P A T T R : P A T E N T T R A N S L A T I O N R E S O U R C E | |
Download link: http://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/statnlpgroup/pattr/ | |
Author: Katharina Wäschle ([email protected]) | |
Date: 11/12/2013 | |
PatTR is a parallel corpus extracted from documents in the MAREC patent | |
collection [1]. The first release contains 5 million French-German | |
parallel sentences collected from title, abstract and claims sections. | |
PatTR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- | |
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (see LICENSE). Please cite | |
Wäschle & Riezler (2012b), if you use the corpus in your work. | |
1. FILES | |
abstract/ | |
pattr.de-en.abstract.de | |
pattr.de-en.abstract.fr | |
pattr.de-en.abstract.meta | |
claims/ | |
pattr.de-en.claims.de | |
pattr.de-en.claims.fr | |
pattr.de-en.claims.meta | |
title/ | |
pattr.de-en.title.de | |
pattr.de-en.title.fr | |
pattr.de-en.title.meta | |
*.de files contain German sentences, *.fr files corresponding French | |
sentences. *.meta contain information about the document the | |
sentences were extracted from as tab-separated values: | |
- document id | |
- patent family id | |
- publication data | |
- IPC up to subclass level, comma-separated | |
2. DATA | |
The corpus is split into files according to the text sections of a | |
patent document: title, abstract, claims and description. | |
Parallel data from the title, abstract and claims sections were | |
extracted from documents belonging to the European Patent Office | |
(EPO) [2] and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [3] | |
corpora in MAREC. Both resources feature multilingual documents that | |
contain for example both a French and a German abstract. | |
All sections were sentence-aligned using the Gargantua aligner [4]. | |
Preprocessing was done automatically. Sentence boundaries were detected | |
using the Europarl processing tools [5]. | |
Section Sentences fr tokens de tokens | |
title 1,953,815 18,337,771 12,229,339 | |
abstract 122,440 5,816,764 4,594,012 | |
claims 3,034,007 206,982,238 162,760,901 | |
total 5,110,262 231,136,773 179,584,252 | |
The work was in part supported by the "Cross-language Learning-to-Rank | |
for Patent Retrieval" project funded by the Deutsche | |
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). | |
Wäschle, K. and Riezler, S. (2012a). Structural and Topical Dimensions | |
in Multi-Task Patent Translation. Proceedings of the 13th Conference of | |
the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics | |
(EACL 2012), Avignon, France. | |
http://www.aclweb.org/anthology-new/E/E12/E12-1083.pdf | |
Wäschle, K. and Riezler, S. (2012b). Analyzing Parallelism and Domain | |
Similarities in the MAREC Patent Corpus. Multidisciplinary Information | |
Retrieval, pp. 12-27. | |
http://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/~riezler/publications/papers/IRF2012.pdf | |
1. http://www.ir-facility.org/prototypes/marec | |
2. http://www.epo.org | |
3. http://www.wipo.int | |
4. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gargantua | |
5. http://www.statmt.org/europarl | |