import streamlit as st import torch from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer import pandas as pd # Load the tokenizer tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2") # Define the classification function def classify_review(text, model, tokenizer, device, max_length=None, pad_token_id=50256): model.eval() # Prepare inputs to the model input_ids = tokenizer.encode(text) supported_context_length = model.pos_emb.weight.shape[1] # Truncate sequences if they are too long input_ids = input_ids[:min(max_length, supported_context_length)] # Pad sequences to the longest sequence input_ids += [pad_token_id] * (max_length - len(input_ids)) input_tensor = torch.tensor(input_ids, device=device).unsqueeze(0) # add batch dimension # Model inference with torch.no_grad(): logits = model(input_tensor)[:, -1, :] # Logits of the last output token predicted_label = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1).item() # Return the classified result return "Proper Naming Notfcn" if predicted_label == 1 else "Wrong Naming Notificn" # Load the trained model from the local directory model_path = "clv__classifier_774M.pth" model = torch.load(model_path) model.eval() # Set the device to run the model on (GPU if available, else CPU) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Streamlit app def main(): st.title("Text Classification App") # Input options input_option ="Select input option", ("Single Text Query", "Upload Table")) if input_option == "Single Text Query": # Single text query input text_query = st.text_input("Enter text query") if st.button("Classify"): if text_query: # Classify the text query predicted_label = classify_review(text_query, model, tokenizer, device, max_length=train_dataset.max_length) st.write("Predicted Label:") st.write(predicted_label) else: st.warning("Please enter a text query.") elif input_option == "Upload Table": # Table upload uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=["csv", "xlsx"]) if uploaded_file is not None: # Read the uploaded file if".csv"): df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) # Select the text column text_column = st.selectbox("Select the text column", df.columns) # Classify the texts in the selected column predicted_labels = [] for text in df[text_column]: predicted_label = classify_review(text, model, tokenizer, device, max_length=train_dataset.max_length) predicted_labels.append(predicted_label) # Add the predicted labels to the DataFrame df["Predicted Label"] = predicted_labels # Display the DataFrame with predicted labels st.write(df) if __name__ == "__main__": main()