import re import itertools import json import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import get_args, Literal, List import pandas as pd import time from collections import defaultdict, Counter from datetime import datetime import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import cached_assets_path from viewer.agg_score_metrics import agg_score_metrics_dict_prob, custom_task_aggregate_groups, agg_score_metrics from viewer.literals import BASLINE_RUN_NAME, CHECK_MISSING_DATAPOINTS_BUTTON_CLOSE_LABEL, \ CHECK_MISSING_DATAPOINTS_BUTTON_LABEL, \ FALLBACK_TOKEN_NAME, REFERENCE_RUNS from viewer.utils import BASELINE_GROUPING_MODE, create_df_from_run_data, get_run_name_seed, RunInfo, TaskInfo, get_groupped_score, RunData, is_aggregate_column, is_baseline_run, is_reference_run, is_task_column, rescale_scores, select_runs, z_score_normalize from import DataFolder from viewer.task_type_mapping import get_task_type, TASK_TYPE import tqdm as progress NormalizationMode = Literal["No adjustment", "Rescale", "Z-norm"] def fetch_run_results(results_uri, runs_to_fetch, steps_to_fetch, oauth_token: gr.OAuthToken | None = None): token = os.environ.get(FALLBACK_TOKEN_NAME) if oauth_token: token = oauth_token.token if not runs_to_fetch: return None, None steps_to_fetch_list = steps_to_fetch.split(",") data_folder = DataFolder(results_uri, token=token) def fetch_run_files(run_to_fetch): def filename_to_steps_timestamp(fn): step, ts = fn.split("/results_") dt = datetime.strptime(ts.split(".")[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S") return int(step), dt run_path = f"results/{run_to_fetch}" try: eval_files = [f for f in data_folder.list_files(run_path, recursive=True)] except FileNotFoundError: return [] # Group files by step step_files = defaultdict(list) for fn in eval_files: steps, ts = filename_to_steps_timestamp(os.path.relpath(fn, run_path)) step_files[steps].append((ts, fn)) # Sort files within each step by timestamp (newest first) for step in step_files: step_files[step].sort(reverse=True) # tuples are sorted element by element by default # (run, steps, file_paths_in_repo) results = [] for step, files in step_files.items(): if any(step_element_match(step, step_el) for step_el in steps_to_fetch_list): results.append((run_to_fetch, step, files)) return results def get_file_with_retry(data_folder: DataFolder, filename: str): save_path = os.path.join(cached_assets_path(library_name="results-viewer", namespace=data_folder.path), filename) if os.path.exists(save_path): with open(save_path, "rb") as f: return wait = 1.5 max_retries = 20 for attempt in range(max_retries): try: with, "rb") as f: data = os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True) with open(save_path, "wb") as f: f.write(data) return data except Exception as e: print(f"Error downloading (attempt {attempt + 1}/{max_retries}): {e}") if attempt == max_retries - 1: raise e time.sleep(max(wait ** attempt, 40)) return None def hot_fix_task_name(task_name: str): """ This is a hot fix as Hynek inocrrectly named the average collumns """ if task_name.endswith(":_average"): return task_name.replace(":_average", ":_average|0") return task_name def load_run_file(run_info: tuple[str, str, list[tuple[datetime, str]]]): run_to_fetch, step, file_data = run_info aggregated_data = {} latest_timestamps = {} for timestamp, result_file in file_data: file_data = get_file_with_retry(data_folder, result_file) if not file_data: raise Exception(f"File {result_file} not found") json_data = json.loads(file_data) for task, res in json_data["results"].items(): if task not in latest_timestamps or timestamp > latest_timestamps[task]: latest_timestamps[task] = timestamp # The aggregated tassks don't contain hashes, we thus use dummy values not to cause conflict hashes = json_data["summary_tasks"].get(task, {}).get("hashes") or { "hash_examples": "", "hash_full_prompts": "", "hash_input_tokens": "", "hash_cont_tokens": "" } aggregated_data[task] = { "metrics": res, "hashes": hashes, "filename": result_file } runname, seed = get_run_name_seed(run_to_fetch) return RunInfo(runname, seed, int(step), [TaskInfo(res["filename"], hot_fix_task_name(task), res["metrics"], res["hashes"]) for task, res in aggregated_data.items()]) with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: run_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable( progress.tqdm(, runs_to_fetch), total=len(runs_to_fetch), desc="Fetching datafiles..."))) run_data = list( progress.tqdm(, run_files), total=len(run_files), desc="Loading evals data...")) return run_data, None def filter_run_list_for_language(all_runs, language): if not language: return [] return [ x for x in all_runs if f"-{language}-" in x ] def fetch_run_list(results_uri, oauth_token: gr.OAuthToken | None = None, language=None): token = os.environ.get(FALLBACK_TOKEN_NAME) if oauth_token: token = oauth_token.token data_folder = DataFolder(results_uri, token=token) # Ignore the root directory list_of_runs = [f.removeprefix("results/") for f in data_folder.list_files(subdirectory="results", recursive=False, include_directories=True) if f != "results"] return list_of_runs, gr.update(choices=filter_run_list_for_language(list_of_runs, language), value=None) def select_runs_by_regex(runs, current_selected, regex_to_select, lang=None): if lang and "{lang}" in regex_to_select: regex_to_select = regex_to_select.replace("{lang}", lang) comp_re = re.compile(regex_to_select) return list(sorted(set((current_selected if current_selected else []) + [run for run in runs if comp_re.fullmatch(run)]))) def add_baseline_rows(df: pd.DataFrame, baseline_runs: list[str], grouping_mode: BASELINE_GROUPING_MODE, baseline_name: str = BASLINE_RUN_NAME) -> pd.DataFrame: if len(baseline_runs) == 0: return df baseline_df = select_runs(df, runs_to_include=baseline_runs) baseline_values = get_groupped_score(baseline_df, baseline_runs, grouping_mode) # If baseline values doesn't contain all available steps, we interpolate the baseline values unique_steps = df["steps"].unique() baseline_values = baseline_values.set_index("steps").reindex(index=unique_steps).interpolate().reset_index() runname, seed = get_run_name_seed(baseline_name) baseline_values['runname'] = runname baseline_values['seed'] = seed # Add the baseline values to the dataframe df = pd.concat([df, baseline_values], ignore_index=True) return df def normalize_scores(df: pd.DataFrame, normalization_runs: list[str], clip_scores: bool, normalization_mode: NormalizationMode, variability_window: int = 1): if not normalization_runs or len(normalization_runs) == 0: return df cols_to_process = [col for col in df.columns if is_task_column(col) and not col.endswith('_stderr') and ":_average|" not in col] if normalization_mode == "Z-norm": df = z_score_normalize(df, normalization_runs, cols_to_process, variability_window) elif normalization_mode == "Rescale": df = rescale_scores(df, normalization_runs, cols_to_process) if clip_scores: df[cols_to_process] = df[cols_to_process].clip(lower=0) return df def recompute_averages(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: average_columns = [col for col in df.columns if ":_average|" in col] tasks_with_averages = set(x.split(":_average|")[0] for x in average_columns) values_to_average = defaultdict(list) for col in df.columns: if (task := col.split(":")[0]) in tasks_with_averages and (task_subset := col.split(":")[1].split("|")[0]) and task_subset != "_average": task_group = custom_task_aggregate_groups.get(task) # Only add the task to average is it exists in the task group if not task_group or task_subset in task_group: values_to_average[(task, col.split("|")[-1])].append(col) # task name and metric for (task, metric), cols in values_to_average.items(): df[f"{task}:_average|{metric}"] = df[cols].mean(axis=1) return df def select_runs_by_language(runs, current_selected, language, selected_cols, mcq_type): new_runs = current_selected if language: if language in agg_score_metrics[mcq_type]: selected_cols = agg_score_metrics[mcq_type][language] new_runs = select_runs_by_regex(runs, current_selected, ".*gemma.*-(" + "|".join(REFERENCE_RUNS) + ")-{lang}-.*", language) return gr.update(value=new_runs, choices=filter_run_list_for_language(runs, language)), gr.update(value=selected_cols if selected_cols else [], choices=selected_cols if selected_cols else []) def step_element_match(step_to_check, step_element): step_element = step_element.strip().replace(" ", "") if "-" in step_element: a, b = step_element.split("-") c = None if "%" in b: b, c = b.split("%") return (int(a) <= step_to_check <= int(b) and (c is None or (step_to_check - int(a)) % int(c) == 0)) elif "%" in step_element: return step_to_check % int(step_element[1:]) == 0 else: return step_to_check == int(step_element) def init_input_component_values(run_data: RunData, normalization_mode: NormalizationMode, language: str | None = None): task_metrics = set(metric for run in run_data for task in run.tasks for metric in task.metrics.keys()) initial_value = "agg_score_metrics" if language and language in agg_score_metrics_dict_prob else \ ("acc_norm" if "acc_norm" in task_metrics else next(iter(task_metrics), None)) runs = set(run.full_name for run in run_data) baseline_runs = [run for run in runs if is_baseline_run(run)] return (gr.update(choices=["agg_score_metrics"] + sorted(task_metrics, key=lambda m: (m.endswith("_stderr"), m)), value=[initial_value]), init_input_normalization_runs(run_data, normalization_mode), gr.update(value=[] if not baseline_runs else [baseline_runs[0]], choices=sorted(runs))) def init_input_normalization_runs(runs: RunData, normalization_mode: NormalizationMode): run_names = set([run.full_name for run in runs]) if normalization_mode == "Z-norm": referene_runs = [run for run in run_names if is_reference_run(run)] return gr.update(value=referene_runs, choices=sorted(run_names)) elif normalization_mode == "Rescale": baseline_runs = [run for run in run_names if is_baseline_run(run)] return gr.update(value=baseline_runs, choices=sorted(run_names)) else: return gr.update(value=[], choices=[]) def init_std_dev_runs(runs, current_val): # sets to the run with the highest count of seeds, that has at least 2 seeds. name does not include the seed value = current_val or "-" seed_counter = Counter() for run in runs or []: seed_counter[run.split("-seed-")[0]] += 1 if seed_counter[value] <= 1: # can only select runs with at least 2 seeds top_val, top_count = seed_counter.most_common(n=1)[0] if seed_counter else (None, 0) value = top_val if top_count > 1 else "-" return gr.update(value=value, choices=["-"] + sorted([val for val, count in seed_counter.items() if count > 1])) def update_dropdown_choices(selected_choices, possible_choices): selected_choices = [choice for choice in selected_choices if choice in possible_choices] return gr.update(choices=possible_choices, value=selected_choices) def render_results_table(df: pd.DataFrame, metrics, task_avg, normalization_runs: list[str], baseline_runs: list[str], baseline_mode: BASELINE_GROUPING_MODE, clip_scores: bool, normalization_mode: NormalizationMode, aggregate_score_cols: list[str], language: str, variability_window: int = 1, mcq_type = "prob"): # if not run_data: # return None, gr.update(), gr.update() # df = create_df_from_run_data(run_data) # Create baseline rows df = add_baseline_rows(df, baseline_runs, baseline_mode) # it's important to first normalize scores, so that the _averages can be recomputed df = normalize_scores(df, normalization_runs=normalization_runs, clip_scores=clip_scores, normalization_mode=normalization_mode, variability_window=variability_window) df = recompute_averages(df) # Remove baseline runs from the main DataFrame df = select_runs(df, runs_to_exclude=baseline_runs) to_drop = [] for col in df.columns: if is_task_column(col): # part of the agg score metrics if "agg_score_metrics" in metrics and language in agg_score_metrics[mcq_type] and col in agg_score_metrics[mcq_type][language]: continue task, metric = col.split("/") # If no metrics are selected, show all metrics if ((metric not in metrics and len(metrics) > 0) or (":_average|" in task and "show averages" not in task_avg) or ("|" in task and ":_average|" not in task and ":" in task.split("|")[ 1] and "show expanded" not in task_avg)): to_drop.append(col) if to_drop: df = df.drop(columns=to_drop) df.sort_values(by=["runname", "seed", "steps"], inplace=True) df = update_agg_score(df, aggregate_score_cols) aggregate_columns = [col for col in df.columns if is_aggregate_column(col)] # All task metrics contains /metric task_columns = [col for col in df.columns if is_task_column(col)] return df, update_dropdown_choices(aggregate_score_cols, task_columns), gr.update(aggregate_columns[0], choices=aggregate_columns + task_columns) def get_type_tasks_dict(tasks: list[str]) -> dict[TASK_TYPE, list[str]]: """ Creates a dictionary mapping task types to lists of task names. Args: tasks (list[str]): List of task names. Returns: dict[TASK_TYPE, list[str]]: Dictionary with task types as keys and lists of task names as values. """ task_type_dict: dict[TASK_TYPE, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) for task in tasks: task_type = get_task_type(task) if not task_type: raise ValueError(f"Task {task} has no task type") task_type_dict[task_type].append(task) return task_type_dict def update_agg_score(df: pd.DataFrame, agg_score_columns: list[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: if not agg_score_columns or df is None or "steps" not in df: return df new_df = df.copy() cols_to_avg = [col for col in agg_score_columns if col in new_df.columns] if cols_to_avg: # Calculate task type aggregates task_type_dict = get_type_tasks_dict(cols_to_avg) # Create a dict from task_type_list for task_type, tasks in task_type_dict.items(): new_df[f'agg_score_{task_type}'] = new_df[tasks].mean(axis=1) # Calculate agg_score_task_macro new_df['agg_score_macro'] = new_df[[f'agg_score_{task_type}' for task_type in task_type_dict.keys()]].mean(axis=1) # Update agg_score new_df['agg_score_micro'] = new_df[cols_to_avg].mean(axis=1) return new_df def export_results_csv(df): df.to_csv("output.csv", index=False) return gr.update(value="output.csv", visible=True) def check_missing_datapoints(runs, steps_to_check, run_data: RunData, check_missing_checkpoints): if not runs or check_missing_checkpoints == CHECK_MISSING_DATAPOINTS_BUTTON_CLOSE_LABEL or not run_data or not steps_to_check: return gr.Json(value={}, visible=False), gr.Button(value=CHECK_MISSING_DATAPOINTS_BUTTON_LABEL) max_step = max(run.step for run in run_data) steps_set = set() for step_elem in steps_to_check.split(","): step_element = step_elem.strip().replace(" ", "") if "-" in step_element: a, b = step_element.split("-") c = None if "%" in b: b, c = b.split("%") steps_set.update(range(int(a), int(b) + 1, int(c) if c else 1)) elif "%" in step_element: steps_set.update(range(0, max_step + 1, int(step_element[1:]))) else: steps_set.add(int(step_element)) existing_evals = {(, run.seed, run.step) for run in run_data} missing_evals = defaultdict(dict) for run in runs: runname, seed = get_run_name_seed(run) missing_steps = [ step for step in sorted(steps_set) if (runname, seed, step) not in existing_evals ] if missing_steps: missing_evals[runname][str(seed)] = missing_steps return gr.Json(value=missing_evals, visible=True), gr.Button(value=CHECK_MISSING_DATAPOINTS_BUTTON_CLOSE_LABEL)