import re import subprocess from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, send_file from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit from flask_cors import CORS from logger import Logger from uuid import uuid4 import os app = Flask(__name__) logger = Logger('log.txt') app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret!' CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}}) socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*") # clients is a 'list' of all connected clients clients = [] SIMULATE = False TEST = False """ client_downloads is a 'dict' with format as shown below { 'clientId': { 'downloadId': [ [ ['fileName','id'], 'done?' ] ] } downloadId is a unique id for each download (ref: downloadId in downloadId is generated by the server as opposed to clientId which is generated by the client in earlier versions of the server, downloadId was generated by the client - these versions used static site, as opposed to the current version which uses 'react' downloadId is further a list with a list of 2 elements - first element is the list of fileName and id - second element is a integer value 0 -> download has been completed 1 -> download is in progress -1 -> download has been cancelled """ client_downloads = {} def shell(command, filter='.*', clientId='None', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True): import os, time # Set PYTHONUNBUFFERED environment variable os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1' command = to_list(command) count = 0 process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, shell=True) output_list = [] # Read and print the output in real-time while True: output = process.stdout.readline() if output == '' and process.poll() is not None: break if output and filter is not None and, output): print(output.strip()) if output not in output_list: socketio.emit(f'progress-{clientId}', { 'message': output.strip(), 'count': count }) output_list.append(output.strip()) count += 1 # Wait for the process to complete and get the return code return_code = process.poll() return return_code def to_list(variable): if isinstance(variable, list): return variable elif variable is None: return [] else: # Convert to string and then to list by splitting at whitespaces return variable.split() def check_for_existing_running_downloads(clientId, downloadId=None): # if dowbloadId is not provided, check if clientId exists in client_downloads # and then check for any downloadId and if has a download # Case 0: clientId is not in clients if clientId not in clients: return False # Case 1: clientId is not in client_downloads if clientId not in client_downloads: return False # Case 2: [Ideal] clientId provided and downloadId is provided if downloadId: downloads_of_client = client_downloads[clientId] # Case 2.1: downloadId is not in client_downloads if downloadId not in downloads_of_client: return False downloads_by_downloadId = downloads_of_client[downloadId] for download in downloads_by_downloadId: if download[1] == 1: return downloadId # Case 3: clientId provided but downloadId is not provided for downloadId in client_downloads[clientId]: downloads_by_downloadId = client_downloads[clientId][downloadId] for download in downloads_by_downloadId: if download[1] == 1: return downloadId # Case 4 : No downloads are running return False def send_existing_download_status(clientId): emit(f'exists-running-downloads-{clientId}', { 'message': 'Client has existing downloads', 'names': [download[0][0] for download in client_downloads[clientId][check_for_existing_running_downloads(clientId)]], 'ids': [download[0][1] for download in client_downloads[clientId][check_for_existing_running_downloads(clientId)]], }) @socketio.on('connect') def connect(data): pass @socketio.on('connect-with-client-Id') def connect_with_client_id(data): clientId = data['clientId'] if not clientId: logger.logError(f'Empty CLient ID by {request.sid}') if clientId not in clients: logger.logInfo(f'Client {clientId} connected') clients.append(clientId) if not clientId in client_downloads: client_downloads[clientId] = { } if check_for_existing_running_downloads(clientId): logger.logInfo(f'Client {clientId} has existing downloads') send_existing_download_status(clientId) return # return as the client has an existing download else: logger.logInfo(f'Client {clientId} has no existing downloads') emit( f'successful-{clientId}', { 'connected': True } ) @socketio.on('test-pwdl') def test_pwdl(data): names = data['names'] ids = data['IDs'] clientId = data['clientId'] # Assuming you're passing the clientId from the client existing_download_id = check_for_existing_running_downloads(clientId) # Check if there are any existing downloads if existing_download_id: download_id = existing_download_id # normally this should not happen as the client should not be able to request a download # and the existing download is checked when the client is connected # so this is more of a fail-safe # this means that the client has an existing download # hence we emit the message to the client send_existing_download_status(clientId) return # return as the client has an existing download else: download_id = str(uuid4()) client_downloads[clientId] = { download_id: [] } # temporarily set the download id as '13cac2f0-e46f-465b-8a2c-71a043b05bd0' if TEST: download_id = '13cac2f0-e46f-465b-8a2c-71a043b05bd0' logger.logInfo(f'Client {clientId} requested download') logger.logInfo(f'Client {clientId} requested download with assigned downloadId {download_id}') # the download path is ./webdl// # make the directory try: os.makedirs(f'./webdl/{clientId}/{download_id}', exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: logger.logError(f'Error creating directory {e} for client {clientId} with downloadId {download_id} ') print(e) return for name, id in zip(names, ids): if TEST: break # creates a new download in the client_downloads dict client_downloads[clientId][download_id].append([[name, id], 1]) # currently just simulating download (no actual download) # command is the pwdl command that downloads the video with the given id and name command = ['python', 'pwdlv3/', '--id', id, '--name', name, '--dir', f'./webdl/{clientId}/{download_id}', '--verbose'] if SIMULATE: command.append('--simulate') # if simulate is turned on then create a simple txt file with format 'name.txt' in the download directory if SIMULATE: with open(f'./webdl/{clientId}/{download_id}/{name}.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(f'This is a simulated file for {name}') # start the download socketio.emit(f'started-download-{clientId}', { "name": name, "id": id, "downloadId": download_id }) # execute the command (the shell command from # '' was edited for custom usage) return_code_after_download = shell(command, filter='.*', clientId=clientId, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) print(f"Return code after download: {return_code_after_download}") if return_code_after_download == 0: # download has been completed client_downloads[clientId][download_id][-1][1] = 0 socketio.emit(f'partial-complete-download-{clientId}', { "name": name, "id": id, "downloadId": download_id }) else: # download has been cancelled client_downloads[clientId][download_id][-1][1] = -1 socketio.emit(f'partial-cancel-download-{clientId}', { "name": name, "id": id, "download_id": download_id }) # log that downloads are complete with 'x' done and 'y' cancelled done = [] cancelled = [] if not TEST: for download in client_downloads[clientId][download_id]: if download[1] == 0: done.append(download[0][0] + (".txt" if SIMULATE else ".mp4") ) elif download[1] == -1: cancelled.append(download[0][0]) logger.logInfo(f'Client {clientId} has completed {len(done) + 1} downloads and cancelled {len(cancelled) + 1} downloads') # emit that the download has been completed (those not completed are cancelled) if TEST: done = ["1.mp4", "2.mp4"] print(f'Download ID: {download_id}') socketio.emit(f'download-complete-{clientId}', { 'message': 'pwdl executed', 'downloadId': download_id, 'done': done, 'cancelled': cancelled }) @app.route('/get') def get(): downloadId = request.args.get('downloadId') clientId = request.args.get('clientId') fileName = request.args.get('fileName') print(f'DownloadId {downloadId}') file_path = f'./webdl/{clientId}/{downloadId}/{fileName}' response = send_file(file_path, as_attachment=True) response.headers['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(file_path) return response @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # put application's code here return 'Hello World!' if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True, port=5001)