id,technique,subtechniqueid,sentences t1003,os credential dumping,, windows monitor for unexpected processes interacting with lsass t1003,os credential dumping,,001 scripts also exist that contain credential dumping functionality such as powersploit invoke mimikatz module citation powersploit which may require additional logging features to be configured in the operating system to collect necessary information for analysis t1003,os credential dumping,,1 and windows server 2012 r2 monitor windows logs for lsass t1003,os credential dumping,,adversaries may attempt to dump credentials to obtain account login and credential material normally in the form of a hash or a clear text password from the operating system and software t1003,os credential dumping,,also monitor for network protocols citation microsoft drsr dec 2017 citation microsoft nrpc dec 2017 and other replication requests citation microsoft samr from ips not associated with known domain controllers t1003,os credential dumping,,citation adsecurity dcsync sept 2015 linux to obtain the passwords and hashes stored in memory processes must open a maps file in the proc filesystem for the process being analyzed t1003,os credential dumping,,citation harmj0y dcsync sept 2015 t1003,os credential dumping,,citation medium detecting attempts to steal passwords from memory common credential dumpers such as mimikatzs0002 access the lsa subsystem service lsass process by opening the process locating the lsa secrets key and decrypting the sections in memory where credential details are stored t1003,os credential dumping,,citation microsoft drsr dec 2017 citation microsoft getchanges citation samba drsuapi note domain controllers may not log replication requests originating from the default domain controller account t1003,os credential dumping,,credential dumpers may also use methods for reflective process injectiont1055 to reduce potential indicators of malicious activity t1003,os credential dumping,,credentials can then be used to perform lateral movementta0008 and access restricted information t1003,os credential dumping,,detection of compromised valid accountst1078 in use by adversaries may help as well t1003,os credential dumping,,exe creation to verify that lsass started as a protected process t1003,os credential dumping,,hash dumpers open the security accounts manager sam on the local file system %systemroot%system32configsam or create a dump of the registry sam key to access stored account password hashes t1003,os credential dumping,,monitor domain controller logs for replication requests and other unscheduled activity possibly associated with dcsync t1003,os credential dumping,,monitor processes and command line arguments for program execution that may be indicative of credential dumping t1003,os credential dumping,,others will make an in memory copy of the same table before reading hashes t1003,os credential dumping,,process process creation process process access command command execution file file access windows registry windows registry key access active directory active directory object access network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content process os api execution t1003,os credential dumping,,remote access tools may contain built in features or incorporate existing tools like mimikatzs0002 t1003,os credential dumping,,some hash dumpers will open the local file system as a device and parse to the sam table to avoid file access defenses t1003,os credential dumping,,the auditd monitoring tool which ships stock in many linux distributions can be used to watch for hostile processes opening this file in the proc file system alerting on the pid process name and arguments of such programs t1003,os credential dumping,,this file is stored under the path procmaps where the directory is the unique pid of the program being interrogated for such authentication data t1003.004,os credential dumping,,apt 33 has used a variety of publicly available tools like lazagne to gather credentials. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,cosmicduke collects lsa secrets. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,crackmapexec can dump hashed passwords from lsa secrets for the targeted system. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,dragonfly 2.0 dropped and executed secretsdump to dump password hashes. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,gsecdump can dump lsa secrets. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,secretsdump and mimikatz modules within impacket can perform credential dumping to obtain account and password information. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,ke3chang has dumped credentials including by using gsecdump. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,lazagne can perform credential dumping from lsa secrets to obtain account and password information. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,leafminer used several tools for retrieving login and password information including lazagne. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,menupass has used a modified version of pentesting tools wmiexec.vbs and to dump credentials. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,mimikatz performs credential dumping to obtain account and password information useful in gaining access to additional systems and enterprise network resources. it contains functionality to acquire information about credentials in many ways including from the lsa. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,muddy water has performed credential dumping with lazagne. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,oilrig has used credential dumping tools such as lazagne to steal credentials to accounts logged into the compromised system and to outlook web access. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,puppy can use lazagne for harvesting credentials. t1003.004,os credential dumping,,threat group-3390 actors have used gsecdump to dump credentials. they have also dumped credentials from domain controllers. t1003.006,os credential dumping,dcsync,apt29 leveraged privileged accounts to replicate directory service data with domain controllers. t1003.006,os credential dumping,dcsync,mimikatz performs credential dumping to obtain account and password information useful in gaining access to additional systems and enterprise network resources. it contains functionality to acquire information about credentials in many ways including from dcsync netsync. t1003.006,os credential dumping,dcsync,operation wocao has used mimikatz dcsync to dump credentials from the memory of the targeted system. t1003.006,os credential dumping,dcsync,unc 2452 leveraged privileged accounts to replicate directory service data with domain controllers. t1003.006,os credential dumping,dcsync,"the attacker discovered domain controllers dcs and submitted a replication request. this prompted the primary dc to replicate the credentials of other dcs back to the compromised domain administrator, using the directory replication service drs remote protocol." t1005,data from local system,,adversaries may do this using a command and scripting interpretert1059 such as cmds0106 which has functionality to interact with the file system to gather information t1005,data from local system,,adversaries may search local system sources such as file systems or local databases to find files of interest and sensitive data prior to exfiltration t1005,data from local system,,data may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1005,data from local system,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to collect files from a system t1005,data from local system,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather data t1005,data from local system,,script script execution file file access command command execution t1006,direct volume access,,001 additional logging of powershell scripts is recommended t1006,direct volume access,,adversaries may directly access a volume to bypass file access controls and file system monitoring t1006,direct volume access,,citation github powersploit ninjacopy monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to copy files from the logical drive and evade common file system protections t1006,direct volume access,,command command execution drive drive access t1006,direct volume access,,monitor handle opens on drive volumes that are made by processes to determine when they may directly access logical drives t1006,direct volume access,,since this technique may also be used through powershell t1006,direct volume access,,windows allows programs to have direct access to logical volumes t1007,system service discovery,,adversaries may try to get information about registered services t1007,system service discovery,,commands that may obtain information about services using operating system utilities are sc tasklist svc using tasklists0057 and net start using nets0039 but adversaries may also use other tools as well t1007,system service discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1007,system service discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1007,system service discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system information related to services t1007,system service discovery,,process process creation command command execution t1007,system service discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1007,system service discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1008,fallback channels,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1008,fallback channels,,adversaries may use fallback or alternate communication channels if the primary channel is compromised or inaccessible in order to maintain reliable command and control and to avoid data transfer thresholds t1008,fallback channels,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1008,fallback channels,,analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used t1008,fallback channels,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1008,fallback channels,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation t1008,fallback channels,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1010,application window discovery,,adversaries may attempt to get a listing of open application windows t1010,application window discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1010,application window discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1010,application window discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1010,application window discovery,,process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1010,application window discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1010,application window discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1010,application window discovery,,window listings could convey information about how the system is used or give context to information collected by a keylogger t1011,exfiltration over other network medium,,adversaries may attempt to exfiltrate data over a different network medium than the command and control channel t1011,exfiltration over other network medium,,if the command and control network is a wired internet connection the exfiltration may occur for example over a wifi connection modem cellular data connection bluetooth or another radio frequency rf channel t1011,exfiltration over other network medium,,monitor for and investigate changes to host adapter settings such as addition andor replication of communication interfaces t1011,exfiltration over other network medium,,monitor for processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before t1011,exfiltration over other network medium,,network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content file file access command command execution t1011,exfiltration over other network medium,,processes that normally require user driven events to access the network for example a web browser opening with a mouse click or key press but access the network without such may be malicious t1012,query registry,,adversaries may interact with the windows registry to gather information about the system configuration and installed software t1012,query registry,,command line invocation of utilities used to query the registry may be detected through process and command line monitoring t1012,query registry,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1012,query registry,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1012,query registry,,interaction with the windows registry may come from the command line using utilities such as regs0075 or through running malware that may interact with the registry through an api t1012,query registry,,process process creation command command execution windows registry windows registry key access process os api execution t1012,query registry,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1012,query registry,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1012,query registry,,the registry contains a significant amount of information about the operating system configuration software and security t1014,rootkit,,adversaries may use rootkits to hide the presence of programs files network connections services drivers and other system components t1014,rootkit,,citation wikipedia rootkit t1014,rootkit,,drive drive modification firmware firmware modification t1014,rootkit,,monitor for the existence of unrecognized dlls devices services and changes to the mbr t1014,rootkit,,rootkits are programs that hide the existence of malware by interceptinghooking and modifying operating system api calls that supply system information t1014,rootkit,,some rootkit protections may be built into anti virus or operating system software t1014,rootkit,,there are dedicated rootkit detection tools that look for specific types of rootkit behavior t1016,system network configuration discovery,,adversaries may look for details about the network configuration and settings such as ip andor mac addresses of systems they access or through information discovery of remote systems t1016,system network configuration discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1016,system network configuration discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentation t1016,system network configuration discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1016,system network configuration discovery,,process process creation script script execution command command execution process os api execution t1016,system network configuration discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1016,system network configuration discovery,,several operating system administration utilities exist that can be used to gather this information t1016,system network configuration discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1018,remote system discovery,,adversaries may attempt to get a listing of other systems by ip address hostname or other logical identifier on a network that may be used for lateral movement from the current system t1018,remote system discovery,,citation elastic koadiac detection with eql t1018,remote system discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1018,remote system discovery,,exe especially when executed in quick succession t1018,remote system discovery,,functionality could exist within remote access tools to enable this but utilities available on the operating system could also be used such as pings0097 or net view using nets0039 t1018,remote system discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1018,remote system discovery,,monitor for processes that can be used to discover remote systems such as ping t1018,remote system discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1018,remote system discovery,,normal benign system and network events related to legitimate remote system discovery may be uncommon depending on the environment and how they are used t1018,remote system discovery,,process process creation command command execution network traffic network connection creation file file access t1018,remote system discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1018,remote system discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1020,automated exfiltration,,adversaries may exfiltrate data such as sensitive documents through the use of automated processing after being gathered during collection t1020,automated exfiltration,,command command execution script script execution network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content file file access t1020,automated exfiltration,,monitor process file access patterns and network behavior t1020,automated exfiltration,,unrecognized processes or scripts that appear to be traversing file systems and sending network traffic may be suspicious t1020,automated exfiltration,,when automated exfiltration is used other exfiltration techniques likely apply as well to transfer the information out of the network such as exfiltration over c2 channelt1041 and exfiltration over alternative protocolt1048 t1021,remote services,,adversaries may use valid accountst1078 to log into a service specifically designed to accept remote connections such as telnet ssh and vnc t1021,remote services,,adversaries will likely need to learn about an environment and the relationships between systems through discovery techniques prior to attempting lateral movement t1021,remote services,,citation lockboxx ard 2019citation apple unified log analysis remote login and screen sharing t1021,remote services,,correlate use of login activity related to remote services with unusual behavior or other malicious or suspicious activity t1021,remote services,,in mac os you can review logs for screensharingd and authentication event messages t1021,remote services,,monitor for user accounts logged into systems they would not normally access or access patterns to multiple systems over a relatively short period of time t1021,remote services,,monitor network connections regarding remote management ports tcp3283 and tcp5900 and for remote login port tcp22 t1021,remote services,,other factors such as access patterns and activity that occurs after a remote login may indicate suspicious or malicious behavior using these applications t1021,remote services,,process process creation network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow logon session logon session creation command command execution network share network share access module module load t1021,remote services,,the adversary may then perform actions as the logged on user t1021,remote services,,use of applications such as ard may be legitimate depending on the environment and how its used t1025,data from removable media,,adversaries may search connected removable media on computers they have compromised to find files of interest t1025,data from removable media,,data may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1025,data from removable media,,file file access command command execution t1025,data from removable media,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to collect files from a systems connected removable media t1025,data from removable media,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather data t1025,data from removable media,,sensitive data can be collected from any removable media optical disk drive usb memory etc t1027,obfuscated files or information,,adversaries may attempt to make an executable or file difficult to discover or analyze by encrypting encoding or otherwise obfuscating its contents on the system or in transit t1027,obfuscated files or information,,adversaries may continue with an operation assuming that individual events like an antivirus detect will not be investigated or that an analyst will not be able to conclusively link that event to other activity occurring on the network t1027,obfuscated files or information,,citation github revoke obfuscation citation fireeye revoke obfuscation july 2017 citation github office crackros aug 2016 obfuscation used in payloads for initial access can be detected at the network t1027,obfuscated files or information,,command command execution file file metadata file file creation process process creation t1027,obfuscated files or information,,deobfuscation tools can be used to detect these indicators in filespayloads t1027,obfuscated files or information,,detection of file obfuscation is difficult unless artifacts are left behind by the obfuscation process that are uniquely detectable with a signature t1027,obfuscated files or information,,flag and analyze commands containing indicators of obfuscation and known suspicious syntax such as uninterpreted escape characters like t1027,obfuscated files or information,,if detection of the obfuscation itself is not possible it may be possible to detect the malicious activity that caused the obfuscated file for example the method that was used to write read or modify the file on the file system t1027,obfuscated files or information,,payloads delivered over an encrypted connection from a website require encrypted network traffic inspection t1027,obfuscated files or information,,similar events may also occur at the boundary through network ids email scanning appliance etc t1027,obfuscated files or information,,some email attachment detonation systems can open compressed and encrypted attachments t1027,obfuscated files or information,,the alerting system should be thoroughly investigated beyond that initial alert for activity that was not detected t1027,obfuscated files or information,,the first detection of a malicious tool may trigger an anti virus or other security tool alert t1027,obfuscated files or information,,the initial detection should be treated as an indication of a potentially more invasive intrusion t1027,obfuscated files or information,,this is common behavior that can be used across different platforms and the network to evade defenses t1027,obfuscated files or information,,use network intrusion detection systems and email gateway filtering to identify compressed and encrypted attachments and scripts t1027,obfuscated files or information,,windows sysmon and event id 4688 displays command line arguments for processes t1029,scheduled transfer,,adversaries may schedule data exfiltration to be performed only at certain times of day or at certain intervals t1029,scheduled transfer,,monitor process file access patterns and network behavior t1029,scheduled transfer,,network connections to the same destination that occur at the same time of day for multiple days are suspicious t1029,scheduled transfer,,network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow t1029,scheduled transfer,,this could be done to blend traffic patterns with normal activity or availability t1029,scheduled transfer,,unrecognized processes or scripts that appear to be traversing file systems and sending network traffic may be suspicious t1030,data transfer size limits,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1030,data transfer size limits,,an adversary may exfiltrate data in fixed size chunks instead of whole files or limit packet sizes below certain thresholds t1030,data transfer size limits,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1030,data transfer size limits,,analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used t1030,data transfer size limits,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1030,data transfer size limits,,if a process maintains a long connection during which it consistently sends fixed size data packets or a process opens connections and sends fixed sized data packets at regular intervals it may be performing an aggregate data transfer t1030,data transfer size limits,,network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow t1030,data transfer size limits,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1030,data transfer size limits,,this approach may be used to avoid triggering network data transfer threshold alerts t1033,system owneruser discovery,,adversaries may attempt to identify the primary user currently logged in user set of users that commonly uses a system or whether a user is actively using the system t1033,system owneruser discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1033,system owneruser discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1033,system owneruser discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1033,system owneruser discovery,,process process creation command command execution t1033,system owneruser discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1033,system owneruser discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1033,system owneruser discovery,,they may do this for example by retrieving account usernames or by using os credential dumpingt1003 t1036,masquerading,,adversaries may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users andor security tools t1036,masquerading,,citation elastic masquerade ball do not focus on the possible names a file could have but instead on the command line arguments that are known to be used and are distinct because it will have a better rate of detection t1036,masquerading,,citation twitter itsreallynick masquerading update look for indications of common characters that may indicate an attempt to trick users into misidentifying the file type such as a space as the last character of a file name or the right to left override characters u202e u+202e and %e2%80%ae t1036,masquerading,,collect file hashes; file names that do not match their expected hash are suspect t1036,masquerading,,collecting and comparing disk and resource filenames for binaries by looking to see if the internalname originalfilename andor productname match what is expected could provide useful leads but may not always be indicative of malicious activity t1036,masquerading,,if file names are mismatched between the file name on disk and that of the binarys pe metadata this is a likely indicator that a binary was renamed after it was compiled t1036,masquerading,,image image metadata command command execution service service metadata service service creation scheduled job scheduled job metadata scheduled job scheduled job modification file file metadata process process metadata file file modification t1036,masquerading,,likewise files that are modified outside of an update or patch are suspect t1036,masquerading,,masquerading occurs when the name or location of an object legitimate or malicious is manipulated or abused for the sake of evading defenses and observation t1036,masquerading,,perform file monitoring; files with known names but in unusual locations are suspect t1036.004,masquerading,TechniqueorTechniqueservice,apt-c-36 has disguised its scheduled tasks as those used by google. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,apt29 named tasks microsoftwindowssoftwareprotectionplatformeventcachemanager in order to appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,apt32 has used hidden or non-printing characters to help masquerade service names such as appending a unicode no-break space character to a legitimate service name. apt32 has also impersonated the legitimate flash installer filename install_flashplayer.exe. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,attor's dispatcher disguises itself as a legitimate task i.e. the task name and description appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,bazar can create a task named to appear benign. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,build_downer has added itself to the registry run key as nvidia to appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,carbanak has copied legitimate service names to use for malicious services. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,catchamas adds a new service named netadapter in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate service. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,comrat has used a task name associated with windows sqm consolidator. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,crutch has established persistence with a scheduled task impersonating the outlook item finder. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,cspy downloader has attempted to appear as a legitimate windows service with a fake description claiming it is used to support packed applications. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,egregor has masqueraded the svchost.exe process to exfiltrate data. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,the caramel for windows dropper creates and starts a windows service named wsmprovav with the description œwindows check av in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate service. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,fin6 has renamed the psexec service name to msdtc to masquerade as a legitimate windows service. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,fin7 has created a scheduled task named œadobe flash sync to establish persistence. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,fox kitten has named the task for a reverse proxy lpupdate to appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,fysbis has masqueraded as the rsyncd and dbus-inotifier services. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,goldmax has impersonated systems management software to avoid detection. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,higaisa named a shellcode loader binary svchost.exe to spoof the legitimate svchost.exe. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,innaputrat variants have attempted to appear legitimate by adding a new service named officeupdateservice. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,invisimole has attempted to disguise itself by registering under a seemingly legitimate service name. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,ironnetinjector has been disguised as a legitimate service using the name python update rvc. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,kimsuky has disguised services to appear as benign software or related to operating system functions. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,kwampirs establishes persistence by adding a new service with the display name wmi performance adapter extension in an attempt to masquerade as a legitimate wmi service. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,a lazarus group custom backdoor implant included a custom pe loader named security package that was added into the lsass.exe process via registry key. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,machete renamed task names to masquerade as legitimate google chrome java dropbox adobe reader and python tasks. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,maze operators have created scheduled tasks masquerading as windows update security windows update security patches and google chrome security update designed to launch the ransomware. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,nidoran can create a new service named manager microsoft security accounts manager which mimics the legitimate microsoft database by the same name. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,okrum can establish persistence by adding a new service ntmssvc with the display name removable storage to masquerade as a legitimate removable storage manager. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,osx_oceanlotus.d has disguised its app bundle by adding special characters to the filename and using the icon for legitimate word documents. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,in one instance menupass added plugx as a service with a display name of corel writing tools utility. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,powerstats has created a scheduled task named microsoftedge to establish persistence. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,promethium has named services to appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,new services created by rawpos are made to appear like legitimate windows services with names such as windows management help service microsoft support and windows advanced task manager. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,rdat has used windows video service as a name for malicious services. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,rtm has named the scheduled task it creates windows update. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,sea salt has masqueraded as a service called sasaut with a display name of system authorization service in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate service. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,shamoon creates a new service named œntssrv that attempts to appear legitimate the service's display name is œmicrosoft network realtime inspection service and its description is œhelps guard against time change attempts targeting known and newly discovered vulnerabilities in network time protocols. newer versions create the maintenance service which misspells the word maintenance. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,shimrat can impersonate windows services and antivirus products to avoid detection on compromised systems. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,slothful media has named a service it establishes on victim machines as taskframe to hide its malicious purpose. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,strongpity has named services to appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,to establish persistence truvasys adds a registry run key with a value taskmgr in an attempt to masquerade as the legitimate windows task manager. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,unc 2452 named tasks microsoftwindowssoftwareprotectionplatformeventcachemanager in order to appear legitimate. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,some volgmer variants add new services with display names generated by a list of hard-coded strings such as application background security and windows presumably as a way to masquerade as a legitimate service. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,wizard spider has used scheduled tasks to install trickbot using task names to appear legitimate such as windomnet google task or sysnetsf. it has also used common document file names for other malware binaries. t1036.004,masquerading,techniqueservice,zirconium has created a run key named dropbox update setup to mask a persistence mechanism for a malicious binary. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,admin@338 actors used the following command to rename one of their tools to a benign file name: ren tempupload audiodg.exe t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,the file name acrord32.exe a legitimate process name for adobe's acrobat reader was used by apt1 as a name for malware. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,apt29 renamed a version of adfind to sqlceip.exe or csrss.exe in an attempt to appear as the sql server telemetry client or client service runtime process respectively. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,apt32 has renamed a netcat binary to kb-10233.exe to masquerade as a windows update. apt32 has also renamed a cobalt strike beacon payload to install_flashplayers.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,apt39 has used malware disguised as mozilla firefox and a tool named mfevtpse.exe to proxy c2 communications closely mimicking a legitimate mcafee file mfevtps.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,apt41 attempted to masquerade their files as popular anti-virus software. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,backconfig has hidden malicious payloads in userprofileadobedriverdwg and mimicked the legitimate dhcp service binary. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,badnews attempts to hide its payloads using legitimate filenames. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,the bazar loader has named malicious shortcuts adobe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,blindingcan has attempted to hide its payload by using legitimate file names such as iconcache.db. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,blue mockingbird has masqueraded their xmrig payload name by naming it wercplsupporte.dll after the legitimate wercplsupport.dll file. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,bronze butler has given malware the same name as an existing file on the file share server to cause users to unwittingly launch and install the malware on additional systems. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,bundlore has disguised a malicious .app file as a flash player update. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,calisto's installation file is an unsigned dmg image under the guise of integos security solution for mac. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,carbanak has named malware svchost.exe which is the name of the windows shared service host program. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,carberp has masqueraded as windows system file names as well as chkntfs.exe and syscron.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,chches copies itself to an .exe file with a filename that is likely intended to imitate norton antivirus but has several letters reversed e.g. notron.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,chimera has renamed malware to googleupdate.exe and winrar to jucheck.exe teredo.tmp update.exe and msadcs1.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,darkcomet has dropped itself onto victim machines with file names such as windefender.exe and winupdate.exe in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate file. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,darkhotel has used malware that is disguised as a secure shell ssh tool. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,daserf uses file and folder names related to legitimate programs in order to blend in such as hp intel adobe and perflogs. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,doki has disguised a file as a linux kernel module. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,one of dtrack can hide in replicas of legitimate programs like ollydbg 7-zip and filezilla. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,if installing itself as a service fails elise instead writes itself as a file named svchost.exe saved in appdatamicrosoftnetwork. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,fatduke has attempted to mimic a compromised user's traffic by using the same user agent as the installed browser. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,felismus has masqueraded as legitimate adobe content management system files. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,finfisher renames one of its .dll files to uxtheme.dll in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate file. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,fox kitten has named binaries and configuration files svhost and dllhost respectively to appear legitimate. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,fysbis has masqueraded as trusted software rsyncd and dbus-inotifier. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,goldenspy's setup file installs initial executables under the folder windirsystem32pluginmanager. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,goldmax appeared as a scheduled task impersonating systems management software within the corresponding programdata subfolder. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,goopy has impersonated the legitimate goopdate.dll which was dropped on the target system with a legitimate googleupdate.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,grandoreiro has named malicious browser extensions and update files to appear legitimate. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,hildegard has disguised itself as a known linux process. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,httpbrowser's installer contains a malicious file named navlu.dll to decrypt and run the rat. navlu.dll is also the name of a legitimate symantec dll. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,indrik spider used fake updates for flashplayer plugin and google chrome as initial infection vectors. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,innaputrat variants have attempted to appear legitimate by using the file names safeapp.exe and neutralapp.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,invisimole has disguised its droppers as legitimate software or documents matching their original names and locations and saved its files as mpr.dll in the windows folder. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,ixeshe has used registry values and file names associated with adobe software such as acrord32.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,kgh_spy has masqueraded as a legitimate windows tool. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,konni creates a shortcut called anti virus service.lnk in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate file. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,lazarus group has renamed the taintedscribe main executable to disguise itself as microsoft's narrator. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,lightneuron has used filenames associated with exchange and outlook for binary and configuration files such as winmail.dat. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,lookback has a c2 proxy tool that masquerades as gup.exe which is software used by notepad++. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,machete's machete msi installer has masqueraded as a legitimate adobe acrobat reader installer. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,machete renamed payloads to masquerade as legitimate google chrome java dropbox adobe reader and python executables. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,mcmd has been named readme.txt to appear legitimate. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,mechaflounder has been downloaded as a file named lsass.exe which matches the legitimate windows file. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,menupass has been seen changing malicious files to appear legitimate. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,metamorfo has disguised an msi file as the adobe acrobat reader installer. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,mis-type saves itself as a file named msdtc.exe which is also the name of the legitimate microsoft distributed transaction coordinator service binary. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,misdat saves itself as a file named msdtc.exe which is also the name of the legitimate microsoft distributed transaction coordinator service binary. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,muddy water has disguised malicious executables and used filenames and registry key names associated with windows defender. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,mustang panda has used 'adobeupdate.dat' as a plugx loader and a file named 'onedrive.exe' to load a cobalt strike payload. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,netwire has masqueraded as legitimate software including teamviewer and macos finder. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,nokki is written to localappdatamicrosoft updateasvserviceupdate.exe prior being executed in a new process in an apparent attempt to masquerade as a legitimate folder and file. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,oldbait installs itself in alluserprofileapplication datamicrosoftmediaplayerupdatewindws.exe the directory name is missing a space and the file name is missing the letter o. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,osxshlayer can masquerade as a flash player update. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,owaauth uses the filename owaauth.dll which is a legitimate file that normally resides in programfilesmicrosoftexchange serverclientaccessowaauth the malicious file by the same name is saved in programfilesmicrosoftexchange serverclientaccessowabin. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,patchwork installed its payload in the startup programs folder as baidu software update. the group also adds its second stage payload to the startup programs as œnet monitor. they have also dropped quasarrat binaries as files named microsoft_network.exe and crome.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,penquin has mimicked the cron binary to hide itself on compromised systems. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,pipemon modules are stored on disk with seemingly benign names including use of a file extension associated with a popular word processor. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,pony has used the adobe reader icon for the downloaded file to look more trustworthy. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,poseidon group tools attempt to spoof anti-virus processes as a means of self-defense. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,promethium has disguised malicious installer files by bundling them with legitimate software installers. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,punchbuggy mimics filenames from systemsystem32 to hide dlls in windir andor temp. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,pysa has executed a malicious executable by naming it svchost.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,quadagent used the powershell filenames office365dcomcheck.ps1 and systemdiskclean.ps1. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,raindrop was installed under names that resembled legitimate windows file and directory names. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,ramsay has masqueraded as a 7zip installer. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,rdat has masqueraded as vmware.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,the remsec loader implements itself with the name security support provider a legitimate windows function. various remsec .exe files mimic legitimate file names used by microsoft symantec kaspersky hewlett-packard and vmware. remsec also disguised malicious modules using similar filenames as custom network encryption software on victims. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,revil can mimic the names of known executables. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,rocke has used shell scripts which download mining executables and saves them with the filename java. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,ryuk has constructed legitimate appearing installation folder paths by calling getwindowsdirectoryw and then inserting a null byte at the fourth character of the path. for windows vista or higher the path would appear as c:userspublic. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,s-type may save itself as a file named msdtc.exe which is also the name of the legitimate microsoft distributed transaction coordinator service binary. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,sandworm team has avoided detection by naming a malicious binary explorer.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,shimratreporter spoofed itself as alphazawgyl_font.exe a specialized unicode font. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,sibot has downloaded a dll to the c:windowssystem32drivers folder and renamed it with a .sys extension. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,sidewinder has named malicious files rekeywiz.exe to match the name of a legitimate windows executable. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,silence has named its backdoor winword.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,skidmap has created a fake rm binary to replace the legitimate linux binary. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,slothful media has mimicked the names of known executables such as mediaplayer.exe. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,sowbug named its tools to masquerade as windows or adobe reader software such as by using the file name adobecms.exe and the directory csidl_appdatamicrosoftsecurity. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,to establish persistence sslmm identifies the start menu startup directory and drops a link to its own executable disguised as an œoffice start  œyahoo talk  œmsn gaming z0ne  or œmsn talk shortcut. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,starloader has masqueraded as legitimate software update packages such as adobe acrobat reader and intel. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,strongpity has been bundled with legitimate software installation files for disguise. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,sunburst created vbscripts that were named after existing services or folders to blend into legitimate activities. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,sunspot was identified on disk with a filename of taskhostsvc.exe and it created an encrypted log file at c:windowstempvmware-vmdmp.log. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,supernova has masqueraded as a legitimate solarwinds dll. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,the taintedscribe main executable has disguised itself as microsofts narrator. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,teardrop files had names that resembled legitimate window file and directory names. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,temp.veles has renamed files to look like legitimate files such as windows update files or schneider electric application files. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,thiefquest prepends a copy of itself to the beginning of an executable file while maintaining the name of the executable. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,tropic trooper has hidden payloads in flash directories and fake installer files. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,unc 2452 renamed a version of adfind to sqlceip.exe or csrss.exe in an attempt to appear as the sql server telemetry client or client service runtime process respectively. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,ursnif has used strings from legitimate system files and existing folders for its file folder and registry entry names. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,usbstealer mimics a legitimate russian program called usb disk security. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,whitefly has named the malicious dll the same name as dlls belonging to legitimate software from various security vendors. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,a winnti for windows implant file was named aspnet_filter.dll mimicking the legitimate isapi filter dll with the same name. t1036.005,masquerading,legitimateTechnique location,zlib mimics the resource version information of legitimate realtek semiconductor nvidia or synaptics modules. t1037,boot or logon initialization scripts,,adversaries may use scripts automatically executed at boot or logon initialization to establish persistence t1037,boot or logon initialization scripts,,initialization scripts can be used to perform administrative functions which may often execute other programs or send information to an internal logging server t1037,boot or logon initialization scripts,,look for files added or modified by unusual accounts outside of normal administration duties t1037,boot or logon initialization scripts,,monitor logon scripts for unusual access by abnormal users or at abnormal times t1037,boot or logon initialization scripts,,monitor running process for actions that could be indicative of abnormal programs or executables running upon logon t1037,boot or logon initialization scripts,,windows registry windows registry key creation process process creation command command execution active directory active directory object modification file file creation file file modification t1037.004,boot or logon initialization scripts,rcTechniquescripts,hidden wasp installs reboot persistence by adding itself to etc rc.local. t1037.004,boot or logon initialization scripts,rcTechniquescripts,ikitten adds an entry to the rc.common file for persistence. t1037.004,boot or logon initialization scripts,rcTechniquescripts,install persistence through rc.d services: rc.d etc rc.d'init.dlinux_kill. t1037.004,boot or logon initialization scripts,rcTechniquescripts,backwards compatibility on ubuntu allowed attackers to achieve persistence via rc scripts. t1037.004,boot or logon initialization scripts,rcTechniquescripts,"as the malware tries to achieve persistence, hatching triage analysis reports suspicious behavior: œmodifies rc script." t1039,data from network shared drive,,adversaries may search network shares on computers they have compromised to find files of interest t1039,data from network shared drive,,data may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1039,data from network shared drive,,file file access network share network share access command command execution t1039,data from network shared drive,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to collect files from a network share t1039,data from network shared drive,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather data t1039,data from network shared drive,,sensitive data can be collected from remote systems via shared network drives host shared directory network file server etc t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,4h rat has the capability to create a remote shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,abk has the ability to use cmd to run a portable executable pe on the compromised host. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,adbupd can run a copy of cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,following exploitation with lowball malware admin@338 actors created a file containing a list of commands to be executed on the compromised computer. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,advstoreshell can create a remote shell and run a given command. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,anchor has used cmd.exe to run its self deletion routine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt1 has used the windows command shell to execute commands and batch scripting to automate execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt18 uses cmd.exe to execute commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,an apt28 loader trojan uses a cmd.exe and batch script to run its payload. the group has also used macros to execute payloads. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt29 used cmd.exe to execute commands on remote machines. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,an apt3 downloader uses the windows command cmd.exe c whoami. the group also uses a tool to execute commands on remote computers. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt32 has used cmd.exe for execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt37 has used the command-line interface. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt38 has used a command-line tunneler nachocheese to give them shell access to a victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,apt41 used cmd.exe c to execute commands on remote machines.apt41 used a batch file to install persistence for the cobalt strike beacon loader. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,astaroth spawns a cmd process to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,auditcred can open a reverse shell on the system to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,babyshark has used cmd.exe to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,backconfig can download and run batch files to execute commands on a compromised host. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,adversaries can direct backspace to execute from the command line on infected hosts or have backspace create a reverse shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,badnews is capable of executing commands via cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bandook is capable of spawning a windows command shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bankshot uses the command-line interface to execute arbitrary commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bazar can launch cmd.exe to perform reconnaissance commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bbk has the ability to use cmd to run a portable executable pe on the compromised host. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,biscuit has a command to launch a command shell on the system. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bisonal can launch cmd.exe to execute commands on the system. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,blackcoffee has the capability to create a reverse shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,blackmould can run cmd.exe with parameters. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,blindingcan has executed commands via cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,blue mockingbird has used batch script files to automate execution and deployment of payloads. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bondupdater can read batch commands in a file sent from its c2 server and execute them with cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,bronze butler has used batch scripts and the command-line interface for execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,calendar has a command to run cmd.exe to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,carbanak has a command to create a reverse shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,cardinal rat can execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,carrotbat has the ability to execute command line arguments on a compromised host. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,caterpillar webshell can run commands on the compromised asset with cmd functions. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,chimera has used the windows command shell and batch scripts for execution on compromised hosts. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,china chopper's server component is capable of opening a command terminal. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,cmd is used to execute programs and other actions at the command-line interface. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,cobalt group has used a javascript backdoor that is capable of launching cmd.exe to execute shell commands. the group has used an exploit toolkit known as threadkit that launches .bat files. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,cobalt strike uses a command-line interface to interact with systems. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,cobian rat can launch a remote command shell interface for executing commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,cointicker executes a bash script to establish a reverse shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,comnie executes bat scripts. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,comrat has used cmd.exe to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,conti can utilize command line options to allow an attacker control over how it scans and encrypts files. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,a module in cozycar allows arbitrary commands to be executed by invoking c:windowssystem32cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,dark caracal has used macros in word documents that would download a second stage if executed. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,darkcomet can launch a remote shell to execute commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,darkhotel has dropped an mspaint.lnk shortcut to disk which launches a shell script that downloads and executes a file. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,daserf can execute shell commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,dealerschoice makes modifications to open-source scripts from github and executes them on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,denis can launch a remote shell to execute arbitrary commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,dipsind can spawn remote shells. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,downpaper uses the command line. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,dragonfly 2.0 used various types of scripting to perform operations including batch scripts. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,dropbook can execute arbitrary shell commands on the victims' machines. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,dtrack has used cmd.exe to add a persistent service. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,eccentricbandwagon can use cmd to execute commands on a victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,egregor has used batch files for execution and can launch internet explorer from cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,emissary has the capability to create a remote shell and execute specified commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,emotet has used cmd.exe to run a powershell script. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,empire has modules for executing scripts. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,evilbunny has an integrated scripting engine to download and execute lua scripts. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,exaramel for windows has a command to launch a remote shell and executes commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,felismus uses command line for execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,felixroot executes batch scripts on the victims machine and can launch a reverse shell for command execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,fin10 has executed malicious .bat files containing powershell commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,fin6 has used kill.bat script to disable security tools. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,fin7 used the command prompt to launch commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,fin8 has used a batch file to automate frequently executed post compromise cleanup activities. fin8 executes commands remotely via cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,fox kitten has used cmd.exe likely as a password changing mechanism. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,frankenstein has run a command script to set up persistence as a scheduled task named winupdate as well as other encoded commands from the command-line. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,gallium used the windows command shell to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,gamaredon group has used various batch scripts to establish c2 and download additional files. gamaredon group's backdoor malware has also been written to a batch file. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,gold dragon uses cmd.exe to execute commands for discovery. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,goldenspy can execute remote commands via the command-line interface. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,goldmax can spawn a command shell and execute native commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,goopy has the ability to use cmd.exe to execute commands passed from an outlook c2 channel. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,gorgon group malware can use cmd.exe to download and execute payloads and to execute commands on the system. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,gravityrat executes commands remotely on the infected host. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,greyenergy uses cmd.exe to execute itself in-memory. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,h1n1 kills and disables services by using cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hardrain uses cmd.exe to execute netshcommands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hawkball has created a cmd.exe reverse shell executed commands and uploaded output via the command line. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hcdloader provides command-line access to the compromised system. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,helminth can provide a remote shell. one version of helminth uses batch scripting. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hi-zor has the ability to create a reverse shell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hiddenwasp uses a script to automate tasks on the victim's machine and to assist in execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,higaisa used cmd.exe for execution. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hikit has the ability to create a remote shell and run given commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,homefry uses a command-line interface. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,several commands are supported by the honeybee's implant via the command-line interface and theres also a utility to execute any custom command on an infected endpoint. honeybee used batch scripting. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hoplight can launch cmd.exe to execute commands on the system. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,hotcroissant can remotely open applications on the infected host with the shellexecutea command. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,httpbrowser is capable of spawning a reverse shell on a victim. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,httpclient opens cmd.exe on the victim. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,indrik spider has used batch scripts on victim's machines. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,innaputrat launches a shell to execute commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,invisimole can launch a remote shell to execute commands. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,ixeshe is capable of executing commands via cmd. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,jcry has used cmd.exe to launch powershell. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,jhuhugit uses a .bat file to execute a .dll. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,jpin can use the command-line utility cacls.exe to change file permissions. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,jrat has command line access. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,kasidet can execute commands using cmd.exe. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,kazuar uses cmd.exe to execute commands on the victims machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,ke3chang has used batch scripts in its malware to install persistence mechanisms. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,keyboy can launch interactive shells for communicating with the victim machine. t1059.003,command and scripting interpreter,windows Technique command Technique shell,keymarble can execute shell commands using cmd.exe. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,apt32 has used javascript for drive-by downloads and c2 communications. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,astaroth uses javascript to perform its core functionalities. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,bundlore can execute javascript by injecting it into the victim's browser. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,cobalt group has executed javascript scriptlets on the victim's machine. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,the cobalt strike system profiler can use javascript to perform reconnaissance actions. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,evil nun has used malicious javascript files on the victim's machine. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,fin6 has used malicious javascript to steal payment card data from e-commerce sites. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,fin7 used javascript scripts to help perform tasks on the victim's machine. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,griffon is written in and executed as javascript. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,higaisa used javascript to execute additional files. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,invisimole can use a javascript file as part of its execution chain. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,jrat has been distributed as hta files with jscript. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,kimsuky has used jscript for logging and downloading additional tools. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,leafminer infected victims using javascript code. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,metamorfo includes payloads written in javascript. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,mole rats used various implants including those built with js on target machines. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,muddy water has used javascript files to execute its powerstats payload. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,nanhaishu executes additional jscript code on the victim's machine. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,powerstats can use javascript code for execution. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,sidewinder has used javascript to drop and execute malware loaders. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,silence has used js scripts. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,ta505 has used javascript for code execution. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,turla has used various javascript-based backdoors. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,valak can execute javascript containing configuration data for establishing persistence. t1059.007,command and scripting interpreter,javascript,xbash can execute malicious javascript payloads on the victims machine. t1070,indicator removal on host,,adversaries may delete or alter generated artifacts on a host system including logs or captured files such as quarantined malware t1070,indicator removal on host,,events not stored on the file system may require different detection mechanisms t1070,indicator removal on host,,file system monitoring may be used to detect improper deletion or modification of indicator files t1070,indicator removal on host,,locations and format of logs are platform or product specific however standard operating system logs are captured as windows events or linuxmac os files such as bash historyt1552 t1070,indicator removal on host,,process process creation file file deletion file file modification windows registry windows registry key modification windows registry windows registry key deletion process os api execution command command execution network traffic network traffic content user account user account authentication file file metadata t1071,application layer protocol,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1071,application layer protocol,,adversaries may communicate using application layer protocols to avoid detectionnetwork filtering by blending in with existing traffic t1071,application layer protocol,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1071,application layer protocol,,analyze packet contents to detect application layer protocols that do not follow the expected protocol standards regarding syntax structure or any other variable adversaries could leverage to conceal data t1071,application layer protocol,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1071,application layer protocol,,commands to the remote system and often the results of those commands will be embedded within the protocol traffic between the client and server t1071,application layer protocol,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1071,application layer protocol,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1072,software deployment tools,,a system not typically used to push software to clients that suddenly is used for such a task outside of a known admin function may be suspicious t1072,software deployment tools,,adversaries may gain access to and use third party software suites installed within an enterprise network such as administration monitoring and deployment systems to move laterally through the network t1072,software deployment tools,,analyze the process execution trees historical activities from the third party application such as what types of files are usually pushed and the resulting activities or events from the filebinaryscript pushed to systems t1072,software deployment tools,,application log application log content process process creation t1072,software deployment tools,,audit software deployment logs and look for suspicious or unauthorized activity t1072,software deployment tools,,detection methods will vary depending on the type of third party software or system and how it is typically used t1072,software deployment tools,,ensure that third party application logs are on boarded to the enterprise logging system and the logs are regularly reviewed t1072,software deployment tools,,monitor account login activity on the deployment system t1072,software deployment tools,,monitor account login activity on these applications to detect suspiciousabnormal usage t1072,software deployment tools,,monitor process activity that does not correlate to known good software t1072,software deployment tools,,often these third party applications will have logs of their own that can be collected and correlated with other data from the environment t1072,software deployment tools,,perform application deployment at regular times so that irregular deployment activity stands out t1072,software deployment tools,,the same investigation process can be applied here as with other potentially malicious activities where the distribution vector is initially unknown but the resulting activity follows a discernible pattern t1072,software deployment tools,,third party applications and software deployment systems may be in use in the network environment for administration purposes e t1074,data staged,, to regularly check for compressed or encrypted data that may be indicative of staging t1074,data staged,,adversaries may stage collected data in a central location or directory prior to exfiltration t1074,data staged,,data may also be acquired and staged through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1074,data staged,,data may be kept in separate files or combined into one file through techniques such as archive collected datat1560 t1074,data staged,,file file access file file creation command command execution t1074,data staged,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to collect and combine files t1074,data staged,,monitor publicly writable directories central locations and commonly used staging directories recycle bin temp folders etc t1074,data staged,,processes that appear to be reading files from disparate locations and writing them to the same directory or file may be an indication of data being staged especially if they are suspected of performing encryption or compression on the files such as 7zip rar zip or zlib t1074,data staged,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather and copy to a location t1078,valid accounts,, a user has an active login session but has not entered the building or does not have vpn access t1078,valid accounts,,activity may be from interactive login sessions or process ownership from accounts being used to execute binaries on a remote system as a particular account t1078,valid accounts,,adversaries may obtain and abuse credentials of existing accounts as a means of gaining initial access persistence privilege escalation or defense evasion t1078,valid accounts,,checks on these accounts could also include whether default accounts such as guest have been activated t1078,valid accounts,,citation technet audit policy look for suspicious account behavior across systems that share accounts either user admin or service accounts t1078,valid accounts,,compromised credentials may be used to bypass access controls placed on various resources on systems within the network and may even be used for persistent access to remote systems and externally available services such as vpns outlook web access and remote desktop t1078,valid accounts,,configure robust consistent account activity audit policies across the enterprise and with externally accessible services t1078,valid accounts,,correlate other security systems with login information e t1078,valid accounts,,examples one account logged into multiple systems simultaneously; multiple accounts logged into the same machine simultaneously; accounts logged in at odd times or outside of business hours t1078,valid accounts,,logon session logon session metadata user account user account authentication logon session logon session creation t1078,valid accounts,,perform regular audits of domain and local system accounts to detect accounts that may have been created by an adversary for persistence t1078,valid accounts,,these audits should also include checks on any appliances and applications for default credentials or ssh keys and if any are discovered they should be updated immediately t1080,taint shared content,,adversaries may deliver payloads to remote systems by adding content to shared storage locations such as network drives or internal code repositories t1080,taint shared content,,content stored on network drives or in other shared locations may be tainted by adding malicious programs scripts or exploit code to otherwise valid files t1080,taint shared content,,frequently scan shared network directories for malicious files hidden files t1080,taint shared content,,lnk files and other file types that may not typical exist in directories used to share specific types of content t1080,taint shared content,,monitor processes that are executed from removable media for malicious or abnormal activity such as network connections due to command and control and possible network discovery techniques t1080,taint shared content,,process process creation file file creation file file modification network share network share access t1080,taint shared content,,processes that write or overwrite many files to a network shared directory may be suspicious t1082,system information discovery,,adversaries may use the information from system information discoveryt1082 during automated discovery to shape follow on behaviors including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target andor attempts specific actions t1082,system information discovery,,an adversary may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware including version patches hotfixes service packs and architecture t1082,system information discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1082,system information discovery,,depending on how the environment is used that data alone may not be useful due to benign use during normal operations t1082,system information discovery,,in cloud based systems native logging can be used to identify access to certain apis and dashboards that may contain system information t1082,system information discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1082,system information discovery,,instance instance metadata process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1082,system information discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1082,system information discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1082,system information discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1083,file and directory discovery,,adversaries may enumerate files and directories or may search in specific locations of a host or network share for certain information within a file system t1083,file and directory discovery,,adversaries may use the information from file and directory discoveryt1083 during automated discovery to shape follow on behaviors including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target andor attempts specific actions t1083,file and directory discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as collection and exfiltration based on the information obtained t1083,file and directory discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1083,file and directory discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1083,file and directory discovery,,process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1083,file and directory discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1083,file and directory discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1104,multi stage channels,,adversaries may create multiple stages for command and control that are employed under different conditions or for certain functions t1104,multi stage channels,,host data that can relate unknown or suspicious process activity using a network connection is important to supplement any existing indicators of compromise based on malware command and control signatures and infrastructure t1104,multi stage channels,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation t1104,multi stage channels,,relating subsequent actions that may result from discovery of the system and network information or lateral movement to the originating process may also yield useful data t1104,multi stage channels,,use of multiple stages may obfuscate the command and control channel to make detection more difficult t1105,ingress tool transfer,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1105,ingress tool transfer,,adversaries may transfer tools or other files from an external system into a compromised environment t1105,ingress tool transfer,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1105,ingress tool transfer,,analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used t1105,ingress tool transfer,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1105,ingress tool transfer,,files may be copied from an external adversary controlled system through the command and control channel to bring tools into the victim network or through alternate protocols with another tool such as ftp t1105,ingress tool transfer,,monitor for file creation and files transferred into the network t1105,ingress tool transfer,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content file file creation t1105,ingress tool transfer,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1105,ingress tool transfer,,unusual processes with external network connections creating files on system may be suspicious t1105,ingress tool transfer,,use of utilities such as ftp that does not normally occur may also be suspicious t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,apt28 has used a brute-force password-spray tooling that operated in two modes: in brute-force mode it typically sent over 300 authentication attempts per hour per targeted account over the course of several hours or days. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,china chopper's server component can perform brute force password guessing against authentication portals. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,crackmapexec can brute force passwords for a specified user on a single target system or across an entire network. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,emotet has been observed using a hard coded list of passwords to brute force user accounts. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,lucifer has attempted to brute force tcp ports 135 rpc and 1433 mssql with the default username or list of usernames and passwords. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,p.a.s. webshell can use predefined users and passwords to execute brute force attacks against ssh ftp pop3 mysql mssql and postgresql services. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,pony has used a small dictionary of common passwords against a collected list of local accounts. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,speakup can perform brute forcing using a predefined list of usernames and passwords in an attempt to log in to administrative panels. t1110.001,brute force,password Technique guessing,xbash can obtain a list of weak passwords from the c2 server to use for brute forcing as well as attempt to brute force services with open ports. t1125,video capture,,an adversary can leverage a computers peripheral devices e t1125,video capture,,behavior that could indicate technique use include an unknown or unusual process accessing apis associated with devices or software that interact with the video camera recording devices or recording software and a process periodically writing files to disk that contain video or camera image data t1125,video capture,,detection of this technique may be difficult due to the various apis that may be used t1125,video capture,,process os api execution command command execution t1125,video capture,,telemetry data regarding api use may not be useful depending on how a system is normally used but may provide context to other potentially malicious activity occurring on a system t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,adversaries may take advantage of trusted developer utilities to proxy execution of malicious payloads t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,command arguments used before and after invocation of the utilities may also be useful in determining the origin and purpose of the binary being executed t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,compare recent invocations of those binaries with prior history of known good arguments and executed binaries to determine anomalous and potentially adversarial activity t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,it is likely that these utilities will be used by software developers or for other software development related tasks so if it exists and is used outside of that context then the event may be suspicious t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,monitor for abnormal presence of these or other utilities that enable proxy execution that are typically used for development debugging and reverse engineering on a system that is not used for these purposes may be suspicious t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,process process creation command command execution t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,there are many utilities used for software development related tasks that can be used to execute code in various forms to assist in development debugging and reverse engineering t1127,trusted developer utilities proxy execution,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and arguments of from developer utilities that may be abused t1129,shared modules,,adversaries may execute malicious payloads via loading shared modules t1129,shared modules,,correlation of other events with behavior surrounding module loads using api monitoring and suspicious dlls written to disk will provide additional context to an event that may assist in determining if it is due to malicious behavior t1129,shared modules,,legitimate software will likely only need to load routine bundled dll modules or windows system dlls such that deviation from known module loads may be suspicious t1129,shared modules,,limiting dll module loads to %systemroot% and %programfiles% directories will protect against module loads from unsafe paths t1129,shared modules,,monitoring dll module loads may generate a significant amount of data and may not be directly useful for defense unless collected under specific circumstances since benign use of windows modules load functions are common and may be difficult to distinguish from malicious behavior t1129,shared modules,,process os api execution module module load t1129,shared modules,,the windows module loader can be instructed to load dlls from arbitrary local paths and arbitrary universal naming convention unc network paths t1132,data encoding,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1132,data encoding,,adversaries may encode data to make the content of command and control traffic more difficult to detect t1132,data encoding,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1132,data encoding,,analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used t1132,data encoding,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1132,data encoding,,command and control c2 information can be encoded using a standard data encoding system t1132,data encoding,,network traffic network traffic content t1132,data encoding,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1133,external remote services,,adversaries may leverage external facing remote services to initially access andor persist within a network t1133,external remote services,,application log application log content logon session logon session metadata network traffic network traffic flow t1133,external remote services,,collect authentication logs and analyze for unusual access patterns windows of activity and access outside of normal business hours t1133,external remote services,,follow best practices for detecting adversary use of valid accountst1078 for authenticating to remote services t1133,external remote services,,remote services such as vpns citrix and other access mechanisms allow users to connect to internal enterprise network resources from external locations t1133,external remote services,,when authentication is not required to access an exposed remote service monitor for follow on activities such as anomalous external use of the exposed api or application t1134,access token manipulation,, logonuser citation microsoft logonuser duplicatetokenexcitation microsoft duplicatetokenex and impersonateloggedonusercitation microsoft impersonateloggedonuser t1134,access token manipulation,,adversaries may modify access tokens to operate under a different user or system security context to perform actions and bypass access controls t1134,access token manipulation,,citation blackhat atkinson winchester token manipulation look for inconsistencies between the various fields that store ppid information such as the event header process id from data collected via event tracing for windows etw creator process idname from windows event logs and the processid and parentprocessid which are also produced from etw and other utilities such as task manager and process explorer t1134,access token manipulation,,citation microsoft command line logging if an adversary is using a payload that calls the windows token apis directly analysts can detect token manipulation only through careful analysis of user network activity examination of running processes and correlation with other endpoint and network behavior t1134,access token manipulation,,detailed command line logging is not enabled by default in windows t1134,access token manipulation,,if an adversary is using a standard command line shell analysts can detect token manipulation by auditing command line activity t1134,access token manipulation,,please see the referenced windows api pages for more information t1134,access token manipulation,,process process creation process process metadata process os api execution user account user account metadata active directory active directory object modification command command execution t1134,access token manipulation,,query systems for process and thread token information and look for inconsistencies such as user owns processes impersonating the local system account t1134,access token manipulation,,specifically analysts should look for use of the runas command t1134,access token manipulation,,the etw provided event header process id identifies the actual parent process t1134,access token manipulation,,there are many windows api calls a payload can take advantage of to manipulate access tokens e t1134,access token manipulation,,windows uses access tokens to determine the ownership of a running process t1135,network share discovery,,adversaries may look for folders and drives shared on remote systems as a means of identifying sources of information to gather as a precursor for collection and to identify potential systems of interest for lateral movement t1135,network share discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1135,network share discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1135,network share discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1135,network share discovery,,networks often contain shared network drives and folders that enable users to access file directories on various systems across a network t1135,network share discovery,,normal benign system and network events related to legitimate remote system discovery may be uncommon depending on the environment and how they are used t1135,network share discovery,,process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1135,network share discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1135,network share discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1136,create account,,adversaries may create an account to maintain access to victim systems t1136,create account,,citation microsoft user creation event perform regular audits of domain and local system accounts to detect suspicious accounts that may have been created by an adversary t1136,create account,,collect data on account creation within a network t1136,create account,,collect usage logs from cloud administrator accounts to identify unusual activity in the creation of new accounts and assignment of roles to those accounts t1136,create account,,event id 4720 is generated when a user account is created on a windows system and domain controller t1136,create account,,monitor for accounts assigned to admin roles that go over a certain threshold of known admins t1136,create account,,monitor for processes and command line parameters associated with account creation such as net user or useradd t1136,create account,,user account user account creation process process creation command command execution t1136,create account,,with a sufficient level of access creating such accounts may be used to establish secondary credentialed access that do not require persistent remote access tools to be deployed on the system t1137,office application startup,,adversaries may leverage microsoft office based applications for persistence between startups t1137,office application startup,,citation crowdstrike outlook formscitation outlook today home page microsoft has released a powershell script to safely gather mail forwarding rules and custom forms in your mail environment as well as steps to interpret the output t1137,office application startup,,citation microsoft detect outlook forms sensepost whose tool rulers0358 can be used to carry out malicious rules forms and homepage attacks has released a tool to detect ruler usage t1137,office application startup,,citation sensepost notruler t1137,office application startup,,collect events related to registry key creation and modification for keys that could be used for office based persistence t1137,office application startup,,collect process execution information including process ids pid and parent process ids ppid and look for abnormal chains of activity resulting from office processes t1137,office application startup,,exe is the parent process for suspicious processes and activity relating to other adversarial techniques then it could indicate that the application was used maliciously t1137,office application startup,,if winword t1137,office application startup,,many office related persistence mechanisms require changes to the registry and for binaries files or scripts to be written to disk or existing files modified to include malicious scripts t1137,office application startup,,microsoft office is a fairly common application suite on windows based operating systems within an enterprise network t1137,office application startup,,non standard process execution trees may also indicate suspicious or malicious behavior t1137,office application startup,,process process creation command command execution windows registry windows registry key creation windows registry windows registry key modification file file creation file file modification module module load application log application log content t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,adversaries may use obfuscated files or informationt1027 to hide artifacts of an intrusion from analysis t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,detecting the action of deobfuscating or decoding files or information may be difficult depending on the implementation t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,if scripts are used then collecting the scripts for analysis may be necessary t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,if the functionality is contained within malware and uses the windows api then attempting to detect malicious behavior before or after the action may yield better results than attempting to perform analysis on loaded libraries or api calls t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,monitor the execution file paths and command line arguments for common archive file applications and extensions such as those for zip and rar archive tools and correlate with other suspicious behavior to reduce false positives from normal user and administrator behavior t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,perform process and command line monitoring to detect potentially malicious behavior related to scripts and system utilities such as certutils0160 t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,process process creation file file modification script script execution t1140,deobfuscatedecode files or information,,they may require separate mechanisms to decode or deobfuscate that information depending on how they intend to use it t1176,browser extensions,,additionally all installed extensions maintain a plist file in the librarymanaged preferencesusername directory t1176,browser extensions,,adversaries may abuse internet browser extensions to establish persistent access to victim systems t1176,browser extensions,,browser extensions or plugins are small programs that can add functionality and customize aspects of internet browsers t1176,browser extensions,,citation courier chrome extensions mac os t1176,browser extensions,,command command execution process process creation network traffic network connection creation windows registry windows registry key creation file file creation t1176,browser extensions,,ensure all listed files are in alignment with approved extensions t1176,browser extensions,,however this may prove to be a difficult way of initially detecting a malicious extension depending on the nature and volume of the traffic it generates t1176,browser extensions,,inventory and monitor browser extension installations that deviate from normal expected and benign extensions t1176,browser extensions,,monitor for any new items written to the registry or pe files written to disk t1176,browser extensions,,on mac os monitor the command line for usage of the profiles tool such as profiles install type=configuration t1176,browser extensions,,process and network monitoring can be used to detect browsers communicating with a c2 server t1176,browser extensions,,that may correlate with browser extension installation t1185,browser session hijacking,,adversaries may take advantage of security vulnerabilities and inherent functionality in browser software to change content modify user behaviors and intercept information as part of various browser session hijacking techniques t1185,browser session hijacking,,authentication logs can be used to audit logins to specific web applications but determining malicious logins versus benign logins may be difficult if activity matches typical user behavior t1185,browser session hijacking,,citation wikipedia man in the browser a specific example is when an adversary injects software into a browser that allows them to inherit cookies http sessions and ssl client certificates of a user then use the browser as a way to pivot into an authenticated intranet t1185,browser session hijacking,,monitor for process injectiont1055 against browser applications t1185,browser session hijacking,,new processes may not be created and no additional software dropped to disk t1185,browser session hijacking,,process process modification process process access logon session logon session creation t1185,browser session hijacking,,this may be a difficult technique to detect because adversary traffic may be masked by normal user traffic t1187,forced authentication,,adversaries may gather credential material by invoking or forcing a user to automatically provide authentication information through a mechanism in which they can intercept t1187,forced authentication,,baseline smb traffic t1187,forced authentication,,citation us cert apt energy oct 2017 t1187,forced authentication,,file file access file file creation file file modification network traffic network traffic content network traffic network traffic flow t1187,forced authentication,,for internal traffic monitor the workstation to workstation unusual vs t1187,forced authentication,,for many networks there should not be any but it depends on how systems on the network are configured and where resources are located t1187,forced authentication,,if attempts are detected then investigate endpoint data sources to find the root cause t1187,forced authentication,,monitor creation and modification of t1187,forced authentication,,monitor for smb traffic on tcp ports 139 445 and udp port 137 and webdav traffic attempting to exit the network to unknown external systems t1187,forced authentication,,scf or any other files on systems and within virtual environments that contain resources that point to external network resources as these could be used to gather credentials when the files are rendered t1187,forced authentication,,the server message block smb protocol is commonly used in windows networks for authentication and communication between systems for access to resources and file sharing t1189,drive by compromise,,adversaries may gain access to a system through a user visiting a website over the normal course of browsing t1189,drive by compromise,,also look for behavior on the endpoint system that might indicate successful compromise such as abnormal behavior of browser processes t1189,drive by compromise,,detecting compromise based on the drive by exploit from a legitimate website may be difficult t1189,drive by compromise,,file file creation process process creation network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content application log application log content t1189,drive by compromise,,firewalls and proxies can inspect urls for potentially known bad domains or parameters t1189,drive by compromise,,network intrusion detection systems sometimes with ssltls inspection can be used to look for known malicious scripts recon heap spray and browser identification scripts have been frequently reused common script obfuscation and exploit code t1189,drive by compromise,,they can also do reputation based analytics on websites and their requested resources such as how old a domain is who its registered to if its on a known bad list or how many other users have connected to it before t1189,drive by compromise,,this could include suspicious files written to disk evidence of process injectiont1055 for attempts to hide execution evidence of discovery or other unusual network traffic that may indicate additional tools transferred to the system t1189,drive by compromise,,with this technique the users web browser is typically targeted for exploitation but adversaries may also use compromised websites for non exploitation behavior such as acquiring application access tokent1550 t1190,exploit public facing application,,adversaries may attempt to take advantage of a weakness in an internet facing computer or program using software data or commands in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior t1190,exploit public facing application,,application log application log content network traffic network traffic content t1190,exploit public facing application,,monitor application logs for abnormal behavior that may indicate attempted or successful exploitation t1190,exploit public facing application,,the weakness in the system can be a bug a glitch or a design vulnerability t1190,exploit public facing application,,use deep packet inspection to look for artifacts of common exploit traffic such as sql injection t1190,exploit public facing application,,web application firewalls may detect improper inputs attempting exploitation t1195,supply chain compromise,,adversaries may manipulate products or product delivery mechanisms prior to receipt by a final consumer for the purpose of data or system compromise t1195,supply chain compromise,,perform physical inspection of hardware to look for potential tampering t1195,supply chain compromise,,scan downloads for malicious signatures and attempt to test software and updates prior to deployment while taking note of potential suspicious activity t1195,supply chain compromise,,supply chain compromise can take place at any stage of the supply chain including * manipulation of development tools * manipulation of a development environment * manipulation of source code repositories public or private * manipulation of source code in open source dependencies * manipulation of software updatedistribution mechanisms * compromisedinfected system images multiple cases of removable media infected at the factory citation ibm storwize citation schneider electric usb malware * replacement of legitimate software with modified versions * sales of modifiedcounterfeit products to legitimate distributors * shipment interdiction while supply chain compromise can impact any component of hardware or software attackers looking to gain execution have often focused on malicious additions to legitimate software in software distribution or update channels t1195,supply chain compromise,,use verification of distributed binaries through hash checking or other integrity checking mechanisms t1197,bits jobs,,adversaries may abuse bits jobs to persistently execute or clean up after malicious payloads t1197,bits jobs,,bits jobs use https and smb for remote connections and are tethered to the creating user and will only function when that user is logged on this rule applies even if a user attaches the job to a service account t1197,bits jobs,,bits runs as a service and its status can be checked with the sc query utility sc query bits t1197,bits jobs,,citation ctu bits malware june 2016 monitor and analyze network activity generated by bits t1197,bits jobs,,citation elastic hunting for persistence part 1 also consider investigating more detailed information about jobs by parsing the bits job database t1197,bits jobs,,citation microsoft bits t1197,bits jobs,,citation microsoft bits monitor usage of the bitsadmins0190 tool especially the ˜transfer create addfile setnotify flags setnotify cmdline setmin retry delay set custom headers and resume command optionscitation microsoft bits admin logs powershell logs and the windows event log for bits activity t1197,bits jobs,,citation microsoft issues with bits july 2011 active bits tasks can be enumerated using the bitsadmins0190 tool bitsadmin list allusers verbose t1197,bits jobs,,process process creation network traffic network connection creation service service metadata command command execution t1197,bits jobs,,windows background intelligent transfer service bits is a low bandwidth asynchronous file transfer mechanism exposed through component object modelt1559 t1199,trusted relationship,,access through trusted third party relationship exploits an existing connection that may not be protected or receives less scrutiny than standard mechanisms of gaining access to a network t1199,trusted relationship,,adversaries may be able to act quickly towards an objective so proper monitoring for behavior related to credential access lateral movement and collection will be important to detect the intrusion t1199,trusted relationship,,adversaries may breach or otherwise leverage organizations who have access to intended victims t1199,trusted relationship,,application log application log content logon session logon session metadata logon session logon session creation t1199,trusted relationship,,depending on the type of relationship an adversary may have access to significant amounts of information about the target before conducting an operation especially if the trusted relationship is based on it services t1199,trusted relationship,,establish monitoring for activity conducted by second and third party providers and other trusted entities that may be leveraged as a means to gain access to the network t1200,hardware additions,,adversaries may introduce computer accessories computers or networking hardware into a system or network that can be used as a vector to gain access t1200,hardware additions,,asset management systems may help with the detection of computer systems or network devices that should not exist on a network t1200,hardware additions,,endpoint sensors may be able to detect the addition of hardware via usb thunderbolt and other external device communication ports t1200,hardware additions,,while public references of usage by threat actors are scarce many red teamspenetration testers leverage hardware additions for initial access t1201,password policy discovery,,adversaries may attempt to access detailed information about the password policy used within an enterprise network or cloud environment t1201,password policy discovery,,adversaries will likely attempt to find the password policy early in an operation and the activity is likely to happen with other discovery activity t1201,password policy discovery,,correlate that activity with other suspicious activity from the originating system to reduce potential false positives from valid user or administrator activity t1201,password policy discovery,,monitor logs and processes for tools and command line arguments that may indicate theyre being used for password policy discovery t1201,password policy discovery,,password policies are a way to enforce complex passwords that are difficult to guess or crack through brute forcet1110 t1201,password policy discovery,,user account user account metadata process process creation command command execution t1202,indirect command execution,,adversaries may abuse utilities that allow for command execution to bypass security restrictions that limit the use of command line interpreters t1202,indirect command execution,,citation rsa forfiles aug 2017 t1202,indirect command execution,,monitor and analyze logs from host based detection mechanisms such as sysmon for events such as process creations that include or are resulting from parameters associated with invoking programscommandsfiles andor spawning child processesnetwork connections t1202,indirect command execution,,process process creation command command execution t1202,indirect command execution,,various windows utilities may be used to execute commands possibly without invoking cmds0106 t1203,exploitation for client execution,,adversaries may exploit software vulnerabilities in client applications to execute code t1203,exploitation for client execution,,also look for behavior on the endpoint system that might indicate successful compromise such as abnormal behavior of the browser or office processes t1203,exploitation for client execution,,detecting software exploitation may be difficult depending on the tools available t1203,exploitation for client execution,,this could include suspicious files written to disk evidence of process injectiont1055 for attempts to hide execution evidence of discovery or other unusual network traffic that may indicate additional tools transferred to the system t1203,exploitation for client execution,,vulnerabilities can exist in software due to insecure coding practices that can lead to unanticipated behavior t1204,user execution,,an adversary may rely upon specific actions by a user in order to gain execution t1204,user execution,,anti virus can potentially detect malicious documents and files that are downloaded and executed on the users computer t1204,user execution,,application log application log content instance instance start instance instance creation image image creation command command execution container container start container container creation network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content file file creation process process creation t1204,user execution,,endpoint sensing or network sensing can potentially detect malicious events once the file is opened such as a microsoft word document or pdf reaching out to the internet or spawning powershell t1204,user execution,,monitor the execution of and command line arguments for applications that may be used by an adversary to gain initial access that require user interaction t1204,user execution,,this includes compression applications such as those for zip files that can be used to deobfuscatedecode files or informationt1140 in payloads t1204,user execution,,users may be subjected to social engineering to get them to execute malicious code by for example opening a malicious document file or link t1205,traffic signaling,,adversaries may use traffic signaling to hide open ports or other malicious functionality used for persistence or command and control t1205,traffic signaling,,citation gitlab wakeonlan t1205,traffic signaling,,network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1205,traffic signaling,,record network packets sent to and from the system looking for extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows t1205,traffic signaling,,seeing this string anywhere in a packets payload may be indicative of a wake on lan attempt t1205,traffic signaling,,the wake on lan magic packet consists of 6 bytes of ff followed by sixteen repetitions of the target systems ieee address t1205,traffic signaling,,traffic signaling involves the use of a magic value or sequence that must be sent to a system to trigger a special response such as opening a closed port or executing a malicious task t1207,rogue domain controller,,active directory active directory object creation active directory active directory object modification network traffic network traffic content user account user account authentication t1207,rogue domain controller,,adversaries may register a rogue domain controller to enable manipulation of active directory data t1207,rogue domain controller,,also consider monitoring and alerting on the replication of ad objects audit detailed directory service replication events 4928 and 4929 t1207,rogue domain controller,,citation add security dc shadow feb 2018 a rogue dc must authenticate as a service using these two spns for the replication process to successfully complete t1207,rogue domain controller,,citation dcshadow blog investigate usage of kerberos service principal names spns especially those associated with services beginning with œgc by computers not present in the dc organizational unit ou t1207,rogue domain controller,,citation dcshadow blog leverage ad directory synchronization dirsync to monitor changes to directory state using ad replication cookies t1207,rogue domain controller,,citation github sync monitor citation dcshadow blog dc replication will naturally take place every 15 minutes but can be triggered by an attacker or by legitimate urgent changes ex passwords t1207,rogue domain controller,,citation microsoft dirsync citation add security dc shadow feb 2018 baseline and periodically analyze the configuration partition of the ad schema and alert on creation of ntdsdsa objects t1207,rogue domain controller,,dc shadow may be used to create a rogue domain controller dc t1207,rogue domain controller,,monitor and analyze network traffic associated with data replication such as calls to drsaddentry dsr replica ad and especially getncchanges between dcs as well as tofrom non dc hosts t1207,rogue domain controller,,the spn associated with the directory replication service drs remote protocol interface guid e3514235“4b06“11d1 ab04“00c04fc2dcd2 can be set without logging t1210,exploitation of remote services,,adversaries may exploit remote services to gain unauthorized access to internal systems once inside of a network t1210,exploitation of remote services,,also look for behavior on the endpoint system that might indicate successful compromise such as abnormal behavior of the processes t1210,exploitation of remote services,,application log application log content network traffic network traffic content t1210,exploitation of remote services,,detecting software exploitation may be difficult depending on the tools available t1210,exploitation of remote services,,exploitation of a software vulnerability occurs when an adversary takes advantage of a programming error in a program service or within the operating system software or kernel itself to execute adversary controlled code t1210,exploitation of remote services,,software exploits may not always succeed or may cause the exploited process to become unstable or crash t1210,exploitation of remote services,,this could include suspicious files written to disk evidence of process injectiont1055 for attempts to hide execution evidence of discovery or other unusual network traffic that may indicate additional tools transferred to the system t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,adversaries may exploit a system or application vulnerability to bypass security features t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,also look for behavior on the system that might indicate successful compromise such as abnormal behavior of processes t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,detecting software exploitation may be difficult depending on the tools available t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,exploitation for defense evasion may happen shortly after the system has been compromised to prevent detection during later actions for for additional tools that may be brought in and used t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,exploitation of a software vulnerability occurs when an adversary takes advantage of a programming error in a program service or within the operating system software or kernel itself to execute adversary controlled code t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,software exploits may not always succeed or may cause the exploited process to become unstable or crash t1211,exploitation for defense evasion,,this could include suspicious files written to disk evidence of process injectiont1055 for attempts to hide execution or evidence of discovery t1212,exploitation for credential access,,adversaries may exploit software vulnerabilities in an attempt to collect credentials t1212,exploitation for credential access,,also look for behavior on the system that might indicate successful compromise such as abnormal behavior of processes t1212,exploitation for credential access,,credential resources obtained through exploitation may be detectable in use if they are not normally used or seen t1212,exploitation for credential access,,detecting software exploitation may be difficult depending on the tools available t1212,exploitation for credential access,,exploitation of a software vulnerability occurs when an adversary takes advantage of a programming error in a program service or within the operating system software or kernel itself to execute adversary controlled code t1212,exploitation for credential access,,software exploits may not always succeed or may cause the exploited process to become unstable or crash t1213,data from information repositories,,adversaries may leverage information repositories to mine valuable information t1213,data from information repositories,,as information repositories generally have a considerably large user base detection of malicious use can be non trivial t1213,data from information repositories,,at minimum access to information repositories performed by privileged users for example active directory domain enterprise or schema administrators should be closely monitored and alerted upon as these types of accounts should generally not be used to access information repositories t1213,data from information repositories,,citation atlassian confluence logging additional log storage and analysis infrastructure will likely be required for more robust detection capabilities t1213,data from information repositories,,citation microsoft sharepoint logging sharepoint audit logging can also be configured to report when a user shares a resource t1213,data from information repositories,,citation sharepoint sharing events the user access logging within atlassians confluence can also be configured to report access to certain pages and documents through accesslogfilter t1213,data from information repositories,,if the capability exists it may be of value to monitor and alert on users that are retrieving and viewing a large number of documents and pages; this behavior may be indicative of programmatic means being used to retrieve all data within the repository t1213,data from information repositories,,in environments with high maturity it may be possible to leverage user behavioral analytics uba platforms to detect and alert on user based anomalies t1213,data from information repositories,,information repositories are tools that allow for storage of information typically to facilitate collaboration or information sharing between users and can store a wide variety of data that may aid adversaries in further objectives or direct access to the target information t1213,data from information repositories,,logon session logon session creation application log application log content t1213,data from information repositories,,the user access logging within microsofts sharepoint can be configured to report access to certain pages and documents t1216,signed script proxy execution,,adversaries may use scripts signed with trusted certificates to proxy execution of malicious files t1216,signed script proxy execution,,monitor script processes such as cscript and command line parameters for scripts like pubprn t1216,signed script proxy execution,,process process creation command command execution script script execution t1216,signed script proxy execution,,several microsoft signed scripts that are default on windows installations can be used to proxy execution of other files t1216,signed script proxy execution,,vbs that may be used to proxy execution of malicious files t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,adversaries may enumerate browser bookmarks to learn more about compromised hosts t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,browser bookmarks may reveal personal information about users ex banking sites interests social media etc t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as collection and exfiltration based on the information obtained t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,information may also be acquired through system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather browser bookmark information t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,process process creation command command execution file file access t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly using apis to gather information t1217,browser bookmark discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1218,signed binary proxy execution,, especially for file types that are not typical within an environment and may be indicative of adversary activity t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,adversaries may bypass process andor signature based defenses by proxying execution of malicious content with signed binaries t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,binaries signed with trusted digital certificates can execute on windows systems protected by digital signature validation t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,compare recent invocations of signed binaries that may be used to proxy execution with prior history of known good arguments and loaded files to determine anomalous and potentially adversarial activity t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,correlate activity with other suspicious behavior to reduce false positives that may be due to normal benign use by users and administrators t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,exe downloading an msi file from the internet may be indicative of an intrusion t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,legitimate programs used in suspicious ways like msiexec t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,monitor for file activity creations downloads modifications etc t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,monitor processes and command line parameters for signed binaries that may be used to proxy execution of malicious files t1218,signed binary proxy execution,,process process creation file file creation module module load process os api execution command command execution windows registry windows registry key modification network traffic network connection creation t1219,remote access software,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1219,remote access software,,004 may be used in conjunction to avoid defenses t1219,remote access software,,adversaries will likely need to deploy andor install these remote tools to compromised systems t1219,remote access software,,an adversary may use legitimate desktop support and remote access software such as team viewer go2assist logmein ammyy admin etc to establish an interactive command and control channel to target systems within networks t1219,remote access software,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1219,remote access software,,analyze packet contents to detect application layer protocols that do not follow the expected protocol for the port that is being used t1219,remote access software,,correlate activity with other suspicious behavior that may reduce false positives if these tools are used by legitimate users and administrators t1219,remote access software,,domain fronting t1219,remote access software,,it may be possible to detect or prevent the installation of these tools with host based solutions t1219,remote access software,,monitor for applications and processes related to remote admin tools t1219,remote access software,,process process creation network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content t1219,remote access software,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1219,remote access software,,these services are commonly used as legitimate technical support software and may be allowed by application control within a target environment t1220,xsl script processing,,adversaries may bypass application control and obscure execution of code by embedding scripts inside xsl files t1220,xsl script processing,,citation lolbas wmic citation twitter squiblytwo detection apr 2018 command arguments used before and after the script invocation may also be useful in determining the origin and purpose of the payload being loaded t1220,xsl script processing,,compare recent invocations of these utilities with prior history of known good arguments and loaded files to determine anomalous and potentially adversarial activity ex url command line arguments creation of external network connections loading of dlls associated with scripting t1220,xsl script processing,,exe or other utilities that enable proxy execution that are typically used for development debugging and reverse engineering on a system that is not used for these purposes may be suspicious t1220,xsl script processing,,extensible stylesheet language xsl files are commonly used to describe the processing and rendering of data within xml files t1220,xsl script processing,,process process creation module module load t1220,xsl script processing,,the presence of msxsl t1220,xsl script processing,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and arguments of msxsl t1221,template injection,,001 or other suspicious actions that could relate to post compromise behavior t1221,template injection,,adversaries may create or modify references in office document templates to conceal malicious code or force authentication attempts t1221,template injection,,analyze process behavior to determine if an office application is performing actions such as opening network connections reading files spawning abnormal child processes ex powershellt1059 t1221,template injection,,microsoft office open xml ooxml specification defines an xml based format for office documents t1221,template injection,,process process creation network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,adversaries may modify file or directory permissionsattributes to evade access control lists acls and access protected files t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,citation eventtracker file permissions feb 2014 t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,citation hybrid analysis icacls 1 june 2018 citation hybrid analysis icacls 2 may 2018 file and directory permissions are commonly managed by acls configured by the file or directory owner or users with the appropriate permissions t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,consider enabling filedirectory permission change auditing on folders containing key binaryconfiguration files t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,for example windows security log events event id 4670 are created when dacls are modified t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,many of the commands used to modify acls and filedirectory ownership are built in system utilities and may generate a high false positive alert rate so compare against baseline knowledge for how systems are typically used and correlate modification events with other indications of malicious activity where possible t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,monitor and investigate attempts to modify acls and filedirectory ownership t1222,file and directory permissions modification,,process process creation command command execution active directory active directory object modification file file metadata t1480,execution guardrails,,adversaries may use execution guardrails to constrain execution or actions based on adversary supplied and environment specific conditions that are expected to be present on the target t1480,execution guardrails,,detecting the use of guardrails may be difficult depending on the implementation t1480,execution guardrails,,guardrails ensure that a payload only executes against an intended target and reduces collateral damage from an adversarys campaign t1480,execution guardrails,,monitoring for suspicious processes being spawned that gather a variety of system information or perform other forms of discoveryta0007 especially in a short period of time may aid in detection t1480,execution guardrails,,process process creation command command execution t1482,domain trust discovery,,adversaries may attempt to gather information on domain trust relationships that may be used to identify lateral movement opportunities in windows multi domainforest environments t1482,domain trust discovery,,citation harmj0y domain trusts information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as powershellt1059 t1482,domain trust discovery,,citation microsoft getalltrustrelationships t1482,domain trust discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1482,domain trust discovery,,domain trusts provide a mechanism for a domain to allow access to resources based on the authentication procedures of another domain t1482,domain trust discovery,,look for the dsenumeratedomaintrusts win32 api call to spot activity associated with domain trust discoveryt1482 t1482,domain trust discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information such as nltest domain_trusts t1482,domain trust discovery,,net method getall trust relationships can be an indicator of domain trust discovery t1482,domain trust discovery,,process process creation command command execution process os api execution script script execution t1482,domain trust discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1482,domain trust discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1484,domain policy modification,,active directory active directory object creation active directory active directory object deletion active directory active directory object modification command command execution t1484,domain policy modification,,adversaries may modify the configuration settings of a domain to evade defenses andor escalate privileges in domain environments t1484,domain policy modification,,citation microsoft azure sentinel adfs domain trust modscitation microsoft 365 defender solorigate this may also include monitoring for event id 307 which can be correlated to relevant event id 510 with the same instance id for change details t1484,domain policy modification,,citation microsoft update or repair federated domain some domain policy modifications such as changes to federation settings are likely to be rare t1484,domain policy modification,,citation microsoft 365 defender solorigate t1484,domain policy modification,,citation sygnia golden saml citation cisa solarwinds cloud detection consider monitoring for commandscmdlets and command line arguments that may be leveraged to modify domain policy settings t1484,domain policy modification,,domains provide a centralized means of managing how computer resources ex computers user accounts can act and interact with each other on a network t1484,domain policy modification,,group policy modifications for example may be logged under a variety of windows event ids for modifying creating undeleting moving and deleting directory service objects event id 5136 5137 5138 5139 5141 respectively t1484,domain policy modification,,it may be possible to detect domain policy modifications using windows event logs t1484,domain policy modification,,monitor for modifications to domain trust settings such as when a user or application modifies the federation settings on the domain or updates domain authentication from managed to federated via action types set federation settings on domain and set domain authentication t1485,data destruction,,adversaries may destroy data and files on specific systems or in large numbers on a network to interrupt availability to systems services and network resources t1485,data destruction,,data destruction is likely to render stored data irrecoverable by forensic techniques through overwriting files or data on local and remote drives t1485,data destruction,,in cloud environments the occurrence of anomalous high volume deletion events such as the deleted cluster and delete global cluster events in aws or a high quantity of data deletion events such as delete bucket within a short period of time may indicate suspicious activity t1485,data destruction,,in particular look for large quantities of file modifications in user directories and under c windows system32 t1485,data destruction,,monitor for the creation of suspicious files as well as high unusual file modification activity t1485,data destruction,,process process creation command command execution file file modification file file deletion image image deletion instance instance deletion snapshot snapshot deletion cloud storage cloud storage deletion volume volume deletion t1485,data destruction,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and command line parameters of binaries that could be involved in data destruction activity such as sdeletes0195 t1486,data encrypted for impact,,adversaries may encrypt data on target systems or on large numbers of systems in a network to interrupt availability to system and network resources t1486,data encrypted for impact,,cloud storage cloud storage metadata cloud storage cloud storage modification process process creation command command execution file file modification file file creation t1486,data encrypted for impact,,in cloud environments monitor for events that indicate storage objects have been anomalously replaced by copies t1486,data encrypted for impact,,in particular look for large quantities of file modifications in user directories t1486,data encrypted for impact,,in some cases monitoring for unusual kernel driver installation activity can aid in detection t1486,data encrypted for impact,,monitor for the creation of suspicious files as well as unusual file modification activity t1486,data encrypted for impact,,they can attempt to render stored data inaccessible by encrypting files or data on local and remote drives and withholding access to a decryption key t1486,data encrypted for impact,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and command line parameters of binaries involved in data destruction activity such as vssadmin wbadmin and bcdedit t1489,service stop,,adversaries may stop or disable services on a system to render those services unavailable to legitimate users t1489,service stop,,alterations to the service binary path or the service startup type changed to disabled may be suspicious t1489,service stop,,citation talos olympic destroyer 2018 t1489,service stop,,configsystemduser directories as well as associated symbolic links t1489,service stop,,for example changeserviceconfig may be used by an adversary to prevent services from starting t1489,service stop,,look for changes to services that do not correlate with known software patch cycles etc t1489,service stop,,monitor for edits for modifications to services and startup programs that correspond to services of high importance t1489,service stop,,monitor processes and command line arguments to see if critical processes are terminated or stop running t1489,service stop,,process process creation command command execution process os api execution service service metadata windows registry windows registry key modification file file modification process process termination t1489,service stop,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to perform these functions outside of typical system utilities t1489,service stop,,stopping critical services or processes can inhibit or stop response to an incident or aid in the adversarys overall objectives to cause damage to the environment t1489,service stop,,systemd service unit files are stored within the etcsystemdsystem usrlibsystemdsystem and home t1489,service stop,,windows service information is stored in the registry at hklm system currentcontrolse services t1490,inhibit system recovery,,adversaries may delete or remove built in operating system data and turn off services designed to aid in the recovery of a corrupted system to prevent recovery t1490,inhibit system recovery,,citation talos olympic destroyer 2018citation fireeye wannacry 2017 operating systems may contain features that can help fix corrupted systems such as a backup catalog volume shadow copies and automatic repair features t1490,inhibit system recovery,,event id 524 indicating a system catalog was deleted may contain entries associated with suspicious activity t1490,inhibit system recovery,,monitor the registry for changes associated with system recovery features ex the creation of hkey_current_user software policies microsoft previous versions disablelocal page t1490,inhibit system recovery,,monitor the status of services involved in system recovery t1490,inhibit system recovery,,process process creation command command execution service service metadata windows registry windows registry key modification file file deletion t1490,inhibit system recovery,,the windows event logs ex t1490,inhibit system recovery,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and command line parameters of binaries involved in inhibiting system recovery such as vssadmin wbadmin and bcdedit t1491,defacement,,adversaries may modify visual content available internally or externally to an enterprise network t1491,defacement,,file file modification file file creation application log application log content network traffic network traffic content t1491,defacement,,monitor application logs for abnormal behavior that may indicate attempted or successful exploitation t1491,defacement,,monitor internal and external websites for unplanned content changes t1491,defacement,,reasons for defacementt1491 include delivering messaging intimidation or claiming possibly false credit for an intrusion t1491,defacement,,use deep packet inspection to look for artifacts of common exploit traffic such as sql injection t1491,defacement,,web application firewalls may detect improper inputs attempting exploitation t1495,firmware corruption,,adversaries may overwrite or corrupt the flash memory contents of system bios or other firmware in devices attached to a system in order to render them inoperable or unable to boot t1495,firmware corruption,,citation mitre trustworthy firmware measurement log attempts to readwrite to bios and compare against known patching behavior t1495,firmware corruption,,citation symantec chernobyl w95 t1495,firmware corruption,,firmware firmware modification t1495,firmware corruption,,system firmware manipulation may be detected t1496,resource hijacking,,adversaries may leverage the resources of co opted systems in order to solve resource intensive problems which may impact system andor hosted service availability t1496,resource hijacking,,consider monitoring process resource usage to determine anomalous activity associated with malicious hijacking of computer resources such as cpu memory and graphics processing resources t1496,resource hijacking,,monitor for common crypto mining software process names and files on local systems that may indicate compromise and resource usage t1496,resource hijacking,,monitor for suspicious use of network resources associated with cryptocurrency mining software t1496,resource hijacking,,one common purpose for resource hijacking is to validate transactions of cryptocurrency networks and earn virtual currency t1496,resource hijacking,,process process creation command command execution file file creation network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow sensor health host status t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,adversaries may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversarys implementation and monitoring required t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,monitoring for suspicious processes being spawned that gather a variety of system information or perform other forms of discovery especially in a short period of time may aid in detection t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,this may include changing behaviors based on the results of checks for the presence of artifacts indicative of a virtual machine environment vme or sandbox t1497,virtualizationsandbox evasion,,virtualization sandbox user activity and related discovery techniques will likely occur in the first steps of an operation but may also occur throughout as an adversary learns the environment t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,astaroth can check for windows product id's used by sandboxes and usernames and disk serial numbers associated with analyst environments. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,attor can detect whether it is executed in some virtualized or emulated environment by searching for specific artifacts such as communication with io ports and using vm-specific instructions. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,badpatch attempts to detect if it is being run in a virtual machine vm using a wmi query for disk drive name bios and motherboard information. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,cspy downloader can search loaded modules peb structure file paths registry keys and memory to determine if it is being debugged or running in a virtual environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,darkhotel malware has used a series of checks to determine if it's being analyzed checks include the length of executable names if a filename ends with .md5.exe and if the program is executed from the root of the c: drive as well as checks for sandbox-related libraries. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,denis ran multiple system checks looking for processor and register characteristics to evade emulation and analysis. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,dyre can detect sandbox analysis environments by inspecting the process list and registry. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,evilbunny's dropper has checked the number of processes and the length and strings of its own file name to identify if the malware is in a sandbox environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,evilnum has used a component called terraloader to check certain hardware and file information to detect sandboxed environments. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,finfisher obtains the hardware device list and checks if the md5 of the vendor id is equal to a predefined list in order to check for sandboxvirtualized environments. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,frankenstein has used wmi queries to check if various security applications were running including vmware and virtualbox. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,goldmax will check if it is being run in a virtualized environment by comparing the collected mac address to c8:27:cc:c2:37:5a. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,grandoreiro can detect vmware via its io port and virtual pc via the vpcext instruction. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,gravityrat uses wmi to check the bios and manufacturer information for strings like vmware virtual and xen and another wmi request to get the current temperature of the hardware to determine if it's a virtual machine environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,invisimole can check for artifacts of virtualbox virtual pc and vmware environment and terminate itself if they are detected. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,lucifer can check for specific usernames computer names device drivers dll's and virtual devices associated with sandboxed environments and can enter an infinite loop and stop itself if any are detected. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,megacortex has checked the number of cpus in the system to avoid being run in a sandbox or emulator. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,okrum's loader can check the amount of physical memory and terminates itself if the host has less than 1.5 gigabytes of physical memory in total. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,oopsie performs several anti-vm and sandbox checks on the victim's machine. one technique the group has used was to perform a wmi query select * from msacpi_thermalzonetemperature to check the temperature to see if its running in a virtual environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,osx_oceanlotus.d has a variant that checks a number of system parameters to see if it is being run on real hardware or in a virtual machine environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,plugx checks if vmware tools is running in the background by searching for any process named vmtoolsd. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,poetrat checked the size of the hard drive to determine if it was being run in a sandbox environment. in the event of sandbox detection it would delete itself by overwriting the malware scripts with the contents of license.txt and exiting. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,puppy has a module that checks a number of indicators on the system to determine if its running on a virtual machine. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,remcos searches for sandboxie and vmware on the system. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,roguerobin uses wmi to check bios version for vbox bochs qemu virtualbox and vm to check for evidence that the script might be executing within an analysis environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,rokrat checks for sandboxing libraries. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,smoke loader scans processes to perform anti-vm checks. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,sunburst checked the domain name of the compromised host to verify it was running in a real environment. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,synack checks its directory location in an attempt to avoid launching in a sandbox. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,thiefquest uses a function named is_debugging to perform anti-debugging logic. the function invokes sysctl checking the returned value of p_traced. thiefquest also calls ptrace with the ptrace_deny_attach flag to prevent debugging. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,trojan.karagany can detect commonly used and generic virtualization platforms based primarily on drivers and file paths. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,uboatrat checks for virtualization software such as vmware virtualbox or qemu on the compromised machine. t1497.001,virtualization sandbox evasion,system Technique checks,yty has some basic anti-sandbox detection that tries to detect virtual pc sandboxie and vmware. t1498,network denial of service,,adversaries may perform network denial of service dos attacks to degrade or block the availability of targeted resources to users t1498,network denial of service,,detection of network dos can sometimes be achieved before the traffic volume is sufficient to cause impact to the availability of the service but such response time typically requires very aggressive monitoring and responsiveness or services provided by an upstream network service provider t1498,network denial of service,,network dos can be performed by exhausting the network bandwidth services rely on t1498,network denial of service,,often the lead time may be small and the indicator of an event availability of the network or service drops t1498,network denial of service,,real time automated and qualitative study of the network traffic can identify a sudden surge in one type of protocol can be used to detect an network dos event as it starts t1498,network denial of service,,sensor health host status network traffic network traffic flow t1498,network denial of service,,the analysis tools mentioned can then be used to determine the type of dos causing the outage and help with remediation t1498,network denial of service,,typical network throughput monitoring tools such as netflowcitation cisco dosdetect netflow snmp and custom scripts can be used to detect sudden increases in network or service utilization t1499,endpoint denial of service,,adversaries may perform endpoint denial of service dos attacks to degrade or block the availability of services to users t1499,endpoint denial of service,,attacks targeting web applications may generate logs in the web server application server andor database server that can be used to identify the type of attack possibly before the impact is felt t1499,endpoint denial of service,,citation cisco dosdetect netflow real time automated and qualitative study of the network traffic can identify a sudden surge in one type of protocol can be used to detect an attack as it starts t1499,endpoint denial of service,,detection of endpoint dos can sometimes be achieved before the effect is sufficient to cause significant impact to the availability of the service but such response time typically requires very aggressive monitoring and responsiveness t1499,endpoint denial of service,,endpoint dos can be performed by exhausting the system resources those services are hosted on or exploiting the system to cause a persistent crash condition t1499,endpoint denial of service,,externally monitor the availability of services that may be targeted by an endpoint dos t1499,endpoint denial of service,,in addition to network level detections endpoint logging and instrumentation can be useful for detection t1499,endpoint denial of service,,sensor health host status application log application log content network traffic network traffic content network traffic network traffic flow t1499,endpoint denial of service,,typical network throughput monitoring tools such as netflow snmp and custom scripts can be used to detect sudden increases in circuit utilization t1505,server software component,,adversaries may abuse legitimate extensible development features of servers to establish persistent access to systems t1505,server software component,,citation us cert alert ta15 314a web shells t1505,server software component,,consider monitoring application logs for abnormal behavior that may indicate suspicious installation of application software components t1505,server software component,,consider monitoring file locations associated with the installation of new application software components such as paths from which applications typically load such extensible components t1505,server software component,,enterprise server applications may include features that allow developers to write and install software or scripts to extend the functionality of the main application t1505,server software component,,exe or accessing files t1505,server software component,,file file creation file file modification process process creation network traffic network traffic content network traffic network traffic flow application log application log content t1505,server software component,,log authentication attempts to the server and any unusual traffic patterns to or from the server and internal network t1505,server software component,,process monitoring may be used to detect servers components that perform suspicious actions such as running cmd t1518,software discovery,,adversaries may attempt to get a listing of software and software versions that are installed on a system or in a cloud environment t1518,software discovery,,adversaries may use the information from software discoveryt1518 during automated discovery to shape follow on behaviors including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target andor attempts specific actions t1518,software discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as lateral movement based on the information obtained t1518,software discovery,,firewall firewall metadata firewall firewall enumeration process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1518,software discovery,,information may also be acquired through windows system management tools such as windows management instrumentationt1047 and powershellt1059 t1518,software discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system and network information t1518,software discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api to gather information t1518,software discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1525,implant internal image,,adversaries may implant cloud or container images with malicious code to establish persistence after gaining access to an environment t1525,implant internal image,,amazon web services aws amazon machine images amis google cloud platform gcp images and azure images as well as popular container runtimes such as docker can be implanted or backdoored t1525,implant internal image,,image image creation image image modification t1525,implant internal image,,in containerized environments changes may be detectable by monitoring the docker daemon logs or setting up and monitoring kubernetes audit logs depending on registry configuration t1525,implant internal image,,monitor interactions with images and containers by users to identify ones that are added or modified anomalously t1526,cloud service discovery,,an adversary may attempt to enumerate the cloud services running on a system after gaining access t1526,cloud service discovery,,cloud service cloud service metadata cloud service cloud service enumeration t1526,cloud service discovery,,cloud service discovery techniques will likely occur throughout an operation where an adversary is targeting cloud based systems and services t1526,cloud service discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1526,cloud service discovery,,monitor cloud service usage for anomalous behavior that may indicate adversarial presence within the environment t1526,cloud service discovery,,normal benign system and network events that look like cloud service discovery may be uncommon depending on the environment and how they are used t1526,cloud service discovery,,these methods can differ from platform as a service paas to infrastructure as a service iaas or software as a service saas t1528,steal application access token,, for example they can filter for apps that are authorized by a small number of users apps requesting high risk permissions permissions incongruous with the apps purpose or apps with old œlast authorized fields t1528,steal application access token,,0 access t1528,steal application access token,,a specific app can be investigated using an activity log displaying activities the app has performed although some activities may be mis logged as being performed by the user t1528,steal application access token,,administrators can set up a variety of logs and leverage audit tools to monitor actions that can be conducted as a result of oauth 2 t1528,steal application access token,,administrators should set up monitoring to trigger automatic alerts when policy criteria are met t1528,steal application access token,,adversaries can steal user application access tokens as a means of acquiring credentials to access remote systems and resources t1528,steal application access token,,app stores can be useful resources to further investigate suspicious apps t1528,steal application access token,,for example using a cloud access security broker casb admins can create a high severity app permissions polic y that generates alerts if apps request high severity permissions or send permissions requests for too many users t1528,steal application access token,,for instance audit reports enable admins to identify privilege escalation actions such as role creations or policy modifications which could be actions performed after initial access t1528,steal application access token,,security analysts can hunt for malicious apps using the tools available in their casb identity provider or resource provider depending on platform t1528,steal application access token,,this can occur through social engineering and typically requires user action to grant access t1528,steal application access token,,user account user account modification t1529,system shutdownreboot,,adversaries may shutdownreboot systems to interrupt access to or aid in the destruction of those systems t1529,system shutdownreboot,,event id 1074 and 6006 t1529,system shutdownreboot,,operating systems may contain commands to initiate a shutdownreboot of a machine t1529,system shutdownreboot,,process process creation command command execution sensor health host status t1529,system shutdownreboot,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and command line parameters of binaries involved in shutting down or rebooting systems t1529,system shutdownreboot,,windows event logs may also designate activity associated with a shutdownreboot ex t1530,data from cloud storage object,,activity originating from unexpected sources may indicate improper permissions are set that is allowing access to data t1530,data from cloud storage object,,additionally detecting failed attempts by a user for a certain object followed by escalation of privileges by the same user and access to the same object may be an indication of suspicious activity t1530,data from cloud storage object,,adversaries may access data objects from improperly secured cloud storage t1530,data from cloud storage object,,cloud storage cloud storage access t1530,data from cloud storage object,,many cloud service providers offer solutions for online data storage such as amazon s3 azure storage and google cloud storage t1530,data from cloud storage object,,monitor for unusual queries to the cloud providers storage service t1531,account access removal,,accounts may be deleted locked or manipulated ex changed credentials to remove access to accounts t1531,account access removal,,adversaries may interrupt availability of system and network resources by inhibiting access to accounts utilized by legitimate users t1531,account access removal,,use process monitoring to monitor the execution and command line parameters of binaries involved in deleting accounts or changing passwords such as use of nets0039 t1531,account access removal,,user account user account deletion user account user account modification active directory active directory object modification t1531,account access removal,,windows event logs may also designate activity associated with an adversarys attempt to remove access to an account * event id 4723 an attempt was made to change an accounts password * event id 4724 an attempt was made to reset an accounts password * event id 4726 a user account was deleted * event id 4740 a user account was locked out alerting on nets0039 and these event ids may generate a high degree of false positives so compare against baseline knowledge for how systems are typically used and correlate modification events with other indications of malicious activity where possible t1534,internal spear phishing,,adversaries may use internal spear phishing to gain access to additional information or exploit other users within the same organization after they already have access to accounts or systems within the environment t1534,internal spear phishing,,application log application log content network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1534,internal spear phishing,,citation trend micro when phishing starts from the inside 2017 t1534,internal spear phishing,,internal spear phishing is multi staged attack where an email account is owned either by controlling the users device with previously installed malware or by compromising the account credentials of the user t1534,internal spear phishing,,network intrusion detection systems and email gateways usually do not scan internal email but an organization can leverage the journaling based solution which sends a copy of emails to a security service for offline analysis or incorporate service integrated solutions using on premise or api based integrations to help detect internal spear phishing attacks t1535,unusedunsupported cloud regions,,access is usually obtained through compromising accounts used to manage cloud infrastructure t1535,unusedunsupported cloud regions,,adversaries may create cloud instances in unused geographic service regions in order to evade detection t1535,unusedunsupported cloud regions,,citation cloudsploit unused aws regions t1535,unusedunsupported cloud regions,,configure alerting to notify of activity in normally unused regions or if the number of instances active in a region goes above a certain threshold t1535,unusedunsupported cloud regions,,instance instance creation t1535,unusedunsupported cloud regions,,monitor system logs to review activities occurring across all cloud environments and regions t1537,transfer data to cloud account,,a defender who is monitoring for large transfers to outside the cloud environment through normal file transfers or over command and control channels may not be watching for data transfers to another account within the same cloud provider t1537,transfer data to cloud account,,adversaries may exfiltrate data by transferring the data including backups of cloud environments to another cloud account they control on the same service to avoid typical file transfersdownloads and network based exfiltration detection t1537,transfer data to cloud account,,monitor account activity for attempts to share data snapshots or backups with untrusted or unusual accounts on the same cloud service provider t1537,transfer data to cloud account,,monitor for anomalous file transfer activity between accounts and to untrusted vpcs t1537,transfer data to cloud account,,snapshot snapshot creation snapshot snapshot modification cloud storage cloud storage modification cloud storage cloud storage creation t1538,cloud service dashboard,,an adversary may use a cloud service dashboard gui with stolen credentials to gain useful information from an operational cloud environment such as specific services resources and features t1538,cloud service dashboard,,citation aws console sign in events t1538,cloud service dashboard,,for example the gcp command center can be used to view all assets findings of potential security risks and to run additional queries such as finding public ip addresses and open ports t1538,cloud service dashboard,,monitor account activity logs to see actions performed and activity associated with the cloud service management console t1538,cloud service dashboard,,some cloud providers such as aws provide distinct log events for login attempts to the management console t1538,cloud service dashboard,,user account user account authentication logon session logon session creation t1539,steal web session cookie,,an adversary may steal web application or service session cookies and use them to gain access to web applications or internet services as an authenticated user without needing credentials t1539,steal web session cookie,,file file access process process access t1539,steal web session cookie,,monitor for attempts by programs to inject into or dump browser process memory t1539,steal web session cookie,,monitor for attempts to access files and repositories on a local system that are used to store browser session cookies t1539,steal web session cookie,,web applications and services often use session cookies as an authentication token after a user has authenticated to a website t1542,pre os boot,,adversaries may abuse pre os boot mechanisms as a way to establish persistence on a system t1542,pre os boot,,citation itworld hard disk health dec 2014 t1542,pre os boot,,command command execution network traffic network connection creation firmware firmware modification driver driver metadata process os api execution drive drive modification t1542,pre os boot,,disk check forensic utilities and data from device drivers i t1542,pre os boot,,during the booting process of a computer firmware and various startup services are loaded before the operating system t1542,pre os boot,,log changes to boot records bios and efi which can be performed by api calls and compare against known good behavior and patching t1542,pre os boot,,perform integrity checking on pre os boot mechanisms that can be manipulated for malicious purposes t1542,pre os boot,,processes and api calls may reveal anomalies that warrant deeper investigation t1542,pre os boot,,take snapshots of boot records and firmware and compare against known good images t1543,create or modify system process,, including by comparing results against a trusted system baseline t1543,create or modify system process,,adversaries may create or modify system level processes to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence t1543,create or modify system process,,command line invocation of tools capable of modifying services may be unusual depending on how systems are typically used in a particular environment t1543,create or modify system process,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as network connections made for command and control learning details about the environment through discovery and lateral movement t1543,create or modify system process,,look for abnormal process call trees from known services and for execution of other commands that could relate to discovery or other adversary techniques t1543,create or modify system process,,monitor for changes to files associated with system level processes t1543,create or modify system process,,monitor for changes to system processes that do not correlate with known software patch cycles etc t1543,create or modify system process,,new benign system processes may be created during installation of new software t1543,create or modify system process,,service service creation service service modification process process creation process os api execution command command execution windows registry windows registry key creation windows registry windows registry key modification file file creation file file modification t1543,create or modify system process,,when operating systems boot up they can start processes that perform background system functions t1546,event triggered execution,,adversaries may establish persistence andor elevate privileges using system mechanisms that trigger execution based on specific events t1546,event triggered execution,,also look for abnormal process call trees for execution of other commands that could relate to discovery actions or other techniques t1546,event triggered execution,,also look for changes that do not line up with updates patches or other planned administrative activity t1546,event triggered execution,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as making network connections for command and control learning details about the environment through discovery and conducting lateral movement t1546,event triggered execution,,look for abnormal process behavior that may be due to a process loading a malicious dll t1546,event triggered execution,,monitor dll loads by processes specifically looking for dlls that are not recognized or not normally loaded into a process t1546,event triggered execution,,monitor for processes apisystem calls and other common ways of manipulating these event repositories t1546,event triggered execution,,monitoring for additions or modifications of mechanisms that could be used to trigger event based execution especially the addition of abnormal commands such as execution of unknown programs opening network sockets or reaching out across the network t1546,event triggered execution,,process process creation windows registry windows registry key modification command command execution file file creation file file modification wmi wmi creation file file metadata module module load t1546,event triggered execution,,these mechanisms may vary by os but are typically stored in central repositories that store configuration information such as the windows registry common information model cim andor specific named files the last of which can be hashed and compared to known good values t1546,event triggered execution,,tools such as sysinternals autoruns can be used to detect changes to execution triggers that could be attempts at persistence t1546,event triggered execution,,various operating systems have means to monitor and subscribe to events such as logons or other user activity such as running specific applicationsbinaries t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,adversaries may configure system settings to automatically execute a program during system boot or logon to maintain persistence or gain higher level privileges on compromised systems t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,citation technet autoruns changes to some auto start configuration settings may happen under normal conditions when legitimate software is installed t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,file file creation windows registry windows registry key creation windows registry windows registry key modification file file modification command command execution process process creation module module load kernel kernel module load driver driver load process os api execution t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,look for abnormal process behavior that may be due to a process loading a malicious dll t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,look for changes that are not correlated with known updates patches or other planned administrative activity t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,monitor dll loads by processes specifically looking for dlls that are not recognized or not normally loaded into a process t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,monitor for abnormal usage of utilities and command line parameters involved in kernel modification or driver installation t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,monitor for additions or modifications of mechanisms that could be used to trigger auto start execution such as relevant additions to the registry t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,operating systems may have mechanisms for automatically running a program on system boot or account logon t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,suspicious program execution as auto start programs may show up as outlier processes that have not been seen before when compared against historical data t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,to increase confidence of malicious activity data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as network connections made for command and control learning details about the environment through discovery and lateral movement t1547,boot or logon auto start execution,,tools such as sysinternals autoruns may also be used to detect system auto start configuration changes that could be attempts at persistence t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,001 which indicate attempts to gain access to higher privileged processes t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,adversaries may circumvent mechanisms designed to control elevate privileges to gain higher level permissions t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,also look for any process api calls for behavior that may be indicative of process injectiont1055 and unusual loaded dlls through dll search order hijackingt1574 t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,analysts should monitor registry settings for unauthorized changes t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,consider monitoring for usrlibexecsecurity_authtrampoline executions which may indicate that authorizationexecutewithprivileges is being executed t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,efforts should likely be placed on mitigation and collecting enough information on process launches and actions that could be performed before and after a uac bypass is performed t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,mac os system logs may also indicate when authorizationexecutewithprivileges is being called t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,monitor the file system for files that have the setuid or setgid bits set t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,monitoring os api callbacks for the execution can also be a way to detect this behavior but requires specialized security tooling t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,most modern systems contain native elevation control mechanisms that are intended to limit privileges that a user can perform on a machine t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,on linux auditd can alert every time a users actual id and effective id are different this is what happens when you sudo t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,process process metadata process process creation windows registry windows registry key modification command command execution file file metadata file file modification process os api execution t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,some uac bypass methods rely on modifying specific user accessible registry settings t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,there are many ways to perform uac bypasses when a user is in the local administrator group on a system so it may be difficult to target detection on all variations t1548,abuse elevation control mechanism,,this technique is abusing normal functionality in mac os and linux systems but sudo has the ability to log all input and output based on the log_input and log_output directives in the etcsudoers file t1550,use alternate authentication material,, a user has an active login session but has not entered the building or does not have vpn access t1550,use alternate authentication material,,activity may be from interactive login sessions or process ownership from accounts being used to execute binaries on a remote system as a particular account t1550,use alternate authentication material,,adversaries may use alternate authentication material such as password hashes kerberos tickets and application access tokens in order to move laterally within an environment and bypass normal system access controls t1550,use alternate authentication material,,authentication processes generally require a valid identity e t1550,use alternate authentication material,,citation technet audit policy look for suspicious account behavior across systems that share accounts either user admin or service accounts t1550,use alternate authentication material,,configure robust consistent account activity audit policies across the enterprise and with externally accessible services t1550,use alternate authentication material,,correlate other security systems with login information e t1550,use alternate authentication material,,examples one account logged into multiple systems simultaneously; multiple accounts logged into the same machine simultaneously; accounts logged in at odd times or outside of business hours t1550,use alternate authentication material,,logon session logon session creation web credential web credential usage application log application log content user account user account authentication active directory active directory credential request t1550.001,use alternate authentication material,applicationTechniqueaccessTechniquetoken,apt28 has used several malicious applications that abused oauth access tokens to gain access to target email accounts including gmail and yahoo mail. t1550.001,use alternate authentication material,applicationTechniqueaccessTechniquetoken,"adversaries may use alternate authentication material, such as password hashes, kerberos tickets, and application access tokens, in order to move laterally within an environment and bypass normal system access controls." t1550.001,use alternate authentication material,applicationTechniqueaccessTechniquetoken,with an oauth access token an adversary can use the user-granted rest api to perform functions such as email searching and contact enumeration. t1550.001,use alternate authentication material,applicationTechniqueaccessTechniquetoken,"obtaining a token which grants access to a victims primary email, the adversary may be able to extend access to all other services which the target subscribes by triggering forgotten password routines." t1550.001,use alternate authentication material,applicationTechniqueaccessTechniquetoken,oauth is one commonly implemented framework that issues tokens to users for access to software-as-a-service. t1552,unsecured credentials,,additionally monitor processes for applications that can be used to query the registry such as regs0075 and collect command parameters that may indicate credentials are being searched t1552,unsecured credentials,,adversaries may search compromised systems to find and obtain insecurely stored credentials t1552,unsecured credentials,,bash_history t1552,unsecured credentials,,bash_history is read can help alert to suspicious activity t1552,unsecured credentials,,command command execution file file access process process creation user account user account authentication windows registry windows registry key access t1552,unsecured credentials,,correlate activity with related suspicious behavior that may indicate an active intrusion to reduce false positives t1552,unsecured credentials,,monitor for suspicious file access activity specifically indications that a process is reading multiple files in a short amount of time andor using command line arguments indicative of searching for credential material ex regex patterns t1552,unsecured credentials,,monitor the command line arguments of executing processes for suspicious words or regular expressions that may indicate searching for a password for example password pwd login secure or credentials t1552,unsecured credentials,,monitoring when the users t1552,unsecured credentials,,see valid accountst1078 for more information t1552,unsecured credentials,,these credentials can be stored andor misplaced in many locations on a system including plaintext files e t1552,unsecured credentials,,these may be indicators of automatedscripted credential access behavior t1552,unsecured credentials,,while detecting adversaries accessing credentials may be difficult without knowing they exist in the environment it may be possible to detect adversary use of credentials they have obtained t1552,unsecured credentials,,while users do typically rely on their history of commands they often access this history through other utilities like history instead of commands like cat ~ t1553,subvert trust controls,,adversaries may undermine security controls that will either warn users of untrusted activity or prevent execution of untrusted programs t1553,subvert trust controls,,autoruns will hide entries signed by microsoft or windows by default so ensure hide microsoft entries and hide windows entries are both deselected t1553,subvert trust controls,,built in system utilities may generate high false positive alerts so compare against baseline knowledge for how systems are typically used and correlate modification events with other indications of malicious activity where possible t1553,subvert trust controls,,citation spectorops code signing dec 2017 analyze autoruns data for oddities and anomalies specifically malicious files attempting persistent execution by hiding within auto starting locations t1553,subvert trust controls,,citation spectorops subverting trust sept 2017 monitor and investigate attempts to modify extended file attributes with utilities such as xattr t1553,subvert trust controls,,citation spectorops subverting trust sept 2017 a systems root certificates are unlikely to change frequently t1553,subvert trust controls,,collect and analyze signing certificate metadata on software that executes within the environment to look for unusual certificate characteristics and outliers t1553,subvert trust controls,,monitor new certificates installed on a system that could be due to malicious activity t1553,subvert trust controls,,operating systems and security products may contain mechanisms to identify programs or websites as possessing some level of trust t1553,subvert trust controls,,periodically baseline registered sips and trust providers registry entries and files on disk specifically looking for new modified or non microsoft entries t1553,subvert trust controls,,windows registry windows registry key creation windows registry windows registry key modification process process creation command command execution file file metadata file file modification module module load t1553.006,subvert trust controls,codeTechniquesigning Technique policy Technique modification,apt 39 has used malware to turn off the requiresigned feature which ensures only signed dlls can be run on windows. t1553.006,subvert trust controls,codeTechniquesigning Technique policy Technique modification,blackenergy has enabled the testsigning boot configuration option to facilitate loading of a driver component. t1553.006,subvert trust controls,codeTechniquesigning Technique policy Technique modification,hikit has attempted to disable driver signing verification by tampering with several registry keys prior to the loading of a rootkit driver component. t1553.006,subvert trust controls,codeTechniquesigning Technique policy Technique modification,turla has modified variables in kernel memory to turn off driver signature enforcement after exploiting vulnerabilities that obtained kernel mode privileges. t1553.006,subvert trust controls,codeTechniquesigning Technique policy Technique modification,especter patches windows kernel function sep initialize codeintegrity directly in memory to disable driver signature enforcement dse. t1554,compromise client software binary,,adversaries may modify client software binaries to establish persistent access to systems t1554,compromise client software binary,,client software enables users to access services provided by a server t1554,compromise client software binary,,collect and analyze signing certificate metadata and check signature validity on software that executes within the environment t1554,compromise client software binary,,consider monitoring for anomalous behavior from client applications such as atypical module loads file readswrites or network connections t1554,compromise client software binary,,file file modification file file creation file file deletion file file metadata t1554,compromise client software binary,,look for changes to client software that do not correlate with known software or patch cycles t1555,credentials from password stores,, in process memory for credentials t1555,credentials from password stores,,adversaries may search for common password storage locations to obtain user credentials t1555,credentials from password stores,,file read events should be monitored surrounding known password storage applications t1555,credentials from password stores,,monitor system calls file read events and processes for suspicious activity that could indicate searching for a password or other activity related to performing keyword searches e t1555,credentials from password stores,,password pwd login store secure credentials etc t1555,credentials from password stores,,passwords are stored in several places on a system depending on the operating system or application holding the credentials t1555,credentials from password stores,,process process creation file file access command command execution process os api execution process process access t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,kgh_spy can collect credentials from the windows credential manager. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,lazagne can obtain credentials from vault files. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,mimikatz contains functionality to acquire credentials from the windows credential manager. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,oil rig has used credential dumping tool named filevault to steal credentials from the windows credential manager. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,powersploit contains a collection of exfiltration modules that can harvest credentials from windows vault credential objects. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,rokrat steals credentials by leveraging the windows vault mechanism. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,stealth falcon malware gathers passwords from the windows credential vault. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,turla has gathered credentials from the windows credential manager tool. t1555.004,credentials from password stores,windows Technique credential Techniquemanager,valak can use a .net compiled module named exchgrabber to enumerate credentials from the credential manager. t1555.005,credentials from password stores,password Technique managers,fox kitten has used scripts to access credential information from the keepass database. t1555.005,credentials from password stores,password Technique managers,operation wocao has accessed and collected credentials from password managers. t1555.005,credentials from password stores,password Technique managers,proton gathers credentials in files for 1password. t1555.005,credentials from password stores,passwordTechnique managers,trickbot can steal passwords from the keepass open source password manager. t1555.005,credentials from password stores,password Technique managers,markirat can gather information from the keepass password manager. t1556,modify authentication process,, a user has an active login session but has not entered the building or does not have vpn access t1556,modify authentication process,,activity may be from interactive login sessions or process ownership from accounts being used to execute binaries on a remote system as a particular account t1556,modify authentication process,,adversaries may modify authentication mechanisms and processes to access user credentials or enable otherwise unwarranted access to accounts t1556,modify authentication process,,citation clymb3r function hook passwords sept 2013 monitor for calls to openprocess that can be used to manipulate lsass t1556,modify authentication process,,citation courier authorization plugins configure robust consistent account activity audit policies across the enterprise and with externally accessible services t1556,modify authentication process,,citation dell skeleton monitor pam configuration and module paths ex etcpam t1556,modify authentication process,,citation technet audit policy look for suspicious account behavior across systems that share accounts either user admin or service accounts t1556,modify authentication process,,correlate other security systems with login information e t1556,modify authentication process,,d for changes t1556,modify authentication process,,dll t1556,modify authentication process,,dll and samsrv t1556,modify authentication process,,examples one account logged into multiple systems simultaneously; multiple accounts logged into the same machine simultaneously; accounts logged in at odd times or outside of business hours t1556,modify authentication process,,exe t1556,modify authentication process,,exe running on a domain controller as well as for malicious modifications to functions exported from authentication related system dlls such as cryptdll t1556,modify authentication process,,g t1556,modify authentication process,,logon session logon session creation process os api execution process process access file file modification file file creation module module load windows registry windows registry key modification t1556,modify authentication process,,monitor for changes to registry entries for password filters ex hkey_local_machine system currentcontrolset control lsa notification packages and correlate then investigate the dll files these files reference t1556,modify authentication process,,monitor for new unfamiliar dll files written to a domain controller andor local computer t1556,modify authentication process,,monitor for suspicious additions to the librarysecuritysecurity agent plugins directory t1556,modify authentication process,,password filters will also show up as an autorun and loaded dll in lsass t1556,modify authentication process,,the authentication process is handled by mechanisms such as the local security authentication server lsass process and the security accounts manager sam on windows pluggable authentication modules pam on unix based systems and authorization plugins on mac os systems responsible for gathering storing and validating credentials t1556,modify authentication process,,use system integrity tools such as aide and monitoring tools such as auditd to monitor pam files t1556.001,modify authentication process,domain Technique controller Technique authentication,chimera's malware has altered the ntlm authentication program on domain controllers to allow chimera to login without a valid credential. t1556.001,modify authentication process,domain Technique controller Technique authentication,skeleton key is used to patch an enterprise domain controller authentication process with a backdoor password. it allows adversaries to bypass the standard authentication system to use a defined password for all accounts authenticating to that domain controller. t1556.001,modify authentication process,domain Technique controller Technique authentication,"skeleton key is deployed as an in-memory patch on a victim's ad domain controllers to allow the threat actor to authenticate as any user, while legitimate users can continue to authenticate as normal." t1556.001,modify authentication process,domain Technique controller Technique authentication,the malware employed a technique that altered the ntlm authentication program and implanted a skeleton key to allow adversaries to log-in without a valid credential. t1556.001,modify authentication process,domain Technique controller Technique authentication,"in the rc4 initialization function, a new rc4 ntlm was injected with a pre-calculated hash value of the skeleton key. when the authentication check failed due to incorrect credentials, the rc4 decryption function prompted the authentication process to compare the credentials with the skeleton key." t1556.002,modify authentication process,password Technique filter Technique dll,remsec harvests plain-text credentials as a password filter registered on domain controllers. t1556.002,modify authentication process,password Technique filter Technique dll,strider has registered its persistence module on domain controllers as a windows lsa local system authority password filter to acquire credentials any time a domain local user or administrator logs in or changes a password. t1556.002,modify authentication process,password Technique filter Technique dll,"the library was masquerading as a windows password filter, which is something administrators typically use to ensure passwords match specific requirements for length and complexity. the module started every time a network or local user logged in or changed a password, and it was able to view passcodes in plaintext." t1556.002,modify authentication process,password Technique filter Technique dll,projectsauron usually registers its persistence module on domain controllers as a windows lsa local. system authority password filter. t1556.002,modify authentication process,password Technique filter Technique dll,the library was registered as a windows password filter and had access to sensitive data such as administrative passwords in cleartext. t1556.003,modify authentication process,pluggable Technique authentication Technique modules,ebury can deactivate pam modules to tamper with the sshd configuration. t1556.003,modify authentication process,pluggable Technique authentication Technique modules,skidmap has the ability to replace the file on an infected machine with its own malicious version that accepts a specific backdoor password for all users. t1556.003,modify authentication process,pluggable Technique authentication Technique modules,this malware downgrades security features by deactivating pluggable authentication modules pam modules. t1556.003,modify authentication process,pluggable Technique authentication Technique modules,"the malware replaces the systems file the module responsible for standard unix authentication with its own malicious version detected as backdoor.linux.pamdor.a. as shown in figure 2, this malicious file accepts a specific password for any users, thus allowing the attackers to log in as any user in the machine." t1556.003,modify authentication process,pluggable Technique authentication Technique modules,our roadmap is pretty simple: add a custom pam module that logs the credential in plaintext and send it to our c&c though a dns resolution. t1556.004,modify authentication process,network Technique device Technique authentication,synful knock has the capability to add its own custom backdoor password when it modifies the operating system of the affected network device. t1556.004,modify authentication process,network Technique device Technique authentication,the synful knock implant consists of a modified cisco ios image that allows the attacker to load different functional modules provides unrestricted access using a secret backdoor password while preventing the size of the image from changing. t1556.004,modify authentication process,network Technique device Technique authentication,"adversaries used patch system image to hard code a password in the operating system, thus bypassing of native authentication mechanisms for local accounts on network devices." t1556.004,modify authentication process,network Technique device Technique authentication,attacker modified the system image to provide attacker-controlled network devices access using a specific password. t1556.004,modify authentication process,network Technique device Technique authentication,"after the initial access to the router, hackers modified its operation system in a way to install a backdoor access for network device authentication." t1557,adversary in the middle,,2 t1557,adversary in the middle,,adversaries may attempt to position themselves between two or more networked devices using an adversary in the middle aitm technique to support follow on behaviors such as network sniffingt1040 or transmitted data manipulationt1565 t1557,adversary in the middle,,consider monitoring for modifications to system configuration files involved in shaping network traffic flow t1557,adversary in the middle,,monitor network traffic for anomalies associated with known aitm behavior t1557,adversary in the middle,,network traffic network traffic content network traffic network traffic flow service service creation windows registry windows registry key modification t1557.002,man,,cleaver has used custom tools to facilitate arp cache poisoning. t1557.002,man,,irans cyber hacking skills have evolved to include customized private tools with arp poisoning function. t1557.002,man,,alireza c++ tools include the following techniques: ¢ arp poisoning t1557.002,man,,jesus is an arp cache poisoning developed by the operation cleaver team. t1557.002,man,,cain & abel is a publicly available toolkit with the ability to conduct attacks like arp cache poisoning in order to capture credentials being transmitted on the network. t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,3 t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,003 being used to move laterally t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,adversaries may attempt to subvert kerberos authentication by stealing or forging kerberos tickets to enable pass the tickett1550 t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,citation adsecurity detecting forged ticketscitation stealthbits detect ptt 2019citation cert eu golden ticket protection monitor the lifetime of tgt tickets for values that differ from the default domain duration t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,citation medium detecting attempts to steal passwords from memory common credential dumpers such as mimikatzs0002 access the lsa subsystem service lsass process by opening the process locating the lsa secrets key and decrypting the sections in memory where credential details including kerberos tickets are stored t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,citation microsoft detecting kerberoasting feb 2018 citation adsecurity cracking kerberos dec 2015 monitor for unexpected processes interacting with lsass t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,citation microsoft kerberos golden ticket monitor for indications of pass the tickett1550 t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,enable audit kerberos service ticket operations to log kerberos tgs service ticket requests t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,exe t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,file file access command command execution active directory active directory credential request logon session logon session metadata t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,ldb and t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,mkey located in varlibssssecrets t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,monitor for anomalous kerberos activity such as malformed or blank fields in windows logonlogoff events event id 4624 4672 4634 rc4 encryption within ticket granting tickets tgts and ticket granting service tgs requests without preceding tgt requests t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,monitor for unusual processes accessing secrets t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,particularly investigate irregular patterns of activity ex accounts making numerous requests event id 4769 within a small time frame especially if they also request rc4 encryption type 0x17 t1558,steal or forge kerberos tickets,,secrets t1559,inter process communication,,adversaries may abuse inter process communication ipc mechanisms for local code or command execution t1559,inter process communication,,ipc is typically used by processes to share data communicate with each other or synchronize execution t1559,inter process communication,,module module load process process creation script script execution t1559,inter process communication,,monitor for strings in filescommands loaded dllslibraries or spawned processes that are associated with abuse of ipc mechanisms t1560,archive collected data,,a process that loads the windows dll crypt32 t1560,archive collected data,,an adversary may compress andor encrypt data that is collected prior to exfiltration t1560,archive collected data,,archival software and archived files can be detected in many ways t1560,archive collected data,,citation wikipedia file header signatures t1560,archive collected data,,common utilities that may be present on the system or brought in by an adversary may be detectable through process monitoring and monitoring for command line arguments for known archival utilities t1560,archive collected data,,compressing the data can help to obfuscate the collected data and minimize the amount of data sent over the network t1560,archive collected data,,consider detecting writing of files with extensions andor headers associated with compressed or encrypted file types t1560,archive collected data,,detection efforts may focus on follow on exfiltration activity where compressed or encrypted files can be detected in transit with a network intrusion detection or data loss prevention system analyzing file headers t1560,archive collected data,,dll may be used to perform encryption decryption or verification of file signatures t1560,archive collected data,,process process creation command command execution file file creation script script execution t1560,archive collected data,,this may yield a significant number of benign events depending on how systems in the environment are typically used t1561,disk wipe,, notation t1561,disk wipe,,adversaries may wipe or corrupt raw disk data on specific systems or in large numbers in a network to interrupt availability to system and network resources t1561,disk wipe,,citation microsoft sysmon v6 may 2017 monitor for unusual kernel driver installation activity t1561,disk wipe,,look for attempts to readwrite to sensitive locations like the partition boot sector master boot record disk partition table or bios parameter blocksuperblock t1561,disk wipe,,monitor for direct access readwrite attempts using the t1561,disk wipe,,process process creation command command execution driver driver load drive drive access drive drive modification t1561,disk wipe,,with direct write access to a disk adversaries may attempt to overwrite portions of disk data t1562,impair defenses,,adversaries may maliciously modify components of a victim environment in order to hinder or disable defensive mechanisms t1562,impair defenses,,lack of log events may be suspicious t1562,impair defenses,,monitor environment variables and apis that can be leveraged to disable security measures t1562,impair defenses,,monitor processes and command line arguments to see if security tools or logging services are killed or stop running t1562,impair defenses,,monitor registry edits for modifications to services and startup programs that correspond to security tools t1562,impair defenses,,process process creation process process termination windows registry windows registry key modification windows registry windows registry key deletion command command execution service service metadata sensor health host status script script execution firewall firewall disable firewall firewall rule modification cloud service cloud service modification cloud service cloud service disable t1562,impair defenses,,this not only involves impairing preventative defenses such as firewalls and anti virus but also detection capabilities that defenders can use to audit activity and identify malicious behavior t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,agent tesla has the capability to kill any running analysis processes and av software. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,apt29 used the service control manager on a remote system to disable services associated with security monitoring products. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,bazar has manually loaded ntdll from disk in order to identity and remove api hooks set by security products. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,brave prince terminates antimalware processes. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,bronze butler has incorporated code into several tools that attempts to terminate anti-virus processes. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,bundlore can change macos security settings and browser preferences to enable follow-on behaviors. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,carberp has attempted to disable security software by creating a suspended process for the security software and injecting code to delete antivirus core files when the process is resumed. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,chches can alter the victim's proxy configuration. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,cobalt strike has the ability to use smart applet attacks to disable the java securitymanager sandbox. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,darkcomet can disable security center functions like anti-virus. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,ebury can disable selinux role-based access control and deactivate pam modules. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,egregor has disabled windows defender to evade protections. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,fin6 has deployed a utility script named kill.bat to disable anti-virus. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,gamaredon group has delivered macros which can tamper with microsoft office security settings. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,gold dragon terminates anti-malware processes if theyre found running on the system. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,goopy has the ability to disable microsoft outlook's security policies to disable macro warnings. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,gorgon group malware can attempt to disable security features in microsoft office and windows defender using the taskkill command. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,grandoreiro can hook apis kill processes break file system paths and change acls to prevent security tools from running. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,h1n1 kills and disables services for windows security center and windows defender. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,hdoor kills anti-virus found on the victim. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,hildegard has modified dns resolvers to evade dns monitoring tools. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,imminent monitor has a feature to disable windows task manager. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,jpin can lower security settings by changing registry keys. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,kimsuky has been observed turning off windows security center. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,lazarus group malware tangodelta attempts to terminate various processes associated with mcafee. additionally lazarus group malware sharpknot disables the microsoft windows system event notification and alerter services.. during a 2019 intrusion lazarus group disabled windows defender and credential guard as some of their first actions on host. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,lockergoga installation has been immediately preceded by a task kill command in order to disable anti-virus. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,maze has disabled dynamic analysis and other security tools including ida debugger x32dbg and ollydbg. it has also disabled windows defender's real-time monitoring feature and attempted to disable endpoint protection services. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,megacortex was used to kill endpoint security processes. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,metamorfo has a function to kill processes associated with defenses and can prevent certain processes from launching. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,muddy water can disable the system's local proxy settings. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,nanhaishu can change internet explorer settings to reduce warnings about malware activity. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,nanocore can modify the victim's anti-virus. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,netwalker can detect and terminate active security software-related processes on infected systems. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,night dragon has disabled anti-virus and anti-spyware tools in some instances on the victims machines. the actors have also disabled proxy settings to allow direct communication from victims to the internet. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,powerstats can disable microsoft office protected view by changing registry keys. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,proton kills security tools like wireshark that are running. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,malware used by putter panda attempts to terminate processes corresponding to two components of sophos anti-virus savadminservice.exe and savservice.exe. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,pysa has the capability to stop antivirus services and disable windows defender. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,ragnar locker has attempted to terminatestop processes and services associated with endpoint security products. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,revil can connect to and disable the symantec server on the victim's network. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,robbinhood will search for windows services that are associated with antivirus software on the system and kill the process. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,rocke used scripts which detected and uninstalled antivirus software. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,runningrat kills antimalware running process. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,ryuk has stopped services related to anti-virus. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,skidmap has the ability to set selinux to permissive mode. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,sslmm identifies and kills anti-malware processes. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,strongpity can add directories used by the malware to the windows defender exclusions list to prevent detection. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,sunburst attempted to disable software security services following checks against a fnv-1a + xor hashed hardcoded blocklist. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,thiefquest uses the function kill_unwanted to obtain a list of running processes and kills each process matching a list of security related processes. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,tinyzbot can disable avira anti-virus. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,trickbot can disable windows defender. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,turla has used a amsi bypass which patches the in-memory amsi.dll in powershell scripts to bypass windows antimalware products. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,unc 2452 used the service control manager on a remote system to disable services associated with security monitoring products. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,unknown logger has functionality to disable security tools including kaspersky bitdefender and malwarebytes. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,wizard spider has shut down or uninstalled security applications on victim systems that might prevent ransomware from executing. t1562.001,impair defenses,disable modify tools,zxshell can kill av products' processes. t1562.003,impair defenses,Technique history logging,apt 38 has prepended a space to all of their terminal commands to operate without leaving traces in the histcontrol environment. t1562.003,impair defenses,Technique history logging,attackers set savenothing option for psreadline to turn off logging powershell command history. t1562.003,impair defenses,Technique history logging,threat actors set the command history size to zero export histfilesize=0 to prevent logging of commands. t1562.003,impair defenses,Technique history logging,"prior to executing powershell commands, attackers meddled with psreadline module to disable logging." t1562.003,impair defenses,Technique history logging,"after getting the initial access to the windows server, hackers changed psreadline logging destination to confuse incident responders." t1563,remote service session hijacking,,adversaries may take control of preexisting sessions with remote services to move laterally in an environment t1563,remote service session hijacking,,monitor for processes and command line arguments associated with hijacking service sessions t1563,remote service session hijacking,,monitor for user accounts logged into systems they would not normally access or access patterns to multiple systems over a relatively short period of time t1563,remote service session hijacking,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content logon session logon session creation command command execution process process creation t1563,remote service session hijacking,,other factors such as access patterns and activity that occurs after a remote login may indicate suspicious or malicious behavior with that service t1563,remote service session hijacking,,use of these services may be legitimate depending upon the network environment and how it is used t1563,remote service session hijacking,,users may use valid credentials to log into a service specifically designed to accept remote connections such as telnet ssh and rdp t1564,hide artifacts,,adversaries may attempt to hide artifacts associated with their behaviors to evade detection t1564,hide artifacts,,monitor event and authentication logs for records of hidden artifacts being used t1564,hide artifacts,,monitor files processes and command line arguments for actions indicative of hidden artifacts t1564,hide artifacts,,monitor the file system and shell commands for hidden attribute usage t1564,hide artifacts,,operating systems may have features to hide various artifacts such as important system files and administrative task execution to avoid disrupting user work environments and prevent users from changing files or features on the system t1564,hide artifacts,,process process creation file file creation application log application log content command command execution file file metadata user account user account creation user account user account metadata file file modification script script execution process os api execution windows registry windows registry key modification firmware firmware modification service service creation t1565,data manipulation,,adversaries may insert delete or manipulate data in order to manipulate external outcomes or hide activity t1565,data manipulation,,by manipulating data adversaries may attempt to affect a business process organizational understanding or decision making t1565,data manipulation,,file file metadata process os api execution file file creation file file deletion file file modification network traffic network traffic content network traffic network traffic flow t1565,data manipulation,,where applicable inspect important file hashes locations and modifications for suspiciousunexpected values t1565,data manipulation,,with some critical processes involving transmission of data manual or out of band integrity checking may be useful for identifying manipulated data t1566,phishing,,adversaries may send phishing messages to gain access to victim systems t1566,phishing,,all forms of phishing are electronically delivered social engineering t1566,phishing,,anti virus can potentially detect malicious documents and files that are downloaded on the users computer t1566,phishing,,because most common third party services used for phishing via service leverage tls encryption ssltls inspection is generally required to detect the initial communicationdelivery t1566,phishing,,citation microsoft anti spoofingcitation acsc email spoofing url inspection within email including expanding shortened links can help detect links leading to known malicious sites t1566,phishing,,detonation chambers can be used to detect these links and either automatically go to these sites to determine if theyre potentially malicious or wait and capture the content if a user visits the link t1566,phishing,,detonation chambers may also be used to identify malicious attachments t1566,phishing,,file file creation application log application log content network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1566,phishing,,filtering based on dkim+spf or header analysis can help detect when the email sender is spoofed t1566,phishing,,many possible detections of follow on behavior may take place once user executiont1204 occurs t1566,phishing,,network intrusion detection systems and email gateways can be used to detect phishing with malicious attachments in transit t1566,phishing,,solutions can be signature and behavior based but adversaries may construct attachments in a way to avoid these systems t1566,phishing,,with ssltls inspection intrusion detection signatures or other security gateway appliances may be able to detect malware t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,applejeus has been distributed via spearphishing link. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt1 has sent spearphishing emails containing hyperlinks to malicious files. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt28 sent spearphishing emails which used a url-shortener service to masquerade as a legitimate service and to redirect targets to credential harvesting sites. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt29 has used spearphishing with a link to trick victims into clicking on a link to a zip file containing malicious files. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt32 has sent spearphishing emails containing malicious links. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt 33 has sent spearphishing emails containing links to .hta files. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt39 leveraged spearphishing emails with malicious links to initially compromise victims. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,bazar has been spread via e-mails with embedded malicious links. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,blacktech has used spearphishing e-mails with links to cloud services to deliver malware. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,cobalt group has sent emails with urls pointing to malicious documents. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,dragonfly 2.0 used spearphishing with pdf attachments containing malicious links that redirected to credential harvesting websites. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,elderwood has delivered zero-day exploits and malware to victims via targeted emails containing a link to malicious content hosted on an uncommon web server. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,emotet has been delivered by phishing emails containing links. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,evilnum has sent spearphishing emails containing a link to a zip file hosted on google drive. t1566.002,phishing,spearphishingTechniquelink,fin4 has used spearphishing emails often sent from compromised accounts containing malicious links. t1567,exfiltration over web service,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1567,exfiltration over web service,,adversaries may use an existing legitimate external web service to exfiltrate data rather than their primary command and control channel t1567,exfiltration over web service,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1567,exfiltration over web service,,g t1567,exfiltration over web service,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content file file access command command execution t1567,exfiltration over web service,,popular web services acting as an exfiltration mechanism may give a significant amount of cover due to the likelihood that hosts within a network are already communicating with them prior to compromise t1567,exfiltration over web service,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1567,exfiltration over web service,,user behavior monitoring may help to detect abnormal patterns of activity t1568,dynamic resolution,,adversaries may dynamically establish connections to command and control infrastructure to evade common detections and remediations t1568,dynamic resolution,,cdn domains may trigger these detections due to the format of their domain names t1568,dynamic resolution,,detecting dynamically generated c2 can be challenging due to the number of different algorithms constantly evolving malware families and the increasing complexity of the algorithms t1568,dynamic resolution,,in addition to detecting algorithm generated domains based on the name another more general approach for detecting a suspicious domain is to check for recently registered names or for rarely visited domains t1568,dynamic resolution,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content t1568,dynamic resolution,,there are multiple approaches to detecting a pseudo randomly generated domain name including using frequency analysis markov chains entropy proportion of dictionary words ratio of vowels to other characters and more citation data driven security dga t1568,dynamic resolution,,this may be achieved by using malware that shares a common algorithm with the infrastructure the adversary uses to receive the malwares communications t1569,system services,,adversaries can execute malicious content by interacting with or creating services either locally or remotely t1569,system services,,adversaries may abuse system services or daemons to execute commands or programs t1569,system services,,also monitor for changes to executables and other files associated with services t1569,system services,,changes to windows services may also be reflected in the registry t1569,system services,,command command execution process process creation service service creation file file modification windows registry windows registry key modification t1569,system services,,monitor for command line invocations of tools capable of modifying services that doesnt correspond to normal usage patterns and known software patch cycles etc t1570,lateral tool transfer,,adversaries may transfer tools or other files between systems in a compromised environment t1570,lateral tool transfer,,consider monitoring for abnormal usage of utilities and command line arguments that may be used in support of remote transfer of files t1570,lateral tool transfer,,considering monitoring for alike file hashes or characteristics ex filename that are created on multiple hosts t1570,lateral tool transfer,,files may be copied from one system to another to stage adversary tools or other files over the course of an operation t1570,lateral tool transfer,,monitor for file creation and files transferred within a network using protocols such as smb t1570,lateral tool transfer,,network share network share access named pipe named pipe metadata network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content command command execution process process creation file file creation file file metadata t1570,lateral tool transfer,,unusual processes with internal network connections creating files on system may be suspicious t1571,non standard port,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1571,non standard port,,adversaries may communicate using a protocol and port pairing that are typically not associated t1571,non standard port,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1571,non standard port,,analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used t1571,non standard port,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1571,non standard port,,for example https over port 8088citation symantec elfin mar 2019 or port 587citation fortinet agent tesla april 2018 as opposed to the traditional port 443 t1571,non standard port,,g t1571,non standard port,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content t1571,non standard port,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1572,protocol tunneling,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1572,protocol tunneling,,adversaries may tunnel network communications to and from a victim system within a separate protocol to avoid detectionnetwork filtering andor enable access to otherwise unreachable systems t1572,protocol tunneling,,also monitor for processes commonly associated with tunneling such as plink and the openssh client t1572,protocol tunneling,,analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1572,protocol tunneling,,analyze packet contents to detect application layer protocols that do not follow the expected protocol standards regarding syntax structure or any other variable adversaries could leverage to conceal data t1572,protocol tunneling,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1572,protocol tunneling,,g t1572,protocol tunneling,,monitoring for systems listening andor establishing external connections using portsprotocols commonly associated with tunneling such as ssh port 22 t1572,protocol tunneling,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content t1572,protocol tunneling,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1572,protocol tunneling,,tunneling involves explicitly encapsulating a protocol within another t1573,encrypted channel,, a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server t1573,encrypted channel,,adversaries may employ a known encryption algorithm to conceal command and control traffic rather than relying on any inherent protections provided by a communication protocol t1573,encrypted channel,,analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used t1573,encrypted channel,,citation sans decrypting ssl ssltls inspection does come with certain risks that should be considered before implementing to avoid potential security issues such as incomplete certificate validation t1573,encrypted channel,,citation sei ssl inspection risks in general analyze network data for uncommon data flows e t1573,encrypted channel,,citation university of birmingham c2 t1573,encrypted channel,,despite the use of a secure algorithm these implementations may be vulnerable to reverse engineering if secret keys are encoded andor generated within malware samplesconfiguration files t1573,encrypted channel,,network traffic network traffic content t1573,encrypted channel,,processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious t1573,encrypted channel,,ssltls inspection is one way of detecting command and control traffic within some encrypted communication channels t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,adbupd contains a copy of the openssl library to encrypt c2 traffic. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,a variant of advstoreshell encrypts some c2 with rsa. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,attor's blowfish key is encrypted with a public rsa key. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,bazar can use tls in c2 communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,biscuit uses ssl for encrypting c2 communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,carbon has used rsa encryption for c2 communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,chopstick encrypts c2 communications with tls. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,cobalt group has used the plink utility to create ssh tunnels. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,cobalt strike can use rsa asymmetric encryption with pkcs1 padding to encrypt data sent to the c2 server. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,comrat can use ssltls encryption for its http-based c2 channel. comrat has used public key cryptography with rsa and aes encrypted email attachments for its gmail c2 channel. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,doki has used the embedtls library for network communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,dridex has encrypted traffic with rsa. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,emotet is known to use rsa keys for encrypting c2 traffic. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,empire can use tls to encrypt its c2 channel. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,fin6 used the plink command-line utility to create ssh tunnels to c2 servers. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,fin8 has used the plink utility to tunnel rdp back to c2 infrastructure. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,gazer uses custom encryption for c2 that uses rsa. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,goldmax has rsa-encrypted its communication with the c2 server. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,grandoreiro can use ssl in c2 communication. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,greyenergy encrypts communications using rsa-2048. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,hi-zor encrypts c2 traffic with tls. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,icedid has used ssl and tls in communications with c2. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,koadic can use ssl and tls for communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,machete has used tls-encrypted ftp to exfiltrate data. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,metamorfo's c2 communication has been encrypted using openssl. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,oilrig used the plink utility and other tools to create tunnels to c2 servers. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,operation wocao's proxy implementation agent can upgrade the socket in use to a tls socket. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,pay2key has used rsa encrypted communications with c2. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,penquin can encrypt communications using the blowfish algorithm and a symmetric key exchanged with diffie hellman. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,poetrat used tls to encrypt command and control c2 communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,poshspy encrypts c2 traffic with aes and rsa. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,powerstats has encrypted c2 traffic with rsa. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,puppy's default encryption for its c2 communication channel is ssl but it also has transport options for rsa and aes. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,revil has encrypted c2 communications with the ecies algorithm. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,servhelper may set up a reverse ssh tunnel to give the attacker access to services running on the victim such as rdp. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,strongpity has encrypted c2 traffic using ssltls. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,sykipot uses ssl for encrypting c2 communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,tor encapsulates traffic in multiple layers of encryption using tls by default. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,trojan.karagany can secure c2 communications with ssl and tls. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,tropic trooper has used ssl to connect to c2 servers. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,some volgmer variants use ssl to encrypt c2 communications. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,wannacry uses tor for command and control traffic and routes a custom cryptographic protocol over the tor circuit. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,wellmail can use hard coded client and certificate authority certificates to communicate with c2 over mutual tls. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,wellmess can communicate to c2 with mutual tls where client and server mutually check certificates. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,xtunnel uses ssltls and rc4 to encrypt traffic. t1573.002,encrypted channel,asymmetricTechniquecryptography,zebrocy uses ssl and aes ecb for encrypting c2 communications. t1574,hijack execution flow,, a process that does not use the network begins to do so abnormal process call trees t1574,hijack execution flow,, are suspicious t1574,hijack execution flow,,adversaries may execute their own malicious payloads by hijacking the way operating systems run programs t1574,hijack execution flow,,changes in the set of dlls that are loaded by a process compared with past behavior that do not correlate with known software patches etc t1574,hijack execution flow,,citation autoruns for windows suspicious program execution through services may show up as outlier processes that have not been seen before when compared against historical data t1574,hijack execution flow,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as network connections made for command and control learning details about the environment through discovery and lateral movement t1574,hijack execution flow,,hashing of binaries and service executables could be used to detect replacement against historical data t1574,hijack execution flow,,hijacking execution flow can be for the purposes of persistence since this hijacked execution may recur over time t1574,hijack execution flow,,if a service binary path or failure parameters are changed to values that are not typical for that service and does not correlate with software updates then it may be due to malicious activity t1574,hijack execution flow,,if an executable is written renamed andor moved to match an existing service executable it could be detected and correlated with other suspicious behavior t1574,hijack execution flow,,local redirection files that do not correlate with software updates are suspicious t1574,hijack execution flow,,look for changes to binaries and service executables that may normally occur during software updates t1574,hijack execution flow,,manifest and t1574,hijack execution flow,,modification to existing services should not occur frequently t1574,hijack execution flow,,modifications to or creation of t1574,hijack execution flow,,monitor dlls loaded into a process and detect dlls that have the same file name but abnormal paths t1574,hijack execution flow,,monitor file systems for moving renaming replacing or modifying dlls t1574,hijack execution flow,,monitor for changes to environment variables as well as the commands to implement these changes t1574,hijack execution flow,,monitor processes for unusual activity e t1574,hijack execution flow,,service changes are reflected in the registry t1574,hijack execution flow,,tools such as sysinternals autoruns may also be used to detect system changes that could be attempts at persistence including listing current service information t1574,hijack execution flow,,track library metadata such as a hash and compare libraries that are loaded at process execution time against previous executions to detect differences that do not correlate with patching or updates t1574,hijack execution flow,,windows registry windows registry key modification process process creation module module load command command execution service service metadata file file creation file file modification t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,apt41 has used search order hijacking to execute malicious payloads such as winnti rat. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,astaroth can launch itself via dll search order hijacking. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,boostwrite has exploited the loading of the legitimate dwrite.dll file by actually loading the gdi library which then loads the gdiplus library and ultimately loads the local dwrite dll. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,crutch can persist via dll search order hijacking on google chrome mozilla firefox or microsoft onedrive. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,downdelph uses search order hijacking of the windows executable sysprep.exe to escalate privileges. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,empire contains modules that can discover and exploit various dll hijacking opportunities. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,evil nun has used the malware variant terra tv to load a malicious dll placed in the teamviewer directory instead of the original windows dll located in a system folder. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,a finfisher variant uses dll search order hijacking. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,hikit has used dll search order hijacking to load oci.dll as a persistence mechanism. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,httpbrowser abuses the windows dll load order by using a legitimate symantec antivirus binary vpdn_lu.exe to load a malicious dll that mimics a legitimate symantec dll navlu.dll. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,invisimole can be launched by using dll search order hijacking in which the wrapper dll is placed in the same folder as explorer.exe and loaded during startup into the windows explorer process instead of the legitimate library. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,melcoz can use dll hijacking to bypass security controls. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,menupass has used dll search order hijacking. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,miragefox is likely loaded via dll hijacking into a legitimate mcafee binary. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,powersploit contains a collection of privesc-powerup modules that can discover and exploit dll hijacking opportunities in services and processes. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,prikormka uses dll search order hijacking for persistence by saving itself as ntshrui.dll to the windows directory so it will load before the legitimate ntshrui.dll saved in the system32 subdirectory. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,ramsay can hijack outdated windows application dependencies with malicious versions of its own dll payload. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,redleaves is launched through use of dll search order hijacking to load a malicious dll. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,rtm has used search order hijacking to force teamviewer to load a malicious dll. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,threat group-3390 has performed dll search order hijacking to execute their payload. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,variants of webc2 achieve persistence by using dll search order hijacking usually by copying the dll file to systemroot c:windows ntshrui.dll. t1574.001,hijack execution flow,dllTechniquesearchTechniqueorderTechniquehijacking,whitefly has used search order hijacking to run the loader acrobat. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,apt19 launched an http malware variant and a port 22 malware variant using a legitimate executable that loaded the malicious dll. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,apt3 has been known to side load dlls with a valid version of chrome with one of their tools. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,apt32 ran legitimately-signed executables from symantec and mcafee which load a malicious dll. the group also side-loads its backdoor by dropping a library and a legitimate signed executable acro transcoder. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,apt41 used legitimate executables to perform dll side-loading of their malware. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,badnews typically loads its dll file into a legitimate signed java or vmware executable. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,dll side-loading has been used to execute bbsrat through a legitimate citrix executable ssonsvr.exe. the citrix executable was dropped along with bbsrat by the dropper. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,blacktech has used dll side loading by giving dlls hardcoded names and placing them in searched directories. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,bronze butler has used legitimate applications to side-load malicious dlls. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,chimera has used side loading to place malicious dlls in memory. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,denis exploits a security vulnerability to load a fake dll and execute its code. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,egregor has used dll side-loading to execute its payload. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,finfisher uses dll side-loading to load malicious programs. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,gallium used dll side-loading to covertly load poison ivy into memory on the victim machine. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,a gh0st rat variant has used dll side-loading. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,goopy has the ability to side-load malicious dlls with legitimate applications from kaspersky microsoft and google. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,higaisas javascript file used a legitimate microsoft office 2007 package to side-load the oinfo12.ocx dynamic link library. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,httpbrowser has used dll side-loading. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,hyperbro has used a legitimate application to sideload a dll to decrypt decompress and run a payload. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,javali can use dll side-loading to load malicious dlls into legitimate executables. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,lookback side loads its communications module as a dll into the libcurl.dll loader. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,menupass has used dll side-loading to launch versions of mimikatz and pwdump6 as well as uppercut. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,metamorfo has side-loaded its malicious dll file. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,mustang panda has used a legitimately signed executable to execute a malicious payload within a dll file. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,naikon has used dll side-loading to load malicious dlls into legitimate executables. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,owaauth has been loaded onto exchange servers and disguised as an isapi filter dll file. the iis w3wp.exe process then loads the malicious dll. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,a patchwork .dll that contains badnews is loaded and executed using dll side-loading. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,plugx has used dll side-loading to evade anti-virus. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,sakula uses dll side-loading typically using a digitally signed sample of kaspersky anti-virus av 6.0 for windows workstations or mcafee outlook scan about box to load malicious dll files. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,sidewinder has used dll side-loading to drop and execute malicious payloads including the hijacking of the legitimate windows application file rekeywiz.exe. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,during the t9000 installation process it drops a copy of the legitimate microsoft binary igfxtray.exe. the executable contains a side-loading weakness which is used to load a portion of the malware. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,threat group-3390 has used dll side-loading including by using legitimate kaspersky antivirus variants in which the dll acts as a stub loader that loads and executes the shell code. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,tropic trooper has been known to side-load dlls using a valid version of a windows address book and windows defender executable with one of their tools. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,waterbear has used dll side loading to import and load a malicious dll loader. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,wingbird side loads a malicious file sspisrv.dll in part of a spoofed lssas.exe service. t1574.002,hijack execution flow,dllTechniqueside,zerot has used dll side-loading to load malicious payloads. t1574.004,hijack execution flow,dylibTechniquehijacking,empire has a dylib hijacker module that generates a malicious dylib given the path to a legitimate dylib of a vulnerable application. t1574.004,hijack execution flow,dylibTechniquehijacking,abusing dynamic loaderlinker dyld logic allowed attackers to perform dylib hijacking. t1574.004,hijack execution flow,dylibTechniquehijacking,attackers ran dylib hijack scanner tool and attacked identified vulnerable apps. t1574.004,hijack execution flow,dylibTechniquehijacking,developers should replace weak linking with version check to mitigate dylib hijacking attacks from these threat actors. t1574.004,hijack execution flow,dylibTechniquehijacking,"after the initial access to the apple device, attackers were escalating their privileges by placing malicious dylib files with expected names to hijack the normal execution flow." t1574.006,hijack execution flow,dynamicTechniquelinkerTechniquehijacking,apt41 has configured payloads to load via ld_preload. t1574.006,hijack execution flow,dynamicTechniquelinkerTechniquehijacking,ebury has injected its dynamic library into descendent processes of sshd via ld_preload. t1574.006,hijack execution flow,dynamicTechniquelinkerTechniquehijacking,hiddenwasp adds itself as a shared object to the ld_preload environment variable. t1574.006,hijack execution flow,dynamicTechniquelinkerTechniquehijacking,hildegard has modified etc to intercept shared library import functions. t1574.006,hijack execution flow,dynamicTechniquelinkerTechniquehijacking,rocket has modified etc to hook libc functions in order to hide the installed dropper and mining software in process lists. t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,, tag or header if supported by the cloud provider to help distinguish valid expected actions from malicious ones t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,a modification to the compute service infrastructure can include the creation deletion or modification of one or more components such as compute instances virtual machines and snapshots t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,an adversary may attempt to modify a cloud accounts compute service infrastructure to evade defenses t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,establish centralized logging for the activity of cloud compute infrastructure components t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,g t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,instance instance stop instance instance start instance instance creation instance instance modification instance instance deletion snapshot snapshot creation snapshot snapshot modification snapshot snapshot deletion volume volume creation volume volume modification volume volume deletion t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,monitor for suspicious sequences of events such as the creation of multiple snapshots within a short period of time or the mount of a snapshot to a new instance by a new or unexpected user t1578,modify cloud compute infrastructure,,to reduce false positives valid change management procedures could introduce a known identifier that is logged with the change e t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,, tag or header if supported by the cloud provider to help distinguish valid expected actions from malicious ones t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,an adversary may attempt to discover resources that are available within an infrastructure as a service iaas environment t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,establish centralized logging for the activity of cloud infrastructure components t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,g t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,instance instance metadata instance instance enumeration snapshot snapshot metadata snapshot snapshot enumeration cloud storage cloud storage metadata cloud storage cloud storage enumeration volume volume metadata volume volume enumeration t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,monitor logs for actions that could be taken to gather information about cloud infrastructure including the use of discovery api calls by new or unexpected users t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,this includes compute service resources such as instances virtual machines and snapshots as well as resources of other services including the storage and database services t1580,cloud infrastructure discovery,,to reduce false positives valid change management procedures could introduce a known identifier that is logged with the change e t1583,acquire infrastructure,,a wide variety of infrastructure exists for hosting and orchestrating adversary operations t1583,acquire infrastructure,,adversaries may buy lease or rent infrastructure that can be used during targeting t1583,acquire infrastructure,,citation threatconnect infrastructure dec 2020citation mandiant scandalous jul 2020citation koczwara beacon hunting sep 2021 detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during command and control t1583,acquire infrastructure,,consider looking for identifiable patterns such as services listening certificates in use ssltls negotiation features or other response artifacts associated with adversary c2 software t1583,acquire infrastructure,,consider use of services that may aid in tracking of newly acquired infrastructure such as whois databases for domain registration information t1583,acquire infrastructure,,internet scan response metadata internet scan response content domain name active dns domain name passive dns domain name domain registration t1583,acquire infrastructure,,once adversaries have provisioned infrastructure ex a server for use in command and control internet scans may help proactively discover adversary acquired infrastructure t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,apt1 has registered hundreds of domains for use in operations. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,apt28 registered domains imitating nato osce security websites caucasus information resources and other organizations. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,apt29 has acquired c2 domains through resellers. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,apt32 has set up and operated websites to gather information and deliver malware. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,kimsuky has registered domains to spoof targeted organizations and trusted third parties. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,lazarus group has acquired infrastructure related to their campaigns to act as distribution points and c2 channels. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,menupass has registered malicious domains for use in intrusion campaigns. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,mustang panda have acquired c2 domains prior to operations. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,sandworm team has registered domain names and created urls that are often designed to mimic or spoof legitimate websites such as email login pages online file sharing and storage websites and password reset pages. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,silent librarian has acquired domains to establish credential harvesting pages often spoofing the target organization and using free top level domains .tk .ml .ga .cf and .gq. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,unc 2452 has acquired c2 domains through resellers. t1583.001,acquire infrastructure,domains,zirconium has purchased domains for use in targeted campaigns. t1583.002,acquire infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,attackers may opt to configure and run their own dns servers in support of operations. t1583.002,acquire infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,"adversaries may utilize dns traffic for various tasks, including for command and control." t1583.002,acquire infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,apt31 will utilize their own dns server for use when conducting malicious activities. t1583.002,acquire infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,"moses staff will acquire their own infrastructure, usually domains and dns." t1583.002,acquire infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,tigerrat variants can be modified to utilize a threat actor's own dns infrastructure. t1583.003,acquire infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,hafnium has operated from leased virtual private servers vps in the united states. t1583.003,acquire infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,temp.veles has used virtual private server vps infrastructure. t1583.003,acquire infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,adversaries may rent virtual private servers vpss that can be used during targeting. t1583.003,acquire infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,attackers can make it difficult to physically tie back operations to them using a vps. t1583.003,acquire infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,adversaries may also acquire infrastructure from vps service providers that are known for renting vpss with minimal registration information. t1583.004,acquire infrastructure,server,gallium has used taiwan-based servers that appear to be exclusive to gallium. t1583.004,acquire infrastructure,server,sandworm team has leased servers from resellers instead of leasing infrastructure directly from hosting companies to enable its operations. t1583.004,acquire infrastructure,server,"adversaries may buy, lease, or rent physical servers that can be used during targeting." t1583.004,acquire infrastructure,server,famoussparrow rented servers at shanghai ruisu network technology and daou technology. t1583.004,acquire infrastructure,server,sparklinggoblin uses servers hosted by various providers for its c&c servers. t1583.005,acquire infrastructure,botnet,adversaries may compromise numerous third-party systems to form a botnet that can be used during targeting. t1583.005,acquire infrastructure,botnet,"attackers may conduct a takeover of an existing botnet, such as redirecting bots to adversary-controlled c2 servers." t1583.005,acquire infrastructure,botnet,freakout attacked pos systems in order to use them as a botnet infrastructure. t1583.005,acquire infrastructure,botnet,mirai malware created a botnet used by multiple threat actor groups. t1583.005,acquire infrastructure,botnet,meris attacked yandex with ddos using botnets. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,apt17 has created profile pages in microsoft technet that were used as c2 infrastructure. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,apt29 has registered algorithmically generated twitter handles that are used for c2 by malware such as hammertoss. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,apt32 has set up dropbox amazon s3 and google drive to host malicious downloads. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,hafnium has acquired web services for use in c2 and exfiltration. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,lazarus group has hosted malicious downloads on github. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,muddy water has used file sharing services including onehub to distribute tools. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,turla has created web accounts including dropbox and github for c2 and document exfiltration. t1583.006,acquire infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,zirconium has used github to host malware linked in spearphishing e-mails. t1584,compromise infrastructure,,adversaries may compromise third party infrastructure that can be used during targeting t1584,compromise infrastructure,,citation threatconnect infrastructure dec 2020citation mandiant scandalous jul 2020citation koczwara beacon hunting sep 2021 detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during command and control t1584,compromise infrastructure,,consider looking for identifiable patterns such as services listening certificates in use ssltls negotiation features or other response artifacts associated with adversary c2 software t1584,compromise infrastructure,,consider monitoring for anomalous changes to domain registrant information andor domain resolution information that may indicate the compromise of a domain t1584,compromise infrastructure,,efforts may need to be tailored to specific domains of interest as benign registration and resolution changes are a common occurrence on the internet t1584,compromise infrastructure,,infrastructure solutions include physical or cloud servers domains and third party web services t1584,compromise infrastructure,,internet scan response metadata internet scan response content domain name active dns domain name passive dns domain name domain registration t1584,compromise infrastructure,,once adversaries have provisioned compromised infrastructure ex a server for use in command and control internet scans may help proactively discover compromised infrastructure t1584.001,compromise infrastructure,domains,apt1 hijacked fqdns associated with legitimate websites hosted by hop points. t1584.001,compromise infrastructure,domains,apt29 has compromised domains to use for c2. t1584.001,compromise infrastructure,domains,unc 2452 has compromised domains to use for c2. t1584.001,compromise infrastructure,domains,magic hound has used compromised domains to host links targeted to specific phishing victims. t1584.001,compromise infrastructure,domains,transparent tribe has compromised domains for use in targeted malicious campaigns. t1584.002,compromise infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,"adversaries may utilize dns traffic for various tasks, including for command and control." t1584.002,compromise infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,adversaries may compromise third-party dns servers that can be used during targeting. t1584.002,compromise infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,threat actors can alter dns records. t1584.002,compromise infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,"dns control can allow for redirection of an organization's traffic, facilitating collection and credential access efforts for the adversary." t1584.002,compromise infrastructure,dnsTechniqueserver,adversaries may also be able to silently create subdomains pointed at malicious servers without tipping off the actual owner of the dns server. t1584.003,compromise infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,turla has used the vps infrastructure of compromised iranian threat actors. t1584.003,compromise infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,"by compromising a vps to use as infrastructure, adversaries can make it difficult to physically tie back operations to themselves." t1584.003,compromise infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,nobellium compromised a microsoft azure ad account within a cloud service providers csp tenant. t1584.003,compromise infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,unc 2452 provisioned a system within microsoft azure that was within close proximity to a legitimate azure-hosted system belonging to the csp that they used to access their customers environment. t1584.003,compromise infrastructure,virtualTechniqueprivateTechniqueserver,a threat actor performed initial reconnaissance via a vps provider located in the same region as the victim. t1584.004,compromise infrastructure,server,apt16 has compromised otherwise legitimate sites as staging servers for second-stage payloads. t1584.004,compromise infrastructure,server,indrik spider has served fake updates via legitimate websites that have been compromised. t1584.004,compromise infrastructure,server,turla has used compromised servers as infrastructure. t1584.004,compromise infrastructure,server,malicious emails sent to targets contain links to a compromised server that redirects to the download of janeleiro. t1584.004,compromise infrastructure,server,candiru operators compromised several high-profile websites. t1584.005,compromise infrastructure,botnet,adversaries may compromise numerous third-party systems to form a botnet that can be used during targeting. t1584.005,compromise infrastructure,botnet,"attackers may conduct a takeover of an existing botnet, such as redirecting bots to adversary-controlled c2 servers." t1584.005,compromise infrastructure,botnet,freakout attacked pos systems in order to use them as a botnet infrastructure. t1584.005,compromise infrastructure,botnet,mirai malware created a botnet used by multiple threat actor groups. t1584.005,compromise infrastructure,botnet,meris attacked yandex with ddos using botnets. t1584.006,compromise infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,turla has frequently used compromised wordpress sites for c2 infrastructure. t1584.006,compromise infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,adversaries may compromise access to third-party web services that can be used during targeting. t1584.006,compromise infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,adversaries may try to take ownership of a legitimate user's access to a web service and use that web service as infrastructure in support of cyber operations. t1584.006,compromise infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,"using common services, such as those offered by google or twitter, makes it easier for adversaries to hide in expected noise." t1584.006,compromise infrastructure,webTechniqueservices,"notpetya, it is suspected that attackers compromised a vulnerable server used to distribute the software and replaced the legitimate code with their compromised version." t1585,establish accounts,,adversaries can create accounts that can be used to build a persona to further operations t1585,establish accounts,,adversaries may create and cultivate accounts with services that can be used during targeting t1585,establish accounts,,consider monitoring social media activity related to your organization t1585,establish accounts,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access ex phishingt1566 t1585,establish accounts,,much of this activity will take place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection of this behavior difficult t1585,establish accounts,,persona social media network traffic network traffic content t1585,establish accounts,,suspicious activity may include personas claiming to work for your organization or recently createdmodified accounts making numerous connection requests to accounts affiliated with your organization t1585.001,establish accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,apt32 has set up facebook pages in tandem with fake websites. t1585.001,establish accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,cleaver has created fake linkedin profiles that included profile photos details and connections. t1585.001,establish accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,fox kitten has used a twitter account to communicate with ransomware victims. t1585.001,establish accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,sandworm team has established social media accounts to disseminate victim internal-only documents and other sensitive data. t1585.001,establish accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,leviathan has created new social media accounts for targeting efforts. t1585.002,establish accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,apt1 has created email accounts for later use in social engineering phishing and when registering domains. t1585.002,establish accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,magic hound has established email accounts using fake personas for spear-phishing operations. t1585.002,establish accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,sandworm team has created email accounts that mimic legitimate organizations for its spearphishing operations. t1585.002,establish accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,silent librarian has established e-mail accounts to receive e-mails forwarded from compromised accounts. t1585.002,establish accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,leviathan has created new email accounts for targeting efforts. t1586,compromise accounts,,adversaries may compromise accounts with services that can be used during targeting t1586,compromise accounts,,consider monitoring social media activity related to your organization t1586,compromise accounts,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access ex phishing t1586,compromise accounts,,for operations incorporating social engineering the utilization of an online persona may be important t1586,compromise accounts,,much of this activity will take place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection of this behavior difficult t1586,compromise accounts,,persona social media network traffic network traffic content t1586,compromise accounts,,suspicious activity may include personas claiming to work for your organization or recently modified accounts making numerous connection requests to accounts affiliated with your organization t1586.001,compromise accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,leviathan has compromised social media accounts to conduct social engineering attacks. t1586.001,compromise accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,adversaries may compromise social media accounts that can be used during targeting. t1586.001,compromise accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,"utilizing an existing persona may engender a level of trust in a potential victim if they have a relationship, or knowledge of, the compromised persona." t1586.001,compromise accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,"attackers can gather credentials via phishing for information, purchasing credentials from third-party sites, or by brute forcing credentials." t1586.001,compromise accounts,socialTechniquemediaTechniqueaccounts,attacker personas may exist on a single site or across multiple sites. t1586.002,compromise accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,kimsuky has compromised web portal email accounts to send spearphishing e-mails. t1586.002,compromise accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,magic hound has compromised personal email accounts through the use of legitimate credentials and gathered additional victim information. t1586.002,compromise accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,indigozebra has compromised legitimate email accounts to use in their spearphishing operations. t1586.002,compromise accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,leviathan has compromised email accounts to conduct social engineering attacks. t1586.002,compromise accounts,emailTechniqueaccounts,emotet compromised email systems to spread the trojan. t1587,develop capabilities,,adversaries may build capabilities that can be used during targeting t1587,develop capabilities,,citation splunk kovar certificates 2017 much of this activity will take place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection of this behavior difficult t1587,develop capabilities,,consider analyzing malware for features that may be associated with the adversary andor their developers such as compiler used debugging artifacts or code similarities t1587,develop capabilities,,consider use of services that may aid in the tracking of certificates in use on sites across the internet t1587,develop capabilities,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during defense evasion or command and control t1587,develop capabilities,,in some cases it may be possible to pivot on known pieces of certificate information to uncover other adversary infrastructure t1587,develop capabilities,,malware repositories can also be used to identify additional samples associated with the adversary and identify development patterns over time t1587,develop capabilities,,malware repository malware metadata malware repository malware content internet scan response content t1587,develop capabilities,,rather than purchasing freely downloading or stealing capabilities adversaries may develop their own capabilities in house t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,apt29 developed sunspot sunburst teardrop and raindrop sunspot and sunburst were tailored to be incorporated into solarwind's orion software library. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,cleaver has created customized tools and payloads for functions including arp poisoning encryption credential dumping shells web backdoors process enumeration wmi querying http and smb communications network interface sniffing and keystroke logging. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,fin7 has developed malware for use in operations including the creation of infected removable media. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,lazarus group has developed several custom malware for use in operations. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,night dragon used privately developed and customized remote access tools. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,sandworm team has developed malware for its operations including malicious mobile applications and destructive malware such as notpetya and olympic destroyer. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,turla has developed its own unique malware for use in operations. t1587.001,develop capabilities,malware,unc 2452 developed sunspot sunburst teardrop and raindrop sunspot and sunburst were tailored to be incorporated into solarwind's orion software library. t1587.002,develop capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,patchwork has created self-signed certificates from fictitious and spoofed legitimate software companies that were later used to sign malware. t1587.002,develop capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,promethium has created self-signed certificates to sign malicious installers. t1587.002,develop capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,adversaries may create self-signed code signing certificates that can be used during targeting. t1587.002,develop capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,"users are more likely to run signed code certificates, which can be attached to malware." t1587.002,develop capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,malware actors can spoof legitimate certificates. t1587.003,develop capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,apt29 has created self-signed digital certificates to enable mutual tls authentication for malware. t1587.003,develop capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,promethium has created self-signed digital certificates for use in https c2 traffic. t1587.003,develop capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,"adversaries may create self-signed ssltls certificates that can be used to further their operations, such as encrypting c2 traffic." t1587.003,develop capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,unc2190 created self-signed certificates to spread sabbath ransomware. t1587.003,develop capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,fin13 used ssl certificates for c2 communication via email. t1587.004,develop capabilities,exploits,phosphorous has been deploying ransomware using a log4j exploit. t1587.004,develop capabilities,exploits,wizard spider developed an exploit targeting cve-2021-40444. t1587.004,develop capabilities,exploits,adversaries may develop exploits that can be used during targeting. t1587.004,develop capabilities,exploits,dev-0322 created exploits for zoho manageengine adselfservice plus software. t1587.004,develop capabilities,exploits,"tg1021 uses a custom-made malware framework, built around a common core, tailor-made for iis servers." t1588,obtain capabilities,,adversaries may buy andor steal capabilities that can be used during targeting t1588,obtain capabilities,,citation analyzing cs dec 2020 consider use of services that may aid in the tracking of newly issued certificates andor certificates in use on sites across the internet t1588,obtain capabilities,,citation fireeye supply chain malware repositories can also be used to identify features of tool use associated with an adversary such as watermarks in cobalt strikes0154 payloads t1588,obtain capabilities,,citation recorded future beacon certificates much of this activity will take place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection of this behavior difficult t1588,obtain capabilities,,citation splunk kovar certificates 2017 some server side components of adversary tools may have default values set for ssltls certificates t1588,obtain capabilities,,consider analyzing malware for features that may be associated with malware providers such as compiler used debugging artifacts code similarities or even group identifiers associated with specific malware as a service maas offerings t1588,obtain capabilities,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during defense evasion or command and control t1588,obtain capabilities,,identifying overlaps in malware use by different adversaries may indicate malware was obtained by the adversary rather than developed by them t1588,obtain capabilities,,in some cases identifying overlapping characteristics in malware used by different adversaries may point to a shared quartermaster t1588,obtain capabilities,,in some cases it may be possible to pivot on known pieces of certificate information to uncover other adversary infrastructure t1588,obtain capabilities,,malware repositories can also be used to identify additional samples associated with the developers and the adversary utilizing their services t1588,obtain capabilities,,malware repository malware metadata malware repository malware content certificate certificate registration internet scan response content t1588,obtain capabilities,,rather than developing their own capabilities in house adversaries may purchase freely download or steal them t1588.001,obtain capabilities,malware,apt1 used publicly available malware for privilege escalation. t1588.001,obtain capabilities,malware,turla has used malware obtained after compromising other threat actors such as oilrig. t1588.001,obtain capabilities,malware,ransomware-as-a-service raas model allowed even unskilled hackers to obtain this malware and use it for a relatively small affiliate fee. t1588.001,obtain capabilities,malware,new iot botnet actors obtained leaked mirai botnet code and slightly modified it. t1588.001,obtain capabilities,malware,citadel trojan developers vartanyan and belorossov initially obtained zeus trojan code that they planned to use as a base for their own trojan. t1588.002,obtain capabilities,tool,gallium has used a variety of widely-available tools which in some cases they modified to add functionality andor subvert antimalware solutions. t1588.002,obtain capabilities,tool,muddy water has made use of legitimate tools connectwise and remote utilities for access to target environments. t1588.002,obtain capabilities,tool,sandworm team has acquired open-source tools for some of it's operations for example it acquired invoke-psimage to establish an encrypted channel from a compromised host to sandworm team's c2 server as part of its preparation for the 2018 winter olympics attack. t1588.002,obtain capabilities,tool,silent librarian has obtained free and publicly available tools including singlefile and httrack to copy login pages of targeted organizations. t1588.002,obtain capabilities,tool,cozy bear stole cobalt strike beacon code and modified the tool to their liking. t1588.003,obtain capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,megacortex has used code signing certificates issued to fake companies to bypass security controls. t1588.003,obtain capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,wizard spider obtained a code signing certificate signed by digicert for some of its malware. t1588.003,obtain capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,adversaries may buy code signing certificates to use during targeting. t1588.003,obtain capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,certificates for fake companies provide legitimacy to run arbitrary code on targeted systems. t1588.003,obtain capabilities,codeTechniquesigningTechniquecertificates,adversaries may also steal code signing materials directly from a compromised third-party. t1588.004,obtain capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,lazarus group has obtained ssl certificates for their c2 domains. t1588.004,obtain capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,silent librarian has obtained free let's encrypt ssl certificates for use on their phishing pages. t1588.004,obtain capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,adversaries may buy andor steal ssltls certificates that can be used during targeting. t1588.004,obtain capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,"certificate authorities exist that allow adversaries to acquire ssltls certificates, such as domain validation certificates, for free." t1588.004,obtain capabilities,digitalTechniquecertificates,adversaries may register or hijack domains that they will later purchase an ssltls certificate for.. t1588.005,obtain capabilities,exploits,darkhotel apt group is known for stealing exploits from hacking team and use them for attacks on corporate executives staying in luxury hotels. t1588.005,obtain capabilities,exploits,uzbek intelligence officers bought exploits from german subsidiary of the gamma group that specializes in surveillance. t1588.005,obtain capabilities,exploits,the attackers leveraged rig exploit kit that they purchased on a criminal marketplace. t1588.005,obtain capabilities,exploits,uae purchased nso groups iphone zero-day exploits. t1588.005,obtain capabilities,exploits,these hacktivists were relying on exploits that they found online on various cybersecurity and hacker forums. t1588.006,obtain capabilities,vulnerabilities,in 2017 sandworm team conducted technical research related to vulnerabilities associated with websites used by the korean sport and olympic committee a korean power company and a korean airport. t1588.006,obtain capabilities,vulnerabilities,"multiple threat actors obtained log4 shell vulnerability simply by studying the public vulnerability disclosures from apache, watching poc presentations, and analyzing reports of the zero-day exploitation." t1588.006,obtain capabilities,vulnerabilities,"israeli spyware companies were purchasing vulnerabilities from undisclosed researchers, often using specialized vulnerability brokers." t1588.006,obtain capabilities,vulnerabilities,"soon after the patch was released, the attackers were able to reverse-engineer the changes, understand the fix, and weaponize the vulnerability that patch was addressing." t1588.006,obtain capabilities,vulnerabilities,the botnet handlers were monitoring new vulnerability disclosures to add new vulnerabilities to their list. t1589.001,gather victim identity information,credentials,apt28 has harvested user's login credentials. t1589.001,gather victim identity information,credentials,chimera has collected credentials for the target organization from previous breaches for use in brute force attacks. t1589.001,gather victim identity information,credentials,magic hound gathered credentials from two victims that they then attempted to validate across 75 different websites. t1589.001,gather victim identity information,credentials,"strontium is launching campaigns to harvest peoples log-in credentials or compromise their accounts, presumably to aid in intelligence gathering or disruption operations." t1589.001,gather victim identity information,credentials,attackers appear to have purchased credential information from an underground forum for use in this attack. t1589.002,gather victim identity information,emailTechniqueaddresses,apt32 has collected e-mail addresses for activists and bloggers in order to target them with spyware. t1589.002,gather victim identity information,emailTechniqueaddresses,hafnium has collected email addresses for users they intended to target. t1589.002,gather victim identity information,emailTechniqueaddresses,muddy water has specifically targeted government agency employees with spear phishing emails. t1589.002,gather victim identity information,emailTechniqueaddresses,sandworm team has obtained valid emails addresses while conducting research against target organizations that were subsequently used in spear phishing campaigns. t1589.002,gather victim identity information,emailTechniqueaddresses,silent librarian has collected email addresses from targeted organizations from open internet searches. t1589.002,gather victim identity information,emailTechniqueaddresses,ta551 has used spoofed company emails that were acquired from email clients on previously infected hosts to target other individuals. t1589.003,gather victim identity information,employeeTechniquenames,sandworm team's research of potential victim organizations included the identification and collection of employee information. t1589.003,gather victim identity information,employeeTechniquenames,silent librarian has collected lists of names for individuals from targeted organizations. t1589.003,gather victim identity information,employeeTechniquenames,collecting victim organizations employee list allowed the attacker to generate actual email addresses due to conservative alias naming convention. t1589.003,gather victim identity information,employeeTechniquenames,social media such as linkedin and facebook allow threat actors to identify employee names for the organizations they plan to target. t1589.003,gather victim identity information,employeeTechniquenames,this threat group collects employee names from the organizations website and use them for impersonation in spear phishing attacks. t1590.001,gather victim network information,domainTechniqueproperties,sandworm team conducted technical reconnaissance of the parliament of georgia's official internet domain prior to its 2019 attack. t1590.001,gather victim network information,domainTechniqueproperties,there is an active campaign targeting domain owners via email addresses that were derived by actors in the domain registration data. t1590.001,gather victim network information,domainTechniqueproperties,attackers were able to leverage domain registration data to find additional domains belonging to the same victim organization. t1590.001,gather victim network information,domainTechniqueproperties,domain administrator was targeted with a tailored spear phishing after the attackers determined the domain registrar and impersonated it. t1590.001,gather victim network information,domainTechniqueproperties,many victims avoided using domain registration anonymization services and their domain properties were leveraged by the hackers. t1590.001,gather victim network information,domainTechniqueproperties,this ddos service offered tdos and email bombing to target domain administrator contacts if those were available from the gathered domain properties. t1590.002,gather victim network information,dns,"during the reconnaissance phase, this group paid special attention to collect and analyze dns information." t1590.002,gather victim network information,dns,gathering dns information allowed the attackers to identify victims subdomains that were supposed to remain private. t1590.002,gather victim network information,dns,targeting of mail servers were starting by gathering mail server records from the victims dns. t1590.002,gather victim network information,dns,some of the information on targets were gathered free of charge such as from dns records. t1590.002,gather victim network information,dns,passive dns information helped the attackers to map the victims hosts and plan the intrusion. t1590.003,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetrustTechniquedependencies,attackers are looking for it service providers that have privileged access to their clients networks. t1590.003,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetrustTechniquedependencies,nation-state sponsored hackers are targeting it service providers and discovering network trust relationships with their client organizations from government and military sectors. t1590.003,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetrustTechniquedependencies,the threat actors were looking for msps and mssps managing it and security within the target organization. t1590.003,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetrustTechniquedependencies,"in all of the cases, attackers enumerated network trust relationships, hijacked the managed service providers internal management tools to distribute sodinokibi ransomware to their customers." t1590.003,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetrustTechniquedependencies,"a hacker can make one strategic breach into an msp, discover network access to their clients, and gain access to multiple customers information across multiple industries." t1590.004,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetopology,the group utilizes active scanning to collect information on the victim network. t1590.004,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetopology,after the initial foothold the actors were scanning to map the local network devices and plan the lateral movement. t1590.004,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetopology,"during the exfiltration stage, attackers were identifying documents related to local accounts, network security and topology." t1590.004,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetopology,"requirement to publish procurement documents made it possible for the attackers to access specifics regarding network devices used by the organization gateways, routers, etc." t1590.004,gather victim network information,networkTechniquetopology,"all the graphs, mind maps, presentations including the physical and or logical arrangement of both external-facing and internal network environments should be treated as sensitive information." t1590.005,gather victim network information,ipTechniqueaddresses,hafnium has obtained ip addresses for publicly-accessible exchange servers. t1590.005,gather victim network information,ipTechniqueaddresses,andariel has limited its watering hole attacks to specific ip address ranges. t1590.005,gather victim network information,ipTechniqueaddresses,initially the attackers research the victims ip ranges and scan them for open ports and opportunities for the initial access. t1590.005,gather victim network information,ipTechniqueaddresses,anonymous opisrael campaign published a pastebin post listing ip addresses of organizations that hacktivists plan to target. t1590.005,gather victim network information,ipTechniqueaddresses,actor obtains list of the victim ip blocks and proceeds to run a shodan or zoomeye scan of the ranges. t1590.005,gather victim network information,ipTechniqueaddresses,keyword search on hurricane electric allows attackers to find ip addresses of a certain company they want to target. t1590.006,gather victim network information,networkTechniquesecurityTechniqueappliances,this firewall company had a few large customers listed on their website thus providing the attackers with convenient targets. t1590.006,gather victim network information,networkTechniquesecurityTechniqueappliances,"requirement to publish procurement documents made it possible for the attackers to access specifics regarding network security appliances used by the organization firewalls, content filters, nids, etc." t1590.006,gather victim network information,networkTechniquesecurityTechniqueappliances,"following the intrusion, actors were scanning to identify firewalls and other deployed security appliances." t1590.006,gather victim network information,networkTechniquesecurityTechniqueappliances,this group phishes for information trying to identify deployed security appliances and leverage it for initial access. t1590.006,gather victim network information,networkTechniquesecurityTechniqueappliances,this apt group was identifying the use of proxies and company vpn and then utilizing these security appliances for stealthy lateral movement. t1591,gather victim org information,,adversaries may gather information about the victims organization that can be used during targeting t1591,gather victim org information,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access t1591,gather victim org information,,information about an organization may include a variety of details including the names of divisionsdepartments specifics of business operations as well as the roles and responsibilities of key employees t1591,gather victim org information,,much of this activity may have a very high occurrence and associated false positive rate as well as potentially taking place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection difficult for defenders t1591.001,gather victim org information,determineTechniquephysicalTechniquelocations,"the majority of the actors behind the ransomware are likely based outside of the cis, for example, ransomware fonix wont run if ip geolocation is iranian." t1591.001,gather victim org information,determineTechniquephysicalTechniquelocations,"darkside, like a great many other malware strains, has a hard-coded do-not-install list of countries which are the principal members of the commonwealth of independent states cis ” former soviet satellites that mostly have favorable relations with the kremlin." t1591.001,gather victim org information,determineTechniquephysicalTechniquelocations,"revil was previously known as gandcrab, and one of the many things gandcrab had in common with revil was that both programs barred affiliates from infecting victims in syria." t1591.001,gather victim org information,determineTechniquephysicalTechniquelocations,"as we can see from the chart above, syria is also exempted from infections by darkside ransomware." t1591.001,gather victim org information,determineTechniquephysicalTechniquelocations,"however, upon closer inspection, it turns out this is actually a clever language check to ensure that the payload will not be downloaded outside of france." t1591.002,gather victim org information,businessTechniquerelationships,in preparation for its attack against the 2018 winter olympics sandworm team conducted online research of partner organizations listed on an official pyeongchang olympics partnership site. t1591.002,gather victim org information,businessTechniquerelationships,"generally, supply chain attacks on information systems begin with an advanced persistent threat apt that determines a member of the supply network with the weakest cyber security in order to affect the target organization." t1591.002,gather victim org information,businessTechniquerelationships,"it also found that hackers can steal sensitive data, including information about partners." t1591.002,gather victim org information,businessTechniquerelationships,the attackers were after facebooks information about partners. t1591.002,gather victim org information,businessTechniquerelationships,clues about business partners can provide a hacker with other potential avenues of attack. t1591.002,gather victim org information,businessTechniquerelationships,attackers identified and impersonated the companys foreign supplier in a bogus invoice scheme attack. t1591.003,gather victim org information,identifyTechniquebusinessTechniquetempo,threat actors identified that long holiday weekend in the us will be the best time to launch a cyber attack against this company. t1591.003,gather victim org information,identifyTechniquebusinessTechniquetempo,"the federal advisory makes note of recent holiday targeting, stating that cyber actors have conducted increasingly impactful attacks against u.s. entities on or around holiday weekends. neither fbi nor cisa has information about a cyberattack coinciding with upcoming holidays and weekends, per the advisory, but the document says cyber criminals may see holidays and weekends as as attractive timeframes to target potential victims." t1591.003,gather victim org information,identifyTechniquebusinessTechniquetempo,"whether you celebrate christmas, hanukkah, or thanksgiving, your chances of being the victim of a cyber attack increase. the vacation season is yet another perfect period for cyber attacks. if a hacker had a choice between attacking your organization when your it security team is fully staffed or when it isn't- what do you think they will choose?" t1591.003,gather victim org information,identifyTechniquebusinessTechniquetempo,"many times, organizations are overburdened, and cyberattacks during the holidays are the last thing on their minds. the current pandemic heightened the threat, which has resulted in many firms operating with significant cyber security flaws resulting from the rapid shift to working from home. cybercriminals exploit these flaws to get access to systems “ and vulnerabilities increase with less network supervision during the holidays." t1591.003,gather victim org information,identifyTechniquebusinessTechniquetempo,"once they had infected the computers of the personnel in charge of cash transfer systems or atms, the attackers collected snapshots of victims screens and studied their daily activities in the bank." t1591.004,gather victim org information,identifyTechniqueroles,"restoreprivacy, an information site about privacy, examined the proof the seller put out and found the following information, scraped from linkedin user profiles: email addresses, full names, phone numbers, physical addresses, linkedin username and profile url, personal and professional experience background." t1591.004,gather victim org information,identifyTechniqueroles,"targets are identified, groomed, and then deceived by quite sophisticated email techniques into wiring funds to 'burner' bank accounts, and thinking that the email request comes from the ceo, the victim willingly sends the money." t1591.004,gather victim org information,identifyTechniqueroles,"this threat group instructs its affiliates to parse companies websites and social media to identify leadership, hr, and accounting staff for following targeted spear phishing attacks." t1591.004,gather victim org information,identifyTechniqueroles,"some spam lists are selected to target a specific business role, for example identified sales representatives." t1591.004,gather victim org information,identifyTechniqueroles,"through reading the extracted emails, threat actors identified that fund transfers were originating in the accounting department by person a and approved by manager b." t1592,gather victim host information,,adversaries may gather information about the victims hosts that can be used during targeting t1592,gather victim host information,,citation threatconnect infrastructure dec 2020citation att scanbox much of this activity may have a very high occurrence and associated false positive rate as well as potentially taking place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection difficult for defenders t1592,gather victim host information,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access t1592,gather victim host information,,information about hosts may include a variety of details including administrative data ex name assigned ip functionality etc t1592,gather victim host information,,internet scan response content t1592,gather victim host information,,internet scanners may be used to look for patterns associated with malicious content designed to collect host information from visitors t1592.001,gather victim host information,hardware,"actors targeting poor countries pay attention to learn victims hardware, as it is often so old that does not support newer more secure operating systems." t1592.001,gather victim host information,hardware,"another door in for initial access are iot devices, and hackers are trying to learn the used hardware versions, as it is often produced to never be fully updated or secured." t1592.001,gather victim host information,hardware,"this group was using job postings, resumes, and public purchase invoices to determine the hardware used by the victim organization." t1592.001,gather victim host information,hardware,"after the attacker gathered information about the hardware used in the organization, they proceeded to register typosquatting domains mimicking these hardware manufacturers." t1592.001,gather victim host information,hardware,this russian apt gathered information on the specific type of industrial controllers used by some ukrainian power transmission stations. t1592.002,gather victim host information,software,sandworm team has researched software code to enable supply-chain operations most notably for the 2017 not petya attack. sandworm team also collected a list of computers using specific software as part of its targeting efforts. t1592.002,gather victim host information,software,public procurement data such as purchase invoices for software allowed attackers to plan their exploitation for the initial access. t1592.002,gather victim host information,software,"andariel has inserted a malicious script within compromised websites to collect potential victim information such as browser type, system language, flash player version, and other data." t1592.002,gather victim host information,software,"some threat groups use supply chain compromise as an opportunistic attack on whomever is a client, others “ specifically research software suppliers for a given target." t1592.002,gather victim host information,software,gathering information from server banners allows attackers to use known vulnerabilities for certain kinds of server software. t1592.003,gather victim host information,firmware,intruders impersonated the ceo and demanded information on the age and patch level of the network appliances. t1592.003,gather victim host information,firmware,"while the problem with the firmware update level was outlined in the previous assessment report, the company failed to act on it, moreover the very assessment ended up in the hands of the threat actors." t1592.003,gather victim host information,firmware,slow implementation of the firmware patch for this vulnerability became apparent to the attackers who started directing their botnets to target it. t1592.003,gather victim host information,firmware,attackers did research on the backdoor in the standard router firmware in that country. t1592.003,gather victim host information,firmware,this botnet handers gather information on the dominating types of iot firmware with known vulnerabilities. t1592.004,gather victim host information,clientTechniqueconfigurations,hafnium has interacted with office 365 tenants to gather details regarding target's environments. t1592.004,gather victim host information,clientTechniqueconfigurations,attackers website was checking visitors host information and serving the malicious content only to those with certain language settings. t1592.004,gather victim host information,clientTechniqueconfigurations,"this group was studying organizations purchase invoices to learn what operating systems are in use, their versions and architecture." t1592.004,gather victim host information,clientTechniqueconfigurations,the scanbox framework first configures the remote c&c server that it will use and collects a small amount of information about the victim that is visiting the compromised website including: referer user-agent location cookie title to identify specific content that the victim is visiting domain charset screen width and height operating system language t1592.004,gather victim host information,clientTechniqueconfigurations,"the attackers were able to compromise the website and include code that loaded a malicious javascript file from a remote server that records visitors user-agent, location, charset, operating system, and language." t1592.004,gather victim host information,clientTechniqueconfigurations,hackers were checking client configuration virtualization status and generally were trying to avoid targeting virtual machines. t1593,search open websitesdomains,,adversaries may search freely available websites andor domains for information about victims that can be used during targeting t1593,search open websitesdomains,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access t1593,search open websitesdomains,,information about victims may be available in various online sites such as social media new sites or those hosting information about business operations such as hiring or requestedawarded contracts t1593,search open websitesdomains,,much of this activity may have a very high occurrence and associated false positive rate as well as potentially taking place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection difficult for defenders t1593.001,search open websitesdomains,socialTechniquemedia,kimsuky has used twitter to monitor potential victims and to prepare targeted phishing e-mails. t1593.001,search open websitesdomains,socialTechniquemedia,"hackers use social media observe activities by interns or new employees from targeted organizations and find relevant information using hashtags such as #newjob, #firstday, #internship, #firstdayatwork, etc." t1593.001,search open websitesdomains,socialTechniquemedia,"attackers analyzed company employees social media images to try to find information like internal office layouts, desktop applications, digital files, badge pictures, outlook calendars in the background of a quintessential coffee cup post, passwords openly written over whiteboards and desks, etc." t1593.001,search open websitesdomains,socialTechniquemedia,"a short video shared by an employee about a day in the office may provide the attackers with check-in procedures, building layout, parking structure, weak door controls, credentials, employees' dress code trappings, premise security arrangements, operating systems, antivirus choice, phone numbers, and much more." t1593.001,search open websitesdomains,socialTechniquemedia,this group was identifying employees social media accounts and researching interpersonal connection to abuse it in the following spear phishing attacks. t1593.002,search open websitesdomains,searchTechniqueengines,apt 31 used its own anonymization network to collect information on the victims website via search engine queries. t1593.002,search open websitesdomains,searchTechniqueengines,file œcobaltstrike manual_v2 .docx encourage affiliates to search for the right victims based on income found using google dorks. t1593.002,search open websitesdomains,searchTechniqueengines,the following google dork was used to detect vulnerable or hacked servers. t1593.002,search open websitesdomains,searchTechniqueengines,attackers were able to collect plaintext passwords from a specially crafted google query looking for publicly exposed .env files. t1593.002,search open websitesdomains,searchTechniqueengines,"this group used search engine queries to inspect victim organization website for logfiles, spreadsheets, and other documents potentially exposing sensitive information." t1594,search victim owned websites,,adversaries may search websites owned by the victim for information that can be used during targeting t1594,search victim owned websites,,analyzing web metadata may also reveal artifacts that can be attributed to potentially malicious activity such as referer or user agent string https fields t1594,search victim owned websites,,application log application log content t1594,search victim owned websites,,monitor for suspicious network traffic that could be indicative of adversary reconnaissance such as rapid successions of requests indicative of web crawling andor large quantities of requests originating from a single source especially if the source is known to be associated with an adversary t1594,search victim owned websites,,victim owned websites may contain a variety of details including names of departmentsdivisions physical locations and data about key employees such as names roles and contact info ex email addressest1589 t1595,active scanning,,active scans are those where the adversary probes victim infrastructure via network traffic as opposed to other forms of reconnaissance that do not involve direct interaction t1595,active scanning,,adversaries may execute active reconnaissance scans to gather information that can be used during targeting t1595,active scanning,,analyzing web metadata may also reveal artifacts that can be attributed to potentially malicious activity such as referer or user agent string https fields t1595,active scanning,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access t1595,active scanning,,monitor for suspicious network traffic that could be indicative of scanning such as large quantities originating from a single source especially if the source is known to be associated with an adversarybotnet t1595,active scanning,,much of this activity may have a very high occurrence and associated false positive rate as well as potentially taking place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection difficult for defenders t1595,active scanning,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1595.001,active scanning,scanningTechniqueipTechniqueblocks,the adversaries were scanning victim ip blocks to gather information that can be used during targeting. t1595.001,active scanning,scanningTechniqueipTechniqueblocks,"after finding victims asns, attackers continued by scanning these net ranges to detect active ip addresses and open ports." t1595.001,active scanning,scanningTechniqueipTechniqueblocks,"one member of anonymous was sharing victims ip addresses, another “ was scanning them to reveal host software versions." t1595.001,active scanning,scanningTechniqueipTechniqueblocks,this attacker was scanning companys ip space for any artifact he could find. t1595.001,active scanning,scanningTechniqueipTechniqueblocks,"first, the attacker was using simple pings icmp requests and responses to detect which targets ip addresses are actively in use." t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,apt28 has performed large-scale scans in an attempt to find vulnerable servers. t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,sandworm team has scanned network infrastructure for vulnerabilities as part of its operational planning. t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,volatile cedar has performed vulnerability scans of the target server. t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,"first, this threat group would engage in vulnerability reconnaissance via application-specific vulnerability discovery and identifying vulnerable content management systems cms and cms components." t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,adversaries scan victims for vulnerabilities that can be used during targeting. t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,"these scans may also include more broad attempts to gather victim host information that can be used to identify more commonly known, exploitable vulnerabilities." t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,"vulnerability scans typically harvest running software and version numbers via server banners, listening ports, or other network artifacts." t1595.002,active scanning,vulnerabilityTechniquescanning,vulnerability scans typically check if the configuration of a target host application ex: software and version potentially aligns with the target of a specific exploit the adversary may seek to use. t1596,search open technical databases,,adversaries may search freely available technical databases for information about victims that can be used during targeting t1596,search open technical databases,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access t1596,search open technical databases,,information about victims may be available in online databases and repositories such as registrations of domainscertificates as well as public collections of network dataartifacts gathered from traffic andor scans t1596,search open technical databases,,much of this activity may have a very high occurrence and associated false positive rate as well as potentially taking place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection difficult for defenders t1596.001,search open technical databases,dnspassiveTechniquedns,threat actors search dns records to gather information about target hosts. t1596.001,search open technical databases,dnspassiveTechniquedns,adversaries can use dns to discover subdomains. t1596.001,search open technical databases,dnspassiveTechniquedns,threat actors can use dns misconfigurations for initial access. t1596.001,search open technical databases,dnspassiveTechniquedns,threat actors can search central repositories of logged responses for information. t1596.001,search open technical databases,dnspassiveTechniquedns,dns leaks can provide information about a domain to attackers. t1596.001,search open technical databases,dnspassiveTechniquedns,adversaries use the dns information of mail servers as a pivot to attack. t1596.002,search open technical databases,whois,kaseya has used a single ip address in a range to find the total size of the range. t1596.002,search open technical databases,whois,domain names can be used to find ownership and contact information. t1596.002,search open technical databases,whois,whois can be queried for assigned ip block and dns name. t1596.002,search open technical databases,whois,"kaseya has used active scanning for reconnaissance on networks, open ports, and services.." t1596.002,search open technical databases,whois,kaseya has used shodan to establish operational resources that can be exploited. t1596.003,search open technical databases,digitalTechniquecertificates,threat actors use site certificates to gain intel about a target. t1596.003,search open technical databases,digitalTechniquecertificates,threat actors often perform reconnaissance through data searching via digital certificates. t1596.003,search open technical databases,digitalTechniquecertificates,threat actors check digital certificates for geolocation information to ascertain if a potential target is outwith their protected regions. t1596.003,search open technical databases,digitalTechniquecertificates,certain cobaltstrike functionality allows the malware to check openly available digital security data to assist in reconnaissance. t1596.003,search open technical databases,digitalTechniquecertificates,apt27 often checks digital certificates to consolidate and contribute to their information before launching an attack. t1596.004,search open technical databases,cdns,adversaries use content delivery networks to discover centralized assets. t1596.004,search open technical databases,cdns,threat actors can find leaked cdn content that may not have protections of other assets and can be exploited. t1596.004,search open technical databases,cdns,cdns may incorrectly expose login portals on the internet. t1596.004,search open technical databases,cdns,threat actors can use osint tools to scan open cdn repositories. t1596.004,search open technical databases,cdns,attackers can use found assets to determine links to cdns. t1596.005,search open technical databases,scanTechniquedatabases,"adversaries can search public databases for active ip addresses, hostnames, open ports, certificates, and even server banners." t1596.005,search open technical databases,scanTechniquedatabases,threat actors can use online resources and lookup tools to harvest information from these services. t1596.005,search open technical databases,scanTechniquedatabases,revil has performed recon against victims by scanning for vulnerable services and open ports. t1596.005,search open technical databases,scanTechniquedatabases,attackers can use passive and active methods to obtain active port services. t1596.005,search open technical databases,scanTechniquedatabases,threat actors can use shodan to search for internet-facing hosts and ip addresses. t1597,search closed sources,,adversaries may search and gather information about victims from closed sources that can be used during targeting t1597,search closed sources,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as during initial access t1597,search closed sources,,information about victims may be available for purchase from reputable private sources and databases such as paid subscriptions to feeds of technicalthreat intelligence data t1597,search closed sources,,much of this activity may have a very high occurrence and associated false positive rate as well as potentially taking place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection difficult for defenders t1597.001,search closed sources,threatTechniqueintelTechniquevendors,threat actors can use threat intel feeds for valuable information. t1597.001,search closed sources,threatTechniqueintelTechniquevendors,threat actors can use paid platforms to monitor what intelligence is being provided to potential targets. t1597.001,search closed sources,threatTechniqueintelTechniquevendors,adversaries can monitor what iocs are being discovered about their campaign to change tactics. t1597.001,search closed sources,threatTechniqueintelTechniquevendors,threat actors can determine what other groups are targeting through intel platforms. t1597.001,search closed sources,threatTechniqueintelTechniquevendors,threat actors can use intelligence feeds to target new victims. t1597.002,search closed sources,purchaseTechniquetechnicalTechniquedata,adversaries may purchase technical information about victims that can be used during targeting. t1597.002,search closed sources,purchaseTechniquetechnicalTechniquedata,threat actors may purchase information from dark web or black markets. t1597.002,search closed sources,purchaseTechniquetechnicalTechniquedata,reputable private resources have scan database subscriptions. t1597.002,search closed sources,purchaseTechniquetechnicalTechniquedata,attackers can use known or unknown repositories of data from tor sites. t1597.002,search closed sources,purchaseTechniquetechnicalTechniquedata,threat actors can gain network and login information purchased from other attacker groups. t1598,phishing for information,,adversaries may send phishing messages to elicit sensitive information that can be used during targeting t1598,phishing for information,,application log application log content network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1598,phishing for information,,citation microsoft anti spoofingcitation acsc email spoofing when it comes to following links monitor for references to uncategorized or known bad sites t1598,phishing for information,,depending on the specific method of phishing the detections can vary t1598,phishing for information,,filtering based on dkim+spf or header analysis can help detect when the email sender is spoofed t1598,phishing for information,,monitor for suspicious email activity such as numerous accounts receiving messages from a single unusualunknown sender t1598,phishing for information,,monitor social media traffic for suspicious activity including messages requesting information as well as abnormal file or data transfers especially those involving unknown or otherwise suspicious accounts t1598,phishing for information,,phishing for information is an attempt to trick targets into divulging information frequently credentials or other actionable information t1598,phishing for information,,url inspection within email including expanding shortened links can also help detect links leading to known malicious sites t1598.001,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniqueservice,attackers will use spearphishing messages to elicit sensative information from targets. t1598.001,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniqueservice,spearphishing uses social engineering techniques to get credentials or other information. t1598.001,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniqueservice,"emails or social media messaging spearphishing is generally aimed at it departments, c-suite executives, or non-tech related departments." t1598.001,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniqueservice,threat actors use spearphishing against non-enterprise controlled services as they have less protections. t1598.001,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniqueservice,adversaries may pose as recruiters to garner interest and communication. t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,astaroth has been delivered via malicious email attachments. t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,sidewinder has sent emails with malicious attachments that lead victims to credential harvesting websites. t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,"a phishing campaign has been observed by researchers from trend micro that contain a macro-enabled document that exploits the legitimate script engine, œautohotkey." t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,researchers have discovered a wave of emails with malicious attachments orchestrated by russian advanced persistent threat apt group apt29. t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,"using attached html files containing javascript, the email will write an iso file to disk this contains a cobalt strike beacon that will activate on completion." t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,"strat, a java-based malware, is currently being delivered as an attached pdf document via a phishing campaign using compromised email accounts." t1598.002,phishing for information,spearTechniquephishingTechniqueattachment,"although the email may look official and legitimate, if you have no reason to receive such an email or if the content is questionable, you should not open any attached files." t1598.003,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniquelink,apt32 has used malicious links to direct users to web pages designed to harvest credentials. t1598.003,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniquelink,kimsuky has used links in e-mail to steal account information. t1598.003,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniquelink,sandworm team has crafted spearphishing emails with hyperlinks designed to trick unwitting recipients into revealing their account credentials. t1598.003,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniquelink,sidewinder has sent e-mails with malicious links to credential harvesting websites. t1598.003,phishing for information,spearphishingTechniquelink,silent librarian has used links in e-mails to direct victims to credential harvesting websites designed to appear like the targeted organization's login page. t1599,network boundary bridging,,adversaries may bridge network boundaries by compromising perimeter network devices t1599,network boundary bridging,,breaching these devices may enable an adversary to bypass restrictions on traffic routing that otherwise separate trusted and untrusted networks t1599,network boundary bridging,,consider monitoring network traffic on both interfaces of border network devices with out of band packet capture or network flow data using a different device than the one in question t1599,network boundary bridging,,look for rules that are less restrictive or that allow specific traffic types that were not previously authorized t1599,network boundary bridging,,look for traffic that should be prohibited by the intended network traffic policy enforcement for the border network device t1599,network boundary bridging,,monitor the border network device configuration to validate that the policy enforcement sections are what was intended t1599,network boundary bridging,,network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1600,weaken encryption,,adversaries may compromise a network devices encryption capability in order to bypass encryption that would otherwise protect data communications t1600,weaken encryption,,citation cisco synful knock evolution encryption can be used to protect transmitted network traffic to maintain its confidentiality protect against unauthorized disclosure and integrity protect against unauthorized changes t1600,weaken encryption,,detection efforts may be focused on closely related adversary behaviors such as modify system imaget1601 t1600,weaken encryption,,file file modification t1600,weaken encryption,,some detection methods require vendor support to aid in investigation t1600,weaken encryption,,there is no documented method for defenders to directly identify behaviors that weaken encryption t1601,modify system image,,001 it may be appropriate to also verify the integrity of the vendor provided operating system image file t1601,modify system image,,adversaries may make changes to the operating system of embedded network devices to weaken defenses and provide new capabilities for themselves t1601,modify system image,,because this method may be used in conjunction with patch system imaget1601 t1601,modify system image,,citation cisco ios software integrity assurance image file verification many vendors of embedded network devices can provide advanced debugging support that will allow them to work with device owners to validate the integrity of the operating system running in memory t1601,modify system image,,citation cisco ios software integrity assurance run time memory verification t1601,modify system image,,compare the checksum of the operating system file with the checksum of a known good copy from a trusted source t1601,modify system image,,even for those platforms that have the capability it is recommended to download a copy of the file to a trusted computer to calculate the checksum with software that is not compromised t1601,modify system image,,file file modification t1601,modify system image,,if a compromise of the operating system is suspected contact the vendor technical support and seek such services for a more thorough inspection of the current running system t1601,modify system image,,most embedded network devices provide a command to print the version of the currently running operating system t1601,modify system image,,on such devices the operating systems are typically monolithic and most of the device functionality and capabilities are contained within a single file t1601,modify system image,,some embedded network device platforms may have the capability to calculate the checksum of the file while others may not t1601,modify system image,,use this command to query the operating system for its version number and compare it to what is expected for the device in question t1602,data from configuration repository,,adversaries may collect data related to managed devices from configuration repositories t1602,data from configuration repository,,citation cisco advisory snmp v3 authentication vulnerabilities t1602,data from configuration repository,,configuration repositories are used by management systems in order to configure manage and control data on remote systems t1602,data from configuration repository,,identify network traffic sent or received by untrusted hosts or networks that solicits and obtains the configuration information of the queried device t1602,data from configuration repository,,network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic content t1606,forge web credentials,,adversaries may forge credential materials that can be used to gain access to web applications or internet services t1606,forge web credentials,,logon session logon session creation web credential web credential creation web credential web credential usage t1606,forge web credentials,,monitor for anomalous authentication activity such as logons or other user session activity associated with unknown accounts t1606,forge web credentials,,monitor for unexpected and abnormal access to resources including access of websites and cloud based applications by the same user in different locations or by different systems that do not match expected configurations t1606,forge web credentials,,web applications and services hosted in cloud saas environments or on premise servers often use session cookies tokens or other materials to authenticate and authorize user access t1608,stage capabilities,,adversaries may upload install or otherwise set up capabilities that can be used during targeting t1608,stage capabilities,,detection efforts may be focused on related stages of the adversary lifecycle such as initial access and post compromise behaviors t1608,stage capabilities,,if infrastructure or patterns in malware tooling certificates or malicious web content have been previously identified internet scanning may uncover when an adversary has staged their capabilities t1608,stage capabilities,,internet scan response content t1608,stage capabilities,,much of this activity will take place outside the visibility of the target organization making detection of this behavior difficult t1608,stage capabilities,,to support their operations an adversary may need to take capabilities they developed develop capabilitiest1587 or obtained obtain capabilitiest1588 and stage them on infrastructure under their control t1608.001,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquemalware,apt32 has hosted malicious payloads in dropbox amazon s3 and google drive for use during targeting. t1608.001,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquemalware,they were posting obfuscated malicious payloads on pastebin to be used later during the attack. t1608.001,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquemalware,some of the compromised websites were used to stage post-compromise malware such as keyloggers. t1608.001,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquemalware,these government hackers staged malicious java scripts on the microsoft typosquatting domains they registered earlier. t1608.001,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquemalware,gamaredon stage malicious vba scripts on various compromised websites. t1608.002,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquetool,threat group-3390 has staged tools including gsecdump and wce on previously compromised websites. t1608.002,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquetool,"prior to the attack, the adversaries uploaded remote administration tools to compromised websites they controlled." t1608.002,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquetool,threat actor placed several double-purpose tools on his github repository. t1608.002,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquetool,the attackers uploaded remote utilities rat tool to a third-party compromised website to be used if the victim environment wont have a remote administration tool installed. t1608.002,stage capabilities,uploadTechniquetool,fin5 staged a customized version of psexec. t1608.003,stage capabilities,installTechniquedigitalTechniquecertificate,adversaries created self-signed certificates and installed them on their web servers. t1608.003,stage capabilities,installTechniquedigitalTechniquecertificate,attackers installed lets encrypt certificates on their phishing servers to gain additional trust from the visitors. t1608.003,stage capabilities,installTechniquedigitalTechniquecertificate,they prepare phishing pages with valid ssl tls certificates installed. t1608.003,stage capabilities,installTechniquedigitalTechniquecertificate,"according to phishlabs, in the last quarter of 2019, 74 of reported phishing websites were 'secure,' being both https and with the lock symbol, meaning cybercriminals installed ssl certificates and circumvented so-called verification processes." t1608.003,stage capabilities,installTechniquedigitalTechniquecertificate,actors installed ssl certificates they made using openssl where you can even be your own certificate authority. t1608.004,stage capabilities,drive,apt32 has stood up websites containing numerous articles and content scraped from the internet to make them appear legitimate but some of these pages include malicious javascript to profile the potential victim or infect them via a fake software update. t1608.004,stage capabilities,drive,threat group-3390 has embedded malicious code into websites to screen a potential victim's ip address and then exploit their browser if they are of interest. t1608.004,stage capabilities,drive,"the attackers prepared an malvertizing: an ad combined of image and a javascript, which contained malicious code, and pushed it to legitimate websites via ad networks." t1608.004,stage capabilities,drive,second stage of the magecart attack included injecting malicious javascript on the vulnerable checkout pages. t1608.004,stage capabilities,drive,this apt group was looking to compromise industrys online publications to prepare for watering hole attacks. t1608.005,stage capabilities,linkTechniquetarget,silent librarian has cloned victim organization login pages and staged them for later use in credential harvesting campaigns. silent librarian has also made use of a variety of url shorteners for these staged websites. t1608.005,stage capabilities,linkTechniquetarget,"the attackers prepared over 39,000 phishing pages mimicking the four platforms' login pages." t1608.005,stage capabilities,linkTechniquetarget,they used ngrok paid option to acquire customized phishing urls displaying metas trademarks such as hxxp:facebook[.]in[.]ngrok[.]io. t1608.005,stage capabilities,linkTechniquetarget,"prior to the attack, they registered typosquatting domains, set up phishing pages and employed url shortener service." t1608.005,stage capabilities,linkTechniquetarget,the attacker placed archived malicious office documents at the link target. t1609,container administration command,,a container administration service such as the docker daemon the kubernetes api server or the kubelet may allow remote management of containers within an environment t1609,container administration command,,adversaries may abuse a container administration service to execute commands within a container t1609,container administration command,,command command execution t1609,container administration command,,container administration service activities and executed commands can be captured through logging of process execution with command line arguments on the container and the underlying host t1609,container administration command,,in docker the daemon log provides insight into events at the daemon and container service level t1609,container administration command,,kubernetes system component logs may also detect activities running in and out of containers in the cluster t1610,deploy container,,adversaries may deploy a container into an environment to facilitate execution or evade defenses t1610,deploy container,,container container creation container container start pod pod creation pod pod modification application log application log content t1610,deploy container,,deploy logging agents on kubernetes nodes and retrieve logs from sidecar proxies for application pods to detect malicious activity at the cluster level t1610,deploy container,,in docker the daemon log provides insight into remote api calls including those that deploy containers t1610,deploy container,,in some cases adversaries may deploy a new container to execute processes associated with a particular image or deployment such as processes that execute or download malware t1610,deploy container,,logs for management services or applications used to deploy containers other than the native technologies themselves should also be monitored t1610,deploy container,,monitor for suspicious or unknown container images and pods in your environment t1611,escape to host,,additionally monitor for unexpected usage of syscalls such as mount as well as resulting process activity that may indicate an attempt to escape from a privileged container to host t1611,escape to host,,adversaries may break out of a container to gain access to the underlying host t1611,escape to host,,container container creation process os api execution process process creation t1611,escape to host,,in kubernetes monitor for cluster level events associated with changing containers volume configurations t1611,escape to host,,monitor for the deployment of suspicious or unknown container images and pods in your environment particularly containers running as root t1611,escape to host,,this can allow an adversary access to other containerized resources from the host level or to the host itself t1612,build image on host,,a remote build request may be sent to the docker api that includes a dockerfile that pulls a vanilla base image such as alpine from a public or local registry and then builds a custom image upon it t1612,build image on host,,additionally monitor for subsequent network communication with anomalous ips that have never been seen before in the environment that indicate the download of malicious code t1612,build image on host,,adversaries may build a container image directly on a host to bypass defenses that monitor for the retrieval of malicious images from a public registry t1612,build image on host,,image image creation network traffic network connection creation network traffic network traffic flow network traffic network traffic content t1612,build image on host,,monitor for unexpected docker image build requests to the docker daemon on hosts in the environment t1613,container and resource discovery,,adversaries may attempt to discover containers and other resources that are available within a containers environment t1613,container and resource discovery,,cluster cluster metadata container container enumeration container container metadata pod pod enumeration pod pod metadata application log application log content t1613,container and resource discovery,,establish centralized logging for the activity of container and kubernetes cluster components t1613,container and resource discovery,,monitor account activity logs to see actions performed and activity associated with the kubernetes dashboard and other web applications t1613,container and resource discovery,,monitor logs for actions that could be taken to gather information about container infrastructure including the use of discovery api calls by new or unexpected users t1613,container and resource discovery,,other resources may include images deployments pods nodes and other information such as the status of a cluster t1613,container and resource discovery,,this can be done by deploying logging agents on kubernetes nodes and retrieving logs from sidecar proxies for application pods to detect malicious activity at the cluster level t1614,system location discovery,,adversaries may gather information in an attempt to calculate the geographical location of a victim host t1614,system location discovery,,adversaries may use the information from system location discoveryt1614 during automated discovery to shape follow on behaviors including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target andor attempts specific actions t1614,system location discovery,,citation fbi ragnar locker 2020 monitor traffic flows to geolocation service provider sites such as ip api and ipinfo t1614,system location discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1614,system location discovery,,instance instance metadata process process creation command command execution process os api execution t1614,system location discovery,,monitor processes and command line arguments for actions that could be taken to gather system location information t1614,system location discovery,,remote access tools with built in features may interact directly with the windows api such as calling getlocaleinfo to gather information t1614,system location discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1615,group policy discovery,,adversaries may gather information on group policy settings to identify paths for privilege escalation security measures applied within a domain and to discover patterns in domain objects that can be manipulated or used to blend in the environment t1615,group policy discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities based on the information obtained t1615,group policy discovery,,group policy allows for centralized management of user and computer settings in active directory ad t1615,group policy discovery,,monitor for suspicious use of gpresult t1615,group policy discovery,,monitor for the use of powershell functions such as get domain gpo and get domain local group and processes spawning with command line arguments containing gpolocalgroup t1615,group policy discovery,,network traffic network traffic content active directory active directory object access script script execution command command execution process process creation t1615,group policy discovery,,or for abnormal ldap queries with filters for group policy container and high volumes of ldap traffic to domain controllers t1615,group policy discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1615,group policy discovery,,windows event id 4661 can also be used to detect when a directory service has been accessed t1619,cloud storage object discovery,,adversaries may enumerate objects in cloud storage infrastructure t1619,cloud storage object discovery,,adversaries may use this information during automated discovery to shape follow on behaviors including requesting all or specific objects from cloud storage t1619,cloud storage object discovery,,cloud storage cloud storage enumeration cloud storage cloud storage access t1619,cloud storage object discovery,,data and events should not be viewed in isolation but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities such as collection and exfiltration based on the information obtained t1619,cloud storage object discovery,,monitor cloud logs for api calls used for file or object enumeration for unusual activity t1619,cloud storage object discovery,,system and network discovery techniques normally occur throughout an operation as an adversary learns the environment t1620,reflective code loading,,adversaries may reflectively load code into a process in order to conceal the execution of malicious payloads t1620,reflective code loading,,citation 00sec dropperscitation s1 old rat new tricks monitor for artifacts of abnormal process execution t1620,reflective code loading,,citation mdsec detecting dotnetcitation introducing donut analyze process behavior to determine if a process is performing actions it usually does not such as opening network connections reading files or other suspicious actions that could relate to post compromise behavior t1620,reflective code loading,,dll loading into abnormal processes such as notepad t1620,reflective code loading,,dll and clr t1620,reflective code loading,,dll mscoree t1620,reflective code loading,,exe t1620,reflective code loading,,for example a common signature related to reflective code loading on windows is mechanisms related to the t1620,reflective code loading,,load and native apit1106 functions such as createthread memfd_create exe cve andor execveat t1620,reflective code loading,,monitor for code artifacts associated with reflectively loading code such as the abuse of t1620,reflective code loading,,net common language runtime clr such as mscor t1620,reflective code loading,,net functions such as assembly t1620,reflective code loading,,reflective loading involves allocating then executing payloads directly within the memory of the process vice creating a thread or process backed by a file path on disk t1620,reflective code loading,Technique,script script execution process os api execution module module load t1620,reflective code loading,Technique,similarly amsi etw traces can be used to identify signs of arbitrary code execution from within the memory of potentially compromised processes