Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
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## Identificaci贸n de retinopat铆as
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3 |
El Prop贸sito del siguiente trabajo es identificar los pacientes que tienen complicaciones diab茅ticas, como lo son la neuropat铆a, nefropat铆a y retinopat铆a de notas m茅dicas. Es el trabajo final del curso Clinical Natural Language Processing impartido en Coursera. Las notas medicas se encuentran en el siguiente linklink para su entrenamiento del modelo:
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Y los datos para su validaci贸n se encuentran en el siguiente link:
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En primera instancia, se crea el siguiente c贸digo para ignorar los warnings:
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import warnings
16 |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", 'This pattern has match groups')
17 |
datos = ""
18 |
df = pd.read_csv(datos)
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# Importando las paqueter铆as necesarias:
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import pandas as pd
23 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
24 |
import re
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import numpy as np
26 |
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report
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# Lectura de datos
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datos = ""
30 |
df = pd.read_csv(datos)
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# An谩lisis grafico de los datos
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fig, ax = plt.subplots()
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# Cantidad de palabras por reporte de cada paciente identificado por un id
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conteo = df['TEXT'].str.split().apply(len).tolist()
38 |
print('Media de palabras: ' + str(np.mean(conteo)))
39 |
print('Mediana de palabras: ' + str(np.median(conteo)))
40 |
print('Minimo de palabras: ' + str(np.min(conteo)))
41 |
print('Maximo de palabras: ' + str(np.max(conteo)))
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43 |
def reporte_paciente(id):
44 |
resumen = re.findall(r"\w+", str(df[df.NOTE_ID == id]['TEXT'].tolist() ))
45 |
return resumen
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# print(reporte_paciente(1))
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Ahora bien, se genera una funci贸n la cual recibe nuestro DataFrame con las notas m茅dicas, la palabra a buscar y el tama帽o de la ventana
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## Funci贸n sin expresiones regulares
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def extract_text_window(df, word, window_size, column_name = "TEXT"):
57 |
58 |
59 |
user_input = f'({word})'
60 |
regex = re.compile(user_input)
61 |
62 |
negative = f'(no history of {word}|No history of {word}|any comorbid complications|family history|father also has {word}|denies {word}|Negative for {word})'
63 |
regex_negative = re.compile(negative)
64 |
65 |
half_window_size = window_size
66 |
final_df = pd.DataFrame([])
67 |
column_position = df.columns.get_loc(column_name) + 1 #We add 1 cause position 0 is the index
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70 |
#Loop for each row of the column
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for row in df.itertuples():
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#Loop for multiple matches in the same row
74 |
for match in regex.finditer(row[column_position]):
75 |
76 |
window_start = int([match.start()-half_window_size if match.start()>=half_window_size else 0][0])
77 |
window_end = int([match.end() + half_window_size if match.end()+half_window_size <= len(row[column_position]) else len(row[column_position])][0])
78 |
79 |
80 |
final_df = final_df.append({
81 |
82 |
"START_INDEX": match.start(),
83 |
"WINDOW_START": window_start,
84 |
"WINDOW_END": window_end,
85 |
"CONTEXT": row[column_position][window_start:window_end],
86 |
"FULL_TEXT": row[column_position],
87 |
"NOTE_ID": row[1]},
88 |
89 |
#Extracci贸n de negativos
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for match in regex_negative.finditer(row[column_position]):
91 |
final_df2 = final_df[final_df["CONTEXT"].str.contains(pat = regex_negative, regex = True)==False]
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93 |
return "No matches for the pattern" if len(final_df) == 0 else final_df2
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97 |
# Buscando diabet en las notas m茅dicas
98 |
df = pd.read_csv("")
99 |
word = "diabet"
100 |
window_size = 50 #tama帽o de la ventana
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102 |
diabetes_notes_window = extract_text_window(df,word,window_size)
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Se crea una segunda funci贸n la cual recibe nuestro DataFrame con nuestras notas m茅dicas, nuestra expresi贸n regular para la palabra a buscar, expresi贸n regular para las expresiones como "historial familiar, no tiene historial de diabetes, no se ha identificado diabetes" entre otras y el tama帽o de la ventana al rededor de la palabra a buscar.
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## Funci贸n con expresiones regulares
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def extract_text_window_pro(df, pattern,negatives, window_size, column_name = "TEXT"):
113 |
114 |
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half_window_size = window_size
116 |
final_df = pd.DataFrame([])
117 |
column_position = df.columns.get_loc(column_name) + 1 #We add 1 cause position 0 is the index
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119 |
120 |
#Loop for each row of the column
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for row in df.itertuples():
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123 |
#Loop for multiple matches in the same row
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for match in re.finditer(pattern,row[column_position]):
125 |
126 |
window_start = int([match.start()-half_window_size if match.start()>=half_window_size else 0][0])
127 |
window_end = int([match.end() + half_window_size if match.end()+half_window_size <= len(row[column_position]) else len(row[column_position])][0])
128 |
129 |
130 |
final_df = final_df.append({
131 |
132 |
"START_INDEX": match.start(),
133 |
"WINDOW_START": window_start,
134 |
"WINDOW_END": window_end,
135 |
"CONTEXT": row[column_position][window_start:window_end],
136 |
"FULL_TEXT": row[column_position],
137 |
"NOTE_ID": row[1]},
138 |
139 |
#Extracci贸n de negativos
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final_df2 = final_df[final_df["CONTEXT"].str.contains(pat = negatives, regex = True)==False]
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142 |
return "No matches for the pattern" if len(final_df) == 0 else final_df2
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# Buscando diabet en las notas m茅dicas
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147 |
df = pd.read_csv("")
148 |
pattern = "diabetes|diabetic" #"(?<![a-zA-Z])diabet(es|ic)?(?![a-zA-Z])"
149 |
window_size = 50
150 |
negatives = r"no history of (?<![a-zA-Z])diabet(es|ic)?(?![a-zA-z])|No history of (?<![a-zA-Z])diabet(es|ic)?(?![a-zA-z])|den(ies|y)? any comorbid complications|family history|negative for (?<![a-zA-Z])diabet(es|ic)?(?![a-zA-z])|(father|mother) (also)? (?<![a-zA-Z])diabet(es|ic)?(?![a-zA-z])|Negative for (?<![a-zA-Z])diabet(es|ic)?(?![a-zA-z]) |no weakness, numbness or tingling|patient's mother and father|father also has diabetes"
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diabetes_notes_window = extract_text_window_pro(df,pattern,negatives,window_size)
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Ahora bien, es momento de obtiene mediante la funci贸n con expresiones regulares los DataFrame para neuropathy, nephropathy y retinopathy.
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neuropathy = diabetes_notes_window[diabetes_notes_window['CONTEXT'].str.contains(pat=r"(?<![a-zA-Z])neuropath(y|ic)?(?![a-zA-z])|diabetic nerve pain|tingling",regex=True)]
163 |
neuropathy['COMPLICATIONS'] = "neuropathy"
164 |
diabetes_notes_neuropathy = neuropathy[['NOTE_ID','CONTEXT','COMPLICATIONS']].drop_duplicates(subset=['NOTE_ID'])
165 |
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nephropathy = diabetes_notes_window[diabetes_notes_window['CONTEXT'].str.contains(pat=r"(?<![a-zA-Z])nephropathy(?![a-zA-z])|renal (insufficiency|disease)",regex=True)]
174 |
nephropathy['COMPLICATIONS'] = "nephropathy"
175 |
diabetes_notes_nephropathy = nephropathy[['NOTE_ID','CONTEXT','COMPLICATIONS']].drop_duplicates(subset=['NOTE_ID'])
176 |
177 |
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183 |
retinopathy = diabetes_notes_window[diabetes_notes_window['CONTEXT'].str.contains(pat=r"(?<![a-zA-Z])retinopath(y|ic)?(?![a-zA-z])",regex=True)]
184 |
retinopathy['COMPLICATIONS'] = "retinopathy"
185 |
diabetes_notes_retinopathy = retinopathy[['NOTE_ID','CONTEXT','COMPLICATIONS']].drop_duplicates(subset=['NOTE_ID'])
186 |
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Para validar que nuestras funciones est茅n obteniendo bien la informaci贸n de hace el uso del segundo link el cual se nos fue proporcionado para la validaci贸n de estas notas m茅dicas.
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# Con el link antes mencionado de validaci贸n se crean los DataFrame para cada patolog铆a
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datos_verificacion = pd.read_csv("")
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datos_verificacion_neuropathy = datos_verificacion[datos_verificacion['DIABETIC_NEUROPATHY']==1][['NOTE_ID','DIABETIC_NEUROPATHY']]
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datos_verificacion_nephropathy = datos_verificacion[datos_verificacion['DIABETIC_NEPHROPATHY']==1][['NOTE_ID','DIABETIC_NEPHROPATHY']]
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datos_verificacion_retinopathy = datos_verificacion[datos_verificacion['DIABETIC_RETINOPATHY']==1][['NOTE_ID','DIABETIC_RETINOPATHY']]
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# Realizamos joins de nuestros DataFrame con las tablas de validaci贸n
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ver_neuro = pd.merge(datos_verificacion_neuropathy, diabetes_notes_neuropathy, how = 'outer', on = 'NOTE_ID', indicator=True)
213 |
214 |
215 |
ver_nephro = pd.merge(datos_verificacion_nephropathy, diabetes_notes_nephropathy, how = 'outer', on = 'NOTE_ID', indicator=True)
216 |
217 |
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ver_retino = pd.merge(datos_verificacion_retinopathy, diabetes_notes_retinopathy, how = 'outer', on = 'NOTE_ID', indicator=True)
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# Se realizan los conteos
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conteo_na_neuro_falso_positivo = ver_neuro['DIABETIC_NEUROPATHY'].isna().sum()
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conteo_na_nephro_falso_positivo = ver_nephro['DIABETIC_NEPHROPATHY'].isna().sum()
225 |
conteo_na_retino_falso_positivo = ver_retino['DIABETIC_RETINOPATHY'].isna().sum()
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227 |
print('Pacientes sin complicaciones pero que si se identifican: ', conteo_na_neuro_falso_positivo+conteo_na_nephro_falso_positivo+conteo_na_retino_falso_positivo)
228 |
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conteo_na_neuro_falso_negativo = ver_neuro['COMPLICATIONS'].isna().sum()
230 |
conteo_na_nephro_falso_negativo = ver_nephro['COMPLICATIONS'].isna().sum()
231 |
conteo_na_retino_falso_negativo = ver_retino['COMPLICATIONS'].isna().sum()
232 |
233 |
print('Pacientes con complicaciones que no fueron detectados: ', conteo_na_neuro_falso_negativo + conteo_na_nephro_falso_negativo + conteo_na_retino_falso_negativo)
234 |
235 |
conteo_correcto_neuro = len(ver_neuro[ver_neuro['_merge'] == 'both'])
236 |
237 |
conteo_correcto_nephro = len(ver_nephro[ver_nephro['_merge'] == 'both'])
238 |
239 |
conteo_correcto_retino = len(ver_retino[ver_retino['_merge'] == 'both'])
240 |
241 |
242 |
print('Pacientes que tienen complicaciones diabetes que si se encontaron: ', conteo_correcto_nephro+conteo_correcto_neuro+conteo_correcto_retino)
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conteo_complicacion_neuro = len( ver_neuro[ver_neuro['DIABETIC_NEUROPATHY'] == 1] )
245 |
conteo_complicacion_nephro = len( ver_nephro[ver_nephro['DIABETIC_NEPHROPATHY'] == 1] )
246 |
conteo_complicacion_retino = len( ver_retino[ver_retino['DIABETIC_RETINOPATHY'] == 1] )
247 |
print('Pacientes que tienen complicaciones diabeticas: ', conteo_complicacion_neuro +conteo_complicacion_nephro + conteo_complicacion_retino )
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249 |
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251 |
cor_neuro = datos_verificacion[['NOTE_ID', 'DIABETIC_NEUROPATHY']].merge(diabetes_notes_neuropathy[['NOTE_ID','COMPLICATIONS']], how='outer', on='NOTE_ID', indicator=True )
252 |
cor_neuro['COMPLICATIONS'] = cor_neuro['COMPLICATIONS'].map(d_neuro).fillna(0)
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
print(classification_report(cor_neuro['DIABETIC_NEUROPATHY'].tolist(), cor_neuro['COMPLICATIONS'].tolist()))
258 |
259 |
cor_nephro = datos_verificacion[['NOTE_ID', 'DIABETIC_NEPHROPATHY']].merge(diabetes_notes_nephropathy[['NOTE_ID','COMPLICATIONS']], how='outer', on='NOTE_ID', indicator=True )
260 |
cor_nephro['COMPLICATIONS'] = cor_nephro['COMPLICATIONS'].map(d_nephro).fillna(0)
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
print(classification_report(cor_nephro['DIABETIC_NEPHROPATHY'].tolist(), cor_nephro['COMPLICATIONS'].tolist()))
265 |
266 |
cor_retino = datos_verificacion[['NOTE_ID', 'DIABETIC_RETINOPATHY']].merge(diabetes_notes_retinopathy[['NOTE_ID','COMPLICATIONS']], how='outer', on='NOTE_ID', indicator=True )
267 |
cor_retino['COMPLICATIONS'] = cor_retino['COMPLICATIONS'].map(d_retino).fillna(0)
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
print(classification_report(cor_retino['DIABETIC_RETINOPATHY'].tolist(), cor_retino['COMPLICATIONS'].tolist()))
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