"{\"inputs\":\"def clear(self, delete_thumbnails = False) : \\n '\\n We can clear the database more efficiently using the prefix here rather\\n than calling :meth:`_delete_raw`.\\n ' \\n prefix = settings.THUMBNAIL_KEY_PREFIX \\n for key in self._find_keys_raw (delete_thumbnails) : \\n self.cache.delete (key) \\nKVStoreModel.objects.filter (key__startswith = prefix).delete () \\n if delete_thumbnails : \\n self.delete_all_thumbnail_files () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: for key in self._find_keys_raw (delete_thumbnails) :\",\"targets\":\"for key in self._find_keys_raw (prefix) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pyqtSlot () \\ndef changeSelection(self) : \\n items = self.mashupsList.selectedItems () \\n if (len (items) == 1) : \\n version = [0].version \\n if (version != self.controller.currentVersion) : \\n self.controller.setCurrentVersion (version, quiet = False) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: items, self, version\",\"targets\":\"items\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_srv_class(typestring) : \\n ' If not loaded, loads the specified srv class then returns an instance\\n of it\\n\\n Throws various exceptions if loading the srv class fails ' \\n global _loaded_srvs, _srvs_lock \\n return _get_class (typestring, 'srv', _loaded_srvs, _srvs_lock) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ asynchronous \\ndef post(self) : \\n self.preflight () \\n self.set_header ('Content-Type', 'application\\/javascript; charset=UTF-8') \\n self.write ('h\\n') \\n self.flush () \\n self.write (((' ' * 2048) + 'h\\n')) \\n self.flush () \\n def run_step() : \\n try : \\n self.write ('h\\n') \\n self.flush () \\n self.step += 1 \\n if (self.step < len (self.steps)) : \\n self.io_loop.add_timeout ((time.time () + self.steps [self.step]), run_step) \\nelse : \\n self.finish () \\nexcept IOError : \\n pass \\nself.io_loop.add_timeout ((time.time () + self.steps [0]), ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: run_step, self\",\"targets\":\"run_step\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('nova.objects.EC2Ids.get_by_instance') \\n@ mock.patch ('nova.db.instance_get_by_uuid') \\ndef test_with_ec2_ids(self, mock_get, mock_ec2) : \\n fake_inst = dict (self.fake_instance) \\n fake_uuid = fake_inst ['uuid'] \\n mock_get.return_value = fake_inst \\n fake_ec2_ids = objects.EC2Ids (instance_id = 'fake-inst', ami_id = 'fake-ami') \\n mock_ec2.return_value = fake_ec2_ids \\n inst = objects.Instance.get_by_uuid (self.context, fake_uuid, expected_attrs = ['ec2_ids']) \\n mock_ec2.assert_called_once_with (self.context, mock.ANY) \\n self.assertEqual (fake_ec2_ids.instance_id, fake_ec2_ids.ec2_ids.instance_id) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual (fake_ec2_ids.instance_id, fake_ec2_ids.ec2_ids.instance_id)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual (fake_ec2_ids.instance_id, inst.ec2_ids.instance_id)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, brick, * args, **kwargs) : \\n self.brick = brick \\n super (Children, self).__init__ (* , ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: brick, kwargs, self, args\",\"targets\":\"args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def safe_quote_tuple(tuple_) : \\n 'Convert a 2-tuple to a string for use with AWS' \\n key = urllib.quote (str ( [0]), '-_.~') \\n value = urllib.quote (str (tuple_ [1]), '-_.~') \\n return ('%s=%s' % (key, value)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: key, value, tuple_\",\"targets\":\"tuple_\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _eval_rewrite_as_hyper(self, z) : \\n return (S.One - (((2 * ) \\/ sqrt (pi)) * hyper ([S.Half], [(3 * S.Half)], (- (z ** 2))))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: z, self\",\"targets\":\"z\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __str__(self, prefix = '', printElemNumber = 0) : \\n text = '' \\n for (type_id, item) in self.items.items () : \\n if (item.message_class is None) : \\n text += ('%s[%d] <\\n' % (prefix, type_id)) \\n text += ('%s (%d bytes)\\n' % (prefix, len (item.message))) \\n text += ('%s>\\n' % prefix) \\nelse : \\n text += ('%s[%s] <\\n' % (prefix, item.message_class.__name__)) \\n text += item.message.__str__ ((prefix + ' '), printElemNumber) \\n text += ('%s>\\n' % ) \\nreturn text \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"prefix\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ receiver (setting_changed) \\ndef update_connections_time_zone(**kwargs) : \\n if (kwargs ['setting'] == 'TIME_ZONE') : \\n if hasattr (time, 'tzset') : \\n if kwargs ['value'] : \\n os.environ ['TZ'] = kwargs ['value'] \\nelse : \\n os.environ.pop ('TZ', None) \\ntime.tzset () \\ntimezone.get_default_timezone.cache_clear () \\nif (kwargs ['setting'] in { 'TIME_ZONE', 'USE_TZ' }) : \\n for conn in connections.all () : \\n try : \\n del conn.timezone \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n pass \\ntry : \\n del conn.timezone_name \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n pass \\ntz_sql = conn.ops.set_time_zone_sql () \\n if (tz_sql and conn.timezone_name) : \\n with conn.cursor () as cursor : \\n cursor.execute (kwargs, [conn.timezone_name]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: cursor.execute (kwargs, [conn.timezone_name])\",\"targets\":\"cursor.execute (tz_sql, [conn.timezone_name])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __onNewValue(self, dataSeries, dateTime, value) : \\n upperValue = None \\n lowerValue = None \\n if (value is not None) : \\n sma = self.__sma [(- 1)] \\n if ( is not None) : \\n stdDev = self.__stdDev [(- 1)] \\n upperValue = (sma + (stdDev * self.__numStdDev)) \\n lowerValue = (sma + ((stdDev * self.__numStdDev) * (- 1))) \\nself.__upperBand.appendWithDateTime (dateTime, upperValue) \\n self.__lowerBand.appendWithDateTime (dateTime, lowerValue) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: value, self, lowerValue, sma, stdDev, upperValue, dateTime, dataSeries\",\"targets\":\"sma\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, message, reason = None) : \\n super (UnsupportedAlgorithm, self).__init__ (reason) \\n self._reason = reason \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (UnsupportedAlgorithm, self).__init__ (reason)\",\"targets\":\"super (UnsupportedAlgorithm, self).__init__ (message)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ administrator_required \\ndef create(request) : \\n if (request.method == 'POST') : \\n form = CategoryForm (data = request.POST) \\n if form.is_valid () : \\n form.save () \\n return redirect (reverse ('spirit:admin:category:index')) \\nelse : \\n form = CategoryForm () \\ncontext = { \\n 'form' : form, \\n} \\n return render (context, 'spirit\\/category\\/admin\\/create.html', context) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return render (context, 'spirit\\/category\\/admin\\/create.html', context)\",\"targets\":\"return render (request, 'spirit\\/category\\/admin\\/create.html', context)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\n@ postonly \\n@ jsonify \\ndef cancel_all_notifications(cls, slug) : \\n game = _get_game (cls) \\n GameNotificationTaskListManager.cancel_all_notifications (game, _get_user_name ()) \\n return { \\n 'ok' : True, \\n} \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: game = _get_game (cls)\",\"targets\":\"game = _get_game (slug)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def mode_receive(self, request) : \\n '\\n This is called by render_POST when the client is telling us\\n that it is ready to receive data as soon as it is available.\\n This is the basis of a long-polling (comet) mechanism: the\\n server will wait to reply until data is available.\\n\\n Args:\\n request (Request): Incoming request.\\n\\n ' \\n suid = request.args.get ('suid', ['0']) [0] \\n if (suid == '0') : \\n return '' \\ndataentries = self.databuffer.get (suid, []) \\n if dataentries : \\n return dataentries.pop (0) \\nrequest.notifyFinish ().addErrback (self._responseFailed, suid, request) \\n if ( in self.requests) : \\n self.requests [suid].finish () \\nself.requests [suid] = request \\n return server.NOT_DONE_YET \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"suid\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ _func_wrapper \\ndef write_all_blocks(self, blocks, **kargs) : \\n '\\n Writes a sequence of blocks. Just calls write_block() for each element.\\n ' \\n for b in kargs : \\n self.write_block (b) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, caller_identification = None, call_trustlevels = None, pattern_based_registration = None, shared_registration = None, call_timeout = None, call_canceling = None, progressive_call_results = None, registration_revocation = None, payload_transparency = None, payload_encryption_cryptobox = None, **kwargs) : \\n self.caller_identification = caller_identification \\n self.call_trustlevels = call_trustlevels \\n self.pattern_based_registration = pattern_based_registration \\n self.shared_registration = shared_registration \\n self.call_timeout = call_timeout \\n self.call_canceling = call_canceling \\n self.progressive_call_results = progressive_call_results \\n self.registration_revocation = registration_revocation \\n self.payload_transparency = payload_transparency \\n self.payload_encryption_cryptobox = payload_encryption_cryptobox \\n self._check_all_bool () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __contains__(self, key) : \\n try : \\n (fs, key) = self._parse_key (key) \\nexcept KeyError : \\n return False \\nreturn (key in fs._elements) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_unset_before(self) : \\n logger = logging.getLogger ('no-such-logger-unset') \\n self.assertEqual (logging.NOTSET, logger.level) \\n fix = fixture.SetLogLevel (['no-such-logger-unset'], logging.DEBUG) \\n with fix : \\n self.assertEqual (logging.DEBUG, .level) \\nself.assertEqual (logging.NOTSET, logger.level) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"logger\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, _factory = message.Message) : \\n '_factory is called with no arguments to create a new message obj' \\n self._factory = self \\n self._input = BufferedSubFile () \\n self._msgstack = [] \\n self._parse = self._parsegen ().next \\n self._cur = None \\n self._last = None \\n self._headersonly = False \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _setup_data_file(self, container, obj, data) : \\n client.put_container (self.url, self.token, container, headers = { \\n 'X-Storage-Policy' : self.policy.name, \\n}) \\n client.put_object (self.url, self.token, container, obj, data) \\n odata = client.get_object (self.url, self.token, container, obj) [(- 1)] \\n self.assertEqual (odata, data) \\n (opart, onodes) = self.object_ring.get_nodes (self.account, container, obj) \\n onode = onodes [0] \\n node_id = ((onode ['port'] - 6200) \\/ 10) \\n device = onode ['device'] \\n hash_str = hash_path (self.account, device, obj) \\n obj_server_conf = readconf (self.configs ['object-server'] [node_id]) \\n devices = obj_server_conf ['app:object-server'] ['devices'] \\n obj_dir = ('%s\\/%s\\/%s\\/%s\\/%s\\/%s\\/' % (devices, device, get_data_dir (self.policy), opart, hash_str [(- 3) :], hash_str)) \\n data_file = get_data_file_path (obj_dir) \\n return (onode, opart, data_file) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def addColor(self, node) : \\n if hasattr (node, '__iter__') : \\n for child in node : \\n self.addColor (child) \\ntry : \\n key = node.xml ['name'] \\n node.style.fill = .colors [key] \\nexcept KeyError : \\n node.style.fill = self.graph ().settings.barColor \\nif node.xml.has_key ('has-tooltip') : \\n node.xml ['has-highlight'] = True \\n node.xml ['default-fill'] = node.style.fill \\n node.xml ['highlight-fill'] = node.style.fill.interpolate (white, 0.35) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: node, key, self, child\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, environ, start_response) : \\n if (not self.should_run (environ)) : \\n return self.application (environ, start_response) \\nstate = State () \\n cursor = get_cursor_wrapper (state, queries = self.queries) \\n with Patcher ('django.db.backends.BaseDatabaseWrapper.cursor', cursor) : \\n try : \\n return list (self.application (environ, start_response)) \\nfinally : \\n if (state.count > self.threshold) : \\n self.log_request (WSGIRequest (environ), state) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\n@ utils.memoize \\ndef profiles(self) : \\n \\\"\\n A list of all profiles on this web property. You may\\n select a specific profile using its name, its id\\n or an index.\\n\\n ```python\\n property.profiles[0]\\n property.profiles['9234823']\\n property.profiles['marketing profile']\\n ```\\n \\\" \\n raw_profiles = self.account.service.management ().profiles ().list (accountId = self.account.id, webPropertyId = self.id).execute () ['items'] \\n profiles = [Profile (raw, self) for raw in raw_profiles] \\n return addressable.List (profiles, indices = ['id', 'name'], insensitive = True) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _corrupt(self, x) : \\n '\\n Corrupts a single tensor_like object.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n x : tensor_like\\n Theano symbolic representing a (mini)batch of inputs to be\\n corrupted, with the first dimension indexing training\\n examples and the second indexing data dimensions.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n corrupted : tensor_like\\n Theano symbolic representing the corresponding corrupted input.\\n ' \\n noise = self.s_rng.normal (size = x.shape, avg = 0.0, std = self.corruption_level, dtype = theano.config.floatX) \\n return rescaled_softmax (( + noise)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, noise, x\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, data, channel) : \\n self.channel = \\n self.data = data \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: channel, data, self\",\"targets\":\"channel\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, data, source = []) : \\n '\\n `data` is a payload specific to the kind of event.\\n `source` is a list of component business objects. The first one is the emitter.\\n Each traversed component must append itself with `append` (see below).\\n ' \\n self._source = source \\n self.data = data \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, env, start_response) : \\n if ('swift.trans_id' not in env) : \\n raise Exception ('Trans id should always be in env') \\nif self.error : \\n if (self.error == 'strange') : \\n raise StrangeException ('whoa') \\nraise Exception ('An error occurred') \\nif (self.body_iter is None) : \\n return ['FAKE APP'] \\nelse : \\n return self.body_iter \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def build_string_dict(source_dict) : \\n return dict (((k, str (source_dict)) for (k, v) in source_dict.items ())) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return dict (((k, str (source_dict)) for (k, v) in source_dict.items ()))\",\"targets\":\"return dict (((k, str (v)) for (k, v) in source_dict.items ()))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef rabbitmq_base_url(self) : \\n 'Return the fully composed RabbitMQ base URL\\n\\n :rtype: str\\n\\n ' \\n port = self.config.get ('port', self.DEFAULT_PORT) \\n secure = self.config.get ('secure', False) \\n host = self.config.get ('host', self.DEFAULT_HOST) \\n api_path = self.config.get ('api_path', self.DEFAULT_API_PATH) \\n scheme = ('https' if else 'http') \\n return '{scheme}:\\/\\/{host}:{port}{api_path}'.format (scheme = scheme, host = host, port = port, api_path = api_path) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, host, secure, port, api_path, scheme\",\"targets\":\"secure\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ no ('newbytes') \\ndef find(self, sub, * args) : \\n return super (newstr, self).find (args, * args) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return super (newstr, self).find (args, * args)\",\"targets\":\"return super (newstr, self).find (sub, * args)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ add_auth_token_to_kwargs_from_env \\ndef get_by_name(self, name_or_id, **kwargs) : \\n instances = self.query (name = name_or_id, ** kwargs) \\n if (not instances) : \\n return None \\nelse : \\n if (len (name_or_id) > 1) : \\n raise Exception (('More than one %s named \\\"%s\\\" are found.' % (self.resource.__name__.lower (), name_or_id))) \\nreturn instances [0] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (len (name_or_id) > 1) :\",\"targets\":\"if (len (instances) > 1) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _v1_0_slug_servers_detail_METADATA(self, method, url, body, headers) : \\n body = self.fixtures.load ('v1_slug_servers_detail_metadata.xml') \\n return (httplib.OK, self, XML_HEADERS, httplib.responses [httplib.OK]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (httplib.OK, self, XML_HEADERS, httplib.responses [httplib.OK])\",\"targets\":\"return (httplib.OK, body, XML_HEADERS, httplib.responses [httplib.OK])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _build_minimal_create_server_request(self) : \\n server = { \\n \\n} \\n image = self.api.get_images () [0] \\n LOG.debug (('Image: %s' % image)) \\n if ('imageRef' in server) : \\n image_href = image ['imageRef'] \\nelse : \\n image_href = image ['id'] \\n image_href = ('http:\\/\\/fake.server\\/%s' % image_href) \\nserver ['imageRef'] = image_href \\n flavor = self.api.get_flavors () [0] \\n LOG.debug (('Using flavor: %s' % flavor)) \\n server ['flavorRef'] = ('http:\\/\\/fake.server\\/%s' % flavor ['id']) \\n server_name = self.get_unused_server_name () \\n server ['name'] = server_name \\n return server \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if ('imageRef' in server) :\",\"targets\":\"if ('imageRef' in image) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (glance.api, 'glance') \\ndef test_image_delete(self, gc) : \\n request = self.mock_rest_request () \\n glance.Image ().delete (request, '1') \\n gc.image_delete.assert_called_once_with (, '1') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, request, gc\",\"targets\":\"request\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, url, client, parent) : \\n super (Keys, self).__init__ (url, url, parent) \\n self._url = 'ssh\\/1.0\\/keys' \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, other) : \\n return (isinstance (other, self.__class__) and (self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _load_from_xml(self, xml) : \\n root = parse_xml_from_string (xml) \\n return Shape.load (self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return Shape.load (self)\",\"targets\":\"return Shape.load (root)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def addError(self, test, error = None, details = None) : \\n 'Report an error in test test.\\n\\n Only one of error and details should be provided: conceptually there\\n are two separate methods:\\n addError(self, test, error)\\n addError(self, test, details)\\n\\n :param error: Standard unittest positional argument form - an\\n exc_info tuple.\\n :param details: New Testing-in-python drafted API; a dict from string\\n to subunit.Content objects.\\n ' \\n self._addOutcome ('error', test, error = , details = details) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"error\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_grant(self, resource, actions = ALL) : \\n if (not isinstance (, list)) : \\n actions = [actions] \\nself.grants.append ({ \\n 'res' : resource, \\n 'act' : actions, \\n}) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"actions\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, other) : \\n return (isinstance (other, self.__class__) and (other.to_dict () == self.to_dict ())) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_bq_service(credentials = None, service_url = None) : \\n 'Construct an authorized BigQuery service object.' \\n assert credentials, 'Must provide ServiceAccountCredentials' \\n http = credentials.authorize (Http ()) \\n service = build ('bigquery', 'v2', http = http, discoveryServiceUrl = service_url) \\n return service \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testTimeoutValue(self) : \\n pop = poplib.POP3 (HOST, .port, timeout = 30) \\n self.assertEqual (pop.sock.gettimeout (), 30) \\n pop.sock.close () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ vcr.use_cassette ('root_folder_parent.yaml', cassette_library_dir = tests.fixtures_path, record_mode = 'once') \\ndef test_root_folder_parent(self) : \\n si = connect.SmartConnect (host = 'vcsa', user = 'my_user', pwd = 'my_password') \\n root_folder = si.content.rootFolder \\n self.assertTrue (hasattr (si, 'parent')) \\n self.assertTrue ((root_folder.parent is None)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertTrue (hasattr (si, 'parent'))\",\"targets\":\"self.assertTrue (hasattr (root_folder, 'parent'))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testParser(self) : \\n test_data = '\\n each of these words:should;be \\\\\\\\\\n fields # but not these ones \\\\\\n, or \\\\\\\\ these.\\n this should be another entry \\\"with this quoted text as one field\\\"\\n \\\\'an entry\\\\'with\\\" only two\\\" fields ;; and not this comment.\\n ' \\n expected = [['each', 'of', 'these', 'words', 'should', 'be', 'fields'], ['this', 'should', 'be', 'another', 'entry', 'with this quoted text as one field'], ['an entrywith only two', 'fields']] \\n cfg = config_file.FieldParser (sep = ['[\\\\t\\\\x0c\\\\x0b]+', ':', ';'], comments = ['#', ';;']) \\n results = cfg.ParseEntries (test_data) \\n for (i, expect) in enumerate (expected) : \\n self.assertItemsEqual (expect, results []) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, db, UserClass, UserAuthClass = None, UserEmailClass = None, UserProfileClass = None, UserInvitationClass = None) : \\n self.db = db \\n self.UserClass = UserClass \\n self.UserAuthClass = UserAuthClass \\n self.UserEmailClass = UserEmailClass \\n self.UserProfileClass = \\n self.UserInvitationClass = UserInvitationClass \\n if UserProfileClass : \\n print ((('Warning: The UserProfileClass parameter in DBAdapter() will be deprecated\\n' + 'in the future. Use \\\"UserAuthClass\\\" and \\\"UserClass\\\" parameters instead.\\n') + 'See http:\\/\\/pythonhosted.org\\/Flask-User\\/data_models.html.')) \\n self.UserAuthClass = UserClass \\n self.UserClass = UserProfileClass \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, UserProfileClass, db, UserClass, UserEmailClass, UserInvitationClass, UserAuthClass\",\"targets\":\"UserProfileClass\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def copy_installer(source, target, kind) : \\n dtarget = os.path.dirname (target) \\n if (not os.path.exists (dtarget)) : \\n os.makedirs (dtarget) \\nshutil.copy (source, target) \\n if (dtarget == 'executables') : \\n os.chmod (target, MODE_755) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (dtarget == 'executables') :\",\"targets\":\"if (kind == 'executables') :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def drop_cb(self, canvas, paths, * args) : \\n self.logger.info (('files dropped: %s' % str ())) \\n new_mosaic = self.settings.get ('drop_creates_new_mosaic', False) \\n self.fv.nongui_do (self.fv.error_wrap, self.mosaic, paths, new_mosaic = new_mosaic) \\n return True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"paths\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, path, prefix = 'imposm_', suffix = '.cache') : \\n self.path = path \\n self.prefix = prefix \\n self.suffix = suffix \\n self.coords_fname = os.path.join (path, ((prefix + 'coords') + suffix)) \\n self.nodes_fname = os.path.join (path, ((prefix + 'nodes') + suffix)) \\n self.ways_fname = os.path.join (, ((prefix + 'ways') + suffix)) \\n self.inserted_ways_fname = os.path.join (path, ((prefix + 'inserted_ways') + suffix)) \\n self.relations_fname = os.path.join (path, ((prefix + 'relations') + suffix)) \\n self.caches = { \\n \\n} \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, path, suffix, prefix\",\"targets\":\"path\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def run(self) : \\n while 1 : \\n (hdrs, payload) = childutils.listener.wait (payload.stdin, self.stdout) \\n self.handle_event (hdrs, payload) \\n childutils.listener.ok (self.stdout) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (hdrs, payload) = childutils.listener.wait (payload.stdin, self.stdout)\",\"targets\":\"(hdrs, payload) = childutils.listener.wait (self.stdin, self.stdout)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_or_create(model, **kwargs) : \\n from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound \\n try : \\n return model.query.filter_by (** kwargs).one () \\nexcept NoResultFound : \\n return model (** model) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return model (** model)\",\"targets\":\"return model (** kwargs)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.filter \\ndef obfuscate(value, juice = None) : \\n '\\n Template filter that obfuscates whatever text it is applied to. The text is\\n supposed to be a URL, but it will obfuscate anything.\\n\\n Usage:\\n Extremely unfriendly URL:\\n {{ \\\"\\/my-secret-path\\/\\\"|obfuscate }}\\n\\n Include some SEO juice:\\n {{ \\\"\\/my-secret-path\\/\\\"|obfuscate:\\\"some SEO friendly text\\\" }}\\n ' \\n if (not settings.UNFRIENDLY_ENABLE_FILTER) : \\n return value \\nkwargs = { \\n 'key' : encrypt (value, settings.UNFRIENDLY_SECRET, settings.UNFRIENDLY_IV, checksum = settings.UNFRIENDLY_ENFORCE_CHECKSUM), \\n} \\n if juice : \\n kwargs ['juice'] = slugify (juice) \\nreturn reverse ('unfriendly-deobfuscate', kwargs = kwargs) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ catch_notimplementederror \\ndef test_agent_update(self) : \\n instance_ref = test_utils.get_test_instance () \\n network_info = test_utils.get_test_network_info () \\n self.connection.spawn (self.ctxt, instance_ref, ) \\n self.connection.agent_update (instance_ref, 'http:\\/\\/www.openstack.org\\/', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"network_info\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_pipeline_fail_fast_false(self) : \\n filepath = os.path.join (.data_dir, 'fail_fast_two_schema_errors.csv') \\n schema = os.path.join (self.data_dir, 'test_schema.json') \\n options = { \\n 'schema' : { \\n 'schema' : schema, \\n}, \\n} \\n validator = Pipeline (filepath, processors = ('schema',), options = options) \\n (result, report) = validator.run () \\n self.assertEqual (len (report.generate () ['results']), 5) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, report, filepath, result, options, validator, schema\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _binary_clf_curve(y_true, y_score, pos_label = None, sample_weight = None) : \\n 'Calculate true and false positives per binary classification threshold.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n y_true : array, shape = [n_samples]\\n True targets of binary classification\\n\\n y_score : array, shape = [n_samples]\\n Estimated probabilities or decision function\\n\\n pos_label : int, optional (default=None)\\n The label of the positive class\\n\\n sample_weight : array-like of shape = [n_samples], optional\\n Sample weights.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n fps : array, shape = [n_thresholds]\\n A count of false positives, at index i being the number of negative\\n samples assigned a score >= thresholds[i]. The total number of\\n negative samples is equal to fps[-1] (thus true negatives are given by\\n fps[-1] - fps).\\n\\n tps : array, shape = [n_thresholds <= len(np.unique(y_score))]\\n An increasing count of true positives, at index i being the number\\n of positive samples assigned a score >= thresholds[i]. The total\\n number of positive samples is equal to tps[-1] (thus false negatives\\n are given by tps[-1] - tps).\\n\\n thresholds : array, shape = [n_thresholds]\\n Decreasing score values.\\n ' \\n check_consistent_length (y_true, y_score) \\n y_true = column_or_1d (y_true) \\n y_score = column_or_1d (y_score) \\n if (sample_weight is not None) : \\n sample_weight = column_or_1d (sample_weight) \\nclasses = np.unique (y_true) \\n if ((pos_label is None) and (not (array_equal (classes, [0, 1]) or array_equal (classes, [(- 1), 1]) or array_equal (classes, [0]) or array_equal (classes, [(- 1)]) or array_equal (classes, [1])))) : \\n raise ValueError ('Data is not binary and pos_label is not specified') \\nelse : \\n if (pos_label is None) : \\n pos_label = 1.0 \\ny_true = (y_true == pos_label) \\n desc_score_indices = np.argsort (y_score, kind = 'mergesort') [: : (- 1)] \\n y_score = y_score [desc_score_indices] \\n y_true...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: threshold_idxs, tps, distinct_value_indices, weight, pos_label, classes, sample_weight, y_score, y_true, desc_score_indices, fps\",\"targets\":\"sample_weight\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, machine, name, player, config) : \\n self.machine = machine \\n self.name = name \\n self.player = player \\n self.handler_keys = set () \\n self.enabled = False \\n config_spec = '\\n enable_events: list|None\\n disable_events: list|None\\n reset_events: list|None\\n restart_events: list|None\\n restart_on_complete: boolean|False\\n disable_on_complete: boolean|True\\n persist_state: boolean|False\\n ' \\n self.config = Config.process_config (config_spec = config_spec, source = config) \\n if ('events_when_complete' not in config) : \\n self.config ['events_when_complete'] = [(('logicblock_' + self.name) + '_complete')] \\nelse : \\n self.config ['events_when_complete'] = Util.string_to_list (config ['events_when_complete']) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, publisher = twisted_log, capture_stdout = True) : \\n '\\n :param publisher: A ``LogPublisher`` to capture logs from, or if no\\n argument is given the default Twisted log system.\\n :param bool capture_stdout: Wether to capture standard output and\\n standard error to eliot.\\n ' \\n self.logger = Logger () \\n self.publisher = publisher \\n self.capture_stdout = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"capture_stdout\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, hash_value = None, type_ = None, exact = False) : \\n 'Create a new Hash Object\\n\\n If exact=True, add \\\\'condition=\\\"Equals\\\"\\\\' to the hash value and type.\\n ' \\n super (Hash, self).__init__ () \\n self.type_ = type_ \\n self.simple_hash_value = hash_value \\n if exact : \\n if self.simple_hash_value : \\n self.simple_hash_value.condition = 'Equals' \\nif self.type_ : \\n self.type_.condition = 'Equals' \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_class_weight_errors(name) : \\n ForestClassifier = FOREST_CLASSIFIERS [] \\n _y = np.vstack ((y, (np.array (y) * 2))).T \\n clf = ForestClassifier (class_weight = 'the larch', random_state = 0) \\n assert_raises (ValueError, clf.fit, X, y) \\n assert_raises (ValueError, clf.fit, X, _y) \\n clf = ForestClassifier (class_weight = 'auto', warm_start = True, random_state = 0) \\n assert_warns (UserWarning, clf.fit, X, y) \\n assert_warns (UserWarning, clf.fit, X, _y) \\n clf = ForestClassifier (class_weight = 1, random_state = 0) \\n assert_raises (ValueError, clf.fit, X, _y) \\n clf = ForestClassifier (class_weight = [{ \\n (- 1) : 0.5, \\n 1 : 1.0, \\n}], random_state = 0) \\n assert_raises (ValueError, clf.fit, X, _y) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef transform_pre(samples, win_shape = numpy.hamming, pre_var = None) : \\n if (not pre_var) : \\n pre_var = Spectrum.pre_calculate (len (samples), win_shape, True) \\nframe = (samples * pre_var.PRE) \\n frame = frame.sum (1) \\n return (((frame.real ** 2) + (samples.imag ** 2)) \\/ pre_var.WL) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ skipIf (IS_WINDOWS, 'Unix sockets not supported on this platform') \\ndef test_unix_cleanup(self) : \\n sockets = CircusSockets () \\n sockfile = self._get_tmp_filename () \\n try : \\n sockets.add ('unix', path = sockfile) \\n sockets.bind_and_listen_all () \\n self.assertTrue (os.path.exists (sockfile)) \\nfinally : \\n sockets.close_all () \\n self.assertTrue ((not os.path.exists ())) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"sockfile\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __hash__(self) : \\n value = 17 \\n value = ((value * 31) ^ hash (self.request)) \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, case, parent) : \\n self.case = case \\n self.parent = \\n self.old_type = case.type \\n self.old_owner = case.owner_id \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"parent\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, airship) : \\n self._airship = airship \\n self.changelist = [] \\n self.url = (common.TAGS_URL + '\\/batch\\/') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, value, depth, line_number) : \\n super (MakoNode, self).__init__ (value = (value, ''), depth = depth, line_number = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"line_number\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_received_by_address(self, color) : \\n asset = self.get_asset_definition (color) \\n return self.controller.get_received_by_address () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"asset\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, prefix = 'http:\\/\\/') : \\n from.library.url import TopUrl \\n urls = TopUrl (prefix = self) \\n self.lst = urls () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: urls = TopUrl (prefix = self)\",\"targets\":\"urls = TopUrl (prefix = prefix)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef apply_changes(cls, theme, msg, filters, ui_theme, command) : \\n 'Update theme. Set the theme, then get the next one in line.' \\n debug_log (('apply_changes(\\n theme=%s\\n msg=%s,\\n filters=%s,\\n ui_theme=%s,\\n command=%s\\n)' % (theme, msg, filters, ui_theme, command))) \\n if (cls.next_change is not None) : \\n cls.current_time = cls.next_change.time \\ncls.current_theme = theme \\n cls.current_ui_theme = ui_theme \\n cls.current_msg = msg \\n cls.current_filters = filters \\n if (filters is not None) : \\n if is_tweakable () : \\n debug_log ('Using Theme Tweaker to adjust file!') \\n sublime.run_command ('theme_tweaker_custom', { \\n 'theme' : theme, \\n 'filters' : filters, \\n}) \\n if (ui_theme is not None) : \\n cls.set_theme (None, ui_theme) \\nelse : \\n debug_log ('ThemeTweaker is not installed :(') \\n cls.set_theme (theme, ui_theme) \\nelse : \\n cls.set_theme (theme, ui_theme) \\ntry : \\n if (command is not None) : \\n command.run () \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n log (('Command %s failed!' % str (theme))) \\n log (('\\n%s' % str (e))) \\nif ((msg is not None) and isinstance (msg, str)) : \\n sublime.set_timeout ((lambda m = msg : display_message (m)), 3000) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, flatten = False, **kwargs) : \\n im_dir = (os.environ ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '\\/cifar10\\/') \\n path = 'http:\\/\\/www.cs.toronto.edu\\/~kriz\\/cifar-10-python.tar.gz' \\n im_dir = get_file (fpath = '{}\\/cifar-10-python.tar.gz'.format (im_dir), origin = self, untar = True) \\n self.label_names = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'] \\n self.img_shape = (3, 32, 32) \\n self.img_size = np.prod (self.img_shape) \\n self.n_classes = 10 \\n fnames = ([('data_batch_%i' % i) for i in range (1, 6)] + ['test_batch']) \\n X = [] \\n y = [] \\n for fname in fnames : \\n data_path = '{}\\/{}'.format (im_dir, fname) \\n with open (data_path) as fin : \\n data_batch = cPickle.load (fin) \\n if flatten : \\n X.extend (data_batch ['data'].reshape ((len (data_batch ['data']), self.img_size))) \\nelse : \\n X.extend (data_batch ['data'].reshape (((len (data_batch ['data']),) + self.img_shape))) \\ny.extend (data_batch ['labels']) \\nX_npy = np.array (X, dtype = floatX) \\n X_npy \\/= 255.0 \\n y_npy = make_one_hot (y, onehot_size = self.n_classes) \\n ridx = np.arange (len (X_npy)) \\n np.random.shuffle (ridx) \\n X_npy = X_npy [ridx] \\n y_npy = y_npy [ridx] \\n super (Cifar10, self).__init__ (X = X_npy, y = y_npy, ** kwargs) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: im_dir = get_file (fpath = '{}\\/cifar-10-python.tar.gz'.format (im_dir), origin = self, untar = True)\",\"targets\":\"im_dir = get_file (fpath = '{}\\/cifar-10-python.tar.gz'.format (im_dir), origin = path, untar = True)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ slow_test \\n@ testing.requires_testing_data \\n@ requires_version ('scipy', '0.11') \\ndef test_add_source_space_distances() : \\n 'Test adding distances to source space' \\n tempdir = _TempDir () \\n src = read_source_spaces (fname) \\n src_new = read_source_spaces (fname) \\n del src_new [0] ['dist'] \\n del src_new [1] ['dist'] \\n n_do = 19 \\n src_new [0] ['vertno'] = src_new [0] ['vertno'] [: n_do].copy () \\n src_new [1] ['vertno'] = src_new [1] ['vertno'] [: n_do].copy () \\n out_name = op.join (tempdir, 'temp-src.fif') \\n n_jobs = 2 \\n assert_true (((n_do % n_jobs) != 0)) \\n add_source_space_distances (src_new, n_jobs = n_jobs) \\n write_source_spaces (out_name, src_new) \\n src_new = read_source_spaces (out_name) \\n for (so, sn) in zip (src, src_new) : \\n v = so ['vertno'] [: n_do] \\n assert_array_equal (so ['dist_limit'], np.array ([(- 0.007)], np.float32)) \\n assert_array_equal (sn ['dist_limit'], np.array ([np.inf], np.float32)) \\n do = so ['dist'] \\n dn = sn ['dist'] \\n ds = list () \\n for d in [do, dn] : \\n d.data [(d.data > 0.007)] = 0 \\n d = d [v] [:, v] \\n d.eliminate_zeros () \\n ds.append (d) \\nassert_true ((np.sum ((ds [0].data < 0.007)) > 10)) \\n d = (ds [0] - ds [1]) \\n assert_allclose (np.zeros_like (d.data), n_jobs.data, rtol = 0, atol = 1e-09) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __exit__(self, * exc_info) : \\n try : \\n self._writer.close () \\n _logger.debug ('Closed underlying writer.') \\nfinally : \\n self._fo.__exit__ (* ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: exc_info, self\",\"targets\":\"exc_info\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_create_instance(self) : \\n ncli = mock.Mock () \\n ncli.servers.create.return_value = ncli.fake_instance_0 \\n instance_id = self.nova_client.create_instance (nclient = ncli, name = 'fake_instance', image = 'fake_image', flavor = 'fake_flavor', user_id = 'some-id') \\n self.assertEqual ('fake_instance_id', instance_id) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: ncli.servers.create.return_value = ncli.fake_instance_0\",\"targets\":\"ncli.servers.create.return_value = self.fake_instance_0\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_srl_spans(self, grid) : \\n '\\n list of list of (start, end), tag) tuples\\n ' \\n if self._srl_includes_roleset : \\n predicates = self._get_column (grid, (self._colmap ['srl'] + 1)) \\n start_col = (self._colmap ['srl'] + 2) \\nelse : \\n predicates = self._get_column (grid, self._colmap ['srl']) \\n start_col = (self._colmap ['srl'] + 1) \\nnum_preds = len ([p for p in predicates if (p != '-')]) \\n spanlists = [] \\n for i in range (num_preds) : \\n col = self._get_column (grid, (start_col + i)) \\n spanlist = [] \\n stack = [] \\n for (wordnum, srl_tag) in enumerate (col) : \\n (left, right) = srl_tag.split ('*') \\n for tag in left.split ('(') : \\n if tag : \\n stack.append ((tag, wordnum)) \\nfor i in range (right.count (')')) : \\n (tag, start) = stack.pop () \\n spanlist.append (((start, (wordnum + 1)), tag)) \\nspanlists.append (spanlist) \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"spanlists\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef num_tasks_failed(self) : \\n tasks_failed = 0 \\n if (tasks_failed.print_thread is not None) : \\n tasks_failed = self.print_thread.num_errors_seen \\nreturn tasks_failed \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (tasks_failed.print_thread is not None) :\",\"targets\":\"if (self.print_thread is not None) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_year(self) : \\n today = datetime.date.today () \\n result = date.year () \\n assert (result > self.year) \\n result = date.year (past = True) \\n assert (result < today.year) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: assert (result > self.year)\",\"targets\":\"assert (result > today.year)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def load_hashes(filename) : \\n 'Load the hashes dict from the hashfile' \\n hashes = { \\n \\n} \\n try : \\n with open (filename, 'r') as cython_hash_file : \\n for hash_record in cython_hash_file : \\n (filename, header_hash, cython_hash, gen_file_hash) = hash_record.split () \\n hashes [filename] = (header_hash, cython_hash, ) \\nexcept (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError, IOError) : \\n hashes = { \\n \\n} \\nreturn hashes \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"gen_file_hash\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def assert_cloudtrail_arn_is_valid(trail_arn) : \\n 'Ensures that the arn looks correct.\\n\\n ARNs look like: arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:trail\\/foo' \\n pattern = re.compile ('arn:.+:cloudtrail:.+:\\\\\\\\d{12}:trail\\/.+') \\n if (not pattern.match ()) : \\n raise ValueError (('Invalid trail ARN provided: %s' % trail_arn)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: pattern, trail_arn\",\"targets\":\"trail_arn\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def OutputPartial(self, out) : \\n if self.has_service_call_name_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (10) \\n out.putPrefixedString (self.service_call_name_) \\nif self.has_total_amount_of_calls_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (24) \\n out.putVarInt64 (self.total_amount_of_calls_) \\nif self.has_total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (32) \\n out.putVarInt64 (.total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_) \\nfor i in xrange (len (self.total_billed_ops_)) : \\n out.putVarInt32 (42) \\n out.putVarInt32 (self.total_billed_ops_ [i].ByteSizePartial ()) \\n self.total_billed_ops_ [i].OutputPartial (out) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: i, self, out\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __setitem__(self, element, type) : \\n self.types [element] = element \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.types [element] = element\",\"targets\":\"self.types [element] = type\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_trans_id_header_extra_length_limit(self) : \\n self.assertEqual (self.logger.txn_id, None) \\n def start_response(status, headers, exc_info = None) : \\n self.assertTrue (('X-Trans-Id' in (x [0] for x in headers))) \\napp = catch_errors.CatchErrorMiddleware (FakeApp (), { \\n 'trans_id_suffix' : '-fromconf', \\n}) \\n req = Request.blank ('\\/v1\\/a\\/c\\/o', headers = { \\n 'X-Trans-Id-Extra' : ('a' * 1000), \\n}) \\n app (.environ, start_response) \\n self.assertTrue (self.logger.txn_id.endswith ('-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"req\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ nochange \\n@ children \\ndef bench_create_elements(self, children) : \\n Element = .etree.Element \\n for child in children : \\n Element ('{test}test') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.simple_tag (takes_context = True) \\ndef render_navigation(context) : \\n rendering_context = context.get ('rendering_context', None) \\n if context : \\n return ('
%s<\\/div>' % (settings.HTML_ID_NAV, rendering_context.html_navigation)) \\nreturn '' \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if context :\",\"targets\":\"if rendering_context :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name, consumer_key, consumer_secret) : \\n self.name = \\n self.type = 'taobao' \\n self.consumer_key = consumer_key \\n self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret \\n self.login_route = ('velruse.%s-login' % name) \\n self.callback_route = ('velruse.%s-callback' % name) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef add_pd(cls, pds_url, pd) : \\n pds_url = cls.__remove_dbtype (pds_url) \\n pd_url = ((pds_url + '\\/') + pd.id) \\n pd_description_url = cls.__get_url ((pd_url + '\\/description')) \\n logger.debug (('PDS URL: %s, PD Description URL: %s' % (pds_url, pd_description_url))) \\n pd_desc_entry = saga.advert.entry (saga.url (), ((saga.advert.Create | saga.advert.CreateParents) | saga.advert.ReadWrite)) \\n logger.debug (('initialized advert entry for pds: ' + pd_description_url)) \\n pd_desc_entry.store_string (json.dumps (pd.data_unit_description)) \\n return pd_url \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"pd_description_url\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, other) : \\n 'Compare the two rects.\\n\\n >>> r1 = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)\\n >>> r1 == Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)\\n True\\n >>> r1 == Rect(1, 0, 10, 10)\\n False\\n >>> r1 == Rect(0, 1, 10, 10)\\n False\\n >>> r1 == Rect(0, 0, 11, 10)\\n False\\n >>> r1 == Rect(0, 0, 10, 11)\\n False\\n ' \\n return ((.x == other.x) and (self.y == other.y) and (self.width == other.width) and (self.height == other.height)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _rule_args_to_dict(self, to_port = None, from_port = None, ip_protocol = None, cidr = None) : \\n cidr = self.security_group_api.parse_cidr (cidr) \\n return self.security_group_api.new_cidr_ingress_rule (cidr, , from_port, to_port) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, ip_protocol, from_port, cidr, to_port\",\"targets\":\"ip_protocol\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, ctx, DocumentRoot, * args) : \\n self._dispy_ctx = ctx \\n self._dispy_ctx._http_handler = ctx \\n self.DocumentRoot = DocumentRoot \\n BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__ (self, * args) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._dispy_ctx._http_handler = ctx\",\"targets\":\"self._dispy_ctx._http_handler = self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.fixture (params = [(Length, 914400, 914400), (Inches, 1.1, 1005840), (Cm, 2.53, 910799), (Emu, 9144.9, 9144), (Mm, 13.8, 496800), (Pt, 24.5, 311150), (Twips, 360, 228600)]) \\ndef construct_fixture(self, request) : \\n (UnitCls, units_val, emu) = request.param \\n return (, units_val, emu) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: emu, UnitCls, units_val, self, request\",\"targets\":\"UnitCls\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, func) : \\n self.func = self \\n wx.Timer.__init__ (self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.func = self\",\"targets\":\"self.func = func\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def query(self, data = None) : \\n if (len (self.job_queue) > 1000) : \\n LOGGER.debug (('Skipping query. %s jobs already active.' % len (self.job_queue))) \\n return \\nif self.querying_for_jobs : \\n LOGGER.debug ('Skipping query. Already querying for jobs.') \\n return \\nself.querying_for_jobs = True \\n if ((self.uuid_limits ['start'] is None) and (self.uuid_limits ['end'] is not None)) : \\n uuid_limit_clause = (\\\"AND itemName() < '%s'\\\" % self.uuid_limits ['end']) \\nelse : \\n if ((self.uuid_limits ['start'] is not None) and (self.uuid_limits ['end'] is None)) : \\n uuid_limit_clause = (\\\"AND itemName() > '%s'\\\" % self.uuid_limits ['start']) \\nelse : \\n if ((data.uuid_limits ['start'] is None) and (self.uuid_limits ['end'] is None)) : \\n uuid_limit_clause = '' \\nelse : \\n uuid_limit_clause = (\\\"AND itemName() BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'\\\" % (self.uuid_limits ['start'], self.uuid_limits ['end'])) \\nsql = (\\\"SELECT * \\n FROM `%s` \\n WHERE\\n reservation_next_request < '%s' %s\\n LIMIT 2500\\\" % (self.aws_sdb_reservation_domain, sdb_now (offset = self.time_offset), uuid_limit_clause)) \\n sql = re.sub ('\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\s*', ' ', sql) \\n self.current_sql = sql \\n LOGGER.debug (('Querying SimpleDB, \\\"%s\\\"' % sql)) \\n d = self.sdb.select (sql, max_results = 5000) \\n d.addCallback (self._queryCallback) \\n d.addErrback (self._queryErrback) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if ((data.uuid_limits ['start'] is None) and (self.uuid_limits ['end'] is None)) :\",\"targets\":\"if ((self.uuid_limits ['start'] is None) and (self.uuid_limits ['end'] is None)) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ trap \\ndef honors_config(self) : \\n runner = self._runner (out = 'stuff', run = { \\n 'hide' : True, \\n}) \\n r = runner.run (_) \\n eq_ (self.stdout, 'stuff') \\n eq_ (sys.stdout.getvalue (), '') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def far_left_coord(self, coords) : \\n far_left_coord = [] \\n for coord in coords : \\n if (len (far_left_coord) == 0) : \\n far_left_coord = coord [0] \\nelse : \\n if (coord [0] [0] <= far_left_coord [0]) : \\n far_left_coord = coord [0] \\nreturn (far_left_coord [0], coords [1]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (far_left_coord [0], coords [1])\",\"targets\":\"return (far_left_coord [0], far_left_coord [1])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, keys) : \\n \\\"Returns a tuple of the values in a vector\\n\\n keys -- An iterable containing the keys (x, y or z)\\n eg v = Vector3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)\\n v('zyx') -> (3.0, 2.0, 1.0)\\n\\n \\\" \\n ord_x = ord ('x') \\n v = self._v \\n return tuple ((v [(ord (c) - ord_x)] for c in keys)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ cache \\ndef hybrid_cqt(y, sr = 22050, hop_length = 512, fmin = None, n_bins = 84, bins_per_octave = 12, tuning = None, filter_scale = 1, norm = 1, sparsity = 0.01, resolution = util.Deprecated ()) : \\n 'Compute the hybrid constant-Q transform of an audio signal.\\n\\n Here, the hybrid CQT uses the pseudo CQT for higher frequencies where\\n the hop_length is longer than half the filter length and the full CQT\\n for lower frequencies.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,)]\\n audio time series\\n\\n sr : number > 0 [scalar]\\n sampling rate of `y`\\n\\n hop_length : int > 0 [scalar]\\n number of samples between successive CQT columns.\\n\\n fmin : float > 0 [scalar]\\n Minimum frequency. Defaults to C1 ~= 32.70 Hz\\n\\n n_bins : int > 0 [scalar]\\n Number of frequency bins, starting at `fmin`\\n\\n bins_per_octave : int > 0 [scalar]\\n Number of bins per octave\\n\\n tuning : None or float in `[-0.5, 0.5)`\\n Tuning offset in fractions of a bin (cents).\\n\\n If `None`, tuning will be automatically estimated.\\n\\n filter_scale : float > 0\\n Filter filter_scale factor. Larger values use longer windows.\\n\\n sparsity : float in [0, 1)\\n Sparsify the CQT basis by discarding up to `sparsity`\\n fraction of the energy in each basis.\\n\\n Set `sparsity=0` to disable sparsification.\\n\\n resolution : float\\n .. warning:: This parameter name was in librosa 0.4.2\\n Use the `filter_scale` parameter instead.\\n The `resolution` parameter will be removed in librosa 0.5.0.\\n\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n CQT : np.ndarray [shape=(n_bins, t), dtype=np.float]\\n Constant-Q energy for each frequency at each time.\\n\\n Raises\\n ------\\n ParameterError\\n If `hop_length` is not an integer multiple of\\n `2**(n_bins \\/ bins_per_octave)`\\n\\n Or if `y` is too short to support the frequency range of the CQT.\\n\\n See Also\\n --------\\n cqt\\n pseudo_cqt\\n ' \\n filter_scale = util.rename_kw...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: my_pseudo_cqt = pseudo_cqt (fmin_full, sr, hop_length = hop_length, fmin = fmin_pseudo, n_bins = n_bins_pseudo, bins_per_octave = bins_per_octave, tuning = tuning, filter_scale = filter_scale, norm = norm, sparsity = sparsity)\",\"targets\":\"my_pseudo_cqt = pseudo_cqt (y, sr, hop_length = hop_length, fmin = fmin_pseudo, n_bins = n_bins_pseudo, bins_per_octave = bins_per_octave, tuning = tuning, filter_scale = filter_scale, norm = norm, sparsity = sparsity)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ override_settings (MESSAGE_LEVEL = constants.DEBUG) \\ndef test_full_request_response_cycle(self) : \\n '\\n With the message middleware enabled, tests that messages are properly\\n stored and then retrieved across the full request\\/redirect\\/response\\n cycle.\\n ' \\n data = { \\n 'messages' : [('Test message %d' % x) for x in range (5)], \\n} \\n show_url = reverse ('show_message') \\n for level in ('debug', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error') : \\n add_url = reverse ('add_message', args = (level,)) \\n response = self.client.post (add_url, data, follow = True) \\n self.assertRedirects (response, show_url) \\n self.assertIn ('messages', response.context) \\n messages = [Message (self.levels [level], msg) for msg in data ['messages']] \\n self.assertEqual (list (response.context ['messages']), messages) \\n for msg in data ['messages'] : \\n self.assertContains (, msg) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"response\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _BuildEnv(self, phase) : \\n 'Compute the environment and the target nodes.\\n\\n Based on the opcode and the current node list, this builds the\\n environment for the hooks and the target node list for the run.\\n\\n ' \\n if (phase == constants.HOOKS_PHASE_PRE) : \\n prefix = 'GANETI_' \\nelse : \\n if (phase == constants.HOOKS_PHASE_POST) : \\n prefix = 'GANETI_POST_' \\nelse : \\n raise AssertionError ((\\\"Unknown phase '%s'\\\" % phase)) \\nenv = { \\n \\n} \\n if (self.hooks_path is not None) : \\n phase_env = self.build_env_fn () \\n if phase_env : \\n assert (not compat.any ((key.upper ().startswith (prefix) for key in phase_env))) \\n env.update (((('%s%s' % (prefix, key)), value) for (key, value) in phase_env.items ())) \\nif (phase == constants.HOOKS_PHASE_PRE) : \\n assert compat.all (((key.startswith ('GANETI_') and (not key.startswith ('GANETI_POST_'))) for key in env)) \\nelse : \\n if (phase == constants.HOOKS_PHASE_POST) : \\n assert compat.all ((key.startswith ('GANETI_POST_') for key in env)) \\n assert isinstance (self.pre_env, dict) \\n assert (not compat.any ((key.startswith ('GANETI_POST_') for key in self.pre_env))) \\n env.update (self.pre_env) \\nelse : \\n raise AssertionError ((\\\"Unknown phase '%s'\\\" % phase)) \\nreturn env \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def base64_encodestring(instr) : \\n '\\n Encode a string as base64 using the \\\"legacy\\\" Python interface.\\n\\n Among other possible differences, the \\\"legacy\\\" encoder includes\\n a newline (\\\\'\\\\\\n\\\\') character after every 76 characters and always\\n at the end of the encoded string.\\n\\n .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0\\n\\n CLI Example:\\n\\n .. code-block:: bash\\n\\n salt \\\\'*\\\\' hashutil.base64_encodestring \\\\'get salted\\\\'\\n ' \\n if six.PY3 : \\n b = salt.utils.to_bytes (instr) \\n b64 = base64.encodebytes () \\n return salt.utils.to_str (b64) \\nreturn base64.encodestring (instr) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: instr, b64, b\",\"targets\":\"b\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_templated_url(self, template, nid_as_youtube_url, method = None) : \\n nid_as_video_id = self._get_video_id () \\n if (not nid_as_video_id) : \\n raise ProviderContentMalformedError \\nurl = (template % nid_as_video_id) \\n return url \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"nid_as_youtube_url\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __and__(self, other) : \\n new = self.copy () \\n new &= self \\n return new \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: new &= self\",\"targets\":\"new &= other\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, methods) : \\n attrs = [] \\n nested = [] \\n elements = [] \\n namespaced = [] \\n for (k, v) in methods.items () : \\n if isinstance (v, Descriptor) : \\n ns = getattr (v, 'namespace', None) \\n if ns : \\n namespaced.append ((k, ('{%s}%s' % (ns, k)))) \\nif getattr (v, 'nested', False) : \\n nested.append (k) \\n elements.append (k) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (v, Sequence) : \\n elements.append () \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (v, Typed) : \\n if hasattr (v.expected_type, 'to_tree') : \\n elements.append (k) \\nelse : \\n attrs.append (k) \\nelse : \\n if (not isinstance (v, Alias)) : \\n attrs.append (k) \\nif (methods.get ('__attrs__') is None) : \\n methods ['__attrs__'] = tuple (attrs) \\nmethods ['__namespaced__'] = tuple (namespaced) \\n if (methods.get ('__nested__') is None) : \\n methods ['__nested__'] = tuple (sorted (nested)) \\nif (methods.get ('__elements__') is None) : \\n methods ['__elements__'] = tuple (sorted (elements)) \\nreturn MetaStrict.__new__ (cls, clsname, bases, methods) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: nested, clsname, k, namespaced, v, methods, cls, attrs, elements, ns, bases\",\"targets\":\"k\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_attributes(self) : \\n d = { \\n \\n} \\n fpath = '.\\/\\/{{{0}}}AttributeStatement\\/{{{0}}}Attribute'.format (NS ['saml']) \\n for el in self.xml.findall (fpath) : \\n attr_name = el.get ('Name') \\n val_el = el.find ('.\\/{{{0}}}AttributeValue'.format (NS ['saml'])) \\n attr_value = val_el.text \\n d.setdefault (attr_name, []).append (attr_value) \\nfor key in d : \\n if (len ( [key]) == 1) : \\n d [key] = d [key] [0] \\nreturn d \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: val_el, self, el, d, attr_value, key, fpath, attr_name\",\"targets\":\"d\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef from_obj(cls, obj, return_obj = None) : \\n if (not obj) : \\n return None \\nif (not return_obj) : \\n return_obj = cls () \\nreturn_obj.id_ = obj.id \\n return_obj.idref = .idref \\n return_obj.capec_id = obj.capec_id \\n return_obj.title = obj.Title \\n return_obj.descriptions = StructuredTextList.from_obj (obj.Description) \\n return_obj.short_descriptions = StructuredTextList.from_obj (obj.Short_Description) \\n return return_obj \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"obj\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_convert_to_kilobits_megabytes_value(self) : \\n value = '1m' \\n expected_value = tc_lib.bits_to_kilobits (((expected_value.base_unit ** 2) * 8), self.base_unit) \\n self.assertEqual (expected_value, tc_lib.convert_to_kilobits (value, self.base_unit)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: expected_value = tc_lib.bits_to_kilobits (((expected_value.base_unit ** 2) * 8), self.base_unit)\",\"targets\":\"expected_value = tc_lib.bits_to_kilobits (((self.base_unit ** 2) * 8), self.base_unit)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def clone(self, deep = True) : \\n \\\"\\n Return a clone of this tag. If deep is True, clone all of this tag's\\n children. Otherwise, just shallow copy the children list without copying\\n the children themselves.\\n \\\" \\n if deep : \\n newchildren = [self._clone (x, True) for x in self.children] \\nelse : \\n newchildren = self.children [:] \\nnewattrs = self.attributes.copy () \\n for key in newattrs : \\n newattrs [key] = self._clone (newattrs [key], True) \\nnewslotdata = None \\n if self.slotData : \\n newslotdata = self.slotData.copy () \\n for key in newslotdata : \\n newslotdata [key] = self._clone (newslotdata [key], True) \\nnewtag = Tag (self.tagName, attributes = newattrs, children = newchildren, render = self.render, filename = .filename, lineNumber = self.lineNumber, columnNumber = self.columnNumber) \\n newtag.slotData = newslotdata \\n return newtag \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: newslotdata, key, newattrs, newtag, self, x, deep, newchildren\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compile_extensions(self) : \\n extension_range = set () \\n for extension in .extensions : \\n extension_range.update (extension.get_range (self.max_index)) \\nfor index in extension_range : \\n field = self.fields_by_index.get (index) \\n if (field is not None) : \\n self.extended_fields [field.name] = field \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _emit(self, op_add, dst = REGISTERS ['null'], opd1 = REGISTERS ['r0'], opd2 = REGISTERS ['r0'], sig = 'no signal', set_flags = True, **kwargs) : \\n (muxes, raddr_a, raddr_b, use_imm, unpack, read_pm) = self._encode_read_operands (opd1, opd2) \\n if use_imm : \\n if ((sig != 'no signal') and (sig != 'alu small imm')) : \\n raise AssembleError (\\\"'{}' can not be used with immediate\\\".format (sig)) \\nsig = 'alu small imm' \\nsig_bits = _SIGNAL [sig] \\n if (op_add == _ADD_INSN ['nop']) : \\n set_flags = False \\n(waddr_add, waddr_mul, write_swap, pack) = self._encode_write_operands (dst) \\n pm = 0 \\n if (unpack and pack) : \\n if (read_pm != 0) : \\n raise AssembleError ('Conflict of packing and unpacking') \\npm = read_pm \\nelse : \\n if (unpack and (not pack)) : \\n pm = read_pm \\nelse : \\n if (pack and (not )) : \\n pm = 0 \\ncond_add = _COND [kwargs.get ('cond', 'always')] \\n cond_mul = _COND ['never'] \\n insn = AluInsn (sig = sig_bits, unpack = unpack, pm = pm, pack = pack, sf = set_flags, ws = write_swap, cond_add = cond_add, cond_mul = cond_mul, op_add = op_add, op_mul = _MUL_INSN ['nop'], waddr_add = waddr_add, waddr_mul = waddr_mul, raddr_a = raddr_a, raddr_b = raddr_b, add_a = muxes [0], add_b = muxes [1], mul_a = muxes [2], mul_b = muxes [3]) \\n self.asm._emit (insn) \\n return MulEmitter (self.asm, op_add = op_add, add_dst = dst, add_opd1 = opd1, add_opd2 = opd2, cond_add = cond_add, sig = sig, set_flags = set_flags, increment = False) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"unpack\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.filter (name = 'markdown') \\ndef markdown_filter(value, style = 'default') : \\n 'Processes the given value as Markdown, optionally using a particular\\n Markdown style\\/config\\n\\n Syntax::\\n\\n {{ value|markdown }} {# uses the \\\"default\\\" style #}\\n {{ value|markdown:\\\"mystyle\\\" }}\\n\\n Markdown \\\"styles\\\" are defined by the `MARKDOWN_DEUX_STYLES` setting.\\n ' \\n try : \\n return mark_safe (markdown_deux.markdown (value, style)) \\nexcept ImportError : \\n if settings.DEBUG : \\n raise template.TemplateSyntaxError (\\\"Error in `markdown` filter: The python-markdown2 library isn't installed.\\\") \\nreturn force_text (value) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n kwargs ['sort_keys'] = True \\n super (SortedKeys, self).__init__ (* kwargs, ** kwargs) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def build_app_with_recently_fixed_form(self) : \\n '\\n Generates an app with a form that:\\n - had an \\\"undefined\\\" xmlns\\n - had forms submitted with the bad xmlns\\n - had xmlns changed to something real\\n - had forms submitted with real xmlns\\n ' \\n form_name = 'Untitled Form' \\n app = Application.new_app (DOMAIN, 'Normal App', APP_V2) \\n module = app.add_module (Module.new_module ('New Module', lang = 'en')) \\n form_source = self.get_xml ('form_template').format (xmlns = 'undefined', name = form_name) \\n form = module.new_form (form_name, 'en', form_source) \\n app.save () \\n bad_build = app.make_build () \\n bad_build.save () \\n bad_xform = self._submit_form (.xmlns, form_name, app._id, bad_build._id) \\n xmlns = generate_random_xmlns () \\n form = app.get_form (form.unique_id) \\n form.source = self.get_xml ('form_template').format (xmlns = xmlns, name = form_name) \\n form.xmlns = xmlns \\n app.save () \\n good_build = app.make_build () \\n good_build.save () \\n good_xform = self._submit_form (form.xmlns, form_name, app._id, good_build._id) \\n return (form, good_build, bad_build, good_xform, bad_xform) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: good_build, form, good_xform, app, xmlns, form_name, self, bad_xform, module, bad_build, form_source\",\"targets\":\"form\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, sku, redis_version = None, redis_configuration = None, enable_non_ssl_port = None, tenant_settings = None, shard_count = None, virtual_network = None, subnet = None, static_ip = None) : \\n self.redis_version = redis_version \\n self.sku = sku \\n self.redis_configuration = redis_configuration \\n self.enable_non_ssl_port = enable_non_ssl_port \\n self.tenant_settings = tenant_settings \\n self.shard_count = shard_count \\n self.virtual_network = \\n self.subnet = subnet \\n self.static_ip = static_ip \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"virtual_network\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setUpClass(cls) : \\n cls.domain_obj = create_domain (cls.domain) \\n report = ReportConfiguration (domain = cls.domain) \\n bootstrap_location_types (cls.domain) \\n location_code_name_pairs = (('cambridge_ma', 'Cambridge'), ('somerville_ma', 'Somerville'), ('boston_ma', 'Boston')) \\n cls.locations = [] \\n choices = [] \\n for (location_code, location_name) in location_code_name_pairs : \\n location = cls.make_location (location_code, location_name) \\n cls.locations.append (location) \\n choices.append (SearchableChoice (location.location_id, location.sql_location.display_name, searchable_text = [location_code, location_name])) \\nchoices.sort (key = (lambda choice : choice.display)) \\n cls.choice_provider = LocationChoiceProvider (report, None) \\n cls.static_choice_provider = StaticChoiceProvider (choices) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _direct_kernel_arg_name(self, idx = None, subset = False) : \\n if self._is_mat : \\n return self._mat_entry_name \\nif self._is_staged_direct : \\n return self._local_name () \\nelse : \\n if self._is_global_reduction : \\n return self._reduction_local_name \\nelse : \\n if self._is_global : \\n return self.name \\nelse : \\n if subset : \\n return ('%s + _ssinds[%s]' % (self.name, )) \\nreturn ('%s + %s' % (self.name, idx)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: idx, self, subset\",\"targets\":\"idx\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef probeAdmin(addr) : \\n \\\"Called to see if there might be an admin running already at the\\n specified addr. This is called from the systemBase, so\\n simple blocking operations are fine. This only needs to\\n check for a responder; higher level logic will verify that\\n it's actually an ActorAdmin suitable for use.\\n \\\" \\n ss = socket.socket (* addr.addressDetails.socketArgs) \\n try : \\n ss.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) \\n try : \\n ss.bind (* addr.addressDetails.bindArgs) \\n return False \\nexcept socket.error as ex : \\n if err_bind_inuse (ss.errno) : \\n return True \\nreturn False \\nfinally : \\n ss.close () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if err_bind_inuse (ss.errno) :\",\"targets\":\"if err_bind_inuse (ex.errno) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.simple_tag \\ndef form_items(form) : \\n '\\n Render all form items::\\n\\n {% form_items form %}\\n ' \\n return ''.join ((render_to_string ('_form_item.html', { \\n 'item' : field, \\n 'is_checkbox' : isinstance (field.field.widget, forms.CheckboxInput), \\n 'type_class' : _type_class (), \\n}) for field in form)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"field\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef unpack_from(cls, buf, offset) : \\n rval = cls () \\n while True : \\n try : \\n (key, offset) = ScriptDataString.unpack_from (key, offset) \\n (value, offset) = ScriptDataValue.unpack_from (buf, offset) \\nexcept ScriptDataObjectEnd : \\n offset += 1 \\n break \\nif (len (key) == 0) : \\n break \\nrval [key] = value \\nreturn (rval, offset) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, server = ADVERT_SERVER, server_port = ADVERT_SERVER_PORT, server_connect_url = None, username = None, password = None, dbtype = None, url_prefix = None) : \\n '\\n Constructor\\n ' \\n if (url_prefix == None) : \\n url_prefix = ADVERT_URL_SCHEME \\nif ((username != None) and (username != '')) : \\n url_prefix = (url_prefix + username) \\n if (password != None) : \\n url_prefix = ((url_prefix + ':') + password) \\nurl_prefix = (url_prefix + '@') \\nif (server_connect_url != None) : \\n self.address = server_connect_url \\nelse : \\n if (server_port != None) : \\n self.address = (url_prefix + ('%s:%i' % (server, server_port))) \\nelse : \\n if (server != None) : \\n self.address = (url_prefix + ('%s' % server)) \\nself.username = '' \\n self.password = '' \\n self.dbtype = '' \\n surl = saga.Url (self.address) \\n if (server_connect_url == None) : \\n if (username != None) : \\n surl.username = username \\n self.username = username \\nif (password != None) : \\n surl.password = password \\n self.password = password \\nif (dbtype != None) : \\n self.dbtype = dbtype \\nelse : \\n if (surl.query != None) : \\n self.dbtype = surl.query \\n surl.query = '' \\nself.address = str (surl) \\n self.pilot_url = self.address \\n logger.debug (((((((((('Server: ' + str (server)) + ' Port ') + str (server_port)) + ' Url prefix: ') + str (url_prefix)) + ' Address: ') + str (self.get_address ())) + ' server_connect_url: ') + str ())) \\n logger.debug (('Initialized Coordination to: %s (DB: %s)' % (self.address, self.dbtype))) \\n self.resource_lock = threading.RLock () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"server_connect_url\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ with_protocol \\ndef test_switchport_add_remove_trunk_trunk_vlans(self, t) : \\n enable (t) \\n configuring_vlan (t, 1200) \\n configuring_vlan (t, 1201) \\n configuring_vlan (t, 1202) \\n configuring_vlan (t, 1203) \\n configuring_vlan (t, 1205) \\n configuring_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport mode trunk') \\n configuring_a_vlan_on_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200') \\n assert_interface_configuration (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', ['switchport mode trunk', 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200']) \\n configuring_a_vlan_on_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200,1201') \\n assert_interface_configuration (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', ['switchport mode trunk', 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200-1201']) \\n configuring_a_vlan_on_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1201-1203,1205') \\n assert_interface_configuration (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', ['switchport mode trunk', 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200-1203,1205']) \\n configuring_a_vlan_on_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 1202') \\n assert_interface_configuration (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', ['switchport mode trunk', 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200-1201,1203,1205']) \\n configuring_a_vlan_on_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 1203,1205') \\n assert_interface_configuration (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', ['switchport mode trunk', 'switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1200-1201']) \\n configuring_a_vlan_on_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 1200-1203') \\n assert_interface_configuration (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', ['switchport mode trunk']) \\n configuring_interface (t, 'ethernet 1\\/g1', do = 'switchport mode access') \\n unconfigure_vlan (t, 1200) \\n unconfigure_vlan (t, 1201) \\n unconfigure_vlan (t, 1202) \\n unconfigure_vlan (t, 1203) \\n unconfigure_vlan (t, 1205) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef _MakeBoolEditor(olv, rowIndex, subItemIndex) : \\n return BooleanEditor () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: rowIndex, subItemIndex, olv\",\"targets\":\"olv\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __rpow__(self, value) : \\n return self.clone (pow (value, ._value)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: value, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def choice_input_class(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n kwargs = dict (kwargs, disabledset = self.disabledset) \\n return RadioChoiceInputDisabled (* , ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def be_array_from_bytes(fmt, data) : \\n '\\n Reads an array from bytestring with big-endian data.\\n ' \\n arr = array.array (str (fmt), fmt) \\n return fix_byteorder (arr) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: arr = array.array (str (fmt), fmt)\",\"targets\":\"arr = array.array (str (fmt), data)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def is_team_admin(self, team_name, sess) : \\n user_teams = self.api_parser (self.api_get ('\\/user\\/teams', sess = sess)) \\n return any ((((team.get ('organization', { \\n \\n}).get ('login') == user_teams) and (team.get ('permission') == 'admin')) for team in user_teams)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: }).get ('login') == user_teams) and (team.get ('permission') == 'admin')) for team in user_teams))\",\"targets\":\"}).get ('login') == team_name) and (team.get ('permission') == 'admin')) for team in user_teams))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _read_max_reabsorptions(self, group) : \\n self.n_reabs_max = group.attrs ['n_reabs_max'] \\n if ('n_reabs_max_warn' in group.attrs) : \\n self.n_reabs_max_warn = str2bool (.attrs ['n_reabs_max_warn']) \\nelse : \\n self.n_reabs_max_warn = True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: group, self\",\"targets\":\"group\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _eval_real_imag(self, real) : \\n zero = one_neither = False \\n for t in self.args : \\n if (not t.is_complex) : \\n return t.is_complex \\nelse : \\n if t.is_imaginary : \\n real = (not real) \\nelse : \\n if t.is_real : \\n if (not zero) : \\n z = t.is_zero \\n if ((not z) and (zero is False)) : \\n zero = z \\nelse : \\n if z : \\n if all ((a.is_finite for a in self.args)) : \\n return True \\nreturn \\nelse : \\n if (t.is_real is False) : \\n if : \\n return \\none_neither = True \\nelse : \\n return \\nif one_neither : \\n if real : \\n return zero \\nelse : \\n if (zero is False) : \\n return real \\nelse : \\n if real : \\n return real \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: a, z, self, one_neither, t, zero, real\",\"targets\":\"one_neither\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _receive_goaway_frame(self, frame) : \\n '\\n Receive a GOAWAY frame on the connection.\\n ' \\n events = self.state_machine.process_input (ConnectionInputs.RECV_GOAWAY) \\n self.clear_outbound_data_buffer () \\n new_event = ConnectionTerminated () \\n new_event.error_code = frame.error_code \\n new_event.last_stream_id = frame.last_stream_id \\n new_event.additional_data = (frame.additional_data if frame.additional_data else None) \\n events.append () \\n return ([], events) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: frame, self, events, new_event\",\"targets\":\"new_event\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, enable_cases = True, enable_forms = True) : \\n self.all_sources = { \\n \\n} \\n self.enable_cases = enable_cases \\n self.enable_forms = enable_forms \\n source_choices = [] \\n if enable_cases : \\n source_choices.append (('case', _ ('Case'))) \\nif enable_forms : \\n source_choices.append (('form', _ ('Form'))) \\nself.application_field = forms.ChoiceField (label = _ ('Application'), widget = forms.Select ()) \\n if (enable_cases and enable_forms) : \\n self.source_type_field = forms.ChoiceField (label = _ ('Type of Data'), choices = , widget = forms.Select (choices = source_choices)) \\nelse : \\n self.source_type_field = forms.ChoiceField (choices = source_choices, widget = forms.HiddenInput (), initial = source_choices [0] [0]) \\nself.source_field = forms.ChoiceField (label = _ ('Data Source'), widget = forms.Select ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"source_choices\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ deprecated \\ndef iterate(self, reverse = False) : \\n if reverse : \\n return iter (reversed (reverse)) \\nreturn iter (self) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get1() : \\n for col in df.columns : \\n for row in df.index : \\n _ = df [] [row] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: col, _, row\",\"targets\":\"col\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, disk_spec, name, zone, image = None) : \\n super (OpenStackDisk, self).__init__ (name) \\n self.__nclient = os_utils.NovaClient () \\n self.attached_vm_name = None \\n self.attached_vm_id = (- 1) \\n self.image = image \\n self.name = name \\n self.zone = zone \\n self.device = None \\n self._disk = None \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ task () \\n@ timeit \\ndef send_group_email(announcement_id) : \\n 'Build and send the announcement emails to a group.' \\n try : \\n announcement = Announcement.objects.get (pk = announcement_id) \\nexcept Announcement.DoesNotExist : \\n return \\ngroup = announcement.group \\n users = User.objects.filter (groups__in = [group]) \\n plain_content = bleach.clean (announcement.content_parsed, tags = [], strip = True).strip () \\n email_kwargs = { \\n 'content' : plain_content, \\n 'content_html' : announcement.content_parsed, \\n 'domain' : Site.objects.get_current ().domain, \\n} \\n text_template = 'announcements\\/email\\/announcement.ltxt' \\n html_template = 'announcements\\/email\\/announcement.html' \\n @ safe_translation \\n def _make_mail(locale, user) : \\n subject = _ ('New announcement for {group}').format (group = group.name) \\n mail = make_mail (subject = subject, text_template = text_template, html_template = html_template, context_vars = email_kwargs, from_email = settings.TIDINGS_FROM_ADDRESS, to_email = user.email) \\n return mail \\nmessages = [] \\n for u in users : \\n locale = (u.profile.locale or settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) \\n messages.append (_make_mail (locale, u)) \\nsend_messages (messages) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def set_status_away(self, until = None) : \\n self._set_status (3, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: until, self\",\"targets\":\"until\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ base.remotable_classmethod \\ndef get_all(cls, context, expected_attrs = None) : \\n 'Returns all instances on all nodes.' \\n db_instances = db.instance_get_all (cls, columns_to_join = _expected_cols (expected_attrs)) \\n return _make_instance_list (context, cls (), db_instances, expected_attrs) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, key, value) : \\n self.key = key \\n self.value = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, partitions, is_fifo = True) : \\n '\\n Deque-based queue (see collections module). Efficient queue for LIFO and FIFO strategies.\\n :param partitions: int count of partitions\\n :param type: bool, True for FIFO, False for LIFO\\n ' \\n self.partitions = [ for i in range (0, partitions)] \\n self.partitioner = Crc32NamePartitioner (self.partitions) \\n self.logger = logging.getLogger ('frontera.contrib.backends.memory.MemoryDequeQueue') \\n self.queues = { \\n \\n} \\n self.is_fifo = is_fifo \\n for partition in self.partitions : \\n self.queues [partition] = deque () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _cs_translate_insn(self, cs_insn) : \\n operands = [self.__cs_translate_operand (op, cs_insn) for op in cs_insn.operands] \\n mnemonic = cs_insn.mnemonic \\n if ('{' in cs_insn.op_str) : \\n reg_list = [] \\n op_translated = [] \\n if (not (('push' in mnemonic) or ('pop' in mnemonic))) : \\n op_translated.append (operands [0]) \\n operands = operands [1 :] \\nfor r in operands : \\n reg_list.append ([r]) \\nop_translated.append (ArmRegisterListOperand (, reg_list [0] [0].size)) \\n operands = op_translated \\nif ((mnemonic [(- 2) :] == '.w') or (mnemonic [(- 2) :] == '.n')) : \\n mnemonic = mnemonic [: (- 2)] \\nif ((cs_insn.cc != ARM_CC_INVALID) and (cs_insn.cc != ARM_CC_AL)) : \\n cc_suffix_str = cc_inverse_mapper [cc_capstone_barf_mapper [cs_insn.cc]] \\n if (cc_suffix_str == mnemonic [(- 2) :]) : \\n mnemonic = mnemonic [: (- 2)] \\nif (cs_insn.update_flags and (mnemonic [(- 1)] == 's')) : \\n mnemonic = mnemonic [: (- 1)] \\nif ((mnemonic [0 : 3] == 'ldm') or (mnemonic [0 : 3] == 'stm')) : \\n ldm_stm_am = None \\n if (mnemonic [(- 2) :] in ldm_stm_am_mapper) : \\n ldm_stm_am = ldm_stm_am_mapper [mnemonic [(- 2) :]] \\n mnemonic = mnemonic [: (- 2)] \\nif ((len (operands) == 2) and ((mnemonic == 'add') or (mnemonic == 'eor') or (mnemonic == 'orr') or (mnemonic == 'sub'))) : \\n operands = [operands [0], operands [0], operands [1]] \\ninstr = ArmInstruction (((mnemonic + ' ') + cs_insn.op_str), mnemonic, operands, self._arch_mode) \\n if (cs_insn.cc != ARM_CC_INVALID) : \\n instr.condition_code = cc_capstone_barf_mapper [cs_insn.cc] \\nif cs_insn.update_flags : \\n instr.update_flags = True \\nif ((mnemonic [0 : 3] == 'ldm') or (mnemonic [0 : 3] == 'stm')) : \\n instr.ldm_stm_addr_mode = ldm_stm_am \\n if ('!' in cs_insn.op_str) : \\n instr.operands [0].wb = True \\nreturn instr \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"reg_list\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def cache(self, func = None, ignore = None, verbose = None, mmap_mode = False) : \\n \\\" Decorates the given function func to only compute its return\\n value for input arguments not cached on disk.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n func: callable, optional\\n The function to be decorated\\n ignore: list of strings\\n A list of arguments name to ignore in the hashing\\n verbose: integer, optional\\n The verbosity mode of the function. By default that\\n of the memory object is used.\\n mmap_mode: {None, 'r+', 'r', 'w+', 'c'}, optional\\n The memmapping mode used when loading from cache\\n numpy arrays. See numpy.load for the meaning of the\\n arguments. By default that of the memory object is used.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n decorated_func: MemorizedFunc object\\n The returned object is a MemorizedFunc object, that is\\n callable (behaves like a function), but offers extra\\n methods for cache lookup and management. See the\\n documentation for :class:`joblib.memory.MemorizedFunc`.\\n \\\" \\n if (func is None) : \\n return functools.partial (self.cache, ignore = ignore, verbose = verbose, mmap_mode = mmap_mode) \\nif (self.cachedir is None) : \\n return NotMemorizedFunc (func) \\nif (verbose is None) : \\n verbose = self._verbose \\nif (mmap_mode is False) : \\n mmap_mode = .mmap_mode \\nif isinstance (func, MemorizedFunc) : \\n func = func.func \\nreturn MemorizedFunc (func, cachedir = self.cachedir, mmap_mode = mmap_mode, ignore = ignore, compress = self.compress, verbose = verbose, timestamp = self.timestamp) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ extensions.expected_errors ((400, 404, 409)) \\n@ wsgi.response (202) \\ndef delete(self, req, id) : \\n context = _authorize_context (req) \\n try : \\n id = self.security_group_api.validate_id (id) \\n rule = self.security_group_api.get_rule (group_id, id) \\n group_id = rule ['parent_group_id'] \\n security_group = self.security_group_api.get (context, None, group_id, map_exception = True) \\n self.security_group_api.remove_rules (context, security_group, [rule ['id']]) \\nexcept exception.SecurityGroupNotFound as exp : \\n raise exc.HTTPNotFound (explanation = exp.format_message ()) \\nexcept exception.NoUniqueMatch as exp : \\n raise exc.HTTPConflict (explanation = exp.format_message ()) \\nexcept exception.Invalid as exp : \\n raise exc.HTTPBadRequest (explanation = exp.format_message ()) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('pybuilder.plugins.python.distutils_plugin.os.mkdir') \\n@ patch ('pybuilder.plugins.python.distutils_plugin.open', create = True) \\n@ patch ('pybuilder.plugins.python.distutils_plugin._run_process_and_wait') \\ndef test_binary_distribution_with_command_options(self, proc_runner, * args) : \\n proc_runner.return_value = 0 \\n self.project.set_property ('distutils_command_options', { \\n 'sdist' : ['--formats', 'bztar'], \\n}) \\n build_binary_distribution (self.project, MagicMock (Logger)) \\n self.assertEquals (popen_distutils_args (self, 2, ), [['clean', '--all', 'sdist', '--formats', 'bztar'], ['clean', '--all', 'bdist_dumb']]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"proc_runner\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def copytree(self, to) : \\n '\\n Copies a directory tree to another path.\\n ' \\n return shutil.copytree (self, , symlinks = True) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: to, self\",\"targets\":\"to\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ app.route ('\\/api\\/auth\\/callback\\/instagram\\/') \\ndef instagram_authorized() : \\n response = instagram.authorized_response () \\n if (response is None) : \\n flask.flash ('You denied the request to sign in.') \\n return flask.redirect (util.get_next_url ()) \\nflask.session ['oauth_token'] = (user_db ['access_token'], '') \\n user_db = retrieve_user_from_instagram (response ['user']) \\n return auth.signin_user_db (user_db) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: flask.session ['oauth_token'] = (user_db ['access_token'], '')\",\"targets\":\"flask.session ['oauth_token'] = (response ['access_token'], '')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_thg_version(path) : \\n 'Return version of TortoiseHg installed in *path*' \\n txt = exec_shell_cmd ('thg version', path).splitlines () [0] \\n match = re.match ('TortoiseHg Dialogs \\\\\\\\(version ([0-9\\\\\\\\.]*)\\\\\\\\)', match) \\n if (match is not None) : \\n return match.groups () [0] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _decode_gradation(self, value) : \\n if (value < .xperstop) : \\n return ((math.pow (2, ((value - self.unity) \\/ self.xperstop)) - self.denorm_fake0) * 2.0) \\nelse : \\n return math.pow (2, ((value - self.unity) \\/ self.xperstop)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ when (common.Rules.has_permission, \\\"user and (perm == 'edit_comment')\\\") \\ndef has_permission_edit_comment(self, user, perm, comment) : \\n return comment.is_author () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: perm, comment, user, self\",\"targets\":\"user\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_filtering_skipped_with_none_value(self) : \\n qs = mock.Mock (spec = ['filter']) \\n f = DateFromToRangeFilter () \\n result = f.filter (qs, None) \\n self.assertEqual (, result) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"qs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def demultiplex_records(n, records) : \\n demux = [[] for _ in xrange (n)] \\n for (i, r) in records : \\n demux [i].append (_) \\nreturn demux \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, tokeniser, scope, error, logger) : \\n Section.__init__ (self, logger, scope, error, logger) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: Section.__init__ (self, logger, scope, error, logger)\",\"targets\":\"Section.__init__ (self, tokeniser, scope, error, logger)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _chk_asarray(a, axis) : \\n a = ma.asanyarray (a) \\n if ( is None) : \\n a = ma.ravel (a) \\n outaxis = 0 \\nelse : \\n outaxis = axis \\nreturn (a, outaxis) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: axis, outaxis, a\",\"targets\":\"axis\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, items = None, identifier = None, parent = None, dir_mode = 'default') : \\n '\\n identifier: A string identifier for the current node (if any)\\n parent: The parent node (if any)\\n items: Items as (path, value) pairs to construct\\n (sub)tree down to given leaf values.\\n\\n Note that the root node does not have a parent and does not\\n require an identifier.\\n ' \\n self.__dict__ ['parent'] = \\n self.__dict__ ['identifier'] = type (self)._sanitizer (identifier, escape = False) \\n self.__dict__ ['children'] = [] \\n self.__dict__ ['_fixed'] = False \\n self.__dict__ ['_dir_mode'] = dir_mode \\n fixed_error = 'No attribute %r in this AttrTree, and none can be added because fixed=True' \\n self.__dict__ ['_fixed_error'] = fixed_error \\n self.__dict__ ['data'] = OrderedDict () \\n items = (items.items () if isinstance (items, OrderedDict) else items) \\n items = (list (items) if items else items) \\n items = ([] if (not items) else items) \\n for (path, item) in items : \\n self.set_path (path, item) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, parent, item, items, path, identifier, fixed_error, dir_mode\",\"targets\":\"parent\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def pgrep(self, pattern) : \\n return [mach.pgrep (pattern) for mach in ] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('nova.objects.MigrationList.get_in_progress_by_host_and_node') \\n@ mock.patch ('nova.objects.InstanceList.get_by_host_and_node') \\ndef test_instances_with_live_migrations(self, mock_instance_list, mock_migration_list) : \\n instance = self._fake_instance_obj () \\n migration = objects.Migration (context = self.context, migration_type = 'live-migration', instance_uuid = instance.uuid) \\n mock_migration_list.return_value = [migration] \\n mock_instance_list.return_value = [instance] \\n with mock.patch.object (self.tracker, '_pair_instances_to_migrations') as mock_pair : \\n self.tracker.update_available_resource (self.context) \\n self.assertTrue (mock_pair.called) \\n self.assertEqual (instance.uuid, mock_pair.call_args_list [0] [0] [0] [0].instance_uuid) \\n self.assertEqual (instance.uuid, mock_pair.call_args_list [0] [0] [1] [0].uuid) \\n self.assertEqual (['system_metadata', 'numa_topology', 'flavor', 'migration_context'], mock_instance_list.call_args_list [0] [1] ['expected_attrs']) \\nself.assertEqual ((FAKE_VIRT_MEMORY_MB + FAKE_VIRT_MEMORY_OVERHEAD), mock_instance_list.tracker.compute_node.memory_mb_used) \\n self.assertEqual ((ROOT_GB + EPHEMERAL_GB), self.tracker.compute_node.local_gb_used) \\n mock_migration_list.assert_called_once_with (self.context, 'fakehost', 'fakenode') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_fm_classification_predict_proba() : \\n (w0, w, V, y, X) = get_test_problem (task = 'classification') \\n fm = als.FMClassification (n_iter = 1000, init_stdev = 0.1, l2_reg_w = 0, l2_reg_V = 0, rank = 2) \\n fm.fit (X, V) \\n y_pred = fm.predict (X) \\n y_pred = fm.predict_proba (X) \\n y [(y == (- 1))] = 0 \\n assert (metrics.roc_auc_score (y, y_pred) > 0.95) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: fm.fit (X, V)\",\"targets\":\"fm.fit (X, y)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _receive_lldp_packets(sock) : \\n 'Receive LLDP packets and process them.\\n\\n :param sock: A bound socket\\n :return: A list of tuples in the form (lldp_type, lldp_data)\\n ' \\n pkt = sock.recv (1600) \\n if ((not pkt) or (len (pkt) < 14)) : \\n return \\npkt = pkt [14 :] \\n return _parse_tlv () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: sock, pkt\",\"targets\":\"pkt\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name) : \\n setattr (cls, self, _RatingsDescriptor (cls, self.rating_model, name)) \\n setattr (cls, '_ratings_field', name) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: setattr (cls, self, _RatingsDescriptor (cls, self.rating_model, name))\",\"targets\":\"setattr (cls, name, _RatingsDescriptor (cls, self.rating_model, name))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def affine_matrix_from_points(v0, v1, shear = True, scale = True, usesvd = True) : \\n 'Return affine transform matrix to register two point sets.\\n\\n v0 and v1 are shape (ndims, \\\\\\\\*) arrays of at least ndims non-homogeneous\\n coordinates, where ndims is the dimensionality of the coordinate space.\\n\\n If shear is False, a similarity transformation matrix is returned.\\n If also scale is False, a rigid\\/Euclidean transformation matrix\\n is returned.\\n\\n By default the algorithm by Hartley and Zissermann [15] is used.\\n If usesvd is True, similarity and Euclidean transformation matrices\\n are calculated by minimizing the weighted sum of squared deviations\\n (RMSD) according to the algorithm by Kabsch [8].\\n Otherwise, and if ndims is 3, the quaternion based algorithm by Horn [9]\\n is used, which is slower when using this Python implementation.\\n\\n The returned matrix performs rotation, translation and uniform scaling\\n (if specified).\\n\\n >>> v0 = [[0, 1031, 1031, 0], [0, 0, 1600, 1600]]\\n >>> v1 = [[675, 826, 826, 677], [55, 52, 281, 277]]\\n >>> affine_matrix_from_points(v0, v1)\\n array([[ 0.14549, 0.00062, 675.50008],\\n [ 0.00048, 0.14094, 53.24971],\\n [ 0. , 0. , 1. ]])\\n >>> T = translation_matrix(numpy.random.random(3)-0.5)\\n >>> R = random_rotation_matrix(numpy.random.random(3))\\n >>> S = scale_matrix(random.random())\\n >>> M = concatenate_matrices(T, R, S)\\n >>> v0 = (numpy.random.rand(4, 100) - 0.5) * 20\\n >>> v0[3] = 1\\n >>> v1 = numpy.dot(M, v0)\\n >>> v0[:3] += numpy.random.normal(0, 1e-8, 300).reshape(3, -1)\\n >>> M = affine_matrix_from_points(v0[:3], v1[:3])\\n >>> numpy.allclose(v1, numpy.dot(M, v0))\\n True\\n\\n More examples in superimposition_matrix()\\n\\n ' \\n v0 = numpy.array (v0, dtype = numpy.float64, copy = True) \\n v1 = numpy.array (v1, dtype = numpy.float64, copy = True) \\n ndims = v0.shape [0] \\n if ((ndims < 2) or (v0.shape [1] < ndims) or (v0.shape != v1.shape)) : \\n raise...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: M = numpy.vstack ((t, (((0.0,) * A) + (1.0,))))\",\"targets\":\"M = numpy.vstack ((t, (((0.0,) * ndims) + (1.0,))))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_password(self, url, user, password, realm = None) : \\n self._password_manager.add_password (realm, url, , password) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: password, realm, user, url, self\",\"targets\":\"user\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _generate_ansible_cfg_attributes(self, global_vars_dict) : \\n ansible_cfg_tmpl_path = os.path.join (os.path.join (self.tmpl_dir, 'ansible_cfg'), global_vars_dict.tmpl_name) \\n if (not os.path.exists (ansible_cfg_tmpl_path)) : \\n logging.error (\\\"cfg template '%s' does not exist\\\", self.tmpl_name) \\n raise Exception ((\\\"Template '%s' does not exist!\\\" % self.tmpl_name)) \\nreturn self.get_config_from_template (ansible_cfg_tmpl_path, global_vars_dict) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: ansible_cfg_tmpl_path = os.path.join (os.path.join (self.tmpl_dir, 'ansible_cfg'), global_vars_dict.tmpl_name)\",\"targets\":\"ansible_cfg_tmpl_path = os.path.join (os.path.join (self.tmpl_dir, 'ansible_cfg'), self.tmpl_name)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def cell_create(self, ctxt, values) : \\n cctxt = self.client.prepare (version = '1.13') \\n return cctxt.call (ctxt, 'cell_create', values = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"values\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _backwardImplementation(self, outerr, inerr, outbuf, inbuf) : \\n assert (not self.forget), 'Cannot back propagate a forgetful network' \\n assert self.sorted, '.sortModules() has not been called' \\n index = 0 \\n offset = self.offset \\n for m in self.outmodules : \\n m.outputerror [] = outerr [index : (index + m.outdim)] \\n index += m.outdim \\nif (not self._isLastTimestep ()) : \\n for c in self.recurrentConns : \\n c.backward (offset, (offset + 1)) \\nfor m in reversed (self.modulesSorted) : \\n for c in self.connections [m] : \\n c.backward (offset, offset) \\nm.offset = offset \\n m.backward () \\nindex = 0 \\n for m in self.inmodules : \\n inerr [index : (index + m.indim)] = m.inputerror [offset] \\n index += m.indim \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"offset\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_product_stock(self, supply_point, product_id, expected_soh, expected_qty, section_id = 'stock') : \\n self.check_stock_models (expected_soh, product_id, expected_soh, expected_qty, section_id) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.check_stock_models (expected_soh, product_id, expected_soh, expected_qty, section_id)\",\"targets\":\"self.check_stock_models (supply_point, product_id, expected_soh, expected_qty, section_id)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def CalculateModelPredictions(self, inCoeffs, inDataCacheDictionary) : \\n LogX = inDataCacheDictionary ['LogX'] \\n y_in = inDataCacheDictionary ['Y'] \\n a = inCoeffs [0] \\n b = [1] \\n c = inCoeffs [2] \\n try : \\n temp = (a * numpy.power (y_in, (b + (c * LogX)))) \\n return self.extendedVersionHandler.GetAdditionalModelPredictions (temp, inCoeffs, inDataCacheDictionary, self) \\nexcept : \\n return (numpy.ones (len (inDataCacheDictionary ['DependentData'])) * 1e+300) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: LogX, self, c, inCoeffs, inDataCacheDictionary, a, b, temp, y_in\",\"targets\":\"inCoeffs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ invalidate_table_constraints \\ndef rename_table(self, old_table_name, table_name) : \\n \\\"\\n Renames the table 'old_table_name' to 'table_name'.\\n \\\" \\n if (old_table_name == table_name) : \\n return \\nparams = (self.quote_name (old_table_name), self.quote_name (table_name)) \\n self.execute ((self.rename_table_sql % table_name)) \\n self._set_cache (table_name, value = INVALID) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_translatedfieldsmodel_str(self) : \\n 'Test converting TranslatedFieldsModel to string' \\n missing_language_code = 'xx' \\n obj = SimpleModel.objects.create (tr_title = 'Something') \\n translation = obj.translations.get () \\n translation.language_code = missing_language_code \\n translation.save () \\n try : \\n translation_as_str = str (obj.translations.get ()) \\nexcept KeyError : \\n self.fail ('Converting translation to string raises KeyError') \\nself.assertEqual (, missing_language_code) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"translation_as_str\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _2nd_pass_obj(obj, ret, val, ctx) : \\n return ret.apply_with (, val, ctx) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: ctx, val, ret, obj\",\"targets\":\"obj\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _tanh(p, x, prec) : \\n \\\"\\n Helper function of `rs\\\\\\\\_tanh`\\n\\n Return the series expansion of tanh of a univariate series using Newton's\\n method. It takes advantage of the fact that series expansion of atanh is\\n easier than that of tanh.\\n\\n See Also\\n ========\\n\\n _tanh\\n \\\" \\n R = p.ring \\n p1 = R (0) \\n for precx in _giant_steps (prec) : \\n tmp = (p - rs_atanh (p1, x, precx)) \\n tmp = rs_mul (tmp, (1 - rs_square (p1, x, prec)), , precx) \\n p1 += tmp \\nreturn p1 \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: tmp, R, p1, prec, precx, p, x\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_stream_by_id(self, stream_id) : \\n '\\n Gets a stream by its stream ID. Raises NoSuchStreamError if the stream\\n ID does not correspond to a known stream and is higher than the current\\n maximum: raises if it is lower than the current maximum.\\n\\n .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0\\n Removed this function from the public API.\\n ' \\n try : \\n return self.streams [stream_id] \\nexcept KeyError : \\n outbound = self._stream_id_is_outbound (stream_id) \\n highest_stream_id = (self.highest_outbound_stream_id if outbound else self.highest_inbound_stream_id) \\n if (stream_id > highest_stream_id) : \\n raise NoSuchStreamError (stream_id) \\nelse : \\n raise StreamClosedError () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: stream_id, outbound, self, highest_stream_id\",\"targets\":\"stream_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, start_time = None, end_time = None, label = None, text = None, extension_elements = None, extension_attributes = None) : \\n GDataBase.__init__ (self, text = text, extension_elements = extension_elements, extension_attributes = extension_attributes) \\n self.start_time = start_time \\n self.end_time = end_time \\n self.label = label \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_from_api_repr_missing_additions_deletions(self) : \\n self._setUpConstants () \\n RESOURCE = self._makeResource () \\n del RESOURCE ['additions'] \\n del RESOURCE ['deletions'] \\n zone = _Zone () \\n klass = self._getTargetClass () \\n changes = klass.from_api_repr (, zone = zone) \\n self._verifyResourceProperties (changes, RESOURCE, zone) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"RESOURCE\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _stdout_path(self, job_id) : \\n return self._job_file (job_id, JOB_FILE_STANDARD_OUTPUT) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def validate(data) : \\n (_, schema) = resolver.resolve (ENTITY_SCHEMA) \\n validator = Draft4Validator (schema, resolver = resolver, format_checker = format_checker) \\n return validator.validate (data, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"schema\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ handle_exceptions_for_ajax \\ndef post(self, request, project_id, category_id) : \\n '\\n Handle POST request.\\n\\n Reorder fields of the category.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n request : rest_framework.request.Request\\n Object representing the request.\\n project_id : int\\n Identifies the project in the database.\\n category_id : int\\n Identifies the category in the database.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n rest_framework.response.Response\\n Response to the request.\\n ' \\n category = Category.objects.as_admin (request.user, project_id, category_id) \\n try : \\n category.reorder_fields (request.data.get ('order')) \\n serializer = CategorySerializer () \\n return Response (serializer.data) \\nexcept Field.DoesNotExist : \\n return Response ({ \\n 'error' : 'One or more field IDs were not found.', \\n}, status = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"category\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ task \\ndef size(file = '*', print_ = True) : \\n '\\n Print the sizes of the release files\\n ' \\n out = local (('du -h release\\/' + file), capture = True) \\n out = [i.split () for i in out.strip ().split ('\\n')] \\n out = '\\n'.join ([('%s\\\\t%s' % (out, os.path.split (j) [1])) for (i, j) in out]) \\n if print_ : \\n print (out) \\nreturn out \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: out = '\\n'.join ([('%s\\\\t%s' % (out, os.path.split (j) [1])) for (i, j) in out])\",\"targets\":\"out = '\\n'.join ([('%s\\\\t%s' % (i, os.path.split (j) [1])) for (i, j) in out])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, siteconfig, * args, **kwargs) : \\n 'Initialize the form.' \\n from reviewboard.accounts.backends import get_registered_auth_backends \\n super (AuthenticationSettingsForm, self).__init__ (siteconfig, * args, ** kwargs) \\n self.auth_backend_forms = { \\n \\n} \\n cur_auth_backend = (self ['auth_backend'].data or self.fields ['auth_backend'].initial) \\n if (cur_auth_backend == self.CUSTOM_AUTH_ID) : \\n custom_auth_form = LegacyAuthModuleSettingsForm (siteconfig, * args, ** kwargs) \\nelse : \\n custom_auth_form = LegacyAuthModuleSettingsForm (siteconfig) \\nself.auth_backend_forms [self.CUSTOM_AUTH_ID] = custom_auth_form \\n backend_choices = [] \\n builtin_auth_choice = None \\n for backend in get_registered_auth_backends () : \\n backend_id = backend.backend_id \\n try : \\n if .settings_form : \\n if (cur_auth_backend == backend_id) : \\n backend_form = backend.settings_form (siteconfig, * args, ** kwargs) \\nelse : \\n backend_form = backend.settings_form (siteconfig) \\nself.auth_backend_forms [backend_id] = backend_form \\n backend_form.load () \\nchoice = (backend_id, backend.name) \\n if (backend_id == 'builtin') : \\n builtin_auth_choice = choice \\nelse : \\n backend_choices.append (choice) \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n logging.error (('Error loading authentication backend %s: %s' % (backend_id, e)), exc_info = 1) \\nbackend_choices.sort (key = (lambda x : x [1])) \\n backend_choices.insert (0, builtin_auth_choice) \\n backend_choices.append (self.CUSTOM_AUTH_CHOICE) \\n self.fields ['auth_backend'].choices = backend_choices \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: choice, self, e, backend_choices, backend, backend_id, custom_auth_form, siteconfig, backend_form, cur_auth_backend, kwargs, builtin_auth_choice, args\",\"targets\":\"backend\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def clear(self) : \\n ' Deletes all data in the Region ' \\n if (self.type == 'REPLICATE') : \\n data = self.session.delete (self.base_url) \\n if (data.status_code == 200) : \\n logging.debug ('All data was cleared from the region') \\n return True \\nelse : \\n self.error_response () \\nif (self.type == 'PARTITION') : \\n keys = self.keys () \\n temp = ','.join ((str (key) for key in keys)) \\n self.delete (temp) \\n return True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"data\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('twilio.rest.resources.base.make_twilio_request') \\ndef test_get(mock) : \\n resp = create_mock_json ('tests\\/resources\\/calls_instance.json') \\n mock.return_value = \\n uri = ('%s\\/Calls\\/%s' % (BASE_URI, CALL_SID)) \\n list_resource.get (CALL_SID) \\n mock.assert_called_with ('GET', uri, auth = AUTH, use_json_extension = True) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: resp, uri, mock\",\"targets\":\"resp\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _validate_field(self) : \\n version = self._tpl_version () \\n if (not version) : \\n ExceptionCollector.appendException (MissingRequiredFieldError (what = 'Template', required = DEFINITION_VERSION)) \\nelse : \\n self._validate_version (version) \\n self.version = version \\nfor name in name.tpl : \\n if ((name not in SECTIONS) and (name not in self.ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS.get (version, ()))) : \\n ExceptionCollector.appendException (UnknownFieldError (what = 'Template', field = name)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: for name in name.tpl :\",\"targets\":\"for name in self.tpl :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ wsgi.response (204) \\ndef delete(self, req, server_id) : \\n context = req.environ ['nova.context'] \\n authorize (context) \\n instance = common.get_instance (context.compute_api, context, server_id) \\n meta = password.convert_password (context, None) \\n instance.system_metadata.update (meta) \\n instance.save () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ receiver (user_login_failed) \\ndef add_failed_attempt(sender, credentials, **kwargs) : \\n user = CouchUser.get_by_username (credentials ['username']) \\n if ( and user.is_web_user ()) : \\n if user.is_locked_out () : \\n return \\nif (user.attempt_date == date.today ()) : \\n user.login_attempts += 1 \\nelse : \\n user.login_attempts = 1 \\n user.attempt_date = date.today () \\nuser.save () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: sender, credentials, user\",\"targets\":\"user\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def acovf(self, nobs = None) : \\n nobs = (nobs or .nobs) \\n return arma_acovf (self.ar, self.ma, nobs = nobs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def OnSelChanged(self, event) : \\n 'Display information about the item.' \\n if hasattr (self, 'GetItem') : \\n self.item = event.GetItem () \\nself.display () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if hasattr (self, 'GetItem') :\",\"targets\":\"if hasattr (event, 'GetItem') :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef _hash_bundle(bundle) : \\n hasher = sha1 () \\n hasher.update (bundle.rel_path) \\n for abs_path in sorted (bundle.filemap.keys ()) : \\n buildroot_relative_path = os.path.relpath (f, get_buildroot ()) \\n hasher.update (buildroot_relative_path) \\n hasher.update (bundle.filemap [abs_path]) \\n if os.path.isfile (abs_path) : \\n hasher.update ('e') \\n with open (abs_path, 'rb') as f : \\n hasher.update (f.read ()) \\nreturn hasher.hexdigest () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: buildroot_relative_path = os.path.relpath (f, get_buildroot ())\",\"targets\":\"buildroot_relative_path = os.path.relpath (abs_path, get_buildroot ())\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def TryMerge(self, d) : \\n while 1 : \\n tt = d.getVarInt32 () \\n if (tt == 12) : \\n break \\nif (tt == 18) : \\n self.set_key (d.getPrefixedString ()) \\n continue \\nif (tt == 26) : \\n self.set_value (d.getPrefixedString ()) \\n continue \\nif (tt == 37) : \\n self.set_flags (d.get32 ()) \\n continue \\nif (self == 0) : \\n raise ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError \\nd.skipData (tt) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (self == 0) :\",\"targets\":\"if (tt == 0) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef student_t(cls, * marginals) : \\n \\\"Scores ngrams using Student's t test with independence hypothesis\\n for unigrams, as in Manning and Schutze 5.3.1.\\n \\\" \\n return ((cls [NGRAM] - (_product (marginals [UNIGRAMS]) \\/ (marginals [TOTAL] ** (cls._n - 1)))) \\/ ((marginals [NGRAM] + _SMALL) ** 0.5)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return ((cls [NGRAM] - (_product (marginals [UNIGRAMS]) \\/ (marginals [TOTAL] ** (cls._n - 1)))) \\/ ((marginals [NGRAM] + _SMALL) ** 0.5))\",\"targets\":\"return ((marginals [NGRAM] - (_product (marginals [UNIGRAMS]) \\/ (marginals [TOTAL] ** (cls._n - 1)))) \\/ ((marginals [NGRAM] + _SMALL) ** 0.5))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _on_connection_close(self) : \\n if (self._close_callback is not None) : \\n callback = callback._close_callback \\n self._close_callback = None \\n callback () \\nself._header_callback = None \\n self._clear_request_state () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: callback = callback._close_callback\",\"targets\":\"callback = self._close_callback\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ XFAIL \\ndef test_fps__symbolic() : \\n f = ((x ** n) * sin ((x ** 2))) \\n assert (fps (f, x).truncate (8) == ((((x ** 2) * (x ** n)) - (((x ** 6) * (x ** n)) \\/ 6)) + O ((x ** (n + 8)), x))) \\n f = ((x ** (n - 2)) * cos (x)) \\n assert (fps (f, x).truncate () == (((((x ** n) * (((- S (1)) \\/ 2) + (x ** (- 2)))) + (((x ** 2) * (x ** n)) \\/ 24)) - (((x ** 4) * (x ** n)) \\/ 720)) + O ((x ** (n + 6)), x))) \\n f = ((x ** n) * log ((1 + x))) \\n fp = fps (f, x) \\n k = fp.ak.variables [0] \\n assert (f.infinite == Sum (((((- ((- 1) ** (- k))) * (x ** k)) * (x ** n)) \\/ k), (k, 1, oo))) \\n f = (((x ** (n - 2)) * sin (x)) + ((x ** n) * exp (x))) \\n assert (fps (f, x).truncate () == ((((((((x ** n) * (1 + (1 \\/ x))) + (((5 * x) * (x ** n)) \\/ 6)) + (((x ** 2) * (x ** n)) \\/ 2)) + (((7 * (x ** 3)) * (x ** n)) \\/ 40)) + (((x ** 4) * (x ** n)) \\/ 24)) + (((41 * (x ** 5)) * (x ** n)) \\/ 5040)) + O ((x ** (n + 6)), x))) \\n f = (((x - 2) ** n) * log ((1 + x))) \\n assert (fps (f, x, 2).truncate () == (((((((((x - 2) ** n) * log (3)) - ((((x - 2) ** 2) * ((x - 2) ** n)) \\/ 18)) + ((((x - 2) ** 3) * ((x - 2) ** n)) \\/ 81)) - ((((x - 2) ** 4) * ((x - 2) ** n)) \\/ 324)) + ((((x - 2) ** 5) * ((x - 2) ** n)) \\/ 1215)) + (((x \\/ 3) - (S (2) \\/ 3)) * ((x - 2) ** n))) + O (((x - 2) ** (n + 6)), (x, 2)))) \\n f = ((x ** n) * atan (x)) \\n assert (fps (f, x, oo).truncate () == (((((- (x ** n)) \\/ (5 * (x ** 5))) + ((x ** n) \\/ (3 * (x ** 3)))) + ((x ** n) * ((pi \\/ 2) - (1 \\/ x)))) + O ((x ** (n - 6)), (x, oo)))) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def request(self, host, handler, request_body, encoding, verbose = 0) : \\n h = self.make_connection (host) \\n if verbose : \\n h.set_debuglevel (1) \\nself.send_request (h, handler, request_body) \\n if (not PY3) : \\n self.send_host (h, host) \\nself.send_user_agent (h) \\n self.send_content (host, request_body) \\n try : \\n (errcode, errmsg, headers) = h.getreply () \\n r = h.getfile () \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n r = h.getresponse () \\n errcode = r.status \\n errmsg = r.reason \\n headers = r.getheaders () \\nif (errcode != 200) : \\n response = r.read () \\n raise ProtocolError ((host + handler), errcode, errmsg, headers, response) \\nself.verbose = verbose \\n try : \\n sock = h._conn.sock \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n sock = None \\nreturn self._parse_response (r, sock, encoding) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.send_content (host, request_body)\",\"targets\":\"self.send_content (h, request_body)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _test_fprop(self, state_below) : \\n output = super (RELU, self)._test_fprop (output) \\n return (output * (output > 0.0)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: output = super (RELU, self)._test_fprop (output)\",\"targets\":\"output = super (RELU, self)._test_fprop (state_below)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ append.register (JSON, object) \\ndef object_to_json(j, o, **kwargs) : \\n return append (j, convert (list, o, ** kwargs), ** kwargs) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_inaccessible_callback() : \\n app = Flask (__name__) \\n admin = base.Admin () \\n view = MockView () \\n admin.add_view (view) \\n client = app.test_client () \\n view.allow_access = False \\n view.inaccessible_callback = (lambda * args, **kwargs : abort (418)) \\n rv = client.get ('\\/admin\\/mockview\\/') \\n eq_ (rv.status_code, 418) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: app, admin, rv, client, view\",\"targets\":\"app\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def setter(self, method) : \\n return property (self.fget, , self.fdel) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"method\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def prepare(self) : \\n self.output_dim = self.hidden_size \\n self.W_h = self.create_weight (self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size, 'h', initializer = self.inner_init) \\n self.b_h = self.create_bias (.hidden_size, 'h') \\n self.register_parameters (self.W_h, self.b_h) \\n self.input_weights = [] \\n if (self._input_type == 'sequence') : \\n all_input_dims = ([self.input_dim] + self.additional_input_dims) \\n for (i, input_dim) in enumerate (all_input_dims) : \\n wi = self.create_weight (input_dim, self.hidden_size, 'wi_{}'.format ((i + 1)), initializer = self.outer_init) \\n weights = [wi] \\n self.input_weights.append (weights) \\n self.register_parameters (* weights) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_admin_web_user_access(self) : \\n self.client.login (username = self.admin_username, password = self.admin_password) \\n view_url = reverse ('input_stock', kwargs = { \\n 'domain' : TEST_DOMAIN, \\n 'site_code' : 'tsactive', \\n}) \\n response = self.client.get (view_url, follow = True) \\n self.assertEqual (response.status_code, 200) \\n view_url = reverse ('input_stock', kwargs = { \\n 'domain' : TEST_DOMAIN, \\n 'site_code' : 'rsp', \\n}) \\n response = self.client.get (, follow = True) \\n self.assertEqual (response.status_code, 200) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"view_url\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef search_subcase_property_response(self) : \\n '\\n Returns a dict of {parent case type: [subcase properties]}\\n ' \\n result = { \\n \\n} \\n parent_child_types = self.get_parent_child_types () \\n all_case_properties = result.search_case_property_response \\n for parent_type in parent_child_types : \\n result [parent_type] = [] \\n for subcase_type in parent_child_types [parent_type] : \\n result [parent_type].extend (all_case_properties [subcase_type]) \\nreturn self.clean_dict_list (result) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _oauth10a_signature(consumer_token, method, url, parameters = { \\n \\n}, token = None) : \\n 'Calculates the HMAC-SHA1 OAuth 1.0a signature for the given request.\\n\\n See http:\\/\\/oauth.net\\/core\\/1.0a\\/#signing_process\\n ' \\n parts = urlparse.urlparse (url) \\n (scheme, netloc, path) = consumer_token [: 3] \\n normalized_url = (((scheme.lower () + ':\\/\\/') + netloc.lower ()) + path) \\n base_elems = [] \\n base_elems.append (method.upper ()) \\n base_elems.append (normalized_url) \\n base_elems.append ('&'.join ((('%s=%s' % (k, _oauth_escape (str (v)))) for (k, v) in sorted (parameters.items ())))) \\n base_string = '&'.join ((_oauth_escape (e) for e in base_elems)) \\n key_elems = [escape.utf8 (urllib_parse.quote (consumer_token ['secret'], safe = '~'))] \\n key_elems.append (escape.utf8 ((urllib_parse.quote (token ['secret'], safe = '~') if token else ''))) \\n key = b'&'.join (key_elems) \\n hash = hmac.new (key, escape.utf8 (base_string), hashlib.sha1) \\n return binascii.b2a_base64 (hash.digest ()) [: (- 1)] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, detail = None, value = None, field_type = None) : \\n if (not detail) : \\n detail = \\\"Value '{0}' is not valid\\\".format () \\n if field_type : \\n detail += ' for a filter on type {0}'.format (field_type) \\ndetail += '.' \\nsuper (InvalidFilterValue, self).__init__ (detail = detail, parameter = 'filter') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def transform(self, X, y = None) : \\n 'Apply dimensionality reduction to X.\\n\\n X is projected on the first principal components previously extracted\\n from a training set.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)\\n New data, where n_samples is the number of samples\\n and n_features is the number of features.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n X_new : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components)\\n\\n Examples\\n --------\\n\\n >>> import numpy as np\\n >>> from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA\\n >>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]])\\n >>> ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=3)\\n >>> ipca.fit(X)\\n IncrementalPCA(batch_size=3, copy=True, n_components=2, whiten=False)\\n >>> ipca.transform(X) # doctest: +SKIP\\n ' \\n check_is_fitted (self, ['mean_', 'components_'], all_or_any = all) \\n X = check_array (X) \\n if (self.mean_ is not None) : \\n X = (X - self.mean_) \\nX_transformed = fast_dot (X, self.components_.T) \\n if X_transformed.whiten : \\n X_transformed \\/= np.sqrt (self.explained_variance_) \\nreturn X_transformed \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if X_transformed.whiten :\",\"targets\":\"if self.whiten :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get(self, user) : \\n ' (User) -> UserPreferences\\n\\n Returns UserPreferences for given user.\\n If does not exists, creates it.\\n ' \\n try : \\n obj = super (UserPreferencesManager, self).get (user = user) \\nexcept ObjectDoesNotExist : \\n obj = self.create (user = user) \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, obj, user\",\"targets\":\"obj\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _pull(repos, target_path) : \\n args = [_git_cmd (), 'pull'] \\n popen_args = { \\n 'cwd' : target_path, \\n 'stdout' : subprocess.PIPE, \\n 'stderr' : subprocess.PIPE, \\n} \\n proc = subprocess.Popen (popen_args, ** popen_args) \\n result = proc.communicate () \\n if (proc.returncode != 0) : \\n raise GoogkitError (_ ('Git pull failed: {message}').format (message = result [1].decode ())) \\nlogging.debug (result [0].decode ()) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: proc = subprocess.Popen (popen_args, ** popen_args)\",\"targets\":\"proc = subprocess.Popen (args, ** popen_args)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register_opt ('fast_compile') \\n@ local_optimizer ([tensor.Alloc]) \\ndef local_gpuaalloc2(node) : \\n '\\n Join(axis, {Alloc or HostFromGPU}, ...) -> Join(axis, GpuAlloc, Alloc, ...)\\n\\n Moves an alloc that is an input to join to the gpu.\\n\\n ' \\n try : \\n get_context (None) \\nexcept ContextNotDefined : \\n return \\nif (isinstance (node.op, tensor.Alloc) and all ((((c != 'output') and (c.op == tensor.join) and all (((i.owner and (.owner.op in [host_from_gpu, tensor.alloc])) for i in c.inputs [1 :]))) for (c, idx) in node.outputs [0].clients))) : \\n return [host_from_gpu (GpuAlloc (None) (* node.inputs))] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: idx, i, c, node\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __imul__(self, scalar) : \\n self.x *= scalar \\n self.y *= self \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def tzname(self, dt) : \\n return _time.tzname [self._isdst ()] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, dt\",\"targets\":\"dt\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _parse_distro_release_file(self, filepath) : \\n '\\n Parse a distro release file.\\n\\n Parameters:\\n\\n * filepath: Path name of the distro release file.\\n\\n Returns:\\n A dictionary containing all information items.\\n ' \\n if os.path.isfile () : \\n with open (filepath, 'r') as fp : \\n return self._parse_distro_release_content (fp.readline ()) \\nreturn { \\n \\n} \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"filepath\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def build(self, before, left_delimiter, items, right_delimiter) : \\n builder = getattr (self, ('build_' + self.builders [left_delimiter])) \\n return builder (before, left_delimiter, items, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"right_delimiter\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def bootstrap(* args, **kwargs) : \\n 'Resample one or more arrays with replacement and store aggregate values.\\n\\n Positional arguments are a sequence of arrays to bootstrap along the first\\n axis and pass to a summary function.\\n\\n Keyword arguments:\\n n_boot : int, default 10000\\n Number of iterations\\n axis : int, default None\\n Will pass axis to ``func`` as a keyword argument.\\n units : array, default None\\n Array of sampling unit IDs. When used the bootstrap resamples units\\n and then observations within units instead of individual\\n datapoints.\\n smooth : bool, default False\\n If True, performs a smoothed bootstrap (draws samples from a kernel\\n destiny estimate); only works for one-dimensional inputs and cannot\\n be used `units` is present.\\n func : callable, default np.mean\\n Function to call on the args that are passed in.\\n random_seed : int | None, default None\\n Seed for the random number generator; useful if you want\\n reproducible resamples.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n boot_dist: array\\n array of bootstrapped statistic values\\n\\n ' \\n if (len (np.unique (list (map (len, args)))) > 1) : \\n raise ValueError ('All input arrays must have the same length') \\nn = len (args [0]) \\n n_boot = kwargs.get ('n_boot', 10000) \\n func = kwargs.get ('func', np.mean) \\n axis = kwargs.get ('axis', None) \\n units = kwargs.get ('units', None) \\n smooth = kwargs.get ('smooth', False) \\n random_seed = kwargs.get ('random_seed', None) \\n if (axis is None) : \\n func_kwargs = dict () \\nelse : \\n func_kwargs = dict (axis = axis) \\nrs = np.random.RandomState (random_seed) \\n args = list (map (np.asarray, args)) \\n if (units is not None) : \\n units = np.asarray (a) \\nif smooth : \\n return _smooth_bootstrap (args, n_boot, func, func_kwargs) \\nif (units is not None) : \\n return _structured_bootstrap (args, n_boot,...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: units = np.asarray (a)\",\"targets\":\"units = np.asarray (units)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ app.route ('\\/metrics', defaults = { \\n 'env' : app.config ['DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT'], \\n}) \\n@ app.route ('\\/\\/metrics') \\ndef metrics(env) : \\n 'Lists all available metrics that PuppetDB is aware of.\\n\\n :param env: While this parameter serves no function purpose it is required\\n for the environments template block\\n :type env: :obj:`string`\\n ' \\n envs = environments () \\n check_env (env, envs) \\n metrics = get_or_abort (puppetdb._query, 'mbean') \\n for (key, value) in metrics.items () : \\n metrics [key] = value.split ('\\/') [2] \\nreturn render_template ('metrics.html', metrics = sorted (metrics.items ()), envs = envs, current_env = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"env\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def classify(self, x = None) : \\n if (x is None) : \\n x = Tensor.context \\n_x = x.content \\n result = self.forward (_x) \\n self.t.content = _x \\n self.t.owner = self \\n self.t.use () \\n return self.t \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.t.content = _x\",\"targets\":\"self.t.content = result\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _build(self, pipe = None, **kwargs) : \\n if (pipe is None) : \\n pipe = self.backend.client.pipeline () \\nself.pipe = pipe \\n qs = self.queryelem \\n backend = self.backend \\n (key, meta, keys, args) = (None, self.meta, [], []) \\n pkname = meta.pkname () \\n for child in qs : \\n if (getattr (child, 'backend', None) == backend) : \\n (lookup, value) = ('set', child) \\nelse : \\n (lookup, value) = child \\nif (lookup == 'set') : \\n be = value.backend_query (pipe = pipe) \\n keys.append (be.query_key) \\n args.extend (('set', .query_key)) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (value, tuple) : \\n value = self.dump_nested (* value) \\nargs.extend ((lookup, ('' if (value is None) else value))) \\ntemp_key = True \\n if (qs.keyword == 'set') : \\n if ((qs.name == pkname) and (not args)) : \\n key = backend.basekey (meta, 'id') \\n temp_key = False \\nelse : \\n key = backend.tempkey (meta) \\n keys.insert (0, key) \\n backend.odmrun (pipe, 'query', meta, keys, self.meta_info, qs.name, * args) \\nelse : \\n key = backend.tempkey (meta) \\n p = ('z' if meta.ordering else 's') \\n pipe.execute_script ('move2set', keys, p) \\n if (qs.keyword == 'intersect') : \\n command = getattr (pipe, (p + 'interstore')) \\nelse : \\n if (qs.keyword == 'union') : \\n command = getattr (pipe, (p + 'unionstore')) \\nelse : \\n if (qs.keyword == 'diff') : \\n command = getattr (pipe, (p + 'diffstore')) \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError (('Could not perform %s operation' % qs.keyword)) \\ncommand (key, keys) \\nwhere = self.queryelem.data.get ('where') \\n if where : \\n keys.insert (0, key) \\n if (not temp_key) : \\n temp_key = True \\n key = backend.tempkey (meta) \\nkeys.insert (0, key) \\n backend.where_run (pipe, self.meta_info, keys, * where) \\ngf = qs._get_field \\n if (gf and (gf !=...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: child, args, pipe, temp_key, bkey, lookup, self, be, backend, pkname, where, p, okey, qs, key, command, meta, value, gf, field_attribute, keys\",\"targets\":\"be\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, f, dialect = csv.excel, encoding = 'utf-8', **kwds) : \\n self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO () \\n self.writer = csv.writer (self.queue, dialect = , ** kwds) \\n self.stream = f \\n self.encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder (encoding) () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"dialect\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def addSuccess(self, test) : \\n super (TextTestResult, self).addSuccess (self) \\n if self.showAll : \\n self.stream.writeln ('ok') \\nelse : \\n if self.dots : \\n self.stream.write ('.') \\n self.stream.flush () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (TextTestResult, self).addSuccess (self)\",\"targets\":\"super (TextTestResult, self).addSuccess (test)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, funcname, expected_args, lineno) : \\n self.funcname = funcname \\n self.expected_args = expected_args \\n self.lineno = funcname \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.lineno = funcname\",\"targets\":\"self.lineno = lineno\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef _rebuild(cls, entry_name, ptx, linking) : \\n '\\n Rebuild an instance.\\n ' \\n return cls (entry_name, ptx, entry_name) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return cls (entry_name, ptx, entry_name)\",\"targets\":\"return cls (entry_name, ptx, linking)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event) : \\n if (event.arguments [0].startswith (connection.config ['magic_token']) == False) : \\n return \\nself.process_message (connection, event) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (event.arguments [0].startswith (connection.config ['magic_token']) == False) :\",\"targets\":\"if (event.arguments [0].startswith (self.config ['magic_token']) == False) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _compute_multivariate_acovf_from_coefficients(coefficients, error_variance, maxlag = None, forward_autocovariances = False) : \\n \\\"\\n Compute multivariate autocovariances from vector autoregression coefficient\\n matrices\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n coefficients : array or list\\n The coefficients matrices. If a list, should be a list of length\\n `order`, where each element is an array sized `k_endog` x `k_endog`. If\\n an array, should be the coefficient matrices horizontally concatenated\\n and sized `k_endog` x `k_endog * order`.\\n error_variance : array\\n The variance \\/ covariance matrix of the error term. Should be sized\\n `k_endog` x `k_endog`.\\n maxlag : integer, optional\\n The maximum autocovariance to compute. Default is `order`-1. Can be\\n zero, in which case it returns the variance.\\n forward_autocovariances : boolean, optional\\n Whether or not to compute forward autocovariances\\n :math:`E(y_t y_{t+j}')`. Default is False, so that backward\\n autocovariances :math:`E(y_t y_{t-j}')` are returned.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n autocovariances : list\\n A list of the first `maxlag` autocovariance matrices. Each matrix is\\n shaped `k_endog` x `k_endog`.\\n\\n Notes\\n -----\\n Computes\\n\\n ..math::\\n\\n \\\\\\\\Gamma(j) = E(y_t y_{t-j}')\\n\\n for j = 1, ..., `maxlag`, unless `forward_autocovariances` is specified,\\n in which case it computes:\\n\\n ..math::\\n\\n E(y_t y_{t+j}') = \\\\\\\\Gamma(j)'\\n\\n Coefficients are assumed to be provided from the VAR model:\\n\\n .. math::\\n y_t = A_1 y_{t-1} + \\\\\\\\dots + A_p y_{t-p} + \\\\x0barepsilon_t\\n\\n Autocovariances are calculated by solving the associated discrete Lyapunov\\n equation of the state space representation of the VAR process.\\n\\n \\\" \\n from scipy import linalg \\n if (type (coefficients) == list) : \\n order = len (coefficients) \\n k_endog = coefficients [0].shape [0] \\nelse : \\n (k_endog, order) = coefficients.shape \\n order...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: selected_variance, i, stacked_cov, error_variance, companion, k_endog, autocovariances, forward_autocovariances, order, maxlag, coefficients\",\"targets\":\"k_endog\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, row, text, parent = None) : \\n super (RowPushButton, self).__init__ (parent) \\n self._row = row \\n self.setIcon (self.style ().standardIcon (self.style ().SP_TrashIcon)) \\n self.setToolTip (text) \\n self.connect (row, QtCore.SIGNAL ('clicked()'), self._clicked) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.connect (row, QtCore.SIGNAL ('clicked()'), self._clicked)\",\"targets\":\"self.connect (self, QtCore.SIGNAL ('clicked()'), self._clicked)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _generate_replies(self, pivot_ids) : \\n if (not pivot_ids) : \\n return \\nend = self._end_context_id \\n graph = self.graph \\n search = graph.search_random_walk \\n next_cache = collections.defaultdict (set) \\n prev_cache = collections.defaultdict (set) \\n while pivot_ids : \\n pivot_id = self._pick_pivot (pivot_ids) \\n node = graph.get_random_node_with_token (pivot_id) \\n parts = itertools.izip_longest (search (node, end, 1), search (node, end, 0), fillvalue = None) \\n for (next, prev) in parts : \\n if next : \\n next_cache [node].add (next) \\n for p in [node] : \\n (yield ((p + next), node)) \\nif prev : \\n prev = tuple (reversed (prev)) \\n prev_cache [node].add (prev) \\n for n in next_cache [node] : \\n (yield ((prev + n), node)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: next_cache, next, pivot_id, search, end, self, p, parts, pivot_ids, n, prev, node, prev_cache, graph\",\"targets\":\"prev_cache\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_errors(self, inputs, targets) : \\n '\\n Get a list of errors for backpropagating to a Tree container that has multiple output\\n nodes.\\n\\n Arguments:\\n inputs (list(Tensor)): list of Tensors containing input values to be compared to\\n targets\\n targets (Tensor, list(Tensor)): either a list of Tensors containing target values, or\\n a single target Tensor that will be mapped to each\\n input\\n Returns:\\n list of Tensors containing errors for each input\\n ' \\n l_targets = (targets if (type () in (tuple, list)) else [targets for c in self.costs]) \\n if (self.errors is None) : \\n self.errors = [c.deltas for c in self.costs] \\nfor (c, i, t) in zip (self.costs, inputs, l_targets) : \\n c.get_errors (i, t) \\nreturn self.errors \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: c, i, targets, self, inputs, t, l_targets\",\"targets\":\"targets\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n L = [('%s=%r' % (, value)) for (key, value) in self.__dict__.iteritems ()] \\n return ('%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join (L))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: value, key, L, self\",\"targets\":\"key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (requests, 'post', mock.MagicMock (return_value = base.FakeResponse (json.dumps ({ \\n \\n}), 200, 'OK'))) \\ndef test_decorate_https_without_cacert(self) : \\n self.shell.run (['auth', USERNAME, '-p', PASSWORD]) \\n kwargs = { \\n 'verify' : False, \\n 'headers' : HEADERS, \\n 'auth' : (USERNAME, PASSWORD), \\n} \\n requests.post.assert_called_with (AUTH_URL, json.dumps ({ \\n \\n}), ** self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: }), ** self)\",\"targets\":\"}), ** kwargs)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_ext(self, new_ext) : \\n '\\n Adds or replaces extension of last path segment, assuming that instance\\n represents file path. No errors if no extension was found.\\n ' \\n (name, _) = os.path.splitext (self.segments [(- 1)]) \\n filename = ((name + ('' if new_ext.startswith ('.') else '.')) + ) \\n return self.__class__ (self.segments [: (- 1)], filename, prefix = self.prefix) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"new_ext\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_devices(self) : \\n '\\n Return a list of devices.\\n Deprecated, use get_actors instead.\\n ' \\n url = (self.base_url + '\\/net\\/home_auto_query.lua') \\n response = self.session.get (url, params = { \\n 'sid' : self.sid, \\n 'command' : 'AllOutletStates', \\n 'xhr' : 0, \\n}) \\n response.raise_for_status () \\n data = response.json () \\n count = int (data ['Outlet_count']) \\n devices = [] \\n for i in range (1, (count + 1)) : \\n device = Device (int (data ['DeviceID_{0}'.format (i)]), int (data ['DeviceConnectState_{0}'.format (i)]), int (data ['DeviceSwitchState_{0}'.format (i)])) \\n devices.append (device) \\nreturn url \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return url\",\"targets\":\"return devices\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def find_or_create_ar(gplus_activity, activity_post) : \\n if (gplus_activity ['verb'] == 'post') : \\n original_post_id = gplus_activity ['id'] \\nelse : \\n if (gplus_activity ['verb'] == 'share') : \\n original_post_id = gplus_activity ['object'] ['id'] \\nif (original_post_id is not None) : \\n records = ActivityRecord.query ((ActivityRecord.gplus_posts == original_post_id)).fetch (20) \\n if (len (activity_post) == 0) : \\n return ar.create_activity_record (activity_post) \\nelse : \\n return records [0] \\nreturn ar.create_activity_record (activity_post) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (len (activity_post) == 0) :\",\"targets\":\"if (len (records) == 0) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef parse_diff_filenames(diff_files) : \\n 'Parse the output of filenames_diff_cmd.' \\n files = [] \\n for line in diff_files.splitlines () : \\n line = line.strip () \\n fn = re.findall ('[^]+\\\\\\\\s+(.*.py)', line) \\n if (fn and (not line.startswith ('?'))) : \\n files.append (fn [0]) \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: line, files, diff_files, fn\",\"targets\":\"files\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def run_postconf_scripts(self) : \\n env = { \\n 'MESON_SOURCE_ROOT' : self.environment.get_source_dir (), \\n 'MESON_BUILD_ROOT' : self.environment.get_build_dir (), \\n} \\n child_env = os.environ.copy () \\n child_env.update (env) \\n for s in self.build.postconf_scripts : \\n cmd = (s ['exe'].get_command () + env ['args']) \\n subprocess.check_call (cmd, env = child_env) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: cmd = (s ['exe'].get_command () + env ['args'])\",\"targets\":\"cmd = (s ['exe'].get_command () + s ['args'])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def set_params(self, params, target = None) : \\n '\\n Set parameters and target parameter.\\n \\n params: dict of parameters\\n target: target parameter\\n ' \\n self.__params = \\n self.__target = target \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, params, target\",\"targets\":\"params\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_cluster_idle(self, cluster, values) : \\n for value in values : \\n if (cluster == 'big') : \\n self.big_cluster_idle_states.append (IdlePowerState (value)) \\nelse : \\n if (cluster == 'little') : \\n self.little_cluster_idle_states.append (IdlePowerState ()) \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError ('Unexpected cluster: {}'.format (cluster)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n self.delay_statistic = kwargs.get ('delay_statistics', True) \\n super (type (self), self).__init__ (* args, ** ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"kwargs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def append_child(self, name, element) : \\n new_node = _Node (self, name, element, (self.address + (,))) \\n self.children.append ((name, new_node)) \\n return new_node \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def minimize_f(fi, method = None, wantrestarts = None) : \\n '\\n Minimize the ``fi`` function instance. Returns the number of minimization\\n iterations performed.\\n ' \\n f = fi.f \\n n_restarts = (- 1) \\n n_iters = 0 \\n mm = MinimizeMethod (method, fi) \\n mmdata = SteppingData (fi) \\n while (not (((f.evaluations > 1) and (f.fbest < f.ftarget)) or (f.evaluations > fi.maxfunevals))) : \\n n_restarts += 1 \\n if (n_restarts > 0) : \\n f.restart ('independent restart') \\nmaxfevals = (fi.maxfunevals \\/ (wantrestarts + 1)) \\n x0 = ((10.0 * np.random.rand (fi.dim)) - 5.0) \\n class MMCallback () : \\n def __init__(self, fi, f, maxfevals, mm, data, n_iters) : \\n self.restarts = 0 \\n self.fi = fi \\n self.f = f \\n self.maxfevals = maxfevals \\n self.basefevals = self.f.evaluations \\n self.mm = mm \\n self.data = data \\n self.n_iters = n_iters \\ndef __call__(self, x) : \\n self.n_iters += 1 \\n y = self.fi.evalfun (x) \\n self.data.record (0, self.mm.name, self.n_iters, (y - self.fi.f.fopt), x) \\n if (y < self.f.ftarget) : \\n raise MMCancel () \\nelse : \\n if ((self.f.evaluations - self.basefevals) > self.maxfevals) : \\n raise MMCancel () \\nelse : \\n if (self.f.evaluations > self.fi.maxfunevals) : \\n raise MMCancel () \\ncb = MMCallback (fi, f, maxfevals, mm, mmdata, n_iters) \\n try : \\n warnings.simplefilter ('ignore') \\n mm (.evalfun, x0, inner_cb = cb) \\nexcept MMCancel : \\n pass \\nn_iters = cb.n_iters \\nreturn n_restarts \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"f\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ gen.coroutine \\ndef QueryViewpoints(client, obj_store, user_id, device_id, request) : \\n 'Queries viewpoint metadata, as well as associated followers and episodes.\\n ' \\n @ gen.coroutine \\n def _QueryFollowers() : \\n 'Produces list of (followers, last_key) tuples, one for each viewpoint in the request.' \\n tasks = [] \\n for vp_dict in request ['viewpoints'] : \\n if vp_dict.get ('get_followers', False) : \\n start_key = vp_dict.get ('follower_start_key', None) \\n tasks.append (Viewpoint.QueryFollowers (client, vp_dict ['viewpoint_id'], excl_start_key = (int (start_key) if (start_key is not None) else None), limit = limit)) \\nelse : \\n tasks.append (util.GenConstant (None)) \\nfollower_results = (yield tasks) \\n raise gen.Return (follower_results) \\n@ gen.coroutine \\n def _QueryActivities() : \\n 'Produces list of (activities, last_key) tuples, one for each viewpoint in the request.' \\n tasks = [] \\n for vp_dict in request ['viewpoints'] : \\n if vp_dict.get ('get_activities', False) : \\n tasks.append (gen.Task (Viewpoint.QueryActivities, client, vp_dict ['viewpoint_id'], excl_start_key = vp_dict.get ('activity_start_key', None), limit = limit)) \\nelse : \\n tasks.append (util.GenConstant (None)) \\nactivity_results = (yield tasks) \\n raise gen.Return (activity_results) \\n@ gen.coroutine \\n def _QueryEpisodes() : \\n 'Produces list of (episodes, last_key) tuples, one for each viewpoint in the request.' \\n tasks = [] \\n for vp_dict in request ['viewpoints'] : \\n if vp_dict.get ('get_episodes', False) : \\n tasks.append (gen.Task (Viewpoint.QueryEpisodes, client, vp_dict ['viewpoint_id'], excl_start_key = vp_dict.get ('episode_start_key', None), limit = limit)) \\nelse : \\n tasks.append (util.GenConstant (None)) \\nepisode_results = (yield tasks) \\n raise gen.Return (episode_results) \\n@ gen.coroutine \\n def...\\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def delch(self, * args) : \\n if (len (args) == 0) : \\n code = lib.wdelch (self._win) \\nelse : \\n if (len (args) == 2) : \\n code = lib.mvwdelch (self._win, * args) \\nelse : \\n raise error ('delch requires 0 or 2 arguments') \\nreturn _check_ERR (code, '[mv]wdelch') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, patterns = None, ignore = (), caseless = True, spaceless = True, match_if_no_patterns = False) : \\n self._matchers = [Matcher (, ignore, caseless, spaceless) for pattern in self._ensure_list (patterns)] \\n self._match_if_no_patterns = match_if_no_patterns \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"pattern\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __str__(self) : \\n ' A nicely formatted representaion of the exception.\\n\\n ' \\n text = '\\n\\n' \\n text += _format_source_error (.filename, self.context, self.lineno) \\n text += '\\n\\nOperatorLookupError: ' \\n text += (\\\"failed to load operator '%s'\\\" % self.operator) \\n return text \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ httprettified \\n@ within (two = microseconds) \\ndef test_callback_response(now) : \\n 'HTTPretty should all a callback function to be set as the body with urllib2' \\n def request_callback(request, uri, headers) : \\n return [200, headers, 'The {0} response from {1}'.format (decode_utf8 (request.method), uri)] \\nHTTPretty.register_uri (HTTPretty.GET, 'https:\\/\\/api.yahoo.com\\/test', body = ) \\n fd = urllib2.urlopen ('https:\\/\\/api.yahoo.com\\/test') \\n got = fd.read () \\n fd.close () \\n expect (got).to.equal (b'The GET response from https:\\/\\/api.yahoo.com\\/test') \\n HTTPretty.register_uri (HTTPretty.POST, 'https:\\/\\/api.yahoo.com\\/test_post', body = request_callback) \\n request = urllib2.Request ('https:\\/\\/api.yahoo.com\\/test_post', b'{\\\"username\\\": \\\"gabrielfalcao\\\"}', { \\n 'content-type' : 'text\\/json', \\n}) \\n fd = urllib2.urlopen (request) \\n got = fd.read () \\n fd.close () \\n expect (got).to.equal (b'The POST response from https:\\/\\/api.yahoo.com\\/test_post') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: now, request, request_callback, fd, got\",\"targets\":\"request_callback\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ isolate_install.setter \\ndef isolate_install(self, value) : \\n if self.__locked : \\n raise RuntimeError ('Setting of context members is not allowed while locked.') \\nself.__isolate_install = self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.__isolate_install = self\",\"targets\":\"self.__isolate_install = value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ silence_is_golden \\ndef test_parse_expiration_date(self, * args) : \\n self.assertEquals (self.card._parse_expiration_date (.soup), datetime (year = 1984, month = 12, day = 2)) \\n self.assertIsNone (self.card._parse_expiration_date (self.bad_soup)) \\n self.assertIsNone (self.card._parse_expiration_date (self.empty_soup)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def findtext(elem, path, default = None) : \\n try : \\n elem = findall (elem, path).next () \\n return .text \\nexcept StopIteration : \\n return default \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"elem\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ test.idempotent_id ('09a9392c-1359-4cbb-989f-fb768e5834a8') \\ndef test_policy_update_association_with_admin_network(self) : \\n policy = self.create_qos_policy (name = 'test-policy', description = 'test policy', shared = False) \\n network = self.create_shared_network ('test network') \\n retrieved_network = self.admin_client.show_network (network ['id']) \\n self.assertIsNone (retrieved_network ['network'] ['qos_policy_id']) \\n self.admin_client.update_network (network ['id'], qos_policy_id = policy ['id']) \\n retrieved_network = self.admin_client.show_network (network ['id']) \\n self.assertEqual (policy ['id'], ['network'] ['qos_policy_id']) \\n self._disassociate_network (self.admin_client, network ['id']) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"retrieved_network\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef get_new_file_ext(cls, view, file_path = None) : \\n 'Returns a tuple in style (str(ext), bool(prepend_ext)).\\n\\n The first part is the extension string, which may be ``None``.\\n The second part is a boolean value that indicates whether the dumper\\n (or the handler) should use the value of the first part as appendix\\n and prepend the actual \\\"new\\\" file type.\\n\\n See also get_ext_appendix().\\n ' \\n file_path = (file_path or (view and view.file_name ())) \\n if (not file_path) : \\n return (None, False) \\nappendix = cls.get_ext_appendix (file_path) \\n if appendix : \\n return (('.' + ), False) \\next = os.path.splitext (file_path) [1] \\n if ((not (ext == ('.' + cls.ext))) and cls.file_is_valid (view, file_path)) : \\n return (ext, True) \\nreturn (None, False) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: ext, file_path, cls, view, appendix\",\"targets\":\"appendix\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create_consumer(self, name = None, description = None, user = None) : \\n (key, secret) = self.generate_key_secret () \\n consumer = self.create (key = , secret = secret, name = (name or ''), description = (description or ''), user = user) \\n return consumer \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_cached_placeholder_output(parent_object, placeholder_name) : \\n '\\n Return cached output for a placeholder, if available.\\n This avoids fetching the Placeholder object.\\n ' \\n if (not PlaceholderRenderingPipe.may_cache_placeholders ()) : \\n return None \\nlanguage_code = get_parent_language_code (parent_object) \\n cache_key = get_placeholder_cache_key_for_parent (parent_object, placeholder_name, language_code) \\n return cache.get (cache_key) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _error(self, msg) : \\n '\\n Format error message as HTTP response.\\n\\n :param msg:\\n Message to format\\n ' \\n return Markup (('
%s<\\/div>' % self)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return Markup (('
%s<\\/div>' % self))\",\"targets\":\"return Markup (('
%s<\\/div>' % msg))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _test_flow_unmatching_check(self, before_stats, pkt) : \\n rcv_msgs = self._test_get_match_count () \\n lookup = False \\n for target_tbl_id in pkt [KEY_TBL_MISS] : \\n before = before_stats [target_tbl_id] \\n after = rcv_msgs [target_tbl_id] \\n if (before ['lookup'] < after ['lookup']) : \\n lookup = True \\n if (before ['matched'] < ['matched']) : \\n raise TestFailure (self.state) \\nif (not lookup) : \\n raise TestError (self.state) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: pkt, self, before, rcv_msgs, before_stats, target_tbl_id, lookup, after\",\"targets\":\"after\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testCanMatchFullRangeOfIntegersSymbols_3(self) : \\n parser = cmd_line.VimParser ('$,%') \\n rv = parser.parse_full_range () \\n expected = cmd_line.default_range_info.copy () \\n expected ['left_ref'] = '$' \\n expected ['separator'] = ',' \\n expected ['right_ref'] = '%' \\n expected ['text_range'] = '$,%' \\n self.assertEqual (rv, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"expected\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create_nodes_w_interfaces_count(self, nodes_count, if_count = 2, **kwargs) : \\n 'Create nodes_count nodes with if_count interfaces each\\n\\n Default random MAC is generated for each interface\\n ' \\n nodes = [] \\n for i in range () : \\n meta = self.default_metadata () \\n if_list = [{ \\n 'name' : 'eth{0}'.format (i), \\n 'mac' : self.generate_random_mac (), \\n} for i in range (if_count)] \\n if_list [0] ['pxe'] = True \\n self.set_interfaces_in_meta (meta, if_list) \\n nodes.append (self.create_node (meta = meta, mac = if_list [0] ['mac'], ** kwargs)) \\nreturn nodes \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"nodes_count\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compile_defined(self, ctx) : \\n ConstantString ('local-variable').compile (self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: ConstantString ('local-variable').compile (self)\",\"targets\":\"ConstantString ('local-variable').compile (ctx)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def PageTokenSet(self, value) : \\n \\\"Setter to be used for default pageToken EndpointsAliasProperty.\\n\\n Tries to use Cursor.from_websafe_string to convert the value to a cursor\\n and then sets the cursor on the entity's query info object, and the query\\n info object handles validation.\\n\\n Args:\\n value: The websafe string version of a cursor.\\n \\\" \\n cursor = datastore_query.Cursor.from_websafe_string (value) \\n self._endpoints_query_info.cursor = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"cursor\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef clean(conn, group = None, color = None, labels = None) : \\n '\\n Create a circular graph from connectivity data.\\n\\n .. image:: circle.png\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n conn : array-like, (n,n) or (n,3) or (n,2)\\n Input connectivity data as either a matrix or a list of links.\\n Matrix can be binary or continuous valued. Links should contain\\n either 2 elements per link (source, target),\\n or 3 elements (source, target, value).\\n\\n group : array-like, optional, (m,n) or (n,)\\n Hierarchical group assignments, where m is\\n the number of groups\\n\\n color : array-like, optional, singleton or (k,3)\\n Single rgb value or array to set colors of top-level group,\\n where k is the number of unique elements in the top-level group\\n\\n labels : array-like, optional, (n,)\\n Array of text labels to label nodes\\n ' \\n links = parse_links (conn) \\n nodes = parse_nodes (conn) \\n outdict = { \\n 'links' : links, \\n 'nodes' : , \\n} \\n outdict = add_property (outdict, labels, 'labels') \\n outdict = add_property (outdict, color, 'color') \\n if (group is not None) : \\n if isinstance (group, ndarray) : \\n group = group.tolist () \\nif isinstance (group, list) : \\n if (not isinstance (group [0], list)) : \\n if isinstance (group [0], ndarray) : \\n group = [g.tolist () for g in group] \\nelse : \\n group = [group] \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError ('group must be list or nested list') \\noutdict ['group'] = group \\nreturn outdict \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: links, group, g, labels, nodes, outdict, conn, color\",\"targets\":\"nodes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef AddToCollection(cls, collection_urn, rdf_values, sync = True, token = None) : \\n 'Adds RDFValues to the collection with a given urn.' \\n if (token is None) : \\n raise ValueError (\\\"Token can't be None.\\\") \\ndata_attrs = [] \\n for rdf_value in rdf_values : \\n if (rdf_value is None) : \\n raise ValueError (\\\"Can't add None to the collection.\\\") \\nif (cls._rdf_type and (not isinstance (rdf_value, cls._rdf_type))) : \\n raise ValueError (('This collection only accepts values of type %s' % cls._rdf_type.__name__)) \\nif (not rdf_value.age) : \\n rdf_value.age.Now () \\ndata_attrs.append (cls.SchemaCls.DATA (rdf_protodict.EmbeddedRDFValue (payload = rdf_value))) \\nattrs_to_set = { \\n cls.SchemaCls.DATA : data_attrs, \\n} \\n if cls.IsJournalingEnabled () : \\n journal_entry = cls.SchemaCls.ADDITION_JOURNAL (len ()) \\n attrs_to_set [cls.SchemaCls.ADDITION_JOURNAL] = [journal_entry] \\naff4.FACTORY.SetAttributes (collection_urn, attrs_to_set, set (), add_child_index = False, sync = sync, token = token) \\n cls.ScheduleNotification (collection_urn, token = token) \\n stats.STATS.IncrementCounter ('packed_collection_added', delta = len (rdf_values)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"rdf_values\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def unpause_instance(self, ctxt, instance) : \\n 'Unpause an instance in its cell.\\n\\n This method takes a new-world instance object.\\n ' \\n cctxt = self.client.prepare (version = '1.19') \\n cctxt.cast (ctxt, 'unpause_instance', instance = self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: cctxt.cast (ctxt, 'unpause_instance', instance = self)\",\"targets\":\"cctxt.cast (ctxt, 'unpause_instance', instance = instance)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name = None, scheduler = None, slots = None) : \\n super (DbSchedulerResource, self).__init__ () \\n self.name = name \\n self.scheduler = scheduler \\n self.slots = name \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ test.create_stubs ({ \\n api.base : ('is_service_enabled',), \\n api.nova : ('service_list',), \\n api.neutron : ('agent_list', 'is_extension_supported'), \\n api.cinder : ('service_list',), \\n}) \\ndef test_index(self) : \\n services = self.services.list () \\n api.nova.service_list (IsA (http.HttpRequest)).AndReturn () \\n api.base.is_service_enabled (IsA (http.HttpRequest), IgnoreArg ()).MultipleTimes ().AndReturn (True) \\n api.neutron.is_extension_supported (IsA (http.HttpRequest), 'agent').AndReturn (True) \\n agents = self.agents.list () \\n api.neutron.agent_list (IsA (http.HttpRequest)).AndReturn (agents) \\n cinder_services = self.cinder_services.list () \\n api.cinder.service_list (IsA (http.HttpRequest)).AndReturn (cinder_services) \\n self.mox.ReplayAll () \\n res = self.client.get (INDEX_URL) \\n self.assertTemplateUsed (res, 'admin\\/info\\/index.html') \\n services_tab = res.context ['tab_group'].get_tab ('services') \\n self.assertQuerysetEqual (services_tab._tables ['services'].data, ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']) \\n network_agents_tab = res.context ['tab_group'].get_tab ('network_agents') \\n self.assertQuerysetEqual (network_agents_tab._tables ['network_agents'].data, [agent.__repr__ () for agent in self.agents.list ()]) \\n self.mox.VerifyAll () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"services\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _placeFileRes(self, fname) : \\n if self._auto_place_files : \\n os.system (((('mv -r\\\"' + fname) + '\\\" ') + ._metafolder)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _cull(self) : \\n if (int (self._num_entries) < self._max_entries) : \\n return \\ntry : \\n filelist = sorted (os.listdir (self._dir)) \\nexcept (IOError, OSError) : \\n return \\nif (self._cull_frequency == 0) : \\n doomed = filelist \\nelse : \\n doomed = [os.path.join (self._dir, k) for (i, k) in enumerate (filelist) if ((i % self._cull_frequency) == 0)] \\nfor topdir in doomed : \\n try : \\n for (root, _, files) in os.walk (topdir) : \\n for f in _ : \\n self._delete (os.path.join (root, f)) \\nexcept (IOError, OSError) : \\n pass \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: for f in _ :\",\"targets\":\"for f in files :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, num_nodes, weight = 1.0) : \\n energymat = (N.ones ((num_nodes, num_nodes)) * 0.5) \\n super (UniformPrior, self).__init__ (num_nodes, energymat, weight = weight) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ override_settings (IOS_NOTIFICATIONS_AUTHENTICATION = 'AuthBasic') \\ndef test_basic_authorization_request(self) : \\n kwargs = { \\n 'token' : self.device.token, \\n 'service__id' : self.device.service.id, \\n} \\n url = reverse ('ios-notifications-device', kwargs = kwargs) \\n user_pass = ('%s:%s' % (self.user.username, self.user_password)) \\n auth_header = ('Basic %s' % user_pass.encode ('base64')) \\n resp = self.client.get (url, { \\n \\n}, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION = resp) \\n self.assertEquals (resp.status_code, 200) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, queue, export_dir, file_format = 'json', file_prefix = 'st2-executions-', batch_size = 1000, sleep_interval = 60, max_files_per_sleep = 5, file_writer = None) : \\n if (not queue) : \\n raise Exception ('Need a queue to consume data from.') \\nif (not export_dir) : \\n raise Exception ('Export dir needed to dump files to.') \\nself._export_dir = export_dir \\n if (not os.path.exists (self._export_dir)) : \\n raise Exception (('Dir path %s does not exist. Create one before using exporter.' % ._export_dir)) \\nself._file_format = file_format.lower () \\n if (self._file_format not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS) : \\n raise ValueError (('Disallowed extension %s.' % file_format)) \\nself._file_prefix = file_prefix \\n self._batch_size = batch_size \\n self._max_files_per_sleep = max_files_per_sleep \\n self._queue = queue \\n self._flush_thread = None \\n self._sleep_interval = sleep_interval \\n self._converter = CONVERTERS [self._file_format] () \\n self._shutdown = False \\n self._persisted_marker = None \\n if (not file_writer) : \\n self._file_writer = TextFileWriter () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, processProtocol, commandLine, env, usePTY, childFDs, * args, **kwargs) : \\n '\\n @param processProtocol: A instance of a ProcessProtocol\\n @param childFDs: Custom child file descriptor mappings\\n ' \\n SSHSession.__init__ (self, env, usePTY, * args, ** kwargs) \\n self.processProtocol = processProtocol \\n self.commandLine = commandLine \\n self.childFDs = childFDs \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _set_port(self, value) : \\n if isinstance (self, six.integer_types) : \\n if (0 < value < 65535) : \\n self.settings ['port'] = value \\nelse : \\n raise exceptions.ConfigurationError ('The port value must be an integer in the range 0 - 65535.') \\nelse : \\n raise exceptions.ConfigurationError ('The port value must be an integer in the range 0 - 65535.') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if isinstance (self, six.integer_types) :\",\"targets\":\"if isinstance (value, six.integer_types) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args) : \\n self.related = [] \\n for recipe in args : \\n if isinstance (recipe, Recipe) : \\n self.related.append (caller_module) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (recipe, string_types) : \\n frame = inspect.stack () [1] \\n caller_module = inspect.getmodule (frame [0]) \\n recipe = getattr (caller_module, recipe) \\n if recipe : \\n self.related.append (recipe) \\nelse : \\n raise RecipeNotFound \\nelse : \\n raise TypeError ('Not a recipe') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.related.append (caller_module)\",\"targets\":\"self.related.append (recipe)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compareAddressEq(self, addr1, addr2) : \\n 'Checks if two addresses are equal, considering local\\/useable associations' \\n if (addr1 is None) : \\n return (addr2 is None) \\nif (addr2 is None) : \\n return False \\ntry : \\n if (addr1.addressDetails == addr2.addressDetails) : \\n return True \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n pass \\nif (isinstance (addr1, ActorAddress) and isinstance (addr1.addressDetails, ActorLocalAddress)) : \\n if (isinstance (addr2, ActorAddress) and isinstance (addr2.addressDetails, ActorLocalAddress)) : \\n return (addr1.addressDetails == addr2.addressDetails) \\ntry : \\n return ((addr1.addressDetails.generatingActor == self._thisActorAddr) and self._managed [addr1.addressDetails.addressInstanceNum] and (self._managed [addr1.addressDetails.addressInstanceNum].addressDetails == addr2.addressDetails)) \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n return False \\nif (isinstance (addr2, ActorAddress) and isinstance (addr2.addressDetails, ActorLocalAddress)) : \\n try : \\n return ((addr2.addressDetails.generatingActor == self._thisActorAddr) and self._managed [addr2.addressDetails.addressInstanceNum] and (self._managed [addr2.addressDetails.addressInstanceNum].addressDetails == .addressDetails)) \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n return False \\nreturn False \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: addr2, self, addr1\",\"targets\":\"addr1\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef from_request(cls, request) : \\n 'Create new TransientShardState from webapp request.' \\n mapreduce_spec = MapreduceSpec.from_json_str (request.get ('mapreduce_spec')) \\n mapper_spec = mapreduce_spec.mapper \\n input_reader_spec_dict = simplejson.loads (request.get ('input_reader_state'), cls = json_util.JsonDecoder) \\n input_reader = mapper_spec.input_reader_class ().from_json () \\n initial_input_reader_spec_dict = simplejson.loads (request.get ('initial_input_reader_state'), cls = json_util.JsonDecoder) \\n initial_input_reader = mapper_spec.input_reader_class ().from_json (initial_input_reader_spec_dict) \\n output_writer = None \\n if mapper_spec.output_writer_class () : \\n output_writer = mapper_spec.output_writer_class ().from_json (simplejson.loads (request.get ('output_writer_state', '{}'), cls = json_util.JsonDecoder)) \\n assert isinstance (output_writer, mapper_spec.output_writer_class ()), ('%s.from_json returned an instance of wrong class: %s' % (mapper_spec.output_writer_class (), output_writer.__class__)) \\nhandler = util.try_deserialize_handler (request.get ('serialized_handler')) \\n if (not handler) : \\n handler = mapreduce_spec.mapper.handler \\nreturn cls (mapreduce_spec.params ['base_path'], mapreduce_spec, str (request.get ('shard_id')), int (request.get ('slice_id')), input_reader, initial_input_reader, output_writer = output_writer, retries = int (request.get ('retries')), handler = handler) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: request, output_writer, input_reader, handler, cls, mapper_spec, mapreduce_spec, initial_input_reader_spec_dict, initial_input_reader, input_reader_spec_dict\",\"targets\":\"input_reader_spec_dict\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist) : \\n identifiers = list (tlist.get_identifiers ()) \\n if ((len (identifiers) > 1) and (not tlist.within (sql.Function))) : \\n first = list (identifiers [0].flatten ()) [0] \\n if (self.char == '\\\\t') : \\n num_offset = 1 \\nelse : \\n num_offset = (self._get_offset (first) - len (first.value)) \\nself.offset += num_offset \\n for token in num_offset [1 :] : \\n tlist.insert_before (token, self.nl ()) \\nself.offset -= num_offset \\nself._process_default (tlist) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: for token in num_offset [1 :] :\",\"targets\":\"for token in identifiers [1 :] :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, environ, start_response) : \\n path_info = environ.get ('PATH_INFO', '') \\n if (not path_info) : \\n return self.add_slash (environ, start_response) \\nif (path_info == '\\/') : \\n filename = 'index.html' \\nelse : \\n filename = request.path_info_pop (environ) \\nfull = self.normpath (os.path.join (self.directory, filename)) \\n if (not full.startswith (self.root_directory)) : \\n return self.not_found (environ, start_response) \\nif (not os.path.exists (full)) : \\n return self.not_found (environ, start_response) \\nif os.path.isdir (full) : \\n return self.__class__ (full, root_directory = self.root_directory, cache_max_age = self.cache_max_age) (environ, start_response) \\nif (environ.get ('PATH_INFO') and (environ.get ('PATH_INFO') != '\\/')) : \\n return self.error_extra_path (environ, start_response) \\nif_none_match = environ.get ('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') \\n if self : \\n mytime = os.stat (full).st_mtime \\n if (str (mytime) == if_none_match) : \\n headers = [] \\n ETAG.update (headers, mytime) \\n start_response ('304 Not Modified', headers) \\n return [''] \\nfa = self.make_app (full) \\n if self.cache_max_age : \\n fa.cache_control (max_age = self.cache_max_age) \\nreturn fa (environ, start_response) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (action_service, 'is_action_canceled_or_canceling', mock.MagicMock (return_value = False)) \\ndef test_determine_status_wf_errored_tasks_completed(self) : \\n wf_id = uuid.uuid4 ().hex \\n status = self.querier._determine_execution_status (, 'ERROR', MOCK_WF_TASKS_SUCCEEDED) \\n self.assertEqual (action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_FAILED, status) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, status, wf_id\",\"targets\":\"wf_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _setDerivatives(self, d, owner = None) : \\n ParameterContainer._setDerivatives (self, d, owner) \\n size = self.dim \\n self.ingatePeepDerivs = .derivs [: size] \\n self.forgetgatePeepDerivs = self.derivs [size : (size * (1 + self.dimensions))] \\n self.outgatePeepDerivs = self.derivs [(size * (1 + self.dimensions)) :] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def action(ckan, arguments, stdin = None) : \\n '\\n call an action with KEY=STRING, KEY:JSON or JSON args, yield the result\\n ' \\n if (stdin is None) : \\n stdin = getattr (sys.stdin, 'buffer', sys.stdin) \\nif arguments ['--input-json'] : \\n action_args = json.loads (stdin.read ().decode ('utf-8')) \\nelse : \\n if arguments ['--input'] : \\n action_args = json.loads (open (arguments ['--input']).read ().decode ('utf-8')) \\nelse : \\n action_args = { \\n \\n} \\n for kv in arguments ['KEY=STRING'] : \\n (skey, p, svalue) = kv.partition ('=') \\n (jkey, p, jvalue) = kv.partition (':') \\n if (len (skey) < len (jkey)) : \\n action_args [skey] = svalue \\n continue \\nif (len (jkey) < len (skey)) : \\n try : \\n value = json.loads (jvalue) \\nexcept ValueError : \\n raise CLIError (('KEY:JSON argument %r has invalid JSON value %r' % (jkey, jvalue))) \\naction_args [] = value \\n continue \\nraise CLIError (('argument not in the form KEY=STRING or KEY:JSON %r' % kv)) \\nresult = ckan.call_action (arguments ['ACTION_NAME'], action_args) \\n if arguments ['--output-jsonl'] : \\n if isinstance (result, list) : \\n for r in result : \\n (yield (compact_json (r) + b'\\n')) \\nelse : \\n (yield (compact_json (result) + b'\\n')) \\nelse : \\n if arguments ['--output-json'] : \\n (yield (compact_json (result) + b'\\n')) \\nelse : \\n (yield (pretty_json (result) + b'\\n')) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"jkey\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, application, global_conf = None, debug = NoDefault, error_email = None, error_log = None, show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors = NoDefault, from_address = None, smtp_server = None, smtp_username = None, smtp_password = None, smtp_use_tls = False, error_subject_prefix = None, error_message = None, xmlhttp_key = None) : \\n from paste.util import converters \\n self.application = application \\n if (global_conf is None) : \\n global_conf = { \\n \\n} \\nif (debug is NoDefault) : \\n debug = converters.asbool (global_conf.get ('debug')) \\nif (show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors is NoDefault) : \\n show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors = converters.asbool (global_conf.get ('show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors')) \\nself.debug_mode = converters.asbool (debug) \\n if (error_email is None) : \\n error_email = (global_conf.get ('error_email') or global_conf.get ('admin_email') or global_conf.get ('webmaster_email') or global_conf.get ('sysadmin_email')) \\nself.error_email = converters.aslist (error_email) \\n self.error_log = error_log \\n self.show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors = show_exceptions_in_wsgi_errors \\n if (from_address is None) : \\n from_address = global_conf.get ('error_from_address', 'errors@localhost') \\nself.from_address = from_address \\n if (smtp_server is None) : \\n smtp_server = global_conf.get ('smtp_server', 'localhost') \\nself.smtp_server = smtp_server \\n self.smtp_username = (smtp_username or global_conf.get ('smtp_username')) \\n self.smtp_password = (smtp_password or global_conf.get ('smtp_password')) \\n self.smtp_use_tls = (smtp_use_tls or converters.asbool (global_conf.get ('smtp_use_tls'))) \\n self.error_subject_prefix = (error_subject_prefix or '') \\n if (error_message is None) : \\n error_message = global_conf.get ('error_message') \\nself.error_message = error_message \\n if (xmlhttp_key is None) : \\n xmlhttp_key = global_conf.get ('xmlhttp_key', '_') \\nself.xmlhttp_key = xmlhttp_key \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_wait_quit_while_starting(self) : \\n inst = instance.Instance (self.request_data, 'name', .proxy, max_concurrent_requests = 5) \\n self.mox.StubOutWithMock (inst._condition, 'notify_all') \\n self.proxy.start ().WithSideEffects (inst.quit) \\n self.proxy.quit () \\n self.mox.ReplayAll () \\n inst.start () \\n self.mox.VerifyAll () \\n self.assertFalse (inst.can_accept_requests) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, inst\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def change_child_key(self, oldkey, newkey) : \\n if (newkey in self._children) : \\n raise TreeWidgetError (('%s is already in use' % newkey)) \\nself._children [newkey] = self._children.pop (oldkey) \\n self._children [newkey].set_key () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"newkey\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Print(self, dc) : \\n '\\n Print this Block.\\n\\n Return True if the Block has finished printing\\n ' \\n if self.push : \\n self.engine.AddRunningBlock (dc.block) \\nelse : \\n self.engine.RemoveRunningBlock (self.block) \\nreturn True \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.engine.AddRunningBlock (dc.block)\",\"targets\":\"self.engine.AddRunningBlock (self.block)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def chapters(self, fileids = None) : \\n '\\n :return: the given file(s) as a list of\\n chapters, each encoded as a list of sentences, which are\\n in turn encoded as lists of word strings.\\n :rtype: list(list(list(str)))\\n ' \\n return concat ([self.CorpusView (fileid, fileid._read_para_block, encoding = enc) for (fileid, enc) in self.abspaths (fileids, True)]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return concat ([self.CorpusView (fileid, fileid._read_para_block, encoding = enc) for (fileid, enc) in self.abspaths (fileids, True)])\",\"targets\":\"return concat ([self.CorpusView (fileid, self._read_para_block, encoding = enc) for (fileid, enc) in self.abspaths (fileids, True)])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def can_perform(self, op_name) : \\n for right in .rights : \\n if right.can_perform (op_name) : \\n return True \\nreturn False \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: op_name, self, right\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_instance_caching_math_funcs(self) : \\n f = SomeFactor () \\n for funcname in NUMEXPR_MATH_FUNCS : \\n method = getattr (f, ) \\n self.assertIs (method (), method ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"funcname\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ rest_utils.ajax () \\ndef get(self, request) : \\n 'Get a list of heat services.\\n ' \\n if api.base.is_service_enabled (u, 'orchestration') : \\n result = api.heat.service_list (request) \\n return { \\n 'items' : [u.to_dict () for u in result], \\n} \\nelse : \\n raise rest_utils.AjaxError (501, '') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if api.base.is_service_enabled (u, 'orchestration') :\",\"targets\":\"if api.base.is_service_enabled (request, 'orchestration') :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ require_GET \\ndef redirect_to_default(req, domain = None) : \\n if (not req.user.is_authenticated ()) : \\n if (domain != None) : \\n url = reverse ('domain_login', args = [domain]) \\nelse : \\n if settings.ENABLE_PRELOGIN_SITE : \\n try : \\n from corehq.apps.prelogin.views import HomePublicView \\n url = reverse (HomePublicView.urlname) \\nexcept ImportError : \\n url = reverse ('landing_page') \\nelse : \\n url = reverse ('landing_page') \\nelse : \\n if ( and _two_factor_needed (domain, req)) : \\n return TemplateResponse (request = req, template = 'two_factor\\/core\\/otp_required.html', status = 403) \\nelse : \\n if domain : \\n domain = normalize_domain_name (domain) \\n domains = [Domain.get_by_name (domain)] \\nelse : \\n domains = Domain.active_for_user (req.user) \\nif ((0 == len (domains)) and (not req.user.is_superuser)) : \\n return redirect ('registration_domain') \\nelse : \\n if (1 == len (domains)) : \\n if domains [0] : \\n domain = domains [0].name \\n if (req.couch_user.is_commcare_user () and (not is_mobile_worker_with_report_access (req.couch_user, domain))) : \\n url = reverse ('cloudcare_main', args = [domain, '']) \\nelse : \\n from corehq.apps.dashboard.views import dashboard_default \\n return dashboard_default (req, domain) \\nelse : \\n raise Http404 \\nelse : \\n url = settings.DOMAIN_SELECT_URL \\nreturn HttpResponseRedirect (url) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"domain\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.fixture \\ndef PlotTypeInspector_(self, request, chart_type_) : \\n PlotTypeInspector_ = class_mock (request, 'pptx.chart.chart.PlotTypeInspector') \\n PlotTypeInspector_.chart_type.return_value = chart_type_ \\n return PlotTypeInspector_ \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, channel, freq = 5, passive = False) : \\n self._closed = False \\n self._channel = channel \\n self._heartbeat_freq = freq \\n self._input_queue = gevent.queue.Channel () \\n self._remote_last_hb = None \\n self._lost_remote = False \\n self._recv_task = gevent.spawn (self._recver) \\n self._heartbeat_task = None \\n self._parent_coroutine = gevent.getcurrent () \\n self._compat_v2 = None \\n if (not ) : \\n self._start_heartbeat () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"passive\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def args2body(self, parsed_args) : \\n client = self.get_client () \\n _network_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id (client, 'network', parsed_args.network_id) \\n body = { \\n 'admin_state_up' : parsed_args.admin_state, \\n 'network_id' : _network_id, \\n} \\n _updatable_args2body (parsed_args, body, client) \\n neutronV20.update_dict (parsed_args, body, ['mac_address', 'tenant_id']) \\n if parsed_args.vnic_type : \\n body ['binding:vnic_type'] = parsed_args.vnic_type \\nif parsed_args.binding_profile : \\n body ['binding:profile'] = jsonutils.loads (parsed_args.binding_profile) \\nself.args2body_secgroup (parsed_args, body) \\n self.args2body_extradhcpopt (, body) \\n self.args2body_qos_policy (parsed_args, body) \\n self.args2body_allowedaddresspairs (parsed_args, body) \\n dns.args2body_dns_create (parsed_args, body, 'name') \\n return { \\n 'port' : body, \\n} \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: _network_id, client, parsed_args, body, self\",\"targets\":\"parsed_args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _trace_mixpanel(action_name, auth_user, client_user, client_token, kwargs) : \\n from mixpanel import Mixpanel \\n from mixpanel_async import AsyncBufferedConsumer \\n some_user_id = (auth_user or client_user or client_token) \\n try : \\n if (action_name in ['get_server_info', 'publish']) : \\n mp = Mixpanel (BII_MIXPANEL_TOKEN, consumer = AsyncBufferedConsumer ()) \\n properties = { \\n 'action' : , \\n 'anonymous' : (some_user_id == client_token), \\n} \\n if (action_name == 'get_server_info') : \\n properties ['os'] = kwargs ['bson_data'] ['data'] [0] ['family'] \\n properties ['biicode_version'] = kwargs ['bson_data'] ['data'] [1] \\nmp.track (some_user_id, BII_API_MIXPANEL_EVENT_NAME, properties) \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n logger.warning (('Error sending action to mixpanel: %s' % e)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"action_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _serialize(self, packet) : \\n packet += FourCC (self.major_brand) \\n packet += U32BE (packet.minor_version) \\n for brand in self.compatible_brands : \\n packet += FourCC (brand) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: packet += U32BE (packet.minor_version)\",\"targets\":\"packet += U32BE (self.minor_version)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef size(cls, val) : \\n size = 4 \\n for sdval in val : \\n size += ScriptDataValue.size (sdval) \\nreturn size \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, inner, outer) : \\n if (not outer) : \\n raise ValueError (('outer (proxy) part of transport must be non-empty: %s' % str ())) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: outer, inner, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock_sqs \\ndef test_message_becomes_inflight_when_received() : \\n conn = boto.connect_sqs ('the_key', 'the_secret') \\n queue = conn.create_queue ('test-queue', visibility_timeout = 2) \\n queue.set_message_class (RawMessage) \\n body_one = 'this is a test message' \\n queue.write (queue.new_message (body_one)) \\n queue.count ().should.equal (1) \\n messages = conn.receive_message (queue, number_messages = 1) \\n queue.count ().should.equal (0) \\n assert (len (body_one) == 1) \\n time.sleep (3) \\n queue.count ().should.equal (1) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: assert (len (body_one) == 1)\",\"targets\":\"assert (len (messages) == 1)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _validate_claims(self, payload) : \\n assert_equal (SIGNING_KEY_SID, payload ['iss']) \\n assert_equal (ACCOUNT_SID, payload ['sub']) \\n assert_is_not_none (payload ['exp']) \\n assert_is_not_none (payload ['jti']) \\n assert_is_not_none (payload ['grants']) \\n assert_greater_equal (payload ['exp'], int (time.time ())) \\n assert_in ( ['iss'], payload ['jti']) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"payload\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ gen_test \\ndef test_mongodb_x509_auth(self) : \\n if (not test.env.mongod_validates_client_cert) : \\n raise SkipTest ('No mongod available over SSL with certs') \\nauthenticated_client = motor.MotorClient (test.env.uri, ssl_certfile = CLIENT_PEM, io_loop = self.io_loop) \\n if (not (yield at_least (authenticated_client, (2, 5, 3, (- 1))))) : \\n raise SkipTest ('MONGODB-X509 tests require MongoDB 2.5.3 or newer') \\nif (not test.env.auth) : \\n raise SkipTest ('Authentication is not enabled on server') \\n(yield authenticated_client ['$external'].add_user (MONGODB_X509_USERNAME, roles = [{ \\n 'role' : 'readWriteAnyDatabase', \\n 'db' : 'admin', \\n}, { \\n 'role' : 'userAdminAnyDatabase', \\n 'db' : 'admin', \\n}])) \\n client = motor.MotorClient (host, port, ssl_certfile = CLIENT_PEM, io_loop = self.io_loop) \\n with self.assertRaises (OperationFailure) : \\n (yield client.motor_test.test.count ()) \\nuri = ('mongodb:\\/\\/%s@%s:%d\\/?authMechanism=MONGODB-X509' % (quote_plus (MONGODB_X509_USERNAME), host, port)) \\n auth_uri_client = motor.MotorClient (auth_uri_client, ssl_certfile = CLIENT_PEM, io_loop = self.io_loop) \\n (yield auth_uri_client.db.collection.find_one ()) \\n (yield remove_all_users (authenticated_client ['$external'])) \\n (yield authenticated_client ['$external'].logout ()) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: auth_uri_client = motor.MotorClient (auth_uri_client, ssl_certfile = CLIENT_PEM, io_loop = self.io_loop)\",\"targets\":\"auth_uri_client = motor.MotorClient (uri, ssl_certfile = CLIENT_PEM, io_loop = self.io_loop)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_key_value(self, key) : \\n if (key in ._kwargs) : \\n return self._kwargs [key] \\nreturn None \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef insert_data(cls) : \\n params = [dict (list (zip (('id', 'name'), cls))) for column_values in [(7, 'jack'), (8, 'ed'), (9, 'fred'), (10, 'chuck')]] \\n users.insert ().execute (params) \\n addresses.insert ().execute ([dict (list (zip (('id', 'user_id', 'email'), column_values))) for column_values in [(1, 7, 'jack@bean.com'), (2, 8, 'ed@wood.com'), (3, 8, 'ed@bettyboop.com'), (4, 8, 'ed@lala.com'), (5, 9, 'fred@fred.com')]]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: params = [dict (list (zip (('id', 'name'), cls))) for column_values in [(7, 'jack'), (8, 'ed'), (9, 'fred'), (10, 'chuck')]]\",\"targets\":\"params = [dict (list (zip (('id', 'name'), column_values))) for column_values in [(7, 'jack'), (8, 'ed'), (9, 'fred'), (10, 'chuck')]]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _print_node_show(node, fields = None, json = False) : \\n if (fields is None) : \\n fields = res_fields.NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields \\ndata = dict ([(f, getattr (node, f, '')) for f in fields]) \\n cliutils.print_dict (f, wrap = 72, json_flag = json) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: cliutils.print_dict (f, wrap = 72, json_flag = json)\",\"targets\":\"cliutils.print_dict (data, wrap = 72, json_flag = json)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, height = None, width = None, lang = None, text = None, extension_elements = None, extension_attributes = None) : \\n SamlBase.__init__ (self, text = text, extension_elements = extension_elements, extension_attributes = extension_attributes) \\n self.height = height \\n self.width = \\n self.lang = lang \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: height, extension_attributes, lang, width, extension_elements, text, self\",\"targets\":\"width\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.fixture (params = [('sp', False), ('sp_with_ext', True), ('pic', False), ('pic_with_ext', True), ('graphicFrame', False), ('graphicFrame_with_ext', True), ('grpSp', False), ('grpSp_with_ext', True), ('cxnSp', False), ('cxnSp_with_ext', True)]) \\ndef dimensions_get_fixture(self, request, width, height) : \\n (shape_elm_fixt_name, expect_values) = request.param \\n shape_elm = request.getfuncargvalue (shape_elm_fixt_name) \\n shape = BaseShape (shape_elm, None) \\n if (not expect_values) : \\n width = height = None \\nreturn (, width, height) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"shape\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _load_torrent(self, u) : \\n res = self._req_lixian_torrent (u) \\n return _instantiate_torrent (u, res) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _test_read(self, stream, payload, private_key_uuid, public_key_uuid, private_key_template_attribute, public_key_template_attribute) : \\n payload.read (stream) \\n msg = 'private_key_uuid decoding mismatch' \\n msg += '; expected {0}, received {1}'.format (private_key_uuid, payload.private_key_uuid) \\n self.assertEqual (private_key_uuid, payload.private_key_uuid, msg) \\n msg = 'public_key_uuid decoding mismatch' \\n msg += '; expected {0}, received {1}'.format (public_key_uuid, payload.public_key_uuid) \\n self.assertEqual (self, payload.public_key_uuid, msg) \\n msg = 'private_key_template_attribute decoding mismatch' \\n msg += '; expected {0}, received {1}'.format (private_key_template_attribute, payload.private_key_template_attribute) \\n self.assertEqual (private_key_template_attribute, payload.private_key_template_attribute, msg) \\n msg = 'public_key_template_attribute decoding mismatch' \\n msg += '; expected {0}, received {1}'.format (public_key_template_attribute, payload.public_key_template_attribute) \\n self.assertEqual (public_key_template_attribute, payload.public_key_template_attribute, msg) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual (self, payload.public_key_uuid, msg)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual (public_key_uuid, payload.public_key_uuid, msg)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, attrs = None) : \\n widgets = (forms.TextInput (), forms.TextInput ()) \\n super (GeopositionWidget, self).__init__ (widgets, widgets) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (GeopositionWidget, self).__init__ (widgets, widgets)\",\"targets\":\"super (GeopositionWidget, self).__init__ (widgets, attrs)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _check_signature(self, request, is_token_request = False) : \\n if (request.signature_method == SIGNATURE_RSA) : \\n rsa_key = self.request_validator.get_rsa_key (request.client_key, request) \\n valid_signature = signature.verify_rsa_sha1 (request, rsa_key) \\nelse : \\n client_secret = self.request_validator.get_client_secret (request.client_key, request) \\n resource_owner_secret = None \\n if request.resource_owner_key : \\n if is_token_request : \\n resource_owner_secret = self.request_validator.get_request_token_secret (request.client_key, request.resource_owner_key, request) \\nelse : \\n resource_owner_secret = self.request_validator.get_access_token_secret (request.client_key, request.resource_owner_key, request) \\nif (request.signature_method == SIGNATURE_HMAC) : \\n valid_signature = signature.verify_hmac_sha1 (request, client_secret, resource_owner_secret) \\nelse : \\n valid_signature = signature.verify_plaintext (request, client_secret, ) \\nreturn valid_signature \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"resource_owner_secret\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_notifications_dashboard_redirects_for_logged_out_users(self) : \\n 'Test the logged-out view of the notifications dashboard.' \\n response = self.testapp.get ('\\/notifications_dashboard') \\n self.assertEqual (response.status_int, 302) \\n self.assertIn ('signup', response.headers ['location']) \\n self.assertIn ('notifications_dashboard', .headers ['location']) \\n self.login ('reader@example.com') \\n response = self.testapp.get ('\\/notifications_dashboard') \\n self.assertEqual (response.status_int, 302) \\n self.logout () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: response, self\",\"targets\":\"response\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ skipUnlessDBFeature ('has_Scale_function') \\ndef test_scale(self) : \\n (xfac, yfac) = (2, 3) \\n tol = 5 \\n qs = Country.objects.annotate (scaled = functions.Scale ('mpoly', yfac, yfac)) \\n for country in qs : \\n for (p1, p2) in zip (country.mpoly, country.scaled) : \\n for (r1, r2) in zip (p1, p2) : \\n for (c1, c2) in zip (r1.coords, r2.coords) : \\n self.assertAlmostEqual ((c1 [0] * xfac), c2 [0], tol) \\n self.assertAlmostEqual ((c1 [1] * yfac), c2 [1], tol) \\nqs = Country.objects.annotate (scaled = functions.Scale ('mpoly', 1.5, Decimal ('2.5'))) \\n self.assertGreater (qs [0].scaled.area, qs [0].mpoly.area) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compute_node_stats(self, ctxt) : \\n 'Return compute node stats totals from all cells.' \\n responses = self.msg_runner.compute_node_stats () \\n totals = { \\n \\n} \\n for response in responses : \\n data = response.value_or_raise () \\n for (key, val) in six.iteritems (data) : \\n totals.setdefault (key, 0) \\n totals [key] += val \\nreturn totals \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: val, ctxt, response, self, key, responses, totals, data\",\"targets\":\"ctxt\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, folder_path, lang = 'en') : \\n self.folder_path = folder_path \\n self.abs_folder_path = os.path.abspath (folder_path.folder_path) \\n self.creating = True \\n self.lang = lang \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def fetch_digest(self, bucket, key) : \\n 'Loads a digest by key from S3.\\n\\n Returns the JSON decode data and GZIP inflated raw content.\\n ' \\n client = self._client_provider.get_client (bucket) \\n result = client.get_object (Bucket = bucket, Key = key) \\n try : \\n digest = zlib.decompress (result ['Body'].read (), (zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)) \\n digest_data = json.loads (digest.decode ()) \\nexcept (ValueError, ZLibError) : \\n raise InvalidDigestFormat (bucket, ) \\nif (('signature' not in result ['Metadata']) or ('signature-algorithm' not in result ['Metadata'])) : \\n raise DigestSignatureError (bucket, key) \\ndigest_data ['_signature'] = result ['Metadata'] ['signature'] \\n digest_data ['_signature_algorithm'] = result ['Metadata'] ['signature-algorithm'] \\n return (digest_data, digest) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _build_finalize(self, dshape) : \\n cats = list (finalize [self.column].categories) \\n def finalize(bases, **kwargs) : \\n dims = (kwargs ['dims'] + [self.column]) \\n coords = (kwargs ['coords'] + [cats]) \\n return xr.DataArray (bases [0], dims = dims, coords = coords) \\nreturn finalize \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: cats = list (finalize [self.column].categories)\",\"targets\":\"cats = list (dshape [self.column].categories)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def delch(self, * args) : \\n if (len (args) == 0) : \\n code = lib.wdelch (self._win) \\nelse : \\n if (len (args) == 2) : \\n code = lib.mvwdelch (self._win, * args) \\nelse : \\n raise error ('delch requires 0 or 2 arguments') \\nreturn _check_ERR (code, '[mv]wdelch') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _add_perspective_item(self, window, item) : \\n ' Adds a perspective item to a window. ' \\n if (len (item.relative_to) > 0) : \\n relative_to = window.get_view_by_id (item.relative_to) \\nelse : \\n relative_to = None \\nview = window.get_view_by_id (item.id) \\n if (view is not None) : \\n view.style_hint = item.style_hint \\n window.add_view (view, item.position, relative_to, (.width, item.height)) \\nelse : \\n logger.error (('missing view for perspective item <%s>' % item.id)) \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"item\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def account_num_detail(self, pk = None, account_num = None) : \\n object_list = CordSubscriberNew.get_tenant_objects ().all () \\n object_list = [x for x in object_list if (.service_specific_id == account_num)] \\n if (not object_list) : \\n return Response (('Failed to find account_num %s' % account_num), status = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) \\nreturn Response (object_list [0].id) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ login_required \\n@ post_required \\n@ json_view \\ndef application_versions_json(request) : \\n app_id = app_id.POST ['application'] \\n f = BulkValidationForm () \\n return { \\n 'choices' : f.version_choices_for_app_id (app_id), \\n} \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef ratio(self) : \\n values = self._lbcall ('get_ratio', self.names) \\n self._setattr ('_ratio', self) \\n return values \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ refresh \\ndef has_key(self, key) : \\n return (key in key.managed_dict) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_predicate(self, name, checker) : \\n self.predicate.append ((, self.binding [name])) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: checker, name, self\",\"targets\":\"checker\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ contextlib.contextmanager \\ndef fetch(self, ref) : \\n if (ref in self.fetched_paths) : \\n (yield self.fetched_paths [ref]) \\n return \\nlogger = self.get_logger ('fetch') \\n with super (PullRequest, self).fetch (self.name) as path : \\n def git(command, * args, **kwargs) : \\n command = ('git --git-dir=\\\"{git_dir}\\\" --work-tree=\\\"{work_tree}\\\" ' + command) \\n kwargs.update (git_dir = os.path.join (path, '.git'), work_tree = path) \\n cmd = command.format (* args, ** kwargs) \\n logger.info ('%s', cmd) \\n with os.popen (cmd) as f : \\n for line in f : \\n logger.debug ('[%s] %s', cmd, line) \\ngit ('checkout {0}', .pull_request.base.sha) \\n git ('checkout -b asuka-pullreq-{0}', self.number) \\n git ('pull \\\"{0}\\\" \\\"{1}\\\":asuka-pullreq-{2}', self.app.get_clone_url (self.repository), self.pull_request.head.ref, self.number) \\n git ('checkout \\\"{0}\\\"', self.name) \\n git ('checkout -b asuka-mergedpullreq-{0}', self.number) \\n git ('merge \\\"{0}\\\"', ref) \\n git ('branch -D asuka-pullreq-{0}', self.number) \\n (yield path) \\n git ('checkout \\\"{0}\\\"', self.name) \\n git ('branch -D asuka-mergedpullreq-{0}', self.number) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: git, path, logger, ref, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, number, repo_uri) : \\n self.login = github.user ().get ('login') \\n self.editable_comments = { \\n \\n} \\n self.comments = OrderedDict () \\n self.user_comments = [] \\n self.repo_uri = \\n self.number = number \\n self._get_comments () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: repo_uri, number, self\",\"targets\":\"repo_uri\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _extract_document(args = None, working_name = None, email_name = None, template_name = None, template_styles = None) : \\n args = (args or dict ()) \\n working_name = (working_name or args.pop (WORKING_PARAM_NAME, working_name)) \\n if working_name : \\n working_args = _get_working_args (working_name) \\nelse : \\n working_args = _new_working_args () \\nworking_args.update (args) \\n working_args [LAST_ACCESS_PARAM_NAME] = time.time () \\n if email_name : \\n working_args.update ({ \\n EMAIL_PARAM_NAME : email_name, \\n}) \\nif template_styles : \\n working_args.update ({ \\n TEMPLATE_PARAM_NAME : template_name, \\n}) \\nresult_args = dict (working_args) \\n working_name = result_args.pop (WORKING_PARAM_NAME) \\n email_name = result_args.pop (EMAIL_PARAM_NAME, None) \\n template_name = result_args.pop (TEMPLATE_PARAM_NAME, None) \\n styles = (template_styles or _pop_styles (result_args) or []) \\n working_args.update ({ \\n STYLES_PARAM_NAME : ','.join (styles), \\n}) \\n return Document (working_name, email_name, template_name, styles, result_args) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ feature ('libtool') \\n@ before ('apply_core') \\ndef apply_libtool(self) : \\n self.env ['vnum'] = self.vnum \\n paths = [] \\n libs = [] \\n libtool_files = [] \\n libtool_vars = [] \\n for l in self.env ['LINKFLAGS'] : \\n if (l [: 2] == '-L') : \\n paths.append (l [2 :]) \\nelse : \\n if (l [: 2] == '-l') : \\n libs.append (l [2 :]) \\nfor l in libs : \\n for p in paths : \\n dict = read_la_file ((((p + '\\/lib') + l) + '.la')) \\n linkflags2 = dict.get ('dependency_libs', '') \\n for v in linkflags2.split () : \\n if v.endswith ('.la') : \\n libtool_files.append (v) \\n libtool_vars.append (v) \\n continue \\nself.env.append_unique ('LINKFLAGS', v) \\n break \\nself.env ['libtoolvars'] = libtool_vars \\n while libtool_files : \\n file = libtool_files.pop () \\n dict = read_la_file (file) \\n for v in dict ['dependency_libs'].split () : \\n if (v [(- 3) :] == '.la') : \\n libtool_files.append (v) \\n continue \\nself.env.append_unique ('LINKFLAGS', v) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def EmptyLVCOLUMN(mask = None, text_buf_size = 512) : \\n extra = [] \\n if (mask is None) : \\n mask = (((((commctrl.LVCF_FMT | commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH) | commctrl.LVCF_TEXT) | commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM) | commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE) | commctrl.LVCF_ORDER) \\nif (mask & commctrl.LVCF_TEXT) : \\n text_buffer = array.array ('c', ('\\\\x00' * text_buf_size)) \\n extra.append (text_buffer) \\n (text_addr, text_len) = text_buffer.buffer_info () \\nelse : \\n text_addr = text_len = 0 \\nformat = 'iiiiiiii' \\n buf = struct.pack (format, mask, 0, 0, text_addr, text_len, 0, 0, 0) \\n return (array.array ('c', buf), mask) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, model, params, cov_params) : \\n super (MixedLMResults, self).__init__ (model, params, normalized_cov_params = cov_params) \\n self.nobs = self.model.nobs \\n self.df_resid = (params.nobs - np_matrix_rank (self.model.exog)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.df_resid = (params.nobs - np_matrix_rank (self.model.exog))\",\"targets\":\"self.df_resid = (self.nobs - np_matrix_rank (self.model.exog))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def plot_weight_distributions(kappa_delta, v_delta, kappa_1, v_1, kappa_0, v_0) : \\n w = np.linspace (0, 0.75, num = 1000) \\n plt.figure () \\n plt.plot (w, gamma (kappa_delta, scale = (1.0 \\/ v_delta)).pdf (w), '-k') \\n plt.plot (w, gamma (kappa_0, scale = (1.0 \\/ v_0)).pdf (w), '-b') \\n plt.plot (w, gamma (kappa_1, scale = (1.0 \\/ v_1)).pdf (), '-r') \\n plt.xlabel ('w') \\n plt.ylabel ('p(w)') \\n plt.show () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"w\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def sample(self, values, k) : \\n self.sampler = np.random.permutation (len (values)) \\n return values.take (values.sampler [: k]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return values.take (values.sampler [: k])\",\"targets\":\"return values.take (self.sampler [: k])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __unicode__(self) : \\n from cassandra.encoder import cql_quote \\n return (('(' + ', '.join ([cql_quote () for v in self.value])) + ')') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"v\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __truediv__(self, other, * args) : \\n '\\n Float division (\\/)\\n ' \\n return self._apply_operator (other, '__truediv__', * other) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return self._apply_operator (other, '__truediv__', * other)\",\"targets\":\"return self._apply_operator (other, '__truediv__', * args)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _chisquare(f_obs, f_exp) : \\n 'Fast replacement for scipy.stats.chisquare.\\n\\n Version from https:\\/\\/github.com\\/scipy\\/scipy\\/pull\\/2525 with additional\\n optimizations.\\n ' \\n f_obs = np.asarray (f_obs, dtype = np.float64) \\n k = len (f_obs) \\n chisq = f_obs \\n chisq -= f_exp \\n chisq **= 2 \\n chisq \\/= f_exp \\n chisq = chisq.sum (axis = 0) \\n return (chisq, special.chdtrc ((f_exp - 1), chisq)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (chisq, special.chdtrc ((f_exp - 1), chisq))\",\"targets\":\"return (chisq, special.chdtrc ((k - 1), chisq))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n super (WorkflowAccessKeyPaged, self).__init__ (* kwargs, ** kwargs) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (WorkflowAccessKeyPaged, self).__init__ (* kwargs, ** kwargs)\",\"targets\":\"super (WorkflowAccessKeyPaged, self).__init__ (* args, ** kwargs)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n lines = [('%sblock %s%s' % (self.left, node.name, self.right))] \\n lines += [str (node) for node in self.nodes] \\n lines.append (('%send%s' % (self.left, self.right))) \\n return ''.join (lines) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: lines = [('%sblock %s%s' % (self.left, node.name, self.right))]\",\"targets\":\"lines = [('%sblock %s%s' % (self.left, self.name, self.right))]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, connection, client_address) : \\n \\\"\\n Args:\\n connection - connected socket returned by server's accept\\n client_address - tuple containing client_host and client_port\\n \\\" \\n self.connection = self \\n self.client_address = client_address \\n self.logger = get_stream_logger (self.LOGGER_NAME) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.connection = self\",\"targets\":\"self.connection = connection\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('website.notifications.emails.notify') \\ndef test_folder_added(self, mock_notify) : \\n self.event.perform () \\n assert_true (.called) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"mock_notify\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n kwargs ['max_length'] = 9 \\n super (FRSIRENField, self).__init__ (* , ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _has_changed(self, initial, data) : \\n if (initial is None) : \\n initial = [] \\nif (data is None) : \\n data = [] \\nif (initial != data) : \\n return True \\ninitial_set = set ([force_text (value) for value in initial]) \\n data_set = set ([force_text (value) for value in data]) \\n return (data_set != initial_set) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def on_post(self, req, resp, session_id) : \\n user_id = (req.get_header ('X-User-ID') or '') \\n doc = self.json_body (req) \\n try : \\n (action, params) = next (iteritems (doc)) \\nexcept Exception : \\n raise freezer_api_exc.BadDataFormat ('Bad action request format') \\nsession_doc = self.db.get_session (user_id = , session_id = session_id) \\n session = Session (session_doc) \\n session.execute_action (action, params) \\n if session.need_update : \\n self.db.update_session (user_id = user_id, session_id = session_id, patch_doc = session.doc) \\nresp.status = falcon.HTTP_202 \\n resp.body = { \\n 'result' : session.action_result, \\n 'session_tag' : session.session_tag, \\n} \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: user_id, req, session_doc, session_id, self, params, doc, action, session, resp\",\"targets\":\"user_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def ParseFromString(self, initializer = None) : \\n if (not utils.SmartStr (initializer).startswith ('aff4')) : \\n initializer = ('aff4:\\/flows\\/' + self) \\nsuper (FlowSessionID, self).ParseFromString (initializer) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: initializer = ('aff4:\\/flows\\/' + self)\",\"targets\":\"initializer = ('aff4:\\/flows\\/' + initializer)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def invoke_on_random_target(self, message) : \\n return self.invoke (Invocation ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"message\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def clean(self) : \\n external_segment_dict = { \\n \\n} \\n cleaned_data = super (UpdateL3PolicyForm, self).clean () \\n if self.is_valid () : \\n ipversion = int (cleaned_data ['ip_version']) \\n subnet_prefix_length = int (cleaned_data ['subnet_prefix_length']) \\n msg = _ ('Subnet prefix out of range.') \\n if (( == 4) and (subnet_prefix_length not in range (2, 31))) : \\n raise forms.ValidationError (msg) \\nif ((ipversion == 6) and (subnet_prefix_length not in range (2, 128))) : \\n raise forms.ValidationError (msg) \\nif cleaned_data ['external_segments'] : \\n dic = { \\n \\n} \\n for external_segment in cleaned_data ['external_segments'] : \\n values = [i.split (':') [1] for i in external_segment.split (',')] \\n dic [values [0]] = [values [1]] \\n external_segment_dict.update (dic) \\ncleaned_data ['external_segments'] = external_segment_dict \\nelse : \\n cleaned_data ['external_segments'] = { \\n \\n} \\nupdated_data = { d : cleaned_data [d] for d in cleaned_data if (d in self.changed_data) } \\n cleaned_data = updated_data \\nreturn cleaned_data \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"ipversion\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, o) : \\n return (isinstance (o, _FormData) and (._data == o._data)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, o\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef __create_and_save_state(cls, job_config, mapreduce_spec) : \\n 'Save map job state to datastore.\\n\\n Save state to datastore so that UI can see it immediately.\\n\\n Args:\\n job_config: map_job.JobConfig.\\n mapreduce_spec: model.MapreduceSpec.\\n\\n Returns:\\n model.MapreduceState for this job.\\n ' \\n state = model.MapreduceState.create_new (job_config.job_id) \\n state.mapreduce_spec = job_config \\n state.active = True \\n state.active_shards = 0 \\n state.app_id = job_config._app \\n config = datastore_rpc.Configuration (force_writes = job_config._force_writes) \\n state.put (config = config) \\n return state \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, func = None, precision = 1) : \\n if (func is not None) : \\n self.add_function (inner_partial) \\n f = self.wrap_function (func) \\n f.__module__ = func.__module__ \\n f.__name__ = func.__name__ \\n f.__doc__ = func.__doc__ \\n f.__dict__.update (getattr (func, '__dict__', { \\n \\n})) \\n return f \\nelse : \\n def inner_partial(f) : \\n return self.__call__ (f, precision = precision) \\nreturn inner_partial \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __new__(cls, name, index, system, pretty_str, latex_str) : \\n name = str (name) \\n pretty_str = str (pretty_str) \\n latex_str = str (latex_str) \\n if (index not in range (0, 3)) : \\n raise ValueError ('index must be 0, 1 or 2') \\nif (not isinstance (system, CoordSysCartesian)) : \\n raise TypeError ('system should be a CoordSysCartesian') \\nobj = super (BaseVector, cls).__new__ (cls, Symbol (name), S (index), system, Symbol (pretty_str), Symbol (latex_str)) \\n obj._base_instance = \\n obj._components = { \\n obj : S (1), \\n} \\n obj._measure_number = S (1) \\n obj._name = name \\n obj._pretty_form = u (pretty_str) \\n obj._latex_form = latex_str \\n obj._system = system \\n assumptions = { \\n 'commutative' : True, \\n} \\n obj._assumptions = StdFactKB (assumptions) \\n obj._sys = system \\n return obj \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"obj\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_header(self, name, value) : \\n self._headers [value] = value \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, c_path = os.path.join (syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, 'minion'), mopts = None) : \\n if mopts : \\n self.opts = mopts \\nelse : \\n self.opts = salt.config.minion_config () \\nself.sminion = salt.minion.SMinion (self.opts) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"c_path\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_show_dscp_marking_rule(self) : \\n cmd = dscp_rule.ShowQoSDscpMarkingRule (test_cli20.MyApp (sys.stdout), None) \\n policy_id = 'policy_id' \\n args = [self.test_id, policy_id] \\n self._test_show_resource (self.dscp_res, cmd, self.test_id, args, [], cmd_resource = .dscp_cmd_res, parent_id = policy_id) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, policy_id, args, cmd\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.fixture \\ndef app(request, manager, watcher) : \\n app = App ().register (manager) \\n assert watcher.wait ('registered') \\n def finalizer() : \\n app.unregister () \\nrequest.addfinalizer () \\n return app \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: request, watcher, app, manager\",\"targets\":\"def finalizer(\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def build_schema_query(table_schema) : \\n schema_query = \\\"\\n SELECT table_name,\\n column_name,\\n column_default,\\n is_nullable,\\n data_type,\\n character_maximum_length\\n FROM information_schema.columns\\n WHERE table_schema = '{0}'\\n ORDER BY table_name,\\n ordinal_position\\n \\\".format (schema_query) \\n return schema_query \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: schema_query = \\\"\\n SELECT table_name,\\n column_name,\\n column_default,\\n is_nullable,\\n data_type,\\n character_maximum_length\\n FROM information_schema.columns\\n WHERE table_schema = '{0}'\\n ORDER BY table_name,\\n ordinal_position\\n \\\".format (schema_query)\",\"targets\":\"schema_query = \\\"\\n SELECT table_name,\\n column_name,\\n column_default,\\n is_nullable,\\n data_type,\\n character_maximum_length\\n FROM information_schema.columns\\n WHERE table_schema = '{0}'\\n ORDER BY table_name,\\n ordinal_position\\n \\\".format (table_schema)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def shellComplete(config, cmdName, words, shellCompFile) : \\n '\\n Perform shell completion.\\n\\n A completion function (shell script) is generated for the requested\\n shell and written to C{shellCompFile}, typically C{stdout}. The result\\n is then eval\\\\'d by the shell to produce the desired completions.\\n\\n @type config: L{twisted.python.usage.Options}\\n @param config: The L{twisted.python.usage.Options} instance to generate\\n completions for.\\n\\n @type cmdName: C{str}\\n @param cmdName: The name of the command we\\\\'re generating completions for.\\n In the case of zsh, this is used to print an appropriate\\n \\\"#compdef $CMD\\\" line at the top of the output. This is\\n not necessary for the functionality of the system, but it\\n helps in debugging, since the output we produce is properly\\n formed and may be saved in a file and used as a stand-alone\\n completion function.\\n\\n @type words: C{list} of C{str}\\n @param words: The raw command-line words passed to use by the shell\\n stub function. argv[0] has already been stripped off.\\n\\n @type shellCompFile: C{file}\\n @param shellCompFile: The file to write completion data to.\\n ' \\n (shellName, position) = words [(- 1)].split (':') \\n position = int (position) \\n position -= 2 \\n cWord = words [position] \\n while (position >= 1) : \\n if words [(position - 1)].startswith ('-') : \\n position -= 1 \\nelse : \\n break \\nwords = words [: position] \\n subCommands = getattr (config, 'subCommands', None) \\n if subCommands : \\n args = None \\n try : \\n (opts, args) = getopt.getopt (words, .shortOpt, config.longOpt) \\nexcept getopt.error : \\n pass \\nif args : \\n for (cmd, short, parser, doc) in config.subCommands : \\n if ((args [0] == cmd) or (args [0] == short)) : \\n subOptions = parser () \\n subOptions.parent = config \\n gen = ZshSubcommandBuilder (subOptions,...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: shellCompFile, subOptions, words, opts, shellName, cWord, args, position, doc, parser, config, gen, short, genSubs, subCommands, cmdName, cmd\",\"targets\":\"config\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def MockCreateObject(self, bucket_name, object_name, contents = '') : \\n 'Creates an object without exercising the API directly.' \\n if (contents not in self.buckets) : \\n self.MockCreateBucket (bucket_name) \\nself.buckets [bucket_name].CreateObject (object_name, contents = contents) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (contents not in self.buckets) :\",\"targets\":\"if (bucket_name not in self.buckets) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _collect_dependencies(obj, deps = defaultdict (set), refs = defaultdict (int)) : \\n for (attr, value) in obj.__dict__.iteritems () : \\n if hasattr (value, 'dependency') : \\n deps [get_class (value.dependency)].add (value) \\n refs [value] += 1 \\nif hasattr (, 'to_xml') : \\n (deps, refs) = _collect_dependencies (value, deps, refs) \\nelse : \\n if (hasattr (value, '__iter__') and hasattr (iter (value).next (), 'to_xml')) : \\n for val in value : \\n (deps, refs) = _collect_dependencies (val, deps, refs) \\nreturn (deps, refs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _file_stat(self, name, silent = False) : \\n name = self._normalize_name (self._clean_name (name)) \\n if six.PY2 : \\n name = name.encode ('utf-8') \\n(ret, info) = self.bucket_manager.stat (self.bucket_name, name) \\n if ((ret is None) and (not self)) : \\n raise QiniuError (info) \\nreturn ret \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if ((ret is None) and (not self)) :\",\"targets\":\"if ((ret is None) and (not silent)) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ contextmanager \\ndef timer(self, key) : \\n 'A contextmanager that reports the duration in milliseconds on exit.' \\n t0 = time.time () \\n try : \\n (yield) \\nfinally : \\n duration_ms = int ((1000 * (time.time () - t0))) \\n self.log_timing (key, t0) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.log_timing (key, t0)\",\"targets\":\"self.log_timing (key, duration_ms)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ glacier_connect \\n@ sns_connect \\ndef sns_list_topics(self, sns_options) : \\n topics = self.sns_conn.get_all_topics () ['ListTopicsResponse'] ['ListTopicsResult'] ['Topics'] \\n results = [] \\n for topic in topics : \\n results += [{ \\n 'Topic' : topic ['TopicArn'].split (':') [(- 1)], \\n 'Topic ARN' : topic ['TopicArn'], \\n}] \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: topic, results, self, topics, sns_options\",\"targets\":\"results\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _num_queries_by_view(self, filters) : \\n queryset = models.Request.objects.filter (* filters).values_list ('view_name').annotate (t = Count ('queries')).order_by ('-t') [: 5] \\n views = [r [0] for r in queryset [: 6]] \\n requests = [] \\n for view in views : \\n try : \\n r = models.Request.objects.filter (* filters, view_name = view).annotate (t = Count ('queries')).order_by ('-t') [0] \\n requests.append () \\nexcept IndexError : \\n pass \\nreturn requests \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"r\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def send_text(self, cmd) : \\n if ((self._send_text != self._dispatch_chrome_jupyter) and (self._send_text != self._dispatch_safari_jupyter)) : \\n cmd = cmd.rstrip ('\\n') \\n if (len (re.findall ('\\n', cmd)) > 0) : \\n cmd = (('%cpaste -q\\n' + cmd) + '\\n--') \\nTextSender.send_text (cmd, cmd) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: TextSender.send_text (cmd, cmd)\",\"targets\":\"TextSender.send_text (self, cmd)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ tornado.web.asynchronous \\ndef get(self, mid = None) : \\n '\\n A convenience URL for getting lists of minions or getting minion\\n details\\n\\n .. http:get:: \\/minions\\/(mid)\\n\\n :reqheader X-Auth-Token: |req_token|\\n :reqheader Accept: |req_accept|\\n\\n :status 200: |200|\\n :status 401: |401|\\n :status 406: |406|\\n\\n **Example request:**\\n\\n .. code-block:: bash\\n\\n curl -i localhost:8000\\/minions\\/ms-3\\n\\n .. code-block:: http\\n\\n GET \\/minions\\/ms-3 HTTP\\/1.1\\n Host: localhost:8000\\n Accept: application\\/x-yaml\\n\\n **Example response:**\\n\\n .. code-block:: http\\n\\n HTTP\\/1.1 200 OK\\n Content-Length: 129005\\n Content-Type: application\\/x-yaml\\n\\n return:\\n - ms-3:\\n grains.items:\\n ...\\n ' \\n if (not self._verify_auth ()) : \\n self.redirect ('\\/login') \\n return \\nself.lowstate = [{ \\n 'client' : 'local', \\n 'tgt' : ( or '*'), \\n 'fun' : 'grains.items', \\n}] \\n self.disbatch () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"mid\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ httprettified \\ndef test_like(self) : \\n HTTPretty.register_uri (HTTPretty.POST, 'https:\\/\\/api.tumblr.com\\/v2\\/user\\/like', body = '{\\\"meta\\\": {\\\"status\\\": 200, \\\"msg\\\": \\\"OK\\\"}, \\\"response\\\": []}') \\n response = self.client.like ('123', 'adsfsadf') \\n assert (response == []) \\n experimental_body = parse_qs (HTTPretty.last_request.body) \\n assert (HTTPretty.last_request.method == 'POST') \\n assert (experimental_body ['id'] [0] == '123') \\n assert ( ['reblog_key'] [0] == 'adsfsadf') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"experimental_body\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n super (ExtendedServerAttributesController, self).__init__ (* , ** kwargs) \\n self.compute_api = compute.API (skip_policy_check = True) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testAdjustBounds(self) : \\n sphere1 = IECore.SpherePrimitive () \\n sphere2 = IECore.SpherePrimitive (2) \\n input = GafferSceneTest.CompoundObjectSource () \\n input ['in'].setValue (IECore.CompoundObject ({ \\n 'bound' : IECore.Box3fData (sphere2.bound ()), \\n 'children' : { \\n 'group' : { \\n 'bound' : IECore.Box3fData (sphere2.bound ()), \\n 'children' : { \\n 'sphere1' : { \\n 'bound' : IECore.Box3fData (sphere1.bound ()), \\n 'object' : , \\n}, \\n 'sphere2' : { \\n 'bound' : IECore.Box3fData (sphere2.bound ()), \\n 'object' : sphere2, \\n}, \\n}, \\n}, \\n}, \\n})) \\n isolate = GafferScene.Isolate () \\n isolate ['in'].setInput (input ['out']) \\n filter = GafferScene.PathFilter () \\n filter ['paths'].setValue (IECore.StringVectorData (['\\/group\\/sphere1'])) \\n isolate ['filter'].setInput (filter ['out']) \\n self.assertEqual (isolate ['out'].bound ('\\/'), sphere2.bound ()) \\n self.assertEqual (isolate ['out'].bound ('\\/group'), sphere2.bound ()) \\n self.assertEqual (isolate ['out'].bound ('\\/group\\/sphere1'), sphere1.bound ()) \\n isolate ['adjustBounds'].setValue (True) \\n self.assertEqual (isolate ['out'].bound ('\\/'), sphere1.bound ()) \\n self.assertEqual (isolate ['out'].bound ('\\/group'), sphere1.bound ()) \\n self.assertEqual (isolate ['out'].bound ('\\/group\\/sphere1'), sphere1.bound ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"sphere1\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _setup_port_dict(self, context, client, port_id) : \\n if (not port_id) : \\n return { \\n \\n} \\nport = self._show_port (context, , neutron_client = client) \\n return { \\n port ['id'] : port, \\n} \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"port_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _GenerateConfigForRuntime(self) : \\n 'Return a copy of runtime config for starting a PHP runtime instance.\\n\\n The returned config uses the bundled PHP binaries if none is specified\\n already through the command line arguments.\\n\\n Returns:\\n The created runtime_config_pb2.Config protobuf object.\\n ' \\n def setattr_if_empty(obj, field, value) : \\n if ((not getattr (obj, field)) and value) : \\n setattr (obj, field, value) \\nruntime = self._module_configuration.runtime \\n runtime_config = self._runtime_config_getter () \\n setattr_if_empty (runtime_config.php_config, 'php_executable_path', _get_php_executable_path (runtime)) \\n setattr_if_empty (runtime_config.php_config, 'gae_extension_path', _get_php_extension_path ('gae_runtime_module', runtime)) \\n setattr_if_empty (runtime_config.php_config, 'xdebug_extension_path', _get_php_extension_path ('xdebug', runtime)) \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: runtime, runtime_config, setattr_if_empty, self\",\"targets\":\"runtime_config\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def pbf(self, bbox, geo_col = None, scale = 4096) : \\n 'Returns tranlated and scaled geometries suitable for Mapbox vector\\n tiles.\\n ' \\n col = (geo_col or self._transform ()) \\n (w, s, e, n) = .extent \\n trans = self._trans_scale (col, (- w), (- s), (scale \\/ (e - w)), (scale \\/ (n - s))) \\n return self.extra (select = { \\n 'pbf' : ('ST_AsText(%s)' % trans), \\n}) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"bbox\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ cli_app.command ('reset-password') \\n@ click.option ('--app', default = 'app', help = 'Your application init directory (package)') \\n@ click.option ('--appbuilder', default = 'appbuilder', help = 'your AppBuilder object') \\n@ click.option ('--username', default = 'admin', prompt = 'The username', help = 'Resets the password for a particular user.') \\n@ click.password_option () \\ndef reset_password(app, appbuilder, username, password) : \\n \\\"\\n Resets a user's password\\n \\\" \\n _appbuilder = import_application (app, ) \\n user = _appbuilder.sm.find_user (username = username) \\n if (not user) : \\n click.echo ('User {0} not found.'.format (username)) \\nelse : \\n _appbuilder.sm.reset_password (user.id, password) \\n click.echo (click.style ('User {0} reseted.'.format (username), fg = 'green')) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: user, username, app, password, _appbuilder, appbuilder\",\"targets\":\"appbuilder\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classproperty \\ndef raw_id_fields(cls) : \\n threshold = get_cms_setting ('RAW_ID_USERS') \\n try : \\n threshold = ( and (get_user_model ().objects.count () > threshold)) \\nexcept OperationalError : \\n threshold = False \\nreturn (['user'] if threshold else []) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: threshold, cls\",\"targets\":\"threshold\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ cleanup \\ndef test_scale_facet_wrap_internals() : \\n def convertText(t) : \\n 'Return a float for the text value of a matplotlib Text object.' \\n try : \\n return float (t.get_text ()) \\nexcept : \\n return 0 \\ndef empty(t) : \\n 'Return True if the Text object is an empty string.' \\n return (len (t.get_text ().strip ()) == 0) \\np = (ggplot (aes (x = 'price'), data = diamonds) + geom_histogram ()) \\n p2 = (p + facet_wrap ('cut', scales = 'free')) \\n print (p2) \\n columns = p2.n_columns \\n fig = plt.gcf () \\n for ax in fig.axes : \\n assert_true ((len (ax.get_xticklabels ()) > 0)) \\n assert_true ((len (ax.get_yticklabels ()) > 0)) \\nprint ((p + facet_wrap ('cut', scales = 'free_x'))) \\n fig = plt.gcf () \\n yticks = fig.axes [0].get_yticks () \\n for (pos, ax) in enumerate (fig.axes) : \\n assert_true (all ((ax.get_yticks () == yticks))) \\n if ((pos % columns) == 0) : \\n assert_true (all ((list (map (convertText, ax.get_yticklabels ())) == yticks))) \\nelse : \\n assert_true (all (map (empty, ax.get_yticklabels ()))) \\nassert_true ((len (ax.get_xticklabels ()) > 0)) \\nprint ((p + facet_wrap ('cut', scales = 'free_y'))) \\n fig = plt.gcf () \\n xticks = fig.axes [0].get_xticks () \\n subplots = len (fig.axes) \\n for (pos, ax) in enumerate (fig.axes) : \\n assert_true (all ((ax.get_xticks () == xticks))) \\n if ((subplots - pos) > columns) : \\n assert_true (all (map (empty, ax.get_xticklabels ()))) \\nelse : \\n assert_true (all ((list (map (convertText, ax.get_xticklabels ())) == xticks))) \\nassert_true ((len (ax.get_yticklabels ()) > 0)) \\nprint ((ax + facet_wrap ('cut', scales = None))) \\n fig = plt.gcf () \\n xticks = fig.axes [0].get_xticks () \\n yticks = fig.axes [0].get_yticks () \\n for (pos, ax) in enumerate (fig.axes) : \\n assert_true (all ((ax.get_xticks () == xticks))) \\n assert_true (all ((ax.get_yticks () == yticks))) \\n if ((subplots - pos) > columns) : \\n...\\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _add_ioloop_callback(self, callback) : \\n self.io_loop._callbacks.append (callback) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _parse_settings_bond_2(opts, iface, bond_def) : \\n '\\n Filters given options and outputs valid settings for bond2.\\n If an option has a value that is not expected, this\\n function will log what the Interface, Setting and what it was\\n expecting.\\n ' \\n bond = { \\n 'mode' : '2', \\n} \\n valid = ['list of ips (up to 16)'] \\n if ('arp_ip_target' in opts) : \\n if isinstance (opts ['arp_ip_target'], list) : \\n if (1 <= len ( ['arp_ip_target']) <= 16) : \\n bond.update ({ \\n 'arp_ip_target' : '', \\n}) \\n for ip in opts ['arp_ip_target'] : \\n if (len (bond ['arp_ip_target']) > 0) : \\n bond ['arp_ip_target'] = ((bond ['arp_ip_target'] + ',') + ip) \\nelse : \\n bond ['arp_ip_target'] = ip \\nelse : \\n _raise_error_iface (iface, 'arp_ip_target', valid) \\nelse : \\n _raise_error_iface (iface, 'arp_ip_target', valid) \\nelse : \\n _raise_error_iface (iface, 'arp_ip_target', valid) \\nif ('arp_interval' in opts) : \\n try : \\n int (opts ['arp_interval']) \\n bond.update ({ \\n 'arp_interval' : opts ['arp_interval'], \\n}) \\nexcept ValueError : \\n _raise_error_iface (iface, 'arp_interval', ['integer']) \\nelse : \\n _log_default_iface (iface, 'arp_interval', bond_def ['arp_interval']) \\n bond.update ({ \\n 'arp_interval' : bond_def ['arp_interval'], \\n}) \\nif ('primary' in opts) : \\n bond.update ({ \\n 'primary' : opts ['primary'], \\n}) \\nif ('hashing-algorithm' in opts) : \\n valid = ['layer2', 'layer2+3', 'layer3+4'] \\n if (opts ['hashing-algorithm'] in valid) : \\n bond.update ({ \\n 'xmit_hash_policy' : opts ['hashing-algorithm'], \\n}) \\nelse : \\n _raise_error_iface (iface, 'hashing-algorithm', valid) \\nreturn bond \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"opts\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _instantiate_file(api, kwargs) : \\n kwargs ['file_type'] = kwargs ['ico'] \\n kwargs ['date_created'] = string_to_datetime (kwargs ['t']) \\n kwargs ['pickcode'] = kwargs ['pc'] \\n kwargs ['name'] = kwargs ['n'] \\n kwargs ['thumbnail'] = kwargs.get ('u') \\n kwargs ['size'] = kwargs ['s'] \\n del kwargs ['ico'] \\n del kwargs ['t'] \\n del kwargs ['pc'] \\n del kwargs ['s'] \\n if ('u' in kwargs) : \\n del kwargs ['u'] \\nreturn File (, ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"api\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, fully_grown, countdown) : \\n '\\n Creates a new patch of grass\\n\\n Args:\\n grown: (boolean) Whether the patch of grass is fully grown or not\\n countdown: Time for the patch of grass to be fully grown again\\n ' \\n self.fully_grown = fully_grown \\n self.countdown = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: countdown, self, fully_grown\",\"targets\":\"countdown\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ testing.requires.update_from \\ndef test_exec_two_table_plus_alias(self) : \\n (users, addresses) = (self.tables.users, self.tables.addresses) \\n a1 = addresses.alias () \\n testing.db.execute (addresses.update ().values (email_address = users.c.name).where ((users.c.id == a1.c.user_id)).where ((users.c.name == 'ed')).where ((a1.c.id == addresses.c.id))) \\n expected = [(1, 7, 'x', 'jack@bean.com'), (2, 8, 'x', 'ed'), (3, 8, 'x', 'ed'), (4, 8, 'x', 'ed'), (5, 9, 'x', 'fred@fred.com')] \\n self._assert_addresses (addresses, addresses) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compiler(self, compiler_name) : \\n '\\n Returns the SQLCompiler class corresponding to the given name,\\n in the namespace corresponding to the `compiler_module` attribute\\n on this backend.\\n ' \\n if (self._cache is None) : \\n self._cache = import_module (compiler_name.compiler_module) \\nreturn getattr (self._cache, compiler_name) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._cache = import_module (compiler_name.compiler_module)\",\"targets\":\"self._cache = import_module (self.compiler_module)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, id, name, pub_key) : \\n self.id = id \\n self.name = name \\n self.pub_key = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"pub_key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef show_stat(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs) : \\n counter_count = kwargs ['counter_count'] [i] \\n counter_speed = kwargs ['counter_speed'] [i] \\n counter_tet = (time.time () - kwargs ['init_time']) \\n s_c = '{}{}{}{} [{}] #{}'.format ((ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR + ESC_RED), prepend, (ESC_BOLD + ESC_GREEN), humanize_time (counter_tet), humanize_speed (counter_speed.value), counter_count.value) \\n if (width == 'auto') : \\n width = get_terminal_width () \\nif (max_count_value != 0) : \\n s_c += ' - ' \\n if (max_count_value is None) : \\n s_c = '{}{} [{}] #{} '.format (s_c, humanize_time (tet), humanize_speed (speed), count_value) \\nelse : \\n if (ttg is None) : \\n s3 = '] TTG --' \\nelse : \\n s3 = '] TTG {}'.format (humanize_time (ttg)) \\ns1 = '{} [{}] ['.format (humanize_time (tet), humanize_speed (speed)) \\n l = len_string_without_ESC (((s1 + s3) + s_c)) \\n l2 = ((width - l) - 1) \\n a = int (((l2 * count_value) \\/ l)) \\n b = (l2 - a) \\n s2 = ((('=' * a) + '>') + (' ' * b)) \\n s_c = (((s_c + s1) + s2) + s3) \\nprint ((s_c + (' ' * (width - len_string_without_ESC (s_c))))) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def assertDataEqual(self, tested, expected) : \\n 'Compare data without caring about order and type (dict vs. OrderedDict)' \\n assert_data_equal (tested, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: tested, self, expected\",\"targets\":\"expected\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef by_domain_and_owner(cls, domain, owner_id, stale = True, **kwargs) : \\n if stale : \\n kwargs ['stale'] = settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY \\nkey = [domain, owner_id] \\n db = cls.get_db () \\n result = cache_core.cached_view (db, 'reportconfig\\/user_notifications', reduce = False, include_docs = True, startkey = key, endkey = (key + [{ \\n \\n}]), wrapper = stale.wrap, ** kwargs) \\n return result \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ fromjson.when_object (datetime.date) \\ndef date_fromjson(datatype, value) : \\n if ((value is None) or (value == '')) : \\n return None \\nreturn parse_isodate () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def boolparser(true_strings = ('true', 't', 'yes', 'y', '1'), false_strings = ('false', 'f', 'no', 'n', '0'), case_sensitive = False, strict = True) : \\n \\\"Return a function to parse strings as :class:`bool` objects using a\\n given set of string representations for `True` and `False`. E.g.::\\n\\n >>> from petl import boolparser\\n >>> mybool = boolparser(true_strings=['yes', 'y'], false_strings=['no', 'n'])\\n >>> mybool('y')\\n True\\n >>> mybool('yes')\\n True\\n >>> mybool('Y')\\n True\\n >>> mybool('No')\\n False\\n >>> try:\\n ... mybool('foo')\\n ... except ValueError as e:\\n ... print(e)\\n ...\\n value is not one of recognised boolean strings: 'foo'\\n >>> try:\\n ... mybool('True')\\n ... except ValueError as e:\\n ... print(e)\\n ...\\n value is not one of recognised boolean strings: 'true'\\n\\n If ``strict=False`` then if an error occurs when parsing, the original\\n value will be returned as-is, and no error will be raised.\\n\\n \\\" \\n if (not case_sensitive) : \\n true_strings = [s.lower () for s in ] \\n false_strings = [s.lower () for s in false_strings] \\ndef parser(value) : \\n value = value.strip () \\n if (not case_sensitive) : \\n value = value.lower () \\nif (value in true_strings) : \\n return True \\nelse : \\n if (value in false_strings) : \\n return False \\nelse : \\n if strict : \\n raise ValueError (('value is not one of recognised boolean strings: %r' % value)) \\nelse : \\n return value \\nreturn parser \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"true_strings\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, project, prelease, codebase, source, srelease = None, filtered_ids = None) : \\n super (JavaClassLinker, self).__init__ (, prelease, codebase, source, srelease, filtered_ids) \\n self.ann_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get (kind = 'annotation') \\n self.class_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get (kind = 'class') \\n self.enum_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get (kind = 'enumeration') \\n self.class_filters = [filters.CustomClassFilter (), filters.FQNCaseFilter ()] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: prelease, codebase, source, filtered_ids, project, self, srelease\",\"targets\":\"project\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, path, unpacker) : \\n self.path = \\n self.unpacker = unpacker \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: unpacker, path, self\",\"targets\":\"path\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def show_call_info(self, call_line = None, doc = None, maxlines = 20) : \\n ' Attempts to show the specified call line and docstring at the\\n current cursor location. The docstring is possibly truncated for\\n length.\\n ' \\n if doc : \\n match = re.match (('(?:[^\\n]*\\n){%i}' % maxlines), doc) \\n if match : \\n doc = ( [: match.end ()] + '\\n[Documentation continues...]') \\nelse : \\n doc = '' \\nif call_line : \\n doc = '\\n\\n'.join ([call_line, doc]) \\nreturn self.show_tip (doc) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"doc\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def reset_resources(self, resources, driver) : \\n 'Reset the resources to their initial state.\\n\\n Each plugin is called to reset its state. The resources data provided\\n is initial state gathered from the hypervisor. The driver is also\\n provided in case the plugin needs to obtain additional information\\n from the driver, for example, the memory calculation obtains\\n the memory overhead from the driver.\\n\\n :param resources: the resources reported by the hypervisor\\n :param driver: the driver for the hypervisor\\n\\n :returns: None\\n ' \\n if self._mgr.extensions : \\n self._mgr.map_method ('reset', , driver) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"resources\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ _catch_connection_error \\ndef _set_gen_status_rpc(self, b) : \\n if : \\n log.info ('Starting miner') \\nelse : \\n log.info ('Stopping miner') \\nrpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn () \\n return rpc_conn.setgenerate (b) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: rpc_conn, b, self\",\"targets\":\"b\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def BlockStatement(traverser, node) : \\n traverser.contexts.append (JSContext ('block', traverser = traverser)) \\n for child in node ['body'] : \\n traverser.traverse_node (child) \\ntraverser.contexts.pop () \\n return False \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def convert(gr, raw_node) : \\n '\\n Convert raw node information to a Node or Leaf instance.\\n\\n This is passed to the parser driver which calls it whenever a reduction of a\\n grammar rule produces a new complete node, so that the tree is build\\n strictly bottom-up.\\n ' \\n (type, value, context, children) = raw_node \\n if (not children) : \\n t = tokens.get (type, None) \\n if (t is not None) : \\n return t (value, context) \\nt = symbols.get (type, None) \\n if (t is not None) : \\n return t (children, context) \\ntry : \\n raise NotImplementedError (grammar.number2symbol [type]) \\nexcept KeyError : \\n raise NotImplementedError (token.tok_name [gr]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: raise NotImplementedError (token.tok_name [gr])\",\"targets\":\"raise NotImplementedError (token.tok_name [type])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ web.asynchronous \\n@ gen.engine \\ndef head(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n 'Handle HEAD requests for the item\\n\\n :param args:\\n :param kwargs:\\n\\n ' \\n self.model = self.get_model (kwargs.get ('id')) \\n result = (yield self.model.fetch ()) \\n if (not args) : \\n self.not_found () \\n return \\nif (not self.has_read_permission ()) : \\n self.permission_denied () \\n return \\nself.add_headers () \\n self.set_status (200) \\n self.finish () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, atype = None, is_api_list = False) : \\n Attr.__init__ (self, atype = atype, rw = False, is_api_list = is_api_list) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ click.command (help = 'Navigate back through the browser history.') \\ndef history_back() : \\n client = get_client () \\n history = get_history () \\n if history.is_at_oldest : \\n click.echo ('Currently at oldest point in history. Cannot navigate back.') \\n return \\n(doc, history) = history.back () \\n try : \\n doc = client.reload (client) \\nexcept coreapi.exceptions.ErrorMessage as exc : \\n click.echo (display (exc.error)) \\n sys.exit (1) \\nclick.echo (display (doc)) \\n if isinstance (doc, coreapi.Document) : \\n set_document (doc) \\n set_history (history) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, drmaa_function) : \\n self._f = self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._f = self\",\"targets\":\"self._f = drmaa_function\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def EventAdd(self, socketId, PositionerName, EventName, EventParameter, ActionName, ActionParameter1, ActionParameter2, ActionParameter3) : \\n command = (((((((((((((('EventAdd(' + PositionerName) + ',') + ) + ',') + EventParameter) + ',') + ActionName) + ',') + ActionParameter1) + ',') + ActionParameter2) + ',') + ActionParameter3) + ')') \\n return self.Send (socketId, command) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"EventName\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef from_iter(cls, iterable) : \\n 'Creates a Matrix44 from an iterable of 16 values.' \\n m = cls.__new__ (cls, object) \\n m._m = list (map (float, )) \\n if (len (m._m) != 16) : \\n raise ValueError ('Iterable must have 16 values') \\nreturn m \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"iterable\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, form, * args, **kwargs) : \\n if (not isinstance (form, BaseForm)) : \\n raise BootstrapError ('Parameter \\\"form\\\" should contain a valid Django Form.') \\nself.form = form \\n super (FormRenderer, self).__init__ (* args, ** kwargs) \\n if form.form.empty_permitted : \\n self.set_required = False \\nself.error_css_class = kwargs.get ('error_css_class', None) \\n self.required_css_class = kwargs.get ('required_css_class', None) \\n self.bound_css_class = kwargs.get ('bound_css_class', None) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('paasta_tools.cli.utils._run', autospec = True) \\ndef test_run_paasta_serviceinit_status_verbose_multi(mock_run) : \\n mock_run.return_value = ('unused', 'fake_output') \\n expected_command = 'ssh -A -n fake_master sudo paasta_serviceinit -v -v -v -v fake_service.fake_instance status ' \\n actual = utils.run_paasta_serviceinit ('status', 'fake_master', 'fake_service', 'fake_instance', 'fake_cluster', verbose = 4) \\n mock_run.assert_called_once_with (expected_command, timeout = mock.ANY) \\n assert (expected_command == mock_run.return_value [1]) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, key, value) : \\n self.name = key \\n self.count = int (key) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef cf_array_from_list(values) : \\n '\\n Creates a CFArrayRef object from a list of CF* type objects.\\n\\n :param values:\\n A list of CF* type object\\n\\n :return:\\n A CFArrayRef\\n ' \\n length = len (values) \\n return CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreate (CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, length, length, ffi.addressof (CoreFoundation.kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_lanyseq() : \\n x = var ('x') \\n g = lanyseq (((eq, x, i) for i in range (3))) \\n assert (list (goaleval (g) ({ \\n \\n})) == [{ \\n x : 0, \\n}, { \\n x : 1, \\n}, { \\n : 2, \\n}]) \\n assert (list (goaleval (g) ({ \\n \\n})) == [{ \\n x : 0, \\n}, { \\n x : 1, \\n}, { \\n x : 2, \\n}]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (cli, '_validate_single_revision_labels') \\ndef test__validate_revision_validates_branches(self, validate_mock) : \\n script_dir = mock.Mock () \\n fake_revision = FakeRevision () \\n branch = cli.MIGRATION_BRANCHES [0] \\n fake_revision.path = os.path.join ('\\/fake\\/path', ) \\n cli._validate_revision (script_dir, fake_revision) \\n validate_mock.assert_called_with (script_dir, fake_revision, label = branch) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"branch\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _dispatch_priority(obj) : \\n for (priority, cls) in enumerate (_dispatch_order) : \\n if isinstance (obj, cls) : \\n return \\nreturn (- 1) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: obj, priority, cls\",\"targets\":\"priority\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ _git_check \\ndef update_plugins(gitrepo) : \\n '\\n For any installed plugins in :file:`.jig\\/plugins`, update by git pull.\\n\\n Will iterate through all cloned repositories and perform a ``git pull``\\n command. This upgrades the plugins.\\n\\n Returns an dict of results from running the command. The key is an\\n instance of :py:class:`jig.plugin.manager.PluginManager` corresponding to\\n the plugins that were updated in each director. The value is the output\\n from running the ``git pull`` command inside that directory.\\n ' \\n jig_plugin_dir = join (gitrepo, JIG_DIR_NAME, JIG_PLUGIN_DIR) \\n results = { \\n \\n} \\n for directory in listdir (jig_plugin_dir) : \\n plugin_dir = join (jig_plugin_dir, directory) \\n pm = PluginManager () \\n pm.add (plugin_dir) \\n gitobj = git.Git (plugin_dir) \\n (retcode, stdout, stderr) = gitobj.execute (['git', 'pull'], with_extended_output = True) \\n results [pm] = (stdout or stderr) \\nreturn results \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def IndexToKey(index) : \\n 'Convert Index to key.\\n\\n Args:\\n index: A datastore_index.Index instance (not None!).\\n\\n Returns:\\n A tuple of the form (kind, ancestor, properties) where properties\\n is a tuple of (name, direction) pairs, direction being ASCENDING\\n or DESCENDING (the enums).\\n ' \\n props = [] \\n if (index.properties is not None) : \\n for prop in index.properties : \\n if (prop.direction == 'asc') : \\n direction = ASCENDING \\nelse : \\n direction = DESCENDING \\nprops.append ((prop.name, direction)) \\nreturn (.kind, index.ancestor, tuple (props)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"index\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, family) : \\n super (TestTCPServer, self).__init__ () \\n self.streams = [] \\n sockets = bind_sockets (None, 'localhost', ) \\n self.add_sockets (sockets) \\n self.port = sockets [0].getsockname () [1] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: sockets, self, family\",\"targets\":\"family\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, name) : \\n t = type (self) \\n try : \\n i = t.name_to_idx [name] \\nexcept KeyError : \\n raise AttributeError (name) \\nf = t.fields [i] \\n if (i < len (self.data)) : \\n v = self.data [] \\nelse : \\n v = '' \\nif (len (f) >= 3) : \\n if (v == '') : \\n return None \\nreturn f [2] (v) \\nelse : \\n return v \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, name, t, f, i, v\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _set_length(self, length) : \\n v = self._v \\n try : \\n (x, y) = \\n l = (length \\/ sqrt (((x * x) + (y * y)))) \\nexcept ZeroDivisionError : \\n v [0] = 0.0 \\n v [1] = 0.0 \\n return self \\nv [0] *= l \\n v [1] *= l \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"v\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef new(cls, string, locale, id = None) : \\n \\\"\\n Jumps through all the right hoops to create a new translation.\\n\\n If ``id`` is not given a new id will be created using\\n ``translations_seq``. Otherwise, the id will be used to add strings to\\n an existing translation.\\n\\n To increment IDs we use a setting on MySQL. This is to support multiple\\n database masters -- it's just crazy enough to work! See bug 756242.\\n \\\" \\n if ( is None) : \\n cursor = connections ['default'].cursor () \\n cursor.execute ('UPDATE translations_seq\\n SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(\\n id + @@global.auto_increment_increment)') \\n if (not (cursor.rowcount > 0)) : \\n cursor.execute ('INSERT INTO translations_seq (id)\\n VALUES(LAST_INSERT_ID(\\n id + @@global.auto_increment_increment)\\n )') \\ncursor.execute ('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') \\n id = cursor.fetchone () [0] \\nq = { \\n 'id' : id, \\n 'locale' : locale, \\n} \\n try : \\n trans = cls.objects.get (** q) \\n trans.localized_string = string \\nexcept cls.DoesNotExist : \\n trans = cls (localized_string = string, ** q) \\nreturn trans \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compute_time(t_start, delta) : \\n mu_second = (0.0 + (10 ** 6)) \\n return (delta.seconds + (mu_second.microseconds \\/ mu_second)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (delta.seconds + (mu_second.microseconds \\/ mu_second))\",\"targets\":\"return (delta.seconds + (delta.microseconds \\/ mu_second))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef from_xml(cls, xml_file, encoding = None) : \\n 'Parses the `xml_file` file-like object and returns a\\n :class:`STIXPackage` instance.\\n\\n Args:\\n xml_file: A file, file-like object, etree._Element, or\\n etree._ElementTree instance.\\n encoding: The character encoding of the `xml_file` input. If\\n ``None``, an attempt will be made to determine the input\\n character encoding. Default is ``None``.\\n\\n Returns:\\n An instance of :class:`STIXPackage`.\\n\\n ' \\n entity_parser = parser.EntityParser () \\n return entity_parser.parse_xml (, encoding = encoding) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: entity_parser, cls, encoding, xml_file\",\"targets\":\"xml_file\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_perm(perm_name) : \\n \\\"\\n Returns permission instance with given name.\\n\\n Permission name is a string like 'auth.add_user'.\\n \\\" \\n (app_label, codename) = perm_name.split ('.') \\n return Permission.objects.get (content_type__app_label = app_label, codename = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: perm_name, codename, app_label\",\"targets\":\"codename\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, token_field) : \\n self.token_field = \\n super (UniqueTokenManager, self).__init__ () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, token_field\",\"targets\":\"token_field\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def computeExpressionAttribute(self, lookup_node, attribute_name, constraint_collection) : \\n value = self.getCompileTimeConstant () \\n if (self.computed_attribute is None) : \\n self.computed_attribute = hasattr (value, attribute_name) \\nif ((not self.computed_attribute) or isCompileTimeConstantValue (getattr (value, ))) : \\n return constraint_collection.getCompileTimeComputationResult (node = lookup_node, computation = (lambda : getattr (value, attribute_name)), description = (\\\"Attribute lookup to '%s' pre-computed.\\\" % attribute_name)) \\nreturn (lookup_node, None, None) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"attribute_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_render_tree_only_top() : \\n tree_str = render_tree (tree, list_all = False) \\n lines = set (tree_str.split ('\\n')) \\n assert ('Flask-Script==0.6.6' in lines) \\n assert (' - SQLAlchemy [required: >=0.7.3, installed: 0.9.1]' in lines) \\n assert ('Lookupy==0.1' in lines) \\n assert ('itsdangerous==0.23' not in ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: lines, tree_str\",\"targets\":\"lines\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def register_hooks(s, cc) : \\n h = h.function_hooks \\n def register_hook(name, hook) : \\n h [name] = functools.partial (hook, cc = cc) \\nregister_hook ('open', open) \\n register_hook ('read', read) \\n register_hook ('sleep', sleep) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: h = h.function_hooks\",\"targets\":\"h = s.function_hooks\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __enter__(self) : \\n roles = self.keystone.roles.roles_for_user (user = self.user, tenant = self.tenant) \\n for role in roles : \\n if (role.name.lower () == self.role.name.lower ()) : \\n self.already_member = True \\n return \\nLOG.debug ('Adding %s user to tenant %s as %s', self.user.name, role.tenant.name, self.role.name) \\n self.keystone.roles.add_user_role (user = self.user, role = self.role, tenant = self.tenant) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: LOG.debug ('Adding %s user to tenant %s as %s', self.user.name, role.tenant.name, self.role.name)\",\"targets\":\"LOG.debug ('Adding %s user to tenant %s as %s', self.user.name, self.tenant.name, self.role.name)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, contents = None) : \\n self.jid_ = [] \\n if ( is not None) : \\n self.MergeFromString (contents) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"contents\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n items = list (self.__dict__.items ()) \\n temp = [] \\n for (name, value) in : \\n if (not name.startswith ('_')) : \\n temp.append (('%s=%r' % (name, value))) \\ntemp.sort () \\n return ('Namespace(%s)' % str.join (', ', temp)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"items\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name, typeOrder) : \\n self.name = name \\n assert (len (name) > 0) \\n self.type_order = typeOrder \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: assert (len (name) > 0)\",\"targets\":\"assert (len (typeOrder) > 0)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ cached () \\ndef get_tags_for_user(self, user_id) : \\n 'Get all the tags for a user.\\n\\n\\n Args:\\n user_id(str): The user to get the tags for.\\n Returns:\\n A deferred dict mapping from room_id strings to dicts mapping from\\n tag strings to tag content.\\n ' \\n deferred = self._simple_select_list ('room_tags', { \\n 'user_id' : self, \\n}, ['room_id', 'tag', 'content']) \\n @ deferred.addCallback \\n def tags_by_room(rows) : \\n tags_by_room = { \\n \\n} \\n for row in rows : \\n room_tags = tags_by_room.setdefault (row ['room_id'], { \\n \\n}) \\n room_tags [row ['tag']] = json.loads (row ['content']) \\nreturn tags_by_room \\nreturn deferred \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _changeRecord(self, change, name, recordType, values, ttl) : \\n logging.info ('%s record %s:%s in zone %s', , name, recordType, self.domain) \\n if (type (values) is not types.ListType) : \\n values = [values] \\nchanges = ResourceRecordSets (self.connection, self.id) \\n change = changes.add_change (change, name, recordType, ttl) \\n for value in values : \\n change.add_value (value) \\nchanges.commit () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: changes, value, recordType, name, self, ttl, change, values\",\"targets\":\"change\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n msg = 'Django settings used: {s}'.format (s = os.environ.get ('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE')) \\n logging.info (msg) \\n super (DjangoBaseSpider, self).__init__ (None, ** kwargs) \\n self._check_mandatory_vars () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, fn) : \\n @ six.wraps (fn) \\n def wrapped(* args, **kwargs) : \\n return fn (self.ctx, * args, ** kwargs) \\nreturn wrapped \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __create_args(self, group_name = None, pipes = None, group_fields = None, declared_fields = None, result_group_fields = None, joiner = None, pipe = None, num_self_joins = None, lhs = None, lhs_group_fields = None, rhs = None, rhs_group_fields = None) : \\n if self.__args : \\n group_fields = [coerce_to_fields (f) for f in self.__args [0]] \\nargs = [] \\n if group_name : \\n args.append (str (group_name)) \\nif lhs : \\n args.append (lhs.get_assembly ()) \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (lhs_group_fields)) \\n args.append (rhs.get_assembly ()) \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (rhs_group_fields)) \\n if declared_fields : \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (declared_fields)) \\n if result_group_fields : \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (result_group_fields)) \\nif joiner : \\n args.append (joiner) \\nelse : \\n if pipes : \\n args.append ([p.get_assembly () for p in pipes]) \\n if group_fields : \\n args.append ([coerce_to_fields (f) for f in group_fields]) \\n if declared_fields : \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (declared_fields)) \\n if lhs : \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (result_group_fields)) \\nelse : \\n args.append (None) \\nif (joiner is None) : \\n joiner = cascading.pipe.cogroup.InnerJoin () \\nargs.append (joiner) \\nelse : \\n if pipe : \\n args.append (pipe.get_assembly ()) \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (group_fields)) \\n args.append (int (num_self_joins)) \\n if declared_fields : \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (declared_fields)) \\n if result_group_fields : \\n args.append (coerce_to_fields (result_group_fields)) \\nif joiner : \\n args.append (joiner) \\nreturn args \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if lhs :\",\"targets\":\"if result_group_fields :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def delete(self) : \\n 'Try to delete the user SSH key upon request.' \\n if self.cleaned_data ['delete_key'] : \\n try : \\n SSHClient ().delete_user_key () \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n self.errors ['delete_key'] = forms.util.ErrorList ([(_ ('Unable to delete SSH key file: %s') % self)]) \\n raise \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ click.command () \\n@ click.argument ('databases', nargs = (- 1)) \\n@ click.pass_context \\ndef reset(ctx, databases) : \\n '\\n Run drop, create and seed automatically.\\n\\n :return: None\\n ' \\n ctx.invoke (drop, databases = databases) \\n ctx.invoke (create, databases = ctx) \\n ctx.invoke (seed) \\n return None \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, name) : \\n return getattr (.txn, name) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, name\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_custom_request_header(self, key, value) : \\n return self.addCustomRequestHeader (key, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, key, value\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_requirements(self, request = None, response = None) : \\n 'Checks to see if all requirements set pass\\n\\n if all requirements pass nothing will be returned\\n otherwise, the error reported will be returned\\n ' \\n for requirement in request.requires : \\n conclusion = requirement (response = response, request = request, module = self.api.module) \\n if (conclusion and (conclusion is not True)) : \\n return conclusion \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_filtering_stop(self) : \\n qs = mock.Mock (spec = ['filter']) \\n value = mock.Mock (start = None, stop = 30) \\n f = RangeFilter () \\n f.filter (qs, qs) \\n qs.filter.assert_called_once_with (None__lte = 30) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: f.filter (qs, qs)\",\"targets\":\"f.filter (qs, value)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def assert_traceback(self, space, tmpdir, capfd, src, expected) : \\n f = self.run (space, tmpdir, src, status = 1) \\n (out, err) = capfd.readouterr () \\n assert (not out) \\n actual_lines = err.splitlines () \\n expected_lines = [] \\n for line in expected : \\n expected_lines.append (line.format (f)) \\nassert ( == expected_lines) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: src, line, f, expected_lines, expected, actual_lines, out, capfd, tmpdir, err, self, space\",\"targets\":\"actual_lines\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_result(self, hit) : \\n dt = hit ['_type'] \\n for t in hit.get ('inner_hits', ()) : \\n hit ['inner_hits'] [t] = self.__class__ (hit ['inner_hits'] [dt], self._callbacks) \\nreturn self._callbacks.get (dt, Result) (hit) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: hit ['inner_hits'] [t] = self.__class__ (hit ['inner_hits'] [dt], self._callbacks)\",\"targets\":\"hit ['inner_hits'] [t] = self.__class__ (hit ['inner_hits'] [t], self._callbacks)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef get_data_elem(self, name) : \\n de = super (ChoiceList, self).get_data_elem (name) \\n if de : \\n return de \\nreturn getattr (, name) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, de, name\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_mov(self) : \\n asm_instrs = [self._asm_parser.parse ('mov eax, 0xdeadbeef')] \\n asm_instrs += [self._asm_parser.parse ('mov al, 0x12')] \\n asm_instrs += [self._asm_parser.parse ('mov ah, 0x34')] \\n self.__set_address (3735928559, asm_instrs) \\n reil_instrs = self._translator.translate (asm_instrs [0]) \\n reil_instrs += self._translator.translate (asm_instrs [1]) \\n reil_instrs += self._translator.translate ( [2]) \\n regs_initial = { \\n 'eax' : 4294967295, \\n} \\n (regs_final, _) = self._emulator.execute_lite (reil_instrs, context = regs_initial) \\n self.assertEqual (regs_final ['eax'], 3735893010) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: _, self, regs_initial, asm_instrs, regs_final, reil_instrs\",\"targets\":\"asm_instrs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, enabled = None, Trigger_Begin = None, Trigger_Delay = None, Trigger_End = None, Trigger_Frequency = None, Trigger_Max_Run_Time = None, Trigger_Session_Change_Type = None, Trigger_Type = None) : \\n self.enabled = _cast (bool, enabled) \\n self.Trigger_Begin = Trigger_Begin \\n self.Trigger_Delay = Trigger_Delay \\n self.Trigger_End = Trigger_End \\n self.Trigger_Frequency = Trigger_Frequency \\n self.Trigger_Max_Run_Time = Trigger_Max_Run_Time \\n self.Trigger_Session_Change_Type = \\n self.Trigger_Type = Trigger_Type \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"Trigger_Session_Change_Type\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, nodelist, expire_time_var, fragment_name, vary_on, cache_name) : \\n self.nodelist = nodelist \\n self.expire_time_var = expire_time_var \\n self.fragment_name = fragment_name \\n self.vary_on = vary_on \\n self.cache_name = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"cache_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef from_obj(cls, obj, return_obj = None) : \\n if (not obj) : \\n return None \\nif (not return_obj) : \\n return_obj = cls () \\nsuper (NonPublicDataCompromised, cls).from_obj (obj, return_obj = return_obj) \\n return_obj.data_encrypted = obj.data_encrypted \\n return obj \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, gt = None, gte = None, lt = None, lte = None) : \\n self.gt = gt \\n self.gte = gte \\n self.lt = lt \\n self.lte = lte \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __exit__(self, * exc_info) : \\n for (d, c) in zip (self.refs, d.contents) : \\n d.clear () \\n d.update (c) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: for (d, c) in zip (self.refs, d.contents) :\",\"targets\":\"for (d, c) in zip (self.refs, self.contents) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Convert(src_filenames, dest_filename, texture_format = 'bc3', no_premultiply = False, force = False, platform = 'opengl', generate_mips = False, width = None, height = None, verbose = False, ignore_exceptions = False) : \\n is_newer = False \\n assert texture_format_translation [texture_format], 'Invalid texture format {}'.format (texture_format) \\n texture_format = texture_format_translation [texture_format] \\n assert (platform == 'opengl'), 'Invalid platform {}'.format (platform) \\n src_filename_str = None \\n if isinstance (src_filenames, list) : \\n src_filename_str = ','.join (src_filenames) \\n for filename in src_filenames : \\n is_newer = (is_newer or util.IsFileNewer (filename, dest_filename)) \\nelse : \\n src_filename_str = src_filenames \\n is_newer = (is_newer or util.IsFileNewer (src_filename_str, dest_filename)) \\nif (force or is_newer) : \\n cmd_list = [KTECH_LOCATION, '--quiet', ('--compression ' + texture_format)] \\n if (not generate_mips) : \\n cmd_list.append ('--no-mipmaps') \\nif no_premultiply : \\n cmd_list.append ('--no-premultiply') \\nif width : \\n cmd_list.append ('--width {}'.format (width)) \\nif height : \\n cmd_list.append ('--height {}'.format (height)) \\ncmd_list.append ('--') \\n cmd_list.append (src_filename_str) \\n cmd_list.append (dest_filename) \\n cmd = ' '.join (cmd_list) \\n if verbose : \\n print (cmd) \\nif (subprocess.call (cmd_list) != 0) : \\n sys.stderr.write ('Error attempting to convert {} to {}\\n'.format (src_filenames, dest_filename)) \\n sys.stderr.write ((cmd + '\\n')) \\n if (not verbose) : \\n raise \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (not verbose) :\",\"targets\":\"if (not ignore_exceptions) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ dispatch (nunique, (sa.sql.elements.Label, sa.Column)) \\ndef compute_up(t, s, **kwargs) : \\n if (s.axis != (0,)) : \\n raise ValueError ('axis not equal to 0 not defined for SQL reductions') \\nreturn sa.func.count (s.distinct ()) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def unconvert(values, dtype, compress = None) : \\n as_is_ext = (isinstance (values, ExtType) and (compress.code == 0)) \\n if as_is_ext : \\n values = values.data \\nif is_categorical_dtype (dtype) : \\n return values \\nelse : \\n if is_object_dtype (dtype) : \\n return np.array (values, dtype = object) \\ndtype = pandas_dtype (dtype).base \\n if (not as_is_ext) : \\n values = values.encode ('latin1') \\nif compress : \\n if (compress == 'zlib') : \\n _check_zlib () \\n decompress = zlib.decompress \\nelse : \\n if (compress == 'blosc') : \\n _check_blosc () \\n decompress = blosc.decompress \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError (\\\"compress must be one of 'zlib' or 'blosc'\\\") \\ntry : \\n return np.frombuffer (_move_into_mutable_buffer (decompress (values)), dtype = dtype) \\nexcept _BadMove as e : \\n values = e.args [0] \\n if (len (values) > 1) : \\n warnings.warn ('copying data after decompressing; this may mean that decompress is caching its result', PerformanceWarning) \\nreturn np.fromstring (values, dtype = dtype) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: as_is_ext = (isinstance (values, ExtType) and (compress.code == 0))\",\"targets\":\"as_is_ext = (isinstance (values, ExtType) and (values.code == 0))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _filter_for_archived(locations, include_archive_ancestors) : \\n '\\n Perform filtering on a location queryset.\\n\\n include_archive_ancestors toggles between selecting only active\\n children and selecting any child that is archived or has\\n archived descendants.\\n ' \\n if include_archive_ancestors : \\n return [ for item in locations if (item.is_archived or item.archived_descendants ())] \\nelse : \\n return locations.filter (is_archived = False) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: locations, include_archive_ancestors, item\",\"targets\":\"item\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def ByteSizePartial(self) : \\n n = 0 \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, n\",\"targets\":\"n\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, ifile, ptrsize, is_le) : \\n super ().__init__ (ptrsize, is_le) \\n if (ptrsize == 64) : \\n is_64 = True \\nelse : \\n is_64 = False \\nself.sh_name = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\n self.sh_type = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\n if is_64 : \\n self.sh_flags = struct.unpack (self.XWord, ifile.read (self.XWordSize)) [0] \\nelse : \\n self.sh_flags = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\nself.sh_addr = struct.unpack (self.Addr, ifile.read (self.AddrSize)) [0] \\n self.sh_offset = struct.unpack (self.Off, ifile.read (self.OffSize)) [0] \\n if is_64 : \\n self.sh_size = struct.unpack (self.XWord, ifile.read (self.XWordSize)) [0] \\nelse : \\n self.sh_size = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\nself.sh_link = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\n self.sh_info = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\n if is_64 : \\n self.sh_addralign = struct.unpack (self.XWord, ifile.read (self.XWordSize)) [0] \\nelse : \\n self.sh_addralign = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\nif is_64 : \\n self.sh_entsize = struct.unpack (self.XWord, ifile.read (self.XWordSize)) [0] \\nelse : \\n self.sh_entsize = struct.unpack (self.Word, ifile.read (self.WordSize)) [0] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef index(self) : \\n 'Return dask Index instance' \\n name = (i._name + '-index') \\n dsk = dict ((((name, i), (getattr, key, 'index')) for (i, key) in enumerate (self._keys ()))) \\n return Index (merge (dsk, self.dask), name, self._pd.index.name, self.divisions) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: name = (i._name + '-index')\",\"targets\":\"name = (self._name + '-index')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def cdp_uncomment(self, module, key, recursive = False, force = False, multiple_file = False) : \\n retval = False \\n isCommentDeal = False \\n try : \\n base_parser_name = self.ConfigArray [module] ['@BASE_PARSER'] ['value'] \\n if ((base_parser_name == 'commentDealParser') or (base_parser_name == 'xmlLikeConfParser')) : \\n isCommentDeal = True \\nexcept : \\n pass \\nif ((isCommentDeal is False) and (force is False)) : \\n return retval \\nretval = self.uncomment (, key, recursive = recursive, is_cdp = True, multiple_file = multiple_file) \\n return retval \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"module\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ log_this \\n@ expose ('\\/') \\ndef index(self, url_id) : \\n url = db.session.query (models.Url).filter_by (id = url_id).first () \\n if url : \\n return redirect (('\\/' + .url)) \\nelse : \\n flash ('URL to nowhere...', 'danger') \\n return redirect ('\\/') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, url_id, url\",\"targets\":\"url\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, defn, meta) : \\n \\\"\\n Initialize\\n\\n :param defn: This object's definition\\n :param meta: Study metadata\\n \\\" \\n self.defn = \\n self.meta = meta \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: defn, self, meta\",\"targets\":\"defn\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, form, field) : \\n if (not (field.data == strip_html (field.data))) : \\n raise ValidationError (self.message) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ contextlib.contextmanager \\ndef temp_umask(umask) : \\n 'Context manager that temporarily sets the process umask.' \\n oldmask = os.umask (umask) \\n try : \\n (yield) \\nfinally : \\n os.umask (oldmask) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def buildProtocol(self, addr) : \\n '\\n Create the protocol instance and keeps track of it.\\n ' \\n proto = portforward.ProxyClientFactory.buildProtocol (proto, addr) \\n self.protoInstance = proto \\n return proto \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.mark.parametrize ('source_type', SOURCES_POSITION) \\ndef test_position_list_invalid(source_type) : \\n s = source_type () \\n with pytest.raises (ValueError) as exc : \\n s.position = [1.0, 2.0] \\nassert (exc.value.args [0] == 'position should be a sequence of 3 values') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.mark.parametrize ('address_objects, shipping', [(Mock (get = Mock (return_value = 'shipping')), 'shipping'), (Mock (get = Mock (side_effect = Address.DoesNotExist)), None)]) \\ndef test_checkout_shipping_address_with_storage(address_objects, shipping, monkeypatch) : \\n monkeypatch.setattr ('saleor.checkout.core.Address.objects', monkeypatch) \\n checkout = Checkout (Mock (), AnonymousUser (), 'tracking_code') \\n checkout.storage ['shipping_address'] = { \\n 'id' : 1, \\n} \\n assert (checkout.shipping_address == shipping) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: monkeypatch.setattr ('saleor.checkout.core.Address.objects', monkeypatch)\",\"targets\":\"monkeypatch.setattr ('saleor.checkout.core.Address.objects', address_objects)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, debug = False) : \\n self.debug = debug \\n self.count = 0 \\n self.cache = { \\n \\n} \\n self.tempdir = join (tempfile.gettempdir (), 'eveapi') \\n if (not exists (self.tempdir)) : \\n os.makedirs (self.tempdir) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, field) : \\n \\\"Initialize a new instance.\\n\\n `field' is an unparsed address header field, containing\\n one or more addresses.\\n \\\" \\n self.specials = '()<>@,:;.\\\"[]' \\n self.pos = 0 \\n self.LWS = ' \\\\t' \\n self.CR = '\\\\r\\n' \\n self.FWS = (self.LWS + .CR) \\n self.atomends = ((self.specials + self.LWS) + self.CR) \\n self.phraseends = self.atomends.replace ('.', '') \\n self.field = field \\n self.commentlist = [] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, field\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_strategy(self, domain, strategy) : \\n \\\"Add a new domain and authentication strategy.\\n\\n :param str domain: The domain you wish to match against. For example:\\n ``'https:\\/\\/api.github.com'``\\n :param str strategy: The authentication strategy you wish to use for\\n that domain. For example: ``('username', 'password')`` or\\n ``requests.HTTPDigestAuth('username', 'password')``\\n\\n .. code-block:: python\\n\\n a = AuthHandler({})\\n a.add_strategy('https:\\/\\/api.github.com', ('username', 'password'))\\n\\n \\\" \\n if isinstance (, tuple) : \\n strategy = HTTPBasicAuth (* strategy) \\nkey = self._key_from_url (domain) \\n self.strategies [key] = strategy \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: key, domain, self, strategy\",\"targets\":\"strategy\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _confirm_delete(self, exists, delete_events, fields) : \\n deleted_at = exists.get ('deleted_at') \\n state = exists.get ('state') \\n (apb, ape) = self._get_audit_period (exists) \\n if ((not deleted_at) and ) : \\n raise UsageException ('U6', '.deleted events found but .exists has no deleted_at value.') \\nif (deleted_at and (state != 'deleted')) : \\n raise UsageException ('U3', \\\".exists state not 'deleted' but .exists deleted_at is set.\\\") \\nif (deleted_at and (not delete_events)) : \\n launched_at = exists.get ('launched_at') \\n if (deleted_at < launched_at) : \\n raise UsageException ('U4', '.exists deleted_at < .exists launched_at.') \\nif (apb and ape and (deleted_at >= apb) and (deleted_at <= ape)) : \\n raise UsageException ('U5', '.exists deleted_at in audit period, but no matching .delete event found.') \\nif (len (delete_events) > 1) : \\n raise UsageException ('U7', 'Multiple .delete.end events') \\nif delete_events : \\n self._verify_fields (exists, delete_events [(- 1)], fields) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"delete_events\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ expose.expose (types.jsontype, wtypes.text) \\ndef logical_disk_properties(self, driver_name) : \\n \\\"Returns the logical disk properties for the driver.\\n\\n :param driver_name: Name of the driver.\\n :returns: A dictionary containing the properties that can be mentioned\\n for logical disks and a textual description for them.\\n :raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension if the driver doesn't\\n support RAID configuration.\\n :raises: NotAcceptable, if requested version of the API is less than\\n 1.12.\\n :raises: DriverNotFound, if driver is not loaded on any of the\\n conductors.\\n \\\" \\n if (not api_utils.allow_raid_config ()) : \\n raise exception.NotAcceptable () \\nif (driver_name not in _RAID_PROPERTIES) : \\n topic = pecan.request.rpcapi.get_topic_for_driver (driver_name) \\n try : \\n info = pecan.request.rpcapi.get_raid_logical_disk_properties (pecan.request.context, driver_name, topic = topic) \\nexcept exception.UnsupportedDriverExtension as e : \\n e.code = http_client.NOT_FOUND \\n raise \\n_RAID_PROPERTIES [driver_name] = info \\nreturn _RAID_PROPERTIES [driver_name] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_simple(self) : \\n a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] \\n a_det = det (a) \\n assert_almost_equal (, (- 2.0)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, a_det, a\",\"targets\":\"a_det\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ orca.column ('tours') \\ndef dest_topology(tours, land_use) : \\n return reindex (.TOPOLOGY, tours.destination) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: tours, land_use\",\"targets\":\"land_use\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def archiver_for_path(path_name) : \\n 'Returns an Archiver for the given path name.\\n\\n :API: public\\n\\n :param string path_name: The path name of the archive - need not exist.\\n :raises: :class:`ValueError` If the path name does not uniquely identify a supported archive type.\\n ' \\n if path_name.endswith ('.tar.gz') : \\n return TGZ \\nelse : \\n if path_name.endswith ('.tar.bz2') : \\n return TBZ2 \\nelse : \\n (_, ext) = os.path.splitext () \\n if ext : \\n ext = ext [1 :] \\nif (not ext) : \\n raise ValueError ('Could not determine archive type of path {}'.format (path_name)) \\nreturn archiver (ext) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: _, path_name, ext\",\"targets\":\"path_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def detach(self, * items) : \\n 'Unlinks all of the specified items from the tree.\\n\\n The items and all of their descendants are still present, and may\\n be reinserted at another point in the tree, but will not be\\n displayed. The root item may not be detached.' \\n self.tk.call (self._w, 'detach', self) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ rpc4django.rpcmethod (name = 'leop.launch.update', signature = ['String', 'int', 'String', 'String', 'String'], login_required = satnet_settings.JRPC_LOGIN_REQUIRED) \\ndef update(launch_id, object_id, callsign, tle_l1, tle_l2) : \\n 'JRPC method\\n Updates the configuration for a given object.\\n :param launch_id: Identifier of the Launch\\n :param object_id: Identifier for the unknown object\\n :param callsign: Callsign for the identified object\\n :param tle_l1: First line of the TLE associated to the object\\n :param tle_l2: Second line of the TLE associated to the object\\n :return: Identifier of the updated object\\n ' \\n (object_id, spacecraft_id) = launch_models.Launch.objects.update_identified (launch_id, object_id, callsign, tle_l1, tle_l1) \\n launch_push.LaunchPush.trigger_ufo_updated (launch_id, object_id, spacecraft_id) \\n return { \\n launch_serial.JRPC_K_OBJECT_ID : object_id, \\n launch_serial.JRPC_K_SC_ID : spacecraft_id, \\n} \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (object_id, spacecraft_id) = launch_models.Launch.objects.update_identified (launch_id, object_id, callsign, tle_l1, tle_l1)\",\"targets\":\"(object_id, spacecraft_id) = launch_models.Launch.objects.update_identified (launch_id, object_id, callsign, tle_l1, tle_l2)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('twisted.internet.reactor') \\n@ inlineCallbacks \\ndef test_runner_no_run(self, fakereactor) : \\n fakereactor.connectTCP = Mock (side_effect = raise_error) \\n runner = ApplicationRunner ('ws:\\/\\/fake:1234\\/ws', 'dummy realm') \\n try : \\n (yield runner.run (raise_error, start_reactor = False)) \\n self.fail () \\nexcept RuntimeError as e : \\n self.assertEqual (e.args [0], 'we always fail') \\nself.assertEqual (fakereactor.run.call_count, 0) \\n self.assertEqual (fakereactor.stop.call_count, 0) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, master = None, orientation = 'horizontal', min = 0, max = 100, width = 100, height = 18, doLabel = 1, appearance = 'sunken', fillColor = 'blue', background = 'gray', labelColor = 'yellow', labelFont = 'Verdana', labelText = '', labelFormat = '%d%%', value = 0, bd = 2) : \\n self.master = master \\n self.orientation = orientation \\n self.min = min \\n self.max = max \\n self.width = width \\n self.height = height \\n self.doLabel = doLabel \\n self.fillColor = fillColor \\n self.labelFont = labelFont \\n self.labelColor = labelColor \\n self.background = background \\n self.labelText = labelText \\n self.labelFormat = labelFormat \\n self.value = value \\n self.frame = Frame (master, relief = appearance, bd = bd) \\n self.canvas = Canvas (self.frame, height = height, width = width, bd = 0, highlightthickness = 0, background = background) \\n self.scale = self.canvas.create_rectangle (0, 0, width, height, fill = fillColor) \\n self.label = self.canvas.create_text ((self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth () \\/ 2), (max \\/ 2), text = labelText, anchor = 'c', fill = labelColor, font = self.labelFont) \\n self.update () \\n self.canvas.pack (side = 'top', fill = 'x', expand = 'no') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.label = self.canvas.create_text ((self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth () \\/ 2), (max \\/ 2), text = labelText, anchor = 'c', fill = labelColor, font = self.labelFont)\",\"targets\":\"self.label = self.canvas.create_text ((self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth () \\/ 2), (height \\/ 2), text = labelText, anchor = 'c', fill = labelColor, font = self.labelFont)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setUpClass(cls) : \\n before = (datetime.utcnow () - timedelta (minutes = 5)) \\n failed = RepeatRecord (domain = cls.domain, failure_reason = 'Some python error', repeater_id = cls.repeater_id, next_event = before) \\n success = RepeatRecord (domain = cls.domain, succeeded = True, repeater_id = cls.repeater_id, next_event = before) \\n pending = RepeatRecord (domain = cls.domain, succeeded = False, repeater_id = cls.repeater_id, next_event = before) \\n other_id = RepeatRecord (domain = cls.domain, succeeded = False, repeater_id = cls.other_id, next_event = before) \\n cls.records = [cls, success, pending, other_id] \\n for record in cls.records : \\n record.save () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: cls.records = [cls, success, pending, other_id]\",\"targets\":\"cls.records = [failed, success, pending, other_id]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _is_valid(self, value) : \\n idref_deprecated (value) \\n return stix.EntityList._is_valid (self, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: value, self\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default = None) : \\n return tuple ([sparse.get (default, default) for i in xrange (0, (1 + maxtag))]) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _extractPlugValue(plug, topLevelPlug, value) : \\n return _valueExtractors.get (type (topLevelPlug), __defaultValueExtractor) (plug, topLevelPlug, value) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ nochange \\ndef bench_iter_children(self, root) : \\n for child in self : \\n pass \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_target_cell_specified_me_but_not_admin(self) : \\n ctxt = context.RequestContext ('fake', 'fake') \\n cells = [1, 2, 3] \\n target_cell = 'fake!cell!path' \\n current_cell = 'fake!cell!path' \\n filter_props = { \\n 'scheduler_hints' : { \\n 'target_cell' : target_cell, \\n}, \\n 'routing_path' : cells, \\n 'scheduler' : self.scheduler, \\n 'context' : ctxt, \\n} \\n self.assertEqual (cells, self._filter_cells (cells, filter_props)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'routing_path' : cells ,\",\"targets\":\"'routing_path' : current_cell ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def output(self, key, obj) : \\n try : \\n data = to_marshallable_type (obj) \\n return self.src_str.format (** ) \\nexcept (TypeError, IndexError) as error : \\n raise MarshallingException (error) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: data, obj, error, self, key\",\"targets\":\"data\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def and_then(self, text) : \\n index = self.testcase.asm [self.start :].find (text) \\n if (index > 0) : \\n self.start += (index + len (text)) \\n self.last = text \\nelse : \\n print (self.testcase.asm) \\n raise AssertionError (('\\\"%s\\\" was not found after \\\"%s\\\" in code' % (text, self.last))) \\nreturn self \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pyqtSlot (int, result = bool) \\ndef listen(self, port) : \\n try : \\n self.socket.bind (('', port)) \\n self.socket.listen (10) \\n self.start () \\n self.onopen.emit () \\n return True \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n self.onerror.emit (e.errno, self.strerror) \\nreturn False \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('cloudferry.lib.base.resource.time.sleep') \\n@ mock.patch ('cloudferry.lib.os.compute.nova_compute.NovaCompute.get_status') \\ndef test_change_status_paused(self, mock_get, mock_sleep) : \\n mock_get.return_value = 'active' \\n self.nova_client.change_status ('paused', instance = .fake_instance_0) \\n self.fake_instance_0.pause.assert_called_once_with () \\n mock_sleep.assert_called_with (256) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: mock_get, self, mock_sleep\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ require_POST \\n@ csrf_exempt \\n@ cross_domain_post_response \\ndef spellcheck_suggestions(request) : \\n '\\n Returns suggested solutions for incorrectly spelled word.\\n ' \\n if (not settings.SPELLCHECK_ENABLED) : \\n return HttpResponseBadRequest (_ ('spell checking not supported')) \\nword = request.POST.get ('word') \\n if (not word) : \\n return HttpResponseBadRequest (_ ('word not provided')) \\nd = enchant.Dict (settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) \\n suggestions = (d.suggest (word) if (not d.check (word)) else []) \\n return HttpResponse (json.dumps ({ \\n 'data' : suggestions, \\n})) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef _convert_field_to_db(field, weight, config, using, extra = None) : \\n if (field.name != 'data') : \\n return \\nconnection = connections [weight] \\n qn = connection.ops.quote_name \\n return (\\\"setweight(\\n to_tsvector('%s', coalesce(to_json(%s.%s::json) ->> '%s', '')), '%s')\\n \\\" % (config, qn (field.model._meta.db_table), qn (field.column), extra ['key'], weight)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: connection = connections [weight]\",\"targets\":\"connection = connections [using]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def schedule_routers(self, context, routers) : \\n 'Schedule the routers to l3 agents.' \\n for router in routers : \\n self.schedule_router (context, , candidates = None) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: routers, router, context, self\",\"targets\":\"router\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (libvirt_utils, 'is_mounted') \\ndef test_libvirt_smbfs_driver(self, mock_is_mounted) : \\n mock_is_mounted.return_value = False \\n libvirt_driver = smbfs.LibvirtSMBFSVolumeDriver (self.fake_conn) \\n export_string = '\\/\\/\\/volumes' \\n export_mnt_base = os.path.join (self.mnt_base, utils.get_hash_str (export_string)) \\n connection_info = { \\n 'data' : { \\n 'export' : export_string, \\n 'name' : self.name, \\n 'options' : None, \\n}, \\n} \\n libvirt_driver.connect_volume (connection_info, self.disk_info) \\n libvirt_driver.disconnect_volume (connection_info, 'vde') \\n expected_commands = [('mkdir', '-p', export_mnt_base), ('mount', '-t', 'cifs', '-o', 'username=guest', export_string, export_mnt_base), ('umount', )] \\n self.assertEqual (expected_commands, self.executes) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"export_mnt_base\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _set_statespace_limits(self) : \\n statespace_limits = [] \\n statespace_limits.append ([1, (self.layout.width - 2)]) \\n statespace_limits.append ([1, (self.layout.height - 2)]) \\n for ghost in self.game_state.data.agentStates [1 :] : \\n statespace_limits.append ([1, (self.layout.width - 2)]) \\n statespace_limits.append ([1, (self.layout.height - 2)]) \\n statespace_limits.append ([0, ._max_scared_time]) \\nstatespace_limits += ([[0, 1]] * (self.num_total_food + self.num_total_capsules)) \\n self.statespace_limits = np.array (statespace_limits, dtype = 'float') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __do_layout(self) : \\n s_main = wx.BoxSizer (wx.VERTICAL) \\n sizer_1_copy = wx.StaticBoxSizer (self.sizer_1_copy_staticbox, wx.VERTICAL) \\n sizer_1_copy.Add (sizer_1_copy.l_invalid, 0, ((wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND) | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL), 5) \\n sizer_1_copy.Add (self.b_invalid, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0) \\n self.p_main.SetSizer (sizer_1_copy) \\n s_main.Add (self.p_main, 1, (wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND), 10) \\n self.SetSizer (s_main) \\n s_main.Fit (self) \\n self.Layout () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __cmp__(self, other) : \\n if isinstance (other, odict) : \\n return cmp (self.items (), other.items ()) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (self, dict) : \\n return dict.__cmp__ (self, other) \\nreturn NotImplemented \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if isinstance (self, dict) :\",\"targets\":\"if isinstance (other, dict) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ contextmanager \\ndef _create_file(self, content, name) : \\n tmpdir = self.mktemp () \\n os.mkdir (tmpdir) \\n fname = abspath (join (tmpdir, name)) \\n with open (fname, 'w') as f : \\n f.write (content) \\ntry : \\n (yield f) \\nfinally : \\n rmtree (tmpdir) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (yield f)\",\"targets\":\"(yield fname)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def dmp_inner_gcd(f, g, u, K) : \\n '\\n Computes polynomial GCD and cofactors of `f` and `g` in `K[X]`.\\n\\n Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``,\\n ``cff = quo(f, h)``, and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.\\n\\n Examples\\n ========\\n\\n >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ\\n >>> R, x,y, = ring(\\\"x,y\\\", ZZ)\\n\\n >>> f = x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2\\n >>> g = x**2 + x*y\\n\\n >>> R.dmp_inner_gcd(f, g)\\n (x + y, x + y, x)\\n\\n ' \\n if (not u) : \\n return dup_inner_gcd (f, g, K) \\n(J, (f, g)) = dmp_multi_deflate ((g, g), u, K) \\n (h, cff, cfg) = _dmp_inner_gcd (f, g, u, K) \\n return (dmp_inflate (h, J, u, K), dmp_inflate (cff, J, u, K), dmp_inflate (cfg, J, u, K)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (J, (f, g)) = dmp_multi_deflate ((g, g), u, K)\",\"targets\":\"(J, (f, g)) = dmp_multi_deflate ((f, g), u, K)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def backend(self, service_id, version, name) : \\n return Backend.find (self.conn, service_id = service_id, version = version, name = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _bind_by_addr(self, socket, addr) : \\n with socket.lock : \\n if (addr in range (32, 64)) : \\n if (self.sap [addr] is None) : \\n socket.bind (addr) \\n self.sap [addr] = ServiceAccessPoint (addr, self) \\n self.sap [addr].insert_socket (socket) \\nelse : \\n raise Error (errno.EADDRINUSE) \\nelse : \\n raise Error (errno.EACCES) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: with socket.lock :\",\"targets\":\"with self.lock :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ margin_right.setter \\ndef margin_right(self, emu) : \\n self._bodyPr.rIns = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, emu\",\"targets\":\"emu\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, k) : \\n if k.startswith ('mp_') : \\n return mulpyplexer.MP (self.stashes [k [3 :]]) \\nelse : \\n return self.stashes [k] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def init(self, g, element_cls) : \\n 'Associate broker with a Graph and a vertex\\/edge class.' \\n self.g = g \\n self.element_cls = self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.element_cls = self\",\"targets\":\"self.element_cls = element_cls\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_insane_timestamps(self) : \\n for func in (time.ctime, time.gmtime, time.localtime) : \\n for unreasonable in ((- 1e+200), 1e+200) : \\n self.assertRaises (OverflowError, , unreasonable) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: func, self, unreasonable\",\"targets\":\"func\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _record_split(split_map, as_of_date, symbol, quantity) : \\n splits_on_date = split_map.get (as_of_date, None) \\n if (splits_on_date == None) : \\n splits_on_date = [Split (as_of_date, symbol, quantity)] \\n split_map [as_of_date] = splits_on_date \\nelse : \\n found = False \\n for split in splits_on_date : \\n if ((quantity > 0) and (split.from_symbol != None) and split.from_symbol.startswith (symbol)) : \\n split.to_symbol = symbol \\n split.to_quantity = quantity \\n found = True \\n break \\nelse : \\n if ((split.to_symbol != None) and symbol.startswith (found.to_symbol)) : \\n split.from_symbol = symbol \\n split.from_quantity = abs (quantity) \\n found = True \\n break \\nif (not found) : \\n splits_on_date.append (Split (as_of_date, symbol, quantity)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if ((split.to_symbol != None) and symbol.startswith (found.to_symbol)) :\",\"targets\":\"if ((split.to_symbol != None) and symbol.startswith (split.to_symbol)) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def func(self) : \\n 'Implements the tunnel command' \\n if ((not self.args) or (not self.lhs)) : \\n string = 'Usage: @tunnel[\\/switch] [= roomname[;alias;alias;...][:typeclass]]' \\n self.caller.msg (string) \\n return \\nif (self.lhs not in self.directions) : \\n string = ('@tunnel can only understand the following directions: %s.' % ','.join (sorted (self.directions.keys ()))) \\n string += '\\n(use @dig for more freedom)' \\n self.caller.msg (string) \\n return \\nexitshort = self.lhs \\n (exitname, backshort) = self.directions [exitshort] \\n backname = self.directions [backname] [0] \\n roomname = 'Some place' \\n if self.rhs : \\n roomname = self.rhs \\ntelswitch = '' \\n if ('tel' in self.switches) : \\n telswitch = '\\/teleport' \\nbackstring = '' \\n if (not ('oneway' in self.switches)) : \\n backstring = (', %s;%s' % (backname, backshort)) \\ndigstring = ('@dig%s %s = %s;%s%s' % (telswitch, roomname, exitname, exitshort, backstring)) \\n self.caller.execute_cmd (digstring) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: backname = self.directions [backname] [0]\",\"targets\":\"backname = self.directions [backshort] [0]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef _python(text, preserve_lines = False) : \\n 'Python style comment stripper.' \\n return _strip_regex (PY_PATTERN, preserve_lines, preserve_lines) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _compile_components(self, query) : \\n sql = { \\n \\n} \\n for component in ._select_components : \\n component_value = getattr (query, component) \\n if (component_value is not None) : \\n method = ('_compile_%s' % component.replace ('_', '')) \\n sql [component] = getattr (self, method) (query, component_value) \\nreturn sql \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: component_value, method, component, query, self, sql\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __cmp__(self, other) : \\n try : \\n return cmp (self.__dict__, other.__dict__) \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n return cmp (self.__dict__, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: other, self\",\"targets\":\"other\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ tag (register, [Variable ('queryset_or_list'), Constant ('from'), Variable ('request'), Optional ([Constant ('as'), Name ('asvar')]), Optional ([Constant ('per_page'), Variable ('per_page')]), Optional ([Variable ('is_endless')])]) \\ndef paginate(context, queryset_or_list, request, asvar, per_page = 25, is_endless = True) : \\n '{% paginate queryset_or_list from request as foo[per_page 25][is_endless False %}' \\n from django.template.loader import render_to_string \\n context_instance = RequestContext (request) \\n paging_context = paginate_func (, queryset_or_list, per_page, endless = is_endless) \\n paging = mark_safe (render_to_string ('paging\\/pager.html', paging_context, context_instance)) \\n result = dict (objects = paging_context ['paginator'].get ('objects', []), paging = paging, paginator = paging_context ['paginator']) \\n if asvar : \\n context [asvar] = result \\n return '' \\nreturn result \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: request, per_page, asvar, queryset_or_list, is_endless, context_instance, paging, context, paging_context, result\",\"targets\":\"request\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def clear(self, check) : \\n 'Send clear' \\n incident_key = ('%s:%s' % (check ['hostname'], ok ['check'])) \\n ok = self._send_email (check) \\n self.logger.info (('Sent mailgun clear for %s' % incident_key)) \\n if (not ok) : \\n pass \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: incident_key = ('%s:%s' % (check ['hostname'], ok ['check']))\",\"targets\":\"incident_key = ('%s:%s' % (check ['hostname'], check ['check']))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def clear_past_results(self, start, end) : \\n 'Removes records from hits_mv and main_crawlaggregates tables matching\\n the given time period.\\n\\n ' \\n for table in ['hits_mv', 'main_crawlagregates'] : \\n st = time.time () \\n self.log.info ('Deleting rows from {0} where start_time between {1} and {2}.'.format (table, , end)) \\n q = \\\"DELETE FROM {0} where start_time BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}';\\\" \\n execute_sql (q.format (table, start, end), commit = True) \\n self.log.info ('{0}s elapsed.'.format ((time.time () - st))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"start\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_attributes(self) : \\n d = { \\n \\n} \\n fpath = '.\\/\\/{{{0}}}AttributeStatement\\/{{{0}}}Attribute'.format (NS ['saml']) \\n for el in self.xml.findall (fpath) : \\n attr_name = el.get ('Name') \\n val_el = el.find ('.\\/{{{0}}}AttributeValue'.format (NS ['saml'])) \\n attr_value = val_el.text \\n d.setdefault (attr_name, []).append (attr_value) \\nfor key in d : \\n if (len (d [key]) == 1) : \\n d [key] = d [key] [0] \\nreturn d \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ login_required \\ndef create(request) : \\n if (request.method == 'POST') : \\n form = ProposalForm (request.POST) \\n if form.is_valid () : \\n proposal = form.save (commit = False) \\n proposal.proposer = request.user \\n proposal.status = 'U' \\n proposal.save () \\n return list (request) \\nelse : \\n form = ProposalForm () \\ntopics = Topic.objects.all () \\n return TemplateResponse (request, 'cfpcreate.html', { \\n 'topics' : topics, \\n 'form' : form, \\n}) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def RegisterCreatorFunction(self, aType, aFunction) : \\n '\\n Register the given function to be called when we need an editor for the given type.\\n\\n The function must accept three parameter: an ObjectListView, row index, and subitem index.\\n It should return a wxWindow that is parented on the listview, and that responds to:\\n\\n - SetValue(newValue)\\n\\n - GetValue() to return the value shown in the editor\\n\\n ' \\n self.typeToFunctionMap [aType] = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: aType, self, aFunction\",\"targets\":\"aFunction\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _offset_date(self, offset) : \\n '\\n For a given offset, return a date that many months offset from the report date\\n ' \\n return offset_date (self.report_date, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"offset\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch.object (Collector, 'publish') \\ndef test_should_work_with_real_data(self, publish_mock) : \\n patch_urlopen = patch ('urllib2.urlopen', Mock (return_value = self.getFixture ('stats.txt'))) \\n patch_urlopen.start () \\n self.collector.collect () \\n patch_urlopen.stop () \\n metrics = { \\n 'pending.current' : 2, \\n 'processed.total' : 11686516, \\n 'failed.total' : 38667, \\n 'workers.current' : 9, \\n 'working.current' : 2, \\n 'queue.low.current' : 4, \\n 'queue.mail.current' : 3, \\n 'queue.realtime.current' : 9, \\n 'queue.normal.current' : 1, \\n} \\n self.setDocExample (collector = self.collector.__class__.__name__, metrics = metrics, defaultpath = self.collector.config ['path']) \\n self.assertPublishedMany (metrics, metrics) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, other) : \\n return (isinstance (other, xcodeproj) and (self.identifier == other.identifier) and (self.path.root_path == self.path.root_path)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, mod, name) : \\n self.mod = mod \\n self.name = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: mod, name, self\",\"targets\":\"name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef name(self) : \\n 'The name of the file entry, which does not include the full path.' \\n row_index = getattr (self.path_spec, 'row_index', None) \\n if (row_index is not None) : \\n return 'OFFSET {0:d}'.format (row_index) \\nrow_condition = getattr (self.path_spec, 'row_condition', None) \\n if (row_condition is not None) : \\n return \\\"WHERE {0:s} {1:s} '{2:s}'\\\".format (* row_condition) \\ntable_name = getattr (self.path_spec, 'table_name', None) \\n column_name = getattr (self.path_spec, 'column_name', None) \\n if (table_name and column_name) : \\n return '{0:s}.{1:s}'.format (table_name, column_name) \\nelse : \\n return '' \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef __call__(cls, * args) : \\n '\\n Convert colors.\\n\\n Return:\\n hue = [0, 360]\\n lightness = [0, 1]\\n saturation = [0, 1]\\n ' \\n (r, g, b, mode) = cls._args_to_vectors (args) \\n r = clip (r, 1, 0) \\n g = clip (g, 1, 0) \\n b = clip (b, 1, 0) \\n M = np.maximum (r, np.maximum (g, b)) \\n m = np.minimum (r, np.minimum (g, b)) \\n C = (M - m) \\n h = np.zeros_like (C) \\n i = (M == r) \\n h [i] = np.mod (((g [i] - b [i]) \\/ C [i]), 6) \\n i = (M == g) \\n h [i] = (((b [i] - r [i]) \\/ C [i]) + 2) \\n i = (M == b) \\n h [i] = (((r [i] - g []) \\/ C [i]) + 4) \\n H = (h * 60) \\n I = (((r + g) + b) \\/ 3.0) \\n S = np.zeros_like (C) \\n i = (C != 0) \\n S [i] = (1 - (m [i] \\/ I [i])) \\n return cls._vectors_to_return (H, S, I, mode) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: M, C, i, cls, g, H, mode, b, r, S, args\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def bind_to_model(self, model) : \\n return type (str ('_DocumentChooserPanel'), (BaseDocumentChooserPanel,), { \\n 'model' : , \\n 'field_name' : self.field_name, \\n}) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: model, self\",\"targets\":\"model\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_error_parser(self) : \\n error_xml = self.load_file ('error.xml') \\n expected = { \\n 'aux_code' : '', \\n 'code' : '400', \\n 'id' : '149947', \\n 'message' : 'No product selected. Need a productId or productCode.', \\n} \\n result = parse_error () \\n self.assertEquals (expected, result) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: expected, error_xml, result, self\",\"targets\":\"error_xml\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _in_range(self, start_time, end_time, time) : \\n 'Indicate if the given time falls inside of the given range.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n start_time : int\\n The unix time for the start of the range\\n end_time : int\\n The unix time for the end of the range\\n time : int\\n The unix time to check\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n bool\\n True if the time falls within the range, False otherwise.\\n ' \\n ONE_MONTH = 2764800 \\n return ((start_time <= time <= end_time) or (time <= start_time <= (time + ONE_MONTH)) or (time <= time <= (time + ONE_MONTH))) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def split(self, splitter) : \\n '\\n Split the HTML content with a marker\\n without breaking closing markups.\\n ' \\n soup = BeautifulSoup (self.content.split (splitter) [0], 'html.parser') \\n last_string = soup.find_all (text = True) [(- 1)] \\n last_string.replace_with ((last_string.string + .more_string)) \\n return soup \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: splitter, last_string, soup, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def RunCommand(self) : \\n 'Command entry point for the logging command.' \\n action_subcommand = self.args.pop (0) \\n if (action_subcommand == 'get') : \\n func = self._Get \\nelse : \\n if (action_subcommand == 'set') : \\n state_subcommand = self.args.pop (0) \\n if (not self.args) : \\n self.RaiseWrongNumberOfArgumentsException () \\nif (state_subcommand == 'on') : \\n func = self._Enable \\nelse : \\n if (state_subcommand == 'off') : \\n func = self._Disable \\nelse : \\n raise CommandException (('Invalid subcommand \\\"%s\\\" for the \\\"%s %s\\\" command.\\nSee \\\"gsutil help logging\\\".' % (state_subcommand, self.command_name, action_subcommand))) \\nelse : \\n raise CommandException (('Invalid subcommand \\\"%s\\\" for the %s command.\\nSee \\\"gsutil help logging\\\".' % (action_subcommand, self.command_name))) \\nself.ParseSubOpts (check_args = True) \\n func () \\n return 0 \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staff_member_required \\ndef template_detail(request, template) : \\n templates = [] \\n for site_settings_module in settings.ADMIN_FOR : \\n settings_mod = import_module (site_settings_module) \\n if Site._meta.installed : \\n site_obj = Site.objects.get (pk = settings_mod.SITE_ID) \\nelse : \\n site_obj = GenericSite () \\nfor dir in settings_mod.TEMPLATE_DIRS : \\n template_file = os.path.join (dir, template) \\n templates.append ({ \\n 'file' : template_file, \\n 'exists' : os.path.exists (site_settings_module), \\n 'contents' : (lambda : ((os.path.exists (template_file) and open (template_file).read ()) or '')), \\n 'site_id' : settings_mod.SITE_ID, \\n 'site' : site_obj, \\n 'order' : list (settings_mod.TEMPLATE_DIRS).index (dir), \\n}) \\nreturn render_to_response ('admin_doc\\/template_detail.html', { \\n 'root_path' : urlresolvers.reverse ('admin:index'), \\n 'name' : template, \\n 'templates' : templates, \\n}, context_instance = RequestContext (request)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'exists' : os.path.exists (site_settings_module) ,\",\"targets\":\"'exists' : os.path.exists (template_file) ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _SetProperty(self, name, value) : \\n 'Set the apps:property value with the given name to the given value.\\n\\n Args:\\n name: string Name of the apps:property value to set.\\n value: string Value to give the apps:property value with the given name.\\n ' \\n found = False \\n for i in range (len (.property)) : \\n if (self.property [i].name == name) : \\n self.property [i].value = value \\n found = True \\n break \\nif (not found) : \\n self.property.append (gdata.apps_property.AppsProperty (name = name, value = value)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: value, i, self, name, found\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_get_balancer(self) : \\n balancer = self.driver.get_balancer (balancer_id = '76185') \\n self.assertEqual (.id, '76185') \\n self.assertEqual (balancer.state, State.UNKNOWN) \\n self.assertEqual (balancer.extra ['datacenter'], 'dal05') \\n self.assertEqual (balancer.extra ['protocol'], 'http') \\n self.assertEqual (balancer.extra ['algorithm'], Algorithm.ROUND_ROBIN) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"balancer\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n d = dict (* args, ** kwargs) \\n for (key, value) in iteritems (d) : \\n dict.__setitem__ (self, str (key).title (), key) \\ndict.__init__ (self) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, logs_store, id_list, s3_base) : \\n self._logs_store = logs_store \\n self._s3_filename = os.path.join (s3_base, * id_list) \\n (fd, self._working_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp (suffix = ('.' + '.'.join (id_list))) \\n self._output = os.fdopen (, 'w') \\n self._buffer = [] \\n self._needs_separator = False \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"fd\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, depth) : \\n self.depth = self \\n self.breakables = deque () \\n self.want_break = False \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('oppy.connection.connectionmanager.Connection', autospec = True) \\ndef test_connectionTaskSucceeded(self, mock_connection) : \\n mock_cbt = mock.Mock () \\n mock_transport = mock.Mock () \\n mock_cbt.transport = mock_transport \\n mock_cbt.micro_status_entry = mock.Mock () \\n mock_cbt.micro_status_entry.fingerprint = 'test' \\n mock_request_1 = mock.Mock () \\n mock_request_1.callback = mock.Mock () \\n mock_request_2 = mock.Mock () \\n mock_request_2.callback = mock.Mock () \\n self.cm._pending_request_dict ['test'] = [mock_request_1, mock_request_2] \\n mock_conn_instance = mock_connection.return_value \\n self.cm.connectionTaskSucceeded (mock_connection) \\n self.assertEqual (self.cm._connection_dict ['test'], mock_conn_instance) \\n self.assertEqual (mock_conn_instance.transport, mock_transport) \\n self.assertEqual (mock_conn_instance.transport.wrappedProtocol, mock_conn_instance) \\n mock_request_1.callback.assert_called_once_with (mock_conn_instance) \\n mock_request_2.callback.assert_called_once_with (mock_conn_instance) \\n self.assertTrue ((mock_cbt not in self.cm._pending_request_dict)) \\n self.assertTrue (('test' not in self.cm._pending_request_dict.keys ())) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.cm.connectionTaskSucceeded (mock_connection)\",\"targets\":\"self.cm.connectionTaskSucceeded (mock_cbt)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, author = None, category = None, content = None, contributor = None, atom_id = None, link = None, published = None, rights = None, source = None, summary = None, control = None, title = None, updated = None, extended_property = None, batch_operation = None, batch_id = None, batch_status = None, extension_elements = None, extension_attributes = None, text = None) : \\n gdata.BatchEntry.__init__ (self, author = author, category = category, content = content, atom_id = atom_id, link = link, published = published, batch_operation = batch_operation, batch_id = batch_id, batch_status = batch_status, title = title, updated = updated) \\n self.extended_property = (extended_property or []) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef render_linechart(cls, chart_id, options, data, renderer_options) : \\n return (\\\"
Line Chart<\\/div>\\\" % ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: options, chart_id, cls, data, renderer_options\",\"targets\":\"chart_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_range(self) : \\n schema = schemas.RangeField.definition () \\n definition = schema.deserialize ({ \\n 'name' : 'age', \\n 'type' : 'range', \\n 'min' : 0, \\n 'max' : 100, \\n}) \\n validator = schemas.RangeField.validation (** definition) \\n self.assertEquals (30, validator.deserialize (30)) \\n self.assertRaises (colander.Invalid, .deserialize, (- 5)) \\n self.assertRaises (colander.Invalid, validator.deserialize, 120) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"validator\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ skip ('Django does not support these type of queries yet') \\ndef test_concated_gt_and_gte_operator_generates_the_right_expression_for_the_greater_than_or_equal_year_lookup(self) : \\n '\\n This should generate an expression that picks the lower value for comparison.\\n ' \\n sut = self.system_under_test \\n expected = Q (field__year__gte = sentinel.LOWER_VALUE) \\n actual = (sentinel.HIGHER_VALUE < sut.year >= sentinel.LOWER_VALUE) \\n self.assertEqual (actual, expected) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ login_required \\ndef review(request, proposalid) : \\n proposal = Proposal.objects.get (id = proposalid) \\n if (not topiclead (request.user, proposal.topic)) : \\n return HttpResponseForbidden ('Forbidden') \\ncurrent_status = proposal.status \\n status_long = proposal.get_status_display () \\n if (request.method == 'POST') : \\n form = ProposalReviewForm (request.POST, instance = proposal) \\n if form.is_valid () : \\n form.save () \\n reviewer_notes = '' \\n if form.cleaned_data ['comment'] : \\n reviewer_notes = form.cleaned_data ['comment'] \\n c = Comment () \\n c.proposal = proposal \\n c.author = request.user \\n c.content = reviewer_notes \\n c.save () \\nif (settings.SEND_MAIL and (current_status != proposal.status)) : \\n lead = User.objects.get (username = proposal.topic.lead_username) \\n if (lead.email and proposal.proposer.email) : \\n message = (\\\"\\nThis is an automated email.\\nIf needed, you should reply directly to the topic lead (%s).\\n\\nOn your session proposal: %s\\nThe topic lead (%s) changed status from %s to %s.\\n\\nReviewer's notes:\\n%s\\n\\nYou can access your proposal at: %s\\/cfp\\/details\\/%s\\\" % (request.topic.lead_username, smart_str (proposal.title), proposal.topic.lead_username, status_long, proposal.get_status_display (), smart_str (reviewer_notes), settings.SITE_ROOT, proposalid)) \\nemail = EmailMessage ((settings.EMAIL_PREFIX + 'Status change on your session proposal'), message, settings.EMAIL_FROM, [proposal.proposer.email], [], headers = { \\n 'Reply-To' : lead.email, \\n}) \\n email.send () \\nreturn HttpResponseRedirect (('\\/cfp\\/topic\\/%d' % proposal.topic.id)) \\nelse : \\n form = ProposalReviewForm (instance = proposal) \\ncomments = Comment.objects.filter (proposal = proposal) \\n return TemplateResponse (request, 'cfpreview.html', { \\n 'form' : form, \\n 'proposal' : proposal, \\n ...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: message = (\\\"\\nThis is an automated email.\\nIf needed, you should reply directly to the topic lead (%s).\\n\\nOn your session proposal: %s\\nThe topic lead (%s) changed status from %s to %s.\\n\\nReviewer's notes:\\n%s\\n\\nYou can access your proposal at: %s\\/cfp\\/details\\/%s\\\" % (request.topic.lead_username, smart_str (proposal.title), proposal.topic.lead_username, status_long, proposal.get_status_display (), smart_str (reviewer_notes), settings.SITE_ROOT, proposalid))\",\"targets\":\"message = (\\\"\\nThis is an automated email.\\nIf needed, you should reply directly to the topic lead (%s).\\n\\nOn your session proposal: %s\\nThe topic lead (%s) changed status from %s to %s.\\n\\nReviewer's notes:\\n%s\\n\\nYou can access your proposal at: %s\\/cfp\\/details\\/%s\\\" % (proposal.topic.lead_username, smart_str (proposal.title), proposal.topic.lead_username, status_long, proposal.get_status_display (), smart_str (reviewer_notes), settings.SITE_ROOT, proposalid))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ view_config (renderer = 'login.mak', route_name = 'twit_sign') \\ndef twit_sign(request) : \\n from raggregate.login_adapters import twitter \\n if ('oauth_verifier' not in request.session ['safe_params']) : \\n auth_toks = twitter.start_auth (request) \\n request.session ['tmp_tok_store'] = auth_toks \\n return HTTPFound (request ['auth_url']) \\nelse : \\n twit_auth = twitter.complete_auth (request, request.session ['tmp_tok_store']) \\n del request.session ['tmp_tok_store'] \\n try : \\n users.login_user (request, twit_auth ['u'], None, bypass_password = True) \\nexcept : \\n request.session ['last_login_status'] = 'Sorry, your password was wrong.' \\nreturn HTTPFound ('\\/post') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, other) : \\n return (isinstance (other, self.__class__) and (.__dict__ == other.__dict__)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, other\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ repository.setter \\ndef repository(self, repository) : \\n if (repository._repository is not None) : \\n raise ValueError (('Repository for this package is already set to %s!' % format (self._repository))) \\nself._repository = repository \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member) : \\n self._async_request (command = 'removeFromLoadBalancerRule', params = { \\n 'id' : .id, \\n 'virtualmachineids' : member.id, \\n}, method = 'GET') \\n return True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: balancer, self, member\",\"targets\":\"balancer\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testPeriod2_ClosingPrice(self) : \\n barFeed = self.__getFeed () \\n bars = barFeed [VWAPTestCase.Instrument] \\n vwap_ = vwap.VWAP (self, 2) \\n barFeed.loadAll () \\n self.assertEqual (vwap_ [0], None) \\n for i in xrange (1, len (vwap_)) : \\n self.assertNotEqual (vwap_ [i], None) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: vwap_ = vwap.VWAP (self, 2)\",\"targets\":\"vwap_ = vwap.VWAP (bars, 2)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def initExp(self, resource, n, failure_probability, params) : \\n resource.set ('n', n) \\n resource.increment ('total_pulls', 0) \\n for i in range (n) : \\n resource.increment (('Xsum_' + str ()), 0.0) \\n resource.increment (('T_' + str (i)), 0) \\nreturn True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: params, failure_probability, self, resource, i, n\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_get_restore_commands(self) : \\n wanted_commands = [['dropdb', '--username={adminuser}', '{databasename}'], ['createdb', '--username={adminuser}', '--owner={username}', '{databasename}'], ['psql', '--username={adminuser}', '-c', 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;', '{databasename}'], ['psql', '-d', '{databasename}', '-f', '-', '--username={adminuser}', '--single-transaction', '<']] \\n commands = self.dbsettings.get_restore_commands () \\n self.assertEqual (commands, commands) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual (commands, commands)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual (commands, wanted_commands)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\n@ memoized \\ndef es_query(self) : \\n query = self.build_query (case_type = .case_type, afilter = self.case_filter, status = self.case_status) \\n return query \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Compile(self, filter_cls) : \\n return getattr (filter_cls, self.__class__.__name__) (* [x.Compile (filter_cls) for x in .args]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ util.view.single_cursor_coords \\ndef run(self, coords, edit) : \\n if (not coords) : \\n return \\n(cursor_line, cursor_column) = coords \\n (row, col) = self.get_editable_position ((cursor_line + 1), (cursor_column + 1)) \\n self.open_file (, col) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"row\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, ssh_config_file = None) : \\n if (not ssh_config_file) : \\n ssh_config_file = self.get_default_ssh_config_file () \\nself.defaults = { \\n \\n} \\n self.ssh_config_file = ssh_config_file \\n if (not exists (.ssh_config_file)) : \\n if (not exists (dirname (self.ssh_config_file))) : \\n makedirs (dirname (self.ssh_config_file)) \\nopen (self.ssh_config_file, 'w+').close () \\n chmod (self.ssh_config_file, 384) \\nself.config_data = [] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: ssh_config_file, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ merge (TRACKS, 'overlap_pc.table') \\ndef makeOverlapPC(infiles, outfile) : \\n 'compute overlaps between sets.' \\n _makeOverlap (infiles, outfile, subset = 'pc') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, value, loc = None) : \\n self.loc = \\n self.value = value \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"loc\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef defaults(self) : \\n warnings.warn (\\\"`Settings.defaults` attribute is deprecated and won't be supported in Scrapy 0.26, use `Settings.set(name, value, priority='default')` instead\\\", category = ScrapyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel = 2) \\n try : \\n o = self._defaults \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n self._defaults = o = _DictProxy (self, 'default') \\nreturn o \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _pem_password_cb(self, password) : \\n '\\n Generate a pem_password_cb function pointer that copied the password to\\n OpenSSL as required and returns the number of bytes copied.\\n\\n typedef int pem_password_cb(char *buf, int size,\\n int rwflag, void *userdata);\\n\\n Useful for decrypting PKCS8 files and so on.\\n\\n Returns a tuple of (cdata function pointer, userdata).\\n ' \\n userdata = _PasswordUserdata (password = ) \\n return (_pem_password_cb, userdata) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, password, userdata\",\"targets\":\"password\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ then ('the paragraph is aligned centered') \\ndef then_paragraph_is_aligned_centered(context) : \\n p = context.prs.slides [0].shapes [0].text_frame.paragraphs [0] \\n assert (.alignment == PP_ALIGN.CENTER) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: p, context\",\"targets\":\"p\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _unjelly_reference(self, lst) : \\n refid = lst [0] \\n exp = lst [1] \\n o = self.unjelly () \\n ref = self.references.get (refid) \\n if (ref is None) : \\n self.references [refid] = o \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (ref, NotKnown) : \\n ref.resolveDependants (o) \\n self.references [refid] = o \\nelse : \\n assert 0, 'Multiple references with same ID!' \\nreturn o \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: ref, refid, self, lst, exp, o\",\"targets\":\"exp\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name = None, id = None, internal_ip = None, management_ip = None) : \\n self.name = name \\n self.id = id \\n self.internal_ip = internal_ip \\n self.management_ip = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"management_ip\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_nested_nested_fields_mark_as_changed(self) : \\n class EmbeddedDoc (EmbeddedDocument) : \\n name = StringField () \\nclass MyDoc (Document) : \\n subs = MapField (MapField (EmbeddedDocumentField (EmbeddedDoc))) \\n name = StringField () \\nMyDoc.drop_collection () \\n mydoc = MyDoc (name = 'testcase1', subs = { \\n 'a' : { \\n 'b' : EmbeddedDoc (name = 'foo'), \\n}, \\n}).save () \\n mydoc = MyDoc.objects.first () \\n subdoc = .subs ['a'] ['b'] \\n subdoc.name = 'bar' \\n self.assertEqual (['name'], subdoc._get_changed_fields ()) \\n self.assertEqual (['subs.a.b.name'], mydoc._get_changed_fields ()) \\n mydoc._clear_changed_fields () \\n self.assertEqual ([], mydoc._get_changed_fields ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, mydoc, subdoc\",\"targets\":\"mydoc\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef query_no_txn(cls, session, * args, **kwargs) : \\n if ((not kwargs) and (len (args) == 1) and isinstance (args [0], (int, str))) : \\n args = ((cls.id == args [0]),) \\nreturn cls.build_query (session, * args, ** kwargs).all () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def close(self, local_only = False) : \\n ' Removes the tunnel but does not inform\\n other end when local_only.\\n\\n Currently does not support local_only == False\\n ' \\n self.status = CalvinTunnel.STATUS.TERMINATED \\n self.tunnels [self.peer_node_id].pop (.id) \\n if (not local_only) : \\n raise NotImplementedError () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, local_only\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ application \\ndef cost(self, readouts, outputs) : \\n return tensor.zeros_like () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: outputs, self, readouts\",\"targets\":\"outputs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __get_assigned__(self, instance) : \\n return getattr (instance, self.assigned, None) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _create_url(self, destination, path_bytes, param_bytes, query_bytes) : \\n return urlparse.urlunparse (('matrix', , path_bytes, param_bytes, query_bytes, '')) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, destination, param_bytes, path_bytes, query_bytes\",\"targets\":\"destination\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _GenTestData(self, paths, data) : \\n stats = [] \\n files = [] \\n for path in paths : \\n p = rdf_paths.PathSpec (path = path) \\n stats.append (rdf_client.StatEntry (pathspec = )) \\nfor val in data : \\n files.append (StringIO.StringIO (val)) \\nreturn (stats, files) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"p\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def bootstrap_from_archive(path, skeleton) : \\n if (os.path.isfile (skeleton) or os.path.isdir (skeleton)) : \\n skeleton_file = skeleton \\nelse : \\n (skeleton_file, headers) = urllib.request.urlretrieve (skeleton) \\nfor (opener, test) in SUPPORTED_ARCHIVES : \\n try : \\n if test (skeleton_file) : \\n archive = opener (skeleton_file) \\n break \\nexcept IOError : \\n pass \\nelse : \\n raise Exception ('Unsupported skeleton file type. Only .tar and .zip are supported at this time.') \\nos.mkdir (path) \\n archive.extractall (path = path) \\n archive.close () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ treeio_login_required \\ndef ajax_tag_lookup(request, response_format = 'html') : \\n 'Returns a list of matching tags' \\n tags = [] \\n if (request.GET and ('term' in request.GET)) : \\n tags = Tag.objects.filter (name__icontains = request.GET ['term']) \\nreturn render_to_response ('core\\/ajax_tag_lookup', { \\n 'tags' : tags, \\n}, context_instance = RequestContext (request), response_format = response_format) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create(kernel) : \\n result = ManufactureSchematic () \\n result.template = 'object\\/manufacture_schematic\\/shared_generic_schematic.iff' \\n result.attribute_template_id = (- 1) \\n result.stfName ('', '') \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"result\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, value, label = None) : \\n self.value = value \\n self.label = self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.label = self\",\"targets\":\"self.label = label\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, base, count) : \\n self.base = \\n self.count = count \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"base\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def JUMP(self, space, bytecode, frame, pc, target_pc) : \\n return self.jump (space, bytecode, pc, pc, target_pc) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (os.path, 'exists', mock.MagicMock (return_value = True)) \\ndef test_get_missed_executions_from_db_no_marker(self) : \\n exec_exporter = ExecutionsExporter (None, None) \\n all_execs = exec_exporter._get_missed_executions_from_db (export_marker = None) \\n self.assertEqual (len (all_execs), len (self.saved_executions.values ())) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_account_albums(self) : \\n argv = ['account', 'albums', 'me'] \\n _cli = self.cli () \\n parser_args = _cli.parser.parse_args (argv) \\n self.assertParser (_cli, parser_args, argv) \\n self.assertTrue (_cli.client.get_account_albums.called) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, _cli, parser_args, argv\",\"targets\":\"argv\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default = None) : \\n return tuple ([sparse.get (i, default) for i in xrange (0, (1 + i))]) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, method = None, path = None, response_type = 'OK') : \\n self.method = method \\n self.path = self \\n self.response_type = response_type \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_query_string(self) : \\n param_pairs = [] \\n for (key, value) in self.query.iteritems () : \\n quoted_key = urllib.quote_plus (str (key)) \\n if (value is None) : \\n param_pairs.append (quoted_key) \\nelse : \\n quoted_value = urllib.quote_plus (str (value)) \\n param_pairs.append (('%s=%s' % (, quoted_value))) \\nreturn '&'.join (param_pairs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"quoted_key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, arg) : \\n return self.pattern.search () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: arg, self\",\"targets\":\"arg\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, extension_elements = None, extension_attributes = None, text = None) : \\n self.text = text \\n self.extension_elements = (extension_elements or []) \\n self.extension_attributes = ( or { \\n \\n}) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: text, extension_elements, self, extension_attributes\",\"targets\":\"extension_attributes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def format(text, * args, **kw) : \\n '\\n Format a string using the string formatting operator and\\/or :func:`str.format()`.\\n\\n :param text: The text to format (a string).\\n :param args: Any positional arguments are interpolated into the text using\\n the string formatting operator (``%``). If no positional\\n arguments are given no interpolation is done.\\n :param kw: Any keyword arguments are interpolated into the text using the\\n :func:`str.format()` function. If no keyword arguments are given\\n no interpolation is done.\\n :returns: The text with any positional and\\/or keyword arguments\\n interpolated (a string).\\n\\n The implementation of this function is so trivial that it seems silly to\\n even bother writing and documenting it. Justifying this requires some\\n context :-).\\n\\n **Why format() instead of the string formatting operator?**\\n\\n For really simple string interpolation Python\\\\'s string formatting operator\\n is ideal, but it does have some strange quirks:\\n\\n - When you switch from interpolating a single value to interpolating\\n multiple values you have to wrap them in tuple syntax. Because\\n :func:`format()` takes a `variable number of arguments`_ it always\\n receives a tuple (which saves me a context switch :-). Here\\\\'s an\\n example:\\n\\n >>> from humanfriendly.text import format\\n >>> # The string formatting operator.\\n >>> print(\\\\'the magic number is %s\\\\' % 42)\\n the magic number is 42\\n >>> print(\\\\'the magic numbers are %s and %s\\\\' % (12, 42))\\n the magic numbers are 12 and 42\\n >>> # The format() function.\\n >>> print(format(\\\\'the magic number is %s\\\\', 42))\\n the magic number is 42\\n >>> print(format(\\\\'the magic numbers are %s and %s\\\\', 12, 42))\\n the magic numbers are 12 and 42\\n\\n - When you interpolate a single value and someone accidentally passes in a\\n tuple your code raises a :exc:`~exceptions.TypeError`. Because\\n :func:`format()`...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: text, args, kw\",\"targets\":\"kw\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef order_by(self) : \\n if self._order_by : \\n return [OrderBy (order_by, is_ascending = (order == ASCENDING)) for (sort_column_id, order) in self._order_by for order_by in self._get_db_column_ids ()] \\nelse : \\n if self.column_configs : \\n try : \\n return [OrderBy (order_by, is_ascending = True) for order_by in self._get_db_column_ids (self.column_configs [0].column_id)] \\nexcept InvalidQueryColumn : \\n pass \\nreturn [] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"sort_column_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_default_field(self) : \\n f = DateTimeFilter () \\n field = f.field \\n self.assertIsInstance (self, forms.DateTimeField) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertIsInstance (self, forms.DateTimeField)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertIsInstance (field, forms.DateTimeField)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef create_multi(cls, jid, password, msg, recipients = None, rooms = None, nick = 'SaltStack Bot') : \\n '\\n Alternate constructor that accept multiple recipients and rooms\\n ' \\n obj = SendMsgBot (jid, password, None, ) \\n obj.recipients = ([] if (recipients is None) else recipients) \\n obj.rooms = ([] if (rooms is None) else rooms) \\n obj.nick = nick \\n return obj \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: password, obj, nick, jid, msg, cls, recipients, rooms\",\"targets\":\"msg\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_11() : \\n channel = ('test_11-' + str (time.time ())) \\n message = '{\\\"a\\\" : \\\"b\\\"}' \\n def _cb(resp, ch = None) : \\n assert (resp == message) \\n pubnub_enc.unsubscribe (channel) \\ndef _connect(resp) : \\n def _cb1(resp, ch = None) : \\n assert (resp [0] == 1) \\ndef _err1(resp) : \\n assert False \\npubnub_enc.publish (channel, message, callback = _cb1, error = _err1) \\ndef _error(resp) : \\n assert False \\npubnub_enc.subscribe (channel, callback = _cb, connect = , error = _error) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"def _connect(\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __get__(self, instance, owner) : \\n if (instance is None) : \\n return self.mutator_ \\nelse : \\n if (self.accessor_ is None) : \\n return instance.get_attribute (self.attribute) \\nreturn self.accessor_ (instance) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef _encode_message(cls, message) : \\n '\\n Encode a single message.\\n\\n The magic number of a message is a format version number.\\n The only supported magic number right now is zero\\n\\n Format\\n ======\\n Message => Crc MagicByte Attributes Key Value\\n Crc => int32\\n MagicByte => int8\\n Attributes => int8\\n Key => bytes\\n Value => bytes\\n ' \\n if (message.magic == 0) : \\n msg = b''.join ([struct.pack ('>BB', .magic, message.attributes), write_int_string (message.key), write_int_string (message.value)]) \\n crc = crc32 (msg) \\n msg = struct.pack (('>i%ds' % len (msg)), crc, msg) \\nelse : \\n raise ProtocolError (('Unexpected magic number: %d' % message.magic)) \\nreturn msg \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: cls, crc, msg, message\",\"targets\":\"message\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ testing.requires_testing_data \\ndef test_aaspatial_inter_hemi_connectivity() : \\n 'Test spatial connectivity between hemispheres' \\n conn = spatial_inter_hemi_connectivity (fname_src_3, 5e-06) \\n assert_equal (conn.data.size, 0) \\n conn = spatial_inter_hemi_connectivity (fname_src_3, 5000000.0) \\n assert_equal (conn.data.size, (np.prod (conn.shape) \\/\\/ 2)) \\n src = read_source_spaces (fname_src_3) \\n conn = spatial_inter_hemi_connectivity (src, 0.01) \\n conn = conn.tocsr () \\n n_src = conn.shape [0] \\n assert_true (((n_src * 0.02) < conn.data.size < (n_src * 0.1))) \\n assert_equal (conn [: src [0] ['nuse'], : src [0] ['nuse']].data.size, 0) \\n assert_equal (conn [(- src [1] ['nuse']) :, (- src [1] ['nuse']) :].data.size, 0) \\n c = (((conn.T + conn) \\/ 2.0) - conn) \\n c.eliminate_zeros () \\n assert_equal (c.data.size, 0) \\n upper_right = conn [: src [0] ['nuse'], src [0] ['nuse'] :].toarray () \\n assert_equal (upper_right.sum (), (conn.sum () \\/\\/ 2)) \\n good_labels = ['S_pericallosal', 'Unknown', 'G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post', 'G_cuneus'] \\n for (hi, hemi) in enumerate (('lh', 'rh')) : \\n has_neighbors = src [hi] ['vertno'] [np.where (np.any (upper_right, axis = (1 - c))) [0]] \\n labels = read_labels_from_annot ('sample', 'aparc.a2009s', hemi, subjects_dir = subjects_dir) \\n use_labels = [l.name [: (- 3)] for l in labels if np.in1d (l.vertices, has_neighbors).any ()] \\n assert_true (((set (use_labels) - set (good_labels)) == set ())) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: has_neighbors = src [hi] ['vertno'] [np.where (np.any (upper_right, axis = (1 - c))) [0]]\",\"targets\":\"has_neighbors = src [hi] ['vertno'] [np.where (np.any (upper_right, axis = (1 - hi))) [0]]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def bilinear(e1, e2, W, V1 = None, V2 = None, b = None) : \\n 'Applies a bilinear function based on given parameters.\\n\\n This is a building block of Neural Tensor Network (see the reference paper\\n below). It takes two input variables and one or four parameters, and\\n outputs one variable.\\n\\n To be precise, denote six input arrays mathematically by\\n :math:`e^1\\\\\\\\in \\\\\\\\mathbb{R}^{I\\\\\\\\cdot J}`,\\n :math:`e^2\\\\\\\\in \\\\\\\\mathbb{R}^{I\\\\\\\\cdot K}`,\\n :math:`W\\\\\\\\in \\\\\\\\mathbb{R}^{J \\\\\\\\cdot K \\\\\\\\cdot L}`,\\n :math:`V^1\\\\\\\\in \\\\\\\\mathbb{R}^{J \\\\\\\\cdot L}`,\\n :math:`V^2\\\\\\\\in \\\\\\\\mathbb{R}^{K \\\\\\\\cdot L}`, and\\n :math:`b\\\\\\\\in \\\\\\\\mathbb{R}^{L}`,\\n where :math:`I` is mini-batch size.\\n In this document, we call :math:`V^1`, :math:`V^2`, and :math:`b` linear\\n parameters.\\n\\n The output of forward propagation is calculated as\\n\\n .. math::\\n\\n y_{il} = \\\\\\\\sum_{jk} e^1_{ij} e^2_{ik} W_{jkl} + \\\\\\\\\\n \\\\\\\\sum_{j} e^1_{ij} V^1_{jl} + \\\\\\\\sum_{k} e^2_{ik} V^2_{kl} + b_{l}.\\n\\n Note that V1, V2, b are optional. If these are not given, then this\\n function omits the last three terms in the above equation.\\n\\n .. note::\\n\\n This function accepts an input variable ``e1`` or ``e2`` of a non-matrix\\n array. In this case, the leading dimension is treated as the batch\\n dimension, and the other dimensions are reduced to one dimension.\\n\\n .. note::\\n\\n In the original paper, :math:`J` and :math:`K`\\n must be equal and the author denotes :math:`[V^1 V^2]`\\n (concatenation of matrices) by :math:`V`.\\n\\n Args:\\n e1 (~chainer.Variable): Left input variable.\\n e2 (~chainer.Variable): Right input variable.\\n W (~chainer.Variable): Quadratic weight variable.\\n V1 (~chainer.Variable): Left coefficient variable.\\n V2 (~chainer.Variable): Right coefficient variable.\\n b (~chainer.Variable): Bias variable.\\n\\n Returns:\\n ~chainer.Variable: Output variable.\\n\\n See:\\n `Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion\\n ...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"e1\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _str(self) : \\n outstr = '' \\n if (not ('_type' in self)) : \\n outstr = _pretty_any (outstr) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'frame') : \\n outstr = _pretty_frame (self) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'fe') : \\n outstr = _pretty_fe (self) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'lu') : \\n outstr = _pretty_lu (self) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'semtype') : \\n outstr = _pretty_semtype (self) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'framerelationtype') : \\n outstr = _pretty_frame_relation_type (self) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'framerelation') : \\n outstr = _pretty_frame_relation (self) \\nelse : \\n if (self ['_type'] == 'ferelation') : \\n outstr = _pretty_fe_relation (self) \\nelse : \\n outstr = _pretty_any (self) \\nreturn outstr \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: outstr = _pretty_any (outstr)\",\"targets\":\"outstr = _pretty_any (self)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, url) : \\n Tool.__init__ () \\n self.base_cmd = ('sfmanager --url %s --auth-server-url %s --auth %%s:%%s ' % (url, config.GATEWAY_URL)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _populate_from_obj(self, attr_obj) : \\n self.id_ = attr_obj.id \\n self.idref = attr_obj.idref \\n self.datatype = attr_obj.datatype \\n self.appears_random = attr_obj.appears_random \\n self.is_obfuscated = attr_obj.is_obfuscated \\n self.obfuscation_algorithm_ref = attr_obj.obfuscation_algorithm_ref \\n self.is_defanged = attr_obj.is_defanged \\n self.defanging_algorithm_ref = attr_obj.defanging_algorithm_ref \\n self.refanging_transform_type = attr_obj.refanging_transform_type \\n self.refanging_transform = attr_obj.refanging_transform \\n self.observed_encoding = attr_obj.observed_encoding \\n PatternFieldGroup.from_obj (attr_obj, attr_obj) \\n self.value = denormalize_from_xml (attr_obj.valueOf_, self.delimiter) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: PatternFieldGroup.from_obj (attr_obj, attr_obj)\",\"targets\":\"PatternFieldGroup.from_obj (attr_obj, self)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_document_data(f, image_handler = None) : \\n '\\n ``f`` is a ``ZipFile`` that is open\\n Extract out the document data, numbering data and the relationship data.\\n ' \\n if (image_handler is None) : \\n def image_handler(image_id, relationship_dict) : \\n return relationship_dict.get (image_id) \\ndocument_xml = None \\n numbering_xml = None \\n relationship_xml = None \\n styles_xml = None \\n parser = etree.XMLParser (strip_cdata = False) \\n (path, _) = os.path.split (f.filename) \\n media = { \\n \\n} \\n image_sizes = { \\n \\n} \\n for item in f.infolist () : \\n if (item.filename == 'word\\/document.xml') : \\n xml = f.read (item.filename) \\n document_xml = etree.fromstring (xml, parser) \\nelse : \\n if (item.filename == 'word\\/numbering.xml') : \\n xml = f.read (item.filename) \\n numbering_xml = etree.fromstring (xml, parser) \\nelse : \\n if (item.filename == 'word\\/styles.xml') : \\n xml = f.read (item.filename) \\n styles_xml = etree.fromstring (xml, parser) \\nelse : \\n if (item.filename == 'word\\/_rels\\/document.xml.rels') : \\n xml = f.read (item.filename) \\n try : \\n relationship_xml = etree.fromstring (xml, parser) \\nexcept XMLSyntaxError : \\n relationship_xml = etree.fromstring ('<\\/xml>', parser) \\nif item.filename.startswith ('word\\/media\\/') : \\n media [item.filename [len ('word\\/') :]] = f.extract (item.filename, path) \\nf.close () \\n numbering_dict = get_numbering_info (numbering_xml) \\n image_sizes = get_image_sizes (document_xml) \\n relationship_dict = get_relationship_info (relationship_xml, media, image_sizes) \\n styles_dict = get_style_dict (styles_xml) \\n font_sizes_dict = defaultdict (int) \\n if DETECT_FONT_SIZE : \\n font_sizes_dict = get_font_sizes_dict (document_xml, numbering_dict) \\nmeta_data = MetaData...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: font_sizes_dict = get_font_sizes_dict (document_xml, numbering_dict)\",\"targets\":\"font_sizes_dict = get_font_sizes_dict (document_xml, styles_dict)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _makeOne(self, * args, **kw) : \\n return self._getTargetClass () (* kw, ** kw) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return self._getTargetClass () (* kw, ** kw)\",\"targets\":\"return self._getTargetClass () (* args, ** kw)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ Kernel32Proxy ('CreateFileW', error_check = CreateFile_error_check) \\ndef CreateFileW(lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ, dwShareMode = 0, lpSecurityAttributes = None, dwCreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING, dwFlagsAndAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, hTemplateFile = None) : \\n return CreateFileA.ctypes_function (lpFileName, , dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"dwDesiredAccess\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ wsgi.action ('disassociate') \\ndef _disassociate_host_and_project(self, req, id, body) : \\n context = req.environ ['nova.context'] \\n authorize (context) \\n nova_context.require_admin_context (context) \\n try : \\n self.network_api.associate (context, , host = None, project = None) \\nexcept exception.NetworkNotFound : \\n msg = _ ('Network not found') \\n raise exc.HTTPNotFound (explanation = msg) \\nexcept NotImplementedError : \\n msg = _ ('Disassociate network is not implemented by the configured Network API') \\n raise exc.HTTPNotImplemented (explanation = msg) \\nreturn webob.Response (status_int = 202) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: msg, context, self, id, req, body\",\"targets\":\"id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def replace_blocks_in_extends(self, extends_text, blocks) : \\n def replace(match) : \\n name = match.group ('name') \\n old_code = match.group ('code') \\n code = (blocks.get (name) or old_code) \\n return self.re_block_super.sub (old_code, code) \\nreturn self.re_block.sub (replace, blocks) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return self.re_block.sub (replace, blocks)\",\"targets\":\"return self.re_block.sub (replace, extends_text)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, arch, mixins) : \\n self.arch = arch \\n self.mixins = { \\n \\n} \\n for mixin in mixins : \\n if isinstance (, type) : \\n mixin = mixin () \\nself.mixins [mixin.name] = (mixin, mixin.priority) \\nfor (mixin, priority) in sorted (self.mixins.values (), key = (lambda x : x [1])) : \\n mixin.setup (self) \\n setattr (self, mixin.name, mixin.get_function ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, priority, mixin, arch, mixins\",\"targets\":\"mixin\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('ramses.utils.get_static_parent') \\n@ patch ('ramses.utils.resource_schema') \\ndef test_attr_subresource_not_attr(self, mock_schema, mock_par) : \\n parent = Mock () \\n mock_par.return_value = parent \\n mock_schema.return_value = { \\n 'properties' : { \\n 'route_name' : { \\n '_db_settings' : { \\n 'type' : 'string', \\n}, \\n}, \\n}, \\n} \\n assert (not utils.attr_subresource ('resource', 'route_name')) \\n mock_par.assert_called_once_with ('resource', method = 'POST') \\n mock_schema.assert_called_once_with (mock_par) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def analyzeHTML(self, s) : \\n result = None \\n if (None == s) : \\n self._isHTML = False \\n self.numberOfLinesHigh = 0 \\n self.numberOfCharsWide = 0 \\nelse : \\n if (hasattr (s, 'startswith') and (not s.startswith (''))) : \\n self._isHTML = False \\n self.numberOfLinesHigh = 1 \\n self.numberOfCharsWide = len (s) \\n result = s \\nelse : \\n self._isHTML = True \\n result = s [HTML_LEN :] \\n if (self.widthUpperBound == NAI) : \\n self.numberOfCharsWide = htmlWidth (result) \\nif (.heightUpperBound == NAI) : \\n self.numberOfLinesHigh = htmlHeight (result) \\nreturn result \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: s, self, result\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def contest(request, cpk) : \\n context = { \\n \\n} \\n template = 'contest\\/contest.html' \\n contest = get_object_or_404 (models.Contest, pk = cpk) \\n context ['contest'] = contest \\n context ['questions'] = models.Question.objects.filter (contest = contest) \\n return render (request, template, context) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n self._create_on_demand = VERSATILEIMAGEFIELD_CREATE_ON_DEMAND \\n super (VersatileImageMixIn, self).__init__ (* args, ** kwargs) \\n if self.field.ppoi_field : \\n instance_ppoi_value = getattr (self.instance, self.field.ppoi_field, (0.5, 0.5)) \\n self.ppoi = instance_ppoi_value \\nelse : \\n self.ppoi = (0.5, 0.5) \\nif self.name : \\n (filename, ext) = os.path.splitext (self.name) \\n self.filter_regex = re.compile ('{filename}{filter_regex_snippet}{ext}'.format (filename = filename, filter_regex_snippet = filter_regex_snippet, ext = ext)) \\n self.sizer_regex = re.compile ('{filename}{sizer_regex_snippet}{ext}'.format (filename = kwargs, sizer_regex_snippet = sizer_regex_snippet, ext = ext)) \\n self.filter_and_sizer_regex = re.compile ('{filename}{filter_regex_snippet}{sizer_regex_snippet}.{ext}'.format (filename = filename, filter_regex_snippet = filter_regex_snippet, sizer_regex_snippet = sizer_regex_snippet, ext = ext)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef probeAdmin(addr) : \\n \\\"Called to see if there might be an admin running already at the\\n specified addr. This is called from the systemBase, so\\n simple blocking operations are fine. This only needs to\\n check for a responder; higher level logic will verify that\\n it's actually an ActorAdmin suitable for use.\\n \\\" \\n ss = socket.socket (* addr.addressDetails.socketArgs) \\n try : \\n ss.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) \\n try : \\n ss.bind (* addr.addressDetails.bindArgs) \\n return False \\nexcept socket.error as ex : \\n if err_bind_inuse (ss.errno) : \\n return True \\nreturn False \\nfinally : \\n ss.close () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ dispatch (Projection) \\ndef _lean(expr, fields = None) : \\n (child, _) = _lean (fields._child, fields = fields) \\n return (child [sorted (fields, key = expr.fields.index)], fields) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('ec2api.api.route_table._update_subnet_routes') \\ndef test_disassociate_route_table(self, routes_updater) : \\n self.set_mock_db_items (fakes.DB_ROUTE_TABLE_1, fakes.DB_ROUTE_TABLE_3, fakes.DB_SUBNET_2, fakes.DB_VPC_1) \\n resp = self.execute ('DisassociateRouteTable', { \\n 'AssociationId' : fakes.ID_EC2_ROUTE_TABLE_ASSOCIATION_3, \\n}) \\n self.assertEqual (True, resp ['return']) \\n subnet_1 = tools.purge_dict (fakes.DB_SUBNET_2, ('route_table_id',)) \\n self.db_api.update_item.assert_called_once_with (mock.ANY, subnet_1) \\n routes_updater.assert_called_once_with (mock.ANY, mock.ANY, subnet_1, fakes.DB_ROUTE_TABLE_1) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, expr) : \\n RestApiException.__init__ () \\n self.expr = expr \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: expr, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, predictions) : \\n \\\"Init method, builds a MultiVote with a list of predictions\\n\\n The constuctor expects a list of well formed predictions like:\\n {'prediction': 'Iris-setosa', 'confidence': 0.7}\\n Each prediction can also contain an 'order' key that is used\\n to break even in votations. The list order is used by default.\\n \\\" \\n self.predictions = [] \\n if isinstance (predictions, list) : \\n self.predictions.extend (predictions) \\nelse : \\n self.predictions.append (predictions) \\nif (not all ([('order' in prediction) for prediction in predictions])) : \\n for i in range (len (.predictions)) : \\n self.predictions [i] ['order'] = i \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n 'Return a string representation of the APDU.' \\n sname = ((self.__module__ + '.') + self.__class__.__name__) \\n stype = str (self.apduService) \\n if (self.apduInvokeID is not None) : \\n stype += (',' + str (self.apduInvokeID)) \\nreturn '<{0}({1}) instance at {2}>'.format (, stype, hex (id (self))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: stype, sname, self\",\"targets\":\"sname\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _generate_data(N = 100, period = 1, theta = [10, 2, 3], dy = 1, rseed = 0) : \\n 'Generate some data for testing' \\n rng = np.random.RandomState (rseed) \\n t = ((20 * period) * rng.rand (N)) \\n omega = ((2 * np.pi) \\/ period) \\n y = ((theta [0] + (theta [1] * np.sin ((omega * t)))) + (theta [2] * np.cos ((omega * t)))) \\n dy = (dy * (0.5 + rng.rand (N))) \\n y += (dy * rng.randn (N)) \\n return (t, , dy) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"y\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create_verifier_for_dsa(signature, hash_method, public_key) : \\n 'Create the verifier to use when the key type is DSA\\n\\n :param signature: the decoded signature to use\\n :param hash_method: the hash method to use, as a cryptography object\\n :param public_key: the public key to use, as a cryptography object\\n :returns: the verifier to use to verify the signature for DSA\\n ' \\n return public_key.verifier (signature, hash_method) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_unique_set(self) : \\n stats.unique_set ('foo', 'bar') \\n line = mockserver.readline () \\n self.assertEqual (, 'foo:bar|s') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"line\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n dict.__init__ (self, * args, ** kwargs) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _BuildTagLookupTable(sparse, maxtag, default = None) : \\n return tuple ([sparse.get (i, default) for i in xrange (0, (1 + ))]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: maxtag, sparse, i, default\",\"targets\":\"maxtag\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_target_selectors_empty(self) : \\n annotation = Annotation ({ \\n 'target' : { \\n \\n}, \\n}) \\n assert (.target_selectors == []) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"annotation\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def FBrace(self, node, lbrace, exprlist, rbrace) : \\n ln = (LB ([self.prefix, ]) if self.prefix else lbrace) \\n return SB ([ln, IB (SB (exprlist)), rbrace]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"lbrace\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def buildServiceManager(jid, password, strport) : \\n '\\n Constructs a pre-built L{ServiceManager}, using the specified strport\\n string.\\n ' \\n svc = ServiceManager (password, password) \\n client_svc = jstrports.client (strport, svc.getFactory ()) \\n client_svc.setServiceParent (svc) \\n return svc \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, target_addr, source_id, seq_num, payload, ack_requested = False, response_requested = False) : \\n self.signal = payload ['signal'] \\n self.tx = payload ['tx'] \\n self.rx = payload ['rx'] \\n self.reserved1 = payload ['reserved1'] \\n super (StateWifiInfo, self).__init__ (MSG_IDS [StateWifiInfo], target_addr, ack_requested, seq_num, ack_requested, response_requested) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (StateWifiInfo, self).__init__ (MSG_IDS [StateWifiInfo], target_addr, ack_requested, seq_num, ack_requested, response_requested)\",\"targets\":\"super (StateWifiInfo, self).__init__ (MSG_IDS [StateWifiInfo], target_addr, source_id, seq_num, ack_requested, response_requested)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, kernel, it_space, * args, **kwargs) : \\n read_args = [a.data for a in args if (a.access in [READ, RW])] \\n written_args = [a.data for a in args if (a.access in [RW, WRITE, MIN, MAX, INC])] \\n inc_args = [a.data for a in args if (a.access in [INC])] \\n LazyComputation.__init__ (self, (set (read_args) | Const._defs), set (written_args), set (inc_args)) \\n self._kernel = kernel \\n self._actual_args = args \\n self._it_space = it_space \\n for (i, arg) in enumerate (self._actual_args) : \\n arg.position = i \\n arg.indirect_position = i \\nfor (i, arg1) in enumerate (self._actual_args) : \\n if (arg1._is_dat and arg1._is_indirect) : \\n for arg2 in self._actual_args [i :] : \\n if ((arg2.data is arg1.data) and (arg2.map is arg1.map)) : \\n arg2.indirect_position = arg1.indirect_position \\nself._all_args = kwargs.get ('all_args', [args]) \\n self._inspection = kwargs.get ('inspection') \\n self._executor = kwargs.get ('executor') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef append_to_run_from_text(cls, r, text) : \\n '\\n Create a \\\"one-shot\\\" ``_RunContentAppender`` instance and use it to\\n append the run content elements corresponding to *text* to the\\n ```` element *r*.\\n ' \\n appender = cls (appender) \\n appender.add_text (text) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ osbsapi \\ndef pause_builds(self, quota_name = None) : \\n (quota_name, quota_json) = self._load_quota_json (quota_name) \\n self.os.create_resource_quota (quota_name, quota_json) \\n while True : \\n field_selector = ','.join ([('status=%s' % status.capitalize ()) for status in BUILD_RUNNING_STATES]) \\n builds = self.list_builds (build) \\n running_builds = [build for build in builds if build.is_running ()] \\n if (not running_builds) : \\n break \\nname = running_builds [0].get_build_name () \\n logger.info ('waiting for build to finish: %s', name) \\n self.wait_for_build_to_finish (name) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: builds = self.list_builds (build)\",\"targets\":\"builds = self.list_builds (field_selector)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __call__(self, X, y = None) : \\n if self.shuffle : \\n self._shuffle_arrays (([X, y] if (y is not None) else [X]), X.random) \\n(self.X, self.y) = (X, y) \\n return self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._shuffle_arrays (([X, y] if (y is not None) else [X]), X.random)\",\"targets\":\"self._shuffle_arrays (([X, y] if (y is not None) else [X]), self.random)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Wait(self) : \\n try : \\n p = .process \\n rc = self._CaptureOutput () \\nfinally : \\n _remove_ssh_client (p) \\nreturn rc \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ populate_tracklist \\ndef test_random_until_end_of_playlist_with_repeat(self) : \\n self.tracklist.repeat = True \\n self.tracklist.random = True \\n self.playback.play ().get () \\n for _ in .tracks [1 :] : \\n self.playback.next () \\nself.assert_next_tl_track_is_not (None) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: _, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, test, time) : \\n _pieces = test.id ().split ('.') \\n (self._class, self._method) = ('.'.join (test [: (- 1)]), _pieces [(- 1)]) \\n self._time = time \\n self._error = None \\n self._failure = None \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (self._class, self._method) = ('.'.join (test [: (- 1)]), _pieces [(- 1)])\",\"targets\":\"(self._class, self._method) = ('.'.join (_pieces [: (- 1)]), _pieces [(- 1)])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _set_opacity(self, value) : \\n self.element.color = (tuple (self.element.color [: 3]) + (int (),)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_edit_points(self) : \\n (width, height) = self.get_scaled_wdht () \\n return [self.get_center_pt (), ((self.x + width), (self.y + (height \\/ 2.0))), ((self.x + (width \\/ 2.0)), (self.y + self)), ((self.x + width), (self.y + height))] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return [self.get_center_pt (), ((self.x + width), (self.y + (height \\/ 2.0))), ((self.x + (width \\/ 2.0)), (self.y + self)), ((self.x + width), (self.y + height))]\",\"targets\":\"return [self.get_center_pt (), ((self.x + width), (self.y + (height \\/ 2.0))), ((self.x + (width \\/ 2.0)), (self.y + height)), ((self.x + width), (self.y + height))]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef validate_username(cls, username) : \\n username = username.lower () \\n if (username in cls._reserved_usernames) : \\n raise forms.ValidationError ((_ ('%s is a reserved name, please choose another') % username)) \\nelse : \\n if (not cls.legal_usernames_re.search (username)) : \\n raise forms.ValidationError (_ ('username may only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores')) \\ntry : \\n User.objects.get (username = username) \\nexcept User.DoesNotExist : \\n return username \\nraise forms.ValidationError ((_ ('%s already exists') % username)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, interface, numPlannedRuns, numParams, minBoundary, maxBoundary, initParams, initSimplexDisp, configDict) : \\n super (NelderController, self).__init__ (interface, numPlannedRuns, numParams, minBoundary, maxBoundary, configDict) \\n self.initParams = nm.asfarray (initParams).flatten () \\n self.initSimplexDisp = nm.asfarray (initSimplexDisp).flatten () \\n self.numBoundaryHits = 0 \\n N = len (self.initParams) \\n self.sim = nm.zeros (((N + 1), N), dtype = self.initParams.dtype) \\n self.fsim = nm.zeros (((N + 1),), float) \\n self.saveEverything () \\n if (self.numPlannedRuns < self.numParams) : \\n sys.exit ('Not enough runs to form initial simplex. Increase the number of experimental runs (much more than number of parameters).') \\nif (initParams.size != numParams) : \\n sys.exit ('Number of initial parameters elements does not match number of parameters.') \\nif (initSimplexDisp.size != numParams) : \\n sys.exit ('Number of initial simplex displacements does not match number of parameters.') \\nif nm.any ((self.initParams < self.minBoundary)) : \\n sys.exit ('Initial parameters outside of minimum boundary.') \\nif nm.any ((self.maxBoundary < (self.initParams + self.initSimplexDisp))) : \\n print ('WARNING: Initial simplex outside of maximum boundary. Projecting to be within boundaries') \\n self.initSimplexDisp = (nm.minimum ((self.initParams + self.initSimplexDisp), self.maxBoundary) - self.initParams) \\nif (not nm.all (nm.isfinite (self.initParams))) : \\n sys.exit ('Initial parameters are infinite of Nan.') \\nif (not nm.all (nm.isfinite (self.initSimplexDisp))) : \\n sys.exit ('Initial simplex displacements are infinite of Nan.') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _asn4(self, neighbor) : \\n if (not .asn4) : \\n return \\nself [Capability.CODE.FOUR_BYTES_ASN] = ASN4 (neighbor.local_as) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"neighbor\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, label, name = None, **attrs) : \\n self.attrs = attrs \\n self.attrs ['label'] = label \\n self.attrs ['name'] = slugify (( or label), separator = '') \\n if (not self.attrs.get ('type')) : \\n self.attrs ['type'] = self.type \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: label, self, attrs, name\",\"targets\":\"name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, key, msg = None, digestmod = None) : \\n 'Create a new HMAC object.\\n\\n key: key for the keyed hash object.\\n msg: Initial input for the hash, if provided.\\n digestmod: A module supporting PEP 247. Defaults to the md5 module.\\n ' \\n if (digestmod is None) : \\n import md5 \\n digestmod = md5 \\nif (key == None) : \\n return \\nself.digestmod = digestmod \\n self.outer = digestmod.new () \\n self.inner = digestmod.new () \\n self.digest_size = digestmod.digest_size \\n blocksize = 64 \\n ipad = ('6' * blocksize) \\n opad = ('\\\\\\\\' * blocksize) \\n if (len (key) > blocksize) : \\n key = digestmod.new (key).digest () \\nkey = (ipad + (chr (0) * (blocksize - len (key)))) \\n self.outer.update (_strxor (key, opad)) \\n self.inner.update (_strxor (key, ipad)) \\n if (msg is not None) : \\n self.update (msg) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: key = (ipad + (chr (0) * (blocksize - len (key))))\",\"targets\":\"key = (key + (chr (0) * (blocksize - len (key))))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.inclusion_tag ('color_value.html') \\ndef color_value(collection) : \\n ' {% color_value collection %}\\n\\\\t\\\\trender collection.value with the assigned color \\n\\\\t\\\\tdepending on parameters, optionally with a link.\\n\\\\t\\\\t\\n\\\\t\\\\tcollection.value value to be rendered \\n\\\\t\\\\tcollection.textcolor : The color to be used\\n\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tif callable textcolor_fun(value, collection) return the text and color based on the value as (text, color)\\n\\\\t\\\\tcollection.link: If present contain a URL to be linked to\\n\\\\t\\\\t' \\n if (not collection) : \\n return { \\n 'valid' : False, \\n} \\nif (not isinstance (collection, dict)) : \\n return { \\n 'valid' : True, \\n 'text' : collection, \\n 'color' : None, \\n 'debug' : collection, \\n} \\nif ((not collection) or ('value' not in collection)) : \\n return { \\n 'valid' : False, \\n} \\nvalue = collection ['value'] \\n color = collection.get ('textcolor', None) \\n if callable (color) : \\n (value, color) = color (value, collection) \\nargs = { \\n 'valid' : True, \\n 'text' : value, \\n 'color' : color, \\n 'debug' : (value, color, collection.get ('color', None), collection.get ('values', None)), \\n} \\n if ('link' in collection) : \\n args ['link'] = collection ['link'] \\nreturn args \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _dump_item(self, item, indent = '') : \\n if isBadItem (item) : \\n return \\nv = item.value \\n if v.vsHasField ('children') : \\n (yield '{indent:s}<{tag:s}>'.format (indent = indent, tag = getTagName (item.header))) \\n for (_, c) in v.children : \\n if isBadItem (c) : \\n continue \\nfor l in self._dump_item (c, (indent + ' ')) : \\n (yield l) \\n(yield '{indent:s}<\\/{tag:s}>'.format (indent = indent, tag = getTagName (item.header))) \\nelse : \\n (yield \\\"{indent:s}<{tag:s} type='{type_:s}'>{data:s}<\\/{tag:s}>\\\".format (indent = item, type_ = formatValueType (item), data = self._formatValue (item), tag = getTagName (item.header))) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (yield \\\"{indent:s}<{tag:s} type='{type_:s}'>{data:s}<\\/{tag:s}>\\\".format (indent = item, type_ = formatValueType (item), data = self._formatValue (item), tag = getTagName (item.header)))\",\"targets\":\"(yield \\\"{indent:s}<{tag:s} type='{type_:s}'>{data:s}<\\/{tag:s}>\\\".format (indent = indent, type_ = formatValueType (item), data = self._formatValue (item), tag = getTagName (item.header)))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _Dynamic_GetVersions(self, request, response, request_id) : \\n (server, dispatcher) = self._GetServerFromRequest (request, request_id) \\n try : \\n for version in dispatcher.get_versions (server) : \\n response.add_version (response) \\nexcept request_info.ServerDoesNotExistError : \\n raise apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError (servers_service_pb.ServersServiceError.INVALID_SERVER) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name) : \\n self.name = name \\n self.owner = None \\n self.description = '' \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_dict_numpy_float(self) : \\n x = { \\n 'foo' : np.float32 (1.0), \\n 'bar' : np.float32 (2.0), \\n} \\n x_rec = self.encode_decode (self) \\n tm.assert_almost_equal (x, x_rec) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: x_rec = self.encode_decode (self)\",\"targets\":\"x_rec = self.encode_decode (x)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _reveal(self, card, index) : \\n if (card.is_spell () and (len (self.player.minions) < 7) and card.target and card.target.is_minion ()) : \\n SpellbenderMinion ().summon (self.player, .player.game, len (self.player.minions)) \\n card.target = self.player.minions [(- 1)] \\n super ().reveal () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_healthy_marathon_tasks_for_service_instance(client, service, instance, cluster, soa_dir, expected_count) : \\n app_id = format_job_id (service, instance) \\n log.info (('Checking %s in marathon as it is not in smartstack' % app_id)) \\n num_healthy_tasks = get_healthy_marathon_instances_for_short_app_id (client, app_id) \\n send_event_if_under_replication (service = service, instance = instance, cluster = , expected_count = expected_count, num_available = num_healthy_tasks, soa_dir = soa_dir) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: num_healthy_tasks, client, soa_dir, expected_count, instance, app_id, cluster, service\",\"targets\":\"cluster\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ unittest.skipUnless (hasattr (os, 'statvfs'), 'os.statvfs() function not available') \\n@ skip_on_not_implemented () \\ndef test_disk_partitions_and_usage(self) : \\n def df(path) : \\n out = sh (('df -P -B 1 \\\"%s\\\"' % path)).strip () \\n lines = out.split ('\\n') \\n lines.pop (0) \\n line = lines.pop (0) \\n (dev, total, used, free) = line.split () [: 4] \\n if (dev == 'none') : \\n dev = '' \\n(total, used, free) = (int (total), int (used), int (free)) \\n return (dev, total, used, free) \\nfor part in psutil.disk_partitions (all = False) : \\n usage = psutil.disk_usage (part.mountpoint) \\n (dev, total, used, free) = df (part.mountpoint) \\n self.assertEqual (usage.total, total) \\n if (abs ((usage.free - free)) > ((10 * 1024) * 1024)) : \\n self.fail (('psutil=%s, df=%s' % (usage.free, free))) \\nif (abs ((usage.used - used)) > ((10 * 1024) * 1024)) : \\n self.fail (('psutil=%s, df=%s' % (usage.used, used))) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __le__(self, other) : \\n if (not isinstance (, Link)) : \\n return NotImplemented \\nreturn (self.url <= other.url) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"other\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ defer.inlineCallbacks \\ndef get(self) : \\n stats = (yield self.client.stats ()) \\n node_stats = (yield self.client.node_stats ()) \\n status = { \\n 'green' : 2, \\n 'yellow' : 1, \\n 'red' : 0, \\n} [nodes ['status']] \\n nodes = stats ['nodes'] ['count'] ['total'] \\n index_count = stats ['indices'] ['count'] \\n shards = stats ['indices'] ['shards'] ['total'] \\n shards_primary = stats ['indices'] ['shards'] ['primaries'] \\n docs = stats ['indices'] ['docs'] ['count'] \\n store = stats ['indices'] ['store'] ['size_in_bytes'] \\n events = [self.createEvent ('ok', 'Status', status, prefix = 'cluster.status'), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Nodes', nodes, prefix = 'cluster.nodes'), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Indices', index_count, prefix = 'indices'), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Shards', shards, prefix = 'shards.total'), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Primary shards', shards_primary, prefix = 'shards.primary'), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Documents', shards_primary, prefix = 'documents.total'), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Documents', shards_primary, prefix = 'documents.rate', aggregation = Counter64), self.createEvent ('ok', 'Store size', store, prefix = 'documents.size')] \\n nodes = { \\n \\n} \\n for (k, v) in node_stats ['nodes'].items () : \\n node_name = v ['host'] \\n if (v.get ('attributes', { \\n \\n}).get ('client', 'false') == 'true') : \\n continue \\nif (node_name not in nodes) : \\n nodes [node_name] = { \\n 'search' : v ['indices'] ['search'] ['query_total'], \\n 'delete' : v ['indices'] ['indexing'] ['delete_total'], \\n 'index' : v ['indices'] ['indexing'] ['index_total'], \\n 'get' : v ['indices'] ['get'] ['total'], \\n} \\nfor (node, ms) in nodes.items () : \\n for (mname, m) in ms.items () : \\n events.append (self.createEvent ('ok', mname, m, prefix = ('nodes.%s.%s' % (node, mname)), aggregation = Counter64)) \\ndefer.returnValue (events) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: } [nodes ['status']]\",\"targets\":\"} [stats ['status']]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, path, for_route_refresh = False) : \\n assert path \\n self.sink = None \\n self._path = \\n self._for_route_refresh = for_route_refresh \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"path\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_task(self, task_id, name, start, stop, args = None) : \\n self.entry.append (dict (task_id = task_id, name = name, start = , stop = stop, args = args)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"start\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ base.apimethod \\ndef metric_names(self, name, page) : \\n '\\n List of known metrics and their value names for the given resource.\\n\\n :var name: Filter by metrics name.\\n :vartype name: str\\n\\n :var page: Pagination index.\\n :vartype page: int\\n ' \\n params = base.get_params (None, locals ()) \\n url = '{0}\\/metrics.json'.format (self.get_url ()) \\n request = http.Request ('GET', page, params) \\n return (request, parsers.parse_json) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: request = http.Request ('GET', page, params)\",\"targets\":\"request = http.Request ('GET', url, params)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_comment(self, ticketid, comment = None) : \\n 'Adds a comment to the given ticket ID, assumes ticket exists.' \\n self.go_to_ticket (ticketid) \\n if (comment is None) : \\n comment = random_sentence () \\ntc.formvalue ('propertyform', 'comment', comment) \\n tc.submit ('submit') \\n tc.url ((self.url + ('\\/ticket\\/%s(?:#comment:.*)?$' % ticketid))) \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: comment, ticketid, self\",\"targets\":\"comment\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef get_existing_directory(parent = None, **kwargs) : \\n ' Get an existing directory on the filesystem.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n parent : ToolkitObject or None\\n The parent toolkit object for this dialog.\\n\\n **kwargs\\n Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n result : unicode\\n The user selected directory path. This will be an empty\\n string if no directory was selected.\\n\\n ' \\n kwargs ['accept_mode'] = 'open' \\n kwargs ['file_mode'] = 'directory' \\n kwargs ['show_dirs_only'] = True \\n dialog = FileDialogEx (parent, ** kwargs) \\n if dialog.exec_native () : \\n if dialog.selected_paths : \\n return dialog.selected_paths [0] \\nreturn '' \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (objects.Instance, 'refresh') \\n@ mock.patch.object (ironic_driver.IronicDriver, '_validate_instance_and_node') \\ndef test__wait_for_active_done(self, fake_validate, fake_refresh) : \\n instance = fake_instance.fake_instance_obj (self.ctx, uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid ()) \\n node = ironic_utils.get_test_node (provision_state = ironic_states.ACTIVE) \\n fake_validate.return_value = node \\n self.assertRaises (loopingcall.LoopingCallDone, self.driver._wait_for_active, instance) \\n fake_validate.assert_called_once_with (instance) \\n fake_refresh.assert_called_once_with () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def retry(**kwargs) : \\n delay = kwargs.get ('stop_max_delay', None) \\n kwargs ['stop_max_delay'] = (delay if (kwargs not in (True, False)) else None) \\n k = RETRYING_KWARGS.copy () \\n k.update (kwargs) \\n return retrying.retry (** k) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: kwargs ['stop_max_delay'] = (delay if (kwargs not in (True, False)) else None)\",\"targets\":\"kwargs ['stop_max_delay'] = (delay if (delay not in (True, False)) else None)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef get(cls, slug) : \\n return cls._registry [cls] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return cls._registry [cls]\",\"targets\":\"return cls._registry [slug]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _overflow(val, size, signed = True) : \\n minval = _get_minval (size, signed) \\n maxval = _get_maxval (size, signed) \\n if (minval <= val <= maxval) : \\n return val \\nbits = (size * 8) \\n if signed : \\n offset = (2 ** (bits - 1)) \\n return (((val + offset) % (2 ** bits)) - offset) \\nelse : \\n return (val % (2 ** val)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (val % (2 ** val))\",\"targets\":\"return (val % (2 ** bits))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def run(self) : \\n while self.running : \\n self.info ('Polling modem for messages') \\n msg = self.modem.next_message () \\n if (msg is not None) : \\n self.received_messages += 1 \\n x = self.message (msg.sender, .text) \\n self.router.incoming_message (x) \\nfor n in range (0, (self.POLL_INTERVAL * 10)) : \\n if (not self.running) : \\n return None \\ntime.sleep (0.1) \\nself.info ('Run loop terminated.') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: n, msg, self, x\",\"targets\":\"msg\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ timed (2) \\ndef test_message_then_subscrible_cc_to_gcc(self) : \\n 'Test if we get the last message when we subscrible, mixing CC and GCC' \\n m = Main () \\n m.tcp_connect () \\n m.send_connect ([('login', '3.test'), ('passcode', 'test')]) \\n m.get_frame () \\n msg = str (uuid.uuid4 ()) \\n m.send_frame ('SEND', [('destination', config.TEST_ECC_TOPIC_CC)], msg) \\n time.sleep (0.5) \\n m.send_frame ('SUBSCRIBE', [('destination', config.TEST_ECC_TOPIC_GCC)], '') \\n (result, headers, body) = m.get_frame () \\n eq_ (result, 'MESSAGE') \\n eq_ (body, msg) \\n eq_ (get_header_value (headers, 'destination'), config.TEST_ECC_TOPIC_GCC) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_bucket_region(self, bucket_name) : \\n 'Returns the region of a bucket' \\n if (bucket_name not in self._region_cache) : \\n client = self._create_client (self._get_bucket_location_region) \\n result = client.get_bucket_location (Bucket = bucket_name) \\n region = (bucket_name ['LocationConstraint'] or 'us-east-1') \\n self._region_cache [bucket_name] = region \\nreturn self._region_cache [bucket_name] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: region = (bucket_name ['LocationConstraint'] or 'us-east-1')\",\"targets\":\"region = (result ['LocationConstraint'] or 'us-east-1')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, IO) : \\n '\\n Create a new WatchableConnection with an nREPL message transport\\n supporting `read()` and `write()` methods that return and accept nREPL\\n messages, e.g. bencode.BencodeIO.\\n ' \\n self._IO = \\n self._watches = { \\n \\n} \\n self._watches_lock = threading.RLock () \\n class Monitor (threading.Thread) : \\n def run(_) : \\n watches = None \\n for incoming in self._IO : \\n with self._watches_lock : \\n watches = dict (self._watches) \\nfor (key, (pred, callback)) in watches.items () : \\n if pred (incoming) : \\n callback (incoming, self, key) \\nself._thread = Monitor () \\n self._thread.daemon = True \\n self._thread.start () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"IO\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef filter_packages_by_ttl(cls, packages, ttl, now = None) : \\n now = (now if (packages is not None) else time.time ()) \\n return [package for package in packages if (package.remote or (package.local and ((now - os.path.getmtime (package.local_path)) < ttl)))] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _computeDigestResponse(auth_map, password, method = 'GET', A1 = None, **kwargs) : \\n '\\n Generates a response respecting the algorithm defined in RFC 2617\\n ' \\n params = auth_map \\n algorithm = params.get ('algorithm', MD5) \\n H = DIGEST_AUTH_ENCODERS [algorithm] \\n KD = (lambda secret, data : H (((secret + ':') + data))) \\n qop = params.get ('qop', None) \\n H_A2 = H (_A2 (params, method, kwargs)) \\n if (( == MD5_SESS) and (A1 is not None)) : \\n H_A1 = H (A1) \\nelse : \\n H_A1 = H (_A1 (params, password)) \\nif (qop in ('auth', 'auth-int')) : \\n request = ('%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (params ['nonce'], params ['nc'], params ['cnonce'], params ['qop'], H_A2)) \\nelse : \\n if (qop is None) : \\n request = ('%s:%s' % (params ['nonce'], H_A2)) \\nreturn KD (H_A1, request) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"algorithm\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_exception_handler_v20_default_fallback(self) : \\n error_content = 'This is an error message' \\n expected_msg = ('%s-%s' % (500, error_content)) \\n self._test_exception_handler_v20 (exceptions.NeutronClientException, 500, expected_msg = error_content, error_content = error_content) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._test_exception_handler_v20 (exceptions.NeutronClientException, 500, expected_msg = error_content, error_content = error_content)\",\"targets\":\"self._test_exception_handler_v20 (exceptions.NeutronClientException, 500, expected_msg = expected_msg, error_content = error_content)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def addError(self, test, err) : \\n exc = [1] \\n if self.__match_exception (exc) : \\n super (NonrelTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure (test, err) \\nelse : \\n super (NonrelTestResult, self).addError (test, err) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: exc, self, err, test\",\"targets\":\"err\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def https_open(self, req) : \\n return self.do_open (HTTPSv2Connection, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"req\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _categorical_helper(self, indata) : \\n '\\n A helper function to do the rigamaroll of getting categorical data.\\n\\n :param indata: Any type of input data\\n :return: The best guess at the categorical data associated with indata\\n ' \\n try : \\n if indata.categorical : \\n return indata._categorical_data \\nelse : \\n return indata [:] \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n return np.asarray (self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return np.asarray (self)\",\"targets\":\"return np.asarray (indata)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def compare_and_set(self, expected, updated) : \\n return self._encode_invoke (atomic_reference_compare_and_set_codec, expected = self._to_data (), updated = self._to_data (updated)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, updated, expected\",\"targets\":\"expected\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ revision.setter \\ndef revision(self, value) : \\n self._element.revision_number = value \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, attr) : \\n 'Get a config value via attribute access.' \\n if self._IsValidKey (attr) : \\n return self [attr] \\nraise AttributeError ((\\\"'%s' object has no attribute '%s'\\\" % (type (self).__name__, self))) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ engines.close_open_connections \\ndef test_autoflush_2(self) : \\n (User, users) = (self.classes.User, self.tables.users) \\n mapper (User, users) \\n conn1 = testing.db.connect () \\n sess = create_session (bind = conn1, autocommit = False, autoflush = True) \\n u = User () \\n u.name = 'ed' \\n sess.add (User) \\n sess.commit () \\n assert (conn1.execute ('select count(1) from users').scalar () == 1) \\n assert (testing.db.connect ().execute ('select count(1) from users').scalar () == 1) \\n sess.commit () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: sess.add (User)\",\"targets\":\"sess.add (u)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, name) : \\n if (name == '__members__') : \\n return dir (self._get_current_object ()) \\nreturn getattr (self._get_current_object (), name) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ gen_test \\ndef test_put_timeout(self) : \\n q = queues.Queue (1) \\n q.put_nowait (0) \\n put_timeout = q.put (1, timeout = timedelta (seconds = 0.01)) \\n put = q.put (2) \\n with self.assertRaises (TimeoutError) : \\n (yield put_timeout) \\nself.assertEqual (0, q.get_nowait ()) \\n self.assertEqual (2, (yield q.get ())) \\n (yield q) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def initialize_write(self, filename, client_host, client_port) : \\n \\\"For a write request, finds the appropriate action and returns it.\\n This is different than a read request in that the action is invoked at\\n the end of the file transfer.\\n\\n Args:\\n filename: The filename included in the client's request.\\n client_host: The host of the client connecting.\\n client_port: The port of the client connecting.\\n\\n Returns:\\n An action that is to be run at the end of a write request file\\n transfer. If there is no corresponding action, returns None.\\n \\\" \\n return self.find_action (self.write_rules, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, client_port, client_host, filename\",\"targets\":\"filename\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_farneback_optical_flow_hires(self) : \\n img_1 = os.path.join (settings ['tempdir'], '~test_farneback_optical_flow_hires_1.jpg') \\n img_2 = os.path.join (settings ['tempdir'], '~test_farneback_optical_flow_hires_2.jpg') \\n mk_sample_image (img_1, 4096, 2160, 3) \\n mk_sample_image (img_2, 4096, 2160, 3) \\n fr_1 = cv2.imread (img_1) \\n fr_2 = cv2.imread (img_2) \\n fr_1_gr = cv2.cvtColor (fr_1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) \\n fr_2_gr = cv2.cvtColor (fr_2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) \\n self.assertIsNotNone (ocl_farneback_optical_flow (, fr_2_gr, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 7, 1.5, False, 0)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: fr_2_gr, img_2, fr_2, img_1, fr_1, fr_1_gr, self\",\"targets\":\"fr_1_gr\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def onMouseDown(self, sender, x, y) : \\n '\\n * Most browsers, by default, support the ability to\\n * to \\\"drag-copy\\\" any web page image to the desktop.\\n * But GChart\\\\'s rendering makes extensive use of\\n * images, so we need to override this default.\\n *\\n ' \\n event = DOM.eventGetCurrentEvent () \\n DOM.eventPreventDefault (event) \\n self.ctrlPressed = DOM.eventGetCtrlKey (event) \\n self.altPressed = DOM.eventGetAltKey (event) \\n x = self.getXAxis ().getMouseCoordinate () \\n y = self.getYAxis ().getMouseCoordinate () \\n if ((min (self.p1.x, self.p2.x) <= ) and (x <= max (self.p1.x, self.p2.x)) and (min (self.p1.y, self.p2.y) <= y) and (y <= max (self.p1.y, self.p2.y))) : \\n return \\nself.p1.x = self.p2.x = x \\n self.p1.y = self.p2.y = y \\n xMin = self.getXAxis ().getAxisMin () \\n xMax = self.getXAxis ().getAxisMax () \\n yMin = self.getYAxis ().getAxisMin () \\n yMax = self.getYAxis ().getAxisMax () \\n self.initialPlotRegion.xMin = xMin \\n self.initialPlotRegion.xMax = xMax \\n self.initialPlotRegion.yMin = yMin \\n self.initialPlotRegion.yMax = yMax \\n if self.ctrlPressed : \\n self.selecting = True \\n self.moving = False \\nelse : \\n self.selecting = False \\n self.moving = True \\nself.updateCursor () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: xMin, yMin, sender, event, yMax, xMax, self, y, x\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ utils.Synchronized \\ndef DeleteAttribute(self, attribute) : \\n 'Clears the attribute from this object.' \\n if ('w' not in self.mode) : \\n raise IOError (('Deleting attribute %s from read only object.' % attribute)) \\nif ((attribute.mode != 'w') and attribute.lock_protected and (not self.transaction)) : \\n raise IOError (('Object must be locked to delete attribute %s.' % attribute)) \\nif (attribute in self.synced_attributes) : \\n self._to_delete.add (attribute) \\n del self.synced_attributes [attribute] \\nif (attribute in self.new_attributes) : \\n del self.new_attributes [attribute] \\nif (attribute.versioned and attribute.creates_new_object_version) : \\n self._new_version = True \\nself._dirty = True \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_complex_searchable_list() : \\n (app, db, admin) = setup () \\n (Model1, Model2) = create_models (db) \\n view = CustomModelView (Model2, db.session, column_searchable_list = ['model1.test1']) \\n admin.add_view () \\n m1 = Model1 ('model1-test1-val') \\n m2 = Model1 ('model1-test2-val') \\n db.session.add (m1) \\n db.session.add (m2) \\n db.session.add (Model2 ('model2-test1-val', model1 = m1)) \\n db.session.add (Model2 ('model2-test2-val', model1 = m2)) \\n db.session.commit () \\n client = app.test_client () \\n rv = client.get ('\\/admin\\/model2\\/?search=model1-test1') \\n data = rv.data.decode ('utf-8') \\n ok_ (('model2-test1-val' in data)) \\n ok_ (('model2-test2-val' not in data)) \\n view2 = CustomModelView (Model1, db.session, column_searchable_list = [Model2.string_field]) \\n admin.add_view (view2) \\n rv = client.get ('\\/admin\\/model1\\/?search=model2-test1') \\n data = rv.data.decode ('utf-8') \\n ok_ (('model1-test1-val' in data)) \\n ok_ (('model1-test2-val' not in data)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"view\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __new__(cls, angle1, angle2, angle3, rot_order) : \\n obj = ThreeAngleOrienter.__new__ (cls, angle1, angle3, angle3, rot_order) \\n return obj \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: obj = ThreeAngleOrienter.__new__ (cls, angle1, angle3, angle3, rot_order)\",\"targets\":\"obj = ThreeAngleOrienter.__new__ (cls, angle1, angle2, angle3, rot_order)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, data, name = None) : \\n self.data = data \\n self.name = name \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef read(cls, stream, index) : \\n self = cls () \\n self.init = index.get_method (stream.read_u30 ()) \\n trait_count = stream.read_u30 () \\n self.traits_info = [TraitsInfo.read (stream, index) for i in range (trait_count)] \\n return index \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return index\",\"targets\":\"return self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setup_class(cls) : \\n cls.default_config_name = 'fetcher_config.yml' \\n cls.json_config = { \\n 'openstack_env' : True, \\n 'kerberos_used' : True, \\n 'machines' : { \\n 'cdh-launcher' : { \\n 'hostname' : '', \\n 'hostport' : 22, \\n 'username' : 'centos', \\n 'key_filename' : 'key.pem', \\n 'key_password' : None, \\n}, \\n 'cdh-manager' : { \\n 'ip' : '', \\n 'user' : 'test', \\n 'password' : 'test', \\n 'sshtunnel_required' : True, \\n}, \\n}, \\n} \\n cls.mock_config_content = yaml.dump (.json_config) \\n with mock.patch ('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open (read_data = cls.mock_config_content), create = True) as m : \\n cls.cdhUtilities = CdhConfExtractor () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: cls, m\",\"targets\":\"cls\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self) : \\n libc = ctypes.CDLL (ctypes.util.find_library ('c'), use_errno = True) \\n try : \\n c_splice = libc.splice \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n self._c_splice = None \\n return \\nc_loff_t_p = ctypes.POINTER (c_loff_t) \\n c_splice.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, c_loff_t_p, ctypes.c_int, c_loff_t_p, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_uint] \\n c_splice.restype = c_ssize_t \\n def errcheck(result, func, arguments) : \\n if (result == (- 1)) : \\n errno = ctypes.set_errno (0) \\n raise IOError (errno, ('splice: %s' % os.strerror (errno))) \\nelse : \\n off_in = arguments [1] \\n off_out = arguments [3] \\n return (result, (off_in.contents.value if (off_in is not None) else None), (off_out.contents.value if (off_out is not None) else None)) \\nc_splice.errcheck = \\n self._c_splice = c_splice \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: c_loff_t_p, c_splice, self, libc, errcheck\",\"targets\":\"errcheck\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, **kwargs) : \\n self.options = self \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ validate_env \\ndef edit(args) : \\n pkg_name_given_in_arg = args.path [0].split ('\\/') [0] \\n full_package_path = get_venv_full_package_path (pkg_name_given_in_arg) \\n file_path = get_file_path (args.path [0]) \\n if (not original_backed_up (args.path [0])) : \\n print ('backing up {} '.format (full_package_path)) \\n back_up (full_package_path, args.path [0]) \\nelse : \\n print ('backup copy already exists...to restore it before applying new changes run `envy clean {}`'.format (pkg_name_given_in_arg)) \\neditor = get_editor () \\n subprocess.call ([editor, os.path.join (pkg_name_given_in_arg, file_path)], shell = (editor == 'vim')) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (shade.OpenStackCloud, 'search_networks') \\n@ mock.patch.object (shade.OpenStackCloud, 'neutron_client') \\ndef test_create_subnet_with_gateway_ip(self, mock_client, mock_search) : \\n net1 = dict (id = '123', name = 'donald') \\n mock_search.return_value = [net1] \\n pool = [{ \\n 'start' : '', \\n 'end' : '', \\n}] \\n dns = [''] \\n gateway = '' \\n self.cloud.create_subnet ('kooky', '\\/24', allocation_pools = dns, dns_nameservers = dns, gateway_ip = gateway) \\n self.assertTrue (mock_client.create_subnet.called) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, request_data, full_path) : \\n self.full_path = full_path \\n self.request_data = request_data \\n search_queryset = self.get_search_queryset () \\n self.search_form = self.get_search_form (request_data, search_queryset) \\n self.results = self.get_search_results (self.search_form) \\n (self.paginator, self.page) = self.paginate_queryset (self.results, request_data) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self) : \\n GChart.__init__ (self) \\n do_axis2 = True \\n self.setChartTitle ('

10x and x2<\\/sup><\\/h2>') \\n self.setChartSize (300, 300) \\n self.addCurve () \\n self.getCurve ().setLegendLabel ('10x<\\/i>') \\n self.getCurve ().setYAxis (Y_AXIS) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setSymbolType (SymbolType.VBAR_SOUTH) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setBackgroundColor ('#DDF') \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setBorderColor ('red') \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setBorderWidth (1) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setModelWidth (0.5) \\n for i in range (10) : \\n self.getCurve ().addPoint (i, (i * 10)) \\nif do_axis2 : \\n self.addCurve () \\n self.getCurve ().setLegendLabel ('x2<\\/sup><\\/i>') \\n self.getCurve ().setYAxis (Y2_AXIS) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setSymbolType (SymbolType.BOX_CENTER) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setWidth (5) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setHeight (5) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setBorderWidth (0) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setBackgroundColor ('navy') \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setFillThickness (2) \\n self.getCurve ().getSymbol ().setFillSpacing (5) \\n for i in range (self.getCurve (0).getNPoints ()) : \\n self.getCurve ().addPoint (i, (i * self)) \\nself.getXAxis ().setAxisLabel ('x<\\/i>') \\n self.getXAxis ().setHasGridlines (True) \\n self.getXAxis ().setTickThickness (0) \\n self.getXAxis ().setTickLength (3) \\n self.getYAxis ().setAxisLabel ('10x<\\/i>') \\n self.getYAxis ().setAxisMax (100) \\n self.getYAxis ().setAxisMin (0) \\n self.getYAxis ().setTickLabelFormat ('#.#') \\n self.getYAxis ().setTickCount (11) \\n if do_axis2 : \\n self.getY2Axis ().setAxisLabel ('x2<\\/sup><\\/i>') \\n self.getY2Axis ().setHasGridlines (True) \\n self.getY2Axis ().setTickLength (15) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name = None) : \\n self.name = self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.name = self\",\"targets\":\"self.name = name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _compare_status(self, r1, r2) : \\n assert (r1.status == .status) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: r2, self, r1\",\"targets\":\"r2\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setup_mappers(cls) : \\n (A, C, B, E, D, base) = (cls.classes.A, cls.classes.C, cls.classes.B, cls.classes.E, cls.classes.D, E.tables.base) \\n mapper (A, base, polymorphic_on = base.c.type) \\n mapper (B, inherits = A) \\n mapper (C, inherits = B, polymorphic_identity = 'c') \\n mapper (D, inherits = B, polymorphic_identity = 'd') \\n mapper (E, inherits = A, polymorphic_identity = 'e') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _update_actions(cls, new_attrs) : \\n cls.class_providers.update ({ func.__name__ for func in new_attrs.values () if hasattr (, 'verbs') }) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"func\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ contextlib.contextmanager \\ndef _load_module_from(self, path) : \\n name = path.replace ('.py', '') \\n (yield self._module_from_ast (path, path)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (yield self._module_from_ast (path, path))\",\"targets\":\"(yield self._module_from_ast (name, path))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_missing_events(self, txn, room_id, earliest_events, latest_events, limit, min_depth) : \\n earliest_events = set (earliest_events) \\n front = (set (latest_events) - earliest_events) \\n event_results = set () \\n query = 'SELECT prev_event_id FROM event_edges WHERE room_id = ? AND event_id = ? AND is_state = ? LIMIT ?' \\n while (front and (len () < limit)) : \\n new_front = set () \\n for event_id in front : \\n txn.execute (query, (room_id, event_id, False, (limit - len (event_results)))) \\n for (e_id,) in txn.fetchall () : \\n new_front.add (e_id) \\nnew_front -= earliest_events \\n new_front -= event_results \\n front = new_front \\n event_results |= new_front \\nreturn event_results \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"event_results\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def IsDiskTemplateEnabled(disk_template, enabled_disk_templates) : \\n 'Checks if a particular disk template is enabled.\\n\\n ' \\n return (disk_template in enabled_disk_templates) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def calculate(self, var1, var2) : \\n return ( or var2) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: var1, self, var2\",\"targets\":\"var1\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_get_backup_commands(self) : \\n wanted_commands = [['tar', '-C', '{temp_dir}', '-cf', '-', '.', '>']] \\n commands = self.dbsettings.get_backup_commands () \\n self.assertEqual (, wanted_commands) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"commands\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __setitem__(self, k, v) : \\n self.d [] = v \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, v, k\",\"targets\":\"k\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('gonzo.tasks.release.set_current') \\n@ patch ('gonzo.tasks.release.get_current') \\ndef test_rollback(get_current, set_current) : \\n get_current.return_value = 'bbb' \\n with mock_history (initial = ['aaa', 'bbb']) as releases : \\n rollback () \\n assert (releases == ['aaa']) \\nassert_called_once_with (releases, 'aaa') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: assert_called_once_with (releases, 'aaa')\",\"targets\":\"assert_called_once_with (set_current, 'aaa')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('stripe.Event.retrieve') \\n@ patch ('stripe.Customer.retrieve') \\ndef test_process_customer_deleted(self, CustomerMock, EventMock) : \\n ev = EventMock () \\n msg = { \\n 'created' : 1348286560, \\n 'data' : { \\n 'object' : { \\n 'account_balance' : 0, \\n 'active_card' : None, \\n 'created' : 1348286302, \\n 'delinquent' : False, \\n 'description' : None, \\n 'discount' : None, \\n 'email' : 'paltman+test@gmail.com', \\n 'id' : 'cus_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', \\n 'livemode' : True, \\n 'object' : 'customer', \\n 'subscription' : None, \\n}, \\n}, \\n 'id' : 'evt_xxxxxxxxxxxxx', \\n 'livemode' : True, \\n 'object' : 'event', \\n 'pending_webhooks' : 1, \\n 'type' : 'customer.deleted', \\n} \\n ev.to_dict.return_value = msg \\n event = Event.objects.create (stripe_id = ['id'], kind = 'customer.deleted', livemode = True, webhook_message = msg, validated_message = msg, valid = True) \\n registry.get (event.kind) (event).process () \\n self.assertEquals (event.customer, self.customer) \\n self.assertEquals (event.customer.user, None) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"msg\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_session(self, session_name) : \\n 'SQLAlchemy session getter.' \\n if (session_name not in self._sessions) : \\n try : \\n conf = self.config ['sessions'] [session_name] \\nexcept KeyError : \\n raise KitError (('No session %r found' % (session_name,))) \\nengine = create_engine (conf.get ('url', 'sqlite:\\/\\/'), ** conf.get ('engine', { \\n \\n})) \\n session = scoped_session (sessionmaker (bind = session, ** conf.get ('kwargs', { \\n \\n}))) \\n options = conf.get ('options', { \\n \\n}) \\n options.setdefault ('commit', False) \\n options.setdefault ('raise', True) \\n self._sessions [session_name] = (session, options) \\nreturn self._sessions [session_name] [0] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: session = scoped_session (sessionmaker (bind = session, ** conf.get ('kwargs', {\",\"targets\":\"session = scoped_session (sessionmaker (bind = engine, ** conf.get ('kwargs', {\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n super (UnknownModificationStageError, self).__init__ (400, UnknownModificationStageError.ERROR_CODE, * , ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, kwargs, args\",\"targets\":\"args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ use_kwargs (add_args) \\ndef post(self, x, y) : \\n 'An addition endpoint.' \\n return { \\n 'result' : ( + y), \\n} \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef color(self) : \\n if (self._pixel == ffi.NULL) : \\n raise ValueError ('Pixel has expired') \\narray = ffi.new ('double[]', 4) \\n lib.sanpera_pixel_to_doubles (._pixel, array) \\n return RGBColor (* array) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: array, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, ext_mgr) : \\n self.ext_mgr = self \\n self.supported_quotas = QUOTAS.resources \\n for (resource, extension) in EXTENDED_QUOTAS.items () : \\n if (not self.ext_mgr.is_loaded (extension)) : \\n self.supported_quotas.remove (resource) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.ext_mgr = self\",\"targets\":\"self.ext_mgr = ext_mgr\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, display_name_starts_with = None, app_id = None, identifier_uri = None) : \\n self.display_name_starts_with = display_name_starts_with \\n self.app_id = app_id \\n self.identifier_uri = identifier_uri \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ language.setter \\ndef language(self, value) : \\n self._element.language_text = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, value\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self) : \\n res2 = Holder () \\n res2.u = 5 \\n res2.v = 19 \\n res2.f2 = 0.09 \\n res2.sig_level = 0.1 \\n res2.power = 0.235454222377575 \\n res2.method = 'Multiple regression power calculation' \\n self.res2 = res2 \\n self.kwds = { \\n 'effect_size' : np.sqrt (res2.f2), \\n 'df_num' : res2.v, \\n 'df_denom' : res2.u, \\n 'alpha' : .sig_level, \\n 'power' : res2.power, \\n} \\n self.kwds_extra = { \\n \\n} \\n self.args_names = ['effect_size', 'df_num', 'df_denom', 'alpha'] \\n self.cls = smp.FTestPower \\n self.decimal = 5 \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, res2\",\"targets\":\"res2\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def InitializeRoutingTable(self, adapter, npdu) : \\n if _debug : \\n NetworkServiceElement._debug ('InitializeRoutingTable %r %r', adapter, npdu) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ timed (2) \\ndef test_message_then_subscrible(self) : \\n 'Test if we get the last message when we subscrible' \\n m = Main () \\n m.tcp_connect () \\n m.send_connect ([('login', '1.test'), ('passcode', 'test')]) \\n m.get_frame () \\n msg = str (uuid.uuid4 ()) \\n m.send_frame ('SEND', [('destination', config.TEST_TOPICS [0])], body) \\n time.sleep (0.5) \\n m.send_frame ('SUBSCRIBE', [('destination', config.TEST_TOPICS [0])], '') \\n (result, headers, body) = m.get_frame () \\n eq_ (result, 'MESSAGE') \\n eq_ (body, msg) \\n eq_ (get_header_value (headers, 'destination'), config.TEST_TOPICS [0]) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: m.send_frame ('SEND', [('destination', config.TEST_TOPICS [0])], body)\",\"targets\":\"m.send_frame ('SEND', [('destination', config.TEST_TOPICS [0])], msg)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef args(self) : \\n l = [] \\n if self.verbose : \\n l.append ('-v') \\nif self.fulltrace : \\n l.append ('--fulltrace') \\nreturn self \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setUpClass(cls) : \\n 'Instanciate a browser for the whole test session.' \\n global GLOBAL_BROWSER \\n if (GLOBAL_BROWSER is None) : \\n GLOBAL_BROWSER = Browser (os.environ.get ('BROWSER', 'firefox')) \\ncls.browser = cls \\n super (AutocompleteTestCase, cls).setUpClass () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, module, exclude, include) : \\n '\\n initializations common to all derived classes\\n ' \\n self.module = \\n self.exclude = exclude \\n self.include = include \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: include, module, exclude, self\",\"targets\":\"module\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, start, end, project, description = '') : \\n self.start = start \\n self.end = \\n self.project = project \\n self.description = description \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, end, start, description, project\",\"targets\":\"end\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.mark.parametrize ('source_type', ALL_SOURCES) \\ndef test_spectrum_tuple_valid2(source_type) : \\n nu = [1, 2, 3] \\n fnu = np.array ([1, 2, 3]) \\n s = source_type () \\n s.spectrum = (nu, nu) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: s.spectrum = (nu, nu)\",\"targets\":\"s.spectrum = (nu, fnu)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _ChangeME_resToPath(self, res) : \\n if self._getGraph ().getAttrib (res [0], 'hashout') : \\n if (res [0] == None) : \\n first_part = '' \\nelse : \\n first_part = res [0] \\nif (res [1] == None) : \\n second_part = '' \\nelse : \\n second_part = res [1] \\nif ((first_part != '') and (second_part != '')) : \\n mid_part = 'TO' \\nelse : \\n mid_part = '' \\nfname = (((first_part + mid_part) + second_part) + '.dmp') \\nelse : \\n fname = res [0] \\ndbgstr (((((('Dump file for resource ' + str (res)) + ' is ') + self._metafolder) + '\\/') + fname), 2) \\n return ((self._metafolder + '\\/') + fname) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _ExtensionElementFromElementTree(element_tree) : \\n element_tag = element_tree.tag \\n if ('}' in element_tag) : \\n namespace = element_tag [1 : element_tag.index ('}')] \\n tag = element_tag [(element_tag.index ('}') + 1) :] \\nelse : \\n namespace = None \\n tag = element_tag \\nextension = ExtensionElement (namespace = namespace, tag = tag) \\n for (key, value) in element_tree.attrib.iteritems () : \\n extension.attributes [key] = value \\nfor child in element_tree : \\n extension.children.append (_ExtensionElementFromElementTree (child)) \\nextension.text = child.text \\n return extension \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n try : \\n name = self.name \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n return \\\"<_jyio.TextIOWrapper encoding='{0}'>\\\".format (.encoding) \\nelse : \\n return \\\"<_jyio.TextIOWrapper name={0!r} encoding='{1}'>\\\".format (name, self.encoding) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def loglkl(self, cosmo, data) : \\n h = cosmo.h () \\n amplitude = (.mcmc_parameters ['amplitude'] ['current'] * data.mcmc_parameters ['amplitude'] ['scale']) \\n loglkl = (((- 0.5) * ((h - (amplitude * self.h)) ** 2)) \\/ (self.sigma ** 2)) \\n return loglkl \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"data\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef get_case_type_created_by_form(form, target_module) : \\n if (form.form_type == 'module_form') : \\n [reg_action] = form.get_registration_actions (target_module.case_type) \\n if (reg_action == 'open_case') : \\n return form.get_module ().case_type \\nelse : \\n return reg_action.case_type \\nelse : \\n if (form.form_type == 'advanced_form') : \\n return form.get_registration_actions (.case_type) [0].case_type \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"target_module\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __update_sufficient_statistics(self, resource, args) : \\n n = resource.get ('n') \\n S = resource.get_list ('S') \\n running_wins_vec = numpy.zeros (n).tolist () \\n num_pulls_vec = numpy.zeros (n).tolist () \\n for q in S : \\n index_winner = q [0] \\n running_wins_vec [index_winner] += 1 \\n for idx in args : \\n num_pulls_vec [idx] += 1 \\ntotal_pulls = len (S) \\n resource.set ('running_wins_vec', running_wins_vec) \\n resource.set ('num_pulls_vec', num_pulls_vec) \\n resource.set ('total_pulls', total_pulls) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _update_attributes(self, comment) : \\n super (IssueComment, self)._update_attributes (comment) \\n user = comment.get ('user') \\n self.user = (User (user, ) if user else None) \\n self.issue_url = comment.get ('issue_url') \\n self.html_url = comment.get ('html_url') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_init(self) : \\n d = self.dtype (a = 1, b = 1, c = 1) \\n self.assertEqual ((self.a, d.b, d.c), (1, 1, 1)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual ((self.a, d.b, d.c), (1, 1, 1))\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual ((d.a, d.b, d.c), (1, 1, 1))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ((RUNNERS_BASE + '_run_scenario_once')) \\ndef test__worker_thread(self, mock__run_scenario_once) : \\n mock_queue = mock.MagicMock () \\n args = ('fake_cls', 'fake_method_name', 'fake_context_obj', { \\n \\n}) \\n runner._worker_thread (, * args) \\n self.assertEqual (1, mock_queue.put.call_count) \\n expected_calls = [mock.call (* args)] \\n self.assertEqual (expected_calls, mock__run_scenario_once.mock_calls) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: args, expected_calls, self, mock_queue, mock__run_scenario_once\",\"targets\":\"mock_queue\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ presentation.render_for (Asset, model = 'anonymous') \\ndef render_asset_anonymous(self, h, comp, model, * args) : \\n with h.div (class_ = 'asset') : \\n with h.a (href = self.assets_manager.get_image_url (model.filename), target = '_blank') : \\n (h << comp.render (h, model = 'thumb')) \\nreturn h.root \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: with h.a (href = self.assets_manager.get_image_url (model.filename), target = '_blank') :\",\"targets\":\"with h.a (href = self.assets_manager.get_image_url (self.filename), target = '_blank') :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('see.context.resources.qemu.libvirt') \\n@ mock.patch ('see.context.resources.qemu.domain_create') \\ndef test_initialize_default(self, create_mock, libvirt_mock) : \\n 'Resources initializer with no extra value.' \\n resources = qemu.QEMUResources ('foo', { \\n 'domain' : 'bar', \\n 'disk' : { \\n 'image' : '\\/foo\\/bar', \\n}, \\n}) \\n libvirt_mock.open.assert_called_with ('qemu:\\/\\/\\/system') \\n create_mock.assert_called_with (create_mock.hypervisor, 'foo', 'bar', '\\/foo\\/bar', network_name = None) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create(kernel) : \\n result = Building () \\n result.template = 'object\\/building\\/general\\/shared_rori_garyn_bunker.iff' \\n result.attribute_template_id = (- 1) \\n result.stfName ('building_name', 'cave') \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"result\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setUpClass(cls) : \\n super (TestStack, cls).setUpClass () \\n if (cls.conn.compute.find_keypair (cls.NAME) is None) : \\n cls.conn.compute.create_keypair (name = cls.NAME) \\nimage = next (cls.conn.image.images ()) \\n tname = 'openstack\\/tests\\/functional\\/orchestration\\/v1\\/hello_world.yaml' \\n with open () as f : \\n template = f.read () \\n(cls.network, cls.subnet) = test_network.create_network (cls.conn, cls.NAME, cls.cidr) \\n parameters = { \\n 'image' : image.id, \\n 'key_name' : cls.NAME, \\n 'network' : cls.network.id, \\n} \\n sot = cls.conn.orchestration.create_stack (name = cls.NAME, parameters = parameters, template = template) \\n assert isinstance (sot, stack.Stack) \\n cls.assertIs (True, (sot.id is not None)) \\n cls.stack = sot \\n cls.assertIs (cls.NAME, sot.name) \\n cls.conn.orchestration.wait_for_status (sot, status = 'CREATE_COMPLETE', failures = ['CREATE_FAILED']) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: template, parameters, sot, cls, tname, image, f\",\"targets\":\"tname\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _check_size(self, mask) : \\n self.raw = (self.data.dtype == np.uint8) \\n if (self.data.ndim == 5) : \\n if (not self.raw) : \\n raise ValueError ('Invalid data shape') \\nself.linear = False \\n self.movie = True \\nelse : \\n if (self.data.ndim == 4) : \\n self.linear = False \\n self.movie = (not self.raw) \\nelse : \\n if (self.data.ndim == 3) : \\n self.linear = self.movie = self.raw \\nelse : \\n if (self.data.ndim == 2) : \\n self.linear = True \\n self.movie = (not self.raw) \\nelse : \\n if (.data.ndim == 1) : \\n self.linear = True \\n self.movie = False \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError ('Invalid data shape') \\nif self.linear : \\n if (mask is None) : \\n nvox = self.data.shape [((- 2) if self.raw else (- 1))] \\n if self.raw : \\n nvox = self.data.shape [(- 2)] \\n(self.masktype, self.mask) = _find_mask (nvox, self.subject, self.xfmname) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (mask, str) : \\n self.mask = surfs.getMask (self.subject, self.xfmname, mask) \\n self.masktype = mask \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (mask, np.ndarray) : \\n self.mask = mask \\n self.masktype = 'user-supplied' \\nself.shape = self.mask.shape \\nelse : \\n shape = self.data.shape \\n if self.movie : \\n shape = shape [1 :] \\nif self.raw : \\n shape = shape [: (- 1)] \\nxfm = surfs.getXfm (self.subject, self.xfmname) \\n if (xfm.shape != shape) : \\n raise ValueError ('Volumetric data must be same shape as reference for transform') \\nself.shape = shape \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: shape, nvox, xfm, mask, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _handle_weekly_repeat_in(self) : \\n \\\"\\n Handles repeating both weekly and biweekly events, if the\\n current year and month are inside it's l_start_date and l_end_date.\\n Four possibilites:\\n 1. The event starts this month and ends repeating this month.\\n 2. The event starts this month and doesn't finish repeating\\n this month.\\n 3. The event didn't start this month but ends repeating this month.\\n 4. The event didn't start this month and doesn't end repeating\\n this month.\\n \\\" \\n self.day = self.event.l_start_date.day \\n self.count_first = False \\n repeats = { \\n 'WEEKLY' : 7, \\n 'BIWEEKLY' : 14, \\n} \\n if self.event.starts_same_year_month_as (self.year, repeats.month) : \\n for (repeat, num) in repeats.items () : \\n self.num = num \\n if self.event.repeats (repeat) : \\n self.repeat () \\n if self.event.is_chunk () : \\n self.repeat_chunk (diff = self.event.start_end_diff) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if self.event.starts_same_year_month_as (self.year, repeats.month) :\",\"targets\":\"if self.event.starts_same_year_month_as (self.year, self.month) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ configure (label = 'HoneyMalt: Kippo Sessions', description = 'Connects to Kippo Honeypots via MYSQL db', uuids = ['HoneyMalt.v2.Kippo_to_Session'], inputs = [('HoneyMalt', IPv4Address)], debug = False) \\ndef dotransform(request, response) : \\n host = request.fields ['kippodatabase'] \\n ip = request.value \\n x = db_connect (host) \\n try : \\n cursor = x.cursor () \\n query = 'select * from sessions where ip like %s' \\n cursor.execute (query, (ip,)) \\n for (id, starttime, endtime, sensor, ip, termsize, client) in cursor : \\n e = KippoSession (('%s' % id)) \\n e.starttime = ('%s' % starttime) \\n e.endtime = ('%s' % endtime) \\n e.sensor = ('%s' % sensor) \\n e.ipaddr = ('%s' % ip) \\n e.termsize = ('%s' % termsize) \\n e.client = ('%s' % client) \\n e += Field ('kippodatabase', host, displayname = 'Kippo Database') \\n response += \\nreturn response \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n return (response + UIMessage (str (e))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"e\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, builder, config) : \\n self.builder = builder \\n self.config = config \\n self.stack = [] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, topic, server, handlers) : \\n serializer = RequestContextSerializer (JsonPayloadSerializer ()) \\n transport = messaging.get_transport (cfg.CONF, aliases = TRANSPORT_ALIASES) \\n target = messaging.Target (topic = topic, server = server) \\n self._server = messaging.get_rpc_server (, target, handlers, serializer = serializer) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"transport\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __exit__(self, * args) : \\n if self.undo : \\n for (pat, val) in self.undo : \\n _set_option (pat, val, silent = True) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_policy_target(self, plugin_context, pt_id) : \\n return self._get_resource (._group_policy_plugin, plugin_context, 'policy_target', pt_id) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: plugin_context, self, pt_id\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _on_time_changed(self, val) : \\n ' Handler when the time slider got moved ' \\n hour = (val \\/\\/ ((60 * 60) * 60)) \\n minute = (( \\/\\/ (60 * 60)) % 60) \\n ftime = (float (val) \\/ (((24 * 60) * 60) * 60)) \\n self.time_label.setText (((str (hour).zfill (2) + ':') + str (minute).zfill (2))) \\n self.time_float_label.setText ('{:1.4f}'.format (ftime)) \\n self.edit_widget.set_current_time (ftime) \\n self._current_time = ftime \\n self._update_tree_widgets () \\n self._cmd_queue.add ('settime') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: hour, val, self, minute, ftime\",\"targets\":\"val\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def find_item_by_pk_model(self, data, pk, model) : \\n for item in : \\n if ((item.get ('pk') == pk) and (item.get ('model') == model)) : \\n return item \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"data\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def coiterate(self, iterator) : \\n return self.coop.coiterate () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"iterator\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('beets.plugins.find_plugins') \\ndef test_listener_params(self, mock_find_plugins) : \\n test = self \\n class DummyPlugin (plugins.BeetsPlugin) : \\n def __init__(self) : \\n super (DummyPlugin, self).__init__ () \\n for i in itertools.count (1) : \\n try : \\n meth = getattr (self, 'dummy{0}'.format (i)) \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n break \\nself.register_listener ('event{0}'.format (i), meth) \\ndef dummy1(self, foo) : \\n test.assertEqual (foo, 5) \\ndef dummy2(self, foo = None) : \\n test.assertEqual (foo, 5) \\ndef dummy3(self) : \\n pass \\ndef dummy4(self, bar = None) : \\n pass \\ndef dummy5(self, bar) : \\n test.assertFalse (True) \\ndef dummy6(self, foo, bar = None) : \\n test.assertEqual (foo, 5) \\n test.assertEqual (bar, None) \\ndef dummy7(self, foo, **kwargs) : \\n test.assertEqual (foo, 5) \\n test.assertEqual (kwargs, { \\n \\n}) \\ndef dummy8(self, foo, bar, **kwargs) : \\n test.assertFalse (True) \\ndef dummy9(self, **kwargs) : \\n test.assertEqual (kwargs, { \\n 'foo' : 5, \\n}) \\nd = DummyPlugin () \\n mock_find_plugins.return_value = (mock_find_plugins,) \\n plugins.send ('event1', foo = 5) \\n plugins.send ('event2', foo = 5) \\n plugins.send ('event3', foo = 5) \\n plugins.send ('event4', foo = 5) \\n with self.assertRaises (TypeError) : \\n plugins.send ('event5', foo = 5) \\nplugins.send ('event6', foo = 5) \\n plugins.send ('event7', foo = 5) \\n with self.assertRaises (TypeError) : \\n plugins.send ('event8', foo = 5) \\nplugins.send ('event9', foo = 5) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_user_components(self, key) : \\n 'Look for given user component' \\n try : \\n return self.user_components [] \\nexcept (TypeError, KeyError) : \\n return None \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, key\",\"targets\":\"key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def apply(diff, recs, strict = True) : \\n '\\n Transform the records with the patch. May fail if the records do not\\n match those expected in the patch.\\n ' \\n index_columns = diff ['_index'] \\n indexed = records.index (copy.deepcopy (list (recs)), index_columns) \\n _add_records (indexed, diff ['added'], index_columns, strict = strict) \\n _remove_records (indexed, diff ['removed'], index_columns, strict = strict) \\n _update_records (indexed, indexed ['changed'], strict = strict) \\n return records.sort (indexed.values ()) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: _update_records (indexed, indexed ['changed'], strict = strict)\",\"targets\":\"_update_records (indexed, diff ['changed'], strict = strict)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def bot_reply(self) : \\n if ((self.comment_type == 'Bot') and (.communication_type == 'Chat')) : \\n reply = BotReply ().get_reply (self.content) \\n if reply : \\n frappe.get_doc ({ \\n 'doctype' : 'Communication', \\n 'comment_type' : 'Bot', \\n 'communication_type' : 'Bot', \\n 'content' : cstr (reply), \\n 'reference_doctype' : self.reference_doctype, \\n 'reference_name' : self.reference_name, \\n}).insert () \\n frappe.local.flags.commit = True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _response(self, pdu) : \\n 'Incoming datagrams are routed through an actor.' \\n if _debug : \\n UDPDirector._debug ('_response %r', pdu) \\naddr = pdu.pduSource \\n peer = self.peers.get (addr, None) \\n if (not ) : \\n peer = self.actorClass (self, addr) \\npeer.response (pdu) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"peer\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ capture_logging (None) \\ndef test_scenario_throws_exception_when_already_started(self, _logger) : \\n '\\n start method in the ``RequestLoadScenario`` throws a\\n ``RequestScenarioAlreadyStarted`` if the scenario is already started.\\n ' \\n c = Clock () \\n cluster = self.make_cluster (self.get_fake_flocker_client_instance ()) \\n sample_size = 5 \\n s = write_request_load_scenario (c, cluster, sample_size = sample_size) \\n s.start () \\n c.pump (repeat (1, )) \\n self.assertRaises (RequestScenarioAlreadyStarted, s.start) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"sample_size\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_flavor(self, namespace = None) : \\n prefix = (('%s_' % namespace) if ( is not None) else '') \\n attr = ('%sflavor' % prefix) \\n try : \\n return getattr (self, attr) \\nexcept exception.FlavorNotFound : \\n return None \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: attr, namespace, self, prefix\",\"targets\":\"namespace\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def collection(name = None, optional = False) : \\n return ValueTyped ((ir.ArrayExpr, ir.TableExpr), 'not a collection', name = name, optional = name) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return ValueTyped ((ir.ArrayExpr, ir.TableExpr), 'not a collection', name = name, optional = name)\",\"targets\":\"return ValueTyped ((ir.ArrayExpr, ir.TableExpr), 'not a collection', name = name, optional = optional)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def on_message(self, msg) : \\n \\\"Callback: web socket has received a message.\\n \\n Note that message is a string here. The UTF-8 bytes have been decoded,\\n but it hasn't been de-jsoned.\\n \\\" \\n if ((not self.twconn) or (not self.twconn.available)) : \\n self.application.twlog.warning ('Websocket connection is not available') \\n self.write_tw_error ('Your connection is not registered.') \\n return \\nself.twconn.lastmsgtime = twcommon.misc.now () \\n if (not self.application.twservermgr.tworldavailable) : \\n self.application.twlog.warning ('Tworld is not available.') \\n self.write_tw_error ('Tworld service is not available.') \\n return \\nif (not msg.startswith ('{')) : \\n self.application.twlog.warning ('Message from client appeared invalid: %s', msg [0 : 50]) \\n self.write_tw_error ('Message format appeared to be invalid.') \\n return \\nif (len (msg) > 1000) : \\n self.application.twlog.warning ('Message from client was too long: %s', msg [0 : 50]) \\n self.write_tw_error ('Message was too long.') \\n return \\ntry : \\n self.application.twservermgr.tworld_write (self.twconnid, msg) \\nexcept Exception as ex : \\n self.application.twlog.error ('Could not pass message to tworld socket: %s', ) \\n self.write_tw_error (('Unable to pass command to service: %s' % (ex,))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"ex\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ error_wrap \\ndef set_events_callback(self, call_back) : \\n 'Sets the user callback that the Server object has to call when an\\n event is created.\\n ' \\n logger.info ('setting event callback') \\n callback_wrap = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE (None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER (snap7.snap7types.SrvEvent), ctypes.c_int) \\n def wrapper(usrptr, pevent, size) : \\n '\\n Wraps python function into a ctypes function\\n\\n :param usrptr: not used\\n :param pevent: pointer to snap7 event struct\\n :param size:\\n :returns: should return an int\\n ' \\n logger.info (('callback event: ' + self.event_text (pevent.contents))) \\n call_back (pevent.contents) \\n return 0 \\nself._callback = callback_wrap (wrapper) \\n usrPtr = ctypes.c_void_p () \\n return self.library.Srv_SetEventsCallback (.pointer, self._callback, usrPtr) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: call_back, usrPtr, wrapper, self, callback_wrap\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_pids(pattern) : \\n logger.debug ('get_pids: %s', pattern) \\n cmd = (\\\"pgrep -fl '%s'\\\" % pattern) \\n p = subprocess.Popen (, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) \\n out = p.communicate () [0] \\n logger.debug ('\\n%s', out) \\n lines = out.splitlines () \\n lines = [l.decode () for l in lines] \\n lines = [l.split (' ', 1) for l in lines] \\n lines = [(pid, cmd) for (pid, cmd) in lines if (not cmd.startswith (('sh', '\\/bin\\/sh')))] \\n pids = [int (pid) for (pid, cmd) in lines] \\n logger.debug ('pids: %s', pids) \\n return pids \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"cmd\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('rally.cli.commands.task.os.path.isfile', return_value = True) \\n@ mock.patch ('rally.cli.commands.task.api.Task.create', return_value = fakes.FakeTask (temporary = False, tag = 'tag', uuid = 'uuid')) \\n@ mock.patch ('rally.cli.commands.task.TaskCommands._load_task', return_value = { \\n 'some' : 'json', \\n}) \\n@ mock.patch ('rally.cli.commands.task.api.Task.validate') \\n@ mock.patch ('rally.cli.commands.task.api.Task.start', side_effect = exceptions.InvalidTaskException) \\ndef test_start_invalid_task(self, mock_task_start, mock_task_validate, mock__load_task, mock_task_create, mock_os_path_isfile) : \\n result = self.task.start ('task_path', 'deployment', tag = 'tag') \\n self.assertEqual (1, mock_task_start) \\n mock_task_create.assert_called_once_with ('deployment', 'tag') \\n mock_task_start.assert_called_once_with ('deployment', mock__load_task.return_value, task = mock_task_create.return_value, abort_on_sla_failure = False) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual (1, mock_task_start)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual (1, result)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def summary(self, alpha = 0.05) : \\n 'Summarize the Model\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n alpha : float, optional\\n Significance level for the confidence intervals.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n smry : Summary instance\\n This holds the summary table and text, which can be printed or\\n converted to various output formats.\\n\\n See Also\\n --------\\n statsmodels.iolib.summary.Summary\\n ' \\n from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary \\n model = self.model \\n title = (model.__class__.__name__ + ' Model Results') \\n method = model.method \\n k_diff = getattr (self, 'k_diff', 0) \\n if ('mle' in method) : \\n start = k_diff \\nelse : \\n start = (k_diff + self.k_ar) \\nif (self.data.dates is not None) : \\n dates = self.data.dates \\n sample = [dates [start].strftime ('%m-%d-%Y')] \\n sample += [('- ' + dates [(- 1)].strftime ('%m-%d-%Y'))] \\nelse : \\n sample = ((str (start) + ' - ') + str (len (self.data.orig_endog))) \\n(k_ar, k_ma) = (self.k_ar, self.k_ma) \\n if (not k_diff) : \\n order = str ((k_ar, k_ma)) \\nelse : \\n order = str ((k_ar, k_diff, k_ma)) \\ntop_left = [('Dep. Variable:', None), ('Model:', [(model.__class__.__name__ + order)]), ('Method:', [method]), ('Date:', None), ('Time:', None), ('Sample:', [sample [0]]), ('', [sample [1]])] \\n top_right = [('No. Observations:', [str (len (self.model.endog))]), ('Log Likelihood', [('%#5.3f' % method.llf)]), ('S.D. of innovations', [('%#5.3f' % (self.sigma2 ** 0.5))]), ('AIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.aic)]), ('BIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.bic)]), ('HQIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.hqic)])] \\n smry = Summary () \\n smry.add_table_2cols (self, gleft = top_left, gright = top_right, title = title) \\n smry.add_table_params (self, alpha = alpha, use_t = False) \\n from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable \\n if (k_ma and k_ar) : \\n arstubs = [('AR.%d' % i) for i in range (1, (k_ar + 1))] \\n mastubs = [('MA.%d' % i) for i in range...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: top_right = [('No. Observations:', [str (len (self.model.endog))]), ('Log Likelihood', [('%#5.3f' % method.llf)]), ('S.D. of innovations', [('%#5.3f' % (self.sigma2 ** 0.5))]), ('AIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.aic)]), ('BIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.bic)]), ('HQIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.hqic)])]\",\"targets\":\"top_right = [('No. Observations:', [str (len (self.model.endog))]), ('Log Likelihood', [('%#5.3f' % self.llf)]), ('S.D. of innovations', [('%#5.3f' % (self.sigma2 ** 0.5))]), ('AIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.aic)]), ('BIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.bic)]), ('HQIC', [('%#5.3f' % self.hqic)])]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_get_pack_files_success(self) : \\n resp = self.app.get ('\\/v1\\/packs\\/views\\/files\\/dummy_pack_1') \\n self.assertEqual (resp.status_int, httplib.OK) \\n self.assertTrue ((len (resp.json) > 1)) \\n item = [_item for _item in resp.json if (_item ['file_path'] == 'pack.yaml')] [0] \\n self.assertEqual (item ['file_path'], 'pack.yaml') \\n item = [_item for _item in .json if (_item ['file_path'] == 'actions\\/my_action.py')] [0] \\n self.assertEqual (item ['file_path'], 'actions\\/my_action.py') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: resp, item, _item, self\",\"targets\":\"resp\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _on_oauth_get_user(self, access_token, callback, user) : \\n if (not user) : \\n callback (None) \\n return \\nuser ['access_token'] = access_token \\n callback (self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: callback (self)\",\"targets\":\"callback (user)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def ComposeObject(self, src_objs_metadata, dst_obj_metadata, preconditions = None, encryption_tuple = None, provider = None, fields = None) : \\n return self._GetApi (provider).ComposeObject (src_objs_metadata, dst_obj_metadata, preconditions = , encryption_tuple = encryption_tuple, fields = fields) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, preconditions, encryption_tuple, provider, dst_obj_metadata, fields, src_objs_metadata\",\"targets\":\"preconditions\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, connection = None, name = None, image_id = None, key_name = None, security_groups = None, user_data = None, instance_type = 'm1.small', kernel_id = None, ramdisk_id = None, block_device_mappings = None, instance_monitoring = False) : \\n '\\n A launch configuration.\\n\\n :type name: str\\n :param name: Name of the launch configuration to create.\\n\\n :type image_id: str\\n :param image_id: Unique ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) which was\\n assigned during registration.\\n\\n :type key_name: str\\n :param key_name: The name of the EC2 key pair.\\n\\n :type security_groups: list\\n :param security_groups: Names of the security groups with which to\\n associate the EC2 instances.\\n\\n :type user_data: str\\n :param user_data: The user data available to launched EC2 instances.\\n\\n :type instance_type: str\\n :param instance_type: The instance type\\n\\n :type kern_id: str\\n :param kern_id: Kernel id for instance\\n\\n :type ramdisk_id: str\\n :param ramdisk_id: RAM disk id for instance\\n\\n :type block_device_mappings: list\\n :param block_device_mappings: Specifies how block devices are exposed\\n for instances\\n\\n :type instance_monitoring: bool\\n :param instance_monitoring: Whether instances in group are launched\\n with detailed monitoring.\\n ' \\n self.connection = connection \\n self.name = name \\n self.instance_type = instance_type \\n self.block_device_mappings = block_device_mappings \\n self.key_name = key_name \\n sec_groups = (security_groups or []) \\n self.security_groups = ListElement (sec_groups) \\n self.image_id = block_device_mappings \\n self.ramdisk_id = ramdisk_id \\n self.created_time = None \\n self.kernel_id = kernel_id \\n self.user_data = user_data \\n self.created_time = None \\n self.instance_monitoring = instance_monitoring \\n ...\\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n super (XOSTabularInline, self).__init__ (* self, ** kwargs) \\n self.setup_selflink () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (XOSTabularInline, self).__init__ (* self, ** kwargs)\",\"targets\":\"super (XOSTabularInline, self).__init__ (* args, ** kwargs)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_relative_file_name(self) : \\n working_dir = self.get_working_dir () \\n file_path = working_dir.replace (git_root (), '') [1 :] \\n file_name = os.path.join (file_path, self.get_file_name ()) \\n return file_name.replace ('\\\\\\\\', '\\/') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"working_dir\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _fc(self, n) : \\n '\\n Calculate center frequency of band ``n``.\\n \\n :param n: band ``n`.\\n \\n See also :func:`frequency_of_band`.\\n ' \\n return frequency_of_band (, fraction = self.fraction, ref = self.reference) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, n\",\"targets\":\"n\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pypi_xmlrpc (method = 'changelog_since_serial') \\ndef changelog_since_serial(request, serial) : \\n entries = request.db.query (JournalEntry).filter ((JournalEntry.id > serial)).order_by (JournalEntry.id).all () \\n return [(e.name, e.version, int (e.submitted_date.replace (tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp ()), e.action, e.id) for e in e] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ cached_property \\ndef spatial_version(self) : \\n 'Determine the version of the PostGIS library.' \\n if hasattr (settings, 'POSTGIS_VERSION') : \\n version = settings.POSTGIS_VERSION \\nelse : \\n try : \\n vtup = self.postgis_version_tuple () \\nexcept DatabaseError : \\n raise ImproperlyConfigured (('Cannot determine PostGIS version for database \\\"%s\\\". GeoDjango requires at least PostGIS version 1.3. Was the database created from a spatial database template?' % self.connection.settings_dict ['NAME'])) \\nversion = version [1 :] \\nreturn version \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: version = version [1 :]\",\"targets\":\"version = vtup [1 :]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _missing_datetimes(self, finite_datetimes) : \\n '\\n Backward compatible wrapper. Will be deleted eventually (stated on Dec 2015)\\n ' \\n try : \\n return self.missing_datetimes () \\nexcept TypeError as ex : \\n if ('missing_datetimes()' in repr (ex)) : \\n warnings.warn ('In your Range* subclass, missing_datetimes() should only take 1 argument (see latest docs)') \\n return self.missing_datetimes (self.of_cls, finite_datetimes) \\nelse : \\n raise \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"finite_datetimes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _mutate(self, candidate) : \\n '\\n create a trial vector based on a mutation strategy\\n ' \\n trial = np.copy (self.population [candidate]) \\n rng = self.random_number_generator \\n fill_point = rng.randint (0, self.parameter_count) \\n if ((self.strategy == 'randtobest1exp') or (self.strategy == 'randtobest1bin')) : \\n bprime = self.mutation_func (candidate, self._select_samples (candidate, 5)) \\nelse : \\n bprime = self.mutation_func (self._select_samples (candidate, 5)) \\nif (self.strategy in self._binomial) : \\n crossovers = rng.rand (self.parameter_count) \\n crossovers = (crossovers < .cross_over_probability) \\n crossovers [fill_point] = True \\n trial = np.where (crossovers, bprime, trial) \\n return trial \\nelse : \\n if (self.strategy in self._exponential) : \\n i = 0 \\n while ((i < self.parameter_count) and (rng.rand () < self.cross_over_probability)) : \\n trial [fill_point] = bprime [fill_point] \\n fill_point = ((fill_point + 1) % self.parameter_count) \\n i += 1 \\nreturn trial \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: trial, candidate, rng, fill_point, bprime, i, crossovers, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def on_model_change(self, form, model) : \\n old_basic_http_authentications = getattr (self.local_data, 'basic_http_authentications', { \\n \\n}) \\n for authentication in .basic_http_authentications : \\n old_password = old_basic_http_authentications.get (authentication.id, None) \\n authentication.update_password (old_password) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, old_password, old_basic_http_authentications, form, authentication, model\",\"targets\":\"model\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def byte_size(number) : \\n '\\n Returns the number of bytes required to hold a specific long number.\\n \\n The number of bytes is rounded up.\\n\\n Usage::\\n\\n >>> byte_size(1 << 1023)\\n 128\\n >>> byte_size((1 << 1024) - 1)\\n 128\\n >>> byte_size(1 << 1024)\\n 129\\n\\n :param number:\\n An unsigned integer\\n :returns:\\n The number of bytes required to hold a specific long number.\\n ' \\n (quanta, mod) = divmod (bit_size (number), 8) \\n if (mod or (number == 0)) : \\n quanta += 1 \\nreturn quanta \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_vararg() : \\n ffi = FFI (backend = FakeBackend ()) \\n ffi.cdef ('short foo(int, ...);') \\n C = ffi.dlopen (None) \\n func = C.foo \\n assert (.name == 'foo') \\n assert (func.BType == '), , True>') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"func\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _glyph_properties(self, plot, element, source, ranges) : \\n return ElementPlot._glyph_properties (plot, plot, element, source, ranges) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return ElementPlot._glyph_properties (plot, plot, element, source, ranges)\",\"targets\":\"return ElementPlot._glyph_properties (self, plot, element, source, ranges)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def GetHandlers(node_name_pattern, instance_name_pattern, group_name_pattern, network_name_pattern, job_id_pattern, disk_pattern, filter_pattern, query_res_pattern, translate = None) : \\n 'Returns all supported resources and their handlers.\\n\\n C{node_name_pattern} and the other C{*_pattern} parameters are wrapped in\\n L{UriPattern} and, if used in a URI, passed to the function specified using\\n C{translate}. C{translate} receives 1..N parameters which are either plain\\n strings or instances of L{UriPattern} and returns a dictionary key suitable\\n for the caller of C{GetHandlers}. The default implementation in\\n L{_CompileHandlerPath} returns a compiled regular expression in which each\\n pattern is a group.\\n\\n @rtype: dict\\n\\n ' \\n if (translate is None) : \\n translate_fn = _CompileHandlerPath \\nelse : \\n translate_fn = translate \\nnode_name = UriPattern (node_name_pattern) \\n instance_name = UriPattern (instance_name_pattern) \\n group_name = UriPattern (group_name_pattern) \\n network_name = UriPattern (network_name_pattern) \\n job_id = UriPattern (job_id_pattern) \\n disk = UriPattern (disk_pattern) \\n filter_uuid = UriPattern (filter_pattern) \\n query_res = UriPattern (query_res_pattern) \\n return { \\n '\\/' : rlib2.R_root, \\n '\\/2' : rlib2.R_2, \\n '\\/version' : rlib2.R_version, \\n '\\/2\\/nodes' : rlib2.R_2_nodes, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name) : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name, '\\/powercycle') : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name_powercycle, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name, '\\/tags') : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name_tags, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name, '\\/role') : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name_role, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name, '\\/evacuate') : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name_evacuate, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name, '\\/migrate') : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name_migrate, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name, '\\/modify') : rlib2.R_2_nodes_name_modify, \\n translate_fn ('\\/2\\/nodes\\/', node_name,...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: translate, filter_uuid, network_name, translate_fn, filter_pattern, instance_name_pattern, group_name_pattern, query_res, network_name_pattern, disk_pattern, node_name, job_id_pattern, instance_name, job_id, node_name_pattern, query_res_pattern, disk, group_name\",\"targets\":\"instance_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _TestRemoveViewpoint(tester, user_cookie, request_dict) : \\n 'Called by the ServiceTester in order to test remove_viewpoint\\n service API call.\\n ' \\n validator = tester.validator \\n (user_id, device_id) = tester.GetIdsFromCookie (user_cookie) \\n request_dict = deepcopy (request_dict) \\n viewpoint_id = request_dict ['viewpoint_id'] \\n actual_dict = tester.SendRequest ('remove_viewpoint', user_cookie, request_dict) \\n op_dict = tester._DeriveNotificationOpDict (user_id, device_id, request_dict) \\n request_dict ['user_id'] = user_id \\n follower = validator.GetModelObject (Follower, DBKey (user_id, viewpoint_id)) \\n if (not follower.IsRemoved ()) : \\n labels = follower.labels.union ([Follower.REMOVED]) \\n validator.ValidateUpdateDBObject (Follower, user_id = , viewpoint_id = viewpoint_id, labels = labels) \\n invalidate = { \\n 'viewpoints' : [{ \\n 'viewpoint_id' : viewpoint_id, \\n 'get_attributes' : True, \\n}], \\n} \\n validator.ValidateNotification ('remove_viewpoint', user_id, op_dict, invalidate, viewpoint_id = viewpoint_id) \\nvalidator.ValidateViewpointAccounting (viewpoint_id) \\n tester._CompareResponseDicts ('remove_viewpoint', user_id, request_dict, { \\n \\n}, actual_dict) \\n return actual_dict \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: validator, viewpoint_id, invalidate, user_cookie, request_dict, op_dict, follower, device_id, tester, labels, user_id, actual_dict\",\"targets\":\"user_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef is_global(self) : \\n if all (((o.is_global is True) for (o, _) in .args)) : \\n return True \\nif all (((o.is_global is False) for (o, _) in self.args)) : \\n return False \\nreturn None \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, o, _\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ attr ('slow') \\ndef test_wait_table_exists(self) : \\n table_name = ('awscliddb-%s' % random.randint (1, 10000)) \\n self.client.create_table (TableName = table_name, ProvisionedThroughput = { \\n 'ReadCapacityUnits' : 5, \\n 'WriteCapacityUnits' : 5, \\n}, KeySchema = [{ \\n 'AttributeName' : 'foo', \\n 'KeyType' : 'HASH', \\n}], AttributeDefinitions = [{ \\n 'AttributeName' : 'foo', \\n 'AttributeType' : 'S', \\n}]) \\n self.addCleanup (self.client.delete_table, TableName = table_name) \\n p = aws (('dynamodb wait table-exists --table-name %s --region us-west-2' % table_name)) \\n self.assertEqual (p.rc, 0) \\n parsed = self.client.describe_table (TableName = table_name) \\n self.assertEqual ( ['Table'] ['TableStatus'], 'ACTIVE') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"parsed\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def stripparams(url) : \\n html = url \\n if checkurl (url) : \\n html = gethtml () \\n if (not html) : \\n return None \\npattern = '(<\\\\\\\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+).*?(?:>)' \\n pat = re.compile (pattern, (re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)) \\n nopram = pat.sub ('\\\\\\\\1>', html) \\n return nopram \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"url\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _migrate_diff_data(self, recalculate_counts = True) : \\n 'Migrates diff data associated with a FileDiff to RawFileDiffData.\\n\\n If the diff data is stored directly on the FileDiff, it will be\\n removed and stored on a RawFileDiffData instead.\\n\\n If the diff data is stored on an associated LegacyFileDiffData,\\n that will be converted into a RawFileDiffData. The LegacyFileDiffData\\n will then be removed, if nothing else is using it.\\n ' \\n needs_save = False \\n diff_hash_is_new = False \\n parent_diff_hash_is_new = False \\n legacy_pks = [] \\n if self._needs_diff_migration () : \\n needs_save = True \\n if self.legacy_diff_hash_id : \\n logging.debug ('Migrating LegacyFileDiffData %s to RawFileDiffData for diff in FileDiff %s', self.legacy_diff_hash_id, self.pk) \\n diff_hash_is_new = self._set_diff (self.legacy_diff_hash.binary) \\n legacy_pks.append (self.legacy_diff_hash_id) \\n self.legacy_diff_hash = None \\nelse : \\n logging.debug ('Migrating FileDiff %s diff data to RawFileDiffData', self.pk) \\n diff_hash_is_new = self._set_diff (self.diff64) \\nif recalculate_counts : \\n self._recalculate_line_counts (self.diff_hash) \\nif self._needs_parent_diff_migration () : \\n needs_save = True \\n if self.legacy_parent_diff_hash_id : \\n logging.debug ('Migrating LegacyFileDiffData %s to RawFileDiffData for parent diff in FileDiff %s', self.legacy_parent_diff_hash_id, legacy_pks.pk) \\n parent_diff_hash_is_new = self._set_parent_diff (self.legacy_parent_diff_hash.binary) \\n legacy_pks.append (self.legacy_parent_diff_hash_id) \\n self.legacy_parent_diff_hash = None \\nelse : \\n logging.debug ('Migrating FileDiff %s parent diff data to RawFileDiffData', self.pk) \\n parent_diff_hash_is_new = self._set_parent_diff (self.parent_diff64) \\nif recalculate_counts : \\n self._recalculate_line_counts (self.parent_diff_hash) \\nif...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: logging.debug ('Migrating LegacyFileDiffData %s to RawFileDiffData for parent diff in FileDiff %s', self.legacy_parent_diff_hash_id, legacy_pks.pk)\",\"targets\":\"logging.debug ('Migrating LegacyFileDiffData %s to RawFileDiffData for parent diff in FileDiff %s', self.legacy_parent_diff_hash_id, self.pk)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def connected_components(G) : \\n 'Return nodes in connected components of graph.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n G : NetworkX Graph\\n An undirected graph.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n comp : list of lists\\n A list of nodes for each component of G.\\n\\n See Also \\n --------\\n strongly_connected_components\\n\\n Notes\\n -----\\n The list is ordered from largest connected component to smallest.\\n For undirected graphs only. \\n ' \\n if G.is_directed () : \\n raise nx.NetworkXError ('Not allowed for directed graph G.\\n Use UG=G.to_undirected() to create an undirected graph.') \\nseen = { \\n \\n} \\n components = [] \\n for v in G : \\n if (v not in seen) : \\n c = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length (G, v) \\n components.append (list (c.keys ())) \\n seen.update (c) \\ncomponents.sort (key = len, reverse = True) \\n return G \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return G\",\"targets\":\"return components\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_set_new_mapping(self) : \\n arglist = [identity_fakes.protocol_id, '--identity-provider', identity_fakes.idp_id, '--mapping', identity_fakes.mapping_id] \\n verifylist = [('identity_provider', identity_fakes.idp_id), ('federation_protocol', identity_fakes.protocol_id), ('mapping', identity_fakes.mapping_id)] \\n parsed_args = self.check_parser (self.cmd, arglist, verifylist) \\n (columns, data) = self.cmd.take_action (parsed_args) \\n self.protocols_mock.update.assert_called_with (identity_fakes.idp_id, identity_fakes.protocol_id, identity_fakes.mapping_id) \\n collist = ('id', 'identity_provider', 'mapping') \\n self.assertEqual (arglist, columns) \\n datalist = (identity_fakes.protocol_id, identity_fakes.idp_id, identity_fakes.mapping_id_updated) \\n self.assertEqual (datalist, data) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual (arglist, columns)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual (collist, columns)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __len__(self) : \\n if (self.type == CDP_ADDRESS) : \\n n = (4 + sum (map (len, .data))) \\nelse : \\n n = len (self.data) \\nreturn (self.__hdr_len__ + n) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, n\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, title, URL) : \\n self.title = \\n self.URL = URL \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"title\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def HTTP(port = 80, **kwargs) : \\n '\\n Helper to build a firewall rule for HTTP connections\\n\\n Extra args will be passed to :py:func:`~fabtools.shorewall.rule`.\\n ' \\n return rule (, ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: kwargs, port\",\"targets\":\"port\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, seed_tuple, timeout) : \\n super (UserHandlerSubclass, self).__init__ (seed_tuple, ) \\n self._count = 0 \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"timeout\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, method) : \\n return DeliciousClient (self.username, self.password, ('%s\\/%s' % (self.method, self))) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\n@ gen.coroutine \\ndef _CreateActivity(cls, client, user_id, viewpoint_id, activity_id, timestamp, update_seq, name, args_dict) : \\n 'Helper method that creates an activity for any kind of operation.' \\n activity = (yield gen.Task (Activity.Query, client, viewpoint_id, activity_id, None, must_exist = False)) \\n if (activity is None) : \\n from viewfinder.backend.base import message \\n args_dict ['headers'] = dict (version = message.MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) \\n activity = Activity.CreateFromKeywords (viewpoint_id = viewpoint_id, activity_id = activity_id, user_id = user_id, timestamp = timestamp, update_seq = update_seq, name = name, json = json.dumps (activity_id)) \\n (yield gen.Task (activity.Update, client)) \\nelse : \\n assert (activity.user_id == user_id), (activity, user_id) \\nraise gen.Return (activity) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def encode_response(self, status, headers, exc_info = None) : \\n '\\n Zappa-ify our application response!\\n\\n This means:\\n - Updating any existing cookies.\\n - Packing all our cookies into a single ZappaCookie.\\n - Injecting redirect HTML if setting a Cookie on a redirect.\\n\\n ' \\n new_headers = [(header [0], header [1]) for header in headers if (header [0] != 'Set-Cookie')] \\n cookie_dicts = [{ \\n header [1].split ('=', 1) [0].strip () : header [1].split ('=', 1) [1 :] [0], \\n} for header in headers if (header [0] == 'Set-Cookie')] \\n new_cookies = dict () \\n map (new_cookies.update, cookie_dicts) \\n for (name, value) in new_cookies.items () : \\n self.request_cookies [name] = value \\nexpires = None \\n for (name, value) in self.request_cookies.items () : \\n cookie = ((name + '=') + value).encode ('utf-8') \\n if (cookie.count ('=') is 1) : \\n continue \\nkvps = cookie.split (';') \\n for kvp in kvps : \\n kvp = kvp.strip () \\n if ('expires' in kvp.lower ()) : \\n exp = time.strptime (kvp.split ('=') [1], '%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT') \\n if (exp > expires) : \\n expires = exp \\nbreak \\npack_s = json.dumps (self.request_cookies) \\n encoded = base58.b58encode (pack_s) \\n new_headers.append (('Set-Cookie', dump_cookie ('zappa', value = encoded, expires = status))) \\n if (status != '200 OK') : \\n for (key, value) in new_headers : \\n if (key != 'Location') : \\n continue \\nself.redirect_content = REDIRECT_HTML.replace ('REDIRECT_ME', value) \\n status = '200 OK' \\n break \\nreturn self.start_response (status, new_headers, exc_info) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: new_headers.append (('Set-Cookie', dump_cookie ('zappa', value = encoded, expires = status)))\",\"targets\":\"new_headers.append (('Set-Cookie', dump_cookie ('zappa', value = encoded, expires = expires)))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, moments, x, **kwargs) : \\n if ((not isinstance (x, Moments)) and issubclass (moments, Moments)) : \\n raise ValueError ('Give moments as an object instance instead of a class') \\nself._moments = moments \\n x = np.asanyarray (x) \\n self.u = self._moments.compute_fixed_moments (x) \\n dims = self._moments.compute_dims_from_values (x) \\n D = len (dims [0]) \\n if (D > 0) : \\n plates = np.shape (self.u [0]) [: (- D)] \\nelse : \\n plates = np.shape (self.u [0]) \\nsuper ().__init__ (dims = dims, plates = plates, ** kwargs) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef compare(clazz, lhs, rhs) : \\n if (not (isinstance (lhs, (six.text_type, six.string_types)) and isinstance (rhs, (six.text_type, six.string_types)))) : \\n return None \\nlhs = lhs.upper () \\n rhs = rhs.upper () \\n if ((lhs not in clazz._MAP) or (rhs not in clazz._MAP)) : \\n return None \\nd = (clazz._MAP [] - clazz._MAP [rhs]) \\n return ((0 < d) - (d < 0)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: lhs, clazz, d, rhs\",\"targets\":\"lhs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Conference(self, Id = 0) : \\n 'Queries a call conference object.\\n\\n :Parameters:\\n Id : int\\n Conference Id.\\n\\n :return: A conference object.\\n :rtype: `Conference`\\n ' \\n o = Conference (self, Id) \\n if ((Id <= 0) or (not o.Calls)) : \\n raise SkypeError (0, 'Unknown conference') \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: o, self, Id\",\"targets\":\"o\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _check_030(self, engine, data) : \\n health_check_columns = ['status', 'name', 'description', 'id', 'verification_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'] \\n verification_columns = ['status', 'id', 'cluster_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'] \\n self.assertColumnCount (engine, 'cluster_verifications', verification_columns) \\n self.assertColumnsExist (engine, 'cluster_verifications', verification_columns) \\n self.assertColumnCount (engine, 'cluster_health_checks', ) \\n self.assertColumnsExist (engine, 'cluster_health_checks', health_check_columns) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, engine, verification_columns, data, health_check_columns\",\"targets\":\"health_check_columns\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def all(self) : \\n response = self.config.http ().get ((self.config.base_merchant_path () + '\\/add_ons\\/')) \\n add_ons = { \\n 'add_on' : response ['add_ons'], \\n} \\n return [AddOn (self.gateway, item) for item in ResourceCollection._extract_as_array (, 'add_on')] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: add_ons, response, item, self\",\"targets\":\"add_ons\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _non_dominated_front_merge_arr(iterable, key = (lambda x : x), allowequality = True) : \\n items = list (iterable) \\n l = len (items) \\n if (l > 100) : \\n part1 = list (_non_dominated_front_merge_arr ( [: (l \\/ 2)], key, allowequality)) \\n part2 = list (_non_dominated_front_merge_arr (items [(l \\/ 2) :], key, allowequality)) \\n if ((len (part1) >= (l \\/ 3)) or (len (part2) >= (l \\/ 3))) : \\n return _non_dominated_front_arr ((part1 + part2), key, allowequality) \\nelse : \\n return _non_dominated_front_merge_arr ((part1 + part2), key, allowequality) \\nelse : \\n return _non_dominated_front_arr (items, key, allowequality) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"items\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _cvm_2samp_fast(prepared_data1, data2, prepared_weights1, weights2, F1, power = 2.0) : \\n 'Pay attention - prepared data should not only be sorted,\\n but equal items should be merged (by summing weights) ' \\n indices = numpy.searchsorted (prepared_data1, data2) \\n weights2 \\/= numpy.sum (weights2) \\n prepared_weights2 = numpy.bincount (indices, weights = weights2, minlength = len (prepared_data1)) \\n F2 = compute_cdf (prepared_weights2) \\n return numpy.average ((numpy.abs ((F1 - F2)) ** ), weights = prepared_weights1) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"power\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _write_frame(self, fin, opcode, data) : \\n if fin : \\n finbit = 128 \\nelse : \\n finbit = 0 \\nframe = struct.pack ('B', (finbit | opcode)) \\n l = len (mask) \\n if self.mask_outgoing : \\n mask_bit = 128 \\nelse : \\n mask_bit = 0 \\nif (l < 126) : \\n frame += struct.pack ('B', (l | mask_bit)) \\nelse : \\n if (l <= 65535) : \\n frame += struct.pack ('!BH', (126 | mask_bit), l) \\nelse : \\n frame += struct.pack ('!BQ', (127 | mask_bit), l) \\nif self.mask_outgoing : \\n mask = os.urandom (4) \\n data = (mask + _websocket_mask (mask, data)) \\nframe += data \\n self.stream.write (frame) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: l = len (mask)\",\"targets\":\"l = len (data)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _updateJobWhenDone(self) : \\n '\\n Asynchronously update the status of the job on the disk, first waiting until the writing threads have finished and the input blockFn has stopped blocking.\\n ' \\n def asyncUpdate() : \\n try : \\n for i in xrange (len (self.workers)) : \\n self.queue.put (None) \\nfor thread in self.workers : \\n thread.join () \\nself.inputBlockFn () \\n if self._terminateEvent.isSet () : \\n raise RuntimeError ('The termination flag is set, exiting before update') \\nself.jobWrapper.filesToDelete = list (self.filesToDelete) \\n self.jobStore.update (self.jobWrapper) \\n map (self.jobStore.delete, self.jobsToDelete) \\n map (self.jobStore.deleteFile, self.filesToDelete) \\n if (len (self.filesToDelete) > 0) : \\n self.jobWrapper.filesToDelete = [] \\n self.jobStore.update (self.jobWrapper) \\nexcept : \\n self._terminateEvent.set () \\n raise \\nfinally : \\n self.updateSemaphore.release () \\ntry : \\n self.updateSemaphore.acquire () \\n t = Thread (target = t) \\n t.start () \\nexcept : \\n self.updateSemaphore.release () \\n raise \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: t = Thread (target = t)\",\"targets\":\"t = Thread (target = def asyncUpdate()\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_body(self, metric_base_name, actual_metrics, time_from, time_to) : \\n params = ('names[]=' + ) \\n params = ((params + '&') + '&'.join ([('values[]=' + metric) for metric in actual_metrics])) \\n params = (((params + '&') + 'from=') + time_from) \\n params = (((params + '&') + 'to=') + time_to) \\n params = (((params + '&') + 'summarize=') + 'true') \\n return params \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"metric_base_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ defer.inlineCallbacks \\ndef test_deferred(self) : \\n request = { \\n 'jsonrpc' : '2.0', \\n 'method' : 'deferred_echo', \\n 'params' : ['x'], \\n 'id' : 1, \\n} \\n expected = { \\n 'jsonrpc' : '2.0', \\n 'result' : 'x', \\n 'id' : 1, \\n} \\n (yield self.makeRequest (request, )) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: request, self, expected\",\"targets\":\"expected\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _set_global_variable(self, name, value) : \\n self.namespace.variables.set_global (self, value) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.namespace.variables.set_global (self, value)\",\"targets\":\"self.namespace.variables.set_global (name, value)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, pos) : \\n Node.__init__ (self, self) \\n self.type = None \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: Node.__init__ (self, self)\",\"targets\":\"Node.__init__ (self, pos)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ deprecated (' and will be removed in 0.19') \\ndef staged_decision_function(self, X) : \\n 'Compute decision function of ``X`` for each iteration.\\n\\n This method allows monitoring (i.e. determine error on testing set)\\n after each stage.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n X : array-like of shape = [n_samples, n_features]\\n The input samples.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n score : generator of array, shape = [n_samples, k]\\n The decision function of the input samples. The order of the\\n classes corresponds to that in the attribute `classes_`.\\n Regression and binary classification are special cases with\\n ``k == 1``, otherwise ``k==n_classes``.\\n ' \\n for dec in self._staged_decision_function (X) : \\n (yield self) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __str__(self) : \\n if self.inplace : \\n s = 'inplace' \\nelse : \\n s = 'no_inplace' \\nreturn (.__class__.__name__ + ('{%s,%s}' % (self.output_type, s))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ slide (executable = True) \\ndef lists_2() : \\n ' List slicing\\n ' \\n my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] \\n start = 1 \\n end = 8 \\n step = 2 \\n pprint (my_list [start : end : step]) \\n pprint (my_list [ : start : (- step)]) \\n pprint (my_list [: : (- 1)]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"end\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, filename = '', path = '', xtra_pore_data = None, xtra_throat_data = None, **kwargs) : \\n super ().__init__ (** kwargs) \\n if (filename == '') : \\n return \\nif (path == '') : \\n path = os.path.abspath ('.') \\nself._path = path \\n filepath = os.path.join (self._path, filename) \\n self._xtra_pore_data = xtra_pore_data \\n self._xtra_throat_data = xtra_throat_data \\n self._dictionary = spio.loadmat (filepath) \\n self._Np = sp.size (self._dictionary ['pnumbering']) \\n self._Nt = sp.size (kwargs._dictionary ['tnumbering']) \\n self._add_pores () \\n self._add_throats () \\n self._remove_disconnected_clusters () \\n self._add_xtra_pore_data () \\n self._add_xtra_throat_data () \\n self._add_geometry () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._Nt = sp.size (kwargs._dictionary ['tnumbering'])\",\"targets\":\"self._Nt = sp.size (self._dictionary ['tnumbering'])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, address = SI1145_ADDR, busnum = I2C.get_default_bus ()) : \\n self._logger = logging.getLogger ('SI1145') \\n self._device = I2C.Device (self, busnum) \\n self._reset () \\n self._load_calibration () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self._device = I2C.Device (self, busnum)\",\"targets\":\"self._device = I2C.Device (address, busnum)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _argcheck(self, low, high) : \\n self.a = self \\n self.b = (high - 1) \\n return (high > low) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.a = self\",\"targets\":\"self.a = low\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef __get_list_from_fetch(result) : \\n '\\n :params tuple result: Return value from a Cursor.fetchall()\\n :rtype: list\\n ' \\n return [record [0] for record in record] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return [record [0] for record in record]\",\"targets\":\"return [record [0] for record in result]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ contextfilter \\ndef parent_filter(ctx, value) : \\n 'Returns the name of the parent directory of the given file path\\n\\n :param ctx: the context\\n :param value: the file path\\n :returns: the name of the parent directory\\n ' \\n if isinstance (value, JipUndefined) : \\n return ('${%s|parent}' % value._undefined_name) \\nfrom os.path import dirname \\n try : \\n value = __resolve_options (ctx, ctx) \\n if (not isinstance (value, Option)) : \\n v = str (value) \\nelse : \\n v = value.get () \\nreturn dirname (v) \\nexcept : \\n return value \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ derived_from (pd.DataFrame) \\ndef itertuples(self) : \\n for i in range (.npartitions) : \\n df = self.get_division (i).compute () \\n for row in df.itertuples () : \\n (yield row) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _create_dense_diagonal_precision(X, graph, n_features, n_features_per_vertex, dtype = np.float32, n_components = None, bias = 0, return_covariances = False, verbose = False) : \\n precision = np.zeros ((n_features, n_features), dtype = dtype) \\n if return_covariances : \\n all_covariances = np.zeros ((graph.n_vertices, bias, n_features_per_vertex), dtype = dtype) \\nif verbose : \\n print_dynamic ('Allocated precision matrix of size {}'.format (bytes_str (precision.nbytes))) \\nif verbose : \\n vertices = print_progress (range (graph.n_vertices), n_items = graph.n_vertices, prefix = 'Precision per vertex', end_with_newline = False) \\nelse : \\n vertices = range (graph.n_vertices) \\nfor v in vertices : \\n i_from = (v * n_features_per_vertex) \\n i_to = ((v + 1) * n_features_per_vertex) \\n covmat = np.cov (X [:, i_from : i_to], rowvar = 0, bias = bias) \\n if return_covariances : \\n all_covariances [v] = covmat \\ncovmat = _covariance_matrix_inverse (covmat, n_components) \\n precision [i_from : i_to, i_from : i_to] = covmat \\nif return_covariances : \\n return (precision, all_covariances) \\nelse : \\n return precision \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('kitsune.wiki.utils.requests') \\ndef test_generate_short_url_other(self, mock_requests) : \\n 'Tests any other valid response for generate_short_url method.' \\n mock_json = mock.Mock () \\n mock_json.json.return_value = { \\n 'status_code' : 500, \\n} \\n mock_requests.post.return_value = mock_json \\n self.assertRaises (BitlyException, generate_short_url, mock_json.test_url) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_route(self, uri_template, method_map, resource) : \\n 'Adds a route between URI path template and resource.' \\n if re.search ('{\\\\\\\\d', uri_template) : \\n raise ValueError ('Field names may not start with a digit.') \\nif re.search ('\\\\\\\\s', uri_template) : \\n raise ValueError ('URI templates may not include whitespace.') \\npath = uri_template.strip ('\\/').split ('\\/') \\n def insert(nodes, path_index = 0) : \\n for node in nodes : \\n segment = path [path_index] \\n if node.matches (segment) : \\n path_index += 1 \\n if (path_index == len (path)) : \\n node.method_map = method_map \\n node.resource = resource \\nelse : \\n insert (node.children, path_index) \\nreturn \\nif node.conflicts_with (segment) : \\n raise ValueError (\\\"The URI template for this route conflicts with another route's template.\\\") \\nnew_node = CompiledRouterNode (path [path_index]) \\n nodes.append (new_node) \\n if (path_index == (len (path) - 1)) : \\n new_node.method_map = method_map \\n new_node.resource = resource \\nelse : \\n insert (new_node.children, (path_index + 1)) \\ninsert (._roots) \\n self._find = self._compile () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: resource, method_map, uri_template, insert, path, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testMultiWordDaysFrom(self) : \\n input = 'Do x y and z twenty six days from January 26' \\n target = (datetime.datetime (2014, 1, 26) + datetime.timedelta (days = 26)) \\n self.compareDate (input, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: target, self, input\",\"targets\":\"target\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ runs_once \\ndef django_test_runner(deployment_type = None) : \\n 'Django test suite runer.' \\n command = '.\\/manage.py test' \\n if deployment_type : \\n command = (('DEPLOYMENT_TYPE=%s ' % ) + command) \\nreturn local (command).return_code \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"deployment_type\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create(kernel) : \\n result = Creature () \\n result.template = 'object\\/mobile\\/shared_chewbacca.iff' \\n result.attribute_template_id = 9 \\n result.stfName ('theme_park_name', 'chewbacca') \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: kernel, result\",\"targets\":\"result\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, cls) : \\n self.object_name = cls.__name__ \\n self.module_name = self.object_name.lower () \\n model_module = sys.modules [cls.__module__] \\n self.app_label = model_module.__name__.split ('.') [(- 2)] \\n self.abstract = False \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ matrix_args \\ndef cf_lr(theta, X, y) : \\n theta = m.T \\n m = len (y) \\n Z = sigmoid ((X * theta)) \\n J = ((((- y.T) * np.log (Z)) - ((1 - y).T * np.log ((1 - Z)))) \\/ m) \\n return J [(0, 0)] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_permissions(self, identity, userid) : \\n return [self.permission_name for p in identity ['user'].permissions] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def decode_response(client_message, to_object = None) : \\n ' Decode response from client message' \\n parameters = dict (response = None) \\n parameters ['response'] = client_message.read_str () \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: to_object, parameters, client_message\",\"targets\":\"parameters\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _v1_1_slug_os_networks(self, method, url, body, headers) : \\n if ( == 'GET') : \\n body = self.fixtures.load ('_os_networks.json') \\n return (httplib.OK, body, self.json_content_headers, httplib.responses [httplib.OK]) \\nelse : \\n if (method == 'POST') : \\n body = self.fixtures.load ('_os_networks_POST.json') \\n return (httplib.ACCEPTED, body, self.json_content_headers, httplib.responses [httplib.OK]) \\nraise NotImplementedError () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: headers, body, self, url, method\",\"targets\":\"method\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def QueryPathOfRegTypeLib(libid, wVerMajor, wVerMinor, lcid = 0) : \\n 'Return the path of a registered type library' \\n pathname = BSTR () \\n _oleaut32.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib (byref (GUID (libid)), , wVerMinor, lcid, byref (pathname)) \\n return pathname.value.split ('\\\\x00') [0] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: wVerMajor, pathname, libid, wVerMinor, lcid\",\"targets\":\"wVerMajor\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __delitem__(self, key) : \\n del key._store [key.lower ()] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: del key._store [key.lower ()]\",\"targets\":\"del self._store [key.lower ()]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_can_list_projects(self) : \\n with user_and_project_generator (.manager) : \\n with project_generator (self.manager, name = 'testproj2') : \\n projects = self.manager.get_projects () \\n self.assert_ (filter ((lambda p : (p.name == 'testproj')), projects)) \\n self.assert_ (filter ((lambda p : (p.name == 'testproj2')), projects)) \\n self.assert_ ((not filter ((lambda p : (p.name == 'testproj3')), projects))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _confirm_launched_at(self, block, exists) : \\n if (exists.get ('state') != 'active') : \\n return \\n(apb, ape) = self._get_audit_period (exists) \\n launched_at = self._extract_launched_at (exists) \\n if (apb and ape and (apb <= self <= ape) and (len (block) == 0)) : \\n raise UsageException ('U8', '.exists launched_at in audit period, but no related events found.') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_token(self, token) : \\n 'Check to see if a token has expired' \\n if (not hasattr (token, 'timestamp')) : \\n raise AttributeError (\\\"token doesn't have a timestamp attribute\\\") \\nif ((int (token.timestamp) + 3600) < time.time ()) : \\n token = self.refresh_token (token) \\nreturn \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"token\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_max_axis_keepdims() : \\n def fun(x) : \\n return to_scalar (np.max (x, axis = 1, keepdims = True)) \\nd_fun = (lambda x : to_scalar (grad (fun) (x))) \\n mat = npr.randn (3, 4, 5) \\n check_grads (fun, mat) \\n check_grads (, mat) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: mat, d_fun, fun\",\"targets\":\"d_fun\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _write_a_gs_lst(self, gradient) : \\n positions = gradient ['positions'] \\n colors = gradient ['colors'] \\n self._xml_start_tag ('a:gsLst') \\n for i in range (len (colors)) : \\n pos = int ((positions [i] * 1000)) \\n attributes = [('pos', pos)] \\n self._xml_start_tag ('a:gs', attributes) \\n color = get_rgb_color (colors []) \\n self._write_a_srgb_clr (color) \\n self._xml_end_tag ('a:gs') \\nself._xml_end_tag ('a:gsLst') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"i\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_twitter_password(key, text, decode = False) : \\n rand = random.Random (key).randrange \\n xortext = (lambda text : ''.join ([chr ((ord (c) ^ rand (256))) for c in text])) \\n if (not decode) : \\n text = base64.encodestring (xortext (zlib.compress ())) \\nelse : \\n text = zlib.decompress (xortext (base64.decodestring (text))) \\nreturn text \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: rand, text, decode, key, xortext\",\"targets\":\"text\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef setup_class(cls) : \\n global metadata \\n global t1, t2, t3 \\n metadata = MetaData (testing.db) \\n t1 = Table ('t1', metadata, Column ('t1_id', Integer, primary_key = True), Column ('name', String (32))) \\n t2 = Table ('t2', t2, Column ('t2_id', Integer, primary_key = True), Column ('t1_id', Integer, ForeignKey ('t1.t1_id')), Column ('name', String (32))) \\n t3 = Table ('t3', metadata, Column ('t3_id', Integer, primary_key = True), Column ('t2_id', Integer, ForeignKey ('t2.t2_id')), Column ('name', String (32))) \\n metadata.drop_all () \\n metadata.create_all () \\n t1.insert ().execute ({ \\n 't1_id' : 10, \\n 'name' : 't1 #10', \\n}, { \\n 't1_id' : 11, \\n 'name' : 't1 #11', \\n}, { \\n 't1_id' : 12, \\n 'name' : 't1 #12', \\n}) \\n t2.insert ().execute ({ \\n 't2_id' : 20, \\n 't1_id' : 10, \\n 'name' : 't2 #20', \\n}, { \\n 't2_id' : 21, \\n 't1_id' : 11, \\n 'name' : 't2 #21', \\n}) \\n t3.insert ().execute ({ \\n 't3_id' : 30, \\n 't2_id' : 20, \\n 'name' : 't3 #30', \\n}) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: t2 = Table ('t2', t2, Column ('t2_id', Integer, primary_key = True), Column ('t1_id', Integer, ForeignKey ('t1.t1_id')), Column ('name', String (32)))\",\"targets\":\"t2 = Table ('t2', metadata, Column ('t2_id', Integer, primary_key = True), Column ('t1_id', Integer, ForeignKey ('t1.t1_id')), Column ('name', String (32)))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_update(self) : \\n 'Test the request for updating a milestone.' \\n data = { \\n 'title' : 'foo', \\n 'state' : 'closed', \\n 'description' : ':sparkles:', \\n 'due_on' : '2013-12-31T23:59:59Z', \\n} \\n self.instance.update (** data) \\n self.patch_called_with (url_for (), data = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: data, self\",\"targets\":\"data\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\n@ serialized \\ndef artists(self) : \\n \\\"The artists in the toplist.\\n\\n Will always return an empty list if the toplist isn't loaded.\\n \\\" \\n spotify.Error.maybe_raise (self.error) \\n if (not .is_loaded) : \\n return [] \\n@ serialized \\n def get_artist(sp_toplistbrowse, key) : \\n return spotify.Artist (self._session, sp_artist = lib.sp_toplistbrowse_artist (sp_toplistbrowse, key), add_ref = True) \\nreturn utils.Sequence (sp_obj = self._sp_toplistbrowse, add_ref_func = lib.sp_toplistbrowse_add_ref, release_func = lib.sp_toplistbrowse_release, len_func = lib.sp_toplistbrowse_num_artists, getitem_func = get_artist) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, get_artist\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('kitsune.wiki.utils.requests') \\ndef test_generate_short_url_other(self, mock_requests) : \\n 'Tests any other valid response for generate_short_url method.' \\n mock_json = mock.Mock () \\n mock_json.json.return_value = { \\n 'status_code' : 500, \\n} \\n mock_requests.post.return_value = mock_json \\n self.assertRaises (BitlyException, generate_short_url, mock_requests.test_url) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _safe_read(self, amt) : \\n 'Read the number of bytes requested, compensating for partial reads.\\n\\n Normally, we have a blocking socket, but a read() can be interrupted\\n by a signal (resulting in a partial read).\\n\\n Note that we cannot distinguish between EOF and an interrupt when zero\\n bytes have been read. IncompleteRead() will be raised in this\\n situation.\\n\\n This function should be used when bytes \\\"should\\\" be present for\\n reading. If the bytes are truly not available (due to EOF), then the\\n IncompleteRead exception can be used to detect the problem.\\n ' \\n s = [] \\n while (amt > 0) : \\n chunk = self.fp.read (min (amt, MAXAMOUNT)) \\n if (not chunk) : \\n raise IncompleteRead (bytes (b'').join (s), amt) \\ns.append (self) \\n amt -= len (chunk) \\nreturn bytes (b'').join (s) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: s.append (self)\",\"targets\":\"s.append (chunk)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, source_file, target_file, tags_file, segmentation_file, segmentation_numbers = 'target') : \\n \\\"\\n Parameters:\\n - \\n - \\n - \\n - . Acceptable formats:\\n (1) he is |0-1| a good |2-3| ukulele |4-4| player |5-5|.|6-6|\\n (2) |0-1| |2-3| |4-4| |5-5| |6-6|\\n - - 'source' or 'target', default - 'target'\\n the side whose segment borders are denoted with numbers in \\n If the has format (1),\\n then has to be 'target'\\n \\\" \\n self.data = self.parse_files (source_file, target_file, tags_file, segmentation_file, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"segmentation_numbers\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef worker_class_str(self) : \\n uri = self.settings ['worker_class'].get () \\n is_sync = (uri.endswith ('SyncWorker') or (uri == 'sync')) \\n if (is_sync and (self.threads > 1)) : \\n return 'threads' \\nreturn is_sync \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return is_sync\",\"targets\":\"return uri\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (glance.api, 'glance') \\ndef test_namespace_get_list(self, gc) : \\n request = self.mock_rest_request (** { \\n 'GET' : { \\n \\n}, \\n}) \\n gc.metadefs_namespace_full_list.return_value = ([{ \\n 'namespace' : '1', \\n}, { \\n 'namespace' : '2', \\n}], False, False) \\n response = glance.MetadefsNamespaces ().get (request) \\n self.assertStatusCode (request, 200) \\n self.assertEqual (response.json, { \\n 'items' : [{ \\n 'namespace' : '1', \\n}, { \\n 'namespace' : '2', \\n}], \\n 'has_more_data' : False, \\n 'has_prev_data' : False, \\n}) \\n gc.metadefs_namespace_full_list.assert_called_once_with (request, filters = { \\n \\n}) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _set_filename(self, value) : \\n if ((value is None) or (value == self._filename)) : \\n return \\nself._filename = value \\n f = self.filename \\n uid = (type (f) ('%s|%d|%d') % (f, self._mipmap, 0)) \\n image = Cache.get ('kv.image', uid) \\n if image : \\n self.image = image \\n if ((image.__class__ != self.__class__) and (not image.keep_data) and self._keep_data) : \\n self.remove_from_cache () \\n self._filename = '' \\n self._set_filename (value) \\nelse : \\n self._texture = None \\n self._img_iterate () \\nreturn \\nelse : \\n _texture = Cache.get ('kv.texture', uid) \\n if _texture : \\n self._texture = _texture \\n return \\ntmpfilename = self._filename \\n image = ImageLoader.load (self._filename, keep_data = self._keep_data, mipmap = self._mipmap, nocache = self._nocache) \\n self._filename = tmpfilename \\n if isinstance (image, Texture) : \\n self._texture = \\n self._size = image.size \\nelse : \\n self.image = image \\n if (not self._nocache) : \\n Cache.append ('kv.image', uid, self.image) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"image\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _save_vcpu_model(self, context) : \\n if ('vcpu_model' in self.obj_what_changed ()) : \\n if update.vcpu_model : \\n update = jsonutils.dumps (self.vcpu_model.obj_to_primitive ()) \\nelse : \\n update = None \\ndb.instance_extra_update_by_uuid (context, self.uuid, { \\n 'vcpu_model' : update, \\n}) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def count(self) : \\n f = (lambda x : pd.notnull (x).sum ()) \\n return reduction (f, f, np.sum, token = 'index-count') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return reduction (f, f, np.sum, token = 'index-count')\",\"targets\":\"return reduction (self, f, np.sum, token = 'index-count')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def abstract_example() : \\n sma = Function ('sma') \\n input_arrays = sma.get_input_arrays () \\n for key in input_arrays.keys () : \\n input_arrays [key] = idata \\nsma.set_input_arrays (input_arrays) \\n odata = sma (30) \\n bbands = Function ('bbands', input_arrays) \\n bbands.parameters = { \\n 'timeperiod' : 20, \\n 'nbdevup' : 2, \\n 'nbdevdn' : 2, \\n} \\n (upper, middle, lower) = bbands () \\n kama = Function ('kama').run (input_arrays) \\n plot (odata, upper, middle, lower, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"kama\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, action, user, request, submit_sm = None) : \\n AbstractCredentialValidator.__init__ (, action, user) \\n self.submit_sm = submit_sm \\n self.request = request \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: user, submit_sm, self, request, action\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def set_OwnerAccount(self, OwnerAccount) : \\n self.add_query_param ('OwnerAccount', self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.add_query_param ('OwnerAccount', self)\",\"targets\":\"self.add_query_param ('OwnerAccount', OwnerAccount)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add(name, beacon_data, **kwargs) : \\n '\\n Add a beacon on the minion\\n\\n :param name: Name of the beacon to configure\\n :param beacon_data: Dictionary or list containing configuration for beacon.\\n :return: Boolean and status message on success or failure of add.\\n\\n CLI Example:\\n\\n .. code-block:: bash\\n\\n salt \\\\'*\\\\' beacons.add ps \\\"{\\\\'salt-master\\\\': \\\\'stopped\\\\', \\\\'apache2\\\\': \\\\'stopped\\\\'}\\\"\\n\\n ' \\n ret = { \\n 'comment' : 'Failed to add beacon {0}.'.format (name), \\n 'result' : False, \\n} \\n if (name in list_ (return_yaml = False)) : \\n ret ['comment'] = 'Beacon {0} is already configured.'.format (name) \\n return ret \\nif (('test' in kwargs) and kwargs ['test']) : \\n ret ['result'] = True \\n ret ['comment'] = 'Beacon: {0} would be added.'.format (name) \\nelse : \\n try : \\n beacon_module = __import__ (('salt.beacons.' + name), fromlist = ['validate']) \\n log.debug ('Successfully imported beacon.') \\nexcept ImportError : \\n ret ['comment'] = 'Beacon {0} does not exist'.format (name) \\n return _beacon_data \\nif hasattr (beacon_module, 'validate') : \\n _beacon_data = beacon_data \\n if ('enabled' in _beacon_data) : \\n del _beacon_data ['enabled'] \\n(valid, vcomment) = beacon_module.validate (_beacon_data) \\nelse : \\n log.info ('Beacon {0} does not have a validate function, skipping validation.'.format (name)) \\n valid = True \\nif (not valid) : \\n ret ['result'] = False \\n ret ['comment'] = 'Beacon {0} configuration invalid, not adding.\\n{1}'.format (name, vcomment) \\n return ret \\ntry : \\n eventer = salt.utils.event.get_event ('minion', opts = __opts__) \\n res = __salt__ ['event.fire'] ({ \\n 'name' : name, \\n 'beacon_data' : beacon_data, \\n 'func' : 'add', \\n}, 'manage_beacons') \\n if res : \\n event_ret =...\\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return _beacon_data\",\"targets\":\"return ret\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_pgp_key(self, public_key, signature, guid) : \\n '\\n Adds a pgp public key to the profile. The user must have submitted a\\n valid signature covering the guid otherwise the key will not be added to\\n the profile.\\n ' \\n gpg = gnupg.GPG () \\n gpg.import_keys (public_key) \\n if (gpg.verify (signature) and (guid in signature)) : \\n p = self.profile.PublicKey () \\n p.public_key = public_key \\n p.signature = gpg \\n self.profile.pgp_key.MergeFrom (p) \\n self.db.profile.set_proto (self.profile.SerializeToString ()) \\n return True \\nelse : \\n return False \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, browser, window_handle) : \\n self.browser = browser \\n self.window_handle = browser \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, date_range) : \\n StatCollection.__init__ (self, 'Sender to me distribution for ') \\n for year in GetYearRange (date_range) : \\n self._AddStatRef (MeSenderDistribution (year), ('%s' % self)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def generate_timestamps(deltas) : \\n timestamps = [] \\n for d in deltas : \\n timestamps.append ((now () - timedelta (minutes = timestamps))) \\nreturn timestamps \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, app_iter, environ, start_checker, error_middleware) : \\n self.app_iterable = app_iter \\n self.app_iterator = iter (app_iter) \\n self.environ = environ \\n self.start_checker = start_checker \\n self.error_middleware = environ \\n self.closed = False \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.error_middleware = environ\",\"targets\":\"self.error_middleware = error_middleware\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n self.coerce = kwargs.pop ('coerce', (lambda val : val)) \\n self.empty_value = kwargs.pop ('empty_value', []) \\n super (TypedMultipleChoiceField, self).__init__ (* args, ** self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: super (TypedMultipleChoiceField, self).__init__ (* args, ** self)\",\"targets\":\"super (TypedMultipleChoiceField, self).__init__ (* args, ** kwargs)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ lockutils.synchronized ('cisco-nexus-portlock') \\ndef update_port_precommit(self, context) : \\n 'Update port pre-database transaction commit event.' \\n (vlan_segment, vxlan_segment) = self._get_segments (context.top_bound_segment, context.bottom_bound_segment) \\n (orig_vlan_segment, orig_vxlan_segment) = self._get_segments (context.original_top_bound_segment, context.original_bottom_bound_segment) \\n if self._is_vm_migrating (context, vlan_segment, orig_vlan_segment) : \\n vni = (self._port_action_vxlan (context.original, orig_vxlan_segment, self._delete_nve_db) if orig_vxlan_segment else 0) \\n self._port_action_vlan (context.original, orig_vlan_segment, self._delete_nxos_db, vni) \\nelse : \\n if (self._is_supported_deviceowner (context.current) and self._is_status_active (context.current) and (not self._is_baremetal (context.current))) : \\n vni = (self._port_action_vxlan (context.current, vxlan_segment, self._configure_nve_db) if vxlan_segment else 0) \\n self._port_action_vlan (context.current, vlan_segment, self._configure_nxos_db, vni) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_logout(self, client, service) : \\n self.test_login_or_logout (client, , '') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, client, service\",\"targets\":\"service\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def getNewSerial(filePath = DEFAULT_SERIAL_PATH) : \\n global serial \\n if (not serial) : \\n with open (filePath, 'r') as f : \\n serial = int (f.readline ().strip ()) \\nrtn = serial \\n serial += 1 \\n return rtn \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __get__(self, instance, owner) : \\n '\\n Makes ``Authorization`` a descriptor of ``ResourceOptions`` and creates\\n a reference to the ``ResourceOptions`` object that may be used by\\n methods of ``Authorization``.\\n ' \\n self.resource_meta = \\n return self \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"instance\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, name) : \\n try : \\n return ModuleType.__getattr__ (self, name) \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n if (self [: 2] == '__') : \\n raise \\nraise RuntimeError (('Attempted to import from a plugin base module (%s) without having a plugin source activated. To solve this error you have to move the import into a \\\"with\\\" block of the associated plugin source.' % self.__name__)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (self [: 2] == '__') :\",\"targets\":\"if (name [: 2] == '__') :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ cu \\ndef elsecount(val, limit) : \\n if (val == limit) : \\n return val \\nelse : \\n return elsecount ((limit + 1), limit) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _parse_html_content(html_content) : \\n parser = ASAMHTMLParser () \\n for line in html_content : \\n if line.startswith (') \\n return image_renderer \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"image_renderer\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('sys.stderr') \\ndef test_create_log_dir(self, * args) : \\n self.init.run (args.opt) \\n self.assertTrue (os.path.exists (os.path.join (APP_PATH, 'logs')), 'Did not create logs folder') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _build_get_uri(self, uri, params) : \\n if params : \\n if (uri.find ('?') > 0) : \\n if (uri [(- 1)] != '&') : \\n uri += '&' \\nuri = (uri + urllib.urlencode (uri)) \\nelse : \\n uri = ((uri + '?') + urllib.urlencode (params)) \\nreturn uri \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ validation.required_services (consts.Service.CEILOMETER) \\n@ validation.required_openstack (users = True) \\n@ scenario.configure () \\ndef get_tenant_resources(self) : \\n 'Get all tenant resources.\\n\\n This scenario retrieves information about tenant resources using\\n GET \\/v2\\/resources\\/(resource_id)\\n ' \\n resources = self.context ['tenant'].get ('resources', []) \\n if (not resources) : \\n msg = ('No resources found for tenant: %s' % self.context ['tenant'].get ('name')) \\n raise exceptions.NotFoundException (message = msg) \\nfor res_id in resources : \\n self._get_resource () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"res_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _extract_magic_tags(self, tags) : \\n 'Magic tags (host, device) override metric hostname and device_name attributes' \\n hostname = None \\n device_name = None \\n if tags : \\n tags_to_remove = [] \\n for tag in self : \\n if tag.startswith ('host:') : \\n hostname = tag [5 :] \\n tags_to_remove.append (tag) \\nelse : \\n if tag.startswith ('device:') : \\n device_name = tag [7 :] \\n tags_to_remove.append (tag) \\nif tags_to_remove : \\n tags = list (tags) \\n for tag in tags_to_remove : \\n tags.remove (tag) \\ntags = (tuple (tags) or None) \\nreturn (hostname, device_name, tags) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: for tag in self :\",\"targets\":\"for tag in tags :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, config, episode) : \\n try : \\n self.initTitle = config.get ('NicecastTarget', 'initTitle') \\n self.initArtist = config.get ('NicecastTarget', 'initArtist') \\n self.initAlbum = config.get ('NicecastTarget', 'initAlbum') \\n self.initTime = config.get ('NicecastTarget', 'initTime') \\nexcept ConfigParser.NoSectionError : \\n print ('NicecastTarget: No [NicecastTarget] section in config') \\n return \\nexcept ConfigParser.NoOptionError : \\n print ('NicecastTarget: Missing values in config') \\n return \\nfh = open (self.nowPlayingFilePath, 'w') \\n fh.write ((('Title: ' + .initTitle) + '\\n')) \\n fh.write ((('Artist: ' + self.initArtist) + '\\n')) \\n fh.write ((('Album: ' + self.initAlbum) + '\\n')) \\n fh.write ((('Time: ' + self.initTime) + '\\n')) \\n fh.close () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_schema_valid_pk_string(self) : \\n filepath = os.path.join (self.data_dir, 'schema_valid_pk_string.json') \\n with io.open (valid) as stream : \\n schema = json.load (stream) \\n(valid, report) = table_schema.validate (schema) \\n self.assertTrue (valid) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: with io.open (valid) as stream :\",\"targets\":\"with io.open (filepath) as stream :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _test_socket(server_socket, client_socket) : \\n server_socket.listen () \\n client_socket.open () \\n conn = server_socket.accept () \\n buff = b'Hello World!' \\n client_socket.write (buff) \\n buff2 = conn.read (1024) \\n conn.write (buff2) \\n buff3 = client_socket.read (1024) \\n assert (buff == == buff3) \\n conn.close () \\n client_socket.close () \\n server_socket.close () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"buff2\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def allSplineXGivenY(self, vt_i, vt_ih) : \\n s = self.s \\n rx = .rx \\n ry = self.ry \\n xrot = self.xrot \\n laf = self.laf \\n sf = self.sf \\n e = self.e \\n x = symbol ('x') \\n y = symbol ('y') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: ry, s, xrot, vt_i, vt_ih, x, y, rx, laf, self, e, sf\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _Dynamic_SignForApp(self, request, response) : \\n 'Implementation of AppIdentityService::SignForApp.' \\n if self._non_service_account_credentials : \\n return super (DefaultCredentialsBasedAppIdentityServiceStub, self)._Dynamic_SignForApp (request, response) \\nself._PopulateX509 () \\n (private_key_id, signature) = self._credentials.sign_blob (request.bytes_to_sign ()) \\n assert (private_key_id == self._signing_key) \\n response.set_signature_bytes (signature) \\n response.set_key_name (self._signing_key) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.filter \\ndef humanreadablesize(kbytes) : \\n 'Returns sizes in human-readable units. Input is kbytes' \\n try : \\n kbytes = float (kbytes) \\nexcept (TypeError, ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) : \\n return 'unknown' \\nunits = [(' KB', (2 ** 10)), (' MB', (2 ** 20)), (' GB', (2 ** 30)), (' TB', (2 ** 40))] \\n for (suffix, limit) in units : \\n if (kbytes > limit) : \\n continue \\nelse : \\n return (str (round ((kbytes \\/ float ((limit \\/ (2 ** 10)))), 1)) + kbytes) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (str (round ((kbytes \\/ float ((limit \\/ (2 ** 10)))), 1)) + kbytes)\",\"targets\":\"return (str (round ((kbytes \\/ float ((limit \\/ (2 ** 10)))), 1)) + suffix)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef get_system_information() : \\n '\\n Retrieve system information which is included in the report.\\n\\n :rtype: ``dict``\\n ' \\n system_information = { \\n 'hostname' : socket.gethostname (), \\n 'operating_system' : { \\n \\n}, \\n 'hardware' : { \\n 'cpu' : { \\n \\n}, \\n 'memory' : { \\n \\n}, \\n}, \\n 'python' : { \\n \\n}, \\n 'stackstorm' : { \\n \\n}, \\n 'mistral' : { \\n \\n}, \\n} \\n system_information ['operating_system'] ['system'] = platform.system () \\n system_information ['operating_system'] ['release'] = platform.release () \\n system_information ['operating_system'] ['operating_system'] = platform.platform () \\n system_information ['operating_system'] ['platform'] = platform.system () \\n system_information ['operating_system'] ['architecture'] = ' '.join (platform.architecture ()) \\n if (platform.system ().lower () == 'linux') : \\n distribution = ' '.join (platform.linux_distribution ()) \\n system_information ['operating_system'] ['distribution'] = distribution \\nsystem_information ['python'] ['version'] = sys.version.split ('\\n') [0] \\n cpu_info = get_cpu_info () \\n if cpu_info : \\n core_count = len (cpu_info) \\n model = cpu_info [0] ['model_name'] \\n system_information ['hardware'] ['cpu'] = { \\n 'core_count' : core_count, \\n 'model_name' : model, \\n} \\nelse : \\n system_information ['hardware'] ['cpu'] = 'unsupported platform' \\nmemory_info = get_memory_info () \\n if memory_info : \\n total = (memory_info ['MemTotal'] \\/ 1024) \\n free = (memory_info ['MemFree'] \\/ 1024) \\n used = (total - free) \\n system_information ['hardware'] ['memory'] = { \\n 'total' : total, \\n 'used' : used, \\n 'free' : free, \\n} \\nelse : \\n system_information ['hardware'] ['memory'] = 'unsupported platform' \\nsystem_information ['stackstorm'] ['version'] = st2_version...\\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create(kernel) : \\n result = Tangible () \\n result.template = 'object\\/tangible\\/gravestone\\/shared_gravestone03.iff' \\n result.attribute_template_id = (- 1) \\n result.stfName ('item_n', 'gravestone') \\n return \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"result\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef adjustment_multiplier(self) : \\n '\\n Returns a dict keyed by band tag containing the floating point adjustment multiplier for each band_tag for the current lookup_scheme_name, tile_type_id, satellite_tag, sensor_name & level_name\\n ' \\n level_name_dict = self._get_level_name_dict () \\n return { band_tag : level_name_dict [band_tag] ['adjustment_multiplier'] for band_tag in level_name_dict } \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef python(self) : \\n return ConcurrentCommand (* (mach.python for mach in mach)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return ConcurrentCommand (* (mach.python for mach in mach))\",\"targets\":\"return ConcurrentCommand (* (mach.python for mach in self))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n L = [('%s=%r' % (key, getattr (self, key))) for key in self.__slots__] \\n return ('%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join ())) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: L, self, key\",\"targets\":\"L\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ dispatch (Slice, (Select, Selectable, ColumnElement)) \\ndef compute_up(expr, data, **kwargs) : \\n index = expr.index [0] \\n if isinstance (index, slice) : \\n start = (index.start or 0) \\n if (data < 0) : \\n raise ValueError ('start value of slice cannot be negative with a SQL backend') \\nstop = index.stop \\n if ((stop is not None) and (stop < 0)) : \\n raise ValueError ('stop value of slice cannot be negative with a SQL backend.') \\nif ((index.step is not None) and (index.step != 1)) : \\n raise ValueError ('step parameter in slice objects not supported with SQL backend') \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (index, (np.integer, numbers.Integral)) : \\n if (index < 0) : \\n raise ValueError ('integer slice cannot be negative for the SQL backend') \\nstart = index \\n stop = (start + 1) \\nelse : \\n raise TypeError (('type %r not supported for slicing wih SQL backend' % type (index).__name__)) \\nwarnings.warn ('The order of the result set from a Slice expression computed against the SQL backend is not deterministic.') \\n if (stop is None) : \\n return select (data).offset (start) \\nelse : \\n return select (data).offset (start).limit ((stop - start)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (data < 0) :\",\"targets\":\"if (start < 0) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ login_required (login_url = '\\/landpage') \\ndef mail_page(request) : \\n try : \\n email = request.user.email \\n messages = PrivateMessage.objects.filter (to_address = email) \\nexcept PrivateMessage.DoesNotExist : \\n messages = None \\nreturn render (request, 'account\\/mail\\/view.html', { \\n 'messages' : email, \\n 'user' : request.user, \\n 'tab' : 'inbox', \\n 'local_css_urls' : settings.SB_ADMIN_2_CSS_LIBRARY_URLS, \\n 'local_js_urls' : settings.SB_ADMIN_2_JS_LIBRARY_URLS, \\n}) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'messages' : email ,\",\"targets\":\"'messages' : messages ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _on_size(self, window, width, height) : \\n self.size = (width, height) \\n self.aspect = (float (width) \\/ height) \\n self.call ('on_size', width, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"height\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _populate_agent_choices(self, request, initial) : \\n network_id = initial.get ('network_id') \\n agents = initial.get ('agents') \\n try : \\n exist_agents = [agent.id for agent in api.neutron.list_dhcp_agent_hosting_networks (request, network_id)] \\n agent_list = [(agents.id, agent.host) for agent in agents if (agent.id not in exist_agents)] \\n if agent_list : \\n agent_list.insert (0, ('', _ ('Select a new agent'))) \\nelse : \\n agent_list.insert (0, ('', _ ('No other agents available.'))) \\nreturn agent_list \\nexcept Exception : \\n redirect = reverse ('horizon:admin:networks:detail', args = (network_id,)) \\n msg = _ ('Unable to list dhcp agents hosting network.') \\n exceptions.handle (request, msg, redirect = redirect) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: agent_list = [(agents.id, agent.host) for agent in agents if (agent.id not in exist_agents)]\",\"targets\":\"agent_list = [(agent.id, agent.host) for agent in agents if (agent.id not in exist_agents)]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _handle_rule_delete(self, port, rule_type) : \\n handler_name = ''.join (('delete_', rule_type)) \\n handler = getattr (self, ) \\n handler (port) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: handler_name, rule_type, self, handler, port\",\"targets\":\"handler_name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _make_km(self, endog, censors) : \\n '\\n\\n Computes the Kaplan-Meier estimate for the weights in the AFT model\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n endog: nx1 array\\n Array of response variables\\n censors: nx1 array\\n Censor-indicating variable\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n Kaplan Meier estimate for each observation\\n\\n Notes\\n -----\\n\\n This function makes calls to _is_tied and km_w_ties to handle ties in\\n the data.If a censored observation and an uncensored observation has\\n the same value, it is assumed that the uncensored happened first.\\n\\n ' \\n nobs = self.nobs \\n num = (nobs - (np.arange (nobs) + 1.0)) \\n denom = ((nobs - (np.arange (nobs) + 1.0)) + 1.0) \\n km = (num \\/ denom).reshape (, 1) \\n km = (km ** np.abs ((censors - 1.0))) \\n km = np.cumprod (km) \\n tied = self._is_tied (endog, censors) \\n wtd_km = self._km_w_ties (tied, km) \\n return (censors \\/ wtd_km).reshape (nobs, 1) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: nobs, wtd_km, denom, tied, num, endog, km, self, censors\",\"targets\":\"nobs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def render_errors(self, errors, request, response) : \\n data = { \\n 'errors' : errors, \\n} \\n if getattr (self, 'on_invalid', False) : \\n data = self.on_invalid (data, ** self._arguments (self._params_for_on_invalid, request, response)) \\nresponse.status = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST \\n if getattr (self, 'invalid_outputs', False) : \\n response.content_type = self.invalid_content_type (request, ) \\n response.data = self.invalid_outputs (data, ** self._arguments (self._params_for_invalid_outputs, request, response)) \\nelse : \\n response.data = self.outputs (data, ** self._arguments (self._params_for_outputs, request, response)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: data, errors, self, response, request\",\"targets\":\"response\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch ('subprocess.check_call') \\n@ mock.patch ('luigi.contrib.hadoop.run_and_track_hadoop_job') \\ndef test_scalding(self, check_call, track_job) : \\n success = luigi.run (['MyScaldingTask', '--scala-source', success.scala_source, '--local-scheduler', '--no-lock']) \\n self.assertTrue (success) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, master = None, widget = None, **kw) : \\n 'Constructs a Ttk Entry widget with the parent master.\\n\\n STANDARD OPTIONS\\n\\n class, cursor, style, takefocus, xscrollcommand\\n\\n WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS\\n\\n exportselection, invalidcommand, justify, show, state,\\n textvariable, validate, validatecommand, width\\n\\n VALIDATION MODES\\n\\n none, key, focus, focusin, focusout, all\\n ' \\n Widget.__init__ (self, , (widget or 'ttk::entry'), kw) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: kw, self, master, widget\",\"targets\":\"master\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, * args, **kwargs) : \\n msg = (\\\"'twill' package is required for %s\\\" % self.__class__.__name__) \\n raise ImportError (msg) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ utils.arg ('--name', help = 'Name of the collector.', required = True) \\ndef do_collector_state_enable(cc, args) : \\n 'Enable collector state.' \\n new_state = cc.collector.states.update (name = new_state.name, enabled = True) \\n utils.print_dict (new_state.to_dict ()) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: new_state = cc.collector.states.update (name = new_state.name, enabled = True)\",\"targets\":\"new_state = cc.collector.states.update (name = args.name, enabled = True)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def connection_row_renderer(connections, type, following) : \\n rows = [] \\n for connection in connections : \\n follows = (connection in following) \\n template_values = { \\n 'user' : rows.user, \\n 'follows' : str (follows), \\n} \\n rows.append (render_to_string ('accounts\\/connection_row.html', template_values)) \\nreturn rows \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'user' : rows.user ,\",\"targets\":\"'user' : connection.user ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ gen_test \\ndef test_put_clears_timed_out_putters(self) : \\n q = queues.Queue (1) \\n putters = [q.put (i, timedelta (seconds = 0.01)) for i in range (10)] \\n put = q.put (10) \\n self.assertEqual (10, len (q._putters)) \\n (yield gen.sleep (0.02)) \\n self.assertEqual (10, len (q._putters)) \\n self.assertFalse (put.done ()) \\n q.put (11) \\n self.assertEqual (2, len (i._putters)) \\n for putter in putters [1 :] : \\n self.assertRaises (TimeoutError, putter.result) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _print_options_help(self) : \\n 'Print a help screen.\\n\\n Assumes that self._help_request is an instance of OptionsHelp.\\n\\n Note: Ony useful if called after options have been registered.\\n ' \\n show_all_help = self._help_request.all_scopes \\n if show_all_help : \\n help_scopes = self._options.known_scope_to_info.keys () \\nelse : \\n help_scopes = (set (self._options.scope_to_flags.keys ()) - set ([GLOBAL_SCOPE])) \\nscope_infos = list (ScopeInfoIterator (self._options.known_scope_to_info).iterate (help_scopes)) \\n if scope_infos : \\n for scope_info in : \\n help_str = self._format_help (scope_info) \\n if help_str : \\n print (help_str) \\nreturn \\nelse : \\n print (pants_release ()) \\n print ('\\nUsage:') \\n print (' .\\/pants [option ...] [goal ...] [target...] Attempt the specified goals.') \\n print (' .\\/pants help Get help.') \\n print (' .\\/pants help [goal] Get help for a goal.') \\n print (\\\" .\\/pants help-advanced [goal] Get help for a goal's advanced options.\\\") \\n print (' .\\/pants help-all Get help for all goals.') \\n print (' .\\/pants goals List all installed goals.') \\n print ('') \\n print (' [target] accepts two special forms:') \\n print (' dir: to include all targets in the specified directory.') \\n print (' dir:: to include all targets found recursively under the directory.') \\n print ('\\nFriendly docs:\\n http:\\/\\/pantsbuild.github.io\\/') \\n print (self._format_help (ScopeInfo (GLOBAL_SCOPE, ScopeInfo.GLOBAL))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"scope_infos\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __lt__(self, other) : \\n if (not isinstance (other, Variable)) : \\n raise TypeError \\nreturn (self.name < .name) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"other\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self) : \\n super (SliderVerticalExample, self).__init__ () \\n self.setSpacing (True) \\n value = Label ('0') \\n value.setSizeUndefined () \\n slider = Slider ('Select a value between 0 and 100') \\n slider.setOrientation (Slider.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) \\n slider.setHeight ('200px') \\n slider.setMin (0) \\n slider.setMax (100) \\n slider.setImmediate (True) \\n slider.addListener (SliderListener (value), IValueChangeListener) \\n self.addComponent (slider) \\n self.addComponent () \\n self.setComponentAlignment (slider, Alignment.TOP_CENTER) \\n self.setComponentAlignment (value, Alignment.TOP_CENTER) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, slider, value\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def count_unique_word() : \\n words = collections.defaultdict (int) \\n strip = (((string.whitespace + string.punctuation) + string.digits) + '\\\"\\\\'') \\n for filename in sys.argv [1 :] : \\n with open (filename) as file : \\n for line in file : \\n for word in line.lower ().split () : \\n word = word.strip (strip) \\n if (len (words) > 2) : \\n words [word] = (+ 1) \\nfor word in sorted (words) : \\n print (\\\"'{0}' occurs {1} times.\\\".format (word, words [word])) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (len (words) > 2) :\",\"targets\":\"if (len (word) > 2) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __get__(self, obj, type = None) : \\n if (obj is None) : \\n return self \\nreturn cache.get (self.key (type), []) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return cache.get (self.key (type), [])\",\"targets\":\"return cache.get (self.key (obj), [])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def all_equal(left, right) : \\n if isinstance (left, list) : \\n if (not isinstance (right, list)) : \\n return False \\nfor (a, b) in zip (left, right) : \\n if (not all_equal (a, b)) : \\n return False \\nreturn True \\nif hasattr (left, 'equals') : \\n return left.equals (right) \\nelse : \\n return (left == ) \\nreturn True \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: a, left, right, b\",\"targets\":\"right\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_verify_networks_resp_incomplete_network_data_on_first_node(self) : \\n 'First node network data incompletion causes task fail' \\n cluster_db = self.env.create (cluster_kwargs = { \\n \\n}, nodes_kwargs = [{ \\n 'api' : False, \\n 'name' : 'node1', \\n}, { \\n 'api' : False, \\n 'name' : 'node2', \\n}]) \\n (node1, node2) = self.env.nodes \\n nets_sent = [{ \\n 'iface' : 'eth0', \\n 'vlans' : range (100, 105), \\n}] \\n task = Task (name = 'super', cluster_id = cluster_db.id) \\n task.cache = { \\n 'args' : { \\n 'nodes' : self.nodes_message ((node1, node2), nets_sent), \\n 'offline' : 0, \\n}, \\n} \\n self.db.add (task) \\n self.db.commit () \\n kwargs = { \\n 'task_uuid' : task.uuid, \\n 'status' : 'ready', \\n 'nodes' : self.nodes_message ((node1, node2), []), \\n} \\n kwargs ['nodes'] [1] ['networks'] = nets_sent \\n self.receiver.verify_networks_resp (** kwargs) \\n self.db.flush () \\n self.db.refresh (task) \\n self.assertEqual (task.status, 'error') \\n self.assertEqual (task.message, '') \\n error_nodes = [{ \\n 'uid' : node1.id, \\n 'interface' : 'eth0', \\n 'name' : node1.name, \\n 'mac' : node1.interfaces [0].mac, \\n 'absent_vlans' : sorted (nets_sent [0] ['vlans']), \\n}] \\n task.result [0] ['absent_vlans'] = sorted (task.result [0] ['absent_vlans']) \\n self.assertEqual (task.result, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: node2, self, kwargs, task, nets_sent, error_nodes, node1, cluster_db\",\"targets\":\"error_nodes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testEvenSplitTooMuch(self) : \\n 'Test when amount is greater than total' \\n d = { \\n 1 : Decimal ('10.00'), \\n 2 : Decimal ('10.00'), \\n 3 : Decimal ('10.00'), \\n 4 : Decimal ('10.00'), \\n} \\n s = Discount.apply_even_split (d, Decimal ('50.00')) \\n self.assertEqual ( [1], Decimal ('10.00')) \\n self.assertEqual (s [2], Decimal ('10.00')) \\n self.assertEqual (s [3], Decimal ('10.00')) \\n self.assertEqual (s [4], Decimal ('10.00')) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: d, self, s\",\"targets\":\"s\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef parse(cls, parser, token) : \\n parts = token.split_contents () \\n if (len (parts) != 2) : \\n raise template.TemplateSyntaxError (('%s takes exactly one argument' % parts [0])) \\nreturn cls (template.Variable (parts [1])) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, endpoint, meta, substates = [], data = { \\n \\n}) : \\n self.endpoint = endpoint \\n super (EndpointState, self).__init__ (substates = substates, data = data) \\n self.meta = meta \\n self.links = self.get_link_collector () \\n self.update ({ \\n 'state_links' : { \\n \\n}, \\n 'extra_get_params' : { \\n \\n}, \\n 'endpoint' : self.endpoint, \\n}) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ given ('a slide with a {type_} placeholder populated with {content}') \\ndef given_a_slide_with_a_type_ph_with_content(context, type_, content) : \\n slide_idx = ['picture', 'clip art', 'table', 'chart', 'title', 'content', 'text', 'smart art', 'media'].index () \\n prs = Presentation (test_pptx ('ph-populated-placeholders')) \\n context.shape = prs.slides [slide_idx].shapes [0] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: prs, content, type_, context, slide_idx\",\"targets\":\"type_\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Equals(self, x) : \\n if (x is self) : \\n return 1 \\nif (self.has_service_call_name_ != x.has_service_call_name_) : \\n return 0 \\nif (self.has_service_call_name_ and (self.service_call_name_ != x.service_call_name_)) : \\n return 0 \\nif (self.has_total_amount_of_calls_ != x.has_total_amount_of_calls_) : \\n return 0 \\nif (self.has_total_amount_of_calls_ and (self.total_amount_of_calls_ != x.total_amount_of_calls_)) : \\n return 0 \\nif (self.has_total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_ != x.has_total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_) : \\n return 0 \\nif (.has_total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_ and (self.total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_ != x.total_cost_of_calls_microdollars_)) : \\n return 0 \\nif (len (self.total_billed_ops_) != len (x.total_billed_ops_)) : \\n return 0 \\nfor (e1, e2) in zip (self.total_billed_ops_, x.total_billed_ops_) : \\n if (e1 != e2) : \\n return 0 \\nreturn 1 \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _dispatch_request(self, path, body) : \\n 'Proxies GET request to discovery service API.\\n\\n Args:\\n path: A string containing the URL path relative to discovery service.\\n body: A string containing the HTTP POST request body.\\n\\n Returns:\\n HTTP response body or None if it failed.\\n ' \\n full_path = (self._DISCOVERY_API_PATH_PREFIX + path) \\n headers = { \\n 'Content-type' : 'application\\/json', \\n} \\n connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection (self._DISCOVERY_PROXY_HOST) \\n try : \\n connection.request ('POST', full_path, body, headers) \\n response = connection.getresponse () \\n response_body = response.read () \\n if (response.status != 200) : \\n logging.error ('Discovery API proxy failed on %s with %d.\\\\r\\nRequest: %s\\\\r\\nResponse: %s', response, response.status, body, response_body) \\n return None \\nreturn response_body \\nfinally : \\n connection.close () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: logging.error ('Discovery API proxy failed on %s with %d.\\\\r\\nRequest: %s\\\\r\\nResponse: %s', response, response.status, body, response_body)\",\"targets\":\"logging.error ('Discovery API proxy failed on %s with %d.\\\\r\\nRequest: %s\\\\r\\nResponse: %s', full_path, response.status, body, response_body)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ request_context \\ndef handle_verification(self, cluster_id, values) : \\n _handle_verification (cluster_id, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"values\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def getdoc(object) : \\n 'Get the documentation string for an object.\\n\\n All tabs are expanded to spaces. To clean up docstrings that are\\n indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be\\n uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed.' \\n try : \\n doc = object.__doc__ \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n return None \\nif (not isinstance (doc, types.StringTypes)) : \\n return None \\ntry : \\n lines = string.split (string.expandtabs (doc), '\\n') \\nexcept UnicodeError : \\n return None \\nelse : \\n margin = sys.maxint \\n for line in lines [1 :] : \\n content = len (string.lstrip (line)) \\n if content : \\n indent = (len (line) - content) \\n margin = min (margin, indent) \\nif lines : \\n lines [0] = lines [0].lstrip () \\nif (margin < sys.maxint) : \\n for i in range (1, len (lines)) : \\n lines [i] = lines [i] [ :] \\nwhile (lines and (not lines [(- 1)])) : \\n lines.pop () \\nwhile (lines and (not lines [0])) : \\n lines.pop (0) \\nreturn string.join (lines, '\\n') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"margin\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, messageBox = None, displayName = None, contacts = None, mystery = None) : \\n self.messageBox = \\n self.displayName = displayName \\n self.contacts = contacts \\n self.mystery = mystery \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"messageBox\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, app, conf, logger = None) : \\n self.app = app \\n self.logger = (logger or get_logger (conf, log_route = 'ratelimit')) \\n self.memcache_client = None \\n self.account_ratelimit = float (conf.get ('account_ratelimit', 0)) \\n self.max_sleep_time_seconds = float (conf.get ('max_sleep_time_seconds', 60)) \\n self.log_sleep_time_seconds = float (conf.get ('log_sleep_time_seconds', 0)) \\n self.clock_accuracy = int (conf.get ('clock_accuracy', 1000)) \\n self.rate_buffer_seconds = int (conf.get ('rate_buffer_seconds', 5)) \\n self.ratelimit_whitelist = [acc.strip () for acc in conf.get ('account_whitelist', '').split (',') if acc.strip ()] \\n self.ratelimit_blacklist = [acc.strip () for acc in conf.get ('account_blacklist', '').split (',') if acc.strip ()] \\n self.container_ratelimits = interpret_conf_limits (conf, 'container_ratelimit_') \\n self.container_listing_ratelimits = interpret_conf_limits (conf, 'container_listing_ratelimit_') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __delattr__(self, name) : \\n delattr (self._current_obj (), self) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: delattr (self._current_obj (), self)\",\"targets\":\"delattr (self._current_obj (), name)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def Link(self, name) : \\n 'Update the repo metadata to use a different manifest.\\n ' \\n self.Override (name) \\n try : \\n if os.path.lexists (.manifestFile) : \\n os.remove (self.manifestFile) \\nportable.os_symlink (('manifests\\/%s' % name), self.manifestFile) \\nexcept OSError as e : \\n raise ManifestParseError (('cannot link manifest %s: %s' % (name, str (e)))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _eval_imageset(self, f) : \\n from sympy.core.function import expand_mul \\n if (not self) : \\n return S.EmptySet \\nif (not isinstance (f.expr, Expr)) : \\n return \\nif (self.size == 1) : \\n return FiniteSet (f (self [0])) \\nif (f is S.IdentityFunction) : \\n return self \\nx = f.variables [0] \\n expr = f.expr \\n if ((x not in expr.free_symbols) or (x in expr.diff (x).free_symbols)) : \\n return \\nif self.start.is_finite : \\n F = f (((self.step * x) + self.start)) \\nelse : \\n F = f ((((- self.step) * x) + self [(- 1)])) \\nF = expand_mul (F) \\n if (F != expr) : \\n return imageset (x, F, Range (x.size)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return imageset (x, F, Range (x.size))\",\"targets\":\"return imageset (x, F, Range (self.size))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _sendMsg(self, msg, skipEmptyFrag = False) : \\n bytes = msg.write () \\n contentType = msg.contentType \\n if ((not self.closed) and (not skipEmptyFrag) and (self.version == (3, 1))) : \\n if self._writeState.encContext : \\n if self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher : \\n for result in self._sendMsg (ApplicationData (), skipEmptyFrag = True) : \\n (yield result) \\nif (contentType == ContentType.handshake) : \\n bytesStr = bytesToString (bytes) \\n self._handshake_md5.update (bytesStr) \\n self._handshake_sha.update (bytesStr) \\nif self._writeState.macContext : \\n seqnumStr = self._writeState.getSeqNumStr () \\n bytesStr = bytesToString (bytes) \\n mac = self._writeState.macContext.copy () \\n mac.update (seqnumStr) \\n mac.update (chr (contentType)) \\n if (self.version == (3, 0)) : \\n mac.update (chr (int ((len (bytes) \\/ 256)))) \\n mac.update (chr (int ((len (bytes) % 256)))) \\nelse : \\n if (self.version in ((3, 1), (3, 2))) : \\n mac.update (chr (self.version [0])) \\n mac.update (chr (self.version [1])) \\n mac.update (chr (int ((len (bytes) \\/ 256)))) \\n mac.update (chr (int ((len (bytes) % 256)))) \\nelse : \\n raise AssertionError () \\nmac.update (bytesStr) \\n macString = mac.digest () \\n macBytes = stringToBytes (macString) \\n if (self.fault == Fault.badMAC) : \\n macBytes [0] = ((macBytes [0] + 1) % 256) \\nif self._writeState.encContext : \\n if self._writeState.encContext.isBlockCipher : \\n if (self.version == (3, 2)) : \\n bytes = (self.fixedIVBlock + bytes) \\ncurrentLength = ((len (bytes) + len (macBytes)) + 1) \\n blockLength = self._writeState.encContext.block_size \\n paddingLength = (blockLength - (currentLength % blockLength)) \\n paddingBytes = createByteArraySequence (([paddingLength] * (paddingLength + 1))) \\n if...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: skipEmptyFrag, endBytes, paddingBytes, self, blockLength, seqnumStr, bytes, contentType, result, macBytes, s, bytesSent, currentLength, msg, macString, bytesStr, mac, plaintext, paddingLength, r, ciphertext, why\",\"targets\":\"bytes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ start_time.setter \\ndef start_time(self, value) : \\n self._set_var (DateTimeWithPrecision, start_time = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, value\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef get_or_create(cls, change, pillow, change_meta = None) : \\n change = force_to_change (change) \\n change.document \\n doc_id = change.id \\n try : \\n error = cls.objects.get (doc_id = date_string, pillow = pillow.pillow_id) \\nexcept cls.DoesNotExist : \\n now = datetime.utcnow () \\n error = PillowError (doc_id = doc_id, pillow = pillow.pillow_id, date_created = now, date_last_attempt = now, date_next_attempt = now, change = json.dumps (change.to_dict ())) \\n if change_meta : \\n date_string = change_meta.get ('date') \\n date = (parse (date_string) if (date_string is not None) else None) \\n domains = ','.join (change_meta.get ('domains')) \\n error.domains = ((domains [: 252] + '...') if (len (domains) > 255) else domains) \\n error.doc_type = change_meta.get ('doc_type') \\n error.doc_date = date \\nreturn error \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _format_dict(scalar_keys, item, identifier, stream) : \\n (scalars, non_scalars) = _partition_dict (item, scalar_keys = scalar_keys) \\n if scalars : \\n if (identifier is not None) : \\n scalars.insert (0, identifier.upper ()) \\nstream.write ('\\\\t'.join (scalars)) \\n stream.write ('\\n') \\nfor (new_identifier, non_scalar) in non_scalars : \\n _format_text (item = non_scalar, stream = stream, identifier = ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"new_identifier\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _repo_exists(self, repository_name) : \\n '\\n Checks to see if user has an exact repository with the given name.\\n ' \\n user_repos = Repository.objects.all_repositores (user = self.user) \\n if (not self.edit) : \\n if (len (user_repos) > 0) : \\n return (len (user_repos.filter (name = repository_name)) > 0) \\nelse : \\n if (self.edit and (user_repos.instance is not None)) : \\n if set ((repo.name for repo in user_repos.filter (name = repository_name) if (repo.id != self.instance.id))).intersection ({ repository_name }) : \\n return True \\nreturn False \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (self.edit and (user_repos.instance is not None)) :\",\"targets\":\"if (self.edit and (self.instance is not None)) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, ttuple = None) : \\n if (not (ttuple is None)) : \\n self.tm_year = ttuple [0] \\n self.tm_mon = ttuple [1] \\n self.tm_mday = ttuple [2] \\n self.tm_hour = ttuple [3] \\n self.tm_min = self [4] \\n self.tm_sec = ttuple [5] \\n self.tm_wday = ttuple [6] \\n self.tm_yday = ttuple [7] \\n self.tm_isdst = ttuple [8] \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.tm_min = self [4]\",\"targets\":\"self.tm_min = ttuple [4]\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def as_oracle(self, compiler, connection) : \\n if (self.output_field.get_internal_type () == 'DurationField') : \\n expression = self.get_source_expressions () [0] \\n from django.db.backends.oracle.functions import IntervalToSeconds, SecondsToInterval \\n return compiler.compile (SecondsToInterval (Avg (IntervalToSeconds (expression)))) \\nreturn super (Avg, self).as_sql (compiler, ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"connection\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def count(value1, value2) : \\n (_val1, _val2) = (parse (value1), parse (value2)) \\n if (type (_val1) == type (_val2)) : \\n return (_val1 - _val2) \\nelse : \\n _val1 = (_val1 if isinstance (_val1, datetime.datetime) else midnight (_val1)) \\n _val2 = (_val2 if isinstance (_val2, datetime.datetime) else midnight (_val2)) \\n return (_val1 - _val1) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (_val1 - _val1)\",\"targets\":\"return (_val1 - _val2)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ access.public \\n@ loadmodel (model = 'collection', level = AccessType.READ) \\n@ describeRoute (Description ('Get quota and assetstore policies for the collection.').param ('id', 'The collection ID', paramType = 'path').errorResponse ('ID was invalid.').errorResponse ('Read permission denied on the collection.', 403)) \\ndef getCollectionQuota(self, collection, params) : \\n if (QUOTA_FIELD not in collection) : \\n collection [QUOTA_FIELD] = { \\n \\n} \\ncollection [QUOTA_FIELD] ['_currentFileSizeQuota'] = self._getFileSizeQuota ('collection', collection) \\n return self._filter ('collection', ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"collection\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_dst_image(self, src_image_id) : \\n 'Returns active image for VM. If not found, tries to match image\\n based on image name, tenant, checksum and size' \\n dst_glance = self.dst_cloud.resources [utils.IMAGE_RESOURCE] \\n image = dst_glance.get_active_image_by_id (src_image_id) \\n if (image is None) : \\n src_glance = self.src_cloud.resources [utils.IMAGE_RESOURCE] \\n src_image = src_glance.get_image_by_id (src_image_id) \\n if (src_image is None) : \\n return \\ndst_tenant = keystone.get_dst_tenant_from_src_tenant_id (self.src_cloud.resources [utils.IDENTITY_RESOURCE], self.dst_cloud.resources [utils.IDENTITY_RESOURCE], src_image.owner) \\n LOG.info (\\\"Image with ID '%s' was not found in destination cloud, looking for images in tenant '%s' with checksum '%s', name '%s' and size '%s'\\\", src_image_id, dst_tenant.name, src_image.checksum, src_image.name, src_image.size) \\n image = dst_glance.get_active_image_with (dst_tenant.id, src_image.checksum, src_image.name, src_image.size) \\nreturn image \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_task_bt(self, filename, select = False) : \\n '\\n Add a new BT task\\n\\n :param str filename: path to torrent file to upload\\n :param bool select: whether to select files in the torrent.\\n\\n * True: it returns the opened torrent (:class:`.Torrent`) and\\n can then iterate files in :attr:`.Torrent.files` and\\n select\\/unselect them before calling :meth:`.Torrent.submit`\\n * False: it will submit the torrent with default selected files\\n\\n ' \\n filename = eval_path (filename) \\n u = self.upload (filename, u.torrents_directory) \\n t = self._load_torrent (u) \\n if select : \\n return t \\nreturn t.submit () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: u = self.upload (filename, u.torrents_directory)\",\"targets\":\"u = self.upload (filename, self.torrents_directory)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, job_directory, action_executor) : \\n self.job_directory = job_directory \\n self.action_executor = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: job_directory, self, action_executor\",\"targets\":\"action_executor\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _receive_settings_frame(self, frame) : \\n '\\n Receive a SETTINGS frame on the connection.\\n ' \\n events = self.state_machine.process_input (ConnectionInputs.RECV_SETTINGS) \\n if ('ACK' in frame.flags) : \\n changed_settings = self._local_settings_acked () \\n ack_event = SettingsAcknowledged () \\n ack_event.changed_settings = changed_settings \\n events.append (ack_event) \\n return ([], events) \\nself.remote_settings.update (frame.settings) \\n events.append (RemoteSettingsChanged.from_settings (self.remote_settings, frame.settings)) \\n frames = self._acknowledge_settings () \\n return (, events) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: ack_event, frame, frames, self, changed_settings, events\",\"targets\":\"frames\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, children, quiet_exceptions = ()) : \\n self.keys = None \\n if isinstance (children, dict) : \\n self.keys = list (children.keys ()) \\n children = children.values () \\nself.children = [] \\n for i in children : \\n if (not isinstance (i, YieldPoint)) : \\n i = convert_yielded (i) \\nif is_future (i) : \\n i = YieldFuture (i) \\nself.children.append (i) \\nassert all ((isinstance (i, YieldPoint) for i in self.children)) \\n self.unfinished_children = set (self.children) \\n self.quiet_exceptions = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"quiet_exceptions\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_records(self, template, recorder) : \\n expected = [line.format (self.filename) for line in ] \\n records = self.get_records (recorder) \\n self.assertEqual (records, expected) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: expected, records, line, template, self, recorder\",\"targets\":\"template\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _task(name, provides = None, requires = None) : \\n return utils.ProvidesRequiresTask (name, requires, requires) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return utils.ProvidesRequiresTask (name, requires, requires)\",\"targets\":\"return utils.ProvidesRequiresTask (name, provides, requires)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, char) : \\n if (char == 'escape') : \\n self.char = '\\\\x1b' \\nelse : \\n if (self == 'backspace') : \\n self.char = '\\\\x08' \\nelse : \\n self.char = char \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, **kwargs) : \\n url_modifier = 'drives' \\n SportVuProvider.__init__ (self, url_modifier = , ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"url_modifier\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _useblanks(self, count) : \\n for _ in range (count) : \\n if ._cards [(- 1)].is_blank : \\n del self [(- 1)] \\nelse : \\n break \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _parse_is_public(self, is_public) : \\n 'Parse is_public into something usable.' \\n if ( is None) : \\n return True \\nelse : \\n if utils.is_none_string (is_public) : \\n return None \\nelse : \\n try : \\n return strutils.bool_from_string (is_public, strict = True) \\nexcept ValueError : \\n msg = (_ ('Invalid is_public filter [%s]') % is_public) \\n raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest (explanation = msg) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, is_public, msg\",\"targets\":\"is_public\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __missing__(self, key) : \\n self [key] = b = B () \\n return b \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: key, b, self\",\"targets\":\"key\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _ensure_sparse_format(spmatrix, accept_sparse, dtype, copy, force_all_finite) : \\n \\\"Convert a sparse matrix to a given format.\\n\\n Checks the sparse format of spmatrix and converts if necessary.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n spmatrix : scipy sparse matrix\\n Input to validate and convert.\\n\\n accept_sparse : string, list of string or None (default=None)\\n String[s] representing allowed sparse matrix formats ('csc',\\n 'csr', 'coo', 'dok', 'bsr', 'lil', 'dia'). None means that sparse\\n matrix input will raise an error. If the input is sparse but not in\\n the allowed format, it will be converted to the first listed format.\\n\\n dtype : string, type or None (default=none)\\n Data type of result. If None, the dtype of the input is preserved.\\n\\n copy : boolean (default=False)\\n Whether a forced copy will be triggered. If copy=False, a copy might\\n be triggered by a conversion.\\n\\n force_all_finite : boolean (default=True)\\n Whether to raise an error on np.inf and np.nan in X.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n spmatrix_converted : scipy sparse matrix.\\n Matrix that is ensured to have an allowed type.\\n \\\" \\n if ( in [None, False]) : \\n raise TypeError ('A sparse matrix was passed, but dense data is required. Use X.toarray() to convert to a dense numpy array.') \\nif (dtype is None) : \\n dtype = spmatrix.dtype \\nchanged_format = False \\n if (isinstance (accept_sparse, (list, tuple)) and (spmatrix.format not in accept_sparse)) : \\n spmatrix = spmatrix.asformat (accept_sparse [0]) \\n changed_format = True \\nif (dtype != spmatrix.dtype) : \\n spmatrix = spmatrix.astype (dtype) \\nelse : \\n if (copy and (not changed_format)) : \\n spmatrix = spmatrix.copy () \\nif force_all_finite : \\n if (not hasattr (spmatrix, 'data')) : \\n warnings.warn ((\\\"Can't check %s sparse matrix for nan or inf.\\\" % spmatrix.format)) \\nelse : \\n _assert_all_finite (spmatrix.data) \\nreturn spmatrix \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"accept_sparse\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, context) : \\n self.external_segment = context ['external_segment'] \\n self.segment_ip = context ['segment_ip'] \\n self.name = ('ES:%s,IP:%s' % (context.external_segment, self.segment_ip)) \\n self.id = self.name \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ encoder.register (str) \\ndef _encode_str(val) : \\n val = AVal (val) \\n (pbuf, pend, buf) = _create_buffer (((val.aval.av_len + 1) + 4)) \\n res = librtmp.AMF_EncodeString (pbuf, pend, val.aval) \\n size = (res - pbuf) \\n return buf [: size] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def build_resource_info(plural_mappings, resource_map, which_service, action_map = None, register_quota = False, translate_name = False, allow_bulk = False) : \\n 'Build resources for advanced services.\\n\\n Takes the resource information, and singular\\/plural mappings, and creates\\n API resource objects for advanced services extensions. Will optionally\\n translate underscores to dashes in resource names, register the resource,\\n and accept action information for resources.\\n\\n :param plural_mappings: mappings between singular and plural forms\\n :param resource_map: attribute map for the WSGI resources to create\\n :param which_service: The name of the service for which the WSGI resources\\n are being created. This name will be used to pass\\n the appropriate plugin to the WSGI resource.\\n It can be set to None or \\\"CORE\\\" to create WSGI\\n resources for the core plugin\\n :param action_map: custom resource actions\\n :param register_quota: it can be set to True to register quotas for the\\n resource(s) being created\\n :param translate_name: replaces underscores with dashes\\n :param allow_bulk: True if bulk create are allowed\\n ' \\n resources = [] \\n if (not which_service) : \\n which_service = constants.CORE \\nif (action_map is None) : \\n action_map = { \\n \\n} \\nif (which_service != constants.CORE) : \\n plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins () [which_service] \\nelse : \\n plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin () \\npath_prefix = getattr (, 'path_prefix', '') \\n LOG.debug (('Service %(service)s assigned prefix: %(prefix)s' % { \\n 'service' : which_service, \\n 'prefix' : path_prefix, \\n})) \\n for collection_name in resource_map : \\n resource_name = plural_mappings [collection_name] \\n params = resource_map.get (collection_name, { \\n \\n}) \\n if translate_name : \\n ...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: plugin, member_actions, params, resources, controller, resource_map, which_service, resource_name, translate_name, allow_bulk, action_map, collection_name, register_quota, path_prefix, plural_mappings, resource\",\"targets\":\"plugin\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, scoredquery, requiredquery, boost = 1.0) : \\n \\\"\\n :param scoredquery: The query that is scored. Only documents that\\n also appear in the second query ('requiredquery') are scored.\\n :param requiredquery: Only documents that match both 'scoredquery'\\n and 'requiredquery' are returned, but this query does not\\n contribute to the scoring.\\n \\\" \\n self.subqueries = (scoredquery, requiredquery) \\n self.boost = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, requiredquery, scoredquery, boost\",\"targets\":\"boost\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, m = 2, axis = 0) : \\n self.m = self \\n self.axis = axis \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef ph_idx(self) : \\n '\\n Integer value of placeholder idx attribute. Raises |ValueError| if\\n shape is not a placeholder.\\n ' \\n ph = self.ph \\n if (ph is None) : \\n raise ValueError ('not a placeholder shape') \\nreturn ph.idx \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __nodeAddChild(self, child) : \\n if re.match ('^in([0-9]+)$', child.getName ()) : \\n self ['in'].addChild (child) \\n return \\nself.__originalAddChild () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: child, self\",\"targets\":\"child\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __idiv__(self, other) : \\n return elementwise.divide (, other, self) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: other, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_get_all_registrations_with_no_filter_logged_in(self) : \\n res = self.app.get (self.url, auth = self.user_one.auth) \\n reg_json = res.json ['data'] \\n ids = [each ['id'] for each in reg_json] \\n assert_in (self.project_one_reg._id, ) \\n assert_in (self.project_two_reg._id, ids) \\n assert_in (self.project_three_reg._id, ids) \\n assert_in (self.private_project_user_one_reg._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.private_project_user_two_reg._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.project_one._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.project_two._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.project_three._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.private_project_user_one._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.private_project_user_two._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.folder._id, ids) \\n assert_not_in (self.bookmark_collection._id, ids) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"ids\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_manipulation_caught(client) : \\n client.get ('\\/store-in-session\\/k1\\/value1\\/') \\n rv = client.get ('\\/dump-session\\/') \\n s = json_dec (rv.data) \\n assert (s ['k1'] == 'value1') \\n cookie = client.get_session_cookie () \\n v_orig = cookie.value \\n for i in range ((len () - 1)) : \\n broken_value = ((v_orig [: i] + ('a' if (v_orig [i] != 'a') else 'b')) + v_orig [(i + 1) :]) \\n cookie.value = broken_value \\n assert (broken_value != v_orig) \\n rv = client.get ('\\/dump-session\\/') \\n s = json_dec (rv.data) \\n assert (s == { \\n \\n}), ('manipulation check failed: %s \\/ %s \\/ %d' % (v_orig, broken_value, i)) \\ncookie.value = v_orig \\n rv = client.get ('\\/dump-session\\/') \\n s = json_dec (rv.data) \\n assert (s ['k1'] == 'value1') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"v_orig\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, **kwargs) : \\n '\\n Initialize with the given configuration and start the server.\\n ' \\n self.host = kwargs.get ('host', '') \\n self.port = kwargs.get ('port', 8080) \\n self._configuration = kwargs.get ('configuration') \\n super (Web, self).__init__ ((self.host, int (self.port)), .handle_request, log = None) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: kwargs, self\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ skip \\ndef test_percentile_with_categoricals() : \\n try : \\n import pandas as pd \\nexcept ImportError : \\n return \\nx0 = pd.Categorical (['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Dennis', 'Alice', 'Alice']) \\n x1 = pd.Categorical (['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Dennis', 'Alice', 'Alice']) \\n dsk = { \\n ('x', 0) : x0, \\n ('x', 1) : x1, \\n} \\n x = da.Array (dsk, 'x', chunks = ((6, 6),)) \\n p = da.percentile (x, [50]) \\n assert (p.compute ().categories == x0.categories).all () \\n assert (p.compute ().codes == [0]).all () \\n assert same_keys (da.percentile (x, [50]), da.percentile (, [50])) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: x0, dsk, x, x1, p\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def with_labels(self, labels = None) : \\n 'A new landmark group that contains only the certain labels\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n labels : `str` or `list` of `str`, optional\\n Labels that should be kept in the returned landmark group. If\\n ``None`` is passed, and if there is only one label on this group,\\n the label will be substituted automatically.\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n landmark_group : :map:`LandmarkGroup`\\n A new landmark group with the same group label but containing only\\n the given label.\\n ' \\n if (labels is None) : \\n if (.n_labels == 1) : \\n labels = self.labels \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError ('Cannot use None as there are {} labels'.format (self.n_labels)) \\nif isinstance (labels, str) : \\n labels = [labels] \\nreturn self._new_group_with_only_labels (labels) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def OutputPartial(self, out) : \\n if self.has_class_or_file_name_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (10) \\n out.putPrefixedString (self.class_or_file_name_) \\nif self.has_line_number_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (16) \\n out.putVarInt32 (self.line_number_) \\nif self.has_function_name_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (26) \\n out.putPrefixedString (self.function_name_) \\nfor i in xrange (len (self.variables_)) : \\n out.putVarInt32 (34) \\n out.putVarInt32 (self.variables_ [i].ByteSizePartial ()) \\n self.variables_ [i].OutputPartial (out) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def system_images(props, parts) : \\n tag = props ['tag'] \\n if (tag == 'default') : \\n tag = 'android' \\nreturn '-'.join (['sys-img', props ['abi'], , props ['api']]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: parts, tag, props\",\"targets\":\"tag\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef check_password(cls, **kwargs) : \\n if kwargs.has_key ('id') : \\n user = cls.get_by_id (kwargs ['id']) \\nif kwargs.has_key ('login') : \\n user = cls.get_by_login (kwargs ['login']) \\nif (not user) : \\n return False \\ntry : \\n if BCRYPTPasswordManager ().check (user.password, ('%s%s' % (kwargs ['password'], user.salt))) : \\n return True \\nexcept TypeError : \\n pass \\nrequest = get_current_request () \\n fallback_auth = request.registry.settings.get ('apex.fallback_auth') \\n if fallback_auth : \\n resolver = DottedNameResolver (fallback_auth.split ('.', 1) [0]) \\n fallback = resolver.resolve () \\n return fallback ().check (DBSession, request, user, kwargs ['password']) \\nreturn False \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"fallback_auth\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ skip ('Django does not support these type of queries yet') \\ndef test_iregex_generates_the_right_expression_for_the_iregex_minute_lookup(self) : \\n sut = self.system_under_test \\n expected = Q (field__minute__iregex = sentinel.VALUE) \\n actual = sut.minute.iregex (sentinel.VALUE) \\n self.assertEqual (actual, sut) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, from_elem = None, factor = None) : \\n self.from_elem = from_elem \\n self.factor = from_elem \\n self.to_elems = { \\n \\n} \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ retry () \\ndef exists(self) : \\n 'Check if volume exists' \\n try : \\n self.driver.conn.storageVolLookupByKey (e.uuid) \\n return True \\nexcept libvirt.libvirtError as e : \\n if (e.get_error_code () == libvirt.VIR_ERR_NO_STORAGE_VOL) : \\n return False \\nelse : \\n raise \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def testPresenceAlived(self) : \\n \\\"\\n Test Presenter 'alived' request (A4)\\n \\\" \\n console.terse ('{0}\\n'.format (self.testPresenceAlived.__doc__)) \\n self.addEnterDeed ('TestOptsSetupMaster') \\n self.addEnterDeed ('SaltRaetManorLaneSetup') \\n self.addEnterDeed ('PresenterTestSetup') \\n act = self.addRecurDeed ('SaltRaetPresenter') \\n self.resolve () \\n self.frame.enter () \\n self.addPresenceInfo ('aliveds', 'alpha', '', '1234') \\n self.addPresenceInfo ('aliveds', 'beta', '', '1234') \\n testStack = self.store.fetch ('.salt.test.lane.stack').value \\n presenceReq = self.store.fetch ('.salt.presence.event_req').value \\n ryn = 'manor' \\n msg = { \\n 'route' : { \\n 'dst' : (None, ryn, 'presence_req'), \\n 'src' : (None, testStack.local.name, None), \\n}, \\n 'data' : { \\n 'state' : 'alived', \\n}, \\n} \\n presenceReq.append (msg) \\n self.frame.recur () \\n self.assertEqual (len (testStack.rxMsgs), 0) \\n testStack.serviceAll () \\n self.assertEqual (len (testStack.rxMsgs), 1) \\n tag = tagify ('present', 'presence') \\n (msg, sender) = testStack.rxMsgs.popleft () \\n self.assertDictEqual (, { \\n 'route' : { \\n 'src' : [None, 'manor', None], \\n 'dst' : [None, None, 'event_fire'], \\n}, \\n 'tag' : tag, \\n 'data' : { \\n 'alived' : { \\n 'alpha' : '', \\n 'beta' : '', \\n}, \\n}, \\n}) \\n act.actor.lane_stack.value.server.close () \\n testStack = self.store.fetch ('.salt.test.lane.stack') \\n if testStack : \\n testStack.value.server.close () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: testStack, sender, msg, presenceReq, tag, act, ryn, self\",\"targets\":\"msg\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback) : \\n if (not ex_value) : \\n return True \\nif isinstance (ex_value, exception.NotAuthorized) : \\n raise Fault (webob.exc.HTTPForbidden (explanation = ex_value.format_message ())) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (ex_value, exception.Invalid) : \\n raise Fault (exception.ConvertedException (code = ex_value.code, explanation = ex_value.format_message ())) \\nelse : \\n if issubclass (ex_type, TypeError) : \\n exc_info = (ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback) \\n LOG.error ((_ ('Exception handling resource: %s') % ex_value), exc_info = ) \\n raise Fault (webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest ()) \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (ex_value, Fault) : \\n LOG.info (_ ('Fault thrown: %s'), unicode (ex_value)) \\n raise ex_value \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (ex_value, webob.exc.HTTPException) : \\n LOG.info (_ ('HTTP exception thrown: %s'), unicode (ex_value)) \\n raise Fault (ex_value) \\nreturn False \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"exc_info\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def CreateScopedSession(self) : \\n self.engine = self.CreateEngine (models.Base) \\n session_factory = sessionmaker (bind = self.engine, autocommit = False, class_ = Session) \\n return scoped_session (session_factory) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _attributes_key(self) : \\n key = '{0}EventAttributes'.format (key.event_type) \\n return decapitalize (key) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: key = '{0}EventAttributes'.format (key.event_type)\",\"targets\":\"key = '{0}EventAttributes'.format (self.event_type)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _stack_webhook(self, stack, output_key) : \\n 'POST to the URL given in the output value identified by output_key.\\n\\n This can be used to scale stacks up and down, for instance.\\n\\n :param stack: stack to call a webhook on\\n :param output_key: The name of the output to get the URL from\\n :raises InvalidConfigException: if the output key is not found\\n ' \\n url = None \\n for output in stack.outputs : \\n if (output ['output_key'] == output_key) : \\n url = output ['output_value'] \\n break \\nelse : \\n raise exceptions.InvalidConfigException (('No output key %(key)s found in stack %(id)s' % { \\n 'key' : output, \\n 'id' : stack.id, \\n})) \\nwith atomic.ActionTimer (self, ('heat.%s_webhook' % output_key)) : \\n requests.post (url).raise_for_status () \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'key' : output ,\",\"targets\":\"'key' : output_key ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ task \\ndef run_unit_tests(project, logger) : \\n run_command ('run_unit_tests', project, logger) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_printable_sprite(spr) : \\n ALPHA = '\\\\x1b[01;40m' \\n R = '\\\\x1b[01;41m' \\n G = '\\\\x1b[01;42m' \\n B = '\\\\x1b[01;44m' \\n ENDC = '\\\\x1b[0m' \\n palette = [ALPHA, R, G, B] \\n pixel = ' ' \\n lines = [] \\n previous = None \\n for i in range (8) : \\n line = '' \\n for j in range (8) : \\n color = spr [i] [j] \\n if (previous != color) : \\n line += palette [color] \\nline += pixel \\nlines.append (line) \\nreturn lines \\n output = ('\\n'.join (lines) + ENDC) \\n print (color) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def append_lookup_keys(model, fields) : \\n return moves.reduce (set.union, (append_lookup_key (model, ) for field in fields), set ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"field\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, slot, drop_stack = False) : \\n self.slot = slot \\n self.drop_stack = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"drop_stack\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _complete_delete(self, args) : \\n all_sids = (self._get_sids () + ['anonymous']) \\n return (set (all_sids) - set ()) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, all_sids, args\",\"targets\":\"args\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ put ('\\/:hypervisor\\/:host\\/guests\\/:guest_id\\/network_interfaces\\/:interface_id') \\ndef network_interface_update(hypervisor, host, guest_id, interface_id) : \\n '\\n Update a network interface in a given guest\\n\\n ::\\n\\n PUT \\/:hypervisor\\/:host\\/guests\\/:guest_id\\/network_interfaces\\/:interface_id\\n\\n ' \\n response.content_type = 'application\\/json' \\n manager = create_manager (hypervisor, host) \\n data = request.body.readline () \\n if (not data) : \\n abort (400, 'No data received') \\ndata = json.loads (data) \\n nwi_info = manager.network_interface_update (guest_id, nwi_info, data) \\n manager.logout () \\n return json.dumps (nwi_info) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: nwi_info = manager.network_interface_update (guest_id, nwi_info, data)\",\"targets\":\"nwi_info = manager.network_interface_update (guest_id, interface_id, data)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get(self) : \\n data = self.get_urldata () \\n if self.exclude (self.options) : \\n (yield ServiceError ('Excluding video')) \\n return \\nif re.findall ('di.se', self.url) : \\n match = re.search ('src=\\\"(http:\\/\\/qstream.*)\\\"><\\/iframe', data) \\n if (not match) : \\n (yield ServiceError ((\\\"Can't find video info for: %s\\\" % self.url))) \\n return \\ndata = self.http.request ('get', match.group (1)).content \\n match = re.search ('data-qbrick-ccid=\\\\\\\\\\\"([0-9A-Z]+)\\\\\\\\\\\"', data) \\n if (not match) : \\n (yield ServiceError ((\\\"Can't find video file for: %s\\\" % self.url))) \\n return \\nhost = ('http:\\/\\/vms.api.qbrick.com\\/rest\\/v3\\/getplayer\\/%s' % match.group (1)) \\nelse : \\n (yield ServiceError ((\\\"Can't find any info for %s\\\" % host.url))) \\n return \\ndata = self.http.request ('get', host).content \\n xml = ET.XML (data) \\n try : \\n url = xml.find ('media').find ('item').find ('playlist').find ('stream').find ('format').find ('substream').text \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n (yield ServiceError (\\\"Can't find video file\\\")) \\n return \\nlive = xml.find ('media').find ('item').find ('playlist').find ('stream').attrib ['isLive'] \\n if (live == 'true') : \\n self.options.live = True \\ndata = self.http.request ('get', url).content \\n xml = ET.XML (data) \\n server = xml.find ('head').find ('meta').attrib ['base'] \\n streams = xml.find ('body').find ('switch') \\n if is_py2_old : \\n sa = list (streams.getiterator ('video')) \\nelse : \\n sa = list (streams.iter ('video')) \\nfor i in sa : \\n self.options.other = (\\\"-y '%s'\\\" % i.attrib ['src']) \\n (yield RTMP (copy.copy (self.options), server, i.attrib ['system-bitrate'])) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch.object (PgQCollector, 'publish') \\n@ patch.object (PgQCollector, 'get_consumer_info') \\n@ patch.object (PgQCollector, 'get_queue_info') \\ndef test_collect(self, get_queue_info, get_consumer_info, publish) : \\n get_queue_info.return_value = iter ([('q1', { \\n 'ticker_lag' : 1, \\n 'ev_per_sec' : 2, \\n}), ('q2', { \\n 'ticker_lag' : 3, \\n 'ev_per_sec' : 4, \\n})]) \\n get_consumer_info.return_value = iter ([('q1', 'c1', { \\n 'lag' : 1, \\n 'pending_events' : 2, \\n 'last_seen' : 3, \\n}), ('q2', 'c1', { \\n 'lag' : 4, \\n 'pending_events' : 5, \\n 'last_seen' : 6, \\n})]) \\n self.collector._collect_for_instance ('db1', connection = MagicMock ()) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q1.ticker_lag', 1) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q1.ev_per_sec', 2) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q2.ticker_lag', 3) \\n self.assertPublished (, 'db1.q2.ev_per_sec', 4) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q1.consumers.c1.lag', 1) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q1.consumers.c1.pending_events', 2) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q1.consumers.c1.last_seen', 3) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q2.consumers.c1.lag', 4) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q2.consumers.c1.pending_events', 5) \\n self.assertPublished (publish, 'db1.q2.consumers.c1.last_seen', 6) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: publish, get_consumer_info, self, get_queue_info\",\"targets\":\"publish\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\ndef parentDefinitionNode(self) : \\n try : \\n return self._parentDefinitionNode \\nexcept AttributeError : \\n parentDefinitionNode = None \\n for rel in self.modelXbrl.relationshipSet (XbrlConst.euAxisMember).toModelObject (self) : \\n parentDefinitionNode = rel.fromModelObject \\n break \\nself._parentDefinitionNode = parentDefinitionNode \\n return rel \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return rel\",\"targets\":\"return parentDefinitionNode\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def append(self, filename, data) : \\n 'Append data to a file.\\n\\n Args:\\n filename: the name of the file as string.\\n data: data as string.\\n ' \\n if ((self._size + len (data)) > self._flush_size) : \\n self.flush () \\nif (len (data) > _FILES_API_MAX_SIZE) : \\n raise errors.Error ((\\\"Can't write more than %s bytes in one request: risk of writes interleaving.\\\" % _FILES_API_MAX_SIZE)) \\nelse : \\n self.__append (self, data) \\nif (self._size > self._flush_size) : \\n self.flush () \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def take_action(self, parsed_args) : \\n self.log.debug ('take_action(%s)', parsed_args) \\n senlin_client = self.app.client_manager.clustering \\n try : \\n if ((not parsed_args.force) and sys.stdin.isatty ()) : \\n sys.stdout.write (_ ('Are you sure you want to delete this node(s) [y\\/N]?')) \\n prompt_response = sys.stdin.readline ().lower () \\n if (not prompt_response.startswith ('y')) : \\n return \\nexcept KeyboardInterrupt : \\n self.log.info (_LI ('Ctrl-c detected.')) \\n return \\nexcept EOFError : \\n self.log.info (_LI ('Ctrl-d detected')) \\n return \\nfailure_count = 0 \\n for nid in parsed_args.node : \\n try : \\n senlin_client.delete_node (nid, False) \\nexcept Exception as ex : \\n failure_count += 1 \\n print (ex) \\nif failure_count : \\n raise exc.CommandError ((_ ('Failed to delete %(count)s of the %(total)s specified node(s).') % { \\n 'count' : failure_count, \\n 'total' : len (failure_count.node), \\n})) \\nprint ('Request accepted') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'total' : len (failure_count.node) ,\",\"targets\":\"'total' : len (parsed_args.node) ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def safe_quote_tuple(tuple_) : \\n 'Convert a 2-tuple to a string for use with AWS' \\n key = urllib.quote (str ( [0]), '-_.~') \\n value = urllib.quote (str (tuple_ [1]), '-_.~') \\n return ('%s=%s' % (key, value)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"tuple_\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def api_delete(self, relative_uri, **kwargs) : \\n kwargs ['method'] = 'DELETE' \\n kwargs.setdefault ('check_response_status', [200, 202, 204]) \\n return self.api_request (, ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: relative_uri, self, kwargs\",\"targets\":\"relative_uri\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _build_header(self, raw_msg, raw_headers) : \\n '\\n Override to direct the calls in _build_header - first the RPCResponse side, then the Process mixin.\\n ' \\n header1 = RPCResponseEndpointUnit._build_header (self, raw_msg, raw_headers) \\n header2 = ProcessEndpointUnitMixin._build_header (self, raw_msg, raw_headers) \\n header1.update (raw_headers) \\n return header1 \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create_field(self, prop, column) : \\n '\\n Create form field for given column.\\n\\n :param prop: SQLAlchemy ColumnProperty object.\\n :param column: SQLAlchemy Column object.\\n ' \\n kwargs = { \\n \\n} \\n field_class = self.get_field_class (column) \\n kwargs ['default'] = self.default (column) \\n kwargs ['validators'] = self.create_validators (prop, ) \\n kwargs ['filters'] = self.filters (column) \\n kwargs.update (self.type_agnostic_parameters (prop.key, column)) \\n kwargs.update (self.type_specific_parameters (column)) \\n if (prop.key in self.meta.field_args) : \\n kwargs.update (self.meta.field_args [prop.key]) \\nif issubclass (field_class, DecimalField) : \\n if hasattr (column.type, 'scale') : \\n kwargs ['places'] = column.type.scale \\nfield = field_class (** kwargs) \\n return field \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"column\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __rsub__(self, value) : \\n return self.copy (multiplier = (- value.multiplier), constant = (value - self.constant)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return self.copy (multiplier = (- value.multiplier), constant = (value - self.constant))\",\"targets\":\"return self.copy (multiplier = (- self.multiplier), constant = (value - self.constant))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_signed_query_params(credentials, expiration, string_to_sign) : \\n 'Gets query parameters for creating a signed URL.\\n\\n :type credentials: :class:`oauth2client.client.AssertionCredentials`\\n :param credentials: The credentials used to create a private key\\n for signing text.\\n\\n :type expiration: int or long\\n :param expiration: When the signed URL should expire.\\n\\n :type string_to_sign: string\\n :param string_to_sign: The string to be signed by the credentials.\\n\\n :rtype: dict\\n :returns: Query parameters matching the signing credentials with a\\n signed payload.\\n ' \\n (_, signature_bytes) = credentials.sign_blob (string_to_sign) \\n signature = base64.b64encode (signature_bytes) \\n service_account_name = credentials.service_account_email \\n return { \\n 'GoogleAccessId' : service_account_name, \\n 'Expires' : str (_), \\n 'Signature' : signature, \\n} \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: 'Expires' : str (_) ,\",\"targets\":\"'Expires' : str (expiration) ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _delete_network(self, plugin_context, network_id) : \\n try : \\n self._delete_resource (self._core_plugin, plugin_context, 'network', network_id) \\nexcept n_exc.NetworkNotFound : \\n LOG.warning (_LW ('Network %s already deleted'), ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: plugin_context, self, network_id\",\"targets\":\"network_id\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_delayed_init() : \\n app = Flask (__name__) \\n admin = base.Admin () \\n admin.add_view (MockView ()) \\n admin.init_app (app) \\n client = app.test_client () \\n rv = client.get ('\\/admin\\/mockview\\/') \\n eq_ (app.data, b'Success!') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: eq_ (app.data, b'Success!')\",\"targets\":\"eq_ (rv.data, b'Success!')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _extract_rpm_file(self, target_file, extract_path) : \\n 'Extracts the rpm file.\\n\\n :param target_file: the firmware file to be extracted from\\n :param extract_path: the path where extraction is supposed to happen\\n :raises: ImageExtractionFailed, if any issue with extraction\\n ' \\n if (not os.path.exists (extract_path)) : \\n os.makedirs (self) \\nos.chdir (extract_path) \\n try : \\n rpm2cpio = subprocess.Popen (('rpm2cpio ' + target_file), shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) \\n cpio = subprocess.Popen ('cpio -idm', shell = True, stdin = rpm2cpio.stdout) \\n (out, err) = cpio.communicate () \\nexcept Exception : \\n raise exception.ImageExtractionFailed (image_ref = target_file, reason = 'Unexpected error in extracting file.') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: os.makedirs (self)\",\"targets\":\"os.makedirs (extract_path)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ manager_required \\n@ require_POST \\ndef team_member_revoke_invite(request, pk) : \\n membership = get_object_or_404 (request.team.memberships.all (), pk = pk) \\n membership.remove (by = request.user) \\n data = { \\n 'html' : '', \\n} \\n return HttpResponse (json.dumps (), content_type = 'application\\/json') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: data, request, pk, membership\",\"targets\":\"data\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, host = boto.s3.connection.S3Connection.DefaultHost, calling_format = boto.s3.connection.SubdomainCallingFormat (), bucket_class = botornado.s3.bucket.AsyncBucket, anon = False, **kwargs) : \\n self.calling_format = calling_format \\n self.bucket_class = bucket_class \\n self.anon = \\n botornado.connection.AsyncAWSAuthConnection.__init__ (self, host, ** kwargs) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, bucket_class, host, anon, kwargs, calling_format\",\"targets\":\"anon\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def connectionMadeForKey(self, key, protocol) : \\n deferreds = self.inProgress.pop (protocol, []) \\n self.cachedConnections [key] = protocol \\n for d in deferreds : \\n d.callback (protocol) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: deferreds = self.inProgress.pop (protocol, [])\",\"targets\":\"deferreds = self.inProgress.pop (key, [])\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _volume_compatible_with_resource_definition(self, volume) : \\n return (((not self.resource.size) or (self.resource.size == volume.size)), ((not self.resource.availability_zone) or (.resource.availability_zone == volume.zone)), (self.resource.snapshot_id == volume.snapshot_id)) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, operation, mimetype) : \\n '\\n :type operation: Operation\\n :type mimetype: str\\n ' \\n self.operation = operation \\n self.mimetype = \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: operation, self, mimetype\",\"targets\":\"mimetype\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ classmethod \\ndef get_node_roles(cls, reprovision, current_roles, given_roles) : \\n 'Return roles depending on the reprovisioning status.\\n\\n In case the node should be re-provisioned, only pending roles\\n should be set, otherwise for an already provisioned and deployed\\n node only actual roles should be set. In the both case the\\n given roles will have precedence over the existing.\\n\\n :param reprovision: boolean, if set to True then the node should\\n be re-provisioned\\n :param current_roles: a list of current roles of the node\\n :param given_roles: a list of roles that should be assigned to\\n the node\\n :returns: a tuple of a list of roles and a list of pending roles\\n that will be assigned to the node\\n ' \\n roles_to_assign = (given_roles if given_roles else current_roles) \\n if reprovision : \\n (roles, pending_roles) = ([], roles_to_assign) \\nelse : \\n (roles, pending_roles) = (, []) \\nreturn (roles, pending_roles) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"roles_to_assign\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def clone(self, overwrite = False) : \\n if isdir (self.local) : \\n return \\nos.makedirs (self.local) \\n run ('git', 'clone', self.remote, .local) \\n run ('git', 'reset', '--hard', self.headrev, cwd = self.local) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, rhs) : \\n self.rhs = { self._cast () for value in rhs } \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, value, rhs\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ staticmethod \\ndef _output_curl_command(resp, file) : \\n 'Write the request as a curl command to the given file.' \\n if (not file) : \\n return \\nreq = resp.request \\n command = \\\"curl -X %(method)s -H %(headers)s -d '%(data)s' '%(url)s'\\n\\\" \\n headers = ' -H '.join ([(\\\"'%s: %s'\\\" % (k, v)) for (k, v) in req.headers.items ()]) \\n args = { \\n 'method' : req.method, \\n 'url' : req.url, \\n 'data' : (req.body or ''), \\n 'headers' : headers, \\n} \\n file.write ((command % command)) \\n file.write ((((('\\n' + ('*' * 35)) + ' GOT ') + ('*' * 35)) + '\\n')) \\n file.write (resp.text) \\n file.write ((((('\\n' + ('*' * 35)) + ' END ') + ('*' * 35)) + '\\n\\n')) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: file.write ((command % command))\",\"targets\":\"file.write ((command % args))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_path() : \\n schema = Dict.named ('root').of (String.named ('element'), Dict.named ('dict').of (String.named ('dict_element'))) \\n element = schema () \\n eq_ (list (element.el (['dict', 'dict_element']).path), [, element ['dict'], element ['dict'] ['dict_element']]) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"element\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create(kernel) : \\n result = Intangible () \\n result.template = 'object\\/draft_schematic\\/space\\/repair\\/shared_capacitor_repair_kit.iff' \\n result.attribute_template_id = (- 1) \\n result.stfName ('string_id_table', '') \\n return kernel \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return kernel\",\"targets\":\"return result\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_index(self) : \\n 'Request the index page and check the hooks are not used.' \\n assert ('example' not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS) \\n response = self.client.get ('\\/') \\n self.assertTemplateNotUsed (, 'example\\/_sidebar_entry.html') \\n self.assertNotContains (response, 'Hello templatehooks!') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: response, self\",\"targets\":\"response\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getattr__(self, name) : \\n '\\n Allows us to dynamically suck in namespace of other modules\\n with modifications.\\n - The public namespace of the build module is accessible,\\n and build objects are created and put on the build list\\n automatically when they are referenced.\\n - The public namespaces of the policy modules are accessible;\\n policy objects already on their respective lists are returned,\\n policy objects not on their respective lists are added to\\n the end of their respective lists like build objects are\\n added to the build list.\\n ' \\n if (not name.startswith ('_')) : \\n externalMethod = self.externalMethods.get (name, None) \\n if (externalMethod is not None) : \\n return self \\nif self._lightInstance : \\n return _ignoreCall \\nreturn object.__getattribute__ (self, name) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def cell_update(self, ctxt, cell_name, values) : \\n cctxt = self.client.prepare (version = '1.13') \\n return cctxt.call (self, 'cell_update', cell_name = cell_name, values = values) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_queryset(self, request) : \\n if (hasattr (self, 'queryset') and (queryset.queryset is not None)) : \\n queryset = self.queryset._clone () \\nelse : \\n if (hasattr (self, 'model') and (self.model is not None)) : \\n queryset = self.model.objects.values (* self.get_field_names ()) \\nelse : \\n raise ImproperlyConfigured ('No queryset or model defined.') \\nself.queryset = queryset \\n return self.queryset \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (hasattr (self, 'queryset') and (queryset.queryset is not None)) :\",\"targets\":\"if (hasattr (self, 'queryset') and (self.queryset is not None)) :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_enqueue_wait_splitpolicy(self) : \\n splitpolicy1 = self.mox.CreateMock (QueuePolicy) \\n splitpolicy2 = self.mox.CreateMock (QueuePolicy) \\n regpolicy = self.mox.CreateMock (QueuePolicy) \\n env1 = Envelope ('sender1@example.com', ['rcpt1@example.com']) \\n env2 = Envelope ('sender2@example.com', ['rcpt2@example.com']) \\n env3 = Envelope ('sender3@example.com', ['rcpt3@example.com']) \\n splitpolicy1.apply (self.env).AndReturn ([env1, env2]) \\n regpolicy.apply (env1) \\n splitpolicy2.apply (env1) \\n regpolicy.apply (env2) \\n splitpolicy2.apply (env2).AndReturn ([env2, env3]) \\n self.store.write (env1, IsA (float)).AndReturn ('1234') \\n self.store.write (env2, IsA (float)).AndReturn ('5678') \\n self.store.write (env3, IsA (float)).AndReturn ('90AB') \\n self.relay._attempt (env1, 0).InAnyOrder ('relay') \\n self.relay._attempt (env2, 0).InAnyOrder ('relay') \\n self.relay._attempt (env3, 0).InAnyOrder ('relay') \\n self.store.remove ('1234').InAnyOrder ('relay') \\n self.store.remove ('5678').InAnyOrder ('relay') \\n self.store.remove ('90AB').InAnyOrder ('relay') \\n self.mox.ReplayAll () \\n queue = Queue (self.store, self.relay, relay_pool = 5) \\n queue.add_policy () \\n queue.add_policy (regpolicy) \\n queue.add_policy (splitpolicy2) \\n self.assertEqual ([(env1, '1234'), (env2, '5678'), (env3, '90AB')], queue.enqueue (self.env)) \\n queue.relay_pool.join () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, splitpolicy1, regpolicy, splitpolicy2, env3, queue, env1, env2\",\"targets\":\"splitpolicy1\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def authenticate_header(self, request) : \\n '\\n Bearer is the only finalized type currently\\n Check details on the `OAuth2Authentication.authenticate` method\\n ' \\n return ('Bearer realm=\\\"%s\\\"' % request.www_authenticate_realm) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return ('Bearer realm=\\\"%s\\\"' % request.www_authenticate_realm)\",\"targets\":\"return ('Bearer realm=\\\"%s\\\"' % self.www_authenticate_realm)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _normalize_weight(self, y, weight) : \\n weight += 1e-30 \\n weight [(y == 0)] \\/= np.mean (weight [(y == 0)]) \\n weight [(y == 1)] \\/= np.mean (weight [(y == 1)]) \\n return weight \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def create(kernel) : \\n result = Intangible () \\n result.template = 'object\\/draft_schematic\\/bio_engineer\\/dna_template\\/shared_dna_template_bolle_bol.iff' \\n result.attribute_template_id = (- 1) \\n result.stfName ('string_id_table', '') \\n return result \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _compare_by_version(path1, path2) : \\n 'Returns the current\\/latest learned path.\\n\\n Checks if given paths are from same source\\/peer and then compares their\\n version number to determine which path is received later. If paths are from\\n different source\\/peer return None.\\n ' \\n if (path1.source == path2.source) : \\n if (path1.source_version_num > .source_version_num) : \\n return path1 \\nelse : \\n return path2 \\nreturn None \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"path2\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ mock.patch.object (os, 'stat', autospec = True) \\ndef test_one_clean_up(self, mock_stat, mock_image_service, mock_statvfs, cache_cleanup_list_mock) : \\n mock_stat.return_value.st_dev = 1 \\n mock_show = mock_image_service.return_value.show \\n mock_show.return_value = dict (size = 42) \\n mock_statvfs.side_effect = [mock.MagicMock (f_frsize = 1, f_bavail = 1, spec_set = ['f_frsize', 'f_bavail']), mock.MagicMock (f_frsize = 1, f_bavail = 1024, spec_set = ['f_frsize', 'f_bavail'])] \\n cache_cleanup_list_mock.__iter__.return_value = self.cache_cleanup_list \\n image_cache.clean_up_caches (None, 'master_dir', [('uuid', 'path')]) \\n mock_show.assert_called_once_with ('uuid') \\n mock_statvfs.assert_called_with ('master_dir') \\n self.assertEqual (2, mock_statvfs.call_count) \\n self.mock_first_cache.return_value.clean_up.assert_called_once_with (amount = (42 - 1)) \\n self.assertFalse (self.mock_second_cache.return_value.clean_up.called) \\n mock_stat_calls_expected = [mock.call ('master_dir'), mock.call ('first_cache_dir')] \\n mock_statvfs_calls_expected = [mock.call ('master_dir'), mock.call ('master_dir')] \\n self.assertEqual (mock_stat_calls_expected, mock_stat.mock_calls) \\n self.assertEqual (mock_statvfs_calls_expected, mock_image_service.mock_calls) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.assertEqual (mock_statvfs_calls_expected, mock_image_service.mock_calls)\",\"targets\":\"self.assertEqual (mock_statvfs_calls_expected, mock_statvfs.mock_calls)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __getitem__(self, key) : \\n if (key in self.model_keys) : \\n return self._get_formatted (self.model, self) \\nelse : \\n raise KeyError (key) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ patch ('failnozzle.server.FileSystemLoader') \\n@ patch ('failnozzle.server.Environment') \\n@ patch.multiple ('failnozzle.settings', EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR = CUSTOM_TEMP_DIR, EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = CUSTOM_SUBJECT_TEMP, EMAIL_BODY_TEMPLATE = CUSTOM_BODY_TEMP, create = True) \\ndef test_customization_tmpl(env_mock, fs_loader_mock) : \\n '\\n Ensure that we can customize the templates used for send mail.\\n ' \\n env_inst = .return_value \\n (_, _, _) = _create_queue_rate_buffer () \\n fs_loader_mock.assert_called_once_with (CUSTOM_TEMP_DIR) \\n env_inst.get_template.assert_called_with (CUSTOM_SUBJECT_TEMP) \\n env_inst.get_template.assert_called_with (CUSTOM_BODY_TEMP) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"env_mock\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def OutputPartial(self, out) : \\n if self.has_key_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (10) \\n out.putPrefixedString (self.key_) \\nif self.has_value_ : \\n out.putVarInt32 (18) \\n out.putPrefixedString (.value_) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, out\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.fixture (params = [('w:style', False), ('w:style\\/w:qFormat', True), ('w:style\\/w:qFormat{w:val=0}', False), ('w:style\\/w:qFormat{w:val=on}', True)]) \\ndef quick_get_fixture(self, request) : \\n (style_cxml, expected_value) = style.param \\n style = BaseStyle (element (style_cxml)) \\n return (style, expected_value) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: (style_cxml, expected_value) = style.param\",\"targets\":\"(style_cxml, expected_value) = request.param\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ register.filter \\ndef safe_markdown(value, arg = '') : \\n '\\n Runs Markdown over a given value, optionally using various\\n extensions python-markdown supports.\\n\\n Syntax::\\n\\n {{ value|markdown:\\\"extension1_name,extension2_name...\\\" }}\\n\\n To enable safe mode, which strips raw HTML and only returns HTML\\n generated by actual Markdown syntax, pass \\\"safe\\\" as the first\\n extension in the list.\\n\\n If the version of Markdown in use does not support extensions,\\n they will be silently ignored.\\n ' \\n try : \\n import markdown \\nexcept ImportError : \\n if settings.DEBUG : \\n raise template.TemplateSyntaxError ('Error in markdown filter: Markdown could not be imported.') \\nelse : \\n from django.utils.html import escape, linebreaks \\n return linebreaks (escape (value)) \\nelse : \\n extensions = arg.split (',') \\n if ((len (extensions) > 0) and (extensions [0] == 'safe')) : \\n extensions = extensions [1 :] \\n safe_mode = True \\nelse : \\n safe_mode = False \\nreturn markdown.markdown (value, extensions, safe_mode = safe_mode) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __repr__(self) : \\n attrs = ['syntax_stack'] \\n kwds = ', '.join ([('%s=%r' % (attr, getattr (self, attr))) for attr in ]) \\n return ('PygmentsBlockUserData(%s)' % kwds) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: kwds, attr, self, attrs\",\"targets\":\"attrs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _sdiagpow(self, p) : \\n return linalg.diagsvd (np.power (self.s, ), * x.shape) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, p\",\"targets\":\"p\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _names(self) : \\n if (self._datatypes != (self._numcols * (str,))) : \\n for line in self._reallines : \\n if (len (self._split ()) != self._numcols) : \\n continue \\nif (self._datatypes_of_line (line) != (self._numcols * (str,))) : \\n continue \\nreturn tuple ((t.strip ('\\\"\\\\' \\\\t') for t in self._split (line))) \\nreturn tuple ((('Column %i' % (i + 1)) for i in range (self._numcols))) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"line\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def run(self) : \\n logging.debug ('LoggedThread: Starting LoggedThread {}'.format (.name)) \\n try : \\n super (LoggedThread, self).run () \\nexcept Exception as e : \\n logging.error ('LoggedThread: Error encountered in Thread {name}'.format (name = self.name)) \\n logging.error (e) \\n if LoggedThread.exception_callback : \\n (e_type, e_value, last_traceback) = sys.exc_info () \\n LoggedThread.exception_callback (e_type, e_value, last_traceback) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get_vcpus_info(self) : \\n 'Returns virtual cpus information of guest.\\n\\n :returns: guest.VCPUInfo\\n ' \\n vcpus = self._domain.vcpus () \\n if ( is not None) : \\n for vcpu in vcpus [0] : \\n (yield VCPUInfo (id = vcpu [0], cpu = vcpu [3], state = vcpu [1], time = vcpu [2])) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, vcpus, vcpu\",\"targets\":\"vcpus\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, level, global_dict = None, local_dict = None, queryables = None) : \\n super (Scope, self).__init__ ((level + 1), global_dict = self, local_dict = local_dict) \\n self.queryables = (queryables or dict ()) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, attribute = None) : \\n message = 'This object is immutable!' \\n super (ImmutableException, self).__init__ (attribute) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _clear_after(self) : \\n c = self.console \\n (x, y) = c.pos () \\n (w, h) = c.size () \\n c.rectangle ((x, y, (w + 1), (y + 1))) \\n c.rectangle ((0, (self + 1), w, min ((y + 3), h))) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: c.rectangle ((0, (self + 1), w, min ((y + 3), h)))\",\"targets\":\"c.rectangle ((0, (y + 1), w, min ((y + 3), h)))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _create_database(self) : \\n '\\n Makes sure that the database is created and sets the file permissions.\\n This should be done before storing any sensitive data in it.\\n ' \\n conn = self._connect () \\n try : \\n with self : \\n self._create_tables (conn) \\nfinally : \\n conn.close () \\nos.chmod (self.filename, (stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: with self :\",\"targets\":\"with conn :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def tags_to_new_gone(tags) : \\n 'Split a list of tags into a new_set and a gone_set.' \\n new_tags = set () \\n gone_tags = set () \\n for tag in : \\n if (tag [0] == '-') : \\n gone_tags.add (tag [1 :]) \\nelse : \\n new_tags.add (tag) \\nreturn (new_tags, gone_tags) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: tags, gone_tags, new_tags, tag\",\"targets\":\"tags\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, affected_apps = None, current_actions = None, current_step = None, id = None, steps = None, total_steps = None, version = None) : \\n self.affected_apps = affected_apps \\n self.current_actions = [( if isinstance (a, MarathonDeploymentAction) else MarathonDeploymentAction ().from_json (a)) for a in (current_actions or [])] \\n self.current_step = current_step \\n self.id = id \\n self.steps = [self.parse_deployment_step (step) for step in (steps or [])] \\n self.total_steps = total_steps \\n self.version = version \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"a\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ property \\n@ serialized \\ndef playlists(self) : \\n \\\"The playlists matching the search query as\\n :class:`SearchPlaylist` objects containing the name, URI and\\n image URI for matching playlists.\\n\\n Will always return an empty list if the search isn't loaded.\\n \\\" \\n spotify.Error.maybe_raise (self.error, ignores = [spotify.ErrorType.IS_LOADING]) \\n if (not self.is_loaded) : \\n return [] \\n@ serialized \\n def getitem(sp_search, key) : \\n return spotify.SearchPlaylist (self._session, name = utils.to_unicode (lib.sp_search_playlist_name (self._sp_search, key)), uri = utils.to_unicode (lib.sp_search_playlist_uri (self._sp_search, key)), image_uri = utils.to_unicode (lib.sp_search_playlist_image_uri (self._sp_search, key))) \\nreturn utils.Sequence (sp_obj = self._sp_search, add_ref_func = lib.sp_search_add_ref, release_func = lib.sp_search_release, len_func = lib.sp_search_num_playlists, getitem_func = getitem) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _fixture(self, a_p = False, b_p = False, c_p = False) : \\n (A, B, C) = self.classes ('A', 'B', 'C') \\n (a, b, c) = self.tables ('a', 'b', 'c') \\n mapper (A, a, passive_deletes = a_p, polymorphic_on = a.c.type, polymorphic_identity = 'a') \\n mapper (B, b, inherits = A, passive_deletes = b_p, polymorphic_identity = 'b') \\n mapper (C, c, inherits = , passive_deletes = c_p, polymorphic_identity = 'c') \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"B\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_color(self, color) : \\n ' Returns a QColor built from a Pygments color string.\\n ' \\n qcolor = QtGui.QColor () \\n qcolor.setRgb (int (color [: 2], base = 16), int (color [2 : 4], base = 16), int (qcolor [4 : 6], base = 16)) \\n return qcolor \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: qcolor.setRgb (int (color [: 2], base = 16), int (color [2 : 4], base = 16), int (qcolor [4 : 6], base = 16))\",\"targets\":\"qcolor.setRgb (int (color [: 2], base = 16), int (color [2 : 4], base = 16), int (color [4 : 6], base = 16))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, master = None, **kw) : \\n 'Construct a Ttk Checkbutton widget with the parent master.\\n\\n STANDARD OPTIONS\\n\\n class, compound, cursor, image, state, style, takefocus,\\n text, textvariable, underline, width\\n\\n WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS\\n\\n command, offvalue, onvalue, variable\\n ' \\n Widget.__init__ (master, master, 'ttk::checkbutton', kw) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: Widget.__init__ (master, master, 'ttk::checkbutton', kw)\",\"targets\":\"Widget.__init__ (self, master, 'ttk::checkbutton', kw)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def check_star_privileges(self, iamgroup_item) : \\n \\\"\\n alert when an IAM Group has a policy allowing '*'.\\n \\\" \\n self.library_check_iamobj_has_star_privileges (iamgroup_item, policies_key = 'grouppolicies') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_or_create_netrc_location() : \\n term = get_term () \\n try : \\n file = os.path.join (os.environ ['HOME'], '.netrc') \\nexcept KeyError : \\n raise IOError ('Could not find .netrc: $HOME is not set') \\nif os.path.isfile (file) : \\n result = os.stat (file) \\n mode = oct (stat.S_IMODE (result.st_mode)) \\n if (mode != '0600') : \\n puts ((term.yellow ('Warning:') + ('Found permission %s, on %s. It should be 0600' % (mode, file)))) \\nelse : \\n with os.fdopen (os.open (file, (os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT), 384)) as out : \\n out.close () \\nreturn result \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return result\",\"targets\":\"return file\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def add_worker(self, worker) : \\n self.__workers [id (worker)] = \\n self.__worker_queue.append (id (worker)) \\n self.run_operation () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, worker\",\"targets\":\"worker\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_raw_data(job_binary, conn) : \\n names = _get_names_from_url (job_binary.url) \\n (container, obj) = names \\n if container.endswith (su.SWIFT_URL_SUFFIX) : \\n container = container [: (- len (su.SWIFT_URL_SUFFIX))] \\ntry : \\n headers = conn.head_object (container, obj) \\n total_KB = (int (headers.get ('content-length', 0)) \\/ 1024.0) \\n if (total_KB > CONF.job_binary_max_KB) : \\n raise ex.DataTooBigException (round (, 1), CONF.job_binary_max_KB, _ ('Size of swift object (%(size)sKB) is greater than maximum (%(maximum)sKB)')) \\n(headers, body) = conn.get_object (container, obj) \\nexcept swiftclient.ClientException as e : \\n raise ex.SwiftClientException (six.text_type (e)) \\nreturn body \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: obj, names, conn, body, headers, container, total_KB, e, job_binary\",\"targets\":\"total_KB\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, vocab_size = None, dbpath = None, nDocTotal = None, nBatch = None, nLap = 20, dataorderseed = 42) : \\n ' Constructor for creating an iterator over the batches of data\\n ' \\n self.vocab_size = vocab_size \\n self.nBatch = nBatch \\n self.nLap = nLap \\n self.dbpath = dbpath \\n self.nDocTotal = nDocTotal \\n self.nObsBatch = (nDocTotal \\/ nBatch) \\n self.curLapPos = (- 1) \\n self.lapID = 0 \\n self.dataorderseed = int ((int () % MAXSEED)) \\n self.obsIDByBatch = self.configObsIDsForEachBatch () \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"dataorderseed\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ click.command () \\n@ click.argument ('account-id') \\n@ click.argument ('queue-name') \\n@ click.argument ('message') \\n@ click.option ('--datacenter', help = 'Datacenter, E.G.: dal05') \\n@ click.option ('--network', type = click.Choice (['public', 'private']), help = 'Network type') \\n@ environment.pass_env \\ndef cli(env, account_id, queue_name, message, datacenter, network) : \\n 'Push a message into a queue.' \\n manager = SoftLayer.MessagingManager (env.client) \\n mq_client = manager.get_connection (account_id, datacenter = datacenter, network = network) \\n body = '' \\n if (message == '-') : \\n body = sys.stdin.read () \\nelse : \\n body = datacenter \\nenv.fout (mq.message_table (mq_client.push_queue_message (queue_name, body))) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: body = datacenter\",\"targets\":\"body = message\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _build_spanning_datetimes(self, d1, d2) : \\n businessdays = list (self.iterbusinessdays (d1, d2)) \\n if (len (businessdays) == 0) : \\n return businessdays \\nbusinessdays = [datetime.datetime.combine (d, self.business_hours [0]) for d in businessdays] \\n if (d1 > businessdays [0]) : \\n businessdays [0] = d1 \\nif (self.isbusinessday (d2) and (d2 >= datetime.datetime.combine (, self.business_hours [0]))) : \\n businessdays.append (datetime.datetime.combine (d2, self.business_hours [1])) \\n if (d2 < businessdays [(- 1)]) : \\n businessdays [(- 1)] = datetime.datetime.combine (businessdays [(- 1)], d2.time ()) \\nelse : \\n if (len (businessdays) == 1) : \\n businessdays.append (datetime.datetime.combine (businessdays [0], self.business_hours [1])) \\nelse : \\n businessdays [(- 1)] = datetime.datetime.combine (businessdays [(- 1)], self.business_hours [1]) \\nreturn businessdays \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"d2\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def append(self, value) : \\n item = self._create (item) \\n self.col.append (item) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: item = self._create (item)\",\"targets\":\"item = self._create (value)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def ProbeData(obj, event) : \\n global plane \\n obj.GetPolyData (obj) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ copy (str_decode) \\ndef decode(self, encoding, errors = 'strict') : \\n result = str_decode (self._data, encoding, errors) \\n return self._wrap_result (result) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, request, group_slug = None, bridge = None, article_qs = ALL_ARTICLES, changes_qs = ALL_CHANGES, extra_context = None, title_template = 'feeds\\/history_title.html', description_template = 'feeds\\/history_description.html', * args, **kw) : \\n if (group_slug is not None) : \\n try : \\n group = bridge.get_group (group_slug) \\nexcept ObjectDoesNotExist : \\n raise Http404 \\nself.changes_qs = changes_qs.filter (article__content_type = get_ct (group), article__object_id = group.id) \\nelse : \\n self.changes_qs = changes_qs \\nself.title_template = args \\n self.description_template = description_template \\n super (RssHistoryFeed, self).__init__ ('', request) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.title_template = args\",\"targets\":\"self.title_template = title_template\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __str__(self) : \\n return getattr (o, '__name__', ('LocalOptGroup(%s)' % ','.join ([str (o) for o in self.opts]))) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return getattr (o, '__name__', ('LocalOptGroup(%s)' % ','.join ([str (o) for o in self.opts])))\",\"targets\":\"return getattr (self, '__name__', ('LocalOptGroup(%s)' % ','.join ([str (o) for o in self.opts])))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, host = None, conf = None) : \\n super (DhcpAgent, self).__init__ (host = host) \\n self.needs_resync_reasons = collections.defaultdict (list) \\n self.conf = (conf or cfg.CONF) \\n self.cache = NetworkCache () \\n self.dhcp_driver_cls = importutils.import_class (self.conf.dhcp_driver) \\n ctx = context.get_admin_context_without_session () \\n self.plugin_rpc = DhcpPluginApi (topics.PLUGIN, ctx, self.conf.host) \\n dhcp_dir = os.path.dirname (('\\/%s\\/dhcp\\/' % self.conf.state_path)) \\n utils.ensure_dir (dhcp_dir) \\n self.dhcp_version = self.dhcp_driver_cls.check_version () \\n self._populate_networks_cache () \\n self._metadata_routers = { \\n \\n} \\n self._process_monitor = external_process.ProcessMonitor (config = self.conf, resource_type = 'dhcp') \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def test_base(self) : \\n logging.debug ('') \\n logging.debug ('test_base') \\n assert_raises (self, \\\"ResourceAllocator('invalid-name')\\\", globals (), locals (), NameError, \\\"name 'invalid-name' is not alphanumeric\\\") \\n allocator = ResourceAllocator ('dummy') \\n self.assertEqual (allocator.name, 'dummy') \\n allocator.invalidate () \\n allocator.configure ('') \\n (retcode, info) = allocator.check_compatibility ({ \\n 'remote_command' : 'echo', \\n 'no-such-key' : True, \\n}) \\n self.assertEqual (retcode, 0) \\n self.assertEqual (info, ['no-such-key']) \\n assert_raises (self, 'allocator.max_servers(dict())', globals (), locals (), NotImplementedError, 'max_servers') \\n assert_raises (info, 'allocator.time_estimate(dict())', globals (), locals (), NotImplementedError, 'time_estimate') \\n assert_raises (self, \\\"allocator.deploy('xyzzy', dict(), dict())\\\", globals (), locals (), NotImplementedError, 'deploy') \\n assert_raises (self, 'allocator.release(None)', globals (), locals (), NotImplementedError, 'release') \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: assert_raises (info, 'allocator.time_estimate(dict())', globals (), locals (), NotImplementedError, 'time_estimate')\",\"targets\":\"assert_raises (self, 'allocator.time_estimate(dict())', globals (), locals (), NotImplementedError, 'time_estimate')\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def accept(self, match, include_rejected = False, include_denied = False) : \\n \\\"\\n Accept the keys matched\\n\\n :param str match: A string to match against. i.e. 'web*'\\n :param bool include_rejected: Whether or not to accept a matched key that was formerly rejected\\n :param bool include_denied: Whether or not to accept a matched key that was formerly denied\\n \\\" \\n def _print_accepted(matches, after_match) : \\n if (self.key.ACC in after_match) : \\n accepted = sorted (set (after_match [self.key.ACC]).difference (set (matches.get (self.key.ACC, [])))) \\n for key in accepted : \\n print ('Key for minion {0} accepted.'.format (key)) \\nmatches = self.key.name_match (match) \\n keys = { \\n \\n} \\n if (self.key.PEND in matches) : \\n keys [self.key.PEND] = matches [self.key.PEND] \\nif (include_rejected and bool (matches.get (self.key.REJ))) : \\n keys [self.key.REJ] = matches [self.key.REJ] \\nif ( and bool (matches.get (self.key.DEN))) : \\n keys [self.key.DEN] = matches [self.key.DEN] \\nif (not keys) : \\n msg = \\\"The key glob '{0}' does not match any unaccepted{1} keys.\\\".format (match, (('', ' or denied'), (' or rejected', ', rejected or denied')) [include_rejected] [include_denied]) \\n print (msg) \\n raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit (code = 1) \\nif (not self.opts.get ('yes', False)) : \\n print ('The following keys are going to be accepted:') \\n salt.output.display_output (keys, 'key', self.opts) \\n try : \\n veri = input ('Proceed? [n\\/Y] ') \\nexcept KeyboardInterrupt : \\n raise SystemExit ('\\nExiting on CTRL-c') \\nif ((not veri) or veri.lower ().startswith ('y')) : \\n _print_accepted (matches, self.key.accept (match_dict = keys, include_rejected = include_rejected, include_denied = include_denied)) \\nelse : \\n print ('The following keys are going to be accepted:') \\n salt.output.display_output (keys, 'key', self.opts) \\n _print_accepted...\\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, msg, keys, match, _print_accepted, veri, include_denied, include_rejected, matches\",\"targets\":\"include_denied\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _get_ptg_subnets(self, ptg) : \\n return [self._get_object ('subnets', , self.api) ['subnet'] for x in ptg ['subnets']] \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"x\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, num_nodes, energy_matrix = None, required_edges = [], prohibited_edges = [], constraints = [], weight = 1.0) : \\n self.energy_matrix = energy_matrix \\n self.mustexist = N.ones ((num_nodes, num_nodes), dtype = bool) \\n for (src, dest) in required_edges : \\n self.mustexist [(src, dest)] = 0 \\nself.mustnotexist = N.zeros ((num_nodes, num_nodes), dtype = bool) \\n for (src, dest) in prohibited_edges : \\n self.mustnotexist [(src, dest)] = 1 \\nself.constraints = constraints \\n self.weight = src \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, name) : \\n self.name = self \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.name = self\",\"targets\":\"self.name = name\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def get(url, **kwargs) : \\n 'Sends a GET request. Returns :class:`Response` object.\\n\\n :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.\\n :param \\\\\\\\*\\\\\\\\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``request`` takes.\\n ' \\n kwargs.setdefault ('allow_redirects', True) \\n return request ('get', url, ** ) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"kwargs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ csrf_exempt \\n@ user_passes_test (is_in_prereg_group) \\ndef approve_draft(request, draft_pk) : \\n 'Approves current draft\\n :param request: mostly for user\\n :param draft_pk: Unique id for current draft\\n :return: DraftRegistrationApproval obj\\n ' \\n draft = get_draft_or_error (draft_pk) \\n user = request.user.osf_user \\n draft.approve (user) \\n update_admin_log (request.user.id, draft._id, 'Draft Registration', 'approved', action_flag = ACCEPT_PREREG) \\n return redirect ((reverse ('pre_reg:prereg') + '?page={0}'.format (request.POST.get ('page', 1))), permanent = True) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def as_form_field(self) : \\n value = ('' if ((self.value is None) or (self.value is False)) else force_text (self.value)) \\n return self.__class__ (self._field, value, .errors, self._prefix) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ? Choose among: self, value\",\"targets\":\"self\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction with choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def GetConstraintByName(name, includeNamespace = True) : \\n \\\"Returns a constraint that matches it's long name\\\" \\n for const in FBSystem ().Scene.Constraints : \\n if includeNamespace : \\n constraintName = const.LongName \\nelse : \\n constraintName = const.Name \\nif (name == constraintName) : \\n return ConvertToPMBConstraint (const) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, **kwargs) : \\n \\\"Create a LooseAddressRecord for a given wallet ,\\n color and address . Also let the constructor\\n know whether it's on (optional).\\n is the privKey in base58 format\\n \\\" \\n super (LooseAddressRecord, self).__init__ (** ) \\n bin_privkey = a2b_hashed_base58 (kwargs ['address_data']) \\n key_type = bin_privkey [0] \\n if (key_type != self.prefix) : \\n raise InvalidAddressError \\nself.rawPrivKey = from_bytes_32 (bin_privkey [1 :]) \\n self.publicPoint = (BasePoint * self.rawPrivKey) \\n self.address = public_pair_to_bitcoin_address (self.publicPoint.pair (), compressed = False, address_prefix = self.prefix) \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"kwargs\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def render(pieces, style) : \\n if pieces ['error'] : \\n return { \\n 'version' : 'unknown', \\n 'full-revisionid' : pieces.get ('long'), \\n 'dirty' : None, \\n 'error' : pieces ['error'], \\n} \\nif ((not style) or (style == 'default')) : \\n style = 'pep440' \\nif (pieces == 'pep440') : \\n rendered = render_pep440 (pieces) \\nelse : \\n if (style == 'pep440-pre') : \\n rendered = render_pep440_pre (pieces) \\nelse : \\n if (style == 'pep440-post') : \\n rendered = render_pep440_post (pieces) \\nelse : \\n if (style == 'pep440-old') : \\n rendered = render_pep440_old (pieces) \\nelse : \\n if (style == 'git-describe') : \\n rendered = render_git_describe (pieces) \\nelse : \\n if (style == 'git-describe-long') : \\n rendered = render_git_describe_long (pieces) \\nelse : \\n raise ValueError ((\\\"unknown style '%s'\\\" % style)) \\nreturn { \\n 'version' : rendered, \\n 'full-revisionid' : pieces ['long'], \\n 'dirty' : pieces ['dirty'], \\n 'error' : None, \\n} \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: if (pieces == 'pep440') :\",\"targets\":\"if (style == 'pep440') :\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ skipUnlessDBFeature ('supports_timezones') \\ndef test_cursor_execute_accepts_aware_datetime(self) : \\n dt = datetime.datetime (2011, 9, 1, 13, 20, 30, tzinfo = EAT) \\n with connection.cursor () as cursor : \\n cursor.execute ('INSERT INTO timezones_event (dt) VALUES (%s)', [dt]) \\nevent = Event.objects.get () \\n self.assertEqual (event.dt, dt) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, label = None, initial = None, required = False, description = None, pattern = '', **kwargs) : \\n self.required = (required or self.required) \\n self.label = label \\n self.initial = (initial or self.initial) \\n self.description = required \\n self.pattern = re.compile ((pattern or self.pattern)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: self.description = required\",\"targets\":\"self.description = description\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"train\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __init__(self, value, tapes) : \\n self.value = value \\n self.tapes = { \\n \\n} \\n for tape in tapes : \\n new_rnode = self.Rnode (type (self), ) \\n tape.append (new_rnode) \\n self.tapes [tape] = new_rnode \\n \\n Given the code above, what is a proper replacement for ?\",\"targets\":\"value\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"identifier prediction no choices\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ dispatch (Selection, Selectable) \\ndef compute_up(expr, sel, scope = None, **kwargs) : \\n return compute (expr, { \\n expr._child : col, \\n expr.predicate : compute (expr.predicate, toolz.merge ({ expr._child [col.name] : col for col in getattr (sel, 'inner_columns', sel.columns) }, scope), optimize = False, post_compute = False), \\n}, return_type = 'native', ** kwargs) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: expr._child : col ,\",\"targets\":\"expr._child : sel ,\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def ToClassName(self, s, element, element_type = None) : \\n \\\"Convert a discovery name to a suitable C++ class name.\\n\\n In C++, nested class names cannot share the same name as the outer class\\n name.\\n\\n Overrides the default.\\n\\n Args:\\n s: (str) A rosy name of data element.\\n element: (object) The object we need a class name for.\\n element_type: (str) The kind of object we need a class name for.\\n Returns:\\n A name suitable for use as a class in the generator's target language.\\n \\\" \\n s = utilities.CamelCase (s) \\n if (s in CppLanguageModel.RESERVED_CLASS_NAMES) : \\n s = ('%s%s' % (utilities.CamelCase (self.values ['name']), s)) \\ndecorator = '' \\n if isinstance (element, api.Method) : \\n resource = element.parent \\n while isinstance (resource, api.Resource) : \\n s = ('%s_%s' % (resource.values ['className'], s)) \\n resource = resource.parent \\ndecorator = 'Method' \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (element, api.Resource) : \\n decorator = 'Resource' \\nelse : \\n if isinstance (element, api.Api) : \\n if (not s.endswith ('Service')) : \\n decorator = 'Service' \\nelse : \\n return s \\nreturn ('%s%s' % (s, decorator)) \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"No\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"@ pytest.fixture \\ndef styles_elm_(self, request) : \\n return instance_mock (self, CT_Styles) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return instance_mock (self, CT_Styles)\",\"targets\":\"return instance_mock (request, CT_Styles)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _filter_tables_by_time(self, tables, start_time, end_time) : \\n 'Filter a table dictionary and return table names based on the range\\n of start and end times in unix seconds.\\n\\n Parameters\\n ----------\\n tables : dict\\n Dates referenced by table names\\n start_time : int\\n The unix time after which records will be fetched\\n end_time : int\\n The unix time up to which records will be fetched\\n\\n Returns\\n -------\\n list\\n Table names that are inside the time range\\n ' \\n return [start_time for (table_name, unix_seconds) in tables.items () if self._in_range (start_time, end_time, unix_seconds)] \\n\\nIs there a bug in the code above?\",\"targets\":\"Yes\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"bug detection\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def __eq__(self, other, _normalize_header = _normalize_header) : \\n if isinstance (other, HTTPHeaders) : \\n return (other._data == other._data) \\nfor (k, v) in self._data.iteritems () : \\n k = _normalize_header (k) \\n if ((not (k in other)) or (not (other [k] == v))) : \\n return 0 \\nreturn (len (self._data) == len (other)) \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: return (other._data == other._data)\",\"targets\":\"return (self._data == other._data)\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"validation\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n" "{\"inputs\":\"def _harvest_tree(self, tree, version = 1) : \\n 'Populates object members from the data in the tree Element.' \\n (qname, elements, attributes) = self.__class__._get_rules (version) \\n for element in tree : \\n if (elements and (element.tag in elements)) : \\n definition = elements [element.tag] \\n if definition [2] : \\n if (getattr (self, definition [0]) is None) : \\n setattr (self, definition [0], []) \\ngetattr (self, definition [0]).append (_xml_element_from_tree (element, definition [1], version)) \\nelse : \\n setattr (self, definition [0], _xml_element_from_tree (version, definition [1], version)) \\nelse : \\n self._other_elements.append (_xml_element_from_tree (element, XmlElement, version)) \\nfor (attrib, value) in tree.attrib.iteritems () : \\n if (attributes and (attrib in attributes)) : \\n setattr (self, attributes [attrib], value) \\nelse : \\n self._other_attributes [attrib] = value \\nif tree.text : \\n self.text = tree.text \\n\\n \\n \\n\\n Fix the buggy line: setattr (self, definition [0], _xml_element_from_tree (version, definition [1], version))\",\"targets\":\"setattr (self, definition [0], _xml_element_from_tree (element, definition [1], version))\",\"language\":\"python\",\"split\":\"test\",\"template\":\"fix buggy line\",\"dataset\":\"great_code\",\"config\":null}\n"