Clemspace's picture
Initial model upload
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.messages import (
from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.tool_calls import (
from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.validator import (
from mistral_common.tokens.instruct.request import InstructRequest
from mistral_common.tokens.tokenizers.base import Tokenizer
from mistral_common.tokens.tokenizers.sentencepiece import InstructTokenizerBase
from .exceptions import (
logger = logging.getLogger("tokenize")
Sequence = List[int]
Mask = List[bool]
class TrainingInstructSample(InstructRequest):
available_tools: Optional[List[Tool]] = None
only_last: bool = False
class TokenSample:
tokens: Sequence
masks: Mask
class SampleType(str, Enum):
PRETRAIN = "pretrain"
INSTRUCT = "instruct"
def encode(
data: Dict[str, Any],
instruct_tokenizer: InstructTokenizerBase,
as_type: SampleType,
) -> TokenSample:
sample: Union[str, TrainingInstructSample]
if as_type == SampleType.PRETRAIN:
sample = get_pretrain_sample(data)
elif as_type == SampleType.INSTRUCT:
sample = build_instruct_sample(data)
return tokenize(sample=sample, instruct_tokenizer=instruct_tokenizer)
def get_pretrain_sample(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
content_keys = ["text", "content"]
assert not all(
k in data for k in content_keys
), "Make sure to have either 'text' or 'content' in your data. Not both."
assert any(
data.get(k) is not None for k in content_keys
), f"Must have one of 'text' or 'content' in your data. Only have {data.keys()}"
# get first non-None value
sample = None
for key in content_keys:
sample = data[key] if key in data else sample
assert isinstance(sample, str), sample
return sample
def build_instruct_sample(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> TrainingInstructSample:
messages: List[
SystemMessage | UserMessage | FinetuningAssistantMessage | ToolMessage
] = []
# optional data fields that might be set
available_tools: Optional[List[Tool]] = data.get("available_tools")
system_prompt = data.get("system_prompt")
messages_keys = ["messages", "interactions"]
content_keys = ["content", "text"] # both are accepted
allowed_roles = [role.value for role in Roles]
if not any(messages_key in data for messages_key in messages_keys):
err = f"The conversation does not contain one of '{', '.join(messages_keys)}' key, but only {', '.join(data.keys())}. Make sure that the conversation includes one of '{', '.join(messages_keys)}'."
raise ConversationFormatError(err, str(data))
if all(messages_key in data for messages_key in messages_keys):
err = f"The conversation cannot contain both of '{', '.join(messages_keys)}' key, but only one of the two."
raise ConversationFormatError(err, str(data))
# get first non-None value
data_messages: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None
for key in messages_keys:
data_messages = data[key] if key in data else data_messages
assert data_messages is not None, "data_messages can't be None"
if "available_tools" in data and "tools" in data:
err = "The conversation contains both an `available_tools` and `tools` key. You can only have one."
raise ConversationFormatError(err, str(data))
if data.get("tools", None) is not None and len(data["tools"]) > 0:
available_tools = _parse_available_tools(data["tools"])
elif (
data.get("available_tools", None) is not None
and len(data["available_tools"]) > 0
available_tools = _parse_available_tools(data["available_tools"])
for data_message in data_messages:
is_tool_call = data_message.get("tool_calls") is not None
if "role" not in data_message:
err = f"A message does not contain a 'role' key, but only {', '.join(data_message.keys())}. Make sure that the message includes the key 'role'."
raise MessageFormatError(err, str(data))
role = data_message["role"]
if all(key in data_message for key in content_keys):
err = f"A {role} message contains both a 'text' and 'content' key. Make sure that there is only one of the two."
raise MessageFormatError(err, str(data))
content: Optional[str] = None
for key in content_keys:
content = content if content is not None else data_message.get(key)
# non-function call message must have content
if not is_tool_call and content is None:
err = f"A {role} message does not contain one of '{content_keys}' key, but only {', '.join(data_message.keys())}. Make sure that the message includes one of '{content_keys}' keys."
raise MessageFormatError(err, str(data))
if role not in allowed_roles:
raise UnrecognizedRoleError(role, allowed_roles)
if data_message["role"] == "user":
assert content is not None
elif data_message["role"] == "assistant":
tool_calls: Optional[List[ToolCall]] = None
if is_tool_call:
tool_calls = _parse_tool_calls(data_message["tool_calls"])
weight = data_message.get("weight")
content=content, tool_calls=tool_calls, weight=weight
elif data_message["role"] == "system":
if system_prompt is not None:
err = "Multiple messages with role 'system' encountered. Only one is allowed."
raise MessageFormatError(err, str(data))
system_prompt = content
elif data_message["role"] == "tool":
assert content is not None
tool_message = _parse_tool_message(content, data_message)
# validate created messages
validator = MistralRequestValidatorV3(ValidationMode.finetuning)
validator._validate_tools(available_tools or [])
# whether to train only on last assistant message
only_last = data.get("only_last", False) or available_tools is not None
return TrainingInstructSample(
def _parse_available_tools(tools: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Tool]:
available_tools = []
for tool in tools:
if "function" not in tool:
raise FunctionFormatError(
"A tool dict does not have a 'function' key.", str(tool)
func_data = tool["function"]
for key in ["name", "description", "parameters"]:
if key not in func_data:
raise FunctionFormatError(
f"A function dict does not have a {key} key.", str(func_data)
if not isinstance(func_data["parameters"], dict):
raise FunctionFormatError(
f"A function 'parameters' key has to be of type dict, but is {type(func_data['parameters'])}. If the function has no parameters pass an empyt dict ", str(func_data)
description = func_data["description"]
function = Function(
return available_tools
def _parse_tool_calls(calls: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[ToolCall]:
for key in ["id", "function"]:
if not all(key in call for call in calls):
err = f"A tool call of an assistant message does not have a {key} key"
raise ToolCallFormatError(err, str(calls))
for key in ["name", "arguments"]:
if not all(key in call["function"] for call in calls):
err = (
f"A tool call function of an assistant message does not have a {key} key"
raise ToolCallFormatError(err, str(calls))
if not all(isinstance(call["function"]["arguments"], str) for call in calls):
err = "A tool call function of an assistant message does not have a 'arguments' key of type str"
raise ToolCallFormatError(err, str(calls))
tool_calls = [
for call in calls
return tool_calls
def _parse_tool_message(content: str, data_message: Dict[str, Any]) -> ToolMessage:
if "tool_call_id" not in data_message:
err = f"A tool message does not contain a 'tool_call_id' key, but only {', '.join(data_message.keys())}. Make sure that the message includes the key 'tool_call_id'."
raise MessageFormatError(err, str(data_message))
call_id = data_message["tool_call_id"]
# name is deprecated in v3, but we'll add it nevertheless for now
name = data_message.get("name")
return ToolMessage(content=content, tool_call_id=call_id, name=name)
def tokenize(
sample: Union[str, TrainingInstructSample],
instruct_tokenizer: InstructTokenizerBase,
) -> TokenSample:
if isinstance(sample, str):
tokenizer: Tokenizer = instruct_tokenizer.tokenizer
return tokenize_pretrain(sample, tokenizer)
elif isinstance(sample, TrainingInstructSample):
return tokenize_instruct(sample, instruct_tokenizer)
raise ValueError(
f"`sample` has to be either of type `str` or `TrainingInstructSample`, not {type(sample)}."
def tokenize_pretrain(sample: str, tokenizer: Tokenizer) -> TokenSample:
tokens = tokenizer.encode(sample, bos=True, eos=True)
masks = [True] * len(tokens)
return TokenSample(tokens, masks)
def tokenize_instruct(
sample: TrainingInstructSample,
instruct_tokenizer: InstructTokenizerBase,
) -> TokenSample:
tokens: List[int] = instruct_tokenizer.start()
masks: List[bool] = [False]
mask_all_but_last = sample.only_last
# find first and last user message
user_messages = [
i for i, msg in enumerate(sample.messages) if isinstance(msg, UserMessage)
first_user_idx = user_messages[0] if user_messages else -1
last_user_idx = user_messages[-1] if user_messages else -1
for msg_idx, message in enumerate(sample.messages):
if isinstance(message, UserMessage):
curr_tokens = instruct_tokenizer.encode_user_message(
is_last=msg_idx == last_user_idx,
is_first=msg_idx == first_user_idx,
curr_masks = [False] * len(curr_tokens) # only predict bot answers
elif isinstance(message, ToolMessage):
curr_tokens = instruct_tokenizer.encode_tool_message(
message, is_before_last_user_message=msg_idx < last_user_idx
curr_masks = [False] * len(curr_tokens) # only predict bot answers
elif isinstance(message, FinetuningAssistantMessage):
is_last_message = msg_idx == (len(sample.messages) - 1)
# we don't want to predict a random call id
message = maybe_remove_call_id(message, is_last_message=is_last_message)
curr_tokens = instruct_tokenizer.encode_assistant_message(
message, is_before_last_user_message=False
is_weighted = message.weight is None or message.weight == 1
is_relevant = (not mask_all_but_last) or is_last_message
if is_weighted and is_relevant:
curr_masks = [True] * len(curr_tokens) # only predict bot answers
# in function calling we only backprop through last message
curr_masks = [False] * len(curr_tokens)
return TokenSample(tokens, masks)
def maybe_remove_call_id(message: FinetuningAssistantMessage, is_last_message: bool):
if message.tool_calls is None or not is_last_message:
return message
# remove call id
message.tool_calls = [
ToolCall(function=call.function) for call in message.tool_calls
return message