 32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32c0 6.75 2.095 13.008 5.663 18.17C121.831 62.731 64 128.606 64 208c0 108.118-27.643 135.809-49.893 158.059C-16.042 396.208 5.325 448 48.048 448H160c0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64s64-28.654 64-64h111.943c42.638 0 64.151-51.731 33.941-81.941zM224 472a8 8 0 0 1 0 16c-22.056 0-40-17.944-40-40h16c0 13.234 10.766 24 24 24z" ], "bell-slash": [ 576, 512, [], "f1f6", "M78.107 366.059C47.958 396.208 69.325 448 112.048 448H224c0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64 35.346 0 64-28.654 64-64h32.685L127.848 221.379c-2.198 97.078-28.439 123.378-49.741 144.68zM264 448c0 13.234 10.766 24 24 24a8 8 0 0 1 0 16c-22.056 0-40-17.944-40-40h16zm305.896 43.733l-10.762 12.086c-8.915 10.012-24.333 10.967-34.437 2.133L8.256 54.393C-1.848 45.558-2.811 30.28 6.104 20.267L16.865 8.181C25.781-1.831 41.199-2.786 51.303 6.049l113.81 99.512c24.017-28.778 57.946-48.996 96.55-55.39A31.85 31.85 0 0 1 256 32c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32c0 6.75-2.095 13.008-5.663 18.17C390.169 62.731 448 128.606 448 208c0 108.118 27.634 135.809 49.884 158.059 12.149 12.149 15.923 27.776 13.33 42.121l56.53 49.427c10.104 8.835 11.067 24.113 2.152 34.126z" ], "bezier-curve": [ 640, 512, [], "f55b", "M368 32h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM208 88h-84.75C113.75 64.56 90.84 48 64 48 28.66 48 0 76.65 0 112s28.66 64 64 64c26.84 0 49.75-16.56 59.25-40h79.73c-55.37 32.52-95.86 87.32-109.54 152h49.4c11.3-41.61 36.77-77.21 71.04-101.56-3.7-8.08-5.88-16.99-5.88-26.44V88zm-48 232H64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM576 48c-26.84 0-49.75 16.56-59.25 40H432v72c0 9.45-2.19 18.36-5.88 26.44 34.27 24.35 59.74 59.95 71.04 101.56h49.4c-13.68-64.68-54.17-119.48-109.54-152h79.73c9.5 23.44 32.41 40 59.25 40 35.34 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.66-64-64-64zm0 272h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], bicycle: [ 640, 512, [], "f206", "M512.509 192.001c-16.373-.064-32.03 2.955-46.436 8.495l-77.68-125.153A24 24 0 0 0 368.001 64h-64c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v16c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h50.649l14.896 24H256.002v-16c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-87.459c-13.441 0-24.777 10.999-24.536 24.437.232 13.044 10.876 23.563 23.995 23.563h48.726l-29.417 47.52c-13.433-4.83-27.904-7.483-42.992-7.52C58.094 191.83.412 249.012.002 319.236-.413 390.279 57.055 448 128.002 448c59.642 0 109.758-40.793 123.967-96h52.033a24 24 0 0 0 20.406-11.367L410.37 201.77l14.938 24.067c-25.455 23.448-41.385 57.081-41.307 94.437.145 68.833 57.899 127.051 126.729 127.719 70.606.685 128.181-55.803 129.255-125.996 1.086-70.941-56.526-129.72-127.476-129.996zM186.75 265.772c9.727 10.529 16.673 23.661 19.642 38.228h-43.306l23.664-38.228zM128.002 400c-44.112 0-80-35.888-80-80s35.888-80 80-80c5.869 0 11.586.653 17.099 1.859l-45.505 73.509C89.715 331.327 101.213 352 120.002 352h81.3c-12.37 28.225-40.562 48-73.3 48zm162.63-96h-35.624c-3.96-31.756-19.556-59.894-42.383-80.026L237.371 184h127.547l-74.286 120zm217.057 95.886c-41.036-2.165-74.049-35.692-75.627-76.755-.812-21.121 6.633-40.518 19.335-55.263l44.433 71.586c4.66 7.508 14.524 9.816 22.032 5.156l13.594-8.437c7.508-4.66 9.817-14.524 5.156-22.032l-44.468-71.643a79.901 79.901 0 0 1 19.858-2.497c44.112 0 80 35.888 80 80-.001 45.54-38.252 82.316-84.313 79.885z" ], binoculars: [ 512, 512, [], "f1e5", "M192 104H96V56c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h48c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v48zm224-48c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-48c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v48h96V56zM0 456c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h120c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16H0v16zm88-328c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24C64 256 0 272 0 416h168V312c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24V128H88zm256 328c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h120c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16H344v16zM216 128v160h80V128h-80zm128 288h168c0-144-64-160-64-264 0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H320v160c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v104z" ], "birthday-cake": [ 448, 512, [], "f1fd", "M448 384c-28.02 0-31.26-32-74.5-32-43.43 0-46.825 32-74.75 32-27.695 0-31.454-32-74.75-32-42.842 0-47.218 32-74.5 32-28.148 0-31.202-32-74.75-32-43.547 0-46.653 32-74.75 32v-80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h16V112h64v144h64V112h64v144h64V112h64v144h16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v80zm0 128H0v-96c43.356 0 46.767-32 74.75-32 27.951 0 31.253 32 74.75 32 42.843 0 47.217-32 74.5-32 28.148 0 31.201 32 74.75 32 43.357 0 46.767-32 74.75-32 27.488 0 31.252 32 74.5 32v96zM96 96c-17.75 0-32-14.25-32-32 0-31 32-23 32-64 12 0 32 29.5 32 56s-14.25 40-32 40zm128 0c-17.75 0-32-14.25-32-32 0-31 32-23 32-64 12 0 32 29.5 32 56s-14.25 40-32 40zm128 0c-17.75 0-32-14.25-32-32 0-31 32-23 32-64 12 0 32 29.5 32 56s-14.25 40-32 40z" ], blender: [ 512, 512, [], "f517", "M416 384H160c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h320c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zm-128 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm40-416h166.54L512 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v160c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h103.27l8.73 96h256l17.46-64H328c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h114.18l17.46-64H328c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h140.36l17.46-64H328c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8zM64 192V64h69.82l11.64 128H64z" ], blind: [ 384, 512, [], "f29d", "M380.15 510.837a8 8 0 0 1-10.989-2.687l-125.33-206.427a31.923 31.923 0 0 0 12.958-9.485l126.048 207.608a8 8 0 0 1-2.687 10.991zM142.803 314.338l-32.54 89.485 36.12 88.285c6.693 16.36 25.377 24.192 41.733 17.501 16.357-6.692 24.193-25.376 17.501-41.734l-62.814-153.537zM96 88c24.301 0 44-19.699 44-44S120.301 0 96 0 52 19.699 52 44s19.699 44 44 44zm154.837 169.128l-120-152c-4.733-5.995-11.75-9.108-18.837-9.112V96H80v.026c-7.146.003-14.217 3.161-18.944 9.24L0 183.766v95.694c0 13.455 11.011 24.791 24.464 24.536C37.505 303.748 48 293.1 48 280v-79.766l16-20.571v140.698L9.927 469.055c-6.04 16.609 2.528 34.969 19.138 41.009 16.602 6.039 34.968-2.524 41.009-19.138L136 309.638V202.441l-31.406-39.816a4 4 0 1 1 6.269-4.971l102.3 129.217c9.145 11.584 24.368 11.339 33.708 3.965 10.41-8.216 12.159-23.334 3.966-33.708z" ], bold: [ 384, 512, [], "f032", "M304.793 243.891c33.639-18.537 53.657-54.16 53.657-95.693 0-48.236-26.25-87.626-68.626-104.179C265.138 34.01 240.849 32 209.661 32H24c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v33.049c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h33.113v318.53H24c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16V464c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h195.69c24.203 0 44.834-1.289 66.866-7.584C337.52 457.193 376 410.647 376 350.014c0-52.168-26.573-91.684-71.207-106.123zM142.217 100.809h67.444c16.294 0 27.536 2.019 37.525 6.717 15.828 8.479 24.906 26.502 24.906 49.446 0 35.029-20.32 56.79-53.029 56.79h-76.846V100.809zm112.642 305.475c-10.14 4.056-22.677 4.907-31.409 4.907h-81.233V281.943h84.367c39.645 0 63.057 25.38 63.057 63.057.001 28.425-13.66 52.483-34.782 61.284z" ], bolt: [ 320, 512, [], "f0e7", "M295.973 160H180.572L215.19 30.184C219.25 14.956 207.756 0 192 0H56C43.971 0 33.8 8.905 32.211 20.828l-31.996 240C-1.704 275.217 9.504 288 24.004 288h118.701L96.646 482.466C93.05 497.649 104.659 512 119.992 512c8.35 0 16.376-4.374 20.778-11.978l175.973-303.997c9.244-15.967-2.288-36.025-20.77-36.025z" ], bomb: [ 512, 512, [], "f1e2", "M440.5 88.5l-52 52L415 167c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-17.4 17.4c11.8 26.1 18.4 55.1 18.4 85.6 0 114.9-93.1 208-208 208S0 418.9 0 304 93.1 96 208 96c30.5 0 59.5 6.6 85.6 18.4L311 97c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l26.5 26.5 52-52 17.1 17zM500 60h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12s5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12s-5.4-12-12-12zM440 0c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v24c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12s12-5.4 12-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zm33.9 55l17-17c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0l-17 17c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17 4.8 4.7 12.4 4.7 17 0zm-67.8 0c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0 4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-17-17c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l17 17zm67.8 34c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l17 17c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0 4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-17-17zM112 272c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64 8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16c-52.9 0-96 43.1-96 96 0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16z" ], bong: [ 448, 512, [], "f55c", "M302.5 512c23.18 0 44.43-12.58 56-32.66C374.69 451.26 384 418.75 384 384c0-36.12-10.08-69.81-27.44-98.62L400 241.94l9.38 9.38c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l11.3-11.32c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-52.69-52.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l9.38 9.38-39.41 39.41c-11.56-11.37-24.53-21.33-38.65-29.51V63.74l15.97-.02c8.82-.01 15.97-7.16 15.98-15.98l.04-31.72C320 7.17 312.82-.01 303.97 0L80.03.26c-8.82.01-15.97 7.16-15.98 15.98l-.04 31.73c-.01 8.85 7.17 16.02 16.02 16.01L96 63.96v153.93C38.67 251.1 0 312.97 0 384c0 34.75 9.31 67.27 25.5 95.34C37.08 499.42 58.33 512 81.5 512h221zM120.06 259.43L144 245.56V63.91l96-.11v181.76l23.94 13.87c24.81 14.37 44.12 35.73 56.56 60.57h-257c12.45-24.84 31.75-46.2 56.56-60.57z" ], book: [ 448, 512, [], "f02d", "M448 360V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H96C43 0 0 43 0 96v320c0 53 43 96 96 96h328c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16c0-7.5-3.5-14.3-8.9-18.7-4.2-15.4-4.2-59.3 0-74.7 5.4-4.3 8.9-11.1 8.9-18.6zM128 134c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h212c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H134c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20zm0 64c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h212c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H134c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20zm253.4 250H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32 0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32h285.4c-1.9 17.1-1.9 46.9 0 64z" ], "book-open": [ 576, 512, [], "f518", "M542.22 32.05c-54.8 3.11-163.72 14.43-230.96 55.59-4.64 2.84-7.27 7.89-7.27 13.17v363.87c0 11.55 12.63 18.85 23.28 13.49 69.18-34.82 169.23-44.32 218.7-46.92 16.89-.89 30.02-14.43 30.02-30.66V62.75c.01-17.71-15.35-31.74-33.77-30.7zM264.73 87.64C197.5 46.48 88.58 35.17 33.78 32.05 15.36 31.01 0 45.04 0 62.75V400.6c0 16.24 13.13 29.78 30.02 30.66 49.49 2.6 149.59 12.11 218.77 46.95 10.62 5.35 23.21-1.94 23.21-13.46V100.63c0-5.29-2.62-10.14-7.27-12.99z" ], bookmark: [ 384, 512, [], "f02e", "M0 512V48C0 21.49 21.49 0 48 0h288c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v464L192 400 0 512z" ], "bowling-ball": [ 496, 512, [], "f436", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM120 192c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm64-96c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm48 144c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], box: [ 512, 512, [], "f466", "M509.5 184.6L458.9 32.8C452.4 13.2 434.1 0 413.4 0H272v192h238.7c-.4-2.5-.4-5-1.2-7.4zM240 0H98.6c-20.7 0-39 13.2-45.5 32.8L2.5 184.6c-.8 2.4-.8 4.9-1.2 7.4H240V0zM0 224v240c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V224H0z" ], "box-open": [ 640, 512, [], "f49e", "M53.2 41L1.7 143.8c-4.6 9.2.3 20.2 10.1 23l197.9 56.5c7.1 2 14.7-1 18.5-7.3L320 64 69.8 32.1c-6.9-.8-13.5 2.7-16.6 8.9zm585.1 102.8L586.8 41c-3.1-6.2-9.8-9.8-16.7-8.9L320 64l91.7 152.1c3.8 6.3 11.4 9.3 18.5 7.3l197.9-56.5c9.9-2.9 14.7-13.9 10.2-23.1zM425.7 256c-16.9 0-32.8-9-41.4-23.4L320 126l-64.2 106.6c-8.7 14.5-24.6 23.5-41.5 23.5-4.5 0-9-.6-13.3-1.9L64 215v178c0 14.7 10 27.5 24.2 31l216.2 54.1c10.2 2.5 20.9 2.5 31 0L551.8 424c14.2-3.6 24.2-16.4 24.2-31V215l-137 39.1c-4.3 1.3-8.8 1.9-13.3 1.9z" ], boxes: [ 576, 512, [], "f468", "M560 288h-80v96l-32-21.3-32 21.3v-96h-80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v192c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h224c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V304c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-384-64h224c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-80v96l-32-21.3L256 96V0h-80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v192c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm64 64h-80v96l-32-21.3L96 384v-96H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v192c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h224c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V304c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z" ], braille: [ 640, 512, [], "f2a1", "M128 256c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64S0 291.346 0 256s28.654-64 64-64 64 28.654 64 64zM64 384c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-352C28.654 32 0 60.654 0 96s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64zm160 192c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0 160c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-352c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64zm224 192c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0 160c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-352c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64zm160 192c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0 160c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-320c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32z" ], briefcase: [ 512, 512, [], "f0b1", "M320 288h192v144c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V288h192v20c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h104c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-20zm192-112v80H0v-80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h80V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h160c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v48h80c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM320 96H192v32h128V96z" ], "briefcase-medical": [ 512, 512, [], "f469", "M464 128h-80V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H176c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v48H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V176c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 96h128v32H192V96zm160 248c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48z" ], "broadcast-tower": [ 640, 512, [], "f519", "M150.94 192h33.73c11.01 0 18.61-10.83 14.86-21.18-4.93-13.58-7.55-27.98-7.55-42.82s2.62-29.24 7.55-42.82C203.29 74.83 195.68 64 184.67 64h-33.73c-7.01 0-13.46 4.49-15.41 11.23C130.64 92.21 128 109.88 128 128c0 18.12 2.64 35.79 7.54 52.76 1.94 6.74 8.39 11.24 15.4 11.24zM89.92 23.34C95.56 12.72 87.97 0 75.96 0H40.63c-6.27 0-12.14 3.59-14.74 9.31C9.4 45.54 0 85.65 0 128c0 24.75 3.12 68.33 26.69 118.86 2.62 5.63 8.42 9.14 14.61 9.14h34.84c12.02 0 19.61-12.74 13.95-23.37-49.78-93.32-16.71-178.15-.17-209.29zM614.06 9.29C611.46 3.58 605.6 0 599.33 0h-35.42c-11.98 0-19.66 12.66-14.02 23.25 18.27 34.29 48.42 119.42.28 209.23-5.72 10.68 1.8 23.52 13.91 23.52h35.23c6.27 0 12.13-3.58 14.73-9.29C630.57 210.48 640 170.36 640 128s-9.42-82.48-25.94-118.71zM489.06 64h-33.73c-11.01 0-18.61 10.83-14.86 21.18 4.93 13.58 7.55 27.98 7.55 42.82s-2.62 29.24-7.55 42.82c-3.76 10.35 3.85 21.18 14.86 21.18h33.73c7.02 0 13.46-4.49 15.41-11.24 4.9-16.97 7.53-34.64 7.53-52.76 0-18.12-2.64-35.79-7.54-52.76-1.94-6.75-8.39-11.24-15.4-11.24zm-116.3 100.12c7.05-10.29 11.2-22.71 11.2-36.12 0-35.35-28.63-64-63.96-64-35.32 0-63.96 28.65-63.96 64 0 13.41 4.15 25.83 11.2 36.12l-130.5 313.41c-3.4 8.15.46 17.52 8.61 20.92l29.51 12.31c8.15 3.4 17.52-.46 20.91-8.61L244.96 384h150.07l49.2 118.15c3.4 8.16 12.76 12.01 20.91 8.61l29.51-12.31c8.15-3.4 12-12.77 8.61-20.92l-130.5-313.41zM271.62 320L320 203.81 368.38 320h-96.76z" ], broom: [ 512, 512, [], "f51a", "M10.8 247.2C-.7 251.8-3.7 266.7 5 275.4l54.8 54.8 73.2-24.4-24.4 73.2 128 128c8.8 8.8 23.6 5.7 28.2-5.8l98.1-243.7-108.4-108.4-243.7 98.1zM507.3 27.3L484.7 4.7c-6.2-6.3-16.4-6.3-22.6 0L359.8 106.9l-40.4-40.4c-4.2-4.3-11.4-3-13.9 2.5l-27.2 58.6 106.1 106.1 58.6-27.2c5.4-2.5 6.7-9.7 2.5-13.9l-40.4-40.4L507.3 49.9c6.3-6.2 6.3-16.3 0-22.6z" ], brush: [ 384, 512, [], "f55d", "M352 0H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v224h384V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM0 320c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64h64v64c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64s64-28.65 64-64v-64h64c35.34 0 64-28.65 64-64v-32H0v32zm192 104c13.25 0 24 10.74 24 24 0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24s-24-10.75-24-24c0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24z" ], bug: [ 512, 512, [], "f188", "M511.988 288.9c-.478 17.43-15.217 31.1-32.653 31.1H424v16c0 21.864-4.882 42.584-13.6 61.145l60.228 60.228c12.496 12.497 12.496 32.758 0 45.255-12.498 12.497-32.759 12.496-45.256 0l-54.736-54.736C345.886 467.965 314.351 480 280 480V236c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-24c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v244c-34.351 0-65.886-12.035-90.636-32.108l-54.736 54.736c-12.498 12.497-32.759 12.496-45.256 0-12.496-12.497-12.496-32.758 0-45.255l60.228-60.228C92.882 378.584 88 357.864 88 336v-16H32.666C15.23 320 .491 306.33.013 288.9-.484 270.816 14.028 256 32 256h56v-58.745l-46.628-46.628c-12.496-12.497-12.496-32.758 0-45.255 12.498-12.497 32.758-12.497 45.256 0L141.255 160h229.489l54.627-54.627c12.498-12.497 32.758-12.497 45.256 0 12.496 12.497 12.496 32.758 0 45.255L424 197.255V256h56c17.972 0 32.484 14.816 31.988 32.9zM257 0c-61.856 0-112 50.144-112 112h224C369 50.144 318.856 0 257 0z" ], building: [ 448, 512, [], "f1ad", "M436 480h-20V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H56C42.745 0 32 10.745 32 24v456H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v20h448v-20c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zM128 76c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V76zm0 96c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40zm52 148h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm76 160h-64v-84c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v84zm64-172c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V76c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40z" ], bullhorn: [ 576, 512, [], "f0a1", "M576 224c0-20.896-13.36-38.666-32-45.258V64c0-35.346-28.654-64-64-64-64.985 56-142.031 128-272 128H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v96c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h43.263c-18.742 64.65 2.479 116.379 18.814 167.44 1.702 5.32 5.203 9.893 9.922 12.88 20.78 13.155 68.355 15.657 93.773 5.151 16.046-6.633 19.96-27.423 7.522-39.537-18.508-18.026-30.136-36.91-19.795-60.858a12.278 12.278 0 0 0-1.045-11.673c-16.309-24.679-3.581-62.107 28.517-72.752C346.403 327.887 418.591 395.081 480 448c35.346 0 64-28.654 64-64V269.258c18.64-6.592 32-24.362 32-45.258zm-96 139.855c-54.609-44.979-125.033-92.94-224-104.982v-69.747c98.967-12.042 169.391-60.002 224-104.982v279.711z" ], bullseye: [ 512, 512, [], "f140", "M256 72c101.689 0 184 82.295 184 184 0 101.689-82.295 184-184 184-101.689 0-184-82.295-184-184 0-101.689 82.295-184 184-184m0-64C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 184c35.29 0 64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64-64 64-64-28.71-64-64 28.71-64 64-64m0-64c-70.692 0-128 57.308-128 128s57.308 128 128 128 128-57.308 128-128-57.308-128-128-128z" ], burn: [ 384, 512, [], "f46a", "M192 0C79.7 101.3 0 220.9 0 300.5 0 425 79 512 192 512s192-87 192-211.5c0-79.9-80.2-199.6-192-300.5zm0 448c-56.5 0-96-39-96-94.8 0-13.5 4.6-61.5 96-161.2 91.4 99.7 96 147.7 96 161.2 0 55.8-39.5 94.8-96 94.8z" ], bus: [ 512, 512, [], "f207", "M488 128h-8V80c0-44.8-99.2-80-224-80S32 35.2 32 80v48h-8c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v80c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h8v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h192v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h6.4c16 0 25.6-12.8 25.6-25.6V256h8c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-80c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM112 400c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm16-112c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32V128c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32h256c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32v128c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H128zm272 112c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "bus-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f55e", "M488 128h-8V80c0-44.8-99.2-80-224-80S32 35.2 32 80v48h-8c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v80c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h8v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h192v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h6.4c16 0 25.6-12.8 25.6-25.6V256h8c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-80c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM160 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h176c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H168c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm-48 328c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm128-112H128c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32v-96c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32h112v160zm32 0V128h112c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32v96c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H272zm128 112c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], calculator: [ 448, 512, [], "f1ec", "M0 464V48C0 21.49 21.49 0 48 0h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v416c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48zm384-284V76c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v104c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h296c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zM128 308v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm256 128V268c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v168c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-256 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm128-128v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 128v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z" ], calendar: [ 448, 512, [], "f133", "M12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm436-44v-36c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-48V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H160V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h424c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], "calendar-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f073", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm116 204c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm128 128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm128 128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40z" ], "calendar-check": [ 448, 512, [], "f274", "M436 160H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-36c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v52h48c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v36c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v260c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V204c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12zm333.296 95.947l-28.169-28.398c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L194.12 364.665l-45.98-46.352c-4.667-4.705-12.266-4.736-16.971-.068l-28.397 28.17c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.97l82.601 83.269c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l142.953-141.805c4.705-4.667 4.736-12.265.068-16.97z" ], "calendar-minus": [ 448, 512, [], "f272", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm304 192c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H132c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h184z" ], "calendar-plus": [ 448, 512, [], "f271", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm316 140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-60v-60c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v60h-60c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h60v60c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-60h60c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40z" ], "calendar-times": [ 448, 512, [], "f273", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm257.3 160l48.1-48.1c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-28.3-28.3c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L224 306.7l-48.1-48.1c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0l-28.3 28.3c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l48.1 48.1-48.1 48.1c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l28.3 28.3c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l48.1-48.1 48.1 48.1c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l28.3-28.3c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17L269.3 352z" ], camera: [ 512, 512, [], "f030", "M512 144v288c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V144c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h88l12.3-32.9c7-18.7 24.9-31.1 44.9-31.1h125.5c20 0 37.9 12.4 44.9 31.1L376 96h88c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM376 288c0-66.2-53.8-120-120-120s-120 53.8-120 120 53.8 120 120 120 120-53.8 120-120zm-32 0c0 48.5-39.5 88-88 88s-88-39.5-88-88 39.5-88 88-88 88 39.5 88 88z" ], "camera-retro": [ 512, 512, [], "f083", "M48 32C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48zm0 32h106c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H38c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zm426 96H38c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-36c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h138l30.2-45.3c1.1-1.7 3-2.7 5-2.7H464c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v74c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zM256 424c-66.2 0-120-53.8-120-120s53.8-120 120-120 120 53.8 120 120-53.8 120-120 120zm0-208c-48.5 0-88 39.5-88 88s39.5 88 88 88 88-39.5 88-88-39.5-88-88-88zm-48 104c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16 0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64 8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16c-17.6 0-32 14.4-32 32 0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16z" ], cannabis: [ 512, 512, [], "f55f", "M503.47 360.25c-1.56-.82-32.39-16.89-76.78-25.81 64.25-75.12 84.05-161.67 84.93-165.64 1.18-5.33-.44-10.9-4.3-14.77-3.03-3.04-7.12-4.7-11.32-4.7-1.14 0-2.29.12-3.44.38-3.88.85-86.54 19.59-160.58 79.76.01-1.46.01-2.93.01-4.4 0-118.79-59.98-213.72-62.53-217.7A15.973 15.973 0 0 0 256 0c-5.45 0-10.53 2.78-13.47 7.37-2.55 3.98-62.53 98.91-62.53 217.7 0 1.47.01 2.94.01 4.4-74.03-60.16-156.69-78.9-160.58-79.76-1.14-.25-2.29-.38-3.44-.38-4.2 0-8.29 1.66-11.32 4.7A15.986 15.986 0 0 0 .38 168.8c.88 3.97 20.68 90.52 84.93 165.64-44.39 8.92-75.21 24.99-76.78 25.81a16.003 16.003 0 0 0-.02 28.29c2.45 1.29 60.76 31.72 133.49 31.72 6.14 0 11.96-.1 17.5-.31-11.37 22.23-16.52 38.31-16.81 39.22-1.8 5.68-.29 11.89 3.91 16.11a16.019 16.019 0 0 0 16.1 3.99c1.83-.57 37.72-11.99 77.3-39.29V504c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h16c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-64.01c39.58 27.3 75.47 38.71 77.3 39.29a16.019 16.019 0 0 0 16.1-3.99c4.2-4.22 5.71-10.43 3.91-16.11-.29-.91-5.45-16.99-16.81-39.22 5.54.21 11.37.31 17.5.31 72.72 0 131.04-30.43 133.49-31.72 5.24-2.78 8.52-8.22 8.51-14.15-.01-5.94-3.29-11.39-8.53-14.15z" ], capsules: [ 576, 512, [], "f46b", "M555.3 300.1L424.2 112.8C401.9 81 366.4 64 330.4 64c-22.6 0-45.5 6.7-65.5 20.7-19.7 13.8-33.7 32.8-41.5 53.8C220.5 79.2 172 32 112 32 50.1 32 0 82.1 0 144v224c0 61.9 50.1 112 112 112s112-50.1 112-112V218.9c3.3 8.6 7.3 17.1 12.8 25L368 431.2c22.2 31.8 57.7 48.8 93.8 48.8 22.7 0 45.5-6.7 65.5-20.7 51.7-36.2 64.2-107.5 28-159.2zM160 256H64V144c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48s48 21.5 48 48v112zm194.8 44.9l-65.6-93.7c-7.7-11-10.7-24.4-8.3-37.6 2.3-13.2 9.7-24.8 20.7-32.5 8.5-6 18.5-9.1 28.8-9.1 16.5 0 31.9 8 41.3 21.5l65.6 93.7-82.5 57.7z" ], car: [ 512, 512, [], "f1b9", "M499.991 168h-54.815l-7.854-20.944c-9.192-24.513-25.425-45.351-46.942-60.263S343.651 64 317.472 64H194.528c-26.18 0-51.391 7.882-72.908 22.793-21.518 14.912-37.75 35.75-46.942 60.263L66.824 168H12.009c-8.191 0-13.974 8.024-11.384 15.795l8 24A12 12 0 0 0 20.009 216h28.815l-.052.14C29.222 227.093 16 247.997 16 272v48c0 16.225 6.049 31.029 16 42.309V424c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h48c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-40h256v40c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h48c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-61.691c9.951-11.281 16-26.085 16-42.309v-48c0-24.003-13.222-44.907-32.772-55.86l-.052-.14h28.815a12 12 0 0 0 11.384-8.205l8-24c2.59-7.771-3.193-15.795-11.384-15.795zm-365.388 1.528C143.918 144.689 168 128 194.528 128h122.944c26.528 0 50.61 16.689 59.925 41.528L391.824 208H120.176l14.427-38.472zM88 328c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32 0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s48 30.327 48 48-30.327 16-48 16zm336 0c-17.673 0-48 1.673-48-16 0-17.673 30.327-48 48-48s32 14.327 32 32c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32z" ], "caret-down": [ 320, 512, [], "f0d7", "M31.3 192h257.3c17.8 0 26.7 21.5 14.1 34.1L174.1 354.8c-7.8 7.8-20.5 7.8-28.3 0L17.2 226.1C4.6 213.5 13.5 192 31.3 192z" ], "caret-left": [ 192, 512, [], "f0d9", "M192 127.338v257.324c0 17.818-21.543 26.741-34.142 14.142L29.196 270.142c-7.81-7.81-7.81-20.474 0-28.284l128.662-128.662c12.599-12.6 34.142-3.676 34.142 14.142z" ], "caret-right": [ 192, 512, [], "f0da", "M0 384.662V127.338c0-17.818 21.543-26.741 34.142-14.142l128.662 128.662c7.81 7.81 7.81 20.474 0 28.284L34.142 398.804C21.543 411.404 0 402.48 0 384.662z" ], "caret-square-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f150", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM92.5 220.5l123 123c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l123-123c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H101c-10.7 0-16.1 12.9-8.5 20.5z" ], "caret-square-left": [ 448, 512, [], "f191", "M400 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM259.515 124.485l-123.03 123.03c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l123.029 123.029c7.56 7.56 20.485 2.206 20.485-8.485V132.971c.001-10.691-12.925-16.045-20.484-8.486z" ], "caret-square-right": [ 448, 512, [], "f152", "M48 32h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48zm140.485 355.515l123.029-123.029c4.686-4.686 4.686-12.284 0-16.971l-123.029-123.03c-7.56-7.56-20.485-2.206-20.485 8.485v246.059c0 10.691 12.926 16.045 20.485 8.486z" ], "caret-square-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f151", "M0 432V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48zm355.515-140.485l-123.03-123.03c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L92.485 291.515c-7.56 7.56-2.206 20.485 8.485 20.485h246.059c10.691 0 16.045-12.926 8.486-20.485z" ], "caret-up": [ 320, 512, [], "f0d8", "M288.662 352H31.338c-17.818 0-26.741-21.543-14.142-34.142l128.662-128.662c7.81-7.81 20.474-7.81 28.284 0l128.662 128.662c12.6 12.599 3.676 34.142-14.142 34.142z" ], "cart-arrow-down": [ 576, 512, [], "f218", "M504.717 320H211.572l6.545 32h268.418c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-5.517 24.276C523.112 414.668 536 433.828 536 456c0 31.202-25.519 56.444-56.824 55.994-29.823-.429-54.35-24.631-55.155-54.447-.44-16.287 6.085-31.049 16.803-41.548H231.176C241.553 426.165 248 440.326 248 456c0 31.813-26.528 57.431-58.67 55.938-28.54-1.325-51.751-24.385-53.251-52.917-1.158-22.034 10.436-41.455 28.051-51.586L93.883 64H24C10.745 64 0 53.255 0 40V24C0 10.745 10.745 0 24 0h102.529c11.401 0 21.228 8.021 23.513 19.19L159.208 64H551.99c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-47.273 208C525.637 312.246 515.923 320 504.717 320zM403.029 192H360v-60c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-24c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v60h-43.029c-10.691 0-16.045 12.926-8.485 20.485l67.029 67.029c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l67.029-67.029c7.559-7.559 2.205-20.485-8.486-20.485z" ], "cart-plus": [ 576, 512, [], "f217", "M504.717 320H211.572l6.545 32h268.418c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-5.517 24.276C523.112 414.668 536 433.828 536 456c0 31.202-25.519 56.444-56.824 55.994-29.823-.429-54.35-24.631-55.155-54.447-.44-16.287 6.085-31.049 16.803-41.548H231.176C241.553 426.165 248 440.326 248 456c0 31.813-26.528 57.431-58.67 55.938-28.54-1.325-51.751-24.385-53.251-52.917-1.158-22.034 10.436-41.455 28.051-51.586L93.883 64H24C10.745 64 0 53.255 0 40V24C0 10.745 10.745 0 24 0h102.529c11.401 0 21.228 8.021 23.513 19.19L159.208 64H551.99c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-47.273 208C525.637 312.246 515.923 320 504.717 320zM408 168h-48v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40h-48c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v16c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h48v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h16c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40h48c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-16c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z" ], certificate: [ 512, 512, [], "f0a3", "M458.622 255.92l45.985-45.005c13.708-12.977 7.316-36.039-10.664-40.339l-62.65-15.99 17.661-62.015c4.991-17.838-11.829-34.663-29.661-29.671l-61.994 17.667-15.984-62.671C337.085.197 313.765-6.276 300.99 7.228L256 53.57 211.011 7.229c-12.63-13.351-36.047-7.234-40.325 10.668l-15.984 62.671-61.995-17.667C74.87 57.907 58.056 74.738 63.046 92.572l17.661 62.015-62.65 15.99C.069 174.878-6.31 197.944 7.392 210.915l45.985 45.005-45.985 45.004c-13.708 12.977-7.316 36.039 10.664 40.339l62.65 15.99-17.661 62.015c-4.991 17.838 11.829 34.663 29.661 29.671l61.994-17.667 15.984 62.671c4.439 18.575 27.696 24.018 40.325 10.668L256 458.61l44.989 46.001c12.5 13.488 35.987 7.486 40.325-10.668l15.984-62.671 61.994 17.667c17.836 4.994 34.651-11.837 29.661-29.671l-17.661-62.015 62.65-15.99c17.987-4.302 24.366-27.367 10.664-40.339l-45.984-45.004z" ], chalkboard: [ 640, 512, [], "f51b", "M96 64h448v352h64V40c0-22.06-17.94-40-40-40H72C49.94 0 32 17.94 32 40v376h64V64zm528 384H480v-64H288v64H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "chalkboard-teacher": [ 640, 512, [], "f51c", "M208 352c-2.39 0-4.78.35-7.06 1.09C187.98 357.3 174.35 360 160 360c-14.35 0-27.98-2.7-40.95-6.91-2.28-.74-4.66-1.09-7.05-1.09C49.94 352-.33 402.48 0 464.62.14 490.88 21.73 512 48 512h224c26.27 0 47.86-21.12 48-47.38.33-62.14-49.94-112.62-112-112.62zm-48-32c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96s-42.98-96-96-96-96 42.98-96 96 42.98 96 96 96zM592 0H208c-26.47 0-48 22.25-48 49.59V96c23.42 0 45.1 6.78 64 17.8V64h352v288h-64v-64H384v64h-76.24c19.1 16.69 33.12 38.73 39.69 64H592c26.47 0 48-22.25 48-49.59V49.59C640 22.25 618.47 0 592 0z" ], "chart-area": [ 512, 512, [], "f1fe", "M500 384c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v308h436zM372.7 159.5L288 216l-85.3-113.7c-5.1-6.8-15.5-6.3-19.9 1L96 248v104h384l-89.9-187.8c-3.2-6.5-11.4-8.7-17.4-4.7z" ], "chart-bar": [ 512, 512, [], "f080", "M500 384c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v308h436zm-308-44v-72c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v72c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0V204c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v136c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 0V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v200c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0V108c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v232c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], "chart-line": [ 512, 512, [], "f201", "M500 384c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v308h436zM456 96H344c-21.4 0-32.1 25.9-17 41l32.9 32.9-72 72.9-55.6-55.6c-4.7-4.7-12.2-4.7-16.9 0L96.4 305c-4.7 4.6-4.8 12.2-.2 16.9l28.5 29.4c4.7 4.8 12.4 4.9 17.1.1l82.1-82.1 55.5 55.5c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l109.2-109.2L439 249c15.1 15.1 41 4.4 41-17V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24z" ], "chart-pie": [ 576, 512, [], "f200", "M288 12.3V240h227.7c6.9 0 12.3-5.8 12-12.7-6.4-122.4-104.5-220.6-227-227-6.9-.3-12.7 5.1-12.7 12zM552.7 288c6.9 0 12.3 5.8 12 12.7-2.8 53.2-23.2 105.6-61.2 147.8-4.6 5.1-12.6 5.4-17.5.5L325 288h227.7zM401 433c4.8 4.8 4.7 12.8-.4 17.3-42.6 38.4-99 61.7-160.8 61.7C107.6 511.9-.2 403.8 0 271.5.2 143.4 100.8 38.9 227.3 32.3c6.9-.4 12.7 5.1 12.7 12V272l161 161z" ], check: [ 512, 512, [], "f00c", "M173.898 439.404l-166.4-166.4c-9.997-9.997-9.997-26.206 0-36.204l36.203-36.204c9.997-9.998 26.207-9.998 36.204 0L192 312.69 432.095 72.596c9.997-9.997 26.207-9.997 36.204 0l36.203 36.204c9.997 9.997 9.997 26.206 0 36.204l-294.4 294.401c-9.998 9.997-26.207 9.997-36.204-.001z" ], "check-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f058", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zM227.314 387.314l184-184c6.248-6.248 6.248-16.379 0-22.627l-22.627-22.627c-6.248-6.249-16.379-6.249-22.628 0L216 308.118l-70.059-70.059c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.248-22.628 0l-22.627 22.627c-6.248 6.248-6.248 16.379 0 22.627l104 104c6.249 6.249 16.379 6.249 22.628.001z" ], "check-double": [ 512, 512, [], "f560", "M504.5 171.95l-36.2-36.41c-10-10.05-26.21-10.05-36.2 0L192 377.02 79.9 264.28c-10-10.06-26.21-10.06-36.2 0L7.5 300.69c-10 10.05-10 26.36 0 36.41l166.4 167.36c10 10.06 26.21 10.06 36.2 0l294.4-296.09c10-10.06 10-26.36 0-36.42zM166.57 282.71c6.84 7.02 18.18 7.02 25.21.18L403.85 72.62c7.02-6.84 7.02-18.18.18-25.21L362.08 5.29c-6.84-7.02-18.18-7.02-25.21-.18L179.71 161.19l-68.23-68.77c-6.84-7.02-18.18-7.02-25.2-.18l-42.13 41.77c-7.02 6.84-7.02 18.18-.18 25.2l122.6 123.5z" ], "check-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f14a", "M400 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zm-204.686-98.059l184-184c6.248-6.248 6.248-16.379 0-22.627l-22.627-22.627c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.249-22.628 0L184 302.745l-70.059-70.059c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.248-22.628 0l-22.627 22.627c-6.248 6.248-6.248 16.379 0 22.627l104 104c6.249 6.25 16.379 6.25 22.628.001z" ], chess: [ 512, 512, [], "f439", "M199.821 217.633a6 6 0 0 1 6 6l-.001 20.766a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-25.805c0 31.715-2.153 96.201 17.398 153.229H64.597C84.54 345.452 82.02 279.245 82.02 250.399H56.183a6 6 0 0 1-6-6l.002-20.766a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h143.636zM41.554 115.088l34.58 95.071h103.734l34.572-95.072c2.846-7.826-2.95-16.101-11.278-16.101H152v-30.22h21.57a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V40.383a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-28.367V6a6 6 0 0 0-6-6H116.82a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v28.383H82.421a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v22.383a6 6 0 0 0 6 6H104v30.219H52.831c-8.328.001-14.124 8.276-11.277 16.103zM222.678 445.17v-28.067a6 6 0 0 0-6-6H39.322a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v28.067l-22.148 14.164a6 6 0 0 0-2.767 5.055V506a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h227.187a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-41.612a6 6 0 0 0-2.767-5.055l-22.149-14.163zm90.578-144.225l24.88 16.963c.09 18.124-.167 63.904-11.905 114.522h147.526c-11.713-50.475-11.969-96.324-11.882-114.537l24.859-16.949a3.856 3.856 0 0 0 1.684-3.187v-69.901a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857-3.857h-27.655a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v31.514h-22.737v-31.514a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.858-3.857h-52.918a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v31.514h-22.737v-31.514a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857-3.857H315.43a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v69.901a3.855 3.855 0 0 0 1.683 3.188zm71.585 51.906c0-8.372 6.787-15.158 15.159-15.158s15.158 6.787 15.158 15.158v30.318h-30.317v-30.318zM504.62 470.059l-13.664-10.639v-15.552a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857-3.857H312.915a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v15.552l-13.677 10.639a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-1.488 3.044v35.039a3.857 3.857 0 0 0 3.857 3.857h204.5a3.857 3.857 0 0 0 3.857-3.857v-35.04a3.859 3.859 0 0 0-1.487-3.043z" ], "chess-bishop": [ 320, 512, [], "f43a", "M123.158 77.881C107.369 72.53 96 57.597 96 40c0-22.091 17.909-40 40-40h47.796c22.091 0 40 17.909 40 40 0 17.541-11.295 32.434-27.005 37.829 23.993 16.657 48.577 46.839 68.703 82.05L144.929 280.443a6 6 0 0 0 0 8.485l14.142 14.142a6 6 0 0 0 8.485 0L280.9 189.726c17.758 38.297 29.371 79.443 29.371 114.273 0 53.786-22.897 75.788-58.446 86.033V448H68.174v-57.97C32.631 379.784 9.739 357.781 9.739 304c0-78.029 58.281-187.766 113.419-226.119zM320 500v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h296c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z" ], "chess-board": [ 512, 512, [], "f43c", "M256 256v64h-64v-64h64zm0-256h-64v64h64V0zm0 256h64v-64h-64v64zM384 0h-64v64h64V0zm0 512h64v-64h-64v64zm128-64v-64h-64v64h64zm-384 64h64v-64h-64v64zm0-512H64v64h64V0zm384 192v-64h-64v64h64zm0 128v-64h-64v64h64zM0 512h64v-64H0v64zM0 64v64h64V64H0zm0 128v64h64v-64H0zm0 128v64h64v-64H0zm256 192h64v-64h-64v64zm-64-128v64h64v-64h-64zm64-192v-64h-64v64h64zM64 384v64h64v-64H64zm64-128H64v64h64v-64zm256 128h64v-64h-64v64zM512 0h-64v64h64V0zM384 256h64v-64h-64v64zm0-192v64h64V64h-64zm-64 320v64h64v-64h-64zm-192-64v64h64v-64h-64zm128 0v64h64v-64h-64zm-64-128h-64v64h64v-64zm-64-64H64v64h64v-64zm192 192h64v-64h-64v64zM192 128V64h-64v64h64zm128 0V64h-64v64h64zm0 64h64v-64h-64v64z" ], "chess-king": [ 448, 512, [], "f43f", "M416 476v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H44c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm-8.033-324H248v-48h50a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V62a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-50V6a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-36a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v50h-50a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v36a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h50v48H40.033c-27.574 0-46.879 27.244-37.738 53.259L87.582 448h272.836l85.287-242.741C454.846 179.244 435.541 152 407.967 152z" ], "chess-knight": [ 384, 512, [], "f441", "M352 224v224H32v-46.557c0-30.302 17.12-58.003 44.223-71.554l57.243-28.622A48 48 0 0 0 160 258.334V208l-22.127 11.063a23.996 23.996 0 0 0-12.55 15.645l-11.835 47.338a12 12 0 0 1-7.185 8.231l-29.601 11.84a11.998 11.998 0 0 1-9.33-.176L7.126 275.167A12 12 0 0 1 0 264.201v-158.26c0-6.365 2.529-12.47 7.03-16.971L16 80 1.789 51.578A16.937 16.937 0 0 1 0 44c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h148c106.039 0 192 85.961 192 192zm20 240H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h360c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zM52 128c-11.046 0-20 8.954-20 20s8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20-8.954-20-20-20z" ], "chess-pawn": [ 320, 512, [], "f443", "M264 448H56s60-42.743 60-176H84c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40.209C95.721 210.56 76 181.588 76 148c0-46.392 37.608-84 84-84s84 37.608 84 84c0 33.588-19.721 62.56-48.209 76H236c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-32c0 133.257 60 176 60 176zm28 16H28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h264c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z" ], "chess-queen": [ 512, 512, [], "f445", "M436 512H76c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zM255.579 0c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56zm204.568 154.634c-5.768-3.045-12.916-.932-16.082 4.77-8.616 15.516-22.747 37.801-44.065 37.801-28.714 0-30.625-19.804-31.686-57.542-.183-6.492-5.501-11.664-11.995-11.664h-41.006c-5.175 0-9.754 3.328-11.388 8.238-8.89 26.709-26.073 40.992-47.925 40.992s-39.034-14.283-47.925-40.992c-1.634-4.91-6.213-8.238-11.388-8.238h-41.005c-6.495 0-11.813 5.174-11.995 11.667-1.052 37.642-2.934 57.539-31.688 57.539-20.691 0-33.817-20.224-44.425-38.025-3.266-5.48-10.258-7.431-15.899-4.453l-39.179 20.679a12 12 0 0 0-5.51 15.145L112 448h288l105.014-257.448a12 12 0 0 0-5.51-15.145l-39.357-20.773z" ], "chess-rook": [ 384, 512, [], "f447", "M81.241 215.027C80.957 258.92 77.411 348.076 48 448h287.982c-29.4-99.604-32.936-188.912-33.221-232.975l45.418-42.312a11.998 11.998 0 0 0 3.82-8.78V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v44h-48V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v44H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v119.932c0 3.33 1.384 6.51 3.82 8.78l45.421 42.315zM160 256c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32 17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64.004h-64V256zm224 220v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12z" ], "chevron-circle-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f13a", "M504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zM273 369.9l135.5-135.5c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-17-17c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L256 285.1 154.4 183.5c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-17 17c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9L239 369.9c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 34 0z" ], "chevron-circle-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f137", "M256 504C119 504 8 393 8 256S119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248zM142.1 273l135.5 135.5c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l17-17c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L226.9 256l101.6-101.6c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-17-17c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L142.1 239c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 34z" ], "chevron-circle-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f138", "M256 8c137 0 248 111 248 248S393 504 256 504 8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8zm113.9 231L234.4 103.5c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-17 17c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9L285.1 256 183.5 357.6c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l17 17c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L369.9 273c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-34z" ], "chevron-circle-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f139", "M8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256zm231-113.9L103.5 277.6c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l17 17c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L256 226.9l101.6 101.6c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l17-17c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L273 142.1c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-34 0z" ], "chevron-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f078", "M207.029 381.476L12.686 187.132c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l22.667-22.667c9.357-9.357 24.522-9.375 33.901-.04L224 284.505l154.745-154.021c9.379-9.335 24.544-9.317 33.901.04l22.667 22.667c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941L240.971 381.476c-9.373 9.372-24.569 9.372-33.942 0z" ], "chevron-left": [ 320, 512, [], "f053", "M34.52 239.03L228.87 44.69c9.37-9.37 24.57-9.37 33.94 0l22.67 22.67c9.36 9.36 9.37 24.52.04 33.9L131.49 256l154.02 154.75c9.34 9.38 9.32 24.54-.04 33.9l-22.67 22.67c-9.37 9.37-24.57 9.37-33.94 0L34.52 272.97c-9.37-9.37-9.37-24.57 0-33.94z" ], "chevron-right": [ 320, 512, [], "f054", "M285.476 272.971L91.132 467.314c-9.373 9.373-24.569 9.373-33.941 0l-22.667-22.667c-9.357-9.357-9.375-24.522-.04-33.901L188.505 256 34.484 101.255c-9.335-9.379-9.317-24.544.04-33.901l22.667-22.667c9.373-9.373 24.569-9.373 33.941 0L285.475 239.03c9.373 9.372 9.373 24.568.001 33.941z" ], "chevron-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f077", "M240.971 130.524l194.343 194.343c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941l-22.667 22.667c-9.357 9.357-24.522 9.375-33.901.04L224 227.495 69.255 381.516c-9.379 9.335-24.544 9.317-33.901-.04l-22.667-22.667c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L207.03 130.525c9.372-9.373 24.568-9.373 33.941-.001z" ], child: [ 384, 512, [], "f1ae", "M120 72c0-39.765 32.235-72 72-72s72 32.235 72 72c0 39.764-32.235 72-72 72s-72-32.236-72-72zm254.627 1.373c-12.496-12.497-32.758-12.497-45.254 0L242.745 160H141.254L54.627 73.373c-12.496-12.497-32.758-12.497-45.254 0-12.497 12.497-12.497 32.758 0 45.255L104 213.254V480c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h16c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32V368h16v112c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h16c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32V213.254l94.627-94.627c12.497-12.497 12.497-32.757 0-45.254z" ], church: [ 640, 512, [], "f51d", "M464.46 246.68L352 179.2V128h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-48V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v51.2l-112.46 67.48A31.997 31.997 0 0 0 160 274.12V512h96v-96c0-35.35 28.65-64 64-64s64 28.65 64 64v96h96V274.12c0-11.24-5.9-21.66-15.54-27.44zM0 395.96V496c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h112V320L19.39 366.54A32.024 32.024 0 0 0 0 395.96zm620.61-29.42L512 320v192h112c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V395.96c0-12.8-7.63-24.37-19.39-29.42z" ], circle: [ 512, 512, [], "f111", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8z" ], "circle-notch": [ 512, 512, [], "f1ce", "M288 39.056v16.659c0 10.804 7.281 20.159 17.686 23.066C383.204 100.434 440 171.518 440 256c0 101.689-82.295 184-184 184-101.689 0-184-82.295-184-184 0-84.47 56.786-155.564 134.312-177.219C216.719 75.874 224 66.517 224 55.712V39.064c0-15.709-14.834-27.153-30.046-23.234C86.603 43.482 7.394 141.206 8.003 257.332c.72 137.052 111.477 246.956 248.531 246.667C393.255 503.711 504 392.788 504 256c0-115.633-79.14-212.779-186.211-240.236C302.678 11.889 288 23.456 288 39.056z" ], clipboard: [ 384, 512, [], "f328", "M384 112v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h80c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64s64 28.71 64 64h80c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM192 40c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24m96 114v-20a6 6 0 0 0-6-6H102a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h180a6 6 0 0 0 6-6z" ], "clipboard-check": [ 384, 512, [], "f46c", "M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 40c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm121.2 231.8l-143 141.8c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.6-17-.1l-82.6-83.3c-4.7-4.7-4.6-12.3.1-17L99.1 285c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.6 17 .1l46 46.4 106-105.2c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.6 17 .1l28.2 28.4c4.7 4.8 4.6 12.3-.1 17z" ], "clipboard-list": [ 384, 512, [], "f46d", "M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM96 424c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm0-96c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm0-96c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm96-192c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm128 368c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z" ], clock: [ 512, 512, [], "f017", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm57.1 350.1L224.9 294c-3.1-2.3-4.9-5.9-4.9-9.7V116c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h48c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v137.7l63.5 46.2c5.4 3.9 6.5 11.4 2.6 16.8l-28.2 38.8c-3.9 5.3-11.4 6.5-16.8 2.6z" ], clone: [ 512, 512, [], "f24d", "M464 0c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H176c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V48c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h288M176 416c-44.112 0-80-35.888-80-80V128H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48H176z" ], "closed-captioning": [ 512, 512, [], "f20a", "M464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM218.1 287.7c2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.5 27.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.8-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7l-17.5 30.5c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2.1 48 51.1 70.5 92.3 32.6zm190.4 0c2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.5 27.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.5 56.9-172.7 32.1-172.7-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7L420 222.2c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6z" ], cloud: [ 640, 512, [], "f0c2", "M537.6 226.6c4.1-10.7 6.4-22.4 6.4-34.6 0-53-43-96-96-96-19.7 0-38.1 6-53.3 16.2C367 64.2 315.3 32 256 32c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160 0 2.7.1 5.4.2 8.1C40.2 219.8 0 273.2 0 336c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144h368c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128 0-61.9-44-113.6-102.4-125.4z" ], "cloud-download-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f381", "M537.6 226.6c4.1-10.7 6.4-22.4 6.4-34.6 0-53-43-96-96-96-19.7 0-38.1 6-53.3 16.2C367 64.2 315.3 32 256 32c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160 0 2.7.1 5.4.2 8.1C40.2 219.8 0 273.2 0 336c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144h368c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128 0-61.9-44-113.6-102.4-125.4zm-132.9 88.7L299.3 420.7c-6.2 6.2-16.4 6.2-22.6 0L171.3 315.3c-10.1-10.1-2.9-27.3 11.3-27.3H248V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v112h65.4c14.2 0 21.4 17.2 11.3 27.3z" ], "cloud-upload-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f382", "M537.6 226.6c4.1-10.7 6.4-22.4 6.4-34.6 0-53-43-96-96-96-19.7 0-38.1 6-53.3 16.2C367 64.2 315.3 32 256 32c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160 0 2.7.1 5.4.2 8.1C40.2 219.8 0 273.2 0 336c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144h368c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128 0-61.9-44-113.6-102.4-125.4zM393.4 288H328v112c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V288h-65.4c-14.3 0-21.4-17.2-11.3-27.3l105.4-105.4c6.2-6.2 16.4-6.2 22.6 0l105.4 105.4c10.1 10.1 2.9 27.3-11.3 27.3z" ], cocktail: [ 576, 512, [], "f561", "M296 464h-56V338.78l168.74-168.73c15.52-15.52 4.53-42.05-17.42-42.05H24.68c-21.95 0-32.94 26.53-17.42 42.05L176 338.78V464h-56c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h240c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40zM432 0c-62.61 0-115.35 40.2-135.18 96h52.54c16.65-28.55 47.27-48 82.64-48 52.93 0 96 43.06 96 96s-43.07 96-96 96c-14.04 0-27.29-3.2-39.32-8.64l-35.26 35.26C379.23 279.92 404.59 288 432 288c79.53 0 144-64.47 144-144S511.53 0 432 0z" ], code: [ 640, 512, [], "f121", "M278.9 511.5l-61-17.7c-6.4-1.8-10-8.5-8.2-14.9L346.2 8.7c1.8-6.4 8.5-10 14.9-8.2l61 17.7c6.4 1.8 10 8.5 8.2 14.9L293.8 503.3c-1.9 6.4-8.5 10.1-14.9 8.2zm-114-112.2l43.5-46.4c4.6-4.9 4.3-12.7-.8-17.2L117 256l90.6-79.7c5.1-4.5 5.5-12.3.8-17.2l-43.5-46.4c-4.5-4.8-12.1-5.1-17-.5L3.8 247.2c-5.1 4.7-5.1 12.8 0 17.5l144.1 135.1c4.9 4.6 12.5 4.4 17-.5zm327.2.6l144.1-135.1c5.1-4.7 5.1-12.8 0-17.5L492.1 112.1c-4.8-4.5-12.4-4.3-17 .5L431.6 159c-4.6 4.9-4.3 12.7.8 17.2L523 256l-90.6 79.7c-5.1 4.5-5.5 12.3-.8 17.2l43.5 46.4c4.5 4.9 12.1 5.1 17 .6z" ], "code-branch": [ 384, 512, [], "f126", "M384 144c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80c0 36.4 24.3 67.1 57.5 76.8-.6 16.1-4.2 28.5-11 36.9-15.4 19.2-49.3 22.4-85.2 25.7-28.2 2.6-57.4 5.4-81.3 16.9v-144c32.5-10.2 56-40.5 56-76.3 0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80S0 35.8 0 80c0 35.8 23.5 66.1 56 76.3v199.3C23.5 365.9 0 396.2 0 432c0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80s80-35.8 80-80c0-34-21.2-63.1-51.2-74.6 3.1-5.2 7.8-9.8 14.9-13.4 16.2-8.2 40.4-10.4 66.1-12.8 42.2-3.9 90-8.4 118.2-43.4 14-17.4 21.1-39.8 21.6-67.9 31.6-10.8 54.4-40.7 54.4-75.9zM80 64c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16-16-7.2-16-16 7.2-16 16-16zm0 384c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm224-320c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16-16-7.2-16-16 7.2-16 16-16z" ], coffee: [ 640, 512, [], "f0f4", "M192 384h192c53 0 96-43 96-96h32c70.6 0 128-57.4 128-128S582.6 32 512 32H120c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v232c0 53 43 96 96 96zM512 96c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64h-32V96h32zm47.7 384H48.3c-47.6 0-61-64-36-64h583.3c25 0 11.8 64-35.9 64z" ], cog: [ 512, 512, [], "f013", "M444.788 291.1l42.616 24.599c4.867 2.809 7.126 8.618 5.459 13.985-11.07 35.642-29.97 67.842-54.689 94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832 2.254l-42.584-24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1-60.759 35.13v49.182a12.01 12.01 0 0 1-9.377 11.718c-34.956 7.85-72.499 8.256-109.219.007-5.49-1.233-9.403-6.096-9.403-11.723v-49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1-60.759-35.13l-42.584 24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832-2.254c-24.718-26.744-43.619-58.944-54.689-94.586-1.667-5.366.592-11.175 5.459-13.985L67.212 291.1a193.48 193.48 0 0 1 0-70.199l-42.616-24.599c-4.867-2.809-7.126-8.618-5.459-13.985 11.07-35.642 29.97-67.842 54.689-94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832-2.254l42.584 24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1 60.759-35.13V25.759a12.01 12.01 0 0 1 9.377-11.718c34.956-7.85 72.499-8.256 109.219-.007 5.49 1.233 9.403 6.096 9.403 11.723v49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1 60.759 35.13l42.584-24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832 2.254c24.718 26.744 43.619 58.944 54.689 94.586 1.667 5.366-.592 11.175-5.459 13.985L444.788 220.9a193.485 193.485 0 0 1 0 70.2zM336 256c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80s-80 35.888-80 80 35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80z" ], cogs: [ 640, 512, [], "f085", "M512.1 191l-8.2 14.3c-3 5.3-9.4 7.5-15.1 5.4-11.8-4.4-22.6-10.7-32.1-18.6-4.6-3.8-5.8-10.5-2.8-15.7l8.2-14.3c-6.9-8-12.3-17.3-15.9-27.4h-16.5c-6 0-11.2-4.3-12.2-10.3-2-12-2.1-24.6 0-37.1 1-6 6.2-10.4 12.2-10.4h16.5c3.6-10.1 9-19.4 15.9-27.4l-8.2-14.3c-3-5.2-1.9-11.9 2.8-15.7 9.5-7.9 20.4-14.2 32.1-18.6 5.7-2.1 12.1.1 15.1 5.4l8.2 14.3c10.5-1.9 21.2-1.9 31.7 0L552 6.3c3-5.3 9.4-7.5 15.1-5.4 11.8 4.4 22.6 10.7 32.1 18.6 4.6 3.8 5.8 10.5 2.8 15.7l-8.2 14.3c6.9 8 12.3 17.3 15.9 27.4h16.5c6 0 11.2 4.3 12.2 10.3 2 12 2.1 24.6 0 37.1-1 6-6.2 10.4-12.2 10.4h-16.5c-3.6 10.1-9 19.4-15.9 27.4l8.2 14.3c3 5.2 1.9 11.9-2.8 15.7-9.5 7.9-20.4 14.2-32.1 18.6-5.7 2.1-12.1-.1-15.1-5.4l-8.2-14.3c-10.4 1.9-21.2 1.9-31.7 0zm-10.5-58.8c38.5 29.6 82.4-14.3 52.8-52.8-38.5-29.7-82.4 14.3-52.8 52.8zM386.3 286.1l33.7 16.8c10.1 5.8 14.5 18.1 10.5 29.1-8.9 24.2-26.4 46.4-42.6 65.8-7.4 8.9-20.2 11.1-30.3 5.3l-29.1-16.8c-16 13.7-34.6 24.6-54.9 31.7v33.6c0 11.6-8.3 21.6-19.7 23.6-24.6 4.2-50.4 4.4-75.9 0-11.5-2-20-11.9-20-23.6V418c-20.3-7.2-38.9-18-54.9-31.7L74 403c-10 5.8-22.9 3.6-30.3-5.3-16.2-19.4-33.3-41.6-42.2-65.7-4-10.9.4-23.2 10.5-29.1l33.3-16.8c-3.9-20.9-3.9-42.4 0-63.4L12 205.8c-10.1-5.8-14.6-18.1-10.5-29 8.9-24.2 26-46.4 42.2-65.8 7.4-8.9 20.2-11.1 30.3-5.3l29.1 16.8c16-13.7 34.6-24.6 54.9-31.7V57.1c0-11.5 8.2-21.5 19.6-23.5 24.6-4.2 50.5-4.4 76-.1 11.5 2 20 11.9 20 23.6v33.6c20.3 7.2 38.9 18 54.9 31.7l29.1-16.8c10-5.8 22.9-3.6 30.3 5.3 16.2 19.4 33.2 41.6 42.1 65.8 4 10.9.1 23.2-10 29.1l-33.7 16.8c3.9 21 3.9 42.5 0 63.5zm-117.6 21.1c59.2-77-28.7-164.9-105.7-105.7-59.2 77 28.7 164.9 105.7 105.7zm243.4 182.7l-8.2 14.3c-3 5.3-9.4 7.5-15.1 5.4-11.8-4.4-22.6-10.7-32.1-18.6-4.6-3.8-5.8-10.5-2.8-15.7l8.2-14.3c-6.9-8-12.3-17.3-15.9-27.4h-16.5c-6 0-11.2-4.3-12.2-10.3-2-12-2.1-24.6 0-37.1 1-6 6.2-10.4 12.2-10.4h16.5c3.6-10.1 9-19.4 15.9-27.4l-8.2-14.3c-3-5.2-1.9-11.9 2.8-15.7 9.5-7.9 20.4-14.2 32.1-18.6 5.7-2.1 12.1.1 15.1 5.4l8.2 14.3c10.5-1.9 21.2-1.9 31.7 0l8.2-14.3c3-5.3 9.4-7.5 15.1-5.4 11.8 4.4 22.6 10.7 32.1 18.6 4.6 3.8 5.8 10.5 2.8 15.7l-8.2 14.3c6.9 8 12.3 17.3 15.9 27.4h16.5c6 0 11.2 4.3 12.2 10.3 2 12 2.1 24.6 0 37.1-1 6-6.2 10.4-12.2 10.4h-16.5c-3.6 10.1-9 19.4-15.9 27.4l8.2 14.3c3 5.2 1.9 11.9-2.8 15.7-9.5 7.9-20.4 14.2-32.1 18.6-5.7 2.1-12.1-.1-15.1-5.4l-8.2-14.3c-10.4 1.9-21.2 1.9-31.7 0zM501.6 431c38.5 29.6 82.4-14.3 52.8-52.8-38.5-29.6-82.4 14.3-52.8 52.8z" ], coins: [ 512, 512, [], "f51e", "M0 405.3V448c0 35.3 86 64 192 64s192-28.7 192-64v-42.7C342.7 434.4 267.2 448 192 448S41.3 434.4 0 405.3zM320 128c106 0 192-28.7 192-64S426 0 320 0 128 28.7 128 64s86 64 192 64zM0 300.4V352c0 35.3 86 64 192 64s192-28.7 192-64v-51.6c-41.3 34-116.9 51.6-192 51.6S41.3 334.4 0 300.4zm416 11c57.3-11.1 96-31.7 96-55.4v-42.7c-23.2 16.4-57.3 27.6-96 34.5v63.6zM192 160C86 160 0 195.8 0 240s86 80 192 80 192-35.8 192-80-86-80-192-80zm219.3 56.3c60-10.8 100.7-32 100.7-56.3v-42.7c-35.5 25.1-96.5 38.6-160.7 41.8 29.5 14.3 51.2 33.5 60 57.2z" ], columns: [ 512, 512, [], "f0db", "M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM224 416H64V160h160v256zm224 0H288V160h160v256z" ], comment: [ 512, 512, [], "f075", "M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 49.6 21.4 95 57 130.7C44.5 421.1 2.7 466 2.2 466.5c-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7S4.8 480 8 480c66.3 0 116-31.8 140.6-51.4 32.7 12.3 69 19.4 107.4 19.4 141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32z" ], "comment-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f27a", "M448 0H64C28.7 0 0 28.7 0 64v288c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96v84c0 9.8 11.2 15.5 19.1 9.7L304 416h144c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64z" ], "comment-dots": [ 512, 512, [], "f4ad", "M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 49.6 21.4 95 57 130.7C44.5 421.1 2.7 466 2.2 466.5c-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7S4.8 480 8 480c66.3 0 116-31.8 140.6-51.4 32.7 12.3 69 19.4 107.4 19.4 141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zM128 272c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "comment-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f4b3", "M64 240c0 49.6 21.4 95 57 130.7-12.6 50.3-54.3 95.2-54.8 95.8-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7 1.3 2.9 4.1 4.8 7.3 4.8 66.3 0 116-31.8 140.6-51.4 32.7 12.3 69 19.4 107.4 19.4 27.4 0 53.7-3.6 78.4-10L72.9 186.4c-5.6 17.1-8.9 35-8.9 53.6zm569.8 218.1l-114.4-88.4C554.6 334.1 576 289.2 576 240c0-114.9-114.6-208-256-208-65.1 0-124.2 20.1-169.4 52.7L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3z" ], comments: [ 576, 512, [], "f086", "M416 192c0-88.4-93.1-160-208-160S0 103.6 0 192c0 34.3 14.1 65.9 38 92-13.4 30.2-35.5 54.2-35.8 54.5-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7S4.8 352 8 352c36.6 0 66.9-12.3 88.7-25 32.2 15.7 70.3 25 111.3 25 114.9 0 208-71.6 208-160zm122 220c23.9-26 38-57.7 38-92 0-66.9-53.5-124.2-129.3-148.1.9 6.6 1.3 13.3 1.3 20.1 0 105.9-107.7 192-240 192-10.8 0-21.3-.8-31.7-1.9C207.8 439.6 281.8 480 368 480c41 0 79.1-9.2 111.3-25 21.8 12.7 52.1 25 88.7 25 3.2 0 6.1-1.9 7.3-4.8 1.3-2.9.7-6.3-1.5-8.7-.3-.3-22.4-24.2-35.8-54.5z" ], "compact-disc": [ 496, 512, [], "f51f", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM88 256H56c0-105.9 86.1-192 192-192v32c-88.2 0-160 71.8-160 160zm160 96c-53 0-96-43-96-96s43-96 96-96 96 43 96 96-43 96-96 96zm0-128c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z" ], compass: [ 512, 512, [], "f14e", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zM307.446 120.844l-102.642 97.779a23.997 23.997 0 0 0-6.772 11.729l-33.359 137.779c-5.68 23.459 22.777 39.318 39.88 23.024l102.64-97.779a23.99 23.99 0 0 0 6.772-11.729l33.359-137.779c5.618-23.198-22.591-39.493-39.878-23.024zM256 224c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32z" ], compress: [ 448, 512, [], "f066", "M436 192H312c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V44c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v84h84c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zm-276-24V44c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v84H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h124c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24zm0 300V344c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h84v84c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0v-84h84c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H312c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v124c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], "concierge-bell": [ 512, 512, [], "f562", "M288 130.54V112h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16v18.54C115.49 146.11 32 239.18 32 352h448c0-112.82-83.49-205.89-192-221.46zM496 384H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h480c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], cookie: [ 512, 512, [], "f563", "M510.37 254.79l-12.08-76.26a132.493 132.493 0 0 0-37.16-72.95l-54.76-54.75c-19.73-19.72-45.18-32.7-72.71-37.05l-76.7-12.15c-27.51-4.36-55.69.11-80.52 12.76L107.32 49.6a132.25 132.25 0 0 0-57.79 57.8l-35.1 68.88a132.602 132.602 0 0 0-12.82 80.94l12.08 76.27a132.493 132.493 0 0 0 37.16 72.95l54.76 54.75a132.087 132.087 0 0 0 72.71 37.05l76.7 12.14c27.51 4.36 55.69-.11 80.52-12.75l69.12-35.21a132.302 132.302 0 0 0 57.79-57.8l35.1-68.87c12.71-24.96 17.2-53.3 12.82-80.96zM176 368c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm32-160c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm160 128c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "cookie-bite": [ 512, 512, [], "f564", "M510.52 255.82c-69.97-.85-126.47-57.69-126.47-127.86-70.17 0-127-56.49-127.86-126.45-27.26-4.14-55.13.3-79.72 12.82l-69.13 35.22a132.221 132.221 0 0 0-57.79 57.81l-35.1 68.88a132.645 132.645 0 0 0-12.82 80.95l12.08 76.27a132.521 132.521 0 0 0 37.16 72.96l54.77 54.76a132.036 132.036 0 0 0 72.71 37.06l76.71 12.15c27.51 4.36 55.7-.11 80.53-12.76l69.13-35.21a132.273 132.273 0 0 0 57.79-57.81l35.1-68.88c12.56-24.64 17.01-52.58 12.91-79.91zM176 368c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm32-160c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm160 128c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], copy: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c5", "M320 448v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V120c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h72v296c0 30.879 25.121 56 56 56h168zm0-344V0H152c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v368c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h272c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V128H344c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm120.971-31.029L375.029 7.029A24 24 0 0 0 358.059 0H352v96h96v-6.059a24 24 0 0 0-7.029-16.97z" ], copyright: [ 512, 512, [], "f1f9", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm117.134 346.753c-1.592 1.867-39.776 45.731-109.851 45.731-84.692 0-144.484-63.26-144.484-145.567 0-81.303 62.004-143.401 143.762-143.401 66.957 0 101.965 37.315 103.422 38.904a12 12 0 0 1 1.238 14.623l-22.38 34.655c-4.049 6.267-12.774 7.351-18.234 2.295-.233-.214-26.529-23.88-61.88-23.88-46.116 0-73.916 33.575-73.916 76.082 0 39.602 25.514 79.692 74.277 79.692 38.697 0 65.28-28.338 65.544-28.625 5.132-5.565 14.059-5.033 18.508 1.053l24.547 33.572a12.001 12.001 0 0 1-.553 14.866z" ], couch: [ 640, 512, [], "f4b8", "M160 224v64h320v-64c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64h32c0-53-43-96-96-96H160c-53 0-96 43-96 96h32c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64zm416-32h-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v96H128v-96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64 0 23.6 13 44 32 55.1V432c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h384v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V311.1c19-11.1 32-31.5 32-55.1 0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64z" ], "credit-card": [ 576, 512, [], "f09d", "M0 432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V256H0v176zm192-68c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h136c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H204c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zm-128 0c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h72c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zM576 80v48H0V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z" ], crop: [ 512, 512, [], "f125", "M488 352h-40V109.25l59.31-59.31c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L484.69 4.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0L402.75 64H192v96h114.75L160 306.75V24c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24H88C74.75 0 64 10.74 64 24v40H24C10.75 64 0 74.74 0 88v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h40v264c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h232v-96H205.25L352 205.25V488c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h48c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-40h40c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z" ], "crop-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f565", "M488 352h-40V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H192v96h160v328c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h48c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-40h40c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM160 24c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24H88C74.75 0 64 10.74 64 24v40H24C10.75 64 0 74.74 0 88v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h40v256c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h224v-96H160V24z" ], crosshairs: [ 512, 512, [], "f05b", "M500 224h-30.364C455.724 130.325 381.675 56.276 288 42.364V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v30.364C130.325 56.276 56.276 130.325 42.364 224H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h30.364C56.276 381.675 130.325 455.724 224 469.636V500c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-30.364C381.675 455.724 455.724 381.675 469.636 288H500c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zM288 404.634V364c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40.634C165.826 392.232 119.783 346.243 107.366 288H148c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40.634C119.768 165.826 165.757 119.783 224 107.366V148c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40.634C346.174 119.768 392.217 165.757 404.634 224H364c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40.634C392.232 346.174 346.243 392.217 288 404.634zM288 256c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32z" ], crow: [ 640, 512, [], "f520", "M544 32h-16.36C513.04 12.68 490.09 0 464 0c-44.18 0-80 35.82-80 80v20.98L12.09 393.57A30.216 30.216 0 0 0 0 417.74c0 22.46 23.64 37.07 43.73 27.03L165.27 384h96.49l44.41 120.1c2.27 6.23 9.15 9.44 15.38 7.17l22.55-8.21c6.23-2.27 9.44-9.15 7.17-15.38L312.94 384H352c1.91 0 3.76-.23 5.66-.29l44.51 120.38c2.27 6.23 9.15 9.44 15.38 7.17l22.55-8.21c6.23-2.27 9.44-9.15 7.17-15.38l-41.24-111.53C485.74 352.8 544 279.26 544 192v-80l96-16c0-35.35-42.98-64-96-64zm-80 72c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z" ], crown: [ 640, 512, [], "f521", "M528 448H112c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h416c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm64-320c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48 0 7.1 1.6 13.7 4.4 19.8L476 239.2c-15.4 9.2-35.3 4-44.2-11.6L350.3 85C361 76.2 368 63 368 48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48s-48 21.5-48 48c0 15 7 28.2 17.7 37l-81.5 142.6c-8.9 15.6-28.9 20.8-44.2 11.6l-72.3-43.4c2.7-6 4.4-12.7 4.4-19.8 0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48S0 149.5 0 176s21.5 48 48 48c2.6 0 5.2-.4 7.7-.8L128 416h384l72.3-192.8c2.5.4 5.1.8 7.7.8 26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48s-21.5-48-48-48z" ], cube: [ 512, 512, [], "f1b2", "M239.1 6.3l-208 78c-18.7 7-31.1 25-31.1 45v225.1c0 18.2 10.3 34.8 26.5 42.9l208 104c13.5 6.8 29.4 6.8 42.9 0l208-104c16.3-8.1 26.5-24.8 26.5-42.9V129.3c0-20-12.4-37.9-31.1-44.9l-208-78C262 2.2 250 2.2 239.1 6.3zM256 68.4l192 72v1.1l-192 78-192-78v-1.1l192-72zm32 356V275.5l160-65v133.9l-160 80z" ], cubes: [ 512, 512, [], "f1b3", "M488.6 250.2L392 214V105.5c0-15-9.3-28.4-23.4-33.7l-100-37.5c-8.1-3.1-17.1-3.1-25.3 0l-100 37.5c-14.1 5.3-23.4 18.7-23.4 33.7V214l-96.6 36.2C9.3 255.5 0 268.9 0 283.9V394c0 13.6 7.7 26.1 19.9 32.2l100 50c10.1 5.1 22.1 5.1 32.2 0l103.9-52 103.9 52c10.1 5.1 22.1 5.1 32.2 0l100-50c12.2-6.1 19.9-18.6 19.9-32.2V283.9c0-15-9.3-28.4-23.4-33.7zM358 214.8l-85 31.9v-68.2l85-37v73.3zM154 104.1l102-38.2 102 38.2v.6l-102 41.4-102-41.4v-.6zm84 291.1l-85 42.5v-79.1l85-38.8v75.4zm0-112l-102 41.4-102-41.4v-.6l102-38.2 102 38.2v.6zm240 112l-85 42.5v-79.1l85-38.8v75.4zm0-112l-102 41.4-102-41.4v-.6l102-38.2 102 38.2v.6z" ], cut: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c4", "M278.06 256L444.48 89.57c4.69-4.69 4.69-12.29 0-16.97-32.8-32.8-85.99-32.8-118.79 0L210.18 188.12l-24.86-24.86c4.31-10.92 6.68-22.81 6.68-35.26 0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96S0 74.98 0 128s42.98 96 96 96c4.54 0 8.99-.32 13.36-.93L142.29 256l-32.93 32.93c-4.37-.61-8.83-.93-13.36-.93-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96s42.98 96 96 96 96-42.98 96-96c0-12.45-2.37-24.34-6.68-35.26l24.86-24.86L325.69 439.4c32.8 32.8 85.99 32.8 118.79 0 4.69-4.68 4.69-12.28 0-16.97L278.06 256zM96 160c-17.64 0-32-14.36-32-32s14.36-32 32-32 32 14.36 32 32-14.36 32-32 32zm0 256c-17.64 0-32-14.36-32-32s14.36-32 32-32 32 14.36 32 32-14.36 32-32 32z" ], database: [ 448, 512, [], "f1c0", "M448 73.143v45.714C448 159.143 347.667 192 224 192S0 159.143 0 118.857V73.143C0 32.857 100.333 0 224 0s224 32.857 224 73.143zM448 176v102.857C448 319.143 347.667 352 224 352S0 319.143 0 278.857V176c48.125 33.143 136.208 48.572 224 48.572S399.874 209.143 448 176zm0 160v102.857C448 479.143 347.667 512 224 512S0 479.143 0 438.857V336c48.125 33.143 136.208 48.572 224 48.572S399.874 369.143 448 336z" ], deaf: [ 512, 512, [], "f2a4", "M216 260c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-44.112 35.888-80 80-80s80 35.888 80 80c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-13.234-10.767-24-24-24s-24 10.766-24 24zm24-176c-97.047 0-176 78.953-176 176 0 15.464 12.536 28 28 28s28-12.536 28-28c0-66.168 53.832-120 120-120s120 53.832 120 120c0 75.164-71.009 70.311-71.997 143.622L288 404c0 28.673-23.327 52-52 52-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28c59.475 0 107.876-48.328 108-107.774.595-34.428 72-48.24 72-144.226 0-97.047-78.953-176-176-176zm268.485-52.201L480.2 3.515c-4.687-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L376.2 90.544c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l28.285 28.285c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.97 0l87.03-87.029c4.687-4.688 4.687-12.286 0-16.972zM168.97 314.745c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.97 0L3.515 463.23c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971L31.8 508.485c4.687 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0L197.256 360c4.686-4.686 4.686-12.284 0-16.971l-28.286-28.284z" ], desktop: [ 576, 512, [], "f108", "M528 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h192l-16 48h-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24h272c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24s-10.7-24-24-24h-72l-16-48h192c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16 352H64V64h448v288z" ], diagnoses: [ 640, 512, [], "f470", "M496 256c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16-16 7.2-16 16 7.2 16 16 16zm-176-80c48.5 0 88-39.5 88-88S368.5 0 320 0s-88 39.5-88 88 39.5 88 88 88zM59.8 364c10.2 15.3 29.3 17.8 42.9 9.8 16.2-9.6 56.2-31.7 105.3-48.6V416h224v-90.7c49.1 16.8 89.1 39 105.3 48.6 13.6 8 32.7 5.3 42.9-9.8l17.8-26.7c8.8-13.2 7.6-34.6-10-45.1-11.9-7.1-29.7-17-51.1-27.4-28.1 46.1-99.4 17.8-87.7-35.1C409.3 217.2 365.1 208 320 208c-57 0-112.9 14.5-160 32.2-.2 40.2-47.6 63.3-79.2 36-11.2 6-21.3 11.6-28.7 16-17.6 10.5-18.8 31.8-10 45.1L59.8 364zM368 344c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm-96-96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm-160 8c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16-16 7.2-16 16 7.2 16 16 16zm512 192H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z" ], dice: [ 640, 512, [], "f522", "M592 192H473.26c12.69 29.59 7.12 65.2-17 89.32L320 417.58V464c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V240c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM480 376c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm-46.37-186.7L258.7 14.37c-19.16-19.16-50.23-19.16-69.39 0L14.37 189.3c-19.16 19.16-19.16 50.23 0 69.39L189.3 433.63c19.16 19.16 50.23 19.16 69.39 0L433.63 258.7c19.16-19.17 19.16-50.24 0-69.4zM96 248c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm128 128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm0-128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm0-128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm128 128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z" ], "dice-five": [ 448, 512, [], "f523", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "dice-four": [ 448, 512, [], "f524", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm192 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "dice-one": [ 448, 512, [], "f525", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM224 288c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "dice-six": [ 448, 512, [], "f526", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm192 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "dice-three": [ 448, 512, [], "f527", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "dice-two": [ 448, 512, [], "f528", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm192 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], "digital-tachograph": [ 640, 512, [], "f566", "M608 96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v256c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V128c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM304 352c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-8c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h224c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v8zM72 288v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H80c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm64 0v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm64 0v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm64 0v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm40-64c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-48c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h208c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v48zm272 128c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H344c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-8c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h224c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v8z" ], divide: [ 448, 512, [], "f529", "M224 352c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64s28.65 64 64 64 64-28.65 64-64-28.65-64-64-64zm0-192c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.65-64-64-64-64 28.65-64 64 28.65 64 64 64zm192 48H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], dizzy: [ 496, 512, [], "f567", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-96 206.6l-28.7 28.7c-14.8 14.8-37.8-7.5-22.6-22.6l28.7-28.7-28.7-28.7c-15-15 7.7-37.6 22.6-22.6l28.7 28.7 28.7-28.7c15-15 37.6 7.7 22.6 22.6L174.6 192l28.7 28.7c15.2 15.2-7.9 37.4-22.6 22.6L152 214.6zM248 416c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm147.3-195.3c15.2 15.2-7.9 37.4-22.6 22.6L344 214.6l-28.7 28.7c-14.8 14.8-37.8-7.5-22.6-22.6l28.7-28.7-28.7-28.7c-15-15 7.7-37.6 22.6-22.6l28.7 28.7 28.7-28.7c15-15 37.6 7.7 22.6 22.6L366.6 192l28.7 28.7z" ], dna: [ 448, 512, [], "f471", "M.1 494.1c-1.1 9.5 6.3 17.8 15.9 17.8l32.3.1c8.1 0 14.9-5.9 16-13.9.7-4.9 1.8-11.1 3.4-18.1H380c1.6 6.9 2.9 13.2 3.5 18.1 1.1 8 7.9 14 16 13.9l32.3-.1c9.6 0 17.1-8.3 15.9-17.8-4.6-37.9-25.6-129-118.9-207.7-17.6 12.4-37.1 24.2-58.5 35.4 6.2 4.6 11.4 9.4 17 14.2H159.7c21.3-18.1 47-35.6 78.7-51.4C410.5 199.1 442.1 65.8 447.9 17.9 449 8.4 441.6.1 432 .1L399.6 0c-8.1 0-14.9 5.9-16 13.9-.7 4.9-1.8 11.1-3.4 18.1H67.8c-1.6-7-2.7-13.1-3.4-18.1-1.1-8-7.9-14-16-13.9L16.1.1C6.5.1-1 8.4.1 17.9 5.3 60.8 31.4 171.8 160 256 31.5 340.2 5.3 451.2.1 494.1zM224 219.6c-25.1-13.7-46.4-28.4-64.3-43.6h128.5c-17.8 15.2-39.1 30-64.2 43.6zM355.1 96c-5.8 10.4-12.8 21.1-21 32H114c-8.3-10.9-15.3-21.6-21-32h262.1zM92.9 416c5.8-10.4 12.8-21.1 21-32h219.4c8.3 10.9 15.4 21.6 21.2 32H92.9z" ], "dollar-sign": [ 288, 512, [], "f155", "M209.2 233.4l-108-31.6C88.7 198.2 80 186.5 80 173.5c0-16.3 13.2-29.5 29.5-29.5h66.3c12.2 0 24.2 3.7 34.2 10.5 6.1 4.1 14.3 3.1 19.5-2l34.8-34c7.1-6.9 6.1-18.4-1.8-24.5C238 74.8 207.4 64.1 176 64V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48h-2.5C45.8 64-5.4 118.7.5 183.6c4.2 46.1 39.4 83.6 83.8 96.6l102.5 30c12.5 3.7 21.2 15.3 21.2 28.3 0 16.3-13.2 29.5-29.5 29.5h-66.3C100 368 88 364.3 78 357.5c-6.1-4.1-14.3-3.1-19.5 2l-34.8 34c-7.1 6.9-6.1 18.4 1.8 24.5 24.5 19.2 55.1 29.9 86.5 30v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-48.2c46.6-.9 90.3-28.6 105.7-72.7 21.5-61.6-14.6-124.8-72.5-141.7z" ], dolly: [ 576, 512, [], "f472", "M294.2 277.7c18 5 34.7 13.4 49.5 24.7l161.5-53.8c8.4-2.8 12.9-11.9 10.1-20.2L454.9 47.2c-2.8-8.4-11.9-12.9-20.2-10.1l-61.1 20.4 33.1 99.4L346 177l-33.1-99.4-61.6 20.5c-8.4 2.8-12.9 11.9-10.1 20.2l53 159.4zm281 48.7L565 296c-2.8-8.4-11.9-12.9-20.2-10.1l-213.5 71.2c-17.2-22-43.6-36.4-73.5-37L158.4 21.9C154 8.8 141.8 0 128 0H16C7.2 0 0 7.2 0 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h88.9l92.2 276.7c-26.1 20.4-41.7 53.6-36 90.5 6.1 39.4 37.9 72.3 77.3 79.2 60.2 10.7 112.3-34.8 113.4-92.6l213.3-71.2c8.3-2.8 12.9-11.8 10.1-20.2zM256 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z" ], "dolly-flatbed": [ 640, 512, [], "f474", "M208 320h384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H448v128l-48-32-48 32V32H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v256c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm416 64H128V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H16C7.2 0 0 7.2 0 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h48v368c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h82.9c-1.8 5-2.9 10.4-2.9 16 0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48s48-21.5 48-48c0-5.6-1.2-11-2.9-16H451c-1.8 5-2.9 10.4-2.9 16 0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48s48-21.5 48-48c0-5.6-1.2-11-2.9-16H624c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z" ], donate: [ 512, 512, [], "f4b9", "M256 416c114.9 0 208-93.1 208-208S370.9 0 256 0 48 93.1 48 208s93.1 208 208 208zM233.8 97.4V80.6c0-9.2 7.4-16.6 16.6-16.6h11.1c9.2 0 16.6 7.4 16.6 16.6v17c15.5.8 30.5 6.1 43 15.4 5.6 4.1 6.2 12.3 1.2 17.1L306 145.6c-3.8 3.7-9.5 3.8-14 1-5.4-3.4-11.4-5.1-17.8-5.1h-38.9c-9 0-16.3 8.2-16.3 18.3 0 8.2 5 15.5 12.1 17.6l62.3 18.7c25.7 7.7 43.7 32.4 43.7 60.1 0 34-26.4 61.5-59.1 62.4v16.8c0 9.2-7.4 16.6-16.6 16.6h-11.1c-9.2 0-16.6-7.4-16.6-16.6v-17c-15.5-.8-30.5-6.1-43-15.4-5.6-4.1-6.2-12.3-1.2-17.1l16.3-15.5c3.8-3.7 9.5-3.8 14-1 5.4 3.4 11.4 5.1 17.8 5.1h38.9c9 0 16.3-8.2 16.3-18.3 0-8.2-5-15.5-12.1-17.6l-62.3-18.7c-25.7-7.7-43.7-32.4-43.7-60.1.1-34 26.4-61.5 59.1-62.4zM480 352h-32.5c-19.6 26-44.6 47.7-73 64h63.8c5.3 0 9.6 3.6 9.6 8v16c0 4.4-4.3 8-9.6 8H73.6c-5.3 0-9.6-3.6-9.6-8v-16c0-4.4 4.3-8 9.6-8h63.8c-28.4-16.3-53.3-38-73-64H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v96c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h448c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32v-96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z" ], "door-closed": [ 640, 512, [], "f52a", "M624 448H512V50.8C512 22.78 490.47 0 464 0H175.99c-26.47 0-48 22.78-48 50.8V448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM415.99 288c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32c.01 17.67-14.32 32-32 32z" ], "door-open": [ 640, 512, [], "f52b", "M624 448h-80V113.45C544 86.19 522.47 64 496 64H384v64h96v384h144c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM312.24 1.01l-192 49.74C105.99 54.44 96 67.7 96 82.92V448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h336V33.18c0-21.58-19.56-37.41-39.76-32.17zM264 288c-13.25 0-24-14.33-24-32s10.75-32 24-32 24 14.33 24 32-10.75 32-24 32z" ], "dot-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f192", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm80 248c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80z" ], dove: [ 512, 512, [], "f4ba", "M288 167.2v-28.1c-28.2-36.3-47.1-79.3-54.1-125.2-2.1-13.5-19-18.8-27.8-8.3-21.1 24.9-37.7 54.1-48.9 86.5 34.2 38.3 80 64.6 130.8 75.1zM400 64c-44.2 0-80 35.9-80 80.1v59.4C215.6 197.3 127 133 87 41.8c-5.5-12.5-23.2-13.2-29-.9C41.4 76 32 115.2 32 156.6c0 70.8 34.1 136.9 85.1 185.9 13.2 12.7 26.1 23.2 38.9 32.8l-143.9 36C1.4 414-3.4 426.4 2.6 435.7 20 462.6 63 508.2 155.8 512c8 .3 16-2.6 22.1-7.9l65.2-56.1H320c88.4 0 160-71.5 160-159.9V128l32-64H400zm0 96.1c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16z" ], download: [ 512, 512, [], "f019", "M216 0h80c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v168h87.7c17.8 0 26.7 21.5 14.1 34.1L269.7 378.3c-7.5 7.5-19.8 7.5-27.3 0L90.1 226.1c-12.6-12.6-3.7-34.1 14.1-34.1H192V24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24zm296 376v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V376c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h146.7l49 49c20.1 20.1 52.5 20.1 72.6 0l49-49H488c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24zm-124 88c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20zm64 0c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20z" ], "drafting-compass": [ 512, 512, [], "f568", "M457.01 344.42c-25.05 20.33-52.63 37.18-82.54 49.05l54.38 94.19 53.95 23.04c9.81 4.19 20.89-2.21 22.17-12.8l7.02-58.25-54.98-95.23zm42.49-94.56c4.86-7.67 1.89-17.99-6.05-22.39l-28.07-15.57c-7.48-4.15-16.61-1.46-21.26 5.72C403.01 281.15 332.25 320 256 320c-23.93 0-47.23-4.25-69.41-11.53l67.36-116.68c.7.02 1.34.21 2.04.21s1.35-.19 2.04-.21l51.09 88.5c31.23-8.96 59.56-25.75 82.61-48.92l-51.79-89.71C347.39 128.03 352 112.63 352 96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96c0 16.63 4.61 32.03 12.05 45.66l-68.3 118.31c-12.55-11.61-23.96-24.59-33.68-39-4.79-7.1-13.97-9.62-21.38-5.33l-27.75 16.07c-7.85 4.54-10.63 14.9-5.64 22.47 15.57 23.64 34.69 44.21 55.98 62.02L0 439.66l7.02 58.25c1.28 10.59 12.36 16.99 22.17 12.8l53.95-23.04 70.8-122.63C186.13 377.28 220.62 384 256 384c99.05 0 190.88-51.01 243.5-134.14zM256 64c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32s-14.33 32-32 32-32-14.33-32-32 14.33-32 32-32z" ], drum: [ 576, 512, [], "f569", "M458.08 120.88l102.39-61.43c15.16-9.09 20.06-28.75 10.97-43.91C562.34.39 542.7-4.53 527.53 4.57l-160.69 96.41A629.32 629.32 0 0 0 288 96C128.94 96 0 153.31 0 224v160.83c0 30.46 24.03 58.4 64 80.37v-96.37c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32v122.41c37.4 11.13 81 18.44 128 20.75V400.84c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32V512c47-2.31 90.6-9.62 128-20.75V368.84c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32v96.37c39.97-21.97 64-49.91 64-80.37V224.01c-.01-42.38-46.54-79.84-117.92-103.13zM288 304c-132.55 0-240-35.82-240-80s107.45-80 240-80c2.34 0 4.62.1 6.94.12l-87.41 52.44c-15.16 9.09-20.06 28.75-10.97 43.91 9.56 15.93 29.51 19.61 43.91 10.97l162.71-97.62C477.55 167.41 528 193.74 528 224.01 528 268.19 420.54 304 288 304z" ], "drum-steelpan": [ 576, 512, [], "f56a", "M288 32C128.94 32 0 89.31 0 160v192c0 70.69 128.94 128 288 128s288-57.31 288-128V160c0-70.69-128.94-128-288-128zm-82.99 158.36c-4.45 16.61-14.54 30.57-28.31 40.48C100.23 217.46 48 190.78 48 160c0-30.16 50.11-56.39 124.04-70.03l25.6 44.34c9.86 17.09 12.48 36.99 7.37 56.05zM288 240c-21.08 0-41.41-1-60.89-2.7 8.06-26.13 32.15-45.3 60.89-45.3s52.83 19.17 60.89 45.3C329.41 239 309.08 240 288 240zm64-144c0 35.29-28.71 64-64 64s-64-28.71-64-64V82.96c20.4-1.88 41.8-2.96 64-2.96s43.6 1.08 64 2.96V96zm46.93 134.9c-13.81-9.91-23.94-23.9-28.4-40.54-5.11-19.06-2.49-38.96 7.38-56.04l25.65-44.42C477.72 103.5 528 129.79 528 160c0 30.83-52.4 57.54-129.07 70.9z" ], dumbbell: [ 640, 512, [], "f44b", "M104 96H56c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v104H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h24v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm528 128h-24V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-48c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v272c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V288h24c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM456 32h-48c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v168H256V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-48c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v400c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V288h128v168c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24z" ], edit: [ 576, 512, [], "f044", "M402.6 83.2l90.2 90.2c3.8 3.8 3.8 10 0 13.8L274.4 405.6l-92.8 10.3c-12.4 1.4-22.9-9.1-21.5-21.5l10.3-92.8L388.8 83.2c3.8-3.8 10-3.8 13.8 0zm162-22.9l-48.8-48.8c-15.2-15.2-39.9-15.2-55.2 0l-35.4 35.4c-3.8 3.8-3.8 10 0 13.8l90.2 90.2c3.8 3.8 10 3.8 13.8 0l35.4-35.4c15.2-15.3 15.2-40 0-55.2zM384 346.2V448H64V128h229.8c3.2 0 6.2-1.3 8.5-3.5l40-40c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V306.2c0-10.7-12.9-16-20.5-8.5l-40 40c-2.2 2.3-3.5 5.3-3.5 8.5z" ], eject: [ 448, 512, [], "f052", "M448 384v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32v-64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h384c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32zM48.053 320h351.886c41.651 0 63.581-49.674 35.383-80.435L259.383 47.558c-19.014-20.743-51.751-20.744-70.767 0L12.67 239.565C-15.475 270.268 6.324 320 48.053 320z" ], "ellipsis-h": [ 512, 512, [], "f141", "M328 256c0 39.8-32.2 72-72 72s-72-32.2-72-72 32.2-72 72-72 72 32.2 72 72zm104-72c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72zm-352 0c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72z" ], "ellipsis-v": [ 192, 512, [], "f142", "M96 184c39.8 0 72 32.2 72 72s-32.2 72-72 72-72-32.2-72-72 32.2-72 72-72zM24 80c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72s72-32.2 72-72S135.8 8 96 8 24 40.2 24 80zm0 352c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72s72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72-72 32.2-72 72z" ], envelope: [ 512, 512, [], "f0e0", "M502.3 190.8c3.9-3.1 9.7-.2 9.7 4.7V400c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V195.6c0-5 5.7-7.8 9.7-4.7 22.4 17.4 52.1 39.5 154.1 113.6 21.1 15.4 56.7 47.8 92.2 47.6 35.7.3 72-32.8 92.3-47.6 102-74.1 131.6-96.3 154-113.7zM256 320c23.2.4 56.6-29.2 73.4-41.4 132.7-96.3 142.8-104.7 173.4-128.7 5.8-4.5 9.2-11.5 9.2-18.9v-19c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v19c0 7.4 3.4 14.3 9.2 18.9 30.6 23.9 40.7 32.4 173.4 128.7 16.8 12.2 50.2 41.8 73.4 41.4z" ], "envelope-open": [ 512, 512, [], "f2b6", "M512 464c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V200.724a48 48 0 0 1 18.387-37.776c24.913-19.529 45.501-35.365 164.2-121.511C199.412 29.17 232.797-.347 256 .003c23.198-.354 56.596 29.172 73.413 41.433 118.687 86.137 139.303 101.995 164.2 121.512A48 48 0 0 1 512 200.724V464zm-65.666-196.605c-2.563-3.728-7.7-4.595-11.339-1.907-22.845 16.873-55.462 40.705-105.582 77.079-16.825 12.266-50.21 41.781-73.413 41.43-23.211.344-56.559-29.143-73.413-41.43-50.114-36.37-82.734-60.204-105.582-77.079-3.639-2.688-8.776-1.821-11.339 1.907l-9.072 13.196a7.998 7.998 0 0 0 1.839 10.967c22.887 16.899 55.454 40.69 105.303 76.868 20.274 14.781 56.524 47.813 92.264 47.573 35.724.242 71.961-32.771 92.263-47.573 49.85-36.179 82.418-59.97 105.303-76.868a7.998 7.998 0 0 0 1.839-10.967l-9.071-13.196z" ], "envelope-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f199", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM178.117 262.104C87.429 196.287 88.353 196.121 64 177.167V152c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h272c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v25.167c-24.371 18.969-23.434 19.124-114.117 84.938-10.5 7.655-31.392 26.12-45.883 25.894-14.503.218-35.367-18.227-45.883-25.895zM384 217.775V360c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H88c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V217.775c13.958 10.794 33.329 25.236 95.303 70.214 14.162 10.341 37.975 32.145 64.694 32.01 26.887.134 51.037-22.041 64.72-32.025 61.958-44.965 81.325-59.406 95.283-70.199z" ], equals: [ 448, 512, [], "f52c", "M416 304H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0-192H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], eraser: [ 512, 512, [], "f12d", "M497.941 273.941c18.745-18.745 18.745-49.137 0-67.882l-160-160c-18.745-18.745-49.136-18.746-67.883 0l-256 256c-18.745 18.745-18.745 49.137 0 67.882l96 96A48.004 48.004 0 0 0 144 480h356c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H355.883l142.058-142.059zm-302.627-62.627l137.373 137.373L265.373 416H150.628l-80-80 124.686-124.686z" ], "euro-sign": [ 320, 512, [], "f153", "M310.706 413.765c-1.314-6.63-7.835-10.872-14.424-9.369-10.692 2.439-27.422 5.413-45.426 5.413-56.763 0-101.929-34.79-121.461-85.449h113.689a12 12 0 0 0 11.708-9.369l6.373-28.36c1.686-7.502-4.019-14.631-11.708-14.631H115.22c-1.21-14.328-1.414-28.287.137-42.245H261.95a12 12 0 0 0 11.723-9.434l6.512-29.755c1.638-7.484-4.061-14.566-11.723-14.566H130.184c20.633-44.991 62.69-75.03 117.619-75.03 14.486 0 28.564 2.25 37.851 4.145 6.216 1.268 12.347-2.498 14.002-8.623l11.991-44.368c1.822-6.741-2.465-13.616-9.326-14.917C290.217 34.912 270.71 32 249.635 32 152.451 32 74.03 92.252 45.075 176H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v29.755c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h21.569c-1.009 13.607-1.181 29.287-.181 42.245H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28.36c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h30.114C67.139 414.692 145.264 480 249.635 480c26.301 0 48.562-4.544 61.101-7.788 6.167-1.595 10.027-7.708 8.788-13.957l-8.818-44.49z" ], "exchange-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f362", "M0 168v-16c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h360V80c0-21.367 25.899-32.042 40.971-16.971l80 80c9.372 9.373 9.372 24.569 0 33.941l-80 80C409.956 271.982 384 261.456 384 240v-48H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24zm488 152H128v-48c0-21.314-25.862-32.08-40.971-16.971l-80 80c-9.372 9.373-9.372 24.569 0 33.941l80 80C102.057 463.997 128 453.437 128 432v-48h360c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z" ], exclamation: [ 192, 512, [], "f12a", "M176 432c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80zM25.26 25.199l13.6 272C39.499 309.972 50.041 320 62.83 320h66.34c12.789 0 23.331-10.028 23.97-22.801l13.6-272C167.425 11.49 156.496 0 142.77 0H49.23C35.504 0 24.575 11.49 25.26 25.199z" ], "exclamation-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f06a", "M504 256c0 136.997-111.043 248-248 248S8 392.997 8 256C8 119.083 119.043 8 256 8s248 111.083 248 248zm-248 50c-25.405 0-46 20.595-46 46s20.595 46 46 46 46-20.595 46-46-20.595-46-46-46zm-43.673-165.346l7.418 136c.347 6.364 5.609 11.346 11.982 11.346h48.546c6.373 0 11.635-4.982 11.982-11.346l7.418-136c.375-6.874-5.098-12.654-11.982-12.654h-63.383c-6.884 0-12.356 5.78-11.981 12.654z" ], "exclamation-triangle": [ 576, 512, [], "f071", "M569.517 440.013C587.975 472.007 564.806 512 527.94 512H48.054c-36.937 0-59.999-40.055-41.577-71.987L246.423 23.985c18.467-32.009 64.72-31.951 83.154 0l239.94 416.028zM288 354c-25.405 0-46 20.595-46 46s20.595 46 46 46 46-20.595 46-46-20.595-46-46-46zm-43.673-165.346l7.418 136c.347 6.364 5.609 11.346 11.982 11.346h48.546c6.373 0 11.635-4.982 11.982-11.346l7.418-136c.375-6.874-5.098-12.654-11.982-12.654h-63.383c-6.884 0-12.356 5.78-11.981 12.654z" ], expand: [ 448, 512, [], "f065", "M0 180V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h124c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H64v84c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zM288 44v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h84v84c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H300c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12zm148 276h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v84h-84c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h124c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V332c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM160 468v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H64v-84c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v124c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h124c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], "expand-arrows-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f31e", "M448.1 344v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24h-112c-21.4 0-32.1-25.9-17-41l36.2-36.2L224 295.6 116.8 402.9 153 439c15.1 15.1 4.4 41-17 41H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V344c0-21.4 25.9-32.1 41-17l36.2 36.2L184.5 256 77.2 148.7 41 185c-15.1 15.1-41 4.4-41-17V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h112c21.4 0 32.1 25.9 17 41l-36.2 36.2L224 216.4l107.3-107.3L295.1 73c-15.1-15.1-4.4-41 17-41h112c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v112c0 21.4-25.9 32.1-41 17l-36.2-36.2L263.6 256l107.3 107.3 36.2-36.2c15.1-15.2 41-4.5 41 16.9z" ], "external-link-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f35d", "M576 24v127.984c0 21.461-25.96 31.98-40.971 16.971l-35.707-35.709-243.523 243.523c-9.373 9.373-24.568 9.373-33.941 0l-22.627-22.627c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L442.756 76.676l-35.703-35.705C391.982 25.9 402.656 0 424.024 0H552c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM407.029 270.794l-16 16A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 384 303.765V448H64V128h264a24.003 24.003 0 0 0 16.97-7.029l16-16C376.089 89.851 365.381 64 344 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V287.764c0-21.382-25.852-32.09-40.971-16.97z" ], "external-link-square-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f360", "M448 80v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm-88 16H248.029c-21.313 0-32.08 25.861-16.971 40.971l31.984 31.987L67.515 364.485c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l31.029 31.029c4.687 4.686 12.285 4.686 16.971 0l195.526-195.526 31.988 31.991C358.058 263.977 384 253.425 384 231.979V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z" ], eye: [ 576, 512, [], "f06e", "M569.354 231.631C512.969 135.949 407.81 72 288 72 168.14 72 63.004 135.994 6.646 231.631a47.999 47.999 0 0 0 0 48.739C63.031 376.051 168.19 440 288 440c119.86 0 224.996-63.994 281.354-159.631a47.997 47.997 0 0 0 0-48.738zM288 392c-75.162 0-136-60.827-136-136 0-75.162 60.826-136 136-136 75.162 0 136 60.826 136 136 0 75.162-60.826 136-136 136zm104-136c0 57.438-46.562 104-104 104s-104-46.562-104-104c0-17.708 4.431-34.379 12.236-48.973l-.001.032c0 23.651 19.173 42.823 42.824 42.823s42.824-19.173 42.824-42.823c0-23.651-19.173-42.824-42.824-42.824l-.032.001C253.621 156.431 270.292 152 288 152c57.438 0 104 46.562 104 104z" ], "eye-dropper": [ 512, 512, [], "f1fb", "M50.75 333.25c-12 12-18.75 28.28-18.75 45.26V424L0 480l32 32 56-32h45.49c16.97 0 33.25-6.74 45.25-18.74l126.64-126.62-128-128L50.75 333.25zM483.88 28.12c-37.47-37.5-98.28-37.5-135.75 0l-77.09 77.09-13.1-13.1c-9.44-9.44-24.65-9.31-33.94 0l-40.97 40.97c-9.37 9.37-9.37 24.57 0 33.94l161.94 161.94c9.44 9.44 24.65 9.31 33.94 0L419.88 288c9.37-9.37 9.37-24.57 0-33.94l-13.1-13.1 77.09-77.09c37.51-37.48 37.51-98.26.01-135.75z" ], "eye-slash": [ 576, 512, [], "f070", "M286.693 391.984l32.579 46.542A333.958 333.958 0 0 1 288 440C168.19 440 63.031 376.051 6.646 280.369a47.999 47.999 0 0 1 0-48.739c24.023-40.766 56.913-75.775 96.024-102.537l57.077 81.539C154.736 224.82 152 240.087 152 256c0 74.736 60.135 135.282 134.693 135.984zm282.661-111.615c-31.667 53.737-78.747 97.46-135.175 125.475l.011.015 41.47 59.2c7.6 10.86 4.96 25.82-5.9 33.42l-13.11 9.18c-10.86 7.6-25.82 4.96-33.42-5.9L100.34 46.94c-7.6-10.86-4.96-25.82 5.9-33.42l13.11-9.18c10.86-7.6 25.82-4.96 33.42 5.9l51.038 72.617C230.68 75.776 258.905 72 288 72c119.81 0 224.969 63.949 281.354 159.631a48.002 48.002 0 0 1 0 48.738zM424 256c0-75.174-60.838-136-136-136-17.939 0-35.056 3.473-50.729 9.772l19.299 27.058c25.869-8.171 55.044-6.163 80.4 7.41h-.03c-23.65 0-42.82 19.17-42.82 42.82 0 23.626 19.147 42.82 42.82 42.82 23.65 0 42.82-19.17 42.82-42.82v-.03c18.462 34.49 16.312 77.914-8.25 110.95v.01l19.314 27.061C411.496 321.2 424 290.074 424 256zM262.014 356.727l-77.53-110.757c-5.014 52.387 29.314 98.354 77.53 110.757z" ], "fast-backward": [ 512, 512, [], "f049", "M0 436V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v151.9L235.5 71.4C256.1 54.3 288 68.6 288 96v131.9L459.5 71.4C480.1 54.3 512 68.6 512 96v320c0 27.4-31.9 41.7-52.5 24.6L288 285.3V416c0 27.4-31.9 41.7-52.5 24.6L64 285.3V436c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12z" ], "fast-forward": [ 512, 512, [], "f050", "M512 76v360c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V284.1L276.5 440.6c-20.6 17.2-52.5 2.8-52.5-24.6V284.1L52.5 440.6C31.9 457.8 0 443.4 0 416V96c0-27.4 31.9-41.7 52.5-24.6L224 226.8V96c0-27.4 31.9-41.7 52.5-24.6L448 226.8V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z" ], fax: [ 512, 512, [], "f1ac", "M128 144v320c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V144c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h32c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm384 64v256c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H192c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V40c0-22.091 17.909-40 40-40h207.432a39.996 39.996 0 0 1 28.284 11.716l48.569 48.569A39.999 39.999 0 0 1 480 88.568v74.174c18.641 6.591 32 24.36 32 45.258zm-320-16h240V96h-24c-13.203 0-24-10.797-24-24V48H192v144zm96 204c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40zm128 128c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40z" ], feather: [ 512, 512, [], "f52d", "M467.14 44.84c-62.55-62.48-161.67-64.78-252.28 25.73-78.61 78.52-60.98 60.92-85.75 85.66-60.46 60.39-70.39 150.83-63.64 211.17l178.44-178.25c6.26-6.25 16.4-6.25 22.65 0s6.25 16.38 0 22.63L7.04 471.03c-9.38 9.37-9.38 24.57 0 33.94 9.38 9.37 24.6 9.37 33.98 0l66.1-66.03C159.42 454.65 279 457.11 353.95 384h-98.19l147.57-49.14c49.99-49.93 36.38-36.18 46.31-46.86h-97.78l131.54-43.8c45.44-74.46 34.31-148.84-16.26-199.36z" ], "feather-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f56b", "M512 0C460.22 3.56 96.44 38.2 71.01 287.61c-3.09 26.66-4.84 53.44-5.99 80.24l178.87-178.69c6.25-6.25 16.4-6.25 22.65 0s6.25 16.38 0 22.63L7.04 471.03c-9.38 9.37-9.38 24.57 0 33.94 9.38 9.37 24.59 9.37 33.98 0l57.13-57.07c42.09-.14 84.15-2.53 125.96-7.36 53.48-5.44 97.02-26.47 132.58-56.54H255.74l146.79-48.88c11.25-14.89 21.37-30.71 30.45-47.12h-81.14l106.54-53.21C500.29 132.86 510.19 26.26 512 0z" ], female: [ 256, 512, [], "f182", "M128 0c35.346 0 64 28.654 64 64s-28.654 64-64 64c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64S92.654 0 128 0m119.283 354.179l-48-192A24 24 0 0 0 176 144h-11.36c-22.711 10.443-49.59 10.894-73.28 0H80a24 24 0 0 0-23.283 18.179l-48 192C4.935 369.305 16.383 384 32 384h56v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V384h56c15.591 0 27.071-14.671 23.283-29.821z" ], "fighter-jet": [ 640, 512, [], "f0fb", "M544 224l-128-16-48-16h-24L227.158 44h39.509C278.333 44 288 41.375 288 38s-9.667-6-21.333-6H152v12h16v164h-48l-66.667-80H18.667L8 138.667V208h8v16h48v2.666l-64 8v42.667l64 8V288H16v16H8v69.333L18.667 384h34.667L120 304h48v164h-16v12h114.667c11.667 0 21.333-2.625 21.333-6s-9.667-6-21.333-6h-39.509L344 320h24l48-16 128-16c96-21.333 96-26.583 96-32 0-5.417 0-10.667-96-32z" ], file: [ 384, 512, [], "f15b", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm160-14.1v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], "file-alt": [ 384, 512, [], "f15c", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm64 236c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v8zm0-64c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v8zm0-72v8c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm96-114.1v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], "file-archive": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c6", "M224 136V0h-63.6v32h-32V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM95.9 32h32v32h-32V32zm32.3 384c-33.2 0-58-30.4-51.4-62.9L96.4 256v-32h32v-32h-32v-32h32v-32h-32V96h32V64h32v32h-32v32h32v32h-32v32h32v32h-32v32h22.1c5.7 0 10.7 4.1 11.8 9.7l17.3 87.7c6.4 32.4-18.4 62.6-51.4 62.6zm32.7-53c0 14.9-14.5 27-32.4 27S96 378 96 363c0-14.9 14.5-27 32.4-27s32.5 12.1 32.5 27zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], "file-audio": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c7", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm-64 268c0 10.7-12.9 16-20.5 8.5L104 376H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h28l35.5-36.5c7.6-7.6 20.5-2.2 20.5 8.5v136zm33.2-47.6c9.1-9.3 9.1-24.1 0-33.4-22.1-22.8 12.2-56.2 34.4-33.5 27.2 27.9 27.2 72.4 0 100.4-21.8 22.3-56.9-10.4-34.4-33.5zm86-117.1c54.4 55.9 54.4 144.8 0 200.8-21.8 22.4-57-10.3-34.4-33.5 36.2-37.2 36.3-96.5 0-133.8-22.1-22.8 12.3-56.3 34.4-33.5zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], "file-code": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c9", "M384 121.941V128H256V0h6.059c6.365 0 12.47 2.529 16.971 7.029l97.941 97.941A24.005 24.005 0 0 1 384 121.941zM248 160c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v464c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160H248zM123.206 400.505a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-7.633.246l-64.866-60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 0-7.879l64.866-60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 7.633.246l19.579 20.885a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-.372 7.747L101.65 336l40.763 35.874a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 .372 7.747l-19.579 20.884zm51.295 50.479l-27.453-7.97a5.402 5.402 0 0 1-3.681-6.692l61.44-211.626a5.402 5.402 0 0 1 6.692-3.681l27.452 7.97a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 3.68 6.692l-61.44 211.626a5.397 5.397 0 0 1-6.69 3.681zm160.792-111.045l-64.866 60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-7.633-.246l-19.58-20.885a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 .372-7.747L284.35 336l-40.763-35.874a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-.372-7.747l19.58-20.885a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 7.633-.246l64.866 60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-.001 7.879z" ], "file-contract": [ 384, 512, [], "f56c", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM64 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm0 64c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zm192.81 248H304c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16s-7.16 16-16 16h-47.19c-16.45 0-31.27-9.14-38.64-23.86-2.95-5.92-8.09-6.52-10.17-6.52s-7.22.59-10.02 6.19l-7.67 15.34a15.986 15.986 0 0 1-14.31 8.84c-.38 0-.75-.02-1.14-.05-6.45-.45-12-4.75-14.03-10.89L144 354.59l-10.61 31.88c-5.89 17.66-22.38 29.53-41 29.53H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16s7.16-16 16-16h12.39c4.83 0 9.11-3.08 10.64-7.66l18.19-54.64c3.3-9.81 12.44-16.41 22.78-16.41s19.48 6.59 22.77 16.41l13.88 41.64c19.77-16.19 54.05-9.7 66 14.16 2.02 4.06 5.96 6.5 10.16 6.5zM377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z" ], "file-download": [ 384, 512, [], "f56d", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm76.45 211.36l-96.42 95.7c-6.65 6.61-17.39 6.61-24.04 0l-96.42-95.7C73.42 337.29 80.54 320 94.82 320H160v-80c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v80h65.18c14.28 0 21.4 17.29 11.27 27.36zM377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z" ], "file-excel": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c3", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm60.1 106.5L224 336l60.1 93.5c5.1 8-.6 18.5-10.1 18.5h-34.9c-4.4 0-8.5-2.4-10.6-6.3C208.9 405.5 192 373 192 373c-6.4 14.8-10 20-36.6 68.8-2.1 3.9-6.1 6.3-10.5 6.3H110c-9.5 0-15.2-10.5-10.1-18.5l60.3-93.5-60.3-93.5c-5.2-8 .6-18.5 10.1-18.5h34.8c4.4 0 8.5 2.4 10.6 6.3 26.1 48.8 20 33.6 36.6 68.5 0 0 6.1-11.7 36.6-68.5 2.1-3.9 6.2-6.3 10.6-6.3H274c9.5-.1 15.2 10.4 10.1 18.4zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], "file-export": [ 576, 512, [], "f56e", "M384 121.9c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1zM192 336v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h176V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V352H208c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16zm379.05-28.02l-95.7-96.43c-10.06-10.14-27.36-3.01-27.36 11.27V288H384v64h63.99v65.18c0 14.28 17.29 21.41 27.36 11.27l95.7-96.42c6.6-6.66 6.6-17.4 0-24.05z" ], "file-image": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c5", "M384 121.941V128H256V0h6.059a24 24 0 0 1 16.97 7.029l97.941 97.941a24.002 24.002 0 0 1 7.03 16.971zM248 160c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v464c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160H248zm-135.455 16c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48s-21.49 48-48 48-48-21.49-48-48 21.491-48 48-48zm208 240h-256l.485-48.485L104.545 328c4.686-4.686 11.799-4.201 16.485.485L160.545 368 264.06 264.485c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L320.545 304v112z" ], "file-import": [ 512, 512, [], "f56f", "M16 288c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h112v-64H16zm336-152V0H152c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v264h127.99v-65.18c0-14.28 17.29-21.41 27.36-11.27l95.7 96.43c6.6 6.65 6.6 17.39 0 24.04l-95.7 96.42c-10.06 10.14-27.36 3.01-27.36-11.27V352H128v136c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H376c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm153-31L407.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H384v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z" ], "file-invoice": [ 384, 512, [], "f570", "M288 256H96v64h192v-64zm89-151L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM64 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm0 64c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zm256 304c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-80c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm0-200v96c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-96c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h224c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16z" ], "file-invoice-dollar": [ 384, 512, [], "f571", "M377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM64 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm0 80v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm144 263.88V440c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-24.29c-11.29-.58-22.27-4.52-31.37-11.35-3.9-2.93-4.1-8.77-.57-12.14l11.75-11.21c2.77-2.64 6.89-2.76 10.13-.73 3.87 2.42 8.26 3.72 12.82 3.72h28.11c6.5 0 11.8-5.92 11.8-13.19 0-5.95-3.61-11.19-8.77-12.73l-45-13.5c-18.59-5.58-31.58-23.42-31.58-43.39 0-24.52 19.05-44.44 42.67-45.07V232c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v24.29c11.29.58 22.27 4.51 31.37 11.35 3.9 2.93 4.1 8.77.57 12.14l-11.75 11.21c-2.77 2.64-6.89 2.76-10.13.73-3.87-2.43-8.26-3.72-12.82-3.72h-28.11c-6.5 0-11.8 5.92-11.8 13.19 0 5.95 3.61 11.19 8.77 12.73l45 13.5c18.59 5.58 31.58 23.42 31.58 43.39 0 24.53-19.05 44.44-42.67 45.07z" ], "file-medical": [ 384, 512, [], "f477", "M377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm64 160v48c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8z" ], "file-medical-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f478", "M288 136V0H88C74.7 0 64 10.7 64 24v232H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h140.9c3 0 5.8 1.7 7.2 4.4l19.9 39.8 56.8-113.7c2.9-5.9 11.4-5.9 14.3 0l34.7 69.5H352c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16h-89.9L240 275.8l-56.8 113.7c-2.9 5.9-11.4 5.9-14.3 0L134.1 320H64v168c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H312c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm153-31L343.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H320v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z" ], "file-pdf": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c1", "M181.9 256.1c-5-16-4.9-46.9-2-46.9 8.4 0 7.6 36.9 2 46.9zm-1.7 47.2c-7.7 20.2-17.3 43.3-28.4 62.7 18.3-7 39-17.2 62.9-21.9-12.7-9.6-24.9-23.4-34.5-40.8zM86.1 428.1c0 .8 13.2-5.4 34.9-40.2-6.7 6.3-29.1 24.5-34.9 40.2zM248 160h136v328c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V24C0 10.7 10.7 0 24 0h200v136c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24zm-8 171.8c-20-12.2-33.3-29-42.7-53.8 4.5-18.5 11.6-46.6 6.2-64.2-4.7-29.4-42.4-26.5-47.8-6.8-5 18.3-.4 44.1 8.1 77-11.6 27.6-28.7 64.6-40.8 85.8-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-27.1 13.9-73.6 44.5-54.5 68 5.6 6.9 16 10 21.5 10 17.9 0 35.7-18 61.1-61.8 25.8-8.5 54.1-19.1 79-23.2 21.7 11.8 47.1 19.5 64 19.5 29.2 0 31.2-32 19.7-43.4-13.9-13.6-54.3-9.7-73.6-7.2zM377 105L279 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7h-6v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-74.1 255.3c4.1-2.7-2.5-11.9-42.8-9 37.1 15.8 42.8 9 42.8 9z" ], "file-powerpoint": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c4", "M193.7 271.2c8.8 0 15.5 2.7 20.3 8.1 9.6 10.9 9.8 32.7-.2 44.1-4.9 5.6-11.9 8.5-21.1 8.5h-26.9v-60.7h27.9zM377 105L279 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7h-6v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm53 165.2c0 90.3-88.8 77.6-111.1 77.6V436c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-30.8c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V236.2c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h81c44.5 0 72.9 32.8 72.9 77z" ], "file-prescription": [ 384, 512, [], "f572", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm68.53 179.48l11.31 11.31c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63l-29.9 29.9L304 409.38c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0L240 413.25l-30.06 30.06c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0L176 432c-6.25-6.25-6.25-16.38 0-22.63l30.06-30.06L146.74 320H128v48c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16V208c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h80c35.35 0 64 28.65 64 64 0 24.22-13.62 45.05-33.46 55.92L240 345.38l29.9-29.9c6.25-6.25 16.38-6.25 22.63 0zM176 272h-48v-32h48c8.82 0 16 7.18 16 16s-7.18 16-16 16zm208-150.1v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], "file-signature": [ 576, 512, [], "f573", "M218.17 424.14c-2.95-5.92-8.09-6.52-10.17-6.52s-7.22.59-10.02 6.19l-7.67 15.34c-6.37 12.78-25.03 11.37-29.48-2.09L144 386.59l-10.61 31.88c-5.89 17.66-22.38 29.53-41 29.53H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16s7.16-16 16-16h12.39c4.83 0 9.11-3.08 10.64-7.66l18.19-54.64c3.3-9.81 12.44-16.41 22.78-16.41s19.48 6.59 22.77 16.41l13.88 41.64c19.75-16.19 54.06-9.7 66 14.16 1.89 3.78 5.49 5.95 9.36 6.26v-82.12l128-127.09V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-40l-128-.11c-16.12-.31-30.58-9.28-37.83-23.75zM384 121.9c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1zm-96 225.06V416h68.99l161.68-162.78-67.88-67.88L288 346.96zm280.54-179.63l-31.87-31.87c-9.94-9.94-26.07-9.94-36.01 0l-27.25 27.25 67.88 67.88 27.25-27.25c9.95-9.94 9.95-26.07 0-36.01z" ], "file-upload": [ 384, 512, [], "f574", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm65.18 216.01H224v80c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-80H94.82c-14.28 0-21.41-17.29-11.27-27.36l96.42-95.7c6.65-6.61 17.39-6.61 24.04 0l96.42 95.7c10.15 10.07 3.03 27.36-11.25 27.36zM377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z" ], "file-video": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c8", "M384 121.941V128H256V0h6.059c6.365 0 12.47 2.529 16.971 7.029l97.941 97.941A24.005 24.005 0 0 1 384 121.941zM224 136V0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v464c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm96 144.016v111.963c0 21.445-25.943 31.998-40.971 16.971L224 353.941V392c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H88c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V280c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v38.059l55.029-55.013c15.011-15.01 40.971-4.491 40.971 16.97z" ], "file-word": [ 384, 512, [], "f1c2", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm57.1 120H305c7.7 0 13.4 7.1 11.7 14.7l-38 168c-1.2 5.5-6.1 9.3-11.7 9.3h-38c-5.5 0-10.3-3.8-11.6-9.1-25.8-103.5-20.8-81.2-25.6-110.5h-.5c-1.1 14.3-2.4 17.4-25.6 110.5-1.3 5.3-6.1 9.1-11.6 9.1H117c-5.6 0-10.5-3.9-11.7-9.4l-37.8-168c-1.7-7.5 4-14.6 11.7-14.6h24.5c5.7 0 10.7 4 11.8 9.7 15.6 78 20.1 109.5 21 122.2 1.6-10.2 7.3-32.7 29.4-122.7 1.3-5.4 6.1-9.1 11.7-9.1h29.1c5.6 0 10.4 3.8 11.7 9.2 24 100.4 28.8 124 29.6 129.4-.2-11.2-2.6-17.8 21.6-129.2 1-5.6 5.9-9.5 11.5-9.5zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z" ], fill: [ 512, 512, [], "f575", "M502.63 217.06L294.94 9.37C288.69 3.12 280.5 0 272.31 0s-16.38 3.12-22.62 9.37l-81.58 81.58L81.93 4.77c-6.24-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.62 0L36.69 27.38c-6.24 6.25-6.24 16.38 0 22.63l86.19 86.18-94.76 94.76c-37.49 37.49-37.49 98.26 0 135.75l117.19 117.19c18.75 18.74 43.31 28.12 67.87 28.12 24.57 0 49.13-9.37 67.88-28.12l221.57-221.57c12.49-12.5 12.49-32.76 0-45.26zm-116.22 70.97H65.93c1.36-3.84 3.57-7.98 7.43-11.83l13.15-13.15 81.61-81.61 58.61 58.6c12.49 12.49 32.75 12.49 45.24 0 12.49-12.49 12.49-32.75 0-45.24l-58.61-58.6 58.95-58.95 162.45 162.44-48.35 48.34z" ], "fill-drip": [ 576, 512, [], "f576", "M512 320s-64 92.65-64 128c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64s64-28.65 64-64-64-128-64-128zm-9.37-102.94L294.94 9.37C288.69 3.12 280.5 0 272.31 0s-16.38 3.12-22.62 9.37l-81.58 81.58L81.93 4.76c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.62 0L36.69 27.38c-6.24 6.25-6.24 16.38 0 22.62l86.19 86.18-94.76 94.76c-37.49 37.48-37.49 98.26 0 135.75l117.19 117.19c18.74 18.74 43.31 28.12 67.87 28.12 24.57 0 49.13-9.37 67.87-28.12l221.57-221.57c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.75.01-45.25zm-116.22 70.97H65.93c1.36-3.84 3.57-7.98 7.43-11.83l13.15-13.15 81.61-81.61 58.6 58.6c12.49 12.49 32.75 12.49 45.24 0s12.49-32.75 0-45.24l-58.6-58.6 58.95-58.95 162.44 162.44-48.34 48.34z" ], film: [ 512, 512, [], "f008", "M488 64h-8v20c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V64H96v20c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V64h-8C10.7 64 0 74.7 0 88v336c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8v-20c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v20h320v-20c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v20h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V88c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zM96 372c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm272 208c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H156c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-96c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v96zm0-168c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H156c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-96c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v96zm112 152c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40z" ], filter: [ 512, 512, [], "f0b0", "M487.976 0H24.028C2.71 0-8.047 25.866 7.058 40.971L192 225.941V432c0 7.831 3.821 15.17 10.237 19.662l80 55.98C298.02 518.69 320 507.493 320 487.98V225.941l184.947-184.97C520.021 25.896 509.338 0 487.976 0z" ], fingerprint: [ 512, 512, [], "f577", "M256.12 245.96c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24 1.14 72.25-8.14 141.9-27.7 211.55-2.73 9.72 2.15 30.49 23.12 30.49 10.48 0 20.11-6.92 23.09-17.52 13.53-47.91 31.04-125.41 29.48-224.52.01-13.25-10.73-24-23.99-24zm-.86-81.73C194 164.16 151.25 211.3 152.1 265.32c.75 47.94-3.75 95.91-13.37 142.55-2.69 12.98 5.67 25.69 18.64 28.36 13.05 2.67 25.67-5.66 28.36-18.64 10.34-50.09 15.17-101.58 14.37-153.02-.41-25.95 19.92-52.49 54.45-52.34 31.31.47 57.15 25.34 57.62 55.47.77 48.05-2.81 96.33-10.61 143.55-2.17 13.06 6.69 25.42 19.76 27.58 19.97 3.33 26.81-15.1 27.58-19.77 8.28-50.03 12.06-101.21 11.27-152.11-.88-55.8-47.94-101.88-104.91-102.72zm-110.69-19.78c-10.3-8.34-25.37-6.8-33.76 3.48-25.62 31.5-39.39 71.28-38.75 112 .59 37.58-2.47 75.27-9.11 112.05-2.34 13.05 6.31 25.53 19.36 27.89 20.11 3.5 27.07-14.81 27.89-19.36 7.19-39.84 10.5-80.66 9.86-121.33-.47-29.88 9.2-57.88 28-80.97 8.35-10.28 6.79-25.39-3.49-33.76zm109.47-62.33c-15.41-.41-30.87 1.44-45.78 4.97-12.89 3.06-20.87 15.98-17.83 28.89 3.06 12.89 16 20.83 28.89 17.83 11.05-2.61 22.47-3.77 34-3.69 75.43 1.13 137.73 61.5 138.88 134.58.59 37.88-1.28 76.11-5.58 113.63-1.5 13.17 7.95 25.08 21.11 26.58 16.72 1.95 25.51-11.88 26.58-21.11a929.06 929.06 0 0 0 5.89-119.85c-1.56-98.75-85.07-180.33-186.16-181.83zm252.07 121.45c-2.86-12.92-15.51-21.2-28.61-18.27-12.94 2.86-21.12 15.66-18.26 28.61 4.71 21.41 4.91 37.41 4.7 61.6-.11 13.27 10.55 24.09 23.8 24.2h.2c13.17 0 23.89-10.61 24-23.8.18-22.18.4-44.11-5.83-72.34zm-40.12-90.72C417.29 43.46 337.6 1.29 252.81.02 183.02-.82 118.47 24.91 70.46 72.94 24.09 119.37-.9 181.04.14 246.65l-.12 21.47c-.39 13.25 10.03 24.31 23.28 12.92 0 23.59-10.3 23.97-23.3l.16-23.64c-.83-52.5 19.16-101.86 56.28-139 38.76-38.8 91.34-59.67 147.68-58.86 69.45 1.03 134.73 35.56 174.62 92.39 7.61 10.86 22.56 13.45 33.42 5.86 10.84-7.62 13.46-22.59 5.84-33.43z" ], fire: [ 384, 512, [], "f06d", "M216 23.858c0-23.802-30.653-32.765-44.149-13.038C48 191.851 224 200 224 288c0 35.629-29.114 64.458-64.85 63.994C123.98 351.538 96 322.22 96 287.046v-85.51c0-21.703-26.471-32.225-41.432-16.504C27.801 213.158 0 261.332 0 320c0 105.869 86.131 192 192 192s192-86.131 192-192c0-170.29-168-193.003-168-296.142z" ], "fire-extinguisher": [ 448, 512, [], "f134", "M434.027 26.329l-168 28C254.693 56.218 256 67.8 256 72h-58.332C208.353 36.108 181.446 0 144 0c-39.435 0-66.368 39.676-52.228 76.203-52.039 13.051-75.381 54.213-90.049 90.884-4.923 12.307 1.063 26.274 13.37 31.197 12.317 4.926 26.279-1.075 31.196-13.37C75.058 112.99 106.964 120 168 120v27.076c-41.543 10.862-72 49.235-72 94.129V488c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h144c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V240c0-44.731-30.596-82.312-72-92.97V120h40c0 2.974-1.703 15.716 10.027 17.671l168 28C441.342 166.89 448 161.25 448 153.834V38.166c0-7.416-6.658-13.056-13.973-11.837zM144 72c-8.822 0-16-7.178-16-16s7.178-16 16-16 16 7.178 16 16-7.178 16-16 16z" ], "first-aid": [ 576, 512, [], "f479", "M0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48V32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80zm128 400h320V32H128v448zm64-248c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48zM528 32h-48v448h48c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" ], fish: [ 576, 512, [], "f578", "M327.1 96c-89.97 0-168.54 54.77-212.27 101.63L27.5 131.58c-12.13-9.18-30.24.6-27.14 14.66L24.54 256 .35 365.77c-3.1 14.06 15.01 23.83 27.14 14.66l87.33-66.05C158.55 361.23 237.13 416 327.1 416 464.56 416 576 288 576 256S464.56 96 327.1 96zm87.43 184c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24 13.26 0 24 10.74 24 24 0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z" ], flag: [ 512, 512, [], "f024", "M349.565 98.783C295.978 98.783 251.721 64 184.348 64c-24.955 0-47.309 4.384-68.045 12.013a55.947 55.947 0 0 0 3.586-23.562C118.117 24.015 94.806 1.206 66.338.048 34.345-1.254 8 24.296 8 56c0 19.026 9.497 35.825 24 45.945V488c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-94.4c28.311-12.064 63.582-22.122 114.435-22.122 53.588 0 97.844 34.783 165.217 34.783 48.169 0 86.667-16.294 122.505-40.858C506.84 359.452 512 349.571 512 339.045v-243.1c0-23.393-24.269-38.87-45.485-29.016-34.338 15.948-76.454 31.854-116.95 31.854z" ], "flag-checkered": [ 512, 512, [], "f11e", "M466.515 66.928C487.731 57.074 512 72.551 512 95.944v243.1c0 10.526-5.161 20.407-13.843 26.358-35.837 24.564-74.335 40.858-122.505 40.858-67.373 0-111.63-34.783-165.217-34.783-50.853 0-86.124 10.058-114.435 22.122V488c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H56c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V101.945C17.497 91.825 8 75.026 8 56 8 24.296 34.345-1.254 66.338.048c28.468 1.158 51.779 23.968 53.551 52.404.52 8.342-.81 16.31-3.586 23.562C137.039 68.384 159.393 64 184.348 64c67.373 0 111.63 34.783 165.217 34.783 40.496 0 82.612-15.906 116.95-31.855zM96 134.63v70.49c29-10.67 51.18-17.83 73.6-20.91v-71.57c-23.5 2.17-40.44 9.79-73.6 21.99zm220.8 9.19c-26.417-4.672-49.886-13.979-73.6-21.34v67.42c24.175 6.706 47.566 16.444 73.6 22.31v-68.39zm-147.2 40.39v70.04c32.796-2.978 53.91-.635 73.6 3.8V189.9c-25.247-7.035-46.581-9.423-73.6-5.69zm73.6 142.23c26.338 4.652 49.732 13.927 73.6 21.34v-67.41c-24.277-6.746-47.54-16.45-73.6-22.32v68.39zM96 342.1c23.62-8.39 47.79-13.84 73.6-16.56v-71.29c-26.11 2.35-47.36 8.04-73.6 17.36v70.49zm368-221.6c-21.3 8.85-46.59 17.64-73.6 22.47v71.91c27.31-4.36 50.03-14.1 73.6-23.89V120.5zm0 209.96v-70.49c-22.19 14.2-48.78 22.61-73.6 26.02v71.58c25.07-2.38 48.49-11.04 73.6-27.11zM316.8 212.21v68.16c25.664 7.134 46.616 9.342 73.6 5.62v-71.11c-25.999 4.187-49.943 2.676-73.6-2.67z" ], flask: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c3", "M437.2 403.5L320 215V64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H120c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8v151L10.8 403.5C-18.5 450.6 15.3 512 70.9 512h306.2c55.7 0 89.4-61.5 60.1-108.5zM137.9 320l48.2-77.6c3.7-5.2 5.8-11.6 5.8-18.4V64h64v160c0 6.9 2.2 13.2 5.8 18.4l48.2 77.6h-172z" ], flushed: [ 496, 512, [], "f579", "M344 200c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zm-192 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM80 224c0-39.8 32.2-72 72-72s72 32.2 72 72-32.2 72-72 72-72-32.2-72-72zm232 176H184c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32h128c21.2 0 21.2 32 0 32zm32-104c-39.8 0-72-32.2-72-72s32.2-72 72-72 72 32.2 72 72-32.2 72-72 72z" ], folder: [ 512, 512, [], "f07b", "M464 128H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48z" ], "folder-open": [ 576, 512, [], "f07c", "M572.694 292.093L500.27 416.248A63.997 63.997 0 0 1 444.989 448H45.025c-18.523 0-30.064-20.093-20.731-36.093l72.424-124.155A64 64 0 0 1 152 256h399.964c18.523 0 30.064 20.093 20.73 36.093zM152 224h328v-48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v278.046l69.077-118.418C86.214 242.25 117.989 224 152 224z" ], font: [ 448, 512, [], "f031", "M152 416h-24.013l26.586-80.782H292.8L319.386 416H296c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h136c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-26.739L275.495 42.746A16 16 0 0 0 260.382 32h-72.766a16 16 0 0 0-15.113 10.746L42.739 416H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h136c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16zm64.353-271.778c4.348-15.216 6.61-28.156 7.586-34.644.839 6.521 2.939 19.476 7.727 34.706l41.335 124.006h-98.619l41.971-124.068z" ], "font-awesome-logo-full": [ 3992, 512, [ "Font Awesome" ], "f4e6", "M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z" ], "football-ball": [ 496, 512, [], "f44e", "M481.5 60.3c-4.8-18.2-19.1-32.5-37.3-37.4C420.3 16.5 383 8.9 339.4 8L496 164.8c-.8-43.5-8.2-80.6-14.5-104.5zm-467 391.4c4.8 18.2 19.1 32.5 37.3 37.4 23.9 6.4 61.2 14 104.8 14.9L0 347.2c.8 43.5 8.2 80.6 14.5 104.5zM4.2 283.4L220.4 500c132.5-19.4 248.8-118.7 271.5-271.4L275.6 12C143.1 31.4 26.8 130.7 4.2 283.4zm317.3-123.6c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l11.3 11.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-28.3-28.3-22.6 22.7 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0L248 278.6l-22.6 22.6 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-28.3-28.3-28.3 28.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-11.3-11.3c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l28.3-28.3-28.3-28.2c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l28.3 28.3 22.6-22.6-28.3-28.3c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l28.3 28.3 22.6-22.6-28.3-28.3c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l28.3 28.3 28.3-28.5z" ], forward: [ 512, 512, [], "f04e", "M500.5 231.4l-192-160C287.9 54.3 256 68.6 256 96v320c0 27.4 31.9 41.8 52.5 24.6l192-160c15.3-12.8 15.3-36.4 0-49.2zm-256 0l-192-160C31.9 54.3 0 68.6 0 96v320c0 27.4 31.9 41.8 52.5 24.6l192-160c15.3-12.8 15.3-36.4 0-49.2z" ], frog: [ 576, 512, [], "f52e", "M446.53 97.43C439.67 60.23 407.19 32 368 32c-39.23 0-71.72 28.29-78.54 65.54C126.75 112.96-.5 250.12 0 416.98.11 451.9 29.08 480 64 480h304c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-79.49l35.8-48.33c24.14-36.23 10.35-88.28-33.71-106.6-23.89-9.93-51.55-4.65-72.24 10.88l-32.76 24.59c-7.06 5.31-17.09 3.91-22.41-3.19-5.3-7.08-3.88-17.11 3.19-22.41l34.78-26.09c36.84-27.66 88.28-27.62 125.13 0 10.87 8.15 45.87 39.06 40.8 93.21L469.62 480H560c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-53.63l-98.52-104.68 154.44-86.65A58.16 58.16 0 0 0 576 189.94c0-21.4-11.72-40.95-30.48-51.23-40.56-22.22-98.99-41.28-98.99-41.28zM368 136c-13.26 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.74-24 24-24 13.25 0 24 10.74 24 24 0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z" ], frown: [ 496, 512, [], "f119", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm170.2 218.2C315.8 367.4 282.9 352 248 352s-67.8 15.4-90.2 42.2c-13.5 16.3-38.1-4.2-24.6-20.5C161.7 339.6 203.6 320 248 320s86.3 19.6 114.7 53.8c13.6 16.2-11 36.7-24.5 20.4z" ], "frown-open": [ 496, 512, [], "f57a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM136 208c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm187.3 183.3c-31.2-9.6-59.4-15.3-75.3-15.3s-44.1 5.7-75.3 15.3c-11.5 3.5-22.5-6.3-20.5-18.1 7-40 60.1-61.2 95.8-61.2s88.8 21.3 95.8 61.2c2 11.9-9.1 21.6-20.5 18.1zM328 240c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], futbol: [ 512, 512, [], "f1e3", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zm-48 0l-.003-.282-26.064 22.741-62.679-58.5 16.454-84.355 34.303 3.072c-24.889-34.216-60.004-60.089-100.709-73.141l13.651 31.939L256 139l-74.953-41.525 13.651-31.939c-40.631 13.028-75.78 38.87-100.709 73.141l34.565-3.073 16.192 84.355-62.678 58.5-26.064-22.741-.003.282c0 43.015 13.497 83.952 38.472 117.991l7.704-33.897 85.138 10.447 36.301 77.826-29.902 17.786c40.202 13.122 84.29 13.148 124.572 0l-29.902-17.786 36.301-77.826 85.138-10.447 7.704 33.897C442.503 339.952 456 299.015 456 256zm-248.102 69.571l-29.894-91.312L256 177.732l77.996 56.527-29.622 91.312h-96.476z" ], gamepad: [ 640, 512, [], "f11b", "M480 96H160C71.6 96 0 167.6 0 256s71.6 160 160 160c44.8 0 85.2-18.4 114.2-48h91.5c29 29.6 69.5 48 114.2 48 88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160S568.4 96 480 96zM256 276c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-52v52c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-52H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h52v-52c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h52c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm184 68c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-80c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z" ], "gas-pump": [ 512, 512, [], "f52f", "M336 448H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h320c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm157.2-340.7l-81-81c-6.2-6.2-16.4-6.2-22.6 0l-11.3 11.3c-6.2 6.2-6.2 16.4 0 22.6L416 97.9V160c0 28.1 20.9 51.3 48 55.2V376c0 13.2-10.8 24-24 24s-24-10.8-24-24v-32c0-48.6-39.4-88-88-88h-8V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H96C60.7 0 32 28.7 32 64v352h288V304h8c22.1 0 40 17.9 40 40v27.8c0 37.7 27 72 64.5 75.9 43 4.3 79.5-29.5 79.5-71.7V152.6c0-17-6.8-33.3-18.8-45.3zM256 192H96V64h160v128z" ], gavel: [ 512, 512, [], "f0e3", "M504.971 199.362l-22.627-22.627c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0l-5.657 5.657L329.608 69.255l5.657-5.657c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L312.638 7.029c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L154.246 131.48c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l22.627 22.627c9.373 9.373 24.569 9.373 33.941 0l5.657-5.657 39.598 39.598-81.04 81.04-5.657-5.657c-12.497-12.497-32.758-12.497-45.255 0L9.373 412.118c-12.497 12.497-12.497 32.758 0 45.255l45.255 45.255c12.497 12.497 32.758 12.497 45.255 0l114.745-114.745c12.497-12.497 12.497-32.758 0-45.255l-5.657-5.657 81.04-81.04 39.598 39.598-5.657 5.657c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l22.627 22.627c9.373 9.373 24.569 9.373 33.941 0l124.451-124.451c9.372-9.372 9.372-24.568 0-33.941z" ], gem: [ 576, 512, [], "f3a5", "M485.5 0L576 160H474.9L405.7 0h79.8zm-128 0l69.2 160H149.3L218.5 0h139zm-267 0h79.8l-69.2 160H0L90.5 0zM0 192h100.7l123 251.7c1.5 3.1-2.7 5.9-5 3.3L0 192zm148.2 0h279.6l-137 318.2c-1 2.4-4.5 2.4-5.5 0L148.2 192zm204.1 251.7l123-251.7H576L357.3 446.9c-2.3 2.7-6.5-.1-5-3.2z" ], genderless: [ 288, 512, [], "f22d", "M144 176c44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80 35.9-80 80-80m0-64C64.5 112 0 176.5 0 256s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144-64.5-144-144-144z" ], gift: [ 512, 512, [], "f06b", "M32 448c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h160V320H32v128zm448-288h-42.1c6.2-12.1 10.1-25.5 10.1-40 0-48.5-39.5-88-88-88-41.6 0-68.5 21.3-103 68.3-34.5-47-61.4-68.3-103-68.3-48.5 0-88 39.5-88 88 0 14.5 3.8 27.9 10.1 40H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v80c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h480c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-80c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zm-326.1 0c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40c19.9 0 34.6 3.3 86.1 80h-86.1zm206.1 0h-86.1c51.4-76.5 65.7-80 86.1-80 22.1 0 40 17.9 40 40s-17.9 40-40 40zm-72 320h160c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V320H288v160z" ], "glass-martini": [ 512, 512, [], "f000", "M502.05 57.6C523.3 36.34 508.25 0 478.2 0H33.8C3.75 0-11.3 36.34 9.95 57.6L224 271.64V464h-56c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h240c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40h-56V271.64L502.05 57.6z" ], "glass-martini-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f57b", "M502.05 57.6C523.3 36.34 508.25 0 478.2 0H33.8C3.75 0-11.3 36.34 9.95 57.6L224 271.64V464h-56c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h240c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40h-56V271.64L502.05 57.6zM443.77 48l-48 48H116.24l-48-48h375.53z" ], glasses: [ 576, 512, [], "f530", "M574.1 280.37L528.75 98.66c-5.91-23.7-21.59-44.05-43-55.81-21.44-11.73-46.97-14.11-70.19-6.33l-15.25 5.08c-8.39 2.79-12.92 11.86-10.12 20.24l5.06 15.18c2.79 8.38 11.85 12.91 20.23 10.12l13.18-4.39c10.87-3.62 23-3.57 33.16 1.73 10.29 5.37 17.57 14.56 20.37 25.82l38.46 153.82c-22.19-6.81-49.79-12.46-81.2-12.46-34.77 0-73.98 7.02-114.85 26.74h-73.18c-40.87-19.74-80.08-26.75-114.86-26.75-31.42 0-59.02 5.65-81.21 12.46l38.46-153.83c2.79-11.25 10.09-20.45 20.38-25.81 10.16-5.3 22.28-5.35 33.15-1.73l13.17 4.39c8.38 2.79 17.44-1.74 20.23-10.12l5.06-15.18c2.8-8.38-1.73-17.45-10.12-20.24l-15.25-5.08c-23.22-7.78-48.75-5.41-70.19 6.33-21.41 11.77-37.09 32.11-43 55.8L1.9 280.37A64.218 64.218 0 0 0 0 295.86v70.25C0 429.01 51.58 480 115.2 480h37.12c60.28 0 110.37-45.94 114.88-105.37l2.93-38.63h35.75l2.93 38.63C313.31 434.06 363.4 480 423.68 480h37.12c63.62 0 115.2-50.99 115.2-113.88v-70.25c0-5.23-.64-10.43-1.9-15.5zm-370.72 89.42c-1.97 25.91-24.4 46.21-51.06 46.21H115.2C86.97 416 64 393.62 64 366.11v-37.54c18.12-6.49 43.42-12.92 72.58-12.92 23.86 0 47.26 4.33 69.93 12.92l-3.13 41.22zM512 366.12c0 27.51-22.97 49.88-51.2 49.88h-37.12c-26.67 0-49.1-20.3-51.06-46.21l-3.13-41.22c22.67-8.59 46.08-12.92 69.95-12.92 29.12 0 54.43 6.44 72.55 12.93v37.54z" ], globe: [ 496, 512, [], "f0ac", "M336.5 160C322 70.7 287.8 8 248 8s-74 62.7-88.5 152h177zM152 256c0 22.2 1.2 43.5 3.3 64h185.3c2.1-20.5 3.3-41.8 3.3-64s-1.2-43.5-3.3-64H155.3c-2.1 20.5-3.3 41.8-3.3 64zm324.7-96c-28.6-67.9-86.5-120.4-158-141.6 24.4 33.8 41.2 84.7 50 141.6h108zM177.2 18.4C105.8 39.6 47.8 92.1 19.3 160h108c8.7-56.9 25.5-107.8 49.9-141.6zM487.4 192H372.7c2.1 21 3.3 42.5 3.3 64s-1.2 43-3.3 64h114.6c5.5-20.5 8.6-41.8 8.6-64s-3.1-43.5-8.5-64zM120 256c0-21.5 1.2-43 3.3-64H8.6C3.2 212.5 0 233.8 0 256s3.2 43.5 8.6 64h114.6c-2-21-3.2-42.5-3.2-64zm39.5 96c14.5 89.3 48.7 152 88.5 152s74-62.7 88.5-152h-177zm159.3 141.6c71.4-21.2 129.4-73.7 158-141.6h-108c-8.8 56.9-25.6 107.8-50 141.6zM19.3 352c28.6 67.9 86.5 120.4 158 141.6-24.4-33.8-41.2-84.7-50-141.6h-108z" ], "globe-africa": [ 496, 512, [], "f57c", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm160 215.5v6.93c0 5.87-3.32 11.24-8.57 13.86l-15.39 7.7a15.485 15.485 0 0 1-15.53-.97l-18.21-12.14a15.52 15.52 0 0 0-13.5-1.81l-2.65.88c-9.7 3.23-13.66 14.79-7.99 23.3l13.24 19.86c2.87 4.31 7.71 6.9 12.89 6.9h8.21c8.56 0 15.5 6.94 15.5 15.5v11.34c0 3.35-1.09 6.62-3.1 9.3l-18.74 24.98c-1.42 1.9-2.39 4.1-2.83 6.43l-4.3 22.83c-.62 3.29-2.29 6.29-4.76 8.56a159.608 159.608 0 0 0-25 29.16l-13.03 19.55a27.756 27.756 0 0 1-23.09 12.36c-10.51 0-20.12-5.94-24.82-15.34a78.902 78.902 0 0 1-8.33-35.29V367.5c0-8.56-6.94-15.5-15.5-15.5h-25.88c-14.49 0-28.38-5.76-38.63-16a54.659 54.659 0 0 1-16-38.63v-14.06c0-17.19 8.1-33.38 21.85-43.7l27.58-20.69a54.663 54.663 0 0 1 32.78-10.93h.89c8.48 0 16.85 1.97 24.43 5.77l14.72 7.36c3.68 1.84 7.93 2.14 11.83.84l47.31-15.77c6.33-2.11 10.6-8.03 10.6-14.7 0-8.56-6.94-15.5-15.5-15.5h-10.09c-4.11 0-8.05-1.63-10.96-4.54l-6.92-6.92a15.493 15.493 0 0 0-10.96-4.54H199.5c-8.56 0-15.5-6.94-15.5-15.5v-4.4c0-7.11 4.84-13.31 11.74-15.04l14.45-3.61c3.74-.94 7-3.23 9.14-6.44l8.08-12.11c2.87-4.31 7.71-6.9 12.89-6.9h24.21c8.56 0 15.5-6.94 15.5-15.5v-21.7C359.23 71.63 422.86 131.02 441.93 208H423.5c-8.56 0-15.5 6.94-15.5 15.5z" ], "globe-americas": [ 496, 512, [], "f57d", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm82.29 357.6c-3.9 3.88-7.99 7.95-11.31 11.28-2.99 3-5.1 6.7-6.17 10.71-1.51 5.66-2.73 11.38-4.77 16.87l-17.39 46.85c-13.76 3-28 4.69-42.65 4.69v-27.38c1.69-12.62-7.64-36.26-22.63-51.25-6-6-9.37-14.14-9.37-22.63v-32.01c0-11.64-6.27-22.34-16.46-27.97-14.37-7.95-34.81-19.06-48.81-26.11-11.48-5.78-22.1-13.14-31.65-21.75l-.8-.72a114.792 114.792 0 0 1-18.06-20.74c-9.38-13.77-24.66-36.42-34.59-51.14 20.47-45.5 57.36-82.04 103.2-101.89l24.01 12.01C203.48 89.74 216 82.01 216 70.11v-11.3c7.99-1.29 16.12-2.11 24.39-2.42l28.3 28.3c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63L264 112l-10.34 10.34c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l4.69 4.69c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-8 8a8.008 8.008 0 0 1-5.66 2.34h-8.99c-2.08 0-4.08.81-5.58 2.27l-9.92 9.65a8.008 8.008 0 0 0-1.58 9.31l15.59 31.19c2.66 5.32-1.21 11.58-7.15 11.58h-5.64c-1.93 0-3.79-.7-5.24-1.96l-9.28-8.06a16.017 16.017 0 0 0-15.55-3.1l-31.17 10.39a11.95 11.95 0 0 0-8.17 11.34c0 4.53 2.56 8.66 6.61 10.69l11.08 5.54c9.41 4.71 19.79 7.16 30.31 7.16s22.59 27.29 32 32h66.75c8.49 0 16.62 3.37 22.63 9.37l13.69 13.69a30.503 30.503 0 0 1 8.93 21.57 46.536 46.536 0 0 1-13.72 32.98zM417 274.25c-5.79-1.45-10.84-5-14.15-9.97l-17.98-26.97a23.97 23.97 0 0 1 0-26.62l19.59-29.38c2.32-3.47 5.5-6.29 9.24-8.15l12.98-6.49C440.2 193.59 448 223.87 448 256c0 8.67-.74 17.16-1.82 25.54L417 274.25z" ], "globe-asia": [ 496, 512, [], "f57e", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm-11.34 240.23c-2.89 4.82-8.1 7.77-13.72 7.77h-.31c-4.24 0-8.31 1.69-11.31 4.69l-5.66 5.66c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l5.66 5.66c3 3 4.69 7.07 4.69 11.31V304c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-6.11c-6.06 0-11.6-3.42-14.31-8.85l-22.62-45.23c-2.44-4.88-8.95-5.94-12.81-2.08l-19.47 19.46c-3 3-7.07 4.69-11.31 4.69H50.81C49.12 277.55 48 266.92 48 256c0-110.28 89.72-200 200-200 21.51 0 42.2 3.51 61.63 9.82l-50.16 38.53c-5.11 3.41-4.63 11.06.86 13.81l10.83 5.41c5.42 2.71 8.84 8.25 8.84 14.31V216c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-3.06c-3.03 0-5.8-1.71-7.15-4.42-1.56-3.12-5.96-3.29-7.76-.3l-17.37 28.95zM408 358.43c0 4.24-1.69 8.31-4.69 11.31l-9.57 9.57c-3 3-7.07 4.69-11.31 4.69h-15.16c-4.24 0-8.31-1.69-11.31-4.69l-13.01-13.01a26.767 26.767 0 0 0-25.42-7.04l-21.27 5.32c-1.27.32-2.57.48-3.88.48h-10.34c-4.24 0-8.31-1.69-11.31-4.69l-11.91-11.91a8.008 8.008 0 0 1-2.34-5.66v-10.2c0-3.27 1.99-6.21 5.03-7.43l39.34-15.74c1.98-.79 3.86-1.82 5.59-3.05l23.71-16.89a7.978 7.978 0 0 1 4.64-1.48h12.09c3.23 0 6.15 1.94 7.39 4.93l5.35 12.85a4 4 0 0 0 3.69 2.46h3.8c1.78 0 3.35-1.18 3.84-2.88l4.2-14.47c.5-1.71 2.06-2.88 3.84-2.88h6.06c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4v12.93c0 2.12.84 4.16 2.34 5.66l11.91 11.91c3 3 4.69 7.07 4.69 11.31v24.6z" ], "golf-ball": [ 416, 512, [], "f450", "M96 416h224c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32h-16c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v20c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-20c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32h-16c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zm320-208c0 74.2-39 139.2-97.5 176h-221C39 347.2 0 282.2 0 208 0 93.1 93.1 0 208 0s208 93.1 208 208zm-180.1 43.9c18.3 0 33.1-14.8 33.1-33.1 0-14.4-9.3-26.3-22.1-30.9 9.6 26.8-15.6 51.3-41.9 41.9 4.6 12.8 16.5 22.1 30.9 22.1zm49.1 46.9c0-14.4-9.3-26.3-22.1-30.9 9.6 26.8-15.6 51.3-41.9 41.9 4.6 12.8 16.5 22.1 30.9 22.1 18.3 0 33.1-14.9 33.1-33.1zm64-64c0-14.4-9.3-26.3-22.1-30.9 9.6 26.8-15.6 51.3-41.9 41.9 4.6 12.8 16.5 22.1 30.9 22.1 18.3 0 33.1-14.9 33.1-33.1z" ], "graduation-cap": [ 640, 512, [], "f19d", "M622.884 199.005l-275.817 85.1a96 96 0 0 1-54.134 0L92.398 222.232c-8.564 11.438-11.018 23.05-11.918 38.335C89.778 266.165 96 276.355 96 288c0 11.952-6.557 22.366-16.265 27.861l16.197 123.096c.63 4.786-3.1 9.043-7.932 9.043H40c-4.828 0-8.562-4.253-7.932-9.044L48.265 315.86C38.557 310.366 32 299.952 32 288c0-12.034 6.646-22.511 16.465-27.976.947-17.951 3.974-33.231 12.152-47.597l-43.502-13.422c-22.876-6.801-22.766-39.241 0-46.01l275.817-85.1a96 96 0 0 1 54.134 0l275.817 85.1c22.877 6.801 22.767 39.241.001 46.01zM356.503 314.682l-.207.064-.207.061a127.998 127.998 0 0 1-72.177 0l-.207-.061-.207-.064-150.914-46.57L120 352c0 35.346 89.543 64 200 64s200-28.654 200-64l-12.583-83.888-150.914 46.57z" ], "greater-than": [ 384, 512, [], "f531", "M365.52 209.85L59.22 67.01c-16.06-7.49-35.15-.54-42.64 15.52L3.01 111.61c-7.49 16.06-.54 35.15 15.52 42.64L236.96 256.1 18.49 357.99C2.47 365.46-4.46 384.5 3.01 400.52l13.52 29C24 445.54 43.04 452.47 59.06 445l306.47-142.91a32.003 32.003 0 0 0 18.48-29v-34.23c-.01-12.45-7.21-23.76-18.49-29.01z" ], "greater-than-equal": [ 448, 512, [], "f532", "M55.22 107.69l175.56 68.09-175.44 68.05c-18.39 6.03-27.88 24.39-21.2 41l12.09 30.08c6.68 16.61 26.99 25.19 45.38 19.15L393.02 214.2c13.77-4.52 22.98-16.61 22.98-30.17v-15.96c0-13.56-9.21-25.65-22.98-30.17L91.3 17.92c-18.29-6-38.51 2.53-45.15 19.06L34.12 66.9c-6.64 16.53 2.81 34.79 21.1 40.79zM424 400H24c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h400c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z" ], grimace: [ 496, 512, [], "f57f", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM144 400h-8c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32v-8h40v40zm0-56h-40v-8c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h8v40zm-8-136c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm72 192h-48v-40h48v40zm0-56h-48v-40h48v40zm64 56h-48v-40h48v40zm0-56h-48v-40h48v40zm64 56h-48v-40h48v40zm0-56h-48v-40h48v40zm-8-104c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm64 128c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32h-8v-40h40v8zm0-24h-40v-40h8c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32v8z" ], grin: [ 496, 512, [], "f580", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm80 256c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.3-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z" ], "grin-alt": [ 496, 512, [], "f581", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm63.7 128.7c7.6-11.4 24.7-11.7 32.7 0 12.4 18.4 15.1 36.9 15.7 55.3-.5 18.4-3.3 36.9-15.7 55.3-7.6 11.4-24.7 11.7-32.7 0-12.4-18.4-15.1-36.9-15.7-55.3.5-18.4 3.3-36.9 15.7-55.3zm-160 0c7.6-11.4 24.7-11.7 32.7 0 12.4 18.4 15.1 36.9 15.7 55.3-.5 18.4-3.3 36.9-15.7 55.3-7.6 11.4-24.7 11.7-32.7 0-12.4-18.4-15.1-36.9-15.7-55.3.5-18.4 3.3-36.9 15.7-55.3zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z" ], "grin-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f582", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 144c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.3-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm-160 0c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm80 280c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.9 9.4-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z" ], "grin-beam-sweat": [ 504, 512, [], "f583", "M456 128c26.5 0 48-21 48-47 0-20-28.5-60.4-41.6-77.8-3.2-4.3-9.6-4.3-12.8 0C436.5 20.6 408 61 408 81c0 26 21.5 47 48 47zm0 32c-44.1 0-80-35.4-80-79 0-4.4.3-14.2 8.1-32.2C345 23.1 298.3 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248c0-35.1-7.4-68.4-20.5-98.6-6.3 1.5-12.7 2.6-19.5 2.6zm-128-8c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm-160 0c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm80 280c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.2 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z" ], "grin-hearts": [ 496, 512, [], "f584", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM90.4 183.6c6.7-17.6 26.7-26.7 44.9-21.9l7.1 1.9 2-7.1c5-18.1 22.8-30.9 41.5-27.9 21.4 3.4 34.4 24.2 28.8 44.5L195.3 243c-1.2 4.5-5.9 7.2-10.5 6l-70.2-18.2c-20.4-5.4-31.9-27-24.2-47.2zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.2-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.6 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3zm133.4-201.3l-70.2 18.2c-4.5 1.2-9.2-1.5-10.5-6L281.3 173c-5.6-20.3 7.4-41.1 28.8-44.5 18.6-3 36.4 9.8 41.5 27.9l2 7.1 7.1-1.9c18.2-4.7 38.2 4.3 44.9 21.9 7.7 20.3-3.8 41.9-24.2 47.2z" ], "grin-squint": [ 496, 512, [], "f585", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm33.8 189.7l80-48c11.6-6.9 24 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 208l33.6 40.3c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.7-4.7-7.7-15.9 0-20.6zm-163-30c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.8 4.7 7.8 15.9 0 20.6l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.9 9.4-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.2 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z" ], "grin-squint-tears": [ 512, 512, [], "f586", "M409.6 111.9c22.6-3.2 73.5-12 88.3-26.8 19.2-19.2 18.9-50.6-.7-70.2S446-5 426.9 14.2c-14.8 14.8-23.5 65.7-26.8 88.3-.8 5.5 3.9 10.2 9.5 9.4zM102.4 400.1c-22.6 3.2-73.5 12-88.3 26.8-19.1 19.1-18.8 50.6.8 70.2s51 19.9 70.2.7c14.8-14.8 23.5-65.7 26.8-88.3.8-5.5-3.9-10.2-9.5-9.4zm311.7-256.5c-33 3.9-48.6-25.1-45.7-45.7 3.4-24 7.4-42.1 11.5-56.5C285.1-13.4 161.8-.5 80.6 80.6-.5 161.7-13.4 285 41.4 379.9c14.4-4.1 32.4-8 56.5-11.5 33.2-3.9 48.6 25.2 45.7 45.7-3.4 24-7.4 42.1-11.5 56.5 94.8 54.8 218.1 41.9 299.3-39.2s94-204.4 39.2-299.3c-14.4 4.1-32.5 8-56.5 11.5zM255.7 106c3.3-13.2 22.4-11.5 23.6 1.8l4.8 52.3 52.3 4.8c13.4 1.2 14.9 20.3 1.8 23.6l-90.5 22.6c-8.9 2.2-16.7-5.9-14.5-14.5l22.5-90.6zm-90.9 230.3L160 284l-52.3-4.8c-13.4-1.2-14.9-20.3-1.8-23.6l90.5-22.6c8.8-2.2 16.7 5.8 14.5 14.5L188.3 338c-3.1 13.2-22.2 11.7-23.5-1.7zm215.7 44.2c-29.3 29.3-75.7 50.4-116.7 50.4-18.9 0-36.6-4.5-51-14.7-9.8-6.9-8.7-21.8 2-27.2 28.3-14.6 63.9-42.4 97.8-76.3s61.7-69.6 76.3-97.8c5.4-10.5 20.2-11.9 27.3-2 32.3 45.3 7.1 124.7-35.7 167.6z" ], "grin-stars": [ 496, 512, [], "f587", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM94.6 168.9l34.9-5 15.5-31.6c2.9-5.8 11-5.8 13.9 0l15.5 31.6 34.9 5c6.2 1 8.9 8.6 4.3 13.2l-25.4 24.6 6 34.9c1 6.2-5.3 11-11 7.9L152 233.3l-31.3 16.3c-5.7 3.1-12-1.7-11-7.9l6-34.9-25.4-24.6c-4.6-4.7-1.9-12.3 4.3-13.3zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3zm157.7-249.9l-25.4 24.6 6 34.9c1 6.2-5.3 11-11 7.9L344 233.3l-31.3 16.3c-5.7 3.1-12-1.7-11-7.9l6-34.9-25.4-24.6c-4.5-4.6-1.9-12.2 4.3-13.2l34.9-5 15.5-31.6c2.9-5.8 11-5.8 13.9 0l15.5 31.6 34.9 5c6.3.9 9 8.5 4.4 13.1z" ], "grin-tears": [ 640, 512, [], "f588", "M102.4 256.1c-22.6 3.2-73.5 12-88.3 26.8-19.1 19.1-18.8 50.6.8 70.2s51 19.9 70.2.7c14.8-14.8 23.5-65.7 26.8-88.3.8-5.5-3.9-10.2-9.5-9.4zm523.4 26.8c-14.8-14.8-65.7-23.5-88.3-26.8-5.5-.8-10.3 3.9-9.5 9.5 3.2 22.6 12 73.5 26.8 88.3 19.2 19.2 50.6 18.9 70.2-.7s20-51.2.8-70.3zm-129.4-12.8c-3.8-26.6 19.1-49.5 45.7-45.7 8.9 1.3 16.8 2.7 24.3 4.1C552.7 104.5 447.7 8 320 8S87.3 104.5 73.6 228.5c7.5-1.4 15.4-2.8 24.3-4.1 33.2-3.9 48.6 25.3 45.7 45.7-11.8 82.3-29.9 100.4-35.8 106.4-.9.9-2 1.6-3 2.5 42.7 74.6 123 125 215.2 125s172.5-50.4 215.2-125.1c-1-.9-2.1-1.5-3-2.5-5.9-5.9-24-24-35.8-106.3zM400 152c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm-160 0c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm80 280c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.7 9.2-21.6 20.7-17.9C227.1 330.5 272 336 320 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z" ], "grin-tongue": [ 496, 512, [], "f589", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 106.3 67 196.7 161 232-5.6-12.2-9-25.7-9-40v-45.5c-24.7-16.2-43.5-38.1-47.8-63.8-2-11.8 9.3-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.6 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-4.3 25.7-23.1 47.6-47.8 63.8V448c0 14.3-3.4 27.8-9 40 94-35.3 161-125.7 161-232C496 119 385 8 248 8zm-80 232c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm-34.9 134.6c-14.4-6.5-31.1 2.2-34.6 17.6l-1.8 7.8c-2.1 9.2-15.2 9.2-17.3 0l-1.8-7.8c-3.5-15.4-20.2-24.1-34.6-17.6-.9.4.3-.2-18.9 9.4v63c0 35.2 28 64.5 63.1 64.9 35.7.5 64.9-28.4 64.9-64v-64c-19.5-9.6-18.2-8.9-19-9.3z" ], "grin-tongue-squint": [ 496, 512, [], "f58a", "M293.1 374.6c-14.4-6.5-31.1 2.2-34.6 17.6l-1.8 7.8c-2.1 9.2-15.2 9.2-17.3 0l-1.8-7.8c-3.5-15.4-20.2-24.1-34.6-17.6-.9.4.3-.2-18.9 9.4v63c0 35.2 28 64.5 63.1 64.9 35.7.5 64.9-28.4 64.9-64v-64c-19.5-9.6-18.2-8.9-19-9.3zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 106.3 67 196.7 161 232-5.6-12.2-9-25.7-9-40v-45.5c-24.7-16.2-43.5-38.1-47.8-63.8-2-11.8 9.2-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-4.3 25.7-23.1 47.6-47.8 63.8V448c0 14.3-3.4 27.8-9 40 94-35.3 161-125.7 161-232C496 119 385 8 248 8zm-33.8 210.3l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.7 4.7 7.7 15.9 0 20.6zm163 30c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.8-4.7-7.8-15.9 0-20.6l80-48c11.7-6.9 23.9 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 208l33.6 40.3z" ], "grin-tongue-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f58b", "M344 184c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 106.3 67 196.7 161 232-5.6-12.2-9-25.7-9-40v-45.5c-24.7-16.2-43.5-38.1-47.8-63.8-2-11.8 9.3-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-4.3 25.7-23.1 47.6-47.8 63.8V448c0 14.3-3.4 27.8-9 40 94-35.3 161-125.7 161-232C496 119 385 8 248 8zm-56 225l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L112 233c-8.5 7.4-21.6.3-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S208 197 212 222.2c1.6 11.1-11.6 18.2-20 10.8zm152 39c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm-50.9 102.6c-14.4-6.5-31.1 2.2-34.6 17.6l-1.8 7.8c-2.1 9.2-15.2 9.2-17.3 0l-1.8-7.8c-3.5-15.4-20.2-24.1-34.6-17.6-.9.4.3-.2-18.9 9.4v63c0 35.2 28 64.5 63.1 64.9 35.7.5 64.9-28.4 64.9-64v-64c-19.5-9.6-18.2-8.9-19-9.3z" ], "grin-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f58c", "M0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8 0 119 0 256zm200-48c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32zm168 25l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L288 233c-8.3 7.4-21.6.4-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S384 197 388 222.2c1.6 11-11.5 18.2-20 10.8zm-243.1 87.8C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.3-3.7 22.6 6 20.7 17.9-9.2 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3s-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3c-2-11.9 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9z" ], "grip-horizontal": [ 448, 512, [], "f58d", "M96 288H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM96 96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "grip-vertical": [ 320, 512, [], "f58e", "M96 32H32C14.33 32 0 46.33 0 64v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM288 32h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "h-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f0fd", "M448 80v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm-112 48h-32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v80H160v-80c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v224c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h32c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-80h128v80c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h32c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V144c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z" ], "hand-holding": [ 576, 512, [], "f4bd", "M565.3 328.1c-11.8-10.7-30.2-10-42.6 0L430.3 402c-11.3 9.1-25.4 14-40 14H272c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16h78.3c15.9 0 30.7-10.9 33.3-26.6 3.3-20-12.1-37.4-31.6-37.4H192c-27 0-53.1 9.3-74.1 26.3L71.4 384H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h356.8c14.5 0 28.6-4.9 40-14L564 377c15.2-12.1 16.4-35.3 1.3-48.9z" ], "hand-holding-heart": [ 576, 512, [], "f4be", "M275.3 250.5c7 7.4 18.4 7.4 25.5 0l108.9-114.2c31.6-33.2 29.8-88.2-5.6-118.8-30.8-26.7-76.7-21.9-104.9 7.7L288 36.9l-11.1-11.6C248.7-4.4 202.8-9.2 172 17.5c-35.3 30.6-37.2 85.6-5.6 118.8l108.9 114.2zm290 77.6c-11.8-10.7-30.2-10-42.6 0L430.3 402c-11.3 9.1-25.4 14-40 14H272c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16h78.3c15.9 0 30.7-10.9 33.3-26.6 3.3-20-12.1-37.4-31.6-37.4H192c-27 0-53.1 9.3-74.1 26.3L71.4 384H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h356.8c14.5 0 28.6-4.9 40-14L564 377c15.2-12.1 16.4-35.3 1.3-48.9z" ], "hand-holding-usd": [ 544, 512, [], "f4c0", "M257.6 144.3l50 14.3c3.6 1 6.1 4.4 6.1 8.1 0 4.6-3.8 8.4-8.4 8.4h-32.8c-3.6 0-7.1-.8-10.3-2.2-4.8-2.2-10.4-1.7-14.1 2l-17.5 17.5c-5.3 5.3-4.7 14.3 1.5 18.4 9.5 6.3 20.3 10.1 31.8 11.5V240c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h16c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-17.6c30.3-3.6 53.3-31 49.3-63-2.9-23-20.7-41.3-42.9-47.7l-50-14.3c-3.6-1-6.1-4.4-6.1-8.1 0-4.6 3.8-8.4 8.4-8.4h32.8c3.6 0 7.1.8 10.3 2.2 4.8 2.2 10.4 1.7 14.1-2l17.5-17.5c5.3-5.3 4.7-14.3-1.5-18.4-9.5-6.3-20.3-10.1-31.8-11.5V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v17.6c-30.3 3.6-53.3 31-49.3 63 2.9 23 20.7 41.3 42.9 47.7zm276.3 183.8c-11.2-10.7-28.5-10-40.3 0L406.4 402c-10.7 9.1-24 14-37.8 14H256.9c-8.3 0-15.1-7.2-15.1-16s6.8-16 15.1-16h73.9c15.1 0 29-10.9 31.4-26.6 3.1-20-11.5-37.4-29.8-37.4H181.3c-25.5 0-50.2 9.3-69.9 26.3L67.5 384H15.1C6.8 384 0 391.2 0 400v96c0 8.8 6.8 16 15.1 16H352c13.7 0 27-4.9 37.8-14l142.8-121c14.4-12.1 15.5-35.3 1.3-48.9z" ], "hand-lizard": [ 576, 512, [], "f258", "M384 480h192V363.778a95.998 95.998 0 0 0-14.833-51.263L398.127 54.368A48 48 0 0 0 357.544 32H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v16c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h229.981c12.844 0 21.556 13.067 16.615 24.923l-21.41 51.385A32 32 0 0 1 251.648 224H128c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64v8c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h147.406a47.995 47.995 0 0 1 25.692 7.455l111.748 70.811A24.001 24.001 0 0 1 384 418.539V480z" ], "hand-paper": [ 448, 512, [], "f256", "M408.781 128.007C386.356 127.578 368 146.36 368 168.79V256h-8V79.79c0-22.43-18.356-41.212-40.781-40.783C297.488 39.423 280 57.169 280 79v177h-8V40.79C272 18.36 253.644-.422 231.219.007 209.488.423 192 18.169 192 40v216h-8V80.79c0-22.43-18.356-41.212-40.781-40.783C121.488 40.423 104 58.169 104 80v235.992l-31.648-43.519c-12.993-17.866-38.009-21.817-55.877-8.823-17.865 12.994-21.815 38.01-8.822 55.877l125.601 172.705A48 48 0 0 0 172.073 512h197.59c22.274 0 41.622-15.324 46.724-37.006l26.508-112.66a192.011 192.011 0 0 0 5.104-43.975V168c.001-21.831-17.487-39.577-39.218-39.993z" ], "hand-peace": [ 448, 512, [], "f25b", "M408 216c-22.092 0-40 17.909-40 40h-8v-32c0-22.091-17.908-40-40-40s-40 17.909-40 40v32h-8V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48s-48 21.49-48 48v208h-13.572L92.688 78.449C82.994 53.774 55.134 41.63 30.461 51.324 5.787 61.017-6.356 88.877 3.337 113.551l74.765 190.342-31.09 24.872c-15.381 12.306-19.515 33.978-9.741 51.081l64 112A39.998 39.998 0 0 0 136 512h240c18.562 0 34.686-12.77 38.937-30.838l32-136A39.97 39.97 0 0 0 448 336v-80c0-22.091-17.908-40-40-40z" ], "hand-point-down": [ 384, 512, [], "f0a7", "M91.826 467.2V317.966c-8.248 5.841-16.558 10.57-24.918 14.153C35.098 345.752-.014 322.222 0 288c.008-18.616 10.897-32.203 29.092-40 28.286-12.122 64.329-78.648 77.323-107.534 7.956-17.857 25.479-28.453 43.845-28.464l.001-.002h171.526c11.812 0 21.897 8.596 23.703 20.269 7.25 46.837 38.483 61.76 38.315 123.731-.007 2.724.195 13.254.195 16 0 50.654-22.122 81.574-71.263 72.6-9.297 18.597-39.486 30.738-62.315 16.45-21.177 24.645-53.896 22.639-70.944 6.299V467.2c0 24.15-20.201 44.8-43.826 44.8-23.283 0-43.826-21.35-43.826-44.8zM112 72V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h192c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v48c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H136c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24zm212-24c0-11.046-8.954-20-20-20s-20 8.954-20 20 8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20z" ], "hand-point-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f0a5", "M44.8 155.826h149.234c-5.841-8.248-10.57-16.558-14.153-24.918C166.248 99.098 189.778 63.986 224 64c18.616.008 32.203 10.897 40 29.092 12.122 28.286 78.648 64.329 107.534 77.323 17.857 7.956 28.453 25.479 28.464 43.845l.002.001v171.526c0 11.812-8.596 21.897-20.269 23.703-46.837 7.25-61.76 38.483-123.731 38.315-2.724-.007-13.254.195-16 .195-50.654 0-81.574-22.122-72.6-71.263-18.597-9.297-30.738-39.486-16.45-62.315-24.645-21.177-22.639-53.896-6.299-70.944H44.8c-24.15 0-44.8-20.201-44.8-43.826 0-23.283 21.35-43.826 44.8-43.826zM440 176h48c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-48c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V200c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24zm24 212c11.046 0 20-8.954 20-20s-8.954-20-20-20-20 8.954-20 20 8.954 20 20 20z" ], "hand-point-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f0a4", "M512 199.652c0 23.625-20.65 43.826-44.8 43.826h-99.851c16.34 17.048 18.346 49.766-6.299 70.944 14.288 22.829 2.147 53.017-16.45 62.315C353.574 425.878 322.654 448 272 448c-2.746 0-13.276-.203-16-.195-61.971.168-76.894-31.065-123.731-38.315C120.596 407.683 112 397.599 112 385.786V214.261l.002-.001c.011-18.366 10.607-35.889 28.464-43.845 28.886-12.994 95.413-49.038 107.534-77.323 7.797-18.194 21.384-29.084 40-29.092 34.222-.014 57.752 35.098 44.119 66.908-3.583 8.359-8.312 16.67-14.153 24.918H467.2c23.45 0 44.8 20.543 44.8 43.826zM96 200v192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V200c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h48c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM68 368c0-11.046-8.954-20-20-20s-20 8.954-20 20 8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20z" ], "hand-point-up": [ 384, 512, [], "f0a6", "M135.652 0c23.625 0 43.826 20.65 43.826 44.8v99.851c17.048-16.34 49.766-18.346 70.944 6.299 22.829-14.288 53.017-2.147 62.315 16.45C361.878 158.426 384 189.346 384 240c0 2.746-.203 13.276-.195 16 .168 61.971-31.065 76.894-38.315 123.731C343.683 391.404 333.599 400 321.786 400H150.261l-.001-.002c-18.366-.011-35.889-10.607-43.845-28.464C93.421 342.648 57.377 276.122 29.092 264 10.897 256.203.008 242.616 0 224c-.014-34.222 35.098-57.752 66.908-44.119 8.359 3.583 16.67 8.312 24.918 14.153V44.8c0-23.45 20.543-44.8 43.826-44.8zM136 416h192c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v48c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H136c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-48c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24zm168 28c-11.046 0-20 8.954-20 20s8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20-8.954-20-20-20z" ], "hand-pointer": [ 448, 512, [], "f25a", "M448 240v96c0 3.084-.356 6.159-1.063 9.162l-32 136C410.686 499.23 394.562 512 376 512H168a40.004 40.004 0 0 1-32.35-16.473l-127.997-176c-12.993-17.866-9.043-42.883 8.822-55.876 17.867-12.994 42.884-9.043 55.877 8.823L104 315.992V40c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40v200h8v-40c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40v40h8v-24c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40v24h8c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40zm-256 80h-8v96h8v-96zm88 0h-8v96h8v-96zm88 0h-8v96h8v-96z" ], "hand-rock": [ 512, 512, [], "f255", "M512 128.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C437.935 79.558 416 101.217 416 128h-8V96.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C333.935 47.558 312 69.217 312 96v32h-8V80.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C229.935 31.558 208 53.217 208 80v48h-8V96.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C125.935 47.558 104 69.217 104 96v136l-8-7.111V176.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C21.935 127.558 0 149.217 0 176v66.445a95.998 95.998 0 0 0 32.221 71.751l111.668 99.261A47.999 47.999 0 0 1 160 449.333V456c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h240c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-2.921a96.01 96.01 0 0 1 7.523-37.254l48.954-116.265A96.002 96.002 0 0 0 512 262.306V128.79z" ], "hand-scissors": [ 512, 512, [], "f257", "M216 440c0-22.092 17.909-40 40-40v-8h-32c-22.091 0-40-17.908-40-40s17.909-40 40-40h32v-8H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48h208v-13.572l-177.551-69.74c-24.674-9.694-36.818-37.555-27.125-62.228 9.693-24.674 37.554-36.817 62.228-27.124l190.342 74.765 24.872-31.09c12.306-15.381 33.978-19.515 51.081-9.741l112 64A40.002 40.002 0 0 1 512 168v240c0 18.562-12.77 34.686-30.838 38.937l-136 32A39.982 39.982 0 0 1 336 480h-80c-22.091 0-40-17.908-40-40z" ], "hand-spock": [ 512, 512, [], "f259", "M10.872 316.585c15.139-16.086 40.454-16.854 56.543-1.713L128 371.893v-79.405L88.995 120.865c-4.896-21.542 8.598-42.974 30.14-47.87 21.549-4.894 42.975 8.599 47.87 30.141L201.747 256h9.833L164.016 48.966c-4.946-21.531 8.498-42.994 30.028-47.94 21.532-4.95 42.994 8.498 47.94 30.028L293.664 256h15.105l48.425-193.702c5.357-21.432 27.075-34.462 48.507-29.104 21.432 5.358 34.463 27.075 29.104 48.507L391.231 256h11.08l30.768-129.265c5.117-21.491 26.685-34.768 48.177-29.647 21.491 5.117 34.765 26.686 29.647 48.177l-36.292 152.467A96.024 96.024 0 0 0 472 319.967v42.102a96.002 96.002 0 0 1-3.96 27.287l-26.174 88.287C435.825 498.022 417.101 512 395.846 512H179.172a48.002 48.002 0 0 1-32.898-13.046L12.585 373.128c-16.087-15.141-16.853-40.456-1.713-56.543z" ], hands: [ 640, 512, [], "f4c2", "M204.8 230.4c-10.6-14.1-30.7-17-44.8-6.4-14.1 10.6-17 30.7-6.4 44.8l38.1 50.8c4.8 6.4 4.1 15.3-1.5 20.9l-12.8 12.8c-6.7 6.7-17.6 6.2-23.6-1.1L64 244.4V96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32S0 78.3 0 96v218.4c0 10.9 3.7 21.5 10.5 30l104.1 134.3c5 6.5 8.4 13.9 10.4 21.7 1.8 6.9 8.1 11.6 15.3 11.6H272c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V384c0-27.7-9-54.6-25.6-76.8l-57.6-76.8zM608 64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v148.4l-89.8 107.8c-6 7.2-17 7.7-23.6 1.1l-12.8-12.8c-5.6-5.6-6.3-14.5-1.5-20.9l38.1-50.8c10.6-14.1 7.7-34.2-6.4-44.8-14.1-10.6-34.2-7.7-44.8 6.4l-57.6 76.8C361 329.4 352 356.3 352 384v112c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h131.7c7.1 0 13.5-4.7 15.3-11.6 2-7.8 5.4-15.2 10.4-21.7l104.1-134.3c6.8-8.5 10.5-19.1 10.5-30V96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z" ], "hands-helping": [ 640, 512, [], "f4c4", "M488 192H336v56c0 39.7-32.3 72-72 72s-72-32.3-72-72V126.4l-64.9 39C107.8 176.9 96 197.8 96 220.2v47.3l-80 46.2C.7 322.5-4.6 342.1 4.3 357.4l80 138.6c8.8 15.3 28.4 20.5 43.7 11.7L231.4 448H368c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64h16c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32v-64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-48c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm147.7-37.4L555.7 16C546.9.7 527.3-4.5 512 4.3L408.6 64H306.4c-12 0-23.7 3.4-33.9 9.7L239 94.6c-9.4 5.8-15 16.1-15 27.1V248c0 22.1 17.9 40 40 40s40-17.9 40-40v-88h184c30.9 0 56 25.1 56 56v28.5l80-46.2c15.3-8.9 20.5-28.4 11.7-43.7z" ], handshake: [ 640, 512, [], "f2b5", "M434.7 64h-85.9c-8 0-15.7 3-21.6 8.4l-98.3 90c-.1.1-.2.3-.3.4-16.6 15.6-16.3 40.5-2.1 56 12.7 13.9 39.4 17.6 56.1 2.7.1-.1.3-.1.4-.2l79.9-73.2c6.5-5.9 16.7-5.5 22.6 1 6 6.5 5.5 16.6-1 22.6l-26.1 23.9L504 313.8c2.9 2.4 5.5 5 7.9 7.7V128l-54.6-54.6c-5.9-6-14.1-9.4-22.6-9.4zM544 128.2v223.9c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h64V128.2h-96zm48 223.9c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zM0 384h64c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V128.2H0V384zm48-63.9c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16-16-7.2-16-16c0-8.9 7.2-16 16-16zm435.9 18.6L334.6 217.5l-30 27.5c-29.7 27.1-75.2 24.5-101.7-4.4-26.9-29.4-24.8-74.9 4.4-101.7L289.1 64h-83.8c-8.5 0-16.6 3.4-22.6 9.4L128 128v223.9h18.3l90.5 81.9c27.4 22.3 67.7 18.1 90-9.3l.2-.2 17.9 15.5c15.9 13 39.4 10.5 52.3-5.4l31.4-38.6 5.4 4.4c13.7 11.1 33.9 9.1 45-4.7l9.5-11.7c11.2-13.8 9.1-33.9-4.6-45.1z" ], hashtag: [ 448, 512, [], "f292", "M440.667 182.109l7.143-40c1.313-7.355-4.342-14.109-11.813-14.109h-74.81l14.623-81.891C377.123 38.754 371.468 32 363.997 32h-40.632a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891L296.175 128H197.54l14.623-81.891C213.477 38.754 207.822 32 200.35 32h-40.632a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891L132.528 128H53.432a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891l-7.143 40C33.163 185.246 38.818 192 46.289 192h74.81L98.242 320H19.146a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891l-7.143 40C-1.123 377.246 4.532 384 12.003 384h74.81L72.19 465.891C70.877 473.246 76.532 480 84.003 480h40.632a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891L151.826 384h98.634l-14.623 81.891C234.523 473.246 240.178 480 247.65 480h40.632a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891L315.472 384h79.096a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891l7.143-40c1.313-7.355-4.342-14.109-11.813-14.109h-74.81l22.857-128h79.096a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891zM261.889 320h-98.634l22.857-128h98.634l-22.857 128z" ], hdd: [ 576, 512, [], "f0a0", "M576 304v96c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48v-96c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h480c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm-48-80a79.557 79.557 0 0 1 30.777 6.165L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L17.223 230.165A79.557 79.557 0 0 1 48 224h480zm-48 96c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm-96 0c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32z" ], heading: [ 512, 512, [], "f1dc", "M496 80V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H320c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h37.621v128H154.379V96H192c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h37.275v320H32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h160c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-37.621V288H357.62v128H320c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h160c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-37.275V96H480c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16z" ], headphones: [ 512, 512, [], "f025", "M256 32C114.52 32 0 146.496 0 288v48a32 32 0 0 0 17.689 28.622l14.383 7.191C34.083 431.903 83.421 480 144 480h24c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-24c-31.342 0-59.671 12.879-80 33.627V288c0-105.869 86.131-192 192-192s192 86.131 192 192v1.627C427.671 268.879 399.342 256 368 256h-24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v176c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h24c60.579 0 109.917-48.098 111.928-108.187l14.382-7.191A32 32 0 0 0 512 336v-48c0-141.479-114.496-256-256-256z" ], "headphones-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f58f", "M160 288h-16c-35.35 0-64 28.7-64 64.12v63.76c0 35.41 28.65 64.12 64 64.12h16c17.67 0 32-14.36 32-32.06V320.06c0-17.71-14.33-32.06-32-32.06zm208 0h-16c-17.67 0-32 14.35-32 32.06v127.88c0 17.7 14.33 32.06 32 32.06h16c35.35 0 64-28.71 64-64.12v-63.76c0-35.41-28.65-64.12-64-64.12zM256 32C112.91 32 4.57 151.13 0 288v112c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V288c0-114.67 93.33-207.8 208-207.82 114.67.02 208 93.15 208 207.82v112c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V288C507.43 151.13 399.09 32 256 32z" ], headset: [ 512, 512, [], "f590", "M192 208c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-16c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v48c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h16c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V208zm176 144c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64v-48c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64h-16c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v112c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h16zM256 0C113.18 0 4.58 118.83 0 256v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-114.69 93.31-208 208-208s208 93.31 208 208h-.12c.08 2.43.12 165.72.12 165.72 0 23.35-18.93 42.28-42.28 42.28H320c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-32c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48h181.72c49.86 0 90.28-40.42 90.28-90.28V256C507.42 118.83 398.82 0 256 0z" ], heart: [ 512, 512, [], "f004", "M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z" ], heartbeat: [ 512, 512, [], "f21e", "M320.2 243.8l-49.7 99.4c-6 12.1-23.4 11.7-28.9-.6l-56.9-126.3-30 71.7H60.6l182.5 186.5c7.1 7.3 18.6 7.3 25.7 0L451.4 288H342.3l-22.1-44.2zM473.7 73.9l-2.4-2.5c-51.5-52.6-135.8-52.6-187.4 0L256 100l-27.9-28.5c-51.5-52.7-135.9-52.7-187.4 0l-2.4 2.4C-10.4 123.7-12.5 203 31 256h102.4l35.9-86.2c5.4-12.9 23.6-13.2 29.4-.4l58.2 129.3 49-97.9c5.9-11.8 22.7-11.8 28.6 0l27.6 55.2H481c43.5-53 41.4-132.3-7.3-182.1z" ], helicopter: [ 640, 512, [], "f533", "M304 384h272c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32 0-123.71-100.29-224-224-224V64h176c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H144c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h176v64H112L68.8 70.4C65.78 66.37 61.03 64 56 64H16.01C5.6 64-2.04 73.78.49 83.88L32 192l160 64 86.4 115.2A31.992 31.992 0 0 0 304 384zm112-188.49C478.55 208.3 528.03 257.44 540.79 320H416V195.51zm219.37 263.3l-22.15-22.2c-6.25-6.26-16.24-6.1-22.64.01-7.09 6.77-13.84 11.25-24.64 11.25H240c-8.84 0-16 7.18-16 16.03v32.06c0 8.85 7.16 16.03 16 16.03h325.94c14.88 0 35.3-.47 68.45-29.52 7.02-6.14 7.57-17.05.98-23.66z" ], highlighter: [ 544, 512, [], "f591", "M0 479.98L99.92 512l35.45-35.45-67.04-67.04L0 479.98zm124.61-240.01a36.592 36.592 0 0 0-10.79 38.1l13.05 42.83-50.93 50.94 96.23 96.23 50.86-50.86 42.74 13.08c13.73 4.2 28.65-.01 38.15-10.78l35.55-41.64-173.34-173.34-41.52 35.44zm403.31-160.7l-63.2-63.2c-20.49-20.49-53.38-21.52-75.12-2.35L190.55 183.68l169.77 169.78L530.27 154.4c19.18-21.74 18.15-54.63-2.35-75.13z" ], history: [ 512, 512, [], "f1da", "M504 255.531c.253 136.64-111.18 248.372-247.82 248.468-59.015.042-113.223-20.53-155.822-54.911-11.077-8.94-11.905-25.541-1.839-35.607l11.267-11.267c8.609-8.609 22.353-9.551 31.891-1.984C173.062 425.135 212.781 440 256 440c101.705 0 184-82.311 184-184 0-101.705-82.311-184-184-184-48.814 0-93.149 18.969-126.068 49.932l50.754 50.754c10.08 10.08 2.941 27.314-11.313 27.314H24c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V38.627c0-14.254 17.234-21.393 27.314-11.314l49.372 49.372C129.209 34.136 189.552 8 256 8c136.81 0 247.747 110.78 248 247.531zm-180.912 78.784l9.823-12.63c8.138-10.463 6.253-25.542-4.21-33.679L288 256.349V152c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-16c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v135.651l65.409 50.874c10.463 8.137 25.541 6.253 33.679-4.21z" ], "hockey-puck": [ 512, 512, [], "f453", "M0 160c0-53 114.6-96 256-96s256 43 256 96-114.6 96-256 96S0 213 0 160zm0 82.2V352c0 53 114.6 96 256 96s256-43 256-96V242.2c-113.4 82.3-398.5 82.4-512 0z" ], home: [ 576, 512, [], "f015", "M488 312.7V456c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H348c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V356c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-72c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v112c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H112c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V312.7c0-3.6 1.6-7 4.4-9.3l188-154.8c4.4-3.6 10.8-3.6 15.3 0l188 154.8c2.7 2.3 4.3 5.7 4.3 9.3zm83.6-60.9L488 182.9V44.4c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-56c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12V117l-89.5-73.7c-17.7-14.6-43.3-14.6-61 0L4.4 251.8c-5.1 4.2-5.8 11.8-1.6 16.9l25.5 31c4.2 5.1 11.8 5.8 16.9 1.6l235.2-193.7c4.4-3.6 10.8-3.6 15.3 0l235.2 193.7c5.1 4.2 12.7 3.5 16.9-1.6l25.5-31c4.2-5.2 3.4-12.7-1.7-16.9z" ], hospital: [ 448, 512, [], "f0f8", "M448 492v20H0v-20c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h20V120c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h88V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v72h88c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v360h20c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM308 192h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm-168 64h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm104 128h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v84h64v-84c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm64-96h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm-116 12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40zM182 96h26v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h20a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V96h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V70a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-26V38a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-20a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6z" ], "hospital-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f47d", "M544 96H416V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H192c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v64H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v368c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h544c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V128c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM160 436c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm160 128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm16-170c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-26v26c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-20c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-26h-26c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h26V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h20c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v26h26c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20zm144 298c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40z" ], "hospital-symbol": [ 512, 512, [], "f47e", "M256 0C114.6 0 0 114.6 0 256s114.6 256 256 256 256-114.6 256-256S397.4 0 256 0zm112 376c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-88h-96v88c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V136c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v88h96v-88c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v240z" ], "hot-tub": [ 512, 512, [], "f593", "M414.21 177.65c1.02 8.21 7.75 14.35 15.75 14.35h16.12c9.51 0 17.08-8.57 16-18.35-4.34-39.11-22.4-74.53-50.13-97.16-17.37-14.17-28.82-36.75-31.98-62.15C378.96 6.14 372.22 0 364.23 0h-16.12c-9.51 0-17.09 8.57-16 18.35 4.34 39.11 22.4 74.53 50.13 97.16 17.36 14.17 28.82 36.75 31.97 62.14zm-108 0c1.02 8.21 7.75 14.35 15.75 14.35h16.12c9.51 0 17.08-8.57 16-18.35-4.34-39.11-22.4-74.53-50.13-97.16-17.37-14.17-28.82-36.75-31.98-62.15C270.96 6.14 264.22 0 256.23 0h-16.12c-9.51 0-17.09 8.57-16 18.35 4.34 39.11 22.4 74.53 50.13 97.16 17.36 14.17 28.82 36.75 31.97 62.14zM480 256H256l-110.93-83.2a63.99 63.99 0 0 0-38.4-12.8H64c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v224c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h384c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V288c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM128 440c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zm96 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zm96 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zm96 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zM64 128c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64S99.35 0 64 0 0 28.65 0 64s28.65 64 64 64z" ], hotel: [ 576, 512, [], "f594", "M560 64c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 0 0 7.16 0 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h15.98v384H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h240v-80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h32c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v80h240c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16V64h16zm-304 44.8c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4zm0 96c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4zm-128-96c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4zM179.2 256h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8zM192 384c0-53.02 42.98-96 96-96s96 42.98 96 96H192zm256-140.8c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4zm0-96c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4z" ], hourglass: [ 384, 512, [], "f254", "M360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64z" ], "hourglass-end": [ 384, 512, [], "f253", "M360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64zM192 208c-57.787 0-104-66.518-104-144h208c0 77.945-46.51 144-104 144z" ], "hourglass-half": [ 384, 512, [], "f252", "M360 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zm-75.078 384H99.08c17.059-46.797 52.096-80 92.92-80 40.821 0 75.862 33.196 92.922 80zm.019-256H99.078C91.988 108.548 88 86.748 88 64h208c0 22.805-3.987 44.587-11.059 64z" ], "hourglass-start": [ 384, 512, [], "f251", "M360 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 448H88c0-77.458 46.204-144 104-144 57.786 0 104 66.517 104 144z" ], "i-cursor": [ 256, 512, [], "f246", "M256 52.048V12.065C256 5.496 250.726.148 244.158.066 211.621-.344 166.469.011 128 37.959 90.266.736 46.979-.114 11.913.114 5.318.157 0 5.519 0 12.114v39.645c0 6.687 5.458 12.078 12.145 11.998C38.111 63.447 96 67.243 96 112.182V224H60c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h36v112c0 44.932-56.075 48.031-83.95 47.959C5.404 447.942 0 453.306 0 459.952v39.983c0 6.569 5.274 11.917 11.842 11.999 32.537.409 77.689.054 116.158-37.894 37.734 37.223 81.021 38.073 116.087 37.845 6.595-.043 11.913-5.405 11.913-12V460.24c0-6.687-5.458-12.078-12.145-11.998C217.889 448.553 160 444.939 160 400V288h36c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-36V112.182c0-44.932 56.075-48.213 83.95-48.142 6.646.018 12.05-5.346 12.05-11.992z" ], "id-badge": [ 384, 512, [], "f2c1", "M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM144 32h96c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16h-96c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16zm48 128c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H102.4C90 416 80 407.4 80 396.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2z" ], "id-card": [ 576, 512, [], "f2c2", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v16h576V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM0 432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V128H0v304zm352-232c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16zm0 64c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16zm0 64c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16zM176 192c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zM67.1 396.2C75.5 370.5 99.6 352 128 352h8.2c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h8.2c28.4 0 52.5 18.5 60.9 44.2 3.2 9.9-5.2 19.8-15.6 19.8H82.7c-10.4 0-18.8-10-15.6-19.8z" ], "id-card-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f47f", "M528 64H384v96H192V64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM288 224c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm93.3 224H194.7c-10.4 0-18.8-10-15.6-19.8 8.3-25.6 32.4-44.2 60.9-44.2h8.2c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h8.2c28.4 0 52.5 18.5 60.9 44.2 3.2 9.8-5.2 19.8-15.6 19.8zM352 32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32h-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v96h128V32z" ], image: [ 512, 512, [], "f03e", "M464 448H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM112 120c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56zM64 384h384V272l-87.515-87.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L208 320l-55.515-55.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L64 336v48z" ], images: [ 576, 512, [], "f302", "M480 416v16c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v208c0 44.112 35.888 80 80 80h336zm96-80V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H144c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v256c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h384c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48zM256 128c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48 21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zm-96 144l55.515-55.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L272 256l135.515-135.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L512 208v112H160v-48z" ], inbox: [ 576, 512, [], "f01c", "M567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z" ], indent: [ 448, 512, [], "f03c", "M0 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm176 144h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H176c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM16 484h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm160-128h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H176c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm-52.687-111.313l-96-95.984C17.266 138.652 0 145.776 0 160.016v191.975c0 14.329 17.325 21.304 27.313 11.313l96-95.992c6.249-6.247 6.249-16.377 0-22.625z" ], industry: [ 512, 512, [], "f275", "M475.115 163.781L336 252.309v-68.28c0-18.916-20.931-30.399-36.885-20.248L160 252.309V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v400c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h464c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184.029c0-18.917-20.931-30.399-36.885-20.248z" ], infinity: [ 640, 512, [], "f534", "M471.1 96C405 96 353.3 137.3 320 174.6 286.7 137.3 235 96 168.9 96 75.8 96 0 167.8 0 256s75.8 160 168.9 160c66.1 0 117.8-41.3 151.1-78.6 33.3 37.3 85 78.6 151.1 78.6 93.1 0 168.9-71.8 168.9-160S564.2 96 471.1 96zM168.9 320c-40.2 0-72.9-28.7-72.9-64s32.7-64 72.9-64c38.2 0 73.4 36.1 94 64-20.4 27.6-55.9 64-94 64zm302.2 0c-38.2 0-73.4-36.1-94-64 20.4-27.6 55.9-64 94-64 40.2 0 72.9 28.7 72.9 64s-32.7 64-72.9 64z" ], info: [ 192, 512, [], "f129", "M20 424.229h20V279.771H20c-11.046 0-20-8.954-20-20V212c0-11.046 8.954-20 20-20h112c11.046 0 20 8.954 20 20v212.229h20c11.046 0 20 8.954 20 20V492c0 11.046-8.954 20-20 20H20c-11.046 0-20-8.954-20-20v-47.771c0-11.046 8.954-20 20-20zM96 0C56.235 0 24 32.235 24 72s32.235 72 72 72 72-32.235 72-72S135.764 0 96 0z" ], "info-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f05a", "M256 8C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm0 110c23.196 0 42 18.804 42 42s-18.804 42-42 42-42-18.804-42-42 18.804-42 42-42zm56 254c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-88c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h12v-64h-12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h64c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v100h12c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24z" ], italic: [ 320, 512, [], "f033", "M204.758 416h-33.849l62.092-320h40.725a16 16 0 0 0 15.704-12.937l6.242-32C297.599 41.184 290.034 32 279.968 32H120.235a16 16 0 0 0-15.704 12.937l-6.242 32C96.362 86.816 103.927 96 113.993 96h33.846l-62.09 320H46.278a16 16 0 0 0-15.704 12.935l-6.245 32C22.402 470.815 29.967 480 40.034 480h158.479a16 16 0 0 0 15.704-12.935l6.245-32c1.927-9.88-5.638-19.065-15.704-19.065z" ], joint: [ 640, 512, [], "f595", "M444.34 181.1c22.38 15.68 35.66 41.16 35.66 68.59V280c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h48c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-30.31c0-43.24-21.01-83.41-56.34-108.06C463.85 125.02 448 99.34 448 70.31V8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-48c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v66.4c0 43.69 24.56 81.63 60.34 106.7zM194.97 358.98C126.03 370.07 59.69 394.69 0 432c83.65 52.28 180.3 80 278.94 80h88.57L254.79 380.49c-14.74-17.2-37.45-25.11-59.82-21.51zM553.28 87.09c-5.67-3.8-9.28-9.96-9.28-16.78V8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-48c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v62.31c0 22.02 10.17 43.41 28.64 55.39C550.79 153.04 576 199.54 576 249.69V280c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h48c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-30.31c0-65.44-32.41-126.19-86.72-162.6zM360.89 352.05c-34.4.06-86.81.15-88.21.17l117.8 137.43A63.987 63.987 0 0 0 439.07 512h88.45L409.57 374.4a63.955 63.955 0 0 0-48.68-22.35zM616 352H432l117.99 137.65A63.987 63.987 0 0 0 598.58 512H616c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24V376c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z" ], key: [ 512, 512, [], "f084", "M512 176.001C512 273.203 433.202 352 336 352c-11.22 0-22.19-1.062-32.827-3.069l-24.012 27.014A23.999 23.999 0 0 1 261.223 384H224v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-40v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-78.059c0-6.365 2.529-12.47 7.029-16.971l161.802-161.802C163.108 213.814 160 195.271 160 176 160 78.798 238.797.001 335.999 0 433.488-.001 512 78.511 512 176.001zM336 128c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48-48 21.49-48 48z" ], keyboard: [ 576, 512, [], "f11c", "M528 448H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h480c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM128 180v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 96v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 96v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm288 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H172c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h232c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z" ], kiss: [ 496, 512, [], "f596", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-80 232c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm136 156c0 19.2-28.7 41.5-71.5 44-8.5.8-12.1-11.8-3.6-15.4l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-6-2.5-6.1-12.2 0-14.8l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-8.6-3.6-4.8-16.5 3.6-15.4 42.8 2.5 71.5 24.8 71.5 44 0 13-13.4 27.3-35.2 36C290.6 368.7 304 383 304 396zm24-156c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "kiss-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f597", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-39 219.9l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.5 8.5-10.9 12-15.1 4.5zM304 396c0 19.2-28.7 41.5-71.5 44-8.5.8-12.1-11.8-3.6-15.4l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-6-2.5-6.1-12.2 0-14.8l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-8.6-3.6-4.8-16.5 3.6-15.4 42.8 2.5 71.5 24.8 71.5 44 0 13-13.4 27.3-35.2 36C290.6 368.7 304 383 304 396zm65-168.1l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.3-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.5 8.5-10.9 12-15.1 4.5z" ], "kiss-wink-heart": [ 504, 512, [], "f598", "M501.1 402.5c-8-20.8-31.5-31.5-53.1-25.9l-8.4 2.2-2.3-8.4c-5.9-21.4-27-36.5-49-33-25.2 4-40.6 28.6-34 52.6l22.9 82.6c1.5 5.3 7 8.5 12.4 7.1l83-21.5c24.1-6.3 37.7-31.8 28.5-55.7zm-177.6-4c-5.6-20.3-2.3-42 9-59.7 29.7-46.3 98.7-45.5 127.8 4.3 6.4.1 12.6 1.4 18.6 2.9 10.9-27.9 17.1-58.2 17.1-90C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c35.4 0 68.9-7.5 99.4-20.9-.3-.7-23.9-84.6-23.9-84.6zM168 240c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm120 156c0 19.2-28.7 41.5-71.5 44-8.5.8-12.1-11.8-3.6-15.4l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-6-2.5-5.7-12.3 0-14.8l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-8.8-3.7-4.6-16.6 3.6-15.4 42.8 2.5 71.5 24.8 71.5 44 0 13-13.4 27.3-35.2 36C274.6 368.7 288 383 288 396zm16-179c-8.3 7.4-21.6.4-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S400 181 404 206.2c1.7 11.1-11.3 18.3-19.8 10.8l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L304 217z" ], "kiwi-bird": [ 576, 512, [], "f535", "M575.81 217.98C572.64 157.41 518.28 112 457.63 112h-9.37c-52.82 0-104.25-16.25-147.74-46.24-41.99-28.96-96.04-41.62-153.21-28.7C129.3 41.12-.08 78.24 0 224c.04 70.95 38.68 132.8 95.99 166.01V464c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-54.26c15.36 3.96 31.4 6.26 48 6.26 5.44 0 10.68-.73 16-1.18V464c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-59.43c14.24-5.06 27.88-11.39 40.34-19.51C342.07 355.25 393.86 336 448.46 336c25.48 0 16.01-.31 23.05-.78l74.41 136.44c2.86 5.23 8.3 8.34 14.05 8.34 1.31 0 2.64-.16 3.95-.5 7.09-1.8 12.05-8.19 12.05-15.5 0 0 .14-240.24-.16-246.02zM463.97 248c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm80 153.25l-39.86-73.08c15.12-5.83 28.73-14.6 39.86-25.98v99.06z" ], language: [ 640, 512, [], "f1ab", "M304 416H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V120c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h280v320zm-120.676-72.622A12 12 0 0 0 194.839 352h22.863c8.22 0 14.007-8.078 11.362-15.861L171.61 167.085a12 12 0 0 0-11.362-8.139h-32.489a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-11.362 8.139L58.942 336.139C56.297 343.922 62.084 352 70.304 352h22.805a12 12 0 0 0 11.535-8.693l9.118-31.807h60.211l9.351 31.878zm-39.051-140.42s4.32 21.061 7.83 33.21l10.8 37.531h-38.07l11.07-37.531c3.51-12.15 7.83-33.21 7.83-33.21h.54zM616 416H336V96h280c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v272c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24zm-36-228h-64v-16c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-16c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16h-64c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h114.106c-6.263 14.299-16.518 28.972-30.023 43.206-6.56-6.898-12.397-13.91-17.365-20.933-3.639-5.144-10.585-6.675-15.995-3.446l-7.28 4.346-6.498 3.879c-5.956 3.556-7.693 11.421-3.735 17.117 6.065 8.729 13.098 17.336 20.984 25.726-8.122 6.226-16.841 12.244-26.103 17.964-5.521 3.41-7.381 10.556-4.162 16.19l7.941 13.896c3.362 5.883 10.935 7.826 16.706 4.276 12.732-7.831 24.571-16.175 35.443-24.891 10.917 8.761 22.766 17.102 35.396 24.881 5.774 3.556 13.353 1.618 16.717-4.27l7.944-13.903c3.213-5.623 1.37-12.76-4.135-16.171a312.737 312.737 0 0 1-26.06-18.019c21.024-22.425 35.768-46.289 42.713-69.85H580c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-16c0-6.625-5.373-11.998-12-11.998z" ], laptop: [ 640, 512, [], "f109", "M512 64v256H128V64h384m16-64H112C85.5 0 64 21.5 64 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm100 416H389.5c-3 0-5.5 2.1-5.9 5.1C381.2 436.3 368 448 352 448h-64c-16 0-29.2-11.7-31.6-26.9-.5-2.9-3-5.1-5.9-5.1H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v36c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h544c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-36c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12z" ], laugh: [ 496, 512, [], "f599", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 152c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm88 272h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18-8.9 71-69.5 126-142.9 126z" ], "laugh-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f59a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm24 199.4c3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.8 4.1-15.1-4.5zm-160 0c3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.3 7.4-15.8 4-15.1-4.5zM398.9 306C390 377 329.4 432 256 432h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18z" ], "laugh-squint": [ 496, 512, [], "f59b", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm33.8 161.7l80-48c11.6-6.9 24 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 180l33.6 40.3c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.7-4.7-7.7-15.9 0-20.6zm-163-30c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.8 4.7 7.8 15.9 0 20.6l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3zM398.9 306C390 377 329.4 432 256 432h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18z" ], "laugh-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f59c", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm20.1 198.1c4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1s55.9 16.9 59.9 42.1c1.7 11.1-11.4 18.3-19.8 10.8l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L288 217c-8.4 7.4-21.6.3-19.9-10.9zM168 160c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm230.9 146C390 377 329.4 432 256 432h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18z" ], leaf: [ 576, 512, [], "f06c", "M546.2 9.7c-5.6-12.5-21.6-13-28.3-1.2C486.9 62.4 431.4 96 368 96h-80C182 96 96 182 96 288c0 7 .8 13.7 1.5 20.5C161.3 262.8 253.4 224 384 224c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16C132.6 256 26 410.1 2.4 468c-6.6 16.3 1.2 34.9 17.5 41.6 16.4 6.8 35-1.1 41.8-17.3 1.5-3.6 20.9-47.9 71.9-90.6 32.4 43.9 94 85.8 174.9 77.2C465.5 467.5 576 326.7 576 154.3c0-50.2-10.8-102.2-29.8-144.6z" ], lemon: [ 512, 512, [], "f094", "M489.038 22.963C465.944-.13 434.648-5.93 413.947 6.129c-58.906 34.312-181.25-53.077-321.073 86.746S40.441 355.041 6.129 413.945c-12.059 20.702-6.26 51.999 16.833 75.093 23.095 23.095 54.392 28.891 75.095 16.832 58.901-34.31 181.246 53.079 321.068-86.743S471.56 156.96 505.871 98.056c12.059-20.702 6.261-51.999-16.833-75.093zM243.881 95.522c-58.189 14.547-133.808 90.155-148.358 148.358-1.817 7.27-8.342 12.124-15.511 12.124-1.284 0-2.59-.156-3.893-.481-8.572-2.144-13.784-10.83-11.642-19.403C81.901 166.427 166.316 81.93 236.119 64.478c8.575-2.143 17.261 3.069 19.403 11.642s-3.069 17.259-11.641 19.402z" ], "less-than": [ 384, 512, [], "f536", "M365.46 357.74L147.04 255.89l218.47-101.88c16.02-7.47 22.95-26.51 15.48-42.53l-13.52-29C360 66.46 340.96 59.53 324.94 67L18.48 209.91a32.014 32.014 0 0 0-18.48 29v34.24c0 12.44 7.21 23.75 18.48 29l306.31 142.83c16.06 7.49 35.15.54 42.64-15.52l13.56-29.08c7.49-16.06.54-35.15-15.53-42.64z" ], "less-than-equal": [ 448, 512, [], "f537", "M54.98 214.2l301.41 119.87c18.39 6.03 38.71-2.54 45.38-19.15l12.09-30.08c6.68-16.61-2.82-34.97-21.21-41l-175.44-68.05 175.56-68.09c18.29-6 27.74-24.27 21.1-40.79l-12.03-29.92c-6.64-16.53-26.86-25.06-45.15-19.06L54.98 137.89C41.21 142.41 32 154.5 32 168.07v15.96c0 13.56 9.21 25.65 22.98 30.17zM424 400H24c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h400c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z" ], "level-down-alt": [ 320, 512, [], "f3be", "M313.553 392.331L209.587 504.334c-9.485 10.214-25.676 10.229-35.174 0L70.438 392.331C56.232 377.031 67.062 352 88.025 352H152V80H68.024a11.996 11.996 0 0 1-8.485-3.515l-56-56C-4.021 12.926 1.333 0 12.024 0H208c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v328h63.966c20.878 0 31.851 24.969 17.587 40.331z" ], "level-up-alt": [ 320, 512, [], "f3bf", "M313.553 119.669L209.587 7.666c-9.485-10.214-25.676-10.229-35.174 0L70.438 119.669C56.232 134.969 67.062 160 88.025 160H152v272H68.024a11.996 11.996 0 0 0-8.485 3.515l-56 56C-4.021 499.074 1.333 512 12.024 512H208c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160h63.966c20.878 0 31.851-24.969 17.587-40.331z" ], "life-ring": [ 512, 512, [], "f1cd", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm173.696 119.559l-63.399 63.399c-10.987-18.559-26.67-34.252-45.255-45.255l63.399-63.399a218.396 218.396 0 0 1 45.255 45.255zM256 352c-53.019 0-96-42.981-96-96s42.981-96 96-96 96 42.981 96 96-42.981 96-96 96zM127.559 82.304l63.399 63.399c-18.559 10.987-34.252 26.67-45.255 45.255l-63.399-63.399a218.372 218.372 0 0 1 45.255-45.255zM82.304 384.441l63.399-63.399c10.987 18.559 26.67 34.252 45.255 45.255l-63.399 63.399a218.396 218.396 0 0 1-45.255-45.255zm302.137 45.255l-63.399-63.399c18.559-10.987 34.252-26.67 45.255-45.255l63.399 63.399a218.403 218.403 0 0 1-45.255 45.255z" ], lightbulb: [ 384, 512, [], "f0eb", "M272 428v28c0 10.449-6.68 19.334-16 22.629V488c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-80c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-9.371c-9.32-3.295-16-12.18-16-22.629v-28c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm-143.107-44c-9.907 0-18.826-6.078-22.376-15.327C67.697 267.541 16 277.731 16 176 16 78.803 94.805 0 192 0s176 78.803 176 176c0 101.731-51.697 91.541-90.516 192.673-3.55 9.249-12.47 15.327-22.376 15.327H128.893zM112 176c0-44.112 35.888-80 80-80 8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16s-7.163-16-16-16c-61.757 0-112 50.243-112 112 0 8.836 7.164 16 16 16s16-7.164 16-16z" ], link: [ 512, 512, [], "f0c1", "M326.612 185.391c59.747 59.809 58.927 155.698.36 214.59-.11.12-.24.25-.36.37l-67.2 67.2c-59.27 59.27-155.699 59.262-214.96 0-59.27-59.26-59.27-155.7 0-214.96l37.106-37.106c9.84-9.84 26.786-3.3 27.294 10.606.648 17.722 3.826 35.527 9.69 52.721 1.986 5.822.567 12.262-3.783 16.612l-13.087 13.087c-28.026 28.026-28.905 73.66-1.155 101.96 28.024 28.579 74.086 28.749 102.325.51l67.2-67.19c28.191-28.191 28.073-73.757 0-101.83-3.701-3.694-7.429-6.564-10.341-8.569a16.037 16.037 0 0 1-6.947-12.606c-.396-10.567 3.348-21.456 11.698-29.806l21.054-21.055c5.521-5.521 14.182-6.199 20.584-1.731a152.482 152.482 0 0 1 20.522 17.197zM467.547 44.449c-59.261-59.262-155.69-59.27-214.96 0l-67.2 67.2c-.12.12-.25.25-.36.37-58.566 58.892-59.387 154.781.36 214.59a152.454 152.454 0 0 0 20.521 17.196c6.402 4.468 15.064 3.789 20.584-1.731l21.054-21.055c8.35-8.35 12.094-19.239 11.698-29.806a16.037 16.037 0 0 0-6.947-12.606c-2.912-2.005-6.64-4.875-10.341-8.569-28.073-28.073-28.191-73.639 0-101.83l67.2-67.19c28.239-28.239 74.3-28.069 102.325.51 27.75 28.3 26.872 73.934-1.155 101.96l-13.087 13.087c-4.35 4.35-5.769 10.79-3.783 16.612 5.864 17.194 9.042 34.999 9.69 52.721.509 13.906 17.454 20.446 27.294 10.606l37.106-37.106c59.271-59.259 59.271-155.699.001-214.959z" ], "lira-sign": [ 384, 512, [], "f195", "M371.994 256h-48.019C317.64 256 312 260.912 312 267.246 312 368 230.179 416 144 416V256.781l134.603-29.912A12 12 0 0 0 288 215.155v-40.976c0-7.677-7.109-13.38-14.603-11.714L144 191.219V160.78l134.603-29.912A12 12 0 0 0 288 119.154V78.179c0-7.677-7.109-13.38-14.603-11.714L144 95.219V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v68.997L9.397 125.131A12 12 0 0 0 0 136.845v40.976c0 7.677 7.109 13.38 14.603 11.714L64 178.558v30.439L9.397 221.131A12 12 0 0 0 0 232.845v40.976c0 7.677 7.109 13.38 14.603 11.714L64 274.558V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h79.583c134.091 0 223.255-77.834 228.408-211.592.261-6.782-5.211-12.408-11.997-12.408z" ], list: [ 512, 512, [], "f03a", "M128 116V76c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h352c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H144c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm16 176h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM16 144h64c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V64c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16C7.163 48 0 55.163 0 64v64c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h64c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-64c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v64c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h64c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-64c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v64c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z" ], "list-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f022", "M464 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM128 120c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm288-136v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z" ], "list-ol": [ 512, 512, [], "f0cb", "M3.263 139.527c0-7.477 3.917-11.572 11.573-11.572h15.131V88.078c0-5.163.534-10.503.534-10.503h-.356s-1.779 2.67-2.848 3.738c-4.451 4.273-10.504 4.451-15.666-1.068l-5.518-6.231c-5.342-5.341-4.984-11.216.534-16.379l21.72-19.938C32.815 33.602 36.732 32 42.785 32H54.89c7.656 0 11.749 3.916 11.749 11.572v84.384h15.488c7.655 0 11.572 4.094 11.572 11.572v8.901c0 7.477-3.917 11.572-11.572 11.572H14.836c-7.656 0-11.573-4.095-11.573-11.572v-8.902zM2.211 304.591c0-47.278 50.955-56.383 50.955-69.165 0-7.18-5.954-8.755-9.28-8.755-3.153 0-6.479 1.051-9.455 3.852-5.079 4.903-10.507 7.004-16.111 2.451l-8.579-6.829c-5.779-4.553-7.18-9.805-2.803-15.409C13.592 201.981 26.025 192 47.387 192c19.437 0 44.476 10.506 44.476 39.573 0 38.347-46.753 46.402-48.679 56.909h39.049c7.529 0 11.557 4.027 11.557 11.382v8.755c0 7.354-4.028 11.382-11.557 11.382h-67.94c-7.005 0-12.083-4.028-12.083-11.382v-4.028zM5.654 454.61l5.603-9.28c3.853-6.654 9.105-7.004 15.584-3.152 4.903 2.101 9.63 3.152 14.359 3.152 10.155 0 14.358-3.502 14.358-8.23 0-6.654-5.604-9.106-15.934-9.106h-4.728c-5.954 0-9.28-2.101-12.258-7.88l-1.05-1.926c-2.451-4.728-1.226-9.806 2.801-14.884l5.604-7.004c6.829-8.405 12.257-13.483 12.257-13.483v-.35s-4.203 1.051-12.608 1.051H16.685c-7.53 0-11.383-4.028-11.383-11.382v-8.755c0-7.53 3.853-11.382 11.383-11.382h58.484c7.529 0 11.382 4.027 11.382 11.382v3.327c0 5.778-1.401 9.806-5.079 14.183l-17.509 20.137c19.611 5.078 28.716 20.487 28.716 34.845 0 21.363-14.358 44.126-48.503 44.126-16.636 0-28.192-4.728-35.896-9.455-5.779-4.202-6.304-9.805-2.626-15.934zM144 132h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z" ], "list-ul": [ 512, 512, [], "f0ca", "M96 96c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48S0 122.51 0 96s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zM48 208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm0 160c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm96-236h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z" ], "location-arrow": [ 512, 512, [], "f124", "M443.683 4.529L27.818 196.418C-18.702 217.889-3.39 288 47.933 288H224v175.993c0 51.727 70.161 66.526 91.582 20.115L507.38 68.225c18.905-40.961-23.752-82.133-63.697-63.696z" ], lock: [ 448, 512, [], "f023", "M400 224h-24v-72C376 68.2 307.8 0 224 0S72 68.2 72 152v72H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V272c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-104 0H152v-72c0-39.7 32.3-72 72-72s72 32.3 72 72v72z" ], "lock-open": [ 576, 512, [], "f3c1", "M423.5 0C339.5.3 272 69.5 272 153.5V224H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V272c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-48v-71.1c0-39.6 31.7-72.5 71.3-72.9 40-.4 72.7 32.1 72.7 72v80c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-80C576 68 507.5-.3 423.5 0z" ], "long-arrow-alt-down": [ 256, 512, [], "f309", "M168 345.941V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-56c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v301.941H41.941c-21.382 0-32.09 25.851-16.971 40.971l86.059 86.059c9.373 9.373 24.569 9.373 33.941 0l86.059-86.059c15.119-15.119 4.411-40.971-16.971-40.971H168z" ], "long-arrow-alt-left": [ 448, 512, [], "f30a", "M134.059 296H436c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-56c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H134.059v-46.059c0-21.382-25.851-32.09-40.971-16.971L7.029 239.029c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l86.059 86.059c15.119 15.119 40.971 4.411 40.971-16.971V296z" ], "long-arrow-alt-right": [ 448, 512, [], "f30b", "M313.941 216H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h301.941v46.059c0 21.382 25.851 32.09 40.971 16.971l86.059-86.059c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941l-86.059-86.059c-15.119-15.119-40.971-4.411-40.971 16.971V216z" ], "long-arrow-alt-up": [ 256, 512, [], "f30c", "M88 166.059V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V166.059h46.059c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-86.059-86.059c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0l-86.059 86.059c-15.119 15.119-4.411 40.971 16.971 40.971H88z" ], "low-vision": [ 576, 512, [], "f2a8", "M569.344 231.631C512.96 135.949 407.81 72 288 72c-28.468 0-56.102 3.619-82.451 10.409L152.778 10.24c-7.601-10.858-22.564-13.5-33.423-5.9l-13.114 9.178c-10.86 7.601-13.502 22.566-5.9 33.426l43.131 58.395C89.449 131.73 40.228 174.683 6.682 231.581c-.01.017-.023.033-.034.05-8.765 14.875-8.964 33.528 0 48.739 38.5 65.332 99.742 115.862 172.859 141.349L55.316 244.302A272.194 272.194 0 0 1 83.61 208.39l119.4 170.58h.01l40.63 58.04a330.055 330.055 0 0 0 78.94 1.17l-189.98-271.4a277.628 277.628 0 0 1 38.777-21.563l251.836 356.544c7.601 10.858 22.564 13.499 33.423 5.9l13.114-9.178c10.86-7.601 13.502-22.567 5.9-33.426l-43.12-58.377-.007-.009c57.161-27.978 104.835-72.04 136.81-126.301a47.938 47.938 0 0 0 .001-48.739zM390.026 345.94l-19.066-27.23c24.682-32.567 27.711-76.353 8.8-111.68v.03c0 23.65-19.17 42.82-42.82 42.82-23.828 0-42.82-19.349-42.82-42.82 0-23.65 19.17-42.82 42.82-42.82h.03c-24.75-13.249-53.522-15.643-79.51-7.68l-19.068-27.237C253.758 123.306 270.488 120 288 120c75.162 0 136 60.826 136 136 0 34.504-12.833 65.975-33.974 89.94z" ], "luggage-cart": [ 640, 512, [], "f59d", "M224 320h32V96h-32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32zm352-32V128c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-32v224h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32zm48 96H128V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 0 0 7.16 0 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v368c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h82.94c-1.79 5.03-2.94 10.36-2.94 16 0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48c0-5.64-1.15-10.97-2.94-16h197.88c-1.79 5.03-2.94 10.36-2.94 16 0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48c0-5.64-1.15-10.97-2.94-16H624c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM480 96V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v272h192V96zm-48 0h-96V48h96v48z" ], magic: [ 512, 512, [], "f0d0", "M224 96l16-32 32-16-32-16-16-32-16 32-32 16 32 16 16 32zM80 160l26.66-53.33L160 80l-53.34-26.67L80 0 53.34 53.33 0 80l53.34 26.67L80 160zm352 128l-26.66 53.33L352 368l53.34 26.67L432 448l26.66-53.33L512 368l-53.34-26.67L432 288zm70.62-193.77L417.77 9.38C411.53 3.12 403.34 0 395.15 0c-8.19 0-16.38 3.12-22.63 9.38L9.38 372.52c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25l84.85 84.85c6.25 6.25 14.44 9.37 22.62 9.37 8.19 0 16.38-3.12 22.63-9.37l363.14-363.15c12.5-12.48 12.5-32.75 0-45.24zM359.45 203.46l-50.91-50.91 86.6-86.6 50.91 50.91-86.6 86.6z" ], magnet: [ 512, 512, [], "f076", "M164.1 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V68c0-19.9 16.1-36 36-36h104c19.9 0 36 16.1 36 36v80c.1 6.6-5.3 12-11.9 12zm348-12V67.9c0-19.9-16.1-36-36-36h-104c-19.9 0-36 16.1-36 36v80c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h152c6.6.1 12-5.3 12-11.9zm-164 44c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52c0 128.1-160 127.9-160 0v-52c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-152c-6.7 0-12 5.4-12 12.1.1 21.4.6 40.3 0 53.3C.1 408 136.3 504 256.9 504 377.5 504 512 408 512 257.3c-.6-12.8-.2-33 0-53.2 0-6.7-5.3-12.1-12-12.1H348.1z" ], male: [ 192, 512, [], "f183", "M96 0c35.346 0 64 28.654 64 64s-28.654 64-64 64-64-28.654-64-64S60.654 0 96 0m48 144h-11.36c-22.711 10.443-49.59 10.894-73.28 0H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v136c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16v136c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V352h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V192c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48z" ], map: [ 576, 512, [], "f279", "M0 117.66v346.32c0 11.32 11.43 19.06 21.94 14.86L160 416V32L20.12 87.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 117.66zM192 416l192 64V96L192 32v384zM554.06 33.16L416 96v384l139.88-55.95A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 394.34V48.02c0-11.32-11.43-19.06-21.94-14.86z" ], "map-marked": [ 576, 512, [], "f59f", "M288 0c-69.59 0-126 56.41-126 126 0 56.26 82.35 158.8 113.9 196.02 6.39 7.54 17.82 7.54 24.2 0C331.65 284.8 414 182.26 414 126 414 56.41 357.59 0 288 0zM20.12 215.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 245.66v250.32c0 11.32 11.43 19.06 21.94 14.86L160 448V214.92c-8.84-15.98-16.07-31.54-21.25-46.42L20.12 215.95zM288 359.67c-14.07 0-27.38-6.18-36.51-16.96-19.66-23.2-40.57-49.62-59.49-76.72v182l192 64V266c-18.92 27.09-39.82 53.52-59.49 76.72-9.13 10.77-22.44 16.95-36.51 16.95zm266.06-198.51L416 224v288l139.88-55.95A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 426.34V176.02c0-11.32-11.43-19.06-21.94-14.86z" ], "map-marked-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f5a0", "M288 0c-69.59 0-126 56.41-126 126 0 56.26 82.35 158.8 113.9 196.02 6.39 7.54 17.82 7.54 24.2 0C331.65 284.8 414 182.26 414 126 414 56.41 357.59 0 288 0zm0 168c-23.2 0-42-18.8-42-42s18.8-42 42-42 42 18.8 42 42-18.8 42-42 42zM20.12 215.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 245.66v250.32c0 11.32 11.43 19.06 21.94 14.86L160 448V214.92c-8.84-15.98-16.07-31.54-21.25-46.42L20.12 215.95zM288 359.67c-14.07 0-27.38-6.18-36.51-16.96-19.66-23.2-40.57-49.62-59.49-76.72v182l192 64V266c-18.92 27.09-39.82 53.52-59.49 76.72-9.13 10.77-22.44 16.95-36.51 16.95zm266.06-198.51L416 224v288l139.88-55.95A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 426.34V176.02c0-11.32-11.43-19.06-21.94-14.86z" ], "map-marker": [ 384, 512, [], "f041", "M172.268 501.67C26.97 291.031 0 269.413 0 192 0 85.961 85.961 0 192 0s192 85.961 192 192c0 77.413-26.97 99.031-172.268 309.67-9.535 13.774-29.93 13.773-39.464 0z" ], "map-marker-alt": [ 384, 512, [], "f3c5", "M172.268 501.67C26.97 291.031 0 269.413 0 192 0 85.961 85.961 0 192 0s192 85.961 192 192c0 77.413-26.97 99.031-172.268 309.67-9.535 13.774-29.93 13.773-39.464 0zM192 272c44.183 0 80-35.817 80-80s-35.817-80-80-80-80 35.817-80 80 35.817 80 80 80z" ], "map-pin": [ 320, 512, [], "f276", "M192 300.813v172.82l-22.015 33.023c-4.75 7.125-15.219 7.125-19.969 0L128 473.633v-172.82a162.221 162.221 0 0 0 64 0zM160 0c79.529 0 144 64.471 144 144s-64.471 144-144 144S16 223.529 16 144 80.471 0 160 0M80 136c0-39.701 32.299-72 72-72a8 8 0 0 0 0-16c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88a8 8 0 0 0 16 0z" ], "map-signs": [ 512, 512, [], "f277", "M487.515 104.485L439.03 152.97a23.998 23.998 0 0 1-16.97 7.029H56c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V56c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h160v-8c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h32c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v8h126.059a24 24 0 0 1 16.97 7.029l48.485 48.485c4.687 4.687 4.687 12.285.001 16.971zM216 368v120c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V368h-80zm240-144H296v-48h-80v48H89.941a24 24 0 0 0-16.97 7.029l-48.485 48.485c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l48.485 48.485a23.998 23.998 0 0 0 16.97 7.029H456c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80C480 234.745 469.255 224 456 224z" ], marker: [ 512, 512, [], "f5a1", "M93.95 290.03A327.038 327.038 0 0 0 .17 485.11l-.03.23c-1.7 15.28 11.21 28.2 26.49 26.51a327.02 327.02 0 0 0 195.34-93.8l75.4-75.4-128.02-128.02-75.4 75.4zM485.49 26.51c-35.35-35.35-92.67-35.35-128.02 0l-21.76 21.76-36.56-36.55c-15.62-15.62-40.95-15.62-56.56 0L138.47 115.84c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.62 22.62c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l87.15-87.15 19.59 19.59L191.98 192 320 320.02l165.49-165.49c35.35-35.35 35.35-92.66 0-128.02z" ], mars: [ 384, 512, [], "f222", "M372 64h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-80.7 80.7c-22.2-14-48.5-22.1-76.7-22.1C64.5 160 0 224.5 0 304s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144c0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l80.7-80.7 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V76c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 384c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z" ], "mars-double": [ 512, 512, [], "f227", "M340 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7C198.5 72.1 172.2 64 144 64 64.5 64 0 128.5 0 208s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144c0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.5 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 288c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80zm356-128.1h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7c-18.2-11.4-39-18.9-61.5-21.3-2.1 21.8-8.2 43.3-18.4 63.3 1.1 0 2.2-.1 3.2-.1 44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80c0-1.1 0-2.2.1-3.2-20 10.2-41.5 16.4-63.3 18.4C168.4 455.6 229.6 512 304 512c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.4 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12v-79c0-6.7-5.4-12.1-12-12.1z" ], "mars-stroke": [ 384, 512, [], "f229", "M372 64h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-17.5 17.5-14.1-14.1c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L224.5 133c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l14.1 14.1-18 18c-22.2-14-48.5-22.1-76.7-22.1C64.5 160 0 224.5 0 304s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144c0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l18-18 14.1 14.1c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l28.3-28.3c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17L329.2 164l17.5-17.5 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V76c-.1-6.6-5.5-12-12.1-12zM144 384c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z" ], "mars-stroke-h": [ 480, 512, [], "f22b", "M476.2 247.5l-55.9-55.9c-7.6-7.6-20.5-2.2-20.5 8.5V224H376v-20c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v20h-27.6c-5.8-25.6-18.7-49.9-38.6-69.8C189.6 98 98.4 98 42.2 154.2c-56.2 56.2-56.2 147.4 0 203.6 56.2 56.2 147.4 56.2 203.6 0 19.9-19.9 32.8-44.2 38.6-69.8H312v20c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-20h23.9v23.9c0 10.7 12.9 16 20.5 8.5l55.9-55.9c4.6-4.7 4.6-12.3-.1-17zm-275.6 65.1c-31.2 31.2-81.9 31.2-113.1 0-31.2-31.2-31.2-81.9 0-113.1 31.2-31.2 81.9-31.2 113.1 0 31.2 31.1 31.2 81.9 0 113.1z" ], "mars-stroke-v": [ 288, 512, [], "f22a", "M245.8 234.2c-19.9-19.9-44.2-32.8-69.8-38.6v-25.4h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20V81.4h23.9c10.7 0 16-12.9 8.5-20.5L152.5 5.1c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L79.6 61c-7.6 7.6-2.2 20.5 8.5 20.5H112v24.7H92c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h20v25.4c-25.6 5.8-49.9 18.7-69.8 38.6-56.2 56.2-56.2 147.4 0 203.6 56.2 56.2 147.4 56.2 203.6 0 56.3-56.2 56.3-147.4 0-203.6zm-45.2 158.4c-31.2 31.2-81.9 31.2-113.1 0-31.2-31.2-31.2-81.9 0-113.1 31.2-31.2 81.9-31.2 113.1 0 31.2 31.1 31.2 81.9 0 113.1z" ], medal: [ 512, 512, [], "f5a2", "M223.75 130.75L154.62 15.54A31.997 31.997 0 0 0 127.18 0H16.03C3.08 0-4.5 14.57 2.92 25.18l111.27 158.96c29.72-27.77 67.52-46.83 109.56-53.39zM495.97 0H384.82c-11.24 0-21.66 5.9-27.44 15.54l-69.13 115.21c42.04 6.56 79.84 25.62 109.56 53.38L509.08 25.18C516.5 14.57 508.92 0 495.97 0zM256 160c-97.2 0-176 78.8-176 176s78.8 176 176 176 176-78.8 176-176-78.8-176-176-176zm92.52 157.26l-37.93 36.96 8.97 52.22c1.6 9.36-8.26 16.51-16.65 12.09L256 393.88l-46.9 24.65c-8.4 4.45-18.25-2.74-16.65-12.09l8.97-52.22-37.93-36.96c-6.82-6.64-3.05-18.23 6.35-19.59l52.43-7.64 23.43-47.52c2.11-4.28 6.19-6.39 10.28-6.39 4.11 0 8.22 2.14 10.33 6.39l23.43 47.52 52.43 7.64c9.4 1.36 13.17 12.95 6.35 19.59z" ], medkit: [ 512, 512, [], "f0fa", "M96 480h320V128h-32V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H96v352zm96-384h128v32H192V96zm320 80v256c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48h-16V128h16c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM64 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v352zm288-208v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-48v48c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-32c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-48h-48c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h48v-48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v48h48c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16z" ], meh: [ 496, 512, [], "f11a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm176 192H152c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32h192c21.2 0 21.2 32 0 32zm-16-128c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "meh-blank": [ 496, 512, [], "f5a4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-80 232c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "meh-rolling-eyes": [ 496, 512, [], "f5a5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM88 224c0-24.3 13.7-45.2 33.6-56-.7 2.6-1.6 5.2-1.6 8 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32c0-2.8-.9-5.4-1.6-8 19.9 10.8 33.6 31.7 33.6 56 0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64s-64-28.7-64-64zm224 176H184c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32h128c21.2 0 21.2 32 0 32zm32-112c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64 0-24.3 13.7-45.2 33.6-56-.7 2.6-1.6 5.2-1.6 8 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32c0-2.8-.9-5.4-1.6-8 19.9 10.8 33.6 31.7 33.6 56 0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64z" ], memory: [ 640, 512, [], "f538", "M640 130.94V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v34.94c18.6 6.61 32 24.19 32 45.06s-13.4 38.45-32 45.06V320h640v-98.94c-18.6-6.61-32-24.19-32-45.06s13.4-38.45 32-45.06zM224 256h-64V128h64v128zm128 0h-64V128h64v128zm128 0h-64V128h64v128zM0 448h64v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h128v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h128v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h128v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h64v-96H0v96z" ], mercury: [ 288, 512, [], "f223", "M288 208c0-44.2-19.9-83.7-51.2-110.1 2.5-1.8 4.9-3.8 7.2-5.8 24.7-21.2 39.8-48.8 43.2-78.8.9-7.1-4.7-13.3-11.9-13.3h-40.5C229 0 224.1 4.1 223 9.8c-2.4 12.5-9.6 24.3-20.7 33.8C187 56.8 166.3 64 144 64s-43-7.2-58.4-20.4C74.5 34.1 67.4 22.3 64.9 9.8 63.8 4.1 58.9 0 53.2 0H12.7C5.5 0-.1 6.2.8 13.3 4.2 43.4 19.2 71 44 92.2c2.3 2 4.7 3.9 7.2 5.8C19.9 124.3 0 163.8 0 208c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V400H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-224 0c0-44.1 35.9-80 80-80s80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80z" ], microchip: [ 512, 512, [], "f2db", "M416 48v416c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H144c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V48c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h224c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm96 58v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42V88h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zm0 96v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42v-48h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zm0 96v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42v-48h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zm0 96v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42v-48h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zM30 376h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6zm0-96h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6zm0-96h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6zm0-96h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6z" ], microphone: [ 352, 512, [], "f130", "M176 352c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96V96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96S80 42.98 80 96v160c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96zm160-160h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 74.8-64.49 134.82-140.79 127.38C96.71 376.89 48 317.11 48 250.3V208c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v40.16c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464H96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-56v-33.77C285.71 418.47 352 344.9 352 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "microphone-alt": [ 352, 512, [], "f3c9", "M336 192h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 74.8-64.49 134.82-140.79 127.38C96.71 376.89 48 317.11 48 250.3V208c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v40.16c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464H96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-56v-33.77C285.71 418.47 352 344.9 352 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM176 352c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H272v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H272v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H272c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96S80 42.98 80 96v160c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96z" ], "microphone-alt-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f539", "M633.82 458.1L476.26 336.33C488.74 312.21 496 284.98 496 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 17.92-3.96 34.8-10.72 50.2l-26.55-20.52c3.1-9.4 5.28-19.22 5.28-29.67h-43.67l-41.4-32H416v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H416v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H416c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96v45.36L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.36 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.41-6.97 4.16-17.02-2.82-22.45zM400 464h-56v-33.78c11.71-1.62 23.1-4.28 33.96-8.08l-50.4-38.96c-6.71.4-13.41.87-20.35.2-55.85-5.45-98.74-48.63-111.18-101.85L144 241.31v6.85c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464h-56c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "microphone-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f131", "M633.82 458.1l-157.8-121.96C488.61 312.13 496 285.01 496 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 17.92-3.96 34.8-10.72 50.2l-26.55-20.52c3.1-9.4 5.28-19.22 5.28-29.67V96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96v45.36L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.36 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.41-6.97 4.16-17.02-2.82-22.45zM400 464h-56v-33.77c11.66-1.6 22.85-4.54 33.67-8.31l-50.11-38.73c-6.71.4-13.41.87-20.35.2-55.85-5.45-98.74-48.63-111.18-101.85L144 241.31v6.85c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464h-56c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], minus: [ 448, 512, [], "f068", "M416 208H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "minus-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f056", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zM124 296c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h264c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H124z" ], "minus-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f146", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM92 296c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h264c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H92z" ], mobile: [ 320, 512, [], "f10b", "M272 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM160 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "mobile-alt": [ 320, 512, [], "f3cd", "M272 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM160 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm112-108c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H60c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V60c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v312z" ], "money-bill": [ 640, 512, [], "f0d6", "M608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM48 400v-64c35.35 0 64 28.65 64 64H48zm0-224v-64h64c0 35.35-28.65 64-64 64zm272 176c-44.19 0-80-42.99-80-96 0-53.02 35.82-96 80-96s80 42.98 80 96c0 53.03-35.83 96-80 96zm272 48h-64c0-35.35 28.65-64 64-64v64zm0-224c-35.35 0-64-28.65-64-64h64v64z" ], "money-bill-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f3d1", "M352 288h-16v-88c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-13.58c-4.74 0-9.37 1.4-13.31 4.03l-15.33 10.22a7.994 7.994 0 0 0-2.22 11.09l8.88 13.31a7.994 7.994 0 0 0 11.09 2.22l.47-.31V288h-16c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v16c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h64c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-16c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8zM608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM48 400v-64c35.35 0 64 28.65 64 64H48zm0-224v-64h64c0 35.35-28.65 64-64 64zm272 192c-53.02 0-96-50.15-96-112 0-61.86 42.98-112 96-112s96 50.14 96 112c0 61.87-43 112-96 112zm272 32h-64c0-35.35 28.65-64 64-64v64zm0-224c-35.35 0-64-28.65-64-64h64v64z" ], "money-bill-wave": [ 640, 512, [], "f53a", "M621.16 54.46C582.37 38.19 543.55 32 504.75 32c-123.17-.01-246.33 62.34-369.5 62.34-30.89 0-61.76-3.92-92.65-13.72-3.47-1.1-6.95-1.62-10.35-1.62C15.04 79 0 92.32 0 110.81v317.26c0 12.63 7.23 24.6 18.84 29.46C57.63 473.81 96.45 480 135.25 480c123.17 0 246.34-62.35 369.51-62.35 30.89 0 61.76 3.92 92.65 13.72 3.47 1.1 6.95 1.62 10.35 1.62 17.21 0 32.25-13.32 32.25-31.81V83.93c-.01-12.64-7.24-24.6-18.85-29.47zM48 132.22c20.12 5.04 41.12 7.57 62.72 8.93C104.84 170.54 79 192.69 48 192.69v-60.47zm0 285v-47.78c34.37 0 62.18 27.27 63.71 61.4-22.53-1.81-43.59-6.31-63.71-13.62zM320 352c-44.19 0-80-42.99-80-96 0-53.02 35.82-96 80-96s80 42.98 80 96c0 53.03-35.83 96-80 96zm272 27.78c-17.52-4.39-35.71-6.85-54.32-8.44 5.87-26.08 27.5-45.88 54.32-49.28v57.72zm0-236.11c-30.89-3.91-54.86-29.7-55.81-61.55 19.54 2.17 38.09 6.23 55.81 12.66v48.89z" ], "money-bill-wave-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f53b", "M621.16 54.46C582.37 38.19 543.55 32 504.75 32c-123.17-.01-246.33 62.34-369.5 62.34-30.89 0-61.76-3.92-92.65-13.72-3.47-1.1-6.95-1.62-10.35-1.62C15.04 79 0 92.32 0 110.81v317.26c0 12.63 7.23 24.6 18.84 29.46C57.63 473.81 96.45 480 135.25 480c123.17 0 246.34-62.35 369.51-62.35 30.89 0 61.76 3.92 92.65 13.72 3.47 1.1 6.95 1.62 10.35 1.62 17.21 0 32.25-13.32 32.25-31.81V83.93c-.01-12.64-7.24-24.6-18.85-29.47zM320 352c-44.19 0-80-42.99-80-96 0-53.02 35.82-96 80-96s80 42.98 80 96c0 53.03-35.83 96-80 96z" ], "money-check": [ 640, 512, [], "f53c", "M0 448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V128H0v320zm448-208c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h96c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32zm0 120c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h112c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H456c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zM64 264c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h304c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zm0 96c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h176c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zM624 32H16C7.16 32 0 39.16 0 48v48h640V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "money-check-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f53d", "M608 32H32C14.33 32 0 46.33 0 64v384c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM176 327.88V344c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16.29c-11.29-.58-22.27-4.52-31.37-11.35-3.9-2.93-4.1-8.77-.57-12.14l11.75-11.21c2.77-2.64 6.89-2.76 10.13-.73 3.87 2.42 8.26 3.72 12.82 3.72h28.11c6.5 0 11.8-5.92 11.8-13.19 0-5.95-3.61-11.19-8.77-12.73l-45-13.5c-18.59-5.58-31.58-23.42-31.58-43.39 0-24.52 19.05-44.44 42.67-45.07V152c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16.29c11.29.58 22.27 4.51 31.37 11.35 3.9 2.93 4.1 8.77.57 12.14l-11.75 11.21c-2.77 2.64-6.89 2.76-10.13.73-3.87-2.43-8.26-3.72-12.82-3.72h-28.11c-6.5 0-11.8 5.92-11.8 13.19 0 5.95 3.61 11.19 8.77 12.73l45 13.5c18.59 5.58 31.58 23.42 31.58 43.39 0 24.53-19.05 44.44-42.67 45.07zM416 312c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H296c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h112c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm160 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-80c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H296c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h272c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16z" ], monument: [ 384, 512, [], "f5a6", "M368 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h352c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-78.86-347.26a31.97 31.97 0 0 0-9.21-19.44L203.31 4.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-76.6 76.61a31.97 31.97 0 0 0-9.21 19.44L64 416h256l-30.86-315.26zM240 307.2c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-70.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h70.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4z" ], moon: [ 512, 512, [], "f186", "M283.211 512c78.962 0 151.079-35.925 198.857-94.792 7.068-8.708-.639-21.43-11.562-19.35-124.203 23.654-238.262-71.576-238.262-196.954 0-72.222 38.662-138.635 101.498-174.394 9.686-5.512 7.25-20.197-3.756-22.23A258.156 258.156 0 0 0 283.211 0c-141.309 0-256 114.511-256 256 0 141.309 114.511 256 256 256z" ], "mortar-pestle": [ 512, 512, [], "f5a7", "M501.54 60.91c17.22-17.22 12.51-46.25-9.27-57.14a35.696 35.696 0 0 0-37.37 3.37L251.09 160h151.37l99.08-99.09zM496 192H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c0 80.98 50.2 150.11 121.13 178.32-12.76 16.87-21.72 36.8-24.95 58.69-1.46 9.92 6.04 18.98 16.07 18.98h223.5c10.03 0 17.53-9.06 16.07-18.98-3.22-21.89-12.18-41.82-24.95-58.69C429.8 406.11 480 336.98 480 256h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], motorcycle: [ 640, 512, [], "f21c", "M512.949 192.003c-14.862-.108-29.14 2.322-42.434 6.874L437.589 144H520c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-45.311a24 24 0 0 0-17.839 7.945l-37.496 41.663-22.774-37.956A24 24 0 0 0 376 64h-80c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v16c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h66.411l19.2 32H227.904c-17.727-23.073-44.924-40-99.904-40H72.54c-13.455 0-24.791 11.011-24.536 24.464C48.252 141.505 58.9 152 72 152h56c24.504 0 38.686 10.919 47.787 24.769l-11.291 20.529c-13.006-3.865-26.871-5.736-41.251-5.21C55.857 194.549 1.565 249.605.034 317.021-1.603 389.076 56.317 448 128 448c59.642 0 109.744-40.794 123.953-96h84.236c13.673 0 24.589-11.421 23.976-25.077-2.118-47.12 17.522-93.665 56.185-125.026l12.485 20.808c-27.646 23.654-45.097 58.88-44.831 98.179.47 69.556 57.203 126.452 126.758 127.11 71.629.678 129.839-57.487 129.234-129.099-.588-69.591-57.455-126.386-127.047-126.892zM128 400c-44.112 0-80-35.888-80-80s35.888-80 80-80c4.242 0 8.405.341 12.469.982L98.97 316.434C90.187 332.407 101.762 352 120 352h81.297c-12.37 28.225-40.56 48-73.297 48zm388.351-.116C470.272 402.337 432 365.554 432 320c0-21.363 8.434-40.781 22.125-55.144l49.412 82.352c4.546 7.577 14.375 10.034 21.952 5.488l13.72-8.232c7.577-4.546 10.034-14.375 5.488-21.952l-48.556-80.927A80.005 80.005 0 0 1 512 240c45.554 0 82.338 38.273 79.884 84.352-2.16 40.558-34.974 73.372-75.533 75.532z" ], "mouse-pointer": [ 320, 512, [], "f245", "M302.189 329.126H196.105l55.831 135.993c3.889 9.428-.555 19.999-9.444 23.999l-49.165 21.427c-9.165 4-19.443-.571-23.332-9.714l-53.053-129.136-86.664 89.138C18.729 472.71 0 463.554 0 447.977V18.299C0 1.899 19.921-6.096 30.277 5.443l284.412 292.542c11.472 11.179 3.007 31.141-12.5 31.141z" ], music: [ 512, 512, [], "f001", "M470.4 1.5l-304 96C153.1 101.7 144 114 144 128v264.6c-14.1-5.4-30.5-8.6-48-8.6-53 0-96 28.7-96 64s43 64 96 64 96-28.7 96-64V220.5l272-85.9v194c-14.1-5.4-30.5-8.6-48-8.6-53 0-96 28.7-96 64s43 64 96 64 96-28.7 96-64V32c0-21.7-21.1-37-41.6-30.5z" ], neuter: [ 288, 512, [], "f22c", "M288 176c0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144S0 96.5 0 176c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V468c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V316.4c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-144 80c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z" ], newspaper: [ 576, 512, [], "f1ea", "M552 64H88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v8H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v272c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h472c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM56 400a8 8 0 0 1-8-8V144h16v248a8 8 0 0 1-8 8zm236-16H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm208 0H348c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm-208-96H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm208 0H348c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm0-96H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z" ], "not-equal": [ 448, 512, [], "f53e", "M416 208c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-23.88l51.87-66.81c5.37-7.02 4.04-17.06-2.97-22.43L415.61 3.3c-7.02-5.38-17.06-4.04-22.44 2.97L311.09 112H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h204.56l-74.53 96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h55.49l-51.87 66.81c-5.37 7.01-4.04 17.05 2.97 22.43L64 508.7c7.02 5.38 17.06 4.04 22.43-2.97L168.52 400H416c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H243.05l74.53-96H416z" ], "notes-medical": [ 384, 512, [], "f481", "M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 40c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm96 304c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48zm0-192c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H104c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h176c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z" ], "object-group": [ 512, 512, [], "f247", "M480 128V96h20c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v20H64V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h20v320H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-20h384v20c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-20V128zM96 276V140c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h168c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v136c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H108c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm320 96c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H236c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-52h72c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-72h84c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v136z" ], "object-ungroup": [ 576, 512, [], "f248", "M64 320v26a6 6 0 0 1-6 6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-52a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h26V96H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V38a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h52a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v26h288V38a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h52a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v52a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-26v192h26a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v52a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-52a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-26H64zm480-64v-32h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-52a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-52a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26H408v72h8c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v64c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-64c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-8H192v72h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v52a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h52a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-26h288v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h52a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-52a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-26V256z" ], outdent: [ 448, 512, [], "f03b", "M0 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm208 144h224c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H208c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM16 484h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm192-128h224c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H208c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM4.687 267.313l96 95.984C110.734 373.348 128 366.224 128 351.984V160.008c0-14.329-17.325-21.304-27.313-11.313l-96 95.992c-6.249 6.248-6.249 16.378 0 22.626z" ], "paint-brush": [ 512, 512, [], "f1fc", "M167.02 309.34c-40.12 2.58-76.53 17.86-97.19 72.3-2.35 6.21-8 9.98-14.59 9.98-11.11 0-45.46-27.67-55.25-34.35C0 439.62 37.93 512 128 512c75.86 0 128-43.77 128-120.19 0-3.11-.65-6.08-.97-9.13l-88.01-73.34zM457.89 0c-15.16 0-29.37 6.71-40.21 16.45C213.27 199.05 192 203.34 192 257.09c0 13.7 3.25 26.76 8.73 38.7l63.82 53.18c7.21 1.8 14.64 3.03 22.39 3.03 62.11 0 98.11-45.47 211.16-256.46 7.38-14.35 13.9-29.85 13.9-45.99C512 20.64 486 0 457.89 0z" ], "paint-roller": [ 512, 512, [], "f5aa", "M416 128V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h352c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32zm32-64v128c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H256c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V352c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32v-32h160c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96v-64c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64z" ], palette: [ 512, 512, [], "f53f", "M204.3 5C104.9 24.4 24.8 104.3 5.2 203.4c-37 187 131.7 326.4 258.8 306.7 41.2-6.4 61.4-54.6 42.5-91.7-23.1-45.4 9.9-98.4 60.9-98.4h79.7c35.8 0 64.8-29.6 64.9-65.3C511.5 97.1 368.1-26.9 204.3 5zM96 320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm32-128c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128-64c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128 64c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], pallet: [ 640, 512, [], "f482", "M144 256h352c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H384v128l-64-32-64 32V0H144c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm480 128c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h48v64H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-48v-64h48zm-336 64H128v-64h160v64zm224 0H352v-64h160v64z" ], "paper-plane": [ 512, 512, [], "f1d8", "M476 3.2L12.5 270.6c-18.1 10.4-15.8 35.6 2.2 43.2L121 358.4l287.3-253.2c5.5-4.9 13.3 2.6 8.6 8.3L176 407v80.5c0 23.6 28.5 32.9 42.5 15.8L282 426l124.6 52.2c14.2 6 30.4-2.9 33-18.2l72-432C515 7.8 493.3-6.8 476 3.2z" ], paperclip: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c6", "M43.246 466.142c-58.43-60.289-57.341-157.511 1.386-217.581L254.392 34c44.316-45.332 116.351-45.336 160.671 0 43.89 44.894 43.943 117.329 0 162.276L232.214 383.128c-29.855 30.537-78.633 30.111-107.982-.998-28.275-29.97-27.368-77.473 1.452-106.953l143.743-146.835c6.182-6.314 16.312-6.422 22.626-.241l22.861 22.379c6.315 6.182 6.422 16.312.241 22.626L171.427 319.927c-4.932 5.045-5.236 13.428-.648 18.292 4.372 4.634 11.245 4.711 15.688.165l182.849-186.851c19.613-20.062 19.613-52.725-.011-72.798-19.189-19.627-49.957-19.637-69.154 0L90.39 293.295c-34.763 35.56-35.299 93.12-1.191 128.313 34.01 35.093 88.985 35.137 123.058.286l172.06-175.999c6.177-6.319 16.307-6.433 22.626-.256l22.877 22.364c6.319 6.177 6.434 16.307.256 22.626l-172.06 175.998c-59.576 60.938-155.943 60.216-214.77-.485z" ], "parachute-box": [ 512, 512, [], "f4cd", "M511.9 175c-9.1-75.6-78.4-132.4-158.3-158.7C390 55.7 416 116.9 416 192h28.1L327.5 321.5c-2.5-.6-4.8-1.5-7.5-1.5h-48V192h112C384 76.8 315.1 0 256 0S128 76.8 128 192h112v128h-48c-2.7 0-5 .9-7.5 1.5L67.9 192H96c0-75.1 26-136.3 62.4-175.7C78.5 42.7 9.2 99.5.1 175c-1.1 9.1 6.8 17 16 17h8.7l136.7 151.9c-.7 2.6-1.6 5.2-1.6 8.1v128c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h128c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V352c0-2.9-.9-5.4-1.6-8.1L487.1 192h8.7c9.3 0 17.2-7.8 16.1-17z" ], paragraph: [ 448, 512, [], "f1dd", "M408 32H177.531C88.948 32 16.045 103.335 16 191.918 15.956 280.321 87.607 352 176 352v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V112h32v344c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V112h40c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z" ], parking: [ 448, 512, [], "f540", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM240 320h-48v48c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-32c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V144c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h96c52.9 0 96 43.1 96 96s-43.1 96-96 96zm0-128h-48v64h48c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32s-14.4-32-32-32z" ], passport: [ 448, 512, [], "f5ab", "M129.62 176h39.09c1.49-27.03 6.54-51.35 14.21-70.41-27.71 13.24-48.02 39.19-53.3 70.41zm0 32c5.29 31.22 25.59 57.17 53.3 70.41-7.68-19.06-12.72-43.38-14.21-70.41h-39.09zM224 286.69c7.69-7.45 20.77-34.42 23.43-78.69h-46.87c2.67 44.26 15.75 71.24 23.44 78.69zM200.57 176h46.87c-2.66-44.26-15.74-71.24-23.43-78.69-7.7 7.45-20.78 34.43-23.44 78.69zm64.51 102.41c27.71-13.24 48.02-39.19 53.3-70.41h-39.09c-1.49 27.03-6.53 51.35-14.21 70.41zM416 0H64C28.65 0 0 28.65 0 64v384c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h352c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-80 416H112c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16h224c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16zm-112-96c-70.69 0-128-57.31-128-128S153.31 64 224 64s128 57.31 128 128-57.31 128-128 128zm41.08-214.41c7.68 19.06 12.72 43.38 14.21 70.41h39.09c-5.28-31.22-25.59-57.17-53.3-70.41z" ], paste: [ 448, 512, [], "f0ea", "M128 184c0-30.879 25.122-56 56-56h136V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-80.61C204.306 12.89 183.637 0 160 0s-44.306 12.89-55.39 32H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v336c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104V184zm32-144c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24zm184 248h104v200c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H184c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V184c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h136v104c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24zm104-38.059V256h-96v-96h6.059a24 24 0 0 1 16.97 7.029l65.941 65.941a24.002 24.002 0 0 1 7.03 16.971z" ], pause: [ 448, 512, [], "f04c", "M144 479H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h96c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48zm304-48V79c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-96c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48z" ], "pause-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f28b", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm-16 328c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v160zm112 0c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v160z" ], paw: [ 512, 512, [], "f1b0", "M85.231 330.958C36 330.958 0 273.792 0 231.5c0-28.292 16-58.042 49.538-58.042 49.231 0 85.231 57.458 85.231 99.75 0 28.292-15.692 57.75-49.538 57.75zm348 106.167c0 37.042-32 42.875-63.385 42.875-41.231 0-74.462-26.25-113.846-26.25-41.231 0-76.308 25.958-120.923 25.958-29.847 0-56.308-9.625-56.308-42.583C78.769 368 180.616 265.333 256 265.333s177.231 102.959 177.231 171.792zM182.462 203.792c-49.847 0-80-59.5-80-100.333C102.462 70.792 120.308 32 160 32c50.154 0 80 59.5 80 100.333 0 32.667-17.846 71.459-57.538 71.459zM272 132.333C272 91.5 301.846 32 352 32c39.692 0 57.539 38.792 57.539 71.458 0 40.833-30.154 100.333-80.001 100.333C289.846 203.792 272 165 272 132.333zM512 231.5c0 42.292-36 99.458-85.231 99.458-33.847 0-49.538-29.458-49.538-57.75 0-42.291 35.999-99.75 85.231-99.75C496 173.458 512 203.208 512 231.5z" ], pen: [ 512, 512, [], "f304", "M290.74 93.24l128.02 128.02-277.99 277.99-114.14 12.6C11.35 513.54-1.56 500.62.14 485.34l12.7-114.22 277.9-277.88zm207.2-19.06l-60.11-60.11c-18.75-18.75-49.16-18.75-67.91 0l-56.55 56.55 128.02 128.02 56.55-56.55c18.75-18.76 18.75-49.16 0-67.91z" ], "pen-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f305", "M497.94 74.17l-60.11-60.11c-18.75-18.75-49.16-18.75-67.91 0l-56.55 56.55 128.02 128.02 56.55-56.55c18.75-18.75 18.75-49.15 0-67.91zm-246.8-20.53c-15.62-15.62-40.94-15.62-56.56 0L75.8 172.43c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.62l22.63 22.63c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l101.82-101.82 22.63 22.62L93.95 290.03A327.038 327.038 0 0 0 .17 485.11l-.03.23c-1.7 15.28 11.21 28.2 26.49 26.51a327.02 327.02 0 0 0 195.34-93.8l196.79-196.79-82.77-82.77-84.85-84.85z" ], "pen-fancy": [ 512, 512, [], "f5ac", "M79.18 282.94a32.005 32.005 0 0 0-20.24 20.24L0 480l4.69 4.69 92.89-92.89c-.66-2.56-1.57-5.03-1.57-7.8 0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32s32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32c-2.77 0-5.24-.91-7.8-1.57l-92.89 92.89L32 512l176.82-58.94a31.983 31.983 0 0 0 20.24-20.24l33.07-84.07-98.88-98.88-84.07 33.07zM369.25 28.32L186.14 227.81l97.85 97.85 199.49-183.11C568.4 67.48 443.73-55.94 369.25 28.32z" ], "pen-nib": [ 512, 512, [], "f5ad", "M136.6 138.79a64.003 64.003 0 0 0-43.31 41.35L0 460l14.69 14.69L164.8 324.58c-2.99-6.26-4.8-13.18-4.8-20.58 0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48s48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48c-7.4 0-14.32-1.81-20.58-4.8L37.31 497.31 52 512l279.86-93.29a64.003 64.003 0 0 0 41.35-43.31L416 224 288 96l-151.4 42.79zm361.34-64.62l-60.11-60.11c-18.75-18.75-49.16-18.75-67.91 0l-56.55 56.55 128.02 128.02 56.55-56.55c18.75-18.75 18.75-49.15 0-67.91z" ], "pen-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f14b", "M400 480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48zM238.1 177.9L102.4 313.6l-6.3 57.1c-.8 7.6 5.6 14.1 13.3 13.3l57.1-6.3L302.2 242c2.3-2.3 2.3-6.1 0-8.5L246.7 178c-2.5-2.4-6.3-2.4-8.6-.1zM345 165.1L314.9 135c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-23.1 23.1c-2.3 2.3-2.3 6.1 0 8.5l55.5 55.5c2.3 2.3 6.1 2.3 8.5 0L345 199c9.3-9.3 9.3-24.5 0-33.9z" ], "pencil-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f303", "M497.9 142.1l-46.1 46.1c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-111-111c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l46.1-46.1c18.7-18.7 49.1-18.7 67.9 0l60.1 60.1c18.8 18.7 18.8 49.1 0 67.9zM284.2 99.8L21.6 362.4.4 483.9c-2.9 16.4 11.4 30.6 27.8 27.8l121.5-21.3 262.6-262.6c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-111-111c-4.8-4.7-12.4-4.7-17.1 0zM124.1 339.9c-5.5-5.5-5.5-14.3 0-19.8l154-154c5.5-5.5 14.3-5.5 19.8 0s5.5 14.3 0 19.8l-154 154c-5.5 5.5-14.3 5.5-19.8 0zM88 424h48v36.3l-64.5 11.3-31.1-31.1L51.7 376H88v48z" ], "pencil-ruler": [ 512, 512, [], "f5ae", "M109.46 244.04l134.58-134.56-44.12-44.12-61.68 61.68a7.919 7.919 0 0 1-11.21 0l-11.21-11.21c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.12 0-11.21l61.68-61.68-33.64-33.65C131.47-3.1 111.39-3.1 99 9.29L9.29 99c-12.38 12.39-12.39 32.47 0 44.86l100.17 100.18zm388.47-116.8c18.76-18.76 18.75-49.17 0-67.93l-45.25-45.25c-18.76-18.76-49.18-18.76-67.95 0l-46.02 46.01 113.2 113.2 46.02-46.03zM316.08 82.71l-297 296.96L.32 487.11c-2.53 14.49 10.09 27.11 24.59 24.56l107.45-18.84L429.28 195.9 316.08 82.71zm186.63 285.43l-33.64-33.64-61.68 61.68c-3.1 3.1-8.12 3.1-11.21 0l-11.21-11.21c-3.09-3.1-3.09-8.12 0-11.21l61.68-61.68-44.14-44.14L267.93 402.5l100.21 100.2c12.39 12.39 32.47 12.39 44.86 0l89.71-89.7c12.39-12.39 12.39-32.47 0-44.86z" ], "people-carry": [ 640, 512, [], "f4ce", "M128 96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48S154.5 0 128 0 80 21.5 80 48s21.5 48 48 48zm384 0c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48S538.5 0 512 0s-48 21.5-48 48 21.5 48 48 48zm125.7 372.1l-44-110-41.1 46.4-2 18.2 27.7 69.2c5 12.5 17 20.1 29.7 20.1 4 0 8-.7 11.9-2.3 16.4-6.6 24.4-25.2 17.8-41.6zm-34.2-209.8L585 178.1c-4.6-20-18.6-36.8-37.5-44.9-18.5-8-39-6.7-56.1 3.3-22.7 13.4-39.7 34.5-48.1 59.4L432 229.8 416 240v-96c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H240c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96l-16.1-10.2-11.3-33.9c-8.3-25-25.4-46-48.1-59.4-17.2-10-37.6-11.3-56.1-3.3-18.9 8.1-32.9 24.9-37.5 44.9l-18.4 80.2c-4.6 20 .7 41.2 14.4 56.7l67.2 75.9 10.1 92.6C130 499.8 143.8 512 160 512c1.2 0 2.3-.1 3.5-.2 17.6-1.9 30.2-17.7 28.3-35.3l-10.1-92.8c-1.5-13-6.9-25.1-15.6-35l-43.3-49 17.6-70.3 6.8 20.4c4.1 12.5 11.9 23.4 24.5 32.6l51.1 32.5c4.6 2.9 12.1 4.6 17.2 5h160c5.1-.4 12.6-2.1 17.2-5l51.1-32.5c12.6-9.2 20.4-20 24.5-32.6l6.8-20.4 17.6 70.3-43.3 49c-8.7 9.9-14.1 22-15.6 35l-10.1 92.8c-1.9 17.6 10.8 33.4 28.3 35.3 1.2.1 2.3.2 3.5.2 16.1 0 30-12.1 31.8-28.5l10.1-92.6 67.2-75.9c13.6-15.5 19-36.7 14.4-56.7zM46.3 358.1l-44 110c-6.6 16.4 1.4 35 17.8 41.6 16.8 6.6 35.1-1.7 41.6-17.8l27.7-69.2-2-18.2-41.1-46.4z" ], percent: [ 448, 512, [], "f295", "M112 224c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112S173.9 0 112 0 0 50.1 0 112s50.1 112 112 112zm0-160c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48-48 48-48-21.5-48-48 21.5-48 48-48zm224 224c-61.9 0-112 50.1-112 112s50.1 112 112 112 112-50.1 112-112-50.1-112-112-112zm0 160c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zM392.3.2l31.6-.1c19.4-.1 30.9 21.8 19.7 37.8L77.4 501.6a23.95 23.95 0 0 1-19.6 10.2l-33.4.1c-19.5 0-30.9-21.9-19.7-37.8l368-463.7C377.2 4 384.5.2 392.3.2z" ], percentage: [ 384, 512, [], "f541", "M109.25 173.25c24.99-24.99 24.99-65.52 0-90.51-24.99-24.99-65.52-24.99-90.51 0-24.99 24.99-24.99 65.52 0 90.51 25 25 65.52 25 90.51 0zm256 165.49c-24.99-24.99-65.52-24.99-90.51 0-24.99 24.99-24.99 65.52 0 90.51 24.99 24.99 65.52 24.99 90.51 0 25-24.99 25-65.51 0-90.51zm-1.94-231.43l-22.62-22.62c-12.5-12.5-32.76-12.5-45.25 0L20.69 359.44c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25l22.62 22.62c12.5 12.5 32.76 12.5 45.25 0l274.75-274.75c12.5-12.49 12.5-32.75 0-45.25z" ], phone: [ 512, 512, [], "f095", "M493.4 24.6l-104-24c-11.3-2.6-22.9 3.3-27.5 13.9l-48 112c-4.2 9.8-1.4 21.3 6.9 28l60.6 49.6c-36 76.7-98.9 140.5-177.2 177.2l-49.6-60.6c-6.8-8.3-18.2-11.1-28-6.9l-112 48C3.9 366.5-2 378.1.6 389.4l24 104C27.1 504.2 36.7 512 48 512c256.1 0 464-207.5 464-464 0-11.2-7.7-20.9-18.6-23.4z" ], "phone-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f3dd", "M268.2 381.4l-49.6-60.6c-6.8-8.3-18.2-11.1-28-6.9l-112 48c-10.7 4.6-16.5 16.1-13.9 27.5l24 104c2.5 10.8 12.1 18.6 23.4 18.6 100.7 0 193.7-32.4 269.7-86.9l-80-61.8c-10.9 6.5-22.1 12.7-33.6 18.1zm365.6 76.7L475.1 335.5C537.9 256.4 576 156.9 576 48c0-11.2-7.7-20.9-18.6-23.4l-104-24c-11.3-2.6-22.9 3.3-27.5 13.9l-48 112c-4.2 9.8-1.4 21.3 6.9 28l60.6 49.6c-12.2 26.1-27.9 50.3-46 72.8L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3z" ], "phone-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f098", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM94 416c-7.033 0-13.057-4.873-14.616-11.627l-14.998-65a15 15 0 0 1 8.707-17.16l69.998-29.999a15 15 0 0 1 17.518 4.289l30.997 37.885c48.944-22.963 88.297-62.858 110.781-110.78l-37.886-30.997a15.001 15.001 0 0 1-4.289-17.518l30-69.998a15 15 0 0 1 17.16-8.707l65 14.998A14.997 14.997 0 0 1 384 126c0 160.292-129.945 290-290 290z" ], "phone-volume": [ 384, 512, [], "f2a0", "M97.333 506.966c-129.874-129.874-129.681-340.252 0-469.933 5.698-5.698 14.527-6.632 21.263-2.422l64.817 40.513a17.187 17.187 0 0 1 6.849 20.958l-32.408 81.021a17.188 17.188 0 0 1-17.669 10.719l-55.81-5.58c-21.051 58.261-20.612 122.471 0 179.515l55.811-5.581a17.188 17.188 0 0 1 17.669 10.719l32.408 81.022a17.188 17.188 0 0 1-6.849 20.958l-64.817 40.513a17.19 17.19 0 0 1-21.264-2.422zM247.126 95.473c11.832 20.047 11.832 45.008 0 65.055-3.95 6.693-13.108 7.959-18.718 2.581l-5.975-5.726c-3.911-3.748-4.793-9.622-2.261-14.41a32.063 32.063 0 0 0 0-29.945c-2.533-4.788-1.65-10.662 2.261-14.41l5.975-5.726c5.61-5.378 14.768-4.112 18.718 2.581zm91.787-91.187c60.14 71.604 60.092 175.882 0 247.428-4.474 5.327-12.53 5.746-17.552.933l-5.798-5.557c-4.56-4.371-4.977-11.529-.93-16.379 49.687-59.538 49.646-145.933 0-205.422-4.047-4.85-3.631-12.008.93-16.379l5.798-5.557c5.022-4.813 13.078-4.394 17.552.933zm-45.972 44.941c36.05 46.322 36.108 111.149 0 157.546-4.39 5.641-12.697 6.251-17.856 1.304l-5.818-5.579c-4.4-4.219-4.998-11.095-1.285-15.931 26.536-34.564 26.534-82.572 0-117.134-3.713-4.836-3.115-11.711 1.285-15.931l5.818-5.579c5.159-4.947 13.466-4.337 17.856 1.304z" ], "piggy-bank": [ 576, 512, [], "f4d3", "M560 224h-29.5c-8.8-20-21.6-37.7-37.4-52.5L512 96h-32c-29.4 0-55.4 13.5-73 34.3-7.6-1.1-15.1-2.3-23-2.3H256c-77.4 0-141.9 55-156.8 128H56c-14.8 0-26.5-13.5-23.5-28.8C34.7 215.8 45.4 208 57 208h1c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6v-20c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6-28.5 0-53.9 20.4-57.5 48.6C-3.9 258.8 22.7 288 56 288h40c0 52.2 25.4 98.1 64 127.3V496c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-48h128v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-80.7c11.8-8.9 22.3-19.4 31.3-31.3H560c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V240c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-128 64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zM256 96h128c5.4 0 10.7.4 15.9.8 0-.3.1-.5.1-.8 0-53-43-96-96-96s-96 43-96 96c0 2.1.5 4.1.6 6.2 15.2-3.9 31-6.2 47.4-6.2z" ], pills: [ 576, 512, [], "f484", "M112 32C50.1 32 0 82.1 0 144v224c0 61.9 50.1 112 112 112s112-50.1 112-112V144c0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112zm48 224H64V144c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48s48 21.5 48 48v112zm139.7-29.7c-3.5-3.5-9.4-3.1-12.3.8-45.3 62.5-40.4 150.1 15.9 206.4 56.3 56.3 143.9 61.2 206.4 15.9 4-2.9 4.3-8.8.8-12.3L299.7 226.3zm229.8-19c-56.3-56.3-143.9-61.2-206.4-15.9-4 2.9-4.3 8.8-.8 12.3l210.8 210.8c3.5 3.5 9.4 3.1 12.3-.8 45.3-62.6 40.5-150.1-15.9-206.4z" ], plane: [ 576, 512, [], "f072", "M480 192H365.71L260.61 8.06A16.014 16.014 0 0 0 246.71 0h-65.5c-10.63 0-18.3 10.17-15.38 20.39L214.86 192H112l-43.2-57.6c-3.02-4.03-7.77-6.4-12.8-6.4H16.01C5.6 128-2.04 137.78.49 147.88L32 256 .49 364.12C-2.04 374.22 5.6 384 16.01 384H56c5.04 0 9.78-2.37 12.8-6.4L112 320h102.86l-49.03 171.6c-2.92 10.22 4.75 20.4 15.38 20.4h65.5c5.74 0 11.04-3.08 13.89-8.06L365.71 320H480c35.35 0 96-28.65 96-64s-60.65-64-96-64z" ], "plane-arrival": [ 640, 512, [], "f5af", "M624 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM44.81 205.66l88.74 80a62.607 62.607 0 0 0 25.47 13.93l287.6 78.35c26.48 7.21 54.56 8.72 81 1.36 29.67-8.27 43.44-21.21 47.25-35.71 3.83-14.5-1.73-32.71-23.37-54.96-19.28-19.82-44.35-32.79-70.83-40l-97.51-26.56L282.8 30.22c-1.51-5.81-5.95-10.35-11.66-11.91L206.05.58c-10.56-2.88-20.9 5.32-20.71 16.44l47.92 164.21-102.2-27.84-27.59-67.88c-1.93-4.89-6.01-8.57-11.02-9.93L52.72 64.75c-10.34-2.82-20.53 5-20.72 15.88l.23 101.78c.19 8.91 6.03 17.34 12.58 23.25z" ], "plane-departure": [ 640, 512, [], "f5b0", "M624 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM80.55 341.27c6.28 6.84 15.1 10.72 24.33 10.71l130.54-.18a65.62 65.62 0 0 0 29.64-7.12l290.96-147.65c26.74-13.57 50.71-32.94 67.02-58.31 18.31-28.48 20.3-49.09 13.07-63.65-7.21-14.57-24.74-25.27-58.25-27.45-29.85-1.94-59.54 5.92-86.28 19.48l-98.51 49.99-218.7-82.06a17.799 17.799 0 0 0-18-1.11L90.62 67.29c-10.67 5.41-13.25 19.65-5.17 28.53l156.22 98.1-103.21 52.38-72.35-36.47a17.804 17.804 0 0 0-16.07.02L9.91 230.22c-10.44 5.3-13.19 19.12-5.57 28.08l76.21 82.97z" ], play: [ 448, 512, [], "f04b", "M424.4 214.7L72.4 6.6C43.8-10.3 0 6.1 0 47.9V464c0 37.5 40.7 60.1 72.4 41.3l352-208c31.4-18.5 31.5-64.1 0-82.6z" ], "play-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f144", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm115.7 272l-176 101c-15.8 8.8-35.7-2.5-35.7-21V152c0-18.4 19.8-29.8 35.7-21l176 107c16.4 9.2 16.4 32.9 0 42z" ], plug: [ 384, 512, [], "f1e6", "M256 144V32c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v112h-64zm112 16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h16v32c0 77.406 54.969 141.971 128 156.796V512h64v-99.204c73.031-14.825 128-79.39 128-156.796v-32h16c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16zm-240-16V32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32S64 14.327 64 32v112h64z" ], plus: [ 448, 512, [], "f067", "M416 208H272V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v144H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h144v144c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V304h144c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "plus-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f055", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm144 276c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-92v92c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-92h-92c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h92v-92c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v92h92c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56z" ], "plus-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f0fe", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-32 252c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-92v92c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-92H92c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h92v-92c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v92h92c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56z" ], podcast: [ 448, 512, [], "f2ce", "M267.429 488.563C262.286 507.573 242.858 512 224 512c-18.857 0-38.286-4.427-43.428-23.437C172.927 460.134 160 388.898 160 355.75c0-35.156 31.142-43.75 64-43.75s64 8.594 64 43.75c0 32.949-12.871 104.179-20.571 132.813zM156.867 288.554c-18.693-18.308-29.958-44.173-28.784-72.599 2.054-49.724 42.395-89.956 92.124-91.881C274.862 121.958 320 165.807 320 220c0 26.827-11.064 51.116-28.866 68.552-2.675 2.62-2.401 6.986.628 9.187 9.312 6.765 16.46 15.343 21.234 25.363 1.741 3.654 6.497 4.66 9.449 1.891 28.826-27.043 46.553-65.783 45.511-108.565-1.855-76.206-63.595-138.208-139.793-140.369C146.869 73.753 80 139.215 80 220c0 41.361 17.532 78.7 45.55 104.989 2.953 2.771 7.711 1.77 9.453-1.887 4.774-10.021 11.923-18.598 21.235-25.363 3.029-2.2 3.304-6.566.629-9.185zM224 0C100.204 0 0 100.185 0 224c0 89.992 52.602 165.647 125.739 201.408 4.333 2.118 9.267-1.544 8.535-6.31-2.382-15.512-4.342-30.946-5.406-44.339-.146-1.836-1.149-3.486-2.678-4.512-47.4-31.806-78.564-86.016-78.187-147.347.592-96.237 79.29-174.648 175.529-174.899C320.793 47.747 400 126.797 400 224c0 61.932-32.158 116.49-80.65 147.867-.999 14.037-3.069 30.588-5.624 47.23-.732 4.767 4.203 8.429 8.535 6.31C395.227 389.727 448 314.187 448 224 448 100.205 347.815 0 224 0zm0 160c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64z" ], poo: [ 512, 512, [], "f2fe", "M451.4 369.1C468.7 356 480 335.4 480 312c0-39.8-32.2-72-72-72h-14.1c13.4-11.7 22.1-28.8 22.1-48 0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64h-5.9c3.6-10.1 5.9-20.7 5.9-32 0-53-43-96-96-96-5.2 0-10.2.7-15.1 1.5C250.3 14.6 256 30.6 256 48c0 44.2-35.8 80-80 80h-16c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64 0 19.2 8.7 36.3 22.1 48H104c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72 0 23.4 11.3 44 28.6 57.1C26.3 374.6 0 404.1 0 440c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72h368c39.8 0 72-32.2 72-72 0-35.9-26.3-65.4-60.6-70.9zM192 256c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm159.5 139C341 422.9 293 448 256 448s-85-25.1-95.5-53c-2-5.3 2-11 7.8-11h175.4c5.8 0 9.8 5.7 7.8 11zM320 320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], portrait: [ 384, 512, [], "f3e0", "M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 128c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H102.4C90 384 80 375.4 80 364.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2z" ], "pound-sign": [ 320, 512, [], "f154", "M308 352h-45.495c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v50.848H128V288h84c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-84v-63.556c0-32.266 24.562-57.086 61.792-57.086 23.658 0 45.878 11.505 57.652 18.849 5.151 3.213 11.888 2.051 15.688-2.685l28.493-35.513c4.233-5.276 3.279-13.005-2.119-17.081C273.124 54.56 236.576 32 187.931 32 106.026 32 48 84.742 48 157.961V224H20c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28v128H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h296c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V364c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z" ], "power-off": [ 512, 512, [], "f011", "M400 54.1c63 45 104 118.6 104 201.9 0 136.8-110.8 247.7-247.5 248C120 504.3 8.2 393 8 256.4 7.9 173.1 48.9 99.3 111.8 54.2c11.7-8.3 28-4.8 35 7.7L162.6 90c5.9 10.5 3.1 23.8-6.6 31-41.5 30.8-68 79.6-68 134.9-.1 92.3 74.5 168.1 168 168.1 91.6 0 168.6-74.2 168-169.1-.3-51.8-24.7-101.8-68.1-134-9.7-7.2-12.4-20.5-6.5-30.9l15.8-28.1c7-12.4 23.2-16.1 34.8-7.8zM296 264V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-32c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v240c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24z" ], prescription: [ 384, 512, [], "f5b1", "M301.26 352l78.06-78.06c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-22.63-22.63c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0L256 306.74l-83.96-83.96C219.31 216.8 256 176.89 256 128c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96H16C7.16 32 0 39.16 0 48v256c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-80h18.75l128 128-78.06 78.06c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.63 22.63c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0L256 397.25l78.06 78.06c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l22.63-22.63c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L301.26 352zM64 96h96c17.64 0 32 14.36 32 32s-14.36 32-32 32H64V96z" ], "prescription-bottle": [ 384, 512, [], "f485", "M32 192h120c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H32v64h120c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H32v64h120c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H32v64c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h256c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V128H32v64zM360 0H24C10.8 0 0 10.8 0 24v48c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24h336c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24V24c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24z" ], "prescription-bottle-alt": [ 384, 512, [], "f486", "M360 0H24C10.8 0 0 10.8 0 24v48c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24h336c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24V24c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24zM32 480c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h256c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V128H32v352zm64-184c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48z" ], print: [ 512, 512, [], "f02f", "M464 192h-16V81.941a24 24 0 0 0-7.029-16.97L383.029 7.029A24 24 0 0 0 366.059 0H88C74.745 0 64 10.745 64 24v168H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v132c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V384h52c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V240c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-80 256H128v-96h256v96zM128 224V64h192v40c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24h40v96H128zm304 72c-13.254 0-24-10.746-24-24s10.746-24 24-24 24 10.746 24 24-10.746 24-24 24z" ], procedures: [ 640, 512, [], "f487", "M528 224H272c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v144H64V144c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v352c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-48h512v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V336c0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112zM136 96h126.1l27.6 55.2c5.9 11.8 22.7 11.8 28.6 0L368 51.8 390.1 96H512c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16H409.9L382.3 8.8C376.4-3 359.6-3 353.7 8.8L304 108.2l-19.9-39.8c-1.4-2.7-4.1-4.4-7.2-4.4H136c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm24 256c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64z" ], "project-diagram": [ 640, 512, [], "f542", "M384 320H256c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h128c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V352c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM192 32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h95.72l73.16 128.04C211.98 300.98 232.4 288 256 288h.28L192 175.51V128h224V64H192V32zM608 0H480c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h128c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "puzzle-piece": [ 576, 512, [], "f12e", "M519.442 288.651c-41.519 0-59.5 31.593-82.058 31.593C377.409 320.244 432 144 432 144s-196.288 80-196.288-3.297c0-35.827 36.288-46.25 36.288-85.985C272 19.216 243.885 0 210.539 0c-34.654 0-66.366 18.891-66.366 56.346 0 41.364 31.711 59.277 31.711 81.75C175.885 207.719 0 166.758 0 166.758v333.237s178.635 41.047 178.635-28.662c0-22.473-40-40.107-40-81.471 0-37.456 29.25-56.346 63.577-56.346 33.673 0 61.788 19.216 61.788 54.717 0 39.735-36.288 50.158-36.288 85.985 0 60.803 129.675 25.73 181.23 25.73 0 0-34.725-120.101 25.827-120.101 35.962 0 46.423 36.152 86.308 36.152C556.712 416 576 387.99 576 354.443c0-34.199-18.962-65.792-56.558-65.792z" ], qrcode: [ 448, 512, [], "f029", "M0 224h192V32H0v192zM64 96h64v64H64V96zm192-64v192h192V32H256zm128 128h-64V96h64v64zM0 480h192V288H0v192zm64-128h64v64H64v-64zm352-64h32v128h-96v-32h-32v96h-64V288h96v32h64v-32zm0 160h32v32h-32v-32zm-64 0h32v32h-32v-32z" ], question: [ 384, 512, [], "f128", "M202.021 0C122.202 0 70.503 32.703 29.914 91.026c-7.363 10.58-5.093 25.086 5.178 32.874l43.138 32.709c10.373 7.865 25.132 6.026 33.253-4.148 25.049-31.381 43.63-49.449 82.757-49.449 30.764 0 68.816 19.799 68.816 49.631 0 22.552-18.617 34.134-48.993 51.164-35.423 19.86-82.299 44.576-82.299 106.405V320c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h72.471c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-5.773c0-42.86 125.268-44.645 125.268-160.627C377.504 66.256 286.902 0 202.021 0zM192 373.459c-38.196 0-69.271 31.075-69.271 69.271 0 38.195 31.075 69.27 69.271 69.27s69.271-31.075 69.271-69.271-31.075-69.27-69.271-69.27z" ], "question-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f059", "M504 256c0 136.997-111.043 248-248 248S8 392.997 8 256C8 119.083 119.043 8 256 8s248 111.083 248 248zM262.655 90c-54.497 0-89.255 22.957-116.549 63.758-3.536 5.286-2.353 12.415 2.715 16.258l34.699 26.31c5.205 3.947 12.621 3.008 16.665-2.122 17.864-22.658 30.113-35.797 57.303-35.797 20.429 0 45.698 13.148 45.698 32.958 0 14.976-12.363 22.667-32.534 33.976C247.128 238.528 216 254.941 216 296v4c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-1.333c0-28.462 83.186-29.647 83.186-106.667 0-58.002-60.165-102-116.531-102zM256 338c-25.365 0-46 20.635-46 46 0 25.364 20.635 46 46 46s46-20.636 46-46c0-25.365-20.635-46-46-46z" ], quidditch: [ 640, 512, [], "f458", "M256.5 216.8L343.2 326s-16.6 102.4-76.6 150.1C206.7 523.8 0 510.2 0 510.2s3.8-23.1 11-55.4l94.6-112.2c4-4.7-.9-11.6-6.6-9.5l-60.4 22.1c14.4-41.7 32.7-80 54.6-97.5 59.9-47.8 163.3-40.9 163.3-40.9zm238 135c-44 0-79.8 35.8-79.8 79.9 0 44.1 35.7 79.9 79.8 79.9 44.1 0 79.8-35.8 79.8-79.9 0-44.2-35.8-79.9-79.8-79.9zM636.5 31L616.7 6c-5.5-6.9-15.5-8-22.4-2.6L361.8 181.3l-34.1-43c-5.1-6.4-15.1-5.2-18.6 2.2l-25.3 54.6 86.7 109.2 58.8-12.4c8-1.7 11.4-11.2 6.3-17.6l-34.1-42.9L634 53.5c6.9-5.5 8-15.6 2.5-22.5z" ], "quote-left": [ 512, 512, [], "f10d", "M464 256h-80v-64c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-8c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160v240c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h128c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-288 0H96v-64c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-8C71.6 32 0 103.6 0 192v240c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h128c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" ], "quote-right": [ 512, 512, [], "f10e", "M464 32H336c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64h-8c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v48c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-288 0H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64h-8c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v48c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" ], random: [ 512, 512, [], "f074", "M504.971 359.029c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941l-80 79.984c-15.01 15.01-40.971 4.49-40.971-16.971V416h-58.785a12.004 12.004 0 0 1-8.773-3.812l-70.556-75.596 53.333-57.143L352 336h32v-39.981c0-21.438 25.943-31.998 40.971-16.971l80 79.981zM12 176h84l52.781 56.551 53.333-57.143-70.556-75.596A11.999 11.999 0 0 0 122.785 96H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm372 0v39.984c0 21.46 25.961 31.98 40.971 16.971l80-79.984c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941l-80-79.981C409.943 24.021 384 34.582 384 56.019V96h-58.785a12.004 12.004 0 0 0-8.773 3.812L96 336H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h110.785c3.326 0 6.503-1.381 8.773-3.812L352 176h32z" ], receipt: [ 384, 512, [], "f543", "M358.4 3.2L320 48 265.6 3.2a15.9 15.9 0 0 0-19.2 0L192 48 137.6 3.2a15.9 15.9 0 0 0-19.2 0L64 48 25.6 3.2C15-4.7 0 2.8 0 16v480c0 13.2 15 20.7 25.6 12.8L64 464l54.4 44.8a15.9 15.9 0 0 0 19.2 0L192 464l54.4 44.8a15.9 15.9 0 0 0 19.2 0L320 464l38.4 44.8c10.5 7.9 25.6.4 25.6-12.8V16c0-13.2-15-20.7-25.6-12.8zM320 360c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H72c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h240c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H72c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h240c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H72c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h240c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z" ], recycle: [ 512, 512, [], "f1b8", "M184.561 261.903c3.232 13.997-12.123 24.635-24.068 17.168l-40.736-25.455-50.867 81.402C55.606 356.273 70.96 384 96.012 384H148c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H96.115c-75.334 0-121.302-83.048-81.408-146.88l50.822-81.388-40.725-25.448c-12.081-7.547-8.966-25.961 4.879-29.158l110.237-25.45c8.611-1.988 17.201 3.381 19.189 11.99l25.452 110.237zm98.561-182.915l41.289 66.076-40.74 25.457c-12.051 7.528-9 25.953 4.879 29.158l110.237 25.45c8.672 1.999 17.215-3.438 19.189-11.99l25.45-110.237c3.197-13.844-11.99-24.719-24.068-17.168l-40.687 25.424-41.263-66.082c-37.521-60.033-125.209-60.171-162.816 0l-17.963 28.766c-3.51 5.62-1.8 13.021 3.82 16.533l33.919 21.195c5.62 3.512 13.024 1.803 16.536-3.817l17.961-28.743c12.712-20.341 41.973-19.676 54.257-.022zM497.288 301.12l-27.515-44.065c-3.511-5.623-10.916-7.334-16.538-3.821l-33.861 21.159c-5.62 3.512-7.33 10.915-3.818 16.536l27.564 44.112c13.257 21.211-2.057 48.96-27.136 48.96H320V336.02c0-14.213-17.242-21.383-27.313-11.313l-80 79.981c-6.249 6.248-6.249 16.379 0 22.627l80 79.989C302.689 517.308 320 510.3 320 495.989V448h95.88c75.274 0 121.335-82.997 81.408-146.88z" ], redo: [ 512, 512, [], "f01e", "M500.333 0h-47.411c-6.853 0-12.314 5.729-11.986 12.574l3.966 82.759C399.416 41.899 331.672 8 256.001 8 119.34 8 7.899 119.526 8 256.187 8.101 393.068 119.096 504 256 504c63.926 0 122.202-24.187 166.178-63.908 5.113-4.618 5.354-12.561.482-17.433l-33.971-33.971c-4.466-4.466-11.64-4.717-16.38-.543C341.308 415.448 300.606 432 256 432c-97.267 0-176-78.716-176-176 0-97.267 78.716-176 176-176 60.892 0 114.506 30.858 146.099 77.8l-101.525-4.865c-6.845-.328-12.574 5.133-12.574 11.986v47.411c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200.333c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z" ], "redo-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f2f9", "M256.455 8c66.269.119 126.437 26.233 170.859 68.685l35.715-35.715C478.149 25.851 504 36.559 504 57.941V192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H345.941c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l41.75-41.75c-30.864-28.899-70.801-44.907-113.23-45.273-92.398-.798-170.283 73.977-169.484 169.442C88.764 348.009 162.184 424 256 424c41.127 0 79.997-14.678 110.629-41.556 4.743-4.161 11.906-3.908 16.368.553l39.662 39.662c4.872 4.872 4.631 12.815-.482 17.433C378.202 479.813 319.926 504 256 504 119.034 504 8.001 392.967 8 256.002 7.999 119.193 119.646 7.755 256.455 8z" ], registered: [ 512, 512, [], "f25d", "M285.363 207.475c0 18.6-9.831 28.431-28.431 28.431h-29.876v-56.14h23.378c28.668 0 34.929 8.773 34.929 27.709zM504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zM363.411 360.414c-46.729-84.825-43.299-78.636-44.702-80.98 23.432-15.172 37.945-42.979 37.945-74.486 0-54.244-31.5-89.252-105.498-89.252h-70.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24V372c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h22.567c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-71.663h25.556l44.129 82.937a24.001 24.001 0 0 0 21.188 12.727h24.464c18.261-.001 29.829-19.591 21.018-35.587z" ], reply: [ 512, 512, [], "f3e5", "M8.309 189.836L184.313 37.851C199.719 24.546 224 35.347 224 56.015v80.053c160.629 1.839 288 34.032 288 186.258 0 61.441-39.581 122.309-83.333 154.132-13.653 9.931-33.111-2.533-28.077-18.631 45.344-145.012-21.507-183.51-176.59-185.742V360c0 20.7-24.3 31.453-39.687 18.164l-176.004-152c-11.071-9.562-11.086-26.753 0-36.328z" ], "reply-all": [ 576, 512, [], "f122", "M136.309 189.836L312.313 37.851C327.72 24.546 352 35.348 352 56.015v82.763c129.182 10.231 224 52.212 224 183.548 0 61.441-39.582 122.309-83.333 154.132-13.653 9.931-33.111-2.533-28.077-18.631 38.512-123.162-3.922-169.482-112.59-182.015v84.175c0 20.701-24.3 31.453-39.687 18.164L136.309 226.164c-11.071-9.561-11.086-26.753 0-36.328zm-128 36.328L184.313 378.15C199.7 391.439 224 380.687 224 359.986v-15.818l-108.606-93.785A55.96 55.96 0 0 1 96 207.998a55.953 55.953 0 0 1 19.393-42.38L224 71.832V56.015c0-20.667-24.28-31.469-39.687-18.164L8.309 189.836c-11.086 9.575-11.071 26.767 0 36.328z" ], retweet: [ 640, 512, [], "f079", "M629.657 343.598L528.971 444.284c-9.373 9.372-24.568 9.372-33.941 0L394.343 343.598c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l10.823-10.823c9.562-9.562 25.133-9.34 34.419.492L480 342.118V160H292.451a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-16.971-7.029l-16-16C244.361 121.851 255.069 96 276.451 96H520c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v222.118l40.416-42.792c9.285-9.831 24.856-10.054 34.419-.492l10.823 10.823c9.372 9.372 9.372 24.569-.001 33.941zm-265.138 15.431A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 347.548 352H160V169.881l40.416 42.792c9.286 9.831 24.856 10.054 34.419.491l10.822-10.822c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L144.971 67.716c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L10.343 168.402c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l10.822 10.822c9.562 9.562 25.133 9.34 34.419-.491L96 169.881V392c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h243.549c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-16.001-16z" ], ribbon: [ 448, 512, [], "f4d6", "M6.1 444.3c-9.6 10.8-7.5 27.6 4.5 35.7l68.8 27.9c9.9 6.7 23.3 5 31.3-3.8l91.8-101.9-79.2-87.9-117.2 130zm435.8 0s-292-324.6-295.4-330.1c15.4-8.4 40.2-17.9 77.5-17.9s62.1 9.5 77.5 17.9c-3.3 5.6-56 64.6-56 64.6l79.1 87.7 34.2-38c28.7-31.9 33.3-78.6 11.4-115.5l-43.7-73.5c-4.3-7.2-9.9-13.3-16.8-18-40.7-27.6-127.4-29.7-171.4 0-6.9 4.7-12.5 10.8-16.8 18l-43.6 73.2c-1.5 2.5-37.1 62.2 11.5 116L337.5 504c8 8.9 21.4 10.5 31.3 3.8l68.8-27.9c11.9-8 14-24.8 4.3-35.6z" ], road: [ 576, 512, [], "f018", "M567.3 383.6L429.9 78.2C426 69.5 417.4 64 408 64h-96.1l1.9 18.8c.7 7.1-4.8 13.2-11.9 13.2H274c-7.1 0-12.7-6.2-11.9-13.2L264 64h-96c-9.4 0-18 5.5-21.9 14.2L8.7 383.6C3.2 395.8 0 409.6 0 424c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h213.6c-7.1 0-12.7-6.2-11.9-13.2l10.8-104c.6-6.1 5.8-10.8 11.9-10.8h79.2c6.1 0 11.3 4.6 11.9 10.8l10.8 104c.7 7.1-4.8 13.2-11.9 13.2H552c13.2 0 24-10.7 24-24 0-13.9-3-27.7-8.7-40.4zM254.7 154.8l3.3-32c.6-6.1 5.8-10.8 11.9-10.8h36.2c6.1 0 11.3 4.6 11.9 10.8l3.3 32c.7 7.1-4.8 13.2-11.9 13.2h-42.8c-7.1 0-12.7-6.2-11.9-13.2zM321.8 288h-67.6c-7.1 0-12.7-6.2-11.9-13.2l7.4-72c.6-6.1 5.8-10.8 11.9-10.8h52.7c6.1 0 11.3 4.6 11.9 10.8l7.4 72c.9 7-4.7 13.2-11.8 13.2z" ], robot: [ 640, 512, [], "f544", "M0 256v128c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h32V224H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32zM464 96H352V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32v64H176c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80v272c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h320c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V176c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80zM256 416h-64v-32h64v32zm-32-120c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40 40 17.9 40 40-17.9 40-40 40zm128 120h-64v-32h64v32zm96 0h-64v-32h64v32zm-32-120c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40 40 17.9 40 40-17.9 40-40 40zm192-72h-32v192h32c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V256c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z" ], rocket: [ 512, 512, [], "f135", "M505.1 19.1C503.8 13 499 8.2 492.9 6.9 460.7 0 435.5 0 410.4 0 307.2 0 245.3 55.2 199.1 128H94.9c-18.2 0-34.8 10.3-42.9 26.5L2.6 253.3c-8 16 3.6 34.7 21.5 34.7h95.1c-5.9 12.8-11.9 25.5-18 37.7-3.1 6.2-1.9 13.6 3 18.5l63.6 63.6c4.9 4.9 12.3 6.1 18.5 3 12.2-6.1 24.9-12 37.7-17.9V488c0 17.8 18.8 29.4 34.7 21.5l98.7-49.4c16.3-8.1 26.5-24.8 26.5-42.9V312.8c72.6-46.3 128-108.4 128-211.1.1-25.2.1-50.4-6.8-82.6zM400 160c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z" ], rss: [ 448, 512, [], "f09e", "M128.081 415.959c0 35.369-28.672 64.041-64.041 64.041S0 451.328 0 415.959s28.672-64.041 64.041-64.041 64.04 28.673 64.04 64.041zm175.66 47.25c-8.354-154.6-132.185-278.587-286.95-286.95C7.656 175.765 0 183.105 0 192.253v48.069c0 8.415 6.49 15.472 14.887 16.018 111.832 7.284 201.473 96.702 208.772 208.772.547 8.397 7.604 14.887 16.018 14.887h48.069c9.149.001 16.489-7.655 15.995-16.79zm144.249.288C439.596 229.677 251.465 40.445 16.503 32.01 7.473 31.686 0 38.981 0 48.016v48.068c0 8.625 6.835 15.645 15.453 15.999 191.179 7.839 344.627 161.316 352.465 352.465.353 8.618 7.373 15.453 15.999 15.453h48.068c9.034-.001 16.329-7.474 16.005-16.504z" ], "rss-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f143", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM112 416c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm157.533 0h-34.335c-6.011 0-11.051-4.636-11.442-10.634-5.214-80.05-69.243-143.92-149.123-149.123-5.997-.39-10.633-5.431-10.633-11.441v-34.335c0-6.535 5.468-11.777 11.994-11.425 110.546 5.974 198.997 94.536 204.964 204.964.352 6.526-4.89 11.994-11.425 11.994zm103.027 0h-34.334c-6.161 0-11.175-4.882-11.427-11.038-5.598-136.535-115.204-246.161-251.76-251.76C68.882 152.949 64 147.935 64 141.774V107.44c0-6.454 5.338-11.664 11.787-11.432 167.83 6.025 302.21 141.191 308.205 308.205.232 6.449-4.978 11.787-11.432 11.787z" ], "ruble-sign": [ 384, 512, [], "f158", "M239.36 320C324.48 320 384 260.542 384 175.071S324.48 32 239.36 32H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v206.632H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12V308c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v32H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v52c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h58.56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-52H308c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H146.56v-32h92.8zm-92.8-219.252h78.72c46.72 0 74.88 29.11 74.88 74.323 0 45.832-28.16 75.561-76.16 75.561h-77.44V100.748z" ], ruler: [ 640, 512, [], "f545", "M635.7 167.2L556.1 31.7c-8.8-15-28.3-20.1-43.5-11.5l-69 39.1L503.3 161c2.2 3.8.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9L416 75l-55.2 31.3 27.9 47.4c2.2 3.8.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9L333.2 122 278 153.3 337.8 255c2.2 3.7.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9l-59.7-101.7-55.2 31.3 27.9 47.4c2.2 3.8.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9l-27.9-47.5-55.2 31.3 59.7 101.7c2.2 3.7.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9L84.9 262.9l-69 39.1C.7 310.7-4.6 329.8 4.2 344.8l79.6 135.6c8.8 15 28.3 20.1 43.5 11.5L624.1 210c15.2-8.6 20.4-27.8 11.6-42.8z" ], "ruler-combined": [ 512, 512, [], "f546", "M160 288h-56c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h56v-64h-56c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h56V96h-56c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h56V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v448c0 2.77.91 5.24 1.57 7.8L160 329.38V288zm320 64h-32v56c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-56h-64v56c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-56h-64v56c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-56h-41.37L24.2 510.43c2.56.66 5.04 1.57 7.8 1.57h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "ruler-horizontal": [ 576, 512, [], "f547", "M544 128h-48v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v192c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h512c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V160c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], "ruler-vertical": [ 256, 512, [], "f548", "M168 416c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88v-64h-88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88v-64h-88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88v-64h-88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h192c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64h-88z" ], "rupee-sign": [ 320, 512, [], "f156", "M308 96c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v44.748c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h85.28c27.308 0 48.261 9.958 60.97 27.252H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h158.757c-6.217 36.086-32.961 58.632-74.757 58.632H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v53.012c0 3.349 1.4 6.546 3.861 8.818l165.052 152.356a12.001 12.001 0 0 0 8.139 3.182h82.562c10.924 0 16.166-13.408 8.139-20.818L116.871 319.906c76.499-2.34 131.144-53.395 138.318-127.906H308c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-58.69c-3.486-11.541-8.28-22.246-14.252-32H308z" ], "sad-cry": [ 496, 512, [], "f5b3", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 90.1 48.2 168.7 120 212.1V288c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16v196.7c29.5 12.4 62 19.3 96 19.3s66.5-6.9 96-19.3V288c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16v180.1C447.8 424.7 496 346 496 256 496 119 385 8 248 8zm-65.5 216.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L112 233c-3.8 3.3-9.3 4-13.7 1.6-4.4-2.4-6.9-7.4-6.1-12.4 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S208 197 212 222.2c.8 5-1.7 10-6.1 12.4-5.8 3.1-11.2.7-13.7-1.6l-9.7-8.5zM248 416c-26.5 0-48-28.7-48-64s21.5-64 48-64 48 28.7 48 64-21.5 64-48 64zm149.8-181.5c-5.8 3.1-11.2.7-13.7-1.6l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L304 233c-3.8 3.3-9.3 4-13.7 1.6-4.4-2.4-6.9-7.4-6.1-12.4 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S400 197 404 222.2c.6 4.9-1.8 9.9-6.2 12.3z" ], "sad-tear": [ 496, 512, [], "f5b4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zM152 416c-26.5 0-48-21-48-47 0-20 28.5-60.4 41.6-77.8 3.2-4.3 9.6-4.3 12.8 0C171.5 308.6 200 349 200 369c0 26-21.5 47-48 47zm16-176c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm170.2 154.2C315.8 367.4 282.9 352 248 352c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32 44.4 0 86.3 19.6 114.7 53.8 13.8 16.4-11.2 36.5-24.5 20.4z" ], save: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c7", "M433.941 129.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 316.118 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V163.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM224 416c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64zm96-304.52V212c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H76c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V108c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h228.52c3.183 0 6.235 1.264 8.485 3.515l3.48 3.48A11.996 11.996 0 0 1 320 111.48z" ], school: [ 640, 512, [], "f549", "M0 224v272c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h80V192H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32zm360-48h-24v-40c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-16c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v64c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h48c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-16c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8zm137.75-63.96l-160-106.67a32.02 32.02 0 0 0-35.5 0l-160 106.67A32.002 32.002 0 0 0 128 138.66V512h128V368c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h96c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v144h128V138.67c0-10.7-5.35-20.7-14.25-26.63zM320 256c-44.18 0-80-35.82-80-80s35.82-80 80-80 80 35.82 80 80-35.82 80-80 80zm288-64h-64v320h80c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V224c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], screwdriver: [ 512, 512, [], "f54a", "M448 0L320 96v62.06l-83.03 83.03c6.79 4.25 13.27 9.06 19.07 14.87 5.8 5.8 10.62 12.28 14.87 19.07L353.94 192H416l96-128-64-64zM128 278.59L10.92 395.67c-14.55 14.55-14.55 38.15 0 52.71l52.7 52.7c14.56 14.56 38.15 14.56 52.71 0L233.41 384c29.11-29.11 29.11-76.3 0-105.41s-76.3-29.11-105.41 0z" ], search: [ 512, 512, [], "f002", "M505 442.7L405.3 343c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H372c27.6-35.3 44-79.7 44-128C416 93.1 322.9 0 208 0S0 93.1 0 208s93.1 208 208 208c48.3 0 92.7-16.4 128-44v16.3c0 6.4 2.5 12.5 7 17l99.7 99.7c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l28.3-28.3c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6.1-34zM208 336c-70.7 0-128-57.2-128-128 0-70.7 57.2-128 128-128 70.7 0 128 57.2 128 128 0 70.7-57.2 128-128 128z" ], "search-minus": [ 512, 512, [], "f010", "M304 192v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H124c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm201 284.7L476.7 505c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L343 405.3c-4.5-4.5-7-10.6-7-17V372c-35.3 27.6-79.7 44-128 44C93.1 416 0 322.9 0 208S93.1 0 208 0s208 93.1 208 208c0 48.3-16.4 92.7-44 128h16.3c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l99.7 99.7c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zM344 208c0-75.2-60.8-136-136-136S72 132.8 72 208s60.8 136 136 136 136-60.8 136-136z" ], "search-plus": [ 512, 512, [], "f00e", "M304 192v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56v56c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-32c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm201 284.7L476.7 505c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L343 405.3c-4.5-4.5-7-10.6-7-17V372c-35.3 27.6-79.7 44-128 44C93.1 416 0 322.9 0 208S93.1 0 208 0s208 93.1 208 208c0 48.3-16.4 92.7-44 128h16.3c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l99.7 99.7c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zM344 208c0-75.2-60.8-136-136-136S72 132.8 72 208s60.8 136 136 136 136-60.8 136-136z" ], seedling: [ 512, 512, [], "f4d8", "M64 96H0c0 123.7 100.3 224 224 224v144c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V320C288 196.3 187.7 96 64 96zm384-64c-84.2 0-157.4 46.5-195.7 115.2 27.7 30.2 48.2 66.9 59 107.6C424 243.1 512 147.9 512 32h-64z" ], server: [ 512, 512, [], "f233", "M480 160H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32V64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h448c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32zm-48-88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 0c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm112 248H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32v-64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h448c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32zm-48-88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 0c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm112 248H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32v-64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h448c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32zm-48-88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 0c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24z" ], share: [ 512, 512, [], "f064", "M503.691 189.836L327.687 37.851C312.281 24.546 288 35.347 288 56.015v80.053C127.371 137.907 0 170.1 0 322.326c0 61.441 39.581 122.309 83.333 154.132 13.653 9.931 33.111-2.533 28.077-18.631C66.066 312.814 132.917 274.316 288 272.085V360c0 20.7 24.3 31.453 39.687 18.164l176.004-152c11.071-9.562 11.086-26.753 0-36.328z" ], "share-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f1e0", "M352 320c-22.608 0-43.387 7.819-59.79 20.895l-102.486-64.054a96.551 96.551 0 0 0 0-41.683l102.486-64.054C308.613 184.181 329.392 192 352 192c53.019 0 96-42.981 96-96S405.019 0 352 0s-96 42.981-96 96c0 7.158.79 14.13 2.276 20.841L155.79 180.895C139.387 167.819 118.608 160 96 160c-53.019 0-96 42.981-96 96s42.981 96 96 96c22.608 0 43.387-7.819 59.79-20.895l102.486 64.054A96.301 96.301 0 0 0 256 416c0 53.019 42.981 96 96 96s96-42.981 96-96-42.981-96-96-96z" ], "share-alt-square": [ 448, 512, [], "f1e1", "M448 80v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM304 296c-14.562 0-27.823 5.561-37.783 14.671l-67.958-40.775a56.339 56.339 0 0 0 0-27.793l67.958-40.775C276.177 210.439 289.438 216 304 216c30.928 0 56-25.072 56-56s-25.072-56-56-56-56 25.072-56 56c0 4.797.605 9.453 1.74 13.897l-67.958 40.775C171.823 205.561 158.562 200 144 200c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56c14.562 0 27.823-5.561 37.783-14.671l67.958 40.775a56.088 56.088 0 0 0-1.74 13.897c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56C360 321.072 334.928 296 304 296z" ], "share-square": [ 576, 512, [], "f14d", "M568.482 177.448L424.479 313.433C409.3 327.768 384 317.14 384 295.985v-71.963c-144.575.97-205.566 35.113-164.775 171.353 4.483 14.973-12.846 26.567-25.006 17.33C155.252 383.105 120 326.488 120 269.339c0-143.937 117.599-172.5 264-173.312V24.012c0-21.174 25.317-31.768 40.479-17.448l144.003 135.988c10.02 9.463 10.028 25.425 0 34.896zM384 379.128V448H64V128h50.916a11.99 11.99 0 0 0 8.648-3.693c14.953-15.568 32.237-27.89 51.014-37.676C185.708 80.83 181.584 64 169.033 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-88.806c0-8.288-8.197-14.066-16.011-11.302a71.83 71.83 0 0 1-34.189 3.377c-7.27-1.046-13.8 4.514-13.8 11.859z" ], "shekel-sign": [ 448, 512, [], "f20b", "M248 168v168c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V168c0-75.11-60.89-136-136-136H24C10.75 32 0 42.74 0 56v408c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V112h112c30.93 0 56 25.07 56 56zM432 32h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v296c0 30.93-25.07 56-56 56H200V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v280c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h168c75.11 0 136-60.89 136-136V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "shield-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f3ed", "M496 128c0 221.282-135.934 344.645-221.539 380.308a48 48 0 0 1-36.923 0C130.495 463.713 16 326.487 16 128a48 48 0 0 1 29.539-44.308l192-80a48 48 0 0 1 36.923 0l192 80A48 48 0 0 1 496 128zM256 446.313l.066.034c93.735-46.689 172.497-156.308 175.817-307.729L256 65.333v380.98z" ], ship: [ 640, 512, [], "f21a", "M496.616 372.639l70.012-70.012c16.899-16.9 9.942-45.771-12.836-53.092L512 236.102V96c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32h-64V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H248c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v40h-64c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32v140.102l-41.792 13.433c-22.753 7.313-29.754 36.173-12.836 53.092l70.012 70.012C125.828 416.287 85.587 448 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 61.023 0 107.499-20.61 143.258-59.396C181.677 487.432 216.021 512 256 512h128c39.979 0 74.323-24.568 88.742-59.396C508.495 491.384 554.968 512 616 512c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24-60.817 0-101.542-31.001-119.384-75.361zM192 128h256v87.531l-118.208-37.995a31.995 31.995 0 0 0-19.584 0L192 215.531V128z" ], "shipping-fast": [ 640, 512, [], "f48b", "M624 352h-16V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9L494 110.1c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H416V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H112C85.5 0 64 21.5 64 48v48H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h272c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H40c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h208c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h208c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H64v128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h48c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm320 0c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-208H416V144h44.1l99.9 99.9V256z" ], "shoe-prints": [ 640, 512, [], "f54b", "M192 160h32V32h-32c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64s28.65 64 64 64zM0 416c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h32V352H64c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64zm337.46-128c-34.91 0-76.16 13.12-104.73 32-24.79 16.38-44.52 32-104.73 32v128l57.53 15.97c26.21 7.28 53.01 13.12 80.31 15.05 32.69 2.31 65.6.67 97.58-6.2C472.9 481.3 512 429.22 512 384c0-64-84.18-96-174.54-96zM491.42 7.19C459.44.32 426.53-1.33 393.84.99c-27.3 1.93-54.1 7.77-80.31 15.04L256 32v128c60.2 0 79.94 15.62 104.73 32 28.57 18.88 69.82 32 104.73 32C555.82 224 640 192 640 128c0-45.22-39.1-97.3-148.58-120.81z" ], "shopping-bag": [ 448, 512, [], "f290", "M352 160v-32C352 57.42 294.579 0 224 0 153.42 0 96 57.42 96 128v32H0v272c0 44.183 35.817 80 80 80h288c44.183 0 80-35.817 80-80V160h-96zm-192-32c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64s64 28.71 64 64v32H160v-32zm160 120c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zm-192 0c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24z" ], "shopping-basket": [ 576, 512, [], "f291", "M576 216v16c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-8l-26.113 182.788C514.509 462.435 494.257 480 470.37 480H105.63c-23.887 0-44.139-17.565-47.518-41.212L32 256h-8c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-16c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h67.341l106.78-146.821c10.395-14.292 30.407-17.453 44.701-7.058 14.293 10.395 17.453 30.408 7.058 44.701L170.477 192h235.046L326.12 82.821c-10.395-14.292-7.234-34.306 7.059-44.701 14.291-10.395 34.306-7.235 44.701 7.058L484.659 192H552c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM312 392V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24s-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24s24-10.745 24-24zm112 0V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24s-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24s24-10.745 24-24zm-224 0V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24s-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24s24-10.745 24-24z" ], "shopping-cart": [ 576, 512, [], "f07a", "M528.12 301.319l47.273-208C578.806 78.301 567.391 64 551.99 64H159.208l-9.166-44.81C147.758 8.021 137.93 0 126.529 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h69.883l70.248 343.435C147.325 417.1 136 435.222 136 456c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56c0-15.674-6.447-29.835-16.824-40h209.647C430.447 426.165 424 440.326 424 456c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56c0-22.172-12.888-41.332-31.579-50.405l5.517-24.276c3.413-15.018-8.002-29.319-23.403-29.319H218.117l-6.545-32h293.145c11.206 0 20.92-7.754 23.403-18.681z" ], shower: [ 512, 512, [], "f2cc", "M389.66 135.6L231.6 293.66c-9.37 9.37-24.57 9.37-33.94 0l-11.32-11.32c-9.37-9.37-9.37-24.57 0-33.94l.11-.11c-34.03-40.21-35.16-98.94-3.39-140.38-11.97-7.55-26.14-11.91-41.3-11.91C98.88 96 64 130.88 64 173.76V480H0V173.76C0 95.59 63.59 32 141.76 32c36.93 0 70.61 14.2 95.86 37.42 35.9-11.51 76.5-4.5 106.67 21.03l.11-.11c9.37-9.37 24.57-9.37 33.94 0l11.32 11.32c9.37 9.37 9.37 24.57 0 33.94zM384 208c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm32 0c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16zm96 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-160 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm48-16c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16s-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16zm80 16c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-160 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm32 0c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16zm96 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-128 32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16zm96 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-96 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm64 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-32 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-32 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16z" ], "shuttle-van": [ 640, 512, [], "f5b6", "M628.88 210.65L494.39 49.27A48.01 48.01 0 0 0 457.52 32H32C14.33 32 0 46.33 0 64v288c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96h128c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V241.38c0-11.23-3.94-22.1-11.12-30.73zM64 192V96h96v96H64zm96 240c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm160-240h-96V96h96v96zm160 240c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm-96-240V96h66.02l80 96H384z" ], sign: [ 512, 512, [], "f4d9", "M496 64H128V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48H16C7.2 64 0 71.2 0 80v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h48v368c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V128h368c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V80c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 384h320V160H160v224z" ], "sign-in-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f2f6", "M416 448h-84c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h84c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V160c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32h-84c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h84c53 0 96 43 96 96v192c0 53-43 96-96 96zm-47-201L201 79c-15-15-41-4.5-41 17v96H24c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v96c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h136v96c0 21.5 26 32 41 17l168-168c9.3-9.4 9.3-24.6 0-34z" ], "sign-language": [ 448, 512, [], "f2a7", "M91.434 483.987c-.307-16.018 13.109-29.129 29.13-29.129h62.293v-5.714H56.993c-16.021 0-29.437-13.111-29.13-29.129C28.16 404.491 40.835 392 56.428 392h126.429v-5.714H29.136c-16.021 0-29.437-13.111-29.13-29.129.297-15.522 12.973-28.013 28.566-28.013h154.286v-5.714H57.707c-16.021 0-29.437-13.111-29.13-29.129.297-15.522 12.973-28.013 28.566-28.013h168.566l-31.085-22.606c-12.762-9.281-15.583-27.149-6.302-39.912 9.281-12.761 27.15-15.582 39.912-6.302l123.361 89.715a34.287 34.287 0 0 1 14.12 27.728v141.136c0 15.91-10.946 29.73-26.433 33.374l-80.471 18.934a137.16 137.16 0 0 1-31.411 3.646H120c-15.593-.001-28.269-12.492-28.566-28.014zm73.249-225.701h36.423l-11.187-8.136c-18.579-13.511-20.313-40.887-3.17-56.536l-13.004-16.7c-9.843-12.641-28.43-15.171-40.88-5.088-12.065 9.771-14.133 27.447-4.553 39.75l36.371 46.71zm283.298-2.103l-5.003-152.452c-.518-15.771-13.722-28.136-29.493-27.619-15.773.518-28.137 13.722-27.619 29.493l1.262 38.415L283.565 11.019c-9.58-12.303-27.223-14.63-39.653-5.328-12.827 9.599-14.929 28.24-5.086 40.881l76.889 98.745-4.509 3.511-94.79-121.734c-9.58-12.303-27.223-14.63-39.653-5.328-12.827 9.599-14.929 28.24-5.086 40.881l94.443 121.288-4.509 3.511-77.675-99.754c-9.58-12.303-27.223-14.63-39.653-5.328-12.827 9.599-14.929 28.24-5.086 40.881l52.053 66.849c12.497-8.257 29.055-8.285 41.69.904l123.36 89.714c10.904 7.93 17.415 20.715 17.415 34.198v16.999l61.064-47.549a34.285 34.285 0 0 0 13.202-28.177z" ], "sign-out-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f2f5", "M497 273L329 441c-15 15-41 4.5-41-17v-96H152c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-96c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h136V88c0-21.4 25.9-32 41-17l168 168c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zM192 436v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32V160c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h84c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V76c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H96c-53 0-96 43-96 96v192c0 53 43 96 96 96h84c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], signal: [ 640, 512, [], "f012", "M36 384h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v104c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H36c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V396c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm116-36v152c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h56c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V348c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-56c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12zm128-80v232c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h56c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V268c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-56c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12zm128-112v344c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h56c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V156c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-56c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12zM536 12v488c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h56c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-56c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12z" ], signature: [ 512, 512, [], "f5b7", "M496 320h-91.86c-9.27 0-19.72-11.31-25.78-28.52-15.23-43.36-48.11-70.3-85.8-70.3-30.84 0-58.47 18.05-76.11 49.23L194.8 106.5C188.84 81.08 169.34 64 146.28 64c-23.05 0-42.55 17.08-48.5 42.5L56.16 284.2C50.7 307.45 37.75 320 28.33 320H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h12.33c41.97 0 78.19-34.23 90.14-85.2l23.84-101.78 29.25 222.11c1.98 15.05 13.82 27.45 28.94 1.96.13 2.93.13 14.08 0 26.64-9.27 30.69-22.95l33.03-112.34c5.88-16.72 15.84-27.52 25.41-27.52 9.58 0 19.55 10.8 25.78 28.52 15.23 43.36 48.11 70.3 85.8 70.3H496c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.86-7.16-16.02-16-16.02z" ], sitemap: [ 640, 512, [], "f0e8", "M128 352H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-24-80h192v48h48v-48h192v48h48v-57.59c0-21.17-17.23-38.41-38.41-38.41H344v-64h40c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H256c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h40v64H94.41C73.23 224 56 241.23 56 262.41V320h48v-48zm264 80h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm240 0h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z" ], skull: [ 512, 512, [], "f54c", "M256 0C114.6 0 0 100.3 0 224c0 70.1 36.9 132.6 94.5 173.7 9.6 6.9 15.2 18.1 13.5 29.9l-9.4 66.2c-1.4 9.6 6 18.2 15.7 18.2H192v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h16c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h64v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h16c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h77.7c9.7 0 17.1-8.6 15.7-18.2l-9.4-66.2c-1.7-11.7 3.8-23 13.5-29.9C475.1 356.6 512 294.1 512 224 512 100.3 397.4 0 256 0zm-96 320c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm192 0c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64z" ], "sliders-h": [ 512, 512, [], "f1de", "M496 384H160v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h80v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h336c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm0-160h-80v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h336v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h80c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm0-160H288V48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16H16C7.2 64 0 71.2 0 80v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h208v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h208c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V80c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z" ], smile: [ 496, 512, [], "f118", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm194.8 170.2C334.3 380.4 292.5 400 248 400s-86.3-19.6-114.8-53.8c-13.6-16.3 11-36.7 24.6-20.5 22.4 26.9 55.2 42.2 90.2 42.2s67.8-15.4 90.2-42.2c13.4-16.2 38.1 4.2 24.6 20.5z" ], "smile-beam": [ 496, 512, [], "f5b8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM112 223.4c3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.3 7.4-15.8 4-15.1-4.5zm250.8 122.8C334.3 380.4 292.5 400 248 400s-86.3-19.6-114.8-53.8c-13.5-16.3 11-36.7 24.6-20.5 22.4 26.9 55.2 42.2 90.2 42.2s67.8-15.4 90.2-42.2c13.6-16.2 38.1 4.3 24.6 20.5zm6.2-118.3l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.3-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.6 8.6-11 11.9-15.1 4.5z" ], "smile-wink": [ 496, 512, [], "f4da", "M0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8 0 119 0 256zm200-48c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32zm158.5 16.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L288 233c-8.3 7.4-21.6.4-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S384 197 388 222.2c1.7 11.1-11.4 18.3-19.8 10.8l-9.7-8.5zM157.8 325.8C180.2 352.7 213 368 248 368s67.8-15.4 90.2-42.2c13.6-16.2 38.1 4.2 24.6 20.5C334.3 380.4 292.5 400 248 400s-86.3-19.6-114.8-53.8c-13.5-16.3 11.2-36.7 24.6-20.4z" ], smoking: [ 640, 512, [], "f48d", "M632 352h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v144c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V360c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM553.3 87.1c-5.7-3.8-9.3-10-9.3-16.8V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v62.3c0 22 10.2 43.4 28.6 55.4 42.2 27.3 67.4 73.8 67.4 124V280c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-30.3c0-65.5-32.4-126.2-86.7-162.6zM432 352H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v64c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V368c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-32 112H224v-64h176v64zm87.7-322.4C463.8 125 448 99.3 448 70.3V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v66.4c0 43.7 24.6 81.6 60.3 106.7 22.4 15.7 35.7 41.2 35.7 68.6V280c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-30.3c0-43.3-21-83.4-56.3-108.1zM536 352h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v144c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V360c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8z" ], "smoking-ban": [ 512, 512, [], "f54d", "M96 304c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h117.5l-96-96H112c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v64zM256 0C114.6 0 0 114.6 0 256s114.6 256 256 256 256-114.6 256-256S397.4 0 256 0zm0 448c-105.9 0-192-86.1-192-192 0-41.4 13.3-79.7 35.7-111.1l267.4 267.4C335.7 434.7 297.4 448 256 448zm45.2-192H384v32h-50.8l-32-32zm111.1 111.1L365.2 320H400c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-64c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H269.2L144.9 99.7C176.3 77.3 214.6 64 256 64c105.9 0 192 86.1 192 192 0 41.4-13.3 79.7-35.7 111.1zM320.6 128c-15.6 0-28.6-11.2-31.4-25.9-.7-3.6-4-6.1-7.7-6.1h-16.2c-5 0-8.7 4.5-8 9.4 4.6 30.9 31.2 54.6 63.3 54.6 15.6 0 28.6 11.2 31.4 25.9.7 3.6 4 6.1 7.7 6.1h16.2c5 0 8.7-4.5 8-9.4-4.6-30.9-31.2-54.6-63.3-54.6z" ], snowflake: [ 448, 512, [], "f2dc", "M444.816 301.639a24.12 24.12 0 0 0 2.661-16.978c-2.725-12.966-15.339-21.245-28.174-18.492l-87.407 25.046L264 256l67.896-35.215 87.407 25.046c12.835 2.753 25.449-5.526 28.174-18.492 2.725-12.966-5.471-25.708-18.305-28.461l-47.477-7.137 53.077-30.956c11.363-6.627 15.257-21.306 8.696-32.785-6.561-11.479-21.091-15.412-32.454-8.785l-53.077 30.956 17.621-45.104c4.057-12.606-2.768-26.146-15.247-30.245-12.478-4.099-25.883 2.797-29.94 15.402l-22.232 88.99-60.38 35.215V144l65.175-63.945c8.778-9.852 7.987-25.027-1.766-33.894-9.753-8.867-24.775-8.068-33.552 1.784l-29.857 37.967V24c0-13.255-10.637-24-23.758-24s-23.758 10.745-23.758 24v61.912l-29.857-37.967c-8.779-9.852-23.799-10.652-33.552-1.784-9.753 8.867-10.543 24.042-1.766 33.894L200.242 144v70.431l-60.38-35.215-22.232-88.99c-4.057-12.605-17.462-19.501-29.94-15.402-12.478 4.099-19.304 17.64-15.247 30.245l17.62 45.104-53.077-30.956c-11.363-6.627-25.893-2.694-32.454 8.785s-2.667 26.157 8.696 32.785l53.077 30.956-47.477 7.137C5.993 201.634-2.203 214.375.523 227.341c2.725 12.965 15.339 21.245 28.174 18.492l87.407-25.046L184 256l-67.896 35.215-87.406-25.045c-12.835-2.753-25.449 5.526-28.174 18.492-2.725 12.967 5.47 25.708 18.305 28.461l47.477 7.137-53.077 30.956C1.866 357.843-2.027 372.521 4.533 384s21.091 15.412 32.454 8.785l53.077-30.956-17.62 45.104a24.157 24.157 0 0 0 2.022 19.428c2.831 4.953 7.416 8.909 13.224 10.816 12.478 4.099 25.883-2.797 29.94-15.402l22.232-88.99 60.38-35.215V368l-65.175 63.945c-8.778 9.852-7.987 25.027 1.766 33.894 9.754 8.868 24.774 8.068 33.552-1.784l29.857-37.967V488c0 13.255 10.637 24 23.758 24s23.758-10.745 23.758-24v-61.912l29.857 37.967A23.59 23.59 0 0 0 295.282 472a23.534 23.534 0 0 0 15.885-6.161c9.753-8.867 10.544-24.042 1.766-33.894L247.758 368v-70.431l60.38 35.215 22.232 88.99c4.057 12.605 17.462 19.501 29.94 15.402 12.479-4.099 19.304-17.64 15.247-30.245l-17.621-45.104 53.077 30.956c11.363 6.627 25.893 2.694 32.454-8.785s2.667-26.157-8.696-32.785l-53.077-30.956 47.477-7.137c6.86-1.469 12.394-5.793 15.645-11.481z" ], "solar-panel": [ 640, 512, [], "f5ba", "M431.98 448.01l-47.97.05V416h-128v32.21l-47.98.05c-8.82.01-15.97 7.16-15.98 15.99l-.05 31.73c-.01 8.85 7.17 16.03 16.02 16.02l223.96-.26c8.82-.01 15.97-7.16 15.98-15.98l.04-31.73c.01-8.85-7.17-16.03-16.02-16.02zM585.2 26.74C582.58 11.31 568.99 0 553.06 0H86.93C71 0 57.41 11.31 54.79 26.74-3.32 369.16.04 348.08.03 352c-.03 17.32 14.29 32 32.6 32h574.74c18.23 0 32.51-14.56 32.59-31.79.02-4.08 3.35 16.95-54.76-325.47zM259.83 64h120.33l9.77 96H250.06l9.77-96zm-75.17 256H71.09L90.1 208h105.97l-11.41 112zm16.29-160H98.24l16.29-96h96.19l-9.77 96zm32.82 160l11.4-112h149.65l11.4 112H233.77zm195.5-256h96.19l16.29 96H439.04l-9.77-96zm26.06 256l-11.4-112H549.9l19.01 112H455.33z" ], sort: [ 320, 512, [], "f0dc", "M41 288h238c21.4 0 32.1 25.9 17 41L177 448c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L24 329c-15.1-15.1-4.4-41 17-41zm255-105L177 64c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L24 183c-15.1 15.1-4.4 41 17 41h238c21.4 0 32.1-25.9 17-41z" ], "sort-alpha-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f15d", "M187.298 395.314l-79.984 80.002c-6.248 6.247-16.383 6.245-22.627 0L4.705 395.314C-5.365 385.244 1.807 368 16.019 368H64V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v320h47.984c14.241 0 21.363 17.264 11.314 27.314zm119.075-180.007A12 12 0 0 1 294.838 224h-35.717c-8.22 0-14.007-8.078-11.362-15.861l57.096-168A12 12 0 0 1 316.217 32h39.566c5.139 0 9.708 3.273 11.362 8.139l57.096 168C426.886 215.922 421.1 224 412.879 224h-35.735a12 12 0 0 1-11.515-8.622l-8.301-28.299h-42.863l-8.092 28.228zm22.857-78.697h13.367l-6.6-22.937-6.767 22.937zm12.575 287.323l67.451-95.698a12 12 0 0 0 2.192-6.913V300c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H274.522c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28.93c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56.469c-.739.991-1.497 2.036-2.27 3.133l-67.203 95.205a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-2.196 6.92V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h129.355c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-28.93c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-61.146c.74-.993 1.5-2.039 2.274-3.137z" ], "sort-alpha-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f15e", "M4.702 116.686l79.984-80.002c6.248-6.247 16.383-6.245 22.627 0l79.981 80.002c10.07 10.07 2.899 27.314-11.314 27.314H128v320c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H80c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V144H16.016c-14.241 0-21.363-17.264-11.314-27.314zm301.671 98.621A12 12 0 0 1 294.838 224h-35.717c-8.22 0-14.007-8.078-11.362-15.861l57.096-168A12 12 0 0 1 316.217 32h39.566c5.139 0 9.708 3.273 11.362 8.139l57.096 168C426.886 215.922 421.1 224 412.879 224h-35.735a12 12 0 0 1-11.515-8.622l-8.301-28.299h-42.863l-8.092 28.228zm22.857-78.697h13.367l-6.6-22.937-6.767 22.937zm12.575 287.323l67.451-95.698a12 12 0 0 0 2.192-6.913V300c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H274.522c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28.93c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56.469c-.739.991-1.497 2.036-2.27 3.133l-67.203 95.205a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-2.196 6.92V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h129.355c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-28.93c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-61.146c.74-.993 1.5-2.039 2.274-3.137z" ], "sort-amount-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f160", "M187.298 395.314l-79.984 80.002c-6.248 6.247-16.383 6.245-22.627 0L4.705 395.314C-5.365 385.244 1.807 368 16.019 368H64V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v320h47.984c14.241 0 21.363 17.264 11.314 27.314zM240 96h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H240c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm-16 112v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h192c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0 256v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h64c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-64c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0-128v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h128c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16z" ], "sort-amount-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f161", "M4.702 116.686l79.984-80.002c6.248-6.247 16.383-6.245 22.627 0l79.981 80.002c10.07 10.07 2.899 27.314-11.314 27.314H128v320c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H80c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V144H16.016c-14.241 0-21.363-17.264-11.314-27.314zM240 96h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H240c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm-16 112v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h192c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0 256v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h64c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-64c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0-128v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h128c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16z" ], "sort-down": [ 320, 512, [], "f0dd", "M41 288h238c21.4 0 32.1 25.9 17 41L177 448c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L24 329c-15.1-15.1-4.4-41 17-41z" ], "sort-numeric-down": [ 448, 512, [], "f162", "M308.811 113.787l-19.448-20.795c-4.522-4.836-4.274-12.421.556-16.95l43.443-40.741a11.999 11.999 0 0 1 8.209-3.247h31.591c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v127.07h25.66c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v28.93c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H301.649c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-28.93c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h25.414v-57.938c-7.254 6.58-14.211 4.921-18.252.601zm-30.57 238.569c0-32.653 23.865-67.356 68.094-67.356 38.253 0 79.424 28.861 79.424 92.228 0 51.276-32.237 105.772-91.983 105.772-17.836 0-30.546-3.557-38.548-6.781-5.79-2.333-8.789-8.746-6.922-14.703l9.237-29.48c2.035-6.496 9.049-9.983 15.467-7.716 13.029 4.602 27.878 5.275 38.103-4.138-38.742 5.072-72.872-25.36-72.872-67.826zm92.273 19.338c0-22.285-15.302-36.505-25.835-36.505-8.642 0-13.164 7.965-13.164 15.832 0 5.669 1.815 24.168 25.168 24.168 9.973 0 13.377-2.154 13.744-2.731.021-.046.087-.291.087-.764zM175.984 368H128V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H80c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v320H16.019c-14.212 0-21.384 17.244-11.314 27.314l79.981 80.002c6.245 6.245 16.38 6.247 22.627 0l79.984-80.002c10.05-10.05 2.928-27.314-11.313-27.314z" ], "sort-numeric-up": [ 448, 512, [], "f163", "M308.811 113.787l-19.448-20.795c-4.522-4.836-4.274-12.421.556-16.95l43.443-40.741a11.999 11.999 0 0 1 8.209-3.247h31.591c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v127.07h25.66c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v28.93c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H301.649c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-28.93c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h25.414v-57.938c-7.254 6.58-14.211 4.921-18.252.601zm-30.57 238.569c0-32.653 23.865-67.356 68.094-67.356 38.253 0 79.424 28.861 79.424 92.228 0 51.276-32.237 105.772-91.983 105.772-17.836 0-30.546-3.557-38.548-6.781-5.79-2.333-8.789-8.746-6.922-14.703l9.237-29.48c2.035-6.496 9.049-9.983 15.467-7.716 13.029 4.602 27.878 5.275 38.103-4.138-38.742 5.072-72.872-25.36-72.872-67.826zm92.273 19.338c0-22.285-15.302-36.505-25.835-36.505-8.642 0-13.164 7.965-13.164 15.832 0 5.669 1.815 24.168 25.168 24.168 9.973 0 13.377-2.154 13.744-2.731.021-.046.087-.291.087-.764zM16.016 144H64v320c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h32c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V144h47.981c14.212 0 21.384-17.244 11.314-27.314l-79.981-80.002c-6.245-6.245-16.38-6.247-22.627 0L4.702 116.686C-5.347 126.736 1.775 144 16.016 144z" ], "sort-up": [ 320, 512, [], "f0de", "M279 224H41c-21.4 0-32.1-25.9-17-41L143 64c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l119 119c15.2 15.1 4.5 41-16.9 41z" ], spa: [ 576, 512, [], "f5bb", "M568.25 192c-29.04.13-135.01 6.16-213.84 83-33.12 29.63-53.36 63.3-66.41 94.86-13.05-31.56-33.29-65.23-66.41-94.86-78.83-76.84-184.8-82.87-213.84-83-4.41-.02-7.79 3.4-7.75 7.82.23 27.92 7.14 126.14 88.77 199.3C172.79 480.94 256 480 288 480s115.19.95 199.23-80.88c81.64-73.17 88.54-171.38 88.77-199.3.04-4.42-3.34-7.84-7.75-7.82zM287.98 302.6c12.82-18.85 27.6-35.78 44.09-50.52 19.09-18.61 39.58-33.3 60.26-45.18-16.44-70.5-51.72-133.05-96.73-172.22-4.11-3.58-11.02-3.58-15.14 0-44.99 39.14-80.27 101.63-96.74 172.07 20.37 11.7 40.5 26.14 59.22 44.39a282.768 282.768 0 0 1 45.04 51.46z" ], "space-shuttle": [ 640, 512, [], "f197", "M592.604 208.244C559.735 192.836 515.777 184 472 184H186.327c-4.952-6.555-10.585-11.978-16.72-16H376C229.157 137.747 219.403 32 96.003 32H96v128H80V32c-26.51 0-48 28.654-48 64v64c-23.197 0-32 10.032-32 24v40c0 13.983 8.819 24 32 24v16c-23.197 0-32 10.032-32 24v40c0 13.983 8.819 24 32 24v64c0 35.346 21.49 64 48 64V352h16v128h.003c123.4 0 133.154-105.747 279.997-136H169.606c6.135-4.022 11.768-9.445 16.72-16H472c43.777 0 87.735-8.836 120.604-24.244C622.282 289.845 640 271.992 640 256s-17.718-33.845-47.396-47.756zM488 296a8 8 0 0 1-8-8v-64a8 8 0 0 1 8-8c31.909 0 31.942 80 0 80z" ], spinner: [ 512, 512, [], "f110", "M304 48c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48 21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zm-48 368c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm208-208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zM96 256c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48S0 229.49 0 256s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48zm12.922 99.078c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48c0-26.509-21.491-48-48-48zm294.156 0c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48c0-26.509-21.49-48-48-48zM108.922 60.922c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.491-48-48-48z" ], splotch: [ 512, 512, [], "f5bc", "M472.29 195.89l-67.06-22.95c-19.28-6.6-33.54-20.92-38.14-38.3L351.1 74.19c-11.58-43.77-76.57-57.13-109.98-22.62l-46.14 47.67c-13.26 13.71-33.54 20.93-54.2 19.31l-71.88-5.62c-52.05-4.07-86.93 44.88-59.03 82.83l38.54 52.42c11.08 15.07 12.82 33.86 4.64 50.24L24.62 355.4c-20.59 41.25 22.84 84.87 73.49 73.81l69.96-15.28c20.11-4.39 41.45 0 57.07 11.73l54.32 40.83c39.32 29.56 101.04 7.57 104.45-37.22l4.7-61.86c1.35-17.79 12.8-33.86 30.63-42.99l62-31.74c44.88-22.96 39.59-80.17-8.95-96.79z" ], "spray-can": [ 512, 512, [], "f5bd", "M224 32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96h128V32zm256 96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm-256 32H96c-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96v224c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h256c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V256c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96zm-64 256c-44.18 0-80-35.82-80-80s35.82-80 80-80 80 35.82 80 80-35.82 80-80 80zM480 96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.33-32-32-32-32 14.33-32 32 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm-96-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm96 0c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm96 192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32z" ], square: [ 448, 512, [], "f0c8", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" ], "square-full": [ 512, 512, [], "f45c", "M512 512H0V0h512v512z" ], stamp: [ 512, 512, [], "f5bf", "M32 512h448v-64H32v64zm384-256h-66.56c-16.26 0-29.44-13.18-29.44-29.44v-9.46c0-27.37 8.88-53.41 21.46-77.72 9.11-17.61 12.9-38.39 9.05-60.42-6.77-38.78-38.47-70.7-77.26-77.45C212.62-9.04 160 37.33 160 96c0 14.16 3.12 27.54 8.69 39.58C182.02 164.43 192 194.7 192 226.49v.07c0 16.26-13.18 29.44-29.44 29.44H96c-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96z" ], star: [ 576, 512, [], "f005", "M259.3 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0z" ], "star-half": [ 576, 512, [], "f089", "M288 0c-11.4 0-22.8 5.9-28.7 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.4c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.1 23 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6V0z" ], "star-half-alt": [ 536, 512, [], "f5c0", "M508.55 171.51L362.18 150.2 296.77 17.81C290.89 5.98 279.42 0 267.95 0c-11.4 0-22.79 5.9-28.69 17.81l-65.43 132.38-146.38 21.29c-26.25 3.8-36.77 36.09-17.74 54.59l105.89 103-25.06 145.48C86.98 495.33 103.57 512 122.15 512c4.93 0 10-1.17 14.87-3.75l130.95-68.68 130.94 68.7c4.86 2.55 9.92 3.71 14.83 3.71 18.6 0 35.22-16.61 31.66-37.4l-25.03-145.49 105.91-102.98c19.04-18.5 8.52-50.8-17.73-54.6zm-121.74 123.2l-18.12 17.62 4.28 24.88 19.52 113.45-102.13-53.59-22.38-11.74.03-317.19 51.03 103.29 11.18 22.63 25.01 3.64 114.23 16.63-82.65 80.38z" ], "step-backward": [ 448, 512, [], "f048", "M64 468V44c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h48c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v176.4l195.5-181C352.1 22.3 384 36.6 384 64v384c0 27.4-31.9 41.7-52.5 24.6L136 292.7V468c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12z" ], "step-forward": [ 448, 512, [], "f051", "M384 44v424c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-48c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V291.6l-195.5 181C95.9 489.7 64 475.4 64 448V64c0-27.4 31.9-41.7 52.5-24.6L312 219.3V44c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h48c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z" ], stethoscope: [ 512, 512, [], "f0f1", "M447.1 112c-34.2.5-62.3 28.4-63 62.6-.5 24.3 12.5 45.6 32 56.8V344c0 57.3-50.2 104-112 104-60 0-109.2-44.1-111.9-99.2C265 333.8 320 269.2 320 192V36.6c0-11.4-8.1-21.3-19.3-23.5L237.8.5c-13-2.6-25.6 5.8-28.2 18.8L206.4 35c-2.6 13 5.8 25.6 18.8 28.2l30.7 6.1v121.4c0 52.9-42.2 96.7-95.1 97.2-53.4.5-96.9-42.7-96.9-96V69.4l30.7-6.1c13-2.6 21.4-15.2 18.8-28.2l-3.1-15.7C107.7 6.4 95.1-2 82.1.6L19.3 13C8.1 15.3 0 25.1 0 36.6V192c0 77.3 55.1 142 128.1 156.8C130.7 439.2 208.6 512 304 512c97 0 176-75.4 176-168V231.4c19.1-11.1 32-31.7 32-55.4 0-35.7-29.2-64.5-64.9-64zm.9 80c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16z" ], "sticky-note": [ 448, 512, [], "f249", "M312 320h136V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H24C10.7 32 0 42.7 0 56v400c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h264V344c0-13.2 10.8-24 24-24zm129 55l-98 98c-4.5 4.5-10.6 7-17 7h-6V352h128v6.1c0 6.3-2.5 12.4-7 16.9z" ], stop: [ 448, 512, [], "f04d", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" ], "stop-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f28d", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm96 328c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h160c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v160z" ], stopwatch: [ 448, 512, [], "f2f2", "M432 304c0 114.9-93.1 208-208 208S16 418.9 16 304c0-104 76.3-190.2 176-205.5V64h-28c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h120c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-28v34.5c37.5 5.8 71.7 21.6 99.7 44.6l27.5-27.5c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l28.3 28.3c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17l-29.4 29.4-.6.6C419.7 223.3 432 262.2 432 304zm-176 36V188.5c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12V340c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z" ], store: [ 616, 512, [], "f54e", "M602 118.6L537.1 15C531.3 5.7 521 0 510 0H106C95 0 84.7 5.7 78.9 15L14 118.6c-33.5 53.5-3.8 127.9 58.8 136.4 4.5.6 9.1.9 13.7.9 29.6 0 55.8-13 73.8-33.1 18 20.1 44.3 33.1 73.8 33.1 29.6 0 55.8-13 73.8-33.1 18 20.1 44.3 33.1 73.8 33.1 29.6 0 55.8-13 73.8-33.1 18.1 20.1 44.3 33.1 73.8 33.1 4.7 0 9.2-.3 13.7-.9 62.8-8.4 92.6-82.8 59-136.4zM529.5 288c-10 0-19.9-1.5-29.5-3.8V384H116v-99.8c-9.6 2.2-19.5 3.8-29.5 3.8-6 0-12.1-.4-18-1.2-5.6-.8-11.1-2.1-16.4-3.6V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h448c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V283.2c-5.4 1.6-10.8 2.9-16.4 3.6-6.1.8-12.1 1.2-18.2 1.2z" ], "store-alt": [ 640, 512, [], "f54f", "M320 384H128V224H64v256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h256c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V224h-64v160zm314.6-241.8l-85.3-128c-6-8.9-16-14.2-26.7-14.2H117.4c-10.7 0-20.7 5.3-26.6 14.2l-85.3 128c-14.2 21.3 1 49.8 26.6 49.8H608c25.5 0 40.7-28.5 26.6-49.8zM512 496c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V224h-64v272z" ], stream: [ 512, 512, [], "f550", "M16 128h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 32 0 39.16 0 48v64c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16zm480 80H80c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v64c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-64c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-64 176H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v64c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-64c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], "street-view": [ 512, 512, [], "f21d", "M192 64c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64zm112 80h-11.36c-22.711 10.443-49.59 10.894-73.28 0H208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V320h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V192c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm85.642 189.152a72.503 72.503 0 0 1-29.01 27.009C391.133 365.251 480 385.854 480 416c0 46.304-167.656 64-224 64-70.303 0-224-20.859-224-64 0-30.123 88.361-50.665 119.367-55.839a72.516 72.516 0 0 1-29.01-27.009C74.959 343.395 0 367.599 0 416c0 77.111 178.658 96 256 96 77.249 0 256-18.865 256-96 0-48.403-74.967-72.606-122.358-82.848z" ], strikethrough: [ 512, 512, [], "f0cc", "M496 288H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h480c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16zm-214.666 16c27.258 12.937 46.524 28.683 46.524 56.243 0 33.108-28.977 53.676-75.621 53.676-32.325 0-76.874-12.08-76.874-44.271V368c0-8.837-7.164-16-16-16H113.75c-8.836 0-16 7.163-16 16v19.204c0 66.845 77.717 101.82 154.487 101.82 88.578 0 162.013-45.438 162.013-134.424 0-19.815-3.618-36.417-10.143-50.6H281.334zm-30.952-96c-32.422-13.505-56.836-28.946-56.836-59.683 0-33.92 30.901-47.406 64.962-47.406 42.647 0 64.962 16.593 64.962 32.985V136c0 8.837 7.164 16 16 16h45.613c8.836 0 16-7.163 16-16v-30.318c0-52.438-71.725-79.875-142.575-79.875-85.203 0-150.726 40.972-150.726 125.646 0 22.71 4.665 41.176 12.777 56.547h129.823z" ], stroopwafel: [ 512, 512, [], "f551", "M188.12 210.74L142.86 256l45.25 45.25L233.37 256l-45.25-45.26zm113.13-22.62L256 142.86l-45.25 45.25L256 233.37l45.25-45.25zm-90.5 135.76L256 369.14l45.26-45.26L256 278.63l-45.25 45.25zM256 0C114.62 0 0 114.62 0 256s114.62 256 256 256 256-114.62 256-256S397.38 0 256 0zm186.68 295.6l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-28.29-28.29-45.25 45.25 33.94 33.94 16.97-16.97c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-16.97-16.97-16.97 16.97c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l16.97-16.97-33.94-33.94-45.26 45.26 28.29 28.29c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0L256 414.39l-28.29 28.29c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l28.29-28.29-45.25-45.26-33.94 33.94 16.97 16.97c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-16.97-16.97-16.97 16.97c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l16.97-16.97-16.97-16.97c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l16.97 16.97 33.94-33.94-45.25-45.25-28.29 28.29c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0L69.32 295.6c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31L97.61 256l-28.29-28.29c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l28.29 28.29 45.25-45.26-33.94-33.94-16.97 16.97c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l16.97-16.97-16.97-16.97c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l16.97 16.97 16.97-16.97c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-16.97 16.97 33.94 33.94 45.26-45.25-28.29-28.29c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0L256 97.61l28.29-28.29c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-28.29 28.29 45.26 45.25 33.94-33.94-16.97-16.97c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l16.97 16.97 16.97-16.97c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-16.97-16.97-33.94 33.94 45.25 45.26 28.29-28.29c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31L414.39 256l28.29 28.28a8.015 8.015 0 0 1 0 11.32zM278.63 256l45.26 45.25L369.14 256l-45.25-45.26L278.63 256z" ], subscript: [ 512, 512, [], "f12c", "M395.198 416c3.461-10.526 18.796-21.28 36.265-32.425 16.625-10.605 35.467-22.626 50.341-38.862 17.458-19.054 25.944-40.175 25.944-64.567 0-60.562-50.702-88.146-97.81-88.146-42.491 0-76.378 22.016-94.432 50.447-4.654 7.329-2.592 17.036 4.623 21.865l30.328 20.296c7.032 4.706 16.46 3.084 21.63-3.614 8.022-10.394 18.818-18.225 31.667-18.225 19.387 0 26.266 12.901 26.266 23.948 0 36.159-119.437 57.023-119.437 160.024 0 6.654.561 13.014 1.415 19.331 1.076 7.964 7.834 13.928 15.87 13.928H496c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H395.198zM272 256c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-62.399a16 16 0 0 1-13.541-7.478l-45.701-72.615c-2.297-3.352-4.422-6.969-6.195-10.209-1.65 3.244-3.647 6.937-5.874 10.582l-44.712 72.147a15.999 15.999 0 0 1-13.6 7.572H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h26.325l56.552-82.709L46.111 96H16C7.163 96 0 88.837 0 80V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h68.806a16 16 0 0 1 13.645 7.644l39.882 65.126c2.072 3.523 4.053 7.171 5.727 10.37 1.777-3.244 3.92-6.954 6.237-10.537l40.332-65.035A15.999 15.999 0 0 1 204.226 32H272c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-27.979l-52.69 75.671L249.974 256H272z" ], subway: [ 448, 512, [], "f239", "M448 96v256c0 51.815-61.624 96-130.022 96l62.98 49.721C386.905 502.417 383.562 512 376 512H72c-7.578 0-10.892-9.594-4.957-14.279L130.022 448C61.82 448 0 403.954 0 352V96C0 42.981 64 0 128 0h192c65 0 128 42.981 128 96zM200 232V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H72c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24zm200 0V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H272c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24zm-48 56c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm-256 0c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48z" ], suitcase: [ 512, 512, [], "f0f2", "M128 480h256V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H176c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v400zm64-384h128v32H192V96zm320 80v256c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48h-48V128h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM96 480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V176c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48v352z" ], "suitcase-rolling": [ 384, 512, [], "f5c1", "M336 160H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16h128v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16h16c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V208c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-16 216c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h240c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h240c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zM144 48h96v80h48V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v80h48V48z" ], sun: [ 512, 512, [], "f185", "M274.835 12.646l25.516 62.393c4.213 10.301 16.671 14.349 26.134 8.492l57.316-35.479c15.49-9.588 34.808 4.447 30.475 22.142l-16.03 65.475c-2.647 10.81 5.053 21.408 16.152 22.231l67.224 4.987c18.167 1.348 25.546 24.057 11.641 35.826L441.81 242.26c-8.495 7.19-8.495 20.289 0 27.479l51.454 43.548c13.906 11.769 6.527 34.478-11.641 35.826l-67.224 4.987c-11.099.823-18.799 11.421-16.152 22.231l16.03 65.475c4.332 17.695-14.986 31.73-30.475 22.142l-57.316-35.479c-9.463-5.858-21.922-1.81-26.134 8.492l-25.516 62.393c-6.896 16.862-30.774 16.862-37.67 0l-25.516-62.393c-4.213-10.301-16.671-14.349-26.134-8.492l-57.317 35.479c-15.49 9.588-34.808-4.447-30.475-22.142l16.03-65.475c2.647-10.81-5.053-21.408-16.152-22.231l-67.224-4.987c-18.167-1.348-25.546-24.057-11.641-35.826L70.19 269.74c8.495-7.19 8.495-20.289 0-27.479l-51.454-43.548c-13.906-11.769-6.527-34.478 11.641-35.826l67.224-4.987c11.099-.823 18.799-11.421 16.152-22.231l-16.03-65.475c-4.332-17.695 14.986-31.73 30.475-22.142l57.317 35.479c9.463 5.858 21.921 1.81 26.134-8.492l25.516-62.393c6.896-16.861 30.774-16.861 37.67 0zM392 256c0-74.991-61.01-136-136-136-74.991 0-136 61.009-136 136s61.009 136 136 136c74.99 0 136-61.009 136-136zm-32 0c0 57.346-46.654 104-104 104s-104-46.654-104-104 46.654-104 104-104 104 46.654 104 104z" ], superscript: [ 512, 512, [], "f12b", "M395.198 256c3.461-10.526 18.796-21.28 36.265-32.425 16.625-10.605 35.467-22.626 50.341-38.862 17.458-19.054 25.944-40.175 25.944-64.567 0-60.562-50.702-88.146-97.81-88.146-42.491 0-76.378 22.016-94.432 50.447-4.654 7.329-2.592 17.036 4.623 21.865l30.328 20.296c7.032 4.706 16.46 3.084 21.63-3.614 8.022-10.394 18.818-18.225 31.667-18.225 19.387 0 26.266 12.901 26.266 23.948 0 36.159-119.437 57.023-119.437 160.024 0 6.654.561 13.014 1.415 19.331 1.076 7.964 7.834 13.928 15.87 13.928H496c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H395.198zM272 416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-62.399a16 16 0 0 1-13.541-7.478l-45.701-72.615c-2.297-3.352-4.422-6.969-6.195-10.209-1.65 3.244-3.647 6.937-5.874 10.582l-44.712 72.147a15.999 15.999 0 0 1-13.6 7.572H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h26.325l56.552-82.709L46.111 256H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h68.806a16 16 0 0 1 13.645 7.644l39.882 65.126c2.072 3.523 4.053 7.171 5.727 10.37 1.777-3.244 3.92-6.954 6.237-10.537l40.332-65.035a16 16 0 0 1 13.598-7.567H272c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-27.979l-52.69 75.671L249.974 416H272z" ], surprise: [ 496, 512, [], "f5c2", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM136 208c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm112 208c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm80-176c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], swatchbook: [ 511, 512, [], "f5c3", "M479.06 320H372.29L186.15 506.51c-2.06 2.07-4.49 3.58-6.67 5.49h299.58c17.64 0 31.94-14.33 31.94-32V352c0-17.67-14.3-32-31.94-32zm-44.5-152.9l-90.33-90.51c-12.47-12.5-32.69-12.5-45.17 0l-75.5 75.65V416c0 2.96-.67 5.73-.87 8.64l211.87-212.28c12.47-12.5 12.47-32.77 0-45.26zM191.62 32c0-17.67-14.3-32-31.94-32H31.94C14.3 0 0 14.33 0 32v384c0 53.02 42.9 96 95.81 96s95.81-42.98 95.81-96V32zM95.81 440c-13.23 0-23.95-10.75-23.95-24 0-13.26 10.73-24 23.95-24s23.95 10.74 23.95 24c.01 13.25-10.72 24-23.95 24zm31.94-184H63.88v-64h63.88v64zm0-128H63.88V64h63.88v64z" ], swimmer: [ 640, 512, [], "f5c4", "M189.61 310.58c3.54 3.26 15.27 9.42 34.39 9.42s30.86-6.16 34.39-9.42c16.02-14.77 34.5-22.58 53.46-22.58h16.3c18.96 0 37.45 7.81 53.46 22.58 3.54 3.26 15.27 9.42 34.39 9.42s30.86-6.16 34.39-9.42c14.86-13.71 31.88-21.12 49.39-22.16l-112.84-80.6 18-12.86c3.64-2.58 8.28-3.52 12.62-2.61l100.35 21.53c25.91 5.53 51.44-10.97 57-36.88 5.55-25.92-10.95-51.44-36.88-57L437.68 98.47c-30.73-6.58-63.02.12-88.56 18.38l-80.02 57.17c-10.38 7.39-19.36 16.44-26.72 26.94L173.75 299c5.47 3.23 10.82 6.93 15.86 11.58zM624 352h-16c-26.04 0-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C461.8 343.58 442.04 352 416 352s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C269.8 343.58 250.04 352 224 352s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C77.8 343.58 58.04 352 32 352H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c38.62 0 72.72-12.19 96-31.84 23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-512-96c44.18 0 80-35.82 80-80s-35.82-80-80-80-80 35.82-80 80 35.82 80 80 80z" ], "swimming-pool": [ 640, 512, [], "f5c5", "M624 416h-16c-26.04 0-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C461.8 407.58 442.04 416 416 416s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C269.8 407.58 250.04 416 224 416s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C77.8 407.58 58.04 416 32 416H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c38.62 0 72.72-12.19 96-31.84 23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-400-32v-96h192v96c19.12 0 30.86-6.16 34.39-9.42 9.17-8.46 19.2-14.34 29.61-18.07V128c0-17.64 14.36-32 32-32s32 14.36 32 32v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-52.94-43.06-96-96-96s-96 43.06-96 96v96H224v-96c0-17.64 14.36-32 32-32s32 14.36 32 32v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-52.94-43.06-96-96-96s-96 43.06-96 96v228.5c10.41 3.73 20.44 9.62 29.61 18.07 3.53 3.27 15.27 9.43 34.39 9.43z" ], sync: [ 512, 512, [], "f021", "M440.935 12.574l3.966 82.766C399.416 41.904 331.674 8 256 8 134.813 8 33.933 94.924 12.296 209.824 10.908 217.193 16.604 224 24.103 224h49.084c5.57 0 10.377-3.842 11.676-9.259C103.407 137.408 172.931 80 256 80c60.893 0 114.512 30.856 146.104 77.801l-101.53-4.865c-6.845-.328-12.574 5.133-12.574 11.986v47.411c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200.333c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-47.411c-6.853 0-12.315 5.729-11.987 12.574zM256 432c-60.895 0-114.517-30.858-146.109-77.805l101.868 4.871c6.845.327 12.573-5.134 12.573-11.986v-47.412c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12V500c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h47.385c6.863 0 12.328-5.745 11.985-12.599l-4.129-82.575C112.725 470.166 180.405 504 256 504c121.187 0 222.067-86.924 243.704-201.824 1.388-7.369-4.308-14.176-11.807-14.176h-49.084c-5.57 0-10.377 3.842-11.676 9.259C408.593 374.592 339.069 432 256 432z" ], "sync-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f2f1", "M370.72 133.28C339.458 104.008 298.888 87.962 255.848 88c-77.458.068-144.328 53.178-162.791 126.85-1.344 5.363-6.122 9.15-11.651 9.15H24.103c-7.498 0-13.194-6.807-11.807-14.176C33.933 94.924 134.813 8 256 8c66.448 0 126.791 26.136 171.315 68.685L463.03 40.97C478.149 25.851 504 36.559 504 57.941V192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H345.941c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l41.75-41.749zM32 296h134.059c21.382 0 32.09 25.851 16.971 40.971l-41.75 41.75c31.262 29.273 71.835 45.319 114.876 45.28 77.418-.07 144.315-53.144 162.787-126.849 1.344-5.363 6.122-9.15 11.651-9.15h57.304c7.498 0 13.194 6.807 11.807 14.176C478.067 417.076 377.187 504 256 504c-66.448 0-126.791-26.136-171.315-68.685L48.97 471.03C33.851 486.149 8 475.441 8 454.059V320c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24z" ], syringe: [ 512, 512, [], "f48e", "M201.5 174.8l55.7 55.8c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-55.7-55.8-45.3 45.3 55.8 55.8c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0L111 265.2l-26.4 26.4c-17.3 17.3-25.6 41.1-23 65.4l7.1 63.6L2.3 487c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l11.3 11.3c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l66.3-66.3 63.6 7.1c23.9 2.6 47.9-5.4 65.4-23l181.9-181.9-135.7-135.7-64.9 65zm308.2-93.3L430.5 2.3c-3.1-3.1-8.2-3.1-11.3 0l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l28.3 28.3-45.3 45.3-56.6-56.6-17-17c-3.1-3.1-8.2-3.1-11.3 0l-33.9 33.9c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l17 17L424.8 223l17 17c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l33.9-34c3.1-3.1 3.1-8.2 0-11.3l-73.5-73.5 45.3-45.3 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.2 3.1-8.2 0-11.4z" ], table: [ 512, 512, [], "f0ce", "M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM224 416H64v-96h160v96zm0-160H64v-96h160v96zm224 160H288v-96h160v96zm0-160H288v-96h160v96z" ], "table-tennis": [ 512, 512, [], "f45d", "M496.2 296.5C527.7 218.7 512 126.2 449 63.1 365.1-21 229-21 145.1 63.1l-56 56.1 211.5 211.5c46.1-62.1 131.5-77.4 195.6-34.2zm-217.9 79.7L57.9 155.9c-27.3 45.3-21.7 105 17.3 144.1l34.5 34.6L6.7 424c-8.6 7.5-9.1 20.7-1 28.8l53.4 53.5c8 8.1 21.2 7.6 28.7-1L177.1 402l35.7 35.7c19.7 19.7 44.6 30.5 70.3 33.3-7.1-17-11-35.6-11-55.1-.1-13.8 2.5-27 6.2-39.7zM416 320c-53 0-96 43-96 96s43 96 96 96 96-43 96-96-43-96-96-96z" ], tablet: [ 448, 512, [], "f10a", "M400 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM224 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z" ], "tablet-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f3fa", "M400 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM224 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm176-108c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H60c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V60c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h328c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v312z" ], tablets: [ 640, 512, [], "f490", "M160 192C78.9 192 12.5 250.5.1 326.7c-.8 4.8 3.3 9.3 8.3 9.3h303.3c5 0 9.1-4.5 8.3-9.3C307.5 250.5 241.1 192 160 192zm151.6 176H8.4c-5 0-9.1 4.5-8.3 9.3C12.5 453.5 78.9 512 160 512s147.5-58.5 159.9-134.7c.8-4.8-3.3-9.3-8.3-9.3zM593.4 46.6c-56.5-56.5-144.2-61.4-206.9-16-4 2.9-4.3 8.9-.8 12.3L597 254.3c3.5 3.5 9.5 3.2 12.3-.8 45.5-62.7 40.6-150.4-15.9-206.9zM363 65.7c-3.5-3.5-9.5-3.2-12.3.8-45.4 62.7-40.5 150.4 15.9 206.9 56.5 56.5 144.2 61.4 206.9 15.9 4-2.9 4.3-8.9.8-12.3L363 65.7z" ], "tachometer-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f3fd", "M75.694 480a48.02 48.02 0 0 1-42.448-25.571C12.023 414.3 0 368.556 0 320 0 160.942 128.942 32 288 32s288 128.942 288 288c0 48.556-12.023 94.3-33.246 134.429A48.018 48.018 0 0 1 500.306 480H75.694zM512 288c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32s32-14.327 32-32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32zM288 128c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32 0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32zM64 288c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32s32-14.327 32-32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32zm65.608-158.392c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32s32-14.327 32-32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32zm316.784 0c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32s32-14.327 32-32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32zm-87.078 31.534c-12.627-4.04-26.133 2.92-30.173 15.544l-45.923 143.511C250.108 322.645 224 350.264 224 384c0 35.346 28.654 64 64 64 35.346 0 64-28.654 64-64 0-19.773-8.971-37.447-23.061-49.187l45.919-143.498c4.039-12.625-2.92-26.133-15.544-30.173z" ], tag: [ 512, 512, [], "f02b", "M0 252.118V48C0 21.49 21.49 0 48 0h204.118a48 48 0 0 1 33.941 14.059l211.882 211.882c18.745 18.745 18.745 49.137 0 67.882L293.823 497.941c-18.745 18.745-49.137 18.745-67.882 0L14.059 286.059A48 48 0 0 1 0 252.118zM112 64c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48z" ], tags: [ 640, 512, [], "f02c", "M497.941 225.941L286.059 14.059A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v204.118a48 48 0 0 0 14.059 33.941l211.882 211.882c18.744 18.745 49.136 18.746 67.882 0l204.118-204.118c18.745-18.745 18.745-49.137 0-67.882zM112 160c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm513.941 133.823L421.823 497.941c-18.745 18.745-49.137 18.745-67.882 0l-.36-.36L527.64 323.522c16.999-16.999 26.36-39.6 26.36-63.64s-9.362-46.641-26.36-63.64L331.397 0h48.721a48 48 0 0 1 33.941 14.059l211.882 211.882c18.745 18.745 18.745 49.137 0 67.882z" ], tape: [ 640, 512, [], "f4db", "M224 192c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64zm400 224H380.6c41.5-40.7 67.4-97.3 67.4-160 0-123.7-100.3-224-224-224S0 132.3 0 256s100.3 224 224 224h400c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-400-64c-53 0-96-43-96-96s43-96 96-96 96 43 96 96-43 96-96 96z" ], tasks: [ 512, 512, [], "f0ae", "M208 132h288c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V76c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v40c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm0 160h288c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-40c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v40c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm0 160h288c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-40c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v40c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zM64 368c-26.5 0-48.6 21.5-48.6 48s22.1 48 48.6 48 48-21.5 48-48-21.5-48-48-48zm92.5-299l-72.2 72.2-15.6 15.6c-4.7 4.7-12.9 4.7-17.6 0L3.5 109.4c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l15.7-15.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l22.7 22.1 63.7-63.3c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 16.5c4.6 4.7 4.6 12.3-.1 17zm0 159.6l-72.2 72.2-15.7 15.7c-4.7 4.7-12.9 4.7-17.6 0L3.5 269c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l15.7-15.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l22.7 22.1 63.7-63.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 17c4.6 4.6 4.6 12.2-.1 16.9z" ], taxi: [ 512, 512, [], "f1ba", "M462 241.64l-22-84.84c-9.6-35.2-41.6-60.8-76.8-60.8H352V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32h-11.2c-35.2 0-67.2 25.6-76.8 60.8l-22 84.84C21.41 248.04 0 273.47 0 304v48c0 23.63 12.95 44.04 32 55.12V448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h256v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-40.88c19.05-11.09 32-31.5 32-55.12v-48c0-30.53-21.41-55.96-50-62.36zM96 352c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm20.55-112l17.2-66.36c2.23-8.16 9.59-13.64 15.06-13.64h214.4c5.47 0 12.83 5.48 14.85 12.86L395.45 240h-278.9zM416 352c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], terminal: [ 640, 512, [], "f120", "M257.981 272.971L63.638 467.314c-9.373 9.373-24.569 9.373-33.941 0L7.029 444.647c-9.357-9.357-9.375-24.522-.04-33.901L161.011 256 6.99 101.255c-9.335-9.379-9.317-24.544.04-33.901l22.667-22.667c9.373-9.373 24.569-9.373 33.941 0L257.981 239.03c9.373 9.372 9.373 24.568 0 33.941zM640 456v-32c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H312c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v32c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h304c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24z" ], "text-height": [ 576, 512, [], "f034", "M16 32h288c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v96c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-35.496c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V96h-54.761v320H232c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H88c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h34.257V96H67.496v48c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16zm475.308 4.685l79.995 80.001C581.309 126.693 574.297 144 559.99 144H512v224h48c15.639 0 20.635 17.991 11.313 27.314l-79.995 80.001c-6.247 6.247-16.381 6.245-22.626 0l-79.995-80.001C378.691 385.307 385.703 368 400.01 368H448V144h-48c-15.639 0-20.635-17.991-11.313-27.314l79.995-80.001c6.247-6.248 16.381-6.245 22.626 0z" ], "text-width": [ 448, 512, [], "f035", "M16 32h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v96c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-35.496c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V96H261.743v128H296c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H152c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h34.257V96H67.496v48c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16zm427.315 340.682l-80.001-79.995C353.991 283.365 336 288.362 336 304v48H112v-47.99c0-14.307-17.307-21.319-27.314-11.313L4.685 372.692c-6.245 6.245-6.247 16.379 0 22.626l80.001 79.995C94.009 484.635 112 479.638 112 464v-48h224v47.99c0 14.307 17.307 21.319 27.314 11.313l80.001-79.995c6.245-6.245 6.248-16.379 0-22.626z" ], th: [ 512, 512, [], "f00a", "M149.333 56v80c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V56c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h101.333c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zm181.334 240v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.256 0 24.001-10.745 24.001-24zm32-240v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H386.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm-32 80V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.256 0 24.001-10.745 24.001-24zm-205.334 56H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM0 376v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm386.667-56H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H386.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24zm0 160H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H386.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24zM181.333 376v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24z" ], "th-large": [ 512, 512, [], "f009", "M296 32h192c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v160c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H296c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V56c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24zm-80 0H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v160c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h192c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM0 296v160c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h192c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V296c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm296 184h192c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V296c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H296c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v160c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24z" ], "th-list": [ 512, 512, [], "f00b", "M149.333 216v80c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-80c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h101.333c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM0 376v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zM125.333 32H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zm80 448H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24zm-24-424v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm24 264H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24z" ], thermometer: [ 512, 512, [], "f491", "M476.8 20.4c-37.5-30.7-95.5-26.3-131.9 10.2l-45.7 46 50.5 50.5c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-50.4-50.5-45.1 45.4 50.3 50.4c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0L209 167.4l-45.1 45.4L214 263c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-50.1-50.2L96 281.1V382L7 471c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9 9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l89-89h99.9L484 162.6c34.9-34.9 42.2-101.5-7.2-142.2z" ], "thermometer-empty": [ 256, 512, [], "f2cb", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z" ], "thermometer-full": [ 256, 512, [], "f2c7", "M224 96c0-53.019-42.981-96-96-96S32 42.981 32 96v203.347C12.225 321.756.166 351.136.002 383.333c-.359 70.303 56.787 128.176 127.089 128.664. 70.698 0 128-57.304 128-128 0-32.459-12.088-62.09-32-84.653V96zm-96 368l-.576-.002c-43.86-.304-79.647-36.544-79.423-80.42.173-33.98 19.266-51.652 31.999-66.08V96c0-26.467 21.533-48 48-48s48 21.533 48 48v221.498c12.63 14.312 32 32.164 32 66.502 0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80zm64-80c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V96c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v232.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417z" ], "thermometer-half": [ 256, 512, [], "f2c9", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V224c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v104.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z" ], "thermometer-quarter": [ 256, 512, [], "f2ca", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V288c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v40.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z" ], "thermometer-three-quarters": [ 256, 512, [], "f2c8", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64 0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V160c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v168.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z" ], "thumbs-down": [ 512, 512, [], "f165", "M0 56v240c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h80c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56zm40 200c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24s24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24zm272 256c-20.183 0-29.485-39.293-33.931-57.795-5.206-21.666-10.589-44.07-25.393-58.902-32.469-32.524-49.503-73.967-89.117-113.111a11.98 11.98 0 0 1-3.558-8.521V59.901c0-6.541 5.243-11.878 11.783-11.998 15.831-.29 36.694-9.079 52.651-16.178C256.189 17.598 295.709.017 343.995 0h2.844c42.777 0 93.363.413 113.774 29.737 8.392 12.057 10.446 27.034 6.148 44.632 16.312 17.053 25.063 48.863 16.382 74.757 17.544 23.432 19.143 56.132 9.308 79.469l.11.11c11.893 11.949 19.523 31.259 19.439 49.197-.156 30.352-26.157 58.098-59.553 58.098H350.723C358.03 364.34 384 388.132 384 430.548 384 504 336 512 312 512z" ], "thumbs-up": [ 512, 512, [], "f164", "M104 224H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v240c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h80c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V248c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM64 472c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zM384 81.452c0 42.416-25.97 66.208-33.277 94.548h101.723c33.397 0 59.397 27.746 59.553 58.098.084 17.938-7.546 37.249-19.439 49.197l-.11.11c9.836 23.337 8.237 56.037-9.308 79.469 8.681 25.895-.069 57.704-16.382 74.757 4.298 17.598 2.244 32.575-6.148 44.632C440.202 511.587 389.616 512 346.839 512l-2.845-.001c-48.287-.017-87.806-17.598-119.56-31.725-15.957-7.099-36.821-15.887-52.651-16.178-6.54-.12-11.783-5.457-11.783-11.998v-213.77c0-3.2 1.282-6.271 3.558-8.521 39.614-39.144 56.648-80.587 89.117-113.111 14.804-14.832 20.188-37.236 25.393-58.902C282.515 39.293 291.817 0 312 0c24 0 72 8 72 81.452z" ], thumbtack: [ 384, 512, [], "f08d", "M298.028 214.267L285.793 96H328c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H56C42.745 0 32 10.745 32 24v48c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h42.207L85.972 214.267C37.465 236.82 0 277.261 0 328c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h136v104.007c0 1.242.289 2.467.845 3.578l24 48c2.941 5.882 11.364 5.893 14.311 0l24-48a8.008 8.008 0 0 0 .845-3.578V352h136c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24-.001-51.183-37.983-91.42-85.973-113.733z" ], "ticket-alt": [ 576, 512, [], "f3ff", "M128 160h320v192H128V160zm400 96c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48v96c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48v-96c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48s-21.49-48-48-48v-96c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h480c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48zm-48-104c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H120c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v208c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V152z" ], times: [ 352, 512, [], "f00d", "M242.72 256l100.07-100.07c12.28-12.28 12.28-32.19 0-44.48l-22.24-22.24c-12.28-12.28-32.19-12.28-44.48 0L176 189.28 75.93 89.21c-12.28-12.28-32.19-12.28-44.48 0L9.21 111.45c-12.28 12.28-12.28 32.19 0 44.48L109.28 256 9.21 356.07c-12.28 12.28-12.28 32.19 0 44.48l22.24 22.24c12.28 12.28 32.2 12.28 44.48 0L176 322.72l100.07 100.07c12.28 12.28 32.2 12.28 44.48 0l22.24-22.24c12.28-12.28 12.28-32.19 0-44.48L242.72 256z" ], "times-circle": [ 512, 512, [], "f057", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm121.6 313.1c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L338 377.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L256 312l-65.1 65.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L134.4 338c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l65.6-65-65.6-65.1c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l39.6-39.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l65 65.7 65.1-65.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l39.6 39.6c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L312 256l65.6 65.1z" ], tint: [ 352, 512, [], "f043", "M205.22 22.09c-7.94-28.78-49.44-30.12-58.44 0C100.01 179.85 0 222.72 0 333.91 0 432.35 78.72 512 176 512s176-79.65 176-178.09c0-111.75-99.79-153.34-146.78-311.82zM176 448c-61.75 0-112-50.25-112-112 0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16c0 44.11 35.89 80 80 80 8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16s-7.16 16-16 16z" ], "tint-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f5c7", "M633.82 458.1L494.97 350.78c.52-5.57 1.03-11.16 1.03-16.87 0-111.76-99.79-153.34-146.78-311.82-7.94-28.78-49.44-30.12-58.44 0-15.52 52.34-36.87 91.96-58.49 125.68L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.36 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.41-6.97 4.16-17.02-2.82-22.45zM144 333.91C144 432.35 222.72 512 320 512c44.71 0 85.37-16.96 116.4-44.7L162.72 255.78c-11.41 23.5-18.72 48.35-18.72 78.13z" ], tired: [ 496, 512, [], "f5c8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm33.8 189.7l80-48c11.6-6.9 24 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 208l33.6 40.3c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.7-4.7-7.7-15.9 0-20.6zm-163-30c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.8 4.7 7.8 15.9 0 20.6l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3zM248 288c51.9 0 115.3 43.8 123.2 106.7 1.7 13.6-8 24.6-17.7 20.4-25.9-11.1-64.4-17.4-105.5-17.4s-79.6 6.3-105.5 17.4c-9.8 4.2-19.4-7-17.7-20.4C132.7 331.8 196.1 288 248 288z" ], "toggle-off": [ 576, 512, [], "f204", "M384 64H192C85.961 64 0 149.961 0 256s85.961 192 192 192h192c106.039 0 192-85.961 192-192S490.039 64 384 64zM64 256c0-70.741 57.249-128 128-128 70.741 0 128 57.249 128 128 0 70.741-57.249 128-128 128-70.741 0-128-57.249-128-128zm320 128h-48.905c65.217-72.858 65.236-183.12 0-256H384c70.741 0 128 57.249 128 128 0 70.74-57.249 128-128 128z" ], "toggle-on": [ 576, 512, [], "f205", "M576 256c0 106.039-85.961 192-192 192H192C85.961 448 0 362.039 0 256S85.961 64 192 64h192c106.039 0 192 85.961 192 192zM384 128c-70.741 0-128 57.249-128 128 0 70.741 57.249 128 128 128 70.741 0 128-57.249 128-128 0-70.741-57.249-128-128-128" ], toolbox: [ 512, 512, [], "f552", "M502.63 214.63l-45.25-45.25c-6-6-14.14-9.37-22.63-9.37H384V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v80H77.25c-8.49 0-16.62 3.37-22.63 9.37L9.37 214.63c-6 6-9.37 14.14-9.37 22.63V320h128v-16c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v16h128v-16c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v16h128v-82.75c0-8.48-3.37-16.62-9.37-22.62zM320 160H192V96h128v64zm64 208c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-16H192v16c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-16H0v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96H384v16z" ], tooth: [ 448, 512, [], "f5c9", "M443.98 96.25c-11.01-45.22-47.11-82.06-92.01-93.72-32.19-8.36-63 5.1-89.14 24.33-3.25 2.39-6.96 3.73-10.5 5.48l28.32 18.21c7.42 4.77 9.58 14.67 4.8 22.11-4.46 6.95-14.27 9.86-22.11 4.8L162.83 12.84c-20.7-10.85-43.38-16.4-66.81-10.31-44.9 11.67-81 48.5-92.01 93.72-10.13 41.62-.42 80.81 21.5 110.43 23.36 31.57 32.68 68.66 36.29 107.35 4.4 47.16 10.33 94.16 20.94 140.32l7.8 33.95c3.19 13.87 15.49 23.7 29.67 23.7 13.97 0 26.15-9.55 29.54-23.16l34.47-138.42c4.56-18.32 20.96-31.16 39.76-31.16s35.2 12.85 39.76 31.16l34.47 138.42c3.39 13.61 15.57 23.16 29.54 23.16 14.18 0 26.48-9.83 29.67-23.7l7.8-33.95c10.61-46.15 16.53-93.16 20.94-140.32 3.61-38.7 12.93-75.78 36.29-107.35 21.95-29.61 31.66-68.8 21.53-110.43z" ], trademark: [ 640, 512, [], "f25c", "M97.119 163.133H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V108c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h248.559c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v43.133c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H175.44V404c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-54.322c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V163.133zM329.825 96h65.425a12 12 0 0 1 11.346 8.093l43.759 127.068c7.161 20.588 16.111 52.812 16.111 52.812h.896s8.95-32.224 16.111-52.812l43.758-127.068A12 12 0 0 1 538.577 96h65.41a12 12 0 0 1 11.961 11.03l24.012 296c.567 6.987-4.951 12.97-11.961 12.97h-54.101a12 12 0 0 1-11.972-11.182l-9.082-132.93c-1.79-24.168 0-53.706 0-53.706h-.896s-10.741 33.566-17.902 53.706l-30.7 84.731a12 12 0 0 1-11.282 7.912h-50.302a12 12 0 0 1-11.282-7.912l-30.7-84.731c-7.161-20.14-17.903-53.706-17.903-53.706h-.895s1.79 29.538 0 53.706l-9.082 132.93c-.428 6.295-5.66 11.182-11.97 11.182H305.4c-7.017 0-12.536-5.994-11.959-12.987l24.425-296A11.999 11.999 0 0 1 329.825 96z" ], train: [ 448, 512, [], "f238", "M448 96v256c0 51.815-61.624 96-130.022 96l62.98 49.721C386.905 502.417 383.562 512 376 512H72c-7.578 0-10.892-9.594-4.957-14.279L130.022 448C61.82 448 0 403.954 0 352V96C0 42.981 64 0 128 0h192c65 0 128 42.981 128 96zm-48 136V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H72c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h304c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24zm-176 64c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56z" ], transgender: [ 384, 512, [], "f224", "M372 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-80.7 80.7C198.5 104.1 172.2 96 144 96 64.5 96 0 160.5 0 240c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V408H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v28c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-28h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-27.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l80.7-80.7 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 320c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z" ], "transgender-alt": [ 480, 512, [], "f225", "M468 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-80.7 80.7C294.5 104.1 268.2 96 240 96c-28.2 0-54.5 8.1-76.7 22.1l-16.5-16.5 19.8-19.8c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-28.3-28.3c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0l-19.8 19.8-19-19 16.9-16.9C107.1 12.9 101.7 0 91 0H12C5.4 0 0 5.4 0 12v79c0 10.7 12.9 16 20.5 8.5l16.9-16.9 19 19-19.8 19.8c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l28.3 28.3c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l19.8-19.8 16.5 16.5C104.1 185.5 96 211.8 96 240c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V408h-36c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v28c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-28h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-27.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l80.7-80.7 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM240 320c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z" ], trash: [ 448, 512, [], "f1f8", "M0 84V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h112l9.4-18.7c4-8.2 12.3-13.3 21.4-13.3h114.3c9.1 0 17.4 5.1 21.5 13.3L312 32h112c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v28c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12C5.4 96 0 90.6 0 84zm415.2 56.7L394.8 467c-1.6 25.3-22.6 45-47.9 45H101.1c-25.3 0-46.3-19.7-47.9-45L32.8 140.7c-.4-6.9 5.1-12.7 12-12.7h358.5c6.8 0 12.3 5.8 11.9 12.7z" ], "trash-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f2ed", "M0 84V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h112l9.4-18.7c4-8.2 12.3-13.3 21.4-13.3h114.3c9.1 0 17.4 5.1 21.5 13.3L312 32h112c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v28c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12C5.4 96 0 90.6 0 84zm416 56v324c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H80c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V140c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h360c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm-272 68c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208zm96 0c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208zm96 0c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208z" ], tree: [ 384, 512, [], "f1bb", "M377.33 375.429L293.906 288H328c21.017 0 31.872-25.207 17.448-40.479L262.79 160H296c20.878 0 31.851-24.969 17.587-40.331l-104-112.003c-9.485-10.214-25.676-10.229-35.174 0l-104 112.003C56.206 134.969 67.037 160 88 160h33.21l-82.659 87.521C24.121 262.801 34.993 288 56 288h34.094L6.665 375.429C-7.869 390.655 2.925 416 24.025 416H144c0 32.781-11.188 49.26-33.995 67.506C98.225 492.93 104.914 512 120 512h144c15.086 0 21.776-19.069 9.995-28.494-19.768-15.814-33.992-31.665-33.995-67.496V416h119.97c21.05 0 31.929-25.309 17.36-40.571z" ], trophy: [ 576, 512, [], "f091", "M552 64H448V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H152c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v40H24C10.7 64 0 74.7 0 88v56c0 35.7 22.5 72.4 61.9 100.7 31.5 22.7 69.8 37.1 110 41.7C203.3 338.5 240 360 240 360v72h-48c-35.3 0-64 20.7-64 56v12c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h296c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-12c0-35.3-28.7-56-64-56h-48v-72s36.7-21.5 68.1-73.6c40.3-4.6 78.6-19 110-41.7 39.3-28.3 61.9-65 61.9-100.7V88c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zM99.3 192.8C74.9 175.2 64 155.6 64 144v-16h64.2c1 32.6 5.8 61.2 12.8 86.2-15.1-5.2-29.2-12.4-41.7-21.4zM512 144c0 16.1-17.7 36.1-35.3 48.8-12.5 9-26.7 16.2-41.8 21.4 7-25 11.8-53.6 12.8-86.2H512v16z" ], truck: [ 640, 512, [], "f0d1", "M624 352h-16V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9L494 110.1c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H416V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h48c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm320 0c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-208H416V144h44.1l99.9 99.9V256z" ], "truck-loading": [ 640, 512, [], "f4de", "M50.2 375.6c2.3 8.5 11.1 13.6 19.6 11.3l216.4-58c8.5-2.3 13.6-11.1 11.3-19.6l-49.7-185.5c-2.3-8.5-11.1-13.6-19.6-11.3L151 133.3l24.8 92.7-61.8 16.5-24.8-92.7-77.3 20.7C3.4 172.8-1.7 181.6.6 190.1l49.6 185.5zM384 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v323.6L5.9 450c-4.3 1.2-6.8 5.6-5.6 9.8l12.6 46.3c1.2 4.3 5.6 6.8 9.8 5.6l393.7-107.4C418.8 464.1 467.6 512 528 512c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112V0H384zm144 448c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z" ], "truck-moving": [ 640, 512, [], "f4df", "M621.3 237.3l-58.5-58.5c-12-12-28.3-18.7-45.3-18.7H480V64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H32C14.3 32 0 46.3 0 64v336c0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80 26.3 0 49.4-12.9 64-32.4 14.6 19.6 37.7 32.4 64 32.4 44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80 0-5.5-.6-10.8-1.6-16h163.2c-1.1 5.2-1.6 10.5-1.6 16 0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80s80-35.8 80-80c0-5.5-.6-10.8-1.6-16H624c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-85.5c0-17-6.7-33.2-18.7-45.2zM80 432c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32 32 14.4 32 32-14.4 32-32 32zm128 0c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32 32 14.4 32 32-14.4 32-32 32zm272-224h37.5c4.3 0 8.3 1.7 11.3 4.7l43.3 43.3H480v-48zm48 224c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32 32 14.4 32 32-14.4 32-32 32z" ], tshirt: [ 640, 512, [], "f553", "M631.2 96.5L436.5 0C416.4 27.8 371.9 47.2 320 47.2S223.6 27.8 203.5 0L8.8 96.5c-7.9 4-11.1 13.6-7.2 21.5l57.2 114.5c4 7.9 13.6 11.1 21.5 7.2l56.6-27.7c10.6-5.2 23 2.5 23 14.4V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h256c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V226.3c0-11.8 12.4-19.6 23-14.4l56.6 27.7c7.9 4 17.5.8 21.5-7.2L638.3 118c4-7.9.8-17.6-7.1-21.5z" ], tty: [ 512, 512, [], "f1e4", "M5.37 103.822c138.532-138.532 362.936-138.326 501.262 0 6.078 6.078 7.074 15.496 2.583 22.681l-43.214 69.138a18.332 18.332 0 0 1-22.356 7.305l-86.422-34.569a18.335 18.335 0 0 1-11.434-18.846L351.741 90c-62.145-22.454-130.636-21.986-191.483 0l5.953 59.532a18.331 18.331 0 0 1-11.434 18.846l-86.423 34.568a18.334 18.334 0 0 1-22.356-7.305L2.787 126.502a18.333 18.333 0 0 1 2.583-22.68zM96 308v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 96v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H92c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zM96 500v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm288 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H140c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h232c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z" ], tv: [ 640, 512, [], "f26c", "M592 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h245.1v32h-160c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32h384c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32h-160v-32H592c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16 352H64V64h512v288z" ], umbrella: [ 576, 512, [], "f0e9", "M557.011 267.631c-51.432-45.217-107.572-43.698-158.567 30.731-5.298 7.861-14.906 7.165-19.736 0-2.483-3.624-32.218-60.808-90.708-60.808-45.766 0-70.542 31.378-90.709 60.808-4.829 7.165-14.436 7.861-19.734 0-50.904-74.285-106.613-76.406-158.567-30.731-10.21 8.264-20.912-1.109-18.696-9.481C32.146 134.573 158.516 64.612 288.001 64.612c128.793 0 256.546 69.961 287.706 193.538 2.206 8.322-8.426 17.793-18.696 9.481zM256 261.001V416c0 17.645-14.355 32-32 32s-32-14.355-32-32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32c0 52.935 43.065 96 96 96s96-43.065 96-96V261.288c-21.836-10.806-45.425-9.737-64-.287zm64-211.007V32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32v17.987a372.105 372.105 0 0 1 64 .007z" ], "umbrella-beach": [ 640, 512, [], "f5ca", "M115.38 136.9l102.11 37.18c35.19-81.54 86.21-144.29 139-173.7-95.88-4.89-188.78 36.96-248.53 111.8-6.69 8.4-2.66 21.05 7.42 24.72zm132.25 48.16l238.48 86.83c35.76-121.38 18.7-231.66-42.63-253.98-7.4-2.7-15.13-4-23.09-4-58.02.01-128.27 69.17-172.76 171.15zM521.48 60.5c6.22 16.3 10.83 34.6 13.2 55.19 5.74 49.89-1.42 108.23-18.95 166.98l102.62 37.36c10.09 3.67 21.31-3.43 21.57-14.17 2.32-95.69-41.91-187.44-118.44-245.36zM560 447.98H321.06L386 269.5l-60.14-21.9-72.9 200.37H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16.01v32.01C0 504.83 7.16 512 16 512h544c8.84 0 16-7.17 16-16.01v-32.01c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z" ], underline: [ 448, 512, [], "f0cd", "M224.264 388.24c-91.669 0-156.603-51.165-156.603-151.392V64H39.37c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V16c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h137.39c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-28.813v172.848c0 53.699 28.314 79.444 76.317 79.444 46.966 0 75.796-25.434 75.796-79.965V64h-28.291c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V16c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h136.868c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-28.291v172.848c0 99.405-64.881 151.392-156.082 151.392zM16 448h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16z" ], undo: [ 512, 512, [], "f0e2", "M212.333 224.333H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V12C0 5.373 5.373 0 12 0h48c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v78.112C117.773 39.279 184.26 7.47 258.175 8.007c136.906.994 246.448 111.623 246.157 248.532C504.041 393.258 393.12 504 256.333 504c-64.089 0-122.496-24.313-166.51-64.215-5.099-4.622-5.334-12.554-.467-17.42l33.967-33.967c4.474-4.474 11.662-4.717 16.401-.525C170.76 415.336 211.58 432 256.333 432c97.268 0 176-78.716 176-176 0-97.267-78.716-176-176-176-58.496 0-110.28 28.476-142.274 72.333h98.274c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v48c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z" ], "undo-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f2ea", "M255.545 8c-66.269.119-126.438 26.233-170.86 68.685L48.971 40.971C33.851 25.851 8 36.559 8 57.941V192c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h134.059c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-41.75-41.75c30.864-28.899 70.801-44.907 113.23-45.273 92.398-.798 170.283 73.977 169.484 169.442C423.236 348.009 349.816 424 256 424c-41.127 0-79.997-14.678-110.63-41.556-4.743-4.161-11.906-3.908-16.368.553L89.34 422.659c-4.872 4.872-4.631 12.815.482 17.433C133.798 479.813 192.074 504 256 504c136.966 0 247.999-111.033 248-247.998C504.001 119.193 392.354 7.755 255.545 8z" ], "universal-access": [ 512, 512, [], "f29a", "M256 48c114.953 0 208 93.029 208 208 0 114.953-93.029 208-208 208-114.953 0-208-93.029-208-208 0-114.953 93.029-208 208-208m0-40C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 56C149.961 64 64 149.961 64 256s85.961 192 192 192 192-85.961 192-192S362.039 64 256 64zm0 44c19.882 0 36 16.118 36 36s-16.118 36-36 36-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36zm117.741 98.023c-28.712 6.779-55.511 12.748-82.14 15.807.851 101.023 12.306 123.052 25.037 155.621 3.617 9.26-.957 19.698-10.217 23.315-9.261 3.617-19.699-.957-23.316-10.217-8.705-22.308-17.086-40.636-22.261-78.549h-9.686c-5.167 37.851-13.534 56.208-22.262 78.549-3.615 9.255-14.05 13.836-23.315 10.217-9.26-3.617-13.834-14.056-10.217-23.315 12.713-32.541 24.185-54.541 25.037-155.621-26.629-3.058-53.428-9.027-82.141-15.807-8.6-2.031-13.926-10.648-11.895-19.249s10.647-13.926 19.249-11.895c96.686 22.829 124.283 22.783 220.775 0 8.599-2.03 17.218 3.294 19.249 11.895 2.029 8.601-3.297 17.219-11.897 19.249z" ], university: [ 512, 512, [], "f19c", "M496 128v16a8 8 0 0 1-8 8h-24v12c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H60c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-12H24a8 8 0 0 1-8-8v-16a8 8 0 0 1 4.941-7.392l232-88a7.996 7.996 0 0 1 6.118 0l232 88A8 8 0 0 1 496 128zm-24 304H40c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16a8 8 0 0 0 8 8h464a8 8 0 0 0 8-8v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM96 192v192H60c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v20h416v-20c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-36V192h-64v192h-64V192h-64v192h-64V192H96z" ], unlink: [ 512, 512, [], "f127", "M304.083 405.907c4.686 4.686 4.686 12.284 0 16.971l-44.674 44.674c-59.263 59.262-155.693 59.266-214.961 0-59.264-59.265-59.264-155.696 0-214.96l44.675-44.675c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0l39.598 39.598c4.686 4.686 4.686 12.284 0 16.971l-44.675 44.674c-28.072 28.073-28.072 73.75 0 101.823 28.072 28.072 73.75 28.073 101.824 0l44.674-44.674c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0l39.597 39.598zm-56.568-260.216c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l44.674-44.674c28.072-28.075 73.75-28.073 101.824 0 28.072 28.073 28.072 73.75 0 101.823l-44.675 44.674c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l39.598 39.598c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l44.675-44.675c59.265-59.265 59.265-155.695 0-214.96-59.266-59.264-155.695-59.264-214.961 0l-44.674 44.674c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l39.597 39.598zm234.828 359.28l22.627-22.627c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L63.598 7.029c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L7.029 29.657c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l441.373 441.373c9.373 9.372 24.569 9.372 33.941 0z" ], unlock: [ 448, 512, [], "f09c", "M400 256H152V152.9c0-39.6 31.7-72.5 71.3-72.9 40-.4 72.7 32.1 72.7 72v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16C376 68 307.5-.3 223.5 0 139.5.3 72 69.5 72 153.5V256H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v160c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z" ], "unlock-alt": [ 448, 512, [], "f13e", "M400 256H152V152.9c0-39.6 31.7-72.5 71.3-72.9 40-.4 72.7 32.1 72.7 72v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16C376 68 307.5-.3 223.5 0 139.5.3 72 69.5 72 153.5V256H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v160c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM264 408c0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40s-40-17.9-40-40v-48c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v48z" ], upload: [ 512, 512, [], "f093", "M296 384h-80c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V192h-87.7c-17.8 0-26.7-21.5-14.1-34.1L242.3 5.7c7.5-7.5 19.8-7.5 27.3 0l152.2 152.2c12.6 12.6 3.7 34.1-14.1 34.1H320v168c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24zm216-8v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V376c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h136v8c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h80c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56v-8h136c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24zm-124 88c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20zm64 0c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20z" ], user: [ 448, 512, [], "f007", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z" ], "user-alt": [ 512, 512, [], "f406", "M256 288c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144S335.5 0 256 0 112 64.5 112 144s64.5 144 144 144zm128 32h-55.1c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16H128C57.3 320 0 377.3 0 448v16c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-16c0-70.7-57.3-128-128-128z" ], "user-alt-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f4fa", "M633.8 458.1L389.6 269.3C433.8 244.7 464 198.1 464 144 464 64.5 399.5 0 320 0c-67.1 0-123 46.1-139 108.2L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3zM198.4 320C124.2 320 64 380.2 64 454.4v9.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h382.2L245.8 320h-47.4z" ], "user-astronaut": [ 448, 512, [], "f4fb", "M64 224h13.5c24.7 56.5 80.9 96 146.5 96s121.8-39.5 146.5-96H384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-96c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-13.5C345.8 39.5 289.6 0 224 0S102.2 39.5 77.5 96H64c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm40-88c0-22.1 21.5-40 48-40h144c26.5 0 48 17.9 48 40v24c0 53-43 96-96 96h-48c-53 0-96-43-96-96v-24zm72 72l12-36 36-12-36-12-12-36-12 36-36 12 36 12 12 36zm151.6 113.4C297.7 340.7 262.2 352 224 352s-73.7-11.3-103.6-30.6C52.9 328.5 0 385 0 454.4v9.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h128c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32v64h80c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-9.6c0-69.4-52.9-125.9-120.4-133zM272 448c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm-96 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48h32v-48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z" ], "user-check": [ 640, 512, [], "f4fc", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4zm323-128.4l-27.8-28.1c-4.6-4.7-12.1-4.7-16.8-.1l-104.8 104-45.5-45.8c-4.6-4.7-12.1-4.7-16.8-.1l-28.1 27.9c-4.7 4.6-4.7 12.1-.1 16.8l81.7 82.3c4.6 4.7 12.1 4.7 16.8.1l141.3-140.2c4.6-4.7 4.7-12.2.1-16.8z" ], "user-circle": [ 496, 512, [], "f2bd", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 96c48.6 0 88 39.4 88 88s-39.4 88-88 88-88-39.4-88-88 39.4-88 88-88zm0 344c-58.7 0-111.3-26.6-146.5-68.2 18.8-35.4 55.6-59.8 98.5-59.8 2.4 0 4.8.4 7.1 1.1 13 4.2 26.6 6.9 40.9 6.9 14.3 0 28-2.7 40.9-6.9 2.3-.7 4.7-1.1 7.1-1.1 42.9 0 79.7 24.4 98.5 59.8C359.3 421.4 306.7 448 248 448z" ], "user-clock": [ 640, 512, [], "f4fd", "M496 224c-79.6 0-144 64.4-144 144s64.4 144 144 144 144-64.4 144-144-64.4-144-144-144zm64 150.3c0 5.3-4.4 9.7-9.7 9.7h-60.6c-5.3 0-9.7-4.4-9.7-9.7v-76.6c0-5.3 4.4-9.7 9.7-9.7h12.6c5.3 0 9.7 4.4 9.7 9.7V352h38.3c5.3 0 9.7 4.4 9.7 9.7v12.6zM320 368c0-27.8 6.7-54.1 18.2-77.5-8-1.5-16.2-2.5-24.6-2.5h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h347.1c-45.3-31.9-75.1-84.5-75.1-144zm-96-112c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128z" ], "user-cog": [ 640, 512, [], "f4fe", "M610.5 373.3c2.6-14.1 2.6-28.5 0-42.6l25.8-14.9c3-1.7 4.3-5.2 3.3-8.5-6.7-21.6-18.2-41.2-33.2-57.4-2.3-2.5-6-3.1-9-1.4l-25.8 14.9c-10.9-9.3-23.4-16.5-36.9-21.3v-29.8c0-3.4-2.4-6.4-5.7-7.1-22.3-5-45-4.8-66.2 0-3.3.7-5.7 3.7-5.7 7.1v29.8c-13.5 4.8-26 12-36.9 21.3l-25.8-14.9c-2.9-1.7-6.7-1.1-9 1.4-15 16.2-26.5 35.8-33.2 57.4-1 3.3.4 6.8 3.3 8.5l25.8 14.9c-2.6 14.1-2.6 28.5 0 42.6l-25.8 14.9c-3 1.7-4.3 5.2-3.3 8.5 6.7 21.6 18.2 41.1 33.2 57.4 2.3 2.5 6 3.1 9 1.4l25.8-14.9c10.9 9.3 23.4 16.5 36.9 21.3v29.8c0 3.4 2.4 6.4 5.7 7.1 22.3 5 45 4.8 66.2 0 3.3-.7 5.7-3.7 5.7-7.1v-29.8c13.5-4.8 26-12 36.9-21.3l25.8 14.9c2.9 1.7 6.7 1.1 9-1.4 15-16.2 26.5-35.8 33.2-57.4 1-3.3-.4-6.8-3.3-8.5l-25.8-14.9zM496 400.5c-26.8 0-48.5-21.8-48.5-48.5s21.8-48.5 48.5-48.5 48.5 21.8 48.5 48.5-21.7 48.5-48.5 48.5zM224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm201.2 226.5c-2.3-1.2-4.6-2.6-6.8-3.9l-7.9 4.6c-6 3.4-12.8 5.3-19.6 5.3-10.9 0-21.4-4.6-28.9-12.6-18.3-19.8-32.3-43.9-40.2-69.6-5.5-17.7 1.9-36.4 17.9-45.7l7.9-4.6c-.1-2.6-.1-5.2 0-7.8l-7.9-4.6c-16-9.2-23.4-28-17.9-45.7.9-2.9 2.2-5.8 3.2-8.7-3.8-.3-7.5-1.2-11.4-1.2h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c10.1 0 19.5-3.2 27.2-8.5-1.2-3.8-2-7.7-2-11.8v-9.2z" ], "user-edit": [ 640, 512, [], "f4ff", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h274.9c-2.4-6.8-3.4-14-2.6-21.3l6.8-60.9 1.2-11.1 7.9-7.9 77.3-77.3c-24.5-27.7-60-45.5-99.9-45.5zm45.3 145.3l-6.8 61c-1.1 10.2 7.5 18.8 17.6 17.6l60.9-6.8 137.9-137.9-71.7-71.7-137.9 137.8zM633 268.9L595.1 231c-9.3-9.3-24.5-9.3-33.8 0l-37.8 37.8-4.1 4.1 71.8 71.7 41.8-41.8c9.3-9.4 9.3-24.5 0-33.9z" ], "user-friends": [ 640, 512, [], "f500", "M192 256c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112S253.9 32 192 32 80 82.1 80 144s50.1 112 112 112zm76.8 32h-8.3c-20.8 10-43.9 16-68.5 16s-47.6-6-68.5-16h-8.3C51.6 288 0 339.6 0 403.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-28.8c0-63.6-51.6-115.2-115.2-115.2zM480 256c53 0 96-43 96-96s-43-96-96-96-96 43-96 96 43 96 96 96zm48 32h-3.8c-13.9 4.8-28.6 8-44.2 8s-30.3-3.2-44.2-8H432c-20.4 0-39.2 5.9-55.7 15.4 24.4 26.3 39.7 61.2 39.7 99.8v38.4c0 2.2-.5 4.3-.6 6.4H592c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48 0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112z" ], "user-graduate": [ 448, 512, [], "f501", "M319.4 320.6L224 416l-95.4-95.4C57.1 323.7 0 382.2 0 454.4v9.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-9.6c0-72.2-57.1-130.7-128.6-133.8zM13.6 79.8l6.4 1.5v58.4c-7 4.2-12 11.5-12 20.3 0 8.4 4.6 15.4 11.1 19.7L3.5 242c-1.7 6.9 2.1 14 7.6 14h41.8c5.5 0 9.3-7.1 7.6-14l-15.6-62.3C51.4 175.4 56 168.4 56 160c0-8.8-5-16.1-12-20.3V87.1l66 15.9c-8.6 17.2-14 36.4-14 57 0 70.7 57.3 128 128 128s128-57.3 128-128c0-20.6-5.3-39.8-14-57l96.3-23.2c18.2-4.4 18.2-27.1 0-31.5l-190.4-46c-13-3.1-26.7-3.1-39.7 0L13.6 48.2c-18.1 4.4-18.1 27.2 0 31.6z" ], "user-lock": [ 640, 512, [], "f502", "M320 320c0-11.1 3.1-21.4 8.1-30.5-4.8-.5-9.5-1.5-14.5-1.5h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h280.9c-5.5-9.5-8.9-20.3-8.9-32V320zm-96-64c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm384 32h-32v-48c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80v48h-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v160c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h224c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V320c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 0h-64v-48c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32v48z" ], "user-md": [ 448, 512, [], "f0f0", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zM104 424c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24-24 10.7-24 24zm216-135.4v49c36.5 7.4 64 39.8 64 78.4v41.7c0 7.6-5.4 14.2-12.9 15.7l-32.2 6.4c-4.3.9-8.5-1.9-9.4-6.3l-3.1-15.7c-.9-4.3 1.9-8.6 6.3-9.4l19.3-3.9V416c0-62.8-96-65.1-96 1.9v26.7l19.3 3.9c4.3.9 7.1 5.1 6.3 9.4l-3.1 15.7c-.9 4.3-5.1 7.1-9.4 6.3l-31.2-4.2c-7.9-1.1-13.8-7.8-13.8-15.9V416c0-38.6 27.5-70.9 64-78.4v-45.2c-2.2.7-4.4 1.1-6.6 1.9-18 6.3-37.3 9.8-57.4 9.8s-39.4-3.5-57.4-9.8c-7.4-2.6-14.9-4.2-22.6-5.2v81.6c23.1 6.9 40 28.1 40 53.4 0 30.9-25.1 56-56 56s-56-25.1-56-56c0-25.3 16.9-46.5 40-53.4v-80.4C48.5 301 0 355.8 0 422.4v44.8C0 491.9 20.1 512 44.8 512h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8v-44.8c0-72-56.8-130.3-128-133.8z" ], "user-minus": [ 640, 512, [], "f503", "M624 208H432c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h192c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-400 48c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z" ], "user-ninja": [ 448, 512, [], "f504", "M325.4 289.2L224 390.6 122.6 289.2C54 295.3 0 352.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-70.2-54-127.1-122.6-133.2zM32 192c27.3 0 51.8-11.5 69.2-29.7 15.1 53.9 64 93.7 122.8 93.7 70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0c-50.4 0-93.6 29.4-114.5 71.8C92.1 47.8 64 32 32 32c0 33.4 17.1 62.8 43.1 80-26 17.2-43.1 46.6-43.1 80zm144-96h96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32H144c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32z" ], "user-plus": [ 640, 512, [], "f234", "M624 208h-64v-64c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v64h-64c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64v64c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-64h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-400 48c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z" ], "user-secret": [ 448, 512, [], "f21b", "M383.9 308.3l23.9-62.6c4-10.5-3.7-21.7-15-21.7h-58.5c11-18.9 17.8-40.6 17.8-64v-.3c39.2-7.8 64-19.1 64-31.7 0-13.3-27.3-25.1-70.1-33-9.2-32.8-27-65.8-40.6-82.8-9.5-11.9-25.9-15.6-39.5-8.8l-27.6 13.8c-9 4.5-19.6 4.5-28.6 0L182.1 3.4c-13.6-6.8-30-3.1-39.5 8.8-13.5 17-31.4 50-40.6 82.8-42.7 7.9-70 19.7-70 33 0 12.6 24.8 23.9 64 31.7v.3c0 23.4 6.8 45.1 17.8 64H56.3c-11.5 0-19.2 11.7-14.7 22.3l25.8 60.2C27.3 329.8 0 372.7 0 422.4v44.8C0 491.9 20.1 512 44.8 512h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8v-44.8c0-48.4-25.8-90.4-64.1-114.1zM176 480l-41.6-192 49.6 32 24 40-32 120zm96 0l-32-120 24-40 49.6-32L272 480zm41.7-298.5c-3.9 11.9-7 24.6-16.5 33.4-10.1 9.3-48 22.4-64-25-2.8-8.4-15.4-8.4-18.3 0-17 50.2-56 32.4-64 25-9.5-8.8-12.7-21.5-16.5-33.4-.8-2.5-6.3-5.7-6.3-5.8v-10.8c28.3 3.6 61 5.8 96 5.8s67.7-2.1 96-5.8v10.8c-.1.1-5.6 3.2-6.4 5.8z" ], "user-shield": [ 640, 512, [], "f505", "M622.3 271.1l-115.2-45c-4.1-1.6-12.6-3.7-22.2 0l-115.2 45c-10.7 4.2-17.7 14-17.7 24.9 0 111.6 68.7 188.8 132.9 213.9 9.6 3.7 18 1.6 22.2 0C558.4 489.9 640 420.5 640 296c0-10.9-7-20.7-17.7-24.9zM496 462.4V273.3l95.5 37.3c-5.6 87.1-60.9 135.4-95.5 151.8zM224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm96 40c0-2.5.8-4.8 1.1-7.2-2.5-.1-4.9-.8-7.5-.8h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c6.8 0 13.3-1.5 19.2-4-54-42.9-99.2-116.7-99.2-212z" ], "user-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f506", "M633.8 458.1L362.3 248.3C412.1 230.7 448 183.8 448 128 448 57.3 390.7 0 320 0c-67.1 0-121.5 51.8-126.9 117.4L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3zM96 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h350.2L207.4 290.3C144.2 301.3 96 356 96 422.4z" ], "user-tag": [ 640, 512, [], "f507", "M630.6 364.9l-90.3-90.2c-12-12-28.3-18.7-45.3-18.7h-79.3c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v79.2c0 17 6.7 33.2 18.7 45.2l90.3 90.2c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0l92.5-92.5c12.6-12.5 12.6-32.7.1-45.2zm-182.8-21c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24c0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24zm-223.8-88c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128C352 57.3 294.7 0 224 0S96 57.3 96 128c0 70.6 57.3 127.9 128 127.9zm127.8 111.2V294c-12.2-3.6-24.9-6.2-38.2-6.2h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 287.9 0 348.1 0 422.3v41.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c15.5 0 29.1-7.5 37.9-18.9l-58-58c-18.1-18.1-28.1-42.2-28.1-67.9z" ], "user-tie": [ 448, 512, [], "f508", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm95.8 32.6L272 480l-32-136 32-56h-96l32 56-32 136-47.8-191.4C56.9 292 0 350.3 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-72.1-56.9-130.4-128.2-133.8z" ], "user-times": [ 640, 512, [], "f235", "M589.6 240l45.6-45.6c6.3-6.3 6.3-16.5 0-22.8l-22.8-22.8c-6.3-6.3-16.5-6.3-22.8 0L544 194.4l-45.6-45.6c-6.3-6.3-16.5-6.3-22.8 0l-22.8 22.8c-6.3 6.3-6.3 16.5 0 22.8l45.6 45.6-45.6 45.6c-6.3 6.3-6.3 16.5 0 22.8l22.8 22.8c6.3 6.3 16.5 6.3 22.8 0l45.6-45.6 45.6 45.6c6.3 6.3 16.5 6.3 22.8 0l22.8-22.8c6.3-6.3 6.3-16.5 0-22.8L589.6 240zM224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z" ], users: [ 640, 512, [], "f0c0", "M96 224c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm448 0c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm32 32h-64c-17.6 0-33.5 7.1-45.1 18.6 40.3 22.1 68.9 62 75.1 109.4h66c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32v-32c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm-256 0c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112S381.9 32 320 32 208 82.1 208 144s50.1 112 112 112zm76.8 32h-8.3c-20.8 10-43.9 16-68.5 16s-47.6-6-68.5-16h-8.3C179.6 288 128 339.6 128 403.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-28.8c0-63.6-51.6-115.2-115.2-115.2zm-223.7-13.4C161.5 263.1 145.6 256 128 256H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64v32c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h65.9c6.3-47.4 34.9-87.3 75.2-109.4z" ], "users-cog": [ 640, 512, [], "f509", "M610.5 341.3c2.6-14.1 2.6-28.5 0-42.6l25.8-14.9c3-1.7 4.3-5.2 3.3-8.5-6.7-21.6-18.2-41.2-33.2-57.4-2.3-2.5-6-3.1-9-1.4l-25.8 14.9c-10.9-9.3-23.4-16.5-36.9-21.3v-29.8c0-3.4-2.4-6.4-5.7-7.1-22.3-5-45-4.8-66.2 0-3.3.7-5.7 3.7-5.7 7.1v29.8c-13.5 4.8-26 12-36.9 21.3l-25.8-14.9c-2.9-1.7-6.7-1.1-9 1.4-15 16.2-26.5 35.8-33.2 57.4-1 3.3.4 6.8 3.3 8.5l25.8 14.9c-2.6 14.1-2.6 28.5 0 42.6l-25.8 14.9c-3 1.7-4.3 5.2-3.3 8.5 6.7 21.6 18.2 41.1 33.2 57.4 2.3 2.5 6 3.1 9 1.4l25.8-14.9c10.9 9.3 23.4 16.5 36.9 21.3v29.8c0 3.4 2.4 6.4 5.7 7.1 22.3 5 45 4.8 66.2 0 3.3-.7 5.7-3.7 5.7-7.1v-29.8c13.5-4.8 26-12 36.9-21.3l25.8 14.9c2.9 1.7 6.7 1.1 9-1.4 15-16.2 26.5-35.8 33.2-57.4 1-3.3-.4-6.8-3.3-8.5l-25.8-14.9zM496 368.5c-26.8 0-48.5-21.8-48.5-48.5s21.8-48.5 48.5-48.5 48.5 21.8 48.5 48.5-21.7 48.5-48.5 48.5zM96 224c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm224 32c1.9 0 3.7-.5 5.6-.6 8.3-21.7 20.5-42.1 36.3-59.2 7.4-8 17.9-12.6 28.9-12.6 6.9 0 13.7 1.8 19.6 5.3l7.9 4.6c.8-.5 1.6-.9 2.4-1.4 7-14.6 11.2-30.8 11.2-48 0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112S208 82.1 208 144c0 61.9 50.1 112 112 112zm105.2 194.5c-2.3-1.2-4.6-2.6-6.8-3.9-8.2 4.8-15.3 9.8-27.5 9.8-10.9 0-21.4-4.6-28.9-12.6-18.3-19.8-32.3-43.9-40.2-69.6-10.7-34.5 24.9-49.7 25.8-50.3-.1-2.6-.1-5.2 0-7.8l-7.9-4.6c-3.8-2.2-7-5-9.8-8.1-3.3.2-6.5.6-9.8.6-24.6 0-47.6-6-68.5-16h-8.3C179.6 288 128 339.6 128 403.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h255.4c-3.7-6-6.2-12.8-6.2-20.3v-9.2zM173.1 274.6C161.5 263.1 145.6 256 128 256H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64v32c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h65.9c6.3-47.4 34.9-87.3 75.2-109.4z" ], "utensil-spoon": [ 512, 512, [], "f2e5", "M480.1 31.9c-55-55.1-164.9-34.5-227.8 28.5-49.3 49.3-55.1 110-28.8 160.4L9 413.2c-11.6 10.5-12.1 28.5-1 39.5L59.3 504c11 11 29.1 10.5 39.5-1.1l192.4-214.4c50.4 26.3 111.1 20.5 160.4-28.8 63-62.9 83.6-172.8 28.5-227.8z" ], utensils: [ 416, 512, [], "f2e7", "M207.9 15.2c.8 4.7 16.1 94.5 16.1 128.8 0 52.3-27.8 89.6-68.9 104.6L168 486.7c.7 13.7-10.2 25.3-24 25.3H80c-13.7 0-24.7-11.5-24-25.3l12.9-238.1C27.7 233.6 0 196.2 0 144 0 109.6 15.3 19.9 16.1 15.2 19.3-5.1 61.4-5.4 64 16.3v141.2c1.3 3.4 15.1 3.2 16 0 1.4-25.3 7.9-139.2 8-141.8 3.3-20.8 44.7-20.8 47.9 0 .2 2.7 6.6 116.5 8 141.8.9 3.2 14.8 3.4 16 0V16.3c2.6-21.6 44.8-21.4 48-1.1zm119.2 285.7l-15 185.1c-1.2 14 9.9 26 23.9 26h56c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V24c0-13.2-10.7-24-24-24-82.5 0-221.4 178.5-64.9 300.9z" ], "vector-square": [ 512, 512, [], "f5cb", "M512 128V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32H160c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32v192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32h192c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32V160c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32zm-96-64h32v32h-32V64zM64 64h32v32H64V64zm32 384H64v-32h32v32zm352 0h-32v-32h32v32zm-32-96h-32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32H160v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H96V160h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96h192v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32v192z" ], venus: [ 288, 512, [], "f221", "M288 176c0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144S0 96.5 0 176c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V368H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-224 0c0-44.1 35.9-80 80-80s80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80z" ], "venus-double": [ 512, 512, [], "f226", "M288 176c0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144S0 96.5 0 176c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V368H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-224 0c0-44.1 35.9-80 80-80s80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80zm336 140.4V368h36c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-36v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36h-36c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h36v-51.6c-21.2-4.8-40.6-14.3-57.2-27.3 14-16.7 25-36 32.1-57.1 14.5 14.8 34.7 24 57.1 24 44.1 0 80-35.9 80-80s-35.9-80-80-80c-22.3 0-42.6 9.2-57.1 24-7.1-21.1-18-40.4-32.1-57.1C303.4 43.6 334.3 32 368 32c79.5 0 144 64.5 144 144 0 68.5-47.9 125.9-112 140.4z" ], "venus-mars": [ 576, 512, [], "f228", "M564 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7C422.5 72.1 396.2 64 368 64c-33.7 0-64.6 11.6-89.2 30.9 14 16.7 25 36 32.1 57.1 14.5-14.8 34.7-24 57.1-24 44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80c-22.3 0-42.6-9.2-57.1-24-7.1 21.1-18 40.4-32.1 57.1 24.5 19.4 55.5 30.9 89.2 30.9 79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.4 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 64C64.5 64 0 128.5 0 208c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V400H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144zm0 224c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z" ], vial: [ 480, 512, [], "f492", "M477.7 186.1L309.5 18.3c-3.1-3.1-8.2-3.1-11.3 0l-34 33.9c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l11.2 11.1L33 316.5c-38.8 38.7-45.1 102-9.4 143.5 20.6 24 49.5 36 78.4 35.9 26.4 0 52.8-10 72.9-30.1l246.3-245.7 11.2 11.1c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l34-33.9c3.1-3 3.1-8.1 0-11.2zM318 256H161l148-147.7 78.5 78.3L318 256z" ], vials: [ 640, 512, [], "f493", "M72 64h24v240c0 44.1 35.9 80 80 80s80-35.9 80-80V64h24c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H72c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm72 0h64v96h-64V64zm480 384H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM360 64h24v240c0 44.1 35.9 80 80 80s80-35.9 80-80V64h24c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm72 0h64v96h-64V64z" ], video: [ 576, 512, [], "f03d", "M336.2 64H47.8C21.4 64 0 85.4 0 111.8v288.4C0 426.6 21.4 448 47.8 448h288.4c26.4 0 47.8-21.4 47.8-47.8V111.8c0-26.4-21.4-47.8-47.8-47.8zm189.4 37.7L416 177.3v157.4l109.6 75.5c21.2 14.6 50.4-.3 50.4-25.8V127.5c0-25.4-29.1-40.4-50.4-25.8z" ], "video-slash": [ 640, 512, [], "f4e2", "M633.8 458.1l-55-42.5c15.4-1.4 29.2-13.7 29.2-31.1v-257c0-25.5-29.1-40.4-50.4-25.8L448 177.3v137.2l-32-24.7v-178c0-26.4-21.4-47.8-47.8-47.8H123.9L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4L42.7 82 416 370.6l178.5 138c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.5-6.9 4.2-17-2.8-22.4zM32 400.2c0 26.4 21.4 47.8 47.8 47.8h288.4c11.2 0 21.4-4 29.6-10.5L32 154.7v245.5z" ], "volleyball-ball": [ 495, 512, [], "f45f", "M223.3 243.4c-.9-37-8.6-72.8-22.7-105.7-90.8 42.4-157.5 122.4-180.3 216.8 13.4 30.8 32.9 58.3 56.9 81.1 22.7-79.2 74.2-147.8 146.1-192.2zM186.4 109c-15-26.4-34.5-50.1-57.4-70.7C38 88.1-15.8 191.2 4 300.5c33.4-83.1 98.4-152 182.4-191.5zM374 274.1c8.6-99.8-27.3-197.5-97.5-264.4-14.7-1.7-51.6-5.5-98.9 8.5 57.3 59.3 91 138.2 93.5 222.7 32.5 17.7 67.3 29 102.9 33.2zm-124.7 9.5c-31.6 19.3-58.7 43.9-80.2 72.6 82 57.3 184.5 75.1 277.5 47.8 19.7-26.4 34.2-56.8 42.2-89.9-26.6 6.6-53.7 10.4-80.9 10.4-54.6-.1-108.9-14.1-158.6-40.9zM151 383.3c-15.2 26-25.7 54.4-32.1 84.2 37.6 23 81.7 36.5 129.1 36.5 61 0 116.7-22.1 159.9-58.6C295 461.5 204.6 420.6 151 383.3zM331.3 22.7c55.3 70.4 82.5 161.2 74.6 253.6 30.3.2 60.5-4.8 89.7-14.2 0-2 .3-4 .3-6 0-107.8-68.7-199.1-164.6-233.4z" ], "volume-down": [ 384, 512, [], "f027", "M256 88.017v335.964c0 21.438-25.943 31.998-40.971 16.971L126.059 352H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V184c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h102.059l88.971-88.954c15.01-15.01 40.97-4.49 40.97 16.971zM384 256c0-33.717-17.186-64.35-45.972-81.944-15.079-9.214-34.775-4.463-43.992 10.616s-4.464 34.775 10.615 43.992C314.263 234.538 320 244.757 320 256a32.056 32.056 0 0 1-13.802 26.332c-14.524 10.069-18.136 30.006-8.067 44.53 10.07 14.525 30.008 18.136 44.53 8.067C368.546 316.983 384 287.478 384 256z" ], "volume-off": [ 256, 512, [], "f026", "M256 88.017v335.964c0 21.438-25.943 31.998-40.971 16.971L126.059 352H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V184c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h102.059l88.971-88.954c15.01-15.01 40.97-4.49 40.97 16.971z" ], "volume-up": [ 576, 512, [], "f028", "M256 88.017v335.964c0 21.438-25.943 31.998-40.971 16.971L126.059 352H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V184c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h102.059l88.971-88.954c15.01-15.01 40.97-4.49 40.97 16.971zm182.056-77.876C422.982.92 403.283 5.668 394.061 20.745c-9.221 15.077-4.473 34.774 10.604 43.995C468.967 104.063 512 174.983 512 256c0 73.431-36.077 142.292-96.507 184.206-14.522 10.072-18.129 30.01-8.057 44.532 10.076 14.528 30.016 18.126 44.531 8.057C529.633 438.927 576 350.406 576 256c0-103.244-54.579-194.877-137.944-245.859zM480 256c0-68.547-36.15-129.777-91.957-163.901-15.076-9.22-34.774-4.471-43.994 10.607-9.22 15.078-4.471 34.774 10.607 43.994C393.067 170.188 416 211.048 416 256c0 41.964-20.62 81.319-55.158 105.276-14.521 10.073-18.128 30.01-8.056 44.532 6.216 8.96 16.185 13.765 26.322 13.765a31.862 31.862 0 0 0 18.21-5.709C449.091 377.953 480 318.938 480 256zm-96 0c0-33.717-17.186-64.35-45.972-81.944-15.079-9.214-34.775-4.463-43.992 10.616s-4.464 34.775 10.615 43.992C314.263 234.538 320 244.757 320 256a32.056 32.056 0 0 1-13.802 26.332c-14.524 10.069-18.136 30.006-8.067 44.53 10.07 14.525 30.008 18.136 44.53 8.067C368.546 316.983 384 287.478 384 256z" ], walking: [ 320, 512, [], "f554", "M208 96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48S234.5 0 208 0s-48 21.5-48 48 21.5 48 48 48zm94.5 149.1l-23.3-11.8-9.7-29.4c-14.7-44.6-55.7-75.8-102.2-75.9-36-.1-55.9 10.1-93.3 25.2-21.6 8.7-39.3 25.2-49.7 46.2L17.6 213c-7.8 15.8-1.5 35 14.2 42.9 15.6 7.9 34.6 1.5 42.5-14.3L81 228c3.5-7 9.3-12.5 16.5-15.4l26.8-10.8-15.2 60.7c-5.2 20.8.4 42.9 14.9 58.8l59.9 65.4c7.2 7.9 12.3 17.4 14.9 27.7l18.3 73.3c4.3 17.1 21.7 27.6 38.8 23.3 17.1-4.3 27.6-21.7 23.3-38.8l-22.2-89c-2.6-10.3-7.7-19.9-14.9-27.7l-45.5-49.7 17.2-68.7 5.5 16.5c5.3 16.1 16.7 29.4 31.7 37l23.3 11.8c15.6 7.9 34.6 1.5 42.5-14.3 7.7-15.7 1.4-35.1-14.3-43zM73.6 385.8c-3.2 8.1-8 15.4-14.2 21.5l-50 50.1c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.7 12.5 45.2 0l59.4-59.4c6.1-6.1 10.9-13.4 14.2-21.5l13.5-33.8c-55.3-60.3-38.7-41.8-47.4-53.7l-20.7 51.5z" ], wallet: [ 512, 512, [], "f555", "M461.2 128H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16s7.16-16 16-16h384c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h397.2c28.02 0 50.8-21.53 50.8-48V176c0-26.47-22.78-48-50.8-48zM416 336c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z" ], warehouse: [ 640, 512, [], "f494", "M504 352H136.4c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8l-.1 48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8H504c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm0 96H136.1c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8l-.1 48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h368c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm0-192H136.6c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8l-.1 48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8H504c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm106.5-139L338.4 3.7a48.15 48.15 0 0 0-36.9 0L29.5 117C11.7 124.5 0 141.9 0 161.3V504c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h80c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V256c0-17.6 14.6-32 32.6-32h382.8c18 0 32.6 14.4 32.6 32v248c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h80c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V161.3c0-19.4-11.7-36.8-29.5-44.3z" ], weight: [ 512, 512, [], "f496", "M448 64h-25.98C438.44 92.28 448 125.01 448 160c0 105.87-86.13 192-192 192S64 265.87 64 160c0-34.99 9.56-67.72 25.98-96H64C28.71 64 0 92.71 0 128v320c0 35.29 28.71 64 64 64h384c35.29 0 64-28.71 64-64V128c0-35.29-28.71-64-64-64zM256 320c88.37 0 160-71.63 160-160S344.37 0 256 0 96 71.63 96 160s71.63 160 160 160zm-.3-151.94l33.58-78.36c3.5-8.17 12.94-11.92 21.03-8.41 8.12 3.48 11.88 12.89 8.41 21l-33.67 78.55C291.73 188 296 197.45 296 208c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40s-40-17.91-40-40c0-21.98 17.76-39.77 39.7-39.94z" ], "weight-hanging": [ 512, 512, [], "f5cd", "M510.28 445.86l-73.03-292.13c-3.8-15.19-16.44-25.72-30.87-25.72h-60.25c3.57-10.05 5.88-20.72 5.88-32 0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96c0 11.28 2.3 21.95 5.88 32h-60.25c-14.43 0-27.08 10.54-30.87 25.72L1.72 445.86C-6.61 479.17 16.38 512 48.03 512h415.95c31.64 0 54.63-32.83 46.3-66.14zM256 128c-17.64 0-32-14.36-32-32s14.36-32 32-32 32 14.36 32 32-14.36 32-32 32z" ], wheelchair: [ 512, 512, [], "f193", "M496.101 385.669l14.227 28.663c3.929 7.915.697 17.516-7.218 21.445l-65.465 32.886c-16.049 7.967-35.556 1.194-43.189-15.055L331.679 320H192c-15.925 0-29.426-11.71-31.679-27.475C126.433 55.308 128.38 70.044 128 64c0-36.358 30.318-65.635 67.052-63.929 33.271 1.545 60.048 28.905 60.925 62.201.868 32.933-23.152 60.423-54.608 65.039l4.67 32.69H336c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H215.182l4.572 32H352a32 32 0 0 1 28.962 18.392L438.477 396.8l36.178-18.349c7.915-3.929 17.517-.697 21.446 7.218zM311.358 352h-24.506c-7.788 54.204-54.528 96-110.852 96-61.757 0-112-50.243-112-112 0-41.505 22.694-77.809 56.324-97.156-3.712-25.965-6.844-47.86-9.488-66.333C45.956 198.464 0 261.963 0 336c0 97.047 78.953 176 176 176 71.87 0 133.806-43.308 161.11-105.192L311.358 352z" ], wifi: [ 640, 512, [], "f1eb", "M384 416c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64zm136.659-124.443c6.465-6.465 6.245-17.065-.564-23.167-113.793-101.985-286.526-101.869-400.19 0-6.809 6.102-7.029 16.702-.564 23.167l34.006 34.006c5.927 5.927 15.464 6.32 21.769.796 82.88-72.609 207.074-72.447 289.768 0 6.305 5.524 15.842 5.132 21.769-.796l34.006-34.006zm112.11-113.718c6.385-6.385 6.254-16.816-.35-22.973-175.768-163.86-449.134-163.8-624.837 0-6.604 6.157-6.735 16.589-.35 22.973l33.966 33.966c6.095 6.095 15.891 6.231 22.224.383 144.763-133.668 368.356-133.702 513.156 0 6.333 5.848 16.129 5.712 22.224-.383l33.967-33.966z" ], 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48 21.5 48 48zM384 176v288c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V176c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h288c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-68 28c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52h252v-52z" ], "wine-glass": [ 288, 512, [], "f4e3", "M216 464h-40V346.81c68.47-15.89 118.05-79.91 111.4-154.16l-15.95-178.1C270.71 6.31 263.9 0 255.74 0H32.26c-8.15 0-14.97 6.31-15.7 14.55L.6 192.66C-6.05 266.91 43.53 330.93 112 346.82V464H72c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h208c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40z" ], "wine-glass-alt": [ 288, 512, [], "f5ce", "M216 464h-40V346.81c68.47-15.89 118.05-79.91 111.4-154.16l-15.95-178.1C270.71 6.31 263.9 0 255.74 0H32.26c-8.15 0-14.97 6.31-15.7 14.55L.6 192.66C-6.05 266.91 43.53 330.93 112 346.82V464H72c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h208c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40zM61.75 48h164.5l7.17 80H54.58l7.17-80z" ], "won-sign": [ 576, 512, [], "f159", "M564 192c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-48.028l18.572-80.61c1.732-7.518-3.978-14.694-11.693-14.694h-46.107a11.998 11.998 0 0 0-11.736 9.5L450.73 128H340.839l-19.725-85.987a12 12 0 0 0-11.696-9.317H265.43a12 12 0 0 0-11.687 9.277L233.696 128H124.975L107.5 42.299a12 12 0 0 0-11.758-9.602H53.628c-7.686 0-13.39 7.124-11.709 14.624L60 128H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h62.342l7.171 32H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h83.856l40.927 182.624A12 12 0 0 0 148.492 480h56.767c5.583 0 10.428-3.85 11.689-9.288L259.335 288h55.086l42.386 182.712A12 12 0 0 0 368.496 480h56.826a12 12 0 0 0 11.694-9.306L479.108 288H564c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-70.146l7.373-32H564zm-425.976 0h80.757l-7.457 32h-66.776l-6.524-32zm45.796 150.029c-6.194 25.831-6.758 47.25-7.321 47.25h-1.126s-1.689-22.05-6.758-47.25L157.599 288h38.812l-12.591 54.029zM274.182 224l1.996-8.602c1.856-7.962 3.457-15.968 4.803-23.398h11.794c1.347 7.43 2.947 15.436 4.803 23.398l1.996 8.602h-25.392zm130.959 118.029c-5.068 25.2-6.758 47.25-6.758 47.25h-1.126c-.563 0-1.126-21.42-7.321-47.25L377.542 288h39.107l-11.508 54.029zM430.281 224h-67.42l-7.34-32h81.577l-6.817 32z" ], wrench: [ 512, 512, [], "f0ad", "M507.73 109.1c-2.24-9.03-13.54-12.09-20.12-5.51l-74.36 74.36-67.88-11.31-11.31-67.88 74.36-74.36c6.62-6.62 3.43-17.9-5.66-20.16-47.38-11.74-99.55.91-136.58 37.93-39.64 39.64-50.55 97.1-34.05 147.2L18.74 402.76c-24.99 24.99-24.99 65.51 0 90.5 24.99 24.99 65.51 24.99 90.5 0l213.21-213.21c50.12 16.71 107.47 5.68 147.37-34.22 37.07-37.07 49.7-89.32 37.91-136.73zM64 472c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z" ], "x-ray": [ 640, 512, [], "f497", "M240 384c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm160 32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16-16 7.2-16 16 7.2 16 16 16zM624 0H16C7.2 0 0 7.2 0 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm0 448h-48V96H64v352H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM480 248c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H336v32h104c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H336v32h64c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48-48 48-48-21.5-48-48v-16h-64v16c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48s-48-21.5-48-48 21.5-48 48-48h64v-32H200c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h104v-32H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h136v-32H200c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h104v-24c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h16c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v24h104c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H336v32h136c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z" ], "yen-sign": [ 384, 512, [], "f157", "M351.208 32h-65.277a12 12 0 0 0-10.778 6.724l-55.39 113.163c-14.513 34.704-27.133 71.932-27.133 71.932h-1.262s-12.62-37.228-27.133-71.932l-55.39-113.163A11.997 11.997 0 0 0 98.068 32H32.792c-9.057 0-14.85 9.65-10.59 17.643L102.322 200H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h88.162L152 293.228V320H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h108v92c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-92h108c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H232v-26.772L251.838 256H340c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-58.322l80.12-150.357C366.058 41.65 360.266 32 351.208 32z" ] }; !function(c) { try { c(); } catch (c) { if (!m) throw c; } }(function() { !function c(l, z) { var h = Object.keys(z).reduce(function(c, l) { var h = z[l]; return h.icon ? c[h.iconName] = h.icon : c[l] = h, c; }, {}); "function" == typeof t.hooks.addPack ? t.hooks.addPack(l, h) : t.styles[l] = M({}, t.styles[l] || {}, h), "fas" === l && c("fa", z); }("fas", f); }); }(), function() { "use strict"; var c = function() {}, l = {}, h = {}, z = null, v = { mark: c, measure: c }; try { "undefined" != typeof window && (l = window), "undefined" != typeof document && (h = document), "undefined" != typeof MutationObserver && (z = MutationObserver), "undefined" != typeof performance && (v = performance); } catch (c) {} var m = (l.navigator || {}).userAgent, s = void 0 === m ? "" : m, n = l, r = h, e = z, a = v, t = !!n.document, M = !!r.documentElement && !!r.head && "function" == typeof r.addEventListener && "function" == typeof r.createElement, p = ~s.indexOf("MSIE") || ~s.indexOf("Trident/"), f = "___FONT_AWESOME___", g = 16, i = "svg-inline--fa", b = "data-fa-i2svg", H = "data-fa-pseudo-element", V = "data-prefix", o = "data-icon", C = "fontawesome-i2svg", L = [ "HTML", "HEAD", "STYLE", "SCRIPT" ], u = function() { try { return !1; } catch (c) { return !1; } }(), d = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], S = d.concat([ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]), w = [ "class", "data-prefix", "data-icon", "data-fa-transform", "data-fa-mask" ], y = [ "xs", "sm", "lg", "fw", "ul", "li", "border", "pull-left", "pull-right", "spin", "pulse", "rotate-90", "rotate-180", "rotate-270", "flip-horizontal", "flip-vertical", "stack", "stack-1x", "stack-2x", "inverse", "layers", "layers-text", "layers-counter" ].concat( { return c + "x"; })).concat( { return "w-" + c; })), k = function(c, l) { if (!(c instanceof l)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }, x = function() { function z(c, l) { for (var h = 0; h < l.length; h++) { var z = l[h]; z.enumerable = z.enumerable || !1, z.configurable = !0, "value" in z && (z.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(c, z.key, z); } } return function(c, l, h) { return l && z(c.prototype, l), h && z(c, h), c; }; }(), A = Object.assign || function(c) { for (var l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) { var h = arguments[l]; for (var z in h), z) && (c[z] = h[z]); } return c; }, q = function(c, l) { if (Array.isArray(c)) return c; if (Symbol.iterator in Object(c)) return function(c, l) { var h = [], z = !0, v = !1, m = void 0; try { for (var s, e = c[Symbol.iterator](); !(z = (s = && (h.push(s.value), !l || h.length !== l); z = !0) ; } catch (c) { v = !0, m = c; } finally { try { !z && e.return && e.return(); } finally { if (v) throw m; } } return h; }(c, l); throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); }, j = function(c) { if (Array.isArray(c)) { for (var l = 0, h = Array(c.length); l < c.length; l++) h[l] = c[l]; return h; } return Array.from(c); }, O = n.FontAwesomeConfig || {}; if (r && "function" == typeof r.querySelector) { [ [ "data-family-prefix", "familyPrefix" ], [ "data-replacement-class", "replacementClass" ], [ "data-auto-replace-svg", "autoReplaceSvg" ], [ "data-auto-add-css", "autoAddCss" ], [ "data-auto-a11y", "autoA11y" ], [ "data-search-pseudo-elements", "searchPseudoElements" ], [ "data-observe-mutations", "observeMutations" ], [ "data-keep-original-source", "keepOriginalSource" ], [ "data-measure-performance", "measurePerformance" ], [ "data-show-missing-icons", "showMissingIcons" ] ].forEach(function(c) { var l, h = q(c, 2), z = h[0], v = h[1], m = "" === (l = function(c) { var l = r.querySelector("script[" + c + "]"); if (l) return l.getAttribute(c); }(z)) || "false" !== l && ("true" === l || l); null != m && (O[v] = m); }); } var N = A({ familyPrefix: "fa", replacementClass: i, autoReplaceSvg: !0, autoAddCss: !0, autoA11y: !0, searchPseudoElements: !1, observeMutations: !0, keepOriginalSource: !0, measurePerformance: !1, showMissingIcons: !0 }, O); N.autoReplaceSvg || (N.observeMutations = !1); var E = A({}, N); n.FontAwesomeConfig = E; var P = n || {}; P[f] || (P[f] = {}), P[f].styles || (P[f].styles = {}), P[f].hooks || (P[f].hooks = {}), P[f].shims || (P[f].shims = []); var T = P[f], _ = [], I = !1; M && ((I = (r.documentElement.doScroll ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(r.readyState)) || r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function c() { r.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", c), I = 1, { return c(); }); })); var R = function(c) { M && (I ? setTimeout(c, 0) : _.push(c)); }, F = g, B = { size: 16, x: 0, y: 0, rotate: 0, flipX: !1, flipY: !1 }; function D(c) { if (c && M) { var l = r.createElement("style"); l.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), l.innerHTML = c; for (var h = r.head.childNodes, z = null, v = h.length - 1; -1 < v; v--) { var m = h[v], s = (m.tagName || "").toUpperCase(); -1 < [ "STYLE", "LINK" ].indexOf(s) && (z = m); } return r.head.insertBefore(l, z), c; } } var X = 0; function W() { return ++X; } function Y(c) { for (var l = [], h = (c || []).length >>> 0; h--; ) l[h] = c[h]; return l; } function U(c) { return c.classList ? Y(c.classList) : (c.getAttribute("class") || "").split(" ").filter(function(c) { return c; }); } function K(c, l) { var h, z = l.split("-"), v = z[0], m = z.slice(1).join("-"); return v !== c || "" === m || (h = m, ~y.indexOf(h)) ? null : m; } function G(c) { return ("" + c).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); } function J(h) { return Object.keys(h || {}).reduce(function(c, l) { return c + (l + ": ") + h[l] + ";"; }, ""); } function Q(c) { return c.size !== B.size || c.x !== B.x || c.y !== B.y || c.rotate !== B.rotate || c.flipX || c.flipY; } function Z(c) { var l = c.transform, h = c.containerWidth, z = c.iconWidth; return { outer: { transform: "translate(" + h / 2 + " 256)" }, inner: { transform: "translate(" + 32 * l.x + ", " + 32 * l.y + ") " + " " + ("scale(" + l.size / 16 * (l.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ", " + l.size / 16 * (l.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ") ") + " " + ("rotate(" + l.rotate + " 0 0)") }, path: { transform: "translate(" + z / 2 * -1 + " -256)" } }; } var $ = { x: 0, y: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%" }, cc = function(c) { var l = c.children, h = c.attributes, z = c.main, v = c.mask, m = c.transform, s = z.width, e = z.icon, a = v.width, t = v.icon, M = Z({ transform: m, containerWidth: a, iconWidth: s }), f = { tag: "rect", attributes: A({}, $, { fill: "white" }) }, n = { tag: "g", attributes: A({}, M.inner), children: [ { tag: "path", attributes: A({}, e.attributes, M.path, { fill: "black" }) } ] }, r = { tag: "g", attributes: A({}, M.outer), children: [ n ] }, i = "mask-" + W(), H = "clip-" + W(), V = { tag: "defs", children: [ { tag: "clipPath", attributes: { id: H }, children: [ t ] }, { tag: "mask", attributes: A({}, $, { id: i, maskUnits: "userSpaceOnUse", maskContentUnits: "userSpaceOnUse" }), children: [ f, r ] } ] }; return l.push(V, { tag: "rect", attributes: A({ fill: "currentColor", "clip-path": "url(#" + H + ")", mask: "url(#" + i + ")" }, $) }), { children: l, attributes: h }; }, lc = function(c) { var l = c.children, h = c.attributes, z = c.main, v = c.transform, m = J(c.styles); if (0 < m.length && ( = m), Q(v)) { var s = Z({ transform: v, containerWidth: z.width, iconWidth: z.width }); l.push({ tag: "g", attributes: A({}, s.outer), children: [ { tag: "g", attributes: A({}, s.inner), children: [ { tag: z.icon.tag, children: z.icon.children, attributes: A({}, z.icon.attributes, s.path) } ] } ] }); } else l.push(z.icon); return { children: l, attributes: h }; }, hc = function(c) { var l = c.children, h = c.main, z = c.mask, v = c.attributes, m = c.styles, s = c.transform; if (Q(s) && h.found && !z.found) { var e = h.width / h.height / 2, a = .5; = J(A({}, m, { "transform-origin": e + s.x / 16 + "em " + (a + s.y / 16) + "em" })); } return [ { tag: "svg", attributes: v, children: l } ]; }, zc = function(c) { var l = c.prefix, h = c.iconName, z = c.children, v = c.attributes, m = c.symbol, s = !0 === m ? l + "-" + E.familyPrefix + "-" + h : m; return [ { tag: "svg", attributes: { style: "display: none;" }, children: [ { tag: "symbol", attributes: A({}, v, { id: s }), children: z } ] } ]; }; function vc(c) { var l = c.icons, h = l.main, z = l.mask, v = c.prefix, m = c.iconName, s = c.transform, e = c.symbol, a = c.title, t = c.extra, M = c.watchable, f = void 0 !== M && M, n = z.found ? z : h, r = n.width, i = n.height, H = "fa-w-" + Math.ceil(r / i * 16), V = [ E.replacementClass, m ? E.familyPrefix + "-" + m : "", H ].filter(function(c) { return -1 === t.classes.indexOf(c); }).concat(t.classes).join(" "), o = { children: [], attributes: A({}, t.attributes, { "data-prefix": v, "data-icon": m, class: V, role: "img", xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 " + r + " " + i }) }; f && (o.attributes[b] = ""), a && o.children.push({ tag: "title", attributes: { id: o.attributes["aria-labelledby"] || "title-" + W() }, children: [ a ] }); var C = A({}, o, { prefix: v, iconName: m, main: h, mask: z, transform: s, symbol: e, styles: t.styles }), L = z.found && h.found ? cc(C) : lc(C), u = L.children, d = L.attributes; return C.children = u, C.attributes = d, e ? zc(C) : hc(C); } function mc(c) { var l = c.content, h = c.width, z = c.height, v = c.transform, m = c.title, s = c.extra, e = c.watchable, a = void 0 !== e && e, t = A({}, s.attributes, m ? { title: m } : {}, { class: s.classes.join(" ") }); a && (t[b] = ""); var M, f, n, r, i, H, V, o, C, L = A({}, s.styles); Q(v) && (L.transform = (f = (M = { transform: v, startCentered: !0, width: h, height: z }).transform, n = M.width, r = void 0 === n ? g : n, i = M.height, H = void 0 === i ? g : i, V = M.startCentered, C = "", C += (o = void 0 !== V && V) && p ? "translate(" + (f.x / F - r / 2) + "em, " + (f.y / F - H / 2) + "em) " : o ? "translate(calc(-50% + " + f.x / F + "em), calc(-50% + " + f.y / F + "em)) " : "translate(" + f.x / F + "em, " + f.y / F + "em) ", C += "scale(" + f.size / F * (f.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ", " + f.size / F * (f.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ") ", C += "rotate(" + f.rotate + "deg) "), L["-webkit-transform"] = L.transform); var u = J(L); 0 < u.length && ( = u); var d = []; return d.push({ tag: "span", attributes: t, children: [ l ] }), m && d.push({ tag: "span", attributes: { class: "sr-only" }, children: [ m ] }), d; } var sc = function() {}, ec = E.measurePerformance && a && a.mark && a.measure ? a : { mark: sc, measure: sc }, ac = 'FA "5.1.1"', tc = function(c) { ec.mark(ac + " " + c + " ends"), ec.measure(ac + " " + c, ac + " " + c + " begins", ac + " " + c + " ends"); }, Mc = { begin: function(c) { return ec.mark(ac + " " + c + " begins"), function() { return tc(c); }; }, end: tc }, fc = function(c, l, h, z) { var v, m, s, e, a, t = Object.keys(c), M = t.length, f = void 0 !== z ? (e = l, a = z, function(c, l, h, z) { return, c, l, h, z); }) : l; for (void 0 === h ? (v = 1, s = c[t[0]]) : (v = 0, s = h); v < M; v++) s = f(s, c[m = t[v]], m, c); return s; }, nc = T.styles, rc = T.shims, ic = {}, Hc = {}, Vc = {}, oc = function() { var c = function(z) { return fc(nc, function(c, l, h) { return c[h] = fc(l, z, {}), c; }, {}); }; ic = c(function(c, l, h) { return c[l[3]] = h, c; }), Hc = c(function(l, c, h) { var z = c[2]; return l[h] = h, z.forEach(function(c) { l[c] = h; }), l; }); var m = "far" in nc; Vc = fc(rc, function(c, l) { var h = l[0], z = l[1], v = l[2]; return "far" !== z || m || (z = "fas"), c[h] = { prefix: z, iconName: v }, c; }, {}); }; function Cc(c, l) { return ic[c][l]; } oc(); var Lc = T.styles, uc = function() { return { prefix: null, iconName: null, rest: [] }; }; function dc(c) { return c.reduce(function(c, l) { var h = K(E.familyPrefix, l); if (Lc[l]) c.prefix = l; else if (h) { var z = "fa" === c.prefix ? Vc[h] || { prefix: null, iconName: null } : {}; c.iconName = z.iconName || h, c.prefix = z.prefix || c.prefix; } else l !== E.replacementClass && 0 !== l.indexOf("fa-w-") &&; return c; }, uc()); } function pc(c, l, h) { if (c && c[l] && c[l][h]) return { prefix: l, iconName: h, icon: c[l][h] }; } function gc(c) { var h, l = c.tag, z = c.attributes, v = void 0 === z ? {} : z, m = c.children, s = void 0 === m ? [] : m; return "string" == typeof c ? G(c) : "<" + l + " " + (h = v, Object.keys(h || {}).reduce(function(c, l) { return c + (l + '="') + G(h[l]) + '" '; }, "").trim()) + ">" +"") + "</" + l + ">"; } var bc = function() {}; function Sc(c) { return "string" == typeof (c.getAttribute ? c.getAttribute(b) : null); } var wc = { replace: function(c) { var l = c[0], h = c[1].map(function(c) { return gc(c); }).join("\n"); if (l.parentNode && l.outerHTML) l.outerHTML = h + (E.keepOriginalSource && "svg" !== l.tagName.toLowerCase() ? "\x3c!-- " + l.outerHTML + " --\x3e" : ""); else if (l.parentNode) { var z = document.createElement("span"); l.parentNode.replaceChild(z, l), z.outerHTML = h; } }, nest: function(c) { var l = c[0], h = c[1]; if (~U(l).indexOf(E.replacementClass)) return wc.replace(c); var z = new RegExp(E.familyPrefix + "-.*"); delete h[0]; var v = h[0].attributes.class.split(" ").reduce(function(c, l) { return l === E.replacementClass || l.match(z) ? c.toSvg.push(l) : c.toNode.push(l), c; }, { toNode: [], toSvg: [] }); h[0].attributes.class = v.toSvg.join(" "); var m = { return gc(c); }).join("\n"); l.setAttribute("class", v.toNode.join(" ")), l.setAttribute(b, ""), l.innerHTML = m; } }; function yc(h, c) { var z = "function" == typeof c ? c : bc; 0 === h.length ? z() : (n.requestAnimationFrame || function(c) { return c(); })(function() { var c = !0 === E.autoReplaceSvg ? wc.replace : wc[E.autoReplaceSvg] || wc.replace, l = Mc.begin("mutate");, l(), z(); }); } var kc = !1; var xc = null; function Ac(c) { if (e && E.observeMutations) { var v = c.treeCallback, m = c.nodeCallback, s = c.pseudoElementsCallback, l = c.observeMutationsRoot, h = void 0 === l ? r.body : l; xc = new e(function(c) { kc || Y(c).forEach(function(c) { if ("childList" === c.type && 0 < c.addedNodes.length && !Sc(c.addedNodes[0]) && (E.searchPseudoElements && s(, v(, "attributes" === c.type && && E.searchPseudoElements && s(, "attributes" === c.type && Sc( && ~w.indexOf(c.attributeName)) if ("class" === c.attributeName) { var l = dc(U(, h = l.prefix, z = l.iconName; h &&"data-prefix", h), z &&"data-icon", z); } else m(; }); }), M && xc.observe(h, { childList: !0, attributes: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0 }); } } var qc = function(c) { var l = c.getAttribute("style"), h = []; return l && (h = l.split(";").reduce(function(c, l) { var h = l.split(":"), z = h[0], v = h.slice(1); return z && 0 < v.length && (c[z] = v.join(":").trim()), c; }, {})), h; }; function jc(c) { for (var l = "", h = 0; h < c.length; h++) { l += ("000" + c.charCodeAt(h).toString(16)).slice(-4); } return l; } var Oc = function(c) { var l, h, z = c.getAttribute("data-prefix"), v = c.getAttribute("data-icon"), m = void 0 !== c.innerText ? c.innerText.trim() : "", s = dc(U(c)); return z && v && (s.prefix = z, s.iconName = v), s.prefix && 1 < m.length ? s.iconName = (l = s.prefix, h = c.innerText, Hc[l][h]) : s.prefix && 1 === m.length && (s.iconName = Cc(s.prefix, jc(c.innerText))), s; }, Nc = function(c) { var l = { size: 16, x: 0, y: 0, flipX: !1, flipY: !1, rotate: 0 }; return c ? c.toLowerCase().split(" ").reduce(function(c, l) { var h = l.toLowerCase().split("-"), z = h[0], v = h.slice(1).join("-"); if (z && "h" === v) return c.flipX = !0, c; if (z && "v" === v) return c.flipY = !0, c; if (v = parseFloat(v), isNaN(v)) return c; switch (z) { case "grow": c.size = c.size + v; break; case "shrink": c.size = c.size - v; break; case "left": c.x = c.x - v; break; case "right": c.x = c.x + v; break; case "up": c.y = c.y - v; break; case "down": c.y = c.y + v; break; case "rotate": c.rotate = c.rotate + v; } return c; }, l) : l; }, Ec = function(c) { return Nc(c.getAttribute("data-fa-transform")); }, Pc = function(c) { var l = c.getAttribute("data-fa-symbol"); return null !== l && ("" === l || l); }, Tc = function(c) { var l = Y(c.attributes).reduce(function(c, l) { return "class" !== && "style" !== && (c[] = l.value), c; }, {}), h = c.getAttribute("title"); return E.autoA11y && (h ? l["aria-labelledby"] = E.replacementClass + "-title-" + W() : l["aria-hidden"] = "true"), l; }, _c = function(c) { var l = c.getAttribute("data-fa-mask"); return l ? dc(l.split(" ").map(function(c) { return c.trim(); })) : uc(); }, Ic = { iconName: null, title: null, prefix: null, transform: B, symbol: !1, mask: null, extra: { classes: [], styles: {}, attributes: {} } }; function Rc(c) { = "MissingIcon", this.message = c || "Icon unavailable", this.stack = new Error().stack; } (Rc.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = Rc; var Fc = { fill: "currentColor" }, Bc = { attributeType: "XML", repeatCount: "indefinite", dur: "2s" }, Dc = { tag: "path", attributes: A({}, Fc, { d: "M156.5,447.7l-12.6,29.5c-18.7-9.5-35.9-21.2-51.5-34.9l22.7-22.7C127.6,430.5,141.5,440,156.5,447.7z M40.6,272H8.5 c1.4,21.2,5.4,41.7,11.7,61.1L50,321.2C45.1,305.5,41.8,289,40.6,272z M40.6,240c1.4-18.8,5.2-37,11.1-54.1l-29.5-12.6 C14.7,194.3,10,216.7,8.5,240H40.6z M64.3,156.5c7.8-14.9,17.2-28.8,28.1-41.5L69.7,92.3c-13.7,15.6-25.5,32.8-34.9,51.5 L64.3,156.5z M397,419.6c-13.9,12-29.4,22.3-46.1,30.4l11.9,29.8c20.7-9.9,39.8-22.6,56.9-37.6L397,419.6z M115,92.4 c13.9-12,29.4-22.3,46.1-30.4l-11.9-29.8c-20.7,9.9-39.8,22.6-56.8,37.6L115,92.4z M447.7,355.5c-7.8,14.9-17.2,28.8-28.1,41.5 l22.7,22.7c13.7-15.6,25.5-32.9,34.9-51.5L447.7,355.5z M471.4,272c-1.4,18.8-5.2,37-11.1,54.1l29.5,12.6 c7.5-21.1,12.2-43.5,13.6-66.8H471.4z M321.2,462c-15.7,5-32.2,8.2-49.2,9.4v32.1c21.2-1.4,41.7-5.4,61.1-11.7L321.2,462z M240,471.4c-18.8-1.4-37-5.2-54.1-11.1l-12.6,29.5c21.1,7.5,43.5,12.2,66.8,13.6V471.4z M462,190.8c5,15.7,8.2,32.2,9.4,49.2h32.1 c-1.4-21.2-5.4-41.7-11.7-61.1L462,190.8z M92.4,397c-12-13.9-22.3-29.4-30.4-46.1l-29.8,11.9c9.9,20.7,22.6,39.8,37.6,56.9 L92.4,397z M272,40.6c18.8,1.4,36.9,5.2,54.1,11.1l12.6-29.5C317.7,14.7,295.3,10,272,8.5V40.6z M190.8,50 c15.7-5,32.2-8.2,49.2-9.4V8.5c-21.2,1.4-41.7,5.4-61.1,11.7L190.8,50z M442.3,92.3L419.6,115c12,13.9,22.3,29.4,30.5,46.1 l29.8-11.9C470,128.5,457.3,109.4,442.3,92.3z M397,92.4l22.7-22.7c-15.6-13.7-32.8-25.5-51.5-34.9l-12.6,29.5 C370.4,72.1,384.4,81.5,397,92.4z" }) }, Xc = A({}, Bc, { attributeName: "opacity" }), Wc = { tag: "g", children: [ Dc, { tag: "circle", attributes: A({}, Fc, { cx: "256", cy: "364", r: "28" }), children: [ { tag: "animate", attributes: A({}, Bc, { attributeName: "r", values: "28;14;28;28;14;28;" }) }, { tag: "animate", attributes: A({}, Xc, { values: "1;0;1;1;0;1;" }) } ] }, { tag: "path", attributes: A({}, Fc, { opacity: "1", d: "M263.7,312h-16c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12c0-71,77.4-63.9,77.4-107.8c0-20-17.8-40.2-57.4-40.2c-29.1,0-44.3,9.6-59.2,28.7 c-3.9,5-11.1,6-16.2,2.4l-13.1-9.2c-5.6-3.9-6.9-11.8-2.6-17.2c21.2-27.2,46.4-44.7,91.2-44.7c52.3,0,97.4,29.8,97.4,80.2 c0,67.6-77.4,63.5-77.4,107.8C275.7,306.6,270.3,312,263.7,312z" }), children: [ { tag: "animate", attributes: A({}, Xc, { values: "1;0;0;0;0;1;" }) } ] }, { tag: "path", attributes: A({}, Fc, { opacity: "0", d: "M232.5,134.5l7,168c0.3,6.4,5.6,11.5,12,11.5h9c6.4,0,11.7-5.1,12-11.5l7-168c0.3-6.8-5.2-12.5-12-12.5h-23 C237.7,122,232.2,127.7,232.5,134.5z" }), children: [ { tag: "animate", attributes: A({}, Xc, { values: "0;0;1;1;0;0;" }) } ] } ] }, Yc = T.styles, Uc = "fa-layers-text", Kc = /Font Awesome 5 (Solid|Regular|Light|Brands|Free|Pro)/, Gc = { Solid: "fas", Regular: "far", Light: "fal", Brands: "fab" }, Jc = { 900: "fas", 400: "far", 300: "fal" }; function Qc(c, l) { var h = { found: !1, width: 512, height: 512, icon: Wc }; if (c && l && Yc[l] && Yc[l][c]) { var z = Yc[l][c]; h = { found: !0, width: z[0], height: z[1], icon: { tag: "path", attributes: { fill: "currentColor", d: z.slice(4)[0] } } }; } else if (c && l && !E.showMissingIcons) throw new Rc("Icon is missing for prefix " + l + " with icon name " + c); return h; } function Zc(c) { var l, h, z, v, m, s, e, a, t, M, f, n, r, i, H, V, o, C, L, u = (h = Oc(l = c), z = h.iconName, v = h.prefix, m =, s = qc(l), e = Ec(l), a = Pc(l), t = Tc(l), M = _c(l), { iconName: z, title: l.getAttribute("title"), prefix: v, transform: e, symbol: a, mask: M, extra: { classes: m, styles: s, attributes: t } }); return ~u.extra.classes.indexOf(Uc) ? function(c, l) { var h = l.title, z = l.transform, v = l.extra, m = null, s = null; if (p) { var e = parseInt(getComputedStyle(c).fontSize, 10), a = c.getBoundingClientRect(); m = a.width / e, s = a.height / e; } return E.autoA11y && !h && (v.attributes["aria-hidden"] = "true"), [ c, mc({ content: c.innerHTML, width: m, height: s, transform: z, title: h, extra: v, watchable: !0 }) ]; }(c, u) : (f = c, r = (n = u).iconName, i = n.title, H = n.prefix, V = n.transform, o = n.symbol, C = n.mask, L = n.extra, [ f, vc({ icons: { main: Qc(r, H), mask: Qc(C.iconName, C.prefix) }, prefix: H, iconName: r, transform: V, symbol: o, mask: C, title: i, extra: L, watchable: !0 }) ]); } function $c(c) { if (M) { var l = Mc.begin("searchPseudoElements"); kc = !0, function() { Y(c.querySelectorAll("*")).filter(function(c) { return !(c.parentNode === document.head || ~L.indexOf(c.tagName.toUpperCase()) || c.getAttribute(H) || c.parentNode && "svg" === c.parentNode.tagName); }).forEach(function(f) { [ ":before", ":after" ].forEach(function(l) { var c = Y(f.children).filter(function(c) { return c.getAttribute(H) === l; })[0], h = n.getComputedStyle(f, l), z = h.getPropertyValue("font-family").match(Kc), v = h.getPropertyValue("font-weight"); if (c && !z) f.removeChild(c); else if (z) { var m = h.getPropertyValue("content"), s = ~[ "Light", "Regular", "Solid", "Brands" ].indexOf(z[1]) ? Gc[z[1]] : Jc[v], e = Cc(s, jc(3 === m.length ? m.substr(1, 1) : m)); if (!c || c.getAttribute(V) !== s || c.getAttribute(o) !== e) { c && f.removeChild(c); var a = Ic.extra; a.attributes[H] = l; var t = vc(A({}, Ic, { icons: { main: Qc(e, s), mask: uc() }, prefix: s, iconName: e, extra: a, watchable: !0 })), M = r.createElement("svg"); ":before" === l ? f.insertBefore(M, f.firstChild) : f.appendChild(M), M.outerHTML = { return gc(c); }).join("\n"); } } }); }); }(), kc = !1, l(); } } function cl(c) { var l = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null; if (M) { var h = r.documentElement.classList, z = function(c) { return h.add(C + "-" + c); }, v = function(c) { return h.remove(C + "-" + c); }, m = Object.keys(Yc), s = [ "." + Uc + ":not([" + b + "])" ].concat( { return "." + c + ":not([" + b + "])"; })).join(", "); if (0 !== s.length) { var e = Y(c.querySelectorAll(s)); if (0 < e.length) { z("pending"), v("complete"); var a = Mc.begin("onTree"), t = e.reduce(function(c, l) { try { var h = Zc(l); h && c.push(h); } catch (c) { u || c instanceof Rc && console.error(c); } return c; }, []); a(), yc(t, function() { z("active"), z("complete"), v("pending"), "function" == typeof l && l(); }); } } } } function ll(c) { var l = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, h = Zc(c); h && yc([ h ], l); } var hl = function() { var c = i, l = E.familyPrefix, h = E.replacementClass, z = 'svg:not(:root).svg-inline--fa {\n overflow: visible; }\n\n.svg-inline--fa {\n display: inline-block;\n font-size: inherit;\n height: 1em;\n overflow: visible;\n vertical-align: -.125em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-lg {\n vertical-align: -.225em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-1 {\n width: 0.0625em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-2 {\n width: 0.125em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-3 {\n width: 0.1875em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-4 {\n width: 0.25em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-5 {\n width: 0.3125em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-6 {\n width: 0.375em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-7 {\n width: 0.4375em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-8 {\n width: 0.5em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-9 {\n width: 0.5625em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-10 {\n width: 0.625em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-11 {\n width: 0.6875em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-12 {\n width: 0.75em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-13 {\n width: 0.8125em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-14 {\n width: 0.875em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-15 {\n width: 0.9375em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-16 {\n width: 1em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-17 {\n width: 1.0625em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-18 {\n width: 1.125em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-19 {\n width: 1.1875em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-20 {\n width: 1.25em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-left {\n margin-right: .3em;\n width: auto; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-right {\n margin-left: .3em;\n width: auto; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-border {\n height: 1.5em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-li {\n width: 2em; }\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-fw {\n width: 1.25em; }\n\n.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa {\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n margin: auto;\n position: absolute;\n right: 0;\n top: 0; }\n\n.fa-layers {\n display: inline-block;\n height: 1em;\n position: relative;\n text-align: center;\n vertical-align: -.125em;\n width: 1em; }\n .fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa {\n -webkit-transform-origin: center center;\n transform-origin: center center; }\n\n.fa-layers-text, .fa-layers-counter {\n display: inline-block;\n position: absolute;\n text-align: center; }\n\n.fa-layers-text {\n left: 50%;\n top: 50%;\n -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n -webkit-transform-origin: center center;\n transform-origin: center center; }\n\n.fa-layers-counter {\n background-color: #ff253a;\n border-radius: 1em;\n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n color: #fff;\n height: 1.5em;\n line-height: 1;\n max-width: 5em;\n min-width: 1.5em;\n overflow: hidden;\n padding: .25em;\n right: 0;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n top: 0;\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\n transform: scale(0.25);\n -webkit-transform-origin: top right;\n transform-origin: top right; }\n\n.fa-layers-bottom-right {\n bottom: 0;\n right: 0;\n top: auto;\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\n transform: scale(0.25);\n -webkit-transform-origin: bottom right;\n transform-origin: bottom right; }\n\n.fa-layers-bottom-left {\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: auto;\n top: auto;\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\n transform: scale(0.25);\n -webkit-transform-origin: bottom left;\n transform-origin: bottom left; }\n\n.fa-layers-top-right {\n right: 0;\n top: 0;\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\n transform: scale(0.25);\n -webkit-transform-origin: top right;\n transform-origin: top right; }\n\n.fa-layers-top-left {\n left: 0;\n right: auto;\n top: 0;\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\n transform: scale(0.25);\n -webkit-transform-origin: top left;\n transform-origin: top left; }\n\n.fa-lg {\n font-size: 1.33333em;\n line-height: 0.75em;\n vertical-align: -.0667em; }\n\n.fa-xs {\n font-size: .75em; }\n\n.fa-sm {\n font-size: .875em; }\n\n.fa-1x {\n font-size: 1em; }\n\n.fa-2x {\n font-size: 2em; }\n\n.fa-3x {\n font-size: 3em; }\n\n.fa-4x {\n font-size: 4em; }\n\n.fa-5x {\n font-size: 5em; }\n\n.fa-6x {\n font-size: 6em; }\n\n.fa-7x {\n font-size: 7em; }\n\n.fa-8x {\n font-size: 8em; }\n\n.fa-9x {\n font-size: 9em; }\n\n.fa-10x {\n font-size: 10em; }\n\n.fa-fw {\n text-align: center;\n width: 1.25em; }\n\n.fa-ul {\n list-style-type: none;\n margin-left: 2.5em;\n padding-left: 0; }\n .fa-ul > li {\n position: relative; }\n\n.fa-li {\n left: -2em;\n position: absolute;\n text-align: center;\n width: 2em;\n line-height: inherit; }\n\n.fa-border {\n border: solid 0.08em #eee;\n border-radius: .1em;\n padding: .2em .25em .15em; }\n\n.fa-pull-left {\n float: left; }\n\n.fa-pull-right {\n float: right; }\n\n.fa.fa-pull-left,\n.fas.fa-pull-left,\n.far.fa-pull-left,\n.fal.fa-pull-left,\n.fab.fa-pull-left {\n margin-right: .3em; }\n\n.fa.fa-pull-right,\n.fas.fa-pull-right,\n.far.fa-pull-right,\n.fal.fa-pull-right,\n.fab.fa-pull-right {\n margin-left: .3em; }\n\n.fa-spin {\n -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;\n animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; }\n\n.fa-pulse {\n -webkit-animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);\n animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8); }\n\n@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin {\n 0% {\n -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);\n transform: rotate(0deg); }\n 100% {\n -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);\n transform: rotate(360deg); } }\n\n@keyframes fa-spin {\n 0% {\n -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);\n transform: rotate(0deg); }\n 100% {\n -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);\n transform: rotate(360deg); } }\n\n.fa-rotate-90 {\n -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1)";\n -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);\n transform: rotate(90deg); }\n\n.fa-rotate-180 {\n -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2)";\n -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);\n transform: rotate(180deg); }\n\n.fa-rotate-270 {\n -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)";\n -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);\n transform: rotate(270deg); }\n\n.fa-flip-horizontal {\n -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, mirror=1)";\n -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1);\n transform: scale(-1, 1); }\n\n.fa-flip-vertical {\n -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)";\n -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1);\n transform: scale(1, -1); }\n\n.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical {\n -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)";\n -webkit-transform: scale(-1, -1);\n transform: scale(-1, -1); }\n\n:root .fa-rotate-90,\n:root .fa-rotate-180,\n:root .fa-rotate-270,\n:root .fa-flip-horizontal,\n:root .fa-flip-vertical {\n -webkit-filter: none;\n filter: none; }\n\n.fa-stack {\n display: inline-block;\n height: 2em;\n position: relative;\n width: 2em; }\n\n.fa-stack-1x,\n.fa-stack-2x {\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n margin: auto;\n position: absolute;\n right: 0;\n top: 0; }\n\n.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x {\n height: 1em;\n width: 1em; }\n\n.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x {\n height: 2em;\n width: 2em; }\n\n.fa-inverse {\n color: #fff; }\n\ {\n border: 0;\n clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);\n height: 1px;\n margin: -1px;\n overflow: hidden;\n padding: 0;\n position: absolute;\n width: 1px; }\n\, .sr-only-focusable:focus {\n clip: auto;\n height: auto;\n margin: 0;\n overflow: visible;\n position: static;\n width: auto; }\n'; if ("fa" !== l || h !== c) { var v = new RegExp("\\.fa\\-", "g"), m = new RegExp("\\." + c, "g"); z = z.replace(v, "." + l + "-").replace(m, "." + h); } return z; }; function zl(c) { return { found: !0, width: c[0], height: c[1], icon: { tag: "path", attributes: { fill: "currentColor", d: c.slice(4)[0] } } }; } function vl() { E.autoAddCss && !tl && (D(hl()), tl = !0); } function ml(l, c) { return Object.defineProperty(l, "abstract", { get: c }), Object.defineProperty(l, "html", { get: function() { return { return gc(c); }); } }), Object.defineProperty(l, "node", { get: function() { if (M) { var c = r.createElement("div"); return c.innerHTML = l.html, c.children; } } }), l; } function sl(c) { var l = c.prefix, h = void 0 === l ? "fa" : l, z = c.iconName; if (z) return pc(al.definitions, h, z) || pc(T.styles, h, z); } var el, al = new (function() { function c() { k(this, c), this.definitions = {}; } return x(c, [ { key: "add", value: function() { for (var l = this, c = arguments.length, h = Array(c), z = 0; z < c; z++) h[z] = arguments[z]; var v = h.reduce(this._pullDefinitions, {}); Object.keys(v).forEach(function(c) { l.definitions[c] = A({}, l.definitions[c] || {}, v[c]), function c(l, z) { var h = Object.keys(z).reduce(function(c, l) { var h = z[l]; return h.icon ? c[h.iconName] = h.icon : c[l] = h, c; }, {}); "function" == typeof T.hooks.addPack ? T.hooks.addPack(l, h) : T.styles[l] = A({}, T.styles[l] || {}, h), "fas" === l && c("fa", z); }(c, v[c]), oc(); }); } }, { key: "reset", value: function() { this.definitions = {}; } }, { key: "_pullDefinitions", value: function(m, c) { var s = c.prefix && c.iconName && c.icon ? { 0: c } : c; return Object.keys(s).map(function(c) { var l = s[c], h = l.prefix, z = l.iconName, v = l.icon; m[h] || (m[h] = {}), m[h][z] = v; }), m; } } ]), c; }())(), tl = !1, Ml = { i2svg: function() { var c = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; if (M) { vl(); var l = c.node, h = void 0 === l ? r : l, z = c.callback, v = void 0 === z ? function() {} : z; E.searchPseudoElements && $c(h), cl(h, v); } }, css: hl, insertCss: function() { tl || (D(hl()), tl = !0); }, watch: function() { var c = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, l = c.autoReplaceSvgRoot, h = c.observeMutationsRoot; !1 === E.autoReplaceSvg && (E.autoReplaceSvg = !0), E.observeMutations = !0, R(function() { rl({ autoReplaceSvgRoot: l }), Ac({ treeCallback: cl, nodeCallback: ll, pseudoElementsCallback: $c, observeMutationsRoot: h }); }); } }, fl = (el = function(c) { var l = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, h = l.transform, z = void 0 === h ? B : h, v = l.symbol, m = void 0 !== v && v, s = l.mask, e = void 0 === s ? null : s, a = l.title, t = void 0 === a ? null : a, M = l.classes, f = void 0 === M ? [] : M, n = l.attributes, r = void 0 === n ? {} : n, i = l.styles, H = void 0 === i ? {} : i; if (c) { var V = c.prefix, o = c.iconName, C = c.icon; return ml(A({ type: "icon" }, c), function() { return vl(), E.autoA11y && (t ? r["aria-labelledby"] = E.replacementClass + "-title-" + W() : r["aria-hidden"] = "true"), vc({ icons: { main: zl(C), mask: e ? zl(e.icon) : { found: !1, width: null, height: null, icon: {} } }, prefix: V, iconName: o, transform: A({}, B, z), symbol: m, title: t, extra: { attributes: r, styles: H, classes: f } }); }); } }, function(c) { var l = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, h = (c || {}).icon ? c : sl(c || {}), z = l.mask; return z && (z = (z || {}).icon ? z : sl(z || {})), el(h, A({}, l, { mask: z })); }), nl = { noAuto: function() { E.autoReplaceSvg = !1, E.observeMutations = !1, xc && xc.disconnect(); }, config: E, dom: Ml, library: al, parse: { transform: function(c) { return Nc(c); } }, findIconDefinition: sl, icon: fl, text: function(c) { var l = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, h = l.transform, z = void 0 === h ? B : h, v = l.title, m = void 0 === v ? null : v, s = l.classes, e = void 0 === s ? [] : s, a = l.attributes, t = void 0 === a ? {} : a, M = l.styles, f = void 0 === M ? {} : M; return ml({ type: "text", content: c }, function() { return vl(), mc({ content: c, transform: A({}, B, z), title: m, extra: { attributes: t, styles: f, classes: [ E.familyPrefix + "-layers-text" ].concat(j(e)) } }); }); }, counter: function(c) { var l = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, h = l.title, z = void 0 === h ? null : h, v = l.classes, m = void 0 === v ? [] : v, s = l.attributes, e = void 0 === s ? {} : s, a = l.styles, t = void 0 === a ? {} : a; return ml({ type: "counter", content: c }, function() { return vl(), function(c) { var l = c.content, h = c.title, z = c.extra, v = A({}, z.attributes, h ? { title: h } : {}, { class: z.classes.join(" ") }), m = J(z.styles); 0 < m.length && ( = m); var s = []; return s.push({ tag: "span", attributes: v, children: [ l ] }), h && s.push({ tag: "span", attributes: { class: "sr-only" }, children: [ h ] }), s; }({ content: c.toString(), title: z, extra: { attributes: e, styles: t, classes: [ E.familyPrefix + "-layers-counter" ].concat(j(m)) } }); }); }, layer: function(c) { return ml({ type: "layer" }, function() { vl(); var l = []; return c(function(c) { Array.isArray(c) ? { l = l.concat(c.abstract); }) : l = l.concat(c.abstract); }), [ { tag: "span", attributes: { class: E.familyPrefix + "-layers" }, children: l } ]; }); }, toHtml: gc }, rl = function() { var c = (0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}).autoReplaceSvgRoot, l = void 0 === c ? r : c; 0 < Object.keys(T.styles).length && M && E.autoReplaceSvg && nl.dom.i2svg({ node: l }); }; !function(c) { try { c(); } catch (c) { if (!u) throw c; } }(function() { t && (n.FontAwesome || (n.FontAwesome = nl), R(function() { rl(), Ac({ treeCallback: cl, nodeCallback: ll, pseudoElementsCallback: $c }); })), T.hooks = A({}, T.hooks, { addPack: function(c, l) { T.styles[c] = A({}, T.styles[c] || {}, l), oc(), rl(); }, addShims: function(c) { var l; (l = T.shims).push.apply(l, j(c)), oc(), rl(); } }); }); }();
/** * React Starter Kit ( * * Copyright © 2014-present Kriasoft, LLC. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl'; import { Provider as ReduxProvider } from 'react-redux'; const ContextType = { // Enables critical path CSS rendering // insertCss: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Universal HTTP client fetch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // Integrate Redux // ...ReduxProvider.childContextTypes, // Apollo Client client: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; class App extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { context: PropTypes.shape(ContextType).isRequired, children: PropTypes.element.isRequired, }; static childContextTypes = ContextType; getChildContext() { return this.props.context; } componentDidMount() { const store = this.props.context &&; if (store) { this.lastLocale = store.getState().intl.locale; this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => { const state = store.getState(); const { newLocale, locale } = state.intl; if (!newLocale && this.lastLocale !== locale) { this.lastLocale = locale; this.forceUpdate(); } }); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.unsubscribe) { this.unsubscribe(); this.unsubscribe = null; } } render() { // NOTE: If you need to add or modify header, footer etc. of the app, // please do that inside the Layout component. const store = this.props.context &&; const state = store && store.getState(); this.intl = (state && state.intl) || {}; const { initialNow, locale, messages } = this.intl; const localeMessages = (messages && messages[locale]) || {}; // let styles = React.renderToStaticMarkup(<Reset />); // document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', styles); return ( <IntlProvider initialNow={initialNow} locale={locale} messages={localeMessages} defaultLocale="en-US" > {React.Children.only(this.props.children)} </IntlProvider> ); } } export default App;
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. ;(function (undefined) { var objectTypes = { 'boolean': false, 'function': true, 'object': true, 'number': false, 'string': false, 'undefined': false }; var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this, freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports, freeGlobal = objectTypes[typeof global] && global; if (freeGlobal && ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal)) { root = freeGlobal; } var Rx = { internals: {}, config: { Promise: root.Promise }, helpers: { } }; // Defaults var noop = Rx.helpers.noop = function () { }, notDefined = Rx.helpers.notDefined = function (x) { return typeof x === 'undefined'; }, isScheduler = Rx.helpers.isScheduler = function (x) { return x instanceof Rx.Scheduler; }, identity = Rx.helpers.identity = function (x) { return x; }, pluck = Rx.helpers.pluck = function (property) { return function (x) { return x[property]; }; }, just = Rx.helpers.just = function (value) { return function () { return value; }; }, defaultNow = Rx.helpers.defaultNow = (function () { return !! ? : function () { return +new Date; }; }()), defaultComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultComparer = function (x, y) { return isEqual(x, y); }, defaultSubComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultSubComparer = function (x, y) { return x > y ? 1 : (x < y ? -1 : 0); }, defaultKeySerializer = Rx.helpers.defaultKeySerializer = function (x) { return x.toString(); }, defaultError = Rx.helpers.defaultError = function (err) { throw err; }, isPromise = Rx.helpers.isPromise = function (p) { return !!p && typeof p.then === 'function'; }, asArray = Rx.helpers.asArray = function () { return; }, not = Rx.helpers.not = function (a) { return !a; }, isFunction = Rx.helpers.isFunction = (function () { var isFn = function (value) { return typeof value == 'function' || false; } // fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari if (isFn(/x/)) { isFn = function(value) { return typeof value == 'function' && == '[object Function]'; }; } return isFn; }()); function cloneArray(arr) { var len = arr.length, a = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { a[i] = arr[i]; } return a; } Rx.config.longStackSupport = false; var hasStacks = false; try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { hasStacks = !!e.stack; } // All code after this point will be filtered from stack traces reported by RxJS var rStartingLine = captureLine(), rFileName; var STACK_JUMP_SEPARATOR = "From previous event:"; function makeStackTraceLong(error, observable) { // If possible, transform the error stack trace by removing Node and RxJS // cruft, then concatenating with the stack trace of `observable`. if (hasStacks && observable.stack && typeof error === "object" && error !== null && error.stack && error.stack.indexOf(STACK_JUMP_SEPARATOR) === -1 ) { var stacks = []; for (var o = observable; !!o; o = o.source) { if (o.stack) { stacks.unshift(o.stack); } } stacks.unshift(error.stack); var concatedStacks = stacks.join("\n" + STACK_JUMP_SEPARATOR + "\n"); error.stack = filterStackString(concatedStacks); } } function filterStackString(stackString) { var lines = stackString.split("\n"), desiredLines = []; for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (!isInternalFrame(line) && !isNodeFrame(line) && line) { desiredLines.push(line); } } return desiredLines.join("\n"); } function isInternalFrame(stackLine) { var fileNameAndLineNumber = getFileNameAndLineNumber(stackLine); if (!fileNameAndLineNumber) { return false; } var fileName = fileNameAndLineNumber[0], lineNumber = fileNameAndLineNumber[1]; return fileName === rFileName && lineNumber >= rStartingLine && lineNumber <= rEndingLine; } function isNodeFrame(stackLine) { return stackLine.indexOf("(module.js:") !== -1 || stackLine.indexOf("(node.js:") !== -1; } function captureLine() { if (!hasStacks) { return; } try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { var lines = e.stack.split("\n"); var firstLine = lines[0].indexOf("@") > 0 ? lines[1] : lines[2]; var fileNameAndLineNumber = getFileNameAndLineNumber(firstLine); if (!fileNameAndLineNumber) { return; } rFileName = fileNameAndLineNumber[0]; return fileNameAndLineNumber[1]; } } function getFileNameAndLineNumber(stackLine) { // Named functions: "at functionName (filename:lineNumber:columnNumber)" var attempt1 = /at .+ \((.+):(\d+):(?:\d+)\)$/.exec(stackLine); if (attempt1) { return [attempt1[1], Number(attempt1[2])]; } // Anonymous functions: "at filename:lineNumber:columnNumber" var attempt2 = /at ([^ ]+):(\d+):(?:\d+)$/.exec(stackLine); if (attempt2) { return [attempt2[1], Number(attempt2[2])]; } // Firefox style: "function@filename:lineNumber or @filename:lineNumber" var attempt3 = /.*@(.+):(\d+)$/.exec(stackLine); if (attempt3) { return [attempt3[1], Number(attempt3[2])]; } } var EmptyError = Rx.EmptyError = function() { this.message = 'Sequence contains no elements.';; }; EmptyError.prototype = Error.prototype; var ObjectDisposedError = Rx.ObjectDisposedError = function() { this.message = 'Object has been disposed';; }; ObjectDisposedError.prototype = Error.prototype; var ArgumentOutOfRangeError = Rx.ArgumentOutOfRangeError = function () { this.message = 'Argument out of range';; }; ArgumentOutOfRangeError.prototype = Error.prototype; var NotSupportedError = Rx.NotSupportedError = function (message) { this.message = message || 'This operation is not supported';; }; NotSupportedError.prototype = Error.prototype; var NotImplementedError = Rx.NotImplementedError = function (message) { this.message = message || 'This operation is not implemented';; }; NotImplementedError.prototype = Error.prototype; var notImplemented = Rx.helpers.notImplemented = function () { throw new NotImplementedError(); }; var notSupported = Rx.helpers.notSupported = function () { throw new NotSupportedError(); }; // Shim in iterator support var $iterator$ = (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator) || '_es6shim_iterator_'; // Bug for mozilla version if (root.Set && typeof new root.Set()['@@iterator'] === 'function') { $iterator$ = '@@iterator'; } var doneEnumerator = Rx.doneEnumerator = { done: true, value: undefined }; var isIterable = Rx.helpers.isIterable = function (o) { return o[$iterator$] !== undefined; } var isArrayLike = Rx.helpers.isArrayLike = function (o) { return o && o.length !== undefined; } Rx.helpers.iterator = $iterator$; var bindCallback = Rx.internals.bindCallback = function (func, thisArg, argCount) { if (typeof thisArg === 'undefined') { return func; } switch(argCount) { case 0: return function() { return }; case 1: return function(arg) { return, arg); } case 2: return function(value, index) { return, value, index); }; case 3: return function(value, index, collection) { return, value, index, collection); }; } return function() { return func.apply(thisArg, arguments); }; }; /** Used to determine if values are of the language type Object */ var dontEnums = ['toString', 'toLocaleString', 'valueOf', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'constructor'], dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length; /** `Object#toString` result shortcuts */ var argsClass = '[object Arguments]', arrayClass = '[object Array]', boolClass = '[object Boolean]', dateClass = '[object Date]', errorClass = '[object Error]', funcClass = '[object Function]', numberClass = '[object Number]', objectClass = '[object Object]', regexpClass = '[object RegExp]', stringClass = '[object String]'; var toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, supportsArgsClass = == argsClass, // For less <IE9 && FF<4 supportNodeClass, errorProto = Error.prototype, objectProto = Object.prototype, stringProto = String.prototype, propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable; try { supportNodeClass = !( == objectClass && !({ 'toString': 0 } + '')); } catch (e) { supportNodeClass = true; } var nonEnumProps = {}; nonEnumProps[arrayClass] = nonEnumProps[dateClass] = nonEnumProps[numberClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toLocaleString': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true }; nonEnumProps[boolClass] = nonEnumProps[stringClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true }; nonEnumProps[errorClass] = nonEnumProps[funcClass] = nonEnumProps[regexpClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true }; nonEnumProps[objectClass] = { 'constructor': true }; var support = {}; (function () { var ctor = function() { this.x = 1; }, props = []; ctor.prototype = { 'valueOf': 1, 'y': 1 }; for (var key in new ctor) { props.push(key); } for (key in arguments) { } // Detect if `name` or `message` properties of `Error.prototype` are enumerable by default. support.enumErrorProps =, 'message') ||, 'name'); // Detect if `prototype` properties are enumerable by default. support.enumPrototypes =, 'prototype'); // Detect if `arguments` object indexes are non-enumerable support.nonEnumArgs = key != 0; // Detect if properties shadowing those on `Object.prototype` are non-enumerable. support.nonEnumShadows = !/valueOf/.test(props); }(1)); var isObject = Rx.internals.isObject = function(value) { var type = typeof value; return value && (type == 'function' || type == 'object') || false; }; function keysIn(object) { var result = []; if (!isObject(object)) { return result; } if (support.nonEnumArgs && object.length && isArguments(object)) { object =; } var skipProto = support.enumPrototypes && typeof object == 'function', skipErrorProps = support.enumErrorProps && (object === errorProto || object instanceof Error); for (var key in object) { if (!(skipProto && key == 'prototype') && !(skipErrorProps && (key == 'message' || key == 'name'))) { result.push(key); } } if (support.nonEnumShadows && object !== objectProto) { var ctor = object.constructor, index = -1, length = dontEnumsLength; if (object === (ctor && ctor.prototype)) { var className = object === stringProto ? stringClass : object === errorProto ? errorClass :, nonEnum = nonEnumProps[className]; } while (++index < length) { key = dontEnums[index]; if (!(nonEnum && nonEnum[key]) &&, key)) { result.push(key); } } } return result; } function internalFor(object, callback, keysFunc) { var index = -1, props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; while (++index < length) { var key = props[index]; if (callback(object[key], key, object) === false) { break; } } return object; } function internalForIn(object, callback) { return internalFor(object, callback, keysIn); } function isNode(value) { // IE < 9 presents DOM nodes as `Object` objects except they have `toString` // methods that are `typeof` "string" and still can coerce nodes to strings return typeof value.toString != 'function' && typeof (value + '') == 'string'; } var isArguments = function(value) { return (value && typeof value == 'object') ? == argsClass : false; } // fallback for browsers that can't detect `arguments` objects by [[Class]] if (!supportsArgsClass) { isArguments = function(value) { return (value && typeof value == 'object') ?, 'callee') : false; }; } var isEqual = Rx.internals.isEqual = function (x, y) { return deepEquals(x, y, [], []); }; /** @private * Used for deep comparison **/ function deepEquals(a, b, stackA, stackB) { // exit early for identical values if (a === b) { // treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal return a !== 0 || (1 / a == 1 / b); } var type = typeof a, otherType = typeof b; // exit early for unlike primitive values if (a === a && (a == null || b == null || (type != 'function' && type != 'object' && otherType != 'function' && otherType != 'object'))) { return false; } // compare [[Class]] names var className =, otherClass =; if (className == argsClass) { className = objectClass; } if (otherClass == argsClass) { otherClass = objectClass; } if (className != otherClass) { return false; } switch (className) { case boolClass: case dateClass: // coerce dates and booleans to numbers, dates to milliseconds and booleans // to `1` or `0` treating invalid dates coerced to `NaN` as not equal return +a == +b; case numberClass: // treat `NaN` vs. `NaN` as equal return (a != +a) ? b != +b : // but treat `-0` vs. `+0` as not equal (a == 0 ? (1 / a == 1 / b) : a == +b); case regexpClass: case stringClass: // coerce regexes to strings ( // treat string primitives and their corresponding object instances as equal return a == String(b); } var isArr = className == arrayClass; if (!isArr) { // exit for functions and DOM nodes if (className != objectClass || (!support.nodeClass && (isNode(a) || isNode(b)))) { return false; } // in older versions of Opera, `arguments` objects have `Array` constructors var ctorA = !support.argsObject && isArguments(a) ? Object : a.constructor, ctorB = !support.argsObject && isArguments(b) ? Object : b.constructor; // non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal if (ctorA != ctorB && !(, 'constructor') &&, 'constructor')) && !(isFunction(ctorA) && ctorA instanceof ctorA && isFunction(ctorB) && ctorB instanceof ctorB) && ('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b) ) { return false; } } // assume cyclic structures are equal // the algorithm for detecting cyclic structures is adapted from ES 5.1 // section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO` ( var initedStack = !stackA; stackA || (stackA = []); stackB || (stackB = []); var length = stackA.length; while (length--) { if (stackA[length] == a) { return stackB[length] == b; } } var size = 0; var result = true; // add `a` and `b` to the stack of traversed objects stackA.push(a); stackB.push(b); // recursively compare objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits) if (isArr) { // compare lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary length = a.length; size = b.length; result = size == length; if (result) { // deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties while (size--) { var index = length, value = b[size]; if (!(result = deepEquals(a[size], value, stackA, stackB))) { break; } } } } else { // deep compare objects using `forIn`, instead of `forOwn`, to avoid `Object.keys` // which, in this case, is more costly internalForIn(b, function(value, key, b) { if (, key)) { // count the number of properties. size++; // deep compare each property value. return (result =, key) && deepEquals(a[key], value, stackA, stackB)); } }); if (result) { // ensure both objects have the same number of properties internalForIn(a, function(value, key, a) { if (, key)) { // `size` will be `-1` if `a` has more properties than `b` return (result = --size > -1); } }); } } stackA.pop(); stackB.pop(); return result; } var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, slice = Array.prototype.slice; var inherits = this.inherits = Rx.internals.inherits = function (child, parent) { function __() { this.constructor = child; } __.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new __(); }; var addProperties = Rx.internals.addProperties = function (obj) { for(var sources = [], i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { sources.push(arguments[i]); } for (var idx = 0, ln = sources.length; idx < ln; idx++) { var source = sources[idx]; for (var prop in source) { obj[prop] = source[prop]; } } }; // Rx Utils var addRef = Rx.internals.addRef = function (xs, r) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable(r.getDisposable(), xs.subscribe(observer)); }); }; function arrayInitialize(count, factory) { var a = new Array(count); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { a[i] = factory(); } return a; } var errorObj = {e: {}}; var tryCatchTarget; function tryCatcher() { try { return tryCatchTarget.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { errorObj.e = e; return errorObj; } } function tryCatch(fn) { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('fn must be a function'); } tryCatchTarget = fn; return tryCatcher; } function thrower(e) { throw e; } // Utilities if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function (that) { var target = this, args =, 1); var bound = function () { if (this instanceof bound) { function F() { } F.prototype = target.prototype; var self = new F(); var result = target.apply(self, args.concat(; if (Object(result) === result) { return result; } return self; } else { return target.apply(that, args.concat(; } }; return bound; }; } if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { var T, k; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError(" this is null or not defined"); } var O = Object(this); var len = O.length >>> 0; if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError(callback + " is not a function"); } if (arguments.length > 1) { T = thisArg; } k = 0; while (k < len) { var kValue; if (k in O) { kValue = O[k];, kValue, k, O); } k++; } }; } var boxedString = Object("a"), splitString = boxedString[0] != "a" || !(0 in boxedString); if (!Array.prototype.every) { Array.prototype.every = function every(fun /*, thisp */) { var object = Object(this), self = splitString && {} == stringClass ? this.split("") : object, length = self.length >>> 0, thisp = arguments[1]; if ({} != funcClass) { throw new TypeError(fun + " is not a function"); } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in self && !, self[i], i, object)) { return false; } } return true; }; } if (! { = function map(fun /*, thisp*/) { var object = Object(this), self = splitString && {} == stringClass ? this.split("") : object, length = self.length >>> 0, result = Array(length), thisp = arguments[1]; if ({} != funcClass) { throw new TypeError(fun + " is not a function"); } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in self) { result[i] =, self[i], i, object); } } return result; }; } if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function (predicate) { var results = [], item, t = new Object(this); for (var i = 0, len = t.length >>> 0; i < len; i++) { item = t[i]; if (i in t &&[1], item, i, t)) { results.push(item); } } return results; }; } if (!Array.isArray) { Array.isArray = function (arg) { return {} == arrayClass; }; } if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(searchElement) { var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; if (len === 0) { return -1; } var n = 0; if (arguments.length > 1) { n = Number(arguments[1]); if (n !== n) { n = 0; } else if (n !== 0 && n != Infinity && n !== -Infinity) { n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); } } if (n >= len) { return -1; } var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0); for (; k < len; k++) { if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) { return k; } } return -1; }; } // Fix for Tessel if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable) { Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable = function (key) { for (var k in this) { if (k === key) { return true; } } return false; }; } if (!Object.keys) { Object.keys = (function() { 'use strict'; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, hasDontEnumBug = !({ toString: null }).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'); return function(obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' && (typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null)) { throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object'); } var result = [], prop, i; for (prop in obj) { if (, prop)) { result.push(prop); } } if (hasDontEnumBug) { for (i = 0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) { if (, dontEnums[i])) { result.push(dontEnums[i]); } } } return result; }; }()); } // Collections function IndexedItem(id, value) { = id; this.value = value; } IndexedItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) { var c = this.value.compareTo(other.value); c === 0 && (c = -; return c; }; // Priority Queue for Scheduling var PriorityQueue = Rx.internals.PriorityQueue = function (capacity) { this.items = new Array(capacity); this.length = 0; }; var priorityProto = PriorityQueue.prototype; priorityProto.isHigherPriority = function (left, right) { return this.items[left].compareTo(this.items[right]) < 0; }; priorityProto.percolate = function (index) { if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; } var parent = index - 1 >> 1; if (parent < 0 || parent === index) { return; } if (this.isHigherPriority(index, parent)) { var temp = this.items[index]; this.items[index] = this.items[parent]; this.items[parent] = temp; this.percolate(parent); } }; priorityProto.heapify = function (index) { +index || (index = 0); if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; } var left = 2 * index + 1, right = 2 * index + 2, first = index; if (left < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(left, first)) { first = left; } if (right < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(right, first)) { first = right; } if (first !== index) { var temp = this.items[index]; this.items[index] = this.items[first]; this.items[first] = temp; this.heapify(first); } }; priorityProto.peek = function () { return this.items[0].value; }; priorityProto.removeAt = function (index) { this.items[index] = this.items[--this.length]; this.items[this.length] = undefined; this.heapify(); }; priorityProto.dequeue = function () { var result = this.peek(); this.removeAt(0); return result; }; priorityProto.enqueue = function (item) { var index = this.length++; this.items[index] = new IndexedItem(PriorityQueue.count++, item); this.percolate(index); }; priorityProto.remove = function (item) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this.items[i].value === item) { this.removeAt(i); return true; } } return false; }; PriorityQueue.count = 0; /** * Represents a group of disposable resources that are disposed together. * @constructor */ var CompositeDisposable = Rx.CompositeDisposable = function () { var args = [], i, len; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { args = arguments[0]; len = args.length; } else { len = arguments.length; args = new Array(len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } } for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!isDisposable(args[i])) { throw new TypeError('Not a disposable'); } } this.disposables = args; this.isDisposed = false; this.length = args.length; }; var CompositeDisposablePrototype = CompositeDisposable.prototype; /** * Adds a disposable to the CompositeDisposable or disposes the disposable if the CompositeDisposable is disposed. * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to add. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.add = function (item) { if (this.isDisposed) { item.dispose(); } else { this.disposables.push(item); this.length++; } }; /** * Removes and disposes the first occurrence of a disposable from the CompositeDisposable. * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to remove. * @returns {Boolean} true if found; false otherwise. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.remove = function (item) { var shouldDispose = false; if (!this.isDisposed) { var idx = this.disposables.indexOf(item); if (idx !== -1) { shouldDispose = true; this.disposables.splice(idx, 1); this.length--; item.dispose(); } } return shouldDispose; }; /** * Disposes all disposables in the group and removes them from the group. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; var len = this.disposables.length, currentDisposables = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { currentDisposables[i] = this.disposables[i]; } this.disposables = []; this.length = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { currentDisposables[i].dispose(); } } }; /** * Provides a set of static methods for creating Disposables. * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once. */ var Disposable = Rx.Disposable = function (action) { this.isDisposed = false; this.action = action || noop; }; /** Performs the task of cleaning up resources. */ Disposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.action(); this.isDisposed = true; } }; /** * Creates a disposable object that invokes the specified action when disposed. * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once. * @return {Disposable} The disposable object that runs the given action upon disposal. */ var disposableCreate = Disposable.create = function (action) { return new Disposable(action); }; /** * Gets the disposable that does nothing when disposed. */ var disposableEmpty = Disposable.empty = { dispose: noop }; /** * Validates whether the given object is a disposable * @param {Object} Object to test whether it has a dispose method * @returns {Boolean} true if a disposable object, else false. */ var isDisposable = Disposable.isDisposable = function (d) { return d && isFunction(d.dispose); }; var checkDisposed = Disposable.checkDisposed = function (disposable) { if (disposable.isDisposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedError(); } }; var SingleAssignmentDisposable = Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable = (function () { function BooleanDisposable () { this.isDisposed = false; this.current = null; } var booleanDisposablePrototype = BooleanDisposable.prototype; /** * Gets the underlying disposable. * @return The underlying disposable. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.current; }; /** * Sets the underlying disposable. * @param {Disposable} value The new underlying disposable. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { var shouldDispose = this.isDisposed; if (!shouldDispose) { var old = this.current; this.current = value; } old && old.dispose(); shouldDispose && value && value.dispose(); }; /** * Disposes the underlying disposable as well as all future replacements. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; var old = this.current; this.current = null; } old && old.dispose(); }; return BooleanDisposable; }()); var SerialDisposable = Rx.SerialDisposable = SingleAssignmentDisposable; /** * Represents a disposable resource that only disposes its underlying disposable resource when all dependent disposable objects have been disposed. */ var RefCountDisposable = Rx.RefCountDisposable = (function () { function InnerDisposable(disposable) { this.disposable = disposable; this.disposable.count++; this.isInnerDisposed = false; } InnerDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.disposable.isDisposed && !this.isInnerDisposed) { this.isInnerDisposed = true; this.disposable.count--; if (this.disposable.count === 0 && this.disposable.isPrimaryDisposed) { this.disposable.isDisposed = true; this.disposable.underlyingDisposable.dispose(); } } }; /** * Initializes a new instance of the RefCountDisposable with the specified disposable. * @constructor * @param {Disposable} disposable Underlying disposable. */ function RefCountDisposable(disposable) { this.underlyingDisposable = disposable; this.isDisposed = false; this.isPrimaryDisposed = false; this.count = 0; } /** * Disposes the underlying disposable only when all dependent disposables have been disposed */ RefCountDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed && !this.isPrimaryDisposed) { this.isPrimaryDisposed = true; if (this.count === 0) { this.isDisposed = true; this.underlyingDisposable.dispose(); } } }; /** * Returns a dependent disposable that when disposed decreases the refcount on the underlying disposable. * @returns {Disposable} A dependent disposable contributing to the reference count that manages the underlying disposable's lifetime. */ RefCountDisposable.prototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.isDisposed ? disposableEmpty : new InnerDisposable(this); }; return RefCountDisposable; })(); function ScheduledDisposable(scheduler, disposable) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.disposable = disposable; this.isDisposed = false; } function scheduleItem(s, self) { if (!self.isDisposed) { self.isDisposed = true; self.disposable.dispose(); } } ScheduledDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { this.scheduler.scheduleWithState(this, scheduleItem); }; var ScheduledItem = Rx.internals.ScheduledItem = function (scheduler, state, action, dueTime, comparer) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.state = state; this.action = action; this.dueTime = dueTime; this.comparer = comparer || defaultSubComparer; this.disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); } ScheduledItem.prototype.invoke = function () { this.disposable.setDisposable(this.invokeCore()); }; ScheduledItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) { return this.comparer(this.dueTime, other.dueTime); }; ScheduledItem.prototype.isCancelled = function () { return this.disposable.isDisposed; }; ScheduledItem.prototype.invokeCore = function () { return this.action(this.scheduler, this.state); }; /** Provides a set of static properties to access commonly used schedulers. */ var Scheduler = Rx.Scheduler = (function () { function Scheduler(now, schedule, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute) { = now; this._schedule = schedule; this._scheduleRelative = scheduleRelative; this._scheduleAbsolute = scheduleAbsolute; } function invokeAction(scheduler, action) { action(); return disposableEmpty; } var schedulerProto = Scheduler.prototype; /** * Schedules an action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.schedule = function (action) { return this._schedule(action, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed. * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithState = function (state, action) { return this._schedule(state, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after the specified relative due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after dueTime. * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithRelativeAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at the specified absolute due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action); }; /** Gets the current time according to the local machine's system clock. */ = defaultNow; /** * Normalizes the specified TimeSpan value to a positive value. * @param {Number} timeSpan The time span value to normalize. * @returns {Number} The specified TimeSpan value if it is zero or positive; otherwise, 0 */ Scheduler.normalize = function (timeSpan) { timeSpan < 0 && (timeSpan = 0); return timeSpan; }; return Scheduler; }()); var normalizeTime = Scheduler.normalize; (function (schedulerProto) { function invokeRecImmediate(scheduler, pair) { var state = pair[0], action = pair[1], group = new CompositeDisposable(); function recursiveAction(state1) { action(state1, function (state2) { var isAdded = false, isDone = false, d = scheduler.scheduleWithState(state2, function (scheduler1, state3) { if (isAdded) { group.remove(d); } else { isDone = true; } recursiveAction(state3); return disposableEmpty; }); if (!isDone) { group.add(d); isAdded = true; } }); } recursiveAction(state); return group; } function invokeRecDate(scheduler, pair, method) { var state = pair[0], action = pair[1], group = new CompositeDisposable(); function recursiveAction(state1) { action(state1, function (state2, dueTime1) { var isAdded = false, isDone = false, d = scheduler[method](state2, dueTime1, function (scheduler1, state3) { if (isAdded) { group.remove(d); } else { isDone = true; } recursiveAction(state3); return disposableEmpty; }); if (!isDone) { group.add(d); isAdded = true; } }); }; recursiveAction(state); return group; } function scheduleInnerRecursive(action, self) { action(function(dt) { self(action, dt); }); } /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursive = function (action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithState(action, function (_action, self) { _action(function () { self(_action); }); }); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in recursive invocation state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithState = function (state, action) { return this.scheduleWithState([state, action], invokeRecImmediate); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action at the specified relative time. * @param {Number}dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState(action, dueTime, scheduleInnerRecursive); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative due time. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state. * @param {Number}dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative([state, action], dueTime, function (s, p) { return invokeRecDate(s, p, 'scheduleWithRelativeAndState'); }); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively at a specified absolute due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action at the specified absolute time. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState(action, dueTime, scheduleInnerRecursive); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively at a specified absolute due time. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute([state, action], dueTime, function (s, p) { return invokeRecDate(s, p, 'scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState'); }); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); (function (schedulerProto) { /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ Scheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodic = function (period, action) { return this.schedulePeriodicWithState(null, period, action); }; /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation. * @param {Mixed} state Initial state passed to the action upon the first iteration. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed, potentially updating the state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ Scheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function(state, period, action) { if (typeof root.setInterval === 'undefined') { throw new NotSupportedError(); } period = normalizeTime(period); var s = state, id = root.setInterval(function () { s = action(s); }, period); return disposableCreate(function () { root.clearInterval(id); }); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); (function (schedulerProto) { /** * Returns a scheduler that wraps the original scheduler, adding exception handling for scheduled actions. * @param {Function} handler Handler that's run if an exception is caught. The exception will be rethrown if the handler returns false. * @returns {Scheduler} Wrapper around the original scheduler, enforcing exception handling. */ schedulerProto.catchError = schedulerProto['catch'] = function (handler) { return new CatchScheduler(this, handler); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); var SchedulePeriodicRecursive = Rx.internals.SchedulePeriodicRecursive = (function () { function tick(command, recurse) { recurse(0, this._period); try { this._state = this._action(this._state); } catch (e) { this._cancel.dispose(); throw e; } } function SchedulePeriodicRecursive(scheduler, state, period, action) { this._scheduler = scheduler; this._state = state; this._period = period; this._action = action; } SchedulePeriodicRecursive.prototype.start = function () { var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this._cancel = d; d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState(0, this._period, tick.bind(this))); return d; }; return SchedulePeriodicRecursive; }()); /** Gets a scheduler that schedules work immediately on the current thread. */ var immediateScheduler = Scheduler.immediate = (function () { function scheduleNow(state, action) { return action(this, state); } return new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, notSupported, notSupported); }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work as soon as possible on the current thread. */ var currentThreadScheduler = Scheduler.currentThread = (function () { var queue; function runTrampoline () { while (queue.length > 0) { var item = queue.dequeue(); !item.isCancelled() && item.invoke(); } } function scheduleNow(state, action) { var si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, action,; if (!queue) { queue = new PriorityQueue(4); queue.enqueue(si); var result = tryCatch(runTrampoline)(); queue = null; if (result === errorObj) { return thrower(result.e); } } else { queue.enqueue(si); } return si.disposable; } var currentScheduler = new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, notSupported, notSupported); currentScheduler.scheduleRequired = function () { return !queue; }; return currentScheduler; }()); var scheduleMethod, clearMethod; var localTimer = (function () { var localSetTimeout, localClearTimeout = noop; if (!!root.WScript) { localSetTimeout = function (fn, time) { root.WScript.Sleep(time); fn(); }; } else if (!!root.setTimeout) { localSetTimeout = root.setTimeout; localClearTimeout = root.clearTimeout; } else { throw new NotSupportedError(); } return { setTimeout: localSetTimeout, clearTimeout: localClearTimeout }; }()); var localSetTimeout = localTimer.setTimeout, localClearTimeout = localTimer.clearTimeout; (function () { var nextHandle = 1, tasksByHandle = {}, currentlyRunning = false; clearMethod = function (handle) { delete tasksByHandle[handle]; }; function runTask(handle) { if (currentlyRunning) { localSetTimeout(function () { runTask(handle) }, 0); } else { var task = tasksByHandle[handle]; if (task) { currentlyRunning = true; var result = tryCatch(task)(); clearMethod(handle); currentlyRunning = false; if (result === errorObj) { return thrower(result.e); } } } } var reNative = RegExp('^' + String(toString) .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g, '.*?') + '$' ); var setImmediate = typeof (setImmediate = freeGlobal && moduleExports && freeGlobal.setImmediate) == 'function' && !reNative.test(setImmediate) && setImmediate; function postMessageSupported () { // Ensure not in a worker if (!root.postMessage || root.importScripts) { return false; } var isAsync = false, oldHandler = root.onmessage; // Test for async root.onmessage = function () { isAsync = true; }; root.postMessage('', '*'); root.onmessage = oldHandler; return isAsync; } // Use in order, setImmediate, nextTick, postMessage, MessageChannel, script readystatechanged, setTimeout if (isFunction(setImmediate)) { scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = nextHandle++; tasksByHandle[id] = action; setImmediate(function () { runTask(id); }); return id; }; } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') { scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = nextHandle++; tasksByHandle[id] = action; process.nextTick(function () { runTask(id); }); return id; }; } else if (postMessageSupported()) { var MSG_PREFIX = 'ms.rx.schedule' + Math.random(); function onGlobalPostMessage(event) { // Only if we're a match to avoid any other global events if (typeof === 'string' &&, MSG_PREFIX.length) === MSG_PREFIX) { runTask(; } } if (root.addEventListener) { root.addEventListener('message', onGlobalPostMessage, false); } else { root.attachEvent('onmessage', onGlobalPostMessage, false); } scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = nextHandle++; tasksByHandle[id] = action; root.postMessage(MSG_PREFIX + currentId, '*'); return id; }; } else if (!!root.MessageChannel) { var channel = new root.MessageChannel(); channel.port1.onmessage = function (e) { runTask(; }; scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = nextHandle++; tasksByHandle[id] = action; channel.port2.postMessage(id); return id; }; } else if ('document' in root && 'onreadystatechange' in root.document.createElement('script')) { scheduleMethod = function (action) { var scriptElement = root.document.createElement('script'); var id = nextHandle++; tasksByHandle[id] = action; scriptElement.onreadystatechange = function () { runTask(id); scriptElement.onreadystatechange = null; scriptElement.parentNode.removeChild(scriptElement); scriptElement = null; }; root.document.documentElement.appendChild(scriptElement); return id; }; } else { scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = nextHandle++; tasksByHandle[id] = action; localSetTimeout(function () { runTask(id); }, 0); return id; }; } }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work via a timed callback based upon platform. */ var timeoutScheduler = Scheduler.timeout = Scheduler.default = (function () { function scheduleNow(state, action) { var scheduler = this, disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var id = scheduleMethod(function () { if (!disposable.isDisposed) { disposable.setDisposable(action(scheduler, state)); } }); return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, disposableCreate(function () { clearMethod(id); })); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var scheduler = this, dt = Scheduler.normalize(dueTime); if (dt === 0) { return scheduler.scheduleWithState(state, action); } var disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var id = localSetTimeout(function () { if (!disposable.isDisposed) { disposable.setDisposable(action(scheduler, state)); } }, dt); return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, disposableCreate(function () { localClearTimeout(id); })); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } return new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); })(); var CatchScheduler = (function (__super__) { function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithState(state, this._wrap(action)); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime, this._wrap(action)); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState(state, dueTime, this._wrap(action)); } inherits(CatchScheduler, __super__); function CatchScheduler(scheduler, handler) { this._scheduler = scheduler; this._handler = handler; this._recursiveOriginal = null; this._recursiveWrapper = null;,, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); } CatchScheduler.prototype._clone = function (scheduler) { return new CatchScheduler(scheduler, this._handler); }; CatchScheduler.prototype._wrap = function (action) { var parent = this; return function (self, state) { try { return action(parent._getRecursiveWrapper(self), state); } catch (e) { if (!parent._handler(e)) { throw e; } return disposableEmpty; } }; }; CatchScheduler.prototype._getRecursiveWrapper = function (scheduler) { if (this._recursiveOriginal !== scheduler) { this._recursiveOriginal = scheduler; var wrapper = this._clone(scheduler); wrapper._recursiveOriginal = scheduler; wrapper._recursiveWrapper = wrapper; this._recursiveWrapper = wrapper; } return this._recursiveWrapper; }; CatchScheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function (state, period, action) { var self = this, failed = false, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.schedulePeriodicWithState(state, period, function (state1) { if (failed) { return null; } try { return action(state1); } catch (e) { failed = true; if (!self._handler(e)) { throw e; } d.dispose(); return null; } })); return d; }; return CatchScheduler; }(Scheduler)); /** * Represents a notification to an observer. */ var Notification = Rx.Notification = (function () { function Notification(kind, value, exception, accept, acceptObservable, toString) { this.kind = kind; this.value = value; this.exception = exception; this._accept = accept; this._acceptObservable = acceptObservable; this.toString = toString; } /** * Invokes the delegate corresponding to the notification or the observer's method corresponding to the notification and returns the produced result. * * @memberOf Notification * @param {Any} observerOrOnNext Delegate to invoke for an OnNext notification or Observer to invoke the notification on.. * @param {Function} onError Delegate to invoke for an OnError notification. * @param {Function} onCompleted Delegate to invoke for an OnCompleted notification. * @returns {Any} Result produced by the observation. */ Notification.prototype.accept = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { return observerOrOnNext && typeof observerOrOnNext === 'object' ? this._acceptObservable(observerOrOnNext) : this._accept(observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence with a single notification. * * @memberOf Notifications * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to send out the notification calls on. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that surfaces the behavior of the notification upon subscription. */ Notification.prototype.toObservable = function (scheduler) { var self = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithState(self, function (_, notification) { notification._acceptObservable(observer); notification.kind === 'N' && observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; return Notification; })(); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnNext notification to an observer. * @param {Any} value The value contained in the notification. * @returns {Notification} The OnNext notification containing the value. */ var notificationCreateOnNext = Notification.createOnNext = (function () { function _accept(onNext) { return onNext(this.value); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onNext(this.value); } function toString() { return 'OnNext(' + this.value + ')'; } return function (value) { return new Notification('N', value, null, _accept, _acceptObservable, toString); }; }()); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnError notification to an observer. * @param {Any} error The exception contained in the notification. * @returns {Notification} The OnError notification containing the exception. */ var notificationCreateOnError = Notification.createOnError = (function () { function _accept (onNext, onError) { return onError(this.exception); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onError(this.exception); } function toString () { return 'OnError(' + this.exception + ')'; } return function (e) { return new Notification('E', null, e, _accept, _acceptObservable, toString); }; }()); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnCompleted notification to an observer. * @returns {Notification} The OnCompleted notification. */ var notificationCreateOnCompleted = Notification.createOnCompleted = (function () { function _accept (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { return onCompleted(); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onCompleted(); } function toString () { return 'OnCompleted()'; } return function () { return new Notification('C', null, null, _accept, _acceptObservable, toString); }; }()); var Enumerator = Rx.internals.Enumerator = function (next) { this._next = next; }; = function () { return this._next(); }; Enumerator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; } var Enumerable = Rx.internals.Enumerable = function (iterator) { this._iterator = iterator; }; Enumerable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this._iterator(); }; Enumerable.prototype.concat = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var e = sources[$iterator$](); var isDisposed, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (isDisposed) { return; } try { var currentItem =; } catch (ex) { return o.onError(ex); } if (currentItem.done) { return o.onCompleted(); } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( function(x) { o.onNext(x); }, function(err) { o.onError(err); }, self) ); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.catchError = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var e = sources[$iterator$](); var isDisposed, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(null, function (lastException, self) { if (isDisposed) { return; } try { var currentItem =; } catch (ex) { return observer.onError(ex); } if (currentItem.done) { if (lastException !== null) { o.onError(lastException); } else { o.onCompleted(); } return; } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( function(x) { o.onNext(x); }, self, function() { o.onCompleted(); })); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.catchErrorWhen = function (notificationHandler) { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var exceptions = new Subject(), notifier = new Subject(), handled = notificationHandler(exceptions), notificationDisposable = handled.subscribe(notifier); var e = sources[$iterator$](); var isDisposed, lastException, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (isDisposed) { return; } try { var currentItem =; } catch (ex) { return o.onError(ex); } if (currentItem.done) { if (lastException) { o.onError(lastException); } else { o.onCompleted(); } return; } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var outer = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var inner = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(new CompositeDisposable(inner, outer)); outer.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( function(x) { o.onNext(x); }, function (exn) { inner.setDisposable(notifier.subscribe(self, function(ex) { o.onError(ex); }, function() { o.onCompleted(); })); exceptions.onNext(exn); }, function() { o.onCompleted(); })); }); return new CompositeDisposable(notificationDisposable, subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; var enumerableRepeat = Enumerable.repeat = function (value, repeatCount) { if (repeatCount == null) { repeatCount = -1; } return new Enumerable(function () { var left = repeatCount; return new Enumerator(function () { if (left === 0) { return doneEnumerator; } if (left > 0) { left--; } return { done: false, value: value }; }); }); }; var enumerableOf = Enumerable.of = function (source, selector, thisArg) { if (selector) { var selectorFn = bindCallback(selector, thisArg, 3); } return new Enumerable(function () { var index = -1; return new Enumerator( function () { return ++index < source.length ? { done: false, value: !selector ? source[index] : selectorFn(source[index], index, source) } : doneEnumerator; }); }); }; /** * Supports push-style iteration over an observable sequence. */ var Observer = Rx.Observer = function () { }; /** * Creates a notification callback from an observer. * @returns The action that forwards its input notification to the underlying observer. */ Observer.prototype.toNotifier = function () { var observer = this; return function (n) { return n.accept(observer); }; }; /** * Hides the identity of an observer. * @returns An observer that hides the identity of the specified observer. */ Observer.prototype.asObserver = function () { return new AnonymousObserver(this.onNext.bind(this), this.onError.bind(this), this.onCompleted.bind(this)); }; /** * Checks access to the observer for grammar violations. This includes checking for multiple OnError or OnCompleted calls, as well as reentrancy in any of the observer methods. * If a violation is detected, an Error is thrown from the offending observer method call. * @returns An observer that checks callbacks invocations against the observer grammar and, if the checks pass, forwards those to the specified observer. */ Observer.prototype.checked = function () { return new CheckedObserver(this); }; /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, along with optional OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Function} [onNext] Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Function} [onError] Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. * @returns {Observer} The observer object implemented using the given actions. */ var observerCreate = Observer.create = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { onNext || (onNext = noop); onError || (onError = defaultError); onCompleted || (onCompleted = noop); return new AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted); }; /** * Creates an observer from a notification callback. * * @static * @memberOf Observer * @param {Function} handler Action that handles a notification. * @returns The observer object that invokes the specified handler using a notification corresponding to each message it receives. */ Observer.fromNotifier = function (handler, thisArg) { return new AnonymousObserver(function (x) { return, notificationCreateOnNext(x)); }, function (e) { return, notificationCreateOnError(e)); }, function () { return, notificationCreateOnCompleted()); }); }; /** * Schedules the invocation of observer methods on the given scheduler. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to schedule observer messages on. * @returns {Observer} Observer whose messages are scheduled on the given scheduler. */ Observer.prototype.notifyOn = function (scheduler) { return new ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, this); }; Observer.prototype.makeSafe = function(disposable) { return new AnonymousSafeObserver(this._onNext, this._onError, this._onCompleted, disposable); }; /** * Abstract base class for implementations of the Observer class. * This base class enforces the grammar of observers where OnError and OnCompleted are terminal messages. */ var AbstractObserver = Rx.internals.AbstractObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AbstractObserver, __super__); /** * Creates a new observer in a non-stopped state. */ function AbstractObserver() { this.isStopped = false;; } // Must be implemented by other observers = notImplemented; AbstractObserver.prototype.error = notImplemented; AbstractObserver.prototype.completed = notImplemented; /** * Notifies the observer of a new element in the sequence. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onNext = function (value) { if (!this.isStopped) {; } }; /** * Notifies the observer that an exception has occurred. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onError = function (error) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error(error); } }; /** * Notifies the observer of the end of the sequence. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.completed(); } }; /** * Disposes the observer, causing it to transition to the stopped state. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.dispose = function () { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error(e); return true; } return false; }; return AbstractObserver; }(Observer)); /** * Class to create an Observer instance from delegate-based implementations of the on* methods. */ var AnonymousObserver = Rx.AnonymousObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousObserver, __super__); /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Any} onNext Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Any} onError Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Any} onCompleted Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. */ function AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted) {; this._onNext = onNext; this._onError = onError; this._onCompleted = onCompleted; } /** * Calls the onNext action. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ = function (value) { this._onNext(value); }; /** * Calls the onError action. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ AnonymousObserver.prototype.error = function (error) { this._onError(error); }; /** * Calls the onCompleted action. */ AnonymousObserver.prototype.completed = function () { this._onCompleted(); }; return AnonymousObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var CheckedObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(CheckedObserver, __super__); function CheckedObserver(observer) {; this._observer = observer; this._state = 0; // 0 - idle, 1 - busy, 2 - done } var CheckedObserverPrototype = CheckedObserver.prototype; CheckedObserverPrototype.onNext = function (value) { this.checkAccess(); var res = tryCatch(this._observer.onNext).call(this._observer, value); this._state = 0; res === errorObj && thrower(res.e); }; CheckedObserverPrototype.onError = function (err) { this.checkAccess(); var res = tryCatch(this._observer.onError).call(this._observer, err); this._state = 2; res === errorObj && thrower(res.e); }; CheckedObserverPrototype.onCompleted = function () { this.checkAccess(); var res = tryCatch(this._observer.onCompleted).call(this._observer); this._state = 2; res === errorObj && thrower(res.e); }; CheckedObserverPrototype.checkAccess = function () { if (this._state === 1) { throw new Error('Re-entrancy detected'); } if (this._state === 2) { throw new Error('Observer completed'); } if (this._state === 0) { this._state = 1; } }; return CheckedObserver; }(Observer)); var ScheduledObserver = Rx.internals.ScheduledObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(ScheduledObserver, __super__); function ScheduledObserver(scheduler, observer) {; this.scheduler = scheduler; = observer; this.isAcquired = false; this.hasFaulted = false; this.queue = []; this.disposable = new SerialDisposable(); } = function (value) { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.error = function (e) { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.completed = function () { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.ensureActive = function () { var isOwner = false, parent = this; if (!this.hasFaulted && this.queue.length > 0) { isOwner = !this.isAcquired; this.isAcquired = true; } if (isOwner) { this.disposable.setDisposable(this.scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var work; if (parent.queue.length > 0) { work = parent.queue.shift(); } else { parent.isAcquired = false; return; } try { work(); } catch (ex) { parent.queue = []; parent.hasFaulted = true; throw ex; } self(); })); } }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.dispose = function () {; this.disposable.dispose(); }; return ScheduledObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var ObserveOnObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(ObserveOnObserver, __super__); function ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, observer, cancel) {, scheduler, observer); this._cancel = cancel; } = function (value) {, value); this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.error = function (e) {, e); this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.completed = function () {; this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.dispose = function () {; this._cancel && this._cancel.dispose(); this._cancel = null; }; return ObserveOnObserver; })(ScheduledObserver); var observableProto; /** * Represents a push-style collection. */ var Observable = Rx.Observable = (function () { function Observable(subscribe) { if (Rx.config.longStackSupport && hasStacks) { try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { this.stack = e.stack.substring(e.stack.indexOf("\n") + 1); } var self = this; this._subscribe = function (observer) { var oldOnError = observer.onError.bind(observer); observer.onError = function (err) { makeStackTraceLong(err, self); oldOnError(err); }; return, observer); }; } else { this._subscribe = subscribe; } } observableProto = Observable.prototype; /** * Subscribes an observer to the observable sequence. * @param {Mixed} [observerOrOnNext] The object that is to receive notifications or an action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @returns {Diposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribe = observableProto.forEach = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { return this._subscribe(typeof observerOrOnNext === 'object' ? observerOrOnNext : observerCreate(observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted)); }; /** * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onNext The function to invoke on each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function(x) {, x); } : onNext)); }; /** * Subscribes to an exceptional condition in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onError The function to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnError = function (onError, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function(e) {, e); } : onError)); }; /** * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onCompleted The function to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, null, typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function() {; } : onCompleted)); }; return Observable; })(); var ObservableBase = Rx.ObservableBase = (function (__super__) { inherits(ObservableBase, __super__); function fixSubscriber(subscriber) { return subscriber && isFunction(subscriber.dispose) ? subscriber : isFunction(subscriber) ? disposableCreate(subscriber) : disposableEmpty; } function setDisposable(s, state) { var ado = state[0], self = state[1]; var sub = tryCatch(self.subscribeCore).call(self, ado); if (sub === errorObj) { if(! { return thrower(errorObj.e); } } ado.setDisposable(fixSubscriber(sub)); } function subscribe(observer) { var ado = new AutoDetachObserver(observer), state = [ado, this]; if (currentThreadScheduler.scheduleRequired()) { currentThreadScheduler.scheduleWithState(state, setDisposable); } else { setDisposable(null, state); } return ado; } function ObservableBase() {, subscribe); } ObservableBase.prototype.subscribeCore = notImplemented; return ObservableBase; }(Observable)); /** * Wraps the source sequence in order to run its observer callbacks on the specified scheduler. * * This only invokes observer callbacks on a scheduler. In case the subscription and/or unsubscription actions have side-effects * that require to be run on a scheduler, use subscribeOn. * * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to notify observers on. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence whose observations happen on the specified scheduler. */ observableProto.observeOn = function (scheduler) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(new ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, observer)); }, source); }; /** * Wraps the source sequence in order to run its subscription and unsubscription logic on the specified scheduler. This operation is not commonly used; * see the remarks section for more information on the distinction between subscribeOn and observeOn. * This only performs the side-effects of subscription and unsubscription on the specified scheduler. In order to invoke observer * callbacks on a scheduler, use observeOn. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to perform subscription and unsubscription actions on. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence whose subscriptions and unsubscriptions happen on the specified scheduler. */ observableProto.subscribeOn = function (scheduler) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), d = new SerialDisposable(); d.setDisposable(m); m.setDisposable(scheduler.schedule(function () { d.setDisposable(new ScheduledDisposable(scheduler, source.subscribe(observer))); })); return d; }, source); }; /** * Converts a Promise to an Observable sequence * @param {Promise} An ES6 Compliant promise. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence which wraps the existing promise success and failure. */ var observableFromPromise = Observable.fromPromise = function (promise) { return observableDefer(function () { var subject = new Rx.AsyncSubject(); promise.then( function (value) { subject.onNext(value); subject.onCompleted(); }, subject.onError.bind(subject)); return subject; }); }; /* * Converts an existing observable sequence to an ES6 Compatible Promise * @example * var promise = Rx.Observable.return(42).toPromise(RSVP.Promise); * * // With config * Rx.config.Promise = RSVP.Promise; * var promise = Rx.Observable.return(42).toPromise(); * @param {Function} [promiseCtor] The constructor of the promise. If not provided, it looks for it in Rx.config.Promise. * @returns {Promise} An ES6 compatible promise with the last value from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toPromise = function (promiseCtor) { promiseCtor || (promiseCtor = Rx.config.Promise); if (!promiseCtor) { throw new NotSupportedError('Promise type not provided nor in Rx.config.Promise'); } var source = this; return new promiseCtor(function (resolve, reject) { // No cancellation can be done var value, hasValue = false; source.subscribe(function (v) { value = v; hasValue = true; }, reject, function () { hasValue && resolve(value); }); }); }; var ToArrayObservable = (function(__super__) { inherits(ToArrayObservable, __super__); function ToArrayObservable(source) { this.source = source;; } ToArrayObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function(observer) { return this.source.subscribe(new ToArrayObserver(observer)); }; return ToArrayObservable; }(ObservableBase)); function ToArrayObserver(observer) { = observer; this.a = []; this.isStopped = false; } ToArrayObserver.prototype.onNext = function (x) { if(!this.isStopped) { this.a.push(x); } }; ToArrayObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; } }; ToArrayObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;;; } }; ToArrayObserver.prototype.dispose = function () { this.isStopped = true; } = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; return true; } return false; }; /** * Creates an array from an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with a list containing all the elements of the source sequence. */ observableProto.toArray = function () { return new ToArrayObservable(this); }; /** * Creates an observable sequence from a specified subscribe method implementation. * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return function () { } ); * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return Rx.Disposable.empty; } ); * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { } ); * @param {Function} subscribe Implementation of the resulting observable sequence's subscribe method, returning a function that will be wrapped in a Disposable. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence with the specified implementation for the Subscribe method. */ Observable.create = Observable.createWithDisposable = function (subscribe, parent) { return new AnonymousObservable(subscribe, parent); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that invokes the specified factory function whenever a new observer subscribes. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.defer(function () { return Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3]); }); * @param {Function} observableFactory Observable factory function to invoke for each observer that subscribes to the resulting sequence or Promise. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose observers trigger an invocation of the given observable factory function. */ var observableDefer = Observable.defer = function (observableFactory) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var result; try { result = observableFactory(); } catch (e) { return observableThrow(e).subscribe(observer); } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); return result.subscribe(observer); }); }; /** * Returns an empty observable sequence, using the specified scheduler to send out the single OnCompleted message. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.empty(); * var res = Rx.Observable.empty(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to send the termination call on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with no elements. */ var observableEmpty = Observable.empty = function (scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithState(null, function () { observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; var FromObservable = (function(__super__) { inherits(FromObservable, __super__); function FromObservable(iterable, mapper, scheduler) { this.iterable = iterable; this.mapper = mapper; this.scheduler = scheduler;; } FromObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function (observer) { var sink = new FromSink(observer, this); return; }; return FromObservable; }(ObservableBase)); var FromSink = (function () { function FromSink(observer, parent) { = observer; this.parent = parent; } = function () { var list = Object(this.parent.iterable), it = getIterable(list), observer =, mapper = this.parent.mapper; function loopRecursive(i, recurse) { try { var next =; } catch (e) { return observer.onError(e); } if (next.done) { return observer.onCompleted(); } var result = next.value; if (mapper) { try { result = mapper(result, i); } catch (e) { return observer.onError(e); } } observer.onNext(result); recurse(i + 1); } return this.parent.scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(0, loopRecursive); }; return FromSink; }()); var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; function StringIterable(str) { this._s = s; } StringIterable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return new StringIterator(this._s); }; function StringIterator(str) { this._s = s; this._l = s.length; this._i = 0; } StringIterator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; }; = function () { return this._i < this._l ? { done: false, value: this._s.charAt(this._i++) } : doneEnumerator; }; function ArrayIterable(a) { this._a = a; } ArrayIterable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return new ArrayIterator(this._a); }; function ArrayIterator(a) { this._a = a; this._l = toLength(a); this._i = 0; } ArrayIterator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; }; = function () { return this._i < this._l ? { done: false, value: this._a[this._i++] } : doneEnumerator; }; function numberIsFinite(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && root.isFinite(value); } function isNan(n) { return n !== n; } function getIterable(o) { var i = o[$iterator$], it; if (!i && typeof o === 'string') { it = new StringIterable(o); return it[$iterator$](); } if (!i && o.length !== undefined) { it = new ArrayIterable(o); return it[$iterator$](); } if (!i) { throw new TypeError('Object is not iterable'); } return o[$iterator$](); } function sign(value) { var number = +value; if (number === 0) { return number; } if (isNaN(number)) { return number; } return number < 0 ? -1 : 1; } function toLength(o) { var len = +o.length; if (isNaN(len)) { return 0; } if (len === 0 || !numberIsFinite(len)) { return len; } len = sign(len) * Math.floor(Math.abs(len)); if (len <= 0) { return 0; } if (len > maxSafeInteger) { return maxSafeInteger; } return len; } /** * This method creates a new Observable sequence from an array-like or iterable object. * @param {Any} arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an Observable sequence. * @param {Function} [mapFn] Map function to call on every element of the array. * @param {Any} [thisArg] The context to use calling the mapFn if provided. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Optional scheduler to use for scheduling. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. */ var observableFrom = Observable.from = function (iterable, mapFn, thisArg, scheduler) { if (iterable == null) { throw new Error('iterable cannot be null.') } if (mapFn && !isFunction(mapFn)) { throw new Error('mapFn when provided must be a function'); } if (mapFn) { var mapper = bindCallback(mapFn, thisArg, 2); } isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new FromObservable(iterable, mapper, scheduler); } var FromArrayObservable = (function(__super__) { inherits(FromArrayObservable, __super__); function FromArrayObservable(args, scheduler) { this.args = args; this.scheduler = scheduler;; } FromArrayObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function (observer) { var sink = new FromArraySink(observer, this); return; }; return FromArrayObservable; }(ObservableBase)); function FromArraySink(observer, parent) { = observer; this.parent = parent; } = function () { var observer =, args = this.parent.args, len = args.length; function loopRecursive(i, recurse) { if (i < len) { observer.onNext(args[i]); recurse(i + 1); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } } return this.parent.scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(0, loopRecursive); }; /** * Converts an array to an observable sequence, using an optional scheduler to enumerate the array. * @deprecated use Observable.from or Observable.of * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the enumeration of the input sequence on. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given enumerable sequence. */ var observableFromArray = Observable.fromArray = function (array, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new FromArrayObservable(array, scheduler) }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by running a state-driven loop producing the sequence's elements, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.generate(0, function (x) { return x < 10; }, function (x) { return x + 1; }, function (x) { return x; }); * var res = Rx.Observable.generate(0, function (x) { return x < 10; }, function (x) { return x + 1; }, function (x) { return x; }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generate = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var first = true; return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(initialState, function (state, self) { var hasResult, result; try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); hasResult && (result = resultSelector(state)); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } if (hasResult) { o.onNext(result); self(state); } else { o.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; function observableOf (scheduler, array) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new FromArrayObservable(array, scheduler); } /** * This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments. */ Observable.of = function () { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } return new FromArrayObservable(args, currentThreadScheduler); }; /** * This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler A scheduler to use for scheduling the arguments. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments. */ Observable.ofWithScheduler = function (scheduler) { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len - 1); for(var i = 1; i < len; i++) { args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } return new FromArrayObservable(args, scheduler); }; /** * Returns a non-terminating observable sequence, which can be used to denote an infinite duration (e.g. when using reactive joins). * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose observers will never get called. */ var observableNever = Observable.never = function () { return new AnonymousObservable(function () { return disposableEmpty; }); }; /** * Convert an object into an observable sequence of [key, value] pairs. * @param {Object} obj The object to inspect. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the enumeration of the input sequence on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of [key, value] pairs from the object. */ Observable.pairs = function (obj, scheduler) { scheduler || (scheduler = Rx.Scheduler.currentThread); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var keys = Object.keys(obj), len = keys.length; return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(0, function (idx, self) { if (idx < len) { var key = keys[idx]; observer.onNext([key, obj[key]]); self(idx + 1); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; var RangeObservable = (function(__super__) { inherits(RangeObservable, __super__); function RangeObservable(start, count, scheduler) { this.start = start; this.count = count; this.scheduler = scheduler;; } RangeObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function (observer) { var sink = new RangeSink(observer, this); return; }; return RangeObservable; }(ObservableBase)); var RangeSink = (function () { function RangeSink(observer, parent) { = observer; this.parent = parent; } = function () { var start = this.parent.start, count = this.parent.count, observer =; function loopRecursive(i, recurse) { if (i < count) { observer.onNext(start + i); recurse(i + 1); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } } return this.parent.scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(0, loopRecursive); }; return RangeSink; }()); /** * Generates an observable sequence of integral numbers within a specified range, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * @param {Number} start The value of the first integer in the sequence. * @param {Number} count The number of sequential integers to generate. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the generator loop on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains a range of sequential integral numbers. */ Observable.range = function (start, count, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new RangeObservable(start, count, scheduler); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence that repeats the given element the specified number of times, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42); * var res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, 4); * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, 4, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * 4 - res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, null, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} value Element to repeat. * @param {Number} repeatCount [Optiona] Number of times to repeat the element. If not specified, repeats indefinitely. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the producer loop on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that repeats the given element the specified number of times. */ Observable.repeat = function (value, repeatCount, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return observableReturn(value, scheduler).repeat(repeatCount == null ? -1 : repeatCount); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains a single element, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * There is an alias called 'just' or browsers <IE9. * @param {Mixed} value Single element in the resulting observable sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to send the single element on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the single specified element. */ var observableReturn = Observable['return'] = Observable.just = Observable.returnValue = function (value, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithState(value, function (_, v) { observer.onNext(v); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that terminates with an exception, using the specified scheduler to send out the single onError message. * There is an alias to this method called 'throwError' for browsers <IE9. * @param {Mixed} error An object used for the sequence's termination. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to send the exceptional termination call on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that terminates exceptionally with the specified exception object. */ var observableThrow = Observable['throw'] = Observable.throwError = function (error, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onError(error); }); }); }; /** @deprecated use #some instead */ Observable.throwException = function () { //deprecate('throwException', 'throwError'); return Observable.throwError.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * Constructs an observable sequence that depends on a resource object, whose lifetime is tied to the resulting observable sequence's lifetime. * @param {Function} resourceFactory Factory function to obtain a resource object. * @param {Function} observableFactory Factory function to obtain an observable sequence that depends on the obtained resource. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose lifetime controls the lifetime of the dependent resource object. */ Observable.using = function (resourceFactory, observableFactory) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var disposable = disposableEmpty, resource, source; try { resource = resourceFactory(); resource && (disposable = resource); source = observableFactory(resource); } catch (exception) { return new CompositeDisposable(observableThrow(exception).subscribe(observer), disposable); } return new CompositeDisposable(source.subscribe(observer), disposable); }); }; /** * Propagates the observable sequence or Promise that reacts first. * @param {Observable} rightSource Second observable sequence or Promise. * @returns {Observable} {Observable} An observable sequence that surfaces either of the given sequences, whichever reacted first. */ observableProto.amb = function (rightSource) { var leftSource = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var choice, leftChoice = 'L', rightChoice = 'R', leftSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(rightSource) && (rightSource = observableFromPromise(rightSource)); function choiceL() { if (!choice) { choice = leftChoice; rightSubscription.dispose(); } } function choiceR() { if (!choice) { choice = rightChoice; leftSubscription.dispose(); } } leftSubscription.setDisposable(leftSource.subscribe(function (left) { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onNext(left); } }, function (err) { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onError(err); } }, function () { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); rightSubscription.setDisposable(rightSource.subscribe(function (right) { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onNext(right); } }, function (err) { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onError(err); } }, function () { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return new CompositeDisposable(leftSubscription, rightSubscription); }); }; /** * Propagates the observable sequence or Promise that reacts first. * * @example * var = Rx.Observable.amb(xs, ys, zs); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that surfaces any of the given sequences, whichever reacted first. */ Observable.amb = function () { var acc = observableNever(), items = []; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { items = arguments[0]; } else { for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { items.push(arguments[i]); } } function func(previous, current) { return previous.amb(current); } for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { acc = func(acc, items[i]); } return acc; }; function observableCatchHandler(source, handler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var d1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), subscription = new SerialDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d1); d1.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { o.onNext(x); }, function (e) { try { var result = handler(e); } catch (ex) { return o.onError(ex); } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(result.subscribe(o)); }, function (x) { o.onCompleted(x); })); return subscription; }, source); } /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @example * 1 - xs.catchException(ys) * 2 - xs.catchException(function (ex) { return ys(ex); }) * @param {Mixed} handlerOrSecond Exception handler function that returns an observable sequence given the error that occurred in the first sequence, or a second observable sequence used to produce results when an error occurred in the first sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the first sequence's elements, followed by the elements of the handler sequence in case an exception occurred. */ observableProto['catch'] = observableProto.catchError = observableProto.catchException = function (handlerOrSecond) { return typeof handlerOrSecond === 'function' ? observableCatchHandler(this, handlerOrSecond) : observableCatch([this, handlerOrSecond]); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to use as the next sequence if an error occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing elements from consecutive source sequences until a source sequence terminates successfully. */ var observableCatch = Observable.catchError = Observable['catch'] = Observable.catchException = function () { var items = []; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { items = arguments[0]; } else { for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { items.push(arguments[i]); } } return enumerableOf(items).catchError(); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever any of the observable sequences or Promises produces an element. * This can be in the form of an argument list of observables or an array. * * @example * 1 - obs = observable.combineLatest(obs1, obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = observable.combineLatest([obs1, obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ observableProto.combineLatest = function () { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { args[0].unshift(this); } else { args.unshift(this); } return combineLatest.apply(this, args); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever any of the observable sequences or Promises produces an element. * * @example * 1 - obs = Rx.Observable.combineLatest(obs1, obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = Rx.Observable.combineLatest([obs1, obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ var combineLatest = Observable.combineLatest = function () { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var resultSelector = args.pop(); Array.isArray(args[0]) && (args = args[0]); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var n = args.length, falseFactory = function () { return false; }, hasValue = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), hasValueAll = false, isDone = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), values = new Array(n); function next(i) { hasValue[i] = true; if (hasValueAll || (hasValueAll = hasValue.every(identity))) { try { var res = resultSelector.apply(null, values); } catch (e) { return o.onError(e); } o.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { o.onCompleted(); } } function done (i) { isDone[i] = true; isDone.every(identity) && o.onCompleted(); } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = args[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { values[i] = x; next(i); }, function(e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { done(i); } )); subscriptions[i] = sad; }(idx)); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }, this); }; /** * Concatenates all the observable sequences. This takes in either an array or variable arguments to concatenate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each given sequence, in sequential order. */ observableProto.concat = function () { for(var args = [], i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } args.unshift(this); return observableConcat.apply(null, args); }; /** * Concatenates all the observable sequences. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to concat to the observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each given sequence, in sequential order. */ var observableConcat = Observable.concat = function () { var args; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { args = arguments[0]; } else { args = new Array(arguments.length); for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } } return enumerableOf(args).concat(); }; /** * Concatenates an observable sequence of observable sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each observed inner sequence, in sequential order. */ observableProto.concatAll = observableProto.concatObservable = function () { return this.merge(1); }; var MergeObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(MergeObservable, __super__); function MergeObservable(source, maxConcurrent) { this.source = source; this.maxConcurrent = maxConcurrent;; } MergeObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function(observer) { var g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(this.source.subscribe(new MergeObserver(observer, this.maxConcurrent, g))); return g; }; return MergeObservable; }(ObservableBase)); var MergeObserver = (function () { function MergeObserver(o, max, g) { this.o = o; this.max = max; this.g = g; this.done = false; this.q = []; this.activeCount = 0; this.isStopped = false; } MergeObserver.prototype.handleSubscribe = function (xs) { var sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this.g.add(sad); isPromise(xs) && (xs = observableFromPromise(xs)); sad.setDisposable(xs.subscribe(new InnerObserver(this, sad))); }; MergeObserver.prototype.onNext = function (innerSource) { if (this.isStopped) { return; } if(this.activeCount < this.max) { this.activeCount++; this.handleSubscribe(innerSource); } else { this.q.push(innerSource); } }; MergeObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.o.onError(e); } }; MergeObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.done = true; this.activeCount === 0 && this.o.onCompleted(); } }; MergeObserver.prototype.dispose = function() { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.o.onError(e); return true; } return false; }; function InnerObserver(parent, sad) { this.parent = parent; this.sad = sad; this.isStopped = false; } InnerObserver.prototype.onNext = function (x) { if(!this.isStopped) { this.parent.o.onNext(x); } }; InnerObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.parent.o.onError(e); } }; InnerObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; var parent = this.parent; parent.g.remove(this.sad); if (parent.q.length > 0) { parent.handleSubscribe(parent.q.shift()); } else { parent.activeCount--; parent.done && parent.activeCount === 0 && parent.o.onCompleted(); } } }; InnerObserver.prototype.dispose = function() { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.parent.o.onError(e); return true; } return false; }; return MergeObserver; }()); /** * Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence, limiting the number of concurrent subscriptions to inner sequences. * Or merges two observable sequences into a single observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - merged = sources.merge(1); * 2 - merged = source.merge(otherSource); * @param {Mixed} [maxConcurrentOrOther] Maximum number of inner observable sequences being subscribed to concurrently or the second observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the inner sequences. */ observableProto.merge = function (maxConcurrentOrOther) { return typeof maxConcurrentOrOther !== 'number' ? observableMerge(this, maxConcurrentOrOther) : new MergeObservable(this, maxConcurrentOrOther); }; /** * Merges all the observable sequences into a single observable sequence. * The scheduler is optional and if not specified, the immediate scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the observable sequences. */ var observableMerge = Observable.merge = function () { var scheduler, sources = [], i, len = arguments.length; if (!arguments[0]) { scheduler = immediateScheduler; for(i = 1; i < len; i++) { sources.push(arguments[i]); } } else if (isScheduler(arguments[0])) { scheduler = arguments[0]; for(i = 1; i < len; i++) { sources.push(arguments[i]); } } else { scheduler = immediateScheduler; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { sources.push(arguments[i]); } } if (Array.isArray(sources[0])) { sources = sources[0]; } return observableOf(scheduler, sources).mergeAll(); }; var MergeAllObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(MergeAllObservable, __super__); function MergeAllObservable(source) { this.source = source;; } MergeAllObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function (observer) { var g = new CompositeDisposable(), m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); g.add(m); m.setDisposable(this.source.subscribe(new MergeAllObserver(observer, g))); return g; }; return MergeAllObservable; }(ObservableBase)); var MergeAllObserver = (function() { function MergeAllObserver(o, g) { this.o = o; this.g = g; this.isStopped = false; this.done = false; } MergeAllObserver.prototype.onNext = function(innerSource) { if(this.isStopped) { return; } var sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this.g.add(sad); isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); sad.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe(new InnerObserver(this, this.g, sad))); }; MergeAllObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.o.onError(e); } }; MergeAllObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.done = true; this.g.length === 1 && this.o.onCompleted(); } }; MergeAllObserver.prototype.dispose = function() { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.o.onError(e); return true; } return false; }; function InnerObserver(parent, g, sad) { this.parent = parent; this.g = g; this.sad = sad; this.isStopped = false; } InnerObserver.prototype.onNext = function (x) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.parent.o.onNext(x); } }; InnerObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.parent.o.onError(e); } }; InnerObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if(!this.isStopped) { var parent = this.parent; this.isStopped = true; parent.g.remove(this.sad); parent.done && parent.g.length === 1 && parent.o.onCompleted(); } }; InnerObserver.prototype.dispose = function() { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.parent.o.onError(e); return true; } return false; }; return MergeAllObserver; }()); /** * Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the inner sequences. */ observableProto.mergeAll = observableProto.mergeObservable = function () { return new MergeAllObservable(this); }; var CompositeError = Rx.CompositeError = function(errors) { = "NotImplementedError"; this.innerErrors = errors; this.message = 'This contains multiple errors. Check the innerErrors';; } CompositeError.prototype = Error.prototype; /** * Flattens an Observable that emits Observables into one Observable, in a way that allows an Observer to * receive all successfully emitted items from all of the source Observables without being interrupted by * an error notification from one of them. * * This behaves like Observable.prototype.mergeAll except that if any of the merged Observables notify of an * error via the Observer's onError, mergeDelayError will refrain from propagating that * error notification until all of the merged Observables have finished emitting items. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to merge. * @returns {Observable} an Observable that emits all of the items emitted by the Observables emitted by the Observable */ Observable.mergeDelayError = function() { var args; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { args = arguments[0]; } else { var len = arguments.length; args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } } var source = observableOf(null, args); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(), m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), isStopped = false, errors = []; function setCompletion() { if (errors.length === 0) { o.onCompleted(); } else if (errors.length === 1) { o.onError(errors[0]); } else { o.onError(new CompositeError(errors)); } } group.add(m); m.setDisposable(source.subscribe( function (innerSource) { var innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(innerSubscription); // Check for promises support isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( function (x) { o.onNext(x); }, function (e) { errors.push(e); group.remove(innerSubscription); isStopped && group.length === 1 && setCompletion(); }, function () { group.remove(innerSubscription); isStopped && group.length === 1 && setCompletion(); })); }, function (e) { errors.push(e); isStopped = true; group.length === 1 && setCompletion(); }, function () { isStopped = true; group.length === 1 && setCompletion(); })); return group; }); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated normally or by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence used to produce results after the first sequence terminates. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that concatenates the first and second sequence, even if the first sequence terminates exceptionally. */ observableProto.onErrorResumeNext = function (second) { if (!second) { throw new Error('Second observable is required'); } return onErrorResumeNext([this, second]); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated normally or by an exception with the next observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.onErrorResumeNext(xs, ys, zs); * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.onErrorResumeNext([xs, ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that concatenates the source sequences, even if a sequence terminates exceptionally. */ var onErrorResumeNext = Observable.onErrorResumeNext = function () { var sources = []; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { sources = arguments[0]; } else { for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { sources.push(arguments[i]); } } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var pos = 0, subscription = new SerialDisposable(), cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var current, d; if (pos < sources.length) { current = sources[pos++]; isPromise(current) && (current = observableFromPromise(current)); d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(current.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), self, self)); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }); }; /** * Returns the values from the source observable sequence only after the other observable sequence produces a value. * @param {Observable | Promise} other The observable sequence or Promise that triggers propagation of elements of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the elements of the source sequence starting from the point the other sequence triggered propagation. */ observableProto.skipUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var isOpen = false; var disposables = new CompositeDisposable(source.subscribe(function (left) { isOpen && o.onNext(left); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { isOpen && o.onCompleted(); })); isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); var rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); disposables.add(rightSubscription); rightSubscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(function () { isOpen = true; rightSubscription.dispose(); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { rightSubscription.dispose(); })); return disposables; }, source); }; /** * Transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. */ observableProto['switch'] = observableProto.switchLatest = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasLatest = false, innerSubscription = new SerialDisposable(), isStopped = false, latest = 0, subscription = sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), id = ++latest; hasLatest = true; innerSubscription.setDisposable(d); // Check if Promise or Observable isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); d.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( function (x) { latest === id && observer.onNext(x); }, function (e) { latest === id && observer.onError(e); }, function () { if (latest === id) { hasLatest = false; isStopped && observer.onCompleted(); } })); }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { isStopped = true; !hasLatest && observer.onCompleted(); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, innerSubscription); }, sources); }; /** * Returns the values from the source observable sequence until the other observable sequence produces a value. * @param {Observable | Promise} other Observable sequence or Promise that terminates propagation of elements of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the elements of the source sequence up to the point the other sequence interrupted further propagation. */ observableProto.takeUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe(o), other.subscribe(function () { o.onCompleted(); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, noop) ); }, source); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function only when the (first) source observable sequence produces an element. * * @example * 1 - obs = obs1.withLatestFrom(obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = obs1.withLatestFrom([obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ observableProto.withLatestFrom = function () { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len) for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var resultSelector = args.pop(), source = this; if (typeof source === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Source observable not found for withLatestFrom().'); } if (typeof resultSelector !== 'function') { throw new Error('withLatestFrom() expects a resultSelector function.'); } if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { args = args[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var falseFactory = function () { return false; }, n = args.length, hasValue = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), hasValueAll = false, values = new Array(n); var subscriptions = new Array(n + 1); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var other = args[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); sad.setDisposable(other.subscribe(function (x) { values[i] = x; hasValue[i] = true; hasValueAll = hasValue.every(identity); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () {})); subscriptions[i] = sad; }(idx)); } var sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { var res; var allValues = [x].concat(values); if (!hasValueAll) return; try { res = resultSelector.apply(null, allValues); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onCompleted(); })); subscriptions[n] = sad; return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }, this); }; function zipArray(second, resultSelector) { var first = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0, len = second.length; return first.subscribe(function (left) { if (index < len) { var right = second[index++], result; try { result = resultSelector(left, right); } catch (e) { return observer.onError(e); } observer.onNext(result); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { observer.onCompleted(); }); }, first); } function falseFactory() { return false; } function emptyArrayFactory() { return []; } /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the observable sequences or an array have produced an element at a corresponding index. * The last element in the arguments must be a function to invoke for each series of elements at corresponding indexes in the args. * * @example * 1 - res =, fn); * 1 - res =[1,2,3], fn); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the args using the specified result selector function. */ = function () { if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { return zipArray.apply(this, arguments); } var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var parent = this, resultSelector = args.pop(); args.unshift(parent); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var n = args.length, queues = arrayInitialize(n, emptyArrayFactory), isDone = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory); function next(i) { var res, queuedValues; if (queues.every(function (x) { return x.length > 0; })) { try { queuedValues = (x) { return x.shift(); }); res = resultSelector.apply(parent, queuedValues); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } }; function done(i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(function (x) { return x; })) { observer.onCompleted(); } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = args[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { queues[i].push(x); next(i); }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { done(i); })); subscriptions[i] = sad; })(idx); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }, parent); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the observable sequences have produced an element at a corresponding index. * @param arguments Observable sources. * @param {Function} resultSelector Function to invoke for each series of elements at corresponding indexes in the sources. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ = function () { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var first = args.shift(); return, args); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by emitting a list with the elements of the observable sequences at corresponding indexes. * @param arguments Observable sources. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing lists of elements at corresponding indexes. */ Observable.zipArray = function () { var sources; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { sources = arguments[0]; } else { var len = arguments.length; sources = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { sources[i] = arguments[i]; } } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var n = sources.length, queues = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return []; }), isDone = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return false; }); function next(i) { if (queues.every(function (x) { return x.length > 0; })) { var res = (x) { return x.shift(); }); observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } }; function done(i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { subscriptions[i] = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscriptions[i].setDisposable(sources[i].subscribe(function (x) { queues[i].push(x); next(i); }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { done(i); })); })(idx); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }); }; /** * Hides the identity of an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that hides the identity of the source sequence. */ observableProto.asObservable = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { return source.subscribe(o); }, this); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers which are produced based on element count information. * * @example * var res = xs.bufferWithCount(10); * var res = xs.bufferWithCount(10, 1); * @param {Number} count Length of each buffer. * @param {Number} [skip] Number of elements to skip between creation of consecutive buffers. If not provided, defaults to the count. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithCount = function (count, skip) { if (typeof skip !== 'number') { skip = count; } return this.windowWithCount(count, skip).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }).where(function (x) { return x.length > 0; }); }; /** * Dematerializes the explicit notification values of an observable sequence as implicit notifications. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exhibiting the behavior corresponding to the source sequence's notification values. */ observableProto.dematerialize = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { return x.accept(o); }, function(e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, this); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the keySelector and the comparer. * * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(); * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(function (x) { return; }); * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(function (x) { return; }, function (x, y) { return x === y; }); * * @param {Function} [keySelector] A function to compute the comparison key for each element. If not provided, it projects the value. * @param {Function} [comparer] Equality comparer for computed key values. If not provided, defaults to an equality comparer function. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence. */ observableProto.distinctUntilChanged = function (keySelector, comparer) { var source = this; comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hasCurrentKey = false, currentKey; return source.subscribe(function (value) { var key = value; if (keySelector) { try { key = keySelector(value); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } } if (hasCurrentKey) { try { var comparerEquals = comparer(currentKey, key); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } } if (!hasCurrentKey || !comparerEquals) { hasCurrentKey = true; currentKey = key; o.onNext(value); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, this); }; /** * Invokes an action for each element in the observable sequence and invokes an action upon graceful or exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function | Observer} observerOrOnNext Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence or an observer. * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. Used if only the observerOrOnNext parameter is also a function. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. Used if only the observerOrOnNext parameter is also a function. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto['do'] = observableProto.tap = observableProto.doAction = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var tapObserver = !observerOrOnNext || isFunction(observerOrOnNext) ? observerCreate(observerOrOnNext || noop, onError || noop, onCompleted || noop) : observerOrOnNext; return source.subscribe(function (x) { try { tapObserver.onNext(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } observer.onNext(x); }, function (err) { try { tapObserver.onError(err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } observer.onError(err); }, function () { try { tapObserver.onCompleted(); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } observer.onCompleted(); }); }, this); }; /** * Invokes an action for each element in the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onNext Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnNext = observableProto.tapOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) { return this.tap(typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function (x) {, x); } : onNext); }; /** * Invokes an action upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onError Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnError = observableProto.tapOnError = function (onError, thisArg) { return this.tap(noop, typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function (e) {, e); } : onError); }; /** * Invokes an action upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onCompleted Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnCompleted = observableProto.tapOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) { return this.tap(noop, null, typeof thisArg !== 'undefined' ? function () {; } : onCompleted); }; /** * Invokes a specified action after the source observable sequence terminates gracefully or exceptionally. * @param {Function} finallyAction Action to invoke after the source observable sequence terminates. * @returns {Observable} Source sequence with the action-invoking termination behavior applied. */ observableProto['finally'] = observableProto.ensure = function (action) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var subscription; try { subscription = source.subscribe(observer); } catch (e) { action(); throw e; } return disposableCreate(function () { try { subscription.dispose(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { action(); } }); }, this); }; /** * @deprecated use #finally or #ensure instead. */ observableProto.finallyAction = function (action) { //deprecate('finallyAction', 'finally or ensure'); return this.ensure(action); }; /** * Ignores all elements in an observable sequence leaving only the termination messages. * @returns {Observable} An empty observable sequence that signals termination, successful or exceptional, of the source sequence. */ observableProto.ignoreElements = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { return source.subscribe(noop, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Materializes the implicit notifications of an observable sequence as explicit notification values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the materialized notification values from the source sequence. */ observableProto.materialize = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (value) { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnNext(value)); }, function (e) { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnError(e)); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnCompleted()); observer.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Repeats the observable sequence a specified number of times. If the repeat count is not specified, the sequence repeats indefinitely. * @param {Number} [repeatCount] Number of times to repeat the sequence. If not provided, repeats the sequence indefinitely. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly. */ observableProto.repeat = function (repeatCount) { return enumerableRepeat(this, repeatCount).concat(); }; /** * Repeats the source observable sequence the specified number of times or until it successfully terminates. If the retry count is not specified, it retries indefinitely. * Note if you encounter an error and want it to retry once, then you must use .retry(2); * * @example * var res = retried = retry.repeat(); * var res = retried = retry.repeat(2); * @param {Number} [retryCount] Number of times to retry the sequence. If not provided, retry the sequence indefinitely. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly until it terminates successfully. */ observableProto.retry = function (retryCount) { return enumerableRepeat(this, retryCount).catchError(); }; /** * Repeats the source observable sequence upon error each time the notifier emits or until it successfully terminates. * if the notifier completes, the observable sequence completes. * * @example * var timer = Observable.timer(500); * var source = observable.retryWhen(timer); * @param {Observable} [notifier] An observable that triggers the retries or completes the observable with onNext or onCompleted respectively. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly until it terminates successfully. */ observableProto.retryWhen = function (notifier) { return enumerableRepeat(this).catchErrorWhen(notifier); }; /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence and returns each intermediate result. The optional seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with no intermediate results, see Observable.aggregate. * @example * var res = source.scan(function (acc, x) { return acc + x; }); * var res = source.scan(0, function (acc, x) { return acc + x; }); * @param {Mixed} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the accumulated values. */ observableProto.scan = function () { var hasSeed = false, seed, accumulator, source = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { hasSeed = true; seed = arguments[0]; accumulator = arguments[1]; } else { accumulator = arguments[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hasAccumulation, accumulation, hasValue; return source.subscribe ( function (x) { !hasValue && (hasValue = true); try { if (hasAccumulation) { accumulation = accumulator(accumulation, x); } else { accumulation = hasSeed ? accumulator(seed, x) : x; hasAccumulation = true; } } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } o.onNext(accumulation); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { !hasValue && hasSeed && o.onNext(seed); o.onCompleted(); } ); }, source); }; /** * Bypasses a specified number of elements at the end of an observable sequence. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store the first `count` elements. As more elements are * received, elements are taken from the front of the queue and produced on the result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed. * @param count Number of elements to bypass at the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the source sequence elements except for the bypassed ones at the end. */ observableProto.skipLast = function (count) { if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && o.onNext(q.shift()); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Prepends a sequence of values to an observable sequence with an optional scheduler and an argument list of values to prepend. * @example * var res = source.startWith(1, 2, 3); * var res = source.startWith(Rx.Scheduler.timeout, 1, 2, 3); * @param {Arguments} args The specified values to prepend to the observable sequence * @returns {Observable} The source sequence prepended with the specified values. */ observableProto.startWith = function () { var values, scheduler, start = 0; if (!!arguments.length && isScheduler(arguments[0])) { scheduler = arguments[0]; start = 1; } else { scheduler = immediateScheduler; } for(var args = [], i = start, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } return enumerableOf([observableFromArray(args, scheduler), this]).concat(); }; /** * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the end of an observable sequence. * @description * This operator accumulates a buffer with a length enough to store elements count elements. Upon completion of * the source sequence, this buffer is drained on the result sequence. This causes the elements to be delayed. * @param {Number} count Number of elements to take from the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the specified number of elements from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLast = function (count) { if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && q.shift(); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { while (q.length > 0) { o.onNext(q.shift()); } o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Returns an array with the specified number of contiguous elements from the end of an observable sequence. * * @description * This operator accumulates a buffer with a length enough to store count elements. Upon completion of the * source sequence, this buffer is produced on the result sequence. * @param {Number} count Number of elements to take from the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single array with the specified number of elements from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastBuffer = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && q.shift(); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(q); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows which are produced based on element count information. * * var res = xs.windowWithCount(10); * var res = xs.windowWithCount(10, 1); * @param {Number} count Length of each window. * @param {Number} [skip] Number of elements to skip between creation of consecutive windows. If not specified, defaults to the count. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithCount = function (count, skip) { var source = this; +count || (count = 0); Math.abs(count) === Infinity && (count = 0); if (count <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } skip == null && (skip = count); +skip || (skip = 0); Math.abs(skip) === Infinity && (skip = 0); if (skip <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(m), n = 0, q = []; function createWindow () { var s = new Subject(); q.push(s); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } createWindow(); m.setDisposable(source.subscribe( function (x) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onNext(x); } var c = n - count + 1; c >= 0 && c % skip === 0 && q.shift().onCompleted(); ++n % skip === 0 && createWindow(); }, function (e) { while (q.length > 0) { q.shift().onError(e); } observer.onError(e); }, function () { while (q.length > 0) { q.shift().onCompleted(); } observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }, source); }; function concatMap(source, selector, thisArg) { var selectorFunc = bindCallback(selector, thisArg, 3); return (x, i) { var result = selectorFunc(x, i, source); isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); (isArrayLike(result) || isIterable(result)) && (result = observableFrom(result)); return result; }).concatAll(); } /** * One of the Following: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * @example * var res = source.concatMap(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }); * Or: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence, invokes the result selector for the source element and each of the corresponding inner sequence's elements, and merges the results into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.concatMap(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }, function (x, y) { return x + y; }); * Or: * Projects each element of the source observable sequence to the other observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.concatMap(Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3])); * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element or an observable sequence to project each element from the * source sequence onto which could be either an observable or Promise. * @param {Function} [resultSelector] A transform function to apply to each element of the intermediate sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function collectionSelector on each element of the input sequence and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding source element to a result element. */ observableProto.selectConcat = observableProto.concatMap = function (selector, resultSelector, thisArg) { if (isFunction(selector) && isFunction(resultSelector)) { return this.concatMap(function (x, i) { var selectorResult = selector(x, i); isPromise(selectorResult) && (selectorResult = observableFromPromise(selectorResult)); (isArrayLike(selectorResult) || isIterable(selectorResult)) && (selectorResult = observableFrom(selectorResult)); return (y, i2) { return resultSelector(x, y, i, i2); }); }); } return isFunction(selector) ? concatMap(this, selector, thisArg) : concatMap(this, function () { return selector; }); }; /** * Projects each notification of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and concats the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * @param {Function} onNext A transform function to apply to each element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Function} onError A transform function to apply when an error occurs in the source sequence. * @param {Function} onCompleted A transform function to apply when the end of the source sequence is reached. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional "this" to use to invoke each transform. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function corresponding to each notification in the input sequence. */ observableProto.concatMapObserver = observableProto.selectConcatObserver = function(onNext, onError, onCompleted, thisArg) { var source = this, onNextFunc = bindCallback(onNext, thisArg, 2), onErrorFunc = bindCallback(onError, thisArg, 1), onCompletedFunc = bindCallback(onCompleted, thisArg, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result = onNextFunc(x, index++); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); }, function (err) { var result; try { result = onErrorFunc(err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { var result; try { result = onCompletedFunc(); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }); }, this).concatAll(); }; /** * Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the specified value in a singleton sequence if the sequence is empty. * * var res = obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(); * 2 - obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(false); * * @memberOf Observable# * @param defaultValue The value to return if the sequence is empty. If not provided, this defaults to null. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the specified default value if the source is empty; otherwise, the elements of the source itself. */ observableProto.defaultIfEmpty = function (defaultValue) { var source = this; defaultValue === undefined && (defaultValue = null); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var found = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { found = true; observer.onNext(x); }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { !found && observer.onNext(defaultValue); observer.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; // Swap out for Array.findIndex function arrayIndexOfComparer(array, item, comparer) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (comparer(array[i], item)) { return i; } } return -1; } function HashSet(comparer) { this.comparer = comparer; this.set = []; } HashSet.prototype.push = function(value) { var retValue = arrayIndexOfComparer(this.set, value, this.comparer) === -1; retValue && this.set.push(value); return retValue; }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct elements according to the keySelector and the comparer. * Usage of this operator should be considered carefully due to the maintenance of an internal lookup structure which can grow large. * * @example * var res = obs = xs.distinct(); * 2 - obs = xs.distinct(function (x) { return; }); * 2 - obs = xs.distinct(function (x) { return; }, function (a,b) { return a === b; }); * @param {Function} [keySelector] A function to compute the comparison key for each element. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to compare items in the collection. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence only containing the distinct elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence. */ observableProto.distinct = function (keySelector, comparer) { var source = this; comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hashSet = new HashSet(comparer); return source.subscribe(function (x) { var key = x; if (keySelector) { try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } } hashSet.push(key) && o.onNext(x); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, this); }; /** * Groups the elements of an observable sequence according to a specified key selector function and comparer and selects the resulting elements by using a specified function. * * @example * var res = observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }); * 2 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }); * 3 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }, function (x) { return x.toString(); }); * @param {Function} keySelector A function to extract the key for each element. * @param {Function} [elementSelector] A function to map each source element to an element in an observable group. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to determine whether the objects are equal. * @returns {Observable} A sequence of observable groups, each of which corresponds to a unique key value, containing all elements that share that same key value. */ observableProto.groupBy = function (keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) { return this.groupByUntil(keySelector, elementSelector, observableNever, comparer); }; /** * Groups the elements of an observable sequence according to a specified key selector function. * A duration selector function is used to control the lifetime of groups. When a group expires, it receives an OnCompleted notification. When a new element with the same * key value as a reclaimed group occurs, the group will be reborn with a new lifetime request. * * @example * var res = observable.groupByUntil(function (x) { return; }, null, function () { return Rx.Observable.never(); }); * 2 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }, function () { return Rx.Observable.never(); }); * 3 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }, function () { return Rx.Observable.never(); }, function (x) { return x.toString(); }); * @param {Function} keySelector A function to extract the key for each element. * @param {Function} durationSelector A function to signal the expiration of a group. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to compare objects. When not specified, the default comparer is used. * @returns {Observable} * A sequence of observable groups, each of which corresponds to a unique key value, containing all elements that share that same key value. * If a group's lifetime expires, a new group with the same key value can be created once an element with such a key value is encoutered. * */ observableProto.groupByUntil = function (keySelector, elementSelector, durationSelector, comparer) { var source = this; elementSelector || (elementSelector = identity); comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function handleError(e) { return function (item) { item.onError(e); }; } var map = new Dictionary(0, comparer), groupDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(groupDisposable); groupDisposable.add(source.subscribe(function (x) { var key; try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } var fireNewMapEntry = false, writer = map.tryGetValue(key); if (!writer) { writer = new Subject(); map.set(key, writer); fireNewMapEntry = true; } if (fireNewMapEntry) { var group = new GroupedObservable(key, writer, refCountDisposable), durationGroup = new GroupedObservable(key, writer); try { duration = durationSelector(durationGroup); } catch (e) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(group); var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); groupDisposable.add(md); var expire = function () { map.remove(key) && writer.onCompleted(); groupDisposable.remove(md); }; md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe( noop, function (exn) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(exn)); observer.onError(exn); }, expire) ); } var element; try { element = elementSelector(x); } catch (e) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } writer.onNext(element); }, function (ex) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(ex)); observer.onError(ex); }, function () { map.getValues().forEach(function (item) { item.onCompleted(); }); observer.onCompleted(); })); return refCountDisposable; }, source); }; var MapObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(MapObservable, __super__); function MapObservable(source, selector, thisArg) { this.source = source; this.selector = bindCallback(selector, thisArg, 3);; } MapObservable.prototype.internalMap = function (selector, thisArg) { var self = this; return new MapObservable(this.source, function (x, i, o) { return, self.selector(x, i, o), i, o); }, thisArg) }; MapObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function (observer) { return this.source.subscribe(new MapObserver(observer, this.selector, this)); }; return MapObservable; }(ObservableBase)); function MapObserver(observer, selector, source) { = observer; this.selector = selector; this.source = source; this.i = 0; this.isStopped = false; } MapObserver.prototype.onNext = function(x) { if (this.isStopped) { return; } var result = tryCatch(this.selector).call(this, x, this.i++, this.source); if (result === errorObj) { return; }; }; MapObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; } }; MapObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; } }; MapObserver.prototype.dispose = function() { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; return true; } return false; }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new form by incorporating the element's index. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each source element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source. */ = = function (selector, thisArg) { var selectorFn = typeof selector === 'function' ? selector : function () { return selector; }; return this instanceof MapObservable ? this.internalMap(selectorFn, thisArg) : new MapObservable(this, selectorFn, thisArg); }; /** * Retrieves the value of a specified nested property from all elements in * the Observable sequence. * @param {Arguments} arguments The nested properties to pluck. * @returns {Observable} Returns a new Observable sequence of property values. */ observableProto.pluck = function () { var args = arguments, len = arguments.length; if (len === 0) { throw new Error('List of properties cannot be empty.'); } return (x) { var currentProp = x; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var p = currentProp[args[i]]; if (typeof p !== 'undefined') { currentProp = p; } else { return undefined; } } return currentProp; }); }; function flatMap(source, selector, thisArg) { var selectorFunc = bindCallback(selector, thisArg, 3); return (x, i) { var result = selectorFunc(x, i, source); isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); (isArrayLike(result) || isIterable(result)) && (result = observableFrom(result)); return result; }).mergeAll(); } /** * One of the Following: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * @example * var res = source.selectMany(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }); * Or: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence, invokes the result selector for the source element and each of the corresponding inner sequence's elements, and merges the results into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.selectMany(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }, function (x, y) { return x + y; }); * Or: * Projects each element of the source observable sequence to the other observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.selectMany(Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3])); * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element or an observable sequence to project each element from the source sequence onto which could be either an observable or Promise. * @param {Function} [resultSelector] A transform function to apply to each element of the intermediate sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function collectionSelector on each element of the input sequence and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding source element to a result element. */ observableProto.selectMany = observableProto.flatMap = function (selector, resultSelector, thisArg) { if (isFunction(selector) && isFunction(resultSelector)) { return this.flatMap(function (x, i) { var selectorResult = selector(x, i); isPromise(selectorResult) && (selectorResult = observableFromPromise(selectorResult)); (isArrayLike(selectorResult) || isIterable(selectorResult)) && (selectorResult = observableFrom(selectorResult)); return (y, i2) { return resultSelector(x, y, i, i2); }); }, thisArg); } return isFunction(selector) ? flatMap(this, selector, thisArg) : flatMap(this, function () { return selector; }); }; /** * Projects each notification of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * @param {Function} onNext A transform function to apply to each element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Function} onError A transform function to apply when an error occurs in the source sequence. * @param {Function} onCompleted A transform function to apply when the end of the source sequence is reached. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional "this" to use to invoke each transform. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function corresponding to each notification in the input sequence. */ observableProto.flatMapObserver = observableProto.selectManyObserver = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result =, x, index++); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); }, function (err) { var result; try { result =, err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { var result; try { result =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }); }, source).mergeAll(); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then * transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each source element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source producing an Observable of Observable sequences * and that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. */ observableProto.selectSwitch = observableProto.flatMapLatest = observableProto.switchMap = function (selector, thisArg) { return, thisArg).switchLatest(); }; /** * Bypasses a specified number of elements in an observable sequence and then returns the remaining elements. * @param {Number} count The number of elements to skip before returning the remaining elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements that occur after the specified index in the input sequence. */ observableProto.skip = function (count) { if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var remaining = count; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (remaining <= 0) { o.onNext(x); } else { remaining--; } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Bypasses elements in an observable sequence as long as a specified condition is true and then returns the remaining elements. * The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function. * * var res = source.skipWhile(function (value) { return value < 10; }); * var res = source.skipWhile(function (value, index) { return value < 10 || index < 10; }); * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements from the input sequence starting at the first element in the linear series that does not pass the test specified by predicate. */ observableProto.skipWhile = function (predicate, thisArg) { var source = this, callback = bindCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var i = 0, running = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (!running) { try { running = !callback(x, i++, source); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } } running && o.onNext(x); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of an observable sequence, using the specified scheduler for the edge case of take(0). * * var res = source.take(5); * var res = source.take(0, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Number} count The number of elements to return. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler used to produce an OnCompleted message in case <paramref name="count count</paramref> is set to 0. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the specified number of elements from the start of the input sequence. */ observableProto.take = function (count, scheduler) { if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } if (count === 0) { return observableEmpty(scheduler); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var remaining = count; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (remaining-- > 0) { o.onNext(x); remaining === 0 && o.onCompleted(); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Returns elements from an observable sequence as long as a specified condition is true. * The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function. * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements from the input sequence that occur before the element at which the test no longer passes. */ observableProto.takeWhile = function (predicate, thisArg) { var source = this, callback = bindCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var i = 0, running = true; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (running) { try { running = callback(x, i++, source); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } if (running) { o.onNext(x); } else { o.onCompleted(); } } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; var FilterObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(FilterObservable, __super__); function FilterObservable(source, predicate, thisArg) { this.source = source; this.predicate = bindCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);; } FilterObservable.prototype.subscribeCore = function (observer) { return this.source.subscribe(new FilterObserver(observer, this.predicate, this)); }; FilterObservable.prototype.internalFilter = function(predicate, thisArg) { var self = this; return new FilterObservable(this.source, function(x, i, o) { return self.predicate(x, i, o) &&, x, i, o); }, thisArg); }; return FilterObservable; }(ObservableBase)); function FilterObserver(observer, predicate, source) { = observer; this.predicate = predicate; this.source = source; this.i = 0; this.isStopped = false; } FilterObserver.prototype.onNext = function(x) { if (this.isStopped) { return; } var shouldYield = tryCatch(this.predicate).call(this, x, this.i++, this.source); if (shouldYield === errorObj) { return; } shouldYield &&; }; FilterObserver.prototype.onError = function (e) { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; } }; FilterObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if(!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; } }; FilterObserver.prototype.dispose = function() { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true;; return true; } return false; }; /** * Filters the elements of an observable sequence based on a predicate by incorporating the element's index. * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each source element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition. */ observableProto.filter = observableProto.where = function (predicate, thisArg) { return this instanceof FilterObservable ? this.internalFilter(predicate, thisArg) : new FilterObservable(this, predicate, thisArg); }; function extremaBy(source, keySelector, comparer) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hasValue = false, lastKey = null, list = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var comparison, key; try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (ex) { o.onError(ex); return; } comparison = 0; if (!hasValue) { hasValue = true; lastKey = key; } else { try { comparison = comparer(key, lastKey); } catch (ex1) { o.onError(ex1); return; } } if (comparison > 0) { lastKey = key; list = []; } if (comparison >= 0) { list.push(x); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(list); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); } function firstOnly(x) { if (x.length === 0) { throw new EmptyError(); } return x[0]; } /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence, returning the result of the aggregation as a single element in the result sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with incremental intermediate results, see Observable.scan. * @deprecated Use #reduce instead * @param {Mixed} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the final accumulator value. */ observableProto.aggregate = function () { var hasSeed = false, accumulator, seed, source = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { hasSeed = true; seed = arguments[0]; accumulator = arguments[1]; } else { accumulator = arguments[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hasAccumulation, accumulation, hasValue; return source.subscribe ( function (x) { !hasValue && (hasValue = true); try { if (hasAccumulation) { accumulation = accumulator(accumulation, x); } else { accumulation = hasSeed ? accumulator(seed, x) : x; hasAccumulation = true; } } catch (e) { return o.onError(e); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { hasValue && o.onNext(accumulation); !hasValue && hasSeed && o.onNext(seed); !hasValue && !hasSeed && o.onError(new EmptyError()); o.onCompleted(); } ); }, source); }; /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence, returning the result of the aggregation as a single element in the result sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with incremental intermediate results, see Observable.scan. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @param {Any} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the final accumulator value. */ observableProto.reduce = function (accumulator) { var hasSeed = false, seed, source = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { hasSeed = true; seed = arguments[1]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hasAccumulation, accumulation, hasValue; return source.subscribe ( function (x) { !hasValue && (hasValue = true); try { if (hasAccumulation) { accumulation = accumulator(accumulation, x); } else { accumulation = hasSeed ? accumulator(seed, x) : x; hasAccumulation = true; } } catch (e) { return o.onError(e); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { hasValue && o.onNext(accumulation); !hasValue && hasSeed && o.onNext(seed); !hasValue && !hasSeed && o.onError(new EmptyError()); o.onCompleted(); } ); }, source); }; /** * Determines whether any element of an observable sequence satisfies a condition if present, else if any items are in the sequence. * @param {Function} [predicate] A function to test each element for a condition. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate if given, else if any items are in the sequence. */ observableProto.some = function (predicate, thisArg) { var source = this; return predicate ? source.filter(predicate, thisArg).some() : new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function () { observer.onNext(true); observer.onCompleted(); }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** @deprecated use #some instead */ observableProto.any = function () { //deprecate('any', 'some'); return this.some.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Determines whether an observable sequence is empty. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether the source sequence is empty. */ observableProto.isEmpty = function () { return this.any().map(not); }; /** * Determines whether all elements of an observable sequence satisfy a condition. * @param {Function} [predicate] A function to test each element for a condition. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether all elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate. */ observableProto.every = function (predicate, thisArg) { return this.filter(function (v) { return !predicate(v); }, thisArg).some().map(not); }; /** @deprecated use #every instead */ observableProto.all = function () { //deprecate('all', 'every'); return this.every.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Determines whether an observable sequence includes a specified element with an optional equality comparer. * @param searchElement The value to locate in the source sequence. * @param {Number} [fromIndex] An equality comparer to compare elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether the source sequence includes an element that has the specified value from the given index. */ observableProto.includes = function (searchElement, fromIndex) { var source = this; function comparer(a, b) { return (a === 0 && b === 0) || (a === b || (isNaN(a) && isNaN(b))); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var i = 0, n = +fromIndex || 0; Math.abs(n) === Infinity && (n = 0); if (n < 0) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } return source.subscribe( function (x) { if (i++ >= n && comparer(x, searchElement)) { o.onNext(true); o.onCompleted(); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); }); }, this); }; /** * @deprecated use #includes instead. */ observableProto.contains = function (searchElement, fromIndex) { //deprecate('contains', 'includes'); observableProto.includes(searchElement, fromIndex); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence containing a value that represents how many elements in the specified observable sequence satisfy a condition if provided, else the count of items. * @example * res = source.count(); * res = source.count(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * @param {Function} [predicate]A function to test each element for a condition. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with a number that represents how many elements in the input sequence satisfy the condition in the predicate function if provided, else the count of items in the sequence. */ observableProto.count = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.filter(predicate, thisArg).count() : this.reduce(function (count) { return count + 1; }, 0); }; /** * Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the observable sequence, or -1 if it is not present. * @param {Any} searchElement Element to locate in the array. * @param {Number} [fromIndex] The index to start the search. If not specified, defaults to 0. * @returns {Observable} And observable sequence containing the first index at which a given element can be found in the observable sequence, or -1 if it is not present. */ observableProto.indexOf = function(searchElement, fromIndex) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var i = 0, n = +fromIndex || 0; Math.abs(n) === Infinity && (n = 0); if (n < 0) { o.onNext(-1); o.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } return source.subscribe( function (x) { if (i >= n && x === searchElement) { o.onNext(i); o.onCompleted(); } i++; }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(-1); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Computes the sum of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking an optional transform function on each element of the input sequence, else if not specified computes the sum on each item in the sequence. * @param {Function} [selector] A transform function to apply to each element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the sum of the values in the source sequence. */ observableProto.sum = function (keySelector, thisArg) { return keySelector && isFunction(keySelector) ?, thisArg).sum() : this.reduce(function (prev, curr) { return prev + curr; }, 0); }; /** * Returns the elements in an observable sequence with the minimum key value according to the specified comparer. * @example * var res = source.minBy(function (x) { return x.value; }); * var res = source.minBy(function (x) { return x.value; }, function (x, y) { return x - y; }); * @param {Function} keySelector Key selector function. * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare key values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a list of zero or more elements that have a minimum key value. */ observableProto.minBy = function (keySelector, comparer) { comparer || (comparer = defaultSubComparer); return extremaBy(this, keySelector, function (x, y) { return comparer(x, y) * -1; }); }; /** * Returns the minimum element in an observable sequence according to the optional comparer else a default greater than less than check. * @example * var res = source.min(); * var res = source.min(function (x, y) { return x.value - y.value; }); * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the minimum element in the source sequence. */ observableProto.min = function (comparer) { return this.minBy(identity, comparer).map(function (x) { return firstOnly(x); }); }; /** * Returns the elements in an observable sequence with the maximum key value according to the specified comparer. * @example * var res = source.maxBy(function (x) { return x.value; }); * var res = source.maxBy(function (x) { return x.value; }, function (x, y) { return x - y;; }); * @param {Function} keySelector Key selector function. * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare key values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a list of zero or more elements that have a maximum key value. */ observableProto.maxBy = function (keySelector, comparer) { comparer || (comparer = defaultSubComparer); return extremaBy(this, keySelector, comparer); }; /** * Returns the maximum value in an observable sequence according to the specified comparer. * @example * var res = source.max(); * var res = source.max(function (x, y) { return x.value - y.value; }); * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the maximum element in the source sequence. */ observableProto.max = function (comparer) { return this.maxBy(identity, comparer).map(function (x) { return firstOnly(x); }); }; /** * Computes the average of an observable sequence of values that are in the sequence or obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence if present. * @param {Function} [selector] A transform function to apply to each element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the average of the sequence of values. */ observableProto.average = function (keySelector, thisArg) { return keySelector && isFunction(keySelector) ?, thisArg).average() : this.reduce(function (prev, cur) { return { sum: prev.sum + cur, count: prev.count + 1 }; }, {sum: 0, count: 0 }).map(function (s) { if (s.count === 0) { throw new EmptyError(); } return s.sum / s.count; }); }; /** * Determines whether two sequences are equal by comparing the elements pairwise using a specified equality comparer. * * @example * var res = res = source.sequenceEqual([1,2,3]); * var res = res = source.sequenceEqual([{ value: 42 }], function (x, y) { return x.value === y.value; }); * 3 - res = source.sequenceEqual(Rx.Observable.returnValue(42)); * 4 - res = source.sequenceEqual(Rx.Observable.returnValue({ value: 42 }), function (x, y) { return x.value === y.value; }); * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence or array to compare. * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare elements of both sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains a single element which indicates whether both sequences are of equal length and their corresponding elements are equal according to the specified equality comparer. */ observableProto.sequenceEqual = function (second, comparer) { var first = this; comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var donel = false, doner = false, ql = [], qr = []; var subscription1 = first.subscribe(function (x) { var equal, v; if (qr.length > 0) { v = qr.shift(); try { equal = comparer(v, x); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } if (!equal) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); } } else if (doner) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); } else { ql.push(x); } }, function(e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { donel = true; if (ql.length === 0) { if (qr.length > 0) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); } else if (doner) { o.onNext(true); o.onCompleted(); } } }); (isArrayLike(second) || isIterable(second)) && (second = observableFrom(second)); isPromise(second) && (second = observableFromPromise(second)); var subscription2 = second.subscribe(function (x) { var equal; if (ql.length > 0) { var v = ql.shift(); try { equal = comparer(v, x); } catch (exception) { o.onError(exception); return; } if (!equal) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); } } else if (donel) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); } else { qr.push(x); } }, function(e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { doner = true; if (qr.length === 0) { if (ql.length > 0) { o.onNext(false); o.onCompleted(); } else if (donel) { o.onNext(true); o.onCompleted(); } } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription1, subscription2); }, first); }; function elementAtOrDefault(source, index, hasDefault, defaultValue) { if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var i = index; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (i-- === 0) { o.onNext(x); o.onCompleted(); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { if (!hasDefault) { o.onError(new ArgumentOutOfRangeError()); } else { o.onNext(defaultValue); o.onCompleted(); } }); }, source); } /** * Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence. * @example * var res = source.elementAt(5); * @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the element to retrieve. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces the element at the specified position in the source sequence. */ observableProto.elementAt = function (index) { return elementAtOrDefault(this, index, false); }; /** * Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence or a default value if the index is out of range. * @example * var res = source.elementAtOrDefault(5); * var res = source.elementAtOrDefault(5, 0); * @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the element to retrieve. * @param [defaultValue] The default value if the index is outside the bounds of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces the element at the specified position in the source sequence, or a default value if the index is outside the bounds of the source sequence. */ observableProto.elementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue) { return elementAtOrDefault(this, index, true, defaultValue); }; function singleOrDefaultAsync(source, hasDefault, defaultValue) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var value = defaultValue, seenValue = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (seenValue) { o.onError(new Error('Sequence contains more than one element')); } else { value = x; seenValue = true; } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { if (!seenValue && !hasDefault) { o.onError(new EmptyError()); } else { o.onNext(value); o.onCompleted(); } }); }, source); } /** * Returns the only element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the optional predicate, and reports an exception if there is not exactly one element in the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the single element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate. */ observableProto.single = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate && isFunction(predicate) ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).single() : singleOrDefaultAsync(this, false); }; /** * Returns the only element of an observable sequence that matches the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists; this method reports an exception if there is more than one element in the observable sequence. * @example * var res = res = source.singleOrDefault(); * var res = res = source.singleOrDefault(function (x) { return x === 42; }); * res = source.singleOrDefault(function (x) { return x === 42; }, 0); * res = source.singleOrDefault(null, 0); * @memberOf Observable# * @param {Function} predicate A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param [defaultValue] The default value if the index is outside the bounds of the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the single element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. */ observableProto.singleOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue, thisArg) { return predicate && isFunction(predicate) ? this.filter(predicate, thisArg).singleOrDefault(null, defaultValue) : singleOrDefaultAsync(this, true, defaultValue); }; function firstOrDefaultAsync(source, hasDefault, defaultValue) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { o.onNext(x); o.onCompleted(); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { if (!hasDefault) { o.onError(new EmptyError()); } else { o.onNext(defaultValue); o.onCompleted(); } }); }, source); } /** * Returns the first element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate if present else the first item in the sequence. * @example * var res = res = source.first(); * var res = res = source.first(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the first element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate if provided, else the first item in the sequence. */ observableProto.first = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).first() : firstOrDefaultAsync(this, false); }; /** * Returns the first element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [defaultValue] The default value if no such element exists. If not specified, defaults to null. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the first element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. */ observableProto.firstOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate).firstOrDefault(null, defaultValue) : firstOrDefaultAsync(this, true, defaultValue); }; function lastOrDefaultAsync(source, hasDefault, defaultValue) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var value = defaultValue, seenValue = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { value = x; seenValue = true; }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { if (!seenValue && !hasDefault) { o.onError(new EmptyError()); } else { o.onNext(value); o.onCompleted(); } }); }, source); } /** * Returns the last element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate if specified, else the last element. * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the last element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate. */ observableProto.last = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).last() : lastOrDefaultAsync(this, false); }; /** * Returns the last element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param [defaultValue] The default value if no such element exists. If not specified, defaults to null. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the last element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. */ observableProto.lastOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).lastOrDefault(null, defaultValue) : lastOrDefaultAsync(this, true, defaultValue); }; function findValue (source, predicate, thisArg, yieldIndex) { var callback = bindCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var i = 0; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var shouldRun; try { shouldRun = callback(x, i, source); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } if (shouldRun) { o.onNext(yieldIndex ? i : x); o.onCompleted(); } else { i++; } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(yieldIndex ? -1 : undefined); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); } /** * Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire Observable sequence. * @param {Function} predicate The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence with the first element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, if found; otherwise, undefined. */ observableProto.find = function (predicate, thisArg) { return findValue(this, predicate, thisArg, false); }; /** * Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns * an Observable sequence with the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire Observable sequence. * @param {Function} predicate The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence with the zero-based index of the first occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by match, if found; otherwise, –1. */ observableProto.findIndex = function (predicate, thisArg) { return findValue(this, predicate, thisArg, true); }; /** * Converts the observable sequence to a Set if it exists. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with a single value of a Set containing the values from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toSet = function () { if (typeof root.Set === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError(); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var s = new root.Set(); return source.subscribe( function (x) { s.add(x); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(s); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Converts the observable sequence to a Map if it exists. * @param {Function} keySelector A function which produces the key for the Map. * @param {Function} [elementSelector] An optional function which produces the element for the Map. If not present, defaults to the value from the observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with a single value of a Map containing the values from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toMap = function (keySelector, elementSelector) { if (typeof root.Map === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError(); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var m = new root.Map(); return source.subscribe( function (x) { var key; try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } var element = x; if (elementSelector) { try { element = elementSelector(x); } catch (e) { o.onError(e); return; } } m.set(key, element); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onNext(m); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; var fnString = 'function', throwString = 'throw', isObject = Rx.internals.isObject; function toThunk(obj, ctx) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return, obj); } if (isGeneratorFunction(obj)) { return observableSpawn(; } if (isGenerator(obj)) { return observableSpawn(obj); } if (isObservable(obj)) { return observableToThunk(obj); } if (isPromise(obj)) { return promiseToThunk(obj); } if (typeof obj === fnString) { return obj; } if (isObject(obj) || Array.isArray(obj)) { return, obj); } return obj; } function objectToThunk(obj) { var ctx = this; return function (done) { var keys = Object.keys(obj), pending = keys.length, results = new obj.constructor(), finished; if (!pending) { timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { done(null, results); }); return; } for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { run(obj[keys[i]], keys[i]); } function run(fn, key) { if (finished) { return; } try { fn = toThunk(fn, ctx); if (typeof fn !== fnString) { results[key] = fn; return --pending || done(null, results); }, function(err, res) { if (finished) { return; } if (err) { finished = true; return done(err); } results[key] = res; --pending || done(null, results); }); } catch (e) { finished = true; done(e); } } } } function observableToThunk(observable) { return function (fn) { var value, hasValue = false; observable.subscribe( function (v) { value = v; hasValue = true; }, fn, function () { hasValue && fn(null, value); }); } } function promiseToThunk(promise) { return function(fn) { promise.then(function(res) { fn(null, res); }, fn); } } function isObservable(obj) { return obj && typeof obj.subscribe === fnString; } function isGeneratorFunction(obj) { return obj && obj.constructor && === 'GeneratorFunction'; } function isGenerator(obj) { return obj && typeof === fnString && typeof obj[throwString] === fnString; } /* * Spawns a generator function which allows for Promises, Observable sequences, Arrays, Objects, Generators and functions. * @param {Function} The spawning function. * @returns {Function} a function which has a done continuation. */ var observableSpawn = Rx.spawn = function (fn) { var isGenFun = isGeneratorFunction(fn); return function (done) { var ctx = this, gen = fn; if (isGenFun) { for(var args = [], i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } var len = args.length, hasCallback = len && typeof args[len - 1] === fnString; done = hasCallback ? args.pop() : handleError; gen = fn.apply(this, args); } else { done = done || handleError; } next(); function exit(err, res) { timeoutScheduler.schedule(done.bind(ctx, err, res)); } function next(err, res) { var ret; // multiple args if (arguments.length > 2) { for(var res = [], i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { res.push(arguments[i]); } } if (err) { try { ret = gen[throwString](err); } catch (e) { return exit(e); } } if (!err) { try { ret =; } catch (e) { return exit(e); } } if (ret.done) { return exit(null, ret.value); } ret.value = toThunk(ret.value, ctx); if (typeof ret.value === fnString) { var called = false; try {, function() { if (called) { return; } called = true; next.apply(ctx, arguments); }); } catch (e) { timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { if (called) { return; } called = true;, e); }); } return; } // Not supported next(new TypeError('Rx.spawn only supports a function, Promise, Observable, Object or Array.')); } } }; function handleError(err) { if (!err) { return; } timeoutScheduler.schedule(function() { throw err; }); } /** * Invokes the specified function asynchronously on the specified scheduler, surfacing the result through an observable sequence. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.start(function () { console.log('hello'); }); * var res = Rx.Observable.start(function () { console.log('hello'); }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * var res = Rx.Observable.start(function () { this.log('hello'); }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout, console); * * @param {Function} func Function to run asynchronously. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the function on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.timeout. * @param [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exposing the function's result value, or an exception. * * Remarks * * The function is called immediately, not during the subscription of the resulting sequence. * * Multiple subscriptions to the resulting sequence can observe the function's result. */ Observable.start = function (func, context, scheduler) { return observableToAsync(func, context, scheduler)(); }; /** * Converts the function into an asynchronous function. Each invocation of the resulting asynchronous function causes an invocation of the original synchronous function on the specified scheduler. * @param {Function} function Function to convert to an asynchronous function. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the function on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.timeout. * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @returns {Function} Asynchronous function. */ var observableToAsync = Observable.toAsync = function (func, context, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return function () { var args = arguments, subject = new AsyncSubject(); scheduler.schedule(function () { var result; try { result = func.apply(context, args); } catch (e) { subject.onError(e); return; } subject.onNext(result); subject.onCompleted(); }); return subject.asObservable(); }; }; /** * Converts a callback function to an observable sequence. * * @param {Function} function Function with a callback as the last parameter to convert to an Observable sequence. * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the callback to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Function} A function, when executed with the required parameters minus the callback, produces an Observable sequence with a single value of the arguments to the callback as an array. */ Observable.fromCallback = function (func, context, selector) { return function () { for(var args = [], i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function handler() { var results = arguments; if (selector) { try { results = selector(results); } catch (e) { return observer.onError(e); } observer.onNext(results); } else { if (results.length <= 1) { observer.onNext.apply(observer, results); } else { observer.onNext(results); } } observer.onCompleted(); } args.push(handler); func.apply(context, args); }).publishLast().refCount(); }; }; /** * Converts a Node.js callback style function to an observable sequence. This must be in function (err, ...) format. * @param {Function} func The function to call * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the callback minus the error to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Function} An async function which when applied, returns an observable sequence with the callback arguments as an array. */ Observable.fromNodeCallback = function (func, context, selector) { return function () { var len = arguments.length, args = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function handler(err) { if (err) { observer.onError(err); return; } var len = arguments.length, results = []; for(var i = 1; i < len; i++) { results[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } if (selector) { try { results = selector(results); } catch (e) { return observer.onError(e); } observer.onNext(results); } else { if (results.length <= 1) { observer.onNext.apply(observer, results); } else { observer.onNext(results); } } observer.onCompleted(); } args.push(handler); func.apply(context, args); }).publishLast().refCount(); }; }; function fixEvent(event) { var stopPropagation = function () { this.cancelBubble = true; }; var preventDefault = function () { this.bubbledKeyCode = this.keyCode; if (this.ctrlKey) { try { this.keyCode = 0; } catch (e) { } } this.defaultPrevented = true; this.returnValue = false; this.modified = true; }; event || (event = root.event); if (! { = || event.srcElement; if (event.type == 'mouseover') { event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement; } if (event.type == 'mouseout') { event.relatedTarget = event.toElement; } // Adding stopPropogation and preventDefault to IE if (!event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation = stopPropagation; event.preventDefault = preventDefault; } // Normalize key events switch (event.type) { case 'keypress': var c = ('charCode' in event ? event.charCode : event.keyCode); if (c == 10) { c = 0; event.keyCode = 13; } else if (c == 13 || c == 27) { c = 0; } else if (c == 3) { c = 99; } event.charCode = c; event.keyChar = event.charCode ? String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) : ''; break; } } return event; } function createListener (element, name, handler) { // Standards compliant if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(name, handler, false); return disposableCreate(function () { element.removeEventListener(name, handler, false); }); } if (element.attachEvent) { // IE Specific var innerHandler = function (event) { handler(fixEvent(event)); }; element.attachEvent('on' + name, innerHandler); return disposableCreate(function () { element.detachEvent('on' + name, innerHandler); }); } // Level 1 DOM Events element['on' + name] = handler; return disposableCreate(function () { element['on' + name] = null; }); } function createEventListener (el, eventName, handler) { var disposables = new CompositeDisposable(); // Asume NodeList if ( === '[object NodeList]') { for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; i++) { disposables.add(createEventListener(el.item(i), eventName, handler)); } } else if (el) { disposables.add(createListener(el, eventName, handler)); } return disposables; } /** * Configuration option to determine whether to use native events only */ Rx.config.useNativeEvents = false; /** * Creates an observable sequence by adding an event listener to the matching DOMElement or each item in the NodeList. * * @example * var source = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(element, 'mouseup'); * * @param {Object} element The DOMElement or NodeList to attach a listener. * @param {String} eventName The event name to attach the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of events from the specified element and the specified event. */ Observable.fromEvent = function (element, eventName, selector) { // Node.js specific if (element.addListener) { return fromEventPattern( function (h) { element.addListener(eventName, h); }, function (h) { element.removeListener(eventName, h); }, selector); } // Use only if non-native events are allowed if (!Rx.config.useNativeEvents) { // Handles jq, Angular.js, Zepto, Marionette, Ember.js if (typeof element.on === 'function' && typeof === 'function') { return fromEventPattern( function (h) { element.on(eventName, h); }, function (h) {, h); }, selector); } } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return createEventListener( element, eventName, function handler (e) { var results = e; if (selector) { try { results = selector(arguments); } catch (err) { return observer.onError(err); } } observer.onNext(results); }); }).publish().refCount(); }; /** * Creates an observable sequence from an event emitter via an addHandler/removeHandler pair. * @param {Function} addHandler The function to add a handler to the emitter. * @param {Function} [removeHandler] The optional function to remove a handler from an emitter. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which wraps an event from an event emitter */ var fromEventPattern = Observable.fromEventPattern = function (addHandler, removeHandler, selector) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function innerHandler (e) { var result = e; if (selector) { try { result = selector(arguments); } catch (err) { return observer.onError(err); } } observer.onNext(result); } var returnValue = addHandler(innerHandler); return disposableCreate(function () { if (removeHandler) { removeHandler(innerHandler, returnValue); } }); }).publish().refCount(); }; /** * Invokes the asynchronous function, surfacing the result through an observable sequence. * @param {Function} functionAsync Asynchronous function which returns a Promise to run. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exposing the function's result value, or an exception. */ Observable.startAsync = function (functionAsync) { var promise; try { promise = functionAsync(); } catch (e) { return observableThrow(e); } return observableFromPromise(promise); } var PausableObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(PausableObservable, __super__); function subscribe(observer) { var conn = this.source.publish(), subscription = conn.subscribe(observer), connection = disposableEmpty; var pausable = this.pauser.distinctUntilChanged().subscribe(function (b) { if (b) { connection = conn.connect(); } else { connection.dispose(); connection = disposableEmpty; } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, connection, pausable); } function PausableObservable(source, pauser) { this.source = source; this.controller = new Subject(); if (pauser && pauser.subscribe) { this.pauser = this.controller.merge(pauser); } else { this.pauser = this.controller; }, subscribe, source); } PausableObservable.prototype.pause = function () { this.controller.onNext(false); }; PausableObservable.prototype.resume = function () { this.controller.onNext(true); }; return PausableObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Pauses the underlying observable sequence based upon the observable sequence which yields true/false. * @example * var pauser = new Rx.Subject(); * var source = Rx.Observable.interval(100).pausable(pauser); * @param {Observable} pauser The observable sequence used to pause the underlying sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence which is paused based upon the pauser. */ observableProto.pausable = function (pauser) { return new PausableObservable(this, pauser); }; function combineLatestSource(source, subject, resultSelector) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var hasValue = [false, false], hasValueAll = false, isDone = false, values = new Array(2), err; function next(x, i) { values[i] = x var res; hasValue[i] = true; if (hasValueAll || (hasValueAll = hasValue.every(identity))) { if (err) { o.onError(err); return; } try { res = resultSelector.apply(null, values); } catch (ex) { o.onError(ex); return; } o.onNext(res); } if (isDone && values[1]) { o.onCompleted(); } } return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe( function (x) { next(x, 0); }, function (e) { if (values[1]) { o.onError(e); } else { err = e; } }, function () { isDone = true; values[1] && o.onCompleted(); }), subject.subscribe( function (x) { next(x, 1); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { isDone = true; next(true, 1); }) ); }, source); } var PausableBufferedObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(PausableBufferedObservable, __super__); function subscribe(o) { var q = [], previousShouldFire; var subscription = combineLatestSource( this.source, this.pauser.distinctUntilChanged().startWith(false), function (data, shouldFire) { return { data: data, shouldFire: shouldFire }; }) .subscribe( function (results) { if (previousShouldFire !== undefined && results.shouldFire != previousShouldFire) { previousShouldFire = results.shouldFire; // change in shouldFire if (results.shouldFire) { while (q.length > 0) { o.onNext(q.shift()); } } } else { previousShouldFire = results.shouldFire; // new data if (results.shouldFire) { o.onNext(; } else { q.push(; } } }, function (err) { // Empty buffer before sending error while (q.length > 0) { o.onNext(q.shift()); } o.onError(err); }, function () { // Empty buffer before sending completion while (q.length > 0) { o.onNext(q.shift()); } o.onCompleted(); } ); return subscription; } function PausableBufferedObservable(source, pauser) { this.source = source; this.controller = new Subject(); if (pauser && pauser.subscribe) { this.pauser = this.controller.merge(pauser); } else { this.pauser = this.controller; }, subscribe, source); } PausableBufferedObservable.prototype.pause = function () { this.controller.onNext(false); }; PausableBufferedObservable.prototype.resume = function () { this.controller.onNext(true); }; return PausableBufferedObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Pauses the underlying observable sequence based upon the observable sequence which yields true/false, * and yields the values that were buffered while paused. * @example * var pauser = new Rx.Subject(); * var source = Rx.Observable.interval(100).pausableBuffered(pauser); * @param {Observable} pauser The observable sequence used to pause the underlying sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence which is paused based upon the pauser. */ observableProto.pausableBuffered = function (subject) { return new PausableBufferedObservable(this, subject); }; var ControlledObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(ControlledObservable, __super__); function subscribe (observer) { return this.source.subscribe(observer); } function ControlledObservable (source, enableQueue) {, subscribe, source); this.subject = new ControlledSubject(enableQueue); this.source = source.multicast(this.subject).refCount(); } ControlledObservable.prototype.request = function (numberOfItems) { if (numberOfItems == null) { numberOfItems = -1; } return this.subject.request(numberOfItems); }; return ControlledObservable; }(Observable)); var ControlledSubject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe (observer) { return this.subject.subscribe(observer); } inherits(ControlledSubject, __super__); function ControlledSubject(enableQueue) { enableQueue == null && (enableQueue = true);, subscribe); this.subject = new Subject(); this.enableQueue = enableQueue; this.queue = enableQueue ? [] : null; this.requestedCount = 0; this.requestedDisposable = disposableEmpty; this.error = null; this.hasFailed = false; this.hasCompleted = false; } addProperties(ControlledSubject.prototype, Observer, { onCompleted: function () { this.hasCompleted = true; if (!this.enableQueue || this.queue.length === 0) this.subject.onCompleted(); else this.queue.push(Rx.Notification.createOnCompleted()); }, onError: function (error) { this.hasFailed = true; this.error = error; if (!this.enableQueue || this.queue.length === 0) this.subject.onError(error); else this.queue.push(Rx.Notification.createOnError(error)); }, onNext: function (value) { var hasRequested = false; if (this.requestedCount === 0) { this.enableQueue && this.queue.push(Rx.Notification.createOnNext(value)); } else { (this.requestedCount !== -1 && this.requestedCount-- === 0) && this.disposeCurrentRequest(); hasRequested = true; } hasRequested && this.subject.onNext(value); }, _processRequest: function (numberOfItems) { if (this.enableQueue) { while ((this.queue.length >= numberOfItems && numberOfItems > 0) || (this.queue.length > 0 && this.queue[0].kind !== 'N')) { var first = this.queue.shift(); first.accept(this.subject); if (first.kind === 'N') numberOfItems--; else { this.disposeCurrentRequest(); this.queue = []; } } return { numberOfItems : numberOfItems, returnValue: this.queue.length !== 0}; } //TODO I don't think this is ever necessary, since termination of a sequence without a queue occurs in the onCompletion or onError function //if (this.hasFailed) { // this.subject.onError(this.error); //} else if (this.hasCompleted) { // this.subject.onCompleted(); //} return { numberOfItems: numberOfItems, returnValue: false }; }, request: function (number) { this.disposeCurrentRequest(); var self = this, r = this._processRequest(number); var number = r.numberOfItems; if (!r.returnValue) { this.requestedCount = number; this.requestedDisposable = disposableCreate(function () { self.requestedCount = 0; }); return this.requestedDisposable; } else { return disposableEmpty; } }, disposeCurrentRequest: function () { this.requestedDisposable.dispose(); this.requestedDisposable = disposableEmpty; } }); return ControlledSubject; }(Observable)); /** * Attaches a controller to the observable sequence with the ability to queue. * @example * var source = Rx.Observable.interval(100).controlled(); * source.request(3); // Reads 3 values * @param {Observable} pauser The observable sequence used to pause the underlying sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence which is paused based upon the pauser. */ observableProto.controlled = function (enableQueue) { if (enableQueue == null) { enableQueue = true; } return new ControlledObservable(this, enableQueue); }; var StopAndWaitObservable = (function (__super__) { function subscribe (observer) { this.subscription = this.source.subscribe(new StopAndWaitObserver(observer, this, this.subscription)); var self = this; timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { self.source.request(1); }); return this.subscription; } inherits(StopAndWaitObservable, __super__); function StopAndWaitObservable (source) {, subscribe, source); this.source = source; } var StopAndWaitObserver = (function (__sub__) { inherits(StopAndWaitObserver, __sub__); function StopAndWaitObserver (observer, observable, cancel) {; = observer; this.observable = observable; this.cancel = cancel; } var stopAndWaitObserverProto = StopAndWaitObserver.prototype; stopAndWaitObserverProto.completed = function () {; this.dispose(); }; stopAndWaitObserverProto.error = function (error) {; this.dispose(); } = function (value) {; var self = this; timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { self.observable.source.request(1); }); }; stopAndWaitObserverProto.dispose = function () { = null; if (this.cancel) { this.cancel.dispose(); this.cancel = null; }; }; return StopAndWaitObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); return StopAndWaitObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Attaches a stop and wait observable to the current observable. * @returns {Observable} A stop and wait observable. */ ControlledObservable.prototype.stopAndWait = function () { return new StopAndWaitObservable(this); }; var WindowedObservable = (function (__super__) { function subscribe (observer) { this.subscription = this.source.subscribe(new WindowedObserver(observer, this, this.subscription)); var self = this; timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { self.source.request(self.windowSize); }); return this.subscription; } inherits(WindowedObservable, __super__); function WindowedObservable(source, windowSize) {, subscribe, source); this.source = source; this.windowSize = windowSize; } var WindowedObserver = (function (__sub__) { inherits(WindowedObserver, __sub__); function WindowedObserver(observer, observable, cancel) { = observer; this.observable = observable; this.cancel = cancel; this.received = 0; } var windowedObserverPrototype = WindowedObserver.prototype; windowedObserverPrototype.completed = function () {; this.dispose(); }; windowedObserverPrototype.error = function (error) {; this.dispose(); }; = function (value) {; this.received = ++this.received % this.observable.windowSize; if (this.received === 0) { var self = this; timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { self.observable.source.request(self.observable.windowSize); }); } }; windowedObserverPrototype.dispose = function () { = null; if (this.cancel) { this.cancel.dispose(); this.cancel = null; }; }; return WindowedObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); return WindowedObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Creates a sliding windowed observable based upon the window size. * @param {Number} windowSize The number of items in the window * @returns {Observable} A windowed observable based upon the window size. */ ControlledObservable.prototype.windowed = function (windowSize) { return new WindowedObservable(this, windowSize); }; /** * Multicasts the source sequence notifications through an instantiated subject into all uses of the sequence within a selector function. Each * subscription to the resulting sequence causes a separate multicast invocation, exposing the sequence resulting from the selector function's * invocation. For specializations with fixed subject types, see Publish, PublishLast, and Replay. * * @example * 1 - res = source.multicast(observable); * 2 - res = source.multicast(function () { return new Subject(); }, function (x) { return x; }); * * @param {Function|Subject} subjectOrSubjectSelector * Factory function to create an intermediate subject through which the source sequence's elements will be multicast to the selector function. * Or: * Subject to push source elements into. * * @param {Function} [selector] Optional selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence subject to the policies enforced by the created subject. Specified only if <paramref name="subjectOrSubjectSelector" is a factory function. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.multicast = function (subjectOrSubjectSelector, selector) { var source = this; return typeof subjectOrSubjectSelector === 'function' ? new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var connectable = source.multicast(subjectOrSubjectSelector()); return new CompositeDisposable(selector(connectable).subscribe(observer), connectable.connect()); }, source) : new ConnectableObservable(source, subjectOrSubjectSelector); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a regular Subject. * * @example * var resres = source.publish(); * var res = source.publish(function (x) { return x; }); * * @param {Function} [selector] Selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will receive all notifications of the source from the time of the subscription on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.publish = function (selector) { return selector && isFunction(selector) ? this.multicast(function () { return new Subject(); }, selector) : this.multicast(new Subject()); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence. * This operator is a specialization of publish which creates a subscription when the number of observers goes from zero to one, then shares that subscription with all subsequent observers until the number of observers returns to zero, at which point the subscription is disposed. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence. */ observableProto.share = function () { return this.publish().refCount(); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence containing only the last notification. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a AsyncSubject. * * @example * var res = source.publishLast(); * var res = source.publishLast(function (x) { return x; }); * * @param selector [Optional] Selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will only receive the last notification of the source. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.publishLast = function (selector) { return selector && isFunction(selector) ? this.multicast(function () { return new AsyncSubject(); }, selector) : this.multicast(new AsyncSubject()); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence and starts with initialValue. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a BehaviorSubject. * * @example * var res = source.publishValue(42); * var res = source.publishValue(function (x) { return (y) { return y * y; }) }, 42); * * @param {Function} [selector] Optional selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will receive immediately receive the initial value, followed by all notifications of the source from the time of the subscription on. * @param {Mixed} initialValue Initial value received by observers upon subscription. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.publishValue = function (initialValueOrSelector, initialValue) { return arguments.length === 2 ? this.multicast(function () { return new BehaviorSubject(initialValue); }, initialValueOrSelector) : this.multicast(new BehaviorSubject(initialValueOrSelector)); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence and starts with an initialValue. * This operator is a specialization of publishValue which creates a subscription when the number of observers goes from zero to one, then shares that subscription with all subsequent observers until the number of observers returns to zero, at which point the subscription is disposed. * @param {Mixed} initialValue Initial value received by observers upon subscription. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence. */ observableProto.shareValue = function (initialValue) { return this.publishValue(initialValue).refCount(); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence replaying notifications subject to a maximum time length for the replay buffer. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a ReplaySubject. * * @example * var res = source.replay(null, 3); * var res = source.replay(null, 3, 500); * var res = source.replay(null, 3, 500, scheduler); * var res = source.replay(function (x) { return x.take(6).repeat(); }, 3, 500, scheduler); * * @param selector [Optional] Selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will receive all the notifications of the source subject to the specified replay buffer trimming policy. * @param bufferSize [Optional] Maximum element count of the replay buffer. * @param windowSize [Optional] Maximum time length of the replay buffer. * @param scheduler [Optional] Scheduler where connected observers within the selector function will be invoked on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.replay = function (selector, bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler) { return selector && isFunction(selector) ? this.multicast(function () { return new ReplaySubject(bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler); }, selector) : this.multicast(new ReplaySubject(bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler)); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence replaying notifications subject to a maximum time length for the replay buffer. * This operator is a specialization of replay which creates a subscription when the number of observers goes from zero to one, then shares that subscription with all subsequent observers until the number of observers returns to zero, at which point the subscription is disposed. * * @example * var res = source.shareReplay(3); * var res = source.shareReplay(3, 500); * var res = source.shareReplay(3, 500, scheduler); * * @param bufferSize [Optional] Maximum element count of the replay buffer. * @param window [Optional] Maximum time length of the replay buffer. * @param scheduler [Optional] Scheduler where connected observers within the selector function will be invoked on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence. */ observableProto.shareReplay = function (bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler) { return this.replay(null, bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler).refCount(); }; var InnerSubscription = function (subject, observer) { this.subject = subject; = observer; }; InnerSubscription.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.subject.isDisposed && !== null) { var idx = this.subject.observers.indexOf(; this.subject.observers.splice(idx, 1); = null; } }; /** * Represents a value that changes over time. * Observers can subscribe to the subject to receive the last (or initial) value and all subsequent notifications. */ var BehaviorSubject = Rx.BehaviorSubject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); observer.onNext(this.value); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } if (this.hasError) { observer.onError(this.error); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return disposableEmpty; } inherits(BehaviorSubject, __super__); /** * Initializes a new instance of the BehaviorSubject class which creates a subject that caches its last value and starts with the specified value. * @param {Mixed} value Initial value sent to observers when no other value has been received by the subject yet. */ function BehaviorSubject(value) {, subscribe); this.value = value, this.observers = [], this.isDisposed = false, this.isStopped = false, this.hasError = false; } addProperties(BehaviorSubject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Gets the current value or throws an exception. * Value is frozen after onCompleted is called. * After onError is called always throws the specified exception. * An exception is always thrown after dispose is called. * @returns {Mixed} The initial value passed to the constructor until onNext is called; after which, the last value passed to onNext. */ getValue: function () { checkDisposed(this); if (this.hasError) { throw this.error; } return this.value; }, /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } this.observers.length = 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; this.hasError = true; this.error = error; for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(error); } this.observers.length = 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.value = value; for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onNext(value); } }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; this.value = null; this.exception = null; } }); return BehaviorSubject; }(Observable)); /** * Represents an object that is both an observable sequence as well as an observer. * Each notification is broadcasted to all subscribed and future observers, subject to buffer trimming policies. */ var ReplaySubject = Rx.ReplaySubject = (function (__super__) { var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; function createRemovableDisposable(subject, observer) { return disposableCreate(function () { observer.dispose(); !subject.isDisposed && subject.observers.splice(subject.observers.indexOf(observer), 1); }); } function subscribe(observer) { var so = new ScheduledObserver(this.scheduler, observer), subscription = createRemovableDisposable(this, so); checkDisposed(this); this._trim(; this.observers.push(so); for (var i = 0, len = this.q.length; i < len; i++) { so.onNext(this.q[i].value); } if (this.hasError) { so.onError(this.error); } else if (this.isStopped) { so.onCompleted(); } so.ensureActive(); return subscription; } inherits(ReplaySubject, __super__); /** * Initializes a new instance of the ReplaySubject class with the specified buffer size, window size and scheduler. * @param {Number} [bufferSize] Maximum element count of the replay buffer. * @param {Number} [windowSize] Maximum time length of the replay buffer. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler the observers are invoked on. */ function ReplaySubject(bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize == null ? maxSafeInteger : bufferSize; this.windowSize = windowSize == null ? maxSafeInteger : windowSize; this.scheduler = scheduler || currentThreadScheduler; this.q = []; this.observers = []; this.isStopped = false; this.isDisposed = false; this.hasError = false; this.error = null;, subscribe); } addProperties(ReplaySubject.prototype, Observer.prototype, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, _trim: function (now) { while (this.q.length > this.bufferSize) { this.q.shift(); } while (this.q.length > 0 && (now - this.q[0].interval) > this.windowSize) { this.q.shift(); } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } var now =; this.q.push({ interval: now, value: value }); this._trim(now); for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { var observer = os[i]; observer.onNext(value); observer.ensureActive(); } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; this.error = error; this.hasError = true; var now =; this._trim(now); for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { var observer = os[i]; observer.onError(error); observer.ensureActive(); } this.observers.length = 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; var now =; this._trim(now); for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { var observer = os[i]; observer.onCompleted(); observer.ensureActive(); } this.observers.length = 0; }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; } }); return ReplaySubject; }(Observable)); var ConnectableObservable = Rx.ConnectableObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(ConnectableObservable, __super__); function ConnectableObservable(source, subject) { var hasSubscription = false, subscription, sourceObservable = source.asObservable(); this.connect = function () { if (!hasSubscription) { hasSubscription = true; subscription = new CompositeDisposable(sourceObservable.subscribe(subject), disposableCreate(function () { hasSubscription = false; })); } return subscription; };, function (o) { return subject.subscribe(o); }); } ConnectableObservable.prototype.refCount = function () { var connectableSubscription, count = 0, source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var shouldConnect = ++count === 1, subscription = source.subscribe(observer); shouldConnect && (connectableSubscription = source.connect()); return function () { subscription.dispose(); --count === 0 && connectableSubscription.dispose(); }; }); }; return ConnectableObservable; }(Observable)); var Dictionary = (function () { var primes = [1, 3, 7, 13, 31, 61, 127, 251, 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191, 16381, 32749, 65521, 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573, 2097143, 4194301, 8388593, 16777213, 33554393, 67108859, 134217689, 268435399, 536870909, 1073741789, 2147483647], noSuchkey = "no such key", duplicatekey = "duplicate key"; function isPrime(candidate) { if ((candidate & 1) === 0) { return candidate === 2; } var num1 = Math.sqrt(candidate), num2 = 3; while (num2 <= num1) { if (candidate % num2 === 0) { return false; } num2 += 2; } return true; } function getPrime(min) { var index, num, candidate; for (index = 0; index < primes.length; ++index) { num = primes[index]; if (num >= min) { return num; } } candidate = min | 1; while (candidate < primes[primes.length - 1]) { if (isPrime(candidate)) { return candidate; } candidate += 2; } return min; } function stringHashFn(str) { var hash = 757602046; if (!str.length) { return hash; } for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { var character = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + character; hash = hash & hash; } return hash; } function numberHashFn(key) { var c2 = 0x27d4eb2d; key = (key ^ 61) ^ (key >>> 16); key = key + (key << 3); key = key ^ (key >>> 4); key = key * c2; key = key ^ (key >>> 15); return key; } var getHashCode = (function () { var uniqueIdCounter = 0; return function (obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new Error(noSuchkey); } // Check for built-ins before tacking on our own for any object if (typeof obj === 'string') { return stringHashFn(obj); } if (typeof obj === 'number') { return numberHashFn(obj); } if (typeof obj === 'boolean') { return obj === true ? 1 : 0; } if (obj instanceof Date) { return numberHashFn(obj.valueOf()); } if (obj instanceof RegExp) { return stringHashFn(obj.toString()); } if (typeof obj.valueOf === 'function') { // Hack check for valueOf var valueOf = obj.valueOf(); if (typeof valueOf === 'number') { return numberHashFn(valueOf); } if (typeof valueOf === 'string') { return stringHashFn(valueOf); } } if (obj.hashCode) { return obj.hashCode(); } var id = 17 * uniqueIdCounter++; obj.hashCode = function () { return id; }; return id; }; }()); function newEntry() { return { key: null, value: null, next: 0, hashCode: 0 }; } function Dictionary(capacity, comparer) { if (capacity < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } if (capacity > 0) { this._initialize(capacity); } this.comparer = comparer || defaultComparer; this.freeCount = 0; this.size = 0; this.freeList = -1; } var dictionaryProto = Dictionary.prototype; dictionaryProto._initialize = function (capacity) { var prime = getPrime(capacity), i; this.buckets = new Array(prime); this.entries = new Array(prime); for (i = 0; i < prime; i++) { this.buckets[i] = -1; this.entries[i] = newEntry(); } this.freeList = -1; }; dictionaryProto.add = function (key, value) { this._insert(key, value, true); }; dictionaryProto._insert = function (key, value, add) { if (!this.buckets) { this._initialize(0); } var index3, num = getHashCode(key) & 2147483647, index1 = num % this.buckets.length; for (var index2 = this.buckets[index1]; index2 >= 0; index2 = this.entries[index2].next) { if (this.entries[index2].hashCode === num && this.comparer(this.entries[index2].key, key)) { if (add) { throw new Error(duplicatekey); } this.entries[index2].value = value; return; } } if (this.freeCount > 0) { index3 = this.freeList; this.freeList = this.entries[index3].next; --this.freeCount; } else { if (this.size === this.entries.length) { this._resize(); index1 = num % this.buckets.length; } index3 = this.size; ++this.size; } this.entries[index3].hashCode = num; this.entries[index3].next = this.buckets[index1]; this.entries[index3].key = key; this.entries[index3].value = value; this.buckets[index1] = index3; }; dictionaryProto._resize = function () { var prime = getPrime(this.size * 2), numArray = new Array(prime); for (index = 0; index < numArray.length; ++index) { numArray[index] = -1; } var entryArray = new Array(prime); for (index = 0; index < this.size; ++index) { entryArray[index] = this.entries[index]; } for (var index = this.size; index < prime; ++index) { entryArray[index] = newEntry(); } for (var index1 = 0; index1 < this.size; ++index1) { var index2 = entryArray[index1].hashCode % prime; entryArray[index1].next = numArray[index2]; numArray[index2] = index1; } this.buckets = numArray; this.entries = entryArray; }; dictionaryProto.remove = function (key) { if (this.buckets) { var num = getHashCode(key) & 2147483647, index1 = num % this.buckets.length, index2 = -1; for (var index3 = this.buckets[index1]; index3 >= 0; index3 = this.entries[index3].next) { if (this.entries[index3].hashCode === num && this.comparer(this.entries[index3].key, key)) { if (index2 < 0) { this.buckets[index1] = this.entries[index3].next; } else { this.entries[index2].next = this.entries[index3].next; } this.entries[index3].hashCode = -1; this.entries[index3].next = this.freeList; this.entries[index3].key = null; this.entries[index3].value = null; this.freeList = index3; ++this.freeCount; return true; } else { index2 = index3; } } } return false; }; dictionaryProto.clear = function () { var index, len; if (this.size <= 0) { return; } for (index = 0, len = this.buckets.length; index < len; ++index) { this.buckets[index] = -1; } for (index = 0; index < this.size; ++index) { this.entries[index] = newEntry(); } this.freeList = -1; this.size = 0; }; dictionaryProto._findEntry = function (key) { if (this.buckets) { var num = getHashCode(key) & 2147483647; for (var index = this.buckets[num % this.buckets.length]; index >= 0; index = this.entries[index].next) { if (this.entries[index].hashCode === num && this.comparer(this.entries[index].key, key)) { return index; } } } return -1; }; dictionaryProto.count = function () { return this.size - this.freeCount; }; dictionaryProto.tryGetValue = function (key) { var entry = this._findEntry(key); return entry >= 0 ? this.entries[entry].value : undefined; }; dictionaryProto.getValues = function () { var index = 0, results = []; if (this.entries) { for (var index1 = 0; index1 < this.size; index1++) { if (this.entries[index1].hashCode >= 0) { results[index++] = this.entries[index1].value; } } } return results; }; dictionaryProto.get = function (key) { var entry = this._findEntry(key); if (entry >= 0) { return this.entries[entry].value; } throw new Error(noSuchkey); }; dictionaryProto.set = function (key, value) { this._insert(key, value, false); }; dictionaryProto.containskey = function (key) { return this._findEntry(key) >= 0; }; return Dictionary; }()); /** * Correlates the elements of two sequences based on overlapping durations. * * @param {Observable} right The right observable sequence to join elements for. * @param {Function} leftDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the left observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} rightDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the right observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} resultSelector A function invoked to compute a result element for any two overlapping elements of the left and right observable sequences. The parameters passed to the function correspond with the elements from the left and right source sequences for which overlap occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains result elements computed from source elements that have an overlapping duration. */ observableProto.join = function (right, leftDurationSelector, rightDurationSelector, resultSelector) { var left = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(); var leftDone = false, rightDone = false; var leftId = 0, rightId = 0; var leftMap = new Dictionary(), rightMap = new Dictionary(); group.add(left.subscribe( function (value) { var id = leftId++; var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); leftMap.add(id, value); group.add(md); var expire = function () { leftMap.remove(id) && leftMap.count() === 0 && leftDone && observer.onCompleted(); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = leftDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe(noop, observer.onError.bind(observer), expire)); rightMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { var result; try { result = resultSelector(value, v); } catch (exn) { observer.onError(exn); return; } observer.onNext(result); }); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { leftDone = true; (rightDone || leftMap.count() === 0) && observer.onCompleted(); }) ); group.add(right.subscribe( function (value) { var id = rightId++; var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); rightMap.add(id, value); group.add(md); var expire = function () { rightMap.remove(id) && rightMap.count() === 0 && rightDone && observer.onCompleted(); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = rightDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe(noop, observer.onError.bind(observer), expire)); leftMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { var result; try { result = resultSelector(v, value); } catch (exn) { observer.onError(exn); return; } observer.onNext(result); }); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { rightDone = true; (leftDone || rightMap.count() === 0) && observer.onCompleted(); }) ); return group; }, left); }; /** * Correlates the elements of two sequences based on overlapping durations, and groups the results. * * @param {Observable} right The right observable sequence to join elements for. * @param {Function} leftDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the left observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} rightDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the right observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} resultSelector A function invoked to compute a result element for any element of the left sequence with overlapping elements from the right observable sequence. The first parameter passed to the function is an element of the left sequence. The second parameter passed to the function is an observable sequence with elements from the right sequence that overlap with the left sequence's element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains result elements computed from source elements that have an overlapping duration. */ observableProto.groupJoin = function (right, leftDurationSelector, rightDurationSelector, resultSelector) { var left = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(); var r = new RefCountDisposable(group); var leftMap = new Dictionary(), rightMap = new Dictionary(); var leftId = 0, rightId = 0; function handleError(e) { return function (v) { v.onError(e); }; }; group.add(left.subscribe( function (value) { var s = new Subject(); var id = leftId++; leftMap.add(id, s); var result; try { result = resultSelector(value, addRef(s, r)); } catch (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); rightMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { s.onNext(v); }); var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(md); var expire = function () { leftMap.remove(id) && s.onCompleted(); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = leftDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe( noop, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }, expire) ); }, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)) ); group.add(right.subscribe( function (value) { var id = rightId++; rightMap.add(id, value); var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(md); var expire = function () { rightMap.remove(id); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = rightDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe( noop, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }, expire) ); leftMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { v.onNext(value); }); }, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }) ); return r; }, left); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers. * * @param {Mixed} bufferOpeningsOrClosingSelector Observable sequence whose elements denote the creation of new windows, or, a function invoked to define the boundaries of the produced windows (a new window is started when the previous one is closed, resulting in non-overlapping windows). * @param {Function} [bufferClosingSelector] A function invoked to define the closing of each produced window. If a closing selector function is specified for the first parameter, this parameter is ignored. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.buffer = function (bufferOpeningsOrClosingSelector, bufferClosingSelector) { return this.window.apply(this, arguments).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows. * * @param {Mixed} windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector Observable sequence whose elements denote the creation of new windows, or, a function invoked to define the boundaries of the produced windows (a new window is started when the previous one is closed, resulting in non-overlapping windows). * @param {Function} [windowClosingSelector] A function invoked to define the closing of each produced window. If a closing selector function is specified for the first parameter, this parameter is ignored. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.window = function (windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector, windowClosingSelector) { if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] !== 'function') { return, windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector); } return typeof windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector === 'function' ?, windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector) :, windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector, windowClosingSelector); }; function observableWindowWithOpenings(windowOpenings, windowClosingSelector) { return windowOpenings.groupJoin(this, windowClosingSelector, observableEmpty, function (_, win) { return win; }); } function observableWindowWithBoundaries(windowBoundaries) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var win = new Subject(), d = new CompositeDisposable(), r = new RefCountDisposable(d); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); d.add(source.subscribe(function (x) { win.onNext(x); }, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); })); isPromise(windowBoundaries) && (windowBoundaries = observableFromPromise(windowBoundaries)); d.add(windowBoundaries.subscribe(function (w) { win.onCompleted(); win = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); }, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); })); return r; }, source); } function observableWindowWithClosingSelector(windowClosingSelector) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SerialDisposable(), d = new CompositeDisposable(m), r = new RefCountDisposable(d), win = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); d.add(source.subscribe(function (x) { win.onNext(x); }, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); })); function createWindowClose () { var windowClose; try { windowClose = windowClosingSelector(); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(windowClose) && (windowClose = observableFromPromise(windowClose)); var m1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); m.setDisposable(m1); m1.setDisposable(windowClose.take(1).subscribe(noop, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); win = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); createWindowClose(); })); } createWindowClose(); return r; }, source); } /** * Returns a new observable that triggers on the second and subsequent triggerings of the input observable. * The Nth triggering of the input observable passes the arguments from the N-1th and Nth triggering as a pair. * The argument passed to the N-1th triggering is held in hidden internal state until the Nth triggering occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable that triggers on successive pairs of observations from the input observable as an array. */ observableProto.pairwise = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var previous, hasPrevious = false; return source.subscribe( function (x) { if (hasPrevious) { observer.onNext([previous, x]); } else { hasPrevious = true; } previous = x; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }, source); }; /** * Returns two observables which partition the observations of the source by the given function. * The first will trigger observations for those values for which the predicate returns true. * The second will trigger observations for those values where the predicate returns false. * The predicate is executed once for each subscribed observer. * Both also propagate all error observations arising from the source and each completes * when the source completes. * @param {Function} predicate * The function to determine which output Observable will trigger a particular observation. * @returns {Array} * An array of observables. The first triggers when the predicate returns true, * and the second triggers when the predicate returns false. */ observableProto.partition = function(predicate, thisArg) { return [ this.filter(predicate, thisArg), this.filter(function (x, i, o) { return !, x, i, o); }) ]; }; function enumerableWhile(condition, source) { return new Enumerable(function () { return new Enumerator(function () { return condition() ? { done: false, value: source } : { done: true, value: undefined }; }); }); } /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on the source sequence, without sharing subscriptions. * This operator allows for a fluent style of writing queries that use the same sequence multiple times. * * @param {Function} selector Selector function which can use the source sequence as many times as needed, without sharing subscriptions to the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.letBind = observableProto['let'] = function (func) { return func(this); }; /** * Determines whether an observable collection contains values. There is an alias for this method called 'ifThen' for browsers <IE9 * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1); * 2 - res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, obs2); * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, scheduler); * @param {Function} condition The condition which determines if the thenSource or elseSource will be run. * @param {Observable} thenSource The observable sequence or Promise that will be run if the condition function returns true. * @param {Observable} [elseSource] The observable sequence or Promise that will be run if the condition function returns false. If this is not provided, it defaults to Rx.Observabe.Empty with the specified scheduler. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is either the thenSource or elseSource. */ Observable['if'] = Observable.ifThen = function (condition, thenSource, elseSourceOrScheduler) { return observableDefer(function () { elseSourceOrScheduler || (elseSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty()); isPromise(thenSource) && (thenSource = observableFromPromise(thenSource)); isPromise(elseSourceOrScheduler) && (elseSourceOrScheduler = observableFromPromise(elseSourceOrScheduler)); // Assume a scheduler for empty only typeof === 'function' && (elseSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty(elseSourceOrScheduler)); return condition() ? thenSource : elseSourceOrScheduler; }); }; /** * Concatenates the observable sequences obtained by running the specified result selector for each element in source. * There is an alias for this method called 'forIn' for browsers <IE9 * @param {Array} sources An array of values to turn into an observable sequence. * @param {Function} resultSelector A function to apply to each item in the sources array to turn it into an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence from the concatenated observable sequences. */ Observable['for'] = Observable.forIn = function (sources, resultSelector, thisArg) { return enumerableOf(sources, resultSelector, thisArg).concat(); }; /** * Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a while loop. * There is an alias for this method called 'whileDo' for browsers <IE9 * * @param {Function} condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated. * @param {Observable} source The observable sequence that will be run if the condition function returns true. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds. */ var observableWhileDo = Observable['while'] = Observable.whileDo = function (condition, source) { isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); return enumerableWhile(condition, source).concat(); }; /** * Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a do while loop. * * @param {Function} condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated. * @param {Observable} source The observable sequence that will be run if the condition function returns true. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds. */ observableProto.doWhile = function (condition) { return observableConcat([this, observableWhileDo(condition, this)]); }; /** * Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use. * There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9. * * @example * 1 - res =, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }); * 1 - res =, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, obs0); * 1 - res =, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, scheduler); * * @param {Function} selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement. * @param {Array} sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels. * @param {Observable} [elseSource] The observable sequence or Promise that will be run if the sources are not matched. If this is not provided, it defaults to Rx.Observabe.empty with the specified scheduler. * * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement. */ Observable['case'] = Observable.switchCase = function (selector, sources, defaultSourceOrScheduler) { return observableDefer(function () { isPromise(defaultSourceOrScheduler) && (defaultSourceOrScheduler = observableFromPromise(defaultSourceOrScheduler)); defaultSourceOrScheduler || (defaultSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty()); typeof === 'function' && (defaultSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty(defaultSourceOrScheduler)); var result = sources[selector()]; isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); return result || defaultSourceOrScheduler; }); }; /** * Expands an observable sequence by recursively invoking selector. * * @param {Function} selector Selector function to invoke for each produced element, resulting in another sequence to which the selector will be invoked recursively again. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to perform the expansion. If not provided, this defaults to the current thread scheduler. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing all the elements produced by the recursive expansion. */ observableProto.expand = function (selector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = [], m = new SerialDisposable(), d = new CompositeDisposable(m), activeCount = 0, isAcquired = false; var ensureActive = function () { var isOwner = false; if (q.length > 0) { isOwner = !isAcquired; isAcquired = true; } if (isOwner) { m.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var work; if (q.length > 0) { work = q.shift(); } else { isAcquired = false; return; } var m1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); d.add(m1); m1.setDisposable(work.subscribe(function (x) { observer.onNext(x); var result = null; try { result = selector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } q.push(result); activeCount++; ensureActive(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { d.remove(m1); activeCount--; if (activeCount === 0) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); self(); })); } }; q.push(source); activeCount++; ensureActive(); return d; }, this); }; /** * Runs all observable sequences in parallel and collect their last elements. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.forkJoin([obs1, obs2]); * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.forkJoin(obs1, obs2, ...); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with an array collecting the last elements of all the input sequences. */ Observable.forkJoin = function () { var allSources = []; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { allSources = arguments[0]; } else { for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { allSources.push(arguments[i]); } } return new AnonymousObservable(function (subscriber) { var count = allSources.length; if (count === 0) { subscriber.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } var group = new CompositeDisposable(), finished = false, hasResults = new Array(count), hasCompleted = new Array(count), results = new Array(count); for (var idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = allSources[i]; isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); group.add( source.subscribe( function (value) { if (!finished) { hasResults[i] = true; results[i] = value; } }, function (e) { finished = true; subscriber.onError(e); group.dispose(); }, function () { if (!finished) { if (!hasResults[i]) { subscriber.onCompleted(); return; } hasCompleted[i] = true; for (var ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { if (!hasCompleted[ix]) { return; } } finished = true; subscriber.onNext(results); subscriber.onCompleted(); } })); })(idx); } return group; }); }; /** * Runs two observable sequences in parallel and combines their last elemenets. * * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence. * @param {Function} resultSelector Result selector function to invoke with the last elements of both sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the result of calling the selector function with the last elements of both input sequences. */ observableProto.forkJoin = function (second, resultSelector) { var first = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var leftStopped = false, rightStopped = false, hasLeft = false, hasRight = false, lastLeft, lastRight, leftSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(second) && (second = observableFromPromise(second)); leftSubscription.setDisposable( first.subscribe(function (left) { hasLeft = true; lastLeft = left; }, function (err) { rightSubscription.dispose(); observer.onError(err); }, function () { leftStopped = true; if (rightStopped) { if (!hasLeft) { observer.onCompleted(); } else if (!hasRight) { observer.onCompleted(); } else { var result; try { result = resultSelector(lastLeft, lastRight); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); } } }) ); rightSubscription.setDisposable( second.subscribe(function (right) { hasRight = true; lastRight = right; }, function (err) { leftSubscription.dispose(); observer.onError(err); }, function () { rightStopped = true; if (leftStopped) { if (!hasLeft) { observer.onCompleted(); } else if (!hasRight) { observer.onCompleted(); } else { var result; try { result = resultSelector(lastLeft, lastRight); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); } } }) ); return new CompositeDisposable(leftSubscription, rightSubscription); }, first); }; /** * Comonadic bind operator. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element. * @param {Object} scheduler Scheduler used to execute the operation. If not specified, defaults to the ImmediateScheduler. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which results from the comonadic bind operation. */ observableProto.manySelect = function (selector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); var source = this; return observableDefer(function () { var chain; return source .map(function (x) { var curr = new ChainObservable(x); chain && chain.onNext(x); chain = curr; return curr; }) .tap( noop, function (e) { chain && chain.onError(e); }, function () { chain && chain.onCompleted(); } ) .observeOn(scheduler) .map(selector); }, source); }; var ChainObservable = (function (__super__) { function subscribe (observer) { var self = this, g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(currentThreadScheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onNext(self.head); g.add(self.tail.mergeAll().subscribe(observer)); })); return g; } inherits(ChainObservable, __super__); function ChainObservable(head) {, subscribe); this.head = head; this.tail = new AsyncSubject(); } addProperties(ChainObservable.prototype, Observer, { onCompleted: function () { this.onNext(Observable.empty()); }, onError: function (e) { this.onNext(Observable.throwError(e)); }, onNext: function (v) { this.tail.onNext(v); this.tail.onCompleted(); } }); return ChainObservable; }(Observable)); /** @private */ var Map = root.Map || (function () { function Map() { this._keys = []; this._values = []; } Map.prototype.get = function (key) { var i = this._keys.indexOf(key); return i !== -1 ? this._values[i] : undefined; }; Map.prototype.set = function (key, value) { var i = this._keys.indexOf(key); i !== -1 && (this._values[i] = value); this._values[this._keys.push(key) - 1] = value; }; Map.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { for (var i = 0, len = this._keys.length; i < len; i++) {, this._values[i], this._keys[i]); } }; return Map; }()); /** * @constructor * Represents a join pattern over observable sequences. */ function Pattern(patterns) { this.patterns = patterns; } /** * Creates a pattern that matches the current plan matches and when the specified observable sequences has an available value. * @param other Observable sequence to match in addition to the current pattern. * @return {Pattern} Pattern object that matches when all observable sequences in the pattern have an available value. */ Pattern.prototype.and = function (other) { return new Pattern(this.patterns.concat(other)); }; /** * Matches when all observable sequences in the pattern (specified using a chain of and operators) have an available value and projects the values. * @param {Function} selector Selector that will be invoked with available values from the source sequences, in the same order of the sequences in the pattern. * @return {Plan} Plan that produces the projected values, to be fed (with other plans) to the when operator. */ Pattern.prototype.thenDo = function (selector) { return new Plan(this, selector); }; function Plan(expression, selector) { this.expression = expression; this.selector = selector; } Plan.prototype.activate = function (externalSubscriptions, observer, deactivate) { var self = this; var joinObservers = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.expression.patterns.length; i < len; i++) { joinObservers.push(planCreateObserver(externalSubscriptions, this.expression.patterns[i], observer.onError.bind(observer))); } var activePlan = new ActivePlan(joinObservers, function () { var result; try { result = self.selector.apply(self, arguments); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); }, function () { for (var j = 0, jlen = joinObservers.length; j < jlen; j++) { joinObservers[j].removeActivePlan(activePlan); } deactivate(activePlan); }); for (i = 0, len = joinObservers.length; i < len; i++) { joinObservers[i].addActivePlan(activePlan); } return activePlan; }; function planCreateObserver(externalSubscriptions, observable, onError) { var entry = externalSubscriptions.get(observable); if (!entry) { var observer = new JoinObserver(observable, onError); externalSubscriptions.set(observable, observer); return observer; } return entry; } function ActivePlan(joinObserverArray, onNext, onCompleted) { this.joinObserverArray = joinObserverArray; this.onNext = onNext; this.onCompleted = onCompleted; this.joinObservers = new Map(); for (var i = 0, len = this.joinObserverArray.length; i < len; i++) { var joinObserver = this.joinObserverArray[i]; this.joinObservers.set(joinObserver, joinObserver); } } ActivePlan.prototype.dequeue = function () { this.joinObservers.forEach(function (v) { v.queue.shift(); }); }; ActivePlan.prototype.match = function () { var i, len, hasValues = true; for (i = 0, len = this.joinObserverArray.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.joinObserverArray[i].queue.length === 0) { hasValues = false; break; } } if (hasValues) { var firstValues = [], isCompleted = false; for (i = 0, len = this.joinObserverArray.length; i < len; i++) { firstValues.push(this.joinObserverArray[i].queue[0]); this.joinObserverArray[i].queue[0].kind === 'C' && (isCompleted = true); } if (isCompleted) { this.onCompleted(); } else { this.dequeue(); var values = []; for (i = 0, len = firstValues.length; i < firstValues.length; i++) { values.push(firstValues[i].value); } this.onNext.apply(this, values); } } }; var JoinObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(JoinObserver, __super__); function JoinObserver(source, onError) {; this.source = source; this.onError = onError; this.queue = []; this.activePlans = []; this.subscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this.isDisposed = false; } var JoinObserverPrototype = JoinObserver.prototype; = function (notification) { if (!this.isDisposed) { if (notification.kind === 'E') { return this.onError(notification.exception); } this.queue.push(notification); var activePlans = this.activePlans.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = activePlans.length; i < len; i++) { activePlans[i].match(); } } }; JoinObserverPrototype.error = noop; JoinObserverPrototype.completed = noop; JoinObserverPrototype.addActivePlan = function (activePlan) { this.activePlans.push(activePlan); }; JoinObserverPrototype.subscribe = function () { this.subscription.setDisposable(this.source.materialize().subscribe(this)); }; JoinObserverPrototype.removeActivePlan = function (activePlan) { this.activePlans.splice(this.activePlans.indexOf(activePlan), 1); this.activePlans.length === 0 && this.dispose(); }; JoinObserverPrototype.dispose = function () {; if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; this.subscription.dispose(); } }; return JoinObserver; } (AbstractObserver)); /** * Creates a pattern that matches when both observable sequences have an available value. * * @param right Observable sequence to match with the current sequence. * @return {Pattern} Pattern object that matches when both observable sequences have an available value. */ observableProto.and = function (right) { return new Pattern([this, right]); }; /** * Matches when the observable sequence has an available value and projects the value. * * @param {Function} selector Selector that will be invoked for values in the source sequence. * @returns {Plan} Plan that produces the projected values, to be fed (with other plans) to the when operator. */ observableProto.thenDo = function (selector) { return new Pattern([this]).thenDo(selector); }; /** * Joins together the results from several patterns. * * @param plans A series of plans (specified as an Array of as a series of arguments) created by use of the Then operator on patterns. * @returns {Observable} Observable sequence with the results form matching several patterns. */ Observable.when = function () { var len = arguments.length, plans; if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { plans = arguments[0]; } else { plans = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { plans[i] = arguments[i]; } } return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var activePlans = [], externalSubscriptions = new Map(); var outObserver = observerCreate( function (x) { o.onNext(x); }, function (err) { externalSubscriptions.forEach(function (v) { v.onError(err); }); o.onError(err); }, function (x) { o.onCompleted(); } ); try { for (var i = 0, len = plans.length; i < len; i++) { activePlans.push(plans[i].activate(externalSubscriptions, outObserver, function (activePlan) { var idx = activePlans.indexOf(activePlan); activePlans.splice(idx, 1); activePlans.length === 0 && o.onCompleted(); })); } } catch (e) { observableThrow(e).subscribe(o); } var group = new CompositeDisposable(); externalSubscriptions.forEach(function (joinObserver) { joinObserver.subscribe(); group.add(joinObserver); }); return group; }); }; function observableTimerDate(dueTime, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithAbsolute(dueTime, function () { observer.onNext(0); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); } function observableTimerDateAndPeriod(dueTime, period, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var d = dueTime, p = normalizeTime(period); return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState(0, d, function (count, self) { if (p > 0) { var now =; d = d + p; d <= now && (d = now + p); } observer.onNext(count); self(count + 1, d); }); }); } function observableTimerTimeSpan(dueTime, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(normalizeTime(dueTime), function () { observer.onNext(0); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); } function observableTimerTimeSpanAndPeriod(dueTime, period, scheduler) { return dueTime === period ? new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedulePeriodicWithState(0, period, function (count) { observer.onNext(count); return count + 1; }); }) : observableDefer(function () { return observableTimerDateAndPeriod( + dueTime, period, scheduler); }); } /** * Returns an observable sequence that produces a value after each period. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.interval(1000); * 2 - res = Rx.Observable.interval(1000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * @param {Number} period Period for producing the values in the resulting sequence (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, Rx.Scheduler.timeout is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces a value after each period. */ var observableinterval = Observable.interval = function (period, scheduler) { return observableTimerTimeSpanAndPeriod(period, period, isScheduler(scheduler) ? scheduler : timeoutScheduler); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that produces a value after dueTime has elapsed and then after each period. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute (specified as a Date object) or relative time (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) at which to produce the first value. * @param {Mixed} [periodOrScheduler] Period to produce subsequent values (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds), or the scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, the resulting timer is not recurring. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces a value after due time has elapsed and then each period. */ var observableTimer = Observable.timer = function (dueTime, periodOrScheduler, scheduler) { var period; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); if (periodOrScheduler !== undefined && typeof periodOrScheduler === 'number') { period = periodOrScheduler; } else if (isScheduler(periodOrScheduler)) { scheduler = periodOrScheduler; } if (dueTime instanceof Date && period === undefined) { return observableTimerDate(dueTime.getTime(), scheduler); } if (dueTime instanceof Date && period !== undefined) { period = periodOrScheduler; return observableTimerDateAndPeriod(dueTime.getTime(), period, scheduler); } return period === undefined ? observableTimerTimeSpan(dueTime, scheduler) : observableTimerTimeSpanAndPeriod(dueTime, period, scheduler); }; function observableDelayTimeSpan(source, dueTime, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var active = false, cancelable = new SerialDisposable(), exception = null, q = [], running = false, subscription; subscription = source.materialize().timestamp(scheduler).subscribe(function (notification) { var d, shouldRun; if (notification.value.kind === 'E') { q = []; q.push(notification); exception = notification.value.exception; shouldRun = !running; } else { q.push({ value: notification.value, timestamp: notification.timestamp + dueTime }); shouldRun = !active; active = true; } if (shouldRun) { if (exception !== null) { observer.onError(exception); } else { d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); cancelable.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative(dueTime, function (self) { var e, recurseDueTime, result, shouldRecurse; if (exception !== null) { return; } running = true; do { result = null; if (q.length > 0 && q[0].timestamp - <= 0) { result = q.shift().value; } if (result !== null) { result.accept(observer); } } while (result !== null); shouldRecurse = false; recurseDueTime = 0; if (q.length > 0) { shouldRecurse = true; recurseDueTime = Math.max(0, q[0].timestamp -; } else { active = false; } e = exception; running = false; if (e !== null) { observer.onError(e); } else if (shouldRecurse) { self(recurseDueTime); } })); } } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }, source); } function observableDelayDate(source, dueTime, scheduler) { return observableDefer(function () { return observableDelayTimeSpan(source, dueTime -, scheduler); }); } /** * Time shifts the observable sequence by dueTime. The relative time intervals between the values are preserved. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(new Date()); * 2 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(new Date(), Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(5000); * 4 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(5000, 1000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @memberOf Observable# * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute (specified as a Date object) or relative time (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) by which to shift the observable sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the delay timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} Time-shifted sequence. */ observableProto.delay = function (dueTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return dueTime instanceof Date ? observableDelayDate(this, dueTime.getTime(), scheduler) : observableDelayTimeSpan(this, dueTime, scheduler); }; /** * Ignores values from an observable sequence which are followed by another value before dueTime. * @param {Number} dueTime Duration of the debounce period for each value (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the debounce timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The debounced sequence. */ observableProto.debounce = observableProto.throttleWithTimeout = function (dueTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var cancelable = new SerialDisposable(), hasvalue = false, value, id = 0; var subscription = source.subscribe( function (x) { hasvalue = true; value = x; id++; var currentId = id, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); cancelable.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(dueTime, function () { hasvalue && id === currentId && observer.onNext(value); hasvalue = false; })); }, function (e) { cancelable.dispose(); observer.onError(e); hasvalue = false; id++; }, function () { cancelable.dispose(); hasvalue && observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); hasvalue = false; id++; }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }, this); }; /** * @deprecated use #debounce or #throttleWithTimeout instead. */ observableProto.throttle = function(dueTime, scheduler) { //deprecate('throttle', 'debounce or throttleWithTimeout'); return this.debounce(dueTime, scheduler); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows which are produced based on timing information. * @param {Number} timeSpan Length of each window (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Mixed} [timeShiftOrScheduler] Interval between creation of consecutive windows (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds), or an optional scheduler parameter. If not specified, the time shift corresponds to the timeSpan parameter, resulting in non-overlapping adjacent windows. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run windowing timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithTime = function (timeSpan, timeShiftOrScheduler, scheduler) { var source = this, timeShift; timeShiftOrScheduler == null && (timeShift = timeSpan); isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); if (typeof timeShiftOrScheduler === 'number') { timeShift = timeShiftOrScheduler; } else if (isScheduler(timeShiftOrScheduler)) { timeShift = timeSpan; scheduler = timeShiftOrScheduler; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var groupDisposable, nextShift = timeShift, nextSpan = timeSpan, q = [], refCountDisposable, timerD = new SerialDisposable(), totalTime = 0; groupDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(timerD), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(groupDisposable); function createTimer () { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), isSpan = false, isShift = false; timerD.setDisposable(m); if (nextSpan === nextShift) { isSpan = true; isShift = true; } else if (nextSpan < nextShift) { isSpan = true; } else { isShift = true; } var newTotalTime = isSpan ? nextSpan : nextShift, ts = newTotalTime - totalTime; totalTime = newTotalTime; if (isSpan) { nextSpan += timeShift; } if (isShift) { nextShift += timeShift; } m.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(ts, function () { if (isShift) { var s = new Subject(); q.push(s); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } isSpan && q.shift().onCompleted(); createTimer(); })); }; q.push(new Subject()); observer.onNext(addRef(q[0], refCountDisposable)); createTimer(); groupDisposable.add(source.subscribe( function (x) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onNext(x); } }, function (e) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onError(e); } observer.onError(e); }, function () { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onCompleted(); } observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }, source); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a window that is completed when either it's full or a given amount of time has elapsed. * @param {Number} timeSpan Maximum time length of a window. * @param {Number} count Maximum element count of a window. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run windowing timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithTimeOrCount = function (timeSpan, count, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var timerD = new SerialDisposable(), groupDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(timerD), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(groupDisposable), n = 0, windowId = 0, s = new Subject(); function createTimer(id) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); timerD.setDisposable(m); m.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(timeSpan, function () { if (id !== windowId) { return; } n = 0; var newId = ++windowId; s.onCompleted(); s = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); createTimer(newId); })); } observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); createTimer(0); groupDisposable.add(source.subscribe( function (x) { var newId = 0, newWindow = false; s.onNext(x); if (++n === count) { newWindow = true; n = 0; newId = ++windowId; s.onCompleted(); s = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } newWindow && createTimer(newId); }, function (e) { s.onError(e); observer.onError(e); }, function () { s.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }, source); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers which are produced based on timing information. * * @example * 1 - res = xs.bufferWithTime(1000, scheduler); // non-overlapping segments of 1 second * 2 - res = xs.bufferWithTime(1000, 500, scheduler; // segments of 1 second with time shift 0.5 seconds * * @param {Number} timeSpan Length of each buffer (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Mixed} [timeShiftOrScheduler] Interval between creation of consecutive buffers (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds), or an optional scheduler parameter. If not specified, the time shift corresponds to the timeSpan parameter, resulting in non-overlapping adjacent buffers. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run buffer timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithTime = function (timeSpan, timeShiftOrScheduler, scheduler) { return this.windowWithTime.apply(this, arguments).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a buffer that is completed when either it's full or a given amount of time has elapsed. * * @example * 1 - res = source.bufferWithTimeOrCount(5000, 50); // 5s or 50 items in an array * 2 - res = source.bufferWithTimeOrCount(5000, 50, scheduler); // 5s or 50 items in an array * * @param {Number} timeSpan Maximum time length of a buffer. * @param {Number} count Maximum element count of a buffer. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run bufferin timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithTimeOrCount = function (timeSpan, count, scheduler) { return this.windowWithTimeOrCount(timeSpan, count, scheduler).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }); }; /** * Records the time interval between consecutive values in an observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = source.timeInterval(); * 2 - res = source.timeInterval(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * @param [scheduler] Scheduler used to compute time intervals. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with time interval information on values. */ observableProto.timeInterval = function (scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return observableDefer(function () { var last =; return (x) { var now =, span = now - last; last = now; return { value: x, interval: span }; }); }); }; /** * Records the timestamp for each value in an observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = source.timestamp(); // produces { value: x, timestamp: ts } * 2 - res = source.timestamp(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler used to compute timestamps. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with timestamp information on values. */ observableProto.timestamp = function (scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return (x) { return { value: x, timestamp: }; }); }; function sampleObservable(source, sampler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var atEnd, value, hasValue; function sampleSubscribe() { if (hasValue) { hasValue = false; observer.onNext(value); } atEnd && observer.onCompleted(); } return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe(function (newValue) { hasValue = true; value = newValue; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { atEnd = true; }), sampler.subscribe(sampleSubscribe, observer.onError.bind(observer), sampleSubscribe) ); }, source); } /** * Samples the observable sequence at each interval. * * @example * 1 - res = source.sample(sampleObservable); // Sampler tick sequence * 2 - res = source.sample(5000); // 5 seconds * 2 - res = source.sample(5000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); // 5 seconds * * @param {Mixed} intervalOrSampler Interval at which to sample (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) or Sampler Observable. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the sampling timer on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} Sampled observable sequence. */ observableProto.sample = observableProto.throttleLatest = function (intervalOrSampler, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return typeof intervalOrSampler === 'number' ? sampleObservable(this, observableinterval(intervalOrSampler, scheduler)) : sampleObservable(this, intervalOrSampler); }; /** * Returns the source observable sequence or the other observable sequence if dueTime elapses. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute (specified as a Date object) or relative time (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) when a timeout occurs. * @param {Observable} [other] Sequence to return in case of a timeout. If not specified, a timeout error throwing sequence will be used. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timeout timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence switching to the other sequence in case of a timeout. */ observableProto.timeout = function (dueTime, other, scheduler) { (other == null || typeof other === 'string') && (other = observableThrow(new Error(other || 'Timeout'))); isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this, schedulerMethod = dueTime instanceof Date ? 'scheduleWithAbsolute' : 'scheduleWithRelative'; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var id = 0, original = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), subscription = new SerialDisposable(), switched = false, timer = new SerialDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(original); function createTimer() { var myId = id; timer.setDisposable(scheduler[schedulerMethod](dueTime, function () { if (id === myId) { isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); subscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(observer)); } })); } createTimer(); original.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { if (!switched) { id++; observer.onNext(x); createTimer(); } }, function (e) { if (!switched) { id++; observer.onError(e); } }, function () { if (!switched) { id++; observer.onCompleted(); } })); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, timer); }, source); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by iterating a state from an initial state until the condition fails. * * @example * res = source.generateWithAbsoluteTime(0, * function (x) { return return true; }, * function (x) { return x + 1; }, * function (x) { return x; }, * function (x) { return new Date(); } * }); * * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Function} timeSelector Time selector function to control the speed of values being produced each iteration, returning Date values. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generateWithAbsoluteTime = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, timeSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var first = true, hasResult = false, result, state = initialState, time; return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsolute(, function (self) { hasResult && observer.onNext(result); try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); if (hasResult) { result = resultSelector(state); time = timeSelector(state); } } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (hasResult) { self(time); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by iterating a state from an initial state until the condition fails. * * @example * res = source.generateWithRelativeTime(0, * function (x) { return return true; }, * function (x) { return x + 1; }, * function (x) { return x; }, * function (x) { return 500; } * ); * * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Function} timeSelector Time selector function to control the speed of values being produced each iteration, returning integer values denoting milliseconds. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generateWithRelativeTime = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, timeSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var first = true, hasResult = false, result, state = initialState, time; return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative(0, function (self) { hasResult && observer.onNext(result); try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); if (hasResult) { result = resultSelector(state); time = timeSelector(state); } } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (hasResult) { self(time); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Time shifts the observable sequence by delaying the subscription. * * @example * 1 - res = source.delaySubscription(5000); // 5s * 2 - res = source.delaySubscription(5000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); // 5 seconds * * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute or relative time to perform the subscription at. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the subscription delay timer on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} Time-shifted sequence. */ observableProto.delaySubscription = function (dueTime, scheduler) { return this.delayWithSelector(observableTimer(dueTime, isScheduler(scheduler) ? scheduler : timeoutScheduler), observableEmpty); }; /** * Time shifts the observable sequence based on a subscription delay and a delay selector function for each element. * * @example * 1 - res = source.delayWithSelector(function (x) { return Rx.Scheduler.timer(5000); }); // with selector only * 1 - res = source.delayWithSelector(Rx.Observable.timer(2000), function (x) { return Rx.Observable.timer(x); }); // with delay and selector * * @param {Observable} [subscriptionDelay] Sequence indicating the delay for the subscription to the source. * @param {Function} delayDurationSelector Selector function to retrieve a sequence indicating the delay for each given element. * @returns {Observable} Time-shifted sequence. */ observableProto.delayWithSelector = function (subscriptionDelay, delayDurationSelector) { var source = this, subDelay, selector; if (typeof subscriptionDelay === 'function') { selector = subscriptionDelay; } else { subDelay = subscriptionDelay; selector = delayDurationSelector; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var delays = new CompositeDisposable(), atEnd = false, done = function () { if (atEnd && delays.length === 0) { observer.onCompleted(); } }, subscription = new SerialDisposable(), start = function () { subscription.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { var delay; try { delay = selector(x); } catch (error) { observer.onError(error); return; } var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); delays.add(d); d.setDisposable(delay.subscribe(function () { observer.onNext(x); delays.remove(d); done(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(x); delays.remove(d); done(); })); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { atEnd = true; subscription.dispose(); done(); })); }; if (!subDelay) { start(); } else { subscription.setDisposable(subDelay.subscribe(start, observer.onError.bind(observer), start)); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, delays); }, this); }; /** * Returns the source observable sequence, switching to the other observable sequence if a timeout is signaled. * @param {Observable} [firstTimeout] Observable sequence that represents the timeout for the first element. If not provided, this defaults to Observable.never(). * @param {Function} timeoutDurationSelector Selector to retrieve an observable sequence that represents the timeout between the current element and the next element. * @param {Observable} [other] Sequence to return in case of a timeout. If not provided, this is set to Observable.throwException(). * @returns {Observable} The source sequence switching to the other sequence in case of a timeout. */ observableProto.timeoutWithSelector = function (firstTimeout, timeoutdurationSelector, other) { if (arguments.length === 1) { timeoutdurationSelector = firstTimeout; firstTimeout = observableNever(); } other || (other = observableThrow(new Error('Timeout'))); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var subscription = new SerialDisposable(), timer = new SerialDisposable(), original = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(original); var id = 0, switched = false; function setTimer(timeout) { var myId = id; function timerWins () { return id === myId; } var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); timer.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(timeout.subscribe(function () { timerWins() && subscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(observer)); d.dispose(); }, function (e) { timerWins() && observer.onError(e); }, function () { timerWins() && subscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(observer)); })); }; setTimer(firstTimeout); function observerWins() { var res = !switched; if (res) { id++; } return res; } original.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { if (observerWins()) { observer.onNext(x); var timeout; try { timeout = timeoutdurationSelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } setTimer(isPromise(timeout) ? observableFromPromise(timeout) : timeout); } }, function (e) { observerWins() && observer.onError(e); }, function () { observerWins() && observer.onCompleted(); })); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, timer); }, source); }; /** * Ignores values from an observable sequence which are followed by another value within a computed throttle duration. * @param {Function} durationSelector Selector function to retrieve a sequence indicating the throttle duration for each given element. * @returns {Observable} The debounced sequence. */ observableProto.debounceWithSelector = function (durationSelector) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var value, hasValue = false, cancelable = new SerialDisposable(), id = 0; var subscription = source.subscribe(function (x) { var throttle; try { throttle = durationSelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(throttle) && (throttle = observableFromPromise(throttle)); hasValue = true; value = x; id++; var currentid = id, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); cancelable.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(throttle.subscribe(function () { hasValue && id === currentid && observer.onNext(value); hasValue = false; d.dispose(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { hasValue && id === currentid && observer.onNext(value); hasValue = false; d.dispose(); })); }, function (e) { cancelable.dispose(); observer.onError(e); hasValue = false; id++; }, function () { cancelable.dispose(); hasValue && observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); hasValue = false; id++; }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }, source); }; /** * @deprecated use #debounceWithSelector instead. */ observableProto.throttleWithSelector = function (durationSelector) { //deprecate('throttleWithSelector', 'debounceWithSelector'); return this.debounceWithSelector(durationSelector); }; /** * Skips elements for the specified duration from the end of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * * 1 - res = source.skipLastWithTime(5000); * 2 - res = source.skipLastWithTime(5000, scheduler); * * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for skipping elements from the end of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements skipped during the specified duration from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.skipLastWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var now =; q.push({ interval: now, value: x }); while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { o.onNext(q.shift().value); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { var now =; while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { o.onNext(q.shift().value); } o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Returns elements within the specified duration from the end of the observable source sequence, using the specified schedulers to run timers and to drain the collected elements. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for taking elements from the end of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements taken during the specified duration from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var now =; q.push({ interval: now, value: x }); while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { q.shift(); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { var now =; while (q.length > 0) { var next = q.shift(); if (now - next.interval <= duration) { o.onNext(next.value); } } o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Returns an array with the elements within the specified duration from the end of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for taking elements from the end of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single array with the elements taken during the specified duration from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastBufferWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var now =; q.push({ interval: now, value: x }); while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { q.shift(); } }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { var now =, res = []; while (q.length > 0) { var next = q.shift(); now - next.interval <= duration && res.push(next.value); } o.onNext(res); o.onCompleted(); }); }, source); }; /** * Takes elements for the specified duration from the start of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * * @example * 1 - res = source.takeWithTime(5000, [optional scheduler]); * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for taking elements from the start of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements taken during the specified duration from the start of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { return new CompositeDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(duration, function () { o.onCompleted(); }), source.subscribe(o)); }, source); }; /** * Skips elements for the specified duration from the start of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * * @example * 1 - res = source.skipWithTime(5000, [optional scheduler]); * * @description * Specifying a zero value for duration doesn't guarantee no elements will be dropped from the start of the source sequence. * This is a side-effect of the asynchrony introduced by the scheduler, where the action that causes callbacks from the source sequence to be forwarded * may not execute immediately, despite the zero due time. * * Errors produced by the source sequence are always forwarded to the result sequence, even if the error occurs before the duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for skipping elements from the start of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements skipped during the specified duration from the start of the source sequence. */ observableProto.skipWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var open = false; return new CompositeDisposable( scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(duration, function () { open = true; }), source.subscribe(function (x) { open && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); }, source); }; /** * Skips elements from the observable source sequence until the specified start time, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * Errors produced by the source sequence are always forwarded to the result sequence, even if the error occurs before the start time. * * @examples * 1 - res = source.skipUntilWithTime(new Date(), [scheduler]); * 2 - res = source.skipUntilWithTime(5000, [scheduler]); * @param {Date|Number} startTime Time to start taking elements from the source sequence. If this value is less than or equal to Date(), no elements will be skipped. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements skipped until the specified start time. */ observableProto.skipUntilWithTime = function (startTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this, schedulerMethod = startTime instanceof Date ? 'scheduleWithAbsolute' : 'scheduleWithRelative'; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var open = false; return new CompositeDisposable( scheduler[schedulerMethod](startTime, function () { open = true; }), source.subscribe( function (x) { open && o.onNext(x); }, function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); })); }, source); }; /** * Takes elements for the specified duration until the specified end time, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * @param {Number | Date} endTime Time to stop taking elements from the source sequence. If this value is less than or equal to new Date(), the result stream will complete immediately. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements taken until the specified end time. */ observableProto.takeUntilWithTime = function (endTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this, schedulerMethod = endTime instanceof Date ? 'scheduleWithAbsolute' : 'scheduleWithRelative'; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { return new CompositeDisposable( scheduler[schedulerMethod](endTime, function () { o.onCompleted(); }), source.subscribe(o)); }, source); }; /** * Returns an Observable that emits only the first item emitted by the source Observable during sequential time windows of a specified duration. * @param {Number} windowDuration time to wait before emitting another item after emitting the last item * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] the Scheduler to use internally to manage the timers that handle timeout for each item. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An Observable that performs the throttle operation. */ observableProto.throttleFirst = function (windowDuration, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var duration = +windowDuration || 0; if (duration <= 0) { throw new RangeError('windowDuration cannot be less or equal zero.'); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (o) { var lastOnNext = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var now =; if (lastOnNext === 0 || now - lastOnNext >= duration) { lastOnNext = now; o.onNext(x); } },function (e) { o.onError(e); }, function () { o.onCompleted(); } ); }, source); }; /* * Performs a exclusive waiting for the first to finish before subscribing to another observable. * Observables that come in between subscriptions will be dropped on the floor. * @returns {Observable} A exclusive observable with only the results that happen when subscribed. */ observableProto.exclusive = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasCurrent = false, isStopped = false, m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(m); m.setDisposable(sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { if (!hasCurrent) { hasCurrent = true; isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); var innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); g.add(innerSubscription); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { g.remove(innerSubscription); hasCurrent = false; if (isStopped && g.length === 1) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; if (!hasCurrent && g.length === 1) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return g; }, this); }; /* * Performs a exclusive map waiting for the first to finish before subscribing to another observable. * Observables that come in between subscriptions will be dropped on the floor. * @param {Function} selector Selector to invoke for every item in the current subscription. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional context to invoke with the selector parameter. * @returns {Observable} An exclusive observable with only the results that happen when subscribed. */ observableProto.exclusiveMap = function (selector, thisArg) { var sources = this, selectorFunc = bindCallback(selector, thisArg, 3); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0, hasCurrent = false, isStopped = true, m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(m); m.setDisposable(sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { if (!hasCurrent) { hasCurrent = true; innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); g.add(innerSubscription); isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result = selectorFunc(x, index++, innerSource); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { g.remove(innerSubscription); hasCurrent = false; if (isStopped && g.length === 1) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); } }, function (e) { observer.onError(e); }, function () { isStopped = true; if (g.length === 1 && !hasCurrent) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return g; }, this); }; /** * Executes a transducer to transform the observable sequence * @param {Transducer} transducer A transducer to execute * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence containing the results from the transducer. */ observableProto.transduce = function(transducer) { var source = this; function transformForObserver(observer) { return { init: function() { return observer; }, step: function(obs, input) { return obs.onNext(input); }, result: function(obs) { return obs.onCompleted(); } }; } return new AnonymousObservable(function(observer) { var xform = transducer(transformForObserver(observer)); return source.subscribe( function(v) { try { xform.step(observer, v); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function() { xform.result(observer); } ); }, source); }; /** Provides a set of extension methods for virtual time scheduling. */ Rx.VirtualTimeScheduler = (function (__super__) { function localNow() { return this.toDateTimeOffset(this.clock); } function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(state, this.clock, action); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRelativeWithState(state, this.toRelative(dueTime), action); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRelativeWithState(state, this.toRelative(dueTime -, action); } function invokeAction(scheduler, action) { action(); return disposableEmpty; } inherits(VirtualTimeScheduler, __super__); /** * Creates a new virtual time scheduler with the specified initial clock value and absolute time comparer. * * @constructor * @param {Number} initialClock Initial value for the clock. * @param {Function} comparer Comparer to determine causality of events based on absolute time. */ function VirtualTimeScheduler(initialClock, comparer) { this.clock = initialClock; this.comparer = comparer; this.isEnabled = false; this.queue = new PriorityQueue(1024);, localNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); } var VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype = VirtualTimeScheduler.prototype; /** * Adds a relative time value to an absolute time value. * @param {Number} absolute Absolute virtual time value. * @param {Number} relative Relative virtual time value to add. * @return {Number} Resulting absolute virtual time sum value. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.add = notImplemented; /** * Converts an absolute time to a number * @param {Any} The absolute time. * @returns {Number} The absolute time in ms */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.toDateTimeOffset = notImplemented; /** * Converts the TimeSpan value to a relative virtual time value. * @param {Number} timeSpan TimeSpan value to convert. * @return {Number} Corresponding relative virtual time value. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.toRelative = notImplemented; /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be emulated using recursive scheduling. * @param {Mixed} state Initial state passed to the action upon the first iteration. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed, potentially updating the state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function (state, period, action) { var s = new SchedulePeriodicRecursive(this, state, period, action); return s.start(); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleRelativeWithState = function (state, dueTime, action) { var runAt = this.add(this.clock, dueTime); return this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(state, runAt, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRelativeWithState(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Starts the virtual time scheduler. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.start = function () { if (!this.isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = true; do { var next = this.getNext(); if (next !== null) { this.comparer(next.dueTime, this.clock) > 0 && (this.clock = next.dueTime); next.invoke(); } else { this.isEnabled = false; } } while (this.isEnabled); } }; /** * Stops the virtual time scheduler. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.stop = function () { this.isEnabled = false; }; /** * Advances the scheduler's clock to the specified time, running all work till that point. * @param {Number} time Absolute time to advance the scheduler's clock to. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.advanceTo = function (time) { var dueToClock = this.comparer(this.clock, time); if (this.comparer(this.clock, time) > 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } if (dueToClock === 0) { return; } if (!this.isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = true; do { var next = this.getNext(); if (next !== null && this.comparer(next.dueTime, time) <= 0) { this.comparer(next.dueTime, this.clock) > 0 && (this.clock = next.dueTime); next.invoke(); } else { this.isEnabled = false; } } while (this.isEnabled); this.clock = time; } }; /** * Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time, running all work scheduled for that timespan. * @param {Number} time Relative time to advance the scheduler's clock by. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.advanceBy = function (time) { var dt = this.add(this.clock, time), dueToClock = this.comparer(this.clock, dt); if (dueToClock > 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } if (dueToClock === 0) { return; } this.advanceTo(dt); }; /** * Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time. * @param {Number} time Relative time to advance the scheduler's clock by. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.sleep = function (time) { var dt = this.add(this.clock, time); if (this.comparer(this.clock, dt) >= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError(); } this.clock = dt; }; /** * Gets the next scheduled item to be executed. * @returns {ScheduledItem} The next scheduled item. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.getNext = function () { while (this.queue.length > 0) { var next = this.queue.peek(); if (next.isCancelled()) { this.queue.dequeue(); } else { return next; } } return null; }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to execute the action on. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleAbsoluteWithState = function (state, dueTime, action) { var self = this; function run(scheduler, state1) { self.queue.remove(si); return action(scheduler, state1); } var si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, run, dueTime, this.comparer); this.queue.enqueue(si); return si.disposable; }; return VirtualTimeScheduler; }(Scheduler)); /** Provides a virtual time scheduler that uses Date for absolute time and number for relative time. */ Rx.HistoricalScheduler = (function (__super__) { inherits(HistoricalScheduler, __super__); /** * Creates a new historical scheduler with the specified initial clock value. * @constructor * @param {Number} initialClock Initial value for the clock. * @param {Function} comparer Comparer to determine causality of events based on absolute time. */ function HistoricalScheduler(initialClock, comparer) { var clock = initialClock == null ? 0 : initialClock; var cmp = comparer || defaultSubComparer;, clock, cmp); } var HistoricalSchedulerProto = HistoricalScheduler.prototype; /** * Adds a relative time value to an absolute time value. * @param {Number} absolute Absolute virtual time value. * @param {Number} relative Relative virtual time value to add. * @return {Number} Resulting absolute virtual time sum value. */ HistoricalSchedulerProto.add = function (absolute, relative) { return absolute + relative; }; HistoricalSchedulerProto.toDateTimeOffset = function (absolute) { return new Date(absolute).getTime(); }; /** * Converts the TimeSpan value to a relative virtual time value. * @memberOf HistoricalScheduler * @param {Number} timeSpan TimeSpan value to convert. * @return {Number} Corresponding relative virtual time value. */ HistoricalSchedulerProto.toRelative = function (timeSpan) { return timeSpan; }; return HistoricalScheduler; }(Rx.VirtualTimeScheduler)); var AnonymousObservable = Rx.AnonymousObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousObservable, __super__); // Fix subscriber to check for undefined or function returned to decorate as Disposable function fixSubscriber(subscriber) { return subscriber && isFunction(subscriber.dispose) ? subscriber : isFunction(subscriber) ? disposableCreate(subscriber) : disposableEmpty; } function setDisposable(s, state) { var ado = state[0], subscribe = state[1]; var sub = tryCatch(subscribe)(ado); if (sub === errorObj) { if(! { return thrower(errorObj.e); } } ado.setDisposable(fixSubscriber(sub)); } function AnonymousObservable(subscribe, parent) { this.source = parent; function s(observer) { var ado = new AutoDetachObserver(observer), state = [ado, subscribe]; if (currentThreadScheduler.scheduleRequired()) { currentThreadScheduler.scheduleWithState(state, setDisposable); } else { setDisposable(null, state); } return ado; }, s); } return AnonymousObservable; }(Observable)); var AutoDetachObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AutoDetachObserver, __super__); function AutoDetachObserver(observer) {; = observer; this.m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); } var AutoDetachObserverPrototype = AutoDetachObserver.prototype; = function (value) { var result = tryCatch(, value); if (result === errorObj) { this.dispose(); thrower(result.e); } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.error = function (err) { var result = tryCatch(, err); this.dispose(); result === errorObj && thrower(result.e); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.completed = function () { var result = tryCatch(; this.dispose(); result === errorObj && thrower(result.e); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { this.m.setDisposable(value); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.m.getDisposable(); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.dispose = function () {; this.m.dispose(); }; return AutoDetachObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var GroupedObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(GroupedObservable, __super__); function subscribe(observer) { return this.underlyingObservable.subscribe(observer); } function GroupedObservable(key, underlyingObservable, mergedDisposable) {, subscribe); this.key = key; this.underlyingObservable = !mergedDisposable ? underlyingObservable : new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable(mergedDisposable.getDisposable(), underlyingObservable.subscribe(observer)); }); } return GroupedObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Represents an object that is both an observable sequence as well as an observer. * Each notification is broadcasted to all subscribed observers. */ var Subject = Rx.Subject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } if (this.hasError) { observer.onError(this.error); return disposableEmpty; } observer.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } inherits(Subject, __super__); /** * Creates a subject. */ function Subject() {, subscribe); this.isDisposed = false, this.isStopped = false, this.observers = []; this.hasError = false; } addProperties(Subject.prototype, Observer.prototype, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } this.observers.length = 0; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error = error; this.hasError = true; for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(error); } this.observers.length = 0; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onNext(value); } } }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; } }); /** * Creates a subject from the specified observer and observable. * @param {Observer} observer The observer used to send messages to the subject. * @param {Observable} observable The observable used to subscribe to messages sent from the subject. * @returns {Subject} Subject implemented using the given observer and observable. */ Subject.create = function (observer, observable) { return new AnonymousSubject(observer, observable); }; return Subject; }(Observable)); /** * Represents the result of an asynchronous operation. * The last value before the OnCompleted notification, or the error received through OnError, is sent to all subscribed observers. */ var AsyncSubject = Rx.AsyncSubject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } if (this.hasError) { observer.onError(this.error); } else if (this.hasValue) { observer.onNext(this.value); observer.onCompleted(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return disposableEmpty; } inherits(AsyncSubject, __super__); /** * Creates a subject that can only receive one value and that value is cached for all future observations. * @constructor */ function AsyncSubject() {, subscribe); this.isDisposed = false; this.isStopped = false; this.hasValue = false; this.observers = []; this.hasError = false; } addProperties(AsyncSubject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { checkDisposed(this); return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence, also causing the last received value to be sent out (if any). */ onCompleted: function () { var i, len; checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; var os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; if (this.hasValue) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { var o = os[i]; o.onNext(this.value); o.onCompleted(); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } } this.observers.length = 0; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the error. * @param {Mixed} error The Error to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) { checkDisposed(this); if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.hasError = true; this.error = error; for (var i = 0, os = cloneArray(this.observers), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(error); } this.observers.length = 0; } }, /** * Sends a value to the subject. The last value received before successful termination will be sent to all subscribed and future observers. * @param {Mixed} value The value to store in the subject. */ onNext: function (value) { checkDisposed(this); if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.value = value; this.hasValue = true; }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; this.exception = null; this.value = null; } }); return AsyncSubject; }(Observable)); var AnonymousSubject = Rx.AnonymousSubject = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousSubject, __super__); function subscribe(observer) { return this.observable.subscribe(observer); } function AnonymousSubject(observer, observable) { = observer; this.observable = observable;, subscribe); } addProperties(AnonymousSubject.prototype, Observer.prototype, { onCompleted: function () {; }, onError: function (error) {; }, onNext: function (value) {; } }); return AnonymousSubject; }(Observable)); /** * Used to pause and resume streams. */ Rx.Pauser = (function (__super__) { inherits(Pauser, __super__); function Pauser() {; } /** * Pauses the underlying sequence. */ Pauser.prototype.pause = function () { this.onNext(false); }; /** * Resumes the underlying sequence. */ Pauser.prototype.resume = function () { this.onNext(true); }; return Pauser; }(Subject)); if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) { root.Rx = Rx; define(function() { return Rx; }); } else if (freeExports && freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS if (moduleExports) { (freeModule.exports = Rx).Rx = Rx; } else { freeExports.Rx = Rx; } } else { // in a browser or Rhino root.Rx = Rx; } // All code before this point will be filtered from stack traces. var rEndingLine = captureLine(); }.call(this));
// ES6-shim 0.15.0 (c) 2013-2014 Paul Miller ( // ES6-shim may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // For more details and documentation: // webshim.register('es6', function($, webshim, window, document, undefined){ 'use strict'; var isCallableWithoutNew = function(func) { try { func(); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }; var supportsSubclassing = function(C, f) { /* jshint proto:true */ try { var Sub = function() { C.apply(this, arguments); }; if (!Sub.__proto__) { return false; /* skip test on IE < 11 */ } Object.setPrototypeOf(Sub, C); Sub.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype, { constructor: { value: C } }); return f(Sub); } catch (e) { return false; } }; var arePropertyDescriptorsSupported = function() { try { Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {}); return true; } catch (e) { /* this is IE 8. */ return false; } }; var startsWithRejectsRegex = function() { var rejectsRegex = false; if (String.prototype.startsWith) { try { '/a/'.startsWith(/a/); } catch (e) { /* this is spec compliant */ rejectsRegex = true; } } return rejectsRegex; }; /*jshint evil: true */ var getGlobal = new Function('return this;'); /*jshint evil: false */ var main = function() { var globals = getGlobal(); var global_isFinite = globals.isFinite; var supportsDescriptors = !!Object.defineProperty && arePropertyDescriptorsSupported(); var startsWithIsCompliant = startsWithRejectsRegex(); var _slice = Array.prototype.slice; var _indexOf = String.prototype.indexOf; var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var ArrayIterator; // make our implementation private // Define configurable, writable and non-enumerable props // if they don’t exist. var defineProperties = function(object, map) { Object.keys(map).forEach(function(name) { var method = map[name]; if (name in object) return; if (supportsDescriptors) { Object.defineProperty(object, name, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: method }); } else { object[name] = method; } }); }; // Simple shim for Object.create on ES3 browsers // (unlike real shim, no attempt to support `prototype === null`) var create = Object.create || function(prototype, properties) { function Type() {} Type.prototype = prototype; var object = new Type(); if (typeof properties !== "undefined") { defineProperties(object, properties); } return object; }; // This is a private name in the es6 spec, equal to '[Symbol.iterator]' // we're going to use an arbitrary _-prefixed name to make our shims // work properly with each other, even though we don't have full Iterator // support. That is, `Array.from(map.keys())` will work, but we don't // pretend to export a "real" Iterator interface. var $iterator$ = (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator) || '_es6shim_iterator_'; // Firefox ships a partial implementation using the name @@iterator. // // So use that name if we detect it. if (globals.Set && typeof new globals.Set()['@@iterator'] === 'function') { $iterator$ = '@@iterator'; } var addIterator = function(prototype, impl) { if (!impl) { impl = function iterator() { return this; }; } var o = {}; o[$iterator$] = impl; defineProperties(prototype, o); }; // taken directly from // can be replaced with require('is-arguments') if we ever use a build process instead var isArguments = function isArguments(value) { var str =; var result = str === '[object Arguments]'; if (!result) { result = str !== '[object Array]' && value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.length === 'number' && value.length >= 0 && === '[object Function]'; } return result; }; var emulateES6construct = function(o) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(o)) throw new TypeError('bad object'); // es5 approximation to es6 subclass semantics: in es6, 'new Foo' // would invoke Foo.@@create to allocation/initialize the new object. // In es5 we just get the plain object. So if we detect an // uninitialized object, invoke o.constructor.@@create if (!o._es6construct) { if (o.constructor && ES.IsCallable(o.constructor['@@create'])) { o = o.constructor['@@create'](o); } defineProperties(o, { _es6construct: true }); } return o; }; var ES = { CheckObjectCoercible: function(x, optMessage) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (x == null) throw new TypeError(optMessage || ('Cannot call method on ' + x)); return x; }, TypeIsObject: function(x) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ // this is expensive when it returns false; use this function // when you expect it to return true in the common case. return x != null && Object(x) === x; }, ToObject: function(o, optMessage) { return Object(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(o, optMessage)); }, IsCallable: function(x) { return typeof x === 'function' && // some versions of IE say that typeof /abc/ === 'function' === '[object Function]'; }, ToInt32: function(x) { return x >> 0; }, ToUint32: function(x) { return x >>> 0; }, ToInteger: function(value) { var number = +value; if (Number.isNaN(number)) return 0; if (number === 0 || !Number.isFinite(number)) return number; return Math.sign(number) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number)); }, ToLength: function(value) { var len = ES.ToInteger(value); if (len <= 0) return 0; // includes converting -0 to +0 if (len > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; return len; }, SameValue: function(a, b) { if (a === b) { // 0 === -0, but they are not identical. if (a === 0) return 1 / a === 1 / b; return true; } return Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b); }, SameValueZero: function(a, b) { // same as SameValue except for SameValueZero(+0, -0) == true return (a === b) || (Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b)); }, IsIterable: function(o) { return ES.TypeIsObject(o) && (o[$iterator$] !== undefined || isArguments(o)); }, GetIterator: function(o) { if (isArguments(o)) { // special case support for `arguments` return new ArrayIterator(o, "value"); } var it = o[$iterator$](); if (!ES.TypeIsObject(it)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterator'); } return it; }, IteratorNext: function(it) { var result = (arguments.length > 1) ?[1]) :; if (!ES.TypeIsObject(result)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterator'); } return result; }, Construct: function(C, args) { // CreateFromConstructor var obj; if (ES.IsCallable(C['@@create'])) { obj = C['@@create'](); } else { // OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor obj = create(C.prototype || null); } // Mark that we've used the es6 construct path // (see emulateES6construct) defineProperties(obj, { _es6construct: true }); // Call the constructor. var result = C.apply(obj, args); return ES.TypeIsObject(result) ? result : obj; } }; var numberConversion = (function () { // from // with permission and license, per function roundToEven(n) { var w = Math.floor(n), f = n - w; if (f < 0.5) { return w; } if (f > 0.5) { return w + 1; } return w % 2 ? w + 1 : w; } function packIEEE754(v, ebits, fbits) { var bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1, s, e, f, ln, i, bits, str, bytes; // Compute sign, exponent, fraction if (v !== v) { // NaN // e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = Math.pow(2, fbits - 1); s = 0; } else if (v === Infinity || v === -Infinity) { e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = 0; s = (v < 0) ? 1 : 0; } else if (v === 0) { e = 0; f = 0; s = (1 / v === -Infinity) ? 1 : 0; } else { s = v < 0; v = Math.abs(v); if (v >= Math.pow(2, 1 - bias)) { e = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.LN2), 1023); f = roundToEven(v / Math.pow(2, e) * Math.pow(2, fbits)); if (f / Math.pow(2, fbits) >= 2) { e = e + 1; f = 1; } if (e > bias) { // Overflow e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = 0; } else { // Normal e = e + bias; f = f - Math.pow(2, fbits); } } else { // Subnormal e = 0; f = roundToEven(v / Math.pow(2, 1 - bias - fbits)); } } // Pack sign, exponent, fraction bits = []; for (i = fbits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(f % 2 ? 1 : 0); f = Math.floor(f / 2); } for (i = ebits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(e % 2 ? 1 : 0); e = Math.floor(e / 2); } bits.push(s ? 1 : 0); bits.reverse(); str = bits.join(''); // Bits to bytes bytes = []; while (str.length) { bytes.push(parseInt(str.slice(0, 8), 2)); str = str.slice(8); } return bytes; } function unpackIEEE754(bytes, ebits, fbits) { // Bytes to bits var bits = [], i, j, b, str, bias, s, e, f; for (i = bytes.length; i; i -= 1) { b = bytes[i - 1]; for (j = 8; j; j -= 1) { bits.push(b % 2 ? 1 : 0); b = b >> 1; } } bits.reverse(); str = bits.join(''); // Unpack sign, exponent, fraction bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1; s = parseInt(str.slice(0, 1), 2) ? -1 : 1; e = parseInt(str.slice(1, 1 + ebits), 2); f = parseInt(str.slice(1 + ebits), 2); // Produce number if (e === (1 << ebits) - 1) { return f !== 0 ? NaN : s * Infinity; } else if (e > 0) { // Normalized return s * Math.pow(2, e - bias) * (1 + f / Math.pow(2, fbits)); } else if (f !== 0) { // Denormalized return s * Math.pow(2, -(bias - 1)) * (f / Math.pow(2, fbits)); } else { return s < 0 ? -0 : 0; } } function unpackFloat64(b) { return unpackIEEE754(b, 11, 52); } function packFloat64(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 11, 52); } function unpackFloat32(b) { return unpackIEEE754(b, 8, 23); } function packFloat32(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 8, 23); } var conversions = { toFloat32: function (num) { return unpackFloat32(packFloat32(num)); } }; if (typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined') { var float32array = new Float32Array(1); conversions.toFloat32 = function (num) { float32array[0] = num; return float32array[0]; }; } return conversions; }()); defineProperties(String, { fromCodePoint: function(_) { // length = 1 var points =, 0, arguments.length); var result = []; var next; for (var i = 0, length = points.length; i < length; i++) { next = Number(points[i]); if (!ES.SameValue(next, ES.ToInteger(next)) || next < 0 || next > 0x10FFFF) { throw new RangeError('Invalid code point ' + next); } if (next < 0x10000) { result.push(String.fromCharCode(next)); } else { next -= 0x10000; result.push(String.fromCharCode((next >> 10) + 0xD800)); result.push(String.fromCharCode((next % 0x400) + 0xDC00)); } } return result.join(''); }, raw: function(callSite) { // raw.length===1 var substitutions =, 1, arguments.length); var cooked = ES.ToObject(callSite, 'bad callSite'); var rawValue = cooked.raw; var raw = ES.ToObject(rawValue, 'bad raw value'); var len = Object.keys(raw).length; var literalsegments = ES.ToLength(len); if (literalsegments === 0) { return ''; } var stringElements = []; var nextIndex = 0; var nextKey, next, nextSeg, nextSub; while (nextIndex < literalsegments) { nextKey = String(nextIndex); next = raw[nextKey]; nextSeg = String(next); stringElements.push(nextSeg); if (nextIndex + 1 >= literalsegments) { break; } next = substitutions[nextKey]; if (next === undefined) { break; } nextSub = String(next); stringElements.push(nextSub); nextIndex++; } return stringElements.join(''); } }); var StringShims = { // Fast repeat, uses the `Exponentiation by squaring` algorithm. // Perf: repeat: (function() { var repeat = function(s, times) { if (times < 1) return ''; if (times % 2) return repeat(s, times - 1) + s; var half = repeat(s, times / 2); return half + half; }; return function(times) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); times = ES.ToInteger(times); if (times < 0 || times === Infinity) { throw new RangeError('Invalid String#repeat value'); } return repeat(thisStr, times); }; })(), startsWith: function(searchStr) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); if ( === '[object RegExp]') throw new TypeError('Cannot call method "startsWith" with a regex'); searchStr = String(searchStr); var startArg = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var start = Math.max(ES.ToInteger(startArg), 0); return thisStr.slice(start, start + searchStr.length) === searchStr; }, endsWith: function(searchStr) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); if ( === '[object RegExp]') throw new TypeError('Cannot call method "endsWith" with a regex'); searchStr = String(searchStr); var thisLen = thisStr.length; var posArg = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var pos = posArg === undefined ? thisLen : ES.ToInteger(posArg); var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), thisLen); return thisStr.slice(end - searchStr.length, end) === searchStr; }, contains: function(searchString) { var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; // Somehow this trick makes method 100% compat with the spec. return, searchString, position) !== -1; }, codePointAt: function(pos) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); var position = ES.ToInteger(pos); var length = thisStr.length; if (position < 0 || position >= length) return undefined; var first = thisStr.charCodeAt(position); var isEnd = (position + 1 === length); if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || isEnd) return first; var second = thisStr.charCodeAt(position + 1); if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) return first; return ((first - 0xD800) * 1024) + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; } }; defineProperties(String.prototype, StringShims); var hasStringTrimBug = '\u0085'.trim().length !== 1; if (hasStringTrimBug) { var originalStringTrim = String.prototype.trim; delete String.prototype.trim; // whitespace from: // implementation from var ws = [ '\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003', '\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028', '\u2029\uFEFF' ].join(''); var trimBeginRegexp = new RegExp('^[' + ws + '][' + ws + ']*'); var trimEndRegexp = new RegExp('[' + ws + '][' + ws + ']*$'); defineProperties(String.prototype, { trim: function() { if (this === undefined || this === null) { throw new TypeError("can't convert " + this + " to object"); } return String(this) .replace(trimBeginRegexp, "") .replace(trimEndRegexp, ""); } }); } // see var StringIterator = function(s) { this._s = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(s)); this._i = 0; }; = function() { var s = this._s, i = this._i; if (s === undefined || i >= s.length) { this._s = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } var first = s.charCodeAt(i), second, len; if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || (i+1) == s.length) { len = 1; } else { second = s.charCodeAt(i+1); len = (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) ? 1 : 2; } this._i = i + len; return { value: s.substr(i, len), done: false }; }; addIterator(StringIterator.prototype); addIterator(String.prototype, function() { return new StringIterator(this); }); if (!startsWithIsCompliant) { // Firefox has a noncompliant startsWith implementation String.prototype.startsWith = StringShims.startsWith; String.prototype.endsWith = StringShims.endsWith; } defineProperties(Array, { from: function(iterable) { var mapFn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var thisArg = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; var list = ES.ToObject(iterable, 'bad iterable'); if (mapFn !== undefined && !ES.IsCallable(mapFn)) { throw new TypeError('Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function'); } var usingIterator = ES.IsIterable(list); // does the spec really mean that Arrays should use ArrayIterator? // //if (Array.isArray(list)) { usingIterator=false; } var length = usingIterator ? 0 : ES.ToLength(list.length); var result = ES.IsCallable(this) ? Object(usingIterator ? new this() : new this(length)) : new Array(length); var it = usingIterator ? ES.GetIterator(list) : null; var value; for (var i = 0; usingIterator || (i < length); i++) { if (usingIterator) { value = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (value.done) { length = i; break; } value = value.value; } else { value = list[i]; } if (mapFn) { result[i] = thisArg ?, value, i) : mapFn(value, i); } else { result[i] = value; } } result.length = length; return result; }, of: function() { return Array.from(arguments); } }); // Our ArrayIterator is private; see // ArrayIterator = function(array, kind) { this.i = 0; this.array = array; this.kind = kind; }; defineProperties(ArrayIterator.prototype, { next: function() { var i = this.i, array = this.array; if (i === undefined || this.kind === undefined) { throw new TypeError('Not an ArrayIterator'); } if (array!==undefined) { var len = ES.ToLength(array.length); for (; i < len; i++) { var kind = this.kind; var retval; if (kind === "key") { retval = i; } else if (kind === "value") { retval = array[i]; } else if (kind === "entry") { retval = [i, array[i]]; } this.i = i + 1; return { value: retval, done: false }; } } this.array = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }); addIterator(ArrayIterator.prototype); defineProperties(Array.prototype, { copyWithin: function(target, start) { var end = arguments[2]; // copyWithin.length must be 2 var o = ES.ToObject(this); var len = ES.ToLength(o.length); target = ES.ToInteger(target); start = ES.ToInteger(start); var to = target < 0 ? Math.max(len + target, 0) : Math.min(target, len); var from = start < 0 ? Math.max(len + start, 0) : Math.min(start, len); end = (end===undefined) ? len : ES.ToInteger(end); var fin = end < 0 ? Math.max(len + end, 0) : Math.min(end, len); var count = Math.min(fin - from, len - to); var direction = 1; if (from < to && to < (from + count)) { direction = -1; from += count - 1; to += count - 1; } while (count > 0) { if (, from)) { o[to] = o[from]; } else { delete o[from]; } from += direction; to += direction; count -= 1; } return o; }, fill: function(value) { var start = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var end = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; var O = ES.ToObject(this); var len = ES.ToLength(O.length); start = ES.ToInteger(start === undefined ? 0 : start); end = ES.ToInteger(end === undefined ? len : end); var relativeStart = start < 0 ? Math.max(len + start, 0) : Math.min(start, len); var relativeEnd = end < 0 ? len + end : end; for (var i = relativeStart; i < len && i < relativeEnd; ++i) { O[i] = value; } return O; }, find: function(predicate) { var list = ES.ToObject(this); var length = ES.ToLength(list.length); if (!ES.IsCallable(predicate)) { throw new TypeError('Array#find: predicate must be a function'); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0, value; i < length; i++) { if (i in list) { value = list[i]; if (, value, i, list)) return value; } } return undefined; }, findIndex: function(predicate) { var list = ES.ToObject(this); var length = ES.ToLength(list.length); if (!ES.IsCallable(predicate)) { throw new TypeError('Array#findIndex: predicate must be a function'); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in list) { if (, list[i], i, list)) return i; } } return -1; }, keys: function() { return new ArrayIterator(this, "key"); }, values: function() { return new ArrayIterator(this, "value"); }, entries: function() { return new ArrayIterator(this, "entry"); } }); addIterator(Array.prototype, function() { return this.values(); }); // Chrome defines keys/values/entries on Array, but doesn't give us // any way to identify its iterator. So add our own shimmed field. if (Object.getPrototypeOf) { addIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf([].values())); } var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; defineProperties(Number, { MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: maxSafeInteger, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: -maxSafeInteger, EPSILON: 2.220446049250313e-16, parseInt: globals.parseInt, parseFloat: globals.parseFloat, isFinite: function(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && global_isFinite(value); }, isInteger: function(value) { return Number.isFinite(value) && ES.ToInteger(value) === value; }, isSafeInteger: function(value) { return Number.isInteger(value) && Math.abs(value) <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; }, isNaN: function(value) { // NaN !== NaN, but they are identical. // NaNs are the only non-reflexive value, i.e., if x !== x, // then x is NaN. // isNaN is broken: it converts its argument to number, so // isNaN('foo') => true return value !== value; } }); if (supportsDescriptors) { defineProperties(Object, { getPropertyDescriptor: function(subject, name) { var pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(subject, name); var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(subject); while (pd === undefined && proto !== null) { pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, name); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return pd; }, getPropertyNames: function(subject) { var result = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(subject); var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(subject); var addProperty = function(property) { if (result.indexOf(property) === -1) { result.push(property); } }; while (proto !== null) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).forEach(addProperty); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return result; } }); defineProperties(Object, { // assign: function(target, source) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(target)) { throw new TypeError('target must be an object'); } return, function(target, source) { return Object.keys(Object(source)).reduce(function(target, key) { target[key] = source[key]; return target; }, target); }); }, is: function(a, b) { return ES.SameValue(a, b); }, // // shim from setPrototypeOf: (function(Object, magic) { var set; var checkArgs = function(O, proto) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(O)) { throw new TypeError('cannot set prototype on a non-object'); } if (!(proto===null || ES.TypeIsObject(proto))) { throw new TypeError('can only set prototype to an object or null'+proto); } }; var setPrototypeOf = function(O, proto) { checkArgs(O, proto);, proto); return O; }; try { // this works already in Firefox and Safari set = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, magic).set;{}, null); } catch (e) { if (Object.prototype !== {}[magic]) { // IE < 11 cannot be shimmed return; } // probably Chrome or some old Mobile stock browser set = function(proto) { this[magic] = proto; }; // please note that this will **not** work // in those browsers that do not inherit // __proto__ by mistake from Object.prototype // in these cases we should probably throw an error // or at least be informed about the issue setPrototypeOf.polyfill = setPrototypeOf( setPrototypeOf({}, null), Object.prototype ) instanceof Object; // setPrototypeOf.polyfill === true means it works as meant // setPrototypeOf.polyfill === false means it's not 100% reliable // setPrototypeOf.polyfill === undefined // or // setPrototypeOf.polyfill == null means it's not a polyfill // which means it works as expected // we can even delete Object.prototype.__proto__; } return setPrototypeOf; })(Object, '__proto__') }); } // Workaround bug in Opera 12 where setPrototypeOf(x, null) doesn't work, // but Object.create(null) does. if (Object.setPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.setPrototypeOf({}, null)) !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.create(null)) === null) { (function() { var FAKENULL = Object.create(null); var gpo = Object.getPrototypeOf, spo = Object.setPrototypeOf; Object.getPrototypeOf = function(o) { var result = gpo(o); return result === FAKENULL ? null : result; }; Object.setPrototypeOf = function(o, p) { if (p === null) { p = FAKENULL; } return spo(o, p); }; Object.setPrototypeOf.polyfill = false; })(); } try { Object.keys('foo'); } catch (e) { var originalObjectKeys = Object.keys; Object.keys = function (obj) { return originalObjectKeys(ES.ToObject(obj)); }; } var MathShims = { acosh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < 1) return NaN; if (value === 1) return 0; if (value === Infinity) return value; return Math.log(value + Math.sqrt(value * value - 1)); }, asinh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === 0 || !global_isFinite(value)) { return value; } return value < 0 ? -Math.asinh(-value) : Math.log(value + Math.sqrt(value * value + 1)); }, atanh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < -1 || value > 1) { return NaN; } if (value === -1) return -Infinity; if (value === 1) return Infinity; if (value === 0) return value; return 0.5 * Math.log((1 + value) / (1 - value)); }, cbrt: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === 0) return value; var negate = value < 0, result; if (negate) value = -value; result = Math.pow(value, 1/3); return negate ? -result : result; }, clz32: function(value) { // See value = Number(value); var number = ES.ToUint32(value); if (number === 0) { return 32; } return 32 - (number).toString(2).length; }, cosh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === 0) return 1; // +0 or -0 if (Number.isNaN(value)) return NaN; if (!global_isFinite(value)) return Infinity; if (value < 0) value = -value; if (value > 21) return Math.exp(value) / 2; return (Math.exp(value) + Math.exp(-value)) / 2; }, expm1: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === -Infinity) return -1; if (!global_isFinite(value) || value === 0) return value; return Math.exp(value) - 1; }, hypot: function(x, y) { var anyNaN = false; var allZero = true; var anyInfinity = false; var numbers = [];, function(arg) { var num = Number(arg); if (Number.isNaN(num)) anyNaN = true; else if (num === Infinity || num === -Infinity) anyInfinity = true; else if (num !== 0) allZero = false; if (anyInfinity) { return false; } else if (!anyNaN) { numbers.push(Math.abs(num)); } return true; }); if (anyInfinity) return Infinity; if (anyNaN) return NaN; if (allZero) return 0; numbers.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; }); var largest = numbers[0]; var divided = (number) { return number / largest; }); var sum = divided.reduce(function (sum, number) { return sum += number * number; }, 0); return largest * Math.sqrt(sum); }, log2: function(value) { return Math.log(value) * Math.LOG2E; }, log10: function(value) { return Math.log(value) * Math.LOG10E; }, log1p: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value < -1 || Number.isNaN(value)) return NaN; if (value === 0 || value === Infinity) return value; if (value === -1) return -Infinity; var result = 0; var n = 50; if (value < 0 || value > 1) return Math.log(1 + value); for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) { if ((i % 2) === 0) { result -= Math.pow(value, i) / i; } else { result += Math.pow(value, i) / i; } } return result; }, sign: function(value) { var number = +value; if (number === 0) return number; if (Number.isNaN(number)) return number; return number < 0 ? -1 : 1; }, sinh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (!global_isFinite(value) || value === 0) return value; return (Math.exp(value) - Math.exp(-value)) / 2; }, tanh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value === 0) return value; if (value === Infinity) return 1; if (value === -Infinity) return -1; return (Math.exp(value) - Math.exp(-value)) / (Math.exp(value) + Math.exp(-value)); }, trunc: function(value) { var number = Number(value); return number < 0 ? -Math.floor(-number) : Math.floor(number); }, imul: function(x, y) { // taken from x = ES.ToUint32(x); y = ES.ToUint32(y); var ah = (x >>> 16) & 0xffff; var al = x & 0xffff; var bh = (y >>> 16) & 0xffff; var bl = y & 0xffff; // the shift by 0 fixes the sign on the high part // the final |0 converts the unsigned value into a signed value return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0)|0); }, fround: function(x) { if (x === 0 || x === Infinity || x === -Infinity || Number.isNaN(x)) { return x; } var num = Number(x); return numberConversion.toFloat32(num); } }; defineProperties(Math, MathShims); if (Math.imul(0xffffffff, 5) !== -5) { // Safari 6.1, at least, reports "0" for this value Math.imul = MathShims.imul; } // Promises // Simplest possible implementation; use a 3rd-party library if you // want the best possible speed and/or long stack traces. var PromiseShim = (function() { var Promise, Promise$prototype; ES.IsPromise = function(promise) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(promise)) { return false; } if (!promise._promiseConstructor) { // _promiseConstructor is a bit more unique than _status, so we'll // check that instead of the [[PromiseStatus]] internal field. return false; } if (promise._status === undefined) { return false; // uninitialized } return true; }; // "PromiseCapability" in the spec is what most promise implementations // call a "deferred". var PromiseCapability = function(C) { if (!ES.IsCallable(C)) { throw new TypeError('bad promise constructor'); } var capability = this; var resolver = function(resolve, reject) { capability.resolve = resolve; capability.reject = reject; }; capability.promise = ES.Construct(C, [resolver]); // see if (!capability.promise._es6construct) { throw new TypeError('bad promise constructor'); } if (!(ES.IsCallable(capability.resolve) && ES.IsCallable(capability.reject))) { throw new TypeError('bad promise constructor'); } }; // find an appropriate setImmediate-alike var setTimeout = globals.setTimeout; var makeZeroTimeout; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && ES.IsCallable(window.postMessage)) { makeZeroTimeout = function() { // from var timeouts = []; var messageName = "zero-timeout-message"; var setZeroTimeout = function(fn) { timeouts.push(fn); window.postMessage(messageName, "*"); }; var handleMessage = function(event) { if (event.source == window && == messageName) { event.stopPropagation(); if (timeouts.length === 0) { return; } var fn = timeouts.shift(); fn(); } }; window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, true); return setZeroTimeout; }; } var makePromiseAsap = function() { // An efficient task-scheduler based on a pre-existing Promise // implementation, which we can use even if we override the // global Promise below (in order to workaround bugs) // var P = globals.Promise; return P && P.resolve && function(task) { return P.resolve().then(task); }; }; var enqueue = ES.IsCallable(globals.setImmediate) ? globals.setImmediate.bind(globals) : typeof process === 'object' && process.nextTick ? process.nextTick : makePromiseAsap() || (ES.IsCallable(makeZeroTimeout) ? makeZeroTimeout() : function(task) { setTimeout(task, 0); }); // fallback var triggerPromiseReactions = function(reactions, x) { reactions.forEach(function(reaction) { enqueue(function() { // PromiseReactionTask var handler = reaction.handler; var capability = reaction.capability; var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { var result = handler(x); if (result === capability.promise) { throw new TypeError('self resolution'); } var updateResult = updatePromiseFromPotentialThenable(result, capability); if (!updateResult) { resolve(result); } } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }); }; var updatePromiseFromPotentialThenable = function(x, capability) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(x)) { return false; } var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { var then = x.then; // only one invocation of accessor if (!ES.IsCallable(then)) { return false; }, resolve, reject); } catch(e) { reject(e); } return true; }; var promiseResolutionHandler = function(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected){ return function(x) { if (x === promise) { return onRejected(new TypeError('self resolution')); } var C = promise._promiseConstructor; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var updateResult = updatePromiseFromPotentialThenable(x, capability); if (updateResult) { return capability.promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected); } else { return onFulfilled(x); } }; }; Promise = function(resolver) { var promise = this; promise = emulateES6construct(promise); if (!promise._promiseConstructor) { // we use _promiseConstructor as a stand-in for the internal // [[PromiseStatus]] field; it's a little more unique. throw new TypeError('bad promise'); } if (promise._status !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('promise already initialized'); } // see if (!ES.IsCallable(resolver)) { throw new TypeError('not a valid resolver'); } promise._status = 'unresolved'; promise._resolveReactions = []; promise._rejectReactions = []; var resolve = function(resolution) { if (promise._status !== 'unresolved') { return; } var reactions = promise._resolveReactions; promise._result = resolution; promise._resolveReactions = undefined; promise._rejectReactions = undefined; promise._status = 'has-resolution'; triggerPromiseReactions(reactions, resolution); }; var reject = function(reason) { if (promise._status !== 'unresolved') { return; } var reactions = promise._rejectReactions; promise._result = reason; promise._resolveReactions = undefined; promise._rejectReactions = undefined; promise._status = 'has-rejection'; triggerPromiseReactions(reactions, reason); }; try { resolver(resolve, reject); } catch (e) { reject(e); } return promise; }; Promise$prototype = Promise.prototype; defineProperties(Promise, { '@@create': function(obj) { var constructor = this; // AllocatePromise // The `obj` parameter is a hack we use for es5 // compatibility. var prototype = constructor.prototype || Promise$prototype; obj = obj || create(prototype); defineProperties(obj, { _status: undefined, _result: undefined, _resolveReactions: undefined, _rejectReactions: undefined, _promiseConstructor: undefined }); obj._promiseConstructor = constructor; return obj; } }); var _promiseAllResolver = function(index, values, capability, remaining) { var done = false; return function(x) { if (done) { return; } // protect against being called multiple times done = true; values[index] = x; if ((--remaining.count) === 0) { var resolve = capability.resolve; resolve(values); // call w/ this===undefined } }; }; Promise.all = function(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { if (!ES.IsIterable(iterable)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterable'); } var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); var values = [], remaining = { count: 1 }; for (var index = 0; ; index++) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { break; } var nextPromise = C.resolve(next.value); var resolveElement = _promiseAllResolver( index, values, capability, remaining ); remaining.count++; nextPromise.then(resolveElement, capability.reject); } if ((--remaining.count) === 0) { resolve(values); // call w/ this===undefined } } catch (e) { reject(e); } return capability.promise; }; Promise.race = function(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { if (!ES.IsIterable(iterable)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterable'); } var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); while (true) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { // If iterable has no items, resulting promise will never // resolve; see: // // break; } var nextPromise = C.resolve(next.value); nextPromise.then(resolve, reject); } } catch (e) { reject(e); } return capability.promise; }; Promise.reject = function(reason) { var C = this; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var reject = capability.reject; reject(reason); // call with this===undefined return capability.promise; }; Promise.resolve = function(v) { var C = this; if (ES.IsPromise(v)) { var constructor = v._promiseConstructor; if (constructor === C) { return v; } } var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; resolve(v); // call with this===undefined return capability.promise; }; Promise.prototype['catch'] = function( onRejected ) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected); }; Promise.prototype.then = function( onFulfilled, onRejected ) { var promise = this; if (!ES.IsPromise(promise)) { throw new TypeError('not a promise'); } // this.constructor not this._promiseConstructor; see // var C = this.constructor; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); if (!ES.IsCallable(onRejected)) { onRejected = function(e) { throw e; }; } if (!ES.IsCallable(onFulfilled)) { onFulfilled = function(x) { return x; }; } var resolutionHandler = promiseResolutionHandler(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected); var resolveReaction = { capability: capability, handler: resolutionHandler }; var rejectReaction = { capability: capability, handler: onRejected }; switch (promise._status) { case 'unresolved': promise._resolveReactions.push(resolveReaction); promise._rejectReactions.push(rejectReaction); break; case 'has-resolution': triggerPromiseReactions([resolveReaction], promise._result); break; case 'has-rejection': triggerPromiseReactions([rejectReaction], promise._result); break; default: throw new TypeError('unexpected'); } return capability.promise; }; return Promise; })(); // export the Promise constructor. defineProperties(globals, { Promise: PromiseShim }); // In Chrome 33 (and thereabouts) Promise is defined, but the // implementation is buggy in a number of ways. Let's check subclassing // support to see if we have a buggy implementation. var promiseSupportsSubclassing = supportsSubclassing(globals.Promise, function(S) { return S.resolve(42) instanceof S; }); var promiseIgnoresNonFunctionThenCallbacks = (function () { try { globals.Promise.reject(42).then(null, 5).then(null, function () {}); return true; } catch (ex) { return false; } }()); if (!promiseSupportsSubclassing || !promiseIgnoresNonFunctionThenCallbacks) { globals.Promise = PromiseShim; } // Map and Set require a true ES5 environment if (supportsDescriptors) { var fastkey = function fastkey(key) { var type = typeof key; if (type === 'string') { return '$' + key; } else if (type === 'number') { // note that -0 will get coerced to "0" when used as a property key return key; } return null; }; var emptyObject = function emptyObject() { // accomodate some older not-quite-ES5 browsers return Object.create ? Object.create(null) : {}; }; var collectionShims = { Map: (function() { var empty = {}; function MapEntry(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; = null; this.prev = null; } MapEntry.prototype.isRemoved = function() { return this.key === empty; }; function MapIterator(map, kind) { this.head = map._head; this.i = this.head; this.kind = kind; } MapIterator.prototype = { next: function() { var i = this.i, kind = this.kind, head = this.head, result; if (this.i === undefined) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } while (i.isRemoved() && i !== head) { // back up off of removed entries i = i.prev; } // advance to next unreturned element. while ( !== head) { i =; if (!i.isRemoved()) { if (kind === "key") { result = i.key; } else if (kind === "value") { result = i.value; } else { result = [i.key, i.value]; } this.i = i; return { value: result, done: false }; } } // once the iterator is done, it is done forever. this.i = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; addIterator(MapIterator.prototype); function Map(iterable) { var map = this; map = emulateES6construct(map); if (!map._es6map) { throw new TypeError('bad map'); } var head = new MapEntry(null, null); // circular doubly-linked list. = head.prev = head; defineProperties(map, { '_head': head, '_storage': emptyObject(), '_size': 0 }); // Optionally initialize map from iterable if (iterable !== undefined && iterable !== null) { var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); var adder = map.set; if (!ES.IsCallable(adder)) { throw new TypeError('bad map'); } while (true) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { break; } var nextItem = next.value; if (!ES.TypeIsObject(nextItem)) { throw new TypeError('expected iterable of pairs'); }, nextItem[0], nextItem[1]); } } return map; } var Map$prototype = Map.prototype; defineProperties(Map, { '@@create': function(obj) { var constructor = this; var prototype = constructor.prototype || Map$prototype; obj = obj || create(prototype); defineProperties(obj, { _es6map: true }); return obj; } }); Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { if (typeof this._size === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('size method called on incompatible Map'); } return this._size; } }); defineProperties(Map.prototype, { get: function(key) { var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path var entry = this._storage[fkey]; return entry ? entry.value : undefined; } var head = this._head, i = head; while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { return i.value; } } return undefined; }, has: function(key) { var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path return typeof this._storage[fkey] !== 'undefined'; } var head = this._head, i = head; while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { return true; } } return false; }, set: function(key, value) { var head = this._head, i = head, entry; var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path if (typeof this._storage[fkey] !== 'undefined') { this._storage[fkey].value = value; return; } else { entry = this._storage[fkey] = new MapEntry(key, value); i = head.prev; // fall through } } while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { i.value = value; return; } } entry = entry || new MapEntry(key, value); if (ES.SameValue(-0, key)) { entry.key = +0; // coerce -0 to +0 in entry } = this._head; entry.prev = this._head.prev; = entry; = entry; this._size += 1; }, 'delete': function(key) { var head = this._head, i = head; var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path if (typeof this._storage[fkey] === 'undefined') { return false; } i = this._storage[fkey].prev; delete this._storage[fkey]; // fall through } while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { i.key = i.value = empty; =; = i.prev; this._size -= 1; return true; } } return false; }, clear: function() { this._size = 0; this._storage = emptyObject(); var head = this._head, i = head, p =; while ((i = p) !== head) { i.key = i.value = empty; p =; = i.prev = head; } = head.prev = head; }, keys: function() { return new MapIterator(this, "key"); }, values: function() { return new MapIterator(this, "value"); }, entries: function() { return new MapIterator(this, "key+value"); }, forEach: function(callback) { var context = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : null; var it = this.entries(); for (var entry =; !entry.done; entry = {, entry.value[1], entry.value[0], this); } } }); addIterator(Map.prototype, function() { return this.entries(); }); return Map; })(), Set: (function() { // Creating a Map is expensive. To speed up the common case of // Sets containing only string or numeric keys, we use an object // as backing storage and lazily create a full Map only when // required. var SetShim = function Set(iterable) { var set = this; set = emulateES6construct(set); if (!set._es6set) { throw new TypeError('bad set'); } defineProperties(set, { '[[SetData]]': null, '_storage': emptyObject() }); // Optionally initialize map from iterable if (iterable !== undefined && iterable !== null) { var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); var adder = set.add; if (!ES.IsCallable(adder)) { throw new TypeError('bad set'); } while (true) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { break; } var nextItem = next.value;, nextItem); } } return set; }; var Set$prototype = SetShim.prototype; defineProperties(SetShim, { '@@create': function(obj) { var constructor = this; var prototype = constructor.prototype || Set$prototype; obj = obj || create(prototype); defineProperties(obj, { _es6set: true }); return obj; } }); // Switch from the object backing storage to a full Map. var ensureMap = function ensureMap(set) { if (!set['[[SetData]]']) { var m = set['[[SetData]]'] = new collectionShims.Map(); Object.keys(set._storage).forEach(function(k) { // fast check for leading '$' if (k.charCodeAt(0) === 36) { k = k.slice(1); } else { k = +k; } m.set(k, k); }); set._storage = null; // free old backing storage } }; Object.defineProperty(SetShim.prototype, 'size', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { if (typeof this._storage === 'undefined') { // throw new TypeError('size method called on incompatible Set'); } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].size; } }); defineProperties(SetShim.prototype, { has: function(key) { var fkey; if (this._storage && (fkey = fastkey(key)) !== null) { return !!this._storage[fkey]; } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].has(key); }, add: function(key) { var fkey; if (this._storage && (fkey = fastkey(key)) !== null) { this._storage[fkey]=true; return; } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].set(key, key); }, 'delete': function(key) { var fkey; if (this._storage && (fkey = fastkey(key)) !== null) { delete this._storage[fkey]; return; } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]']['delete'](key); }, clear: function() { if (this._storage) { this._storage = emptyObject(); return; } return this['[[SetData]]'].clear(); }, keys: function() { ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].keys(); }, values: function() { ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].values(); }, entries: function() { ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].entries(); }, forEach: function(callback) { var context = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : null; var entireSet = this; ensureMap(this); this['[[SetData]]'].forEach(function(value, key) {, key, key, entireSet); }); } }); addIterator(SetShim.prototype, function() { return this.values(); }); return SetShim; })() }; defineProperties(globals, collectionShims); if (globals.Map || globals.Set) { /* - In Firefox < 23, Map#size is a function. - In all current Firefox, Set#entries/keys/values & Map#clear do not exist - - In Firefox 24, Map and Set do not implement forEach - In Firefox 25 at least, Map and Set are callable without "new" */ if ( typeof globals.Map.prototype.clear !== 'function' || new globals.Set().size !== 0 || new globals.Map().size !== 0 || typeof globals.Map.prototype.keys !== 'function' || typeof globals.Set.prototype.keys !== 'function' || typeof globals.Map.prototype.forEach !== 'function' || typeof globals.Set.prototype.forEach !== 'function' || isCallableWithoutNew(globals.Map) || isCallableWithoutNew(globals.Set) || !supportsSubclassing(globals.Map, function(M) { return (new M([])) instanceof M; }) ) { globals.Map = collectionShims.Map; globals.Set = collectionShims.Set; } } // Shim incomplete iterator implementations. addIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf((new globals.Map()).keys())); addIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf((new globals.Set()).keys())); } }; main(); // CommonJS and <script> });
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events */ /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid */ /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content */ /* eslint-disable react/jsx-no-target-blank */ // TODO: re-enable rules import React from 'react'; import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { useTranslation } from '../../helpers/translation'; import ColorBlindCheckbox from '../../components/colorblindcheckbox'; import SocialButtons from './socialbuttons'; const Container = styled.div` @media (max-width: 767px) { display: none !important; } `; export default () => { const { __ } = useTranslation(); const { search } = useLocation(); return ( <Container className="info-text"> <ColorBlindCheckbox /> <p> {__('panel-initial-text.thisproject')} {' '} <a href="" target="_blank"> {__('panel-initial-text.opensource')} </a> {' '}( {__('panel-initial-text.see')} {' '} <a href="" target="_blank"> {__('panel-initial-text.datasources')} </a> ).{' '} <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: __( 'panel-initial-text.contribute', '', ), }} /> . </p> <p> {__('footer.foundbugs')} <a href="" target="_blank">{__('')}</a>.<br /> </p> <p> {__('footer.faq-text')} {' '} <Link to={{ pathname: '/faq', search }}> <span className="faq-link">{__('footer.faq')}</span> </Link> </p> <SocialButtons /> </Container> )};
import React from 'react'; import Menu from 'material-ui/Menu'; import MenuItem from 'material-ui/MenuItem'; import ArrowDropRight from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation-arrow-drop-right'; import FontIcon from 'material-ui/FontIcon'; export const AllCategoriesListItems = ({ parentCategories, categories, clickHandler }) => ( <Menu> { => <MenuItem key={parentCat._id} primaryText={} rightIcon={<ArrowDropRight />} menuItems={ categories.filter(child => child.parent === parentCat._id).map(cat => <MenuItem name={} alt={cat.iconClass} primaryText={} leftIcon={<FontIcon className={cat.iconClass}></FontIcon>} onClick={clickHandler} id={cat._id} /> )} /> ) } </Menu> );
import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { getAlerts } from 'actions'; import { Alerts } from 'alert'; class AdminAlertHistoryPage extends React.Component { componentWillMount() { this.props.getAlerts(); } render() { let { alerts } = this.props; return ( <Alerts alerts={alerts} role='admin' title='Alert History' /> ) } } function mapStateToProps(state) { return { alerts: state.alerts } } export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getAlerts })(AdminAlertHistoryPage);
import React from 'react'; import Panel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Panel'; import Accordion from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Accordion'; import {Link} from 'react-router'; import Table from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Table'; import {NotificationContainer, NotificationManager} from 'react-notifications'; import {DATETIME_FORMAT} from './appConstants.js'; var TestRepairNote = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { items: [], isVisible: true }; }, render: function () { var item =; return ( <tr> <td>{item.date_created ? moment(item.date_created).utcOffset(0).format(DATETIME_FORMAT) : ""}</td> <td> <span title={item.description}> {item.description ? item.description.substring(0, 100) : ""} </span> </td> <td> <span title={item.remark}> {item.remark ? item.remark.substring(0, 100) : ""} </span> </td> <td>{item.user ? ""}</td> <td> <a href="javascript:void(0)" className="btn btn-primary btn-xs"> <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"> </span> </a> &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0)" className="btn btn-danger btn-xs"> <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"> </span> </a> </td> </tr> ); } }); var GroupedRepairNotesList = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { items: [], isVisible: true, accordionOpen: false }; }, handleChange: function (event, index, value) { this.setState({ value: }) }, edit: function () { this.props.editTestForm(; }, _changeAccordionState: function (state) { this.setState({accordionOpen: state}); }, render: function () { var recommendations = []; var testTypeId = this.props.testTypeId; var panelClass = "pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-" + (this.state.accordionOpen ? "up" : "down"); for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var item =[i]; recommendations.push(<TestRepairNote key={} data={item} reloadList={this.props.reloadList}/>) } return ( <Accordion> <Panel header={<h3>{this.props.header}<span className={panelClass}></span></h3>} key={"repairNotes" + testTypeId} eventKey={"repairNotes" + testTypeId} onEnter={() => this._changeAccordionState(true)} onExit={() => this._changeAccordionState(false)}> <Table responsive hover id="test_repair"> <thead> <tr> <th className="col-md-3">Created on</th> <th className="col-md-3">Description</th> <th className="col-md-3">Remark</th> <th className="col-md-2">Created by</th> <th className="col-md-1">Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {recommendations} </tbody> </Table> </Panel> </Accordion> ); } }); var RepairNotesList = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { repair_notes: [], isVisible: true, accordionOpen: false } }, componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) { var testResultId = nextProps.testResultId; if (testResultId && testResultId != this.props.testResultId) { this._updateList(testResultId); } }, _updateList: function (testResultId) { var urlParams = '&test_result_id=' + testResultId; var url = '/api/v1.0/test_repair_note/?' + urlParams; this.serverRequest = $.authorizedGet(url, function (result) { this.setState({ repair_notes: result['result'] }); }.bind(this), 'json'); }, componentWillUnmount: function () { if (this.serverRequest) { this.serverRequest.abort(); } }, reloadList: function (testResultId) { this._updateList(testResultId); }, _changeAccordionState: function (state) { this.setState({accordionOpen: state}); }, render: function () { var repairNotes = []; var repairNotesGroups = []; var panelClass = "pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-" + (this.state.accordionOpen ? "up" : "down"); for (var i = 0; i < this.state.repair_notes.length; i++) { var item = this.state.repair_notes[i]; if (item.test_type_id) { if (!repairNotesGroups[item.test_type_id]) { repairNotesGroups[item.test_type_id] = []; } repairNotesGroups[item.test_type_id].push(item); } } for (var i in repairNotesGroups) { repairNotes.push(<GroupedRepairNotesList key={i} testTypeId={i} data={repairNotesGroups[i]} reloadList={this.props.reloadList} header={repairNotesGroups[i][0]}/>) } return ( <div> <div className="row"> <Accordion> <Panel header={<h3>Test repair notes<span className={panelClass}></span></h3>} key="repairNotesBlock" eventKey="repairNotesBlock" onEnter={() => this._changeAccordionState(true)} onExit={() => this._changeAccordionState(false)}> {repairNotes} </Panel> </Accordion> </div> </div> ); } }); export default RepairNotesList;
import React from 'react'; import requireAuth from 'utils/require-auth'; import DialogActionCreators from 'actions/DialogActionCreators'; import JoinGroupActions from 'actions/JoinGroupActions'; import JoinGroupStore from 'stores/JoinGroupStore'; // eslint-disable-line class JoinGroup extends React.Component { static propTypes = { params: React.PropTypes.object }; static contextTypes = { router: React.PropTypes.func }; constructor(props) { super(props); JoinGroupActions.joinGroup(props.params.token) .then((peer) => { this.context.router.replaceWith('/'); DialogActionCreators.selectDialogPeer(peer); }).catch((e) => { console.warn(e, 'User is already a group member'); this.context.router.replaceWith('/'); }); } render() { return null; } } export default requireAuth(JoinGroup);
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ var Core = _dereq_('../lib/Core'), ShimIE8 = _dereq_('../lib/Shim.IE8'); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.ForerunnerDB = Core; } module.exports = Core; },{"../lib/Core":4,"../lib/Shim.IE8":25}],2:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); var BinaryTree = function (data, compareFunc, hashFunc) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; BinaryTree.prototype.init = function (data, index, compareFunc, hashFunc) { this._store = []; if (index !== undefined) { this.index(index); } if (compareFunc !== undefined) { this.compareFunc(compareFunc); } if (hashFunc !== undefined) { this.hashFunc(hashFunc); } if (data !== undefined) {; } }; Shared.addModule('BinaryTree', BinaryTree); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'compareFunc'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'hashFunc'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'indexDir'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'index', function (index) { if (index !== undefined) { if (!(index instanceof Array)) { // Convert the index object to an array of key val objects index = this.keys(index); } } return this.$, index); }); BinaryTree.prototype.keys = function (obj) { var i, keys = []; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { keys.push({ key: i, val: obj[i] }); } } return keys; }; = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._data = val; if (this._hashFunc) { this._hash = this._hashFunc(val); } return this; } return this._data; }; BinaryTree.prototype.push = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._store.push(val); return this; } return false; }; BinaryTree.prototype.pull = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { var index = this._store.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { this._store.splice(index, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * Default compare method. Can be overridden. * @param a * @param b * @returns {number} * @private */ BinaryTree.prototype._compareFunc = function (a, b) { // Loop the index array var i, indexData, result = 0; for (i = 0; i < this._index.length; i++) { indexData = this._index[i]; if (indexData.val === 1) { result = this.sortAsc(a[indexData.key], b[indexData.key]); } else if (indexData.val === -1) { result = this.sortDesc(a[indexData.key], b[indexData.key]); } if (result !== 0) { return result; } } return result; }; /** * Default hash function. Can be overridden. * @param obj * @private */ BinaryTree.prototype._hashFunc = function (obj) { /*var i, indexData, hash = ''; for (i = 0; i < this._index.length; i++) { indexData = this._index[i]; if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += obj[indexData.key]; } return hash;*/ return obj[this._index[0].key]; }; BinaryTree.prototype.insert = function (data) { var result, inserted, failed, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Insert array of data inserted = []; failed = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (this.insert(data[i])) { inserted.push(data[i]); } else { failed.push(data[i]); } } return { inserted: inserted, failed: failed }; } if (!this._data) { // Insert into this node (overwrite) as there is no data; //this.push(data); return true; } result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); if (result === 0) { this.push(data); // Less than this node if (this._left) { // Propagate down the left branch this._left.insert(data); } else { // Assign to left branch this._left = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); } return true; } if (result === -1) { // Greater than this node if (this._right) { // Propagate down the right branch this._right.insert(data); } else { // Assign to right branch this._right = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); } return true; } if (result === 1) { // Less than this node if (this._left) { // Propagate down the left branch this._left.insert(data); } else { // Assign to left branch this._left = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); } return true; } return false; }; BinaryTree.prototype.lookup = function (data, resultArr) { var result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); resultArr = resultArr || []; if (result === 0) { if (this._left) { this._left.lookup(data, resultArr); } resultArr.push(this._data); if (this._right) { this._right.lookup(data, resultArr); } } if (result === -1) { if (this._right) { this._right.lookup(data, resultArr); } } if (result === 1) { if (this._left) { this._left.lookup(data, resultArr); } } return resultArr; }; BinaryTree.prototype.inOrder = function (type, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.inOrder(type, resultArr); } switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'key': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._key, arr: this._store }); break; } if (this._right) { this._right.inOrder(type, resultArr); } return resultArr; }; Shared.finishModule('BinaryTree'); module.exports = BinaryTree; },{"./Shared":24}],3:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared, Db, Metrics, KeyValueStore, Path, IndexHashMap, IndexBinaryTree, Crc, Overload, ReactorIO; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new collection. Collections store multiple documents and * handle CRUD against those documents. * @constructor */ var Collection = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Collection.prototype.init = function (name, options) { this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._primaryIndex = new KeyValueStore('primary'); this._primaryCrc = new KeyValueStore('primaryCrc'); this._crcLookup = new KeyValueStore('crcLookup'); this._name = name; this._data = []; this._metrics = new Metrics(); this._options = options || { changeTimestamp: false }; // Create an object to store internal protected data this._metaData = {}; this._deferQueue = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [], upsert: [] }; this._deferThreshold = { insert: 100, update: 100, remove: 100, upsert: 100 }; this._deferTime = { insert: 1, update: 1, remove: 1, upsert: 1 }; // Set the subset to itself since it is the root collection this.subsetOf(this); }; Shared.addModule('Collection', Collection); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.CRUD'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Matching'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Updating'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics'); KeyValueStore = _dereq_('./KeyValueStore'); Path = _dereq_('./Path'); IndexHashMap = _dereq_('./IndexHashMap'); IndexBinaryTree = _dereq_('./IndexBinaryTree'); Crc = _dereq_('./Crc'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); ReactorIO = _dereq_('./ReactorIO'); /** * Returns a checksum of a string. * @param {String} string The string to checksum. * @return {String} The checksum generated. */ Collection.prototype.crc = Crc; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the collection. * @param {String=} val The name of the collection to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets the metadata stored in the collection. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'metaData'); /** * Get the data array that represents the collection's data. * This data is returned by reference and should not be altered outside * of the provided CRUD functionality of the collection as doing so * may cause unstable index behaviour within the collection. * @returns {Array} */ = function () { return this._data; }; /** * Drops a collection and all it's stored data from the database. * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ Collection.prototype.drop = function (callback) { var key; if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._db && this._db._collection && this._name) { if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Dropping'); } this._state = 'dropped'; this.emit('drop', this); delete this._db._collection[this._name]; // Remove any reactor IO chain links if (this._collate) { for (key in this._collate) { if (this._collate.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.collateRemove(key); } } } delete this._primaryKey; delete this._primaryIndex; delete this._primaryCrc; delete this._crcLookup; delete this._name; delete this._data; delete this._metrics; if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return true; } } else { if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return true; } if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the primary key for this collection. * @param {String=} keyName The name of the primary key. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.primaryKey = function (keyName) { if (keyName !== undefined) { if (this._primaryKey !== keyName) { this._primaryKey = keyName; // Set the primary key index primary key this._primaryIndex.primaryKey(keyName); // Rebuild the primary key index this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(); } return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Handles insert events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} inserted An array of inserted documents. * @param {Array} failed An array of documents that failed to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onInsert = function (inserted, failed) { this.emit('insert', inserted, failed); }; /** * Handles update events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} items An array of updated documents. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onUpdate = function (items) { this.emit('update', items); }; /** * Handles remove events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} items An array of removed documents. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onRemove = function (items) { this.emit('remove', items); }; /** * Handles any change to the collection. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onChange = function () { if (this._options.changeTimestamp) { // Record the last change timestamp this._metaData.lastChange = new Date(); } }; /** * Gets / sets the db instance this class instance belongs to. * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'db', function (db) { if (db) { if (this.primaryKey() === '_id') { // Set primary key to the db's key by default this.primaryKey(db.primaryKey()); // Apply the same debug settings this.debug(db.debug()); } } return this.$super.apply(this, arguments); }); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); /** * Sets the collection's data to the array / documents passed. If any * data already exists in the collection it will be removed before the * new data is set. * @param {Array|Object} data The array of documents or a single document * that will be set as the collections data. * @param options Optional options object. * @param callback Optional callback function. */ Collection.prototype.setData = function (data, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (data) { var op = this._metrics.create('setData'); op.start(); options = this.options(options); this.preSetData(data, options, callback); if (options.$decouple) { data = this.decouple(data); } if (!(data instanceof Array)) { data = [data]; } op.time('transformIn'); data = this.transformIn(data); op.time('transformIn'); var oldData = [].concat(this._data); this._dataReplace(data); // Update the primary key index op.time('Rebuild Primary Key Index'); this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(options); op.time('Rebuild Primary Key Index'); // Rebuild all other indexes op.time('Rebuild All Other Indexes'); this._rebuildIndexes(); op.time('Rebuild All Other Indexes'); op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('setData', data, {oldData: oldData}); op.time('Resolve chains'); op.stop(); this._onChange(); this.emit('setData', this._data, oldData); } if (callback) { callback(false); } return this; }; /** * Drops and rebuilds the primary key index for all documents in the collection. * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @private */ Collection.prototype.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex = function (options) { options = options || { $ensureKeys: undefined, $violationCheck: undefined }; var ensureKeys = options && options.$ensureKeys !== undefined ? options.$ensureKeys : true, violationCheck = options && options.$violationCheck !== undefined ? options.$violationCheck : true, arr, arrCount, arrItem, pIndex = this._primaryIndex, crcIndex = this._primaryCrc, crcLookup = this._crcLookup, pKey = this._primaryKey, jString; // Drop the existing primary index pIndex.truncate(); crcIndex.truncate(); crcLookup.truncate(); // Loop the data and check for a primary key in each object arr = this._data; arrCount = arr.length; while (arrCount--) { arrItem = arr[arrCount]; if (ensureKeys) { // Make sure the item has a primary key this.ensurePrimaryKey(arrItem); } if (violationCheck) { // Check for primary key violation if (!pIndex.uniqueSet(arrItem[pKey], arrItem)) { // Primary key violation throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Call to setData on collection failed because your data violates the primary key unique constraint. One or more documents are using the same primary key: ' + arrItem[this._primaryKey]); } } else { pIndex.set(arrItem[pKey], arrItem); } // Generate a CRC string jString = JSON.stringify(arrItem); crcIndex.set(arrItem[pKey], jString); crcLookup.set(jString, arrItem); } }; /** * Checks for a primary key on the document and assigns one if none * currently exists. * @param {Object} obj The object to check a primary key against. * @private */ Collection.prototype.ensurePrimaryKey = function (obj) { if (obj[this._primaryKey] === undefined) { // Assign a primary key automatically obj[this._primaryKey] = this.objectId(); } }; /** * Clears all data from the collection. * @returns {Collection} */ Collection.prototype.truncate = function () { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } this.emit('truncate', this._data); // Clear all the data from the collection this._data.length = 0; // Re-create the primary index data this._primaryIndex = new KeyValueStore('primary'); this._primaryCrc = new KeyValueStore('primaryCrc'); this._crcLookup = new KeyValueStore('crcLookup'); this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'truncate'}); return this; }; /** * Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. This will update * all matches for 'query' with the data held in 'update'. It will not overwrite * the matched documents with the update document. * * @param {Object} obj The document object to upsert or an array containing * documents to upsert. * * If the document contains a primary key field (based on the collections's primary * key) then the database will search for an existing document with a matching id. * If a matching document is found, the document will be updated. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with new data. Any keys * that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * * If the document does not contain an id or the id passed does not match an existing * document, an insert is performed instead. If no id is present a new primary key * id is provided for the item. * * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback method. * @returns {Object} An object containing two keys, "op" contains either "insert" or * "update" depending on the type of operation that was performed and "result" * contains the return data from the operation used. */ Collection.prototype.upsert = function (obj, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (obj) { var queue = this._deferQueue.upsert, deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold.upsert; var returnData = {}, query, i; // Determine if the object passed is an array or not if (obj instanceof Array) { if (obj.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up upsert into blocks this._deferQueue.upsert = queue.concat(obj); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue('upsert', callback); return {}; } else { // Loop the array and upsert each item returnData = []; for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { returnData.push(this.upsert(obj[i])); } if (callback) { callback(); } return returnData; } } // Determine if the operation is an insert or an update if (obj[this._primaryKey]) { // Check if an object with this primary key already exists query = {}; query[this._primaryKey] = obj[this._primaryKey]; if (this._primaryIndex.lookup(query)[0]) { // The document already exists with this id, this operation is an update returnData.op = 'update'; } else { // No document with this id exists, this operation is an insert returnData.op = 'insert'; } } else { // The document passed does not contain an id, this operation is an insert returnData.op = 'insert'; } switch (returnData.op) { case 'insert': returnData.result = this.insert(obj); break; case 'update': returnData.result = this.update(query, obj); break; default: break; } return returnData; } else { if (callback) { callback(); } } return {}; }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and returns an * array of documents that may have been modified by the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the results. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.filter = function (query, func, options) { return (this.find(query, options)).filter(func); }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and then executes * an update based on the return data of the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the update. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object passed to the initial find call. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.filterUpdate = function (query, func, options) { var items = this.find(query, options), results = [], singleItem, singleQuery, singleUpdate, pk = this.primaryKey(), i; for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { singleItem = items[i]; singleUpdate = func(singleItem); if (singleUpdate) { singleQuery = {}; singleQuery[pk] = singleItem[pk]; results.push(this.update(singleQuery, singleUpdate)); } } return results; }; /** * Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. This will update * all matches for 'query' with the data held in 'update'. It will not overwrite * the matched documents with the update document. * * @param {Object} query The query that must be matched for a document to be * operated on. * @param {Object} update The object containing updated key/values. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with this data. Any * keys that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.update = function (query, update, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // Decouple the update data update = this.decouple(update); // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); this.convertToFdb(update); } // Handle transform update = this.transformIn(update); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Updating some data'); } var self = this, op = this._metrics.create('update'), dataSet, updated, updateCall = function (referencedDoc) { var oldDoc = self.decouple(referencedDoc), newDoc, triggerOperation, result; if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { newDoc = self.decouple(referencedDoc); triggerOperation = { type: 'update', query: self.decouple(query), update: self.decouple(update), options: self.decouple(options), op: op }; // Update newDoc with the update criteria so we know what the data will look // like AFTER the update is processed result = self.updateObject(newDoc, triggerOperation.update, triggerOperation.query, triggerOperation.options, ''); if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_BEFORE, referencedDoc, newDoc) !== false) { // No triggers complained so let's execute the replacement of the existing // object with the new one result = self.updateObject(referencedDoc, newDoc, triggerOperation.query, triggerOperation.options, ''); // NOTE: If for some reason we would only like to fire this event if changes are actually going // to occur on the object from the proposed update then we can add "result &&" to the if self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_AFTER, oldDoc, newDoc); } else { // Trigger cancelled operation so tell result that it was not updated result = false; } } else { // No triggers complained so let's execute the replacement of the existing // object with the new one result = self.updateObject(referencedDoc, update, query, options, ''); } // Inform indexes of the change self._updateIndexes(oldDoc, referencedDoc); return result; }; op.start(); op.time('Retrieve documents to update'); dataSet = this.find(query, {$decouple: false}); op.time('Retrieve documents to update'); if (dataSet.length) { op.time('Update documents'); updated = dataSet.filter(updateCall); op.time('Update documents'); if (updated.length) { op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('update', { query: query, update: update, dataSet: dataSet }, options); op.time('Resolve chains'); this._onUpdate(updated); this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'update', data: updated}); } } op.stop(); // TODO: Should we decouple the updated array before return by default? return updated || []; }; /** * Replaces an existing object with data from the new object without * breaking data references. * @param {Object} currentObj The object to alter. * @param {Object} newObj The new object to overwrite the existing one with. * @returns {*} Chain. * @private */ Collection.prototype._replaceObj = function (currentObj, newObj) { var i; // Check if the new document has a different primary key value from the existing one // Remove item from indexes this._removeFromIndexes(currentObj); // Remove existing keys from current object for (i in currentObj) { if (currentObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete currentObj[i]; } } // Add new keys to current object for (i in newObj) { if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { currentObj[i] = newObj[i]; } } // Update the item in the primary index if (!this._insertIntoIndexes(currentObj)) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Primary key violation in update! Key violated: ' + currentObj[this._primaryKey]); } // Update the object in the collection data //this._data.splice(this._data.indexOf(currentObj), 1, newObj); return this; }; /** * Helper method to update a document from it's id. * @param {String} id The id of the document. * @param {Object} update The object containing the key/values to update to. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.updateById = function (id, update) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.update(searchObj, update); }; /** * Internal method for document updating. * @param {Object} doc The document to update. * @param {Object} update The object with key/value pairs to update the document with. * @param {Object} query The query object that we need to match to perform an update. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @param {String} path The current recursive path. * @param {String} opType The type of update operation to perform, if none is specified * default is to set new data against matching fields. * @returns {Boolean} True if the document was updated with new / changed data or * false if it was not updated because the data was the same. * @private */ Collection.prototype.updateObject = function (doc, update, query, options, path, opType) { // TODO: This method is long, try to break it into smaller pieces update = this.decouple(update); // Clear leading dots from path path = path || ''; if (path.substr(0, 1) === '.') { path = path.substr(1, path.length -1); } //var oldDoc = this.decouple(doc), var updated = false, recurseUpdated = false, operation, tmpArray, tmpIndex, tmpCount, tempIndex, pathInstance, sourceIsArray, updateIsArray, i; // Loop each key in the update object for (i in update) { if (update.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Reset operation flag operation = false; // Check if the property starts with a dollar (function) if (i.substr(0, 1) === '$') { // Check for commands switch (i) { case '$key': case '$index': case '$data': case '$min': case '$max': // Ignore some operators operation = true; break; case '$each': operation = true; // Loop over the array of updates and run each one tmpCount = update.$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc, update.$each[tmpIndex], query, options, path); if (recurseUpdated) { updated = true; } } updated = updated || recurseUpdated; break; default: operation = true; // Now run the operation recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc, update[i], query, options, path, i); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; break; } } // Check if the key has a .$ at the end, denoting an array lookup if (this._isPositionalKey(i)) { operation = true; // Modify i to be the name of the field i = i.substr(0, i.length - 2); pathInstance = new Path(path + '.' + i); // Check if the key is an array and has items if (doc[i] && doc[i] instanceof Array && doc[i].length) { tmpArray = []; // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], pathInstance.value(query)[0], options, '', {})) { tmpArray.push(tmpIndex); } } // Loop the items that matched and update them for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpArray.length; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i][tmpArray[tmpIndex]], update[i + '.$'], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } } if (!operation) { if (!opType && typeof(update[i]) === 'object') { if (doc[i] !== null && typeof(doc[i]) === 'object') { // Check if we are dealing with arrays sourceIsArray = doc[i] instanceof Array; updateIsArray = update[i] instanceof Array; if (sourceIsArray || updateIsArray) { // Check if the update is an object and the doc is an array if (!updateIsArray && sourceIsArray) { // Update is an object, source is an array so match the array items // with our query object to find the one to update inside this array // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } else { // Either both source and update are arrays or the update is // an array and the source is not, so set source to update if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } } } else { // The doc key is an object so traverse the // update further recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i], update[i], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } else { if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } } } else { switch (opType) { case '$inc': var doUpdate = true; // Check for a $min / $max operator if (update[i] > 0) { if (update.$max) { // Check current value if (doc[i] >= update.$max) { // Don't update doUpdate = false; } } } else if (update[i] < 0) { if (update.$min) { // Check current value if (doc[i] <= update.$min) { // Don't update doUpdate = false; } } } if (doUpdate) { this._updateIncrement(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } break; case '$cast': // Casts a property to the type specified if it is not already // that type. If the cast is an array or an object and the property // is not already that type a new array or object is created and // set to the property, overwriting the previous value switch (update[i]) { case 'array': if (!(doc[i] instanceof Array)) { // Cast to an array this._updateProperty(doc, i, update.$data || []); updated = true; } break; case 'object': if (!(doc[i] instanceof Object) || (doc[i] instanceof Array)) { // Cast to an object this._updateProperty(doc, i, update.$data || {}); updated = true; } break; case 'number': if (typeof doc[i] !== 'number') { // Cast to a number this._updateProperty(doc, i, Number(doc[i])); updated = true; } break; case 'string': if (typeof doc[i] !== 'string') { // Cast to a string this._updateProperty(doc, i, String(doc[i])); updated = true; } break; default: throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot update cast to unknown type: ' + update[i]); } break; case '$push': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Check for a $position modifier with an $each if (update[i].$position !== undefined && update[i].$each instanceof Array) { // Grab the position to insert at tempIndex = update[i].$position; // Loop the each array and push each item tmpCount = update[i].$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { this._updateSplicePush(doc[i], tempIndex + tmpIndex, update[i].$each[tmpIndex]); } } else if (update[i].$each instanceof Array) { // Do a loop over the each to push multiple items tmpCount = update[i].$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i].$each[tmpIndex]); } } else { // Do a standard push this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i]); } updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot push to a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$pull': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { tmpArray = []; // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], options, '', {})) { tmpArray.push(tmpIndex); } } tmpCount = tmpArray.length; // Now loop the pull array and remove items to be pulled while (tmpCount--) { this._updatePull(doc[i], tmpArray[tmpCount]); updated = true; } } break; case '$pullAll': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { if (update[i] instanceof Array) { tmpArray = doc[i]; tmpCount = tmpArray.length; if (tmpCount > 0) { // Now loop the pull array and remove items to be pulled while (tmpCount--) { for (tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < update[i].length; tempIndex++) { if (tmpArray[tmpCount] === update[i][tempIndex]) { this._updatePull(doc[i], tmpCount); tmpCount--; updated = true; } } if (tmpCount < 0) { break; } } } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot pullAll without being given an array of values to pull! (' + i + ')'); } } break; case '$addToSet': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Loop the target array and check for existence of item var targetArr = doc[i], targetArrIndex, targetArrCount = targetArr.length, objHash, addObj = true, optionObj = (options && options.$addToSet), hashMode, pathSolver; // Check if we have an options object for our operation if (update[i].$key) { hashMode = false; pathSolver = new Path(update[i].$key); objHash = pathSolver.value(update[i])[0]; // Remove the key from the object before we add it delete update[i].$key; } else if (optionObj && optionObj.key) { hashMode = false; pathSolver = new Path(optionObj.key); objHash = pathSolver.value(update[i])[0]; } else { objHash = JSON.stringify(update[i]); hashMode = true; } for (targetArrIndex = 0; targetArrIndex < targetArrCount; targetArrIndex++) { if (hashMode) { // Check if objects match via a string hash (JSON) if (JSON.stringify(targetArr[targetArrIndex]) === objHash) { // The object already exists, don't add it addObj = false; break; } } else { // Check if objects match based on the path if (objHash === pathSolver.value(targetArr[targetArrIndex])[0]) { // The object already exists, don't add it addObj = false; break; } } } if (addObj) { this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i]); updated = true; } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot addToSet on a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$splicePush': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { tempIndex = update.$index; if (tempIndex !== undefined) { delete update.$index; // Check for out of bounds index if (tempIndex > doc[i].length) { tempIndex = doc[i].length; } this._updateSplicePush(doc[i], tempIndex, update[i]); updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot splicePush without a $index integer value!'); } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot splicePush with a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$move': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], options, '', {})) { var moveToIndex = update.$index; if (moveToIndex !== undefined) { delete update.$index; this._updateSpliceMove(doc[i], tmpIndex, moveToIndex); updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot move without a $index integer value!'); } break; } } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot move on a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$mul': this._updateMultiply(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$rename': this._updateRename(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$overwrite': this._updateOverwrite(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$unset': this._updateUnset(doc, i); updated = true; break; case '$clear': this._updateClear(doc, i); updated = true; break; case '$pop': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { if (this._updatePop(doc[i], update[i])) { updated = true; } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot pop from a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$toggle': // Toggle the boolean property between true and false this._updateProperty(doc, i, !doc[i]); updated = true; break; default: if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } break; } } } } } return updated; }; /** * Determines if the passed key has an array positional mark (a dollar at the end * of its name). * @param {String} key The key to check. * @returns {Boolean} True if it is a positional or false if not. * @private */ Collection.prototype._isPositionalKey = function (key) { return key.substr(key.length - 2, 2) === '.$'; }; /** * Removes any documents from the collection that match the search query * key/values. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @param {Function=} callback A callback method. * @returns {Array} An array of the documents that were removed. */ Collection.prototype.remove = function (query, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } var self = this, dataSet, index, arrIndex, returnArr, removeMethod, triggerOperation, doc, newDoc; if (typeof(options) === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); } if (query instanceof Array) { returnArr = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < query.length; arrIndex++) { returnArr.push(this.remove(query[arrIndex], {noEmit: true})); } if (!options || (options && !options.noEmit)) { this._onRemove(returnArr); } if (callback) { callback(false, returnArr); } return returnArr; } else { dataSet = this.find(query, {$decouple: false}); if (dataSet.length) { removeMethod = function (dataItem) { // Remove the item from the collection's indexes self._removeFromIndexes(dataItem); // Remove data from internal stores index = self._data.indexOf(dataItem); self._dataRemoveAtIndex(index); }; // Remove the data from the collection for (var i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) { doc = dataSet[i]; if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { triggerOperation = { type: 'remove' }; newDoc = self.decouple(doc); if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_BEFORE, newDoc, newDoc) !== false) { // The trigger didn't ask to cancel so execute the removal method removeMethod(doc); self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_AFTER, newDoc, newDoc); } } else { // No triggers to execute removeMethod(doc); } } //op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('remove', { query: query, dataSet: dataSet }, options); //op.time('Resolve chains'); if (!options || (options && !options.noEmit)) { this._onRemove(dataSet); } this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'remove', data: dataSet}); } if (callback) { callback(false, dataSet); } return dataSet; } }; /** * Helper method that removes a document that matches the given id. * @param {String} id The id of the document to remove. * @returns {Array} An array of documents that were removed. */ Collection.prototype.removeById = function (id) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.remove(searchObj); }; /** * Processes a deferred action queue. * @param {String} type The queue name to process. * @param {Function} callback A method to call when the queue has processed. * @param {Object=} resultObj A temp object to hold results in. */ Collection.prototype.processQueue = function (type, callback, resultObj) { var self = this, queue = this._deferQueue[type], deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold[type], deferTime = this._deferTime[type], dataArr, result; resultObj = resultObj || { deferred: true }; if (queue.length) { // Process items up to the threshold if (queue.length) { if (queue.length > deferThreshold) { // Grab items up to the threshold value dataArr = queue.splice(0, deferThreshold); } else { // Grab all the remaining items dataArr = queue.splice(0, queue.length); } result = self[type](dataArr); switch (type) { case 'insert': resultObj.inserted = resultObj.inserted || []; resultObj.failed = resultObj.failed || []; resultObj.inserted = resultObj.inserted.concat(result.inserted); resultObj.failed = resultObj.failed.concat(result.failed); break; } } // Queue another process setTimeout(function () {, type, callback, resultObj); }, deferTime); } else { if (callback) { callback(resultObj); } } // Check if all queues are complete if (!this.isProcessingQueue()) { this.emit('queuesComplete'); } }; /** * Checks if any CRUD operations have been deferred and are still waiting to * be processed. * @returns {Boolean} True if there are still deferred CRUD operations to process * or false if all queues are clear. */ Collection.prototype.isProcessingQueue = function () { var i; for (i in this._deferQueue) { if (this._deferQueue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this._deferQueue[i].length) { return true; } } } return false; }; /** * Inserts a document or array of documents into the collection. * @param {Object|Array} data Either a document object or array of document * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the record at. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback called once action is complete. * objects to insert into the collection. */ Collection.prototype.insert = function (data, index, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (typeof(index) === 'function') { callback = index; index = this._data.length; } else if (index === undefined) { index = this._data.length; } data = this.transformIn(data); return this._insertHandle(data, index, callback); }; /** * Inserts a document or array of documents into the collection. * @param {Object|Array} data Either a document object or array of document * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the record at. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback called once action is complete. * objects to insert into the collection. */ Collection.prototype._insertHandle = function (data, index, callback) { var //self = this, queue = this._deferQueue.insert, deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold.insert, //deferTime = this._deferTime.insert, inserted = [], failed = [], insertResult, resultObj, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Check if there are more insert items than the insert defer // threshold, if so, break up inserts so we don't tie up the // ui or thread if (data.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up insert into blocks this._deferQueue.insert = queue.concat(data); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue('insert', callback); return; } else { // Loop the array and add items for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { insertResult = this._insert(data[i], index + i); if (insertResult === true) { inserted.push(data[i]); } else { failed.push({ doc: data[i], reason: insertResult }); } } } } else { // Store the data item insertResult = this._insert(data, index); if (insertResult === true) { inserted.push(data); } else { failed.push({ doc: data, reason: insertResult }); } } //op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('insert', data, {index: index}); //op.time('Resolve chains'); resultObj = { deferred: false, inserted: inserted, failed: failed }; this._onInsert(inserted, failed); if (callback) { callback(resultObj); } this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'insert', data: inserted}); return resultObj; }; /** * Internal method to insert a document into the collection. Will * check for index violations before allowing the document to be inserted. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert after passing index violation * tests. * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the document at. * @returns {Boolean|Object} True on success, false if no document passed, * or an object containing details about an index violation if one occurred. * @private */ Collection.prototype._insert = function (doc, index) { if (doc) { var self = this, indexViolation, triggerOperation, insertMethod, newDoc; this.ensurePrimaryKey(doc); // Check indexes are not going to be broken by the document indexViolation = this.insertIndexViolation(doc); insertMethod = function (doc) { // Add the item to the collection's indexes self._insertIntoIndexes(doc); // Check index overflow if (index > self._data.length) { index = self._data.length; } // Insert the document self._dataInsertAtIndex(index, doc); }; if (!indexViolation) { if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { triggerOperation = { type: 'insert' }; if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_BEFORE, {}, doc) !== false) { insertMethod(doc); if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { // Clone the doc so that the programmer cannot update the internal document // on the "after" phase trigger newDoc = self.decouple(doc); self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER, {}, newDoc); } } else { // The trigger just wants to cancel the operation return false; } } else { // No triggers to execute insertMethod(doc); } return true; } else { return 'Index violation in index: ' + indexViolation; } } return 'No document passed to insert'; }; /** * Inserts a document into the internal collection data array at * Inserts a document into the internal collection data array at * the specified index. * @param {number} index The index to insert at. * @param {object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataInsertAtIndex = function (index, doc) { this._data.splice(index, 0, doc); }; /** * Removes a document from the internal collection data array at * the specified index. * @param {number} index The index to remove from. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataRemoveAtIndex = function (index) { this._data.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Replaces all data in the collection's internal data array with * the passed array of data. * @param {array} data The array of data to replace existing data with. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataReplace = function (data) { // Clear the array - using a while loop with pop is by far the // fastest way to clear an array currently while (this._data.length) { this._data.pop(); } // Append new items to the array this._data = this._data.concat(data); }; /** * Inserts a document into the collection indexes. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._insertIntoIndexes = function (doc) { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, violated, jString = JSON.stringify(doc); // Insert to primary key index violated = this._primaryIndex.uniqueSet(doc[this._primaryKey], doc); this._primaryCrc.uniqueSet(doc[this._primaryKey], jString); this._crcLookup.uniqueSet(jString, doc); // Insert into other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].insert(doc); } } return violated; }; /** * Removes a document from the collection indexes. * @param {Object} doc The document to remove. * @private */ Collection.prototype._removeFromIndexes = function (doc) { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, jString = JSON.stringify(doc); // Remove from primary key index this._primaryIndex.unSet(doc[this._primaryKey]); this._primaryCrc.unSet(doc[this._primaryKey]); this._crcLookup.unSet(jString); // Remove from other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].remove(doc); } } }; /** * Updates collection index data for the passed document. * @param {Object} oldDoc The old document as it was before the update. * @param {Object} newDoc The document as it now is after the update. * @private */ Collection.prototype._updateIndexes = function (oldDoc, newDoc) { this._removeFromIndexes(oldDoc); this._insertIntoIndexes(newDoc); }; /** * Rebuild collection indexes. * @private */ Collection.prototype._rebuildIndexes = function () { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex; // Remove from other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].rebuild(); } } }; /** * Uses the passed query to generate a new collection with results * matching the query parameters. * * @param {Object} query The query object to generate the subset with. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.subset = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options); return new Collection() .subsetOf(this) .primaryKey(this._primaryKey) .setData(result); }; /** * Gets / sets the collection that this collection is a subset of. * @param {Collection=} collection The collection to set as the parent of this subset. * @returns {Collection} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'subsetOf'); /** * Checks if the collection is a subset of the passed collection. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to test against. * @returns {Boolean} True if the passed collection is the parent of * the current collection. */ Collection.prototype.isSubsetOf = function (collection) { return this._subsetOf === collection; }; /** * Find the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection and * returns the results in an array. * @param {String} key The field path to return distinct values for e.g. "". * @param {Object=} query The query to use to filter the documents used to return values from. * @param {Object=} options The query options to use when running the query. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.distinct = function (key, query, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } var data = this.find(query, options), pathSolver = new Path(key), valueUsed = {}, distinctValues = [], value, i; // Loop the data and build array of distinct values for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { value = pathSolver.value(data[i])[0]; if (value && !valueUsed[value]) { valueUsed[value] = true; distinctValues.push(value); } } return distinctValues; }; /** * Helper method to find a document by it's id. * @param {String} id The id of the document. * @param {Object=} options The options object, allowed keys are sort and limit. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.findById = function (id, options) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.find(searchObj, options)[0]; }; /** * Finds all documents that contain the passed string or search object * regardless of where the string might occur within the document. This * will match strings from the start, middle or end of the document's * string (partial match). * @param search The string to search for. Case sensitive. * @param options A standard find() options object. * @returns {Array} An array of documents that matched the search string. */ Collection.prototype.peek = function (search, options) { // Loop all items var arr = this._data, arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, arrItem, tempColl = new Collection(), typeOfSearch = typeof search; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { // Get json representation of object arrItem = JSON.stringify(arr[arrIndex]); // Check if string exists in object json if (arrItem.indexOf(search) > -1) { // Add this item to the temp collection tempColl.insert(arr[arrIndex]); } } return tempColl.find({}, options); } else { return this.find(search, options); } }; /** * Provides a query plan / operations log for a query. * @param {Object} query The query to execute. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Object} The query plan. */ Collection.prototype.explain = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options); return result.__fdbOp._data; }; /** * Generates an options object with default values or adds default * values to a passed object if those values are not currently set * to anything. * @param {object=} obj Optional options object to modify. * @returns {object} The options object. */ Collection.prototype.options = function (obj) { obj = obj || {}; obj.$decouple = obj.$decouple !== undefined ? obj.$decouple : true; obj.$explain = obj.$explain !== undefined ? obj.$explain : false; return obj; }; /** * Queries the collection based on the query object passed. * @param {Object} query The query key/values that a document must match in * order for it to be returned in the result array. * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @param {Function=} callback !! DO NOT USE, THIS IS NON-OPERATIONAL !! * Optional callback. If specified the find process * will not return a value and will assume that you wish to operate under an * async mode. This will break up large find requests into smaller chunks and * process them in a non-blocking fashion allowing large datasets to be queried * without causing the browser UI to pause. Results from this type of operation * will be passed back to the callback once completed. * * @returns {Array} The results array from the find operation, containing all * documents that matched the query. */ Collection.prototype.find = function (query, options, callback) { // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); } if (callback) { // Check the size of the collection's data array // Split operation into smaller tasks and callback when complete callback('Callbacks for the find() operation are not yet implemented!', []); return []; } return this._find.apply(this, arguments); }; Collection.prototype._find = function (query, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // TODO: This method is quite long, break into smaller pieces query = query || {}; options = this.options(options); var op = this._metrics.create('find'), pk = this.primaryKey(), self = this, analysis, scanLength, requiresTableScan = true, resultArr, joinCollectionIndex, joinIndex, joinCollection = {}, joinQuery, joinPath, joinCollectionName, joinCollectionInstance, joinMatch, joinMatchIndex, joinSearchQuery, joinSearchOptions, joinMulti, joinRequire, joinFindResults, joinFindResult, joinItem, joinPrefix, resultCollectionName, resultIndex, resultRemove = [], index, i, j, k, l, fieldListOn = [], fieldListOff = [], elemMatchPathSolver, elemMatchSubArr, elemMatchSpliceArr, matcherTmpOptions = {}, result, cursor = {}, matcher = function (doc) { return self._match(doc, query, options, 'and', matcherTmpOptions); }; op.start(); if (query) { // Get query analysis to execute best optimised code path op.time('analyseQuery'); analysis = this._analyseQuery(self.decouple(query), options, op); op.time('analyseQuery');'analysis', analysis); if (analysis.hasJoin && analysis.queriesJoin) { // The query has a join and tries to limit by it's joined data // Get an instance reference to the join collections op.time('joinReferences'); for (joinIndex = 0; joinIndex < analysis.joinsOn.length; joinIndex++) { joinCollectionName = analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]; joinPath = new Path(analysis.joinQueries[joinCollectionName]); joinQuery = joinPath.value(query)[0]; joinCollection[analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]] = this._db.collection(analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]).subset(joinQuery); // Remove join clause from main query delete query[analysis.joinQueries[joinCollectionName]]; } op.time('joinReferences'); } // Check if an index lookup can be used to return this result if (analysis.indexMatch.length && (!options || (options && !options.$skipIndex))) {'index.potential', analysis.indexMatch);'index.used', analysis.indexMatch[0].index); // Get the data from the index op.time('indexLookup'); resultArr = analysis.indexMatch[0].lookup || []; op.time('indexLookup'); // Check if the index coverage is all keys, if not we still need to table scan it if (analysis.indexMatch[0].keyData.totalKeyCount === analysis.indexMatch[0].keyData.score) { // Don't require a table scan to find relevant documents requiresTableScan = false; } } else { op.flag('usedIndex', false); } if (requiresTableScan) { if (resultArr && resultArr.length) { scanLength = resultArr.length; op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); // Filter the source data and return the result resultArr = resultArr.filter(matcher); } else { // Filter the source data and return the result scanLength = this._data.length; op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); resultArr = this._data.filter(matcher); } op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); } // Order the array if we were passed a sort clause if (options.$orderBy) { op.time('sort'); resultArr = this.sort(options.$orderBy, resultArr); op.time('sort'); } if (options.$page !== undefined && options.$limit !== undefined) { // Record paging data = options.$page; cursor.pages = Math.ceil(resultArr.length / options.$limit); cursor.records = resultArr.length; // Check if we actually need to apply the paging logic if (options.$page && options.$limit > 0) {'cursor', cursor); // Skip to the page specified based on limit resultArr.splice(0, options.$page * options.$limit); } } if (options.$skip) { cursor.skip = options.$skip; // Skip past the number of records specified resultArr.splice(0, options.$skip);'skip', options.$skip); } if (options.$limit && resultArr && resultArr.length > options.$limit) { cursor.limit = options.$limit; resultArr.length = options.$limit;'limit', options.$limit); } if (options.$decouple) { // Now decouple the data from the original objects op.time('decouple'); resultArr = this.decouple(resultArr); op.time('decouple');'flag.decouple', true); } // Now process any joins on the final data if (options.$join) { for (joinCollectionIndex = 0; joinCollectionIndex < options.$join.length; joinCollectionIndex++) { for (joinCollectionName in options.$join[joinCollectionIndex]) { if (options.$join[joinCollectionIndex].hasOwnProperty(joinCollectionName)) { // Set the key to store the join result in to the collection name by default resultCollectionName = joinCollectionName; // Get the join collection instance from the DB if (joinCollection[joinCollectionName]) { joinCollectionInstance = joinCollection[joinCollectionName]; } else { joinCollectionInstance = this._db.collection(joinCollectionName); } // Get the match data for the join joinMatch = options.$join[joinCollectionIndex][joinCollectionName]; // Loop our result data array for (resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < resultArr.length; resultIndex++) { // Loop the join conditions and build a search object from them joinSearchQuery = {}; joinMulti = false; joinRequire = false; joinPrefix = ''; for (joinMatchIndex in joinMatch) { if (joinMatch.hasOwnProperty(joinMatchIndex)) { // Check the join condition name for a special command operator if (joinMatchIndex.substr(0, 1) === '$') { // Special command switch (joinMatchIndex) { case '$where': if (joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].query) { joinSearchQuery = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].query; } if (joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].options) { joinSearchOptions = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].options; } break; case '$as': // Rename the collection when stored in the result document resultCollectionName = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; case '$multi': // Return an array of documents instead of a single matching document joinMulti = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; case '$require': // Remove the result item if no matching join data is found joinRequire = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; case '$prefix': // Add a prefix to properties mixed in joinPrefix = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; default: break; } } else { // Get the data to match against and store in the search object // Resolve complex referenced query joinSearchQuery[joinMatchIndex] = self._resolveDynamicQuery(joinMatch[joinMatchIndex], resultArr[resultIndex]); } } } // Do a find on the target collection against the match data joinFindResults = joinCollectionInstance.find(joinSearchQuery, joinSearchOptions); // Check if we require a joined row to allow the result item if (!joinRequire || (joinRequire && joinFindResults[0])) { // Join is not required or condition is met if (resultCollectionName === '$root') { // The property name to store the join results in is $root // which means we need to mixin the results but this only // works if joinMulti is disabled if (joinMulti !== false) { // Throw an exception here as this join is not physically possible! throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot combine [$as: "$root"] with [$joinMulti: true] in $join clause!'); } // Mixin the result joinFindResult = joinFindResults[0]; joinItem = resultArr[resultIndex]; for (l in joinFindResult) { if (joinFindResult.hasOwnProperty(l) && joinItem[joinPrefix + l] === undefined) { // Properties are only mixed in if they do not already exist // in the target item (are undefined). Using a prefix denoted via // $prefix is a good way to prevent property name conflicts joinItem[joinPrefix + l] = joinFindResult[l]; } } } else { resultArr[resultIndex][resultCollectionName] = joinMulti === false ? joinFindResults[0] : joinFindResults; } } else { // Join required but condition not met, add item to removal queue resultRemove.push(resultArr[resultIndex]); } } } } }'flag.join', true); } // Process removal queue if (resultRemove.length) { op.time('removalQueue'); for (i = 0; i < resultRemove.length; i++) { index = resultArr.indexOf(resultRemove[i]); if (index > -1) { resultArr.splice(index, 1); } } op.time('removalQueue'); } if (options.$transform) { op.time('transform'); for (i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { resultArr.splice(i, 1, options.$transform(resultArr[i])); } op.time('transform');'flag.transform', true); } // Process transforms if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformOut) { op.time('transformOut'); resultArr = this.transformOut(resultArr); op.time('transformOut'); }'results', resultArr.length); } else { resultArr = []; } // Generate a list of fields to limit data by // Each property starts off being enabled by default (= 1) then // if any property is explicitly specified as 1 then all switch to // zero except _id. // // Any that are explicitly set to zero are switched off. op.time('scanFields'); for (i in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(i) && i.indexOf('$') !== 0) { if (options[i] === 1) { fieldListOn.push(i); } else if (options[i] === 0) { fieldListOff.push(i); } } } op.time('scanFields'); // Limit returned fields by the options data if (fieldListOn.length || fieldListOff.length) {'flag.limitFields', true);'limitFields.on', fieldListOn);'', fieldListOff); op.time('limitFields'); // We have explicit fields switched on or off for (i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = resultArr[i]; for (j in result) { if (result.hasOwnProperty(j)) { if (fieldListOn.length) { // We have explicit fields switched on so remove all fields // that are not explicitly switched on // Check if the field name is not the primary key if (j !== pk) { if (fieldListOn.indexOf(j) === -1) { // This field is not in the on list, remove it delete result[j]; } } } if (fieldListOff.length) { // We have explicit fields switched off so remove fields // that are explicitly switched off if (fieldListOff.indexOf(j) > -1) { // This field is in the off list, remove it delete result[j]; } } } } } op.time('limitFields'); } // Now run any projections on the data required if (options.$elemMatch) {'flag.elemMatch', true); op.time('projection-elemMatch'); for (i in options.$elemMatch) { if (options.$elemMatch.hasOwnProperty(i)) { elemMatchPathSolver = new Path(i); // Loop the results array for (j = 0; j < resultArr.length; j++) { elemMatchSubArr = elemMatchPathSolver.value(resultArr[j])[0]; // Check we have a sub-array to loop if (elemMatchSubArr && elemMatchSubArr.length) { // Loop the sub-array and check for projection query matches for (k = 0; k < elemMatchSubArr.length; k++) { // Check if the current item in the sub-array matches the projection query if (self._match(elemMatchSubArr[k], options.$elemMatch[i], options, '', {})) { // The item matches the projection query so set the sub-array // to an array that ONLY contains the matching item and then // exit the loop since we only want to match the first item elemMatchPathSolver.set(resultArr[j], i, [elemMatchSubArr[k]]); break; } } } } } } op.time('projection-elemMatch'); } if (options.$elemsMatch) {'flag.elemsMatch', true); op.time('projection-elemsMatch'); for (i in options.$elemsMatch) { if (options.$elemsMatch.hasOwnProperty(i)) { elemMatchPathSolver = new Path(i); // Loop the results array for (j = 0; j < resultArr.length; j++) { elemMatchSubArr = elemMatchPathSolver.value(resultArr[j])[0]; // Check we have a sub-array to loop if (elemMatchSubArr && elemMatchSubArr.length) { elemMatchSpliceArr = []; // Loop the sub-array and check for projection query matches for (k = 0; k < elemMatchSubArr.length; k++) { // Check if the current item in the sub-array matches the projection query if (self._match(elemMatchSubArr[k], options.$elemsMatch[i], options, '', {})) { // The item matches the projection query so add it to the final array elemMatchSpliceArr.push(elemMatchSubArr[k]); } } // Now set the final sub-array to the matched items elemMatchPathSolver.set(resultArr[j], i, elemMatchSpliceArr); } } } } op.time('projection-elemsMatch'); } op.stop(); resultArr.__fdbOp = op; resultArr.$cursor = cursor; return resultArr; }; Collection.prototype._resolveDynamicQuery = function (query, item) { var self = this, newQuery, propType, propVal, i; if (typeof query === 'string') { // Check if the property name starts with a back-reference if (query.substr(0, 3) === '$$.') { // Fill the query with a back-referenced value return new Path(query.substr(3, query.length - 3)).value(item)[0]; } return new Path(query).value(item)[0]; } newQuery = {}; for (i in query) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(i)) { propType = typeof query[i]; propVal = query[i]; switch (propType) { case 'string': // Check if the property name starts with a back-reference if (propVal.substr(0, 3) === '$$.') { // Fill the query with a back-referenced value newQuery[i] = new Path(propVal.substr(3, propVal.length - 3)).value(item)[0]; } else { newQuery[i] = propVal; } break; case 'object': newQuery[i] = self._resolveDynamicQuery(propVal, item); break; default: newQuery[i] = propVal; break; } } } return newQuery; }; /** * Returns one document that satisfies the specified query criteria. If multiple * documents satisfy the query, this method returns the first document to match * the query. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.findOne = function () { return (this.find.apply(this, arguments))[0]; }; /** * Gets the index in the collection data array of the first item matched by * the passed query object. * @param {Object} query The query to run to find the item to return the index of. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Number} */ Collection.prototype.indexOf = function (query, options) { var item = this.find(query, {$decouple: false})[0], sortedData; if (item) { if (!options || options && !options.$orderBy) { // Basic lookup from order of insert return this._data.indexOf(item); } else { // Trying to locate index based on query with sort order options.$decouple = false; sortedData = this.find(query, options); return sortedData.indexOf(item); } } return -1; }; /** * Returns the index of the document identified by the passed item's primary key. * @param {*} itemLookup The document whose primary key should be used to lookup * or the id to lookup. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Number} The index the item with the matching primary key is occupying. */ Collection.prototype.indexOfDocById = function (itemLookup, options) { var item, sortedData; if (typeof itemLookup !== 'object') { item = this._primaryIndex.get(itemLookup); } else { item = this._primaryIndex.get(itemLookup[this._primaryKey]); } if (item) { if (!options || options && !options.$orderBy) { // Basic lookup return this._data.indexOf(item); } else { // Sorted lookup options.$decouple = false; sortedData = this.find({}, options); return sortedData.indexOf(item); } } return -1; }; /** * Removes a document from the collection by it's index in the collection's * data array. * @param {Number} index The index of the document to remove. * @returns {Object} The document that has been removed or false if none was * removed. */ Collection.prototype.removeByIndex = function (index) { var doc, docId; doc = this._data[index]; if (doc !== undefined) { doc = this.decouple(doc); docId = doc[this.primaryKey()]; return this.removeById(docId); } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the collection transform options. * @param {Object} obj A collection transform options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transform = function (obj) { if (obj !== undefined) { if (typeof obj === "object") { if (obj.enabled !== undefined) { this._transformEnabled = obj.enabled; } if (obj.dataIn !== undefined) { this._transformIn = obj.dataIn; } if (obj.dataOut !== undefined) { this._transformOut = obj.dataOut; } } else { this._transformEnabled = obj !== false; } return this; } return { enabled: this._transformEnabled, dataIn: this._transformIn, dataOut: this._transformOut }; }; /** * Transforms data using the set transformIn method. * @param {Object} data The data to transform. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transformIn = function (data) { if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformIn) { if (data instanceof Array) { var finalArr = [], i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { finalArr[i] = this._transformIn(data[i]); } return finalArr; } else { return this._transformIn(data); } } return data; }; /** * Transforms data using the set transformOut method. * @param {Object} data The data to transform. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transformOut = function (data) { if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformOut) { if (data instanceof Array) { var finalArr = [], i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { finalArr[i] = this._transformOut(data[i]); } return finalArr; } else { return this._transformOut(data); } } return data; }; /** * Sorts an array of documents by the given sort path. * @param {*} sortObj The keys and orders the array objects should be sorted by. * @param {Array} arr The array of documents to sort. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.sort = function (sortObj, arr) { // Make sure we have an array object arr = arr || []; var sortArr = [], sortKey, sortSingleObj; for (sortKey in sortObj) { if (sortObj.hasOwnProperty(sortKey)) { sortSingleObj = {}; sortSingleObj[sortKey] = sortObj[sortKey]; sortSingleObj.___fdbKey = String(sortKey); sortArr.push(sortSingleObj); } } if (sortArr.length < 2) { // There is only one sort criteria, do a simple sort and return it return this._sort(sortObj, arr); } else { return this._bucketSort(sortArr, arr); } }; /** * Takes array of sort paths and sorts them into buckets before returning final * array fully sorted by multi-keys. * @param keyArr * @param arr * @returns {*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._bucketSort = function (keyArr, arr) { var keyObj = keyArr.shift(), arrCopy, bucketData, bucketOrder, bucketKey, buckets, i, finalArr = []; if (keyArr.length > 0) { // Sort array by bucket key arr = this._sort(keyObj, arr); // Split items into buckets bucketData = this.bucket(keyObj.___fdbKey, arr); bucketOrder = bucketData.order; buckets = bucketData.buckets; // Loop buckets and sort contents for (i = 0; i < bucketOrder.length; i++) { bucketKey = bucketOrder[i]; arrCopy = [].concat(keyArr); finalArr = finalArr.concat(this._bucketSort(arrCopy, buckets[bucketKey])); } return finalArr; } else { return this._sort(keyObj, arr); } }; /** * Sorts array by individual sort path. * @param key * @param arr * @returns {Array|*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._sort = function (key, arr) { var self = this, sorterMethod, pathSolver = new Path(), dataPath = pathSolver.parse(key, true)[0]; pathSolver.path(dataPath.path); if (dataPath.value === 1) { // Sort ascending sorterMethod = function (a, b) { var valA = pathSolver.value(a)[0], valB = pathSolver.value(b)[0]; return self.sortAsc(valA, valB); }; } else if (dataPath.value === -1) { // Sort descending sorterMethod = function (a, b) { var valA = pathSolver.value(a)[0], valB = pathSolver.value(b)[0]; return self.sortDesc(valA, valB); }; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' $orderBy clause has invalid direction: ' + dataPath.value + ', accepted values are 1 or -1 for ascending or descending!'); } return arr.sort(sorterMethod); }; /** * Takes an array of objects and returns a new object with the array items * split into buckets by the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to split the array into buckets by. * @param {Array} arr An array of objects. * @returns {Object} */ Collection.prototype.bucket = function (key, arr) { var i, oldField, field, fieldArr = [], buckets = {}; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { field = String(arr[i][key]); if (oldField !== field) { fieldArr.push(field); oldField = field; } buckets[field] = buckets[field] || []; buckets[field].push(arr[i]); } return { buckets: buckets, order: fieldArr }; }; /** * Internal method that takes a search query and options and returns an object * containing details about the query which can be used to optimise the search. * * @param query * @param options * @param op * @returns {Object} * @private */ Collection.prototype._analyseQuery = function (query, options, op) { var analysis = { queriesOn: [this._name], indexMatch: [], hasJoin: false, queriesJoin: false, joinQueries: {}, query: query, options: options }, joinCollectionIndex, joinCollectionName, joinCollections = [], joinCollectionReferences = [], queryPath, index, indexMatchData, indexRef, indexRefName, indexLookup, pathSolver, queryKeyCount, i; // Check if the query is a primary key lookup op.time('checkIndexes'); pathSolver = new Path(); queryKeyCount = pathSolver.countKeys(query); if (queryKeyCount) { if (query[this._primaryKey] !== undefined) { // Return item via primary key possible op.time('checkIndexMatch: Primary Key'); analysis.indexMatch.push({ lookup: this._primaryIndex.lookup(query, options), keyData: { matchedKeys: [this._primaryKey], totalKeyCount: queryKeyCount, score: 1 }, index: this._primaryIndex }); op.time('checkIndexMatch: Primary Key'); } // Check if an index can speed up the query for (i in this._indexById) { if (this._indexById.hasOwnProperty(i)) { indexRef = this._indexById[i]; indexRefName =; op.time('checkIndexMatch: ' + indexRefName); indexMatchData = indexRef.match(query, options); if (indexMatchData.score > 0) { // This index can be used, store it indexLookup = indexRef.lookup(query, options); analysis.indexMatch.push({ lookup: indexLookup, keyData: indexMatchData, index: indexRef }); } op.time('checkIndexMatch: ' + indexRefName); if (indexMatchData.score === queryKeyCount) { // Found an optimal index, do not check for any more break; } } } op.time('checkIndexes'); // Sort array descending on index key count (effectively a measure of relevance to the query) if (analysis.indexMatch.length > 1) { op.time('findOptimalIndex'); analysis.indexMatch.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.keyData.score > b.keyData.score) { // This index has a higher score than the other return -1; } if (a.keyData.score < b.keyData.score) { // This index has a lower score than the other return 1; } // The indexes have the same score but can still be compared by the number of records // they return from the query. The fewer records they return the better so order by // record count if (a.keyData.score === b.keyData.score) { return a.lookup.length - b.lookup.length; } }); op.time('findOptimalIndex'); } } // Check for join data if (options.$join) { analysis.hasJoin = true; // Loop all join operations for (joinCollectionIndex = 0; joinCollectionIndex < options.$join.length; joinCollectionIndex++) { // Loop the join collections and keep a reference to them for (joinCollectionName in options.$join[joinCollectionIndex]) { if (options.$join[joinCollectionIndex].hasOwnProperty(joinCollectionName)) { joinCollections.push(joinCollectionName); // Check if the join uses an $as operator if ('$as' in options.$join[joinCollectionIndex][joinCollectionName]) { joinCollectionReferences.push(options.$join[joinCollectionIndex][joinCollectionName].$as); } else { joinCollectionReferences.push(joinCollectionName); } } } } // Loop the join collection references and determine if the query references // any of the collections that are used in the join. If there no queries against // joined collections the find method can use a code path optimised for this. // Queries against joined collections requires the joined collections to be filtered // first and then joined so requires a little more work. for (index = 0; index < joinCollectionReferences.length; index++) { // Check if the query references any collection data that the join will create queryPath = this._queryReferencesCollection(query, joinCollectionReferences[index], ''); if (queryPath) { analysis.joinQueries[joinCollections[index]] = queryPath; analysis.queriesJoin = true; } } analysis.joinsOn = joinCollections; analysis.queriesOn = analysis.queriesOn.concat(joinCollections); } return analysis; }; /** * Checks if the passed query references this collection. * @param query * @param collection * @param path * @returns {*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._queryReferencesCollection = function (query, collection, path) { var i; for (i in query) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Check if this key is a reference match if (i === collection) { if (path) { path += '.'; } return path + i; } else { if (typeof(query[i]) === 'object') { // Recurse if (path) { path += '.'; } path += i; return this._queryReferencesCollection(query[i], collection, path); } } } } return false; }; /** * Returns the number of documents currently in the collection. * @returns {Number} */ Collection.prototype.count = function (query, options) { if (!query) { return this._data.length; } else { // Run query and return count return this.find(query, options).length; } }; /** * Finds sub-documents from the collection's documents. * @param {Object} match The query object to use when matching parent documents * from which the sub-documents are queried. * @param {String} path The path string used to identify the key in which * sub-documents are stored in parent documents. * @param {Object=} subDocQuery The query to use when matching which sub-documents * to return. * @param {Object=} subDocOptions The options object to use when querying for * sub-documents. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.findSub = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { var pathHandler = new Path(path), docArr = this.find(match), docCount = docArr.length, docIndex, subDocArr, subDocCollection = this._db.collection('__FDB_temp_' + this.objectId()), subDocResults, resultObj = { parents: docCount, subDocTotal: 0, subDocs: [], pathFound: false, err: '' }; subDocOptions = subDocOptions || {}; for (docIndex = 0; docIndex < docCount; docIndex++) { subDocArr = pathHandler.value(docArr[docIndex])[0]; if (subDocArr) { subDocCollection.setData(subDocArr); subDocResults = subDocCollection.find(subDocQuery, subDocOptions); if (subDocOptions.returnFirst && subDocResults.length) { return subDocResults[0]; } if (subDocOptions.$split) { resultObj.subDocs.push(subDocResults); } else { resultObj.subDocs = resultObj.subDocs.concat(subDocResults); } resultObj.subDocTotal += subDocResults.length; resultObj.pathFound = true; } } // Drop the sub-document collection subDocCollection.drop(); // Check if the call should not return stats, if so return only subDocs array if (subDocOptions.$stats) { return resultObj; } else { return resultObj.subDocs; } if (!resultObj.pathFound) { resultObj.err = 'No objects found in the parent documents with a matching path of: ' + path; } return resultObj; }; /** * Checks that the passed document will not violate any index rules if * inserted into the collection. * @param {Object} doc The document to check indexes against. * @returns {Boolean} Either false (no violation occurred) or true if * a violation was detected. */ Collection.prototype.insertIndexViolation = function (doc) { var indexViolated, arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, arrItem; // Check the item's primary key is not already in use if (this._primaryIndex.get(doc[this._primaryKey])) { indexViolated = this._primaryIndex; } else { // Check violations of other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; if (arrItem.unique()) { if (arrItem.violation(doc)) { indexViolated = arrItem; break; } } } } } return indexViolated ? : false; }; /** * Creates an index on the specified keys. * @param {Object} keys The object containing keys to index. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.ensureIndex = function (keys, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } this._indexByName = this._indexByName || {}; this._indexById = this._indexById || {}; var index, time = { start: new Date().getTime() }; if (options) { switch (options.type) { case 'hashed': index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); break; case 'btree': index = new IndexBinaryTree(keys, options, this); break; default: // Default index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); break; } } else { // Default index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); } // Check the index does not already exist if (this._indexByName[]) { // Index already exists return { err: 'Index with that name already exists' }; } if (this._indexById[]) { // Index already exists return { err: 'Index with those keys already exists' }; } // Create the index index.rebuild(); // Add the index this._indexByName[] = index; this._indexById[] = index; time.end = new Date().getTime(); = time.end - time.start; this._lastOp = { type: 'ensureIndex', stats: { time: time } }; return { index: index, id:, name:, state: index.state() }; }; /** * Gets an index by it's name. * @param {String} name The name of the index to retreive. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.index = function (name) { if (this._indexByName) { return this._indexByName[name]; } }; /** * Gets the last reporting operation's details such as run time. * @returns {Object} */ Collection.prototype.lastOp = function () { return this._metrics.list(); }; /** * Generates a difference object that contains insert, update and remove arrays * representing the operations to execute to make this collection have the same * data as the one passed. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to diff against. * @returns {{}} */ Collection.prototype.diff = function (collection) { var diff = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [] }; var pm = this.primaryKey(), arr, arrIndex, arrItem, arrCount; // Check if the primary key index of each collection can be utilised if (pm !== collection.primaryKey()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Diffing requires that both collections have the same primary key!'); } // Use the collection primary key index to do the diff (super-fast) arr = collection._data; // Check if we have an array or another collection while (arr && !(arr instanceof Array)) { // We don't have an array, assign collection and get data collection = arr; arr = collection._data; } arrCount = arr.length; // Loop the collection's data array and check for matching items for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; // Check for a matching item in this collection if (this._primaryIndex.get(arrItem[pm])) { // Matching item exists, check if the data is the same if (this._primaryCrc.get(arrItem[pm]) !== collection._primaryCrc.get(arrItem[pm])) { // The documents exist in both collections but data differs, update required diff.update.push(arrItem); } } else { // The document is missing from this collection, insert required diff.insert.push(arrItem); } } // Now loop this collection's data and check for matching items arr = this._data; arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; if (!collection._primaryIndex.get(arrItem[pm])) { // The document does not exist in the other collection, remove required diff.remove.push(arrItem); } } return diff; }; Collection.prototype.collateAdd = new Overload({ /** * Adds a data source to collate data from and specifies the * key name to collate data to. * @func collateAdd * @memberof Collection * @param {Collection} collection The collection to collate data from. * @param {String=} keyName Optional name of the key to collate data to. * If none is provided the record CRUD is operated on the root collection * data. */ 'object, string': function (collection, keyName) { var self = this; self.collateAdd(collection, function (packet) { var obj1, obj2; switch (packet.type) { case 'insert': if (keyName) { obj1 = { $push: {} }; obj1.$push[keyName] = self.decouple(; self.update({}, obj1); } else { self.insert(; } break; case 'update': if (keyName) { obj1 = {}; obj2 = {}; obj1[keyName] =; obj2[keyName + '.$'] =; self.update(obj1, obj2); } else { self.update(,; } break; case 'remove': if (keyName) { obj1 = { $pull: {} }; obj1.$pull[keyName] = {}; obj1.$pull[keyName][self.primaryKey()] =[0][collection.primaryKey()]; self.update({}, obj1); } else { self.remove(; } break; default: } }); }, /** * Adds a data source to collate data from and specifies a process * method that will handle the collation functionality (for custom * collation). * @func collateAdd * @memberof Collection * @param {Collection} collection The collection to collate data from. * @param {Function} process The process method. */ 'object, function': function (collection, process) { if (typeof collection === 'string') { // The collection passed is a name, not a reference so get // the reference from the name collection = this._db.collection(collection, { autoCreate: false, throwError: false }); } if (collection) { this._collate = this._collate || {}; this._collate[] = new ReactorIO(collection, this, process); return this; } else { throw('Cannot collate from a non-existent collection!'); } } }); Collection.prototype.collateRemove = function (collection) { if (typeof collection === 'object') { // We need to have the name of the collection to remove it collection =; } if (collection) { // Drop the reactor IO chain node this._collate[collection].drop(); // Remove the collection data from the collate object delete this._collate[collection]; return this; } else { throw('No collection name passed to collateRemove() or collection not found!'); } }; Db.prototype.collection = new Overload({ /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {Object} data An options object or a collection instance. * @returns {Collection} */ 'object': function (data) { // Handle being passed an instance if (data instanceof Collection) { if (data.state() !== 'droppped') { return data; } else { return this.$, { name: }); } } return this.$, data); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string': function (collectionName) { return this.$, { name: collectionName }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {String} primaryKey Optional primary key to specify the primary key field on the collection * objects. Defaults to "_id". * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, string': function (collectionName, primaryKey) { return this.$, { name: collectionName, primaryKey: primaryKey }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, object': function (collectionName, options) { = collectionName; return this.$, options); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {String} primaryKey Optional primary key to specify the primary key field on the collection * objects. Defaults to "_id". * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, string, object': function (collectionName, primaryKey, options) { = collectionName; options.primaryKey = primaryKey; return this.$, options); }, /** * The main handler method. This gets called by all the other variants and * handles the actual logic of the overloaded method. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ '$main': function (options) { var name =; if (name) { if (!this._collection[name]) { if (options && options.autoCreate === false) { if (options && options.throwError !== false) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot get collection ' + name + ' because it does not exist and auto-create has been disabled!'); } } if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Creating collection ' + name); } } this._collection[name] = this._collection[name] || new Collection(name, options).db(this); this._collection[name].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()); if (options.primaryKey !== undefined) { this._collection[name].primaryKey(options.primaryKey); } return this._collection[name]; } else { if (!options || (options && options.throwError !== false)) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot get collection with undefined name!'); } } } }); /** * Determine if a collection with the passed name already exists. * @memberof Db * @param {String} viewName The name of the collection to check for. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.collectionExists = function (viewName) { return Boolean(this._collection[viewName]); }; /** * Returns an array of collections the DB currently has. * @memberof Db * @param {String|RegExp=} search The optional search string or regular expression to use * to match collection names against. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each collection * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.collections = function (search) { var arr = [], collections = this._collection, collection, i; if (search) { if (!(search instanceof RegExp)) { // Turn the search into a regular expression search = new RegExp(search); } } for (i in collections) { if (collections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { collection = collections[i]; if (search) { if (search.exec(i)) { arr.push({ name: i, count: collection.count(), linked: collection.isLinked !== undefined ? collection.isLinked() : false }); } } else { arr.push({ name: i, count: collection.count(), linked: collection.isLinked !== undefined ? collection.isLinked() : false }); } } } arr.sort(function (a, b) { return; }); return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Collection'); module.exports = Collection; },{"./Crc":5,"./IndexBinaryTree":7,"./IndexHashMap":8,"./KeyValueStore":9,"./Metrics":10,"./Overload":21,"./Path":22,"./ReactorIO":23,"./Shared":24}],4:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ /* License Copyright (c) 2015 Irrelon Software Limited Please visit the license page to see latest license information: */ "use strict"; var Shared, Db, Metrics, Overload, _instances = []; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Creates a new ForerunnerDB instance. Core instances handle the lifecycle of * multiple database instances. * @constructor */ var Core = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Core.prototype.init = function (name) { this._db = {}; this._debug = {}; this._name = name || 'ForerunnerDB'; _instances.push(this); }; /** * Returns the number of instantiated ForerunnerDB objects. * @returns {Number} The number of instantiated instances. */ Core.prototype.instantiatedCount = function () { return _instances.length; }; /** * Get all instances as an array or a single ForerunnerDB instance * by it's array index. * @param {Number=} index Optional index of instance to get. * @returns {Array|Object} Array of instances or a single instance. */ Core.prototype.instances = function (index) { if (index !== undefined) { return _instances[index]; } return _instances; }; /** * Get all instances as an array of instance names or a single ForerunnerDB * instance by it's name. * @param {String=} name Optional name of instance to get. * @returns {Array|Object} Array of instance names or a single instance. */ Core.prototype.namedInstances = function (name) { var i, instArr; if (name !== undefined) { for (i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) { if (_instances[i].name === name) { return _instances[i]; } } return undefined; } instArr = []; for (i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) { instArr.push(_instances[i].name); } return instArr; }; Core.prototype.moduleLoaded = new Overload({ /** * Checks if a module has been loaded into the database. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module is loaded, false if not. */ 'string': function (moduleName) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if module is loaded. */ 'string, function': function (moduleName, callback) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } callback(); } }, /** * Checks if an array of named modules are loaded and if so * calls the passed callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {Array} moduleName The array of module names to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if modules are loaded. */ 'array, function': function (moduleNameArr, callback) { var moduleName, i; for (i = 0; i < moduleNameArr.length; i++) { moduleName = moduleNameArr[i]; if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } } } callback(); }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * success method, otherwise calls the failure method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} success The callback method to call if module is loaded. * @param {Function} failure The callback method to call if module not loaded. */ 'string, function, function': function (moduleName, success, failure) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { failure(); return false; } } success(); } } }); /** * Checks version against the string passed and if it matches (or partially matches) * then the callback is called. * @param {String} val The version to check against. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call if match is true. * @returns {Boolean} */ Core.prototype.version = function (val, callback) { if (val !== undefined) { if (Shared.version.indexOf(val) === 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } return true; } return false; } return Shared.version; }; // Expose moduleLoaded() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.moduleLoaded = Core.prototype.moduleLoaded; // Expose version() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.version = Core.prototype.version; // Expose instances() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.instances = Core.prototype.instances; // Expose instantiatedCount() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.instantiatedCount = Core.prototype.instantiatedCount; // Provide public access to the Shared object Core.shared = Shared; Core.prototype.shared = Shared; Shared.addModule('Core', Core); Shared.mixin(Core.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Core.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Db = _dereq_('./Db.js'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics.js'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the instance. This is primarily used for * name-spacing persistent storage. * @param {String=} val The name of the instance to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Core.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Core.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); // Set a flag to determine environment Core.prototype._isServer = false; /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a client browser. * @returns {boolean} */ Core.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a server. * @returns {boolean} */ Core.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a browser. */ Core.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a server. */ Core.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Added to provide an error message for users who have not seen * the new instantiation breaking change warning and try to get * a collection directly from the core instance. */ Core.prototype.collection = function () { throw("ForerunnerDB's instantiation has changed since version 1.3.36 to support multiple database instances. Please see the file for the minor change you have to make to get your project back up and running, or see the issue related to this change at"); }; module.exports = Core; },{"./Db.js":6,"./Metrics.js":10,"./Overload":21,"./Shared":24}],5:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * @mixin */ var crcTable = (function () { var crcTable = [], c, n, k; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = ((c & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1)); // jshint ignore:line } crcTable[n] = c; } return crcTable; }()); module.exports = function(str) { var crc = 0 ^ (-1), // jshint ignore:line i; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF]; // jshint ignore:line } return (crc ^ (-1)) >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line }; },{}],6:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared, Core, Collection, Metrics, Crc, Overload; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Creates a new ForerunnerDB database instance. * @constructor */ var Db = function (name, core) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Db.prototype.init = function (name, core) { this.core(core); this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._name = name; this._collection = {}; this._debug = {}; }; Shared.addModule('Db', Db); Db.prototype.moduleLoaded = new Overload({ /** * Checks if a module has been loaded into the database. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module is loaded, false if not. */ 'string': function (moduleName) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if module is loaded. */ 'string, function': function (moduleName, callback) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } callback(); } }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * success method, otherwise calls the failure method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} success The callback method to call if module is loaded. * @param {Function} failure The callback method to call if module not loaded. */ 'string, function, function': function (moduleName, success, failure) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { failure(); return false; } } success(); } } }); /** * Checks version against the string passed and if it matches (or partially matches) * then the callback is called. * @param {String} val The version to check against. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call if match is true. * @returns {Boolean} */ Db.prototype.version = function (val, callback) { if (val !== undefined) { if (Shared.version.indexOf(val) === 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } return true; } return false; } return Shared.version; }; // Expose moduleLoaded method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Db.moduleLoaded = Db.prototype.moduleLoaded; // Expose version method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Db.version = Db.prototype.version; // Provide public access to the Shared object Db.shared = Shared; Db.prototype.shared = Shared; Shared.addModule('Db', Db); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Core = Shared.modules.Core; Collection = _dereq_('./Collection.js'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics.js'); Crc = _dereq_('./Crc.js'); Db.prototype._isServer = false; /** * Gets / sets the core object this database belongs to. */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'core'); /** * Gets / sets the default primary key for new collections. * @param {String=} val The name of the primary key to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'primaryKey'); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the database. * @param {String=} val The name of the database to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a client browser. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a server. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Returns a checksum of a string. * @param {String} string The string to checksum. * @return {String} The checksum generated. */ Db.prototype.crc = Crc; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a browser. */ Db.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a server. */ Db.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Converts a normal javascript array of objects into a DB collection. * @param {Array} arr An array of objects. * @returns {Collection} A new collection instance with the data set to the * array passed. */ Db.prototype.arrayToCollection = function (arr) { return new Collection().setData(arr); }; /** * Registers an event listener against an event name. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} listener The listener method to call when * the event is fired. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.on = function(event, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || []; this._listeners[event].push(listener); return this; }; /** * De-registers an event listener from an event name. * @param {String} event The name of the event to stop listening for. * @param {Function} listener The listener method passed to on() when * registering the event listener. * @returns {*} */ = function(event, listener) { if (event in this._listeners) { var arr = this._listeners[event], index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } return this; }; /** * Emits an event by name with the given data. * @param {String} event The name of the event to emit. * @param {*=} data The data to emit with the event. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.emit = function(event, data) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners) { var arr = this._listeners[event], arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arr[arrIndex].apply(this,, 1)); } } return this; }; /** * Find all documents across all collections in the database that match the passed * string or search object. * @param search String or search object. * @returns {Array} */ Db.prototype.peek = function (search) { var i, coll, arr = [], typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = arr.concat(coll.peek(search)); } else { arr = arr.concat(coll.find(search)); } } } return arr; }; /** * Find all documents across all collections in the database that match the passed * string or search object and return them in an object where each key is the name * of the collection that the document was matched in. * @param search String or search object. * @returns {object} */ Db.prototype.peekCat = function (search) { var i, coll, cat = {}, arr, typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = coll.peek(search); if (arr && arr.length) { cat[] = arr; } } else { arr = coll.find(search); if (arr && arr.length) { cat[] = arr; } } } } return cat; }; Db.prototype.drop = new Overload({ /** * Drops the database. * @func drop * @memberof Db */ '': function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database with optional callback method. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Function} callback Optional callback method. */ 'function': function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, finishCount = 0, afterDrop = function () { finishCount++; if (finishCount === arrCount) { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(afterDrop); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database with optional persistent storage drop. Persistent * storage is dropped by default if no preference is provided. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Boolean} removePersist Drop persistent storage for this database. */ 'boolean': function (removePersist) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(removePersist); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database and optionally controls dropping persistent storage * and callback method. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Boolean} removePersist Drop persistent storage for this database. * @param {Function} callback Optional callback method. */ 'boolean, function': function (removePersist, callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, finishCount = 0, afterDrop = function () { finishCount++; if (finishCount === arrCount) { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(removePersist, afterDrop); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; } }); /** * Gets a database instance by name. * @memberof Core * @param {String=} name Optional name of the database. If none is provided * a random name is assigned. * @returns {Db} */ Core.prototype.db = function (name) { // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof Db) { return name; } if (!name) { name = this.objectId(); } this._db[name] = this._db[name] || new Db(name, this); this._db[name].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()); return this._db[name]; }; /** * Returns an array of databases that ForerunnerDB currently has. * @memberof Core * @param {String|RegExp=} search The optional search string or regular expression to use * to match collection names against. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each database * that ForerunnerDB is currently managing and it's child entities. */ Core.prototype.databases = function (search) { var arr = [], tmpObj, addDb, i; if (search) { if (!(search instanceof RegExp)) { // Turn the search into a regular expression search = new RegExp(search); } } for (i in this._db) { if (this._db.hasOwnProperty(i)) { addDb = true; if (search) { if (!search.exec(i)) { addDb = false; } } if (addDb) { tmpObj = { name: i, children: [] }; if (this.shared.moduleExists('Collection')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'collection', moduleName: 'Collections', count: this._db[i].collections().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('CollectionGroup')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'collectionGroup', moduleName: 'Collection Groups', count: this._db[i].collectionGroups().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Document')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'document', moduleName: 'Documents', count: this._db[i].documents().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Grid')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'grid', moduleName: 'Grids', count: this._db[i].grids().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Overview')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'overview', moduleName: 'Overviews', count: this._db[i].overviews().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('View')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'view', moduleName: 'Views', count: this._db[i].views().length }); } arr.push(tmpObj); } } } arr.sort(function (a, b) { return; }); return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Db'); module.exports = Db; },{"./Collection.js":3,"./Crc.js":5,"./Metrics.js":10,"./Overload":21,"./Shared":24}],7:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* name id rebuild state match lookup */ var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), BinaryTree = _dereq_('./BinaryTree'), treeInstance = new BinaryTree(), btree = function () {}; treeInstance.inOrder('hash'); /** * The index class used to instantiate hash map indexes that the database can * use to speed up queries on collections and views. * @constructor */ var IndexBinaryTree = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._btree = new (btree.create(2, this.sortAsc))(); this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys); this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); } && ? : this._id); }; Shared.addModule('IndexBinaryTree', IndexBinaryTree); Shared.mixin(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); = function () { return this._id; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'unique'); IndexBinaryTree.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = (new Path()).parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._btree = new (btree.create(2, this.sortAsc))(); if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, dataItemHash = this._itemKeyHash(dataItem, this._keys), keyArr; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } // We store multiple items that match a key inside an array // that is then stored against that key in the tree... // Check if item exists for this key already keyArr = this._btree.get(dataItemHash); // Check if the array exists if (keyArr === undefined) { // Generate an array for this key first keyArr = []; // Put the new array into the tree under the key this._btree.put(dataItemHash, keyArr); } // Push the item into the array keyArr.push(dataItem); this._size++; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, dataItemHash = this._itemKeyHash(dataItem, this._keys), keyArr, itemIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } // Try and get the array for the item hash key keyArr = this._btree.get(dataItemHash); if (keyArr !== undefined) { // The key array exits, remove the item from the key array itemIndex = keyArr.indexOf(dataItem); if (itemIndex > -1) { // Check the length of the array if (keyArr.length === 1) { // This item is the last in the array, just kill the tree entry this._btree.del(dataItemHash); } else { // Remove the item keyArr.splice(itemIndex, 1); } this._size--; } } }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.lookup = function (query) { return this._data[this._itemHash(query, this._keys)] || []; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.match = function (query, options) { // Check if the passed query has data in the keys our index // operates on and if so, is the query sort matching our order var pathSolver = new Path(); var indexKeyArr = pathSolver.parseArr(this._keys), queryArr = pathSolver.parseArr(query), matchedKeys = [], matchedKeyCount = 0, i; // Loop the query array and check the order of keys against the // index key array to see if this index can be used for (i = 0; i < indexKeyArr.length; i++) { if (queryArr[i] === indexKeyArr[i]) { matchedKeyCount++; matchedKeys.push(queryArr[i]); } else { // Query match failed - this is a hash map index so partial key match won't work return { matchedKeys: [], totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: 0 }; } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: matchedKeyCount }; //return pathSolver.countObjectPaths(this._keys, query); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('IndexBinaryTree'); module.exports = IndexBinaryTree; },{"./BinaryTree":2,"./Path":22,"./Shared":24}],8:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'); /** * The index class used to instantiate hash map indexes that the database can * use to speed up queries on collections and views. * @constructor */ var IndexHashMap = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._crossRef = {}; this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys);{}); this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); } && ? : this._id); }; Shared.addModule('IndexHashMap', IndexHashMap); Shared.mixin(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); = function () { return this._id; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'unique'); IndexHashMap.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = (new Path()).parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._data = {}; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, itemHashArr, hashIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } // Generate item hash itemHashArr = this._itemHashArr(dataItem, this._keys); // Get the path search results and store them for (hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < itemHashArr.length; hashIndex++) { this.pushToPathValue(itemHashArr[hashIndex], dataItem); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.update = function (dataItem, options) { // TODO: Write updates to work // 1: Get uniqueHash for the dataItem primary key value (may need to generate a store for this) // 2: Remove the uniqueHash as it currently stands // 3: Generate a new uniqueHash for dataItem // 4: Insert the new uniqueHash }; IndexHashMap.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, itemHashArr, hashIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } // Generate item hash itemHashArr = this._itemHashArr(dataItem, this._keys); // Get the path search results and store them for (hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < itemHashArr.length; hashIndex++) { this.pullFromPathValue(itemHashArr[hashIndex], dataItem); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pushToPathValue = function (hash, obj) { var pathValArr = this._data[hash] = this._data[hash] || []; // Make sure we have not already indexed this object at this path/value if (pathValArr.indexOf(obj) === -1) { // Index the object pathValArr.push(obj); // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size++; // Cross-reference this association for later lookup this.pushToCrossRef(obj, pathValArr); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pullFromPathValue = function (hash, obj) { var pathValArr = this._data[hash], indexOfObject; // Make sure we have already indexed this object at this path/value indexOfObject = pathValArr.indexOf(obj); if (indexOfObject > -1) { // Un-index the object pathValArr.splice(indexOfObject, 1); // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size--; // Remove object cross-reference this.pullFromCrossRef(obj, pathValArr); } // Check if we should remove the path value array if (!pathValArr.length) { // Remove the array delete this._data[hash]; } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pull = function (obj) { // Get all places the object has been used and remove them var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()], crossRefArr = this._crossRef[id], arrIndex, arrCount = crossRefArr.length, arrItem; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = crossRefArr[arrIndex]; // Remove item from this index lookup array this._pullFromArray(arrItem, obj); } // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size--; // Now remove the cross-reference entry for this object delete this._crossRef[id]; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._pullFromArray = function (arr, obj) { var arrCount = arr.length; while (arrCount--) { if (arr[arrCount] === obj) { arr.splice(arrCount, 1); } } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pushToCrossRef = function (obj, pathValArr) { var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()], crObj; this._crossRef[id] = this._crossRef[id] || []; // Check if the cross-reference to the pathVal array already exists crObj = this._crossRef[id]; if (crObj.indexOf(pathValArr) === -1) { // Add the cross-reference crObj.push(pathValArr); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pullFromCrossRef = function (obj, pathValArr) { var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()]; delete this._crossRef[id]; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.lookup = function (query) { return this._data[this._itemHash(query, this._keys)] || []; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.match = function (query, options) { // Check if the passed query has data in the keys our index // operates on and if so, is the query sort matching our order var pathSolver = new Path(); var indexKeyArr = pathSolver.parseArr(this._keys), queryArr = pathSolver.parseArr(query), matchedKeys = [], matchedKeyCount = 0, i; // Loop the query array and check the order of keys against the // index key array to see if this index can be used for (i = 0; i < indexKeyArr.length; i++) { if (queryArr[i] === indexKeyArr[i]) { matchedKeyCount++; matchedKeys.push(queryArr[i]); } else { // Query match failed - this is a hash map index so partial key match won't work return { matchedKeys: [], totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: 0 }; } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: matchedKeyCount }; //return pathSolver.countObjectPaths(this._keys, query); }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('IndexHashMap'); module.exports = IndexHashMap; },{"./Path":22,"./Shared":24}],9:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * The key value store class used when storing basic in-memory KV data, * and can be queried for quick retrieval. Mostly used for collection * primary key indexes and lookups. * @param {String=} name Optional KV store name. * @constructor */ var KeyValueStore = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; KeyValueStore.prototype.init = function (name) { this._name = name; this._data = {}; this._primaryKey = '_id'; }; Shared.addModule('KeyValueStore', KeyValueStore); Shared.mixin(KeyValueStore.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Get / set the name of the key/value store. * @param {String} val The name to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(KeyValueStore.prototype, 'name'); /** * Get / set the primary key. * @param {String} key The key to set. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.primaryKey = function (key) { if (key !== undefined) { this._primaryKey = key; return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Removes all data from the store. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.truncate = function () { this._data = {}; return this; }; /** * Sets data against a key in the store. * @param {String} key The key to set data for. * @param {*} value The value to assign to the key. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.set = function (key, value) { this._data[key] = value ? value : true; return this; }; /** * Gets data stored for the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to get data for. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.get = function (key) { return this._data[key]; }; /** * Get / set the primary key. * @param {*} obj A lookup query, can be a string key, an array of string keys, * an object with further query clauses or a regular expression that should be * run against all keys. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.lookup = function (obj) { var pKeyVal = obj[this._primaryKey], arrIndex, arrCount, lookupItem, result; if (pKeyVal instanceof Array) { // An array of primary keys, find all matches arrCount = pKeyVal.length; result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { lookupItem = this._data[pKeyVal[arrIndex]]; if (lookupItem) { result.push(lookupItem); } } return result; } else if (pKeyVal instanceof RegExp) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (pKeyVal.test(arrIndex)) { result.push(this._data[arrIndex]); } } } return result; } else if (typeof pKeyVal === 'object') { // The primary key clause is an object, now we have to do some // more extensive searching if (pKeyVal.$ne) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (arrIndex !== pKeyVal.$ne) { result.push(this._data[arrIndex]); } } } return result; } if (pKeyVal.$in && (pKeyVal.$in instanceof Array)) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (pKeyVal.$in.indexOf(arrIndex) > -1) { result.push(this._data[arrIndex]); } } } return result; } if (pKeyVal.$nin && (pKeyVal.$nin instanceof Array)) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (pKeyVal.$nin.indexOf(arrIndex) === -1) { result.push(this._data[arrIndex]); } } } return result; } if (pKeyVal.$or && (pKeyVal.$or instanceof Array)) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < pKeyVal.$or.length; arrIndex++) { result = result.concat(this.lookup(pKeyVal.$or[arrIndex])); } return result; } } else { // Key is a basic lookup from string lookupItem = this._data[pKeyVal]; if (lookupItem !== undefined) { return [lookupItem]; } else { return []; } } }; /** * Removes data for the given key from the store. * @param {String} key The key to un-set. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.unSet = function (key) { delete this._data[key]; return this; }; /** * Sets data for the give key in the store only where the given key * does not already have a value in the store. * @param {String} key The key to set data for. * @param {*} value The value to assign to the key. * @returns {Boolean} True if data was set or false if data already * exists for the key. */ KeyValueStore.prototype.uniqueSet = function (key, value) { if (this._data[key] === undefined) { this._data[key] = value; return true; } return false; }; Shared.finishModule('KeyValueStore'); module.exports = KeyValueStore; },{"./Shared":24}],10:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Operation = _dereq_('./Operation'); /** * The metrics class used to store details about operations. * @constructor */ var Metrics = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Metrics.prototype.init = function () { this._data = []; }; Shared.addModule('Metrics', Metrics); Shared.mixin(Metrics.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Creates an operation within the metrics instance and if metrics * are currently enabled (by calling the start() method) the operation * is also stored in the metrics log. * @param {String} name The name of the operation. * @returns {Operation} */ Metrics.prototype.create = function (name) { var op = new Operation(name); if (this._enabled) { this._data.push(op); } return op; }; /** * Starts logging operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.start = function () { this._enabled = true; return this; }; /** * Stops logging operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.stop = function () { this._enabled = false; return this; }; /** * Clears all logged operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.clear = function () { this._data = []; return this; }; /** * Returns an array of all logged operations. * @returns {Array} */ Metrics.prototype.list = function () { return this._data; }; Shared.finishModule('Metrics'); module.exports = Metrics; },{"./Operation":20,"./Shared":24}],11:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var CRUD = { preSetData: function () { }, postSetData: function () { } }; module.exports = CRUD; },{}],12:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * The chain reactor mixin, provides methods to the target object that allow chain * reaction events to propagate to the target and be handled, processed and passed * on down the chain. * @mixin */ var ChainReactor = { /** * * @param obj */ chain: function (obj) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (obj._reactorIn && obj._reactorOut) { console.log(obj._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Adding target "' + obj._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '" to the chain reactor target list'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Adding target "' + obj.instanceIdentifier() + '" to the chain reactor target list'); } } this._chain = this._chain || []; var index = this._chain.indexOf(obj); if (index === -1) { this._chain.push(obj); } }, unChain: function (obj) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (obj._reactorIn && obj._reactorOut) { console.log(obj._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Removing target "' + obj._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '" from the chain reactor target list'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Removing target "' + obj.instanceIdentifier() + '" from the chain reactor target list'); } } if (this._chain) { var index = this._chain.indexOf(obj); if (index > -1) { this._chain.splice(index, 1); } } }, chainSend: function (type, data, options) { if (this._chain) { var arr = this._chain, arrItem, count = arr.length, index; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { arrItem = arr[index]; if (!arrItem._state || (arrItem._state && !arrItem.isDropped())) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (arrItem._reactorIn && arrItem._reactorOut) { console.log(arrItem._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "' + arrItem._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '"'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "' + arrItem.instanceIdentifier() + '"'); } } arrItem.chainReceive(this, type, data, options); } else { console.log('Reactor Data:', type, data, options); console.log('Reactor Node:', arrItem); throw('Chain reactor attempting to send data to target reactor node that is in a dropped state!'); } } } }, chainReceive: function (sender, type, data, options) { var chainPacket = { sender: sender, type: type, data: data, options: options }; if (this.debug && this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + 'Received data from parent reactor node'); } // Fire our internal handler if (!this._chainHandler || (this._chainHandler && !this._chainHandler(chainPacket))) { // Propagate the message down the chain this.chainSend(chainPacket.type,, chainPacket.options); } } }; module.exports = ChainReactor; },{}],13:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var idCounter = 0, Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'), Common; Common = { /** * Gets / sets data in the item store. The store can be used to set and * retrieve data against a key. Useful for adding arbitrary key/value data * to a collection / view etc and retrieving it later. * @param {String|*} key The key under which to store the passed value or * retrieve the existing stored value. * @param {*=} val Optional value. If passed will overwrite the existing value * stored against the specified key if one currently exists. * @returns {*} */ store: function (key, val) { if (key !== undefined) { if (val !== undefined) { // Store the data this._store = this._store || {}; this._store[key] = val; return this; } if (this._store) { return this._store[key]; } } return undefined; }, /** * Removes a previously stored key/value pair from the item store, set previously * by using the store() method. * @param {String|*} key The key of the key/value pair to remove; * @returns {Common} Returns this for chaining. */ unStore: function (key) { if (key !== undefined) { delete this._store[key]; } return this; }, /** * Returns a non-referenced version of the passed object / array. * @param {Object} data The object or array to return as a non-referenced version. * @param {Number=} copies Optional number of copies to produce. If specified, the return * value will be an array of decoupled objects, each distinct from the other. * @returns {*} */ decouple: function (data, copies) { if (data !== undefined) { if (!copies) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); } else { var i, json = JSON.stringify(data), copyArr = []; for (i = 0; i < copies; i++) { copyArr.push(JSON.parse(json)); } return copyArr; } } return undefined; }, /** * Generates a new 16-character hexadecimal unique ID or * generates a new 16-character hexadecimal ID based on * the passed string. Will always generate the same ID * for the same string. * @param {String=} str A string to generate the ID from. * @return {String} */ objectId: function (str) { var id, pow = Math.pow(10, 17); if (!str) { idCounter++; id = (idCounter + ( Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow )).toString(16); } else { var val = 0, count = str.length, i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { val += str.charCodeAt(i) * pow; } id = val.toString(16); } return id; }, /** * Gets / sets debug flag that can enable debug message output to the * console if required. * @param {Boolean} val The value to set debug flag to. * @return {Boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. */ /** * Sets debug flag for a particular type that can enable debug message * output to the console if required. * @param {String} type The name of the debug type to set flag for. * @param {Boolean} val The value to set debug flag to. * @return {Boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. */ debug: new Overload([ function () { return this._debug && this._debug.all; }, function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { if (typeof val === 'boolean') { this._debug = this._debug || {}; this._debug.all = val; this.chainSend('debug', this._debug); return this; } else { return (this._debug && this._debug[val]) || (this._db && this._db._debug && this._db._debug[val]) || (this._debug && this._debug.all); } } return this._debug && this._debug.all; }, function (type, val) { if (type !== undefined) { if (val !== undefined) { this._debug = this._debug || {}; this._debug[type] = val; this.chainSend('debug', this._debug); return this; } return (this._debug && this._debug[val]) || (this._db && this._db._debug && this._db._debug[type]); } return this._debug && this._debug.all; } ]), /** * Returns a string describing the class this instance is derived from. * @returns {string} */ classIdentifier: function () { return 'ForerunnerDB.' + this.className; }, /** * Returns a string describing the instance by it's class name and instance * object name. * @returns {String} The instance identifier. */ instanceIdentifier: function () { return '[' + this.className + ']' +; }, /** * Returns a string used to denote a console log against this instance, * consisting of the class identifier and instance identifier. * @returns {string} The log identifier. */ logIdentifier: function () { return this.classIdentifier() + ': ' + this.instanceIdentifier(); }, /** * Converts a query object with MongoDB dot notation syntax * to Forerunner's object notation syntax. * @param {Object} obj The object to convert. */ convertToFdb: function (obj) { var varName, splitArr, objCopy, i; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { objCopy = obj; if (i.indexOf('.') > -1) { // Replace .$ with a placeholder before splitting by . char i = i.replace('.$', '[|$|]'); splitArr = i.split('.'); while ((varName = splitArr.shift())) { // Replace placeholder back to original .$ varName = varName.replace('[|$|]', '.$'); if (splitArr.length) { objCopy[varName] = {}; } else { objCopy[varName] = obj[i]; } objCopy = objCopy[varName]; } delete obj[i]; } } } }, /** * Checks if the state is dropped. * @returns {boolean} True when dropped, false otherwise. */ isDropped: function () { return this._state === 'dropped'; } }; module.exports = Common; },{"./Overload":21}],14:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Constants = { TYPE_INSERT: 0, TYPE_UPDATE: 1, TYPE_REMOVE: 2, PHASE_BEFORE: 0, PHASE_AFTER: 1 }; module.exports = Constants; },{}],15:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); var Events = { on: new Overload({ /** * Attach an event listener to the passed event. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} listener The method to call when the event is fired. */ 'string, function': function (event, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || {}; this._listeners[event]['*'] = this._listeners[event]['*'] || []; this._listeners[event]['*'].push(listener); return this; }, /** * Attach an event listener to the passed event only if the passed * id matches the document id for the event being fired. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {*} id The document id to match against. * @param {Function} listener The method to call when the event is fired. */ 'string, *, function': function (event, id, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || {}; this._listeners[event][id] = this._listeners[event][id] || []; this._listeners[event][id].push(listener); return this; } }), once: new Overload({ 'string, function': function (eventName, callback) { var self = this, internalCallback = function () {, internalCallback); callback.apply(self, arguments); }; return this.on(eventName, internalCallback); }, 'string, *, function': function (eventName, id, callback) { var self = this, internalCallback = function () {, id, internalCallback); callback.apply(self, arguments); }; return this.on(eventName, id, internalCallback); } }), off: new Overload({ 'string': function (event) { if (this._listeners && this._listeners[event] && event in this._listeners) { delete this._listeners[event]; } return this; }, 'string, function': function (event, listener) { var arr, index; if (typeof(listener) === 'string') { if (this._listeners && this._listeners[event] && this._listeners[event][listener]) { delete this._listeners[event][listener]; } } else { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners) { arr = this._listeners[event]['*']; index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } } return this; }, 'string, *, function': function (event, id, listener) { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners && id in this.listeners[event]) { var arr = this._listeners[event][id], index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } }, 'string, *': function (event, id) { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners && id in this._listeners[event]) { // Kill all listeners for this event id delete this._listeners[event][id]; } } }), emit: function (event, data) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners) { var arrIndex, arrCount, tmpFunc, arr, listenerIdArr, listenerIdCount, listenerIdIndex; // Handle global emit if (this._listeners[event]['*']) { arr = this._listeners[event]['*']; arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { // Check we have a function to execute tmpFunc = arr[arrIndex]; if (typeof tmpFunc === 'function') { tmpFunc.apply(this,, 1)); } } } // Handle individual emit if (data instanceof Array) { // Check if the array is an array of objects in the collection if (data[0] && data[0][this._primaryKey]) { // Loop the array and check for listeners against the primary key listenerIdArr = this._listeners[event]; arrCount = data.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { if (listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]]) { // Emit for this id listenerIdCount = listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]].length; for (listenerIdIndex = 0; listenerIdIndex < listenerIdCount; listenerIdIndex++) { tmpFunc = listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]][listenerIdIndex]; if (typeof tmpFunc === 'function') { listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]][listenerIdIndex].apply(this,, 1)); } } } } } } } return this; }, /** * Queues an event to be fired. This has automatic de-bouncing so that any * events of the same type that occur within 100 milliseconds of a previous * one will all be wrapped into a single emit rather than emitting tons of * events for lots of chained inserts etc. Only the data from the last * de-bounced event will be emitted. * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to emit. * @param {*=} data Optional data to emit with the event. */ deferEmit: function (eventName, data) { var self = this, args; if (!this._noEmitDefer && (!this._db || (this._db && !this._db._noEmitDefer))) { args = arguments; // Check for an existing timeout this._deferTimeout = this._deferTimeout || {}; if (this._deferTimeout[eventName]) { clearTimeout(this._deferTimeout[eventName]); } // Set a timeout this._deferTimeout[eventName] = setTimeout(function () { if (self.debug()) { console.log(self.logIdentifier() + ' Emitting ' + args[0]); } self.emit.apply(self, args); }, 1); } else { this.emit.apply(this, arguments); } return this; } }; module.exports = Events; },{"./Overload":21}],16:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Matching = { /** * Internal method that checks a document against a test object. * @param {*} source The source object or value to test against. * @param {*} test The test object or value to test with. * @param {Object} queryOptions The options the query was passed with. * @param {String=} opToApply The special operation to apply to the test such * as 'and' or an 'or' operator. * @param {Object=} options An object containing options to apply to the * operation such as limiting the fields returned etc. * @returns {Boolean} True if the test was positive, false on negative. * @private */ _match: function (source, test, queryOptions, opToApply, options) { // TODO: This method is quite long, break into smaller pieces var operation, applyOp, recurseVal, tmpIndex, sourceType = typeof source, testType = typeof test, matchedAll = true, opResult, substringCache, i; options = options || {}; queryOptions = queryOptions || {}; // Check if options currently holds a root query object if (!options.$rootQuery) { // Root query not assigned, hold the root query options.$rootQuery = test; } options.$rootData = options.$rootData || {}; // Check if the comparison data are both strings or numbers if ((sourceType === 'string' || sourceType === 'number') && (testType === 'string' || testType === 'number')) { // The source and test data are flat types that do not require recursive searches, // so just compare them and return the result if (sourceType === 'number') { // Number comparison if (source !== test) { matchedAll = false; } } else { // String comparison // TODO: We can probably use a queryOptions.$locale as a second parameter here // TODO: to satisfy if (source.localeCompare(test)) { matchedAll = false; } } } else { for (i in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Reset operation flag operation = false; substringCache = i.substr(0, 2); // Check if the property is a comment (ignorable) if (substringCache === '//') { // Skip this property continue; } // Check if the property starts with a dollar (function) if (substringCache.indexOf('$') === 0) { // Ask the _matchOp method to handle the operation opResult = this._matchOp(i, source, test[i], queryOptions, options); // Check the result of the matchOp operation // If the result is -1 then no operation took place, otherwise the result // will be a boolean denoting a match (true) or no match (false) if (opResult > -1) { if (opResult) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { // Set the matchedAll flag to the result of the operation // because the operation did not return true matchedAll = opResult; } // Record that an operation was handled operation = true; } } // Check for regex if (!operation && test[i] instanceof RegExp) { operation = true; if (sourceType === 'object' && source[i] !== undefined && test[i].test(source[i])) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } if (!operation) { // Check if our query is an object if (typeof(test[i]) === 'object') { // Because test[i] is an object, source must also be an object // Check if our source data we are checking the test query against // is an object or an array if (source[i] !== undefined) { if (source[i] instanceof Array && !(test[i] instanceof Array)) { // The source data is an array, so check each item until a // match is found recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < source[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i][tmpIndex], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else if (!(source[i] instanceof Array) && test[i] instanceof Array) { // The test key data is an array and the source key data is not so check // each item in the test key data to see if the source item matches one // of them. This is effectively an $in search. recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < test[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i], test[i][tmpIndex], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else if (typeof(source) === 'object') { // Recurse down the object tree recurseVal = this._match(source[i], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { recurseVal = this._match(undefined, test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } else { // First check if the test match is an $exists if (test[i] && test[i].$exists !== undefined) { // Push the item through another match recurse recurseVal = this._match(undefined, test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } else { // Check if the prop matches our test value if (source && source[i] === test[i]) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else if (source && source[i] && source[i] instanceof Array && test[i] && typeof(test[i]) !== "object") { // We are looking for a value inside an array // The source data is an array, so check each item until a // match is found recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < source[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i][tmpIndex], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } if (opToApply === 'and' && !matchedAll) { return false; } } } } return matchedAll; }, /** * Internal method, performs a matching process against a query operator such as $gt or $nin. * @param {String} key The property name in the test that matches the operator to perform * matching against. * @param {*} source The source data to match the query against. * @param {*} test The query to match the source against. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {*} * @private */ _matchOp: function (key, source, test, queryOptions, options) { // Check for commands switch (key) { case '$gt': // Greater than return source > test; case '$gte': // Greater than or equal return source >= test; case '$lt': // Less than return source < test; case '$lte': // Less than or equal return source <= test; case '$exists': // Property exists return (source === undefined) !== test; case '$ne': // Not equals return source != test; // jshint ignore:line case '$nee': // Not equals equals return source !== test; case '$or': // Match true on ANY check to pass for (var orIndex = 0; orIndex < test.length; orIndex++) { if (this._match(source, test[orIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return true; } } return false; case '$and': // Match true on ALL checks to pass for (var andIndex = 0; andIndex < test.length; andIndex++) { if (!this._match(source, test[andIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } return true; case '$in': // In // Check that the in test is an array if (test instanceof Array) { var inArr = test, inArrCount = inArr.length, inArrIndex; for (inArrIndex = 0; inArrIndex < inArrCount; inArrIndex++) { if (inArr[inArrIndex] instanceof RegExp && inArr[inArrIndex].test(source)) { return true; } else if (inArr[inArrIndex] === source) { return true; } } return false; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot use an $in operator on a non-array key: ' + key); } break; case '$nin': // Not in // Check that the not-in test is an array if (test instanceof Array) { var notInArr = test, notInArrCount = notInArr.length, notInArrIndex; for (notInArrIndex = 0; notInArrIndex < notInArrCount; notInArrIndex++) { if (notInArr[notInArrIndex] === source) { return false; } } return true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot use a $nin operator on a non-array key: ' + key); } break; case '$distinct': // Ensure options holds a distinct lookup options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'] = options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'] || {}; for (var distinctProp in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(distinctProp)) { options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp] = options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp] || {}; // Check if the options distinct lookup has this field's value if (options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp][source[distinctProp]]) { // Value is already in use return false; } else { // Set the value in the lookup options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp][source[distinctProp]] = true; // Allow the item in the results return true; } } } break; } return -1; } }; module.exports = Matching; },{}],17:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Sorting = { /** * Sorts the passed value a against the passed value b ascending. * @param {*} a The first value to compare. * @param {*} b The second value to compare. * @returns {*} 1 if a is sorted after b, -1 if a is sorted before b. */ sortAsc: function (a, b) { if (typeof(a) === 'string' && typeof(b) === 'string') { return a.localeCompare(b); } else { if (a > b) { return 1; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } } return 0; }, /** * Sorts the passed value a against the passed value b descending. * @param {*} a The first value to compare. * @param {*} b The second value to compare. * @returns {*} 1 if a is sorted after b, -1 if a is sorted before b. */ sortDesc: function (a, b) { if (typeof(a) === 'string' && typeof(b) === 'string') { return b.localeCompare(a); } else { if (a > b) { return -1; } else if (a < b) { return 1; } } return 0; } }; module.exports = Sorting; },{}],18:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); var Triggers = { /** * Add a trigger by id. * @param {String} id The id of the trigger. This must be unique to the type and * phase of the trigger. Only one trigger may be added with this id per type and * phase. * @param {Number} type The type of operation to apply the trigger to. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of an operation to fire the trigger on. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Function} method The method to call when the trigger is fired. * @returns {boolean} True if the trigger was added successfully, false if not. */ addTrigger: function (id, type, phase, method) { var self = this, triggerIndex; // Check if the trigger already exists triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex === -1) { // The trigger does not exist, create it self._trigger = self._trigger || {}; self._trigger[type] = self._trigger[type] || {}; self._trigger[type][phase] = self._trigger[type][phase] || []; self._trigger[type][phase].push({ id: id, method: method, enabled: true }); return true; } return false; }, /** * * @param {String} id The id of the trigger to remove. * @param {Number} type The type of operation to remove the trigger from. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation to remove the trigger from. * See Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @returns {boolean} True if removed successfully, false if not. */ removeTrigger: function (id, type, phase) { var self = this, triggerIndex; // Check if the trigger already exists triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // The trigger exists, remove it self._trigger[type][phase].splice(triggerIndex, 1); } return false; }, enableTrigger: new Overload({ 'string': function (id) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, types = self._trigger, phases, triggers, result = false, i, k, j; if (types) { for (j in types) { if (types.hasOwnProperty(j)) { phases = types[j]; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set enabled flag for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { if (triggers[k].id === id) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } } } } } } return result; }, 'number': function (type) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, i, k; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set to enabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } } return result; }, 'number, number': function (type, phase) { // Alter all triggers of this type and phase var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, k; if (phases) { triggers = phases[phase]; if (triggers) { // Loop triggers and set to enabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } return result; }, 'string, number, number': function (id, type, phase) { // Check if the trigger already exists var self = this, triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // Update the trigger self._trigger[type][phase][triggerIndex].enabled = true; return true; } return false; } }), disableTrigger: new Overload({ 'string': function (id) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, types = self._trigger, phases, triggers, result = false, i, k, j; if (types) { for (j in types) { if (types.hasOwnProperty(j)) { phases = types[j]; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set enabled flag for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { if (triggers[k].id === id) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } } } } } } return result; }, 'number': function (type) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, i, k; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set to disabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } } return result; }, 'number, number': function (type, phase) { // Alter all triggers of this type and phase var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, k; if (phases) { triggers = phases[phase]; if (triggers) { // Loop triggers and set to disabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } return result; }, 'string, number, number': function (id, type, phase) { // Check if the trigger already exists var self = this, triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // Update the trigger self._trigger[type][phase][triggerIndex].enabled = false; return true; } return false; } }), /** * Checks if a trigger will fire based on the type and phase provided. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @returns {Boolean} True if the trigger will fire, false otherwise. */ willTrigger: function (type, phase) { if (this._trigger && this._trigger[type] && this._trigger[type][phase] && this._trigger[type][phase].length) { // Check if a trigger in this array is enabled var arr = this._trigger[type][phase], i; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].enabled) { return true; } } } return false; }, /** * Processes trigger actions based on the operation, type and phase. * @param {Object} operation Operation data to pass to the trigger. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @param {Object} oldDoc The document snapshot before operations are * carried out against the data. * @param {Object} newDoc The document snapshot after operations are * carried out against the data. * @returns {boolean} */ processTrigger: function (operation, type, phase, oldDoc, newDoc) { var self = this, triggerArr, triggerIndex, triggerCount, triggerItem, response; if (self._trigger && self._trigger[type] && self._trigger[type][phase]) { triggerArr = self._trigger[type][phase]; triggerCount = triggerArr.length; for (triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < triggerCount; triggerIndex++) { triggerItem = triggerArr[triggerIndex]; // Check if the trigger is enabled if (triggerItem.enabled) { if (this.debug()) { var typeName, phaseName; switch (type) { case this.TYPE_INSERT: typeName = 'insert'; break; case this.TYPE_UPDATE: typeName = 'update'; break; case this.TYPE_REMOVE: typeName = 'remove'; break; default: typeName = ''; break; } switch (phase) { case this.PHASE_BEFORE: phaseName = 'before'; break; case this.PHASE_AFTER: phaseName = 'after'; break; default: phaseName = ''; break; } //console.log('Triggers: Processing trigger "' + id + '" for ' + typeName + ' in phase "' + phaseName + '"'); } // Run the trigger's method and store the response response =, operation, oldDoc, newDoc); // Check the response for a non-expected result (anything other than // undefined, true or false is considered a throwable error) if (response === false) { // The trigger wants us to cancel operations return false; } if (response !== undefined && response !== true && response !== false) { // Trigger responded with error, throw the error throw('ForerunnerDB.Mixin.Triggers: Trigger error: ' + response); } } } // Triggers all ran without issue, return a success (true) return true; } }, /** * Returns the index of a trigger by id based on type and phase. * @param {String} id The id of the trigger to find the index of. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @returns {number} * @private */ _triggerIndexOf: function (id, type, phase) { var self = this, triggerArr, triggerCount, triggerIndex; if (self._trigger && self._trigger[type] && self._trigger[type][phase]) { triggerArr = self._trigger[type][phase]; triggerCount = triggerArr.length; for (triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < triggerCount; triggerIndex++) { if (triggerArr[triggerIndex].id === id) { return triggerIndex; } } } return -1; } }; module.exports = Triggers; },{"./Overload":21}],19:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Updating = { /** * Updates a property on an object. * @param {Object} doc The object whose property is to be updated. * @param {String} prop The property to update. * @param {*} val The new value of the property. * @private */ _updateProperty: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] = val; if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Setting non-data-bound document property "' + prop + '"'); } }, /** * Increments a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to increment by. * @private */ _updateIncrement: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] += val; }, /** * Changes the index of an item in the passed array. * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} indexFrom The index to move the item from. * @param {Number} indexTo The index to move the item to. * @private */ _updateSpliceMove: function (arr, indexFrom, indexTo) { arr.splice(indexTo, 0, arr.splice(indexFrom, 1)[0]); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Moving non-data-bound document array index from "' + indexFrom + '" to "' + indexTo + '"'); } }, /** * Inserts an item into the passed array at the specified index. * @param {Array} arr The array to insert into. * @param {Number} index The index to insert at. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ _updateSplicePush: function (arr, index, doc) { if (arr.length > index) { arr.splice(index, 0, doc); } else { arr.push(doc); } }, /** * Inserts an item at the end of an array. * @param {Array} arr The array to insert the item into. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ _updatePush: function (arr, doc) { arr.push(doc); }, /** * Removes an item from the passed array. * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} index The index of the item in the array to remove. * @private */ _updatePull: function (arr, index) { arr.splice(index, 1); }, /** * Multiplies a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to multiply by. * @private */ _updateMultiply: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] *= val; }, /** * Renames a property on a document to the passed property. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to rename. * @param {Number} val The new property name. * @private */ _updateRename: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[val] = doc[prop]; delete doc[prop]; }, /** * Sets a property on a document to the passed value. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to delete. * @param {*} val The new property value. * @private */ _updateOverwrite: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] = val; }, /** * Deletes a property on a document. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to delete. * @private */ _updateUnset: function (doc, prop) { delete doc[prop]; }, /** * Removes all properties from an object without destroying * the object instance, thereby maintaining data-bound linking. * @param {Object} doc The parent object to modify. * @param {String} prop The name of the child object to clear. * @private */ _updateClear: function (doc, prop) { var obj = doc[prop], i; if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') { for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._updateUnset(obj, i); } } } }, /** * Pops an item or items from the array stack. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {Number} val If set to a positive integer, will pop the number specified * from the stack, if set to a negative integer will shift the number specified * from the stack. * @return {Boolean} * @private */ _updatePop: function (doc, val) { var updated = false, i; if (doc.length > 0) { if (val > 0) { for (i = 0; i < val; i++) { doc.pop(); } updated = true; } else if (val < 0) { for (i = 0; i > val; i--) { doc.shift(); } updated = true; } } return updated; } }; module.exports = Updating; },{}],20:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'); /** * The operation class, used to store details about an operation being * performed by the database. * @param {String} name The name of the operation. * @constructor */ var Operation = function (name) { this.pathSolver = new Path(); this.counter = 0; this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Operation.prototype.init = function (name) { this._data = { operation: name, // The name of the operation executed such as "find", "update" etc index: { potential: [], // Indexes that could have potentially been used used: false // The index that was picked to use }, steps: [], // The steps taken to generate the query results, time: { startMs: 0, stopMs: 0, totalMs: 0, process: {} }, flag: {}, // An object with flags that denote certain execution paths log: [] // Any extra data that might be useful such as warnings or helpful hints }; }; Shared.addModule('Operation', Operation); Shared.mixin(Operation.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Starts the operation timer. */ Operation.prototype.start = function () { this._data.time.startMs = new Date().getTime(); }; /** * Adds an item to the operation log. * @param {String} event The item to log. * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.log = function (event) { if (event) { var lastLogTime = this._log.length > 0 ? this._data.log[this._data.log.length - 1].time : 0, logObj = { event: event, time: new Date().getTime(), delta: 0 }; this._data.log.push(logObj); if (lastLogTime) { = logObj.time - lastLogTime; } return this; } return this._data.log; }; /** * Called when starting and ending a timed operation, used to time * internal calls within an operation's execution. * @param {String} section An operation name. * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.time = function (section) { if (section !== undefined) { var process = this._data.time.process, processObj = process[section] = process[section] || {}; if (!processObj.startMs) { // Timer started processObj.startMs = new Date().getTime(); processObj.stepObj = { name: section }; this._data.steps.push(processObj.stepObj); } else { processObj.stopMs = new Date().getTime(); processObj.totalMs = processObj.stopMs - processObj.startMs; processObj.stepObj.totalMs = processObj.totalMs; delete processObj.stepObj; } return this; } return this._data.time; }; /** * Used to set key/value flags during operation execution. * @param {String} key * @param {String} val * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.flag = function (key, val) { if (key !== undefined && val !== undefined) { this._data.flag[key] = val; } else if (key !== undefined) { return this._data.flag[key]; } else { return this._data.flag; } }; = function (path, val, noTime) { if (val !== undefined) { // Assign value to object path this.pathSolver.set(this._data, path, val); return this; } return this.pathSolver.get(this._data, path); }; Operation.prototype.pushData = function (path, val, noTime) { // Assign value to object path this.pathSolver.push(this._data, path, val); }; /** * Stops the operation timer. */ Operation.prototype.stop = function () { this._data.time.stopMs = new Date().getTime(); this._data.time.totalMs = this._data.time.stopMs - this._data.time.startMs; }; Shared.finishModule('Operation'); module.exports = Operation; },{"./Path":22,"./Shared":24}],21:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Allows a method to accept overloaded calls with different parameters controlling * which passed overload function is called. * @param {Object} def * @returns {Function} * @constructor */ var Overload = function (def) { if (def) { var self = this, index, count, tmpDef, defNewKey, sigIndex, signatures; if (!(def instanceof Array)) { tmpDef = {}; // Def is an object, make sure all prop names are devoid of spaces for (index in def) { if (def.hasOwnProperty(index)) { defNewKey = index.replace(/ /g, ''); // Check if the definition array has a * string in it if (defNewKey.indexOf('*') === -1) { // No * found tmpDef[defNewKey] = def[index]; } else { // A * was found, generate the different signatures that this // definition could represent signatures = this.generateSignaturePermutations(defNewKey); for (sigIndex = 0; sigIndex < signatures.length; sigIndex++) { if (!tmpDef[signatures[sigIndex]]) { tmpDef[signatures[sigIndex]] = def[index]; } } } } } def = tmpDef; } return function () { var arr = [], lookup, type, name; // Check if we are being passed a key/function object or an array of functions if (def instanceof Array) { // We were passed an array of functions count = def.length; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (def[index].length === arguments.length) { return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[index], arguments); } } } else { // Generate lookup key from arguments // Copy arguments to an array for (index = 0; index < arguments.length; index++) { type = typeof arguments[index]; // Handle detecting arrays if (type === 'object' && arguments[index] instanceof Array) { type = 'array'; } // Handle been presented with a single undefined argument if (arguments.length === 1 && type === 'undefined') { break; } // Add the type to the argument types array arr.push(type); } lookup = arr.join(','); // Check for an exact lookup match if (def[lookup]) { return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[lookup], arguments); } else { for (index = arr.length; index >= 0; index--) { // Get the closest match lookup = arr.slice(0, index).join(','); if (def[lookup + ',...']) { // Matched against arguments + "any other" return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[lookup + ',...'], arguments); } } } } name = typeof === 'function' ? : 'Unknown'; throw('ForerunnerDB.Overload "' + name + '": Overloaded method does not have a matching signature for the passed arguments: ' + JSON.stringify(arr)); }; } return function () {}; }; /** * Generates an array of all the different definition signatures that can be * created from the passed string with a catch-all wildcard *. E.g. it will * convert the signature: string,*,string to all potentials: * string,string,string * string,number,string * string,object,string, * string,function,string, * string,undefined,string * * @param {String} str Signature string with a wildcard in it. * @returns {Array} An array of signature strings that are generated. */ Overload.prototype.generateSignaturePermutations = function (str) { var signatures = [], newSignature, types = ['string', 'object', 'number', 'function', 'undefined'], index; if (str.indexOf('*') > -1) { // There is at least one "any" type, break out into multiple keys // We could do this at query time with regular expressions but // would be significantly slower for (index = 0; index < types.length; index++) { newSignature = str.replace('*', types[index]); signatures = signatures.concat(this.generateSignaturePermutations(newSignature)); } } else { signatures.push(str); } return signatures; }; Overload.prototype.callExtend = function (context, prop, propContext, func, args) { var tmp, ret; if (context && propContext[prop]) { tmp = context[prop]; context[prop] = propContext[prop]; ret = func.apply(context, args); context[prop] = tmp; return ret; } else { return func.apply(context, args); } }; module.exports = Overload; },{}],22:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Path object used to resolve object paths and retrieve data from * objects by using paths. * @param {String=} path The path to assign. * @constructor */ var Path = function (path) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Path.prototype.init = function (path) { if (path) { this.path(path); } }; Shared.addModule('Path', Path); Shared.mixin(Path.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Gets / sets the given path for the Path instance. * @param {String=} path The path to assign. */ Path.prototype.path = function (path) { if (path !== undefined) { this._path = this.clean(path); this._pathParts = this._path.split('.'); return this; } return this._path; }; /** * Tests if the passed object has the paths that are specified and that * a value exists in those paths. * @param {Object} testKeys The object describing the paths to test for. * @param {Object} testObj The object to test paths against. * @returns {Boolean} True if the object paths exist. */ Path.prototype.hasObjectPaths = function (testKeys, testObj) { var result = true, i; for (i in testKeys) { if (testKeys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (testObj[i] === undefined) { return false; } if (typeof testKeys[i] === 'object') { // Recurse object result = this.hasObjectPaths(testKeys[i], testObj[i]); // Should we exit early? if (!result) { return false; } } } } return result; }; /** * Counts the total number of key endpoints in the passed object. * @param {Object} testObj The object to count key endpoints for. * @returns {Number} The number of endpoints. */ Path.prototype.countKeys = function (testObj) { var totalKeys = 0, i; for (i in testObj) { if (testObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (testObj[i] !== undefined) { if (typeof testObj[i] !== 'object') { totalKeys++; } else { totalKeys += this.countKeys(testObj[i]); } } } } return totalKeys; }; /** * Tests if the passed object has the paths that are specified and that * a value exists in those paths and if so returns the number matched. * @param {Object} testKeys The object describing the paths to test for. * @param {Object} testObj The object to test paths against. * @returns {Object} Stats on the matched keys */ Path.prototype.countObjectPaths = function (testKeys, testObj) { var matchData, matchedKeys = {}, matchedKeyCount = 0, totalKeyCount = 0, i; for (i in testObj) { if (testObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (typeof testObj[i] === 'object') { // The test / query object key is an object, recurse matchData = this.countObjectPaths(testKeys[i], testObj[i]); matchedKeys[i] = matchData.matchedKeys; totalKeyCount += matchData.totalKeyCount; matchedKeyCount += matchData.matchedKeyCount; } else { // The test / query object has a property that is not an object so add it as a key totalKeyCount++; // Check if the test keys also have this key and it is also not an object if (testKeys && testKeys[i] && typeof testKeys[i] !== 'object') { matchedKeys[i] = true; matchedKeyCount++; } else { matchedKeys[i] = false; } } } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, matchedKeyCount: matchedKeyCount, totalKeyCount: totalKeyCount }; }; /** * Takes a non-recursive object and converts the object hierarchy into * a path string. * @param {Object} obj The object to parse. * @param {Boolean=} withValue If true will include a 'value' key in the returned * object that represents the value the object path points to. * @returns {Object} */ Path.prototype.parse = function (obj, withValue) { var paths = [], path = '', resultData, i, k; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Set the path to the key path = i; if (typeof(obj[i]) === 'object') { if (withValue) { resultData = this.parse(obj[i], withValue); for (k = 0; k < resultData.length; k++) { paths.push({ path: path + '.' + resultData[k].path, value: resultData[k].value }); } } else { resultData = this.parse(obj[i]); for (k = 0; k < resultData.length; k++) { paths.push({ path: path + '.' + resultData[k].path }); } } } else { if (withValue) { paths.push({ path: path, value: obj[i] }); } else { paths.push({ path: path }); } } } } return paths; }; /** * Takes a non-recursive object and converts the object hierarchy into * an array of path strings that allow you to target all possible paths * in an object. * * @returns {Array} */ Path.prototype.parseArr = function (obj, options) { options = options || {}; return this._parseArr(obj, '', [], options); }; Path.prototype._parseArr = function (obj, path, paths, options) { var i, newPath = ''; path = path || ''; paths = paths || []; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!options.ignore || (options.ignore && !options.ignore.test(i))) { if (path) { newPath = path + '.' + i; } else { newPath = i; } if (typeof(obj[i]) === 'object') { this._parseArr(obj[i], newPath, paths, options); } else { paths.push(newPath); } } } } return paths; }; /** * Gets the value(s) that the object contains for the currently assigned path string. * @param {Object} obj The object to evaluate the path against. * @param {String=} path A path to use instead of the existing one passed in path(). * @returns {Array} An array of values for the given path. */ Path.prototype.value = function (obj, path) { if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj === 'object') { var pathParts, arr, arrCount, objPart, objPartParent, valuesArr = [], i, k; if (path !== undefined) { path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); } arr = pathParts || this._pathParts; arrCount = arr.length; objPart = obj; for (i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { objPart = objPart[arr[i]]; if (objPartParent instanceof Array) { // Search inside the array for the next key for (k = 0; k < objPartParent.length; k++) { valuesArr = valuesArr.concat(this.value(objPartParent, k + '.' + arr[i])); } return valuesArr; } else { if (!objPart || typeof(objPart) !== 'object') { break; } } objPartParent = objPart; } return [objPart]; } else { return []; } }; /** * Sets a value on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to update. * @param {*} val The value to set the object path to. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.set = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = val; } } return obj; }; Path.prototype.get = function (obj, path) { return this.value(obj, path)[0]; }; /** * Push a value to an array on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to the array to push to. * @param {*} val The value to push to the array at the object path. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.push = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = obj[part] || []; if (obj[part] instanceof Array) { obj[part].push(val); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Path: Cannot push to a path whose endpoint is not an array!'); } } } return obj; }; /** * Gets the value(s) that the object contains for the currently assigned path string * with their associated keys. * @param {Object} obj The object to evaluate the path against. * @param {String=} path A path to use instead of the existing one passed in path(). * @returns {Array} An array of values for the given path with the associated key. */ Path.prototype.keyValue = function (obj, path) { var pathParts, arr, arrCount, objPart, objPartParent, objPartHash, i; if (path !== undefined) { path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); } arr = pathParts || this._pathParts; arrCount = arr.length; objPart = obj; for (i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { objPart = objPart[arr[i]]; if (!objPart || typeof(objPart) !== 'object') { objPartHash = arr[i] + ':' + objPart; break; } objPartParent = objPart; } return objPartHash; }; /** * Removes leading period (.) from string and returns it. * @param {String} str The string to clean. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.clean = function (str) { if (str.substr(0, 1) === '.') { str = str.substr(1, str.length -1); } return str; }; Shared.finishModule('Path'); module.exports = Path; },{"./Shared":24}],23:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Provides chain reactor node linking so that a chain reaction can propagate * down a node tree. * @param {*} reactorIn An object that has the Mixin.ChainReactor methods mixed * in to it. Chain reactions that occur inside this object will be passed through * to the reactoreOut object. * @param {*} reactorOut An object that has the Mixin.ChainReactor methods mixed * in to it. Chain reactions that occur in the reactorIn object will be passed * through to this object. * @param {Function} reactorProcess The processing method to use when chain * reactions occur * @constructor */ var ReactorIO = function (reactorIn, reactorOut, reactorProcess) { if (reactorIn && reactorOut && reactorProcess) { this._reactorIn = reactorIn; this._reactorOut = reactorOut; this._chainHandler = reactorProcess; if (!reactorIn.chain || !reactorOut.chainReceive) { throw('ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires passed in and out objects to implement the ChainReactor mixin!'); } // Register the reactorIO with the input reactorIn.chain(this); // Register the output with the reactorIO this.chain(reactorOut); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires in, out and process arguments to instantiate!'); } }; Shared.addModule('ReactorIO', ReactorIO); /** * Drop a reactor IO object, breaking the reactor link between the in and out * reactor nodes. * @returns {boolean} */ ReactorIO.prototype.drop = function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { this._state = 'dropped'; // Remove links if (this._reactorIn) { this._reactorIn.unChain(this); } if (this._reactorOut) { this.unChain(this._reactorOut); } delete this._reactorIn; delete this._reactorOut; delete this._chainHandler; this.emit('drop', this); } return true; }; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(ReactorIO.prototype, 'state'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.finishModule('ReactorIO'); module.exports = ReactorIO; },{"./Shared":24}],24:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * A shared object that can be used to store arbitrary data between class * instances, and access helper methods. * @mixin */ var Shared = { version: '1.3.324', modules: {}, plugins: {}, _synth: {}, /** * Adds a module to ForerunnerDB. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @param {Function} module The module class. */ addModule: function (name, module) { // Store the module in the module registry this.modules[name] = module; // Tell the universe we are loading this module this.emit('moduleLoad', [name, module]); }, /** * Called by the module once all processing has been completed. Used to determine * if the module is ready for use by other modules. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. */ finishModule: function (name) { if (this.modules[name]) { // Set the finished loading flag to true this.modules[name]._fdbFinished = true; // Assign the module name to itself so it knows what it // is called if (this.modules[name].prototype) { this.modules[name].prototype.className = name; } else { this.modules[name].className = name; } this.emit('moduleFinished', [name, this.modules[name]]); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Shared: finishModule called on a module that has not been registered with addModule(): ' + name); } }, /** * Will call your callback method when the specified module has loaded. If the module * is already loaded the callback is called immediately. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call when the module is loaded. */ moduleFinished: function (name, callback) { if (this.modules[name] && this.modules[name]._fdbFinished) { if (callback) { callback(name, this.modules[name]); } } else { this.on('moduleFinished', callback); } }, /** * Determines if a module has been added to ForerunnerDB or not. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module exists or false if not. */ moduleExists: function (name) { return Boolean(this.modules[name]); }, /** * Adds the properties and methods defined in the mixin to the passed object. * @memberof Shared * @param {Object} obj The target object to add mixin key/values to. * @param {String} mixinName The name of the mixin to add to the object. */ mixin: new Overload({ 'object, string': function (obj, mixinName) { var mixinObj; if (typeof mixinName === 'string') { mixinObj = this.mixins[mixinName]; if (!mixinObj) { throw('ForerunnerDB.Shared: Cannot find mixin named: ' + mixinName); } } return this.$, obj, mixinObj); }, 'object, *': function (obj, mixinObj) { return this.$, obj, mixinObj); }, '$main': function (obj, mixinObj) { if (mixinObj && typeof mixinObj === 'object') { for (var i in mixinObj) { if (mixinObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { obj[i] = mixinObj[i]; } } } return obj; } }), /** * Generates a generic getter/setter method for the passed method name. * @memberof Shared * @param {Object} obj The object to add the getter/setter to. * @param {String} name The name of the getter/setter to generate. * @param {Function=} extend A method to call before executing the getter/setter. * The existing getter/setter can be accessed from the extend method via the * $super e.g. this.$super(); */ synthesize: function (obj, name, extend) { this._synth[name] = this._synth[name] || function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this['_' + name] = val; return this; } return this['_' + name]; }; if (extend) { var self = this; obj[name] = function () { var tmp = this.$super, ret; this.$super = self._synth[name]; ret = extend.apply(this, arguments); this.$super = tmp; return ret; }; } else { obj[name] = this._synth[name]; } }, /** * Allows a method to be overloaded. * @memberof Shared * @param arr * @returns {Function} * @constructor */ overload: Overload, /** * Define the mixins that other modules can use as required. * @memberof Shared */ mixins: { 'Mixin.Common': _dereq_('./Mixin.Common'), 'Mixin.Events': _dereq_('./Mixin.Events'), 'Mixin.ChainReactor': _dereq_('./Mixin.ChainReactor'), 'Mixin.CRUD': _dereq_('./Mixin.CRUD'), 'Mixin.Constants': _dereq_('./Mixin.Constants'), 'Mixin.Triggers': _dereq_('./Mixin.Triggers'), 'Mixin.Sorting': _dereq_('./Mixin.Sorting'), 'Mixin.Matching': _dereq_('./Mixin.Matching'), 'Mixin.Updating': _dereq_('./Mixin.Updating') } }; // Add event handling to shared Shared.mixin(Shared, 'Mixin.Events'); module.exports = Shared; },{"./Mixin.CRUD":11,"./Mixin.ChainReactor":12,"./Mixin.Common":13,"./Mixin.Constants":14,"./Mixin.Events":15,"./Mixin.Matching":16,"./Mixin.Sorting":17,"./Mixin.Triggers":18,"./Mixin.Updating":19,"./Overload":21}],25:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ /* jshint strict:false */ if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function(fun/*, thisArg*/) { if (this === void 0 || this === null) { throw new TypeError(); } var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line if (typeof fun !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(); } var res = []; var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in t) { var val = t[i]; // NOTE: Technically this should Object.defineProperty at // the next index, as push can be affected by // properties on Object.prototype and Array.prototype. // But that method's new, and collisions should be // rare, so use the more-compatible alternative. if (, val, i, t)) { res.push(val); } } } return res; }; } if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') { Object.create = (function() { var Temp = function() {}; return function (prototype) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw Error('Second argument not supported'); } if (typeof prototype !== 'object') { throw TypeError('Argument must be an object'); } Temp.prototype = prototype; var result = new Temp(); Temp.prototype = null; return result; }; })(); } // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement, fromIndex) { var k; // 1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing // the this value as the argument. if (this === null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var O = Object(this); // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get // internal method of O with the argument "length". // 3. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue). var len = O.length >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line // 4. If len is 0, return -1. if (len === 0) { return -1; } // 5. If argument fromIndex was passed let n be // ToInteger(fromIndex); else let n be 0. var n = +fromIndex || 0; if (Math.abs(n) === Infinity) { n = 0; } // 6. If n >= len, return -1. if (n >= len) { return -1; } // 7. If n >= 0, then Let k be n. // 8. Else, n<0, Let k be len - abs(n). // If k is less than 0, then let k be 0. k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0); // 9. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the // HasProperty internal method of O with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then // i. Let elementK be the result of calling the Get // internal method of O with the argument ToString(k). // ii. Let same be the result of applying the // Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm to // searchElement and elementK. // iii. If same is true, return k. if (k in O && O[k] === searchElement) { return k; } k++; } return -1; }; } module.exports = {}; },{}]},{},[1]);
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zM8 17.5c-1.38 0-2.5-1.12-2.5-2.5s1.12-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.12 2.5 2.5-1.12 2.5-2.5 2.5zM9.5 8c0-1.38 1.12-2.5 2.5-2.5s2.5 1.12 2.5 2.5-1.12 2.5-2.5 2.5S9.5 9.38 9.5 8zm6.5 9.5c-1.38 0-2.5-1.12-2.5-2.5s1.12-2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.12 2.5 2.5-1.12 2.5-2.5 2.5z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'GroupWorkSharp');
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Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.",this._events[e].length);"function"==typeof console.trace&&console.trace()}}return this};n.prototype.on=n.prototype.addListener;n.prototype.once=function(e,t){function n(){this.removeListener(e,n);if(!i){i=!0;t.apply(this,arguments)}}if(!r(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");var i=!1;n.listener=t;this.on(e,n);return this};n.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){var n,i,s,a;if(!r(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");if(!this._events||!this._events[e])return this;n=this._events[e];s=n.length;i=-1;if(n===t||r(n.listener)&&n.listener===t){delete this._events[e];this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,t)}else if(o(n)){for(a=s;a-->0;)if(n[a]===t||n[a].listener&&n[a].listener===t){i=a;break}if(0>i)return this;if(1===n.length){n.length=0;delete this._events[e]}else n.splice(i,1);this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,t)}return this};n.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){var t,n;if(!this._events)return this;if(!this._events.removeListener){0===arguments.length?this._events={}:this._events[e]&&delete this._events[e];return this}if(0===arguments.length){for(t in this._events)"removeListener"!==t&&this.removeAllListeners(t);this.removeAllListeners("removeListener");this._events={};return this}n=this._events[e];if(r(n))this.removeListener(e,n);else for(;n.length;)this.removeListener(e,n[n.length-1]);delete this._events[e];return this};n.prototype.listeners=function(e){var t;t=this._events&&this._events[e]?r(this._events[e])?[this._events[e]]:this._events[e].slice():[];return t};n.listenerCount=function(e,t){var n;n=e._events&&e._events[t]?r(e._events[t])?1:e._events[t].length:0;return n}},{}],3:[function(e){var t=e("jquery");(function(e,t){function n(e,t,n){return[parseFloat(e[0])*(f.test(e[0])?t/100:1),parseFloat(e[1])*(f.test(e[1])?n/100:1)]}function r(t,n){return parseInt(e.css(t,n),10)||0}function i(t){var n=t[0];return 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i=0,o=n.length;o>i;i++)t(e,n[i],r);return r}function m(e,t,n,r,i){for(var o,s=[],a=0,l=e.length,u=null!=t;l>a;a++)if((o=e[a])&&(!n||n(o,r,i))){s.push(o);u&&t.push(a)}return s}function v(e,t,n,i,o,s){i&&!i[G]&&(i=v(i));o&&!o[G]&&(o=v(o,s));return r(function(r,s,a,l){var u,c,p,d=[],f=[],h=s.length,v=r||g(t||"*",a.nodeType?[a]:a,[]),E=!e||!r&&t?v:m(v,d,e,a,l),y=n?o||(r?e:h||i)?[]:s:E;n&&n(E,y,a,l);if(i){u=m(y,f);i(u,[],a,l);c=u.length;for(;c--;)(p=u[c])&&(y[f[c]]=!(E[f[c]]=p))}if(r){if(o||e){if(o){u=[];c=y.length;for(;c--;)(p=y[c])&&u.push(E[c]=p);o(null,y=[],u,l)}c=y.length;for(;c--;)(p=y[c])&&(u=o?et(r,p):d[c])>-1&&(r[u]=!(s[u]=p))}}else{y=m(y===s?y.splice(h,y.length):y);o?o(null,s,y,l):J.apply(s,y)}})}function E(e){for(var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=T.relative[e[0].type],s=o||T.relative[" "],a=o?1:0,l=f(function(e){return e===t},s,!0),u=f(function(e){return et(t,e)>-1},s,!0),c=[function(e,n,r){var i=!o&&(r||n!==I)||((t=n).nodeType?l(e,n,r):u(e,n,r));t=null;return 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p=s.mData,d=A(p),f=s.mRender?A(s.mRender):null,h=function(e){return"string"==typeof e&&-1!==e.indexOf("@")};s._bAttrSrc=e.isPlainObject(p)&&(h(p.sort)||h(p.type)||h(p.filter));s.fnGetData=function(e,t,n){var r=d(e,t,o,n);return f&&t?f(r,t,e,n):r};s.fnSetData=function(e,t,n){return I(p)(e,t,n)};if(!t.oFeatures.bSort){s.bSortable=!1;u.addClass(a.sSortableNone)}var g=-1!==e.inArray("asc",s.asSorting),m=-1!==e.inArray("desc",s.asSorting);if(s.bSortable&&(g||m))if(g&&!m){s.sSortingClass=a.sSortableAsc;s.sSortingClassJUI=a.sSortJUIAscAllowed}else if(!g&&m){s.sSortingClass=a.sSortableDesc;s.sSortingClassJUI=a.sSortJUIDescAllowed}else{s.sSortingClass=a.sSortable;s.sSortingClassJUI=a.sSortJUI}else{s.sSortingClass=a.sSortableNone;s.sSortingClassJUI=""}}function f(e){if(e.oFeatures.bAutoWidth!==!1){var t=e.aoColumns;Et(e);for(var n=0,r=t.length;r>n;n++)t[n][n].sWidth}var i=e.oScroll;(""!==i.sY||""!==i.sX)&&mt(e);Bt(e,null,"column-sizing",[e])}function h(e,t){var 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g[l])for(c=0,d=h.length;d>c;c++)("_all"==g[l]||e(h[c].nTh).hasClass(g[l]))&&i(c,f)}if(r)for(s=0,a=r.length;a>s;s++)i(s,r[s])}function x(t,n,r,i){var o=t.aoData.length,s=e.extend(!0,{},Xt.models.oRow,{src:r?"dom":"data"});s._aData=n;t.aoData.push(s);for(var a=t.aoColumns,l=0,u=a.length;u>l;l++){r&&C(t,o,l,N(t,o,l));a[l].sType=null}t.aiDisplayMaster.push(o);(r||!t.oFeatures.bDeferRender)&&F(t,o,r,i);return o}function b(t,n){var r;n instanceof e||(n=e(n));return,n){r=D(t,n);return x(t,,n,r.cells)})}function T(e,t){return t._DT_RowIndex!==o?t._DT_RowIndex:null}function S(t,n,r){return e.inArray(r,t.aoData[n].anCells)}function N(e,t,n,r){var i=e.iDraw,s=e.aoColumns[n],a=e.aoData[t]._aData,l=s.sDefaultContent,u=s.fnGetData(a,r,{settings:e,row:t,col:n});if(u===o){if(e.iDrawError!=i&&null===l){Pt(e,0,"Requested unknown parameter "+("function"==typeof s.mData?"{function}":"'"+s.mData+"'")+" for row "+t,4);e.iDrawError=i}return l}if(u!==a&&null!==u||null===l){if("function"==typeof u)return}else u=l;return null===u&&"display"==r?"":u}function C(e,t,n,r){var i=e.aoColumns[n],o=e.aoData[t]._aData;i.fnSetData(o,r,{settings:e,row:t,col:n})}function L(t){return\\.|[^\.])+/g),function(e){return e.replace(/\\./g,".")})}function A(t){if(e.isPlainObject(t)){var n={};e.each(t,function(e,t){t&&(n[e]=A(t))});return function(e,t,r,i){var s=n[t]||n._;return s!==o?s(e,t,r,i):e}}if(null===t)return function(e){return e};if("function"==typeof t)return function(e,n,r,i){return t(e,n,r,i)};if("string"!=typeof t||-1===t.indexOf(".")&&-1===t.indexOf("[")&&-1===t.indexOf("("))return function(e){return e[t]};var r=function(e,t,n){var i,s,a,l;if(""!==n)for(var u=L(n),c=0,p=u.length;p>c;c++){i=u[c].match(yn);s=u[c].match(xn);if(i){u[c]=u[c].replace(yn,"");""!==u[c]&&(e=e[u[c]]);a=[];u.splice(0,c+1);l=u.join(".");for(var d=0,f=e.length;f>d;d++)a.push(r(e[d],t,l));var h=i[0].substring(1,i[0].length-1);e=""===h?a:a.join(h);break}if(s){u[c]=u[c].replace(xn,"");e=e[u[c]]()}else{if(null===e||e[u[c]]===o)return o;e=e[u[c]]}}return e};return function(e,n){return r(e,n,t)}}function I(t){if(e.isPlainObject(t))return I(t._);if(null===t)return function(){};if("function"==typeof t)return function(e,n,r){t(e,"set",n,r)};if("string"!=typeof t||-1===t.indexOf(".")&&-1===t.indexOf("[")&&-1===t.indexOf("("))return function(e,n){e[t]=n};var n=function(e,t,r){for(var i,s,a,l,u,c=L(r),p=c[c.length-1],d=0,f=c.length-1;f>d;d++){s=c[d].match(yn);a=c[d].match(xn);if(s){c[d]=c[d].replace(yn,"");e[c[d]]=[];i=c.slice();i.splice(0,d+1);u=i.join(".");for(var h=0,g=t.length;g>h;h++){l={};n(l,t[h],u);e[c[d]].push(l)}return}if(a){c[d]=c[d].replace(xn,"");e=e[c[d]](t)}(null===e[c[d]]||e[c[d]]===o)&&(e[c[d]]={});e=e[c[d]]}p.match(xn)?e=e[p.replace(xn,"")](t):e[p.replace(yn,"")]=t};return function(e,r){return n(e,r,t)}}function w(e){return fn(e.aoData,"_aData")}function R(e){e.aoData.length=0;e.aiDisplayMaster.length=0;e.aiDisplay.length=0}function O(e,t,n){for(var r=-1,i=0,s=e.length;s>i;i++)e[i]==t?r=i:e[i]>t&&e[i]--;-1!=r&&n===o&&e.splice(r,1)}function _(e,t,n,r){var i,s,a=e.aoData[t];if("dom"!==n&&(n&&"auto"!==n||"dom"!==a.src)){var l,u=a.anCells;if(u)for(i=0,s=u.length;s>i;i++){l=u[i];for(;l.childNodes.length;)l.removeChild(l.firstChild);u[i].innerHTML=N(e,t,i,"display")}}else a._aData=D(e,a).data;a._aSortData=null;a._aFilterData=null;var c=e.aoColumns;if(r!==o)c[r].sType=null;else for(i=0,s=c.length;s>i;i++)c[i].sType=null;k(a)}function D(t,n){var r,i,o,s,a=[],l=[],u=n.firstChild,c=0,p=t.aoColumns,d=function(e,t,n){if("string"==typeof e){var r=e.indexOf("@");if(-1!==r){var i=e.substring(r+1);o["@"+i]=n.getAttribute(i)}}},f=function(t){i=p[c];s=e.trim(t.innerHTML);if(i&&i._bAttrSrc){o={display:s};d(i.mData.sort,o,t);d(i.mData.type,o,t);d(i.mData.filter,o,t);a.push(o)}else a.push(s);c++};if(u)for(;u;){r=u.nodeName.toUpperCase();if("TD"==r||"TH"==r){f(u);l.push(u)}u=u.nextSibling}else{l=n.anCells;for(var h=0,g=l.length;g>h;h++)f(l[h])}return{data:a,cells:l}}function F(e,t,n,r){var o,s,a,l,u,c=e.aoData[t],p=c._aData,d=[];if(null===c.nTr){o=n||i.createElement("tr");c.nTr=o;c.anCells=d;o._DT_RowIndex=t;k(c);for(l=0,u=e.aoColumns.length;u>l;l++){a=e.aoColumns[l];s=n?r[l]:i.createElement(a.sCellType);d.push(s);(!n||a.mRender||a.mData!==l)&&(s.innerHTML=N(e,t,l,"display"));a.sClass&&(s.className+=" "+a.sClass);a.bVisible&&!n?o.appendChild(s):!a.bVisible&&n&&s.parentNode.removeChild(s);a.fnCreatedCell&&,s,N(e,t,l),p,t,l)}Bt(e,"aoRowCreatedCallback",null,[o,p,t])}c.nTr.setAttribute("role","row")}function k(t){var n=t.nTr,r=t._aData;if(n){r.DT_RowId&&(;if(r.DT_RowClass){var i=r.DT_RowClass.split(" ");t.__rowc=t.__rowc?vn(t.__rowc.concat(i)):i;e(n).removeClass(t.__rowc.join(" ")).addClass(r.DT_RowClass)}r.DT_RowData&&e(n).data(r.DT_RowData)}}function P(t){var n,r,i,o,s,a=t.nTHead,l=t.nTFoot,u=0===e("th, td",a).length,c=t.oClasses,p=t.aoColumns;u&&(o=e("<tr/>").appendTo(a));for(n=0,r=p.length;r>n;n++){s=p[n];i=e(s.nTh).addClass(s.sClass);u&&i.appendTo(o);if(t.oFeatures.bSort){i.addClass(s.sSortingClass);if(s.bSortable!==!1){i.attr("tabindex",t.iTabIndex).attr("aria-controls",t.sTableId);Rt(t,s.nTh,n)}}s.sTitle!=i.html()&&i.html(s.sTitle);Ht(t,"header")(t,i,s,c)}u&&B(t.aoHeader,a);e(a).find(">tr").attr("role","row");e(a).find(">tr>th, >tr>td").addClass(c.sHeaderTH);e(l).find(">tr>th, >tr>td").addClass(c.sFooterTH);if(null!==l){var d=t.aoFooter[0];for(n=0,r=d.length;r>n;n++){s=p[n];s.nTf=d[n].cell;s.sClass&&e(s.nTf).addClass(s.sClass)}}}function M(t,n,r){var i,s,a,l,u,c,p,d,f,h=[],g=[],m=t.aoColumns.length;if(n){r===o&&(r=!1);for(i=0,s=n.length;s>i;i++){h[i]=n[i].slice();h[i].nTr=n[i].nTr;for(a=m-1;a>=0;a--)t.aoColumns[a].bVisible||r||h[i].splice(a,1);g.push([])}for(i=0,s=h.length;s>i;i++){p=h[i].nTr;if(p)for(;c=p.firstChild;)p.removeChild(c);for(a=0,l=h[i].length;l>a;a++){d=1;f=1;if(g[i][a]===o){p.appendChild(h[i][a].cell);g[i][a]=1;for(;h[i+d]!==o&&h[i][a].cell==h[i+d][a].cell;){g[i+d][a]=1;d++}for(;h[i][a+f]!==o&&h[i][a].cell==h[i][a+f].cell;){for(u=0;d>u;u++)g[i+u][a+f]=1;f++}e(h[i][a].cell).attr("rowspan",d).attr("colspan",f)}}}}}function j(t){var n=Bt(t,"aoPreDrawCallback","preDraw",[t]);if(-1===e.inArray(!1,n)){var r=[],i=0,s=t.asStripeClasses,a=s.length,l=(t.aoOpenRows.length,t.oLanguage),u=t.iInitDisplayStart,c="ssp"==Vt(t),p=t.aiDisplay;t.bDrawing=!0;if(u!==o&&-1!==u){t._iDisplayStart=c?u:u>=t.fnRecordsDisplay()?0:u;t.iInitDisplayStart=-1}var 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ht(t,!1)}function G(e,t){var n=e.oFeatures,r=n.bSort,i=n.bFilter;r&&At(e);i?Y(e,e.oPreviousSearch):e.aiDisplay=e.aiDisplayMaster.slice();t!==!0&&(e._iDisplayStart=0);e._drawHold=t;j(e);e._drawHold=!1}function U(t){var n=t.oClasses,r=e(t.nTable),i=e("<div/>").insertBefore(r),o=t.oFeatures,s=e("<div/>",{id:t.sTableId+"_wrapper","class":n.sWrapper+(t.nTFoot?"":" "+n.sNoFooter)});t.nHolding=i[0];t.nTableWrapper=s[0];t.nTableReinsertBefore=t.nTable.nextSibling;for(var a,l,u,c,p,d,f=t.sDom.split(""),h=0;h<f.length;h++){a=null;l=f[h];if("<"==l){u=e("<div/>")[0];c=f[h+1];if("'"==c||'"'==c){p="";d=2;for(;f[h+d]!=c;){p+=f[h+d];d++}"H"==p?p=n.sJUIHeader:"F"==p&&(p=n.sJUIFooter);if(-1!=p.indexOf(".")){var g=p.split(".");[0].substr(1,g[0].length-1);u.className=g[1]}else"#"==p.charAt(0)?,p.length-1):u.className=p;h+=d}s.append(u);s=e(u)}else if(">"==l)s=s.parent();else if("l"==l&&o.bPaginate&&o.bLengthChange)a=ct(t);else if("f"==l&&o.bFilter)a=X(t);else if("r"==l&&o.bProcessing)a=ft(t);else if("t"==l)a=gt(t);else if("i"==l&&o.bInfo)a=it(t);else if("p"==l&&o.bPaginate)a=pt(t);else if(0!==Xt.ext.feature.length)for(var m=Xt.ext.feature,v=0,E=m.length;E>v;v++)if(l==m[v].cFeature){a=m[v].fnInit(t);break}if(a){var y=t.aanFeatures;y[l]||(y[l]=[]);y[l].push(a);s.append(a)}}i.replaceWith(s)}function B(t,n){var r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p,d,f,h=e(n).children("tr"),g=function(e,t,n){for(var r=e[t];r[n];)n++;return n};t.splice(0,t.length);for(o=0,l=h.length;l>o;o++)t.push([]);for(o=0,l=h.length;l>o;o++){r=h[o];c=0;i=r.firstChild;for(;i;){if("TD"==i.nodeName.toUpperCase()||"TH"==i.nodeName.toUpperCase()){p=1*i.getAttribute("colspan");d=1*i.getAttribute("rowspan");p=p&&0!==p&&1!==p?p:1;d=d&&0!==d&&1!==d?d:1;u=g(t,o,c);f=1===p?!0:!1;for(a=0;p>a;a++)for(s=0;d>s;s++){t[o+s][u+a]={cell:i,unique:f};t[o+s].nTr=r}}i=i.nextSibling}}}function q(e,t,n){var r=[];if(!n){n=e.aoHeader;if(t){n=[];B(n,t)}}for(var i=0,o=n.length;o>i;i++)for(var 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n=t.oClasses,r=t.sTableId,i=t.aLengthMenu,o=e.isArray(i[0]),s=o?i[0]:i,a=o?i[1]:i,l=e("<select/>",{name:r+"_length","aria-controls":r,"class":n.sLengthSelect}),u=0,c=s.length;c>u;u++)l[0][u]=new Option(a[u],s[u]);var p=e("<div><label/></div>").addClass(n.sLength);t.aanFeatures.l||(p[0].id=r+"_length");p.children().append(t.oLanguage.sLengthMenu.replace("_MENU_",l[0].outerHTML));e("select",p).val(t._iDisplayLength).bind("change.DT",function(){ut(t,e(this).val());j(t)});e(t.nTable).bind("length.dt.DT",function(n,r,i){t===r&&e("select",p).val(i)});return p[0]}function pt(t){var n=t.sPaginationType,r=Xt.ext.pager[n],i="function"==typeof r,o=function(e){j(e)},s=e("<div/>").addClass(t.oClasses.sPaging+n)[0],a=t.aanFeatures;i||r.fnInit(t,s,o);if(!a.p){"_paginate";t.aoDrawCallback.push({fn:function(e){if(i){var 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n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p=t.oScroll,d=p.sX,f=p.sXInner,g=p.sY,m=p.iBarWidth,v=e(t.nScrollHead),E=v[0].style,y=v.children("div"),x=y[0].style,b=y.children("table"),T=t.nScrollBody,S=e(T),,C=e(t.nScrollFoot),L=C.children("div"),A=L.children("table"),I=e(t.nTHead),w=e(t.nTable),R=w[0],,_=t.nTFoot?e(t.nTFoot):null,D=t.oBrowser,F=D.bScrollOversize,k=[],P=[],M=[],j=function(e){var;t.paddingTop="0";t.paddingBottom="0";t.borderTopWidth="0";t.borderBottomWidth="0";t.height=0};w.children("thead, tfoot").remove();s=I.clone().prependTo(w);n=I.find("tr");i=s.find("tr");s.find("th, 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r,i,o=0,s=0,a=t.length;a>s;){r=t[s].firstChild;i=n?n[s].firstChild:null;for(;r;){if(1===r.nodeType){n?e(r,i,o):e(r,o);o++}r=r.nextSibling;i=n?i.nextSibling:null}s++}}function Et(t){var r,i,o,s,a,l=t.nTable,u=t.aoColumns,c=t.oScroll,p=c.sY,d=c.sX,h=c.sXInner,g=u.length,E=v(t,"bVisible"),y=e("th",t.nTHead),x=l.getAttribute("width"),b=l.parentNode,T=!1;for(r=0;r<E.length;r++){i=u[E[r]];if(null!==i.sWidth){i.sWidth=xt(i.sWidthOrig,b);T=!0}}if(T||d||p||g!=m(t)||g!=y.length){var S=e(l).clone().empty().css("visibility","hidden").removeAttr("id").append(e(t.nTHead).clone(!1)).append(e(t.nTFoot).clone(!1)).append(e("<tbody><tr/></tbody>"));S.find("tfoot th, tfoot td").css("width","");var N=S.find("tbody tr");y=q(t,S.find("thead")[0]);for(r=0;r<E.length;r++){i=u[E[r]];y[r].style.width=null!==i.sWidthOrig&&""!==i.sWidthOrig?Nt(i.sWidthOrig):""}if(t.aoData.length)for(r=0;r<E.length;r++){o=E[r];i=u[o];e(Tt(t,o)).clone(!1).append(i.sContentPadding).appendTo(N)}S.appendTo(b);if(d&&h)S.width(h);else 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r&&"object"==typeof n?i(t("../../lib/codemirror")):"function"==typeof e&&e.amd?e(["../../lib/codemirror"],i):i(CodeMirror)})(function(e){"use strict";e.defineMode("javascript",function(t,n){function r(e){for(var t,n=!1,r=!1;null!=(;){if(!n){if("/"==t&&!r)return;"["==t?r=!0:r&&"]"==t&&(r=!1)}n=!n&&"\\"==t}}function i(e,t,n){ht=e;gt=n;return t}function o(e,t){var;if('"'==n||"'"==n){t.tokenize=s(n);return t.tokenize(e,t)}if("."==n&&e.match(/^\d+(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/))return i("number","number");if("."==n&&e.match(".."))return i("spread","meta");if(/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(n))return i(n);if("="==n&&">"))return i("=>","operator");if("0"==n&&{e.eatWhile(/[\da-f]/i);return i("number","number")}if(/\d/.test(n)){e.match(/^\d*(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/);return i("number","number")}if("/"==n){if("*")){t.tokenize=a;return a(e,t)}if("/")){e.skipToEnd();return i("comment","comment")}if("operator"==t.lastType||"keyword 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u(e,t){t.fatArrowAt&&(t.fatArrowAt=null);var n=e.string.indexOf("=>",e.start);if(!(0>n)){for(var r=0,i=!1,o=n-1;o>=0;--o){var s=e.string.charAt(o),a=Ct.indexOf(s);if(a>=0&&3>a){if(!r){++o;break}if(0==--r)break}else if(a>=3&&6>a)++r;else if(bt.test(s))i=!0;else{if(/["'\/]/.test(s))return;if(i&&!r){++o;break}}}i&&!r&&(t.fatArrowAt=o)}}function c(e,t,n,r,i,o){this.indented=e;this.column=t;this.type=n;this.prev=i;;null!=r&&(this.align=r)}function p(e,t){for(var n=e.localVars;n;!0;for(var r=e.context;r;r=r.prev)for(var n=r.vars;n;!0}function d(e,t,n,r,i){var;At.state=e;;At.marked=null,;;e.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align")||(e.lexical.align=!0);for(;;){var s=o.length?o.pop():yt?T:b;if(s(n,r)){for(;o.length&&o[o.length-1].lex;)o.pop()();return At.marked?At.marked:"variable"==n&&p(e,r)?"variable-2":t}}}function f(){for(var e=arguments.length-1;e>=0;e--)[e])}function h(){f.apply(null,arguments);return!0}function g(e){function t(t){for(var n=t;n;!0;return!1}var r=At.state;if(r.context){At.marked="def";if(t(r.localVars))return;r.localVars={name:e,next:r.localVars}}else{if(t(r.globalVars))return;n.globalVars&&(r.globalVars={name:e,next:r.globalVars})}}function m(){At.state.context={prev:At.state.context,vars:At.state.localVars};At.state.localVars=It}function v(){At.state.localVars=At.state.context.vars;At.state.context=At.state.context.prev}function E(e,t){var n=function(){var n=At.state,r=n.indented;if("stat"==n.lexical.type)r=n.lexical.indented;else for(var i=n.lexical;i&&")"==i.type&&i.align;i=i.prev)r=i.indented;n.lexical=new c(r,,e,null,n.lexical,t)};n.lex=!0;return n}function y(){var e=At.state;if(e.lexical.prev){")"==e.lexical.type&&(e.indented=e.lexical.indented);e.lexical=e.lexical.prev}}function x(e){function t(n){return n==e?h():";"==e?f():h(t)}return t}function b(e,t){if("var"==e)return h(E("vardef",t.length),H,x(";"),y);if("keyword a"==e)return h(E("form"),T,b,y);if("keyword b"==e)return h(E("form"),b,y);if("{"==e)return 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A(e,t){return","==e?h(T):I(e,t,!1)}function I(e,t,n){var r=0==n?A:I,i=0==n?T:S;return"=>"==e?h(m,n?_:O,v):"operator"==e?/\+\+|--/.test(t)?h(r):"?"==t?h(T,x(":"),i):h(i):"quasi"==e?f(w,r):";"!=e?"("==e?G(S,")","call",r):"."==e?h(F,r):"["==e?h(E("]"),C,x("]"),y,r):void 0:void 0}function w(e,t){return"quasi"!=e?f():"${"!=t.slice(t.length-2)?h(w):h(T,R)}function R(e){if("}"==e){At.marked="string-2";At.state.tokenize=l;return h(w)}}function O(e){u(,At.state);return f("{"==e?b:T)}function _(e){u(,At.state);return f("{"==e?b:S)}function D(e){return":"==e?h(y,b):f(A,x(";"),y)}function F(e){if("variable"==e){At.marked="property";return h()}}function k(e,t){if("variable"==e||"keyword"{At.marked="property";return h("get"==t||"set"==t?P:M)}if("number"==e||"string"==e){At.marked=Et?"property"" property";return h(M)}return"jsonld-keyword"==e?h(M):"["==e?h(T,x("]"),M):void 0}function P(e){if("variable"!=e)return f(M);At.marked="property";return h(et)}function M(e){return":"==e?h(S):"("==e?f(et):void 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this)if(t=r.match(n)){var i=this[r];this.removeEventListener(t[1],i,i.$);delete this[r]}}var s="__on"+e,a=e.indexOf("."),l=z;a>0&&(e=e.slice(0,a));var u=_a.get(e);u&&(e=u,l=$);return a?t?i:r:t?x:o}function z(e,t){return function(n){var r=ia.event;ia.event=n;t[0]=this.__data__;try{e.apply(this,t)}finally{ia.event=r}}}function $(e,t){var n=z(e,t);return function(e){var t=this,r=e.relatedTarget;r&&(r===t||8&r.compareDocumentPosition(t))||,e)}}function X(){var e=".dragsuppress-"+ ++Fa,t="click"+e,"touchmove"+e,S).on("dragstart"+e,S).on("selectstart"+e,S);if(Da){var,i=r[Da];r[Da]="none"}return function(o){n.on(e,null);Da&&(r[Da]=i);if(o){var s=function(){n.on(t,null)};n.on(t,function(){S();s()},!0);setTimeout(s,0)}}}function Y(e,t){t.changedTouches&&(t=t.changedTouches[0]);var n=e.ownerSVGElement||e;if(n.createSVGPoint){var r=n.createSVGPoint();if(0>ka&&(ua.scrollX||ua.scrollY)){"body").append("svg").style({position:"absolute",top:0,left:0,margin:0,padding:0,border:"none"},"important");var 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t-(e?Math.ceil(Math.log(e)/Math.LN10):1)}function Mt(e,t){var n=Math.pow(10,3*Ea(8-t));return{scale:t>8?function(e){return e/n}:function(e){return e*n},symbol:e}}function jt(e){var t=e.decimal,n=e.thousands,r=e.grouping,i=e.currency,o=r&&n?function(e,t){for(var i=e.length,o=[],s=0,a=r[0],l=0;i>0&&a>0;){l+a+1>t&&(a=Math.max(1,t-l));o.push(e.substring(i-=a,i+a));if((l+=a+1)>t)break;a=r[s=(s+1)%r.length]}return o.reverse().join(n)}:It;return function(e){var n=dl.exec(e),r=n[1]||" 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Array(N=c-N+1).join(r):"";y&&(x=o(C+x,C.length?c-b.length:1/0));i+=g;e=x+b;return("<"===s?i+e+C:">"===s?C+i+e:"^"===s?C.substring(0,N>>=1)+i+e+C.substring(N):i+(y?e:C+e))+n}}}function Gt(e){return e+""}function Ut(){this._=new Date(arguments.length>1?Date.UTC.apply(this,arguments):arguments[0])}function Bt(e,t,n){function r(t){var n=e(t),r=o(n,1);return r-t>t-n?n:r}function i(n){t(n=e(new gl(n-1)),1);return n}function o(e,n){t(e=new gl(+e),n);return e}function s(e,r,o){var s=i(e),a=[];if(o>1)for(;r>s;){n(s)%o||a.push(new Date(+s));t(s,1)}else for(;r>s;)a.push(new Date(+s)),t(s,1);return a}function a(e,t,n){try{gl=Ut;var r=new Ut;r._=e;return s(r,t,n)}finally{gl=Date}}e.floor=e;e.round=r;e.ceil=i;e.offset=o;e.range=s;var l=e.utc=qt(e);l.floor=l;l.round=qt(r);l.ceil=qt(i);l.offset=qt(o);l.range=a;return e}function qt(e){return function(t,n){try{gl=Ut;var r=new Ut;r._=t;return e(r,n)._}finally{gl=Date}}}function Ht(e){function t(e){function t(t){for(var n,i,o,s=[],a=-1,l=0;++a<r;)if(37===e.charCodeAt(a)){s.push(e.slice(l,a));null!=(i=vl[n=e.charAt(++a)])&&(n=e.charAt(++a));(o=I[n])&&(n=o(t,null==i?"e"===n?" ":"0":i));s.push(n);l=a+1}s.push(e.slice(l,a));return s.join("")}var r=e.length;t.parse=function(t){var r={y:1900,m:0,d:1,H:0,M:0,S:0,L:0,Z:null},i=n(r,e,t,0);if(i!=t.length)return null;"p"in r&&(r.H=r.H%12+12*r.p);var o=null!=r.Z&&gl!==Ut,s=new(o?Ut:gl);if("j"in r)s.setFullYear(r.y,0,r.j);else if("w"in r&&("W"in r||"U"in r)){s.setFullYear(r.y,0,1);s.setFullYear(r.y,0,"W"in r?(r.w+6)%7+7*r.W-(s.getDay()+5)%7:r.w+7*r.U-(s.getDay()+6)%7)}else s.setFullYear(r.y,r.m,r.d);s.setHours(r.H+(r.Z/100|0),r.M+r.Z%100,r.S,r.L);return o?s._:s};t.toString=function(){return e};return t}function n(e,t,n,r){for(var i,o,s,a=0,l=t.length,u=n.length;l>a;){if(r>=u)return-1;i=t.charCodeAt(a++);if(37===i){s=t.charAt(a++);o=w[s in vl?t.charAt(a++):s];if(!o||(r=o(e,n,r))<0)return-1}else if(i!=n.charCodeAt(r++))return-1}return r}function r(e,t,n){T.lastIndex=0;var r=T.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.w=S.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function i(e,t,n){x.lastIndex=0;var r=x.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.w=b.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function o(e,t,n){L.lastIndex=0;var r=L.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.m=A.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function s(e,t,n){N.lastIndex=0;var r=N.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.m=C.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function a(e,t,r){return n(e,I.c.toString(),t,r)}function l(e,t,r){return n(e,I.x.toString(),t,r)}function u(e,t,r){return n(e,I.X.toString(),t,r)}function c(e,t,n){var r=y.get(t.slice(n,n+=2).toLowerCase());return null==r?-1:(e.p=r,n)}var p=e.dateTime,,f=e.time,h=e.periods,g=e.days,m=e.shortDays,v=e.months,E=e.shortMonths;t.utc=function(e){function n(e){try{gl=Ut;var t=new gl;t._=e;return r(t)}finally{gl=Date}}var r=t(e);n.parse=function(e){try{gl=Ut;var t=r.parse(e);return t&&t._}finally{gl=Date}};n.toString=r.toString;return n};t.multi=t.utc.multi=cn;var,x=Wt(g),b=zt(g),T=Wt(m),S=zt(m),N=Wt(v),C=zt(v),L=Wt(E),A=zt(E);h.forEach(function(e,t){y.set(e.toLowerCase(),t)});var I={a:function(e){return m[e.getDay()]},A:function(e){return g[e.getDay()]},b:function(e){return E[e.getMonth()]},B:function(e){return v[e.getMonth()]},c:t(p),d:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getDate(),t,2)},e:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getDate(),t,2)},H:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getHours(),t,2)},I:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getHours()%12||12,t,2)},j:function(e,t){return Vt(1+hl.dayOfYear(e),t,3)},L:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getMilliseconds(),t,3)},m:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getMonth()+1,t,2)},M:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getMinutes(),t,2)},p:function(e){return h[+(e.getHours()>=12)]},S:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getSeconds(),t,2)},U:function(e,t){return Vt(hl.sundayOfYear(e),t,2)},w:function(e){return e.getDay()},W:function(e,t){return Vt(hl.mondayOfYear(e),t,2)},x:t(d),X:t(f),y:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getFullYear()%100,t,2)},Y:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getFullYear()%1e4,t,4)},Z:ln,"%":function(){return"%"}},w={a:r,A:i,b:o,B:s,c:a,d:tn,e:tn,H:rn,I:rn,j:nn,L:an,m:en,M:on,p:c,S:sn,U:Xt,w:$t,W:Yt,x:l,X:u,y:Qt,Y:Kt,Z:Jt,"%":un};return t}function Vt(e,t,n){var r=0>e?"-":"",i=(r?-e:e)+"",o=i.length;return r+(n>o?new Array(n-o+1).join(t)+i:i)}function Wt(e){return new RegExp("^(?:""|")+")","i")}function zt(e){for(var t=new u,n=-1,r=e.length;++n<r;)t.set(e[n].toLowerCase(),n);return t}function $t(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+1));return r?(e.w=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Xt(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.U=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Yt(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.W=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Kt(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+4));return r?(e.y=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Qt(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.y=Zt(+r[0]),n+r[0].length):-1}function Jt(e,t,n){return/^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(t=t.slice(n,n+5))?(e.Z=-t,n+5):-1}function Zt(e){return e+(e>68?1900:2e3)}function en(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.m=r[0]-1,n+r[0].length):-1}function tn(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.d=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function nn(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+3));return r?(e.j=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function rn(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.H=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function on(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.M=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function sn(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.S=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function an(e,t,n){El.lastIndex=0;var r=El.exec(t.slice(n,n+3));return r?(e.L=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function ln(e){var t=e.getTimezoneOffset(),n=t>0?"-":"+",r=Ea(t)/60|0,i=Ea(t)%60;return n+Vt(r,"0",2)+Vt(i,"0",2)}function un(e,t,n){yl.lastIndex=0;var r=yl.exec(t.slice(n,n+1));return r?n+r[0].length:-1}function cn(e){for(var t=e.length,n=-1;++n<t;)e[n][0]=this(e[n][0]);return function(t){for(var n=0,r=e[n];!r[1](t);)r=e[++n];return r[0](t)}}function pn(){}function dn(e,t,n){var r=n.s=e+t,i=r-e,o=r-i;n.t=e-o+(t-i)}function fn(e,t){e&&Sl.hasOwnProperty(e.type)&&Sl[e.type](e,t)}function hn(e,t,n){var r,i=-1,o=e.length-n;t.lineStart();for(;++i<o;)r=e[i],t.point(r[0],r[1],r[2]);t.lineEnd()}function gn(e,t){var n=-1,r=e.length;t.polygonStart();for(;++n<r;)hn(e[n],t,1);t.polygonEnd()}function mn(){function e(e,t){e*=qa;t=t*qa/2+ja/4;var n=e-r,s=n>=0?1:-1,a=s*n,l=Math.cos(t),u=Math.sin(t),c=o*u,p=i*l+c*Math.cos(a),d=c*s*Math.sin(a);Cl.add(Math.atan2(d,p));r=e,i=l,o=u}var t,n,r,i,o;Ll.point=function(s,a){Ll.point=e;r=(t=s)*qa,i=Math.cos(a=(n=a)*qa/2+ja/4),o=Math.sin(a)};Ll.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n)}}function vn(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1],r=Math.cos(n);return[r*Math.cos(t),r*Math.sin(t),Math.sin(n)]}function En(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]+e[2]*t[2]}function yn(e,t){return[e[1]*t[2]-e[2]*t[1],e[2]*t[0]-e[0]*t[2],e[0]*t[1]-e[1]*t[0]]}function xn(e,t){e[0]+=t[0];e[1]+=t[1];e[2]+=t[2]}function bn(e,t){return[e[0]*t,e[1]*t,e[2]*t]}function Tn(e){var t=Math.sqrt(e[0]*e[0]+e[1]*e[1]+e[2]*e[2]);e[0]/=t;e[1]/=t;e[2]/=t}function Sn(e){return[Math.atan2(e[1],e[0]),nt(e[2])]}function Nn(e,t){return Ea(e[0]-t[0])<Pa&&Ea(e[1]-t[1])<Pa}function Cn(e,t){e*=qa;var n=Math.cos(t*=qa);Ln(n*Math.cos(e),n*Math.sin(e),Math.sin(t))}function Ln(e,t,n){++Al;wl+=(e-wl)/Al;Rl+=(t-Rl)/Al;Ol+=(n-Ol)/Al}function An(){function e(e,i){e*=qa;var o=Math.cos(i*=qa),s=o*Math.cos(e),a=o*Math.sin(e),l=Math.sin(i),u=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((u=n*l-r*a)*u+(u=r*s-t*l)*u+(u=t*a-n*s)*u),t*s+n*a+r*l);Il+=u;_l+=u*(t+(t=s));Dl+=u*(n+(n=a));Fl+=u*(r+(r=l));Ln(t,n,r)}var t,n,r;jl.point=function(i,o){i*=qa;var s=Math.cos(o*=qa);t=s*Math.cos(i);n=s*Math.sin(i);r=Math.sin(o);jl.point=e;Ln(t,n,r)}}function In(){jl.point=Cn}function wn(){function e(e,t){e*=qa;var n=Math.cos(t*=qa),s=n*Math.cos(e),a=n*Math.sin(e),l=Math.sin(t),u=i*l-o*a,c=o*s-r*l,p=r*a-i*s,d=Math.sqrt(u*u+c*c+p*p),f=r*s+i*a+o*l,h=d&&-tt(f)/d,g=Math.atan2(d,f);kl+=h*u;Pl+=h*c;Ml+=h*p;Il+=g;_l+=g*(r+(r=s));Dl+=g*(i+(i=a));Fl+=g*(o+(o=l));Ln(r,i,o)}var t,n,r,i,o;jl.point=function(s,a){t=s,n=a;jl.point=e;s*=qa;var l=Math.cos(a*=qa);r=l*Math.cos(s);i=l*Math.sin(s);o=Math.sin(a);Ln(r,i,o)};jl.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n);jl.lineEnd=In;jl.point=Cn}}function Rn(e,t){function n(n,r){return n=e(n,r),t(n[0],n[1])}e.invert&&t.invert&&(n.invert=function(n,r){return n=t.invert(n,r),n&&e.invert(n[0],n[1])});return n}function On(){return!0}function _n(e,t,n,r,i){var o=[],s=[];e.forEach(function(e){if(!((t=e.length-1)<=0)){var t,n=e[0],r=e[t];if(Nn(n,r)){i.lineStart();for(var a=0;t>a;++a)i.point((n=e[a])[0],n[1]);i.lineEnd()}else{var l=new Fn(n,e,null,!0),u=new Fn(n,null,l,!1);l.o=u;o.push(l);s.push(u);l=new Fn(r,e,null,!1);u=new Fn(r,null,l,!0);l.o=u;o.push(l);s.push(u)}}});s.sort(t);Dn(o);Dn(s);if(o.length){for(var a=0,l=n,u=s.length;u>a;++a)s[a].e=l=!l;for(var c,p,d=o[0];;){for(var f=d,h=!0;f.v;)if((f=f.n)===d)return;c=f.z;i.lineStart();do{f.v=f.o.v=!0;if(f.e){if(h)for(var a=0,u=c.length;u>a;++a)i.point((p=c[a])[0],p[1]);else r(f.x,f.n.x,1,i);f=f.n}else{if(h){c=f.p.z;for(var a=c.length-1;a>=0;--a)i.point((p=c[a])[0],p[1])}else r(f.x,f.p.x,-1,i);f=f.p}f=f.o;c=f.z;h=!h}while(!f.v);i.lineEnd()}}}function Dn(e){if(t=e.length){for(var t,n,r=0,i=e[0];++r<t;){i.n=n=e[r];n.p=i;i=n}i.n=n=e[0];n.p=i}}function Fn(e,t,n,r){this.x=e;this.z=t;this.o=n;this.e=r;this.v=!1;this.n=this.p=null}function kn(e,t,n,r){return function(i,o){function s(t,n){var r=i(t,n);e(t=r[0],n=r[1])&&o.point(t,n)}function a(e,t){var n=i(e,t);m.point(n[0],n[1])}function l(){E.point=a;m.lineStart()}function u(){E.point=s;m.lineEnd()}function c(e,t){g.push([e,t]);var n=i(e,t);x.point(n[0],n[1])}function p(){x.lineStart();g=[]}function d(){c(g[0][0],g[0][1]);x.lineEnd();var e,t=x.clean(),n=y.buffer(),r=n.length;g.pop();h.push(g);g=null;if(r)if(1&t){e=n[0];var i,r=e.length-1,s=-1;if(r>0){b||(o.polygonStart(),b=!0);o.lineStart();for(;++s<r;)o.point((i=e[s])[0],i[1]);o.lineEnd()}}else{r>1&&2&t&&n.push(n.pop().concat(n.shift()));f.push(n.filter(Pn))}}var f,h,g,m=t(o),v=i.invert(r[0],r[1]),E={point:s,lineStart:l,lineEnd:u,polygonStart:function(){E.point=c;E.lineStart=p;E.lineEnd=d;f=[];h=[]},polygonEnd:function(){E.point=s;E.lineStart=l;E.lineEnd=u;f=ia.merge(f);var e=qn(v,h);if(f.length){b||(o.polygonStart(),b=!0);_n(f,jn,e,n,o)}else if(e){b||(o.polygonStart(),b=!0);o.lineStart();n(null,null,1,o);o.lineEnd()}b&&(o.polygonEnd(),b=!1);f=h=null},sphere:function(){o.polygonStart();o.lineStart();n(null,null,1,o);o.lineEnd();o.polygonEnd()}},y=Mn(),x=t(y),b=!1;return E}}function Pn(e){return e.length>1}function Mn(){var e,t=[];return{lineStart:function(){t.push(e=[])},point:function(t,n){e.push([t,n])},lineEnd:x,buffer:function(){var n=t;t=[];e=null;return n},rejoin:function(){t.length>1&&t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()))}}}function jn(e,t){return((e=e.x)[0]<0?e[1]-Ba-Pa:Ba-e[1])-((t=t.x)[0]<0?t[1]-Ba-Pa:Ba-t[1])}function Gn(e){var t,n=0/0,r=0/0,i=0/0;return{lineStart:function(){e.lineStart();t=1},point:function(o,s){var a=o>0?ja:-ja,l=Ea(o-n);if(Ea(l-ja)<Pa){e.point(n,r=(r+s)/2>0?Ba:-Ba);e.point(i,r);e.lineEnd();e.lineStart();e.point(a,r);e.point(o,r);t=0}else if(i!==a&&l>=ja){Ea(n-i)<Pa&&(n-=i*Pa);Ea(o-a)<Pa&&(o-=a*Pa);r=Un(n,r,o,s);e.point(i,r);e.lineEnd();e.lineStart();e.point(a,r);t=0}e.point(n=o,r=s);i=a},lineEnd:function(){e.lineEnd();n=r=0/0},clean:function(){return 2-t}}}function Un(e,t,n,r){var i,o,s=Math.sin(e-n);return Ea(s)>Pa?Math.atan((Math.sin(t)*(o=Math.cos(r))*Math.sin(n)-Math.sin(r)*(i=Math.cos(t))*Math.sin(e))/(i*o*s)):(t+r)/2}function Bn(e,t,n,r){var i;if(null==e){i=n*Ba;r.point(-ja,i);r.point(0,i);r.point(ja,i);r.point(ja,0);r.point(ja,-i);r.point(0,-i);r.point(-ja,-i);r.point(-ja,0);r.point(-ja,i)}else if(Ea(e[0]-t[0])>Pa){var o=e[0]<t[0]?ja:-ja;i=n*o/2;r.point(-o,i);r.point(0,i);r.point(o,i)}else r.point(t[0],t[1])}function qn(e,t){var n=e[0],r=e[1],i=[Math.sin(n),-Math.cos(n),0],o=0,s=0;Cl.reset();for(var a=0,l=t.length;l>a;++a){var u=t[a],c=u.length;if(c)for(var p=u[0],d=p[0],f=p[1]/2+ja/4,h=Math.sin(f),g=Math.cos(f),m=1;;){m===c&&(m=0);e=u[m];var v=e[0],E=e[1]/2+ja/4,y=Math.sin(E),x=Math.cos(E),b=v-d,T=b>=0?1:-1,S=T*b,N=S>ja,C=h*y;Cl.add(Math.atan2(C*T*Math.sin(S),g*x+C*Math.cos(S)));o+=N?b+T*Ga:b;if(N^d>=n^v>=n){var L=yn(vn(p),vn(e));Tn(L);var A=yn(i,L);Tn(A);var I=(N^b>=0?-1:1)*nt(A[2]);(r>I||r===I&&(L[0]||L[1]))&&(s+=N^b>=0?1:-1)}if(!m++)break;d=v,h=y,g=x,p=e}}return(-Pa>o||Pa>o&&0>Cl)^1&s}function Hn(e){function t(e,t){return Math.cos(e)*Math.cos(t)>o}function n(e){var n,o,l,u,c;return{lineStart:function(){u=l=!1;c=1},point:function(p,d){var f,h=[p,d],g=t(p,d),m=s?g?0:i(p,d):g?i(p+(0>p?ja:-ja),d):0;!n&&(u=l=g)&&e.lineStart();if(g!==l){f=r(n,h);if(Nn(n,f)||Nn(h,f)){h[0]+=Pa;h[1]+=Pa;g=t(h[0],h[1])}}if(g!==l){c=0;if(g){e.lineStart();f=r(h,n);e.point(f[0],f[1])}else{f=r(n,h);e.point(f[0],f[1]);e.lineEnd()}n=f}else if(a&&n&&s^g){var v;if(!(m&o)&&(v=r(h,n,!0))){c=0;if(s){e.lineStart();e.point(v[0][0],v[0][1]);e.point(v[1][0],v[1][1]);e.lineEnd()}else{e.point(v[1][0],v[1][1]);e.lineEnd();e.lineStart();e.point(v[0][0],v[0][1])}}}!g||n&&Nn(n,h)||e.point(h[0],h[1]);n=h,l=g,o=m},lineEnd:function(){l&&e.lineEnd();n=null},clean:function(){return c|(u&&l)<<1}}}function r(e,t,n){var r=vn(e),i=vn(t),s=[1,0,0],a=yn(r,i),l=En(a,a),u=a[0],c=l-u*u;if(!c)return!n&&e;var p=o*l/c,d=-o*u/c,f=yn(s,a),h=bn(s,p),g=bn(a,d);xn(h,g);var m=f,v=En(h,m),E=En(m,m),y=v*v-E*(En(h,h)-1);if(!(0>y)){var x=Math.sqrt(y),b=bn(m,(-v-x)/E);xn(b,h);b=Sn(b);if(!n)return b;var T,S=e[0],N=t[0],C=e[1],L=t[1];S>N&&(T=S,S=N,N=T);var A=N-S,I=Ea(A-ja)<Pa,w=I||Pa>A;!I&&C>L&&(T=C,C=L,L=T);if(w?I?C+L>0^b[1]<(Ea(b[0]-S)<Pa?C:L):C<=b[1]&&b[1]<=L:A>ja^(S<=b[0]&&b[0]<=N)){var R=bn(m,(-v+x)/E);xn(R,h);return[b,Sn(R)]}}}function i(t,n){var r=s?e:ja-e,i=0;-r>t?i|=1:t>r&&(i|=2);-r>n?i|=4:n>r&&(i|=8);return i}var o=Math.cos(e),s=o>0,a=Ea(o)>Pa,l=mr(e,6*qa);return kn(t,n,l,s?[0,-e]:[-ja,e-ja])}function Vn(e,t,n,r){return function(i){var o,s=i.a,a=i.b,l=s.x,u=s.y,c=a.x,p=a.y,d=0,f=1,h=c-l,g=p-u;o=e-l;if(h||!(o>0)){o/=h;if(0>h){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}else if(h>0){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}o=n-l;if(h||!(0>o)){o/=h;if(0>h){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}else if(h>0){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}o=t-u;if(g||!(o>0)){o/=g;if(0>g){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}else if(g>0){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}o=r-u;if(g||!(0>o)){o/=g;if(0>g){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}else if(g>0){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}d>0&&(i.a={x:l+d*h,y:u+d*g});1>f&&(i.b={x:l+f*h,y:u+f*g});return i}}}}}}function Wn(e,t,n,r){function i(r,i){return Ea(r[0]-e)<Pa?i>0?0:3:Ea(r[0]-n)<Pa?i>0?2:1:Ea(r[1]-t)<Pa?i>0?1:0:i>0?3:2}function o(e,t){return s(e.x,t.x)}function s(e,t){var n=i(e,1),r=i(t,1);return n!==r?n-r:0===n?t[1]-e[1]:1===n?e[0]-t[0]:2===n?e[1]-t[1]:t[0]-e[0]}return function(a){function l(e){for(var t=0,n=m.length,r=e[1],i=0;n>i;++i)for(var o,s=1,a=m[i],l=a.length,u=a[0];l>s;++s){o=a[s];u[1]<=r?o[1]>r&&et(u,o,e)>0&&++t:o[1]<=r&&et(u,o,e)<0&&--t;u=o}return 0!==t}function u(o,a,l,u){var c=0,p=0;if(null==o||(c=i(o,l))!==(p=i(a,l))||s(o,a)<0^l>0){do u.point(0===c||3===c?e:n,c>1?r:t);while((c=(c+l+4)%4)!==p)}else u.point(a[0],a[1])}function c(i,o){return i>=e&&n>=i&&o>=t&&r>=o}function p(e,t){c(e,t)&&a.point(e,t)}function d(){w.point=h;m&&m.push(v=[]);N=!0;S=!1;b=T=0/0}function f(){if(g){h(E,y);x&&S&&A.rejoin();g.push(A.buffer())}w.point=p;S&&a.lineEnd()}function h(e,t){e=Math.max(-Ul,Math.min(Ul,e));t=Math.max(-Ul,Math.min(Ul,t));var n=c(e,t);m&&v.push([e,t]);if(N){E=e,y=t,x=n;N=!1;if(n){a.lineStart();a.point(e,t)}}else if(n&&S)a.point(e,t);else{var r={a:{x:b,y:T},b:{x:e,y:t}};if(I(r)){if(!S){a.lineStart();a.point(r.a.x,r.a.y)}a.point(r.b.x,r.b.y);n||a.lineEnd();C=!1}else if(n){a.lineStart();a.point(e,t);C=!1}}b=e,T=t,S=n}var g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N,C,L=a,A=Mn(),I=Vn(e,t,n,r),w={point:p,lineStart:d,lineEnd:f,polygonStart:function(){a=A;g=[];m=[];C=!0},polygonEnd:function(){a=L;g=ia.merge(g);var t=l([e,r]),n=C&&t,i=g.length;if(n||i){a.polygonStart();if(n){a.lineStart();u(null,null,1,a);a.lineEnd()}i&&_n(g,o,t,u,a);a.polygonEnd()}g=m=v=null}};return w}}function zn(e){var t=0,n=ja/3,r=lr(e),i=r(t,n);i.parallels=function(e){return arguments.length?r(t=e[0]*ja/180,n=e[1]*ja/180):[t/ja*180,n/ja*180]};return i}function $n(e,t){function n(e,t){var n=Math.sqrt(o-2*i*Math.sin(t))/i;return[n*Math.sin(e*=i),s-n*Math.cos(e)]}var r=Math.sin(e),i=(r+Math.sin(t))/2,o=1+r*(2*i-r),s=Math.sqrt(o)/i;n.invert=function(e,t){var n=s-t;return[Math.atan2(e,n)/i,nt((o-(e*e+n*n)*i*i)/(2*i))]};return n}function Xn(){function e(e,t){ql+=i*e-r*t;r=e,i=t}var t,n,r,i;$l.point=function(o,s){$l.point=e;t=r=o,n=i=s};$l.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n)}}function Yn(e,t){Hl>e&&(Hl=e);e>Wl&&(Wl=e);Vl>t&&(Vl=t);t>zl&&(zl=t)}function Kn(){function e(e,t){s.push("M",e,",",t,o)}function t(e,t){s.push("M",e,",",t);a.point=n}function n(e,t){s.push("L",e,",",t)}function r(){a.point=e}function i(){s.push("Z")}var o=Qn(4.5),s=[],a={point:e,lineStart:function(){a.point=t},lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=i},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=r;a.point=e},pointRadius:function(e){o=Qn(e);return a},result:function(){if(s.length){var e=s.join("");s=[];return e}}};return a}function Qn(e){return"m0,"+e+"a"+e+","+e+" 0 1,1 0,"+-2*e+"a"+e+","+e+" 0 1,1 0,"+2*e+"z"}function Jn(e,t){wl+=e;Rl+=t;++Ol}function Zn(){function e(e,r){var i=e-t,o=r-n,s=Math.sqrt(i*i+o*o);_l+=s*(t+e)/2;Dl+=s*(n+r)/2;Fl+=s;Jn(t=e,n=r)}var t,n;Yl.point=function(r,i){Yl.point=e;Jn(t=r,n=i)}}function er(){Yl.point=Jn}function tr(){function e(e,t){var n=e-r,o=t-i,s=Math.sqrt(n*n+o*o);_l+=s*(r+e)/2;Dl+=s*(i+t)/2;Fl+=s;s=i*e-r*t;kl+=s*(r+e);Pl+=s*(i+t);Ml+=3*s;Jn(r=e,i=t)}var t,n,r,i;Yl.point=function(o,s){Yl.point=e;Jn(t=r=o,n=i=s)};Yl.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n)}}function nr(e){function t(t,n){e.moveTo(t+s,n);e.arc(t,n,s,0,Ga)}function n(t,n){e.moveTo(t,n);a.point=r}function r(t,n){e.lineTo(t,n)}function i(){a.point=t}function o(){e.closePath()}var s=4.5,a={point:t,lineStart:function(){a.point=n},lineEnd:i,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=o},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=i;a.point=t},pointRadius:function(e){s=e;return a},result:x};return a}function rr(e){function t(e){return(a?r:n)(e)}function n(t){return sr(t,function(n,r){n=e(n,r);t.point(n[0],n[1])})}function r(t){function n(n,r){n=e(n,r);t.point(n[0],n[1])}function r(){y=0/0;N.point=o;t.lineStart()}function o(n,r){var o=vn([n,r]),s=e(n,r);i(y,x,E,b,T,S,y=s[0],x=s[1],E=n,b=o[0],T=o[1],S=o[2],a,t);t.point(y,x)}function s(){N.point=n;t.lineEnd()}function l(){r();N.point=u;N.lineEnd=c}function u(e,t){o(p=e,d=t),f=y,h=x,g=b,m=T,v=S;N.point=o}function c(){i(y,x,E,b,T,S,f,h,p,g,m,v,a,t);N.lineEnd=s;s()}var p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N={point:n,lineStart:r,lineEnd:s,polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart();N.lineStart=l},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd();N.lineStart=r}};return N}function i(t,n,r,a,l,u,c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v){var E=c-t,y=p-n,x=E*E+y*y;if(x>4*o&&m--){var b=a+f,T=l+h,S=u+g,N=Math.sqrt(b*b+T*T+S*S),C=Math.asin(S/=N),L=Ea(Ea(S)-1)<Pa||Ea(r-d)<Pa?(r+d)/2:Math.atan2(T,b),A=e(L,C),I=A[0],w=A[1],R=I-t,O=w-n,_=y*R-E*O;if(_*_/x>o||Ea((E*R+y*O)/x-.5)>.3||s>a*f+l*h+u*g){i(t,n,r,a,l,u,I,w,L,b/=N,T/=N,S,m,v);v.point(I,w);i(I,w,L,b,T,S,c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v)}}}var o=.5,s=Math.cos(30*qa),a=16;t.precision=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(o);a=(o=e*e)>0&&16;return t};return t}function ir(e){var t=rr(function(t,n){return e([t*Ha,n*Ha])});return function(e){return ur(t(e))}}function or(e){}function sr(e,t){return{point:t,sphere:function(){e.sphere()},lineStart:function(){e.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){e.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){e.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){e.polygonEnd()}}}function ar(e){return lr(function(){return e})()}function lr(e){function t(e){e=a(e[0]*qa,e[1]*qa);return[e[0]*d+l,u-e[1]*d]}function n(e){e=a.invert((e[0]-l)/d,(u-e[1])/d);return e&&[e[0]*Ha,e[1]*Ha]}function r(){a=Rn(s=dr(v,E,y),o);var e=o(g,m);l=f-e[0]*d;u=h+e[1]*d;return i()}function i(){c&&(c.valid=!1,c=null);return t}var o,s,a,l,u,c,p=rr(function(e,t){e=o(e,t);return[e[0]*d+l,u-e[1]*d]}),d=150,f=480,h=250,g=0,m=0,v=0,E=0,y=0,x=Gl,b=It,T=null,S=null;{c&&(c.valid=!1);c=ur(x(s,p(b(e))));c.valid=!0;return c};t.clipAngle=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return T;x=null==e?(T=e,Gl):Hn((T=+e)*qa);return i()};t.clipExtent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return S;S=e;b=e?Wn(e[0][0],e[0][1],e[1][0],e[1][1]):It;return i()};t.scale=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return d;d=+e;return r()};t.translate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return[f,h];f=+e[0];h=+e[1];return r()};{if(!arguments.length)return[g*Ha,m*Ha];g=e[0]%360*qa;m=e[1]%360*qa;return r()};t.rotate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return[v*Ha,E*Ha,y*Ha];v=e[0]%360*qa;E=e[1]%360*qa;y=e.length>2?e[2]%360*qa:0;return r()};ia.rebind(t,p,"precision");return function(){o=e.apply(this,arguments);t.invert=o.invert&&n;return r()}}function ur(e){return sr(e,function(t,n){e.point(t*qa,n*qa)})}function cr(e,t){return[e,t]}function pr(e,t){return[e>ja?e-Ga:-ja>e?e+Ga:e,t]}function dr(e,t,n){return e?t||n?Rn(hr(e),gr(t,n)):hr(e):t||n?gr(t,n):pr}function fr(e){return function(t,n){return t+=e,[t>ja?t-Ga:-ja>t?t+Ga:t,n]}}function hr(e){var t=fr(e);t.invert=fr(-e);return t}function gr(e,t){function n(e,t){var n=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(e)*n,l=Math.sin(e)*n,u=Math.sin(t),c=u*r+a*i;return[Math.atan2(l*o-c*s,a*r-u*i),nt(c*o+l*s)]}var r=Math.cos(e),i=Math.sin(e),o=Math.cos(t),s=Math.sin(t);n.invert=function(e,t){var n=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(e)*n,l=Math.sin(e)*n,u=Math.sin(t),c=u*o-l*s;return[Math.atan2(l*o+u*s,a*r+c*i),nt(c*r-a*i)]};return n}function mr(e,t){var n=Math.cos(e),r=Math.sin(e);return function(i,o,s,a){var l=s*t;if(null!=i){i=vr(n,i);o=vr(n,o);(s>0?o>i:i>o)&&(i+=s*Ga)}else{i=e+s*Ga;o=e-.5*l}for(var u,c=i;s>0?c>o:o>c;c-=l)a.point((u=Sn([n,-r*Math.cos(c),-r*Math.sin(c)]))[0],u[1])}}function vr(e,t){var n=vn(t);n[0]-=e;Tn(n);var r=tt(-n[1]);return((-n[2]<0?-r:r)+2*Math.PI-Pa)%(2*Math.PI)}function Er(e,t,n){var r=ia.range(e,t-Pa,n).concat(t);return function(e){return{return[e,t]})}}function yr(e,t,n){var r=ia.range(e,t-Pa,n).concat(t);return function(e){return{return[t,e]})}}function xr(e){return e.source}function br(e){return}function Tr(e,t,n,r){var i=Math.cos(t),o=Math.sin(t),s=Math.cos(r),a=Math.sin(r),l=i*Math.cos(e),u=i*Math.sin(e),c=s*Math.cos(n),p=s*Math.sin(n),d=2*Math.asin(Math.sqrt(st(r-t)+i*s*st(n-e))),f=1/Math.sin(d),h=d?function(e){var t=Math.sin(e*=d)*f,n=Math.sin(d-e)*f,r=n*l+t*c,i=n*u+t*p,s=n*o+t*a;return[Math.atan2(i,r)*Ha,Math.atan2(s,Math.sqrt(r*r+i*i))*Ha]}:function(){return[e*Ha,t*Ha]};h.distance=d;return h}function Sr(){function e(e,i){var o=Math.sin(i*=qa),s=Math.cos(i),a=Ea((e*=qa)-t),l=Math.cos(a);Kl+=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((a=s*Math.sin(a))*a+(a=r*o-n*s*l)*a),n*o+r*s*l);t=e,n=o,r=s}var t,n,r;Ql.point=function(i,o){t=i*qa,n=Math.sin(o*=qa),r=Math.cos(o);Ql.point=e};Ql.lineEnd=function(){Ql.point=Ql.lineEnd=x}}function Nr(e,t){function n(t,n){var r=Math.cos(t),i=Math.cos(n),o=e(r*i);return[o*i*Math.sin(t),o*Math.sin(n)]}n.invert=function(e,n){var r=Math.sqrt(e*e+n*n),i=t(r),o=Math.sin(i),s=Math.cos(i);return[Math.atan2(e*o,r*s),Math.asin(r&&n*o/r)]};return n}function Cr(e,t){function n(e,t){s>0?-Ba+Pa>t&&(t=-Ba+Pa):t>Ba-Pa&&(t=Ba-Pa);var n=s/Math.pow(i(t),o);return[n*Math.sin(o*e),s-n*Math.cos(o*e)]}var r=Math.cos(e),i=function(e){return Math.tan(ja/4+e/2)},o=e===t?Math.sin(e):Math.log(r/Math.cos(t))/Math.log(i(t)/i(e)),s=r*Math.pow(i(e),o)/o;if(!o)return Ar;n.invert=function(e,t){var n=s-t,r=Z(o)*Math.sqrt(e*e+n*n);return[Math.atan2(e,n)/o,2*Math.atan(Math.pow(s/r,1/o))-Ba]};return n}function Lr(e,t){function n(e,t){var n=o-t;return[n*Math.sin(i*e),o-n*Math.cos(i*e)]}var r=Math.cos(e),i=e===t?Math.sin(e):(r-Math.cos(t))/(t-e),o=r/i+e;if(Ea(i)<Pa)return cr;n.invert=function(e,t){var n=o-t;return[Math.atan2(e,n)/i,o-Z(i)*Math.sqrt(e*e+n*n)]};return n}function Ar(e,t){return[e,Math.log(Math.tan(ja/4+t/2))]}function Ir(e){var t,n=ar(e),r=n.scale,i=n.translate,o=n.clipExtent;n.scale=function(){var e=r.apply(n,arguments);return e===n?t?n.clipExtent(null):n:e};n.translate=function(){var e=i.apply(n,arguments);return e===n?t?n.clipExtent(null):n:e};n.clipExtent=function(e){var s=o.apply(n,arguments);if(s===n){if(t=null==e){var a=ja*r(),l=i();o([[l[0]-a,l[1]-a],[l[0]+a,l[1]+a]])}}else t&&(s=null);return s};return n.clipExtent(null)}function wr(e,t){return[Math.log(Math.tan(ja/4+t/2)),-e]}function Rr(e){return e[0]}function Or(e){return e[1]}function _r(e){for(var t=e.length,n=[0,1],r=2,i=2;t>i;i++){for(;r>1&&et(e[n[r-2]],e[n[r-1]],e[i])<=0;)--r;n[r++]=i}return n.slice(0,r)}function Dr(e,t){return e[0]-t[0]||e[1]-t[1]}function Fr(e,t,n){return(n[0]-t[0])*(e[1]-t[1])<(n[1]-t[1])*(e[0]-t[0])}function kr(e,t,n,r){var i=e[0],o=n[0],s=t[0]-i,a=r[0]-o,l=e[1],u=n[1],c=t[1]-l,p=r[1]-u,d=(a*(l-u)-p*(i-o))/(p*s-a*c); return[i+d*s,l+d*c]}function Pr(e){var t=e[0],n=e[e.length-1];return!(t[0]-n[0]||t[1]-n[1])}function Mr(){ii(this);}function jr(e){var t=uu.pop()||new Mr;;return t}function Gr(e){Yr(e);su.remove(e);uu.push(e);ii(e)}function Ur(e){var,n=t.x,,i={x:n,y:r},o=e.P,s=e.N,a=[e];Gr(e);for(var l=o;<Pa&&Ea(<Pa;){o=l.P;a.unshift(l);Gr(l);l=o}a.unshift(l);Yr(l);for(var u=s;<Pa&&Ea(<Pa;){s=u.N;a.push(u);Gr(u);u=s}a.push(u);Yr(u);var c,p=a.length;for(c=1;p>c;++c){u=a[c];l=a[c-1];ti(u.edge,,,i)}l=a[0];u=a[p-1];u.edge=Zr(,,null,i);Xr(l);Xr(u)}function Br(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o=e.x,s=e.y,a=su._;a;){r=qr(a,s)-o;if(r>Pa)a=a.L;else{i=o-Hr(a,s);if(!(i>Pa)){if(r>-Pa){t=a.P;n=a}else if(i>-Pa){t=a;n=a.N}else t=n=a;break}if(!a.R){t=a;break}a=a.R}}var l=jr(e);su.insert(t,l);if(t||n)if(t!==n)if(n){Yr(t);Yr(n);var,c=u.x,p=u.y,d=e.x-c,f=e.y-p,,g=h.x-c,m=h.y-p,v=2*(d*m-f*g),E=d*d+f*f,y=g*g+m*m,x={x:(m*E-f*y)/v+c,y:(d*y-g*E)/v+p};ti(n.edge,u,h,x);l.edge=Zr(u,e,null,x);n.edge=Zr(e,h,null,x);Xr(t);Xr(n)}else l.edge=Zr(,;else{Yr(t);n=jr(;su.insert(l,n);l.edge=n.edge=Zr(,;Xr(t);Xr(n)}}function qr(e,t){var,r=n.x,i=n.y,o=i-t;if(!o)return r;var s=e.P;if(!s)return-1/0;;var a=n.x,l=n.y,u=l-t;if(!u)return a;var c=a-r,p=1/o-1/u,d=c/u;return p?(-d+Math.sqrt(d*d-2*p*(c*c/(-2*u)-l+u/2+i-o/2)))/p+r:(r+a)/2}function Hr(e,t){var n=e.N;if(n)return qr(n,t);var;return r.y===t?r.x:1/0}function Vr(e){;this.edges=[]}function Wr(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p=e[0][0],d=e[1][0],f=e[0][1],h=e[1][1],g=ou,m=g.length;m--;){o=g[m];if(o&&o.prepare()){a=o.edges;l=a.length;s=0;for(;l>s;){c=a[s].end(),r=c.x,i=c.y;u=a[++s%l].start(),t=u.x,n=u.y;if(Ea(r-t)>Pa||Ea(i-n)>Pa){a.splice(s,0,new ni(ei(,c,Ea(r-p)<Pa&&h-i>Pa?{x:p,y:Ea(t-p)<Pa?n:h}:Ea(i-h)<Pa&&d-r>Pa?{x:Ea(n-h)<Pa?t:d,y:h}:Ea(r-d)<Pa&&i-f>Pa?{x:d,y:Ea(t-d)<Pa?n:f}:Ea(i-f)<Pa&&r-p>Pa?{x:Ea(n-f)<Pa?t:p,y:f}:null),,null));++l}}}}}function zr(e,t){return t.angle-e.angle}function $r(){ii(this);}function Xr(e){var t=e.P,n=e.N;if(t&&n){var,,;if(r!==o){var s=i.x,a=i.y,l=r.x-s,u=r.y-a,c=o.x-s,p=o.y-a,d=2*(l*p-u*c);if(!(d>=-Ma)){var f=l*l+u*u,h=c*c+p*p,g=(p*f-u*h)/d,m=(l*h-c*f)/d,p=m+a,v=cu.pop()||new $r;v.arc=e;;v.x=g+s;v.y=p+Math.sqrt(g*g+m*m);;;for(var E=null,y=lu._;y;)if(v.y<y.y||v.y===y.y&&v.x<=y.x){if(!y.L){E=y.P;break}y=y.L}else{if(!y.R){E=y;break}y=y.R}lu.insert(E,v);E||(au=v)}}}}function Yr(e){var;if(t){t.P||(au=t.N);lu.remove(t);cu.push(t);ii(t);}}function Kr(e){for(var t,n=iu,r=Vn(e[0][0],e[0][1],e[1][0],e[1][1]),i=n.length;i--;){t=n[i];if(!Qr(t,e)||!r(t)||Ea(t.a.x-t.b.x)<Pa&&Ea(t.a.y-t.b.y)<Pa){t.a=t.b=null;n.splice(i,1)}}}function Qr(e,t){var n=e.b;if(n)return!0;var r,i,o=e.a,s=t[0][0],a=t[1][0],l=t[0][1],u=t[1][1],c=e.l,p=e.r,d=c.x,f=c.y,h=p.x,g=p.y,m=(d+h)/2,v=(f+g)/2;if(g===f){if(s>m||m>=a)return;if(d>h){if(o){if(o.y>=u)return}else o={x:m,y:l};n={x:m,y:u}}else{if(o){if(o.y<l)return}else o={x:m,y:u};n={x:m,y:l}}}else{r=(d-h)/(g-f);i=v-r*m;if(-1>r||r>1)if(d>h){if(o){if(o.y>=u)return}else o={x:(l-i)/r,y:l};n={x:(u-i)/r,y:u}}else{if(o){if(o.y<l)return}else o={x:(u-i)/r,y:u};n={x:(l-i)/r,y:l}}else if(g>f){if(o){if(o.x>=a)return}else o={x:s,y:r*s+i};n={x:a,y:r*a+i}}else{if(o){if(o.x<s)return}else o={x:a,y:r*a+i};n={x:s,y:r*s+i}}}e.a=o;e.b=n;return!0}function Jr(e,t){this.l=e;this.r=t;this.a=this.b=null}function Zr(e,t,n,r){var i=new Jr(e,t);iu.push(i);n&&ti(i,e,t,n);r&&ti(i,t,e,r);ou[e.i].edges.push(new ni(i,e,t));ou[t.i].edges.push(new ni(i,t,e));return i}function ei(e,t,n){var r=new Jr(e,null);r.a=t;r.b=n;iu.push(r);return r}function ti(e,t,n,r){if(e.a||e.b)e.l===n?e.b=r:e.a=r;else{e.a=r;e.l=t;e.r=n}}function ni(e,t,n){var r=e.a,i=e.b;this.edge=e;;this.angle=n?Math.atan2(n.y-t.y,n.x-t.x):e.l===t?Math.atan2(i.x-r.x,r.y-i.y):Math.atan2(r.x-i.x,i.y-r.y)}function ri(){this._=null}function ii(e){e.U=e.C=e.L=e.R=e.P=e.N=null}function oi(e,t){var n=t,r=t.R,i=n.U;i?i.L===n?i.L=r:i.R=r:e._=r;r.U=i;n.U=r;n.R=r.L;n.R&&(n.R.U=n);r.L=n}function si(e,t){var n=t,r=t.L,i=n.U;i?i.L===n?i.L=r:i.R=r:e._=r;r.U=i;n.U=r;n.L=r.R;n.L&&(n.L.U=n);r.R=n}function ai(e){for(;e.L;)e=e.L;return e}function li(e,t){var n,r,i,o=e.sort(ui).pop();iu=[];ou=new Array(e.length);su=new ri;lu=new ri;for(;;){i=au;if(o&&(!i||o.y<i.y||o.y===i.y&&o.x<i.x)){if(o.x!==n||o.y!==r){ou[o.i]=new Vr(o);Br(o);n=o.x,r=o.y}o=e.pop()}else{if(!i)break;Ur(i.arc)}}t&&(Kr(t),Wr(t));var s={cells:ou,edges:iu};su=lu=iu=ou=null;return s}function ui(e,t){return t.y-e.y||t.x-e.x}function ci(e,t,n){return(e.x-n.x)*(t.y-e.y)-(e.x-t.x)*(n.y-e.y)}function pi(e){return e.x}function di(e){return e.y}function fi(){return{leaf:!0,nodes:[],point:null,x:null,y:null}}function hi(e,t,n,r,i,o){if(!e(t,n,r,i,o)){var s=.5*(n+i),a=.5*(r+o),l=t.nodes;l[0]&&hi(e,l[0],n,r,s,a);l[1]&&hi(e,l[1],s,r,i,a);l[2]&&hi(e,l[2],n,a,s,o);l[3]&&hi(e,l[3],s,a,i,o)}}function gi(e,t,n,r,i,o,s){var a,l=1/0;(function u(e,c,p,d,f){if(!(c>o||p>s||r>d||i>f)){if(h=e.point){var h,g=t-h[0],m=n-h[1],v=g*g+m*m;if(l>v){var E=Math.sqrt(l=v);r=t-E,i=n-E;o=t+E,s=n+E;a=h}}for(var y=e.nodes,x=.5*(c+d),b=.5*(p+f),T=t>=x,S=n>=b,N=S<<1|T,C=N+4;C>N;++N)if(e=y[3&N])switch(3&N){case 0:u(e,c,p,x,b);break;case 1:u(e,x,p,d,b);break;case 2:u(e,c,b,x,f);break;case 3:u(e,x,b,d,f)}}})(e,r,i,o,s);return a}function mi(e,t){e=ia.rgb(e);t=ia.rgb(t);var n=e.r,r=e.g,i=e.b,o=t.r-n,s=t.g-r,a=t.b-i;return function(e){return"#"+bt(Math.round(n+o*e))+bt(Math.round(r+s*e))+bt(Math.round(i+a*e))}}function vi(e,t){var n,r={},i={};for(n in e)n in t?r[n]=xi(e[n],t[n]):i[n]=e[n];for(n in t)n in e||(i[n]=t[n]);return function(e){for(n in r)i[n]=r[n](e);return i}}function Ei(e,t){e=+e,t=+t;return function(n){return e*(1-n)+t*n}}function yi(e,t){var n,r,i,o=du.lastIndex=fu.lastIndex=0,s=-1,a=[],l=[];e+="",t+="";for(;(n=du.exec(e))&&(r=fu.exec(t));){if((i=r.index)>o){i=t.slice(o,i);a[s]?a[s]+=i:a[++s]=i}if((n=n[0])===(r=r[0]))a[s]?a[s]+=r:a[++s]=r;else{a[++s]=null;l.push({i:s,x:Ei(n,r)})}o=fu.lastIndex}if(o<t.length){i=t.slice(o);a[s]?a[s]+=i:a[++s]=i}return a.length<2?l[0]?(t=l[0].x,function(e){return t(e)+""}):function(){return t}:(t=l.length,function(e){for(var n,r=0;t>r;++r)a[(n=l[r]).i]=n.x(e);return a.join("")})}function xi(e,t){for(var n,r=ia.interpolators.length;--r>=0&&!(n=ia.interpolators[r](e,t)););return n}function bi(e,t){var n,r=[],i=[],o=e.length,s=t.length,a=Math.min(e.length,t.length);for(n=0;a>n;++n)r.push(xi(e[n],t[n]));for(;o>n;++n)i[n]=e[n];for(;s>n;++n)i[n]=t[n];return function(e){for(n=0;a>n;++n)i[n]=r[n](e);return i}}function Ti(e){return function(t){return 0>=t?0:t>=1?1:e(t)}}function Si(e){return function(t){return 1-e(1-t)}}function Ni(e){return function(t){return.5*(.5>t?e(2*t):2-e(2-2*t))}}function Ci(e){return e*e}function Li(e){return e*e*e}function Ai(e){if(0>=e)return 0;if(e>=1)return 1;var t=e*e,n=t*e;return 4*(.5>e?n:3*(e-t)+n-.75)}function Ii(e){return function(t){return Math.pow(t,e)}}function wi(e){return 1-Math.cos(e*Ba)}function Ri(e){return Math.pow(2,10*(e-1))}function Oi(e){return 1-Math.sqrt(1-e*e)}function _i(e,t){var n;arguments.length<2&&(t=.45);arguments.length?n=t/Ga*Math.asin(1/e):(e=1,n=t/4);return function(r){return 1+e*Math.pow(2,-10*r)*Math.sin((r-n)*Ga/t)}}function Di(e){e||(e=1.70158);return function(t){return t*t*((e+1)*t-e)}}function Fi(e){return 1/2.75>e?7.5625*e*e:2/2.75>e?7.5625*(e-=1.5/2.75)*e+.75:2.5/2.75>e?7.5625*(e-=2.25/2.75)*e+.9375:7.5625*(e-=2.625/2.75)*e+.984375}function ki(e,t){e=ia.hcl(e);t=ia.hcl(t);var n=e.h,r=e.c,i=e.l,o=t.h-n,s=t.c-r,a=t.l-i;isNaN(s)&&(s=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.c:r);isNaN(o)?(o=0,n=isNaN(n)?t.h:n):o>180?o-=360:-180>o&&(o+=360);return function(e){return pt(n+o*e,r+s*e,i+a*e)+""}}function Pi(e,t){e=ia.hsl(e);t=ia.hsl(t);var n=e.h,r=e.s,i=e.l,o=t.h-n,s=t.s-r,a=t.l-i;isNaN(s)&&(s=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.s:r);isNaN(o)?(o=0,n=isNaN(n)?t.h:n):o>180?o-=360:-180>o&&(o+=360);return function(e){return ut(n+o*e,r+s*e,i+a*e)+""}}function Mi(e,t){e=ia.lab(e);t=ia.lab(t);var n=e.l,r=e.a,i=e.b,o=t.l-n,s=t.a-r,a=t.b-i;return function(e){return ft(n+o*e,r+s*e,i+a*e)+""}}function ji(e,t){t-=e;return function(n){return Math.round(e+t*n)}}function Gi(e){var t=[e.a,e.b],n=[e.c,e.d],r=Bi(t),i=Ui(t,n),o=Bi(qi(n,t,-i))||0;if(t[0]*n[1]<n[0]*t[1]){t[0]*=-1;t[1]*=-1;r*=-1;i*=-1}this.rotate=(r?Math.atan2(t[1],t[0]):Math.atan2(-n[0],n[1]))*Ha;this.translate=[e.e,e.f];this.scale=[r,o];this.skew=o?Math.atan2(i,o)*Ha:0}function Ui(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]}function Bi(e){var t=Math.sqrt(Ui(e,e));if(t){e[0]/=t;e[1]/=t}return t}function qi(e,t,n){e[0]+=n*t[0];e[1]+=n*t[1];return e}function Hi(e,t){var n,r=[],i=[],o=ia.transform(e),s=ia.transform(t),a=o.translate,l=s.translate,u=o.rotate,c=s.rotate,p=o.skew,d=s.skew,f=o.scale,h=s.scale;if(a[0]!=l[0]||a[1]!=l[1]){r.push("translate(",null,",",null,")");i.push({i:1,x:Ei(a[0],l[0])},{i:3,x:Ei(a[1],l[1])})}else r.push(l[0]||l[1]?"translate("+l+")":"");if(u!=c){u-c>180?c+=360:c-u>180&&(u+=360);i.push({i:r.push(r.pop()+"rotate(",null,")")-2,x:Ei(u,c)})}else c&&r.push(r.pop()+"rotate("+c+")");p!=d?i.push({i:r.push(r.pop()+"skewX(",null,")")-2,x:Ei(p,d)}):d&&r.push(r.pop()+"skewX("+d+")");if(f[0]!=h[0]||f[1]!=h[1]){n=r.push(r.pop()+"scale(",null,",",null,")");i.push({i:n-4,x:Ei(f[0],h[0])},{i:n-2,x:Ei(f[1],h[1])})}else(1!=h[0]||1!=h[1])&&r.push(r.pop()+"scale("+h+")");n=i.length;return function(e){for(var t,o=-1;++o<n;)r[(t=i[o]).i]=t.x(e);return r.join("")}}function Vi(e,t){t=(t-=e=+e)||1/t;return function(n){return(n-e)/t}}function Wi(e,t){t=(t-=e=+e)||1/t;return function(n){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,(n-e)/t))}}function zi(e){for(var t=e.source,,r=Xi(t,n),i=[t];t!==r;){t=t.parent;i.push(t)}for(var o=i.length;n!==r;){i.splice(o,0,n);n=n.parent}return i}function $i(e){for(var t=[],n=e.parent;null!=n;){t.push(e);e=n;n=n.parent}t.push(e);return t}function Xi(e,t){if(e===t)return e;for(var n=$i(e),r=$i(t),i=n.pop(),o=r.pop(),s=null;i===o;){s=i;i=n.pop();o=r.pop()}return s}function Yi(e){e.fixed|=2}function Ki(e){e.fixed&=-7}function Qi(e){e.fixed|=4;e.px=e.x,}function Ji(e){e.fixed&=-5}function Zi(e,t,n){var r=0,i=0;e.charge=0;if(!e.leaf)for(var o,s=e.nodes,a=s.length,l=-1;++l<a;){o=s[l];if(null!=o){Zi(o,t,n);e.charge+=o.charge;r+=o.charge*;i+=o.charge*}}if(e.point){if(!e.leaf){e.point.x+=Math.random()-.5;e.point.y+=Math.random()-.5}var u=t*n[e.point.index];e.charge+=e.pointCharge=u;r+=u*e.point.x;i+=u*e.point.y};}function eo(e,t){ia.rebind(e,t,"sort","children","value");e.nodes=e;e.links=so;return e}function to(e,t){for(var n=[e];null!=(e=n.pop());){t(e);if((i=e.children)&&(r=i.length))for(var r,i;--r>=0;)n.push(i[r])}}function no(e,t){for(var n=[e],r=[];null!=(e=n.pop());){r.push(e);if((o=e.children)&&(i=o.length))for(var i,o,s=-1;++s<i;)n.push(o[s])}for(;null!=(e=r.pop());)t(e)}function ro(e){return e.children}function io(e){return e.value}function oo(e,t){return t.value-e.value}function so(e){return ia.merge({return(e.children||[]).map(function(t){return{source:e,target:t}})}))}function ao(e){return e.x}function lo(e){return e.y}function uo(e,t,n){e.y0=t;e.y=n}function co(e){return ia.range(e.length)}function po(e){for(var t=-1,n=e[0].length,r=[];++t<n;)r[t]=0;return r}function fo(e){for(var t,n=1,r=0,i=e[0][1],o=e.length;o>n;++n)if((t=e[n][1])>i){r=n;i=t}return r}function ho(e){return e.reduce(go,0)}function go(e,t){return e+t[1]}function mo(e,t){return vo(e,Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length)/Math.LN2+1))}function vo(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=+e[0],i=(e[1]-r)/t,o=[];++n<=t;)o[n]=i*n+r;return o}function Eo(e){return[ia.min(e),ia.max(e)]}function yo(e,t){return e.value-t.value}function xo(e,t){var n=e._pack_next;e._pack_next=t;t._pack_prev=e;t._pack_next=n;n._pack_prev=t}function bo(e,t){e._pack_next=t;t._pack_prev=e}function To(e,t){var n=t.x-e.x,r=t.y-e.y,i=e.r+t.r;return.999*i*i>n*n+r*r}function So(e){function t(e){c=Math.min(e.x-e.r,c);p=Math.max(e.x+e.r,p);d=Math.min(e.y-e.r,d);f=Math.max(e.y+e.r,f)}if((n=e.children)&&(u=n.length)){var n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c=1/0,p=-1/0,d=1/0,f=-1/0;n.forEach(No);r=n[0];r.x=-r.r;r.y=0;t(r);if(u>1){i=n[1];i.x=i.r;i.y=0;t(i);if(u>2){o=n[2];Ao(r,i,o);t(o);xo(r,o);r._pack_prev=o;xo(o,i);i=r._pack_next;for(s=3;u>s;s++){Ao(r,i,o=n[s]);var h=0,g=1,m=1;for(a=i._pack_next;a!==i;a=a._pack_next,g++)if(To(a,o)){h=1;break}if(1==h)for(l=r._pack_prev;l!==a._pack_prev&&!To(l,o);l=l._pack_prev,m++);if(h){m>g||g==m&&i.r<r.r?bo(r,i=a):bo(r=l,i);s--}else{xo(r,o);i=o;t(o)}}}}var v=(c+p)/2,E=(d+f)/2,y=0;for(s=0;u>s;s++){o=n[s];o.x-=v;o.y-=E;y=Math.max(y,o.r+Math.sqrt(o.x*o.x+o.y*o.y))}e.r=y;n.forEach(Co)}}function No(e){e._pack_next=e._pack_prev=e}function Co(e){delete e._pack_next;delete e._pack_prev}function Lo(e,t,n,r){var i=e.children;e.x=t+=r*e.x;e.y=n+=r*e.y;e.r*=r;if(i)for(var o=-1,s=i.length;++o<s;)Lo(i[o],t,n,r)}function Ao(e,t,n){var r=e.r+n.r,i=t.x-e.x,o=t.y-e.y;if(r&&(i||o)){var s=t.r+n.r,a=i*i+o*o;s*=s;r*=r;var l=.5+(r-s)/(2*a),u=Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,2*s*(r+a)-(r-=a)*r-s*s))/(2*a);n.x=e.x+l*i+u*o;n.y=e.y+l*o-u*i}else{n.x=e.x+r;n.y=e.y}}function Io(e,t){return e.parent==t.parent?1:2}function wo(e){var t=e.children;return t.length?t[0]:e.t}function Ro(e){var t,n=e.children;return(t=n.length)?n[t-1]:e.t}function Oo(e,t,n){var r=n/(t.i-e.i);t.c-=r;t.s+=n;e.c+=r;t.z+=n;t.m+=n}function _o(e){for(var t,n=0,r=0,i=e.children,o=i.length;--o>=0;){t=i[o];t.z+=n;t.m+=n;n+=t.s+(r+=t.c)}}function Do(e,t,n){return e.a.parent===t.parent?e.a:n}function Fo(e){return 1+ia.max(e,function(e){return e.y})}function ko(e){return e.reduce(function(e,t){return e+t.x},0)/e.length}function Po(e){var t=e.children;return t&&t.length?Po(t[0]):e}function Mo(e){var t,n=e.children;return n&&(t=n.length)?Mo(n[t-1]):e}function jo(e){return{x:e.x,y:e.y,dx:e.dx,dy:e.dy}}function Go(e,t){var n=e.x+t[3],r=e.y+t[0],i=e.dx-t[1]-t[3],o=e.dy-t[0]-t[2];if(0>i){n+=i/2;i=0}if(0>o){r+=o/2;o=0}return{x:n,y:r,dx:i,dy:o}}function Uo(e){var t=e[0],n=e[e.length-1];return n>t?[t,n]:[n,t]}function Bo(e){return e.rangeExtent?e.rangeExtent():Uo(e.range())}function qo(e,t,n,r){var i=n(e[0],e[1]),o=r(t[0],t[1]);return function(e){return o(i(e))}}function Ho(e,t){var n,r=0,i=e.length-1,o=e[r],s=e[i];if(o>s){n=r,r=i,i=n;n=o,o=s,s=n}e[r]=t.floor(o);e[i]=t.ceil(s);return e}function Vo(e){return e?{floor:function(t){return Math.floor(t/e)*e},ceil:function(t){return Math.ceil(t/e)*e}}:Nu}function Wo(e,t,n,r){var i=[],o=[],s=0,a=Math.min(e.length,t.length)-1;if(e[a]<e[0]){e=e.slice().reverse();t=t.slice().reverse()}for(;++s<=a;){i.push(n(e[s-1],e[s]));o.push(r(t[s-1],t[s]))}return function(t){var n=ia.bisect(e,t,1,a)-1;return o[n](i[n](t))}}function zo(e,t,n,r){function i(){var i=Math.min(e.length,t.length)>2?Wo:qo,l=r?Wi:Vi;s=i(e,t,l,n);a=i(t,e,l,xi);return o}function o(e){return s(e)}var s,a;o.invert=function(e){return a(e)};o.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return e;;return i()};o.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=e;return i()};o.rangeRound=function(e){return o.range(e).interpolate(ji)};o.clamp=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=e;return i()};o.interpolate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return i()};o.ticks=function(t){return Ko(e,t)};o.tickFormat=function(t,n){return Qo(e,t,n)};o.nice=function(t){Xo(e,t);return i()};o.copy=function(){return zo(e,t,n,r)};return i()}function $o(e,t){return ia.rebind(e,t,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function Xo(e,t){return Ho(e,Vo(Yo(e,t)[2]))}function Yo(e,t){null==t&&(t=10);var n=Uo(e),r=n[1]-n[0],i=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r/t)/Math.LN10)),o=t/r*i;.15>=o?i*=10:.35>=o?i*=5:.75>=o&&(i*=2);n[0]=Math.ceil(n[0]/i)*i;n[1]=Math.floor(n[1]/i)*i+.5*i;n[2]=i;return n}function Ko(e,t){return ia.range.apply(ia,Yo(e,t))}function Qo(e,t,n){var r=Yo(e,t);if(n){var i=dl.exec(n);i.shift();if("s"===i[8]){var o=ia.formatPrefix(Math.max(Ea(r[0]),Ea(r[1])));i[7]||(i[7]="."+Jo(o.scale(r[2])));i[8]="f";n=ia.format(i.join(""));return function(e){return n(o.scale(e))+o.symbol}}i[7]||(i[7]="."+Zo(i[8],r));n=i.join("")}else n=",."+Jo(r[2])+"f";return ia.format(n)}function Jo(e){return-Math.floor(Math.log(e)/Math.LN10+.01)}function Zo(e,t){var n=Jo(t[2]);return e in Cu?Math.abs(n-Jo(Math.max(Ea(t[0]),Ea(t[1]))))+ +("e"!==e):n-2*("%"===e)}function es(e,t,n,r){function i(e){return(n?Math.log(0>e?0:e):-Math.log(e>0?0:-e))/Math.log(t)}function o(e){return n?Math.pow(t,e):-Math.pow(t,-e)}function s(t){return e(i(t))}s.invert=function(t){return o(e.invert(t))};s.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;n=t[0]>=0;e.domain((;return s};s.base=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=+n;e.domain(;return s};s.nice=function(){var t=Ho(,n?Math:Au);e.domain(t);;return s};s.ticks=function(){var e=Uo(r),s=[],a=e[0],l=e[1],u=Math.floor(i(a)),c=Math.ceil(i(l)),p=t%1?2:t;if(isFinite(c-u)){if(n){for(;c>u;u++)for(var d=1;p>d;d++)s.push(o(u)*d);s.push(o(u))}else{s.push(o(u));for(;u++<c;)for(var d=p-1;d>0;d--)s.push(o(u)*d)}for(u=0;s[u]<a;u++);for(c=s.length;s[c-1]>l;c--);s=s.slice(u,c)}return s};s.tickFormat=function(e,t){if(!arguments.length)return Lu;arguments.length<2?t=Lu:"function"!=typeof t&&(t=ia.format(t));var r,a=Math.max(.1,e/s.ticks().length),l=n?(r=1e-12,Math.ceil):(r=-1e-12,Math.floor);return function(e){return e/o(l(i(e)+r))<=a?t(e):""}};s.copy=function(){return es(e.copy(),t,n,r)};return $o(s,e)}function ts(e,t,n){function r(t){return e(i(t))}var i=ns(t),o=ns(1/t);r.invert=function(t){return o(e.invert(t))};r.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;e.domain((;return r};r.ticks=function(e){return Ko(n,e)};r.tickFormat=function(e,t){return Qo(n,e,t)};r.nice=function(e){return r.domain(Xo(n,e))};r.exponent=function(s){if(!arguments.length)return t;i=ns(t=s);o=ns(1/t);e.domain(;return r};r.copy=function(){return ts(e.copy(),t,n)};return $o(r,e)}function ns(e){return function(t){return 0>t?-Math.pow(-t,e):Math.pow(t,e)}}function rs(e,t){function n(n){return o[((i.get(n)||("range"===t.t?i.set(n,e.push(n)):0/0))-1)%o.length]}function r(t,n){return ia.range(e.length).map(function(e){return t+n*e})}var i,o,s;n.domain=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return e;e=[];i=new u;for(var o,s=-1,a=r.length;++s<a;)i.has(o=r[s])||i.set(o,e.push(o));return n[t.t].apply(n,t.a)};n.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=e;s=0;t={t:"range",a:arguments};return n};n.rangePoints=function(i,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var l=i[0],u=i[1],c=e.length<2?(l=(l+u)/2,0):(u-l)/(e.length-1+a);o=r(l+c*a/2,c);s=0;t={t:"rangePoints",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeRoundPoints=function(i,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var l=i[0],u=i[1],c=e.length<2?(l=u=Math.round((l+u)/2),0):(u-l)/(e.length-1+a)|0;o=r(l+Math.round(c*a/2+(u-l-(e.length-1+a)*c)/2),c);s=0;t={t:"rangeRoundPoints",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeBands=function(i,a,l){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);arguments.length<3&&(l=a);var u=i[1]<i[0],c=i[u-0],p=i[1-u],d=(p-c)/(e.length-a+2*l);o=r(c+d*l,d);u&&o.reverse();s=d*(1-a);t={t:"rangeBands",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeRoundBands=function(i,a,l){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);arguments.length<3&&(l=a);var u=i[1]<i[0],c=i[u-0],p=i[1-u],d=Math.floor((p-c)/(e.length-a+2*l));o=r(c+Math.round((p-c-(e.length-a)*d)/2),d);u&&o.reverse();s=Math.round(d*(1-a));t={t:"rangeRoundBands",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeBand=function(){return s};n.rangeExtent=function(){return Uo(t.a[0])};n.copy=function(){return rs(e,t)};return n.domain(e)}function is(e,n){function o(){var t=0,r=n.length;a=[];for(;++t<r;)a[t-1]=ia.quantile(e,t/r);return s}function s(e){return isNaN(e=+e)?void 0:n[ia.bisect(a,e)]}var a;s.domain=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return e;;return o()};s.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return o()};s.quantiles=function(){return a};s.invertExtent=function(t){t=n.indexOf(t);return 0>t?[0/0,0/0]:[t>0?a[t-1]:e[0],t<a.length?a[t]:e[e.length-1]]};s.copy=function(){return is(e,n)};return o()}function os(e,t,n){function r(t){return n[Math.max(0,Math.min(s,Math.floor(o*(t-e))))]}function i(){o=n.length/(t-e);s=n.length-1;return r}var o,s;r.domain=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return[e,t];e=+n[0];t=+n[n.length-1];return i()};r.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return i()};r.invertExtent=function(t){t=n.indexOf(t);t=0>t?0/0:t/o+e;return[t,t+1/o]};r.copy=function(){return os(e,t,n)};return i()}function ss(e,t){function n(n){return n>=n?t[ia.bisect(e,n)]:void 0}n.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return e;e=t;return n};n.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=e;return n};n.invertExtent=function(n){n=t.indexOf(n);return[e[n-1],e[n]]};n.copy=function(){return ss(e,t)};return n}function as(e){function t(e){return+e}t.invert=t;t.domain=t.range=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return e;;return t};t.ticks=function(t){return Ko(e,t)};t.tickFormat=function(t,n){return Qo(e,t,n)};t.copy=function(){return as(e)};return t}function ls(){return 0}function us(e){return e.innerRadius}function cs(e){return e.outerRadius}function ps(e){return e.startAngle}function ds(e){return e.endAngle}function fs(e){return e&&e.padAngle}function hs(e,t,n,r){return(e-n)*t-(t-r)*e>0?0:1}function gs(e,t,n,r,i){var o=e[0]-t[0],s=e[1]-t[1],a=(i?r:-r)/Math.sqrt(o*o+s*s),l=a*s,u=-a*o,c=e[0]+l,p=e[1]+u,d=t[0]+l,f=t[1]+u,h=(c+d)/2,g=(p+f)/2,m=d-c,v=f-p,E=m*m+v*v,y=n-r,x=c*f-d*p,b=(0>v?-1:1)*Math.sqrt(y*y*E-x*x),T=(x*v-m*b)/E,S=(-x*m-v*b)/E,N=(x*v+m*b)/E,C=(-x*m+v*b)/E,L=T-h,A=S-g,I=N-h,w=C-g;L*L+A*A>I*I+w*w&&(T=N,S=C);return[[T-l,S-u],[T*n/y,S*n/y]]}function ms(e){function t(t){function s(){u.push("M",o(e(c),a))}for(var l,u=[],c=[],p=-1,d=t.length,f=At(n),h=At(r);++p<d;)if(,l=t[p],p))c.push([,l,p),,l,p)]);else if(c.length){s();c=[]}c.length&&s();return u.length?u.join(""):null}var n=Rr,r=Or,i=On,o=vs,s=o.key,a=.7;t.x=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return t};t.y=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=e;return t};t.defined=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=e;return t};t.interpolate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return s;s="function"==typeof e?o=e:(o=Du.get(e)||vs).key;return t};t.tension=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return a;a=e;return t};return t}function vs(e){return e.join("L")}function Es(e){return vs(e)+"Z"}function ys(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<n;)i.push("H",(r[0]+(r=e[t])[0])/2,"V",r[1]);n>1&&i.push("H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function xs(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<n;)i.push("V",(r=e[t])[1],"H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function bs(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<n;)i.push("H",(r=e[t])[0],"V",r[1]);return i.join("")}function Ts(e,t){return e.length<4?vs(e):e[1]+Cs(e.slice(1,-1),Ls(e,t))}function Ss(e,t){return e.length<3?vs(e):e[0]+Cs((e.push(e[0]),e),Ls([e[e.length-2]].concat(e,[e[1]]),t))}function Ns(e,t){return e.length<3?vs(e):e[0]+Cs(e,Ls(e,t))}function Cs(e,t){if(t.length<1||e.length!=t.length&&e.length!=t.length+2)return vs(e);var n=e.length!=t.length,r="",i=e[0],o=e[1],s=t[0],a=s,l=1;if(n){r+="Q"+(o[0]-2*s[0]/3)+","+(o[1]-2*s[1]/3)+","+o[0]+","+o[1];i=e[1];l=2}if(t.length>1){a=t[1];o=e[l];l++;r+="C"+(i[0]+s[0])+","+(i[1]+s[1])+","+(o[0]-a[0])+","+(o[1]-a[1])+","+o[0]+","+o[1];for(var u=2;u<t.length;u++,l++){o=e[l];a=t[u];r+="S"+(o[0]-a[0])+","+(o[1]-a[1])+","+o[0]+","+o[1]}}if(n){var c=e[l];r+="Q"+(o[0]+2*a[0]/3)+","+(o[1]+2*a[1]/3)+","+c[0]+","+c[1]}return r}function Ls(e,t){for(var n,r=[],i=(1-t)/2,o=e[0],s=e[1],a=1,l=e.length;++a<l;){n=o;o=s;s=e[a];r.push([i*(s[0]-n[0]),i*(s[1]-n[1])])}return r}function As(e){if(e.length<3)return vs(e);var t=1,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=r[0],o=r[1],s=[i,i,i,(r=e[1])[0]],a=[o,o,o,r[1]],l=[i,",",o,"L",Os(Pu,s),",",Os(Pu,a)];e.push(e[n-1]);for(;++t<=n;){r=e[t];s.shift();s.push(r[0]);a.shift();a.push(r[1]);_s(l,s,a)}e.pop();l.push("L",r);return l.join("")}function Is(e){if(e.length<4)return vs(e);for(var t,n=[],r=-1,i=e.length,o=[0],s=[0];++r<3;){t=e[r];o.push(t[0]);s.push(t[1])}n.push(Os(Pu,o)+","+Os(Pu,s));--r;for(;++r<i;){t=e[r];o.shift();o.push(t[0]);s.shift();s.push(t[1]);_s(n,o,s)}return n.join("")}function ws(e){for(var t,n,r=-1,i=e.length,o=i+4,s=[],a=[];++r<4;){n=e[r%i];s.push(n[0]);a.push(n[1])}t=[Os(Pu,s),",",Os(Pu,a)];--r;for(;++r<o;){n=e[r%i];s.shift();s.push(n[0]);a.shift();a.push(n[1]);_s(t,s,a)}return t.join("")}function Rs(e,t){var n=e.length-1;if(n)for(var r,i,o=e[0][0],s=e[0][1],a=e[n][0]-o,l=e[n][1]-s,u=-1;++u<=n;){r=e[u];i=u/n;r[0]=t*r[0]+(1-t)*(o+i*a);r[1]=t*r[1]+(1-t)*(s+i*l)}return As(e)}function Os(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]+e[2]*t[2]+e[3]*t[3]}function _s(e,t,n){e.push("C",Os(Fu,t),",",Os(Fu,n),",",Os(ku,t),",",Os(ku,n),",",Os(Pu,t),",",Os(Pu,n))}function Ds(e,t){return(t[1]-e[1])/(t[0]-e[0])}function Fs(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length-1,r=[],i=e[0],o=e[1],s=r[0]=Ds(i,o);++t<n;)r[t]=(s+(s=Ds(i=o,o=e[t+1])))/2;r[t]=s;return r}function ks(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o=[],s=Fs(e),a=-1,l=e.length-1;++a<l;){t=Ds(e[a],e[a+1]);if(Ea(t)<Pa)s[a]=s[a+1]=0;else{n=s[a]/t;r=s[a+1]/t;i=n*n+r*r;if(i>9){i=3*t/Math.sqrt(i);s[a]=i*n;s[a+1]=i*r}}}a=-1;for(;++a<=l;){i=(e[Math.min(l,a+1)][0]-e[Math.max(0,a-1)][0])/(6*(1+s[a]*s[a]));o.push([i||0,s[a]*i||0])}return o}function Ps(e){return e.length<3?vs(e):e[0]+Cs(e,ks(e))}function Ms(e){for(var t,n,r,i=-1,o=e.length;++i<o;){t=e[i];n=t[0];r=t[1]-Ba;t[0]=n*Math.cos(r);t[1]=n*Math.sin(r)}return e}function js(e){function t(t){function l(){g.push("M",a(e(v),p),c,u(e(m.reverse()),p),"Z")}for(var d,f,h,g=[],m=[],v=[],E=-1,y=t.length,x=At(n),b=At(i),T=n===r?function(){return f}:At(r),S=i===o?function(){return h}:At(o);++E<y;)if(,d=t[E],E)){m.push([,d,E),,d,E)]);v.push([,d,E),,d,E)])}else if(m.length){l();m=[];v=[]}m.length&&l();return g.length?g.join(""):null}var n=Rr,r=Rr,i=0,o=Or,s=On,a=vs,l=a.key,u=a,c="L",p=.7;t.x=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;n=r=e;return t};t.x0=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return t};t.x1=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=e;return t};t.y=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return o;i=o=e;return t};t.y0=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=e;return t};t.y1=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=e;return t};t.defined=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return s;s=e;return t};t.interpolate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return l;l="function"==typeof e?a=e:(a=Du.get(e)||vs).key;u=a.reverse||a;c=a.closed?"M":"L";return 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Math.floor((hl.dayOfYear(e)+(n+t)%7)/7)}});hl.week=hl.sunday;hl.weeks=hl.sunday.range;hl.weeks.utc=hl.sunday.utc.range;hl.weekOfYear=hl.sundayOfYear;var vl={"-":"",_:" ",0:"0"},El=/^\s*\d+/,yl=/^%/;ia.locale=function(e){return{numberFormat:jt(e),timeFormat:Ht(e)}};var xl=ia.locale({decimal:".",thousands:",",grouping:[3],currency:["$",""],dateTime:"%a %b %e %X %Y",date:"%m/%d/%Y",time:"%H:%M:%S",periods:["AM","PM"],days:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],shortDays:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],months:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],shortMonths:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]});ia.format=xl.numberFormat;ia.geo={};pn.prototype={s:0,t:0,add:function(e){dn(e,this.t,bl);dn(bl.s,this.s,this);this.s?this.t+=bl.t:this.s=bl.t},reset:function(){this.s=this.t=0},valueOf:function(){return this.s}};var bl=new pn;,t){e&&Tl.hasOwnProperty(e.type)?Tl[e.type](e,t):fn(e,t)};var Tl={Feature:function(e,t){fn(e.geometry,t)},FeatureCollection:function(e,t){for(var n=e.features,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)fn(n[r].geometry,t)}},Sl={Sphere:function(e,t){t.sphere()},Point:function(e,t){e=e.coordinates;t.point(e[0],e[1],e[2])},MultiPoint:function(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)e=n[r],t.point(e[0],e[1],e[2])},LineString:function(e,t){hn(e.coordinates,t,0)},MultiLineString:function(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)hn(n[r],t,0)},Polygon:function(e,t){gn(e.coordinates,t)},MultiPolygon:function(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)gn(n[r],t)},GeometryCollection:function(e,t){for(var n=e.geometries,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)fn(n[r],t)}};ia.geo.area=function(e){Nl=0;,Ll);return Nl};var Nl,Cl=new pn,Ll={sphere:function(){Nl+=4*ja},point:x,lineStart:x,lineEnd:x,polygonStart:function(){Cl.reset();Ll.lineStart=mn},polygonEnd:function(){var e=2*Cl;Nl+=0>e?4*ja+e:e;Ll.lineStart=Ll.lineEnd=Ll.point=x}};ia.geo.bounds=function(){function e(e,t){y.push(x=[c=e,d=e]);p>t&&(p=t);t>f&&(f=t)}function t(t,n){var r=vn([t*qa,n*qa]);if(v){var i=yn(v,r),o=[i[1],-i[0],0],s=yn(o,i);Tn(s);s=Sn(s);var l=t-h,u=l>0?1:-1,g=s[0]*Ha*u,m=Ea(l)>180;if(m^(g>u*h&&u*t>g)){var E=s[1]*Ha;E>f&&(f=E)}else if(g=(g+360)%360-180,m^(g>u*h&&u*t>g)){var E=-s[1]*Ha;p>E&&(p=E)}else{p>n&&(p=n);n>f&&(f=n)}if(m)h>t?a(c,t)>a(c,d)&&(d=t):a(t,d)>a(c,d)&&(c=t);else if(d>=c){c>t&&(c=t);t>d&&(d=t)}else t>h?a(c,t)>a(c,d)&&(d=t):a(t,d)>a(c,d)&&(c=t)}else e(t,n);v=r,h=t}function n(){b.point=t}function r(){x[0]=c,x[1]=d;b.point=e;v=null}function i(e,n){if(v){var r=e-h;E+=Ea(r)>180?r+(r>0?360:-360):r}else g=e,m=n;Ll.point(e,n);t(e,n)}function o(){Ll.lineStart()}function s(){i(g,m);Ll.lineEnd();Ea(E)>Pa&&(c=-(d=180));x[0]=c,x[1]=d;v=null}function a(e,t){return(t-=e)<0?t+360:t}function l(e,t){return e[0]-t[0]}function u(e,t){return t[0]<=t[1]?t[0]<=e&&e<=t[1]:e<t[0]||t[1]<e}var c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b={point:e,lineStart:n,lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){b.point=i;b.lineStart=o;b.lineEnd=s;E=0;Ll.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){Ll.polygonEnd();b.point=e;b.lineStart=n;b.lineEnd=r;0>Cl?(c=-(d=180),p=-(f=90)):E>Pa?f=90:-Pa>E&&(p=-90);x[0]=c,x[1]=d}};return function(e){f=d=-(c=p=1/0);y=[];,b);var t=y.length;if(t){y.sort(l);for(var n,r=1,i=y[0],o=[i];t>r;++r){n=y[r];if(u(n[0],i)||u(n[1],i)){a(i[0],n[1])>a(i[0],i[1])&&(i[1]=n[1]);a(n[0],i[1])>a(i[0],i[1])&&(i[0]=n[0])}else o.push(i=n)}for(var s,n,h=-1/0,t=o.length-1,r=0,i=o[t];t>=r;i=n,++r){n=o[r];(s=a(i[1],n[0]))>h&&(h=s,c=n[0],d=i[1])}}y=x=null;return 1/0===c||1/0===p?[[0/0,0/0],[0/0,0/0]]:[[c,p],[d,f]]}}();ia.geo.centroid=function(e){Al=Il=wl=Rl=Ol=_l=Dl=Fl=kl=Pl=Ml=0;,jl);var t=kl,n=Pl,r=Ml,i=t*t+n*n+r*r;if(Ma>i){t=_l,n=Dl,r=Fl;Pa>Il&&(t=wl,n=Rl,r=Ol);i=t*t+n*n+r*r;if(Ma>i)return[0/0,0/0]}return[Math.atan2(n,t)*Ha,nt(r/Math.sqrt(i))*Ha]};var Al,Il,wl,Rl,Ol,_l,Dl,Fl,kl,Pl,Ml,jl={sphere:x,point:Cn,lineStart:An,lineEnd:In,polygonStart:function(){jl.lineStart=wn},polygonEnd:function(){jl.lineStart=An}},Gl=kn(On,Gn,Bn,[-ja,-ja/2]),Ul=1e9;ia.geo.clipExtent=function(){var e,t,n,r,i,o,s={stream:function(e){i&&(i.valid=!1);i=o(e);i.valid=!0;return i},extent:function(a){if(!arguments.length)return[[e,t],[n,r]];o=Wn(e=+a[0][0],t=+a[0][1],n=+a[1][0],r=+a[1][1]);i&&(i.valid=!1,i=null);return s}};return s.extent([[0,0],[960,500]])};(ia.geo.conicEqualArea=function(){return zn($n)}).raw=$n;ia.geo.albers=function(){return ia.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([96,0]).center([-.6,38.7]).parallels([29.5,45.5]).scale(1070)};ia.geo.albersUsa=function(){function e(e){var o=e[0],s=e[1];t=null;(n(o,s),t)||(r(o,s),t)||i(o,s);return t}var t,n,r,i,o=ia.geo.albers(),s=ia.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([154,0]).center([-2,58.5]).parallels([55,65]),a=ia.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([157,0]).center([-3,19.9]).parallels([8,18]),l={point:function(e,n){t=[e,n]}};e.invert=function(e){var t=o.scale(),n=o.translate(),r=(e[0]-n[0])/t,i=(e[1]-n[1])/t;return(i>=.12&&.234>i&&r>=-.425&&-.214>r?s:i>=.166&&.234>i&&r>=-.214&&-.115>r?a:o).invert(e)};{var,,;return{point:function(e,i){t.point(e,i);n.point(e,i);r.point(e,i)},sphere:function(){t.sphere();n.sphere();r.sphere()},lineStart:function(){t.lineStart();n.lineStart();r.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){t.lineEnd();n.lineEnd();r.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart();n.polygonStart();r.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd();n.polygonEnd();r.polygonEnd()}}};e.precision=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o.precision();o.precision(t);s.precision(t);a.precision(t);return e};e.scale=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o.scale();o.scale(t);s.scale(.35*t);a.scale(t);return e.translate(o.translate())};e.translate=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o.translate();var u=o.scale(),c=+t[0],p=+t[1];n=o.translate(t).clipExtent([[c-.455*u,p-.238*u],[c+.455*u,p+.238*u]]).stream(l).point;r=s.translate([c-.307*u,p+.201*u]).clipExtent([[c-.425*u+Pa,p+.12*u+Pa],[c-.214*u-Pa,p+.234*u-Pa]]).stream(l).point;i=a.translate([c-.205*u,p+.212*u]).clipExtent([[c-.214*u+Pa,p+.166*u+Pa],[c-.115*u-Pa,p+.234*u-Pa]]).stream(l).point;return e};return e.scale(1070)};var Bl,ql,Hl,Vl,Wl,zl,$l={point:x,lineStart:x,lineEnd:x,polygonStart:function(){ql=0;$l.lineStart=Xn},polygonEnd:function(){$l.lineStart=$l.lineEnd=$l.point=x;Bl+=Ea(ql/2)}},Xl={point:Yn,lineStart:x,lineEnd:x,polygonStart:x,polygonEnd:x},Yl={point:Jn,lineStart:Zn,lineEnd:er,polygonStart:function(){Yl.lineStart=tr },polygonEnd:function(){Yl.point=Jn;Yl.lineStart=Zn;Yl.lineEnd=er}};ia.geo.path=function(){function e(e){if(e){"function"==typeof a&&o.pointRadius(+a.apply(this,arguments));s&&s.valid||(s=i(o));,s)}return o.result()}function t(){s=null;return e}var n,r,i,o,s,a=4.5;e.area=function(e){Bl=0;,i($l));return Bl};e.centroid=function(e){wl=Rl=Ol=_l=Dl=Fl=kl=Pl=Ml=0;,i(Yl));return Ml?[kl/Ml,Pl/Ml]:Fl?[_l/Fl,Dl/Fl]:Ol?[wl/Ol,Rl/Ol]:[0/0,0/0]};e.bounds=function(e){Wl=zl=-(Hl=Vl=1/0);,i(Xl));return[[Hl,Vl],[Wl,zl]]};e.projection=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;i=(n=e)?||ir(e):It;return t()};e.context=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;o=null==(r=e)?new Kn:new nr(e);"function"!=typeof a&&o.pointRadius(a);return t()};e.pointRadius=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return a;a="function"==typeof t?t:(o.pointRadius(+t),+t);return e};return e.projection(ia.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)};ia.geo.transform=function(e){return{stream:function(t){var n=new or(t);for(var r in e)n[r]=e[r];return n}}};or.prototype={point:function(e,t){,t)},sphere:function(){},lineStart:function(){},lineEnd:function(){},polygonStart:function(){},polygonEnd:function(){}};ia.geo.projection=ar;ia.geo.projectionMutator=lr;(ia.geo.equirectangular=function(){return ar(cr)}).raw=cr.invert=cr;ia.geo.rotation=function(e){function t(t){t=e(t[0]*qa,t[1]*qa);return t[0]*=Ha,t[1]*=Ha,t}e=dr(e[0]%360*qa,e[1]*qa,e.length>2?e[2]*qa:0);t.invert=function(t){t=e.invert(t[0]*qa,t[1]*qa);return t[0]*=Ha,t[1]*=Ha,t};return t};pr.invert=cr;{function e(){var e="function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r,t=dr(-e[0]*qa,-e[1]*qa,0).invert,i=[];n(null,null,1,{point:function(e,n){i.push(e=t(e,n));e[0]*=Ha,e[1]*=Ha}});return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[i]}}var t,n,r=[0,0],i=6;e.origin=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=t;return e};e.angle=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return t;n=mr((t=+r)*qa,i*qa);return e};e.precision=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return i;n=mr(t*qa,(i=+r)*qa);return e};return e.angle(90)};ia.geo.distance=function(e,t){var n,r=(t[0]-e[0])*qa,i=e[1]*qa,o=t[1]*qa,s=Math.sin(r),a=Math.cos(r),l=Math.sin(i),u=Math.cos(i),c=Math.sin(o),p=Math.cos(o);return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((n=p*s)*n+(n=u*c-l*p*a)*n),l*c+u*p*a)};ia.geo.graticule=function(){function e(){return{type:"MultiLineString",coordinates:t()}}function t(){return ia.range(Math.ceil(o/m)*m,i,m).map(d).concat(ia.range(Math.ceil(u/v)*v,l,v).map(f)).concat(ia.range(Math.ceil(r/h)*h,n,h).filter(function(e){return Ea(e%m)>Pa}).map(c)).concat(ia.range(Math.ceil(a/g)*g,s,g).filter(function(e){return Ea(e%v)>Pa}).map(p))}var n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p,d,f,h=10,g=h,m=90,v=360,E=2.5;e.lines=function(){return t().map(function(e){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:e}})};e.outline=function(){return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[d(o).concat(f(l).slice(1),d(i).reverse().slice(1),f(u).reverse().slice(1))]}};e.extent=function(t){return arguments.length?e.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t):e.minorExtent()};e.majorExtent=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[[o,u],[i,l]];o=+t[0][0],i=+t[1][0];u=+t[0][1],l=+t[1][1];o>i&&(t=o,o=i,i=t);u>l&&(t=u,u=l,l=t);return e.precision(E)};e.minorExtent=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[[r,a],[n,s]];r=+t[0][0],n=+t[1][0];a=+t[0][1],s=+t[1][1];r>n&&(t=r,r=n,n=t);a>s&&(t=a,a=s,s=t);return e.precision(E)};e.step=function(t){return arguments.length?e.majorStep(t).minorStep(t):e.minorStep()};e.majorStep=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[m,v];m=+t[0],v=+t[1];return e};e.minorStep=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[h,g];h=+t[0],g=+t[1];return e};e.precision=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return E;E=+t;c=Er(a,s,90);p=yr(r,n,E);d=Er(u,l,90);f=yr(o,i,E);return e};return e.majorExtent([[-180,-90+Pa],[180,90-Pa]]).minorExtent([[-180,-80-Pa],[180,80+Pa]])};ia.geo.greatArc=function(){function e(){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:[t||r.apply(this,arguments),n||i.apply(this,arguments)]}}var t,n,r=xr,i=br;e.distance=function(){return ia.geo.distance(t||r.apply(this,arguments),n||i.apply(this,arguments))};e.source=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=n,t="function"==typeof n?null:n;return e};{if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t,n="function"==typeof t?null:t;return e};e.precision=function(){return arguments.length?e:0};return e};ia.geo.interpolate=function(e,t){return Tr(e[0]*qa,e[1]*qa,t[0]*qa,t[1]*qa)};ia.geo.length=function(e){Kl=0;,Ql);return Kl};var Kl,Ql={sphere:x,point:x,lineStart:Sr,lineEnd:x,polygonStart:x,polygonEnd:x},Jl=Nr(function(e){return Math.sqrt(2/(1+e))},function(e){return 2*Math.asin(e/2)});(ia.geo.azimuthalEqualArea=function(){return ar(Jl)}).raw=Jl;var Zl=Nr(function(e){var t=Math.acos(e);return t&&t/Math.sin(t)},It);(ia.geo.azimuthalEquidistant=function(){return ar(Zl)}).raw=Zl;(ia.geo.conicConformal=function(){return zn(Cr)}).raw=Cr;(ia.geo.conicEquidistant=function(){return zn(Lr)}).raw=Lr;var eu=Nr(function(e){return 1/e},Math.atan);(ia.geo.gnomonic=function(){return ar(eu)}).raw=eu;Ar.invert=function(e,t){return[e,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(t))-Ba]};(ia.geo.mercator=function(){return Ir(Ar)}).raw=Ar;var tu=Nr(function(){return 1},Math.asin);(ia.geo.orthographic=function(){return ar(tu)}).raw=tu;var nu=Nr(function(e){return 1/(1+e)},function(e){return 2*Math.atan(e)});(ia.geo.stereographic=function(){return ar(nu)}).raw=nu;wr.invert=function(e,t){return[-t,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(e))-Ba]};(ia.geo.transverseMercator=function(){var e=Ir(wr),,n=e.rotate;{return e?t([-e[1],e[0]]):(e=t(),[e[1],-e[0]])};e.rotate=function(e){return e?n([e[0],e[1],e.length>2?e[2]+90:90]):(e=n(),[e[0],e[1],e[2]-90])};return n([0,0,90])}).raw=wr;ia.geom={};ia.geom.hull=function(e){function t(e){if(e.length<3)return[];var t,i=At(n),o=At(r),s=e.length,a=[],l=[];for(t=0;s>t;t++)a.push([,e[t],t),,e[t],t),t]);a.sort(Dr);for(t=0;s>t;t++)l.push([a[t][0],-a[t][1]]);var u=_r(a),c=_r(l),p=c[0]===u[0],d=c[c.length-1]===u[u.length-1],f=[];for(t=u.length-1;t>=0;--t)f.push(e[a[u[t]][2]]);for(t=+p;t<c.length-d;++t)f.push(e[a[c[t]][2]]);return f}var n=Rr,r=Or;if(arguments.length)return t(e);t.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,t):n};t.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,t):r};return t};ia.geom.polygon=function(e){Sa(e,ru);return e};var ru=ia.geom.polygon.prototype=[];ru.area=function(){for(var e,t=-1,n=this.length,r=this[n-1],i=0;++t<n;){e=r;r=this[t];i+=e[1]*r[0]-e[0]*r[1]}return.5*i};ru.centroid=function(e){var t,n,r=-1,i=this.length,o=0,s=0,a=this[i-1];arguments.length||(e=-1/(6*this.area()));for(;++r<i;){t=a;a=this[r];n=t[0]*a[1]-a[0]*t[1];o+=(t[0]+a[0])*n;s+=(t[1]+a[1])*n}return[o*e,s*e]};ru.clip=function(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o,s,a=Pr(e),l=-1,u=this.length-Pr(this),c=this[u-1];++l<u;){t=e.slice();e.length=0;i=this[l];o=t[(r=t.length-a)-1];n=-1;for(;++n<r;){s=t[n];if(Fr(s,c,i)){Fr(o,c,i)||e.push(kr(o,s,c,i));e.push(s)}else Fr(o,c,i)&&e.push(kr(o,s,c,i));o=s}a&&e.push(e[0]);c=i}return e};var iu,ou,su,au,lu,uu=[],cu=[];Vr.prototype.prepare=function(){for(var e,t=this.edges,n=t.length;n--;){e=t[n].edge;e.b&&e.a||t.splice(n,1)}t.sort(zr);return t.length};ni.prototype={start:function(){return},end:function(){return}};ri.prototype={insert:function(e,t){var n,r,i;if(e){t.P=e;t.N=e.N;e.N&&(e.N.P=t);e.N=t;if(e.R){e=e.R;for(;e.L;)e=e.L;e.L=t}else e.R=t;n=e}else if(this._){e=ai(this._);t.P=null;t.N=e;e.P=e.L=t;n=e}else{t.P=t.N=null;this._=t;n=null}t.L=t.R=null;t.U=n;t.C=!0;e=t;for(;n&&n.C;){r=n.U;if(n===r.L){i=r.R;if(i&&i.C){n.C=i.C=!1;r.C=!0;e=r}else{if(e===n.R){oi(this,n);e=n;n=e.U}n.C=!1;r.C=!0;si(this,r)}}else{i=r.L;if(i&&i.C){n.C=i.C=!1;r.C=!0;e=r}else{if(e===n.L){si(this,n);e=n;n=e.U}n.C=!1;r.C=!0;oi(this,r)}}n=e.U}this._.C=!1},remove:function(e){e.N&&(e.N.P=e.P);e.P&&(e.P.N=e.N);e.N=e.P=null;var t,n,r,i=e.U,o=e.L,s=e.R;n=o?s?ai(s):o:s;i?i.L===e?i.L=n:i.R=n:this._=n;if(o&&s){r=n.C;n.C=e.C;n.L=o;o.U=n;if(n!==s){i=n.U;n.U=e.U;e=n.R;i.L=e;n.R=s;s.U=n}else{n.U=i;i=n;e=n.R}}else{r=e.C;e=n}e&&(e.U=i);if(!r)if(e&&e.C)e.C=!1;else{do{if(e===this._)break;if(e===i.L){t=i.R;if(t.C){t.C=!1;i.C=!0;oi(this,i);t=i.R}if(t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){if(!t.R||!t.R.C){t.L.C=!1;t.C=!0;si(this,t);t=i.R}t.C=i.C;i.C=t.R.C=!1;oi(this,i);e=this._;break}}else{t=i.L;if(t.C){t.C=!1;i.C=!0;si(this,i);t=i.L}if(t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){if(!t.L||!t.L.C){t.R.C=!1;t.C=!0;oi(this,t);t=i.L}t.C=i.C;i.C=t.L.C=!1;si(this,i);e=this._;break}}t.C=!0;e=i;i=i.U}while(!e.C);e&&(e.C=!1)}}};ia.geom.voronoi=function(e){function t(e){var t=new Array(e.length),r=a[0][0],i=a[0][1],o=a[1][0],s=a[1][1];li(n(e),a).cells.forEach(function(n,a){var l=n.edges,,c=t[a]=l.length?{var t=e.start();return[t.x,t.y]}):u.x>=r&&u.x<=o&&u.y>=i&&u.y<=s?[[r,s],[o,s],[o,i],[r,i]]:[];c.point=e[a]});return t}function n(e){return,t){return{x:Math.round(o(e,t)/Pa)*Pa,y:Math.round(s(e,t)/Pa)*Pa,i:t}})}var r=Rr,i=Or,o=r,s=i,a=pu;if(e)return t(e);t.links=function(e){return li(n(e)).edges.filter(function(e){return e.l&&e.r}).map(function(t){return{source:e[t.l.i],target:e[t.r.i]}})};t.triangles=function(e){var t=[];li(n(e)).cells.forEach(function(n,r){for(var i,o,,a=n.edges.sort(zr),l=-1,u=a.length,c=a[u-1].edge,p=c.l===s?c.r:c.l;++l<u;){i=c;o=p;c=a[l].edge;p=c.l===s?c.r:c.l;r<o.i&&r<p.i&&ci(s,o,p)<0&&t.push([e[r],e[o.i],e[p.i]])}});return t};t.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(o=At(r=e),t):r};t.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(s=At(i=e),t):i};t.clipExtent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return a===pu?null:a;a=null==e?pu:e;return t};t.size=function(e){return arguments.length?t.clipExtent(e&&[[0,0],e]):a===pu?null:a&&a[1]};return t};var pu=[[-1e6,-1e6],[1e6,1e6]];ia.geom.delaunay=function(e){return ia.geom.voronoi().triangles(e)};ia.geom.quadtree=function(e,t,n,r,i){function o(e){function o(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a){if(!isNaN(n)&&!isNaN(r))if(e.leaf){var l=e.x,c=e.y;if(null!=l)if(Ea(l-n)+Ea(c-r)<.01)u(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a);else{var p=e.point;e.x=e.y=e.point=null;u(e,p,l,c,i,o,s,a);u(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a)}else e.x=n,e.y=r,e.point=t}else u(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a)}function u(e,t,n,r,i,s,a,l){var u=.5*(i+a),c=.5*(s+l),p=n>=u,d=r>=c,f=d<<1|p;e.leaf=!1;e=e.nodes[f]||(e.nodes[f]=fi());p?i=u:a=u;d?s=c:l=c;o(e,t,n,r,i,s,a,l)}var c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y=At(a),x=At(l);if(null!=t)g=t,m=n,v=r,E=i;else{v=E=-(g=m=1/0);p=[],d=[];h=e.length;if(s)for(f=0;h>f;++f){c=e[f];c.x<g&&(g=c.x);c.y<m&&(m=c.y);c.x>v&&(v=c.x);c.y>E&&(E=c.y);p.push(c.x);d.push(c.y)}else for(f=0;h>f;++f){var b=+y(c=e[f],f),T=+x(c,f);g>b&&(g=b);m>T&&(m=T);b>v&&(v=b);T>E&&(E=T);p.push(b);d.push(T)}}var S=v-g,N=E-m;S>N?E=m+S:v=g+N;var C=fi();C.add=function(e){o(C,e,+y(e,++f),+x(e,f),g,m,v,E)};C.visit=function(e){hi(e,C,g,m,v,E)};C.find=function(e){return gi(C,e[0],e[1],g,m,v,E)};f=-1;if(null==t){for(;++f<h;)o(C,e[f],p[f],d[f],g,m,v,E);--f}else e.forEach(C.add);p=d=e=c=null;return C}var s,a=Rr,l=Or;if(s=arguments.length){a=pi;l=di;if(3===s){i=n;r=t;n=t=0}return o(e)}o.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(a=e,o):a};o.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(l=e,o):l};o.extent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return null==t?null:[[t,n],[r,i]];null==e?t=n=r=i=null:(t=+e[0][0],n=+e[0][1],r=+e[1][0],i=+e[1][1]);return o};o.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return null==t?null:[r-t,i-n];null==e?t=n=r=i=null:(t=n=0,r=+e[0],i=+e[1]);return o};return o};ia.interpolateRgb=mi;ia.interpolateObject=vi;ia.interpolateNumber=Ei;ia.interpolateString=yi;var du=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,fu=new RegExp(du.source,"g");ia.interpolate=xi;ia.interpolators=[function(e,t){var n=typeof t;return("string"===n?il.has(t)||/^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/.test(t)?mi:yi:t instanceof at?mi:Array.isArray(t)?bi:"object"===n&&isNaN(t)?vi:Ei)(e,t)}];ia.interpolateArray=bi;var hu=function(){return It},{linear:hu,poly:Ii,quad:function(){return Ci},cubic:function(){return Li},sin:function(){return wi},exp:function(){return Ri},circle:function(){return Oi},elastic:_i,back:Di,bounce:function(){return Fi}}),{"in":It,out:Si,"in-out":Ni,"out-in":function(e){return Ni(Si(e))}});ia.ease=function(e){var t=e.indexOf("-"),n=t>=0?e.slice(0,t):e,r=t>=0?e.slice(t+1):"in";n=gu.get(n)||hu;r=mu.get(r)||It;return Ti(r(n.apply(null,,1))))};ia.interpolateHcl=ki;ia.interpolateHsl=Pi;ia.interpolateLab=Mi;ia.interpolateRound=ji;ia.transform=function(e){var t=aa.createElementNS(ia.ns.prefix.svg,"g");return(ia.transform=function(e){if(null!=e){t.setAttribute("transform",e);var n=t.transform.baseVal.consolidate()}return new Gi(n?n.matrix:vu)})(e)};Gi.prototype.toString=function(){return"translate("+this.translate+")rotate("+this.rotate+")skewX("+this.skew+")scale("+this.scale+")"};var vu={a:1,b:0,c:0,d:1,e:0,f:0};ia.interpolateTransform=Hi;ia.layout={};ia.layout.bundle=function(){return function(e){for(var t=[],n=-1,r=e.length;++n<r;)t.push(zi(e[n]));return t}};ia.layout.chord=function(){function e(){var e,u,p,d,f,h={},g=[],m=ia.range(o),v=[];n=[];r=[];e=0,d=-1;for(;++d<o;){u=0,f=-1;for(;++f<o;)u+=i[d][f];g.push(u);v.push(ia.range(o));e+=u}s&&m.sort(function(e,t){return s(g[e],g[t])});a&&v.forEach(function(e,t){e.sort(function(e,n){return a(i[t][e],i[t][n])})});e=(Ga-c*o)/e;u=0,d=-1;for(;++d<o;){p=u,f=-1;for(;++f<o;){var E=m[d],y=v[E][f],x=i[E][y],b=u,T=u+=x*e;h[E+"-"+y]={index:E,subindex:y,startAngle:b,endAngle:T,value:x}}r[E]={index:E,startAngle:p,endAngle:u,value:(u-p)/e};u+=c}d=-1;for(;++d<o;){f=d-1;for(;++f<o;){var S=h[d+"-"+f],N=h[f+"-"+d];(S.value||N.value)&&n.push(S.value<N.value?{source:N,target:S}:{source:S,target:N})}}l&&t()}function t(){n.sort(function(e,t){return l((,(})}var n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u={},c=0;u.matrix=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;o=(i=e)&&i.length;n=r=null;return u};u.padding=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return c;c=e;n=r=null;return u};u.sortGroups=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return s;s=e;n=r=null;return u};u.sortSubgroups=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return a;a=e;n=null;return u};u.sortChords=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return l;l=e;n&&t();return u};u.chords=function(){n||e();return n};u.groups=function(){r||e();return r};return u};ia.layout.force=function(){function e(e){return function(t,n,r,i){if(t.point!==e){var,,a=i-n,l=o*o+s*s;if(l>a*a/m){if(h>l){var u=t.charge/l;e.px-=o*u;*u}return!0}if(t.point&&l&&h>l){var u=t.pointCharge/l;e.px-=o*u;*u}}return!t.charge}}function t(e){e.px=ia.event.x,;a.resume()}var n,r,i,o,s,a={},l=ia.dispatch("start","tick","end"),u=[1,1],c=.9,p=Eu,d=yu,f=-30,h=xu,g=.1,m=.64,v=[],E=[];a.tick=function(){if((r*=.99)<.005){l.end({type:"end",alpha:r=0});return!0}var t,n,a,p,d,h,m,y,x,b=v.length,T=E.length;for(n=0;T>n;++n){a=E[n];p=a.source;;y=d.x-p.x;x=d.y-p.y;if(h=y*y+x*x){h=r*o[n]*((h=Math.sqrt(h))-i[n])/h;y*=h;x*=h;d.x-=y*(m=p.weight/(d.weight+p.weight));d.y-=x*m;p.x+=y*(m=1-m);p.y+=x*m}}if(m=r*g){y=u[0]/2;x=u[1]/2;n=-1;if(m)for(;++n<b;){a=v[n];a.x+=(y-a.x)*m;a.y+=(x-a.y)*m}}if(f){Zi(t=ia.geom.quadtree(v),r,s);n=-1;for(;++n<b;)(a=v[n]).fixed||t.visit(e(a))}n=-1;for(;++n<b;){a=v[n];if(a.fixed){a.x=a.px;}else{a.x-=(a.px-(a.px=a.x))*c;a.y-=(*c}}l.tick({type:"tick",alpha:r})};a.nodes=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return v;v=e;return a};a.links=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return E;E=e;return a};a.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return u;u=e;return a};a.linkDistance=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return p;p="function"==typeof e?e:+e;return a};a.distance=a.linkDistance;a.linkStrength=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return d;d="function"==typeof e?e:+e;return a};a.friction=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return c;c=+e;return a};a.charge=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return f;f="function"==typeof e?e:+e;return a};a.chargeDistance=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(h);h=e*e;return a};a.gravity=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return g;g=+e;return a};a.theta=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(m);m=e*e;return a};a.alpha=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;e=+e;if(r)r=e>0?e:0;else if(e>0){l.start({type:"start",alpha:r=e});ia.timer(a.tick)}return a};a.start=function(){function e(e,r){if(!n){n=new Array(l);for(a=0;l>a;++a)n[a]=[];for(a=0;u>a;++a){var i=E[a];n[i.source.index].push(;n[].push(i.source)}}for(var o,s=n[t],a=-1,u=s.length;++a<u;)if(!isNaN(o=s[a][e]))return o;return Math.random()*r}var t,n,r,l=v.length,c=E.length,h=u[0],g=u[1];for(t=0;l>t;++t){(r=v[t]).index=t;r.weight=0}for(t=0;c>t;++t){r=E[t];"number"==typeof r.source&&(r.source=v[r.source]);"number"==typeof[]);++r.source.weight;}for(t=0;l>t;++t){r=v[t];isNaN(r.x)&&(r.x=e("x",h));isNaN(r.y)&&(r.y=e("y",g));isNaN(r.px)&&(r.px=r.x);isNaN(}i=[];if("function"==typeof p)for(t=0;c>t;++t)i[t],E[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)i[t]=p;o=[];if("function"==typeof d)for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t],E[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t]=d;s=[];if("function"==typeof f)for(t=0;l>t;++t)s[t],v[t],t);else for(t=0;l>t;++t)s[t]=f;return a.resume()};a.resume=function(){return a.alpha(.1)};a.stop=function(){return a.alpha(0)};a.drag=function(){n||(n=ia.behavior.drag().origin(It).on("dragstart.force",Yi).on("drag.force",t).on("dragend.force",Ki));if(!arguments.length)return n;this.on("mouseover.force",Qi).on("mouseout.force",Ji).call(n);return void 0};return ia.rebind(a,l,"on")};var Eu=20,yu=1,xu=1/0;ia.layout.hierarchy=function(){function e(i){var o,s=[i],a=[];i.depth=0;for(;null!=(o=s.pop());){a.push(o);if((,o,o.depth))&&(l=u.length)){for(var l,u,c;--l>=0;){s.push(c=u[l]);c.parent=o;c.depth=o.depth+1}r&&(o.value=0);o.children=u}else{r&&(,o,o.depth)||0);delete o.children}}no(i,function(e){var n,i;t&&(n=e.children)&&n.sort(t);r&&(i=e.parent)&&(i.value+=e.value)});return a}var t=oo,n=ro,r=io;e.sort=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=n;return e};e.children=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.value=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=t;return e};e.revalue=function(t){if(r){to(t,function(e){e.children&&(e.value=0)});no(t,function(t){var n;t.children||(,t,t.depth)||0);(n=t.parent)&&(n.value+=t.value)})}return t};return e};ia.layout.partition=function(){function e(t,n,r,i){var o=t.children;t.x=n;t.y=t.depth*i;t.dx=r;t.dy=i;if(o&&(s=o.length)){var s,a,l,u=-1;r=t.value?r/t.value:0;for(;++u<s;){e(a=o[u],n,l=a.value*r,i);n+=l}}}function t(e){var n=e.children,r=0;if(n&&(i=n.length))for(var i,o=-1;++o<i;)r=Math.max(r,t(n[o]));return 1+r}function n(n,o){var,n,o);e(s[0],0,i[0],i[1]/t(s[0]));return s}var r=ia.layout.hierarchy(),i=[1,1];n.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=e;return n};return eo(n,r)};ia.layout.pie=function(){function e(s){var a,l=s.length,,r){,n,r)}),c=+("function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r),p=("function"==typeof i?i.apply(this,arguments):i)-c,d=Math.min(Math.abs(p)/l,+("function"==typeof o?o.apply(this,arguments):o)),f=d*(0>p?-1:1),h=(p-l*f)/ia.sum(u),g=ia.range(l),m=[];null!=n&&g.sort(n===bu?function(e,t){return u[t]-u[e]}:function(e,t){return n(s[e],s[t])});g.forEach(function(e){m[e]={data:s[e],value:a=u[e],startAngle:c,endAngle:c+=a*h+f,padAngle:d}});return m}var t=Number,n=bu,r=0,i=Ga,o=0;e.value=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=n;return e};e.sort=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.startAngle=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=t;return e};e.endAngle=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t;return e};e.padAngle=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=t;return e};return e};var bu={};ia.layout.stack=function(){function e(a,l){if(!(d=a.length))return a;var,r){return,n,r)}),{return,n){return[,t,n),,t,n)]})}),,c,l);u=ia.permute(u,p);c=ia.permute(c,p);var d,f,h,g,,c,l),v=u[0].length;for(h=0;v>h;++h){,u[0][h],g=m[h],c[0][h][1]);for(f=1;d>f;++f),u[f][h],g+=c[f-1][h][1],c[f][h][1])}return a}var t=It,n=co,r=po,i=uo,o=ao,s=lo;e.values=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=n;return e};e.order=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n="function"==typeof t?t:Tu.get(t)||co;return e};e.offset=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r="function"==typeof t?t:Su.get(t)||po;return e};e.x=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=t;return e};e.y=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return s;s=t;return e};e.out=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t;return e};return e};var{"inside-out":function(e){var t,n,r=e.length,,,s=ia.range(r).sort(function(e,t){return i[e]-i[t]}),a=0,l=0,u=[],c=[];for(t=0;r>t;++t){n=s[t];if(l>a){a+=o[n];u.push(n)}else{l+=o[n];c.push(n)}}return c.reverse().concat(u)},reverse:function(e){return ia.range(e.length).reverse()},"default":co}),{silhouette:function(e){var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=e[0].length,s=[],a=0,l=[];for(n=0;o>n;++n){for(t=0,r=0;i>t;t++)r+=e[t][n][1];r>a&&(a=r);s.push(r)}for(n=0;o>n;++n)l[n]=(a-s[n])/2;return l},wiggle:function(e){var t,n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c=e.length,p=e[0],d=p.length,f=[];f[0]=l=u=0;for(n=1;d>n;++n){for(t=0,i=0;c>t;++t)i+=e[t][n][1];for(t=0,o=0,a=p[n][0]-p[n-1][0];c>t;++t){for(r=0,s=(e[t][n][1]-e[t][n-1][1])/(2*a);t>r;++r)s+=(e[r][n][1]-e[r][n-1][1])/a;o+=s*e[t][n][1]}f[n]=l-=i?o/i*a:0;u>l&&(u=l)}for(n=0;d>n;++n)f[n]-=u;return f},expand:function(e){var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=e[0].length,s=1/i,a=[];for(n=0;o>n;++n){for(t=0,r=0;i>t;t++)r+=e[t][n][1];if(r)for(t=0;i>t;t++)e[t][n][1]/=r;else for(t=0;i>t;t++)e[t][n][1]=s}for(n=0;o>n;++n)a[n]=0;return a},zero:po});ia.layout.histogram=function(){function e(e,o){for(var s,a,l=[],,this),,u,o),,c,u,o),o=-1,d=u.length,f=p.length-1,h=t?1:1/d;++o<f;){s=l[o]=[];s.dx=p[o+1]-(s.x=p[o]);s.y=0}if(f>0){o=-1;for(;++o<d;){a=u[o];if(a>=c[0]&&a<=c[1]){s=l[ia.bisect(p,a,1,f)-1];s.y+=h;s.push(e[o])}}}return l}var t=!0,n=Number,r=Eo,i=mo;e.value=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.range=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=At(t);return e};e.bins=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i="number"==typeof t?function(e){return vo(e,t)}:At(t);return e};e.frequency=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=!!n;return e};return e};ia.layout.pack=function(){function e(e,o){var,e,o),a=s[0],l=i[0],u=i[1],c=null==t?Math.sqrt:"function"==typeof t?t:function(){return t};a.x=a.y=0;no(a,function(e){e.r=+c(e.value)});no(a,So);if(r){var p=r*(t?1:Math.max(2*a.r/l,2*a.r/u))/2;no(a,function(e){e.r+=p});no(a,So);no(a,function(e){e.r-=p})}Lo(a,l/2,u/2,t?1:1/Math.max(2*a.r/l,2*a.r/u));return s}var t,n=ia.layout.hierarchy().sort(yo),r=0,i=[1,1];e.size=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t;return e};e.radius=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=null==n||"function"==typeof n?n:+n;return e};e.padding=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=+t;return e};return eo(e,n)};ia.layout.tree=function(){function e(e,i){var,e,i),p=c[0],d=t(p);no(d,n),d.parent.m=-d.z;to(d,r);if(u)to(p,o);else{var f=p,h=p,g=p;to(p,function(e){e.x<f.x&&(f=e);e.x>h.x&&(h=e);e.depth>g.depth&&(g=e)});var m=a(f,h)/2-f.x,v=l[0]/(h.x+a(h,f)/2+m),E=l[1]/(g.depth||1);to(p,function(e){e.x=(e.x+m)*v;e.y=e.depth*E})}return c}function t(e){for(var t,n={A:null,children:[e]},r=[n];null!=(t=r.pop());)for(var i,o=t.children,s=0,a=o.length;a>s;++s)r.push((o[s]=i={_:o[s],parent:t,children:(i=o[s].children)&&i.slice()||[],A:null,a:null,z:0,m:0,c:0,s:0,t:null,i:s}).a=i);return n.children[0]}function n(e){var t=e.children,n=e.parent.children,r=e.i?n[e.i-1]:null;if(t.length){_o(e);var 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t=e.children;if(t&&t.length){e.x=ko(t);e.y=Fo(t)}else{e.x=s?u+=n(e,s):0;e.y=0;s=e}});var c=Po(l),p=Mo(l),d=c.x-n(c,p)/2,f=p.x+n(p,c)/2;no(l,i?function(e){e.x=(e.x-l.x)*r[0];e.y=(l.y-e.y)*r[1]}:function(e){e.x=(e.x-d)/(f-d)*r[0];e.y=(1-(l.y?e.y/l.y:1))*r[1]});return a}var t=ia.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),n=Io,r=[1,1],i=!1;e.separation=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.size=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i?null:r;i=null==(r=t);return e};e.nodeSize=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i?r:null;i=null!=(r=t);return e};return eo(e,t)};ia.layout.treemap=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n,r,i=-1,o=e.length;++i<o;){r=(n=e[i]).value*(0>t?0:t);n.area=isNaN(r)||0>=r?0:r}}function t(n){var o=n.children;if(o&&o.length){var 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i,o=-1,s=e.length,a=n.x,u=n.y,c=t?l(e.area/t):0;if(t==n.dx){(r||c>n.dy)&&(c=n.dy);for(;++o<s;){i=e[o];i.x=a;i.y=u;i.dy=c;a+=i.dx=Math.min(n.x+n.dx-a,c?l(i.area/c):0)}i.z=!0;i.dx+=n.x+n.dx-a;n.y+=c;n.dy-=c}else{(r||c>n.dx)&&(c=n.dx);for(;++o<s;){i=e[o];i.x=a;i.y=u;i.dx=c;u+=i.dy=Math.min(n.y+n.dy-u,c?l(i.area/c):0)}i.z=!1;i.dy+=n.y+n.dy-u;n.x+=c;n.dx-=c}}function o(r){var i=s||a(r),o=i[0];o.x=0;o.y=0;o.dx=u[0];o.dy=u[1];s&&a.revalue(o);e([o],o.dx*o.dy/o.value);(s?n:t)(o);d&&(s=i);return i}var s,a=ia.layout.hierarchy(),l=Math.round,u=[1,1],c=null,p=jo,d=!1,f="squarify",h=.5*(1+Math.sqrt(5));o.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return u;u=e;return o};o.padding=function(e){function t(t){var,t,t.depth);return null==n?jo(t):Go(t,"number"==typeof n?[n,n,n,n]:n)}function n(t){return Go(t,e)}if(!arguments.length)return c;var r;p=null==(c=e)?jo:"function"==(r=typeof e)?t:"number"===r?(e=[e,e,e,e],n):n;return o};o.round=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return l!=Number;l=e?Math.round:Number;return o};o.sticky=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return d;d=e;s=null;return o};o.ratio=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return h;h=e;return o};o.mode=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return f;f=e+"";return o};return eo(o,a)};ia.random={normal:function(e,t){var n=arguments.length;2>n&&(t=1);1>n&&(e=0);return function(){var n,r,i;do{n=2*Math.random()-1;r=2*Math.random()-1;i=n*n+r*r}while(!i||i>1);return e+t*n*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(i)/i)}},logNormal:function(){var e=ia.random.normal.apply(ia,arguments);return function(){return Math.exp(e())}},bates:function(e){var t=ia.random.irwinHall(e);return function(){return t()/e}},irwinHall:function(e){return function(){for(var t=0,n=0;e>n;n++)t+=Math.random();return t}}};ia.scale={};var Nu={floor:It,ceil:It};ia.scale.linear=function(){return zo([0,1],[0,1],xi,!1)};var Cu={s:1,g:1,p:1,r:1,e:1};ia.scale.log=function(){return es(ia.scale.linear().domain([0,1]),10,!0,[1,10])};var Lu=ia.format(".0e"),Au={floor:function(e){return-Math.ceil(-e)},ceil:function(e){return-Math.floor(-e)}};ia.scale.pow=function(){return ts(ia.scale.linear(),1,[0,1])};ia.scale.sqrt=function(){return ia.scale.pow().exponent(.5)};ia.scale.ordinal=function(){return rs([],{t:"range",a:[[]]})};ia.scale.category10=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Iu)};ia.scale.category20=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(wu)};ia.scale.category20b=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Ru)};ia.scale.category20c=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Ou)};var 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r;r=1<=arguments.length?,0):[];return function(i,o,s){return{selector:{total:[[],[]],row:[o,[]],col:[[],s]}[t],inner:e.apply(null,r)(i,o,s),push:function(e){return this.inner.push(e)},format:n,value:function(){return this.inner.value()/i.getAggregator.apply(i,this.selector).inner.value()},numInputs:e.apply(null,r)().numInputs}}}}};i=function(e){return{Count:e.count(E),"Count Unique Values":e.countUnique(E),"List Unique Values":e.listUnique(", "),Sum:e.sum(v),"Integer Sum":e.sum(E),Average:e.average(v),"Sum over Sum":e.sumOverSum(v),"80% Upper Bound":e.sumOverSumBound80(!0,v),"80% Lower Bound":e.sumOverSumBound80(!1,v),"Sum as Fraction of Total":e.fractionOf(e.sum(),"total",y),"Sum as Fraction of Rows":e.fractionOf(e.sum(),"row",y),"Sum as Fraction of Columns":e.fractionOf(e.sum(),"col",y),"Count as Fraction of Total":e.fractionOf(e.count(),"total",y),"Count as Fraction of Rows":e.fractionOf(e.count(),"row",y),"Count as Fraction of Columns":e.fractionOf(e.count(),"col",y)}}(r);m={Table:function(e,t){return g(e,t)},"Table Barchart":function(t,n){return e(g(t,n)).barchart()},Heatmap:function(t,n){return e(g(t,n)).heatmap()},"Row Heatmap":function(t,n){return e(g(t,n)).heatmap("rowheatmap")},"Col Heatmap":function(t,n){return e(g(t,n)).heatmap("colheatmap")}};p={en:{aggregators:i,renderers:m,localeStrings:{renderError:"An error occurred rendering the PivotTable results.",computeError:"An error occurred computing the PivotTable results.",uiRenderError:"An error occurred rendering the PivotTable UI.",selectAll:"Select All",selectNone:"Select None",tooMany:"(too many to list)",filterResults:"Filter results",totals:"Totals",vs:"vs",by:"by"}}}; d=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];u=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];x=function(e){return("0"+e).substr(-2,2)};c={bin:function(e,t){return function(n){return n[e]-n[e]%t}},dateFormat:function(e,t,n,r){null==n&&(n=d);null==r&&(r=u);return function(i){var o;o=new Date(Date.parse(i[e]));return isNaN(o)?"":t.replace(/%(.)/g,function(e,t){switch(t){case"y":return o.getFullYear();case"m":return x(o.getMonth()+1);case"n":return n[o.getMonth()];case"d":return x(o.getDate());case"w":return r[o.getDay()];case"x":return o.getDay();case"H":return x(o.getHours());case"M":return x(o.getMinutes());case"S":return x(o.getSeconds());default:return"%"+t}})}}};f=function(){return function(e,t){var n,r,i,o,s,a,l;a=/(\d+)|(\D+)/g;s=/\d/;l=/^0/;if("number"==typeof e||"number"==typeof t)return isNaN(e)?1:isNaN(t)?-1:e-t;n=String(e).toLowerCase();i=String(t).toLowerCase();if(n===i)return 0;if(!s.test(n)||!s.test(i))return n>i?1:-1;n=n.match(a);i=i.match(a);for(;n.length&&i.length;){r=n.shift();o=i.shift();if(r!==o)return s.test(r)&&s.test(o)?r.replace(l,".0")-o.replace(l,".0"):r>o?1:-1}return n.length-i.length}}(this);e.pivotUtilities={aggregatorTemplates:r,aggregators:i,renderers:m,derivers:c,locales:p,naturalSort:f,numberFormat:h};t=function(){function t(e,n){this.getAggregator=a(this.getAggregator,this);this.getRowKeys=a(this.getRowKeys,this);this.getColKeys=a(this.getColKeys,this);this.sortKeys=a(this.sortKeys,this);this.arrSort=a(this.arrSort,this);this.natSort=a(this.natSort,this);this.aggregator=n.aggregator;this.aggregatorName=n.aggregatorName;this.colAttrs=n.cols;this.rowAttrs=n.rows;this.valAttrs=n.vals;this.tree={};this.rowKeys=[];this.colKeys=[];this.rowTotals={};this.colTotals={};this.allTotal=this.aggregator(this,[],[]);this.sorted=!1;t.forEachRecord(e,n.derivedAttributes,function(e){return function(t){return n.filter(t)?e.processRecord(t):void 0}}(this))}t.forEachRecord=function(t,n,r){var i,o,s,a,u,c,p,d,f,h,g,m;i=e.isEmptyObject(n)?r:function(e){var t,i,o;for(t in n){i=n[t];e[t]=null!=(o=i(e))?o:e[t]}return r(e)};if(e.isFunction(t))return t(i);if(e.isArray(t)){if(e.isArray(t[0])){g=[];for(s in t)if(,s)){o=t[s];if(s>0){c={};h=t[0];for(a in h)if(,a)){u=h[a];c[u]=o[a]}g.push(i(c))}}return g}m=[];for(d=0,f=t.length;f>d;d++){c=t[d];m.push(i(c))}return m}if(t instanceof jQuery){p=[];e("thead > tr > th",t).each(function(){return p.push(e(this).text())});return e("tbody > tr",t).each(function(){c={};e("td",this).each(function(t){return c[p[t]]=e(this).text()});return i(c)})}throw new Error("unknown input format")};t.convertToArray=function(e){var n;n=[];t.forEachRecord(e,{},function(e){return n.push(e)});return n};t.prototype.natSort=function(e,t){return f(e,t)};t.prototype.arrSort=function(e,t){return this.natSort(e.join(),t.join())};t.prototype.sortKeys=function(){if(!this.sorted){this.rowKeys.sort(this.arrSort);this.colKeys.sort(this.arrSort)}return this.sorted=!0};t.prototype.getColKeys=function(){this.sortKeys();return this.colKeys};t.prototype.getRowKeys=function(){this.sortKeys();return this.rowKeys};t.prototype.processRecord=function(e){var t,n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p,d,f;t=[];i=[];c=this.colAttrs;for(s=0,l=c.length;l>s;s++){o=c[s];t.push(null!=(p=e[o])?p:"null")}d=this.rowAttrs;for(a=0,u=d.length;u>a;a++){o=d[a];i.push(null!=(f=e[o])?f:"null")}r=i.join(String.fromCharCode(0));n=t.join(String.fromCharCode(0));this.allTotal.push(e);if(0!==i.length){if(!this.rowTotals[r]){this.rowKeys.push(i);this.rowTotals[r]=this.aggregator(this,i,[])}this.rowTotals[r].push(e)}if(0!==t.length){if(!this.colTotals[n]){this.colKeys.push(t);this.colTotals[n]=this.aggregator(this,[],t)}this.colTotals[n].push(e)}if(0!==t.length&&0!==i.length){this.tree[r]||(this.tree[r]={});this.tree[r][n]||(this.tree[r][n]=this.aggregator(this,i,t));return this.tree[r][n].push(e)}};t.prototype.getAggregator=function(e,t){var n,r,i;i=e.join(String.fromCharCode(0));r=t.join(String.fromCharCode(0));n=0===e.length&&0===t.length?this.allTotal:0===e.length?this.colTotals[r]:0===t.length?this.rowTotals[i]:this.tree[i][r];return null!=n?n:{value:function(){return null},format:function(){return""}}};return t}();g=function(t,n){var r,i,o,s,a,u,c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N;u={localeStrings:{totals:"Totals"}};n=e.extend(u,n);o=t.colAttrs;h=t.rowAttrs;m=t.getRowKeys();a=t.getColKeys();f=document.createElement("table");f.className="pvtTable";v=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,s,a,l;if(0!==t){i=!0;for(s=a=0;n>=0?n>=a:a>=n;s=n>=0?++a:--a)e[t-1][s]!==e[t][s]&&(i=!1);if(i)return-1}r=0;for(;t+r<e.length;){o=!1;for(s=l=0;n>=0?n>=l:l>=n;s=n>=0?++l:--l)e[t][s]!==e[t+r][s]&&(o=!0);if(o)break;r++}return r};for(p in 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s=r.tabOrder.indexOf(e);s>-1&&r.tabOrder.splice(s,1);var a=null;r.tabOrder[s]?a=s:r.tabOrder[s-1]&&(a=s-1);null!==a&&p(r.tabOrder[a]);o.find('a[href="#'+e+'"]').closest("li").remove();n("#"+e).remove();},f=function(s){var u=!s;s||(s=c());"tabs"in r||(r.tabs={});var p=r.tabs[s]?r.tabs[s].name:l(),f=n("<a>",{href:"#"+s,"aria-controls":s,role:"tab","data-toggle":"tab"}).click(function(e){e.preventDefault();n(this).tab("show");i.tabs[s].yasqe.refresh()}).on("",function(){r.selected=n(this).attr("aria-controls");i.tabs[s].onShow();}).append(n("<span>").text(p)).append(n("<button>",{"class":"close",type:"button"}).text("x").click(function(){d(s)})),h=n("<div><input></div>"),g=n("<li>",{role:"presentation"}).append(f).append(h).dblclick(function(){var e=n(this),i=e.find("span").text();e.addClass("rename");e.find("input").val(i);e.onOutsideClick(function(){var n=e.find('a[role="tab"]').attr("aria-controls"),i=e.find("input").val();f.find("span").text(e.find("input").val());r.tabs[n].name=i;;e.removeClass("rename")})}).bind("contextmenu",function(e){e.preventDefault();{a.hide()},{allowedElements:n(this).closest("li")}).addClass("open").position({my:"left top-3",at:"left bottom",of:n(this),collision:"fit"}).attr("target-tab",g.find('a[role="tab"]').attr("aria-controls"))});o.find('li:has(a[role="addTab"])').before(g);u&&r.tabOrder.push(s);i.tabs[s]=e("./tab.js")(t,s,p);(u||r.selected==s)&&"show")};i.current=function(){return i.tabs[r.selected]};return i}},{"./imgs.js":93,"./shareLink.js":99,"./tab.js":100,jquery:4,"jquery-ui/position":3,"yasgui-utils":10}],102:[function(e,t){"use strict";var n=e("jquery"),r=e("./imgs.js"),i=e("yasgui-utils");t.exports=function(e,t){var o,s,a,l,u,c,p,d=null,f=null,h=null,g=null,m=null,v=function(){d=n("<nav>",{"class":"menu-slide",id:"navmenu"});d.append(n(i.svg.getElement(r.yasgui)).addClass("yasguiLogo").attr("title","About YASGUI").click(function(){"","_blank")}));f=n("<div>",{role:"tabpanel"}).appendTo(d);h=n("<ul>",{"class":"nav nav-pills tabPaneMenuTabs",role:"tablist"}).appendTo(f);g=n("<div>",{"class":"tab-content"}).appendTo(f);var e=n("<li>",{role:"presentation"}).appendTo(h),v="yasgui_reqConfig_";e.append(n("<a>",{href:"#"+v,"aria-controls":v,role:"tab","data-toggle":"tab"}).text("Configure Request").click(function(e){e.preventDefault();n(this).tab("show")}));var E=n("<div>",{id:v,role:"tabpanel","class":"tab-pane requestConfig container-fluid"}).appendTo(g),y=n("<div>",{"class":"row"}).appendTo(E);n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4 rowLabel"}).appendTo(y).append(n("<span>").text("Request Method"));o=n("<button>",{"class":"btn btn-default ","data-toggle":"button"}).text("POST").click(function(){o.addClass("active");s.removeClass("active")});s=n("<button>",{"class":"btn btn-default","data-toggle":"button"}).text("GET").click(function(){s.addClass("active");o.removeClass("active")});n("<div>",{"class":"btn-group col-md-8",role:"group"}).append(s).append(o).appendTo(y);var x=n("<div>",{"class":"row"}).appendTo(E);n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4 rowLabel"}).appendTo(x).text("Accept Headers");a=n("<select>",{"class":"form-control"}).append(n("<option>",{value:"application/sparql-results+json"}).text("JSON")).append(n("<option>",{value:"application/sparql-results+xml"}).text("XML")).append(n("<option>",{value:"text/csv"}).text("CSV")).append(n("<option>",{value:"text/tab-separated-values"}).text("TSV"));l=n("<select>",{"class":"form-control"}).append(n("<option>",{value:"text/turtle"}).text("Turtle")).append(n("<option>",{value:"application/rdf+xml"}).text("RDF-XML")).append(n("<option>",{value:"text/csv"}).text("CSV")).append(n("<option>",{value:"text/tab-separated-values"}).text("TSV"));n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4",role:"group"}).append(n("<label>").text("SELECT").append(a)).appendTo(x);n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4",role:"group"}).append(n("<label>").text("Graph").append(l)).appendTo(x);var b=n("<div>",{"class":"row"}).appendTo(E);n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4 rowLabel"}).appendTo(b).text("URL Arguments");u=n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-8",role:"group"}).appendTo(b);var T=n("<div>",{"class":"row"}).appendTo(E);n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4 rowLabel"}).appendTo(T).text("Default graphs");c=n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-8",role:"group"}).appendTo(T);var S=n("<div>",{"class":"row"}).appendTo(E);n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-4 rowLabel"}).appendTo(S).text("Named graphs");p=n("<div>",{"class":"col-md-8",role:"group"}).appendTo(S);var e=n("<li>",{role:"presentation"}).appendTo(h),N="yasgui_history_";e.append(n("<a>",{href:"#"+N,"aria-controls":N,role:"tab","data-toggle":"tab"}).text("History").click(function(e){e.preventDefault();n(this).tab("show")}));var C=n("<div>",{id:N,role:"tabpanel","class":"tab-pane history container-fluid"}).appendTo(g);m=n("<ul>",{"class":"list-group"}).appendTo(C);var e=n("<li>",{role:"presentation"}).appendTo(h),L="yasgui_collections_";e.append(n("<a>",{href:"#"+L,"aria-controls":L,role:"tab","data-toggle":"tab"}).text("Collections").click(function(e){e.preventDefault();n(this).tab("show")}));var E=n("<div>",{id:L,role:"tabpanel","class":"tab-pane collections container-fluid"}).appendTo(g);return d},E=function(e,t,r,i){for(var o=n("<div>",{"class":"textInputsRow"}),s=0;t>s;s++){var a=i&&i[s]?i[s]:"";n("<input>",{type:"text"}).val(a).keyup(function(){var r=!1;e.find(".textInputsRow:last input").each(function(e,t){n(t).val().trim().length>0&&(r=!0)});r&&E(e,t,!0)}).css("width",92/t+"%").appendTo(o)}o.append(n("<button>",{"class":"close",type:"button"}).text("x").click(function(){n(this).closest(".textInputsRow").remove()}));r?o.hide().appendTo(e).show("fast"):o.appendTo(e)},y=function(){0==d.find(".tabPaneMenuTabs").length&&d.find(".tabPaneMenuTabs a:first").tab("show");var r=t.persistentOptions.yasqe;"POST"==r.sparql.requestMethod.toUpperCase()?o.addClass("active"):s.addClass("active");l.val(r.sparql.acceptHeaderGraph);a.val(r.sparql.acceptHeaderSelect);u.empty();r.sparql.args&&r.sparql.args.length>0&&r.sparql.args.forEach(function(e){var t=[,e.value];E(u,2,!1,t)});E(u,2,!1);c.empty();r.sparql.defaultGraphs&&r.sparql.defaultGraphs.length>0&&E(c,1,!1,r.sparql.defaultGraphs);E(c,1,!1);p.empty();r.sparql.namedGraphs&&r.sparql.namedGraphs.length>0&&E(p,1,!1,r.sparql.namedGraphs);E(p,1,!1);m.empty();0==e.history.length?m.append(n("<a>",{"class":"list-group-item disabled",href:"#"}).text("No items in history yet").click(function(e){e.preventDefault()})):e.history.forEach(function(t){var r=t.options.yasqe.sparql.endpoint;t.resultSize&&(r+=" ("+t.resultSize+" results)");m.append(n("<a>",{"class":"list-group-item",href:"#",title:t.options.yasqe.value}).text(r).click(function(r){var i=e.tabManager.tabs[];n.extend(!0,i.persistentOptions,t.options);i.refreshYasqe();;d.closest(".tab-pane").removeClass("menu-open");r.preventDefault()}))})},x=function(){var r=t.persistentOptions.yasqe.sparql;o.hasClass("active")?r.requestMethod="POST":s.hasClass("active")&&(r.requestMethod="GET");r.acceptHeaderGraph=l.val();r.acceptHeaderSelect=a.val();var i=[];u.find("div").each(function(e,t){var r=[];n(t).find("input").each(function(e,t){r.push(n(t).val())});r[0]&&r[0].trim().length>0&&i.push({name:r[0],value:r[1]?r[1]:""})});r.args=i;var d=[];c.find("div").each(function(e,t){var r=[];n(t).find("input").each(function(e,t){r.push(n(t).val())});r[0]&&r[0].trim().length>0&&d.push(r[0])});r.defaultGraphs=d;var f=[];p.find("div").each(function(e,t){var r=[];n(t).find("input").each(function(e,t){r.push(n(t).val())});r[0]&&r[0].trim().length>0&&f.push(r[0])});r.namedGraphs=f;;t.setPersistentInYasqe()};return{initWrapper:v,updateWrapper:y,store:x}}},{"./imgs.js":93,jquery:4,"yasgui-utils":10}],103:[function(e,t){e("jquery");t.exports={escapeHtmlEntities:function(e){var t={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;"},n=function(e){return t[e]||e};return e.replace(/[&<>]/g,n)}}},{jquery:4}]},{},[1])(1)}); //#
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component'; import { injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { setupListEditor, clearListSuggestions, resetListEditor } from '../../actions/lists'; import Account from './components/account'; import Search from './components/search'; import Motion from '../ui/util/optional_motion'; import spring from 'react-motion/lib/spring'; const mapStateToProps = state => ({ title: state.getIn(['listEditor', 'title']), accountIds: state.getIn(['listEditor', 'accounts', 'items']), searchAccountIds: state.getIn(['listEditor', 'suggestions', 'items']), }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ onInitialize: listId => dispatch(setupListEditor(listId)), onClear: () => dispatch(clearListSuggestions()), onReset: () => dispatch(resetListEditor()), }); @connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) @injectIntl export default class ListEditor extends ImmutablePureComponent { static propTypes = { listId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, onInitialize: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onClear: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onReset: PropTypes.func.isRequired, title: PropTypes.string.isRequired, accountIds: ImmutablePropTypes.list.isRequired, searchAccountIds: ImmutablePropTypes.list.isRequired, }; componentDidMount () { const { onInitialize, listId } = this.props; onInitialize(listId); } componentWillUnmount () { const { onReset } = this.props; onReset(); } render () { const { title, accountIds, searchAccountIds, onClear } = this.props; const showSearch = searchAccountIds.size > 0; return ( <div className='modal-root__modal list-editor'> <h4>{title}</h4> <Search /> <div className='drawer__pager'> <div className='drawer__inner list-editor__accounts'> { => <Account key={accountId} accountId={accountId} added />)} </div> {showSearch && <div role='button' tabIndex='-1' className='drawer__backdrop' onClick={onClear} />} <Motion defaultStyle={{ x: -100 }} style={{ x: spring(showSearch ? 0 : -100, { stiffness: 210, damping: 20 }) }}> {({ x }) => ( <div className='drawer__inner backdrop' style={{ transform: x === 0 ? null : `translateX(${x}%)`, visibility: x === -100 ? 'hidden' : 'visible' }}> { => <Account key={accountId} accountId={accountId} />)} </div> )} </Motion> </div> </div> ); } }
import React from 'react' import Image from 'next/image' const Page = () => { return ( <div> <p>Hello World</p> <Image id="basic-image" src="/test.jpg" width={400} height={400}></Image> <p id="stubtext">This is the index page</p> <style jsx>{` div { display: flex; } `}</style> </div> ) } export default Page
/*! * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.5.1rc1 * * * Copyright 2011, John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * * Includes Sizzle.js * * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses. * * Date: Fri Feb 18 13:57:25 2011 -0500 */ (function( window, undefined ) { // Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox) var document = window.document; var jQuery = (function() { // Define a local copy of jQuery var jQuery = function( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery ); }, // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite _jQuery = window.jQuery, // Map over the $ in case of overwrite _$ = window.$, // A central reference to the root jQuery(document) rootjQuery, // A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings // (both of which we optimize for) quickExpr = /^(?:[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]+)$)/, // Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it rnotwhite = /\S/, // Used for trimming whitespace trimLeft = /^\s+/, trimRight = /\s+$/, // Check for digits rdigit = /\d/, // Match a standalone tag rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/, // JSON RegExp rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, // Useragent RegExp rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/, ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/, rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/, // Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser userAgent = navigator.userAgent, // For matching the engine and version of the browser browserMatch, // Has the ready events already been bound? readyBound = false, // The deferred used on DOM ready readyList, // Promise methods promiseMethods = "then done fail isResolved isRejected promise".split( " " ), // The ready event handler DOMContentLoaded, // Save a reference to some core methods toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice, trim = String.prototype.trim, indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf, // [[Class]] -> type pairs class2type = {}; jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { constructor: jQuery, init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { var match, elem, ret, doc; // Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined) if ( !selector ) { return this; } // Handle $(DOMElement) if ( selector.nodeType ) { this.context = this[0] = selector; this.length = 1; return this; } // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) { this.context = document; this[0] = document.body; this.selector = "body"; this.length = 1; return this; } // Handle HTML strings if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID? match = quickExpr.exec( selector ); // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) { // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) if ( match[1] ) { context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context; doc = (context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document); // If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag // just do a createElement and skip the rest ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector ); if ( ret ) { if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) { selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; selector, context, true ); } else { selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; } } else { ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] ); selector = (ret.cacheable ? jQuery.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment).childNodes; } return jQuery.merge( this, selector ); // HANDLE: $("#id") } else { elem = document.getElementById( match[2] ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items // by name instead of ID if ( !== match[2] ) { return rootjQuery.find( selector ); } // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object this.length = 1; this[0] = elem; } this.context = document; this.selector = selector; return this; } // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...)) } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) { return (context || rootjQuery).find( selector ); // HANDLE: $(expr, context) // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr) } else { return this.constructor( context ).find( selector ); } // HANDLE: $(function) // Shortcut for document ready } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) { return rootjQuery.ready( selector ); } if (selector.selector !== undefined) { this.selector = selector.selector; this.context = selector.context; } return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this ); }, // Start with an empty selector selector: "", // The current version of jQuery being used jquery: "1.5.1rc1", // The default length of a jQuery object is 0 length: 0, // The number of elements contained in the matched element set size: function() { return this.length; }, toArray: function() { return this, 0 ); }, // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array get: function( num ) { return num == null ? // Return a 'clean' array this.toArray() : // Return just the object ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] ); }, // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack // (returning the new matched element set) pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) { // Build a new jQuery matched element set var ret = this.constructor(); if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) { push.apply( ret, elems ); } else { jQuery.merge( ret, elems ); } // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) ret.prevObject = this; ret.context = this.context; if ( name === "find" ) { ret.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + selector; } else if ( name ) { ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")"; } // Return the newly-formed element set return ret; }, // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is // only used internally.) each: function( callback, args ) { return jQuery.each( this, callback, args ); }, ready: function( fn ) { // Attach the listeners jQuery.bindReady(); // Add the callback readyList.done( fn ); return this; }, eq: function( i ) { return i === -1 ? this.slice( i ) : this.slice( i, +i + 1 ); }, first: function() { return this.eq( 0 ); }, last: function() { return this.eq( -1 ); }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ), "slice",",") ); }, map: function( callback ) { return this.pushStack(, function( elem, i ) { return elem, i, elem ); })); }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null); }, // For internal use only. // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method. push: push, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }; // Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn; jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone, target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; target = arguments[1] || {}; // skip the boolean and the target i = 2; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) { target = {}; } // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed if ( length === i ) { target = this; --i; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) { // Extend the base object for ( name in options ) { src = target[ name ]; copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) { if ( copyIsArray ) { copyIsArray = false; clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : []; } else { clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}; } // Never move original objects, clone them target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[ name ] = copy; } } } } // Return the modified object return target; }; jQuery.extend({ noConflict: function( deep ) { window.$ = _$; if ( deep ) { window.jQuery = _jQuery; } return jQuery; }, // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs. isReady: false, // A counter to track how many items to wait for before // the ready event fires. See #6781 readyWait: 1, // Handle when the DOM is ready ready: function( wait ) { // A third-party is pushing the ready event forwards if ( wait === true ) { jQuery.readyWait--; } // Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded if ( !jQuery.readyWait || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) { // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). if ( !document.body ) { return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 ); } // Remember that the DOM is ready jQuery.isReady = true; // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) { return; } // If there are functions bound, to execute readyList.resolveWith( document, [ jQuery ] ); // Trigger any bound ready events if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) { jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).unbind( "ready" ); } } }, bindReady: function() { if ( readyBound ) { return; } readyBound = true; // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the // browser event has already occurred. if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 ); } // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if ( document.addEventListener ) { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false ); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false ); // If IE event model is used } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { // ensure firing before onload, // maybe late but safe also for iframes document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready ); // If IE and not a frame // continually check to see if the document is ready var toplevel = false; try { toplevel = window.frameElement == null; } catch(e) {} if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) { doScrollCheck(); } } }, // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction. // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968). isFunction: function( obj ) { return jQuery.type(obj) === "function"; }, isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) { return jQuery.type(obj) === "array"; }, // A crude way of determining if an object is a window isWindow: function( obj ) { return obj && typeof obj === "object" && "setInterval" in obj; }, isNaN: function( obj ) { return obj == null || !rdigit.test( obj ) || isNaN( obj ); }, type: function( obj ) { return obj == null ? String( obj ) : class2type[ ] || "object"; }, isPlainObject: function( obj ) { // Must be an Object. // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property. // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) { return false; } // Not own constructor property must be Object if ( obj.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf") ) { return false; } // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up, // if last one is own, then all properties are own. var key; for ( key in obj ) {} return key === undefined || obj, key ); }, isEmptyObject: function( obj ) { for ( var name in obj ) { return false; } return true; }, error: function( msg ) { throw msg; }, parseJSON: function( data ) { if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) { return null; } // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it) data = jQuery.trim( data ); // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON // Logic borrowed from if ( rvalidchars.test(data.replace(rvalidescape, "@") .replace(rvalidtokens, "]") .replace(rvalidbraces, "")) ) { // Try to use the native JSON parser first return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? window.JSON.parse( data ) : (new Function("return " + data))(); } else { jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data ); } }, // Cross-browser xml parsing // (xml & tmp used internally) parseXML: function( data , xml , tmp ) { if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard tmp = new DOMParser(); xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" ); } else { // IE xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ); xml.async = "false"; xml.loadXML( data ); } tmp = xml.documentElement; if ( ! tmp || ! tmp.nodeName || tmp.nodeName === "parsererror" ) { jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data ); } return xml; }, noop: function() {}, // Evalulates a script in a global context globalEval: function( data ) { if ( data && rnotwhite.test(data) ) { // Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi // var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement, script = document.createElement( "script" ); if ( ) { script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) ); } else { script.text = data; } // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug. // This arises when a base node is used (#2709). head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild ); head.removeChild( script ); } }, nodeName: function( elem, name ) { return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase(); }, // args is for internal usage only each: function( object, callback, args ) { var name, i = 0, length = object.length, isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction(object); if ( args ) { if ( isObj ) { for ( name in object ) { if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) { break; } } } else { for ( ; i < length; ) { if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) { break; } } } // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each } else { if ( isObj ) { for ( name in object ) { if ( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) { break; } } } else { for ( var value = object[0]; i < length && value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[++i] ) {} } } return object; }, // Use native String.trim function wherever possible trim: trim ? function( text ) { return text == null ? "" : text ); } : // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality function( text ) { return text == null ? "" : text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" ); }, // results is for internal usage only makeArray: function( array, results ) { var ret = results || []; if ( array != null ) { // The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length' // The extra typeof function check is to prevent crashes // in Safari 2 (See: #3039) // Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930 var type = jQuery.type(array); if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) { ret, array ); } else { jQuery.merge( ret, array ); } } return ret; }, inArray: function( elem, array ) { if ( array.indexOf ) { return array.indexOf( elem ); } for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) { if ( array[ i ] === elem ) { return i; } } return -1; }, merge: function( first, second ) { var i = first.length, j = 0; if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) { for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) { first[ i++ ] = second[ j ]; } } else { while ( second[j] !== undefined ) { first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ]; } } first.length = i; return first; }, grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) { var ret = [], retVal; inv = !!inv; // Go through the array, only saving the items // that pass the validator function for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) { retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i ); if ( inv !== retVal ) { ret.push( elems[ i ] ); } } return ret; }, // arg is for internal usage only map: function( elems, callback, arg ) { var ret = [], value; // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their // new value (or values). for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) { value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg ); if ( value != null ) { ret[ ret.length ] = value; } } // Flatten any nested arrays return ret.concat.apply( [], ret ); }, // A global GUID counter for objects guid: 1, proxy: function( fn, proxy, thisObject ) { if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { if ( typeof proxy === "string" ) { thisObject = fn; fn = thisObject[ proxy ]; proxy = undefined; } else if ( proxy && !jQuery.isFunction( proxy ) ) { thisObject = proxy; proxy = undefined; } } if ( !proxy && fn ) { proxy = function() { return fn.apply( thisObject || this, arguments ); }; } // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed if ( fn ) { proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++; } // So proxy can be declared as an argument return proxy; }, // Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection // The value/s can be optionally by executed if its a function access: function( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) { var length = elems.length; // Setting many attributes if ( typeof key === "object" ) { for ( var k in key ) { jQuery.access( elems, k, key[k], exec, fn, value ); } return elems; } // Setting one attribute if ( value !== undefined ) { // Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true exec = !pass && exec && jQuery.isFunction(value); for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { fn( elems[i], key, exec ? elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass ); } return elems; } // Getting an attribute return length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : undefined; }, now: function() { return (new Date()).getTime(); }, // Create a simple deferred (one callbacks list) _Deferred: function() { var // callbacks list callbacks = [], // stored [ context , args ] fired, // to avoid firing when already doing so firing, // flag to know if the deferred has been cancelled cancelled, // the deferred itself deferred = { // done( f1, f2, ...) done: function() { if ( !cancelled ) { var args = arguments, i, length, elem, type, _fired; if ( fired ) { _fired = fired; fired = 0; } for ( i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) { elem = args[ i ]; type = jQuery.type( elem ); if ( type === "array" ) { deferred.done.apply( deferred, elem ); } else if ( type === "function" ) { callbacks.push( elem ); } } if ( _fired ) { deferred.resolveWith( _fired[ 0 ], _fired[ 1 ] ); } } return this; }, // resolve with given context and args resolveWith: function( context, args ) { if ( !cancelled && !fired && !firing ) { firing = 1; try { while( callbacks[ 0 ] ) { callbacks.shift().apply( context, args ); } } finally { fired = [ context, args ]; firing = 0; } } return this; }, // resolve with this as context and given arguments resolve: function() { deferred.resolveWith( jQuery.isFunction( this.promise ) ? this.promise() : this, arguments ); return this; }, // Has this deferred been resolved? isResolved: function() { return !!( firing || fired ); }, // Cancel cancel: function() { cancelled = 1; callbacks = []; return this; } }; return deferred; }, // Full fledged deferred (two callbacks list) Deferred: function( func ) { var deferred = jQuery._Deferred(), failDeferred = jQuery._Deferred(), promise; // Add errorDeferred methods, then and promise jQuery.extend( deferred, { then: function( doneCallbacks, failCallbacks ) { deferred.done( doneCallbacks ).fail( failCallbacks ); return this; }, fail: failDeferred.done, rejectWith: failDeferred.resolveWith, reject: failDeferred.resolve, isRejected: failDeferred.isResolved, // Get a promise for this deferred // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object promise: function( obj , i /* internal */ ) { if ( obj == null ) { if ( promise ) { return promise; } promise = obj = {}; } i = promiseMethods.length; while( i-- ) { obj[ promiseMethods[ i ] ] = deferred[ promiseMethods[ i ] ]; } return obj; } } ); // Make sure only one callback list will be used deferred.then( failDeferred.cancel, deferred.cancel ); // Unexpose cancel delete deferred.cancel; // Call given func if any if ( func ) { deferred, deferred ); } return deferred; }, // Deferred helper when: function( object ) { var args = arguments, length = args.length, deferred = length <= 1 && object && jQuery.isFunction( object.promise ) ? object : jQuery.Deferred(), promise = deferred.promise(), resolveArray; if ( length > 1 ) { resolveArray = new Array( length ); jQuery.each( args, function( index, element ) { jQuery.when( element ).then( function( value ) { resolveArray[ index ] = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments, 0 ) : value; if( ! --length ) { deferred.resolveWith( promise, resolveArray ); } }, deferred.reject ); } ); } else if ( deferred !== object ) { deferred.resolve( object ); } return promise; }, // Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon. // More details: uaMatch: function( ua ) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) || ropera.exec( ua ) || rmsie.exec( ua ) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) || []; return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" }; }, sub: function() { function jQuerySubclass( selector, context ) { return new jQuerySubclass.fn.init( selector, context ); } jQuery.extend( true, jQuerySubclass, this ); jQuerySubclass.superclass = this; jQuerySubclass.fn = jQuerySubclass.prototype = this(); jQuerySubclass.fn.constructor = jQuerySubclass; jQuerySubclass.subclass = this.subclass; jQuerySubclass.fn.init = function init( selector, context ) { if ( context && context instanceof jQuery && !(context instanceof jQuerySubclass) ) { context = jQuerySubclass(context); } return this, selector, context, rootjQuerySubclass ); }; jQuerySubclass.fn.init.prototype = jQuerySubclass.fn; var rootjQuerySubclass = jQuerySubclass(document); return jQuerySubclass; }, browser: {} }); // Create readyList deferred readyList = jQuery._Deferred(); // Populate the class2type map jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) { class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase(); }); browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent ); if ( browserMatch.browser ) { jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true; jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version; } // Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) { jQuery.browser.safari = true; } if ( indexOf ) { jQuery.inArray = function( elem, array ) { return array, elem ); }; } // IE doesn't match non-breaking spaces with \s if ( rnotwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) { trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/; trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/; } // All jQuery objects should point back to these rootjQuery = jQuery(document); // Cleanup functions for the document ready method if ( document.addEventListener ) { DOMContentLoaded = function() { document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false ); jQuery.ready(); }; } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { DOMContentLoaded = function() { // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded ); jQuery.ready(); } }; } // The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer function doScrollCheck() { if ( jQuery.isReady ) { return; } try { // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini // document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch(e) { setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 ); return; } // and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready(); } // Expose jQuery to the global object return jQuery; })(); (function() { = {}; var div = document.createElement("div"); = "none"; div.innerHTML = " <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='color:red;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>"; var all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"), a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[0], select = document.createElement("select"), opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") ); // Can't get basic test support if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) { return; } = { // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3, // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted // IE will insert them into empty tables tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML // This requires a wrapper element in IE htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length, // Get the style information from getAttribute // (IE uses .cssText insted) style: /red/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ), // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated // (IE normalizes it by default) hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a", // Make sure that element opacity exists // (IE uses filter instead) // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145 opacity: /^0.55$/.test( ), // Verify style float existence // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat) cssFloat: !!, // Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox // that it defaults to "on". // (WebKit defaults to "" instead) checkOn: div.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value === "on", // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property. // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup) optSelected: opt.selected, // Will be defined later deleteExpando: true, optDisabled: false, checkClone: false, noCloneEvent: true, boxModel: null, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false, shrinkWrapBlocks: false, reliableHiddenOffsets: true }; // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled // (WebKit marks them as diabled) select.disabled = true; = !opt.disabled; var _scriptEval = null; = function() { if ( _scriptEval === null ) { var root = document.documentElement, script = document.createElement("script"), id = "script" +; try { script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "window." + id + "=1;" ) ); } catch(e) {} root.insertBefore( script, root.firstChild ); // Make sure that the execution of code works by injecting a script // tag with appendChild/createTextNode // (IE doesn't support this, fails, and uses .text instead) if ( window[ id ] ) { _scriptEval = true; delete window[ id ]; } else { _scriptEval = false; } root.removeChild( script ); // release memory in IE root = script = id = null; } return _scriptEval; }; // Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element // Fails in Internet Explorer try { delete div.test; } catch(e) { = false; } if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) { div.attachEvent("onclick", function click() { // Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any // bound event handlers (IE does this) = false; div.detachEvent("onclick", click); }); div.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick"); } div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "<input type='radio' name='radiotest' checked='checked'/>"; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild( div.firstChild ); // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments = fragment.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked; // Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected // document.body must exist before we can do this jQuery(function() { var div = document.createElement("div"), body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // Frameset documents with no body should not run this code if ( !body ) { return; } = = "1px"; body.appendChild( div ); jQuery.boxModel = = div.offsetWidth === 2; if ( "zoom" in ) { // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving // them layout // (IE < 8 does this) = "inline"; = 1; = div.offsetWidth === 2; // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children // (IE 6 does this) = ""; div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:4px;'></div>"; = div.offsetWidth !== 2; } div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;border:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>"; var tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td"); // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when // determining if an element has been hidden directly using // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information). // (only IE 8 fails this test) = tds[0].offsetHeight === 0; tds[0].style.display = ""; tds[1].style.display = "none"; // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height // (IE < 8 fail this test) = && tds[0].offsetHeight === 0; div.innerHTML = ""; body.removeChild( div ).style.display = "none"; div = tds = null; }); // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev // var eventSupported = function( eventName ) { var el = document.createElement("div"); eventName = "on" + eventName; // We only care about the case where non-standard event systems // are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to // avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP // to go haywire. See: if ( !el.attachEvent ) { return true; } var isSupported = (eventName in el); if ( !isSupported ) { el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;"); isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function"; } el = null; return isSupported; }; = eventSupported("submit"); = eventSupported("change"); // release memory in IE div = all = a = null; })(); var rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/; jQuery.extend({ cache: {}, // Please use with caution uuid: 0, // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ), // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you // attempt to add expando properties to them. noData: { "embed": true, // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos) "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", "applet": true }, hasData: function( elem ) { elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ]; return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem ); }, data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) { if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } var internalKey = jQuery.expando, getByName = typeof name === "string", thisCache, // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7 // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary isNode = elem.nodeType, // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ] && jQuery.expando; // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an // object that has no data at all if ( (!id || (pvt && id && !cache[ id ][ internalKey ])) && getByName && data === undefined ) { return; } if ( !id ) { // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data // ends up in the global cache if ( isNode ) { elem[ jQuery.expando ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid; } else { id = jQuery.expando; } } if ( !cache[ id ] ) { cache[ id ] = {}; // TODO: This is a hack for 1.5 ONLY. Avoids exposing jQuery // metadata on plain JS objects when the object is serialized using // JSON.stringify if ( !isNode ) { cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop; } } // An object can be passed to instead of a key/value pair; this gets // shallow copied over onto the existing cache if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) { if ( pvt ) { cache[ id ][ internalKey ] = jQuery.extend(cache[ id ][ internalKey ], name); } else { cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend(cache[ id ], name); } } thisCache = cache[ id ]; // Internal jQuery data is stored in a separate object inside the object's data // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined // data if ( pvt ) { if ( !thisCache[ internalKey ] ) { thisCache[ internalKey ] = {}; } thisCache = thisCache[ internalKey ]; } if ( data !== undefined ) { thisCache[ name ] = data; } // TODO: This is a hack for 1.5 ONLY. It will be removed in 1.6. Users should // not attempt to inspect the internal events object using, as this // internal data object is undocumented and subject to change. if ( name === "events" && !thisCache[name] ) { return thisCache[ internalKey ] && thisCache[ internalKey ].events; } return getByName ? thisCache[ name ] : thisCache; }, removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) { if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } var internalKey = jQuery.expando, isNode = elem.nodeType, // See for more information cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, // See for more information id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : jQuery.expando; // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no // purpose in continuing if ( !cache[ id ] ) { return; } if ( name ) { var thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ][ internalKey ] : cache[ id ]; if ( thisCache ) { delete thisCache[ name ]; // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue // and let the cache object itself get destroyed if ( !isEmptyDataObject(thisCache) ) { return; } } } // See for more information if ( pvt ) { delete cache[ id ][ internalKey ]; // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object // had been the only thing left in it if ( !isEmptyDataObject(cache[ id ]) ) { return; } } var internalCache = cache[ id ][ internalKey ]; // Browsers that fail expando deletion also refuse to delete expandos on // the window, but it will allow it on all other JS objects; other browsers // don't care if ( || cache != window ) { delete cache[ id ]; } else { cache[ id ] = null; } // We destroyed the entire user cache at once because it's faster than // iterating through each key, but we need to continue to persist internal // data if it existed if ( internalCache ) { cache[ id ] = {}; // TODO: This is a hack for 1.5 ONLY. Avoids exposing jQuery // metadata on plain JS objects when the object is serialized using // JSON.stringify if ( !isNode ) { cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop; } cache[ id ][ internalKey ] = internalCache; // Otherwise, we need to eliminate the expando on the node to avoid // false lookups in the cache for entries that no longer exist } else if ( isNode ) { // IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes, // nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes; // we must handle all of these cases if ( ) { delete elem[ jQuery.expando ]; } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) { elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); } else { elem[ jQuery.expando ] = null; } } }, // For internal use only. _data: function( elem, name, data ) { return elem, name, data, true ); }, // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando acceptData: function( elem ) { if ( elem.nodeName ) { var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; if ( match ) { return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match); } } return true; } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ data: function( key, value ) { var data = null; if ( typeof key === "undefined" ) { if ( this.length ) { data = this[0] ); if ( this[0].nodeType === 1 ) { var attr = this[0].attributes, name; for ( var i = 0, l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) { name = attr[i].name; if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) { name = name.substr( 5 ); dataAttr( this[0], name, data[ name ] ); } } } } return data; } else if ( typeof key === "object" ) { return this.each(function() { this, key ); }); } var parts = key.split("."); parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : ""; if ( value === undefined ) { data = this.triggerHandler("getData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0]]); // Try to fetch any internally stored data first if ( data === undefined && this.length ) { data = this[0], key ); data = dataAttr( this[0], key, data ); } return data === undefined && parts[1] ? parts[0] ) : data; } else { return this.each(function() { var $this = jQuery( this ), args = [ parts[0], value ]; $this.triggerHandler( "setData" + parts[1] + "!", args ); this, key, value ); $this.triggerHandler( "changeData" + parts[1] + "!", args ); }); } }, removeData: function( key ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.removeData( this, key ); }); } }); function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) { // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { data = elem.getAttribute( "data-" + key ); if ( typeof data === "string" ) { try { data = data === "true" ? true : data === "false" ? false : data === "null" ? null : !jQuery.isNaN( data ) ? parseFloat( data ) : rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) : data; } catch( e ) {} // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later elem, key, data ); } else { data = undefined; } } return data; } // TODO: This is a hack for 1.5 ONLY to allow objects with a single toJSON // property to be considered empty objects; this property always exists in // order to make sure JSON.stringify does not expose internal metadata function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) { for ( var name in obj ) { if ( name !== "toJSON" ) { return false; } } return true; } jQuery.extend({ queue: function( elem, type, data ) { if ( !elem ) { return; } type = (type || "fx") + "queue"; var q = jQuery._data( elem, type ); // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup if ( !data ) { return q || []; } if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) { q = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) ); } else { q.push( data ); } return q; }, dequeue: function( elem, type ) { type = type || "fx"; var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ), fn = queue.shift(); // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel if ( fn === "inprogress" ) { fn = queue.shift(); } if ( fn ) { // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being // automatically dequeued if ( type === "fx" ) { queue.unshift("inprogress"); }, function() { jQuery.dequeue(elem, type); }); } if ( !queue.length ) { jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue", true ); } } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ queue: function( type, data ) { if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { data = type; type = "fx"; } if ( data === undefined ) { return jQuery.queue( this[0], type ); } return this.each(function( i ) { var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data ); if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); } }); }, dequeue: function( type ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); }); }, // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission. // delay: function( time, type ) { time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time; type = type || "fx"; return this.queue( type, function() { var elem = this; setTimeout(function() { jQuery.dequeue( elem, type ); }, time ); }); }, clearQueue: function( type ) { return this.queue( type || "fx", [] ); } }); var rclass = /[\n\t\r]/g, rspaces = /\s+/, rreturn = /\r/g, rspecialurl = /^(?:href|src|style)$/, rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i, rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i, rradiocheck = /^(?:radio|checkbox)$/i; jQuery.props = { "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", readonly: "readOnly", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", tabindex: "tabIndex", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder" }; jQuery.fn.extend({ attr: function( name, value ) { return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, jQuery.attr ); }, removeAttr: function( name, fn ) { return this.each(function(){ jQuery.attr( this, name, "" ); if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) { this.removeAttribute( name ); } }); }, addClass: function( value ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this); self.addClass(, i, self.attr("class")) ); }); } if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) { var classNames = (value || "").split( rspaces ); for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elem = this[i]; if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( !elem.className ) { elem.className = value; } else { var className = " " + elem.className + " ", setClass = elem.className; for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) { if ( className.indexOf( " " + classNames[c] + " " ) < 0 ) { setClass += " " + classNames[c]; } } elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass ); } } } } return this; }, removeClass: function( value ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this); self.removeClass(, i, self.attr("class")) ); }); } if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) { var classNames = (value || "").split( rspaces ); for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elem = this[i]; if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) { if ( value ) { var className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(rclass, " "); for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) { className = className.replace(" " + classNames[c] + " ", " "); } elem.className = jQuery.trim( className ); } else { elem.className = ""; } } } } return this; }, toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) { var type = typeof value, isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean"; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this); self.toggleClass(, i, self.attr("class"), stateVal), stateVal ); }); } return this.each(function() { if ( type === "string" ) { // toggle individual class names var className, i = 0, self = jQuery( this ), state = stateVal, classNames = value.split( rspaces ); while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) { // check each className given, space seperated list state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className ); self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className ); } } else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) { if ( this.className ) { // store className if set jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className ); } // toggle whole className this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || ""; } }); }, hasClass: function( selector ) { var className = " " + selector + " "; for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) { return true; } } return false; }, val: function( value ) { if ( !arguments.length ) { var elem = this[0]; if ( elem ) { if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "option" ) ) { // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but // uses .value. See #6932 var val = elem.attributes.value; return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text; } // We need to handle select boxes special if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) { var index = elem.selectedIndex, values = [], options = elem.options, one = elem.type === "select-one"; // Nothing was selected if ( index < 0 ) { return null; } // Loop through all the selected options for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) { var option = options[ i ]; // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup if ( option.selected && ( ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && (!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) { // Get the specific value for the option value = jQuery(option).val(); // We don't need an array for one selects if ( one ) { return value; } // Multi-Selects return an array values.push( value ); } } // Fixes Bug #2551 -- select.val() broken in IE after form.reset() if ( one && !values.length && options.length ) { return jQuery( options[ index ] ).val(); } return values; } // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified if ( rradiocheck.test( elem.type ) && ! ) { return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value; } // Everything else, we just grab the value return (elem.value || "").replace(rreturn, ""); } return undefined; } var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction(value); return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this), val = value; if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) { return; } if ( isFunction ) { val =, i, self.val()); } // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string if ( val == null ) { val = ""; } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) { val += ""; } else if ( jQuery.isArray(val) ) { val =, function (value) { return value == null ? "" : value + ""; }); } if ( jQuery.isArray(val) && rradiocheck.test( this.type ) ) { this.checked = jQuery.inArray( self.val(), val ) >= 0; } else if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "select" ) ) { var values = jQuery.makeArray(val); jQuery( "option", this ).each(function() { this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0; }); if ( !values.length ) { this.selectedIndex = -1; } } else { this.value = val; } }); } }); jQuery.extend({ attrFn: { val: true, css: true, html: true, text: true, data: true, width: true, height: true, offset: true }, attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) { // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || elem.nodeType === 2 ) { return undefined; } if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) { return jQuery(elem)[name](value); } var notxml = elem.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ), // Whether we are setting (or getting) set = value !== undefined; // Try to normalize/fix the name name = notxml && jQuery.props[ name ] || name; // Only do all the following if this is a node (faster for style) if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { // These attributes require special treatment var special = rspecialurl.test( name ); // Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option // Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it if ( name === "selected" && ! ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent ) { parent.selectedIndex; // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701 if ( parent.parentNode ) { parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; } } } // If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way // 'in' checks fail in Blackberry 4.7 #6931 if ( (name in elem || elem[ name ] !== undefined) && notxml && !special ) { if ( set ) { // We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE) if ( name === "type" && rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) { jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" ); } if ( value === null ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { elem.removeAttribute( name ); } } else { elem[ name ] = value; } } // browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes. if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) { return elem.getAttributeNode( name ).nodeValue; } // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set // if ( name === "tabIndex" ) { var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode( "tabIndex" ); return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ? attributeNode.value : rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ? 0 : undefined; } return elem[ name ]; } if ( ! && notxml && name === "style" ) { if ( set ) { = "" + value; } return; } if ( set ) { // convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070 elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value ); } // Ensure that missing attributes return undefined // Blackberry 4.7 returns "" from getAttribute #6938 if ( !elem.attributes[ name ] && (elem.hasAttribute && !elem.hasAttribute( name )) ) { return undefined; } var attr = ! && notxml && special ? // Some attributes require a special call on IE elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ) : elem.getAttribute( name ); // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined return attr === null ? undefined : attr; } // Handle everything which isn't a DOM element node if ( set ) { elem[ name ] = value; } return elem[ name ]; } }); var rnamespaces = /\.(.*)$/, rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, rperiod = /\./g, rspace = / /g, rescape = /[^\w\s.|`]/g, fcleanup = function( nm ) { return nm.replace(rescape, "\\$&"); }; /* * A number of helper functions used for managing events. * Many of the ideas behind this code originated from * Dean Edwards' addEvent library. */ jQuery.event = { // Bind an event to an element // Original by Dean Edwards add: function( elem, types, handler, data ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) { return; } // TODO :: Use a try/catch until it's safe to pull this out (likely 1.6) // Minor release fix for bug #8018 try { // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object // around, causing it to be cloned in the process if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) && ( elem !== window && !elem.frameElement ) ) { elem = window; } } catch ( e ) {} if ( handler === false ) { handler = returnFalse; } else if ( !handler ) { // Fixes bug #7229. Fix recommended by jdalton return; } var handleObjIn, handleObj; if ( handler.handler ) { handleObjIn = handler; handler = handleObjIn.handler; } // Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID if ( !handler.guid ) { handler.guid = jQuery.guid++; } // Init the element's event structure var elemData = jQuery._data( elem ); // If no elemData is found then we must be trying to bind to one of the // banned noData elements if ( !elemData ) { return; } var events =, eventHandle = elemData.handle; if ( !events ) { = events = {}; } if ( !eventHandle ) { elemData.handle = eventHandle = function() { // Handle the second event of a trigger and when // an event is called after a page has unloaded return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && !jQuery.event.triggered ? jQuery.event.handle.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) : undefined; }; } // Add elem as a property of the handle function // This is to prevent a memory leak with non-native events in IE. eventHandle.elem = elem; // Handle multiple events separated by a space // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn); types = types.split(" "); var type, i = 0, namespaces; while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) { handleObj = handleObjIn ? jQuery.extend({}, handleObjIn) : { handler: handler, data: data }; // Namespaced event handlers if ( type.indexOf(".") > -1 ) { namespaces = type.split("."); type = namespaces.shift(); handleObj.namespace = namespaces.slice(0).sort().join("."); } else { namespaces = []; handleObj.namespace = ""; } handleObj.type = type; if ( !handleObj.guid ) { handleObj.guid = handler.guid; } // Get the current list of functions bound to this event var handlers = events[ type ], special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; // Init the event handler queue if ( !handlers ) { handlers = events[ type ] = []; // Check for a special event handler // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special // events handler returns false if ( !special.setup || elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) { // Bind the global event handler to the element if ( elem.addEventListener ) { elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false ); } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle ); } } } if ( special.add ) { elem, handleObj ); if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) { handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid; } } // Add the function to the element's handler list handlers.push( handleObj ); // Keep track of which events have been used, for global triggering[ type ] = true; } // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE elem = null; }, global: {}, // Detach an event or set of events from an element remove: function( elem, types, handler, pos ) { // don't do events on text and comment nodes if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) { return; } if ( handler === false ) { handler = returnFalse; } var ret, type, fn, j, i = 0, all, namespaces, namespace, special, eventType, handleObj, origType, elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ), events = elemData &&; if ( !elemData || !events ) { return; } // types is actually an event object here if ( types && types.type ) { handler = types.handler; types = types.type; } // Unbind all events for the element if ( !types || typeof types === "string" && types.charAt(0) === "." ) { types = types || ""; for ( type in events ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types ); } return; } // Handle multiple events separated by a space // jQuery(...).unbind("mouseover mouseout", fn); types = types.split(" "); while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) { origType = type; handleObj = null; all = type.indexOf(".") < 0; namespaces = []; if ( !all ) { // Namespaced event handlers namespaces = type.split("."); type = namespaces.shift(); namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.slice(0).sort(), fcleanup ).join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)"); } eventType = events[ type ]; if ( !eventType ) { continue; } if ( !handler ) { for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) { handleObj = eventType[ j ]; if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, origType, handleObj.handler, j ); eventType.splice( j--, 1 ); } } continue; } special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; for ( j = pos || 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) { handleObj = eventType[ j ]; if ( handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) { // remove the given handler for the given type if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { if ( pos == null ) { eventType.splice( j--, 1 ); } if ( special.remove ) { elem, handleObj ); } } if ( pos != null ) { break; } } } // remove generic event handler if no more handlers exist if ( eventType.length === 0 || pos != null && eventType.length === 1 ) { if ( !special.teardown || elem, namespaces ) === false ) { jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle ); } ret = null; delete events[ type ]; } } // Remove the expando if it's no longer used if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) { var handle = elemData.handle; if ( handle ) { handle.elem = null; } delete; delete elemData.handle; if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( elemData ) ) { jQuery.removeData( elem, undefined, true ); } } }, // bubbling is internal trigger: function( event, data, elem /*, bubbling */ ) { // Event object or event type var type = event.type || event, bubbling = arguments[3]; if ( !bubbling ) { event = typeof event === "object" ? // jQuery.Event object event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event : // Object literal jQuery.extend( jQuery.Event(type), event ) : // Just the event type (string) jQuery.Event(type); if ( type.indexOf("!") >= 0 ) { event.type = type = type.slice(0, -1); event.exclusive = true; } // Handle a global trigger if ( !elem ) { // Don't bubble custom events when global (to avoid too much overhead) event.stopPropagation(); // Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it if ([ type ] ) { // XXX This code smells terrible. event.js should not be directly // inspecting the data cache jQuery.each( jQuery.cache, function() { // internalKey variable is just used to make it easier to find // and potentially change this stuff later; currently it just // points to jQuery.expando var internalKey = jQuery.expando, internalCache = this[ internalKey ]; if ( internalCache && &&[ type ] ) { jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, internalCache.handle.elem ); } }); } } // Handle triggering a single element // don't do events on text and comment nodes if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) { return undefined; } // Clean up in case it is reused event.result = undefined; = elem; // Clone the incoming data, if any data = jQuery.makeArray( data ); data.unshift( event ); } event.currentTarget = elem; // Trigger the event, it is assumed that "handle" is a function var handle = jQuery._data( elem, "handle" ); if ( handle ) { handle.apply( elem, data ); } var parent = elem.parentNode || elem.ownerDocument; // Trigger an inline bound script try { if ( !(elem && elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) { if ( elem[ "on" + type ] && elem[ "on" + type ].apply( elem, data ) === false ) { event.result = false; event.preventDefault(); } } // prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533 } catch (inlineError) {} if ( !event.isPropagationStopped() && parent ) { jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, parent, true ); } else if ( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { var old, target =, targetType = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" ), isClick = jQuery.nodeName( target, "a" ) && targetType === "click", special = jQuery.event.special[ targetType ] || {}; if ( (!special._default || elem, event ) === false) && !isClick && !(target && target.nodeName && jQuery.noData[target.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) { try { if ( target[ targetType ] ) { // Make sure that we don't accidentally re-trigger the onFOO events old = target[ "on" + targetType ]; if ( old ) { target[ "on" + targetType ] = null; } jQuery.event.triggered = true; target[ targetType ](); } // prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533 } catch (triggerError) {} if ( old ) { target[ "on" + targetType ] = old; } jQuery.event.triggered = false; } } }, handle: function( event ) { var all, handlers, namespaces, namespace_re, events, namespace_sort = [], args = jQuery.makeArray( arguments ); event = args[0] = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event ); event.currentTarget = this; // Namespaced event handlers all = event.type.indexOf(".") < 0 && !event.exclusive; if ( !all ) { namespaces = event.type.split("."); event.type = namespaces.shift(); namespace_sort = namespaces.slice(0).sort(); namespace_re = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespace_sort.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)"); } event.namespace = event.namespace || namespace_sort.join("."); events = jQuery._data(this, "events"); handlers = (events || {})[ event.type ]; if ( events && handlers ) { // Clone the handlers to prevent manipulation handlers = handlers.slice(0); for ( var j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++ ) { var handleObj = handlers[ j ]; // Filter the functions by class if ( all || namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { // Pass in a reference to the handler function itself // So that we can later remove it event.handler = handleObj.handler; =; event.handleObj = handleObj; var ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, args ); if ( ret !== undefined ) { event.result = ret; if ( ret === false ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) { break; } } } } return event.result; }, props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "), fix: function( event ) { if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) { return event; } // store a copy of the original event object // and "clone" to set read-only properties var originalEvent = event; event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent ); for ( var i = this.props.length, prop; i; ) { prop = this.props[ --i ]; event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ]; } // Fix target property, if necessary if ( ! ) { // Fixes #1925 where srcElement might not be defined either = event.srcElement || document; } // check if target is a textnode (safari) if ( === 3 ) { =; } // Add relatedTarget, if necessary if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement ) { event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === ? event.toElement : event.fromElement; } // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) { var doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body; event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); } // Add which for key events if ( event.which == null && (event.charCode != null || event.keyCode != null) ) { event.which = event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode; } // Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs) if ( !event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey ) { event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey; } // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it if ( !event.which && event.button !== undefined ) { event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) )); } return event; }, // Deprecated, use jQuery.guid instead guid: 1E8, // Deprecated, use jQuery.proxy instead proxy: jQuery.proxy, special: { ready: { // Make sure the ready event is setup setup: jQuery.bindReady, teardown: jQuery.noop }, live: { add: function( handleObj ) { jQuery.event.add( this, liveConvert( handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector ), jQuery.extend({}, handleObj, {handler: liveHandler, guid: handleObj.handler.guid}) ); }, remove: function( handleObj ) { jQuery.event.remove( this, liveConvert( handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector ), handleObj ); } }, beforeunload: { setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) { // We only want to do this special case on windows if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) { this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle; } }, teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) { if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) { this.onbeforeunload = null; } } } } }; jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ? function( elem, type, handle ) { if ( elem.removeEventListener ) { elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false ); } } : function( elem, type, handle ) { if ( elem.detachEvent ) { elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle ); } }; jQuery.Event = function( src ) { // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword if ( !this.preventDefault ) { return new jQuery.Event( src ); } // Event object if ( src && src.type ) { this.originalEvent = src; this.type = src.type; // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value. this.isDefaultPrevented = (src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false || src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault()) ? returnTrue : returnFalse; // Event type } else { this.type = src; } // timeStamp is buggy for some events on Firefox(#3843) // So we won't rely on the native value this.timeStamp =; // Mark it as fixed this[ jQuery.expando ] = true; }; function returnFalse() { return false; } function returnTrue() { return true; } // jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding // jQuery.Event.prototype = { preventDefault: function() { this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue; var e = this.originalEvent; if ( !e ) { return; } // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event if ( e.preventDefault ) { e.preventDefault(); // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE) } else { e.returnValue = false; } }, stopPropagation: function() { this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue; var e = this.originalEvent; if ( !e ) { return; } // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event if ( e.stopPropagation ) { e.stopPropagation(); } // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE) e.cancelBubble = true; }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue; this.stopPropagation(); }, isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse, isPropagationStopped: returnFalse, isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse }; // Checks if an event happened on an element within another element // Used in jQuery.event.special.mouseenter and mouseleave handlers var withinElement = function( event ) { // Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element var parent = event.relatedTarget; // Firefox sometimes assigns relatedTarget a XUL element // which we cannot access the parentNode property of try { // Chrome does something similar, the parentNode property // can be accessed but is null. if ( parent !== document && !parent.parentNode ) { return; } // Traverse up the tree while ( parent && parent !== this ) { parent = parent.parentNode; } if ( parent !== this ) { // set the correct event type event.type =; // handle event if we actually just moused on to a non sub-element jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments ); } // assuming we've left the element since we most likely mousedover a xul element } catch(e) { } }, // In case of event delegation, we only need to rename the event.type, // liveHandler will take care of the rest. delegate = function( event ) { event.type =; jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments ); }; // Create mouseenter and mouseleave events jQuery.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, function( orig, fix ) { jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = { setup: function( data ) { jQuery.event.add( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement, orig ); }, teardown: function( data ) { jQuery.event.remove( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement ); } }; }); // submit delegation if ( ! ) { jQuery.event.special.submit = { setup: function( data, namespaces ) { if ( this.nodeName && this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "form" ) { jQuery.event.add(this, "click.specialSubmit", function( e ) { var elem =, type = elem.type; if ( (type === "submit" || type === "image") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length ) { trigger( "submit", this, arguments ); } }); jQuery.event.add(this, "keypress.specialSubmit", function( e ) { var elem =, type = elem.type; if ( (type === "text" || type === "password") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length && e.keyCode === 13 ) { trigger( "submit", this, arguments ); } }); } else { return false; } }, teardown: function( namespaces ) { jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialSubmit" ); } }; } // change delegation, happens here so we have bind. if ( ! ) { var changeFilters, getVal = function( elem ) { var type = elem.type, val = elem.value; if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) { val = elem.checked; } else if ( type === "select-multiple" ) { val = elem.selectedIndex > -1 ? elem.options, function( elem ) { return elem.selected; }).join("-") : ""; } else if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) { val = elem.selectedIndex; } return val; }, testChange = function testChange( e ) { var elem =, data, val; if ( !rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) || elem.readOnly ) { return; } data = jQuery._data( elem, "_change_data" ); val = getVal(elem); // the current data will be also retrieved by beforeactivate if ( e.type !== "focusout" || elem.type !== "radio" ) { jQuery._data( elem, "_change_data", val ); } if ( data === undefined || val === data ) { return; } if ( data != null || val ) { e.type = "change"; e.liveFired = undefined; jQuery.event.trigger( e, arguments[1], elem ); } }; jQuery.event.special.change = { filters: { focusout: testChange, beforedeactivate: testChange, click: function( e ) { var elem =, type = elem.type; if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) { this, e ); } }, // Change has to be called before submit // Keydown will be called before keypress, which is used in submit-event delegation keydown: function( e ) { var elem =, type = elem.type; if ( (e.keyCode === 13 && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") || (e.keyCode === 32 && (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio")) || type === "select-multiple" ) { this, e ); } }, // Beforeactivate happens also before the previous element is blurred // with this event you can't trigger a change event, but you can store // information beforeactivate: function( e ) { var elem =; jQuery._data( elem, "_change_data", getVal(elem) ); } }, setup: function( data, namespaces ) { if ( this.type === "file" ) { return false; } for ( var type in changeFilters ) { jQuery.event.add( this, type + ".specialChange", changeFilters[type] ); } return rformElems.test( this.nodeName ); }, teardown: function( namespaces ) { jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialChange" ); return rformElems.test( this.nodeName ); } }; changeFilters = jQuery.event.special.change.filters; // Handle when the input is .focus()'d changeFilters.focus = changeFilters.beforeactivate; } function trigger( type, elem, args ) { // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one. // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor. // Don't pass args or remember liveFired; they apply to the donor event. var event = jQuery.extend( {}, args[ 0 ] ); event.type = type; event.originalEvent = {}; event.liveFired = undefined; elem, event ); if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { args[ 0 ].preventDefault(); } } // Create "bubbling" focus and blur events if ( document.addEventListener ) { jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) { jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = { setup: function() { this.addEventListener( orig, handler, true ); }, teardown: function() { this.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true ); } }; function handler( e ) { e = jQuery.event.fix( e ); e.type = fix; return this, e ); } }); } jQuery.each(["bind", "one"], function( i, name ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( type, data, fn ) { // Handle object literals if ( typeof type === "object" ) { for ( var key in type ) { this[ name ](key, data, type[key], fn); } return this; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) || data === false ) { fn = data; data = undefined; } var handler = name === "one" ? jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) { jQuery( this ).unbind( event, handler ); return fn.apply( this, arguments ); }) : fn; if ( type === "unload" && name !== "one" ) { type, data, fn ); } else { for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { jQuery.event.add( this[i], type, handler, data ); } } return this; }; }); jQuery.fn.extend({ unbind: function( type, fn ) { // Handle object literals if ( typeof type === "object" && !type.preventDefault ) { for ( var key in type ) { this.unbind(key, type[key]); } } else { for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { jQuery.event.remove( this[i], type, fn ); } } return this; }, delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) { return types, data, fn, selector ); }, undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) { if ( arguments.length === 0 ) { return this.unbind( "live" ); } else { return this.die( types, null, fn, selector ); } }, trigger: function( type, data ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this ); }); }, triggerHandler: function( type, data ) { if ( this[0] ) { var event = jQuery.Event( type ); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this[0] ); return event.result; } }, toggle: function( fn ) { // Save reference to arguments for access in closure var args = arguments, i = 1; // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler while ( i < args.length ) { jQuery.proxy( fn, args[ i++ ] ); } return jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) { // Figure out which function to execute var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i; jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 ); // Make sure that clicks stop event.preventDefault(); // and execute the function return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false; })); }, hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) { return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver ); } }); var liveMap = { focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout", mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }; jQuery.each(["live", "die"], function( i, name ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( types, data, fn, origSelector /* Internal Use Only */ ) { var type, i = 0, match, namespaces, preType, selector = origSelector || this.selector, context = origSelector ? this : jQuery( this.context ); if ( typeof types === "object" && !types.preventDefault ) { for ( var key in types ) { context[ name ]( key, data, types[key], selector ); } return this; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) { fn = data; data = undefined; } types = (types || "").split(" "); while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) != null ) { match = rnamespaces.exec( type ); namespaces = ""; if ( match ) { namespaces = match[0]; type = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" ); } if ( type === "hover" ) { types.push( "mouseenter" + namespaces, "mouseleave" + namespaces ); continue; } preType = type; if ( type === "focus" || type === "blur" ) { types.push( liveMap[ type ] + namespaces ); type = type + namespaces; } else { type = (liveMap[ type ] || type) + namespaces; } if ( name === "live" ) { // bind live handler for ( var j = 0, l = context.length; j < l; j++ ) { jQuery.event.add( context[j], "live." + liveConvert( type, selector ), { data: data, selector: selector, handler: fn, origType: type, origHandler: fn, preType: preType } ); } } else { // unbind live handler context.unbind( "live." + liveConvert( type, selector ), fn ); } } return this; }; }); function liveHandler( event ) { var stop, maxLevel, related, match, handleObj, elem, j, i, l, data, close, namespace, ret, elems = [], selectors = [], events = jQuery._data( this, "events" ); // Make sure we avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861) and disabled elements in IE (#6911) if ( event.liveFired === this || !events || ! || || event.button && event.type === "click" ) { return; } if ( event.namespace ) { namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + event.namespace.split(".").join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)"); } event.liveFired = this; var live =; for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) { handleObj = live[j]; if ( handleObj.origType.replace( rnamespaces, "" ) === event.type ) { selectors.push( handleObj.selector ); } else { live.splice( j--, 1 ); } } match = jQuery( ).closest( selectors, event.currentTarget ); for ( i = 0, l = match.length; i < l; i++ ) { close = match[i]; for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) { handleObj = live[j]; if ( close.selector === handleObj.selector && (!namespace || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace )) && !close.elem.disabled ) { elem = close.elem; related = null; // Those two events require additional checking if ( handleObj.preType === "mouseenter" || handleObj.preType === "mouseleave" ) { event.type = handleObj.preType; related = jQuery( event.relatedTarget ).closest( handleObj.selector )[0]; } if ( !related || related !== elem ) { elems.push({ elem: elem, handleObj: handleObj, level: close.level }); } } } } for ( i = 0, l = elems.length; i < l; i++ ) { match = elems[i]; if ( maxLevel && match.level > maxLevel ) { break; } event.currentTarget = match.elem; =; event.handleObj = match.handleObj; ret = match.handleObj.origHandler.apply( match.elem, arguments ); if ( ret === false || event.isPropagationStopped() ) { maxLevel = match.level; if ( ret === false ) { stop = false; } if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) { break; } } } return stop; } function liveConvert( type, selector ) { return (type && type !== "*" ? type + "." : "") + selector.replace(rperiod, "`").replace(rspace, "&"); } jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " + "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " + "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error").split(" "), function( i, name ) { // Handle event binding jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) { if ( fn == null ) { fn = data; data = null; } return arguments.length > 0 ? this.bind( name, data, fn ) : this.trigger( name ); }; if ( jQuery.attrFn ) { jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true; } }); /*! * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses. * More information: */ (function(){ var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, done = 0, toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasDuplicate = false, baseHasDuplicate = true, rBackslash = /\\/g, rNonWord = /\W/; // Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of // optimization where it does not always call our comparision // function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value. // Thus far that includes Google Chrome. [0, 0].sort(function() { baseHasDuplicate = false; return 0; }); var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) { results = results || []; context = context || document; var origContext = context; if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) { return []; } if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) { return results; } var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i, prune = true, contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ), parts = [], soFar = selector; // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head) do { chunker.exec( "" ); m = chunker.exec( soFar ); if ( m ) { soFar = m[3]; parts.push( m[1] ); if ( m[2] ) { extra = m[3]; break; } } } while ( m ); if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) { if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) { set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context ); } else { set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ? [ context ] : Sizzle( parts.shift(), context ); while ( parts.length ) { selector = parts.shift(); if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) { selector += parts.shift(); } set = posProcess( selector, set ); } } } else { // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID) if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML && Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) { ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML ); context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0]; } if ( context ) { ret = seed ? { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } : Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML ); set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set; if ( parts.length > 0 ) { checkSet = makeArray( set ); } else { prune = false; } while ( parts.length ) { cur = parts.pop(); pop = cur; if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) { cur = ""; } else { pop = parts.pop(); } if ( pop == null ) { pop = context; } Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML ); } } else { checkSet = parts = []; } } if ( !checkSet ) { checkSet = set; } if ( !checkSet ) { Sizzle.error( cur || selector ); } if ( === "[object Array]" ) { if ( !prune ) { results.push.apply( results, checkSet ); } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) { for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) { if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) { results.push( set[i] ); } } } else { for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) { if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) { results.push( set[i] ); } } } } else { makeArray( checkSet, results ); } if ( extra ) { Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed ); Sizzle.uniqueSort( results ); } return results; }; Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) { if ( sortOrder ) { hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate; results.sort( sortOrder ); if ( hasDuplicate ) { for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) { if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) { results.splice( i--, 1 ); } } } } return results; }; Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) { return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set ); }; Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) { return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0; }; Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) { var set; if ( !expr ) { return []; } for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) { var match, type = Expr.order[i]; if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) { var left = match[1]; match.splice( 1, 1 ); if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) { match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace( rBackslash, "" ); set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML ); if ( set != null ) { expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" ); break; } } } } if ( !set ) { set = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ? context.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) : []; } return { set: set, expr: expr }; }; Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) { var match, anyFound, old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] ); while ( expr && set.length ) { for ( var type in Expr.filter ) { if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) { var found, item, filter = Expr.filter[ type ], left = match[1]; anyFound = false; match.splice(1,1); if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) { continue; } if ( curLoop === result ) { result = []; } if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) { match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter ); if ( !match ) { anyFound = found = true; } else if ( match === true ) { continue; } } if ( match ) { for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( item ) { found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop ); var pass = not ^ !!found; if ( inplace && found != null ) { if ( pass ) { anyFound = true; } else { curLoop[i] = false; } } else if ( pass ) { result.push( item ); anyFound = true; } } } } if ( found !== undefined ) { if ( !inplace ) { curLoop = result; } expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" ); if ( !anyFound ) { return []; } break; } } } // Improper expression if ( expr === old ) { if ( anyFound == null ) { Sizzle.error( expr ); } else { break; } } old = expr; } return curLoop; }; Sizzle.error = function( msg ) { throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg; }; var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = { order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ], match: { ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/, CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/, NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/, ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/, TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/, CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/, POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/, PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/ }, leftMatch: {}, attrMap: { "class": "className", "for": "htmlFor" }, attrHandle: { href: function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "href" ); }, type: function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "type" ); } }, relative: { "+": function(checkSet, part){ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string", isTag = isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ), isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag; if ( isTag ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); } for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) { if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) { while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {} checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? elem || false : elem === part; } } if ( isPartStrNotTag ) { Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true ); } }, ">": function( checkSet, part ) { var elem, isPartStr = typeof part === "string", i = 0, l = checkSet.length; if ( isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false; } } } else { for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { checkSet[i] = isPartStr ? elem.parentNode : elem.parentNode === part; } } if ( isPartStr ) { Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true ); } } }, "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){ var nodeCheck, doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck; if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); nodeCheck = part; checkFn = dirNodeCheck; } checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ); }, "~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) { var nodeCheck, doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck; if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); nodeCheck = part; checkFn = dirNodeCheck; } checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ); } }, find: { ID: function( match, context, isXML ) { if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) { var m = context.getElementById(match[1]); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : []; } }, NAME: function( match, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) { var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] ); for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) { ret.push( results[i] ); } } return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret; } }, TAG: function( match, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) { return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] ); } } }, preFilter: { CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) { match = " " + match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ) + " "; if ( isXML ) { return match; } for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( elem ) { if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) { if ( !inplace ) { result.push( elem ); } } else if ( inplace ) { curLoop[i] = false; } } } return false; }, ID: function( match ) { return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ); }, TAG: function( match, curLoop ) { return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ).toLowerCase(); }, CHILD: function( match ) { if ( match[1] === "nth" ) { if ( !match[2] ) { Sizzle.error( match[0] ); } match[2] = match[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, ''); // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6' var test = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec( match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]); // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0; match[3] = test[3] - 0; } else if ( match[2] ) { Sizzle.error( match[0] ); } // TODO: Move to normal caching system match[0] = done++; return match; }, ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) { var name = match[1] = match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ); if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) { match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name]; } // Handle if an un-quoted value was used match[4] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( rBackslash, "" ); if ( match[2] === "~=" ) { match[4] = " " + match[4] + " "; } return match; }, PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) { if ( match[1] === "not" ) { // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) { match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop); } else { var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not); if ( !inplace ) { result.push.apply( result, ret ); } return false; } } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) { return true; } return match; }, POS: function( match ) { match.unshift( true ); return match; } }, filters: { enabled: function( elem ) { return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden"; }, disabled: function( elem ) { return elem.disabled === true; }, checked: function( elem ) { return elem.checked === true; }, selected: function( elem ) { // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default // options in Safari work properly if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.selectedIndex; } return elem.selected === true; }, parent: function( elem ) { return !!elem.firstChild; }, empty: function( elem ) { return !elem.firstChild; }, has: function( elem, i, match ) { return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length; }, header: function( elem ) { return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName ); }, text: function( elem ) { // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc) // use getAttribute instead to test this case return "text" === elem.getAttribute( 'type' ); }, radio: function( elem ) { return "radio" === elem.type; }, checkbox: function( elem ) { return "checkbox" === elem.type; }, file: function( elem ) { return "file" === elem.type; }, password: function( elem ) { return "password" === elem.type; }, submit: function( elem ) { return "submit" === elem.type; }, image: function( elem ) { return "image" === elem.type; }, reset: function( elem ) { return "reset" === elem.type; }, button: function( elem ) { return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "button"; }, input: function( elem ) { return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName ); } }, setFilters: { first: function( elem, i ) { return i === 0; }, last: function( elem, i, match, array ) { return i === array.length - 1; }, even: function( elem, i ) { return i % 2 === 0; }, odd: function( elem, i ) { return i % 2 === 1; }, lt: function( elem, i, match ) { return i < match[3] - 0; }, gt: function( elem, i, match ) { return i > match[3] - 0; }, nth: function( elem, i, match ) { return match[3] - 0 === i; }, eq: function( elem, i, match ) { return match[3] - 0 === i; } }, filter: { PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) { var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ]; if ( filter ) { return filter( elem, i, match, array ); } else if ( name === "contains" ) { return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || Sizzle.getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0; } else if ( name === "not" ) { var not = match[3]; for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) { if ( not[j] === elem ) { return false; } } return true; } else { Sizzle.error( name ); } }, CHILD: function( elem, match ) { var type = match[1], node = elem; switch ( type ) { case "only": case "first": while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) { if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { return false; } } if ( type === "first" ) { return true; } node = elem; case "last": while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) { if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { return false; } } return true; case "nth": var first = match[2], last = match[3]; if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) { return true; } var doneName = match[0], parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) { var count = 0; for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) { if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { node.nodeIndex = ++count; } } parent.sizcache = doneName; } var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last; if ( first === 0 ) { return diff === 0; } else { return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 ); } } }, ID: function( elem, match ) { return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match; }, TAG: function( elem, match ) { return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match; }, CLASS: function( elem, match ) { return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ") .indexOf( match ) > -1; }, ATTR: function( elem, match ) { var name = match[1], result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ? Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) : elem[ name ] != null ? elem[ name ] : elem.getAttribute( name ), value = result + "", type = match[2], check = match[4]; return result == null ? type === "!=" : type === "=" ? value === check : type === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 : type === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 : !check ? value && result !== false : type === "!=" ? value !== check : type === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 : type === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check : type === "|=" ? value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" : false; }, POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) { var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ]; if ( filter ) { return filter( elem, i, match, array ); } } } }; var origPOS = Expr.match.POS, fescape = function(all, num){ return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1); }; for ( var type in Expr.match ) { Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) ); Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) ); } var makeArray = function( array, results ) { array = array, 0 ); if ( results ) { results.push.apply( results, array ); return results; } return array; }; // Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of // converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods. // Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes // (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser) try { document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType; // Provide a fallback method if it does not work } catch( e ) { makeArray = function( array, results ) { var i = 0, ret = results || []; if ( === "[object Array]" ) { Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array ); } else { if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) { for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) { ret.push( array[i] ); } } else { for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) { ret.push( array[i] ); } } } return ret; }; } var sortOrder, siblingCheck; if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) { sortOrder = function( a, b ) { if ( a === b ) { hasDuplicate = true; return 0; } if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) { return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1; } return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1; }; } else { sortOrder = function( a, b ) { var al, bl, ap = [], bp = [], aup = a.parentNode, bup = b.parentNode, cur = aup; // The nodes are identical, we can exit early if ( a === b ) { hasDuplicate = true; return 0; // If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check } else if ( aup === bup ) { return siblingCheck( a, b ); // If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected } else if ( !aup ) { return -1; } else if ( !bup ) { return 1; } // Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need // to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison while ( cur ) { ap.unshift( cur ); cur = cur.parentNode; } cur = bup; while ( cur ) { bp.unshift( cur ); cur = cur.parentNode; } al = ap.length; bl = bp.length; // Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) { if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) { return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ); } } // We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check return i === al ? siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) : siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 ); }; siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) { if ( a === b ) { return ret; } var cur = a.nextSibling; while ( cur ) { if ( cur === b ) { return -1; } cur = cur.nextSibling; } return 1; }; } // Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes Sizzle.getText = function( elems ) { var ret = "", elem; for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) { elem = elems[i]; // Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) { ret += elem.nodeValue; // Traverse everything else, except comment nodes } else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) { ret += Sizzle.getText( elem.childNodes ); } } return ret; }; // Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when // querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround) (function(){ // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name var form = document.createElement("div"), id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(), root = document.documentElement; form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>"; // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild ); // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching) if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) { Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) { if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) { var m = context.getElementById(match[1]); return m ? === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : []; } }; Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) { var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id"); return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match; }; } root.removeChild( form ); // release memory in IE root = form = null; })(); (function(){ // Check to see if the browser returns only elements // when doing getElementsByTagName("*") // Create a fake element var div = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild( document.createComment("") ); // Make sure no comments are found if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) { Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) { var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] ); // Filter out possible comments if ( match[1] === "*" ) { var tmp = []; for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) { if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) { tmp.push( results[i] ); } } results = tmp; } return results; }; } // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>"; if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" && div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) { Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 ); }; } // release memory in IE div = null; })(); if ( document.querySelectorAll ) { (function(){ var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div"), id = "__sizzle__"; div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>"; // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when // in quirks mode. if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) { return; } Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) { context = context || document; // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents) if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) { // See if we find a selector to speed up var match = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec( query ); if ( match && (context.nodeType === 1 || context.nodeType === 9) ) { // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG") if ( match[1] ) { return makeArray( context.getElementsByTagName( query ), extra ); // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS") } else if ( match[2] && Expr.find.CLASS && context.getElementsByClassName ) { return makeArray( context.getElementsByClassName( match[2] ), extra ); } } if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) { // Speed-up: Sizzle("body") // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it if ( query === "body" && context.body ) { return makeArray( [ context.body ], extra ); // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID") } else if ( match && match[3] ) { var elem = context.getElementById( match[3] ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items // by name instead of ID if ( === match[3] ) { return makeArray( [ elem ], extra ); } } else { return makeArray( [], extra ); } } try { return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra ); } catch(qsaError) {} // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique) // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements } else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) { var oldContext = context, old = context.getAttribute( "id" ), nid = old || id, hasParent = context.parentNode, relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test( query ); if ( !old ) { context.setAttribute( "id", nid ); } else { nid = nid.replace( /'/g, "\\$&" ); } if ( relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent ) { context = context.parentNode; } try { if ( !relativeHierarchySelector || hasParent ) { return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "[id='" + nid + "'] " + query ), extra ); } } catch(pseudoError) { } finally { if ( !old ) { oldContext.removeAttribute( "id" ); } } } } return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed); }; for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) { Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ]; } // release memory in IE div = null; })(); } (function(){ var html = document.documentElement, matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector, pseudoWorks = false; try { // This should fail with an exception // Gecko does not error, returns false instead document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" ); } catch( pseudoError ) { pseudoWorks = true; } if ( matches ) { Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) { // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']"); if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) { try { if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) { return node, expr ); } } catch(e) {} } return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0; }; } })(); (function(){ var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>"; // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6) // Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) { return; } // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2) div.lastChild.className = "e"; if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) { return; } Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"); Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) { return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]); } }; // release memory in IE div = null; })(); function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) { for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { var match = false; elem = elem[dir]; while ( elem ) { if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) { match = checkSet[elem.sizset]; break; } if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){ elem.sizcache = doneName; elem.sizset = i; } if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) { match = elem; break; } elem = elem[dir]; } checkSet[i] = match; } } } function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) { for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { var match = false; elem = elem[dir]; while ( elem ) { if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) { match = checkSet[elem.sizset]; break; } if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( !isXML ) { elem.sizcache = doneName; elem.sizset = i; } if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) { if ( elem === cur ) { match = true; break; } } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) { match = elem; break; } } elem = elem[dir]; } checkSet[i] = match; } } } if ( document.documentElement.contains ) { Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) { return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true); }; } else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) { Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) { return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16); }; } else { Sizzle.contains = function() { return false; }; } Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) { // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement; return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false; }; var posProcess = function( selector, context ) { var match, tmpSet = [], later = "", root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context; // Position selectors must be done after the filter // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) { later += match[0]; selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" ); } selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector; for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) { Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet ); } return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet ); }; // EXPOSE jQuery.find = Sizzle; jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors; jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters; jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort; jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText; jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML; jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains; })(); var runtil = /Until$/, rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/, // Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle rmultiselector = /,/, isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, slice = Array.prototype.slice, POS = jQuery.expr.match.POS, // methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set guaranteedUnique = { children: true, contents: true, next: true, prev: true }; jQuery.fn.extend({ find: function( selector ) { var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ), length = 0; for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { length = ret.length; jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret ); if ( i > 0 ) { // Make sure that the results are unique for ( var n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) { for ( var r = 0; r < length; r++ ) { if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) { ret.splice(n--, 1); break; } } } } } return ret; }, has: function( target ) { var targets = jQuery( target ); return this.filter(function() { for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) { return true; } } }); }, not: function( selector ) { return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector); }, filter: function( selector ) { return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector ); }, is: function( selector ) { return !!selector && jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0; }, closest: function( selectors, context ) { var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0]; if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) { var match, selector, matches = {}, level = 1; if ( cur && selectors.length ) { for ( i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++ ) { selector = selectors[i]; if ( !matches[selector] ) { matches[selector] = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selector ) ? jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) : selector; } } while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) { for ( selector in matches ) { match = matches[selector]; if ( match.jquery ? match.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery(cur).is(match) ) { ret.push({ selector: selector, elem: cur, level: level }); } } cur = cur.parentNode; level++; } } return ret; } var pos = POS.test( selectors ) ? jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : null; for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { cur = this[i]; while ( cur ) { if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) { ret.push( cur ); break; } else { cur = cur.parentNode; if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context ) { break; } } } } ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique(ret) : ret; return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors ); }, // Determine the position of an element within // the matched set of elements index: function( elem ) { if ( !elem || typeof elem === "string" ) { return jQuery.inArray( this[0], // If it receives a string, the selector is used // If it receives nothing, the siblings are used elem ? jQuery( elem ) : this.parent().children() ); } // Locate the position of the desired element return jQuery.inArray( // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this ); }, add: function( selector, context ) { var set = typeof selector === "string" ? jQuery( selector, context ) : jQuery.makeArray( selector ), all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set ); return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ? all : jQuery.unique( all ) ); }, andSelf: function() { return this.add( this.prevObject ); } }); // A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected // from a document (should be improved, where feasible). function isDisconnected( node ) { return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11; } jQuery.each({ parent: function( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; }, parents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" ); }, parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until ); }, next: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" ); }, prev: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" ); }, nextAll: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" ); }, prevAll: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" ); }, nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until ); }, prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until ); }, siblings: function( elem ) { return jQuery.sibling( elem.parentNode.firstChild, elem ); }, children: function( elem ) { return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild ); }, contents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ? elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document : jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes ); } }, function( name, fn ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) { var ret = this, fn, until ), // The variable 'args' was introduced in // // to work around a bug in Chrome 10 (Dev) and should be removed when the bug is fixed. // args =; if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) { selector = until; } if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) { ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret ); } ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret; if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) { ret = ret.reverse(); } return this.pushStack( ret, name, args.join(",") ); }; }); jQuery.extend({ filter: function( expr, elems, not ) { if ( not ) { expr = ":not(" + expr + ")"; } return elems.length === 1 ? jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] : jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems); }, dir: function( elem, dir, until ) { var matched = [], cur = elem[ dir ]; while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) { if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) { matched.push( cur ); } cur = cur[dir]; } return matched; }, nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) { result = result || 1; var num = 0; for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) { if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) { break; } } return cur; }, sibling: function( n, elem ) { var r = []; for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) { if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) { r.push( n ); } } return r; } }); // Implement the identical functionality for filter and not function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { var retVal = !! elem, i, elem ); return retVal === keep; }); } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) { return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { return (elem === qualifier) === keep; }); } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) { var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { return elem.nodeType === 1; }); if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep); } else { qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered ); } } return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { return (jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0) === keep; }); } var rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/, rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig, rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/, rtbody = /<tbody/i, rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/, rnocache = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i, // checked="checked" or checked rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, wrapMap = { option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ], legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ], thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ], tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ], td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ], col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ], area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ], _default: [ 0, "", "" ] }; wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option; wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; =; // IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally if ( ! ) { wrapMap._default = [ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ]; } jQuery.fn.extend({ text: function( text ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction(text) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery( this ); self.text(, i, self.text()) ); }); } if ( typeof text !== "object" && text !== undefined ) { return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) ); } return jQuery.text( this ); }, wrapAll: function( html ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).wrapAll(, i) ); }); } if ( this[0] ) { // The elements to wrap the target around var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true); if ( this[0].parentNode ) { wrap.insertBefore( this[0] ); } { var elem = this; while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) { elem = elem.firstChild; } return elem; }).append(this); } return this; }, wrapInner: function( html ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).wrapInner(, i) ); }); } return this.each(function() { var self = jQuery( this ), contents = self.contents(); if ( contents.length ) { contents.wrapAll( html ); } else { self.append( html ); } }); }, wrap: function( html ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery( this ).wrapAll( html ); }); }, unwrap: function() { return this.parent().each(function() { if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) { jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes ); } }).end(); }, append: function() { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) { this.appendChild( elem ); } }); }, prepend: function() { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) { this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild ); } }); }, before: function() { if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) { return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) { this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this ); }); } else if ( arguments.length ) { var set = jQuery(arguments[0]); set.push.apply( set, this.toArray() ); return this.pushStack( set, "before", arguments ); } }, after: function() { if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) { return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) { this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling ); }); } else if ( arguments.length ) { var set = this.pushStack( this, "after", arguments ); set.push.apply( set, jQuery(arguments[0]).toArray() ); return set; } }, // keepData is for internal use only--do not document remove: function( selector, keepData ) { for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) { if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") ); jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] ); } if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); } } } return this; }, empty: function() { for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") ); } // Remove any remaining nodes while ( elem.firstChild ) { elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild ); } } return this; }, clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents; deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents; return function () { return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ); }); }, html: function( value ) { if ( value === undefined ) { return this[0] && this[0].nodeType === 1 ? this[0].innerHTML.replace(rinlinejQuery, "") : null; // See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML } else if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnocache.test( value ) && ( || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value )) && !wrapMap[ (rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase() ] ) { value = value.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>"); try { for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( this[i].getElementsByTagName("*") ); this[i].innerHTML = value; } } // If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method } catch(e) { this.empty().append( value ); } } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { this.each(function(i){ var self = jQuery( this ); self.html(, i, self.html()) ); }); } else { this.empty().append( value ); } return this; }, replaceWith: function( value ) { if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) { // Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted // this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this), old = self.html(); self.replaceWith( this, i, old ) ); }); } if ( typeof value !== "string" ) { value = jQuery( value ).detach(); } return this.each(function() { var next = this.nextSibling, parent = this.parentNode; jQuery( this ).remove(); if ( next ) { jQuery(next).before( value ); } else { jQuery(parent).append( value ); } }); } else { return this.pushStack( jQuery(jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value), "replaceWith", value ); } }, detach: function( selector ) { return this.remove( selector, true ); }, domManip: function( args, table, callback ) { var results, first, fragment, parent, value = args[0], scripts = []; // We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit if ( ! && arguments.length === 3 && typeof value === "string" && rchecked.test( value ) ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery(this).domManip( args, table, callback, true ); }); } if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this); args[0] =, i, table ? self.html() : undefined); self.domManip( args, table, callback ); }); } if ( this[0] ) { parent = value && value.parentNode; // If we're in a fragment, just use that instead of building a new one if ( && parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === this.length ) { results = { fragment: parent }; } else { results = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this, scripts ); } fragment = results.fragment; if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) { first = fragment = fragment.firstChild; } else { first = fragment.firstChild; } if ( first ) { table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" ); for ( var i = 0, l = this.length, lastIndex = l - 1; i < l; i++ ) { table ? root(this[i], first) : this[i], // Make sure that we do not leak memory by inadvertently discarding // the original fragment (which might have attached data) instead of // using it; in addition, use the original fragment object for the last // item instead of first because it can end up being emptied incorrectly // in certain situations (Bug #8070). // Fragments from the fragment cache must always be cloned and never used // in place. results.cacheable || (l > 1 && i < lastIndex) ? jQuery.clone( fragment, true, true ) : fragment ); } } if ( scripts.length ) { jQuery.each( scripts, evalScript ); } } return this; } }); function root( elem, cur ) { return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") ? (elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) : elem; } function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) { if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.hasData( src ) ) { return; } var internalKey = jQuery.expando, oldData = src ), curData = dest, oldData ); // Switch to use the internal data object, if it exists, for the next // stage of data copying if ( (oldData = oldData[ internalKey ]) ) { var events =; curData = curData[ internalKey ] = jQuery.extend({}, oldData); if ( events ) { delete curData.handle; = {}; for ( var type in events ) { for ( var i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) { jQuery.event.add( dest, type + ( events[ type ][ i ].namespace ? "." : "" ) + events[ type ][ i ].namespace, events[ type ][ i ], events[ type ][ i ].data ); } } } } } function cloneFixAttributes(src, dest) { // We do not need to do anything for non-Elements if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) { return; } var nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // clearAttributes removes the attributes, which we don't want, // but also removes the attachEvent events, which we *do* want dest.clearAttributes(); // mergeAttributes, in contrast, only merges back on the // original attributes, not the events dest.mergeAttributes(src); // IE6-8 fail to clone children inside object elements that use // the proprietary classid attribute value (rather than the type // attribute) to identify the type of content to display if ( nodeName === "object" ) { dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML; } else if ( nodeName === "input" && (src.type === "checkbox" || src.type === "radio") ) { // IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox // or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element // a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set if ( src.checked ) { dest.defaultChecked = dest.checked = src.checked; } // IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned // checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on" if ( dest.value !== src.value ) { dest.value = src.value; } // IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected // state when cloning options } else if ( nodeName === "option" ) { dest.selected = src.defaultSelected; // IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when // cloning other types of input fields } else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) { dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue; } // Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando // gets copied too dest.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); } jQuery.buildFragment = function( args, nodes, scripts ) { var fragment, cacheable, cacheresults, doc = (nodes && nodes[0] ? nodes[0].ownerDocument || nodes[0] : document); // Only cache "small" (1/2 KB) HTML strings that are associated with the main document // Cloning options loses the selected state, so don't cache them // IE 6 doesn't like it when you put <object> or <embed> elements in a fragment // Also, WebKit does not clone 'checked' attributes on cloneNode, so don't cache if ( args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === "string" && args[0].length < 512 && doc === document && args[0].charAt(0) === "<" && !rnocache.test( args[0] ) && ( || !rchecked.test( args[0] )) ) { cacheable = true; cacheresults = jQuery.fragments[ args[0] ]; if ( cacheresults ) { if ( cacheresults !== 1 ) { fragment = cacheresults; } } } if ( !fragment ) { fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); jQuery.clean( args, doc, fragment, scripts ); } if ( cacheable ) { jQuery.fragments[ args[0] ] = cacheresults ? fragment : 1; } return { fragment: fragment, cacheable: cacheable }; }; jQuery.fragments = {}; jQuery.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function( name, original ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) { var ret = [], insert = jQuery( selector ), parent = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode; if ( parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === 1 && insert.length === 1 ) { insert[ original ]( this[0] ); return this; } else { for ( var i = 0, l = insert.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elems = (i > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get(); jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems ); ret = ret.concat( elems ); } return this.pushStack( ret, name, insert.selector ); } }; }); jQuery.extend({ clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { var clone = elem.cloneNode(true), srcElements, destElements, i; if ( ! && (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) { // IE copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode. // Calling detachEvent on the clone will also remove the events // from the original. In order to get around this, we use some // proprietary methods to clear the events. Thanks to MooTools // guys for this hotness. cloneFixAttributes( elem, clone ); // Using Sizzle here is crazy slow, so we use getElementsByTagName // instead srcElements = elem.getElementsByTagName("*"); destElements = clone.getElementsByTagName("*"); // Weird iteration because IE will replace the length property // with an element if you are cloning the body and one of the // elements on the page has a name or id of "length" for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) { cloneFixAttributes( srcElements[i], destElements[i] ); } } // Copy the events from the original to the clone if ( dataAndEvents ) { cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone ); if ( deepDataAndEvents && "getElementsByTagName" in elem ) { srcElements = elem.getElementsByTagName("*"); destElements = clone.getElementsByTagName("*"); if ( srcElements.length ) { for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) { cloneCopyEvent( srcElements[i], destElements[i] ); } } } } // Return the cloned set return clone; }, clean: function( elems, context, fragment, scripts ) { context = context || document; // !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object' if ( typeof context.createElement === "undefined" ) { context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document; } var ret = []; for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( typeof elem === "number" ) { elem += ""; } if ( !elem ) { continue; } // Convert html string into DOM nodes if ( typeof elem === "string" && !rhtml.test( elem ) ) { elem = context.createTextNode( elem ); } else if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { // Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers elem = elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>"); // Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected var tag = (rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default, depth = wrap[0], div = context.createElement("div"); // Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2]; // Move to the right depth while ( depth-- ) { div = div.lastChild; } // Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments if ( ! ) { // String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody> var hasBody = rtbody.test(elem), tbody = tag === "table" && !hasBody ? div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes : // String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot> wrap[1] === "<table>" && !hasBody ? div.childNodes : []; for ( var j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j ) { if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length ) { tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] ); } } } // IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used if ( ! && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) { div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec(elem)[0] ), div.firstChild ); } elem = div.childNodes; } if ( elem.nodeType ) { ret.push( elem ); } else { ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem ); } } if ( fragment ) { for ( i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) { if ( scripts && jQuery.nodeName( ret[i], "script" ) && (!ret[i].type || ret[i].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript") ) { scripts.push( ret[i].parentNode ? ret[i].parentNode.removeChild( ret[i] ) : ret[i] ); } else { if ( ret[i].nodeType === 1 ) { ret.splice.apply( ret, [i + 1, 0].concat(jQuery.makeArray(ret[i].getElementsByTagName("script"))) ); } fragment.appendChild( ret[i] ); } } } return ret; }, cleanData: function( elems ) { var data, id, cache = jQuery.cache, internalKey = jQuery.expando, special = jQuery.event.special, deleteExpando =; for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) { continue; } id = elem[ jQuery.expando ]; if ( id ) { data = cache[ id ] && cache[ id ][ internalKey ]; if ( data && ) { for ( var type in ) { if ( special[ type ] ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, type ); // This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead } else { jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle ); } } // Null the DOM reference to avoid IE6/7/8 leak (#7054) if ( data.handle ) { data.handle.elem = null; } } if ( deleteExpando ) { delete elem[ jQuery.expando ]; } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) { elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); } delete cache[ id ]; } } } }); function evalScript( i, elem ) { if ( elem.src ) { jQuery.ajax({ url: elem.src, async: false, dataType: "script" }); } else { jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" ); } if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); } } var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/, rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/ig, rupper = /([A-Z])/g, rnumpx = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i, rnum = /^-?\d/, cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, cssWidth = [ "Left", "Right" ], cssHeight = [ "Top", "Bottom" ], curCSS, getComputedStyle, currentStyle, fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }; jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) { // Setting 'undefined' is a no-op if ( arguments.length === 2 && value === undefined ) { return this; } return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, function( elem, name, value ) { return value !== undefined ? elem, name, value ) : jQuery.css( elem, name ); }); }; jQuery.extend({ // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default // behavior of getting and setting a style property cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { // We should always get a number back from opacity var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity", "opacity" ); return ret === "" ? "1" : ret; } else { return; } } } }, // Exclude the following css properties to add px cssNumber: { "zIndex": true, "fontWeight": true, "opacity": true, "zoom": true, "lineHeight": true }, // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before // setting or getting the value cssProps: { // normalize float css property "float": ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" }, // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) { // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || ! ) { return; } // Make sure that we're working with the right name var ret, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ), style =, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName; // Check if we're setting a value if ( value !== undefined ) { // Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116 if ( typeof value === "number" && isNaN( value ) || value == null ) { return; } // If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties) if ( typeof value === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) { value += "px"; } // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) { // Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided // Fixes bug #5509 try { style[ name ] = value; } catch(e) {} } } else { // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } // Otherwise just get the value from the style object return style[ name ]; } }, css: function( elem, name, extra ) { // Make sure that we're working with the right name var ret, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ), hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName; // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) { return ret; // Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that } else if ( curCSS ) { return curCSS( elem, name, origName ); } }, // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations swap: function( elem, options, callback ) { var old = {}; // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones for ( var name in options ) { old[ name ] =[ name ];[ name ] = options[ name ]; } elem ); // Revert the old values for ( name in options ) {[ name ] = old[ name ]; } }, camelCase: function( string ) { return string.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ); } }); // DEPRECATED, Use jQuery.css() instead jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css; jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function( i, name ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = { get: function( elem, computed, extra ) { var val; if ( computed ) { if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) { val = getWH( elem, name, extra ); } else { jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() { val = getWH( elem, name, extra ); }); } if ( val <= 0 ) { val = curCSS( elem, name, name ); if ( val === "0px" && currentStyle ) { val = currentStyle( elem, name, name ); } if ( val != null ) { // Should return "auto" instead of 0, use 0 for // temporary backwards-compat return val === "" || val === "auto" ? "0px" : val; } } if ( val < 0 || val == null ) { val =[ name ]; // Should return "auto" instead of 0, use 0 for // temporary backwards-compat return val === "" || val === "auto" ? "0px" : val; } return typeof val === "string" ? val : val + "px"; } }, set: function( elem, value ) { if ( rnumpx.test( value ) ) { // ignore negative width and height values #1599 value = parseFloat(value); if ( value >= 0 ) { return value + "px"; } } else { return value; } } }; }); if ( ! ) { jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function( elem, computed ) { // IE uses filters for opacity return ropacity.test((computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : || "") ? (parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100) + "" : computed ? "1" : ""; }, set: function( elem, value ) { var style =; // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout // Force it by setting the zoom level style.zoom = 1; // Set the alpha filter to set the opacity var opacity = jQuery.isNaN(value) ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")", filter = style.filter || ""; style.filter = ralpha.test(filter) ? filter.replace(ralpha, opacity) : style.filter + ' ' + opacity; } }; } if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) { getComputedStyle = function( elem, newName, name ) { var ret, defaultView, computedStyle; name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); if ( !(defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) ) { return undefined; } if ( (computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) { ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name ); if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) { ret = elem, name ); } } return ret; }; } if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) { currentStyle = function( elem, name ) { var left, ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ], rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle && elem.runtimeStyle[ name ], style =; // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards // // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels if ( !rnumpx.test( ret ) && rnum.test( ret ) ) { // Remember the original values left = style.left; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out if ( rsLeft ) { elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left; } style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : (ret || 0); ret = style.pixelLeft + "px"; // Revert the changed values style.left = left; if ( rsLeft ) { elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft; } } return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret; }; } curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle; function getWH( elem, name, extra ) { var which = name === "width" ? cssWidth : cssHeight, val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight; if ( extra === "border" ) { return val; } jQuery.each( which, function() { if ( !extra ) { val -= parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + this )) || 0; } if ( extra === "margin" ) { val += parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "margin" + this )) || 0; } else { val -= parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "border" + this + "Width" )) || 0; } }); return val; } if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) { jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) { var width = elem.offsetWidth, height = elem.offsetHeight; return (width === 0 && height === 0) || (! && ( || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none"); }; jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) { return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem ); }; } var r20 = /%20/g, rbracket = /\[\]$/, rCRLF = /\r?\n/g, rhash = /#.*$/, rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE leaves an \r character at EOL rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, // #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection rlocalProtocol = /(?:^file|^widget|\-extension):$/, rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, rprotocol = /^\/\//, rquery = /\?/, rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i, rspacesAjax = /\s+/, rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, rucHeaders = /(^|\-)([a-z])/g, rucHeadersFunc = function( _, $1, $2 ) { return $1 + $2.toUpperCase(); }, rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?/, // Keep a copy of the old load method _load = jQuery.fn.load, /* Prefilters * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example) * 2) These are called: * - BEFORE asking for a transport * - AFTER param serialization ( is a string if s.processData is true) * 3) key is the dataType * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed */ prefilters = {}, /* Transports bindings * 1) key is the dataType * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed */ transports = {}, // Document location ajaxLocation, // Document location segments ajaxLocParts; // #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing // a field from document.location if document.domain has been set try { ajaxLocation = document.location.href; } catch( e ) { // Use the href attribute of an A element // since IE will modify it given document.location ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" ); ajaxLocation.href = ""; ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href; } // Segment location into parts ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ); // Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) { // dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*" return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) { if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) { func = dataTypeExpression; dataTypeExpression = "*"; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) { var dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ), i = 0, length = dataTypes.length, dataType, list, placeBefore; // For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression for(; i < length; i++ ) { dataType = dataTypes[ i ]; // We control if we're asked to add before // any existing element placeBefore = /^\+/.test( dataType ); if ( placeBefore ) { dataType = dataType.substr( 1 ) || "*"; } list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || []; // then we add to the structure accordingly list[ placeBefore ? "unshift" : "push" ]( func ); } } }; } //Base inspection function for prefilters and transports function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, dataType /* internal */, inspected /* internal */ ) { dataType = dataType || options.dataTypes[ 0 ]; inspected = inspected || {}; inspected[ dataType ] = true; var list = structure[ dataType ], i = 0, length = list ? list.length : 0, executeOnly = ( structure === prefilters ), selection; for(; i < length && ( executeOnly || !selection ); i++ ) { selection = list[ i ]( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ); // If we got redirected to another dataType // we try there if executing only and not done already if ( typeof selection === "string" ) { if ( !executeOnly || inspected[ selection ] ) { selection = undefined; } else { options.dataTypes.unshift( selection ); selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, selection, inspected ); } } } // If we're only executing or nothing was selected // we try the catchall dataType if not done already if ( ( executeOnly || !selection ) && !inspected[ "*" ] ) { selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, "*", inspected ); } // unnecessary when only executing (prefilters) // but it'll be ignored by the caller in that case return selection; } jQuery.fn.extend({ load: function( url, params, callback ) { if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) { return _load.apply( this, arguments ); // Don't do a request if no elements are being requested } else if ( !this.length ) { return this; } var off = url.indexOf( " " ); if ( off >= 0 ) { var selector = url.slice( off, url.length ); url = url.slice( 0, off ); } // Default to a GET request var type = "GET"; // If the second parameter was provided if ( params ) { // If it's a function if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) { // We assume that it's the callback callback = params; params = undefined; // Otherwise, build a param string } else if ( typeof params === "object" ) { params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional ); type = "POST"; } } var self = this; // Request the remote document jQuery.ajax({ url: url, type: type, dataType: "html", data: params, // Complete callback (responseText is used internally) complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) { // Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object responseText = jqXHR.responseText; // If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) { // #4825: Get the actual response in case // a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings jqXHR.done(function( r ) { responseText = r; }); // See if a selector was specified self.html( selector ? // Create a dummy div to hold the results jQuery("<div>") // inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts // to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE .append(responseText.replace(rscript, "")) // Locate the specified elements .find(selector) : // If not, just inject the full result responseText ); } if ( callback ) { self.each( callback, [ responseText, status, jqXHR ] ); } } }); return this; }, serialize: function() { return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() ); }, serializeArray: function() { return{ return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray( this.elements ) : this; }) .filter(function(){ return && !this.disabled && ( this.checked || rselectTextarea.test( this.nodeName ) || rinput.test( this.type ) ); }) .map(function( i, elem ){ var val = jQuery( this ).val(); return val == null ? null : jQuery.isArray( val ) ? val, function( val, i ){ return { name:, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; }) : { name:, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; }).get(); } }); // Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split( " " ), function( i, o ){ jQuery.fn[ o ] = function( f ){ return this.bind( o, f ); }; } ); jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) { jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) { // shift arguments if data argument was omitted if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) { type = type || callback; callback = data; data = undefined; } return jQuery.ajax({ type: method, url: url, data: data, success: callback, dataType: type }); }; } ); jQuery.extend({ getScript: function( url, callback ) { return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" ); }, getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) { return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" ); }, // Creates a full fledged settings object into target // with both ajaxSettings and settings fields. // If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings. ajaxSetup: function ( target, settings ) { if ( !settings ) { // Only one parameter, we extend ajaxSettings settings = target; target = jQuery.extend( true, jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings ); } else { // target was provided, we extend into it jQuery.extend( true, target, jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings ); } // Flatten fields we don't want deep extended for( var field in { context: 1, url: 1 } ) { if ( field in settings ) { target[ field ] = settings[ field ]; } else if( field in jQuery.ajaxSettings ) { target[ field ] = jQuery.ajaxSettings[ field ]; } } return target; }, ajaxSettings: { url: ajaxLocation, isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ), global: true, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processData: true, async: true, /* timeout: 0, data: null, dataType: null, username: null, password: null, cache: null, traditional: false, headers: {}, crossDomain: null, */ accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": "*/*" }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText" }, // List of data converters // 1) key format is "source_type destination_type" (a single space in-between) // 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used for source_type converters: { // Convert anything to text "* text": window.String, // Text to html (true = no transformation) "text html": true, // Evaluate text as a json expression "text json": jQuery.parseJSON, // Parse text as xml "text xml": jQuery.parseXML } }, ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ), ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ), // Main method ajax: function( url, options ) { // If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature if ( typeof url === "object" ) { options = url; url = undefined; } // Force options to be an object options = options || {}; var // Create the final options object s = jQuery.ajaxSetup( {}, options ), // Callbacks context callbackContext = s.context || s, // Context for global events // It's the callbackContext if one was provided in the options // and if it's a DOM node or a jQuery collection globalEventContext = callbackContext !== s && ( callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext instanceof jQuery ) ? jQuery( callbackContext ) : jQuery.event, // Deferreds deferred = jQuery.Deferred(), completeDeferred = jQuery._Deferred(), // Status-dependent callbacks statusCode = s.statusCode || {}, // ifModified key ifModifiedKey, // Headers (they are sent all at once) requestHeaders = {}, // Response headers responseHeadersString, responseHeaders, // transport transport, // timeout handle timeoutTimer, // Cross-domain detection vars parts, // The jqXHR state state = 0, // To know if global events are to be dispatched fireGlobals, // Loop variable i, // Fake xhr jqXHR = { readyState: 0, // Caches the header setRequestHeader: function( name, value ) { if ( !state ) { requestHeaders[ name.toLowerCase().replace( rucHeaders, rucHeadersFunc ) ] = value; } return this; }, // Raw string getAllResponseHeaders: function() { return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null; }, // Builds headers hashtable if needed getResponseHeader: function( key ) { var match; if ( state === 2 ) { if ( !responseHeaders ) { responseHeaders = {}; while( ( match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString ) ) ) { responseHeaders[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ]; } } match = responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ]; } return match === undefined ? null : match; }, // Overrides response content-type header overrideMimeType: function( type ) { if ( !state ) { s.mimeType = type; } return this; }, // Cancel the request abort: function( statusText ) { statusText = statusText || "abort"; if ( transport ) { transport.abort( statusText ); } done( 0, statusText ); return this; } }; // Callback for when everything is done // It is defined here because jslint complains if it is declared // at the end of the function (which would be more logical and readable) function done( status, statusText, responses, headers ) { // Called once if ( state === 2 ) { return; } // State is "done" now state = 2; // Clear timeout if it exists if ( timeoutTimer ) { clearTimeout( timeoutTimer ); } // Dereference transport for early garbage collection // (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used) transport = undefined; // Cache response headers responseHeadersString = headers || ""; // Set readyState jqXHR.readyState = status ? 4 : 0; var isSuccess, success, error, response = responses ? ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) : undefined, lastModified, etag; // If successful, handle type chaining if ( status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304 ) { // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. if ( s.ifModified ) { if ( ( lastModified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Last-Modified" ) ) ) { jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] = lastModified; } if ( ( etag = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Etag" ) ) ) { jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] = etag; } } // If not modified if ( status === 304 ) { statusText = "notmodified"; isSuccess = true; // If we have data } else { try { success = ajaxConvert( s, response ); statusText = "success"; isSuccess = true; } catch(e) { // We have a parsererror statusText = "parsererror"; error = e; } } } else { // We extract error from statusText // then normalize statusText and status for non-aborts error = statusText; if( !statusText || status ) { statusText = "error"; if ( status < 0 ) { status = 0; } } } // Set data for the fake xhr object jqXHR.status = status; jqXHR.statusText = statusText; // Success/Error if ( isSuccess ) { deferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ success, statusText, jqXHR ] ); } else { deferred.rejectWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText, error ] ); } // Status-dependent callbacks jqXHR.statusCode( statusCode ); statusCode = undefined; if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajax" + ( isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error" ), [ jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error ] ); } // Complete completeDeferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText ] ); if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [ jqXHR, s] ); // Handle the global AJAX counter if ( !( ) ) { jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" ); } } } // Attach deferreds deferred.promise( jqXHR ); jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done; jqXHR.error =; jqXHR.complete = completeDeferred.done; // Status-dependent callbacks jqXHR.statusCode = function( map ) { if ( map ) { var tmp; if ( state < 2 ) { for( tmp in map ) { statusCode[ tmp ] = [ statusCode[tmp], map[tmp] ]; } } else { tmp = map[ jqXHR.status ]; jqXHR.then( tmp, tmp ); } } return this; }; // Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion) // Add protocol if not provided (#5866: IE7 issue with protocol-less urls) // We also use the url parameter if available s.url = ( ( url || s.url ) + "" ).replace( rhash, "" ).replace( rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] + "//" ); // Extract dataTypes list s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ); // Determine if a cross-domain request is in order if ( !s.crossDomain ) { parts = rurl.exec( s.url.toLowerCase() ); s.crossDomain = !!( parts && ( parts[ 1 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 2 ] || ( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) != ( ajaxLocParts[ 3 ] || ( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) ) ); } // Convert data if not already a string if ( && s.processData && typeof !== "string" ) { = jQuery.param(, s.traditional ); } // Apply prefilters inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters, s, options, jqXHR ); // If request was aborted inside a prefiler, stop there if ( state === 2 ) { return false; } // We can fire global events as of now if asked to fireGlobals =; // Uppercase the type s.type = s.type.toUpperCase(); // Determine if request has content s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test( s.type ); // Watch for a new set of requests if ( fireGlobals && === 0 ) { jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" ); } // More options handling for requests with no content if ( !s.hasContent ) { // If data is available, append data to url if ( ) { s.url += ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) +; } // Get ifModifiedKey before adding the anti-cache parameter ifModifiedKey = s.url; // Add anti-cache in url if needed if ( s.cache === false ) { var ts =, // try replacing _= if it is there ret = s.url.replace( rts, "$1_=" + ts ); // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end s.url = ret + ( (ret === s.url ) ? ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + ts : "" ); } } // Set the correct header, if data is being sent if ( && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType ) { requestHeaders[ "Content-Type" ] = s.contentType; } // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. if ( s.ifModified ) { ifModifiedKey = ifModifiedKey || s.url; if ( jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] ) { requestHeaders[ "If-Modified-Since" ] = jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ]; } if ( jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] ) { requestHeaders[ "If-None-Match" ] = jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ]; } } // Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType requestHeaders.Accept = s.dataTypes[ 0 ] && s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] ? s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] + ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", */*; q=0.01" : "" ) : s.accepts[ "*" ]; // Check for headers option for ( i in s.headers ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( i, s.headers[ i ] ); } // Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort if ( s.beforeSend && ( callbackContext, jqXHR, s ) === false || state === 2 ) ) { // Abort if not done already jqXHR.abort(); return false; } // Install callbacks on deferreds for ( i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 } ) { jqXHR[ i ]( s[ i ] ); } // Get transport transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( transports, s, options, jqXHR ); // If no transport, we auto-abort if ( !transport ) { done( -1, "No Transport" ); } else { jqXHR.readyState = 1; // Send global event if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxSend", [ jqXHR, s ] ); } // Timeout if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) { timeoutTimer = setTimeout( function(){ jqXHR.abort( "timeout" ); }, s.timeout ); } try { state = 1; transport.send( requestHeaders, done ); } catch (e) { // Propagate exception as error if not done if ( status < 2 ) { done( -1, e ); // Simply rethrow otherwise } else { jQuery.error( e ); } } } return jqXHR; }, // Serialize an array of form elements or a set of // key/values into a query string param: function( a, traditional ) { var s = [], add = function( key, value ) { // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : value; s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ); }; // Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior. if ( traditional === undefined ) { traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional; } // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements. if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) { // Serialize the form elements jQuery.each( a, function() { add(, this.value ); } ); } else { // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older // did it), otherwise encode params recursively. for ( var prefix in a ) { buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], traditional, add ); } } // Return the resulting serialization return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" ); } }); function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) { if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) && obj.length ) { // Serialize array item. jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) { if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) { // Treat each array item as a scalar. add( prefix, v ); } else { // If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its // numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues. // Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize // nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause // a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's // deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag // to force array serialization to be shallow. buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add ); } }); } else if ( !traditional && obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) { // If we see an array here, it is empty and should be treated as an empty // object if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) || jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj ) ) { add( prefix, "" ); // Serialize object item. } else { for ( var name in obj ) { buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add ); } } } else { // Serialize scalar item. add( prefix, obj ); } } // This is still on the jQuery object... for now // Want to move this to jQuery.ajax some day jQuery.extend({ // Counter for holding the number of active queries active: 0, // Last-Modified header cache for next request lastModified: {}, etag: {} }); /* Handles responses to an ajax request: * - sets all responseXXX fields accordingly * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType) * - returns the corresponding response */ function ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) { var contents = s.contents, dataTypes = s.dataTypes, responseFields = s.responseFields, ct, type, finalDataType, firstDataType; // Fill responseXXX fields for( type in responseFields ) { if ( type in responses ) { jqXHR[ responseFields[type] ] = responses[ type ]; } } // Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process while( dataTypes[ 0 ] === "*" ) { dataTypes.shift(); if ( ct === undefined ) { ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "content-type" ); } } // Check if we're dealing with a known content-type if ( ct ) { for ( type in contents ) { if ( contents[ type ] && contents[ type ].test( ct ) ) { dataTypes.unshift( type ); break; } } } // Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType if ( dataTypes[ 0 ] in responses ) { finalDataType = dataTypes[ 0 ]; } else { // Try convertible dataTypes for ( type in responses ) { if ( !dataTypes[ 0 ] || s.converters[ type + " " + dataTypes[0] ] ) { finalDataType = type; break; } if ( !firstDataType ) { firstDataType = type; } } // Or just use first one finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType; } // If we found a dataType // We add the dataType to the list if needed // and return the corresponding response if ( finalDataType ) { if ( finalDataType !== dataTypes[ 0 ] ) { dataTypes.unshift( finalDataType ); } return responses[ finalDataType ]; } } // Chain conversions given the request and the original response function ajaxConvert( s, response ) { // Apply the dataFilter if provided if ( s.dataFilter ) { response = s.dataFilter( response, s.dataType ); } var dataTypes = s.dataTypes, converters = {}, i, key, length = dataTypes.length, tmp, // Current and previous dataTypes current = dataTypes[ 0 ], prev, // Conversion expression conversion, // Conversion function conv, // Conversion functions (transitive conversion) conv1, conv2; // For each dataType in the chain for( i = 1; i < length; i++ ) { // Create converters map // with lowercased keys if ( i === 1 ) { for( key in s.converters ) { if( typeof key === "string" ) { converters[ key.toLowerCase() ] = s.converters[ key ]; } } } // Get the dataTypes prev = current; current = dataTypes[ i ]; // If current is auto dataType, update it to prev if( current === "*" ) { current = prev; // If no auto and dataTypes are actually different } else if ( prev !== "*" && prev !== current ) { // Get the converter conversion = prev + " " + current; conv = converters[ conversion ] || converters[ "* " + current ]; // If there is no direct converter, search transitively if ( !conv ) { conv2 = undefined; for( conv1 in converters ) { tmp = conv1.split( " " ); if ( tmp[ 0 ] === prev || tmp[ 0 ] === "*" ) { conv2 = converters[ tmp[1] + " " + current ]; if ( conv2 ) { conv1 = converters[ conv1 ]; if ( conv1 === true ) { conv = conv2; } else if ( conv2 === true ) { conv = conv1; } break; } } } } // If we found no converter, dispatch an error if ( !( conv || conv2 ) ) { jQuery.error( "No conversion from " + conversion.replace(" "," to ") ); } // If found converter is not an equivalence if ( conv !== true ) { // Convert with 1 or 2 converters accordingly response = conv ? conv( response ) : conv2( conv1(response) ); } } } return response; } var jsc =, jsre = /(\=)\?(&|$)|()\?\?()/i; // Default jsonp settings jQuery.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function() { return jQuery.expando + "_" + ( jsc++ ); } }); // Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "json jsonp", function( s, originalSettings, jqXHR ) { var dataIsString = ( typeof === "string" ); if ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" || originalSettings.jsonpCallback || originalSettings.jsonp != null || s.jsonp !== false && ( jsre.test( s.url ) || dataIsString && jsre.test( ) ) ) { var responseContainer, jsonpCallback = s.jsonpCallback = jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback, previous = window[ jsonpCallback ], url = s.url, data =, replace = "$1" + jsonpCallback + "$2", cleanUp = function() { // Set callback back to previous value window[ jsonpCallback ] = previous; // Call if it was a function and we have a response if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction( previous ) ) { window[ jsonpCallback ]( responseContainer[ 0 ] ); } }; if ( s.jsonp !== false ) { url = url.replace( jsre, replace ); if ( s.url === url ) { if ( dataIsString ) { data = data.replace( jsre, replace ); } if ( === data ) { // Add callback manually url += (/\?/.test( url ) ? "&" : "?") + s.jsonp + "=" + jsonpCallback; } } } s.url = url; = data; // Install callback window[ jsonpCallback ] = function( response ) { responseContainer = [ response ]; }; // Install cleanUp function jqXHR.then( cleanUp, cleanUp ); // Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution s.converters["script json"] = function() { if ( !responseContainer ) { jQuery.error( jsonpCallback + " was not called" ); } return responseContainer[ 0 ]; }; // force json dataType s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json"; // Delegate to script return "script"; } } ); // Install script dataType jQuery.ajaxSetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /javascript|ecmascript/ }, converters: { "text script": function( text ) { jQuery.globalEval( text ); return text; } } }); // Handle cache's special case and global jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "script", function( s ) { if ( s.cache === undefined ) { s.cache = false; } if ( s.crossDomain ) { s.type = "GET"; = false; } } ); // Bind script tag hack transport jQuery.ajaxTransport( "script", function(s) { // This transport only deals with cross domain requests if ( s.crossDomain ) { var script, head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement; return { send: function( _, callback ) { script = document.createElement( "script" ); script.async = "async"; if ( s.scriptCharset ) { script.charset = s.scriptCharset; } script.src = s.url; // Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function( _, isAbort ) { if ( !script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test( script.readyState ) ) { // Handle memory leak in IE script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; // Remove the script if ( head && script.parentNode ) { head.removeChild( script ); } // Dereference the script script = undefined; // Callback if not abort if ( !isAbort ) { callback( 200, "success" ); } } }; // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug. // This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378). head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild ); }, abort: function() { if ( script ) { script.onload( 0, 1 ); } } }; } } ); var // #5280: next active xhr id and list of active xhrs' callbacks xhrId =, xhrCallbacks, // XHR used to determine supports properties testXHR; // #5280: Internet Explorer will keep connections alive if we don't abort on unload function xhrOnUnloadAbort() { jQuery( window ).unload(function() { // Abort all pending requests for ( var key in xhrCallbacks ) { xhrCallbacks[ key ]( 0, 1 ); } }); } // Functions to create xhrs function createStandardXHR() { try { return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } catch( e ) {} } function createActiveXHR() { try { return new window.ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ); } catch( e ) {} } // Create the request object // (This is still attached to ajaxSettings for backward compatibility) jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = window.ActiveXObject ? /* Microsoft failed to properly * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files), * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so * we need a fallback. */ function() { return !this.isLocal && createStandardXHR() || createActiveXHR(); } : // For all other browsers, use the standard XMLHttpRequest object createStandardXHR; // Test if we can create an xhr object testXHR = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); = !!testXHR; // Does this browser support crossDomain XHR requests = testXHR && ( "withCredentials" in testXHR ); // No need for the temporary xhr anymore testXHR = undefined; // Create transport if the browser can provide an xhr if ( ) { jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) { // Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest if ( !s.crossDomain || ) { var callback; return { send: function( headers, complete ) { // Get a new xhr var xhr = s.xhr(), handle, i; // Open the socket // Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865) if ( s.username ) { s.type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password ); } else { s.type, s.url, s.async ); } // Apply custom fields if provided if ( s.xhrFields ) { for ( i in s.xhrFields ) { xhr[ i ] = s.xhrFields[ i ]; } } // Override mime type if needed if ( s.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) { xhr.overrideMimeType( s.mimeType ); } // Requested-With header // Not set for crossDomain requests with no content // (see why at // Won't change header if already provided if ( !( s.crossDomain && !s.hasContent ) && !headers["X-Requested-With"] ) { headers[ "X-Requested-With" ] = "XMLHttpRequest"; } // Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3 try { for ( i in headers ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] ); } } catch( _ ) {} // Do send the request // This may raise an exception which is actually // handled in jQuery.ajax (so no try/catch here) xhr.send( ( s.hasContent && ) || null ); // Listener callback = function( _, isAbort ) { var status, statusText, responseHeaders, responses, xml; // Firefox throws exceptions when accessing properties // of an xhr when a network error occured // try { // Was never called and is aborted or complete if ( callback && ( isAbort || xhr.readyState === 4 ) ) { // Only called once callback = undefined; // Do not keep as active anymore if ( handle ) { xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop; delete xhrCallbacks[ handle ]; } // If it's an abort if ( isAbort ) { // Abort it manually if needed if ( xhr.readyState !== 4 ) { xhr.abort(); } } else { status = xhr.status; responseHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); responses = {}; xml = xhr.responseXML; // Construct response list if ( xml && xml.documentElement /* #4958 */ ) { responses.xml = xml; } responses.text = xhr.responseText; // Firefox throws an exception when accessing // statusText for faulty cross-domain requests try { statusText = xhr.statusText; } catch( e ) { // We normalize with Webkit giving an empty statusText statusText = ""; } // Filter status for non standard behaviors // If the request is local and we have data: assume a success // (success with no data won't get notified, that's the best we // can do given current implementations) if ( !status && s.isLocal && !s.crossDomain ) { status = responses.text ? 200 : 404; // IE - #1450: sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204 } else if ( status === 1223 ) { status = 204; } } } } catch( firefoxAccessException ) { if ( !isAbort ) { complete( -1, firefoxAccessException ); } } // Call complete if needed if ( responses ) { complete( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders ); } }; // if we're in sync mode or it's in cache // and has been retrieved directly (IE6 & IE7) // we need to manually fire the callback if ( !s.async || xhr.readyState === 4 ) { callback(); } else { // Create the active xhrs callbacks list if needed // and attach the unload handler if ( !xhrCallbacks ) { xhrCallbacks = {}; xhrOnUnloadAbort(); } // Add to list of active xhrs callbacks handle = xhrId++; xhr.onreadystatechange = xhrCallbacks[ handle ] = callback; } }, abort: function() { if ( callback ) { callback(0,1); } } }; } }); } var elemdisplay = {}, rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i, timerId, fxAttrs = [ // height animations [ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ], // width animations [ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ], // opacity animations [ "opacity" ] ]; jQuery.fn.extend({ show: function( speed, easing, callback ) { var elem, display; if ( speed || speed === 0 ) { return this.animate( genFx("show", 3), speed, easing, callback); } else { for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) { elem = this[i]; display =; // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is // being hidden by cascaded rules or not if ( !jQuery._data(elem, "olddisplay") && display === "none" ) { display = = ""; } // Set elements which have been overridden with display: none // in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is // for such an element if ( display === "" && jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none" ) { jQuery._data(elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName)); } } // Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop // to avoid the constant reflow for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { elem = this[i]; display =; if ( display === "" || display === "none" ) { = jQuery._data(elem, "olddisplay") || ""; } } return this; } }, hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) { if ( speed || speed === 0 ) { return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback); } else { for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) { var display = jQuery.css( this[i], "display" ); if ( display !== "none" && !jQuery._data( this[i], "olddisplay" ) ) { jQuery._data( this[i], "olddisplay", display ); } } // Set the display of the elements in a second loop // to avoid the constant reflow for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { this[i].style.display = "none"; } return this; } }, // Save the old toggle function _toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle, toggle: function( fn, fn2, callback ) { var bool = typeof fn === "boolean"; if ( jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ) { this._toggle.apply( this, arguments ); } else if ( fn == null || bool ) { this.each(function() { var state = bool ? fn : jQuery(this).is(":hidden"); jQuery(this)[ state ? "show" : "hide" ](); }); } else { this.animate(genFx("toggle", 3), fn, fn2, callback); } return this; }, fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) { return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end() .animate({opacity: to}, speed, easing, callback); }, animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) { var optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback); if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ) ) { return this.each( optall.complete ); } return this[ optall.queue === false ? "each" : "queue" ](function() { // XXX 'this' does not always have a nodeName when running the // test suite var opt = jQuery.extend({}, optall), p, isElement = this.nodeType === 1, hidden = isElement && jQuery(this).is(":hidden"), self = this; for ( p in prop ) { var name = jQuery.camelCase( p ); if ( p !== name ) { prop[ name ] = prop[ p ]; delete prop[ p ]; p = name; } if ( prop[p] === "hide" && hidden || prop[p] === "show" && !hidden ) { return; } if ( isElement && ( p === "height" || p === "width" ) ) { // Make sure that nothing sneaks out // Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not // change the overflow attribute when overflowX and // overflowY are set to the same value opt.overflow = [,, ]; // Set display property to inline-block for height/width // animations on inline elements that are having width/height // animated if ( jQuery.css( this, "display" ) === "inline" && jQuery.css( this, "float" ) === "none" ) { if ( ! ) { = "inline-block"; } else { var display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName); // inline-level elements accept inline-block; // block-level elements need to be inline with layout if ( display === "inline" ) { = "inline-block"; } else { = "inline"; = 1; } } } } if ( jQuery.isArray( prop[p] ) ) { // Create (if needed) and add to specialEasing (opt.specialEasing = opt.specialEasing || {})[p] = prop[p][1]; prop[p] = prop[p][0]; } } if ( opt.overflow != null ) { = "hidden"; } opt.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop); jQuery.each( prop, function( name, val ) { var e = new jQuery.fx( self, opt, name ); if ( rfxtypes.test(val) ) { e[ val === "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : val ]( prop ); } else { var parts = rfxnum.exec(val), start = e.cur(); if ( parts ) { var end = parseFloat( parts[2] ), unit = parts[3] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ name ] ? "" : "px" ); // We need to compute starting value if ( unit !== "px" ) { self, name, (end || 1) + unit); start = ((end || 1) / e.cur()) * start; self, name, start + unit); } // If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation if ( parts[1] ) { end = ((parts[1] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end) + start; } e.custom( start, end, unit ); } else { e.custom( start, val, "" ); } } }); // For JS strict compliance return true; }); }, stop: function( clearQueue, gotoEnd ) { var timers = jQuery.timers; if ( clearQueue ) { this.queue([]); } this.each(function() { // go in reverse order so anything added to the queue during the loop is ignored for ( var i = timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( timers[i].elem === this ) { if (gotoEnd) { // force the next step to be the last timers[i](true); } timers.splice(i, 1); } } }); // start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced if ( !gotoEnd ) { this.dequeue(); } return this; } }); function genFx( type, num ) { var obj = {}; jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply([], fxAttrs.slice(0,num)), function() { obj[ this ] = type; }); return obj; } // Generate shortcuts for custom animations jQuery.each({ slideDown: genFx("show", 1), slideUp: genFx("hide", 1), slideToggle: genFx("toggle", 1), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" }, fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function( name, props ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) { return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback ); }; }); jQuery.extend({ speed: function( speed, easing, fn ) { var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend({}, speed) : { complete: fn || !fn && easing || jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed, duration: speed, easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction(easing) && easing }; opt.duration = ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration : opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[opt.duration] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default; // Queueing opt.old = opt.complete; opt.complete = function() { if ( opt.queue !== false ) { jQuery(this).dequeue(); } if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) { this ); } }; return opt; }, easing: { linear: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) { return firstNum + diff * p; }, swing: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) { return ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * diff + firstNum; } }, timers: [], fx: function( elem, options, prop ) { this.options = options; this.elem = elem; this.prop = prop; if ( !options.orig ) { options.orig = {}; } } }); jQuery.fx.prototype = { // Simple function for setting a style value update: function() { if ( this.options.step ) { this.elem,, this ); } (jQuery.fx.step[this.prop] || jQuery.fx.step._default)( this ); }, // Get the current size cur: function() { if ( this.elem[this.prop] != null && (! ||[this.prop] == null) ) { return this.elem[ this.prop ]; } var parsed, r = jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop ); // Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0, // complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as is, // simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float. return isNaN( parsed = parseFloat( r ) ) ? !r || r === "auto" ? 0 : r : parsed; }, // Start an animation from one number to another custom: function( from, to, unit ) { var self = this, fx = jQuery.fx; this.startTime =; this.start = from; this.end = to; this.unit = unit || this.unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ this.prop ] ? "" : "px" ); = this.start; this.pos = this.state = 0; function t( gotoEnd ) { return self.step(gotoEnd); } t.elem = this.elem; if ( t() && jQuery.timers.push(t) && !timerId ) { timerId = setInterval(fx.tick, fx.interval); } }, // Simple 'show' function show: function() { // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later this.options.orig[this.prop] = this.elem, this.prop ); = true; // Begin the animation // Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any // flash of content this.custom(this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur()); // Start by showing the element jQuery( this.elem ).show(); }, // Simple 'hide' function hide: function() { // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later this.options.orig[this.prop] = this.elem, this.prop ); this.options.hide = true; // Begin the animation this.custom(this.cur(), 0); }, // Each step of an animation step: function( gotoEnd ) { var t =, done = true; if ( gotoEnd || t >= this.options.duration + this.startTime ) { = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); this.options.curAnim[ this.prop ] = true; for ( var i in this.options.curAnim ) { if ( this.options.curAnim[i] !== true ) { done = false; } } if ( done ) { // Reset the overflow if ( this.options.overflow != null && ! ) { var elem = this.elem, options = this.options; jQuery.each( [ "", "X", "Y" ], function (index, value) {[ "overflow" + value ] = options.overflow[index]; } ); } // Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done if ( this.options.hide ) { jQuery(this.elem).hide(); } // Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown if ( this.options.hide || ) { for ( var p in this.options.curAnim ) { this.elem, p, this.options.orig[p] ); } } // Execute the complete function this.elem ); } return false; } else { var n = t - this.startTime; this.state = n / this.options.duration; // Perform the easing function, defaults to swing var specialEasing = this.options.specialEasing && this.options.specialEasing[this.prop]; var defaultEasing = this.options.easing || (jQuery.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear"); this.pos = jQuery.easing[specialEasing || defaultEasing](this.state, n, 0, 1, this.options.duration); = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos); // Perform the next step of the animation this.update(); } return true; } }; jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, { tick: function() { var timers = jQuery.timers; for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ ) { if ( !timers[i]() ) { timers.splice(i--, 1); } } if ( !timers.length ) { jQuery.fx.stop(); } }, interval: 13, stop: function() { clearInterval( timerId ); timerId = null; }, speeds: { slow: 600, fast: 200, // Default speed _default: 400 }, step: { opacity: function( fx ) { fx.elem, "opacity", ); }, _default: function( fx ) { if ( &&[ fx.prop ] != null ) {[ fx.prop ] = (fx.prop === "width" || fx.prop === "height" ? Math.max(0, : + fx.unit; } else { fx.elem[ fx.prop ] =; } } } }); if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) { jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) { return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) { return elem === fn.elem; }).length; }; } function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) { if ( !elemdisplay[ nodeName ] ) { var elem = jQuery("<" + nodeName + ">").appendTo("body"), display = elem.css("display"); elem.remove(); if ( display === "none" || display === "" ) { display = "block"; } elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display; } return elemdisplay[ nodeName ]; } var rtable = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, rroot = /^(?:body|html)$/i; if ( "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ) { jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) { var elem = this[0], box; if ( options ) { return this.each(function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); } if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; } if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) { return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem ); } try { box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch(e) {} var doc = elem.ownerDocument, docElem = doc.documentElement; // Make sure we're not dealing with a disconnected DOM node if ( !box || !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) { return box ? { top:, left: box.left } : { top: 0, left: 0 }; } var body = doc.body, win = getWindow(doc), clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0, scrollTop = (win.pageYOffset || && docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop ), scrollLeft = (win.pageXOffset || && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft), top = + scrollTop - clientTop, left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft; return { top: top, left: left }; }; } else { jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) { var elem = this[0]; if ( options ) { return this.each(function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); } if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; } if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) { return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem ); } jQuery.offset.initialize(); var computedStyle, offsetParent = elem.offsetParent, prevOffsetParent = elem, doc = elem.ownerDocument, docElem = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body, defaultView = doc.defaultView, prevComputedStyle = defaultView ? 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: parseInt( curCSSTop, 10 ) || 0; curLeft = calculatePosition ? curPosition.left : parseInt( curCSSLeft, 10 ) || 0; if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) { options = elem, i, curOffset ); } if ( != null) { = ( - + curTop; } if (options.left != null) { props.left = (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft; } if ( "using" in options ) { elem, props ); } else { curElem.css( props ); } } }; jQuery.fn.extend({ position: function() { if ( !this[0] ) { return null; } var elem = this[0], // Get *real* offsetParent offsetParent = this.offsetParent(), // Get correct offsets offset = this.offset(), parentOffset = rroot.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset(); // Subtract element margins // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0 -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop") ) || 0; offset.left -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft") ) || 0; // Add offsetParent borders += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth") ) || 0; parentOffset.left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth") ) || 0; // Subtract the two offsets return { top: -, left: offset.left - parentOffset.left }; }, offsetParent: function() { return { var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.body; while ( offsetParent && (!rroot.test(offsetParent.nodeName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") ) { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } return offsetParent; }); } }); // Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods jQuery.each( ["Left", "Top"], function( i, name ) { var method = "scroll" + name; jQuery.fn[ method ] = function(val) { var elem = this[0], win; if ( !elem ) { return null; } if ( val !== undefined ) { // Set the scroll offset return this.each(function() { win = getWindow( this ); if ( win ) { win.scrollTo( !i ? val : jQuery(win).scrollLeft(), i ? val : jQuery(win).scrollTop() ); } else { this[ method ] = val; } }); } else { win = getWindow( elem ); // Return the scroll offset return win ? ("pageXOffset" in win) ? win[ i ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset" ] : && win.document.documentElement[ method ] || win.document.body[ method ] : elem[ method ]; } }; }); function getWindow( elem ) { return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 ? elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow : false; } // Create innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods jQuery.each([ "Height", "Width" ], function( i, name ) { var type = name.toLowerCase(); // innerHeight and innerWidth jQuery.fn["inner" + name] = function() { return this[0] ? parseFloat( jQuery.css( this[0], type, "padding" ) ) : null; }; // outerHeight and outerWidth jQuery.fn["outer" + name] = function( margin ) { return this[0] ? parseFloat( jQuery.css( this[0], type, margin ? "margin" : "border" ) ) : null; }; jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( size ) { // Get window width or height var elem = this[0]; if ( !elem ) { return size == null ? null : this; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( size ) ) { return this.each(function( i ) { var self = jQuery( this ); self[ type ]( this, i, self[ type ]() ) ); }); } if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { // Everyone else use document.documentElement or document.body depending on Quirks vs Standards mode // 3rd condition allows Nokia support, as it supports the docElem prop but not CSS1Compat var docElemProp = elem.document.documentElement[ "client" + name ]; return elem.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && docElemProp || elem.document.body[ "client" + name ] || docElemProp; // Get document width or height } else if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) { // Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater return Math.max( elem.documentElement["client" + name], elem.body["scroll" + name], elem.documentElement["scroll" + name], elem.body["offset" + name], elem.documentElement["offset" + name] ); // Get or set width or height on the element } else if ( size === undefined ) { var orig = jQuery.css( elem, type ), ret = parseFloat( orig ); return jQuery.isNaN( ret ) ? orig : ret; // Set the width or height on the element (default to pixels if value is unitless) } else { return this.css( type, typeof size === "string" ? size : size + "px" ); } }; }); window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; })(window);
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaMeanpath = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m32.3 18.8v2.5q0 0.6-0.3 0.9t-0.9 0.3h-4.5q-0.5 0-0.8-0.3t-0.3-0.9v-2.5q0-0.5 0.3-0.9t0.8-0.3h4.5q0.6 0 0.9 0.3t0.3 0.9z m-11 5.1v-5.5q0-1.2-0.7-2t-1.9-0.7h-3q-1.5 0-2.1 1.2-0.6-1.2-2.2-1.2h-2.9q-1.1 0-1.9 0.7t-0.7 2v5.5q0 0.5 0.5 0.5h1.2q0.5 0 0.5-0.5v-5.1q0-0.5 0.3-0.9t0.9-0.3h2q0.6 0 0.9 0.3t0.3 0.9v5.1q0 0.5 0.5 0.5h1.2q0.5 0 0.5-0.5v-5.1q0-0.5 0.3-0.9t0.8-0.3h2.2q0.5 0 0.8 0.3t0.3 0.9v5.1q0 0.5 0.5 0.5h1.3q0.4 0 0.4-0.5z m13.2-2.1v-3.5q0-1.1-0.8-1.9t-1.9-0.7h-5.9q-1.2 0-1.9 0.7t-0.7 1.9v9.2q0 0.5 0.5 0.5h1.2q0.5 0 0.5-0.5v-4q0.6 0.9 2.1 0.9h4.2q1.2 0 1.9-0.7t0.8-1.9z m2.8-13.8v24q0 2.1-1.5 3.6t-3.7 1.5h-23.9q-2.2 0-3.7-1.5t-1.5-3.6v-24q0-2.1 1.5-3.6t3.7-1.5h23.9q2.1 0 3.7 1.5t1.5 3.6z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaMeanpath
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let ImagePanoramaWideAngle = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M12 6c2.45 0 4.71.2 1.78.71 3.58.71 5.36 0 1.78-.24 3.58-.71 5.36-2.58.44-4.84.64-7.29.64s-4.71-.2-7.29-.64C4.24 15.58 4 13.78 4 12c0-1.78.24-3.58.71-5.36C7.29 6.2 9.55 6 12 6m0-2c-2.73 0-5.22.24-7.95.72l-.93.16-.25.9C2.29 7.85 2 9.93 2 12s.29 4.15.87 6.22l. 5.22.73 7.95.73s5.22-.24 7.95-.72l.93-.16.25-.89c.58-2.08.87-4.16.87-6.23s-.29-4.15-.87-6.22l-.25-.89-.93-.16C17.22 4.24 14.73 4 12 4z"/> </SvgIcon> ); ImagePanoramaWideAngle = pure(ImagePanoramaWideAngle); ImagePanoramaWideAngle.displayName = 'ImagePanoramaWideAngle'; export default ImagePanoramaWideAngle;
/* eslint prefer-template: 0 */ import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import accepts from 'attr-accept' import getDataTransferItems from './getDataTransferItems' const supportMultiple = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document && document.createElement ? 'multiple' in document.createElement('input') : true function fileAccepted(file, accept) { // Firefox versions prior to 53 return a bogus MIME type for every file drag, so dragovers with // that MIME type will always be accepted return file.type === 'application/x-moz-file' || accepts(file, accept) } class Dropzone extends React.Component { static onDocumentDragOver(evt) { // allow the entire document to be a drag target evt.preventDefault() } constructor(props, context) { super(props, context) this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this) this.onDocumentDrop = this.onDocumentDrop.bind(this) this.onDragStart = this.onDragStart.bind(this) this.onDragEnter = this.onDragEnter.bind(this) this.onDragLeave = this.onDragLeave.bind(this) this.onDragOver = this.onDragOver.bind(this) this.onDrop = this.onDrop.bind(this) this.onFileDialogCancel = this.onFileDialogCancel.bind(this) this.setRef = this.setRef.bind(this) this.setRefs = this.setRefs.bind(this) this.onInputElementClick = this.onInputElementClick.bind(this) this.isFileDialogActive = false this.state = { draggedFiles: [], acceptedFiles: [], rejectedFiles: [] } } componentDidMount() { const { preventDropOnDocument } = this.props this.dragTargets = [] if (preventDropOnDocument) { document.addEventListener('dragover', Dropzone.onDocumentDragOver, false) document.addEventListener('drop', this.onDocumentDrop, false) } this.fileInputEl.addEventListener('click', this.onInputElementClick, false) // Tried implementing addEventListener, but didn't work out document.body.onfocus = this.onFileDialogCancel } componentWillUnmount() { const { preventDropOnDocument } = this.props if (preventDropOnDocument) { document.removeEventListener('dragover', Dropzone.onDocumentDragOver) document.removeEventListener('drop', this.onDocumentDrop) } this.fileInputEl.removeEventListener('click', this.onInputElementClick, false) // Can be replaced with removeEventListener, if addEventListener works document.body.onfocus = null } onDocumentDrop(evt) { if (this.node.contains( { // if we intercepted an event for our instance, let it propagate down to the instance's onDrop handler return } evt.preventDefault() this.dragTargets = [] } onDragStart(evt) { if (this.props.onDragStart) {, evt) } } onDragEnter(evt) { evt.preventDefault() // Count the dropzone and any children that are entered. if (this.dragTargets.indexOf( === -1) { this.dragTargets.push( } this.setState({ draggedFiles: getDataTransferItems(evt) }) if (this.props.onDragEnter) {, evt) } } onDragOver(evt) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this evt.preventDefault() evt.stopPropagation() try { evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy' // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign } catch (err) { // continue regardless of error } if (this.props.onDragOver) {, evt) } return false } onDragLeave(evt) { evt.preventDefault() // Only deactivate once the dropzone and all children have been left. this.dragTargets = this.dragTargets.filter(el => el !== && this.node.contains(el)) if (this.dragTargets.length > 0) { return } // Clear dragging files state this.setState({ draggedFiles: [] }) if (this.props.onDragLeave) {, evt) } } onDrop(evt) { const { onDrop, onDropAccepted, onDropRejected, multiple, disablePreview, accept } = this.props const fileList = getDataTransferItems(evt) const acceptedFiles = [] const rejectedFiles = [] // Stop default browser behavior evt.preventDefault() // Reset the counter along with the drag on a drop. this.dragTargets = [] this.isFileDialogActive = false fileList.forEach(file => { if (!disablePreview) { try { file.preview = window.URL.createObjectURL(file) // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign } catch (err) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.error('Failed to generate preview for file', file, err) // eslint-disable-line no-console } } } if (fileAccepted(file, accept) && this.fileMatchSize(file)) { acceptedFiles.push(file) } else { rejectedFiles.push(file) } }) if (!multiple) { // if not in multi mode add any extra accepted files to rejected. // This will allow end users to easily ignore a multi file drop in "single" mode. rejectedFiles.push(...acceptedFiles.splice(1)) } if (onDrop) {, acceptedFiles, rejectedFiles, evt) } if (rejectedFiles.length > 0 && onDropRejected) {, rejectedFiles, evt) } if (acceptedFiles.length > 0 && onDropAccepted) {, acceptedFiles, evt) } // Clear files value this.draggedFiles = null // Reset drag state this.setState({ draggedFiles: [], acceptedFiles, rejectedFiles }) } onClick(evt) { const { onClick, disableClick } = this.props if (!disableClick) { evt.stopPropagation() if (onClick) {, evt) } // in IE11/Edge the file-browser dialog is blocking, ensure this is behind setTimeout // this is so react can handle state changes in the onClick prop above above // see: setTimeout(, 0) } } onInputElementClick(evt) { evt.stopPropagation() if (this.props.inputProps && this.props.inputProps.onClick) { this.props.inputProps.onClick() } } onFileDialogCancel() { // timeout will not recognize context of this method const { onFileDialogCancel } = this.props const { fileInputEl } = this let { isFileDialogActive } = this // execute the timeout only if the onFileDialogCancel is defined and FileDialog // is opened in the browser if (onFileDialogCancel && isFileDialogActive) { setTimeout(() => { // Returns an object as FileList const FileList = fileInputEl.files if (!FileList.length) { isFileDialogActive = false onFileDialogCancel() } }, 300) } } setRef(ref) { this.node = ref } setRefs(ref) { this.fileInputEl = ref } fileMatchSize(file) { return file.size <= this.props.maxSize && file.size >= this.props.minSize } allFilesAccepted(files) { return files.every(file => fileAccepted(file, this.props.accept)) } /** * Open system file upload dialog. * * @public */ open() { this.isFileDialogActive = true this.fileInputEl.value = null } renderChildren = (children, isDragActive, isDragReject) => { if (typeof children === 'function') { return children({ ...this.state, isDragActive, isDragReject }) } return children } render() { const { accept, activeClassName, inputProps, multiple, name, rejectClassName, children, } = this.props let { activeStyle, className, rejectStyle, style, ...props // eslint-disable-line prefer-const } = rest const { draggedFiles } = this.state const filesCount = draggedFiles.length const isMultipleAllowed = multiple || filesCount <= 1 const isDragActive = filesCount > 0 && this.allFilesAccepted(draggedFiles) const isDragReject = filesCount > 0 && (!isDragActive || !isMultipleAllowed) className = className || '' if (isDragActive && activeClassName) { className += ' ' + activeClassName } if (isDragReject && rejectClassName) { className += ' ' + rejectClassName } if (!className && !style && !activeStyle && !rejectStyle) { style = { width: 200, height: 200, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#666', borderStyle: 'dashed', borderRadius: 5 } activeStyle = { borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: '#6c6', backgroundColor: '#eee' } rejectStyle = { borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: '#c66', backgroundColor: '#eee' } } let appliedStyle if (activeStyle && isDragActive) { appliedStyle = {, ...activeStyle } } else if (rejectStyle && isDragReject) { appliedStyle = {, ...rejectStyle } } else { appliedStyle = { } } const inputAttributes = { accept, type: 'file', style: { display: 'none' }, multiple: supportMultiple && multiple, ref: this.setRefs, onChange: this.onDrop } if (name && name.length) { = name } // Remove custom properties before passing them to the wrapper div element const customProps = [ 'acceptedFiles', 'preventDropOnDocument', 'disablePreview', 'disableClick', 'onDropAccepted', 'onDropRejected', 'onFileDialogCancel', 'maxSize', 'minSize' ] const divProps = { ...props } customProps.forEach(prop => delete divProps[prop]) return ( <div className={className} style={appliedStyle} {...divProps /* expand user provided props first so event handlers are never overridden */} onClick={this.onClick} onDragStart={this.onDragStart} onDragEnter={this.onDragEnter} onDragOver={this.onDragOver} onDragLeave={this.onDragLeave} onDrop={this.onDrop} ref={this.setRef} > {this.renderChildren(children, isDragActive, isDragReject)} <input {...inputProps /* expand user provided inputProps first so inputAttributes override them */} {...inputAttributes} /> </div> ) } } Dropzone.propTypes = { /** * Allow specific types of files. See for more information. * Keep in mind that mime type determination is not reliable accross platforms. CSV files, * for example, are reported as text/plain under macOS but as application/ under * Windows. In some cases there might not be a mime type set at all. * See: */ accept: PropTypes.string, /** * Contents of the dropzone */ children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.func]), /** * Disallow clicking on the dropzone container to open file dialog */ disableClick: PropTypes.bool, /** * Enable/disable preview generation */ disablePreview: PropTypes.bool, /** * If false, allow dropped items to take over the current browser window */ preventDropOnDocument: PropTypes.bool, /** * Pass additional attributes to the `<input type="file"/>` tag */ inputProps: PropTypes.object, /** * Allow dropping multiple files */ multiple: PropTypes.bool, /** * `name` attribute for the input tag */ name: PropTypes.string, /** * Maximum file size */ maxSize: PropTypes.number, /** * Minimum file size */ minSize: PropTypes.number, /** * className */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * className for accepted state */ activeClassName: PropTypes.string, /** * className for rejected state */ rejectClassName: PropTypes.string, /** * CSS styles to apply */ style: PropTypes.object, /** * CSS styles to apply when drop will be accepted */ activeStyle: PropTypes.object, /** * CSS styles to apply when drop will be rejected */ rejectStyle: PropTypes.object, /** * onClick callback * @param {Event} event */ onClick: PropTypes.func, /** * onDrop callback */ onDrop: PropTypes.func, /** * onDropAccepted callback */ onDropAccepted: PropTypes.func, /** * onDropRejected callback */ onDropRejected: PropTypes.func, /** * onDragStart callback */ onDragStart: PropTypes.func, /** * onDragEnter callback */ onDragEnter: PropTypes.func, /** * onDragOver callback */ onDragOver: PropTypes.func, /** * onDragLeave callback */ onDragLeave: PropTypes.func, /** * Provide a callback on clicking the cancel button of the file dialog */ onFileDialogCancel: PropTypes.func } Dropzone.defaultProps = { preventDropOnDocument: true, disablePreview: false, disableClick: false, multiple: true, maxSize: Infinity, minSize: 0 } export default Dropzone
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react' import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper' import { isObject } from 'lodash' import classes from './ProjectTile.scss' export const ProjectTile = ({ project, onSelect }) => ( <Paper key={`Project-${}`} className={classes['container']}> <div className={classes['top']}> <span className={classes['name']} onClick={() => onSelect(project)}> {} </span> </div> <span className={classes['owner']}> { isObject(project.owner) ? project.owner.displayName : project.owner || 'No Owner' } </span> </Paper> ) ProjectTile.propTypes = { project: PropTypes.object.isRequired, onSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired } export default ProjectTile
import Analyzer from 'parser/core/Analyzer'; import SPELLS from 'common/SPELLS'; import TalentStatisticBox, { STATISTIC_ORDER } from 'interface/others/TalentStatisticBox'; import React from 'react'; import ItemHealingDone from 'interface/others/ItemHealingDone'; import ItemDamageDone from 'interface/others/ItemDamageDone'; // Example Log: /report/hRd3mpK1yTQ2tDJM/1-Mythic+MOTHER+-+Kill+(2:24)/14-丶寶寶小喵 class Halo extends Analyzer { haloDamage = 0; haloHealing = 0; haloOverhealing = 0; haloCasts = 0; constructor(...args) { super(...args); = this.selectedCombatant.hasTalent(; } on_byPlayer_damage(event) { const spellId = event.ability.guid; if (spellId === { this.haloDamage += event.amount || 0; } } on_byPlayer_heal(event) { const spellId = event.ability.guid; if (spellId === { this.haloHealing += event.amount || 0; this.haloOverhealing += event.overhealing || 0; } } on_byPlayer_cast(event) { const spellId = event.ability.guid; if (spellId === { this.haloCasts += 1; } } statistic() { return ( <TalentStatisticBox talent={} value={( <> <ItemHealingDone amount={this.haloHealing} /><br /> <ItemDamageDone amount={this.haloDamage} /> </> )} tooltip={`Halos Cast: ${this.haloCasts}`} position={STATISTIC_ORDER.CORE(6)} /> ); } } export default Halo;
YUI.add('event-custom-base', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM * events. * @module event-custom */ Y.Env.evt = { handles: {}, plugins: {} }; /** * Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM * events. * @module event-custom * @submodule event-custom-base */ /** * Allows for the insertion of methods that are executed before or after * a specified method * @class Do * @static */ var DO_BEFORE = 0, DO_AFTER = 1, DO = { /** * Cache of objects touched by the utility * @property objs * @static * @deprecated Since 3.6.0. The `_yuiaop` property on the AOP'd object * replaces the role of this property, but is considered to be private, and * is only mentioned to provide a migration path. * * If you have a use case which warrants migration to the _yuiaop property, * please file a ticket to let us know what it's used for and we can see if * we need to expose hooks for that functionality more formally. */ objs: null, /** * <p>Execute the supplied method before the specified function. Wrapping * function may optionally return an instance of the following classes to * further alter runtime behavior:</p> * <dl> * <dt></code>Y.Do.Halt(message, returnValue)</code></dt> * <dd>Immediatly stop execution and return * <code>returnValue</code>. No other wrapping functions will be * executed.</dd> * <dt></code>Y.Do.AlterArgs(message, newArgArray)</code></dt> * <dd>Replace the arguments that the original function will be * called with.</dd> * <dt></code>Y.Do.Prevent(message)</code></dt> * <dd>Don't execute the wrapped function. Other before phase * wrappers will be executed.</dd> * </dl> * * @method before * @param fn {Function} the function to execute * @param obj the object hosting the method to displace * @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace * @param c The execution context for fn * @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * when the event fires. * @return {string} handle for the subscription * @static */ before: function(fn, obj, sFn, c) { var f = fn, a; if (c) { a = [fn, c].concat(Y.Array(arguments, 4, true)); f = Y.rbind.apply(Y, a); } return this._inject(DO_BEFORE, f, obj, sFn); }, /** * <p>Execute the supplied method after the specified function. Wrapping * function may optionally return an instance of the following classes to * further alter runtime behavior:</p> * <dl> * <dt></code>Y.Do.Halt(message, returnValue)</code></dt> * <dd>Immediatly stop execution and return * <code>returnValue</code>. No other wrapping functions will be * executed.</dd> * <dt></code>Y.Do.AlterReturn(message, returnValue)</code></dt> * <dd>Return <code>returnValue</code> instead of the wrapped * method's original return value. This can be further altered by * other after phase wrappers.</dd> * </dl> * * <p>The static properties <code>Y.Do.originalRetVal</code> and * <code>Y.Do.currentRetVal</code> will be populated for reference.</p> * * @method after * @param fn {Function} the function to execute * @param obj the object hosting the method to displace * @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace * @param c The execution context for fn * @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * @return {string} handle for the subscription * @static */ after: function(fn, obj, sFn, c) { var f = fn, a; if (c) { a = [fn, c].concat(Y.Array(arguments, 4, true)); f = Y.rbind.apply(Y, a); } return this._inject(DO_AFTER, f, obj, sFn); }, /** * Execute the supplied method before or after the specified function. * Used by <code>before</code> and <code>after</code>. * * @method _inject * @param when {string} before or after * @param fn {Function} the function to execute * @param obj the object hosting the method to displace * @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace * @param c The execution context for fn * @return {string} handle for the subscription * @private * @static */ _inject: function(when, fn, obj, sFn) { // object id var id = Y.stamp(obj), o, sid; if (!obj._yuiaop) { // create a map entry for the obj if it doesn't exist, to hold overridden methods obj._yuiaop = {}; } o = obj._yuiaop; if (!o[sFn]) { // create a map entry for the method if it doesn't exist o[sFn] = new Y.Do.Method(obj, sFn); // re-route the method to our wrapper obj[sFn] = function() { return o[sFn].exec.apply(o[sFn], arguments); }; } // subscriber id sid = id + Y.stamp(fn) + sFn; // register the callback o[sFn].register(sid, fn, when); return new Y.EventHandle(o[sFn], sid); }, /** * Detach a before or after subscription. * * @method detach * @param handle {string} the subscription handle * @static */ detach: function(handle) { if (handle.detach) { handle.detach(); } } }; Y.Do = DO; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Contains the return value from the wrapped method, accessible * by 'after' event listeners. * * @property originalRetVal * @static * @since 3.2.0 */ /** * Contains the current state of the return value, consumable by * 'after' event listeners, and updated if an after subscriber * changes the return value generated by the wrapped function. * * @property currentRetVal * @static * @since 3.2.0 */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Wrapper for a displaced method with aop enabled * @class Do.Method * @constructor * @param obj The object to operate on * @param sFn The name of the method to displace */ DO.Method = function(obj, sFn) { this.obj = obj; this.methodName = sFn; this.method = obj[sFn]; this.before = {}; this.after = {}; }; /** * Register a aop subscriber * @method register * @param sid {string} the subscriber id * @param fn {Function} the function to execute * @param when {string} when to execute the function */ DO.Method.prototype.register = function (sid, fn, when) { if (when) { this.after[sid] = fn; } else { this.before[sid] = fn; } }; /** * Unregister a aop subscriber * @method delete * @param sid {string} the subscriber id * @param fn {Function} the function to execute * @param when {string} when to execute the function */ DO.Method.prototype._delete = function (sid) { delete this.before[sid]; delete this.after[sid]; }; /** * <p>Execute the wrapped method. All arguments are passed into the wrapping * functions. If any of the before wrappers return an instance of * <code>Y.Do.Halt</code> or <code>Y.Do.Prevent</code>, neither the wrapped * function nor any after phase subscribers will be executed.</p> * * <p>The return value will be the return value of the wrapped function or one * provided by a wrapper function via an instance of <code>Y.Do.Halt</code> or * <code>Y.Do.AlterReturn</code>. * * @method exec * @param arg* {any} Arguments are passed to the wrapping and wrapped functions * @return {any} Return value of wrapped function unless overwritten (see above) */ DO.Method.prototype.exec = function () { var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true), i, ret, newRet, bf = this.before, af = this.after, prevented = false; // execute before for (i in bf) { if (bf.hasOwnProperty(i)) { ret = bf[i].apply(this.obj, args); if (ret) { switch (ret.constructor) { case DO.Halt: return ret.retVal; case DO.AlterArgs: args = ret.newArgs; break; case DO.Prevent: prevented = true; break; default: } } } } // execute method if (!prevented) { ret = this.method.apply(this.obj, args); } DO.originalRetVal = ret; DO.currentRetVal = ret; // execute after methods. for (i in af) { if (af.hasOwnProperty(i)) { newRet = af[i].apply(this.obj, args); // Stop processing if a Halt object is returned if (newRet && newRet.constructor === DO.Halt) { return newRet.retVal; // Check for a new return value } else if (newRet && newRet.constructor === DO.AlterReturn) { ret = newRet.newRetVal; // Update the static retval state DO.currentRetVal = ret; } } } return ret; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Return an AlterArgs object when you want to change the arguments that * were passed into the function. Useful for Do.before subscribers. An * example would be a service that scrubs out illegal characters prior to * executing the core business logic. * @class Do.AlterArgs * @constructor * @param msg {String} (optional) Explanation of the altered return value * @param newArgs {Array} Call parameters to be used for the original method * instead of the arguments originally passed in. */ DO.AlterArgs = function(msg, newArgs) { this.msg = msg; this.newArgs = newArgs; }; /** * Return an AlterReturn object when you want to change the result returned * from the core method to the caller. Useful for Do.after subscribers. * @class Do.AlterReturn * @constructor * @param msg {String} (optional) Explanation of the altered return value * @param newRetVal {any} Return value passed to code that invoked the wrapped * function. */ DO.AlterReturn = function(msg, newRetVal) { this.msg = msg; this.newRetVal = newRetVal; }; /** * Return a Halt object when you want to terminate the execution * of all subsequent subscribers as well as the wrapped method * if it has not exectued yet. Useful for Do.before subscribers. * @class Do.Halt * @constructor * @param msg {String} (optional) Explanation of why the termination was done * @param retVal {any} Return value passed to code that invoked the wrapped * function. */ DO.Halt = function(msg, retVal) { this.msg = msg; this.retVal = retVal; }; /** * Return a Prevent object when you want to prevent the wrapped function * from executing, but want the remaining listeners to execute. Useful * for Do.before subscribers. * @class Do.Prevent * @constructor * @param msg {String} (optional) Explanation of why the termination was done */ DO.Prevent = function(msg) { this.msg = msg; }; /** * Return an Error object when you want to terminate the execution * of all subsequent method calls. * @class Do.Error * @constructor * @param msg {String} (optional) Explanation of the altered return value * @param retVal {any} Return value passed to code that invoked the wrapped * function. * @deprecated use Y.Do.Halt or Y.Do.Prevent */ DO.Error = DO.Halt; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM * events. * @module event-custom * @submodule event-custom-base */ // var onsubscribeType = "_event:onsub", var YArray = Y.Array, AFTER = 'after', CONFIGS = [ 'broadcast', 'monitored', 'bubbles', 'context', 'contextFn', 'currentTarget', 'defaultFn', 'defaultTargetOnly', 'details', 'emitFacade', 'fireOnce', 'async', 'host', 'preventable', 'preventedFn', 'queuable', 'silent', 'stoppedFn', 'target', 'type' ], CONFIGS_HASH = YArray.hash(CONFIGS), nativeSlice = Array.prototype.slice, YUI3_SIGNATURE = 9, YUI_LOG = 'yui:log', mixConfigs = function(r, s, ov) { var p; for (p in s) { if (CONFIGS_HASH[p] && (ov || !(p in r))) { r[p] = s[p]; } } return r; }; /** * The CustomEvent class lets you define events for your application * that can be subscribed to by one or more independent component. * * @param {String} type The type of event, which is passed to the callback * when the event fires. * @param {object} defaults configuration object. * @class CustomEvent * @constructor */ /** * The type of event, returned to subscribers when the event fires * @property type * @type string */ /** * By default all custom events are logged in the debug build, set silent * to true to disable debug outpu for this event. * @property silent * @type boolean */ Y.CustomEvent = function(type, defaults) { this._kds = Y.CustomEvent.keepDeprecatedSubs; = Y.guid(); this.type = type; this.silent = this.logSystem = (type === YUI_LOG); if (this._kds) { /** * The subscribers to this event * @property subscribers * @type Subscriber {} * @deprecated */ /** * 'After' subscribers * @property afters * @type Subscriber {} * @deprecated */ this.subscribers = {}; this.afters = {}; } if (defaults) { mixConfigs(this, defaults, true); } }; /** * Static flag to enable population of the <a href="#property_subscribers">`subscribers`</a> * and <a href="#property_subscribers">`afters`</a> properties held on a `CustomEvent` instance. * * These properties were changed to private properties (`_subscribers` and `_afters`), and * converted from objects to arrays for performance reasons. * * Setting this property to true will populate the deprecated `subscribers` and `afters` * properties for people who may be using them (which is expected to be rare). There will * be a performance hit, compared to the new array based implementation. * * If you are using these deprecated properties for a use case which the public API * does not support, please file an enhancement request, and we can provide an alternate * public implementation which doesn't have the performance cost required to maintiain the * properties as objects. * * @property keepDeprecatedSubs * @static * @for CustomEvent * @type boolean * @default false * @deprecated */ Y.CustomEvent.keepDeprecatedSubs = false; Y.CustomEvent.mixConfigs = mixConfigs; Y.CustomEvent.prototype = { constructor: Y.CustomEvent, /** * Monitor when an event is attached or detached. * * @property monitored * @type boolean */ /** * If 0, this event does not broadcast. If 1, the YUI instance is notified * every time this event fires. If 2, the YUI instance and the YUI global * (if event is enabled on the global) are notified every time this event * fires. * @property broadcast * @type int */ /** * Specifies whether this event should be queued when the host is actively * processing an event. This will effect exectution order of the callbacks * for the various events. * @property queuable * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * This event has fired if true * * @property fired * @type boolean * @default false; */ /** * An array containing the arguments the custom event * was last fired with. * @property firedWith * @type Array */ /** * This event should only fire one time if true, and if * it has fired, any new subscribers should be notified * immediately. * * @property fireOnce * @type boolean * @default false; */ /** * fireOnce listeners will fire syncronously unless async * is set to true * @property async * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Flag for stopPropagation that is modified during fire() * 1 means to stop propagation to bubble targets. 2 means * to also stop additional subscribers on this target. * @property stopped * @type int */ /** * Flag for preventDefault that is modified during fire(). * if it is not 0, the default behavior for this event * @property prevented * @type int */ /** * Specifies the host for this custom event. This is used * to enable event bubbling * @property host * @type EventTarget */ /** * The default function to execute after event listeners * have fire, but only if the default action was not * prevented. * @property defaultFn * @type Function */ /** * The function to execute if a subscriber calls * stopPropagation or stopImmediatePropagation * @property stoppedFn * @type Function */ /** * The function to execute if a subscriber calls * preventDefault * @property preventedFn * @type Function */ /** * The subscribers to this event * @property _subscribers * @type Subscriber [] * @private */ /** * 'After' subscribers * @property _afters * @type Subscriber [] * @private */ /** * If set to true, the custom event will deliver an EventFacade object * that is similar to a DOM event object. * @property emitFacade * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Supports multiple options for listener signatures in order to * port YUI 2 apps. * @property signature * @type int * @default 9 */ signature : YUI3_SIGNATURE, /** * The context the the event will fire from by default. Defaults to the YUI * instance. * @property context * @type object */ context : Y, /** * Specifies whether or not this event's default function * can be cancelled by a subscriber by executing preventDefault() * on the event facade * @property preventable * @type boolean * @default true */ preventable : true, /** * Specifies whether or not a subscriber can stop the event propagation * via stopPropagation(), stopImmediatePropagation(), or halt() * * Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true. * * @property bubbles * @type boolean * @default true */ bubbles : true, /** * Returns the number of subscribers for this event as the sum of the on() * subscribers and after() subscribers. * * @method hasSubs * @return Number */ hasSubs: function(when) { var s = 0, a = 0, subs = this._subscribers, afters = this._afters, sib = this.sibling; if (subs) { s = subs.length; } if (afters) { a = afters.length; } if (sib) { subs = sib._subscribers; afters = sib._afters; if (subs) { s += subs.length; } if (afters) { a += afters.length; } } if (when) { return (when === 'after') ? a : s; } return (s + a); }, /** * Monitor the event state for the subscribed event. The first parameter * is what should be monitored, the rest are the normal parameters when * subscribing to an event. * @method monitor * @param what {string} what to monitor ('detach', 'attach', 'publish'). * @return {EventHandle} return value from the monitor event subscription. */ monitor: function(what) { this.monitored = true; var type = + '|' + this.type + '_' + what, args =, 0); args[0] = type; return, args); }, /** * Get all of the subscribers to this event and any sibling event * @method getSubs * @return {Array} first item is the on subscribers, second the after. */ getSubs: function() { var sibling = this.sibling, subs = this._subscribers, afters = this._afters, siblingSubs, siblingAfters; if (sibling) { siblingSubs = sibling._subscribers; siblingAfters = sibling._afters; } if (siblingSubs) { if (subs) { subs = subs.concat(siblingSubs); } else { subs = siblingSubs.concat(); } } else { if (subs) { subs = subs.concat(); } else { subs = []; } } if (siblingAfters) { if (afters) { afters = afters.concat(siblingAfters); } else { afters = siblingAfters.concat(); } } else { if (afters) { afters = afters.concat(); } else { afters = []; } } return [subs, afters]; }, /** * Apply configuration properties. Only applies the CONFIG whitelist * @method applyConfig * @param o hash of properties to apply. * @param force {boolean} if true, properties that exist on the event * will be overwritten. */ applyConfig: function(o, force) { mixConfigs(this, o, force); }, /** * Create the Subscription for subscribing function, context, and bound * arguments. If this is a fireOnce event, the subscriber is immediately * notified. * * @method _on * @param fn {Function} Subscription callback * @param [context] {Object} Override `this` in the callback * @param [args] {Array} bound arguments that will be passed to the callback after the arguments generated by fire() * @param [when] {String} "after" to slot into after subscribers * @return {EventHandle} * @protected */ _on: function(fn, context, args, when) { var s = new Y.Subscriber(fn, context, args, when); if (this.fireOnce && this.fired) { if (this.async) { setTimeout(Y.bind(this._notify, this, s, this.firedWith), 0); } else { this._notify(s, this.firedWith); } } if (when === AFTER) { if (!this._afters) { this._afters = []; this._hasAfters = true; } this._afters.push(s); } else { if (!this._subscribers) { this._subscribers = []; this._hasSubs = true; } this._subscribers.push(s); } if (this._kds) { if (when === AFTER) { this.afters[] = s; } else { this.subscribers[] = s; } } return new Y.EventHandle(this, s); }, /** * Listen for this event * @method subscribe * @param {Function} fn The function to execute. * @return {EventHandle} Unsubscribe handle. * @deprecated use on. */ subscribe: function(fn, context) { var a = (arguments.length > 2) ?, 2) : null; return this._on(fn, context, a, true); }, /** * Listen for this event * @method on * @param {Function} fn The function to execute. * @param {object} context optional execution context. * @param {mixed} arg* 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * when the event fires. * @return {EventHandle} An object with a detach method to detch the handler(s). */ on: function(fn, context) { var a = (arguments.length > 2) ?, 2) : null; if (this.monitored && {'attach', this, { args: arguments }); } return this._on(fn, context, a, true); }, /** * Listen for this event after the normal subscribers have been notified and * the default behavior has been applied. If a normal subscriber prevents the * default behavior, it also prevents after listeners from firing. * @method after * @param {Function} fn The function to execute. * @param {object} context optional execution context. * @param {mixed} arg* 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * when the event fires. * @return {EventHandle} handle Unsubscribe handle. */ after: function(fn, context) { var a = (arguments.length > 2) ?, 2) : null; return this._on(fn, context, a, AFTER); }, /** * Detach listeners. * @method detach * @param {Function} fn The subscribed function to remove, if not supplied * all will be removed. * @param {Object} context The context object passed to subscribe. * @return {int} returns the number of subscribers unsubscribed. */ detach: function(fn, context) { // unsubscribe handle if (fn && fn.detach) { return fn.detach(); } var i, s, found = 0, subs = this._subscribers, afters = this._afters; if (subs) { for (i = subs.length; i >= 0; i--) { s = subs[i]; if (s && (!fn || fn === s.fn)) { this._delete(s, subs, i); found++; } } } if (afters) { for (i = afters.length; i >= 0; i--) { s = afters[i]; if (s && (!fn || fn === s.fn)) { this._delete(s, afters, i); found++; } } } return found; }, /** * Detach listeners. * @method unsubscribe * @param {Function} fn The subscribed function to remove, if not supplied * all will be removed. * @param {Object} context The context object passed to subscribe. * @return {int|undefined} returns the number of subscribers unsubscribed. * @deprecated use detach. */ unsubscribe: function() { return this.detach.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Notify a single subscriber * @method _notify * @param {Subscriber} s the subscriber. * @param {Array} args the arguments array to apply to the listener. * @protected */ _notify: function(s, args, ef) { var ret; ret = s.notify(args, this); if (false === ret || this.stopped > 1) { return false; } return true; }, /** * Logger abstraction to centralize the application of the silent flag * @method log * @param {string} msg message to log. * @param {string} cat log category. */ log: function(msg, cat) { }, /** * Notifies the subscribers. The callback functions will be executed * from the context specified when the event was created, and with the * following parameters: * <ul> * <li>The type of event</li> * <li>All of the arguments fire() was executed with as an array</li> * <li>The custom object (if any) that was passed into the subscribe() * method</li> * </ul> * @method fire * @param {Object*} arguments an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to * the handler. * @return {boolean} false if one of the subscribers returned false, * true otherwise. * */ fire: function() { // push is the fastest way to go from arguments to arrays // for most browsers currently // var args = []; args.push.apply(args, arguments); return this._fire(args); }, /** * Private internal implementation for `fire`, which is can be used directly by * `EventTarget` and other event module classes which have already converted from * an `arguments` list to an array, to avoid the repeated overhead. * * @method _fire * @private * @param {Array} args The array of arguments passed to be passed to handlers. * @return {boolean} false if one of the subscribers returned false, true otherwise. */ _fire: function(args) { if (this.fireOnce && this.fired) { return true; } else { // this doesn't happen if the event isn't published //'fire', this.type, args); this.fired = true; if (this.fireOnce) { this.firedWith = args; } if (this.emitFacade) { return this.fireComplex(args); } else { return this.fireSimple(args); } } }, /** * Set up for notifying subscribers of non-emitFacade events. * * @method fireSimple * @param args {Array} Arguments passed to fire() * @return Boolean false if a subscriber returned false * @protected */ fireSimple: function(args) { this.stopped = 0; this.prevented = 0; if (this.hasSubs()) { var subs = this.getSubs(); this._procSubs(subs[0], args); this._procSubs(subs[1], args); } if (this.broadcast) { this._broadcast(args); } return this.stopped ? false : true; }, // Requires the event-custom-complex module for full funcitonality. fireComplex: function(args) { args[0] = args[0] || {}; return this.fireSimple(args); }, /** * Notifies a list of subscribers. * * @method _procSubs * @param subs {Array} List of subscribers * @param args {Array} Arguments passed to fire() * @param ef {} * @return Boolean false if a subscriber returns false or stops the event * propagation via e.stopPropagation(), * e.stopImmediatePropagation(), or e.halt() * @private */ _procSubs: function(subs, args, ef) { var s, i, l; for (i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) { s = subs[i]; if (s && s.fn) { if (false === this._notify(s, args, ef)) { this.stopped = 2; } if (this.stopped === 2) { return false; } } } return true; }, /** * Notifies the YUI instance if the event is configured with broadcast = 1, * and both the YUI instance and Y.Global if configured with broadcast = 2. * * @method _broadcast * @param args {Array} Arguments sent to fire() * @private */ _broadcast: function(args) { if (!this.stopped && this.broadcast) { var a = args.concat(); a.unshift(this.type); if ( !== Y) {, a); } if (this.broadcast === 2) {, a); } } }, /** * Removes all listeners * @method unsubscribeAll * @return {int} The number of listeners unsubscribed. * @deprecated use detachAll. */ unsubscribeAll: function() { return this.detachAll.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Removes all listeners * @method detachAll * @return {int} The number of listeners unsubscribed. */ detachAll: function() { return this.detach(); }, /** * Deletes the subscriber from the internal store of on() and after() * subscribers. * * @method _delete * @param s subscriber object. * @param subs (optional) on or after subscriber array * @param index (optional) The index found. * @private */ _delete: function(s, subs, i) { var when = s._when; if (!subs) { subs = (when === AFTER) ? this._afters : this._subscribers; } if (subs) { i = YArray.indexOf(subs, s, 0); if (s && subs[i] === s) { subs.splice(i, 1); if (subs.length === 0) { if (when === AFTER) { this._hasAfters = false; } else { this._hasSubs = false; } } } } if (this._kds) { if (when === AFTER) { delete this.afters[]; } else { delete this.subscribers[]; } } if (this.monitored && {'detach', this, { ce: this, sub: s }); } if (s) { s.deleted = true; } } }; /** * Stores the subscriber information to be used when the event fires. * @param {Function} fn The wrapped function to execute. * @param {Object} context The value of the keyword 'this' in the listener. * @param {Array} args* 0..n additional arguments to supply the listener. * * @class Subscriber * @constructor */ Y.Subscriber = function(fn, context, args, when) { /** * The callback that will be execute when the event fires * This is wrapped by Y.rbind if obj was supplied. * @property fn * @type Function */ this.fn = fn; /** * Optional 'this' keyword for the listener * @property context * @type Object */ this.context = context; /** * Unique subscriber id * @property id * @type String */ = Y.guid(); /** * Additional arguments to propagate to the subscriber * @property args * @type Array */ this.args = args; this._when = when; /** * Custom events for a given fire transaction. * @property events * @type {EventTarget} */ // = null; /** * This listener only reacts to the event once * @property once */ // this.once = false; }; Y.Subscriber.prototype = { constructor: Y.Subscriber, _notify: function(c, args, ce) { if (this.deleted && !this.postponed) { if (this.postponed) { delete this.fn; delete this.context; } else { delete this.postponed; return null; } } var a = this.args, ret; switch (ce.signature) { case 0: ret =, ce.type, args, c); break; case 1: ret =, args[0] || null, c); break; default: if (a || args) { args = args || []; a = (a) ? args.concat(a) : args; ret = this.fn.apply(c, a); } else { ret =; } } if (this.once) { ce._delete(this); } return ret; }, /** * Executes the subscriber. * @method notify * @param args {Array} Arguments array for the subscriber. * @param ce {CustomEvent} The custom event that sent the notification. */ notify: function(args, ce) { var c = this.context, ret = true; if (!c) { c = (ce.contextFn) ? ce.contextFn() : ce.context; } // only catch errors if we will not re-throw them. if (Y.config && Y.config.throwFail) { ret = this._notify(c, args, ce); } else { try { ret = this._notify(c, args, ce); } catch (e) { Y.error(this + ' failed: ' + e.message, e); } } return ret; }, /** * Returns true if the fn and obj match this objects properties. * Used by the unsubscribe method to match the right subscriber. * * @method contains * @param {Function} fn the function to execute. * @param {Object} context optional 'this' keyword for the listener. * @return {boolean} true if the supplied arguments match this * subscriber's signature. */ contains: function(fn, context) { if (context) { return ((this.fn === fn) && this.context === context); } else { return (this.fn === fn); } }, valueOf : function() { return; } }; /** * Return value from all subscribe operations * @class EventHandle * @constructor * @param {CustomEvent} evt the custom event. * @param {Subscriber} sub the subscriber. */ Y.EventHandle = function(evt, sub) { /** * The custom event * * @property evt * @type CustomEvent */ this.evt = evt; /** * The subscriber object * * @property sub * @type Subscriber */ this.sub = sub; }; Y.EventHandle.prototype = { batch: function(f, c) { || this, this); if (Y.Lang.isArray(this.evt)) { Y.Array.each(this.evt, function(h) { || h, f); }); } }, /** * Detaches this subscriber * @method detach * @return {int} the number of detached listeners */ detach: function() { var evt = this.evt, detached = 0, i; if (evt) { if (Y.Lang.isArray(evt)) { for (i = 0; i < evt.length; i++) { detached += evt[i].detach(); } } else { evt._delete(this.sub); detached = 1; } } return detached; }, /** * Monitor the event state for the subscribed event. The first parameter * is what should be monitored, the rest are the normal parameters when * subscribing to an event. * @method monitor * @param what {string} what to monitor ('attach', 'detach', 'publish'). * @return {EventHandle} return value from the monitor event subscription. */ monitor: function(what) { return this.evt.monitor.apply(this.evt, arguments); } }; /** * Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM * events. * @module event-custom * @submodule event-custom-base */ /** * EventTarget provides the implementation for any object to * publish, subscribe and fire to custom events, and also * alows other EventTargets to target the object with events * sourced from the other object. * EventTarget is designed to be used with Y.augment to wrap * EventCustom in an interface that allows events to be listened to * and fired by name. This makes it possible for implementing code to * subscribe to an event that either has not been created yet, or will * not be created at all. * @class EventTarget * @param opts a configuration object * @config emitFacade {boolean} if true, all events will emit event * facade payloads by default (default false) * @config prefix {String} the prefix to apply to non-prefixed event names */ var L = Y.Lang, PREFIX_DELIMITER = ':', CATEGORY_DELIMITER = '|', AFTER_PREFIX = '~AFTER~', WILD_TYPE_RE = /(.*?)(:)(.*?)/, _wildType = Y.cached(function(type) { return type.replace(WILD_TYPE_RE, "*$2$3"); }), /** * If the instance has a prefix attribute and the * event type is not prefixed, the instance prefix is * applied to the supplied type. * @method _getType * @private */ _getType = function(type, pre) { if (!pre || type.indexOf(PREFIX_DELIMITER) > -1) { return type; } return pre + PREFIX_DELIMITER + type; }, /** * Returns an array with the detach key (if provided), * and the prefixed event name from _getType * Y.on('detachcategory| menu:click', fn) * @method _parseType * @private */ _parseType = Y.cached(function(type, pre) { var t = type, detachcategory, after, i; if (!L.isString(t)) { return t; } i = t.indexOf(AFTER_PREFIX); if (i > -1) { after = true; t = t.substr(AFTER_PREFIX.length); } i = t.indexOf(CATEGORY_DELIMITER); if (i > -1) { detachcategory = t.substr(0, (i)); t = t.substr(i+1); if (t === '*') { t = null; } } // detach category, full type with instance prefix, is this an after listener, short type return [detachcategory, (pre) ? _getType(t, pre) : t, after, t]; }), ET = function(opts) { var etState = this._yuievt, etConfig; if (!etState) { etState = this._yuievt = { events: {}, // PERF: Not much point instantiating lazily. We're bound to have events targets: null, // PERF: Instantiate lazily, if user actually adds target, config: { host: this, context: this }, chain: Y.config.chain }; } etConfig = etState.config; if (opts) { mixConfigs(etConfig, opts, true); if (opts.chain !== undefined) { etState.chain = opts.chain; } if (opts.prefix) { etConfig.prefix = opts.prefix; } } }; ET.prototype = { constructor: ET, /** * Listen to a custom event hosted by this object one time. * This is the equivalent to <code>on</code> except the * listener is immediatelly detached when it is executed. * @method once * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event * @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback * @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching the * subscription */ once: function() { var handle = this.on.apply(this, arguments); handle.batch(function(hand) { if (hand.sub) { hand.sub.once = true; } }); return handle; }, /** * Listen to a custom event hosted by this object one time. * This is the equivalent to <code>after</code> except the * listener is immediatelly detached when it is executed. * @method onceAfter * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event * @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback * @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that * subscription */ onceAfter: function() { var handle = this.after.apply(this, arguments); handle.batch(function(hand) { if (hand.sub) { hand.sub.once = true; } }); return handle; }, /** * Takes the type parameter passed to 'on' and parses out the * various pieces that could be included in the type. If the * event type is passed without a prefix, it will be expanded * to include the prefix one is supplied or the event target * is configured with a default prefix. * @method parseType * @param {String} type the type * @param {String} [pre=this._yuievt.config.prefix] the prefix * @since 3.3.0 * @return {Array} an array containing: * * the detach category, if supplied, * * the prefixed event type, * * whether or not this is an after listener, * * the supplied event type */ parseType: function(type, pre) { return _parseType(type, pre || this._yuievt.config.prefix); }, /** * Subscribe a callback function to a custom event fired by this object or * from an object that bubbles its events to this object. * * Callback functions for events published with `emitFacade = true` will * receive an `EventFacade` as the first argument (typically named "e"). * These callbacks can then call `e.preventDefault()` to disable the * behavior published to that event's `defaultFn`. See the `EventFacade` * API for all available properties and methods. Subscribers to * non-`emitFacade` events will receive the arguments passed to `fire()` * after the event name. * * To subscribe to multiple events at once, pass an object as the first * argument, where the key:value pairs correspond to the eventName:callback, * or pass an array of event names as the first argument to subscribe to * all listed events with the same callback. * * Returning `false` from a callback is supported as an alternative to * calling `e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();`. However, it is * recommended to use the event methods whenever possible. * * @method on * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event * @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback * @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that * subscription */ on: function(type, fn, context) { var yuievt = this._yuievt, parts = _parseType(type, yuievt.config.prefix), f, c, args, ret, ce, detachcategory, handle, store = Y.Env.evt.handles, after, adapt, shorttype, Node = Y.Node, n, domevent, isArr; // full name, args, detachcategory, after this._monitor('attach', parts[1], { args: arguments, category: parts[0], after: parts[2] }); if (L.isObject(type)) { if (L.isFunction(type)) { return Y.Do.before.apply(Y.Do, arguments); } f = fn; c = context; args =, 0); ret = []; if (L.isArray(type)) { isArr = true; } after = type._after; delete type._after; Y.each(type, function(v, k) { if (L.isObject(v)) { f = v.fn || ((L.isFunction(v)) ? v : f); c = v.context || c; } var nv = (after) ? AFTER_PREFIX : ''; args[0] = nv + ((isArr) ? v : k); args[1] = f; args[2] = c; ret.push(this.on.apply(this, args)); }, this); return (yuievt.chain) ? this : new Y.EventHandle(ret); } detachcategory = parts[0]; after = parts[2]; shorttype = parts[3]; // extra redirection so we catch adaptor events too. take a look at this. if (Node && Y.instanceOf(this, Node) && (shorttype in Node.DOM_EVENTS)) { args =, 0); args.splice(2, 0, Node.getDOMNode(this)); return Y.on.apply(Y, args); } type = parts[1]; if (Y.instanceOf(this, YUI)) { adapt = Y.Env.evt.plugins[type]; args =, 0); args[0] = shorttype; if (Node) { n = args[2]; if (Y.instanceOf(n, Y.NodeList)) { n = Y.NodeList.getDOMNodes(n); } else if (Y.instanceOf(n, Node)) { n = Node.getDOMNode(n); } domevent = (shorttype in Node.DOM_EVENTS); // Captures both DOM events and event plugins. if (domevent) { args[2] = n; } } // check for the existance of an event adaptor if (adapt) { handle = adapt.on.apply(Y, args); } else if ((!type) || domevent) { handle = Y.Event._attach(args); } } if (!handle) { ce =[type] || this.publish(type); handle = ce._on(fn, context, (arguments.length > 3) ?, 3) : null, (after) ? 'after' : true); // TODO: More robust regex, accounting for category if (type.indexOf("*:") !== -1) { this._hasSiblings = true; } } if (detachcategory) { store[detachcategory] = store[detachcategory] || {}; store[detachcategory][type] = store[detachcategory][type] || []; store[detachcategory][type].push(handle); } return (yuievt.chain) ? this : handle; }, /** * subscribe to an event * @method subscribe * @deprecated use on */ subscribe: function() { return this.on.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Detach one or more listeners the from the specified event * @method detach * @param type {string|Object} Either the handle to the subscriber or the * type of event. If the type * is not specified, it will attempt to remove * the listener from all hosted events. * @param fn {Function} The subscribed function to unsubscribe, if not * supplied, all subscribers will be removed. * @param context {Object} The custom object passed to subscribe. This is * optional, but if supplied will be used to * disambiguate multiple listeners that are the same * (e.g., you subscribe many object using a function * that lives on the prototype) * @return {EventTarget} the host */ detach: function(type, fn, context) { var evts =, i, Node = Y.Node, isNode = Node && (Y.instanceOf(this, Node)); // detachAll disabled on the Y instance. if (!type && (this !== Y)) { for (i in evts) { if (evts.hasOwnProperty(i)) { evts[i].detach(fn, context); } } if (isNode) { Y.Event.purgeElement(Node.getDOMNode(this)); } return this; } var parts = _parseType(type, this._yuievt.config.prefix), detachcategory = L.isArray(parts) ? parts[0] : null, shorttype = (parts) ? parts[3] : null, adapt, store = Y.Env.evt.handles, detachhost, cat, args, ce, keyDetacher = function(lcat, ltype, host) { var handles = lcat[ltype], ce, i; if (handles) { for (i = handles.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ce = handles[i].evt; if ( === host || ce.el === host) { handles[i].detach(); } } } }; if (detachcategory) { cat = store[detachcategory]; type = parts[1]; detachhost = (isNode) ? Y.Node.getDOMNode(this) : this; if (cat) { if (type) { keyDetacher(cat, type, detachhost); } else { for (i in cat) { if (cat.hasOwnProperty(i)) { keyDetacher(cat, i, detachhost); } } } return this; } // If this is an event handle, use it to detach } else if (L.isObject(type) && type.detach) { type.detach(); return this; // extra redirection so we catch adaptor events too. take a look at this. } else if (isNode && ((!shorttype) || (shorttype in Node.DOM_EVENTS))) { args =, 0); args[2] = Node.getDOMNode(this); Y.detach.apply(Y, args); return this; } adapt = Y.Env.evt.plugins[shorttype]; // The YUI instance handles DOM events and adaptors if (Y.instanceOf(this, YUI)) { args =, 0); // use the adaptor specific detach code if if (adapt && adapt.detach) { adapt.detach.apply(Y, args); return this; // DOM event fork } else if (!type || (!adapt && Node && (type in Node.DOM_EVENTS))) { args[0] = type; Y.Event.detach.apply(Y.Event, args); return this; } } // ce = evts[type]; ce = evts[parts[1]]; if (ce) { ce.detach(fn, context); } return this; }, /** * detach a listener * @method unsubscribe * @deprecated use detach */ unsubscribe: function() { return this.detach.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type * is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will * be removed. * @method detachAll * @param type {String} The type, or name of the event */ detachAll: function(type) { return this.detach(type); }, /** * Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type * is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will * be removed. * @method unsubscribeAll * @param type {String} The type, or name of the event * @deprecated use detachAll */ unsubscribeAll: function() { return this.detachAll.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Creates a new custom event of the specified type. If a custom event * by that name already exists, it will not be re-created. In either * case the custom event is returned. * * @method publish * * @param type {String} the type, or name of the event * @param opts {object} optional config params. Valid properties are: * * <ul> * <li> * 'broadcast': whether or not the YUI instance and YUI global are notified when the event is fired (false) * </li> * <li> * 'bubbles': whether or not this event bubbles (true) * Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true. * </li> * <li> * 'context': the default execution context for the listeners (this) * </li> * <li> * 'defaultFn': the default function to execute when this event fires if preventDefault was not called * </li> * <li> * 'emitFacade': whether or not this event emits a facade (false) * </li> * <li> * 'prefix': the prefix for this targets events, e.g., 'menu' in 'menu:click' * </li> * <li> * 'fireOnce': if an event is configured to fire once, new subscribers after * the fire will be notified immediately. * </li> * <li> * 'async': fireOnce event listeners will fire synchronously if the event has already * fired unless async is true. * </li> * <li> * 'preventable': whether or not preventDefault() has an effect (true) * </li> * <li> * 'preventedFn': a function that is executed when preventDefault is called * </li> * <li> * 'queuable': whether or not this event can be queued during bubbling (false) * </li> * <li> * 'silent': if silent is true, debug messages are not provided for this event. * </li> * <li> * 'stoppedFn': a function that is executed when stopPropagation is called * </li> * * <li> * 'monitored': specifies whether or not this event should send notifications about * when the event has been attached, detached, or published. * </li> * <li> * 'type': the event type (valid option if not provided as the first parameter to publish) * </li> * </ul> * * @return {CustomEvent} the custom event * */ publish: function(type, opts) { var ret, etState = this._yuievt, etConfig = etState.config, pre = etConfig.prefix; if (typeof type === "string") { if (pre) { type = _getType(type, pre); } ret = this._publish(type, etConfig, opts); } else { ret = {}; Y.each(type, function(v, k) { if (pre) { k = _getType(k, pre); } ret[k] = this._publish(k, etConfig, v || opts); }, this); } return ret; }, /** * Returns the fully qualified type, given a short type string. * That is, returns "foo:bar" when given "bar" if "foo" is the configured prefix. * * NOTE: This method, unlike _getType, does no checking of the value passed in, and * is designed to be used with the low level _publish() method, for critical path * implementations which need to fast-track publish for performance reasons. * * @method _getFullType * @private * @param {String} type The short type to prefix * @return {String} The prefixed type, if a prefix is set, otherwise the type passed in */ _getFullType : function(type) { var pre = this._yuievt.config.prefix; if (pre) { return pre + PREFIX_DELIMITER + type; } else { return type; } }, /** * The low level event publish implementation. It expects all the massaging to have been done * outside of this method. e.g. the `type` to `fullType` conversion. It's designed to be a fast * path publish, which can be used by critical code paths to improve performance. * * @method _publish * @private * @param {String} fullType The prefixed type of the event to publish. * @param {Object} etOpts The EventTarget specific configuration to mix into the published event. * @param {Object} ceOpts The publish specific configuration to mix into the published event. * @return {CustomEvent} The published event. If called without `etOpts` or `ceOpts`, this will * be the default `CustomEvent` instance, and can be configured independently. */ _publish : function(fullType, etOpts, ceOpts) { var ce, etState = this._yuievt, etConfig = etState.config, host =, context = etConfig.context, events =; ce = events[fullType]; // PERF: Hate to pull the check out of monitor, but trying to keep critical path tight. if ((etConfig.monitored && !ce) || (ce && ce.monitored)) { this._monitor('publish', fullType, { args: arguments }); } if (!ce) { // Publish event ce = events[fullType] = new Y.CustomEvent(fullType, etOpts); if (!etOpts) { = host; ce.context = context; } } if (ceOpts) { mixConfigs(ce, ceOpts, true); } return ce; }, /** * This is the entry point for the event monitoring system. * You can monitor 'attach', 'detach', 'fire', and 'publish'. * When configured, these events generate an event. click -> * click_attach, click_detach, click_publish -- these can * be subscribed to like other events to monitor the event * system. Inividual published events can have monitoring * turned on or off (publish can't be turned off before it * it published) by setting the events 'monitor' config. * * @method _monitor * @param what {String} 'attach', 'detach', 'fire', or 'publish' * @param eventType {String|CustomEvent} The prefixed name of the event being monitored, or the CustomEvent object. * @param o {Object} Information about the event interaction, such as * fire() args, subscription category, publish config * @private */ _monitor: function(what, eventType, o) { var monitorevt, ce, type; if (eventType) { if (typeof eventType === "string") { type = eventType; ce = this.getEvent(eventType, true); } else { ce = eventType; type = eventType.type; } if ((this._yuievt.config.monitored && (!ce || ce.monitored)) || (ce && ce.monitored)) { monitorevt = type + '_' + what; o.monitored = what;, monitorevt, o); } } }, /** * Fire a custom event by name. The callback functions will be executed * from the context specified when the event was created, and with the * following parameters. * * If the custom event object hasn't been created, then the event hasn't * been published and it has no subscribers. For performance sake, we * immediate exit in this case. This means the event won't bubble, so * if the intention is that a bubble target be notified, the event must * be published on this object first. * * The first argument is the event type, and any additional arguments are * passed to the listeners as parameters. If the first of these is an * object literal, and the event is configured to emit an event facade, * that object is mixed into the event facade and the facade is provided * in place of the original object. * * @method fire * @param type {String|Object} The type of the event, or an object that contains * a 'type' property. * @param arguments {Object*} an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to * the handler. If the first of these is an object literal and the event is * configured to emit an event facade, the event facade will replace that * parameter after the properties the object literal contains are copied to * the event facade. * @return {EventTarget} the event host */ fire: function(type) { var typeIncluded = (typeof type === "string"), argCount = arguments.length, t = type, yuievt = this._yuievt, etConfig = yuievt.config, pre = etConfig.prefix, ret, ce, ce2, args; if (typeIncluded && argCount <= 3) { // PERF: Try to avoid slice/iteration for the common signatures // Most common if (argCount === 2) { args = [arguments[1]]; // fire("foo", {}) } else if (argCount === 3) { args = [arguments[1], arguments[2]]; // fire("foo", {}, opts) } else { args = []; // fire("foo") } } else { args =, ((typeIncluded) ? 1 : 0)); } if (!typeIncluded) { t = (type && type.type); } if (pre) { t = _getType(t, pre); } ce =[t]; if (this._hasSiblings) { ce2 = this.getSibling(t, ce); if (ce2 && !ce) { ce = this.publish(t); } } // PERF: trying to avoid function call, since this is a critical path if ((etConfig.monitored && (!ce || ce.monitored)) || (ce && ce.monitored)) { this._monitor('fire', (ce || t), { args: args }); } // this event has not been published or subscribed to if (!ce) { if (yuievt.hasTargets) { return this.bubble({ type: t }, args, this); } // otherwise there is nothing to be done ret = true; } else { if (ce2) { ce.sibling = ce2; } ret = ce._fire(args); } return (yuievt.chain) ? this : ret; }, getSibling: function(type, ce) { var ce2; // delegate to *:type events if there are subscribers if (type.indexOf(PREFIX_DELIMITER) > -1) { type = _wildType(type); ce2 = this.getEvent(type, true); if (ce2) { ce2.applyConfig(ce); ce2.bubbles = false; ce2.broadcast = 0; } } return ce2; }, /** * Returns the custom event of the provided type has been created, a * falsy value otherwise * @method getEvent * @param type {String} the type, or name of the event * @param prefixed {String} if true, the type is prefixed already * @return {CustomEvent} the custom event or null */ getEvent: function(type, prefixed) { var pre, e; if (!prefixed) { pre = this._yuievt.config.prefix; type = (pre) ? _getType(type, pre) : type; } e =; return e[type] || null; }, /** * Subscribe to a custom event hosted by this object. The * supplied callback will execute after any listeners add * via the subscribe method, and after the default function, * if configured for the event, has executed. * * @method after * @param {String} type The name of the event * @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event * @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback * @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching the * subscription */ after: function(type, fn) { var a =, 0); switch (L.type(type)) { case 'function': return Y.Do.after.apply(Y.Do, arguments); case 'array': // YArray.each(a[0], function(v) { // v = AFTER_PREFIX + v; // }); // break; case 'object': a[0]._after = true; break; default: a[0] = AFTER_PREFIX + type; } return this.on.apply(this, a); }, /** * Executes the callback before a DOM event, custom event * or method. If the first argument is a function, it * is assumed the target is a method. For DOM and custom * events, this is an alias for Y.on. * * For DOM and custom events: * type, callback, context, 0-n arguments * * For methods: * callback, object (method host), methodName, context, 0-n arguments * * @method before * @return detach handle */ before: function() { return this.on.apply(this, arguments); } }; Y.EventTarget = ET; // make Y an event target Y.mix(Y, ET.prototype);, { bubbles: false }); YUI.Env.globalEvents = YUI.Env.globalEvents || new ET(); /** * Hosts YUI page level events. This is where events bubble to * when the broadcast config is set to 2. This property is * only available if the custom event module is loaded. * @property Global * @type EventTarget * @for YUI */ Y.Global = YUI.Env.globalEvents; // @TODO implement a global namespace function on Y.Global? /** `Y.on()` can do many things: <ul> <li>Subscribe to custom events `publish`ed and `fire`d from Y</li> <li>Subscribe to custom events `publish`ed with `broadcast` 1 or 2 and `fire`d from any object in the YUI instance sandbox</li> <li>Subscribe to DOM events</li> <li>Subscribe to the execution of a method on any object, effectively treating that method as an event</li> </ul> For custom event subscriptions, pass the custom event name as the first argument and callback as the second. The `this` object in the callback will be `Y` unless an override is passed as the third argument. Y.on('io:complete', function () { Y.MyApp.updateStatus('Transaction complete'); }); To subscribe to DOM events, pass the name of a DOM event as the first argument and a CSS selector string as the third argument after the callback function. Alternately, the third argument can be a `Node`, `NodeList`, `HTMLElement`, array, or simply omitted (the default is the `window` object). Y.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // proceed with ajax form submission var url = this.get('action'); ... }, '#my-form'); The `this` object in DOM event callbacks will be the `Node` targeted by the CSS selector or other identifier. `on()` subscribers for DOM events or custom events `publish`ed with a `defaultFn` can prevent the default behavior with `e.preventDefault()` from the event object passed as the first parameter to the subscription callback. To subscribe to the execution of an object method, pass arguments corresponding to the call signature for <a href="../classes/Do.html#methods_before">`Y.Do.before(...)`</a>. NOTE: The formal parameter list below is for events, not for function injection. See `Y.Do.before` for that signature. @method on @param {String} type DOM or custom event name @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription @see Do.before @for YUI **/ /** Listen for an event one time. Equivalent to `on()`, except that the listener is immediately detached when executed. See the <a href="#methods_on">`on()` method</a> for additional subscription options. @see on @method once @param {String} type DOM or custom event name @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription @for YUI **/ /** Listen for an event one time. Equivalent to `once()`, except, like `after()`, the subscription callback executes after all `on()` subscribers and the event's `defaultFn` (if configured) have executed. Like `after()` if any `on()` phase subscriber calls `e.preventDefault()`, neither the `defaultFn` nor the `after()` subscribers will execute. The listener is immediately detached when executed. See the <a href="#methods_on">`on()` method</a> for additional subscription options. @see once @method onceAfter @param {String} type The custom event name @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription @for YUI **/ /** Like `on()`, this method creates a subscription to a custom event or to the execution of a method on an object. For events, `after()` subscribers are executed after the event's `defaultFn` unless `e.preventDefault()` was called from an `on()` subscriber. See the <a href="#methods_on">`on()` method</a> for additional subscription options. NOTE: The subscription signature shown is for events, not for function injection. See <a href="../classes/Do.html#methods_after">`Y.Do.after`</a> for that signature. @see on @see Do.after @method after @param {String} type The custom event name @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback @param {Any} [args*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription @for YUI **/ }, '@VERSION@', {"requires": ["oop"]});
import React from 'react'; import TopGroup from '../TopGroup'; import { DateRangePicker, SingleDatePicker, DayPickerRangeController } from 'react-dates'; import moment from "moment"; import DateRange from '../DateRange'; var SelectedStartDate = moment('2017-05-05'); var SelectedEndDate = moment('2017-05-09'); export default class Score extends React.Component { //eslint-disable-line constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { focusedInput: null, startDate: SelectedStartDate, endDate:SelectedEndDate }; this.onDatesChange = this.onDatesChange.bind(this); this.onFocusChange = this.onFocusChange.bind(this); } onDatesChange({ startDate, endDate }) { this.setState({ startDate, endDate }); } onFocusChange(focusedInput) { this.setState({ focusedInput }); } render() { const { franchiseMerchants, openAccordion, dateRangeMerchant, merchantDateRange, getTeamCustomers, getMerchantReports} = this.props; const { focusedInput, startDate, endDate } = this.state; const Style = { width: '100%', border: '1px solid #e0d94d', fontSize: '0.75rem', fontWeight: '600', padding: '0.3em', marginBottom: '1em', } return ( <div className="ink-flex"> <div className="all-100 team-block" style={{ padding: '0.5em 0.8em', width: '100%' }}> <div className="ink-flex"> <div className="all-100"> <div className="team-search"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search Teams" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div className="all-100"> <div className="ink-flex push-center" style={{ padding: '0.8em 0.8em 0 0.8em'}}> <div className=""> <DateRange merchantBlock={true} merchantDateRange={merchantDateRange} dateRangeMerchant={dateRangeMerchant} getTeamCustomers={getTeamCustomers} Style={Style} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="all-100"> <div className="top-group-list" style={{ padding: '0.8em' }}> <TopGroup franchiseMerchants={franchiseMerchants} openAccordion={openAccordion} getMerchantReports={getMerchantReports} /> </div> </div> </div> ); } }
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let AvFastForward = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M4 18l8.5-6L4 6v12zm9-12v12l8.5-6L13 6z"/> </SvgIcon> ); AvFastForward = pure(AvFastForward); AvFastForward.displayName = 'AvFastForward'; AvFastForward.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default AvFastForward;
import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import SelectOptions from '../components/SelectOptions'; import SuccessButton from '../components/SuccessButton'; import Cities from '../services/Cities'; /* Page Container fto Select City */ let cities; export default class SelectCity extends React.Component{ handleSelect(){ window.selectedCity = cities[$('select').val()]; //console.log(window.selectedCity); } render (){ cities = Cities.getCities(); return ( <div className='row sc-container'> <div className='col s6 offset-s1'><SelectOptions options={cities} handleSelect={this.handleSelect}/></div> <Link to='/weather'><div className='col s4 enter-button'><SuccessButton name='Enter' /></div></Link> </div> ); } }
var FIXTURE = 'default'; describe(`ComponentPlayground (${FIXTURE}) Events Handlers`, function() { var ComponentTree = require('react-component-tree'), render = require('tests/lib/render-component.js'), fixture = require(`fixtures/component-playground/${FIXTURE}.js`); var component, $component, container, fixture; beforeEach(function() { ({container, component, $component} = render(fixture)); sinon.spy(component, 'setState'); }); afterEach(function() { component.setState.restore(); }); it('should ignore fixture update', function() { component.onFixtureUpdate(); expect(component.setState).to.not.have.been.called; }); });
node_modules/[email protected]@rc-time-picker/es/Header.js
import _classCallCheck from 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'; import _createClass from 'babel-runtime/helpers/createClass'; import _possibleConstructorReturn from 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn'; import _inherits from 'babel-runtime/helpers/inherits'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import moment from 'moment'; var Header = function (_Component) { _inherits(Header, _Component); function Header(props) { _classCallCheck(this, Header); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Header.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Header)).call(this, props));; var value = props.value, format = props.format; _this.state = { str: value && value.format(format) || '', invalid: false }; return _this; } _createClass(Header, [{ key: 'componentWillReceiveProps', value: function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { var value = nextProps.value, format = nextProps.format; this.setState({ str: value && value.format(format) || '', invalid: false }); } }, { key: 'getClearButton', value: function getClearButton() { var _props = this.props, prefixCls = _props.prefixCls, allowEmpty = _props.allowEmpty; if (!allowEmpty) { return null; } return React.createElement('a', { className: prefixCls + '-clear-btn', role: 'button', title: this.props.clearText, onMouseDown: this.onClear }); } }, { key: 'getProtoValue', value: function getProtoValue() { return this.props.value || this.props.defaultOpenValue; } }, { key: 'getInput', value: function getInput() { var _props2 = this.props, prefixCls = _props2.prefixCls, placeholder = _props2.placeholder; var _state = this.state, invalid = _state.invalid, str = _state.str; var invalidClass = invalid ? prefixCls + '-input-invalid' : ''; return React.createElement('input', { className: prefixCls + '-input ' + invalidClass, ref: 'input', onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, value: str, placeholder: placeholder, onChange: this.onInputChange }); } }, { key: 'render', value: function render() { var prefixCls = this.props.prefixCls; return React.createElement( 'div', { className: prefixCls + '-input-wrap' }, this.getInput(), this.getClearButton() ); } }]); return Header; }(Component); Header.propTypes = { format: PropTypes.string, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, disabledDate: PropTypes.func, placeholder: PropTypes.string, clearText: PropTypes.string, value: PropTypes.object, hourOptions: PropTypes.array, minuteOptions: PropTypes.array, secondOptions: PropTypes.array, disabledHours: PropTypes.func, disabledMinutes: PropTypes.func, disabledSeconds: PropTypes.func, onChange: PropTypes.func, onClear: PropTypes.func, onEsc: PropTypes.func, allowEmpty: PropTypes.bool, defaultOpenValue: PropTypes.object, currentSelectPanel: PropTypes.string }; var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() { var _this2 = this; this.onInputChange = function (event) { var str =; _this2.setState({ str: str }); var _props3 = _this2.props, format = _props3.format, hourOptions = _props3.hourOptions, minuteOptions = _props3.minuteOptions, secondOptions = _props3.secondOptions, disabledHours = _props3.disabledHours, disabledMinutes = _props3.disabledMinutes, disabledSeconds = _props3.disabledSeconds, onChange = _props3.onChange, allowEmpty = _props3.allowEmpty; if (str) { var originalValue = _this2.props.value; var value = _this2.getProtoValue().clone(); var parsed = moment(str, format, true); if (!parsed.isValid()) { _this2.setState({ invalid: true }); return; } value.hour(parsed.hour()).minute(parsed.minute()).second(parsed.second()); // if time value not allowed, response warning. if (hourOptions.indexOf(value.hour()) < 0 || minuteOptions.indexOf(value.minute()) < 0 || secondOptions.indexOf(value.second()) < 0) { _this2.setState({ invalid: true }); return; } // if time value is disabled, response warning. var disabledHourOptions = disabledHours(); var disabledMinuteOptions = disabledMinutes(value.hour()); var disabledSecondOptions = disabledSeconds(value.hour(), value.minute()); if (disabledHourOptions && disabledHourOptions.indexOf(value.hour()) >= 0 || disabledMinuteOptions && disabledMinuteOptions.indexOf(value.minute()) >= 0 || disabledSecondOptions && disabledSecondOptions.indexOf(value.second()) >= 0) { _this2.setState({ invalid: true }); return; } if (originalValue) { if (originalValue.hour() !== value.hour() || originalValue.minute() !== value.minute() || originalValue.second() !== value.second()) { // keep other fields for rc-calendar var changedValue = originalValue.clone(); changedValue.hour(value.hour()); changedValue.minute(value.minute()); changedValue.second(value.second()); onChange(changedValue); } } else if (originalValue !== value) { onChange(value); } } else if (allowEmpty) { onChange(null); } else { _this2.setState({ invalid: true }); return; } _this2.setState({ invalid: false }); }; this.onKeyDown = function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { _this2.props.onEsc(); } }; this.onClear = function () { _this2.setState({ str: '' }); _this2.props.onClear(); }; }; export default Header;
/*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; function __spreadArray(to, from) { for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++) to[j] = from[i]; return to; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Firebase constants. Some of these (@defines) can be overridden at compile-time. */ var CONSTANTS = { /** * @define {boolean} Whether this is the client Node.js SDK. */ NODE_CLIENT: false, /** * @define {boolean} Whether this is the Admin Node.js SDK. */ NODE_ADMIN: false, /** * Firebase SDK Version */ SDK_VERSION: '${JSCORE_VERSION}' }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Throws an error if the provided assertion is falsy */ var assert = function (assertion, message) { if (!assertion) { throw assertionError(message); } }; /** * Returns an Error object suitable for throwing. */ var assertionError = function (message) { return new Error('Firebase Database (' + CONSTANTS.SDK_VERSION + ') INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: ' + message); }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var stringToByteArray$1 = function (str) { // TODO(user): Use native implementations if/when available var out = []; var p = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { out[p++] = c; } else if (c < 2048) { out[p++] = (c >> 6) | 192; out[p++] = (c & 63) | 128; } else if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && i + 1 < str.length && (str.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) { // Surrogate Pair c = 0x10000 + ((c & 0x03ff) << 10) + (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x03ff); out[p++] = (c >> 18) | 240; out[p++] = ((c >> 12) & 63) | 128; out[p++] = ((c >> 6) & 63) | 128; out[p++] = (c & 63) | 128; } else { out[p++] = (c >> 12) | 224; out[p++] = ((c >> 6) & 63) | 128; out[p++] = (c & 63) | 128; } } return out; }; /** * Turns an array of numbers into the string given by the concatenation of the * characters to which the numbers correspond. * @param bytes Array of numbers representing characters. * @return Stringification of the array. */ var byteArrayToString = function (bytes) { // TODO(user): Use native implementations if/when available var out = []; var pos = 0, c = 0; while (pos < bytes.length) { var c1 = bytes[pos++]; if (c1 < 128) { out[c++] = String.fromCharCode(c1); } else if (c1 > 191 && c1 < 224) { var c2 = bytes[pos++]; out[c++] = String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); } else if (c1 > 239 && c1 < 365) { // Surrogate Pair var c2 = bytes[pos++]; var c3 = bytes[pos++]; var c4 = bytes[pos++]; var u = (((c1 & 7) << 18) | ((c2 & 63) << 12) | ((c3 & 63) << 6) | (c4 & 63)) - 0x10000; out[c++] = String.fromCharCode(0xd800 + (u >> 10)); out[c++] = String.fromCharCode(0xdc00 + (u & 1023)); } else { var c2 = bytes[pos++]; var c3 = bytes[pos++]; out[c++] = String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); } } return out.join(''); }; // We define it as an object literal instead of a class because a class compiled down to es5 can't // be treeshaked. // Static lookup maps, lazily populated by init_() var base64 = { /** * Maps bytes to characters. */ byteToCharMap_: null, /** * Maps characters to bytes. */ charToByteMap_: null, /** * Maps bytes to websafe characters. * @private */ byteToCharMapWebSafe_: null, /** * Maps websafe characters to bytes. * @private */ charToByteMapWebSafe_: null, /** * Our default alphabet, shared between * ENCODED_VALS and ENCODED_VALS_WEBSAFE */ ENCODED_VALS_BASE: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789', /** * Our default alphabet. Value 64 (=) is special; it means "nothing." */ get ENCODED_VALS() { return this.ENCODED_VALS_BASE + '+/='; }, /** * Our websafe alphabet. */ get ENCODED_VALS_WEBSAFE() { return this.ENCODED_VALS_BASE + '-_.'; }, /** * Whether this browser supports the atob and btoa functions. This extension * started at Mozilla but is now implemented by many browsers. We use the * ASSUME_* variables to avoid pulling in the full useragent detection library * but still allowing the standard per-browser compilations. * */ HAS_NATIVE_SUPPORT: typeof atob === 'function', /** * Base64-encode an array of bytes. * * @param input An array of bytes (numbers with * value in [0, 255]) to encode. * @param webSafe Boolean indicating we should use the * alternative alphabet. * @return The base64 encoded string. */ encodeByteArray: function (input, webSafe) { if (!Array.isArray(input)) { throw Error('encodeByteArray takes an array as a parameter'); } this.init_(); var byteToCharMap = webSafe ? this.byteToCharMapWebSafe_ : this.byteToCharMap_; var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i += 3) { var byte1 = input[i]; var haveByte2 = i + 1 < input.length; var byte2 = haveByte2 ? input[i + 1] : 0; var haveByte3 = i + 2 < input.length; var byte3 = haveByte3 ? input[i + 2] : 0; var outByte1 = byte1 >> 2; var outByte2 = ((byte1 & 0x03) << 4) | (byte2 >> 4); var outByte3 = ((byte2 & 0x0f) << 2) | (byte3 >> 6); var outByte4 = byte3 & 0x3f; if (!haveByte3) { outByte4 = 64; if (!haveByte2) { outByte3 = 64; } } output.push(byteToCharMap[outByte1], byteToCharMap[outByte2], byteToCharMap[outByte3], byteToCharMap[outByte4]); } return output.join(''); }, /** * Base64-encode a string. * * @param input A string to encode. * @param webSafe If true, we should use the * alternative alphabet. * @return The base64 encoded string. */ encodeString: function (input, webSafe) { // Shortcut for Mozilla browsers that implement // a native base64 encoder in the form of "btoa/atob" if (this.HAS_NATIVE_SUPPORT && !webSafe) { return btoa(input); } return this.encodeByteArray(stringToByteArray$1(input), webSafe); }, /** * Base64-decode a string. * * @param input to decode. * @param webSafe True if we should use the * alternative alphabet. * @return string representing the decoded value. */ decodeString: function (input, webSafe) { // Shortcut for Mozilla browsers that implement // a native base64 encoder in the form of "btoa/atob" if (this.HAS_NATIVE_SUPPORT && !webSafe) { return atob(input); } return byteArrayToString(this.decodeStringToByteArray(input, webSafe)); }, /** * Base64-decode a string. * * In base-64 decoding, groups of four characters are converted into three * bytes. If the encoder did not apply padding, the input length may not * be a multiple of 4. * * In this case, the last group will have fewer than 4 characters, and * padding will be inferred. If the group has one or two characters, it decodes * to one byte. If the group has three characters, it decodes to two bytes. * * @param input Input to decode. * @param webSafe True if we should use the web-safe alphabet. * @return bytes representing the decoded value. */ decodeStringToByteArray: function (input, webSafe) { this.init_(); var charToByteMap = webSafe ? this.charToByteMapWebSafe_ : this.charToByteMap_; var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < input.length;) { var byte1 = charToByteMap[input.charAt(i++)]; var haveByte2 = i < input.length; var byte2 = haveByte2 ? charToByteMap[input.charAt(i)] : 0; ++i; var haveByte3 = i < input.length; var byte3 = haveByte3 ? charToByteMap[input.charAt(i)] : 64; ++i; var haveByte4 = i < input.length; var byte4 = haveByte4 ? charToByteMap[input.charAt(i)] : 64; ++i; if (byte1 == null || byte2 == null || byte3 == null || byte4 == null) { throw Error(); } var outByte1 = (byte1 << 2) | (byte2 >> 4); output.push(outByte1); if (byte3 !== 64) { var outByte2 = ((byte2 << 4) & 0xf0) | (byte3 >> 2); output.push(outByte2); if (byte4 !== 64) { var outByte3 = ((byte3 << 6) & 0xc0) | byte4; output.push(outByte3); } } } return output; }, /** * Lazy static initialization function. Called before * accessing any of the static map variables. * @private */ init_: function () { if (!this.byteToCharMap_) { this.byteToCharMap_ = {}; this.charToByteMap_ = {}; this.byteToCharMapWebSafe_ = {}; this.charToByteMapWebSafe_ = {}; // We want quick mappings back and forth, so we precompute two maps. for (var i = 0; i < this.ENCODED_VALS.length; i++) { this.byteToCharMap_[i] = this.ENCODED_VALS.charAt(i); this.charToByteMap_[this.byteToCharMap_[i]] = i; this.byteToCharMapWebSafe_[i] = this.ENCODED_VALS_WEBSAFE.charAt(i); this.charToByteMapWebSafe_[this.byteToCharMapWebSafe_[i]] = i; // Be forgiving when decoding and correctly decode both encodings. if (i >= this.ENCODED_VALS_BASE.length) { this.charToByteMap_[this.ENCODED_VALS_WEBSAFE.charAt(i)] = i; this.charToByteMapWebSafe_[this.ENCODED_VALS.charAt(i)] = i; } } } } }; /** * URL-safe base64 encoding */ var base64Encode = function (str) { var utf8Bytes = stringToByteArray$1(str); return base64.encodeByteArray(utf8Bytes, true); }; /** * URL-safe base64 encoding (without "." padding in the end). * e.g. Used in JSON Web Token (JWT) parts. */ var base64urlEncodeWithoutPadding = function (str) { // Use base64url encoding and remove padding in the end (dot characters). return base64Encode(str).replace(/\./g, ''); }; /** * URL-safe base64 decoding * * NOTE: DO NOT use the global atob() function - it does NOT support the * base64Url variant encoding. * * @param str To be decoded * @return Decoded result, if possible */ var base64Decode = function (str) { try { return base64.decodeString(str, true); } catch (e) { console.error('base64Decode failed: ', e); } return null; }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Do a deep-copy of basic JavaScript Objects or Arrays. */ function deepCopy(value) { return deepExtend(undefined, value); } /** * Copy properties from source to target (recursively allows extension * of Objects and Arrays). Scalar values in the target are over-written. * If target is undefined, an object of the appropriate type will be created * (and returned). * * We recursively copy all child properties of plain Objects in the source- so * that namespace- like dictionaries are merged. * * Note that the target can be a function, in which case the properties in * the source Object are copied onto it as static properties of the Function. * * Note: we don't merge __proto__ to prevent prototype pollution */ function deepExtend(target, source) { if (!(source instanceof Object)) { return source; } switch (source.constructor) { case Date: // Treat Dates like scalars; if the target date object had any child // properties - they will be lost! var dateValue = source; return new Date(dateValue.getTime()); case Object: if (target === undefined) { target = {}; } break; case Array: // Always copy the array source and overwrite the target. target = []; break; default: // Not a plain Object - treat it as a scalar. return source; } for (var prop in source) { // use isValidKey to guard against prototype pollution. See if (!source.hasOwnProperty(prop) || !isValidKey$1(prop)) { continue; } target[prop] = deepExtend(target[prop], source[prop]); } return target; } function isValidKey$1(key) { return key !== '__proto__'; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var Deferred = /** @class */ (function () { function Deferred() { var _this = this; this.reject = function () { }; this.resolve = function () { }; this.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { _this.resolve = resolve; _this.reject = reject; }); } /** * Our API internals are not promiseified and cannot because our callback APIs have subtle expectations around * invoking promises inline, which Promises are forbidden to do. This method accepts an optional node-style callback * and returns a node-style callback which will resolve or reject the Deferred's promise. */ Deferred.prototype.wrapCallback = function (callback) { var _this = this; return function (error, value) { if (error) { _this.reject(error); } else { _this.resolve(value); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { // Attaching noop handler just in case developer wasn't expecting // promises _this.promise.catch(function () { }); // Some of our callbacks don't expect a value and our own tests // assert that the parameter length is 1 if (callback.length === 1) { callback(error); } else { callback(error, value); } } }; }; return Deferred; }()); /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function createMockUserToken(token, projectId) { if (token.uid) { throw new Error('The "uid" field is no longer supported by mockUserToken. Please use "sub" instead for Firebase Auth User ID.'); } // Unsecured JWTs use "none" as the algorithm. var header = { alg: 'none', type: 'JWT' }; var project = projectId || 'demo-project'; var iat = token.iat || 0; var sub = token.sub || token.user_id; if (!sub) { throw new Error("mockUserToken must contain 'sub' or 'user_id' field!"); } var payload = __assign({ // Set all required fields to decent defaults iss: "" + project, aud: project, iat: iat, exp: iat + 3600, auth_time: iat, sub: sub, user_id: sub, firebase: { sign_in_provider: 'custom', identities: {} } }, token); // Unsecured JWTs use the empty string as a signature. var signature = ''; return [ base64urlEncodeWithoutPadding(JSON.stringify(header)), base64urlEncodeWithoutPadding(JSON.stringify(payload)), signature ].join('.'); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Returns navigator.userAgent string or '' if it's not defined. * @return user agent string */ function getUA() { if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator['userAgent'] === 'string') { return navigator['userAgent']; } else { return ''; } } /** * Detect Cordova / PhoneGap / Ionic frameworks on a mobile device. * * Deliberately does not rely on checking `file://` URLs (as this fails PhoneGap * in the Ripple emulator) nor Cordova `onDeviceReady`, which would normally * wait for a callback. */ function isMobileCordova() { return (typeof window !== 'undefined' && // @ts-ignore Setting up an broadly applicable index signature for Window // just to deal with this case would probably be a bad idea. !!(window['cordova'] || window['phonegap'] || window['PhoneGap']) && /ios|iphone|ipod|ipad|android|blackberry|iemobile/i.test(getUA())); } /** * Detect React Native. * * @return true if ReactNative environment is detected. */ function isReactNative() { return (typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator['product'] === 'ReactNative'); } /** * Detect whether the current SDK build is the Node version. * * @return true if it's the Node SDK build. */ function isNodeSdk() { return CONSTANTS.NODE_ADMIN === true; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var ERROR_NAME = 'FirebaseError'; // Based on code from: // var FirebaseError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(FirebaseError, _super); function FirebaseError(code, message, customData) { var _this =, message) || this; _this.code = code; _this.customData = customData; = ERROR_NAME; // Fix For ES5 // Object.setPrototypeOf(_this, FirebaseError.prototype); // Maintains proper stack trace for where our error was thrown. // Only available on V8. if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(_this, ErrorFactory.prototype.create); } return _this; } return FirebaseError; }(Error)); var ErrorFactory = /** @class */ (function () { function ErrorFactory(service, serviceName, errors) { this.service = service; this.serviceName = serviceName; this.errors = errors; } ErrorFactory.prototype.create = function (code) { var data = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { data[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } var customData = data[0] || {}; var fullCode = this.service + "/" + code; var template = this.errors[code]; var message = template ? replaceTemplate(template, customData) : 'Error'; // Service Name: Error message (service/code). var fullMessage = this.serviceName + ": " + message + " (" + fullCode + ")."; var error = new FirebaseError(fullCode, fullMessage, customData); return error; }; return ErrorFactory; }()); function replaceTemplate(template, data) { return template.replace(PATTERN, function (_, key) { var value = data[key]; return value != null ? String(value) : "<" + key + "?>"; }); } var PATTERN = /\{\$([^}]+)}/g; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Evaluates a JSON string into a javascript object. * * @param {string} str A string containing JSON. * @return {*} The javascript object representing the specified JSON. */ function jsonEval(str) { return JSON.parse(str); } /** * Returns JSON representing a javascript object. * @param {*} data Javascript object to be stringified. * @return {string} The JSON contents of the object. */ function stringify(data) { return JSON.stringify(data); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Decodes a Firebase auth. token into constituent parts. * * Notes: * - May return with invalid / incomplete claims if there's no native base64 decoding support. * - Doesn't check if the token is actually valid. */ var decode = function (token) { var header = {}, claims = {}, data = {}, signature = ''; try { var parts = token.split('.'); header = jsonEval(base64Decode(parts[0]) || ''); claims = jsonEval(base64Decode(parts[1]) || ''); signature = parts[2]; data = claims['d'] || {}; delete claims['d']; } catch (e) { } return { header: header, claims: claims, data: data, signature: signature }; }; /** * Decodes a Firebase auth. token and checks the validity of its format. Expects a valid issued-at time. * * Notes: * - May return a false negative if there's no native base64 decoding support. * - Doesn't check if the token is actually valid. */ var isValidFormat = function (token) { var decoded = decode(token), claims =; return !!claims && typeof claims === 'object' && claims.hasOwnProperty('iat'); }; /** * Attempts to peer into an auth token and determine if it's an admin auth token by looking at the claims portion. * * Notes: * - May return a false negative if there's no native base64 decoding support. * - Doesn't check if the token is actually valid. */ var isAdmin = function (token) { var claims = decode(token).claims; return typeof claims === 'object' && claims['admin'] === true; }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function contains(obj, key) { return, key); } function safeGet(obj, key) { if (, key)) { return obj[key]; } else { return undefined; } } function isEmpty(obj) { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { return false; } } return true; } function map(obj, fn, contextObj) { var res = {}; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { res[key] =, obj[key], key, obj); } } return res; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Returns a querystring-formatted string (e.g. &arg=val&arg2=val2) from a * params object (e.g. {arg: 'val', arg2: 'val2'}) * Note: You must prepend it with ? when adding it to a URL. */ function querystring(querystringParams) { var params = []; var _loop_1 = function (key, value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach(function (arrayVal) { params.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(arrayVal)); }); } else { params.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)); } }; for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(querystringParams); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var _b = _a[_i], key = _b[0], value = _b[1]; _loop_1(key, value); } return params.length ? '&' + params.join('&') : ''; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview SHA-1 cryptographic hash. * Variable names follow the notation in FIPS PUB 180-3: * * * Usage: * var sha1 = new sha1(); * sha1.update(bytes); * var hash = sha1.digest(); * * Performance: * Chrome 23: ~400 Mbit/s * Firefox 16: ~250 Mbit/s * */ /** * SHA-1 cryptographic hash constructor. * * The properties declared here are discussed in the above algorithm document. * @constructor * @final * @struct */ var Sha1 = /** @class */ (function () { function Sha1() { /** * Holds the previous values of accumulated variables a-e in the compress_ * function. * @private */ this.chain_ = []; /** * A buffer holding the partially computed hash result. * @private */ this.buf_ = []; /** * An array of 80 bytes, each a part of the message to be hashed. Referred to * as the message schedule in the docs. * @private */ this.W_ = []; /** * Contains data needed to pad messages less than 64 bytes. * @private */ this.pad_ = []; /** * @private {number} */ this.inbuf_ = 0; /** * @private {number} */ this.total_ = 0; this.blockSize = 512 / 8; this.pad_[0] = 128; for (var i = 1; i < this.blockSize; ++i) { this.pad_[i] = 0; } this.reset(); } Sha1.prototype.reset = function () { this.chain_[0] = 0x67452301; this.chain_[1] = 0xefcdab89; this.chain_[2] = 0x98badcfe; this.chain_[3] = 0x10325476; this.chain_[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0; this.inbuf_ = 0; this.total_ = 0; }; /** * Internal compress helper function. * @param buf Block to compress. * @param offset Offset of the block in the buffer. * @private */ Sha1.prototype.compress_ = function (buf, offset) { if (!offset) { offset = 0; } var W = this.W_; // get 16 big endian words if (typeof buf === 'string') { for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // TODO(user): [bug 8140122] Recent versions of Safari for Mac OS and iOS // have a bug that turns the post-increment ++ operator into pre-increment // during JIT compilation. We have code that depends heavily on SHA-1 for // correctness and which is affected by this bug, so I've removed all uses // of post-increment ++ in which the result value is used. We can revert // this change once the Safari bug // ( has been fixed and // most clients have been updated. W[i] = (buf.charCodeAt(offset) << 24) | (buf.charCodeAt(offset + 1) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(offset + 2) << 8) | buf.charCodeAt(offset + 3); offset += 4; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { W[i] = (buf[offset] << 24) | (buf[offset + 1] << 16) | (buf[offset + 2] << 8) | buf[offset + 3]; offset += 4; } } // expand to 80 words for (var i = 16; i < 80; i++) { var t = W[i - 3] ^ W[i - 8] ^ W[i - 14] ^ W[i - 16]; W[i] = ((t << 1) | (t >>> 31)) & 0xffffffff; } var a = this.chain_[0]; var b = this.chain_[1]; var c = this.chain_[2]; var d = this.chain_[3]; var e = this.chain_[4]; var f, k; // TODO(user): Try to unroll this loop to speed up the computation. for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { if (i < 40) { if (i < 20) { f = d ^ (b & (c ^ d)); k = 0x5a827999; } else { f = b ^ c ^ d; k = 0x6ed9eba1; } } else { if (i < 60) { f = (b & c) | (d & (b | c)); k = 0x8f1bbcdc; } else { f = b ^ c ^ d; k = 0xca62c1d6; } } var t = (((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + k + W[i]) & 0xffffffff; e = d; d = c; c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) & 0xffffffff; b = a; a = t; } this.chain_[0] = (this.chain_[0] + a) & 0xffffffff; this.chain_[1] = (this.chain_[1] + b) & 0xffffffff; this.chain_[2] = (this.chain_[2] + c) & 0xffffffff; this.chain_[3] = (this.chain_[3] + d) & 0xffffffff; this.chain_[4] = (this.chain_[4] + e) & 0xffffffff; }; Sha1.prototype.update = function (bytes, length) { // TODO(johnlenz): tighten the function signature and remove this check if (bytes == null) { return; } if (length === undefined) { length = bytes.length; } var lengthMinusBlock = length - this.blockSize; var n = 0; // Using local instead of member variables gives ~5% speedup on Firefox 16. var buf = this.buf_; var inbuf = this.inbuf_; // The outer while loop should execute at most twice. while (n < length) { // When we have no data in the block to top up, we can directly process the // input buffer (assuming it contains sufficient data). This gives ~25% // speedup on Chrome 23 and ~15% speedup on Firefox 16, but requires that // the data is provided in large chunks (or in multiples of 64 bytes). if (inbuf === 0) { while (n <= lengthMinusBlock) { this.compress_(bytes, n); n += this.blockSize; } } if (typeof bytes === 'string') { while (n < length) { buf[inbuf] = bytes.charCodeAt(n); ++inbuf; ++n; if (inbuf === this.blockSize) { this.compress_(buf); inbuf = 0; // Jump to the outer loop so we use the full-block optimization. break; } } } else { while (n < length) { buf[inbuf] = bytes[n]; ++inbuf; ++n; if (inbuf === this.blockSize) { this.compress_(buf); inbuf = 0; // Jump to the outer loop so we use the full-block optimization. break; } } } } this.inbuf_ = inbuf; this.total_ += length; }; /** @override */ Sha1.prototype.digest = function () { var digest = []; var totalBits = this.total_ * 8; // Add pad 0x80 0x00*. if (this.inbuf_ < 56) { this.update(this.pad_, 56 - this.inbuf_); } else { this.update(this.pad_, this.blockSize - (this.inbuf_ - 56)); } // Add # bits. for (var i = this.blockSize - 1; i >= 56; i--) { this.buf_[i] = totalBits & 255; totalBits /= 256; // Don't use bit-shifting here! } this.compress_(this.buf_); var n = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (var j = 24; j >= 0; j -= 8) { digest[n] = (this.chain_[i] >> j) & 255; ++n; } } return digest; }; return Sha1; }()); /** * Generates a string to prefix an error message about failed argument validation * * @param fnName The function name * @param argName The name of the argument * @return The prefix to add to the error thrown for validation. */ function errorPrefix(fnName, argName) { return fnName + " failed: " + argName + " argument "; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Code originally came from goog.crypt.stringToUtf8ByteArray, but for some reason they // automatically replaced '\r\n' with '\n', and they didn't handle surrogate pairs, // so it's been modified. // Note that not all Unicode characters appear as single characters in JavaScript strings. // fromCharCode returns the UTF-16 encoding of a character - so some Unicode characters // use 2 characters in Javascript. All 4-byte UTF-8 characters begin with a first // character in the range 0xD800 - 0xDBFF (the first character of a so-called surrogate // pair). // See /** * @param {string} str * @return {Array} */ var stringToByteArray = function (str) { var out = []; var p = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); // Is this the lead surrogate in a surrogate pair? if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff) { var high = c - 0xd800; // the high 10 bits. i++; assert(i < str.length, 'Surrogate pair missing trail surrogate.'); var low = str.charCodeAt(i) - 0xdc00; // the low 10 bits. c = 0x10000 + (high << 10) + low; } if (c < 128) { out[p++] = c; } else if (c < 2048) { out[p++] = (c >> 6) | 192; out[p++] = (c & 63) | 128; } else if (c < 65536) { out[p++] = (c >> 12) | 224; out[p++] = ((c >> 6) & 63) | 128; out[p++] = (c & 63) | 128; } else { out[p++] = (c >> 18) | 240; out[p++] = ((c >> 12) & 63) | 128; out[p++] = ((c >> 6) & 63) | 128; out[p++] = (c & 63) | 128; } } return out; }; /** * Calculate length without actually converting; useful for doing cheaper validation. * @param {string} str * @return {number} */ var stringLength = function (str) { var p = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { p++; } else if (c < 2048) { p += 2; } else if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff) { // Lead surrogate of a surrogate pair. The pair together will take 4 bytes to represent. p += 4; i++; // skip trail surrogate. } else { p += 3; } } return p; }; /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function getModularInstance(service) { if (service && service._delegate) { return service._delegate; } else { return service; } } /** * Component for service name T, e.g. `auth`, `auth-internal` */ var Component = /** @class */ (function () { /** * * @param name The public service name, e.g. app, auth, firestore, database * @param instanceFactory Service factory responsible for creating the public interface * @param type whether the service provided by the component is public or private */ function Component(name, instanceFactory, type) { = name; this.instanceFactory = instanceFactory; this.type = type; this.multipleInstances = false; /** * Properties to be added to the service namespace */ this.serviceProps = {}; this.instantiationMode = "LAZY" /* LAZY */; this.onInstanceCreated = null; } Component.prototype.setInstantiationMode = function (mode) { this.instantiationMode = mode; return this; }; Component.prototype.setMultipleInstances = function (multipleInstances) { this.multipleInstances = multipleInstances; return this; }; Component.prototype.setServiceProps = function (props) { this.serviceProps = props; return this; }; Component.prototype.setInstanceCreatedCallback = function (callback) { this.onInstanceCreated = callback; return this; }; return Component; }()); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var _a; /** * The JS SDK supports 5 log levels and also allows a user the ability to * silence the logs altogether. * * The order is a follows: * DEBUG < VERBOSE < INFO < WARN < ERROR * * All of the log types above the current log level will be captured (i.e. if * you set the log level to `INFO`, errors will still be logged, but `DEBUG` and * `VERBOSE` logs will not) */ var LogLevel; (function (LogLevel) { LogLevel[LogLevel["DEBUG"] = 0] = "DEBUG"; LogLevel[LogLevel["VERBOSE"] = 1] = "VERBOSE"; LogLevel[LogLevel["INFO"] = 2] = "INFO"; LogLevel[LogLevel["WARN"] = 3] = "WARN"; LogLevel[LogLevel["ERROR"] = 4] = "ERROR"; LogLevel[LogLevel["SILENT"] = 5] = "SILENT"; })(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {})); var levelStringToEnum = { 'debug': LogLevel.DEBUG, 'verbose': LogLevel.VERBOSE, 'info': LogLevel.INFO, 'warn': LogLevel.WARN, 'error': LogLevel.ERROR, 'silent': LogLevel.SILENT }; /** * The default log level */ var defaultLogLevel = LogLevel.INFO; /** * By default, `console.debug` is not displayed in the developer console (in * chrome). To avoid forcing users to have to opt-in to these logs twice * (i.e. once for firebase, and once in the console), we are sending `DEBUG` * logs to the `console.log` function. */ var ConsoleMethod = (_a = {}, _a[LogLevel.DEBUG] = 'log', _a[LogLevel.VERBOSE] = 'log', _a[LogLevel.INFO] = 'info', _a[LogLevel.WARN] = 'warn', _a[LogLevel.ERROR] = 'error', _a); /** * The default log handler will forward DEBUG, VERBOSE, INFO, WARN, and ERROR * messages on to their corresponding console counterparts (if the log method * is supported by the current log level) */ var defaultLogHandler = function (instance, logType) { var args = []; for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i]; } if (logType < instance.logLevel) { return; } var now = new Date().toISOString(); var method = ConsoleMethod[logType]; if (method) { console[method].apply(console, __spreadArray(["[" + now + "] " + + ":"], args)); } else { throw new Error("Attempted to log a message with an invalid logType (value: " + logType + ")"); } }; var Logger = /** @class */ (function () { /** * Gives you an instance of a Logger to capture messages according to * Firebase's logging scheme. * * @param name The name that the logs will be associated with */ function Logger(name) { = name; /** * The log level of the given Logger instance. */ this._logLevel = defaultLogLevel; /** * The main (internal) log handler for the Logger instance. * Can be set to a new function in internal package code but not by user. */ this._logHandler = defaultLogHandler; /** * The optional, additional, user-defined log handler for the Logger instance. */ this._userLogHandler = null; } Object.defineProperty(Logger.prototype, "logLevel", { get: function () { return this._logLevel; }, set: function (val) { if (!(val in LogLevel)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid value \"" + val + "\" assigned to `logLevel`"); } this._logLevel = val; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); // Workaround for setter/getter having to be the same type. Logger.prototype.setLogLevel = function (val) { this._logLevel = typeof val === 'string' ? levelStringToEnum[val] : val; }; Object.defineProperty(Logger.prototype, "logHandler", { get: function () { return this._logHandler; }, set: function (val) { if (typeof val !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Value assigned to `logHandler` must be a function'); } this._logHandler = val; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Logger.prototype, "userLogHandler", { get: function () { return this._userLogHandler; }, set: function (val) { this._userLogHandler = val; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * The functions below are all based on the `console` interface */ Logger.prototype.debug = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.DEBUG], args)); this._logHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.DEBUG], args)); }; Logger.prototype.log = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.VERBOSE], args)); this._logHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.VERBOSE], args)); }; = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.INFO], args)); this._logHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.INFO], args)); }; Logger.prototype.warn = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.WARN], args)); this._logHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.WARN], args)); }; Logger.prototype.error = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.ERROR], args)); this._logHandler.apply(this, __spreadArray([this, LogLevel.ERROR], args)); }; return Logger; }()); /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class PlatformLoggerServiceImpl { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } // In initial implementation, this will be called by installations on // auth token refresh, and installations will send this string. getPlatformInfoString() { const providers = this.container.getProviders(); // Loop through providers and get library/version pairs from any that are // version components. return providers .map(provider => { if (isVersionServiceProvider(provider)) { const service = provider.getImmediate(); return `${service.library}/${service.version}`; } else { return null; } }) .filter(logString => logString) .join(' '); } } /** * * @param provider check if this provider provides a VersionService * * NOTE: Using Provider<'app-version'> is a hack to indicate that the provider * provides VersionService. The provider is not necessarily a 'app-version' * provider. */ function isVersionServiceProvider(provider) { const component = provider.getComponent(); return (component === null || component === void 0 ? void 0 : component.type) === "VERSION" /* VERSION */; } const name$o = "@firebase/app"; const version$1 = "0.7.0-2021719172025"; /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const logger$1 = new Logger('@firebase/app'); const name$n = "@firebase/app-compat"; const name$m = "@firebase/analytics-compat"; const name$l = "@firebase/analytics"; const name$k = "@firebase/app-check-compat"; const name$j = "@firebase/app-check"; const name$i = "@firebase/auth"; const name$h = "@firebase/auth-compat"; const name$g = "@firebase/database"; const name$f = "@firebase/database-compat"; const name$e = "@firebase/functions"; const name$d = "@firebase/functions-compat"; const name$c = "@firebase/installations"; const name$b = "@firebase/installations-compat"; const name$a = "@firebase/messaging"; const name$9 = "@firebase/messaging-compat"; const name$8 = "@firebase/performance"; const name$7 = "@firebase/performance-compat"; const name$6 = "@firebase/remote-config"; const name$5 = "@firebase/remote-config-compat"; const name$4 = "@firebase/storage"; const name$3 = "@firebase/storage-compat"; const name$2 = "@firebase/firestore"; const name$1 = "@firebase/firestore-compat"; const name$p = "firebase"; const version$2 = "9.0.0-2021719172025"; /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The default app name * * @internal */ const DEFAULT_ENTRY_NAME = '[DEFAULT]'; const PLATFORM_LOG_STRING = { [name$o]: 'fire-core', [name$n]: 'fire-core-compat', [name$l]: 'fire-analytics', [name$m]: 'fire-analytics-compat', [name$j]: 'fire-app-check', [name$k]: 'fire-app-check-compat', [name$i]: 'fire-auth', [name$h]: 'fire-auth-compat', [name$g]: 'fire-rtdb', [name$f]: 'fire-rtdb-compat', [name$e]: 'fire-fn', [name$d]: 'fire-fn-compat', [name$c]: 'fire-iid', [name$b]: 'fire-iid-compat', [name$a]: 'fire-fcm', [name$9]: 'fire-fcm-compat', [name$8]: 'fire-perf', [name$7]: 'fire-perf-compat', [name$6]: 'fire-rc', [name$5]: 'fire-rc-compat', [name$4]: 'fire-gcs', [name$3]: 'fire-gcs-compat', [name$2]: 'fire-fst', [name$1]: 'fire-fst-compat', 'fire-js': 'fire-js', [name$p]: 'fire-js-all' }; /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @internal */ const _apps = new Map(); /** * Registered components. * * @internal */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const _components = new Map(); /** * @param component - the component being added to this app's container * * @internal */ function _addComponent(app, component) { try { app.container.addComponent(component); } catch (e) { logger$1.debug(`Component ${} failed to register with FirebaseApp ${}`, e); } } /** * * @param component - the component to register * @returns whether or not the component is registered successfully * * @internal */ function _registerComponent(component) { const componentName =; if (_components.has(componentName)) { logger$1.debug(`There were multiple attempts to register component ${componentName}.`); return false; } _components.set(componentName, component); // add the component to existing app instances for (const app of _apps.values()) { _addComponent(app, component); } return true; } /** * * @param app - FirebaseApp instance * @param name - service name * * @returns the provider for the service with the matching name * * @internal */ function _getProvider(app, name) { return app.container.getProvider(name); } /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const ERRORS = { ["no-app" /* NO_APP */]: "No Firebase App '{$appName}' has been created - " + 'call Firebase App.initializeApp()', ["bad-app-name" /* BAD_APP_NAME */]: "Illegal App name: '{$appName}", ["duplicate-app" /* DUPLICATE_APP */]: "Firebase App named '{$appName}' already exists with different options or config", ["app-deleted" /* APP_DELETED */]: "Firebase App named '{$appName}' already deleted", ["invalid-app-argument" /* INVALID_APP_ARGUMENT */]: 'firebase.{$appName}() takes either no argument or a ' + 'Firebase App instance.', ["invalid-log-argument" /* INVALID_LOG_ARGUMENT */]: 'First argument to `onLog` must be null or a function.' }; const ERROR_FACTORY = new ErrorFactory('app', 'Firebase', ERRORS); /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The current SDK version. * * @public */ const SDK_VERSION$1 = version$2; /** * Retrieves a {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} instance. * * When called with no arguments, the default app is returned. When an app name * is provided, the app corresponding to that name is returned. * * An exception is thrown if the app being retrieved has not yet been * initialized. * * @example * ```javascript * // Return the default app * const app = getApp(); * ``` * * @example * ```javascript * // Return a named app * const otherApp = getApp("otherApp"); * ``` * * @param name - Optional name of the app to return. If no name is * provided, the default is `"[DEFAULT]"`. * * @returns The app corresponding to the provided app name. * If no app name is provided, the default app is returned. * * @public */ function getApp(name = DEFAULT_ENTRY_NAME) { const app = _apps.get(name); if (!app) { throw ERROR_FACTORY.create("no-app" /* NO_APP */, { appName: name }); } return app; } /** * Registers a library's name and version for platform logging purposes. * @param library - Name of 1p or 3p library (e.g. firestore, angularfire) * @param version - Current version of that library. * @param variant - Bundle variant, e.g., node, rn, etc. * * @public */ function registerVersion(libraryKeyOrName, version, variant) { var _a; // TODO: We can use this check to whitelist strings when/if we set up // a good whitelist system. let library = (_a = PLATFORM_LOG_STRING[libraryKeyOrName]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : libraryKeyOrName; if (variant) { library += `-${variant}`; } const libraryMismatch = library.match(/\s|\//); const versionMismatch = version.match(/\s|\//); if (libraryMismatch || versionMismatch) { const warning = [ `Unable to register library "${library}" with version "${version}":` ]; if (libraryMismatch) { warning.push(`library name "${library}" contains illegal characters (whitespace or "/")`); } if (libraryMismatch && versionMismatch) { warning.push('and'); } if (versionMismatch) { warning.push(`version name "${version}" contains illegal characters (whitespace or "/")`); } logger$1.warn(warning.join(' ')); return; } _registerComponent(new Component(`${library}-version`, () => ({ library, version }), "VERSION" /* VERSION */)); } /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function registerCoreComponents(variant) { _registerComponent(new Component('platform-logger', container => new PlatformLoggerServiceImpl(container), "PRIVATE" /* PRIVATE */)); // Register `app` package. registerVersion(name$o, version$1, variant); // Register platform SDK identifier (no version). registerVersion('fire-js', ''); } /** * Firebase App * * @remarks This package coordinates the communication between the different Firebase components * @packageDocumentation */ registerCoreComponents(); const name = "@firebase/database"; const version = "0.11.0-2021719172025"; /** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** The semver ( version of the SDK. */ let SDK_VERSION = ''; /** * SDK_VERSION should be set before any database instance is created * @internal */ function setSDKVersion(version) { SDK_VERSION = version; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Wraps a DOM Storage object and: * - automatically encode objects as JSON strings before storing them to allow us to store arbitrary types. * - prefixes names with "firebase:" to avoid collisions with app data. * * We automatically (see storage.js) create two such wrappers, one for sessionStorage, * and one for localStorage. * */ class DOMStorageWrapper { /** * @param domStorage_ - The underlying storage object (e.g. localStorage or sessionStorage) */ constructor(domStorage_) { this.domStorage_ = domStorage_; // Use a prefix to avoid collisions with other stuff saved by the app. this.prefix_ = 'firebase:'; } /** * @param key - The key to save the value under * @param value - The value being stored, or null to remove the key. */ set(key, value) { if (value == null) { this.domStorage_.removeItem(this.prefixedName_(key)); } else { this.domStorage_.setItem(this.prefixedName_(key), stringify(value)); } } /** * @returns The value that was stored under this key, or null */ get(key) { const storedVal = this.domStorage_.getItem(this.prefixedName_(key)); if (storedVal == null) { return null; } else { return jsonEval(storedVal); } } remove(key) { this.domStorage_.removeItem(this.prefixedName_(key)); } prefixedName_(name) { return this.prefix_ + name; } toString() { return this.domStorage_.toString(); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * An in-memory storage implementation that matches the API of DOMStorageWrapper * (TODO: create interface for both to implement). */ class MemoryStorage { constructor() { this.cache_ = {}; this.isInMemoryStorage = true; } set(key, value) { if (value == null) { delete this.cache_[key]; } else { this.cache_[key] = value; } } get(key) { if (contains(this.cache_, key)) { return this.cache_[key]; } return null; } remove(key) { delete this.cache_[key]; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Helper to create a DOMStorageWrapper or else fall back to MemoryStorage. * TODO: Once MemoryStorage and DOMStorageWrapper have a shared interface this method annotation should change * to reflect this type * * @param domStorageName - Name of the underlying storage object * (e.g. 'localStorage' or 'sessionStorage'). * @returns Turning off type information until a common interface is defined. */ const createStoragefor = function (domStorageName) { try { // NOTE: just accessing "localStorage" or "window['localStorage']" may throw a security exception, // so it must be inside the try/catch. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window[domStorageName] !== 'undefined') { // Need to test cache. Just because it's here doesn't mean it works const domStorage = window[domStorageName]; domStorage.setItem('firebase:sentinel', 'cache'); domStorage.removeItem('firebase:sentinel'); return new DOMStorageWrapper(domStorage); } } catch (e) { } // Failed to create wrapper. Just return in-memory storage. // TODO: log? return new MemoryStorage(); }; /** A storage object that lasts across sessions */ const PersistentStorage = createStoragefor('localStorage'); /** A storage object that only lasts one session */ const SessionStorage = createStoragefor('sessionStorage'); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const logClient = new Logger('@firebase/database'); /** * Returns a locally-unique ID (generated by just incrementing up from 0 each time its called). */ const LUIDGenerator = (function () { let id = 1; return function () { return id++; }; })(); /** * Sha1 hash of the input string * @param str - The string to hash * @returns {!string} The resulting hash */ const sha1 = function (str) { const utf8Bytes = stringToByteArray(str); const sha1 = new Sha1(); sha1.update(utf8Bytes); const sha1Bytes = sha1.digest(); return base64.encodeByteArray(sha1Bytes); }; const buildLogMessage_ = function (...varArgs) { let message = ''; for (let i = 0; i < varArgs.length; i++) { const arg = varArgs[i]; if (Array.isArray(arg) || (arg && typeof arg === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any typeof arg.length === 'number')) { message += buildLogMessage_.apply(null, arg); } else if (typeof arg === 'object') { message += stringify(arg); } else { message += arg; } message += ' '; } return message; }; /** * Use this for all debug messages in Firebase. */ let logger = null; /** * Flag to check for log availability on first log message */ let firstLog_ = true; /** * The implementation of Firebase.enableLogging (defined here to break dependencies) * @param logger_ - A flag to turn on logging, or a custom logger * @param persistent - Whether or not to persist logging settings across refreshes */ const enableLogging$1 = function (logger_, persistent) { assert(!persistent || logger_ === true || logger_ === false, "Can't turn on custom loggers persistently."); if (logger_ === true) { logClient.logLevel = LogLevel.VERBOSE; logger = logClient.log.bind(logClient); if (persistent) { SessionStorage.set('logging_enabled', true); } } else if (typeof logger_ === 'function') { logger = logger_; } else { logger = null; SessionStorage.remove('logging_enabled'); } }; const log = function (...varArgs) { if (firstLog_ === true) { firstLog_ = false; if (logger === null && SessionStorage.get('logging_enabled') === true) { enableLogging$1(true); } } if (logger) { const message = buildLogMessage_.apply(null, varArgs); logger(message); } }; const logWrapper = function (prefix) { return function (...varArgs) { log(prefix, ...varArgs); }; }; const error = function (...varArgs) { const message = 'FIREBASE INTERNAL ERROR: ' + buildLogMessage_(...varArgs); logClient.error(message); }; const fatal = function (...varArgs) { const message = `FIREBASE FATAL ERROR: ${buildLogMessage_(...varArgs)}`; logClient.error(message); throw new Error(message); }; const warn = function (...varArgs) { const message = 'FIREBASE WARNING: ' + buildLogMessage_(...varArgs); logClient.warn(message); }; /** * Logs a warning if the containing page uses https. Called when a call to new Firebase * does not use https. */ const warnIfPageIsSecure = function () { // Be very careful accessing browser globals. Who knows what may or may not exist. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location && window.location.protocol && window.location.protocol.indexOf('https:') !== -1) { warn('Insecure Firebase access from a secure page. ' + 'Please use https in calls to new Firebase().'); } }; /** * Returns true if data is NaN, or +/- Infinity. */ const isInvalidJSONNumber = function (data) { return (typeof data === 'number' && (data !== data || // NaN data === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || data === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); }; const executeWhenDOMReady = function (fn) { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { fn(); } else { // Modeled after jQuery. Try DOMContentLoaded and onreadystatechange (which // fire before onload), but fall back to onload. let called = false; const wrappedFn = function () { if (!document.body) { setTimeout(wrappedFn, Math.floor(10)); return; } if (!called) { called = true; fn(); } }; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', wrappedFn, false); // fallback to onload. window.addEventListener('load', wrappedFn, false); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } else if (document.attachEvent) { // IE. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', () => { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { wrappedFn(); } }); // fallback to onload. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any window.attachEvent('onload', wrappedFn); // jQuery has an extra hack for IE that we could employ (based on // But it looks really old. // I'm hoping we don't need it. } } }; /** * Minimum key name. Invalid for actual data, used as a marker to sort before any valid names */ const MIN_NAME = '[MIN_NAME]'; /** * Maximum key name. Invalid for actual data, used as a marker to sort above any valid names */ const MAX_NAME = '[MAX_NAME]'; /** * Compares valid Firebase key names, plus min and max name */ const nameCompare = function (a, b) { if (a === b) { return 0; } else if (a === MIN_NAME || b === MAX_NAME) { return -1; } else if (b === MIN_NAME || a === MAX_NAME) { return 1; } else { const aAsInt = tryParseInt(a), bAsInt = tryParseInt(b); if (aAsInt !== null) { if (bAsInt !== null) { return aAsInt - bAsInt === 0 ? a.length - b.length : aAsInt - bAsInt; } else { return -1; } } else if (bAsInt !== null) { return 1; } else { return a < b ? -1 : 1; } } }; /** * @returns {!number} comparison result. */ const stringCompare = function (a, b) { if (a === b) { return 0; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }; const requireKey = function (key, obj) { if (obj && key in obj) { return obj[key]; } else { throw new Error('Missing required key (' + key + ') in object: ' + stringify(obj)); } }; const ObjectToUniqueKey = function (obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) { return stringify(obj); } const keys = []; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const k in obj) { keys.push(k); } // Export as json, but with the keys sorted. keys.sort(); let key = '{'; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i !== 0) { key += ','; } key += stringify(keys[i]); key += ':'; key += ObjectToUniqueKey(obj[keys[i]]); } key += '}'; return key; }; /** * Splits a string into a number of smaller segments of maximum size * @param str - The string * @param segsize - The maximum number of chars in the string. * @returns The string, split into appropriately-sized chunks */ const splitStringBySize = function (str, segsize) { const len = str.length; if (len <= segsize) { return [str]; } const dataSegs = []; for (let c = 0; c < len; c += segsize) { if (c + segsize > len) { dataSegs.push(str.substring(c, len)); } else { dataSegs.push(str.substring(c, c + segsize)); } } return dataSegs; }; /** * Apply a function to each (key, value) pair in an object or * apply a function to each (index, value) pair in an array * @param obj - The object or array to iterate over * @param fn - The function to apply */ function each(obj, fn) { for (const key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { fn(key, obj[key]); } } } /** * Borrowed from (MIT License) * I made one modification at the end and removed the NaN / Infinity * handling (since it seemed broken [caused an overflow] and we don't need it). See MJL comments. * @param v - A double * */ const doubleToIEEE754String = function (v) { assert(!isInvalidJSONNumber(v), 'Invalid JSON number'); // MJL const ebits = 11, fbits = 52; const bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1; let s, e, f, ln, i; // Compute sign, exponent, fraction // Skip NaN / Infinity handling --MJL. if (v === 0) { e = 0; f = 0; s = 1 / v === -Infinity ? 1 : 0; } else { s = v < 0; v = Math.abs(v); if (v >= Math.pow(2, 1 - bias)) { // Normalized ln = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.LN2), bias); e = ln + bias; f = Math.round(v * Math.pow(2, fbits - ln) - Math.pow(2, fbits)); } else { // Denormalized e = 0; f = Math.round(v / Math.pow(2, 1 - bias - fbits)); } } // Pack sign, exponent, fraction const bits = []; for (i = fbits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(f % 2 ? 1 : 0); f = Math.floor(f / 2); } for (i = ebits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(e % 2 ? 1 : 0); e = Math.floor(e / 2); } bits.push(s ? 1 : 0); bits.reverse(); const str = bits.join(''); // Return the data as a hex string. --MJL let hexByteString = ''; for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) { let hexByte = parseInt(str.substr(i, 8), 2).toString(16); if (hexByte.length === 1) { hexByte = '0' + hexByte; } hexByteString = hexByteString + hexByte; } return hexByteString.toLowerCase(); }; /** * Used to detect if we're in a Chrome content script (which executes in an * isolated environment where long-polling doesn't work). */ const isChromeExtensionContentScript = function () { return !!(typeof window === 'object' && window['chrome'] && window['chrome']['extension'] && !/^chrome/.test(window.location.href)); }; /** * Used to detect if we're in a Windows 8 Store app. */ const isWindowsStoreApp = function () { // Check for the presence of a couple WinRT globals return typeof Windows === 'object' && typeof Windows.UI === 'object'; }; /** * Converts a server error code to a Javascript Error */ function errorForServerCode(code, query) { let reason = 'Unknown Error'; if (code === 'too_big') { reason = 'The data requested exceeds the maximum size ' + 'that can be accessed with a single request.'; } else if (code === 'permission_denied') { reason = "Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data."; } else if (code === 'unavailable') { reason = 'The service is unavailable'; } const error = new Error(code + ' at ' + query._path.toString() + ': ' + reason); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any error.code = code.toUpperCase(); return error; } /** * Used to test for integer-looking strings */ const INTEGER_REGEXP_ = new RegExp('^-?(0*)\\d{1,10}$'); /** * For use in keys, the minimum possible 32-bit integer. */ const INTEGER_32_MIN = -2147483648; /** * For use in kyes, the maximum possible 32-bit integer. */ const INTEGER_32_MAX = 2147483647; /** * If the string contains a 32-bit integer, return it. Else return null. */ const tryParseInt = function (str) { if (INTEGER_REGEXP_.test(str)) { const intVal = Number(str); if (intVal >= INTEGER_32_MIN && intVal <= INTEGER_32_MAX) { return intVal; } } return null; }; /** * Helper to run some code but catch any exceptions and re-throw them later. * Useful for preventing user callbacks from breaking internal code. * * Re-throwing the exception from a setTimeout is a little evil, but it's very * convenient (we don't have to try to figure out when is a safe point to * re-throw it), and the behavior seems reasonable: * * * If you aren't pausing on exceptions, you get an error in the console with * the correct stack trace. * * If you're pausing on all exceptions, the debugger will pause on your * exception and then again when we rethrow it. * * If you're only pausing on uncaught exceptions, the debugger will only pause * on us re-throwing it. * * @param fn - The code to guard. */ const exceptionGuard = function (fn) { try { fn(); } catch (e) { // Re-throw exception when it's safe. setTimeout(() => { // It used to be that "throw e" would result in a good console error with // relevant context, but as of Chrome 39, you just get the firebase.js // file/line number where we re-throw it, which is useless. So we log // e.stack explicitly. const stack = e.stack || ''; warn('Exception was thrown by user callback.', stack); throw e; }, Math.floor(0)); } }; /** * @returns {boolean} true if we think we're currently being crawled. */ const beingCrawled = function () { const userAgent = (typeof window === 'object' && window['navigator'] && window['navigator']['userAgent']) || ''; // For now we whitelist the most popular crawlers. We should refine this to be the set of crawlers we // believe to support JavaScript/AJAX rendering. // NOTE: Google Webmaster Tools doesn't really belong, but their "This is how a visitor to your website // would have seen the page" is flaky if we don't treat it as a crawler. return (|google webmaster tools|bingbot|yahoo! slurp|baiduspider|yandexbot|duckduckbot/i) >= 0); }; /** * Same as setTimeout() except on Node.JS it will /not/ prevent the process from exiting. * * It is removed with clearTimeout() as normal. * * @param fn - Function to run. * @param time - Milliseconds to wait before running. * @returns The setTimeout() return value. */ const setTimeoutNonBlocking = function (fn, time) { const timeout = setTimeout(fn, time); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any if (typeof timeout === 'object' && timeout['unref']) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any timeout['unref'](); } return timeout; }; /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Abstraction around AppCheck's token fetching capabilities. */ class AppCheckTokenProvider { constructor(appName_, appCheckProvider) { this.appName_ = appName_; this.appCheckProvider = appCheckProvider; this.appCheck = appCheckProvider === null || appCheckProvider === void 0 ? void 0 : appCheckProvider.getImmediate({ optional: true }); if (!this.appCheck) { appCheckProvider === null || appCheckProvider === void 0 ? void 0 : appCheckProvider.get().then(appCheck => (this.appCheck = appCheck)); } } getToken(forceRefresh) { if (!this.appCheck) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Support delayed initialization of FirebaseAppCheck. This allows our // customers to initialize the RTDB SDK before initializing Firebase // AppCheck and ensures that all requests are authenticated if a token // becomes available before the timoeout below expires. setTimeout(() => { if (this.appCheck) { this.getToken(forceRefresh).then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(null); } }, 0); }); } return this.appCheck.getToken(forceRefresh); } addTokenChangeListener(listener) { var _a; (_a = this.appCheckProvider) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.get().then(appCheck => appCheck.addTokenListener(listener)); } notifyForInvalidToken() { warn(`Provided AppCheck credentials for the app named "${this.appName_}" ` + 'are invalid. This usually indicates your app was not initialized correctly.'); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Abstraction around FirebaseApp's token fetching capabilities. */ class FirebaseAuthTokenProvider { constructor(appName_, firebaseOptions_, authProvider_) { this.appName_ = appName_; this.firebaseOptions_ = firebaseOptions_; this.authProvider_ = authProvider_; this.auth_ = null; this.auth_ = authProvider_.getImmediate({ optional: true }); if (!this.auth_) { authProvider_.onInit(auth => (this.auth_ = auth)); } } getToken(forceRefresh) { if (!this.auth_) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Support delayed initialization of FirebaseAuth. This allows our // customers to initialize the RTDB SDK before initializing Firebase // Auth and ensures that all requests are authenticated if a token // becomes available before the timoeout below expires. setTimeout(() => { if (this.auth_) { this.getToken(forceRefresh).then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(null); } }, 0); }); } return this.auth_.getToken(forceRefresh).catch(error => { // TODO: Need to figure out all the cases this is raised and whether // this makes sense. if (error && error.code === 'auth/token-not-initialized') { log('Got auth/token-not-initialized error. Treating as null token.'); return null; } else { return Promise.reject(error); } }); } addTokenChangeListener(listener) { // TODO: We might want to wrap the listener and call it with no args to // avoid a leaky abstraction, but that makes removing the listener harder. if (this.auth_) { this.auth_.addAuthTokenListener(listener); } else { this.authProvider_ .get() .then(auth => auth.addAuthTokenListener(listener)); } } removeTokenChangeListener(listener) { this.authProvider_ .get() .then(auth => auth.removeAuthTokenListener(listener)); } notifyForInvalidToken() { let errorMessage = 'Provided authentication credentials for the app named "' + this.appName_ + '" are invalid. This usually indicates your app was not ' + 'initialized correctly. '; if ('credential' in this.firebaseOptions_) { errorMessage += 'Make sure the "credential" property provided to initializeApp() ' + 'is authorized to access the specified "databaseURL" and is from the correct ' + 'project.'; } else if ('serviceAccount' in this.firebaseOptions_) { errorMessage += 'Make sure the "serviceAccount" property provided to initializeApp() ' + 'is authorized to access the specified "databaseURL" and is from the correct ' + 'project.'; } else { errorMessage += 'Make sure the "apiKey" and "databaseURL" properties provided to ' + 'initializeApp() match the values provided for your app at ' + ''; } warn(errorMessage); } } /* AuthTokenProvider that supplies a constant token. Used by Admin SDK or mockUserToken with emulators. */ class EmulatorTokenProvider { constructor(accessToken) { this.accessToken = accessToken; } getToken(forceRefresh) { return Promise.resolve({ accessToken: this.accessToken }); } addTokenChangeListener(listener) { // Invoke the listener immediately to match the behavior in Firebase Auth // (see packages/auth/src/auth.js#L1807) listener(this.accessToken); } removeTokenChangeListener(listener) { } notifyForInvalidToken() { } } /** A string that is treated as an admin access token by the RTDB emulator. Used by Admin SDK. */ EmulatorTokenProvider.OWNER = 'owner'; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const PROTOCOL_VERSION = '5'; const VERSION_PARAM = 'v'; const TRANSPORT_SESSION_PARAM = 's'; const REFERER_PARAM = 'r'; const FORGE_REF = 'f'; // Matches, firebase-console-* and // const FORGE_DOMAIN_RE = /(console\.firebase|firebase-console-\w+\.corp|firebase\.corp)\.google\.com/; const LAST_SESSION_PARAM = 'ls'; const APPLICATION_ID_PARAM = 'p'; const APP_CHECK_TOKEN_PARAM = 'ac'; const WEBSOCKET = 'websocket'; const LONG_POLLING = 'long_polling'; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * A class that holds metadata about a Repo object */ class RepoInfo { /** * @param host - Hostname portion of the url for the repo * @param secure - Whether or not this repo is accessed over ssl * @param namespace - The namespace represented by the repo * @param webSocketOnly - Whether to prefer websockets over all other transports (used by Nest). * @param nodeAdmin - Whether this instance uses Admin SDK credentials * @param persistenceKey - Override the default session persistence storage key */ constructor(host, secure, namespace, webSocketOnly, nodeAdmin = false, persistenceKey = '', includeNamespaceInQueryParams = false) { = secure; this.namespace = namespace; this.webSocketOnly = webSocketOnly; this.nodeAdmin = nodeAdmin; this.persistenceKey = persistenceKey; this.includeNamespaceInQueryParams = includeNamespaceInQueryParams; this._host = host.toLowerCase(); this._domain = this._host.substr(this._host.indexOf('.') + 1); this.internalHost = PersistentStorage.get('host:' + host) || this._host; } isCacheableHost() { return this.internalHost.substr(0, 2) === 's-'; } isCustomHost() { return (this._domain !== '' && this._domain !== ''); } get host() { return this._host; } set host(newHost) { if (newHost !== this.internalHost) { this.internalHost = newHost; if (this.isCacheableHost()) { PersistentStorage.set('host:' + this._host, this.internalHost); } } } toString() { let str = this.toURLString(); if (this.persistenceKey) { str += '<' + this.persistenceKey + '>'; } return str; } toURLString() { const protocol = ? 'https://' : 'http://'; const query = this.includeNamespaceInQueryParams ? `?ns=${this.namespace}` : ''; return `${protocol}${}/${query}`; } } function repoInfoNeedsQueryParam(repoInfo) { return ( !== repoInfo.internalHost || repoInfo.isCustomHost() || repoInfo.includeNamespaceInQueryParams); } /** * Returns the websocket URL for this repo * @param repoInfo - RepoInfo object * @param type - of connection * @param params - list * @returns The URL for this repo */ function repoInfoConnectionURL(repoInfo, type, params) { assert(typeof type === 'string', 'typeof type must == string'); assert(typeof params === 'object', 'typeof params must == object'); let connURL; if (type === WEBSOCKET) { connURL = ( ? 'wss://' : 'ws://') + repoInfo.internalHost + '/.ws?'; } else if (type === LONG_POLLING) { connURL = ( ? 'https://' : 'http://') + repoInfo.internalHost + '/.lp?'; } else { throw new Error('Unknown connection type: ' + type); } if (repoInfoNeedsQueryParam(repoInfo)) { params['ns'] = repoInfo.namespace; } const pairs = []; each(params, (key, value) => { pairs.push(key + '=' + value); }); return connURL + pairs.join('&'); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Tracks a collection of stats. */ class StatsCollection { constructor() { this.counters_ = {}; } incrementCounter(name, amount = 1) { if (!contains(this.counters_, name)) { this.counters_[name] = 0; } this.counters_[name] += amount; } get() { return deepCopy(this.counters_); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const collections = {}; const reporters = {}; function statsManagerGetCollection(repoInfo) { const hashString = repoInfo.toString(); if (!collections[hashString]) { collections[hashString] = new StatsCollection(); } return collections[hashString]; } function statsManagerGetOrCreateReporter(repoInfo, creatorFunction) { const hashString = repoInfo.toString(); if (!reporters[hashString]) { reporters[hashString] = creatorFunction(); } return reporters[hashString]; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This class ensures the packets from the server arrive in order * This class takes data from the server and ensures it gets passed into the callbacks in order. */ class PacketReceiver { /** * @param onMessage_ */ constructor(onMessage_) { this.onMessage_ = onMessage_; this.pendingResponses = []; this.currentResponseNum = 0; this.closeAfterResponse = -1; this.onClose = null; } closeAfter(responseNum, callback) { this.closeAfterResponse = responseNum; this.onClose = callback; if (this.closeAfterResponse < this.currentResponseNum) { this.onClose(); this.onClose = null; } } /** * Each message from the server comes with a response number, and an array of data. The responseNumber * allows us to ensure that we process them in the right order, since we can't be guaranteed that all * browsers will respond in the same order as the requests we sent */ handleResponse(requestNum, data) { this.pendingResponses[requestNum] = data; while (this.pendingResponses[this.currentResponseNum]) { const toProcess = this.pendingResponses[this.currentResponseNum]; delete this.pendingResponses[this.currentResponseNum]; for (let i = 0; i < toProcess.length; ++i) { if (toProcess[i]) { exceptionGuard(() => { this.onMessage_(toProcess[i]); }); } } if (this.currentResponseNum === this.closeAfterResponse) { if (this.onClose) { this.onClose(); this.onClose = null; } break; } this.currentResponseNum++; } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // URL query parameters associated with longpolling const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_START_PARAM = 'start'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_CLOSE_COMMAND = 'close'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_COMMAND_CB_NAME = 'pLPCommand'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_DATA_CB_NAME = 'pRTLPCB'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_ID_PARAM = 'id'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_PW_PARAM = 'pw'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SERIAL_PARAM = 'ser'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_CALLBACK_ID_PARAM = 'cb'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SEGMENT_NUM_PARAM = 'seg'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SEGMENTS_IN_PACKET = 'ts'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_DATA_PARAM = 'd'; const FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_DISCONN_FRAME_REQUEST_PARAM = 'dframe'; //Data size constants. //TODO: Perf: the maximum length actually differs from browser to browser. // We should check what browser we're on and set accordingly. const MAX_URL_DATA_SIZE = 1870; const SEG_HEADER_SIZE = 30; //ie: &seg=8299234&ts=982389123&d= const MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = MAX_URL_DATA_SIZE - SEG_HEADER_SIZE; /** * Keepalive period * send a fresh request at minimum every 25 seconds. Opera has a maximum request * length of 30 seconds that we can't exceed. */ const KEEPALIVE_REQUEST_INTERVAL = 25000; /** * How long to wait before aborting a long-polling connection attempt. */ const LP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 30000; /** * This class manages a single long-polling connection. */ class BrowserPollConnection { /** * @param connId An identifier for this connection, used for logging * @param repoInfo The info for the endpoint to send data to. * @param applicationId The Firebase App ID for this project. * @param appCheckToken The AppCheck token for this client. * @param authToken The AuthToken to use for this connection. * @param transportSessionId Optional transportSessionid if we are * reconnecting for an existing transport session * @param lastSessionId Optional lastSessionId if the PersistentConnection has * already created a connection previously */ constructor(connId, repoInfo, applicationId, appCheckToken, authToken, transportSessionId, lastSessionId) { this.connId = connId; this.repoInfo = repoInfo; this.applicationId = applicationId; this.appCheckToken = appCheckToken; this.authToken = authToken; this.transportSessionId = transportSessionId; this.lastSessionId = lastSessionId; this.bytesSent = 0; this.bytesReceived = 0; this.everConnected_ = false; this.log_ = logWrapper(connId); this.stats_ = statsManagerGetCollection(repoInfo); this.urlFn = (params) => { // Always add the token if we have one. if (this.appCheckToken) { params[APP_CHECK_TOKEN_PARAM] = this.appCheckToken; } return repoInfoConnectionURL(repoInfo, LONG_POLLING, params); }; } /** * @param onMessage - Callback when messages arrive * @param onDisconnect - Callback with connection lost. */ open(onMessage, onDisconnect) { this.curSegmentNum = 0; this.onDisconnect_ = onDisconnect; this.myPacketOrderer = new PacketReceiver(onMessage); this.isClosed_ = false; this.connectTimeoutTimer_ = setTimeout(() => { this.log_('Timed out trying to connect.'); // Make sure we clear the host cache this.onClosed_(); this.connectTimeoutTimer_ = null; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any }, Math.floor(LP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)); // Ensure we delay the creation of the iframe until the DOM is loaded. executeWhenDOMReady(() => { if (this.isClosed_) { return; } //Set up a callback that gets triggered once a connection is set up. this.scriptTagHolder = new FirebaseIFrameScriptHolder((...args) => { const [command, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args; this.incrementIncomingBytes_(args); if (!this.scriptTagHolder) { return; // we closed the connection. } if (this.connectTimeoutTimer_) { clearTimeout(this.connectTimeoutTimer_); this.connectTimeoutTimer_ = null; } this.everConnected_ = true; if (command === FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_START_PARAM) { = arg1; this.password = arg2; } else if (command === FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_CLOSE_COMMAND) { // Don't clear the host cache. We got a response from the server, so we know it's reachable if (arg1) { // We aren't expecting any more data (other than what the server's already in the process of sending us // through our already open polls), so don't send any more. this.scriptTagHolder.sendNewPolls = false; // arg1 in this case is the last response number sent by the server. We should try to receive // all of the responses up to this one before closing this.myPacketOrderer.closeAfter(arg1, () => { this.onClosed_(); }); } else { this.onClosed_(); } } else { throw new Error('Unrecognized command received: ' + command); } }, (...args) => { const [pN, data] = args; this.incrementIncomingBytes_(args); this.myPacketOrderer.handleResponse(pN, data); }, () => { this.onClosed_(); }, this.urlFn); //Send the initial request to connect. The serial number is simply to keep the browser from pulling previous results //from cache. const urlParams = {}; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_START_PARAM] = 't'; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SERIAL_PARAM] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000); if (this.scriptTagHolder.uniqueCallbackIdentifier) { urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_CALLBACK_ID_PARAM] = this.scriptTagHolder.uniqueCallbackIdentifier; } urlParams[VERSION_PARAM] = PROTOCOL_VERSION; if (this.transportSessionId) { urlParams[TRANSPORT_SESSION_PARAM] = this.transportSessionId; } if (this.lastSessionId) { urlParams[LAST_SESSION_PARAM] = this.lastSessionId; } if (this.applicationId) { urlParams[APPLICATION_ID_PARAM] = this.applicationId; } if (this.appCheckToken) { urlParams[APP_CHECK_TOKEN_PARAM] = this.appCheckToken; } if (typeof location !== 'undefined' && location.hostname && FORGE_DOMAIN_RE.test(location.hostname)) { urlParams[REFERER_PARAM] = FORGE_REF; } const connectURL = this.urlFn(urlParams); this.log_('Connecting via long-poll to ' + connectURL); this.scriptTagHolder.addTag(connectURL, () => { /* do nothing */ }); }); } /** * Call this when a handshake has completed successfully and we want to consider the connection established */ start() { this.scriptTagHolder.startLongPoll(, this.password); this.addDisconnectPingFrame(, this.password); } /** * Forces long polling to be considered as a potential transport */ static forceAllow() { BrowserPollConnection.forceAllow_ = true; } /** * Forces longpolling to not be considered as a potential transport */ static forceDisallow() { BrowserPollConnection.forceDisallow_ = true; } // Static method, use string literal so it can be accessed in a generic way static isAvailable() { if (BrowserPollConnection.forceAllow_) { return true; } else { // NOTE: In React-Native there's normally no 'document', but if you debug a React-Native app in // the Chrome debugger, 'document' is defined, but document.createElement is null (2015/06/08). return (!BrowserPollConnection.forceDisallow_ && typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.createElement != null && !isChromeExtensionContentScript() && !isWindowsStoreApp()); } } /** * No-op for polling */ markConnectionHealthy() { } /** * Stops polling and cleans up the iframe */ shutdown_() { this.isClosed_ = true; if (this.scriptTagHolder) { this.scriptTagHolder.close(); this.scriptTagHolder = null; } //remove the disconnect frame, which will trigger an XHR call to the server to tell it we're leaving. if (this.myDisconnFrame) { document.body.removeChild(this.myDisconnFrame); this.myDisconnFrame = null; } if (this.connectTimeoutTimer_) { clearTimeout(this.connectTimeoutTimer_); this.connectTimeoutTimer_ = null; } } /** * Triggered when this transport is closed */ onClosed_() { if (!this.isClosed_) { this.log_('Longpoll is closing itself'); this.shutdown_(); if (this.onDisconnect_) { this.onDisconnect_(this.everConnected_); this.onDisconnect_ = null; } } } /** * External-facing close handler. RealTime has requested we shut down. Kill our connection and tell the server * that we've left. */ close() { if (!this.isClosed_) { this.log_('Longpoll is being closed.'); this.shutdown_(); } } /** * Send the JSON object down to the server. It will need to be stringified, base64 encoded, and then * broken into chunks (since URLs have a small maximum length). * @param data - The JSON data to transmit. */ send(data) { const dataStr = stringify(data); this.bytesSent += dataStr.length; this.stats_.incrementCounter('bytes_sent', dataStr.length); //first, lets get the base64-encoded data const base64data = base64Encode(dataStr); //We can only fit a certain amount in each URL, so we need to split this request //up into multiple pieces if it doesn't fit in one request. const dataSegs = splitStringBySize(base64data, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE); //Enqueue each segment for transmission. We assign each chunk a sequential ID and a total number //of segments so that we can reassemble the packet on the server. for (let i = 0; i < dataSegs.length; i++) { this.scriptTagHolder.enqueueSegment(this.curSegmentNum, dataSegs.length, dataSegs[i]); this.curSegmentNum++; } } /** * This is how we notify the server that we're leaving. * We aren't able to send requests with DHTML on a window close event, but we can * trigger XHR requests in some browsers (everything but Opera basically). */ addDisconnectPingFrame(id, pw) { this.myDisconnFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); const urlParams = {}; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_DISCONN_FRAME_REQUEST_PARAM] = 't'; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_ID_PARAM] = id; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_PW_PARAM] = pw; this.myDisconnFrame.src = this.urlFn(urlParams); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(this.myDisconnFrame); } /** * Used to track the bytes received by this client */ incrementIncomingBytes_(args) { // TODO: This is an annoying perf hit just to track the number of incoming bytes. Maybe it should be opt-in. const bytesReceived = stringify(args).length; this.bytesReceived += bytesReceived; this.stats_.incrementCounter('bytes_received', bytesReceived); } } /********************************************************************************************* * A wrapper around an iframe that is used as a long-polling script holder. *********************************************************************************************/ class FirebaseIFrameScriptHolder { /** * @param commandCB - The callback to be called when control commands are recevied from the server. * @param onMessageCB - The callback to be triggered when responses arrive from the server. * @param onDisconnect - The callback to be triggered when this tag holder is closed * @param urlFn - A function that provides the URL of the endpoint to send data to. */ constructor(commandCB, onMessageCB, onDisconnect, urlFn) { this.onDisconnect = onDisconnect; this.urlFn = urlFn; //We maintain a count of all of the outstanding requests, because if we have too many active at once it can cause //problems in some browsers. this.outstandingRequests = new Set(); //A queue of the pending segments waiting for transmission to the server. this.pendingSegs = []; //A serial number. We use this for two things: // 1) A way to ensure the browser doesn't cache responses to polls // 2) A way to make the server aware when long-polls arrive in a different order than we started them. The // server needs to release both polls in this case or it will cause problems in Opera since Opera can only execute // JSONP code in the order it was added to the iframe. this.currentSerial = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000); // This gets set to false when we're "closing down" the connection (e.g. we're switching transports but there's still // incoming data from the server that we're waiting for). this.sendNewPolls = true; { //Each script holder registers a couple of uniquely named callbacks with the window. These are called from the //iframes where we put the long-polling script tags. We have two callbacks: // 1) Command Callback - Triggered for control issues, like starting a connection. // 2) Message Callback - Triggered when new data arrives. this.uniqueCallbackIdentifier = LUIDGenerator(); window[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_COMMAND_CB_NAME + this.uniqueCallbackIdentifier] = commandCB; window[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_DATA_CB_NAME + this.uniqueCallbackIdentifier] = onMessageCB; //Create an iframe for us to add script tags to. this.myIFrame = FirebaseIFrameScriptHolder.createIFrame_(); // Set the iframe's contents. let script = ''; // if we set a javascript url, it's IE and we need to set the document domain. The javascript url is sufficient // for ie9, but ie8 needs to do it again in the document itself. if (this.myIFrame.src && this.myIFrame.src.substr(0, 'javascript:'.length) === 'javascript:') { const currentDomain = document.domain; script = '<script>document.domain="' + currentDomain + '";</script>'; } const iframeContents = '<html><body>' + script + '</body></html>'; try {; this.myIFrame.doc.write(iframeContents); this.myIFrame.doc.close(); } catch (e) { log('frame writing exception'); if (e.stack) { log(e.stack); } log(e); } } } /** * Each browser has its own funny way to handle iframes. Here we mush them all together into one object that I can * actually use. */ static createIFrame_() { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none'; // This is necessary in order to initialize the document inside the iframe if (document.body) { document.body.appendChild(iframe); try { // If document.domain has been modified in IE, this will throw an error, and we need to set the // domain of the iframe's document manually. We can do this via a javascript: url as the src attribute // Also note that we must do this *after* the iframe has been appended to the page. Otherwise it doesn't work. const a = iframe.contentWindow.document; if (!a) { // Apologies for the log-spam, I need to do something to keep closure from optimizing out the assignment above. log('No IE domain setting required'); } } catch (e) { const domain = document.domain; iframe.src = "javascript:void((function(){;document.domain='" + domain + "';document.close();})())"; } } else { // LongPollConnection attempts to delay initialization until the document is ready, so hopefully this // never gets hit. throw 'Document body has not initialized. Wait to initialize Firebase until after the document is ready.'; } // Get the document of the iframe in a browser-specific way. if (iframe.contentDocument) { iframe.doc = iframe.contentDocument; // Firefox, Opera, Safari } else if (iframe.contentWindow) { iframe.doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; // Internet Explorer // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } else if (iframe.document) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any iframe.doc = iframe.document; //others? } return iframe; } /** * Cancel all outstanding queries and remove the frame. */ close() { //Mark this iframe as dead, so no new requests are sent. this.alive = false; if (this.myIFrame) { //We have to actually remove all of the html inside this iframe before removing it from the //window, or IE will continue loading and executing the script tags we've already added, which //can lead to some errors being thrown. Setting innerHTML seems to be the easiest way to do this. this.myIFrame.doc.body.innerHTML = ''; setTimeout(() => { if (this.myIFrame !== null) { document.body.removeChild(this.myIFrame); this.myIFrame = null; } }, Math.floor(0)); } // Protect from being called recursively. const onDisconnect = this.onDisconnect; if (onDisconnect) { this.onDisconnect = null; onDisconnect(); } } /** * Actually start the long-polling session by adding the first script tag(s) to the iframe. * @param id - The ID of this connection * @param pw - The password for this connection */ startLongPoll(id, pw) { this.myID = id; this.myPW = pw; this.alive = true; //send the initial request. If there are requests queued, make sure that we transmit as many as we are currently able to. while (this.newRequest_()) { } } /** * This is called any time someone might want a script tag to be added. It adds a script tag when there aren't * too many outstanding requests and we are still alive. * * If there are outstanding packet segments to send, it sends one. If there aren't, it sends a long-poll anyways if * needed. */ newRequest_() { // We keep one outstanding request open all the time to receive data, but if we need to send data // (pendingSegs.length > 0) then we create a new request to send the data. The server will automatically // close the old request. if (this.alive && this.sendNewPolls && this.outstandingRequests.size < (this.pendingSegs.length > 0 ? 2 : 1)) { //construct our url this.currentSerial++; const urlParams = {}; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_ID_PARAM] = this.myID; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_PW_PARAM] = this.myPW; urlParams[FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SERIAL_PARAM] = this.currentSerial; let theURL = this.urlFn(urlParams); //Now add as much data as we can. let curDataString = ''; let i = 0; while (this.pendingSegs.length > 0) { //first, lets see if the next segment will fit. const nextSeg = this.pendingSegs[0]; if (nextSeg.d.length + SEG_HEADER_SIZE + curDataString.length <= MAX_URL_DATA_SIZE) { //great, the segment will fit. Lets append it. const theSeg = this.pendingSegs.shift(); curDataString = curDataString + '&' + FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SEGMENT_NUM_PARAM + i + '=' + theSeg.seg + '&' + FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_SEGMENTS_IN_PACKET + i + '=' + theSeg.ts + '&' + FIREBASE_LONGPOLL_DATA_PARAM + i + '=' + theSeg.d; i++; } else { break; } } theURL = theURL + curDataString; this.addLongPollTag_(theURL, this.currentSerial); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Queue a packet for transmission to the server. * @param segnum - A sequential id for this packet segment used for reassembly * @param totalsegs - The total number of segments in this packet * @param data - The data for this segment. */ enqueueSegment(segnum, totalsegs, data) { //add this to the queue of segments to send. this.pendingSegs.push({ seg: segnum, ts: totalsegs, d: data }); //send the data immediately if there isn't already data being transmitted, unless //startLongPoll hasn't been called yet. if (this.alive) { this.newRequest_(); } } /** * Add a script tag for a regular long-poll request. * @param url - The URL of the script tag. * @param serial - The serial number of the request. */ addLongPollTag_(url, serial) { //remember that we sent this request. this.outstandingRequests.add(serial); const doNewRequest = () => { this.outstandingRequests.delete(serial); this.newRequest_(); }; // If this request doesn't return on its own accord (by the server sending us some data), we'll // create a new one after the KEEPALIVE interval to make sure we always keep a fresh request open. const keepaliveTimeout = setTimeout(doNewRequest, Math.floor(KEEPALIVE_REQUEST_INTERVAL)); const readyStateCB = () => { // Request completed. Cancel the keepalive. clearTimeout(keepaliveTimeout); // Trigger a new request so we can continue receiving data. doNewRequest(); }; this.addTag(url, readyStateCB); } /** * Add an arbitrary script tag to the iframe. * @param url - The URL for the script tag source. * @param loadCB - A callback to be triggered once the script has loaded. */ addTag(url, loadCB) { { setTimeout(() => { try { // if we're already closed, don't add this poll if (!this.sendNewPolls) { return; } const newScript = this.myIFrame.doc.createElement('script'); newScript.type = 'text/javascript'; newScript.async = true; newScript.src = url; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any newScript.onload = newScript.onreadystatechange = function () { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const rstate = newScript.readyState; if (!rstate || rstate === 'loaded' || rstate === 'complete') { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any newScript.onload = newScript.onreadystatechange = null; if (newScript.parentNode) { newScript.parentNode.removeChild(newScript); } loadCB(); } }; newScript.onerror = () => { log('Long-poll script failed to load: ' + url); this.sendNewPolls = false; this.close(); }; this.myIFrame.doc.body.appendChild(newScript); } catch (e) { // TODO: we should make this error visible somehow } }, Math.floor(1)); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const WEBSOCKET_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 16384; const WEBSOCKET_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 45000; let WebSocketImpl = null; if (typeof MozWebSocket !== 'undefined') { WebSocketImpl = MozWebSocket; } else if (typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined') { WebSocketImpl = WebSocket; } /** * Create a new websocket connection with the given callbacks. */ class WebSocketConnection { /** * @param connId identifier for this transport * @param repoInfo The info for the websocket endpoint. * @param applicationId The Firebase App ID for this project. * @param appCheckToken The App Check Token for this client. * @param authToken The Auth Token for this client. * @param transportSessionId Optional transportSessionId if this is connecting * to an existing transport session * @param lastSessionId Optional lastSessionId if there was a previous * connection */ constructor(connId, repoInfo, applicationId, appCheckToken, authToken, transportSessionId, lastSessionId) { this.connId = connId; this.applicationId = applicationId; this.appCheckToken = appCheckToken; this.authToken = authToken; this.keepaliveTimer = null; this.frames = null; this.totalFrames = 0; this.bytesSent = 0; this.bytesReceived = 0; this.log_ = logWrapper(this.connId); this.stats_ = statsManagerGetCollection(repoInfo); this.connURL = WebSocketConnection.connectionURL_(repoInfo, transportSessionId, lastSessionId, appCheckToken); this.nodeAdmin = repoInfo.nodeAdmin; } /** * @param repoInfo - The info for the websocket endpoint. * @param transportSessionId - Optional transportSessionId if this is connecting to an existing transport * session * @param lastSessionId - Optional lastSessionId if there was a previous connection * @returns connection url */ static connectionURL_(repoInfo, transportSessionId, lastSessionId, appCheckToken) { const urlParams = {}; urlParams[VERSION_PARAM] = PROTOCOL_VERSION; if (typeof location !== 'undefined' && location.hostname && FORGE_DOMAIN_RE.test(location.hostname)) { urlParams[REFERER_PARAM] = FORGE_REF; } if (transportSessionId) { urlParams[TRANSPORT_SESSION_PARAM] = transportSessionId; } if (lastSessionId) { urlParams[LAST_SESSION_PARAM] = lastSessionId; } if (appCheckToken) { urlParams[APP_CHECK_TOKEN_PARAM] = appCheckToken; } return repoInfoConnectionURL(repoInfo, WEBSOCKET, urlParams); } /** * @param onMessage - Callback when messages arrive * @param onDisconnect - Callback with connection lost. */ open(onMessage, onDisconnect) { this.onDisconnect = onDisconnect; this.onMessage = onMessage; this.log_('Websocket connecting to ' + this.connURL); this.everConnected_ = false; // Assume failure until proven otherwise. PersistentStorage.set('previous_websocket_failure', true); try { if (isNodeSdk()) ; else { const options = { headers: { 'X-Firebase-GMPID': this.applicationId || '', 'X-Firebase-AppCheck': this.appCheckToken || '' } }; this.mySock = new WebSocketImpl(this.connURL, [], options); } } catch (e) { this.log_('Error instantiating WebSocket.'); const error = e.message ||; if (error) { this.log_(error); } this.onClosed_(); return; } this.mySock.onopen = () => { this.log_('Websocket connected.'); this.everConnected_ = true; }; this.mySock.onclose = () => { this.log_('Websocket connection was disconnected.'); this.mySock = null; this.onClosed_(); }; this.mySock.onmessage = m => { this.handleIncomingFrame(m); }; this.mySock.onerror = e => { this.log_('WebSocket error. Closing connection.'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const error = e.message ||; if (error) { this.log_(error); } this.onClosed_(); }; } /** * No-op for websockets, we don't need to do anything once the connection is confirmed as open */ start() { } static forceDisallow() { WebSocketConnection.forceDisallow_ = true; } static isAvailable() { let isOldAndroid = false; if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent) { const oldAndroidRegex = /Android ([0-9]{0,}\.[0-9]{0,})/; const oldAndroidMatch = navigator.userAgent.match(oldAndroidRegex); if (oldAndroidMatch && oldAndroidMatch.length > 1) { if (parseFloat(oldAndroidMatch[1]) < 4.4) { isOldAndroid = true; } } } return (!isOldAndroid && WebSocketImpl !== null && !WebSocketConnection.forceDisallow_); } /** * Returns true if we previously failed to connect with this transport. */ static previouslyFailed() { // If our persistent storage is actually only in-memory storage, // we default to assuming that it previously failed to be safe. return (PersistentStorage.isInMemoryStorage || PersistentStorage.get('previous_websocket_failure') === true); } markConnectionHealthy() { PersistentStorage.remove('previous_websocket_failure'); } appendFrame_(data) { this.frames.push(data); if (this.frames.length === this.totalFrames) { const fullMess = this.frames.join(''); this.frames = null; const jsonMess = jsonEval(fullMess); //handle the message this.onMessage(jsonMess); } } /** * @param frameCount - The number of frames we are expecting from the server */ handleNewFrameCount_(frameCount) { this.totalFrames = frameCount; this.frames = []; } /** * Attempts to parse a frame count out of some text. If it can't, assumes a value of 1 * @returns Any remaining data to be process, or null if there is none */ extractFrameCount_(data) { assert(this.frames === null, 'We already have a frame buffer'); // TODO: The server is only supposed to send up to 9999 frames (i.e. length <= 4), but that isn't being enforced // currently. So allowing larger frame counts (length <= 6). See if (data.length <= 6) { const frameCount = Number(data); if (!isNaN(frameCount)) { this.handleNewFrameCount_(frameCount); return null; } } this.handleNewFrameCount_(1); return data; } /** * Process a websocket frame that has arrived from the server. * @param mess - The frame data */ handleIncomingFrame(mess) { if (this.mySock === null) { return; // Chrome apparently delivers incoming packets even after we .close() the connection sometimes. } const data = mess['data']; this.bytesReceived += data.length; this.stats_.incrementCounter('bytes_received', data.length); this.resetKeepAlive(); if (this.frames !== null) { // we're buffering this.appendFrame_(data); } else { // try to parse out a frame count, otherwise, assume 1 and process it const remainingData = this.extractFrameCount_(data); if (remainingData !== null) { this.appendFrame_(remainingData); } } } /** * Send a message to the server * @param data - The JSON object to transmit */ send(data) { this.resetKeepAlive(); const dataStr = stringify(data); this.bytesSent += dataStr.length; this.stats_.incrementCounter('bytes_sent', dataStr.length); //We can only fit a certain amount in each websocket frame, so we need to split this request //up into multiple pieces if it doesn't fit in one request. const dataSegs = splitStringBySize(dataStr, WEBSOCKET_MAX_FRAME_SIZE); //Send the length header if (dataSegs.length > 1) { this.sendString_(String(dataSegs.length)); } //Send the actual data in segments. for (let i = 0; i < dataSegs.length; i++) { this.sendString_(dataSegs[i]); } } shutdown_() { this.isClosed_ = true; if (this.keepaliveTimer) { clearInterval(this.keepaliveTimer); this.keepaliveTimer = null; } if (this.mySock) { this.mySock.close(); this.mySock = null; } } onClosed_() { if (!this.isClosed_) { this.log_('WebSocket is closing itself'); this.shutdown_(); // since this is an internal close, trigger the close listener if (this.onDisconnect) { this.onDisconnect(this.everConnected_); this.onDisconnect = null; } } } /** * External-facing close handler. * Close the websocket and kill the connection. */ close() { if (!this.isClosed_) { this.log_('WebSocket is being closed'); this.shutdown_(); } } /** * Kill the current keepalive timer and start a new one, to ensure that it always fires N seconds after * the last activity. */ resetKeepAlive() { clearInterval(this.keepaliveTimer); this.keepaliveTimer = setInterval(() => { //If there has been no websocket activity for a while, send a no-op if (this.mySock) { this.sendString_('0'); } this.resetKeepAlive(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any }, Math.floor(WEBSOCKET_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL)); } /** * Send a string over the websocket. * * @param str - String to send. */ sendString_(str) { // Firefox seems to sometimes throw exceptions (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) from websocket .send() // calls for some unknown reason. We treat these as an error and disconnect. // See try { this.mySock.send(str); } catch (e) { this.log_('Exception thrown from WebSocket.send():', e.message ||, 'Closing connection.'); setTimeout(this.onClosed_.bind(this), 0); } } } /** * Number of response before we consider the connection "healthy." */ WebSocketConnection.responsesRequiredToBeHealthy = 2; /** * Time to wait for the connection te become healthy before giving up. */ WebSocketConnection.healthyTimeout = 30000; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Currently simplistic, this class manages what transport a Connection should use at various stages of its * lifecycle. * * It starts with longpolling in a browser, and httppolling on node. It then upgrades to websockets if * they are available. */ class TransportManager { /** * @param repoInfo - Metadata around the namespace we're connecting to */ constructor(repoInfo) { this.initTransports_(repoInfo); } static get ALL_TRANSPORTS() { return [BrowserPollConnection, WebSocketConnection]; } initTransports_(repoInfo) { const isWebSocketsAvailable = WebSocketConnection && WebSocketConnection['isAvailable'](); let isSkipPollConnection = isWebSocketsAvailable && !WebSocketConnection.previouslyFailed(); if (repoInfo.webSocketOnly) { if (!isWebSocketsAvailable) { warn("wss:// URL used, but browser isn't known to support websockets. Trying anyway."); } isSkipPollConnection = true; } if (isSkipPollConnection) { this.transports_ = [WebSocketConnection]; } else { const transports = (this.transports_ = []); for (const transport of TransportManager.ALL_TRANSPORTS) { if (transport && transport['isAvailable']()) { transports.push(transport); } } } } /** * @returns The constructor for the initial transport to use */ initialTransport() { if (this.transports_.length > 0) { return this.transports_[0]; } else { throw new Error('No transports available'); } } /** * @returns The constructor for the next transport, or null */ upgradeTransport() { if (this.transports_.length > 1) { return this.transports_[1]; } else { return null; } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Abort upgrade attempt if it takes longer than 60s. const UPGRADE_TIMEOUT = 60000; // For some transports (WebSockets), we need to "validate" the transport by exchanging a few requests and responses. // If we haven't sent enough requests within 5s, we'll start sending noop ping requests. const DELAY_BEFORE_SENDING_EXTRA_REQUESTS = 5000; // If the initial data sent triggers a lot of bandwidth (i.e. it's a large put or a listen for a large amount of data) // then we may not be able to exchange our ping/pong requests within the healthy timeout. So if we reach the timeout // but we've sent/received enough bytes, we don't cancel the connection. const BYTES_SENT_HEALTHY_OVERRIDE = 10 * 1024; const BYTES_RECEIVED_HEALTHY_OVERRIDE = 100 * 1024; const MESSAGE_TYPE = 't'; const MESSAGE_DATA = 'd'; const CONTROL_SHUTDOWN = 's'; const CONTROL_RESET = 'r'; const CONTROL_ERROR = 'e'; const CONTROL_PONG = 'o'; const SWITCH_ACK = 'a'; const END_TRANSMISSION = 'n'; const PING = 'p'; const SERVER_HELLO = 'h'; /** * Creates a new real-time connection to the server using whichever method works * best in the current browser. */ class Connection { /** * @param id - an id for this connection * @param repoInfo_ - the info for the endpoint to connect to * @param applicationId_ - the Firebase App ID for this project * @param appCheckToken_ - The App Check Token for this device. * @param authToken_ - The auth token for this session. * @param onMessage_ - the callback to be triggered when a server-push message arrives * @param onReady_ - the callback to be triggered when this connection is ready to send messages. * @param onDisconnect_ - the callback to be triggered when a connection was lost * @param onKill_ - the callback to be triggered when this connection has permanently shut down. * @param lastSessionId - last session id in persistent connection. is used to clean up old session in real-time server */ constructor(id, repoInfo_, applicationId_, appCheckToken_, authToken_, onMessage_, onReady_, onDisconnect_, onKill_, lastSessionId) { = id; this.repoInfo_ = repoInfo_; this.applicationId_ = applicationId_; this.appCheckToken_ = appCheckToken_; this.authToken_ = authToken_; this.onMessage_ = onMessage_; this.onReady_ = onReady_; this.onDisconnect_ = onDisconnect_; this.onKill_ = onKill_; this.lastSessionId = lastSessionId; this.connectionCount = 0; this.pendingDataMessages = []; this.state_ = 0 /* CONNECTING */; this.log_ = logWrapper('c:' + + ':'); this.transportManager_ = new TransportManager(repoInfo_); this.log_('Connection created'); this.start_(); } /** * Starts a connection attempt */ start_() { const conn = this.transportManager_.initialTransport(); this.conn_ = new conn(this.nextTransportId_(), this.repoInfo_, this.applicationId_, this.appCheckToken_, this.authToken_, null, this.lastSessionId); // For certain transports (WebSockets), we need to send and receive several messages back and forth before we // can consider the transport healthy. this.primaryResponsesRequired_ = conn['responsesRequiredToBeHealthy'] || 0; const onMessageReceived = this.connReceiver_(this.conn_); const onConnectionLost = this.disconnReceiver_(this.conn_); this.tx_ = this.conn_; this.rx_ = this.conn_; this.secondaryConn_ = null; this.isHealthy_ = false; /* * Firefox doesn't like when code from one iframe tries to create another iframe by way of the parent frame. * This can occur in the case of a redirect, i.e. we guessed wrong on what server to connect to and received a reset. * Somehow, setTimeout seems to make this ok. That doesn't make sense from a security perspective, since you should * still have the context of your originating frame. */ setTimeout(() => { // this.conn_ gets set to null in some of the tests. Check to make sure it still exists before using it this.conn_ &&, onConnectionLost); }, Math.floor(0)); const healthyTimeoutMS = conn['healthyTimeout'] || 0; if (healthyTimeoutMS > 0) { this.healthyTimeout_ = setTimeoutNonBlocking(() => { this.healthyTimeout_ = null; if (!this.isHealthy_) { if (this.conn_ && this.conn_.bytesReceived > BYTES_RECEIVED_HEALTHY_OVERRIDE) { this.log_('Connection exceeded healthy timeout but has received ' + this.conn_.bytesReceived + ' bytes. Marking connection healthy.'); this.isHealthy_ = true; this.conn_.markConnectionHealthy(); } else if (this.conn_ && this.conn_.bytesSent > BYTES_SENT_HEALTHY_OVERRIDE) { this.log_('Connection exceeded healthy timeout but has sent ' + this.conn_.bytesSent + ' bytes. Leaving connection alive.'); // NOTE: We don't want to mark it healthy, since we have no guarantee that the bytes have made it to // the server. } else { this.log_('Closing unhealthy connection after timeout.'); this.close(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any }, Math.floor(healthyTimeoutMS)); } } nextTransportId_() { return 'c:' + + ':' + this.connectionCount++; } disconnReceiver_(conn) { return everConnected => { if (conn === this.conn_) { this.onConnectionLost_(everConnected); } else if (conn === this.secondaryConn_) { this.log_('Secondary connection lost.'); this.onSecondaryConnectionLost_(); } else { this.log_('closing an old connection'); } }; } connReceiver_(conn) { return (message) => { if (this.state_ !== 2 /* DISCONNECTED */) { if (conn === this.rx_) { this.onPrimaryMessageReceived_(message); } else if (conn === this.secondaryConn_) { this.onSecondaryMessageReceived_(message); } else { this.log_('message on old connection'); } } }; } /** * @param dataMsg - An arbitrary data message to be sent to the server */ sendRequest(dataMsg) { // wrap in a data message envelope and send it on const msg = { t: 'd', d: dataMsg }; this.sendData_(msg); } tryCleanupConnection() { if (this.tx_ === this.secondaryConn_ && this.rx_ === this.secondaryConn_) { this.log_('cleaning up and promoting a connection: ' + this.secondaryConn_.connId); this.conn_ = this.secondaryConn_; this.secondaryConn_ = null; // the server will shutdown the old connection } } onSecondaryControl_(controlData) { if (MESSAGE_TYPE in controlData) { const cmd = controlData[MESSAGE_TYPE]; if (cmd === SWITCH_ACK) { this.upgradeIfSecondaryHealthy_(); } else if (cmd === CONTROL_RESET) { // Most likely the session wasn't valid. Abandon the switch attempt this.log_('Got a reset on secondary, closing it'); this.secondaryConn_.close(); // If we were already using this connection for something, than we need to fully close if (this.tx_ === this.secondaryConn_ || this.rx_ === this.secondaryConn_) { this.close(); } } else if (cmd === CONTROL_PONG) { this.log_('got pong on secondary.'); this.secondaryResponsesRequired_--; this.upgradeIfSecondaryHealthy_(); } } } onSecondaryMessageReceived_(parsedData) { const layer = requireKey('t', parsedData); const data = requireKey('d', parsedData); if (layer === 'c') { this.onSecondaryControl_(data); } else if (layer === 'd') { // got a data message, but we're still second connection. Need to buffer it up this.pendingDataMessages.push(data); } else { throw new Error('Unknown protocol layer: ' + layer); } } upgradeIfSecondaryHealthy_() { if (this.secondaryResponsesRequired_ <= 0) { this.log_('Secondary connection is healthy.'); this.isHealthy_ = true; this.secondaryConn_.markConnectionHealthy(); this.proceedWithUpgrade_(); } else { // Send a ping to make sure the connection is healthy. this.log_('sending ping on secondary.'); this.secondaryConn_.send({ t: 'c', d: { t: PING, d: {} } }); } } proceedWithUpgrade_() { // tell this connection to consider itself open this.secondaryConn_.start(); // send ack this.log_('sending client ack on secondary'); this.secondaryConn_.send({ t: 'c', d: { t: SWITCH_ACK, d: {} } }); // send end packet on primary transport, switch to sending on this one // can receive on this one, buffer responses until end received on primary transport this.log_('Ending transmission on primary'); this.conn_.send({ t: 'c', d: { t: END_TRANSMISSION, d: {} } }); this.tx_ = this.secondaryConn_; this.tryCleanupConnection(); } onPrimaryMessageReceived_(parsedData) { // Must refer to parsedData properties in quotes, so closure doesn't touch them. const layer = requireKey('t', parsedData); const data = requireKey('d', parsedData); if (layer === 'c') { this.onControl_(data); } else if (layer === 'd') { this.onDataMessage_(data); } } onDataMessage_(message) { this.onPrimaryResponse_(); // We don't do anything with data messages, just kick them up a level this.onMessage_(message); } onPrimaryResponse_() { if (!this.isHealthy_) { this.primaryResponsesRequired_--; if (this.primaryResponsesRequired_ <= 0) { this.log_('Primary connection is healthy.'); this.isHealthy_ = true; this.conn_.markConnectionHealthy(); } } } onControl_(controlData) { const cmd = requireKey(MESSAGE_TYPE, controlData); if (MESSAGE_DATA in controlData) { const payload = controlData[MESSAGE_DATA]; if (cmd === SERVER_HELLO) { this.onHandshake_(payload); } else if (cmd === END_TRANSMISSION) { this.log_('recvd end transmission on primary'); this.rx_ = this.secondaryConn_; for (let i = 0; i < this.pendingDataMessages.length; ++i) { this.onDataMessage_(this.pendingDataMessages[i]); } this.pendingDataMessages = []; this.tryCleanupConnection(); } else if (cmd === CONTROL_SHUTDOWN) { // This was previously the 'onKill' callback passed to the lower-level connection // payload in this case is the reason for the shutdown. Generally a human-readable error this.onConnectionShutdown_(payload); } else if (cmd === CONTROL_RESET) { // payload in this case is the host we should contact this.onReset_(payload); } else if (cmd === CONTROL_ERROR) { error('Server Error: ' + payload); } else if (cmd === CONTROL_PONG) { this.log_('got pong on primary.'); this.onPrimaryResponse_(); this.sendPingOnPrimaryIfNecessary_(); } else { error('Unknown control packet command: ' + cmd); } } } /** * @param handshake - The handshake data returned from the server */ onHandshake_(handshake) { const timestamp = handshake.ts; const version = handshake.v; const host = handshake.h; this.sessionId = handshake.s; = host; // if we've already closed the connection, then don't bother trying to progress further if (this.state_ === 0 /* CONNECTING */) { this.conn_.start(); this.onConnectionEstablished_(this.conn_, timestamp); if (PROTOCOL_VERSION !== version) { warn('Protocol version mismatch detected'); } // TODO: do we want to upgrade? when? maybe a delay? this.tryStartUpgrade_(); } } tryStartUpgrade_() { const conn = this.transportManager_.upgradeTransport(); if (conn) { this.startUpgrade_(conn); } } startUpgrade_(conn) { this.secondaryConn_ = new conn(this.nextTransportId_(), this.repoInfo_, this.applicationId_, this.appCheckToken_, this.authToken_, this.sessionId); // For certain transports (WebSockets), we need to send and receive several messages back and forth before we // can consider the transport healthy. this.secondaryResponsesRequired_ = conn['responsesRequiredToBeHealthy'] || 0; const onMessage = this.connReceiver_(this.secondaryConn_); const onDisconnect = this.disconnReceiver_(this.secondaryConn_);, onDisconnect); // If we haven't successfully upgraded after UPGRADE_TIMEOUT, give up and kill the secondary. setTimeoutNonBlocking(() => { if (this.secondaryConn_) { this.log_('Timed out trying to upgrade.'); this.secondaryConn_.close(); } }, Math.floor(UPGRADE_TIMEOUT)); } onReset_(host) { this.log_('Reset packet received. New host: ' + host); = host; // TODO: if we're already "connected", we need to trigger a disconnect at the next layer up. // We don't currently support resets after the connection has already been established if (this.state_ === 1 /* CONNECTED */) { this.close(); } else { // Close whatever connections we have open and start again. this.closeConnections_(); this.start_(); } } onConnectionEstablished_(conn, timestamp) { this.log_('Realtime connection established.'); this.conn_ = conn; this.state_ = 1 /* CONNECTED */; if (this.onReady_) { this.onReady_(timestamp, this.sessionId); this.onReady_ = null; } // If after 5 seconds we haven't sent enough requests to the server to get the connection healthy, // send some pings. if (this.primaryResponsesRequired_ === 0) { this.log_('Primary connection is healthy.'); this.isHealthy_ = true; } else { setTimeoutNonBlocking(() => { this.sendPingOnPrimaryIfNecessary_(); }, Math.floor(DELAY_BEFORE_SENDING_EXTRA_REQUESTS)); } } sendPingOnPrimaryIfNecessary_() { // If the connection isn't considered healthy yet, we'll send a noop ping packet request. if (!this.isHealthy_ && this.state_ === 1 /* CONNECTED */) { this.log_('sending ping on primary.'); this.sendData_({ t: 'c', d: { t: PING, d: {} } }); } } onSecondaryConnectionLost_() { const conn = this.secondaryConn_; this.secondaryConn_ = null; if (this.tx_ === conn || this.rx_ === conn) { // we are relying on this connection already in some capacity. Therefore, a failure is real this.close(); } } /** * @param everConnected - Whether or not the connection ever reached a server. Used to determine if * we should flush the host cache */ onConnectionLost_(everConnected) { this.conn_ = null; // NOTE: IF you're seeing a Firefox error for this line, I think it might be because it's getting // called on window close and RealtimeState.CONNECTING is no longer defined. Just a guess. if (!everConnected && this.state_ === 0 /* CONNECTING */) { this.log_('Realtime connection failed.'); // Since we failed to connect at all, clear any cached entry for this namespace in case the machine went away if (this.repoInfo_.isCacheableHost()) { PersistentStorage.remove('host:' +; // reset the internal host to what we would show the user, i.e. <ns> this.repoInfo_.internalHost =; } } else if (this.state_ === 1 /* CONNECTED */) { this.log_('Realtime connection lost.'); } this.close(); } onConnectionShutdown_(reason) { this.log_('Connection shutdown command received. Shutting down...'); if (this.onKill_) { this.onKill_(reason); this.onKill_ = null; } // We intentionally don't want to fire onDisconnect (kill is a different case), // so clear the callback. this.onDisconnect_ = null; this.close(); } sendData_(data) { if (this.state_ !== 1 /* CONNECTED */) { throw 'Connection is not connected'; } else { this.tx_.send(data); } } /** * Cleans up this connection, calling the appropriate callbacks */ close() { if (this.state_ !== 2 /* DISCONNECTED */) { this.log_('Closing realtime connection.'); this.state_ = 2 /* DISCONNECTED */; this.closeConnections_(); if (this.onDisconnect_) { this.onDisconnect_(); this.onDisconnect_ = null; } } } closeConnections_() { this.log_('Shutting down all connections'); if (this.conn_) { this.conn_.close(); this.conn_ = null; } if (this.secondaryConn_) { this.secondaryConn_.close(); this.secondaryConn_ = null; } if (this.healthyTimeout_) { clearTimeout(this.healthyTimeout_); this.healthyTimeout_ = null; } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Interface defining the set of actions that can be performed against the Firebase server * (basically corresponds to our wire protocol). * * @interface */ class ServerActions { put(pathString, data, onComplete, hash) { } merge(pathString, data, onComplete, hash) { } /** * Refreshes the auth token for the current connection. * @param token - The authentication token */ refreshAuthToken(token) { } /** * Refreshes the app check token for the current connection. * @param token The app check token */ refreshAppCheckToken(token) { } onDisconnectPut(pathString, data, onComplete) { } onDisconnectMerge(pathString, data, onComplete) { } onDisconnectCancel(pathString, onComplete) { } reportStats(stats) { } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Base class to be used if you want to emit events. Call the constructor with * the set of allowed event names. */ class EventEmitter { constructor(allowedEvents_) { this.allowedEvents_ = allowedEvents_; this.listeners_ = {}; assert(Array.isArray(allowedEvents_) && allowedEvents_.length > 0, 'Requires a non-empty array'); } /** * To be called by derived classes to trigger events. */ trigger(eventType, ...varArgs) { if (Array.isArray(this.listeners_[eventType])) { // Clone the list, since callbacks could add/remove listeners. const listeners = [...this.listeners_[eventType]]; for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].callback.apply(listeners[i].context, varArgs); } } } on(eventType, callback, context) { this.validateEventType_(eventType); this.listeners_[eventType] = this.listeners_[eventType] || []; this.listeners_[eventType].push({ callback, context }); const eventData = this.getInitialEvent(eventType); if (eventData) { callback.apply(context, eventData); } } off(eventType, callback, context) { this.validateEventType_(eventType); const listeners = this.listeners_[eventType] || []; for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { if (listeners[i].callback === callback && (!context || context === listeners[i].context)) { listeners.splice(i, 1); return; } } } validateEventType_(eventType) { assert(this.allowedEvents_.find(et => { return et === eventType; }), 'Unknown event: ' + eventType); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Monitors online state (as reported by events). * * The expectation is that this could have many false positives (thinks we are online * when we're not), but no false negatives. So we can safely use it to determine when * we definitely cannot reach the internet. */ class OnlineMonitor extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(['online']); this.online_ = true; // We've had repeated complaints that Cordova apps can get stuck "offline", e.g. // // It would seem that the 'online' event does not always fire consistently. So we disable it // for Cordova. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.addEventListener !== 'undefined' && !isMobileCordova()) { window.addEventListener('online', () => { if (!this.online_) { this.online_ = true; this.trigger('online', true); } }, false); window.addEventListener('offline', () => { if (this.online_) { this.online_ = false; this.trigger('online', false); } }, false); } } static getInstance() { return new OnlineMonitor(); } getInitialEvent(eventType) { assert(eventType === 'online', 'Unknown event type: ' + eventType); return [this.online_]; } currentlyOnline() { return this.online_; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** Maximum key depth. */ const MAX_PATH_DEPTH = 32; /** Maximum number of (UTF8) bytes in a Firebase path. */ const MAX_PATH_LENGTH_BYTES = 768; /** * An immutable object representing a parsed path. It's immutable so that you * can pass them around to other functions without worrying about them changing * it. */ class Path { /** * @param pathOrString - Path string to parse, or another path, or the raw * tokens array */ constructor(pathOrString, pieceNum) { if (pieceNum === void 0) { this.pieces_ = pathOrString.split('/'); // Remove empty pieces. let copyTo = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.pieces_.length; i++) { if (this.pieces_[i].length > 0) { this.pieces_[copyTo] = this.pieces_[i]; copyTo++; } } this.pieces_.length = copyTo; this.pieceNum_ = 0; } else { this.pieces_ = pathOrString; this.pieceNum_ = pieceNum; } } toString() { let pathString = ''; for (let i = this.pieceNum_; i < this.pieces_.length; i++) { if (this.pieces_[i] !== '') { pathString += '/' + this.pieces_[i]; } } return pathString || '/'; } } function newEmptyPath() { return new Path(''); } function pathGetFront(path) { if (path.pieceNum_ >= path.pieces_.length) { return null; } return path.pieces_[path.pieceNum_]; } /** * @returns The number of segments in this path */ function pathGetLength(path) { return path.pieces_.length - path.pieceNum_; } function pathPopFront(path) { let pieceNum = path.pieceNum_; if (pieceNum < path.pieces_.length) { pieceNum++; } return new Path(path.pieces_, pieceNum); } function pathGetBack(path) { if (path.pieceNum_ < path.pieces_.length) { return path.pieces_[path.pieces_.length - 1]; } return null; } function pathToUrlEncodedString(path) { let pathString = ''; for (let i = path.pieceNum_; i < path.pieces_.length; i++) { if (path.pieces_[i] !== '') { pathString += '/' + encodeURIComponent(String(path.pieces_[i])); } } return pathString || '/'; } /** * Shallow copy of the parts of the path. * */ function pathSlice(path, begin = 0) { return path.pieces_.slice(path.pieceNum_ + begin); } function pathParent(path) { if (path.pieceNum_ >= path.pieces_.length) { return null; } const pieces = []; for (let i = path.pieceNum_; i < path.pieces_.length - 1; i++) { pieces.push(path.pieces_[i]); } return new Path(pieces, 0); } function pathChild(path, childPathObj) { const pieces = []; for (let i = path.pieceNum_; i < path.pieces_.length; i++) { pieces.push(path.pieces_[i]); } if (childPathObj instanceof Path) { for (let i = childPathObj.pieceNum_; i < childPathObj.pieces_.length; i++) { pieces.push(childPathObj.pieces_[i]); } } else { const childPieces = childPathObj.split('/'); for (let i = 0; i < childPieces.length; i++) { if (childPieces[i].length > 0) { pieces.push(childPieces[i]); } } } return new Path(pieces, 0); } /** * @returns True if there are no segments in this path */ function pathIsEmpty(path) { return path.pieceNum_ >= path.pieces_.length; } /** * @returns The path from outerPath to innerPath */ function newRelativePath(outerPath, innerPath) { const outer = pathGetFront(outerPath), inner = pathGetFront(innerPath); if (outer === null) { return innerPath; } else if (outer === inner) { return newRelativePath(pathPopFront(outerPath), pathPopFront(innerPath)); } else { throw new Error('INTERNAL ERROR: innerPath (' + innerPath + ') is not within ' + 'outerPath (' + outerPath + ')'); } } /** * @returns -1, 0, 1 if left is less, equal, or greater than the right. */ function pathCompare(left, right) { const leftKeys = pathSlice(left, 0); const rightKeys = pathSlice(right, 0); for (let i = 0; i < leftKeys.length && i < rightKeys.length; i++) { const cmp = nameCompare(leftKeys[i], rightKeys[i]); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } } if (leftKeys.length === rightKeys.length) { return 0; } return leftKeys.length < rightKeys.length ? -1 : 1; } /** * @returns true if paths are the same. */ function pathEquals(path, other) { if (pathGetLength(path) !== pathGetLength(other)) { return false; } for (let i = path.pieceNum_, j = other.pieceNum_; i <= path.pieces_.length; i++, j++) { if (path.pieces_[i] !== other.pieces_[j]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @returns True if this path is a parent (or the same as) other */ function pathContains(path, other) { let i = path.pieceNum_; let j = other.pieceNum_; if (pathGetLength(path) > pathGetLength(other)) { return false; } while (i < path.pieces_.length) { if (path.pieces_[i] !== other.pieces_[j]) { return false; } ++i; ++j; } return true; } /** * Dynamic (mutable) path used to count path lengths. * * This class is used to efficiently check paths for valid * length (in UTF8 bytes) and depth (used in path validation). * * Throws Error exception if path is ever invalid. * * The definition of a path always begins with '/'. */ class ValidationPath { /** * @param path - Initial Path. * @param errorPrefix_ - Prefix for any error messages. */ constructor(path, errorPrefix_) { this.errorPrefix_ = errorPrefix_; this.parts_ = pathSlice(path, 0); /** Initialize to number of '/' chars needed in path. */ this.byteLength_ = Math.max(1, this.parts_.length); for (let i = 0; i < this.parts_.length; i++) { this.byteLength_ += stringLength(this.parts_[i]); } validationPathCheckValid(this); } } function validationPathPush(validationPath, child) { // Count the needed '/' if (validationPath.parts_.length > 0) { validationPath.byteLength_ += 1; } validationPath.parts_.push(child); validationPath.byteLength_ += stringLength(child); validationPathCheckValid(validationPath); } function validationPathPop(validationPath) { const last = validationPath.parts_.pop(); validationPath.byteLength_ -= stringLength(last); // Un-count the previous '/' if (validationPath.parts_.length > 0) { validationPath.byteLength_ -= 1; } } function validationPathCheckValid(validationPath) { if (validationPath.byteLength_ > MAX_PATH_LENGTH_BYTES) { throw new Error(validationPath.errorPrefix_ + 'has a key path longer than ' + MAX_PATH_LENGTH_BYTES + ' bytes (' + validationPath.byteLength_ + ').'); } if (validationPath.parts_.length > MAX_PATH_DEPTH) { throw new Error(validationPath.errorPrefix_ + 'path specified exceeds the maximum depth that can be written (' + MAX_PATH_DEPTH + ') or object contains a cycle ' + validationPathToErrorString(validationPath)); } } /** * String for use in error messages - uses '.' notation for path. */ function validationPathToErrorString(validationPath) { if (validationPath.parts_.length === 0) { return ''; } return "in property '" + validationPath.parts_.join('.') + "'"; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class VisibilityMonitor extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(['visible']); let hidden; let visibilityChange; if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.addEventListener !== 'undefined') { if (typeof document['hidden'] !== 'undefined') { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support visibilityChange = 'visibilitychange'; hidden = 'hidden'; } else if (typeof document['mozHidden'] !== 'undefined') { visibilityChange = 'mozvisibilitychange'; hidden = 'mozHidden'; } else if (typeof document['msHidden'] !== 'undefined') { visibilityChange = 'msvisibilitychange'; hidden = 'msHidden'; } else if (typeof document['webkitHidden'] !== 'undefined') { visibilityChange = 'webkitvisibilitychange'; hidden = 'webkitHidden'; } } // Initially, we always assume we are visible. This ensures that in browsers // without page visibility support or in cases where we are never visible // (e.g. chrome extension), we act as if we are visible, i.e. don't delay // reconnects this.visible_ = true; if (visibilityChange) { document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, () => { const visible = !document[hidden]; if (visible !== this.visible_) { this.visible_ = visible; this.trigger('visible', visible); } }, false); } } static getInstance() { return new VisibilityMonitor(); } getInitialEvent(eventType) { assert(eventType === 'visible', 'Unknown event type: ' + eventType); return [this.visible_]; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const RECONNECT_MIN_DELAY = 1000; const RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY_DEFAULT = 60 * 5 * 1000; // 5 minutes in milliseconds (Case: 1858) const GET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 3 * 1000; const RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY_FOR_ADMINS = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds for admin clients (likely to be a backend server) const RECONNECT_DELAY_MULTIPLIER = 1.3; const RECONNECT_DELAY_RESET_TIMEOUT = 30000; // Reset delay back to MIN_DELAY after being connected for 30sec. const SERVER_KILL_INTERRUPT_REASON = 'server_kill'; // If auth fails repeatedly, we'll assume something is wrong and log a warning / back off. const INVALID_TOKEN_THRESHOLD = 3; /** * Firebase connection. Abstracts wire protocol and handles reconnecting. * * NOTE: All JSON objects sent to the realtime connection must have property names enclosed * in quotes to make sure the closure compiler does not minify them. */ class PersistentConnection extends ServerActions { /** * @param repoInfo_ - Data about the namespace we are connecting to * @param applicationId_ - The Firebase App ID for this project * @param onDataUpdate_ - A callback for new data from the server */ constructor(repoInfo_, applicationId_, onDataUpdate_, onConnectStatus_, onServerInfoUpdate_, authTokenProvider_, appCheckTokenProvider_, authOverride_) { super(); this.repoInfo_ = repoInfo_; this.applicationId_ = applicationId_; this.onDataUpdate_ = onDataUpdate_; this.onConnectStatus_ = onConnectStatus_; this.onServerInfoUpdate_ = onServerInfoUpdate_; this.authTokenProvider_ = authTokenProvider_; this.appCheckTokenProvider_ = appCheckTokenProvider_; this.authOverride_ = authOverride_; // Used for diagnostic logging. = PersistentConnection.nextPersistentConnectionId_++; this.log_ = logWrapper('p:' + + ':'); this.interruptReasons_ = {}; this.listens = new Map(); this.outstandingPuts_ = []; this.outstandingGets_ = []; this.outstandingPutCount_ = 0; this.outstandingGetCount_ = 0; this.onDisconnectRequestQueue_ = []; this.connected_ = false; this.reconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MIN_DELAY; this.maxReconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY_DEFAULT; this.securityDebugCallback_ = null; this.lastSessionId = null; this.establishConnectionTimer_ = null; this.visible_ = false; // Before we get connected, we keep a queue of pending messages to send. this.requestCBHash_ = {}; this.requestNumber_ = 0; this.realtime_ = null; this.authToken_ = null; this.appCheckToken_ = null; this.forceTokenRefresh_ = false; this.invalidAuthTokenCount_ = 0; this.invalidAppCheckTokenCount_ = 0; this.firstConnection_ = true; this.lastConnectionAttemptTime_ = null; this.lastConnectionEstablishedTime_ = null; if (authOverride_ && !isNodeSdk()) { throw new Error('Auth override specified in options, but not supported on non Node.js platforms'); } VisibilityMonitor.getInstance().on('visible', this.onVisible_, this); if ('fblocal') === -1) { OnlineMonitor.getInstance().on('online', this.onOnline_, this); } } sendRequest(action, body, onResponse) { const curReqNum = ++this.requestNumber_; const msg = { r: curReqNum, a: action, b: body }; this.log_(stringify(msg)); assert(this.connected_, "sendRequest call when we're not connected not allowed."); this.realtime_.sendRequest(msg); if (onResponse) { this.requestCBHash_[curReqNum] = onResponse; } } get(query) { this.initConnection_(); const deferred = new Deferred(); const request = { p: query._path.toString(), q: query._queryObject }; const outstandingGet = { action: 'g', request, onComplete: (message) => { const payload = message['d']; if (message['s'] === 'ok') { this.onDataUpdate_(request['p'], payload, /*isMerge*/ false, /*tag*/ null); deferred.resolve(payload); } else { deferred.reject(payload); } } }; this.outstandingGets_.push(outstandingGet); this.outstandingGetCount_++; const index = this.outstandingGets_.length - 1; if (!this.connected_) { setTimeout(() => { const get = this.outstandingGets_[index]; if (get === undefined || outstandingGet !== get) { return; } delete this.outstandingGets_[index]; this.outstandingGetCount_--; if (this.outstandingGetCount_ === 0) { this.outstandingGets_ = []; } this.log_('get ' + index + ' timed out on connection'); deferred.reject(new Error('Client is offline.')); }, GET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); } if (this.connected_) { this.sendGet_(index); } return deferred.promise; } listen(query, currentHashFn, tag, onComplete) { this.initConnection_(); const queryId = query._queryIdentifier; const pathString = query._path.toString(); this.log_('Listen called for ' + pathString + ' ' + queryId); if (!this.listens.has(pathString)) { this.listens.set(pathString, new Map()); } assert(query._queryParams.isDefault() || !query._queryParams.loadsAllData(), 'listen() called for non-default but complete query'); assert(!this.listens.get(pathString).has(queryId), 'listen() called twice for same path/queryId.'); const listenSpec = { onComplete, hashFn: currentHashFn, query, tag }; this.listens.get(pathString).set(queryId, listenSpec); if (this.connected_) { this.sendListen_(listenSpec); } } sendGet_(index) { const get = this.outstandingGets_[index]; this.sendRequest('g', get.request, (message) => { delete this.outstandingGets_[index]; this.outstandingGetCount_--; if (this.outstandingGetCount_ === 0) { this.outstandingGets_ = []; } if (get.onComplete) { get.onComplete(message); } }); } sendListen_(listenSpec) { const query = listenSpec.query; const pathString = query._path.toString(); const queryId = query._queryIdentifier; this.log_('Listen on ' + pathString + ' for ' + queryId); const req = { /*path*/ p: pathString }; const action = 'q'; // Only bother to send query if it's non-default. if (listenSpec.tag) { req['q'] = query._queryObject; req['t'] = listenSpec.tag; } req[ /*hash*/'h'] = listenSpec.hashFn(); this.sendRequest(action, req, (message) => { const payload = message[ /*data*/'d']; const status = message[ /*status*/'s']; // print warnings in any case... PersistentConnection.warnOnListenWarnings_(payload, query); const currentListenSpec = this.listens.get(pathString) && this.listens.get(pathString).get(queryId); // only trigger actions if the listen hasn't been removed and readded if (currentListenSpec === listenSpec) { this.log_('listen response', message); if (status !== 'ok') { this.removeListen_(pathString, queryId); } if (listenSpec.onComplete) { listenSpec.onComplete(status, payload); } } }); } static warnOnListenWarnings_(payload, query) { if (payload && typeof payload === 'object' && contains(payload, 'w')) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const warnings = safeGet(payload, 'w'); if (Array.isArray(warnings) && ~warnings.indexOf('no_index')) { const indexSpec = '".indexOn": "' + query._queryParams.getIndex().toString() + '"'; const indexPath = query._path.toString(); warn(`Using an unspecified index. Your data will be downloaded and ` + `filtered on the client. Consider adding ${indexSpec} at ` + `${indexPath} to your security rules for better performance.`); } } } refreshAuthToken(token) { this.authToken_ = token; this.log_('Auth token refreshed'); if (this.authToken_) { this.tryAuth(); } else { //If we're connected we want to let the server know to unauthenticate us. If we're not connected, simply delete //the credential so we dont become authenticated next time we connect. if (this.connected_) { this.sendRequest('unauth', {}, () => { }); } } this.reduceReconnectDelayIfAdminCredential_(token); } reduceReconnectDelayIfAdminCredential_(credential) { // NOTE: This isn't intended to be bulletproof (a malicious developer can always just modify the client). // Additionally, we don't bother resetting the max delay back to the default if auth fails / expires. const isFirebaseSecret = credential && credential.length === 40; if (isFirebaseSecret || isAdmin(credential)) { this.log_('Admin auth credential detected. Reducing max reconnect time.'); this.maxReconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY_FOR_ADMINS; } } refreshAppCheckToken(token) { this.appCheckToken_ = token; this.log_('App check token refreshed'); if (this.appCheckToken_) { this.tryAppCheck(); } else { //If we're connected we want to let the server know to unauthenticate us. //If we're not connected, simply delete the credential so we dont become // authenticated next time we connect. if (this.connected_) { this.sendRequest('unappeck', {}, () => { }); } } } /** * Attempts to authenticate with the given credentials. If the authentication attempt fails, it's triggered like * a auth revoked (the connection is closed). */ tryAuth() { if (this.connected_ && this.authToken_) { const token = this.authToken_; const authMethod = isValidFormat(token) ? 'auth' : 'gauth'; const requestData = { cred: token }; if (this.authOverride_ === null) { requestData['noauth'] = true; } else if (typeof this.authOverride_ === 'object') { requestData['authvar'] = this.authOverride_; } this.sendRequest(authMethod, requestData, (res) => { const status = res[ /*status*/'s']; const data = res[ /*data*/'d'] || 'error'; if (this.authToken_ === token) { if (status === 'ok') { this.invalidAuthTokenCount_ = 0; } else { // Triggers reconnect and force refresh for auth token this.onAuthRevoked_(status, data); } } }); } } /** * Attempts to authenticate with the given token. If the authentication * attempt fails, it's triggered like the token was revoked (the connection is * closed). */ tryAppCheck() { if (this.connected_ && this.appCheckToken_) { this.sendRequest('appcheck', { 'token': this.appCheckToken_ }, (res) => { const status = res[ /*status*/'s']; const data = res[ /*data*/'d'] || 'error'; if (status === 'ok') { this.invalidAppCheckTokenCount_ = 0; } else { this.onAppCheckRevoked_(status, data); } }); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ unlisten(query, tag) { const pathString = query._path.toString(); const queryId = query._queryIdentifier; this.log_('Unlisten called for ' + pathString + ' ' + queryId); assert(query._queryParams.isDefault() || !query._queryParams.loadsAllData(), 'unlisten() called for non-default but complete query'); const listen = this.removeListen_(pathString, queryId); if (listen && this.connected_) { this.sendUnlisten_(pathString, queryId, query._queryObject, tag); } } sendUnlisten_(pathString, queryId, queryObj, tag) { this.log_('Unlisten on ' + pathString + ' for ' + queryId); const req = { /*path*/ p: pathString }; const action = 'n'; // Only bother sending queryId if it's non-default. if (tag) { req['q'] = queryObj; req['t'] = tag; } this.sendRequest(action, req); } onDisconnectPut(pathString, data, onComplete) { this.initConnection_(); if (this.connected_) { this.sendOnDisconnect_('o', pathString, data, onComplete); } else { this.onDisconnectRequestQueue_.push({ pathString, action: 'o', data, onComplete }); } } onDisconnectMerge(pathString, data, onComplete) { this.initConnection_(); if (this.connected_) { this.sendOnDisconnect_('om', pathString, data, onComplete); } else { this.onDisconnectRequestQueue_.push({ pathString, action: 'om', data, onComplete }); } } onDisconnectCancel(pathString, onComplete) { this.initConnection_(); if (this.connected_) { this.sendOnDisconnect_('oc', pathString, null, onComplete); } else { this.onDisconnectRequestQueue_.push({ pathString, action: 'oc', data: null, onComplete }); } } sendOnDisconnect_(action, pathString, data, onComplete) { const request = { /*path*/ p: pathString, /*data*/ d: data }; this.log_('onDisconnect ' + action, request); this.sendRequest(action, request, (response) => { if (onComplete) { setTimeout(() => { onComplete(response[ /*status*/'s'], response[ /* data */'d']); }, Math.floor(0)); } }); } put(pathString, data, onComplete, hash) { this.putInternal('p', pathString, data, onComplete, hash); } merge(pathString, data, onComplete, hash) { this.putInternal('m', pathString, data, onComplete, hash); } putInternal(action, pathString, data, onComplete, hash) { this.initConnection_(); const request = { /*path*/ p: pathString, /*data*/ d: data }; if (hash !== undefined) { request[ /*hash*/'h'] = hash; } // TODO: Only keep track of the most recent put for a given path? this.outstandingPuts_.push({ action, request, onComplete }); this.outstandingPutCount_++; const index = this.outstandingPuts_.length - 1; if (this.connected_) { this.sendPut_(index); } else { this.log_('Buffering put: ' + pathString); } } sendPut_(index) { const action = this.outstandingPuts_[index].action; const request = this.outstandingPuts_[index].request; const onComplete = this.outstandingPuts_[index].onComplete; this.outstandingPuts_[index].queued = this.connected_; this.sendRequest(action, request, (message) => { this.log_(action + ' response', message); delete this.outstandingPuts_[index]; this.outstandingPutCount_--; // Clean up array occasionally. if (this.outstandingPutCount_ === 0) { this.outstandingPuts_ = []; } if (onComplete) { onComplete(message[ /*status*/'s'], message[ /* data */'d']); } }); } reportStats(stats) { // If we're not connected, we just drop the stats. if (this.connected_) { const request = { /*counters*/ c: stats }; this.log_('reportStats', request); this.sendRequest(/*stats*/ 's', request, result => { const status = result[ /*status*/'s']; if (status !== 'ok') { const errorReason = result[ /* data */'d']; this.log_('reportStats', 'Error sending stats: ' + errorReason); } }); } } onDataMessage_(message) { if ('r' in message) { // this is a response this.log_('from server: ' + stringify(message)); const reqNum = message['r']; const onResponse = this.requestCBHash_[reqNum]; if (onResponse) { delete this.requestCBHash_[reqNum]; onResponse(message[ /*body*/'b']); } } else if ('error' in message) { throw 'A server-side error has occurred: ' + message['error']; } else if ('a' in message) { // a and b are action and body, respectively this.onDataPush_(message['a'], message['b']); } } onDataPush_(action, body) { this.log_('handleServerMessage', action, body); if (action === 'd') { this.onDataUpdate_(body[ /*path*/'p'], body[ /*data*/'d'], /*isMerge*/ false, body['t']); } else if (action === 'm') { this.onDataUpdate_(body[ /*path*/'p'], body[ /*data*/'d'], /*isMerge=*/ true, body['t']); } else if (action === 'c') { this.onListenRevoked_(body[ /*path*/'p'], body[ /*query*/'q']); } else if (action === 'ac') { this.onAuthRevoked_(body[ /*status code*/'s'], body[ /* explanation */'d']); } else if (action === 'apc') { this.onAppCheckRevoked_(body[ /*status code*/'s'], body[ /* explanation */'d']); } else if (action === 'sd') { this.onSecurityDebugPacket_(body); } else { error('Unrecognized action received from server: ' + stringify(action) + '\nAre you using the latest client?'); } } onReady_(timestamp, sessionId) { this.log_('connection ready'); this.connected_ = true; this.lastConnectionEstablishedTime_ = new Date().getTime(); this.handleTimestamp_(timestamp); this.lastSessionId = sessionId; if (this.firstConnection_) { this.sendConnectStats_(); } this.restoreState_(); this.firstConnection_ = false; this.onConnectStatus_(true); } scheduleConnect_(timeout) { assert(!this.realtime_, "Scheduling a connect when we're already connected/ing?"); if (this.establishConnectionTimer_) { clearTimeout(this.establishConnectionTimer_); } // NOTE: Even when timeout is 0, it's important to do a setTimeout to work around an infuriating "Security Error" in // Firefox when trying to write to our long-polling iframe in some scenarios (e.g. Forge or our unit tests). this.establishConnectionTimer_ = setTimeout(() => { this.establishConnectionTimer_ = null; this.establishConnection_(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any }, Math.floor(timeout)); } initConnection_() { if (!this.realtime_ && this.firstConnection_) { this.scheduleConnect_(0); } } onVisible_(visible) { // NOTE: Tabbing away and back to a window will defeat our reconnect backoff, but I think that's fine. if (visible && !this.visible_ && this.reconnectDelay_ === this.maxReconnectDelay_) { this.log_('Window became visible. Reducing delay.'); this.reconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MIN_DELAY; if (!this.realtime_) { this.scheduleConnect_(0); } } this.visible_ = visible; } onOnline_(online) { if (online) { this.log_('Browser went online.'); this.reconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MIN_DELAY; if (!this.realtime_) { this.scheduleConnect_(0); } } else { this.log_('Browser went offline. Killing connection.'); if (this.realtime_) { this.realtime_.close(); } } } onRealtimeDisconnect_() { this.log_('data client disconnected'); this.connected_ = false; this.realtime_ = null; // Since we don't know if our sent transactions succeeded or not, we need to cancel them. this.cancelSentTransactions_(); // Clear out the pending requests. this.requestCBHash_ = {}; if (this.shouldReconnect_()) { if (!this.visible_) { this.log_("Window isn't visible. Delaying reconnect."); this.reconnectDelay_ = this.maxReconnectDelay_; this.lastConnectionAttemptTime_ = new Date().getTime(); } else if (this.lastConnectionEstablishedTime_) { // If we've been connected long enough, reset reconnect delay to minimum. const timeSinceLastConnectSucceeded = new Date().getTime() - this.lastConnectionEstablishedTime_; if (timeSinceLastConnectSucceeded > RECONNECT_DELAY_RESET_TIMEOUT) { this.reconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MIN_DELAY; } this.lastConnectionEstablishedTime_ = null; } const timeSinceLastConnectAttempt = new Date().getTime() - this.lastConnectionAttemptTime_; let reconnectDelay = Math.max(0, this.reconnectDelay_ - timeSinceLastConnectAttempt); reconnectDelay = Math.random() * reconnectDelay; this.log_('Trying to reconnect in ' + reconnectDelay + 'ms'); this.scheduleConnect_(reconnectDelay); // Adjust reconnect delay for next time. this.reconnectDelay_ = Math.min(this.maxReconnectDelay_, this.reconnectDelay_ * RECONNECT_DELAY_MULTIPLIER); } this.onConnectStatus_(false); } async establishConnection_() { if (this.shouldReconnect_()) { this.log_('Making a connection attempt'); this.lastConnectionAttemptTime_ = new Date().getTime(); this.lastConnectionEstablishedTime_ = null; const onDataMessage = this.onDataMessage_.bind(this); const onReady = this.onReady_.bind(this); const onDisconnect = this.onRealtimeDisconnect_.bind(this); const connId = + ':' + PersistentConnection.nextConnectionId_++; const lastSessionId = this.lastSessionId; let canceled = false; let connection = null; const closeFn = function () { if (connection) { connection.close(); } else { canceled = true; onDisconnect(); } }; const sendRequestFn = function (msg) { assert(connection, "sendRequest call when we're not connected not allowed."); connection.sendRequest(msg); }; this.realtime_ = { close: closeFn, sendRequest: sendRequestFn }; const forceRefresh = this.forceTokenRefresh_; this.forceTokenRefresh_ = false; try { // First fetch auth and app check token, and establish connection after // fetching the token was successful const [authToken, appCheckToken] = await Promise.all([ this.authTokenProvider_.getToken(forceRefresh), this.appCheckTokenProvider_.getToken(forceRefresh) ]); if (!canceled) { log('getToken() completed. Creating connection.'); this.authToken_ = authToken && authToken.accessToken; this.appCheckToken_ = appCheckToken && appCheckToken.token; connection = new Connection(connId, this.repoInfo_, this.applicationId_, this.appCheckToken_, this.authToken_, onDataMessage, onReady, onDisconnect, /* onKill= */ reason => { warn(reason + ' (' + this.repoInfo_.toString() + ')'); this.interrupt(SERVER_KILL_INTERRUPT_REASON); }, lastSessionId); } else { log('getToken() completed but was canceled'); } } catch (error) { this.log_('Failed to get token: ' + error); if (!canceled) { if (this.repoInfo_.nodeAdmin) { // This may be a critical error for the Admin Node.js SDK, so log a warning. // But getToken() may also just have temporarily failed, so we still want to // continue retrying. warn(error); } closeFn(); } } } } interrupt(reason) { log('Interrupting connection for reason: ' + reason); this.interruptReasons_[reason] = true; if (this.realtime_) { this.realtime_.close(); } else { if (this.establishConnectionTimer_) { clearTimeout(this.establishConnectionTimer_); this.establishConnectionTimer_ = null; } if (this.connected_) { this.onRealtimeDisconnect_(); } } } resume(reason) { log('Resuming connection for reason: ' + reason); delete this.interruptReasons_[reason]; if (isEmpty(this.interruptReasons_)) { this.reconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MIN_DELAY; if (!this.realtime_) { this.scheduleConnect_(0); } } } handleTimestamp_(timestamp) { const delta = timestamp - new Date().getTime(); this.onServerInfoUpdate_({ serverTimeOffset: delta }); } cancelSentTransactions_() { for (let i = 0; i < this.outstandingPuts_.length; i++) { const put = this.outstandingPuts_[i]; if (put && /*hash*/ 'h' in put.request && put.queued) { if (put.onComplete) { put.onComplete('disconnect'); } delete this.outstandingPuts_[i]; this.outstandingPutCount_--; } } // Clean up array occasionally. if (this.outstandingPutCount_ === 0) { this.outstandingPuts_ = []; } } onListenRevoked_(pathString, query) { // Remove the listen and manufacture a "permission_denied" error for the failed listen. let queryId; if (!query) { queryId = 'default'; } else { queryId = => ObjectToUniqueKey(q)).join('$'); } const listen = this.removeListen_(pathString, queryId); if (listen && listen.onComplete) { listen.onComplete('permission_denied'); } } removeListen_(pathString, queryId) { const normalizedPathString = new Path(pathString).toString(); // normalize path. let listen; if (this.listens.has(normalizedPathString)) { const map = this.listens.get(normalizedPathString); listen = map.get(queryId); map.delete(queryId); if (map.size === 0) { this.listens.delete(normalizedPathString); } } else { // all listens for this path has already been removed listen = undefined; } return listen; } onAuthRevoked_(statusCode, explanation) { log('Auth token revoked: ' + statusCode + '/' + explanation); this.authToken_ = null; this.forceTokenRefresh_ = true; this.realtime_.close(); if (statusCode === 'invalid_token' || statusCode === 'permission_denied') { // We'll wait a couple times before logging the warning / increasing the // retry period since oauth tokens will report as "invalid" if they're // just expired. Plus there may be transient issues that resolve themselves. this.invalidAuthTokenCount_++; if (this.invalidAuthTokenCount_ >= INVALID_TOKEN_THRESHOLD) { // Set a long reconnect delay because recovery is unlikely this.reconnectDelay_ = RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY_FOR_ADMINS; // Notify the auth token provider that the token is invalid, which will log // a warning this.authTokenProvider_.notifyForInvalidToken(); } } } onAppCheckRevoked_(statusCode, explanation) { log('App check token revoked: ' + statusCode + '/' + explanation); this.appCheckToken_ = null; this.forceTokenRefresh_ = true; // Note: We don't close the connection as the developer may not have // enforcement enabled. The backend closes connections with enforcements. if (statusCode === 'invalid_token' || statusCode === 'permission_denied') { // We'll wait a couple times before logging the warning / increasing the // retry period since oauth tokens will report as "invalid" if they're // just expired. Plus there may be transient issues that resolve themselves. this.invalidAppCheckTokenCount_++; if (this.invalidAppCheckTokenCount_ >= INVALID_TOKEN_THRESHOLD) { this.appCheckTokenProvider_.notifyForInvalidToken(); } } } onSecurityDebugPacket_(body) { if (this.securityDebugCallback_) { this.securityDebugCallback_(body); } else { if ('msg' in body) { console.log('FIREBASE: ' + body['msg'].replace('\n', '\nFIREBASE: ')); } } } restoreState_() { //Re-authenticate ourselves if we have a credential stored. this.tryAuth(); this.tryAppCheck(); // Puts depend on having received the corresponding data update from the server before they complete, so we must // make sure to send listens before puts. for (const queries of this.listens.values()) { for (const listenSpec of queries.values()) { this.sendListen_(listenSpec); } } for (let i = 0; i < this.outstandingPuts_.length; i++) { if (this.outstandingPuts_[i]) { this.sendPut_(i); } } while (this.onDisconnectRequestQueue_.length) { const request = this.onDisconnectRequestQueue_.shift(); this.sendOnDisconnect_(request.action, request.pathString,, request.onComplete); } for (let i = 0; i < this.outstandingGets_.length; i++) { if (this.outstandingGets_[i]) { this.sendGet_(i); } } } /** * Sends client stats for first connection */ sendConnectStats_() { const stats = {}; let clientName = 'js'; stats['sdk.' + clientName + '.' + SDK_VERSION.replace(/\./g, '-')] = 1; if (isMobileCordova()) { stats['framework.cordova'] = 1; } else if (isReactNative()) { stats['framework.reactnative'] = 1; } this.reportStats(stats); } shouldReconnect_() { const online = OnlineMonitor.getInstance().currentlyOnline(); return isEmpty(this.interruptReasons_) && online; } } PersistentConnection.nextPersistentConnectionId_ = 0; /** * Counter for number of connections created. Mainly used for tagging in the logs */ PersistentConnection.nextConnectionId_ = 0; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class NamedNode { constructor(name, node) { = name; this.node = node; } static Wrap(name, node) { return new NamedNode(name, node); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class Index { /** * @returns A standalone comparison function for * this index */ getCompare() { return; } /** * Given a before and after value for a node, determine if the indexed value has changed. Even if they are different, * it's possible that the changes are isolated to parts of the snapshot that are not indexed. * * * @returns True if the portion of the snapshot being indexed changed between oldNode and newNode */ indexedValueChanged(oldNode, newNode) { const oldWrapped = new NamedNode(MIN_NAME, oldNode); const newWrapped = new NamedNode(MIN_NAME, newNode); return, newWrapped) !== 0; } /** * @returns a node wrapper that will sort equal to or less than * any other node wrapper, using this index */ minPost() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return NamedNode.MIN; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let __EMPTY_NODE; class KeyIndex extends Index { static get __EMPTY_NODE() { return __EMPTY_NODE; } static set __EMPTY_NODE(val) { __EMPTY_NODE = val; } compare(a, b) { return nameCompare(,; } isDefinedOn(node) { // We could probably return true here (since every node has a key), but it's never called // so just leaving unimplemented for now. throw assertionError('KeyIndex.isDefinedOn not expected to be called.'); } indexedValueChanged(oldNode, newNode) { return false; // The key for a node never changes. } minPost() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return NamedNode.MIN; } maxPost() { // TODO: This should really be created once and cached in a static property, but // NamedNode isn't defined yet, so I can't use it in a static. Bleh. return new NamedNode(MAX_NAME, __EMPTY_NODE); } makePost(indexValue, name) { assert(typeof indexValue === 'string', 'KeyIndex indexValue must always be a string.'); // We just use empty node, but it'll never be compared, since our comparator only looks at name. return new NamedNode(indexValue, __EMPTY_NODE); } /** * @returns String representation for inclusion in a query spec */ toString() { return '.key'; } } const KEY_INDEX = new KeyIndex(); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * An iterator over an LLRBNode. */ class SortedMapIterator { /** * @param node - Node to iterate. * @param isReverse_ - Whether or not to iterate in reverse */ constructor(node, startKey, comparator, isReverse_, resultGenerator_ = null) { this.isReverse_ = isReverse_; this.resultGenerator_ = resultGenerator_; this.nodeStack_ = []; let cmp = 1; while (!node.isEmpty()) { node = node; cmp = startKey ? comparator(node.key, startKey) : 1; // flip the comparison if we're going in reverse if (isReverse_) { cmp *= -1; } if (cmp < 0) { // This node is less than our start key. ignore it if (this.isReverse_) { node = node.left; } else { node = node.right; } } else if (cmp === 0) { // This node is exactly equal to our start key. Push it on the stack, but stop iterating; this.nodeStack_.push(node); break; } else { // This node is greater than our start key, add it to the stack and move to the next one this.nodeStack_.push(node); if (this.isReverse_) { node = node.right; } else { node = node.left; } } } } getNext() { if (this.nodeStack_.length === 0) { return null; } let node = this.nodeStack_.pop(); let result; if (this.resultGenerator_) { result = this.resultGenerator_(node.key, node.value); } else { result = { key: node.key, value: node.value }; } if (this.isReverse_) { node = node.left; while (!node.isEmpty()) { this.nodeStack_.push(node); node = node.right; } } else { node = node.right; while (!node.isEmpty()) { this.nodeStack_.push(node); node = node.left; } } return result; } hasNext() { return this.nodeStack_.length > 0; } peek() { if (this.nodeStack_.length === 0) { return null; } const node = this.nodeStack_[this.nodeStack_.length - 1]; if (this.resultGenerator_) { return this.resultGenerator_(node.key, node.value); } else { return { key: node.key, value: node.value }; } } } /** * Represents a node in a Left-leaning Red-Black tree. */ class LLRBNode { /** * @param key - Key associated with this node. * @param value - Value associated with this node. * @param color - Whether this node is red. * @param left - Left child. * @param right - Right child. */ constructor(key, value, color, left, right) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.color = color != null ? color : LLRBNode.RED; this.left = left != null ? left : SortedMap.EMPTY_NODE; this.right = right != null ? right : SortedMap.EMPTY_NODE; } /** * Returns a copy of the current node, optionally replacing pieces of it. * * @param key - New key for the node, or null. * @param value - New value for the node, or null. * @param color - New color for the node, or null. * @param left - New left child for the node, or null. * @param right - New right child for the node, or null. * @returns The node copy. */ copy(key, value, color, left, right) { return new LLRBNode(key != null ? key : this.key, value != null ? value : this.value, color != null ? color : this.color, left != null ? left : this.left, right != null ? right : this.right); } /** * @returns The total number of nodes in the tree. */ count() { return this.left.count() + 1 + this.right.count(); } /** * @returns True if the tree is empty. */ isEmpty() { return false; } /** * Traverses the tree in key order and calls the specified action function * for each node. * * @param action - Callback function to be called for each * node. If it returns true, traversal is aborted. * @returns The first truthy value returned by action, or the last falsey * value returned by action */ inorderTraversal(action) { return (this.left.inorderTraversal(action) || !!action(this.key, this.value) || this.right.inorderTraversal(action)); } /** * Traverses the tree in reverse key order and calls the specified action function * for each node. * * @param action - Callback function to be called for each * node. If it returns true, traversal is aborted. * @returns True if traversal was aborted. */ reverseTraversal(action) { return (this.right.reverseTraversal(action) || action(this.key, this.value) || this.left.reverseTraversal(action)); } /** * @returns The minimum node in the tree. */ min_() { if (this.left.isEmpty()) { return this; } else { return this.left.min_(); } } /** * @returns The maximum key in the tree. */ minKey() { return this.min_().key; } /** * @returns The maximum key in the tree. */ maxKey() { if (this.right.isEmpty()) { return this.key; } else { return this.right.maxKey(); } } /** * @param key - Key to insert. * @param value - Value to insert. * @param comparator - Comparator. * @returns New tree, with the key/value added. */ insert(key, value, comparator) { let n = this; const cmp = comparator(key, n.key); if (cmp < 0) { n = n.copy(null, null, null, n.left.insert(key, value, comparator), null); } else if (cmp === 0) { n = n.copy(null, value, null, null, null); } else { n = n.copy(null, null, null, null, n.right.insert(key, value, comparator)); } return n.fixUp_(); } /** * @returns New tree, with the minimum key removed. */ removeMin_() { if (this.left.isEmpty()) { return SortedMap.EMPTY_NODE; } let n = this; if (!n.left.isRed_() && !n.left.left.isRed_()) { n = n.moveRedLeft_(); } n = n.copy(null, null, null, n.left.removeMin_(), null); return n.fixUp_(); } /** * @param key - The key of the item to remove. * @param comparator - Comparator. * @returns New tree, with the specified item removed. */ remove(key, comparator) { let n, smallest; n = this; if (comparator(key, n.key) < 0) { if (!n.left.isEmpty() && !n.left.isRed_() && !n.left.left.isRed_()) { n = n.moveRedLeft_(); } n = n.copy(null, null, null, n.left.remove(key, comparator), null); } else { if (n.left.isRed_()) { n = n.rotateRight_(); } if (!n.right.isEmpty() && !n.right.isRed_() && !n.right.left.isRed_()) { n = n.moveRedRight_(); } if (comparator(key, n.key) === 0) { if (n.right.isEmpty()) { return SortedMap.EMPTY_NODE; } else { smallest = n.right.min_(); n = n.copy(smallest.key, smallest.value, null, null, n.right.removeMin_()); } } n = n.copy(null, null, null, null, n.right.remove(key, comparator)); } return n.fixUp_(); } /** * @returns Whether this is a RED node. */ isRed_() { return this.color; } /** * @returns New tree after performing any needed rotations. */ fixUp_() { let n = this; if (n.right.isRed_() && !n.left.isRed_()) { n = n.rotateLeft_(); } if (n.left.isRed_() && n.left.left.isRed_()) { n = n.rotateRight_(); } if (n.left.isRed_() && n.right.isRed_()) { n = n.colorFlip_(); } return n; } /** * @returns New tree, after moveRedLeft. */ moveRedLeft_() { let n = this.colorFlip_(); if (n.right.left.isRed_()) { n = n.copy(null, null, null, null, n.right.rotateRight_()); n = n.rotateLeft_(); n = n.colorFlip_(); } return n; } /** * @returns New tree, after moveRedRight. */ moveRedRight_() { let n = this.colorFlip_(); if (n.left.left.isRed_()) { n = n.rotateRight_(); n = n.colorFlip_(); } return n; } /** * @returns New tree, after rotateLeft. */ rotateLeft_() { const nl = this.copy(null, null, LLRBNode.RED, null, this.right.left); return this.right.copy(null, null, this.color, nl, null); } /** * @returns New tree, after rotateRight. */ rotateRight_() { const nr = this.copy(null, null, LLRBNode.RED, this.left.right, null); return this.left.copy(null, null, this.color, null, nr); } /** * @returns Newt ree, after colorFlip. */ colorFlip_() { const left = this.left.copy(null, null, !this.left.color, null, null); const right = this.right.copy(null, null, !this.right.color, null, null); return this.copy(null, null, !this.color, left, right); } /** * For testing. * * @returns True if all is well. */ checkMaxDepth_() { const blackDepth = this.check_(); return Math.pow(2.0, blackDepth) <= this.count() + 1; } check_() { if (this.isRed_() && this.left.isRed_()) { throw new Error('Red node has red child(' + this.key + ',' + this.value + ')'); } if (this.right.isRed_()) { throw new Error('Right child of (' + this.key + ',' + this.value + ') is red'); } const blackDepth = this.left.check_(); if (blackDepth !== this.right.check_()) { throw new Error('Black depths differ'); } else { return blackDepth + (this.isRed_() ? 0 : 1); } } } LLRBNode.RED = true; LLRBNode.BLACK = false; /** * Represents an empty node (a leaf node in the Red-Black Tree). */ class LLRBEmptyNode { /** * Returns a copy of the current node. * * @returns The node copy. */ copy(key, value, color, left, right) { return this; } /** * Returns a copy of the tree, with the specified key/value added. * * @param key - Key to be added. * @param value - Value to be added. * @param comparator - Comparator. * @returns New tree, with item added. */ insert(key, value, comparator) { return new LLRBNode(key, value, null); } /** * Returns a copy of the tree, with the specified key removed. * * @param key - The key to remove. * @param comparator - Comparator. * @returns New tree, with item removed. */ remove(key, comparator) { return this; } /** * @returns The total number of nodes in the tree. */ count() { return 0; } /** * @returns True if the tree is empty. */ isEmpty() { return true; } /** * Traverses the tree in key order and calls the specified action function * for each node. * * @param action - Callback function to be called for each * node. If it returns true, traversal is aborted. * @returns True if traversal was aborted. */ inorderTraversal(action) { return false; } /** * Traverses the tree in reverse key order and calls the specified action function * for each node. * * @param action - Callback function to be called for each * node. If it returns true, traversal is aborted. * @returns True if traversal was aborted. */ reverseTraversal(action) { return false; } minKey() { return null; } maxKey() { return null; } check_() { return 0; } /** * @returns Whether this node is red. */ isRed_() { return false; } } /** * An immutable sorted map implementation, based on a Left-leaning Red-Black * tree. */ class SortedMap { /** * @param comparator_ - Key comparator. * @param root_ - Optional root node for the map. */ constructor(comparator_, root_ = SortedMap.EMPTY_NODE) { this.comparator_ = comparator_; this.root_ = root_; } /** * Returns a copy of the map, with the specified key/value added or replaced. * (TODO: We should perhaps rename this method to 'put') * * @param key - Key to be added. * @param value - Value to be added. * @returns New map, with item added. */ insert(key, value) { return new SortedMap(this.comparator_, this.root_ .insert(key, value, this.comparator_) .copy(null, null, LLRBNode.BLACK, null, null)); } /** * Returns a copy of the map, with the specified key removed. * * @param key - The key to remove. * @returns New map, with item removed. */ remove(key) { return new SortedMap(this.comparator_, this.root_ .remove(key, this.comparator_) .copy(null, null, LLRBNode.BLACK, null, null)); } /** * Returns the value of the node with the given key, or null. * * @param key - The key to look up. * @returns The value of the node with the given key, or null if the * key doesn't exist. */ get(key) { let cmp; let node = this.root_; while (!node.isEmpty()) { cmp = this.comparator_(key, node.key); if (cmp === 0) { return node.value; } else if (cmp < 0) { node = node.left; } else if (cmp > 0) { node = node.right; } } return null; } /** * Returns the key of the item *before* the specified key, or null if key is the first item. * @param key - The key to find the predecessor of * @returns The predecessor key. */ getPredecessorKey(key) { let cmp, node = this.root_, rightParent = null; while (!node.isEmpty()) { cmp = this.comparator_(key, node.key); if (cmp === 0) { if (!node.left.isEmpty()) { node = node.left; while (!node.right.isEmpty()) { node = node.right; } return node.key; } else if (rightParent) { return rightParent.key; } else { return null; // first item. } } else if (cmp < 0) { node = node.left; } else if (cmp > 0) { rightParent = node; node = node.right; } } throw new Error('Attempted to find predecessor key for a nonexistent key. What gives?'); } /** * @returns True if the map is empty. */ isEmpty() { return this.root_.isEmpty(); } /** * @returns The total number of nodes in the map. */ count() { return this.root_.count(); } /** * @returns The minimum key in the map. */ minKey() { return this.root_.minKey(); } /** * @returns The maximum key in the map. */ maxKey() { return this.root_.maxKey(); } /** * Traverses the map in key order and calls the specified action function * for each key/value pair. * * @param action - Callback function to be called * for each key/value pair. If action returns true, traversal is aborted. * @returns The first truthy value returned by action, or the last falsey * value returned by action */ inorderTraversal(action) { return this.root_.inorderTraversal(action); } /** * Traverses the map in reverse key order and calls the specified action function * for each key/value pair. * * @param action - Callback function to be called * for each key/value pair. If action returns true, traversal is aborted. * @returns True if the traversal was aborted. */ reverseTraversal(action) { return this.root_.reverseTraversal(action); } /** * Returns an iterator over the SortedMap. * @returns The iterator. */ getIterator(resultGenerator) { return new SortedMapIterator(this.root_, null, this.comparator_, false, resultGenerator); } getIteratorFrom(key, resultGenerator) { return new SortedMapIterator(this.root_, key, this.comparator_, false, resultGenerator); } getReverseIteratorFrom(key, resultGenerator) { return new SortedMapIterator(this.root_, key, this.comparator_, true, resultGenerator); } getReverseIterator(resultGenerator) { return new SortedMapIterator(this.root_, null, this.comparator_, true, resultGenerator); } } /** * Always use the same empty node, to reduce memory. */ SortedMap.EMPTY_NODE = new LLRBEmptyNode(); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function NAME_ONLY_COMPARATOR(left, right) { return nameCompare(,; } function NAME_COMPARATOR(left, right) { return nameCompare(left, right); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let MAX_NODE$2; function setMaxNode$1(val) { MAX_NODE$2 = val; } const priorityHashText = function (priority) { if (typeof priority === 'number') { return 'number:' + doubleToIEEE754String(priority); } else { return 'string:' + priority; } }; /** * Validates that a priority snapshot Node is valid. */ const validatePriorityNode = function (priorityNode) { if (priorityNode.isLeafNode()) { const val = priorityNode.val(); assert(typeof val === 'string' || typeof val === 'number' || (typeof val === 'object' && contains(val, '.sv')), 'Priority must be a string or number.'); } else { assert(priorityNode === MAX_NODE$2 || priorityNode.isEmpty(), 'priority of unexpected type.'); } // Don't call getPriority() on MAX_NODE to avoid hitting assertion. assert(priorityNode === MAX_NODE$2 || priorityNode.getPriority().isEmpty(), "Priority nodes can't have a priority of their own."); }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let __childrenNodeConstructor; /** * LeafNode is a class for storing leaf nodes in a DataSnapshot. It * implements Node and stores the value of the node (a string, * number, or boolean) accessible via getValue(). */ class LeafNode { /** * @param value_ - The value to store in this leaf node. The object type is * possible in the event of a deferred value * @param priorityNode_ - The priority of this node. */ constructor(value_, priorityNode_ = LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor.EMPTY_NODE) { this.value_ = value_; this.priorityNode_ = priorityNode_; this.lazyHash_ = null; assert(this.value_ !== undefined && this.value_ !== null, "LeafNode shouldn't be created with null/undefined value."); validatePriorityNode(this.priorityNode_); } static set __childrenNodeConstructor(val) { __childrenNodeConstructor = val; } static get __childrenNodeConstructor() { return __childrenNodeConstructor; } /** @inheritDoc */ isLeafNode() { return true; } /** @inheritDoc */ getPriority() { return this.priorityNode_; } /** @inheritDoc */ updatePriority(newPriorityNode) { return new LeafNode(this.value_, newPriorityNode); } /** @inheritDoc */ getImmediateChild(childName) { // Hack to treat priority as a regular child if (childName === '.priority') { return this.priorityNode_; } else { return LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor.EMPTY_NODE; } } /** @inheritDoc */ getChild(path) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { return this; } else if (pathGetFront(path) === '.priority') { return this.priorityNode_; } else { return LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor.EMPTY_NODE; } } hasChild() { return false; } /** @inheritDoc */ getPredecessorChildName(childName, childNode) { return null; } /** @inheritDoc */ updateImmediateChild(childName, newChildNode) { if (childName === '.priority') { return this.updatePriority(newChildNode); } else if (newChildNode.isEmpty() && childName !== '.priority') { return this; } else { return LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor.EMPTY_NODE.updateImmediateChild(childName, newChildNode).updatePriority(this.priorityNode_); } } /** @inheritDoc */ updateChild(path, newChildNode) { const front = pathGetFront(path); if (front === null) { return newChildNode; } else if (newChildNode.isEmpty() && front !== '.priority') { return this; } else { assert(front !== '.priority' || pathGetLength(path) === 1, '.priority must be the last token in a path'); return this.updateImmediateChild(front, LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor.EMPTY_NODE.updateChild(pathPopFront(path), newChildNode)); } } /** @inheritDoc */ isEmpty() { return false; } /** @inheritDoc */ numChildren() { return 0; } /** @inheritDoc */ forEachChild(index, action) { return false; } val(exportFormat) { if (exportFormat && !this.getPriority().isEmpty()) { return { '.value': this.getValue(), '.priority': this.getPriority().val() }; } else { return this.getValue(); } } /** @inheritDoc */ hash() { if (this.lazyHash_ === null) { let toHash = ''; if (!this.priorityNode_.isEmpty()) { toHash += 'priority:' + priorityHashText(this.priorityNode_.val()) + ':'; } const type = typeof this.value_; toHash += type + ':'; if (type === 'number') { toHash += doubleToIEEE754String(this.value_); } else { toHash += this.value_; } this.lazyHash_ = sha1(toHash); } return this.lazyHash_; } /** * Returns the value of the leaf node. * @returns The value of the node. */ getValue() { return this.value_; } compareTo(other) { if (other === LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor.EMPTY_NODE) { return 1; } else if (other instanceof LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor) { return -1; } else { assert(other.isLeafNode(), 'Unknown node type'); return this.compareToLeafNode_(other); } } /** * Comparison specifically for two leaf nodes */ compareToLeafNode_(otherLeaf) { const otherLeafType = typeof otherLeaf.value_; const thisLeafType = typeof this.value_; const otherIndex = LeafNode.VALUE_TYPE_ORDER.indexOf(otherLeafType); const thisIndex = LeafNode.VALUE_TYPE_ORDER.indexOf(thisLeafType); assert(otherIndex >= 0, 'Unknown leaf type: ' + otherLeafType); assert(thisIndex >= 0, 'Unknown leaf type: ' + thisLeafType); if (otherIndex === thisIndex) { // Same type, compare values if (thisLeafType === 'object') { // Deferred value nodes are all equal, but we should also never get to this point... return 0; } else { // Note that this works because true > false, all others are number or string comparisons if (this.value_ < otherLeaf.value_) { return -1; } else if (this.value_ === otherLeaf.value_) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } } else { return thisIndex - otherIndex; } } withIndex() { return this; } isIndexed() { return true; } equals(other) { if (other === this) { return true; } else if (other.isLeafNode()) { const otherLeaf = other; return (this.value_ === otherLeaf.value_ && this.priorityNode_.equals(otherLeaf.priorityNode_)); } else { return false; } } } /** * The sort order for comparing leaf nodes of different types. If two leaf nodes have * the same type, the comparison falls back to their value */ LeafNode.VALUE_TYPE_ORDER = ['object', 'boolean', 'number', 'string']; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let nodeFromJSON$1; let MAX_NODE$1; function setNodeFromJSON(val) { nodeFromJSON$1 = val; } function setMaxNode(val) { MAX_NODE$1 = val; } class PriorityIndex extends Index { compare(a, b) { const aPriority = a.node.getPriority(); const bPriority = b.node.getPriority(); const indexCmp = aPriority.compareTo(bPriority); if (indexCmp === 0) { return nameCompare(,; } else { return indexCmp; } } isDefinedOn(node) { return !node.getPriority().isEmpty(); } indexedValueChanged(oldNode, newNode) { return !oldNode.getPriority().equals(newNode.getPriority()); } minPost() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return NamedNode.MIN; } maxPost() { return new NamedNode(MAX_NAME, new LeafNode('[PRIORITY-POST]', MAX_NODE$1)); } makePost(indexValue, name) { const priorityNode = nodeFromJSON$1(indexValue); return new NamedNode(name, new LeafNode('[PRIORITY-POST]', priorityNode)); } /** * @returns String representation for inclusion in a query spec */ toString() { return '.priority'; } } const PRIORITY_INDEX = new PriorityIndex(); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const LOG_2 = Math.log(2); class Base12Num { constructor(length) { const logBase2 = (num) => // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any parseInt((Math.log(num) / LOG_2), 10); const bitMask = (bits) => parseInt(Array(bits + 1).join('1'), 2); this.count = logBase2(length + 1); this.current_ = this.count - 1; const mask = bitMask(this.count); this.bits_ = (length + 1) & mask; } nextBitIsOne() { //noinspection JSBitwiseOperatorUsage const result = !(this.bits_ & (0x1 << this.current_)); this.current_--; return result; } } /** * Takes a list of child nodes and constructs a SortedSet using the given comparison * function * * Uses the algorithm described in the paper linked here: * * * @param childList - Unsorted list of children * @param cmp - The comparison method to be used * @param keyFn - An optional function to extract K from a node wrapper, if K's * type is not NamedNode * @param mapSortFn - An optional override for comparator used by the generated sorted map */ const buildChildSet = function (childList, cmp, keyFn, mapSortFn) { childList.sort(cmp); const buildBalancedTree = function (low, high) { const length = high - low; let namedNode; let key; if (length === 0) { return null; } else if (length === 1) { namedNode = childList[low]; key = keyFn ? keyFn(namedNode) : namedNode; return new LLRBNode(key, namedNode.node, LLRBNode.BLACK, null, null); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const middle = parseInt((length / 2), 10) + low; const left = buildBalancedTree(low, middle); const right = buildBalancedTree(middle + 1, high); namedNode = childList[middle]; key = keyFn ? keyFn(namedNode) : namedNode; return new LLRBNode(key, namedNode.node, LLRBNode.BLACK, left, right); } }; const buildFrom12Array = function (base12) { let node = null; let root = null; let index = childList.length; const buildPennant = function (chunkSize, color) { const low = index - chunkSize; const high = index; index -= chunkSize; const childTree = buildBalancedTree(low + 1, high); const namedNode = childList[low]; const key = keyFn ? keyFn(namedNode) : namedNode; attachPennant(new LLRBNode(key, namedNode.node, color, null, childTree)); }; const attachPennant = function (pennant) { if (node) { node.left = pennant; node = pennant; } else { root = pennant; node = pennant; } }; for (let i = 0; i < base12.count; ++i) { const isOne = base12.nextBitIsOne(); // The number of nodes taken in each slice is 2^(arr.length - (i + 1)) const chunkSize = Math.pow(2, base12.count - (i + 1)); if (isOne) { buildPennant(chunkSize, LLRBNode.BLACK); } else { // current == 2 buildPennant(chunkSize, LLRBNode.BLACK); buildPennant(chunkSize, LLRBNode.RED); } } return root; }; const base12 = new Base12Num(childList.length); const root = buildFrom12Array(base12); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return new SortedMap(mapSortFn || cmp, root); }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let _defaultIndexMap; const fallbackObject = {}; class IndexMap { constructor(indexes_, indexSet_) { this.indexes_ = indexes_; this.indexSet_ = indexSet_; } /** * The default IndexMap for nodes without a priority */ static get Default() { assert(fallbackObject && PRIORITY_INDEX, 'ChildrenNode.ts has not been loaded'); _defaultIndexMap = _defaultIndexMap || new IndexMap({ '.priority': fallbackObject }, { '.priority': PRIORITY_INDEX }); return _defaultIndexMap; } get(indexKey) { const sortedMap = safeGet(this.indexes_, indexKey); if (!sortedMap) { throw new Error('No index defined for ' + indexKey); } if (sortedMap instanceof SortedMap) { return sortedMap; } else { // The index exists, but it falls back to just name comparison. Return null so that the calling code uses the // regular child map return null; } } hasIndex(indexDefinition) { return contains(this.indexSet_, indexDefinition.toString()); } addIndex(indexDefinition, existingChildren) { assert(indexDefinition !== KEY_INDEX, "KeyIndex always exists and isn't meant to be added to the IndexMap."); const childList = []; let sawIndexedValue = false; const iter = existingChildren.getIterator(NamedNode.Wrap); let next = iter.getNext(); while (next) { sawIndexedValue = sawIndexedValue || indexDefinition.isDefinedOn(next.node); childList.push(next); next = iter.getNext(); } let newIndex; if (sawIndexedValue) { newIndex = buildChildSet(childList, indexDefinition.getCompare()); } else { newIndex = fallbackObject; } const indexName = indexDefinition.toString(); const newIndexSet = Object.assign({}, this.indexSet_); newIndexSet[indexName] = indexDefinition; const newIndexes = Object.assign({}, this.indexes_); newIndexes[indexName] = newIndex; return new IndexMap(newIndexes, newIndexSet); } /** * Ensure that this node is properly tracked in any indexes that we're maintaining */ addToIndexes(namedNode, existingChildren) { const newIndexes = map(this.indexes_, (indexedChildren, indexName) => { const index = safeGet(this.indexSet_, indexName); assert(index, 'Missing index implementation for ' + indexName); if (indexedChildren === fallbackObject) { // Check to see if we need to index everything if (index.isDefinedOn(namedNode.node)) { // We need to build this index const childList = []; const iter = existingChildren.getIterator(NamedNode.Wrap); let next = iter.getNext(); while (next) { if ( !== { childList.push(next); } next = iter.getNext(); } childList.push(namedNode); return buildChildSet(childList, index.getCompare()); } else { // No change, this remains a fallback return fallbackObject; } } else { const existingSnap = existingChildren.get(; let newChildren = indexedChildren; if (existingSnap) { newChildren = newChildren.remove(new NamedNode(, existingSnap)); } return newChildren.insert(namedNode, namedNode.node); } }); return new IndexMap(newIndexes, this.indexSet_); } /** * Create a new IndexMap instance with the given value removed */ removeFromIndexes(namedNode, existingChildren) { const newIndexes = map(this.indexes_, (indexedChildren) => { if (indexedChildren === fallbackObject) { // This is the fallback. Just return it, nothing to do in this case return indexedChildren; } else { const existingSnap = existingChildren.get(; if (existingSnap) { return indexedChildren.remove(new NamedNode(, existingSnap)); } else { // No record of this child return indexedChildren; } } }); return new IndexMap(newIndexes, this.indexSet_); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // TODO: For memory savings, don't store priorityNode_ if it's empty. let EMPTY_NODE; /** * ChildrenNode is a class for storing internal nodes in a DataSnapshot * (i.e. nodes with children). It implements Node and stores the * list of children in the children property, sorted by child name. */ class ChildrenNode { /** * @param children_ - List of children of this node.. * @param priorityNode_ - The priority of this node (as a snapshot node). */ constructor(children_, priorityNode_, indexMap_) { this.children_ = children_; this.priorityNode_ = priorityNode_; this.indexMap_ = indexMap_; this.lazyHash_ = null; /** * Note: The only reason we allow null priority is for EMPTY_NODE, since we can't use * EMPTY_NODE as the priority of EMPTY_NODE. We might want to consider making EMPTY_NODE its own * class instead of an empty ChildrenNode. */ if (this.priorityNode_) { validatePriorityNode(this.priorityNode_); } if (this.children_.isEmpty()) { assert(!this.priorityNode_ || this.priorityNode_.isEmpty(), 'An empty node cannot have a priority'); } } static get EMPTY_NODE() { return (EMPTY_NODE || (EMPTY_NODE = new ChildrenNode(new SortedMap(NAME_COMPARATOR), null, IndexMap.Default))); } /** @inheritDoc */ isLeafNode() { return false; } /** @inheritDoc */ getPriority() { return this.priorityNode_ || EMPTY_NODE; } /** @inheritDoc */ updatePriority(newPriorityNode) { if (this.children_.isEmpty()) { // Don't allow priorities on empty nodes return this; } else { return new ChildrenNode(this.children_, newPriorityNode, this.indexMap_); } } /** @inheritDoc */ getImmediateChild(childName) { // Hack to treat priority as a regular child if (childName === '.priority') { return this.getPriority(); } else { const child = this.children_.get(childName); return child === null ? EMPTY_NODE : child; } } /** @inheritDoc */ getChild(path) { const front = pathGetFront(path); if (front === null) { return this; } return this.getImmediateChild(front).getChild(pathPopFront(path)); } /** @inheritDoc */ hasChild(childName) { return this.children_.get(childName) !== null; } /** @inheritDoc */ updateImmediateChild(childName, newChildNode) { assert(newChildNode, 'We should always be passing snapshot nodes'); if (childName === '.priority') { return this.updatePriority(newChildNode); } else { const namedNode = new NamedNode(childName, newChildNode); let newChildren, newIndexMap; if (newChildNode.isEmpty()) { newChildren = this.children_.remove(childName); newIndexMap = this.indexMap_.removeFromIndexes(namedNode, this.children_); } else { newChildren = this.children_.insert(childName, newChildNode); newIndexMap = this.indexMap_.addToIndexes(namedNode, this.children_); } const newPriority = newChildren.isEmpty() ? EMPTY_NODE : this.priorityNode_; return new ChildrenNode(newChildren, newPriority, newIndexMap); } } /** @inheritDoc */ updateChild(path, newChildNode) { const front = pathGetFront(path); if (front === null) { return newChildNode; } else { assert(pathGetFront(path) !== '.priority' || pathGetLength(path) === 1, '.priority must be the last token in a path'); const newImmediateChild = this.getImmediateChild(front).updateChild(pathPopFront(path), newChildNode); return this.updateImmediateChild(front, newImmediateChild); } } /** @inheritDoc */ isEmpty() { return this.children_.isEmpty(); } /** @inheritDoc */ numChildren() { return this.children_.count(); } /** @inheritDoc */ val(exportFormat) { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null; } const obj = {}; let numKeys = 0, maxKey = 0, allIntegerKeys = true; this.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, childNode) => { obj[key] = childNode.val(exportFormat); numKeys++; if (allIntegerKeys && ChildrenNode.INTEGER_REGEXP_.test(key)) { maxKey = Math.max(maxKey, Number(key)); } else { allIntegerKeys = false; } }); if (!exportFormat && allIntegerKeys && maxKey < 2 * numKeys) { // convert to array. const array = []; // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in for (const key in obj) { array[key] = obj[key]; } return array; } else { if (exportFormat && !this.getPriority().isEmpty()) { obj['.priority'] = this.getPriority().val(); } return obj; } } /** @inheritDoc */ hash() { if (this.lazyHash_ === null) { let toHash = ''; if (!this.getPriority().isEmpty()) { toHash += 'priority:' + priorityHashText(this.getPriority().val()) + ':'; } this.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, childNode) => { const childHash = childNode.hash(); if (childHash !== '') { toHash += ':' + key + ':' + childHash; } }); this.lazyHash_ = toHash === '' ? '' : sha1(toHash); } return this.lazyHash_; } /** @inheritDoc */ getPredecessorChildName(childName, childNode, index) { const idx = this.resolveIndex_(index); if (idx) { const predecessor = idx.getPredecessorKey(new NamedNode(childName, childNode)); return predecessor ? : null; } else { return this.children_.getPredecessorKey(childName); } } getFirstChildName(indexDefinition) { const idx = this.resolveIndex_(indexDefinition); if (idx) { const minKey = idx.minKey(); return minKey &&; } else { return this.children_.minKey(); } } getFirstChild(indexDefinition) { const minKey = this.getFirstChildName(indexDefinition); if (minKey) { return new NamedNode(minKey, this.children_.get(minKey)); } else { return null; } } /** * Given an index, return the key name of the largest value we have, according to that index */ getLastChildName(indexDefinition) { const idx = this.resolveIndex_(indexDefinition); if (idx) { const maxKey = idx.maxKey(); return maxKey &&; } else { return this.children_.maxKey(); } } getLastChild(indexDefinition) { const maxKey = this.getLastChildName(indexDefinition); if (maxKey) { return new NamedNode(maxKey, this.children_.get(maxKey)); } else { return null; } } forEachChild(index, action) { const idx = this.resolveIndex_(index); if (idx) { return idx.inorderTraversal(wrappedNode => { return action(, wrappedNode.node); }); } else { return this.children_.inorderTraversal(action); } } getIterator(indexDefinition) { return this.getIteratorFrom(indexDefinition.minPost(), indexDefinition); } getIteratorFrom(startPost, indexDefinition) { const idx = this.resolveIndex_(indexDefinition); if (idx) { return idx.getIteratorFrom(startPost, key => key); } else { const iterator = this.children_.getIteratorFrom(, NamedNode.Wrap); let next = iterator.peek(); while (next != null &&, startPost) < 0) { iterator.getNext(); next = iterator.peek(); } return iterator; } } getReverseIterator(indexDefinition) { return this.getReverseIteratorFrom(indexDefinition.maxPost(), indexDefinition); } getReverseIteratorFrom(endPost, indexDefinition) { const idx = this.resolveIndex_(indexDefinition); if (idx) { return idx.getReverseIteratorFrom(endPost, key => { return key; }); } else { const iterator = this.children_.getReverseIteratorFrom(, NamedNode.Wrap); let next = iterator.peek(); while (next != null &&, endPost) > 0) { iterator.getNext(); next = iterator.peek(); } return iterator; } } compareTo(other) { if (this.isEmpty()) { if (other.isEmpty()) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } else if (other.isLeafNode() || other.isEmpty()) { return 1; } else if (other === MAX_NODE) { return -1; } else { // Must be another node with children. return 0; } } withIndex(indexDefinition) { if (indexDefinition === KEY_INDEX || this.indexMap_.hasIndex(indexDefinition)) { return this; } else { const newIndexMap = this.indexMap_.addIndex(indexDefinition, this.children_); return new ChildrenNode(this.children_, this.priorityNode_, newIndexMap); } } isIndexed(index) { return index === KEY_INDEX || this.indexMap_.hasIndex(index); } equals(other) { if (other === this) { return true; } else if (other.isLeafNode()) { return false; } else { const otherChildrenNode = other; if (!this.getPriority().equals(otherChildrenNode.getPriority())) { return false; } else if (this.children_.count() === otherChildrenNode.children_.count()) { const thisIter = this.getIterator(PRIORITY_INDEX); const otherIter = otherChildrenNode.getIterator(PRIORITY_INDEX); let thisCurrent = thisIter.getNext(); let otherCurrent = otherIter.getNext(); while (thisCurrent && otherCurrent) { if ( !== || !thisCurrent.node.equals(otherCurrent.node)) { return false; } thisCurrent = thisIter.getNext(); otherCurrent = otherIter.getNext(); } return thisCurrent === null && otherCurrent === null; } else { return false; } } } /** * Returns a SortedMap ordered by index, or null if the default (by-key) ordering can be used * instead. * */ resolveIndex_(indexDefinition) { if (indexDefinition === KEY_INDEX) { return null; } else { return this.indexMap_.get(indexDefinition.toString()); } } } ChildrenNode.INTEGER_REGEXP_ = /^(0|[1-9]\d*)$/; class MaxNode extends ChildrenNode { constructor() { super(new SortedMap(NAME_COMPARATOR), ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE, IndexMap.Default); } compareTo(other) { if (other === this) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } equals(other) { // Not that we every compare it, but MAX_NODE is only ever equal to itself return other === this; } getPriority() { return this; } getImmediateChild(childName) { return ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } isEmpty() { return false; } } /** * Marker that will sort higher than any other snapshot. */ const MAX_NODE = new MaxNode(); Object.defineProperties(NamedNode, { MIN: { value: new NamedNode(MIN_NAME, ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE) }, MAX: { value: new NamedNode(MAX_NAME, MAX_NODE) } }); /** * Reference Extensions */ KeyIndex.__EMPTY_NODE = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; LeafNode.__childrenNodeConstructor = ChildrenNode; setMaxNode$1(MAX_NODE); setMaxNode(MAX_NODE); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const USE_HINZE = true; /** * Constructs a snapshot node representing the passed JSON and returns it. * @param json - JSON to create a node for. * @param priority - Optional priority to use. This will be ignored if the * passed JSON contains a .priority property. */ function nodeFromJSON(json, priority = null) { if (json === null) { return ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } if (typeof json === 'object' && '.priority' in json) { priority = json['.priority']; } assert(priority === null || typeof priority === 'string' || typeof priority === 'number' || (typeof priority === 'object' && '.sv' in priority), 'Invalid priority type found: ' + typeof priority); if (typeof json === 'object' && '.value' in json && json['.value'] !== null) { json = json['.value']; } // Valid leaf nodes include non-objects or server-value wrapper objects if (typeof json !== 'object' || '.sv' in json) { const jsonLeaf = json; return new LeafNode(jsonLeaf, nodeFromJSON(priority)); } if (!(json instanceof Array) && USE_HINZE) { const children = []; let childrenHavePriority = false; const hinzeJsonObj = json; each(hinzeJsonObj, (key, child) => { if (key.substring(0, 1) !== '.') { // Ignore metadata nodes const childNode = nodeFromJSON(child); if (!childNode.isEmpty()) { childrenHavePriority = childrenHavePriority || !childNode.getPriority().isEmpty(); children.push(new NamedNode(key, childNode)); } } }); if (children.length === 0) { return ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } const childSet = buildChildSet(children, NAME_ONLY_COMPARATOR, namedNode =>, NAME_COMPARATOR); if (childrenHavePriority) { const sortedChildSet = buildChildSet(children, PRIORITY_INDEX.getCompare()); return new ChildrenNode(childSet, nodeFromJSON(priority), new IndexMap({ '.priority': sortedChildSet }, { '.priority': PRIORITY_INDEX })); } else { return new ChildrenNode(childSet, nodeFromJSON(priority), IndexMap.Default); } } else { let node = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; each(json, (key, childData) => { if (contains(json, key)) { if (key.substring(0, 1) !== '.') { // ignore metadata nodes. const childNode = nodeFromJSON(childData); if (childNode.isLeafNode() || !childNode.isEmpty()) { node = node.updateImmediateChild(key, childNode); } } } }); return node.updatePriority(nodeFromJSON(priority)); } } setNodeFromJSON(nodeFromJSON); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class PathIndex extends Index { constructor(indexPath_) { super(); this.indexPath_ = indexPath_; assert(!pathIsEmpty(indexPath_) && pathGetFront(indexPath_) !== '.priority', "Can't create PathIndex with empty path or .priority key"); } extractChild(snap) { return snap.getChild(this.indexPath_); } isDefinedOn(node) { return !node.getChild(this.indexPath_).isEmpty(); } compare(a, b) { const aChild = this.extractChild(a.node); const bChild = this.extractChild(b.node); const indexCmp = aChild.compareTo(bChild); if (indexCmp === 0) { return nameCompare(,; } else { return indexCmp; } } makePost(indexValue, name) { const valueNode = nodeFromJSON(indexValue); const node = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE.updateChild(this.indexPath_, valueNode); return new NamedNode(name, node); } maxPost() { const node = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE.updateChild(this.indexPath_, MAX_NODE); return new NamedNode(MAX_NAME, node); } toString() { return pathSlice(this.indexPath_, 0).join('/'); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class ValueIndex extends Index { compare(a, b) { const indexCmp = a.node.compareTo(b.node); if (indexCmp === 0) { return nameCompare(,; } else { return indexCmp; } } isDefinedOn(node) { return true; } indexedValueChanged(oldNode, newNode) { return !oldNode.equals(newNode); } minPost() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return NamedNode.MIN; } maxPost() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return NamedNode.MAX; } makePost(indexValue, name) { const valueNode = nodeFromJSON(indexValue); return new NamedNode(name, valueNode); } /** * @returns String representation for inclusion in a query spec */ toString() { return '.value'; } } const VALUE_INDEX = new ValueIndex(); /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Modeled after base64 web-safe chars, but ordered by ASCII. const PUSH_CHARS = '-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; const MIN_PUSH_CHAR = '-'; const MAX_PUSH_CHAR = 'z'; const MAX_KEY_LEN = 786; /** * Fancy ID generator that creates 20-character string identifiers with the * following properties: * * 1. They're based on timestamp so that they sort *after* any existing ids. * 2. They contain 72-bits of random data after the timestamp so that IDs won't * collide with other clients' IDs. * 3. They sort *lexicographically* (so the timestamp is converted to characters * that will sort properly). * 4. They're monotonically increasing. Even if you generate more than one in * the same timestamp, the latter ones will sort after the former ones. We do * this by using the previous random bits but "incrementing" them by 1 (only * in the case of a timestamp collision). */ const nextPushId = (function () { // Timestamp of last push, used to prevent local collisions if you push twice // in one ms. let lastPushTime = 0; // We generate 72-bits of randomness which get turned into 12 characters and // appended to the timestamp to prevent collisions with other clients. We // store the last characters we generated because in the event of a collision, // we'll use those same characters except "incremented" by one. const lastRandChars = []; return function (now) { const duplicateTime = now === lastPushTime; lastPushTime = now; let i; const timeStampChars = new Array(8); for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { timeStampChars[i] = PUSH_CHARS.charAt(now % 64); // NOTE: Can't use << here because javascript will convert to int and lose // the upper bits. now = Math.floor(now / 64); } assert(now === 0, 'Cannot push at time == 0'); let id = timeStampChars.join(''); if (!duplicateTime) { for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { lastRandChars[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 64); } } else { // If the timestamp hasn't changed since last push, use the same random // number, except incremented by 1. for (i = 11; i >= 0 && lastRandChars[i] === 63; i--) { lastRandChars[i] = 0; } lastRandChars[i]++; } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { id += PUSH_CHARS.charAt(lastRandChars[i]); } assert(id.length === 20, 'nextPushId: Length should be 20.'); return id; }; })(); const successor = function (key) { if (key === '' + INTEGER_32_MAX) { // See return MIN_PUSH_CHAR; } const keyAsInt = tryParseInt(key); if (keyAsInt != null) { return '' + (keyAsInt + 1); } const next = new Array(key.length); for (let i = 0; i < next.length; i++) { next[i] = key.charAt(i); } if (next.length < MAX_KEY_LEN) { next.push(MIN_PUSH_CHAR); return next.join(''); } let i = next.length - 1; while (i >= 0 && next[i] === MAX_PUSH_CHAR) { i--; } // `successor` was called on the largest possible key, so return the // MAX_NAME, which sorts larger than all keys. if (i === -1) { return MAX_NAME; } const source = next[i]; const sourcePlusOne = PUSH_CHARS.charAt(PUSH_CHARS.indexOf(source) + 1); next[i] = sourcePlusOne; return next.slice(0, i + 1).join(''); }; // `key` is assumed to be non-empty. const predecessor = function (key) { if (key === '' + INTEGER_32_MIN) { return MIN_NAME; } const keyAsInt = tryParseInt(key); if (keyAsInt != null) { return '' + (keyAsInt - 1); } const next = new Array(key.length); for (let i = 0; i < next.length; i++) { next[i] = key.charAt(i); } // If `key` ends in `MIN_PUSH_CHAR`, the largest key lexicographically // smaller than `key`, is `key[0:key.length - 1]`. The next key smaller // than that, `predecessor(predecessor(key))`, is // // `key[0:key.length - 2] + (key[key.length - 1] - 1) + \ // { MAX_PUSH_CHAR repeated MAX_KEY_LEN - (key.length - 1) times } // // analogous to increment/decrement for base-10 integers. // // This works because lexigographic comparison works character-by-character, // using length as a tie-breaker if one key is a prefix of the other. if (next[next.length - 1] === MIN_PUSH_CHAR) { if (next.length === 1) { // See return '' + INTEGER_32_MAX; } delete next[next.length - 1]; return next.join(''); } // Replace the last character with it's immediate predecessor, and // fill the suffix of the key with MAX_PUSH_CHAR. This is the // lexicographically largest possible key smaller than `key`. next[next.length - 1] = PUSH_CHARS.charAt(PUSH_CHARS.indexOf(next[next.length - 1]) - 1); return next.join('') + MAX_PUSH_CHAR.repeat(MAX_KEY_LEN - next.length); }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function changeValue(snapshotNode) { return { type: "value" /* VALUE */, snapshotNode }; } function changeChildAdded(childName, snapshotNode) { return { type: "child_added" /* CHILD_ADDED */, snapshotNode, childName }; } function changeChildRemoved(childName, snapshotNode) { return { type: "child_removed" /* CHILD_REMOVED */, snapshotNode, childName }; } function changeChildChanged(childName, snapshotNode, oldSnap) { return { type: "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */, snapshotNode, childName, oldSnap }; } function changeChildMoved(childName, snapshotNode) { return { type: "child_moved" /* CHILD_MOVED */, snapshotNode, childName }; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Doesn't really filter nodes but applies an index to the node and keeps track of any changes */ class IndexedFilter { constructor(index_) { this.index_ = index_; } updateChild(snap, key, newChild, affectedPath, source, optChangeAccumulator) { assert(snap.isIndexed(this.index_), 'A node must be indexed if only a child is updated'); const oldChild = snap.getImmediateChild(key); // Check if anything actually changed. if (oldChild.getChild(affectedPath).equals(newChild.getChild(affectedPath))) { // There's an edge case where a child can enter or leave the view because affectedPath was set to null. // In this case, affectedPath will appear null in both the old and new snapshots. So we need // to avoid treating these cases as "nothing changed." if (oldChild.isEmpty() === newChild.isEmpty()) { // Nothing changed. // This assert should be valid, but it's expensive (can dominate perf testing) so don't actually do it. //assert(oldChild.equals(newChild), 'Old and new snapshots should be equal.'); return snap; } } if (optChangeAccumulator != null) { if (newChild.isEmpty()) { if (snap.hasChild(key)) { optChangeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildRemoved(key, oldChild)); } else { assert(snap.isLeafNode(), 'A child remove without an old child only makes sense on a leaf node'); } } else if (oldChild.isEmpty()) { optChangeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildAdded(key, newChild)); } else { optChangeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildChanged(key, newChild, oldChild)); } } if (snap.isLeafNode() && newChild.isEmpty()) { return snap; } else { // Make sure the node is indexed return snap.updateImmediateChild(key, newChild).withIndex(this.index_); } } updateFullNode(oldSnap, newSnap, optChangeAccumulator) { if (optChangeAccumulator != null) { if (!oldSnap.isLeafNode()) { oldSnap.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, childNode) => { if (!newSnap.hasChild(key)) { optChangeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildRemoved(key, childNode)); } }); } if (!newSnap.isLeafNode()) { newSnap.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, childNode) => { if (oldSnap.hasChild(key)) { const oldChild = oldSnap.getImmediateChild(key); if (!oldChild.equals(childNode)) { optChangeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildChanged(key, childNode, oldChild)); } } else { optChangeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildAdded(key, childNode)); } }); } } return newSnap.withIndex(this.index_); } updatePriority(oldSnap, newPriority) { if (oldSnap.isEmpty()) { return ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } else { return oldSnap.updatePriority(newPriority); } } filtersNodes() { return false; } getIndexedFilter() { return this; } getIndex() { return this.index_; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Filters nodes by range and uses an IndexFilter to track any changes after filtering the node */ class RangedFilter { constructor(params) { this.indexedFilter_ = new IndexedFilter(params.getIndex()); this.index_ = params.getIndex(); this.startPost_ = RangedFilter.getStartPost_(params); this.endPost_ = RangedFilter.getEndPost_(params); } getStartPost() { return this.startPost_; } getEndPost() { return this.endPost_; } matches(node) { return (, node) <= 0 &&, this.getEndPost()) <= 0); } updateChild(snap, key, newChild, affectedPath, source, optChangeAccumulator) { if (!this.matches(new NamedNode(key, newChild))) { newChild = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } return this.indexedFilter_.updateChild(snap, key, newChild, affectedPath, source, optChangeAccumulator); } updateFullNode(oldSnap, newSnap, optChangeAccumulator) { if (newSnap.isLeafNode()) { // Make sure we have a children node with the correct index, not a leaf node; newSnap = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } let filtered = newSnap.withIndex(this.index_); // Don't support priorities on queries filtered = filtered.updatePriority(ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); const self = this; newSnap.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, childNode) => { if (!self.matches(new NamedNode(key, childNode))) { filtered = filtered.updateImmediateChild(key, ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); } }); return this.indexedFilter_.updateFullNode(oldSnap, filtered, optChangeAccumulator); } updatePriority(oldSnap, newPriority) { // Don't support priorities on queries return oldSnap; } filtersNodes() { return true; } getIndexedFilter() { return this.indexedFilter_; } getIndex() { return this.index_; } static getStartPost_(params) { if (params.hasStart()) { const startName = params.getIndexStartName(); return params.getIndex().makePost(params.getIndexStartValue(), startName); } else { return params.getIndex().minPost(); } } static getEndPost_(params) { if (params.hasEnd()) { const endName = params.getIndexEndName(); return params.getIndex().makePost(params.getIndexEndValue(), endName); } else { return params.getIndex().maxPost(); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Applies a limit and a range to a node and uses RangedFilter to do the heavy lifting where possible */ class LimitedFilter { constructor(params) { this.rangedFilter_ = new RangedFilter(params); this.index_ = params.getIndex(); this.limit_ = params.getLimit(); this.reverse_ = !params.isViewFromLeft(); } updateChild(snap, key, newChild, affectedPath, source, optChangeAccumulator) { if (!this.rangedFilter_.matches(new NamedNode(key, newChild))) { newChild = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } if (snap.getImmediateChild(key).equals(newChild)) { // No change return snap; } else if (snap.numChildren() < this.limit_) { return this.rangedFilter_ .getIndexedFilter() .updateChild(snap, key, newChild, affectedPath, source, optChangeAccumulator); } else { return this.fullLimitUpdateChild_(snap, key, newChild, source, optChangeAccumulator); } } updateFullNode(oldSnap, newSnap, optChangeAccumulator) { let filtered; if (newSnap.isLeafNode() || newSnap.isEmpty()) { // Make sure we have a children node with the correct index, not a leaf node; filtered = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE.withIndex(this.index_); } else { if (this.limit_ * 2 < newSnap.numChildren() && newSnap.isIndexed(this.index_)) { // Easier to build up a snapshot, since what we're given has more than twice the elements we want filtered = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE.withIndex(this.index_); // anchor to the startPost, endPost, or last element as appropriate let iterator; if (this.reverse_) { iterator = newSnap.getReverseIteratorFrom(this.rangedFilter_.getEndPost(), this.index_); } else { iterator = newSnap.getIteratorFrom(this.rangedFilter_.getStartPost(), this.index_); } let count = 0; while (iterator.hasNext() && count < this.limit_) { const next = iterator.getNext(); let inRange; if (this.reverse_) { inRange =, next) <= 0; } else { inRange =, this.rangedFilter_.getEndPost()) <= 0; } if (inRange) { filtered = filtered.updateImmediateChild(, next.node); count++; } else { // if we have reached the end post, we cannot keep adding elemments break; } } } else { // The snap contains less than twice the limit. Faster to delete from the snap than build up a new one filtered = newSnap.withIndex(this.index_); // Don't support priorities on queries filtered = filtered.updatePriority(ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); let startPost; let endPost; let cmp; let iterator; if (this.reverse_) { iterator = filtered.getReverseIterator(this.index_); startPost = this.rangedFilter_.getEndPost(); endPost = this.rangedFilter_.getStartPost(); const indexCompare = this.index_.getCompare(); cmp = (a, b) => indexCompare(b, a); } else { iterator = filtered.getIterator(this.index_); startPost = this.rangedFilter_.getStartPost(); endPost = this.rangedFilter_.getEndPost(); cmp = this.index_.getCompare(); } let count = 0; let foundStartPost = false; while (iterator.hasNext()) { const next = iterator.getNext(); if (!foundStartPost && cmp(startPost, next) <= 0) { // start adding foundStartPost = true; } const inRange = foundStartPost && count < this.limit_ && cmp(next, endPost) <= 0; if (inRange) { count++; } else { filtered = filtered.updateImmediateChild(, ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); } } } } return this.rangedFilter_ .getIndexedFilter() .updateFullNode(oldSnap, filtered, optChangeAccumulator); } updatePriority(oldSnap, newPriority) { // Don't support priorities on queries return oldSnap; } filtersNodes() { return true; } getIndexedFilter() { return this.rangedFilter_.getIndexedFilter(); } getIndex() { return this.index_; } fullLimitUpdateChild_(snap, childKey, childSnap, source, changeAccumulator) { // TODO: rename all cache stuff etc to general snap terminology let cmp; if (this.reverse_) { const indexCmp = this.index_.getCompare(); cmp = (a, b) => indexCmp(b, a); } else { cmp = this.index_.getCompare(); } const oldEventCache = snap; assert(oldEventCache.numChildren() === this.limit_, ''); const newChildNamedNode = new NamedNode(childKey, childSnap); const windowBoundary = this.reverse_ ? oldEventCache.getFirstChild(this.index_) : oldEventCache.getLastChild(this.index_); const inRange = this.rangedFilter_.matches(newChildNamedNode); if (oldEventCache.hasChild(childKey)) { const oldChildSnap = oldEventCache.getImmediateChild(childKey); let nextChild = source.getChildAfterChild(this.index_, windowBoundary, this.reverse_); while (nextChild != null && ( === childKey || oldEventCache.hasChild( { // There is a weird edge case where a node is updated as part of a merge in the write tree, but hasn't // been applied to the limited filter yet. Ignore this next child which will be updated later in // the limited filter... nextChild = source.getChildAfterChild(this.index_, nextChild, this.reverse_); } const compareNext = nextChild == null ? 1 : cmp(nextChild, newChildNamedNode); const remainsInWindow = inRange && !childSnap.isEmpty() && compareNext >= 0; if (remainsInWindow) { if (changeAccumulator != null) { changeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildChanged(childKey, childSnap, oldChildSnap)); } return oldEventCache.updateImmediateChild(childKey, childSnap); } else { if (changeAccumulator != null) { changeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildRemoved(childKey, oldChildSnap)); } const newEventCache = oldEventCache.updateImmediateChild(childKey, ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); const nextChildInRange = nextChild != null && this.rangedFilter_.matches(nextChild); if (nextChildInRange) { if (changeAccumulator != null) { changeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildAdded(, nextChild.node)); } return newEventCache.updateImmediateChild(, nextChild.node); } else { return newEventCache; } } } else if (childSnap.isEmpty()) { // we're deleting a node, but it was not in the window, so ignore it return snap; } else if (inRange) { if (cmp(windowBoundary, newChildNamedNode) >= 0) { if (changeAccumulator != null) { changeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildRemoved(, windowBoundary.node)); changeAccumulator.trackChildChange(changeChildAdded(childKey, childSnap)); } return oldEventCache .updateImmediateChild(childKey, childSnap) .updateImmediateChild(, ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); } else { return snap; } } else { return snap; } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This class is an immutable-from-the-public-api struct containing a set of query parameters defining a * range to be returned for a particular location. It is assumed that validation of parameters is done at the * user-facing API level, so it is not done here. * * @internal */ class QueryParams { constructor() { this.limitSet_ = false; this.startSet_ = false; this.startNameSet_ = false; this.startAfterSet_ = false; this.endSet_ = false; this.endNameSet_ = false; this.endBeforeSet_ = false; this.limit_ = 0; this.viewFrom_ = ''; this.indexStartValue_ = null; this.indexStartName_ = ''; this.indexEndValue_ = null; this.indexEndName_ = ''; this.index_ = PRIORITY_INDEX; } hasStart() { return this.startSet_; } hasStartAfter() { return this.startAfterSet_; } hasEndBefore() { return this.endBeforeSet_; } /** * @returns True if it would return from left. */ isViewFromLeft() { if (this.viewFrom_ === '') { // limit(), rather than limitToFirst or limitToLast was called. // This means that only one of startSet_ and endSet_ is true. Use them // to calculate which side of the view to anchor to. If neither is set, // anchor to the end. return this.startSet_; } else { return this.viewFrom_ === "l" /* VIEW_FROM_LEFT */; } } /** * Only valid to call if hasStart() returns true */ getIndexStartValue() { assert(this.startSet_, 'Only valid if start has been set'); return this.indexStartValue_; } /** * Only valid to call if hasStart() returns true. * Returns the starting key name for the range defined by these query parameters */ getIndexStartName() { assert(this.startSet_, 'Only valid if start has been set'); if (this.startNameSet_) { return this.indexStartName_; } else { return MIN_NAME; } } hasEnd() { return this.endSet_; } /** * Only valid to call if hasEnd() returns true. */ getIndexEndValue() { assert(this.endSet_, 'Only valid if end has been set'); return this.indexEndValue_; } /** * Only valid to call if hasEnd() returns true. * Returns the end key name for the range defined by these query parameters */ getIndexEndName() { assert(this.endSet_, 'Only valid if end has been set'); if (this.endNameSet_) { return this.indexEndName_; } else { return MAX_NAME; } } hasLimit() { return this.limitSet_; } /** * @returns True if a limit has been set and it has been explicitly anchored */ hasAnchoredLimit() { return this.limitSet_ && this.viewFrom_ !== ''; } /** * Only valid to call if hasLimit() returns true */ getLimit() { assert(this.limitSet_, 'Only valid if limit has been set'); return this.limit_; } getIndex() { return this.index_; } loadsAllData() { return !(this.startSet_ || this.endSet_ || this.limitSet_); } isDefault() { return this.loadsAllData() && this.index_ === PRIORITY_INDEX; } copy() { const copy = new QueryParams(); copy.limitSet_ = this.limitSet_; copy.limit_ = this.limit_; copy.startSet_ = this.startSet_; copy.indexStartValue_ = this.indexStartValue_; copy.startNameSet_ = this.startNameSet_; copy.indexStartName_ = this.indexStartName_; copy.endSet_ = this.endSet_; copy.indexEndValue_ = this.indexEndValue_; copy.endNameSet_ = this.endNameSet_; copy.indexEndName_ = this.indexEndName_; copy.index_ = this.index_; copy.viewFrom_ = this.viewFrom_; return copy; } } function queryParamsGetNodeFilter(queryParams) { if (queryParams.loadsAllData()) { return new IndexedFilter(queryParams.getIndex()); } else if (queryParams.hasLimit()) { return new LimitedFilter(queryParams); } else { return new RangedFilter(queryParams); } } function queryParamsLimitToFirst(queryParams, newLimit) { const newParams = queryParams.copy(); newParams.limitSet_ = true; newParams.limit_ = newLimit; newParams.viewFrom_ = "l" /* VIEW_FROM_LEFT */; return newParams; } function queryParamsLimitToLast(queryParams, newLimit) { const newParams = queryParams.copy(); newParams.limitSet_ = true; newParams.limit_ = newLimit; newParams.viewFrom_ = "r" /* VIEW_FROM_RIGHT */; return newParams; } function queryParamsStartAt(queryParams, indexValue, key) { const newParams = queryParams.copy(); newParams.startSet_ = true; if (indexValue === undefined) { indexValue = null; } newParams.indexStartValue_ = indexValue; if (key != null) { newParams.startNameSet_ = true; newParams.indexStartName_ = key; } else { newParams.startNameSet_ = false; newParams.indexStartName_ = ''; } return newParams; } function queryParamsStartAfter(queryParams, indexValue, key) { let params; if (queryParams.index_ === KEY_INDEX) { if (typeof indexValue === 'string') { indexValue = successor(indexValue); } params = queryParamsStartAt(queryParams, indexValue, key); } else { let childKey; if (key == null) { childKey = MAX_NAME; } else { childKey = successor(key); } params = queryParamsStartAt(queryParams, indexValue, childKey); } params.startAfterSet_ = true; return params; } function queryParamsEndAt(queryParams, indexValue, key) { const newParams = queryParams.copy(); newParams.endSet_ = true; if (indexValue === undefined) { indexValue = null; } newParams.indexEndValue_ = indexValue; if (key !== undefined) { newParams.endNameSet_ = true; newParams.indexEndName_ = key; } else { newParams.endNameSet_ = false; newParams.indexEndName_ = ''; } return newParams; } function queryParamsEndBefore(queryParams, indexValue, key) { let childKey; let params; if (queryParams.index_ === KEY_INDEX) { if (typeof indexValue === 'string') { indexValue = predecessor(indexValue); } params = queryParamsEndAt(queryParams, indexValue, key); } else { if (key == null) { childKey = MIN_NAME; } else { childKey = predecessor(key); } params = queryParamsEndAt(queryParams, indexValue, childKey); } params.endBeforeSet_ = true; return params; } function queryParamsOrderBy(queryParams, index) { const newParams = queryParams.copy(); newParams.index_ = index; return newParams; } /** * Returns a set of REST query string parameters representing this query. * * @returns query string parameters */ function queryParamsToRestQueryStringParameters(queryParams) { const qs = {}; if (queryParams.isDefault()) { return qs; } let orderBy; if (queryParams.index_ === PRIORITY_INDEX) { orderBy = "$priority" /* PRIORITY_INDEX */; } else if (queryParams.index_ === VALUE_INDEX) { orderBy = "$value" /* VALUE_INDEX */; } else if (queryParams.index_ === KEY_INDEX) { orderBy = "$key" /* KEY_INDEX */; } else { assert(queryParams.index_ instanceof PathIndex, 'Unrecognized index type!'); orderBy = queryParams.index_.toString(); } qs["orderBy" /* ORDER_BY */] = stringify(orderBy); if (queryParams.startSet_) { qs["startAt" /* START_AT */] = stringify(queryParams.indexStartValue_); if (queryParams.startNameSet_) { qs["startAt" /* START_AT */] += ',' + stringify(queryParams.indexStartName_); } } if (queryParams.endSet_) { qs["endAt" /* END_AT */] = stringify(queryParams.indexEndValue_); if (queryParams.endNameSet_) { qs["endAt" /* END_AT */] += ',' + stringify(queryParams.indexEndName_); } } if (queryParams.limitSet_) { if (queryParams.isViewFromLeft()) { qs["limitToFirst" /* LIMIT_TO_FIRST */] = queryParams.limit_; } else { qs["limitToLast" /* LIMIT_TO_LAST */] = queryParams.limit_; } } return qs; } function queryParamsGetQueryObject(queryParams) { const obj = {}; if (queryParams.startSet_) { obj["sp" /* INDEX_START_VALUE */] = queryParams.indexStartValue_; if (queryParams.startNameSet_) { obj["sn" /* INDEX_START_NAME */] = queryParams.indexStartName_; } } if (queryParams.endSet_) { obj["ep" /* INDEX_END_VALUE */] = queryParams.indexEndValue_; if (queryParams.endNameSet_) { obj["en" /* INDEX_END_NAME */] = queryParams.indexEndName_; } } if (queryParams.limitSet_) { obj["l" /* LIMIT */] = queryParams.limit_; let viewFrom = queryParams.viewFrom_; if (viewFrom === '') { if (queryParams.isViewFromLeft()) { viewFrom = "l" /* VIEW_FROM_LEFT */; } else { viewFrom = "r" /* VIEW_FROM_RIGHT */; } } obj["vf" /* VIEW_FROM */] = viewFrom; } // For now, priority index is the default, so we only specify if it's some other index if (queryParams.index_ !== PRIORITY_INDEX) { obj["i" /* INDEX */] = queryParams.index_.toString(); } return obj; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * An implementation of ServerActions that communicates with the server via REST requests. * This is mostly useful for compatibility with crawlers, where we don't want to spin up a full * persistent connection (using WebSockets or long-polling) */ class ReadonlyRestClient extends ServerActions { /** * @param repoInfo_ - Data about the namespace we are connecting to * @param onDataUpdate_ - A callback for new data from the server */ constructor(repoInfo_, onDataUpdate_, authTokenProvider_, appCheckTokenProvider_) { super(); this.repoInfo_ = repoInfo_; this.onDataUpdate_ = onDataUpdate_; this.authTokenProvider_ = authTokenProvider_; this.appCheckTokenProvider_ = appCheckTokenProvider_; /** @private {function(...[*])} */ this.log_ = logWrapper('p:rest:'); /** * We don't actually need to track listens, except to prevent us calling an onComplete for a listen * that's been removed. :-/ */ this.listens_ = {}; } reportStats(stats) { throw new Error('Method not implemented.'); } static getListenId_(query, tag) { if (tag !== undefined) { return 'tag$' + tag; } else { assert(query._queryParams.isDefault(), "should have a tag if it's not a default query."); return query._path.toString(); } } /** @inheritDoc */ listen(query, currentHashFn, tag, onComplete) { const pathString = query._path.toString(); this.log_('Listen called for ' + pathString + ' ' + query._queryIdentifier); // Mark this listener so we can tell if it's removed. const listenId = ReadonlyRestClient.getListenId_(query, tag); const thisListen = {}; this.listens_[listenId] = thisListen; const queryStringParameters = queryParamsToRestQueryStringParameters(query._queryParams); this.restRequest_(pathString + '.json', queryStringParameters, (error, result) => { let data = result; if (error === 404) { data = null; error = null; } if (error === null) { this.onDataUpdate_(pathString, data, /*isMerge=*/ false, tag); } if (safeGet(this.listens_, listenId) === thisListen) { let status; if (!error) { status = 'ok'; } else if (error === 401) { status = 'permission_denied'; } else { status = 'rest_error:' + error; } onComplete(status, null); } }); } /** @inheritDoc */ unlisten(query, tag) { const listenId = ReadonlyRestClient.getListenId_(query, tag); delete this.listens_[listenId]; } get(query) { const queryStringParameters = queryParamsToRestQueryStringParameters(query._queryParams); const pathString = query._path.toString(); const deferred = new Deferred(); this.restRequest_(pathString + '.json', queryStringParameters, (error, result) => { let data = result; if (error === 404) { data = null; error = null; } if (error === null) { this.onDataUpdate_(pathString, data, /*isMerge=*/ false, /*tag=*/ null); deferred.resolve(data); } else { deferred.reject(new Error(data)); } }); return deferred.promise; } /** @inheritDoc */ refreshAuthToken(token) { // no-op since we just always call getToken. } /** * Performs a REST request to the given path, with the provided query string parameters, * and any auth credentials we have. */ restRequest_(pathString, queryStringParameters = {}, callback) { queryStringParameters['format'] = 'export'; return Promise.all([ this.authTokenProvider_.getToken(/*forceRefresh=*/ false), this.appCheckTokenProvider_.getToken(/*forceRefresh=*/ false) ]).then(([authToken, appCheckToken]) => { if (authToken && authToken.accessToken) { queryStringParameters['auth'] = authToken.accessToken; } if (appCheckToken && appCheckToken.token) { queryStringParameters['ac'] = appCheckToken.token; } const url = ( ? 'https://' : 'http://') + + pathString + '?' + 'ns=' + this.repoInfo_.namespace + querystring(queryStringParameters); this.log_('Sending REST request for ' + url); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = () => { if (callback && xhr.readyState === 4) { this.log_('REST Response for ' + url + ' received. status:', xhr.status, 'response:', xhr.responseText); let res = null; if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { try { res = jsonEval(xhr.responseText); } catch (e) { warn('Failed to parse JSON response for ' + url + ': ' + xhr.responseText); } callback(null, res); } else { // 401 and 404 are expected. if (xhr.status !== 401 && xhr.status !== 404) { warn('Got unsuccessful REST response for ' + url + ' Status: ' + xhr.status); } callback(xhr.status); } callback = null; } };'GET', url, /*asynchronous=*/ true); xhr.send(); }); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Mutable object which basically just stores a reference to the "latest" immutable snapshot. */ class SnapshotHolder { constructor() { this.rootNode_ = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } getNode(path) { return this.rootNode_.getChild(path); } updateSnapshot(path, newSnapshotNode) { this.rootNode_ = this.rootNode_.updateChild(path, newSnapshotNode); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function newSparseSnapshotTree() { return { value: null, children: new Map() }; } /** * Stores the given node at the specified path. If there is already a node * at a shallower path, it merges the new data into that snapshot node. * * @param path - Path to look up snapshot for. * @param data - The new data, or null. */ function sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(sparseSnapshotTree, path, data) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { sparseSnapshotTree.value = data; sparseSnapshotTree.children.clear(); } else if (sparseSnapshotTree.value !== null) { sparseSnapshotTree.value = sparseSnapshotTree.value.updateChild(path, data); } else { const childKey = pathGetFront(path); if (!sparseSnapshotTree.children.has(childKey)) { sparseSnapshotTree.children.set(childKey, newSparseSnapshotTree()); } const child = sparseSnapshotTree.children.get(childKey); path = pathPopFront(path); sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(child, path, data); } } /** * Purge the data at path from the cache. * * @param path - Path to look up snapshot for. * @returns True if this node should now be removed. */ function sparseSnapshotTreeForget(sparseSnapshotTree, path) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { sparseSnapshotTree.value = null; sparseSnapshotTree.children.clear(); return true; } else { if (sparseSnapshotTree.value !== null) { if (sparseSnapshotTree.value.isLeafNode()) { // We're trying to forget a node that doesn't exist return false; } else { const value = sparseSnapshotTree.value; sparseSnapshotTree.value = null; value.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, tree) => { sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(sparseSnapshotTree, new Path(key), tree); }); return sparseSnapshotTreeForget(sparseSnapshotTree, path); } } else if (sparseSnapshotTree.children.size > 0) { const childKey = pathGetFront(path); path = pathPopFront(path); if (sparseSnapshotTree.children.has(childKey)) { const safeToRemove = sparseSnapshotTreeForget(sparseSnapshotTree.children.get(childKey), path); if (safeToRemove) { sparseSnapshotTree.children.delete(childKey); } } return sparseSnapshotTree.children.size === 0; } else { return true; } } } /** * Recursively iterates through all of the stored tree and calls the * callback on each one. * * @param prefixPath - Path to look up node for. * @param func - The function to invoke for each tree. */ function sparseSnapshotTreeForEachTree(sparseSnapshotTree, prefixPath, func) { if (sparseSnapshotTree.value !== null) { func(prefixPath, sparseSnapshotTree.value); } else { sparseSnapshotTreeForEachChild(sparseSnapshotTree, (key, tree) => { const path = new Path(prefixPath.toString() + '/' + key); sparseSnapshotTreeForEachTree(tree, path, func); }); } } /** * Iterates through each immediate child and triggers the callback. * Only seems to be used in tests. * * @param func - The function to invoke for each child. */ function sparseSnapshotTreeForEachChild(sparseSnapshotTree, func) { sparseSnapshotTree.children.forEach((tree, key) => { func(key, tree); }); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Returns the delta from the previous call to get stats. * * @param collection_ - The collection to "listen" to. */ class StatsListener { constructor(collection_) { this.collection_ = collection_; this.last_ = null; } get() { const newStats = this.collection_.get(); const delta = Object.assign({}, newStats); if (this.last_) { each(this.last_, (stat, value) => { delta[stat] = delta[stat] - value; }); } this.last_ = newStats; return delta; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Assuming some apps may have a short amount of time on page, and a bulk of firebase operations probably // happen on page load, we try to report our first set of stats pretty quickly, but we wait at least 10 // seconds to try to ensure the Firebase connection is established / settled. const FIRST_STATS_MIN_TIME = 10 * 1000; const FIRST_STATS_MAX_TIME = 30 * 1000; // We'll continue to report stats on average every 5 minutes. const REPORT_STATS_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000; class StatsReporter { constructor(collection, server_) { this.server_ = server_; this.statsToReport_ = {}; this.statsListener_ = new StatsListener(collection); const timeout = FIRST_STATS_MIN_TIME + (FIRST_STATS_MAX_TIME - FIRST_STATS_MIN_TIME) * Math.random(); setTimeoutNonBlocking(this.reportStats_.bind(this), Math.floor(timeout)); } reportStats_() { const stats = this.statsListener_.get(); const reportedStats = {}; let haveStatsToReport = false; each(stats, (stat, value) => { if (value > 0 && contains(this.statsToReport_, stat)) { reportedStats[stat] = value; haveStatsToReport = true; } }); if (haveStatsToReport) { this.server_.reportStats(reportedStats); } // queue our next run. setTimeoutNonBlocking(this.reportStats_.bind(this), Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 * REPORT_STATS_INTERVAL)); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * * @enum */ var OperationType; (function (OperationType) { OperationType[OperationType["OVERWRITE"] = 0] = "OVERWRITE"; OperationType[OperationType["MERGE"] = 1] = "MERGE"; OperationType[OperationType["ACK_USER_WRITE"] = 2] = "ACK_USER_WRITE"; OperationType[OperationType["LISTEN_COMPLETE"] = 3] = "LISTEN_COMPLETE"; })(OperationType || (OperationType = {})); function newOperationSourceUser() { return { fromUser: true, fromServer: false, queryId: null, tagged: false }; } function newOperationSourceServer() { return { fromUser: false, fromServer: true, queryId: null, tagged: false }; } function newOperationSourceServerTaggedQuery(queryId) { return { fromUser: false, fromServer: true, queryId, tagged: true }; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class AckUserWrite { /** * @param affectedTree - A tree containing true for each affected path. Affected paths can't overlap. */ constructor( /** @inheritDoc */ path, /** @inheritDoc */ affectedTree, /** @inheritDoc */ revert) { this.path = path; this.affectedTree = affectedTree; this.revert = revert; /** @inheritDoc */ this.type = OperationType.ACK_USER_WRITE; /** @inheritDoc */ this.source = newOperationSourceUser(); } operationForChild(childName) { if (!pathIsEmpty(this.path)) { assert(pathGetFront(this.path) === childName, 'operationForChild called for unrelated child.'); return new AckUserWrite(pathPopFront(this.path), this.affectedTree, this.revert); } else if (this.affectedTree.value != null) { assert(this.affectedTree.children.isEmpty(), 'affectedTree should not have overlapping affected paths.'); // All child locations are affected as well; just return same operation. return this; } else { const childTree = this.affectedTree.subtree(new Path(childName)); return new AckUserWrite(newEmptyPath(), childTree, this.revert); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class ListenComplete { constructor(source, path) { this.source = source; this.path = path; /** @inheritDoc */ this.type = OperationType.LISTEN_COMPLETE; } operationForChild(childName) { if (pathIsEmpty(this.path)) { return new ListenComplete(this.source, newEmptyPath()); } else { return new ListenComplete(this.source, pathPopFront(this.path)); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class Overwrite { constructor(source, path, snap) { this.source = source; this.path = path; this.snap = snap; /** @inheritDoc */ this.type = OperationType.OVERWRITE; } operationForChild(childName) { if (pathIsEmpty(this.path)) { return new Overwrite(this.source, newEmptyPath(), this.snap.getImmediateChild(childName)); } else { return new Overwrite(this.source, pathPopFront(this.path), this.snap); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class Merge { constructor( /** @inheritDoc */ source, /** @inheritDoc */ path, /** @inheritDoc */ children) { this.source = source; this.path = path; this.children = children; /** @inheritDoc */ this.type = OperationType.MERGE; } operationForChild(childName) { if (pathIsEmpty(this.path)) { const childTree = this.children.subtree(new Path(childName)); if (childTree.isEmpty()) { // This child is unaffected return null; } else if (childTree.value) { // We have a snapshot for the child in question. This becomes an overwrite of the child. return new Overwrite(this.source, newEmptyPath(), childTree.value); } else { // This is a merge at a deeper level return new Merge(this.source, newEmptyPath(), childTree); } } else { assert(pathGetFront(this.path) === childName, "Can't get a merge for a child not on the path of the operation"); return new Merge(this.source, pathPopFront(this.path), this.children); } } toString() { return ('Operation(' + this.path + ': ' + this.source.toString() + ' merge: ' + this.children.toString() + ')'); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * A cache node only stores complete children. Additionally it holds a flag whether the node can be considered fully * initialized in the sense that we know at one point in time this represented a valid state of the world, e.g. * initialized with data from the server, or a complete overwrite by the client. The filtered flag also tracks * whether a node potentially had children removed due to a filter. */ class CacheNode { constructor(node_, fullyInitialized_, filtered_) { this.node_ = node_; this.fullyInitialized_ = fullyInitialized_; this.filtered_ = filtered_; } /** * Returns whether this node was fully initialized with either server data or a complete overwrite by the client */ isFullyInitialized() { return this.fullyInitialized_; } /** * Returns whether this node is potentially missing children due to a filter applied to the node */ isFiltered() { return this.filtered_; } isCompleteForPath(path) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { return this.isFullyInitialized() && !this.filtered_; } const childKey = pathGetFront(path); return this.isCompleteForChild(childKey); } isCompleteForChild(key) { return ((this.isFullyInitialized() && !this.filtered_) || this.node_.hasChild(key)); } getNode() { return this.node_; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * An EventGenerator is used to convert "raw" changes (Change) as computed by the * CacheDiffer into actual events (Event) that can be raised. See generateEventsForChanges() * for details. * */ class EventGenerator { constructor(query_) { this.query_ = query_; this.index_ = this.query_._queryParams.getIndex(); } } /** * Given a set of raw changes (no moved events and prevName not specified yet), and a set of * EventRegistrations that should be notified of these changes, generate the actual events to be raised. * * Notes: * - child_moved events will be synthesized at this time for any child_changed events that affect * our index. * - prevName will be calculated based on the index ordering. */ function eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForChanges(eventGenerator, changes, eventCache, eventRegistrations) { const events = []; const moves = []; changes.forEach(change => { if (change.type === "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */ && eventGenerator.index_.indexedValueChanged(change.oldSnap, change.snapshotNode)) { moves.push(changeChildMoved(change.childName, change.snapshotNode)); } }); eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForType(eventGenerator, events, "child_removed" /* CHILD_REMOVED */, changes, eventRegistrations, eventCache); eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForType(eventGenerator, events, "child_added" /* CHILD_ADDED */, changes, eventRegistrations, eventCache); eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForType(eventGenerator, events, "child_moved" /* CHILD_MOVED */, moves, eventRegistrations, eventCache); eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForType(eventGenerator, events, "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */, changes, eventRegistrations, eventCache); eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForType(eventGenerator, events, "value" /* VALUE */, changes, eventRegistrations, eventCache); return events; } /** * Given changes of a single change type, generate the corresponding events. */ function eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForType(eventGenerator, events, eventType, changes, registrations, eventCache) { const filteredChanges = changes.filter(change => change.type === eventType); filteredChanges.sort((a, b) => eventGeneratorCompareChanges(eventGenerator, a, b)); filteredChanges.forEach(change => { const materializedChange = eventGeneratorMaterializeSingleChange(eventGenerator, change, eventCache); registrations.forEach(registration => { if (registration.respondsTo(change.type)) { events.push(registration.createEvent(materializedChange, eventGenerator.query_)); } }); }); } function eventGeneratorMaterializeSingleChange(eventGenerator, change, eventCache) { if (change.type === 'value' || change.type === 'child_removed') { return change; } else { change.prevName = eventCache.getPredecessorChildName(change.childName, change.snapshotNode, eventGenerator.index_); return change; } } function eventGeneratorCompareChanges(eventGenerator, a, b) { if (a.childName == null || b.childName == null) { throw assertionError('Should only compare child_ events.'); } const aWrapped = new NamedNode(a.childName, a.snapshotNode); const bWrapped = new NamedNode(b.childName, b.snapshotNode); return, bWrapped); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function newViewCache(eventCache, serverCache) { return { eventCache, serverCache }; } function viewCacheUpdateEventSnap(viewCache, eventSnap, complete, filtered) { return newViewCache(new CacheNode(eventSnap, complete, filtered), viewCache.serverCache); } function viewCacheUpdateServerSnap(viewCache, serverSnap, complete, filtered) { return newViewCache(viewCache.eventCache, new CacheNode(serverSnap, complete, filtered)); } function viewCacheGetCompleteEventSnap(viewCache) { return viewCache.eventCache.isFullyInitialized() ? viewCache.eventCache.getNode() : null; } function viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(viewCache) { return viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized() ? viewCache.serverCache.getNode() : null; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let emptyChildrenSingleton; /** * Singleton empty children collection. * */ const EmptyChildren = () => { if (!emptyChildrenSingleton) { emptyChildrenSingleton = new SortedMap(stringCompare); } return emptyChildrenSingleton; }; /** * A tree with immutable elements. */ class ImmutableTree { constructor(value, children = EmptyChildren()) { this.value = value; this.children = children; } static fromObject(obj) { let tree = new ImmutableTree(null); each(obj, (childPath, childSnap) => { tree = tree.set(new Path(childPath), childSnap); }); return tree; } /** * True if the value is empty and there are no children */ isEmpty() { return this.value === null && this.children.isEmpty(); } /** * Given a path and predicate, return the first node and the path to that node * where the predicate returns true. * * TODO Do a perf test -- If we're creating a bunch of `{path: value:}` * objects on the way back out, it may be better to pass down a pathSoFar obj. * * @param relativePath - The remainder of the path * @param predicate - The predicate to satisfy to return a node */ findRootMostMatchingPathAndValue(relativePath, predicate) { if (this.value != null && predicate(this.value)) { return { path: newEmptyPath(), value: this.value }; } else { if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { return null; } else { const front = pathGetFront(relativePath); const child = this.children.get(front); if (child !== null) { const childExistingPathAndValue = child.findRootMostMatchingPathAndValue(pathPopFront(relativePath), predicate); if (childExistingPathAndValue != null) { const fullPath = pathChild(new Path(front), childExistingPathAndValue.path); return { path: fullPath, value: childExistingPathAndValue.value }; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } } } /** * Find, if it exists, the shortest subpath of the given path that points a defined * value in the tree */ findRootMostValueAndPath(relativePath) { return this.findRootMostMatchingPathAndValue(relativePath, () => true); } /** * @returns The subtree at the given path */ subtree(relativePath) { if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { return this; } else { const front = pathGetFront(relativePath); const childTree = this.children.get(front); if (childTree !== null) { return childTree.subtree(pathPopFront(relativePath)); } else { return new ImmutableTree(null); } } } /** * Sets a value at the specified path. * * @param relativePath - Path to set value at. * @param toSet - Value to set. * @returns Resulting tree. */ set(relativePath, toSet) { if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { return new ImmutableTree(toSet, this.children); } else { const front = pathGetFront(relativePath); const child = this.children.get(front) || new ImmutableTree(null); const newChild = child.set(pathPopFront(relativePath), toSet); const newChildren = this.children.insert(front, newChild); return new ImmutableTree(this.value, newChildren); } } /** * Removes the value at the specified path. * * @param relativePath - Path to value to remove. * @returns Resulting tree. */ remove(relativePath) { if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { if (this.children.isEmpty()) { return new ImmutableTree(null); } else { return new ImmutableTree(null, this.children); } } else { const front = pathGetFront(relativePath); const child = this.children.get(front); if (child) { const newChild = child.remove(pathPopFront(relativePath)); let newChildren; if (newChild.isEmpty()) { newChildren = this.children.remove(front); } else { newChildren = this.children.insert(front, newChild); } if (this.value === null && newChildren.isEmpty()) { return new ImmutableTree(null); } else { return new ImmutableTree(this.value, newChildren); } } else { return this; } } } /** * Gets a value from the tree. * * @param relativePath - Path to get value for. * @returns Value at path, or null. */ get(relativePath) { if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { return this.value; } else { const front = pathGetFront(relativePath); const child = this.children.get(front); if (child) { return child.get(pathPopFront(relativePath)); } else { return null; } } } /** * Replace the subtree at the specified path with the given new tree. * * @param relativePath - Path to replace subtree for. * @param newTree - New tree. * @returns Resulting tree. */ setTree(relativePath, newTree) { if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { return newTree; } else { const front = pathGetFront(relativePath); const child = this.children.get(front) || new ImmutableTree(null); const newChild = child.setTree(pathPopFront(relativePath), newTree); let newChildren; if (newChild.isEmpty()) { newChildren = this.children.remove(front); } else { newChildren = this.children.insert(front, newChild); } return new ImmutableTree(this.value, newChildren); } } /** * Performs a depth first fold on this tree. Transforms a tree into a single * value, given a function that operates on the path to a node, an optional * current value, and a map of child names to folded subtrees */ fold(fn) { return this.fold_(newEmptyPath(), fn); } /** * Recursive helper for public-facing fold() method */ fold_(pathSoFar, fn) { const accum = {}; this.children.inorderTraversal((childKey, childTree) => { accum[childKey] = childTree.fold_(pathChild(pathSoFar, childKey), fn); }); return fn(pathSoFar, this.value, accum); } /** * Find the first matching value on the given path. Return the result of applying f to it. */ findOnPath(path, f) { return this.findOnPath_(path, newEmptyPath(), f); } findOnPath_(pathToFollow, pathSoFar, f) { const result = this.value ? f(pathSoFar, this.value) : false; if (result) { return result; } else { if (pathIsEmpty(pathToFollow)) { return null; } else { const front = pathGetFront(pathToFollow); const nextChild = this.children.get(front); if (nextChild) { return nextChild.findOnPath_(pathPopFront(pathToFollow), pathChild(pathSoFar, front), f); } else { return null; } } } } foreachOnPath(path, f) { return this.foreachOnPath_(path, newEmptyPath(), f); } foreachOnPath_(pathToFollow, currentRelativePath, f) { if (pathIsEmpty(pathToFollow)) { return this; } else { if (this.value) { f(currentRelativePath, this.value); } const front = pathGetFront(pathToFollow); const nextChild = this.children.get(front); if (nextChild) { return nextChild.foreachOnPath_(pathPopFront(pathToFollow), pathChild(currentRelativePath, front), f); } else { return new ImmutableTree(null); } } } /** * Calls the given function for each node in the tree that has a value. * * @param f - A function to be called with the path from the root of the tree to * a node, and the value at that node. Called in depth-first order. */ foreach(f) { this.foreach_(newEmptyPath(), f); } foreach_(currentRelativePath, f) { this.children.inorderTraversal((childName, childTree) => { childTree.foreach_(pathChild(currentRelativePath, childName), f); }); if (this.value) { f(currentRelativePath, this.value); } } foreachChild(f) { this.children.inorderTraversal((childName, childTree) => { if (childTree.value) { f(childName, childTree.value); } }); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This class holds a collection of writes that can be applied to nodes in unison. It abstracts away the logic with * dealing with priority writes and multiple nested writes. At any given path there is only allowed to be one write * modifying that path. Any write to an existing path or shadowing an existing path will modify that existing write * to reflect the write added. */ class CompoundWrite { constructor(writeTree_) { this.writeTree_ = writeTree_; } static empty() { return new CompoundWrite(new ImmutableTree(null)); } } function compoundWriteAddWrite(compoundWrite, path, node) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { return new CompoundWrite(new ImmutableTree(node)); } else { const rootmost = compoundWrite.writeTree_.findRootMostValueAndPath(path); if (rootmost != null) { const rootMostPath = rootmost.path; let value = rootmost.value; const relativePath = newRelativePath(rootMostPath, path); value = value.updateChild(relativePath, node); return new CompoundWrite(compoundWrite.writeTree_.set(rootMostPath, value)); } else { const subtree = new ImmutableTree(node); const newWriteTree = compoundWrite.writeTree_.setTree(path, subtree); return new CompoundWrite(newWriteTree); } } } function compoundWriteAddWrites(compoundWrite, path, updates) { let newWrite = compoundWrite; each(updates, (childKey, node) => { newWrite = compoundWriteAddWrite(newWrite, pathChild(path, childKey), node); }); return newWrite; } /** * Will remove a write at the given path and deeper paths. This will <em>not</em> modify a write at a higher * location, which must be removed by calling this method with that path. * * @param compoundWrite - The CompoundWrite to remove. * @param path - The path at which a write and all deeper writes should be removed * @returns The new CompoundWrite with the removed path */ function compoundWriteRemoveWrite(compoundWrite, path) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { return CompoundWrite.empty(); } else { const newWriteTree = compoundWrite.writeTree_.setTree(path, new ImmutableTree(null)); return new CompoundWrite(newWriteTree); } } /** * Returns whether this CompoundWrite will fully overwrite a node at a given location and can therefore be * considered "complete". * * @param compoundWrite - The CompoundWrite to check. * @param path - The path to check for * @returns Whether there is a complete write at that path */ function compoundWriteHasCompleteWrite(compoundWrite, path) { return compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(compoundWrite, path) != null; } /** * Returns a node for a path if and only if the node is a "complete" overwrite at that path. This will not aggregate * writes from deeper paths, but will return child nodes from a more shallow path. * * @param compoundWrite - The CompoundWrite to get the node from. * @param path - The path to get a complete write * @returns The node if complete at that path, or null otherwise. */ function compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(compoundWrite, path) { const rootmost = compoundWrite.writeTree_.findRootMostValueAndPath(path); if (rootmost != null) { return compoundWrite.writeTree_ .get(rootmost.path) .getChild(newRelativePath(rootmost.path, path)); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns all children that are guaranteed to be a complete overwrite. * * @param compoundWrite - The CompoundWrite to get children from. * @returns A list of all complete children. */ function compoundWriteGetCompleteChildren(compoundWrite) { const children = []; const node = compoundWrite.writeTree_.value; if (node != null) { // If it's a leaf node, it has no children; so nothing to do. if (!node.isLeafNode()) { node.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (childName, childNode) => { children.push(new NamedNode(childName, childNode)); }); } } else { compoundWrite.writeTree_.children.inorderTraversal((childName, childTree) => { if (childTree.value != null) { children.push(new NamedNode(childName, childTree.value)); } }); } return children; } function compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(compoundWrite, path) { if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { return compoundWrite; } else { const shadowingNode = compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(compoundWrite, path); if (shadowingNode != null) { return new CompoundWrite(new ImmutableTree(shadowingNode)); } else { return new CompoundWrite(compoundWrite.writeTree_.subtree(path)); } } } /** * Returns true if this CompoundWrite is empty and therefore does not modify any nodes. * @returns Whether this CompoundWrite is empty */ function compoundWriteIsEmpty(compoundWrite) { return compoundWrite.writeTree_.isEmpty(); } /** * Applies this CompoundWrite to a node. The node is returned with all writes from this CompoundWrite applied to the * node * @param node - The node to apply this CompoundWrite to * @returns The node with all writes applied */ function compoundWriteApply(compoundWrite, node) { return applySubtreeWrite(newEmptyPath(), compoundWrite.writeTree_, node); } function applySubtreeWrite(relativePath, writeTree, node) { if (writeTree.value != null) { // Since there a write is always a leaf, we're done here return node.updateChild(relativePath, writeTree.value); } else { let priorityWrite = null; writeTree.children.inorderTraversal((childKey, childTree) => { if (childKey === '.priority') { // Apply priorities at the end so we don't update priorities for either empty nodes or forget // to apply priorities to empty nodes that are later filled assert(childTree.value !== null, 'Priority writes must always be leaf nodes'); priorityWrite = childTree.value; } else { node = applySubtreeWrite(pathChild(relativePath, childKey), childTree, node); } }); // If there was a priority write, we only apply it if the node is not empty if (!node.getChild(relativePath).isEmpty() && priorityWrite !== null) { node = node.updateChild(pathChild(relativePath, '.priority'), priorityWrite); } return node; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Create a new WriteTreeRef for the given path. For use with a new sync point at the given path. * */ function writeTreeChildWrites(writeTree, path) { return newWriteTreeRef(path, writeTree); } /** * Record a new overwrite from user code. * * @param visible - This is set to false by some transactions. It should be excluded from event caches */ function writeTreeAddOverwrite(writeTree, path, snap, writeId, visible) { assert(writeId > writeTree.lastWriteId, 'Stacking an older write on top of newer ones'); if (visible === undefined) { visible = true; } writeTree.allWrites.push({ path, snap, writeId, visible }); if (visible) { writeTree.visibleWrites = compoundWriteAddWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, path, snap); } writeTree.lastWriteId = writeId; } /** * Record a new merge from user code. */ function writeTreeAddMerge(writeTree, path, changedChildren, writeId) { assert(writeId > writeTree.lastWriteId, 'Stacking an older merge on top of newer ones'); writeTree.allWrites.push({ path, children: changedChildren, writeId, visible: true }); writeTree.visibleWrites = compoundWriteAddWrites(writeTree.visibleWrites, path, changedChildren); writeTree.lastWriteId = writeId; } function writeTreeGetWrite(writeTree, writeId) { for (let i = 0; i < writeTree.allWrites.length; i++) { const record = writeTree.allWrites[i]; if (record.writeId === writeId) { return record; } } return null; } /** * Remove a write (either an overwrite or merge) that has been successfully acknowledge by the server. Recalculates * the tree if necessary. We return true if it may have been visible, meaning views need to reevaluate. * * @returns true if the write may have been visible (meaning we'll need to reevaluate / raise * events as a result). */ function writeTreeRemoveWrite(writeTree, writeId) { // Note: disabling this check. It could be a transaction that preempted another transaction, and thus was applied // out of order. //const validClear = revert || this.allWrites_.length === 0 || writeId <= this.allWrites_[0].writeId; //assert(validClear, "Either we don't have this write, or it's the first one in the queue"); const idx = writeTree.allWrites.findIndex(s => { return s.writeId === writeId; }); assert(idx >= 0, 'removeWrite called with nonexistent writeId.'); const writeToRemove = writeTree.allWrites[idx]; writeTree.allWrites.splice(idx, 1); let removedWriteWasVisible = writeToRemove.visible; let removedWriteOverlapsWithOtherWrites = false; let i = writeTree.allWrites.length - 1; while (removedWriteWasVisible && i >= 0) { const currentWrite = writeTree.allWrites[i]; if (currentWrite.visible) { if (i >= idx && writeTreeRecordContainsPath_(currentWrite, writeToRemove.path)) { // The removed write was completely shadowed by a subsequent write. removedWriteWasVisible = false; } else if (pathContains(writeToRemove.path, currentWrite.path)) { // Either we're covering some writes or they're covering part of us (depending on which came first). removedWriteOverlapsWithOtherWrites = true; } } i--; } if (!removedWriteWasVisible) { return false; } else if (removedWriteOverlapsWithOtherWrites) { // There's some shadowing going on. Just rebuild the visible writes from scratch. writeTreeResetTree_(writeTree); return true; } else { // There's no shadowing. We can safely just remove the write(s) from visibleWrites. if (writeToRemove.snap) { writeTree.visibleWrites = compoundWriteRemoveWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, writeToRemove.path); } else { const children = writeToRemove.children; each(children, (childName) => { writeTree.visibleWrites = compoundWriteRemoveWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, pathChild(writeToRemove.path, childName)); }); } return true; } } function writeTreeRecordContainsPath_(writeRecord, path) { if (writeRecord.snap) { return pathContains(writeRecord.path, path); } else { for (const childName in writeRecord.children) { if (writeRecord.children.hasOwnProperty(childName) && pathContains(pathChild(writeRecord.path, childName), path)) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Re-layer the writes and merges into a tree so we can efficiently calculate event snapshots */ function writeTreeResetTree_(writeTree) { writeTree.visibleWrites = writeTreeLayerTree_(writeTree.allWrites, writeTreeDefaultFilter_, newEmptyPath()); if (writeTree.allWrites.length > 0) { writeTree.lastWriteId = writeTree.allWrites[writeTree.allWrites.length - 1].writeId; } else { writeTree.lastWriteId = -1; } } /** * The default filter used when constructing the tree. Keep everything that's visible. */ function writeTreeDefaultFilter_(write) { return write.visible; } /** * Static method. Given an array of WriteRecords, a filter for which ones to include, and a path, construct the tree of * event data at that path. */ function writeTreeLayerTree_(writes, filter, treeRoot) { let compoundWrite = CompoundWrite.empty(); for (let i = 0; i < writes.length; ++i) { const write = writes[i]; // Theory, a later set will either: // a) abort a relevant transaction, so no need to worry about excluding it from calculating that transaction // b) not be relevant to a transaction (separate branch), so again will not affect the data for that transaction if (filter(write)) { const writePath = write.path; let relativePath; if (write.snap) { if (pathContains(treeRoot, writePath)) { relativePath = newRelativePath(treeRoot, writePath); compoundWrite = compoundWriteAddWrite(compoundWrite, relativePath, write.snap); } else if (pathContains(writePath, treeRoot)) { relativePath = newRelativePath(writePath, treeRoot); compoundWrite = compoundWriteAddWrite(compoundWrite, newEmptyPath(), write.snap.getChild(relativePath)); } else ; } else if (write.children) { if (pathContains(treeRoot, writePath)) { relativePath = newRelativePath(treeRoot, writePath); compoundWrite = compoundWriteAddWrites(compoundWrite, relativePath, write.children); } else if (pathContains(writePath, treeRoot)) { relativePath = newRelativePath(writePath, treeRoot); if (pathIsEmpty(relativePath)) { compoundWrite = compoundWriteAddWrites(compoundWrite, newEmptyPath(), write.children); } else { const child = safeGet(write.children, pathGetFront(relativePath)); if (child) { // There exists a child in this node that matches the root path const deepNode = child.getChild(pathPopFront(relativePath)); compoundWrite = compoundWriteAddWrite(compoundWrite, newEmptyPath(), deepNode); } } } else ; } else { throw assertionError('WriteRecord should have .snap or .children'); } } } return compoundWrite; } /** * Given optional, underlying server data, and an optional set of constraints (exclude some sets, include hidden * writes), attempt to calculate a complete snapshot for the given path * * @param writeIdsToExclude - An optional set to be excluded * @param includeHiddenWrites - Defaults to false, whether or not to layer on writes with visible set to false */ function writeTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(writeTree, treePath, completeServerCache, writeIdsToExclude, includeHiddenWrites) { if (!writeIdsToExclude && !includeHiddenWrites) { const shadowingNode = compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); if (shadowingNode != null) { return shadowingNode; } else { const subMerge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); if (compoundWriteIsEmpty(subMerge)) { return completeServerCache; } else if (completeServerCache == null && !compoundWriteHasCompleteWrite(subMerge, newEmptyPath())) { // We wouldn't have a complete snapshot, since there's no underlying data and no complete shadow return null; } else { const layeredCache = completeServerCache || ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; return compoundWriteApply(subMerge, layeredCache); } } } else { const merge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); if (!includeHiddenWrites && compoundWriteIsEmpty(merge)) { return completeServerCache; } else { // If the server cache is null, and we don't have a complete cache, we need to return null if (!includeHiddenWrites && completeServerCache == null && !compoundWriteHasCompleteWrite(merge, newEmptyPath())) { return null; } else { const filter = function (write) { return ((write.visible || includeHiddenWrites) && (!writeIdsToExclude || !~writeIdsToExclude.indexOf(write.writeId)) && (pathContains(write.path, treePath) || pathContains(treePath, write.path))); }; const mergeAtPath = writeTreeLayerTree_(writeTree.allWrites, filter, treePath); const layeredCache = completeServerCache || ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; return compoundWriteApply(mergeAtPath, layeredCache); } } } } /** * With optional, underlying server data, attempt to return a children node of children that we have complete data for. * Used when creating new views, to pre-fill their complete event children snapshot. */ function writeTreeCalcCompleteEventChildren(writeTree, treePath, completeServerChildren) { let completeChildren = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; const topLevelSet = compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); if (topLevelSet) { if (!topLevelSet.isLeafNode()) { // we're shadowing everything. Return the children. topLevelSet.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (childName, childSnap) => { completeChildren = completeChildren.updateImmediateChild(childName, childSnap); }); } return completeChildren; } else if (completeServerChildren) { // Layer any children we have on top of this // We know we don't have a top-level set, so just enumerate existing children const merge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); completeServerChildren.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (childName, childNode) => { const node = compoundWriteApply(compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(merge, new Path(childName)), childNode); completeChildren = completeChildren.updateImmediateChild(childName, node); }); // Add any complete children we have from the set compoundWriteGetCompleteChildren(merge).forEach(namedNode => { completeChildren = completeChildren.updateImmediateChild(, namedNode.node); }); return completeChildren; } else { // We don't have anything to layer on top of. Layer on any children we have // Note that we can return an empty snap if we have a defined delete const merge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); compoundWriteGetCompleteChildren(merge).forEach(namedNode => { completeChildren = completeChildren.updateImmediateChild(, namedNode.node); }); return completeChildren; } } /** * Given that the underlying server data has updated, determine what, if anything, needs to be * applied to the event cache. * * Possibilities: * * 1. No writes are shadowing. Events should be raised, the snap to be applied comes from the server data * * 2. Some write is completely shadowing. No events to be raised * * 3. Is partially shadowed. Events * * Either existingEventSnap or existingServerSnap must exist */ function writeTreeCalcEventCacheAfterServerOverwrite(writeTree, treePath, childPath, existingEventSnap, existingServerSnap) { assert(existingEventSnap || existingServerSnap, 'Either existingEventSnap or existingServerSnap must exist'); const path = pathChild(treePath, childPath); if (compoundWriteHasCompleteWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, path)) { // At this point we can probably guarantee that we're in case 2, meaning no events // May need to check visibility while doing the findRootMostValueAndPath call return null; } else { // No complete shadowing. We're either partially shadowing or not shadowing at all. const childMerge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, path); if (compoundWriteIsEmpty(childMerge)) { // We're not shadowing at all. Case 1 return existingServerSnap.getChild(childPath); } else { // This could be more efficient if the serverNode + updates doesn't change the eventSnap // However this is tricky to find out, since user updates don't necessary change the server // snap, e.g. priority updates on empty nodes, or deep deletes. Another special case is if the server // adds nodes, but doesn't change any existing writes. It is therefore not enough to // only check if the updates change the serverNode. // Maybe check if the merge tree contains these special cases and only do a full overwrite in that case? return compoundWriteApply(childMerge, existingServerSnap.getChild(childPath)); } } } /** * Returns a complete child for a given server snap after applying all user writes or null if there is no * complete child for this ChildKey. */ function writeTreeCalcCompleteChild(writeTree, treePath, childKey, existingServerSnap) { const path = pathChild(treePath, childKey); const shadowingNode = compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(writeTree.visibleWrites, path); if (shadowingNode != null) { return shadowingNode; } else { if (existingServerSnap.isCompleteForChild(childKey)) { const childMerge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, path); return compoundWriteApply(childMerge, existingServerSnap.getNode().getImmediateChild(childKey)); } else { return null; } } } /** * Returns a node if there is a complete overwrite for this path. More specifically, if there is a write at * a higher path, this will return the child of that write relative to the write and this path. * Returns null if there is no write at this path. */ function writeTreeShadowingWrite(writeTree, path) { return compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(writeTree.visibleWrites, path); } /** * This method is used when processing child remove events on a query. If we can, we pull in children that were outside * the window, but may now be in the window. */ function writeTreeCalcIndexedSlice(writeTree, treePath, completeServerData, startPost, count, reverse, index) { let toIterate; const merge = compoundWriteChildCompoundWrite(writeTree.visibleWrites, treePath); const shadowingNode = compoundWriteGetCompleteNode(merge, newEmptyPath()); if (shadowingNode != null) { toIterate = shadowingNode; } else if (completeServerData != null) { toIterate = compoundWriteApply(merge, completeServerData); } else { // no children to iterate on return []; } toIterate = toIterate.withIndex(index); if (!toIterate.isEmpty() && !toIterate.isLeafNode()) { const nodes = []; const cmp = index.getCompare(); const iter = reverse ? toIterate.getReverseIteratorFrom(startPost, index) : toIterate.getIteratorFrom(startPost, index); let next = iter.getNext(); while (next && nodes.length < count) { if (cmp(next, startPost) !== 0) { nodes.push(next); } next = iter.getNext(); } return nodes; } else { return []; } } function newWriteTree() { return { visibleWrites: CompoundWrite.empty(), allWrites: [], lastWriteId: -1 }; } /** * If possible, returns a complete event cache, using the underlying server data if possible. In addition, can be used * to get a cache that includes hidden writes, and excludes arbitrary writes. Note that customizing the returned node * can lead to a more expensive calculation. * * @param writeIdsToExclude - Optional writes to exclude. * @param includeHiddenWrites - Defaults to false, whether or not to layer on writes with visible set to false */ function writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventCache(writeTreeRef, completeServerCache, writeIdsToExclude, includeHiddenWrites) { return writeTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(writeTreeRef.writeTree, writeTreeRef.treePath, completeServerCache, writeIdsToExclude, includeHiddenWrites); } /** * If possible, returns a children node containing all of the complete children we have data for. The returned data is a * mix of the given server data and write data. * */ function writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventChildren(writeTreeRef, completeServerChildren) { return writeTreeCalcCompleteEventChildren(writeTreeRef.writeTree, writeTreeRef.treePath, completeServerChildren); } /** * Given that either the underlying server data has updated or the outstanding writes have updated, determine what, * if anything, needs to be applied to the event cache. * * Possibilities: * * 1. No writes are shadowing. Events should be raised, the snap to be applied comes from the server data * * 2. Some write is completely shadowing. No events to be raised * * 3. Is partially shadowed. Events should be raised * * Either existingEventSnap or existingServerSnap must exist, this is validated via an assert * * */ function writeTreeRefCalcEventCacheAfterServerOverwrite(writeTreeRef, path, existingEventSnap, existingServerSnap) { return writeTreeCalcEventCacheAfterServerOverwrite(writeTreeRef.writeTree, writeTreeRef.treePath, path, existingEventSnap, existingServerSnap); } /** * Returns a node if there is a complete overwrite for this path. More specifically, if there is a write at * a higher path, this will return the child of that write relative to the write and this path. * Returns null if there is no write at this path. * */ function writeTreeRefShadowingWrite(writeTreeRef, path) { return writeTreeShadowingWrite(writeTreeRef.writeTree, pathChild(writeTreeRef.treePath, path)); } /** * This method is used when processing child remove events on a query. If we can, we pull in children that were outside * the window, but may now be in the window */ function writeTreeRefCalcIndexedSlice(writeTreeRef, completeServerData, startPost, count, reverse, index) { return writeTreeCalcIndexedSlice(writeTreeRef.writeTree, writeTreeRef.treePath, completeServerData, startPost, count, reverse, index); } /** * Returns a complete child for a given server snap after applying all user writes or null if there is no * complete child for this ChildKey. */ function writeTreeRefCalcCompleteChild(writeTreeRef, childKey, existingServerCache) { return writeTreeCalcCompleteChild(writeTreeRef.writeTree, writeTreeRef.treePath, childKey, existingServerCache); } /** * Return a WriteTreeRef for a child. */ function writeTreeRefChild(writeTreeRef, childName) { return newWriteTreeRef(pathChild(writeTreeRef.treePath, childName), writeTreeRef.writeTree); } function newWriteTreeRef(path, writeTree) { return { treePath: path, writeTree }; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class ChildChangeAccumulator { constructor() { this.changeMap = new Map(); } trackChildChange(change) { const type = change.type; const childKey = change.childName; assert(type === "child_added" /* CHILD_ADDED */ || type === "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */ || type === "child_removed" /* CHILD_REMOVED */, 'Only child changes supported for tracking'); assert(childKey !== '.priority', 'Only non-priority child changes can be tracked.'); const oldChange = this.changeMap.get(childKey); if (oldChange) { const oldType = oldChange.type; if (type === "child_added" /* CHILD_ADDED */ && oldType === "child_removed" /* CHILD_REMOVED */) { this.changeMap.set(childKey, changeChildChanged(childKey, change.snapshotNode, oldChange.snapshotNode)); } else if (type === "child_removed" /* CHILD_REMOVED */ && oldType === "child_added" /* CHILD_ADDED */) { this.changeMap.delete(childKey); } else if (type === "child_removed" /* CHILD_REMOVED */ && oldType === "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */) { this.changeMap.set(childKey, changeChildRemoved(childKey, oldChange.oldSnap)); } else if (type === "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */ && oldType === "child_added" /* CHILD_ADDED */) { this.changeMap.set(childKey, changeChildAdded(childKey, change.snapshotNode)); } else if (type === "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */ && oldType === "child_changed" /* CHILD_CHANGED */) { this.changeMap.set(childKey, changeChildChanged(childKey, change.snapshotNode, oldChange.oldSnap)); } else { throw assertionError('Illegal combination of changes: ' + change + ' occurred after ' + oldChange); } } else { this.changeMap.set(childKey, change); } } getChanges() { return Array.from(this.changeMap.values()); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * An implementation of CompleteChildSource that never returns any additional children */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention class NoCompleteChildSource_ { getCompleteChild(childKey) { return null; } getChildAfterChild(index, child, reverse) { return null; } } /** * Singleton instance. */ const NO_COMPLETE_CHILD_SOURCE = new NoCompleteChildSource_(); /** * An implementation of CompleteChildSource that uses a WriteTree in addition to any other server data or * old event caches available to calculate complete children. */ class WriteTreeCompleteChildSource { constructor(writes_, viewCache_, optCompleteServerCache_ = null) { this.writes_ = writes_; this.viewCache_ = viewCache_; this.optCompleteServerCache_ = optCompleteServerCache_; } getCompleteChild(childKey) { const node = this.viewCache_.eventCache; if (node.isCompleteForChild(childKey)) { return node.getNode().getImmediateChild(childKey); } else { const serverNode = this.optCompleteServerCache_ != null ? new CacheNode(this.optCompleteServerCache_, true, false) : this.viewCache_.serverCache; return writeTreeRefCalcCompleteChild(this.writes_, childKey, serverNode); } } getChildAfterChild(index, child, reverse) { const completeServerData = this.optCompleteServerCache_ != null ? this.optCompleteServerCache_ : viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(this.viewCache_); const nodes = writeTreeRefCalcIndexedSlice(this.writes_, completeServerData, child, 1, reverse, index); if (nodes.length === 0) { return null; } else { return nodes[0]; } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function newViewProcessor(filter) { return { filter }; } function viewProcessorAssertIndexed(viewProcessor, viewCache) { assert(viewCache.eventCache.getNode().isIndexed(viewProcessor.filter.getIndex()), 'Event snap not indexed'); assert(viewCache.serverCache.getNode().isIndexed(viewProcessor.filter.getIndex()), 'Server snap not indexed'); } function viewProcessorApplyOperation(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, operation, writesCache, completeCache) { const accumulator = new ChildChangeAccumulator(); let newViewCache, filterServerNode; if (operation.type === OperationType.OVERWRITE) { const overwrite = operation; if (overwrite.source.fromUser) { newViewCache = viewProcessorApplyUserOverwrite(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, overwrite.path, overwrite.snap, writesCache, completeCache, accumulator); } else { assert(overwrite.source.fromServer, 'Unknown source.'); // We filter the node if it's a tagged update or the node has been previously filtered and the // update is not at the root in which case it is ok (and necessary) to mark the node unfiltered // again filterServerNode = overwrite.source.tagged || (oldViewCache.serverCache.isFiltered() && !pathIsEmpty(overwrite.path)); newViewCache = viewProcessorApplyServerOverwrite(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, overwrite.path, overwrite.snap, writesCache, completeCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } } else if (operation.type === OperationType.MERGE) { const merge = operation; if (merge.source.fromUser) { newViewCache = viewProcessorApplyUserMerge(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, merge.path, merge.children, writesCache, completeCache, accumulator); } else { assert(merge.source.fromServer, 'Unknown source.'); // We filter the node if it's a tagged update or the node has been previously filtered filterServerNode = merge.source.tagged || oldViewCache.serverCache.isFiltered(); newViewCache = viewProcessorApplyServerMerge(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, merge.path, merge.children, writesCache, completeCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } } else if (operation.type === OperationType.ACK_USER_WRITE) { const ackUserWrite = operation; if (!ackUserWrite.revert) { newViewCache = viewProcessorAckUserWrite(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, ackUserWrite.path, ackUserWrite.affectedTree, writesCache, completeCache, accumulator); } else { newViewCache = viewProcessorRevertUserWrite(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, ackUserWrite.path, writesCache, completeCache, accumulator); } } else if (operation.type === OperationType.LISTEN_COMPLETE) { newViewCache = viewProcessorListenComplete(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, operation.path, writesCache, accumulator); } else { throw assertionError('Unknown operation type: ' + operation.type); } const changes = accumulator.getChanges(); viewProcessorMaybeAddValueEvent(oldViewCache, newViewCache, changes); return { viewCache: newViewCache, changes }; } function viewProcessorMaybeAddValueEvent(oldViewCache, newViewCache, accumulator) { const eventSnap = newViewCache.eventCache; if (eventSnap.isFullyInitialized()) { const isLeafOrEmpty = eventSnap.getNode().isLeafNode() || eventSnap.getNode().isEmpty(); const oldCompleteSnap = viewCacheGetCompleteEventSnap(oldViewCache); if (accumulator.length > 0 || !oldViewCache.eventCache.isFullyInitialized() || (isLeafOrEmpty && !eventSnap.getNode().equals(oldCompleteSnap)) || !eventSnap.getNode().getPriority().equals(oldCompleteSnap.getPriority())) { accumulator.push(changeValue(viewCacheGetCompleteEventSnap(newViewCache))); } } } function viewProcessorGenerateEventCacheAfterServerEvent(viewProcessor, viewCache, changePath, writesCache, source, accumulator) { const oldEventSnap = viewCache.eventCache; if (writeTreeRefShadowingWrite(writesCache, changePath) != null) { // we have a shadowing write, ignore changes return viewCache; } else { let newEventCache, serverNode; if (pathIsEmpty(changePath)) { // TODO: figure out how this plays with "sliding ack windows" assert(viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized(), 'If change path is empty, we must have complete server data'); if (viewCache.serverCache.isFiltered()) { // We need to special case this, because we need to only apply writes to complete children, or // we might end up raising events for incomplete children. If the server data is filtered deep // writes cannot be guaranteed to be complete const serverCache = viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(viewCache); const completeChildren = serverCache instanceof ChildrenNode ? serverCache : ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; const completeEventChildren = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventChildren(writesCache, completeChildren); newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateFullNode(viewCache.eventCache.getNode(), completeEventChildren, accumulator); } else { const completeNode = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventCache(writesCache, viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(viewCache)); newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateFullNode(viewCache.eventCache.getNode(), completeNode, accumulator); } } else { const childKey = pathGetFront(changePath); if (childKey === '.priority') { assert(pathGetLength(changePath) === 1, "Can't have a priority with additional path components"); const oldEventNode = oldEventSnap.getNode(); serverNode = viewCache.serverCache.getNode(); // we might have overwrites for this priority const updatedPriority = writeTreeRefCalcEventCacheAfterServerOverwrite(writesCache, changePath, oldEventNode, serverNode); if (updatedPriority != null) { newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updatePriority(oldEventNode, updatedPriority); } else { // priority didn't change, keep old node newEventCache = oldEventSnap.getNode(); } } else { const childChangePath = pathPopFront(changePath); // update child let newEventChild; if (oldEventSnap.isCompleteForChild(childKey)) { serverNode = viewCache.serverCache.getNode(); const eventChildUpdate = writeTreeRefCalcEventCacheAfterServerOverwrite(writesCache, changePath, oldEventSnap.getNode(), serverNode); if (eventChildUpdate != null) { newEventChild = oldEventSnap .getNode() .getImmediateChild(childKey) .updateChild(childChangePath, eventChildUpdate); } else { // Nothing changed, just keep the old child newEventChild = oldEventSnap.getNode().getImmediateChild(childKey); } } else { newEventChild = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteChild(writesCache, childKey, viewCache.serverCache); } if (newEventChild != null) { newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateChild(oldEventSnap.getNode(), childKey, newEventChild, childChangePath, source, accumulator); } else { // no complete child available or no change newEventCache = oldEventSnap.getNode(); } } } return viewCacheUpdateEventSnap(viewCache, newEventCache, oldEventSnap.isFullyInitialized() || pathIsEmpty(changePath), viewProcessor.filter.filtersNodes()); } } function viewProcessorApplyServerOverwrite(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, changePath, changedSnap, writesCache, completeCache, filterServerNode, accumulator) { const oldServerSnap = oldViewCache.serverCache; let newServerCache; const serverFilter = filterServerNode ? viewProcessor.filter : viewProcessor.filter.getIndexedFilter(); if (pathIsEmpty(changePath)) { newServerCache = serverFilter.updateFullNode(oldServerSnap.getNode(), changedSnap, null); } else if (serverFilter.filtersNodes() && !oldServerSnap.isFiltered()) { // we want to filter the server node, but we didn't filter the server node yet, so simulate a full update const newServerNode = oldServerSnap .getNode() .updateChild(changePath, changedSnap); newServerCache = serverFilter.updateFullNode(oldServerSnap.getNode(), newServerNode, null); } else { const childKey = pathGetFront(changePath); if (!oldServerSnap.isCompleteForPath(changePath) && pathGetLength(changePath) > 1) { // We don't update incomplete nodes with updates intended for other listeners return oldViewCache; } const childChangePath = pathPopFront(changePath); const childNode = oldServerSnap.getNode().getImmediateChild(childKey); const newChildNode = childNode.updateChild(childChangePath, changedSnap); if (childKey === '.priority') { newServerCache = serverFilter.updatePriority(oldServerSnap.getNode(), newChildNode); } else { newServerCache = serverFilter.updateChild(oldServerSnap.getNode(), childKey, newChildNode, childChangePath, NO_COMPLETE_CHILD_SOURCE, null); } } const newViewCache = viewCacheUpdateServerSnap(oldViewCache, newServerCache, oldServerSnap.isFullyInitialized() || pathIsEmpty(changePath), serverFilter.filtersNodes()); const source = new WriteTreeCompleteChildSource(writesCache, newViewCache, completeCache); return viewProcessorGenerateEventCacheAfterServerEvent(viewProcessor, newViewCache, changePath, writesCache, source, accumulator); } function viewProcessorApplyUserOverwrite(viewProcessor, oldViewCache, changePath, changedSnap, writesCache, completeCache, accumulator) { const oldEventSnap = oldViewCache.eventCache; let newViewCache, newEventCache; const source = new WriteTreeCompleteChildSource(writesCache, oldViewCache, completeCache); if (pathIsEmpty(changePath)) { newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateFullNode(oldViewCache.eventCache.getNode(), changedSnap, accumulator); newViewCache = viewCacheUpdateEventSnap(oldViewCache, newEventCache, true, viewProcessor.filter.filtersNodes()); } else { const childKey = pathGetFront(changePath); if (childKey === '.priority') { newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updatePriority(oldViewCache.eventCache.getNode(), changedSnap); newViewCache = viewCacheUpdateEventSnap(oldViewCache, newEventCache, oldEventSnap.isFullyInitialized(), oldEventSnap.isFiltered()); } else { const childChangePath = pathPopFront(changePath); const oldChild = oldEventSnap.getNode().getImmediateChild(childKey); let newChild; if (pathIsEmpty(childChangePath)) { // Child overwrite, we can replace the child newChild = changedSnap; } else { const childNode = source.getCompleteChild(childKey); if (childNode != null) { if (pathGetBack(childChangePath) === '.priority' && childNode.getChild(pathParent(childChangePath)).isEmpty()) { // This is a priority update on an empty node. If this node exists on the server, the // server will send down the priority in the update, so ignore for now newChild = childNode; } else { newChild = childNode.updateChild(childChangePath, changedSnap); } } else { // There is no complete child node available newChild = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; } } if (!oldChild.equals(newChild)) { const newEventSnap = viewProcessor.filter.updateChild(oldEventSnap.getNode(), childKey, newChild, childChangePath, source, accumulator); newViewCache = viewCacheUpdateEventSnap(oldViewCache, newEventSnap, oldEventSnap.isFullyInitialized(), viewProcessor.filter.filtersNodes()); } else { newViewCache = oldViewCache; } } } return newViewCache; } function viewProcessorCacheHasChild(viewCache, childKey) { return viewCache.eventCache.isCompleteForChild(childKey); } function viewProcessorApplyUserMerge(viewProcessor, viewCache, path, changedChildren, writesCache, serverCache, accumulator) { // HACK: In the case of a limit query, there may be some changes that bump things out of the // window leaving room for new items. It's important we process these changes first, so we // iterate the changes twice, first processing any that affect items currently in view. // TODO: I consider an item "in view" if cacheHasChild is true, which checks both the server // and event snap. I'm not sure if this will result in edge cases when a child is in one but // not the other. let curViewCache = viewCache; changedChildren.foreach((relativePath, childNode) => { const writePath = pathChild(path, relativePath); if (viewProcessorCacheHasChild(viewCache, pathGetFront(writePath))) { curViewCache = viewProcessorApplyUserOverwrite(viewProcessor, curViewCache, writePath, childNode, writesCache, serverCache, accumulator); } }); changedChildren.foreach((relativePath, childNode) => { const writePath = pathChild(path, relativePath); if (!viewProcessorCacheHasChild(viewCache, pathGetFront(writePath))) { curViewCache = viewProcessorApplyUserOverwrite(viewProcessor, curViewCache, writePath, childNode, writesCache, serverCache, accumulator); } }); return curViewCache; } function viewProcessorApplyMerge(viewProcessor, node, merge) { merge.foreach((relativePath, childNode) => { node = node.updateChild(relativePath, childNode); }); return node; } function viewProcessorApplyServerMerge(viewProcessor, viewCache, path, changedChildren, writesCache, serverCache, filterServerNode, accumulator) { // If we don't have a cache yet, this merge was intended for a previously listen in the same location. Ignore it and // wait for the complete data update coming soon. if (viewCache.serverCache.getNode().isEmpty() && !viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized()) { return viewCache; } // HACK: In the case of a limit query, there may be some changes that bump things out of the // window leaving room for new items. It's important we process these changes first, so we // iterate the changes twice, first processing any that affect items currently in view. // TODO: I consider an item "in view" if cacheHasChild is true, which checks both the server // and event snap. I'm not sure if this will result in edge cases when a child is in one but // not the other. let curViewCache = viewCache; let viewMergeTree; if (pathIsEmpty(path)) { viewMergeTree = changedChildren; } else { viewMergeTree = new ImmutableTree(null).setTree(path, changedChildren); } const serverNode = viewCache.serverCache.getNode(); viewMergeTree.children.inorderTraversal((childKey, childTree) => { if (serverNode.hasChild(childKey)) { const serverChild = viewCache.serverCache .getNode() .getImmediateChild(childKey); const newChild = viewProcessorApplyMerge(viewProcessor, serverChild, childTree); curViewCache = viewProcessorApplyServerOverwrite(viewProcessor, curViewCache, new Path(childKey), newChild, writesCache, serverCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } }); viewMergeTree.children.inorderTraversal((childKey, childMergeTree) => { const isUnknownDeepMerge = !viewCache.serverCache.isCompleteForChild(childKey) && childMergeTree.value === undefined; if (!serverNode.hasChild(childKey) && !isUnknownDeepMerge) { const serverChild = viewCache.serverCache .getNode() .getImmediateChild(childKey); const newChild = viewProcessorApplyMerge(viewProcessor, serverChild, childMergeTree); curViewCache = viewProcessorApplyServerOverwrite(viewProcessor, curViewCache, new Path(childKey), newChild, writesCache, serverCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } }); return curViewCache; } function viewProcessorAckUserWrite(viewProcessor, viewCache, ackPath, affectedTree, writesCache, completeCache, accumulator) { if (writeTreeRefShadowingWrite(writesCache, ackPath) != null) { return viewCache; } // Only filter server node if it is currently filtered const filterServerNode = viewCache.serverCache.isFiltered(); // Essentially we'll just get our existing server cache for the affected paths and re-apply it as a server update // now that it won't be shadowed. const serverCache = viewCache.serverCache; if (affectedTree.value != null) { // This is an overwrite. if ((pathIsEmpty(ackPath) && serverCache.isFullyInitialized()) || serverCache.isCompleteForPath(ackPath)) { return viewProcessorApplyServerOverwrite(viewProcessor, viewCache, ackPath, serverCache.getNode().getChild(ackPath), writesCache, completeCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } else if (pathIsEmpty(ackPath)) { // This is a goofy edge case where we are acking data at this location but don't have full data. We // should just re-apply whatever we have in our cache as a merge. let changedChildren = new ImmutableTree(null); serverCache.getNode().forEachChild(KEY_INDEX, (name, node) => { changedChildren = changedChildren.set(new Path(name), node); }); return viewProcessorApplyServerMerge(viewProcessor, viewCache, ackPath, changedChildren, writesCache, completeCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } else { return viewCache; } } else { // This is a merge. let changedChildren = new ImmutableTree(null); affectedTree.foreach((mergePath, value) => { const serverCachePath = pathChild(ackPath, mergePath); if (serverCache.isCompleteForPath(serverCachePath)) { changedChildren = changedChildren.set(mergePath, serverCache.getNode().getChild(serverCachePath)); } }); return viewProcessorApplyServerMerge(viewProcessor, viewCache, ackPath, changedChildren, writesCache, completeCache, filterServerNode, accumulator); } } function viewProcessorListenComplete(viewProcessor, viewCache, path, writesCache, accumulator) { const oldServerNode = viewCache.serverCache; const newViewCache = viewCacheUpdateServerSnap(viewCache, oldServerNode.getNode(), oldServerNode.isFullyInitialized() || pathIsEmpty(path), oldServerNode.isFiltered()); return viewProcessorGenerateEventCacheAfterServerEvent(viewProcessor, newViewCache, path, writesCache, NO_COMPLETE_CHILD_SOURCE, accumulator); } function viewProcessorRevertUserWrite(viewProcessor, viewCache, path, writesCache, completeServerCache, accumulator) { let complete; if (writeTreeRefShadowingWrite(writesCache, path) != null) { return viewCache; } else { const source = new WriteTreeCompleteChildSource(writesCache, viewCache, completeServerCache); const oldEventCache = viewCache.eventCache.getNode(); let newEventCache; if (pathIsEmpty(path) || pathGetFront(path) === '.priority') { let newNode; if (viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized()) { newNode = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventCache(writesCache, viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(viewCache)); } else { const serverChildren = viewCache.serverCache.getNode(); assert(serverChildren instanceof ChildrenNode, 'serverChildren would be complete if leaf node'); newNode = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventChildren(writesCache, serverChildren); } newNode = newNode; newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateFullNode(oldEventCache, newNode, accumulator); } else { const childKey = pathGetFront(path); let newChild = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteChild(writesCache, childKey, viewCache.serverCache); if (newChild == null && viewCache.serverCache.isCompleteForChild(childKey)) { newChild = oldEventCache.getImmediateChild(childKey); } if (newChild != null) { newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateChild(oldEventCache, childKey, newChild, pathPopFront(path), source, accumulator); } else if (viewCache.eventCache.getNode().hasChild(childKey)) { // No complete child available, delete the existing one, if any newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateChild(oldEventCache, childKey, ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE, pathPopFront(path), source, accumulator); } else { newEventCache = oldEventCache; } if (newEventCache.isEmpty() && viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized()) { // We might have reverted all child writes. Maybe the old event was a leaf node complete = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventCache(writesCache, viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(viewCache)); if (complete.isLeafNode()) { newEventCache = viewProcessor.filter.updateFullNode(newEventCache, complete, accumulator); } } } complete = viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized() || writeTreeRefShadowingWrite(writesCache, newEmptyPath()) != null; return viewCacheUpdateEventSnap(viewCache, newEventCache, complete, viewProcessor.filter.filtersNodes()); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * A view represents a specific location and query that has 1 or more event registrations. * * It does several things: * - Maintains the list of event registrations for this location/query. * - Maintains a cache of the data visible for this location/query. * - Applies new operations (via applyOperation), updates the cache, and based on the event * registrations returns the set of events to be raised. */ class View { constructor(query_, initialViewCache) { this.query_ = query_; this.eventRegistrations_ = []; const params = this.query_._queryParams; const indexFilter = new IndexedFilter(params.getIndex()); const filter = queryParamsGetNodeFilter(params); this.processor_ = newViewProcessor(filter); const initialServerCache = initialViewCache.serverCache; const initialEventCache = initialViewCache.eventCache; // Don't filter server node with other filter than index, wait for tagged listen const serverSnap = indexFilter.updateFullNode(ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE, initialServerCache.getNode(), null); const eventSnap = filter.updateFullNode(ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE, initialEventCache.getNode(), null); const newServerCache = new CacheNode(serverSnap, initialServerCache.isFullyInitialized(), indexFilter.filtersNodes()); const newEventCache = new CacheNode(eventSnap, initialEventCache.isFullyInitialized(), filter.filtersNodes()); this.viewCache_ = newViewCache(newEventCache, newServerCache); this.eventGenerator_ = new EventGenerator(this.query_); } get query() { return this.query_; } } function viewGetServerCache(view) { return view.viewCache_.serverCache.getNode(); } function viewGetCompleteNode(view) { return viewCacheGetCompleteEventSnap(view.viewCache_); } function viewGetCompleteServerCache(view, path) { const cache = viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(view.viewCache_); if (cache) { // If this isn't a "loadsAllData" view, then cache isn't actually a complete cache and // we need to see if it contains the child we're interested in. if (view.query._queryParams.loadsAllData() || (!pathIsEmpty(path) && !cache.getImmediateChild(pathGetFront(path)).isEmpty())) { return cache.getChild(path); } } return null; } function viewIsEmpty(view) { return view.eventRegistrations_.length === 0; } function viewAddEventRegistration(view, eventRegistration) { view.eventRegistrations_.push(eventRegistration); } /** * @param eventRegistration - If null, remove all callbacks. * @param cancelError - If a cancelError is provided, appropriate cancel events will be returned. * @returns Cancel events, if cancelError was provided. */ function viewRemoveEventRegistration(view, eventRegistration, cancelError) { const cancelEvents = []; if (cancelError) { assert(eventRegistration == null, 'A cancel should cancel all event registrations.'); const path = view.query._path; view.eventRegistrations_.forEach(registration => { const maybeEvent = registration.createCancelEvent(cancelError, path); if (maybeEvent) { cancelEvents.push(maybeEvent); } }); } if (eventRegistration) { let remaining = []; for (let i = 0; i < view.eventRegistrations_.length; ++i) { const existing = view.eventRegistrations_[i]; if (!existing.matches(eventRegistration)) { remaining.push(existing); } else if (eventRegistration.hasAnyCallback()) { // We're removing just this one remaining = remaining.concat(view.eventRegistrations_.slice(i + 1)); break; } } view.eventRegistrations_ = remaining; } else { view.eventRegistrations_ = []; } return cancelEvents; } /** * Applies the given Operation, updates our cache, and returns the appropriate events. */ function viewApplyOperation(view, operation, writesCache, completeServerCache) { if (operation.type === OperationType.MERGE && operation.source.queryId !== null) { assert(viewCacheGetCompleteServerSnap(view.viewCache_), 'We should always have a full cache before handling merges'); assert(viewCacheGetCompleteEventSnap(view.viewCache_), 'Missing event cache, even though we have a server cache'); } const oldViewCache = view.viewCache_; const result = viewProcessorApplyOperation(view.processor_, oldViewCache, operation, writesCache, completeServerCache); viewProcessorAssertIndexed(view.processor_, result.viewCache); assert(result.viewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized() || !oldViewCache.serverCache.isFullyInitialized(), 'Once a server snap is complete, it should never go back'); view.viewCache_ = result.viewCache; return viewGenerateEventsForChanges_(view, result.changes, result.viewCache.eventCache.getNode(), null); } function viewGetInitialEvents(view, registration) { const eventSnap = view.viewCache_.eventCache; const initialChanges = []; if (!eventSnap.getNode().isLeafNode()) { const eventNode = eventSnap.getNode(); eventNode.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (key, childNode) => { initialChanges.push(changeChildAdded(key, childNode)); }); } if (eventSnap.isFullyInitialized()) { initialChanges.push(changeValue(eventSnap.getNode())); } return viewGenerateEventsForChanges_(view, initialChanges, eventSnap.getNode(), registration); } function viewGenerateEventsForChanges_(view, changes, eventCache, eventRegistration) { const registrations = eventRegistration ? [eventRegistration] : view.eventRegistrations_; return eventGeneratorGenerateEventsForChanges(view.eventGenerator_, changes, eventCache, registrations); } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let referenceConstructor$1; /** * SyncPoint represents a single location in a SyncTree with 1 or more event registrations, meaning we need to * maintain 1 or more Views at this location to cache server data and raise appropriate events for server changes * and user writes (set, transaction, update). * * It's responsible for: * - Maintaining the set of 1 or more views necessary at this location (a SyncPoint with 0 views should be removed). * - Proxying user / server operations to the views as appropriate (i.e. applyServerOverwrite, * applyUserOverwrite, etc.) */ class SyncPoint { constructor() { /** * The Views being tracked at this location in the tree, stored as a map where the key is a * queryId and the value is the View for that query. * * NOTE: This list will be quite small (usually 1, but perhaps 2 or 3; any more is an odd use case). */ this.views = new Map(); } } function syncPointSetReferenceConstructor(val) { assert(!referenceConstructor$1, '__referenceConstructor has already been defined'); referenceConstructor$1 = val; } function syncPointGetReferenceConstructor() { assert(referenceConstructor$1, 'Reference.ts has not been loaded'); return referenceConstructor$1; } function syncPointIsEmpty(syncPoint) { return syncPoint.views.size === 0; } function syncPointApplyOperation(syncPoint, operation, writesCache, optCompleteServerCache) { const queryId = operation.source.queryId; if (queryId !== null) { const view = syncPoint.views.get(queryId); assert(view != null, 'SyncTree gave us an op for an invalid query.'); return viewApplyOperation(view, operation, writesCache, optCompleteServerCache); } else { let events = []; for (const view of syncPoint.views.values()) { events = events.concat(viewApplyOperation(view, operation, writesCache, optCompleteServerCache)); } return events; } } /** * Get a view for the specified query. * * @param query - The query to return a view for * @param writesCache * @param serverCache * @param serverCacheComplete * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncPointGetView(syncPoint, query, writesCache, serverCache, serverCacheComplete) { const queryId = query._queryIdentifier; const view = syncPoint.views.get(queryId); if (!view) { // TODO: make writesCache take flag for complete server node let eventCache = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventCache(writesCache, serverCacheComplete ? serverCache : null); let eventCacheComplete = false; if (eventCache) { eventCacheComplete = true; } else if (serverCache instanceof ChildrenNode) { eventCache = writeTreeRefCalcCompleteEventChildren(writesCache, serverCache); eventCacheComplete = false; } else { eventCache = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; eventCacheComplete = false; } const viewCache = newViewCache(new CacheNode(eventCache, eventCacheComplete, false), new CacheNode(serverCache, serverCacheComplete, false)); return new View(query, viewCache); } return view; } /** * Add an event callback for the specified query. * * @param query * @param eventRegistration * @param writesCache * @param serverCache - Complete server cache, if we have it. * @param serverCacheComplete * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncPointAddEventRegistration(syncPoint, query, eventRegistration, writesCache, serverCache, serverCacheComplete) { const view = syncPointGetView(syncPoint, query, writesCache, serverCache, serverCacheComplete); if (!syncPoint.views.has(query._queryIdentifier)) { syncPoint.views.set(query._queryIdentifier, view); } // This is guaranteed to exist now, we just created anything that was missing viewAddEventRegistration(view, eventRegistration); return viewGetInitialEvents(view, eventRegistration); } /** * Remove event callback(s). Return cancelEvents if a cancelError is specified. * * If query is the default query, we'll check all views for the specified eventRegistration. * If eventRegistration is null, we'll remove all callbacks for the specified view(s). * * @param eventRegistration - If null, remove all callbacks. * @param cancelError - If a cancelError is provided, appropriate cancel events will be returned. * @returns removed queries and any cancel events */ function syncPointRemoveEventRegistration(syncPoint, query, eventRegistration, cancelError) { const queryId = query._queryIdentifier; const removed = []; let cancelEvents = []; const hadCompleteView = syncPointHasCompleteView(syncPoint); if (queryId === 'default') { // When you do, we search all views for the registration to remove. for (const [viewQueryId, view] of syncPoint.views.entries()) { cancelEvents = cancelEvents.concat(viewRemoveEventRegistration(view, eventRegistration, cancelError)); if (viewIsEmpty(view)) { syncPoint.views.delete(viewQueryId); // We'll deal with complete views later. if (!view.query._queryParams.loadsAllData()) { removed.push(view.query); } } } } else { // remove the callback from the specific view. const view = syncPoint.views.get(queryId); if (view) { cancelEvents = cancelEvents.concat(viewRemoveEventRegistration(view, eventRegistration, cancelError)); if (viewIsEmpty(view)) { syncPoint.views.delete(queryId); // We'll deal with complete views later. if (!view.query._queryParams.loadsAllData()) { removed.push(view.query); } } } } if (hadCompleteView && !syncPointHasCompleteView(syncPoint)) { // We removed our last complete view. removed.push(new (syncPointGetReferenceConstructor())(query._repo, query._path)); } return { removed, events: cancelEvents }; } function syncPointGetQueryViews(syncPoint) { const result = []; for (const view of syncPoint.views.values()) { if (!view.query._queryParams.loadsAllData()) { result.push(view); } } return result; } /** * @param path - The path to the desired complete snapshot * @returns A complete cache, if it exists */ function syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(syncPoint, path) { let serverCache = null; for (const view of syncPoint.views.values()) { serverCache = serverCache || viewGetCompleteServerCache(view, path); } return serverCache; } function syncPointViewForQuery(syncPoint, query) { const params = query._queryParams; if (params.loadsAllData()) { return syncPointGetCompleteView(syncPoint); } else { const queryId = query._queryIdentifier; return syncPoint.views.get(queryId); } } function syncPointViewExistsForQuery(syncPoint, query) { return syncPointViewForQuery(syncPoint, query) != null; } function syncPointHasCompleteView(syncPoint) { return syncPointGetCompleteView(syncPoint) != null; } function syncPointGetCompleteView(syncPoint) { for (const view of syncPoint.views.values()) { if (view.query._queryParams.loadsAllData()) { return view; } } return null; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let referenceConstructor; function syncTreeSetReferenceConstructor(val) { assert(!referenceConstructor, '__referenceConstructor has already been defined'); referenceConstructor = val; } function syncTreeGetReferenceConstructor() { assert(referenceConstructor, 'Reference.ts has not been loaded'); return referenceConstructor; } /** * Static tracker for next query tag. */ let syncTreeNextQueryTag_ = 1; /** * SyncTree is the central class for managing event callback registration, data caching, views * (query processing), and event generation. There are typically two SyncTree instances for * each Repo, one for the normal Firebase data, and one for the .info data. * * It has a number of responsibilities, including: * - Tracking all user event callbacks (registered via addEventRegistration() and removeEventRegistration()). * - Applying and caching data changes for user set(), transaction(), and update() calls * (applyUserOverwrite(), applyUserMerge()). * - Applying and caching data changes for server data changes (applyServerOverwrite(), * applyServerMerge()). * - Generating user-facing events for server and user changes (all of the apply* methods * return the set of events that need to be raised as a result). * - Maintaining the appropriate set of server listens to ensure we are always subscribed * to the correct set of paths and queries to satisfy the current set of user event * callbacks (listens are started/stopped using the provided listenProvider). * * NOTE: Although SyncTree tracks event callbacks and calculates events to raise, the actual * events are returned to the caller rather than raised synchronously. * */ class SyncTree { /** * @param listenProvider_ - Used by SyncTree to start / stop listening * to server data. */ constructor(listenProvider_) { this.listenProvider_ = listenProvider_; /** * Tree of SyncPoints. There's a SyncPoint at any location that has 1 or more views. */ this.syncPointTree_ = new ImmutableTree(null); /** * A tree of all pending user writes (user-initiated set()'s, transaction()'s, update()'s, etc.). */ this.pendingWriteTree_ = newWriteTree(); this.tagToQueryMap = new Map(); this.queryToTagMap = new Map(); } } /** * Apply the data changes for a user-generated set() or transaction() call. * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyUserOverwrite(syncTree, path, newData, writeId, visible) { // Record pending write. writeTreeAddOverwrite(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, path, newData, writeId, visible); if (!visible) { return []; } else { return syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, new Overwrite(newOperationSourceUser(), path, newData)); } } /** * Apply the data from a user-generated update() call * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyUserMerge(syncTree, path, changedChildren, writeId) { // Record pending merge. writeTreeAddMerge(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, path, changedChildren, writeId); const changeTree = ImmutableTree.fromObject(changedChildren); return syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, new Merge(newOperationSourceUser(), path, changeTree)); } /** * Acknowledge a pending user write that was previously registered with applyUserOverwrite() or applyUserMerge(). * * @param revert - True if the given write failed and needs to be reverted * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeAckUserWrite(syncTree, writeId, revert = false) { const write = writeTreeGetWrite(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, writeId); const needToReevaluate = writeTreeRemoveWrite(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, writeId); if (!needToReevaluate) { return []; } else { let affectedTree = new ImmutableTree(null); if (write.snap != null) { // overwrite affectedTree = affectedTree.set(newEmptyPath(), true); } else { each(write.children, (pathString) => { affectedTree = affectedTree.set(new Path(pathString), true); }); } return syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, new AckUserWrite(write.path, affectedTree, revert)); } } /** * Apply new server data for the specified path.. * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyServerOverwrite(syncTree, path, newData) { return syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, new Overwrite(newOperationSourceServer(), path, newData)); } /** * Apply new server data to be merged in at the specified path. * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyServerMerge(syncTree, path, changedChildren) { const changeTree = ImmutableTree.fromObject(changedChildren); return syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, new Merge(newOperationSourceServer(), path, changeTree)); } /** * Apply a listen complete for a query * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyListenComplete(syncTree, path) { return syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, new ListenComplete(newOperationSourceServer(), path)); } /** * Apply a listen complete for a tagged query * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyTaggedListenComplete(syncTree, path, tag) { const queryKey = syncTreeQueryKeyForTag_(syncTree, tag); if (queryKey) { const r = syncTreeParseQueryKey_(queryKey); const queryPath = r.path, queryId = r.queryId; const relativePath = newRelativePath(queryPath, path); const op = new ListenComplete(newOperationSourceServerTaggedQuery(queryId), relativePath); return syncTreeApplyTaggedOperation_(syncTree, queryPath, op); } else { // We've already removed the query. No big deal, ignore the update return []; } } /** * Remove event callback(s). * * If query is the default query, we'll check all queries for the specified eventRegistration. * If eventRegistration is null, we'll remove all callbacks for the specified query/queries. * * @param eventRegistration - If null, all callbacks are removed. * @param cancelError - If a cancelError is provided, appropriate cancel events will be returned. * @returns Cancel events, if cancelError was provided. */ function syncTreeRemoveEventRegistration(syncTree, query, eventRegistration, cancelError) { // Find the syncPoint first. Then deal with whether or not it has matching listeners const path = query._path; const maybeSyncPoint = syncTree.syncPointTree_.get(path); let cancelEvents = []; // A removal on a default query affects all queries at that location. A removal on an indexed query, even one without // other query constraints, does *not* affect all queries at that location. So this check must be for 'default', and // not loadsAllData(). if (maybeSyncPoint && (query._queryIdentifier === 'default' || syncPointViewExistsForQuery(maybeSyncPoint, query))) { const removedAndEvents = syncPointRemoveEventRegistration(maybeSyncPoint, query, eventRegistration, cancelError); if (syncPointIsEmpty(maybeSyncPoint)) { syncTree.syncPointTree_ = syncTree.syncPointTree_.remove(path); } const removed = removedAndEvents.removed; cancelEvents =; // We may have just removed one of many listeners and can short-circuit this whole process // We may also not have removed a default listener, in which case all of the descendant listeners should already be // properly set up. // // Since indexed queries can shadow if they don't have other query constraints, check for loadsAllData(), instead of // queryId === 'default' const removingDefault = -1 !== removed.findIndex(query => { return query._queryParams.loadsAllData(); }); const covered = syncTree.syncPointTree_.findOnPath(path, (relativePath, parentSyncPoint) => syncPointHasCompleteView(parentSyncPoint)); if (removingDefault && !covered) { const subtree = syncTree.syncPointTree_.subtree(path); // There are potentially child listeners. Determine what if any listens we need to send before executing the // removal if (!subtree.isEmpty()) { // We need to fold over our subtree and collect the listeners to send const newViews = syncTreeCollectDistinctViewsForSubTree_(subtree); // Ok, we've collected all the listens we need. Set them up. for (let i = 0; i < newViews.length; ++i) { const view = newViews[i], newQuery = view.query; const listener = syncTreeCreateListenerForView_(syncTree, view); syncTree.listenProvider_.startListening(syncTreeQueryForListening_(newQuery), syncTreeTagForQuery_(syncTree, newQuery), listener.hashFn, listener.onComplete); } } } // If we removed anything and we're not covered by a higher up listen, we need to stop listening on this query // The above block has us covered in terms of making sure we're set up on listens lower in the tree. // Also, note that if we have a cancelError, it's already been removed at the provider level. if (!covered && removed.length > 0 && !cancelError) { // If we removed a default, then we weren't listening on any of the other queries here. Just cancel the one // default. Otherwise, we need to iterate through and cancel each individual query if (removingDefault) { // We don't tag default listeners const defaultTag = null; syncTree.listenProvider_.stopListening(syncTreeQueryForListening_(query), defaultTag); } else { removed.forEach((queryToRemove) => { const tagToRemove = syncTree.queryToTagMap.get(syncTreeMakeQueryKey_(queryToRemove)); syncTree.listenProvider_.stopListening(syncTreeQueryForListening_(queryToRemove), tagToRemove); }); } } // Now, clear all of the tags we're tracking for the removed listens syncTreeRemoveTags_(syncTree, removed); } return cancelEvents; } /** * Apply new server data for the specified tagged query. * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyTaggedQueryOverwrite(syncTree, path, snap, tag) { const queryKey = syncTreeQueryKeyForTag_(syncTree, tag); if (queryKey != null) { const r = syncTreeParseQueryKey_(queryKey); const queryPath = r.path, queryId = r.queryId; const relativePath = newRelativePath(queryPath, path); const op = new Overwrite(newOperationSourceServerTaggedQuery(queryId), relativePath, snap); return syncTreeApplyTaggedOperation_(syncTree, queryPath, op); } else { // Query must have been removed already return []; } } /** * Apply server data to be merged in for the specified tagged query. * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeApplyTaggedQueryMerge(syncTree, path, changedChildren, tag) { const queryKey = syncTreeQueryKeyForTag_(syncTree, tag); if (queryKey) { const r = syncTreeParseQueryKey_(queryKey); const queryPath = r.path, queryId = r.queryId; const relativePath = newRelativePath(queryPath, path); const changeTree = ImmutableTree.fromObject(changedChildren); const op = new Merge(newOperationSourceServerTaggedQuery(queryId), relativePath, changeTree); return syncTreeApplyTaggedOperation_(syncTree, queryPath, op); } else { // We've already removed the query. No big deal, ignore the update return []; } } /** * Add an event callback for the specified query. * * @returns Events to raise. */ function syncTreeAddEventRegistration(syncTree, query, eventRegistration) { const path = query._path; let serverCache = null; let foundAncestorDefaultView = false; // Any covering writes will necessarily be at the root, so really all we need to find is the server cache. // Consider optimizing this once there's a better understanding of what actual behavior will be. syncTree.syncPointTree_.foreachOnPath(path, (pathToSyncPoint, sp) => { const relativePath = newRelativePath(pathToSyncPoint, path); serverCache = serverCache || syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(sp, relativePath); foundAncestorDefaultView = foundAncestorDefaultView || syncPointHasCompleteView(sp); }); let syncPoint = syncTree.syncPointTree_.get(path); if (!syncPoint) { syncPoint = new SyncPoint(); syncTree.syncPointTree_ = syncTree.syncPointTree_.set(path, syncPoint); } else { foundAncestorDefaultView = foundAncestorDefaultView || syncPointHasCompleteView(syncPoint); serverCache = serverCache || syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(syncPoint, newEmptyPath()); } let serverCacheComplete; if (serverCache != null) { serverCacheComplete = true; } else { serverCacheComplete = false; serverCache = ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; const subtree = syncTree.syncPointTree_.subtree(path); subtree.foreachChild((childName, childSyncPoint) => { const completeCache = syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(childSyncPoint, newEmptyPath()); if (completeCache) { serverCache = serverCache.updateImmediateChild(childName, completeCache); } }); } const viewAlreadyExists = syncPointViewExistsForQuery(syncPoint, query); if (!viewAlreadyExists && !query._queryParams.loadsAllData()) { // We need to track a tag for this query const queryKey = syncTreeMakeQueryKey_(query); assert(!syncTree.queryToTagMap.has(queryKey), 'View does not exist, but we have a tag'); const tag = syncTreeGetNextQueryTag_(); syncTree.queryToTagMap.set(queryKey, tag); syncTree.tagToQueryMap.set(tag, queryKey); } const writesCache = writeTreeChildWrites(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, path); let events = syncPointAddEventRegistration(syncPoint, query, eventRegistration, writesCache, serverCache, serverCacheComplete); if (!viewAlreadyExists && !foundAncestorDefaultView) { const view = syncPointViewForQuery(syncPoint, query); events = events.concat(syncTreeSetupListener_(syncTree, query, view)); } return events; } /** * Returns a complete cache, if we have one, of the data at a particular path. If the location does not have a * listener above it, we will get a false "null". This shouldn't be a problem because transactions will always * have a listener above, and atomic operations would correctly show a jitter of <increment value> -> * <incremented total> as the write is applied locally and then acknowledged at the server. * * Note: this method will *include* hidden writes from transaction with applyLocally set to false. * * @param path - The path to the data we want * @param writeIdsToExclude - A specific set to be excluded */ function syncTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(syncTree, path, writeIdsToExclude) { const includeHiddenSets = true; const writeTree = syncTree.pendingWriteTree_; const serverCache = syncTree.syncPointTree_.findOnPath(path, (pathSoFar, syncPoint) => { const relativePath = newRelativePath(pathSoFar, path); const serverCache = syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(syncPoint, relativePath); if (serverCache) { return serverCache; } }); return writeTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(writeTree, path, serverCache, writeIdsToExclude, includeHiddenSets); } function syncTreeGetServerValue(syncTree, query) { const path = query._path; let serverCache = null; // Any covering writes will necessarily be at the root, so really all we need to find is the server cache. // Consider optimizing this once there's a better understanding of what actual behavior will be. syncTree.syncPointTree_.foreachOnPath(path, (pathToSyncPoint, sp) => { const relativePath = newRelativePath(pathToSyncPoint, path); serverCache = serverCache || syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(sp, relativePath); }); let syncPoint = syncTree.syncPointTree_.get(path); if (!syncPoint) { syncPoint = new SyncPoint(); syncTree.syncPointTree_ = syncTree.syncPointTree_.set(path, syncPoint); } else { serverCache = serverCache || syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(syncPoint, newEmptyPath()); } const serverCacheComplete = serverCache != null; const serverCacheNode = serverCacheComplete ? new CacheNode(serverCache, true, false) : null; const writesCache = writeTreeChildWrites(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, query._path); const view = syncPointGetView(syncPoint, query, writesCache, serverCacheComplete ? serverCacheNode.getNode() : ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE, serverCacheComplete); return viewGetCompleteNode(view); } /** * A helper method that visits all descendant and ancestor SyncPoints, applying the operation. * * NOTES: * - Descendant SyncPoints will be visited first (since we raise events depth-first). * * - We call applyOperation() on each SyncPoint passing three things: * 1. A version of the Operation that has been made relative to the SyncPoint location. * 2. A WriteTreeRef of any writes we have cached at the SyncPoint location. * 3. A snapshot Node with cached server data, if we have it. * * - We concatenate all of the events returned by each SyncPoint and return the result. */ function syncTreeApplyOperationToSyncPoints_(syncTree, operation) { return syncTreeApplyOperationHelper_(operation, syncTree.syncPointTree_, /*serverCache=*/ null, writeTreeChildWrites(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, newEmptyPath())); } /** * Recursive helper for applyOperationToSyncPoints_ */ function syncTreeApplyOperationHelper_(operation, syncPointTree, serverCache, writesCache) { if (pathIsEmpty(operation.path)) { return syncTreeApplyOperationDescendantsHelper_(operation, syncPointTree, serverCache, writesCache); } else { const syncPoint = syncPointTree.get(newEmptyPath()); // If we don't have cached server data, see if we can get it from this SyncPoint. if (serverCache == null && syncPoint != null) { serverCache = syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(syncPoint, newEmptyPath()); } let events = []; const childName = pathGetFront(operation.path); const childOperation = operation.operationForChild(childName); const childTree = syncPointTree.children.get(childName); if (childTree && childOperation) { const childServerCache = serverCache ? serverCache.getImmediateChild(childName) : null; const childWritesCache = writeTreeRefChild(writesCache, childName); events = events.concat(syncTreeApplyOperationHelper_(childOperation, childTree, childServerCache, childWritesCache)); } if (syncPoint) { events = events.concat(syncPointApplyOperation(syncPoint, operation, writesCache, serverCache)); } return events; } } /** * Recursive helper for applyOperationToSyncPoints_ */ function syncTreeApplyOperationDescendantsHelper_(operation, syncPointTree, serverCache, writesCache) { const syncPoint = syncPointTree.get(newEmptyPath()); // If we don't have cached server data, see if we can get it from this SyncPoint. if (serverCache == null && syncPoint != null) { serverCache = syncPointGetCompleteServerCache(syncPoint, newEmptyPath()); } let events = []; syncPointTree.children.inorderTraversal((childName, childTree) => { const childServerCache = serverCache ? serverCache.getImmediateChild(childName) : null; const childWritesCache = writeTreeRefChild(writesCache, childName); const childOperation = operation.operationForChild(childName); if (childOperation) { events = events.concat(syncTreeApplyOperationDescendantsHelper_(childOperation, childTree, childServerCache, childWritesCache)); } }); if (syncPoint) { events = events.concat(syncPointApplyOperation(syncPoint, operation, writesCache, serverCache)); } return events; } function syncTreeCreateListenerForView_(syncTree, view) { const query = view.query; const tag = syncTreeTagForQuery_(syncTree, query); return { hashFn: () => { const cache = viewGetServerCache(view) || ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; return cache.hash(); }, onComplete: (status) => { if (status === 'ok') { if (tag) { return syncTreeApplyTaggedListenComplete(syncTree, query._path, tag); } else { return syncTreeApplyListenComplete(syncTree, query._path); } } else { // If a listen failed, kill all of the listeners here, not just the one that triggered the error. // Note that this may need to be scoped to just this listener if we change permissions on filtered children const error = errorForServerCode(status, query); return syncTreeRemoveEventRegistration(syncTree, query, /*eventRegistration*/ null, error); } } }; } /** * Return the tag associated with the given query. */ function syncTreeTagForQuery_(syncTree, query) { const queryKey = syncTreeMakeQueryKey_(query); return syncTree.queryToTagMap.get(queryKey); } /** * Given a query, computes a "queryKey" suitable for use in our queryToTagMap_. */ function syncTreeMakeQueryKey_(query) { return query._path.toString() + '$' + query._queryIdentifier; } /** * Return the query associated with the given tag, if we have one */ function syncTreeQueryKeyForTag_(syncTree, tag) { return syncTree.tagToQueryMap.get(tag); } /** * Given a queryKey (created by makeQueryKey), parse it back into a path and queryId. */ function syncTreeParseQueryKey_(queryKey) { const splitIndex = queryKey.indexOf('$'); assert(splitIndex !== -1 && splitIndex < queryKey.length - 1, 'Bad queryKey.'); return { queryId: queryKey.substr(splitIndex + 1), path: new Path(queryKey.substr(0, splitIndex)) }; } /** * A helper method to apply tagged operations */ function syncTreeApplyTaggedOperation_(syncTree, queryPath, operation) { const syncPoint = syncTree.syncPointTree_.get(queryPath); assert(syncPoint, "Missing sync point for query tag that we're tracking"); const writesCache = writeTreeChildWrites(syncTree.pendingWriteTree_, queryPath); return syncPointApplyOperation(syncPoint, operation, writesCache, null); } /** * This collapses multiple unfiltered views into a single view, since we only need a single * listener for them. */ function syncTreeCollectDistinctViewsForSubTree_(subtree) { return subtree.fold((relativePath, maybeChildSyncPoint, childMap) => { if (maybeChildSyncPoint && syncPointHasCompleteView(maybeChildSyncPoint)) { const completeView = syncPointGetCompleteView(maybeChildSyncPoint); return [completeView]; } else { // No complete view here, flatten any deeper listens into an array let views = []; if (maybeChildSyncPoint) { views = syncPointGetQueryViews(maybeChildSyncPoint); } each(childMap, (_key, childViews) => { views = views.concat(childViews); }); return views; } }); } /** * Normalizes a query to a query we send the server for listening * * @returns The normalized query */ function syncTreeQueryForListening_(query) { if (query._queryParams.loadsAllData() && !query._queryParams.isDefault()) { // We treat queries that load all data as default queries // Cast is necessary because ref() technically returns Firebase which is actually fb.api.Firebase which inherits // from Query return new (syncTreeGetReferenceConstructor())(query._repo, query._path); } else { return query; } } function syncTreeRemoveTags_(syncTree, queries) { for (let j = 0; j < queries.length; ++j) { const removedQuery = queries[j]; if (!removedQuery._queryParams.loadsAllData()) { // We should have a tag for this const removedQueryKey = syncTreeMakeQueryKey_(removedQuery); const removedQueryTag = syncTree.queryToTagMap.get(removedQueryKey); syncTree.queryToTagMap.delete(removedQueryKey); syncTree.tagToQueryMap.delete(removedQueryTag); } } } /** * Static accessor for query tags. */ function syncTreeGetNextQueryTag_() { return syncTreeNextQueryTag_++; } /** * For a given new listen, manage the de-duplication of outstanding subscriptions. * * @returns This method can return events to support synchronous data sources */ function syncTreeSetupListener_(syncTree, query, view) { const path = query._path; const tag = syncTreeTagForQuery_(syncTree, query); const listener = syncTreeCreateListenerForView_(syncTree, view); const events = syncTree.listenProvider_.startListening(syncTreeQueryForListening_(query), tag, listener.hashFn, listener.onComplete); const subtree = syncTree.syncPointTree_.subtree(path); // The root of this subtree has our query. We're here because we definitely need to send a listen for that, but we // may need to shadow other listens as well. if (tag) { assert(!syncPointHasCompleteView(subtree.value), "If we're adding a query, it shouldn't be shadowed"); } else { // Shadow everything at or below this location, this is a default listener. const queriesToStop = subtree.fold((relativePath, maybeChildSyncPoint, childMap) => { if (!pathIsEmpty(relativePath) && maybeChildSyncPoint && syncPointHasCompleteView(maybeChildSyncPoint)) { return [syncPointGetCompleteView(maybeChildSyncPoint).query]; } else { // No default listener here, flatten any deeper queries into an array let queries = []; if (maybeChildSyncPoint) { queries = queries.concat(syncPointGetQueryViews(maybeChildSyncPoint).map(view => view.query)); } each(childMap, (_key, childQueries) => { queries = queries.concat(childQueries); }); return queries; } }); for (let i = 0; i < queriesToStop.length; ++i) { const queryToStop = queriesToStop[i]; syncTree.listenProvider_.stopListening(syncTreeQueryForListening_(queryToStop), syncTreeTagForQuery_(syncTree, queryToStop)); } } return events; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class ExistingValueProvider { constructor(node_) { this.node_ = node_; } getImmediateChild(childName) { const child = this.node_.getImmediateChild(childName); return new ExistingValueProvider(child); } node() { return this.node_; } } class DeferredValueProvider { constructor(syncTree, path) { this.syncTree_ = syncTree; this.path_ = path; } getImmediateChild(childName) { const childPath = pathChild(this.path_, childName); return new DeferredValueProvider(this.syncTree_, childPath); } node() { return syncTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(this.syncTree_, this.path_); } } /** * Generate placeholders for deferred values. */ const generateWithValues = function (values) { values = values || {}; values['timestamp'] = values['timestamp'] || new Date().getTime(); return values; }; /** * Value to use when firing local events. When writing server values, fire * local events with an approximate value, otherwise return value as-is. */ const resolveDeferredLeafValue = function (value, existingVal, serverValues) { if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { return value; } assert('.sv' in value, 'Unexpected leaf node or priority contents'); if (typeof value['.sv'] === 'string') { return resolveScalarDeferredValue(value['.sv'], existingVal, serverValues); } else if (typeof value['.sv'] === 'object') { return resolveComplexDeferredValue(value['.sv'], existingVal); } else { assert(false, 'Unexpected server value: ' + JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)); } }; const resolveScalarDeferredValue = function (op, existing, serverValues) { switch (op) { case 'timestamp': return serverValues['timestamp']; default: assert(false, 'Unexpected server value: ' + op); } }; const resolveComplexDeferredValue = function (op, existing, unused) { if (!op.hasOwnProperty('increment')) { assert(false, 'Unexpected server value: ' + JSON.stringify(op, null, 2)); } const delta = op['increment']; if (typeof delta !== 'number') { assert(false, 'Unexpected increment value: ' + delta); } const existingNode = existing.node(); assert(existingNode !== null && typeof existingNode !== 'undefined', 'Expected ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE for nulls'); // Incrementing a non-number sets the value to the incremented amount if (!existingNode.isLeafNode()) { return delta; } const leaf = existingNode; const existingVal = leaf.getValue(); if (typeof existingVal !== 'number') { return delta; } // No need to do over/underflow arithmetic here because JS only handles floats under the covers return existingVal + delta; }; /** * Recursively replace all deferred values and priorities in the tree with the * specified generated replacement values. * @param path - path to which write is relative * @param node - new data written at path * @param syncTree - current data */ const resolveDeferredValueTree = function (path, node, syncTree, serverValues) { return resolveDeferredValue(node, new DeferredValueProvider(syncTree, path), serverValues); }; /** * Recursively replace all deferred values and priorities in the node with the * specified generated replacement values. If there are no server values in the node, * it'll be returned as-is. */ const resolveDeferredValueSnapshot = function (node, existing, serverValues) { return resolveDeferredValue(node, new ExistingValueProvider(existing), serverValues); }; function resolveDeferredValue(node, existingVal, serverValues) { const rawPri = node.getPriority().val(); const priority = resolveDeferredLeafValue(rawPri, existingVal.getImmediateChild('.priority'), serverValues); let newNode; if (node.isLeafNode()) { const leafNode = node; const value = resolveDeferredLeafValue(leafNode.getValue(), existingVal, serverValues); if (value !== leafNode.getValue() || priority !== leafNode.getPriority().val()) { return new LeafNode(value, nodeFromJSON(priority)); } else { return node; } } else { const childrenNode = node; newNode = childrenNode; if (priority !== childrenNode.getPriority().val()) { newNode = newNode.updatePriority(new LeafNode(priority)); } childrenNode.forEachChild(PRIORITY_INDEX, (childName, childNode) => { const newChildNode = resolveDeferredValue(childNode, existingVal.getImmediateChild(childName), serverValues); if (newChildNode !== childNode) { newNode = newNode.updateImmediateChild(childName, newChildNode); } }); return newNode; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * A light-weight tree, traversable by path. Nodes can have both values and children. * Nodes are not enumerated (by forEachChild) unless they have a value or non-empty * children. */ class Tree { /** * @param name - Optional name of the node. * @param parent - Optional parent node. * @param node - Optional node to wrap. */ constructor(name = '', parent = null, node = { children: {}, childCount: 0 }) { = name; this.parent = parent; this.node = node; } } /** * Returns a sub-Tree for the given path. * * @param pathObj - Path to look up. * @returns Tree for path. */ function treeSubTree(tree, pathObj) { // TODO: Require pathObj to be Path? let path = pathObj instanceof Path ? pathObj : new Path(pathObj); let child = tree, next = pathGetFront(path); while (next !== null) { const childNode = safeGet(child.node.children, next) || { children: {}, childCount: 0 }; child = new Tree(next, child, childNode); path = pathPopFront(path); next = pathGetFront(path); } return child; } /** * Returns the data associated with this tree node. * * @returns The data or null if no data exists. */ function treeGetValue(tree) { return tree.node.value; } /** * Sets data to this tree node. * * @param value - Value to set. */ function treeSetValue(tree, value) { tree.node.value = value; treeUpdateParents(tree); } /** * @returns Whether the tree has any children. */ function treeHasChildren(tree) { return tree.node.childCount > 0; } /** * @returns Whethe rthe tree is empty (no value or children). */ function treeIsEmpty(tree) { return treeGetValue(tree) === undefined && !treeHasChildren(tree); } /** * Calls action for each child of this tree node. * * @param action - Action to be called for each child. */ function treeForEachChild(tree, action) { each(tree.node.children, (child, childTree) => { action(new Tree(child, tree, childTree)); }); } /** * Does a depth-first traversal of this node's descendants, calling action for each one. * * @param action - Action to be called for each child. * @param includeSelf - Whether to call action on this node as well. Defaults to * false. * @param childrenFirst - Whether to call action on children before calling it on * parent. */ function treeForEachDescendant(tree, action, includeSelf, childrenFirst) { if (includeSelf && !childrenFirst) { action(tree); } treeForEachChild(tree, child => { treeForEachDescendant(child, action, true, childrenFirst); }); if (includeSelf && childrenFirst) { action(tree); } } /** * Calls action on each ancestor node. * * @param action - Action to be called on each parent; return * true to abort. * @param includeSelf - Whether to call action on this node as well. * @returns true if the action callback returned true. */ function treeForEachAncestor(tree, action, includeSelf) { let node = includeSelf ? tree : tree.parent; while (node !== null) { if (action(node)) { return true; } node = node.parent; } return false; } /** * @returns The path of this tree node, as a Path. */ function treeGetPath(tree) { return new Path(tree.parent === null ? : treeGetPath(tree.parent) + '/' +; } /** * Adds or removes this child from its parent based on whether it's empty or not. */ function treeUpdateParents(tree) { if (tree.parent !== null) { treeUpdateChild(tree.parent,, tree); } } /** * Adds or removes the passed child to this tree node, depending on whether it's empty. * * @param childName - The name of the child to update. * @param child - The child to update. */ function treeUpdateChild(tree, childName, child) { const childEmpty = treeIsEmpty(child); const childExists = contains(tree.node.children, childName); if (childEmpty && childExists) { delete tree.node.children[childName]; tree.node.childCount--; treeUpdateParents(tree); } else if (!childEmpty && !childExists) { tree.node.children[childName] = child.node; tree.node.childCount++; treeUpdateParents(tree); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * True for invalid Firebase keys */ const INVALID_KEY_REGEX_ = /[\[\].#$\/\u0000-\u001F\u007F]/; /** * True for invalid Firebase paths. * Allows '/' in paths. */ const INVALID_PATH_REGEX_ = /[\[\].#$\u0000-\u001F\u007F]/; /** * Maximum number of characters to allow in leaf value */ const MAX_LEAF_SIZE_ = 10 * 1024 * 1024; const isValidKey = function (key) { return (typeof key === 'string' && key.length !== 0 && !INVALID_KEY_REGEX_.test(key)); }; const isValidPathString = function (pathString) { return (typeof pathString === 'string' && pathString.length !== 0 && !INVALID_PATH_REGEX_.test(pathString)); }; const isValidRootPathString = function (pathString) { if (pathString) { // Allow '/.info/' at the beginning. pathString = pathString.replace(/^\/*\.info(\/|$)/, '/'); } return isValidPathString(pathString); }; const isValidPriority = function (priority) { return (priority === null || typeof priority === 'string' || (typeof priority === 'number' && !isInvalidJSONNumber(priority)) || (priority && typeof priority === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any contains(priority, '.sv'))); }; /** * Pre-validate a datum passed as an argument to Firebase function. */ const validateFirebaseDataArg = function (fnName, value, path, optional) { if (optional && value === undefined) { return; } validateFirebaseData(errorPrefix(fnName, 'value'), value, path); }; /** * Validate a data object client-side before sending to server. */ const validateFirebaseData = function (errorPrefix, data, path_) { const path = path_ instanceof Path ? new ValidationPath(path_, errorPrefix) : path_; if (data === undefined) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + 'contains undefined ' + validationPathToErrorString(path)); } if (typeof data === 'function') { throw new Error(errorPrefix + 'contains a function ' + validationPathToErrorString(path) + ' with contents = ' + data.toString()); } if (isInvalidJSONNumber(data)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + 'contains ' + data.toString() + ' ' + validationPathToErrorString(path)); } // Check max leaf size, but try to avoid the utf8 conversion if we can. if (typeof data === 'string' && data.length > MAX_LEAF_SIZE_ / 3 && stringLength(data) > MAX_LEAF_SIZE_) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + 'contains a string greater than ' + MAX_LEAF_SIZE_ + ' utf8 bytes ' + validationPathToErrorString(path) + " ('" + data.substring(0, 50) + "...')"); } // TODO = Perf = Consider combining the recursive validation of keys into NodeFromJSON // to save extra walking of large objects. if (data && typeof data === 'object') { let hasDotValue = false; let hasActualChild = false; each(data, (key, value) => { if (key === '.value') { hasDotValue = true; } else if (key !== '.priority' && key !== '.sv') { hasActualChild = true; if (!isValidKey(key)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + ' contains an invalid key (' + key + ') ' + validationPathToErrorString(path) + '. Keys must be non-empty strings ' + 'and can\'t contain ".", "#", "$", "/", "[", or "]"'); } } validationPathPush(path, key); validateFirebaseData(errorPrefix, value, path); validationPathPop(path); }); if (hasDotValue && hasActualChild) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + ' contains ".value" child ' + validationPathToErrorString(path) + ' in addition to actual children.'); } } }; /** * Pre-validate paths passed in the firebase function. */ const validateFirebaseMergePaths = function (errorPrefix, mergePaths) { let i, curPath; for (i = 0; i < mergePaths.length; i++) { curPath = mergePaths[i]; const keys = pathSlice(curPath); for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { if (keys[j] === '.priority' && j === keys.length - 1) ; else if (!isValidKey(keys[j])) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + 'contains an invalid key (' + keys[j] + ') in path ' + curPath.toString() + '. Keys must be non-empty strings ' + 'and can\'t contain ".", "#", "$", "/", "[", or "]"'); } } } // Check that update keys are not descendants of each other. // We rely on the property that sorting guarantees that ancestors come // right before descendants. mergePaths.sort(pathCompare); let prevPath = null; for (i = 0; i < mergePaths.length; i++) { curPath = mergePaths[i]; if (prevPath !== null && pathContains(prevPath, curPath)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix + 'contains a path ' + prevPath.toString() + ' that is ancestor of another path ' + curPath.toString()); } prevPath = curPath; } }; /** * pre-validate an object passed as an argument to firebase function ( * must be an object - e.g. for firebase.update()). */ const validateFirebaseMergeDataArg = function (fnName, data, path, optional) { if (optional && data === undefined) { return; } const errorPrefix$1 = errorPrefix(fnName, 'values'); if (!(data && typeof data === 'object') || Array.isArray(data)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix$1 + ' must be an object containing the children to replace.'); } const mergePaths = []; each(data, (key, value) => { const curPath = new Path(key); validateFirebaseData(errorPrefix$1, value, pathChild(path, curPath)); if (pathGetBack(curPath) === '.priority') { if (!isValidPriority(value)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix$1 + "contains an invalid value for '" + curPath.toString() + "', which must be a valid " + 'Firebase priority (a string, finite number, server value, or null).'); } } mergePaths.push(curPath); }); validateFirebaseMergePaths(errorPrefix$1, mergePaths); }; const validatePriority = function (fnName, priority, optional) { if (optional && priority === undefined) { return; } if (isInvalidJSONNumber(priority)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix(fnName, 'priority') + 'is ' + priority.toString() + ', but must be a valid Firebase priority (a string, finite number, ' + 'server value, or null).'); } // Special case to allow importing data with a .sv. if (!isValidPriority(priority)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix(fnName, 'priority') + 'must be a valid Firebase priority ' + '(a string, finite number, server value, or null).'); } }; const validateKey = function (fnName, argumentName, key, optional) { if (optional && key === undefined) { return; } if (!isValidKey(key)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix(fnName, argumentName) + 'was an invalid key = "' + key + '". Firebase keys must be non-empty strings and ' + 'can\'t contain ".", "#", "$", "/", "[", or "]").'); } }; /** * @internal */ const validatePathString = function (fnName, argumentName, pathString, optional) { if (optional && pathString === undefined) { return; } if (!isValidPathString(pathString)) { throw new Error(errorPrefix(fnName, argumentName) + 'was an invalid path = "' + pathString + '". Paths must be non-empty strings and ' + 'can\'t contain ".", "#", "$", "[", or "]"'); } }; const validateRootPathString = function (fnName, argumentName, pathString, optional) { if (pathString) { // Allow '/.info/' at the beginning. pathString = pathString.replace(/^\/*\.info(\/|$)/, '/'); } validatePathString(fnName, argumentName, pathString, optional); }; /** * @internal */ const validateWritablePath = function (fnName, path) { if (pathGetFront(path) === '.info') { throw new Error(fnName + " failed = Can't modify data under /.info/"); } }; const validateUrl = function (fnName, parsedUrl) { // TODO = Validate server better. const pathString = parsedUrl.path.toString(); if (!(typeof === 'string') || === 0 || (!isValidKey(parsedUrl.repoInfo.namespace) &&':')[0] !== 'localhost') || (pathString.length !== 0 && !isValidRootPathString(pathString))) { throw new Error(errorPrefix(fnName, 'url') + 'must be a valid firebase URL and ' + 'the path can\'t contain ".", "#", "$", "[", or "]".'); } }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The event queue serves a few purposes: * 1. It ensures we maintain event order in the face of event callbacks doing operations that result in more * events being queued. * 2. raiseQueuedEvents() handles being called reentrantly nicely. That is, if in the course of raising events, * raiseQueuedEvents() is called again, the "inner" call will pick up raising events where the "outer" call * left off, ensuring that the events are still raised synchronously and in order. * 3. You can use raiseEventsAtPath and raiseEventsForChangedPath to ensure only relevant previously-queued * events are raised synchronously. * * NOTE: This can all go away if/when we move to async events. * */ class EventQueue { constructor() { this.eventLists_ = []; /** * Tracks recursion depth of raiseQueuedEvents_, for debugging purposes. */ this.recursionDepth_ = 0; } } /** * @param eventDataList - The new events to queue. */ function eventQueueQueueEvents(eventQueue, eventDataList) { // We group events by path, storing them in a single EventList, to make it easier to skip over them quickly. let currList = null; for (let i = 0; i < eventDataList.length; i++) { const data = eventDataList[i]; const path = data.getPath(); if (currList !== null && !pathEquals(path, currList.path)) { eventQueue.eventLists_.push(currList); currList = null; } if (currList === null) { currList = { events: [], path }; }; } if (currList) { eventQueue.eventLists_.push(currList); } } /** * Queues the specified events and synchronously raises all events (including previously queued ones) * for the specified path. * * It is assumed that the new events are all for the specified path. * * @param path - The path to raise events for. * @param eventDataList - The new events to raise. */ function eventQueueRaiseEventsAtPath(eventQueue, path, eventDataList) { eventQueueQueueEvents(eventQueue, eventDataList); eventQueueRaiseQueuedEventsMatchingPredicate(eventQueue, eventPath => pathEquals(eventPath, path)); } /** * Queues the specified events and synchronously raises all events (including previously queued ones) for * locations related to the specified change path (i.e. all ancestors and descendants). * * It is assumed that the new events are all related (ancestor or descendant) to the specified path. * * @param changedPath - The path to raise events for. * @param eventDataList - The events to raise */ function eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(eventQueue, changedPath, eventDataList) { eventQueueQueueEvents(eventQueue, eventDataList); eventQueueRaiseQueuedEventsMatchingPredicate(eventQueue, eventPath => pathContains(eventPath, changedPath) || pathContains(changedPath, eventPath)); } function eventQueueRaiseQueuedEventsMatchingPredicate(eventQueue, predicate) { eventQueue.recursionDepth_++; let sentAll = true; for (let i = 0; i < eventQueue.eventLists_.length; i++) { const eventList = eventQueue.eventLists_[i]; if (eventList) { const eventPath = eventList.path; if (predicate(eventPath)) { eventListRaise(eventQueue.eventLists_[i]); eventQueue.eventLists_[i] = null; } else { sentAll = false; } } } if (sentAll) { eventQueue.eventLists_ = []; } eventQueue.recursionDepth_--; } /** * Iterates through the list and raises each event */ function eventListRaise(eventList) { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const eventData =[i]; if (eventData !== null) {[i] = null; const eventFn = eventData.getEventRunner(); if (logger) { log('event: ' + eventData.toString()); } exceptionGuard(eventFn); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const INTERRUPT_REASON = 'repo_interrupt'; /** * If a transaction does not succeed after 25 retries, we abort it. Among other * things this ensure that if there's ever a bug causing a mismatch between * client / server hashes for some data, we won't retry indefinitely. */ const MAX_TRANSACTION_RETRIES = 25; /** * A connection to a single data repository. */ class Repo { constructor(repoInfo_, forceRestClient_, authTokenProvider_, appCheckProvider_) { this.repoInfo_ = repoInfo_; this.forceRestClient_ = forceRestClient_; this.authTokenProvider_ = authTokenProvider_; this.appCheckProvider_ = appCheckProvider_; this.dataUpdateCount = 0; this.statsListener_ = null; this.eventQueue_ = new EventQueue(); this.nextWriteId_ = 1; this.interceptServerDataCallback_ = null; /** A list of data pieces and paths to be set when this client disconnects. */ this.onDisconnect_ = newSparseSnapshotTree(); /** Stores queues of outstanding transactions for Firebase locations. */ this.transactionQueueTree_ = new Tree(); // TODO: This should be @private but it's used by test_access.js and internal.js this.persistentConnection_ = null; // This key is intentionally not updated if RepoInfo is later changed or replaced this.key = this.repoInfo_.toURLString(); } /** * @returns The URL corresponding to the root of this Firebase. */ toString() { return (( ? 'https://' : 'http://') +; } } function repoStart(repo, appId, authOverride) { repo.stats_ = statsManagerGetCollection(repo.repoInfo_); if (repo.forceRestClient_ || beingCrawled()) { repo.server_ = new ReadonlyRestClient(repo.repoInfo_, (pathString, data, isMerge, tag) => { repoOnDataUpdate(repo, pathString, data, isMerge, tag); }, repo.authTokenProvider_, repo.appCheckProvider_); // Minor hack: Fire onConnect immediately, since there's no actual connection. setTimeout(() => repoOnConnectStatus(repo, /* connectStatus= */ true), 0); } else { // Validate authOverride if (typeof authOverride !== 'undefined' && authOverride !== null) { if (typeof authOverride !== 'object') { throw new Error('Only objects are supported for option databaseAuthVariableOverride'); } try { stringify(authOverride); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Invalid authOverride provided: ' + e); } } repo.persistentConnection_ = new PersistentConnection(repo.repoInfo_, appId, (pathString, data, isMerge, tag) => { repoOnDataUpdate(repo, pathString, data, isMerge, tag); }, (connectStatus) => { repoOnConnectStatus(repo, connectStatus); }, (updates) => { repoOnServerInfoUpdate(repo, updates); }, repo.authTokenProvider_, repo.appCheckProvider_, authOverride); repo.server_ = repo.persistentConnection_; } repo.authTokenProvider_.addTokenChangeListener(token => { repo.server_.refreshAuthToken(token); }); repo.appCheckProvider_.addTokenChangeListener(result => { repo.server_.refreshAppCheckToken(result.token); }); // In the case of multiple Repos for the same repoInfo (i.e. there are multiple Firebase.Contexts being used), // we only want to create one StatsReporter. As such, we'll report stats over the first Repo created. repo.statsReporter_ = statsManagerGetOrCreateReporter(repo.repoInfo_, () => new StatsReporter(repo.stats_, repo.server_)); // Used for .info. repo.infoData_ = new SnapshotHolder(); repo.infoSyncTree_ = new SyncTree({ startListening: (query, tag, currentHashFn, onComplete) => { let infoEvents = []; const node = repo.infoData_.getNode(query._path); // This is possibly a hack, but we have different semantics for .info endpoints. We don't raise null events // on initial data... if (!node.isEmpty()) { infoEvents = syncTreeApplyServerOverwrite(repo.infoSyncTree_, query._path, node); setTimeout(() => { onComplete('ok'); }, 0); } return infoEvents; }, stopListening: () => { } }); repoUpdateInfo(repo, 'connected', false); repo.serverSyncTree_ = new SyncTree({ startListening: (query, tag, currentHashFn, onComplete) => { repo.server_.listen(query, currentHashFn, tag, (status, data) => { const events = onComplete(status, data); eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, query._path, events); }); // No synchronous events for network-backed sync trees return []; }, stopListening: (query, tag) => { repo.server_.unlisten(query, tag); } }); } /** * @returns The time in milliseconds, taking the server offset into account if we have one. */ function repoServerTime(repo) { const offsetNode = repo.infoData_.getNode(new Path('.info/serverTimeOffset')); const offset = offsetNode.val() || 0; return new Date().getTime() + offset; } /** * Generate ServerValues using some variables from the repo object. */ function repoGenerateServerValues(repo) { return generateWithValues({ timestamp: repoServerTime(repo) }); } /** * Called by realtime when we get new messages from the server. */ function repoOnDataUpdate(repo, pathString, data, isMerge, tag) { // For testing. repo.dataUpdateCount++; const path = new Path(pathString); data = repo.interceptServerDataCallback_ ? repo.interceptServerDataCallback_(pathString, data) : data; let events = []; if (tag) { if (isMerge) { const taggedChildren = map(data, (raw) => nodeFromJSON(raw)); events = syncTreeApplyTaggedQueryMerge(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, taggedChildren, tag); } else { const taggedSnap = nodeFromJSON(data); events = syncTreeApplyTaggedQueryOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, taggedSnap, tag); } } else if (isMerge) { const changedChildren = map(data, (raw) => nodeFromJSON(raw)); events = syncTreeApplyServerMerge(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, changedChildren); } else { const snap = nodeFromJSON(data); events = syncTreeApplyServerOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, snap); } let affectedPath = path; if (events.length > 0) { // Since we have a listener outstanding for each transaction, receiving any events // is a proxy for some change having occurred. affectedPath = repoRerunTransactions(repo, path); } eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, affectedPath, events); } function repoOnConnectStatus(repo, connectStatus) { repoUpdateInfo(repo, 'connected', connectStatus); if (connectStatus === false) { repoRunOnDisconnectEvents(repo); } } function repoOnServerInfoUpdate(repo, updates) { each(updates, (key, value) => { repoUpdateInfo(repo, key, value); }); } function repoUpdateInfo(repo, pathString, value) { const path = new Path('/.info/' + pathString); const newNode = nodeFromJSON(value); repo.infoData_.updateSnapshot(path, newNode); const events = syncTreeApplyServerOverwrite(repo.infoSyncTree_, path, newNode); eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, path, events); } function repoGetNextWriteId(repo) { return repo.nextWriteId_++; } /** * The purpose of `getValue` is to return the latest known value * satisfying `query`. * * This method will first check for in-memory cached values * belonging to active listeners. If they are found, such values * are considered to be the most up-to-date. * * If the client is not connected, this method will try to * establish a connection and request the value for `query`. If * the client is not able to retrieve the query result, it reports * an error. * * @param query - The query to surface a value for. */ function repoGetValue(repo, query) { // Only active queries are cached. There is no persisted cache. const cached = syncTreeGetServerValue(repo.serverSyncTree_, query); if (cached != null) { return Promise.resolve(cached); } return repo.server_.get(query).then(payload => { const node = nodeFromJSON(payload).withIndex(query._queryParams.getIndex()); const events = syncTreeApplyServerOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, query._path, node); eventQueueRaiseEventsAtPath(repo.eventQueue_, query._path, events); return Promise.resolve(node); }, err => { repoLog(repo, 'get for query ' + stringify(query) + ' failed: ' + err); return Promise.reject(new Error(err)); }); } function repoSetWithPriority(repo, path, newVal, newPriority, onComplete) { repoLog(repo, 'set', { path: path.toString(), value: newVal, priority: newPriority }); // TODO: Optimize this behavior to either (a) store flag to skip resolving where possible and / or // (b) store unresolved paths on JSON parse const serverValues = repoGenerateServerValues(repo); const newNodeUnresolved = nodeFromJSON(newVal, newPriority); const existing = syncTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(repo.serverSyncTree_, path); const newNode = resolveDeferredValueSnapshot(newNodeUnresolved, existing, serverValues); const writeId = repoGetNextWriteId(repo); const events = syncTreeApplyUserOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, newNode, writeId, true); eventQueueQueueEvents(repo.eventQueue_, events); repo.server_.put(path.toString(), newNodeUnresolved.val(/*export=*/ true), (status, errorReason) => { const success = status === 'ok'; if (!success) { warn('set at ' + path + ' failed: ' + status); } const clearEvents = syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, writeId, !success); eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, path, clearEvents); repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, status, errorReason); }); const affectedPath = repoAbortTransactions(repo, path); repoRerunTransactions(repo, affectedPath); // We queued the events above, so just flush the queue here eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, affectedPath, []); } function repoUpdate(repo, path, childrenToMerge, onComplete) { repoLog(repo, 'update', { path: path.toString(), value: childrenToMerge }); // Start with our existing data and merge each child into it. let empty = true; const serverValues = repoGenerateServerValues(repo); const changedChildren = {}; each(childrenToMerge, (changedKey, changedValue) => { empty = false; changedChildren[changedKey] = resolveDeferredValueTree(pathChild(path, changedKey), nodeFromJSON(changedValue), repo.serverSyncTree_, serverValues); }); if (!empty) { const writeId = repoGetNextWriteId(repo); const events = syncTreeApplyUserMerge(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, changedChildren, writeId); eventQueueQueueEvents(repo.eventQueue_, events); repo.server_.merge(path.toString(), childrenToMerge, (status, errorReason) => { const success = status === 'ok'; if (!success) { warn('update at ' + path + ' failed: ' + status); } const clearEvents = syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, writeId, !success); const affectedPath = clearEvents.length > 0 ? repoRerunTransactions(repo, path) : path; eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, affectedPath, clearEvents); repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, status, errorReason); }); each(childrenToMerge, (changedPath) => { const affectedPath = repoAbortTransactions(repo, pathChild(path, changedPath)); repoRerunTransactions(repo, affectedPath); }); // We queued the events above, so just flush the queue here eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, path, []); } else { log("update() called with empty data. Don't do anything."); repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, 'ok', undefined); } } /** * Applies all of the changes stored up in the onDisconnect_ tree. */ function repoRunOnDisconnectEvents(repo) { repoLog(repo, 'onDisconnectEvents'); const serverValues = repoGenerateServerValues(repo); const resolvedOnDisconnectTree = newSparseSnapshotTree(); sparseSnapshotTreeForEachTree(repo.onDisconnect_, newEmptyPath(), (path, node) => { const resolved = resolveDeferredValueTree(path, node, repo.serverSyncTree_, serverValues); sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(resolvedOnDisconnectTree, path, resolved); }); let events = []; sparseSnapshotTreeForEachTree(resolvedOnDisconnectTree, newEmptyPath(), (path, snap) => { events = events.concat(syncTreeApplyServerOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, snap)); const affectedPath = repoAbortTransactions(repo, path); repoRerunTransactions(repo, affectedPath); }); repo.onDisconnect_ = newSparseSnapshotTree(); eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, newEmptyPath(), events); } function repoOnDisconnectCancel(repo, path, onComplete) { repo.server_.onDisconnectCancel(path.toString(), (status, errorReason) => { if (status === 'ok') { sparseSnapshotTreeForget(repo.onDisconnect_, path); } repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, status, errorReason); }); } function repoOnDisconnectSet(repo, path, value, onComplete) { const newNode = nodeFromJSON(value); repo.server_.onDisconnectPut(path.toString(), newNode.val(/*export=*/ true), (status, errorReason) => { if (status === 'ok') { sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(repo.onDisconnect_, path, newNode); } repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, status, errorReason); }); } function repoOnDisconnectSetWithPriority(repo, path, value, priority, onComplete) { const newNode = nodeFromJSON(value, priority); repo.server_.onDisconnectPut(path.toString(), newNode.val(/*export=*/ true), (status, errorReason) => { if (status === 'ok') { sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(repo.onDisconnect_, path, newNode); } repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, status, errorReason); }); } function repoOnDisconnectUpdate(repo, path, childrenToMerge, onComplete) { if (isEmpty(childrenToMerge)) { log("onDisconnect().update() called with empty data. Don't do anything."); repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, 'ok', undefined); return; } repo.server_.onDisconnectMerge(path.toString(), childrenToMerge, (status, errorReason) => { if (status === 'ok') { each(childrenToMerge, (childName, childNode) => { const newChildNode = nodeFromJSON(childNode); sparseSnapshotTreeRemember(repo.onDisconnect_, pathChild(path, childName), newChildNode); }); } repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, onComplete, status, errorReason); }); } function repoAddEventCallbackForQuery(repo, query, eventRegistration) { let events; if (pathGetFront(query._path) === '.info') { events = syncTreeAddEventRegistration(repo.infoSyncTree_, query, eventRegistration); } else { events = syncTreeAddEventRegistration(repo.serverSyncTree_, query, eventRegistration); } eventQueueRaiseEventsAtPath(repo.eventQueue_, query._path, events); } function repoRemoveEventCallbackForQuery(repo, query, eventRegistration) { // These are guaranteed not to raise events, since we're not passing in a cancelError. However, we can future-proof // a little bit by handling the return values anyways. let events; if (pathGetFront(query._path) === '.info') { events = syncTreeRemoveEventRegistration(repo.infoSyncTree_, query, eventRegistration); } else { events = syncTreeRemoveEventRegistration(repo.serverSyncTree_, query, eventRegistration); } eventQueueRaiseEventsAtPath(repo.eventQueue_, query._path, events); } function repoInterrupt(repo) { if (repo.persistentConnection_) { repo.persistentConnection_.interrupt(INTERRUPT_REASON); } } function repoResume(repo) { if (repo.persistentConnection_) { repo.persistentConnection_.resume(INTERRUPT_REASON); } } function repoLog(repo, ...varArgs) { let prefix = ''; if (repo.persistentConnection_) { prefix = + ':'; } log(prefix, ...varArgs); } function repoCallOnCompleteCallback(repo, callback, status, errorReason) { if (callback) { exceptionGuard(() => { if (status === 'ok') { callback(null); } else { const code = (status || 'error').toUpperCase(); let message = code; if (errorReason) { message += ': ' + errorReason; } const error = new Error(message); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any error.code = code; callback(error); } }); } } /** * Creates a new transaction, adds it to the transactions we're tracking, and * sends it to the server if possible. * * @param path - Path at which to do transaction. * @param transactionUpdate - Update callback. * @param onComplete - Completion callback. * @param unwatcher - Function that will be called when the transaction no longer * need data updates for `path`. * @param applyLocally - Whether or not to make intermediate results visible */ function repoStartTransaction(repo, path, transactionUpdate, onComplete, unwatcher, applyLocally) { repoLog(repo, 'transaction on ' + path); // Initialize transaction. const transaction = { path, update: transactionUpdate, onComplete, // One of TransactionStatus enums. status: null, // Used when combining transactions at different locations to figure out // which one goes first. order: LUIDGenerator(), // Whether to raise local events for this transaction. applyLocally, // Count of how many times we've retried the transaction. retryCount: 0, // Function to call to clean up our .on() listener. unwatcher, // Stores why a transaction was aborted. abortReason: null, currentWriteId: null, currentInputSnapshot: null, currentOutputSnapshotRaw: null, currentOutputSnapshotResolved: null }; // Run transaction initially. const currentState = repoGetLatestState(repo, path, undefined); transaction.currentInputSnapshot = currentState; const newVal = transaction.update(currentState.val()); if (newVal === undefined) { // Abort transaction. transaction.unwatcher(); transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = null; transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = null; if (transaction.onComplete) { transaction.onComplete(null, false, transaction.currentInputSnapshot); } } else { validateFirebaseData('transaction failed: Data returned ', newVal, transaction.path); // Mark as run and add to our queue. transaction.status = 0 /* RUN */; const queueNode = treeSubTree(repo.transactionQueueTree_, path); const nodeQueue = treeGetValue(queueNode) || []; nodeQueue.push(transaction); treeSetValue(queueNode, nodeQueue); // Update visibleData and raise events // Note: We intentionally raise events after updating all of our // transaction state, since the user could start new transactions from the // event callbacks. let priorityForNode; if (typeof newVal === 'object' && newVal !== null && contains(newVal, '.priority')) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any priorityForNode = safeGet(newVal, '.priority'); assert(isValidPriority(priorityForNode), 'Invalid priority returned by transaction. ' + 'Priority must be a valid string, finite number, server value, or null.'); } else { const currentNode = syncTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(repo.serverSyncTree_, path) || ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE; priorityForNode = currentNode.getPriority().val(); } const serverValues = repoGenerateServerValues(repo); const newNodeUnresolved = nodeFromJSON(newVal, priorityForNode); const newNode = resolveDeferredValueSnapshot(newNodeUnresolved, currentState, serverValues); transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = newNodeUnresolved; transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = newNode; transaction.currentWriteId = repoGetNextWriteId(repo); const events = syncTreeApplyUserOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, newNode, transaction.currentWriteId, transaction.applyLocally); eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, path, events); repoSendReadyTransactions(repo, repo.transactionQueueTree_); } } /** * @param excludeSets - A specific set to exclude */ function repoGetLatestState(repo, path, excludeSets) { return (syncTreeCalcCompleteEventCache(repo.serverSyncTree_, path, excludeSets) || ChildrenNode.EMPTY_NODE); } /** * Sends any already-run transactions that aren't waiting for outstanding * transactions to complete. * * Externally it's called with no arguments, but it calls itself recursively * with a particular transactionQueueTree node to recurse through the tree. * * @param node - transactionQueueTree node to start at. */ function repoSendReadyTransactions(repo, node = repo.transactionQueueTree_) { // Before recursing, make sure any completed transactions are removed. if (!node) { repoPruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode(repo, node); } if (treeGetValue(node)) { const queue = repoBuildTransactionQueue(repo, node); assert(queue.length > 0, 'Sending zero length transaction queue'); const allRun = queue.every((transaction) => transaction.status === 0 /* RUN */); // If they're all run (and not sent), we can send them. Else, we must wait. if (allRun) { repoSendTransactionQueue(repo, treeGetPath(node), queue); } } else if (treeHasChildren(node)) { treeForEachChild(node, childNode => { repoSendReadyTransactions(repo, childNode); }); } } /** * Given a list of run transactions, send them to the server and then handle * the result (success or failure). * * @param path - The location of the queue. * @param queue - Queue of transactions under the specified location. */ function repoSendTransactionQueue(repo, path, queue) { // Mark transactions as sent and increment retry count! const setsToIgnore = => { return txn.currentWriteId; }); const latestState = repoGetLatestState(repo, path, setsToIgnore); let snapToSend = latestState; const latestHash = latestState.hash(); for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { const txn = queue[i]; assert(txn.status === 0 /* RUN */, 'tryToSendTransactionQueue_: items in queue should all be run.'); txn.status = 1 /* SENT */; txn.retryCount++; const relativePath = newRelativePath(path, txn.path); // If we've gotten to this point, the output snapshot must be defined. snapToSend = snapToSend.updateChild(relativePath /** @type {!Node} */, txn.currentOutputSnapshotRaw); } const dataToSend = snapToSend.val(true); const pathToSend = path; // Send the put. repo.server_.put(pathToSend.toString(), dataToSend, (status) => { repoLog(repo, 'transaction put response', { path: pathToSend.toString(), status }); let events = []; if (status === 'ok') { // Queue up the callbacks and fire them after cleaning up all of our // transaction state, since the callback could trigger more // transactions or sets. const callbacks = []; for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { queue[i].status = 2 /* COMPLETED */; events = events.concat(syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, queue[i].currentWriteId)); if (queue[i].onComplete) { // We never unset the output snapshot, and given that this // transaction is complete, it should be set callbacks.push(() => queue[i].onComplete(null, true, queue[i].currentOutputSnapshotResolved)); } queue[i].unwatcher(); } // Now remove the completed transactions. repoPruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode(repo, treeSubTree(repo.transactionQueueTree_, path)); // There may be pending transactions that we can now send. repoSendReadyTransactions(repo, repo.transactionQueueTree_); eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, path, events); // Finally, trigger onComplete callbacks. for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { exceptionGuard(callbacks[i]); } } else { // transactions are no longer sent. Update their status appropriately. if (status === 'datastale') { for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { if (queue[i].status === 3 /* SENT_NEEDS_ABORT */) { queue[i].status = 4 /* NEEDS_ABORT */; } else { queue[i].status = 0 /* RUN */; } } } else { warn('transaction at ' + pathToSend.toString() + ' failed: ' + status); for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { queue[i].status = 4 /* NEEDS_ABORT */; queue[i].abortReason = status; } } repoRerunTransactions(repo, path); } }, latestHash); } /** * Finds all transactions dependent on the data at changedPath and reruns them. * * Should be called any time cached data changes. * * Return the highest path that was affected by rerunning transactions. This * is the path at which events need to be raised for. * * @param changedPath - The path in mergedData that changed. * @returns The rootmost path that was affected by rerunning transactions. */ function repoRerunTransactions(repo, changedPath) { const rootMostTransactionNode = repoGetAncestorTransactionNode(repo, changedPath); const path = treeGetPath(rootMostTransactionNode); const queue = repoBuildTransactionQueue(repo, rootMostTransactionNode); repoRerunTransactionQueue(repo, queue, path); return path; } /** * Does all the work of rerunning transactions (as well as cleans up aborted * transactions and whatnot). * * @param queue - The queue of transactions to run. * @param path - The path the queue is for. */ function repoRerunTransactionQueue(repo, queue, path) { if (queue.length === 0) { return; // Nothing to do! } // Queue up the callbacks and fire them after cleaning up all of our // transaction state, since the callback could trigger more transactions or // sets. const callbacks = []; let events = []; // Ignore all of the sets we're going to re-run. const txnsToRerun = queue.filter(q => { return q.status === 0 /* RUN */; }); const setsToIgnore = => { return q.currentWriteId; }); for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { const transaction = queue[i]; const relativePath = newRelativePath(path, transaction.path); let abortTransaction = false, abortReason; assert(relativePath !== null, 'rerunTransactionsUnderNode_: relativePath should not be null.'); if (transaction.status === 4 /* NEEDS_ABORT */) { abortTransaction = true; abortReason = transaction.abortReason; events = events.concat(syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, transaction.currentWriteId, true)); } else if (transaction.status === 0 /* RUN */) { if (transaction.retryCount >= MAX_TRANSACTION_RETRIES) { abortTransaction = true; abortReason = 'maxretry'; events = events.concat(syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, transaction.currentWriteId, true)); } else { // This code reruns a transaction const currentNode = repoGetLatestState(repo, transaction.path, setsToIgnore); transaction.currentInputSnapshot = currentNode; const newData = queue[i].update(currentNode.val()); if (newData !== undefined) { validateFirebaseData('transaction failed: Data returned ', newData, transaction.path); let newDataNode = nodeFromJSON(newData); const hasExplicitPriority = typeof newData === 'object' && newData != null && contains(newData, '.priority'); if (!hasExplicitPriority) { // Keep the old priority if there wasn't a priority explicitly specified. newDataNode = newDataNode.updatePriority(currentNode.getPriority()); } const oldWriteId = transaction.currentWriteId; const serverValues = repoGenerateServerValues(repo); const newNodeResolved = resolveDeferredValueSnapshot(newDataNode, currentNode, serverValues); transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = newDataNode; transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = newNodeResolved; transaction.currentWriteId = repoGetNextWriteId(repo); // Mutates setsToIgnore in place setsToIgnore.splice(setsToIgnore.indexOf(oldWriteId), 1); events = events.concat(syncTreeApplyUserOverwrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, transaction.path, newNodeResolved, transaction.currentWriteId, transaction.applyLocally)); events = events.concat(syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, oldWriteId, true)); } else { abortTransaction = true; abortReason = 'nodata'; events = events.concat(syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, transaction.currentWriteId, true)); } } } eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, path, events); events = []; if (abortTransaction) { // Abort. queue[i].status = 2 /* COMPLETED */; // Removing a listener can trigger pruning which can muck with // mergedData/visibleData (as it prunes data). So defer the unwatcher // until we're done. (function (unwatcher) { setTimeout(unwatcher, Math.floor(0)); })(queue[i].unwatcher); if (queue[i].onComplete) { if (abortReason === 'nodata') { callbacks.push(() => queue[i].onComplete(null, false, queue[i].currentInputSnapshot)); } else { callbacks.push(() => queue[i].onComplete(new Error(abortReason), false, null)); } } } } // Clean up completed transactions. repoPruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode(repo, repo.transactionQueueTree_); // Now fire callbacks, now that we're in a good, known state. for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { exceptionGuard(callbacks[i]); } // Try to send the transaction result to the server. repoSendReadyTransactions(repo, repo.transactionQueueTree_); } /** * Returns the rootmost ancestor node of the specified path that has a pending * transaction on it, or just returns the node for the given path if there are * no pending transactions on any ancestor. * * @param path - The location to start at. * @returns The rootmost node with a transaction. */ function repoGetAncestorTransactionNode(repo, path) { let front; // Start at the root and walk deeper into the tree towards path until we // find a node with pending transactions. let transactionNode = repo.transactionQueueTree_; front = pathGetFront(path); while (front !== null && treeGetValue(transactionNode) === undefined) { transactionNode = treeSubTree(transactionNode, front); path = pathPopFront(path); front = pathGetFront(path); } return transactionNode; } /** * Builds the queue of all transactions at or below the specified * transactionNode. * * @param transactionNode * @returns The generated queue. */ function repoBuildTransactionQueue(repo, transactionNode) { // Walk any child transaction queues and aggregate them into a single queue. const transactionQueue = []; repoAggregateTransactionQueuesForNode(repo, transactionNode, transactionQueue); // Sort them by the order the transactions were created. transactionQueue.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order); return transactionQueue; } function repoAggregateTransactionQueuesForNode(repo, node, queue) { const nodeQueue = treeGetValue(node); if (nodeQueue) { for (let i = 0; i < nodeQueue.length; i++) { queue.push(nodeQueue[i]); } } treeForEachChild(node, child => { repoAggregateTransactionQueuesForNode(repo, child, queue); }); } /** * Remove COMPLETED transactions at or below this node in the transactionQueueTree_. */ function repoPruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode(repo, node) { const queue = treeGetValue(node); if (queue) { let to = 0; for (let from = 0; from < queue.length; from++) { if (queue[from].status !== 2 /* COMPLETED */) { queue[to] = queue[from]; to++; } } queue.length = to; treeSetValue(node, queue.length > 0 ? queue : undefined); } treeForEachChild(node, childNode => { repoPruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode(repo, childNode); }); } /** * Aborts all transactions on ancestors or descendants of the specified path. * Called when doing a set() or update() since we consider them incompatible * with transactions. * * @param path - Path for which we want to abort related transactions. */ function repoAbortTransactions(repo, path) { const affectedPath = treeGetPath(repoGetAncestorTransactionNode(repo, path)); const transactionNode = treeSubTree(repo.transactionQueueTree_, path); treeForEachAncestor(transactionNode, (node) => { repoAbortTransactionsOnNode(repo, node); }); repoAbortTransactionsOnNode(repo, transactionNode); treeForEachDescendant(transactionNode, (node) => { repoAbortTransactionsOnNode(repo, node); }); return affectedPath; } /** * Abort transactions stored in this transaction queue node. * * @param node - Node to abort transactions for. */ function repoAbortTransactionsOnNode(repo, node) { const queue = treeGetValue(node); if (queue) { // Queue up the callbacks and fire them after cleaning up all of our // transaction state, since the callback could trigger more transactions // or sets. const callbacks = []; // Go through queue. Any already-sent transactions must be marked for // abort, while the unsent ones can be immediately aborted and removed. let events = []; let lastSent = -1; for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { if (queue[i].status === 3 /* SENT_NEEDS_ABORT */) ; else if (queue[i].status === 1 /* SENT */) { assert(lastSent === i - 1, 'All SENT items should be at beginning of queue.'); lastSent = i; // Mark transaction for abort when it comes back. queue[i].status = 3 /* SENT_NEEDS_ABORT */; queue[i].abortReason = 'set'; } else { assert(queue[i].status === 0 /* RUN */, 'Unexpected transaction status in abort'); // We can abort it immediately. queue[i].unwatcher(); events = events.concat(syncTreeAckUserWrite(repo.serverSyncTree_, queue[i].currentWriteId, true)); if (queue[i].onComplete) { callbacks.push(queue[i].onComplete.bind(null, new Error('set'), false, null)); } } } if (lastSent === -1) { // We're not waiting for any sent transactions. We can clear the queue. treeSetValue(node, undefined); } else { // Remove the transactions we aborted. queue.length = lastSent + 1; } // Now fire the callbacks. eventQueueRaiseEventsForChangedPath(repo.eventQueue_, treeGetPath(node), events); for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { exceptionGuard(callbacks[i]); } } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function decodePath(pathString) { let pathStringDecoded = ''; const pieces = pathString.split('/'); for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { if (pieces[i].length > 0) { let piece = pieces[i]; try { piece = decodeURIComponent(piece.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } catch (e) { } pathStringDecoded += '/' + piece; } } return pathStringDecoded; } /** * @returns key value hash */ function decodeQuery(queryString) { const results = {}; if (queryString.charAt(0) === '?') { queryString = queryString.substring(1); } for (const segment of queryString.split('&')) { if (segment.length === 0) { continue; } const kv = segment.split('='); if (kv.length === 2) { results[decodeURIComponent(kv[0])] = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]); } else { warn(`Invalid query segment '${segment}' in query '${queryString}'`); } } return results; } const parseRepoInfo = function (dataURL, nodeAdmin) { const parsedUrl = parseDatabaseURL(dataURL), namespace = parsedUrl.namespace; if (parsedUrl.domain === '') { fatal( + ' is no longer supported. ' + 'Please use <YOUR FIREBASE> instead'); } // Catch common error of uninitialized namespace value. if ((!namespace || namespace === 'undefined') && parsedUrl.domain !== 'localhost') { fatal('Cannot parse Firebase url. Please use https://<YOUR FIREBASE>'); } if (! { warnIfPageIsSecure(); } const webSocketOnly = parsedUrl.scheme === 'ws' || parsedUrl.scheme === 'wss'; return { repoInfo: new RepoInfo(,, namespace, nodeAdmin, webSocketOnly, /*persistenceKey=*/ '', /*includeNamespaceInQueryParams=*/ namespace !== parsedUrl.subdomain), path: new Path(parsedUrl.pathString) }; }; const parseDatabaseURL = function (dataURL) { // Default to empty strings in the event of a malformed string. let host = '', domain = '', subdomain = '', pathString = '', namespace = ''; // Always default to SSL, unless otherwise specified. let secure = true, scheme = 'https', port = 443; // Don't do any validation here. The caller is responsible for validating the result of parsing. if (typeof dataURL === 'string') { // Parse scheme. let colonInd = dataURL.indexOf('//'); if (colonInd >= 0) { scheme = dataURL.substring(0, colonInd - 1); dataURL = dataURL.substring(colonInd + 2); } // Parse host, path, and query string. let slashInd = dataURL.indexOf('/'); if (slashInd === -1) { slashInd = dataURL.length; } let questionMarkInd = dataURL.indexOf('?'); if (questionMarkInd === -1) { questionMarkInd = dataURL.length; } host = dataURL.substring(0, Math.min(slashInd, questionMarkInd)); if (slashInd < questionMarkInd) { // For pathString, questionMarkInd will always come after slashInd pathString = decodePath(dataURL.substring(slashInd, questionMarkInd)); } const queryParams = decodeQuery(dataURL.substring(Math.min(dataURL.length, questionMarkInd))); // If we have a port, use scheme for determining if it's secure. colonInd = host.indexOf(':'); if (colonInd >= 0) { secure = scheme === 'https' || scheme === 'wss'; port = parseInt(host.substring(colonInd + 1), 10); } else { colonInd = host.length; } const hostWithoutPort = host.slice(0, colonInd); if (hostWithoutPort.toLowerCase() === 'localhost') { domain = 'localhost'; } else if (hostWithoutPort.split('.').length <= 2) { domain = hostWithoutPort; } else { // Interpret the subdomain of a 3 or more component URL as the namespace name. const dotInd = host.indexOf('.'); subdomain = host.substring(0, dotInd).toLowerCase(); domain = host.substring(dotInd + 1); // Normalize namespaces to lowercase to share storage / connection. namespace = subdomain; } // Always treat the value of the `ns` as the namespace name if it is present. if ('ns' in queryParams) { namespace = queryParams['ns']; } } return { host, port, domain, subdomain, secure, scheme, pathString, namespace }; }; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Encapsulates the data needed to raise an event */ class DataEvent { /** * @param eventType - One of: value, child_added, child_changed, child_moved, child_removed * @param eventRegistration - The function to call to with the event data. User provided * @param snapshot - The data backing the event * @param prevName - Optional, the name of the previous child for child_* events. */ constructor(eventType, eventRegistration, snapshot, prevName) { this.eventType = eventType; this.eventRegistration = eventRegistration; this.snapshot = snapshot; this.prevName = prevName; } getPath() { const ref = this.snapshot.ref; if (this.eventType === 'value') { return ref._path; } else { return ref.parent._path; } } getEventType() { return this.eventType; } getEventRunner() { return this.eventRegistration.getEventRunner(this); } toString() { return (this.getPath().toString() + ':' + this.eventType + ':' + stringify(this.snapshot.exportVal())); } } class CancelEvent { constructor(eventRegistration, error, path) { this.eventRegistration = eventRegistration; this.error = error; this.path = path; } getPath() { return this.path; } getEventType() { return 'cancel'; } getEventRunner() { return this.eventRegistration.getEventRunner(this); } toString() { return this.path.toString() + ':cancel'; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * A wrapper class that converts events from the database@exp SDK to the legacy * Database SDK. Events are not converted directly as event registration relies * on reference comparison of the original user callback (see `matches()`) and * relies on equality of the legacy SDK's `context` object. */ class CallbackContext { constructor(snapshotCallback, cancelCallback) { this.snapshotCallback = snapshotCallback; this.cancelCallback = cancelCallback; } onValue(expDataSnapshot, previousChildName) {, expDataSnapshot, previousChildName); } onCancel(error) { assert(this.hasCancelCallback, 'Raising a cancel event on a listener with no cancel callback'); return, error); } get hasCancelCallback() { return !!this.cancelCallback; } matches(other) { return (this.snapshotCallback === other.snapshotCallback || (this.snapshotCallback.userCallback !== undefined && this.snapshotCallback.userCallback === other.snapshotCallback.userCallback && this.snapshotCallback.context === other.snapshotCallback.context)); } } /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The `onDisconnect` class allows you to write or clear data when your client * disconnects from the Database server. These updates occur whether your * client disconnects cleanly or not, so you can rely on them to clean up data * even if a connection is dropped or a client crashes. * * The `onDisconnect` class is most commonly used to manage presence in * applications where it is useful to detect how many clients are connected and * when other clients disconnect. See * {@link | Enabling Offline Capabilities in JavaScript} * for more information. * * To avoid problems when a connection is dropped before the requests can be * transferred to the Database server, these functions should be called before * writing any data. * * Note that `onDisconnect` operations are only triggered once. If you want an * operation to occur each time a disconnect occurs, you'll need to re-establish * the `onDisconnect` operations each time you reconnect. */ class OnDisconnect { /** @hideconstructor */ constructor(_repo, _path) { this._repo = _repo; this._path = _path; } /** * Cancels all previously queued `onDisconnect()` set or update events for this * location and all children. * * If a write has been queued for this location via a `set()` or `update()` at a * parent location, the write at this location will be canceled, though writes * to sibling locations will still occur. * * @returns Resolves when synchronization to the server is complete. */ cancel() { const deferred = new Deferred(); repoOnDisconnectCancel(this._repo, this._path, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Ensures the data at this location is deleted when the client is disconnected * (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues). * * @returns Resolves when synchronization to the server is complete. */ remove() { validateWritablePath('OnDisconnect.remove', this._path); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoOnDisconnectSet(this._repo, this._path, null, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Ensures the data at this location is set to the specified value when the * client is disconnected (due to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, * or network issues). * * `set()` is especially useful for implementing "presence" systems, where a * value should be changed or cleared when a user disconnects so that they * appear "offline" to other users. See * {@link | Enabling Offline Capabilities in JavaScript} * for more information. * * Note that `onDisconnect` operations are only triggered once. If you want an * operation to occur each time a disconnect occurs, you'll need to re-establish * the `onDisconnect` operations each time. * * @param value - The value to be written to this location on disconnect (can * be an object, array, string, number, boolean, or null). * @returns Resolves when synchronization to the Database is complete. */ set(value) { validateWritablePath('OnDisconnect.set', this._path); validateFirebaseDataArg('OnDisconnect.set', value, this._path, false); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoOnDisconnectSet(this._repo, this._path, value, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Ensures the data at this location is set to the specified value and priority * when the client is disconnected (due to closing the browser, navigating to a * new page, or network issues). * * @param value - The value to be written to this location on disconnect (can * be an object, array, string, number, boolean, or null). * @param priority - The priority to be written (string, number, or null). * @returns Resolves when synchronization to the Database is complete. */ setWithPriority(value, priority) { validateWritablePath('OnDisconnect.setWithPriority', this._path); validateFirebaseDataArg('OnDisconnect.setWithPriority', value, this._path, false); validatePriority('OnDisconnect.setWithPriority', priority, false); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoOnDisconnectSetWithPriority(this._repo, this._path, value, priority, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Writes multiple values at this location when the client is disconnected (due * to closing the browser, navigating to a new page, or network issues). * * The `values` argument contains multiple property-value pairs that will be * written to the Database together. Each child property can either be a simple * property (for example, "name") or a relative path (for example, "name/first") * from the current location to the data to update. * * As opposed to the `set()` method, `update()` can be use to selectively update * only the referenced properties at the current location (instead of replacing * all the child properties at the current location). * * @param values - Object containing multiple values. * @returns Resolves when synchronization to the Database is complete. */ update(values) { validateWritablePath('OnDisconnect.update', this._path); validateFirebaseMergeDataArg('OnDisconnect.update', values, this._path, false); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoOnDisconnectUpdate(this._repo, this._path, values, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } } /** * @license * Copyright 2020 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @internal */ class QueryImpl { /** * @hideconstructor */ constructor(_repo, _path, _queryParams, _orderByCalled) { this._repo = _repo; this._path = _path; this._queryParams = _queryParams; this._orderByCalled = _orderByCalled; } get key() { if (pathIsEmpty(this._path)) { return null; } else { return pathGetBack(this._path); } } get ref() { return new ReferenceImpl(this._repo, this._path); } get _queryIdentifier() { const obj = queryParamsGetQueryObject(this._queryParams); const id = ObjectToUniqueKey(obj); return id === '{}' ? 'default' : id; } /** * An object representation of the query parameters used by this Query. */ get _queryObject() { return queryParamsGetQueryObject(this._queryParams); } isEqual(other) { other = getModularInstance(other); if (!(other instanceof QueryImpl)) { return false; } const sameRepo = this._repo === other._repo; const samePath = pathEquals(this._path, other._path); const sameQueryIdentifier = this._queryIdentifier === other._queryIdentifier; return sameRepo && samePath && sameQueryIdentifier; } toJSON() { return this.toString(); } toString() { return this._repo.toString() + pathToUrlEncodedString(this._path); } } /** * Validates that no other order by call has been made */ function validateNoPreviousOrderByCall(query, fnName) { if (query._orderByCalled === true) { throw new Error(fnName + ": You can't combine multiple orderBy calls."); } } /** * Validates start/end values for queries. */ function validateQueryEndpoints(params) { let startNode = null; let endNode = null; if (params.hasStart()) { startNode = params.getIndexStartValue(); } if (params.hasEnd()) { endNode = params.getIndexEndValue(); } if (params.getIndex() === KEY_INDEX) { const tooManyArgsError = 'Query: When ordering by key, you may only pass one argument to ' + 'startAt(), endAt(), or equalTo().'; const wrongArgTypeError = 'Query: When ordering by key, the argument passed to startAt(), startAfter(), ' + 'endAt(), endBefore(), or equalTo() must be a string.'; if (params.hasStart()) { const startName = params.getIndexStartName(); if (startName !== MIN_NAME) { throw new Error(tooManyArgsError); } else if (typeof startNode !== 'string') { throw new Error(wrongArgTypeError); } } if (params.hasEnd()) { const endName = params.getIndexEndName(); if (endName !== MAX_NAME) { throw new Error(tooManyArgsError); } else if (typeof endNode !== 'string') { throw new Error(wrongArgTypeError); } } } else if (params.getIndex() === PRIORITY_INDEX) { if ((startNode != null && !isValidPriority(startNode)) || (endNode != null && !isValidPriority(endNode))) { throw new Error('Query: When ordering by priority, the first argument passed to startAt(), ' + 'startAfter() endAt(), endBefore(), or equalTo() must be a valid priority value ' + '(null, a number, or a string).'); } } else { assert(params.getIndex() instanceof PathIndex || params.getIndex() === VALUE_INDEX, 'unknown index type.'); if ((startNode != null && typeof startNode === 'object') || (endNode != null && typeof endNode === 'object')) { throw new Error('Query: First argument passed to startAt(), startAfter(), endAt(), endBefore(), or ' + 'equalTo() cannot be an object.'); } } } /** * Validates that limit* has been called with the correct combination of parameters */ function validateLimit(params) { if (params.hasStart() && params.hasEnd() && params.hasLimit() && !params.hasAnchoredLimit()) { throw new Error("Query: Can't combine startAt(), startAfter(), endAt(), endBefore(), and limit(). Use " + 'limitToFirst() or limitToLast() instead.'); } } /** * @internal */ class ReferenceImpl extends QueryImpl { /** @hideconstructor */ constructor(repo, path) { super(repo, path, new QueryParams(), false); } get parent() { const parentPath = pathParent(this._path); return parentPath === null ? null : new ReferenceImpl(this._repo, parentPath); } get root() { let ref = this; while (ref.parent !== null) { ref = ref.parent; } return ref; } } /** * A `DataSnapshot` contains data from a Database location. * * Any time you read data from the Database, you receive the data as a * `DataSnapshot`. A `DataSnapshot` is passed to the event callbacks you attach * with `on()` or `once()`. You can extract the contents of the snapshot as a * JavaScript object by calling the `val()` method. Alternatively, you can * traverse into the snapshot by calling `child()` to return child snapshots * (which you could then call `val()` on). * * A `DataSnapshot` is an efficiently generated, immutable copy of the data at * a Database location. It cannot be modified and will never change (to modify * data, you always call the `set()` method on a `Reference` directly). */ class DataSnapshot { /** * @param _node - A SnapshotNode to wrap. * @param ref - The location this snapshot came from. * @param _index - The iteration order for this snapshot * @hideconstructor */ constructor(_node, /** * The location of this DataSnapshot. */ ref, _index) { this._node = _node; this.ref = ref; this._index = _index; } /** * Gets the priority value of the data in this `DataSnapshot`. * * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by * ordinary properties (see * {@link |Sorting and filtering data} * ). */ get priority() { // typecast here because we never return deferred values or internal priorities (MAX_PRIORITY) return this._node.getPriority().val(); } /** * The key (last part of the path) of the location of this `DataSnapshot`. * * The last token in a Database location is considered its key. For example, * "ada" is the key for the /users/ada/ node. Accessing the key on any * `DataSnapshot` will return the key for the location that generated it. * However, accessing the key on the root URL of a Database will return * `null`. */ get key() { return this.ref.key; } /** Returns the number of child properties of this `DataSnapshot`. */ get size() { return this._node.numChildren(); } /** * Gets another `DataSnapshot` for the location at the specified relative path. * * Passing a relative path to the `child()` method of a DataSnapshot returns * another `DataSnapshot` for the location at the specified relative path. The * relative path can either be a simple child name (for example, "ada") or a * deeper, slash-separated path (for example, "ada/name/first"). If the child * location has no data, an empty `DataSnapshot` (that is, a `DataSnapshot` * whose value is `null`) is returned. * * @param path - A relative path to the location of child data. */ child(path) { const childPath = new Path(path); const childRef = child(this.ref, path); return new DataSnapshot(this._node.getChild(childPath), childRef, PRIORITY_INDEX); } /** * Returns true if this `DataSnapshot` contains any data. It is slightly more * efficient than using `snapshot.val() !== null`. */ exists() { return !this._node.isEmpty(); } /** * Exports the entire contents of the DataSnapshot as a JavaScript object. * * The `exportVal()` method is similar to `val()`, except priority information * is included (if available), making it suitable for backing up your data. * * @returns The DataSnapshot's contents as a JavaScript value (Object, * Array, string, number, boolean, or `null`). */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any exportVal() { return this._node.val(true); } /** * Enumerates the top-level children in the `DataSnapshot`. * * Because of the way JavaScript objects work, the ordering of data in the * JavaScript object returned by `val()` is not guaranteed to match the * ordering on the server nor the ordering of `onChildAdded()` events. That is * where `forEach()` comes in handy. It guarantees the children of a * `DataSnapshot` will be iterated in their query order. * * If no explicit `orderBy*()` method is used, results are returned * ordered by key (unless priorities are used, in which case, results are * returned by priority). * * @param action - A function that will be called for each child DataSnapshot. * The callback can return true to cancel further enumeration. * @returns true if enumeration was canceled due to your callback returning * true. */ forEach(action) { if (this._node.isLeafNode()) { return false; } const childrenNode = this._node; // Sanitize the return value to a boolean. ChildrenNode.forEachChild has a weird return type... return !!childrenNode.forEachChild(this._index, (key, node) => { return action(new DataSnapshot(node, child(this.ref, key), PRIORITY_INDEX)); }); } /** * Returns true if the specified child path has (non-null) data. * * @param path - A relative path to the location of a potential child. * @returns `true` if data exists at the specified child path; else * `false`. */ hasChild(path) { const childPath = new Path(path); return !this._node.getChild(childPath).isEmpty(); } /** * Returns whether or not the `DataSnapshot` has any non-`null` child * properties. * * You can use `hasChildren()` to determine if a `DataSnapshot` has any * children. If it does, you can enumerate them using `forEach()`. If it * doesn't, then either this snapshot contains a primitive value (which can be * retrieved with `val()`) or it is empty (in which case, `val()` will return * `null`). * * @returns true if this snapshot has any children; else false. */ hasChildren() { if (this._node.isLeafNode()) { return false; } else { return !this._node.isEmpty(); } } /** * Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object. */ toJSON() { return this.exportVal(); } /** * Extracts a JavaScript value from a `DataSnapshot`. * * Depending on the data in a `DataSnapshot`, the `val()` method may return a * scalar type (string, number, or boolean), an array, or an object. It may * also return null, indicating that the `DataSnapshot` is empty (contains no * data). * * @returns The DataSnapshot's contents as a JavaScript value (Object, * Array, string, number, boolean, or `null`). */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any val() { return this._node.val(); } } /** * * Returns a `Reference` representing the location in the Database * corresponding to the provided path. If no path is provided, the `Reference` * will point to the root of the Database. * * @param db - The database instance to obtain a reference for. * @param path - Optional path representing the location the returned * `Reference` will point. If not provided, the returned `Reference` will * point to the root of the Database. * @returns If a path is provided, a `Reference` * pointing to the provided path. Otherwise, a `Reference` pointing to the * root of the Database. */ function ref(db, path) { db = getModularInstance(db); db._checkNotDeleted('ref'); return path !== undefined ? child(db._root, path) : db._root; } /** * Returns a `Reference` representing the location in the Database * corresponding to the provided Firebase URL. * * An exception is thrown if the URL is not a valid Firebase Database URL or it * has a different domain than the current `Database` instance. * * Note that all query parameters (`orderBy`, `limitToLast`, etc.) are ignored * and are not applied to the returned `Reference`. * * @param db - The database instance to obtain a reference for. * @param url - The Firebase URL at which the returned `Reference` will * point. * @returns A `Reference` pointing to the provided * Firebase URL. */ function refFromURL(db, url) { db = getModularInstance(db); db._checkNotDeleted('refFromURL'); const parsedURL = parseRepoInfo(url, db._repo.repoInfo_.nodeAdmin); validateUrl('refFromURL', parsedURL); const repoInfo = parsedURL.repoInfo; if (!db._repo.repoInfo_.isCustomHost() && !== { fatal('refFromURL' + ': Host name does not match the current database: ' + '(found ' + + ' but expected ' + + ')'); } return ref(db, parsedURL.path.toString()); } /** * Gets a `Reference` for the location at the specified relative path. * * The relative path can either be a simple child name (for example, "ada") or * a deeper slash-separated path (for example, "ada/name/first"). * * @param parent - The parent location. * @param path - A relative path from this location to the desired child * location. * @returns The specified child location. */ function child(parent, path) { parent = getModularInstance(parent); if (pathGetFront(parent._path) === null) { validateRootPathString('child', 'path', path, false); } else { validatePathString('child', 'path', path, false); } return new ReferenceImpl(parent._repo, pathChild(parent._path, path)); } /** * Returns an `OnDisconnect` object - see * {@link | Enabling Offline Capabilities in JavaScript} * for more information on how to use it. * * @param ref - The reference to add OnDisconnect triggers for. */ function onDisconnect(ref) { ref = getModularInstance(ref); return new OnDisconnect(ref._repo, ref._path); } /** * Generates a new child location using a unique key and returns its * `Reference`. * * This is the most common pattern for adding data to a collection of items. * * If you provide a value to `push()`, the value is written to the * generated location. If you don't pass a value, nothing is written to the * database and the child remains empty (but you can use the `Reference` * elsewhere). * * The unique keys generated by `push()` are ordered by the current time, so the * resulting list of items is chronologically sorted. The keys are also * designed to be unguessable (they contain 72 random bits of entropy). * * See {@link | Append to a list of data} * </br>See {@link ttps:// | The 2^120 Ways to Ensure Unique Identifiers} * * @param parent - The parent location. * @param value - Optional value to be written at the generated location. * @returns Combined `Promise` and `Reference`; resolves when write is complete, * but can be used immediately as the `Reference` to the child location. */ function push(parent, value) { parent = getModularInstance(parent); validateWritablePath('push', parent._path); validateFirebaseDataArg('push', value, parent._path, true); const now = repoServerTime(parent._repo); const name = nextPushId(now); // push() returns a ThennableReference whose promise is fulfilled with a // regular Reference. We use child() to create handles to two different // references. The first is turned into a ThennableReference below by adding // then() and catch() methods and is used as the return value of push(). The // second remains a regular Reference and is used as the fulfilled value of // the first ThennableReference. const thennablePushRef = child(parent, name); const pushRef = child(parent, name); let promise; if (value != null) { promise = set(pushRef, value).then(() => pushRef); } else { promise = Promise.resolve(pushRef); } thennablePushRef.then = promise.then.bind(promise); thennablePushRef.catch = promise.then.bind(promise, undefined); return thennablePushRef; } /** * Removes the data at this Database location. * * Any data at child locations will also be deleted. * * The effect of the remove will be visible immediately and the corresponding * event 'value' will be triggered. Synchronization of the remove to the * Firebase servers will also be started, and the returned Promise will resolve * when complete. If provided, the onComplete callback will be called * asynchronously after synchronization has finished. * * @param ref - The location to remove. * @returns Resolves when remove on server is complete. */ function remove(ref) { validateWritablePath('remove', ref._path); return set(ref, null); } /** * Writes data to this Database location. * * This will overwrite any data at this location and all child locations. * * The effect of the write will be visible immediately, and the corresponding * events ("value", "child_added", etc.) will be triggered. Synchronization of * the data to the Firebase servers will also be started, and the returned * Promise will resolve when complete. If provided, the `onComplete` callback * will be called asynchronously after synchronization has finished. * * Passing `null` for the new value is equivalent to calling `remove()`; namely, * all data at this location and all child locations will be deleted. * * `set()` will remove any priority stored at this location, so if priority is * meant to be preserved, you need to use `setWithPriority()` instead. * * Note that modifying data with `set()` will cancel any pending transactions * at that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing `set()` and * `transaction()` to modify the same data. * * A single `set()` will generate a single "value" event at the location where * the `set()` was performed. * * @param ref - The location to write to. * @param value - The value to be written (string, number, boolean, object, * array, or null). * @returns Resolves when write to server is complete. */ function set(ref, value) { ref = getModularInstance(ref); validateWritablePath('set', ref._path); validateFirebaseDataArg('set', value, ref._path, false); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoSetWithPriority(ref._repo, ref._path, value, /*priority=*/ null, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Sets a priority for the data at this Database location. * * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by * ordinary properties (see * {@link | Sorting and filtering data} * ). * * @param ref - The location to write to. * @param priority - The priority to be written (string, number, or null). * @returns Resolves when write to server is complete. */ function setPriority(ref, priority) { ref = getModularInstance(ref); validateWritablePath('setPriority', ref._path); validatePriority('setPriority', priority, false); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoSetWithPriority(ref._repo, pathChild(ref._path, '.priority'), priority, null, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Writes data the Database location. Like `set()` but also specifies the * priority for that data. * * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by * ordinary properties (see * {@link | Sorting and filtering data} * ). * * @param ref - The location to write to. * @param value - The value to be written (string, number, boolean, object, * array, or null). * @param priority - The priority to be written (string, number, or null). * @returns Resolves when write to server is complete. */ function setWithPriority(ref, value, priority) { validateWritablePath('setWithPriority', ref._path); validateFirebaseDataArg('setWithPriority', value, ref._path, false); validatePriority('setWithPriority', priority, false); if (ref.key === '.length' || ref.key === '.keys') { throw 'setWithPriority failed: ' + ref.key + ' is a read-only object.'; } const deferred = new Deferred(); repoSetWithPriority(ref._repo, ref._path, value, priority, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Writes multiple values to the Database at once. * * The `values` argument contains multiple property-value pairs that will be * written to the Database together. Each child property can either be a simple * property (for example, "name") or a relative path (for example, * "name/first") from the current location to the data to update. * * As opposed to the `set()` method, `update()` can be use to selectively update * only the referenced properties at the current location (instead of replacing * all the child properties at the current location). * * The effect of the write will be visible immediately, and the corresponding * events ('value', 'child_added', etc.) will be triggered. Synchronization of * the data to the Firebase servers will also be started, and the returned * Promise will resolve when complete. If provided, the `onComplete` callback * will be called asynchronously after synchronization has finished. * * A single `update()` will generate a single "value" event at the location * where the `update()` was performed, regardless of how many children were * modified. * * Note that modifying data with `update()` will cancel any pending * transactions at that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing * `update()` and `transaction()` to modify the same data. * * Passing `null` to `update()` will remove the data at this location. * * See * {@link | Introducing multi-location updates and more}. * * @param ref - The location to write to. * @param values - Object containing multiple values. * @returns Resolves when update on server is complete. */ function update(ref, values) { validateFirebaseMergeDataArg('update', values, ref._path, false); const deferred = new Deferred(); repoUpdate(ref._repo, ref._path, values, deferred.wrapCallback(() => { })); return deferred.promise; } /** * Gets the most up-to-date result for this query. * * @param query - The query to run. * @returns A `Promise` which resolves to the resulting DataSnapshot if a value is * available, or rejects if the client is unable to return a value (e.g., if the * server is unreachable and there is nothing cached). */ function get(query) { query = getModularInstance(query); return repoGetValue(query._repo, query).then(node => { return new DataSnapshot(node, new ReferenceImpl(query._repo, query._path), query._queryParams.getIndex()); }); } /** * Represents registration for 'value' events. */ class ValueEventRegistration { constructor(callbackContext) { this.callbackContext = callbackContext; } respondsTo(eventType) { return eventType === 'value'; } createEvent(change, query) { const index = query._queryParams.getIndex(); return new DataEvent('value', this, new DataSnapshot(change.snapshotNode, new ReferenceImpl(query._repo, query._path), index)); } getEventRunner(eventData) { if (eventData.getEventType() === 'cancel') { return () => this.callbackContext.onCancel(eventData.error); } else { return () => this.callbackContext.onValue(eventData.snapshot, null); } } createCancelEvent(error, path) { if (this.callbackContext.hasCancelCallback) { return new CancelEvent(this, error, path); } else { return null; } } matches(other) { if (!(other instanceof ValueEventRegistration)) { return false; } else if (!other.callbackContext || !this.callbackContext) { // If no callback specified, we consider it to match any callback. return true; } else { return other.callbackContext.matches(this.callbackContext); } } hasAnyCallback() { return this.callbackContext !== null; } } /** * Represents the registration of a child_x event. */ class ChildEventRegistration { constructor(eventType, callbackContext) { this.eventType = eventType; this.callbackContext = callbackContext; } respondsTo(eventType) { let eventToCheck = eventType === 'children_added' ? 'child_added' : eventType; eventToCheck = eventToCheck === 'children_removed' ? 'child_removed' : eventToCheck; return this.eventType === eventToCheck; } createCancelEvent(error, path) { if (this.callbackContext.hasCancelCallback) { return new CancelEvent(this, error, path); } else { return null; } } createEvent(change, query) { assert(change.childName != null, 'Child events should have a childName.'); const childRef = child(new ReferenceImpl(query._repo, query._path), change.childName); const index = query._queryParams.getIndex(); return new DataEvent(change.type, this, new DataSnapshot(change.snapshotNode, childRef, index), change.prevName); } getEventRunner(eventData) { if (eventData.getEventType() === 'cancel') { return () => this.callbackContext.onCancel(eventData.error); } else { return () => this.callbackContext.onValue(eventData.snapshot, eventData.prevName); } } matches(other) { if (other instanceof ChildEventRegistration) { return (this.eventType === other.eventType && (!this.callbackContext || !other.callbackContext || this.callbackContext.matches(other.callbackContext))); } return false; } hasAnyCallback() { return !!this.callbackContext; } } function addEventListener(query, eventType, callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options) { let cancelCallback; if (typeof cancelCallbackOrListenOptions === 'object') { cancelCallback = undefined; options = cancelCallbackOrListenOptions; } if (typeof cancelCallbackOrListenOptions === 'function') { cancelCallback = cancelCallbackOrListenOptions; } if (options && options.onlyOnce) { const userCallback = callback; const onceCallback = (dataSnapshot, previousChildName) => { repoRemoveEventCallbackForQuery(query._repo, query, container); userCallback(dataSnapshot, previousChildName); }; onceCallback.userCallback = callback.userCallback; onceCallback.context = callback.context; callback = onceCallback; } const callbackContext = new CallbackContext(callback, cancelCallback || undefined); const container = eventType === 'value' ? new ValueEventRegistration(callbackContext) : new ChildEventRegistration(eventType, callbackContext); repoAddEventCallbackForQuery(query._repo, query, container); return () => repoRemoveEventCallbackForQuery(query._repo, query, container); } function onValue(query, callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options) { return addEventListener(query, 'value', callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options); } function onChildAdded(query, callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options) { return addEventListener(query, 'child_added', callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options); } function onChildChanged(query, callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options) { return addEventListener(query, 'child_changed', callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options); } function onChildMoved(query, callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options) { return addEventListener(query, 'child_moved', callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options); } function onChildRemoved(query, callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options) { return addEventListener(query, 'child_removed', callback, cancelCallbackOrListenOptions, options); } /** * Detaches a callback previously attached with `on()`. * * Detach a callback previously attached with `on()`. Note that if `on()` was * called multiple times with the same eventType and callback, the callback * will be called multiple times for each event, and `off()` must be called * multiple times to remove the callback. Calling `off()` on a parent listener * will not automatically remove listeners registered on child nodes, `off()` * must also be called on any child listeners to remove the callback. * * If a callback is not specified, all callbacks for the specified eventType * will be removed. Similarly, if no eventType is specified, all callbacks * for the `Reference` will be removed. * * Individual listeners can also be removed by invoking their unsubscribe * callbacks. * * @param query - The query that the listener was registered with. * @param eventType - One of the following strings: "value", "child_added", * "child_changed", "child_removed", or "child_moved." If omitted, all callbacks * for the `Reference` will be removed. * @param callback - The callback function that was passed to `on()` or * `undefined` to remove all callbacks. */ function off(query, eventType, callback) { let container = null; const expCallback = callback ? new CallbackContext(callback) : null; if (eventType === 'value') { container = new ValueEventRegistration(expCallback); } else if (eventType) { container = new ChildEventRegistration(eventType, expCallback); } repoRemoveEventCallbackForQuery(query._repo, query, container); } /** * A `QueryConstraint` is used to narrow the set of documents returned by a * Database query. `QueryConstraint`s are created by invoking {@link endAt}, * {@link endBefore}, {@link startAt}, {@link startAfter}, {@link * limitToFirst}, {@link limitToLast}, {@link orderByChild}, * {@link orderByChild}, {@link orderByKey} , {@link orderByPriority} , * {@link orderByValue} or {@link equalTo} and * can then be passed to {@link query} to create a new query instance that * also contains this `QueryConstraint`. */ class QueryConstraint { } class QueryEndAtConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_value, _key) { super(); this._value = _value; this._key = _key; } _apply(query) { validateFirebaseDataArg('endAt', this._value, query._path, true); const newParams = queryParamsEndAt(query._queryParams, this._value, this._key); validateLimit(newParams); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); if (query._queryParams.hasEnd()) { throw new Error('endAt: Starting point was already set (by another call to endAt, ' + 'endBefore or equalTo).'); } return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, query._orderByCalled); } } /** * Creates a `QueryConstraint` with the specified ending point. * * Using `startAt()`, `startAfter()`, `endBefore()`, `endAt()` and `equalTo()` * allows you to choose arbitrary starting and ending points for your queries. * * The ending point is inclusive, so children with exactly the specified value * will be included in the query. The optional key argument can be used to * further limit the range of the query. If it is specified, then children that * have exactly the specified value must also have a key name less than or equal * to the specified key. * * You can read more about `endAt()` in * {@link | Filtering data}. * * @param value - The value to end at. The argument type depends on which * `orderBy*()` function was used in this query. Specify a value that matches * the `orderBy*()` type. When used in combination with `orderByKey()`, the * value must be a string. * @param key - The child key to end at, among the children with the previously * specified priority. This argument is only allowed if ordering by child, * value, or priority. */ function endAt(value, key) { validateKey('endAt', 'key', key, true); return new QueryEndAtConstraint(value, key); } class QueryEndBeforeConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_value, _key) { super(); this._value = _value; this._key = _key; } _apply(query) { validateFirebaseDataArg('endBefore', this._value, query._path, false); const newParams = queryParamsEndBefore(query._queryParams, this._value, this._key); validateLimit(newParams); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); if (query._queryParams.hasEnd()) { throw new Error('endBefore: Starting point was already set (by another call to endAt, ' + 'endBefore or equalTo).'); } return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, query._orderByCalled); } } /** * Creates a `QueryConstraint` with the specified ending point (exclusive). * * Using `startAt()`, `startAfter()`, `endBefore()`, `endAt()` and `equalTo()` * allows you to choose arbitrary starting and ending points for your queries. * * The ending point is exclusive. If only a value is provided, children * with a value less than the specified value will be included in the query. * If a key is specified, then children must have a value lesss than or equal * to the specified value and a a key name less than the specified key. * * @param value - The value to end before. The argument type depends on which * `orderBy*()` function was used in this query. Specify a value that matches * the `orderBy*()` type. When used in combination with `orderByKey()`, the * value must be a string. * @param key - The child key to end before, among the children with the * previously specified priority. This argument is only allowed if ordering by * child, value, or priority. */ function endBefore(value, key) { validateKey('endBefore', 'key', key, true); return new QueryEndBeforeConstraint(value, key); } class QueryStartAtConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_value, _key) { super(); this._value = _value; this._key = _key; } _apply(query) { validateFirebaseDataArg('startAt', this._value, query._path, true); const newParams = queryParamsStartAt(query._queryParams, this._value, this._key); validateLimit(newParams); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); if (query._queryParams.hasStart()) { throw new Error('startAt: Starting point was already set (by another call to startAt, ' + 'startBefore or equalTo).'); } return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, query._orderByCalled); } } /** * Creates a `QueryConstraint` with the specified starting point. * * Using `startAt()`, `startAfter()`, `endBefore()`, `endAt()` and `equalTo()` * allows you to choose arbitrary starting and ending points for your queries. * * The starting point is inclusive, so children with exactly the specified value * will be included in the query. The optional key argument can be used to * further limit the range of the query. If it is specified, then children that * have exactly the specified value must also have a key name greater than or * equal to the specified key. * * You can read more about `startAt()` in * {@link | Filtering data}. * * @param value - The value to start at. The argument type depends on which * `orderBy*()` function was used in this query. Specify a value that matches * the `orderBy*()` type. When used in combination with `orderByKey()`, the * value must be a string. * @param key - The child key to start at. This argument is only allowed if * ordering by child, value, or priority. */ function startAt(value = null, key) { validateKey('startAt', 'key', key, true); return new QueryStartAtConstraint(value, key); } class QueryStartAfterConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_value, _key) { super(); this._value = _value; this._key = _key; } _apply(query) { validateFirebaseDataArg('startAfter', this._value, query._path, false); const newParams = queryParamsStartAfter(query._queryParams, this._value, this._key); validateLimit(newParams); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); if (query._queryParams.hasStart()) { throw new Error('startAfter: Starting point was already set (by another call to startAt, ' + 'startAfter, or equalTo).'); } return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, query._orderByCalled); } } /** * Creates a `QueryConstraint` with the specified starting point (exclusive). * * Using `startAt()`, `startAfter()`, `endBefore()`, `endAt()` and `equalTo()` * allows you to choose arbitrary starting and ending points for your queries. * * The starting point is exclusive. If only a value is provided, children * with a value greater than the specified value will be included in the query. * If a key is specified, then children must have a value greater than or equal * to the specified value and a a key name greater than the specified key. * * @param value - The value to start after. The argument type depends on which * `orderBy*()` function was used in this query. Specify a value that matches * the `orderBy*()` type. When used in combination with `orderByKey()`, the * value must be a string. * @param key - The child key to start after. This argument is only allowed if * ordering by child, value, or priority. */ function startAfter(value, key) { validateKey('startAfter', 'key', key, true); return new QueryStartAfterConstraint(value, key); } class QueryLimitToFirstConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_limit) { super(); this._limit = _limit; } _apply(query) { if (query._queryParams.hasLimit()) { throw new Error('limitToFirst: Limit was already set (by another call to limitToFirst ' + 'or limitToLast).'); } return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, queryParamsLimitToFirst(query._queryParams, this._limit), query._orderByCalled); } } /** * Creates a new `QueryConstraint` that if limited to the first specific number * of children. * * The `limitToFirst()` method is used to set a maximum number of children to be * synced for a given callback. If we set a limit of 100, we will initially only * receive up to 100 `child_added` events. If we have fewer than 100 messages * stored in our Database, a `child_added` event will fire for each message. * However, if we have over 100 messages, we will only receive a `child_added` * event for the first 100 ordered messages. As items change, we will receive * `child_removed` events for each item that drops out of the active list so * that the total number stays at 100. * * You can read more about `limitToFirst()` in * {@link | Filtering data}. * * @param limit - The maximum number of nodes to include in this query. */ function limitToFirst(limit) { if (typeof limit !== 'number' || Math.floor(limit) !== limit || limit <= 0) { throw new Error('limitToFirst: First argument must be a positive integer.'); } return new QueryLimitToFirstConstraint(limit); } class QueryLimitToLastConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_limit) { super(); this._limit = _limit; } _apply(query) { if (query._queryParams.hasLimit()) { throw new Error('limitToLast: Limit was already set (by another call to limitToFirst ' + 'or limitToLast).'); } return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, queryParamsLimitToLast(query._queryParams, this._limit), query._orderByCalled); } } /** * Creates a new `QueryConstraint` that is limited to return only the last * specified number of children. * * The `limitToLast()` method is used to set a maximum number of children to be * synced for a given callback. If we set a limit of 100, we will initially only * receive up to 100 `child_added` events. If we have fewer than 100 messages * stored in our Database, a `child_added` event will fire for each message. * However, if we have over 100 messages, we will only receive a `child_added` * event for the last 100 ordered messages. As items change, we will receive * `child_removed` events for each item that drops out of the active list so * that the total number stays at 100. * * You can read more about `limitToLast()` in * {@link | Filtering data}. * * @param limit - The maximum number of nodes to include in this query. */ function limitToLast(limit) { if (typeof limit !== 'number' || Math.floor(limit) !== limit || limit <= 0) { throw new Error('limitToLast: First argument must be a positive integer.'); } return new QueryLimitToLastConstraint(limit); } class QueryOrderByChildConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_path) { super(); this._path = _path; } _apply(query) { validateNoPreviousOrderByCall(query, 'orderByChild'); const parsedPath = new Path(this._path); if (pathIsEmpty(parsedPath)) { throw new Error('orderByChild: cannot pass in empty path. Use orderByValue() instead.'); } const index = new PathIndex(parsedPath); const newParams = queryParamsOrderBy(query._queryParams, index); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, /*orderByCalled=*/ true); } } /** * Creates a new `QueryConstraint` that orders by the specified child key. * * Queries can only order by one key at a time. Calling `orderByChild()` * multiple times on the same query is an error. * * Firebase queries allow you to order your data by any child key on the fly. * However, if you know in advance what your indexes will be, you can define * them via the .indexOn rule in your Security Rules for better performance. See * the{@link} * rule for more information. * * You can read more about `orderByChild()` in * {@link | Sort data}. * * @param path - The path to order by. */ function orderByChild(path) { if (path === '$key') { throw new Error('orderByChild: "$key" is invalid. Use orderByKey() instead.'); } else if (path === '$priority') { throw new Error('orderByChild: "$priority" is invalid. Use orderByPriority() instead.'); } else if (path === '$value') { throw new Error('orderByChild: "$value" is invalid. Use orderByValue() instead.'); } validatePathString('orderByChild', 'path', path, false); return new QueryOrderByChildConstraint(path); } class QueryOrderByKeyConstraint extends QueryConstraint { _apply(query) { validateNoPreviousOrderByCall(query, 'orderByKey'); const newParams = queryParamsOrderBy(query._queryParams, KEY_INDEX); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, /*orderByCalled=*/ true); } } /** * Creates a new `QueryConstraint` that orders by the key. * * Sorts the results of a query by their (ascending) key values. * * You can read more about `orderByKey()` in * {@link | Sort data}. */ function orderByKey() { return new QueryOrderByKeyConstraint(); } class QueryOrderByPriorityConstraint extends QueryConstraint { _apply(query) { validateNoPreviousOrderByCall(query, 'orderByPriority'); const newParams = queryParamsOrderBy(query._queryParams, PRIORITY_INDEX); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, /*orderByCalled=*/ true); } } /** * Creates a new `QueryConstraint` that orders by priority. * * Applications need not use priority but can order collections by * ordinary properties (see * {@link | Sort data} * for alternatives to priority. */ function orderByPriority() { return new QueryOrderByPriorityConstraint(); } class QueryOrderByValueConstraint extends QueryConstraint { _apply(query) { validateNoPreviousOrderByCall(query, 'orderByValue'); const newParams = queryParamsOrderBy(query._queryParams, VALUE_INDEX); validateQueryEndpoints(newParams); return new QueryImpl(query._repo, query._path, newParams, /*orderByCalled=*/ true); } } /** * Creates a new `QueryConstraint` that orders by value. * * If the children of a query are all scalar values (string, number, or * boolean), you can order the results by their (ascending) values. * * You can read more about `orderByValue()` in * {@link | Sort data}. */ function orderByValue() { return new QueryOrderByValueConstraint(); } class QueryEqualToValueConstraint extends QueryConstraint { constructor(_value, _key) { super(); this._value = _value; this._key = _key; } _apply(query) { validateFirebaseDataArg('equalTo', this._value, query._path, false); if (query._queryParams.hasStart()) { throw new Error('equalTo: Starting point was already set (by another call to startAt/startAfter or ' + 'equalTo).'); } if (query._queryParams.hasEnd()) { throw new Error('equalTo: Ending point was already set (by another call to endAt/endBefore or ' + 'equalTo).'); } return new QueryEndAtConstraint(this._value, this._key)._apply(new QueryStartAtConstraint(this._value, this._key)._apply(query)); } } /** * Creates a `QueryConstraint` that includes children that match the specified * value. * * Using `startAt()`, `startAfter()`, `endBefore()`, `endAt()` and `equalTo()` * allows you to choose arbitrary starting and ending points for your queries. * * The optional key argument can be used to further limit the range of the * query. If it is specified, then children that have exactly the specified * value must also have exactly the specified key as their key name. This can be * used to filter result sets with many matches for the same value. * * You can read more about `equalTo()` in * {@link | Filtering data}. * * @param value - The value to match for. The argument type depends on which * `orderBy*()` function was used in this query. Specify a value that matches * the `orderBy*()` type. When used in combination with `orderByKey()`, the * value must be a string. * @param key - The child key to start at, among the children with the * previously specified priority. This argument is only allowed if ordering by * child, value, or priority. */ function equalTo(value, key) { validateKey('equalTo', 'key', key, true); return new QueryEqualToValueConstraint(value, key); } /** * Creates a new immutable instance of `Query` that is extended to also include * additional query constraints. * * @param query - The Query instance to use as a base for the new constraints. * @param queryConstraints - The list of `QueryConstraint`s to apply. * @throws if any of the provided query constraints cannot be combined with the * existing or new constraints. */ function query(query, ...queryConstraints) { let queryImpl = getModularInstance(query); for (const constraint of queryConstraints) { queryImpl = constraint._apply(queryImpl); } return queryImpl; } /** * Define reference constructor in various modules * * We are doing this here to avoid several circular * dependency issues */ syncPointSetReferenceConstructor(ReferenceImpl); syncTreeSetReferenceConstructor(ReferenceImpl); /** * @license * Copyright 2020 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This variable is also defined in the firebase Node.js Admin SDK. Before * modifying this definition, consult the definition in: * * * * and make sure the two are consistent. */ const FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST_VAR = 'FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST'; /** * Creates and caches `Repo` instances. */ const repos = {}; /** * If true, any new `Repo` will be created to use `ReadonlyRestClient` (for testing purposes). */ let useRestClient = false; /** * Update an existing `Repo` in place to point to a new host/port. */ function repoManagerApplyEmulatorSettings(repo, host, port, tokenProvider) { repo.repoInfo_ = new RepoInfo(`${host}:${port}`, /* secure= */ false, repo.repoInfo_.namespace, repo.repoInfo_.webSocketOnly, repo.repoInfo_.nodeAdmin, repo.repoInfo_.persistenceKey, repo.repoInfo_.includeNamespaceInQueryParams); if (tokenProvider) { repo.authTokenProvider_ = tokenProvider; } } /** * This function should only ever be called to CREATE a new database instance. * @internal */ function repoManagerDatabaseFromApp(app, authProvider, appCheckProvider, url, nodeAdmin) { let dbUrl = url || app.options.databaseURL; if (dbUrl === undefined) { if (!app.options.projectId) { fatal("Can't determine Firebase Database URL. Be sure to include " + ' a Project ID when calling firebase.initializeApp().'); } log('Using default host for project ', app.options.projectId); dbUrl = `${app.options.projectId}`; } let parsedUrl = parseRepoInfo(dbUrl, nodeAdmin); let repoInfo = parsedUrl.repoInfo; let isEmulator; let dbEmulatorHost = undefined; if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { dbEmulatorHost = process.env[FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST_VAR]; } if (dbEmulatorHost) { isEmulator = true; dbUrl = `http://${dbEmulatorHost}?ns=${repoInfo.namespace}`; parsedUrl = parseRepoInfo(dbUrl, nodeAdmin); repoInfo = parsedUrl.repoInfo; } else { isEmulator = !; } const authTokenProvider = nodeAdmin && isEmulator ? new EmulatorTokenProvider(EmulatorTokenProvider.OWNER) : new FirebaseAuthTokenProvider(, app.options, authProvider); validateUrl('Invalid Firebase Database URL', parsedUrl); if (!pathIsEmpty(parsedUrl.path)) { fatal('Database URL must point to the root of a Firebase Database ' + '(not including a child path).'); } const repo = repoManagerCreateRepo(repoInfo, app, authTokenProvider, new AppCheckTokenProvider(, appCheckProvider)); return new Database(repo, app); } /** * Remove the repo and make sure it is disconnected. * */ function repoManagerDeleteRepo(repo, appName) { const appRepos = repos[appName]; // This should never happen... if (!appRepos || appRepos[repo.key] !== repo) { fatal(`Database ${appName}(${repo.repoInfo_}) has already been deleted.`); } repoInterrupt(repo); delete appRepos[repo.key]; } /** * Ensures a repo doesn't already exist and then creates one using the * provided app. * * @param repoInfo - The metadata about the Repo * @returns The Repo object for the specified server / repoName. */ function repoManagerCreateRepo(repoInfo, app, authTokenProvider, appCheckProvider) { let appRepos = repos[]; if (!appRepos) { appRepos = {}; repos[] = appRepos; } let repo = appRepos[repoInfo.toURLString()]; if (repo) { fatal('Database initialized multiple times. Please make sure the format of the database URL matches with each database() call.'); } repo = new Repo(repoInfo, useRestClient, authTokenProvider, appCheckProvider); appRepos[repoInfo.toURLString()] = repo; return repo; } /** * Forces us to use ReadonlyRestClient instead of PersistentConnection for new Repos. */ function repoManagerForceRestClient(forceRestClient) { useRestClient = forceRestClient; } /** * Class representing a Firebase Realtime Database. */ class Database { /** @hideconstructor */ constructor(_repoInternal, /** The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} associated with this Realtime Database instance. */ app) { this._repoInternal = _repoInternal; = app; /** Represents a `Database` instance. */ this['type'] = 'database'; /** Track if the instance has been used (root or repo accessed) */ this._instanceStarted = false; } get _repo() { if (!this._instanceStarted) { repoStart(this._repoInternal,,['databaseAuthVariableOverride']); this._instanceStarted = true; } return this._repoInternal; } get _root() { if (!this._rootInternal) { this._rootInternal = new ReferenceImpl(this._repo, newEmptyPath()); } return this._rootInternal; } _delete() { if (this._rootInternal !== null) { repoManagerDeleteRepo(this._repo,; this._repoInternal = null; this._rootInternal = null; } return Promise.resolve(); } _checkNotDeleted(apiName) { if (this._rootInternal === null) { fatal('Cannot call ' + apiName + ' on a deleted database.'); } } } /** * Returns the instance of the Realtime Database SDK that is associated * with the provided {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp}. Initializes a new instance with * with default settings if no instance exists or if the existing instance uses * a custom database URL. * * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} instance that the returned Realtime * Database instance is associated with. * @param url - The URL of the Realtime Database instance to connect to. If not * provided, the SDK connects to the default instance of the Firebase App. * @returns The `Database` instance of the provided app. */ function getDatabase(app = getApp(), url) { return _getProvider(app, 'database').getImmediate({ identifier: url }); } /** * Modify the provided instance to communicate with the Realtime Database * emulator. * * <p>Note: This method must be called before performing any other operation. * * @param db - The instance to modify. * @param host - The emulator host (ex: localhost) * @param port - The emulator port (ex: 8080) * @param options.mockUserToken - the mock auth token to use for unit testing Security Rules */ function connectDatabaseEmulator(db, host, port, options = {}) { db = getModularInstance(db); db._checkNotDeleted('useEmulator'); if (db._instanceStarted) { fatal('Cannot call useEmulator() after instance has already been initialized.'); } const repo = db._repoInternal; let tokenProvider = undefined; if (repo.repoInfo_.nodeAdmin) { if (options.mockUserToken) { fatal('mockUserToken is not supported by the Admin SDK. For client access with mock users, please use the "firebase" package instead of "firebase-admin".'); } tokenProvider = new EmulatorTokenProvider(EmulatorTokenProvider.OWNER); } else if (options.mockUserToken) { const token = typeof options.mockUserToken === 'string' ? options.mockUserToken : createMockUserToken(options.mockUserToken,; tokenProvider = new EmulatorTokenProvider(token); } // Modify the repo to apply emulator settings repoManagerApplyEmulatorSettings(repo, host, port, tokenProvider); } /** * Disconnects from the server (all Database operations will be completed * offline). * * The client automatically maintains a persistent connection to the Database * server, which will remain active indefinitely and reconnect when * disconnected. However, the `goOffline()` and `goOnline()` methods may be used * to control the client connection in cases where a persistent connection is * undesirable. * * While offline, the client will no longer receive data updates from the * Database. However, all Database operations performed locally will continue to * immediately fire events, allowing your application to continue behaving * normally. Additionally, each operation performed locally will automatically * be queued and retried upon reconnection to the Database server. * * To reconnect to the Database and begin receiving remote events, see * `goOnline()`. * * @param db - The instance to disconnect. */ function goOffline(db) { db = getModularInstance(db); db._checkNotDeleted('goOffline'); repoInterrupt(db._repo); } /** * Reconnects to the server and synchronizes the offline Database state * with the server state. * * This method should be used after disabling the active connection with * `goOffline()`. Once reconnected, the client will transmit the proper data * and fire the appropriate events so that your client "catches up" * automatically. * * @param db - The instance to reconnect. */ function goOnline(db) { db = getModularInstance(db); db._checkNotDeleted('goOnline'); repoResume(db._repo); } function enableLogging(logger, persistent) { enableLogging$1(logger, persistent); } /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function registerDatabase(variant) { setSDKVersion(SDK_VERSION$1); _registerComponent(new Component('database', (container, { instanceIdentifier: url }) => { const app = container.getProvider('app').getImmediate(); const authProvider = container.getProvider('auth-internal'); const appCheckProvider = container.getProvider('app-check-internal'); return repoManagerDatabaseFromApp(app, authProvider, appCheckProvider, url); }, "PUBLIC" /* PUBLIC */).setMultipleInstances(true)); registerVersion(name, version, variant); } /** * @license * Copyright 2020 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const SERVER_TIMESTAMP = { '.sv': 'timestamp' }; /** * Returns a placeholder value for auto-populating the current timestamp (time * since the Unix epoch, in milliseconds) as determined by the Firebase * servers. */ function serverTimestamp() { return SERVER_TIMESTAMP; } /** * Returns a placeholder value that can be used to atomically increment the * current database value by the provided delta. * * @param delta - the amount to modify the current value atomically. * @returns A placeholder value for modifying data atomically server-side. */ function increment(delta) { return { '.sv': { 'increment': delta } }; } /** * @license * Copyright 2020 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * A type for the resolve value of {@link runTransaction}. */ class TransactionResult { /** @hideconstructor */ constructor( /** Whether the transaction was successfully committed. */ committed, /** The resulting data snapshot. */ snapshot) { this.committed = committed; this.snapshot = snapshot; } /** Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object. */ toJSON() { return { committed: this.committed, snapshot: this.snapshot.toJSON() }; } } /** * Atomically modifies the data at this location. * * Atomically modify the data at this location. Unlike a normal `set()`, which * just overwrites the data regardless of its previous value, `runTransaction()` is * used to modify the existing value to a new value, ensuring there are no * conflicts with other clients writing to the same location at the same time. * * To accomplish this, you pass `runTransaction()` an update function which is * used to transform the current value into a new value. If another client * writes to the location before your new value is successfully written, your * update function will be called again with the new current value, and the * write will be retried. This will happen repeatedly until your write succeeds * without conflict or you abort the transaction by not returning a value from * your update function. * * Note: Modifying data with `set()` will cancel any pending transactions at * that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing `set()` and * `runTransaction()` to update the same data. * * Note: When using transactions with Security and Firebase Rules in place, be * aware that a client needs `.read` access in addition to `.write` access in * order to perform a transaction. This is because the client-side nature of * transactions requires the client to read the data in order to transactionally * update it. * * @param ref - The location to atomically modify. * @param transactionUpdate - A developer-supplied function which will be passed * the current data stored at this location (as a JavaScript object). The * function should return the new value it would like written (as a JavaScript * object). If `undefined` is returned (i.e. you return with no arguments) the * transaction will be aborted and the data at this location will not be * modified. * @param options - An options object to configure transactions. * @returns A `Promise` that can optionally be used instead of the `onComplete` * callback to handle success and failure. */ function runTransaction(ref, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any transactionUpdate, options) { var _a; ref = getModularInstance(ref); validateWritablePath('Reference.transaction', ref._path); if (ref.key === '.length' || ref.key === '.keys') { throw ('Reference.transaction failed: ' + ref.key + ' is a read-only object.'); } const applyLocally = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.applyLocally) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true; const deferred = new Deferred(); const promiseComplete = (error, committed, node) => { let dataSnapshot = null; if (error) { deferred.reject(error); } else { dataSnapshot = new DataSnapshot(node, new ReferenceImpl(ref._repo, ref._path), PRIORITY_INDEX); deferred.resolve(new TransactionResult(committed, dataSnapshot)); } }; // Add a watch to make sure we get server updates. const unwatcher = onValue(ref, () => { }); repoStartTransaction(ref._repo, ref._path, transactionUpdate, promiseComplete, unwatcher, applyLocally); return deferred.promise; } /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any PersistentConnection.prototype.simpleListen = function (pathString, onComplete) { this.sendRequest('q', { p: pathString }, onComplete); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any PersistentConnection.prototype.echo = function (data, onEcho) { this.sendRequest('echo', { d: data }, onEcho); }; /** * @internal */ const hijackHash = function (newHash) { const oldPut = PersistentConnection.prototype.put; PersistentConnection.prototype.put = function (pathString, data, onComplete, hash) { if (hash !== undefined) { hash = newHash(); }, pathString, data, onComplete, hash); }; return function () { PersistentConnection.prototype.put = oldPut; }; }; /** * Forces the RepoManager to create Repos that use ReadonlyRestClient instead of PersistentConnection. * @internal */ const forceRestClient = function (forceRestClient) { repoManagerForceRestClient(forceRestClient); }; /** * Firebase Realtime Database * * @packageDocumentation */ registerDatabase(); export { DataSnapshot, Database, OnDisconnect, QueryConstraint, TransactionResult, QueryImpl as _QueryImpl, QueryParams as _QueryParams, ReferenceImpl as _ReferenceImpl, forceRestClient as _TEST_ACCESS_forceRestClient, hijackHash as _TEST_ACCESS_hijackHash, repoManagerDatabaseFromApp as _repoManagerDatabaseFromApp, setSDKVersion as _setSDKVersion, validatePathString as _validatePathString, validateWritablePath as _validateWritablePath, child, connectDatabaseEmulator, enableLogging, endAt, endBefore, equalTo, get, getDatabase, goOffline, goOnline, increment, limitToFirst, limitToLast, off, onChildAdded, onChildChanged, onChildMoved, onChildRemoved, onDisconnect, onValue, orderByChild, orderByKey, orderByPriority, orderByValue, push, query, ref, refFromURL, remove, runTransaction, serverTimestamp, set, setPriority, setWithPriority, startAfter, startAt, update }; //#
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let ToggleStarHalf = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4V6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z"/> </SvgIcon> ); ToggleStarHalf = pure(ToggleStarHalf); ToggleStarHalf.displayName = 'ToggleStarHalf'; export default ToggleStarHalf;
import React from 'react'; import IconBase from '@suitejs/icon-base'; function MdHighQuality(props) { return ( <IconBase viewBox="0 0 48 48" {...props}> <path d="M38 8c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4v24c0 2.21-1.79 4-4 4H10c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4V12c0-2.21 1.79-4 4-4h28zM22 30V18h-3v5h-4v-5h-3v12h3v-4h4v4h3zm14-2v-8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v8a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h1.5v3h3v-3H34a2 2 0 0 0 2-2zm-7-1h4v-6h-4v6z" /> </IconBase> ); } export default MdHighQuality;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import List from '@material-ui/core/List'; import ListItem from '@material-ui/core/ListItem'; import ListItemText from '@material-ui/core/ListItemText'; import DialogTitle from '@material-ui/core/DialogTitle'; import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog'; import ListItemAvatar from '@material-ui/core/ListItemAvatar'; import Avatar from '@material-ui/core/Avatar'; import Utils from '../Utils'; const styles = theme => ({ img: { width: '100%', height: '100%', } }); class LinksDialog extends Component { render() { if (!this.props.links || !this.props.links.length) { return null; } const firstPort = this.props.links[0].port; const showPort = this.props.links.find(item => item.port !== firstPort); return <Dialog onClose={() => this.props.onClose()} open={true}> <DialogTitle>{this.props.t('Links')}</DialogTitle> <List> { => <ListItem button style={link.color ? { backgroundColor: link.color, color: Utils.getInvertedColor(link.color, this.props.themeType, true) } : {}} onClick={e => { e.stopPropagation(); // replace IPv6 Address with [ipv6]:port let url =; url = url.replace(/\/\/([0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*)(:\d+)?\//i, '//[$1]$2/');, this.props.instanceId); this.props.onClose(); }} key={} > <ListItemAvatar> <Avatar variant="rounded"> <img className={this.props.classes.img} src={this.props.image} alt={this.props.instanceId}/> </Avatar> </ListItemAvatar> <ListItemText primary={ + (showPort ? ' [:' + link.port + ']' : '')} /> </ListItem>)} </List> </Dialog>; } } LinksDialog.propTypes = { links: PropTypes.array.isRequired, onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, t: PropTypes.func.isRequired, instanceId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, image: PropTypes.string, themeType: PropTypes.string, }; export default withStyles(styles)(LinksDialog);
require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; var Player = require('./components/player'); var IframePlayer = require('./components/iframe_player'); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var version = require('../package.json').version; global.DEBUG = false; window.Clappr = { Player: Player, Mediator: Mediator, IframePlayer: IframePlayer }; window.Clappr.version = version; module.exports = window.Clappr; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"../package.json":6,"./components/iframe_player":17,"./components/player":21,"mediator":"mediator"}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; process.nextTick = (function () { var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.setImmediate; var canMutationObserver = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.MutationObserver; var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener ; if (canSetImmediate) { return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) }; } var queue = []; if (canMutationObserver) { var hiddenDiv = document.createElement("div"); var observer = new MutationObserver(function () { var queueList = queue.slice(); queue.length = 0; queueList.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); }); }); observer.observe(hiddenDiv, { attributes: true }); return function nextTick(fn) { if (!queue.length) { hiddenDiv.setAttribute('yes', 'no'); } queue.push(fn); }; } if (canPost) { window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { var source = ev.source; if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') { ev.stopPropagation(); if (queue.length > 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true); return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; } return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })(); process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; function noop() {} process.on = noop; process.addListener = noop; process.once = noop; = noop; process.removeListener = noop; process.removeAllListeners = noop; process.emit = noop; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }; // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ (function(global) { 'use strict'; if (global.$traceurRuntime) { return; } var $Object = Object; var $TypeError = TypeError; var $create = $Object.create; var $defineProperties = $Object.defineProperties; var $defineProperty = $Object.defineProperty; var $freeze = $Object.freeze; var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var $getOwnPropertyNames = $Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var $keys = $Object.keys; var $hasOwnProperty = $Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var $toString = $Object.prototype.toString; var $preventExtensions = Object.preventExtensions; var $seal = Object.seal; var $isExtensible = Object.isExtensible; function nonEnum(value) { return { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: value, writable: true }; } var types = { void: function voidType() {}, any: function any() {}, string: function string() {}, number: function number() {}, boolean: function boolean() {} }; var method = nonEnum; var counter = 0; function newUniqueString() { return '__$' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e9) + '$' + ++counter + '$__'; } var symbolInternalProperty = newUniqueString(); var symbolDescriptionProperty = newUniqueString(); var symbolDataProperty = newUniqueString(); var symbolValues = $create(null); var privateNames = $create(null); function createPrivateName() { var s = newUniqueString(); privateNames[s] = true; return s; } function isSymbol(symbol) { return typeof symbol === 'object' && symbol instanceof SymbolValue; } function typeOf(v) { if (isSymbol(v)) return 'symbol'; return typeof v; } function Symbol(description) { var value = new SymbolValue(description); if (!(this instanceof Symbol)) return value; throw new TypeError('Symbol cannot be new\'ed'); } $defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, 'constructor', nonEnum(Symbol)); $defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, 'toString', method(function() { var symbolValue = this[symbolDataProperty]; if (!getOption('symbols')) return symbolValue[symbolInternalProperty]; if (!symbolValue) throw TypeError('Conversion from symbol to string'); var desc = symbolValue[symbolDescriptionProperty]; if (desc === undefined) desc = ''; return 'Symbol(' + desc + ')'; })); $defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, 'valueOf', method(function() { var symbolValue = this[symbolDataProperty]; if (!symbolValue) throw TypeError('Conversion from symbol to string'); if (!getOption('symbols')) return symbolValue[symbolInternalProperty]; return symbolValue; })); function SymbolValue(description) { var key = newUniqueString(); $defineProperty(this, symbolDataProperty, {value: this}); $defineProperty(this, symbolInternalProperty, {value: key}); $defineProperty(this, symbolDescriptionProperty, {value: description}); freeze(this); symbolValues[key] = this; } $defineProperty(SymbolValue.prototype, 'constructor', nonEnum(Symbol)); $defineProperty(SymbolValue.prototype, 'toString', { value: Symbol.prototype.toString, enumerable: false }); $defineProperty(SymbolValue.prototype, 'valueOf', { value: Symbol.prototype.valueOf, enumerable: false }); var hashProperty = createPrivateName(); var hashPropertyDescriptor = {value: undefined}; var hashObjectProperties = { hash: {value: undefined}, self: {value: undefined} }; var hashCounter = 0; function getOwnHashObject(object) { var hashObject = object[hashProperty]; if (hashObject && hashObject.self === object) return hashObject; if ($isExtensible(object)) { hashObjectProperties.hash.value = hashCounter++; hashObjectProperties.self.value = object; hashPropertyDescriptor.value = $create(null, hashObjectProperties); $defineProperty(object, hashProperty, hashPropertyDescriptor); return hashPropertyDescriptor.value; } return undefined; } function freeze(object) { getOwnHashObject(object); return $freeze.apply(this, arguments); } function preventExtensions(object) { getOwnHashObject(object); return $preventExtensions.apply(this, arguments); } function seal(object) { getOwnHashObject(object); return $seal.apply(this, arguments); } Symbol.iterator = Symbol(); freeze(SymbolValue.prototype); function toProperty(name) { if (isSymbol(name)) return name[symbolInternalProperty]; return name; } function getOwnPropertyNames(object) { var rv = []; var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; if (!symbolValues[name] && !privateNames[name]) rv.push(name); } return rv; } function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name) { return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, toProperty(name)); } function getOwnPropertySymbols(object) { var rv = []; var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var symbol = symbolValues[names[i]]; if (symbol) rv.push(symbol); } return rv; } function hasOwnProperty(name) { return $, toProperty(name)); } function getOption(name) { return global.traceur && global.traceur.options[name]; } function setProperty(object, name, value) { var sym, desc; if (isSymbol(name)) { sym = name; name = name[symbolInternalProperty]; } object[name] = value; if (sym && (desc = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name))) $defineProperty(object, name, {enumerable: false}); return value; } function defineProperty(object, name, descriptor) { if (isSymbol(name)) { if (descriptor.enumerable) { descriptor = $create(descriptor, {enumerable: {value: false}}); } name = name[symbolInternalProperty]; } $defineProperty(object, name, descriptor); return object; } function polyfillObject(Object) { $defineProperty(Object, 'defineProperty', {value: defineProperty}); $defineProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyNames', {value: getOwnPropertyNames}); $defineProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', {value: getOwnPropertyDescriptor}); $defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'hasOwnProperty', {value: hasOwnProperty}); $defineProperty(Object, 'freeze', {value: freeze}); $defineProperty(Object, 'preventExtensions', {value: preventExtensions}); $defineProperty(Object, 'seal', {value: seal}); Object.getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbols; } function exportStar(object) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(arguments[i]); for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { var name = names[j]; if (privateNames[name]) continue; (function(mod, name) { $defineProperty(object, name, { get: function() { return mod[name]; }, enumerable: true }); })(arguments[i], names[j]); } } return object; } function isObject(x) { return x != null && (typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function'); } function toObject(x) { if (x == null) throw $TypeError(); return $Object(x); } function checkObjectCoercible(argument) { if (argument == null) { throw new TypeError('Value cannot be converted to an Object'); } return argument; } function setupGlobals(global) { global.Symbol = Symbol; global.Reflect = global.Reflect || {}; = || global; polyfillObject(global.Object); } setupGlobals(global); global.$traceurRuntime = { createPrivateName: createPrivateName, exportStar: exportStar, getOwnHashObject: getOwnHashObject, privateNames: privateNames, setProperty: setProperty, setupGlobals: setupGlobals, toObject: toObject, isObject: isObject, toProperty: toProperty, type: types, typeof: typeOf, checkObjectCoercible: checkObjectCoercible, hasOwnProperty: function(o, p) { return, p); }, defineProperties: $defineProperties, defineProperty: $defineProperty, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames, keys: $keys }; })(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this); (function() { 'use strict'; function spread() { var rv = [], j = 0, iterResult; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var valueToSpread = $traceurRuntime.checkObjectCoercible(arguments[i]); if (typeof valueToSpread[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(Symbol.iterator)] !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Cannot spread non-iterable object.'); } var iter = valueToSpread[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(Symbol.iterator)](); while (!(iterResult = { rv[j++] = iterResult.value; } } return rv; } $traceurRuntime.spread = spread; })(); (function() { 'use strict'; var $Object = Object; var $TypeError = TypeError; var $create = $Object.create; var $defineProperties = $traceurRuntime.defineProperties; var $defineProperty = $traceurRuntime.defineProperty; var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $traceurRuntime.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var $getOwnPropertyNames = $traceurRuntime.getOwnPropertyNames; var $getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; function superDescriptor(homeObject, name) { var proto = $getPrototypeOf(homeObject); do { var result = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, name); if (result) return result; proto = $getPrototypeOf(proto); } while (proto); return undefined; } function superCall(self, homeObject, name, args) { return superGet(self, homeObject, name).apply(self, args); } function superGet(self, homeObject, name) { var descriptor = superDescriptor(homeObject, name); if (descriptor) { if (!descriptor.get) return descriptor.value; return; } return undefined; } function superSet(self, homeObject, name, value) { var descriptor = superDescriptor(homeObject, name); if (descriptor && descriptor.set) {, value); return value; } throw $TypeError("super has no setter '" + name + "'."); } function getDescriptors(object) { var descriptors = {}, name, names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; descriptors[name] = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name); } return descriptors; } function createClass(ctor, object, staticObject, superClass) { $defineProperty(object, 'constructor', { value: ctor, configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true }); if (arguments.length > 3) { if (typeof superClass === 'function') ctor.__proto__ = superClass; ctor.prototype = $create(getProtoParent(superClass), getDescriptors(object)); } else { ctor.prototype = object; } $defineProperty(ctor, 'prototype', { configurable: false, writable: false }); return $defineProperties(ctor, getDescriptors(staticObject)); } function getProtoParent(superClass) { if (typeof superClass === 'function') { var prototype = superClass.prototype; if ($Object(prototype) === prototype || prototype === null) return superClass.prototype; throw new $TypeError('super prototype must be an Object or null'); } if (superClass === null) return null; throw new $TypeError(("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass + ".")); } function defaultSuperCall(self, homeObject, args) { if ($getPrototypeOf(homeObject) !== null) superCall(self, homeObject, 'constructor', args); } $traceurRuntime.createClass = createClass; $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall = defaultSuperCall; $traceurRuntime.superCall = superCall; $traceurRuntime.superGet = superGet; $traceurRuntime.superSet = superSet; })(); (function() { 'use strict'; var createPrivateName = $traceurRuntime.createPrivateName; var $defineProperties = $traceurRuntime.defineProperties; var $defineProperty = $traceurRuntime.defineProperty; var $create = Object.create; var $TypeError = TypeError; function nonEnum(value) { return { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: value, writable: true }; } var ST_NEWBORN = 0; var ST_EXECUTING = 1; var ST_SUSPENDED = 2; var ST_CLOSED = 3; var END_STATE = -2; var RETHROW_STATE = -3; function getInternalError(state) { return new Error('Traceur compiler bug: invalid state in state machine: ' + state); } function GeneratorContext() { this.state = 0; this.GState = ST_NEWBORN; this.storedException = undefined; this.finallyFallThrough = undefined; this.sent_ = undefined; this.returnValue = undefined; this.tryStack_ = []; } GeneratorContext.prototype = { pushTry: function(catchState, finallyState) { if (finallyState !== null) { var finallyFallThrough = null; for (var i = this.tryStack_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.tryStack_[i].catch !== undefined) { finallyFallThrough = this.tryStack_[i].catch; break; } } if (finallyFallThrough === null) finallyFallThrough = RETHROW_STATE; this.tryStack_.push({ finally: finallyState, finallyFallThrough: finallyFallThrough }); } if (catchState !== null) { this.tryStack_.push({catch: catchState}); } }, popTry: function() { this.tryStack_.pop(); }, get sent() { this.maybeThrow(); return this.sent_; }, set sent(v) { this.sent_ = v; }, get sentIgnoreThrow() { return this.sent_; }, maybeThrow: function() { if (this.action === 'throw') { this.action = 'next'; throw this.sent_; } }, end: function() { switch (this.state) { case END_STATE: return this; case RETHROW_STATE: throw this.storedException; default: throw getInternalError(this.state); } }, handleException: function(ex) { this.GState = ST_CLOSED; this.state = END_STATE; throw ex; } }; function nextOrThrow(ctx, moveNext, action, x) { switch (ctx.GState) { case ST_EXECUTING: throw new Error(("\"" + action + "\" on executing generator")); case ST_CLOSED: if (action == 'next') { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } throw x; case ST_NEWBORN: if (action === 'throw') { ctx.GState = ST_CLOSED; throw x; } if (x !== undefined) throw $TypeError('Sent value to newborn generator'); case ST_SUSPENDED: ctx.GState = ST_EXECUTING; ctx.action = action; ctx.sent = x; var value = moveNext(ctx); var done = value === ctx; if (done) value = ctx.returnValue; ctx.GState = done ? ST_CLOSED : ST_SUSPENDED; return { value: value, done: done }; } } var ctxName = createPrivateName(); var moveNextName = createPrivateName(); function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; $defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, 'constructor', nonEnum(GeneratorFunction)); GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = { constructor: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, next: function(v) { return nextOrThrow(this[ctxName], this[moveNextName], 'next', v); }, throw: function(v) { return nextOrThrow(this[ctxName], this[moveNextName], 'throw', v); } }; $defineProperties(GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype, { constructor: {enumerable: false}, next: {enumerable: false}, throw: {enumerable: false} }); Object.defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype, Symbol.iterator, nonEnum(function() { return this; })); function createGeneratorInstance(innerFunction, functionObject, self) { var moveNext = getMoveNext(innerFunction, self); var ctx = new GeneratorContext(); var object = $create(functionObject.prototype); object[ctxName] = ctx; object[moveNextName] = moveNext; return object; } function initGeneratorFunction(functionObject) { functionObject.prototype = $create(GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype); functionObject.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; return functionObject; } function AsyncFunctionContext() {; this.err = undefined; var ctx = this; ctx.result = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ctx.resolve = resolve; ctx.reject = reject; }); } AsyncFunctionContext.prototype = $create(GeneratorContext.prototype); AsyncFunctionContext.prototype.end = function() { switch (this.state) { case END_STATE: this.resolve(this.returnValue); break; case RETHROW_STATE: this.reject(this.storedException); break; default: this.reject(getInternalError(this.state)); } }; AsyncFunctionContext.prototype.handleException = function() { this.state = RETHROW_STATE; }; function asyncWrap(innerFunction, self) { var moveNext = getMoveNext(innerFunction, self); var ctx = new AsyncFunctionContext(); ctx.createCallback = function(newState) { return function(value) { ctx.state = newState; ctx.value = value; moveNext(ctx); }; }; ctx.errback = function(err) { handleCatch(ctx, err); moveNext(ctx); }; moveNext(ctx); return ctx.result; } function getMoveNext(innerFunction, self) { return function(ctx) { while (true) { try { return, ctx); } catch (ex) { handleCatch(ctx, ex); } } }; } function handleCatch(ctx, ex) { ctx.storedException = ex; var last = ctx.tryStack_[ctx.tryStack_.length - 1]; if (!last) { ctx.handleException(ex); return; } ctx.state = last.catch !== undefined ? last.catch : last.finally; if (last.finallyFallThrough !== undefined) ctx.finallyFallThrough = last.finallyFallThrough; } $traceurRuntime.asyncWrap = asyncWrap; $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction = initGeneratorFunction; $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance = createGeneratorInstance; })(); (function() { function buildFromEncodedParts(opt_scheme, opt_userInfo, opt_domain, opt_port, opt_path, opt_queryData, opt_fragment) { var out = []; if (opt_scheme) { out.push(opt_scheme, ':'); } if (opt_domain) { out.push('//'); if (opt_userInfo) { out.push(opt_userInfo, '@'); } out.push(opt_domain); if (opt_port) { out.push(':', opt_port); } } if (opt_path) { out.push(opt_path); } if (opt_queryData) { out.push('?', opt_queryData); } if (opt_fragment) { out.push('#', opt_fragment); } return out.join(''); } ; var splitRe = new RegExp('^' + '(?:' + '([^:/?#.]+)' + ':)?' + '(?://' + '(?:([^/?#]*)@)?' + '([\\w\\d\\-\\u0100-\\uffff.%]*)' + '(?::([0-9]+))?' + ')?' + '([^?#]+)?' + '(?:\\?([^#]*))?' + '(?:#(.*))?' + '$'); var ComponentIndex = { SCHEME: 1, USER_INFO: 2, DOMAIN: 3, PORT: 4, PATH: 5, QUERY_DATA: 6, FRAGMENT: 7 }; function split(uri) { return (uri.match(splitRe)); } function removeDotSegments(path) { if (path === '/') return '/'; var leadingSlash = path[0] === '/' ? '/' : ''; var trailingSlash = path.slice(-1) === '/' ? '/' : ''; var segments = path.split('/'); var out = []; var up = 0; for (var pos = 0; pos < segments.length; pos++) { var segment = segments[pos]; switch (segment) { case '': case '.': break; case '..': if (out.length) out.pop(); else up++; break; default: out.push(segment); } } if (!leadingSlash) { while (up-- > 0) { out.unshift('..'); } if (out.length === 0) out.push('.'); } return leadingSlash + out.join('/') + trailingSlash; } function joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts) { var path = parts[ComponentIndex.PATH] || ''; path = removeDotSegments(path); parts[ComponentIndex.PATH] = path; return buildFromEncodedParts(parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME], parts[ComponentIndex.USER_INFO], parts[ComponentIndex.DOMAIN], parts[ComponentIndex.PORT], parts[ComponentIndex.PATH], parts[ComponentIndex.QUERY_DATA], parts[ComponentIndex.FRAGMENT]); } function canonicalizeUrl(url) { var parts = split(url); return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); } function resolveUrl(base, url) { var parts = split(url); var baseParts = split(base); if (parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME]) { return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); } else { parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME] = baseParts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME]; } for (var i = ComponentIndex.SCHEME; i <= ComponentIndex.PORT; i++) { if (!parts[i]) { parts[i] = baseParts[i]; } } if (parts[ComponentIndex.PATH][0] == '/') { return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); } var path = baseParts[ComponentIndex.PATH]; var index = path.lastIndexOf('/'); path = path.slice(0, index + 1) + parts[ComponentIndex.PATH]; parts[ComponentIndex.PATH] = path; return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); } function isAbsolute(name) { if (!name) return false; if (name[0] === '/') return true; var parts = split(name); if (parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME]) return true; return false; } $traceurRuntime.canonicalizeUrl = canonicalizeUrl; $traceurRuntime.isAbsolute = isAbsolute; $traceurRuntime.removeDotSegments = removeDotSegments; $traceurRuntime.resolveUrl = resolveUrl; })(); (function(global) { 'use strict'; var $__2 = $traceurRuntime, canonicalizeUrl = $__2.canonicalizeUrl, resolveUrl = $__2.resolveUrl, isAbsolute = $__2.isAbsolute; var moduleInstantiators = Object.create(null); var baseURL; if (global.location && global.location.href) baseURL = resolveUrl(global.location.href, './'); else baseURL = ''; var UncoatedModuleEntry = function UncoatedModuleEntry(url, uncoatedModule) { this.url = url; this.value_ = uncoatedModule; }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UncoatedModuleEntry, {}, {}); var ModuleEvaluationError = function ModuleEvaluationError(erroneousModuleName, cause) { this.message = + ': ' + this.stripCause(cause) + ' in ' + erroneousModuleName; if (!(cause instanceof $ModuleEvaluationError) && cause.stack) this.stack = this.stripStack(cause.stack); else this.stack = ''; }; var $ModuleEvaluationError = ModuleEvaluationError; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleEvaluationError, { stripError: function(message) { return message.replace(/.*Error:/, + ':'); }, stripCause: function(cause) { if (!cause) return ''; if (!cause.message) return cause + ''; return this.stripError(cause.message); }, loadedBy: function(moduleName) { this.stack += '\n loaded by ' + moduleName; }, stripStack: function(causeStack) { var stack = []; causeStack.split('\n').some((function(frame) { if (/UncoatedModuleInstantiator/.test(frame)) return true; stack.push(frame); })); stack[0] = this.stripError(stack[0]); return stack.join('\n'); } }, {}, Error); var UncoatedModuleInstantiator = function UncoatedModuleInstantiator(url, func) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $UncoatedModuleInstantiator.prototype, "constructor", [url, null]); this.func = func; }; var $UncoatedModuleInstantiator = UncoatedModuleInstantiator; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UncoatedModuleInstantiator, {getUncoatedModule: function() { if (this.value_) return this.value_; try { return this.value_ =; } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof ModuleEvaluationError) { ex.loadedBy(this.url); throw ex; } throw new ModuleEvaluationError(this.url, ex); } }}, {}, UncoatedModuleEntry); function getUncoatedModuleInstantiator(name) { if (!name) return; var url = ModuleStore.normalize(name); return moduleInstantiators[url]; } ; var moduleInstances = Object.create(null); var liveModuleSentinel = {}; function Module(uncoatedModule) { var isLive = arguments[1]; var coatedModule = Object.create(null); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(uncoatedModule).forEach((function(name) { var getter, value; if (isLive === liveModuleSentinel) { var descr = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(uncoatedModule, name); if (descr.get) getter = descr.get; } if (!getter) { value = uncoatedModule[name]; getter = function() { return value; }; } Object.defineProperty(coatedModule, name, { get: getter, enumerable: true }); })); Object.preventExtensions(coatedModule); return coatedModule; } var ModuleStore = { normalize: function(name, refererName, refererAddress) { if (typeof name !== "string") throw new TypeError("module name must be a string, not " + typeof name); if (isAbsolute(name)) return canonicalizeUrl(name); if (/[^\.]\/\.\.\//.test(name)) { throw new Error('module name embeds /../: ' + name); } if (name[0] === '.' && refererName) return resolveUrl(refererName, name); return canonicalizeUrl(name); }, get: function(normalizedName) { var m = getUncoatedModuleInstantiator(normalizedName); if (!m) return undefined; var moduleInstance = moduleInstances[m.url]; if (moduleInstance) return moduleInstance; moduleInstance = Module(m.getUncoatedModule(), liveModuleSentinel); return moduleInstances[m.url] = moduleInstance; }, set: function(normalizedName, module) { normalizedName = String(normalizedName); moduleInstantiators[normalizedName] = new UncoatedModuleInstantiator(normalizedName, (function() { return module; })); moduleInstances[normalizedName] = module; }, get baseURL() { return baseURL; }, set baseURL(v) { baseURL = String(v); }, registerModule: function(name, func) { var normalizedName = ModuleStore.normalize(name); if (moduleInstantiators[normalizedName]) throw new Error('duplicate module named ' + normalizedName); moduleInstantiators[normalizedName] = new UncoatedModuleInstantiator(normalizedName, func); }, bundleStore: Object.create(null), register: function(name, deps, func) { if (!deps || !deps.length && !func.length) { this.registerModule(name, func); } else { this.bundleStore[name] = { deps: deps, execute: function() { var $__0 = arguments; var depMap = {}; deps.forEach((function(dep, index) { return depMap[dep] = $__0[index]; })); var registryEntry =, depMap);; return registryEntry.exports; } }; } }, getAnonymousModule: function(func) { return new Module(, liveModuleSentinel); }, getForTesting: function(name) { var $__0 = this; if (!this.testingPrefix_) { Object.keys(moduleInstances).some((function(key) { var m = /(traceur@[^\/]*\/)/.exec(key); if (m) { $__0.testingPrefix_ = m[1]; return true; } })); } return this.get(this.testingPrefix_ + name); } }; ModuleStore.set('@traceur/src/runtime/ModuleStore', new Module({ModuleStore: ModuleStore})); var setupGlobals = $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals; $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals = function(global) { setupGlobals(global); }; $traceurRuntime.ModuleStore = ModuleStore; global.System = { register: ModuleStore.register.bind(ModuleStore), get: ModuleStore.get, set: ModuleStore.set, normalize: ModuleStore.normalize }; $traceurRuntime.getModuleImpl = function(name) { var instantiator = getUncoatedModuleInstantiator(name); return instantiator && instantiator.getUncoatedModule(); }; })(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"; var $ceil = Math.ceil; var $floor = Math.floor; var $isFinite = isFinite; var $isNaN = isNaN; var $pow = Math.pow; var $min = Math.min; var toObject = $traceurRuntime.toObject; function toUint32(x) { return x >>> 0; } function isObject(x) { return x && (typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function'); } function isCallable(x) { return typeof x === 'function'; } function isNumber(x) { return typeof x === 'number'; } function toInteger(x) { x = +x; if ($isNaN(x)) return 0; if (x === 0 || !$isFinite(x)) return x; return x > 0 ? $floor(x) : $ceil(x); } var MAX_SAFE_LENGTH = $pow(2, 53) - 1; function toLength(x) { var len = toInteger(x); return len < 0 ? 0 : $min(len, MAX_SAFE_LENGTH); } function checkIterable(x) { return !isObject(x) ? undefined : x[Symbol.iterator]; } function isConstructor(x) { return isCallable(x); } function createIteratorResultObject(value, done) { return { value: value, done: done }; } function maybeDefine(object, name, descr) { if (!(name in object)) { Object.defineProperty(object, name, descr); } } function maybeDefineMethod(object, name, value) { maybeDefine(object, name, { value: value, configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true }); } function maybeDefineConst(object, name, value) { maybeDefine(object, name, { value: value, configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false }); } function maybeAddFunctions(object, functions) { for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i += 2) { var name = functions[i]; var value = functions[i + 1]; maybeDefineMethod(object, name, value); } } function maybeAddConsts(object, consts) { for (var i = 0; i < consts.length; i += 2) { var name = consts[i]; var value = consts[i + 1]; maybeDefineConst(object, name, value); } } function maybeAddIterator(object, func, Symbol) { if (!Symbol || !Symbol.iterator || object[Symbol.iterator]) return; if (object['@@iterator']) func = object['@@iterator']; Object.defineProperty(object, Symbol.iterator, { value: func, configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true }); } var polyfills = []; function registerPolyfill(func) { polyfills.push(func); } function polyfillAll(global) { polyfills.forEach((function(f) { return f(global); })); } return { get toObject() { return toObject; }, get toUint32() { return toUint32; }, get isObject() { return isObject; }, get isCallable() { return isCallable; }, get isNumber() { return isNumber; }, get toInteger() { return toInteger; }, get toLength() { return toLength; }, get checkIterable() { return checkIterable; }, get isConstructor() { return isConstructor; }, get createIteratorResultObject() { return createIteratorResultObject; }, get maybeDefine() { return maybeDefine; }, get maybeDefineMethod() { return maybeDefineMethod; }, get maybeDefineConst() { return maybeDefineConst; }, get maybeAddFunctions() { return maybeAddFunctions; }, get maybeAddConsts() { return maybeAddConsts; }, get maybeAddIterator() { return maybeAddIterator; }, get registerPolyfill() { return registerPolyfill; }, get polyfillAll() { return polyfillAll; } }; }); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Map", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Map"; var $__3 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), isObject = $__3.isObject, maybeAddIterator = $__3.maybeAddIterator, registerPolyfill = $__3.registerPolyfill; var getOwnHashObject = $traceurRuntime.getOwnHashObject; var $hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var deletedSentinel = {}; function lookupIndex(map, key) { if (isObject(key)) { var hashObject = getOwnHashObject(key); return hashObject && map.objectIndex_[hashObject.hash]; } if (typeof key === 'string') return map.stringIndex_[key]; return map.primitiveIndex_[key]; } function initMap(map) { map.entries_ = []; map.objectIndex_ = Object.create(null); map.stringIndex_ = Object.create(null); map.primitiveIndex_ = Object.create(null); map.deletedCount_ = 0; } var Map = function Map() { var iterable = arguments[0]; if (!isObject(this)) throw new TypeError('Map called on incompatible type'); if ($, 'entries_')) { throw new TypeError('Map can not be reentrantly initialised'); } initMap(this); if (iterable !== null && iterable !== undefined) { for (var $__5 = iterable[Symbol.iterator](), $__6; !($__6 = $; ) { var $__7 = $__6.value, key = $__7[0], value = $__7[1]; { this.set(key, value); } } } }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Map, { get size() { return this.entries_.length / 2 - this.deletedCount_; }, get: function(key) { var index = lookupIndex(this, key); if (index !== undefined) return this.entries_[index + 1]; }, set: function(key, value) { var objectMode = isObject(key); var stringMode = typeof key === 'string'; var index = lookupIndex(this, key); if (index !== undefined) { this.entries_[index + 1] = value; } else { index = this.entries_.length; this.entries_[index] = key; this.entries_[index + 1] = value; if (objectMode) { var hashObject = getOwnHashObject(key); var hash = hashObject.hash; this.objectIndex_[hash] = index; } else if (stringMode) { this.stringIndex_[key] = index; } else { this.primitiveIndex_[key] = index; } } return this; }, has: function(key) { return lookupIndex(this, key) !== undefined; }, delete: function(key) { var objectMode = isObject(key); var stringMode = typeof key === 'string'; var index; var hash; if (objectMode) { var hashObject = getOwnHashObject(key); if (hashObject) { index = this.objectIndex_[hash = hashObject.hash]; delete this.objectIndex_[hash]; } } else if (stringMode) { index = this.stringIndex_[key]; delete this.stringIndex_[key]; } else { index = this.primitiveIndex_[key]; delete this.primitiveIndex_[key]; } if (index !== undefined) { this.entries_[index] = deletedSentinel; this.entries_[index + 1] = undefined; this.deletedCount_++; return true; } return false; }, clear: function() { initMap(this); }, forEach: function(callbackFn) { var thisArg = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries_.length; i += 2) { var key = this.entries_[i]; var value = this.entries_[i + 1]; if (key === deletedSentinel) continue;, value, key, this); } }, entries: $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction(function $__8() { var i, key, value; return $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance(function($ctx) { while (true) switch ($ctx.state) { case 0: i = 0; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 12: $ctx.state = (i < this.entries_.length) ? 8 : -2; break; case 4: i += 2; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 8: key = this.entries_[i]; value = this.entries_[i + 1]; $ctx.state = 9; break; case 9: $ctx.state = (key === deletedSentinel) ? 4 : 6; break; case 6: $ctx.state = 2; return [key, value]; case 2: $ctx.maybeThrow(); $ctx.state = 4; break; default: return $ctx.end(); } }, $__8, this); }), keys: $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction(function $__9() { var i, key, value; return $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance(function($ctx) { while (true) switch ($ctx.state) { case 0: i = 0; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 12: $ctx.state = (i < this.entries_.length) ? 8 : -2; break; case 4: i += 2; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 8: key = this.entries_[i]; value = this.entries_[i + 1]; $ctx.state = 9; break; case 9: $ctx.state = (key === deletedSentinel) ? 4 : 6; break; case 6: $ctx.state = 2; return key; case 2: $ctx.maybeThrow(); $ctx.state = 4; break; default: return $ctx.end(); } }, $__9, this); }), values: $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction(function $__10() { var i, key, value; return $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance(function($ctx) { while (true) switch ($ctx.state) { case 0: i = 0; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 12: $ctx.state = (i < this.entries_.length) ? 8 : -2; break; case 4: i += 2; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 8: key = this.entries_[i]; value = this.entries_[i + 1]; $ctx.state = 9; break; case 9: $ctx.state = (key === deletedSentinel) ? 4 : 6; break; case 6: $ctx.state = 2; return value; case 2: $ctx.maybeThrow(); $ctx.state = 4; break; default: return $ctx.end(); } }, $__10, this); }) }, {}); Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, Symbol.iterator, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: Map.prototype.entries }); function polyfillMap(global) { var $__7 = global, Object = $__7.Object, Symbol = $__7.Symbol; if (!global.Map) global.Map = Map; var mapPrototype = global.Map.prototype; if (mapPrototype.entries) { maybeAddIterator(mapPrototype, mapPrototype.entries, Symbol); maybeAddIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf(new global.Map().entries()), function() { return this; }, Symbol); } } registerPolyfill(polyfillMap); return { get Map() { return Map; }, get polyfillMap() { return polyfillMap; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Map" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Set", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Set"; var $__11 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), isObject = $__11.isObject, maybeAddIterator = $__11.maybeAddIterator, registerPolyfill = $__11.registerPolyfill; var Map = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Map").Map; var getOwnHashObject = $traceurRuntime.getOwnHashObject; var $hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function initSet(set) { set.map_ = new Map(); } var Set = function Set() { var iterable = arguments[0]; if (!isObject(this)) throw new TypeError('Set called on incompatible type'); if ($, 'map_')) { throw new TypeError('Set can not be reentrantly initialised'); } initSet(this); if (iterable !== null && iterable !== undefined) { for (var $__15 = iterable[Symbol.iterator](), $__16; !($__16 = $; ) { var item = $__16.value; { this.add(item); } } } }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Set, { get size() { return this.map_.size; }, has: function(key) { return this.map_.has(key); }, add: function(key) { this.map_.set(key, key); return this; }, delete: function(key) { return this.map_.delete(key); }, clear: function() { return this.map_.clear(); }, forEach: function(callbackFn) { var thisArg = arguments[1]; var $__13 = this; return this.map_.forEach((function(value, key) {, key, key, $__13); })); }, values: $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction(function $__18() { var $__19, $__20; return $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance(function($ctx) { while (true) switch ($ctx.state) { case 0: $__19 = this.map_.keys()[Symbol.iterator](); $ctx.sent = void 0; $ctx.action = 'next'; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 12: $__20 = $__19[$ctx.action]($ctx.sentIgnoreThrow); $ctx.state = 9; break; case 9: $ctx.state = ($__20.done) ? 3 : 2; break; case 3: $ctx.sent = $__20.value; $ctx.state = -2; break; case 2: $ctx.state = 12; return $__20.value; default: return $ctx.end(); } }, $__18, this); }), entries: $traceurRuntime.initGeneratorFunction(function $__21() { var $__22, $__23; return $traceurRuntime.createGeneratorInstance(function($ctx) { while (true) switch ($ctx.state) { case 0: $__22 = this.map_.entries()[Symbol.iterator](); $ctx.sent = void 0; $ctx.action = 'next'; $ctx.state = 12; break; case 12: $__23 = $__22[$ctx.action]($ctx.sentIgnoreThrow); $ctx.state = 9; break; case 9: $ctx.state = ($__23.done) ? 3 : 2; break; case 3: $ctx.sent = $__23.value; $ctx.state = -2; break; case 2: $ctx.state = 12; return $__23.value; default: return $ctx.end(); } }, $__21, this); }) }, {}); Object.defineProperty(Set.prototype, Symbol.iterator, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: Set.prototype.values }); Object.defineProperty(Set.prototype, 'keys', { configurable: true, writable: true, value: Set.prototype.values }); function polyfillSet(global) { var $__17 = global, Object = $__17.Object, Symbol = $__17.Symbol; if (!global.Set) global.Set = Set; var setPrototype = global.Set.prototype; if (setPrototype.values) { maybeAddIterator(setPrototype, setPrototype.values, Symbol); maybeAddIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf(new global.Set().values()), function() { return this; }, Symbol); } } registerPolyfill(polyfillSet); return { get Set() { return Set; }, get polyfillSet() { return polyfillSet; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Set" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/node_modules/rsvp/lib/rsvp/asap", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/node_modules/rsvp/lib/rsvp/asap"; var len = 0; function asap(callback, arg) { queue[len] = callback; queue[len + 1] = arg; len += 2; if (len === 2) { scheduleFlush(); } } var $__default = asap; var browserGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : {}; var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver; var isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' && typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined'; function useNextTick() { return function() { process.nextTick(flush); }; } function useMutationObserver() { var iterations = 0; var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush); var node = document.createTextNode(''); observer.observe(node, {characterData: true}); return function() { = (iterations = ++iterations % 2); }; } function useMessageChannel() { var channel = new MessageChannel(); channel.port1.onmessage = flush; return function() { channel.port2.postMessage(0); }; } function useSetTimeout() { return function() { setTimeout(flush, 1); }; } var queue = new Array(1000); function flush() { for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { var callback = queue[i]; var arg = queue[i + 1]; callback(arg); queue[i] = undefined; queue[i + 1] = undefined; } len = 0; } var scheduleFlush; if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') { scheduleFlush = useNextTick(); } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) { scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver(); } else if (isWorker) { scheduleFlush = useMessageChannel(); } else { scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout(); } return {get default() { return $__default; }}; }); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Promise", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Promise"; var async = System.get("[email protected]/node_modules/rsvp/lib/rsvp/asap").default; var registerPolyfill = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils").registerPolyfill; var promiseRaw = {}; function isPromise(x) { return x && typeof x === 'object' && x.status_ !== undefined; } function idResolveHandler(x) { return x; } function idRejectHandler(x) { throw x; } function chain(promise) { var onResolve = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : idResolveHandler; var onReject = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : idRejectHandler; var deferred = getDeferred(promise.constructor); switch (promise.status_) { case undefined: throw TypeError; case 0: promise.onResolve_.push(onResolve, deferred); promise.onReject_.push(onReject, deferred); break; case +1: promiseEnqueue(promise.value_, [onResolve, deferred]); break; case -1: promiseEnqueue(promise.value_, [onReject, deferred]); break; } return deferred.promise; } function getDeferred(C) { if (this === $Promise) { var promise = promiseInit(new $Promise(promiseRaw)); return { promise: promise, resolve: (function(x) { promiseResolve(promise, x); }), reject: (function(r) { promiseReject(promise, r); }) }; } else { var result = {}; result.promise = new C((function(resolve, reject) { result.resolve = resolve; result.reject = reject; })); return result; } } function promiseSet(promise, status, value, onResolve, onReject) { promise.status_ = status; promise.value_ = value; promise.onResolve_ = onResolve; promise.onReject_ = onReject; return promise; } function promiseInit(promise) { return promiseSet(promise, 0, undefined, [], []); } var Promise = function Promise(resolver) { if (resolver === promiseRaw) return; if (typeof resolver !== 'function') throw new TypeError; var promise = promiseInit(this); try { resolver((function(x) { promiseResolve(promise, x); }), (function(r) { promiseReject(promise, r); })); } catch (e) { promiseReject(promise, e); } }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Promise, { catch: function(onReject) { return this.then(undefined, onReject); }, then: function(onResolve, onReject) { if (typeof onResolve !== 'function') onResolve = idResolveHandler; if (typeof onReject !== 'function') onReject = idRejectHandler; var that = this; var constructor = this.constructor; return chain(this, function(x) { x = promiseCoerce(constructor, x); return x === that ? onReject(new TypeError) : isPromise(x) ? x.then(onResolve, onReject) : onResolve(x); }, onReject); } }, { resolve: function(x) { if (this === $Promise) { if (isPromise(x)) { return x; } return promiseSet(new $Promise(promiseRaw), +1, x); } else { return new this(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(x); }); } }, reject: function(r) { if (this === $Promise) { return promiseSet(new $Promise(promiseRaw), -1, r); } else { return new this((function(resolve, reject) { reject(r); })); } }, all: function(values) { var deferred = getDeferred(this); var resolutions = []; try { var count = values.length; if (count === 0) { deferred.resolve(resolutions); } else { for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { this.resolve(values[i]).then(function(i, x) { resolutions[i] = x; if (--count === 0) deferred.resolve(resolutions); }.bind(undefined, i), (function(r) { deferred.reject(r); })); } } } catch (e) { deferred.reject(e); } return deferred.promise; }, race: function(values) { var deferred = getDeferred(this); try { for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { this.resolve(values[i]).then((function(x) { deferred.resolve(x); }), (function(r) { deferred.reject(r); })); } } catch (e) { deferred.reject(e); } return deferred.promise; } }); var $Promise = Promise; var $PromiseReject = $Promise.reject; function promiseResolve(promise, x) { promiseDone(promise, +1, x, promise.onResolve_); } function promiseReject(promise, r) { promiseDone(promise, -1, r, promise.onReject_); } function promiseDone(promise, status, value, reactions) { if (promise.status_ !== 0) return; promiseEnqueue(value, reactions); promiseSet(promise, status, value); } function promiseEnqueue(value, tasks) { async((function() { for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i += 2) { promiseHandle(value, tasks[i], tasks[i + 1]); } })); } function promiseHandle(value, handler, deferred) { try { var result = handler(value); if (result === deferred.promise) throw new TypeError; else if (isPromise(result)) chain(result, deferred.resolve, deferred.reject); else deferred.resolve(result); } catch (e) { try { deferred.reject(e); } catch (e) {} } } var thenableSymbol = '@@thenable'; function isObject(x) { return x && (typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function'); } function promiseCoerce(constructor, x) { if (!isPromise(x) && isObject(x)) { var then; try { then = x.then; } catch (r) { var promise = $, r); x[thenableSymbol] = promise; return promise; } if (typeof then === 'function') { var p = x[thenableSymbol]; if (p) { return p; } else { var deferred = getDeferred(constructor); x[thenableSymbol] = deferred.promise; try {, deferred.resolve, deferred.reject); } catch (r) { deferred.reject(r); } return deferred.promise; } } } return x; } function polyfillPromise(global) { if (!global.Promise) global.Promise = Promise; } registerPolyfill(polyfillPromise); return { get Promise() { return Promise; }, get polyfillPromise() { return polyfillPromise; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Promise" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/StringIterator", [], function() { "use strict"; var $__29; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/StringIterator"; var $__27 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), createIteratorResultObject = $__27.createIteratorResultObject, isObject = $__27.isObject; var $__30 = $traceurRuntime, hasOwnProperty = $__30.hasOwnProperty, toProperty = $__30.toProperty; var iteratedString = Symbol('iteratedString'); var stringIteratorNextIndex = Symbol('stringIteratorNextIndex'); var StringIterator = function StringIterator() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StringIterator, ($__29 = {}, Object.defineProperty($__29, "next", { value: function() { var o = this; if (!isObject(o) || !hasOwnProperty(o, iteratedString)) { throw new TypeError('this must be a StringIterator object'); } var s = o[toProperty(iteratedString)]; if (s === undefined) { return createIteratorResultObject(undefined, true); } var position = o[toProperty(stringIteratorNextIndex)]; var len = s.length; if (position >= len) { o[toProperty(iteratedString)] = undefined; return createIteratorResultObject(undefined, true); } var first = s.charCodeAt(position); var resultString; if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === len) { resultString = String.fromCharCode(first); } else { var second = s.charCodeAt(position + 1); if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) { resultString = String.fromCharCode(first); } else { resultString = String.fromCharCode(first) + String.fromCharCode(second); } } o[toProperty(stringIteratorNextIndex)] = position + resultString.length; return createIteratorResultObject(resultString, false); }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__29, Symbol.iterator, { value: function() { return this; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), $__29), {}); function createStringIterator(string) { var s = String(string); var iterator = Object.create(StringIterator.prototype); iterator[toProperty(iteratedString)] = s; iterator[toProperty(stringIteratorNextIndex)] = 0; return iterator; } return {get createStringIterator() { return createStringIterator; }}; }); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/String", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/String"; var createStringIterator = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/StringIterator").createStringIterator; var $__32 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), maybeAddFunctions = $__32.maybeAddFunctions, maybeAddIterator = $__32.maybeAddIterator, registerPolyfill = $__32.registerPolyfill; var $toString = Object.prototype.toString; var $indexOf = String.prototype.indexOf; var $lastIndexOf = String.prototype.lastIndexOf; function startsWith(search) { var string = String(this); if (this == null || $ == '[object RegExp]') { throw TypeError(); } var stringLength = string.length; var searchString = String(search); var searchLength = searchString.length; var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var pos = position ? Number(position) : 0; if (isNaN(pos)) { pos = 0; } var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), stringLength); return $, searchString, pos) == start; } function endsWith(search) { var string = String(this); if (this == null || $ == '[object RegExp]') { throw TypeError(); } var stringLength = string.length; var searchString = String(search); var searchLength = searchString.length; var pos = stringLength; if (arguments.length > 1) { var position = arguments[1]; if (position !== undefined) { pos = position ? Number(position) : 0; if (isNaN(pos)) { pos = 0; } } } var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), stringLength); var start = end - searchLength; if (start < 0) { return false; } return $, searchString, start) == start; } function contains(search) { if (this == null) { throw TypeError(); } var string = String(this); var stringLength = string.length; var searchString = String(search); var searchLength = searchString.length; var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var pos = position ? Number(position) : 0; if (isNaN(pos)) { pos = 0; } var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), stringLength); return $, searchString, pos) != -1; } function repeat(count) { if (this == null) { throw TypeError(); } var string = String(this); var n = count ? Number(count) : 0; if (isNaN(n)) { n = 0; } if (n < 0 || n == Infinity) { throw RangeError(); } if (n == 0) { return ''; } var result = ''; while (n--) { result += string; } return result; } function codePointAt(position) { if (this == null) { throw TypeError(); } var string = String(this); var size = string.length; var index = position ? Number(position) : 0; if (isNaN(index)) { index = 0; } if (index < 0 || index >= size) { return undefined; } var first = string.charCodeAt(index); var second; if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && size > index + 1) { second = string.charCodeAt(index + 1); if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) { return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000; } } return first; } function raw(callsite) { var raw = callsite.raw; var len = raw.length >>> 0; if (len === 0) return ''; var s = ''; var i = 0; while (true) { s += raw[i]; if (i + 1 === len) return s; s += arguments[++i]; } } function fromCodePoint() { var codeUnits = []; var floor = Math.floor; var highSurrogate; var lowSurrogate; var index = -1; var length = arguments.length; if (!length) { return ''; } while (++index < length) { var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]); if (!isFinite(codePoint) || codePoint < 0 || codePoint > 0x10FFFF || floor(codePoint) != codePoint) { throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint); } if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { codeUnits.push(codePoint); } else { codePoint -= 0x10000; highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800; lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00; codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate); } } return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits); } function stringPrototypeIterator() { var o = $traceurRuntime.checkObjectCoercible(this); var s = String(o); return createStringIterator(s); } function polyfillString(global) { var String = global.String; maybeAddFunctions(String.prototype, ['codePointAt', codePointAt, 'contains', contains, 'endsWith', endsWith, 'startsWith', startsWith, 'repeat', repeat]); maybeAddFunctions(String, ['fromCodePoint', fromCodePoint, 'raw', raw]); maybeAddIterator(String.prototype, stringPrototypeIterator, Symbol); } registerPolyfill(polyfillString); return { get startsWith() { return startsWith; }, get endsWith() { return endsWith; }, get contains() { return contains; }, get repeat() { return repeat; }, get codePointAt() { return codePointAt; }, get raw() { return raw; }, get fromCodePoint() { return fromCodePoint; }, get stringPrototypeIterator() { return stringPrototypeIterator; }, get polyfillString() { return polyfillString; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/String" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/ArrayIterator", [], function() { "use strict"; var $__36; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/ArrayIterator"; var $__34 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), toObject = $__34.toObject, toUint32 = $__34.toUint32, createIteratorResultObject = $__34.createIteratorResultObject; var ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_KEYS = 1; var ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUES = 2; var ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_ENTRIES = 3; var ArrayIterator = function ArrayIterator() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayIterator, ($__36 = {}, Object.defineProperty($__36, "next", { value: function() { var iterator = toObject(this); var array = iterator.iteratorObject_; if (!array) { throw new TypeError('Object is not an ArrayIterator'); } var index = iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_; var itemKind = iterator.arrayIterationKind_; var length = toUint32(array.length); if (index >= length) { iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_ = Infinity; return createIteratorResultObject(undefined, true); } iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_ = index + 1; if (itemKind == ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUES) return createIteratorResultObject(array[index], false); if (itemKind == ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_ENTRIES) return createIteratorResultObject([index, array[index]], false); return createIteratorResultObject(index, false); }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__36, Symbol.iterator, { value: function() { return this; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), $__36), {}); function createArrayIterator(array, kind) { var object = toObject(array); var iterator = new ArrayIterator; iterator.iteratorObject_ = object; iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_ = 0; iterator.arrayIterationKind_ = kind; return iterator; } function entries() { return createArrayIterator(this, ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_ENTRIES); } function keys() { return createArrayIterator(this, ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_KEYS); } function values() { return createArrayIterator(this, ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUES); } return { get entries() { return entries; }, get keys() { return keys; }, get values() { return values; } }; }); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Array", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Array"; var $__37 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/ArrayIterator"), entries = $__37.entries, keys = $__37.keys, values = $__37.values; var $__38 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), checkIterable = $__38.checkIterable, isCallable = $__38.isCallable, isConstructor = $__38.isConstructor, maybeAddFunctions = $__38.maybeAddFunctions, maybeAddIterator = $__38.maybeAddIterator, registerPolyfill = $__38.registerPolyfill, toInteger = $__38.toInteger, toLength = $__38.toLength, toObject = $__38.toObject; function from(arrLike) { var mapFn = arguments[1]; var thisArg = arguments[2]; var C = this; var items = toObject(arrLike); var mapping = mapFn !== undefined; var k = 0; var arr, len; if (mapping && !isCallable(mapFn)) { throw TypeError(); } if (checkIterable(items)) { arr = isConstructor(C) ? new C() : []; for (var $__39 = items[Symbol.iterator](), $__40; !($__40 = $; ) { var item = $__40.value; { if (mapping) { arr[k] =, item, k); } else { arr[k] = item; } k++; } } arr.length = k; return arr; } len = toLength(items.length); arr = isConstructor(C) ? new C(len) : new Array(len); for (; k < len; k++) { if (mapping) { arr[k] = typeof thisArg === 'undefined' ? mapFn(items[k], k) :, items[k], k); } else { arr[k] = items[k]; } } arr.length = len; return arr; } function of() { for (var items = [], $__41 = 0; $__41 < arguments.length; $__41++) items[$__41] = arguments[$__41]; var C = this; var len = items.length; var arr = isConstructor(C) ? new C(len) : new Array(len); for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) { arr[k] = items[k]; } arr.length = len; return arr; } function fill(value) { var start = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : 0; var end = arguments[2]; var object = toObject(this); var len = toLength(object.length); var fillStart = toInteger(start); var fillEnd = end !== undefined ? toInteger(end) : len; fillStart = fillStart < 0 ? Math.max(len + fillStart, 0) : Math.min(fillStart, len); fillEnd = fillEnd < 0 ? Math.max(len + fillEnd, 0) : Math.min(fillEnd, len); while (fillStart < fillEnd) { object[fillStart] = value; fillStart++; } return object; } function find(predicate) { var thisArg = arguments[1]; return findHelper(this, predicate, thisArg); } function findIndex(predicate) { var thisArg = arguments[1]; return findHelper(this, predicate, thisArg, true); } function findHelper(self, predicate) { var thisArg = arguments[2]; var returnIndex = arguments[3] !== (void 0) ? arguments[3] : false; var object = toObject(self); var len = toLength(object.length); if (!isCallable(predicate)) { throw TypeError(); } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in object) { var value = object[i]; if (, value, i, object)) { return returnIndex ? i : value; } } } return returnIndex ? -1 : undefined; } function polyfillArray(global) { var $__42 = global, Array = $__42.Array, Object = $__42.Object, Symbol = $__42.Symbol; maybeAddFunctions(Array.prototype, ['entries', entries, 'keys', keys, 'values', values, 'fill', fill, 'find', find, 'findIndex', findIndex]); maybeAddFunctions(Array, ['from', from, 'of', of]); maybeAddIterator(Array.prototype, values, Symbol); maybeAddIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf([].values()), function() { return this; }, Symbol); } registerPolyfill(polyfillArray); return { get from() { return from; }, get of() { return of; }, get fill() { return fill; }, get find() { return find; }, get findIndex() { return findIndex; }, get polyfillArray() { return polyfillArray; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Array" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Object", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Object"; var $__43 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), maybeAddFunctions = $__43.maybeAddFunctions, registerPolyfill = $__43.registerPolyfill; var $__44 = $traceurRuntime, defineProperty = $__44.defineProperty, getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $__44.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames = $__44.getOwnPropertyNames, keys = $__44.keys, privateNames = $__44.privateNames; function is(left, right) { if (left === right) return left !== 0 || 1 / left === 1 / right; return left !== left && right !== right; } function assign(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; var props = keys(source); var p, length = props.length; for (p = 0; p < length; p++) { var name = props[p]; if (privateNames[name]) continue; target[name] = source[name]; } } return target; } function mixin(target, source) { var props = getOwnPropertyNames(source); var p, descriptor, length = props.length; for (p = 0; p < length; p++) { var name = props[p]; if (privateNames[name]) continue; descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, props[p]); defineProperty(target, props[p], descriptor); } return target; } function polyfillObject(global) { var Object = global.Object; maybeAddFunctions(Object, ['assign', assign, 'is', is, 'mixin', mixin]); } registerPolyfill(polyfillObject); return { get is() { return is; }, get assign() { return assign; }, get mixin() { return mixin; }, get polyfillObject() { return polyfillObject; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Object" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Number", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Number"; var $__46 = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), isNumber = $__46.isNumber, maybeAddConsts = $__46.maybeAddConsts, maybeAddFunctions = $__46.maybeAddFunctions, registerPolyfill = $__46.registerPolyfill, toInteger = $__46.toInteger; var $abs = Math.abs; var $isFinite = isFinite; var $isNaN = isNaN; var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; var MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = -Math.pow(2, 53) + 1; var EPSILON = Math.pow(2, -52); function NumberIsFinite(number) { return isNumber(number) && $isFinite(number); } ; function isInteger(number) { return NumberIsFinite(number) && toInteger(number) === number; } function NumberIsNaN(number) { return isNumber(number) && $isNaN(number); } ; function isSafeInteger(number) { if (NumberIsFinite(number)) { var integral = toInteger(number); if (integral === number) return $abs(integral) <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } return false; } function polyfillNumber(global) { var Number = global.Number; maybeAddConsts(Number, ['MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER', MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, 'EPSILON', EPSILON]); maybeAddFunctions(Number, ['isFinite', NumberIsFinite, 'isInteger', isInteger, 'isNaN', NumberIsNaN, 'isSafeInteger', isSafeInteger]); } registerPolyfill(polyfillNumber); return { get MAX_SAFE_INTEGER() { return MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; }, get MIN_SAFE_INTEGER() { return MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; }, get EPSILON() { return EPSILON; }, get isFinite() { return NumberIsFinite; }, get isInteger() { return isInteger; }, get isNaN() { return NumberIsNaN; }, get isSafeInteger() { return isSafeInteger; }, get polyfillNumber() { return polyfillNumber; } }; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/Number" + ''); System.register("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/polyfills", [], function() { "use strict"; var __moduleName = "[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/polyfills"; var polyfillAll = System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/utils").polyfillAll; polyfillAll(this); var setupGlobals = $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals; $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals = function(global) { setupGlobals(global); polyfillAll(global); }; return {}; }); System.get("[email protected]/src/runtime/polyfills/polyfills" + ''); }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":2}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ /*global define:false */ /** * Copyright 2013 Craig Campbell * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Mousetrap is a simple keyboard shortcut library for Javascript with * no external dependencies * * @version 1.4.6 * @url */ (function(window, document, undefined) { /** * mapping of special keycodes to their corresponding keys * * everything in this dictionary cannot use keypress events * so it has to be here to map to the correct keycodes for * keyup/keydown events * * @type {Object} */ var _MAP = { 8: 'backspace', 9: 'tab', 13: 'enter', 16: 'shift', 17: 'ctrl', 18: 'alt', 20: 'capslock', 27: 'esc', 32: 'space', 33: 'pageup', 34: 'pagedown', 35: 'end', 36: 'home', 37: 'left', 38: 'up', 39: 'right', 40: 'down', 45: 'ins', 46: 'del', 91: 'meta', 93: 'meta', 224: 'meta' }, /** * mapping for special characters so they can support * * this dictionary is only used incase you want to bind a * keyup or keydown event to one of these keys * * @type {Object} */ _KEYCODE_MAP = { 106: '*', 107: '+', 109: '-', 110: '.', 111 : '/', 186: ';', 187: '=', 188: ',', 189: '-', 190: '.', 191: '/', 192: '`', 219: '[', 220: '\\', 221: ']', 222: '\'' }, /** * this is a mapping of keys that require shift on a US keypad * back to the non shift equivelents * * this is so you can use keyup events with these keys * * note that this will only work reliably on US keyboards * * @type {Object} */ _SHIFT_MAP = { '~': '`', '!': '1', '@': '2', '#': '3', '$': '4', '%': '5', '^': '6', '&': '7', '*': '8', '(': '9', ')': '0', '_': '-', '+': '=', ':': ';', '\"': '\'', '<': ',', '>': '.', '?': '/', '|': '\\' }, /** * this is a list of special strings you can use to map * to modifier keys when you specify your keyboard shortcuts * * @type {Object} */ _SPECIAL_ALIASES = { 'option': 'alt', 'command': 'meta', 'return': 'enter', 'escape': 'esc', 'mod': /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform) ? 'meta' : 'ctrl' }, /** * variable to store the flipped version of _MAP from above * needed to check if we should use keypress or not when no action * is specified * * @type {Object|undefined} */ _REVERSE_MAP, /** * a list of all the callbacks setup via Mousetrap.bind() * * @type {Object} */ _callbacks = {}, /** * direct map of string combinations to callbacks used for trigger() * * @type {Object} */ _directMap = {}, /** * keeps track of what level each sequence is at since multiple * sequences can start out with the same sequence * * @type {Object} */ _sequenceLevels = {}, /** * variable to store the setTimeout call * * @type {null|number} */ _resetTimer, /** * temporary state where we will ignore the next keyup * * @type {boolean|string} */ _ignoreNextKeyup = false, /** * temporary state where we will ignore the next keypress * * @type {boolean} */ _ignoreNextKeypress = false, /** * are we currently inside of a sequence? * type of action ("keyup" or "keydown" or "keypress") or false * * @type {boolean|string} */ _nextExpectedAction = false; /** * loop through the f keys, f1 to f19 and add them to the map * programatically */ for (var i = 1; i < 20; ++i) { _MAP[111 + i] = 'f' + i; } /** * loop through to map numbers on the numeric keypad */ for (i = 0; i <= 9; ++i) { _MAP[i + 96] = i; } /** * cross browser add event method * * @param {Element|HTMLDocument} object * @param {string} type * @param {Function} callback * @returns void */ function _addEvent(object, type, callback) { if (object.addEventListener) { object.addEventListener(type, callback, false); return; } object.attachEvent('on' + type, callback); } /** * takes the event and returns the key character * * @param {Event} e * @return {string} */ function _characterFromEvent(e) { // for keypress events we should return the character as is if (e.type == 'keypress') { var character = String.fromCharCode(e.which); // if the shift key is not pressed then it is safe to assume // that we want the character to be lowercase. this means if // you accidentally have caps lock on then your key bindings // will continue to work // // the only side effect that might not be desired is if you // bind something like 'A' cause you want to trigger an // event when capital A is pressed caps lock will no longer // trigger the event. shift+a will though. if (!e.shiftKey) { character = character.toLowerCase(); } return character; } // for non keypress events the special maps are needed if (_MAP[e.which]) { return _MAP[e.which]; } if (_KEYCODE_MAP[e.which]) { return _KEYCODE_MAP[e.which]; } // if it is not in the special map // with keydown and keyup events the character seems to always // come in as an uppercase character whether you are pressing shift // or not. we should make sure it is always lowercase for comparisons return String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase(); } /** * checks if two arrays are equal * * @param {Array} modifiers1 * @param {Array} modifiers2 * @returns {boolean} */ function _modifiersMatch(modifiers1, modifiers2) { return modifiers1.sort().join(',') === modifiers2.sort().join(','); } /** * resets all sequence counters except for the ones passed in * * @param {Object} doNotReset * @returns void */ function _resetSequences(doNotReset) { doNotReset = doNotReset || {}; var activeSequences = false, key; for (key in _sequenceLevels) { if (doNotReset[key]) { activeSequences = true; continue; } _sequenceLevels[key] = 0; } if (!activeSequences) { _nextExpectedAction = false; } } /** * finds all callbacks that match based on the keycode, modifiers, * and action * * @param {string} character * @param {Array} modifiers * @param {Event|Object} e * @param {string=} sequenceName - name of the sequence we are looking for * @param {string=} combination * @param {number=} level * @returns {Array} */ function _getMatches(character, modifiers, e, sequenceName, combination, level) { var i, callback, matches = [], action = e.type; // if there are no events related to this keycode if (!_callbacks[character]) { return []; } // if a modifier key is coming up on its own we should allow it if (action == 'keyup' && _isModifier(character)) { modifiers = [character]; } // loop through all callbacks for the key that was pressed // and see if any of them match for (i = 0; i < _callbacks[character].length; ++i) { callback = _callbacks[character][i]; // if a sequence name is not specified, but this is a sequence at // the wrong level then move onto the next match if (!sequenceName && callback.seq && _sequenceLevels[callback.seq] != callback.level) { continue; } // if the action we are looking for doesn't match the action we got // then we should keep going if (action != callback.action) { continue; } // if this is a keypress event and the meta key and control key // are not pressed that means that we need to only look at the // character, otherwise check the modifiers as well // // chrome will not fire a keypress if meta or control is down // safari will fire a keypress if meta or meta+shift is down // firefox will fire a keypress if meta or control is down if ((action == 'keypress' && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey) || _modifiersMatch(modifiers, callback.modifiers)) { // when you bind a combination or sequence a second time it // should overwrite the first one. if a sequenceName or // combination is specified in this call it does just that // // @todo make deleting its own method? var deleteCombo = !sequenceName && callback.combo == combination; var deleteSequence = sequenceName && callback.seq == sequenceName && callback.level == level; if (deleteCombo || deleteSequence) { _callbacks[character].splice(i, 1); } matches.push(callback); } } return matches; } /** * takes a key event and figures out what the modifiers are * * @param {Event} e * @returns {Array} */ function _eventModifiers(e) { var modifiers = []; if (e.shiftKey) { modifiers.push('shift'); } if (e.altKey) { modifiers.push('alt'); } if (e.ctrlKey) { modifiers.push('ctrl'); } if (e.metaKey) { modifiers.push('meta'); } return modifiers; } /** * prevents default for this event * * @param {Event} e * @returns void */ function _preventDefault(e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); return; } e.returnValue = false; } /** * stops propogation for this event * * @param {Event} e * @returns void */ function _stopPropagation(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } e.cancelBubble = true; } /** * actually calls the callback function * * if your callback function returns false this will use the jquery * convention - prevent default and stop propogation on the event * * @param {Function} callback * @param {Event} e * @returns void */ function _fireCallback(callback, e, combo, sequence) { // if this event should not happen stop here if (Mousetrap.stopCallback(e, || e.srcElement, combo, sequence)) { return; } if (callback(e, combo) === false) { _preventDefault(e); _stopPropagation(e); } } /** * handles a character key event * * @param {string} character * @param {Array} modifiers * @param {Event} e * @returns void */ function _handleKey(character, modifiers, e) { var callbacks = _getMatches(character, modifiers, e), i, doNotReset = {}, maxLevel = 0, processedSequenceCallback = false; // Calculate the maxLevel for sequences so we can only execute the longest callback sequence for (i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i) { if (callbacks[i].seq) { maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, callbacks[i].level); } } // loop through matching callbacks for this key event for (i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i) { // fire for all sequence callbacks // this is because if for example you have multiple sequences // bound such as "g i" and "g t" they both need to fire the // callback for matching g cause otherwise you can only ever // match the first one if (callbacks[i].seq) { // only fire callbacks for the maxLevel to prevent // subsequences from also firing // // for example 'a option b' should not cause 'option b' to fire // even though 'option b' is part of the other sequence // // any sequences that do not match here will be discarded // below by the _resetSequences call if (callbacks[i].level != maxLevel) { continue; } processedSequenceCallback = true; // keep a list of which sequences were matches for later doNotReset[callbacks[i].seq] = 1; _fireCallback(callbacks[i].callback, e, callbacks[i].combo, callbacks[i].seq); continue; } // if there were no sequence matches but we are still here // that means this is a regular match so we should fire that if (!processedSequenceCallback) { _fireCallback(callbacks[i].callback, e, callbacks[i].combo); } } // if the key you pressed matches the type of sequence without // being a modifier (ie "keyup" or "keypress") then we should // reset all sequences that were not matched by this event // // this is so, for example, if you have the sequence "h a t" and you // type "h e a r t" it does not match. in this case the "e" will // cause the sequence to reset // // modifier keys are ignored because you can have a sequence // that contains modifiers such as "enter ctrl+space" and in most // cases the modifier key will be pressed before the next key // // also if you have a sequence such as "ctrl+b a" then pressing the // "b" key will trigger a "keypress" and a "keydown" // // the "keydown" is expected when there is a modifier, but the // "keypress" ends up matching the _nextExpectedAction since it occurs // after and that causes the sequence to reset // // we ignore keypresses in a sequence that directly follow a keydown // for the same character var ignoreThisKeypress = e.type == 'keypress' && _ignoreNextKeypress; if (e.type == _nextExpectedAction && !_isModifier(character) && !ignoreThisKeypress) { _resetSequences(doNotReset); } _ignoreNextKeypress = processedSequenceCallback && e.type == 'keydown'; } /** * handles a keydown event * * @param {Event} e * @returns void */ function _handleKeyEvent(e) { // normalize e.which for key events // @see if (typeof e.which !== 'number') { e.which = e.keyCode; } var character = _characterFromEvent(e); // no character found then stop if (!character) { return; } // need to use === for the character check because the character can be 0 if (e.type == 'keyup' && _ignoreNextKeyup === character) { _ignoreNextKeyup = false; return; } Mousetrap.handleKey(character, _eventModifiers(e), e); } /** * determines if the keycode specified is a modifier key or not * * @param {string} key * @returns {boolean} */ function _isModifier(key) { return key == 'shift' || key == 'ctrl' || key == 'alt' || key == 'meta'; } /** * called to set a 1 second timeout on the specified sequence * * this is so after each key press in the sequence you have 1 second * to press the next key before you have to start over * * @returns void */ function _resetSequenceTimer() { clearTimeout(_resetTimer); _resetTimer = setTimeout(_resetSequences, 1000); } /** * reverses the map lookup so that we can look for specific keys * to see what can and can't use keypress * * @return {Object} */ function _getReverseMap() { if (!_REVERSE_MAP) { _REVERSE_MAP = {}; for (var key in _MAP) { // pull out the numeric keypad from here cause keypress should // be able to detect the keys from the character if (key > 95 && key < 112) { continue; } if (_MAP.hasOwnProperty(key)) { _REVERSE_MAP[_MAP[key]] = key; } } } return _REVERSE_MAP; } /** * picks the best action based on the key combination * * @param {string} key - character for key * @param {Array} modifiers * @param {string=} action passed in */ function _pickBestAction(key, modifiers, action) { // if no action was picked in we should try to pick the one // that we think would work best for this key if (!action) { action = _getReverseMap()[key] ? 'keydown' : 'keypress'; } // modifier keys don't work as expected with keypress, // switch to keydown if (action == 'keypress' && modifiers.length) { action = 'keydown'; } return action; } /** * binds a key sequence to an event * * @param {string} combo - combo specified in bind call * @param {Array} keys * @param {Function} callback * @param {string=} action * @returns void */ function _bindSequence(combo, keys, callback, action) { // start off by adding a sequence level record for this combination // and setting the level to 0 _sequenceLevels[combo] = 0; /** * callback to increase the sequence level for this sequence and reset * all other sequences that were active * * @param {string} nextAction * @returns {Function} */ function _increaseSequence(nextAction) { return function() { _nextExpectedAction = nextAction; ++_sequenceLevels[combo]; _resetSequenceTimer(); }; } /** * wraps the specified callback inside of another function in order * to reset all sequence counters as soon as this sequence is done * * @param {Event} e * @returns void */ function _callbackAndReset(e) { _fireCallback(callback, e, combo); // we should ignore the next key up if the action is key down // or keypress. this is so if you finish a sequence and // release the key the final key will not trigger a keyup if (action !== 'keyup') { _ignoreNextKeyup = _characterFromEvent(e); } // weird race condition if a sequence ends with the key // another sequence begins with setTimeout(_resetSequences, 10); } // loop through keys one at a time and bind the appropriate callback // function. for any key leading up to the final one it should // increase the sequence. after the final, it should reset all sequences // // if an action is specified in the original bind call then that will // be used throughout. otherwise we will pass the action that the // next key in the sequence should match. this allows a sequence // to mix and match keypress and keydown events depending on which // ones are better suited to the key provided for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var isFinal = i + 1 === keys.length; var wrappedCallback = isFinal ? _callbackAndReset : _increaseSequence(action || _getKeyInfo(keys[i + 1]).action); _bindSingle(keys[i], wrappedCallback, action, combo, i); } } /** * Converts from a string key combination to an array * * @param {string} combination like "command+shift+l" * @return {Array} */ function _keysFromString(combination) { if (combination === '+') { return ['+']; } return combination.split('+'); } /** * Gets info for a specific key combination * * @param {string} combination key combination ("command+s" or "a" or "*") * @param {string=} action * @returns {Object} */ function _getKeyInfo(combination, action) { var keys, key, i, modifiers = []; // take the keys from this pattern and figure out what the actual // pattern is all about keys = _keysFromString(combination); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { key = keys[i]; // normalize key names if (_SPECIAL_ALIASES[key]) { key = _SPECIAL_ALIASES[key]; } // if this is not a keypress event then we should // be smart about using shift keys // this will only work for US keyboards however if (action && action != 'keypress' && _SHIFT_MAP[key]) { key = _SHIFT_MAP[key]; modifiers.push('shift'); } // if this key is a modifier then add it to the list of modifiers if (_isModifier(key)) { modifiers.push(key); } } // depending on what the key combination is // we will try to pick the best event for it action = _pickBestAction(key, modifiers, action); return { key: key, modifiers: modifiers, action: action }; } /** * binds a single keyboard combination * * @param {string} combination * @param {Function} callback * @param {string=} action * @param {string=} sequenceName - name of sequence if part of sequence * @param {number=} level - what part of the sequence the command is * @returns void */ function _bindSingle(combination, callback, action, sequenceName, level) { // store a direct mapped reference for use with Mousetrap.trigger _directMap[combination + ':' + action] = callback; // make sure multiple spaces in a row become a single space combination = combination.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); var sequence = combination.split(' '), info; // if this pattern is a sequence of keys then run through this method // to reprocess each pattern one key at a time if (sequence.length > 1) { _bindSequence(combination, sequence, callback, action); return; } info = _getKeyInfo(combination, action); // make sure to initialize array if this is the first time // a callback is added for this key _callbacks[info.key] = _callbacks[info.key] || []; // remove an existing match if there is one _getMatches(info.key, info.modifiers, {type: info.action}, sequenceName, combination, level); // add this call back to the array // if it is a sequence put it at the beginning // if not put it at the end // // this is important because the way these are processed expects // the sequence ones to come first _callbacks[info.key][sequenceName ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ callback: callback, modifiers: info.modifiers, action: info.action, seq: sequenceName, level: level, combo: combination }); } /** * binds multiple combinations to the same callback * * @param {Array} combinations * @param {Function} callback * @param {string|undefined} action * @returns void */ function _bindMultiple(combinations, callback, action) { for (var i = 0; i < combinations.length; ++i) { _bindSingle(combinations[i], callback, action); } } // start! _addEvent(document, 'keypress', _handleKeyEvent); _addEvent(document, 'keydown', _handleKeyEvent); _addEvent(document, 'keyup', _handleKeyEvent); var Mousetrap = { /** * binds an event to mousetrap * * can be a single key, a combination of keys separated with +, * an array of keys, or a sequence of keys separated by spaces * * be sure to list the modifier keys first to make sure that the * correct key ends up getting bound (the last key in the pattern) * * @param {string|Array} keys * @param {Function} callback * @param {string=} action - 'keypress', 'keydown', or 'keyup' * @returns void */ bind: function(keys, callback, action) { keys = keys instanceof Array ? keys : [keys]; _bindMultiple(keys, callback, action); return this; }, /** * unbinds an event to mousetrap * * the unbinding sets the callback function of the specified key combo * to an empty function and deletes the corresponding key in the * _directMap dict. * * TODO: actually remove this from the _callbacks dictionary instead * of binding an empty function * * the keycombo+action has to be exactly the same as * it was defined in the bind method * * @param {string|Array} keys * @param {string} action * @returns void */ unbind: function(keys, action) { return Mousetrap.bind(keys, function() {}, action); }, /** * triggers an event that has already been bound * * @param {string} keys * @param {string=} action * @returns void */ trigger: function(keys, action) { if (_directMap[keys + ':' + action]) { _directMap[keys + ':' + action]({}, keys); } return this; }, /** * resets the library back to its initial state. this is useful * if you want to clear out the current keyboard shortcuts and bind * new ones - for example if you switch to another page * * @returns void */ reset: function() { _callbacks = {}; _directMap = {}; return this; }, /** * should we stop this event before firing off callbacks * * @param {Event} e * @param {Element} element * @return {boolean} */ stopCallback: function(e, element) { // if the element has the class "mousetrap" then no need to stop if ((' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' mousetrap ') > -1) { return false; } // stop for input, select, and textarea return element.tagName == 'INPUT' || element.tagName == 'SELECT' || element.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' || element.isContentEditable; }, /** * exposes _handleKey publicly so it can be overwritten by extensions */ handleKey: _handleKey }; // expose mousetrap to the global object window.Mousetrap = Mousetrap; // expose mousetrap as an AMD module if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(Mousetrap); } }) (window, document); },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ (function( factory ) { if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { window.scrollMonitor = factory(); } })(function() { var scrollTop = function() { return window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop; }; var exports = {}; var watchers = []; var VISIBILITYCHANGE = 'visibilityChange'; var ENTERVIEWPORT = 'enterViewport'; var FULLYENTERVIEWPORT = 'fullyEnterViewport'; var EXITVIEWPORT = 'exitViewport'; var PARTIALLYEXITVIEWPORT = 'partiallyExitViewport'; var LOCATIONCHANGE = 'locationChange'; var STATECHANGE = 'stateChange'; var eventTypes = [ VISIBILITYCHANGE, ENTERVIEWPORT, FULLYENTERVIEWPORT, EXITVIEWPORT, PARTIALLYEXITVIEWPORT, LOCATIONCHANGE, STATECHANGE ]; var defaultOffsets = {top: 0, bottom: 0}; var getViewportHeight = function() { return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; }; var getDocumentHeight = function() { // jQuery approach // whichever is greatest return Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight ); }; exports.viewportTop = null; exports.viewportBottom = null; exports.documentHeight = null; exports.viewportHeight = getViewportHeight(); var previousDocumentHeight; var latestEvent; var calculateViewportI; function calculateViewport() { exports.viewportTop = scrollTop(); exports.viewportBottom = exports.viewportTop + exports.viewportHeight; exports.documentHeight = getDocumentHeight(); if (exports.documentHeight !== previousDocumentHeight) { calculateViewportI = watchers.length; while( calculateViewportI-- ) { watchers[calculateViewportI].recalculateLocation(); } previousDocumentHeight = exports.documentHeight; } } function recalculateWatchLocationsAndTrigger() { exports.viewportHeight = getViewportHeight(); calculateViewport(); updateAndTriggerWatchers(); } var recalculateAndTriggerTimer; function debouncedRecalcuateAndTrigger() { clearTimeout(recalculateAndTriggerTimer); recalculateAndTriggerTimer = setTimeout( recalculateWatchLocationsAndTrigger, 100 ); } var updateAndTriggerWatchersI; function updateAndTriggerWatchers() { // update all watchers then trigger the events so one can rely on another being up to date. updateAndTriggerWatchersI = watchers.length; while( updateAndTriggerWatchersI-- ) { watchers[updateAndTriggerWatchersI].update(); } updateAndTriggerWatchersI = watchers.length; while( updateAndTriggerWatchersI-- ) { watchers[updateAndTriggerWatchersI].triggerCallbacks(); } } function ElementWatcher( watchItem, offsets ) { var self = this; this.watchItem = watchItem; if (!offsets) { this.offsets = defaultOffsets; } else if (offsets === +offsets) { this.offsets = {top: offsets, bottom: offsets}; } else { this.offsets = { top: ||, bottom: offsets.bottom || defaultOffsets.bottom }; } this.callbacks = {}; // {callback: function, isOne: true } for (var i = 0, j = eventTypes.length; i < j; i++) { self.callbacks[eventTypes[i]] = []; } this.locked = false; var wasInViewport; var wasFullyInViewport; var wasAboveViewport; var wasBelowViewport; var listenerToTriggerListI; var listener; function triggerCallbackArray( listeners ) { if (listeners.length === 0) { return; } listenerToTriggerListI = listeners.length; while( listenerToTriggerListI-- ) { listener = listeners[listenerToTriggerListI]; self, latestEvent ); if (listener.isOne) { listeners.splice(listenerToTriggerListI, 1); } } } this.triggerCallbacks = function triggerCallbacks() { if (this.isInViewport && !wasInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[ENTERVIEWPORT] ); } if (this.isFullyInViewport && !wasFullyInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[FULLYENTERVIEWPORT] ); } if (this.isAboveViewport !== wasAboveViewport && this.isBelowViewport !== wasBelowViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[VISIBILITYCHANGE] ); // if you skip completely past this element if (!wasFullyInViewport && !this.isFullyInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[FULLYENTERVIEWPORT] ); triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[PARTIALLYEXITVIEWPORT] ); } if (!wasInViewport && !this.isInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[ENTERVIEWPORT] ); triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[EXITVIEWPORT] ); } } if (!this.isFullyInViewport && wasFullyInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[PARTIALLYEXITVIEWPORT] ); } if (!this.isInViewport && wasInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[EXITVIEWPORT] ); } if (this.isInViewport !== wasInViewport) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[VISIBILITYCHANGE] ); } switch( true ) { case wasInViewport !== this.isInViewport: case wasFullyInViewport !== this.isFullyInViewport: case wasAboveViewport !== this.isAboveViewport: case wasBelowViewport !== this.isBelowViewport: triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[STATECHANGE] ); } wasInViewport = this.isInViewport; wasFullyInViewport = this.isFullyInViewport; wasAboveViewport = this.isAboveViewport; wasBelowViewport = this.isBelowViewport; }; this.recalculateLocation = function() { if (this.locked) { return; } var previousTop =; var previousBottom = this.bottom; if (this.watchItem.nodeName) { // a dom element var cachedDisplay =; if (cachedDisplay === 'none') { = ''; } var boundingRect = this.watchItem.getBoundingClientRect(); = + exports.viewportTop; this.bottom = boundingRect.bottom + exports.viewportTop; if (cachedDisplay === 'none') { = cachedDisplay; } } else if (this.watchItem === +this.watchItem) { // number if (this.watchItem > 0) { = this.bottom = this.watchItem; } else { = this.bottom = exports.documentHeight - this.watchItem; } } else { // an object with a top and bottom property =; this.bottom = this.watchItem.bottom; } -=; this.bottom += this.offsets.bottom; this.height = this.bottom -; if ( (previousTop !== undefined || previousBottom !== undefined) && ( !== previousTop || this.bottom !== previousBottom) ) { triggerCallbackArray( this.callbacks[LOCATIONCHANGE] ); } }; this.recalculateLocation(); this.update(); wasInViewport = this.isInViewport; wasFullyInViewport = this.isFullyInViewport; wasAboveViewport = this.isAboveViewport; wasBelowViewport = this.isBelowViewport; } ElementWatcher.prototype = { on: function( event, callback, isOne ) { // trigger the event if it applies to the element right now. switch( true ) { case event === VISIBILITYCHANGE && !this.isInViewport && this.isAboveViewport: case event === ENTERVIEWPORT && this.isInViewport: case event === FULLYENTERVIEWPORT && this.isFullyInViewport: case event === EXITVIEWPORT && this.isAboveViewport && !this.isInViewport: case event === PARTIALLYEXITVIEWPORT && this.isAboveViewport: this, latestEvent ); if (isOne) { return; } } if (this.callbacks[event]) { this.callbacks[event].push({callback: callback, isOne: isOne||false}); } else { throw new Error('Tried to add a scroll monitor listener of type '+event+'. Your options are: '+eventTypes.join(', ')); } }, off: function( event, callback ) { if (this.callbacks[event]) { for (var i = 0, item; item = this.callbacks[event][i]; i++) { if (item.callback === callback) { this.callbacks[event].splice(i, 1); break; } } } else { throw new Error('Tried to remove a scroll monitor listener of type '+event+'. Your options are: '+eventTypes.join(', ')); } }, one: function( event, callback ) { this.on( event, callback, true); }, recalculateSize: function() { this.height = this.watchItem.offsetHeight + + this.offsets.bottom; this.bottom = + this.height; }, update: function() { this.isAboveViewport = < exports.viewportTop; this.isBelowViewport = this.bottom > exports.viewportBottom; this.isInViewport = ( <= exports.viewportBottom && this.bottom >= exports.viewportTop); this.isFullyInViewport = ( >= exports.viewportTop && this.bottom <= exports.viewportBottom) || (this.isAboveViewport && this.isBelowViewport); }, destroy: function() { var index = watchers.indexOf(this), self = this; watchers.splice(index, 1); for (var i = 0, j = eventTypes.length; i < j; i++) { self.callbacks[eventTypes[i]].length = 0; } }, // prevent recalculating the element location lock: function() { this.locked = true; }, unlock: function() { this.locked = false; } }; var eventHandlerFactory = function (type) { return function( callback, isOne ) {, type, callback, isOne); }; }; for (var i = 0, j = eventTypes.length; i < j; i++) { var type = eventTypes[i]; ElementWatcher.prototype[type] = eventHandlerFactory(type); } try { calculateViewport(); } catch (e) { try { window.$(calculateViewport); } catch (e) { throw new Error('If you must put scrollMonitor in the <head>, you must use jQuery.'); } } function scrollMonitorListener(event) { latestEvent = event; calculateViewport(); updateAndTriggerWatchers(); } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollMonitorListener); window.addEventListener('resize', debouncedRecalcuateAndTrigger); } else { // Old IE support window.attachEvent('onscroll', scrollMonitorListener); window.attachEvent('onresize', debouncedRecalcuateAndTrigger); } exports.beget = exports.create = function( element, offsets ) { if (typeof element === 'string') { element = document.querySelector(element); } else if (element && element.length > 0) { element = element[0]; } var watcher = new ElementWatcher( element, offsets ); watchers.push(watcher); watcher.update(); return watcher; }; exports.update = function() { latestEvent = null; calculateViewport(); updateAndTriggerWatchers(); }; exports.recalculateLocations = function() { exports.documentHeight = 0; exports.update(); }; return exports; }); },{}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports={ "name": "clappr", "version": "0.0.86", "description": "An extensible media player for the web", "main": "dist/clappr.min.js", "scripts": { "test": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp release && ./node_modules/.bin/karma start --single-run --browsers Firefox" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "[email protected]:globocom/clappr.git" }, "author": "", "license": "BSD", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "browser": { "zepto": "clappr-zepto" }, "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { "browserify": "^8.0.3", "chai": "1.10.0", "compass-mixins": "0.12.3", "dotenv": "^0.4.0", "es6ify": "~1.4.0", "exorcist": "^0.1.6", "express": "^4.6.1", "express-alias": "0.4.0", "glob": "^4.0.2", "gulp": "^3.8.1", "clappr-zepto": "0.0.3", "gulp-compressor": "^0.1.0", "gulp-jshint": "1.9.0", "gulp-livereload": "^2.1.0", "gulp-minify-css": "~0.3.5", "gulp-rename": "^1.2.0", "gulp-sass": "1.0.0", "gulp-streamify": "0.0.5", "gulp-uglify": "^1.0.1", "gulp-util": "3.0.1", "karma": "^0.12.17", "karma-browserify": "^1.0.0", "karma-chai": "^0.1.0", "karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.1.4", "karma-cli": "0.0.4", "karma-firefox-launcher": "^0.1.3", "karma-jasmine": "^0.2.2", "karma-jquery": "^0.1.0", "karma-mocha": "^0.1.4", "karma-safari-launcher": "^0.1.1", "karma-sinon": "^1.0.3", "karma-sinon-chai": "^0.2.0", "mkdirp": "^0.5.0", "s3": "^4.1.1", "scp": "0.0.3", "sinon": "^1.10.2", "traceur": "0.0.72", "vinyl-source-stream": "^1.0.0", "vinyl-transform": "0.0.1", "watchify": "^2.0.0", "yargs": "1.3.3" }, "dependencies": { "underscore": "1.7.0", "mousetrap": "^1.4.6", "scrollmonitor": "^1.0.8" } } },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); module.exports = { 'media_control': _.template('<div class="media-control-background" data-background></div><div class="media-control-layer" data-controls><% var renderBar=function(name) { %><div class="bar-container" data-<%= name %>><div class="bar-background" data-<%= name %>><div class="bar-fill-1" data-<%= name %>></div><div class="bar-fill-2" data-<%= name %>></div><div class="bar-hover" data-<%= name %>></div></div><div class="bar-scrubber" data-<%= name %>><div class="bar-scrubber-icon" data-<%= name %>></div></div></div><% }; %><% var renderSegmentedBar=function(name, segments) { segments=segments || 10; %><div class="bar-container" data-<%= name %>><% for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) { %><div class="segmented-bar-element" data-<%= name %>></div><% } %></div><% }; %><% var renderDrawer=function(name, renderContent) { %><div class="drawer-container" data-<%= name %>><div class="drawer-icon-container" data-<%= name %>><div class="drawer-icon media-control-icon" data-<%= name %>></div><span class="drawer-text" data-<%= name %>></span></div><% renderContent(name); %></div><% }; %><% var renderIndicator=function(name) { %><div class="media-control-indicator" data-<%= name %>></div><% }; %><% var renderButton=function(name) { %><button class="media-control-button media-control-icon" data-<%= name %>></button><% }; %><% var templates={ bar: renderBar, segmentedBar: renderSegmentedBar, }; var render=function(settingsList) { _.each(settingsList, function(setting) { if(setting === "seekbar") { renderBar(setting); } else if (setting === "volume") { renderDrawer(setting, settings.volumeBarTemplate ? templates[settings.volumeBarTemplate] : function(name) { return renderSegmentedBar(name); }); } else if (setting === "duration" || setting=== "position") { renderIndicator(setting); } else { renderButton(setting); } }); }; %><% if (settings.default && settings.default.length) { %><div class="media-control-center-panel" data-media-control><% render(settings.default); %></div><% } %><% if (settings.left && settings.left.length) { %><div class="media-control-left-panel" data-media-control><% render(settings.left); %></div><% } %><% if (settings.right && settings.right.length) { %><div class="media-control-right-panel" data-media-control><% render(settings.right); %></div><% } %></div>'), 'seek_time': _.template('<span data-seek-time></span>'), 'flash': _.template('<param name="movie" value="<%= swfPath %>"><param name="quality" value="autohigh"><param name="swliveconnect" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="bgcolor" value="#001122"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="tabindex" value="1"><param name=FlashVars value="playbackId=<%= playbackId %>" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" disabled tabindex="-1" enablecontextmenu="false" allowScriptAccess="always" quality="autohight" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" swliveconnect="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="false" bgcolor="#000000" FlashVars="playbackId=<%= playbackId %>" src="<%= swfPath %>"></embed>'), 'hls': _.template('<param name="movie" value="<%= swfPath %>?inline=1"><param name="quality" value="autohigh"><param name="swliveconnect" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="bgcolor" value="#001122"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="tabindex" value="1"><param name=FlashVars value="playbackId=<%= playbackId %>" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" tabindex="1" enablecontextmenu="false" allowScriptAccess="always" quality="autohigh" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" swliveconnect="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="false" bgcolor="#000000" FlashVars="playbackId=<%= playbackId %>" src="<%= swfPath %>" 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auto;width:70px;text-align:center;z-index:999;top:47%;left:0;right:0}.spinner-three-bounce[data-spinner]>div{width:18px;height:18px;background-color:#FFF;border-radius:100%;display:inline-block;-webkit-animation:bouncedelay 1.4s infinite ease-in-out;-moz-animation:bouncedelay 1.4s infinite ease-in-out;-ms-animation:bouncedelay 1.4s infinite ease-in-out;-o-animation:bouncedelay 1.4s infinite ease-in-out;animation:bouncedelay 1.4s infinite ease-in-out;-webkit-animation-fill-mode:both;-moz-animation-fill-mode:both;-ms-animation-fill-mode:both;-o-animation-fill-mode:both;animation-fill-mode:both}.spinner-three-bounce[data-spinner] [data-bounce1],.spinner-three-bounce[data-spinner] [data-bounce2]{-webkit-animation-delay:-.32s;-moz-animation-delay:-.32s;-ms-animation-delay:-.32s;-o-animation-delay:-.32s;animation-delay:-.32s}@-moz-keyframes bouncedelay{0%,100%,80%{-moz-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}40%{-moz-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}@-webkit-keyframes bouncedelay{0%,100%,80%{-webkit-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}40%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}@-o-keyframes bouncedelay{0%,100%,80%{-o-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}40%{-o-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}@-ms-keyframes bouncedelay{0%,100%,80%{-ms-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}40%{-ms-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes bouncedelay{0%,100%,80%{transform:scale(0)}40%{transform:scale(1)}}', 'watermark': '[data-watermark]{position:absolute;margin:100px auto 0;width:70px;text-align:center;z-index:10}[data-watermark-bottom-left]{bottom:10px;left:10px}[data-watermark-bottom-right]{bottom:10px;right:42px}[data-watermark-top-left]{top:-95px;left:10px}[data-watermark-top-right]{top:-95px;right:37px}' } }; },{"underscore":"underscore"}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var $ = require('zepto'); var _ = require('underscore'); var JST = require('./jst'); var Styler = {getStyleFor: function(name, options) { options = options || {}; return $('<style class="clappr-style"></style>').html(_.template(JST.CSS[name])(options))[0]; }}; module.exports = Styler; },{"./jst":7,"underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var Browser = require('browser'); var extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) { var parent = this; var child; if (protoProps && _.has(protoProps, 'constructor')) { child = protoProps.constructor; } else { child = function() { return parent.apply(this, arguments); }; } _.extend(child, parent, staticProps); var Surrogate = function() { this.constructor = child; }; Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new Surrogate(); if (protoProps) _.extend(child.prototype, protoProps); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; child.super = function(name) { return parent.prototype[name]; }; child.prototype.getClass = function() { return child; }; return child; }; var formatTime = function(time) { time = time * 1000; time = parseInt(time / 1000); var seconds = time % 60; time = parseInt(time / 60); var minutes = time % 60; time = parseInt(time / 60); var hours = time % 24; var out = ""; if (hours && hours > 0) out += ("0" + hours).slice(-2) + ":"; out += ("0" + minutes).slice(-2) + ":"; out += ("0" + seconds).slice(-2); return out.trim(); }; var Fullscreen = { isFullscreen: function() { return document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.mozFullScreen || !!document.msFullscreenElement || window.iframeFullScreen; }, requestFullscreen: function(el) { if (el.requestFullscreen) { el.requestFullscreen(); } else if (el.webkitRequestFullscreen) { el.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (el.mozRequestFullScreen) { el.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (el.msRequestFullscreen) { el.msRequestFullscreen(); } }, cancelFullscreen: function() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } } }; var Config = function Config() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Config, {}, { _defaultConfig: function() { return {volume: { value: 100, parse: parseInt }}; }, _defaultValueFor: function(key) { try { return this._defaultConfig()[key]['parse'](this._defaultConfig()[key]['value']); } catch (e) { return undefined; } }, _create_keyspace: function(key) { return 'clappr.' + document.domain + '.' + key; }, restore: function(key) { if (Browser.hasLocalstorage && localStorage[this._create_keyspace(key)]) { return this._defaultConfig()[key]['parse'](localStorage[this._create_keyspace(key)]); } return this._defaultValueFor(key); }, persist: function(key, value) { if (Browser.hasLocalstorage) { try { localStorage[this._create_keyspace(key)] = value; return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } } }); var seekStringToSeconds = function(url) { var elements =[0-9]*)h?([0-9]*)m?([0-9]*)s/))).reverse(); var seconds = 0; var factor = 1; _.each(elements, function(el) { seconds += (parseInt(el) * factor); factor = factor * 60; }, this); return seconds; }; module.exports = { extend: extend, formatTime: formatTime, Fullscreen: Fullscreen, Config: Config, seekStringToSeconds: seekStringToSeconds }; },{"browser":"browser","underscore":"underscore"}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Events = require('events'); var Container = function Container(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Container.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.playback = options.playback; this.settings = this.playback.settings; this.isReady = false; this.mediaControlDisabled = false; this.plugins = [this.playback]; this.bindEvents(); }; var $Container = Container; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Container, { get name() { return 'Container'; }, get attributes() { return { class: 'container', 'data-container': '' }; }, get events() { return {'click': 'clicked'}; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_PROGRESS, this.progress); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, this.timeUpdated); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_READY, this.ready); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERING, this.buffering); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL, this.bufferfull); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_SETTINGSUPDATE, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_LOADEDMETADATA, this.loadedMetadata); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE, this.highDefinitionUpdate); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_BITRATE, this.updateBitrate); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_PLAYBACKSTATE, this.playbackStateChanged); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_DVR, this.playbackDvrStateChanged); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_MEDIACONTROL_DISABLE, this.disableMediaControl); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_MEDIACONTROL_ENABLE, this.enableMediaControl); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_ENDED, this.ended); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY, this.playing); this.listenTo(this.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_ERROR, this.error); }, with: function(klass) { _.extend(this, klass); return this; }, playbackStateChanged: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKSTATE); }, playbackDvrStateChanged: function(dvrInUse) { this.settings = this.playback.settings; this.dvrInUse = dvrInUse; this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKDVRSTATECHANGED, dvrInUse); }, updateBitrate: function(newBitrate) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_BITRATE, newBitrate); }, statsReport: function(metrics) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_STATS_REPORT, metrics); }, getPlaybackType: function() { return this.playback.getPlaybackType(); }, isDvrEnabled: function() { return !!this.playback.dvrEnabled; }, isDvrInUse: function() { return !!this.dvrInUse; }, destroy: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_DESTROYED, this,; this.playback.destroy(); _(this.plugins).each((function(plugin) { return plugin.destroy(); })); this.$el.remove(); }, setStyle: function(style) { this.$el.css(style); }, animate: function(style, duration) { return this.$el.animate(style, duration).promise(); }, ready: function() { this.isReady = true; this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_READY,; }, isPlaying: function() { return this.playback.isPlaying(); }, getDuration: function() { return this.playback.getDuration(); }, error: function(errorObj) { this.$el.append(errorObj.render().el); this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_ERROR, { error: errorObj, container: this },; }, loadedMetadata: function(duration) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_LOADEDMETADATA, duration); }, timeUpdated: function(position, duration) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_TIMEUPDATE, position, duration,; }, progress: function(startPosition, endPosition, duration) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_PROGRESS, startPosition, endPosition, duration,; }, playing: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_PLAY,; }, play: function() {; }, stop: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_STOP,; this.playback.stop(); }, pause: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_PAUSE,; this.playback.pause(); }, ended: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_ENDED, this,; }, clicked: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_CLICK, this,; }, setCurrentTime: function(time) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_SEEK, time,;; }, setVolume: function(value) { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_VOLUME, value,; this.playback.volume(value); }, fullscreen: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_FULLSCREEN,; }, buffering: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING,; }, bufferfull: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL,; }, addPlugin: function(plugin) { this.plugins.push(plugin); }, hasPlugin: function(name) { return !!this.getPlugin(name); }, getPlugin: function(name) { return _(this.plugins).find(function(plugin) { return === name; }); }, settingsUpdate: function() { this.settings = this.playback.settings; this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_SETTINGSUPDATE); }, highDefinitionUpdate: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE); }, isHighDefinitionInUse: function() { return this.playback.isHighDefinitionInUse(); }, disableMediaControl: function() { this.mediaControlDisabled = true; this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_MEDIACONTROL_DISABLE); }, enableMediaControl: function() { this.mediaControlDisabled = false; this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_MEDIACONTROL_ENABLE); }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor('container'); this.$el.append(style); this.$el.append(this.playback.render().el); return this; } }, {}, UIObject); module.exports = Container; },{"../../base/styler":8,"events":"events","ui_object":"ui_object","underscore":"underscore"}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var Container = require('container'); var $ = require('zepto'); var Events = require('events'); var ContainerFactory = function ContainerFactory(options, loader) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ContainerFactory.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.options = options; this.loader = loader; }; var $ContainerFactory = ContainerFactory; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ContainerFactory, { createContainers: function() { var $__0 = this; return $.Deferred((function(promise) { promise.resolve($__0.options.sources, (function(source) { return $__0.createContainer(source); }), $__0)); })); }, findPlaybackPlugin: function(source) { return _.find(this.loader.playbackPlugins, (function(p) { return p.canPlay(source.toString()); }), this); }, createContainer: function(source) { var playbackPlugin = this.findPlaybackPlugin(source); var options = _.extend({}, this.options, { src: source, autoPlay: !!this.options.autoPlay }); var playback = new playbackPlugin(options); var container = new Container({playback: playback}); var defer = $.Deferred(); defer.promise(container); this.addContainerPlugins(container, source); this.listenToOnce(container, Events.CONTAINER_READY, (function() { return defer.resolve(container); })); return container; }, addContainerPlugins: function(container, source) { _.each(this.loader.containerPlugins, function(Plugin) { var options = _.extend(this.options, { container: container, src: source }); container.addPlugin(new Plugin(options)); }, this); } }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = ContainerFactory; },{"base_object":"base_object","container":"container","events":"events","underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./container_factory'); },{"./container_factory":11}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var $ = require('zepto'); var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var ContainerFactory = require('../container_factory'); var Fullscreen = require('../../base/utils').Fullscreen; var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var MediaControl = require('media_control'); var PlayerInfo = require('player_info'); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var Events = require('events'); var Core = function Core(options) { var $__0 = this; $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Core.prototype, "constructor", [options]); PlayerInfo.options = options; this.options = options; this.plugins = []; this.containers = []; this.createContainers(options); $(document).bind('fullscreenchange', (function() { return $__0.exit(); })); $(document).bind('MSFullscreenChange', (function() { return $__0.exit(); })); $(document).bind('mozfullscreenchange', (function() { return $__0.exit(); })); }; var $Core = Core; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Core, { get events() { return { 'webkitfullscreenchange': 'exit', 'mousemove': 'showMediaControl', 'mouseleave': 'hideMediaControl' }; }, get attributes() { return {'data-player': ''}; }, createContainers: function(options) { var $__0 = this; this.defer = $.Deferred(); this.defer.promise(this); this.containerFactory = new ContainerFactory(options, options.loader); this.containerFactory.createContainers().then((function(containers) { return $__0.setupContainers(containers); })).then((function(containers) { return $__0.resolveOnContainersReady(containers); })); }, updateSize: function() { if (Fullscreen.isFullscreen()) { this.setFullscreen(); } else { this.setPlayerSize(); } Mediator.trigger(Events.PLAYER_RESIZE); }, setFullscreen: function() { this.$el.addClass('fullscreen'); this.$el.removeAttr('style'); PlayerInfo.previousSize = PlayerInfo.currentSize; PlayerInfo.currentSize = { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() }; }, setPlayerSize: function() { this.$el.removeClass('fullscreen'); PlayerInfo.currentSize = PlayerInfo.previousSize; PlayerInfo.previousSize = { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() }; this.resize(PlayerInfo.currentSize); }, resize: function(options) { var size = _.pick(options, 'width', 'height'); = (size.height + "px"); = (size.width + "px"); PlayerInfo.previousSize = PlayerInfo.currentSize; PlayerInfo.currentSize = size; Mediator.trigger(Events.PLAYER_RESIZE); }, resolveOnContainersReady: function(containers) { var $__0 = this; $.when.apply($, containers).done((function() { return $__0.defer.resolve($__0); })); }, addPlugin: function(plugin) { this.plugins.push(plugin); }, hasPlugin: function(name) { return !!this.getPlugin(name); }, getPlugin: function(name) { return _(this.plugins).find((function(plugin) { return === name; })); }, load: function(sources) { var $__0 = this; sources = _.isArray(sources) ? sources : [sources.toString()]; _(this.containers).each((function(container) { return container.destroy(); })); this.containerFactory.options = _(this.options).extend({sources: sources}); this.containerFactory.createContainers().then((function(containers) { $__0.setupContainers(containers); })); }, destroy: function() { _(this.containers).each((function(container) { return container.destroy(); })); _(this.plugins).each((function(plugin) { return plugin.destroy(); })); this.$el.remove(); this.mediaControl.destroy(); $(document).unbind('fullscreenchange'); $(document).unbind('MSFullscreenChange'); $(document).unbind('mozfullscreenchange'); }, exit: function() { this.updateSize();; }, setMediaControlContainer: function(container) { this.mediaControl.setContainer(container); this.mediaControl.render(); }, disableMediaControl: function() { this.mediaControl.disable(); this.$el.removeClass('nocursor'); }, enableMediaControl: function() { this.mediaControl.enable(); }, removeContainer: function(container) { this.stopListening(container); this.containers = _.without(this.containers, container); }, appendContainer: function(container) { this.listenTo(container, Events.CONTAINER_DESTROYED, this.removeContainer); this.el.appendChild(container.render().el); this.containers.push(container); }, setupContainers: function(containers) {, this.appendContainer, this); this.setupMediaControl(this.getCurrentContainer()); this.render(); this.$el.appendTo(this.options.parentElement); return containers; }, createContainer: function(source) { var container = this.containerFactory.createContainer(source); this.appendContainer(container); return container; }, setupMediaControl: function(container) { if (this.mediaControl) { this.mediaControl.setContainer(container); } else { this.mediaControl = this.createMediaControl(_.extend({container: container}, this.options)); this.listenTo(this.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_FULLSCREEN, this.toggleFullscreen); this.listenTo(this.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_SHOW, this.onMediaControlShow.bind(this, true)); this.listenTo(this.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_HIDE, this.onMediaControlShow.bind(this, false)); } }, createMediaControl: function(options) { if (options.mediacontrol && options.mediacontrol.external) { return new options.mediacontrol.external(options); } else { return new MediaControl(options); } }, getCurrentContainer: function() { return this.containers[0]; }, toggleFullscreen: function() { if (!Fullscreen.isFullscreen()) { Fullscreen.requestFullscreen(this.el); this.$el.addClass('fullscreen'); } else { Fullscreen.cancelFullscreen(); this.$el.removeClass('fullscreen nocursor'); }; }, showMediaControl: function(event) {; }, hideMediaControl: function(event) { this.mediaControl.hide(event); }, onMediaControlShow: function(showing) { if (showing) this.$el.removeClass('nocursor'); else if (Fullscreen.isFullscreen()) this.$el.addClass('nocursor'); }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor('core'); this.$el.append(style); this.$el.append(this.mediaControl.render().el); this.options.width = this.options.width || this.$el.width(); this.options.height = this.options.height || this.$el.height(); PlayerInfo.previousSize = PlayerInfo.currentSize = _.pick(this.options, 'width', 'height'); this.updateSize(); return this; } }, {}, UIObject); module.exports = Core; },{"../../base/styler":8,"../../base/utils":9,"../container_factory":12,"events":"events","media_control":"media_control","mediator":"mediator","player_info":"player_info","ui_object":"ui_object","underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var Core = require('core'); var CoreFactory = function CoreFactory(player, loader) { this.player = player; this.options = player.options; this.loader = loader; this.options.loader = this.loader; }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CoreFactory, { create: function() { this.core = new Core(this.options); this.core.then(this.addCorePlugins.bind(this)); return this.core; }, addCorePlugins: function() { _.each(this.loader.corePlugins, function(Plugin) { var plugin = new Plugin(this.core); this.core.addPlugin(plugin); this.setupExternalInterface(plugin); }, this); return this.core; }, setupExternalInterface: function(plugin) { _.each(plugin.getExternalInterface(), function(value, key) { this.player[key] = value.bind(plugin); }, this); } }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = CoreFactory; },{"base_object":"base_object","core":"core","underscore":"underscore"}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./core_factory'); },{"./core_factory":14}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var $ = require('zepto'); var Player = require('../player'); var IframePlayer = function IframePlayer(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $IframePlayer.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.options = options; this.createIframe(); }; var $IframePlayer = IframePlayer; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(IframePlayer, { createIframe: function() { this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); this.iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", 0); this.iframe.setAttribute("id", this.uniqueId); this.iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", true); this.iframe.setAttribute("scrolling", "no"); this.iframe.setAttribute("src", "" + this.buildQueryString()); this.iframe.setAttribute('width', this.options.width); this.iframe.setAttribute('height', this.options.height); }, attachTo: function(element) { element.appendChild(this.iframe); }, addEventListeners: function() { var $__0 = this; this.iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", (function() { return $__0.updateSize(); })); this.iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", (function() { return $__0.updateSize(); })); this.iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", (function() { return $__0.updateSize(); })); }, buildQueryString: function() { var result = ""; for (var param in this.options) { result += !!result ? "&" : "?"; result += encodeURIComponent(param) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.options[param]); } return result; } }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = IframePlayer; },{"../player":21,"base_object":"base_object","zepto":"zepto"}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./iframe_player'); },{"./iframe_player":16}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./loader'); },{"./loader":19}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var _ = require('underscore'); var PlayerInfo = require('player_info'); var HTML5VideoPlayback = require('html5_video'); var FlashVideoPlayback = require('flash'); var HTML5AudioPlayback = require('html5_audio'); var HLSVideoPlayback = require('hls'); var HTMLImgPlayback = require('html_img'); var NoOp = require('../../playbacks/no_op'); var SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin = require('../../plugins/spinner_three_bounce'); var StatsPlugin = require('../../plugins/stats'); var WaterMarkPlugin = require('../../plugins/watermark'); var PosterPlugin = require('poster'); var GoogleAnalyticsPlugin = require('../../plugins/google_analytics'); var ClickToPausePlugin = require('../../plugins/click_to_pause'); var BackgroundButton = require('../../plugins/background_button'); var DVRControls = require('../../plugins/dvr_controls'); var Loader = function Loader(externalPlugins) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Loader.prototype, "constructor", []); this.playbackPlugins = [FlashVideoPlayback, HTML5VideoPlayback, HTML5AudioPlayback, HLSVideoPlayback, HTMLImgPlayback, NoOp]; this.containerPlugins = [SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin, WaterMarkPlugin, PosterPlugin, StatsPlugin, GoogleAnalyticsPlugin, ClickToPausePlugin]; this.corePlugins = [BackgroundButton, DVRControls]; if (externalPlugins) { this.addExternalPlugins(externalPlugins); } }; var $Loader = Loader; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Loader, { addExternalPlugins: function(plugins) { var pluginName = function(plugin) { return; }; if (plugins.playback) { this.playbackPlugins = _.uniq(plugins.playback.concat(this.playbackPlugins), pluginName); } if (plugins.container) { this.containerPlugins = _.uniq(plugins.container.concat(this.containerPlugins), pluginName); } if (plugins.core) { this.corePlugins = _.uniq(plugins.core.concat(this.corePlugins), pluginName); } PlayerInfo.playbackPlugins = this.playbackPlugins; }, getPlugin: function(name) { var allPlugins = _.union(this.containerPlugins, this.playbackPlugins, this.corePlugins); return _.find(allPlugins, function(plugin) { return === name; }); } }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = Loader; },{"../../playbacks/no_op":29,"../../plugins/background_button":32,"../../plugins/click_to_pause":34,"../../plugins/dvr_controls":36,"../../plugins/google_analytics":38,"../../plugins/spinner_three_bounce":42,"../../plugins/stats":44,"../../plugins/watermark":46,"base_object":"base_object","flash":"flash","hls":"hls","html5_audio":"html5_audio","html5_video":"html5_video","html_img":"html_img","player_info":"player_info","poster":"poster","underscore":"underscore"}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var $ = require('zepto'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var Utils = require('../../base/utils'); var SeekTime = require('../seek_time'); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var PlayerInfo = require('player_info'); var Events = require('events'); require('mousetrap'); var MediaControl = function MediaControl(options) { var $__0 = this; $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $MediaControl.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.seekTime = new SeekTime(this); this.options = options; this.mute = this.options.mute; this.persistConfig = this.options.persistConfig; this.container = options.container; var initialVolume = (this.persistConfig) ? Utils.Config.restore("volume") : 100; this.setVolume(this.mute ? 0 : initialVolume); this.keepVisible = false; this.addEventListeners(); this.settings = { left: ['play', 'stop', 'pause'], right: ['volume'], default: ['position', 'seekbar', 'duration'] }; this.settings = _.isEmpty(this.container.settings) ? this.settings : this.container.settings; this.disabled = false; if (this.container.mediaControlDisabled || this.options.chromeless) { this.disable(); } $(document).bind('mouseup', (function(event) { return $__0.stopDrag(event); })); $(document).bind('mousemove', (function(event) { return $__0.updateDrag(event); })); Mediator.on(Events.PLAYER_RESIZE, (function() { return $__0.playerResize(); })); }; var $MediaControl = MediaControl; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MediaControl, { get name() { return 'MediaControl'; }, get attributes() { return { class: 'media-control', 'data-media-control': '' }; }, get events() { return { 'click [data-play]': 'play', 'click [data-pause]': 'pause', 'click [data-playpause]': 'togglePlayPause', 'click [data-stop]': 'stop', 'click [data-playstop]': 'togglePlayStop', 'click [data-fullscreen]': 'toggleFullscreen', 'click .bar-container[data-seekbar]': 'seek', 'click .bar-container[data-volume]': 'volume', 'click .drawer-icon[data-volume]': 'toggleMute', 'mouseenter .drawer-container[data-volume]': 'showVolumeBar', 'mouseleave .drawer-container[data-volume]': 'hideVolumeBar', 'mousedown .bar-scrubber[data-volume]': 'startVolumeDrag', 'mousedown .bar-scrubber[data-seekbar]': 'startSeekDrag', 'mousemove .bar-container[data-seekbar]': 'mousemoveOnSeekBar', 'mouseleave .bar-container[data-seekbar]': 'mouseleaveOnSeekBar', 'mouseenter .media-control-layer[data-controls]': 'setKeepVisible', 'mouseleave .media-control-layer[data-controls]': 'resetKeepVisible' }; }, get template() { return JST.media_control; }, addEventListeners: function() { this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAY, this.changeTogglePlay); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_TIMEUPDATE, this.updateSeekBar); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PROGRESS, this.updateProgressBar); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_SETTINGSUPDATE, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKDVRSTATECHANGED, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE, this.highDefinitionUpdate); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_MEDIACONTROL_DISABLE, this.disable); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_MEDIACONTROL_ENABLE, this.enable); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_ENDED, this.ended); }, disable: function() { this.disabled = true; this.hide(); this.$el.hide(); }, enable: function() { if (this.options.chromeless) return; this.disabled = false;; }, play: function() {; }, pause: function() { this.container.pause(); }, stop: function() { this.container.stop(); }, changeTogglePlay: function() { if (this.container.isPlaying()) { this.$playPauseToggle.removeClass('paused').addClass('playing'); this.$playStopToggle.removeClass('stopped').addClass('playing'); this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_PLAYING); } else { this.$playPauseToggle.removeClass('playing').addClass('paused'); this.$playStopToggle.removeClass('playing').addClass('stopped'); this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_NOTPLAYING); } }, mousemoveOnSeekBar: function(event) { if (this.container.settings.seekEnabled) { var offsetX = event.pageX - this.$seekBarContainer.offset().left - (this.$seekBarHover.width() / 2); this.$seekBarHover.css({left: offsetX}); } this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_MOUSEMOVE_SEEKBAR, event); }, mouseleaveOnSeekBar: function(event) { this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_MOUSELEAVE_SEEKBAR, event); }, playerResize: function() { if (Utils.Fullscreen.isFullscreen()) { this.$fullscreenToggle.addClass('shrink'); } else { this.$fullscreenToggle.removeClass('shrink'); } this.$el.removeClass('w320'); if (PlayerInfo.currentSize.width <= 320) { this.$el.addClass('w320'); } }, togglePlayPause: function() { if (this.container.isPlaying()) { this.container.pause(); } else {; } this.changeTogglePlay(); }, togglePlayStop: function() { if (this.container.isPlaying()) { this.container.stop(); } else {; } this.changeTogglePlay(); }, startSeekDrag: function(event) { if (!this.container.settings.seekEnabled) return; this.draggingSeekBar = true; this.$el.addClass('dragging'); this.$seekBarLoaded.addClass('media-control-notransition'); this.$seekBarPosition.addClass('media-control-notransition'); this.$seekBarScrubber.addClass('media-control-notransition'); if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } }, startVolumeDrag: function(event) { this.draggingVolumeBar = true; this.$el.addClass('dragging'); if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } }, stopDrag: function(event) { if (this.draggingSeekBar) {; } this.$el.removeClass('dragging'); this.$seekBarLoaded.removeClass('media-control-notransition'); this.$seekBarPosition.removeClass('media-control-notransition'); this.$seekBarScrubber.removeClass('media-control-notransition dragging'); this.draggingSeekBar = false; this.draggingVolumeBar = false; }, updateDrag: function(event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.draggingSeekBar) { var offsetX = event.pageX - this.$seekBarContainer.offset().left; var pos = offsetX / this.$seekBarContainer.width() * 100; pos = Math.min(100, Math.max(pos, 0)); this.setSeekPercentage(pos); } else if (this.draggingVolumeBar) { this.volume(event); } }, volume: function(event) { var offsetY = event.pageX - this.$volumeBarContainer.offset().left; var volumeFromUI = (offsetY / this.$volumeBarContainer.width()) * 100; this.setVolume(volumeFromUI); }, toggleMute: function() { if (this.mute) { if (this.currentVolume <= 0) { this.currentVolume = 100; } this.setVolume(this.currentVolume); } else { this.setVolume(0); } }, setVolume: function(value) { this.currentVolume = Math.min(100, Math.max(value, 0)); this.container.setVolume(this.currentVolume); this.setVolumeLevel(this.currentVolume); this.mute = this.currentVolume === 0; this.persistConfig && Utils.Config.persist("volume", this.currentVolume); }, toggleFullscreen: function() { this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_FULLSCREEN,; this.container.fullscreen(); this.resetKeepVisible(); }, setContainer: function(container) { this.stopListening(this.container); this.container = container; this.changeTogglePlay(); this.addEventListeners(); this.settingsUpdate(); this.container.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKDVRSTATECHANGED, this.container.isDvrInUse()); this.setVolume(this.currentVolume); if (this.container.mediaControlDisabled) { this.disable(); } this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_CONTAINERCHANGED); }, showVolumeBar: function() { if (this.hideVolumeId) { clearTimeout(this.hideVolumeId); } this.$volumeBarContainer.removeClass('volume-bar-hide'); }, hideVolumeBar: function() { var $__0 = this; var timeout = 400; if (!this.$volumeBarContainer) return; if (this.draggingVolumeBar) { this.hideVolumeId = setTimeout((function() { return $__0.hideVolumeBar(); }), timeout); } else { if (this.hideVolumeId) { clearTimeout(this.hideVolumeId); } this.hideVolumeId = setTimeout((function() { return $__0.$volumeBarContainer.addClass('volume-bar-hide'); }), timeout); } }, ended: function() { this.changeTogglePlay(); }, updateProgressBar: function(startPosition, endPosition, duration) { var loadedStart = startPosition / duration * 100; var loadedEnd = endPosition / duration * 100; this.$seekBarLoaded.css({ left: loadedStart + '%', width: (loadedEnd - loadedStart) + '%' }); }, updateSeekBar: function(position, duration) { if (this.draggingSeekBar) return; if (position < 0) position = duration; this.$seekBarPosition.removeClass('media-control-notransition'); this.$seekBarScrubber.removeClass('media-control-notransition'); var seekbarValue = (100 / duration) * position; this.setSeekPercentage(seekbarValue); this.$('[data-position]').html(Utils.formatTime(position)); this.$('[data-duration]').html(Utils.formatTime(duration)); }, seek: function(event) { if (!this.container.settings.seekEnabled) return; var offsetX = event.pageX - this.$seekBarContainer.offset().left; var pos = offsetX / this.$seekBarContainer.width() * 100; pos = Math.min(100, Math.max(pos, 0)); this.container.setCurrentTime(pos); this.setSeekPercentage(pos); return false; }, setKeepVisible: function() { this.keepVisible = true; }, resetKeepVisible: function() { this.keepVisible = false; }, isVisible: function() { return !this.$el.hasClass('media-control-hide'); }, show: function(event) { var $__0 = this; if (this.disabled || this.container.getPlaybackType() === null) return; var timeout = 2000; if (!event || (event.clientX !== this.lastMouseX && event.clientY !== this.lastMouseY) || navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)) { clearTimeout(this.hideId); this.$; this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_SHOW,; this.$el.removeClass('media-control-hide'); this.hideId = setTimeout((function() { return $__0.hide(); }), timeout); if (event) { this.lastMouseX = event.clientX; this.lastMouseY = event.clientY; } } }, hide: function() { var $__0 = this; var timeout = 2000; clearTimeout(this.hideId); if (!this.isVisible() || this.options.hideMediaControl === false) return; if (this.keepVisible || this.draggingSeekBar || this.draggingVolumeBar) { this.hideId = setTimeout((function() { return $__0.hide(); }), timeout); } else { this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_HIDE,; this.$el.addClass('media-control-hide'); this.hideVolumeBar(); } }, settingsUpdate: function() { if (this.container.getPlaybackType() !== null && !_.isEmpty(this.container.settings)) { this.settings = this.container.settings; this.render(); this.enable(); } else { this.disable(); } }, highDefinitionUpdate: function() { if (this.container.isHighDefinitionInUse()) { this.$el.find('button[data-hd-indicator]').addClass("enabled"); } else { this.$el.find('button[data-hd-indicator]').removeClass("enabled"); } }, createCachedElements: function() { this.$playPauseToggle = this.$el.find('[data-playpause]'); this.$playStopToggle = this.$el.find('[data-playstop]'); this.$fullscreenToggle = this.$el.find('[data-fullscreen]'); this.$seekBarContainer = this.$el.find('.bar-container[data-seekbar]'); this.$seekBarLoaded = this.$el.find('.bar-fill-1[data-seekbar]'); this.$seekBarPosition = this.$el.find('.bar-fill-2[data-seekbar]'); this.$seekBarScrubber = this.$el.find('.bar-scrubber[data-seekbar]'); this.$seekBarHover = this.$el.find('.bar-hover[data-seekbar]'); this.$volumeBarContainer = this.$el.find('.bar-container[data-volume]'); this.$volumeIcon = this.$el.find('.drawer-icon[data-volume]'); }, setVolumeLevel: function(value) { var $__0 = this; if (!this.container.isReady || !this.$volumeBarContainer) { this.listenToOnce(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_READY, (function() { return $__0.setVolumeLevel(value); })); } else { this.$volumeBarContainer.find('.segmented-bar-element').removeClass('fill'); var item = Math.ceil(value / 10.0); this.$volumeBarContainer.find('.segmented-bar-element').slice(0, item).addClass('fill'); if (value > 0) { this.$volumeIcon.removeClass('muted'); } else { this.$volumeIcon.addClass('muted'); } } }, setSeekPercentage: function(value) { if (value > 100) return; var pos = this.$seekBarContainer.width() * value / 100.0 - (this.$seekBarScrubber.width() / 2.0); this.currentSeekPercentage = value; this.$seekBarPosition.css({width: value + '%'}); this.$seekBarScrubber.css({left: pos}); }, bindKeyEvents: function() { var $__0 = this; Mousetrap.bind(['space'], (function() { return $__0.togglePlayPause(); })); }, unbindKeyEvents: function() { Mousetrap.unbind('space'); }, parseColors: function() { if (this.options.mediacontrol) { var buttonsColor = this.options.mediacontrol.buttons; var seekbarColor = this.options.mediacontrol.seekbar; this.$el.find('.bar-fill-2[data-seekbar]').css('background-color', seekbarColor); this.$el.find('[data-media-control] > .media-control-icon, .drawer-icon').css('color', buttonsColor); this.$el.find('.segmented-bar-element[data-volume]').css('boxShadow', "inset 2px 0 0 " + buttonsColor); } }, render: function() { var $__0 = this; var timeout = 1000; var style = Styler.getStyleFor('media_control'); this.$el.html(this.template({settings: this.settings})); this.$el.append(style); this.createCachedElements(); this.$playPauseToggle.addClass('paused'); this.$playStopToggle.addClass('stopped'); this.changeTogglePlay(); this.hideId = setTimeout((function() { return $__0.hide(); }), timeout); if (this.disabled) { this.hide(); } this.$seekBarPosition.addClass('media-control-notransition'); this.$seekBarScrubber.addClass('media-control-notransition'); if (!this.currentSeekPercentage) { this.currentSeekPercentage = 0; } this.setSeekPercentage(this.currentSeekPercentage); this.$el.ready((function() { if (!$__0.container.settings.seekEnabled) { $__0.$seekBarContainer.addClass('seek-disabled'); } $__0.setVolume($__0.currentVolume); $__0.bindKeyEvents(); $__0.hideVolumeBar(); })); this.parseColors(); this.seekTime.render(); this.trigger(Events.MEDIACONTROL_RENDERED); return this; }, destroy: function() { $(document).unbind('mouseup'); $(document).unbind('mousemove'); this.unbindKeyEvents(); } }, {}, UIObject); module.exports = MediaControl; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"../../base/utils":9,"../seek_time":22,"events":"events","mediator":"mediator","mousetrap":4,"player_info":"player_info","ui_object":"ui_object","underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var CoreFactory = require('./core_factory'); var Loader = require('./loader'); var _ = require('underscore'); var ScrollMonitor = require('scrollmonitor'); var PlayerInfo = require('player_info'); var Player = function Player(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Player.prototype, "constructor", [options]); window.p = this; var defaultOptions = { persistConfig: true, width: 640, height: 360 }; this.options = _.extend(defaultOptions, options); this.options.sources = this.normalizeSources(options); this.loader = new Loader(this.options.plugins || {}); this.coreFactory = new CoreFactory(this, this.loader); PlayerInfo.currentSize = { width: options.width, height: options.height }; if (this.options.parentId) { this.setParentId(this.options.parentId); } }; var $Player = Player; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Player, { setParentId: function(parentId) { var el = document.querySelector(parentId); if (el) { this.attachTo(el); } }, attachTo: function(element) { this.options.parentElement = element; this.core = this.coreFactory.create(); if (this.options.autoPlayVisible) { this.bindAutoPlayVisible(this.options.autoPlayVisible); } }, bindAutoPlayVisible: function(option) { var $__0 = this; this.elementWatcher = ScrollMonitor.create(this.core.$el); if (option === 'full') { this.elementWatcher.fullyEnterViewport((function() { return $__0.enterViewport(); })); } else if (option === 'partial') { this.elementWatcher.enterViewport((function() { return $__0.enterViewport(); })); } }, enterViewport: function() { if ( !== 0 && !this.isPlaying()) {; } }, normalizeSources: function(options) { var sources = _.compact(_.flatten([options.source, options.sources])); return _.isEmpty(sources) ? ['no.op'] : sources; }, resize: function(size) { this.core.resize(size); }, load: function(sources) { this.core.load(sources); }, destroy: function() { this.core.destroy(); }, play: function() {; }, pause: function() { this.core.mediaControl.container.pause(); }, stop: function() { this.core.mediaControl.container.stop(); }, seek: function(time) { this.core.mediaControl.container.setCurrentTime(time); }, setVolume: function(volume) { this.core.mediaControl.container.setVolume(volume); }, mute: function() { this.core.mediaControl.container.setVolume(0); }, unmute: function() { this.core.mediaControl.container.setVolume(100); }, isPlaying: function() { return this.core.mediaControl.container.isPlaying(); } }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = Player; },{"./core_factory":15,"./loader":18,"base_object":"base_object","player_info":"player_info","scrollmonitor":5,"underscore":"underscore"}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./seek_time'); },{"./seek_time":23}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var formatTime = require('../../base/utils').formatTime; var Events = require('events'); var SeekTime = function SeekTime(mediaControl) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SeekTime.prototype, "constructor", []); this.mediaControl = mediaControl; this.addEventListeners(); }; var $SeekTime = SeekTime; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SeekTime, { get name() { return 'seek_time'; }, get template() { return JST.seek_time; }, get attributes() { return { 'class': 'seek-time hidden', 'data-seek-time': '' }; }, addEventListeners: function() { this.listenTo(this.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_MOUSEMOVE_SEEKBAR, this.showTime); this.listenTo(this.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_MOUSELEAVE_SEEKBAR, this.hideTime); }, showTime: function(event) { var offset = event.pageX - this.mediaControl.$seekBarContainer.offset().left; var timePosition = Math.min(100, Math.max((offset) / this.mediaControl.$seekBarContainer.width() * 100, 0)); var pointerPosition = event.pageX - this.mediaControl.$el.offset().left - (this.$el.width() / 2); pointerPosition = Math.min(Math.max(0, pointerPosition), this.mediaControl.$el.width() - this.$el.width()); var currentTime = timePosition * this.mediaControl.container.getDuration() / 100; var options = { timestamp: currentTime, formattedTime: formatTime(currentTime), pointerPosition: pointerPosition }; this.update(options); }, hideTime: function() { this.$el.addClass('hidden'); this.$el.css('left', '-100%'); }, update: function(options) { if (this.mediaControl.container.getPlaybackType() === 'vod' || this.mediaControl.container.isDvrInUse()) { this.$el.find('[data-seek-time]').text(options.formattedTime); this.$el.css('left', options.pointerPosition); this.$el.removeClass('hidden'); } }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template()); this.$el.append(style); this.mediaControl.$el.append(this.el); } }, {}, UIObject); module.exports = SeekTime; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"../../base/utils":9,"events":"events","ui_object":"ui_object"}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Playback = require('playback'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var _ = require('underscore'); var $ = require('zepto'); var Browser = require('browser'); var seekStringToSeconds = require('../../base/utils').seekStringToSeconds; var Events = require('events'); require('mousetrap'); var objectIE = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="<%= cid %>" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" data-flash-vod=""><param name="movie" value="<%= swfPath %>"> <param name="quality" value="autohigh"> <param name="swliveconnect" value="true"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#001122"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="gpu"> <param name="tabindex" value="1"> <param name=FlashVars value="playbackId=<%= playbackId %>" /> </object>'; var Flash = function Flash(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Flash.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.src = options.src; this.defaultBaseSwfPath = "" + Clappr.version + "/assets/"; this.swfPath = (options.swfBasePath || this.defaultBaseSwfPath) + "Player.swf"; this.autoPlay = options.autoPlay; this.settings = {default: ['seekbar']}; this.settings.left = ["playpause", "position", "duration"]; this.settings.right = ["fullscreen", "volume"]; this.settings.seekEnabled = true; this.isReady = false; this.addListeners(); }; var $Flash = Flash; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Flash, { get name() { return 'flash'; }, get tagName() { return 'object'; }, get template() { return JST.flash; }, bootstrap: function() { this.el.width = "100%"; this.el.height = "100%"; this.isReady = true; if (this.currentState === 'PLAYING') { this.firstPlay(); } else { this.currentState = "IDLE"; this.autoPlay &&; } $('<div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%" />').insertAfter(this.$el); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_READY,; }, getPlaybackType: function() { return 'vod'; }, setupFirefox: function() { var $el = this.$('embed'); $el.attr('data-flash', ''); this.setElement($el[0]); }, isHighDefinitionInUse: function() { return false; }, updateTime: function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, this.el.getPosition(), this.el.getDuration(),; }, addListeners: function() { Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':progress', this.progress, this); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':timeupdate', this.updateTime, this); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':statechanged', this.checkState, this); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':flashready', this.bootstrap, this); _.each(_.range(1, 10), function(i) { var $__0 = this; Mousetrap.bind([i.toString()], (function() { return $ * 10); })); }.bind(this)); }, stopListening: function() { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Flash.prototype, "stopListening", []); + ':progress'); + ':timeupdate'); + ':statechanged'); + ':flashready'); _.each(_.range(1, 10), function(i) { var $__0 = this; Mousetrap.unbind([i.toString()], (function() { return $ * 10); })); }.bind(this)); }, checkState: function() { if (this.currentState === "PAUSED") { return; } else if (this.currentState !== "PLAYING_BUFFERING" && this.el.getState() === "PLAYING_BUFFERING") { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERING,; this.currentState = "PLAYING_BUFFERING"; } else if (this.el.getState() === "PLAYING") { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL,; this.currentState = "PLAYING"; } else if (this.el.getState() === "IDLE") { this.currentState = "IDLE"; } else if (this.el.getState() === "ENDED") { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_ENDED,; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, 0, this.el.getDuration(),; this.currentState = "ENDED"; } }, progress: function() { if (this.currentState !== "IDLE" && this.currentState !== "ENDED") { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PROGRESS, 0, this.el.getBytesLoaded(), this.el.getBytesTotal(),; } }, firstPlay: function() { var $__0 = this; if (this.el.playerPlay) { this.el.playerPlay(this.src); this.listenToOnce(this, Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL, (function() { return $__0.checkInitialSeek(); })); this.currentState = "PLAYING"; } else { this.listenToOnce(this, Events.PLAYBACK_READY, this.firstPlay); } }, checkInitialSeek: function() { var seekTime = seekStringToSeconds(window.location.href); if (seekTime !== 0) { this.seekSeconds(seekTime); } }, play: function() { if (this.el.getState() === 'PAUSED' || this.el.getState() === 'PLAYING_BUFFERING') { this.currentState = "PLAYING"; this.el.playerResume(); } else if (this.el.getState() !== 'PLAYING') { this.firstPlay(); } this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY,; }, volume: function(value) { var $__0 = this; if (this.isReady) { this.el.playerVolume(value); } else { this.listenToOnce(this, Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL, (function() { return $__0.volume(value); })); } }, pause: function() { this.currentState = "PAUSED"; this.el.playerPause(); }, stop: function() { this.el.playerStop(); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, 0,; }, isPlaying: function() { return !!(this.isReady && this.currentState.indexOf("PLAYING") > -1); }, getDuration: function() { return this.el.getDuration(); }, seek: function(seekBarValue) { var seekTo = this.el.getDuration() * (seekBarValue / 100); this.seekSeconds(seekTo); }, seekSeconds: function(seekTo) { this.el.playerSeek(seekTo); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, seekTo, this.el.getDuration(),; if (this.currentState === "PAUSED") { this.el.playerPause(); } }, destroy: function() { clearInterval(this.bootstrapId); this.stopListening(); this.$el.remove(); }, setupIE: function() { this.setElement($(_.template(objectIE)({ cid: this.cid, swfPath: this.swfPath, playbackId: this.uniqueId }))); }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template({ cid: this.cid, swfPath: this.swfPath, playbackId: this.uniqueId })); if (Browser.isFirefox) { this.setupFirefox(); } else if (Browser.isLegacyIE) { this.setupIE(); } this.$el.append(style); return this; } }, {}, Playback); Flash.canPlay = function(resource) { if ((!Browser.isMobile && Browser.isFirefox) || Browser.isLegacyIE) { return _.isString(resource) && !!resource.match(/(.*)\.(mp4|mov|f4v|3gpp|3gp)/); } else { return _.isString(resource) && !!resource.match(/(.*)\.(mov|f4v|3gpp|3gp)/); } }; module.exports = Flash; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"../../base/utils":9,"browser":"browser","events":"events","mediator":"mediator","mousetrap":4,"playback":"playback","underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Playback = require('playback'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var _ = require("underscore"); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var Browser = require('browser'); var Events = require('events'); var objectIE = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="<%= cid %>" class="hls-playback" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" data-hls="" width="100%" height="100%"><param name="movie" value="<%= swfPath %>"> <param name="quality" value="autohigh"> <param name="swliveconnect" value="true"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#001122"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="tabindex" value="1"> <param name=FlashVars value="playbackId=<%= playbackId %>" /> </object>'; var HLS = function HLS(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HLS.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.src = options.src; this.defaultBaseSwfPath = "" + Clappr.version + "/assets/"; this.swfPath = (options.swfBasePath || this.defaultBaseSwfPath) + "HLSPlayer.swf"; this.flushLiveURLCache = (options.flushLiveURLCache === undefined) ? true : options.flushLiveURLCache; this.capLevelToStage = (options.capLevelToStage === undefined) ? false : options.capLevelToStage; this.highDefinition = false; this.autoPlay = options.autoPlay; this.defaultSettings = { left: ["playstop"], default: ['seekbar'], right: ["fullscreen", "volume", "hd-indicator"], seekEnabled: false }; this.settings = _.extend({}, this.defaultSettings); this.playbackType = 'live'; this.addListeners(); }; var $HLS = HLS; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HLS, { get name() { return 'hls'; }, get tagName() { return 'object'; }, get template() { return JST.hls; }, get attributes() { return { 'class': 'hls-playback', 'data-hls': '', 'type': 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%' }; }, addListeners: function() { var $__0 = this; Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':flashready', (function() { return $__0.bootstrap(); })); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':timeupdate', (function() { return $__0.updateTime(); })); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':playbackstate', (function(state) { return $__0.setPlaybackState(state); })); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':highdefinition', (function(isHD) { return $__0.updateHighDefinition(isHD); })); Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':playbackerror', (function() { return $__0.flashPlaybackError(); })); }, stopListening: function() { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HLS.prototype, "stopListening", []); + ':flashready'); + ':timeupdate'); + ':playbackstate'); + ':highdefinition'); + ':playbackerror'); }, bootstrap: function() { this.el.width = "100%"; this.el.height = "100%"; this.isReady = true; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_READY,; this.currentState = "IDLE"; this.setFlashSettings(); this.autoPlay &&; }, setFlashSettings: function() { this.el.globoPlayerSetflushLiveURLCache(this.flushLiveURLCache); this.el.globoPlayerCapLeveltoStage(this.capLevelToStage); this.el.globoPlayerSetmaxBufferLength(0); }, updateHighDefinition: function(isHD) { this.highDefinition = (isHD === "true"); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BITRATE, {'bitrate': this.getCurrentBitrate()}); }, updateTime: function() { var duration = this.getDuration(); var position = Math.min(Math.max(this.el.globoGetPosition(), 0), duration); var previousDVRStatus = this.dvrEnabled; var livePlayback = (this.playbackType === 'live'); this.dvrEnabled = (livePlayback && duration > 240); if (duration === 100 || livePlayback === undefined) { return; } if (this.dvrEnabled !== previousDVRStatus) { this.updateSettings(); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_SETTINGSUPDATE,; } if (livePlayback && (!this.dvrEnabled || !this.dvrInUse)) { position = duration; } this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, position, duration,; }, play: function() { if (this.currentState === 'PAUSED') { this.el.globoPlayerResume(); } else if (this.currentState !== "PLAYING") { this.firstPlay(); } this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY,; }, getPlaybackType: function() { return this.playbackType ? this.playbackType : null; }, getCurrentBitrate: function() { var currentLevel = this.getLevels()[this.el.globoGetLevel()]; return currentLevel.bitrate; }, getLastProgramDate: function() { var programDate = this.el.globoGetLastProgramDate(); return programDate - 1.08e+7; }, isHighDefinitionInUse: function() { return this.highDefinition; }, getLevels: function() { if (!this.levels || this.levels.length === 0) { this.levels = this.el.globoGetLevels(); } return this.levels; }, setPlaybackState: function(state) { var bufferLength = this.el.globoGetbufferLength(); if (state === "PLAYING_BUFFERING" && bufferLength < 1) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERING,; this.updateCurrentState(state); } else if (state === "PLAYING") { if (_.contains(["PLAYING_BUFFERING", "PAUSED", "IDLE"], this.currentState)) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL,; this.updateCurrentState(state); } } else if (state === "PAUSED") { this.updateCurrentState(state); } else if (state === "IDLE") { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_ENDED,; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, 0, this.el.globoGetDuration(),; this.updateCurrentState(state); } this.lastBufferLength = bufferLength; }, updateCurrentState: function(state) { this.currentState = state; this.updatePlaybackType(); }, updatePlaybackType: function() { this.playbackType = this.el.globoGetType(); if (this.playbackType) { this.playbackType = this.playbackType.toLowerCase(); if (this.playbackType === 'vod') { this.startReportingProgress(); } else { this.stopReportingProgress(); } } this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PLAYBACKSTATE); }, startReportingProgress: function() { if (!this.reportingProgress) { this.reportingProgress = true; Mediator.on(this.uniqueId + ':fragmentloaded', this.onFragmentLoaded); } }, stopReportingProgress: function() { + ':fragmentloaded', this.onFragmentLoaded, this); }, onFragmentLoaded: function() { var buffered = this.el.globoGetPosition() + this.el.globoGetbufferLength(); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PROGRESS, this.el.globoGetPosition(), buffered, this.getDuration(),; }, firstPlay: function() { this.setFlashSettings(); this.el.globoPlayerLoad(this.src); this.el.globoPlayerPlay(); }, volume: function(value) { var $__0 = this; if (this.isReady) { this.el.globoPlayerVolume(value); } else { this.listenToOnce(this, Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL, (function() { return $__0.volume(value); })); } }, pause: function() { if (this.playbackType !== 'live' || this.dvrEnabled) { this.el.globoPlayerPause(); if (this.playbackType === 'live' && this.dvrEnabled) { this.updateDvr(true); } } }, stop: function() { this.el.globoPlayerStop(); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, 0,; }, isPlaying: function() { if (this.currentState) { return !!(this.currentState.match(/playing/i)); } return false; }, getDuration: function() { var duration = this.el.globoGetDuration(); if (this.playbackType === 'live') { duration = duration - 10; } return duration; }, seek: function(time) { var duration = this.getDuration(); if (time > 0) { time = duration * time / 100; } if (this.playbackType === 'live') { var dvrInUse = (time >= 0 && duration - time > 5); if (!dvrInUse) { time = -1; } this.updateDvr(dvrInUse); } this.el.globoPlayerSeek(time); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, time, duration,; }, updateDvr: function(dvrInUse) { var previousDvrInUse = !!this.dvrInUse; this.dvrInUse = dvrInUse; if (this.dvrInUse !== previousDvrInUse) { this.updateSettings(); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_DVR, this.dvrInUse); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_STATS_ADD, {'dvr': this.dvrInUse}); } }, flashPlaybackError: function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_STOP); }, timeUpdate: function(time, duration) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, time, duration,; }, destroy: function() { this.stopListening(); this.$el.remove(); }, setupFirefox: function() { var $el = this.$('embed'); $el.attr('data-hls', ''); this.setElement($el); }, setupIE: function() { this.setElement($(_.template(objectIE)({ cid: this.cid, swfPath: this.swfPath, playbackId: this.uniqueId }))); }, updateSettings: function() { this.settings = _.extend({}, this.defaultSettings); if (this.playbackType === "vod" || this.dvrInUse) { this.settings.left = ["playpause", "position", "duration"]; this.settings.seekEnabled = true; } else if (this.dvrEnabled) { this.settings.left = ["playpause"]; this.settings.seekEnabled = true; } else { this.settings.seekEnabled = false; } }, setElement: function(element) { this.$el = element; this.el = element[0]; }, render: function() { if (Browser.isLegacyIE) { this.setupIE(); } else { this.$el.html(this.template({ cid: this.cid, swfPath: this.swfPath, playbackId: this.uniqueId })); if (Browser.isFirefox) { this.setupFirefox(); } else if (Browser.isIE) { this.$('embed').remove(); } } = this.cid; return this; } }, {}, Playback); HLS.canPlay = function(resource) { return !!resource.match(/^http(.*).m3u8?/); }; module.exports = HLS; },{"../../base/jst":7,"browser":"browser","events":"events","mediator":"mediator","playback":"playback","underscore":"underscore"}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Playback = require('playback'); var Events = require('events'); var HTML5Audio = function HTML5Audio(params) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HTML5Audio.prototype, "constructor", [params]); this.el.src = params.src; this.settings = { left: ['playpause', 'position', 'duration'], right: ['fullscreen', 'volume'], default: ['seekbar'] }; this.render(); params.autoPlay &&; }; var $HTML5Audio = HTML5Audio; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HTML5Audio, { get name() { return 'html5_audio'; }, get tagName() { return 'audio'; }, get events() { return { 'timeupdate': 'timeUpdated', 'ended': 'ended', 'canplaythrough': 'bufferFull' }; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAY,; this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PAUSE, this.pause); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_SEEK,; this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_VOLUME, this.volume); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STOP, this.stop); }, getPlaybackType: function() { return "aod"; }, play: function() {; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY); }, pause: function() { this.el.pause(); }, stop: function() { this.pause(); this.el.currentTime = 0; }, volume: function(value) { this.el.volume = value / 100; }, mute: function() { this.el.volume = 0; }, unmute: function() { this.el.volume = 1; }, isMuted: function() { return !!this.el.volume; }, ended: function() { this.trigger(Events.CONTAINER_TIMEUPDATE, 0); }, seek: function(seekBarValue) { var time = this.el.duration * (seekBarValue / 100); this.el.currentTime = time; }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this.el.currentTime; }, getDuration: function() { return this.el.duration; }, isPlaying: function() { return !this.el.paused && !this.el.ended; }, timeUpdated: function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, this.el.currentTime, this.el.duration,; }, bufferFull: function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, this.el.currentTime, this.el.duration,; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL); }, render: function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_READY,; return this; } }, {}, Playback); HTML5Audio.canPlay = function(resource) { return !!resource.match(/(.*).mp3/); }; module.exports = HTML5Audio; },{"events":"events","playback":"playback"}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){ "use strict"; var Playback = require('playback'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var Browser = require('browser'); var seekStringToSeconds = require('../../base/utils').seekStringToSeconds; var Events = require('events'); var _ = require('underscore'); require('mousetrap'); var HTML5Video = function HTML5Video(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HTML5Video.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.options = options; this.src = options.src; this.el.src = options.src; this.el.loop = options.loop; this.firstBuffer = true; this.isHLS = (this.src.indexOf('m3u8') > -1); this.settings = {default: ['seekbar']}; if (this.isHLS && Browser.isSafari) { this.settings.left = ["playstop"]; this.settings.right = ["fullscreen", "volume"]; } else { this.el.preload = options.preload ? options.preload : 'metadata'; this.settings.left = ["playpause", "position", "duration"]; this.settings.right = ["fullscreen", "volume"]; this.settings.seekEnabled = true; } this.bindEvents(); }; var $HTML5Video = HTML5Video; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HTML5Video, { get name() { return 'html5_video'; }, get tagName() { return 'video'; }, get template() { return JST.html5_video; }, get attributes() { return {'data-html5-video': ''}; }, get events() { return { 'timeupdate': 'timeUpdated', 'progress': 'progress', 'ended': 'ended', 'stalled': 'stalled', 'waiting': 'waiting', 'canplaythrough': 'bufferFull', 'loadedmetadata': 'loadedMetadata' }; }, bindEvents: function() { _.each(_.range(1, 10), function(i) { var $__0 = this; Mousetrap.bind([i.toString()], (function() { return $ * 10); })); }.bind(this)); }, loadedMetadata: function(e) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_LOADEDMETADATA,; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_SETTINGSUPDATE); this.checkInitialSeek(); }, getPlaybackType: function() { return this.isHLS && _.contains([0, undefined, Infinity], this.el.duration) ? 'live' : 'vod'; }, isHighDefinitionInUse: function() { return false; }, play: function() {; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY); if (this.isHLS) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, 1, 1,; } }, pause: function() { this.el.pause(); }, stop: function() { this.pause(); if (this.el.readyState !== 0) { this.el.currentTime = 0; } }, volume: function(value) { this.el.volume = value / 100; }, mute: function() { this.el.volume = 0; }, unmute: function() { this.el.volume = 1; }, isMuted: function() { return !!this.el.volume; }, isPlaying: function() { return !this.el.paused && !this.el.ended; }, ended: function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_ENDED,; this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, 0, this.el.duration,; }, stalled: function() { if (this.getPlaybackType() === 'vod' && this.el.readyState < this.el.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERING,; } }, waiting: function() { if (this.el.readyState < this.el.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERING,; } }, bufferFull: function() { if (this.options.poster && this.firstBuffer) { this.firstBuffer = false; if (!this.isPlaying()) { this.el.poster = this.options.poster; } } else { this.el.poster = ''; } this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL,; }, destroy: function() { this.stop(); this.el.src = ''; this.$el.remove(); }, seek: function(seekBarValue) { var time = this.el.duration * (seekBarValue / 100); this.seekSeconds(time); }, seekSeconds: function(time) { this.el.currentTime = time; }, checkInitialSeek: function() { var seekTime = seekStringToSeconds(window.location.href); this.seekSeconds(seekTime); }, getCurrentTime: function() { return this.el.currentTime; }, getDuration: function() { return this.el.duration; }, timeUpdated: function() { if (this.getPlaybackType() !== 'live') { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE, this.el.currentTime, this.el.duration,; } }, progress: function() { if (!this.el.buffered.length) return; var bufferedPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.el.buffered.length; i++) { if (this.el.currentTime >= this.el.buffered.start(i) && this.el.currentTime <= this.el.buffered.end(i)) { bufferedPos = i; break; } } this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_PROGRESS, this.el.buffered.start(bufferedPos), this.el.buffered.end(bufferedPos), this.el.duration,; }, typeFor: function(src) { return (src.indexOf('.m3u8') > 0) ? 'application/' : 'video/mp4'; }, render: function() { var $__0 = this; var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template({ src: this.src, type: this.typeFor(this.src) })); this.$el.append(style); this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_READY,; process.nextTick((function() { return $__0.options.autoPlay && $; })); return this; } }, {}, Playback); HTML5Video.canPlay = function(resource) { var mimetypes = { 'mp4':["avc1.42E01E", "avc1.58A01E", "avc1.4D401E", "avc1.64001E", "mp4v.20.8", "mp4v.20.240"], function(codec) { return 'video/mp4; codecs=' + codec + ', mp4a.40.2'; }), 'ogg': ['video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"', 'video/ogg; codecs="dirac"', 'video/ogg; codecs="theora, speex"'], '3gpp': ['video/3gpp; codecs="mp4v.20.8, samr"'], 'webm': ['video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'], 'mkv': ['video/x-matroska; codecs="theora, vorbis"'], 'm3u8': ['application/x-mpegURL'] }; mimetypes['ogv'] = mimetypes['ogg']; mimetypes['3gp'] = mimetypes['3gpp']; var extension = resource.split('?')[0].match(/.*\.(.*)$/)[1]; if (_.has(mimetypes, extension)) { var v = document.createElement('video'); return !!_.find(mimetypes[extension], function(ext) { return !!v.canPlayType(ext).replace(/no/, ''); }); } return false; }; module.exports = HTML5Video; }).call(this,require('_process')) },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"../../base/utils":9,"_process":2,"browser":"browser","events":"events","mousetrap":4,"playback":"playback","underscore":"underscore"}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Playback = require('playback'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Events = require('events'); var HTMLImg = function HTMLImg(params) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HTMLImg.prototype, "constructor", [params]); this.el.src = params.src; setTimeout(function() { this.trigger(Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL,; }.bind(this), 1); }; var $HTMLImg = HTMLImg; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HTMLImg, { get name() { return 'html_img'; }, get tagName() { return 'img'; }, get attributes() { return {'data-html-img': ''}; }, getPlaybackType: function() { return null; }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.append(style); return this; } }, {}, Playback); HTMLImg.canPlay = function(resource) { return !!resource.match(/(.*).(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp)/); }; module.exports = HTMLImg; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"events":"events","playback":"playback"}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./no_op'); },{"./no_op":30}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Playback = require('playback'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var NoOp = function NoOp(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $NoOp.prototype, "constructor", [options]); }; var $NoOp = NoOp; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(NoOp, { get name() { return 'no_op'; }, get template() { return JST.no_op; }, get attributes() { return {'data-no-op': ''}; }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template()); this.$el.append(style); return this; } }, {}, Playback); NoOp.canPlay = (function(source) { return true; }); module.exports = NoOp; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"playback":"playback"}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){ "use strict"; var UICorePlugin = require('ui_core_plugin'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var Events = require('events'); var Browser = require('browser'); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var PlayerInfo = require('player_info'); var BackgroundButton = function BackgroundButton(core) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BackgroundButton.prototype, "constructor", [core]); this.core = core; this.settingsUpdate(); }; var $BackgroundButton = BackgroundButton; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BackgroundButton, { get template() { return JST.background_button; }, get name() { return 'background_button'; }, get attributes() { return { 'class': 'background-button', 'data-background-button': '' }; }, get events() { return {'click .background-button-icon': 'click'}; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING, this.hide); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL,; this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_RENDERED, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_SHOW, this.updateSize); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_PLAYING, this.playing); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_NOTPLAYING, this.notplaying); Mediator.on(Events.PLAYER_RESIZE, this.updateSize, this); }, stopListening: function() { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BackgroundButton.prototype, "stopListening", []);, this.updateSize, this); }, settingsUpdate: function() { this.stopListening(); if (this.shouldRender()) { this.render(); this.bindEvents(); if (this.core.mediaControl.container.isPlaying()) { this.playing(); } else { this.notplaying(); } } else { this.$el.remove(); this.$; this.$; this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl.container, Events.CONTAINER_SETTINGSUPDATE, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKDVRSTATECHANGED, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_CONTAINERCHANGED, this.settingsUpdate); } }, shouldRender: function() { var useBackgroundButton = (this.core.options.useBackgroundButton === undefined && Browser.isMobile) || !!this.core.options.useBackgroundButton; return useBackgroundButton && (this.core.mediaControl.$el.find('[data-playstop]').length > 0 || this.core.mediaControl.$el.find('[data-playpause]').length > 0); }, click: function() {; if (this.shouldStop) { this.core.mediaControl.togglePlayStop(); } else { this.core.mediaControl.togglePlayPause(); } }, show: function() { this.$el.removeClass('hide'); }, hide: function() { this.$el.addClass('hide'); }, enable: function() { this.stopListening(); $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BackgroundButton.prototype, "enable", []); this.settingsUpdate(); }, disable: function() { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BackgroundButton.prototype, "disable", []); this.$; this.$; }, playing: function() { this.$buttonIcon.removeClass('notplaying').addClass('playing'); }, notplaying: function() { this.$buttonIcon.removeClass('playing').addClass('notplaying'); }, getExternalInterface: function() {}, updateSize: function() { if (!this.$el) return; var height = PlayerInfo.currentSize ? PlayerInfo.currentSize.height : this.$el.height(); this.$el.css({fontSize: height}); this.$buttonWrapper.css({marginTop: -(this.$buttonWrapper.height() / 2)}); }, render: function() { var $__0 = this; var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template()); this.$el.append(style); this.$playPauseButton = this.core.mediaControl.$el.find('[data-playpause]'); this.$playStopButton = this.core.mediaControl.$el.find('[data-playstop]'); this.$buttonWrapper = this.$el.find('.background-button-wrapper[data-background-button]'); this.$buttonIcon = this.$el.find('.background-button-icon[data-background-button]'); this.shouldStop = this.$playStopButton.length > 0; this.$el.insertBefore(this.core.mediaControl.$el.find('.media-control-layer[data-controls]')); this.$ { return $$__0.$el); })); process.nextTick((function() { return $__0.updateSize(); })); if (this.core.options.useBackgroundButton) { this.$playPauseButton.hide(); this.$playStopButton.hide(); } if (this.shouldStop) { this.$buttonIcon.addClass('playstop'); } if (this.core.mediaControl.isVisible()) {; } return this; } }, {}, UICorePlugin); module.exports = BackgroundButton; }).call(this,require('_process')) },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"_process":2,"browser":"browser","events":"events","mediator":"mediator","player_info":"player_info","ui_core_plugin":"ui_core_plugin"}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./background_button'); },{"./background_button":31}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var ContainerPlugin = require('container_plugin'); var Events = require('events'); var ClickToPausePlugin = function ClickToPausePlugin() { $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ClickToPausePlugin.prototype, arguments); }; var $ClickToPausePlugin = ClickToPausePlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ClickToPausePlugin, { get name() { return 'click_to_pause'; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_CLICK,; this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_SETTINGSUPDATE, this.settingsUpdate); }, click: function() { if (this.container.getPlaybackType() !== 'live' || this.container.isDvrEnabled()) { if (this.container.isPlaying()) { this.container.pause(); } else {; } } }, settingsUpdate: function() { this.container.$el.removeClass('pointer-enabled'); if (this.container.getPlaybackType() !== 'live' || this.container.isDvrEnabled()) { this.container.$el.addClass('pointer-enabled'); } } }, {}, ContainerPlugin); module.exports = ClickToPausePlugin; },{"container_plugin":"container_plugin","events":"events"}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./click_to_pause'); },{"./click_to_pause":33}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UICorePlugin = require('ui_core_plugin'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var Events = require('events'); var DVRControls = function DVRControls(core) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $DVRControls.prototype, "constructor", [core]); this.core = core; this.settingsUpdate(); }; var $DVRControls = DVRControls; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DVRControls, { get template() { return JST.dvr_controls; }, get name() { return 'dvr_controls'; }, get events() { return {'click .live-button': 'click'}; }, get attributes() { return { 'class': 'dvr-controls', 'data-dvr-controls': '' }; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl, Events.MEDIACONTROL_RENDERED, this.settingsUpdate); this.listenTo(this.core.mediaControl.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKDVRSTATECHANGED, this.dvrChanged); }, dvrChanged: function(dvrEnabled) { this.settingsUpdate(); this.core.mediaControl.$el.addClass('live'); if (dvrEnabled) { this.core.mediaControl.$el.addClass('dvr'); this.core.mediaControl.$el.find('.media-control-indicator[data-position], .media-control-indicator[data-duration]').hide(); } else { this.core.mediaControl.$el.removeClass('dvr'); } }, click: function() { if (!this.core.mediaControl.container.isPlaying()) {; } if (this.core.mediaControl.$el.hasClass('dvr')) { this.core.mediaControl.container.setCurrentTime(-1); } }, settingsUpdate: function() { var $__0 = this; this.stopListening(); if (this.shouldRender()) { this.render(); this.$ { return $; })); } this.bindEvents(); }, shouldRender: function() { var useDvrControls = this.core.options.useDvrControls === undefined || !!this.core.options.useDvrControls; return useDvrControls && this.core.mediaControl.container.getPlaybackType() === 'live'; }, render: function() { var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template()); this.$el.append(style); if (this.shouldRender()) { this.core.mediaControl.$el.addClass('live'); this.core.mediaControl.$('.media-control-left-panel[data-media-control]').append(this.$el); if (this.$duration) { this.$duration.remove(); } this.$duration = $('<span data-duration></span>'); this.core.mediaControl.seekTime.$el.append(this.$duration); } return this; } }, {}, UICorePlugin); module.exports = DVRControls; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"events":"events","ui_core_plugin":"ui_core_plugin"}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./dvr_controls'); },{"./dvr_controls":35}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var ContainerPlugin = require('container_plugin'); var Events = require('events'); var GoogleAnalytics = function GoogleAnalytics(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $GoogleAnalytics.prototype, "constructor", [options]); if (options.gaAccount) { this.embedScript(); this.account = options.gaAccount; this.trackerName = options.gaTrackerName + "." || 'Clappr.'; this.currentHDState = undefined; } }; var $GoogleAnalytics = GoogleAnalytics; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(GoogleAnalytics, { get name() { return 'google_analytics'; }, embedScript: function() { var $__0 = this; if (!window._gat) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("async", "async"); script.setAttribute("src", ""); script.onload = (function() { return $__0.addEventListeners(); }); document.body.appendChild(script); } else { this.addEventListeners(); } }, addEventListeners: function() { var $__0 = this; this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAY, this.onPlay); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STOP, this.onStop); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PAUSE, this.onPause); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_ENDED, this.onEnded); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING, this.onBuffering); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL, this.onBufferFull); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_ENDED, this.onEnded); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_ERROR, this.onError); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKSTATE, this.onPlaybackChanged); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_VOLUME, (function(event) { return $__0.onVolumeChanged(event); })); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_SEEK, (function(event) { return $__0.onSeek(event); })); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_FULL_SCREEN, this.onFullscreen); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE, this.onHD); this.listenTo(this.container.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_DVR, this.onDVR); _gaq.push([this.trackerName + '_setAccount', this.account]); }, onPlay: function() { this.push(["Video", "Play", this.container.playback.src]); }, onStop: function() { this.push(["Video", "Stop", this.container.playback.src]); }, onEnded: function() { this.push(["Video", "Ended", this.container.playback.src]); }, onBuffering: function() { this.push(["Video", "Buffering", this.container.playback.src]); }, onBufferFull: function() { this.push(["Video", "Bufferfull", this.container.playback.src]); }, onError: function() { this.push(["Video", "Error", this.container.playback.src]); }, onHD: function() { var status = this.container.isHighDefinitionInUse() ? "ON" : "OFF"; if (status !== this.currentHDState) { this.currentHDState = status; this.push(["Video", "HD - " + status, this.container.playback.src]); } }, onPlaybackChanged: function() { var type = this.container.getPlaybackType(); if (type !== null) { this.push(["Video", "Playback Type - " + type, this.container.playback.src]); } }, onDVR: function() { var status = this.container.isHighDefinitionInUse(); this.push(["Interaction", "DVR - " + status, this.container.playback.src]); }, onPause: function() { this.push(["Video", "Pause", this.container.playback.src]); }, onSeek: function() { this.push(["Video", "Seek", this.container.playback.src]); }, onVolumeChanged: function() { this.push(["Interaction", "Volume", this.container.playback.src]); }, onFullscreen: function() { this.push(["Interaction", "Fullscreen", this.container.playback.src]); }, push: function(array) { var res = [this.trackerName + "_trackEvent"].concat(array); _gaq.push(res); } }, {}, ContainerPlugin); module.exports = GoogleAnalytics; },{"container_plugin":"container_plugin","events":"events"}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./google_analytics'); },{"./google_analytics":37}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./log'); },{"./log":40}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); require('mousetrap'); var Log = function Log() { var $__0 = this; Mousetrap.bind(['ctrl+shift+d'], (function() { return $__0.onOff(); })); this.BLACKLIST = ['playback:timeupdate', 'playback:progress', 'container:hover', 'container:timeupdate', 'container:progress']; }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Log, { info: function(klass, message) { this.log(klass, 'info', message); }, warn: function(klass, message) { this.log(klass, 'warn', message); }, debug: function(klass, message) { this.log(klass, 'debug', message); }, onOff: function() { window.DEBUG = !window.DEBUG; if (window.DEBUG) { console.log('log enabled'); } else { console.log('log disabled'); } }, log: function(klass, level, message) { if (!window.DEBUG || _.contains(this.BLACKLIST, message)) return; var color; if (level === 'warn') { color = '#FF8000'; } else if (level === 'info') { color = '#006600'; } else if (level === 'error') { color = '#FF0000'; } console.log("%c [" + klass + "] [" + level + "] " + message, 'color: ' + color); } }, {}); Log.getInstance = function() { if (this._instance === undefined) { this._instance = new this(); } return this._instance; }; module.exports = Log; },{"mousetrap":4,"underscore":"underscore"}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process){ "use strict"; var UIContainerPlugin = require('ui_container_plugin'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Events = require('events'); var Mediator = require('mediator'); var PlayerInfo = require('player_info'); var $ = require('zepto'); var _ = require('underscore'); var PosterPlugin = function PosterPlugin(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PosterPlugin.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.options = options; _.defaults(this.options, {disableControlsOnPoster: true}); if (this.options.disableControlsOnPoster) { this.container.disableMediaControl(); } this.render(); }; var $PosterPlugin = PosterPlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PosterPlugin, { get name() { return 'poster'; }, get template() { return JST.poster; }, get attributes() { return { 'class': 'player-poster', 'data-poster': '' }; }, get events() { return {'click': 'clicked'}; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING, this.onBuffering); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL, this.onBufferfull); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STOP, this.onStop); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_ENDED, this.onStop); Mediator.on(Events.PLAYER_RESIZE, this.updateSize, this); }, stopListening: function() { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PosterPlugin.prototype, "stopListening", []);, this.updateSize, this); }, onBuffering: function() { this.hidePlayButton(); }, onBufferfull: function() { this.$el.hide(); if (this.options.disableControlsOnPoster) { this.container.enableMediaControl(); } }, onStop: function() { this.$; if (this.options.disableControlsOnPoster) { this.container.disableMediaControl(); } if (!this.options.hidePlayButton) { this.showPlayButton(); } }, hidePlayButton: function() { this.$playButton.hide(); }, showPlayButton: function() { this.$; this.updateSize(); }, clicked: function() {; return false; }, updateSize: function() { if (!this.$el) return; var height = PlayerInfo.currentSize ? PlayerInfo.currentSize.height : this.$el.height(); this.$el.css({fontSize: height}); if (this.$':visible')) { this.$playWrapper.css({marginTop: -(this.$playWrapper.height() / 2)}); if (!this.options.hidePlayButton) { this.$; } } else { this.$playButton.hide(); } }, render: function() { var $__0 = this; var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.$el.html(this.template()); this.$el.append(style); this.$playButton = this.$el.find('.poster-icon'); this.$playWrapper = this.$el.find('.play-wrapper'); if (this.options.poster !== undefined) { var imgEl = $('<img data-poster class="poster-background"></img>'); imgEl.attr('src', this.options.poster); this.$el.prepend(imgEl); } this.container.$el.append(this.el); if (!!this.options.hidePlayButton) { this.hidePlayButton(); } process.nextTick((function() { return $__0.updateSize(); })); return this; } }, {}, UIContainerPlugin); module.exports = PosterPlugin; }).call(this,require('_process')) },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"_process":2,"events":"events","mediator":"mediator","player_info":"player_info","ui_container_plugin":"ui_container_plugin","underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./spinner_three_bounce'); },{"./spinner_three_bounce":43}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIContainerPlugin = require('ui_container_plugin'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Events = require('events'); var SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin = function SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.template = JST.spinner_three_bounce; this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING, this.onBuffering); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL, this.onBufferFull); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STOP, this.onStop); this.render(); }; var $SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin = SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin, { get name() { return 'spinner'; }, get attributes() { return { 'data-spinner': '', 'class': 'spinner-three-bounce' }; }, onBuffering: function() { this.$; }, onBufferFull: function() { this.$el.hide(); }, onStop: function() { this.$el.hide(); }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template()); var style = Styler.getStyleFor('spinner_three_bounce'); this.container.$el.append(style); this.container.$el.append(this.$el); this.$el.hide(); return this; } }, {}, UIContainerPlugin); module.exports = SpinnerThreeBouncePlugin; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"events":"events","ui_container_plugin":"ui_container_plugin"}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./stats'); },{"./stats":45}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var ContainerPlugin = require('container_plugin'); var $ = require("zepto"); var Events = require('events'); var StatsPlugin = function StatsPlugin(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $StatsPlugin.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.setInitialAttrs(); this.reportInterval = options.reportInterval || 5000; this.state = "IDLE"; }; var $StatsPlugin = StatsPlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StatsPlugin, { get name() { return 'stats'; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.container.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY, this.onPlay); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STOP, this.onStop); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_DESTROYED, this.onStop); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING, this.onBuffering); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL, this.onBufferFull); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STATS_ADD, this.onStatsAdd); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_BITRATE, this.onStatsAdd); this.listenTo(this.container.playback, Events.PLAYBACK_STATS_ADD, this.onStatsAdd); }, setInitialAttrs: function() { this.firstPlay = true; this.startupTime = 0; this.rebufferingTime = 0; this.watchingTime = 0; this.rebuffers = 0; this.externalMetrics = {}; }, onPlay: function() { this.state = "PLAYING"; this.watchingTimeInit =; if (!this.intervalId) { this.intervalId = setInterval(, this.reportInterval); } }, onStop: function() { clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = undefined; this.state = "STOPPED"; }, onBuffering: function() { if (this.firstPlay) { this.startupTimeInit =; } else { this.rebufferingTimeInit =; } this.state = "BUFFERING"; this.rebuffers++; }, onBufferFull: function() { if (this.firstPlay && !!this.startupTimeInit) { this.firstPlay = false; this.startupTime = - this.startupTimeInit; this.watchingTimeInit =; } else if (!!this.rebufferingTimeInit) { this.rebufferingTime += this.getRebufferingTime(); } this.rebufferingTimeInit = undefined; this.state = "PLAYING"; }, getRebufferingTime: function() { return - this.rebufferingTimeInit; }, getWatchingTime: function() { var totalTime = ( - this.watchingTimeInit); return totalTime - this.rebufferingTime; }, isRebuffering: function() { return !!this.rebufferingTimeInit; }, onStatsAdd: function(metric) { $.extend(this.externalMetrics, metric); }, getStats: function() { var metrics = { startupTime: this.startupTime, rebuffers: this.rebuffers, rebufferingTime: this.isRebuffering() ? this.rebufferingTime + this.getRebufferingTime() : this.rebufferingTime, watchingTime: this.isRebuffering() ? this.getWatchingTime() - this.getRebufferingTime() : this.getWatchingTime() }; $.extend(metrics, this.externalMetrics); return metrics; }, report: function() { this.container.statsReport(this.getStats()); } }, {}, ContainerPlugin); module.exports = StatsPlugin; },{"container_plugin":"container_plugin","events":"events","zepto":"zepto"}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./watermark'); },{"./watermark":47}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIContainerPlugin = require('ui_container_plugin'); var Styler = require('../../base/styler'); var JST = require('../../base/jst'); var Events = require('events'); var WaterMarkPlugin = function WaterMarkPlugin(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $WaterMarkPlugin.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.template = JST[]; this.position = options.position || "bottom-right"; if (options.watermark) { this.imageUrl = options.watermark; this.render(); } else { this.$el.remove(); } }; var $WaterMarkPlugin = WaterMarkPlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(WaterMarkPlugin, { get name() { return 'watermark'; }, bindEvents: function() { this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_PLAY, this.onPlay); this.listenTo(this.container, Events.CONTAINER_STOP, this.onStop); }, onPlay: function() { if (!this.hidden) this.$; }, onStop: function() { this.$el.hide(); }, render: function() { this.$el.hide(); var templateOptions = { position: this.position, imageUrl: this.imageUrl }; this.$el.html(this.template(templateOptions)); var style = Styler.getStyleFor(; this.container.$el.append(style); this.container.$el.append(this.$el); return this; } }, {}, UIContainerPlugin); module.exports = WaterMarkPlugin; },{"../../base/jst":7,"../../base/styler":8,"events":"events","ui_container_plugin":"ui_container_plugin"}],"base_object":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var extend = require('./utils').extend; var Events = require('events'); var pluginOptions = ['container']; var BaseObject = function BaseObject(options) { this.uniqueId = _.uniqueId('o'); options || (options = {}); _.extend(this, _.pick(options, pluginOptions)); }; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BaseObject, {}, {}, Events); BaseObject.extend = extend; module.exports = BaseObject; },{"./utils":9,"events":"events","underscore":"underscore"}],"browser":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Browser = function Browser() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Browser, {}, {}); var hasLocalstorage = function() { try { localStorage.setItem('clappr', 'clappr'); localStorage.removeItem('clappr'); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; Browser.isSafari = (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1); Browser.isChrome = !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i)); Browser.isFirefox = !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)); Browser.isLegacyIE = !!(window.ActiveXObject); Browser.isIE = Browser.isLegacyIE || !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/trident.*rv:1\d/i)); Browser.isIE11 = !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/trident.*rv:11/i)); Browser.isMobile = !!(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); Browser.isWin8App = !!(/MSAppHost/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); Browser.isWiiU = !!(/WiiU/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); Browser.isPS4 = !!(/PlayStation 4/i.test(navigator.userAgent)); Browser.hasLocalstorage = hasLocalstorage(); module.exports = Browser; },{}],"container_plugin":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var ContainerPlugin = function ContainerPlugin(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ContainerPlugin.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.bindEvents(); }; var $ContainerPlugin = ContainerPlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ContainerPlugin, { enable: function() { this.bindEvents(); }, disable: function() { this.stopListening(); }, bindEvents: function() {}, destroy: function() { this.stopListening(); } }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = ContainerPlugin; },{"base_object":"base_object"}],"container":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./container'); },{"./container":10}],"core_plugin":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var CorePlugin = function CorePlugin(core) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CorePlugin.prototype, "constructor", [core]); this.core = core; }; var $CorePlugin = CorePlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CorePlugin, { getExternalInterface: function() { return {}; }, destroy: function() {} }, {}, BaseObject); module.exports = CorePlugin; },{"base_object":"base_object"}],"core":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./core'); },{"./core":13}],"events":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var Log = require('../plugins/log').getInstance(); var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var Events = function Events() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Events, { on: function(name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, 'on', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; this._events || (this._events = {}); var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []); events.push({ callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this }); return this; }, once: function(name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, 'once', name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; var self = this; var once = _.once(function() {, once); callback.apply(this, arguments); }); once._callback = callback; return this.on(name, once, context); }, off: function(name, callback, context) { var retain, ev, events, names, i, l, j, k; if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, 'off', name, [callback, context])) return this; if (!name && !callback && !context) { this._events = void 0; return this; } names = name ? [name] : _.keys(this._events); for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { name = names[i]; events = this._events[name]; if (events) { this._events[name] = retain = []; if (callback || context) { for (j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) { ev = events[j]; if ((callback && callback !== ev.callback && callback !== ev.callback._callback) || (context && context !== ev.context)) { retain.push(ev); } } } if (!retain.length) delete this._events[name]; } } return this; }, trigger: function(name) { var klass = arguments[arguments.length - 1];, name); if (!this._events) return this; var args =, 1); if (!eventsApi(this, 'trigger', name, args)) return this; var events = this._events[name]; var allEvents = this._events.all; if (events) triggerEvents(events, args); if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments); return this; }, stopListening: function(obj, name, callback) { var listeningTo = this._listeningTo; if (!listeningTo) return this; var remove = !name && !callback; if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this; if (obj) (listeningTo = {})[obj._listenId] = obj; for (var id in listeningTo) { obj = listeningTo[id];, callback, this); if (remove || _.isEmpty(obj._events)) delete this._listeningTo[id]; } return this; } }, {}); var eventSplitter = /\s+/; var eventsApi = function(obj, action, name, rest) { if (!name) return true; if (typeof name === 'object') { for (var key in name) { obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest)); } return false; } if (eventSplitter.test(name)) { var names = name.split(eventSplitter); for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) { obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest)); } return false; } return true; }; var triggerEvents = function(events, args) { var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2]; switch (args.length) { case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]); return; case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1); return; case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2); return; case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]), a1, a2, a3); return; default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); return; } }; var listenMethods = { listenTo: 'on', listenToOnce: 'once' }; _.each(listenMethods, function(implementation, method) { Events.prototype[method] = function(obj, name, callback) { var listeningTo = this._listeningTo || (this._listeningTo = {}); var id = obj._listenId || (obj._listenId = _.uniqueId('l')); listeningTo[id] = obj; if (!callback && typeof name === 'object') callback = this; obj[implementation](name, callback, this); return this; }; }); Events.PLAYER_RESIZE = 'player:resize'; Events.PLAYBACK_PROGRESS = 'playback:progress'; Events.PLAYBACK_TIMEUPDATE = 'playback:timeupdate'; Events.PLAYBACK_READY = 'playback:ready'; Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERING = 'playback:buffering'; Events.PLAYBACK_BUFFERFULL = 'playback:bufferfull'; Events.PLAYBACK_SETTINGSUPDATE = 'playback:settingsupdate'; Events.PLAYBACK_LOADEDMETADATA = 'playback:loadedmetadata'; Events.PLAYBACK_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE = 'playback:highdefinitionupdate'; Events.PLAYBACK_BITRATE = 'playback:bitrate'; Events.PLAYBACK_PLAYBACKSTATE = 'playback:playbackstate'; Events.PLAYBACK_DVR = 'playback:dvr'; Events.PLAYBACK_MEDIACONTROL_DISABLE = 'playback:mediacontrol:disable'; Events.PLAYBACK_MEDIACONTROL_ENABLE = 'playback:mediacontrol:enable'; Events.PLAYBACK_ENDED = 'playback:ended'; Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY = 'playback:play'; Events.PLAYBACK_ERROR = 'playback:error'; Events.PLAYBACK_STATS_ADD = 'playback:stats:add'; Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKSTATE = 'container:playbackstate'; Events.CONTAINER_PLAYBACKDVRSTATECHANGED = 'container:dvr'; Events.CONTAINER_BITRATE = 'container:bitrate'; Events.CONTAINER_STATS_REPORT = 'container:stats:report'; Events.CONTAINER_DESTROYED = 'container:destroyed'; Events.CONTAINER_READY = 'container:ready'; Events.CONTAINER_ERROR = 'container:error'; Events.CONTAINER_LOADEDMETADATA = 'container:loadedmetadata'; Events.CONTAINER_TIMEUPDATE = 'container:timeupdate'; Events.CONTAINER_PROGRESS = 'container:progress'; Events.CONTAINER_PLAY = 'container:play'; Events.CONTAINER_STOP = 'container:stop'; Events.CONTAINER_PAUSE = 'container:pause'; Events.CONTAINER_ENDED = 'container:ended'; Events.CONTAINER_CLICK = 'container:click'; Events.CONTAINER_SEEK = 'container:seek'; Events.CONTAINER_VOLUME = 'container:volume'; Events.CONTAINER_FULLSCREEN = 'container:fullscreen'; Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERING = 'container:state:buffering'; Events.CONTAINER_STATE_BUFFERFULL = 'container:state:bufferfull'; Events.CONTAINER_SETTINGSUPDATE = 'container:settingsupdate'; Events.CONTAINER_HIGHDEFINITIONUPDATE = 'container:highdefinitionupdate'; Events.CONTAINER_MEDIACONTROL_DISABLE = 'container:mediacontrol:disable'; Events.CONTAINER_MEDIACONTROL_ENABLE = 'container:mediacontrol:enable'; Events.CONTAINER_STATS_ADD = 'container:stats:add'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_RENDERED = 'mediacontrol:rendered'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_FULLSCREEN = 'mediacontrol:fullscreen'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_SHOW = 'mediacontrol:show'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_HIDE = 'mediacontrol:hide'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_MOUSEMOVE_SEEKBAR = 'mediacontrol:mousemove:seekbar'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_MOUSELEAVE_SEEKBAR = 'mediacontrol:mouseleave:seekbar'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_PLAYING = 'mediacontrol:playing'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_NOTPLAYING = 'mediacontrol:notplaying'; Events.MEDIACONTROL_CONTAINERCHANGED = 'mediacontrol:containerchanged'; module.exports = Events; },{"../plugins/log":39,"underscore":"underscore"}],"flash":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./flash'); },{"./flash":24}],"hls":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./hls'); },{"./hls":25}],"html5_audio":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./html5_audio'); },{"./html5_audio":26}],"html5_video":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./html5_video'); },{"./html5_video":27}],"html_img":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./html_img'); },{"./html_img":28}],"media_control":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./media_control'); },{"./media_control":20}],"mediator":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Events = require('events'); var events = new Events(); var Mediator = function Mediator() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Mediator, {}, {}); Mediator.on = function(name, callback, context) { events.on(name, callback, context); return; }; Mediator.once = function(name, callback, context) { events.once(name, callback, context); return; }; = function(name, callback, context) {, callback, context); return; }; Mediator.trigger = function(name, opts) { events.trigger(name, opts); return; }; Mediator.stopListening = function(obj, name, callback) { events.stopListening(obj, name, callback); return; }; module.exports = Mediator; },{"events":"events"}],"playback":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var Playback = function Playback(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Playback.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.settings = {}; }; var $Playback = Playback; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Playback, { play: function() {}, pause: function() {}, stop: function() {}, seek: function(time) {}, getDuration: function() { return 0; }, isPlaying: function() { return false; }, getPlaybackType: function() { return 'no_op'; }, isHighDefinitionInUse: function() { return false; }, volume: function(value) {}, destroy: function() { this.$el.remove(); } }, {}, UIObject); Playback.canPlay = (function(source) { return false; }); module.exports = Playback; },{"ui_object":"ui_object"}],"player_info":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var PlayerInfo = { options: {}, playbackPlugins: [], currentSize: { width: 0, height: 0 } }; module.exports = PlayerInfo; },{}],"poster":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; module.exports = require('./poster'); },{"./poster":41}],"ui_container_plugin":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var UIContainerPlugin = function UIContainerPlugin(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $UIContainerPlugin.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.enabled = true; this.bindEvents(); }; var $UIContainerPlugin = UIContainerPlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UIContainerPlugin, { enable: function() { this.bindEvents(); this.$; this.enabled = true; }, disable: function() { this.stopListening(); this.$el.hide(); this.enabled = false; }, bindEvents: function() {}, destroy: function() { this.remove(); } }, {}, UIObject); module.exports = UIContainerPlugin; },{"ui_object":"ui_object"}],"ui_core_plugin":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var UIObject = require('ui_object'); var UICorePlugin = function UICorePlugin(core) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $UICorePlugin.prototype, "constructor", [core]); this.core = core; this.enabled = true; this.bindEvents(); this.render(); }; var $UICorePlugin = UICorePlugin; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UICorePlugin, { bindEvents: function() {}, getExternalInterface: function() { return {}; }, enable: function() { this.bindEvents(); this.$; this.enabled = true; }, disable: function() { this.stopListening(); this.$el.hide(); this.enabled = false; }, destroy: function() { this.remove(); }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template()); this.$el.append(this.styler.getStyleFor(; this.core.$el.append(this.el); return this; } }, {}, UIObject); module.exports = UICorePlugin; },{"ui_object":"ui_object"}],"ui_object":[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var $ = require('zepto'); var _ = require('underscore'); var extend = require('./utils').extend; var BaseObject = require('base_object'); var delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/; var UIObject = function UIObject(options) { $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $UIObject.prototype, "constructor", [options]); this.cid = _.uniqueId('c'); this._ensureElement(); this.delegateEvents(); }; var $UIObject = UIObject; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UIObject, { get tagName() { return 'div'; }, $: function(selector) { return this.$el.find(selector); }, render: function() { return this; }, remove: function() { this.$el.remove(); this.stopListening(); return this; }, setElement: function(element, delegate) { if (this.$el) this.undelegateEvents(); this.$el = element instanceof $ ? element : $(element); this.el = this.$el[0]; if (delegate !== false) this.delegateEvents(); return this; }, delegateEvents: function(events) { if (!(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))) return this; this.undelegateEvents(); for (var key in events) { var method = events[key]; if (!_.isFunction(method)) method = this[events[key]]; if (!method) continue; var match = key.match(delegateEventSplitter); var eventName = match[1], selector = match[2]; method = _.bind(method, this); eventName += '.delegateEvents' + this.cid; if (selector === '') { this.$el.on(eventName, method); } else { this.$el.on(eventName, selector, method); } } return this; }, undelegateEvents: function() { this.$'.delegateEvents' + this.cid); return this; }, _ensureElement: function() { if (!this.el) { var attrs = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'attributes')); if ( = _.result(this, 'id'); if (this.className) attrs['class'] = _.result(this, 'className'); var $el = $('<' + _.result(this, 'tagName') + '>').attr(attrs); this.setElement($el, false); } else { this.setElement(_.result(this, 'el'), false); } } }, {}, BaseObject); UIObject.extend = extend; module.exports = UIObject; },{"./utils":9,"base_object":"base_object","underscore":"underscore","zepto":"zepto"}],"underscore":[function(require,module,exports){ // Underscore.js 1.7.0 // // (c) 2009-2014 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors // Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. (function() { // Baseline setup // -------------- // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `exports` on the server. var root = this; // Save the previous value of the `_` variable. var previousUnderscore = root._; // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version: var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype; // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes. var push = ArrayProto.push, slice = ArrayProto.slice, concat = ArrayProto.concat, toString = ObjProto.toString, hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty; // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use // are declared here. var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray, nativeKeys = Object.keys, nativeBind = FuncProto.bind; // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below. var _ = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof _) return obj; if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj); this._wrapped = obj; }; // Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with // backwards-compatibility for the old `require()` API. If we're in // the browser, add `_` as a global object. if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = _; } exports._ = _; } else { root._ = _; } // Current version. _.VERSION = '1.7.0'; // Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version // of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore // functions. var createCallback = function(func, context, argCount) { if (context === void 0) return func; switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) { case 1: return function(value) { return, value); }; case 2: return function(value, other) { return, value, other); }; case 3: return function(value, index, collection) { return, value, index, collection); }; case 4: return function(accumulator, value, index, collection) { return, accumulator, value, index, collection); }; } return function() { return func.apply(context, arguments); }; }; // A mostly-internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied // to each element in a collection, returning the desired result — either // identity, an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor. _.iteratee = function(value, context, argCount) { if (value == null) return _.identity; if (_.isFunction(value)) return createCallback(value, context, argCount); if (_.isObject(value)) return _.matches(value); return; }; // Collection Functions // -------------------- // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`. // Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all // sparse array-likes as if they were dense. _.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iteratee, context) { if (obj == null) return obj; iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context); var i, length = obj.length; if (length === +length) { for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { iteratee(obj[i], i, obj); } } else { var keys = _.keys(obj); for (i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { iteratee(obj[keys[i]], keys[i], obj); } } return obj; }; // Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element. = _.collect = function(obj, iteratee, context) { if (obj == null) return []; iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context); var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length, results = Array(length), currentKey; for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); } return results; }; var reduceError = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value'; // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`, // or `foldl`. _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) { if (obj == null) obj = []; iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 4); var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length, index = 0, currentKey; if (arguments.length < 3) { if (!length) throw new TypeError(reduceError); memo = obj[keys ? keys[index++] : index++]; } for (; index < length; index++) { currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); } return memo; }; // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`. _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function(obj, iteratee, memo, context) { if (obj == null) obj = []; iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 4); var keys = obj.length !== + obj.length && _.keys(obj), index = (keys || obj).length, currentKey; if (arguments.length < 3) { if (!index) throw new TypeError(reduceError); memo = obj[keys ? keys[--index] : --index]; } while (index--) { currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); } return memo; }; // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`. _.find = _.detect = function(obj, predicate, context) { var result; predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context); _.some(obj, function(value, index, list) { if (predicate(value, index, list)) { result = value; return true; } }); return result; }; // Return all the elements that pass a truth test. // Aliased as `select`. _.filter = = function(obj, predicate, context) { var results = []; if (obj == null) return results; predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context); _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) { if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value); }); return results; }; // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails. _.reject = function(obj, predicate, context) { return _.filter(obj, _.negate(_.iteratee(predicate)), context); }; // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test. // Aliased as `all`. _.every = _.all = function(obj, predicate, context) { if (obj == null) return true; predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context); var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length, index, currentKey; for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false; } return true; }; // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test. // Aliased as `any`. _.some = _.any = function(obj, predicate, context) { if (obj == null) return false; predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context); var keys = obj.length !== +obj.length && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length, index, currentKey; for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true; } return false; }; // Determine if the array or object contains a given value (using `===`). // Aliased as `include`. _.contains = _.include = function(obj, target) { if (obj == null) return false; if (obj.length !== +obj.length) obj = _.values(obj); return _.indexOf(obj, target) >= 0; }; // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection. _.invoke = function(obj, method) { var args =, 2); var isFunc = _.isFunction(method); return, function(value) { return (isFunc ? method : value[method]).apply(value, args); }); }; // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property. _.pluck = function(obj, key) { return,; }; // Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects // containing specific `key:value` pairs. _.where = function(obj, attrs) { return _.filter(obj, _.matches(attrs)); }; // Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object // containing specific `key:value` pairs. _.findWhere = function(obj, attrs) { return _.find(obj, _.matches(attrs)); }; // Return the maximum element (or element-based computation). _.max = function(obj, iteratee, context) { var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity, value, computed; if (iteratee == null && obj != null) { obj = obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj); for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { value = obj[i]; if (value > result) { result = value; } } } else { iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context); _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) { computed = iteratee(value, index, list); if (computed > lastComputed || computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity) { result = value; lastComputed = computed; } }); } return result; }; // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation). _.min = function(obj, iteratee, context) { var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity, value, computed; if (iteratee == null && obj != null) { obj = obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj); for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { value = obj[i]; if (value < result) { result = value; } } } else { iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context); _.each(obj, function(value, index, list) { computed = iteratee(value, index, list); if (computed < lastComputed || computed === Infinity && result === Infinity) { result = value; lastComputed = computed; } }); } return result; }; // Shuffle a collection, using the modern version of the // [Fisher-Yates shuffle](–Yates_shuffle). _.shuffle = function(obj) { var set = obj && obj.length === +obj.length ? obj : _.values(obj); var length = set.length; var shuffled = Array(length); for (var index = 0, rand; index < length; index++) { rand = _.random(0, index); if (rand !== index) shuffled[index] = shuffled[rand]; shuffled[rand] = set[index]; } return shuffled; }; // Sample **n** random values from a collection. // If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element. // The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `map`. _.sample = function(obj, n, guard) { if (n == null || guard) { if (obj.length !== +obj.length) obj = _.values(obj); return obj[_.random(obj.length - 1)]; } return _.shuffle(obj).slice(0, Math.max(0, n)); }; // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee. _.sortBy = function(obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context); return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) { return { value: value, index: index, criteria: iteratee(value, index, list) }; }).sort(function(left, right) { var a = left.criteria; var b = right.criteria; if (a !== b) { if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1; if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1; } return left.index - right.index; }), 'value'); }; // An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations. var group = function(behavior) { return function(obj, iteratee, context) { var result = {}; iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context); _.each(obj, function(value, index) { var key = iteratee(value, index, obj); behavior(result, value, key); }); return result; }; }; // Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute // to group by, or a function that returns the criterion. _.groupBy = group(function(result, value, key) { if (_.has(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value]; }); // Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `groupBy`, but for // when you know that your index values will be unique. _.indexBy = group(function(result, value, key) { result[key] = value; }); // Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass // either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the // criterion. _.countBy = group(function(result, value, key) { if (_.has(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1; }); // Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which // an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search. _.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context, 1); var value = iteratee(obj); var low = 0, high = array.length; while (low < high) { var mid = low + high >>> 1; if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; }; // Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable. _.toArray = function(obj) { if (!obj) return []; if (_.isArray(obj)) return; if (obj.length === +obj.length) return, _.identity); return _.values(obj); }; // Return the number of elements in an object. _.size = function(obj) { if (obj == null) return 0; return obj.length === +obj.length ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length; }; // Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all satisfy the given // predicate, and one whose elements all do not satisfy the predicate. _.partition = function(obj, predicate, context) { predicate = _.iteratee(predicate, context); var pass = [], fail = []; _.each(obj, function(value, key, obj) { (predicate(value, key, obj) ? pass : fail).push(value); }); return [pass, fail]; }; // Array Functions // --------------- // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N // values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check // allows it to work with ``. _.first = _.head = _.take = function(array, n, guard) { if (array == null) return void 0; if (n == null || guard) return array[0]; if (n < 0) return []; return, 0, n); }; // Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on // the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in // the array, excluding the last N. The **guard** check allows it to work with // ``. _.initial = function(array, n, guard) { return, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n))); }; // Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N // values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with ``. _.last = function(array, n, guard) { if (array == null) return void 0; if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1]; return, Math.max(array.length - n, 0)); }; // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`. // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return // the rest N values in the array. The **guard** // check allows it to work with ``. = _.tail = _.drop = function(array, n, guard) { return, n == null || guard ? 1 : n); }; // Trim out all falsy values from an array. _.compact = function(array) { return _.filter(array, _.identity); }; // Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function. var flatten = function(input, shallow, strict, output) { if (shallow && _.every(input, _.isArray)) { return concat.apply(output, input); } for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i++) { var value = input[i]; if (!_.isArray(value) && !_.isArguments(value)) { if (!strict) output.push(value); } else if (shallow) { push.apply(output, value); } else { flatten(value, shallow, strict, output); } } return output; }; // Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or just one level. _.flatten = function(array, shallow) { return flatten(array, shallow, false, []); }; // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s). _.without = function(array) { return _.difference(array,, 1)); }; // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm. // Aliased as `unique`. _.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iteratee, context) { if (array == null) return []; if (!_.isBoolean(isSorted)) { context = iteratee; iteratee = isSorted; isSorted = false; } if (iteratee != null) iteratee = _.iteratee(iteratee, context); var result = []; var seen = []; for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { var value = array[i]; if (isSorted) { if (!i || seen !== value) result.push(value); seen = value; } else if (iteratee) { var computed = iteratee(value, i, array); if (_.indexOf(seen, computed) < 0) { seen.push(computed); result.push(value); } } else if (_.indexOf(result, value) < 0) { result.push(value); } } return result; }; // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of // the passed-in arrays. _.union = function() { return _.uniq(flatten(arguments, true, true, [])); }; // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the // passed-in arrays. _.intersection = function(array) { if (array == null) return []; var result = []; var argsLength = arguments.length; for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { var item = array[i]; if (_.contains(result, item)) continue; for (var j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) { if (!_.contains(arguments[j], item)) break; } if (j === argsLength) result.push(item); } return result; }; // Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays. // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain. _.difference = function(array) { var rest = flatten(, 1), true, true, []); return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.contains(rest, value); }); }; // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share // an index go together. = function(array) { if (array == null) return []; var length = _.max(arguments, 'length').length; var results = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { results[i] = _.pluck(arguments, i); } return results; }; // Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]` // pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of // the corresponding values. _.object = function(list, values) { if (list == null) return {}; var result = {}; for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) { if (values) { result[list[i]] = values[i]; } else { result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1]; } } return result; }; // Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array, // or -1 if the item is not included in the array. // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true` // for **isSorted** to use binary search. _.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) { if (array == null) return -1; var i = 0, length = array.length; if (isSorted) { if (typeof isSorted == 'number') { i = isSorted < 0 ? Math.max(0, length + isSorted) : isSorted; } else { i = _.sortedIndex(array, item); return array[i] === item ? i : -1; } } for (; i < length; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i; return -1; }; _.lastIndexOf = function(array, item, from) { if (array == null) return -1; var idx = array.length; if (typeof from == 'number') { idx = from < 0 ? idx + from + 1 : Math.min(idx, from + 1); } while (--idx >= 0) if (array[idx] === item) return idx; return -1; }; // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of // the native Python `range()` function. See // [the Python documentation]( _.range = function(start, stop, step) { if (arguments.length <= 1) { stop = start || 0; start = 0; } step = step || 1; var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0); var range = Array(length); for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) { range[idx] = start; } return range; }; // Function (ahem) Functions // ------------------ // Reusable constructor function for prototype setting. var Ctor = function(){}; // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments, // optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if // available. _.bind = function(func, context) { var args, bound; if (nativeBind && func.bind === nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1)); if (!_.isFunction(func)) throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function'); args =, 2); bound = function() { if (!(this instanceof bound)) return func.apply(context, args.concat(; Ctor.prototype = func.prototype; var self = new Ctor; Ctor.prototype = null; var result = func.apply(self, args.concat(; if (_.isObject(result)) return result; return self; }; return bound; }; // Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its // arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. _ acts // as a placeholder, allowing any combination of arguments to be pre-filled. _.partial = function(func) { var boundArgs =, 1); return function() { var position = 0; var args = boundArgs.slice(); for (var i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++) { if (args[i] === _) args[i] = arguments[position++]; } while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]); return func.apply(this, args); }; }; // Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments // are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks // defined on an object belong to it. _.bindAll = function(obj) { var i, length = arguments.length, key; if (length <= 1) throw new Error('bindAll must be passed function names'); for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { key = arguments[i]; obj[key] = _.bind(obj[key], obj); } return obj; }; // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results. _.memoize = function(func, hasher) { var memoize = function(key) { var cache = memoize.cache; var address = hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key; if (!_.has(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments); return cache[address]; }; memoize.cache = {}; return memoize; }; // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls // it with the arguments supplied. _.delay = function(func, wait) { var args =, 2); return setTimeout(function(){ return func.apply(null, args); }, wait); }; // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has // cleared. _.defer = function(func) { return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1))); }; // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once // during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run // as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration; // but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass // `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto. _.throttle = function(func, wait, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :; timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function() { var now =; if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; }; // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the // leading edge, instead of the trailing. _.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result; var later = function() { var last = - timestamp; if (last < wait && last > 0) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } } }; return function() { context = this; args = arguments; timestamp =; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } return result; }; }; // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second, // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and // conditionally execute the original function. _.wrap = function(func, wrapper) { return _.partial(wrapper, func); }; // Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate. _.negate = function(predicate) { return function() { return !predicate.apply(this, arguments); }; }; // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each // consuming the return value of the function that follows. _.compose = function() { var args = arguments; var start = args.length - 1; return function() { var i = start; var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments); while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result); return result; }; }; // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times. _.after = function(times, func) { return function() { if (--times < 1) { return func.apply(this, arguments); } }; }; // Returns a function that will only be executed before being called N times. _.before = function(times, func) { var memo; return function() { if (--times > 0) { memo = func.apply(this, arguments); } else { func = null; } return memo; }; }; // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization. _.once = _.partial(_.before, 2); // Object Functions // ---------------- // Retrieve the names of an object's properties. // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys` _.keys = function(obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return []; if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj); var keys = []; for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) keys.push(key); return keys; }; // Retrieve the values of an object's properties. _.values = function(obj) { var keys = _.keys(obj); var length = keys.length; var values = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { values[i] = obj[keys[i]]; } return values; }; // Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs. _.pairs = function(obj) { var keys = _.keys(obj); var length = keys.length; var pairs = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { pairs[i] = [keys[i], obj[keys[i]]]; } return pairs; }; // Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable. _.invert = function(obj) { var result = {}; var keys = _.keys(obj); for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { result[obj[keys[i]]] = keys[i]; } return result; }; // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object. // Aliased as `methods` _.functions = _.methods = function(obj) { var names = []; for (var key in obj) { if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key); } return names.sort(); }; // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s). _.extend = function(obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj; var source, prop; for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { source = arguments[i]; for (prop in source) { if (, prop)) { obj[prop] = source[prop]; } } } return obj; }; // Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties. _.pick = function(obj, iteratee, context) { var result = {}, key; if (obj == null) return result; if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) { iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context); for (key in obj) { var value = obj[key]; if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value; } } else { var keys = concat.apply([],, 1)); obj = new Object(obj); for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (key in obj) result[key] = obj[key]; } } return result; }; // Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties. _.omit = function(obj, iteratee, context) { if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) { iteratee = _.negate(iteratee); } else { var keys =[],, 1)), String); iteratee = function(value, key) { return !_.contains(keys, key); }; } return _.pick(obj, iteratee, context); }; // Fill in a given object with default properties. _.defaults = function(obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj; for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var prop in source) { if (obj[prop] === void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop]; } } return obj; }; // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object. _.clone = function(obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj; return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj); }; // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj. // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain. _.tap = function(obj, interceptor) { interceptor(obj); return obj; }; // Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`. var eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) { // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical. // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal]( if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b; // A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`. if (a == null || b == null) return a === b; // Unwrap any wrapped objects. if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped; if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped; // Compare `[[Class]]` names. var className =; if (className !== return false; switch (className) { // Strings, numbers, regular expressions, dates, and booleans are compared by value. case '[object RegExp]': // RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i') case '[object String]': // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is // equivalent to `new String("5")`. return '' + a === '' + b; case '[object Number]': // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. // Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b; // An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values. return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b; case '[object Date]': case '[object Boolean]': // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations // of `NaN` are not equivalent. return +a === +b; } if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false; // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`. var length = aStack.length; while (length--) { // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of // unique nested structures. if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b; } // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s // from different frames are. var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor; if ( aCtor !== bCtor && // Handle Object.create(x) cases 'constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b && !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor && _.isFunction(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor) ) { return false; } // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects. aStack.push(a); bStack.push(b); var size, result; // Recursively compare objects and arrays. if (className === '[object Array]') { // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary. size = a.length; result = size === b.length; if (result) { // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties. while (size--) { if (!(result = eq(a[size], b[size], aStack, bStack))) break; } } } else { // Deep compare objects. var keys = _.keys(a), key; size = keys.length; // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality. result = _.keys(b).length === size; if (result) { while (size--) { // Deep compare each member key = keys[size]; if (!(result = _.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) break; } } } // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects. aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return result; }; // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal. _.isEqual = function(a, b) { return eq(a, b, [], []); }; // Is a given array, string, or object empty? // An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties. _.isEmpty = function(obj) { if (obj == null) return true; if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj) || _.isArguments(obj)) return obj.length === 0; for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) return false; return true; }; // Is a given value a DOM element? _.isElement = function(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1); }; // Is a given value an array? // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) { return === '[object Array]'; }; // Is a given variable an object? _.isObject = function(obj) { var type = typeof obj; return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj; }; // Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp. _.each(['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp'], function(name) { _['is' + name] = function(obj) { return === '[object ' + name + ']'; }; }); // Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE), where // there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type. if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) { _.isArguments = function(obj) { return _.has(obj, 'callee'); }; } // Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around an IE 11 bug. if (typeof /./ !== 'function') { _.isFunction = function(obj) { return typeof obj == 'function' || false; }; } // Is a given object a finite number? _.isFinite = function(obj) { return isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)); }; // Is the given value `NaN`? (NaN is the only number which does not equal itself). _.isNaN = function(obj) { return _.isNumber(obj) && obj !== +obj; }; // Is a given value a boolean? _.isBoolean = function(obj) { return obj === true || obj === false || === '[object Boolean]'; }; // Is a given value equal to null? _.isNull = function(obj) { return obj === null; }; // Is a given variable undefined? _.isUndefined = function(obj) { return obj === void 0; }; // Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly // on itself (in other words, not on a prototype). _.has = function(obj, key) { return obj != null &&, key); }; // Utility Functions // ----------------- // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object. _.noConflict = function() { root._ = previousUnderscore; return this; }; // Keep the identity function around for default iteratees. _.identity = function(value) { return value; }; _.constant = function(value) { return function() { return value; }; }; _.noop = function(){}; = function(key) { return function(obj) { return obj[key]; }; }; // Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs. _.matches = function(attrs) { var pairs = _.pairs(attrs), length = pairs.length; return function(obj) { if (obj == null) return !length; obj = new Object(obj); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var pair = pairs[i], key = pair[0]; if (pair[1] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false; } return true; }; }; // Run a function **n** times. _.times = function(n, iteratee, context) { var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n)); iteratee = createCallback(iteratee, context, 1); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i); return accum; }; // Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive). _.random = function(min, max) { if (max == null) { max = min; min = 0; } return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); }; // A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer. = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; // List of HTML entities for escaping. var escapeMap = { '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', "'": '&#x27;', '`': '&#x60;' }; var unescapeMap = _.invert(escapeMap); // Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation. var createEscaper = function(map) { var escaper = function(match) { return map[match]; }; // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped var source = '(?:' + _.keys(map).join('|') + ')'; var testRegexp = RegExp(source); var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, 'g'); return function(string) { string = string == null ? '' : '' + string; return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string; }; }; _.escape = createEscaper(escapeMap); _.unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap); // If the value of the named `property` is a function then invoke it with the // `object` as context; otherwise, return it. _.result = function(object, property) { if (object == null) return void 0; var value = object[property]; return _.isFunction(value) ? object[property]() : value; }; // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session). // Useful for temporary DOM ids. var idCounter = 0; _.uniqueId = function(prefix) { var id = ++idCounter + ''; return prefix ? prefix + id : id; }; // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the // following template settings to use alternative delimiters. _.templateSettings = { evaluate : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g }; // When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an // interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is // guaranteed not to match. var noMatch = /(.)^/; // Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a // string literal. var escapes = { "'": "'", '\\': '\\', '\r': 'r', '\n': 'n', '\u2028': 'u2028', '\u2029': 'u2029' }; var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g; var escapeChar = function(match) { return '\\' + escapes[match]; }; // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation. // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace, // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code. // NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility. _.template = function(text, settings, oldSettings) { if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings; settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings); // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation. var matcher = RegExp([ (settings.escape || noMatch).source, (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source, (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source ].join('|') + '|$', 'g'); // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately. var index = 0; var source = "__p+='"; text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) { source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escaper, escapeChar); index = offset + match.length; if (escape) { source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'"; } else if (interpolate) { source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'"; } else if (evaluate) { source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='"; } // Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offest. return match; }); source += "';\n"; // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope. if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n'; source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," + "print=function(){,'');};\n" + source + 'return __p;\n'; try { var render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source); } catch (e) { e.source = source; throw e; } var template = function(data) { return, data, _); }; // Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation. var argument = settings.variable || 'obj'; template.source = 'function(' + argument + '){\n' + source + '}'; return template; }; // Add a "chain" function. Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object. _.chain = function(obj) { var instance = _(obj); instance._chain = true; return instance; }; // OOP // --------------- // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained. // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results. var result = function(obj) { return this._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj; }; // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object. _.mixin = function(obj) { _.each(_.functions(obj), function(name) { var func = _[name] = obj[name]; _.prototype[name] = function() { var args = [this._wrapped]; push.apply(args, arguments); return, func.apply(_, args)); }; }); }; // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object. _.mixin(_); // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper. _.each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) { var method = ArrayProto[name]; _.prototype[name] = function() { var obj = this._wrapped; method.apply(obj, arguments); if ((name === 'shift' || name === 'splice') && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0]; return, obj); }; }); // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper. _.each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) { var method = ArrayProto[name]; _.prototype[name] = function() { return, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments)); }; }); // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object. _.prototype.value = function() { return this._wrapped; }; // AMD registration happens at the end for compatibility with AMD loaders // that may not enforce next-turn semantics on modules. Even though general // practice for AMD registration is to be anonymous, underscore registers // as a named module because, like jQuery, it is a base library that is // popular enough to be bundled in a third party lib, but not be part of // an AMD load request. Those cases could generate an error when an // anonymous define() is called outside of a loader request. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('underscore', [], function() { return _; }); } }.call(this)); },{}],"zepto":[function(require,module,exports){ /* Zepto v1.1.4-76-g2bd5d7a - zepto event ajax callbacks deferred touch selector - */ var Zepto=function(){function D(t){return null==t?String(t):j[]||"object"}function L(t){return"function"==D(t)}function k(t){return null!=t&&t==t.window}function Z(t){return null!=t&&t.nodeType==t.DOCUMENT_NODE}function $(t){return"object"==D(t)}function F(t){return $(t)&&!k(t)&&Object.getPrototypeOf(t)==Object.prototype}function R(t){return"number"==typeof t.length}function q(t){return,function(t){return null!=t})}function W(t){return t.length>0?n.fn.concat.apply([],t):t}function z(t){return t.replace(/::/g,"/").replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g,"$1_$2").replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g,"$1_$2").replace(/_/g,"-").toLowerCase()}function 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import { connectScreenSize } from 'react-screen-size'; import { Dropdown } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import FormField from './common/FormField'; import { Container as InnerContainer } from './common/RepoContainer'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { mapScreenSizeToProps } from '../../../Navbar'; import MessageBox from '../../common/MessageBox'; import RadioButton from './common/RadioButton'; import React from 'react'; import Ribbon from './common/RibbonHeader'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import surveyOptions from '../../../../assets/dropdowns/devSurvey'; import { TransitionContainer } from '../../../../styles/style-utils'; const Error = styled.div` margin-top: 10px !important; `; const OuterTransitionContainer = styled(TransitionContainer)` ${ props => props.bigBottomMargin && 'margin-bottom: 60px !important' }`; const ClearButton = ({ onClick }) => ( <div className="ui tiny green basic button" onClick={onClick} style={{ marginTop: -10 }}> {'Clear Form'} </div> ); class Career extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return !isEqual(this.props, nextProps); } render() { const { bigBottomMargin, clearForm, company, errors, handleInputChange, handleRadioChange, handleTenureChange, hasBeenEmployed, jobSearch, saveSection, screen: { isMobile }, showCareer, showPopUp, tenure, toggle, working, } = this.props; return ( <div> <Ribbon content="Career" id="careerPopUp" onClick={() => toggle('showCareer')} saveSection={saveSection} showPopUp={showPopUp} showSave={showCareer} /> <OuterTransitionContainer bigBottomMargin={bigBottomMargin} className="ui six wide form" isExpanded={showCareer}> <MessageBox dismissable={true} hide={working ? true : false} message="Please tell us about your career so other members can track your accomplishments!" type="info" /> { && <Error className="ui red basic label"> {} </Error> } <InnerContainer> <div className="inline fields"> <label>{'Are you employed as a software developer?'}</label> <RadioButton checked={working === 'yes' && true} label='Yes' name="isEmployed" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> <RadioButton checked={working === 'no' && true} label='No' name="isEmployed" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> </div> <TransitionContainer isExpanded={working === 'yes'}> <div className="inline field"> <label> {'For how long have you been a working software developer?'} </label> <Dropdown onChange={handleTenureChange} options={surveyOptions} placeholder="≤ 1 year" value={tenure} /> </div> <FormField errors={errors} inputOptions="small" label="Enter companies seperated by a comma (max: 3)" name="company" onChange={handleInputChange} placeholder="Facebook, Google" value={company} /> <ClearButton onClick={clearForm} /> </TransitionContainer> <TransitionContainer isExpanded={working === 'no'}> <div className='inline fields'> <label> {'Have you ever been employed as a software developer?'} </label> <RadioButton checked={hasBeenEmployed === 'yes'} label='Yes' name="hasBeenEmployed" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> <RadioButton checked={hasBeenEmployed === 'no'} label="No" name="hasBeenEmployed" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> </div> {hasBeenEmployed === 'yes' && <FormField errors={errors} inputOptions="small" label="Enter companies seperated by a comma (max: 3)" name="company" onChange={handleInputChange} placeholder="Facebook, Google" value={company} /> } <div className={`${isMobile ? 'grouped' : 'inline'} fields`}> <label> {`Are you currently looking for full-time employment as a software developer?`} </label> <RadioButton checked={jobSearch === 'Yes!' && true} label='Yes!' name="jobSearch" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> <RadioButton checked={jobSearch === "No, I'm not quite ready" && true} label="No, I'm not quite ready" name="jobSearch" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> <RadioButton checked={jobSearch === 'No, I am a hobbyist' && true} label='No, I am a hobbyist' name="jobSearch" onChange={handleRadioChange} /> </div> <div className="inline field"> <label> {'For how long have you been coding / learning to code?'} </label> <Dropdown onChange={handleTenureChange} options={surveyOptions} placeholder="≤ 1 year" value={tenure} /> </div> <ClearButton onClick={clearForm} /> </TransitionContainer> </InnerContainer> </OuterTransitionContainer> </div> ); } } export default connectScreenSize(mapScreenSizeToProps)(Career);
// ES6-shim 0.8.0 (c) 2013 Paul Miller ( // ES6-shim may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // For more details and documentation: // webshim.register('es6', function($, webshim, window, document, undefined){ 'use strict'; var isCallableWithoutNew = function(func) { try { func(); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }; var supportsSubclassing = function(C, f) { /* jshint proto:true */ try { var Sub = function() { C.apply(this, arguments); }; if (!Sub.__proto__) { return false; /* skip test on IE < 11 */ } Object.setPrototypeOf(Sub, C); Sub.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype, { constructor: { value: C } }); return f(Sub); } catch (e) { return false; } }; var arePropertyDescriptorsSupported = function() { try { Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {}); return true; } catch (e) { /* this is IE 8. */ return false; } }; var startsWithRejectsRegex = function() { var rejectsRegex = false; if (String.prototype.startsWith) { try { '/a/'.startsWith(/a/); } catch (e) { /* this is spec compliant */ rejectsRegex = true; } } return rejectsRegex; }; /*jshint evil: true */ var getGlobal = new Function('return this;'); /*jshint evil: false */ var main = function() { var globals = getGlobal(); var global_isFinite = globals.isFinite; var supportsDescriptors = !!Object.defineProperty && arePropertyDescriptorsSupported(); var startsWithIsCompliant = startsWithRejectsRegex(); var _slice = Array.prototype.slice; var _indexOf = String.prototype.indexOf; var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var ArrayIterator; // make our implementation private // Define configurable, writable and non-enumerable props // if they don’t exist. var defineProperties = function(object, map) { Object.keys(map).forEach(function(name) { var method = map[name]; if (name in object) return; if (supportsDescriptors) { Object.defineProperty(object, name, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: method }); } else { object[name] = method; } }); }; // Simple shim for Object.create on ES3 browsers // (unlike real shim, no attempt to support `prototype === null`) var create = Object.create || function(prototype, properties) { function Type() {} Type.prototype = prototype; var object = new Type(); if (typeof properties !== "undefined") { defineProperties(object, properties); } return object; }; // This is a private name in the es6 spec, equal to '[Symbol.iterator]' // we're going to use an arbitrary _-prefixed name to make our shims // work properly with each other, even though we don't have full Iterator // support. That is, `Array.from(map.keys())` will work, but we don't // pretend to export a "real" Iterator interface. var $iterator$ = (typeof Symbol === 'object' && Symbol.iterator) || '_es6shim_iterator_'; // Firefox ships a partial implementation using the name @@iterator. // // So use that name if we detect it. if (globals.Set && typeof new globals.Set()['@@iterator'] === 'function') { $iterator$ = '@@iterator'; } var addIterator = function(prototype, impl) { if (!impl) { impl = function iterator() { return this; }; } var o = {}; o[$iterator$] = impl; defineProperties(prototype, o); }; // taken directly from // can be replaced with require('is-arguments') if we ever use a build process instead var isArguments = function isArguments(value) { var str =; var result = str === '[object Arguments]'; if (!result) { result = str !== '[object Array]' && value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.length === 'number' && value.length >= 0 && === '[object Function]'; } return result; }; var emulateES6construct = function(o) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(o)) throw new TypeError('bad object'); // es5 approximation to es6 subclass semantics: in es6, 'new Foo' // would invoke Foo.@@create to allocation/initialize the new object. // In es5 we just get the plain object. So if we detect an // uninitialized object, invoke o.constructor.@@create if (!o._es6construct) { if (o.constructor && ES.IsCallable(o.constructor['@@create'])) { o = o.constructor['@@create'](o); } defineProperties(o, { _es6construct: true }); } return o; }; var ES = { CheckObjectCoercible: function(x, optMessage) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (x == null) throw new TypeError(optMessage || ('Cannot call method on ' + x)); return x; }, TypeIsObject: function(x) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ // this is expensive when it returns false; use this function // when you expect it to return true in the common case. return x != null && Object(x) === x; }, ToObject: function(o, optMessage) { return Object(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(o, optMessage)); }, IsCallable: function(x) { return typeof x === 'function' && // some versions of IE say that typeof /abc/ === 'function' === '[object Function]'; }, ToInt32: function(x) { return x >> 0; }, ToUint32: function(x) { return x >>> 0; }, ToInteger: function(value) { var number = +value; if (Number.isNaN(number)) return 0; if (number === 0 || !Number.isFinite(number)) return number; return Math.sign(number) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number)); }, ToLength: function(value) { var len = ES.ToInteger(value); if (len <= 0) return 0; // includes converting -0 to +0 if (len > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; return len; }, SameValue: function(a, b) { if (a === b) { // 0 === -0, but they are not identical. if (a === 0) return 1 / a === 1 / b; return true; } return Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b); }, SameValueZero: function(a, b) { // same as SameValue except for SameValueZero(+0, -0) == true return (a === b) || (Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b)); }, IsIterable: function(o) { return ES.TypeIsObject(o) && (o[$iterator$] !== undefined || isArguments(o)); }, GetIterator: function(o) { if (isArguments(o)) { // special case support for `arguments` return new ArrayIterator(o, "value"); } var it = o[$iterator$](); if (!ES.TypeIsObject(it)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterator'); } return it; }, IteratorNext: function(it) { var result = (arguments.length > 1) ?[1]) :; if (!ES.TypeIsObject(result)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterator'); } return result; }, Construct: function(C, args) { // CreateFromConstructor var obj; if (ES.IsCallable(C['@@create'])) { obj = C['@@create'](); } else { // OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor obj = create(C.prototype || null); } // Mark that we've used the es6 construct path // (see emulateES6construct) defineProperties(obj, { _es6construct: true }); // Call the constructor. var result = C.apply(obj, args); return ES.TypeIsObject(result) ? result : obj; } }; var numberConversion = (function () { // from // with permission and license, per function roundToEven(n) { var w = Math.floor(n), f = n - w; if (f < 0.5) { return w; } if (f > 0.5) { return w + 1; } return w % 2 ? w + 1 : w; } function packIEEE754(v, ebits, fbits) { var bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1, s, e, f, ln, i, bits, str, bytes; // Compute sign, exponent, fraction if (v !== v) { // NaN // e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = Math.pow(2, fbits - 1); s = 0; } else if (v === Infinity || v === -Infinity) { e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = 0; s = (v < 0) ? 1 : 0; } else if (v === 0) { e = 0; f = 0; s = (1 / v === -Infinity) ? 1 : 0; } else { s = v < 0; v = Math.abs(v); if (v >= Math.pow(2, 1 - bias)) { e = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.LN2), 1023); f = roundToEven(v / Math.pow(2, e) * Math.pow(2, fbits)); if (f / Math.pow(2, fbits) >= 2) { e = e + 1; f = 1; } if (e > bias) { // Overflow e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = 0; } else { // Normal e = e + bias; f = f - Math.pow(2, fbits); } } else { // Subnormal e = 0; f = roundToEven(v / Math.pow(2, 1 - bias - fbits)); } } // Pack sign, exponent, fraction bits = []; for (i = fbits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(f % 2 ? 1 : 0); f = Math.floor(f / 2); } for (i = ebits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(e % 2 ? 1 : 0); e = Math.floor(e / 2); } bits.push(s ? 1 : 0); bits.reverse(); str = bits.join(''); // Bits to bytes bytes = []; while (str.length) { bytes.push(parseInt(str.substring(0, 8), 2)); str = str.substring(8); } return bytes; } function unpackIEEE754(bytes, ebits, fbits) { // Bytes to bits var bits = [], i, j, b, str, bias, s, e, f; for (i = bytes.length; i; i -= 1) { b = bytes[i - 1]; for (j = 8; j; j -= 1) { bits.push(b % 2 ? 1 : 0); b = b >> 1; } } bits.reverse(); str = bits.join(''); // Unpack sign, exponent, fraction bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1; s = parseInt(str.substring(0, 1), 2) ? -1 : 1; e = parseInt(str.substring(1, 1 + ebits), 2); f = parseInt(str.substring(1 + ebits), 2); // Produce number if (e === (1 << ebits) - 1) { return f !== 0 ? NaN : s * Infinity; } else if (e > 0) { // Normalized return s * Math.pow(2, e - bias) * (1 + f / Math.pow(2, fbits)); } else if (f !== 0) { // Denormalized return s * Math.pow(2, -(bias - 1)) * (f / Math.pow(2, fbits)); } else { return s < 0 ? -0 : 0; } } function unpackFloat64(b) { return unpackIEEE754(b, 11, 52); } function packFloat64(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 11, 52); } function unpackFloat32(b) { return unpackIEEE754(b, 8, 23); } function packFloat32(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 8, 23); } var conversions = { toFloat32: function (num) { return unpackFloat32(packFloat32(num)); } }; if (typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined') { var float32array = new Float32Array(1); conversions.toFloat32 = function (num) { float32array[0] = num; return float32array[0]; }; } return conversions; }()); defineProperties(String, { fromCodePoint: function() { var points =, 0, arguments.length); var result = []; var next; for (var i = 0, length = points.length; i < length; i++) { next = Number(points[i]); if (!ES.SameValue(next, ES.ToInteger(next)) || next < 0 || next > 0x10FFFF) { throw new RangeError('Invalid code point ' + next); } if (next < 0x10000) { result.push(String.fromCharCode(next)); } else { next -= 0x10000; result.push(String.fromCharCode((next >> 10) + 0xD800)); result.push(String.fromCharCode((next % 0x400) + 0xDC00)); } } return result.join(''); }, raw: function(callSite) { // raw.length===1 var substitutions =, 1, arguments.length); var cooked = ES.ToObject(callSite, 'bad callSite'); var rawValue = cooked.raw; var raw = ES.ToObject(rawValue, 'bad raw value'); var len = Object.keys(raw).length; var literalsegments = ES.ToLength(len); if (literalsegments === 0) { return ''; } var stringElements = []; var nextIndex = 0; var nextKey, next, nextSeg, nextSub; while (nextIndex < literalsegments) { nextKey = String(nextIndex); next = raw[nextKey]; nextSeg = String(next); stringElements.push(nextSeg); if (nextIndex + 1 >= literalsegments) { break; } next = substitutions[nextKey]; if (next === undefined) { break; } nextSub = String(next); stringElements.push(nextSub); nextIndex++; } return stringElements.join(''); } }); var StringShims = { // Fast repeat, uses the `Exponentiation by squaring` algorithm. // Perf: repeat: (function() { var repeat = function(s, times) { if (times < 1) return ''; if (times % 2) return repeat(s, times - 1) + s; var half = repeat(s, times / 2); return half + half; }; return function(times) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); times = ES.ToInteger(times); if (times < 0 || times === Infinity) { throw new RangeError('Invalid String#repeat value'); } return repeat(thisStr, times); }; })(), startsWith: function(searchStr) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); if ( === '[object RegExp]') throw new TypeError('Cannot call method "startsWith" with a regex'); searchStr = String(searchStr); var startArg = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var start = Math.max(ES.ToInteger(startArg), 0); return thisStr.slice(start, start + searchStr.length) === searchStr; }, endsWith: function(searchStr) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); if ( === '[object RegExp]') throw new TypeError('Cannot call method "endsWith" with a regex'); searchStr = String(searchStr); var thisLen = thisStr.length; var posArg = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var pos = posArg === undefined ? thisLen : ES.ToInteger(posArg); var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), thisLen); return thisStr.slice(end - searchStr.length, end) === searchStr; }, contains: function(searchString) { var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; // Somehow this trick makes method 100% compat with the spec. return, searchString, position) !== -1; }, codePointAt: function(pos) { var thisStr = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(this)); var position = ES.ToInteger(pos); var length = thisStr.length; if (position < 0 || position >= length) return undefined; var first = thisStr.charCodeAt(position); var isEnd = (position + 1 === length); if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || isEnd) return first; var second = thisStr.charCodeAt(position + 1); if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) return first; return ((first - 0xD800) * 1024) + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; } }; defineProperties(String.prototype, StringShims); var hasStringTrimBug = '\u0085'.trim().length !== 1; if (hasStringTrimBug) { var originalStringTrim = String.prototype.trim; delete String.prototype.trim; // whitespace from: // implementation from var ws = [ '\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003', '\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028', '\u2029\uFEFF' ].join(''); var trimBeginRegexp = new RegExp('^[' + ws + '][' + ws + ']*'); var trimEndRegexp = new RegExp('[' + ws + '][' + ws + ']*$'); defineProperties(String.prototype, { trim: function() { if (this === undefined || this === null) { throw new TypeError("can't convert " + this + " to object"); } return String(this) .replace(trimBeginRegexp, "") .replace(trimEndRegexp, ""); } }); } // see var StringIterator = function(s) { this._s = String(ES.CheckObjectCoercible(s)); this._i = 0; }; = function() { var s = this._s, i = this._i; if (s === undefined || i >= s.length) { this._s = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } var first = s.charCodeAt(i), second, len; if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || (i+1) == s.length) { len = 1; } else { second = s.charCodeAt(i+1); len = (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) ? 1 : 2; } this._i = i + len; return { value: s.substr(i, len), done: false }; }; addIterator(StringIterator.prototype); addIterator(String.prototype, function() { return new StringIterator(this); }); if (!startsWithIsCompliant) { // Firefox has a noncompliant startsWith implementation String.prototype.startsWith = StringShims.startsWith; String.prototype.endsWith = StringShims.endsWith; } defineProperties(Array, { from: function(iterable) { var mapFn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var thisArg = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; var list = ES.ToObject(iterable, 'bad iterable'); if (mapFn !== undefined && !ES.IsCallable(mapFn)) { throw new TypeError('Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function'); } var usingIterator = ES.IsIterable(list); // does the spec really mean that Arrays should use ArrayIterator? // //if (Array.isArray(list)) { usingIterator=false; } var length = usingIterator ? 0 : ES.ToLength(list.length); var result = ES.IsCallable(this) ? Object(usingIterator ? new this() : new this(length)) : new Array(length); var it = usingIterator ? ES.GetIterator(list) : null; var value; for (var i = 0; usingIterator || (i < length); i++) { if (usingIterator) { value = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (value.done) { length = i; break; } value = value.value; } else { value = list[i]; } if (mapFn) { result[i] = thisArg ?, value, i) : mapFn(value, i); } else { result[i] = value; } } result.length = length; return result; }, of: function() { return Array.from(arguments); } }); // Our ArrayIterator is private; see // ArrayIterator = function(array, kind) { this.i = 0; this.array = array; this.kind = kind; }; defineProperties(ArrayIterator.prototype, { next: function() { var i = this.i, array = this.array; if (i === undefined || this.kind === undefined) { throw new TypeError('Not an ArrayIterator'); } if (array!==undefined) { var len = ES.ToLength(array.length); for (; i < len; i++) { var kind = this.kind; var retval; if (kind === "key") { retval = i; } else if (kind === "value") { retval = array[i]; } else if (kind === "entry") { retval = [i, array[i]]; } this.i = i + 1; return { value: retval, done: false }; } } this.array = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }); addIterator(ArrayIterator.prototype); defineProperties(Array.prototype, { copyWithin: function(target, start) { var end = arguments[2]; // copyWithin.length must be 2 var o = ES.ToObject(this); var len = ES.ToLength(o.length); target = ES.ToInteger(target); start = ES.ToInteger(start); var to = target < 0 ? Math.max(len + target, 0) : Math.min(target, len); var from = start < 0 ? Math.max(len + start, 0) : Math.min(start, len); end = (end===undefined) ? len : ES.ToInteger(end); var fin = end < 0 ? Math.max(len + end, 0) : Math.min(end, len); var count = Math.min(fin - from, len - to); var direction = 1; if (from < to && to < (from + count)) { direction = -1; from += count - 1; to += count - 1; } while (count > 0) { if (, from)) { o[to] = o[from]; } else { delete o[from]; } from += direction; to += direction; count -= 1; } return o; }, fill: function(value) { var start = arguments[1], end = arguments[2]; // fill.length===1 var O = ES.ToObject(this); var len = ES.ToLength(O.length); start = ES.ToInteger(start===undefined ? 0 : start); end = ES.ToInteger(end===undefined ? len : end); var relativeStart = start < 0 ? Math.max(len + start, 0) : Math.min(start, len); for (var i = relativeStart; i < len && i < end; ++i) { O[i] = value; } return O; }, find: function(predicate) { var list = ES.ToObject(this); var length = ES.ToLength(list.length); if (!ES.IsCallable(predicate)) { throw new TypeError('Array#find: predicate must be a function'); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0, value; i < length; i++) { if (i in list) { value = list[i]; if (, value, i, list)) return value; } } return undefined; }, findIndex: function(predicate) { var list = ES.ToObject(this); var length = ES.ToLength(list.length); if (!ES.IsCallable(predicate)) { throw new TypeError('Array#findIndex: predicate must be a function'); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in list) { if (, list[i], i, list)) return i; } } return -1; }, keys: function() { return new ArrayIterator(this, "key"); }, values: function() { return new ArrayIterator(this, "value"); }, entries: function() { return new ArrayIterator(this, "entry"); } }); addIterator(Array.prototype, function() { return this.values(); }); // Chrome defines keys/values/entries on Array, but doesn't give us // any way to identify its iterator. So add our own shimmed field. if (Object.getPrototypeOf) { addIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf([].values())); } var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; defineProperties(Number, { MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: maxSafeInteger, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: -maxSafeInteger, EPSILON: 2.220446049250313e-16, parseInt: globals.parseInt, parseFloat: globals.parseFloat, isFinite: function(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && global_isFinite(value); }, isInteger: function(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(value) && Number.isFinite(value) && ES.ToInteger(value) === value; }, isSafeInteger: function(value) { return Number.isInteger(value) && Math.abs(value) <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; }, isNaN: function(value) { // NaN !== NaN, but they are identical. // NaNs are the only non-reflexive value, i.e., if x !== x, // then x is NaN. // isNaN is broken: it converts its argument to number, so // isNaN('foo') => true return value !== value; } }); if (supportsDescriptors) { defineProperties(Object, { getPropertyDescriptor: function(subject, name) { var pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(subject, name); var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(subject); while (pd === undefined && proto !== null) { pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, name); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return pd; }, getPropertyNames: function(subject) { var result = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(subject); var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(subject); var addProperty = function(property) { if (result.indexOf(property) === -1) { result.push(property); } }; while (proto !== null) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).forEach(addProperty); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return result; } }); defineProperties(Object, { // assign: function(target, source) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(target)) { throw new TypeError('target must be an object'); } return, function(target, source) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(source)) { throw new TypeError('source must be an object'); } return Object.keys(source).reduce(function(target, key) { target[key] = source[key]; return target; }, target); }); }, getOwnPropertyKeys: function(subject) { return Object.keys(subject); }, is: function(a, b) { return ES.SameValue(a, b); }, // // shim from setPrototypeOf: (function(Object, magic) { var set; var checkArgs = function(O, proto) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(O)) { throw new TypeError('cannot set prototype on a non-object'); } if (!(proto===null || ES.TypeIsObject(proto))) { throw new TypeError('can only set prototype to an object or null'+proto); } }; var setPrototypeOf = function(O, proto) { checkArgs(O, proto);, proto); return O; }; try { // this works already in Firefox and Safari set = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, magic).set;{}, null); } catch (e) { if (Object.prototype !== {}[magic]) { // IE < 11 cannot be shimmed return; } // probably Chrome or some old Mobile stock browser set = function(proto) { this[magic] = proto; }; // please note that this will **not** work // in those browsers that do not inherit // __proto__ by mistake from Object.prototype // in these cases we should probably throw an error // or at least be informed about the issue setPrototypeOf.polyfill = setPrototypeOf( setPrototypeOf({}, null), Object.prototype ) instanceof Object; // setPrototypeOf.polyfill === true means it works as meant // setPrototypeOf.polyfill === false means it's not 100% reliable // setPrototypeOf.polyfill === undefined // or // setPrototypeOf.polyfill == null means it's not a polyfill // which means it works as expected // we can even delete Object.prototype.__proto__; } return setPrototypeOf; })(Object, '__proto__') }); } // Workaround bug in Opera 12 where setPrototypeOf(x, null) doesn't work, // but Object.create(null) does. if (Object.setPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.setPrototypeOf({}, null)) !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.create(null)) === null) { (function() { var FAKENULL = Object.create(null); var gpo = Object.getPrototypeOf, spo = Object.setPrototypeOf; Object.getPrototypeOf = function(o) { var result = gpo(o); return result === FAKENULL ? null : result; }; Object.setPrototypeOf = function(o, p) { if (p === null) { p = FAKENULL; } return spo(o, p); }; Object.setPrototypeOf.polyfill = false; })(); } try { Object.keys('foo'); } catch (e) { var originalObjectKeys = Object.keys; Object.keys = function (obj) { return originalObjectKeys(ES.ToObject(obj)); }; } var MathShims = { acosh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < 1) return NaN; if (value === 1) return 0; if (value === Infinity) return value; return Math.log(value + Math.sqrt(value * value - 1)); }, asinh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === 0 || !global_isFinite(value)) { return value; } return value < 0 ? -Math.asinh(-value) : Math.log(value + Math.sqrt(value * value + 1)); }, atanh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < -1 || value > 1) { return NaN; } if (value === -1) return -Infinity; if (value === 1) return Infinity; if (value === 0) return value; return 0.5 * Math.log((1 + value) / (1 - value)); }, cbrt: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === 0) return value; var negate = value < 0, result; if (negate) value = -value; result = Math.pow(value, 1/3); return negate ? -result : result; }, clz32: function(value) { // See value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value)) return NaN; var number = ES.ToUint32(value); if (number === 0) { return 32; } return 32 - (number).toString(2).length; }, cosh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === 0) return 1; // +0 or -0 if (Number.isNaN(value)) return NaN; if (!global_isFinite(value)) return Infinity; if (value < 0) value = -value; if (value > 21) return Math.exp(value) / 2; return (Math.exp(value) + Math.exp(-value)) / 2; }, expm1: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value === -Infinity) return -1; if (!global_isFinite(value) || value === 0) return value; return Math.exp(value) - 1; }, hypot: function(x, y) { var anyNaN = false; var allZero = true; var anyInfinity = false; var numbers = [];, function(arg) { var num = Number(arg); if (Number.isNaN(num)) anyNaN = true; else if (num === Infinity || num === -Infinity) anyInfinity = true; else if (num !== 0) allZero = false; if (anyInfinity) { return false; } else if (!anyNaN) { numbers.push(Math.abs(num)); } return true; }); if (anyInfinity) return Infinity; if (anyNaN) return NaN; if (allZero) return 0; numbers.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; }); var largest = numbers[0]; var divided = (number) { return number / largest; }); var sum = divided.reduce(function (sum, number) { return sum += number * number; }, 0); return largest * Math.sqrt(sum); }, log2: function(value) { return Math.log(value) * Math.LOG2E; }, log10: function(value) { return Math.log(value) * Math.LOG10E; }, log1p: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (value < -1 || Number.isNaN(value)) return NaN; if (value === 0 || value === Infinity) return value; if (value === -1) return -Infinity; var result = 0; var n = 50; if (value < 0 || value > 1) return Math.log(1 + value); for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) { if ((i % 2) === 0) { result -= Math.pow(value, i) / i; } else { result += Math.pow(value, i) / i; } } return result; }, sign: function(value) { var number = +value; if (number === 0) return number; if (Number.isNaN(number)) return number; return number < 0 ? -1 : 1; }, sinh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (!global_isFinite(value) || value === 0) return value; return (Math.exp(value) - Math.exp(-value)) / 2; }, tanh: function(value) { value = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value === 0) return value; if (value === Infinity) return 1; if (value === -Infinity) return -1; return (Math.exp(value) - Math.exp(-value)) / (Math.exp(value) + Math.exp(-value)); }, trunc: function(value) { var number = Number(value); return number < 0 ? -Math.floor(-number) : Math.floor(number); }, imul: function(x, y) { // taken from var ah = (x >>> 16) & 0xffff; var al = x & 0xffff; var bh = (y >>> 16) & 0xffff; var bl = y & 0xffff; // the shift by 0 fixes the sign on the high part // the final |0 converts the unsigned value into a signed value return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0)|0); }, fround: function(x) { if (x === 0 || x === Infinity || x === -Infinity || Number.isNaN(x)) { return x; } var num = Number(x); return numberConversion.toFloat32(num); } }; defineProperties(Math, MathShims); if (Math.imul(0xffffffff, 5) !== -5) { // Safari 6.1, at least, reports "0" for this value Math.imul = MathShims.imul; } // Promises // Simplest possible implementation; use a 3rd-party library if you // want the best possible speed and/or long stack traces. var PromiseShim = (function() { var Promise, Promise$prototype; ES.IsPromise = function(promise) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(promise)) { return false; } if (!promise._promiseConstructor) { // _promiseConstructor is a bit more unique than _status, so we'll // check that instead of the [[PromiseStatus]] internal field. return false; } if (promise._status === undefined) { return false; // uninitialized } return true; }; // "PromiseCapability" in the spec is what most promise implementations // call a "deferred". var PromiseCapability = function(C) { if (!ES.IsCallable(C)) { throw new TypeError('bad promise constructor'); } var capability = this; var resolver = function(resolve, reject) { capability.resolve = resolve; capability.reject = reject; }; capability.promise = ES.Construct(C, [resolver]); // see if (!capability.promise._es6construct) { throw new TypeError('bad promise constructor'); } if (!(ES.IsCallable(capability.resolve) && ES.IsCallable(capability.reject))) { throw new TypeError('bad promise constructor'); } }; // find an appropriate setImmediate-alike var setTimeout = globals.setTimeout; var makeZeroTimeout; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && ES.IsCallable(window.postMessage)) { makeZeroTimeout = function() { // from var timeouts = []; var messageName = "zero-timeout-message"; var setZeroTimeout = function(fn) { timeouts.push(fn); window.postMessage(messageName, "*"); }; var handleMessage = function(event) { if (event.source == window && == messageName) { event.stopPropagation(); if (timeouts.length === 0) { return; } var fn = timeouts.shift(); fn(); } }; window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, true); return setZeroTimeout; }; } var makePromiseAsap = function() { // An efficient task-scheduler based on a pre-existing Promise // implementation, which we can use even if we override the // global Promise below (in order to workaround bugs) // var P = globals.Promise; return P && P.resolve && function(task) { return P.resolve().then(task); }; }; var enqueue = ES.IsCallable(globals.setImmediate) ? globals.setImmediate.bind(globals) : typeof process === 'object' && process.nextTick ? process.nextTick : makePromiseAsap() || (ES.IsCallable(makeZeroTimeout) ? makeZeroTimeout() : function(task) { setTimeout(task, 0); }); // fallback var triggerPromiseReactions = function(reactions, x) { reactions.forEach(function(reaction) { enqueue(function() { // PromiseReactionTask var handler = reaction.handler; var capability = reaction.capability; var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { var result = handler(x); if (result === capability.promise) { throw new TypeError('self resolution'); } var updateResult = updatePromiseFromPotentialThenable(result, capability); if (!updateResult) { resolve(result); } } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }); }; var updatePromiseFromPotentialThenable = function(x, capability) { if (!ES.TypeIsObject(x)) { return false; } var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { var then = x.then; // only one invocation of accessor if (!ES.IsCallable(then)) { return false; }, resolve, reject); } catch(e) { reject(e); } return true; }; var promiseResolutionHandler = function(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected){ return function(x) { if (x === promise) { return onRejected(new TypeError('self resolution')); } var C = promise._promiseConstructor; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var updateResult = updatePromiseFromPotentialThenable(x, capability); if (updateResult) { return capability.promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected); } else { return onFulfilled(x); } }; }; Promise = function(resolver) { var promise = this; promise = emulateES6construct(promise); if (!promise._promiseConstructor) { // we use _promiseConstructor as a stand-in for the internal // [[PromiseStatus]] field; it's a little more unique. throw new TypeError('bad promise'); } if (promise._status !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('promise already initialized'); } // see if (!ES.IsCallable(resolver)) { throw new TypeError('not a valid resolver'); } promise._status = 'unresolved'; promise._resolveReactions = []; promise._rejectReactions = []; var resolve = function(resolution) { if (promise._status !== 'unresolved') { return; } var reactions = promise._resolveReactions; promise._result = resolution; promise._resolveReactions = undefined; promise._rejectReactions = undefined; promise._status = 'has-resolution'; triggerPromiseReactions(reactions, resolution); }; var reject = function(reason) { if (promise._status !== 'unresolved') { return; } var reactions = promise._rejectReactions; promise._result = reason; promise._resolveReactions = undefined; promise._rejectReactions = undefined; promise._status = 'has-rejection'; triggerPromiseReactions(reactions, reason); }; try { resolver(resolve, reject); } catch (e) { reject(e); } return promise; }; Promise$prototype = Promise.prototype; defineProperties(Promise, { '@@create': function(obj) { var constructor = this; // AllocatePromise // The `obj` parameter is a hack we use for es5 // compatibility. var prototype = constructor.prototype || Promise$prototype; obj = obj || create(prototype); defineProperties(obj, { _status: undefined, _result: undefined, _resolveReactions: undefined, _rejectReactions: undefined, _promiseConstructor: undefined }); obj._promiseConstructor = constructor; return obj; } }); var _promiseAllResolver = function(index, values, capability, remaining) { var done = false; return function(x) { if (done) { return; } // protect against being called multiple times done = true; values[index] = x; if ((--remaining.count) === 0) { var resolve = capability.resolve; resolve(values); // call w/ this===undefined } }; }; Promise.all = function(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { if (!ES.IsIterable(iterable)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterable'); } var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); var values = [], remaining = { count: 1 }; for (var index = 0; ; index++) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { break; } var nextPromise = C.resolve(next.value); var resolveElement = _promiseAllResolver( index, values, capability, remaining ); remaining.count++; nextPromise.then(resolveElement, capability.reject); } if ((--remaining.count) === 0) { resolve(values); // call w/ this===undefined } } catch (e) { reject(e); } return capability.promise; }; Promise.race = function(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; try { if (!ES.IsIterable(iterable)) { throw new TypeError('bad iterable'); } var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); while (true) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { // If iterable has no items, resulting promise will never // resolve; see: // // break; } var nextPromise = C.resolve(next.value); nextPromise.then(resolve, reject); } } catch (e) { reject(e); } return capability.promise; }; Promise.reject = function(reason) { var C = this; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var reject = capability.reject; reject(reason); // call with this===undefined return capability.promise; }; Promise.resolve = function(v) { var C = this; if (ES.IsPromise(v)) { var constructor = v._promiseConstructor; if (constructor === C) { return v; } } var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; resolve(v); // call with this===undefined return capability.promise; }; Promise.prototype['catch'] = function( onRejected ) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected); }; Promise.prototype.then = function( onFulfilled, onRejected ) { var promise = this; if (!ES.IsPromise(promise)) { throw new TypeError('not a promise'); } // this.constructor not this._promiseConstructor; see // var C = this.constructor; var capability = new PromiseCapability(C); if (!ES.IsCallable(onRejected)) { onRejected = function(e) { throw e; }; } if (!ES.IsCallable(onFulfilled)) { onFulfilled = function(x) { return x; }; } var resolutionHandler = promiseResolutionHandler(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected); var resolveReaction = { capability: capability, handler: resolutionHandler }; var rejectReaction = { capability: capability, handler: onRejected }; switch (promise._status) { case 'unresolved': promise._resolveReactions.push(resolveReaction); promise._rejectReactions.push(rejectReaction); break; case 'has-resolution': triggerPromiseReactions([resolveReaction], promise._result); break; case 'has-rejection': triggerPromiseReactions([rejectReaction], promise._result); break; default: throw new TypeError('unexpected'); } return capability.promise; }; return Promise; })(); // export the Promise constructor. defineProperties(globals, { Promise: PromiseShim }); // In Chrome 33 (and thereabouts) Promise is defined, but the // implementation is buggy in a number of ways. Let's check subclassing // support to see if we have a buggy implementation. var promiseSupportsSubclassing = supportsSubclassing(globals.Promise, function(S) { return S.resolve(42) instanceof S; }); var promiseIgnoresNonFunctionThenCallbacks = (function () { try { globals.Promise.reject(42).then(null, 5).then(null, function () {}); return true; } catch (ex) { return false; } }()); if (!promiseSupportsSubclassing || !promiseIgnoresNonFunctionThenCallbacks) { globals.Promise = PromiseShim; } // Map and Set require a true ES5 environment if (supportsDescriptors) { var fastkey = function fastkey(key) { var type = typeof key; if (type === 'string') { return '$' + key; } else if (type === 'number') { // note that -0 will get coerced to "0" when used as a property key return key; } return null; }; var emptyObject = function emptyObject() { // accomodate some older not-quite-ES5 browsers return Object.create ? Object.create(null) : {}; }; var collectionShims = { Map: (function() { var empty = {}; function MapEntry(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; = null; this.prev = null; } MapEntry.prototype.isRemoved = function() { return this.key === empty; }; function MapIterator(map, kind) { this.head = map._head; this.i = this.head; this.kind = kind; } MapIterator.prototype = { next: function() { var i = this.i, kind = this.kind, head = this.head, result; if (this.i === undefined) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } while (i.isRemoved() && i !== head) { // back up off of removed entries i = i.prev; } // advance to next unreturned element. while ( !== head) { i =; if (!i.isRemoved()) { if (kind === "key") { result = i.key; } else if (kind === "value") { result = i.value; } else { result = [i.key, i.value]; } this.i = i; return { value: result, done: false }; } } // once the iterator is done, it is done forever. this.i = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; addIterator(MapIterator.prototype); function Map() { var map = this; map = emulateES6construct(map); if (!map._es6map) { throw new TypeError('bad map'); } var head = new MapEntry(null, null); // circular doubly-linked list. = head.prev = head; defineProperties(map, { '_head': head, '_storage': emptyObject(), '_size': 0 }); // Optionally initialize map from iterable var iterable = arguments[0]; if (iterable !== undefined && iterable !== null) { var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); var adder = map.set; if (!ES.IsCallable(adder)) { throw new TypeError('bad map'); } while (true) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { break; } var nextItem = next.value; if (!ES.TypeIsObject(nextItem)) { throw new TypeError('expected iterable of pairs'); }, nextItem[0], nextItem[1]); } } return map; } var Map$prototype = Map.prototype; defineProperties(Map, { '@@create': function(obj) { var constructor = this; var prototype = constructor.prototype || Map$prototype; obj = obj || create(prototype); defineProperties(obj, { _es6map: true }); return obj; } }); Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { if (typeof this._size === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('size method called on incompatible Map'); } return this._size; } }); defineProperties(Map.prototype, { get: function(key) { var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path var entry = this._storage[fkey]; return entry ? entry.value : undefined; } var head = this._head, i = head; while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { return i.value; } } return undefined; }, has: function(key) { var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path return typeof this._storage[fkey] !== 'undefined'; } var head = this._head, i = head; while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { return true; } } return false; }, set: function(key, value) { var head = this._head, i = head, entry; var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path if (typeof this._storage[fkey] !== 'undefined') { this._storage[fkey].value = value; return; } else { entry = this._storage[fkey] = new MapEntry(key, value); i = head.prev; // fall through } } while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { i.value = value; return; } } entry = entry || new MapEntry(key, value); if (ES.SameValue(-0, key)) { entry.key = +0; // coerce -0 to +0 in entry } = this._head; entry.prev = this._head.prev; = entry; = entry; this._size += 1; }, 'delete': function(key) { var head = this._head, i = head; var fkey = fastkey(key); if (fkey !== null) { // fast O(1) path if (typeof this._storage[fkey] === 'undefined') { return false; } i = this._storage[fkey].prev; delete this._storage[fkey]; // fall through } while ((i = !== head) { if (ES.SameValueZero(i.key, key)) { i.key = i.value = empty; =; = i.prev; this._size -= 1; return true; } } return false; }, clear: function() { this._size = 0; this._storage = emptyObject(); var head = this._head, i = head, p =; while ((i = p) !== head) { i.key = i.value = empty; p =; = i.prev = head; } = head.prev = head; }, keys: function() { return new MapIterator(this, "key"); }, values: function() { return new MapIterator(this, "value"); }, entries: function() { return new MapIterator(this, "key+value"); }, forEach: function(callback) { var context = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : null; var it = this.entries(); for (var entry =; !entry.done; entry = {, entry.value[1], entry.value[0], this); } } }); addIterator(Map.prototype, function() { return this.entries(); }); return Map; })(), Set: (function() { // Creating a Map is expensive. To speed up the common case of // Sets containing only string or numeric keys, we use an object // as backing storage and lazily create a full Map only when // required. var SetShim = function Set() { var set = this; set = emulateES6construct(set); if (!set._es6set) { throw new TypeError('bad set'); } defineProperties(set, { '[[SetData]]': null, '_storage': emptyObject() }); // Optionally initialize map from iterable var iterable = arguments[0]; if (iterable !== undefined && iterable !== null) { var it = ES.GetIterator(iterable); var adder = set.add; if (!ES.IsCallable(adder)) { throw new TypeError('bad set'); } while (true) { var next = ES.IteratorNext(it); if (next.done) { break; } var nextItem = next.value;, nextItem); } } return set; }; var Set$prototype = SetShim.prototype; defineProperties(SetShim, { '@@create': function(obj) { var constructor = this; var prototype = constructor.prototype || Set$prototype; obj = obj || create(prototype); defineProperties(obj, { _es6set: true }); return obj; } }); // Switch from the object backing storage to a full Map. var ensureMap = function ensureMap(set) { if (!set['[[SetData]]']) { var m = set['[[SetData]]'] = new collectionShims.Map(); Object.keys(set._storage).forEach(function(k) { // fast check for leading '$' if (k.charCodeAt(0) === 36) { k = k.substring(1); } else { k = +k; } m.set(k, k); }); set._storage = null; // free old backing storage } }; Object.defineProperty(SetShim.prototype, 'size', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { if (typeof this._storage === 'undefined') { // throw new TypeError('size method called on incompatible Set'); } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].size; } }); defineProperties(SetShim.prototype, { has: function(key) { var fkey; if (this._storage && (fkey = fastkey(key)) !== null) { return !!this._storage[fkey]; } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].has(key); }, add: function(key) { var fkey; if (this._storage && (fkey = fastkey(key)) !== null) { this._storage[fkey]=true; return; } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].set(key, key); }, 'delete': function(key) { var fkey; if (this._storage && (fkey = fastkey(key)) !== null) { delete this._storage[fkey]; return; } ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]']['delete'](key); }, clear: function() { if (this._storage) { this._storage = emptyObject(); return; } return this['[[SetData]]'].clear(); }, keys: function() { ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].keys(); }, values: function() { ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].values(); }, entries: function() { ensureMap(this); return this['[[SetData]]'].entries(); }, forEach: function(callback) { var context = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : null; var entireSet = this; ensureMap(this); this['[[SetData]]'].forEach(function(value, key) {, key, key, entireSet); }); } }); addIterator(SetShim.prototype, function() { return this.values(); }); return SetShim; })() }; defineProperties(globals, collectionShims); if (globals.Map || globals.Set) { /* - In Firefox < 23, Map#size is a function. - In all current Firefox, Set#entries/keys/values & Map#clear do not exist - - In Firefox 24, Map and Set do not implement forEach - In Firefox 25 at least, Map and Set are callable without "new" */ if ( typeof globals.Map.prototype.clear !== 'function' || new globals.Set().size !== 0 || new globals.Map().size !== 0 || typeof globals.Map.prototype.keys !== 'function' || typeof globals.Set.prototype.keys !== 'function' || typeof globals.Map.prototype.forEach !== 'function' || typeof globals.Set.prototype.forEach !== 'function' || isCallableWithoutNew(globals.Map) || isCallableWithoutNew(globals.Set) || !supportsSubclassing(globals.Map, function(M) { return (new M([])) instanceof M; }) ) { globals.Map = collectionShims.Map; globals.Set = collectionShims.Set; } } // Shim incomplete iterator implementations. addIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf((new globals.Map()).keys())); addIterator(Object.getPrototypeOf((new globals.Set()).keys())); } }; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(main); // RequireJS } else { main(); // CommonJS and <script> } });
import React from 'react'; export const VERSION = React.version; const [major, minor] = VERSION.split('.'); export const REACT013 = VERSION.slice(0, 4) === '0.13'; export const REACT014 = VERSION.slice(0, 4) === '0.14'; export const REACT15 = major === '15'; export const REACT155 = REACT15 && minor >= 5;
'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _react = require('react'); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _pure = require('recompose/pure'); var _pure2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pure); var _SvgIcon = require('../../SvgIcon'); var _SvgIcon2 = _interopRequireDefault(_SvgIcon); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var MapsLocalHospital = function MapsLocalHospital(props) { return _react2.default.createElement( _SvgIcon2.default, props, _react2.default.createElement('path', { d: 'M19 3H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 19c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-1 11h-4v4h-4v-4H6v-4h4V6h4v4h4v4z' }) ); }; MapsLocalHospital = (0, _pure2.default)(MapsLocalHospital); MapsLocalHospital.displayName = 'MapsLocalHospital'; MapsLocalHospital.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; exports.default = MapsLocalHospital;
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Actor LLC. <> */ import _ from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import ReactMixin from 'react-mixin'; import { IntlMixin, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import ActorClient from 'utils/ActorClient'; import confirm from 'utils/confirm' import ContactActionCreators from 'actions/ContactActionCreators'; import DialogActionCreators from 'actions/DialogActionCreators'; import PeerStore from 'stores/PeerStore'; import DialogStore from 'stores/DialogStore'; import AvatarItem from 'components/common/AvatarItem.react'; import Fold from 'components/common/Fold.React'; const getStateFromStores = (userId) => { const thisPeer = PeerStore.getUserPeer(userId); return { thisPeer: thisPeer, isNotificationsEnabled: DialogStore.isNotificationsEnabled(thisPeer) }; }; @ReactMixin.decorate(IntlMixin) class UserProfile extends React.Component { static propTypes = { user: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = _.assign({ isActionsDropdownOpen: false }, getStateFromStores(; DialogStore.addNotificationsListener(this.onChange); } componentWillUnmount() { DialogStore.removeNotificationsListener(this.onChange); } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { this.setState(getStateFromStores(; } addToContacts = () => { ContactActionCreators.addContact(; }; removeFromContacts = () => { const { user } = this.props; const confirmText = 'You really want to remove ' + + ' from your contacts?'; confirm(confirmText).then( () => ContactActionCreators.removeContact( ); }; onNotificationChange = (event) => { const { thisPeer } = this.state; DialogActionCreators.changeNotificationsEnabled(thisPeer,; }; onChange = () => { const { user } = this.props; this.setState(getStateFromStores(; }; toggleActionsDropdown = () => { const { isActionsDropdownOpen } = this.state; if (!isActionsDropdownOpen) { this.setState({isActionsDropdownOpen: true}); document.addEventListener('click', this.closeActionsDropdown, false); } else { this.closeActionsDropdown(); } }; closeActionsDropdown = () => { this.setState({isActionsDropdownOpen: false}); document.removeEventListener('click', this.closeActionsDropdown, false); }; clearChat = (uid) => { confirm('Do you really want to delete this conversation?').then( () => { const peer = ActorClient.getUserPeer(uid); DialogActionCreators.clearChat(peer); }, () => { } ); }; deleteChat = (uid) => { confirm('Do you really want to delete this conversation?').then( () => { const peer = ActorClient.getUserPeer(uid); DialogActionCreators.deleteChat(peer); }, () => { } ); }; render() { const { user } = this.props; const { isNotificationsEnabled, isActionsDropdownOpen } = this.state; const actions = (user.isContact === false) ? ( <li className="dropdown__menu__item" onClick={this.addToContacts}> <FormattedMessage message={this.getIntlMessage('addToContacts')}/> </li> ) : ( <li className="dropdown__menu__item" onClick={this.removeFromContacts}> <FormattedMessage message={this.getIntlMessage('removeFromContacts')}/> </li> ); const dropdownClassNames = classnames('dropdown pull-left', { 'dropdown--opened': isActionsDropdownOpen }); const about = user.about ? ( <div className="user_profile__meta__about"> {user.about} </div> ) : null; const nickname = user.nick ? ( <li> <svg className="icon icon--pink" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: '<use xlink:href="assets/sprite/icons.svg#username"/>'}}/> <span className="title">{user.nick}</span> <span className="description">nickname</span> </li> ) : null; const email = ? ( <li className="hide"> <i className="material-icons icon icon--blue">mail</i> <span className="title">{}</span> <span className="description">email</span> </li> ) : null; const phone = user.phones[0] ? ( <li> <i className="material-icons icon icon--green">call</i> <span className="title">{'+' + user.phones[0].number}</span> <span className="description">mobile</span> </li> ) : null; return ( <div className="activity__body user_profile"> <ul className="profile__list"> <li className="profile__list__item user_profile__meta"> <header> <AvatarItem image={user.bigAvatar} placeholder={user.placeholder} size="large" title={}/> <h3 className="user_profile__meta__title">{}</h3> <div className="user_profile__meta__presence">{user.presence}</div> </header> {about} <footer> <div className={dropdownClassNames}> <button className="dropdown__button button button--flat" onClick={this.toggleActionsDropdown}> <i className="material-icons">more_horiz</i> <FormattedMessage message={this.getIntlMessage('actions')}/> </button> <ul className="dropdown__menu dropdown__menu--left"> {actions} <li className="dropdown__menu__item dropdown__menu__item--light" onClick={() => this.clearChat(}> <FormattedMessage message={this.getIntlMessage('clearConversation')}/> </li> <li className="dropdown__menu__item dropdown__menu__item--light" onClick={() => this.deleteChat(}> <FormattedMessage message={this.getIntlMessage('deleteConversation')}/> </li> </ul> </div> </footer> </li> <li className="profile__list__item user_profile__contact_info no-p"> <ul className="user_profile__contact_info__list"> {nickname} {phone} {email} </ul> </li> <li className="profile__list__item user_profile__media no-p hide"> <Fold icon="attach_file" iconClassName="icon--gray" title={this.getIntlMessage('sharedMedia')}> <ul> <li><a>230 Shared Photos and Videos</a></li> <li><a>49 Shared Links</a></li> <li><a>49 Shared Files</a></li> </ul> </Fold> </li> <li className="profile__list__item user_profile__notifications no-p"> <label htmlFor="notifications"> <i className="material-icons icon icon--squash">notifications_none</i> <FormattedMessage message={this.getIntlMessage('notifications')}/> <div className="switch pull-right"> <input checked={isNotificationsEnabled} id="notifications" onChange={this.onNotificationChange} type="checkbox"/> <label htmlFor="notifications"></label> </div> </label> </li> </ul> </div> ); } } export default UserProfile;
/* YUI 3.15.0 (build 834026e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. */ YUI.add('datatable-core', function (Y, NAME) { /** The core implementation of the `DataTable` and `DataTable.Base` Widgets. @module datatable @submodule datatable-core @since 3.5.0 **/ var INVALID = Y.Attribute.INVALID_VALUE, Lang = Y.Lang, isFunction = Lang.isFunction, isObject = Lang.isObject, isArray = Lang.isArray, isString = Lang.isString, isNumber = Lang.isNumber, toArray = Y.Array, keys = Y.Object.keys, Table; /** _API docs for this extension are included in the DataTable class._ Class extension providing the core API and structure for the DataTable Widget. Use this class extension with Widget or another Base-based superclass to create the basic DataTable model API and composing class structure. @class DataTable.Core @for DataTable @since 3.5.0 **/ Table = Y.namespace('DataTable').Core = function () {}; Table.ATTRS = { /** Columns to include in the rendered table. If omitted, the attributes on the configured `recordType` or the first item in the `data` collection will be used as a source. This attribute takes an array of strings or objects (mixing the two is fine). Each string or object is considered a column to be rendered. Strings are converted to objects, so `columns: ['first', 'last']` becomes `columns: [{ key: 'first' }, { key: 'last' }]`. DataTable.Core only concerns itself with a few properties of columns. These properties are: * `key` - Used to identify the record field/attribute containing content for this column. Also used to create a default Model if no `recordType` or `data` are provided during construction. If `name` is not specified, this is assigned to the `_id` property (with added incrementer if the key is used by multiple columns). * `children` - Traversed to initialize nested column objects * `name` - Used in place of, or in addition to, the `key`. Useful for columns that aren't bound to a field/attribute in the record data. This is assigned to the `_id` property. * `id` - For backward compatibility. Implementers can specify the id of the header cell. This should be avoided, if possible, to avoid the potential for creating DOM elements with duplicate IDs. * `field` - For backward compatibility. Implementers should use `name`. * `_id` - Assigned unique-within-this-instance id for a column. By order of preference, assumes the value of `name`, `key`, `id`, or `_yuid`. This is used by the rendering views as well as feature module as a means to identify a specific column without ambiguity (such as multiple columns using the same `key`. * `_yuid` - Guid stamp assigned to the column object. * `_parent` - Assigned to all child columns, referencing their parent column. @attribute columns @type {Object[]|String[]} @default (from `recordType` ATTRS or first item in the `data`) @since 3.5.0 **/ columns: { // TODO: change to setter to clone input array/objects validator: isArray, setter: '_setColumns', getter: '_getColumns' }, /** Model subclass to use as the `model` for the ModelList stored in the `data` attribute. If not provided, it will try really hard to figure out what to use. The following attempts will be made to set a default value: 1. If the `data` attribute is set with a ModelList instance and its `model` property is set, that will be used. 2. If the `data` attribute is set with a ModelList instance, and its `model` property is unset, but it is populated, the `ATTRS` of the `constructor of the first item will be used. 3. If the `data` attribute is set with a non-empty array, a Model subclass will be generated using the keys of the first item as its `ATTRS` (see the `_createRecordClass` method). 4. If the `columns` attribute is set, a Model subclass will be generated using the columns defined with a `key`. This is least desirable because columns can be duplicated or nested in a way that's not parsable. 5. If neither `data` nor `columns` is set or populated, a change event subscriber will listen for the first to be changed and try all over again. @attribute recordType @type {Function} @default (see description) @since 3.5.0 **/ recordType: { getter: '_getRecordType', setter: '_setRecordType' }, /** The collection of data records to display. This attribute is a pass through to a `data` property, which is a ModelList instance. If this attribute is passed a ModelList or subclass, it will be assigned to the property directly. If an array of objects is passed, a new ModelList will be created using the configured `recordType` as its `model` property and seeded with the array. Retrieving this attribute will return the ModelList stored in the `data` property. @attribute data @type {ModelList|Object[]} @default `new ModelList()` @since 3.5.0 **/ data: { valueFn: '_initData', setter : '_setData', lazyAdd: false }, /** Content for the `<table summary="ATTRIBUTE VALUE HERE">`. Values assigned to this attribute will be HTML escaped for security. @attribute summary @type {String} @default '' (empty string) @since 3.5.0 **/ //summary: {}, /** HTML content of an optional `<caption>` element to appear above the table. Leave this config unset or set to a falsy value to remove the caption. @attribute caption @type HTML @default '' (empty string) @since 3.5.0 **/ //caption: {}, /** Deprecated as of 3.5.0. Passes through to the `data` attribute. WARNING: `get('recordset')` will NOT return a Recordset instance as of 3.5.0. This is a break in backward compatibility. @attribute recordset @type {Object[]|Recordset} @deprecated Use the `data` attribute @since 3.5.0 **/ recordset: { setter: '_setRecordset', getter: '_getRecordset', lazyAdd: false }, /** Deprecated as of 3.5.0. Passes through to the `columns` attribute. WARNING: `get('columnset')` will NOT return a Columnset instance as of 3.5.0. This is a break in backward compatibility. @attribute columnset @type {Object[]} @deprecated Use the `columns` attribute @since 3.5.0 **/ columnset: { setter: '_setColumnset', getter: '_getColumnset', lazyAdd: false } }; Y.mix(Table.prototype, { // -- Instance properties ------------------------------------------------- /** The ModelList that manages the table's data. @property data @type {ModelList} @default undefined (initially unset) @since 3.5.0 **/ //data: null, // -- Public methods ------------------------------------------------------ /** Gets the column configuration object for the given key, name, or index. For nested columns, `name` can be an array of indexes, each identifying the index of that column in the respective parent's "children" array. If you pass a column object, it will be returned. For columns with keys, you can also fetch the column with `instance.get('')`. @method getColumn @param {String|Number|Number[]} name Key, "name", index, or index array to identify the column @return {Object} the column configuration object @since 3.5.0 **/ getColumn: function (name) { var col, columns, i, len, cols; if (isObject(name) && !isArray(name)) { if (name instanceof Y.Node) { col = this.body.getColumn(name); } else { col = name; } } else { col = this.get('columns.' + name); } if (col) { return col; } columns = this.get('columns'); if (isNumber(name) || isArray(name)) { name = toArray(name); cols = columns; for (i = 0, len = name.length - 1; cols && i < len; ++i) { cols = cols[name[i]] && cols[name[i]].children; } return (cols && cols[name[i]]) || null; } return null; }, /** Returns the Model associated to the record `id`, `clientId`, or index (not row index). If none of those yield a Model from the `data` ModelList, the arguments will be passed to the `view` instance's `getRecord` method if it has one. If no Model can be found, `null` is returned. @method getRecord @param {Number|String|Node} seed Record `id`, `clientId`, index, Node, or identifier for a row or child element @return {Model} @since 3.5.0 **/ getRecord: function (seed) { var record = ||; if (!record) { if (isNumber(seed)) { record =; } // TODO: this should be split out to base somehow if (!record && this.view && this.view.getRecord) { record = this.view.getRecord.apply(this.view, arguments); } } return record || null; }, // -- Protected and private properties and methods ------------------------ /** This tells `Y.Base` that it should create ad-hoc attributes for config properties passed to DataTable's constructor. This is useful for setting configurations on the DataTable that are intended for the rendering View(s). @property _allowAdHocAttrs @type Boolean @default true @protected @since 3.6.0 **/ _allowAdHocAttrs: true, /** A map of column key to column configuration objects parsed from the `columns` attribute. @property _columnMap @type {Object} @default undefined (initially unset) @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ //_columnMap: null, /** The Node instance of the table containing the data rows. This is set when the table is rendered. It may also be set by progressive enhancement, though this extension does not provide the logic to parse from source. @property _tableNode @type {Node} @default undefined (initially unset) @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ //_tableNode: null, /** Updates the `_columnMap` property in response to changes in the `columns` attribute. @method _afterColumnsChange @param {EventFacade} e The `columnsChange` event object @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _afterColumnsChange: function (e) { this._setColumnMap(e.newVal); }, /** Updates the `modelList` attributes of the rendered views in response to the `data` attribute being assigned a new ModelList. @method _afterDataChange @param {EventFacade} e the `dataChange` event @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _afterDataChange: function (e) { var modelList = e.newVal; = e.newVal; if (!this.get('columns') && modelList.size()) { // TODO: this will cause a re-render twice because the Views are // subscribed to columnsChange this._initColumns(); } }, /** Assigns to the new recordType as the model for the data ModelList @method _afterRecordTypeChange @param {EventFacade} e recordTypeChange event @protected @since 3.6.0 **/ _afterRecordTypeChange: function (e) { var data =; = e.newVal;; if (!this.get('columns') && data) { if (data.length) { this._initColumns(); } else { this.set('columns', keys(e.newVal.ATTRS)); } } }, /** Creates a Model subclass from an array of attribute names or an object of attribute definitions. This is used to generate a class suitable to represent the data passed to the `data` attribute if no `recordType` is set. @method _createRecordClass @param {String[]|Object} attrs Names assigned to the Model subclass's `ATTRS` or its entire `ATTRS` definition object @return {Model} @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _createRecordClass: function (attrs) { var ATTRS, i, len; if (isArray(attrs)) { ATTRS = {}; for (i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; ++i) { ATTRS[attrs[i]] = {}; } } else if (isObject(attrs)) { ATTRS = attrs; } return Y.Base.create('record', Y.Model, [], null, { ATTRS: ATTRS }); }, /** Tears down the instance. @method destructor @protected @since 3.6.0 **/ destructor: function () { new Y.EventHandle(Y.Object.values(this._eventHandles)).detach(); }, /** The getter for the `columns` attribute. Returns the array of column configuration objects if `instance.get('columns')` is called, or the specific column object if `instance.get('columns.columnKey')` is called. @method _getColumns @param {Object[]} columns The full array of column objects @param {String} name The attribute name requested (e.g. 'columns' or ''); @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _getColumns: function (columns, name) { // Workaround for an attribute oddity (ticket #2529254) // getter is expected to return an object if get('') is called. // Note 'columns.' is 8 characters return name.length > 8 ? this._columnMap : columns; }, /** Relays the `get()` request for the deprecated `columnset` attribute to the `columns` attribute. THIS BREAKS BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY. 3.4.1 and prior implementations will expect a Columnset instance returned from `get('columnset')`. @method _getColumnset @param {Object} ignored The current value stored in the `columnset` state @param {String} name The attribute name requested (e.g. 'columnset' or ''); @deprecated This will be removed with the `columnset` attribute in a future version. @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _getColumnset: function (_, name) { return this.get(name.replace(/^columnset/, 'columns')); }, /** Returns the Model class of the instance's `data` attribute ModelList. If not set, returns the explicitly configured value. @method _getRecordType @param {Model} val The currently configured value @return {Model} **/ _getRecordType: function (val) { // Prefer the value stored in the attribute because the attribute // change event defaultFn sets e.newVal = this.get('recordType') // before notifying the after() subs. But if this getter returns //, then after() subs would get e.newVal === previous // model before _afterRecordTypeChange can set // = e.newVal return val || ( &&; }, /** Initializes the `_columnMap` property from the configured `columns` attribute. If `columns` is not set, but there are records in the `data` ModelList, use `ATTRS` of that class. @method _initColumns @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _initColumns: function () { var columns = this.get('columns') || [], item; // Default column definition from the configured recordType if (!columns.length && { // TODO: merge superclass attributes up to Model? item =; if (item.toJSON) { item = item.toJSON(); } this.set('columns', keys(item)); } this._setColumnMap(columns); }, /** Sets up the change event subscriptions to maintain internal state. @method _initCoreEvents @protected @since 3.6.0 **/ _initCoreEvents: function () { this._eventHandles.coreAttrChanges = this.after({ columnsChange : Y.bind('_afterColumnsChange', this), recordTypeChange: Y.bind('_afterRecordTypeChange', this), dataChange : Y.bind('_afterDataChange', this) }); }, /** Defaults the `data` attribute to an empty ModelList if not set during construction. Uses the configured `recordType` for the ModelList's `model` proeprty if set. @method _initData @protected @return {ModelList} @since 3.6.0 **/ _initData: function () { var recordType = this.get('recordType'), // TODO: LazyModelList if recordType doesn't have complex ATTRS modelList = new Y.ModelList(); if (recordType) { modelList.model = recordType; } return modelList; }, /** Initializes the instance's `data` property from the value of the `data` attribute. If the attribute value is a ModelList, it is assigned directly to ``. If it is an array, a ModelList is created, its `model` property is set to the configured `recordType` class, and it is seeded with the array data. This ModelList is then assigned to ``. @method _initDataProperty @param {Array|ModelList|ArrayList} data Collection of data to populate the DataTable @protected @since 3.6.0 **/ _initDataProperty: function (data) { var recordType; if (! { recordType = this.get('recordType'); if (data && data.each && data.toJSON) { = data; if (recordType) { = recordType; } } else { // TODO: customize the ModelList or read the ModelList class // from a configuration option? = new Y.ModelList(); if (recordType) { = recordType; } } // TODO: Replace this with an event relay for specific events. // Using bubbling causes subscription conflicts with the models' // aggregated change event and 'change' events from DOM elements // inside the table (via Widget UI event).; } }, /** Initializes the columns, `recordType` and data ModelList. @method initializer @param {Object} config Configuration object passed to constructor @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ initializer: function (config) { var data =, columns = config.columns, recordType; // Referencing to allow _setData to be more stringent // about its behavior this._initDataProperty(data); // Default columns from recordType ATTRS if recordType is supplied at // construction. If no recordType is supplied, but the data is // supplied as a non-empty array, use the keys of the first item // as the columns. if (!columns) { recordType = (config.recordType || === && this.get('recordType'); if (recordType) { columns = keys(recordType.ATTRS); } else if (isArray(data) && data.length) { columns = keys(data[0]); } if (columns) { this.set('columns', columns); } } this._initColumns(); this._eventHandles = {}; this._initCoreEvents(); }, /** Iterates the array of column configurations to capture all columns with a `key` property. An map is built with column keys as the property name and the corresponding column object as the associated value. This map is then assigned to the instance's `_columnMap` property. @method _setColumnMap @param {Object[]|String[]} columns The array of column config objects @protected @since 3.6.0 **/ _setColumnMap: function (columns) { var map = {}; function process(cols) { var i, len, col, key; for (i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; ++i) { col = cols[i]; key = col.key; // First in wins for multiple columns with the same key // because the first call to genId (in _setColumns) will // return the same key, which will then be overwritten by the // subsequent same-keyed column. So table.getColumn(key) would // return the last same-keyed column. if (key && !map[key]) { map[key] = col; } //TODO: named columns can conflict with keyed columns map[col._id] = col; if (col.children) { process(col.children); } } } process(columns); this._columnMap = map; }, /** Translates string columns into objects with that string as the value of its `key` property. All columns are assigned a `_yuid` stamp and `_id` property corresponding to the column's configured `name` or `key` property with any spaces replaced with dashes. If the same `name` or `key` appears in multiple columns, subsequent appearances will have their `_id` appended with an incrementing number (e.g. if column "foo" is included in the `columns` attribute twice, the first will get `_id` of "foo", and the second an `_id` of "foo1"). Columns that are children of other columns will have the `_parent` property added, assigned the column object to which they belong. @method _setColumns @param {null|Object[]|String[]} val Array of config objects or strings @return {null|Object[]} @protected **/ _setColumns: function (val) { var keys = {}, known = [], knownCopies = [], arrayIndex = Y.Array.indexOf; function copyObj(o) { var copy = {}, key, val, i; known.push(o); knownCopies.push(copy); for (key in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = o[key]; if (isArray(val)) { copy[key] = val.slice(); } else if (isObject(val, true)) { i = arrayIndex(known, val); copy[key] = i === -1 ? copyObj(val) : knownCopies[i]; } else { copy[key] = o[key]; } } } return copy; } function genId(name) { // Sanitize the name for use in generated CSS classes. // TODO: is there more to do for other uses of _id? name = name.replace(/\s+/, '-'); if (keys[name]) { name += (keys[name]++); } else { keys[name] = 1; } return name; } function process(cols, parent) { var columns = [], i, len, col, yuid; for (i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; ++i) { columns[i] = // chained assignment col = isString(cols[i]) ? { key: cols[i] } : copyObj(cols[i]); yuid = Y.stamp(col); // For backward compatibility if (! { // Implementers can shoot themselves in the foot by setting // this config property to a non-unique value = yuid; } if (col.field) { // Field is now known as "name" to avoid confusion with data // fields or schema.resultFields = col.field; } if (parent) { col._parent = parent; } else { delete col._parent; } // Unique id based on the column's configured name or key, // falling back to the yuid. Duplicates will have a counter // added to the end. col._id = genId( || col.key ||; if (isArray(col.children)) { col.children = process(col.children, col); } } return columns; } return val && process(val); }, /** Relays attribute assignments of the deprecated `columnset` attribute to the `columns` attribute. If a Columnset is object is passed, its basic object structure is mined. @method _setColumnset @param {Array|Columnset} val The columnset value to relay @deprecated This will be removed with the deprecated `columnset` attribute in a later version. @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _setColumnset: function (val) { this.set('columns', val); return isArray(val) ? val : INVALID; }, /** Accepts an object with `each` and `getAttrs` (preferably a ModelList or subclass) or an array of data objects. If an array is passes, it will create a ModelList to wrap the data. In doing so, it will set the created ModelList's `model` property to the class in the `recordType` attribute, which will be defaulted if not yet set. If the `data` property is already set with a ModelList, passing an array as the value will call the ModelList's `reset()` method with that array rather than replacing the stored ModelList wholesale. Any non-ModelList-ish and non-array value is invalid. @method _setData @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _setData: function (val) { if (val === null) { val = []; } if (isArray(val)) { this._initDataProperty(); // silent to prevent subscribers to both reset and dataChange // from reacting to the change twice. // TODO: would it be better to return INVALID to silence the // dataChange event, or even allow both events?, { silent: true }); // Return the instance ModelList to avoid storing unprocessed // data in the state and their vivified Model representations in // the instance's data property. Decreases memory consumption. val =; } else if (!val || !val.each || !val.toJSON) { // ModelList/ArrayList duck typing val = INVALID; } return val; }, /** Relays the value assigned to the deprecated `recordset` attribute to the `data` attribute. If a Recordset instance is passed, the raw object data will be culled from it. @method _setRecordset @param {Object[]|Recordset} val The recordset value to relay @deprecated This will be removed with the deprecated `recordset` attribute in a later version. @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _setRecordset: function (val) { var data; if (val && Y.Recordset && val instanceof Y.Recordset) { data = []; val.each(function (record) { data.push(record.get('data')); }); val = data; } this.set('data', val); return val; }, /** Accepts a Base subclass (preferably a Model subclass). Alternately, it will generate a custom Model subclass from an array of attribute names or an object defining attributes and their respective configurations (it is assigned as the `ATTRS` of the new class). Any other value is invalid. @method _setRecordType @param {Function|String[]|Object} val The Model subclass, array of attribute names, or the `ATTRS` definition for a custom model subclass @return {Function} A Base/Model subclass @protected @since 3.5.0 **/ _setRecordType: function (val) { var modelClass; // Duck type based on known/likely consumed APIs if (isFunction(val) && val.prototype.toJSON && val.prototype.setAttrs) { modelClass = val; } else if (isObject(val)) { modelClass = this._createRecordClass(val); } return modelClass || INVALID; } }); /** _This is a documentation entry only_ Columns are described by object literals with a set of properties. There is not an actual `DataTable.Column` class. However, for the purpose of documenting it, this pseudo-class is declared here. DataTables accept an array of column definitions in their [columns](DataTable.html#attr_columns) attribute. Each entry in this array is a column definition which may contain any combination of the properties listed below. There are no mandatory properties though a column will usually have a [key](#property_key) property to reference the data it is supposed to show. The [columns](DataTable.html#attr_columns) attribute can accept a plain string in lieu of an object literal, which is the equivalent of an object with the [key](#property_key) property set to that string. @class DataTable.Column */ /** Binds the column values to the named property in the [data](DataTable.html#attr_data). Optional if [formatter](#property_formatter), [nodeFormatter](#property_nodeFormatter), or [cellTemplate](#property_cellTemplate) is used to populate the content. It should not be set if [children](#property_children) is set. The value is used for the [\_id](#property__id) property unless the [name](#property_name) property is also set. { key: 'username' } The above column definition can be reduced to this: 'username' @property key @type String */ /** An identifier that can be used to locate a column via [getColumn](DataTable.html#method_getColumn) or style columns with class `yui3-datatable-col-NAME` after dropping characters that are not valid for CSS class names. It defaults to the [key](#property_key). The value is used for the [\_id](#property__id) property. { name: 'fullname', formatter: ... } @property name @type String */ /** An alias for [name](#property_name) for backward compatibility. { field: 'fullname', formatter: ... } @property field @type String */ /** Overrides the default unique id assigned `<th id="HERE">`. __Use this with caution__, since it can result in duplicate ids in the DOM. { name: 'checkAll', id: 'check-all', label: ... formatter: ... } @property id @type String */ /** HTML to populate the header `<th>` for the column. It defaults to the value of the [key](#property_key) property or the text `Column n` where _n_ is an ordinal number. { key: 'MfgvaPrtNum', label: 'Part Number' } @property label @type {String} */ /** Used to create stacked headers. Child columns may also contain `children`. There is no limit to the depth of nesting. Columns configured with `children` are for display only and <strong>should not</strong> be configured with a [key](#property_key). Configurations relating to the display of data, such as [formatter](#property_formatter), [nodeFormatter](#property_nodeFormatter), [emptyCellValue](#property_emptyCellValue), etc. are ignored. { label: 'Name', children: [ { key: 'firstName', label: 'First`}, { key: 'lastName', label: 'Last`} ]} @property children @type Array */ /** Assigns the value `<th abbr="HERE">`. { key : 'forecast', label: '1yr Target Forecast', abbr : 'Forecast' } @property abbr @type String */ /** Assigns the value `<th title="HERE">`. { key : 'forecast', label: '1yr Target Forecast', title: 'Target Forecast for the Next 12 Months' } @property title @type String */ /** Overrides the default [CELL_TEMPLATE](DataTable.HeaderView.html#property_CELL_TEMPLATE) used by `Y.DataTable.HeaderView` to render the header cell for this column. This is necessary when more control is needed over the markup for the header itself, rather than its content. Use the [label](#property_label) configuration if you don't need to customize the `<th>` iteself. Implementers are strongly encouraged to preserve at least the `{id}` and `{_id}` placeholders in the custom value. { headerTemplate: '<th id="{id}" ' + 'title="Unread" ' + 'class="{className}" ' + '{_id}>&#9679;</th>' } @property headerTemplate @type HTML */ /** Overrides the default [CELL_TEMPLATE](DataTable.BodyView.html#property_CELL_TEMPLATE) used by `Y.DataTable.BodyView` to render the data cells for this column. This is necessary when more control is needed over the markup for the `<td>` itself, rather than its content. { key: 'id', cellTemplate: '<td class="{className}">' + '<input type="checkbox" ' + 'id="{content}">' + '</td>' } @property cellTemplate @type String */ /** String or function used to translate the raw record data for each cell in a given column into a format better suited to display. If it is a string, it will initially be assumed to be the name of one of the formatting functions in [Y.DataTable.BodyView.Formatters](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html). If one such formatting function exists, it will be used. If no such named formatter is found, it will be assumed to be a template string and will be expanded. The placeholders can contain the key to any field in the record or the placeholder `{value}` which represents the value of the current field. If the value is a function, it will be assumed to be a formatting function. A formatting function receives a single argument, an object with the following properties: * __value__ The raw value from the record Model to populate this cell. Equivalent to `o.record.get(o.column.key)` or `[o.column.key]`. * __data__ The Model data for this row in simple object format. * __record__ The Model for this row. * __column__ The column configuration object. * __className__ A string of class names to add `<td class="HERE">` in addition to the column class and any classes in the column's className configuration. * __rowIndex__ The index of the current Model in the ModelList. Typically correlates to the row index as well. * __rowClass__ A string of css classes to add `<tr class="HERE"><td....` This is useful to avoid the need for nodeFormatters to add classes to the containing row. The formatter function may return a string value that will be used for the cell contents or it may change the value of the `value`, `className` or `rowClass` properties which well then be used to format the cell. If the value for the cell is returned in the `value` property of the input argument, no value should be returned. { key: 'name', formatter: 'link', // named formatter linkFrom: 'website' // extra column property for link formatter }, { key: 'cost', formatter: '${value}' // formatter template string //formatter: '${cost}' // same result but less portable }, { name: 'Name', // column does not have associated field value // thus, it uses name instead of key formatter: '{firstName} {lastName}' // template references other fields }, { key: 'price', formatter: function (o) { // function both returns a string to show if (o.value > 3) { // and a className to apply to the cell o.className += 'expensive'; } return '$' + o.value.toFixed(2); } }, @property formatter @type String || Function */ /** Used to customize the content of the data cells for this column. `nodeFormatter` is significantly slower than [formatter](#property_formatter) and should be avoided if possible. Unlike [formatter](#property_formatter), `nodeFormatter` has access to the `<td>` element and its ancestors. The function provided is expected to fill in the `<td>` element itself. __Node formatters should return `false`__ except in certain conditions as described in the users guide. The function receives a single object argument with the following properties: * __td__ The `<td>` Node for this cell. * __cell__ If the cell `<td> contains an element with class `yui3-datatable-liner, this will refer to that Node. Otherwise, it is equivalent to `td` (default behavior). * __value__ The raw value from the record Model to populate this cell. Equivalent to `o.record.get(o.column.key)` or `[o.column.key]`. * __data__ The Model data for this row in simple object format. * __record__ The Model for this row. * __column__ The column configuration object. * __rowIndex__ The index of the current Model in the ModelList. _Typically_ correlates to the row index as well. @example nodeFormatter: function (o) { if (o.value < {'rowspan', 2);'data-term-id', this.record.get('id')); '<tr><td colspan"3">' + '<button class="term">terminate</button>' + '</td></tr>', 'after'); } o.cell.setHTML(o.value); return false; } @property nodeFormatter @type Function */ /** Provides the default value to populate the cell if the data for that cell is `undefined`, `null`, or an empty string. { key: 'price', emptyCellValue: '???' } @property emptyCellValue @type {String} depending on the setting of allowHTML */ /** Skips the security step of HTML escaping the value for cells in this column. This is also necessary if [emptyCellValue](#property_emptyCellValue) is set with an HTML string. `nodeFormatter`s ignore this configuration. If using a `nodeFormatter`, it is recommended to use [Y.Escape.html()](Escape.html#method_html) on any user supplied content that is to be displayed. { key: 'preview', allowHTML: true } @property allowHTML @type Boolean */ /** A string of CSS classes that will be added to the `<td>`'s `class` attribute. Note, all cells will automatically have a class in the form of "yui3-datatable-col-XXX" added to the `<td>`, where XXX is the column's configured `name`, `key`, or `id` (in that order of preference) sanitized from invalid characters. { key: 'symbol', className: 'no-hide' } @property className @type String */ /** (__read-only__) The unique identifier assigned to each column. This is used for the `id` if not set, and the `_id` if none of [name](#property_name), [field](#property_field), [key](#property_key), or [id](#property_id) are set. @property _yuid @type String @protected */ /** (__read-only__) A unique-to-this-instance name used extensively in the rendering process. It is also used to create the column's classname, as the input name `table.getColumn(HERE)`, and in the column header's `<th data-yui3-col-id="HERE">`. The value is populated by the first of [name](#property_name), [field](#property_field), [key](#property_key), [id](#property_id), or [_yuid](#property__yuid) to have a value. If that value has already been used (such as when multiple columns have the same `key`), an incrementer is added to the end. For example, two columns with `key: "id"` will have `_id`s of "id" and "id2". `table.getColumn("id")` will return the first column, and `table.getColumn("id2")` will return the second. @property _id @type String @protected */ /** (__read-only__) Used by `Y.DataTable.HeaderView` when building stacked column headers. @property _colspan @type Integer @protected */ /** (__read-only__) Used by `Y.DataTable.HeaderView` when building stacked column headers. @property _rowspan @type Integer @protected */ /** (__read-only__) Assigned to all columns in a column's `children` collection. References the parent column object. @property _parent @type DataTable.Column @protected */ /** (__read-only__) Array of the `id`s of the column and all parent columns. Used by `Y.DataTable.BodyView` to populate `<td headers="THIS">` when a cell references more than one header. @property _headers @type Array @protected */ }, '3.15.0', {"requires": ["escape", "model-list", "node-event-delegate"]});
/*! X-editable - v1.4.4 * In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery * * Copyright (c) 2013 Vitaliy Potapov; Licensed MIT */ /** Form with single input element, two buttons and two states: normal/loading. Applied as jQuery method to DIV tag (not to form tag!). This is because form can be in loading state when spinner shown. Editableform is linked with one of input types, e.g. 'text', 'select' etc. @class editableform @uses text @uses textarea **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var EditableForm = function (div, options) { this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.editableform.defaults, options); this.$div = $(div); //div, containing form. Not form tag. Not editable-element. if(!this.options.scope) { this.options.scope = this; } //nothing shown after init }; EditableForm.prototype = { constructor: EditableForm, initInput: function() { //called once //take input from options (as it is created in editable-element) this.input = this.options.input; //set initial value //todo: may be add check: typeof str === 'string' ? this.value = this.input.str2value(this.options.value); }, initTemplate: function() { this.$form = $($.fn.editableform.template); }, initButtons: function() { var $btn = this.$form.find('.editable-buttons'); $btn.append($.fn.editableform.buttons); if(this.options.showbuttons === 'bottom') { $btn.addClass('editable-buttons-bottom'); } }, /** Renders editableform @method render **/ render: function() { //init loader this.$loading = $($.fn.editableform.loading); this.$div.empty().append(this.$loading); //init form template and buttons this.initTemplate(); if(this.options.showbuttons) { this.initButtons(); } else { this.$form.find('.editable-buttons').remove(); } //show loading state this.showLoading(); /** Fired when rendering starts @event rendering @param {Object} event event object **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('rendering'); //init input this.initInput(); //append input to form this.input.prerender(); this.$form.find('div.editable-input').append(this.input.$tpl); //append form to container this.$div.append(this.$form); //render input $.when(this.input.render()) .then($.proxy(function () { //setup input to submit automatically when no buttons shown if(!this.options.showbuttons) { this.input.autosubmit(); } //attach 'cancel' handler this.$form.find('.editable-cancel').click($.proxy(this.cancel, this)); if(this.input.error) { this.error(this.input.error); this.$form.find('.editable-submit').attr('disabled', true); this.input.$input.attr('disabled', true); //prevent form from submitting this.$form.submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); } else { this.error(false); this.input.$input.removeAttr('disabled'); this.$form.find('.editable-submit').removeAttr('disabled'); this.input.value2input(this.value); //attach submit handler this.$form.submit($.proxy(this.submit, this)); } /** Fired when form is rendered @event rendered @param {Object} event event object **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('rendered'); this.showForm(); //call postrender method to perform actions required visibility of form if(this.input.postrender) { this.input.postrender(); } }, this)); }, cancel: function() { /** Fired when form was cancelled by user @event cancel @param {Object} event event object **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('cancel'); }, showLoading: function() { var w, h; if(this.$form) { //set loading size equal to form w = this.$form.outerWidth(); h = this.$form.outerHeight(); if(w) { this.$loading.width(w); } if(h) { this.$loading.height(h); } this.$form.hide(); } else { //stretch loading to fill container width w = this.$loading.parent().width(); if(w) { this.$loading.width(w); } } this.$; }, showForm: function(activate) { this.$loading.hide(); this.$; if(activate !== false) { this.input.activate(); } /** Fired when form is shown @event show @param {Object} event event object **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('show'); }, error: function(msg) { var $group = this.$form.find('.control-group'), $block = this.$form.find('.editable-error-block'), lines; if(msg === false) { $group.removeClass($.fn.editableform.errorGroupClass); $block.removeClass($.fn.editableform.errorBlockClass).empty().hide(); } else { //convert newline to <br> for more pretty error display if(msg) { lines = msg.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = $('<div>').text(lines[i]).html(); } msg = lines.join('<br>'); } $group.addClass($.fn.editableform.errorGroupClass); $block.addClass($.fn.editableform.errorBlockClass).html(msg).show(); } }, submit: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var error, newValue = this.input.input2value(); //get new value from input //validation if (error = this.validate(newValue)) { this.error(error); this.showForm(); return; } //if value not changed --> trigger 'nochange' event and return /*jslint eqeq: true*/ if (!this.options.savenochange && this.input.value2str(newValue) == this.input.value2str(this.value)) { /*jslint eqeq: false*/ /** Fired when value not changed but form is submitted. Requires savenochange = false. @event nochange @param {Object} event event object **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('nochange'); return; } //sending data to server $.when( .done($.proxy(function(response) { //run success callback var res = typeof this.options.success === 'function' ?, response, newValue) : null; //if success callback returns false --> keep form open and do not activate input if(res === false) { this.error(false); this.showForm(false); return; } //if success callback returns string --> keep form open, show error and activate input if(typeof res === 'string') { this.error(res); this.showForm(); return; } //if success callback returns object like {newValue: <something>} --> use that value instead of submitted //it is usefull if you want to chnage value in url-function if(res && typeof res === 'object' && res.hasOwnProperty('newValue')) { newValue = res.newValue; } //clear error message this.error(false); this.value = newValue; /** Fired when form is submitted @event save @param {Object} event event object @param {Object} params additional params @param {mixed} params.newValue submitted value @param {Object} params.response ajax response @example $('#form-div').on('save'), function(e, params){ if(params.newValue === 'username') {...} }); **/ this.$div.triggerHandler('save', {newValue: newValue, response: response}); }, this)) .fail($.proxy(function(xhr) { var msg; if(typeof this.options.error === 'function') { msg =, xhr, newValue); } else { msg = typeof xhr === 'string' ? xhr : xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText || 'Unknown error!'; } this.error(msg); this.showForm(); }, this)); }, save: function(newValue) { //convert value for submitting to server var submitValue = this.input.value2submit(newValue); //try parse composite pk defined as json string in data-pk = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(, true); var pk = (typeof === 'function') ? :, send = !!(typeof this.options.url === 'function' || (this.options.url && ((this.options.send === 'always') || (this.options.send === 'auto' && pk !== null && pk !== undefined)))), params; if (send) { //send to server this.showLoading(); //standard params params = { name: || '', value: submitValue, pk: pk }; //additional params if(typeof this.options.params === 'function') { params =, params); } else { //try parse json in single quotes (from data-params attribute) this.options.params = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(this.options.params, true); $.extend(params, this.options.params); } if(typeof this.options.url === 'function') { //user's function return, params); } else { //send ajax to server and return deferred object return $.ajax($.extend({ url : this.options.url, data : params, type : 'POST' }, this.options.ajaxOptions)); } } }, validate: function (value) { if (value === undefined) { value = this.value; } if (typeof this.options.validate === 'function') { return, value); } }, option: function(key, value) { if(key in this.options) { this.options[key] = value; } if(key === 'value') { this.setValue(value); } //do not pass option to input as it is passed in editable-element }, setValue: function(value, convertStr) { if(convertStr) { this.value = this.input.str2value(value); } else { this.value = value; } //if form is visible, update input if(this.$form && this.$':visible')) { this.input.value2input(this.value); } } }; /* Initialize editableform. Applied to jQuery object. @method $().editableform(options) @params {Object} options @example var $form = $('&lt;div&gt;').editableform({ type: 'text', name: 'username', url: '/post', value: 'vitaliy' }); //to display form you should call 'render' method $form.editableform('render'); */ $.fn.editableform = function (option) { var args = arguments; return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $'editableform'), options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) { $'editableform', (data = new EditableForm(this, options))); } if (typeof option === 'string') { //call method data[option].apply(data,, 1)); } }); }; //keep link to constructor to allow inheritance $.fn.editableform.Constructor = EditableForm; //defaults $.fn.editableform.defaults = { /* see also defaults for input */ /** Type of input. Can be <code>text|textarea|select|date|checklist</code> @property type @type string @default 'text' **/ type: 'text', /** Url for submit, e.g. <code>'/post'</code> If function - it will be called instead of ajax. Function should return deferred object to run fail/done callbacks. @property url @type string|function @default null @example url: function(params) { var d = new $.Deferred; if(params.value === 'abc') { return d.reject('error message'); //returning error via deferred object } else { //async saving data in js model someModel.asyncSaveMethod({ ..., success: function(){ d.resolve(); } }); return d.promise(); } } **/ url:null, /** Additional params for submit. If defined as <code>object</code> - it is **appended** to original ajax data (pk, name and value). If defined as <code>function</code> - returned object **overwrites** original ajax data. @example params: function(params) { //originally params contain pk, name and value params.a = 1; return params; } @property params @type object|function @default null **/ params:null, /** Name of field. Will be submitted on server. Can be taken from <code>id</code> attribute @property name @type string @default null **/ name: null, /** Primary key of editable object (e.g. record id in database). For composite keys use object, e.g. <code>{id: 1, lang: 'en'}</code>. Can be calculated dynamically via function. @property pk @type string|object|function @default null **/ pk: null, /** Initial value. If not defined - will be taken from element's content. For __select__ type should be defined (as it is ID of shown text). @property value @type string|object @default null **/ value: null, /** Strategy for sending data on server. Can be <code>auto|always|never</code>. When 'auto' data will be sent on server only if pk defined, otherwise new value will be stored in element. @property send @type string @default 'auto' **/ send: 'auto', /** Function for client-side validation. If returns string - means validation not passed and string showed as error. @property validate @type function @default null @example validate: function(value) { if($.trim(value) == '') { return 'This field is required'; } } **/ validate: null, /** Success callback. Called when value successfully sent on server and **response status = 200**. Usefull to work with json response. For example, if your backend response can be <code>{success: true}</code> or <code>{success: false, msg: "server error"}</code> you can check it inside this callback. If it returns **string** - means error occured and string is shown as error message. If it returns **object like** <code>{newValue: &lt;something&gt;}</code> - it overwrites value, submitted by user. Otherwise newValue simply rendered into element. @property success @type function @default null @example success: function(response, newValue) { if(!response.success) return response.msg; } **/ success: null, /** Error callback. Called when request failed (response status != 200). Usefull when you want to parse error response and display a custom message. Must return **string** - the message to be displayed in the error block. @property error @type function @default null @since 1.4.4 @example error: function(response, newValue) { if(response.status === 500) { return 'Service unavailable. Please try later.'; } else { return response.responseText; } } **/ error: null, /** Additional options for submit ajax request. List of values: @property ajaxOptions @type object @default null @since 1.1.1 @example ajaxOptions: { type: 'put', dataType: 'json' } **/ ajaxOptions: null, /** Where to show buttons: left(true)|bottom|false Form without buttons is auto-submitted. @property showbuttons @type boolean|string @default true @since 1.1.1 **/ showbuttons: true, /** Scope for callback methods (success, validate). If <code>null</code> means editableform instance itself. @property scope @type DOMElement|object @default null @since 1.2.0 @private **/ scope: null, /** Whether to save or cancel value when it was not changed but form was submitted @property savenochange @type boolean @default false @since 1.2.0 **/ savenochange: false }; /* Note: following params could redefined in engine: bootstrap or jqueryui: Classes 'control-group' and 'editable-error-block' must always present! */ $.fn.editableform.template = '<form class="form-inline editableform">'+ '<div class="control-group">' + '<div><div class="editable-input"></div><div class="editable-buttons"></div></div>'+ '<div class="editable-error-block"></div>' + '</div>' + '</form>'; //loading div $.fn.editableform.loading = '<div class="editableform-loading"></div>'; //buttons $.fn.editableform.buttons = '<button type="submit" class="editable-submit">ok</button>'+ '<button type="button" class="editable-cancel">cancel</button>'; //error class attached to control-group $.fn.editableform.errorGroupClass = null; //error class attached to editable-error-block $.fn.editableform.errorBlockClass = 'editable-error'; }(window.jQuery)); /** * EditableForm utilites */ (function ($) { "use strict"; //utils $.fn.editableutils = { /** * classic JS inheritance function */ inherit: function (Child, Parent) { var F = function() { }; F.prototype = Parent.prototype; Child.prototype = new F(); Child.prototype.constructor = Child; Child.superclass = Parent.prototype; }, /** * set caret position in input * see */ setCursorPosition: function(elem, pos) { if (elem.setSelectionRange) { elem.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } else if (elem.createTextRange) { var range = elem.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos);; } }, /** * function to parse JSON in *single* quotes. (jquery automatically parse only double quotes) * That allows such code as: <a data-source="{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}"> * safe = true --> means no exception will be thrown * for details see */ tryParseJson: function(s, safe) { if (typeof s === 'string' && s.length && s.match(/^[\{\[].*[\}\]]$/)) { if (safe) { try { /*jslint evil: true*/ s = (new Function('return ' + s))(); /*jslint evil: false*/ } catch (e) {} finally { return s; } } else { /*jslint evil: true*/ s = (new Function('return ' + s))(); /*jslint evil: false*/ } } return s; }, /** * slice object by specified keys */ sliceObj: function(obj, keys, caseSensitive /* default: false */) { var key, keyLower, newObj = {}; if (!$.isArray(keys) || !keys.length) { return newObj; } for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } if(caseSensitive === true) { continue; } //when getting data-* attributes via $.data() it's converted to lowercase. //details: //workaround is code below. keyLower = key.toLowerCase(); if (obj.hasOwnProperty(keyLower)) { newObj[key] = obj[keyLower]; } } return newObj; }, /* exclude complex objects from $.data() before pass to config */ getConfigData: function($element) { var data = {}; $.each($, function(k, v) { if(typeof v !== 'object' || (v && typeof v === 'object' && (v.constructor === Object || v.constructor === Array))) { data[k] = v; } }); return data; }, /* returns keys of object */ objectKeys: function(o) { if (Object.keys) { return Object.keys(o); } else { if (o !== Object(o)) { throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object'); } var k=[], p; for (p in o) { if (,p)) { k.push(p); } } return k; } }, /** method to escape html. **/ escape: function(str) { return $('<div>').text(str).html(); }, /* returns array items from sourceData having value property equal or inArray of 'value' */ itemsByValue: function(value, sourceData, valueProp) { if(!sourceData || value === null) { return []; } valueProp = valueProp || 'value'; var isValArray = $.isArray(value), result = [], that = this; $.each(sourceData, function(i, o) { if(o.children) { result = result.concat(that.itemsByValue(value, o.children, valueProp)); } else { /*jslint eqeq: true*/ if(isValArray) { if($.grep(value, function(v){ return v == (o && typeof o === 'object' ? o[valueProp] : o); }).length) { result.push(o); } } else { if(value == (o && typeof o === 'object' ? o[valueProp] : o)) { result.push(o); } } /*jslint eqeq: false*/ } }); return result; }, /* Returns input by options: type, mode. */ createInput: function(options) { var TypeConstructor, typeOptions, input, type = options.type; //`date` is some kind of virtual type that is transformed to one of exact types //depending on mode and core lib if(type === 'date') { //inline if(options.mode === 'inline') { if($.fn.editabletypes.datefield) { type = 'datefield'; } else if($.fn.editabletypes.dateuifield) { type = 'dateuifield'; } //popup } else { if($ { type = 'date'; } else if($.fn.editabletypes.dateui) { type = 'dateui'; } } //if type still `date` and not exist in types, replace with `combodate` that is base input if(type === 'date' && !$ { type = 'combodate'; } } //`datetime` should be datetimefield in 'inline' mode if(type === 'datetime' && options.mode === 'inline') { type = 'datetimefield'; } //change wysihtml5 to textarea for jquery UI and plain versions if(type === 'wysihtml5' && !$.fn.editabletypes[type]) { type = 'textarea'; } //create input of specified type. Input will be used for converting value, not in form if(typeof $.fn.editabletypes[type] === 'function') { TypeConstructor = $.fn.editabletypes[type]; typeOptions = this.sliceObj(options, this.objectKeys(TypeConstructor.defaults)); input = new TypeConstructor(typeOptions); return input; } else { $.error('Unknown type: '+ type); return false; } } }; }(window.jQuery)); /** Attaches stand-alone container with editable-form to HTML element. Element is used only for positioning, value is not stored anywhere.<br> This method applied internally in <code>$().editable()</code>. You should subscribe on it's events (save / cancel) to get profit of it.<br> Final realization can be different: bootstrap-popover, jqueryui-tooltip, poshytip, inline-div. It depends on which js file you include.<br> Applied as jQuery method. @class editableContainer @uses editableform **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Popup = function (element, options) { this.init(element, options); }; var Inline = function (element, options) { this.init(element, options); }; //methods Popup.prototype = { containerName: null, //tbd in child class innerCss: null, //tbd in child class containerClass: 'editable-container editable-popup', //css class applied to container element init: function(element, options) { this.$element = $(element); //since 1.4.1 container do not use data-* directly as they already merged into options. this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.editableContainer.defaults, options); this.splitOptions(); //set scope of form callbacks to element this.formOptions.scope = this.$element[0]; this.initContainer(); //bind 'destroyed' listener to destroy container when element is removed from dom this.$element.on('destroyed', $.proxy(function(){ this.destroy(); }, this)); //attach document handler to close containers on click / escape if(!$(document).data('editable-handlers-attached')) { //close all on escape $(document).on('keyup.editable', function (e) { if (e.which === 27) { $('.editable-open').editableContainer('hide'); //todo: return focus on element } }); //close containers when click outside //(mousedown could be better than click, it closes everything also on drag drop) $(document).on('click.editable', function(e) { var $target = $(, i, exclude_classes = ['.editable-container', '.ui-datepicker-header', '.datepicker', //in inline mode datepicker is rendered into body '.modal-backdrop', '.bootstrap-wysihtml5-insert-image-modal', '.bootstrap-wysihtml5-insert-link-modal' ]; //check if element is detached. It occurs when clicking in bootstrap datepicker if (!$.contains(document.documentElement, { return; } //for some reason FF 20 generates extra event (click) in select2 widget with = document //we need to filter it via construction below. See //Possibly related to if($ { return; } //if click inside one of exclude classes --> no nothing for(i=0; i<exclude_classes.length; i++) { if($[i]) || $target.parents(exclude_classes[i]).length) { return; } } //close all open containers (except one - target) Popup.prototype.closeOthers(; }); $(document).data('editable-handlers-attached', true); } }, //split options on containerOptions and formOptions splitOptions: function() { this.containerOptions = {}; this.formOptions = {}; if(!$.fn[this.containerName]) { throw new Error(this.containerName + ' not found. Have you included corresponding js file?'); } var cDef = $.fn[this.containerName].defaults; //keys defined in container defaults go to container, others go to form for(var k in this.options) { if(k in cDef) { this.containerOptions[k] = this.options[k]; } else { this.formOptions[k] = this.options[k]; } } }, /* Returns jquery object of container @method tip() */ tip: function() { return this.container() ? this.container().$tip : null; }, /* returns container object */ container: function() { return this.$ || this.containerName); }, /* call native method of underlying container, e.g. this.$element.popover('method') */ call: function() { this.$element[this.containerName].apply(this.$element, arguments); }, initContainer: function(){; }, renderForm: function() { this.$form .editableform(this.formOptions) .on({ save: $.proxy(, this), //click on submit button (value changed) nochange: $.proxy(function(){ this.hide('nochange'); }, this), //click on submit button (value NOT changed) cancel: $.proxy(function(){ this.hide('cancel'); }, this), //click on calcel button show: $.proxy(this.setPosition, this), //re-position container every time form is shown (occurs each time after loading state) rendering: $.proxy(this.setPosition, this), //this allows to place container correctly when loading shown resize: $.proxy(this.setPosition, this), //this allows to re-position container when form size is changed rendered: $.proxy(function(){ /** Fired when container is shown and form is rendered (for select will wait for loading dropdown options). **Note:** Bootstrap popover has own `shown` event that now cannot be separated from x-editable's one. The workaround is to check `arguments.length` that is always `2` for x-editable. @event shown @param {Object} event event object @example $('#username').on('shown', function(e, editable) { editable.input.$input.val('overwriting value of input..'); }); **/ /* TODO: added second param mainly to distinguish from bootstrap's shown event. It's a hotfix that will be solved in future versions via namespaced events. */ this.$element.triggerHandler('shown', this); }, this) }) .editableform('render'); }, /** Shows container with form @method show() @param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true. **/ /* Note: poshytip owerwrites this method totally! */ show: function (closeAll) { this.$element.addClass('editable-open'); if(closeAll !== false) { //close all open containers (except this) this.closeOthers(this.$element[0]); } //show container itself this.innerShow(); this.tip().addClass(this.containerClass); /* Currently, form is re-rendered on every show. The main reason is that we dont know, what container will do with content when closed: remove(), detach() or just hide(). Detaching form itself before hide and re-insert before show is good solution, but visually it looks ugly, as container changes size before hide. */ //if form already exist - delete previous data if(this.$form) { //todo: destroy prev data! //this.$form.destroy(); } this.$form = $('<div>'); //insert form into container body if(this.tip().is(this.innerCss)) { //for inline container this.tip().append(this.$form); } else { this.tip().find(this.innerCss).append(this.$form); } //render form this.renderForm(); }, /** Hides container with form @method hide() @param {string} reason Reason caused hiding. Can be <code>save|cancel|onblur|nochange|undefined (=manual)</code> **/ hide: function(reason) { if(!this.tip() || !this.tip().is(':visible') || !this.$element.hasClass('editable-open')) { return; } this.$element.removeClass('editable-open'); this.innerHide(); /** Fired when container was hidden. It occurs on both save or cancel. **Note:** Bootstrap popover has own `hidden` event that now cannot be separated from x-editable's one. The workaround is to check `arguments.length` that is always `2` for x-editable. @event hidden @param {object} event event object @param {string} reason Reason caused hiding. Can be <code>save|cancel|onblur|nochange|manual</code> @example $('#username').on('hidden', function(e, reason) { if(reason === 'save' || reason === 'cancel') { //auto-open next editable $(this).closest('tr').next().find('.editable').editable('show'); } }); **/ this.$element.triggerHandler('hidden', reason || 'manual'); }, /* internal show method. To be overwritten in child classes */ innerShow: function () { }, /* internal hide method. To be overwritten in child classes */ innerHide: function () { }, /** Toggles container visibility (show / hide) @method toggle() @param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true. **/ toggle: function(closeAll) { if(this.container() && this.tip() && this.tip().is(':visible')) { this.hide(); } else {; } }, /* Updates the position of container when content changed. @method setPosition() */ setPosition: function() { //tbd in child class }, save: function(e, params) { /** Fired when new value was submitted. You can use <code>$(this).data('editableContainer')</code> inside handler to access to editableContainer instance @event save @param {Object} event event object @param {Object} params additional params @param {mixed} params.newValue submitted value @param {Object} params.response ajax response @example $('#username').on('save', function(e, params) { //assuming server response: '{success: true}' var pk = $(this).data('editableContainer'); if(params.response && params.response.success) { alert('value: ' + params.newValue + ' with pk: ' + pk + ' saved!'); } else { alert('error!'); } }); **/ this.$element.triggerHandler('save', params); //hide must be after trigger, as saving value may require methods od plugin, applied to input this.hide('save'); }, /** Sets new option @method option(key, value) @param {string} key @param {mixed} value **/ option: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; if(key in this.containerOptions) { this.containerOptions[key] = value; this.setContainerOption(key, value); } else { this.formOptions[key] = value; if(this.$form) { this.$form.editableform('option', key, value); } } }, setContainerOption: function(key, value) {'option', key, value); }, /** Destroys the container instance @method destroy() **/ destroy: function() { this.hide(); this.innerDestroy(); this.$'destroyed'); this.$element.removeData('editableContainer'); }, /* to be overwritten in child classes */ innerDestroy: function() { }, /* Closes other containers except one related to passed element. Other containers can be cancelled or submitted (depends on onblur option) */ closeOthers: function(element) { $('.editable-open').each(function(i, el){ //do nothing with passed element and it's children if(el === element || $(el).find(element).length) { return; } //otherwise cancel or submit all open containers var $el = $(el), ec = $'editableContainer'); if(!ec) { return; } if(ec.options.onblur === 'cancel') { $'editableContainer').hide('onblur'); } else if(ec.options.onblur === 'submit') { $'editableContainer').tip().find('form').submit(); } }); }, /** Activates input of visible container (e.g. set focus) @method activate() **/ activate: function() { if(this.tip && this.tip().is(':visible') && this.$form) { this.$'editableform').input.activate(); } } }; /** jQuery method to initialize editableContainer. @method $().editableContainer(options) @params {Object} options @example $('#edit').editableContainer({ type: 'text', url: '/post', pk: 1, value: 'hello' }); **/ $.fn.editableContainer = function (option) { var args = arguments; return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), dataKey = 'editableContainer', data = $, options = typeof option === 'object' && option, Constructor = (options.mode === 'inline') ? Inline : Popup; if (!data) { $, (data = new Constructor(this, options))); } if (typeof option === 'string') { //call method data[option].apply(data,, 1)); } }); }; //store constructors $.fn.editableContainer.Popup = Popup; $.fn.editableContainer.Inline = Inline; //defaults $.fn.editableContainer.defaults = { /** Initial value of form input @property value @type mixed @default null @private **/ value: null, /** Placement of container relative to element. Can be <code>top|right|bottom|left</code>. Not used for inline container. @property placement @type string @default 'top' **/ placement: 'top', /** Whether to hide container on save/cancel. @property autohide @type boolean @default true @private **/ autohide: true, /** Action when user clicks outside the container. Can be <code>cancel|submit|ignore</code>. Setting <code>ignore</code> allows to have several containers open. @property onblur @type string @default 'cancel' @since 1.1.1 **/ onblur: 'cancel', /** Animation speed (inline mode) @property anim @type string @default false **/ anim: false, /** Mode of editable, can be `popup` or `inline` @property mode @type string @default 'popup' @since 1.4.0 **/ mode: 'popup' }; /* * workaround to have 'destroyed' event to destroy popover when element is destroyed * see */ jQuery.event.special.destroyed = { remove: function(o) { if (o.handler) { o.handler(); } } }; }(window.jQuery)); /** * Editable Inline * --------------------- */ (function ($) { "use strict"; //copy prototype from EditableContainer //extend methods $.extend($.fn.editableContainer.Inline.prototype, $.fn.editableContainer.Popup.prototype, { containerName: 'editableform', innerCss: '.editable-inline', containerClass: 'editable-container editable-inline', //css class applied to container element initContainer: function(){ //container is <span> element this.$tip = $('<span></span>'); //convert anim to miliseconds (int) if(!this.options.anim) { this.options.anim = 0; } }, splitOptions: function() { //all options are passed to form this.containerOptions = {}; this.formOptions = this.options; }, tip: function() { return this.$tip; }, innerShow: function () { this.$element.hide(); this.tip().insertAfter(this.$element).show(); }, innerHide: function () { this.$tip.hide(this.options.anim, $.proxy(function() { this.$; this.innerDestroy(); }, this)); }, innerDestroy: function() { if(this.tip()) { this.tip().empty().remove(); } } }); }(window.jQuery)); /** Makes editable any HTML element on the page. Applied as jQuery method. @class editable @uses editableContainer **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Editable = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element); //data-* has more priority over js options: because dynamically created elements may change data-* this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.editable.defaults, options, $.fn.editableutils.getConfigData(this.$element)); if(this.options.selector) { this.initLive(); } else { this.init(); } }; Editable.prototype = { constructor: Editable, init: function () { var isValueByText = false, doAutotext, finalize; //name = || this.$element.attr('id'); //create input of specified type. Input needed already here to convert value for initial display (e.g. show text by id for select) //also we set scope option to have access to element inside input specific callbacks (e. g. source as function) this.options.scope = this.$element[0]; this.input = $.fn.editableutils.createInput(this.options); if(!this.input) { return; } //set value from settings or by element's text if (this.options.value === undefined || this.options.value === null) { this.value = this.input.html2value($.trim(this.$element.html())); isValueByText = true; } else { /* value can be string when received from 'data-value' attribute for complext objects value can be set as json string in data-value attribute, e.g. data-value="{city: 'Moscow', street: 'Lenina'}" */ this.options.value = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(this.options.value, true); if(typeof this.options.value === 'string') { this.value = this.input.str2value(this.options.value); } else { this.value = this.options.value; } } //add 'editable' class to every editable element this.$element.addClass('editable'); //attach handler activating editable. In disabled mode it just prevent default action (useful for links) if(this.options.toggle !== 'manual') { this.$element.addClass('editable-click'); this.$element.on(this.options.toggle + '.editable', $.proxy(function(e){ //prevent following link e.preventDefault(); //stop propagation not required because in document click handler it checks event target //e.stopPropagation(); if(this.options.toggle === 'mouseenter') { //for hover only show container; } else { //when toggle='click' we should not close all other containers as they will be closed automatically in document click listener var closeAll = (this.options.toggle !== 'click'); this.toggle(closeAll); } }, this)); } else { this.$element.attr('tabindex', -1); //do not stop focus on element when toggled manually } //check conditions for autotext: switch(this.options.autotext) { case 'always': doAutotext = true; break; case 'auto': //if element text is empty and value is defined and value not generated by text --> run autotext doAutotext = !$.trim(this.$element.text()).length && this.value !== null && this.value !== undefined && !isValueByText; break; default: doAutotext = false; } //depending on autotext run render() or just finilize init $.when(doAutotext ? this.render() : true).then($.proxy(function() { if(this.options.disabled) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); } /** Fired when element was initialized by `$().editable()` method. Please note that you should setup `init` handler **before** applying `editable`. @event init @param {Object} event event object @param {Object} editable editable instance (as here it cannot accessed via data('editable')) @since 1.2.0 @example $('#username').on('init', function(e, editable) { alert('initialized ' +; }); $('#username').editable(); **/ this.$element.triggerHandler('init', this); }, this)); }, /* Initializes parent element for live editables */ initLive: function() { //store selector var selector = this.options.selector; //modify options for child elements this.options.selector = false; this.options.autotext = 'never'; //listen toggle events this.$element.on(this.options.toggle + '.editable', selector, $.proxy(function(e){ var $target = $(; if(!$'editable')) { //if delegated element initially empty, we need to clear it's text (that was manually set to `empty` by user) //see if($target.hasClass(this.options.emptyclass)) { $target.empty(); } $target.editable(this.options).trigger(e); } }, this)); }, /* Renders value into element's text. Can call custom display method from options. Can return deferred object. @method render() @param {mixed} response server response (if exist) to pass into display function */ render: function(response) { //do not display anything if(this.options.display === false) { return; } //if input has `value2htmlFinal` method, we pass callback in third param to be called when source is loaded if(this.input.value2htmlFinal) { return this.input.value2html(this.value, this.$element[0], this.options.display, response); //if display method defined --> use it } else if(typeof this.options.display === 'function') { return$element[0], this.value, response); //else use input's original value2html() method } else { return this.input.value2html(this.value, this.$element[0]); } }, /** Enables editable @method enable() **/ enable: function() { this.options.disabled = false; this.$element.removeClass('editable-disabled'); this.handleEmpty(this.isEmpty); if(this.options.toggle !== 'manual') { if(this.$element.attr('tabindex') === '-1') { this.$element.removeAttr('tabindex'); } } }, /** Disables editable @method disable() **/ disable: function() { this.options.disabled = true; this.hide(); this.$element.addClass('editable-disabled'); this.handleEmpty(this.isEmpty); //do not stop focus on this element this.$element.attr('tabindex', -1); }, /** Toggles enabled / disabled state of editable element @method toggleDisabled() **/ toggleDisabled: function() { if(this.options.disabled) { this.enable(); } else { this.disable(); } }, /** Sets new option @method option(key, value) @param {string|object} key option name or object with several options @param {mixed} value option new value @example $('.editable').editable('option', 'pk', 2); **/ option: function(key, value) { //set option(s) by object if(key && typeof key === 'object') { $.each(key, $.proxy(function(k, v){ this.option($.trim(k), v); }, this)); return; } //set option by string this.options[key] = value; //disabled if(key === 'disabled') { return value ? this.disable() : this.enable(); } //value if(key === 'value') { this.setValue(value); } //transfer new option to container! if(this.container) { this.container.option(key, value); } //pass option to input directly (as it points to the same in form) if(this.input.option) { this.input.option(key, value); } }, /* * set emptytext if element is empty */ handleEmpty: function (isEmpty) { //do not handle empty if we do not display anything if(this.options.display === false) { return; } this.isEmpty = isEmpty !== undefined ? isEmpty : $.trim(this.$element.text()) === ''; //emptytext shown only for enabled if(!this.options.disabled) { if (this.isEmpty) { this.$element.text(this.options.emptytext); if(this.options.emptyclass) { this.$element.addClass(this.options.emptyclass); } } else if(this.options.emptyclass) { this.$element.removeClass(this.options.emptyclass); } } else { //below required if element disable property was changed if(this.isEmpty) { this.$element.empty(); if(this.options.emptyclass) { this.$element.removeClass(this.options.emptyclass); } } } }, /** Shows container with form @method show() @param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true. **/ show: function (closeAll) { if(this.options.disabled) { return; } //init editableContainer: popover, tooltip, inline, etc.. if(!this.container) { var containerOptions = $.extend({}, this.options, { value: this.value, input: this.input //pass input to form (as it is already created) }); this.$element.editableContainer(containerOptions); //listen `save` event this.$element.on("save.internal", $.proxy(, this)); this.container = this.$'editableContainer'); } else if(this.container.tip().is(':visible')) { return; } //show container; }, /** Hides container with form @method hide() **/ hide: function () { if(this.container) { this.container.hide(); } }, /** Toggles container visibility (show / hide) @method toggle() @param {boolean} closeAll Whether to close all other editable containers when showing this one. Default true. **/ toggle: function(closeAll) { if(this.container && this.container.tip().is(':visible')) { this.hide(); } else {; } }, /* * called when form was submitted */ save: function(e, params) { //mark element with unsaved class if needed if(this.options.unsavedclass) { /* Add unsaved css to element if: - url is not user's function - value was not sent to server - params.response === undefined, that means data was not sent - value changed */ var sent = false; sent = sent || typeof this.options.url === 'function'; sent = sent || this.options.display === false; sent = sent || params.response !== undefined; sent = sent || (this.options.savenochange && this.input.value2str(this.value) !== this.input.value2str(params.newValue)); if(sent) { this.$element.removeClass(this.options.unsavedclass); } else { this.$element.addClass(this.options.unsavedclass); } } //set new value this.setValue(params.newValue, false, params.response); /** Fired when new value was submitted. You can use <code>$(this).data('editable')</code> to access to editable instance @event save @param {Object} event event object @param {Object} params additional params @param {mixed} params.newValue submitted value @param {Object} params.response ajax response @example $('#username').on('save', function(e, params) { alert('Saved value: ' + params.newValue); }); **/ //event itself is triggered by editableContainer. Description here is only for documentation }, validate: function () { if (typeof this.options.validate === 'function') { return, this.value); } }, /** Sets new value of editable @method setValue(value, convertStr) @param {mixed} value new value @param {boolean} convertStr whether to convert value from string to internal format **/ setValue: function(value, convertStr, response) { if(convertStr) { this.value = this.input.str2value(value); } else { this.value = value; } if(this.container) { this.container.option('value', this.value); } $.when(this.render(response)) .then($.proxy(function() { this.handleEmpty(); }, this)); }, /** Activates input of visible container (e.g. set focus) @method activate() **/ activate: function() { if(this.container) { this.container.activate(); } }, /** Removes editable feature from element @method destroy() **/ destroy: function() { this.disable(); if(this.container) { this.container.destroy(); } if(this.options.toggle !== 'manual') { this.$element.removeClass('editable-click'); this.$ + '.editable'); } this.$"save.internal"); this.$element.removeClass('editable editable-open editable-disabled'); this.$element.removeData('editable'); } }; /* EDITABLE PLUGIN DEFINITION * ======================= */ /** jQuery method to initialize editable element. @method $().editable(options) @params {Object} options @example $('#username').editable({ type: 'text', url: '/post', pk: 1 }); **/ $.fn.editable = function (option) { //special API methods returning non-jquery object var result = {}, args = arguments, datakey = 'editable'; switch (option) { /** Runs client-side validation for all matched editables @method validate() @returns {Object} validation errors map @example $('#username, #fullname').editable('validate'); // possible result: { username: "username is required", fullname: "fullname should be minimum 3 letters length" } **/ case 'validate': this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $, error; if (data && (error = data.validate())) { result[] = error; } }); return result; /** Returns current values of editable elements. Note that it returns an **object** with name-value pairs, not a value itself. It allows to get data from several elements. If value of some editable is `null` or `undefined` it is excluded from result object. @method getValue() @returns {Object} object of element names and values @example $('#username, #fullname').editable('getValue'); // possible result: { username: "superuser", fullname: "John" } **/ case 'getValue': this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $; if (data && data.value !== undefined && data.value !== null) { result[] = data.input.value2submit(data.value); } }); return result; /** This method collects values from several editable elements and submit them all to server. Internally it runs client-side validation for all fields and submits only in case of success. See <a href="#newrecord">creating new records</a> for details. @method submit(options) @param {object} options @param {object} options.url url to submit data @param {object} additional data to submit @param {object} options.ajaxOptions additional ajax options @param {function} options.error(obj) error handler @param {function} options.success(obj,config) success handler @returns {Object} jQuery object **/ case 'submit': //collects value, validate and submit to server for creating new record var config = arguments[1] || {}, $elems = this, errors = this.editable('validate'), values; if($.isEmptyObject(errors)) { values = this.editable('getValue'); if( { $.extend(values,; } $.ajax($.extend({ url: config.url, data: values, type: 'POST' }, config.ajaxOptions)) .success(function(response) { //successful response 200 OK if(typeof config.success === 'function') {$elems, response, config); } }) .error(function(){ //ajax error if(typeof config.error === 'function') { config.error.apply($elems, arguments); } }); } else { //client-side validation error if(typeof config.error === 'function') {$elems, errors); } } return this; } //return jquery object return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $, options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) { $, (data = new Editable(this, options))); } if (typeof option === 'string') { //call method data[option].apply(data,, 1)); } }); }; $.fn.editable.defaults = { /** Type of input. Can be <code>text|textarea|select|date|checklist</code> and more @property type @type string @default 'text' **/ type: 'text', /** Sets disabled state of editable @property disabled @type boolean @default false **/ disabled: false, /** How to toggle editable. Can be <code>click|dblclick|mouseenter|manual</code>. When set to <code>manual</code> you should manually call <code>show/hide</code> methods of editable. **Note**: if you call <code>show</code> or <code>toggle</code> inside **click** handler of some DOM element, you need to apply <code>e.stopPropagation()</code> because containers are being closed on any click on document. @example $('#edit-button').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $('#username').editable('toggle'); }); @property toggle @type string @default 'click' **/ toggle: 'click', /** Text shown when element is empty. @property emptytext @type string @default 'Empty' **/ emptytext: 'Empty', /** Allows to automatically set element's text based on it's value. Can be <code>auto|always|never</code>. Useful for select and date. For example, if dropdown list is <code>{1: 'a', 2: 'b'}</code> and element's value set to <code>1</code>, it's html will be automatically set to <code>'a'</code>. <code>auto</code> - text will be automatically set only if element is empty. <code>always|never</code> - always(never) try to set element's text. @property autotext @type string @default 'auto' **/ autotext: 'auto', /** Initial value of input. If not set, taken from element's text. Note, that if element's text is empty - text is automatically generated from value and can be customized (see `autotext` option). For example, to display currency sign: @example <a id="price" data-type="text" data-value="100"></a> <script> $('#price').editable({ ... display: function(value) { $(this).text(value + '$'); } }) </script> @property value @type mixed @default element's text **/ value: null, /** Callback to perform custom displaying of value in element's text. If `null`, default input's display used. If `false`, no displaying methods will be called, element's text will never change. Runs under element's scope. _**Parameters:**_ * `value` current value to be displayed * `response` server response (if display called after ajax submit), since 1.4.0 For _inputs with source_ (select, checklist) parameters are different: * `value` current value to be displayed * `sourceData` array of items for current input (e.g. dropdown items) * `response` server response (if display called after ajax submit), since 1.4.0 To get currently selected items use `$.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, sourceData)`. @property display @type function|boolean @default null @since 1.2.0 @example display: function(value, sourceData) { //display checklist as comma-separated values var html = [], checked = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, sourceData); if(checked.length) { $.each(checked, function(i, v) { html.push($.fn.editableutils.escape(v.text)); }); $(this).html(html.join(', ')); } else { $(this).empty(); } } **/ display: null, /** Css class applied when editable text is empty. @property emptyclass @type string @since 1.4.1 @default editable-empty **/ emptyclass: 'editable-empty', /** Css class applied when value was stored but not sent to server (`pk` is empty or `send = 'never'`). You may set it to `null` if you work with editables locally and submit them together. @property unsavedclass @type string @since 1.4.1 @default editable-unsaved **/ unsavedclass: 'editable-unsaved', /** If selector is provided, editable will be delegated to the specified targets. Usefull for dynamically generated DOM elements. **Please note**, that delegated targets can't be initialized with `emptytext` and `autotext` options, as they actually become editable only after first click. You should manually set class `editable-click` to these elements. Also, if element originally empty you should add class `editable-empty`, set `data-value=""` and write emptytext into element: @property selector @type string @since 1.4.1 @default null @example <div id="user"> <!-- empty --> <a href="#" data-name="username" data-type="text" class="editable-click editable-empty" data-value="" title="Username">Empty</a> <!-- non-empty --> <a href="#" data-name="group" data-type="select" data-source="/groups" data-value="1" class="editable-click" title="Group">Operator</a> </div> <script> $('#user').editable({ selector: 'a', url: '/post', pk: 1 }); </script> **/ selector: null }; }(window.jQuery)); /** AbstractInput - base class for all editable inputs. It defines interface to be implemented by any input type. To create your own input you can inherit from this class. @class abstractinput **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; //types $.fn.editabletypes = {}; var AbstractInput = function () { }; AbstractInput.prototype = { /** Initializes input @method init() **/ init: function(type, options, defaults) { this.type = type; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); }, /* this method called before render to init $tpl that is inserted in DOM */ prerender: function() { this.$tpl = $(this.options.tpl); //whole tpl as jquery object this.$input = this.$tpl; //control itself, can be changed in render method this.$clear = null; //clear button this.error = null; //error message, if input cannot be rendered }, /** Renders input from tpl. Can return jQuery deferred object. Can be overwritten in child objects @method render() **/ render: function() { }, /** Sets element's html by value. @method value2html(value, element) @param {mixed} value @param {DOMElement} element **/ value2html: function(value, element) { $(element).text(value); }, /** Converts element's html to value @method html2value(html) @param {string} html @returns {mixed} **/ html2value: function(html) { return $('<div>').html(html).text(); }, /** Converts value to string (for internal compare). For submitting to server used value2submit(). @method value2str(value) @param {mixed} value @returns {string} **/ value2str: function(value) { return value; }, /** Converts string received from server into value. Usually from `data-value` attribute. @method str2value(str) @param {string} str @returns {mixed} **/ str2value: function(str) { return str; }, /** Converts value for submitting to server. Result can be string or object. @method value2submit(value) @param {mixed} value @returns {mixed} **/ value2submit: function(value) { return value; }, /** Sets value of input. @method value2input(value) @param {mixed} value **/ value2input: function(value) { this.$input.val(value); }, /** Returns value of input. Value can be object (e.g. datepicker) @method input2value() **/ input2value: function() { return this.$input.val(); }, /** Activates input. For text it sets focus. @method activate() **/ activate: function() { if(this.$':visible')) { this.$input.focus(); } }, /** Creates input. @method clear() **/ clear: function() { this.$input.val(null); }, /** method to escape html. **/ escape: function(str) { return $('<div>').text(str).html(); }, /** attach handler to automatically submit form when value changed (useful when buttons not shown) **/ autosubmit: function() { }, // -------- helper functions -------- setClass: function() { if(this.options.inputclass) { this.$input.addClass(this.options.inputclass); } }, setAttr: function(attr) { if (this.options[attr] !== undefined && this.options[attr] !== null) { this.$input.attr(attr, this.options[attr]); } }, option: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; } }; AbstractInput.defaults = { /** HTML template of input. Normally you should not change it. @property tpl @type string @default '' **/ tpl: '', /** CSS class automatically applied to input @property inputclass @type string @default input-medium **/ inputclass: 'input-medium', //scope for external methods (e.g. source defined as function) //for internal use only scope: null, //need to re-declare showbuttons here to get it's value from common config (passed only options existing in defaults) showbuttons: true }; $.extend($.fn.editabletypes, {abstractinput: AbstractInput}); }(window.jQuery)); /** List - abstract class for inputs that have source option loaded from js array or via ajax @class list @extends abstractinput **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var List = function (options) { }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(List, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(List.prototype, { render: function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(); this.error = null; this.onSourceReady(function () { this.renderList(); deferred.resolve(); }, function () { this.error = this.options.sourceError; deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise(); }, html2value: function (html) { return null; //can't set value by text }, value2html: function (value, element, display, response) { var deferred = $.Deferred(), success = function () { if(typeof display === 'function') { //custom display method, value, this.sourceData, response); } else { this.value2htmlFinal(value, element); } deferred.resolve(); }; //for null value just call success without loading source if(value === null) {; } else { this.onSourceReady(success, function () { deferred.resolve(); }); } return deferred.promise(); }, // ------------- additional functions ------------ onSourceReady: function (success, error) { //if allready loaded just call success if($.isArray(this.sourceData)) {; return; } // try parse json in single quotes (for double quotes jquery does automatically) try { this.options.source = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(this.options.source, false); } catch (e) {; return; } var source = this.options.source; //run source if it function if ($.isFunction(source)) { source =; } //loading from url if (typeof source === 'string') { //try to get from cache if(this.options.sourceCache) { var cacheID = source, cache; if (!$(document).data(cacheID)) { $(document).data(cacheID, {}); } cache = $(document).data(cacheID); //check for cached data if (cache.loading === false && cache.sourceData) { //take source from cache this.sourceData = cache.sourceData; this.doPrepend();; return; } else if (cache.loading === true) { //cache is loading, put callback in stack to be called later cache.callbacks.push($.proxy(function () { this.sourceData = cache.sourceData; this.doPrepend();; }, this)); //also collecting error callbacks cache.err_callbacks.push($.proxy(error, this)); return; } else { //no cache yet, activate it cache.loading = true; cache.callbacks = []; cache.err_callbacks = []; } } //loading sourceData from server $.ajax({ url: source, type: 'get', cache: false, dataType: 'json', success: $.proxy(function (data) { if(cache) { cache.loading = false; } this.sourceData = this.makeArray(data); if($.isArray(this.sourceData)) { if(cache) { //store result in cache cache.sourceData = this.sourceData; //run success callbacks for other fields waiting for this source $.each(cache.callbacks, function () {; }); } this.doPrepend();; } else {; if(cache) { //run error callbacks for other fields waiting for this source $.each(cache.err_callbacks, function () {; }); } } }, this), error: $.proxy(function () {; if(cache) { cache.loading = false; //run error callbacks for other fields $.each(cache.err_callbacks, function () {; }); } }, this) }); } else { //options as json/array this.sourceData = this.makeArray(source); if($.isArray(this.sourceData)) { this.doPrepend();; } else {; } } }, doPrepend: function () { if(this.options.prepend === null || this.options.prepend === undefined) { return; } if(!$.isArray(this.prependData)) { //run prepend if it is function (once) if ($.isFunction(this.options.prepend)) { this.options.prepend =; } //try parse json in single quotes this.options.prepend = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(this.options.prepend, true); //convert prepend from string to object if (typeof this.options.prepend === 'string') { this.options.prepend = {'': this.options.prepend}; } this.prependData = this.makeArray(this.options.prepend); } if($.isArray(this.prependData) && $.isArray(this.sourceData)) { this.sourceData = this.prependData.concat(this.sourceData); } }, /* renders input list */ renderList: function() { // this method should be overwritten in child class }, /* set element's html by value */ value2htmlFinal: function(value, element) { // this method should be overwritten in child class }, /** * convert data to array suitable for sourceData, e.g. [{value: 1, text: 'abc'}, {...}] */ makeArray: function(data) { var count, obj, result = [], item, iterateItem; if(!data || typeof data === 'string') { return null; } if($.isArray(data)) { //array /* function to iterate inside item of array if item is object. Caclulates count of keys in item and store in obj. */ iterateItem = function (k, v) { obj = {value: k, text: v}; if(count++ >= 2) { return false;// exit from `each` if item has more than one key. } }; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { item = data[i]; if(typeof item === 'object') { count = 0; //count of keys inside item $.each(item, iterateItem); //case: [{val1: 'text1'}, {val2: 'text2} ...] if(count === 1) { result.push(obj); //case: [{value: 1, text: 'text1'}, {value: 2, text: 'text2'}, ...] } else if(count > 1) { //removed check of existance: item.hasOwnProperty('value') && item.hasOwnProperty('text') if(item.children) { item.children = this.makeArray(item.children); } result.push(item); } } else { //case: ['text1', 'text2' ...] result.push({value: item, text: item}); } } } else { //case: {val1: 'text1', val2: 'text2, ...} $.each(data, function (k, v) { result.push({value: k, text: v}); }); } return result; }, option: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; if(key === 'source') { this.sourceData = null; } if(key === 'prepend') { this.prependData = null; } } }); List.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** Source data for list. If **array** - it should be in format: `[{value: 1, text: "text1"}, {value: 2, text: "text2"}, ...]` For compability, object format is also supported: `{"1": "text1", "2": "text2" ...}` but it does not guarantee elements order. If **string** - considered ajax url to load items. In that case results will be cached for fields with the same source and name. See also `sourceCache` option. If **function**, it should return data in format above (since 1.4.0). Since 1.4.1 key `children` supported to render OPTGROUP (for **select** input only). `[{text: "group1", children: [{value: 1, text: "text1"}, {value: 2, text: "text2"}]}, ...]` @property source @type string | array | object | function @default null **/ source: null, /** Data automatically prepended to the beginning of dropdown list. @property prepend @type string | array | object | function @default false **/ prepend: false, /** Error message when list cannot be loaded (e.g. ajax error) @property sourceError @type string @default Error when loading list **/ sourceError: 'Error when loading list', /** if <code>true</code> and source is **string url** - results will be cached for fields with the same source. Usefull for editable column in grid to prevent extra requests. @property sourceCache @type boolean @default true @since 1.2.0 **/ sourceCache: true }); $.fn.editabletypes.list = List; }(window.jQuery)); /** Text input @class text @extends abstractinput @final @example <a href="#" id="username" data-type="text" data-pk="1">awesome</a> <script> $(function(){ $('#username').editable({ url: '/post', title: 'Enter username' }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Text = function (options) { this.init('text', options, Text.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Text, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Text.prototype, { render: function() { this.renderClear(); this.setClass(); this.setAttr('placeholder'); }, activate: function() { if(this.$':visible')) { this.$input.focus(); $.fn.editableutils.setCursorPosition(this.$input.get(0), this.$input.val().length); if(this.toggleClear) { this.toggleClear(); } } }, //render clear button renderClear: function() { if (this.options.clear) { this.$clear = $('<span class="editable-clear-x"></span>'); this.$input.after(this.$clear) .css('padding-right', 24) .keyup($.proxy(function(e) { //arrows, enter, tab, etc if(~$.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38,9,13,27])) { return; } clearTimeout(this.t); var that = this; this.t = setTimeout(function() { that.toggleClear(e); }, 100); }, this)) .parent().css('position', 'relative'); this.$$.proxy(this.clear, this)); } }, postrender: function() { /* //now `clear` is positioned via css if(this.$clear) { //can position clear button only here, when form is shown and height can be calculated // var h = this.$input.outerHeight(true) || 20, var h = this.$clear.parent().height(), delta = (h - this.$clear.height()) / 2; //this.$clear.css({bottom: delta, right: delta}); } */ }, //show / hide clear button toggleClear: function(e) { if(!this.$clear) { return; } var len = this.$input.val().length, visible = this.$':visible'); if(len && !visible) { this.$; } if(!len && visible) { this.$clear.hide(); } }, clear: function() { this.$clear.hide(); this.$input.val('').focus(); } }); Text.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <input type="text"> **/ tpl: '<input type="text">', /** Placeholder attribute of input. Shown when input is empty. @property placeholder @type string @default null **/ placeholder: null, /** Whether to show `clear` button @property clear @type boolean @default true **/ clear: true }); $.fn.editabletypes.text = Text; }(window.jQuery)); /** Textarea input @class textarea @extends abstractinput @final @example <a href="#" id="comments" data-type="textarea" data-pk="1">awesome comment!</a> <script> $(function(){ $('#comments').editable({ url: '/post', title: 'Enter comments', rows: 10 }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Textarea = function (options) { this.init('textarea', options, Textarea.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Textarea, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Textarea.prototype, { render: function () { this.setClass(); this.setAttr('placeholder'); this.setAttr('rows'); //ctrl + enter this.$input.keydown(function (e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); }, value2html: function(value, element) { var html = '', lines; if(value) { lines = value.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = $('<div>').text(lines[i]).html(); } html = lines.join('<br>'); } $(element).html(html); }, html2value: function(html) { if(!html) { return ''; } var regex = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(10), 'g'); var lines = html.split(/<br\s*\/?>/i); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var text = $('<div>').html(lines[i]).text(); // Remove newline characters (\n) to avoid them being converted by value2html() method // thus adding extra <br> tags text = text.replace(regex, ''); lines[i] = text; } return lines.join("\n"); }, activate: function() { $; } }); Textarea.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <textarea></textarea> **/ tpl:'<textarea></textarea>', /** @property inputclass @default input-large **/ inputclass: 'input-large', /** Placeholder attribute of input. Shown when input is empty. @property placeholder @type string @default null **/ placeholder: null, /** Number of rows in textarea @property rows @type integer @default 7 **/ rows: 7 }); $.fn.editabletypes.textarea = Textarea; }(window.jQuery)); /** Select (dropdown) @class select @extends list @final @example <a href="#" id="status" data-type="select" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" data-original-title="Select status"></a> <script> $(function(){ $('#status').editable({ value: 2, source: [ {value: 1, text: 'Active'}, {value: 2, text: 'Blocked'}, {value: 3, text: 'Deleted'} ] }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Select = function (options) { this.init('select', options, Select.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Select, $.fn.editabletypes.list); $.extend(Select.prototype, { renderList: function() { this.$input.empty(); var fillItems = function($el, data) { if($.isArray(data)) { for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { if(data[i].children) { $el.append(fillItems($('<optgroup>', {label: data[i].text}), data[i].children)); } else { $el.append($('<option>', {value: data[i].value}).text(data[i].text)); } } } return $el; }; fillItems(this.$input, this.sourceData); this.setClass(); //enter submit this.$input.on('keydown.editable', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); }, value2htmlFinal: function(value, element) { var text = '', items = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.sourceData); if(items.length) { text = items[0].text; } $(element).text(text); }, autosubmit: function() { this.$'keydown.editable').on('change.editable', function(){ $(this).closest('form').submit(); }); } }); Select.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.list.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <select></select> **/ tpl:'<select></select>' }); $ = Select; }(window.jQuery)); /** List of checkboxes. Internally value stored as javascript array of values. @class checklist @extends list @final @example <a href="#" id="options" data-type="checklist" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" data-original-title="Select options"></a> <script> $(function(){ $('#options').editable({ value: [2, 3], source: [ {value: 1, text: 'option1'}, {value: 2, text: 'option2'}, {value: 3, text: 'option3'} ] }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Checklist = function (options) { this.init('checklist', options, Checklist.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Checklist, $.fn.editabletypes.list); $.extend(Checklist.prototype, { renderList: function() { var $label, $div; this.$tpl.empty(); if(!$.isArray(this.sourceData)) { return; } for(var i=0; i<this.sourceData.length; i++) { $label = $('<label>').append($('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', value: this.sourceData[i].value })) .append($('<span>').text(' '+this.sourceData[i].text)); $('<div>').append($label).appendTo(this.$tpl); } this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input[type="checkbox"]'); this.setClass(); }, value2str: function(value) { return $.isArray(value) ? value.sort().join($.trim(this.options.separator)) : ''; }, //parse separated string str2value: function(str) { var reg, value = null; if(typeof str === 'string' && str.length) { reg = new RegExp('\\s*'+$.trim(this.options.separator)+'\\s*'); value = str.split(reg); } else if($.isArray(str)) { value = str; } else { value = [str]; } return value; }, //set checked on required checkboxes value2input: function(value) { this.$input.prop('checked', false); if($.isArray(value) && value.length) { this.$input.each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); // cannot use $.inArray as it performs strict comparison $.each(value, function(j, val){ /*jslint eqeq: true*/ if($el.val() == val) { /*jslint eqeq: false*/ $el.prop('checked', true); } }); }); } }, input2value: function() { var checked = []; this.$input.filter(':checked').each(function(i, el) { checked.push($(el).val()); }); return checked; }, //collect text of checked boxes value2htmlFinal: function(value, element) { var html = [], checked = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.sourceData); if(checked.length) { $.each(checked, function(i, v) { html.push($.fn.editableutils.escape(v.text)); }); $(element).html(html.join('<br>')); } else { $(element).empty(); } }, activate: function() { this.$input.first().focus(); }, autosubmit: function() { this.$input.on('keydown', function(e){ if (e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); } }); Checklist.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.list.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <div></div> **/ tpl:'<div class="editable-checklist"></div>', /** @property inputclass @type string @default null **/ inputclass: null, /** Separator of values when reading from `data-value` attribute @property separator @type string @default ',' **/ separator: ',' }); $.fn.editabletypes.checklist = Checklist; }(window.jQuery)); /** HTML5 input types. Following types are supported: * password * email * url * tel * number * range Learn more about html5 inputs: To check browser compatibility please see: @class html5types @extends text @final @since 1.3.0 @example <a href="#" id="email" data-type="email" data-pk="1">[email protected]</a> <script> $(function(){ $('#email').editable({ url: '/post', title: 'Enter email' }); }); </script> **/ /** @property tpl @default depends on type **/ /* Password */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Password = function (options) { this.init('password', options, Password.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Password, $.fn.editabletypes.text); $.extend(Password.prototype, { //do not display password, show '[hidden]' instead value2html: function(value, element) { if(value) { $(element).text('[hidden]'); } else { $(element).empty(); } }, //as password not displayed, should not set value by html html2value: function(html) { return null; } }); Password.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.text.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="password">' }); $.fn.editabletypes.password = Password; }(window.jQuery)); /* Email */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Email = function (options) { this.init('email', options, Email.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Email, $.fn.editabletypes.text); Email.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.text.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="email">' }); $ = Email; }(window.jQuery)); /* Url */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Url = function (options) { this.init('url', options, Url.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Url, $.fn.editabletypes.text); Url.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.text.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="url">' }); $.fn.editabletypes.url = Url; }(window.jQuery)); /* Tel */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Tel = function (options) { this.init('tel', options, Tel.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Tel, $.fn.editabletypes.text); Tel.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.text.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="tel">' }); $ = Tel; }(window.jQuery)); /* Number */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var NumberInput = function (options) { this.init('number', options, NumberInput.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(NumberInput, $.fn.editabletypes.text); $.extend(NumberInput.prototype, { render: function () {; this.setAttr('min'); this.setAttr('max'); this.setAttr('step'); }, postrender: function() { if(this.$clear) { //increase right ffset for up/down arrows this.$clear.css({right: 24}); /* //can position clear button only here, when form is shown and height can be calculated var h = this.$input.outerHeight(true) || 20, delta = (h - this.$clear.height()) / 2; //add 12px to offset right for up/down arrows this.$clear.css({top: delta, right: delta + 16}); */ } } }); NumberInput.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.text.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="number">', inputclass: 'input-mini', min: null, max: null, step: null }); $.fn.editabletypes.number = NumberInput; }(window.jQuery)); /* Range (inherit from number) */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Range = function (options) { this.init('range', options, Range.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Range, $.fn.editabletypes.number); $.extend(Range.prototype, { render: function () { this.$input = this.$tpl.filter('input'); this.setClass(); this.setAttr('min'); this.setAttr('max'); this.setAttr('step'); this.$input.on('input', function(){ $(this).siblings('output').text($(this).val()); }); }, activate: function() { this.$input.focus(); } }); Range.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.number.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="range"><output style="width: 30px; display: inline-block"></output>', inputclass: 'input-medium' }); $.fn.editabletypes.range = Range; }(window.jQuery)); /** Select2 input. Based on amazing work of Igor Vaynberg Please see [original docs]( for detailed description and options. You should manually include select2 distributive: <link href="select2/select2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> <script src="select2/select2.js"></script> For make it **Bootstrap-styled** you can use css from [here]( <link href="select2-bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> **Note:** currently `ajax` source for select2 is not supported, as it's not possible to load it in closed select2 state. The solution is to load source manually and assign statically. @class select2 @extends abstractinput @since 1.4.1 @final @example <a href="#" id="country" data-type="select2" data-pk="1" data-value="ru" data-url="/post" data-original-title="Select country"></a> <script> $(function(){ $('#country').editable({ source: [ {id: 'gb', text: 'Great Britain'}, {id: 'us', text: 'United States'}, {id: 'ru', text: 'Russia'} ], select2: { multiple: true } }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Constructor = function (options) { this.init('select2', options, Constructor.defaults); options.select2 = options.select2 || {}; var that = this, mixin = { //mixin to select2 options placeholder: options.placeholder }; //detect whether it is multi-valued this.isMultiple = options.select2.tags || options.select2.multiple; //if not `tags` mode, we need define initSelection to set data from source if(!options.select2.tags) { if(options.source) { = options.source; } //this function can be defaulted in seletc2. See mixin.initSelection = function (element, callback) { //temp: try update results /* if(options.select2 && options.select2.ajax) { console.log('attached'); var original = $(element).data('select2').postprocessResults; console.log(original); $(element).data('select2').postprocessResults = function(data, initial) { console.log('postprocess'); // this.element.triggerHandler('loaded', [data]); original.apply(this, arguments); } // $(element).on('loaded', function(){console.log('loaded');}); $(element).data('select2').updateResults(true); } */ var val = that.str2value(element.val()), data = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(val,, 'id'); //for single-valued mode should not use array. Take first element instead. if($.isArray(data) && data.length && !that.isMultiple) { data = data[0]; } callback(data); }; } //overriding objects in config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive) this.options.select2 = $.extend({}, Constructor.defaults.select2, mixin, options.select2); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Constructor, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Constructor.prototype, { render: function() { this.setClass(); //apply select2 this.$input.select2(this.options.select2); //when data is loaded via ajax, we need to know when it's done if('ajax' in this.options.select2) { /* console.log('attached'); var original = this.$'select2').postprocessResults; this.$'select2').postprocessResults = function(data, initial) { this.element.triggerHandler('loaded', [data]); original.apply(this, arguments); } */ } //trigger resize of editableform to re-position container in multi-valued mode if(this.isMultiple) { this.$input.on('change', function() { $(this).closest('form').parent().triggerHandler('resize'); }); } }, value2html: function(value, element) { var text = '', data; if(this.$input) { //called when submitting form and select2 already exists data = this.$input.select2('data'); } else { //on init (autotext) //here select2 instance not created yet and data may be even not loaded. //we can check data/tags property of select config and if exist lookup text if(this.options.select2.tags) { data = value; } else if( { data = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value,, 'id'); } else { //if('ajax' in this.options.select2) { } } if($.isArray(data)) { //collect selected data and show with separator text = []; $.each(data, function(k, v){ text.push(v && typeof v === 'object' ? v.text : v); }); } else if(data) { text = data.text; } text = $.isArray(text) ? text.join(this.options.viewseparator) : text; $(element).text(text); }, html2value: function(html) { return this.options.select2.tags ? this.str2value(html, this.options.viewseparator) : null; }, value2input: function(value) { this.$input.val(value).trigger('change', true); //second argument needed to separate initial change from user's click (for autosubmit) }, input2value: function() { return this.$input.select2('val'); }, str2value: function(str, separator) { if(typeof str !== 'string' || !this.isMultiple) { return str; } separator = separator || this.options.select2.separator || $.fn.select2.defaults.separator; var val, i, l; if (str === null || str.length < 1) { return null; } val = str.split(separator); for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i = i + 1) { val[i] = $.trim(val[i]); } return val; }, autosubmit: function() { this.$input.on('change', function(e, isInitial){ if(!isInitial) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); } }); Constructor.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <input type="hidden"> **/ tpl:'<input type="hidden">', /** Configuration of select2. [Full list of options]( @property select2 @type object @default null **/ select2: null, /** Placeholder attribute of select @property placeholder @type string @default null **/ placeholder: null, /** Source data for select. It will be assigned to select2 `data` property and kept here just for convenience. Please note, that format is different from simple `select` input: use 'id' instead of 'value'. E.g. `[{id: 1, text: "text1"}, {id: 2, text: "text2"}, ...]`. @property source @type array @default null **/ source: null, /** Separator used to display tags. @property viewseparator @type string @default ', ' **/ viewseparator: ', ' }); $.fn.editabletypes.select2 = Constructor; }(window.jQuery)); /** * Combodate - 1.0.3 * Dropdown date and time picker. * Converts text input into dropdowns to pick day, month, year, hour, minute and second. * Uses momentjs as datetime library * For i18n include corresponding file from * * Author: Vitaliy Potapov * Project page: * Copyright (c) 2012 Vitaliy Potapov. Released under MIT License. **/ (function ($) { var Combodate = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element); if(!this.$'input')) { $.error('Combodate should be applied to INPUT element'); return; } this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.combodate.defaults, options, this.$; this.init(); }; Combodate.prototype = { constructor: Combodate, init: function () { = { //key regexp moment.method day: ['D', 'date'], month: ['M', 'month'], year: ['Y', 'year'], hour: ['[Hh]', 'hours'], minute: ['m', 'minutes'], second: ['s', 'seconds'], ampm: ['[Aa]', ''] }; this.$widget = $('<span class="combodate"></span>').html(this.getTemplate()); this.initCombos(); //update original input on change this.$widget.on('change', 'select', $.proxy(function(){ this.$element.val(this.getValue()); }, this)); this.$widget.find('select').css('width', 'auto'); //hide original input and insert widget this.$element.hide().after(this.$widget); //set initial value this.setValue(this.$element.val() || this.options.value); }, /* Replace tokens in template with <select> elements */ getTemplate: function() { var tpl = this.options.template; //first pass $.each(, function(k, v) { v = v[0]; var r = new RegExp(v+'+'), token = v.length > 1 ? v.substring(1, 2) : v; tpl = tpl.replace(r, '{'+token+'}'); }); //replace spaces with &nbsp; tpl = tpl.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;'); //second pass $.each(, function(k, v) { v = v[0]; var token = v.length > 1 ? v.substring(1, 2) : v; tpl = tpl.replace('{'+token+'}', '<select class="'+k+'"></select>'); }); return tpl; }, /* Initialize combos that presents in template */ initCombos: function() { var that = this; $.each(, function(k, v) { var $c = that.$widget.find('.'+k), f, items; if($c.length) { that['$'+k] = $c; //set properties like this.$day, this.$month etc. f = 'fill' + k.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + k.slice(1); //define method name to fill items, e.g `fillDays` items = that[f](); that['$'+k].html(that.renderItems(items)); } }); }, /* Initialize items of combos. Handles `firstItem` option */ initItems: function(key) { var values = [], relTime; if(this.options.firstItem === 'name') { //need both to support moment ver < 2 and >= 2 relTime = moment.relativeTime || moment.langData()._relativeTime; var header = typeof relTime[key] === 'function' ? relTime[key](1, true, key, false) : relTime[key]; //take last entry (see momentjs lang files structure) header = header.split(' ').reverse()[0]; values.push(['', header]); } else if(this.options.firstItem === 'empty') { values.push(['', '']); } return values; }, /* render items to string of <option> tags */ renderItems: function(items) { var str = []; for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++) { str.push('<option value="'+items[i][0]+'">'+items[i][1]+'</option>'); } return str.join("\n"); }, /* fill day */ fillDay: function() { var items = this.initItems('d'), name, i, twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('DD') !== -1; for(i=1; i<=31; i++) { name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i; items.push([i, name]); } return items; }, /* fill month */ fillMonth: function() { var items = this.initItems('M'), name, i, longNames = this.options.template.indexOf('MMMM') !== -1, shortNames = this.options.template.indexOf('MMM') !== -1, twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('MM') !== -1; for(i=0; i<=11; i++) { if(longNames) { name = moment().month(i).format('MMMM'); } else if(shortNames) { name = moment().month(i).format('MMM'); } else if(twoDigit) { name = this.leadZero(i+1); } else { name = i+1; } items.push([i, name]); } return items; }, /* fill year */ fillYear: function() { var items = [], name, i, longNames = this.options.template.indexOf('YYYY') !== -1; for(i=this.options.maxYear; i>=this.options.minYear; i--) { name = longNames ? i : (i+'').substring(2); items[this.options.yearDescending ? 'push' : 'unshift']([i, name]); } items = this.initItems('y').concat(items); return items; }, /* fill hour */ fillHour: function() { var items = this.initItems('h'), name, i, h12 = this.options.template.indexOf('h') !== -1, h24 = this.options.template.indexOf('H') !== -1, twoDigit = this.options.template.toLowerCase().indexOf('hh') !== -1, max = h12 ? 12 : 23; for(i=0; i<=max; i++) { name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i; items.push([i, name]); } return items; }, /* fill minute */ fillMinute: function() { var items = this.initItems('m'), name, i, twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('mm') !== -1; for(i=0; i<=59; i+= this.options.minuteStep) { name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i; items.push([i, name]); } return items; }, /* fill second */ fillSecond: function() { var items = this.initItems('s'), name, i, twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('ss') !== -1; for(i=0; i<=59; i+= this.options.secondStep) { name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i; items.push([i, name]); } return items; }, /* fill ampm */ fillAmpm: function() { var ampmL = this.options.template.indexOf('a') !== -1, ampmU = this.options.template.indexOf('A') !== -1, items = [ ['am', ampmL ? 'am' : 'AM'], ['pm', ampmL ? 'pm' : 'PM'] ]; return items; }, /* Returns current date value. If format not specified - `options.format` used. If format = `null` - Moment object returned. */ getValue: function(format) { var dt, values = {}, that = this, notSelected = false; //getting selected values $.each(, function(k, v) { if(k === 'ampm') { return; } var def = k === 'day' ? 1 : 0; values[k] = that['$'+k] ? parseInt(that['$'+k].val(), 10) : def; if(isNaN(values[k])) { notSelected = true; return false; } }); //if at least one visible combo not selected - return empty string if(notSelected) { return ''; } //convert hours if 12h format if(this.$ampm) { values.hour = this.$ampm.val() === 'am' ? values.hour : values.hour+12; if(values.hour === 24) { values.hour = 0; } } dt = moment([values.year, values.month,, values.hour, values.minute, values.second]); //highlight invalid date this.highlight(dt); format = format === undefined ? this.options.format : format; if(format === null) { return dt.isValid() ? dt : null; } else { return dt.isValid() ? dt.format(format) : ''; } }, setValue: function(value) { if(!value) { return; } var dt = typeof value === 'string' ? moment(value, this.options.format) : moment(value), that = this, values = {}; //function to find nearest value in select options function getNearest($select, value) { var delta = {}; $select.children('option').each(function(i, opt){ var optValue = $(opt).attr('value'), distance; if(optValue === '') return; distance = Math.abs(optValue - value); if(typeof delta.distance === 'undefined' || distance < delta.distance) { delta = {value: optValue, distance: distance}; } }); return delta.value; } if(dt.isValid()) { //read values from date object $.each(, function(k, v) { if(k === 'ampm') { return; } values[k] = dt[v[1]](); }); if(this.$ampm) { if(values.hour > 12) { values.hour -= 12; values.ampm = 'pm'; } else { values.ampm = 'am'; } } $.each(values, function(k, v) { //call val() for each existing combo, e.g. this.$hour.val() if(that['$'+k]) { if(k === 'minute' && that.options.minuteStep > 1 && that.options.roundTime) { v = getNearest(that['$'+k], v); } if(k === 'second' && that.options.secondStep > 1 && that.options.roundTime) { v = getNearest(that['$'+k], v); } that['$'+k].val(v); } }); this.$element.val(dt.format(this.options.format)); } }, /* highlight combos if date is invalid */ highlight: function(dt) { if(!dt.isValid()) { if(this.options.errorClass) { this.$widget.addClass(this.options.errorClass); } else { //store original border color if(!this.borderColor) { this.borderColor = this.$widget.find('select').css('border-color'); } this.$widget.find('select').css('border-color', 'red'); } } else { if(this.options.errorClass) { this.$widget.removeClass(this.options.errorClass); } else { this.$widget.find('select').css('border-color', this.borderColor); } } }, leadZero: function(v) { return v <= 9 ? '0' + v : v; }, destroy: function() { this.$widget.remove(); this.$element.removeData('combodate').show(); } //todo: clear method }; $.fn.combodate = function ( option ) { var d, args = Array.apply(null, arguments); args.shift(); //getValue returns date as string / object (not jQuery object) if(option === 'getValue' && this.length && (d = this.eq(0).data('combodate'))) { return d.getValue.apply(d, args); } return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $'combodate'), options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) { $'combodate', (data = new Combodate(this, options))); } if (typeof option == 'string' && typeof data[option] == 'function') { data[option].apply(data, args); } }); }; $.fn.combodate.defaults = { //in this format value stored in original input format: 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm', //in this format items in dropdowns are displayed template: 'D / MMM / YYYY H : mm', //initial value, can be `new Date()` value: null, minYear: 1970, maxYear: 2015, yearDescending: true, minuteStep: 5, secondStep: 1, firstItem: 'empty', //'name', 'empty', 'none' errorClass: null, roundTime: true //whether to round minutes and seconds if step > 1 }; }(window.jQuery)); /** Combodate input - dropdown date and time picker. Based on [combodate]( plugin (included). To use it you should manually include [momentjs]( <script src="js/moment.min.js"></script> Allows to input: * only date * only time * both date and time Please note, that format is taken from momentjs and **not compatible** with bootstrap-datepicker / jquery UI datepicker. Internally value stored as `momentjs` object. @class combodate @extends abstractinput @final @since 1.4.0 @example <a href="#" id="dob" data-type="combodate" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" data-value="1984-05-15" data-original-title="Select date"></a> <script> $(function(){ $('#dob').editable({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', viewformat: 'DD.MM.YYYY', template: 'D / MMMM / YYYY', combodate: { minYear: 2000, maxYear: 2015, minuteStep: 1 } } }); }); </script> **/ /*global moment*/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Constructor = function (options) { this.init('combodate', options, Constructor.defaults); //by default viewformat equals to format if(!this.options.viewformat) { this.options.viewformat = this.options.format; } //try parse combodate config defined as json string in data-combodate options.combodate = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(options.combodate, true); //overriding combodate config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive) this.options.combodate = $.extend({}, Constructor.defaults.combodate, options.combodate, { format: this.options.format, template: this.options.template }); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Constructor, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Constructor.prototype, { render: function () { this.$input.combodate(this.options.combodate); //"clear" link /* if(this.options.clear) { this.$clear = $('<a href="#"></a>').html(this.options.clear).click($.proxy(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.clear(); }, this)); this.$tpl.parent().append($('<div class="editable-clear">').append(this.$clear)); } */ }, value2html: function(value, element) { var text = value ? value.format(this.options.viewformat) : ''; $(element).text(text); }, html2value: function(html) { return html ? moment(html, this.options.viewformat) : null; }, value2str: function(value) { return value ? value.format(this.options.format) : ''; }, str2value: function(str) { return str ? moment(str, this.options.format) : null; }, value2submit: function(value) { return this.value2str(value); }, value2input: function(value) { this.$input.combodate('setValue', value); }, input2value: function() { return this.$input.combodate('getValue', null); }, activate: function() { this.$input.siblings('.combodate').find('select').eq(0).focus(); }, /* clear: function() { this.$'datepicker').date = null; this.$input.find('.active').removeClass('active'); }, */ autosubmit: function() { } }); Constructor.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <input type="text"> **/ tpl:'<input type="text">', /** @property inputclass @default null **/ inputclass: null, /** Format used for sending value to server. Also applied when converting date from <code>data-value</code> attribute.<br> See list of tokens in [momentjs docs]( @property format @type string @default YYYY-MM-DD **/ format:'YYYY-MM-DD', /** Format used for displaying date. Also applied when converting date from element's text on init. If not specified equals to `format`. @property viewformat @type string @default null **/ viewformat: null, /** Template used for displaying dropdowns. @property template @type string @default D / MMM / YYYY **/ template: 'D / MMM / YYYY', /** Configuration of combodate. Full list of options: @property combodate @type object @default null **/ combodate: null /* (not implemented yet) Text shown as clear date button. If <code>false</code> clear button will not be rendered. @property clear @type boolean|string @default 'x clear' */ //clear: '&times; clear' }); $.fn.editabletypes.combodate = Constructor; }(window.jQuery)); /* Editableform based on Twitter Bootstrap */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.extend($.fn.editableform.Constructor.prototype, { initTemplate: function() { this.$form = $($.fn.editableform.template); this.$form.find('.editable-error-block').addClass('help-block'); } }); //buttons $.fn.editableform.buttons = '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary editable-submit"><i class="icon-ok icon-white"></i></button>'+ '<button type="button" class="btn editable-cancel"><i class="icon-remove"></i></button>'; //error classes $.fn.editableform.errorGroupClass = 'error'; $.fn.editableform.errorBlockClass = null; }(window.jQuery)); /** * Editable Popover * --------------------- * requires bootstrap-popover.js */ (function ($) { "use strict"; //extend methods $.extend($.fn.editableContainer.Popup.prototype, { containerName: 'popover', //for compatibility with bootstrap <= 2.2.1 (content inserted into <p> instead of directly .popover-content) innerCss: $.fn.popover && $($.fn.popover.defaults.template).find('p').length ? '.popover-content p' : '.popover-content', initContainer: function(){ $.extend(this.containerOptions, { trigger: 'manual', selector: false, content: ' ', template: $.fn.popover.defaults.template }); //as template property is used in inputs, hide it from popover var t; if(this.$'template')) { t = this.$'template'); this.$element.removeData('template'); }; if(t) { //restore data('template') this.$'template', t); } }, /* show */ innerShow: function () {'show'); }, /* hide */ innerHide: function () {'hide'); }, /* destroy */ innerDestroy: function() {'destroy'); }, setContainerOption: function(key, value) { this.container().options[key] = value; }, /** * move popover to new position. This function mainly copied from bootstrap-popover. */ /*jshint laxcomma: true*/ setPosition: function () { (function() { var $tip = this.tip() , inside , pos , actualWidth , actualHeight , placement , tp; placement = typeof this.options.placement === 'function' ?, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) : this.options.placement; inside = /in/.test(placement); $tip // .detach() //vitalets: remove any placement class because otherwise they dont influence on re-positioning of visible popover .removeClass('top right bottom left') .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' }); // .insertAfter(this.$element); pos = this.getPosition(inside); actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth; actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight; switch (inside ? placement.split(' ')[1] : placement) { case 'bottom': tp = {top: + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}; break; case 'top': tp = {top: - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}; break; case 'left': tp = {top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth}; break; case 'right': tp = {top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width}; break; } $tip .offset(tp) .addClass(placement) .addClass('in'); }).call(this.container()); /*jshint laxcomma: false*/ } }); }(window.jQuery)); /** Bootstrap-datepicker. Description and examples: For **i18n** you should include js file from here: and set `language` option. Since 1.4.0 date has different appearance in **popup** and **inline** modes. @class date @extends abstractinput @final @example <a href="#" id="dob" data-type="date" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" data-original-title="Select date">15/05/1984</a> <script> $(function(){ $('#dob').editable({ format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', viewformat: 'dd/mm/yyyy', datepicker: { weekStart: 1 } } }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Date = function (options) { this.init('date', options, Date.defaults); this.initPicker(options, Date.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Date, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Date.prototype, { initPicker: function(options, defaults) { //'format' is set directly from settings or data-* attributes //by default viewformat equals to format if(!this.options.viewformat) { this.options.viewformat = this.options.format; } //overriding datepicker config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive) //since 1.4 datepicker internally uses viewformat instead of format. Format is for submit only this.options.datepicker = $.extend({}, defaults.datepicker, options.datepicker, { format: this.options.viewformat }); //language this.options.datepicker.language = this.options.datepicker.language || 'en'; //store DPglobal this.dpg = $.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal; //store parsed formats this.parsedFormat = this.dpg.parseFormat(this.options.format); this.parsedViewFormat = this.dpg.parseFormat(this.options.viewformat); }, render: function () { this.$input.datepicker(this.options.datepicker); //"clear" link if(this.options.clear) { this.$clear = $('<a href="#"></a>').html(this.options.clear).click($.proxy(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.clear(); }, this)); this.$tpl.parent().append($('<div class="editable-clear">').append(this.$clear)); } }, value2html: function(value, element) { var text = value ? this.dpg.formatDate(value, this.parsedViewFormat, this.options.datepicker.language) : ''; Date.superclass.value2html(text, element); }, html2value: function(html) { return html ? this.dpg.parseDate(html, this.parsedViewFormat, this.options.datepicker.language) : null; }, value2str: function(value) { return value ? this.dpg.formatDate(value, this.parsedFormat, this.options.datepicker.language) : ''; }, str2value: function(str) { return str ? this.dpg.parseDate(str, this.parsedFormat, this.options.datepicker.language) : null; }, value2submit: function(value) { return this.value2str(value); }, value2input: function(value) { this.$input.datepicker('update', value); }, input2value: function() { return this.$'datepicker').date; }, activate: function() { }, clear: function() { this.$'datepicker').date = null; this.$input.find('.active').removeClass('active'); if(!this.options.showbuttons) { this.$input.closest('form').submit(); } }, autosubmit: function() { this.$input.on('mouseup', '.day', function(e){ if($(e.currentTarget).is('.old') || $(e.currentTarget).is('.new')) { return; } var $form = $(this).closest('form'); setTimeout(function() { $form.submit(); }, 200); }); //changedate is not suitable as it triggered when showing datepicker. see #149 /* this.$input.on('changeDate', function(e){ var $form = $(this).closest('form'); setTimeout(function() { $form.submit(); }, 200); }); */ } }); Date.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <div></div> **/ tpl:'<div class="editable-date well"></div>', /** @property inputclass @default null **/ inputclass: null, /** Format used for sending value to server. Also applied when converting date from <code>data-value</code> attribute.<br> Possible tokens are: <code>d, dd, m, mm, yy, yyyy</code> @property format @type string @default yyyy-mm-dd **/ format:'yyyy-mm-dd', /** Format used for displaying date. Also applied when converting date from element's text on init. If not specified equals to <code>format</code> @property viewformat @type string @default null **/ viewformat: null, /** Configuration of datepicker. Full list of options: @property datepicker @type object @default { weekStart: 0, startView: 0, minViewMode: 0, autoclose: false } **/ datepicker:{ weekStart: 0, startView: 0, minViewMode: 0, autoclose: false }, /** Text shown as clear date button. If <code>false</code> clear button will not be rendered. @property clear @type boolean|string @default 'x clear' **/ clear: '&times; clear' }); $ = Date; }(window.jQuery)); /** Bootstrap datefield input - modification for inline mode. Shows normal <input type="text"> and binds popup datepicker. Automatically shown in inline mode. @class datefield @extends date @since 1.4.0 **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var DateField = function (options) { this.init('datefield', options, DateField.defaults); this.initPicker(options, DateField.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(DateField, $; $.extend(DateField.prototype, { render: function () { this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input'); this.setClass(); this.setAttr('placeholder'); this.$tpl.datepicker(this.options.datepicker); //need to disable original event handlers this.$'focus keydown'); //update value of datepicker this.$input.keyup($.proxy(function(){ this.$tpl.removeData('date'); this.$tpl.datepicker('update'); }, this)); }, value2input: function(value) { this.$input.val(value ? this.dpg.formatDate(value, this.parsedViewFormat, this.options.datepicker.language) : ''); this.$tpl.datepicker('update'); }, input2value: function() { return this.html2value(this.$input.val()); }, activate: function() { $; }, autosubmit: function() { //reset autosubmit to empty } }); DateField.defaults = $.extend({}, $, { /** @property tpl **/ tpl:'<div class="input-append date"><input type="text"/><span class="add-on"><i class="icon-th"></i></span></div>', /** @property inputclass @default 'input-small' **/ inputclass: 'input-small', /* datepicker config */ datepicker: { weekStart: 0, startView: 0, minViewMode: 0, autoclose: true } }); $.fn.editabletypes.datefield = DateField; }(window.jQuery)); /* ========================================================= * bootstrap-datepicker.js * * ========================================================= * Copyright 2012 Stefan Petre * Improvements by Andrew Rowls * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================================================= */ !function( $ ) { function UTCDate(){ return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, arguments)); } function UTCToday(){ var today = new Date(); return UTCDate(today.getUTCFullYear(), today.getUTCMonth(), today.getUTCDate()); } // Picker object var Datepicker = function(element, options) { var that = this; this.element = $(element); this.language = options.language||'date-language')||"en"; this.language = this.language in dates ? this.language : this.language.split('-')[0]; //Check if "de-DE" style date is available, if not language should fallback to 2 letter code eg "de" this.language = this.language in dates ? this.language : "en"; this.isRTL = dates[this.language].rtl||false; this.format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(options.format||'date-format')||dates[this.language].format||'mm/dd/yyyy'); this.isInline = false; this.isInput ='input'); this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.add-on, .btn') : false; this.hasInput = this.component && this.element.find('input').length; if(this.component && this.component.length === 0) this.component = false; this.forceParse = true; if ('forceParse' in options) { this.forceParse = options.forceParse; } else if ('dateForceParse' in { this.forceParse ='date-force-parse'); } this.picker = $(DPGlobal.template); this._buildEvents(); this._attachEvents(); if(this.isInline) { this.picker.addClass('datepicker-inline').appendTo(this.element); } else { this.picker.addClass('datepicker-dropdown dropdown-menu'); } if (this.isRTL){ this.picker.addClass('datepicker-rtl'); this.picker.find('.prev i, .next i') .toggleClass('icon-arrow-left icon-arrow-right'); } this.autoclose = false; if ('autoclose' in options) { this.autoclose = options.autoclose; } else if ('dateAutoclose' in { this.autoclose ='date-autoclose'); } this.keyboardNavigation = true; if ('keyboardNavigation' in options) { this.keyboardNavigation = options.keyboardNavigation; } else if ('dateKeyboardNavigation' in { this.keyboardNavigation ='date-keyboard-navigation'); } this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = 0; switch(options.startView ||'date-start-view')){ case 2: case 'decade': this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = 2; break; case 1: case 'year': this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = 1; break; } this.minViewMode = options.minViewMode||'date-min-view-mode')||0; if (typeof this.minViewMode === 'string') { switch (this.minViewMode) { case 'months': this.minViewMode = 1; break; case 'years': this.minViewMode = 2; break; default: this.minViewMode = 0; break; } } this.viewMode = this.startViewMode = Math.max(this.startViewMode, this.minViewMode); this.todayBtn = (options.todayBtn||'date-today-btn')||false); this.todayHighlight = (options.todayHighlight||'date-today-highlight')||false); this.calendarWeeks = false; if ('calendarWeeks' in options) { this.calendarWeeks = options.calendarWeeks; } else if ('dateCalendarWeeks' in { this.calendarWeeks ='date-calendar-weeks'); } if (this.calendarWeeks) this.picker.find('tfoot') .attr('colspan', function(i, val){ return parseInt(val) + 1; }); this._allow_update = false; this.weekStart = ((options.weekStart||'date-weekstart')||dates[this.language].weekStart||0) % 7); this.weekEnd = ((this.weekStart + 6) % 7); this.startDate = -Infinity; this.endDate = Infinity; this.daysOfWeekDisabled = []; this.setStartDate(options.startDate||'date-startdate')); this.setEndDate(options.endDate||'date-enddate')); this.setDaysOfWeekDisabled(options.daysOfWeekDisabled||'date-days-of-week-disabled')); this.fillDow(); this.fillMonths(); this._allow_update = true; this.update(); this.showMode(); if(this.isInline) {; } }; Datepicker.prototype = { constructor: Datepicker, _events: [], _secondaryEvents: [], _applyEvents: function(evs){ for (var i=0, el, ev; i<evs.length; i++){ el = evs[i][0]; ev = evs[i][1]; el.on(ev); } }, _unapplyEvents: function(evs){ for (var i=0, el, ev; i<evs.length; i++){ el = evs[i][0]; ev = evs[i][1];; } }, _buildEvents: function(){ if (this.isInput) { // single input this._events = [ [this.element, { focus: $.proxy(, this), keyup: $.proxy(this.update, this), keydown: $.proxy(this.keydown, this) }] ]; } else if (this.component && this.hasInput){ // component: input + button this._events = [ // For components that are not readonly, allow keyboard nav [this.element.find('input'), { focus: $.proxy(, this), keyup: $.proxy(this.update, this), keydown: $.proxy(this.keydown, this) }], [this.component, { click: $.proxy(, this) }] ]; } else if ('div')) { // inline datepicker this.isInline = true; } else { this._events = [ [this.element, { click: $.proxy(, this) }] ]; } this._secondaryEvents = [ [this.picker, { click: $.proxy(, this) }], [$(window), { resize: $.proxy(, this) }], [$(document), { mousedown: $.proxy(function (e) { // Clicked outside the datepicker, hide it if ($('.datepicker.datepicker-inline, .datepicker.datepicker-dropdown').length === 0) { this.hide(); } }, this) }] ]; }, _attachEvents: function(){ this._detachEvents(); this._applyEvents(this._events); }, _detachEvents: function(){ this._unapplyEvents(this._events); }, _attachSecondaryEvents: function(){ this._detachSecondaryEvents(); this._applyEvents(this._secondaryEvents); }, _detachSecondaryEvents: function(){ this._unapplyEvents(this._secondaryEvents); }, show: function(e) { if (!this.isInline) this.picker.appendTo('body');; this.height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight() : this.element.outerHeight();; this._attachSecondaryEvents(); if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } this.element.trigger({ type: 'show', date: }); }, hide: function(e){ if(this.isInline) return; if (!':visible')) return; this.picker.hide().detach(); this._detachSecondaryEvents(); this.viewMode = this.startViewMode; this.showMode(); if ( this.forceParse && ( this.isInput && this.element.val() || this.hasInput && this.element.find('input').val() ) ) this.setValue(); this.element.trigger({ type: 'hide', date: }); }, remove: function() { this.hide(); this._detachEvents(); this._detachSecondaryEvents(); this.picker.remove(); delete; if (!this.isInput) { delete; } }, getDate: function() { var d = this.getUTCDate(); return new Date(d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000)); }, getUTCDate: function() { return; }, setDate: function(d) { this.setUTCDate(new Date(d.getTime() - (d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000))); }, setUTCDate: function(d) { = d; this.setValue(); }, setValue: function() { var formatted = this.getFormattedDate(); if (!this.isInput) { if (this.component){ this.element.find('input').val(formatted); }'date', formatted); } else { this.element.val(formatted); } }, getFormattedDate: function(format) { if (format === undefined) format = this.format; return DPGlobal.formatDate(, format, this.language); }, setStartDate: function(startDate){ this.startDate = startDate||-Infinity; if (this.startDate !== -Infinity) { this.startDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(this.startDate, this.format, this.language); } this.update(); this.updateNavArrows(); }, setEndDate: function(endDate){ this.endDate = endDate||Infinity; if (this.endDate !== Infinity) { this.endDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(this.endDate, this.format, this.language); } this.update(); this.updateNavArrows(); }, setDaysOfWeekDisabled: function(daysOfWeekDisabled){ this.daysOfWeekDisabled = daysOfWeekDisabled||[]; if (!$.isArray(this.daysOfWeekDisabled)) { this.daysOfWeekDisabled = this.daysOfWeekDisabled.split(/,\s*/); } this.daysOfWeekDisabled = $.map(this.daysOfWeekDisabled, function (d) { return parseInt(d, 10); }); this.update(); this.updateNavArrows(); }, place: function(){ if(this.isInline) return; var zIndex = parseInt(this.element.parents().filter(function() { return $(this).css('z-index') != 'auto'; }).first().css('z-index'))+10; var offset = this.component ? this.component.parent().offset() : this.element.offset(); var height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight(true) : this.element.outerHeight(true); this.picker.css({ top: + height, left: offset.left, zIndex: zIndex }); }, _allow_update: true, update: function(){ if (!this._allow_update) return; var date, fromArgs = false; if(arguments && arguments.length && (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof Date)) { date = arguments[0]; fromArgs = true; } else { date = this.isInput ? this.element.val() :'date') || this.element.find('input').val(); } = DPGlobal.parseDate(date, this.format, this.language); if(fromArgs) this.setValue(); if ( < this.startDate) { this.viewDate = new Date(this.startDate); } else if ( > this.endDate) { this.viewDate = new Date(this.endDate); } else { this.viewDate = new Date(; } this.fill(); }, fillDow: function(){ var dowCnt = this.weekStart, html = '<tr>'; if(this.calendarWeeks){ var cell = '<th class="cw">&nbsp;</th>'; html += cell; this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead tr:first-child').prepend(cell); } while (dowCnt < this.weekStart + 7) { html += '<th class="dow">'+dates[this.language].daysMin[(dowCnt++)%7]+'</th>'; } html += '</tr>'; this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(html); }, fillMonths: function(){ var html = '', i = 0; while (i < 12) { html += '<span class="month">'+dates[this.language].monthsShort[i++]+'</span>'; } this.picker.find('.datepicker-months td').html(html); }, fill: function() { var d = new Date(this.viewDate), year = d.getUTCFullYear(), month = d.getUTCMonth(), startYear = this.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.startDate.getUTCFullYear() : -Infinity, startMonth = this.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.startDate.getUTCMonth() : -Infinity, endYear = this.endDate !== Infinity ? this.endDate.getUTCFullYear() : Infinity, endMonth = this.endDate !== Infinity ? this.endDate.getUTCMonth() : Infinity, currentDate = &&, today = new Date(); this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.switch') .text(dates[this.language].months[month]+' '+year); this.picker.find('tfoot') .text(dates[this.language].today) .toggle(this.todayBtn !== false); this.updateNavArrows(); this.fillMonths(); var prevMonth = UTCDate(year, month-1, 28,0,0,0,0), day = DPGlobal.getDaysInMonth(prevMonth.getUTCFullYear(), prevMonth.getUTCMonth()); prevMonth.setUTCDate(day); prevMonth.setUTCDate(day - (prevMonth.getUTCDay() - this.weekStart + 7)%7); var nextMonth = new Date(prevMonth); nextMonth.setUTCDate(nextMonth.getUTCDate() + 42); nextMonth = nextMonth.valueOf(); var html = []; var clsName; while(prevMonth.valueOf() < nextMonth) { if (prevMonth.getUTCDay() == this.weekStart) { html.push('<tr>'); if(this.calendarWeeks){ // ISO 8601: First week contains first thursday. // ISO also states week starts on Monday, but we can be more abstract here. var // Start of current week: based on weekstart/current date ws = new Date(+prevMonth + (this.weekStart - prevMonth.getUTCDay() - 7) % 7 * 864e5), // Thursday of this week th = new Date(+ws + (7 + 4 - ws.getUTCDay()) % 7 * 864e5), // First Thursday of year, year from thursday yth = new Date(+(yth = UTCDate(th.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1)) + (7 + 4 - yth.getUTCDay())%7*864e5), // Calendar week: ms between thursdays, div ms per day, div 7 days calWeek = (th - yth) / 864e5 / 7 + 1; html.push('<td class="cw">'+ calWeek +'</td>'); } } clsName = ''; if (prevMonth.getUTCFullYear() < year || (prevMonth.getUTCFullYear() == year && prevMonth.getUTCMonth() < month)) { clsName += ' old'; } else if (prevMonth.getUTCFullYear() > year || (prevMonth.getUTCFullYear() == year && prevMonth.getUTCMonth() > month)) { clsName += ' new'; } // Compare internal UTC date with local today, not UTC today if (this.todayHighlight && prevMonth.getUTCFullYear() == today.getFullYear() && prevMonth.getUTCMonth() == today.getMonth() && prevMonth.getUTCDate() == today.getDate()) { clsName += ' today'; } if (currentDate && prevMonth.valueOf() == currentDate) { clsName += ' active'; } if (prevMonth.valueOf() < this.startDate || prevMonth.valueOf() > this.endDate || $.inArray(prevMonth.getUTCDay(), this.daysOfWeekDisabled) !== -1) { clsName += ' disabled'; } html.push('<td class="day'+clsName+'">'+prevMonth.getUTCDate() + '</td>'); if (prevMonth.getUTCDay() == this.weekEnd) { html.push('</tr>'); } prevMonth.setUTCDate(prevMonth.getUTCDate()+1); } this.picker.find('.datepicker-days tbody').empty().append(html.join('')); var currentYear = &&; var months = this.picker.find('.datepicker-months') .find('th:eq(1)') .text(year) .end() .find('span').removeClass('active'); if (currentYear && currentYear == year) { months.eq('active'); } if (year < startYear || year > endYear) { months.addClass('disabled'); } if (year == startYear) { months.slice(0, startMonth).addClass('disabled'); } if (year == endYear) { months.slice(endMonth+1).addClass('disabled'); } html = ''; year = parseInt(year/10, 10) * 10; var yearCont = this.picker.find('.datepicker-years') .find('th:eq(1)') .text(year + '-' + (year + 9)) .end() .find('td'); year -= 1; for (var i = -1; i < 11; i++) { html += '<span class="year'+(i == -1 || i == 10 ? ' old' : '')+(currentYear == year ? ' active' : '')+(year < startYear || year > endYear ? ' disabled' : '')+'">'+year+'</span>'; year += 1; } yearCont.html(html); }, updateNavArrows: function() { if (!this._allow_update) return; var d = new Date(this.viewDate), year = d.getUTCFullYear(), month = d.getUTCMonth(); switch (this.viewMode) { case 0: if (this.startDate !== -Infinity && year <= this.startDate.getUTCFullYear() && month <= this.startDate.getUTCMonth()) { this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'hidden'}); } else { this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'visible'}); } if (this.endDate !== Infinity && year >= this.endDate.getUTCFullYear() && month >= this.endDate.getUTCMonth()) { this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'hidden'}); } else { this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'visible'}); } break; case 1: case 2: if (this.startDate !== -Infinity && year <= this.startDate.getUTCFullYear()) { this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'hidden'}); } else { this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'visible'}); } if (this.endDate !== Infinity && year >= this.endDate.getUTCFullYear()) { this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'hidden'}); } else { this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'visible'}); } break; } }, click: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $('span, td, th'); if (target.length == 1) { switch(target[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case 'th': switch(target[0].className) { case 'switch': this.showMode(1); break; case 'prev': case 'next': var dir = DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].navStep * (target[0].className == 'prev' ? -1 : 1); switch(this.viewMode){ case 0: this.viewDate = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, dir); break; case 1: case 2: this.viewDate = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, dir); break; } this.fill(); break; case 'today': var date = new Date(); date = UTCDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); this.showMode(-2); var which = this.todayBtn == 'linked' ? null : 'view'; this._setDate(date, which); break; } break; case 'span': if (!'.disabled')) { this.viewDate.setUTCDate(1); if ('.month')) { var day = 1; var month = target.parent().find('span').index(target); var year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear(); this.viewDate.setUTCMonth(month); this.element.trigger({ type: 'changeMonth', date: this.viewDate }); if ( this.minViewMode == 1 ) { this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day,0,0,0,0)); } } else { var year = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||0; var day = 1; var month = 0; this.viewDate.setUTCFullYear(year); this.element.trigger({ type: 'changeYear', date: this.viewDate }); if ( this.minViewMode == 2 ) { this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day,0,0,0,0)); } } this.showMode(-1); this.fill(); } break; case 'td': if ('.day') && !'.disabled')){ var day = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||1; var year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear(), month = this.viewDate.getUTCMonth(); if ('.old')) { if (month === 0) { month = 11; year -= 1; } else { month -= 1; } } else if ('.new')) { if (month == 11) { month = 0; year += 1; } else { month += 1; } } this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day,0,0,0,0)); } break; } } }, _setDate: function(date, which){ if (!which || which == 'date') = date; if (!which || which == 'view') this.viewDate = date; this.fill(); this.setValue(); this.element.trigger({ type: 'changeDate', date: }); var element; if (this.isInput) { element = this.element; } else if (this.component){ element = this.element.find('input'); } if (element) { element.change(); if (this.autoclose && (!which || which == 'date')) { this.hide(); } } }, moveMonth: function(date, dir){ if (!dir) return date; var new_date = new Date(date.valueOf()), day = new_date.getUTCDate(), month = new_date.getUTCMonth(), mag = Math.abs(dir), new_month, test; dir = dir > 0 ? 1 : -1; if (mag == 1){ test = dir == -1 // If going back one month, make sure month is not current month // (eg, Mar 31 -> Feb 31 == Feb 28, not Mar 02) ? function(){ return new_date.getUTCMonth() == month; } // If going forward one month, make sure month is as expected // (eg, Jan 31 -> Feb 31 == Feb 28, not Mar 02) : function(){ return new_date.getUTCMonth() != new_month; }; new_month = month + dir; new_date.setUTCMonth(new_month); // Dec -> Jan (12) or Jan -> Dec (-1) -- limit expected date to 0-11 if (new_month < 0 || new_month > 11) new_month = (new_month + 12) % 12; } else { // For magnitudes >1, move one month at a time... for (var i=0; i<mag; i++) // ...which might decrease the day (eg, Jan 31 to Feb 28, etc)... new_date = this.moveMonth(new_date, dir); // ...then reset the day, keeping it in the new month new_month = new_date.getUTCMonth(); new_date.setUTCDate(day); test = function(){ return new_month != new_date.getUTCMonth(); }; } // Common date-resetting loop -- if date is beyond end of month, make it // end of month while (test()){ new_date.setUTCDate(--day); new_date.setUTCMonth(new_month); } return new_date; }, moveYear: function(date, dir){ return this.moveMonth(date, dir*12); }, dateWithinRange: function(date){ return date >= this.startDate && date <= this.endDate; }, keydown: function(e){ if (':not(:visible)')){ if (e.keyCode == 27) // allow escape to hide and re-show picker; return; } var dateChanged = false, dir, day, month, newDate, newViewDate; switch(e.keyCode){ case 27: // escape this.hide(); e.preventDefault(); break; case 37: // left case 39: // right if (!this.keyboardNavigation) break; dir = e.keyCode == 37 ? -1 : 1; if (e.ctrlKey){ newDate = this.moveYear(, dir); newViewDate = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, dir); } else if (e.shiftKey){ newDate = this.moveMonth(, dir); newViewDate = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, dir); } else { newDate = new Date(; newDate.setUTCDate( + dir); newViewDate = new Date(this.viewDate); newViewDate.setUTCDate(this.viewDate.getUTCDate() + dir); } if (this.dateWithinRange(newDate)){ = newDate; this.viewDate = newViewDate; this.setValue(); this.update(); e.preventDefault(); dateChanged = true; } break; case 38: // up case 40: // down if (!this.keyboardNavigation) break; dir = e.keyCode == 38 ? -1 : 1; if (e.ctrlKey){ newDate = this.moveYear(, dir); newViewDate = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, dir); } else if (e.shiftKey){ newDate = this.moveMonth(, dir); newViewDate = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, dir); } else { newDate = new Date(; newDate.setUTCDate( + dir * 7); newViewDate = new Date(this.viewDate); newViewDate.setUTCDate(this.viewDate.getUTCDate() + dir * 7); } if (this.dateWithinRange(newDate)){ = newDate; this.viewDate = newViewDate; this.setValue(); this.update(); e.preventDefault(); dateChanged = true; } break; case 13: // enter this.hide(); e.preventDefault(); break; case 9: // tab this.hide(); break; } if (dateChanged){ this.element.trigger({ type: 'changeDate', date: }); var element; if (this.isInput) { element = this.element; } else if (this.component){ element = this.element.find('input'); } if (element) { element.change(); } } }, showMode: function(dir) { if (dir) { this.viewMode = Math.max(this.minViewMode, Math.min(2, this.viewMode + dir)); } /* vitalets: fixing bug of very special conditions: jquery 1.7.1 + webkit + show inline datepicker in bootstrap popover. Method show() does not set display css correctly and datepicker is not shown. Changed to .css('display', 'block') solve the problem. See In jquery 1.7.2+ everything works fine. */ //this.picker.find('>div').hide().filter('.datepicker-'+DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName).show(); this.picker.find('>div').hide().filter('.datepicker-'+DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName).css('display', 'block'); this.updateNavArrows(); } }; $.fn.datepicker = function ( option ) { var args = Array.apply(null, arguments); args.shift(); return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $'datepicker'), options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) { $'datepicker', (data = new Datepicker(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.datepicker.defaults,options)))); } if (typeof option == 'string' && typeof data[option] == 'function') { data[option].apply(data, args); } }); }; $.fn.datepicker.defaults = { }; $.fn.datepicker.Constructor = Datepicker; var dates = $.fn.datepicker.dates = { en: { days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], daysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"], daysMin: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"], months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], today: "Today" } }; var DPGlobal = { modes: [ { clsName: 'days', navFnc: 'Month', navStep: 1 }, { clsName: 'months', navFnc: 'FullYear', navStep: 1 }, { clsName: 'years', navFnc: 'FullYear', navStep: 10 }], isLeapYear: function (year) { return (((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0)); }, getDaysInMonth: function (year, month) { return [31, (DPGlobal.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]; }, validParts: /dd?|DD?|mm?|MM?|yy(?:yy)?/g, nonpunctuation: /[^ -\/:-@\[\u3400-\u9fff-`{-~\t\n\r]+/g, parseFormat: function(format){ // IE treats \0 as a string end in inputs (truncating the value), // so it's a bad format delimiter, anyway var separators = format.replace(this.validParts, '\0').split('\0'), parts = format.match(this.validParts); if (!separators || !separators.length || !parts || parts.length === 0){ throw new Error("Invalid date format."); } return {separators: separators, parts: parts}; }, parseDate: function(date, format, language) { if (date instanceof Date) return date; if (/^[\-+]\d+[dmwy]([\s,]+[\-+]\d+[dmwy])*$/.test(date)) { var part_re = /([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/, parts = date.match(/([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/g), part, dir; date = new Date(); for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) { part = part_re.exec(parts[i]); dir = parseInt(part[1]); switch(part[2]){ case 'd': date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + dir); break; case 'm': date =, date, dir); break; case 'w': date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + dir * 7); break; case 'y': date =, date, dir); break; } } return UTCDate(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), 0, 0, 0); } var parts = date && date.match(this.nonpunctuation) || [], date = new Date(), parsed = {}, setters_order = ['yyyy', 'yy', 'M', 'MM', 'm', 'mm', 'd', 'dd'], setters_map = { yyyy: function(d,v){ return d.setUTCFullYear(v); }, yy: function(d,v){ return d.setUTCFullYear(2000+v); }, m: function(d,v){ v -= 1; while (v<0) v += 12; v %= 12; d.setUTCMonth(v); while (d.getUTCMonth() != v) d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate()-1); return d; }, d: function(d,v){ return d.setUTCDate(v); } }, val, filtered, part; setters_map['M'] = setters_map['MM'] = setters_map['mm'] = setters_map['m']; setters_map['dd'] = setters_map['d']; date = UTCDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); var fparts =; // Remove noop parts if (parts.length != fparts.length) { fparts = $(fparts).filter(function(i,p){ return $.inArray(p, setters_order) !== -1; }).toArray(); } // Process remainder if (parts.length == fparts.length) { for (var i=0, cnt = fparts.length; i < cnt; i++) { val = parseInt(parts[i], 10); part = fparts[i]; if (isNaN(val)) { switch(part) { case 'MM': filtered = $(dates[language].months).filter(function(){ var m = this.slice(0, parts[i].length), p = parts[i].slice(0, m.length); return m == p; }); val = $.inArray(filtered[0], dates[language].months) + 1; break; case 'M': filtered = $(dates[language].monthsShort).filter(function(){ var m = this.slice(0, parts[i].length), p = parts[i].slice(0, m.length); return m == p; }); val = $.inArray(filtered[0], dates[language].monthsShort) + 1; break; } } parsed[part] = val; } for (var i=0, s; i<setters_order.length; i++){ s = setters_order[i]; if (s in parsed && !isNaN(parsed[s])) setters_map[s](date, parsed[s]); } } return date; }, formatDate: function(date, format, language){ var val = { d: date.getUTCDate(), D: dates[language].daysShort[date.getUTCDay()], DD: dates[language].days[date.getUTCDay()], m: date.getUTCMonth() + 1, M: dates[language].monthsShort[date.getUTCMonth()], MM: dates[language].months[date.getUTCMonth()], yy: date.getUTCFullYear().toString().substring(2), yyyy: date.getUTCFullYear() }; val.dd = (val.d < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.d; = (val.m < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.m; var date = [], seps = $.extend([], format.separators); for (var i=0, cnt =; i < cnt; i++) { if (seps.length) date.push(seps.shift()); date.push(val[[i]]); } return date.join(''); }, headTemplate: '<thead>'+ '<tr>'+ '<th class="prev"><i class="icon-arrow-left"/></th>'+ '<th colspan="5" class="switch"></th>'+ '<th class="next"><i class="icon-arrow-right"/></th>'+ '</tr>'+ '</thead>', contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>', footTemplate: '<tfoot><tr><th colspan="7" class="today"></th></tr></tfoot>' }; DPGlobal.template = '<div class="datepicker">'+ '<div class="datepicker-days">'+ '<table class=" table-condensed">'+ DPGlobal.headTemplate+ '<tbody></tbody>'+ DPGlobal.footTemplate+ '</table>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="datepicker-months">'+ '<table class="table-condensed">'+ DPGlobal.headTemplate+ DPGlobal.contTemplate+ DPGlobal.footTemplate+ '</table>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="datepicker-years">'+ '<table class="table-condensed">'+ DPGlobal.headTemplate+ DPGlobal.contTemplate+ DPGlobal.footTemplate+ '</table>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'; $.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal = DPGlobal; }( window.jQuery ); /** Bootstrap-datetimepicker. Based on [smalot bootstrap-datetimepicker plugin]( Before usage you should manually include dependent js and css: <link href="css/datetimepicker.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> <script src="js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js"></script> For **i18n** you should include js file from here: and set `language` option. @class datetime @extends abstractinput @final @since 1.4.4 @example <a href="#" id="last_seen" data-type="datetime" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" title="Select date & time">15/03/2013 12:45</a> <script> $(function(){ $('#last_seen').editable({ format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii', viewformat: 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:ii', datetimepicker: { weekStart: 1 } } }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var DateTime = function (options) { this.init('datetime', options, DateTime.defaults); this.initPicker(options, DateTime.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(DateTime, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(DateTime.prototype, { initPicker: function(options, defaults) { //'format' is set directly from settings or data-* attributes //by default viewformat equals to format if(!this.options.viewformat) { this.options.viewformat = this.options.format; } //overriding datetimepicker config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive) //since 1.4 datetimepicker internally uses viewformat instead of format. Format is for submit only this.options.datetimepicker = $.extend({}, defaults.datetimepicker, options.datetimepicker, { format: this.options.viewformat }); //language this.options.datetimepicker.language = this.options.datetimepicker.language || 'en'; //store DPglobal this.dpg = $.fn.datetimepicker.DPGlobal; //store parsed formats this.parsedFormat = this.dpg.parseFormat(this.options.format, this.options.formatType); this.parsedViewFormat = this.dpg.parseFormat(this.options.viewformat, this.options.formatType); // this.options.datetimepicker.startView = this.options.startView; this.options.datetimepicker.minView = this.options.minView; this.options.datetimepicker.maxView = this.options.maxView; }, render: function () { this.$input.datetimepicker(this.options.datetimepicker); //"clear" link if(this.options.clear) { this.$clear = $('<a href="#"></a>').html(this.options.clear).click($.proxy(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.clear(); }, this)); this.$tpl.parent().append($('<div class="editable-clear">').append(this.$clear)); } }, value2html: function(value, element) { //formatDate works with UTCDate! var text = value ? this.dpg.formatDate(this.toUTC(value), this.parsedViewFormat, this.options.datetimepicker.language, this.options.formatType) : ''; if(element) { DateTime.superclass.value2html(text, element); } else { return text; } }, html2value: function(html) { //parseDate return utc date! var value = html ? this.dpg.parseDate(html, this.parsedViewFormat, this.options.datetimepicker.language, this.options.formatType) : null; return value ? this.fromUTC(value) : null; }, value2str: function(value) { //formatDate works with UTCDate! return value ? this.dpg.formatDate(this.toUTC(value), this.parsedFormat, this.options.datetimepicker.language, this.options.formatType) : ''; }, str2value: function(str) { //parseDate return utc date! var value = str ? this.dpg.parseDate(str, this.parsedFormat, this.options.datetimepicker.language, this.options.formatType) : null; return value ? this.fromUTC(value) : null; }, value2submit: function(value) { return this.value2str(value); }, value2input: function(value) { if(value) { this.$'datetimepicker').setDate(value); } }, input2value: function() { //date may be cleared, in that case getDate() triggers error var dt = this.$'datetimepicker'); return ? dt.getDate() : null; }, activate: function() { }, clear: function() { this.$'datetimepicker').date = null; this.$input.find('.active').removeClass('active'); if(!this.options.showbuttons) { this.$input.closest('form').submit(); } }, autosubmit: function() { this.$input.on('mouseup', '.minute', function(e){ var $form = $(this).closest('form'); setTimeout(function() { $form.submit(); }, 200); }); }, //convert date from local to utc toUTC: function(value) { return value ? new Date(value.valueOf() - value.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) : value; }, //convert date from utc to local fromUTC: function(value) { return value ? new Date(value.valueOf() + value.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) : value; } }); DateTime.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <div></div> **/ tpl:'<div class="editable-date well"></div>', /** @property inputclass @default null **/ inputclass: null, /** Format used for sending value to server. Also applied when converting date from <code>data-value</code> attribute.<br> Possible tokens are: <code>d, dd, m, mm, yy, yyyy, h, i</code> @property format @type string @default yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii **/ format:'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii', formatType:'standard', /** Format used for displaying date. Also applied when converting date from element's text on init. If not specified equals to <code>format</code> @property viewformat @type string @default null **/ viewformat: null, /** Configuration of datetimepicker. Full list of options: @property datetimepicker @type object @default { } **/ datetimepicker:{ todayHighlight: false, autoclose: false }, /** Text shown as clear date button. If <code>false</code> clear button will not be rendered. @property clear @type boolean|string @default 'x clear' **/ clear: '&times; clear' }); $.fn.editabletypes.datetime = DateTime; }(window.jQuery)); /** Bootstrap datetimefield input - datetime input for inline mode. Shows normal <input type="text"> and binds popup datetimepicker. Automatically shown in inline mode. @class datetimefield @extends datetime **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var DateTimeField = function (options) { this.init('datetimefield', options, DateTimeField.defaults); this.initPicker(options, DateTimeField.defaults); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(DateTimeField, $.fn.editabletypes.datetime); $.extend(DateTimeField.prototype, { render: function () { this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input'); this.setClass(); this.setAttr('placeholder'); this.$tpl.datetimepicker(this.options.datetimepicker); //need to disable original event handlers this.$'focus keydown'); //update value of datepicker this.$input.keyup($.proxy(function(){ this.$tpl.removeData('date'); this.$tpl.datetimepicker('update'); }, this)); }, value2input: function(value) { this.$input.val(this.value2html(value)); this.$tpl.datetimepicker('update'); }, input2value: function() { return this.html2value(this.$input.val()); }, activate: function() { $; }, autosubmit: function() { //reset autosubmit to empty } }); DateTimeField.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.datetime.defaults, { /** @property tpl **/ tpl:'<div class="input-append date"><input type="text"/><span class="add-on"><i class="icon-th"></i></span></div>', /** @property inputclass @default 'input-medium' **/ inputclass: 'input-medium', /* datetimepicker config */ datetimepicker:{ todayHighlight: false, autoclose: true } }); $.fn.editabletypes.datetimefield = DateTimeField; }(window.jQuery)); /** Typeahead input (bootstrap only). Based on Twitter Bootstrap [typeahead]( Depending on `source` format typeahead operates in two modes: * **strings**: When `source` defined as array of strings, e.g. `['text1', 'text2', 'text3' ...]`. User can submit one of these strings or any text entered in input (even if it is not matching source). * **objects**: When `source` defined as array of objects, e.g. `[{value: 1, text: "text1"}, {value: 2, text: "text2"}, ...]`. User can submit only values that are in source (otherwise `null` is submitted). This is more like *dropdown* behavior. @class typeahead @extends list @since 1.4.1 @final @example <a href="#" id="country" data-type="typeahead" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" data-original-title="Input country"></a> <script> $(function(){ $('#country').editable({ value: 'ru', source: [ {value: 'gb', text: 'Great Britain'}, {value: 'us', text: 'United States'}, {value: 'ru', text: 'Russia'} ] }); }); </script> **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Constructor = function (options) { this.init('typeahead', options, Constructor.defaults); //overriding objects in config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive) this.options.typeahead = $.extend({}, Constructor.defaults.typeahead, { //set default methods for typeahead to work with objects matcher: this.matcher, sorter: this.sorter, highlighter: this.highlighter, updater: this.updater }, options.typeahead); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Constructor, $.fn.editabletypes.list); $.extend(Constructor.prototype, { renderList: function() { this.$input = this.$'input') ? this.$tpl : this.$tpl.find('input[type="text"]'); //set source of typeahead this.options.typeahead.source = this.sourceData; //apply typeahead this.$input.typeahead(this.options.typeahead); //patch some methods in typeahead var ta = this.$'typeahead'); ta.render = $.proxy(this.typeaheadRender, ta); = $.proxy(this.typeaheadSelect, ta); ta.move = $.proxy(this.typeaheadMove, ta); this.renderClear(); this.setClass(); this.setAttr('placeholder'); }, value2htmlFinal: function(value, element) { if(this.getIsObjects()) { var items = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.sourceData); $(element).text(items.length ? items[0].text : ''); } else { $(element).text(value); } }, html2value: function (html) { return html ? html : null; }, value2input: function(value) { if(this.getIsObjects()) { var items = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.sourceData); this.$'value', value).val(items.length ? items[0].text : ''); } else { this.$input.val(value); } }, input2value: function() { if(this.getIsObjects()) { var value = this.$'value'), items = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.sourceData); if(items.length && items[0].text.toLowerCase() === this.$input.val().toLowerCase()) { return value; } else { return null; //entered string not found in source } } else { return this.$input.val(); } }, /* if in sourceData values <> texts, typeahead in "objects" mode: user must pick some value from list, otherwise `null` returned. if all values == texts put typeahead in "strings" mode: anything what entered is submited. */ getIsObjects: function() { if(this.isObjects === undefined) { this.isObjects = false; for(var i=0; i<this.sourceData.length; i++) { if(this.sourceData[i].value !== this.sourceData[i].text) { this.isObjects = true; break; } } } return this.isObjects; }, /* Methods borrowed from text input */ activate: $.fn.editabletypes.text.prototype.activate, renderClear: $.fn.editabletypes.text.prototype.renderClear, postrender: $.fn.editabletypes.text.prototype.postrender, toggleClear: $.fn.editabletypes.text.prototype.toggleClear, clear: function() { $; this.$'value', ''); }, /* Typeahead option methods used as defaults */ /*jshint eqeqeq:false, curly: false, laxcomma: true, asi: true*/ matcher: function (item) { return $, item.text); }, sorter: function (items) { var beginswith = [] , caseSensitive = [] , caseInsensitive = [] , item , text; while (item = items.shift()) { text = item.text; if (!text.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(item); else if (~text.indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(item); else caseInsensitive.push(item); } return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive); }, highlighter: function (item) { return $, item.text); }, updater: function (item) { this.$'value', item.value); return item.text; }, /* Overwrite typeahead's render method to store objects. There are a lot of disscussion in bootstrap repo on this point and still no result. See This function just store item via jQuery data() method instead of attr('data-value') */ typeaheadRender: function (items) { var that = this; items = $(items).map(function (i, item) { // i = $(that.options.item).attr('data-value', item) i = $(that.options.item).data('item', item); i.find('a').html(that.highlighter(item)); return i[0]; }); //add option to disable autoselect of first line //see if (this.options.autoSelect) { items.first().addClass('active'); } this.$menu.html(items); return this; }, //add option to disable autoselect of first line //see typeaheadSelect: function () { var val = this.$menu.find('.active').data('item') if(this.options.autoSelect || val){ this.$element .val(this.updater(val)) .change() } return this.hide() }, /* if autoSelect = false and nothing matched we need extra press onEnter that is not convinient. This patch fixes it. */ typeaheadMove: function (e) { if (!this.shown) return switch(e.keyCode) { case 9: // tab case 13: // enter case 27: // escape if (!this.$menu.find('.active').length) return e.preventDefault() break case 38: // up arrow e.preventDefault() this.prev() break case 40: // down arrow e.preventDefault() break } e.stopPropagation() } /*jshint eqeqeq: true, curly: true, laxcomma: false, asi: false*/ }); Constructor.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.list.defaults, { /** @property tpl @default <input type="text"> **/ tpl:'<input type="text">', /** Configuration of typeahead. [Full list of options]( @property typeahead @type object @default null **/ typeahead: null, /** Whether to show `clear` button @property clear @type boolean @default true **/ clear: true }); $.fn.editabletypes.typeahead = Constructor; }(window.jQuery));
import React from 'react'; import BaseModule from 'parser/shared/modules/features/Checklist/Module'; import CastEfficiency from 'parser/shared/modules/CastEfficiency'; import Combatants from 'parser/shared/modules/Combatants'; import PreparationRuleAnalyzer from 'parser/shared/modules/features/Checklist/PreparationRuleAnalyzer'; import AlwaysBeCasting from '../AlwaysBeCasting'; import RunicPowerDetails from '../../runicpower/RunicPowerDetails'; import RuneTracker from '../RuneTracker'; import Component from './Component'; class Checklist extends BaseModule { static dependencies = { combatants: Combatants, castEfficiency: CastEfficiency, alwaysBeCasting: AlwaysBeCasting, preparationRuleAnalyzer: PreparationRuleAnalyzer, runicPowerDetails: RunicPowerDetails, runeTracker: RuneTracker, }; render() { return ( <Component combatant={this.combatants.selected} castEfficiency={this.castEfficiency} thresholds={{ ...this.preparationRuleAnalyzer.thresholds, runeEfficiency: this.runeTracker.suggestionThresholdsEfficiency, runicPowerEfficiency: this.runicPowerDetails.efficiencySuggestionThresholds, downtimeSuggestionThresholds: this.alwaysBeCasting.downtimeSuggestionThresholds, }} /> ); } } export default Checklist;
import 'index.html' import 'style.sass' import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import Application from 'components/Application' ReactDOM.render( <Application />, document.getElementById('application') )
/** * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule ReactDOMComponent * @typechecks static-only */ /* global hasOwnProperty:true */ 'use strict'; var AutoFocusUtils = require('AutoFocusUtils'); var CSSPropertyOperations = require('CSSPropertyOperations'); var DOMProperty = require('DOMProperty'); var DOMPropertyOperations = require('DOMPropertyOperations'); var EventConstants = require('EventConstants'); var ReactBrowserEventEmitter = require('ReactBrowserEventEmitter'); var ReactComponentBrowserEnvironment = require('ReactComponentBrowserEnvironment'); var ReactDOMButton = require('ReactDOMButton'); var ReactDOMInput = require('ReactDOMInput'); var ReactDOMOption = require('ReactDOMOption'); var ReactDOMSelect = require('ReactDOMSelect'); var ReactDOMTextarea = require('ReactDOMTextarea'); var ReactMount = require('ReactMount'); var ReactMultiChild = require('ReactMultiChild'); var ReactPerf = require('ReactPerf'); var ReactUpdateQueue = require('ReactUpdateQueue'); var assign = require('Object.assign'); var escapeTextContentForBrowser = require('escapeTextContentForBrowser'); var invariant = require('invariant'); var isEventSupported = require('isEventSupported'); var keyOf = require('keyOf'); var setInnerHTML = require('setInnerHTML'); var setTextContent = require('setTextContent'); var shallowEqual = require('shallowEqual'); var validateDOMNesting = require('validateDOMNesting'); var warning = require('warning'); var deleteListener = ReactBrowserEventEmitter.deleteListener; var listenTo = ReactBrowserEventEmitter.listenTo; var registrationNameModules = ReactBrowserEventEmitter.registrationNameModules; // For quickly matching children type, to test if can be treated as content. var CONTENT_TYPES = {'string': true, 'number': true}; var STYLE = keyOf({style: null}); var ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE = 1; var canDefineProperty = false; try { Object.defineProperty({}, 'test', {get: function() {}}); canDefineProperty = true; } catch (e) { } function getDeclarationErrorAddendum(internalInstance) { if (internalInstance) { var owner = internalInstance._currentElement._owner || null; if (owner) { var name = owner.getName(); if (name) { return ' This DOM node was rendered by `' + name + '`.'; } } } return ''; } var legacyPropsDescriptor; if (__DEV__) { legacyPropsDescriptor = { props: { enumerable: false, get: function() { var component = this._reactInternalComponent; warning( false, 'ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .props of a DOM node; instead, ' + 'recreate the props as `render` did originally or read the DOM ' + 'properties/attributes directly from this node (e.g., ' + '', getDeclarationErrorAddendum(component) ); return component._currentElement.props; }, }, }; } function legacyGetDOMNode() { if (__DEV__) { var component = this._reactInternalComponent; warning( false, 'ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .getDOMNode() of a DOM node; ' + 'instead, use the node directly.%s', getDeclarationErrorAddendum(component) ); } return this; } function legacyIsMounted() { var component = this._reactInternalComponent; if (__DEV__) { warning( false, 'ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .isMounted() of a DOM node.%s', getDeclarationErrorAddendum(component) ); } return !!component; } function legacySetStateEtc() { if (__DEV__) { var component = this._reactInternalComponent; warning( false, 'ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .setState(), .replaceState(), or ' + '.forceUpdate() of a DOM node. This is a no-op.%s', getDeclarationErrorAddendum(component) ); } } function legacySetProps(partialProps, callback) { var component = this._reactInternalComponent; if (__DEV__) { warning( false, 'ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .setProps() of a DOM node. ' + 'Instead, call React.render again at the top level.%s', getDeclarationErrorAddendum(component) ); } if (!component) { return; } ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueSetPropsInternal(component, partialProps); if (callback) { ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueCallbackInternal(component, callback); } } function legacyReplaceProps(partialProps, callback) { var component = this._reactInternalComponent; if (__DEV__) { warning( false, 'ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .replaceProps() of a DOM node. ' + 'Instead, call React.render again at the top level.%s', getDeclarationErrorAddendum(component) ); } if (!component) { return; } ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueReplacePropsInternal(component, partialProps); if (callback) { ReactUpdateQueue.enqueueCallbackInternal(component, callback); } } var styleMutationWarning = {}; function checkAndWarnForMutatedStyle(style1, style2, component) { if (style1 == null || style2 == null) { return; } if (shallowEqual(style1, style2)) { return; } var componentName = component._tag; var owner = component._currentElement._owner; var ownerName; if (owner) { ownerName = owner.getName(); } var hash = ownerName + '|' + componentName; if (styleMutationWarning.hasOwnProperty(hash)) { return; } styleMutationWarning[hash] = true; warning( false, '`%s` was passed a style object that has previously been mutated. ' + 'Mutating `style` is deprecated. Consider cloning it beforehand. Check ' + 'the `render` %s. Previous style: %s. Mutated style: %s.', componentName, owner ? 'of `' + ownerName + '`' : 'using <' + componentName + '>', JSON.stringify(style1), JSON.stringify(style2) ); } /** * @param {object} component * @param {?object} props */ function assertValidProps(component, props) { if (!props) { return; } // Note the use of `==` which checks for null or undefined. if (__DEV__) { if (voidElementTags[component._tag]) { warning( props.children == null && props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML == null, '%s is a void element tag and must not have `children` or ' + 'use `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.%s', component._tag, component._currentElement._owner ? ' Check the render method of ' + component._currentElement._owner.getName() + '.' : '' ); } } if (props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) { invariant( props.children == null, 'Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.' ); invariant( typeof props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML === 'object' && '__html' in props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, '`props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. ' + 'Please visit ' + 'for more information.' ); } if (__DEV__) { warning( props.innerHTML == null, 'Directly setting property `innerHTML` is not permitted. ' + 'For more information, lookup documentation on `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.' ); warning( !props.contentEditable || props.children == null, 'A component is `contentEditable` and contains `children` managed by ' + 'React. It is now your responsibility to guarantee that none of ' + 'those nodes are unexpectedly modified or duplicated. This is ' + 'probably not intentional.' ); } invariant( == null || typeof === 'object', 'The `style` prop expects a mapping from style properties to values, ' + 'not a string. For example, style={{marginRight: spacing + \'em\'}} when ' + 'using JSX.' ); } function enqueuePutListener(id, registrationName, listener, transaction) { if (__DEV__) { // IE8 has no API for event capturing and the `onScroll` event doesn't // bubble. warning( registrationName !== 'onScroll' || isEventSupported('scroll', true), 'This browser doesn\'t support the `onScroll` event' ); } var container = ReactMount.findReactContainerForID(id); if (container) { var doc = container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE_TYPE ? container.ownerDocument : container; listenTo(registrationName, doc); } transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(putListener, { id: id, registrationName: registrationName, listener: listener, }); } function putListener() { var listenerToPut = this; ReactBrowserEventEmitter.putListener(, listenerToPut.registrationName, listenerToPut.listener ); } // There are so many media events, it makes sense to just // maintain a list rather than create a `trapBubbledEvent` for each var mediaEvents = { topAbort: 'abort', topCanPlay: 'canplay', topCanPlayThrough: 'canplaythrough', topDurationChange: 'durationchange', topEmptied: 'emptied', topEncrypted: 'encrypted', topEnded: 'ended', topError: 'error', topLoadedData: 'loadeddata', topLoadedMetadata: 'loadedmetadata', topLoadStart: 'loadstart', topPause: 'pause', topPlay: 'play', topPlaying: 'playing', topProgress: 'progress', topRateChange: 'ratechange', topSeeked: 'seeked', topSeeking: 'seeking', topStalled: 'stalled', topSuspend: 'suspend', topTimeUpdate: 'timeupdate', topVolumeChange: 'volumechange', topWaiting: 'waiting', }; function trapBubbledEventsLocal() { var inst = this; // If a component renders to null or if another component fatals and causes // the state of the tree to be corrupted, `node` here can be null. invariant(inst._rootNodeID, 'Must be mounted to trap events'); var node = ReactMount.getNode(inst._rootNodeID); invariant( node, 'trapBubbledEvent(...): Requires node to be rendered.' ); switch (inst._tag) { case 'iframe': inst._wrapperState.listeners = [ ReactBrowserEventEmitter.trapBubbledEvent( EventConstants.topLevelTypes.topLoad, 'load', node ), ]; break; case 'video': case 'audio': inst._wrapperState.listeners = []; // create listener for each media event for (var event in mediaEvents) { if (mediaEvents.hasOwnProperty(event)) { inst._wrapperState.listeners.push( ReactBrowserEventEmitter.trapBubbledEvent( EventConstants.topLevelTypes[event], mediaEvents[event], node ) ); } } break; case 'img': inst._wrapperState.listeners = [ ReactBrowserEventEmitter.trapBubbledEvent( EventConstants.topLevelTypes.topError, 'error', node ), ReactBrowserEventEmitter.trapBubbledEvent( EventConstants.topLevelTypes.topLoad, 'load', node ), ]; break; case 'form': inst._wrapperState.listeners = [ ReactBrowserEventEmitter.trapBubbledEvent( EventConstants.topLevelTypes.topReset, 'reset', node ), ReactBrowserEventEmitter.trapBubbledEvent( EventConstants.topLevelTypes.topSubmit, 'submit', node ), ]; break; } } function postUpdateSelectWrapper() { ReactDOMSelect.postUpdateWrapper(this); } // For HTML, certain tags should omit their close tag. We keep a whitelist for // those special cased tags. var omittedCloseTags = { 'area': true, 'base': true, 'br': true, 'col': true, 'embed': true, 'hr': true, 'img': true, 'input': true, 'keygen': true, 'link': true, 'meta': true, 'param': true, 'source': true, 'track': true, 'wbr': true, // NOTE: menuitem's close tag should be omitted, but that causes problems. }; var newlineEatingTags = { 'listing': true, 'pre': true, 'textarea': true, }; // For HTML, certain tags cannot have children. This has the same purpose as // `omittedCloseTags` except that `menuitem` should still have its closing tag. var voidElementTags = assign({ 'menuitem': true, }, omittedCloseTags); // We accept any tag to be rendered but since this gets injected into arbitrary // HTML, we want to make sure that it's a safe tag. // var VALID_TAG_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/; // Simplified subset var validatedTagCache = {}; var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; function validateDangerousTag(tag) { if (!, tag)) { invariant(VALID_TAG_REGEX.test(tag), 'Invalid tag: %s', tag); validatedTagCache[tag] = true; } } function processChildContext(context, inst) { if (__DEV__) { // Pass down our tag name to child components for validation purposes context = assign({}, context); var info = context[validateDOMNesting.ancestorInfoContextKey]; context[validateDOMNesting.ancestorInfoContextKey] = validateDOMNesting.updatedAncestorInfo(info, inst._tag, inst); } return context; } function isCustomComponent(tagName, props) { return tagName.indexOf('-') >= 0 || != null; } /** * Creates a new React class that is idempotent and capable of containing other * React components. It accepts event listeners and DOM properties that are * valid according to `DOMProperty`. * * - Event listeners: `onClick`, `onMouseDown`, etc. * - DOM properties: `className`, `name`, `title`, etc. * * The `style` property functions differently from the DOM API. It accepts an * object mapping of style properties to values. * * @constructor ReactDOMComponent * @extends ReactMultiChild */ function ReactDOMComponent(tag) { validateDangerousTag(tag); this._tag = tag.toLowerCase(); this._renderedChildren = null; this._previousStyle = null; this._previousStyleCopy = null; this._rootNodeID = null; this._wrapperState = null; this._topLevelWrapper = null; this._nodeWithLegacyProperties = null; } ReactDOMComponent.displayName = 'ReactDOMComponent'; ReactDOMComponent.Mixin = { construct: function(element) { this._currentElement = element; }, /** * Generates root tag markup then recurses. This method has side effects and * is not idempotent. * * @internal * @param {string} rootID The root DOM ID for this node. * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction|ReactServerRenderingTransaction} transaction * @param {object} context * @return {string} The computed markup. */ mountComponent: function(rootID, transaction, context) { this._rootNodeID = rootID; var props = this._currentElement.props; switch (this._tag) { case 'iframe': case 'img': case 'form': case 'video': case 'audio': this._wrapperState = { listeners: null, }; transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(trapBubbledEventsLocal, this); break; case 'button': props = ReactDOMButton.getNativeProps(this, props, context); break; case 'input': ReactDOMInput.mountWrapper(this, props, context); props = ReactDOMInput.getNativeProps(this, props, context); break; case 'option': ReactDOMOption.mountWrapper(this, props, context); props = ReactDOMOption.getNativeProps(this, props, context); break; case 'select': ReactDOMSelect.mountWrapper(this, props, context); props = ReactDOMSelect.getNativeProps(this, props, context); context = ReactDOMSelect.processChildContext(this, props, context); break; case 'textarea': ReactDOMTextarea.mountWrapper(this, props, context); props = ReactDOMTextarea.getNativeProps(this, props, context); break; } assertValidProps(this, props); if (__DEV__) { if (context[validateDOMNesting.ancestorInfoContextKey]) { validateDOMNesting( this._tag, this, context[validateDOMNesting.ancestorInfoContextKey] ); } } var mountImage; if (transaction.useCreateElement) { var ownerDocument = context[ReactMount.ownerDocumentContextKey]; var el = ownerDocument.createElement(this._currentElement.type); DOMPropertyOperations.setAttributeForID(el, this._rootNodeID); // Populate node cache ReactMount.getID(el); this._updateDOMProperties({}, props, transaction, el); this._createInitialChildren(transaction, props, context, el); mountImage = el; } else { var tagOpen = this._createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners(transaction, props); var tagContent = this._createContentMarkup(transaction, props, context); if (!tagContent && omittedCloseTags[this._tag]) { mountImage = tagOpen + '/>'; } else { mountImage = tagOpen + '>' + tagContent + '</' + this._currentElement.type + '>'; } } switch (this._tag) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': if (props.autoFocus) { transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue( AutoFocusUtils.focusDOMComponent, this ); } break; } return mountImage; }, /** * Creates markup for the open tag and all attributes. * * This method has side effects because events get registered. * * Iterating over object properties is faster than iterating over arrays. * @see * * @private * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction|ReactServerRenderingTransaction} transaction * @param {object} props * @return {string} Markup of opening tag. */ _createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners: function(transaction, props) { var ret = '<' + this._currentElement.type; for (var propKey in props) { if (!props.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) { continue; } var propValue = props[propKey]; if (propValue == null) { continue; } if (registrationNameModules.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) { enqueuePutListener(this._rootNodeID, propKey, propValue, transaction); } else { if (propKey === STYLE) { if (propValue) { if (__DEV__) { // See `_updateDOMProperties`. style block this._previousStyle = propValue; } propValue = this._previousStyleCopy = assign({},; } propValue = CSSPropertyOperations.createMarkupForStyles(propValue); } var markup = null; if (this._tag != null && isCustomComponent(this._tag, props)) { markup = DOMPropertyOperations.createMarkupForCustomAttribute(propKey, propValue); } else { markup = DOMPropertyOperations.createMarkupForProperty(propKey, propValue); } if (markup) { ret += ' ' + markup; } } } // For static pages, no need to put React ID and checksum. Saves lots of // bytes. if (transaction.renderToStaticMarkup) { return ret; } var markupForID = DOMPropertyOperations.createMarkupForID(this._rootNodeID); return ret + ' ' + markupForID; }, /** * Creates markup for the content between the tags. * * @private * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction|ReactServerRenderingTransaction} transaction * @param {object} props * @param {object} context * @return {string} Content markup. */ _createContentMarkup: function(transaction, props, context) { var ret = ''; // Intentional use of != to avoid catching zero/false. var innerHTML = props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; if (innerHTML != null) { if (innerHTML.__html != null) { ret = innerHTML.__html; } } else { var contentToUse = CONTENT_TYPES[typeof props.children] ? props.children : null; var childrenToUse = contentToUse != null ? null : props.children; if (contentToUse != null) { // TODO: Validate that text is allowed as a child of this node ret = escapeTextContentForBrowser(contentToUse); } else if (childrenToUse != null) { var mountImages = this.mountChildren( childrenToUse, transaction, processChildContext(context, this) ); ret = mountImages.join(''); } } if (newlineEatingTags[this._tag] && ret.charAt(0) === '\n') { // text/html ignores the first character in these tags if it's a newline // Prefer to break application/xml over text/html (for now) by adding // a newline specifically to get eaten by the parser. (Alternately for // textareas, replacing "^\n" with "\r\n" doesn't get eaten, and the first // \r is normalized out by HTMLTextAreaElement#value.) // See: <> // See: <> // See: <> // See: Parsing of "textarea" "listing" and "pre" elements // from <> return '\n' + ret; } else { return ret; } }, _createInitialChildren: function(transaction, props, context, el) { // Intentional use of != to avoid catching zero/false. var innerHTML = props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; if (innerHTML != null) { if (innerHTML.__html != null) { setInnerHTML(el, innerHTML.__html); } } else { var contentToUse = CONTENT_TYPES[typeof props.children] ? props.children : null; var childrenToUse = contentToUse != null ? null : props.children; if (contentToUse != null) { // TODO: Validate that text is allowed as a child of this node setTextContent(el, contentToUse); } else if (childrenToUse != null) { var mountImages = this.mountChildren( childrenToUse, transaction, processChildContext(context, this) ); for (var i = 0; i < mountImages.length; i++) { el.appendChild(mountImages[i]); } } } }, /** * Receives a next element and updates the component. * * @internal * @param {ReactElement} nextElement * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction|ReactServerRenderingTransaction} transaction * @param {object} context */ receiveComponent: function(nextElement, transaction, context) { var prevElement = this._currentElement; this._currentElement = nextElement; this.updateComponent(transaction, prevElement, nextElement, context); }, /** * Updates a native DOM component after it has already been allocated and * attached to the DOM. Reconciles the root DOM node, then recurses. * * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction * @param {ReactElement} prevElement * @param {ReactElement} nextElement * @internal * @overridable */ updateComponent: function(transaction, prevElement, nextElement, context) { var lastProps = prevElement.props; var nextProps = this._currentElement.props; switch (this._tag) { case 'button': lastProps = ReactDOMButton.getNativeProps(this, lastProps); nextProps = ReactDOMButton.getNativeProps(this, nextProps); break; case 'input': ReactDOMInput.updateWrapper(this); lastProps = ReactDOMInput.getNativeProps(this, lastProps); nextProps = ReactDOMInput.getNativeProps(this, nextProps); break; case 'option': lastProps = ReactDOMOption.getNativeProps(this, lastProps); nextProps = ReactDOMOption.getNativeProps(this, nextProps); break; case 'select': lastProps = ReactDOMSelect.getNativeProps(this, lastProps); nextProps = ReactDOMSelect.getNativeProps(this, nextProps); break; case 'textarea': ReactDOMTextarea.updateWrapper(this); lastProps = ReactDOMTextarea.getNativeProps(this, lastProps); nextProps = ReactDOMTextarea.getNativeProps(this, nextProps); break; } var node = ReactMount.getNode(this._rootNodeID); assertValidProps(this, nextProps); this._updateDOMProperties(lastProps, nextProps, transaction, node); this._updateDOMChildren( lastProps, nextProps, transaction, processChildContext(context, this) ); if (!canDefineProperty && this._nodeWithLegacyProperties) { this._nodeWithLegacyProperties.props = nextProps; } if (this._tag === 'select') { // <select> value update needs to occur after <option> children // reconciliation transaction.getReactMountReady().enqueue(postUpdateSelectWrapper, this); } }, /** * Reconciles the properties by detecting differences in property values and * updating the DOM as necessary. This function is probably the single most * critical path for performance optimization. * * TODO: Benchmark whether checking for changed values in memory actually * improves performance (especially statically positioned elements). * TODO: Benchmark the effects of putting this at the top since 99% of props * do not change for a given reconciliation. * TODO: Benchmark areas that can be improved with caching. * * @private * @param {object} lastProps * @param {object} nextProps * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction */ _updateDOMProperties: function(lastProps, nextProps, transaction, node) { var propKey; var styleName; var styleUpdates; for (propKey in lastProps) { if (nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || !lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) { continue; } if (propKey === STYLE) { var lastStyle = this._previousStyleCopy; for (styleName in lastStyle) { if (lastStyle.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) { styleUpdates = styleUpdates || {}; styleUpdates[styleName] = ''; } } this._previousStyleCopy = null; } else if (registrationNameModules.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) { if (lastProps[propKey]) { // Only call deleteListener if there was a listener previously or // else willDeleteListener gets called when there wasn't actually a // listener (e.g., onClick={null}) deleteListener(this._rootNodeID, propKey); } } else if ([propKey] || DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(propKey)) { DOMPropertyOperations.deleteValueForProperty(node, propKey); } } for (propKey in nextProps) { var nextProp = nextProps[propKey]; var lastProp = propKey === STYLE ? this._previousStyleCopy : lastProps[propKey]; if (!nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || nextProp === lastProp) { continue; } if (propKey === STYLE) { if (nextProp) { if (__DEV__) { checkAndWarnForMutatedStyle( this._previousStyleCopy, this._previousStyle, this ); this._previousStyle = nextProp; } nextProp = this._previousStyleCopy = assign({}, nextProp); } else { this._previousStyleCopy = null; } if (lastProp) { // Unset styles on `lastProp` but not on `nextProp`. for (styleName in lastProp) { if (lastProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName) && (!nextProp || !nextProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName))) { styleUpdates = styleUpdates || {}; styleUpdates[styleName] = ''; } } // Update styles that changed since `lastProp`. for (styleName in nextProp) { if (nextProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName) && lastProp[styleName] !== nextProp[styleName]) { styleUpdates = styleUpdates || {}; styleUpdates[styleName] = nextProp[styleName]; } } } else { // Relies on `updateStylesByID` not mutating `styleUpdates`. styleUpdates = nextProp; } } else if (registrationNameModules.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) { if (nextProp) { enqueuePutListener(this._rootNodeID, propKey, nextProp, transaction); } else if (lastProp) { deleteListener(this._rootNodeID, propKey); } } else if (isCustomComponent(this._tag, nextProps)) { DOMPropertyOperations.setValueForAttribute( node, propKey, nextProp ); } else if ([propKey] || DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(propKey)) { // If we're updating to null or undefined, we should remove the property // from the DOM node instead of inadvertantly setting to a string. This // brings us in line with the same behavior we have on initial render. if (nextProp != null) { DOMPropertyOperations.setValueForProperty(node, propKey, nextProp); } else { DOMPropertyOperations.deleteValueForProperty(node, propKey); } } } if (styleUpdates) { CSSPropertyOperations.setValueForStyles(node, styleUpdates); } }, /** * Reconciles the children with the various properties that affect the * children content. * * @param {object} lastProps * @param {object} nextProps * @param {ReactReconcileTransaction} transaction * @param {object} context */ _updateDOMChildren: function(lastProps, nextProps, transaction, context) { var lastContent = CONTENT_TYPES[typeof lastProps.children] ? lastProps.children : null; var nextContent = CONTENT_TYPES[typeof nextProps.children] ? nextProps.children : null; var lastHtml = lastProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && lastProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html; var nextHtml = nextProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && nextProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html; // Note the use of `!=` which checks for null or undefined. var lastChildren = lastContent != null ? null : lastProps.children; var nextChildren = nextContent != null ? null : nextProps.children; // If we're switching from children to content/html or vice versa, remove // the old content var lastHasContentOrHtml = lastContent != null || lastHtml != null; var nextHasContentOrHtml = nextContent != null || nextHtml != null; if (lastChildren != null && nextChildren == null) { this.updateChildren(null, transaction, context); } else if (lastHasContentOrHtml && !nextHasContentOrHtml) { this.updateTextContent(''); } if (nextContent != null) { if (lastContent !== nextContent) { this.updateTextContent('' + nextContent); } } else if (nextHtml != null) { if (lastHtml !== nextHtml) { this.updateMarkup('' + nextHtml); } } else if (nextChildren != null) { this.updateChildren(nextChildren, transaction, context); } }, /** * Destroys all event registrations for this instance. Does not remove from * the DOM. That must be done by the parent. * * @internal */ unmountComponent: function() { switch (this._tag) { case 'iframe': case 'img': case 'form': case 'video': case 'audio': var listeners = this._wrapperState.listeners; if (listeners) { for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].remove(); } } break; case 'input': ReactDOMInput.unmountWrapper(this); break; case 'html': case 'head': case 'body': /** * Components like <html> <head> and <body> can't be removed or added * easily in a cross-browser way, however it's valuable to be able to * take advantage of React's reconciliation for styling and <title> * management. So we just document it and throw in dangerous cases. */ invariant( false, '<%s> tried to unmount. Because of cross-browser quirks it is ' + 'impossible to unmount some top-level components (eg <html>, ' + '<head>, and <body>) reliably and efficiently. To fix this, have a ' + 'single top-level component that never unmounts render these ' + 'elements.', this._tag ); break; } this.unmountChildren(); ReactBrowserEventEmitter.deleteAllListeners(this._rootNodeID); ReactComponentBrowserEnvironment.unmountIDFromEnvironment(this._rootNodeID); this._rootNodeID = null; this._wrapperState = null; if (this._nodeWithLegacyProperties) { var node = this._nodeWithLegacyProperties; node._reactInternalComponent = null; this._nodeWithLegacyProperties = null; } }, getPublicInstance: function() { if (!this._nodeWithLegacyProperties) { var node = ReactMount.getNode(this._rootNodeID); node._reactInternalComponent = this; node.getDOMNode = legacyGetDOMNode; node.isMounted = legacyIsMounted; node.setState = legacySetStateEtc; node.replaceState = legacySetStateEtc; node.forceUpdate = legacySetStateEtc; node.setProps = legacySetProps; node.replaceProps = legacyReplaceProps; if (__DEV__) { if (canDefineProperty) { Object.defineProperties(node, legacyPropsDescriptor); } else { // updateComponent will update this property on subsequent renders node.props = this._currentElement.props; } } else { // updateComponent will update this property on subsequent renders node.props = this._currentElement.props; } this._nodeWithLegacyProperties = node; } return this._nodeWithLegacyProperties; }, }; ReactPerf.measureMethods(ReactDOMComponent, 'ReactDOMComponent', { mountComponent: 'mountComponent', updateComponent: 'updateComponent', }); assign( ReactDOMComponent.prototype, ReactDOMComponent.Mixin, ReactMultiChild.Mixin ); module.exports = ReactDOMComponent;
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let ImageTagFaces = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.47 10 9.99 10C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12S17.52 2 11.99 2zM12 20c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8zm3.5-9c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S16.33 8 15.5 8 14 8.67 14 9.5s.67 1.5 1.5 1.5zm-7 0c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S9.33 8 8.5 8 7 8.67 7 9.5 7.67 11 8.5 11zm3.5 6.5c2.33 0 4.31-1.46 5.11-3.5H6.89c.8 2.04 2.78 3.5 5.11 3.5z"/> </SvgIcon> ); ImageTagFaces = pure(ImageTagFaces); ImageTagFaces.displayName = 'ImageTagFaces'; ImageTagFaces.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default ImageTagFaces;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router'; import Lightbox from 'react-image-lightbox'; import './Gallery.css'; import { Canned, GROUPED_CANS } from './canned.js'; import CANNED_SONGS, { ORDERED_CATEGORIES } from './canned-data.js'; const GALLERY_FILE_PATH = '/img/gallery/'; const DEFAULT_CAT_SLUG = ORDERED_CATEGORIES[0].slug; class Gallery extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { lightbox_index: -1, }; } get cat() { return || DEFAULT_CAT_SLUG; } componentDidMount() { document.title = "Gallery - SongSim"; } renderCanned = (c, i) => { let kls = "img-responsive"; if ( { kls += " mini"; } return ( <div key={c.slug} className="col-xs-4 col-lg-3"> <div className="galleryFrame"> <img className={kls} alt={`Self-similarity matrix of ${c.title} by ${c.artist}`} onClick={(e) => { this.setState({lightbox_index: i}) }} src={this.cannedSrc(c)} /> {this.cannedCaption(c, "galleryLabel")} </div> </div> ); } cannedCaption = (c, kls) => { return <div className={kls}><Link to={c.href}>{c.tagline}</Link></div>; } cannedSrc = (c) => { return process.env.PUBLIC_URL + GALLERY_FILE_PATH + c.slug + '.png'; } renderGroup = (group, cans, offset) => { var pics =, i) => { return this.renderCanned(can, offset+i); }); return ( <div key={group}> <h3>{group}</h3> <div className="row"> {pics} </div> </div> ); } songsForCat(cat) { if (cat !== 'all') { return GROUPED_CANS.get(cat); } var flatcans = []; for (let cans of GROUPED_CANS.values()) { flatcans = flatcans.concat(cans); } } render() { var songs; if ( === 'all') { // blargh songs = => (new Canned(o))); songs = songs.sort(Canned.comparator); } else { songs = GROUPED_CANS.get(; songs = songs.filter((c) => (!c.hidden)); } var imgs =; var cats = [{label: 'All', slug: 'all'}].concat(ORDERED_CATEGORIES); var pills = => ( <li key={cat.slug} className={ === cat.slug ? "active" : ""}> <Link to={"/gallery/"+cat.slug}>{cat.label}</Link> </li> )); var nav = ( <ul className="nav nav-tabs"> {pills} </ul> ); var lightbox; if (this.state.lightbox_index !== -1) { let li = this.state.lightbox_index; let can = songs[this.state.lightbox_index]; let next = this.state.lightbox_index < songs.length-1 ? songs[li+1] : undefined; let prev = this.state.lightbox_index > 0 ? songs[li-1] : undefined; lightbox = ( <Lightbox mainSrc={this.cannedSrc(can)} nextSrc={next && this.cannedSrc(next)} prevSrc={prev && this.cannedSrc(prev)} imageCaption={this.cannedCaption(can)} onCloseRequest={() => { this.setState({lightbox_index: -1}); }} onMoveNextRequest={() => { this.setState({lightbox_index: this.state.lightbox_index+1}); }} onMovePrevRequest={() => { this.setState({lightbox_index: this.state.lightbox_index-1}); }} animationDisabled={true} /> ); } return ( <div className="container"> {nav} <div className="row"> {imgs} </div> {lightbox} </div> ); } } export default Gallery;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Image, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import Touchable from 'px/components/Touchable'; import source from 'px/assets/icons/navigation_back.png'; export default class NavigationBack extends Component { static defaultProps = { navigation: null, } static propTypes = { navigation: React.PropTypes.object, } setNativeProps(props) { this.node && this.node.setNativeProps(props); } render() { const { navigation: { goBack } } = this.props; return <Touchable onPress={() => goBack(null)}> <Image style={styles.base} ref={n => this.node = n} source={source} /> </Touchable> } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ base: { marginLeft: 10, height: 18, width: 18, }, image: { height: 18, width: 18, backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, });
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Grid, Col, Row, Tabs, Tab, Form, FormGroup, FormControl, ControlLabel } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { Button, Spinner, OverlayTrigger, Tooltip, Icon } from 'patternfly-react'; import ForemanModal from 'foremanReact/components/ForemanModal'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import TooltipButton from '../../../move_to_pf/TooltipButton'; import { LoadingState } from '../../../move_to_pf/LoadingState'; import { Table } from '../../../move_to_foreman/components/common/table'; import { manifestExists } from '../SubscriptionHelpers'; import { columns } from './ManifestHistoryTableSchema'; import DeleteManifestModalText from './DeleteManifestModalText'; import { MANAGE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID, DELETE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID } from './ManifestConstants'; import './ManageManifestModal.scss'; class ManageManifestModal extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { actionInProgress: props.taskInProgress, }; } static getDerivedStateFromProps(newProps, prevState) { if ( !isEqual(newProps.taskInProgress, prevState.actionInProgress) ) { return { actionInProgress: newProps.taskInProgress, }; } return null; } componentDidMount() { this.loadData(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProp, prevState) { const { actionInProgress } = this.state; if (prevState.actionInProgress && !actionInProgress) { this.props.loadOrganization(); } } loadData() { this.props.loadManifestHistory(); } hideModal = () => { if (this.props.deleteManifestModalIsOpen) this.hideDeleteManifestModal(); this.props.setModalClosed({ id: MANAGE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID }); }; showDeleteManifestModal = () => this.props.setModalOpen({ id: DELETE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID }); hideDeleteManifestModal = () => this.props.setModalClosed({ id: DELETE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID }); updateRepositoryUrl = (event) => { this.setState({ redhat_repository_url: }); }; saveOrganization = () => { this.props.saveOrganization({ redhat_repository_url: this.state.redhat_repository_url }); }; uploadManifest = (fileList) => { this.hideModal(); this.setState({ actionInProgress: true }); if (fileList.length > 0) { this.props.upload(fileList[0]); } }; refreshManifest = () => { this.hideModal(); this.setState({ actionInProgress: true }); this.props.refresh(); }; deleteManifest = () => { this.hideModal(); this.setState({ actionInProgress: true }); this.props.delete(); }; disabledTooltipText = () => { if (this.state.actionInProgress) { return __('This is disabled because a manifest task is in progress'); } return __('This is disabled because no manifest exists'); }; render() { const { manifestHistory, organization, disableManifestActions, disabledReason, canImportManifest, canDeleteManifest, canEditOrganizations, simpleContentAccess, } = this.props; const showRedHatProviderDetails = canEditOrganizations; const showSubscriptionManifest = (canImportManifest || canDeleteManifest); const showManifestTab = (showRedHatProviderDetails || showSubscriptionManifest); const { actionInProgress } = this.state; const emptyStateData = () => ({ header: __('There is no Manifest History to display.'), description: __('Import a Manifest using the manifest tab above.'), documentation: { label: __('Learn more about adding Subscription Manifests'), url: '', }, }); const buttonLoading = ( <span> {__('Updating...')} <span className="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" /> </span>); const getManifestName = () => { let name = __('No Manifest Uploaded'); if ( organization.owner_details && organization.owner_details.upstreamConsumer ) { const link = [ 'https://', organization.owner_details.upstreamConsumer.webUrl, organization.owner_details.upstreamConsumer.uuid, ].join('/'); name = ( <a href={link}>{}</a> ); } return name; }; return ( <ForemanModal id={MANAGE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID} title={__('Manage Manifest')}> <Tabs id="manifest-history-tabs"> {showManifestTab && <Tab eventKey={1} title={__('Manifest')}> <Form className="form-horizontal"> {showRedHatProviderDetails && <React.Fragment> <h5>{__('Red Hat Provider Details')}</h5> <hr /> <FormGroup> <Grid> <Row> <Col sm={4}> <ControlLabel htmlFor="cdnUrl"> {__('Red Hat CDN URL')} </ControlLabel> </Col> <Col sm={8}> <FormControl id="cdnUrl" type="text" defaultValue={this.state.redhat_repository_url || organization.redhat_repository_url || ''} onBlur={this.updateRepositoryUrl} /> </Col> </Row> </Grid> </FormGroup> <FormGroup> <Grid> <Row> <Col smOffset={4} sm={4}> <Button onClick={this.saveOrganization} disabled={organization.loading}> {organization.loading ? buttonLoading : __('Update')} </Button> </Col> </Row> </Grid> </FormGroup> <br /> </React.Fragment> } {showSubscriptionManifest && <React.Fragment> <FormGroup> <Grid> <h5>{__('Subscription Manifest')}</h5> <hr /> <Row> <Col sm={4}> <ControlLabel className="control-label" htmlFor="usmaFile" style={{ paddingTop: '0' }} > <OverlayTrigger overlay={ <Tooltip id="usma-tooltip"> {__('Upstream Subscription Management Application')} </Tooltip> } placement="bottom" trigger={['hover', 'focus']} rootClose={false} > <div>{__('USMA')}</div> </OverlayTrigger> </ControlLabel> </Col> <Col sm={8}> {getManifestName()} </Col> </Row> <Row> <Col sm={4}> <div>{__('Simple Content Access')}</div> </Col> <Col sm={8} className="manifest-actions"> <Spinner loading={actionInProgress} inline /> {simpleContentAccess ? __('Yes') : __('No')} <OverlayTrigger overlay={ <Tooltip id="sca-tooltip"> {__('When Simple Content Access is enabled, hosts can consume from all repositories in their Content View regardless of subscription status.')} </Tooltip> } placement="bottom" trigger={['hover', 'focus']} rootClose={false} > <Icon type="pf" name="info" /> </OverlayTrigger> {canImportManifest && <FormControl id="usmaFile" type="file" accept=".zip" disabled={actionInProgress} onChange={e => this.uploadManifest(} /> } <div id="manifest-actions-row"> {canImportManifest && <TooltipButton onClick={this.refreshManifest} tooltipId="refresh-manifest-button-tooltip" tooltipText={disabledReason} tooltipPlacement="top" title={__('Refresh')} disabled={!manifestExists(organization) || actionInProgress || disableManifestActions} /> } {canDeleteManifest && <React.Fragment> <TooltipButton renderedButton={( <Button disabled={!manifestExists(organization) || actionInProgress} bsStyle="danger" onClick={this.showDeleteManifestModal} > {__('Delete')} </Button> )} tooltipId="delete-manifest-button-tooltip" tooltipText={this.disabledTooltipText()} tooltipPlacement="top" /> </React.Fragment> } </div> <ForemanModal title={__('Confirm delete manifest')} id={DELETE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID}> <DeleteManifestModalText /> <ForemanModal.Footer> <Button bsStyle="default" onClick={this.hideDeleteManifestModal}> {__('Cancel')} </Button> <Button bsStyle="danger" onClick={this.deleteManifest}> {__('Delete')} </Button> </ForemanModal.Footer> </ForemanModal> </Col> </Row> </Grid> </FormGroup> </React.Fragment> } </Form> </Tab> } <Tab eventKey={2} title={__('Manifest History')}> <LoadingState loading={manifestHistory.loading} loadingText={__('Loading')}> <Table rows={manifestHistory.results} columns={columns} emptyState={emptyStateData()} /> </LoadingState> </Tab> </Tabs> <ForemanModal.Footer> <Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={this.hideModal}> {__('Close')} </Button> </ForemanModal.Footer> </ForemanModal> ); } } ManageManifestModal.propTypes = { upload: PropTypes.func.isRequired, refresh: PropTypes.func.isRequired, delete: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadManifestHistory: PropTypes.func.isRequired, organization: PropTypes.shape({ loading: PropTypes.bool, redhat_repository_url: PropTypes.string, owner_details: PropTypes.shape({ upstreamConsumer: PropTypes.shape({ uuid: PropTypes.string, name: PropTypes.string, webUrl: PropTypes.string, }), }), }).isRequired, canImportManifest: PropTypes.bool, canDeleteManifest: PropTypes.bool, canEditOrganizations: PropTypes.bool, disableManifestActions: PropTypes.bool, disabledReason: PropTypes.string, loadOrganization: PropTypes.func.isRequired, saveOrganization: PropTypes.func.isRequired, taskInProgress: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, simpleContentAccess: PropTypes.bool, manifestHistory: PropTypes.shape({ loading: PropTypes.bool, results: PropTypes.array, }).isRequired, setModalClosed: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setModalOpen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, deleteManifestModalIsOpen: PropTypes.bool, }; ManageManifestModal.defaultProps = { disableManifestActions: false, disabledReason: '', canImportManifest: false, canDeleteManifest: false, canEditOrganizations: false, deleteManifestModalIsOpen: false, simpleContentAccess: false, }; export default ManageManifestModal;
/* eslint-env mocha */ // The following eslint overrides should be removed when refactoring can occur /* eslint react/no-find-dom-node: "warn", react/no-render-return-value: "warn" */ import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import React from 'react'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import expect from 'expect'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import Modal from '../lib/components/Modal'; import * as ariaAppHider from '../lib/helpers/ariaAppHider'; import { renderModal, unmountModal, emptyDOM } from './helper'; const Simulate = TestUtils.Simulate; describe('Modal', () => { afterEach('check if test cleaned up rendered modals', emptyDOM); it('scopes tab navigation to the modal'); it('focuses the last focused element when tabbing in from browser chrome'); it('can be open initially', () => { const component = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, 'hello'); expect(component.portal.content.innerHTML.trim()).toEqual('hello'); }); it('can be closed initially', () => { const component = renderModal({}, 'hello'); expect(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(component.portal).innerHTML.trim()).toEqual(''); }); it('accepts appElement as a prop', () => { const el = document.createElement('div'); const node = document.createElement('div'); ReactDOM.render( <Modal isOpen appElement={el} /> , node); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-hidden')).toEqual('true'); ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(node); }); it('renders into the body, not in context', () => { const node = document.createElement('div'); const App = () => ( <div> <Modal isOpen> hello </Modal> </div> ); Modal.setAppElement(node); ReactDOM.render(<App />, node); const modalParent = document.body.querySelector('.ReactModalPortal').parentNode; expect(modalParent).toEqual(document.body); ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(node); }); it('renders children', () => { const child = 'I am a child of Modal, and he has sent me here...'; const component = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, child); expect(component.portal.content.innerHTML).toEqual(child); }); it('renders the modal content with a dialog aria role when provided ', () => { const child = 'I am a child of Modal, and he has sent me here...'; const component = renderModal({ isOpen: true, role: 'dialog' }, child); expect(component.portal.content.getAttribute('role')).toEqual('dialog'); }); it('renders the modal with a aria-label based on the contentLabel prop', () => { const child = 'I am a child of Modal, and he has sent me here...'; const component = renderModal({ isOpen: true, contentLabel: 'Special Modal' }, child); expect(component.portal.content.getAttribute('aria-label')).toEqual('Special Modal'); }); it('has default props', () => { const node = document.createElement('div'); Modal.setAppElement(document.createElement('div')); const component = ReactDOM.render(<Modal />, node); const props = component.props; expect(props.isOpen).toBe(false); expect(props.ariaHideApp).toBe(true); expect(props.closeTimeoutMS).toBe(0); expect(props.shouldCloseOnOverlayClick).toBe(true); ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(node); ariaAppHider.resetForTesting(); Modal.setAppElement(document.body); // restore default }); it('removes the portal node', () => { const component = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, 'hello'); expect(component.portal.content.innerHTML.trim()).toEqual('hello'); unmountModal(); expect(!document.querySelector('.ReactModalPortal')).toExist(); }); it('focuses the modal content', () => { renderModal({ isOpen: true }, null, function checkModalContentFocus () { expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(this.portal.content); }); }); it('give back focus to previous element or modal.', (done) => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, onRequestClose () { done(); } }, null, () => {}); renderModal({ isOpen: true, onRequestClose () { Simulate.keyDown(modal.portal.content, { // The keyCode is all that matters, so this works key: 'FakeKeyToTestLater', keyCode: 27, which: 27 }); expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(modal.portal.content); } }, null, function checkPortalFocus () { expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(this.portal.content); Simulate.keyDown(this.portal.content, { // The keyCode is all that matters, so this works key: 'FakeKeyToTestLater', keyCode: 27, which: 27 }); }); }); it('does not focus the modal content when a descendent is already focused', () => { const input = ( <input className="focus_input" ref={el => (el && el.focus())} /> ); renderModal({ isOpen: true }, input, () => { expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(document.querySelector('.focus_input')); }); }); it('handles case when child has no tabbable elements', () => { const component = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, 'hello'); expect(() => { Simulate.keyDown(component.portal.content, { key: 'Tab', keyCode: 9, which: 9 }); }).toNotThrow(); }); it('keeps focus inside the modal when child has no tabbable elements', () => { let tabPrevented = false; const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }, 'hello'); expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(modal.portal.content); Simulate.keyDown(modal.portal.content, { key: 'Tab', keyCode: 9, which: 9, preventDefault () { tabPrevented = true; } }); expect(tabPrevented).toEqual(true); }); it('supports portalClassName', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, portalClassName: 'myPortalClass' }); expect(modal.node.className).toEqual('myPortalClass'); }); it('supports custom className', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, className: 'myClass' }); expect(modal.portal.content.className.indexOf('myClass')).toNotEqual(-1); }); it('supports overlayClassName', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, overlayClassName: 'myOverlayClass' }); expect(modal.portal.overlay.className.indexOf('myOverlayClass')).toNotEqual(-1); }); it('overrides the default styles when a custom classname is used', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, className: 'myClass' }); expect(''); }); it('overrides the default styles when a custom overlayClassName is used', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, overlayClassName: 'myOverlayClass' }); expect(''); }); it('supports adding style to the modal contents', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, style: { content: { width: '20px' } } }); expect('20px'); }); it('supports overriding style on the modal contents', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, style: { content: { position: 'static' } } }); expect('static'); }); it('supports adding style on the modal overlay', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, style: { overlay: { width: '75px' } } }); expect('75px'); }); it('supports overriding style on the modal overlay', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, style: { overlay: { position: 'static' } } }); expect('static'); }); it('supports overriding the default styles', () => { const previousStyle = Modal.defaultStyles.content.position; // Just in case the default style is already relative, check that we can change it const newStyle = previousStyle === 'relative' ? 'static' : 'relative'; Modal.defaultStyles.content.position = newStyle; const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }); expect(; Modal.defaultStyles.content.position = previousStyle; }); it('adds class to body when open', () => { renderModal({ isOpen: false }); expect(document.body.className.indexOf('ReactModal__Body--open') !== -1).toEqual(false); unmountModal(); renderModal({ isOpen: true }); expect(document.body.className.indexOf('ReactModal__Body--open') !== -1).toEqual(true); unmountModal(); renderModal({ isOpen: false }); expect(document.body.className.indexOf('ReactModal__Body--open') !== -1).toEqual(false); }); it('removes class from body when unmounted without closing', () => { renderModal({ isOpen: true }); expect(document.body.className.indexOf('ReactModal__Body--open') !== -1).toEqual(true); unmountModal(); expect(document.body.className.indexOf('ReactModal__Body--open') !== -1).toEqual(false); }); it('removes aria-hidden from appElement when unmounted without closing', () => { const el = document.createElement('div'); const node = document.createElement('div'); ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(Modal, { isOpen: true, appElement: el }), node); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-hidden')).toEqual('true'); ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(node); expect(el.getAttribute('aria-hidden')).toEqual(null); }); it('adds --after-open for animations', () => { renderModal({ isOpen: true }); const overlay = document.querySelector('.ReactModal__Overlay'); const content = document.querySelector('.ReactModal__Content'); expect(overlay.className.match(/ReactModal__Overlay--after-open/)).toExist(); expect(content.className.match(/ReactModal__Content--after-open/)).toExist(); }); it('should trigger the onAfterOpen callback', () => { const afterOpenCallback = sinon.spy(); renderModal({ isOpen: true, onAfterOpen: afterOpenCallback }); expect(afterOpenCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('check the state of the modal after close with time out and reopen it', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, closeTimeoutMS: 2000, onRequestClose () {} }); modal.portal.closeWithTimeout();; modal.portal.closeWithoutTimeout(); expect(!modal.portal.state.isOpen).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should close on Esc key event', () => { const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy(); const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true, onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback }); expect(modal.props.isOpen).toEqual(true); expect(() => { Simulate.keyDown(modal.portal.content, { // The keyCode is all that matters, so this works key: 'FakeKeyToTestLater', keyCode: 27, which: 27 }); }).toNotThrow(); expect(requestCloseCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); // Check if event is passed to onRequestClose callback. const event = requestCloseCallback.getCall(0).args[0]; expect(event).toBeTruthy(); expect(event.constructor).toBeTruthy(); expect(event.key).toEqual('FakeKeyToTestLater'); }); describe('should close on overlay click', () => { afterEach('Unmount modal', emptyDOM); describe('verify props', () => { afterEach('Unmount modal', emptyDOM); it('verify default prop of shouldCloseOnOverlayClick', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true }); expect(modal.props.shouldCloseOnOverlayClick).toEqual(true); }); it('verify prop of shouldCloseOnOverlayClick', () => { const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: false }); expect(modal.props.shouldCloseOnOverlayClick).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('verify clicks', () => { afterEach('Unmount modal', emptyDOM); it('verify overlay click when shouldCloseOnOverlayClick sets to false', () => { const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy(); const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: false }); expect(modal.props.isOpen).toEqual(true); const overlay = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); expect(overlay.length).toEqual(1);[0]); // click the overlay expect(!requestCloseCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('verify overlay click when shouldCloseOnOverlayClick sets to true', () => { const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy(); const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true, onRequestClose () { requestCloseCallback(); } }); expect(modal.props.isOpen).toEqual(true); const overlay = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); expect(overlay.length).toEqual(1);[0]); // click the overlay expect(requestCloseCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('verify overlay mouse down and content mouse up when shouldCloseOnOverlayClick sets to true', () => { const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy(); const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true, onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback }); expect(modal.props.isOpen).toEqual(true); const overlay = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); const content = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Content'); expect(overlay.length).toEqual(1); expect(content.length).toEqual(1); Simulate.mouseDown(overlay[0]); // click the overlay Simulate.mouseUp(content[0]); expect(!requestCloseCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('verify content mouse down and overlay mouse up when shouldCloseOnOverlayClick sets to true', () => { const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy(); const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true, onRequestClose () { requestCloseCallback(); } }); expect(modal.props.isOpen).toEqual(true); const overlay = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); const content = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Content'); expect(content.length).toEqual(1); expect(overlay.length).toEqual(1); Simulate.mouseDown(content[0]); // click the overlay Simulate.mouseUp(overlay[0]); expect(!requestCloseCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not stop event propagation', () => { let hasPropagated = false; const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true }); const overlay = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); window.addEventListener('click', () => { hasPropagated = true; }); // Work around for running the spec in IE 11 let mouseEvent = null; try { mouseEvent = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }); } catch (err) { mouseEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); mouseEvent.initEvent('click', true, false); } overlay[0].dispatchEvent(mouseEvent); expect(hasPropagated).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('verify event passing on overlay click', () => { const requestCloseCallback = sinon.spy(); const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true, onRequestClose: requestCloseCallback }); expect(modal.props.isOpen).toEqual(true); const overlay = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); expect(overlay.length).toEqual(1); // click the overlay[0], { // Used to test that this was the event received fakeData: 'ABC' }); expect(requestCloseCallback.called).toBeTruthy(); // Check if event is passed to onRequestClose callback. const event = requestCloseCallback.getCall(0).args[0]; expect(event).toBeTruthy(); expect(event.constructor).toBeTruthy(); expect(event.fakeData).toEqual('ABC'); }); }); it('adds --before-close for animations', () => { const closeTimeoutMS = 50; const modal = renderModal({ isOpen: true, closeTimeoutMS }); modal.portal.closeWithTimeout(); unmountModal(); const overlay = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Overlay'); const content = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(modal.portal, 'ReactModal__Content'); expect(/ReactModal__Overlay--before-close/.test(overlay.className)).toBe(true); expect(/ReactModal__Content--before-close/.test(content.className)).toBe(true); modal.portal.closeWithoutTimeout(); }); it('keeps the modal in the DOM until closeTimeoutMS elapses', (done) => { const closeTimeoutMS = 50; renderModal({ isOpen: true, closeTimeoutMS }); unmountModal(); const checkDOM = (expectMounted) => { const overlay = document.querySelectorAll('.ReactModal__Overlay'); const content = document.querySelectorAll('.ReactModal__Content'); const numNodes = expectMounted ? 1 : 0; expect(overlay.length).toBe(numNodes); expect(content.length).toBe(numNodes); }; // content is still mounted after modal is gone checkDOM(true); setTimeout(() => { // content is unmounted after specified timeout checkDOM(false); done(); }, closeTimeoutMS); }); });
import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import UpdateStatus from '../UpdateStatus'; import UpdateTime from '../UpdateTime'; import { builderWithStatus } from 'test-utils/UpdateBuilders'; describe('UpdateStatus', () => { it('Should show UpdateTime when update terminal', () => { const update = builderWithStatus(JobUpdateStatus.ROLLED_FORWARD).build(); const el = shallow(<UpdateStatus update={update} />); expect(el.contains(<UpdateTime update={update} />)).toBe(true); }); it('Should NOT show UpdateTime when update in-progress', () => { const update = builderWithStatus(JobUpdateStatus.ROLLING_FORWARD).build(); const el = shallow(<UpdateStatus update={update} />); expect(el.find(UpdateTime).length).toBe(0); }); });
import {MainPanel} from 'js/layout/MainPanel'; import {Header} from 'js/layout/Header'; import {appConfig} from 'js/config'; import React from 'react'; export class App extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); } render () { return ( <div className='react-root'> <Header title={appConfig.title} subtitle={appConfig.subtitle} /> <MainPanel /> </div> ); } }
/* @flow */ /* eslint class-methods-use-this: "off" */ import Relay from 'react-relay'; export default class RemoveTodoMutation extends Relay.Mutation { static fragments = { user: () => Relay.QL` fragment on User { id } `, }; getMutation() { return Relay.QL`mutation{ removeTodo }`; } getVariables() { return { id:, }; } getFatQuery() { return Relay.QL` fragment on RemoveTodoPayload @relay(plural: true) { deletedTodoId user } `; } getConfigs() { return [{ type: 'NODE_DELETE', parentName: 'user', parentID:, connectionName: 'todos', deletedIDFieldName: 'deletedTodoId', }]; } }
import React from "react" import './style.css'; import {Link} from "gatsby"; import _capitalize from "lodash/capitalize" import Image from "../../layout/image" const LanguageCard = ({ data }) => { return ( <div className="container"> <div className="row justify-content-center"> { => { return ( <div key={} className="language-card card bl-1 br-1 bt-1 bb-1 hover-shadow-9"> <Link to={`/docs/${}/`}> <div className="card-body text-center"> <div className="card-image"> <Image path={`flags/${item.node.slug}.png`} className="card-title rounded-circle w-100px" alt={item.node.slug} /> </div> <div className="card-text fs-15 lh-1"> <span>{_capitalize(} ({})</span> </div> {item.node.authors && ( => { return ( <React.Fragment key={}> {author.github_avatar && <img src={author.github_avatar} className="author-avatar rounded-circle" alt={}/>} </React.Fragment> ) }) )} </div> </Link> </div> ) })} </div> </div> ) } export default LanguageCard;
import React from 'react'; import { assert, expect } from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import ExperimentCardList from '../../../src/app/components/ExperimentCardList'; describe('app/components/ExperimentCardList', () => { let props, subject; beforeEach(() => { props = { experiments: [ { slug: 'foo' }, { slug: 'bat' } ], isExperimentEnabled: sinon.spy(() => false), // required by ExperimentRowCard {...this.props} hasAddon: true, eventCategory: 'test category', getExperimentLastSeen: sinon.spy(), sendToGA: sinon.spy(), navigateTo: sinon.spy() }; subject = shallow(<ExperimentCardList {...props} />); }); it('renders a loading screen if no experiments are available', () => { subject.setProps({ experiments: [] }); expect(subject.find('Loading'))'length', 1); }); it('renders ExperimentRowCards for each experiment', () => { expect(subject.find('ExperimentRowCard')).to.have.length(props.experiments.length); }); it('respects an exception if specified', () => { subject.setProps({ except: props.experiments[0].slug }); expect(subject.find('ExperimentRowCard')).to.have.length(props.experiments.length - 1); }); });
/** * React v0.4.1 * * Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ !function(e){if("function"==typeof bootstrap)bootstrap("react",e);else if("object"==typeof exports)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(e);else if("undefined"!=typeof ses){if(!ses.ok())return;ses.makeReact=e}else"undefined"!=typeof window?window.React=e():global.React=e()}(function(){return function(e,t,n){function r(n,i){if(!t[n]){if(!e[n]){var a="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!i&&a)return 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/** * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @emails react-core */ 'use strict'; var React; var ReactTestUtils; var mocks; var OriginalComponent; var AutoMockedComponent; var MockedComponent; describe('ReactMockedComponent', function() { beforeEach(function() { mocks = require('mocks'); React = require('React'); ReactTestUtils = require('ReactTestUtils'); OriginalComponent = React.createClass({ getDefaultProps: function() { return {bar: 'baz'}; }, getInitialState: function() { return {foo: 'bar'}; }, hasCustomMethod: function() { return true; }, render: function() { return <span />; }, }); var metaData = mocks.getMetadata(OriginalComponent); AutoMockedComponent = mocks.generateFromMetadata(metaData); MockedComponent = mocks.generateFromMetadata(metaData); ReactTestUtils.mockComponent(MockedComponent); }); it('should allow an implicitly mocked component to be rendered without warnings', () => { spyOn(console, 'error'); ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<AutoMockedComponent />); expect(console.error.calls.length).toBe(0); }); it('should allow an implicitly mocked component to be updated', () => { var Wrapper = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {foo: 1}; }, update: function() { this.setState({foo: 2}); }, render: function() { return <div><AutoMockedComponent prop={} /></div>; }, }); var instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Wrapper />); var found = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType( instance, AutoMockedComponent ); expect(typeof found).toBe('object'); instance.update(); }); it('has custom methods on the implicitly mocked component', () => { var instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<AutoMockedComponent />); expect(typeof instance.hasCustomMethod).toBe('function'); }); it('should allow an explicitly mocked component to be rendered', () => { ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MockedComponent />); }); it('should allow an explicitly mocked component to be updated', () => { var Wrapper = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {foo: 1}; }, update: function() { this.setState({foo: 2}); }, render: function() { return <div><MockedComponent prop={} /></div>; }, }); var instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Wrapper />); var found = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType( instance, MockedComponent ); expect(typeof found).toBe('object'); instance.update(); }); it('has custom methods on the explicitly mocked component', () => { var instance = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MockedComponent />); expect(typeof instance.hasCustomMethod).toBe('function'); }); });
import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import 'bootstrap-webpack!bootstrap-webpack/bootstrap.config.js'; import { Modal, Alert } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { showErrorPanel } from '../actions/general'; export class ErrorNotificationPanel extends React.Component { render() { return (<Modal show={} bsStyle="danger" onHide={this.props.hideErrorPanel}> <div style={{ marginBottom: '-20px' }}><Alert bsStyle="danger"> <strong>Error:&nbsp;</strong>{this.props.message} </Alert></div></Modal>); } } function mapStateToProps(state) { return { show: state.general.showErrorPanel, message: state.general.errorMessage }; } function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { hideErrorPanel: bindActionCreators(showErrorPanel.bind(this, false), dispatch) }; } export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(ErrorNotificationPanel);
import React from 'react'; import Title from 'react-title-component'; import CodeExample from '../../../CodeExample'; import PropTypeDescription from '../../../PropTypeDescription'; import MarkdownElement from '../../../MarkdownElement'; import flatButtonReadmeText from './README'; import flatButtonExampleSimpleCode from '!raw!./ExampleSimple'; import FlatButtonExampleSimple from './ExampleSimple'; import flatButtonExampleComplexCode from '!raw!./ExampleComplex'; import FlatButtonExampleComplex from './ExampleComplex'; import flatButtonExampleIconCode from '!raw!./ExampleIcon'; import FlatButtonExampleIcon from './ExampleIcon'; import flatButtonCode from '!raw!material-ui/FlatButton/FlatButton'; const descriptions = { simple: '`FlatButton` with default color, `primary`, `secondary` and `disabled` props applied.', complex: 'The first example uses an `input` as a child component. ' + 'The second example has an [SVG Icon](/#/components/svg-icon), with the label positioned after. ' + 'The final example uses a [Font Icon](/#/components/font-icon), and is wrapped in an anchor tag.', icon: 'Examples of Flat Buttons using an icon without a label. The first example uses an' + ' [SVG Icon](/#/components/svg-icon), and has the default color. The second example shows' + ' how the icon and background color can be changed. The final example uses a' + ' [Font Icon](/#/components/font-icon), and is wrapped in an anchor tag.', }; const FlatButtonPage = () => ( <div> <Title render={(previousTitle) => `Flat Button - ${previousTitle}`} /> <MarkdownElement text={flatButtonReadmeText} /> <CodeExample title="Simple examples" description={descriptions.simple} code={flatButtonExampleSimpleCode} > <FlatButtonExampleSimple /> </CodeExample> <CodeExample title="Complex examples" description={descriptions.complex} code={flatButtonExampleComplexCode} > <FlatButtonExampleComplex /> </CodeExample> <CodeExample title="Icon examples" description={descriptions.icon} code={flatButtonExampleIconCode} > <FlatButtonExampleIcon /> </CodeExample> <PropTypeDescription code={flatButtonCode} /> </div> ); export default FlatButtonPage;
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import React from 'react'; export default function SvgError(props) { return ( <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 32 32" {...props} > <path data-name="\u6955\u5186\u5F62 2 \u306E\u30B3\u30D4\u30FC 14" d="M24 24H8l-1-1.09L15 9h2l8 13.91zm-7-10h-2v4h2v-4zm0 5h-2v2h2v-2z" fillRule="evenodd" /> </svg> ); }
/*eslint-env mocha */ import expect from 'expect' import React from 'react' import createHistory from 'history/lib/createMemoryHistory' import Redirect from '../Redirect' import Router from '../Router' import Route from '../Route' describe('A <Redirect>', function () { let node beforeEach(function () { node = document.createElement('div') }) afterEach(function () { React.unmountComponentAtNode(node) }) it('works', function (done) { React.render(( <Router history={createHistory('/notes/5')}> <Route path="/messages/:id" /> <Redirect from="/notes/:id" to="/messages/:id" /> </Router> ), node, function () { expect(this.state.location.pathname).toEqual('/messages/5') done() }) }) })
// import React from 'react'; // import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; // import App from './App'; import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker'; require('es6-promise').polyfill(); require('isomorphic-fetch'); var React = require("expose-loader?React!react"); var ReactDOM = require("expose-loader?ReactDOM!react-dom"); var ReactDOMServer = require("expose-loader?ReactDOMServer!react-dom/server"); var Components = require('expose-loader?Components!./clientComponents'); // ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root')); registerServiceWorker();
/*eslint-disable react/prop-types */ import React, { cloneElement } from 'react'; import createChainedFunction from './utils/createChainedFunction'; import createContextWrapper from './utils/createContextWrapper'; import Overlay from './Overlay'; import warning from 'react/lib/warning'; import pick from 'lodash/object/pick'; /** * Check if value one is inside or equal to the of value * * @param {string} one * @param {string|array} of * @returns {boolean} */ function isOneOf(one, of) { if (Array.isArray(of)) { return of.indexOf(one) >= 0; } return one === of; } const OverlayTrigger = React.createClass({ propTypes: { ...Overlay.propTypes, /** * Specify which action or actions trigger Overlay visibility */ trigger: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.oneOf(['click', 'hover', 'focus']), React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.oneOf(['click', 'hover', 'focus'])) ]), /** * A millisecond delay amount to show and hide the Overlay once triggered */ delay: React.PropTypes.number, /** * A millisecond delay amount before showing the Overlay once triggered. */ delayShow: React.PropTypes.number, /** * A millisecond delay amount before hiding the Overlay once triggered. */ delayHide: React.PropTypes.number, /** * The initial visibility state of the Overlay, for more nuanced visibility controll consider * using the Overlay component directly. */ defaultOverlayShown: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * An element or text to overlay next to the target. */ overlay: React.PropTypes.node.isRequired, /** * @private */ onBlur: React.PropTypes.func, /** * @private */ onClick: React.PropTypes.func, /** * @private */ onFocus: React.PropTypes.func, /** * @private */ onMouseEnter: React.PropTypes.func, /** * @private */ onMouseLeave: React.PropTypes.func, //override specific overlay props /** * @private */ target(){}, /** * @private */ onHide(){}, /** * @private */ show(){} }, getDefaultProps() { return { defaultOverlayShown: false, trigger: ['hover', 'focus'] }; }, getInitialState() { return { isOverlayShown: this.props.defaultOverlayShown }; }, show() { this.setState({ isOverlayShown: true }); }, hide() { this.setState({ isOverlayShown: false }); }, toggle() { if (this.state.isOverlayShown) { this.hide(); } else {; } }, componentDidMount(){ this._mountNode = document.createElement('div'); React.render(this._overlay, this._mountNode); }, componentWillUnmount() { React.unmountComponentAtNode(this._mountNode); this._mountNode = null; clearTimeout(this._hoverDelay); }, componentDidUpdate(){ if (this._mountNode) { React.render(this._overlay, this._mountNode); } }, getOverlayTarget() { return React.findDOMNode(this); }, getOverlay() { let overlayProps = { ...pick(this.props, Object.keys(Overlay.propTypes)), show: this.state.isOverlayShown, onHide: this.hide, target: this.getOverlayTarget, onExit: this.props.onExit, onExiting: this.props.onExiting, onExited: this.props.onExited, onEnter: this.props.onEnter, onEntering: this.props.onEntering, onEntered: this.props.onEntered }; let overlay = cloneElement(this.props.overlay, { placement: overlayProps.placement, container: overlayProps.container }); return ( <Overlay {...overlayProps}> { overlay } </Overlay> ); }, render() { const trigger = React.Children.only(this.props.children); const props = { 'aria-describedby': }; // create in render otherwise owner is lost... this._overlay = this.getOverlay(); props.onClick = createChainedFunction(trigger.props.onClick, this.props.onClick); if (isOneOf('click', this.props.trigger)) { props.onClick = createChainedFunction(this.toggle, props.onClick); } if (isOneOf('hover', this.props.trigger)) { warning(!(this.props.trigger === 'hover'), '[react-bootstrap] Specifying only the `"hover"` trigger limits the visibilty of the overlay to just mouse users. ' + 'Consider also including the `"focus"` trigger so that touch and keyboard only users can see the overlay as well.'); props.onMouseOver = createChainedFunction(this.handleDelayedShow, this.props.onMouseOver); props.onMouseOut = createChainedFunction(this.handleDelayedHide, this.props.onMouseOut); } if (isOneOf('focus', this.props.trigger)) { props.onFocus = createChainedFunction(this.handleDelayedShow, this.props.onFocus); props.onBlur = createChainedFunction(this.handleDelayedHide, this.props.onBlur); } return cloneElement( trigger, props ); }, handleDelayedShow() { if (this._hoverDelay != null) { clearTimeout(this._hoverDelay); this._hoverDelay = null; return; } const delay = this.props.delayShow != null ? this.props.delayShow : this.props.delay; if (!delay) {; return; } this._hoverDelay = setTimeout(() => { this._hoverDelay = null;; }, delay); }, handleDelayedHide() { if (this._hoverDelay != null) { clearTimeout(this._hoverDelay); this._hoverDelay = null; return; } const delay = this.props.delayHide != null ? this.props.delayHide : this.props.delay; if (!delay) { this.hide(); return; } this._hoverDelay = setTimeout(() => { this._hoverDelay = null; this.hide(); }, delay); } }); /** * Creates a new OverlayTrigger class that forwards the relevant context * * This static method should only be called at the module level, instead of in * e.g. a render() method, because it's expensive to create new classes. * * For example, you would want to have: * * > export default OverlayTrigger.withContext({ * > myContextKey: React.PropTypes.object * > }); * * and import this when needed. */ OverlayTrigger.withContext = createContextWrapper(OverlayTrigger, 'overlay'); export default OverlayTrigger;
import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react' import Grid from 'containers/Grid' import actions from 'actions/' import { connect } from 'react-redux' class GridView extends Component { static propTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, isLogged: PropTypes.bool } componentWillMount () { if (!this.props.isLogged) this.redirectToLoginView() } componentWillReceiveProps (nProps) { if (!nProps.isLogged) this.redirectToLoginView() } redirectToLoginView = () => // @FIXME: shitty boilerplate!!! this.props.router.push('/login') render () { return ( <Grid /> ) } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ isLogged: state.user.isLogged }) export default connect((mapStateToProps), actions)(GridView)
import React from 'react'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import StatusContainer from '../../../containers/status_container'; import AccountContainer from '../../../containers/account_container'; import Avatar from '../../../components/avatar'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import Permalink from '../../../components/permalink'; import emojify from '../../../emoji'; import escapeTextContentForBrowser from 'escape-html'; import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component'; class Notification extends ImmutablePureComponent { renderFollow (account, link) { return ( <div className='notification notification-follow'> <div className='notification__message'> <div className='notification__favourite-icon-wrapper'> <i className='fa fa-fw fa-user-plus' /> </div> <FormattedMessage id='notification.follow' defaultMessage='{name} followed you' values={{ name: link }} /> </div> <AccountContainer id={account.get('id')} withNote={false} /> </div> ); } renderMention (notification) { return <StatusContainer id={notification.get('status')} />; } renderFavourite (notification, link) { return ( <div className='notification notification-favourite'> <div className='notification__message'> <div className='notification__favourite-icon-wrapper'> <i className='fa fa-fw fa-star star-icon'/> </div> <FormattedMessage id='notification.favourite' defaultMessage='{name} favourited your status' values={{ name: link }} /> </div> <StatusContainer id={notification.get('status')} account={notification.get('account')} muted={true} /> </div> ); } renderReblog (notification, link) { return ( <div className='notification notification-reblog'> <div className='notification__message'> <div className='notification__favourite-icon-wrapper'> <i className='fa fa-fw fa-retweet' /> </div> <FormattedMessage id='notification.reblog' defaultMessage='{name} boosted your status' values={{ name: link }} /> </div> <StatusContainer id={notification.get('status')} account={notification.get('account')} muted={true} /> </div> ); } render () { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return const { notification } = this.props; const account = notification.get('account'); const displayName = account.get('display_name').length > 0 ? account.get('display_name') : account.get('username'); const displayNameHTML = { __html: emojify(escapeTextContentForBrowser(displayName)) }; const link = <Permalink className='notification__display-name' href={account.get('url')} title={account.get('acct')} to={`/accounts/${account.get('id')}`} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={displayNameHTML} />; switch(notification.get('type')) { case 'follow': return this.renderFollow(account, link); case 'mention': return this.renderMention(notification); case 'favourite': return this.renderFavourite(notification, link); case 'reblog': return this.renderReblog(notification, link); } } } Notification.propTypes = { notification: }; export default Notification;
import React from 'react'; export default class Input extends React.Component { //eslint-disable-line render() { const { Name, Holder, onChange } = this.props; return ( <div className="ink-flex vertical"> <div className="sub-title">{Name}</div> <div><input type="text" placeholder={Holder} onChange={onChange}></input></div> </div> ); } }
/** * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @emails react-core */ 'use strict'; var React; var ReactFragment; var ReactTestUtils; var reactComponentExpect; var ReactMount; describe('ReactIdentity', function() { beforeEach(function() { require('mock-modules').dumpCache(); React = require('React'); ReactFragment = require('ReactFragment'); ReactTestUtils = require('ReactTestUtils'); reactComponentExpect = require('reactComponentExpect'); ReactMount = require('ReactMount'); }); var idExp = /^\.[^.]+(.*)$/; function checkId(child, expectedId) { var actual = idExp.exec(ReactMount.getID(child)); var expected = idExp.exec(expectedId); expect(actual).toBeTruthy(); expect(expected).toBeTruthy(); expect(actual[1]).toEqual(expected[1]); } function frag(obj) { return ReactFragment.create(obj); } it('should allow keyed objects to express identity', function() { var instance = <div> {frag({ first: <div />, second: <div /> })} </div>; instance = React.render(instance, document.createElement('div')); var node = instance.getDOMNode(); reactComponentExpect(instance).toBeDOMComponentWithChildCount(2); checkId(node.childNodes[0], '.0.$first:0'); checkId(node.childNodes[1], '.0.$second:0'); }); it('should allow key property to express identity', function() { var instance = <div> <div key="apple" /> <div key="banana" /> <div key={0} /> <div key={123} /> </div>; instance = React.render(instance, document.createElement('div')); var node = instance.getDOMNode(); reactComponentExpect(instance).toBeDOMComponentWithChildCount(4); checkId(node.childNodes[0], '.0.$apple'); checkId(node.childNodes[1], '.0.$banana'); checkId(node.childNodes[2], '.0.$0'); checkId(node.childNodes[3], '.0.$123'); }); it('should use instance identity', function() { var Wrapper = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <a key="i_get_overwritten">{this.props.children}</a>; } }); var instance = <div> <Wrapper key="wrap1"><span key="squirrel" /></Wrapper> <Wrapper key="wrap2"><span key="bunny" /></Wrapper> <Wrapper><span key="chipmunk" /></Wrapper> </div>; instance = React.render(instance, document.createElement('div')); var node = instance.getDOMNode(); reactComponentExpect(instance).toBeDOMComponentWithChildCount(3); checkId(node.childNodes[0], '.0.$wrap1'); checkId(node.childNodes[0].firstChild, '.0.$wrap1.$squirrel'); checkId(node.childNodes[1], '.0.$wrap2'); checkId(node.childNodes[1].firstChild, '.0.$wrap2.$bunny'); checkId(node.childNodes[2], '.0.2'); checkId(node.childNodes[2].firstChild, '.0.2.$chipmunk'); }); function renderAComponentWithKeyIntoContainer(key, container) { var Wrapper = React.createClass({ render: function() { var span1 = <span ref="span1" key={key} />; var span2 = <span ref="span2" />; var map = {}; map[key] = span2; return <div>{[span1, frag(map)]}</div>; } }); var instance = React.render(<Wrapper />, container); var span1 = instance.refs.span1; var span2 = instance.refs.span2; expect(span1.getDOMNode()).not.toBe(null); expect(span2.getDOMNode()).not.toBe(null); key = key.replace(/=/g, '=0'); checkId(span1.getDOMNode(), '.0.$' + key); checkId(span2.getDOMNode(), '.0.1:$' + key + ':0'); } it('should allow any character as a key, in a detached parent', function() { var detachedContainer = document.createElement('div'); renderAComponentWithKeyIntoContainer("<'WEIRD/&\\key'>", detachedContainer); }); it('should allow any character as a key, in an attached parent', function() { // This test exists to protect against implementation details that // incorrectly query escaped IDs using DOM tools like getElementById. var attachedContainer = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(attachedContainer); renderAComponentWithKeyIntoContainer("<'WEIRD/&\\key'>", attachedContainer); document.body.removeChild(attachedContainer); }); it('should not allow scripts in keys to execute', function() { var h4x0rKey = '"><script>window[\'YOUVEBEENH4X0RED\']=true;</script><div id="'; var attachedContainer = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(attachedContainer); renderAComponentWithKeyIntoContainer(h4x0rKey, attachedContainer); document.body.removeChild(attachedContainer); // If we get this far, make sure we haven't executed the code expect(window.YOUVEBEENH4X0RED).toBe(undefined); }); it('should let restructured components retain their uniqueness', function() { var instance0 = <span />; var instance1 = <span />; var instance2 = <span />; var TestComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div> {instance2} {this.props.children[0]} {this.props.children[1]} </div> ); } }); var TestContainer = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <TestComponent>{instance0}{instance1}</TestComponent>; } }); expect(function() { ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<TestContainer />); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should let nested restructures retain their uniqueness', function() { var instance0 = <span />; var instance1 = <span />; var instance2 = <span />; var TestComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div> {instance2} {this.props.children[0]} {this.props.children[1]} </div> ); } }); var TestContainer = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <div> <TestComponent>{instance0}{instance1}</TestComponent> </div> ); } }); expect(function() { ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<TestContainer />); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should let text nodes retain their uniqueness', function() { var TestComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <div>{this.props.children}<span /></div>; } }); var TestContainer = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <TestComponent> <div /> {'second'} </TestComponent> ); } }); expect(function() { ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<TestContainer />); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should retain key during updates in composite components', function() { var TestComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <div>{this.props.children}</div>; } }); var TestContainer = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {swapped: false}; }, swap: function() { this.setState({swapped: true}); }, render: function() { return ( <TestComponent> {this.state.swapped ? this.props.second : this.props.first} {this.state.swapped ? this.props.first : this.props.second} </TestComponent> ); } }); var instance0 = <span key="A" />; var instance1 = <span key="B" />; var wrapped = <TestContainer first={instance0} second={instance1} />; wrapped = React.render(wrapped, document.createElement('div')); var beforeID = ReactMount.getID(wrapped.getDOMNode().firstChild); wrapped.swap(); var afterID = ReactMount.getID(wrapped.getDOMNode().firstChild); expect(beforeID).not.toEqual(afterID); }); it('should not allow implicit and explicit keys to collide', function() { var component = <div> <span /> <span key="0" /> </div>; expect(function() { ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(component); }).not.toThrow(); }); });
import React from 'react' import FeaturedCollectionsCard from './featured-collections-card' import css from './featured-collections.scss' export default class FeaturedCollections extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate () { return false } render () { const { featuredCollections } = this.props return ( <div className={css.finderResultsFeatured}> <div className={css.finderResultsFeaturedHeader}> <h2>Featured Collections</h2> <p>Collections are curated groups of complementary resources that focus on a particular topic. <a className='special-link' href='/collections'>View all</a></p> </div> <div className={css.finderResultsFeaturedCards}> { (featuredCollection, index) { return FeaturedCollectionsCard({ key:, featuredCollection: featuredCollection }) })} </div> </div> ) } }
// @flow import type { State } from '../../common/types'; import React from 'react'; import { Match as ReactRouterMatch, Redirect } from 'react-router'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; const haveAccess = (viewer, authorized) => authorized ? viewer : true; const Match = ({ authorized, component: Component, render, viewer, ...props }) => ( <ReactRouterMatch {...props} render={renderProps => ( haveAccess(viewer, authorized) ? render ? render(renderProps) : <Component {...renderProps} /> : <Redirect to={{ pathname: '/signin', state: { from: renderProps.location }, }} /> )} /> ); Match.propTypes = { authorized: React.PropTypes.bool, component: React.PropTypes.func, render: React.PropTypes.func, viewer: React.PropTypes.object, }; export default connect( (state: State) => ({ viewer: state.users.viewer, }), )(Match);
import React from 'react' import { observer } from 'mobx-react' import MDatePicker from 'material-ui/DatePicker' const DatePicker = ({ field, }) => ( <MDatePicker name={} value={field.value || new Date()} hintText={field.placeholder} disabled={field.disabled} onChange={(e, date) => { field.value = date }} onFocus={field.onFocus} onBlur={field.onBlur} {} style={{ marginTop: 10 }} /> ) export default observer(DatePicker)
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; export default class Spoilers extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { spoilerText: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.node, }; state = { hidden: true, } handleSpoilerClick = () => { this.setState({ hidden: !this.state.hidden }); } render () { const { spoilerText, children } = this.props; const { hidden } = this.state; const toggleText = hidden ? <FormattedMessage id='status.show_more' defaultMessage='Show more' key='0' /> : <FormattedMessage id='status.show_less' defaultMessage='Show less' key='0' />; return ([ <p className='spoiler__text'> {spoilerText} {' '} <button tabIndex='0' className='status__content__spoiler-link' onClick={this.handleSpoilerClick}> {toggleText} </button> </p>, <div className={`status__content__spoiler ${!hidden ? 'status__content__spoiler--visible' : ''}`}> {children} </div> ]); } }
// Components import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Console } from './components/console/console.js'; class App extends Component { render() { return ( <div className="App"> <Console /> </div> ); } } export default App;
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/* * Copyright (C) 2018 - present Instructure, Inc. * * This file is part of Canvas. * * Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. */ import React from 'react' import {mount} from 'enzyme' import {Provider} from 'react-redux' import * as GradeActions from 'jsx/assignments/GradeSummary/grades/GradeActions' import * as StudentActions from 'jsx/assignments/GradeSummary/students/StudentActions' import Layout from 'jsx/assignments/GradeSummary/components/Layout' import configureStore from 'jsx/assignments/GradeSummary/configureStore' QUnit.module('GradeSummary Layout', suiteHooks => { let store let storeEnv let wrapper suiteHooks.beforeEach(() => { storeEnv = { assignment: { courseId: '1201', gradesPublished: false, id: '2301', muted: true, title: 'Example Assignment' }, currentUser: { canViewStudentIdentities: true, graderId: 'admin', id: '1100' }, finalGrader: { canViewStudentIdentities: true, graderId: 'teach', id: '1105' }, graders: [ {graderId: '1101', graderName: 'Miss Frizzle'}, {graderId: '1102', graderName: 'Mr. Keating'} ] } sinon .stub(StudentActions, 'loadStudents') .returns(StudentActions.setLoadStudentsStatus(StudentActions.STARTED)) sinon .stub(GradeActions, 'selectFinalGrade') .callsFake(gradeInfo => GradeActions.setSelectedProvisionalGrade(gradeInfo)) }) suiteHooks.afterEach(() => { GradeActions.selectFinalGrade.restore() StudentActions.loadStudents.restore() wrapper.unmount() }) function mountComponent() { store = configureStore(storeEnv) wrapper = mount( <Provider store={store}> <Layout /> </Provider> ) } test('includes the Header', () => { mountComponent() strictEqual(wrapper.find('Header').length, 1) }) test('loads students upon mounting', () => { mountComponent() strictEqual(StudentActions.loadStudents.callCount, 1) }) QUnit.module('when students have not yet loaded', () => { test('displays a spinner', () => { mountComponent() strictEqual(wrapper.find('Spinner').length, 1) }) }) QUnit.module('when some students have loaded', hooks => { let students hooks.beforeEach(() => { students = [{id: '1111', displayName: 'Adam Jones'}, {id: '1112', displayName: 'Betty Ford'}] }) test('renders the GradesGrid', () => { mountComponent() store.dispatch(StudentActions.addStudents(students)) wrapper.update() strictEqual(wrapper.find('GradesGrid').length, 1) }) test('does not display a spinner', () => { mountComponent() store.dispatch(StudentActions.addStudents(students)) wrapper.update() strictEqual(wrapper.find('Spinner').length, 0) }) }) QUnit.module('GradesGrid', () => { let grades function mountAndInitialize() { mountComponent() const students = [ {id: '1111', displayName: 'Adam Jones'}, {id: '1112', displayName: 'Betty Ford'} ] store.dispatch(StudentActions.addStudents(students)) grades = [ {grade: 'A', graderId: '1101', id: '4601', score: 10, selected: false, studentId: '1111'} ] store.dispatch(GradeActions.addProvisionalGrades(grades)) wrapper.update() } test('receives the final grader id from the assignment', () => { mountAndInitialize() strictEqual(wrapper.find('GradesGrid').prop('finalGrader'), storeEnv.finalGrader) }) test('receives the selectProvisionalGradeStatuses from state', () => { mountAndInitialize() const statuses = wrapper.find('GradesGrid').prop('selectProvisionalGradeStatuses') strictEqual(statuses, store.getState().grades.selectProvisionalGradeStatuses) }) QUnit.module('when grades have not been released', () => { test('onGradeSelect prop selects a provisional grade', () => { mountAndInitialize() const onGradeSelect = wrapper.find('GradesGrid').prop('onGradeSelect') onGradeSelect(grades[0]) const gradeInfo = store.getState().grades.provisionalGrades[1111][1101] strictEqual(gradeInfo.selected, true) }) test('allows editing custom grades when the current user is the final grader', () => { storeEnv.currentUser = {...storeEnv.finalGrader} mountAndInitialize() const gradesGrid = wrapper.find('GradesGrid') strictEqual(gradesGrid.prop('disabledCustomGrade'), false) }) test('prevents editing custom grades when the current user is not the final grader', () => { mountAndInitialize() const gradesGrid = wrapper.find('GradesGrid') strictEqual(gradesGrid.prop('disabledCustomGrade'), true) }) test('prevents editing custom grades when there is no final grader', () => { storeEnv.finalGrader = null mountAndInitialize() const gradesGrid = wrapper.find('GradesGrid') strictEqual(gradesGrid.prop('disabledCustomGrade'), true) }) }) QUnit.module('when grades have been released', contextHooks => { contextHooks.beforeEach(() => { storeEnv.assignment.gradesPublished = true }) test('onGradeSelect prop is null when grades have been released', () => { mountAndInitialize() const onGradeSelect = wrapper.find('GradesGrid').prop('onGradeSelect') strictEqual(onGradeSelect, null) }) test('prevents editing custom grades when the current user is the final grader', () => { storeEnv.currentUser = {...storeEnv.finalGrader} mountAndInitialize() const gradesGrid = wrapper.find('GradesGrid') strictEqual(gradesGrid.prop('disabledCustomGrade'), true) }) test('prevents editing custom grades when the current user is not the final grader', () => { mountAndInitialize() const gradesGrid = wrapper.find('GradesGrid') strictEqual(gradesGrid.prop('disabledCustomGrade'), true) }) }) }) })
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define=="function"&&define.amd&&define.amd.jQuery&&define("jquery",[],function(){return f})})(window);
/** * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @emails react-core */ 'use strict'; describe('ReactDOMIDOperations', function() { var DOMPropertyOperations = require('DOMPropertyOperations'); var ReactDOMIDOperations = require('ReactDOMIDOperations'); var ReactMount = require('ReactMount'); var keyOf = require('keyOf'); it('should disallow updating special properties', function() { spyOn(ReactMount, 'getNode'); spyOn(DOMPropertyOperations, 'setValueForProperty'); expect(function() { ReactDOMIDOperations.updatePropertyByID( 'testID', keyOf({dangerouslySetInnerHTML: null}), {__html: 'testContent'} ); }).toThrow(); expect( ReactMount.getNode.argsForCall[0][0] ).toBe('testID'); expect( DOMPropertyOperations.setValueForProperty.calls.length ).toBe(0); }); it('should update innerHTML and preserve whitespace', function() { var stubNode = document.createElement('div'); spyOn(ReactMount, 'getNode').andReturn(stubNode); var html = '\n \t <span> \n testContent \t </span> \n \t'; ReactDOMIDOperations.updateInnerHTMLByID( 'testID', html ); expect( ReactMount.getNode.argsForCall[0][0] ).toBe('testID'); expect(stubNode.innerHTML).toBe(html); }); });
import React from 'react'; import Hr from './index'; describe('Markdown Hr', () => { it('should render a horizontal rule', () => { const actual = render(<Hr />); expect(actual).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
/* * @flow */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; /* Component */ import Dropdown from '../../components/Dropdown'; import Icon from '../../components/Icon'; /* Block */ import PodPopover from '../PodPopover'; import './TopMenu.css'; import logo from '../../img/logo.png'; // import logo2x from '../../[email protected]'; class TopMenu extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { dropdownTeam: false, dropdownCalendar: false } this.handleCallback = this.handleCallback.bind(this); this.handleClosePod = this.handleClosePod.bind(this); } handleCallback(name, posX, posY, toggleClick) { if(!toggleClick) { switch(name) { case 'dropdownTeam':, posX, posY); this.setState({ dropdownTeam: true }); break; case 'dropdownCalendar':, posX, posY); this.setState({ dropdownCalendar: true }); break; default: } } } handleClosePod(name) { switch(name) { case 'dropdownTeam': this.setState({ dropdownTeam: false }); break; case 'dropdownCalendar': this.setState({ dropdownCalendar: false }); break; default: } } render() { let checkTeam = this.state.dropdownTeam ? ' top-menu--active': ''; let checkCalendar = this.state.dropdownCalendar ? ' top-menu--active': ''; const {location, url_team} = this.props; let row; if( location.pathname === `/t/${url_team}` || location.pathname === `/t/${url_team}&-alert` || location.pathname === `/t/${url_team}&-done` || location.pathname === `/m/${url_team}` || location.pathname === `/m/${url_team}&-done` ) { row = ( <div className={'top-menu__calendar'+checkCalendar}> <Dropdown active={this.state.dropdownCalendar} name="dropdownCalendar" callback={this.handleCallback} > <Icon size="md" name="date_range" /> <PodPopover ref={(child) => { this._PopoverCalendar = child; }} onClosePod={this.handleClosePod} /> </Dropdown> </div> ) } return ( <div className="top-menu"> <div className="top-menu__center"> <NavLink exact to={`/t/${url_team}`} className="logo" activeClassName="logo--selected" > <img src={logo} className="top-menu__logo" alt="presentation" role="presentation" /> </NavLink> </div> <div className="top-menu__right"> <div className={'top-menu__user'+checkTeam}> <Dropdown active={this.state.dropdownTeam} name="dropdownTeam" callback={this.handleCallback} > <Icon size="md" name="supervisor_account" /> <PodPopover ref={(child) => { this._PopoverTeam = child; }} onClosePod={this.handleClosePod} /> </Dropdown> </div> {row} </div> </div> ); } } export default TopMenu;
/*! choices.js v2.5.0 | (c) 2016 Josh Johnson | */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["Choices"] = factory(); else root["Choices"] = factory(); })(this, function() { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "/assets/scripts/dist/"; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(1); /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); var _fuse = __webpack_require__(2); var _fuse2 = _interopRequireDefault(_fuse); var _index = __webpack_require__(3); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(_index); var _index3 = __webpack_require__(29); var _utils = __webpack_require__(30); __webpack_require__(31); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } /** * Choices */ var Choices = function () { function Choices() { var _this = this; var element = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '[data-choice]'; var userConfig = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, Choices); // If there are multiple elements, create a new instance // for each element besides the first one (as that already has an instance) if ((0, _utils.isType)('String', element)) { var elements = document.querySelectorAll(element); if (elements.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; new Choices(el, userConfig); } } } var defaultConfig = { items: [], choices: [], maxItemCount: -1, addItems: true, removeItems: true, removeItemButton: false, editItems: false, duplicateItems: true, delimiter: ',', paste: true, search: true, searchFloor: 1, flip: true, regexFilter: null, shouldSort: true, sortFilter: _utils.sortByAlpha, sortFields: ['label', 'value'], placeholder: true, placeholderValue: null, prependValue: null, appendValue: null, loadingText: 'Loading...', noResultsText: 'No results found', noChoicesText: 'No choices to choose from', itemSelectText: 'Press to select', addItemText: function addItemText(value) { return 'Press Enter to add <b>"' + value + '"</b>'; }, maxItemText: function maxItemText(maxItemCount) { return 'Only ' + maxItemCount + ' values can be added.'; }, uniqueItemText: 'Only unique values can be added.', classNames: { containerOuter: 'choices', containerInner: 'choices__inner', input: 'choices__input', inputCloned: 'choices__input--cloned', list: 'choices__list', listItems: 'choices__list--multiple', listSingle: 'choices__list--single', listDropdown: 'choices__list--dropdown', item: 'choices__item', itemSelectable: 'choices__item--selectable', itemDisabled: 'choices__item--disabled', itemChoice: 'choices__item--choice', placeholder: 'choices__placeholder', group: 'choices__group', groupHeading: 'choices__heading', button: 'choices__button', activeState: 'is-active', focusState: 'is-focused', openState: 'is-open', disabledState: 'is-disabled', highlightedState: 'is-highlighted', hiddenState: 'is-hidden', flippedState: 'is-flipped', loadingState: 'is-loading' }, callbackOnInit: null, callbackOnAddItem: null, callbackOnRemoveItem: null, callbackOnHighlightItem: null, callbackOnUnhighlightItem: null, callbackOnCreateTemplates: null, callbackOnChange: null, callbackOnSearch: null }; // Merge options with user options this.config = (0, _utils.extend)(defaultConfig, userConfig); // Create data store = new _index2.default(this.render); // State tracking this.initialised = false; this.currentState = {}; this.prevState = {}; this.currentValue = ''; // Retrieve triggering element (i.e. element with 'data-choice' trigger) this.element = element; this.passedElement = (0, _utils.isType)('String', element) ? document.querySelector(element) : element; this.isSelectElement = this.passedElement.type === 'select-one' || this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple'; this.isTextElement = this.passedElement.type === 'text'; if (!this.passedElement) { console.error('Passed element not found'); return; } this.highlightPosition = 0; this.canSearch =; // Assing preset choices from passed object this.presetChoices = this.config.choices; // Assign preset items from passed object first this.presetItems = this.config.items; // Then add any values passed from attribute if (this.passedElement.value) { this.presetItems = this.presetItems.concat(this.passedElement.value.split(this.config.delimiter)); } // Bind methods this.init = this.init.bind(this); this.render = this.render.bind(this); this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this); this.disable = this.disable.bind(this); // Bind event handlers this._onFocus = this._onFocus.bind(this); this._onBlur = this._onBlur.bind(this); this._onKeyUp = this._onKeyUp.bind(this); this._onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.bind(this); this._onClick = this._onClick.bind(this); this._onTouchMove = this._onTouchMove.bind(this); this._onTouchEnd = this._onTouchEnd.bind(this); this._onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.bind(this); this._onMouseOver = this._onMouseOver.bind(this); this._onPaste = this._onPaste.bind(this); this._onInput = this._onInput.bind(this); // Monitor touch taps/scrolls this.wasTap = true; // Cutting the mustard var cuttingTheMustard = 'classList' in document.documentElement; if (!cuttingTheMustard) console.error('Choices: Your browser doesn\'t support Choices'); // Input type check var isValidType = ['select-one', 'select-multiple', 'text'].some(function (type) { return type === _this.passedElement.type; }); var canInit = (0, _utils.isElement)(this.passedElement) && isValidType; if (canInit) { // If element has already been initalised with Choices if (this.passedElement.getAttribute('data-choice') === 'active') return; // Let's go this.init(); } else { console.error('Incompatible input passed'); } } /*======================================== = Public functions = ========================================*/ /** * Initialise Choices * @return * @public */ _createClass(Choices, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { if (this.initialised === true) return; var callback = this.config.callbackOnInit; // Set initialise flag this.initialised = true; // Create required elements this._createTemplates(); // Generate input markup this._createInput(); // Subscribe store to render method; // Render any items this.render(); // Trigger event listeners this._addEventListeners(); // Run callback if it is a function if (callback) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) {; } else { console.error('callbackOnInit: Callback is not a function'); } } } /** * Destroy Choices and nullify values * @return * @public */ }, { key: 'destroy', value: function destroy() { if (this.initialised === false) return; // Remove all event listeners this._removeEventListeners(); // Reinstate passed element this.passedElement.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.input, this.config.classNames.hiddenState); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('tabindex'); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('data-choice', 'active'); // Re-assign values - this is weird, I know this.passedElement.value = this.passedElement.value; // Move passed element back to original position this.containerOuter.parentNode.insertBefore(this.passedElement, this.containerOuter); // Remove added elements this.containerOuter.parentNode.removeChild(this.containerOuter); // Clear data store this.clearStore(); // Nullify instance-specific data this.config.templates = null; // Uninitialise this.initialised = false; } /** * Render group choices into a DOM fragment and append to choice list * @param {Array} groups Groups to add to list * @param {Array} choices Choices to add to groups * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment Fragment to add groups and options to (optional) * @return {DocumentFragment} Populated options fragment * @private */ }, { key: 'renderGroups', value: function renderGroups(groups, choices, fragment) { var _this2 = this; var groupFragment = fragment || document.createDocumentFragment(); var filter = this.config.sortFilter; // If sorting is enabled, filter groups if (this.config.shouldSort) { groups.sort(filter); } groups.forEach(function (group) { // Grab options that are children of this group var groupChoices = choices.filter(function (choice) { if (_this2.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { return choice.groupId ===; } return choice.groupId === && !choice.selected; }); if (groupChoices.length >= 1) { var dropdownGroup = _this2._getTemplate('choiceGroup', group); groupFragment.appendChild(dropdownGroup); _this2.renderChoices(groupChoices, groupFragment); } }); return groupFragment; } /** * Render choices into a DOM fragment and append to choice list * @param {Array} choices Choices to add to list * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment Fragment to add choices to (optional) * @return {DocumentFragment} Populated choices fragment * @private */ }, { key: 'renderChoices', value: function renderChoices(choices, fragment) { var _this3 = this; // Create a fragment to store our list items (so we don't have to update the DOM for each item) var choicesFragment = fragment || document.createDocumentFragment(); var filter = this.isSearching ? _utils.sortByScore : this.config.sortFilter; // If sorting is enabled or the user is searching, filter choices if (this.config.shouldSort || this.isSearching) { choices.sort(filter); } choices.forEach(function (choice) { var dropdownItem = _this3._getTemplate('choice', choice); var shouldRender = _this3.passedElement.type === 'select-one' || !choice.selected; if (shouldRender) { choicesFragment.appendChild(dropdownItem); } }); return choicesFragment; } /** * Render items into a DOM fragment and append to items list * @param {Array} items Items to add to list * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment Fragrment to add items to (optional) * @return * @private */ }, { key: 'renderItems', value: function renderItems(items, fragment) { var _this4 = this; // Create fragment to add elements to var itemListFragment = fragment || document.createDocumentFragment(); // Simplify store data to just values var itemsFiltered =; if (this.isTextElement) { // Assign hidden input array of values this.passedElement.setAttribute('value', itemsFiltered.join(this.config.delimiter)); } else { (function () { var selectedOptionsFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Add each list item to list items.forEach(function (item) { // Create a standard select option var option = _this4._getTemplate('option', item); // Append it to fragment selectedOptionsFragment.appendChild(option); }); // Update selected choices _this4.passedElement.innerHTML = ''; _this4.passedElement.appendChild(selectedOptionsFragment); })(); } // Add each list item to list items.forEach(function (item) { // Create new list element var listItem = _this4._getTemplate('item', item); // Append it to list itemListFragment.appendChild(listItem); }); return itemListFragment; } /** * Render DOM with values * @return * @private */ }, { key: 'render', value: function render() { this.currentState =; // Only render if our state has actually changed if (this.currentState !== this.prevState) { // Choices if (this.currentState.choices !== this.prevState.choices || this.currentState.groups !== this.prevState.groups) { if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { // Get active groups/choices var activeGroups =; var activeChoices =; var choiceListFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Clear choices this.choiceList.innerHTML = ''; // Scroll back to top of choices list this.choiceList.scrollTop = 0; // If we have grouped options if (activeGroups.length >= 1 && this.isSearching !== true) { choiceListFragment = this.renderGroups(activeGroups, activeChoices, choiceListFragment); } else if (activeChoices.length >= 1) { choiceListFragment = this.renderChoices(activeChoices, choiceListFragment); } if (choiceListFragment.childNodes && choiceListFragment.childNodes.length > 0) { // If we actually have anything to add to our dropdown // append it and highlight the first choice this.choiceList.appendChild(choiceListFragment); this._highlightChoice(); } else { // Otherwise show a notice var dropdownItem = this.isSearching ? this._getTemplate('notice', this.config.noResultsText) : this._getTemplate('notice', this.config.noChoicesText); this.choiceList.appendChild(dropdownItem); } } } // Items if (this.currentState.items !== this.prevState.items) { var activeItems =; if (activeItems) { // Create a fragment to store our list items // (so we don't have to update the DOM for each item) var itemListFragment = this.renderItems(activeItems); // Clear list this.itemList.innerHTML = ''; // If we have items to add if (itemListFragment.childNodes) { // Update list this.itemList.appendChild(itemListFragment); } } } this.prevState = this.currentState; } } /** * Select item (a selected item can be deleted) * @param {Element} item Element to select * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'highlightItem', value: function highlightItem(item) { if (!item) return; var id =; var groupId = item.groupId; var callback = this.config.callbackOnHighlightItem;, _index3.highlightItem)(id, true)); // Run callback if it is a function if (callback) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) { var group = groupId >= 0 ? : null; if (group && group.value) {, id, item.value, group.value); } else {, id, item.value); } } else { console.error('callbackOnHighlightItem: Callback is not a function'); } } return this; } /** * Deselect item * @param {Element} item Element to de-select * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'unhighlightItem', value: function unhighlightItem(item) { if (!item) return; var id =; var groupId = item.groupId; var callback = this.config.callbackOnUnhighlightItem;, _index3.highlightItem)(id, false)); // Run callback if it is a function if (callback) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) { var group = groupId >= 0 ? : null; if (group && group.value) {, id, item.value, group.value); } else {, id, item.value); } } else { console.error('callbackOnUnhighlightItem: Callback is not a function'); } } return this; } /** * Highlight items within store * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'highlightAll', value: function highlightAll() { var _this5 = this; var items =; items.forEach(function (item) { _this5.highlightItem(item); }); return this; } /** * Deselect items within store * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'unhighlightAll', value: function unhighlightAll() { var _this6 = this; var items =; items.forEach(function (item) { _this6.unhighlightItem(item); }); return this; } /** * Remove an item from the store by its value * @param {String} value Value to search for * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'removeItemsByValue', value: function removeItemsByValue(value) { var _this7 = this; if (!value || !(0, _utils.isType)('String', value)) { console.error('removeItemsByValue: No value was passed to be removed'); return; } var items =; items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.value === value) { _this7._removeItem(item); } }); return this; } /** * Remove all items from store array * @note Removed items are soft deleted * @param {Number} excludedId Optionally exclude item by ID * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'removeActiveItems', value: function removeActiveItems(excludedId) { var _this8 = this; var items =; items.forEach(function (item) { if ( && excludedId !== { _this8._removeItem(item); } }); return this; } /** * Remove all selected items from store * @note Removed items are soft deleted * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'removeHighlightedItems', value: function removeHighlightedItems() { var _this9 = this; var runCallback = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false; var items =; items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.highlighted && { _this9._removeItem(item); // If this action was performed by the user // run the callback if (runCallback) { _this9._triggerChange(item.value); } } }); return this; } /** * Show dropdown to user by adding active state class * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'showDropdown', value: function showDropdown() { var focusInput = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false; var body = document.body; var html = document.documentElement; var winHeight = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight); this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.config.classNames.openState); this.containerOuter.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); this.dropdown.classList.add(this.config.classNames.activeState); var dimensions = this.dropdown.getBoundingClientRect(); var dropdownPos = Math.ceil( + window.scrollY + dimensions.height); // If flip is enabled and the dropdown bottom position is greater than the window height flip the dropdown. var shouldFlip = this.config.flip ? dropdownPos >= winHeight : false; if (shouldFlip) { this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.config.classNames.flippedState); } else { this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.flippedState); } // Optionally focus the input if we have a search input if (focusInput && this.canSearch && document.activeElement !== this.input) { this.input.focus(); } return this; } /** * Hide dropdown from user * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'hideDropdown', value: function hideDropdown() { var blurInput = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false; // A dropdown flips if it does not have space within the page var isFlipped = this.containerOuter.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.flippedState); this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.openState); this.containerOuter.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.dropdown.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.activeState); if (isFlipped) { this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.flippedState); } // Optionally blur the input if we have a search input if (blurInput && this.canSearch && document.activeElement === this.input) { this.input.blur(); } return this; } /** * Determine whether to hide or show dropdown based on its current state * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'toggleDropdown', value: function toggleDropdown() { var hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.activeState); if (hasActiveDropdown) { this.hideDropdown(); } else { this.showDropdown(true); } return this; } /** * Get value(s) of input (i.e. inputted items (text) or selected choices (select)) * @param {Boolean} valueOnly Get only values of selected items, otherwise return selected items * @return {Array/String} selected value (select-one) or array of selected items (inputs & select-multiple) * @public */ }, { key: 'getValue', value: function getValue() { var _this10 = this; var valueOnly = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false; var items =; var selectedItems = []; items.forEach(function (item) { if (_this10.isTextElement) { selectedItems.push(valueOnly ? item.value : item); } else if ( { selectedItems.push(valueOnly ? item.value : item); } }); if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { return selectedItems[0]; } return selectedItems; } /** * Set value of input. If the input is a select box, a choice will be created and selected otherwise * an item will created directly. * @param {Array} args Array of value objects or value strings * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'setValue', value: function setValue(args) { var _this11 = this; if (this.initialised === true) { (function () { // Convert args to an itterable array var values = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(args)), passedElementType = _this11.passedElement.type; values.forEach(function (item) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Object', item)) { if (!item.value) return; // If we are dealing with a select input, we need to create an option first // that is then selected. For text inputs we can just add items normally. if (passedElementType !== 'text') { _this11._addChoice(true, false, item.value, item.label, -1); } else { _this11._addItem(item.value, item.label,; } } else if ((0, _utils.isType)('String', item)) { if (passedElementType !== 'text') { _this11._addChoice(true, false, item, item, -1); } else { _this11._addItem(item); } } }); })(); } return this; } /** * Select value of select box via the value of an existing choice * @param {Array/String} value An array of strings of a single string * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'setValueByChoice', value: function setValueByChoice(value) { var _this12 = this; if (this.passedElement.type !== 'text') { (function () { var choices =; // If only one value has been passed, convert to array var choiceValue = (0, _utils.isType)('Array', value) ? value : [value]; // Loop through each value and choiceValue.forEach(function (val) { var foundChoice = choices.find(function (choice) { // Check 'value' property exists and the choice isn't already selected return choice.value === val; }); if (foundChoice) { if (!foundChoice.selected) { _this12._addItem(foundChoice.value, foundChoice.label,, foundChoice.groupId); } else { console.warn('Attempting to select choice already selected'); } } else { console.warn('Attempting to select choice that does not exist'); } }); })(); } return this; } /** * Direct populate choices * @param {Array} choices - Choices to insert * @param {String} value - Name of 'value' property * @param {String} label - Name of 'label' property * @param {Boolean} replaceChoices Whether existing choices should be removed * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'setChoices', value: function setChoices(choices, value, label) { var _this13 = this; var replaceChoices = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false; if (this.initialised === true) { if (this.isSelectElement) { if (!(0, _utils.isType)('Array', choices) || !value) return; // Clear choices if needed if (replaceChoices) { this._clearChoices(); } // Add choices if passed if (choices && choices.length) { this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.loadingState); choices.forEach(function (result, index) { var isSelected = result.selected ? result.selected : false; var isDisabled = result.disabled ? result.disabled : false; if (result.choices) { _this13._addGroup(result, index, value, label); } else { _this13._addChoice(isSelected, isDisabled, result[value], result[label]); } }); } } } return this; } /** * Clear items,choices and groups * @note Hard delete * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'clearStore', value: function clearStore() {, _index3.clearAll)()); return this; } /** * Set value of input to blank * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'clearInput', value: function clearInput() { if (this.input.value) this.input.value = ''; if (this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { this._setInputWidth(); } if (this.passedElement.type !== 'text' && { this.isSearching = false;, _index3.activateChoices)(true)); } return this; } /** * Enable interaction with Choices * @return {Object} Class instance */ }, { key: 'enable', value: function enable() { this.passedElement.disabled = false; var isDisabled = this.containerOuter.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.disabledState); if (this.initialised && isDisabled) { this._addEventListeners(); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.input.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.disabledState); this.containerOuter.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); } return this; } /** * Disable interaction with Choices * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'disable', value: function disable() { this.passedElement.disabled = true; var isEnabled = !this.containerOuter.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.disabledState); if (this.initialised && isEnabled) { this._removeEventListeners(); this.passedElement.setAttribute('disabled', ''); this.input.setAttribute('disabled', ''); this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.config.classNames.disabledState); this.containerOuter.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); } return this; } /** * Populate options via ajax callback * @param {Function} fn Passed * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: 'ajax', value: function ajax(fn) { if (this.initialised === true) { if (this.isSelectElement) { // Show loading text this._handleLoadingState(true); // Run callback fn(this._ajaxCallback()); } } return this; } /*===== End of Public functions ======*/ /*============================================= = Private functions = =============================================*/ /** * Call change callback * @param {String} value - last added/deleted/selected value * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_triggerChange', value: function _triggerChange(value) { if (!value) return; var callback = this.config.callbackOnChange; // Run callback if it is a function if (callback) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) {, value); } else { console.error('callbackOnChange: Callback is not a function'); } } } /** * Process enter/click of an item button * @param {Array} activeItems The currently active items * @param {Element} element Button being interacted with * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_handleButtonAction', value: function _handleButtonAction(activeItems, element) { var _this14 = this; if (!activeItems || !element) return; // If we are clicking on a button if (this.config.removeItems && this.config.removeItemButton) { (function () { var itemId = element.parentNode.getAttribute('data-id'); var itemToRemove = activeItems.find(function (item) { return === parseInt(itemId, 10); }); // Remove item associated with button _this14._removeItem(itemToRemove); _this14._triggerChange(itemToRemove.value); if (_this14.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { var placeholder = _this14.config.placeholder ? _this14.config.placeholderValue || _this14.passedElement.getAttribute('placeholder') : false; if (placeholder) { var placeholderItem = _this14._getTemplate('placeholder', placeholder); _this14.itemList.appendChild(placeholderItem); } } })(); } } /** * Process click of an item * @param {Array} activeItems The currently active items * @param {Element} element Item being interacted with * @param {Boolean} hasShiftKey Whether the user has the shift key active * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_handleItemAction', value: function _handleItemAction(activeItems, element) { var _this15 = this; var hasShiftKey = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; if (!activeItems || !element) return; // If we are clicking on an item if (this.config.removeItems && this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { (function () { var passedId = element.getAttribute('data-id'); // We only want to select one item with a click // so we deselect any items that aren't the target // unless shift is being pressed activeItems.forEach(function (item) { if ( === parseInt(passedId, 10) && !item.highlighted) { _this15.highlightItem(item); } else if (!hasShiftKey) { if (item.highlighted) { _this15.unhighlightItem(item); } } }); // Focus input as without focus, a user cannot do anything with a // highlighted item if (document.activeElement !== _this15.input) _this15.input.focus(); })(); } } /** * Process click of a choice * @param {Array} activeItems The currently active items * @param {Element} element Choice being interacted with * @return {[type]} [description] */ }, { key: '_handleChoiceAction', value: function _handleChoiceAction(activeItems, element) { if (!activeItems || !element) return; // If we are clicking on an option var id = element.getAttribute('data-id'); var choice =; var hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.activeState); if (choice && !choice.selected && !choice.disabled) { var canAddItem = this._canAddItem(activeItems, choice.value); if (canAddItem.response) { this._addItem(choice.value, choice.label,, choice.groupId); this._triggerChange(choice.value); } } this.clearInput(this.passedElement); // We wont to close the dropdown if we are dealing with a single select box if (hasActiveDropdown && this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.hideDropdown(); this.containerOuter.focus(); } } /** * Process back space event * @param {Array} activeItems items * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_handleBackspace', value: function _handleBackspace(activeItems) { if (this.config.removeItems && activeItems) { var lastItem = activeItems[activeItems.length - 1]; var hasHighlightedItems = activeItems.some(function (item) { return item.highlighted === true; }); // If editing the last item is allowed and there are not other selected items, // we can edit the item value. Otherwise if we can remove items, remove all selected items if (this.config.editItems && !hasHighlightedItems && lastItem) { this.input.value = lastItem.value; this._setInputWidth(); this._removeItem(lastItem); this._triggerChange(lastItem.value); } else { if (!hasHighlightedItems) { this.highlightItem(lastItem); } this.removeHighlightedItems(true); } } } /** * Validates whether an item can be added by a user * @param {Array} activeItems The currently active items * @param {String} value Value of item to add * @return {Object} Response: Whether user can add item * Notice: Notice show in dropdown */ }, { key: '_canAddItem', value: function _canAddItem(activeItems, value) { var canAddItem = true; var notice = (0, _utils.isType)('Function', this.config.addItemText) ? this.config.addItemText(value) : this.config.addItemText; if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'text') { if (this.config.maxItemCount > 0 && this.config.maxItemCount <= this.itemList.children.length) { // If there is a max entry limit and we have reached that limit // don't update canAddItem = false; notice = (0, _utils.isType)('Function', this.config.maxItemText) ? this.config.maxItemText(this.config.maxItemCount) : this.config.maxItemText; } } if (this.passedElement.type === 'text' && this.config.addItems) { var isUnique = !activeItems.some(function (item) { return item.value === value.trim(); }); // If a user has supplied a regular expression filter if (this.config.regexFilter) { // Determine whether we can update based on whether // our regular expression passes canAddItem = this._regexFilter(value); } // If no duplicates are allowed, and the value already exists // in the array if (this.config.duplicateItems === false && !isUnique) { canAddItem = false; notice = (0, _utils.isType)('Function', this.config.uniqueItemText) ? this.config.uniqueItemText(value) : this.config.uniqueItemText; } } return { response: canAddItem, notice: notice }; } /** * Apply or remove a loading state to the component. * @param {Boolean} isLoading default value set to 'true'. * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_handleLoadingState', value: function _handleLoadingState() { var isLoading = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; var placeholderItem = this.itemList.querySelector('.' + this.config.classNames.placeholder); if (isLoading) { this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.config.classNames.loadingState); this.containerOuter.setAttribute('aria-busy', 'true'); if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { if (!placeholderItem) { placeholderItem = this._getTemplate('placeholder', this.config.loadingText); this.itemList.appendChild(placeholderItem); } else { placeholderItem.innerHTML = this.config.loadingText; } } else { this.input.placeholder = this.config.loadingText; } } else { // Remove loading states/text this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.loadingState); var placeholder = this.config.placeholder ? this.config.placeholderValue || this.passedElement.getAttribute('placeholder') : false; if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { placeholderItem.innerHTML = placeholder || ''; } else { this.input.placeholder = placeholder || ''; } } } /** * Retrieve the callback used to populate component's choices in an async way. * @returns {Function} The callback as a function. * @private */ }, { key: '_ajaxCallback', value: function _ajaxCallback() { var _this16 = this; return function (results, value, label) { if (!results || !value) return; var parsedResults = (0, _utils.isType)('Object', results) ? [results] : results; if (parsedResults && (0, _utils.isType)('Array', parsedResults) && parsedResults.length) { // Remove loading states/text _this16._handleLoadingState(false); // Add each result as a choice parsedResults.forEach(function (result, index) { var isSelected = result.selected ? result.selected : false; var isDisabled = result.disabled ? result.disabled : false; if (result.choices) { _this16._addGroup(result, index, value, label); } else { _this16._addChoice(isSelected, isDisabled, result[value], result[label]); } }); } _this16.containerOuter.removeAttribute('aria-busy'); }; } /** * Filter choices based on search value * @param {String} value Value to filter by * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_searchChoices', value: function _searchChoices(value) { var newValue = (0, _utils.isType)('String', value) ? value.trim() : value; var currentValue = (0, _utils.isType)('String', this.currentValue) ? this.currentValue.trim() : this.currentValue; // If new value matches the desired length and is not the same as the current value with a space if (newValue.length >= 1 && newValue !== currentValue + ' ') { var haystack =; var needle = newValue; var keys = (0, _utils.isType)('Array', this.config.sortFields) ? this.config.sortFields : [this.config.sortFields]; var fuse = new _fuse2.default(haystack, { keys: keys, shouldSort: true, include: 'score' }); var results =; this.currentValue = newValue; this.highlightPosition = 0; this.isSearching = true;, _index3.filterChoices)(results)); } } /** * Determine the action when a user is searching * @param {String} value Value entered by user * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_handleSearch', value: function _handleSearch(value) { if (!value) return; var choices =; var hasUnactiveChoices = choices.some(function (option) { return !== true; }); var callback = this.config.callbackOnSearch; // Run callback if it is a function if (this.input === document.activeElement) { // Check that we have a value to search and the input was an alphanumeric character if (value && value.length > this.config.searchFloor) { // Filter available choices this._searchChoices(value); // Run callback if it is a function if (callback) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) {, value); } else { console.error('callbackOnSearch: Callback is not a function'); } } } else if (hasUnactiveChoices) { // Otherwise reset choices to active this.isSearching = false;, _index3.activateChoices)(true)); } } } /** * Trigger event listeners * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_addEventListeners', value: function _addEventListeners() { document.addEventListener('keyup', this._onKeyUp); document.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown); document.addEventListener('click', this._onClick); document.addEventListener('touchmove', this._onTouchMove); document.addEventListener('touchend', this._onTouchEnd); document.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown); document.addEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver); if (this.passedElement.type && this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.containerOuter.addEventListener('focus', this._onFocus); this.containerOuter.addEventListener('blur', this._onBlur); } this.input.addEventListener('input', this._onInput); this.input.addEventListener('paste', this._onPaste); this.input.addEventListener('focus', this._onFocus); this.input.addEventListener('blur', this._onBlur); } /** * Remove event listeners * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_removeEventListeners', value: function _removeEventListeners() { document.removeEventListener('keyup', this._onKeyUp); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown); document.removeEventListener('click', this._onClick); document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._onTouchMove); document.removeEventListener('touchend', this._onTouchEnd); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown); document.removeEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver); if (this.passedElement.type && this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.containerOuter.removeEventListener('focus', this._onFocus); this.containerOuter.removeEventListener('blur', this._onBlur); } this.input.removeEventListener('input', this._onInput); this.input.removeEventListener('paste', this._onPaste); this.input.removeEventListener('focus', this._onFocus); this.input.removeEventListener('blur', this._onBlur); } /** * Set the correct input width based on placeholder * value or input value * @return */ }, { key: '_setInputWidth', value: function _setInputWidth() { if (this.config.placeholder && (this.config.placeholderValue || this.passedElement.getAttribute('placeholder'))) { // If there is a placeholder, we only want to set the width of the input when it is a greater // length than 75% of the placeholder. This stops the input jumping around. var placeholder = this.config.placeholder ? this.config.placeholderValue || this.passedElement.getAttribute('placeholder') : false; if (this.input.value && this.input.value.length >= placeholder.length / 1.25) { = (0, _utils.getWidthOfInput)(this.input); } } else { // If there is no placeholder, resize input to contents = (0, _utils.getWidthOfInput)(this.input); } } /** * Key down event * @param {Object} e Event * @return */ }, { key: '_onKeyDown', value: function _onKeyDown(e) { var _this17 = this, _keyDownActions; if ( !== this.input && !this.containerOuter.contains( return; var target =; var passedElementType = this.passedElement.type; var activeItems =; var hasFocusedInput = this.input === document.activeElement; var hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.activeState); var hasItems = this.itemList && this.itemList.children; var keyString = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); var backKey = 46; var deleteKey = 8; var enterKey = 13; var aKey = 65; var escapeKey = 27; var upKey = 38; var downKey = 40; var ctrlDownKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; // If a user is typing and the dropdown is not active if (passedElementType !== 'text' && /[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/.test(keyString) && !hasActiveDropdown) { this.showDropdown(true); } this.canSearch =; var onAKey = function onAKey() { // If CTRL + A or CMD + A have been pressed and there are items to select if (ctrlDownKey && hasItems) { _this17.canSearch = false; if (_this17.config.removeItems && !_this17.input.value && _this17.input === document.activeElement) { // Highlight items _this17.highlightAll(_this17.itemList.children); } } }; var onEnterKey = function onEnterKey() { // If enter key is pressed and the input has a value if (passedElementType === 'text' && target.value) { var value = _this17.input.value; var canAddItem = _this17._canAddItem(activeItems, value); // All is good, add if (canAddItem.response) { if (hasActiveDropdown) { _this17.hideDropdown(); } _this17._addItem(value); _this17._triggerChange(value); _this17.clearInput(_this17.passedElement); } } if (target.hasAttribute('data-button')) { _this17._handleButtonAction(activeItems, target); e.preventDefault(); } if (hasActiveDropdown) { e.preventDefault(); var highlighted = _this17.dropdown.querySelector('.' + _this17.config.classNames.highlightedState); // If we have a highlighted choice if (highlighted) { _this17._handleChoiceAction(activeItems, highlighted); } } else if (passedElementType === 'select-one') { // Open single select dropdown if it's not active if (!hasActiveDropdown) { _this17.showDropdown(true); e.preventDefault(); } } }; var onEscapeKey = function onEscapeKey() { if (hasActiveDropdown) { _this17.toggleDropdown(); } }; var onDirectionKey = function onDirectionKey() { // If up or down key is pressed, traverse through options if (hasActiveDropdown || passedElementType === 'select-one') { // Show dropdown if focus if (!hasActiveDropdown) { _this17.showDropdown(true); } var currentEl = _this17.dropdown.querySelector('.' + _this17.config.classNames.highlightedState); var directionInt = e.keyCode === downKey ? 1 : -1; var nextEl = void 0; _this17.canSearch = false; if (currentEl) { nextEl = (0, _utils.getAdjacentEl)(currentEl, '[data-choice-selectable]', directionInt); } else { nextEl = _this17.dropdown.querySelector('[data-choice-selectable]'); } if (nextEl) { // We prevent default to stop the cursor moving // when pressing the arrow if (!(0, _utils.isScrolledIntoView)(nextEl, _this17.choiceList, directionInt)) { _this17._scrollToChoice(nextEl, directionInt); } _this17._highlightChoice(nextEl); } // Prevent default to maintain cursor position whilst // traversing dropdown options e.preventDefault(); } }; var onDeleteKey = function onDeleteKey() { // If backspace or delete key is pressed and the input has no value if (hasFocusedInput && ! && passedElementType !== 'select-one') { _this17._handleBackspace(activeItems); e.preventDefault(); } }; // Map keys to key actions var keyDownActions = (_keyDownActions = {}, _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, aKey, onAKey), _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, enterKey, onEnterKey), _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, escapeKey, onEscapeKey), _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, upKey, onDirectionKey), _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, downKey, onDirectionKey), _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, deleteKey, onDeleteKey), _defineProperty(_keyDownActions, backKey, onDeleteKey), _keyDownActions); // If keycode has a function, run it if (keyDownActions[e.keyCode]) { keyDownActions[e.keyCode](); } } /** * Key up event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onKeyUp', value: function _onKeyUp(e) { if ( !== this.input) return; // We are typing into a text input and have a value, we want to show a dropdown // notice. Otherwise hide the dropdown if (this.isTextElement) { var hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.activeState); var value = this.input.value; if (value) { var activeItems =; var canAddItem = this._canAddItem(activeItems, value); if (canAddItem.notice) { var dropdownItem = this._getTemplate('notice', canAddItem.notice); this.dropdown.innerHTML = dropdownItem.outerHTML; } if (canAddItem.response === true) { if (!hasActiveDropdown) { this.showDropdown(); } } else if (!canAddItem.notice && hasActiveDropdown) { this.hideDropdown(); } } else if (hasActiveDropdown) { this.hideDropdown(); } } else { var backKey = 46; var deleteKey = 8; // If user has removed value... if ((e.keyCode === backKey || e.keyCode === deleteKey) && ! { // ...and it is a multiple select input, activate choices (if searching) if (this.passedElement.type !== 'text' && this.isSearching) { this.isSearching = false;, _index3.activateChoices)(true)); } } else if (this.canSearch) { this._handleSearch(this.input.value); } } } /** * Input event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onInput', value: function _onInput() { if (this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { this._setInputWidth(); } } /** * Touch move event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onTouchMove', value: function _onTouchMove() { if (this.wasTap === true) { this.wasTap = false; } } /** * Touch end event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onTouchEnd', value: function _onTouchEnd(e) { var target = || e.touches[0].target; var hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.activeState); // If a user tapped within our container... if (this.wasTap === true && this.containerOuter.contains(target)) { // ...and we aren't dealing with a single select box, show dropdown/focus input if ((target === this.containerOuter || target === this.containerInner) && this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { if (this.isTextElement) { // If text element, we only want to focus the input (if it isn't already) if (document.activeElement !== this.input) { this.input.focus(); } } else { if (!hasActiveDropdown) { // If a select box, we want to show the dropdown this.showDropdown(true); } } } // Prevents focus event firing e.stopPropagation(); } this.wasTap = true; } /** * Mouse down event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onMouseDown', value: function _onMouseDown(e) { var target =; if (this.containerOuter.contains(target) && target !== this.input) { var activeItems =; var hasShiftKey = e.shiftKey; if (target.hasAttribute('data-item')) { this._handleItemAction(activeItems, target, hasShiftKey); } else if (target.hasAttribute('data-choice')) { this._handleChoiceAction(activeItems, target); } e.preventDefault(); } } /** * Click event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onClick', value: function _onClick(e) { var target =; var hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.config.classNames.activeState); var activeItems =; // If target is something that concerns us if (this.containerOuter.contains(target)) { // Handle button delete if (target.hasAttribute('data-button')) { this._handleButtonAction(activeItems, target); } if (!hasActiveDropdown) { if (this.isTextElement) { if (document.activeElement !== this.input) { this.input.focus(); } } else { if (this.canSearch) { this.showDropdown(true); } else { this.showDropdown(); this.containerOuter.focus(); } } } else if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-one' && target !== this.input && !this.dropdown.contains(target)) { this.hideDropdown(true); } } else { var hasHighlightedItems = activeItems.some(function (item) { return item.highlighted === true; }); // De-select any highlighted items if (hasHighlightedItems) { this.unhighlightAll(); } // Remove focus state this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.config.classNames.focusState); // Close all other dropdowns if (hasActiveDropdown) { this.hideDropdown(); } } } /** * Mouse over (hover) event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onMouseOver', value: function _onMouseOver(e) { // If the dropdown is either the target or one of its children is the target if ( === this.dropdown || this.dropdown.contains( { if ('data-choice')) this._highlightChoice(; } } /** * Paste event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onPaste', value: function _onPaste(e) { // Disable pasting into the input if option has been set if ( === this.input && !this.config.paste) { e.preventDefault(); } } /** * Focus event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onFocus', value: function _onFocus(e) { var _this18 = this; var target =; // If target is something that concerns us if (this.containerOuter.contains(target)) { (function () { var hasActiveDropdown = _this18.dropdown.classList.contains(_this18.config.classNames.activeState); var focusActions = { text: function text() { if (target === _this18.input) { _this18.containerOuter.classList.add(_this18.config.classNames.focusState); } }, 'select-one': function selectOne() { _this18.containerOuter.classList.add(_this18.config.classNames.focusState); if (target === _this18.input) { // Show dropdown if it isn't already showing if (!hasActiveDropdown) { _this18.showDropdown(); } } }, 'select-multiple': function selectMultiple() { if (target === _this18.input) { // If element is a select box, the focussed element is the container and the dropdown // isn't already open, focus and show dropdown _this18.containerOuter.classList.add(_this18.config.classNames.focusState); if (!hasActiveDropdown) { _this18.showDropdown(true); } } } }; focusActions[_this18.passedElement.type](); })(); } } /** * Blur event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_onBlur', value: function _onBlur(e) { var _this19 = this; var target =; // If target is something that concerns us if (this.containerOuter.contains(target)) { (function () { var activeItems =; var hasActiveDropdown = _this19.dropdown.classList.contains(_this19.config.classNames.activeState); var hasHighlightedItems = activeItems.some(function (item) { return item.highlighted === true; }); var blurActions = { text: function text() { if (target === _this19.input) { // Remove the focus state _this19.containerOuter.classList.remove(_this19.config.classNames.focusState); // De-select any highlighted items if (hasHighlightedItems) { _this19.unhighlightAll(); } // Hide dropdown if it is showing if (hasActiveDropdown) { _this19.hideDropdown(); } } }, 'select-one': function selectOne() { _this19.containerOuter.classList.remove(_this19.config.classNames.focusState); if (target === _this19.containerOuter) { // Hide dropdown if it is showing if (hasActiveDropdown && !_this19.canSearch) { _this19.hideDropdown(); } } if (target === _this19.input) { // Hide dropdown if it is showing if (hasActiveDropdown) { _this19.hideDropdown(); } } }, 'select-multiple': function selectMultiple() { if (target === _this19.input) { // Remove the focus state _this19.containerOuter.classList.remove(_this19.config.classNames.focusState); if (hasActiveDropdown) { _this19.hideDropdown(); } // De-select any highlighted items if (hasHighlightedItems) { _this19.unhighlightAll(); } } } }; blurActions[_this19.passedElement.type](); })(); } } /** * Tests value against a regular expression * @param {string} value Value to test * @return {Boolean} Whether test passed/failed * @private */ }, { key: '_regexFilter', value: function _regexFilter(value) { if (!value) return; var regex = this.config.regexFilter; var expression = new RegExp(regex.source, 'i'); return expression.test(value); } /** * Scroll to an option element * @param {HTMLElement} option Option to scroll to * @param {Number} direction Whether option is above or below * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_scrollToChoice', value: function _scrollToChoice(choice, direction) { var _this20 = this; if (!choice) return; var dropdownHeight = this.choiceList.offsetHeight; var choiceHeight = choice.offsetHeight; // Distance from bottom of element to top of parent var choicePos = choice.offsetTop + choiceHeight; // Scroll position of dropdown var containerScrollPos = this.choiceList.scrollTop + dropdownHeight; // Difference between the choice and scroll position var endPoint = direction > 0 ? this.choiceList.scrollTop + choicePos - containerScrollPos : choice.offsetTop; var animateScroll = function animateScroll() { var strength = 4; var choiceListScrollTop = _this20.choiceList.scrollTop; var continueAnimation = false; var easing = void 0; var distance = void 0; if (direction > 0) { easing = (endPoint - choiceListScrollTop) / strength; distance = easing > 1 ? easing : 1; _this20.choiceList.scrollTop = choiceListScrollTop + distance; if (choiceListScrollTop < endPoint) { continueAnimation = true; } } else { easing = (choiceListScrollTop - endPoint) / strength; distance = easing > 1 ? easing : 1; _this20.choiceList.scrollTop = choiceListScrollTop - distance; if (choiceListScrollTop > endPoint) { continueAnimation = true; } } if (continueAnimation) { requestAnimationFrame(function (time) { animateScroll(time, endPoint, direction); }); } }; requestAnimationFrame(function (time) { animateScroll(time, endPoint, direction); }); } /** * Highlight choice * @param {HTMLElement} el Element to highlight * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_highlightChoice', value: function _highlightChoice(el) { var _this21 = this; // Highlight first element in dropdown var choices = Array.from(this.dropdown.querySelectorAll('[data-choice-selectable]')); if (choices && choices.length) { var highlightedChoices = Array.from(this.dropdown.querySelectorAll('.' + this.config.classNames.highlightedState)); // Remove any highlighted choices highlightedChoices.forEach(function (choice) { choice.classList.remove(_this21.config.classNames.highlightedState); choice.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false'); }); if (el) { // Highlight given option el.classList.add(this.config.classNames.highlightedState); this.highlightPosition = choices.indexOf(el); } else { // Highlight choice based on last known highlight location var choice = void 0; if (choices.length > this.highlightPosition) { // If we have an option to highlight choice = choices[this.highlightPosition]; } else { // Otherwise highlight the option before choice = choices[choices.length - 1]; } if (!choice) choice = choices[0]; choice.classList.add(this.config.classNames.highlightedState); choice.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true'); } } } /** * Add item to store with correct value * @param {String} value Value to add to store * @param {String} label Label to add to store * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: '_addItem', value: function _addItem(value, label) { var choiceId = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : -1; var groupId = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : -1; var passedValue = (0, _utils.isType)('String', value) ? value.trim() : value; var items =; var passedLabel = label || passedValue; var passedOptionId = parseInt(choiceId, 10) || -1; var callback = this.config.callbackOnAddItem; // If a prepended value has been passed, prepend it if (this.config.prependValue) { passedValue = this.config.prependValue + passedValue.toString(); } // If an appended value has been passed, append it if (this.config.appendValue) { passedValue += this.config.appendValue.toString(); } // Generate unique id var id = items ? items.length + 1 : 1;, _index3.addItem)(passedValue, passedLabel, id, passedOptionId, groupId)); if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.removeActiveItems(id); } // Run callback if it is a function if (callback) { var group = groupId >= 0 ? : null; if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) { if (group && group.value) {, id, passedValue, group.value); } else {, id, passedValue); } } else { console.error('callbackOnAddItem: Callback is not a function'); } } return this; } /** * Remove item from store * @param {Object} item Item to remove * @param {Function} callback Callback to trigger * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ }, { key: '_removeItem', value: function _removeItem(item) { if (!item || !(0, _utils.isType)('Object', item)) { console.error('removeItem: No item object was passed to be removed'); return; } var id =; var value = item.value; var choiceId = item.choiceId; var groupId = item.groupId; var callback = this.config.callbackOnRemoveItem;, _index3.removeItem)(id, choiceId)); // Run callback if (callback) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Function', callback)) { var group = groupId >= 0 ? : null; if (group && group.value) {, id, value, group.value); } else {, id, value); } } else { console.error('callbackOnRemoveItem: Callback is not a function'); } } return this; } /** * Add choice to dropdown * @param {Boolean} isSelected Whether choice is selected * @param {Boolean} isDisabled Whether choice is disabled * @param {String} value Value of choice * @param {String} Label Label of choice * @param {Number} groupId ID of group choice is within. Negative number indicates no group * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_addChoice', value: function _addChoice(isSelected, isDisabled, value, label) { var groupId = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : -1; if (!value) return; // Generate unique id var choices =; var choiceLabel = label || value; var choiceId = choices ? choices.length + 1 : 1;, _index3.addChoice)(value, choiceLabel, choiceId, groupId, isDisabled)); if (isSelected) { this._addItem(value, choiceLabel, choiceId); } } /** * Clear all choices added to the store. * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_clearChoices', value: function _clearChoices() {, _index3.clearChoices)()); } /** * Add group to dropdown * @param {Object} group Group to add * @param {Number} id Group ID * @param {String} [valueKey] name of the value property on the object * @param {String} [labelKey] name of the label property on the object * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_addGroup', value: function _addGroup(group, id) { var _this22 = this; var valueKey = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'value'; var labelKey = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 'label'; var groupChoices = (0, _utils.isType)('Object', group) ? group.choices : Array.from(group.getElementsByTagName('OPTION')); var groupId = id; var isDisabled = group.disabled ? group.disabled : false; if (groupChoices) {, _index3.addGroup)(group.label, groupId, true, isDisabled)); groupChoices.forEach(function (option) { var isOptDisabled = option.disabled || option.parentNode && option.parentNode.disabled || false; var isOptSelected = option.selected ? option.selected : false; var label = void 0; if ((0, _utils.isType)('Object', option)) { label = option[labelKey] || option[valueKey]; } else { label = option.innerHTML; } _this22._addChoice(isOptSelected, isOptDisabled, option[valueKey], label, groupId); }); } else {, _index3.addGroup)(group.label,, false, group.disabled)); } } /** * Get template from name * @param {String} template Name of template to get * @param {...} args Data to pass to template * @return {HTMLElement} Template * @private */ }, { key: '_getTemplate', value: function _getTemplate(template) { if (!template) return; var templates = this.config.templates; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return templates[template].apply(templates, args); } /** * Create HTML element based on type and arguments * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_createTemplates', value: function _createTemplates() { var _this23 = this; var classNames = this.config.classNames; var templates = { containerOuter: function containerOuter(direction) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.containerOuter + '" data-type="' + _this23.passedElement.type + '" ' + (_this23.passedElement.type === 'select-one' ? 'tabindex="0"' : '') + ' aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" dir="' + direction + '"></div>\n '); }, containerInner: function containerInner() { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.containerInner + '"></div>\n '); }, itemList: function itemList() { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.list + ' ' + (_this23.passedElement.type === 'select-one' ? classNames.listSingle : classNames.listItems) + '"></div>\n '); }, placeholder: function placeholder(value) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.placeholder + '">' + value + '</div>\n '); }, item: function item(data) { if (_this23.config.removeItemButton) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.item + ' ' + (data.highlighted ? classNames.highlightedState : '') + ' ' + (!data.disabled ? classNames.itemSelectable : '') + '" data-item data-id="' + + '" data-value="' + data.value + '" ' + ( ? 'aria-selected="true"' : '') + ' ' + (data.disabled ? 'aria-disabled="true"' : '') + ' data-deletable>\n ' + data.label + '<button class="' + classNames.button + '" data-button>Remove item</button>\n </div>\n '); } return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.item + ' ' + (data.highlighted ? classNames.highlightedState : classNames.itemSelectable) + '" data-item data-id="' + + '" data-value="' + data.value + '" ' + ( ? 'aria-selected="true"' : '') + ' ' + (data.disabled ? 'aria-disabled="true"' : '') + '>\n ' + data.label + '\n </div>\n '); }, choiceList: function choiceList() { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.list + '" dir="ltr" role="listbox" ' + (_this23.passedElement.type !== 'select-one' ? 'aria-multiselectable="true"' : '') + '></div>\n '); }, choiceGroup: function choiceGroup(data) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + + ' ' + (data.disabled ? classNames.itemDisabled : '') + '" data-group data-id="' + + '" data-value="' + data.value + '" role="group" ' + (data.disabled ? 'aria-disabled="true"' : '') + '>\n <div class="' + classNames.groupHeading + '">' + data.value + '</div>\n </div>\n '); }, choice: function choice(data) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.item + ' ' + classNames.itemChoice + ' ' + (data.disabled ? classNames.itemDisabled : classNames.itemSelectable) + '" data-select-text="' + _this23.config.itemSelectText + '" data-choice ' + (data.disabled ? 'data-choice-disabled aria-disabled="true"' : 'data-choice-selectable') + ' data-id="' + + '" data-value="' + data.value + '" ' + (data.groupId > 0 ? 'role="treeitem"' : 'role="option"') + '>\n ' + data.label + '\n </div>\n '); }, input: function input() { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <input type="text" class="' + classNames.input + ' ' + classNames.inputCloned + '" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list">\n '); }, dropdown: function dropdown() { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.list + ' ' + classNames.listDropdown + '" aria-expanded="false"></div>\n '); }, notice: function notice(label) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <div class="' + classNames.item + ' ' + classNames.itemChoice + '">' + label + '</div>\n '); }, option: function option(data) { return (0, _utils.strToEl)('\n <option value="' + data.value + '" selected>' + data.label + '</option>\n '); } }; // User's custom templates var callbackTemplate = this.config.callbackOnCreateTemplates; var userTemplates = {}; if (callbackTemplate && (0, _utils.isType)('Function', callbackTemplate)) { userTemplates =, _utils.strToEl); } this.config.templates = (0, _utils.extend)(templates, userTemplates); } /** * Create DOM structure around passed select element * @return * @private */ }, { key: '_createInput', value: function _createInput() { var _this24 = this; var direction = this.passedElement.getAttribute('dir') || 'ltr'; var containerOuter = this._getTemplate('containerOuter', direction); var containerInner = this._getTemplate('containerInner'); var itemList = this._getTemplate('itemList'); var choiceList = this._getTemplate('choiceList'); var input = this._getTemplate('input'); var dropdown = this._getTemplate('dropdown'); var placeholder = this.config.placeholder ? this.config.placeholderValue || this.passedElement.getAttribute('placeholder') : false; this.containerOuter = containerOuter; this.containerInner = containerInner; this.input = input; this.choiceList = choiceList; this.itemList = itemList; this.dropdown = dropdown; // Hide passed input this.passedElement.classList.add(this.config.classNames.input, this.config.classNames.hiddenState); this.passedElement.tabIndex = '-1'; this.passedElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); this.passedElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); this.passedElement.setAttribute('data-choice', 'active'); // Wrap input in container preserving DOM ordering (0, _utils.wrap)(this.passedElement, containerInner); // Wrapper inner container with outer container (0, _utils.wrap)(containerInner, containerOuter); // If placeholder has been enabled and we have a value if (placeholder) { input.placeholder = placeholder; if (this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { = (0, _utils.getWidthOfInput)(input); } } if (!this.config.addItems) this.disable(); containerOuter.appendChild(containerInner); containerOuter.appendChild(dropdown); containerInner.appendChild(itemList); if (this.passedElement.type !== 'text') { dropdown.appendChild(choiceList); } if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'text') { containerInner.appendChild(input); } else if (this.canSearch) { dropdown.insertBefore(input, dropdown.firstChild); } if (this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { var passedGroups = Array.from(this.passedElement.getElementsByTagName('OPTGROUP')); this.highlightPosition = 0; this.isSearching = false; if (passedGroups && passedGroups.length) { passedGroups.forEach(function (group, index) { _this24._addGroup(group, index); }); } else { (function () { var passedOptions = Array.from(_this24.passedElement.options); var filter = _this24.config.sortFilter; var allChoices = _this24.presetChoices; // Create array of options from option elements passedOptions.forEach(function (o) { allChoices.push({ value: o.value, label: o.innerHTML, selected: o.selected, disabled: o.disabled || o.parentNode.disabled }); }); // If sorting is enabled or the user is searching, filter choices if (_this24.config.shouldSort) { allChoices.sort(filter); } // Determine whether there is a selected choice var hasSelectedChoice = allChoices.some(function (choice) { return choice.selected === true; }); // Add each choice allChoices.forEach(function (choice, index) { var isDisabled = choice.disabled ? choice.disabled : false; var isSelected = choice.selected ? choice.selected : false; // Pre-select first choice if it's a single select if (_this24.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { if (hasSelectedChoice || !hasSelectedChoice && index > 0) { // If there is a selected choice already or the choice is not // the first in the array, add each choice normally _this24._addChoice(isSelected, isDisabled, choice.value, choice.label); } else { // Otherwise pre-select the first choice in the array _this24._addChoice(true, false, choice.value, choice.label); } } else { _this24._addChoice(isSelected, isDisabled, choice.value, choice.label); } }); })(); } } else if (this.isTextElement) { // Add any preset values seperated by delimiter this.presetItems.forEach(function (item) { if ((0, _utils.isType)('Object', item)) { if (!item.value) return; _this24._addItem(item.value, item.label,; } else if ((0, _utils.isType)('String', item)) { _this24._addItem(item); } }); } } /*===== End of Private functions ======*/ }]); return Choices; }(); module.exports = Choices; /***/ }, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @license * Fuse - Lightweight fuzzy-search * * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Kirollos Risk <[email protected]>. * All Rights Reserved. Apache Software License 2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ ;(function (global) { 'use strict' function log () { console.log.apply(console, arguments) } var defaultOptions = { // The name of the identifier property. If specified, the returned result will be a list // of the items' dentifiers, otherwise it will be a list of the items. id: null, // Indicates whether comparisons should be case sensitive. caseSensitive: false, // An array of values that should be included from the searcher's output. When this array // contains elements, each result in the list will be of the form `{ item: ..., include1: ..., include2: ... }`. // Values you can include are `score`, `matchedLocations` include: [], // Whether to sort the result list, by score shouldSort: true, // The search function to use // Note that the default search function ([[Function]]) must conform to the following API: // // @param pattern The pattern string to search // @param options The search option // [[Function]].constructor = function(pattern, options) // // @param text: the string to search in for the pattern // @return Object in the form of: // - isMatch: boolean // - score: Int // [[Function]] = function(text) searchFn: BitapSearcher, // Default sort function sortFn: function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score }, // The get function to use when fetching an object's properties. // The default will search nested paths *ie* getFn: deepValue, // List of properties that will be searched. This also supports nested properties. keys: [], // Will print to the console. Useful for debugging. verbose: false, // When true, the search algorithm will search individual words **and** the full string, // computing the final score as a function of both. Note that when `tokenize` is `true`, // the `threshold`, `distance`, and `location` are inconsequential for individual tokens. tokenize: false, // When true, the result set will only include records that match all tokens. Will only work // if `tokenize` is also true. matchAllTokens: false, // Regex used to separate words when searching. Only applicable when `tokenize` is `true`. tokenSeparator: / +/g } function Fuse (list, options) { var i var len var key var keys this.list = list this.options = options = options || {} // Add boolean type options for (i = 0, keys = ['sort', 'shouldSort', 'verbose', 'tokenize'], len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { key = keys[i] this.options[key] = key in options ? options[key] : defaultOptions[key] } // Add all other options for (i = 0, keys = ['searchFn', 'sortFn', 'keys', 'getFn', 'include', 'tokenSeparator'], len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { key = keys[i] this.options[key] = options[key] || defaultOptions[key] } } Fuse.VERSION = '2.5.0' /** * Sets a new list for Fuse to match against. * @param {Array} list * @return {Array} The newly set list * @public */ Fuse.prototype.set = function (list) { this.list = list return list } = function (pattern) { if (this.options.verbose) log('\nSearch term:', pattern, '\n') this.pattern = pattern this.results = [] this.resultMap = {} this._keyMap = null this._prepareSearchers() this._startSearch() this._computeScore() this._sort() var output = this._format() return output } Fuse.prototype._prepareSearchers = function () { var options = this.options var pattern = this.pattern var searchFn = options.searchFn var tokens = pattern.split(options.tokenSeparator) var i = 0 var len = tokens.length if (this.options.tokenize) { this.tokenSearchers = [] for (; i < len; i++) { this.tokenSearchers.push(new searchFn(tokens[i], options)) } } this.fullSeacher = new searchFn(pattern, options) } Fuse.prototype._startSearch = function () { var options = this.options var getFn = options.getFn var list = this.list var listLen = list.length var keys = this.options.keys var keysLen = keys.length var key var weight var item = null var i var j // Check the first item in the list, if it's a string, then we assume // that every item in the list is also a string, and thus it's a flattened array. if (typeof list[0] === 'string') { // Iterate over every item for (i = 0; i < listLen; i++) { this._analyze('', list[i], i, i) } } else { this._keyMap = {} // Otherwise, the first item is an Object (hopefully), and thus the searching // is done on the values of the keys of each item. // Iterate over every item for (i = 0; i < listLen; i++) { item = list[i] // Iterate over every key for (j = 0; j < keysLen; j++) { key = keys[j] if (typeof key !== 'string') { weight = (1 - key.weight) || 1 this._keyMap[] = { weight: weight } if (key.weight <= 0 || key.weight > 1) { throw new Error('Key weight has to be > 0 and <= 1') } key = } else { this._keyMap[key] = { weight: 1 } } this._analyze(key, getFn(item, key, []), item, i) } } } } Fuse.prototype._analyze = function (key, text, entity, index) { var options = this.options var words var scores var exists = false var existingResult var averageScore var finalScore var scoresLen var mainSearchResult var tokenSearcher var termScores var word var tokenSearchResult var hasMatchInText var checkTextMatches var i var j // Check if the text can be searched if (text === undefined || text === null) { return } scores = [] var numTextMatches = 0 if (typeof text === 'string') { words = text.split(options.tokenSeparator) if (options.verbose) log('---------\nKey:', key) if (this.options.tokenize) { for (i = 0; i < this.tokenSearchers.length; i++) { tokenSearcher = this.tokenSearchers[i] if (options.verbose) log('Pattern:', tokenSearcher.pattern) termScores = [] hasMatchInText = false for (j = 0; j < words.length; j++) { word = words[j] tokenSearchResult = var obj = {} if (tokenSearchResult.isMatch) { obj[word] = tokenSearchResult.score exists = true hasMatchInText = true scores.push(tokenSearchResult.score) } else { obj[word] = 1 if (!this.options.matchAllTokens) { scores.push(1) } } termScores.push(obj) } if (hasMatchInText) { numTextMatches++ } if (options.verbose) log('Token scores:', termScores) } averageScore = scores[0] scoresLen = scores.length for (i = 1; i < scoresLen; i++) { averageScore += scores[i] } averageScore = averageScore / scoresLen if (options.verbose) log('Token score average:', averageScore) } mainSearchResult = if (options.verbose) log('Full text score:', mainSearchResult.score) finalScore = mainSearchResult.score if (averageScore !== undefined) { finalScore = (finalScore + averageScore) / 2 } if (options.verbose) log('Score average:', finalScore) checkTextMatches = (this.options.tokenize && this.options.matchAllTokens) ? numTextMatches >= this.tokenSearchers.length : true if (options.verbose) log('Check Matches', checkTextMatches) // If a match is found, add the item to <rawResults>, including its score if ((exists || mainSearchResult.isMatch) && checkTextMatches) { // Check if the item already exists in our results existingResult = this.resultMap[index] if (existingResult) { // Use the lowest score // existingResult.score, bitapResult.score existingResult.output.push({ key: key, score: finalScore, matchedIndices: mainSearchResult.matchedIndices }) } else { // Add it to the raw result list this.resultMap[index] = { item: entity, output: [{ key: key, score: finalScore, matchedIndices: mainSearchResult.matchedIndices }] } this.results.push(this.resultMap[index]) } } } else if (isArray(text)) { for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { this._analyze(key, text[i], entity, index) } } } Fuse.prototype._computeScore = function () { var i var j var keyMap = this._keyMap var totalScore var output var scoreLen var score var weight var results = this.results var bestScore var nScore if (this.options.verbose) log('\n\nComputing score:\n') for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { totalScore = 0 output = results[i].output scoreLen = output.length bestScore = 1 for (j = 0; j < scoreLen; j++) { score = output[j].score weight = keyMap ? keyMap[output[j].key].weight : 1 nScore = score * weight if (weight !== 1) { bestScore = Math.min(bestScore, nScore) } else { totalScore += nScore output[j].nScore = nScore } } if (bestScore === 1) { results[i].score = totalScore / scoreLen } else { results[i].score = bestScore } if (this.options.verbose) log(results[i]) } } Fuse.prototype._sort = function () { var options = this.options if (options.shouldSort) { if (options.verbose) log('\n\nSorting....') this.results.sort(options.sortFn) } } Fuse.prototype._format = function () { var options = this.options var getFn = options.getFn var finalOutput = [] var item var i var len var results = this.results var replaceValue var getItemAtIndex var include = options.include if (options.verbose) log('\n\nOutput:\n\n', results) // Helper function, here for speed-up, which replaces the item with its value, // if the options specifies it, replaceValue = ? function (index) { results[index].item = getFn(results[index].item,, [])[0] } : function () {} getItemAtIndex = function (index) { var record = results[index] var data var j var output var _item var _result // If `include` has values, put the item in the result if (include.length > 0) { data = { item: record.item } if (include.indexOf('matches') !== -1) { output = record.output data.matches = [] for (j = 0; j < output.length; j++) { _item = output[j] _result = { indices: _item.matchedIndices } if (_item.key) { _result.key = _item.key } data.matches.push(_result) } } if (include.indexOf('score') !== -1) { data.score = results[index].score } } else { data = record.item } return data } // From the results, push into a new array only the item identifier (if specified) // of the entire item. This is because we don't want to return the <results>, // since it contains other metadata for (i = 0, len = results.length; i < len; i++) { replaceValue(i) item = getItemAtIndex(i) finalOutput.push(item) } return finalOutput } // Helpers function deepValue (obj, path, list) { var firstSegment var remaining var dotIndex var value var i var len if (!path) { // If there's no path left, we've gotten to the object we care about. list.push(obj) } else { dotIndex = path.indexOf('.') if (dotIndex !== -1) { firstSegment = path.slice(0, dotIndex) remaining = path.slice(dotIndex + 1) } else { firstSegment = path } value = obj[firstSegment] if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { if (!remaining && (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number')) { list.push(value) } else if (isArray(value)) { // Search each item in the array. for (i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; i++) { deepValue(value[i], remaining, list) } } else if (remaining) { // An object. Recurse further. deepValue(value, remaining, list) } } } return list } function isArray (obj) { return === '[object Array]' } /** * Adapted from "Diff, Match and Patch", by Google * * * * Modified by: Kirollos Risk <[email protected]> * ----------------------------------------------- * Details: the algorithm and structure was modified to allow the creation of * <Searcher> instances with a <search> method which does the actual * bitap search. The <pattern> (the string that is searched for) is only defined * once per instance and thus it eliminates redundant re-creation when searching * over a list of strings. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ function BitapSearcher (pattern, options) { options = options || {} this.options = options this.options.location = options.location || BitapSearcher.defaultOptions.location this.options.distance = 'distance' in options ? options.distance : BitapSearcher.defaultOptions.distance this.options.threshold = 'threshold' in options ? options.threshold : BitapSearcher.defaultOptions.threshold this.options.maxPatternLength = options.maxPatternLength || BitapSearcher.defaultOptions.maxPatternLength this.pattern = options.caseSensitive ? pattern : pattern.toLowerCase() this.patternLen = pattern.length if (this.patternLen <= this.options.maxPatternLength) { this.matchmask = 1 << (this.patternLen - 1) this.patternAlphabet = this._calculatePatternAlphabet() } } BitapSearcher.defaultOptions = { // Approximately where in the text is the pattern expected to be found? location: 0, // Determines how close the match must be to the fuzzy location (specified above). // An exact letter match which is 'distance' characters away from the fuzzy location // would score as a complete mismatch. A distance of '0' requires the match be at // the exact location specified, a threshold of '1000' would require a perfect match // to be within 800 characters of the fuzzy location to be found using a 0.8 threshold. distance: 100, // At what point does the match algorithm give up. A threshold of '0.0' requires a perfect match // (of both letters and location), a threshold of '1.0' would match anything. threshold: 0.6, // Machine word size maxPatternLength: 32 } /** * Initialize the alphabet for the Bitap algorithm. * @return {Object} Hash of character locations. * @private */ BitapSearcher.prototype._calculatePatternAlphabet = function () { var mask = {}, i = 0 for (i = 0; i < this.patternLen; i++) { mask[this.pattern.charAt(i)] = 0 } for (i = 0; i < this.patternLen; i++) { mask[this.pattern.charAt(i)] |= 1 << (this.pattern.length - i - 1) } return mask } /** * Compute and return the score for a match with `e` errors and `x` location. * @param {number} errors Number of errors in match. * @param {number} location Location of match. * @return {number} Overall score for match (0.0 = good, 1.0 = bad). * @private */ BitapSearcher.prototype._bitapScore = function (errors, location) { var accuracy = errors / this.patternLen, proximity = Math.abs(this.options.location - location) if (!this.options.distance) { // Dodge divide by zero error. return proximity ? 1.0 : accuracy } return accuracy + (proximity / this.options.distance) } /** * Compute and return the result of the search * @param {String} text The text to search in * @return {Object} Literal containing: * {Boolean} isMatch Whether the text is a match or not * {Decimal} score Overall score for the match * @public */ = function (text) { var options = this.options var i var j var textLen var location var threshold var bestLoc var binMin var binMid var binMax var start, finish var bitArr var lastBitArr var charMatch var score var locations var matches var isMatched var matchMask var matchedIndices var matchesLen var match text = options.caseSensitive ? text : text.toLowerCase() if (this.pattern === text) { // Exact match return { isMatch: true, score: 0, matchedIndices: [[0, text.length - 1]] } } // When pattern length is greater than the machine word length, just do a a regex comparison if (this.patternLen > options.maxPatternLength) { matches = text.match(new RegExp(this.pattern.replace(options.tokenSeparator, '|'))) isMatched = !!matches if (isMatched) { matchedIndices = [] for (i = 0, matchesLen = matches.length; i < matchesLen; i++) { match = matches[i] matchedIndices.push([text.indexOf(match), match.length - 1]) } } return { isMatch: isMatched, // TODO: revisit this score score: isMatched ? 0.5 : 1, matchedIndices: matchedIndices } } location = options.location // Set starting location at beginning text and initialize the alphabet. textLen = text.length // Highest score beyond which we give up. threshold = options.threshold // Is there a nearby exact match? (speedup) bestLoc = text.indexOf(this.pattern, location) // a mask of the matches matchMask = [] for (i = 0; i < textLen; i++) { matchMask[i] = 0 } if (bestLoc != -1) { threshold = Math.min(this._bitapScore(0, bestLoc), threshold) // What about in the other direction? (speed up) bestLoc = text.lastIndexOf(this.pattern, location + this.patternLen) if (bestLoc != -1) { threshold = Math.min(this._bitapScore(0, bestLoc), threshold) } } bestLoc = -1 score = 1 locations = [] binMax = this.patternLen + textLen for (i = 0; i < this.patternLen; i++) { // Scan for the best match; each iteration allows for one more error. // Run a binary search to determine how far from the match location we can stray // at this error level. binMin = 0 binMid = binMax while (binMin < binMid) { if (this._bitapScore(i, location + binMid) <= threshold) { binMin = binMid } else { binMax = binMid } binMid = Math.floor((binMax - binMin) / 2 + binMin) } // Use the result from this iteration as the maximum for the next. binMax = binMid start = Math.max(1, location - binMid + 1) finish = Math.min(location + binMid, textLen) + this.patternLen // Initialize the bit array bitArr = Array(finish + 2) bitArr[finish + 1] = (1 << i) - 1 for (j = finish; j >= start; j--) { charMatch = this.patternAlphabet[text.charAt(j - 1)] if (charMatch) { matchMask[j - 1] = 1 } if (i === 0) { // First pass: exact match. bitArr[j] = ((bitArr[j + 1] << 1) | 1) & charMatch } else { // Subsequent passes: fuzzy match. bitArr[j] = ((bitArr[j + 1] << 1) | 1) & charMatch | (((lastBitArr[j + 1] | lastBitArr[j]) << 1) | 1) | lastBitArr[j + 1] } if (bitArr[j] & this.matchmask) { score = this._bitapScore(i, j - 1) // This match will almost certainly be better than any existing match. // But check anyway. if (score <= threshold) { // Indeed it is threshold = score bestLoc = j - 1 locations.push(bestLoc) if (bestLoc > location) { // When passing loc, don't exceed our current distance from loc. start = Math.max(1, 2 * location - bestLoc) } else { // Already passed loc, downhill from here on in. break } } } } // No hope for a (better) match at greater error levels. if (this._bitapScore(i + 1, location) > threshold) { break } lastBitArr = bitArr } matchedIndices = this._getMatchedIndices(matchMask) // Count exact matches (those with a score of 0) to be "almost" exact return { isMatch: bestLoc >= 0, score: score === 0 ? 0.001 : score, matchedIndices: matchedIndices } } BitapSearcher.prototype._getMatchedIndices = function (matchMask) { var matchedIndices = [] var start = -1 var end = -1 var i = 0 var match var len = matchMask.length for (; i < len; i++) { match = matchMask[i] if (match && start === -1) { start = i } else if (!match && start !== -1) { end = i - 1 matchedIndices.push([start, end]) start = -1 } } if (matchMask[i - 1]) { matchedIndices.push([start, i - 1]) } return matchedIndices } // Export to Common JS Loader if (true) { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = Fuse } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(function () { return Fuse }) } else { // Browser globals (root is window) global.Fuse = Fuse } })(this) /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); var _redux = __webpack_require__(4); var _index = __webpack_require__(25); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(_index); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var Store = function () { function Store() { _classCallCheck(this, Store); = (0, _redux.createStore)(_index2.default, window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : undefined); } /** * Get store object (wrapping Redux method) * @return {Object} State */ _createClass(Store, [{ key: 'getState', value: function getState() { return; } /** * Dispatch event to store (wrapped Redux method) * @param {Function} action Action function to trigger * @return */ }, { key: 'dispatch', value: function dispatch(action) {; } /** * Subscribe store to function call (wrapped Redux method) * @param {Function} onChange Function to trigger when state changes * @return */ }, { key: 'subscribe', value: function subscribe(onChange) {; } /** * Get items from store * @return {Array} Item objects */ }, { key: 'getItems', value: function getItems() { var state =; return state.items; } /** * Get active items from store * @return {Array} Item objects */ }, { key: 'getItemsFilteredByActive', value: function getItemsFilteredByActive() { var items = this.getItems(); var values = items.filter(function (item) { return === true; }, []); return values; } /** * Get items from store reduced to just their values * @return {Array} Item objects */ }, { key: 'getItemsReducedToValues', value: function getItemsReducedToValues() { var items = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.getItems(); var values = items.reduce(function (prev, current) { prev.push(current.value); return prev; }, []); return values; } /** * Get choices from store * @return {Array} Option objects */ }, { key: 'getChoices', value: function getChoices() { var state =; return state.choices; } /** * Get active choices from store * @return {Array} Option objects */ }, { key: 'getChoicesFilteredByActive', value: function getChoicesFilteredByActive() { var choices = this.getChoices(); var values = choices.filter(function (choice) { return === true; }, []); return values; } /** * Get selectable choices from store * @return {Array} Option objects */ }, { key: 'getChoicesFilteredBySelectable', value: function getChoicesFilteredBySelectable() { var choices = this.getChoices(); var values = choices.filter(function (choice) { return choice.disabled !== true; }, []); return values; } /** * Get single choice by it's ID * @return {Object} Found choice */ }, { key: 'getChoiceById', value: function getChoiceById(id) { if (id) { var choices = this.getChoicesFilteredByActive(); var foundChoice = choices.find(function (choice) { return === parseInt(id, 10); }); return foundChoice; } return false; } /** * Get groups from store * @return {Array} Group objects */ }, { key: 'getGroups', value: function getGroups() { var state =; return state.groups; } /** * Get active groups from store * @return {Array} Group objects */ }, { key: 'getGroupsFilteredByActive', value: function getGroupsFilteredByActive() { var groups = this.getGroups(); var choices = this.getChoices(); var values = groups.filter(function (group) { var isActive = === true && group.disabled === false; var hasActiveOptions = choices.some(function (choice) { return === true && choice.disabled === false; }); return isActive && hasActiveOptions; }, []); return values; } /** * Get group by group id * @param {Number} id Group ID * @return {Object} Group data */ }, { key: 'getGroupById', value: function getGroupById(id) { var groups = this.getGroups(); var foundGroup = groups.find(function (group) { return === id; }); return foundGroup; } }]); return Store; }(); exports.default = Store; module.exports = Store; /***/ }, /* 4 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.compose = exports.applyMiddleware = exports.bindActionCreators = exports.combineReducers = exports.createStore = undefined; var _createStore = __webpack_require__(5); var _createStore2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createStore); var _combineReducers = __webpack_require__(20); var _combineReducers2 = _interopRequireDefault(_combineReducers); var _bindActionCreators = __webpack_require__(22); var _bindActionCreators2 = _interopRequireDefault(_bindActionCreators); var _applyMiddleware = __webpack_require__(23); var _applyMiddleware2 = _interopRequireDefault(_applyMiddleware); var _compose = __webpack_require__(24); var _compose2 = _interopRequireDefault(_compose); var _warning = __webpack_require__(21); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } /* * This is a dummy function to check if the function name has been altered by minification. * If the function has been minified and NODE_ENV !== 'production', warn the user. */ function isCrushed() {} if (false) { (0, _warning2['default'])('You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === \'production\'. ' + 'This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. ' + 'You can use loose-envify ( for browserify ' + 'or DefinePlugin for webpack ( ' + 'to ensure you have the correct code for your production build.'); } exports.createStore = _createStore2['default']; exports.combineReducers = _combineReducers2['default']; exports.bindActionCreators = _bindActionCreators2['default']; exports.applyMiddleware = _applyMiddleware2['default']; exports.compose = _compose2['default']; /***/ }, /* 5 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.ActionTypes = undefined; exports['default'] = createStore; var _isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(6); var _isPlainObject2 = _interopRequireDefault(_isPlainObject); var _symbolObservable = __webpack_require__(16); var _symbolObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbolObservable); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } /** * These are private action types reserved by Redux. * For any unknown actions, you must return the current state. * If the current state is undefined, you must return the initial state. * Do not reference these action types directly in your code. */ var ActionTypes = exports.ActionTypes = { INIT: '@@redux/INIT' }; /** * Creates a Redux store that holds the state tree. * The only way to change the data in the store is to call `dispatch()` on it. * * There should only be a single store in your app. To specify how different * parts of the state tree respond to actions, you may combine several reducers * into a single reducer function by using `combineReducers`. * * @param {Function} reducer A function that returns the next state tree, given * the current state tree and the action to handle. * * @param {any} [preloadedState] The initial state. You may optionally specify it * to hydrate the state from the server in universal apps, or to restore a * previously serialized user session. * If you use `combineReducers` to produce the root reducer function, this must be * an object with the same shape as `combineReducers` keys. * * @param {Function} enhancer The store enhancer. You may optionally specify it * to enhance the store with third-party capabilities such as middleware, * time travel, persistence, etc. The only store enhancer that ships with Redux * is `applyMiddleware()`. * * @returns {Store} A Redux store that lets you read the state, dispatch actions * and subscribe to changes. */ function createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer) { var _ref2; if (typeof preloadedState === 'function' && typeof enhancer === 'undefined') { enhancer = preloadedState; preloadedState = undefined; } if (typeof enhancer !== 'undefined') { if (typeof enhancer !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected the enhancer to be a function.'); } return enhancer(createStore)(reducer, preloadedState); } if (typeof reducer !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected the reducer to be a function.'); } var currentReducer = reducer; var currentState = preloadedState; var currentListeners = []; var nextListeners = currentListeners; var isDispatching = false; function ensureCanMutateNextListeners() { if (nextListeners === currentListeners) { nextListeners = currentListeners.slice(); } } /** * Reads the state tree managed by the store. * * @returns {any} The current state tree of your application. */ function getState() { return currentState; } /** * Adds a change listener. It will be called any time an action is dispatched, * and some part of the state tree may potentially have changed. You may then * call `getState()` to read the current state tree inside the callback. * * You may call `dispatch()` from a change listener, with the following * caveats: * * 1. The subscriptions are snapshotted just before every `dispatch()` call. * If you subscribe or unsubscribe while the listeners are being invoked, this * will not have any effect on the `dispatch()` that is currently in progress. * However, the next `dispatch()` call, whether nested or not, will use a more * recent snapshot of the subscription list. * * 2. The listener should not expect to see all state changes, as the state * might have been updated multiple times during a nested `dispatch()` before * the listener is called. It is, however, guaranteed that all subscribers * registered before the `dispatch()` started will be called with the latest * state by the time it exits. * * @param {Function} listener A callback to be invoked on every dispatch. * @returns {Function} A function to remove this change listener. */ function subscribe(listener) { if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected listener to be a function.'); } var isSubscribed = true; ensureCanMutateNextListeners(); nextListeners.push(listener); return function unsubscribe() { if (!isSubscribed) { return; } isSubscribed = false; ensureCanMutateNextListeners(); var index = nextListeners.indexOf(listener); nextListeners.splice(index, 1); }; } /** * Dispatches an action. It is the only way to trigger a state change. * * The `reducer` function, used to create the store, will be called with the * current state tree and the given `action`. Its return value will * be considered the **next** state of the tree, and the change listeners * will be notified. * * The base implementation only supports plain object actions. If you want to * dispatch a Promise, an Observable, a thunk, or something else, you need to * wrap your store creating function into the corresponding middleware. For * example, see the documentation for the `redux-thunk` package. Even the * middleware will eventually dispatch plain object actions using this method. * * @param {Object} action A plain object representing “what changed”. It is * a good idea to keep actions serializable so you can record and replay user * sessions, or use the time travelling `redux-devtools`. An action must have * a `type` property which may not be `undefined`. It is a good idea to use * string constants for action types. * * @returns {Object} For convenience, the same action object you dispatched. * * Note that, if you use a custom middleware, it may wrap `dispatch()` to * return something else (for example, a Promise you can await). */ function dispatch(action) { if (!(0, _isPlainObject2['default'])(action)) { throw new Error('Actions must be plain objects. ' + 'Use custom middleware for async actions.'); } if (typeof action.type === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Actions may not have an undefined "type" property. ' + 'Have you misspelled a constant?'); } if (isDispatching) { throw new Error('Reducers may not dispatch actions.'); } try { isDispatching = true; currentState = currentReducer(currentState, action); } finally { isDispatching = false; } var listeners = currentListeners = nextListeners; for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i](); } return action; } /** * Replaces the reducer currently used by the store to calculate the state. * * You might need this if your app implements code splitting and you want to * load some of the reducers dynamically. You might also need this if you * implement a hot reloading mechanism for Redux. * * @param {Function} nextReducer The reducer for the store to use instead. * @returns {void} */ function replaceReducer(nextReducer) { if (typeof nextReducer !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected the nextReducer to be a function.'); } currentReducer = nextReducer; dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.INIT }); } /** * Interoperability point for observable/reactive libraries. * @returns {observable} A minimal observable of state changes. * For more information, see the observable proposal: * */ function observable() { var _ref; var outerSubscribe = subscribe; return _ref = { /** * The minimal observable subscription method. * @param {Object} observer Any object that can be used as an observer. * The observer object should have a `next` method. * @returns {subscription} An object with an `unsubscribe` method that can * be used to unsubscribe the observable from the store, and prevent further * emission of values from the observable. */ subscribe: function subscribe(observer) { if (typeof observer !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected the observer to be an object.'); } function observeState() { if ( {; } } observeState(); var unsubscribe = outerSubscribe(observeState); return { unsubscribe: unsubscribe }; } }, _ref[_symbolObservable2['default']] = function () { return this; }, _ref; } // When a store is created, an "INIT" action is dispatched so that every // reducer returns their initial state. This effectively populates // the initial state tree. dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.INIT }); return _ref2 = { dispatch: dispatch, subscribe: subscribe, getState: getState, replaceReducer: replaceReducer }, _ref2[_symbolObservable2['default']] = observable, _ref2; } /***/ }, /* 6 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var baseGetTag = __webpack_require__(7), getPrototype = __webpack_require__(13), isObjectLike = __webpack_require__(15); /** `Object#toString` result references. */ var objectTag = '[object Object]'; /** Used for built-in method references. */ var funcProto = Function.prototype, objectProto = Object.prototype; /** Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions. */ var funcToString = funcProto.toString; /** Used to check objects for own properties. */ var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; /** Used to infer the `Object` constructor. */ var objectCtorString =; /** * Checks if `value` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the * `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.8.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * } * * _.isPlainObject(new Foo); * // => false * * _.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => false * * _.isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }); * // => true * * _.isPlainObject(Object.create(null)); * // => true */ function isPlainObject(value) { if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag) { return false; } var proto = getPrototype(value); if (proto === null) { return true; } var Ctor =, 'constructor') && proto.constructor; return typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor instanceof Ctor && == objectCtorString; } module.exports = isPlainObject; /***/ }, /* 7 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var Symbol = __webpack_require__(8), getRawTag = __webpack_require__(11), objectToString = __webpack_require__(12); /** `Object#toString` result references. */ var nullTag = '[object Null]', undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]'; /** Built-in value references. */ var symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined; /** * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`. */ function baseGetTag(value) { if (value == null) { return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag; } value = Object(value); return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value); } module.exports = baseGetTag; /***/ }, /* 8 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var root = __webpack_require__(9); /** Built-in value references. */ var Symbol = root.Symbol; module.exports = Symbol; /***/ }, /* 9 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var freeGlobal = __webpack_require__(10); /** Detect free variable `self`. */ var freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self; /** Used as a reference to the global object. */ var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')(); module.exports = root; /***/ }, /* 10 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */ var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global; module.exports = freeGlobal; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) /***/ }, /* 11 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var Symbol = __webpack_require__(8); /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto = Object.prototype; /** Used to check objects for own properties. */ var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`]( * of values. */ var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString; /** Built-in value references. */ var symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined; /** * A specialized version of `baseGetTag` which ignores `Symbol.toStringTag` values. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @returns {string} Returns the raw `toStringTag`. */ function getRawTag(value) { var isOwn =, symToStringTag), tag = value[symToStringTag]; try { value[symToStringTag] = undefined; var unmasked = true; } catch (e) {} var result =; if (unmasked) { if (isOwn) { value[symToStringTag] = tag; } else { delete value[symToStringTag]; } } return result; } module.exports = getRawTag; /***/ }, /* 12 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /** Used for built-in method references. */ var objectProto = Object.prototype; /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`]( * of values. */ var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString; /** * Converts `value` to a string using `Object.prototype.toString`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the converted string. */ function objectToString(value) { return; } module.exports = objectToString; /***/ }, /* 13 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var overArg = __webpack_require__(14); /** Built-in value references. */ var getPrototype = overArg(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object); module.exports = getPrototype; /***/ }, /* 14 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /** * Creates a unary function that invokes `func` with its argument transformed. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {Function} transform The argument transform. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. */ function overArg(func, transform) { return function(arg) { return func(transform(arg)); }; } module.exports = overArg; /***/ }, /* 15 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /** * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null` * and has a `typeof` result of "object". * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`. * @example * * _.isObjectLike({}); * // => true * * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isObjectLike(_.noop); * // => false * * _.isObjectLike(null); * // => false */ function isObjectLike(value) { return value != null && typeof value == 'object'; } module.exports = isObjectLike; /***/ }, /* 16 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(17); /***/ }, /* 17 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global, module) {'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _ponyfill = __webpack_require__(19); var _ponyfill2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ponyfill); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var root; /* global window */ if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { root = self; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { root = window; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { root = global; } else if (true) { root = module; } else { root = Function('return this')(); } var result = (0, _ponyfill2['default'])(root); exports['default'] = result; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()), __webpack_require__(18)(module))) /***/ }, /* 18 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = function(module) { if(!module.webpackPolyfill) { module.deprecate = function() {}; module.paths = []; // module.parent = undefined by default module.children = []; module.webpackPolyfill = 1; } return module; } /***/ }, /* 19 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports['default'] = symbolObservablePonyfill; function symbolObservablePonyfill(root) { var result; var _Symbol = root.Symbol; if (typeof _Symbol === 'function') { if (_Symbol.observable) { result = _Symbol.observable; } else { result = _Symbol('observable'); _Symbol.observable = result; } } else { result = '@@observable'; } return result; }; /***/ }, /* 20 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = combineReducers; var _createStore = __webpack_require__(5); var _isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(6); var _isPlainObject2 = _interopRequireDefault(_isPlainObject); var _warning = __webpack_require__(21); var _warning2 = _interopRequireDefault(_warning); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } function getUndefinedStateErrorMessage(key, action) { var actionType = action && action.type; var actionName = actionType && '"' + actionType.toString() + '"' || 'an action'; return 'Given action ' + actionName + ', reducer "' + key + '" returned undefined. ' + 'To ignore an action, you must explicitly return the previous state.'; } function getUnexpectedStateShapeWarningMessage(inputState, reducers, action, unexpectedKeyCache) { var reducerKeys = Object.keys(reducers); var argumentName = action && action.type === _createStore.ActionTypes.INIT ? 'preloadedState argument passed to createStore' : 'previous state received by the reducer'; if (reducerKeys.length === 0) { return 'Store does not have a valid reducer. Make sure the argument passed ' + 'to combineReducers is an object whose values are reducers.'; } if (!(0, _isPlainObject2['default'])(inputState)) { return 'The ' + argumentName + ' has unexpected type of "' + {}\s([a-z|A-Z]+)/)[1] + '". Expected argument to be an object with the following ' + ('keys: "' + reducerKeys.join('", "') + '"'); } var unexpectedKeys = Object.keys(inputState).filter(function (key) { return !reducers.hasOwnProperty(key) && !unexpectedKeyCache[key]; }); unexpectedKeys.forEach(function (key) { unexpectedKeyCache[key] = true; }); if (unexpectedKeys.length > 0) { return 'Unexpected ' + (unexpectedKeys.length > 1 ? 'keys' : 'key') + ' ' + ('"' + unexpectedKeys.join('", "') + '" found in ' + argumentName + '. ') + 'Expected to find one of the known reducer keys instead: ' + ('"' + reducerKeys.join('", "') + '". Unexpected keys will be ignored.'); } } function assertReducerSanity(reducers) { Object.keys(reducers).forEach(function (key) { var reducer = reducers[key]; var initialState = reducer(undefined, { type: _createStore.ActionTypes.INIT }); if (typeof initialState === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Reducer "' + key + '" returned undefined during initialization. ' + 'If the state passed to the reducer is undefined, you must ' + 'explicitly return the initial state. The initial state may ' + 'not be undefined.'); } var type = '@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION_' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7).split('').join('.'); if (typeof reducer(undefined, { type: type }) === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Reducer "' + key + '" returned undefined when probed with a random type. ' + ('Don\'t try to handle ' + _createStore.ActionTypes.INIT + ' or other actions in "redux/*" ') + 'namespace. They are considered private. Instead, you must return the ' + 'current state for any unknown actions, unless it is undefined, ' + 'in which case you must return the initial state, regardless of the ' + 'action type. The initial state may not be undefined.'); } }); } /** * Turns an object whose values are different reducer functions, into a single * reducer function. It will call every child reducer, and gather their results * into a single state object, whose keys correspond to the keys of the passed * reducer functions. * * @param {Object} reducers An object whose values correspond to different * reducer functions that need to be combined into one. One handy way to obtain * it is to use ES6 `import * as reducers` syntax. The reducers may never return * undefined for any action. Instead, they should return their initial state * if the state passed to them was undefined, and the current state for any * unrecognized action. * * @returns {Function} A reducer function that invokes every reducer inside the * passed object, and builds a state object with the same shape. */ function combineReducers(reducers) { var reducerKeys = Object.keys(reducers); var finalReducers = {}; for (var i = 0; i < reducerKeys.length; i++) { var key = reducerKeys[i]; if (false) { if (typeof reducers[key] === 'undefined') { (0, _warning2['default'])('No reducer provided for key "' + key + '"'); } } if (typeof reducers[key] === 'function') { finalReducers[key] = reducers[key]; } } var finalReducerKeys = Object.keys(finalReducers); if (false) { var unexpectedKeyCache = {}; } var sanityError; try { assertReducerSanity(finalReducers); } catch (e) { sanityError = e; } return function combination() { var state = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0]; var action = arguments[1]; if (sanityError) { throw sanityError; } if (false) { var warningMessage = getUnexpectedStateShapeWarningMessage(state, finalReducers, action, unexpectedKeyCache); if (warningMessage) { (0, _warning2['default'])(warningMessage); } } var hasChanged = false; var nextState = {}; for (var i = 0; i < finalReducerKeys.length; i++) { var key = finalReducerKeys[i]; var reducer = finalReducers[key]; var previousStateForKey = state[key]; var nextStateForKey = reducer(previousStateForKey, action); if (typeof nextStateForKey === 'undefined') { var errorMessage = getUndefinedStateErrorMessage(key, action); throw new Error(errorMessage); } nextState[key] = nextStateForKey; hasChanged = hasChanged || nextStateForKey !== previousStateForKey; } return hasChanged ? nextState : state; }; } /***/ }, /* 21 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = warning; /** * Prints a warning in the console if it exists. * * @param {String} message The warning message. * @returns {void} */ function warning(message) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error === 'function') { console.error(message); } /* eslint-enable no-console */ try { // This error was thrown as a convenience so that if you enable // "break on all exceptions" in your console, // it would pause the execution at this line. throw new Error(message); /* eslint-disable no-empty */ } catch (e) {} /* eslint-enable no-empty */ } /***/ }, /* 22 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports['default'] = bindActionCreators; function bindActionCreator(actionCreator, dispatch) { return function () { return dispatch(actionCreator.apply(undefined, arguments)); }; } /** * Turns an object whose values are action creators, into an object with the * same keys, but with every function wrapped into a `dispatch` call so they * may be invoked directly. This is just a convenience method, as you can call * `store.dispatch(MyActionCreators.doSomething())` yourself just fine. * * For convenience, you can also pass a single function as the first argument, * and get a function in return. * * @param {Function|Object} actionCreators An object whose values are action * creator functions. One handy way to obtain it is to use ES6 `import * as` * syntax. You may also pass a single function. * * @param {Function} dispatch The `dispatch` function available on your Redux * store. * * @returns {Function|Object} The object mimicking the original object, but with * every action creator wrapped into the `dispatch` call. If you passed a * function as `actionCreators`, the return value will also be a single * function. */ function bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch) { if (typeof actionCreators === 'function') { return bindActionCreator(actionCreators, dispatch); } if (typeof actionCreators !== 'object' || actionCreators === null) { throw new Error('bindActionCreators expected an object or a function, instead received ' + (actionCreators === null ? 'null' : typeof actionCreators) + '. ' + 'Did you write "import ActionCreators from" instead of "import * as ActionCreators from"?'); } var keys = Object.keys(actionCreators); var boundActionCreators = {}; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var actionCreator = actionCreators[key]; if (typeof actionCreator === 'function') { boundActionCreators[key] = bindActionCreator(actionCreator, dispatch); } } return boundActionCreators; } /***/ }, /* 23 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; exports['default'] = applyMiddleware; var _compose = __webpack_require__(24); var _compose2 = _interopRequireDefault(_compose); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } /** * Creates a store enhancer that applies middleware to the dispatch method * of the Redux store. This is handy for a variety of tasks, such as expressing * asynchronous actions in a concise manner, or logging every action payload. * * See `redux-thunk` package as an example of the Redux middleware. * * Because middleware is potentially asynchronous, this should be the first * store enhancer in the composition chain. * * Note that each middleware will be given the `dispatch` and `getState` functions * as named arguments. * * @param {...Function} middlewares The middleware chain to be applied. * @returns {Function} A store enhancer applying the middleware. */ function applyMiddleware() { for (var _len = arguments.length, middlewares = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { middlewares[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return function (createStore) { return function (reducer, preloadedState, enhancer) { var store = createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer); var _dispatch = store.dispatch; var chain = []; var middlewareAPI = { getState: store.getState, dispatch: function dispatch(action) { return _dispatch(action); } }; chain = (middleware) { return middleware(middlewareAPI); }); _dispatch = _compose2['default'].apply(undefined, chain)(store.dispatch); return _extends({}, store, { dispatch: _dispatch }); }; }; } /***/ }, /* 24 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports["default"] = compose; /** * Composes single-argument functions from right to left. The rightmost * function can take multiple arguments as it provides the signature for * the resulting composite function. * * @param {...Function} funcs The functions to compose. * @returns {Function} A function obtained by composing the argument functions * from right to left. For example, compose(f, g, h) is identical to doing * (...args) => f(g(h(...args))). */ function compose() { for (var _len = arguments.length, funcs = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { funcs[_key] = arguments[_key]; } if (funcs.length === 0) { return function (arg) { return arg; }; } if (funcs.length === 1) { return funcs[0]; } var last = funcs[funcs.length - 1]; var rest = funcs.slice(0, -1); return function () { return rest.reduceRight(function (composed, f) { return f(composed); }, last.apply(undefined, arguments)); }; } /***/ }, /* 25 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _redux = __webpack_require__(4); var _items = __webpack_require__(26); var _items2 = _interopRequireDefault(_items); var _groups = __webpack_require__(27); var _groups2 = _interopRequireDefault(_groups); var _choices = __webpack_require__(28); var _choices2 = _interopRequireDefault(_choices); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var appReducer = (0, _redux.combineReducers)({ items: _items2.default, groups: _groups2.default, choices: _choices2.default }); var rootReducer = function rootReducer(passedState, action) { var state = passedState; // If we are clearing all items, groups and options we reassign // state and then pass that state to our proper reducer. This isn't // mutating our actual state // See: if (action.type === 'CLEAR_ALL') { state = undefined; } return appReducer(state, action); }; exports.default = rootReducer; /***/ }, /* 26 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } var items = function items() { var state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; var action = arguments[1]; switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_ITEM': { // Add object to items array var newState = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(state), [{ id:, choiceId: action.choiceId, groupId: action.groupId, value: action.value, label: action.label, active: true, highlighted: false }]); return (item) { if (item.highlighted) { item.highlighted = false; } return item; }); } case 'REMOVE_ITEM': { // Set item to inactive return (item) { if ( === { = false; } return item; }); } case 'HIGHLIGHT_ITEM': { return (item) { if ( === { item.highlighted = action.highlighted; } return item; }); } default: { return state; } } }; exports.default = items; /***/ }, /* 27 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } var groups = function groups() { var state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; var action = arguments[1]; switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_GROUP': { return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(state), [{ id:, value: action.value, active:, disabled: action.disabled }]); } case 'CLEAR_CHOICES': { return state.groups = []; } default: { return state; } } }; exports.default = groups; /***/ }, /* 28 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } } var choices = function choices() { var state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; var action = arguments[1]; switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_CHOICE': { /* A disabled choice appears in the choice dropdown but cannot be selected A selected choice has been added to the passed input's value (added as an item) An active choice appears within the choice dropdown */ return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(state), [{ id:, groupId: action.groupId, value: action.value, label: action.label, disabled: action.disabled, selected: false, active: true, score: 9999 }]); } case 'ADD_ITEM': { var newState = state; // If all choices need to be activated if (action.activateOptions) { newState = (choice) { =; return choice; }); } // When an item is added and it has an associated choice, // we want to disable it so it can't be chosen again if (action.choiceId > -1) { newState = (choice) { if ( === parseInt(action.choiceId, 10)) { choice.selected = true; } return choice; }); } return newState; } case 'REMOVE_ITEM': { // When an item is removed and it has an associated choice, // we want to re-enable it so it can be chosen again if (action.choiceId > -1) { return (choice) { if ( === parseInt(action.choiceId, 10)) { choice.selected = false; } return choice; }); } return state; } case 'FILTER_CHOICES': { var _ret = function () { var filteredResults = action.results; var filteredState = (choice) { // Set active state based on whether choice is // within filtered results = filteredResults.some(function (result) { if ( === { choice.score = result.score; return true; } return false; }); return choice; }); return { v: filteredState }; }(); if ((typeof _ret === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret)) === "object") return _ret.v; } case 'ACTIVATE_CHOICES': { return (choice) { =; return choice; }); } case 'CLEAR_CHOICES': { return state.choices = []; } default: { return state; } } }; exports.default = choices; /***/ }, /* 29 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var addItem = exports.addItem = function addItem(value, label, id, choiceId, groupId) { return { type: 'ADD_ITEM', value: value, label: label, id: id, choiceId: choiceId, groupId: groupId }; }; var removeItem = exports.removeItem = function removeItem(id, choiceId) { return { type: 'REMOVE_ITEM', id: id, choiceId: choiceId }; }; var highlightItem = exports.highlightItem = function highlightItem(id, highlighted) { return { type: 'HIGHLIGHT_ITEM', id: id, highlighted: highlighted }; }; var addChoice = exports.addChoice = function addChoice(value, label, id, groupId, disabled) { return { type: 'ADD_CHOICE', value: value, label: label, id: id, groupId: groupId, disabled: disabled }; }; var filterChoices = exports.filterChoices = function filterChoices(results) { return { type: 'FILTER_CHOICES', results: results }; }; var activateChoices = exports.activateChoices = function activateChoices() { var active = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; return { type: 'ACTIVATE_CHOICES', active: active }; }; var clearChoices = exports.clearChoices = function clearChoices() { return { type: 'CLEAR_CHOICES' }; }; var addGroup = exports.addGroup = function addGroup(value, id, active, disabled) { return { type: 'ADD_GROUP', value: value, id: id, active: active, disabled: disabled }; }; var clearAll = exports.clearAll = function clearAll() { return { type: 'CLEAR_ALL' }; }; /***/ }, /* 30 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; /* eslint-disable */ /** * Capitalises the first letter of each word in a string * @param {String} str String to capitalise * @return {String} Capitalised string */ var capitalise = exports.capitalise = function capitalise(str) { return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function (txt) { return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }); }; /** * Tests the type of an object * @param {String} type Type to test object against * @param {Object} obj Object to be tested * @return {Boolean} */ var isType = exports.isType = function isType(type, obj) { var clas =, -1); return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && clas === type; }; /** * Tests to see if a passed object is a node * @param {Object} obj Object to be tested * @return {Boolean} */ var isNode = exports.isNode = function isNode(o) { return (typeof Node === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(Node)) === "object" ? o instanceof Node : o && (typeof o === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(o)) === "object" && typeof o.nodeType === "number" && typeof o.nodeName === "string"; }; /** * Tests to see if a passed object is an element * @param {Object} obj Object to be tested * @return {Boolean} */ var isElement = exports.isElement = function isElement(o) { return (typeof HTMLElement === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(HTMLElement)) === "object" ? o instanceof HTMLElement : //DOM2 o && (typeof o === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(o)) === "object" && o !== null && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === "string"; }; /** * Merges unspecified amount of objects into new object * @private * @return {Object} Merged object of arguments */ var extend = exports.extend = function extend() { var extended = {}; var length = arguments.length; /** * Merge one object into another * @param {Object} obj Object to merge into extended object */ var merge = function merge(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (, prop)) { // If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties if (isType('Object', obj[prop])) { extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; // Loop through each passed argument for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { // store argument at position i var obj = arguments[i]; // If we are in fact dealing with an object, merge it. if (isType('Object', obj)) { merge(obj); } } return extended; }; /** * CSS transition end event listener * @return */ var whichTransitionEvent = exports.whichTransitionEvent = function whichTransitionEvent() { var t, el = document.createElement("fakeelement"); var transitions = { "transition": "transitionend", "OTransition": "oTransitionEnd", "MozTransition": "transitionend", "WebkitTransition": "webkitTransitionEnd" }; for (t in transitions) { if ([t] !== undefined) { return transitions[t]; } } }; /** * CSS animation end event listener * @return */ var whichAnimationEvent = exports.whichAnimationEvent = function whichAnimationEvent() { var t, el = document.createElement('fakeelement'); var animations = { 'animation': 'animationend', 'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd', 'MozAnimation': 'animationend', 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd' }; for (t in animations) { if ([t] !== undefined) { return animations[t]; } } }; /** * Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, * up to but not including the element matched by the selector * @param {NodeElement} elem Element to begin search from * @param {NodeElement} parent Parent to find * @param {String} selector Class to find * @return {Array} Array of parent elements */ var getParentsUntil = exports.getParentsUntil = function getParentsUntil(elem, parent, selector) { var parents = []; // Get matches for (; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode) { // Check if parent has been reached if (parent) { var parentType = parent.charAt(0); // If parent is a class if (parentType === '.') { if (elem.classList.contains(parent.substr(1))) { break; } } // If parent is an ID if (parentType === '#') { if ( === parent.substr(1)) { break; } } // If parent is a data attribute if (parentType === '[') { if (elem.hasAttribute(parent.substr(1, parent.length - 1))) { break; } } // If parent is a tag if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() === parent) { break; } } if (selector) { var selectorType = selector.charAt(0); // If selector is a class if (selectorType === '.') { if (elem.classList.contains(selector.substr(1))) { parents.push(elem); } } // If selector is an ID if (selectorType === '#') { if ( === selector.substr(1)) { parents.push(elem); } } // If selector is a data attribute if (selectorType === '[') { if (elem.hasAttribute(selector.substr(1, selector.length - 1))) { parents.push(elem); } } // If selector is a tag if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() === selector) { parents.push(elem); } } else { parents.push(elem); } } // Return parents if any exist if (parents.length === 0) { return null; } else { return parents; } }; var wrap = exports.wrap = function wrap(element, wrapper) { wrapper = wrapper || document.createElement('div'); if (element.nextSibling) { element.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, element.nextSibling); } else { element.parentNode.appendChild(wrapper); } return wrapper.appendChild(element); }; var getSiblings = exports.getSiblings = function getSiblings(elem) { var siblings = []; var sibling = elem.parentNode.firstChild; for (; sibling; sibling = sibling.nextSibling) { if (sibling.nodeType === 1 && sibling !== elem) { siblings.push(sibling); } } return siblings; }; /** * Find ancestor in DOM tree * @param {NodeElement} el Element to start search from * @param {[type]} cls Class of parent * @return {NodeElement} Found parent element */ var findAncestor = exports.findAncestor = function findAncestor(el, cls) { while ((el = el.parentElement) && !el.classList.contains(cls)) {} return el; }; /** * Debounce an event handler. * @param {Function} func Function to run after wait * @param {Number} wait The delay before the function is executed * @param {Boolean} immediate If passed, trigger the function on the leading edge, instead of the trailing. * @return {Function} A function will be called after it stops being called for a given delay */ var debounce = exports.debounce = function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function later() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; /** * Get an element's distance from the top of the page * @private * @param {NodeElement} el Element to test for * @return {Number} Elements Distance from top of page */ var getElemDistance = exports.getElemDistance = function getElemDistance(el) { var location = 0; if (el.offsetParent) { do { location += el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent; } while (el); } return location >= 0 ? location : 0; }; /** * Determine element height multiplied by any offsets * @private * @param {HTMLElement} el Element to test for * @return {Number} Height of element */ var getElementOffset = exports.getElementOffset = function getElementOffset(el, offset) { var elOffset = offset; if (elOffset > 1) elOffset = 1; if (elOffset > 0) elOffset = 0; return Math.max(el.offsetHeight * elOffset); }; /** * Get the next or previous element from a given start point * @param {HTMLElement} startEl Element to start position from * @param {String} className The class we will look through * @param {Number} direction Positive next element, negative previous element * @return {[HTMLElement} Found element */ var getAdjacentEl = exports.getAdjacentEl = function getAdjacentEl(startEl, className) { var direction = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1; if (!startEl || !className) return; var parent = startEl.parentNode.parentNode; var children = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll(className)); var startPos = children.indexOf(startEl); var operatorDirection = direction > 0 ? 1 : -1; return children[startPos + operatorDirection]; }; /** * Get scroll position based on top/bottom position * @private * @return {String} Position of scroll */ var getScrollPosition = exports.getScrollPosition = function getScrollPosition(position) { if (position === 'bottom') { // Scroll position from the bottom of the viewport return Math.max((window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset) + (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)); } else { // Scroll position from the top of the viewport return window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset; } }; /** * Determine whether an element is within the viewport * @param {HTMLElement} el Element to test * @return {String} Position of scroll * @return {Boolean} */ var isInView = exports.isInView = function isInView(el, position, offset) { // If the user has scrolled further than the distance from the element to the top of its parent return this.getScrollPosition(position) > this.getElemDistance(el) + this.getElementOffset(el, offset) ? true : false; }; /** * Determine whether an element is within * @param {HTMLElement} el Element to test * @param {HTMLElement} parent Scrolling parent * @param {Number} direction Whether element is visible from above or below * @return {Boolean} */ var isScrolledIntoView = exports.isScrolledIntoView = function isScrolledIntoView(el, parent) { var direction = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1; if (!el) return; var isVisible = void 0; if (direction > 0) { // In view from bottom isVisible = parent.scrollTop + parent.offsetHeight >= el.offsetTop + el.offsetHeight; } else { // In view from top isVisible = el.offsetTop >= parent.scrollTop; } return isVisible; }; /** * Remove html tags from a string * @param {String} Initial string/html * @return {String} Sanitised string */ var stripHTML = exports.stripHTML = function stripHTML(html) { var el = document.createElement("DIV"); el.innerHTML = html; return el.textContent || el.innerText || ""; }; /** * Adds animation to an element and removes it upon animation completion * @param {Element} el Element to add animation to * @param {String} animation Animation class to add to element * @return */ var addAnimation = exports.addAnimation = function addAnimation(el, animation) { var animationEvent = whichAnimationEvent(); var removeAnimation = function removeAnimation() { el.classList.remove(animation); el.removeEventListener(animationEvent, removeAnimation, false); }; el.classList.add(animation); el.addEventListener(animationEvent, removeAnimation, false); }; /** * Get a random number between a range * @param {Number} min Minimum range * @param {Number} max Maximum range * @return {Number} Random number */ var getRandomNumber = exports.getRandomNumber = function getRandomNumber(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); }; /** * Turn a string into a node * @param {String} String to convert * @return {HTMLElement} Converted node element */ var strToEl = exports.strToEl = function () { var tmpEl = document.createElement('div'); return function (str) { var r; tmpEl.innerHTML = str; r = tmpEl.children[0]; while (tmpEl.firstChild) { tmpEl.removeChild(tmpEl.firstChild); } return r; }; }(); /** * Sets the width of a passed input based on its value * @return {Number} Width of input */ var getWidthOfInput = exports.getWidthOfInput = function getWidthOfInput(input) { var value = input.value || input.placeholder; var width = input.offsetWidth; if (value) { var testEl = strToEl("<span>" + value + "</span>"); = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '-9999px'; = '-9999px'; = 'auto'; = 'pre'; document.body.appendChild(testEl); if (value && testEl.offsetWidth !== input.offsetWidth) { width = testEl.offsetWidth + 4; } document.body.removeChild(testEl); } return width + "px"; }; var sortByAlpha = exports.sortByAlpha = function sortByAlpha(a, b) { var labelA = (a.label || a.value).toLowerCase(); var labelB = (b.label || b.value).toLowerCase(); if (labelA < labelB) return -1; if (labelA > labelB) return 1; return 0; }; var sortByScore = exports.sortByScore = function sortByScore(a, b) { return a.score - b.score; }; /***/ }, /* 31 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; /* eslint-disable */ // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 6, // Reference: if (!Array.from) { Array.from = function () { var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; var isCallable = function isCallable(fn) { return typeof fn === 'function' || === '[object Function]'; }; var toInteger = function toInteger(value) { var number = Number(value); if (isNaN(number)) { return 0; } if (number === 0 || !isFinite(number)) { return number; } return (number > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number)); }; var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; var toLength = function toLength(value) { var len = toInteger(value); return Math.min(Math.max(len, 0), maxSafeInteger); }; // The length property of the from method is 1. return function from(arrayLike /*, mapFn, thisArg */) { // 1. Let C be the this value. var C = this; // 2. Let items be ToObject(arrayLike). var items = Object(arrayLike); // 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(items). if (arrayLike == null) { throw new TypeError("Array.from requires an array-like object - not null or undefined"); } // 4. If mapfn is undefined, then let mapping be false. var mapFn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void undefined; var T; if (typeof mapFn !== 'undefined') { // 5. else // 5. a If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (!isCallable(mapFn)) { throw new TypeError('Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function'); } // 5. b. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. if (arguments.length > 2) { T = arguments[2]; } } // 10. Let lenValue be Get(items, "length"). // 11. Let len be ToLength(lenValue). var len = toLength(items.length); // 13. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then // 13. a. Let A be the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal method of C with an argument list containing the single item len. // 14. a. Else, Let A be ArrayCreate(len). var A = isCallable(C) ? Object(new C(len)) : new Array(len); // 16. Let k be 0. var k = 0; // 17. Repeat, while k < len… (also steps a - h) var kValue; while (k < len) { kValue = items[k]; if (mapFn) { A[k] = typeof T === 'undefined' ? mapFn(kValue, k) :, kValue, k); } else { A[k] = kValue; } k += 1; } // 18. Let putStatus be Put(A, "length", len, true). A.length = len; // 20. Return A. return A; }; }(); } // Reference: if (!Array.prototype.find) { Array.prototype.find = function (predicate) { 'use strict'; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined'); } if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function'); } var list = Object(this); var length = list.length >>> 0; var thisArg = arguments[1]; var value; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { value = list[i]; if (, value, i, list)) { return value; } } return undefined; }; } /***/ } /******/ ]) }); ; //#
import IconButton from 'material-ui/IconButton'; import IconMenu from 'material-ui/IconMenu'; import MenuItem from 'material-ui/MenuItem'; import MoreVertIcon from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/more-vert'; import React from 'react'; import github from '../images/GitHub-Mark-32px.png'; const anchorOrigin = { horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'top', }; const imgStyles = { marginTop: '16px', }; const menuItemStyles = { textAlign: 'center', }; const targetOrigin = { horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'top', }; const Menu = () => ( <IconMenu anchorOrigin={anchorOrigin} iconButtonElement={ <IconButton> <MoreVertIcon color={'white'} /> </IconButton> } targetOrigin={targetOrigin} > <MenuItem primaryText="Demo" /> <MenuItem primaryText="Report a Problem" /> <a href=""> <MenuItem style={menuItemStyles}> <img style={imgStyles} src={github} alt="github" /> </MenuItem> </a> </IconMenu> ); export default Menu;
import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose"; import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import * as React from 'react'; import { isFragment } from 'react-is'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import { deepmerge } from '@material-ui/utils'; import { unstable_composeClasses as composeClasses } from '@material-ui/unstyled'; import capitalize from '../utils/capitalize'; import { alpha } from '../styles/colorManipulator'; import experimentalStyled from '../styles/experimentalStyled'; import useThemeProps from '../styles/useThemeProps'; import buttonGroupClasses, { getButtonGroupUtilityClass } from './buttonGroupClasses'; import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime"; const overridesResolver = (props, styles) => { const { styleProps } = props; return deepmerge(_extends({}, styles[styleProps.variant], styleProps.disableElevation === true && styles.disableElevation, styleProps.fullWidth && styles.fullWidth, styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && styles.vertical, { [`& .${buttonGroupClasses.grouped}`]: _extends({}, styles.grouped, styles[`grouped${capitalize(styleProps.orientation)}`], styles[`grouped${capitalize(styleProps.variant)}`], styles[`grouped${capitalize(styleProps.variant)}${capitalize(styleProps.orientation)}`], styles[`grouped${capitalize(styleProps.variant)}${capitalize(styleProps.color)}`]) }), styles.root || {}); }; const useUtilityClasses = styleProps => { const { classes, color, disabled, disableElevation, fullWidth, orientation, variant } = styleProps; const slots = { root: ['root', variant, orientation === 'vertical' && 'vertical', fullWidth && 'fullWidth', disableElevation && 'disableElevation'], grouped: ['grouped', `grouped${capitalize(orientation)}`, `grouped${capitalize(variant)}`, `grouped${capitalize(variant)}${capitalize(orientation)}`, color !== 'default' && `grouped${capitalize(variant)}${capitalize(color)}`, disabled && 'disabled'] }; return composeClasses(slots, getButtonGroupUtilityClass, classes); }; const ButtonGroupRoot = experimentalStyled('div', {}, { name: 'MuiButtonGroup', slot: 'Root', overridesResolver })(({ theme, styleProps }) => _extends({ display: 'inline-flex', borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius }, styleProps.variant === 'contained' && { boxShadow: theme.shadows[2] }, styleProps.disableElevation && { boxShadow: 'none' }, styleProps.fullWidth && { width: '100%' }, styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { flexDirection: 'column' }, { [`& .${buttonGroupClasses.grouped}`]: _extends({ minWidth: 40, '&:not(:first-of-type)': _extends({}, styleProps.orientation === 'horizontal' && { borderTopLeftRadius: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 }, styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { borderTopRightRadius: 0, borderTopLeftRadius: 0 }, styleProps.variant === 'outlined' && styleProps.orientation === 'horizontal' && { marginLeft: -1 }, styleProps.variant === 'outlined' && styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { marginTop: -1 }), '&:not(:last-of-type)': _extends({}, styleProps.orientation === 'horizontal' && { borderTopRightRadius: 0, borderBottomRightRadius: 0 }, styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { borderBottomRightRadius: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 }, styleProps.variant === 'text' && styleProps.orientation === 'horizontal' && { borderRight: `1px solid ${theme.palette.mode === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)'}` }, styleProps.variant === 'text' && styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.mode === 'light' ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)'}` }, styleProps.variant === 'text' && styleProps.color !== 'inherit' && { borderColor: alpha(theme.palette[styleProps.color].main, 0.5) }, styleProps.variant === 'outlined' && styleProps.orientation === 'horizontal' && { borderRightColor: 'transparent' }, styleProps.variant === 'outlined' && styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { borderBottomColor: 'transparent' }, styleProps.variant === 'contained' && styleProps.orientation === 'horizontal' && { borderRight: `1px solid ${theme.palette.grey[400]}`, '&.Mui-disabled': { borderRight: `1px solid ${theme.palette.action.disabled}` } }, styleProps.variant === 'contained' && styleProps.orientation === 'vertical' && { borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.grey[400]}`, '&.Mui-disabled': { borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.action.disabled}` } }, styleProps.variant === 'contained' && styleProps.color !== 'inherit' && { borderColor: theme.palette[styleProps.color].dark }), '&:hover': _extends({}, styleProps.variant === 'outlined' && styleProps.color !== 'inherit' && { borderColor: theme.palette[styleProps.color].main }, styleProps.variant === 'contained' && { boxShadow: 'none' }) }, styleProps.variant === 'contained' && { boxShadow: 'none' }) })); const ButtonGroup = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function ButtonGroup(inProps, ref) { const props = useThemeProps({ props: inProps, name: 'MuiButtonGroup' }); const { children, className, color = 'primary', component = 'div', disabled = false, disableElevation = false, disableFocusRipple = false, disableRipple = false, fullWidth = false, orientation = 'horizontal', size = 'medium', variant = 'outlined' } = props, other = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, ["children", "className", "color", "component", "disabled", "disableElevation", "disableFocusRipple", "disableRipple", "fullWidth", "orientation", "size", "variant"]); const styleProps = _extends({}, props, { color, component, disabled, disableElevation, disableFocusRipple, disableRipple, fullWidth, orientation, size, variant }); const classes = useUtilityClasses(styleProps); return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(ButtonGroupRoot, _extends({ as: component, role: "group", className: clsx(classes.root, className), ref: ref, styleProps: styleProps }, other, { children:, child => { if (! /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) { return null; } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (isFragment(child)) { console.error(["Material-UI: The ButtonGroup component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n')); } } return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, { className: clsx(classes.grouped, child.props.className), color: child.props.color || color, disabled: child.props.disabled || disabled, disableElevation: child.props.disableElevation || disableElevation, disableFocusRipple, disableRipple, fullWidth, size: child.props.size || size, variant: child.props.variant || variant }); }) })); }); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ButtonGroup.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = { // ----------------------------- Warning -------------------------------- // | These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions | // | To update them edit the d.ts file and run "yarn proptypes" | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The content of the component. */ children: PropTypes.node, /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes: PropTypes.object, /** * @ignore */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component. * @default 'primary' */ color: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */ .oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['inherit', 'primary', 'secondary']), PropTypes.string]), /** * The component used for the root node. * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. */ component: PropTypes.elementType, /** * If `true`, the component is disabled. * @default false */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, no elevation is used. * @default false */ disableElevation: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the button keyboard focus ripple is disabled. * @default false */ disableFocusRipple: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the button ripple effect is disabled. * @default false */ disableRipple: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the buttons will take up the full width of its container. * @default false */ fullWidth: PropTypes.bool, /** * The component orientation (layout flow direction). * @default 'horizontal' */ orientation: PropTypes.oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical']), /** * The size of the component. * `small` is equivalent to the dense button styling. * @default 'medium' */ size: PropTypes.oneOf(['large', 'medium', 'small']), /** * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. */ sx: PropTypes.object, /** * The variant to use. * @default 'outlined' */ variant: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */ .oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['contained', 'outlined', 'text']), PropTypes.string]) } : void 0; export default ButtonGroup;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import AlbumsGrid from '../components/AlbumsGrid'; import FacebookConnect from '../components/FacebookConnect'; import { getAlbums, getPhotos } from '../actions/albumsActions'; class Dashboard extends Component { componentWillMount() { const { authenticated, facebook } = this.props.auth; if (!authenticated) this.props.history.push('/login'); if (facebook) { this.props.getAlbums(); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { authenticated } = nextProps.auth; if (!authenticated) this.props.history.push('/login'); } onDownloadClick(album) { this.props.getPhotos(album); } onPaginationClick(data) { this.props.getAlbums(data); } render() { const { albums, paging, auth: { facebook } } = this.props; if (!facebook) { return <FacebookConnect to="/connect/facebook" />; } return ( <AlbumsGrid albums={albums} paging={paging} onPaginationClick={this.onPaginationClick.bind(this)} onDownloadClick={this.onDownloadClick.bind(this)} /> ); } } function mapStateToProps(state) { return { auth: state.auth, albums: state.albums, paging: state.paging }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getAlbums, getPhotos })(Dashboard);
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Container, Header, Title, Button, Icon, Tabs, Tab, Right, Left, Body } from 'native-base'; import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux'; import { actions } from 'react-native-navigation-redux-helpers'; import myTheme from '../../themes/base-theme'; import TabOne from './tabOne'; import TabTwo from './tabTwo'; import TabThree from './tabThree'; const { popRoute, } = actions; class BasicTab extends Component { // eslint-disable-line static propTypes = { popRoute: React.PropTypes.func, navigation: React.PropTypes.shape({ key: React.PropTypes.string, }), } popRoute() { this.props.popRoute(this.props.navigation.key); } render() { return ( <Container> <Header hasTabs> <Left> <Button transparent onPress={() => Actions.pop()}> <Icon name="arrow-back" /> </Button> </Left> <Body> <Title> Basic Tabs</Title> </Body> <Right /> </Header> <Tabs> <Tab heading="Tab1"> <TabOne /> </Tab> <Tab heading="Tab2"> <TabTwo /> </Tab> <Tab heading="Tab3"> <TabThree /> </Tab> </Tabs> </Container> ); } } function bindAction(dispatch) { return { popRoute: key => dispatch(popRoute(key)), }; } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ navigation: state.cardNavigation, themeState: state.drawer.themeState, }); export default connect(mapStateToProps, bindAction)(BasicTab);
import React from 'react' import {Slider} from 'md-components' export default class SliderRoute extends React.Component { state = { } onMove = (value) => { this.setState({value}) } onChange = (settledValue) => { this.setState({settledValue}) } render () { const min = -20 const max = 110 const step = 10 return ( <div> <section> <h2>Slider</h2> <Slider onChange={this.onChange} onMove={this.onMove} value={this.state.value} step={step} min={min} max={max} /> <h4>onMove: {this.state.value === undefined ? '-' : this.state.value}</h4> <h4>onChange: {this.state.settledValue === undefined ? '-' : this.state.settledValue}</h4> <h4>min: {min}</h4> <h4>max: {max}</h4> <h4>step: {step}</h4> </section> <section> <h2>Default slider</h2> <input type='range' min='0' max='100' /> </section> <section> <h2>Default slider with steps</h2> <input type='range' min='0' max='100' step='10' /> </section> <section> <h2>Specification</h2> <a href=''> </a> </section> </div> ) } }
import React from 'react'; import keycode from 'keycode'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import RootCloseWrapper from 'react-overlays/lib/RootCloseWrapper'; import ValidComponentChildren from './utils/ValidComponentChildren'; import createChainedFunction from './utils/createChainedFunction'; class DropdownMenu extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.focusNext = this.focusNext.bind(this); this.focusPrevious = this.focusPrevious.bind(this); this.getFocusableMenuItems = this.getFocusableMenuItems.bind(this); this.getItemsAndActiveIndex = this.getItemsAndActiveIndex.bind(this); this.handleKeyDown = this.handleKeyDown.bind(this); } handleKeyDown(event) { switch (event.keyCode) { case this.focusNext(); event.preventDefault(); break; case this.focusPrevious(); event.preventDefault(); break; case case this.props.onClose(event); break; default: } } focusNext() { let { items, activeItemIndex } = this.getItemsAndActiveIndex(); if (items.length === 0) { return; } if (activeItemIndex === items.length - 1) { items[0].focus(); return; } items[activeItemIndex + 1].focus(); } focusPrevious() { let { items, activeItemIndex } = this.getItemsAndActiveIndex(); if (activeItemIndex === 0) { items[items.length - 1].focus(); return; } items[activeItemIndex - 1].focus(); } getItemsAndActiveIndex() { let items = this.getFocusableMenuItems(); let activeElement = document.activeElement; let activeItemIndex = items.indexOf(activeElement); return {items, activeItemIndex}; } getFocusableMenuItems() { let menuNode = React.findDOMNode(this); if (menuNode === undefined) { return []; } return []'[tabIndex="-1"]'), 0); } render() { let {children, onSelect, pullRight, className, labelledBy, open, onClose, ...props} = this.props; const items =, child => { let childProps = child.props || {}; return React.cloneElement(child, { onKeyDown: createChainedFunction(childProps.onKeyDown, this.handleKeyDown), onSelect: createChainedFunction(childProps.onSelect, onSelect) }, childProps.children); }); const classes = { 'dropdown-menu': true, 'dropdown-menu-right': pullRight }; let list = ( <ul className={classNames(className, classes)} role="menu" aria-labelledby={labelledBy} {...props} > {items} </ul> ); if (open) { list = ( <RootCloseWrapper noWrap onRootClose={onClose}> {list} </RootCloseWrapper> ); } return list; } } DropdownMenu.defaultProps = { bsRole: 'menu', pullRight: false }; DropdownMenu.propTypes = { open: React.PropTypes.bool, pullRight: React.PropTypes.bool, onClose: React.PropTypes.func, labelledBy: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.number ]), onSelect: React.PropTypes.func }; export default DropdownMenu;
import React from 'react'; import test from 'ava'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme'; import { App } from '../App'; import styles from '../App.css'; import { intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import { intl } from '../../../util/react-intl-test-helper'; import { toggleAddPost } from '../AppActions'; const intlProp = { ...intl, enabledLanguages: ['en', 'fr'] }; const children = <h1>Test</h1>; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const props = { children, dispatch, intl: intlProp, }; test('renders properly', t => { const wrapper = shallow( <App {...props} /> ); //'Helmet').length, 1);'Header').length, 1);'Footer').length, 1);'Header').prop('toggleAddPost'), wrapper.instance().toggleAddPostSection); t.truthy(wrapper.find('Header + div').hasClass(styles.container)); t.truthy(wrapper.find('Header + div').children(), children); }); test('calls componentDidMount', t => { sinon.spy(App.prototype, 'componentDidMount'); mount( <App {...props} />, { context: { router: { isActive: sinon.stub().returns(true), push: sinon.stub(), replace: sinon.stub(), go: sinon.stub(), goBack: sinon.stub(), goForward: sinon.stub(), setRouteLeaveHook: sinon.stub(), createHref: sinon.stub(), }, intl, }, childContextTypes: { router: React.PropTypes.object, intl: intlShape, }, }, ); t.truthy(App.prototype.componentDidMount.calledOnce); App.prototype.componentDidMount.restore(); }); test('calling toggleAddPostSection dispatches toggleAddPost', t => { const wrapper = shallow( <App {...props} /> ); wrapper.instance().toggleAddPostSection(); t.truthy(dispatch.calledOnce); t.truthy(dispatch.calledWith(toggleAddPost())); });
import React from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { DevTools, DebugPanel, LogMonitor } from 'redux-devtools/lib/react'; /* * Puts Redux DevTools into a separate window. * Based on */ export default function createDevToolsWindow(store) { // Give it a name so it reuses the same window const name = 'Redux DevTools'; const win = null, name, 'menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,status=no,width=450,height=5000' ); if (!win) { console.error( // eslint-disable-line no-console 'Couldn\'t open Redux DevTools due to a popup blocker. ' + 'Please disable the popup blocker for the current page.' ); return; } // Reload in case it's reusing the same window with the old content. win.location.reload(); // Set visible Window title. win.document.title = name; // Wait a little bit for it to reload, then render. setTimeout(() => render( <DebugPanel top right bottom left> <DevTools store={store} monitor={LogMonitor} /> </DebugPanel>, win.document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) ), 10); }
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { actions } from 'react-native-navigation-redux-helpers'; import { Container, Header, Title, Content, Button, Footer, FooterTab, Text, Body, Left, Right, Icon } from 'native-base'; import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux'; import styles from './styles'; const { popRoute, } = actions; class BadgeFooter extends Component { static propTypes = { popRoute: React.PropTypes.func, navigation: React.PropTypes.shape({ key: React.PropTypes.string, }), } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { tab1: false, tab2: false, tab3: true, tab4: false, }; } toggleTab1() { this.setState({ tab1: true, tab2: false, tab3: false, tab4: false, }); } toggleTab2() { this.setState({ tab1: false, tab2: true, tab3: false, tab4: false, }); } toggleTab3() { this.setState({ tab1: false, tab2: false, tab3: true, tab4: false, }); } toggleTab4() { this.setState({ tab1: false, tab2: false, tab3: false, tab4: true, }); } popRoute() { this.props.popRoute(this.props.navigation.key); } render() { return ( <Container style={styles.container}> <Header> <Left> <Button transparent onPress={() => Actions.pop()}> <Icon name="arrow-back" /> </Button> </Left> <Body> <Title>Footer</Title> </Body> <Right /> </Header> <Content padder /> <Footer> <FooterTab> <Button active={this.state.tab1} onPress={() => this.toggleTab1()} badgeValue={2} badgeValueStyle={{ color: '#FFF' }}> <Icon active={this.state.tab1} name="apps" /> <Text>Apps</Text> </Button> <Button active={this.state.tab2} onPress={() => this.toggleTab2()} > <Icon active={this.state.tab2} name="camera" /> <Text>Camera</Text> </Button> <Button active={this.state.tab3} onPress={() => this.toggleTab3()} badgeValue={51} badgeColor="blue"> <Icon active={this.state.tab3} name="compass" /> <Text>Compass</Text> </Button> <Button active={this.state.tab4} onPress={() => this.toggleTab4()} > <Icon active={this.state.tab4} name="contact" /> <Text>Contact</Text> </Button> </FooterTab> </Footer> </Container> ); } } function bindAction(dispatch) { return { popRoute: key => dispatch(popRoute(key)), }; } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ navigation: state.cardNavigation, themeState: state.drawer.themeState, }); export default connect(mapStateToProps, bindAction)(BadgeFooter);