--- language: - en - zh - de - es - ru - ko - fr - ja - pt - tr - pl - ca - nl - ar - sv - it - id - hi - fi - vi - he - uk - el - ms - cs - ro - da - hu - ta - 'no' - th - ur - hr - bg - lt - la - mi - ml - cy - sk - te - fa - lv - bn - sr - az - sl - kn - et - mk - br - eu - is - hy - ne - mn - bs - kk - sq - sw - gl - mr - pa - si - km - sn - yo - so - af - oc - ka - be - tg - sd - gu - am - yi - lo - uz - fo - ht - ps - tk - nn - mt - sa - lb - my - bo - tl - mg - as - tt - haw - ln - ha - ba - jw - su tags: - audio - automatic-speech-recognition - speech-to-text pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition license: other license_name: all-rights-reserved library_name: transformers.js --- **Contact Information**: For any inquiries or communication regarding AISAK, please contact me at mandelakorilogan@gmail.com. **© 2024 Mandela Logan. All rights reserved.** No part of this model may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Users are expressly prohibited from creating replications or spaces derived from this model, whether in whole or in part, without the explicit authorization of the copyright holder. Unauthorized use or reproduction of this model is strictly prohibited by copyright law.