wav2vec2-aed-macedonian-asr / hyperparams_augment.yaml
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# Seed needs to be set at top of yaml, before objects with parameters
# are instantiated
seed: 1994
__set_seed: !apply:torch.manual_seed [!ref <seed>]
skip_training: True
output_folder: !ref output_folder_seq2seq_cv_podcast_arhiv_augmentation_128_emb_5000_vocab
output_wer_folder: !ref <output_folder>/
save_folder: !ref <output_folder>/save
train_log: !ref <output_folder>/train_log.txt
lm_folder: LM/output_folder_lm
# Data files
data_folder: "../../data/combined_data/speechbrain_splits"
wav2vec2_hub: facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53
wav2vec2_folder: !ref <save_folder>/wav2vec2_checkpoint
# pretrained_tokenizer_path: "Tokenizer/output_folder_cv/1K_subword_unigram" # Use this for the CV model
pretrained_tokenizer_path: "Tokenizer/output_folder_cv_podcast_arhiv/5K_subword_unigram" # Use this for the CV+Podcast+Arhiv model
####################### Training Parameters ####################################
number_of_epochs: 50
number_of_ctc_epochs: 15
# batch_size: 16
# batch_size: 6 # for cv+podcast
batch_size: 6 # for cv+podcast+arhiv
label_smoothing: 0.1
lr: 0.0001
ctc_weight: 0.5
opt_class: !name:torch.optim.Adam
lr: !ref <lr>
lr_annealing: !new:speechbrain.nnet.schedulers.NewBobScheduler
initial_value: !ref <lr>
improvement_threshold: 0.0025
annealing_factor: 0.8
patient: 0
# Dataloader options
num_workers: 4
num_workers: !ref <num_workers>
batch_size: !ref <batch_size>
num_workers: !ref <num_workers>
batch_size: !ref <batch_size>
batch_size: 1
####################### Model Parameters #######################################
dropout: 0.15
wav2vec_output_dim: 1024
emb_size: 128
dec_neurons: 1024
dec_layers: 1
output_neurons: 5000
blank_index: 0
bos_index: 0
eos_index: 0
unk_index: 0
# Decoding parameters
min_decode_ratio: 0.0
max_decode_ratio: 1.0
valid_beam_size: 10
test_beam_size: 10
using_eos_threshold: True
eos_threshold: 1.5
using_max_attn_shift: True
max_attn_shift: 300
temperature: 1.0
ctc_window_size: 200
temperature_lm: 1.25
# Scoring parameters
ctc_weight_decode: 0.0
coverage_penalty: 1.5
lm_weight: 0.0
epoch_counter: !new:speechbrain.utils.epoch_loop.EpochCounter
limit: !ref <number_of_epochs>
# Wav2vec2 encoder
encoder_w2v2: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2
source: !ref <wav2vec2_hub>
output_norm: True
freeze: False
freeze_feature_extractor: True
save_path: !ref <wav2vec2_folder>
output_all_hiddens: False
embedding: !new:speechbrain.nnet.embedding.Embedding
num_embeddings: !ref <output_neurons>
embedding_dim: !ref <emb_size>
# Attention-based RNN decoder.
decoder: !new:speechbrain.nnet.RNN.AttentionalRNNDecoder
enc_dim: !ref <wav2vec_output_dim>
input_size: !ref <emb_size>
rnn_type: gru
attn_type: location
hidden_size: !ref <dec_neurons>
attn_dim: 512
num_layers: !ref <dec_layers>
scaling: 1.0
channels: 10
kernel_size: 100
re_init: True
dropout: !ref <dropout>
ctc_lin: !new:speechbrain.nnet.linear.Linear
input_size: !ref <wav2vec_output_dim>
n_neurons: !ref <output_neurons>
seq_lin: !new:speechbrain.nnet.linear.Linear
input_size: !ref <dec_neurons>
n_neurons: !ref <output_neurons>
log_softmax: !new:speechbrain.nnet.activations.Softmax
apply_log: True
ctc_cost: !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.ctc_loss
blank_index: !ref <blank_index>
nll_cost: !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.nll_loss
label_smoothing: 0.1
# This is the RNNLM that is used according to the Huggingface repository
# NB: It has to match the pre-trained RNNLM!!
#lm_model: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.RNNLM.RNNLM
# output_neurons: !ref <output_neurons>
# embedding_dim: !ref <emb_size>
# activation: !name:torch.nn.LeakyReLU
# dropout: 0.0
# rnn_layers: 2
# rnn_neurons: 2048
# dnn_blocks: 1
# dnn_neurons: 512
# return_hidden: True # For inference
tokenizer: !new:sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor
model_file: !ref <pretrained_tokenizer_path>/5000_unigram.model
encoder_w2v2: !ref <encoder_w2v2>
embedding: !ref <embedding>
decoder: !ref <decoder>
ctc_lin: !ref <ctc_lin>
seq_lin: !ref <seq_lin>
#lm_model: !ref <lm_model>
model: !new:torch.nn.ModuleList
- [!ref <encoder_w2v2>, !ref <embedding>, !ref <decoder>, !ref <ctc_lin>, !ref <seq_lin>]
############################## Decoding & optimiser ############################
#coverage_scorer: !new:speechbrain.decoders.scorer.CoverageScorer
# vocab_size: !ref <output_neurons>
#rnnlm_scorer: !new:speechbrain.decoders.scorer.RNNLMScorer
# language_model: !ref <lm_model>
# temperature: !ref <temperature_lm>
#scorer: !new:speechbrain.decoders.scorer.ScorerBuilder
# full_scorers: [!ref <rnnlm_scorer>,
# !ref <coverage_scorer>]
# weights:
# rnnlm: !ref <lm_weight>
# coverage: !ref <coverage_penalty>
# Search
greedy_search: !new:speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNGreedySearcher
embedding: !ref <embedding>
decoder: !ref <decoder>
linear: !ref <seq_lin>
bos_index: !ref <bos_index>
eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
min_decode_ratio: !ref <min_decode_ratio>
max_decode_ratio: !ref <max_decode_ratio>
test_search: !new:speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNBeamSearcher
embedding: !ref <embedding>
decoder: !ref <decoder>
linear: !ref <seq_lin>
bos_index: !ref <bos_index>
eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
min_decode_ratio: !ref <min_decode_ratio>
max_decode_ratio: !ref <max_decode_ratio>
beam_size: !ref <test_beam_size>
eos_threshold: !ref <eos_threshold>
using_max_attn_shift: !ref <using_max_attn_shift>
max_attn_shift: !ref <max_attn_shift>
temperature: !ref <temperature>
#scorer: !ref <scorer>
############################## Augmentations ###################################
# Speed perturbation
speed_perturb: !new:speechbrain.augment.time_domain.SpeedPerturb
orig_freq: 16000
speeds: [95, 100, 105]
# Frequency drop: randomly drops a number of frequency bands to zero.
drop_freq: !new:speechbrain.augment.time_domain.DropFreq
drop_freq_low: 0
drop_freq_high: 1
drop_freq_count_low: 1
drop_freq_count_high: 3
drop_freq_width: 0.05
# Time drop: randomly drops a number of temporal chunks.
drop_chunk: !new:speechbrain.augment.time_domain.DropChunk
drop_length_low: 1000
drop_length_high: 2000
drop_count_low: 1
drop_count_high: 5
# Augmenter: Combines previously defined augmentations to perform data augmentation
wav_augment: !new:speechbrain.augment.augmenter.Augmenter
concat_original: False
min_augmentations: 1
max_augmentations: 3
augment_prob: 0.5
augmentations: [
!ref <speed_perturb>,
!ref <drop_freq>,
!ref <drop_chunk>]
############################## Logging and Pretrainer ##########################
checkpointer: !new:speechbrain.utils.checkpoints.Checkpointer
checkpoints_dir: !ref <save_folder>
model: !ref <model>
scheduler: !ref <lr_annealing>
counter: !ref <epoch_counter>
train_logger: !new:speechbrain.utils.train_logger.FileTrainLogger
save_file: !ref <train_log>
error_rate_computer: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ErrorRateStats
cer_computer: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ErrorRateStats
split_tokens: True
# The pretrainer allows a mapping between pretrained files and instances that
# are declared in the yaml. E.g here, we will download the file lm.ckpt
# and it will be loaded into "lm" which is pointing to the <lm_model> defined
# before.
#pretrainer: !new:speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer.Pretrainer
# collect_in: !ref <lm_folder>
# loadables:
# lm: !ref <lm_model>
# paths:
# lm: !ref <lm_folder>/save/CKPT+2024-07-19+14-16-05+00/model.ckpt