IWPT_2020 / tools /conllu_to_text.pl
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Extracts raw text from CoNLL-U file. Uses newdoc and newpar tags when available.
# Copyright © 2017 Dan Zeman <[email protected]>
# License: GNU GPL
use utf8;
use open ':utf8';
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
use Getopt::Long;
# Language code 'zh' or 'ja' will trigger Chinese-like text formatting.
my $language = 'en';
'language=s' => \$language
my $chinese = $language =~ m/^(zh|ja|lzh|yue)(_|$)/;
my $text = ''; # from the text attribute of the sentence
my $ftext = ''; # from the word forms of the tokens
my $newpar = 0;
my $newdoc = 0;
my $buffer = '';
my $start = 1;
my $nobreaknow = 0; # last word added to buffer had SpaceAfter=No
my $mwtlast;
my $iline = 0; # needed to report position of warnings
$text = $1;
$newpar = 1;
$newdoc = 1;
$mwtlast = $1;
my @f = split(/\t/, $_);
my @misc = split(/\|/, $f[9]);
# Paragraphs may start in the middle of a sentence (bulleted lists, verse etc.)
# The first token of the new paragraph has "NewPar=Yes" in the MISC column.
# Multi-word tokens have this in the token-introducing line.
if(grep {$_ eq 'NewPar=Yes'} (@misc))
# Empty line between documents and paragraphs. (There may have been
# a paragraph break before the first part of this sentence as well!)
$buffer = print_new_paragraph_if_needed($start, $newdoc, $newpar, $buffer);
$buffer .= $ftext;
# Line breaks at word boundaries after at most 80 characters.
$buffer = print_lines_from_buffer($buffer, 80, $chinese, $nobreaknow);
$buffer = '';
# Start is only true until we write the first sentence of the input stream.
$start = 0;
$newdoc = 0;
$newpar = 0;
$text = '';
$ftext = '';
$ftext .= $f[1];
if(grep {$_ eq 'SpaceAfter=No'} (@misc))
$nobreaknow = 1;
$nobreaknow = 0;
$ftext .= ' ';
elsif(m/^(\d+)\t/ && !(defined($mwtlast) && $1<=$mwtlast))
$mwtlast = undef;
my @f = split(/\t/, $_);
my @misc = split(/\|/, $f[9]);
# Paragraphs may start in the middle of a sentence (bulleted lists, verse etc.)
# The first token of the new paragraph has "NewPar=Yes" in the MISC column.
# Multi-word tokens have this in the token-introducing line.
if(grep {$_ eq 'NewPar=Yes'} (@misc))
# Empty line between documents and paragraphs. (There may have been
# a paragraph break before the first part of this sentence as well!)
$buffer = print_new_paragraph_if_needed($start, $newdoc, $newpar, $buffer);
$buffer .= $ftext;
# Line breaks at word boundaries after at most 80 characters.
$buffer = print_lines_from_buffer($buffer, 80, $chinese, $nobreaknow);
$buffer = '';
# Start is only true until we write the first sentence of the input stream.
$start = 0;
$newdoc = 0;
$newpar = 0;
$text = '';
$ftext = '';
$ftext .= $f[1];
if(grep {$_ eq 'SpaceAfter=No'} (@misc))
$nobreaknow = 1;
$nobreaknow = 0;
$ftext .= ' ';
# In a valid CoNLL-U file, $text should be equal to $ftext except for the
# space after the last token. However, if there have been intra-sentential
# paragraph breaks, $ftext contains only the part after the last such
# break, and $text is empty. Hence we currently use $ftext everywhere
# and ignore $text, even though we note it when seeing the text attribute.
# $text .= ' ' unless($chinese);
# Empty line between documents and paragraphs.
$buffer = print_new_paragraph_if_needed($start, $newdoc, $newpar, $buffer);
$buffer .= $ftext;
# Line breaks at word boundaries after at most 80 characters.
$buffer = print_lines_from_buffer($buffer, 80, $chinese, $nobreaknow);
# Start is only true until we write the first sentence of the input stream.
$start = 0;
$newdoc = 0;
$newpar = 0;
$text = '';
$ftext = '';
$mwtlast = undef;
# There may be unflushed buffer contents after the last sentence, less than 80 characters
# (otherwise we would have already dealt with it), so just flush it.
if($buffer ne '')
# Checks whether we have to print an extra line to separate paragraphs. Does it
# if necessary. Returns the updated buffer.
sub print_new_paragraph_if_needed
my $start = shift;
my $newdoc = shift;
my $newpar = shift;
my $buffer = shift;
if(!$start && ($newdoc || $newpar))
if($buffer ne '')
$buffer = '';
return $buffer;
# Prints as many complete lines of text as there are in the buffer. Returns the
# remaining contents of the buffer.
sub print_lines_from_buffer
my $buffer = shift;
# Maximum number of characters allowed on one line, not counting the line
# break character(s), which also replace any number of trailing spaces.
# Exception: If there is a word longer than the limit, it will be printed
# on one line.
# Note that this algorithm is not suitable for Chinese and Japanese.
my $limit = shift;
# We need a different algorithm for Chinese and Japanese.
my $chinese = shift;
my $nobreaknow = shift;
return print_chinese_lines_from_buffer($buffer, $limit);
if(length($buffer) >= $limit)
my @cbuffer = split(//, $buffer);
# There may be more than one new line waiting in the buffer.
while(scalar(@cbuffer) >= $limit)
###!!! We could make it simpler if we ignored multi-space sequences
###!!! between words. It sounds OK to ignore them because at the
###!!! line break we do not respect original spacing anyway.
my $i;
my $ilastspace;
for($i = 0; $i<=$#cbuffer; $i++)
if($i>$limit && defined($ilastspace))
if($cbuffer[$i] =~ m/\s/)
$ilastspace = $i;
if(defined($ilastspace) && $ilastspace>0)
my @out = @cbuffer[0..($ilastspace-1)];
splice(@cbuffer, 0, $ilastspace+1);
print(join('', @out), "\n");
# We did not find a space. There is a long string of non-whitespace
# characters that exceeds the line limit. We should print it all unless
# it has SpaceAfter=No (then we must wait for the next string).
last; # get out of the while(@cbuffer >= $limit) loop
print(join('', @cbuffer), "\n");
$buffer = join('', @cbuffer);
return $buffer;
# Prints as many complete lines of text as there are in the buffer. Returns the
# remaining contents of the buffer. Assumes that there are no spaces between
# words and lines can be broken between any two characters, as is the custom in
# Chinese and Japanese.
sub print_chinese_lines_from_buffer
my $buffer = shift;
# Maximum number of characters allowed on one line, not counting the line
# break character(s).
my $limit = shift;
# We cannot simply print the first $limit characters from the buffer,
# followed by a line break. There could be embedded Latin words or
# numbers and we do not want to insert a line break in the middle of
# a foreign word.
my @cbuffer = split(//, $buffer);
while(scalar(@cbuffer) >= $limit)
my $nprint = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#cbuffer; $i++)
if($i > $limit && $nprint > 0)
unless($i < $#cbuffer && $cbuffer[$i] =~ m/[\p{Latin}0-9]/ && $cbuffer[$i+1] =~ m/[\p{Latin}0-9]/)
$nprint = $i+1;
my @out = @cbuffer[0..($nprint-1)];
splice(@cbuffer, 0, $nprint);
print(join('', @out), "\n");
$buffer = join('', @cbuffer);
return $buffer;