WRENCH / basketball /readme.txt
Pierre Lepagnol
Moving data
history blame
644 Bytes
Basketball - A Video Dataset for Activity Recognition in the Basketball Game
# Source:
D. Y. Fu, M. F. Chen, F. Sala, S. M. Hooper, K. Fatahalian, and C. Ré. Fast and three-rious: Speeding up weak supervision with triplet methods. In ICML, pages 3280–3291, 2020.
# Labels:
0: negative (the game is not basketball)
1: positive (the game is basketball)
4 Labeling functions
LFs: these sources rely on an off-the-shelf object detector to detect balls or people, and use heuristics based on the average pixel of the detected ball or distance between the ball and person to determine whether the sport being played is basketball or not.