# Summary |
UD_Bulgarian-BTB is based on the HPSG-based BulTreeBank, |
created at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. |
The original consists of 215,000 tokens (over 15,000 sentences). |
All the texts were processed automatically at tokenization, morphological |
and chunk level. Then, the full syntactic analysis were perfomed manually by |
trained annotators. |
# Introduction |
The UD_Bulgarian-BTB consists of 156 149 tokens (11,138 sentences). |
This subset of BulTreeBank excludes ellipses and some rare phenomena. |
The conversion was done semi-automatically by Kiril Simov, |
with the application of set of rules and constraints for result consistency. |
The rest of the sentences will be converted for the next releases. |
The original version is freely available for research upon request. |
# Acknowledgements |
The original treebank was developed in a project (2001-2004), funded by the |
Volkswagen Stiftung, Federal Republic of Germany under the Programme |
"Cooperation with Natural and Engineering Scientists in Central and Eastern |
Europe". The project was carried out mainly at IICT-BAS in tight cooperation |
with researchers at the Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft (SfS), |
Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany. Link: |
http://bultreebank.org/ |
The conversion of BulTreeBank into Universal Dependency format was supported |
by the EU Project QTLeap. Link: http://qtleap.eu/ |
We would like to thank all our colleagues that contributed to the annotation of the original treebank: |
Elisaveta Balabanova, Dimitar Dojkov, Maggie Ivanchukova, Sia Kolkovska, Milena Slavcheva, Petya Osenova. |
We also would like to thank our annotator and validator to the treebank UD version: Stanislava Kancheva. |
# References |
Petya Osenova and Kiril Simov. BTB-TR05: BulTreeBank Stylebook. BulTreeBank |
Project Technical Report № 05. 2004. Link: |
http://www.bultreebank.org/TechRep/BTB-TR05.pdf |
Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova. Practical Annotation Scheme for an HPSG |
Treebank of Bulgarian. In: Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on |
Linguistically Interpreteted Corpora (LINC-2003), Budapest, Hungary. 2003. |
Kiril Simov, Gergana Popova, Petya Osenova. HPSG-based syntactic treebank of |
Bulgarian (BulTreeBank). In: "A Rainbow of Corpora: Corpus Linguistics and |
the Languages of the World", edited by Andrew Wilson, Paul Rayson, and Tony |
McEnery; Lincom-Europa, Munich 2002, pp. 135-142. |
Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova and Milena Slavcheva. BTB-TR03: BulTreeBank |
Morphosyntactic Tagset. BulTreeBank Project Technical Report № 03. 2004 |
Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova, Alexander Simov, Milen Kouylekov. Design and |
Implementation of the Bulgarian HPSG-based Treebank. In Erhard Hinrichs and |
Kiril Simov, editors, Journal of Research on Language and Computation, |
Special Issue, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 495-522. |
## BibTeX |
@techreport{OsenovaSimov2004, |
author = {Petya Osenova and Kiril Simov}, |
title = {BTB-TR05: BulTreeBank Stylebook ą 05}, |
year = {2004}, |
url = {http://www.bultreebank.org/TechRep/BTB-TR05.pdf} |
} |
@InProceedings{SimovOsenova2003, |
author = {Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova}, |
title = {Practical Annotation Scheme for an HPSG Treebank of Bulgarian}, |
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreteted Corpora (LINC-2003)}, |
year = {2003}, |
pages = {17--24}, |
} |
@incollection{SimovOsPo2002, |
author = {Kiril Simov and Gergana Popova and Petya Osenova}, |
title = {HPSG-based syntactic treebank of Bulgarian (BulTreeBank)}, |
booktitle = {A Rainbow of Corpora: Corpus Linguistics and the Languages of the World}, |
editor = {Andrew Wilson, Paul Rayson and Tony McEnery}, |
publisher = {Lincom-Europa}, |
pages = {135--142}, |
year = {2002}, |
} |
@techreport{SimovOseSlav2004, |
author = {Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova and Milena Slavcheva}, |
title = {BTB-TR03: BulTreeBank Morphosyntactic Tagset. BulTreeBank Project Technical Report ą 03}, |
year = {2004}, |
url = {http://www.bultreebank.org/TechRep/BTB-TR03.pdf} |
} |
@article{SimOsSimKo2005, |
author = {Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova and Alexander Simov and Milen Kouylekov}, |
title = {Design and Implementation of the Bulgarian HPSG-based Treebank}, |
journal = {Journal of Research on Language and Computation. Special Issue}, |
year = {2005}, |
pages = {495--522}, |
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publisher}, |
} |
# Domains and data split |
The domains in the treebanks are as follows: Bulgarian newspapers (81 %), |
fiction (16 %) and administrative documents (3 %). |
The files of the original treebank were concatenated in one file. Then: |
- each tenth sentence was selected for the development set |
- each first sentence was selected for the test part |
- the rest sentences are in the training set |
Remark: Each tenth sentence means the following: when the ID of the sentence |
is divided by 10, the reminder is 0. |
Each first sentence means the following: when the ID of the sentence is |
divided by 10, the reminder is 1. |
Changelog |
--------- |
* 2020-01-16 **IWPT Shared Task Data** |
* Enhanced graph: Added empty nodes representing elided predicates. |
2.2 -> 2.3 |
Automatic addition of enhanced dependencies. |
* 2018-04-15 v2.2 |
* Repository renamed from UD_Bulgarian to UD_Bulgarian-BTB. |
1.4 -> 2.0 |
- manual improvements of the annotation (e.g. more features converted from the original treebank) |
- automatic conversion to UDv2 guidelines using Udapi (http://udapi.github.io/) ud.Convert1to2 |
- original texts added, extra PUNCT nodes after abbreviations deleted (ud.bg.RemoveDotAfterAbbr) |
- goeswith nodes added to match better the original texts (ud.GoeswithFromText keep_lemma=1) |
- sent_id now encodes both the original document and sentence number, # newdoc added |
- test set omitted from the UDv2.0 official release because of CoNLL 2017 shared task. |
1.3 -> 1.4 |
- corrections with the use of copula relation: it was extended and applied to sentences that consist of the auxiliary verb ‘to be’, a noun and a subordinate sentence. In this case noun is the root, auxiliary verb is the dependent, attached with a cop relation, and the subordinate sentence is the subject. |
- extended use of the xcomp relation– after certain verbs and in the cases when there are: direct object and a subordinate sentence that is a complement, namely - xcomp; |
- extended use of the nsubjpass relation. |
1.2 -> 1.3 |
- appositions (the wrongly annotated vocatives and appositions were corrected as nmod) |
- xcomp (the ccomp relations were checked for control structures and re-annotated as xcomp) |
- nsubjpass and csubjpass in se-passives were annotated |
- cop relation direction was corrected |
- the relation between nouns and short possessive pronouns was re-annotated from case to det |
- changed the feature VerbForm=Fin to VerbForm=Part for participles |
- We also have changed the feature VerbForm=Fin to VerbForm=Part for participles. |
1.1 -> 1.2 |
- Addition of new data |
- Adding se-passives |
- Correcting dobj and iobj instead of expletive in the cases when there is no doubling. |
- Correcting the secondary predicates were re-considered from dobj to xcomp (Te ya naznachiha direktor.) |
- Adding auxpass relation |
<pre> |
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ |
Data available since: UD v1.1 |
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
Includes text: yes |
Genre: news legal fiction |
Lemmas: converted from manual |
UPOS: converted from manual |
XPOS: manual native |
Features: converted from manual |
Relations: converted from manual |
Contributors: Simov, Kiril; Osenova, Petya; Popel, Martin |
Contributing: elsewhere |
Contact: [email protected], [email protected] |
=============================================================================== |
</pre> |