incorrect_examples = [] incorrect_labels = [] incorrect_pred = [] model.eval() for data,target in test_loader: data , target =, output = model(data) # shape = torch.Size([batch_size, 10]) pred = output.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True) #pred will be a 2d tensor of shape [batch_size,1] idxs_mask = ((pred == target.view_as(pred))==False).view(-1) if idxs_mask.numel(): #if index masks is non-empty append the correspoding data value in incorrect examples incorrect_examples.append(data[idxs_mask].squeeze().cpu().numpy()) incorrect_labels.append(target[idxs_mask].cpu().numpy()) #the corresponding target to the misclassified image incorrect_pred.append(pred[idxs_mask].squeeze().cpu().numpy()) #the corresponiding predicted class of the misclassified image