IWPT_2020 / tools /conllu-quick-fix.pl
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Reads a CoNLL-U file and tries to fix certain simple errors that would make the file invalid; writes the fixed file to STDOUT.
# Can be used to make a parser output valid.
# * Converts Unicode to the NFC normalized form (i.e., canonical decomposition followed by canonical composition).
# * Makes sure that all sentences have a unique sentence id.
# * Makes sure that all sentences have the full text comment and that it matches the SpaceAfter=No annotations (but if both exist in the input and they don't match, the script gives up).
# Usage: perl conllu-quick-fix.pl < input.conllu > fixed.conllu
# Copyright © 2019, 2020 Dan Zeman <[email protected]>
# License: GNU GPL
use utf8;
use open ':utf8';
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
use Unicode::Normalize;
use Getopt::Long;
my $connect_to_root = 0;
'connect-to-root' => \$connect_to_root
my @sentence = ();
my $isent = 0;
push(@sentence, NFC($_));
@sentence = ();
# Once a sentence has been read, processes it and prints it.
sub process_sentence
$isent++; # global counter
my @sentence = @_;
my $sentid;
my $text;
my $resttext;
my $collected_text = '';
my $mwtto;
foreach my $line (@sentence)
$line =~ s/\r?\n$//;
if($line =~ m/^\#\s*sent_id\s*=\s*(\S+)$/)
$sentid = $1;
elsif($line =~ m/^\#\s*text\s*=\s*(.+)$/)
$text = $1;
$resttext = $text;
# All node/token lines must have exactly ten columns.
if($line =~ m/^\d/)
my @f = split(/\t/, $line);
push(@f, '_');
splice(@f, 10);
# Now check the contents of the columns.
$f[2] = fix_lemma($f[0], $f[2]);
$f[3] = fix_upos($f[0], $f[3]);
$f[4] = fix_xpos($f[0], $f[4]);
$f[5] = fix_feats($f[0], $f[5]);
($f[6], $f[7]) = fix_head_deprel($f[0], $f[6], $f[7]);
$f[8] = fix_deps($f[0], $f[8]);
$line = join("\t", @f);
if($line =~ m/^\d+-(\d+)\t/)
$mwtto = $1;
my @f = split(/\t/, $line);
# Collect text from FORM. We will use it if there was no # text attribute.
my @misc = split(/\|/, $f[9]);
$collected_text .= $f[1];
# If there was a # text attribute, we will check and fix SpaceAfter=No instead.
my $l = length($f[1]);
if($f[1] eq substr($resttext, 0, $l))
$resttext = substr($resttext, $l);
# Now check SpaceAfter=No against the resttext. Exception: end of sentence cannot be verified.
unless($resttext eq '')
if($resttext =~ s/^\s+//)
# We just removed leading space(s) from $resttext. There must not be SpaceAfter=No in MISC.
@misc = grep {!m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc);
if(scalar(@misc) == 0)
push(@misc, '_');
# No spaces follow the form in $resttext. There must be SpaceAfter=No in MISC.
if(scalar(@misc) == 1 && $misc[0] eq '_')
$misc[0] = 'SpaceAfter=No';
elsif(!grep {m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc))
push(@misc, 'SpaceAfter=No');
print STDERR ("WARNING: sentence text comment exists and the form '$f[1]' does not match the rest of the text '$resttext'; giving up.\n");
$resttext = undef;
unless(grep {m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc))
$collected_text .= ' ';
$f[9] = join('|', @misc);
$line = join("\t", @f);
# Normal nodes (they may or may not be part of a multi-word token).
elsif($line =~ m/^\d+\t/)
my @f = split(/\t/, $line);
unless(defined($mwtto) && $f[0]<=$mwtto)
# Collect text from FORM. We will use it if there was no # text attribute.
my @misc = split(/\|/, $f[9]);
$collected_text .= $f[1];
# If there was a # text attribute, we will check and fix SpaceAfter=No instead.
my $l = length($f[1]);
if($f[1] eq substr($resttext, 0, $l))
$resttext = substr($resttext, $l);
# Now check SpaceAfter=No against the resttext. Exception: end of sentence cannot be verified.
unless($resttext eq '')
if($resttext =~ s/^\s+//)
# We just removed leading space(s) from $resttext. There must not be SpaceAfter=No in MISC.
@misc = grep {!m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc);
if(scalar(@misc) == 0)
push(@misc, '_');
# No spaces follow the form in $resttext. There must be SpaceAfter=No in MISC.
if(scalar(@misc) == 1 && $misc[0] eq '_')
$misc[0] = 'SpaceAfter=No';
elsif(!grep {m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc))
push(@misc, 'SpaceAfter=No');
print STDERR ("WARNING: sentence text comment exists and the form '$f[1]' does not match the rest of the text '$resttext'; giving up.\n");
$resttext = undef;
unless(grep {m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc))
$collected_text .= ' ';
$f[9] = join('|', @misc);
else # MISC of words within a multi-word token must not contain SpaceAfter=No
my @misc = split(/\|/, $f[9]);
@misc = grep {!m/^SpaceAfter=No$/} (@misc);
if(scalar(@misc) == 0)
push(@misc, '_');
$f[9] = join('|', @misc);
$line = join("\t", @f);
$line .= "\n";
# Generate sentence text comment if it is not present.
$collected_text =~ s/\s+$//;
unshift(@sentence, "\# text = $collected_text\n");
# Generate sentence id if it is not present.
unshift(@sentence, "\# sent_id = $isent\n");
# Optionally (with the --connect-to-root switch) add 0:root enhanced relations
# untill all nodes are reachable from 0.
@sentence = make_all_nodes_reachable(@sentence);
# Print the fixed sentence.
print(join('', @sentence));
# Makes sure that lemma is valid.
sub fix_lemma
my $id = shift;
my $lemma = shift;
# Multi-word token must have the lemma empty.
if($id =~ m/^\d+-\d+$/)
return '_';
# Empty node can have the lemma empty but it is not required.
if($id =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/ && $lemma eq '_')
return $lemma;
# Normal nodes and empty nodes with non-empty lemmas.
# Make sure that LEMMA does not contain leading or trailing spaces.
$lemma =~ s/^\s+//;
$lemma =~ s/\s+$//;
$lemma = '_' if($lemma eq '');
return $lemma;
# Makes sure that UPOS is valid.
sub fix_upos
my $id = shift;
my $upos = shift;
# Multi-word token must have the UPOS empty.
if($id =~ m/^\d+-\d+$/)
return '_';
# Empty node can have the UPOS empty but it is not required.
if($id =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/ && $upos eq '_')
return $upos;
# Make sure that UPOS is from the prescribed inventory.
$upos = 'X';
return $upos;
# Makes sure that XPOS is valid.
sub fix_xpos
my $id = shift;
my $xpos = shift;
# Multi-word token must have the XPOS empty.
if($id =~ m/^\d+-\d+$/)
return '_';
# Empty node can have the XPOS empty but it is not required.
if($id =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/ && $xpos eq '_')
return $xpos;
# Normal nodes and empty nodes with non-empty XPOS.
# Make sure that XPOS does not contain leading or trailing spaces.
$xpos =~ s/^\s+//;
$xpos =~ s/\s+$//;
$xpos = '_' if($xpos eq '');
return $xpos;
# Makes sure that FEATS is valid.
sub fix_feats
my $id = shift;
my $feats = shift;
# Multi-word token must have the FEATS empty.
if($id =~ m/^\d+-\d+$/)
return '_';
# Empty node can have the FEATS empty but it is not required.
if($id =~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/ && $feats eq '_')
return $feats;
# Normal nodes and empty nodes with non-empty FEATS.
# Make sure that FEATS is either '_' or it follows the prescribed pattern.
if($feats ne '_')
my @feats = split(/\|/, $feats);
# Each element must be a name=value pair.
# Feature names start with [A-Z] and contain [A-Za-z].
# Same for feature values, but [0-9] is also allowed there, and comma (',') may separate multi-values.
# Feature names can additionally contain square brackets with layer ("[psor]").
foreach my $fv (@feats)
my ($f, $v);
if($fv =~ m/^(.+)=(.+)$/)
$f = $1;
$v = $2;
$f = $fv;
$v = 'Yes';
$f =~ s/[^A-Za-z\[\]]//g;
$f =~ s/^(.)/\u\1/;
$f = 'X'.$f if($f !~ m/^[A-Z]/);
$v =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9,]//g;
$v =~ s/^(.)/\u\1/;
$v = 'X'.$v if($v !~ m/^[A-Z0-9]/);
$fv = "$f=$v";
@feats = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} (@feats);
$feats = join('|', @feats);
return $feats;
# Makes sure that HEAD and DEPREL are valid.
sub fix_head_deprel
my $id = shift;
my $head = shift;
my $deprel = shift;
# Multi-word tokens and empty nodes must have HEAD and DEPREL empty.
if($id =~ m/^\d+(-|\.)\d+$/)
return ('_', '_');
# Make sure that HEAD is numeric and DEPREL is not empty.
if($head !~ m/^\d+$/)
# We will attach node 1 to node 0, and all other nodes to 1.
# This will produce a valid tree if we apply it to all words,
# i.e., none of them had a valid parent before. Otherwise, it
# may not work as we may be introducing cycles!
if($id == 1)
$head = 0;
$deprel = 'root';
$head = 1;
if($deprel eq '_' || $deprel eq '')
$deprel = 'dep';
# Make sure that DEPREL contains only allowed strings (but no language-specific list is checked).
my $udeprels = 'nsubj|obj|iobj|csubj|ccomp|xcomp|obl|vocative|expl|dislocated|advcl|advmod|discourse|aux|cop|mark|nmod|appos|nummod|acl|amod|det|clf|case|conj|cc|fixed|flat|compound|list|parataxis|orphan|goeswith|reparandum|punct|root|dep';
if($deprel =~ m/^root(:|$)/ && $head != 0)
$deprel = 'dep';
if($deprel !~ m/^root(:|$)/ && $head == 0)
$deprel = 'root';
if($deprel !~ m/^($udeprels)(:[a-z]+)?$/)
# First attempt: remove the subtype.
$deprel =~ s/:.*//;
if($deprel !~ m/^($udeprels)(:[a-z]+)?$/)
# Second attempt: take 'dep'.
$deprel = 'dep';
return ($head, $deprel);
# Makes sure that DEPS is valid.
sub fix_deps
my $id = shift;
my $deps = shift;
# Multi-word tokens must have DEPS empty.
if($id =~ m/^\d+-\d+$/)
return '_';
# Empty DEPS is OK. But if not empty, then certain rules must be followed.
unless($deps eq '_')
my @deps = split(/\|/, $deps);
# Remove self-loops.
@deps = grep {my $h; if(m/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?):/) {$h = $1;} defined($h) && $h!=$id} (@deps);
# DEPS was not empty, so there is an enhanced graph and we should not make DEPS empty now.
push(@deps, '0:root');
# Make sure that the deps do not contain disallowed characters.
foreach my $dep (@deps)
my ($h, $d);
if($dep =~ m/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?):(.+)$/)
$h = $1;
$d = $2;
$h = 1;
$d = $dep;
if($d !~ m/^[a-z]+(:[a-z]+)?(:[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]+(_[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]+)*)?(:[a-z]+)?$/)
# First attempt: just lowercase and remove strange characters.
$d = lc($d);
$d =~ s/[^:_a-z\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]//g;
if($d !~ m/^[a-z]+(:[a-z]+)?(:[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]+(_[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]+)*)?(:[a-z]+)?$/)
# Second attempt: everything after the first colon is simply 'extra'.
$d =~ s/^([^:]*):.*$/$1:extra/;
if($d !~ m/^[a-z]+(:[a-z]+)?(:[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]+(_[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{M}]+)*)?(:[a-z]+)?$/)
# Last attempt: just 'dep'.
$d = 'dep';
# Finally, if $h is 0, then $d must be root; and if $h is not 0, then $d must not be root.
if($h==0 && $d !~ m/^root(:|$)/)
$d = 'root';
if($h!=0 && $d =~ m/^root(:|$)/)
$d = 'dep';
$dep = "$h:$d";
# Remove duplicates from @deps.
my %deps; map {$deps{$_}++} (@deps);
@deps = keys(%deps);
@deps = sort
my @a = split(/:/, $a);
my @b = split(/:/, $b);
my $ah = shift(@a);
my $bh = shift(@b);
my $r = $ah <=> $bh;
my $ad = join(':', @a);
my $bd = join(':', @b);
$r = $ad cmp $bd;
$deps = join('|', @deps);
return $deps;
# For each node of the enhanced graph, finds the set of nodes from which the
# node is reachable, i.e., the set of its enhanced ancestors. If node 0 (the
# virtual root) is not among them, adds gradually 0:root relations until all
# nodes are reachable from the root.
sub make_all_nodes_reachable
my @sentence = @_;
my @nodes = grep {m/^\d+(\.\d+)?\t/} (@sentence);
my %unreachable;
my %parents;
foreach my $node (@nodes)
my @f = split(/\t/, $node);
my $id = $f[0];
my $deps = $f[8];
my @nodeparents = map {m/^(.+):/; $1} (split(/\|/, $deps));
my %nodeparents; map {$nodeparents{$_}++} (@nodeparents);
@nodeparents = keys(%nodeparents);
$parents{$id} = \@nodeparents;
# Find nodes that are reachable from 0.
my %reachable;
my %attach_to_root; # nodes that will have to be attached to 0
my @unreachable = sort(keys(%unreachable));
last if(scalar(@unreachable)==0);
my $found_new = 0;
foreach my $id (@unreachable)
foreach my $parent (@{$parents{$id}})
# If we cannot find a new way how to make an unreachable node reachable,
# try attaching the first unreachable node directly to the root.
# We will first try to attach to root the first node (by id, lexicographically).
# There might be better solutions, e.g., if the unreachable nodes form
# a component whose root is the last node (with highest id). But we are
# not trying to find the optimal solution. We just want to make the file
# valid.
@unreachable = sort(keys(%unreachable));
if(scalar(@unreachable)>0 && !$found_new)
my $node = shift(@unreachable);
$found_new = 1;
# Now take the nodes that should be attached to the root and attach them there.
foreach my $line (@sentence)
if($line =~ m/^\d+(\.\d+)?\t/)
my @f = split(/\t/, $line);
my @deps = split(/\|/, $f[8]);
@deps = () if(scalar(@deps)==1 && $deps[0] eq '_');
unshift(@deps, '0:root');
$f[8] = join('|', @deps);
$line = join("\t", @f);
return @sentence;