""" |
Sample example |
""" |
from contextlib import nullcontext |
import torch |
from model import GPTConfig, GPT |
from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast |
from safetensors.torch import save_file, load_file |
start = "\n" |
num_samples = 10 |
max_new_tokens = 500 |
temperature = 0.8 |
top_k = 200 |
seed = 1337 |
device = 'cuda' |
dtype = 'bfloat16' if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported() else 'float16' |
torch.manual_seed(seed) |
torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True |
device_type = 'cuda' if 'cuda' in device else 'cpu' |
ptdtype = {'float32': torch.float32, 'bfloat16': torch.bfloat16, 'float16': torch.float16}[dtype] |
ctx = nullcontext() if device_type == 'cpu' else torch.amp.autocast(device_type=device_type, dtype=ptdtype) |
checkpoint = torch.load("pytorch_model.bin", map_location=device) |
gptconf = GPTConfig(**checkpoint['model_args']) |
model = GPT(gptconf) |
state_dict = checkpoint['model'] |
unwanted_prefix = '_orig_mod.' |
for k,v in list(state_dict.items()): |
if k.startswith(unwanted_prefix): |
state_dict[k[len(unwanted_prefix):]] = state_dict.pop(k) |
model.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
model.eval() |
model.to(device) |
tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained('gpt2') |
encode = lambda s: tokenizer.encode(s) |
decode = lambda l: tokenizer.decode(l) |
start_ids = encode(start) |
x = (torch.tensor(start_ids, dtype=torch.long, device=device)[None, ...]) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
with ctx: |
for k in range(num_samples): |
y = model.generate(x, max_new_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k) |
print(decode(y[0].tolist())) |
print('---------------') |