public void execute () {
File currentModelDirectory = new File (this.globalData.getData (String.class, GlobalData.MODEL_INSTALL_DIRECTORY));
File mobileDirectory = new File (currentModelDirectory, ""mobile"");
mobileDirectory.mkdir ();
File mobileModelFile = new File (mobileDirectory, """");
FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
ZipOutputStream zipStream = null;
BusinessModel businessModel = BusinessUnit.getInstance ().getBusinessModel ();
try {
mobileModelFile.createNewFile ();
outputStream = new FileOutputStream (mobileModelFile);
zipStream = new ZipOutputStream (outputStream);
Dictionary dictionary = businessModel.getDictionary ();
for (Definition definition : dictionary.getAllDefinitions ()) {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (definition.getRelativeFileName ());
zipStream.putNextEntry (entry);
writeBinary (definition.getAbsoluteFileName (), zipStream);
final String modelFilename = ""model.xml"";
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (modelFilename);
zipStream.putNextEntry (entry);
writeBinary (businessModel.getAbsoluteFilename (modelFilename), zipStream);
final String logoFilename = dictionary.getModel ().getImageSource (;
entry = new ZipEntry (logoFilename);
zipStream.putNextEntry (entry);
writeBinary (businessModel.getAbsoluteFilename (logoFilename), zipStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
agentLogger.error (e);
} finally {
StreamHelper.close (zipStream);
StreamHelper.close (outputStream);
",23247094,"void copyZipToZip (ZipInputStream zis, ZipOutputStream zos) throws Exception {
ZipEntry entry;
byte [] buffer = new byte [1];
while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry ()) != null) {
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (entry.getName ()));
while (zis.available () == 1) { (buffer, 0, buffer.length);
zos.write (buffer, 0, buffer.length);
zis.closeEntry ();
zos.closeEntry ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
3596849,"private static void solve_l1r_l2_svc (Problem prob_col, double [] w, double eps, double Cp, double Cn) {
int l = prob_col.l;
int w_size = prob_col.n;
int j, s, iter = 0;
int max_iter = 1000;
int active_size = w_size;
int max_num_linesearch = 20;
double sigma = 0.01;
double d, G_loss, G, H;
double Gmax_old = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double Gmax_new;
double Gmax_init = 0;
double d_old, d_diff;
double loss_old = 0;
double loss_new;
double appxcond, cond;
int [] index = new int [w_size];
byte [] y = new byte [l];
double [] b = new double [l];
double [] xj_sq = new double [w_size];
double [] C = new double [] {Cn, 0, Cp};
for (j = 0; j < l; j ++) {
b [j] = 1;
if (prob_col.y [j] > 0) y [j] = 1;
else y [j] = - 1;
for (j = 0; j < w_size; j ++) {
w [j] = 0;
index [j] = j;
xj_sq [j] = 0;
for (FeatureNode xi : prob_col.x [j]) {
int ind = xi.index - 1;
double val = xi.value;
xi.value *= y [ind];
xj_sq [j] += C [GETI (y, ind)] * val * val;
while (iter < max_iter) {
Gmax_new = 0;
for (j = 0; j < active_size; j ++) {
int i = j + random.nextInt (active_size - j);
swap (index, i, j);
for (s = 0; s < active_size; s ++) {
j = index [s];
G_loss = 0;
H = 0;
for (FeatureNode xi : prob_col.x [j]) {
int ind = xi.index - 1;
if (b [ind] > 0) {
double val = xi.value;
double tmp = C [GETI (y, ind)] * val;
G_loss -= tmp * b [ind];
H += tmp * val;
G_loss *= 2;
G = G_loss;
H *= 2;
H = Math.max (H, 1e-12);
double Gp = G + 1;
double Gn = G - 1;
double violation = 0;
if (w [j] == 0) {
if (Gp < 0) violation = - Gp;
else if (Gn > 0) violation = Gn;
else if (Gp > Gmax_old / l && Gn < - Gmax_old / l) {
active_size --;
swap (index, s, active_size);
s --;
} else if (w [j] > 0) violation = Math.abs (Gp);
else violation = Math.abs (Gn);
Gmax_new = Math.max (Gmax_new, violation);
if (Gp <= H * w [j]) d = - Gp / H;
else if (Gn >= H * w [j]) d = - Gn / H;
else d = - w [j];
if (Math.abs (d) < 1.0e-12) continue;
double delta = Math.abs (w [j] + d) - Math.abs (w [j]) + G * d;
d_old = 0;
int num_linesearch;
for (num_linesearch = 0; num_linesearch < max_num_linesearch; num_linesearch ++) {
d_diff = d_old - d;
cond = Math.abs (w [j] + d) - Math.abs (w [j]) - sigma * delta;
appxcond = xj_sq [j] * d * d + G_loss * d + cond;
if (appxcond <= 0) {
for (FeatureNode x : prob_col.x [j]) {
b [x.index - 1] += d_diff * x.value;
if (num_linesearch == 0) {
loss_old = 0;
loss_new = 0;
for (FeatureNode x : prob_col.x [j]) {
int ind = x.index - 1;
if (b [ind] > 0) {
loss_old += C [GETI (y, ind)] * b [ind] * b [ind];
double b_new = b [ind] + d_diff * x.value;
b [ind] = b_new;
if (b_new > 0) {
loss_new += C [GETI (y, ind)] * b_new * b_new;
} else {
loss_new = 0;
for (FeatureNode x : prob_col.x [j]) {
int ind = x.index - 1;
double b_new = b [ind] + d_diff * x.value;
b [ind] = b_new;
if (b_new > 0) {
loss_new += C [GETI (y, ind)] * b_new * b_new;
cond = cond + loss_new - loss_old;
if (cond <= 0) break;
else {
d_old = d;
d *= 0.5;
delta *= 0.5;
w [j] += d;
if (num_linesearch >= max_num_linesearch) {
info (""#"");
for (int i = 0;
i < l; i ++) b [i] = 1;
for (int i = 0;
i < w_size; i ++) {
if (w [i] == 0) continue;
for (FeatureNode x : prob_col.x [i]) {
b [x.index - 1] -= w [i] * x.value;
if (iter == 0) Gmax_init = Gmax_new;
iter ++;
if (iter % 10 == 0) info (""."");
if (Gmax_new <= eps * Gmax_init) {
if (active_size == w_size) break;
else {
active_size = w_size;
info (""*"");
Gmax_old = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Gmax_old = Gmax_new;
info (""%noptimization finished, #iter = %d%n"", iter);
if (iter >= max_iter) info (""%nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations%n"");
double v = 0;
int nnz = 0;
for (j = 0; j < w_size; j ++) {
for (FeatureNode x : prob_col.x [j]) {
x.value *= prob_col.y [x.index - 1];
if (w [j] != 0) {
v += Math.abs (w [j]);
nnz ++;
for (j = 0; j < l; j ++) if (b [j] > 0) v += C [GETI (y, j)] * b [j] * b [j];
info (""Objective value = %f%n"", v);
info (""#nonzeros/#features = %d/%d%n"", nnz, w_size);
",8533735,"public void shuffle () {
Card tempCard = new Card ();
for (int i = 0;
i < NUM_CARDS; i ++) {
int j = i + r.nextInt (NUM_CARDS - i);
tempCard = cards [j];
cards [j] = cards [i];
cards [i] = tempCard;
position = 0;
",Shuffle Array in Place,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
469518,"public synchronized void writeFile (String filename) throws IOException {
int amount;
byte buffer [] = new byte [4096];
File f = new File (filename);
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (f);
putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (f.getName ()));
while ((amount = (buffer)) != - 1) write (buffer, 0, amount);
closeEntry ();
in.close ();
",21524576,"private static void zip (File srcDir, File originSrcDir, ZipOutputStream dstStream) throws IOException {
byte [] buffer = new byte [ZIP_BUFFER_SIZE];
int bytes = 0;
String [] dirList = srcDir.list ();
for (int i = 0;
i < dirList.length; i ++) {
File file = new File (srcDir, dirList [i]);
if (file.isDirectory ()) {
zip (file, originSrcDir, dstStream);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (file);
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (TFileHandler.removeDirectoryPath (originSrcDir.getAbsolutePath (), file.getAbsolutePath ()));
dstStream.putNextEntry (entry);
while ((bytes = (buffer)) != - 1) dstStream.write (buffer, 0, bytes);
fis.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1282532,"void initOut () throws IOException {
if (zipped) {
zout = new ZipOutputStream (sink);
zout.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""file.xml""));
this.xout = new OutputStreamWriter (zout, ""UTF8"");
} else {
this.xout = new OutputStreamWriter (sink, ""UTF8"");
",13877913,"public static boolean addZipEntry (String srcZipFile, String newEntryFile, String dstFile) { zout = null;
InputStream is = null;
try {
if (new File (newEntryFile).isDirectory () && ! newEntryFile.substring (newEntryFile.length () - 1).equals (File.separator)) {
newEntryFile = newEntryFile + File.separator;
System.err.println (""============"");
File fn = new File (dstFile);
if (! fn.exists ()) {
fn.createNewFile ();
zout = new (new FileOutputStream (dstFile));
ZipFile zipfile = new ZipFile (srcZipFile);
ZipEntry entry = null;
Enumeration e = zipfile.entries ();
byte [] buffer = new byte [1024];
while (e.hasMoreElements ()) {
entry = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement ();
System.err.println (entry.getName ());
zout.putNextEntry (entry);
is = new BufferedInputStream (zipfile.getInputStream (entry));
int count;
while ((count = (buffer, 0, 1024)) != - 1) {
zout.write (buffer, 0, count);
zout.flush ();
is.close ();
zout.closeEntry ();
zipFile (null, newEntryFile, ""*.*"", zout);
zout.close ();
return true;
} catch ( ioex) {
LogUtil.getLogger ().error (ioex.getMessage (), ioex);
ioex.printStackTrace ();
return false;
} finally {
try {
if (zout != null) {
zout.close ();
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
if (is != null) {
is.close ();
} catch (Exception ex) {
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
4932279,"public void testSavepoint4 () throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
stmt.execute (""CREATE TABLE #savepoint4 (data int)"");
stmt.close ();
con.setAutoCommit (false);
for (int i = 0;
i < 3; i ++) {
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement (""INSERT INTO #savepoint4 (data) VALUES (?)"");
pstmt.setInt (1, 1);
assertTrue (pstmt.executeUpdate () == 1);
Savepoint savepoint = con.setSavepoint ();
assertNotNull (savepoint);
assertTrue (savepoint.getSavepointId () == 1);
try {
savepoint.getSavepointName ();
assertTrue (false);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pstmt.setInt (1, 2);
assertTrue (pstmt.executeUpdate () == 1);
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = con.prepareStatement (""SELECT SUM(data) FROM #savepoint4"");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
assertTrue ( ());
assertTrue (rs.getInt (1) == 3);
assertTrue (! ());
pstmt.close ();
rs.close ();
con.rollback (savepoint);
pstmt = con.prepareStatement (""SELECT SUM(data) FROM #savepoint4"");
rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
assertTrue ( ());
assertTrue (rs.getInt (1) == 1);
assertTrue (! ());
pstmt.close ();
rs.close ();
con.rollback ();
con.setAutoCommit (true);
",19147301,"public boolean actualizarIdPartida (int idJugadorDiv, int idRonda, int idPartida) {
int intResult = 0;
String sql = ""UPDATE jugadorxdivxronda "" + "" SET idPartida = "" + idPartida + "" WHERE jugadorxDivision_idJugadorxDivision = "" + idJugadorDiv + "" AND ronda_numeroRonda = "" + idRonda;
try {
connection = conexionBD.getConnection ();
connection.setAutoCommit (false);
ps = connection.prepareStatement (sql);
intResult = ps.executeUpdate ();
connection.commit ();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
try {
connection.rollback ();
} catch (SQLException exe) {
exe.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
conexionBD.close (ps);
conexionBD.close (connection);
return (intResult > 0);
",Execute update and rollback.,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1023289,"public static String MD5 (String s) {
try {
MessageDigest m = MessageDigest.getInstance (""MD5"");
m.update (s.getBytes (), 0, s.length ());
return new BigInteger (1, m.digest ()).toString (16);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
return """";
",14032835,"private byte [] szyfrujKlucz (byte [] kluczSesyjny) {
byte [] zaszyfrowanyKlucz = null;
byte [] klucz = null;
try {
MessageDigest skrot = MessageDigest.getInstance (""SHA-1"");
skrot.update (haslo.getBytes ());
byte [] skrotHasla = skrot.digest ();
Object kluczDoKlucza = MARS_Algorithm.makeKey (skrotHasla);
int resztaKlucza = this.dlugoscKlucza % ROZMIAR_BLOKU;
if (resztaKlucza == 0) {
klucz = kluczSesyjny;
zaszyfrowanyKlucz = new byte [this.dlugoscKlucza];
} else {
int liczbaBlokow = this.dlugoscKlucza / ROZMIAR_BLOKU + 1;
int nowyRozmiar = liczbaBlokow * ROZMIAR_BLOKU;
zaszyfrowanyKlucz = new byte [nowyRozmiar];
klucz = new byte [nowyRozmiar];
byte roznica = (byte) (ROZMIAR_BLOKU - resztaKlucza);
System.arraycopy (kluczSesyjny, 0, klucz, 0, kluczSesyjny.length);
for (int i = kluczSesyjny.length;
i < nowyRozmiar; i ++) klucz [i] = (byte) roznica;
byte [] szyfrogram = null;
int liczbaBlokow = klucz.length / ROZMIAR_BLOKU;
int offset = 0;
for (offset = 0; offset < liczbaBlokow; offset ++) {
szyfrogram = MARS_Algorithm.blockEncrypt (klucz, offset * ROZMIAR_BLOKU, kluczDoKlucza);
System.arraycopy (szyfrogram, 0, zaszyfrowanyKlucz, offset * ROZMIAR_BLOKU, szyfrogram.length);
} catch (InvalidKeyException ex) {
Logger.getLogger (SzyfrowaniePliku.class.getName ()).log (Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
return zaszyfrowanyKlucz;
",Secure Hash,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1287483,"protected void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
keysString = req.getParameter (""resultKeys"");
if (req.getParameter (""mode"") != null && ! req.getParameter (""mode"").equals ("""")) {
archiveHelper.setMode (req.getParameter (""mode""));
SecurityAdvisor secAdvisor = null;
try {
secAdvisor = (SecurityAdvisor) req.getSession ().getAttribute (SecurityAdvisor.SECURITY_ADVISOR_SESSION_KEY);
if (secAdvisor != null) {
response.setContentType (""application/x-download"");
response.setHeader (""Content-Disposition"", ""attachment;"");
response.setHeader (""Cache-Control"", ""max-age=0, must-revalidate"");
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis ();
Session sess = secAdvisor.getHibernateSession (req.getUserPrincipal () != null ? req.getUserPrincipal ().getName () : ""guest"");
DictionaryHelper dh = DictionaryHelper.getInstance (sess);
baseDir = dh.getAnalysisReadDirectory (req.getServerName ());
archiveHelper.setTempDir (dh.getPropertyDictionary (PropertyDictionary.TEMP_DIRECTORY));
Map fileNameMap = new HashMap ();
long compressedFileSizeTotal = getFileNamesToDownload (baseDir, keysString, fileNameMap);
ZipOutputStream zipOut = null;
TarArchiveOutputStream tarOut = null;
if (archiveHelper.isZipMode ()) {
zipOut = new ZipOutputStream (response.getOutputStream ());
} else {
tarOut = new TarArchiveOutputStream (response.getOutputStream ());
int totalArchiveSize = 0;
for (Iterator i = fileNameMap.keySet ().iterator ();
i.hasNext ();) {
String analysisNumber = (String) ();
Analysis analysis = null;
List analysisList = sess.createQuery (""SELECT a from Analysis a where a.number = '"" + analysisNumber + ""'"").list ();
if (analysisList.size () == 1) {
analysis = (Analysis) analysisList.get (0);
if (analysis == null) {
log.error (""Unable to find request "" + analysisNumber + "". Bypassing download for user "" + req.getUserPrincipal ().getName () + ""."");
if (! secAdvisor.canRead (analysis)) {
log.error (""Insufficient permissions to read analysis "" + analysisNumber + "". Bypassing download for user "" + req.getUserPrincipal ().getName () + ""."");
List fileNames = (List) fileNameMap.get (analysisNumber);
for (Iterator i1 = fileNames.iterator ();
i1.hasNext ();) {
String filename = (String) ();
String zipEntryName = ""bioinformatics-analysis-"" + filename.substring (baseDir.length ());
archiveHelper.setArchiveEntryName (zipEntryName);
TransferLog xferLog = new TransferLog ();
xferLog.setFileName (filename.substring (baseDir.length () + 5));
xferLog.setStartDateTime (new java.util.Date (System.currentTimeMillis ()));
xferLog.setTransferType (TransferLog.TYPE_DOWNLOAD);
xferLog.setTransferMethod (TransferLog.METHOD_HTTP);
xferLog.setPerformCompression (""Y"");
xferLog.setIdAnalysis (analysis.getIdAnalysis ());
xferLog.setIdLab (analysis.getIdLab ());
InputStream in = archiveHelper.getInputStreamToArchive (filename, zipEntryName);
ZipEntry zipEntry = null;
if (archiveHelper.isZipMode ()) {
zipEntry = new ZipEntry (archiveHelper.getArchiveEntryName ());
zipOut.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
} else {
TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry (archiveHelper.getArchiveEntryName ());
entry.setSize (archiveHelper.getArchiveFileSize ());
tarOut.putArchiveEntry (entry);
OutputStream out = null;
if (archiveHelper.isZipMode ()) {
out = zipOut;
} else {
out = tarOut;
int size = archiveHelper.transferBytes (in, out);
totalArchiveSize += size;
xferLog.setFileSize (new BigDecimal (size));
xferLog.setEndDateTime (new java.util.Date (System.currentTimeMillis ())); (xferLog);
if (archiveHelper.isZipMode ()) {
zipOut.closeEntry ();
totalArchiveSize += zipEntry.getCompressedSize ();
} else {
tarOut.closeArchiveEntry ();
totalArchiveSize += archiveHelper.getArchiveFileSize ();
archiveHelper.removeTemporaryFile ();
sess.flush ();
response.setContentLength (totalArchiveSize);
if (archiveHelper.isZipMode ()) {
zipOut.finish ();
zipOut.flush ();
} else {
tarOut.close ();
tarOut.flush ();
} else {
response.setStatus (999);
System.out.println (""DownloadAnalyisFolderServlet: You must have a SecurityAdvisor in order to run this command."");
} catch (Exception e) {
response.setStatus (999);
System.out.println (""DownloadAnalyisFolderServlet: An exception occurred "" + e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
if (secAdvisor != null) {
try {
secAdvisor.closeHibernateSession ();
} catch (Exception e) {
archiveHelper.removeTemporaryFile ();
",18643979,"private static void addTargetFile (ZipOutputStream zos, File file) throws FileNotFoundException, ZipException, IOException {
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (file));
String file_path = file.getPath ();
if (file_path.startsWith (OctopusApplication.PATH_EXPORT_FOLDER)) {
file_path = file_path.substring (OctopusApplication.PATH_EXPORT_FOLDER.length (), file_path.length ());
ZipEntry target = new ZipEntry (file_path);
zos.putNextEntry (target);
int c;
while ((c = ()) != - 1) {
zos.write ((byte) c);
bis.close ();
zos.closeEntry ();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ZipException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
4140310,"public boolean verify (final char [] password, final String encryptedPassword) {
MessageDigest digest = null;
int size = 0;
String base64 = null;
if (encryptedPassword.regionMatches (true, 0, ""{SHA}"", 0, 5)) {
size = 20;
base64 = encryptedPassword.substring (5);
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance (""SHA-1"");
} catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""Invalid algorithm"");
} else if (encryptedPassword.regionMatches (true, 0, ""{SSHA}"", 0, 6)) {
size = 20;
base64 = encryptedPassword.substring (6);
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance (""SHA-1"");
} catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""Invalid algorithm"");
} else if (encryptedPassword.regionMatches (true, 0, ""{MD5}"", 0, 5)) {
size = 16;
base64 = encryptedPassword.substring (5);
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance (""MD5"");
} catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""Invalid algorithm"");
} else if (encryptedPassword.regionMatches (true, 0, ""{SMD5}"", 0, 6)) {
size = 16;
base64 = encryptedPassword.substring (6);
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance (""MD5"");
} catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""Invalid algorithm"");
} else {
return false;
try {
final byte [] data = Base64.decodeBase64 (base64.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
final byte [] orig = new byte [size];
System.arraycopy (data, 0, orig, 0, size);
digest.reset ();
digest.update (new String (password).getBytes (""UTF-8""));
if (data.length > size) {
digest.update (data, size, data.length - size);
return MessageDigest.isEqual (digest.digest (), orig);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""UTF-8 Unsupported"");
",6659731,"public static String hashStringMD5 (String string) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance (""MD5"");
md.update (string.getBytes ());
byte byteData [] = md.digest ();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();
for (int i = 0;
i < byteData.length; i ++) {
sb.append (Integer.toString ((byteData [i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring (1));
StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer ();
for (int i = 0;
i < byteData.length; i ++) {
String hex = Integer.toHexString (0xff & byteData [i]);
if (hex.length () == 1) hexString.append ('0');
hexString.append (hex);
return hexString.toString ();
",Secure Hash,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
945981,"private void displayDiffResults () throws IOException {
File outFile = File.createTempFile (""diff"", "".htm"");
outFile.deleteOnExit ();
FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream (outFile);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (outStream));
out.write (""
LOC Differences\n"" + SCRIPT + ""\n"" + ""\n"" + ""\n"");
if (addedTable.length () > 0) {
out.write (""
Files Added: | "" + ""Add | Type |
out.write (addedTable.toString ());
out.write (""
if (modifiedTable.length () > 0) {
out.write (""
Files Modified: | "" + ""Base | Del | Mod | Add | "" + ""Total | Type |
out.write (modifiedTable.toString ());
out.write (""
if (deletedTable.length () > 0) {
out.write (""
Files Deleted: | "" + ""Del | Type |
out.write (deletedTable.toString ());
out.write (""
out.write (""
if (modifiedTable.length () > 0 || deletedTable.length () > 0) {
out.write (""Base: | "");
out.write (Long.toString (base));
out.write ("" |
\nDeleted: | "");
out.write (Long.toString (deleted));
out.write ("" |
\nModified: | "");
out.write (Long.toString (modified));
out.write ("" |
\nAdded: | "");
out.write (Long.toString (added));
out.write ("" |
\nNew & Changed: | "");
out.write (Long.toString (added + modified));
out.write ("" |
out.write (""Total: | "");
out.write (Long.toString (total));
out.write ("" |
redlinesOut.close ();
out.flush ();
InputStream redlines = new FileInputStream (redlinesTempFile);
byte [] buffer = new byte [4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = (buffer)) != - 1) outStream.write (buffer, 0, bytesRead);
outStream.write ("""".getBytes ());
outStream.close ();
Browser.launch (outFile.toURL ().toString ());
",12523607,"public void render (ServiceContext serviceContext) throws Exception {
if (serviceContext.getTemplateName () == null) throw new Exception (""no Template defined for service: "" + serviceContext.getServiceInfo ().getRefName ());
File f = new File (serviceContext.getTemplateName ());
serviceContext.getResponse ().setContentLength ((int) f.length ());
InputStream in = new FileInputStream (f);
IOUtils.copy (in, serviceContext.getResponse ().getOutputStream (), 0, (int) f.length ());
in.close ();
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1951108,"private void zipStream (InputStream inStream, String streamName, File zipFile) throws IOException {
if (inStream == null) {
log.warn (""No stream to zip."");
} else {
try {
FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream (zipFile);
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (dest));
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (streamName);
out.putNextEntry (entry);
copyInputStream (inStream, out);
out.close ();
dest.close ();
inStream.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error (""IOException while zipping stream"");
throw e;
",14787145,"public void setVariables (Properties varDef) throws Exception {
sendMsg (""Setting the variables ..."");
outJar.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""vars""));
ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream (outJar);
objOut.writeObject (varDef);
objOut.flush ();
outJar.closeEntry ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1121468,"private static PrintWriter getOut (int first, int last, String dir, String lang) throws IOException {
if (dir == null) return null;
File file = new File (dir, lang + """");
if (! file.exists ()) file.createNewFile ();
if (! file.canWrite ()) throw new IllegalArgumentException (""can't write "" + file);
log (true, ""Writing Wikipedia events into "" + file.getAbsolutePath ());
System.setProperty (""line.separator"", ""\n"");
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (file));
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (lang + "".wikipedia""));
return new PrintWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (out, UTF8));
",23160103,"public void writeJar (JarOutputStream out) throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
String [] fileName = fileBands.getFileName ();
int [] fileModtime = fileBands.getFileModtime ();
long [] fileSize = fileBands.getFileSize ();
byte [] [] fileBits = fileBands.getFileBits ();
int classNum = 0;
int numberOfFiles = header.getNumberOfFiles ();
long archiveModtime = header.getArchiveModtime ();
for (int i = 0;
i < numberOfFiles; i ++) {
String name = fileName [i];
long modtime = 1000 * (archiveModtime + fileModtime [i]);
boolean deflate = fileDeflate [i];
JarEntry entry = new JarEntry (name);
if (deflate) {
entry.setMethod (ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
} else {
entry.setMethod (ZipEntry.STORED);
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
if (fileIsClass [i]) {
crc.update (classFilesContents [classNum]);
entry.setSize (classFilesContents [classNum].length);
} else {
crc.update (fileBits [i]);
entry.setSize (fileSize [i]);
entry.setCrc (crc.getValue ());
entry.setTime (modtime - TimeZone.getDefault ().getRawOffset ());
out.putNextEntry (entry);
if (fileIsClass [i]) {
entry.setSize (classFilesContents [classNum].length);
out.write (classFilesContents [classNum]);
classNum ++;
} else {
entry.setSize (fileSize [i]);
out.write (fileBits [i]);
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
850680,"private static void readAndRewrite (File inFile, File outFile) throws IOException {
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (inFile)));
DcmParser dcmParser = DcmParserFactory.getInstance ().newDcmParser (iis);
Dataset ds = DcmObjectFactory.getInstance ().newDataset ();
dcmParser.setDcmHandler (ds.getDcmHandler ());
dcmParser.parseDcmFile (null, Tags.PixelData);
PixelDataReader pdReader = pdFact.newReader (ds, iis, dcmParser.getDcmDecodeParam ().byteOrder, dcmParser.getReadVR ());
System.out.println (""reading "" + inFile + ""..."");
pdReader.readPixelData (false);
ImageOutputStream out = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outFile)));
DcmEncodeParam dcmEncParam = DcmEncodeParam.IVR_LE;
ds.writeDataset (out, dcmEncParam);
ds.writeHeader (out, dcmEncParam, Tags.PixelData, dcmParser.getReadVR (), dcmParser.getReadLength ());
System.out.println (""writing "" + outFile + ""..."");
PixelDataWriter pdWriter = pdFact.newWriter (pdReader.getPixelDataArray (), false, ds, out, dcmParser.getDcmDecodeParam ().byteOrder, dcmParser.getReadVR ());
pdWriter.writePixelData ();
out.flush ();
out.close ();
System.out.println (""done!"");
public void testCopy_inputStreamToOutputStream_nullIn () throws Exception {
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
try {
IOUtils.copy ((InputStream) null, out);
fail ();
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
337322,"static void copy (String src, String dest) throws IOException {
File ifp = new File (src);
File ofp = new File (dest);
if (ifp.exists () == false) {
throw new IOException (""file '"" + src + ""' does not exist"");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (ifp);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (ofp);
byte [] b = new byte [1024];
while ( (b) > 0) fos.write (b);
fis.close ();
fos.close ();
",12859344,"private void sendFile (File file, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
response.setContentLength ((int) file.length ());
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream (file);
IOUtils.copy (inputStream, response.getOutputStream ());
} finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly (inputStream);
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1282532,"void initOut () throws IOException {
if (zipped) {
zout = new ZipOutputStream (sink);
zout.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""file.xml""));
this.xout = new OutputStreamWriter (zout, ""UTF8"");
} else {
this.xout = new OutputStreamWriter (sink, ""UTF8"");
",16062997,"public static boolean zipDirectoryRecursive (File path, File zipFileName, String excludeRegEx, boolean relative, boolean compress) {
ArrayList < File > filesToZip = new ArrayList < File > ();
if (path.exists ()) {
File [] files = path.listFiles ();
for (int i = 0;
i < files.length; i ++) {
if (files [i].isDirectory ()) {
FileTools.listFilesRecursive (files [i], filesToZip);
} else {
filesToZip.add (files [i]);
try {
byte [] buffer = new byte [18024];
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (zipFileName));
if (! compress) {
out.setLevel (Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION);
} else {
out.setLevel (Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
for (int i = 0;
i < filesToZip.size (); i ++) {
if (excludeRegEx == null || ! filesToZip.get (i).getName ().contains (excludeRegEx)) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (filesToZip.get (i));
String filePath = filesToZip.get (i).getPath ();
if (relative) {
filePath = filePath.replaceFirst (path.getAbsolutePath () + File.separator, """");
System.out.println (""Deflating: "" + filePath);
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (filePath));
int len;
while ((len = (buffer)) > 0) {
out.write (buffer, 0, len);
out.closeEntry ();
in.close ();
out.close ();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
iae.printStackTrace ();
return (false);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
fnfe.printStackTrace ();
return (false);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ioe.printStackTrace ();
return (false);
return (true);
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
6961676,"public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
if (SAVEPICTURE.equals (e.getActionCommand ())) {
byte [] data = ((PicturePane) picturesPane.getSelectedComponent ()).getImage ();
if (data == null) {
File f = Util.getFile (this, ""Save file"", true);
if (f != null) {
try {
Files.writeFile (f, data);
} catch (Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
} else if (SAVEDL.equals (e.getActionCommand ())) {
JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser ();
fileChooser.setFileFilter (net.sourceforge.scuba.util.Files.ZIP_FILE_FILTER);
int choice = fileChooser.showSaveDialog (getContentPane ());
switch (choice) {
case JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION :
try {
File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile ();
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream (file);
ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream (fileOut);
for (short fid : dl.getFileList ()) {
String entryName = Hex.shortToHexString (fid) + "".bin"";
InputStream dg = dl.getInputStream (fid);
zipOut.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (entryName));
int bytesRead;
byte [] dgBytes = new byte [1024];
while ((bytesRead = (dgBytes)) > 0) {
zipOut.write (dgBytes, 0, bytesRead);
zipOut.closeEntry ();
zipOut.finish ();
zipOut.close ();
fileOut.flush ();
fileOut.close ();
} catch (IOException fnfe) {
fnfe.printStackTrace ();
default :
} else if (VIEWDOCCERT.equals (e.getActionCommand ())) {
try {
X509Certificate c = sodFile.getDocSigningCertificate ();
viewData (c.toString (), c.getEncoded ());
} catch (Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
} else if (VIEWAAKEY.equals (e.getActionCommand ())) {
PublicKey k = dg13file.getPublicKey ();
viewData (k.toString (), k.getEncoded ());
} else if (VIEWEAPKEYS.equals (e.getActionCommand ())) {
String s = """";
int count = 0;
Set < Integer > ids = dg14file.getIds ();
List < byte [] > keys = new ArrayList < byte [] > ();
for (Integer id : ids) {
if (count != 0) {
s += ""\n"";
if (id != - 1) {
s += ""Key identifier: "" + id + ""\n"";
PublicKey k = dg14file.getKey (id);
s += k.toString ();
keys.add (k.getEncoded ());
count ++;
viewData (s, keys);
",8954798,"public static void writeProject (ProjectModel projectModel, String path) throws IOException { (""Writing project file to "" + path);
File file = JDemResourceLoader.getAsFile (path);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (file)));
ZipEntry settingsEntry = new ZipEntry (""project.json"");
zos.putNextEntry (settingsEntry);
JsonProjectFileWriter.writeProject (projectModel, zos);
if (projectModel.getUserScript () != null) {
ZipEntry scriptEntry = null;
if (projectModel.getScriptLanguage () == ScriptLanguageEnum.GROOVY) {
scriptEntry = new ZipEntry (""script.groovy"");
} else if (projectModel.getScriptLanguage () == ScriptLanguageEnum.JYTHON) {
scriptEntry = new ZipEntry ("""");
if (scriptEntry != null) {
zos.putNextEntry (scriptEntry);
zos.write (projectModel.getUserScript ().getBytes ());
} else { (""User script is null, cannot write."");
zos.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
5389884,"public static long getDummyCRC (long count) throws IOException {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
byte [] data = new byte [1024];
int done = 0;
while (done < count) {
int tbw = (int) Math.min (count - done, data.length);
crc.update (data, 0, tbw);
done += tbw;
return crc.getValue ();
",8849605,"public void decode (File input) throws DecoderException {
try {
YEncFile yencFile = new YEncFile (input);
StringBuffer outputName = new StringBuffer (outputDirName);
outputName.append (File.separator);
outputName.append (yencFile.getHeader ().getName ());
RandomAccessFile output = new RandomAccessFile (outputName.toString (), ""rw"");
long pos = yencFile.getDataBegin ();
yencFile.getInput ().seek (pos);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
while (pos < yencFile.getDataEnd ()) {
baos.write (yencFile.getInput ().read ());
pos ++;
byte [] buff = decoder.decode (baos.toByteArray ());
output.write (buff);
output.close ();
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32 ();
crc32.update (buff);
if (! yencFile.getTrailer ().getCrc32 ().equals (Long.toHexString (crc32.getValue ()).toUpperCase ())) throw new DecoderException (""Error in CRC32 check."");
} catch (YEncException ye) {
throw new DecoderException (""Input file is not a YEnc file or contains error : "" + ye.getMessage ());
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
throw new DecoderException (""Enable to create output file : "" + fnfe.getMessage ());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new DecoderException (""Enable to read input file : "" + ioe.getMessage ());
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
6168797,"public byte [] buildPacket (int padding, SecureRandom random) {
byte [] packet = new byte [PACKET_SIZE + padding];
byte [] buffer = m_buffer.getBytes ();
if (random != null) {
random.nextBytes (packet);
} else {
for (int i = 10 + buffer.length;
i < packet.length; i ++) {
packet [i] = 0;
packet [0] = (byte) ((m_version>> 8) & 0xff);
packet [1] = (byte) (m_version & 0xff);
packet [2] = (byte) ((m_type>> 8) & 0xff);
packet [3] = (byte) (m_type & 0xff);
packet [4] = 0;
packet [5] = 0;
packet [6] = 0;
packet [7] = 0;
packet [8] = (byte) ((m_resultCode>> 8) & 0xff);
packet [9] = (byte) (m_resultCode & 0xff);
System.arraycopy (buffer, 0, packet, 10, buffer.length);
if ((10 + buffer.length) < PACKET_SIZE - 1) {
packet [10 + buffer.length] = 0;
packet [PACKET_SIZE - 1] = 0;
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
crc.update (packet);
long crc_l = crc.getValue ();
packet [4] = (byte) ((crc_l>> 24) & 0xff);
packet [5] = (byte) ((crc_l>> 16) & 0xff);
packet [6] = (byte) ((crc_l>> 8) & 0xff);
packet [7] = (byte) (crc_l & 0xff);
return packet;
",8653093,"public static boolean decode (String fileName, ByteArrayOutputStream bos) throws IOException {
byte [] buffer = new byte [BUFFERSIZE];
int bufferLength = 0;
BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream (fileName)));
String line = file.readLine ();
while (line != null && ! line.startsWith (""=ybegin"")) {
line = file.readLine ();
if (line == null) throw new IOException (""Error while looking for start of a file. Could not locate line starting with \""=ybegin\""."");
fileName = parseForName (line);
if (fileName == null) fileName = ""Unknown.blob"";
String partNo = parseForString (line, ""part"");
if (partNo != null) {
while (line != null && ! line.startsWith (""=ypart"")) {
line = file.readLine ();
if (line == null) throw new IOException (""Error while handling a multipart file. Could not locate line starting with \""=ypart\""."");
int character;
boolean special = false;
line = file.readLine ();
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
while (line != null && ! line.startsWith (""=yend"")) {
for (int lcv = 0;
lcv < line.length (); lcv ++) {
character = (int) line.charAt (lcv);
if (character != 61) {
buffer [bufferLength] = (byte) (special ? character - 106 : character - 42);
bufferLength ++;
if (bufferLength == BUFFERSIZE) {
bos.write (buffer);
crc.update (buffer);
bufferLength = 0;
special = false;
} else special = true;
line = file.readLine ();
if (bufferLength > 0) {
bos.write (buffer, 0, bufferLength);
crc.update (buffer, 0, bufferLength);
file.close ();
Debug.debug (""Size of output file = "" + bos.size ());
if (line != null && line.startsWith (""=yend"")) {
long fileCRC = - 1;
String crcVal = parseForString (line, ""pcrc32"");
if (crcVal == null) {
crcVal = parseForCRC (line);
if (crcVal != null) fileCRC = Long.parseLong (crcVal, 16);
return fileCRC == crc.getValue ();
} else return false;
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
5936119,"public boolean batchFinished () throws Exception {
Instances data = getInputFormat ();
if (data == null) throw new IllegalStateException (""No input instance format defined"");
if (m_Converter == null) {
int [] randomIndices = new int [m_ClassCounts.length];
for (int i = 0;
i < randomIndices.length; i ++) {
randomIndices [i] = i;
for (int j = randomIndices.length - 1;
j > 0; j --) {
int toSwap = m_Random.nextInt (j + 1);
int tmpIndex = randomIndices [j];
randomIndices [j] = randomIndices [toSwap];
randomIndices [toSwap] = tmpIndex;
double [] randomizedCounts = new double [m_ClassCounts.length];
for (int i = 0;
i < randomizedCounts.length; i ++) {
randomizedCounts [i] = m_ClassCounts [randomIndices [i]];
if (m_ClassOrder == RANDOM) {
m_Converter = randomIndices;
m_ClassCounts = randomizedCounts;
} else {
int [] sorted = Utils.sort (randomizedCounts);
m_Converter = new int [sorted.length];
if (m_ClassOrder == FREQ_ASCEND) {
for (int i = 0;
i < sorted.length; i ++) {
m_Converter [i] = randomIndices [sorted [i]];
} else if (m_ClassOrder == FREQ_DESCEND) {
for (int i = 0;
i < sorted.length; i ++) {
m_Converter [i] = randomIndices [sorted [sorted.length - i - 1]];
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException (""Class order not defined!"");
double [] tmp2 = new double [m_ClassCounts.length];
for (int i = 0;
i < m_Converter.length; i ++) {
tmp2 [i] = m_ClassCounts [m_Converter [i]];
m_ClassCounts = tmp2;
FastVector values = new FastVector (data.classAttribute ().numValues ());
for (int i = 0;
i < data.numClasses (); i ++) {
values.addElement (data.classAttribute ().value (m_Converter [i]));
FastVector newVec = new FastVector (data.numAttributes ());
for (int i = 0;
i < data.numAttributes (); i ++) {
if (i == data.classIndex ()) {
newVec.addElement (new Attribute (data.classAttribute ().name (), values, data.classAttribute ().getMetadata ()));
} else {
newVec.addElement (data.attribute (i));
Instances newInsts = new Instances (data.relationName (), newVec, 0);
newInsts.setClassIndex (data.classIndex ());
setOutputFormat (newInsts);
int [] temp = new int [m_Converter.length];
for (int i = 0;
i < temp.length; i ++) {
temp [m_Converter [i]] = i;
m_Converter = temp;
for (int xyz = 0;
xyz < data.numInstances (); xyz ++) {
Instance datum = data.instance (xyz);
if (! datum.isMissing (datum.classIndex ())) {
datum.setClassValue ((float) m_Converter [(int) datum.classValue ()]);
push (datum);
flushInput ();
m_NewBatch = true;
return (numPendingOutput () != 0);
",16380022,"public void shuffle (Random rand) {
for (int i = cards.length - 1;
i >= 0; i --) {
int r = rand.nextInt (i + 1);
Card t = cards [i];
cards [i] = cards [r];
cards [r] = t;
nextCard = 0;
",Shuffle Array in Place,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
150036,"public static long compute (String str) {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
Adler32 adler = new Adler32 ();
crc.update (str.getBytes ());
adler.update (str.getBytes ());
long dg1 = crc.getValue ();
long dg2 = adler.getValue ();
crc.update (String.valueOf (dg2).getBytes ());
adler.update (String.valueOf (dg1).getBytes ());
long d3 = crc.getValue ();
long d4 = adler.getValue ();
dg1 ^= d4;
dg2 ^= d3;
return (dg2 ^ ((dg1>>> 32) | (dg1 << 32)));
",10905580,"public String getID () {
CRC32 checksum = new CRC32 ();
int i = 0;
checksum.reset ();
while ((i < data.length ()) && (i < 5000)) {
checksum.update ((int) data.charAt (i));
i ++;
return (Long.toHexString (checksum.getValue ()) + Integer.toHexString (data.hashCode ()));
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1262021,"public void execute () throws BuildException {
boolean manifestFound = false;
ZipFile zipFile = null;
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = null;
ZipOutputStream zipFileOutputStream = null;
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
File fileIn = new File (m_jarPath);
if (! fileIn.exists ()) {
throw new BuildException (""File "" + m_jarPath + "" does not exists."");
File fileOut = new File (m_jarPath + "".new"");
try {
zipFile = new ZipFile (fileIn);
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream (fileIn);
zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream (fileInputStream);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream (fileOut);
zipFileOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (fileOutputStream);
ZipEntry entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry ();
while (entry != null) {
if (entry.isDirectory ()) {
} else {
InputStream in = zipFile.getInputStream (entry);
byte [] content = readInputStream (in);
if (entry.getName ().endsWith ("""")) {
manifestFound = true;
String contenu = incrementVersionInManifest (content);
zipFileOutputStream.putNextEntry (entry);
zipFileOutputStream.write (contenu.getBytes ());
zipFileOutputStream.flush ();
} else {
zipFileOutputStream.putNextEntry (entry);
zipFileOutputStream.write (content);
zipFileOutputStream.flush ();
entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry ();
if (! manifestFound) {
ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry (""/meta-inf/"");
zipFileOutputStream.putNextEntry (newEntry);
if (m_newMajorRelease == null) {
m_newMajorRelease = ""1.0"";
if (m_newMinorRelease == null) {
m_newMinorRelease = ""1"";
String content = ""Manifest-Version: "" + m_newMajorRelease + ""\nImplementation-Version: \""Build ("" + m_newMinorRelease + "")\"""";
if ((m_envType != null) && (m_envType.length () > 0)) {
content += (ENVTYPE_HEADER_STRING + m_envType + ""\n"");
zipFileOutputStream.write (content.getBytes ());
zipFileOutputStream.flush ();
m_newVersion = m_newMajorRelease + ""."" + m_newMinorRelease;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException (e.getMessage (), e);
} finally {
try {
if (zipFileOutputStream != null) {
zipFileOutputStream.close ();
if (zipInputStream != null) {
zipInputStream.close ();
if (zipFile != null) {
zipFile.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
fileIn.delete ();
fileOut.renameTo (fileIn);
System.out.println (""Version increased in jar "" + m_jarPath + "" to "" + m_newVersion);
",1669328,"public static byte [] zipEntriesAndFiles (Map < ZipEntry, byte [] > files) throws Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream dest = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (dest));
byte [] data = new byte [2048];
Iterator < ZipEntry > itr = files.keySet ().iterator ();
while (itr.hasNext ()) {
ZipEntry entry = ();
byte [] tempFile = files.get (entry);
ByteArrayInputStream bytesIn = new ByteArrayInputStream (tempFile);
BufferedInputStream origin = new BufferedInputStream (bytesIn, 2048);
out.putNextEntry (entry);
int count;
while ((count = (data, 0, 2048)) != - 1) {
out.write (data, 0, count);
bytesIn.close ();
origin.close ();
out.close ();
byte [] outBytes = dest.toByteArray ();
dest.close ();
return outBytes;
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
606859,"private static void readAndRewrite (File inFile, File outFile) throws IOException {
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (inFile)));
DcmParser dcmParser = DcmParserFactory.getInstance ().newDcmParser (iis);
Dataset ds = DcmObjectFactory.getInstance ().newDataset ();
dcmParser.setDcmHandler (ds.getDcmHandler ());
dcmParser.parseDcmFile (null, Tags.PixelData);
PixelDataReader pdReader = pdFact.newReader (ds, iis, dcmParser.getDcmDecodeParam ().byteOrder, dcmParser.getReadVR ());
System.out.println (""reading "" + inFile + ""..."");
pdReader.readPixelData (false);
ImageOutputStream out = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outFile)));
DcmEncodeParam dcmEncParam = DcmEncodeParam.IVR_LE;
ds.writeDataset (out, dcmEncParam);
ds.writeHeader (out, dcmEncParam, Tags.PixelData, dcmParser.getReadVR (), dcmParser.getReadLength ());
System.out.println (""writing "" + outFile + ""..."");
PixelDataWriter pdWriter = pdFact.newWriter (pdReader.getPixelDataArray (), false, ds, out, dcmParser.getDcmDecodeParam ().byteOrder, dcmParser.getReadVR ());
pdWriter.writePixelData ();
out.flush ();
out.close ();
System.out.println (""done!"");
",21834878,"protected void renderResource (final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final InputStream is) throws IOException {
try {
IOUtils.copy (is, response.getOutputStream ());
} finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly (is);
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1446727,"private void backupDiskFile (ZipOutputStream out, String fileName, DiskFile file) throws SQLException, IOException {
Database db = session.getDatabase ();
fileName = FileUtils.getFileName (fileName);
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (fileName));
int pos = - 1;
int max = file.getReadCount ();
while (true) {
pos = file.copyDirect (pos, out);
if (pos < 0) {
db.setProgress (DatabaseEventListener.STATE_BACKUP_FILE, fileName, pos, max);
out.closeEntry ();
",16900371,"private void addAllUploadedFiles (Environment en, ZipOutputStream zipout, int progressStart, int progressLength) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
File uploadPath = en.uploadPath (virtualWiki, """");
String [] files = uploadPath.list ();
int bytesRead = 0;
byte byteArray [] = new byte [4096];
for (int i = 0;
i < files.length; i ++) {
String fileName = files [i];
File file = en.uploadPath (virtualWiki, fileName);
if (file.isDirectory ()) {
progress = Math.min (progressStart + (int) ((double) i * (double) progressLength / files.length), 99);
logger.fine (""Adding uploaded file "" + fileName);
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (safename (fileName));
try {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (file);
zipout.putNextEntry (entry);
while (in.available () > 0) {
bytesRead = (byteArray, 0, Math.min (4096, in.available ()));
zipout.write (byteArray, 0, bytesRead);
zipout.closeEntry ();
zipout.flush ();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logger.log (Level.WARNING, ""Could not open file!"", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.log (Level.WARNING, ""IOException!"", e);
try {
zipout.closeEntry ();
zipout.flush ();
} catch (IOException e1) {
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
732800,"public BufferedWriter createOutputStream (String inFile, String outFile) throws IOException {
int k_blockSize = 1024;
int byteCount;
char [] buf = new char [k_blockSize];
File ofp = new File (outFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (ofp));
zos.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
ZipEntry zot = null;
File ifp = new File (inFile);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream (ifp));
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (zis, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr);
ZipEntry zit = null;
while ((zit = zis.getNextEntry ()) != null) {
if (zit.getName ().equals (""content.xml"")) {
zot = new ZipEntry (zit.getName ());
zos.putNextEntry (zot);
while ((byteCount = (buf, 0, k_blockSize)) >= 0) bw.write (buf, 0, byteCount);
bw.flush ();
zos.closeEntry ();
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""content.xml""));
bw.flush ();
osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""UTF8"");
bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
return bw;
",6973739,"private void writeManifestEntry (File f, JarOutputStream out) {
byte [] buffer = new byte [BUFFERSIZE];
int bytes_read;
try {
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (f), BUFFERSIZE);
String en = ""META-INF"" + ""/"" + ""MANIFEST.MF"";
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (en));
while ((bytes_read = (buffer)) != - 1) {
out.write (buffer, 0, bytes_read);
in.close ();
out.closeEntry ();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println (""[writeManifestEntry(), JarWriter] ERROR\n"" + e);
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
6368468,"boolean copyFileStructure (File oldFile, File newFile) {
if (oldFile == null || newFile == null) return false;
File searchFile = newFile;
do {
if (oldFile.equals (searchFile)) return false;
searchFile = searchFile.getParentFile ();
} while (searchFile != null);
if (oldFile.isDirectory ()) {
if (progressDialog != null) {
progressDialog.setDetailFile (oldFile, ProgressDialog.COPY);
if (simulateOnly) {
} else {
if (! newFile.mkdirs ()) return false;
File [] subFiles = oldFile.listFiles ();
if (subFiles != null) {
if (progressDialog != null) {
progressDialog.addWorkUnits (subFiles.length);
for (int i = 0;
i < subFiles.length; i ++) {
File oldSubFile = subFiles [i];
File newSubFile = new File (newFile, oldSubFile.getName ());
if (! copyFileStructure (oldSubFile, newSubFile)) return false;
if (progressDialog != null) {
progressDialog.addProgress (1);
if (progressDialog.isCancelled ()) return false;
} else {
if (simulateOnly) {
} else {
FileReader in = null;
FileWriter out = null;
try {
in = new FileReader (oldFile);
out = new FileWriter (newFile);
int count;
while ((count = ()) != - 1) out.write (count);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} finally {
try {
if (in != null) in.close ();
if (out != null) out.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return true;
",8625346,"public static boolean encodeFileToFile (String infile, String outfile) {
boolean success = false; in = null; out = null;
try {
in = new Base64.InputStream (new (new (infile)), Base64.ENCODE);
out = new (new (outfile));
byte [] buffer = new byte [65536];
int read = - 1;
while ((read = (buffer)) >= 0) {
out.write (buffer, 0, read);
success = true;
} catch ( exc) {
exc.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
try {
in.close ();
} catch (Exception exc) {
try {
out.close ();
} catch (Exception exc) {
return success;
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1514106,"private void exportLearningUnitView (File selectedFile) {
if (learningUnitViewElementsManager.isOriginalElementsOnly ()) {
String [] elementIds = learningUnitViewElementsManager.getAllLearningUnitViewElementIds ();
for (int i = 0;
i < elementIds.length; i ++) {
FSLLearningUnitViewElement element = learningUnitViewElementsManager.getLearningUnitViewElement (elementIds [i], false);
if (element.getLastModificationDate () == null) {
element.setLastModificationDate (String.valueOf (new Date ().getTime ()));
element.setModified (true);
learningUnitViewElementsManager.setModified (true);
learningUnitViewManager.saveLearningUnitViewData ();
if (selectedFile != null) {
try {
File outputFile = selectedFile;
String fileName = outputFile.getName ();
StringBuffer extension = new StringBuffer ();
if (fileName.length () >= 5) {
for (int i = 5;
i > 0; i --) {
extension.append (fileName.charAt (fileName.length () - i));
if (! extension.toString ().equals ("".fslv"")) {
outputFile.renameTo (new File (outputFile.getAbsolutePath () + "".fslv""));
outputFile = new File (outputFile.getAbsolutePath () + "".fslv"");
File files [] = selectedFile.getParentFile ().listFiles ();
int returnValue = FLGOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
for (int i = 0;
i < files.length; i ++) {
if (outputFile.getAbsolutePath ().equals (files [i].getAbsolutePath ())) {
returnValue = FLGOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (internationalization.getString (""dialog.exportLearningUnitView.fileExits.message""), internationalization.getString (""dialog.exportLearningUnitView.fileExits.title""), FLGOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, FLGOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
if (returnValue == FLGOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream (outputFile);
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (os);
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (""dummy"");
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
zipOutputStream.closeEntry ();
zipOutputStream.flush ();
zipOutputStream.finish ();
zipOutputStream.close ();
final File outFile = outputFile;
(new Thread () {
public void run () {
try {
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outFile));
File [] files = (new File (learningUnitViewManager.getLearningUnitViewOriginalDataDirectory ().getPath ())).listFiles ();
int maxSteps = files.length;
int step = 1;
exportProgressDialog = new FLGImageProgressDialog (null, 0, maxSteps, 0, getClass ().getClassLoader ().getResource (""freestyleLearning/homeCore/images/fsl.gif""), (Color) UIManager.get (""FSLColorBlue""), (Color) UIManager.get (""FSLColorRed""), internationalization.getString (""learningUnitViewExport.rogressbarText""));
exportProgressDialog.setCursor (new Cursor (Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
exportProgressDialog.setBarValue (step);
buildExportZipFile ("""", zipOutputStream, files, step);
zipOutputStream.flush ();
zipOutputStream.finish ();
zipOutputStream.close ();
exportProgressDialog.setBarValue (maxSteps);
exportProgressDialog.setCursor (new Cursor (Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
exportProgressDialog.dispose ();
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
).start ();
os.close ();
} catch (Exception exp) {
exp.printStackTrace ();
} else {
",7577030,"private void zipFiles (File file, File [] fa) throws Exception {
File f = new File (file, ALL_FILES_NAME);
if (f.exists ()) {
f.delete ();
f = new File (file, ALL_FILES_NAME);
ZipOutputStream zoutstrm = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (f));
for (int i = 0;
i < fa.length; i ++) {
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (fa [i].getName ());
zoutstrm.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
FileInputStream fr = new FileInputStream (fa [i]);
byte [] buffer = new byte [1024];
int readCount = 0;
while ((readCount = (buffer)) > 0) {
zoutstrm.write (buffer, 0, readCount);
fr.close ();
zoutstrm.closeEntry ();
zoutstrm.close ();
log (""created zip file: "" + file.getName () + ""/"" + ALL_FILES_NAME);
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1579007,"private void nextZipEntry (String url, int level) throws IOException {
if (! url.startsWith (""META-INF/"") && ! url.startsWith (""OEBPS/"")) url = ""OEBPS/"" + url;
ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry (url);
ze.setMethod (ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
tmpzos.putNextEntry (ze);
",22055554,"protected void addFileToJar (JarOutputStream jStream, File inputFile, String logicalFilename) throws BuildException {
FileInputStream iStream = null;
try {
if (! addedfiles.contains (logicalFilename)) {
iStream = new FileInputStream (inputFile);
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (logicalFilename.replace ('\\', '/'));
jStream.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
byte [] byteBuffer = new byte [2 * DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
int count = 0;
do {
jStream.write (byteBuffer, 0, count);
count = (byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.length);
} while (count != - 1);
addedfiles.add (logicalFilename);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
log (""WARNING: IOException while adding entry "" + logicalFilename + "" to jarfile from "" + inputFile.getPath () + "" "" + ioe.getClass ().getName () + ""-"" + ioe.getMessage (), Project.MSG_WARN);
} finally {
if (iStream != null) {
try {
iStream.close ();
} catch (IOException closeException) {
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
9275622,"private boolean copyFile (File _file1, File _file2) {
FileInputStream fis;
FileOutputStream fos;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream (_file1);
fos = new FileOutputStream (_file2);
FileChannel canalFuente = fis.getChannel ();
canalFuente.transferTo (0, canalFuente.size (), fos.getChannel ());
fis.close ();
fos.close ();
return true;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
",12312915,"public static void entering (String [] args) throws IOException, CodeCheckException {
ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter ();
writer.readClass (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (args [0])));
int constantIndex = writer.getStringConstantIndex (""Entering "");
int fieldRefIndex = writer.getReferenceIndex (ClassWriter.CONSTANT_Fieldref, ""java/lang/System"", ""out"", ""Ljava/io/PrintStream;"");
int printlnRefIndex = writer.getReferenceIndex (ClassWriter.CONSTANT_Methodref, ""java/io/PrintStream"", ""println"", ""(Ljava/lang/String;)V"");
int printRefIndex = writer.getReferenceIndex (ClassWriter.CONSTANT_Methodref, ""java/io/PrintStream"", ""print"", ""(Ljava/lang/String;)V"");
for (Iterator i = writer.getMethods ().iterator ();
i.hasNext ();) {
MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) ();
if (method.getName ().equals (""readConstant"")) continue;
CodeAttribute attribute = method.getCodeAttribute ();
ArrayList instructions = new ArrayList (10);
byte [] operands;
operands = new byte [2];
NetByte.intToPair (fieldRefIndex, operands, 0);
instructions.add (new Instruction (OpCode.getOpCodeByMnemonic (""getstatic""), 0, operands, false));
instructions.add (new Instruction (OpCode.getOpCodeByMnemonic (""dup""), 0, null, false));
instructions.add (Instruction.appropriateLdc (constantIndex, false));
operands = new byte [2];
NetByte.intToPair (printRefIndex, operands, 0);
instructions.add (new Instruction (OpCode.getOpCodeByMnemonic (""invokevirtual""), 0, operands, false));
instructions.add (Instruction.appropriateLdc (writer.getStringConstantIndex (method.getName ()), false));
operands = new byte [2];
NetByte.intToPair (printlnRefIndex, operands, 0);
instructions.add (new Instruction (OpCode.getOpCodeByMnemonic (""invokevirtual""), 0, operands, false));
attribute.insertInstructions (0, 0, instructions);
attribute.codeCheck ();
BufferedOutputStream outStream = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (args [1]));
writer.writeClass (outStream);
outStream.close ();
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
418257,"public BufferedWriter createOutputStream (String inFile, String outFile) throws IOException {
int k_blockSize = 1024;
int byteCount;
char [] buf = new char [k_blockSize];
File ofp = new File (outFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (ofp));
zos.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
ZipEntry zot = null;
File ifp = new File (inFile);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream (ifp));
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (zis, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr);
ZipEntry zit = null;
while ((zit = zis.getNextEntry ()) != null) {
if (zit.getName ().equals (""content.xml"")) {
zot = new ZipEntry (zit.getName ());
zos.putNextEntry (zot);
while ((byteCount = (buf, 0, k_blockSize)) >= 0) bw.write (buf, 0, byteCount);
bw.flush ();
zos.closeEntry ();
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""content.xml""));
bw.flush ();
osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""UTF8"");
bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
return bw;
",10620258,"private void writeFileToZip (ZipOutputStream out, String sourceFilename, String vPath) throws IOException {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (sourceFilename);
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (vPath));
int len;
byte [] buf = new byte [1024];
while ((len = (buf)) > 0) {
out.write (buf, 0, len);
out.closeEntry ();
in.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
268806,"public void convert (File src, File dest) throws IOException {
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (src));
DcmParser p = pfact.newDcmParser (in);
Dataset ds = fact.newDataset ();
p.setDcmHandler (ds.getDcmHandler ());
try {
FileFormat format = p.detectFileFormat ();
if (format != FileFormat.ACRNEMA_STREAM) {
System.out.println (""\n"" + src + "": not an ACRNEMA stream!"");
p.parseDcmFile (format, Tags.PixelData);
if (ds.contains (Tags.StudyInstanceUID) || ds.contains (Tags.SeriesInstanceUID) || ds.contains (Tags.SOPInstanceUID) || ds.contains (Tags.SOPClassUID)) {
System.out.println (""\n"" + src + "": contains UIDs!"" + "" => probable already DICOM - do not convert"");
boolean hasPixelData = p.getReadTag () == Tags.PixelData;
boolean inflate = hasPixelData && ds.getInt (Tags.BitsAllocated, 0) == 12;
int pxlen = p.getReadLength ();
if (hasPixelData) {
if (inflate) {
ds.putUS (Tags.BitsAllocated, 16);
pxlen = pxlen * 4 / 3;
if (pxlen != (ds.getInt (Tags.BitsAllocated, 0)>>> 3) * ds.getInt (Tags.Rows, 0) * ds.getInt (Tags.Columns, 0) * ds.getInt (Tags.NumberOfFrames, 1) * ds.getInt (Tags.NumberOfSamples, 1)) {
System.out.println (""\n"" + src + "": mismatch pixel data length!"" + "" => do not convert"");
ds.putUI (Tags.StudyInstanceUID, uid (studyUID));
ds.putUI (Tags.SeriesInstanceUID, uid (seriesUID));
ds.putUI (Tags.SOPInstanceUID, uid (instUID));
ds.putUI (Tags.SOPClassUID, classUID);
if (! ds.contains (Tags.NumberOfSamples)) {
ds.putUS (Tags.NumberOfSamples, 1);
if (! ds.contains (Tags.PhotometricInterpretation)) {
ds.putCS (Tags.PhotometricInterpretation, ""MONOCHROME2"");
if (fmi) {
ds.setFileMetaInfo (fact.newFileMetaInfo (ds, UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian));
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (dest));
try {
} finally {
ds.writeFile (out, encodeParam ());
if (hasPixelData) {
if (! skipGroupLen) {
out.write (PXDATA_GROUPLEN);
int grlen = pxlen + 8;
out.write ((byte) grlen);
out.write ((byte) (grlen>> 8));
out.write ((byte) (grlen>> 16));
out.write ((byte) (grlen>> 24));
out.write (PXDATA_TAG);
out.write ((byte) pxlen);
out.write ((byte) (pxlen>> 8));
out.write ((byte) (pxlen>> 16));
out.write ((byte) (pxlen>> 24));
if (inflate) {
int b2, b3;
for (; pxlen > 0; pxlen -= 3) {
out.write ( ());
b2 = ();
b3 = ();
out.write (b2 & 0x0f);
out.write (b2>> 4 | ((b3 & 0x0f) << 4));
out.write (b3>> 4);
} else {
for (; pxlen > 0; -- pxlen) {
out.write ( ());
out.close ();
System.out.print ('.');
} finally {
in.close ();
",17296395,"public static File copyToLibDirectory (final File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
if (file == null || ! file.exists ()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException ();
File directory = new File (""lib/"");
File dest = new File (directory, file.getName ());
File parent = dest.getParentFile ();
while (parent != null && ! parent.equals (directory)) {
parent = parent.getParentFile ();
if (parent.equals (directory)) {
return file;
FileChannel in = null;
FileChannel out = null;
try {
in = new FileInputStream (file).getChannel ();
out = new FileOutputStream (dest).getChannel ();
in.transferTo (0, in.size (), out);
} finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
in.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (out != null) {
try {
out.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
return dest;
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
418257,"public BufferedWriter createOutputStream (String inFile, String outFile) throws IOException {
int k_blockSize = 1024;
int byteCount;
char [] buf = new char [k_blockSize];
File ofp = new File (outFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (ofp));
zos.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
ZipEntry zot = null;
File ifp = new File (inFile);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream (ifp));
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (zis, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr);
ZipEntry zit = null;
while ((zit = zis.getNextEntry ()) != null) {
if (zit.getName ().equals (""content.xml"")) {
zot = new ZipEntry (zit.getName ());
zos.putNextEntry (zot);
while ((byteCount = (buf, 0, k_blockSize)) >= 0) bw.write (buf, 0, byteCount);
bw.flush ();
zos.closeEntry ();
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""content.xml""));
bw.flush ();
osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""UTF8"");
bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
return bw;
",23309807,"public OCFContainerWriter (OutputStream out, String mime) throws IOException {
zip = new ZipOutputStream (out);
try {
byte [] bytes = mime.getBytes (""UTF-8"");
ZipEntry mimetype = new ZipEntry (""mimetype"");
mimetype.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.STORED);
mimetype.setSize (bytes.length);
mimetype.setCompressedSize (bytes.length);
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
crc.update (bytes);
mimetype.setCrc (crc.getValue ());
zip.putNextEntry (mimetype);
zip.write (bytes);
zip.closeEntry ();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
2049240,"private void writeInfos () throws IOException {
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""info.bin""));
outFile = new DataOutputStream (zos);
outFile.writeInt (VERSION);
outFile.writeInt (MINORVERSION);
outFile.writeDouble (intervall_s);
zos.closeEntry ();
",22572311,"public static byte [] zipFiles (Map < String, byte [] > files) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream dest = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (dest));
Iterator < Entry < String, byte [] > > itr = files.entrySet ().iterator ();
while (itr.hasNext ()) {
Entry < String, byte [] > entry = ();
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (entry.getKey ());
out.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
IOUtils.write (entry.getValue (), out);
out.close ();
byte [] outBytes = dest.toByteArray ();
dest.close ();
return outBytes;
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
3266833,"public MotixFileItem (final InputStream is, final String name, final String contentType, final int index) throws IOException { = name;
this.contentType = contentType;
this.index = index;
this.extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension (;
this.isImage = ImageUtils.isImage (name);
ArrayInputStream isAux = null;
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
try {
IOUtils.copy (is, out);
isAux = new ArrayInputStream (out.toByteArray ());
if (this.isImage) {
this.bufferedImage = (isAux);
} finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly (out);
IOUtils.closeQuietly (isAux);
this.inputStream = new ArrayInputStream (out.toByteArray ());
",18400649,"public static void copyFiles (String strPath, String dstPath) throws IOException {
File src = new File (strPath);
File dest = new File (dstPath);
if (src.isDirectory ()) {
dest.mkdirs ();
String list [] = src.list ();
for (int i = 0;
i < list.length; i ++) {
if (list [i].lastIndexOf (SVN) != - 1) {
if (! SVN.equalsIgnoreCase (list [i].substring (list [i].length () - 4, list [i].length ()))) {
String dest1 = dest.getAbsolutePath () + ""\\"" + list [i];
String src1 = src.getAbsolutePath () + ""\\"" + list [i];
copyFiles (src1, dest1);
} else {
String dest1 = dest.getAbsolutePath () + ""\\"" + list [i];
String src1 = src.getAbsolutePath () + ""\\"" + list [i];
copyFiles (src1, dest1);
} else {
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream (src);
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream (dest);
int c;
while ((c = ()) >= 0) fout.write (c);
fin.close ();
fout.close ();
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
7209802,"public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
try {
serverSocket = new ServerSocket (4444);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println (""Could not listen on port: 4444."");
System.exit (1);
Socket clientSocket = null;
try {
clientSocket = serverSocket.accept ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println (""Accept failed."");
System.exit (1);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream (clientSocket.getOutputStream ());
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (clientSocket.getInputStream ()));
String inputLine, outputLine;
inputLine = in.readLine ();
String dist_metric = in.readLine ();
File outFile = new File (""data.txt"");
FileWriter outw = new FileWriter (outFile);
outw.write (inputLine);
outw.close ();
File sample_coords = new File (""sample_coords.txt"");
sample_coords.delete ();
File sp_coords = new File (""sp_coords.txt"");
sp_coords.delete ();
try {
System.out.println (""Running python script..."");
System.out.println (""Command: "" + ""python "" + ""\"""" + dist_metric + ""\"""");
Process pr = Runtime.getRuntime ().exec (""python "" + dist_metric);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (pr.getErrorStream ()));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine ()) != null) {
System.out.println (line);
int exitVal = pr.waitFor ();
System.out.println (""Process Exit Value: "" + exitVal);
System.out.println (""done."");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println (""Unable to run python script for PCoA analysis"");
File myFile = new File (""sp_coords.txt"");
byte [] mybytearray = new byte [(new Long (myFile.length ())).intValue ()];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (myFile);
System.out.println (""."");
System.out.println (myFile.length ());
out.writeInt ((int) myFile.length ());
for (int i = 0;
i < myFile.length (); i ++) {
out.writeByte ( ());
myFile = new File (""sample_coords.txt"");
mybytearray = new byte [(int) myFile.length ()];
fis = new FileInputStream (myFile); (mybytearray);
System.out.println (""."");
System.out.println (myFile.length ());
out.writeInt ((int) myFile.length ());
out.write (mybytearray);
myFile = new File (""evals.txt"");
mybytearray = new byte [(new Long (myFile.length ())).intValue ()];
fis = new FileInputStream (myFile); (mybytearray);
System.out.println (""."");
System.out.println (myFile.length ());
out.writeInt ((int) myFile.length ());
out.write (mybytearray);
out.flush ();
out.close ();
in.close ();
clientSocket.close ();
serverSocket.close ();
",12440171,"public void writeFile (String resource, InputStream is) throws IOException {
File f = prepareFsReferenceAsFile (resource);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (f);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream (fos);
try {
IOUtils.copy (is, bos);
} finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly (is);
IOUtils.closeQuietly (bos);
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
12819863,"public static String generatePassword (String userKey, int applicationId, String applicationKey) {
String nonce = generateNonce ();
String createDate = fmtDate.format (new Date ());
String keyDigest = null;
MessageDigest sha1 = null;
try {
sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance (""SHA1"");
sha1.update (nonce.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
sha1.update (createDate.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
sha1.update (userKey.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
sha1.update (applicationKey.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
keyDigest = getHexaDecimal (sha1.digest ());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException (e);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.append (applicationId);
sb.append (',');
sb.append (nonce);
sb.append (',');
sb.append (createDate);
sb.append (',');
sb.append (keyDigest);
return sb.toString ();
",22915885,"public Login authenticateClient () {
Object o;
String user, password;
Vector < Login > clientLogins = ClientLoginsTableModel.getClientLogins ();
Login login = null;
try {
socket.setSoTimeout (25000);
objectOut.writeObject (""JFRITZ SERVER 1.1"");
objectOut.flush ();
o = objectIn.readObject ();
if (o instanceof String) {
user = (String) o;
objectOut.flush ();
for (Login l : clientLogins) {
if (l.getUser ().equals (user)) {
login = l;
if (login != null) {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance (""MD5"");
md.update (login.getPassword ().getBytes ());
DESKeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec (md.digest ());
SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance (""DES"");
SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret (desKeySpec);
Cipher desCipher = Cipher.getInstance (""DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"");
desCipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
byte [] dataKeySeed = new byte [32];
Random random = new Random ();
random.nextBytes (dataKeySeed);
md.reset ();
md.update (dataKeySeed);
dataKeySeed = md.digest ();
SealedObject dataKeySeedSealed;
dataKeySeedSealed = new SealedObject (dataKeySeed, desCipher);
objectOut.writeObject (dataKeySeedSealed);
objectOut.flush ();
desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec (dataKeySeed);
secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret (desKeySpec);
inCipher = Cipher.getInstance (""DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"");
outCipher = Cipher.getInstance (""DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"");
inCipher.init (Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
outCipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
SealedObject sealedObject = (SealedObject) objectIn.readObject ();
o = sealedObject.getObject (inCipher);
if (o instanceof String) {
String response = (String) o;
if (response.equals (""OK"")) {
SealedObject ok_sealed = new SealedObject (""OK"", outCipher);
objectOut.writeObject (ok_sealed);
return login;
} else {
Debug.netMsg (""Client sent false response to challenge!"");
} else {
Debug.netMsg (""Client sent false object as response to challenge!"");
} else {
Debug.netMsg (""client sent unkown username: "" + user);
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""Wrong blocksize for sealed object!"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""received unrecognized object from client!"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""MD5 Algorithm not present in this JVM!"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""Error generating cipher, problems with key spec?"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""Error genertating cipher, problems with key?"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""Error generating cipher, problems with padding?"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (IOException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""Error authenticating client!"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
Debug.netMsg (""Bad padding exception!"");
Debug.error (e.toString ());
e.printStackTrace ();
return null;
",Secure Hash,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
891054,"public Thread transmitThread (final Socket s, final CountDownLatch abortLatch) {
final Thread theThread = new Thread () {
public void run () {
final Random r = new Random ();
final Counter counter = new Counter (""TRANSMIT"", plotter);
counter.start ();
try {
final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (s.getOutputStream ()));
while (! Thread.interrupted ()) {
if (! running.get ()) {
Thread.sleep (1000);
final int packetSize = r.nextInt (8192) + 2048;
final byte [] packet = new byte [packetSize];
r.nextBytes (packet);
final CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
crc.update (packet);
dos.writeInt (packetSize);
counter.addBytes (INTEGER_BYTES);
dos.write (packet);
counter.addBytes (packetSize);
dos.writeLong (crc.getValue ());
counter.addBytes (CRC_BYTES);
dos.flush ();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println (""Transmitter thread interrupted!"");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println (""Unexpected error in transmitter thread: "" + e.getMessage ());
} finally {
abortLatch.countDown ();
counter.interrupt ();
return theThread;
",1302030,"private static String getUnicodeStringIfOriginalMatches (AbstractUnicodeExtraField f, byte [] orig) {
if (f != null) {
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32 ();
crc32.update (orig);
long origCRC32 = crc32.getValue ();
if (origCRC32 == f.getNameCRC32 ()) {
try {
return ZipEncodingHelper.UTF8_ZIP_ENCODING.decode (f.getUnicodeName ());
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
return null;
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
public List < SectionFinderResult > lookForSections (String text, Section < ? > father, Type type) {
ArrayList < SectionFinderResult > result = new ArrayList < SectionFinderResult > ();
Pattern TABLE_LINE = Pattern.compile (TABLE_LINE_REGEXP, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher m = TABLE_LINE.matcher (text);
int end = 0;
int tableStart = - 1;
int tableEnd = - 1;
while (m.find (end)) {
int start = m.start ();
end = m.end ();
if (tableEnd == start) {
tableEnd = end;
} else {
addResultIfAvailable (result, tableStart, tableEnd);
tableStart = start;
tableEnd = end;
if (end >= text.length ()) break;
addResultIfAvailable (result, tableStart, tableEnd);
return result;
",19047757,"public LinkedList < SearchResult > search (String strRequest) {
LinkedList < SearchResult > ret = new LinkedList < SearchResult > ();
HttpClient h = new HttpClient ();
try {
String strRequestUrl = """";
if (strRequest.toLowerCase ().contains (""straight!"")) {
strRequestUrl += ""?type=straight"";
strRequest = strRequest.replaceAll (""straight!"", """");
if (strRequest.toLowerCase ().contains (""gay!"")) {
strRequestUrl += ""?type=gay"";
strRequest = strRequest.replaceAll (""gay!"", """");
if (strRequest.toLowerCase ().contains (""cocks!"")) {
strRequestUrl += ""?type=cocks"";
strRequest = strRequest.replaceAll (""cocks!"", """");
if (! strRequestUrl.endsWith (""search"")) strRequestUrl += ""&"";
else strRequestUrl += ""?"";
strRequestUrl += ""query="" + URLEncoder.encode (strRequest, ""UTF-8"");
if (NoMuleRuntime.DEBUG) System.out.println (strRequestUrl);
GetMethod get = new GetMethod (strRequestUrl);
Date d = new Date ((new Date ()).getTime () + (1 * 24 * 3600 * 1000));
h.getState ().addCookie (new Cookie ("""", ""age_check"", ""1"", ""/"", d, false));
h.executeMethod (get);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (get.getResponseBodyAsStream ()));
String s = """";
String res = """";
while ((s = in.readLine ()) != null) {
res += s;
get.releaseConnection ();
if (NoMuleRuntime.DEBUG) System.out.println (res);
String regexp = ""\\[^\\<]+"";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile (regexp);
Matcher m = p.matcher (res);
while (m.find ()) {
int startPos = m.start () + "" 0) ret.add (new SearchResult (strTitle + "" at YouPorn"", strUrl));
return ret;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (HttpException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
return null;
",Extract Matches Using Regex,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
7990229,"public static InputStream gunzip (final InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull (inputStream, ""inputStream"");
GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream (inputStream);
InputOutputStream inputOutputStream = new InputOutputStream ();
IOUtils.copy (gzipInputStream, inputOutputStream);
return inputOutputStream.getInputStream ();
",15520770,"public void writeConfigurationFile () throws IOException, ComponentException {
SystemConfig config = parent.getParentSystem ().getConfiguration ();
File original = config.getLocation ();
File backup = new File (original.getParentFile (), original.getName () + ""."" + System.currentTimeMillis ());
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (original);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream (backup);
byte [] buffer = new byte [2048];
try {
int bytesread = 0;
while ((bytesread = (buffer)) > 0) {
out.write (buffer, 0, bytesread);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn (""Failed to copy backup of configuration file"");
throw e;
} finally {
in.close ();
out.close ();
FileWriter replace = new FileWriter (original);
replace.write (config.toFileFormat ());
replace.close (); (""Re-wrote configuration file "" + original.getPath ());
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1086128,"public void streamDataToZip (VolumeTimeSeries vol, ZipOutputStream zout) throws Exception {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (vol.getId () + "".dat"");
zout.putNextEntry (entry);
if (vol instanceof FloatVolumeTimeSeries) {
streamData (((FloatVolumeTimeSeries) vol).getData (), zout);
} else if (vol instanceof RGBVolumeTimeSeries) {
streamData (((RGBVolumeTimeSeries) vol).getARGBData (), zout);
} else if (vol instanceof BinaryVolumeTimeSeries) {
streamData (((BinaryVolumeTimeSeries) vol).getBinaryData (), zout);
",13374130,"private void zipLog (InfoRolling info) {
boolean zipped = false;
File [] logFiles = info.getFiles ();
try {
GregorianCalendar gc = (GregorianCalendar) GregorianCalendar.getInstance ();
gc.roll (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, info.getBackRolling ());
final String prefixFileName = logFileName.substring (0, logFileName.indexOf ("".""));
final String date = sdf.format (gc.getTime ());
String tarName = new StringBuffer (prefixFileName).append (date).append ("".tar"").toString ();
String gzipFileName = new StringBuffer (tarName).append ("".zip"").toString ();
String tarPath = new StringBuffer (logDir).append (File.separator).append (tarName).toString ();
TarArchive ta = new TarArchive (new FileOutputStream (tarPath));
for (int i = 0;
i < logFiles.length; i ++) {
File file = logFiles [i];
TarEntry te = new TarEntry (file);
ta.writeEntry (te, true);
ta.closeArchive ();
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (tarName);
zipEntry.setMethod (ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (new StringBuffer (logDir).append (File.separator).append (gzipFileName).toString ()));
zout.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
InputStream in = new FileInputStream (tarPath);
byte [] buffer = new byte [2048];
int ch = 0;
while ((ch = (buffer)) >= 0) {
zout.write (buffer, 0, ch);
zout.flush ();
zout.close ();
in.close ();
logFiles = new File (getFile ().substring (0, getFile ().lastIndexOf (File.separator))).listFiles (new FileFilter () {
public boolean accept (File file) {
return file.getName ().endsWith ("".tar"");
for (int i = 0;
i < logFiles.length; i ++) {
File file = logFiles [i];
System.out.println (""cancello : "" + file.getAbsolutePath () + "" : "" + file.delete ());
logFiles = new File (getFile ().substring (0, getFile ().lastIndexOf (File.separator))).listFiles (new FileFilter () {
public boolean accept (File file) {
return file.getName ().indexOf (prefixFileName + "".log"" + date) != - 1 && ! file.getName ().endsWith ("".zip"");
for (int i = 0;
i < logFiles.length; i ++) {
File file = logFiles [i];
System.out.println (""cancello : "" + file.getAbsolutePath () + "" : "" + file.delete ());
zipped = true;
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
LogLog.error (""Filenotfound: "" + ex.getMessage (), ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LogLog.error (""IOException: "" + ex.getMessage (), ex);
} finally {
if (zipped) {
for (int i = 0;
i < logFiles.length; i ++) {
File file = logFiles [i];
file.delete ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
9371509,"public SWORDEntry ingestDepost (final DepositCollection pDeposit, final ServiceDocument pServiceDocument) throws SWORDException {
try {
ZipFileAccess tZipFile = new ZipFileAccess (super.getTempDir ());
LOG.debug (""copying file"");
String tZipTempFileName = super.getTempDir () + ""uploaded-file.tmp"";
IOUtils.copy (pDeposit.getFile (), new FileOutputStream (tZipTempFileName));
Datastream tDatastream = new LocalDatastream (super.getGenericFileName (pDeposit), this.getContentType (), tZipTempFileName);
_datastreamList.add (tDatastream);
_datastreamList.addAll (tZipFile.getFiles (tZipTempFileName));
int i = 0;
boolean found = false;
for (i = 0; i < _datastreamList.size (); i ++) {
if (_datastreamList.get (i).getId ().equalsIgnoreCase (""mets"")) {
found = true;
if (found) {
SAXBuilder tBuilder = new SAXBuilder ();
_mets = new METSObject ( (((LocalDatastream) _datastreamList.get (i)).getPath ()));
LocalDatastream tLocalMETSDS = (LocalDatastream) _datastreamList.remove (i);
new File (tLocalMETSDS.getPath ()).delete ();
_datastreamList.add (_mets.getMETSDs ());
_datastreamList.addAll (_mets.getMetadataDatastreams ());
} else {
throw new SWORDException (""Couldn't find a METS document in the zip file, ensure it is named mets.xml or METS.xml"");
SWORDEntry tEntry = super.ingestDepost (pDeposit, pServiceDocument);
tZipFile.removeLocalFiles ();
return tEntry;
} catch (IOException tIOExcpt) {
String tMessage = ""Couldn't retrieve METS from deposit: "" + tIOExcpt.toString ();
LOG.error (tMessage);
tIOExcpt.printStackTrace ();
throw new SWORDException (tMessage, tIOExcpt);
} catch (JDOMException tJDOMExcpt) {
String tMessage = ""Couldn't build METS from deposit: "" + tJDOMExcpt.toString ();
LOG.error (tMessage);
tJDOMExcpt.printStackTrace ();
throw new SWORDException (tMessage, tJDOMExcpt);
",19687456,"public void testReadPerMemberSixSmall () throws IOException {
GZIPMembersInputStream gzin = new GZIPMembersInputStream (new ByteArrayInputStream (sixsmall_gz));
gzin.setEofEachMember (true);
for (int i = 0;
i < 3; i ++) {
int count2 = IOUtils.copy (gzin, new NullOutputStream ());
assertEquals (""wrong 1-byte member count"", 1, count2);
gzin.nextMember ();
int count3 = IOUtils.copy (gzin, new NullOutputStream ());
assertEquals (""wrong 5-byte member count"", 5, count3);
gzin.nextMember ();
int countEnd = IOUtils.copy (gzin, new NullOutputStream ());
assertEquals (""wrong eof count"", 0, countEnd);
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1579007,"private void nextZipEntry (String url, int level) throws IOException {
if (! url.startsWith (""META-INF/"") && ! url.startsWith (""OEBPS/"")) url = ""OEBPS/"" + url;
ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry (url);
ze.setMethod (ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
tmpzos.putNextEntry (ze);
",10178914,"private void writeEntry (File file, ZipOutputStream output, File oya) throws IOException {
BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (file));
String fn = extractRelativeZipPath (file.getAbsolutePath (), oya.getAbsolutePath ());
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (this.convertZipEntrySeparator (fn));
output.putNextEntry (entry);
int b;
while ((b = ()) != - 1) {
output.write (b);
input.close ();
output.closeEntry ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
792644,"private static void readAndRewrite (File inFile, File outFile) throws IOException {
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (inFile)));
DcmParser dcmParser = DcmParserFactory.getInstance ().newDcmParser (iis);
Dataset ds = DcmObjectFactory.getInstance ().newDataset ();
dcmParser.setDcmHandler (ds.getDcmHandler ());
dcmParser.parseDcmFile (null, Tags.PixelData);
PixelDataReader pdReader = pdFact.newReader (ds, iis, dcmParser.getDcmDecodeParam ().byteOrder, dcmParser.getReadVR ());
System.out.println (""reading "" + inFile + ""..."");
pdReader.readPixelData (false);
ImageOutputStream out = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outFile)));
DcmEncodeParam dcmEncParam = DcmEncodeParam.IVR_LE;
ds.writeDataset (out, dcmEncParam);
ds.writeHeader (out, dcmEncParam, Tags.PixelData, dcmParser.getReadVR (), dcmParser.getReadLength ());
System.out.println (""writing "" + outFile + ""..."");
PixelDataWriter pdWriter = pdFact.newWriter (pdReader.getPixelDataArray (), false, ds, out, dcmParser.getDcmDecodeParam ().byteOrder, dcmParser.getReadVR ());
pdWriter.writePixelData ();
out.flush ();
out.close ();
System.out.println (""done!"");
",7119938,"public void putFile (CompoundName file, FileInputStream fileInput) throws IOException {
File fullDir = new File (REMOTE_BASE_DIR.getCanonicalPath ());
for (int i = 0;
i < file.size () - 1; i ++) fullDir = new File (fullDir, file.get (i));
fullDir.mkdirs ();
File outputFile = new File (fullDir, file.get (file.size () - 1));
FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream (outputFile);
for (int byteIn = ();
byteIn != - 1; byteIn = ()) outStream.write (byteIn);
fileInput.close ();
outStream.close ();
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
4200038,"public static int getCrc32asInt (byte [] in) {
if (in == null || in.length == 0) return - 1;
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
crc.update (in);
return (int) crc.getValue ();
",11911260,"private void readHeader () throws IOException {
CRC32 headCRC = new CRC32 ();
int magic = ();
if (magic < 0) {
eos = true;
headCRC.update (magic);
if (magic != (GZIP_MAGIC>> 8)) throw new IOException (""Error in GZIP header, first byte doesn't match"");
magic = ();
if (magic != (GZIP_MAGIC & 0xff)) throw new IOException (""Error in GZIP header, second byte doesn't match"");
headCRC.update (magic);
int CM = ();
if (CM != 8) throw new IOException (""Error in GZIP header, data not in deflate format"");
headCRC.update (CM);
int flags = ();
if (flags < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
headCRC.update (flags);
if ((flags & 0xd0) != 0) throw new IOException (""Reserved flag bits in GZIP header != 0"");
for (int i = 0;
i < 6; i ++) {
int readByte = ();
if (readByte < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
headCRC.update (readByte);
if ((flags & FEXTRA) != 0) {
for (int i = 0;
i < 2; i ++) {
int readByte = ();
if (readByte < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
headCRC.update (readByte);
if ( () < 0 || () < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
int len1, len2, extraLen;
len1 = ();
len2 = ();
if ((len1 < 0) || (len2 < 0)) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
headCRC.update (len1);
headCRC.update (len2);
extraLen = (len1 << 8) | len2;
for (int i = 0;
i < extraLen; i ++) {
int readByte = ();
if (readByte < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
headCRC.update (readByte);
if ((flags & FNAME) != 0) {
int readByte;
while ((readByte = ()) > 0) headCRC.update (readByte);
if (readByte < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP file name"");
headCRC.update (readByte);
if ((flags & FCOMMENT) != 0) {
int readByte;
while ((readByte = ()) > 0) headCRC.update (readByte);
if (readByte < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP comment"");
headCRC.update (readByte);
if ((flags & FHCRC) != 0) {
int tempByte;
int crcval = ();
if (crcval < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
tempByte = ();
if (tempByte < 0) throw new EOFException (""Early EOF in GZIP header"");
crcval = (crcval << 8) | tempByte;
if (crcval != ((int) headCRC.getValue () & 0xffff)) throw new IOException (""Header CRC value mismatch"");
readGZIPHeader = true;
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1951108,"private void zipStream (InputStream inStream, String streamName, File zipFile) throws IOException {
if (inStream == null) {
log.warn (""No stream to zip."");
} else {
try {
FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream (zipFile);
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (dest));
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (streamName);
out.putNextEntry (entry);
copyInputStream (inStream, out);
out.close ();
dest.close ();
inStream.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error (""IOException while zipping stream"");
throw e;
",15891912,"public void close () {
logger.debug (""Closing output file."");
outfile.close ();
tempFile.renameTo (new File (fileName));
if (toZIP) {
logger.debug (""ZIPping output file."");
try {
ZipOutputStream zipout = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (fileName + "".zip""));
zipout.setLevel (9);
String outfilezipname = fileName.substring (fileName.lastIndexOf (System.getProperty (""file.separator"")) + 1);
zipout.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (outfilezipname));
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (fileName);
byte [] buffer = new byte [65536];
int len;
while ((len = (buffer)) > 0) {
zipout.write (buffer, 0, len);
zipout.close ();
fis.close ();
logger.debug (""ZIPping output file ok."");
logger.debug (""Removing "" + fileName);
(new File (fileName)).delete ();
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.debug (""Error when zipping file"", ex);
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
public static void createProblem () throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException {
problem = File.createTempFile (""___prb___"", "".problem"");
System.out.println (""created temporary problem "" + problem);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (problem));
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream (zos);
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""MANIFEST""));
DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder ();
Document doc = builder.newDocument ();
Element root = doc.createElement (""resources"");
doc.appendChild (root);
Element alias = doc.createElement (""alias"");
alias.setAttribute (""path"", ""STATEMENT"");
alias.setAttribute (""target"", ""statement.txt"");
root.appendChild (alias);
Element contents1 = doc.createElement (""contents"");
contents1.setAttribute (""path"", ""ANSWER"");
contents1.setTextContent (""42"");
root.appendChild (contents1);
Element contents2 = doc.createElement (""contents"");
contents2.setAttribute (""path"", ""STATEMENT EXT"");
contents2.setTextContent (""TXT"");
root.appendChild (contents2);
Element teacher = doc.createElement (""teacher"");
teacher.setAttribute (""path"", ""ANSWER"");
root.appendChild (teacher);
Source source = new DOMSource (doc);
Result result = new StreamResult (zos);
Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance ().newTransformer ();
xformer.transform (source, result);
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""statement.txt""));
ps.println (""���� ����� ������������ ����� � ����?"");
zos.closeEntry ();
zos.close ();
",13994366,"public static boolean exportStandalone (String projectDirectory, String destinyJARPath) {
boolean exported = true;
try {
File destinyJarFile = new File (destinyJARPath);
FileOutputStream mergedFile = new FileOutputStream (destinyJarFile);
ZipOutputStream os = new ZipOutputStream (mergedFile);
String manifest = Writer.defaultManifestFile (""es.eucm.eadventure.engine.EAdventureStandalone"");
ZipEntry manifestEntry = new ZipEntry (""META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"");
os.putNextEntry (manifestEntry);
os.write (manifest.getBytes ());
os.closeEntry ();
os.flush ();
File.mergeZipAndDirToJar (""web/eAdventure_temp.jar"", projectDirectory, os);
addNeededLibrariesToJar (os, Controller.getInstance ());
os.close ();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
exported = false;
ReportDialog.GenerateErrorReport (e, true, ""UNKNOWNERROR"");
} catch (IOException e) {
exported = false;
ReportDialog.GenerateErrorReport (e, true, ""UNKNOWNERROR"");
return exported;
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
public boolean copy (Document document, Folder folder) throws Exception {
boolean isCopied = false;
if (document.getId () != null && folder.getId () != null) {
Document copiedDoc = new DocumentModel ();
copiedDoc.setValues (document.getValues ());
copiedDoc.setFolder (folder);
copiedDoc.setId (null);
em.persist (copiedDoc);
resourceAuthorityService.applyAuthority (copiedDoc);
List < Preference > preferences = prefService.findAll ();
Preference preference = new PreferenceModel ();
if (preferences != null && ! preferences.isEmpty ()) {
preference = preferences.get (0);
String repo = preference.getRepository ();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat (Constants.DATEFORMAT_YYYYMMDD);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ();
StringBuffer sbRepo = new StringBuffer (repo);
sbRepo.append (File.separator);
StringBuffer sbFolder = new StringBuffer (sdf.format (calendar.getTime ()));
sbFolder.append (File.separator).append (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
File fFolder = new File (sbRepo.append (sbFolder).toString ());
if (! fFolder.exists ()) {
fFolder.mkdirs ();
copiedDoc.setLocation (sbFolder.toString ());
em.merge (copiedDoc);
File in = new File (repo + File.separator + document.getLocation () + File.separator + document.getId () + ""."" + document.getExt ());
File out = new File (fFolder.getAbsolutePath () + File.separator + copiedDoc.getId () + ""."" + copiedDoc.getExt ());
FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream (in).getChannel ();
FileChannel outChannel = new FileOutputStream (out).getChannel ();
try {
inChannel.transferTo (0, inChannel.size (), outChannel);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (inChannel != null) inChannel.close ();
if (outChannel != null) outChannel.close ();
return isCopied;
",18583832,"private static void copy (File source, File target) throws IOException {
FileInputStream from = null;
FileOutputStream to = null;
try {
from = new FileInputStream (source);
to = new FileOutputStream (target);
byte [] buffer = new byte [4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = (buffer)) != - 1) to.write (buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} finally {
if (from != null) try {
from.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (to != null) try {
to.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
251963,"File createJar (File jar, String...entries) throws IOException {
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream (jar);
try {
JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream (out);
for (String e : entries) {
jos.putNextEntry (new JarEntry (getPathForZipEntry (e)));
jos.write (getBodyForEntry (e).getBytes ());
jos.close ();
} finally {
out.close ();
return jar;
",23188868,"public void run (IProgressMonitor runnerMonitor) throws CoreException {
try {
Map < String, File > projectFiles = new HashMap < String, File > ();
IPath basePath = new Path (""/"");
for (File nextLocation : filesToZip) {
projectFiles.putAll (getFilesToZip (nextLocation, basePath, fileFilter));
if (projectFiles.isEmpty ()) {
PlatformActivator.logDebug (""Zip file ("" + zipFileName + "") not created because there were no files to zip"");
IPath resultsPath = PlatformActivator.getDefault ().getResultsPath ();
File copyRoot = resultsPath.toFile ();
copyRoot.mkdirs ();
IPath zipFilePath = resultsPath.append (new Path (finalZip));
String zipFileName = zipFilePath.toPortableString ();
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (zipFileName));
try {
out.setLevel (Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
for (String filePath : projectFiles.keySet ()) {
File nextFile = projectFiles.get (filePath);
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream (nextFile);
try {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (filePath));
try {
byte [] bin = new byte [4096];
int bread = (bin, 0, 4096);
while (bread != - 1) {
out.write (bin, 0, bread);
bread = (bin, 0, 4096);
} finally {
out.closeEntry ();
} finally {
fin.close ();
} finally {
out.close ();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Status error = new Status (Status.ERROR, PlatformActivator.PLUGIN_ID, Status.ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage (), e);
throw new CoreException (error);
} catch (IOException e) {
Status error = new Status (Status.ERROR, PlatformActivator.PLUGIN_ID, Status.ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage (), e);
throw new CoreException (error);
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
3230278,"public static long getCRC (String content) {
if (content.length () == 0) return 0;
final crc = new (); crcOut = new () {
public void write (int b) throws {
crc.update (b);
try {
new (crcOut).write (content);
} catch ( e) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""Could not check CRC of message"");
return crc.getValue ();
",23677203,"public static long checksum1 (File file) throws IOException {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
FileReader fr = new FileReader (file);
int data;
while ((data = ()) != - 1) {
crc.update (data);
fr.close ();
return crc.getValue ();
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
160739,"public BufferedWriter createOutputStream (String inFile, String outFile) throws IOException {
int k_blockSize = 1024;
int byteCount;
char [] buf = new char [k_blockSize];
File ofp = new File (outFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (ofp));
zos.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
ZipEntry zot = null;
File ifp = new File (inFile);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream (ifp));
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (zis, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr);
ZipEntry zit = null;
while ((zit = zis.getNextEntry ()) != null) {
if (zit.getName ().equals (""content.xml"")) {
zot = new ZipEntry (zit.getName ());
zos.putNextEntry (zot);
while ((byteCount = (buf, 0, k_blockSize)) >= 0) bw.write (buf, 0, byteCount);
bw.flush ();
zos.closeEntry ();
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""content.xml""));
bw.flush ();
osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""UTF8"");
bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
return bw;
",18875576,"public static < T extends ZipNode > void saveAll (OutputStream outputstream, Collection < T > list, ZipStreamFilter filter) throws Exception {
ZipOutputStream zip_out = new ZipOutputStream (outputstream);
try {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry ("".info/"");
entry.setTime (0);
zip_out.putNextEntry (entry);
String info = ""filter = "" + filter.getClass ().getName () + ""\n"" + ""count = "" + list.size () + ""\n"";
zip_out.write (info.getBytes ());
for (T object : list) {
save (zip_out, object, filter);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
try {
zip_out.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1936137,"public void preparaEscrita (DadosSeriais dados, String dir) throws BasicException {
String idArquivo = dados.getIdColeta ().toString ();
if (dados.getIdResumo () != null) {
idArquivo += ""_"" + dados.getIdResumo ().toString ();
if (dir == null || dir.trim ().equals ("""")) {
throw BasicException.errorHandling (""Diret�rio Imagem de Dados n�o foi definido."", ""msgErroNaoExisteDiretorioImagem"", new String [] {}, log);
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream (new File (dir.trim (), ""pdump."" + idArquivo + """"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw BasicException.errorHandling (""Erro ao abrir arquivo de dados xml para escrita"", ""msgErroCriarArquivoDadosXML"", e, log);
zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (fos);
zipOutputStream.setLevel (Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
try {
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""pdump."" + idArquivo + "".data.xml""));
xmlWriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance ().createXMLStreamWriter (zipOutputStream, ENCODING);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw BasicException.errorHandling (""Erro ao criar entrada em arquivo compactado"", ""msgErroCriarEntradaZipArquivoDadosXML"", e, log);
XMLStreamWriter osw = null;
try {
xmlWriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance ().createXMLStreamWriter (zipOutputStream, ENCODING);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw BasicException.errorHandling (""Erro ao criar entrada em arquivo compactado"", ""msgErroCriarEntradaZipArquivoDadosXML"", e, log);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat (""yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"");
if (dados.getTipos ().size () > 0) {
tipos = new int [dados.getTipos ().size ()];
for (int c = 0;
c < dados.getTipos ().size (); c ++) {
String tipo = dados.getTipos ().get (c);
if (tipo.equals (LIT_INTEIRO)) {
tipos [c] = INTEIRO;
} else if (tipo.equals (LIT_DECIMAL)) {
tipos [c] = DECIMAL;
} else if (tipo.equals (LIT_DATA)) {
tipos [c] = DATA;
} else {
tipos [c] = TEXTO;
try {
xmlWriter.writeStartDocument (ENCODING, ""1.0"");
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""coleta"");
xmlWriter.writeAttribute (""xmlns:xsi"", """");
xmlWriter.writeAttribute (""xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation"", """");
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""id"");
xmlWriter.writeCharacters (idArquivo);
xmlWriter.writeEndElement ();
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""data"");
xmlWriter.writeCharacters (dateFormat.format (dados.getDataColeta ()));
xmlWriter.writeEndElement ();
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""sql"");
xmlWriter.writeCData (dados.getSql ());
xmlWriter.writeEndElement ();
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""cabecalho"");
for (int c = 0;
c < dados.getCabecalho ().size (); c ++) {
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""nome"");
xmlWriter.writeAttribute (""tipo"", dados.getTipos ().get (c));
xmlWriter.writeCharacters (dados.getCabecalho ().get (c));
xmlWriter.writeEndElement ();
xmlWriter.writeEndElement ();
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""quantidade"");
xmlWriter.writeCharacters ("""" + dados.getQuantidade ());
xmlWriter.writeEndElement ();
xmlWriter.writeStartElement (""dados"");
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw BasicException.errorHandling (""Erro ao escrever dados em arquivo compactado"", ""msgErroEscreverArquivoDadosXML"", e, log);
calculadorHash = new CalculaHash ();
",11514192,"private void zipDir (File dir, String jarEntry, JarOutputStream jos) throws IOException {
String [] dirList = dir.list ();
for (int i = 0;
i < dirList.length; i ++) {
File f = new File (dir, dirList [i]);
if (f.isDirectory ()) {
zipDir (f, jarEntry + dirList [i] + File.separatorChar, jos);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (f);
ZipEntry anEntry = new ZipEntry (jarEntry + dirList [i]);
jos.putNextEntry (anEntry);
byte [] readBuffer = new byte [2156];
int bytesIn = 0;
while ((bytesIn = (readBuffer)) != - 1) {
jos.write (readBuffer, 0, bytesIn);
fis.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1514106,"private void exportLearningUnitView (File selectedFile) {
if (learningUnitViewElementsManager.isOriginalElementsOnly ()) {
String [] elementIds = learningUnitViewElementsManager.getAllLearningUnitViewElementIds ();
for (int i = 0;
i < elementIds.length; i ++) {
FSLLearningUnitViewElement element = learningUnitViewElementsManager.getLearningUnitViewElement (elementIds [i], false);
if (element.getLastModificationDate () == null) {
element.setLastModificationDate (String.valueOf (new Date ().getTime ()));
element.setModified (true);
learningUnitViewElementsManager.setModified (true);
learningUnitViewManager.saveLearningUnitViewData ();
if (selectedFile != null) {
try {
File outputFile = selectedFile;
String fileName = outputFile.getName ();
StringBuffer extension = new StringBuffer ();
if (fileName.length () >= 5) {
for (int i = 5;
i > 0; i --) {
extension.append (fileName.charAt (fileName.length () - i));
if (! extension.toString ().equals ("".fslv"")) {
outputFile.renameTo (new File (outputFile.getAbsolutePath () + "".fslv""));
outputFile = new File (outputFile.getAbsolutePath () + "".fslv"");
File files [] = selectedFile.getParentFile ().listFiles ();
int returnValue = FLGOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
for (int i = 0;
i < files.length; i ++) {
if (outputFile.getAbsolutePath ().equals (files [i].getAbsolutePath ())) {
returnValue = FLGOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (internationalization.getString (""dialog.exportLearningUnitView.fileExits.message""), internationalization.getString (""dialog.exportLearningUnitView.fileExits.title""), FLGOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, FLGOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
if (returnValue == FLGOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream (outputFile);
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (os);
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (""dummy"");
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
zipOutputStream.closeEntry ();
zipOutputStream.flush ();
zipOutputStream.finish ();
zipOutputStream.close ();
final File outFile = outputFile;
(new Thread () {
public void run () {
try {
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outFile));
File [] files = (new File (learningUnitViewManager.getLearningUnitViewOriginalDataDirectory ().getPath ())).listFiles ();
int maxSteps = files.length;
int step = 1;
exportProgressDialog = new FLGImageProgressDialog (null, 0, maxSteps, 0, getClass ().getClassLoader ().getResource (""freestyleLearning/homeCore/images/fsl.gif""), (Color) UIManager.get (""FSLColorBlue""), (Color) UIManager.get (""FSLColorRed""), internationalization.getString (""learningUnitViewExport.rogressbarText""));
exportProgressDialog.setCursor (new Cursor (Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
exportProgressDialog.setBarValue (step);
buildExportZipFile ("""", zipOutputStream, files, step);
zipOutputStream.flush ();
zipOutputStream.finish ();
zipOutputStream.close ();
exportProgressDialog.setBarValue (maxSteps);
exportProgressDialog.setCursor (new Cursor (Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
exportProgressDialog.dispose ();
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
).start ();
os.close ();
} catch (Exception exp) {
exp.printStackTrace ();
} else {
",9161482,"public static void addToJar (JarOutputStream jos, JarFile jf) throws IOException {
Enumeration e = jf.entries ();
while (e.hasMoreElements ()) {
ZipEntry je = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement ();
InputStream io = jf.getInputStream (je);
byte b [] = new byte [4096];
int read = 0;
try {
jos.putNextEntry (je);
while ((read = (b, 0, 4096)) != - 1) {
jos.write (b, 0, read);
} catch (ZipException ze) {
throw ze;
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
2016059,"private void ZipCode (NpsContext ctxt, ZipOutputStream out) throws Exception {
String filename = ""JOB"" + GetId () + "".data"";
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (filename));
try {
ZipWriter writer = new ZipWriter (out);
writer.print (code);
} finally {
out.closeEntry ();
",8703701,"private byte [] injectModifiedText () {
byte [] buffer = new byte [BUFFER_SIZE];
boolean contentFound = false;
boolean stylesFound = false;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream (2 * fileData.length);
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream (out);
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream (new ByteArrayInputStream (fileData));
try {
ZipEntry zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry ();
while (zipEntry != null) {
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (zipEntry.getName ()));
if (content != null && zipEntry.getName ().equals (""content.xml"")) {
contentFound = true;
if (log.isTraceEnabled ()) {
log.trace (""Write content.xml to fileData\n"" + content);
} else if (log.isDebugEnabled ()) {
log.trace (""Write content.xml to fileData, length = "" + content.length ());
zipOutputStream.write (content.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
} else if (styles != null && zipEntry.getName ().equals (""styles.xml"")) {
stylesFound = true;
if (log.isTraceEnabled ()) {
log.trace (""Write styles.xml to fileData\n"" + styles);
} else if (log.isDebugEnabled ()) {
log.debug (""Write styles.xml to fileData, length = "" + styles.length ());
zipOutputStream.write (styles.getBytes (""UTF-8""));
} else {
int read = (buffer);
while (read > - 1) {
zipOutputStream.write (buffer, 0, read);
read = (buffer);
zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry ();
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.error (""Exception while injecting content and styles into odt"", ex);
throw new IllegalArgumentException (""fileData is probably not an odt file: "" + ex);
} finally {
IOUtils.closeQuietly (zipInputStream);
IOUtils.closeQuietly (zipOutputStream);
if (content != null && ! contentFound) {
log.error (""fileData is not an odt file, no content.xml found, throwing exception."");
throw new IllegalArgumentException (""fileData is not an odt file, no content.xml found"");
if (styles != null && ! stylesFound) {
log.error (""fileData is not an odt file, no styles.xml found, throwing exception."");
throw new IllegalArgumentException (""fileData is not an odt file, no styles.xml found"");
byte [] result = out.toByteArray ();
if (log.isDebugEnabled ()) {
log.debug (""Injected content. File data changed from "" + fileData.length + "" bytes to "" + result.length + "" bytes."");
return result;
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1446727,"private void backupDiskFile (ZipOutputStream out, String fileName, DiskFile file) throws SQLException, IOException {
Database db = session.getDatabase ();
fileName = FileUtils.getFileName (fileName);
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (fileName));
int pos = - 1;
int max = file.getReadCount ();
while (true) {
pos = file.copyDirect (pos, out);
if (pos < 0) {
db.setProgress (DatabaseEventListener.STATE_BACKUP_FILE, fileName, pos, max);
out.closeEntry ();
",18195007,"private void zipFiles () throws ZipException, IOException {
ZipOutputStream zipOuputStream = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (zipFile));
for (File sourceDir : sourceDirs) {
File [] sourceFiles = sourceDir.listFiles (new SourceFileFilter ());
if (sourceFiles != null) {
for (File sourceFile : sourceFiles) {
ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry (sourceFile.getName ());
zipOuputStream.putNextEntry (zipEntry);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled ()) { (""Adding zip entry "" + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath () + "" to "" + zipFile.getAbsolutePath ());
if (sourceFile.length () > BYTE_ARRAY_BUFF_SIZE) {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (sourceFile), BYTE_ARRAY_BUFF_SIZE);
byte [] buf = new byte [BYTE_ARRAY_BUFF_SIZE];
int b;
while ((b = (buf, 0, BYTE_ARRAY_BUFF_SIZE)) != - 1) {
zipOuputStream.write (buf, 0, b);
bis.close ();
} else {
byte [] fileContents = FileUtil.getFileContentsAsByteArray (sourceFile);
zipOuputStream.write (fileContents);
zipOuputStream.closeEntry ();
zipOuputStream.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
2096403,"static void writeZipEntry (final byte [] data, final ZipOutputStream out, final ZipEntry entry, final boolean isCopy) throws IOException {
if (isCopy) {
out.putNextEntry (entry);
try {
out.write (data);
} finally {
out.closeEntry ();
} else {
final ZipEntry entryCopy = new ZipEntry (entry.getName ());
entryCopy.setTime (entry.getTime ());
entryCopy.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.STORED);
entryCopy.setSize (data.length);
entryCopy.setCompressedSize (data.length);
final CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
crc.update (data);
entryCopy.setCrc (crc.getValue ());
out.putNextEntry (entryCopy);
try {
out.write (data);
} finally {
out.closeEntry ();
",6650088,"public int calculateCRC () {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
crc.reset ();
crc.update (getData (), 2, getData ().length - 2);
return (short) (crc.getValue ());
",CRC32 File Checksum,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
public void write (DataOutput dataOutput, byte [] object) throws IOException {
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new DataOutputOutputStream (dataOutput));
zos.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""a""));
zos.write (object, 0, object.length);
zos.finish ();
zos.close ();
",15468308,"private void archiveDirectory (ZipOutputStream out, File dir, String path) throws IOException {
byte [] buf = new byte [16384];
File [] files = dir.listFiles ();
if (files.length > 0) {
for (int x = 0;
x < files.length; x ++) {
if (files [x].isFile ()) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (files [x]);
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (path + files [x].getName ()));
int len;
while ((len = (buf)) > 0) {
out.write (buf, 0, len);
out.closeEntry ();
in.close ();
} else {
archiveDirectory (out, files [x], path + files [x].getName () + File.separator);
} else {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (path));
out.closeEntry ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
2016059,"private void ZipCode (NpsContext ctxt, ZipOutputStream out) throws Exception {
String filename = ""JOB"" + GetId () + "".data"";
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (filename));
try {
ZipWriter writer = new ZipWriter (out);
writer.print (code);
} finally {
out.closeEntry ();
protected void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
ZipOutputStream zipout = new ZipOutputStream (resp.getOutputStream ());
ZipOutputStream zipout2 = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (new File (""c:/"")));
for (int i = 0;
i < 200; i ++) {
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage (800 + i, 600 + i, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics ();
g.setPaint (new GradientPaint (0, 0, Color.YELLOW, img.getWidth () - 1, img.getHeight () - 1, Color.BLUE, true));
g.fillRect (0, 0, img.getWidth (), img.getHeight ());
for (int t = 0;
t < img.getHeight (); t += 10) {
g.setColor (new Color (t + 1 * 100 + 1 * 10000));
g.drawLine (0, t, img.getWidth (), t);
g.dispose ();
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (""hoge"" + i + "".bmp"");
zipout.putNextEntry (entry);
ImageIO.write (img, ""bmp"", zipout);
ZipEntry entry2 = new ZipEntry (""hoge"" + i + "".bmp"");
zipout2.putNextEntry (entry2);
ImageIO.write (img, ""bmp"", zipout2);
zipout.close ();
zipout2.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
6457199,"protected boolean doRequest (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String path = request.getPathInfo ();
if (! path.startsWith (alias)) {
throw new ServletException (""Path '"" + path + ""' does not start with registered alias '"" + alias + ""'"");
String internal;
if (alias.equals (""/"")) {
internal = name + path;
} else {
internal = name + path.substring (alias.length (), path.length ());
URL resource = httpContext.getResource (internal);
if (resource == null) {
return false;
String mimeType = servletContext.getMimeType (internal);
if (mimeType != null) {
response.setContentType (mimeType);
InputStream is = resource.openStream ();
OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream ();
IOUtils.copyAndClose (is, os);
return true;
",16227459,"public CmsSetupTestResult execute (CmsSetupBean setupBean) {
CmsSetupTestResult testResult = new CmsSetupTestResult (this);
String basePath = setupBean.getWebAppRfsPath ();
if (! basePath.endsWith (File.separator)) {
basePath += File.separator;
File file1;
Random rnd = new Random ();
do {
file1 = new File (basePath + ""test"" + rnd.nextInt (1000));
} while (file1.exists ());
boolean success = false;
try {
file1.createNewFile ();
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter (file1);
fw.write (""aA1"");
fw.close ();
success = true;
FileReader fr = new FileReader (file1);
success = success && ( () == 'a');
success = success && ( () == 'A');
success = success && ( () == '1');
success = success && ( () == - 1);
fr.close ();
success = file1.delete ();
success = ! file1.exists ();
} catch (Exception e) {
success = false;
if (! success) {
testResult.setRed ();
testResult.setInfo (""OpenCms cannot be installed without read and write privileges for path "" + basePath + ""! Please check you are running your servlet container with the right user and privileges."");
testResult.setHelp (""Not enough permissions to create/read/write a file"");
testResult.setResult (RESULT_FAILED);
} else {
testResult.setGreen ();
testResult.setResult (RESULT_PASSED);
return testResult;
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1446726,"private void backupPageStore (ZipOutputStream out, String fileName, PageStore store) throws SQLException, IOException {
Database db = session.getDatabase ();
fileName = FileUtils.getFileName (fileName);
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (fileName));
int max = store.getPageCount ();
int pos = 0;
while (true) {
pos = store.copyDirect (pos, out);
if (pos < 0) {
db.setProgress (DatabaseEventListener.STATE_BACKUP_FILE, fileName, pos, max);
out.closeEntry ();
",23421923,"void writeRawDataFile (RawDataFileImpl rawDataFile, int number) throws IOException, TransformerConfigurationException, SAXException {
numOfScans = rawDataFile.getNumOfScans ();
dataPointsOffsets = rawDataFile.getDataPointsOffsets ();
dataPointsLengths = rawDataFile.getDataPointsLengths ();
consolidatedDataPointsOffsets = new TreeMap < Integer, Long > (); (""Saving data points of: "" + rawDataFile.getName ());
String rawDataSavedName = ""Raw data file #"" + number + "" "" + rawDataFile.getName ();
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (rawDataSavedName + "".scans""));
long newOffset = 0;
byte buffer [] = new byte [1 << 20];
RandomAccessFile dataPointsFile = rawDataFile.getDataPointsFile ();
for (Integer storageID : dataPointsOffsets.keySet ()) {
if (canceled) return;
final long offset = dataPointsOffsets.get (storageID); (offset);
final int bytes = dataPointsLengths.get (storageID) * 4 * 2;
consolidatedDataPointsOffsets.put (storageID, newOffset);
if (buffer.length < bytes) {
buffer = new byte [bytes * 2];
} (buffer, 0, bytes);
zipOutputStream.write (buffer, 0, bytes);
newOffset += bytes;
progress = 0.9 * ((double) offset / dataPointsFile.length ());
if (canceled) return; (""Saving raw data description of: "" + rawDataFile.getName ());
zipOutputStream.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (rawDataSavedName + "".xml""));
OutputStream finalStream = zipOutputStream;
StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult (finalStream);
SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance ();
TransformerHandler hd = tf.newTransformerHandler ();
Transformer serializer = hd.getTransformer ();
serializer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, ""yes"");
serializer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.ENCODING, ""UTF-8"");
hd.setResult (streamResult);
hd.startDocument ();
saveRawDataInformation (rawDataFile, hd);
hd.endDocument ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
5271797,"private void loadMap () {
final String wordList = ""vietwordlist.txt"";
try {
File dataFile = new File (supportDir, wordList);
if (! dataFile.exists ()) {
final ReadableByteChannel input = Channels.newChannel (ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream (""dict/"" + dataFile.getName ()));
final FileChannel output = new FileOutputStream (dataFile).getChannel ();
output.transferFrom (input, 0, 1000000L);
input.close ();
output.close ();
long fileLastModified = dataFile.lastModified ();
if (map == null) {
map = new HashMap ();
} else {
if (fileLastModified <= mapLastModified) {
map.clear ();
mapLastModified = fileLastModified;
BufferedReader bs = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream (dataFile), ""UTF-8""));
String accented;
while ((accented = bs.readLine ()) != null) {
String plain = VietUtilities.stripDiacritics (accented);
map.put (plain.toLowerCase (), accented);
bs.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
map = null;
e.printStackTrace ();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, myResources.getString (""Cannot_find_\"""") + wordList + myResources.getString (""\""_in\n"") + supportDir.toString (), VietPad.APP_NAME, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
",10478671,"private void copyFile (File sourcefile, File targetfile) {
BufferedInputStream in = null;
BufferedOutputStream out = null;
try {
in = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (sourcefile));
out = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (targetfile));
byte [] buffer = new byte [4096];
int bytesread = 0;
while ((bytesread = (buffer)) >= 0) {
out.write (buffer, 0, bytesread);
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
try {
if (in != null) {
in.close ();
if (out != null) {
out.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
732800,"public BufferedWriter createOutputStream (String inFile, String outFile) throws IOException {
int k_blockSize = 1024;
int byteCount;
char [] buf = new char [k_blockSize];
File ofp = new File (outFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (ofp));
zos.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
ZipEntry zot = null;
File ifp = new File (inFile);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream (ifp));
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (zis, ""ISO-8859-1"");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (isr);
ZipEntry zit = null;
while ((zit = zis.getNextEntry ()) != null) {
if (zit.getName ().equals (""content.xml"")) {
zot = new ZipEntry (zit.getName ());
zos.putNextEntry (zot);
while ((byteCount = (buf, 0, k_blockSize)) >= 0) bw.write (buf, 0, byteCount);
bw.flush ();
zos.closeEntry ();
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""content.xml""));
bw.flush ();
osw = new OutputStreamWriter (zos, ""UTF8"");
bw = new BufferedWriter (osw);
return bw;
",5245205,"private void writeDynData (final int time_s) throws IOException {
this.zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""step."" + time_s + "".bin""));
this.outFile = new DataOutputStream (this.zos);
this.buf.position (0);
this.outFile.writeDouble (time_s);
this.quad.writeDynData (null, this.buf);
this.outFile.writeInt (this.buf.position ());
this.outFile.write (this.buf.array (), 0, this.buf.position ());
this.zos.closeEntry ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1409148,"public static int save () {
try {
String filename = ""tyrant.sav"";
FileDialog fd = new FileDialog (new Frame (), ""Save Game"", FileDialog.SAVE);
fd.setFile (filename);
fd.setVisible (true);
if (fd.getFile () != null) {
filename = fd.getDirectory () + fd.getFile ();
} else {
return 0;
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream (filename);
ZipOutputStream z = new ZipOutputStream (f);
z.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""data.xml""));
if (! save (new ObjectOutputStream (z))) {
throw new Error (""Save game failed"");
Game.message (""Game saved - "" + filename);
z.closeEntry ();
z.close ();
if (saveHasBeenCalledAlready) Game.message (""Please note that you can only restore the game with the same version of Tyrant (v"" + VERSION + "")."");
saveHasBeenCalledAlready = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
Game.message (""Error while saving: "" + e.toString ());
if (QuestApp.isapplet) {
Game.message (""This may be due to your browser security restrictions"");
Game.message (""If so, run the web start or downloaded application version instead"");
System.out.println (e);
return - 1;
return 1;
",14203228,"private void writeEntry (byte [] data, String name, ZipOutputStream outStream) throws IOException {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (name);
entry.setSize (data.length);
entry.setTime (System.currentTimeMillis ());
if (outStream != null) {
outStream.putNextEntry (entry);
outStream.write (data);
outStream.closeEntry ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1287866,"private void cleanupStagingEnvironment (File stagingDir) throws FileUpdateException {
if (stagingDir != null && stagingDir.exists () && stagingDir.isDirectory ()) {
File [] files = stagingDir.listFiles ();
for (int i = 0;
i < files.length; i ++) {
File f = files [i];
if (! f.delete ()) {
logger.error (""Could not delete: "" + f.getAbsolutePath ());
throw new SessionEnvironmentException (""Could not delete: "" + f.getAbsolutePath ());
if (stagingDir.exists ()) {
if (stagingDir.delete ()) {
logger.debug (stagingDir + "" was successfully deleted"");
} else {
logger.error (""Could not clean up staging directory: "" + stagingDir.getAbsolutePath ());
throw new SessionEnvironmentException (""Could not remove directory: "" + stagingDir.getAbsolutePath ());
} else {
throw new SessionEnvironmentException (""Staging directory undefined, does not exist, or is not a directory"");
",2641959,"public static boolean deleteDir (File dir) {
if (dir.exists ()) {
File [] files = dir.listFiles ();
for (int i = 0;
i < files.length; i ++) {
if (files [i].isDirectory ()) {
deleteDir (files [i]);
} else {
files [i].delete ();
return (dir.delete ());
",Delete Folder and Contents,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
112054,"private void exportAllSettings (HTTPurl urlData, OutputStream outStream) throws Exception {
CaptureDeviceList devList = CaptureDeviceList.getInstance ();
if (devList.getActiveDeviceCount () > 0) {
PageTemplate template = new PageTemplate (store.getProperty (""path.template"") + File.separator + ""SettingsLoad.html"");
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer ();
buff.append ("" | Can not save settings while a capture is in progress. |
template.replaceAll (""$result"", buff.toString ());
outStream.write (template.getPageBytes ());
boolean matchList = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""MatchList""));
boolean autoAdd = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""AutoAdd""));
boolean channelMapping = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""ChannelMapping""));
boolean deviceSelection = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""DeviceSelection""));
boolean agentMapping = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""AgentMapping""));
boolean channels = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""Channels""));
boolean tasks = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""Tasks""));
boolean systemProp = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""SystemProp""));
boolean schedules = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""Schedules""));
boolean authSettings = ""true"".equalsIgnoreCase (urlData.getParameter (""AuthSettings""));
ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (bytesOut);
out.setComment (""TV Scheduler Pro Settings file (Version: 1.0)"");
if (channels) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""Channels.xml""));
StringBuffer channelData = new StringBuffer ();
store.saveChannels (channelData);
byte [] channelBytes = channelData.toString ().getBytes (""UTF-8"");
out.write (channelBytes);
out.closeEntry ();
if (matchList) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""MatchList.xml""));
StringBuffer matchData = new StringBuffer ();
store.saveMatchList (matchData);
byte [] matchBytes = matchData.toString ().getBytes (""UTF-8"");
out.write (matchBytes);
out.closeEntry ();
if (autoAdd) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""EpgAutoAdd.xml""));
StringBuffer addData = new StringBuffer ();
store.saveEpgAutoList (addData);
byte [] addBytes = addData.toString ().getBytes (""UTF-8"");
out.write (addBytes);
out.closeEntry ();
if (tasks) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""Tasks.xml""));
StringBuffer taskData = new StringBuffer ();
store.saveTaskList (taskData);
byte [] taskBytes = taskData.toString ().getBytes (""UTF-8"");
out.write (taskBytes);
out.closeEntry ();
if (channelMapping) {
GuideStore guideStore = GuideStore.getInstance ();
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""ChannelMap.sof""));
ByteArrayOutputStream chanMapBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
guideStore.saveChannelMap (chanMapBytes);
out.write (chanMapBytes.toByteArray ());
out.closeEntry ();
if (deviceSelection) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""CaptureDevices.sof""));
ByteArrayOutputStream deviceBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
devList.saveDeviceList (deviceBytes);
out.write (deviceBytes.toByteArray ());
out.closeEntry ();
if (agentMapping) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""AgentMap.sof""));
ByteArrayOutputStream agentMapBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
store.saveAgentToThemeMap (agentMapBytes);
out.write (agentMapBytes.toByteArray ());
out.closeEntry ();
if (schedules) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""Times.sof""));
ByteArrayOutputStream timesBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
store.saveSchedule (timesBytes);
out.write (timesBytes.toByteArray ());
out.closeEntry ();
if (systemProp) {
HashMap < String, String > serverProp = new HashMap < String, String > ();
serverProp.put (""epg.showunlinked"", store.getProperty (""epg.showunlinked""));
serverProp.put (""path.theme"", store.getProperty (""path.theme""));
serverProp.put (""path.theme.epg"", store.getProperty (""path.theme.epg""));
serverProp.put (""capture.path"", store.getProperty (""capture.path""));
serverProp.put (""capture.averagedatarate"", store.getProperty (""capture.averagedatarate""));
serverProp.put (""capture.autoselectmethod"", store.getProperty (""capture.autoselectmethod""));
serverProp.put (""capture.minspacesoft"", store.getProperty (""capture.minspacesoft""));
serverProp.put (""capture.includecalculatedusage"", store.getProperty (""capture.includecalculatedusage""));
serverProp.put (""capture.deftype"", store.getProperty (""capture.deftype""));
serverProp.put (""capture.filename.patterns"", store.getProperty (""capture.filename.patterns""));
serverProp.put (""capture.path.details"", store.getProperty (""capture.path.details""));
serverProp.put (""capture.capturefailedtimeout"", store.getProperty (""capture.capturefailedtimeout""));
serverProp.put (""schedule.buffer.start"", store.getProperty (""schedule.buffer.start""));
serverProp.put (""schedule.buffer.end"", store.getProperty (""schedule.buffer.end""));
serverProp.put (""schedule.buffer.end.epg"", store.getProperty (""schedule.buffer.end.epg""));
serverProp.put (""schedule.wake.system"", store.getProperty (""schedule.wake.system""));
serverProp.put (""schedule.overlap"", store.getProperty (""schedule.overlap""));
serverProp.put (""sch.autodel.action"", store.getProperty (""sch.autodel.action""));
serverProp.put (""sch.autodel.time"", store.getProperty (""sch.autodel.time""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.http.pwd"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.http.pwd""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.xml.channelList"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.xml.channelList""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.type"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.type""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.http"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.http""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.file"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.file""));
serverProp.put ("""", store.getProperty (""""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.http.usr"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.http.usr""));
serverProp.put (""guide.source.schedule"", store.getProperty (""guide.source.schedule""));
serverProp.put (""guide.warn.overlap"", store.getProperty (""guide.warn.overlap""));
serverProp.put (""proxy.server"", store.getProperty (""proxy.server""));
serverProp.put (""proxy.port"", store.getProperty (""proxy.port""));
serverProp.put (""proxy.server.usr"", store.getProperty (""proxy.server.usr""));
serverProp.put (""proxy.server.pwd"", store.getProperty (""proxy.server.pwd""));
serverProp.put (""email.server"", store.getProperty (""email.server""));
serverProp.put ("""", store.getProperty (""""));
serverProp.put ("""", store.getProperty (""""));
serverProp.put (""email.from"", store.getProperty (""email.from""));
serverProp.put (""email.send.weeklyreport"", store.getProperty (""email.send.weeklyreport""));
serverProp.put (""email.send.capfinished"", store.getProperty (""email.send.capfinished""));
serverProp.put (""email.send.epgloaded"", store.getProperty (""email.send.epgloaded""));
serverProp.put (""email.send.onwarning"", store.getProperty (""email.send.onwarning""));
serverProp.put (""email.send.freespacelow"", store.getProperty (""email.send.freespacelow""));
serverProp.put (""email.send.serverstarted"", store.getProperty (""email.send.serverstarted""));
serverProp.put (""tasks.deftask"", store.getProperty (""tasks.deftask""));
serverProp.put (""tasks.pretask"", store.getProperty (""tasks.pretask""));
serverProp.put (""tasks.nodataerrortask"", store.getProperty (""tasks.nodataerrortask""));
serverProp.put (""tasks.starterrortask"", store.getProperty (""tasks.starterrortask""));
serverProp.put (""filebrowser.dirsattop"", store.getProperty (""filebrowser.dirsattop""));
serverProp.put (""filebrowser.masks"", store.getProperty (""filebrowser.masks""));
serverProp.put (""server.kbled"", store.getProperty (""server.kbled""));
ByteArrayOutputStream serverpropBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream (serverpropBytes);
oos.writeObject (serverProp);
oos.close ();
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""ServerProperties.sof""));
out.write (serverpropBytes.toByteArray ());
out.closeEntry ();
if (authSettings) {
File authFile = new File (store.getProperty ("""") + File.separator + ""authentication.prop"");
if (authFile.exists ()) {
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""authentication.prop""));
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream (authFile);
byte [] buff = new byte [1024];
int read = (buff);
while (read != - 1) {
out.write (buff, 0, read);
read = (buff);
out.closeEntry ();
is.close ();
out.flush ();
out.close ();
StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer ();
header.append (""HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"");
header.append (""Content-Type: application/zip\n"");
header.append (""Content-Length: "" + bytesOut.size () + ""\n"");
header.append (""Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\""TV Scheduler Pro\""\n"");
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat (""EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss 'GMT'"", new Locale (""En"", ""Us"", ""Unix""));
header.append (""Last-Modified: "" + df.format (new Date ()) + ""\n"");
header.append (""\n"");
outStream.write (header.toString ().getBytes ());
ByteArrayInputStream zipStream = new ByteArrayInputStream (bytesOut.toByteArray ());
byte [] bytes = new byte [4096];
int read = (bytes);
while (read > - 1) {
outStream.write (bytes, 0, read);
outStream.flush ();
read = (bytes);
",21830091,"public void testImport () throws Exception {
Init.importEverything ();
String filename = Framework.onlyInstance ().getAppHomeDir () + ""sts-sql/example.stz"";
ZipOutputStream zo = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (filename));
StringWriter swt;
byte [] data;
swt = new StringWriter ();
ExportCSVRegattaWizard erw = new ExportCSVRegattaWizard (new JFrame ());
erw.doExport (swt);
data = swt.toString ().getBytes ();
zo.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""regatta.csv""));
zo.write (data);
swt = new StringWriter ();
ExportCSVEntriesWizard eew = new ExportCSVEntriesWizard (new JFrame ());
eew.doExport (swt);
data = swt.toString ().getBytes ();
zo.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""entries.csv""));
zo.write (data);
swt = new StringWriter ();
ExportCSVRaceDataWizard edw = new ExportCSVRaceDataWizard (new JFrame ());
edw.doExport (swt);
data = swt.toString ().getBytes ();
zo.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""race-data.csv""));
zo.write (data);
zo.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
233637,"public void service (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
ServletContext context = getServletContext ();
String forw = null;
try {
int maxUploadSize = 50000000;
MultipartRequest multi = new MultipartRequest (request, ""."", maxUploadSize);
String descrizione = multi.getParameter (""text"");
File myFile = multi.getFile (""uploadfile"");
String filePath = multi.getOriginalFileName (""uploadfile"");
String path = ""C:\\files\\"";
try {
FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream (myFile);
FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream (path + myFile.getName ());
while (inStream.available () > 0) {
outStream.write ( ());
inStream.close ();
outStream.close ();
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
fnfe.printStackTrace ();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ioe.printStackTrace ();
forw = ""../sendDoc.jsp"";
request.setAttribute (""contentType"", context.getMimeType (path + myFile.getName ()));
request.setAttribute (""text"", descrizione);
request.setAttribute (""path"", path + myFile.getName ());
request.setAttribute (""size"", Long.toString (myFile.length ()) + "" Bytes"");
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher (forw);
rd.forward (request, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
",21931071,"public static void writeToPetrify (TransitionSystem ts, Writer bw) throws IOException {
File temp = new File (""_temp"");
BufferedWriter tw = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (temp));
BufferedReader tr = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (temp));
HashSet < ModelGraphVertex > sources = new HashSet < ModelGraphVertex > ();
HashSet < ModelGraphVertex > dests = new HashSet < ModelGraphVertex > ();
ArrayList transitions = ts.getEdges ();
HashSet < String > events = new HashSet < String > ();
for (int i = 0;
i < transitions.size (); i ++) {
TransitionSystemEdge transition = (TransitionSystemEdge) transitions.get (i);
events.add (replaceBadSymbols (transition.getIdentifier ()));
sources.add (transition.getSource ());
dests.add (transition.getDest ());
if (ts.getStateNameFlag () == TransitionSystem.ID) {
tw.write (""s"" + transition.getSource ().getId () + "" "");
tw.write (replaceBadSymbols (transition.getIdentifier ()) + "" "");
tw.write (""s"" + transition.getDest ().getId () + ""\n"");
} else {
tw.write (replaceBadSymbols (transition.getSource ().getIdentifier ()) + "" "");
tw.write (replaceBadSymbols (transition.getIdentifier ()) + "" "");
tw.write (replaceBadSymbols (transition.getDest ().getIdentifier ()) + ""\n"");
tw.close ();
bw.write ("".model "" + ts.getName ().replaceAll ("" "", ""_"") + ""\n"");
bw.write ("".dummy "");
Iterator it = events.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) bw.write ( () + "" "");
bw.write (""\n"");
bw.write ("".state graph"" + ""\n"");
int c;
while ((c = ()) != - 1) bw.write (c);
tr.close ();
temp.delete ();
for (ModelGraphVertex dest : dests) {
if (sources.contains (dest)) {
sources.remove (dest);
ModelGraphVertex source = sources.isEmpty () ? null : sources.iterator ().next ();
if (ts.getStateNameFlag () == TransitionSystem.ID) {
if (! ts.hasExplicitEnd ()) bw.write ("".marking {s0}"" + ""\n"");
else bw.write ("".marking {s"" + source.getId () + ""}\n"");
} else if (source != null) {
bw.write ("".marking {"" + replaceBadSymbols (source.getIdentifier ()) + ""}\n"");
bw.write ("".end"");
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
2049240,"private void writeInfos () throws IOException {
zos.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (""info.bin""));
outFile = new DataOutputStream (zos);
outFile.writeInt (VERSION);
outFile.writeInt (MINORVERSION);
outFile.writeDouble (intervall_s);
zos.closeEntry ();
",20339695,"private void addToZip (String path, String srcFile, ZipOutputStream zip) {
File folder = new File (srcFile);
if (folder.isDirectory ()) {
this.addFolderToZip (path, srcFile, zip);
} else {
try {
boolean includeFile = false;
if (this.excludePattern == null) {
includeFile = true;
} else {
if (srcFile.contains (this.excludePattern)) {
includeFile = false;
} else {
includeFile = true;
if (includeFile == true) {
this.zipMonitor.setNumberNextFile ();
this.zipMonitor.setCurrentJobFile (srcFile);
if (zipMonitor.isCanceled ()) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (srcFile);
zip.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (path + File.separator + folder.getName ()));
byte [] buf = new byte [1024];
int len;
while ((len = (buf)) > 0) {
zip.write (buf, 0, len);
} catch (Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
1803586,"private Service getServiceInstance (String className) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName (className);
return (Service) clazz.getConstructor (new Class [] {}).newInstance (new Object [] {});
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
this.logger.error (className, e);
return null;
",1849134,"private void setCommandInput () {
mCommandInput = null;
try {
Class < ? > consoleReaderClass = Class.forName (""jline.ConsoleReader"");
if (consoleReaderClass != null) {
Class < ? > consoleInputClass = Class.forName (""jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream"");
if (consoleInputClass != null) {
Object jline = consoleReaderClass.newInstance ();
Constructor < ? > constructor = consoleInputClass.getConstructor (consoleReaderClass);
if (constructor != null) {
mCommandInput = (InputStream) constructor.newInstance (jline);
} catch (Exception e1) { (""Exception loading jline"");
if (mCommandInput == null) mCommandInput =;
",Instantiate Using Reflection,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
7885446,"public static String CreateZip (String [] filesToZip, String zipFileName) {
byte [] buffer = new byte [18024];
try {
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (zipFileName));
out.setLevel (Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);
for (int i = 0;
i < filesToZip.length; i ++) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (filesToZip [i]);
String fileName = null;
for (int X = filesToZip [i].length () - 1;
X >= 0; X --) {
if (filesToZip [i].charAt (X) == '\\' || filesToZip [i].charAt (X) == '/') {
fileName = filesToZip [i].substring (X + 1);
} else if (X == 0) fileName = filesToZip [i];
out.putNextEntry (new ZipEntry (fileName));
int len;
while ((len = (buffer)) > 0) out.write (buffer, 0, len);
out.closeEntry ();
in.close ();
out.close ();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return ""Failed to create zip: "" + e.toString ();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return ""Failed to create zip: "" + e.toString ();
} catch (IOException e) {
return ""Failed to create zip: "" + e.toString ();
return ""Success"";
",17792212,"private void createButtonCopyToClipboard () {
buttonCopyToClipboard = new Button (shell, SWT.PUSH);
buttonCopyToClipboard.setText (""Co&py to Clipboard"");
buttonCopyToClipboard.setLayoutData (SharedStyle.relativeToBottomRight (buttonClose));
buttonCopyToClipboard.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () {
public void widgetSelected (final SelectionEvent event) {
IOUtils.copyToClipboard (Version.getEnvironmentReport ());
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
16166059,"public void transform (File inputMatrixFile, MatrixIO.Format inputFormat, File outputMatrixFile) throws IOException {
FileChannel original = new FileInputStream (inputMatrixFile).getChannel ();
FileChannel copy = new FileOutputStream (outputMatrixFile).getChannel ();
copy.transferFrom (original, 0, original.size ());
original.close ();
copy.close ();
",22224116,"public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println (""Usage: \nGZIPcompress file\n"" + ""\tUses GZIP compression to compress "" + ""the file to test.gz"");
System.exit (1);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (args [0]));
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream (new GZIPOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (""test.gz"")));
System.out.println (""Writing file"");
int c;
while ((c = ()) != - 1) out.write (c);
in.close ();
out.close ();
System.out.println (""Reading file"");
BufferedReader in2 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new GZIPInputStream (new FileInputStream (""test.gz""))));
String s;
while ((s = in2.readLine ()) != null) System.out.println (s);
",Copy File,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1189377,"private < T extends APIObject > T executeApi (Class < T > returnclass, List < NameValuePair > getParams, List < NameValuePair > postParams) throws WikimediaApiException {
ArrayList < NameValuePair > gets = new ArrayList < NameValuePair > (defaultparams);
if (getParams != null) gets.addAll (getParams);
gets.add (new BasicNameValuePair (""requestid"", """" + requestCounter ++));
String getParamString = URLEncodedUtils.format (gets, ""utf-8"");
HttpUriRequest req = postParams == null ? new HttpGet (apiurl + ""?"" + getParamString) : new HttpPost (apiurl + ""?"" + getParamString);
if (postParams != null) try {
((HttpPost) req).setEntity (new UrlEncodedFormEntity (postParams));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new WikimediaApiException (""IOError"", e);
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (execute (req).getEntity ().getContent ()));
String line = in.readLine ();
T obj = returnclass.getConstructor (String.class).newInstance (line);
if (obj.has (""error"")) {
JSONObject err = (JSONObject) obj.get (""error"");
throw new WikimediaApiException (err.get (""code"") + "": "" + err.get (""info""));
return obj;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new RuntimeException (exc);
public Map < String, Object > getParameterValues (Map < String, String [] > requestParams, InputStream reportFile) {
Map < String, Object > ret = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
try {
SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader ();
Document document = (reportFile);
List < Element > list = document.getRootElement ().elements (""parameter"");
for (String param : requestParams.keySet ()) {
if (DynamicReport.REPORT_FILE.equals (param) || DynamicReport.REPORT_FORMAT.equals (param)) continue;
for (Element elem : list) {
Attribute attrib = elem.attribute (""name"");
if (attrib.getValue ().equals (param)) {
Attribute attrClass = elem.attribute (""class"");
String className = ""java.lang.String"";
String [] valueArr = requestParams.get (param);
String value = StringUtil.explode (',', valueArr);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty (value)) continue;
if (attrClass != null) className = attrClass.getValue ();
try {
if ("""".equals (className)) {
File image = new File (jasperPath + value);
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream (image);
if (stream == null) _log.warn (""Unable to find file ["" + jasperPath + value + ""]"");
else ret.put (param, stream);
} else if (""java.util.List"".equals (className)) {
if (value != null) {
String [] values = value.split ("","");
List < String > temp = Arrays.asList (values);
ret.put (param, temp);
} else {
Class classDefinition = Class.forName (className);
Object objectValue = classDefinition.getConstructor (String.class).newInstance (value);
ret.put (param, objectValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error (""Failed to parse parameter ["" + param + ""] with value ["" + value + ""]."", e);
} catch (DocumentException e) {
_log.error (e, e);
return ret;
",Instantiate Using Reflection,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1039796,"public static void insert (Connection c, MLPApprox net, int azioneId, String descrizione, int [] indiciID, int output, Date from, Date to) throws SQLException {
try {
PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement (insertNet, PreparedStatement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
ArrayList < Integer > indexes = new ArrayList < Integer > (indiciID.length);
for (int i = 0;
i < indiciID.length; i ++) indexes.add (indiciID [i]);
ps.setObject (1, net);
ps.setInt (2, azioneId);
ps.setObject (3, indexes);
ps.setInt (4, output);
ps.setDate (5, from);
ps.setDate (6, to);
ps.setString (7, descrizione);
ps.executeUpdate ();
ResultSet key = ps.getGeneratedKeys ();
if ( ()) {
int id = key.getInt (1);
for (int i = 0;
i < indiciID.length; i ++) {
PreparedStatement psIndex = c.prepareStatement (insertNetIndex);
psIndex.setInt (1, indiciID [i]);
psIndex.setInt (2, id);
psIndex.executeUpdate ();
} catch (SQLException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
try {
c.rollback ();
} catch (SQLException e1) {
e1.printStackTrace ();
throw e1;
throw e;
",19147297,"public boolean ponerRivalxRonda (int idJugadorDiv, int idRonda, int dato) {
int intResult = 0;
String sql = ""UPDATE jugadorxdivxronda "" + "" SET idPareoRival = "" + dato + "" WHERE jugadorxDivision_idJugadorxDivision = "" + idJugadorDiv + "" AND ronda_numeroRonda = "" + idRonda;
try {
connection = conexionBD.getConnection ();
connection.setAutoCommit (false);
ps = connection.prepareStatement (sql);
intResult = ps.executeUpdate ();
connection.commit ();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
try {
connection.rollback ();
} catch (SQLException exe) {
exe.printStackTrace ();
} finally {
conexionBD.close (ps);
conexionBD.close (connection);
return (intResult > 0);
",Execute update and rollback.,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
1086128,"public void streamDataToZip (VolumeTimeSeries vol, ZipOutputStream zout) throws Exception {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (vol.getId () + "".dat"");
zout.putNextEntry (entry);
if (vol instanceof FloatVolumeTimeSeries) {
streamData (((FloatVolumeTimeSeries) vol).getData (), zout);
} else if (vol instanceof RGBVolumeTimeSeries) {
streamData (((RGBVolumeTimeSeries) vol).getARGBData (), zout);
} else if (vol instanceof BinaryVolumeTimeSeries) {
streamData (((BinaryVolumeTimeSeries) vol).getBinaryData (), zout);
",17886809,"private void zipDir (String baseDir, String dir2zip, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException {
File zipDir = new File (dir2zip);
String [] dirList = zipDir.list ();
for (int i = 0;
i < dirList.length; i ++) {
File f = new File (zipDir, dirList [i]);
if (f.isDirectory ()) {
String filePath = f.getPath ();
zipDir (baseDir, filePath, zos);
} else {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (f);
String basePath = new File (baseDir).getCanonicalPath ();
String entryName = f.getCanonicalPath ();
if (entryName.length () > basePath.length ()) entryName = entryName.substring (basePath.length () + 1);
ZipEntry anEntry = new ZipEntry (entryName);
zos.putNextEntry (anEntry);
byte [] readBuffer = new byte [512];
int bytesIn = 0;
while ((bytesIn = (readBuffer)) != - 1) {
zos.write (readBuffer, 0, bytesIn);
fis.close ();
",Zip Files,Type-3 (WT3/4),FALSE
2415606,"public void updateVal (Configuration config) {
updateValSuper (config);
String value = field.getText ();
Class [] params = new Class [1];
Object [] args = new Object [1];
params [0] = String.class;
args [0] = value;
Object o = null;
try {
Constructor c = mObj.getClass ().getConstructor (params);
o = c.newInstance (args);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException (""Problem writing unknown class to configuration"");
config.put (key, o);
",3343774,"public < T extends Unit > T buildNewUnit (String propertiesFile, Class < T > unitType) throws Exception {
Constructor < T > constructor = unitType.getConstructor (String.class);
T newUnit = constructor.newInstance (propertiesFile);
units.add (newUnit);
return newUnit;
",Instantiate Using Reflection,Type-3 (WT3/4),TRUE
public void execute () {
File currentModelDirectory = new File (this.globalData.getData (String.class, GlobalData.MODEL_INSTALL_DIRECTORY));
File mobileDirectory = new File (currentModelDirectory, ""mobile"");
mobileDirectory.mkdir ();
File mobileModelFile = new File (mobileDirectory, """");
FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
ZipOutputStream zipStream = null;
BusinessModel businessModel = BusinessUnit.getInstance ().getBusinessModel ();
try {
mobileModelFile.createNewFile ();
outputStream = new FileOutputStream (mobileModelFile);
zipStream = new ZipOutputStream (outputStream);
Dictionary dictionary = businessModel.getDictionary ();
for (Definition definition : dictionary.getAllDefinitions ()) {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (definition.getRelativeFileName ());
zipStream.putNextEntry (entry);
writeBinary (definition.getAbsoluteFileName (), zipStream);
final String modelFilename = ""model.xml"";
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry (modelFilename);
zipStream.putNextEntry (entry);
writeBinary (businessModel.getAbsoluteFilename (modelFilename), zipStream);
final String logoFilename = dictionary.getModel ().getImageSource (;
entry = new ZipEntry (logoFilename);
zipStream.putNextEntry (entry);
writeBinary (businessModel.getAbsoluteFilename (logoFilename), zipStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
agentLogger.error (e);
} finally {
StreamHelper.close (zipStream);
StreamHelper.close (outputStream);
",3974027,"private void addTopicToZip (ZipOutputStream zipout, HashMap containingTopics, SearchEngine sedb, String defaultTopic, List ignoreTheseTopicsList, String topicname) throws Exception, IOException {
WikiBase wb = WikiBase.getInstance ();
Template tpl;
tpl = new Template (this.getServletContext ().getRealPath (""/WEB-INF/classes/export2html/mastertemplate.tpl""));
tpl.setFieldGlobal (""VERSION"", WikiBase.WIKI_VERSION);
StringBuffer oneline = new StringBuffer ();
if (! ignoreTheseTopicsList.contains (topicname)) {
oneline.append (topicname);
tpl.setFieldGlobal (""TOPICNAME"", topicname);
Topic topicObject = new Topic (topicname);
logger.debug (""Adding topic "" + topicname);
String author = null;
java.util.Date lastRevisionDate = null;
if (Environment.getBooleanValue (Environment.PROP_TOPIC_VERSIONING_ON)) {
lastRevisionDate = topicObject.getMostRecentRevisionDate (virtualWiki);
author = topicObject.getMostRecentAuthor (virtualWiki);
if (author != null || lastRevisionDate != null) {
tpl.setField (""SHOWVERSIONING1"", ""-->"");
if (author != null) tpl.setField (""AUTHOR"", author);
if (lastRevisionDate != null) tpl.setField (""MODIFYDATE"", Utilities.formatDate (lastRevisionDate));
tpl.setField (""SHOWVERSIONING2"", ""