Label Error Sentence Copying expression middle place """Agriculture"" in Indonesia is in the middle place and the last one is under ""industry"" control." Word form transmission government's """Mother should take care of her own child at first"", by this quote we simply can see that problems of government's own country should be placed on the first position." Tense semantics have """Samsung"", ""Blackberry"" and ""HTC"" in 2015 have almost the same percentage share." Tense semantics have (5,9%) Overall, almost all unemployment rates have remained on the same level between 2014 and 2015, except EU, Latin America and Middle East. Synonyms destination "(the destination between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, for instance, can be easily overcame by ""Lastochka"" train for 5 hours)." Synonyms overcame "(the destination between Moscow and Saint Petersburg, for instance, can be easily overcame by ""Lastochka"" train for 5 hours)." Synonyms on There is an extremely clear difference: there are too many men on a tech subjects. Tense semantics are 15% consist of things which are transported by rail in Eastern Europe in 2008. Tense semantics consist 12% consist of those which were transported by rail in Eastern Europe in 2008. Copying expression 15-59 years 15-59 years people in Yemen are increasing, while in Italy this number decreases. Synonyms busy 16% of roads are busy by chemicals. Synonyms leveled 1n 1995 the obesity rate leveled 16 per cent and was equal for both girls and boys. Copying expression 2013 year 2013 year is a key one. Copying expression 60+ years 3,6% are people have age 60+ years. Synonyms decrease 3) Latin America is having a big increase in GDP., reaching new peast and creating working seats they decrease the unemployment. Synonyms seats Latin America creates working seats, they decrease the unemployment. Copying expression comes to 30 percent of the chart takes yong people and 25 percent comes to 26-40 years old students. Synonyms takes 30 percent of the chart takes yong people and 26 percent comes to 26-40 years old students. Copying expression 60+ year 60+ year people accounted for 24,1% in 2000, and it is expected to increase by 42,3%. Copying expression 60+ years 60+ years. Synonyms aim A aim every 2 games seems decent! Synonyms precious A am not a fan of precious elements like a portico of fountaines in the luxiry gardes, but in my mind buildings should look like an attractive element of the city. Copying expression every of us A big bath was prepared for every of us . Synonyms amount A bigger amount of police also can help country to reduce more crime. Copying expression 15-59 years A bit feuer than a half of the Yemen population in 2000 were 15-59 years people, but in Italy were about 61,6% of them. Synonyms at A blended whisky combines many malt and grain whiskies at different ages . Word form transmission building's A building's style may say a lot about its history. Synonyms aims A certain organization is never without aims . Synonyms specialisation A closer look at the data shows, that it is art course that has approximately equal parts of all age groups, while other courses have more specialisation in the age of listeners. Tense semantics consist A closer look on data shows that in the Northern Africa level of unemployment remained stable and consist 12,5%. Synonyms on A closer look on data shows that in the Southern Africa level of unemployment remained stable and consist 12,5%. Synonyms on A closer look on the chart shows that machinery dropped by 2%. Synonyms achieved A decrease in Africa consists in 7 millions, what is less then in South Asia, where the amount of children without education cut in 3 times and achieved only 10 millions. Synonyms view A detailed view on the graph reveals that the percentage of people over 65 fluctuated in both USA and Sweden during the passed pert of the time period. Synonyms aims A further three players scored four aims . Synonyms on A good case of it is a typical situation on the factory when every worker want to have a salary because he or she every day go to the factory and do their work. Copying expression 2008 year "A good example is a ""Metro Golden Mayer"" which loss more than 3,5 billions dollars from 2008 year." Synonyms high A great number of people from all over the world dream of having a good, high education in order to get a well paid job. Synonyms support A huge number of air travel is unnecessary, but they destroy our cology and support air pollution and global warming. Word form transmission using A lot of artists and entertainment organisations have financional costs because of free using of their contents in the Internet. Synonyms class A lot of children suffer from promlems with their eyes already in the first class. Word form transmission rising A lot of people are sure that modern technology, which are becoming more and more popular, may be cause for rising of numbers of problems in health. Word form transmission sends A lot of people from music and cinema industry lose money due to somebody sends pirate copies to the Internet. Synonyms amount A lot of people think that amount of male and female students in universities should be equal in all subjects. Synonyms to A lot of people walking on the streets see the buildings and than they has solved enter to it or not. Synonyms solve A lot of people walking on the streets see the buildings and than they solve enter to it or not. Synonyms were A lot of people were not agree with it. Word form transmission millions A low count is below 40 millions . Word form transmission millions A millions times zero still equals zero. Synonyms made A new trend of borrowing DVDs appeared and made a valuable pie of the whole chart. Synonyms make A person caught using prohibited drugs may understand it was awfull and make a remorse. Synonyms return A possible way to change this situation is introducing certain team-building activities for families to return trust among their members. Copying expression every of us A strong desire of every of us . Synonyms next A variety of different researches had given some results, and now specialists explain the reasons of bad behaviour in next ways (which, I agree with): for example, they say, hooligans are victims of their personal problems - being heartbroken, experiencing the parents' divorce. Synonyms wide A wide discussion is taking place worldwide. Word form transmission billions About 13 billions kilograms are produced annually. Synonyms on About another example I read on the last week. Synonyms contrast Absolutly contrast situation we can see in Japan. Tense semantics drops Accordind to the grapf the highest results lead to Japan (it is between approximately 42-30%, it drops rapidaly to 10% in decade.) and the lowest is Germany and New Zealand (23-11%). Copying expression 15-59 years According the cart, in 2000 the high percentage of population have 15-59 years people. Synonyms According According the chart, we can see that the all males had skilled vocational diploma in Australia in 1999. Synonyms According According the fact, that air travels pollute enveirement and increase the risk of global warming, some people believe that goverments should limit the amount of business and leisure air travel. Synonyms According According these researches, all types of transport contribute to the ecological disaster; the main culprit is a plane. Synonyms abilities According this chart, the amount of children from Africa without abilities to study in primary school is dropping slowly. Synonyms According According this bar chart, the number of children from Africa and the rest of world without possibility to study in school is dropping slowly. Synonyms amount According this bar chart, the amount of children from Africa and the rest of world without abilities to study in primary school is dropping slowly. Word form transmission refuse According to all these aspects it should be noticed that despite the uneasy conditions, in which women are living today, sometimes the refuse to allow to work and study some activities for women is reasonable. Synonyms distinct According to distinct polls, people who work less fell calm and almost don not struggle with stress due to its absent in their lives. Synonyms on According to me, the number of male and female student on every subject should be the same. Synonyms amount According to modern statistics and experience the amount of companies, which got into developing countries and fastion of employ local workers have been highly increased. Synonyms exclude According to my beliefs, universities should exclude such parts of the patriarchy culture as unequal number of males and females and provide every student with the same chances, opportunities and choices. Transliteration fabrics According to my opinion different fabrics make much more harm for our nature. Synonyms make According to my opinion different plants cause much more harm for our nature. Synonyms in According to some psychological and sociological theories, like Massons pyramide in instance, a person should, firstly, fullfill his or her vital, primal needs in heat, safety and comfort and only after it come about higher ones. Word form transmission after And only after it come about higher ones. Transliteration pereferia According to some researches, young people prefer to spend 1 or 2 hours to go work or whatever and live in pereferia, but in new district with kind of pretty houses instead of dirty, dark, old ones even if these ones are closer to the city centre. Synonyms reverses According to the bar chart, although more girls than boys were reported to be overweight in the beginning of the time span given, this situation reverses in the following years. Synonyms grown According to the bar chart, there was a grown tendency of obesity among children. Tense semantics spend According to the bar-chart USA was a leader in book printing, because they spend 10,5 billion dollars on print books. Word form transmission changing According to the chart below, the highest changing was in South Asia, when 16.8 millions girl got access to primary school (21.6 millions in 2000 and 4.8 millions in 2012), while only 6 millions boys went to the school in this period and in this region. Word form transmission millions According to the chart below, the highest changing was in South Asia, when 16.8 millions girl got access to primary school. Synonyms amount To sum up, it can be said that from 2000 to 2012 there was a downward trend in amount of children without access to primary education in each of the presented regions. Word form transmission most large According to the chart, the most large number of children without access to first-step school education in Africa. Copying expression had overweight According to the chart, the percentage of boys, who had overweight, significantly increased between 1995 and 2005, started from 10% up to 25% and as a result the highest share in the chart(25%). Copying expression 0-14 years According to the chart, the percentage of people of Yemen, who are 15-59 years, will increase from 46,3% in 2000 to 57,3% in 2050 whereas the overall percentage of population, who are 0-14 years, will dicreased dramatically from 50,1% in 2000 to 37% in 2050. Word form transmission grows up According to the chart, while unemployment is falling in ME, it grows up in EU, where this rate is still bigger than worldwide. Synonyms consists According to the charts for Yemen, the population of 0-14 years old consists the half of all the Yemen population, but this percantage will reduce to 37% to 2050. Copying expression 2000 year According to the charts the young population of Italy (aged from 0 to 14) was 14.3% in 2000 year. Synonyms compounded According to the charts, it may also be said, that of audience of 26-40 compounded the vast majority of those who have chosen sports and health courses. Synonyms amount According to the data based on gender we can notice that in Africa in 2000 and 2012, in South Asia in 2000 and in other countries in 2000 the amount of girls without access to primary education is bigger than number of boys. Synonyms amount We can notice that in Africa in 2000 and 2012, in South Asia in 2000 and in other countries in 2000 the number of girls without access to primary education is bigger than amount of boys. Copying expression are counted According to the data, the major group in sience course are children, who are counted for more then 300 people. Synonyms part According to the diagrams the projections for 2050 indicate decrease in the part of children in Yemen to the good of quantity of the people of the middle age. Copying expression the per cent According to the figures, the per cent of young people in Italy has the lowest point. Synonyms millions According to the first chart, the amount of travel to and from the UK rased from about 10 millions in 1979 for both cathegories to 26(28) millions by overseas residents and 53 millions of visits by UK residents in 1999. Synonyms counting According to the first diagram, we can mention that there is a considerable difference in counting users with destops and users with mobile phones or tablets. Word form transmission for According to the forecast printed book sells will decrease for 5 billion by 2018, whereas eBoks market will expand. Word form transmission entering According to the given theory, 2% or 3% of female students have to be cancelled in entering the subject. Synonyms amount According to the graph can be said that in the beginning of the tested period the least amount of children without primary education was in the Rest world (10,5 million of boys and 12,8 mil. of girls). Word form transmission Rest According to the graph can be said that in the beginning of the tested period the least amount of children without primary education was in the Rest world. Tense semantics falls According to the graph the wildest differece in income is in Japan, it was about 40% at the begining in 1980, than it increase for 1% in 1985 and finally the percentage gradually also falls down. Synonyms for It was about 40% at the begining in 1980, than it increase for 1% in 1985 and finally the percentage gradually also falls down. Tense semantics increase It was about 40% at the begining in 1980, than it increase for 1% in 1985 and finally the percentage also falls down. Word form transmission transporting According to the graph, it is clearly seen that the amount of metals transported by rail is much more bigger then metals transporting by road, it is respectivly 35% and 11%. Tense semantics rise According to the graph, number of girls who can go to primary schools rise on about 17 millions from 2000 to 2012. Synonyms at According to the graph, the amount of money invested in renewable power sources by the undeveloped countries experienced a gradual grow with an exception at the year of 201, when there was a slight decrease compared to the previous year. Synonyms amount According to the graph, the amount of people from the presented age group in Japan steadily fell in the period from 1940 to 1985. Tense semantics can According to the graph, the highest member of children who can not get primary school education in 2000 and in 2012 is in Africa. Tense semantics is According to the graph, the highest member of childrens who can not get primary school education in 2000 and in 2012 is in Africa. Word form transmission childrens According to the graph, the highest member of childrens who can not get primary school education in 2000 is in Africa. Synonyms taking According to the graph, women prefer undergraduate education and focuse on taking undergraduate diploma. Synonyms deeply According to the graphs, another differences that in the first graph temperature from January rise until July and deeply falls down, which in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) temperature slightly falls from January to July. Tense semantics prevail According to the graphs, illustrating the year 2000, in Yemen people who are 0-14 years old, prevail, whereas in Italy people comaratively older and the prevailinge age is 15-59. Copying expression According to According to the hystorical viewpoint let's remember the past. Tense semantics invest According to the information of the bar chart, it can be seen, that in 2006 companies invest about 75 $ bn in developed countries, while investment in developing countries was very poor - about 25 $ bn (approximately). Synonyms amount According to the information presented in the bar chart, the amount of boys and girls without access to primary school in the period from 2000 to 2012 is almost equal. Word form transmission using According to the pie chart another 47,5% of electricity is spread amog using ovens, kettles (17,5%), lighting, TV and radio (15%) and vaccuum cleaners, food mixers or electric tools as well. Copying expression 0-14 years According to the pie charts of Yemen population the group of young people (0-14 years) will considerably nave decreased by 2050. Copying expression 15-59 years According to the projections numbers of people in the age of 15-59 years will show a considerable increase in 2050 by 11 per cent, such as people aged 60 and more years by 2,1 percent. Word form transmission numbers According to the projections numbers of people in the age of 15-59 years will show a considerable increase in 2050 by 11 per cent, such as people aged 60 and more years. Word form transmission millions According to the second chart the most popular country visited by UK residents at this period of time was France, which was visited by about 11 millions of people of people. Synonyms whole According to the second chart the most popular country visited by UK residents at this period of time was France, which was visited by about 11 millions of people of people that accounts for a large percent of the whole UK people going abroad. Tense semantics is According to the second chart the most women thought the main reason for using Facebook is ability to share photos and videos. Tense semantics prefer According to the second chart the most women thought the main reason for using Facebook is ability to share photos and videos whereas men prefer most both receiving up dates and sharing photos. Transliteration cvalificate According to the statistic a lot of people with some horible diseases can get cvalificate help only in japan. Word form transmission statistic According to the statistic a lot of people with some horible diseases can get cvalificate help only in Japan. Transliteration faculty According to the statistic presented by ITMO, who has such situation on the faculty of economics a lot of people lost their study places. Word form transmission statistic According to the statistic presented by ITMO, who has such situation on the faculty of economics a lot of people lost their study places due to this experiment and as a resulted only few students who studied in these groups were satisfied with such situation. Synonyms high According to the table the difference among men who are working in this particular sphere is not so high - the 65% workers in AUstralia and 56% worers in Indonesia. Copying expression According to According to their point of view, nobody may stop their development, not allowing to say their mind. Synonyms may According to their point of view, nobody may stop their development, not allowing to say their mind. Word form transmission billions According to this bar graph the number of minutes of local phones each year from 1995 to 1999 went up, hitting a peak in 1999, about 90 billions of minute, but the next three years the number of minutes is declined rapidly. Copying expression 0-14 years According to this charts people from the group 0-14 years take the biggest proportion from Yemen citizens in 2000. Synonyms amounted According to this charts people from the group 0-14 years take the biggest proportion from Yemen citizens in 2000, amounted just above a half. Synonyms from According to this charts people from the group 0-14 years take the biggest proportion from Yemen citizens in 2001. Tense semantics take According to this charts people from the group 0-14 years take the biggest proportion from Yemen citizens in 2000, amounted just above a half, that is about three times more than in Italy (only near 14 per cents). Word form transmission per cents That is about three times more than in Italy (only near 14 per cents). Synonyms amount According to this graph, the amount of such people in Sweden and USA is quite simmilar. Copying expression According to According to this idea amount of using air transport also will be decreased. Word form transmission using Amount of using air transport also will be decreased, what can support to protect environment. Synonyms what According to this idea amount of using air transport also will be decreased, what can support to protect environment. Synonyms support The reducing the amount of using air transport can support to protect environment. Copying expression According to According to this line, the index increased significantly from 100 to 171 in the first three years, then there was a stagnation, the it rose again. Synonyms due According to this, any building should be designed due to its primary function. Word form transmission Accordingly Accordingly to me, the only right way is to help each other. Synonyms Acting Acting laws should be revised. Synonyms make Activists from these parties supported internet users and thought that all people all around the world have the right to make in internet everything, that they want. Synonyms aim Actually some people are sure that if the government increases the quantity of places for doing sport, the aim stated will be reached. Synonyms deciding Actually some people are sure that if the government increases the quantity of places for doing sport, the aim stated will be reached, other think there are lots of other ways in deciding this problem. Synonyms in Other think there are lots of other ways in deciding this problem. Synonyms quantity Actually some people are sure that the government increases the quantity of places for doing sport. Synonyms quantity Actually, big quantity of sport facilities like football pitches, places for people who want run or ride a bike and so on gives an opportunities to citizens. Synonyms increasing Actually, big quantity of sport facilities like football pitches, places for people who want run or ride a bike and so on gives an opportunities to citizens for increasing health. Synonyms distribution Actually, it is an old tradition of distribution songs or fairy tales from one person to another, from one speaker to another. Synonyms to Actually, not many of those searchers have luck on their sude and can approach to that understanding. Synonyms on Actually, now there are only two regions on the graph, where the unemployment rate is lower than world's average rate. Synonyms higher Additionally, more than a half of 18-25 year olds are mostly interested in science(55%) and a bit higher than a quarter of participants are taking part in arts courses. Tense semantics comes Adittionally, it should be included that the maximum point of the bar chart comes to 25% in the year of 2005(the percentage of overweight boys) and the minimum - 11% in the year of 1985 (once again, overweight boys). Synonyms included Adittionally, it should be included that the maximum point of the bar chart comes to 25% in the year of 2005(the percentage of overweight boys) and the minimum - 11% in the year of 1985 (once again, overweight boys). Synonyms amount Africa in 2000 have 43,7 million children which don't have primary education but after 12 years the amount of children decrease. Transliteration maltusiansky Africa in 2000 have 43,7 million children which don't have primary education but after 12 years the amount of children decrease because Africa in past maltusianskiy period. Tense semantics have Africa in 2000 have 43,7 million children. Synonyms famous African contries are famous for severe diseases, which kill hundreds or even thousands of people annually. Word form transmission millions After 12 years pass the number of boys became 14.5 millions. Word form transmission millions After 12 years pass the number of girls 18.2 millions. Tense semantics become After 1980 it become to increase slightly. Tense semantics stay After 1980 part old people in USA and Japan rose slight and in Sweden this point stay unchanged. Synonyms part After 1980 part old people in USA rose slight and in Sweden this point stay unchanged. Synonyms quantity After 1995 this quantity in USA continued to go down slowly, and it is expected to start rising in about 2018. Synonyms outlived After 1996 the numbers in the USA and Sweden began to differ: while in the USA the number of aged people fluctuated at the point of 14,8%, the population of Sweden outlived a considerable growth from 13% to 20% in 2010. Synonyms reduced After 2 years this level reduced, more children could go to school both genders. Synonyms incline After a stable period, we see a huge incline that would occur in Japan from 2020 to 2040. Tense semantics occurs After a stable period, we see a huge incline that occurs in Japan from 2020 to 2040. Transliteration Ottepel After Nikita Khruchev's 'Ottepel' a lot of identical buildings appeared in almost all russian towns and cities. Synonyms amount After that both amount of visits to and from the UK started to grow rapidly. Word form transmission girls' After that girls' percentage dicrease and start to be lower than boys'. Synonyms of After that moment trend of Sweden started to dramatically improve while the USA old population remained the same. Synonyms at After that moment trend of Sweden started to dramatically improve while the USA old population remained at the stable position. Synonyms improve After that moment trend of Sweden started to dramatically improve while the old population remained at the stable position. Tense semantics uncreases After that the figure uncreases dramatically from 180 billions in 2009 to around 279 billions in 2011. Copying expression various development After that the percentage had various development in the all countries. Word form transmission growing After that, there was very sharp growing and in 2040 number of old-age people was 27%. Word form transmission greatfully After the key year Samsung's number was greatfully falling. Word form transmission percents After the key year Samsung's number was greatfully falling from their biggest percentage to about 15 percents. Synonyms became After the middle of 80-s it became grow a lot. Word form transmission millions After the middle of 80-s it became grow a lot and reached a number of 50 millions by 1999. Word form transmission After After there was a dramatic decline until 2013. Copying expression 2040 year After thet the level will grow up to 25% in 2040 year. Tense semantics rises After this goes Europe with his 7,5% in 2014 and it rises to 7,9% in 2015. Tense semantics is rising After this point the population of elder people in Japan is surely rising up to ten percent in 2030. Tense semantics increased After this point the population of elder people in Japan is surely rising up to ten percent in 2030 and fastly increased to 27 percent in 2040. Word form transmission fastly After this point the population of elder people in Japan is surely rising up to ten percent in 2030 and fastly increases to 27 percent in 2040. Synonyms received After this success, the recieved level started to decline dramatically, swooping under the 214 billion of dollars. Synonyms drop After this year the stable drop remained to be stable for Japan's statistic. Copying expression remained to be After this year this stable drop remained to be stable for Japan's statistic. Word form transmission statistic Afterwards the stable drop remained to be stable for Japan's statistic. Word form transmission percents After this, the line of proportion was feeling to 17 percent in 2030, and after this inereasing to 25 percents in 2040. Word form transmission percents After this, the line of proportion was feeling to 17 percents in 2030, and after this increasing to 25 percent in 2040. Tense semantics was feeling After this, the line of proportion was feeling to 17 percents in 2030. Word form transmission millions Air pollution kills nearly 3 millions more. Synonyms shift Air ships are convenient because of their speed, comfortability and ability to shift on long distances. Synonyms on Air ships are convinient because of their speed, comfortability and ability to shift on long distances. Synonyms ability Air transport is a one ability to reach place of car crashes so fast and save people's lifes. Synonyms raise Air transport is one of the most harmful mean of air pollution and the raise of worldwide temperature. Copying expression far ends Air travel gave people ability to visit far ends of the world. Synonyms aviation Air travel has become highly popular and it can easily be understood if we only look at the upcoming and departed number of flights in a busy aviation. Synonyms departed It can easily be understood if we only look at the upcoming and departed number of flights in a busy aviation. Synonyms upcoming Air travel has become highly popular and it can be understood if we only look at the upcoming and departed number of flightcin a busy aviation. Word form transmission particularities Aircraft engins emit heat, particularities and gases, which have negative influence on atmosphere and only government can protect the planet from global warming. Synonyms incredible Airjets have incredible impact on air pollution and global warming. Synonyms for Airships fly for a long distances. Copying expression with big speed Airships fly for a long distances with big speed. Synonyms grew up Ait first in Japan salaries difference grew up (by 1985) and when began to steadily decline. Copying expression 1995 year Albeit, till the 1995 year there were more girls with overweight, the number of them became equal wit the number of boys in this year(16%). Word form transmission millions All amount went off to 33 millions. Word form transmission express All countries' rules control express of creative people's ideas. Tense semantics will increase All for it shows, that if the number of sport facilities will increase, more and more people will do sports, and there will be growth of population health. Synonyms growth All for it shows, that if the number of sport facilities will increase, more and more people will do sports, and there will be growth of population health. Synonyms condition All form of transport have many problems but I think that air traveling is the best way in any condition. Synonyms amount All in all the graph shows, that the amount of people aged 65 and over is not static between 1940 and 2040, it changes dramatically and in whole is going up. Synonyms static All in all the graph shows, that the amount of people aged 65 and over is not static between 1940 and 2040. Synonyms amount All in all we can see that amount of Facebook users raised. Synonyms raised All in all we can see that the amount of Facebook users raised. Transliteration tendention All in all we can see that amount of Facebook users raised and we can also see tendetion for using the mobile version. Tense semantics gets All in all, all countries show an overall downward trend in income difference between men and women, except for Germany, where the percentage gets higher between 1990 and 1995. Word form transmission knowledges All in all, althouth there are reasons for parents to go out to work for the most of time, children shouldn't face the lack of love, knowledges and parents preventing, as for the future selfconfidence and success is it nessecarily and unavoiding contributed. Synonyms look All in all, despite being difficult for studying female students may give a fresh look to the scients, which is why the should have similar right with male students to study different subjects. Synonyms quantity All in all, during this period the quantity of investment o renewable energy has grown up more than in two times. Word form transmission greatest All in all, general statistics show that many greatest figures on an international market have not yet suffered from locating their producing factories in developing but not the poorest countries with great amount of population. Synonyms figures All in all, general statistics show that many greatest figures on the international market have not yet suffered. Synonyms amount General statistics show that many greatest figures on an international market have not yet suffered from locating their producing factories in developing but not the poorest countries with great amount of population. Synonyms another All in all, humanity obviously needs space exploration, but it is important to set priorities wisely and not think about space too much when your country has another urgent problems. Word form transmission youth's All in all, I suppose, that the problem of youth's crimes caused by violence is not going to be solved in nearly future because of the many aspects, though I think that the parents control is the most effective method today. Synonyms overwhelmed All in all, I think that the advantages of money business to developing countries overwhelmed the disadvantages. Synonyms about All in all, I want to say that people have to believe in their powers and take care about yourself. Synonyms reduce All in all, I want to say that people have to take care about yourself and maybe this way will help us to reduce this problem with health. Synonyms yourself All in all, I want to say that people have to believe in their powers, take care about yourself and maybe this way will help us to reduce this problem with health. Tense semantics will think All in all, I would like to say that if people will think about this problem more it will be real to make a difference. Synonyms real All in all, I would like to say that it will be real to make a difference. Synonyms special All in all, in my opinion, that artists should given the freedom to own ideas, but government should control special works. Copying expression pirate products All in all, internet users who buy pirate products break the rights of the official dealers and steal their money. Word form transmission using All in all, on the graph and on the pie chart we can notice that in winter the quantity of units of electrisity using rises. Word form transmission transportations All in all, some goods are transported only by road and rail, while others take the same proportion of rail and road transportations. Synonyms what All in all, the age correlation is not even in all of the networks in question, what can be explained by the goal of each site. Copying expression in All in all, the chart shows that in Englang young men are keen on sports in average and young women are not really, but through their lives all people spend some time of the day on sports, even men and women who are over 75 years old, and that feels inspiring to me. Synonyms move All in all, the main ideas are that people prefer to transport metals by rail and food by road, while they can use both methods to move manufactured goods. Synonyms smaller All in all, the most outstanding changes occurred in South Asia, where the number of children with no access to primary school in 2012 became three times smaller than it was in 2000. Synonyms ability All in all, the quantity of children without ability to go to the primary school became less big and show a good tendancy. Tense semantics show All in all, the quantity of children without ability to go to the primary school became less big and show a good tendency. Copying expression less big All in all, the quantity of children without ability to go to the primary school became less big. Synonyms quantity All in all, the quantity of children without ability to go to the primary school became less. Synonyms became The quantity of children without ability to go to the primary school became less big and show a good tendency. Word form transmission reducing All in all, there is reducing of number of children without access to primary school education in all region, there are more girls than boys excepted in South Asia in 2000, Rest of World in 2012. Tense semantics are There is reducing of number of children without access to primary school education in all region, there are more girls than boys excepted in South Asia in 2000, Rest of World in 2012. Tense semantics is There is reduction of number of children without access to primary school education in all region, there are more girls than boys excepted in South Asia in 2000, Rest of World in 2012. Synonyms hard All in all, this chart showed us, that unemployment rate didn't jump hard during 2014 and 2015. Synonyms all all is within walking distance without changing elevation. Word form transmission millions All multi millions dollar selling female singers. Synonyms all It creates all atmosphere at home when lots of parents are able only to pick their children up to school and have dinner together. Synonyms that All of that they do should not restricted by the government. Synonyms amount All of these are more safe than planes, and a lot of people are frightened by a huge amount of kilometres from the ground. Synonyms above All other types of goods consisted above the same part. Synonyms consisted All other types of goods consisted above the same share. Copying expression no one group All people should have common rights and no one group of people does not deserve to be higher then other. Synonyms distract All students have modern gadgets equipped with social networks, games and music, which often distract the attention from the studying subject. Transliteration hi-teck All the hi-teck luxury equipment is nestled inside the cabin. Copying expression consists All the scheme consists two diagrams. Synonyms amount All the universities should allow the same amount of males and females to enter. Synonyms take All these charracteristics in summ form his or her opinion about happiness and what is needed to take it. Synonyms make All these things, however, make a negative effect on people's mind. Synonyms honest All things considered it is honest to say that electronic devices gives us a lot of opportunities, such as reading books online, watching movies or just to play a game and to switch off our thoughts for a while. Word form transmission inside All things considered, I can say that if the country is a poor one and have a bond of problems inside it, the government should focus on these obstacles. Synonyms obstacles All things considered, I can say that if the country is a poor one and have a bond of problems inside it, the government should focus on these obstacles. Tense semantics are All things considered, we can summerize all up that through the years Canadian children are overweight but though they did regularly some activities. Copying expression summerize all up All things considered, we can summerize all up that through the years Canadian children are overweight but though they did regularly some activities. Synonyms aims All three aims were scored within 12 minutes. Copying expression able to do All uses own resourses that they have and produce goods and food that they able to do. Synonyms made All-in-all, I suppose that many crimes are made buy young people because of no attention by parents. Tense semantics are Almost 45 millions african children did not have opportunity to get education, 20 millions of them are boys. Synonyms taken over Almost a half of Yemens population is taken over by the children from 0 to 14 years, while this age group in Italy covers only 14%. Copying expression a third part Almost a third part of the auditory of Arts courses consists of young students. Transliteration auditory Almost a third part of the auditory of Arts courses consists of young students. Synonyms look at Almost any day of the week you ca look at a newspaper and read articles discussing a theme about air pollution and global warming caused by the air travelling. Synonyms amount Almost everything can be found in Web nowadays: many people download a huge amount of files every day. Word form transmission Almost Almost girls choose literature, social sciences and so on and boys choose phisical faculties. Copying expression 60+ years Almost half (46,3%) is 15 to 59 years old people and only 3,6 per cent of people on 60 and older age: in comparison with Yemen Italy has more population in 60+ years part. Copying expression more population Almost half (46,3%) is 15 to 59 years old people and only 3,6 per cent of people on 60 and older age: in comparison with Yemen Italy has more population in 60+ years part. Synonyms amount Almost the same amount of goods for manufactured goods - 25%. Synonyms same Almost the same part of groups from 30 to 49 years and and from 50 to 64 years use this system; it is 31% and 30% respectively. Transliteration hi-teck Along one wall was a rack of assorted hi-teck gear. Synonyms accomplish Along with that came the inevitable struggle to accomplish independence within the often narrow confines of money-making fashion, something he says that 'took until now to get used to'. Word form transmission percents Also a big feature is near food products, because percent of food transported by rail is smaller than percents of food transported by road. Copying expression 2000 year Also a marked fall in number of children can be seen in 2012, showing a 3 times difference comparing with 2000 year, while Africa has a slight decline during that time. Copying expression very various Also and the number of other aged groups in 2000 are very various in this two countries, all of them had a difference roughly in 20%. Copying expression 60+ aged Also big changes will be in the number of 60+ aged people it will rise by approximately 20%: from 24 to 42%. Copying expression middle meaning Also it can be mentioned that this indicator in Worldwide had a middle meaning and pointed 5,9%. Tense semantics demonstrate Also Latin America demonstrate positive changing in the rate of unemployment during that period with 1 procent down. Synonyms amount Also metals, chemicals and non-metallic minerals had nearly the same amount, which was 11%, 16% and 13%. Copying expression in this amount Also people have different taste in art and different attention to creative unusual performance, and goverment in this amount. Synonyms attention Also people have different taste in art and different attention to creative unusual performance. Word form transmission millions Also the glow of passangers is more than 100 millions people (except Kyoto and Los Angeles), and the long of railways a more than 100 kilometres (except Kyoto and Los Angeles). Tense semantics falls Also the graph shows that the line of China fossil fuels level slightly falls by the 80%. Synonyms amount Also the significant reason to regulate amount of air travels is creating new ways of travelling, which are much more ecological. Tense semantics fall Also there were regions where unemployment fall down. Synonyms amount Also we can see that in 2000 the amount of children without primary school education in South Asia were about three quarters of number in Africa and in Rest of World shave took one third in comparison with Africa. Tense semantics is Also, a lot of manufactured goods were transported by road, but the pretty same percent is transported by rail (25% to 28%). Copying expression give use Also, free social activity will convince older people that young generation is not lost and able to give use to society. Tense semantics are Also, graph shows that from 2013 to 2015 the income of Apple company is rise significantly, while profits of others are decreas gradually. Tense semantics are Also, it is noticeable that there are more girls than boys left without primary school education. Tense semantics grow Also, there are one more feature from this graph: Samsung corporation and Apple company were takes a relevant share of global smartphone profits but after that Apple has grow up their profits therefore Samsung's sales went down since 2013 for nowadays. Synonyms amount Also, there is a moment when it's amount rocket from 25 to 42 billion minute. Tense semantics fall Also, we can see that investment in developed countries gradually growed, not including the slight fall in 2008 by 100$ for Bn, and reached peak at approximately 180$ for Bn in 2011, then fall down. Tense semantics are Although there are some regions like North Africa and South Asia, which are outliers, average worldwide unemployment rate is 5,9 both in 2014 and 2015. Tense semantics are Although there are some regions like North Africa and South Asia, which are outliers, average worldwide unemployment rate is 5,9 both in 2014 and 2015. Tense semantics are Although there are some regions like North Africa and South Asia, which are outliers, average worldwide unemployment rate is 5,9 both in 2014 and 2015. Tense semantics don't change Although to the March of 2013 users' preferences don't change, the ratio of those using mobile version increased from being just over 50 millions in 2012 to almost 100 millions in 2013. Synonyms timetable Although, we can get rid of them by making considerable changes in our daily timetable. Tense semantics remain Althouth, the most remarkable feature from the shown chart is the rates from three regions left that remain stable without any slight drop or rise. Word form transmission billions Altogether those sums total $71 billions . Synonyms number of people Americans citizens aged 65 and over were the biger number of people from 1940 to 1998. Word form transmission good Among goods transporting by rail, metals are the most popular good and it considerate for 35%. Copying expression less and less Among people should be more involved art people, because nowadays they are becoming less and less. Synonyms percent Among the goods transported by road the most large percent was food products (30%) and manufactured goods. Synonyms a little Among this people facebook is the most common social networks, the percantage od users assums a little more then 55 per cent. Copying expression seems Among widespread problems live vision problems, troubles with sleep, headaches and even obesity the most important seems that technologies enter deeply in our brain and psychological sphere. Synonyms distinguish Among women the distinguish is not so high - in both countries the number fluctuates from 8 to 10%. Synonyms number Among women the distinguish is not so high - in both countries the number fluctuates from 8 to 10%. Synonyms Amount Amount boys and girls are equal. Tense semantics are Amount boys and girls are equal. Synonyms Amount Amount of 65 aged people was the similar only in 1940-s, since then number of over 65 aged persons grown in USA and Sweden from 5-10% to 15% to 80-s but population on old men went down in Japan from 5% to 3% in the same period. Synonyms persons Amount of 65 aged people was the similar only in 1940-s, since then number of over 65 aged persons grown in USA and Sweden from 5-10% to 15% to 80-s but population on old men went down in Japan from 5% to 3% in the same period. Copying expression years Amount of people 0-14 years at the same time is decreased by 13,1%. Copying expression years Amount of people older 60 years is increased slightly (by 2,1%). Copying expression women And 35% women also claim that they use Facebook to learn about the ways to help others, while 10% less men showed interest in it. Synonyms elder And 45% arts students were from the elder group(over 40). Synonyms achieve And a lot of countries import need food, but they get realise another instruments for achieve good life of their people. Synonyms another And a lot of countries import need food, but they get realise another instruments for achieve good life of their people. Synonyms tell And after they come back and show the photos with such buildings, they tell about perfect look of Russia. Copying expression years And ages (15-59 years) in 2000 was more then projections for 2050. Copying expression one And also that men and women had different interests, because no one position, where percent were similar. Synonyms amount And as for girls, the amount of them reduced more than in4 times. Copying expression Indonesia's And as it can is seen from the table, that more Indonesia's males work in sector of industry and agriculture. Word form transmission losing And as my opinion, amount of money losing is highly overrated. Copying expression on the current place And because a modern medicine don't stand on the current place. Copying expression stand And because a modern medicine don't stand on the current place. Synonyms what And can see, what in transported by road, food products about 35%, what is 1/3 of pie charts, but ne iaformation 30%. Synonyms what And can see, what in transported by road, food products about 35%, what is 1/3 of pie charts, but ne iaformation 30%. Synonyms changes And changes in Middle East is from 11 per sent to 9,6. Tense semantics is And changes in Middle East is from 11 per sent to 9,6. Copying expression repeat after And children want to look like others in bad companies and they are starting to repeat after them. Synonyms concrete And concrete number of male and female could help universities to make a great professionals. Word form transmission spending money And countries can reduce spending money on 'unpopular' food in current place. Synonyms level And due to this reason their health level much more better then level of other people. Copying expression every of us And every of us must decide for ourselves. Synonyms much profit And export of food can bring much profit to the government. Synonyms private and unique And finally I would like to add, that it's a very private and unique theme - a capabacity of learning a second language. Transliteration theme And finally I would like to add, that it's a very private and unique theme - a capabacity of learning a second language. Synonyms different And finally, today's ecology situation is the worst in the history of the Earth, so different gases, air pollution and other damaging processes will stay even if we increase the number of sport facilities. Copying expression this And for UK residents the most popular country in this time was France, there were about 11 millions people who visited it from the UK, however Turkey visited about 2 millions people. Copying expression time And for UK residents the most popular country in this time was France, there were about 11 millions people who visited it from the UK, however Turkey visited about 2 millions people. Tense semantics are And fortunately, situation with the access to education changed in all countries over the period and the greatest results are in South Asia. Synonyms number And from 2000 to 2005 the percentage of boys with weight problems predominated, in 2000 it was 21% whereas the percentage of girls was lower on 1%, and in 2005 the number of overweight boys was higher on 3%. Synonyms different And I think if people will be eating healthy food and our government will provide different actions to improve our environment people become more healthy. Transliteration logically And if number of sport facilities jumps, and people start to earn much more opportunities to to sports, than now and take care about themselves, it logically will make their life better. Copying expression eternal argues And if the person grows up in the conditions of eternal argues, offending words and without wise teachings, the person's behaviour will be too bad. Word form transmission offending And if the person grows up in the conditions of eternal argues, offending words and without wise teachings, the person's behaviour will be too bad. Synonyms about And if we are talking about learning about how to help others, it is a reason for surfing the Facebook for a gourth of men. Synonyms give us And if we want give crimes longer prison sentences, we could understand that it can give us irreversible consequences. Synonyms consequently And in 50 years the ages of population of both countries will change consequently. Synonyms ages And in 50 years the ages of population of both countries will change consequently. Transliteration rhythm And in conditions of our fast rhythm of life it is the only possible variant to see the world and not to spend on that much time. Copying expression in age And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease. Copying expression of And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease. Transliteration perspective And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease. Word form transmission workable And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease. Synonyms amount And in the end of the period we see that the amount decreased to 7,6 millions between girls and 7,7 millions between boys. Synonyms permission And in the rest of World there are 15,3 millions children without permission for first step of education. Transliteration auditory And in this model, internet is a factor which blocks a huge amount of sales because some part of films and music auditory prefers to get this content for free and forgets about payment to creators. Word form transmission artistics And in this word we have a lot of creative and artistics people. Transliteration auditory And Internet, free sharing, pirates - all mentioned allows creators directly communicate with their potential (and non-potential) auditory, with those who could understand them. Word form transmission overweighting And it can be a reason for many problems: overweighting, problems with heart and etc. Synonyms causes And it causes to spending time just sitting. Synonyms make And it is easier to make it through the government. Synonyms irrelevant And it is irrelevant not to give chance for people who want to wark just becaus they are woman. Synonyms decline And it is no reason to decline you opportunity to have a rest. Synonyms it And it is no reason to decline you opportunity to have a rest. Synonyms amount And it the government will introduce the law to reduce the amount of air travel, the price of air tickets will increase ad it increases cost for business it will effect to business climate in the country that is country will become more isolated. Transliteration pick And it was the low pick in the all graph. Copying expression in the soon time And just prison is not enough for them, because after that, they are going to have freedom again in the soon time and they will be doing awful things again. Synonyms taken And least, but no less, is phyhological problem: students should study and live in society where all roles are taken. Copying expression invested And locally produced films should be invested by the governments to be at the same level with such films. Synonyms achieves And machinary has the smallest one; its countity achieves only 2%. Word form transmission transportation and now we can not imagine our lifes without this last transportation. Copying expression with the help of And nowadays we have a lot of different opportunities with the help of technological advances. Synonyms surrounding And of course all aspects of such behavior are absolutely normally for their surrounding. Synonyms solo And of course, usually I am going to the cinema, with mu friends, or with my girlfriend or maybe even solo. Transliteration cassa And often a lot of money comes to the cassa, and they a piese of this money go to the authors of this films. Synonyms piece And often a lot of money comes to the cassa, and they a piece of this money go to the authors of this films. Synonyms other world And other world don't lose in this area. Copying expression years And people who are from 15 to 59 years sharply fall from 61,1% to 46,2% in 2050. Transliteration transport And plane is most quekest transport. Synonyms solve And Russian Federation solve building sport objects in the others cities of country. Copying expression in the cause And second, in the cause of the gender stereotypes, studens of certain sexes will avoid certain courses, for example - womans prefer to enter the cooking course more than car mechanics. Word form transmission sport And some people believe that such problem arises because people do not enough sport because of lack of sports facilities. Synonyms how much And some people think that countries should produce how much food as their need and should import it as little as possible. Synonyms decision And some people think that the best decision of public health problem is to give people a wide range of sports facilies. Synonyms least And South Asia is the part of the world where the rate of unemployment is the least: only 3,9%. Copying expression from And Sweden reached its peak of more than 25% from 7%. Word form transmission others And than if they have abilities to help others countries and their people in the world at the same time. Synonyms grow up And that is a big success that more pure region of the world grow up in this qestion. Copying expression in this question And that is a big success that more pure region of the world grow up in this question. Synonyms honest And that is why I consider honest to pay for their products: of course it is a quite peasant bonus that we are allowed to listen to music or watch films for free, but in fact it is a theft of artist's money. Synonyms view And the airplane is one of the most safety view of transport, without train. Synonyms cut down And the differences between urban and rural areas cut down every year. Synonyms double And the general rate of the whole world was double less, than the highest unemployment rate in the graph. Synonyms mentioned And the graph will be significant for all mentioned nations. Transliteration hi-teck And the hi-teck scheme could save thousands of pounds. Synonyms issue of And the issue of this event was disbalance and overtiming in work. Word form transmission overtiming And the issue of this event was disbalance and overtiming in work. Copying expression double less and the last one is non-metallic minerals, which had more on road (13%) and double less by rail. Synonyms single And the last one is single case. Synonyms least And the least cegment of diagram in Italy is children. Transliteration actual And the LinkedIn with serious job-searching content which may be too serious for young category but very actual for active workers. Synonyms portion And the most insignificant portion is machinery with 2%. Synonyms different And the most significand advantage of doing sport is that you prevent yourself from different illneses. Synonyms growing up And the most significant growing up we can manage at Japan which starts from 5 percend and finish with near 27 persent. Synonyms more And the percantage of girls was more than the percentage of boys during the global period, excepting the 2012 year in South Asia, when the amount of boys without primary education was higher. Copying expression from 60 years And the percentage of people from 60 years will grow among twice. Copying expression years And the percentage of people from 60 years will grow among twice. Copying expression years And the polar situation is shown in the pie-charts for Italy, where numbers of teenagers fell down from 61,6% to 46,2% and numbers of 60+ years people grow up more than in twice. Synonyms raises And the problem raises, when it concerns young people who are truly believe in their own independence. Synonyms another And the situation absolutely another to Rio de Janeiro. Synonyms smallest And the smallest indicator is number of children in South Asia in 2012 (4,8 and 5,1 million). Synonyms like And then we see in Africa chart group and Rest of World in all years the girls was been a lot like boys, but in South Asia chart group the boys numbers was been move like girls in 2012 year. Synonyms like And then we see in Africa chart group and Rest of World in all years the girls was been a lot like boys, but in South Asia chart group the boys numbers was been move like girls in 2012 year. Synonyms so And there are a lot of examples when such children become not so smart and talanted as their parents, only in case of bad education and absence of needed experience. Transliteration talanted And there are a lot of examples when such children become not so smart and talanted as their parents, only in case of bad education and absence of needed experience. Copying expression when And there are a lot of examples when such children become not so smart and talanted as their parents, only in case of bad education and absence of needed experience. Synonyms few And there are few million people, that doing the same things every day even despite the fact, that these pirate sites had been closen by the government. Synonyms probability And there is a probability that if you don't want to buy something, then you can't sell own production. Synonyms grow And there is a task: how to grow the level of people health? Synonyms point And these indicators had reachged a point of about 60%. Copying expression run And they start to run to doctors. Synonyms appeal And they try to appeal attantion to them and show their closer people they are cool and mature. Tense semantics do And this decreased slowly for the period from 2000 to 2012 and become 32 millions, but both girls and boys do not have an access. Tense semantics are And this figures are undergraduate diploma. Copying expression most right And this is the most right decision. Word form transmission discussing and this question is very discussing. Word form transmission hardly "And was imagine what would happen, if access to their art were hardly restricted, if so-called pirates were punished for such dynamic ""illegal"" sharing?" Copying expression 2012 year And we can see that 2012 year better than 2000. Copying expression to getting oil And we know, that not every country has free access to getting oil, and petrol. Synonyms solve And we should analise them and create different programms, which can help to solve the negative effect of such way of behaviour. Copying expression And what And what about changes in the European Union the level of unemployment increase from 7,5 to 7,9 per sent. Synonyms ships And when ships are flying, they throw a great amount of dangerous fuel things to the atmosphere. Transliteration technic And, actually, out telephones, computers, other technic we use have a big inlue. Word form transmission stronger And, for example, I myself try to get rid of the bad charactestics I was born with and to stronger the good inborn characteristics. Synonyms compete with And, I should say there are a lot of problems to compete with. Synonyms amount And, of course, it is really interesting and easy then the amount of male female is equal. Synonyms what And, of course, we need to prevent air, and water pollution what influence our health a lot. Word form transmission millions Another 50 millions interventions are represented through poverty programme. Synonyms investigated Another benenfit for private companies is that they can choose what topic is more necessary to be investigated. Tense semantics show Another considerable feature of the data is the fact that Latin America and South Asia show the least number of unemploees. Tense semantics lose Another dicrease was in Latin America and unemployment part lose 1% of population. Transliteration concrete Another drawback of equall accepting numbers is that it can crushed all system of university's academic freedom - government will give concrete numbers of students, who schould study in universities. Transliteration concrete Another drawback of equall accepting numbers is that it can crushed all system of university's academic freedom - government will give concrete numbers of students, who schould study in universities. Synonyms give Another drawback of equall accepting numbers is that it can crushed all system of university's academic freedom - government will give concrete numbers of students, who schould study in universities. Word form transmission university's Another drawback of equall accepting numbers is that it can crushed all system of university's academic freedom. Synonyms Another Another good remain stable. Synonyms Another Another goods have a middle percent of transported by rail and road. Synonyms middle Another goods have a middle percent of transported by rail and road. Word form transmission percent Another goods have a middle percent of transported by rail and road. Synonyms are given Another group thinks that they become better if they are given alternative methods of reducing crime. Copying expression reducing crime Another group thinks that they become better if they are given alternative methods of reducing crime. Synonyms highlighted Another interesting comparison that should be highlighted is that half of Yemen population consists of citizens aged between 0 and 14 years while in Italy they take only 15%. Synonyms take Another interesting comparison that should be highlighted is that half of Yemen population consists of citizens aged between 0 and 14 years while in Italy they take only 15%. Synonyms less Another interesting fact is that at the begining the population aged 65 was less in China and the most in USA, but in 2040 the situation changed completely and the population aged 65 was the biggest in Japan, Sweden has always stayed in the middle. Synonyms most Another interesting fact is that at the begining the population aged 65 was less in China and the most in USA, but in 2040 the situation changed completely and the population aged 65 was the biggest in Japan, Sweden has always stayed in the middle. Synonyms causes Another issue that bar chart shows us is that reduce number of children without access to primary school education in South Asia causes equality between boys and girls (5.1 millions and 4.8 millions opt). Synonyms at Another juvenile-only cluster shows that specimens at different ages grouped together. Synonyms meanwhile Another key point shows us that the elder generation of Italians, which is 60 years and older, takes a bit less then one-fourth of the population, meanwhile in Yemen it is not more then 3,6%. Copying expression years Another massive group of people in Yemen is people from 15 to 59 years. Synonyms mind Another mind how to improve public health is to make special restrictions on such products as alchogol drinks, cigarets, drugs and so on. Transliteration minus Another minus is find in poorer countries it is easy to make money for companies but there is also a big competition between lots of them. Synonyms amount Another noticable thing is that the amount of girls in each area was bigger in 2000 then the number of boys. Synonyms consist Another one important difference consist in chemicals (11% by rail and 16% by road) and machinery (about 12% transpoted's goods and just 2% by road's goods). Copying expression part of Another part of people have some disagrements about this crucial problem. Synonyms Another Another part of world regions, like Latin America, S. Asia and worldwide had lower data. Synonyms Another Another people live in such special areas. Synonyms what Another people supose, thet it can help us to go from one step of our socializing : communication with girls and boys, what will help us in our future. Synonyms part Another point for this position, that sport is not main part of health. Synonyms point Another point that can help people to save their health is nessesaty of listening music not so loud. Synonyms consisted Another point to add is that in USA printed book market was more advanced in 2014: printed books consisted 10,5 Billion of US Dollars. Synonyms decline Another possible reason is the decline of traditional values. Synonyms Another Another problem is that children and young people can loose their eye vision because they sit in front of TV, gadges and computers too. Synonyms reduce Another problem of using technology is that the ability to live without them can reduce. Synonyms relationship Another reason can be an another relationship to child's spare time. Copying expression more educated Another reason for the child to start learning second language at primary school are benefits of being more educated. Word form transmission part Another reason is that the government wants thaeir stidents to part in equal proportion in every subject necause of wish to have equal numbers of specialists in every subject. Synonyms subject Another reason is that the government wants thaeir stidents to part in equal proportion in every subject necause of wish to have equal numbers of specialists in every subject. Synonyms timetable Another reason of small effect is wrong timetable. Synonyms current Another reason of the described trend of more crimes committed by the young age group people might be as follows: current media produce a lot of content which is connected with cruelty, and young adults become more tolerant to crimes by wathing such content. Copying expression is connected with Another reason of the described trend of more crimes committed by the young age group people might be as follows: current media produce a lot of content which is connected with cruelty, and young adults become more tolerant to crimes by wathing such content. Synonyms Another Another reasons were studing and finding information, in 1990 both had 10% of visitors. Synonyms inspired Another significand reason why pirates are dangerous for industry of entertainment and producers or musitions is that actors or singers do not be inspired to take part in activities after that they will not get respect, glorial. Word form transmission respect Another significand reason why pirates are dangerous for industry of entertainment and producers or musitions is that actors or singers do not be inspired to take part in activities after that they will not get respect, glorial. Transliteration glorial Another significand reason why pirates are dangerous for industry of entertainment and producers or musitions is that actors or singers do not be inspired to take part in activities after that they will not get respect, glorial. Synonyms that Another significand reason why pirates are dangerous for industry of entertainment and producers or musitions is that actors or singers do not be inspired to take part in activities after that they will not get respect, glorial. Transliteration informates Another situation can be seen from the second chart that informates about goods transported by road. Tense semantics fall Another situation in developing countries, where investment slowly grown up until the 2012, but also a little bit fall down in 2013. Synonyms Another Another situation is for road transportation. Synonyms are devoted to Another situation we can see on third and fourth graphs which are devoted to Italy. Synonyms take Another special consideration is that beautiful buildings can take people's attention. Synonyms at Another study compared differences in speed of processing information between people at different ages . Synonyms linked Another technology linked with smoking are 'vapes'. Synonyms vary Another thing is that users who download illegal content do not want to vary even less then two hundred rubles to the good working services with a legal content. Synonyms Another Another thing that is worth our attention is that people slauch a lot while using computers and smartphones which causes posture problems that are difficult to treat. Synonyms amount Another trend in this table shows us that in Indonesia the amount of people of both sexes choosing industry was the lowest. Synonyms enlight Another way of solving this problem is stop to enlight crimes commited by teenagers. Synonyms Another Another way to reduce health probles is to fund projects that develop safer technologies, especially medicine industry. Copying expression Another words Another words teachers and lectures have lost their authorities for the most of students. Copying expression not such Anothers types of goods have not such a significant differnces: percentage of chemicals transported by rail is 11%, by road - 16%, percentage of machinery goods differs by 10%: 12% by rail and 2% by road. Copying expression good looking Any house, office, mall or other place should meet all the requirements, obtained both from the government and the environmental and other conditions, and at the same time be good looking and well functioning. Synonyms obtained Any house, office, mall or other place should meet all the requirements, obtained both from the government and the environmental and other conditions, and at the same time be good looking and well functioning. Synonyms take Any times ago one of the most talented actors from all over the world Leonardo di Caprio finally take an Oscar and after many kind of congratulations he said, that we need to support to people who tried to solve global warming problem not only for us but also for our children for children's children. Tense semantics take Any times ago one of the most talented actors from all over the world Leonardo di Caprio finally take an Oscar and after many kind of congratulations he said, that we need to support to people who tried to solve global warming problem not only for us but also for our children for children's children. Copying expression exist Anyway I think that for any arts exist people, who want to look at it, and pay for it. Synonyms seen Anyway the results can not be seen just because of the researched period of two years. Transliteration objects Anyway the second group thinks that the policy of increasing the number of sports objects is not efficient, and it is wrong to spend on this a lot of money. Synonyms deciding Anyway, a rise of sport centres, swimming pools, gems, etc. is a good way of deciding this problem. Synonyms sense "Anyway, I can not agree with them who support the idea that sport is not the most important factor of nation health, because during the whole human history every politic leater understands that there is no sense to run ""weak"" country." Copying expression years Anyway, the quantity of older people (60+ years) will have increased to 42,3% by 2050. Synonyms stood Anyway, unemployment rate worldwide stood the same for two years, its meaning was 5,9%. Synonyms utterly Apart from that, the prison system itself is utterly expensive for the government and hence need more and more taxes from the simple citizens; undoubtedly, the prolongation of the prison period would impact on the cost of its maintenance. Synonyms cleaned Apparently, many tree are knocked down and woods are cleaned out, resulting natural calamity and this is due to inefficient love and respect towards the environment. Synonyms inefficient Apparently, many tree are knocked down and woods are cleaned out, resulting natural calamity and this is due to inefficient love and respect towards the environment. Copying expression March 2013 Approximately 10 million of users had stopped using desktop site by March 2013 and the number of mobile application users had doubled by the same period of time. Tense semantics is Approximately third of transported goods by rail is metal, whereas for goods transported by automobiles metals is only 11%. Transliteration mass Architectors exist to make a building unique, not to make it one of the mass of similar. Synonyms about Architectors think only about of quantity of building and about useful features. Copying expression very important Architects always had very important mission in our world. Synonyms considered Architects are not considered to produce work of arts. Synonyms producing Architects should not worry about producing buildings that are works of art. Word form transmission member Architects should worry about producing buildings, because it is very important for them, who knows, maybe exactly his building will member of culture or museum. Synonyms need Arhitects need fint the place wchich was a convinient for people to visit. Synonyms Around Around is million people noticed that mobile phones better than desktops in this way. Synonyms in Around the table there are 6 men in different ages . Copying expression 40 years old Art courses are of the great interest of people 40 years old and above. Word form transmission high Art objects around humans can demonstrate them the importance of beauty for comfortable living in each place, to high a historical prestige of the city in terms of cultural objects, and to attract tourists to the country. Copying expression more of Artist or other popular people is very interesting and actives persen and more of people think that they mast given freedoom of thouse ideas, feels and desire. Synonyms close Artists and other creative people raise this problem rather frequently as their activity is close to freedom, self-expression and fantasy. Copying expression spiritual world Artists are not saints, and some of their works sometimes include immoral content, which spoils person's spiritual world. Synonyms make Artists make a lot of work to make their pieces look perfect and a marketing campaign, which is closely connected to dates when something comes out, plays a vital role. Synonyms do Artists may do very impossible things and thanks for that people understood how do in different situation or incidend. Synonyms when As 2050 year, the per cent of people who over 60 rose gradually and will be equal to 42,3%, when the percent of children will be only 11,5. Synonyms conclusion As a conclusion of this manufactures work can be air and water pollution. Synonyms predominance As a consequence of that predominance of international companies, it can be argued that because of monopolies which are established in this way it becomes difficult to control quality, prices, etc. All in all, it can be said that the disadvantages noted in the essay although being unpleasant in some ways do not outweigh the advantages, for a developing country receiving an international company gains experience and approaches to the level of devepoled countries. Copying expression good view As a consequence, these people lose their good view and thus need to wear glasses. Copying expression open As a consiquence, I'd like to note, that the question of sexes disproportion in universities is strill open, but, as for me, this situation should be changed, in the way, of the whole ie section of mixed sexes universities. Word form transmission sexes As a consiquence, I'd like to note, that the question of sexes disproportion in universities is strill open, but, as for me, this situation should be changed, in the way, of the whole ie section of mixed sexes universities. Synonyms travels As a lot of air travel is unnecessary, our government should create some ways to reduce a number of such travels by introducing special laws. Synonyms amount As a matter of fact, a great amount of teenagers thinks that it is the most simple way to make their living and starts grabbing things from the shops. Synonyms grabbing As a matter of fact, a great amount of teenagers thinks that it is the most simple way to make their living and starts grabbing things from the shops. Synonyms make their living As a matter of fact, a great amount of teenagers thinks that it is the most simple way to make their living and starts grabbing things from the shops. Transliteration radically As a matter of fact, several experts impose that sportsmen caught using forbidden drugs should not be allowed to take part into competitions for a broaded period, while the opponents feels more radically and claim that the sportsmen ought to be banned forever. Transliteration pensioners As a prediction, the amount of children and pensioners decrease to 37,0% and approximately 5,7% respectively. Transliteration cosmos As a prime example the cosmos investigation of Ilon Mask's company can be considered. Synonyms investigation As a prime example the cosmos investigation of Ilon Mask's company can be considered. Synonyms done As a rebbutal to this paper, it might be convisingly argued that It is extremely important to make conditions to reduce crime but they must be done when the crime is not occured. Copying expression make conditions As a rebbutal to this paper, it might be convisingly argued that It is extremely important to make conditions to reduce crime but they must be done when the crime is not occured. Synonyms ability As a result of this equality students lose their ability for competition. Synonyms which As a result people, who can non pay, use the Internet and download all which they need for free, but I don't think, that they should be punished for it. Tense semantics have As a result, in 2015 China, the USA and India have the highest percentage in comparison with other contries. Synonyms persons As a result, pupils today know a lot about the society and environmental problems, but their knowledge of simple rules of a polite attitude towards grown-up persons is very poor. Synonyms get As a result, research may have many flaws, low quality and no or not much influence on the development of science but get money and fame to companies which do not deserve it. Synonyms population As a result, the government has to reduce or even discontinue the financial support for some important spheres of life such as military or poor population support. Synonyms do As a result, the industry of art to losing not only a money, but what more important, a talents who want to do genius creation and gain money for that. Word form transmission genius As a result, the industry of art to losing not only a money, but what more important, a talents who want to do genius creation and gain money for that. Synonyms creation As a result, the industry of art to losing not only a money, but what more important, a talents who want to do genius creation and gain money for that. Tense semantics influence As a result, the opposite outcomes of sample's constituents influence worldwide index: in 2015 it doubles the index in 2014, wich remains at the level of 5,9%. Tense semantics doubles As a result, the opposite outcomes of sample's constituents influence worldwide index: in 2015 it doubles the index in 2014, wich remains at the level of 5,9%. Tense semantics remains As a result, the opposite outcomes of sample's constituents influence worldwide index: in 2015 it doubles the index in 2014, wich remains at the level of 5,9%. Synonyms make As a result, these games make them addicted and they want to make crime in a real life. Synonyms purposes As a rule, if companies do trials they have paticular purposes for that. Synonyms target As a rule, they have a definite target - to tell the world about existence of their music and films and consequently become famous. Synonyms specially As a whole, it is important to keep in mind that solving this enviromenatal problem should be priority now, specially when we talk about air pollution. Synonyms about As about the 0-14 years people, their part will be approximetly the same in Italy on 2050, and it will fall on Yemen from 50,1 to 37,0%. Copying expression years As about the 0-14 years people, their part will be approximetly the same in Italy on 2050, and it will fall on Yemen from 50,1 to 37,0%. Copying expression As addition As addition, children became more vulnerable before the face of anxiety and loneliness, which trigger a lot of problems with communication and the desire to be cruel and violent to people as a result. Synonyms search As an example we can look in statistics and search that cars give much more oxygen in the air. Synonyms elder As an example, in some religious countries like Pakistan or Iran, there people respect their parents and other elder people very much. Synonyms another As an example, in the USA and in something countries in Europe machine detected problem on skins better then doctor or another professional people. Word form transmission something As an example, in the USA and in something countries in Europe machine detected problem on skins better then doctor or another professional people. Synonyms gaining As an example, Yuriy Dud, a famous russian journalist was working hard, but was not gaining huge ammounts of money, until he gave up on his main job, had some free time and created the most viwed channel with interviwes in the world with almost no money. Copying expression higher place As an illustarion, the literacy rate in Russia has increased, as a result, the country has taken the higher place in the internstional arena. Transliteration realized As an illustration, many great projects, concerning space exploration, medical treatment and IT were realized because of the generousity of private companies. Tense semantics are As an overall trend it is clear than more differences in Yemen are in the youngest group and in Italy youth as well as middle-age group has almost the same changes. Synonyms more differences As an overall trend it is clear than more differences in Yemen are in the youngest group and in Italy youth as well as middle-age group has almost the same changes. Copying expression came for As an overview, the largest shares of railway transportation came for metals and for food for vehicles transportation came for metals and for food for vehicles transportation. Synonyms amount As can be predictable, the smallest amount of children without access to primary school in 2000 is the rest of the world. Word form transmission proportional As can be seem from the figures proportional of uneducated boys and girls approximately are the same in all cases, except South America in 2000 (there girls without education in two times more than boys). Transliteration procent As can be seen from the chart the same procent was detected in the reason named 'receiving upgrades' - it was 39% for women and men. Synonyms smallest As can be seen from the chart the smallest unemployment rate for this years was in South Asia and was 3.9. Tense semantics are As can be seen from the chart, unemployment rates in N. Africa S. Asia and worldwide are stable, they are 12.5% 3.9% and 5.9%, it means that there were not changes in policy of employment. Tense semantics are As can be seen from the chart, unemployment rates in N. Africa S. Asia and worldwide are stable, they are 12.5% 3.9% and 5.9%, it means that there were not changes in policy of employment. Synonyms parts As can be seen from the charts there are 6 main parts of good including machinery, metals, manufactured goods, chemicals, food products and non-metallic minerals, which was transported in 2008. Synonyms number As can be seen from the first pie chart the biggest number of goods transported by rail is for metals - 35%. Synonyms maintained As can be seen from the graph, the unemployment rate in N. Africa maintained at the same level at 12,5%. Synonyms fall on As can be seen from the second chart, only 2% fall on machinery - transportation by road was not the best way. Tense semantics trend As can be seen from the table men had skilled vocational diploma approximately 100% while the women trend undergraduate diploma near 70%. Transliteration service As can bee seen from both tables, the most popular field for working is service. Transliteration electronic As electronic produces electro-magnetic wave, it is likely to poorly affect tissues of our body. Transliteration tendentions As far as 15-59 years category is observed there are opposite tendentions. Synonyms solved As far as I am concerned, each of the reasons is important and should be solved carefully. Synonyms concerned As far as the second chart is concerned, the most preferrable country for tourism according to englishmen is France(about 11 mln of visitors in 1999). Transliteration mln As far as the second chart is concerned, the most preferrable country for tourism according to englishmen is France(about 11 mln of visitors in 1999). Copying expression 15 to 59 ages As far projections are concerned, population from these ages will not have crucial changes in Yemen and will increased to 57,3%, but Italy will have the opposite situation, because population of 15 to 59 ages will declined to 46,2%. Synonyms a little As for 30-49 age category, they prefer facebook too, because the percentage of this category ahe people is 73 per cent, while linkedln and instagram consist a little more then 30 and half of 50 corespondently. Tense semantics increase As for Apple, company profits increase from 2010 to 2012, reaching 40, 60 and 70 per cent, respectively with years. Synonyms amount As for Italy, the amount of 15-59 years people is expected to decrease from 61,6 per cent to 46,2 per cent and it is expected the dramatical increase in amount of pensioners in this country. Synonyms amount As for me, it does not matter how many male or female students are in studying group, but it is clearly, that universities should offer equal amount of places for boys and girls. Word form transmission clearly As for me, it does not matter how many male or female students are in studying group, but it is clearly, that universities should offer equal amount of places for boys and girls. Copying expression desktop site As for the chart of numbers of people using Facebook, only approximately 10 million of users had stopped using desktop site by March 2013 and the number of mobile application users had doubled by the same period of time. Synonyms amount As for the most huge region - Africa, changes are not dramatic: the total amount of children decrease on 11 millions. Tense semantics are As for the pensioners, who are 60+ years, the figures showed, that in 2000 they were one fifth part of Italy population and less than one tenth part of Yemen population. Tense semantics are As for the years 2007-2009 the numbers are fluctuating for the developed countries approximately fro0 to 120 bn. Synonyms ability As I have said before, it will be better if government will give the creative artists the ability to tell about their ideas without any fear of punishment. Copying expression tell about As I have said before, it will be better if government will give the creative artists the ability to tell about their ideas without any fear of punishment. Tense semantics will give As I have said before, it will be better if government will give the creative artists the ability to tell about their ideas. Word form transmission increasing As is shown by the table the most significant increasing of number of people is in the technology sphere. Synonyms amount As it been stated, air travel has a huge influence on air pollution and global warming, so governments said that they should introduce some new laws to protect nature by reducing the amount of air travel for business and leisure. Synonyms amount As it can be seen, the highest amount of Instagram user is formed by the age 18-29. Tense semantics have As it may be conluded from the chart all regions have a decline in the rates of number of children without access to primary education. Word form transmission millions As regards South Asia, it is clear that the opportunity to get a primary school education for girls improved and the number of them fell from 21,6 billions in 2000 to 4,8 millions in 2012. Word form transmission regards As regards South Asia, it is clear that the opportunity to get a primary school education for girls improved and the number of them fell from 21,6 millions in 2000 to 4,8 millions in 2012. Word form transmission millions As regards South Asia, it is clear that the opportunity to get a primary school education for girls improved and the number of them fell from 21,6 millions in 2000 to 4,8 thousands in 2012. Tense semantics include As the bar chart shows us countries which British tourists visited the most in 1999 include Turkey, Greece, the USA, Spain and France. Tense semantics rise As we can see in the first graph, the growth of the USA population gradually rise. Tense semantics fall As we can see on graph Blackberry profit has down trend during all period of time, and percent of profit fall down from 20% to 5% in 2015. Synonyms amount As we can see the huge amount of children both 23,7 millions of girls and 20 millions of boys in Africa could not study in primary school in 2000. Tense semantics are As we can see, in the March of 2012 and in the March of 2013 the proportion of people using Facebook on the desktops are on the same level (near 140 millions of users). Synonyms first As we know, that the first duty of a primary school is building character, not skills. Tense semantics are As we may observe, the highest unemployment levels are in North Africa (12,5%) and the lowest are in South Asia (3,9). Tense semantics are As we may observe, the highest unemployment levels are in North Africa (12,5%) and the lowest are in South Asia (3,9). Synonyms amount As you may notice Facebook has the biggest amount of people who use it because this website has a lot of functions. Word form transmission billions Assets under management – $ 2 billions . Copying expression equal to At 12 o'clock it is equal to almost 35,000 units. Word form transmission changing At first, they ask themselves if there are, indeed, strong reasons for such a changing? Synonyms capacity At secondary school, teaahers not need to focus on the character building anymore, they could push the student to study on a more difficult subject than in primary school, because, at this age the student havealready good brain capacity to study subject like English. Synonyms good At secondary school, teaahers not need to focus on the character building anymore, they could push the student to study on a more difficult subject than in primary school, because, at this age the student havealready good brain capacity to study subject like English. Synonyms attempt At the beginning of 21th centery in Africa the both number girls and boys without availiability to attempt primary school was incredibly high, 20 and 23.7 millions, but in 2012 there were reduce in sum amount, but the difference in amount between number of girls and boys increased. Synonyms amount At the same time food products were transported by road in significally bigger amount - 30% against 11%. Copying expression from 15 to 59 ages At the same time in 2000 numbers of people under 14 in Italy was only 14,3% while the biggest share contains people from 15 to 59 ages. Word form transmission numbers At the same time in 2000 numbers of people under 14 in Italy was only 14,3% while the biggest share contains people from 15 to 59 ages. Synonyms amount At the same time in Italy the number of 60+ years old is predicted to rise practically twice and amount of young and middle-aged population will decrease. Copying expression year At the same time in Italy the part of men and women after 60 is the largest one, but in comparison with the data of 2000 year their quantity will become slightly smaller. Synonyms amount At the same time machinery and food products had nearly equel amount, 12% and 11% respectively. Tense semantics start At the same time the number of visits to the UK by overseas residents start to increase and got to about 28 millions in 1999. Tense semantics consist At the same time three other regions consist of two groups: with rising unemployment level and decreasing level of unemployment. Tense semantics spend At the same time, it is observed that men at the age of 65 to 74 saw insignificant improvement in time they spend excercising compare to the previous age cohort. Tense semantics gets At the same time, it was not a good way of transporting foods: only 11% of food products are transported by rail, when by food the percentage gets to 30%. Tense semantics are At the same time, it was not a good way of transporting foods: only 11% of food products are transported by rail. Tense semantics rise At the same time, Samsung smartphones generally rise, until 2013. Synonyms amount At the same time, the amount of air travels is constantly growing. Tense semantics are At the same time, this graph demonstrates that there are three world regions where unemployment rate were unchangeable during 2014 and 2015. Copying expression 21 hours At the time between approximately 6,30 amd 21 hours it is noticeable the rising to more then 40,000 units and reaching the peak after 21 o'clock. Word form transmission reaching At the time between approximately 6,30 amd 21 hours it is noticeable the rising to more then 40,000 units and reaching the peak after 21 o'clock. Transliteration temp At the USA the temp of curve's change is similar than in Sweden. Synonyms At At this month, the temperature reached the maximum. Synonyms achieve Authors of this picture show that in 2040 the population will be older than today and the proportion of old people will achieve from 23 to 28 percents in each country. Synonyms amount Average amount of two genders was equal: 23,7 millions of boys and 20 millions of girls. Tense semantics hold Bachelor's degree had the middle of popularity among different gender, because very similar persentage of male and females (50%) hold this degree in 1999. Synonyms fluctuates Back to time between 1970 and 1980 it was highly widespread to use fossil fuel energy among all five counries: the data fluctuates in all the counrtries from more than 90% (USA) to 60% (China), with the exception of India, which has a lowest figure of 35% this energy used. Synonyms tomorrow Because of their profession, they have to work with thousants of young men and they can't precisely say who will be the criminal tomorrow. Copying expression in a mature age Besides that, the most noteworthy fact about 1998 is that in the dominant sector of education the biggest amount of employees were in a mature age and reach maximum in the baud of 45-56 years old, meanwhile as in all of her sectors the biggest amount of people accounted for the youngest or next young group by age. Tense semantics reach Besides that, the most noteworthy fact about 1998 is that in the dominant sector of education the biggest amount of employees were in a mature age and reach maximum in the baud of 45-56 years old, meanwhile as in all of her sectors the biggest amount of people accounted for the youngest or next young group by age. Copying expression want Besides, children can not make a wise decision about which languages they want to learn. Synonyms amount Besides, government can introduce laws to air companies' standards not to reduce the amount of air travel. Tense semantics do Besides, HTC don't become popular during the period and profit of this firm up from 10% to 15% in best time but in last 4 years go down to 5%. Tense semantics go Besides, HTC don't become popular during the period and profit of this firm up from 10% to 15% in best time but in last 4 years go down to 5%. Copying expression 65+ years Besides, it is noticeable that the age group of 65+ years has the smallest percentage use of all the three social networks, suggesting the fact that elderly people are least interested in any of them. Synonyms amount Besides, London have the biggest amount of kilometres of route, which is 394, but the biggest amount of per year passengers are in Paris and Tokyo (1191 and 1927 millions), when capital of Great Britain has just 775 millions. Synonyms amount Besides, marchinery goods hiting their peak at 12 per cent wich transported by rail in sprite of the amount of mentioned goods transported by road rech their peak at just 2 per cent. Synonyms amount Besides, these unrecognizable sutuations kill huge amount of human lifes. Synonyms affects Besides, when a person is surrounded by different gadgets he become distracted, annoyed and stressed and it affects on a health in a bad way. Synonyms amount Biggest decrease in no educated childrens was in South Asia, amount of girls with no education dropped down more than four times and boys more than two in 2012. Tense semantics have Both 2014 and 2015 have same - 5,9%. Tense semantics are Both charts represent the information about goods which are transported by various ways: by rail and by road in Eastern Europe in 2008. Tense semantics have Both regions keep the same level in 2014 and 2015 but have difference almost in 8%. Tense semantics keep Both regions keep the same level in 2014 and 2015 but have difference almost in 8%. Word form transmission millions British army trains travelled nine millions track miles every month. Transliteration politics Business books emphosise, that society and all its members must feel confident in every step taking by politics and what is more, to have an essense of non-restricted protection. Synonyms a decision But alone they are not a decision. Tense semantics fall But closer to 1995 all they fall even more than in Japan. Copying expression every of us But every of us has a prophetic voice. Copying expression from the one hand But from the one hand, people who learn foregein language from primary school have a lot of positive fact, which they can use in their life, for example, they can read foregein books or magazines, watch foregein films. Synonyms learn But from the one hand, people who learn foregein language from primary school have a lot of positive fact, which they can use in their life, for example, they can read foregein books or magazines, watch foregein films. Synonyms amount But goverment can't just reduce the amount of flyghts even because of themselves. Synonyms decide But I don't think that it is important Universities should decide more significant problems linked with study. Synonyms amount But if it were my choice, I'd rather not reduce the amount of air travel. Synonyms amount But in 2012 the amount decreased rapidly: 4,8 millions of girls and 5,1 millions of boys. Synonyms amount But in 2012 the amount of non-educated children essentially decreased and there was almost the same number of boys (5,1) and girls (4,8). Tense semantics have But in 2014 unemployment in Latin America was higher then Worldwide level, and the next year this region have approximately the same per cent. Copying expression 2026 year But in 2026 year the level will sharply increase to 25%. Tense semantics have But in the all region we see gender unequal; in 2000 boys have education often then girls on 15 millions. Word form transmission does But in this occasion a lot of people does not do it, so the expences cannon be covered. Tense semantics have But it is a well-recognized dinamic that girls have less opportunities for education all over the world. Tense semantics are But it's clearly seen that one biggest unemployment rate (in N. Africa) and the smallest (in S. Asia) remain stable, while there are only one region where the unemployment rate increased, in the EU. Tense semantics remain But it's clearly seen that one biggest unemployment rate (in N. Africa) and the smallest (in S. Asia) remain stable, while there are only one region where the unemployment rate increased, in the EU. Tense semantics show But not all regions show the real huge Changes in this period. Synonyms a little But often people can't buy a disk, because they have a little money, and disks can crash after some times of using. Synonyms crash But often people can't buy a disk, because they have a little money, and disks can crash after some times of using. Synonyms from But on the one hand, people who learn foregein language from primary school have a lot of positive fact, which they can use in their life, for example, they can read foregein books or magazines, watch foregein films. Transliteration jurisprudence But on the other hand there are a lot of subjects which suit for girls and boys both: jurisprudence, economics, politics and so on in the universities. Synonyms amount But some persons consider that the institutes should accept the equal amount of girls and boys in every faculty. Tense semantics have But some regions have changes. Transliteration tendention But tendention is that the level will permanently grow. Synonyms ability But then, after twelve years situatuin has changed and the number of children whithout ability to go to the primary school decreased by approximately one quarter (as number girls as also number of boys). Synonyms earth But there are people who declare the fact, that many of earth transport become more and more clear from day to day. Synonyms amount But this amount decreased in 2012 to 14,5 millions of boys and 18,2 millions of girls. Transliteration hi-teck But what about hi-teck 21st century skills? Word form transmission affect But when it comes to teen age, the affect from outside the home starts to be as important as the one from inside the home. Transliteration auditory But your voting auditory is very parochial. Word form transmission billions By 1985 worldwide sales exceeded $10 billions . Synonyms achieved By 2002 mobile calls achieved 50 billions while local-fixed line continued downward and showed only 75 billions. Word form transmission billions By 2002 mobile calls achieved 50 billions. Tense semantics become By 2005 the percentages of girls and boys extended for about 30% and become 77% and 88% respectively. Word form transmission billions By 2006 sales were $4 billions . Tense semantics have By 2013 developed countries have invested about 130 billion dollars, while developing countries have invested about 90 billion dollars. Tense semantics have By 2013 developed countries have invested about 130 billion dollars, while developing countries have invested about 90 billion dollars. Synonyms amount By 50-64 years old users mostly used Facebook, which amount reaches 63 percent, while instagram has the smallest amount of the users of this age. Copying expression long way By and large, it is rather long way to get rid of crimes but it, apperently, would work. Tense semantics have By for, the highest figures of children who have no opportunity to get primary education was in Africa in the period observed. Synonyms amount By the 2012 this amount has decreased, however, Africa is continuing to have the leading position with 32,7 million children can not have a possibility to go to the primary school. Synonyms amount By the year 1960 the amount has reached the point of 10 percent and it started to grow faster. Transliteration hi-teck Can hi-teck medicine also be high value? Synonyms aims Certain strategies are designed to address multiple aims . Tense semantics are Changes from no one year (2014) to another (2015) are not dramatically and in some region we even see the same results (12,5% in N. Africa, 3,9 in S. Asia and 5,9 Worlwide). Transliteration etalon Children are the ones, who perceive information very well, so they would grow up with the knowledge of etalon behavior. Synonyms in Children in different ages understand and respond to pain differently. Copying expression eyes Children start to spend more time siting in the Internet, due to this fact their eyes become worth. Synonyms from China has increased the quantity of energy from the 1970th. Synonyms after China is in a middle point of the graph during first thirty years but after it growed up. Copying expression middle point China is in a middle point of the graph during first thirty years. Synonyms at Clearly, people at different ages see the world in different ways. Synonyms amount Clearly, that goods with high amount transported by rail, and the answere, for example, the amount of percentage of food products increased in road type of transportation and fell by rail. Tense semantics increase Comparasing 2014 year and 2015 we can see that in some countries like North Africa and South Asia the unemployment rate is stable, on the other hand in Middle East and Latin America rate decreased in 2015, but in Europe it increase in 2015 compare 2014. Tense semantics do Compared to Africa and South Asia, the fall in number of boys and girls who do not go to school was only about three and five percent respectively. Copying expression aged from 18 to 29 Compared to LinkedIn, Instagram is more used by young people, aged from 18 to 29. Tense semantics remain Comparing 1980 to 1995, this percentage has significally decreased in all countries; however, some things remain the same. Tense semantics decreases Comparing 1980 to 1995, this percentage significally decreases in all countries. Synonyms attempt Comparing these region, point is that in the Africa in the whole duration from 2000 to 2012 the sum amount of children without chance to attempt primary school was higher than in other regions. Synonyms amount Concerning remaining data, the general tengency constitutes gradual increase for the amount of overeight girls and boys. Synonyms up Concerning the education sector more people worked there at the age of 36-45 in 2006 that is approximately equal to 125000 and just up the number of people in this sector at the age of 46-55 in 1998. Tense semantics remain Considering the rest of world the amounts was quite equal for boys and girls in 2000 and remain steady division in 2012, but the sum amount highly decreased. Tense semantics use Correspondingly, less people use desktops in the year 2013. Synonyms decide Could we allow governments to decide the amount of air travel to reduce air pollution and avoid global warming? Copying expression 65 years Countries in 1940 included only 5-10% of old people (65 years and over); but recearchers suppose that amount of this people in population of countries will be about 20-30% to 2040. Synonyms amount Countries of the Rest of World had downward trend, the amount of children decreased. Transliteration an actual Crime committed by the youth is an actual problem of the modern world. Word form transmission millions Daily blood losses exceed 11 millions litres. Synonyms in Death is perceived on different levels by children in different ages . Synonyms amount Despite having these potential resolutions for reducing the amount of air travel there are features and cases which stand unchangeable. Tense semantics have Differences in gender have not huge gaps: 18,2 boys and 14,5 girls. Tense semantics are Different levels are there only in regions: the EU, Latin America and Middle East, the level of unemployment stay without changes wordwide and it is 5,9 percent. Tense semantics are Different levels are there only in regions: the EU, Latin America and Middle East, the level of unemployment stay without changes wordwide and it is 5,9 percent. Tense semantics are Different levels are there only in regions: the EU, Latin America and Middle East, the level of unemployment stay without changes wordwide and it is 5,9 percent. Synonyms amount Due only to that fact, that our nature spoils by airtravelling, the amount of flyghts of rich people should be reduced. Tense semantics are Due to the information about the most preferred countries by the English in 1999, the most popular ones were France and Spain which are visited by 11 millions and 8 millions people. Tense semantics try During all history people try to fight with it. Synonyms amount During the period of 1940 and 2000 this proportion has dipped, after that the amount of 65 and over - aged people became to increase slightly and the percentage has dramtically rised from 2030 hitting a peak in 2040 and accounted for 27%. Synonyms amount During twelve years the amount of uneducated children in Africa fell from 44 millions to 33 millions. Synonyms aim Each aim scored is worth ten points. Word form transmission billions Each firm reportedly earned around $ 20 billions . Transliteration hi-teck Each number on this chart is a different hi-teck company. Transliteration hi-teck Each with the latest hi-teck hitting mats. Word form transmission millions Early amphibians lived 360 millions years ago. Tense semantics have Education, the last sector, shows pretty the same results: it was the most popular between 26-35, 36-45 and 46-55 age groups and by 2006 those statistics haven't changed. Tense semantics grow Energy from fossil fuels of China during forty five years grow up more than twenty percent. Copying expression lead Enternational companies will not have an opportunity to lead their business. Synonyms great Environment protection is a conversational issue, which generates a great deal of heated debates with supporters, who claim, that it is very necessary to abond different useless flights, while opponents suppose, that it isn't a great problem, which is provided by laws of governmnet. Tense semantics have Europen countries and the United States have a drop in the amount of energy produced by 1990. Tense semantics increase Europen countries and the United States have a drop in the amount of energy produced, whereas India and China increase on the scale of 45 years. Synonyms saved Even when they go for a walk, in big sities it is complicated to find place where virgin nature is saved. Synonyms decide Every day governments try to improve any sphere of our life and to decide global problems in our world. Copying expression every of us Every of us appreciates different qualities, differently. Copying expression every of us Every of us arrived from different locations. Copying expression every of us Every of us experiences death and rebirth often. Copying expression every of us Every of us has a legitimate complaint! Copying expression every of us Every of us has a patron saint. Copying expression every of us Every of us has deeply held beliefs. Copying expression every of us "Every of us has different ""buttons""." Copying expression every of us Every of us has inherent characteristic gestures and movements. Copying expression every of us Every of us has long-term need lists. Copying expression every of us Every of us has our own narrative. Copying expression every of us Every of us has read this agreement. Copying expression every of us Every of us is a fighting soldier. Copying expression every of us Every of us possess certain strengths and weaknesses. Copying expression every of us Every of us should create our own medical ethics. Copying expression every of us Every of us spoke about issues touching liberty. Copying expression as best as possible Every parent at the current moment has realizing that the competition for a future job is increasing significantly, this reason brings the parent to think as best as possible to prepare their children with the best skill to compete in future for successful job. Copying expression at the current moment Every parent at the current moment has realizing that the competition for a future job is increasing significantly, this reason brings the parent to think as best as possible to prepare their children with the best skill to compete in future for successful job. Copying expression at the current moment Every parent at the current moment has realizing that the competition for a future job is increasing significantly, this reason brings the parent to think as best as possible to prepare their children with the best skill to compete in future for successful job. Synonyms prepare Every parent at the current moment has realizing that the competition for a future job is increasing significantly, this reason brings the parent to think as best as possible to prepare their children with the best skill to compete in future for successful job. Synonyms with Every parent at the current moment has realizing that the competition for a future job is increasing significantly, this reason brings the parent to think as best as possible to prepare their children with the best skill to compete in future for successful job. Transliteration auditory Every radio station needs a target auditory . Synonyms amount Every year the amount of such problems is being increased. Copying expression children's poetries Everyone, I suppose, remember lots of children's poetries which they learned when they were small kids, but it seems to be impossible to remind anything from older ages of your life. Synonyms remember Everyone, I suppose, remember lots of children's poetries which they learned when they were small kids, but it seems to be impossible to remind anything from older ages of your life. Tense semantics do Except all changes in the rates of unemployment in the different regions the last graph shows information about worldwide, that rate do not changes and still is 5,9%. Transliteration auditory Facebook and Instagram have the youngest auditory as the percentage of age group 18 - 29 is the most prominent for these social networks. Word form transmission billions Facebook has crossed 1 billions monthly users. Synonyms all Facebook, as we can notice, is most popular social network in all four age groups, moreover in all four age groups amount of Facebook users is more than amount of Instagram users plus amount of LinkedIn users. Synonyms amount Facebook, as we can notice, is most popular social network in all four age groups, moreover in all four age groups amount of Facebook users is more than amount of Instagram users plus amount of LinkedIn users. Copying expression more Facebook, as we can notice, is most popular social network in all four age groups, moreover in all four age groups amount of Facebook users is more than amount of Instagram users plus amount of LinkedIn users. Synonyms amount Finally, allowing only same amount of male and female students in classes would only increase discrimination and not support tolerancy. Copying expression age Finally, people who are over 49 age goes to university for interest like rules. Copying expression for interest Finally, people who are over 49 age goes to university for interest. Tense semantics think Finally, sharing photos/videos and receiving updates took the same place: 39 percent of men think that it is the main reason. Transliteration actual Finally, this problem is actual today, and, maybe, it won't have any solutions in nearest future. Synonyms attitudes First of all it creative artist wouldn't be allowed express their own attitudes, they could stop doing anything and developing yourself. Synonyms amount First of all, allowing the same amount of teenagers of both genders to enter the same university is good for the reputation of that university. Word form transmission download First of all, everybody who download something in the Internet should be punished, if he done it without acception or paying. Synonyms amount First of all, I'd like to say, that the amount of air travels regulates by market. Transliteration aborigens First of all, the the invasion of huge companies provides aborigens with employment, frequently that means literally saving their lives, because in many poor countries people even starve to death without any resources to live, as they do not have an oppotrtunity to earn ther living. Synonyms amount First of all, there are many things to be said in favour of introducing laws to reduce the amount of air travels. Tense semantics have First of all, this graph shows that Apple corporation have biggest profits all over the time the second place, since 2011 takes Samsung corporation. Synonyms variant First of all, travelling by plane let people minimize time spending on the road, because plane is the fastest variant among all transport. Synonyms say First of all, we can say about different opportunities of male and female students. Tense semantics are First of all, we can see that the highes percent of people, who are in earning was in 1985 in Japan, when the lowest was in 1990 in Germany. Synonyms amount First opportunity to reduce the next generation, which can transport an enormous amount of people and use new type on soil for there engine. Synonyms amount First that can notice the highest amount of metals reaching a level of 35% which was transported by rail was more than half as many the amount of percentage transported by road. Copying expression 15-59 aged First two pictures introduce Yemen and it is obviously, that in fifty years the number of 15-59 aged people will increase by 11%: 46% - 57%. Word form transmission obviously First two pictures introduce Yemen and it is obviously, that in fifty years the number of 15-59 aged people will increase. Synonyms ability Firstly, approximately 44% of number of children had not ability to get primary school education in Africa in 2000, among them there are 20% boys and 23,7% girls. Tense semantics are Firstly, approximately 44% of number of children had not ability to get primary school education in Africa in 2000, among them there are 20% boys and 23,7% girls. Tense semantics are Firstly, approximately 44% of number of children had not ability to get primary school education in Africa in 2000. Synonyms decide Firstly, I would like to say that there many health problems which we can decide with using modern technology. Synonyms far Firstly, it's necessary for businessmen to get just time on far meetings. Synonyms get Firstly, it's necessary for businessmen to get just time on far meetings. Synonyms on Firstly, it's necessary for businessmen to get just time on far meetings. Tense semantics are Firstly, people without pernanent work in Hiddle East are accounted for 11% in 2014. Word form transmission growing Firstly, the most interesting sector in 2006 is technology, there we can see an extremely growing by contrast the most uniterested sector is building. Copying expression uniterested Firstly, the most interesting sector in 2006 is technology, there we can see an extremely growing by contrast the most uniterested sector is building. Copying expression tickets to planes Firstly, the price for tickets to planes will rise quickly. Copying expression take first positions Firstly, the thing which is necessary to admit is that Northern Africa and Middle East take first positions in this sphere. Synonyms decide For conclure, I want to say that this problems is very big and producers and users must find the compromise that allow to decide important questions. Tense semantics buy "For example ""Witcher 3"" from ""CD-Project"" had the biggest sellers after 2 month of release, maybe it will effect of ""white pirates"" which buy this game after one-two month of gaming on pirate copies." Synonyms ability For example in some Scandinavian countries prisoners have ability to reduse their time in prison by reading some books and then passing a tests about knowledge of this books. Synonyms amount For example they should introduce laws to reduce the amount of air travel for business and leisure or they should do the price for train less. Tense semantics know For example we can say about problems with our sportsmen in last year when all world know about drugs in Russian sport. Tense semantics grows For example, China spend only 0,5 billion US dollars in 2014, while in 2018 it grows to 1 billion US dollars, according to the forecast. Tense semantics spend For example, China spend only 0,5 billion US dollars in 2014. Tense semantics are For example, from 45 to 54 years woman spent about 70 minuts on sport, while man are doing sport in 2 times more. Word form transmission right For example, Google, Apple, Yandex a Spotify give for their clients the option to buy a right to listen music in their enourmous music collection in the internet. Tense semantics will build For example, if in the city center of old European city people will build a contemporary skyscraper, it will be disgusting. Tense semantics have For example, in EU it has grown from 7,5 to 7,9 and other regions like N. Africa and S. Asia have stable rates. Tense semantics have For example, in the first pipe chart the group of young students dominated, in the second aged people have the biggest share. Tense semantics have For example, in the first pipe chart the group of young students dominated, in the second aged people were the biggest share and in the third middle-aged people have the highest number. Copying expression women's consultation For example, it's really difficult for men to work at women's consultation centre because both doctor or client would be embarrassed. Synonyms last For example, last researches have shown that american worker employed by Apple company in the United States has twice as much money as chineese worker has a month. Synonyms amount For example, man are interested in hunting or cars' repairing and women are interested in cooking and teaching, So, the establishing such equalities in universities will not give an opportunity to a huge amount of people to do the things they want to do. Transliteration grabed For example, my classmate invited some strange people and they grabed their home, in addition her parents at this moment were in office, where they work. Copying expression one level For example, N. Africa had the number of this rate in 2014 and 2015 - 12,5% S. Asia and worldwide had a one level % too (3,9% and 5,9%) in every year. Word form transmission millions For example, the number of children without access to primary schools accounted for approximately 45 millions of children, in Africa in 2000, but the amount of children went down by 2012 (reached a low of approximately 35 millions). Word form transmission millions For example, the number of children without access to primary schools accounted for approximately 45 millions of children, in Africa in 2000. Tense semantics are For example, there are two regions where the unemployment rate remains the same in both years, these regions are the North Africa and the South Asia. Tense semantics remains For example, there are two regions where the unemployment rate remains the same in both years, these regions are the North Africa and the South Asia. Transliteration Afro-American For example, we have the period of history of USA and other European's countries, when if you were born Afro-American nationality, you won't have future as whithe people. Copying expression ill heart For example, when a person has ill heart. Synonyms attribute For instance government should attribute to the air companies to reduce significantly the number of flights in order to make air far more fresh and cleaner. Word form transmission building For instance, a building of different organisation that will help people who have problems, with money for reduction of the robbery. Synonyms enter For instance, if there is only two girls would like to attend math faculty it means that only two boys can learn math despite on other pretendends desiring to enter this faculty. Synonyms faculty For instance, if there is only two girls would like to go enter math faculty it means that only two boys can learn math despite on other pretendends desiring to enter this faculty. Copying expression go enter For instance, if there is only two girls would like to go enter math faculty it means that only two boys can learn math despite on other pretendends desiring to enter this faculty. Synonyms learn For instance, if there is only two girls would like to go enter math faculty it means that only two boys can learn math despite on other pretendends desiring to enter this faculty. Transliteration pretendends For instance, if there is only two girls would like to go enter math faculty it means that only two boys can learn math despite on other pretendends desiring to enter this faculty. Tense semantics have For instance, in South Asia 11.1 million boys und 21.6 girles in 2000 have no access to primary education. Tense semantics use For instance, in year 1970 France is on the second place in the rate of countries which use energy from fossil fuels. Tense semantics fall For instance, in year 1970 France is on the second place in the rate of countries which uses energy from fossil fuels, however, the using of this kind of energy started to reduce after five years and fall to the lowest point of almost 45 per cents in 2015. Tense semantics starts For instance, in year 1970 France is on the second place in the rate of countries which uses energy from fossil fuels, however, the using of this kind of energy starts to reduce after five years. Tense semantics is For instance, in year 1970 France is on the second place. Transliteration autos For instance, it is proven that one plane produces pollution, which is nearly 10 times as big as comes from a dozen of autos. Transliteration auditory For instance, more than a half of Instagram auditory is under 29 years. Tense semantics owns For instance, over the period from 1990 to 2005 the most of families that owns computers prefer to put it on the table in a living room. Tense semantics prefer For instance, over the period from 1990 to 2005 the most of families that owns computers prefer to put it on the table in certain room. Tense semantics prefer For instance, over the period from 1990 to 2005 the most of families that owns computers prefer to put it on the table in certain room. Synonyms amount For instance, the amount of rural households owning the Internet was 50 per cent, while the percentage of urban houses with Internet was onlyn15 per cent. Tense semantics begin For instance, there are a lot of junkies in hip-hop culture that were in prison and after their revealing begin to do it even more often, sometimes these drug dealers are making their buisness even in prison. Synonyms indicates For summer seasons the highest demand indicates between 13 and 14 hours and represents at twenty thouthand units. Synonyms represents For summer seasons the highest demand indicates between 13 and 14 hours and represents at twenty thouthand units. Tense semantics choose For this they mainly choose the Central Europe, France, while the number of visits the UK is still smaller to 1999. Tense semantics choose For this they mainly choose the Central Europe, France, while the number of visits the UK is still smaller to 1999. Copying expression from 15 to 59 Forecast on 2050 shows that quantity of people whom age fluctuates from 15 to 59 will be increased on approximately 10 per cent. Synonyms on Forecast on 2050 shows that quantity of people will increase. Tense semantics have Fortunately, the access to primary education increased from 2000 to 2012 in all the regions and also there is a tendency that nowadays in most of the world girls have the same opportunities for education as boys, except Africa where boys still have more chances to go to primary school. Tense semantics have Fortunately, the access to primary education increased from 2000 to 2012 in all the regions and also there is a tendency that nowadays in most of the world girls have the same opportunities for education as boys, except Africa where boys still have more chances to go to primary school. Synonyms save France as like as Sweden had a big downfall, however it could save the numbers at average level. Synonyms amount France had the amount in less than 50 and Sweeden had less than 30% in 2015. Synonyms after France in 1970 was with high results, was 90 percent of energy, but after in 1985 fast decreased by thirty percent and after in 2015 percent of energy totally decreased by forty percent. Transliteration actual Frankly speaking, it is very actual for ex-USSR countries Therefore, there are several ways to decrease young people crime rates. Tense semantics fall From 1940 till 1960 percantage of older people fall down from 5% to 4%, after until 1990 year it was without changing, when slowly increase to 2030. Tense semantics prefer From 1979 to 1999, there were more people from the United Kingdom who prefer travelling to another places. Tense semantics continue From the first graph it can be seen that the number of overseas residents was about 10 millions and approximately 12.5 millions of the UK residents strongly jumped to 30 millions and continue grow up reaching about 53 millions in 1999. Synonyms amount From the graph it can be seen that in Africa changes in the amount of girls were almost the same as the reduction in the number of boys who hadn't got an ability to study in primary school. Transliteration kilometres From the table we can summarise the information about date opened, kilometres of route and number of passengers per year in millions. Transliteration medicine From these facts one may conclude that despite of the fact that modern technology is causing an increasing number of heath problems, there are new ways to improve the medicine and to provide a new form of saving our lives. Tense semantics consist Furthemore, machinery was not popular in transportation by road, it consist only 2% of all goods, whole the most unpopular product for transportation by rail in non-metallic minerals. Synonyms know Furthermore from the world statistics we can know that there are more women than men in the world. Synonyms couple Furthermore the number of male and female students influences on a problem of future generation: if there are an equal numbers of students they have more chances to find their couple and maybe create a family. Synonyms amount Furthermore, accepting another talentless girl to a math department, for example, because of the stated amount of female students might lead to leaving out another gifted boy that was unlucky to be the one over the needed amount of males. Synonyms amount Furthermore, accepting another talentless girl to a math department, for example, because of the stated amount of female students might lead to leaving out another gifted boy that was unlucky to be the one over the needed amount of males. Synonyms achieve Furthermore, going by plane is the fastest way to achieve every corner of the world. Tense semantics have Furthermore, South Asian number of children have a dramatic fall from 33 millions in 2000 to only 10 in 2012. Synonyms know Furthermore, space is all around us, so I suppose we should know a lot of things about it and all the other possible variants for relocation. Word form transmission millions Furthermore, the number of Africans and Asians children without ability to study in primary school were more that the same figure in the rest of the world about on 30 millions in 2012. Synonyms ability Furthermore, the number of Africans and Asians children without ability to study in primary school were more that the same figure in the rest of the world about on 50 millions in 2000 and on 30 millions in 2012. Word form transmission millions Furthermore, the number of Africans and Asians children without ability to study in primary school were more that the same figure in the rest of the world about on 50 millions in 2000. Tense semantics stay Furthermore, the summary unemployment rate in worldwidy stay the same two years. Tense semantics grow Futhermore, the only region where unemployment grow up is Europe. Tense semantics is Futhermore, the only region where unemployment grow up is Europe. Tense semantics are Generally, african countries occupy the leading position by the quantity of boys and girls who are not able to get education. Tense semantics grow Generally, amount of facebook users grow up to 30 millions people from 2012 to 2013. Synonyms amount Generally, the amount of kids decreased like in previous 2 groups. Tense semantics are Generally, there are more girls, who can't enter primary school, but South Asia in 2012 is an exeption: there are more boys now. Tense semantics are Generally, there are no a lot of big changes in 2014 and in 2015. Word form transmission billions Global music industry revenues are worth £9 billions . Transliteration GMO GMO technologies are believed to be dangerous. Synonyms amount Governments shouldn't introduce laws of remove the amount of using polute machines, however governments may influence on technology side. Copying expression 15-59 ages Graph Italy in 2000 shows that more than fifty per cent of Italy's residents are between 15-59 ages and only 14,3% are in age between 0-14. Tense semantics are Graph Italy in 2000 shows that more than fifty per cent of Italy's residents are between 15-59 ages and only 14,3% are in age between 0-14. Synonyms in Graph Italy in 2000 shows that more than fifty per cent of Italy's residents are between 15-59 ages and only 14,3% are in age between 0-14. Tense semantics is Greater number of women just looked for funny posts on Facebook, whereas number of men who use Facebook this way is 8% less. Tense semantics use Greater number of women just looked for funny posts on Facebook, whereas number of men who use Facebook this way is 8% less. Synonyms amount Grow of amount of crimes commited by young people is a serious problem of our society. Synonyms exactly Growing up, children often ask for help and advise because exactly their family (in their opinion) knows who to deal with all the problems of this cruel world. Copying expression 0-14 year old people Half of the population were 0-14 year old people and only 3.6% were 60+ year old people. Copying expression 60+ year old people Half of the population were 0-14 year old people and only 3.6% were 60+ year old people. Copying expression every of us He designed every of us uniquely – with purpose. Copying expression every of us He hands every of us a slice. Transliteration hi-teck He has also founded hi-teck startups and consulting companies. Copying expression every of us He has different roles for every of us . Synonyms aims He scored 14 aims through 30 games. Copying expression every of us He subtly coached and encouraged every of us . Synonyms aims He yielded five aims once last season . Synonyms in Here are some ideas of chores for children in different ages . Copying expression 60+ year old people Here we see that in 2000 61.6% of population were 15-59 year old people, 24.1% were 60+ year old people and only 14.3% of people were 0-14 year old people. Copying expression 15-59 year old people Here we see that in 2000 61.6% of population were 15-59 year old people. Copying expression 60+ year old people Here we see that in 2000 61.6% of population were 60+ year old people. Copying expression 0-14 year old people Here we see that in 2000 only 14.3% of people were 0-14 year old people. Word form transmission millions His estimated net worth is around $200 millions . Transliteration hi-teck His initiatives towards education, hi-teck jobs. Synonyms aim His longest field aim was 58 yards. Word form transmission millions His terminal handles 2 millions tons annually. Tense semantics are History of changing Samsung manufacturer index shows us a fact that there are approximately same percentage of shares in 2015 and 2010. Tense semantics are How can be concluded from these charts women were more active users than men in 2012 and 2013 years and desktopes are more popular way to use Facebook than mobiles. Tense semantics visit However between 1984 and 1989 the situation had been changed and the percentage of UK residents who visit another countries were rising rapidly. Tense semantics visit However between 1984 and 1989 the situation had been changed and the percentage of UK residents who visit another countries were rising rapidly. Tense semantics continue However while in Germany it started to grow back in 1990 in all the other countries continue to decrease. Tense semantics continue However, after 2013 share profits of Apple continue to growth with the same tendency while share of profits of Samsung are decreased rapidly to the previous rate, which was reached in 2010. Tense semantics drop However, between 1990 and 1995 the difference of income between men and women in the UK rises a little, whereas all the other percentages drop even more. Tense semantics rises However, between 1990 and 1995 the difference of income between men and women in the UK rises a little. Word form transmission 1970th However, China has increased the quantity of energy from the 1970th. Copying expression 21 to 22 hours However, for both seasons, the peak of electricity use is a period of time from 21 to 22 hours (47,000 and 19,000 Units of electricity accordingly). Tense semantics are However, Germany had been showing lower results than New Zealand for more than a decade and its numbers are second lowest (around 13%). Synonyms decide However, governments should decide the issue because we are still in danger. Synonyms amount However, if was equal amount of male and female students, it can easy to work in pare. Tense semantics check However, in 2013 the amount of users who use Facebook on mobiles rose by 40 millions of people, at the same time people less check their account on Facebook with the help of desktops in 2013 that they used to do in in 2012, the amount dropped from 150 millions of people to 135 millions of people. Synonyms go through However, in this age some children have problems with speaking and can not go through limits and bariers. Synonyms on However, index of men of 65-74 was higher than index of men of 55-64 age and index of men was higher than data of women on all stages of age. Synonyms appropriate However, it is argued that such an early age is appropriate for study of this difficult subject. Synonyms amount However, it is fluctuabive during the entire period, the amount of people of given age grow from about 7% in 1940 to 26% in 2040. Tense semantics start However, it start loosing in 2012 (from about 140$ bn to 130 in 2013). Transliteration actual However, it was believed that women were less able to work and study than men, so the idea of universities accepting the same number of male and female was actual in the past time, when discrimination took place. Copying expression less able However, it was believed that women were less able to work and study than men, so the idea of universities accepting the same number of male and female was actual in the past time, when discrimination took place. Copying expression past time However, it was believed that women were less able to work and study than men, so the idea of universities accepting the same number of male and female was actual in the past time, when discrimination took place. Tense semantics are However, machinery, non-metallic minerals are almost not sent by cars or trains in 2008. Tense semantics take However, metals were not much delivered by road and take only 11% of all deliveries, losing to food products, which were 30%. Synonyms contrary However, other people provide a contrary opinion: they claim that it is not enough and other measures should be taken. Tense semantics haven't "However, performance of Africa is still beter than overall dynamics around the world: ""Rest of World"" column of the chart shows least decrease of all three: neither boys or girls numbers haven't changed even for 50%." Copying expression 13 o'clock However, the figures start to rise rapidly in the same period - between 9 o'clock and 13 o'clock. Synonyms in However, the figures start to rise rapidly in the same period - between 9 o'clock and 13 o'clock. Synonyms accordance However, the levels of crime (in accordance with the ethnic background) differs greatly. Synonyms amount However, the number of children without acces to studying in school in 2012 is rather high comparing with the rest of the world and equal to the amount in South Asia in 2000. Copying expression 60+ years However, the prediction for Italy is not so positive, because the number of people aged 60+ years is going to be almost doubled. Tense semantics are However, there are some changes in the Middle East, Europe and in the Latin America. Synonyms amount However, there are some problems with the realisation of the laws that intends to reduce the amount of air travel. Tense semantics do However, there is one region that do not math witch main trend. Tense semantics become However, this indicator fell in 2012, when the amount of boys and girls become 14,5 million and 18,2 million respectively. Tense semantics start I 1985 proportion start to increase with 4% and consist 10% in 2025. Tense semantics consist I 2040 it consist of 23 percents of all population. Copying expression they themselves I adopt an opinion that the main problem of the people is they themselves. Transliteration atomic I agree that air transport creates negative effects that can do a lot harm to Earth but all kinds of industry damage ecology (for example, chemical industry, atomic factories). Synonyms creates I agree that air transport creates negative effects that can do a lot harm to Earth but all kinds of industry damage ecology (for example, chemical industry, atomic factories). Synonyms all I believe all posted was actually very reasonable. Synonyms all I believe all published was very logical. Synonyms all I believe all said was actually very reasonable. Synonyms all I believe all said was very logical. Synonyms all I believe all typed was actually very logical. Synonyms all I believe all wrote was actually very reasonable. Synonyms all I believe all wrote was very reasonable. Copying expression connect with I believe that more often such problems connect with psychology and attitude of child to people around them and to life in a whole. Copying expression in a whole I believe that more often such problems connect with psychology and attitude of child to people around them and to life in a whole. Synonyms psychology I believe that more often such problems connect with psychology and attitude of child to people around them and to life in a whole. Synonyms strongly I can not say, that government have to strongly control all actions, but there are must be different rules. Synonyms consider I consider that the time at primary school is very important to use language skills. Synonyms amount I equally agree with both of these statements, but I think that governments should provide special laws to cut down the amount of air travelling. Copying expression every of us I gave already the general answer concerning every of us . Synonyms in I grew up at the outskirts of the city, so I studied at school with a lot of children, who had some problems in family. Synonyms advanced I guess, that it's good solution: person, who choose the wrong way, can be advanced by helping people and society. Synonyms in I have multiple children in different ages . Synonyms attribute I personally attribute myself to the first type. Synonyms all I said yes immediately without thinking all through. Synonyms learning I think that the most effective variant is to begin learning foreign languages at primary school. Transliteration variant I think that the most effective variant is to begin learning foreign languages at primary school. Copying expression act the right way If a child is not taught to act the right way he or she will not understand what the reasons of punishment or angry are. Copying expression 15-59 years If in 2000 more than half of population was children who no more then 14, in 2050 the dominant share will be people who age betwen 15-59 years. Synonyms amount If in 2000 the number of girls was bigger than boys, in 2012 the picture was opposite, the amount of boys which is 7,7 biger than girls - 7,6. Tense semantics are If in N. Africa and S. Asia there is no changes in the unemployment rate, in Middle East and Latin America results are better. Synonyms equally If it is an emergency, people will fly equally. Synonyms find If person hasn't opportunities of legal working or playing, he starts find alternative variants, for example some crime structures. Synonyms amount If the government introduce laws that reduce the amount of car travels, it will be more useful, because there are a lot of cars and partiqurary everyone have a car. Transliteration abonement If the sport facilities are supported by appropriate advertising, it is highly likely that more people will decide to improve their health by buying an abonement. Synonyms amount If there are fewer amount of private airlines, that government will be able to develop common air travels companies, to watch for the technical condition of the plane and the convenience of the passengers. Tense semantics are If we look at the 1998 year statistics and compare the number of people in each sector we can say that the largest number of people works in education sector and there are all about 125345. Synonyms flood if we talk about passengers, we can see that in Tokyo is the biggest flood of the passengers, the second place takes Paris, but the last place was given to Kyoto. Word form transmission anothers If you feel good or okay it is not right to close your eays how anothers people suffering from cold, hungry of thirsty. Transliteration hi-teck Improvements of hi-teck has not all positive, but also negative sides. Synonyms aim In 1915 aim average was finally instituted. Word form transmission millions In 1917 10 millions men were registered. Tense semantics is In 1980, for example, there is level of diffence. Tense semantics come In 1980, for example, there the level of diffence in Japan obtain the highest point which amounted around 40%, USA and UK come to second and third place with at 39% and 36%. Tense semantics obtain In 1980, for example, there the level of diffence in Japan obtain the highest point which amounted around 40%. Synonyms amount In 1985, the amount of girls and boys who had large weight in Canada was 12 and 11 per cent, respectively. Synonyms amount In 1985, the amount of girls and boys who had large weight in Canada was 12 and 11 per cent, respectively. Tense semantics spend In 1995 mobiles weren't so popular and therefore people in the UK spend around 4 billion minutes of telephone calls per year. Synonyms amount In 2000 girls were the leader for this data but in 2012 the amount of girls increased more than 5 times and than in 2012 boys were in the first place of schoolers who did not study. Tense semantics contain In 2000 in the Rest of World which number of children was 23,3 millions decreased by 2012 on 7 millions and contain 15,3 millions of children. Synonyms amount In 2000 it made 5 percents and amount of old people continues to increak sharply and it will be resulted in move than 25 percents of ollged people in 2040. Tense semantics do In 2000 the high level number of children which don't have education was in the Rest of World. Synonyms achieved In 2000 the number of children younger 14 years achieved 50.1% and was the biggest one in Yemen, while in Italy this took only 14.3%. Tense semantics are In 2000 there are 32.7 millions child had not take education in primary school. Copying expression 15-59 year-old people In 2000 there were 61.6% of 15-59 year-old people and only 24.1% of people who are older than 60 years. Copying expression age In 2000 Yemen has young population which include infants and teens before 15 age. Tense semantics include In 2000 Yemen has young population which include infants and teens before 15 age. Tense semantics has In 2000 Yemen has young population. Word form transmission billions In 2001 assets under management reached $234 billions . Tense semantics prove In 2002, 21.6 millions of girls and 11.1 millions of boys were without education, but after twelve years government's work this situation is prove, more than three times, because stayed 9.9 millions of children (4.8 are girls and 5.1 are boys). Copying expression 2006 year In 2006 year situation in this sector was change. Word form transmission billions In 2008–09 revenues are $102 billions . Tense semantics have In 2012 still about 30,6 million girls have not access to primary schools. Synonyms amount In 2012 such amount of boys and girls in Africa is almost fivefold larger than in South Asia and roughly twofold bigger than in the Rest of World. Tense semantics use In 2012 the amount of users of Facebook on desktops was high, over 140 millions of people, while the amount of people who use Facebook on their mobiles was significantly lower, approximately only 60 millions of people. Synonyms amount In 2012 this amount became less. Tense semantics fall In 2012 year shares of Apple suddenly fall down. Tense semantics say In 2013 39 % of people say that they use this network for sharing photos or videos, while in 2012 54 % of respondents gave that reason. Tense semantics start In 2013 more people start using mobile phones instead of desktop. Word form transmission millions In 2013 total government funding was €15 millions . Tense semantics remain In 2013, desktops remain the most popular device: about 150 million women and almost 140 million men use their PCs and laptops to surf Facebook. Tense semantics use In 2013, desktops remain the most popular device: about 150 million women and almost 140 million men use their PCs and laptops to surf Facebook. Copying expression 65 ages In 2030 10% of population is predicted to be over the 65 ages. Synonyms over In 2030 10% of population is predicted to be over the 68 ages. Tense semantics was In 2040 number of old-age people was 27%. Copying expression 60+ year-olds In 2050 the percentage of 60+ year-olds will rise to 42.3%, while percentages of other ages will go down. Copying expression age 60+ In 2050 there is a projected growth in population of age 60+. Copying expression 60+ years old In 2050, it is predicted that there will be an equality between the 60+ years old group and 15-59 years old group, while children will be only 11,5 percent of the total population. Transliteration actual In a briefly, using air transports is an actual issue. Tense semantics are In addition there are more uses of Facebook in 2013 in general. Transliteration decrets In addition there are unpredictable situations like army for male students and decrets for female. Synonyms accomplish In addition, a man should build his life and find an excellent job in order to accomplish independence and confidence, and education is the main key to starting up a self-made project and following dreams. Copying expression build his life In addition, a man should build his life and find an excellent job in order to accomplish independence and confidence, and education is the main key to starting up a self-made project and following dreams. Tense semantics get In addition, I would like to observe some rapid changes in the EU, Latin America and Middle East: 1) European Union has a big migrant income which to that fact that migrants get jobs and it creates a gap for europeans which increases the level of unemployment. Tense semantics get In addition, I would like to observe some rapid changes in the EU, Latin America and Middle East: 1) European Union has a big migrant income which to that fact that migrants get jobs and it creates a gap for europeans which increases the level of unemployment. Synonyms amount In addition, it is impossible sometimes to find an equal amount of both: men and women, and prompt them to study together. Tense semantics have In addition, it is needed to say that S. Asia have the lowest unemployment rate among given regions in the period from 2014 to 2015. Synonyms amount In addition, it is predicted that by 2040 this amount will rich almost 25% in every country. Tense semantics are In addition, there are no any flactuations, that is why the rate declined respectively in the end of the period. Tense semantics happen In Africa amount of non-educated children is decreasing, however, not so rapidly as it happen in South Asia. Tense semantics are In Africa we can notice that from the beginning the number of girls was more than boys, but then it decreased and in 2012 there are 14,5 boys and 18,2 girls without access to primary education. Synonyms against In agriculture, more female employees could be seen against only 29 male employees. Copying expression way In any way, the decision to reduce airflights will distinct the personal life of humans. Synonyms slightest In Australia, the least number of females and males work in agricultural sector, 3 and 1 per cent accordingly, but the difference in percentage is the slightest comparing to other sectors. Copying expression 65+ In average group of people 65+ do not join Instagram. Synonyms amount In both chrts the amount of chemicals is very low, about 11% and 16%. Tense semantics are In both the USA and the UK electronic books are expected to outsell printed versions by 2018, at 8.5 billion US dollars to 7.5 and 2.3 to 2 billion respectively. Copying expression 2006 year In building sector is the biggest group in 1998 people whose age started from 18 years to 25 years the number of these people are 112565 and in 2006 year, this age group are 319 too. Copying expression 2006 year In building sector is the biggest group in 1998 people whose age started from 18 years to 25 years the number of these people are 112565 and in 2006 year, this age group are 319 too. Tense semantics are In building sector is the biggest group in 1998 people whose age started from 18 years to 25 years the number of these people are 112565 and in 2006 year, this age group are 319 too. Tense semantics are In building sector is the biggest group in 1998 people whose age started from 18 years to 25 years the number of these people are 112565 and in 2006 year, this age group are 319 too. Tense semantics is In building sector is the biggest group in 1998 people whose age started from 18 years to 25 years the number of these people are 112565 and in 2006 year, this age group are 319 too. Tense semantics are In building sector is the biggest group in 1998 people whose age started from 18 years to 25 years the number of these people are 112565 and in 2006 year, this age group were 319 too. Tense semantics are In building sector we can see the number of interested people are plummefed - in 1998 the amount of people from 26-35, who were involved in building was 79607 and in 2006 it becomes 46409 and we can notice this situation in every age. Tense semantics are In building sector we can see the number of interested people are plummefed - in 1998 the amount of people from 26-35, who were involved in building was 79607 and in 2006 it becomes 46409 and we can notice this situation in every age. Tense semantics form In comparising of two aforementioned countries we can definitely see that 2000 Yemen's citizens were younger than Italians, as the persentage of people who are sixty and more is less than 5 % whether in Italy they form almost a quarter of the whole population. Tense semantics are In comparison to 2014, in 2015 there are three tendencies of how this unemployment rate changed. Tense semantics increase In comperison in the USA and the UK people spend money more all on print in 2014, in the USA 10,5 billion dollars, the UK 2,6 billion dollars, while less all on eBook in 2014, in the USA 5,5 billion, in UK 1,8 billion, but in 2018 mount of spend money on print decrise, and mount of spend money on eBook increase. Tense semantics decrise In comperison in the USA and the UK people spend money more all on print in 2014, in the USA 10,5 billion dollars, the UK 2,6 billion dollars, while less all on eBook in 2014, in the USA 5,5 billion, in UK 1,8 billion, but in 2018 mount of spend money on print decrise. Tense semantics spend In comperison in the USA and the UK people spend money more all on print in 2014, in the USA 10,5 billion dollars, the UK 2,6 billion dollars, while less all on eBook in 2014, in the USA 5,5 billion, in UK 1,8 billion. Synonyms all in conclusion I would say that excluding from competitions on different periods the better than bann on all life because this can qive secon chance for people who live only with sport. Word form transmission relationships In conclusion I would say that it is a neccessary to have good relationships with classmaters and teachers to be successful in studing. Synonyms amount In conclusion I'd like to say that cutting down the amount of flights by introducing new laws may affect the air pollution but not greatly, while life of people may become uncomfortable and a lot of them will loose their job. Tense semantics have In conclusion more children have chance to have a primary education in 2012 than in 2000. Tense semantics are In conclusion, as the diagram shows, goods are thransported between countries in Eastern Europ countries in 2008 in different proportions. Transliteration acuality In conclusion, both opinions have weight and have acuality for modern people. Synonyms amount In conclusion, I completely agree with the author's opinion that decrease the amount of flights will help to save our environment from great air pollution because of planes. Copying expression about In conclusion, I think that preparing the children about foreign language skill as soon as possible is a good decision, but we have to look are children ready or not for it. Word form transmission interests In conclusion, I would like to say that this problem is very difficult and the interests of civilians and businesmen are both important and the ways which were described earlier present themselves a compromise between too radical decisions. Copying expression of a debate In conclusion, I would say that there are different opinions about the problem of child raising and upbringing, but both have strong arguments, therefore whether the main features of child's character are developed in home or outside is still a question of a debate. Synonyms amount In conclusion, the graph shows that the amount of people aged 65 and over will grow by 2040. Synonyms access In conclusion, though it is hard to access but I think those laws should be introduced to stop this big affect on nature and humanity. Synonyms amount In conclusion, while after 80th amount of travels started to grow, France and Spain became the most popular countries for visiting. Tense semantics access In contrast to Africa's data of 2012, South Asia shows that in 2012 it was a considerable rise of number of children who access primary education (4.8 and 5.1 millions respectively). Tense semantics are In contrast, around 33% number of children had not chance to get primary education in 2000 in South Asia and there are 21,6% girls and 11,1% boys among this number. Transliteration auditory In contrast, auditory of LinkedIn is much lower. Tense semantics are In contrast, hotel and catering sphere become less popular for the youngs, it is the only sector, where the number of people are decreased from 1998 to 2006. Tense semantics become In contrast, hotel and catering sphere become less popular for the youngs, it is the only sector, where the number of people are decreased from 1998 to 2006. Word form transmission youngs In contrast, hotel and catering sphere become less popular for the youngs, it is the only sector, where the number of people are decreased from 1998 to 2006. Tense semantics become In contrast, in South Asia the proportion of girls decreased at 16,8 millions and standed at the rate of 4,8 millions in 2012, but the number of girls in the Rest of World become lower (7,6 millions) than in 2000 (12,8 millions). Tense semantics are In contrast, the level of machinery goods, which are transferred between countries in Eastern Europe in 2008 by road was about 2%. Tense semantics drop In contrast, the local calls statistics shows that the highest number of minutes was in 1999 and then it drop by 20 billions in 2002. Tense semantics decrease In contrast, the USA slightly decrease the fossil fuels energy (from 98% to 84%) by 1990. Copying expression start tendency on In different point of view situation in sex balance between males and femals in universities will start tendency on granting really equal rights for everyone. Tense semantics have In European Union situation much worther, the rate of unemployment have not felt, moreover it has rise around 0,4 points. Tense semantics rises In European Union situation much worther, the rate of unemployment have not felt, moreover it rises around 0,4 points. Tense semantics are In every year there was an equall number of boys and girls, who are overweight. Tense semantics falls In France and in Sweden the level of energy significantly falls (from 90% to 48% and from 82% to 28% respectively). Synonyms amount In general it could be found that the world wide amount of unemployment has stable rate, If we compare 2014 and 2015. Tense semantics have In general, we can see an increase in total number of call minutes, and mobile calls have became significantly more popular in 2002 than in 1995, while other types of calls have ether a relatively moderate increase, as national/international telephone calls, or maintaining almost the same number of minutes in 2002 as in 1995 (local fixed line calls). Tense semantics have In general, we can see an increase in total number of call minutes, and mobile calls have became significantly more popular in 2002 than in 1995, while other types of calls have ether a relatively moderate increase, as national/international telephone calls, or maintaining almost the same number of minutes in 2002 as in 1995 (local fixed line calls). Tense semantics remain In general, we can't indicate some main trend, but in the first part of regions of graph the unemployment remain stable, it is about W. Africa, S. Asia and Worldwide level. Tense semantics remain In general, we can't indicate some main trend, but in the first part of regions of graph the unemployment remain stable, it is about W. Africa, S. Asia and Worldwide level. Tense semantics spend In Germany in both years spend equal money on print about 6 billion dollars, while on eBook less in 6 tiems, but in 2018 spend money more then in 2014. Transliteration milliard In Germany, according to the forecast, the paper book sales will remain 6 billion dollars, while the eBook sales will rise from 7 to 7,5 milliard dollars. Tense semantics are In Germany, China and the UK the numbers were smaller in general, but the trend is the same: the sales of the printed books are the highest ones. Tense semantics is In Germany, China and the UK the numbers were smaller in general, but the trend is the same: the sales of the printed books are the highest ones. Synonyms amount In goods that transported by rail were vere also the lowest persentage, it were machinery (12%) and chemicals, and food products that had the same amount (11%). Copying expression 2006 year In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years and the small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change. Tense semantics are In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years and the small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change. Copying expression age from In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years. Transliteration auditory In Instagram by contrast we don't much olter auditory, majority of users, 53% is under so, and we may see the huge drop in the next age categories. Tense semantics are In Latin America there are the same declining trend for about 1% during the period from 2014 to 2015. Synonyms amount In March 2013 amount of such users rose roughly twice as much comparing to the same period of the year 2012. Tense semantics are In March 2013 there are less than 60 million people used desktops and less than 100 users used mobiles. Tense semantics becomes In middle East it was 11% of unemployment in 2014 and then it fall down gradually and in 2015 it becomes to be about 9,6%. Tense semantics fall In middle East it was 11% of unemployment in 2014 and then it fall down gradually. Copying expression different knowledge In modern world our life is demanding more and more different knowledge and skills from us so to set it children from early age go to some lessons and courses. Synonyms go to In modern world our life is demanding more and more different knowledge and skills from us so to set it children from early age go to some lessons and courses. Tense semantics are In more details we see that the most degrees of unemployment in both 2014 and 2014 are in North Africa. Tense semantics are In most cases proportions between boys and girls are almost equal. Synonyms all In my opinion every of us must do all that he or she want to to, but somethings enough to do once in a life. Copying expression every of us In my opinion every of us must do all that he or she want to to. Word form transmission aesthetic In my opinion, aesthetic part of building appearence is highly important because it creates the tone of surronding athmosphere which is supposed to be friendly in order to function well. Synonyms explode In my opinion, during the process of making production, factories explode more shot-gas that planes during the flight. Copying expression making production In my opinion, during the process of making production, factories explode more shot-gas that planes during the flight. Word form transmission a politics In my opinion, government should have a politics which leads to decreasing harmful effect of using air travel rather that introduce special laws which will decrease the number of air travel and get the globalization worse. Word form transmission affect In my point of view, nowadays we have TV, the Internet and sometimes it have negative affect on studens. Tense semantics fall In New Zealand numbers fall from 24% in 1980 to 15% in 1985 and to 10% in 1990. Tense semantics are In North Africa and South Asia the figures are exactly the same, while in Europian Union they have slightly changed. Tense semantics have In North Africa and South Asia the figures are exactly the same, while in Europian Union they have slightly changed. Tense semantics stay In North Africa number of unempoyent people stay on one point in 2014 and in 2015 on the level 12,5%. Synonyms capacity In opposite, the children in secondary school are having stronger capacity and mentality to study a hard subject like English. Transliteration mentality In opposite, the children in secondary school are having stronger capacity and mentality to study a hard subject like English. Synonyms amount In order to summarise the information, it is fair to say, that according to the presented bar chart we can clearly see that the amount of boys and girls without access to primary school is decreasing through out the years and we may predict that according to this trend this number will be drammaticaly low in few years. Synonyms level in other ages the level of workers from 26 to 65 years old is gradually growing. Synonyms get In other words, people should get a good alternative to air transport, such as trains. Tense semantics begin In recent years, most politicians begin to suggest the system of guaranteed basic income. Tense semantics are In Rest of World level of children without access to primary education was almost 25 millions, major of them are girls with 12,8 millins. Copying expression all time In secondary school there are various of difficult and complicated subject, for instance chemistry and physics, which requares all time to be learn properly. Synonyms learn In secondary school there are various of difficult and complicated subject, for instance chemistry and physics, which requares all time to be learn properly. Tense semantics are In spite of such a significant fall, the figures are still much higher than in 2006, when the world total level of investment was 100 billion dollars. Copying expression when In that case, the performance was awfull and disgusting especially when the children could see it. Synonyms amount In the 2000s, however, the amount of boys suffering from overeating increased more than the percentage of girls and was at the level of 25% in 2005. Tense semantics have In the 2012 year children without access to primary education have a less in 10-50% at the 2000 year. Synonyms about In the bot charts we can see about the same number of manufactured goods (25% and 28%). Synonyms in In the centre are four apostles in different ages . Synonyms take In the conclusion I would like to say that if governments take the law, it will be a reason of many advantages not only for environment, but also for people. Synonyms all In the conclusion it is important to say that all should be in balance. Tense semantics have In the end, I would like to say that only Eupopian Union have huge problems with risen unemployment when middle East with Latin America were on the right way to overcome this problem. Copying expression according with In the European Union unemployment rate was slightly increased and pointed 7,9% in 2015 according with 7,5% in 2014. Synonyms overweigh In the industry sector men overweigh women, it is 32% and 11% accordingly. Synonyms amount In the Middle East and in the Latin America amount of unemployed citizens has follen. Tense semantics get In the Middle East it was 11% in 2014 then get lower to 9,6%. Copying expression max value In the next decade this proportion hardly grow up and rich a pic in 27% - the max value. Tense semantics do In the other hand, total investments and ones of developed countries reached peak in 2011 and investments of developing countries do this in 2012. Synonyms amount In the rest of world we see approximately the same amount of boys and girls who do not have an opportunity to go to school. Copying expression near In the Sough Asia in 2000 the number of girls without access to primary school as near like double amount of boys. Tense semantics is In the Sough Asia in 2000 the number of girls without access to primary school is near like double amount of boys. Synonyms amount In the task I was given there a chart which shows changes in the amount of children without access to primary school education from 2000 to 2012 by gender and region in the world, especially in Africa, South Asia and the Rest of World. Synonyms beat In the UK the number of ebooks will beat the number of printing books by the year 2018, but it will not make a huge difference, just a 300 million dollars. Copying expression daughters "In the whole world many companies which have ""daughters"" in different states trend to move their producing to poor developing countries." Word form transmission producing "In the whole world many companies which have ""daughters"" in different states usually move their producing to poor developing countries." Tense semantics do In the year 2005 the situation changed - 77% of girls and 87% of boys do regular physical activity. Tense semantics changes In the year 2005 the situation changes - 77% of girls did regular physical activity. Transliteration concrete In these case many universities think about the idea to make concrete number of male and female students to avoid this problem. Synonyms acknowledgement In this way even acknowledgement will play a second role: if there was a choice between man and a woman, for instance, for a subject, there female students already dominate, university would choose a man even if his knowledges are not as good as woman's. Copying expression play a second role In this way even acknowledgement will play a second role. Synonyms all In this way we have to do all impossible what we can. Synonyms amount In USA the amount of eldery people went up between 1940 and 1980 and also after 2030 and reach a peak at 28 procent. Word form transmission billions Increasing size once again adding $30 billions . Synonyms in Industry is a sphere in which men are more interested than women and the table illustrates it correctly with the persantage of 32 throuout man workers and 11 throughout woman. Copying expression every of us Inside every of us are our gifts. Copying expression every of us Inside every of us are our passions. Copying expression every of us Inside every of us are our talents. Copying expression aged from 30 to 49 Instagram has a large gap between among people aged from 18 to 29, and people aged from 30 to 49. Synonyms amount Instead of reducing the amount of air travel, people who against any restrictions offer to invest more money in inventing biologically clean and safe engines which will not have any influence on our atmosphere. Tense semantics begin Investments begin to increase for both types of countries at 2006, then it took the meaning 75 bn dollars for developed and 25 for developing countries, it is the lowest point at the graph. Copying expression accords to It accords to the situation in which number of male students will more than female. Copying expression affect on It can affect on the students, society in general. Transliteration aboniment It can be cause of high price for aboniment in this centres. Tense semantics are It can be clearly seen, that there are difference beetween the 2014 and 2015. Copying expression """male"" works" "It can be explained by the fact that there are a lot of ""male"" works nowadays." Synonyms amount It can be noticed from the chart that the amount of kids without access to primary education is South Asia in 2000 was the second in the world after the Africa. Copying expression """lion"" part" "It can be proved by financial opportunities of majority population in the ""lion"" part of countries in the whole world." Tense semantics are It can be seen from the charts, that metals were mostly transported by rail, while food products are popular in road transportation (approximately a third of a chart). Tense semantics is It can be seen that using Facebook on phone became more popular, while desktop version is losing its users. Tense semantics consist It consist 7,5% in 2014, but there was a gentlely growth to 7,9% in 2015 whilst, for Latin America there was a opposite trend. Word form transmission billions It contains 9 billions pores per square inch. Tense semantics are It could be seen that machinery and metals are mainly transported by trains rather than by road. Synonyms amount It could help to dicrease the amount of consumers in air tourism. Synonyms surrounding It creates the tone of surronding athmosphere which is supposed to be friendly in order to function well. Copying expression character of work It depends on character of work and its aims. Synonyms audience It depends on character of work, its aims and audience. Synonyms amount It depends on differenr unpredictable situations, students preferences and on an amount of women and men in the world. Transliteration hi-teck It doesn't depend on hi-teck evangelism. Synonyms decide It follows a big nervous problems, which we need to decide. Synonyms ability It gives figures for both boys and girls and clearly shows that their ability to get school knowledge. Word form transmission billions It had invested roughly $2 billions earlier. Copying expression age It has more than 50% online adults involved in any age. Synonyms all It includes pretty much all except selectors. Synonyms take It is a government's responsibility to take the laws. Copying expression enable It is a parents business to decide when they should enable their children to learn foreign language. Copying expression only emotions It is all about the feelings:when you spend your daily evenings with your family and friends, fall in love, get married or have a child-for all this things you do not have to pay money, only emotions. Tense semantics do It is also instructive to note that, unlike in other countries, in the UK the two markets in both 2014 and 2018 do not differenciate so sharply, with the average differences of no more than 1 billion. Synonyms correct It is also worth noticing, that the general declining tendency is correct for both boys and girls. Word form transmission declining It is also worth noticing, that the general declining tendency is correct for both boys and girls. Word form transmission aftermaths It is believed that after this period they will be free and clear and will not any aftermaths. Tense semantics have It is clear from the chart that such world regions as North Africa and South Asia have equal rates in 2014 and 2015 years. Tense semantics are it is clear from the charts that nowadays (2000) the majority of population in Italy are among 15-59 years old people, while only 46,3% of Yemen people are of this age. Tense semantics invest It is clear from the graph that developing countries invest more and more every year till 2012 while developed countries have some fluctuation in investment: it is slighty rised from 2006 to 2008, then it slightly decreased after what it begins rapidly increased till 2011 and then rapidy went down till 2013. Tense semantics invest It is clear from the graph that developing countries invest more and more every year till 2012 while developed countries have some fluctuation in investment: it is slighty rised from 2006 to 2008, then it slightly decreased after what it begins rapidly increased till 2011 and then rapidy went down till 2013. Word form transmission comparing It is clear that the print marker dropped from 2014, comparing with 2018, in contrast, eBook market will rose . Copying expression 15-59 ages It is clearly seen that the biggest population are and will be people at 15-59 ages. Synonyms at It is clearly seen that the biggest population are and will be people at 15-60 ages. Synonyms amount It is clearly seen that the highest amount of children who could not get primary education was in Africa in 2000 (nearly 20 million boys and 23,7 million girls). Synonyms amount It is clearly seen, that Africa and South Asia have the biggest amount of children without access to education amount all regions in 2000, 43.7 millions and 32.7 millions respectively. Synonyms make It is commonly believed that modern retailers make big prices for their work. Synonyms accepts It is crucial that the government accepts this new law. Copying expression costs It is enormous costs of time and the conditions in Russian trains are definitely uncomfortable. Synonyms about It is hard to calm down being stucked in a traffic congestions which causes lies deep down in human's desire to build more roads, and to have a nice expensive car to show off about. Copying expression there are not them It is important that some new technology we can see only in the best hospitals, but in some villiges there are not them. Word form transmission relationships It is important to have good relationships with everybody. Synonyms underline It is important to underline the importance of government funding in many spheres. Transliteration politics It is impossible for business men or politics to spend more days to achieve another country - moreover, it takes lots of money and time to make a special infrastructure for travelling without air planes such as terminals, roads and other once. Synonyms achieve It is impossible for business men or politics to spend more days to achieve another country. Synonyms achieves to It is interesting to notice that more than a half of students ,refered to 18-25 years old, are tend to choose science (55 per cent) and science cource amongst this audience is the most popular than Arts and Sports all together, whereas the audience of 26-40 year olds like Sports and Health courses more than other ones and their percentage achieves to 62 per cent. Word form transmission affect It is known that all this products have a bad affect on vital parts of our organism. Tense semantics get It is not clear, what it is depends on, but after the higest point in 42% in Japan the percentage get down to 30%. Copying expression not less important It is not less important in secondary prevention. Copying expression not less important It is not less important not to reduce intermediate stages to the earliest terms. Copying expression not less important It is not less important that disciplinary proceedings should not become unduly protracted. Copying expression not less important It is not less important that voluntary organisations develop an interface with the private sector. Copying expression not less important It is not less important to include a rich dose of antioxidants. Copying expression not less important It is not less important to stop the flow of guns to our streets . Copying expression not less important It is not less important to stretch your muscles after any aerobic exercise. Copying expression not less important It is not less important to understand that this law was not put away. Copying expression not less important It is not less important to understand the incoming side of a personality. Copying expression not less important It is not less important to us today. Synonyms amount It is not reveal to amount of boys (11,1 millions). Tense semantics spend It is not surprising but in the past children spend more time with their parents. Copying expression 21 o'clock It is noticeable the rising to more then 40,000 units and reaching the peak after 21 o'clock. Synonyms amount It is obvious from the figures that the amount of boys and girls engaging into exercises surged dramatically. Synonyms amount It is obvious that adults between the ages 30 and 49 make up the amount that is twicer less than the group that is younger than them. Synonyms amount It is obvious that by reducing the amount of flights we will pollute Earth less. Tense semantics are It is obvious that more girls than boys are not allowed to be educated all in all. Tense semantics are It is obvious, that the beginning of the 21st century there are more kids in Yemen (50,1%) than in Italy (14,3%). Tense semantics is It is obvious, that the majority of goods, which were moved by rail, is metals. Copying expression in this amount It is offered every semester in this amount summer. Transliteration parallel It is seen that investment by developed countries and by the whole world experience a parallel. Synonyms amount It is supposed that the governments should reduce the amount of flights due to it causes air pollution and global warming. Synonyms amount It is undeniable, that huge amount of air travel make a great demand to nature and planes in the air are one of the main air's pollution causes. Synonyms aims It is very useful for hitting targeted daily protein aims . Copying expression every of us It is what makes every of us unique. Word form transmission affect It is widely argued what has more affect on a growing child: her/his relatives with whom they live or external communication? Transliteration hi-teck It keeps the maintenance easier and enhances the hi-teck image. Transliteration abiturients It means that some prestigious universities, for example, the main state town's university, can provide equal places in popular studies for young abiturients. Synonyms works It proves the idea that women can handle with hard intellectual works. Copying expression reflects It reflects negatively not only on human beings but on native plants and creatures. Tense semantics come It rose slowly as the number of visits of people who come to UK but in 1999 the number of abroad visits were 52 millions. Tense semantics live It show in percentage how many people of different ages live in 2000 and how many will live in 2050. Tense semantics do It starts in 5 percent and don't have a higher level before 1983. Tense semantics remain It still remain 12,5% in 2015 as well as in 2014. Transliteration hi-teck It was a hi-teck nightmare caused by video game addiction. Tense semantics fall It was precisely 40 percent in 1980, then it slightly increases between 1980 and 1985, and after that it falls to nearly 30 percent between 1985 and 1995. Tense semantics increases It was precisely 40 percent in 1980, then it slightly increases between 1980 and 1985. Tense semantics account It worth noting that, machinery goods represented 2% of total transportation by road, whereas by rail machinery goods account for 12%. Synonyms amount It would be wrong to force someone to persue a certain career or subject just because we are trying to express iquality in such way, and there will always be such faculties that will attract uneven amount of males and females. Synonyms in It's better to find things in the Internet just put the 'free' word searching. Copying expression in this age It's immidiatly apparent from this graph that the propotion of the population in this age will be incregse. Copying expression 18-29 year old It's most popular among 18-29 year old people, with age percentage of users decrease plainly still, it has more than 50% online adults involved in any age - from 87% between millenials to 56% between aged (65+) people. Synonyms times "It's not surprising, that girls and boys have different attitude in 90% times (as British newspaper ""Guardian"" claims) and that's why they have to korn something from each other." Synonyms take It's really important to take only girls or boys there because of the specific requarements (mental or phychological characteristics for instanse). Synonyms aim Its primary policy aim had been investor protection. Word form transmission billions Its total business is worth 360 billions . Synonyms amount Japan, starting at 5 percent lost the amount of old people to nearly 3 percent by 1960. Synonyms at Kids at different ages and genders will adjust differently to a blended family. Synonyms way Language is the best way of communication. Synonyms all Legal ways sometimes are too costly, that is why all done illegaly. Copying expression in the details Let us start from discussing these technologies in the details. Synonyms about Let's consider about it. Synonyms amount Let's start with the point of view, that the governments should ignore this situation and the amount of flights remains steady. Copying expression overcome Let's take into consideration some water transport which require much more time to overcome the same distance as planes. Synonyms amount Limiting amount of air travel for leisure by introducing laws could become a reason of huge using other types of transportations, which also contribute to air pollution. Copying expression aged from 18 to 29 LinkedIn has a large gap between among people aged from 18 to 29, and people aged from 30 to 49. Copying expression age LinkedIn is less popular than facebook among people of age 30-49 and it consists of 31 pecent of all users. Transliteration concurents Local firms and family businesses can not compete with their professional concurents. Synonyms aims Long term aims are vastly improved hardware support. Tense semantics are Looking at the data in 2012, we can define that indexes in South Asia and Rest of World are much more lower than the Africa index. Synonyms amount Looking from an overall perspective, the amount of uneducated children in all countries fall dramatically. Synonyms amount Looking further, it can be noticed that an amount of sporty children have risen too. Tense semantics have Looking more closely at the trend for 1979, it can be seen, that lines of visits abroad by UK residents and visits to the UK by overseas residents have not changed as much. Synonyms amount Main idea of topic that Air travel has been proven to contribute greatly to air pollution and globam warming, as a lot of air tavel is unnecessary, governments should introduce laws to reduce the amount of air travel for business and letsure I particualy agree. Synonyms amount Main trend of this graph are revealed that amount of children that have not access to primary school are fallen, nevertheless, every region has a specific. Synonyms amount Making them participate in same kind of activities makes them more confident ad further improve their communication skills, which is also… Thirdly, but not less importanly having the same amount of male and female students gives them freedom to express themselves, while adding a competitive aspect to studying, which streamlines the process of gaining knowledge, making it more effective, while adding incentive for all students to participate. Tense semantics spend Male members of this group spent approximately 282 minutes doing exercise while young females spend 114 minutes. Tense semantics are Males are more likely to get the future education than women: the chart shows that there are about 300% of males and 200 of women who held the qualification in 1999. Tense semantics are Males are more likely to get the future education than women: the chart shows that there are about 300% of males and 200 of women who held the qualification in 1999. Synonyms amount Manufactured goods by rail is the same amount as by road, Machinery transported by road has minimal percent in second chart. Tense semantics follow Manufactured goods follow the same pattern in rail and road transportation: 25 % and 28 % apparently. Transliteration funats Many funats use these resurse that know what like and what doing their lovely stars in simple life. Transliteration auditory Many moments leave the auditory feeling uncomfortable. Synonyms all Many of us says, that their country should produce all for each men or women, who live on this territory. Synonyms great Many people considered that air travelling causes a great air pollution and a global warming. Transliteration hi-teck Many products fall into the hi-teck category. Copying expression in this amount Many tuning modes are supported in this amount direct keyboard entry. Transliteration hi-teck MasterCard is no stranger to hi-teck purchasing . Synonyms amount Meanwhile at the rest of the world 5,2 million girls had been gaining more and more access until the reaching the amount of 7,5 millions at the end of the period in question. Tense semantics go Meanwhile developing countries had go up to 100 bn in 2011 and decline in 2013 had slowly grow to 171 bn in 2008. Tense semantics go Meanwhile developing countries had go up to 100 bn in 2011 and decline in 2013 had slowly grow to 171 bn in 2008. Tense semantics go Meanwhile developing countries had go up to 100 bn in 2011 and decline in 2013 had slowly grow to 171 bn in 2008. Tense semantics spend Meanwhile, German and Chinese markets of printed books spend on 6 billion of dollars and 4,8 billion of dollars respectively. Tense semantics have Meanwhile, the level of children without access to primary education in South Asia have shown rapid dicrease from 2000 to 2012 and in 2012 the umber of such children is just 10 millions, which is less then in the Rest of World. Copying expression provides us news Media provides us news about murders, beatings and shopliftings committed by young people more and more frequently. Copying expression work on Men and women should work on suitable jobs. Copying expression 65-74 ages Men in 65-74 ages made a small jump compared to 55-64 years opd men. Synonyms in Men in 65-76 ages made a small jump compared to 55-64 years opd men. Synonyms minority Metals and machinery makes minority of all the transportation by road. Transliteration procent Metals are goods that has the biggest procent of transportation by rail. Tense semantics improve Middle East and Latin America improve their rate. Tense semantics fall Middle East and Latin America show more positive dynamic as unemployment in this regions fall to 1 percent in Latin America and in almost 2 percent for Middle East in comparison with 2014. Tense semantics show Middle East and Latin America show more positive dynamic as unemployment in this regions fall to 1 percent in Latin America and in almost 2 percent for Middle East in comparison with 2014. Tense semantics have Middle East has a small gap with EU in 2015 and other tendecy shows that S. Asia have a lower data on unemployment of rate than worldwide data. Synonyms other Middle East has a small gap with EU in 2015 and other tendecy shows that S. Asia have a lower data on unemployment of rate than worldwide data. Synonyms after Middle East is the second region after the highest one. Copying expression step of education More over it easier to study foreign language, because in this step of education children formed the system of language from his native language, which are obligatory study on primary level. Word form transmission system of language/ More over it easier to study foreign language, because in this step of education children formed the system of language from his native language, which are obligatory study on primary level. Synonyms decision More over such method of problem decision provides to reduce in foreign investments which help to economical growth. Tense semantics see More than a third of women who used Facebook see it as one of main reasons to use it. Tense semantics is More women than men used Facebook for seeing funny posts and learning about ways to help others - in both cases the difference is about 10 percent. Copying expression age Moreover, all the groups are strongly involved in Facebook, while Instagram is not so interesting for people after age 30. Tense semantics have Moreover, both rates have steadily risen from 1700 till 1800 and then fallen till 1950, when their behavior started to differ, as Birth rate increased a bit and Death rate stayed the same. Tense semantics have Moreover, both rates have steadily risen from 1700 till 1800 and then fallen till 1950, when their behavior started to differ, as Birth rate increased a bit and Death rate stayed the same. Tense semantics stay Moreover, degrees of the work in N. Africa, S. Asia and Worldwid mark stay the same during 2014 and 2015. Synonyms made Moreover, education is a key factor to avoid crimes made by young people. Word form transmission persons Moreover, every science starts with this type of persons. Word form transmission relationships Moreover, if students and teachers will have a relationships such a friend, they would avoid a conflict. Synonyms amount Moreover, it almost last a huge amount of working places elevating the problem of unemployment. Synonyms work Moreover, it makes us overlook the old myth of male or female jobs only and gives a chance to develop a natural talent in a person who is not suited for a particular work, according to the overall belief. Synonyms demand Moreover, nobody could proofe the fact that man are far smarter in math, chemistry and other complicated disciplines, which demand a high mathematical skills. Synonyms learned Moreover, organism of kids is more flexible and they can be learned the right accent and grammar faster than elder people. Word form transmission of kids Moreover, organism of kids is more flexible and they can be learned the right accent and grammar faster than elder people. Transliteration organism Moreover, organism of kids is more flexible and they can be learned the right accent and grammar faster than elder people. Synonyms available Moreover, space exploration can contribute to such fascinating thing as discovering other planets, which are available for life. Word form transmission 1970th Moreover, Sweden and France got the biggest amount of energy in 1970th. Tense semantics have Moreover, the amount of energy's investment of developing countries was always low, its highest pick was around 100 Bn in 2012, while developed countries and, of course, world total have a higher level in their investment. Synonyms amount Moreover, the amount of unemployment in this region remain stable during the year. Tense semantics remain Moreover, the amount of unemployment in this region remain stable during the year. Synonyms amount Moreover, the huge amount of films and musics is free in Internet. Copying expression 60+ years old people Moreover, the number of 60+ years old people will significantly increase. Copying expression 65+ years old Moreover, the percentage use of Facebook in the least age group, 65+ years old, is higher than any of the scored reached by the highest age groups in Instagram or LinkedIn, making Facebook even more popular with the crowd. Copying expression order Moreover, this order no doubt will be unfair. Tense semantics are Most drammatical changes are in the Middle East. Tense semantics agree Most of the women (54%) saw Facebook as a platform for sharing media content, a lot of men (39%) agree with it. Synonyms amount Most often, the person comes to pay site and sees a large amount of licensed movie and thinks that the money he could to go and see that film at cinema. Synonyms accept Most people would accept that today the musicians and film producers are greedy. Synonyms make Most people would accept that today the musicians and film producers make huge prices for there works. Synonyms aims Most three point field aims attempted – ? Tense semantics do Mostly children: boys and girls do not access to primary education in Africa in 2000. Tense semantics stay Mostly, countries stay at the same level. Synonyms audience Moving to the least popular area of employment in this country, agricultural sector's data shows approximately 5% of workers among both men and women being occupied while Australian people do choose to provide audience with services as almost three quaters of male population and about 90% of female one are occupied in this sphere. Word form transmission sector's Moving to the least popular area of employment in this country, agricultural sector's data shows approximately 5% of workers among both men and women being occupied. Synonyms aim My aim was to lose 70 pounds. Synonyms aim My total aim is to lose 80 lbs. Tense semantics have N. Africa has the worst data between other world region but have the same data with Middle East in 2014. Synonyms amount Nevertheless after 100 years, in the end of the graph amount of old people in this two countries is lower than in third one. Copying expression 50-years period Nevertheless, in Italy 0-14 years people are constant, but in Yemen in 50-years period it's becoming bigger. Copying expression 0-14 years people Nevertheless, in Italy 0-14 years people are constant. Synonyms constant Nevertheless, in Italy people are constant. Tense semantics have Nevertheless, it can be noticed that in the Middle East and in Latin America columns, which are about unemployment rate in 2015, have become lower: the decrease was from 11 to 9,6 in the Middle East, and the gap between numbers in Latin America is 1%. Tense semantics have Nevertheless, it can be noticed that in the Middle East and in Latin America columns, which are about unemployment rate in 2015, have become lower: the decrease was from 11 to 9,6 in the Middle East, and the gap between numbers in Latin America is 1%. Copying expression 65 years Nevertheless, scientists demonstrated that 1990-2020 consist of increasing of old people (65 years and over) is Sweden, but their decline in USA. Word form transmission millions Nevertheless, the situation shifted because in 2012 it was South Asia that reached a bottom of 10 millions children. Word form transmission millions Nevertheless, the situation shifted because in 2012 it was South Asia that reached a bottom of 4.8 millions of girls. Word form transmission millions Nevertheless, the situation shifted because in 2012 it was South Asia that reached a bottom of 5.1 millions of boys. Word form transmission affect Nevertheless, the world is capable to reduce this affect. Synonyms amount Newdays a largest amount of people believe in danger of using technology. Tense semantics decrease Next to the Africa is Middle East, when the percent in 2014, but in 2015 it decrease to 9,6%. Tense semantics are Next, in Sweden in 1940 there are only 7% of older people, but when the line rise and expert say that in 2040 there will be the 26% of the population aged 65 and over. Transliteration hi-teck No longer plastic, but hi-teck nylon. Tense semantics is Non-metallic minerals were tranported by road mostly: only one third of them is transported by rail. Tense semantics are North Africa and South Asia are the regions where changes in percentage didn't happen: 12,5% for both years in N. Africa and 3,9% in South Asia correspondingly. Synonyms amount Now let's consider the opinion, that the governments should reduce the amount of flights. Transliteration marketologs Now marketologs can research how often people fly to some countries and reduce just unpopular flyings. Transliteration actual Nowaday, the problem of finding of apropriate solytions to reduce air pollution and to solve the problem of global wrming is so actual. Transliteration actual Nowadays enviromental problems become more and more actual. Synonyms aim Nowadays many people claim that the building's appearance does not play a crucial role, it is much more important for construction to serve its aim. Synonyms acute Nowadays problem of ecology and environment is rather acute and many people are alarmed by it. Transliteration actual Nowadays the most actual questions connect with ecological problems. Copying expression adolescent crime Nowadays the problem of adolescent crime is widely discussed as more and more young adults commit illegal acts. Synonyms amount Nowadays the problem of sexes often arrise in the society, for example, there is a matter of enrolling to university and some people say that equal amount of males and females should be accepted for each faculty. Transliteration actual Nowadays the question of the balance between the time spent on the earning money and leisure is actual like never. Synonyms wide Nowadays there is a wide discussion on the question of what is the ideal proportion of two genders in universities. Transliteration actual Nowadays there is very actual opinion that schools should do some unpaid work as lessons to teach students how to help other people. Tense semantics start Nowadays this question is even more important then before because young people start to commit more crimes. Synonyms achieve Nowadays, air travelling is the most popular and convinient way of travelling for the long distance, if you want to achieve your destination fast. Synonyms amount Nowadays, in academic world, it is one of the most common questions, should be there equal amount of both male and female students? Synonyms amount Nowadays, it take information of 2012, amount gradually decreased to 15,3 millions. Transliteration temp Nowadays, temp of life may be a cause of fact that many people must to leave their families to work more and get much money. Synonyms amount Nowadays, there are a huge amount of international companies which have their business in many countries in the world. Synonyms amount Number of girls with this problem generally is bigger than amount of boys, apart scale of South Asia 2012. Tense semantics are Numbers of North Africa and Middle East in 2014 year are nearly the same, and numbers of EU and Latin America in 2014 year are nearly the same too. Tense semantics are Numbers of North Africa and Middle East in 2014 year are nearly the same, and numbers of EU and Latin America in 2014 year are nearly the same too. Synonyms available Of course all kinds of sports should have available price for people with different incoms. Copying expression affect on Of course this conversations affect on our mindset and our character. Transliteration actual Of course, that is an important thing to worry about because, unfortunately, global problems are becoming more and more actual for modern society. Synonyms amount Of course, the amount of children without any knowledge fell and reached it's minimum of 14,5 mil. of boys and 18,2 mil. of girls but steal it was the highest index. Tense semantics have On 2014 and 2015 we have 12,5% of unemployment for N. Africa, 3,9% for S. Asia and 5,9 Worldwide. Synonyms prepared On of the most important things that should be prepared is the foreign language. Copying expression 15-59 years On the charts about population of Italy can be seen that percentage of people aged 15-59 years is biggest and it is 61,6 per cent. Word form transmission actively On the contrary, 'manufactured goods' and 'food products' are the most actively transpored types of goods by road. Tense semantics demonstrate On the contrary, in 2014 the UK book market demonstrate minimum income, only 2,6 and 1,8 billion dollars for print book and eBook, correspondely. Copying expression quality of On the contrary, other people believe that other activities should be use to up the quality of public health. Tense semantics characterize On the contrast, Middle East and Latin America characterize with more unemployment people in 2014 than in 2015. Synonyms amount On the countorary the London Underground is way longer (394), but was a much lower amount of those, who use subway as a mean of transport. Synonyms amount On the first bar chart we can see that amount of desktop users decreased in 2013 with comparasion to 2012: in 2012 there were 150 millions of desktop version users, while in 2013 only about 55 millions, which is more then twice less. Word form transmission desktop's On the first diagramm we can see that desktop's users have downward trend in period March 2012 to March 2013. Copying expression in period On the first diagramm we can see that desktop's users have downward trend in period March 2012 to March 2013. Copying expression 15-59 year old people On the first graph we see that 46.3% of population of Yemen were 15-59 year old people. Copying expression On the first place On the first place is France. Tense semantics have On the last graph we can see that unemployment all over the world have not changed since 2014. Synonyms addicts On the one hand we have producers, whose payment addicts from number of people, who buy their work. Copying expression age period On the one hand, one of the causes of such students' behaviour is considered to be their age period. Tense semantics is On the one hand, the amount of boys trying to keep fit has grown on 30 percent since 1990, at the same time the changing rate of girls percantage want to be health is less positive, only 26%. Synonyms amounts On the one hand, we have a scientific evidence that children are able to memorize large amounts of information better in their early ages. Tense semantics is On the opposite, food products tended to be transported by road mostly, and the difference is like in the previous case - 30% against 11%. Copying expression causes negatively on On the other had every tax causes negatively on economic issue. Copying expression but and On the other hand a lot of people think that opportunity of free watching gaming or listening it a good chance not only for consumers but and for actors, artist and companyes. Synonyms tell On the other hand experience we may have in our life is important too, because in adult we learn, how to tell with different people and of course this conversations affect on our mindset and our character. Synonyms amount On the other hand, an equal amount of boys and girls in university more confident and friendly atmosphere. Synonyms amount On the other hand, children are very busy with subjects at school, which will be useful in their further life, maybe significant amount interest to nature will distract young minds. Copying expression subjects On the other hand, children are very busy with subjects at school, which will be useful in their further life, maybe significant amount interest to nature will distract young minds. Tense semantics are On the other hand, chinese and german expectations for revenue in 2018 are relatively stagnant with 0 percent change in print revenue in Germany specifically, and almost an identical situation in Chinese markets. Synonyms amount On the other hand, even equal amount of studt places for every subject for man and woman can lead to disturbing atmosphere in classes. Tense semantics show On the other hand, Germany and New Zealand show simmilar trends of lower wage gap: from 23 and 20 percents respectively in 1980 to around 13 percent for both in 1995. Synonyms accept On the other hand, of course, some of them can try to accept this law in their educational politics and increase their popularity among young people. Copying expression have On the other hand, some people claim that children have a right simply to have their childhood. Synonyms amount On the other hand, the amount of them is the lowest in Italy, whereas people, who are 60+ years old are on the 2nd place according to their part in general population. Copying expression opposite from "On the other hand, the direct effect of punishing people to prevent buying illegal copies would be opposite from ""more good art, films and music""." Synonyms amount On the other hand, the reduce of amount of the air travel may help to solve problems with air pollution and prevent future global warming as less planes will flight. Word form transmission affect On the other hand, the reducing of air travel may have a negative affect on people's life. Word form transmission reducing On the other hand, the reducing of air travel may have a negative impact on people's life. Synonyms decide On the other hand, those who decide that having more free time and work less tend to focus on the flexibility and overall easiness of their schedules. Copying expression according On the second chart we can observe the reasons to use Facebook of men and women (according their own opinions). Copying expression age On the second graph, we can see a down turn in procent of employer support to 30-39 age. Tense semantics get On the top of rate we can see North Africa, where unemployment get close to 13%. Synonyms about On these two pictures there are two pie charts about ways of goods transportation between countries in Eastern Europe in 2008. Copying expression visiting to One more: frequent visiting to doctors. Copying expression 0-14 ages One of the most obvious fact in charts that in Yemen in 2050 there will be less children in 0-14 ages, than it was in 2000. Synonyms in One of the most obvious fact in charts that there will be less children in 0-15 ages. Synonyms limited One possible way how to solve it is to make such films age limited by parents. Copying expression lift up One should not forget, that there are literally dozens of thousands of airplanes, which lift up and set down all over the world daily. Copying expression lift up One should not forget, that there are literally dozens of thousands of airplanes, which lift up and set down all over the world daily. Copying expression set down One should not forget, that there are literally dozens of thousands of airplanes, which lift up and set down all over the world daily. Tense semantics are Only 11% of products were transported by rail whereas 30% of these goods are transported by road. Copying expression 60+ year old people Only 3.6% were 60+ year old people. Tense semantics do Only about a quarter of girls in 2000 still do not have an access to primary schools in 2012. Copying expression in age 55-64 Only in age 55-64 women spend more time on sport and exercise than men. Tense semantics have Other regions have differences between 2014 and 2015. Synonyms write Other Underground railway system I want to write in order of date opened: Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC and Kyoto URS, so they were opened in 1900. Synonyms write Other URS I will write in order of biggering: Los Angeles, Washington, Tokyo and Paris with 11, 126, 155 and 199 kilometres of route. Transliteration avia company Others argue, that accepting such restrictions can harm the world economy by reducing income of avia company and decreasing the quantity of business negotiations, i.e. entreprenears can refuse from possible acquisitions because of possibility of wasting time. Word form transmission reducing Others argue, that accepting such restrictions can harm the world economy by reducing income of companies. Word form transmission affect Others suppose that this action would not have necessary affect and money should be spend more reasonably. Word form transmission don't Otherwise, children don't afraid of making grammar mistakes because basically they just repeat words and phrases in the way we hear them. Tense semantics get Otherwise, Germany had a dramatic downshift to the year 1990, whan the percentage of the income of the people was 10 percent, but than the earnings of the population started to grow and a get a high of approximately 13 percent to 1995. Copying expression to enter Otherwise, if only three boys would decide to enter Foreign language department it would mean that only three places would be available for girls in spite of total number of empty places. Copying expression 0-14 people Otherwise, percentage of 0-14 people will fall from approximately half to just over one third of all population. Word form transmission affect Othes don't think so, because it have a little affect to our health. Synonyms aim Our aim is 100% customer satisfaction. Synonyms aims Our aims and curriculum are outlined here. Synonyms decide Our children will try to decide it, their children too. Word form transmission billions Our interest payment is $20 billions . Word form transmission billions Over 14 billions pencils are manufactured worldwide annually. Word form transmission billions Over 8 billions were thrown away afterwards . Tense semantics fall Overall numbers are less significant in Germany: 20% in 1980, fall from 19% in 1985 to 13% in 1990 and to 11% in 1995. Copying expression biggest part Overall the percentage of people, who did not have a job in selected world from 2014 to 2015 did not have a big changes and stayed stable in a biggest part of countries. Tense semantics are Overall trends varied, however eBook markets in all four countries are expected to grow by 2018. Tense semantics get Overall, (approximately) in all regions more children get access to primary education in 2012. Tense semantics do Overall, according to the diagram the number of kids who don't have an access to primary education had declined since 2000 to 2012. Tense semantics are Overall, after analysing the charts, it could be noticed that during the period from 2012 to 2013 men tended to use Facebook more with mobile phones than with desktops, whereas women are more comfortable with using desktops. Synonyms about Overall, after analyzing the information it can be stated that using mobile phones for the following Facebook demonstrated upward trend, using deskpots remaind stable; sharing photos and videos and seeing funny posts were the main reasons for female, receiving uptades and learning about to help others were less important for women, sharing media materials and receiving updates had the same popularity for male users. Tense semantics are Overall, as it can be analysed from the data provided, Facebook was the most popular in March 2012, and, as it can be observed from the second chart, women use different features of this website more often than men and thereby are more involved into this social network. Tense semantics use Overall, as it can be analysed from the data provided, Facebook was the most popular in March 2012, and, as it can be observed from the second chart, women use different features of this website more often than men and thereby are more involved into this social network. Tense semantics are Overall, Facebook became less popular among users, and reasons for using it are slightly different for two genders. Tense semantics start Overall, in 2013 people start to use the mobile version of Facebook more often, seeing sharing videos and photos with each other as the main purpose of exploiting this social network. Synonyms achieves to Overall, it can be seen that most of students prefer to study science more than other courses and the number of people achieves to 650. Synonyms all Overall, it is clear that during the all period the percentage difference in earnings tends to decline. Tense semantics do Overall, it is clear that men usually spent more time on exercises than women do. Tense semantics are Overall, it is clear that printed and eBooks markets are the most developed among these countries and it will lead in 2018. Tense semantics are Overall, it is immediately apparent from the graphs that the most popular course among young people was science whereas sports and well-being programmes are popular with adults and art lessons with 40-aged people and senoirs. Tense semantics tend Overall, people tend to use the mobile version of Facebook more during 2013. Synonyms amount Overall, the amount of goods delivered by rail differs from those, that were delivered by road. Synonyms amount Overall, the amount of old people in Sweeden rises too, but there were small declines in tendency. Tense semantics remain Overall, the chart doesn't show the big difference between 2014 and 2015 performances, and 3 of 6 rates remain stable. Synonyms amount Overall, the chart shows that in urban areas the amount of houses with Internet is much bigger than in rural areas. Tense semantics do Overall, the chart shows, that the highest number of both girls and who don't have access to primary schools concerns to Africa 2000 and the lowest percentage of them is shown in South Asia 2012. Tense semantics do Overall, the chart shows, that the highest number of both girls and who don't have access to primary schools concerns to Africa 2000 and the lowest percentage of them is shown in South Asia 2012. Tense semantics are Overall, the most significant common tendency which should be mentioned is noticeable decrease of children who are not allowed to get primary school due to the comparison of two presented years. Synonyms various Overall, the trands in different sectors were various in 1998 and 2006 in UK. Tense semantics remain Overall, the unemployment rate remain stable world wide, as well as, in N. Africa and S. Asia. Copying expression a tendency of falling Overall, there was a tendency of falling of the number of children without access to primary school education if we consider information given for all the regions and genders. Tense semantics fall Overall, throughout all period the number of children without access to primary education declined and fall in minimum in 2012. Copying expression between 1970-2015 Overall, United States takes first place between all these five countries as it produced the most percentage of energy between 1970-2015. Synonyms between Overall, United States takes first place between all these five countries. Tense semantics have Overall, we can see that graph which show temperature in Yakutsk, rises from January to July and drop from July to December, but Rio de Janeiros graph have little fluctuate in this time. Tense semantics drop Overall, we can see that graph which show temperature in Yakutsk, rises from January to July and drop from July to December. Tense semantics rises Overall, we can see that graph which show temperature in Yakutsk, rises from January to July. Tense semantics have Overall, what stands out from the graph is that in 2015 China and Sweden have the most different results. Transliteration kilometrs Overview, we can see 4 colomns: City; date opened; kilometrs of route; passengers per year. Synonyms amount People argue that the amount of male and female students have to be equal in each educational group. Synonyms all People believe, that in this case sport will be available for all who want to improve their health. Copying expression call friends at home People can call friends at home to understand, which kind of friends does their son or daughter have. Synonyms in People downloads copies of films in their computers, but the can often go to the cinema, because there are many films look like so good and cool on the big (экран). Tense semantics become People got jobs and come to work. Copying expression prepared to People must be prepared to new laws by social media or social advertisement wich shows the value of author's intellectual work. Synonyms after People should do them after every 45 minutes being in front of the computer screen or in the gym. Synonyms them People should do them after every 45 minutes. Copying expression aged from 30 to 49 People, aged from 18 to 29, and from 65, are used this social network less than people, aged from 30 to 49 and from 50 to 64. Synonyms a little Person knowing a little can not competently provide the creativity. Word form transmission knowing Person knowing a little can not perform competently. Synonyms aim Personally, I believe that architects should only bear in mind what the original aim of their work is: whether it is aesthetics or rationality. Synonyms devise Personally, I believe that both parents and school are equally important and prominent in nurturing children as they combine and devise specific activities to adress children's needs and form his/her personality and features of character. Copying expression in the complex Possible, in the complex this kind much more dangerous for the inveroments, than airplane. Copying expression Possible Possible, in the complex this kind much more dangerous for the inveroments, than airplane. Synonyms all Pretty much hearing all & seeing nothing. Synonyms acceptance Prior to the acceptance of this law, there was no way of stopping the criminals. Copying expression quality of seeing Public generally tend to believe that computers and sitting lifestyle cause a healthy problems, such as: a decreasing quality of seeing, diseases of eyes. Word form transmission sitting Public generally tend to believe that computers and sitting lifestyle cause a healthy problems, such as: a decreasing quality of seeing, diseases of eyes. Copying expression older 60 Quantity of individuals who are older 60 is predicted with growing almost 20 per cent. Synonyms on Quantity of people whom age fluctuates from 15 to 59 will be increased on approximately 10 per cent. Synonyms aim Reducing aerodynamic drag was another primary design aim . Synonyms amount Reducing the amount of air travel can decrease the appearance of people in crowded places. Copying expression as drawbacks as pluses Reffuring to another opinion, free time has a lot as drawbacks as pluses. Tense semantics are Regarding to the chart, almost in every region girls are less access to the school education than boys. Copying expression every of us Remember, every of us is different. Word form transmission aftermaths Respectively, it may have grave aftermaths. Synonyms great Rest of World also improves the statistic but not so great - from 12.8 to 7.6 millions and from 10.5 to 7.7 millions for girls and boys accordingly so it achieves almost equaly numbers for boys and girls. Transliteration statistic Rest of World also improves the statistic but not so great - from 12.8 to 7.6 millions and from 10.5 to 7.7 millions for girls and boys accordingly so it achieves almost equaly numbers for boys and girls. Synonyms amount Right now there is big argument in society about air pollution and global warming, because of the great amount of flights. Tense semantics get Same shows 4th graph, unempoyment get down very fast from 6,8 to 5,8 (which is more than 10% for 1 year) in Latin America. Tense semantics get Same shows 4th graph, unempoyment get down very fast from 6,8 to 5,8 (which is more than 10% for 1 year) in Latin America. Tense semantics fall Samsung soar between 2010 and 2013, and reach a peak of this year in percentage share of smartphone profits, but then it fall down to the start point of approximately 20%. Transliteration medicine Second, it is very important to improve and develop a medicine. Transliteration production "Secondary, investors are not interested in activities, where they pay a huge amounts of money and other people just ""steal"" their production and money." Copying expression 60+ years old people Secondary, it's necessary to pay attention to the fact that Yemen in 2000 had an extremely small percentage of 60+ years old people. Synonyms Secondary Secondary, it's necessary to pay attention to the fact that Yemen in 2000 had an extremely small percentage of 60+ years old people. Synonyms amount Secondly, companies allow themselves to double the amount of production. Synonyms afraid Secondly, during the whole period of its existence, humanity did not provide any more effective ways to stop criminals than puninshment - and if this punishment is strictrer, the criminals would afraid to get in prison. Copying expression a whole life Secondly, I believe that the modern technology can give to people a second chance to live a whole life, for instance, a person without a foot or hand can afford new limbs which will be do from some new matirials. Copying expression 65-years Secondly, Japan citizens always was very young because in their population 65-years people was not over then 5%. Synonyms dishonesty Secondly, musicians and film producers spent a lot of money and time to make their films and audios, and when they do not have money from using it by other people it is dishonesty. Transliteration matericks Secondly, some countries are located on other matericks so you can arrive there only by airplane or boat. Synonyms amount Secondly, South Asia has the lowest amount of children with this problem in the end of period, comparising 4,8 millons to 7,6 in the Rest of World and to 18,2 in Africa among girls. Synonyms amount Secondly, the reducing of the amount of business and leisure air travel could make more popular eco-friendly types of travel, such as, trains or electrocars. Copying expression big range Secondly, they say that it's a exome, because there is a law about protection of author's rights in the big range of countries. Synonyms amount Secondly, to my mind, level of education doestn depend from equal amount of boys and girls. Transliteration races Secondly, today there are lots of unnecessary races that can be changed or collected in one. Tense semantics are Secondly,while we were making a comparison we noticed that these two chart had something in common - the indexes of manufactured goods and chemicals are very alike. Transliteration auditory Several episodes received extremely high auditory figures. Tense semantics get Should we blame peasants, who get food from Robin Hood? Word form transmission datas Simultaneously, the datas show us that the demandings of the electricity for summer period practically does not change for the whole day achieving the highest quantity between 12 and 15 hours and 21 and 24 hours. Synonyms Simultaneously Simultaneously, the datas show us that the demandings of the electricity for summer period practically does not change for the whole day achieving the highest quantity between 12 and 15 hours and 21 and 24 hours. Tense semantics have Since 1990 all the countries have been experiencing a steady fall in numbers, with the exception of Germany. Tense semantics have Since 2000 to 2012 the common number of children have been reduced in all regions. Tense semantics decrease Since 2011 to 2015 the percentage share of these companies slightly decrease. Tense semantics do So do Latin America decreasing by 1%. Synonyms the utility So the laws like high tax rates will help to reduce negative impact on air and get money for cleaning it that will increase the utility of government. Synonyms amount So this decision will help not only to reduce the amount of flights of private planes but to increase the quality of air travel for passengers and for the technical condition of planes, which belong to government airline and have all necessary technical checking results. Tense semantics become So while living conditions become better, the unemployment rate is slowly falling. Synonyms too So, children become too independent from parents and they can easily find a bad behaviour role mode. Tense semantics consist So, for N. Africa and S. Asia situation with unemployment is stable and unemployment rate for this country consist 12,5 and 3,9 procents respectively for both observed years. Synonyms amount So, government should try to stop this threat by reducing the amount of air travels not to allow people to become the victims of pollution. Synonyms on So, I suppose, musicans should earn their money on live-shows and merch, and film producers on cinema and advertisment. Synonyms do So, teachers should make more affords to do education process more interesting and useful for young people. Synonyms amount So, the amount of female and male school graduants enterening universities are not the same. Tense semantics have So, the Asian region have the smallest number of boys and girls without access to primary education, when Africa stayed on the last place. Synonyms amount So, the best consideration for governments could be to create and set up more policies and social programs to protect the environment, and at the same time to minimize the amount of those air travel, which are not of most importance. Tense semantics are So, to summarise the information and to depict the results of the 2015: South Asia has stable and low rates of unemployment, EU and Latin America rates are almost the same and fluctuate a little. Tense semantics fluctuate So, to summarise the information and to depict the results of the 2015: South Asia has stable and low rates of unemployment, EU and Latin America rates are almost the same and fluctuate a little. Word form transmission millions Some £450 millions has been written off. Word form transmission affections Some affections may be harmful and some may give drugtaking athletes some advance. Transliteration filials Some companies has filials around the world and it is unreal to manage them from one place, directot need to move to each other and control them and air travel make it possible. Synonyms amount Some people are confident that universities have to take the same amount of men and women to each subject or faculty in oder to share ideals of tolerance in the all over the world. Copying expression worthy Some people believe that it is worthy to start earlier at primary school. Synonyms amount Some people belive that it is necessary to introduce laws to reduce the amount of air travel for business and leisure. Synonyms create Some people consider that it loods to air pollution and global warming and government should create special law to decrease the number the number of planes fly. Synonyms abandoned Some scientists believe that GMO technologies have to be abandoned. Synonyms amount Someone prefers to watch a foreign comedy, while others are fond of local films, but the amount of latter decreases steeply. Word form transmission advices Someone take more thoughts or patterns of behavior in their family, another one is interested in friend's or teacher's advices, it depends only on child's choose and has not the biggest or the least part in person's life. Synonyms take Someone take more thoughts or patterns of behavior in their family. Synonyms afraid Someone who whants to do crime will afraid. Copying expression do not see Sometimes child can grab or taste something, while parents do not see, and it may lead to a bad consequences, like stomachache, hand cutting or he can hurt his leg. Synonyms transport Sometimes it can be the cheapest transport for long distance. Synonyms amount South Asia statistics shows, that the amount of boys without the access lost 17,8 millions fell from 21,6 to 4,8 in 2012. Tense semantics keep South Asia supported the trend set by North Africa and keep its unemployment rates on the same level of 3,9%. Copying expression 60+ years Speaking about initial trends in population in Italy and Yemen in 2000 it should be noticed that the main difference could be seen in numbers of people aged 60+ years which are 20% more presented in Italy. Word form transmission numbers Speaking about initial trends in population in Italy and Yemen in 2000 it should be noticed that the main difference could be seen in numbers of people aged 60+ years which are 20% more presented in Italy. Tense semantics continue Starting with nearly 40% in 1980, just as in Japan, the difference fall to 30% in 1985 and continue to fall after that: to 23% in 1990 and finally to 20% in 1995. Tense semantics fall Starting with nearly 40% in 1980, just as in Japan, the difference fall to 30% in 1985. Copying expression on Students should have their own choice which subjects to learn, as universities should decide themselves how to organise subjects and number of people on them. Transliteration auditory Subsequent test auditory screenings drew substantially better reactions. Word form transmission destructively Such negative financial environment destructively influences development of children and teenagers. Synonyms limited Such products should be age limited. Tense semantics have Such situation was kept till 2012 when developed countries have overcome this distance and their investment took a quarter less than developing countries had. Tense semantics take Such transportations take 12% of rail transportations. Synonyms Sugested Sugested chart below gives to us innformation about the proportion of the population aged 65 and ove between 1940 and 2040 in USA, Japan and Sweden. Synonyms audience Summing up, age distribution of audience morhs by features of network: omnipotent Facebook for everybody, professional LinkedIn for adults and funny Instagram for youth. Synonyms higher Surely, the optimal solution can be to combine and use optimal options, which were shown higher, together, and try to find 'gold medium' in this problematic situation. Tense semantics fluctuate Sweden a USA have approximatly the same level of proportion: Both countrier fluctuate since 1940 from 7% a 9%, after this to 12% a 15% in 1980. Tense semantics have Sweden a USA have approximatly the same level of proportion: Both countrier fluctuate since 1940 from 7% a 9%, after this to 12% a 15% in 1980. Copying expression 70th Sweden in 70th was the tird one, but the situation started to change very quickly by the year 1990. Synonyms after Sweden started in 1970 by eighty percent, but after in 1985 decreased by forty percent and after in 2015 decreased still by ten percent. Synonyms amount Sweden's amount of old people was somewhere at 7 percent in 1940 and then the numbers shared the same tendencies an USA's, while remaining behind up untill the middle of 1980 - 2000, when the number rise suddenly and live USA behind. Copying expression acception students "Taking everything into account, I would like to notice that for me such system of acception students has a lot of disadvanteges (among them ""male proffessions"" or ""female professions"" that exclude needs in both genders)." Word form transmission acception Taking everything into account, I would like to notice that for me such system of acception students has a lot of disadvanteges. Synonyms about Taking into consideration all mentioned about, I stick to the point that it is possible to help everybody. Synonyms all Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I suppose that although in the majority of cases children are doomed to grow by themselves, there are some excludes which demonstrate that families with traditional tenets of nurturing exist. Copying expression aged 65 and over Taking prediction into account, until 2040 both USA and Sweden will have around 25% of aged 65 and over population. Tense semantics are Talking about the gender, there are more females than males without primary education in all regions in 2000. Synonyms amount Talking in numbers, the highest amount of children without access to primary school was recorded in Africa 16 years ago, where it hitted 43.7 millions. Copying expression close their eyes Teachers also shall not close their eyes to the features of individual's character. Word form transmission millions Tennis £4 millions cup goes ahead. Synonyms achieve to Thanks for air travel we can not only safe our time, but also it allows us to achieve to our destination in safety. Synonyms aim That everything else falls behind aim setting. Word form transmission billions That is another several billions dollars spent. Synonyms amount That is the reason of huge decreases in revenues of great amount of musicians, musical and film producers, and entertainment industry as a whole. Synonyms place That is why it is better to take them to a place by road, which clearly takes less time. Word form transmission authority That is why, the authority ough to decrease this influence by laws, which solve the problem with unnecessary flights. Synonyms in That's why in 12 o'clock in the night units of electricity decreased. Copying expression needed That's why studying of foreign languages is on the most needed subjects. Word form transmission billions The $23 billions financing gap was filled. Word form transmission millions The $700 millions weapons plant survived. Word form transmission billions The 2010 congressional elections cost roughly $4 billions . Word form transmission billions The 2011 total gross state product was $259 billions . Synonyms acute The acute crisis is making itself known. Word form transmission affect The affect of such sport centers might have an addition to the tendency that provides the idea of healthy lifestyle. Synonyms aim The aim is 100 beats per minute or less. Synonyms aim The aim was reached within nine hours. Synonyms aims The aims for both providers were twofold. Synonyms amount The amount is a little bit less than 25 millions. Synonyms amount The amount of 15-59 and 60+ years old will increase, whereas the amount of 0-14 year old will decline. Synonyms amount The amount of 26-40 years old people is quite stable, exept sport and health courses: there is the amount of that group of people is dramatically raised. Synonyms amount The amount of boys without access to primary school in Africa is twice more than in South Asia in 2000. Synonyms amount The amount of car crashing is great. Synonyms amount The amount of chemicals and non-metallic minerals took smaller parts virtually just under the quarter of all goods. Synonyms amount The amount of children without access to primary education is lower on about 12 millions, bur proportion of girls and boys is similar. Synonyms amount The amount of girls and boys without access to primary education, is approximately equal in the 2012 in the Rest of World. Synonyms amount The amount of male and female children in rest of world exceeded this number by 5 millions in 2012. Synonyms amount The amount of metals, transported by road was much smaller than by rail. Synonyms amount The amount of mobile version users decreased too, but not as much as the amount of desctop users: there were 130 millions of usres of this version in 2012, while nearly 95 millions in 2013. Synonyms amount The amount of online users of age group 18-29 about 22 percent. Synonyms amount The amount of online users of old people the same like young people. Synonyms amount The amount of people over 65 was rising between 1940 and the end of 1970s. Synonyms amount The amount of people that have this desise is gradualy raise by last years. Synonyms amount The amount of population aged 65 and over in USA gradually increased to 10% in 1960 and 15% in 1980. Synonyms amount The amount of such people in the United States slightly increased from 9% to 15% in the period from 1940 to 1980. Synonyms amount The amount of those people are increasing these days because the Internet is considered to be one of the most important parts of our daily routine due to technological development. Tense semantics are The amounts of unemployment rate remain stable in two regions of the world while two regions are characterized by drop of such amount and only one region as an increased unemployment rate in 2015 in comparison with 2014 (the EU). Tense semantics remain The amounts of unemployment rate remain stable in two regions of the world while two regions are characterized by drop of such amount and only one region as an increased unemployment rate in 2015 in comparison with 2014 (the EU). Copying expression every of us The answer is within every of us . Copying expression not less important The attendence of complex health researches is not less important. Transliteration auditory The auditory wanted violence and being frightened? Copying expression every of us The banker fines every of us $10. Copying expression every of us The banker pays every of us $300. Tense semantics practise The bar chart and the table depicts the information about kids who suffer from obesity from 1985 to 2005 in Canada and the amount of youngsters who practise daily exercise in the year of 1990 and 2005. Tense semantics suffer The bar chart and the table depicts the information about kids who suffer from obesity from 1985 to 2005 in Canada. Synonyms ability The bar chart below depicts the information about changing percentage of children who have not ability to be educated in primary school. Synonyms abilities The bar chart compares information in diffent coutntries about youngsters that do not have abilities to get primary school education (from 2000 to 2012) Firstly, exact 20 millions of all boys in Africa in 2000 did not have primary school education. Tense semantics do The bar chart compares information in diffent coutntries about youngsters that do not have abilities to get primary school education (from 2000 to 2012) Firstly, exact 20 millions of all boys in Africa in 2000 did not have primary school education. Tense semantics have The bar chart describes situation in Africa and Asia about children, which have no chance to educate in primary school from 2000 to 2012 years. Synonyms amount The bar chart given illustrates data about the amount of boys and girls who can't go to school over the twelve-year period from 2000 to 2012. Synonyms amount The bar chart illustrates amount of children who were not allowd to attend pryimary school in South Asia and Africa from 2000 to 2012. Synonyms amount The bar chart illustrates the amount of schoolers who could not educate in primary school in 2000 year and 2012 year in the three regions and also compare the uneducated boys and girls in numbers of millions. Tense semantics have The bar chart illustrates the average of teenagers who have no opportunity to go to the school during the period from 2000 to 2012 years in case of their location or sex. Copying expression data of percentage The bar chart illustrates the chages during one timeframe from 1985 to 2005 while the table shows the data of percentage of those who did activities regularly considering period from 1990 to 2005. Synonyms amount The bar chart illustrates the difference between the amount of children not able to get primary school education in 2000 and 2012, socted by gender and region. Tense semantics do The bar chart illustrates the number of boys and girls, who don't get primary education in Africa, South Asia and Rest Countries of the world in the period from 2000 till 2012. Tense semantics have The bar chart plots how the number of children who have no opportunity to get primary education changed from 2000 to 2012 by region and gender. Synonyms amount The bar chart provides information about the changing of amount of young people with no opportunity of getting primary school education in the time period from 2000 to 2012 compared by gender and region. Synonyms amount The bar chart shows us the amount of children who can not educate in primary school in different region. Tense semantics differ The bar chart states how the unemployement rate has differ over a year from 2014 to 2015 in North Africa, Middle Eest, EU, Latin America, South Asia and sammary worldwide. Synonyms amount The bar charts demonstrate the changes in the amount of children who do not have access to primary education. Tense semantics do The bar charts demonstrate the changes in the amount of children who do not have access to primary education. Tense semantics suffer The bar graph and able below demonstrate the amount of citizens of Canada who suffer fron being overweigh from 1985 to 2005 and the the number of people who kept themselves fit. Synonyms amount The bar that show us amount of these children in rest of world is the smallest by 2000. Tense semantics have The bar-chart are shown quantity of boys and girls that have not chance to get to primary school and separates them by region and gender. Synonyms amount The bar-charts indicate information about the amount of people using Facebook in two-year period and show purposes to use this social network between men and women. Synonyms aims The basket aims were also quite interesting. Synonyms at The best educational websites for kids in different ages ? Synonyms in The best educational websites for kids in different ages ? Synonyms way The best way of communication is languages, usually we study not only native language, but also foreign language. Synonyms advertise The best way to deal with alcohol-and-drugs problem is to control students from schools and universities and advertise a good and healthy lifestyle. Synonyms from The best way to deal with alcohol-and-drugs problem is to control students from schools and universities and advertise a good and healthy lifestyle. Copying expression 2006 year The biggest age group in this sector in 1998 was 26-35 years and in 2006 year the number of people in this group was 454375. Synonyms amount The biggest amount of passengers in 1927 million people per year use Tokyo system, which is just 155 kilometres long. Tense semantics are The biggest amounts are in South Asia (3,9%). Synonyms all The biggest challenge was putting all together. Tense semantics have The biggest difference between these on is about 5 percent in 2010 (Sweden population have risen on 708 percent while the USA population stay constant). Tense semantics stay The biggest difference between these on is about 5 percent in 2010 (Sweden population have risen on 708 percent while the USA population stay constant). Copying expression are The biggest group in this sector are people whose age from 36 to 45 year. Transliteration metro The biggest metro is in London and the smallest one is in Kyoto. Tense semantics go The biggest number of children in 2012 go to primary school in South Asia: 10,8 millions girls and 6 millions boys. Copying expression every of us The buck stops with every of us . Tense semantics don't The cart illustrated how many girls and boys don't have an abiity to get primary knowledges in different ares between 2000 and 2012. Synonyms about The changes in Italian demographic situation will be as vibal as Yemen's ones: the majority of its population was about 15-59 years old in 2000, but, according to the forecast, the decline of it will be significant it will be less than a half of all population by 2050. Tense semantics are The chart and table below illustrates the percentage of girls and boys who suffer from obesity in Canada from 1985 to 2005 and the percentage of girls and boys who are interested in regular physical activities in 1990 and 2005. Tense semantics suffer The chart and table below illustrates the percentage of girls and boys who suffer from obesity in Canada from 1985 to 2005. Tense semantics are The chart below describes changes in the number of children which are not able to primary education by gender and region after 12 years, beginning from 2000. Tense semantics do The chart below shows the amount of boys and girls that do not have access to primary school in 2000-2012 in different regions. Copying expression according to The chart below shows us the percentage of post-school qualifications in Australia according to gender in 1999. Tense semantics changes The chart demonstrates changes accordingly to the unemployment rate in world regions in 2014 and 2015. Copying expression accordingly to The chart demonstrates changes accordingly to the unemployment rate. Synonyms amount The chart depicts changes in the amount of children that have no access to get education in primary school during the 12 years according to gender and region factors. Tense semantics have The chart depicts changes in the amount of children that have no access to get education in primary school during the 12 years according to gender and region factors. Synonyms amount The chart describes the amount of houses from different urban areas in one European country in which Internet had already provided. Synonyms amount The chart illustrates the amount of girls and boys who had problems with weight in Canada 1990 and 2005 and the number of children who did sports in 1990 and 2005. Tense semantics have The chart shows that in 2000 in all the regions girls have less access rather boys, however the situation has changed a lot: in South Asia and in the rest of World in 2012 the percentage of boys and girls became almost equial. Tense semantics have The chart shows that in 2000 in all the regions girls have less access rather boys, however the situation has changed a lot: in South Asia and in the rest of World in 2012 the percentage of boys and girls became almost equial. Tense semantics fall The chart shows us that in 2015 unemployment rate in Middle East and Latin America fall down from 11 to 9,6 and 6,8 to 5,8 respecively. Synonyms amount The charts represents how the amount of children without access to primary education had been changed from 2000 to 2012 in three different regions, such as Africa, South Asia and rest of World by gender. Synonyms categories The closer look at the data shows that it was decreasing in all working categories exept technology in age group from 18 to 25. Tense semantics are The common trend is that there are more girls without primary school education then boys, except south Asia 2012 where this number of girls less then boys. Word form transmission millions The company has 386 millions fully diluted shares outstanding. Word form transmission billions The company made around $ 127 billions . Transliteration actual The connection of health problems with the development of modern technology is actual these days. Word form transmission millions The consultancy contract is worth around £100 millions . Word form transmission millions The cost approaches £100 millionss annually. Copying expression in this amount The country has full fuel cycle facilities in this amount major reprocessing plants. Word form transmission billions The current budget is spending $32 billions . Word form transmission millions The current orders outstanding are worth £540 millions . Word form transmission billions The damage toll exceeded $1 billions . Tense semantics are The data are available for the period from 2000 to 2012 and selected for boys and girls and different regions. Word form transmission billions The deal was worth $2 billions . Synonyms all The default full scheme installs all available. Word form transmission demandings The demandings of the electricity for summer period practically does not change for the whole day achieving the highest quantity between 12 and 15 hours and 21 and 24 hours. Word form transmission billions The developed countries invested approximately 70 billion dollars in 2007, te funding remained fairly high over four years, in 2009 it atarted to grow and peaked in 2011 accounting for nearly 170 billions. Tense semantics use The diagram given in the task illustrates the use of Facebook during the period from 2012 to 2013 and why do men and women use Facebook. Synonyms amount The diagram illustrate the information about some changes in the amount of children, who did not have access to education in primary school. Synonyms about The diagram provides information about quantity of youngsters who didn't study in primary school in five years. Copying expression in The diagram provides information about quantity of youngsters who didn't study in primary school in five years. Copying expression in five years The diagram provides information about quantity of youngsters who didn't study in primary school in five years. Synonyms quantity The diagram provides information about quantity of youngsters who didn't study in primary school in five years. Synonyms amount The diagramm gives informatin about amount of boys and girls without access to primery education by region and gender between 2000 to 2012 year. Word form transmission billions The direct financial losses caused exceeded 200 billions yuan. Synonyms in The disease attacked people in different ages , sexes and nationalities. Copying expression every of us The duties of every of us were carefully delineated. Word form transmission billions The earlier estimate was $5 billions . Word form transmission millions The earliest eruption was approximately 3 millions years ago. Word form transmission millions The earliest eruption was nearly 3 millions years ago. Synonyms at The English Monster has a fascinating structure at different ages and eras. Synonyms all The entire mental health system is doing all wrong. Word form transmission millions The entire operation cost around $25 millions . Synonyms amount The equal amount of users can be seen in the group of 18-29 and more than 65 the percentage of which sharply decreases in comparison to other groups. Word form transmission billions The estimated cost is €3 billions . Word form transmission billions The estimated total construction value is $1 billions . Word form transmission millions The estimated value is $27 millions . Synonyms aim The eventual aim is fully automated freeways . Word form transmission billions The final death toll is three billions . Synonyms aims The final term saw ten aims being scored. Tense semantics are The first group consists of the regions where the unemployment rate remains flat and no changes are observed during two years. Tense semantics rises The first remarkable notice is that the data of number of overweight children rises by 2005 (from 12 and 11 to 22 and 25). Synonyms big The first, is time, today airplane has a big speed (900 km/h), it in 10 faster then all exict alternative. Copying expression in this amount The flight lasted 27 seconds in this amount 17 seconds hovering. Word form transmission millions The freight value was approximately 49 millions euros. Tense semantics have The given chart compares data about number of children who have not frequented primary school education from 2000 to 2012. Synonyms amount The given chart compares the amount of boys and girls who did not have an opportunity to get school education between 2000 to 2012 in Africa, South Asia and the rest of the world. Synonyms at The given chart illustrates differences with figures about children, who couldn't begin studying at the first form, due to period 2000 to 2012. Synonyms amount The given chart illustrates the amount of kids and their gender in different regions who did not have an opportunity to go to primary school from 2000 to 2012. Synonyms amount The given diagram illustrates the difference of the amount of children who have no access to primary school education in 12 years period by gender and region. Tense semantics have The given diagram illustrates the difference of the amount of children who have no access to primary school education in 12 years period by gender and region. Tense semantics spend The given graph contains information about time english men and women spend on sport in 2015. Synonyms amount The given pie-charts represent the amount of materials and products delievered by rail or road in Eastern Europe in 2008. Synonyms amount The good idea in this situation is a hugh laws to reduce the amount of air travel. Copying expression in this amount The government had committed wide range violations in this amount systematic torture. Tense semantics are The graf also shows that there are much more children without access to primary school education in Africa then in South Asia. Synonyms amount The graph below demonstrates, which amount of children do not go to the primary school because of several reasons in the period from 2000 to 2012. Synonyms amount The graph below provides data on amount of people, who are older than 65 ages in Japan, Sweeden and USA from 1940 to 2040. Synonyms amount The graph chart illustrates us the amount of people who use different social sites such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn devided into groups by the users' age. Tense semantics do The graph demonstrates influences in the percentage of boys and girls, who don't have access to primary education between 2000 and 2012 by sex and parts of the world. Synonyms amount The graph demonstrates the amount of people aged 65 and over in percents in Japan, Sweden and USA. Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the amount of people aged 65 and under over the period of 100 years between 1940 and 2040. Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the amount of people of both sexes who are occupied in three employment sectors that are agriculture, industrial sector and various services. Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the differences in the amount of children who didn't have primary education un various regions over a 12 year period. Tense semantics use The graph illustrates us the percentage of urban and rural households in a European country, which use Internet access for six-year-period (between 1999 and 2004) Synonyms over The graph indicates the comparison of 65 years old population and over in three countries like Japan, Sweden and USA. Synonyms amount The graph presents the amount of boys and girls who have no abilities to study in the primary schools on the time line from 2000 to 2012 and in different regions of the world. Synonyms amount The graph presents the data on amount of population aged 65 and over since 1940 in Japan, Sweden and USA. Copying expression 65 ages The graph presents the information and predictions about the part of old population (65 ages and more) in Japan, Sweden and USA over the period of 100 years from 1940 to 2040. Copying expression completed The graph provide information about several qualication between males and females in who were completed school in 1999. Tense semantics take The graph provides information about the amount of male and female who take the different kinds of qualifications after school in Australia in 1999. Synonyms amount The graph represents dynamics in the amount of children without ability to get primary school education during the period from 2000 to 2012 with arrangement by gender and region. Synonyms amount The graph shows the amount of population aged 65 and over for three countries at the perioud from 1940 to 2040 as indicated on the x-axis. Synonyms amount The graph shows the changes in amount of visits made by people to and from the Great Britain over a two decade period. Tense semantics do The graph shows the quantity of children who don't have an opportunity for getting primary education in 2000 - 2012. Tense semantics travel The graphs below illustrate how much people travel to and from the UK and also show the most popular countries for visitors from the UK in 1999. Synonyms audience The graphs below represent audience of different social networks distributed by the age. Copying expression 65-aged The grath we are given illustrates the proportion between low and over 65-aged during the period since 1940-s till 2040-s. Copying expression age 14 The half of Yemen population in 2000 are children under age 14. Synonyms aim The highest aim was national rather than ideological. Copying expression in this amount The hospital has employed indigenous staff in this amount doctors. Word form transmission billions The indicative budget is 291 millions euros. Word form transmission millions The indicative budget is 291 millions euros. Word form transmission millions The initial target is £3 millions . Synonyms lead The lack of parents' attention can be replaced by Internet and videogames, and the child learns new knowledge about violence, drugs or something like that very quickly but without right explanation And it can also create the wrong set of values and lead him to become a criminal. Synonyms learns The lack of parents' attention can be replaced by Internet and videogames, and the child learns new knowledge about violence, drugs or something like that very quickly but without right explanation And it can also create the wrong set of values and lead him to become a criminal. Synonyms right The lack of parents' attention can be replaced by Internet and videogames, and the child learns new knowledge about violence, drugs or something like that very quickly but without right explanation And it can also create the wrong set of values and lead him to become a criminal. Synonyms aims The land reform had several related aims . Synonyms amount The largest number of childs without access we can find in Africa in te beggining of the current century and the lowest amount in South Asia twelve years later. Synonyms largest The largest route is in London too, it has 394 kilometres, but the smallest is in Kyoto. Synonyms smallest The largest route is in London too, it has 394 kilometres, but the smallest is in Kyoto. Word form transmission millions The last large impact happened 65 millions years ago. Copying expression is achieved The last position in this list is achieved by the countries of S. Asia. Tense semantics reach The Latin America reach a pic in 2014 and EU in 2015. Synonyms of The level of the crime of children and teenagers strictly reflects the future for decades. Copying expression strictly The level of the crime of children and teenagers strictly reflects the future for decades. Tense semantics have The level provide clear evidence, that the world regions have very different amounts of unemployment rate in 2014 and 2015. Synonyms amount The line graph gives an information about the amount of people over 65 years old basing on the statistic data of three countries: Japan, Sweden and the United States of America. Tense semantics have The line of Japan population states to go up after 2020 dramatically and the othe countries have more stable rise. Tense semantics have The lowest number of boys, who have no access to primary school education is shown in South Asia in 2012, with the figure standing at 5,1 million. Tense semantics have The lowest number of boys, who have no access to primary school education is shown in South Asia in 2012, with the figure standing at 5,1 million. Tense semantics is The main information these graphs give is that, firstly, more people started to use mobile Facebook application instead of the desktop one and, secondly, The first bar chart shows that the number of people using desktop Facebook version in 2013 is slightly smaller than in 2012: approximately 137 millions of users versus 150 millions. Tense semantics stays The main reason for women was sharing photos/videos - 54 percent of women think so; the runner-up is seeing funny posts (this number stays at 43 percent). Tense semantics is The main reason for women was sharing photos/videos - 54 percent of women think so; the runner-up is seeing funny posts. Tense semantics think The main reason for women was sharing photos/videos - 54 percent of women think so. Tense semantics do The main tendency presented in the chart is that the number of boys and girls in South Asia who don't have acces to education decreased dramatically during 12 years. Tense semantics are The main trend reveals that many metal goods are transported by rail, whereas some food products are moved by road. Tense semantics are The majority of people who prefer primary education is South Asia in 2012 there are boys and girls almost the same number. Tense semantics prefer The majority of people who prefer primary education is South Asia in 2012 there are boys and girls almost the same number. Tense semantics have The Middle East and Latin America have decrease in their rate no more then 2 per cent in 2015. Synonyms point The middle point take EU; Latin America and other world regions (worldwide) and there's no a lot of difference of their %'s in 2014 and 2015. Word form transmission millions The minimum bid is $3 millions . Word form transmission millions The missiles cost $30 millions each. Synonyms amount The most amount of changes connected with proportion of population in Sweden. Synonyms amount The most dramatic decrease of the amount of such children was in South Asia, from 32,7 millions to 9,9 millions. Tense semantics use The most dramatic difference was found in the percentage of men and women who use Facebook mainly for sharing photos/videos. Tense semantics are The most dramatic was the change for technology - we can see that jobs in this sphere are much more popular now. Synonyms amount The most insignificant amount is represented by the group of more than 65. Tense semantics reach The most popular countries in 1999, when the quantity of travelers from the UK to other countries reach the peak, was France. Tense semantics have The most popular country in 1999 was France that have been visited by 11 millions of UK visitors. Tense semantics take The most powerfull charge to investment take part of 2009-2011 period, when investment reach about 170 billion dollars (from 100 billions) in top-economy countries, and 100 billions (from about 60) in developing countries. Tense semantics do The most significant difference took place for ages 16 to 24: men did sports prasctically three times more often than women do. Tense semantics observe The most significant flactuations are observe in USA where print market will lose exactly 3 Billion US Dollars and the increase of eBook market will account 3 Billion too. Tense semantics spend The most unsporty people were over 75 year men and women, they spend on this kind of activity 29.2 and 10 minutes. Copying expression 15-59 years The next age group of people aged 15-59 years performs 46,3 per cent of Yemen's population. Word form transmission Yemen's The next age group of people aged 15-59 years performs 46,3 per cent of Yemen's population. Tense semantics are The next thing is that the proportion between manufactured goods and chemicals in both chart was rather equal: 25% and 16% are transported by car. Synonyms amount The noticeable difference of 7% can be mentioned in the amount of non-metallic minerals. Copying expression 15-59 year old people The number of 15-59 year old people will fall for 15.4%, but the number of 60+ year old people will increase less than for a half of the population and the number of 0-14 will fall too and become 11.5%. Copying expression 60+ year old people The number of 15-59 year old people will fall for 15.4%, but the number of 60+ year old people will increase less than for a half of the population and the number of 0-14 will fall too and become 11.5%. Copying expression 15-59 year old people The number of 15-59 year old people will increase for 11% but the number of 0-14 will fall and become 37%. Synonyms amount The number of boys without access to primary school lost 5,2 point and turn to 7,6 from 12,8 in 2000, and the amount of girls reached 7,7 millions in 2012 while losing only 2,8 points. Word form transmission low The number of children without possibility to go to primary school reached a low of 10 millions among Africa and rest of the world in any year. Word form transmission millions The number of children without possibility to go to primary school reached a low of 10 millions in Africa. Tense semantics go The number of girls go down from 21.6 millions to 4.8 millions. Tense semantics become The number of girls in 2000 changed from 21,6 millions to approximately 5 millions in 2012 and the quantity of boys become 5,1 millions instead of 11,1 in 2012. Copying expression 0-14 years The number of people aged 0-14 years in Yemen will considerably decrease, leaving place for adult population, which will grow up by 11%. Tense semantics grow The number of pupils in South Asia sugnificantly grow in 2012. Copying expression are The number of this people are 21303 and the small group in this sector are people from 56 to 65 years, this fact illustrated that the small group in this sector from 1998 to 2006 years are people whose age group 56 years to 65 years. Tense semantics are The number of this people are 21303 and the small group in this sector are people from 56 to 65 years, this fact illustrated that the small group in this sector from 1998 to 2006 years are people whose age group 56 years to 65 years. Copying expression are The number of this people are 21303 and the small group in this sector are people from 56 to 65 years, this fact illustrated that the small group in this sector from 1998 to 2006 years are people whose age group 56 years to 65 years. Tense semantics are The number of this people are 21303 and the small group in this sector are people from 56 to 65 years, this fact illustrated that the small group in this sector from 1998 to 2006 years are people whose age group 56 years to 65 years. Tense semantics are The number of this people are 21303 and the small group in this sector are people from 56 to 65 years, this fact illustrated that the small group in this sector from 1998 to 2006 years are people whose age group 56 years to 65 years. Tense semantics become The number of this type youngsters become smaller in 2012 compared with 2000 by approximately 30 per cent. Synonyms addicts The number of workplaces addicts on the country's economy. Word form transmission millions The offering raised almost $30 millions . Synonyms popular The one of the most popular question in the world in the 21 century is how modernization in technologies has infuenced on every person. Synonyms against The only example against this tendency can be spotted in the 5th two figures standing for the everage amount of time men and women of the age 55-64 years spent exercising: in that case the time dedicated to sport of women (55,4 minutes) was slightly bigger than that of men (52,7 minutes). Synonyms amount The only region where the amount of the unemployment had improved from 2014 to 2015 is EU. Synonyms acknowledgement The only thing that matters is your acknowledgement and possibilities. Synonyms together The optimal solution can be to combine and use optimal options, which were shown higher, together, and try to find 'gold medium' in this problematic situation. Word form transmission billions The original cost estimate was $ 50 billions . Tense semantics have The other regions (except S. Asia) have quite the same rate in range from 5,8 to 7,9. Word form transmission billions The overall annual turnover is around 5 billions rupees. Copying expression requiring less skills The overall trend is that popularity of low-paid and requiring less skills work, as hotel or catering service and building fell steadily with growth of the age of employees both in 1998 and 2006. Synonyms at The pace of development can be followed by obtaining maps at different ages . Word form transmission millions The packages were worth £600 millions each. Synonyms aim The path aim model is another situational leadership theory. Synonyms permit The people's need to have their own flats and the speed of building those so-called Khrushevkas did now permit the architects to make great and beautiful projects, so now we can admit grey depressing box-shape condominiums. Copying expression 15-59 years old The percentage of 15-59 years old men and women will grow up from 46.3% to 57.3% to the year 2050. Copying expression enough small The percentage of children will be enough small: only 11,5% Vise a versa, their percentage in Yemen will be enough large (37%), if we compare these countries. Synonyms amount The percentage of girls and boys in the rest of world was 23,5 millions, in the 2000 year, but in the 2012 year the amount of children in rest of world was 7,6 millions girls and 7,7 millions boys. Synonyms middle The percentage of people with qualifications with undergraduate diploma and Bachelor's degree and Master's degree are quite middle. Word form transmission accesses The percentage of rural household Internet accesses increased almost 8 times, that in general speaks about the development of the Internet in the country. Tense semantics grow The percentage of UK visitors and UK residents grow slowly, but after 1984 there was an extremly rise. Synonyms all The piano plays behind all while atmospheric elements coat all . Synonyms all The piano plays behind all while atmospheric elements coat all. Synonyms amount The pie charts demonstrate the amount of goods in percentage, which was delivered to Eastern Europe by different transport in 2008. Synonyms in The pie charts illustrate the population in different ages in Yemen and Italy and its projections for 2050. Synonyms amount The pie charts provide the information on amount of population in 2000 and 2050 in Yemen and Italy divided on their age groups. Tense semantics are The pie charts show information about goods which are transported between countries in Eastern Europe in 2008. Tense semantics are The pie charts show that there are good transported by rail and by road in Eeastern Europe in 2008. Synonyms amount The pie charts show the amount of goods transported by rail and by road in Eastern Europe in 2008. Word form transmission affection The positive affection on their body may actually be present, but not in the way those sportsmen would become unbeatable, so it isn't actually cheating. Tense semantics are The positive sides of it are the appearance of new jobs and solution of labour problem in developing regions - the Middle East, Latin America and South Asia. Synonyms in The poster shows 25 faces in different ages and races. Transliteration actual The problem of bad public health is actual in modern society. Copying expression strictly The problem of crimes are committed by young people strictly connect to the level of the education, I think. Synonyms strictly The problem of crimes are committed by young people strictly connect to the level of the education, I think. Word form transmission huger The production of Ebooks compared to paper ones is about to be huger in USA and the UK in 2018, while in Germany and in China it is expected that the market of printed books will be still more developed then the market of electronic ones. Transliteration auditory The program often features auditory participation games where prizes are awarded. Synonyms in The program often features auditory participation games where prizes are awarded. Word form transmission millions The project cost approximately $10 millions . Tense semantics start The proportion of old people aged 65 and over decrease in periods 1940-1985 from 5% to 3% and start growing after that. Word form transmission millions The purchase price is approximately $500 millions . Tense semantics fail The quantity of african young people fail on 10 millions by the end of 2012. Transliteration metro The quantity of passengers in these metro systems is not so big. Tense semantics consist The quantity of people from 15 to 59 years was bigger then in Yemen in 2000 and consist 61,1 per cent from all population in Italy in this period. Synonyms amount The questio is if it is beneficial to us, humans to travel by planes or we have to reduce the amount of air travel as it will to a disaster in future. Synonyms acting The question which is arising is whether to limit the amount of acting transport or not to. Tense semantics are The rate in S. Asia also had'nt changed and caut 3,9, that lower than warldwide by 2% On the opposite, there are a few regions where can be seen changes of lavel. Tense semantics have The rates in those two regions have not changed in a period between 2014 and 2015, however we can see a diminishing tendency in the other world regions. Word form transmission millions The required funding exceeds $100 millions . Synonyms amount The rest of world has changed its amount of children without access to education twice, talking about girls, and less the twice thinking about boys. Tense semantics show The results show, that the most important field of economic were selling of pop-corn and Coca-Cola. Word form transmission millions The rough estimate is every 200 millions years. Copying expression every of us The sacred masculine is arising within every of us . Synonyms category The same increasing of this category can be found in all age groups. Tense semantics have The same levels have Africa in 2012 and South Asia in 2000, however the percentage of girls without education bigger. Tense semantics is The same pattern can be seen for chemicals, where 11% of these goods were transported by rail and 16% is transported by road. Copying expression has place The same situation of falling has place in all age groups too. Synonyms amount The same trend is with chemicals, the amount of them moved by rail and by road is almost the same. Tense semantics fall The same trend was for the rest of World where number of kids fall by 7 from 23 to 15 millions. Synonyms all The second argument is that trying to catch all who is connected with illegal copies of films and music it is a wasting of time and money. Tense semantics see The second chart given shows that nearly a half of women considered sharing photos and videos via Facebook among the main reasons for its using, whereas men see this reason equally important to the ability of recieving updates. Tense semantics have The second place is Middle East that have 11% in 2014 and plummet in 2015 till 9,6%. Tense semantics plummet The second place is Middle East that have 11% in 2014 and plummet in 2015 till 9,6%. Copying expression aged 65 and over The second place is Sweden - 25% of population lived to aged 65 and over. Copying expression 26-40 year olds The second place was occupied by 26-40 year olds people; their figure accounted 30 %. Word form transmission billions The settlement amount totals $25 billions . Word form transmission billions The show has grossed 8 billions dollars. Synonyms aims The site is organized by user aims . Tense semantics are The small group in this sector are 56-65 years, in 2006 are 3287 people. Tense semantics are The small group in this sector are 56-65 years, number ofthese people start from 5400 people in 1998 and in 2006 are 3287 people. Tense semantics start The small group in this sector are 56-65 years, number ofthese people start from 5400 people in 1998 and in 2006 are 3287 people. Tense semantics start The small group in this sector are 56-65 years, number ofthese people start from 5400 people in 1998 and in 2006 are 3287 people. Copying expression age started The small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change. Copying expression on the fresh air The solution of these two problems is very simple: people must go walk on the fresh air, do some sport and limited themselves of using gadges. Synonyms economy The table below illustrates the changes which took place in allocation of manpower by age among four sectors of the economy of the United Kingdom between 1998 and 2006. Tense semantics work The table demonstrates the information regarding the number of people of different age who work in certain spheres in the UK in the period of time from 1998 to 2006. Synonyms highlights The table highlights the numbers of people of different ages who was working in certain working categories in the UK in 1998 and in 2006. Word form transmission changing The table illustrates the changing in proportional of people working in the difference sectors of the UK economy. Synonyms economy The table illustrates the changing in proportional of people working in the difference sectors of the UK economy. Copying expression needed The table illustrates the situation on most needed parts of job market. Synonyms represents The table represents that in 1990 both more than half of boys and girls did regular exercises, with 57% and 51% respectively. Transliteration auditory The target auditory is children 5–8 years old. Tense semantics are The tendency to decrease can be seen in the end of 20th century, notably, that since 1995 up to 2015 the results of usage are more stable. Transliteration auditory "The term ""captive auditory "" is repeated." Synonyms amount The topic of difference between male and female in different spheres of studing is very important in modern world, because nowadays question of equal rights and opportunities is topical for large amount of people and organization. Transliteration auditory The total auditory was still very small. Word form transmission billions The total expenses eventually passed $15 billions . Word form transmission billions The total investment is roughly €2 billions . Word form transmission billions The transaction value is $ 4 billions . Synonyms aim The ultimate aim was to identify appropriate responses. Tense semantics decreases The Unated States had great falling of difference in earning (it decreases in about a half), whereas the UK fell only in 10 per cent. Synonyms amount The underground route in London is by for the longest, while Tokyo subway provides the highest amount of oassengers by transport per year. Tense semantics have The underground, which have the most number of passengers per year is in Tokyo with 1927 millions per year. Tense semantics show The unemployment here increased from 7,5 to 7,9 (these two numbers show the same thing that previous ones). Tense semantics stays The unemployment rate of it stays at 3,9 percents. Word form transmission millions The whole world today has 800 millions cars. Synonyms advancement The woman is showed an outstanding advancement in services by 88%, which is the highest data in two countries in any job sector, meanwhile, the percentage of male workers in this sector is only 65%. Tense semantics are The Worldwide rate is stable As for another regions, there are a little big changes with Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. Tense semantics show The worldwide trend show equal data in comprasion in 2014 and 2015. Transliteration auditory The youngest part of auditory of the Instagramm is more then the sum of all ther groups. Synonyms aim Their aim is making academic sciences improve political practice. Synonyms about Their number rich about 43,7 boys and girls. Tense semantics have Their sales, have a little growth in 2011, but after that their share of global profits went down. Tense semantics remain Then it was dropping, but remain the highest result. Tense semantics are Then most flights were restricted with a period of modern Russia we will see that global trade and global travel of people are making both countries economics better. Synonyms amount Then we can see that amount of people aged 65 and over rised up by 1980 to 14% . Tense semantics drop Then, between 1985 and 1990, all the percentages drop. Tense semantics are There are 23,7 million girls and 20 million boys do not able to get education in primary schools. Tense semantics are There are 6,8% and 5,8% in 2014 and 2015 aproximately. Tense semantics are There are 7% of elderly people in Sweden and 9% in USA in 1940. Transliteration territory There are a lot of cities with more than a million of people, this means that there are huge numbers of cars on a small territory. Tense semantics are There are a lot of difference in the structure of transportation of goods in Eastern Europe in 2008. Tense semantics are There are approximately 33 millions of children without primary education in 2012 in Africa. Word form transmission millions There are approximately 55 millions mortgages outstanding today. Copying expression in this amount There are many water sport activities in this amount wind surfing. Tense semantics are There are no changes in worldwide unemployment rate during one year. Synonyms amount There are predictions that the amount will fall in 2030, but then rise greatly till 2040 to 25%. Tense semantics are There are some changes in 2012 year. Tense semantics are There are two regions that we indicated by decrease of unemployment rate during the two-years period. Synonyms downgrading There had been the most sugnificant decline in fugures of both France and Sweden between 1970es and 1990, their figures were flactuating for the rest of the period, but the main trand was still downgrading. Synonyms amount There is a great amount of other ways to save the environment we need to focus on. Synonyms amount There is an opinion, that every subject in the university should be studied by an equal amount of males and females. Word form transmission differentiate There is no doubt that if we admit the requirement of equal number of students of both genders we will also agree with the fact that intellectual or mental abilities of male and female differentiate. Synonyms admit There is no doubt that if we admit the requirement of equal number of students of both genders we will also agree with this fact. Synonyms acceptance There is no on occasion of drug use was not fixed until the acceptance of this law. Word form transmission training There is no secret that top sportsmen not only have training almost every day to achieve highest positions in competitions but also use different types of drugs. Synonyms amount "There is nor main trend - then more ""ancient"" underground railway system - then more are delopted it is, and has a lot of kilometres of route, and amount of passenger actually depend on citie's population." Synonyms amount There is opinion, that universities should have equal amount of male and female students in every subject in society. Tense semantics are There is some information about trends in changing amount of boys and girls who are enable to go to primary school in different regions in the bar charts given. Copying expression 39% men "There is the same percantage for ""receiveng updates"": 39% women and 39% men had answered like that." Copying expression 39% women "There is the same percantage for ""receiveng updates"": 39% women and 39% men had answered like that." Copying expression age There was a 40% for over 49 age. Tense semantics fall There was a pick of birth and death activity during the second part of 18th century, after that the graphs gradualy fall. Synonyms graphs There was a pick of birth and death activity during the second part of 18th century, after that the graphs gradualy fall. Synonyms amount There was the sharp fall in the amount of children which did not have a possibility to study at primary school in South Asia from 2000 to 2012. Word form transmission was "There was two considerable rises in the proportion of population in Sweden in 1980 and 2010, whereas the line of USA's population is more ""calm"" - there is only one dramatically increase between 2020 and 2040 and steady rise between 1960 and 1980." Tense semantics have There were not big difference between boys and girls who have no possibilities to go to school. Synonyms all Therefore I think, what all, and music, and movies should be free fo all people. Word form transmission millions These contracts were worth $75 millions each. Synonyms all They are at different ages and wear a variety of clothing. Synonyms at They are at different ages and wear a variety of clothing. Word form transmission millions They are basically 100 millions loose household cannons. Synonyms back up They back up the idea that when children become older they clearly understand what they want and tend to their desires directly. Synonyms tend to They back up the idea that when children become older they clearly understand what they want and tend to their desires directly. Tense semantics have They begin from 10% and then have had significant increase in 2011. Synonyms all They can do during the classes all what they want. Word form transmission billions They evolved around 2 billions years ago. Copying expression every of us They gave every of us our own bible. Copying expression realise yourself They have never seen the normal life or another way to realise yourself. Transliteration pampers They need many things - from pampers and child's bed to the good education. Synonyms aims They scored 68 aims while allowing 198. Synonyms aims They scored 91 aims while allowing 225. Copying expression realise yourself They should convince students that education is the greatest way in their life to realise yourself without evil. Tense semantics use They show how many users use Facebook by desktop or by mobile in 2012 and in 2013. Synonyms commencing They suppose that a child should learn his or her own language well before commencing to be taught to other languages. Synonyms well They suppose that a child should learn his or her own language well before commencing to be taught to other languages. Synonyms all They want to be a part of the team of that bad peers, so they do all like they. Tense semantics win They win Olympic games in 2014 years because of improving their national health with help sport. Synonyms amount They would like to achive as much as they could, but sometimes directly these people are suffering from a huge amount of health problems, deadly desises, mental problems etc. Synonyms amount Third, if the government will introduce the low, reducing the amount of air travel for business and leisure, they risk to cause a drammatical fell in world's economy. Synonyms amount Thirdly, the rest of world suffers from this problem more less than Africa and South Asia, but the smallest amount of children without access to primary education was in South Asia in 2012. Synonyms involve This bad behavior act like a kind of the rebelling against the teacher or lector, who can not involve the group of attenders into the subject. Word form transmission rebelling This bad behavior act like a kind of the rebelling against the teacher or lector. Synonyms amount This changes will positively influence on the level of health and amount of births. Tense semantics have This chart illustrates the percentage of men and women, who have different degrees of post-school qualifications in 1999 year in Australia. Word form transmission millions This contract was worth $72 millions . Tense semantics grew This country had some similuaraties with China as both lines grow during all the time. Word form transmission knowledges This fact was proved by scientists, children get new knowledges faster and more qualified than other people. Copying expression more qualified This fact was proved by scientists, children get new knowledges faster and more qualified than other people. Synonyms efforts This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in his efforts to speak freely. Synonyms all This flash based charting library has all . Synonyms at This gives you even greater flexibility when working with children at different ages . Tense semantics have This graph shows us a clear distinction between countries: Germany and New Zeland have much smaller difference in men's and women's incomes - 10-22% compared to other countries' 20-40%. Synonyms visitor This group also is the most active visitor Facebook, but another visit Facebook, actively too. Transliteration auditory This group builds up more than a half of the courses' auditory. Synonyms amount This investment of these types of plane will be very expensive but will help to reduce amount of flights and will be more safety for environment, because they will be able to do one flight indeed five of sive flights by old planes. Copying expression affect on This occasion shows us how videogames affect on teenager's minds and parents should control their childer what their are doing. Synonyms aim This organic presence still remains our aim . Copying expression talking about This people do not go even to schools, I am not talking about colleges. Synonyms amount This picture gives information about changes of amount of boys and girls, who did not have a access to primary school education between 2000 and 2015 in different regions. Word form transmission billions This process supposedly took several billions years. Copying expression every of us This same concept resides within every of us . Synonyms aims This veterans group has three distinct aims . Transliteration fabricks This way allows to protect air atmosphere and own production, companies, fabricks. Copying expression in this amount This website has extra services in this amount net hosting. Copying expression in this amount This whole sequence lasts approximately 38 seconds in this amount inter titles. Synonyms in This will be adapted for children in different ages . Copying expression key one This year is a key one. Tense semantics do Three regions N. Africa, S. Asia do not changing from 2014 to 2015. Copying expression 15-59 years Through the expectations there will be growth in percentage op people in the age of 15-59 years. Tense semantics start Thus, it start loosing in 2013 and was about 80$ bn. Copying expression head Thus, the volunteer work of artists created the good thing for others, althoug the head of the town did not want to spend money on this and even said that is not necessary. Tense semantics decrease To 2012 the number of children decrease on 11 millions. Tense semantics do To add to this, we can resume that in any region in 2000 there are more girls than boys, who do not access a primary school (in Africa 23,7 million of girls in contrast with 20 million of boys, in South Asia 21,6 million of girls in comparison with 11,1 million of boys and in Rest of World 12,8 million of girls in contrast with 10,5 million of boys). Tense semantics say To be honest it is need to say that authors of books, music or films really lose huge amount of money, but as i say before - regulation is not the best solution. Tense semantics start To begin with, the first underground railway system in the table start to work in 1864 in London. Tense semantics do To compare with South Asia the number of girls who don't have primary education in 2000 almost the same about 22 millions, while the number of girls with primary education in other countries is only 12,8 millions. Tense semantics are To conclude everything that I mentioned, we can say that more than a 50% of all the listed goods are transported by road in 2008. Synonyms amount To conclude, Africa had the biggest amount of children, who could not learn subjects at school. Synonyms amount To conclude, I have to say that allowing only same amount of male and female students in every class seems to be a uselles and irrelevant way of fighting against the discrimination. Transliteration actual To conclude, it is necessary to mention that the problem is extremely actual and up-to date. Copying expression 65-aged and over To conclude, the overall trend is increasing proportion of 65-aged and over population in a few decades after 2020. Word form transmission growing To conclude, there is a tendency of growing in number of people, who are 65 and older. Tense semantics remain To conclusion, by comparison with other countries The Japan had the fighest persentage of difference in male and female salaries over the all period of time und this tendency remain stable. Synonyms amount To make a conclusion, the rising amount of crimes commited by young people is the problem which is needed to be solved so by joining efforts we can decrease the rate of crimes. Word form transmission affect To my mind, groups should be formed by equal number of male and female as it can have an affect on students life and their future. Copying expression go to To my mind, there is no faculty where women can't study at all, but I pretend that both male and female must have the similar chances to pass the exams and go to the university. Synonyms sense To my mind, under these conditions children better understand the sense of language and even the culture of country where people speak it. Synonyms amount To start with, there was a huge difference between the amount of machinery transported by rail, which was about 12%, and by road with only 11% in 2008. Tense semantics tends To sum everything up, in 2014 the number of printed books outweigh the quantity of electronic ones, but in the nearest future the situation tends to be changed. Tense semantics outweigh To sum everything up, in 2014 the number of printed books outweigh the quantity of electronic ones. Synonyms amount To sum it up I can say that I completely agree with the statement that the universities should not accept the strong established member of students (equal amount of male and female). Synonyms decided To sum it up I want do say that while well-placed sports facilities have a wide range a benefits the public health problem can not be decided only by them. Copying expression complex To sum it up, government should provide a complex of programmes for reducing an air pollution and to begin with the lond type of transportation. Synonyms type To sum it up, government should provide a complex of programmes for reducing an air pollution and to begin with the lond type of transportation. Synonyms amount To sum it up, in my mind trying to limit or introducing laws to reduce the amount of air travel for business and leisure are useless. Copying expression look wider at To sum it up, it's important to say that definetely, air travelling causes a damage to environment, such as air pollution, but people should look wider at this problem. Tense semantics do To sum up it is important to see that development countries shows the situation when the level of unemployment do not grow up. Tense semantics are To sum up, all the given regions face significant downwarding trend in the quantity of children who are not able to study in a primary school. Tense semantics face To sum up, all the given regions face significant downwarding trend in the quantity of children who are not able to study in a primary school. Tense semantics use To sum up, from 2012 to 2013 the number of Facebook users has decreased, more people use it for entertaining reasons. Synonyms amount To sum up, I strongly believe, that governments should make efforts to cut down the amount of air travel. Synonyms abandon To sum up, I want to underline, that people can not abandon plans, because of their advantages, but we should not forget about the Earth and the environment. Synonyms underline To sum up, I want to underline, that people can not abandon plans, because of their advantages, but we should not forget about the Earth and the environment. Tense semantics will have To sum up, i would like to say that if i will have a chance to choose what decision to make in this situation, i will choose a safe place instead of just work of art. Synonyms ability To sum up, in some situations air transport can help people to solve their problems but I think that you shouldn't use air transport if you have really good different ability to reach the aim so if you will use air transport many times it will give for the nature a lot of negative things then helps for you. Tense semantics have To sum up, it clear that the most profitable company from 2011 to 2015 was Apple company and the companies which have the lowest profit during this time are HTS and Blackberry. Tense semantics are To sum up, over 20 years from 1979 to 1999 British began to travel more, especially in the near countries such as France or Spain, but some far-located resorts are popular as well. Synonyms amount To sum up, steps to save our planet and prevent air pollution and global warming need to be made right now and reduction of amount of leisure and business air travel with government limitation is one of these steps. Synonyms amount To sum up, the general idea of modern education is not equal amount of girls and boys but is iqual access to this education! Tense semantics do To sum up, the little changes in unemployment rate in certain regions don't affect the worldwide rate, although these regions cover big parts of the world. Transliteration actual To sum up, the problem of crime is actual among young people nowadays. Tense semantics are To sum up, there are a positive trend of falling the rate of unemployment in many regions, it can be considered as a development of world economic system. Synonyms amount To sum up, universitis, which accept equal amount of male and female students only gain points to popularity and efficiency, while leaving behind the thoughts about the difference in approach, when studying students of different genders. Copying expression To sum To sum, there is a problem of a widespread criminal involvement among young people, but parents and teachers could help solving it. Transliteration metro Today our population has a lot of types of transport; for example: cars, buses, trolleybuses, metro, air planes and others. Transliteration trolleybuses Today our population has a lot of types of transport; for example: cars, buses, trolleybuses, metro, air planes and others. Synonyms amount Total amount of children who can not go to primary school for 12 years decreased, but anyway is still high. Synonyms amount Total amount of children without access to primary education have fallen from about 32,7 millions to 9,9. Copying expression influence on Travel in sky pollution air and influence on global warming, but this type of travel need for business and other activity. Word form transmission travel Travel in sky pollution air and influence on global warming, but this type of travel need for business and other activity. Synonyms type Travel in sky pollution air and influence on global warming, but this type of travel need for business and other activity. Word form transmission billions Turning to Germany, its benefit from print in 2014 was 6 billions dollars, whilst eBook revenue consisted a tiny 1 billion. Word form transmission billions Twenty billions pounds since nineteen seventy nine. Synonyms at Twins are far more likely to share the disease than siblings at different ages . Tense semantics are UK residents prefer visiting another countries, there are about 50 million people who were abroad in 1999. Copying expression have Underground was open in 2001, have only twenty eight kilometres and using only by 50 milions people per year, but, for example Kyoto have only 11 killometres and using by 45 milions passengers, however the system in Kyoto was start in 1981. Copying expression milions passengers Underground was open in 2001, have only twenty eight kilometres and using only by 50 milions people per year, but, for example Kyoto have only 11 killometres and using by 45 milions passengers, however the system in Kyoto was start in 1981. Synonyms system Underground was open in 2001, have only twenty eight kilometres and using only by 50 milions people per year, but, for example Kyoto have only 11 killometres and using by 45 milions passengers, however the system in Kyoto was start in 1981. Transliteration aspect Undoubtly, this aspect of public health improving is on the shoulders of governments. Copying expression on the shoulders Undoubtly, this aspect of public health improving is on the shoulders of governments. Tense semantics reach Unemployment rate reach the hit in North Africa and hit the lowest point in South Asia. Synonyms provide Universities just can not provide this idea among students, where everybody wants to learn something interesting, not equal-numbered. Word form transmission knowledges University would choose a man even if his knowledges are not as good as woman's. Synonyms amount Untill 1950 this amount decreased to around 3% and stayed at this level until the middle eighties. Synonyms amount Up to 2012 amount of children without primary education reduced, and there was almost equality in comparison of boys and girls. Synonyms unfair Usage of airplanes affects extremely unfair on air and nature. Tense semantics are Usually, there are more girls without school access than boys, except South Asia in 2012. Synonyms aims We achieve our aims through lawful means. Copying expression every of us We believe peace building begins with every of us . Copying expression with using We can decide those problems with using modern technology. Synonyms about We can discussed about this question very long time, but I think, that when we talk about stability in nature, health of people and deaslity of world we should understand that there is nothing that can be more important. Transliteration preparats We can give to person chance to change himself, choose a new way in professional sport without any preparats that not allowed and he may understand that drugs not do not match with his career and that the crime does not pay. Synonyms reach We can make our little theoretical experiment, let's take two random people a put them in same conditions from their burth to death and we will see that they won't reach same result, one will be better that another (of course you have got % that they will be equal! Synonyms amount We can observe, that the amount of childs without education has a trend to decrease by the time goes on. Tense semantics are We can point out that good unemployment programs are implemented in the Middle East and Latin America. Tense semantics are We can point out that good unemployment programs exist implemented in the Middle East and Latin America as their trends are positive. Synonyms about We can say about stability level of unemployment in Worldwide on level 5,9 percent. Copying expression aged 65 We can say that in Japan between 1940 and 2030 less people lived to aged 65. Synonyms amount We can see a rise trend of male qualification in position of skilled vocational diplome, to pay attention, it was almost 90% and high amount of postgraduate diploma men - the percentage was 70. Synonyms amount We can see big difference between the amount of some goods. Tense semantics are We can see from the chart that local calls are the most popular and mobile calls are less popular throughout the period, but the situation tend to change, as mobile calls, having relatively low numbers at the beginning of the period from 1995 to 2000 rapidly become much popular during 2000s, with almost 10 times more minutes of calls in 2002 than in 1995. Tense semantics become We can see from the chart that local calls are the most popular and mobile calls are less popular throughout the period, but the situation tend to change, as mobile calls, having relatively low numbers at the beginning of the period from 1995 to 2000 rapidly become much popular during 2000s, with almost 10 times more minutes of calls in 2002 than in 1995. Tense semantics tend We can see from the chart that local calls are the most popular and mobile calls are less popular throughout the period, but the situation tend to change, as mobile calls, having relatively low numbers at the beginning of the period from 1995 to 2000 rapidly become much popular during 2000s, with almost 10 times more minutes of calls in 2002 than in 1995. Synonyms all We have to give charees for all. Copying expression in anytime We should have access to this kind of travelling in anytime and as many as we need. Synonyms all We should pay for all in our life. Copying expression out of door We should teach our children since their concious life love sport and activity, encourage them to take part in games out of door and help them to find their favorite sport. Copying expression close our eyes We shouldn't close our eyes and should do our best to help young people to choose the right way. Copying expression every of us We soon had appropriate nicknames for every of us . Synonyms go What about business, it very convenient for people to go to the other countries or even countinents for emergency. Copying expression What about What about business, it very convenient for people to go to the other countries or even countinents for emergency. Synonyms aim What bad play calling on those failed aim line conversions. Copying expression 1st class What is more, government should improve alternatives, for example, new comfortable trains with 1st class. Synonyms improve What is more, government should improve alternatives, for example, new comfortable trains with 1st class. Copying expression definite action What is needed to improve the situation with widespread using of gadjets is definite action should be encouraged and promoted by means of avoiding them. Word form transmission using What is needed to improve the situation with widespread using of gadjets is definite action. Synonyms amount When in 2004 there was a smog in Russia when a large amount of forests were in fire, we were provided with necessary things with the help of the government of Belarus. Synonyms all When you have all, nothing can suprise you. Synonyms finding "While ""Facebook"" and ""Instagram"" are mostly used for attraction, ""LinkedIn"" helps people with finding jobs." Copying expression fund in While focusing on building the academic relationships with other countries, the government forget to improve their own system and fund in local pupils and students by providing them with grants, for instance. Transliteration grants While focusing on building the academic relationships with other countries, the government forget to improve their own system and fund in local pupils and students by providing them with grants, for instance. Tense semantics fall While in South Asia figures fall dramatically by 23 from 33 to 10 millions. Tense semantics have While Japan have the fall from 1940 to 1960 and then there is a platoe ( less then 5%) in 1960-1990. Tense semantics have While Japan have the fall from 1940 to 1960 and then there is a platoe ( less then 5%) in 1960-1990. Tense semantics spend While people spend 10,5 billion dollars on print book in 2014, they will spend 8,2 billion in 2018. Tense semantics remain While the rate in the Middle East and Latin America decreased and there was an upward trend in EU, the worldwide statistics shows that the unemployment is under control and remain steady. Tense semantics become Wich rate was get a high in 2015, with 7,9% and become lower in 2014, it is now 7,5%. Word form transmission large Withdrowal is, that quantity of passengers dipends from the large and age of the route. Copying expression go to Women can vote and be voted, teach and work in international corporations, do business and play sports and even go to the army in some countries. Tense semantics is Women used Facebook for sharing videos and photos more often than men - the difference between male and female percentages is 15 percent. Tense semantics remain Worldwide rate, N. Africa and S. Asia remain same level. Synonyms all Yep all has been going great here. Copying expression every of us Yet every of us has different body height and proportions . Tense semantics understand You turned it on and in the first the minutes you understand thit it was awful. Copying expression weak Young men with weak education can not find a well-paid job and meet different life difficulties that can incline them to a criminal path. Synonyms visitors Young people are the main visitors of the Instagram. Copying expression do work Young people from 18 to 25 years old is prefer to do work connecting with new technology, the amount of them has rocketed in about 36 times less then for 10 years. Copying expression in about 36 times Young people from 18 to 25 years old is prefer to do work connecting with new technology, the amount of them has rocketed in about 36 times less then for 10 years. Synonyms everything Young people need to see kind and honest people around them except of greedy millionairs in TV-shows, who are able to do everything for money. Transliteration auditory Your best defense against this is extensive auditory analysis. Transliteration auditory Your target auditory is social media managers for big companies. Synonyms aim Zero defect output is our continuous aim .