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from typing import Dict
MID_TIME_TASK_NAMES = ['BIOSSES', 'STS17', 'STS22', 'STS16', 'STSBenchmark', 'STS13', 'STS15', 'STS12', 'STS14',
'AskUbuntuDupQuestions', 'TwitterSemEval2015', 'SummEval', 'SICK-R', 'NFCorpus', 'SciFact',
'CQADupstackWebmastersRetrieval', 'TwitterURLCorpus', 'SprintDuplicateQuestions',
'CQADupstackAndroidRetrieval', 'CQADupstackMathematicaRetrieval', 'ArguAna',
'CQADupstackProgrammersRetrieval', 'SCIDOCS', 'StackOverflowDupQuestions',
'EmotionClassification', 'TweetSentimentExtractionClassification', 'CQADupstackStatsRetrieval',
'CQADupstackGisRetrieval', 'CQADupstackWordpressRetrieval', 'CQADupstackEnglishRetrieval',
'CQADupstackPhysicsRetrieval', 'CQADupstackGamingRetrieval', 'SciDocsRR', 'FiQA2018',
'CQADupstackUnixRetrieval', 'ToxicConversationsClassification', 'Banking77Classification',
'TwentyNewsgroupsClustering', 'MedrxivClusteringS2S', 'ImdbClassification',
'MTOPDomainClassification', 'BiorxivClusteringS2S', 'AmazonCounterfactualClassification',
'MassiveScenarioClassification', 'MedrxivClusteringP2P', 'MTOPIntentClassification',
'MassiveIntentClassification', 'CQADupstackTexRetrieval', 'AmazonReviewsClassification',
'TRECCOVID', 'BiorxivClusteringP2P', 'StackExchangeClusteringP2P', 'StackExchangeClustering']
CMTEB_TASK_LIST = ['TNews', 'IFlyTek', 'MultilingualSentiment', 'JDReview', 'OnlineShopping', 'Waimai',
'AmazonReviewsClassification', 'MassiveIntentClassification', 'MassiveScenarioClassification',
'CLSClusteringS2S', 'CLSClusteringP2P', 'ThuNewsClusteringS2S', 'ThuNewsClusteringP2P',
'Ocnli', 'Cmnli',
'T2Reranking', 'MmarcoReranking', 'CMedQAv1', 'CMedQAv2',
'T2Retrieval', 'MMarcoRetrieval', 'DuRetrieval', 'CovidRetrieval', 'CmedqaRetrieval',
'EcomRetrieval', 'MedicalRetrieval', 'VideoRetrieval',
'ATEC', 'BQ', 'LCQMC', 'PAWSX', 'STSB', 'AFQMC', 'QBQTC', 'STS22']
def get_task_type_en(task_name: str):
if task_name == "SummEval":
return "Summarization"
return "Classification"
if task_name in TASK_LIST_CLUSTERING:
return "Clustering"
return "PairClassification"
if task_name in TASK_LIST_RERANKING:
return "Reranking"
if task_name in TASK_LIST_STS:
return "STS"
if task_name in TASK_LIST_RETRIEVAL:
return "Retrieval"
raise ValueError(f"unknown task name:{task_name}")
def get_task_def_by_task_name_and_type(task_name: str, task_type: str) -> str:
if task_type in ['STS']:
return "Retrieve semantically similar text."
if task_type in ['Summarization']:
return "Given a news summary, retrieve other semantically similar summaries"
if task_type in ['BitextMining']:
return "Retrieve parallel sentences."
if task_type in ['Classification']:
task_name_to_instruct: Dict[str, str] = {
'AmazonCounterfactualClassification': 'Classify a given Amazon customer review text as either counterfactual or not-counterfactual',
'AmazonPolarityClassification': 'Classify Amazon reviews into positive or negative sentiment',
'AmazonReviewsClassification': 'Classify the given Amazon review into its appropriate rating category',
'Banking77Classification': 'Given a online banking query, find the corresponding intents',
'EmotionClassification': 'Classify the emotion expressed in the given Twitter message into one of the six emotions: anger, fear, joy, love, sadness, and surprise',
'ImdbClassification': 'Classify the sentiment expressed in the given movie review text from the IMDB dataset',
'MassiveIntentClassification': 'Given a user utterance as query, find the user intents',
'MassiveScenarioClassification': 'Given a user utterance as query, find the user scenarios',
'MTOPDomainClassification': 'Classify the intent domain of the given utterance in task-oriented conversation',
'MTOPIntentClassification': 'Classify the intent of the given utterance in task-oriented conversation',
'ToxicConversationsClassification': 'Classify the given comments as either toxic or not toxic',
'TweetSentimentExtractionClassification': 'Classify the sentiment of a given tweet as either positive, negative, or neutral',
# C-MTEB eval instructions
'TNews': 'Classify the fine-grained category of the given news title',
'IFlyTek': 'Given an App description text, find the appropriate fine-grained category',
'MultilingualSentiment': 'Classify sentiment of the customer review into positive, neutral, or negative',
'JDReview': 'Classify the customer review for iPhone on e-commerce platform into positive or negative',
'OnlineShopping': 'Classify the customer review for online shopping into positive or negative',
'Waimai': 'Classify the customer review from a food takeaway platform into positive or negative',
return task_name_to_instruct[task_name]
if task_type in ['Clustering']:
task_name_to_instruct: Dict[str, str] = {
'ArxivClusteringP2P': 'Identify the main and secondary category of Arxiv papers based on the titles and abstracts',
'ArxivClusteringS2S': 'Identify the main and secondary category of Arxiv papers based on the titles',
'BiorxivClusteringP2P': 'Identify the main category of Biorxiv papers based on the titles and abstracts',
'BiorxivClusteringS2S': 'Identify the main category of Biorxiv papers based on the titles',
'MedrxivClusteringP2P': 'Identify the main category of Medrxiv papers based on the titles and abstracts',
'MedrxivClusteringS2S': 'Identify the main category of Medrxiv papers based on the titles',
'RedditClustering': 'Identify the topic or theme of Reddit posts based on the titles',
'RedditClusteringP2P': 'Identify the topic or theme of Reddit posts based on the titles and posts',
'StackExchangeClustering': 'Identify the topic or theme of StackExchange posts based on the titles',
'StackExchangeClusteringP2P': 'Identify the topic or theme of StackExchange posts based on the given paragraphs',
'TwentyNewsgroupsClustering': 'Identify the topic or theme of the given news articles',
# C-MTEB eval instructions
'CLSClusteringS2S': 'Identify the main category of scholar papers based on the titles',
'CLSClusteringP2P': 'Identify the main category of scholar papers based on the titles and abstracts',
'ThuNewsClusteringS2S': 'Identify the topic or theme of the given news articles based on the titles',
'ThuNewsClusteringP2P': 'Identify the topic or theme of the given news articles based on the titles and contents',
return task_name_to_instruct[task_name]
if task_type in ['Reranking', 'PairClassification']:
task_name_to_instruct: Dict[str, str] = {
'AskUbuntuDupQuestions': 'Retrieve duplicate questions from AskUbuntu forum',
'MindSmallReranking': 'Retrieve relevant news articles based on user browsing history',
'SciDocsRR': 'Given a title of a scientific paper, retrieve the titles of other relevant papers',
'StackOverflowDupQuestions': 'Retrieve duplicate questions from StackOverflow forum',
'SprintDuplicateQuestions': 'Retrieve duplicate questions from Sprint forum',
'TwitterSemEval2015': 'Retrieve tweets that are semantically similar to the given tweet',
'TwitterURLCorpus': 'Retrieve tweets that are semantically similar to the given tweet',
# C-MTEB eval instructions
'T2Reranking': 'Given a Chinese search query, retrieve web passages that answer the question',
'MMarcoReranking': 'Given a Chinese search query, retrieve web passages that answer the question',
'CMedQAv1': 'Given a Chinese community medical question, retrieve replies that best answer the question',
'CMedQAv2': 'Given a Chinese community medical question, retrieve replies that best answer the question',
'Ocnli': 'Retrieve semantically similar text.',
'Cmnli': 'Retrieve semantically similar text.',
return task_name_to_instruct[task_name]
if task_type in ['Retrieval']:
if task_name.lower().startswith('cqadupstack'):
return 'Given a question, retrieve detailed question descriptions from Stackexchange that are duplicates to the given question'
task_name_to_instruct: Dict[str, str] = {
'ArguAna': 'Given a claim, find documents that refute the claim',
'ClimateFEVER': 'Given a claim about climate change, retrieve documents that support or refute the claim',
'DBPedia': 'Given a query, retrieve relevant entity descriptions from DBPedia',
'FEVER': 'Given a claim, retrieve documents that support or refute the claim',
'FiQA2018': 'Given a financial question, retrieve user replies that best answer the question',
'HotpotQA': 'Given a multi-hop question, retrieve documents that can help answer the question',
'MSMARCO': 'Given a web search query, retrieve relevant passages that answer the query.',
'NFCorpus': 'Given a question, retrieve relevant documents that best answer the question',
'NQ': 'Given a question, retrieve Wikipedia passages that answer the question',
'QuoraRetrieval': 'Given a question, retrieve questions that are semantically equivalent to the given question',
'SCIDOCS': 'Given a scientific paper title, retrieve paper abstracts that are cited by the given paper',
'SciFact': 'Given a scientific claim, retrieve documents that support or refute the claim',
'Touche2020': 'Given a question, retrieve detailed and persuasive arguments that answer the question',
'TRECCOVID': 'Given a query on COVID-19, retrieve documents that answer the query',
# C-MTEB eval instructions
'T2Retrieval': 'Given a Chinese search query, retrieve web passages that answer the question',
'MMarcoRetrieval': 'Given a web search query, retrieve relevant passages that answer the query',
'DuRetrieval': 'Given a Chinese search query, retrieve web passages that answer the question',
'CovidRetrieval': 'Given a question on COVID-19, retrieve news articles that answer the question',
'CmedqaRetrieval': 'Given a Chinese community medical question, retrieve replies that best answer the question',
'EcomRetrieval': 'Given a user query from an e-commerce website, retrieve description sentences of relevant products',
'MedicalRetrieval': 'Given a medical question, retrieve user replies that best answer the question',
'VideoRetrieval': 'Given a video search query, retrieve the titles of relevant videos',
# add lower case keys to match some beir names
task_name_to_instruct.update({k.lower(): v for k, v in task_name_to_instruct.items()})
# other cases where lower case match still doesn't work
task_name_to_instruct['trec-covid'] = task_name_to_instruct['TRECCOVID']
task_name_to_instruct['climate-fever'] = task_name_to_instruct['ClimateFEVER']
task_name_to_instruct['dbpedia-entity'] = task_name_to_instruct['DBPedia']
task_name_to_instruct['webis-touche2020'] = task_name_to_instruct['Touche2020']
task_name_to_instruct['fiqa'] = task_name_to_instruct['FiQA2018']
task_name_to_instruct['quora'] = task_name_to_instruct['QuoraRetrieval']
# for miracl evaluation
task_name_to_instruct['miracl'] = 'Given a question, retrieve Wikipedia passages that answer the question'
return task_name_to_instruct[task_name]
raise ValueError(f"No instruction config for task {task_name} with type {task_type}")
def get_detailed_instruct(task_description: str) -> str:
if not task_description:
return ''
return 'Instruct: {}\nQuery: '.format(task_description)
if __name__ == "__main__":