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@@ -485,7 +485,25 @@ The dataset does not allow for external contributions.
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- Aulamo, M., Sulubacak, U., Virpioja, S., & Tiedemann, J. (2020). OpusTools and Parallel Corpus Diagnostics. In N. Calzolari, F. Béchet, P. Blache, K. Choukri, C. Cieri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, H. Isahara, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, & S. Piperidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 3782–3789). European Language Resources Association. https://aclanthology.org/2020.lrec-1.467
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- Chaudhary, V., Tang, Y., Guzmán, F., Schwenk, H., & Koehn, P. (2019). Low-Resource Corpus Filtering Using Multilingual Sentence Embeddings. In O. Bojar, R. Chatterjee, C. Federmann, M. Fishel, Y. Graham, B. Haddow, M. Huck, A. J. Yepes, P. Koehn, A. Martins, C. Monz, M. Negri, A. Névéol, M. Neves, M. Post, M. Turchi, & K. Verspoor (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Volume 3: Shared Task Papers, Day 2) (pp. 261–266). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W19-5435
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- DGT-Translation Memory—European Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2024, from https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/language-technology-resources/dgt-translation-memory_en
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- Eisele, A., & Chen, Y. (2010). MultiUN: A Multilingual Corpus from United Nation Documents. In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis, M. Rosner, & D. Tapias (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10). European Language Resources Association (ELRA). http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2010/pdf/686_Paper.pdf
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- El-Kishky, A., Chaudhary, V., Guzmán, F., & Koehn, P. (2020). CCAligned: A Massive Collection of Cross-Lingual Web-Document Pairs. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 5960–5969. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.480
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- El-Kishky, A., Renduchintala, A., Cross, J., Guzmán, F., & Koehn, P. (2021). XLEnt: Mining a Large Cross-lingual Entity Dataset with Lexical-Semantic-Phonetic Word Alignment. Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 10424–10430. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.emnlp-main.814
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- Fan, A., Bhosale, S., Schwenk, H., Ma, Z., El-Kishky, A., Goyal, S., Baines, M., Celebi, O., Wenzek, G., Chaudhary, V., Goyal, N., Birch, T., Liptchinsky, V., Edunov, S., Grave, E., Auli, M., & Joulin, A. (2020). Beyond English-Centric Multilingual Machine Translation (No. arXiv:2010.11125). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2010.11125
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- García-Martínez, M., Bié, L., Cerdà, A., Estela, A., Herranz, M., Krišlauks, R., Melero, M., O’Dowd, T., O’Gorman, S., Pinnis, M., Stafanovič, A., Superbo, R., & Vasiļevskis, A. (2021). Neural Translation for European Union (NTEU). 316–334. https://aclanthology.org/2021.mtsummit-up.23
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- Gibert, O. de, Nail, G., Arefyev, N., Bañón, M., Linde, J. van der, Ji, S., Zaragoza-Bernabeu, J., Aulamo, M., Ramírez-Sánchez, G., Kutuzov, A., Pyysalo, S., Oepen, S., & Tiedemann, J. (2024). A New Massive Multilingual Dataset for High-Performance Language Technologies (No. arXiv:2403.14009). arXiv. http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.14009
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- Koehn, P. (2005). Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit X: Papers, 79–86. https://aclanthology.org/2005.mtsummit-papers.11
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- Kreutzer, J., Caswell, I., Wang, L., Wahab, A., Van Esch, D., Ulzii-Orshikh, N., Tapo, A., Subramani, N., Sokolov, A., Sikasote, C., Setyawan, M., Sarin, S., Samb, S., Sagot, B., Rivera, C., Rios, A., Papadimitriou, I., Osei, S., Suarez, P. O., … Adeyemi, M. (2022). Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 10, 50–72. https://doi.org/10.1162/tacl_a_00447
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- Rozis, R.,Skadiņš, R (2017). Tilde MODEL - Multilingual Open Data for EU Languages.
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- Schwenk, H., Chaudhary, V., Sun, S., Gong, H., & Guzmán, F. (2019). WikiMatrix: Mining 135M Parallel Sentences in 1620 Language Pairs from Wikipedia (No. arXiv:1907.05791). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1907.05791
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- Schwenk, H., Wenzek, G., Edunov, S., Grave, E., & Joulin, A. (2020). CCMatrix: Mining Billions of High-Quality Parallel Sentences on the WEB (No. arXiv:1911.04944). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1911.04944
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- Steinberger, R., Pouliquen, B., Widiger, A., Ignat, C., Erjavec, T., Tufiş, D., & Varga, D. (n.d.). The JRC-Acquis: A Multilingual Aligned Parallel Corpus with 20+ Languages.
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- Subramani, N., Luccioni, S., Dodge, J., & Mitchell, M. (2023). Detecting Personal Information in Training Corpora: An Analysis. In A. Ovalle, K.-W. Chang, N. Mehrabi, Y. Pruksachatkun, A. Galystan, J. Dhamala, A. Verma, T. Cao, A. Kumar, & R. Gupta (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (TrustNLP 2023) (pp. 208–220). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.trustnlp-1.18
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- Tiedemann, J. (23-25). Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS. In N. C. (Conference Chair), K. Choukri, T. Declerck, M. U. Doğan, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, & S. Piperidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
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- Ziemski, M., Junczys-Dowmunt, M., & Pouliquen, B. (n.d.). The United Nations Parallel Corpus v1.0.
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